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A40646 Abel redevivus, or, The dead yet speaking by T. Fuller and other eminent divines. Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1652 (1652) Wing F2401; ESTC R16561 403,400 634

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Stephen Gardiner Lord Chancellor of England who railed upon him asked him if he knew him not c. to whom he answered Yea I know you and all your greatnesse yet you are but a mortall man and if I should be affraid of your Lordly looks why feare you not God the Lord of us all c. But after other discourse he sent him to the Kings Bench commanding his Keeper to keep him strictly In Prison he spent his time in prayer reading the Scriptures Preaching to the prisoners and to others that resorted to him he was diverse times examined of his Faith and witnessed a good Confession before his adversaries for which at last he was condemned to dye when his sentence was read he told them that God the righteous Judge would require his blood at their hands and that the proudest of them all should repent their receiving againe of Antichrist and their tyranny against the flocke of Christ. He was sent down to Hadley to be burn'd and all the way as he went he was very merrie as one that went to a banquet or Bridall In his journey the Sheriff of Essex perswaded him much to return to the Popish Religion c. to whom at last he answered I well perceive now that I have been deceived my s●lfe and shall deceive many in Hadley of their expectation when the Sheriff desired him to explain his meaning hoping that he would recant he said I am a man of a very great carkasse which I had hoped should have been buried in Hadley Churchyard but I see I am deceived there are a great number of worms there which should have had jollie feeding upon this carryon but now both I and they shall be deceived of our expectation when he came within two miles of Hadley he desired to alight and being downe he leap't and fet a frisk or two saying God be praised I am now almost at home and have not past a mile or two and I am even at my fathers house at Hadley towns-end a poore man with five children met him crying O dear father and good shepheard God help and succour thee as thou hast many a time succou●'d me and my poore children The streets were full of people weeping and bewailing their losse to whom he said I have preached to you Gods Word and Truth and am come to seal it with my blood He gave all his money to the poore for whom he was wont thus to provide formerly once a fortnight at least he used to call upon Sir Henry Doil and other rich Clothiers to goe with him to the Alms houses to see what the poore lacked in meat d●ink apparell bedding and other necessaries withall ●xhorting comforting and rebuking as he saw occasion Comming to the pl●ce of execution he was not suffered to speak to the people who much lamented his death yet he was very chearfull saying Thanks be to God I am even at home and when he had prayed and made himselfe ready he went to the stake and kissed it the fire being kindled he held up his hands called upon God saying Mercifull father of heaven for Iesus Christ my Saviours sake receive my soul into thy hands and so stood still without moving till one with an halberd strook out his brains Among the many Champions of the Lord Who with their blood to Truth did beare record And feared not in furious flames to fry That they Christs Gospels light might magnifie Was pious precious Doctor Tailor stout Who did the fight of Faith to th' death fight out A very learned painfull Pastor grave Who to his Flock full testimony gave Of his great wisdome● charity and love And all Soul saving graces from above Who for opposing Romes impiety Being apprehended and condemn●d to dye He kist his Stake being bound to it in chaines Burning a Popish wretch beat out his braines And thus this blessed Martyr chéerfully Went to his heavenly home triumphantly IOHN BRADEFORD The Life and Death of John Bradford NExt to this last mad Septenary of unchristian liberty and unparalled distractions the Devill never seem'd to injoy more chaine in this Ki●gdome then in the time of Queene Mary wherein laying hold on the weaknesse and super●ticion of a silly woman bred up in Popery and by reason of the bar interpos'd betwixt her and the Crowne by her Royall Brother Edward the sixt wholly subjected to the violent and bloody counsels of that faction which finally prevailed in her restitution and establishment he kindled more Bonefires in the space of three or four yeer●s in England then the world had at any time beheld in so few yeeres and in one Kingdome since the last of the first ●en Persecutions I dare not upon Master Foxes bare report who was somtimes and perhaps of purpose by the adversaries themselves miserably abus'd in hi● informations acknowledge all for Martyrs whom I finde in his Catalogue But what will Stapleton or any other Papist get by that The Church of Engla●d as it was of late reformed the Reformation by Law established hath produced added as many genuine knowing valiant Champions to that Noble Army as wi●hin these thousand yeers any Church in Christendome