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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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But if the Soule be not holie all the members will shortlie discord The one Hand will cut off the other The Hand will wound the Heart or cut the throat and the Mouth will bite the Fingers But O what loue shall bee then among the members when our Sanctification shall bee made so perfect that nothing more can bee added vnto it O what loue peace and concord shall bee there where God who is loue like a more powerfull and noble forme shall in an vnspeakable manner informe all the members of that mysticall bodie Wee all then shall accord to one thing All our wils shall bee according to Gods will And eue●…ie one of our wills with another shall bee like our two eyes whereof the one cannot so soone turne but the other must follow after it for to behold the same object Wee cannot now comprehen●… this For mans reason heere on earth is like a riuen vessell which can not containe the discourse of immortalitie Our mindes are so drossie ●…mpish that they cannot conceiue euerlasting matters Wee speake now of Loue O but Loue now is litle among men we may say of it in this last age as Lot said of Bel●…h Is it not a little one Though it bee little now it shall bee great in these dayes Then shall it defie all sickle and foolish changes In this worlde belowe three graces dwell into the Soule of man like three sisters viz. Faith Hope and Charitie two of them conv●…ye the godlie Soule vnto the doores of Heauen viz. Faith and Hope but Charitie entereth in The Lord openeth his Doore to Loue Faith beeing a substance of things not seene so soone as the Soule commeth to sight it ceaseth to be because there is no such substance there Hope being of things to come so soone as the future is become present it hath no more a doe But Loue entereth in and as fyre posteth vp to fyre so Loue swiftlie flieth to God for God is Loue and for to speake so the verie element of Lou●… Till Loue bee at him it is like a thing out of its element the place of its ●…ost there shall our soules feede on his Loue In such a feeding they shall bee as if they were euer hungrie and as if they were euer satisfied As the heauens hunger is without any laking so is its fulnesse without any loathing On Earth as it is said Voluptates commendat rarior vsus Single vse maketh pleasures the more agreeable But in Heauen the more our Soules shal haue the more they shall desire The more they shall desire the more they shall receiue So by an infinite multiplication joyes and pleasures and contentments shal be heaped vpon godlie Soules for euer like fyre in fuell which suppone the fuell be infinite can neuer die out but day lie increasseth as it were from a sparkle to a flame What shall I say more There shall bee such a fulnesse of all good thinges that no Soule shall bee able to receiue a greater desire of more All shall bee content all shall bee vnspeakablie glorious and made perfect There shall be no blemish into our bodies nor sinne in our Soules Iaacob shall not halt Mephibosheth shall goe straight blind Isaac then shall see Leah shal no more be bleared the deafe shall heare the dumbe shall speak The lame man shall leape as an Hart and the dumbe mans tongue shall sing Then shall these words bee perfectlie performed There shal be no more a pricking briar vnto the house of Israel or any grieuing thorne of all that are round about them Then shall our wearied Soules find aboue the highest circumference of Heauen the Centre of our rest God then shall bee our Sanctuarie in whom we shall haue joye and gladnesse without feare of ending O folie folie folie Why should we for such earthlie toyes losse such celestiall joyes Hee that for so little pleasure losseth that which Christ hath bought with so great paines as said a Father Stultum Christum reputat mercatorem That is Hee thinketh Christ to bee a foolish buyer while indeed he himselfe is a most foolish seller When one day with prophane Esau he shall bitterlie repent his bargane then shall hee know what a pennie-worth hee hath of all his pleasures The sicke Man Alas that men cannot consider O my God master and mortifie all such corruptions within mine heart that they be not able to lay my soule open to Sathans temptations But to proceede in our purpose what thinke yee shall bee the chiefe exercise of Soules in Heauen The Pastour It shal be to sing Psalmes of praise and to follow the Lambe whether soeuer hee goeth from East to West or from South to North. The sicke Man Alas that for this pricke of earth men should doe that which shall debarre them from that Palace of pleasure Our bodies as yee thinke shall not then bee wearied in following the Lambe were it to goe neuer so farre The Pastour O not Then shall our Soules bee refined from the drosse of sinne Then shall wee bee free of all this lumpishnesse of clay caused by sinne wherewith now wee are both cloyed and clogged Our motion then shall bee swifter than the Sunne in his course As with a●…thought our hearts will compasse the Heauens so shall wee goe most swiftlie whether wee desire As by the motion of