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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17190 A most excellent sermon of the Lordes Supper wherein briefely (and yet plainly yenough [sic]) is liuely set foorth the matter of the Supper of the Lorde Iesus. By Henry Bullinger. Translated out of Frenche, into English by I.T.; Sermon très-excellent, auquel, en brief et toutes fois assez clairement est représenté au vif tout le fait de la Cène du Seigneur Jésus. English. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Tomkys, John. 1577 (1577) STC 4066; ESTC S115768 23,480 64

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and in the Supper wherby they are to prepare them selues thereunto it is necessary that the first part be an earnest accusation of the former disordered and wicked life with a most diligent admonition to repentance to the ende that al may know them selues and acknowledge their sinnes that they may confesse them selues to God purely in their hartes that they may aske full pardon of the high priest Iesus Christ and that they may change their filthy and vngodly life into an honest and godly life and also that they may throughly repent them selues and be ashamed of their sinnes committed and lastly that they may all by stedfast faith refourme thē selues and beholde the grace of Christ Hereunto without doubt apperteineth the saying of the Apostle Paul Let a man examine hym selfe and so let hym eate of this bread and drinke of this Cuppe Moreouer the doctrine of repentaunce may not cease after the Supper For it must often be repeated vnto men that they keepe them selues from committing any thing vnwoorthy hym whose members they be made in the holye Church This selfe same doctrine of our Lorde Iesus Christ bringeth to our remembrāce fayth and repentaunce mutuall loue and charitie the which without ceasing it requireth of all those who being the Disciples of Christe are made in like manner brethren of thē whiche cal vpon his name By this shall all men knowe saith the Lorde that yee are my Disciples if yee haue loue together as I haue loued you This is my commaundement that ye loue together as I haue loued you And many other things to the like effect Moreouer he teacheth vs constancie in true faith and pacience in aduersities and afflictions declaryng the griefes which the faythfull must suffer in this world for Iesus Christ The doctrine of the Lorde is manifest in S. Iohn in the xv and .xvi. chapters There he exhorteth the faithfull to continue firme and fast in hym by a sure hope and not to be plucked thence by any meanes Also he admonisheth them that in his name as in the name of the only and true Mediator they call vpon God without ceassyng In so doing he promiseth them most certaine and most ready helpe By the which things we learne to exact the whole according to the doctrine of the Euangelists and of the Churche of all them which be partakers of the Lordes Supper That is to wyt that they be in loue and charitie one with another that they be constant in faith pacient in afflictions which they suffer for Iesus Christ and finally that they continue stedfast in hope and that they separate not them selues from Christe and all his members to commyt them selues ouer to to straunge Religions and moreouer that they continue in prayers To be briefe there is nothing which the Lord repeateth more diligently nor more often vnto his Disciples in the Sermon which he made vnto them after the Supper than this That he woulde no longer be neither with them nor with his Church bodyly and yet notwithstandyng that he would not forsake his in any thing but that he would alwayes be carefull for them And I wyl pray the Father saith Christ and he shall giue you another Comforter that he may bide with you for euer euen the spirit of truth and he shal teach you all things and bring al things to your remembrance whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you It is expedient for you that I goe away for if I goe not away that comforter wyll not come vnto you but if I depart I wyll sende hym vnto you And the rest which foloweth in the .xvi. of saint Iohn Whereby we gather necessarily that this doctrine ought to be continuall in the Churche the which must be often tymes inculcated and brought to mynd in the Supper of the Lorde that the church of Christ may vnderstād that those things which are spoken of the presence of the Lord in the church and of the eating of hym must not be expounded carnally nor corporally but spiritually and that the heauenly foode eaten spiritually profiteth Hytherto I haue intreated briefely of the diuers plentiful and wholesome doctrine of our Lorde Iesus Christ proposed to his disciples in his mystical Supper deliuered by him to be alwaies set forth in his supper to his church vntyl the worlds ende And now we come to the other part of this Sermon to shewe with suche breuitie and facilitie as possibly we may not onely that which the Lorde spake but also that which he dyd that is to say how he instituted this ceremoniall supper if it may so be called and howe the Sonne of God hym selfe hauyng distributed the breade and the wine celebrated the Supper and instituted it to be celebrated in his Churche vntyl the ende of the worlde This hath been from the beginning receiued and the Lorde our God hath alwayes vsed to ioyne signes to his promise or woord whereby he bringeth to remembraunce his great and free benefites bestowed vppon men before or to be bestowed vppon them after by the which signes he gathereth men together into one company wherein those benefites may be declared solemnly by the woorde of God and that also they may as a man woulde say be renued and imprinted perpetually in their memorie And moreouer that such graces may be set foorth to our viewe by pledges and signes to be beholden of vs and to bee fastened more deepely in our hartes Also that they may be confirmed by a witnesse and that the faithfull maye vnderstande what it is that the Lorde requireth againe at their handes also what the duties exercises of godlynes are Wherefore the signes take the names of the things signified are called moste certaine and true seales markes and Sacramentes of the promises and benefites of God because they represent them signifie them bring them to remembrance and seale them according to their propertie These therfore consist in the word of God by the thing signified through the signe or Symbol which is the outward thing ioyned to the woorde of God. Such were the Sacramentes of the auncient people as the Passeouer the sundry sacrifices of the Fathers instituted partly for the acknowledging callyng to remembraunce and setting foorth of Gods benefites partly to signifie that Christ should come and dye by whose innocent death mankinde shoulde be deliuered from euerlasting death the which most excellēt and free benefite for all ages was bountifully bestowed in Christ vpon the faithfull in these latter tymes Wherefore we must not onely consider in such holy Sacramentes or Symbols the outward custome and facion of doyng I meane the maner of eating and sacrifising neither yet the things set before our corporall eyes but much rather ought we by the contemplation of the signe being instructed by his woorde and inwardly lightened by the holy Ghost to lift vp our selues and to pierce vnto the consideration and ful fruition of the spiritual