which is glory enough without hooking in either Heretique or Schismatique or any other who suffered for nothing lesse then well doing And from a chiefe place amongst those holy men and witnesse● to the truth of the Gospell of Iesus Christ all Stapletons exceptions bitter rayling and intemperat scoffes can not ought not exclude this blessed Saint and servant of God Iohn Bradford as shall evidently appeare to as many as wi●hout prejudice shall peruse and pondor his insuing History which God willing we will drive throuh the whole Course of his life from his Birth to his Martyrdome But to take our rise from his Birth He was borne in Manchester the quality of his Parent● though their meanes be not recorded may be easily gathered by his Education which was the best that either that place or those times could ●fford for he arrived very early at the knowledge of the Latin Tongue and for Ari●hmaticke he had few equals in those parts both which b●ing adorn'd and helped forward by a faire and speedy hand he became fit for imployment abroad before any great notice was taken of him at home which moved Sir Iohn Harrington a noble Knight and in good esteem both with King Henry the eight and his Son Edward the sixt to assume him into the number of his fellowes and imploy him in his most private and and urgent affaires both at home and abroad For at Bulloigne he was Treasurer at warres and here he had the charge and oversight of all his Majesties buildings In both imployments he found the service of young Bradford who besides his honesty and diligence had a notable dexterity in casting up and Auditing accoumpts of such importance that where ever he imploy'd him he committed all to his trust and own'd whatsoever he did
both having beene used by the Popes Agent nor he by perswasion nor love could perswade him to returne to Popery he feigned himselfe friendly to take his leave of him and so depar●●d ●ut shortly after he returned againe with this ruffianly murtherer and by the way they bought an Hatchet of a Carpinter and Alphonsus sending this man disguised with letters to his Brother he himselfe following after as Iohn Diazius was reading the letters this bloudy murtherer cleft his head with the Hatchet and taking Horse they both rode away Anno Christi 1546. and this inhumane Cain was highly commended by the Papists for it But the Lord would not suffer such an unnaturall villanie to goe unpunished for not long after he was so dogg●d and haunted by the Furies of his own Conscience that being at Trent when the Council was held there he hanged hims●lf about the neck of his own Mule Diazius in his youthfull dayes had cloath'd His heart with Popery and after loath'd What he had done for when he was inspir'd By Heaven he searcht for truth and soon untyr●d Himselfe and having found the pathes of truth He hated what he acted in his youth Thus being turn'd from those wayes that lead To utter ruine Fame began to spread Her wings abroad and hover in the eare Of the distasted Pope who could not heare Goodnesse without impatience but strove To win him with reward of promis'd love But finding ●'was in vaine he chang'd his minde From Love to Murther and with spéed inclin'd Himselfe to mischiefe being voyd of grace Put out that light which shin'd so much in 's face The Life and Death of CRUCIGER Who died Anno Christi 1548. GAsper Cruciger was born at Lipsich in Misnia Anno 1504. of religious Parents who carefully brought him up in the knowledge of God and in learning He was melancholy by nature and of a retired disposition much in meditation and of few words being principled in the Latine he learned Greek and profited much therein and so went to the University of Wittenberg that having studyed Divinity there he might be more usefull to the Church he studyed also the Hebrew tongue and grew very exquisite therein from thence was called to govern the School at Magdeburg where he taught with much profit and applause till 1527. and then being called back to Wittenberg he preached and ●xpounded the Scriptures with so much dexterity that he was graced with the degree of a Doctor in that University he studyed and practised Physick also He was very helpfull to Luther in his Translation of the Bible He wrote so swiftly that he was chosen Scribe at the disputation at Worms and yet withall suggested to Melancthon many things for answer to Eccius his subtilties insomuch that Glanvell who supplyed the Enperors room said of him That the Lutherans had a Scribe that was more learned then all the Pontificians He alwayes opposed the Anabaptisticall errors and was very careful to preserve the Truch from corruptions he alwayes hated new and ambiguous expressions which often caused much troubles in the Church he often contemplated the foot-steps of God in Nature saying with Paul That God was so near unto us that he might be almost felt with our hands He studyed the Mathematicks in his later time and grew so skilfull therein that few excelled him he was excellent also in the Opticks but with excessive pains and incessant studyes night and day he contracted to himselfe a mortall disease whereby he wasted away and yet his intellectuals