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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14250 The translation of a letter written by a Frenche gentilwoman to an other gentilwoman straunger, her frind, vpon the death of the most excellent and vertous ladye, Elenor of Roye, Princes of Conde, contaynyng her last wyll and testament. Doone by Henry Myddelmore gentylman at the request of the Ladye Anne Throkmorton I. D. V., fl. 1564.; Myddelmore, Henry. 1564 (1564) STC 24565; ESTC S105901 21,518 65

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you to heare me particularise somwhat of her behauiours I wyl shewe you that the most egre and lamentable voice that in all the time of her sicknes I euer harde her pronounce and yet as you know I was very litell from her was that one tyme about an eyght dayes before her death beynge pressed with extreme payne she addressed her selfe to God in raising her voice a lyttell more then she was accustomed whē she could not fynde in two beddes with al her often chaungyngs any one place where she might rest one minute of an houre and sayde Oh Lord God almightye forasmuch as in all the places of this terrestriall abydynge how great and spacious soeuer it be and wherof thou arte onlye creatour I cannot fynde by all my diligence one littell corner of quietnes nor voyde of grief wherby I might lyberally pronounce as I was wont thy great goodnes and mercye I leaue and gyue ouer wyllingly my longer dwellynge and abode here to retourne yf it please thee at this tyme to that heauēly rest whiche thou hast prepared for me by the death and passion of thy welbeloued Sonne Make my God my Father by his meanes that my soule and body be both content and at rest The one to be free and at libertie goyng straight to thee who I see doth alreadye stretche out his armes for me The other abydynge insensible here belowe vntyl thou doest waken it at the sounde of thy commynge I cannot tell whether this her talke wyll seame to you oute of order or no but I canne assure you I neuer harde her speake worse wordes in the myddes of her greatest extremities This chast Ladye for so I may right well cal her as accomplished in euerye degrée and in al circumstaunces in that excellent gifte and matronall modestie whiche dyd followe her euen vnto her graue as you see Iustice doth Kynges to theyr buryals wherof I requyre no better prouffe then the very confession of her ennemyes and I do nothynge maruell if in your countrey so manye wyse and graue Ladyes doe determine to set her before their eyes for an image mirrour of chastitie in the bringyng vp nurturynge of their daughters euen as we here emōgst our selues desire to do the lyke For to speake trulye she doth excell all those that euer haue bene celebrated by any hystorie And at one worde there was neuer nothynge that founde place in hyr harte but vertue only And therof I may be a sufficient wittnes hauynge had the honor euen from her cradell and most tender yeres to be alwayes about her personne She I say dyd well forsee so soone as this Issue of bloud beganne to take her that the disease was mortall And besydes her owne iudgement hauynge harde the opinion of them that had the charge of her health she resolued incontinently to gyue order in her householde affaires to th' intent she mighte the more lyberallye thynke of God And to this effect she sent for my Lorde the Prince her husbande desiryng hym most humbly to come to her which he dyd forthwith and in great hast after he had receaued the newes thereof at Vitry from whence on the morow the court remoued to Bar. And after he had ben a two or three dayes at home with her that she had made many chereful shewes and countinaūces of the Ioye she had to see hym for you knowe there was neuer woman that loued cheryshed honored or respected more her husbande then she dyd hym she prayed two personages towardes the lawe whiche she knewe dyd loue and honor theyr house to goe and declare vnto hym the greate danger of death wherin she thought her selfe to be fearynge it shoulde greue hym muche more if she her selfe dyd tell him it To thyntent it mighte please hym to gyue her leaue to ordeyne and dispose of certaine thinges whiche she desired to haue executed after her decesse And I do very well remember that when she sent these two counsellors to hym she desired them to saye vnto hym emongest all the rest these woordes whiche I dyd well note Since the good pleasure of God was that the separation of hym her should be made as touchinge the body yet she desired him that theyr soules might continue together inseparable in that charitie which they dyd owe alike to theyr father Iesus Christ who had so miraculouslye deliuered them in the sight of all the worlde from so many troubles and dangers as they had passed and escaped by his grace That he had lefte vnto them children the sure gage of theyr amitie And that to beginne her testament she dyd make hym vniuersal inheritor of that Masse of loue that she had hitherto bo●●e them To the end that