decayed not he lay sick for above three moneths all which time he gave forth cleer notable demonstrations of his Faith Pat●ence and Piety he called up his two young daughters and caused them to repeate their prayers before him and then himselfe prayed with great fervency for himselfe the Church and those his Orphans concluding Invoco te quanquam languida imbecill● fide sed fide tamen credo promissioni tuae quam sanguine tuo resurrections obsignasti c. I call upon thee with a weak yet with a true Faith I beleele thy promises which thou hast sealed to mee with thy blood and resurrection c. In his sicknesse he intermitted not his studies for during the same he turned into Latine Luthers books concerning the last words of David he read the Psalms and other Autors his ordinary discourse with his friends was about the Principles of Religion the admirable government of the Church Immortality and our sweet Communion in heaven Upon the sixth of November there was a great Chasm or opening in the heavens and in some places fire fell to the earth and flew up into the ayre againe this Cruciger saw as he lay in his bed in the night and thereupon much bewayled the great commotions and dissipations in the Church which he foresaw by this Prodigie He spent the few dayes which remained in prayer and repentance and so quietly ended his dayes November 16. Anno Christi 1548. and of his Age 45. Considering the mutabilitie of all earthly things he used often to say Omnia praetereunt praeter amare Deum Besides God's love nothing is sure And that for ev●r doth endure Grave Cruciger was in his life A hater of corroding strife His soule was ●●l'd with Heaven and he Was alwayes constant alwayes free In his devotions all his dayes He spent to give his maker praise Religions stocke did still encrease Within his heart and crown'd his peace He was a wonder to all Nations For Piety and disputations The Anabaptists felt the force Of his patheticall discourse Truth alwayes shined in his brest All men speake truth that speake him blest PAVLVS FAGIVS The Life and Death of Paulu● Fagius IN the yeer of our Lord God 1504. Paulus Fagius alias Buchlin was borne in a Town situate in the Palatinate not farre from Bretta which in the Germain language is called Rhein-taberne his Father was called by the name of Peter Buchlin being chiefe Schoole-master of that Towne his Mother by the name of Margaretta Iager daughter unto Henricus Iazger of Heidelberge who was much beloved of Fredericke the Prince Elector Palatine by reason of his excellent knowledge in the art of War He was first acquainted with the grounds of Leaenrng in the same Towne and that through the carefulnesse and paines of his Father which indeed seemed pleasing unto him because of the sharpenesse of wit and quicknesse of apprehension which he saw in the childe and therefore for the better perfection of his naturall parts when he had reached unto the age of eleven yeares he sent him unto Heidelberge and committed him unto the tuition of Iohannes Brentius and Martinus Frechtus two learned men by whose meanes he was furnished with an excellent insight in humaine Learning When he had continued with these learned men for the space of seven yeers and being now eighteene yeers of age and longing for a greater perfection of learning he left Heidelberge and went unto
he no entertaine the time with more safety and privacy became a teacher to some Gentlemans sonnes in the Country where we leave him for a time requesting the Reader to accompany u● to some matters of higher Concernement About this time the Divorse betwixt King Henry Katherine his wife was agitated in the Court of Rome Queen Katherines age was above her Husbands her Gravity above her age more pious at her Beades then pleasant in her Bed a better woman then a wife and a fitter wife for any Prince then King Henry No wonder then if he were impatient to be delayed in his Divorce by the Dilatory tricks of the Romish Court intending first to divorce all the Gold from England kept the Cause some yeers in suspention so torturing King Hen●y on the racke betwixt hope and feare not to have his d●sire effected It hapned that a Courtier came into Cranmers Company who familiarly conversing together amongst other discourse light on this matter of Divorse Cranmer informes the Gentleman that the readiest way for the King to attaine his desire was no longer to trace the Labirinths of the Popes proceedings where Clyents loose themselves in the endlesse Multiplication of affected intricacies but directly to be take himselfe to the Word of God according to which the Kings marriage unlawfull at the first might lawfully be anulled This being brought to the Kings Eare where welcom news would quickly arrive Cranmer is sent for afterwards imployed to the most principal Universities in Europe there publickly to maintain the truth of his aforesaid Assertions and after his returne was rewarded for his undertaking no lesse learned then Laborious with the Archbishopricke of Canterbury Here I have no leisure to listen to much lesse faith to beleeve those false Aspersions which Doctor Sanders cast●th on this reverend Prelate bottoming the beginning of his Court Advancement on the Basest Employments performed by him Sufficeth it is to know that as the Herneshaw when unable by maine strength to grapple with the Hawke doth Slice upon her bespattering the Hawkes wings with dung or ordure so to conquer with her taile which she cannot doe with her bill and beake So Papists finding themselves unable to encounter the Pro●estants by force of Argument out of the Scripture cast the dung of foule langvage and filthy railing upon them wherein Sanders exceedeth all of his Soci●ty Yea God may seeme to have vindicated the innocence of the one and punished the slanderous mouth of the other in that the foresaid Sanders was afterwards famished in Ireland that mouth being starved for want of food it surfetted with superfluity of Falsehood Cranmer now Archbishop so became the Place with his Piety and Gravity that he indeared himselfe to all conditions of People This was the greatest fault he was guilty of That his nature was bad in being too good he was of too easie and flexible a disposition which made him cowardly to comply with the Church of Rome For although he never did any harme to the Protestants yet he did not unto them so m●ch good as he might and ought Some may conceive this passage might well be omitted but the truth of our love to this good mans memory must not make us to forget our love to Truth besides this recording of such slips doth read to us in him a Lecture of our owne Infirmities if Gods grace be not more Active in our Hearts Oh there is more required to make us Valiant then barely to be able to call another Coward During the Reigne of Henry the eight and Edward the sixth our Cranmer flourished in favour But no sooner came Queen Mary to the Crowne but he was scorched with the heat of her Anger As an earnest that his whole Body should afterwards be burnt by her cruelty Indeed he well deserved of Queen Mary in this particular because he with Justice Hales would never consent to the dissinheriting of Queen Mary and refused to subscribe the Will shall I say of Edward the sixt or the Duke of Northumberland translating the Crowne on the Lady Iane But all this would not advance him into the Queenes favour no nor recon●ile to h●r good Will shee being still troubled with the fit of the mother and meditating revenge against him because Cranmer had been the principall promoter of Queen Ka●herines Divorse Or which is more probable being the Queen of her selfe was not cruelly minded some under her which did bite where she did not barke Gardiner the Spanniell Bonner the Bloudhound projected his destruction For being pardoned of Treason of which he stood guilty with the rest of the Privie Council he was ch●rged with Heresie and sent to Oxford there to dispute upon certaine Controversies being nothing else but a plausible contrivance of his Death which was concluded on before any Sylogisme in that Disputation was propounded However his Adversaries improved themselves so much on his facile nature and love of life that their large promis●s prevailed on him so far as to make him subscribe to Popery though presently after he recanted his recantation and was burned to ashes for the profession of the Truth first thrusting his owne right Hand faulty for his former subscription into the fire so that his Hand died a Malefactor and the rest of his body a Martyr All which passages are so largely reported by M●ster Fox who in his Hi●tory hath so carefully gathered in the Harvest th●t his diligence hath left no gleanings for Posterity to picke having omitted nothing in his life remarkeable for such as succeed him to observe He writ many things which are here to his eternall praise truely registred 1. A catechisme of christian Doctrine 2. Ordinations of churhes reformed 3. Of ordaining Priests 4. Of the Eucharist with Luther 5. Of defence of catholicke doctrine 6. To the professors of the Truth 7 Ecclesiasticall Laws in Edward the sixt his reign 8. Against Gardners Sermon 9. Doctrine of the Lords Supper 10. Twelv Books of common places out of the Doctors of the church 11. Christian Homilies 12. To Richard Smiths calumnies 13. Confu●a●ions of unwritten truths 14. Of not marrying ones sister two Books 15. Against the Popes primacy two books 16. Against Popish purgatory two books 17. Of Iustification two books 18. Epistles to learned men Out of Prison he writ these 1. Against the sacrifice of the Masse 2. Against adoring the Host. 3. To Queen Mary with others 4. Emendations of the Translation of the English Bible and added Prefaces to it 'T was not inticing Honour could remove The constant heart of Cranmer from the love Of sound Divinity he alwayes stood Firme to God's Caus● and dy'd it with his blood A true Seraphicke and Tyrannicke fire Prov'd as it were ambitious to aspire And both prevail'd being willing to controule Th' one burnt his Body th' other cur'd his Soule Image adoring Papists boast your fils Ye sent a Soule to Heav'n against your wils What can ye say but this your