after her death he shold loue them both for hym selfe and for her to recommēdynge them vnto hym principally for their bringing vp and instruction in the feare of God whiche she assured to be the most certaine good and patrimonie that she coulde leaue them They haue sayd she good beginnings and that at the handes of a sufficient master meanynge the minister de l'Espine who in dede hath of late taken great paynes with them interpretynge vnto them euery mornynge with great dexteritie the prouerbes of Salomon And in the afternone the Commentaries of Iulius Caesar whereby my Lorde Marquis theyr eldest sonne hath so wel profited that he is one of the best learned that is to be founde of his age She added vnto these as she was alwayes a well spoken woman manye other godly sayenges exhortations whiche the force of the streame that issued out of myne eyes dyd lette me to beare awaye And do you not marueil at all if I dyd then weepe so aboundātly for the two persons before spoken of dyd no lesse before they departed to goo thether as she had desired them Soone after I sawe them retourne agayne to make reporte of the honest wyse talke that my Lord the Prince had vsed vnto them vpon this sorowful subiect Wherof the good Ladye receaued a most greate contentation comfort And they both tolde me apart that it was impossible for any mā to speake more eloquentlye then the Prince had done to them as euerye man knoweth how wel spoken he is of how good iudgement he is and howe gentil a Prince he is True it is said they that we haue very wel perceaued that the amitie and loue whiche he beareth to this his dere spouse compagnion did oftentimes breake the thryd of his Oration by the many and depe sighes he gaue whiche doe sufficientlye wytnes his iust profound sorowe God sayd he who hath conioyned vs together separate sonder vs since it doth so please him it is reason that we do wholly cōforme our selues to his holy wyl It is certaine that he is more happy that goeth to hym then he that caryeth here and abydeth an other passage Oh happye houre that God shal ordayne vs to be reunited in heauen
in the place of euerlastinge felicitie In the meane tyme I wyll studye to kepe wel the gages which she hath lefte me and wyl continue them in the same maner of teachinge that so christianlye they haue begonne to thintent that the vse and the propertie of the mother of the father and of the children be all to God who by his puissaūt hande hath so oftentymes deliuered and conserued this house of ours If I do consider waye the rarenes of my good fortune herin whiche doth present it selfe incessauntly before myn eyes and wherof I sée my selfe vtterlye spoyled by this separation It can not be that I cane fynde here sufficient or egall consolation when no man is able to nomber by all the milliōs that may be assembled the infinitnes of so notable a losse I will therfore haue my recourse to hym if I dare saye so that hath geuen me the wounde who shall and please hym fournishe me of aswaging plaister of his word to heale the same as it is saide of them that be bytten by the Scorpion must seale the remedie of the Scorpion And as to that she prayeth me by you to double my good wyll towardes our children I dyd feale in my harte at the very same instant that you spake these wordes to me I can not tell what maner of hydden infusiō that hath encreased in me the fyer of fatherlye loue whiche I dyd before beleue coulde not haue receaued anye encrease persuadyng alwayes my selfe that it was not possible to augment it in me You shall now retourne and saye to her I pray you that this oratiō whiche she hath made me by your mouthes hath so resolued me that I feale in me the effectes of the force of her noble courage and that I do praise God greatly for the inestimable constancye that he hath geuen her but I praye her that in any wyse she do not omitte nor forsake any of those meanes whiche God hath departed to men by art and industrie for the recoueringe of her health to thintent she do not leaue behinde her an encrease of my sorowes when I shoulde vnderstande hereafter the fault of her remedye This discourse was muche more great graue as you may well thinke but excuse I praye you the memorye of a woman so greuouslye troubled and attainted This done she caused two Notaries to come vnto her vnto whom she spake from worde to worde her last wyll and Testament commaundynge them to write in this sorte followinge COnsideryng the fragilitie and vncertaintie of this lyfe and that God by this greuous sickenes wher wyth it hath pleased him to visite me hath warned me as it were by a callynge vpon to prepare my selfe to take order in my worldlye affaires that I might be ready with spede to followe his wyll whē it shall please hym to call me I haue made sayd and ordayned this whiche followeth for the declaration of my laste will and testament reuokynge all others in any sorte made heretofore First I beseche thee my good God that when it shal please thee to delyuer me of the miseries and peynes of this lyfe to