from the States of Germany And as he liv'd so honour'd he did dye ALEXANDER NOWELL The Life and Death of Alexander Nowel ALexander Nowel was born in the County of Lancaster Anno Christi 1511. of an ancient aud worshipfull family and at thirteen years old was sent to Oxford and admitted a member of Brasennose Colledge where he studyed thirteen yeares and grew very famous both for Religion and learning In Queen Maries dayes he amongst others left the Kingdome that he might enjoy his conscience and returning when Queen Elizabeth of blessed memory came to the Crown she made him Dean of Pauls where he was a frequent and faithfull Preacher By his writings he defended the truth against some English Popish Ren●gado's for thirty years together he Preached the first and last Sermons in Lent before the Queen wherein he dealt plainly and faithfully with her He was a great benefactor to Brasennose Colledge where he had his first education He was the enlarger of Pauls School made the threefold Catechism which was much used long after He was very charitable to the poor especially to poor Scholars A great comforter of afflicted consciences he lived til he was ninety years old and yet neither the eyes of his minde nor body waxed dim And dyed peaceably in the Lord Anno Christi 1601. on the thirteenth of February and lyes buryed in the Famous Cathedrall Church of Saint Pauls in London with this Epitaph upon his Tombe Quam spciōsa vestigia Evangelizantium pacem With some verses also ann●xed this being the las● of them Sicoritur floret demoriturque Deo His Works set forth are as followeth 1 Against Thomas Dormam an English Papist in two books in quarto English 2 Another Booke against Dorman and Sanders of Transubstantiation in quarto English 3 His greater Catichisme in Latine in qu●rto 4 Hi● less● Catechisme in Latine in Octavo 5 The same in Latine Greeke and Hebrew As grave as godly Nowel Dean of Pauls Most justly for a Crown of honour cals Amongst other worthyes for his piety His learning wisedome and humanity A famous Preatcher in the halcyon-dayes Of Queen Elizabeth of endlesse praise To Pauls-School and to Braz'nnose Colledge he A Benefactor great was known to be For 's three-fold Catechisme worthily Much honour'd and for his great Charity Who at the age of Ninety years in peace And full of love and honour did decease The Life and Death of Daniel Tossanus who dyed Anno Christi 1602. DAniel Tossanus was born at Moumbelgard in Wertemburge Anno Christi 1541. his Parents carefully brought him up in learning and at fourteen years old sent him to the Univers●ity of Basil and after two years study there he commenced Batchelor of Arts from thence he went to Tubing was there maintained to his studyes for two year● more by Prince Christopher at the end whereof he commenced Master of Arts and then was sent for back by his father to Moun●pelier where he Preached for a while and then went to Paris to learn the French Tongue and proceed in his other studyes Anno Christi 1560. he went thence to Aurelia where he read Hebrew publickly there he was first made Deacon and two years after Minister which place he undertooke there rather then in his owne Country partly because of the great want of Pastors in the French Churches as also because he agreed with them in his judgement about the manner of Christs presence in the Sacrament he also marryed a wife Anno Christi 1565. Whilst he was there the civill Wars brake out between the Papists and Protestants and Francis Duke of Guise besieging the City of Aurelia where Mounseur de Andelot brother to the Admirall of France commanded in chie●e Tossan continued there all the time of the siege and took extraordinary pains in instructing exhorting and encowraging both Citizens and Souldiers and when the City was in great danger to be lost one Poltrot who had devoted his life for his Countries safety went out and flew the Duke of Guise under the Wall 's whereupon the siege was raised and the Church there preserved almost miraculously from ruine An. Christi 1567. there brake out a second civill War at which time the Papists in Aurelia conspired together to destroy all the Protestants so that they were every hour in danger of being butchered when it pleased God to send Mounser Novie with a small party of Souldiers who entring into the City and joyning w●th the Protestants drove out some of the Papists and disarmed the rest but after that famous battell at Saint Danis wherein so many of both ●ides were slain and wounded Peace was againe concluded though the Papists quickly brake it and a great company of Souldiers entring into Aurelia they began to breath forth threatenings against the Church of Christ especially against the Mi●isters of it hereupon Tossan was in great danger i●somuch that when he went into the Church to Preach he knew not whether he should come out alive that which most troubled him was the fear that he had of his wife and two small children besides he never went to the Congregation but some threw stones others shot bullets at him● and their rage grew so great that they burned down the barn wherein the Church used to meet together and every day he heard of one or other of their Members that were slain so that he was compelled severall times to change hi● lodging yet one day the Souldiers caught him and pretended that they would carry him out of the City but intended to have Murthed him whereupon hi● wife great with childe ran to the Governor and with much importunity prevailed that her husband might stay in the City and the third civill War braking out the Popish Souldiers in Aurelia were so enraged that they burned all the places where the Church used to meet and barbarously slew above eighty of the faithfull servants of Christ in them yet it pleased God miraculously to preserve the Ministers in that great dang●r and Tossan by the help of some of the faithfull was conveyed privately away out of the Ci●y in the night but whilst he fought to hide himselfe in a wood he fell into an ambush and was taken and was carryed to Prisoner into ● Castle not far of from Aurelia which sad newes coming to his wife she left no meanes untryed for his delivery and a● last for a great sum of mony she procured his release whereupon he went to Argim●nt and hi● wife putting her self into the habit of a ma●d-servant went towards Argimont after him where Renata the daughter of Lewis the twelf●h of France and Dowager of Ferrara lived in a very strong Castle and was a great ●●iend to the Protestants entertaining many that fled to her for succour b●t as his wife was going thitherward after him she wa● take● by some Souldiers and carryed back to the Governour of Aurelia but it pleased God to stir up his owne wife ●nd daughters
the greatest I feel is your cold hand and then being layed downe againe no long after he yeelded up his spirit unto God Anno Christi 1631. and of his age sixty He was one of a thousand for Piety and Courage which were so excellently mixed with wisdome that they who imagined mischiefe against his Ministry were never able by all their plottings to doe him any more hurt then onely to shew their teeth Laus Deo Of all the worthyes that deserv'd so well And did in parts and piety excell And Garlands therefore of just honour have None more did merit then this Past or grave Renowned Robert Bolton one well known For his divine rare parts second to None Who though in 's youth he seem'd a wicked Saul In 's riper years he prov'd a precious Paul A most renowed preaching Son of thunder Yet a sweet Barnabas even to deep wonder To sons of sorrow and for Gods blest cause Invincible in courage and from pawes Of Sathans power who pull'd afflicted spirits By comforts sweet herein being of high merits And as for 's preaching so for 's writings rare Extant in print even almost past compare One of ten thousand for his piety Constancy wisdome learning gravity Who as he liv'd belov'd so blestly dy'd And now his Sainted soul in heaven doth bide The Life and Death of William Whately who dyed Anno Christi 1639. WIlliam Whately was born in Banbury in Oxfordshire An. Christi 1583. of godly and religious Parents his father was oft Mayor of that Towne his mother carefully bred him up in the knowledge of the Scriptures from a child he was also trained up in learning in the best Schools in those parts and being of a quick apprehention a cleare judgement and a most happy memory he profited so much both in Latine Greek and Hebrew that at fourteen years old he went to Christs Colledge in Cambridge There he was an hard Student and qucikly became a good Logician and Phylosopher a strong Disputant and an excellent Orator He studyed also Poetry and Mathematicks He was a constant hearer of Doctor Chaderton and M r. Perkins And his Tutor calling his Pupils to an ●ccount what they had learned when any was at a stand he would say Whately what say you and he would repeat as readily as if had preached the Sermon himselfe being Batchelor of Arts his Father took him home yet there also he followed his study Afterwards he married a wife the Daughter of Master George Hunt an eminent Preacher who perswaded him to enter into the Minis●ery and therefore going to Oxford he commensed Master of Arts and presently after was called to be a Lecturer at Banbury w ch he performed with good approbation for four years and then was called to the Pastorall charg● there in which place he continued to his death He was naturally eloquent and had words at will● he was of an able body and ●ound lungs and of a strong and audible voyce He was a B●nerges a son of Thunder and yet upon occasion a Barnabas a son of sweet Consolation His speech and preaching was not in the inticing words of man's wisdome but in the Demonstation of the Spirit of Power He was an Apollo● eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures he Catechized and Preached twice every Lords day and a weekly Lecture besides yet what he Preached was before well studyed and premeditated He usuall penned his Sermons at large and if he had but so much time as to read over what he had written and to gather it up into short heads he was able to deliver it well-near in the same words His Preaching was plain yet very much according to Scripture and the rules of Art He made good use of his Learning yet without affectation He used to read Books most swiftly yet not cursorily being able when he had don to give an account of the substance and most remarkable passages of what he had read And it pleased G●d to put a Seal to his Minis●●y in the