take my soule out of the prison of this bodye wherin it is closed but for a tyme that of thy goodnes mercye thou wylte vouchsafe to receyue it into thy handes and to place it in the possession and enioyinge of that felicitye whiche thy deare Sone hath bought vs by his death and passion And by this meanes to assure the stedfast faith which thou hast geuen vs by thy promisses sealed as wel by the sacramēt of Baptysme as by the same of thy holy Supper of the generall remission of oure synnes all whiche we beleue to be so defaced by the bloude obedience of thy Sonne that they shall neuer come in accompte before thee Secondly I recommende vnto thee our children praying the that accordyng to thy promisse thou wylte be theyr God theyr Father and protector that extendyng thy blessyng vpon them it may please thee to illuminat instruct them in the knowledge and feare of thy holy name and to serue thy selfe of them as thou hast donne of their father to exalte thy glory to procure and cōserue the reapose and quietnes of thy churche and to plucke vp by the roote al that which thou hast not planted therein Make them by thy speciall goodnes instrumentes and vessels of thy glorye replenishe them with thy heauenly graces commādyng them by the authoritie which thou hast geuen me ouer them that they do aduowe and dedicate all their lyfe to thy seruice and to the same of thy churche I referre the buryinge of my bodye to the good wyl pleasure of my Lord my husbande knowing wel that where so euer it doth lye it wyll reste there in a verye certaine hope of his resurrection Then she disposed her goodes to my Lordes her chyldren and gaue many charitable Legacies And emongest others one for the entertaynynge of the Colledge of la Ferté au Col which a littel before my Lorde her husbande and she had instituted and erected She dyd also ordeyne that vpon her landes a certaine pencion shuld be yerely leauyed towards the fyndynge of the Ministers of gods worde and dyd her selfe heare the accomptes of al her seruaunts to th ende she might helpe them to that that in any sorte might be due vnto them so great was her care to do right to euerye bodye and to vnderstande her houshold affaires wherunto she wold be made preuye euē vnto the last extremitie geuing as good order in them and with as sounde a iudgement as at any tyme she was accoustumed to do in her most perfect health That beinge donne she caused the minister Perrucel to be called and declared vnto hym howe glad she was to vnderstand that she shold very shortly go to her God by the ende of this sicknes And that therfore she woulde consider of the state of her consciēce Not sayd she thankes be to God that I do feele my selfe otherwyse thē well disposed towardes my creatour readye to go to hym when it shall please hym but to the end that you father whome god hath ordeyned shepheard in my Lorde my husbands house and myne may knowe the face of this shepe of your flocke and that I dye contented that I haue geuen before the Minister of the churche of the Lorde a true testimonye of my fayth hope of health whiche by hys grace and goodnes I receyue of hym Then with ioined handes and eyes lyfted vp on highe she made humble confession of her fayth declarynge that she dyd beleue confesse God to be and in beinge to be God only distinct notwithstandynge in thre persons which are the Father the Sone the holy Ghost that he is creatour conseruer and gouernour of heauen the earthe the Sea and all that is in them without whose wyll pleasure no creatures be they Aungels Dyuels or any
other canne make or moue any thinge and yet neuerthelesse he can not be sayd nor ought to be sayd the procurer to euyll or the cause or author of synne whiche doth proceade of the corruption malice that man hath purchassed to hym selfe After this she protested that she dyd not thynke that ther was any other meane or waye by the whiche men might haue remissiō of their synnes health and euerlastynge life but by Iesus Christ only and that there is no other name geuen to man for his saluation but that only and that as he is very God he is also only sauiour and redemer mediatour aduocat of man towardes God and sole sacrificatour sacrifice who hath ones for all satisfysed appaised the wrathe and strayte iudgement of God the father by his death for vs hath fully iustified vs in his resurrection Wherfore I take him sayd she for my only and notwithstādyng sufficient ransom for my peace for my wisdome for my iustice for my santcfication assuryng my selfe that he dyd prepare a place for me in heauen when he ascended thyther that he doth there tarye me with his father mine by hym with the holy Ghost the Aungels and the saints where I desyre to be with all my harte and whether I am sure I shal go or it be longe Thyrdly she gaue to vnderstād that we ought not to serue God otherwyse or in other sorte then as he hath appointed vs by hys worde And therfore that she did acknowledge two partes in the true seruice of God Wherof the first and principall is to trust and beleue stedfastly in him to obey his holy commandements to cal vpon him in all our necessities to giue thankes to him onlye as the only author of all goodnes Thother is to exercyse in the churche those thinges whiche he hath established as the ministery of his worde and of his Sacramentes the ecclesiasticall Discipline in her purenes followynge his order therin withoute mynglynge eyther of the witte or inuention of man and therfore addressynge her speache a newe to God she sayd further on this sort Howe aboundauntly oh Lord hast thou vouchsaft to shewe thy mercies vpon me that by thy holy sprite hast made me vnderstād and see that thy holy worde the holy Baptisme the holy Supper whiche be the two Sacramentes that thy Sonne Iesus Christe hath lefte to thy churche his spouse body the discipline and correctiō of sinners ordeined by hym in his Gospel be purelye and sincerely administred in the reformed churches of Fraunce also that in the same churches the true doctrine of obedience of repentaunce of faythe and iustification by the same through the merite of Iesus Christ wythoute that there may be anye thynge at all allowed of ours for payment is there preached and constantlie declared that Gods name is truly called vpon there that is to saye in the onlye name of Iesus Christ and that to hym alone begyuen al thankes for al his goodnes receyued For these causes I say Oh my Lord delyuerer I do acknowledge that these reformed churches with all other lyke vnto thē wher soeuer they be do make togethers the spouse and the body of thy Sōne Iesus Christ thy chosen vyne thy flocke thy holy Ierusalem and thy lawfull assemblye thankynge thee wyth al my hart that thou haste called me to this moste happye knowledge yea and I thāke thee more that thou haste made me one of the stones of this thy buyldynge humble Citie one of the shepe of this thy flocke one of the braūches of this thy vyne and one of the members of this body and of this spouse of thy Sonne Iesus Christ Make me so to perseuere oh dyuine goodnes and continue in me these graces euen vnto the last sighe of my lyfe to the ende that accordynge to thy promesse I may be receaued of the into the kyngdome and heritage of thy most happy chyldren The ende of the wyll Wythin an houre after she sent for and caused to come into her chamber the Minister de l' Espine of whome I haue already spoken to you and continuynge in one maner of feruencye affection the talke which before she had entamed she began to recite the fauours whiche God had shewed her hauynge as vnto the worlde made her greatly honorable and imparted largely inoughe vnto her of the goods of the same assisted her in all her affaires defended and susteyned my Lord her husbande my Lady her mother her selfe her children her kynsfolks and frindes against all the enterprises and conspiracies of their ennemyes and yet that al these his graces dyd seame lyttel vnto her in respect of the knowledge which he had geuen her of hym of his Sone by his holy worde for in that only cōsisted al her felicitie it was the certaine and true foundation of all her hope And being by all these reasons infinitly bounde to serue God that notwithstandyng she had not done her dutye to acknowledge and confesse the author frō whome so many and sondrye blessyngs came vnto her to giue vnto him for thē all thankes praises and glorye Neuerthelesse for all these greate ingratitudes which she had vsed towards God she dyd verely hope that by hys mercy and the merite of his Sonne the same and all other his fautes shulde be entyerely pardoned assurynge her selfe to be in the nomber of his shepe by the grace she had receyued to heare the voice of her sheppeard pastour and that by his callynge of her she was assured of her Iustice and glorie For these causes she sayd she desired nothing more earnestly thē to be quicklye out of this worlde that she might go into the armes of her Sauiour that notwithstanding she dyd leaue behynd her my Lord the Prince her husbande my Ladye her mother my Lords her children whiche she dyd loue as muche and as well as nature and dutye might beare yet she preferred God to all them And that there was nothing so deare vnto her as to followe redilye and chearefullye his good wyll and pleasure The Dyuel she said dyd set before her eyes many sondry imaginations touching the kyngdome of heauen went about to persuade her that it was not the same that she toke it to be that by that meanes he might brynge her to be lothe to leaue the vaine pleasures delightes of this worlde But for al that she dyd remayne ancred in that faith that eye neuer sawe care neuer harde nor harte of mā could euer conceaue which god hath prepared for his elect As she had thus made an ende came into the chamber my Lorde the Prince as he was very diligent in visitinge of her and after that he had spent a fewe wordes in the coumfortyng of her she sayd vnto him there were fowre things which dyd greatly satisfice and content her The firste was the assuraunce she had of her saluatiō for by the hope and hande