c●nverting confirming and building up many thousands in the course of his Ministery He was a diligent visitor of the ●ick under his charge without resp●ct of pe●sons he was a great P●ace maker amo●gst any of hi● Fl●●k that were at variance he had an heavenly gift in prayer both for aptn●sse and fulnesse of Confessions Petitions Supplycations Intercessions and Praises together with fervency of spirit to power them out to God in the name of Christ. W●en he had read a Psalme or Chap. in his Family in his prayer he would discover the scope meaning chiefe notes of observation and their use that his Prayer was an excellent Commentary thereupon and this not onely in the plainer but in the harder Texts of Scripture also His constant practi●e was besides Family-prayer twice a d●y and sometimes Catechizing to pray also with his wife and alone both morning and evening He set apart private dayes of Humiliation for his Family upon speciall occasions and oft for their preparation to the Lord's Supper at which times he would exceed himselfe in pouring out his soul to God with many tears He was much in dayes of private Fasting and humbling himself alone before God which impaired his health but made much for the health of his soul. He was very able and very ready to confer with and to resolve the doubts of such as came him He bare such a tender love to that great people over which God had set him that though his means was small and he had many offers of great preferment in the Church yet he would not leave them He was daily inquisitive af●er the affairs of Gods Church and sympathized with Gods people both in their weal and woe He was much grieved when he saw that difference in opinions bred strangnesse amongst Christians that agreed i● that same Fundamentall Truths He was judiciously charitable to such as shewed the power of godliness in their lives though they were not of his judgment in all things He was glad when any of the righteous smote him would t●ke it well not from his Superiours onely but from his Equals and far Inferiors and would really shew more testimonies of his love to such afterwards then ever he did before He abounded in works of Mercy he was a truly liberall man one that studyed liberall things seeking out to find objects of his mercy rather th●n staying till they were offered he did set apart and expend for many years together for good uses the tenth part of his yearly comings in both out of his Temporall and Ecclesiasticall meanes of maintenance● he entertained som● poor Widows or necessitous persons weekly at the least at his Table and his estate prospered the better after he took this course and in his sicknesse he comforted himselfe with that promise Psal. 41.1 2. Blessed is he that considereth the poore the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing c. His last dayes were his best dayes for then he grew exceedingly in humility and in heavenly-mindednesse And a good while before his latter end God gave him victory over his greatest corruptions which for a long time kept him in continuall exercise About eight weeks before his death he was much troubled with a cough and shortnesse of breath which much weakned him yet he Preached divers times till his encreasing weaknesse disabled him In his sicknesse he gave heavenly and wholesome counsell to his people neighbours and friends that came to visit him exhorting them to labor to redeem the time to be much reading hearing and Meditating upon the Word of God much in prayer brotherly love and communion of Saints and that they would be carefull to hold that fast that he had taught them out of the Word of Truth and that whil'st the the meanes of Salvation was to be had they would neither spare pains nor cost to enjoy it His pains towards his end were very great yet he bore them patiently He was much in ejaculations and lifting up his heart to God in behalfe of the Church and State and for himselfe also wherein he was most frequent and earnest a little before his death A godly friend Minister praying with him that if his time were not expired God would be pleased to restore him for the good of his Church or if otherwise that he would put an end to his pains if he saw good he lifting up his eyes stedfastly towards heaven and one of his hands in the close of that prayer gave up the Ghost shutting his eyes himself as if he were fallen into a sweet sleep Anno 1639. and of his age 56. God tooke him away a little before the Civill Wars began and before the sad desolations that fell upon the Town of Banbury in particular Renowned William Whately also wins Like fame with Bol●on as two equall twins Of honour and renown for piety And admirable parts in 's Ministry In Latine Greek and Hebrew rarely able A Disputant also unconquerable Of apprehension quick of judgement clear Strong memory and that which was most dear Of a most holy life and Conversation Who many souls did win to Christs salvation And Divine-like in Scriptures eloquent In Prayer Preaching faithfull and fervent Much charity and love who still exprest Among his people a Peacemaking blest Pittifull patient full of courtesie His soul with Christ now raignes most gloriously FINIS