the Eye wee looke from East to West or as the Sunne beames while he ariseth are suddenlie darted from the one end of Heauen to the other so shall it be of our motion then for we shall bee carried with the infinite power of God which shall not be subject to the Lawes of naturall motions below As for example here can be no motion without resistance All motions whether from aboue or siō below or ouerthwartlie finde enemies by the way opponing themselues to that which is moued as Edom did to the Israelites saying Thou shalt not passe by mee The stronger the opposition bee the motions are the slower Man cannot wade thorow waters so swiftlie as runne thorow the aire vpon the earth because the partie is stronger which is against him all things goe so below but aboue no bodies shall oppose themselues to the Children of God What euer bee aboue all shall goe with them they shall bee like shippes before the winde carried with a mightie gale There is nothing heere like vnto that that shall bee into that celestiall Fabricke But not bee curious to diue into such deepes This is certaine that the Sainctes shall bee carried there with the force of an vnspeakable power and that without anie wearinesse They shall runne saith the Prophet and not bee wearie they shall walke and not faint What can these want who beeing companions of the blessed Angels shall abide with him in whose face is fulnesse of delight There all our pleasures
went sof●…lie with sacke cloth nearest his skinne Mans eyes are easilie easilie jugguled with soddered shewes But God who seeth not as man seeth looketh on the heart They that see such painted men as they themselues also may thinke that they are alreadie possessed of the Kingdome of grace and also intituled to the Kingdome of glorie while indeede they are but prophane men of seared Consciences seeking for nothing but popular appla●…ses for the aduancement either of their profite or preferment or reputation and worth By some worldlie respect they euer are caried on the by whereby they euer come short of sinceritie Woe vnto them euen when all men shall speake good of them For a space they may well thinke in their owne fond conceit that they are stored with all the riches of Gods graces like Beggers in their sleepe dreaming that they are tumbling thēselues amid great heapes of gold O but when such awake they are not onlie emptie of their imagined good but filled with sorrow for being depriued of that which they had in their imagination the greatest groūd of their contentment Thus all comforts shal be sweepe from them with the besome of vtter desolation O the deceitfulnesse of mans heart Who can know it said Ieremie What eye can pierce and passe thorow all the wyles windings of this juggling sinne of Hypocrites which hauing nothing but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a forme of godlinesse which beare that world in hand that they are scalded burnt with the zeale of Gods House The best things that are in such are nothing but ciuill outwardnesse clothed with colourable pretences of pietie without any justifying faith in the heart or renewing power in the Soule wherin is the practise of pietie What shall I say more a Reprobate as yee see may bee both courtesse and kind solatious in conuersation a man beloued of his neighbours yea such a man may driue out his dayes without any seene blot or outward scandale Hypocrisie may bee so small spunne that no carnall eye can perceiue it Such a man also may haue some troubles of Conscience some secrete checkes of remorse for his by-goné folies euen Iudas his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 repenting or forethinking But his Soule was neuer acquainted with traueling and hard labour in the newe births which is borne with that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euē an vniuersall change of minde will and affections which is onelie peculiar to the godlie I will yet say more a Reprobate while hee possesseth a true doctrine though but outwardlie hee may ●…aue the gift of prophecie with Saul Cajaphas yea of miracles also of healings of helpes in gouernaments and of diuersities of tongues Behold how a wicked man may bee a Preacher and a Prophet or among the Prophets and a worker of meracles Haue wee not cast out deuils in thy Name shall many say to Christ at the day of judgement to whom Christ shall answere Departe from mee for I know you not All these good things may a man haue and yet bee a stranger from the life of God * Though such outward thinges haue a glorious appearance bee great in the eye of the world yet they are no sure token of Gods loue Did not Christ call Iudas Friend All the common giftes graces of the wicked are nothing but like the friendship that was betweene Christe and Iudas whome Christ called friend for to let him know that the greater was his sinne Such for all their glistring shewes are strangers from the life of God holden fast vnder the power of the first death and yet none so much as they are puft vp with a conceit of imaginarie perfection so powerfull is the deuilish influence of pride The greater Gods gifts shall- be into the wicked that greater shal be their woe The sicke Man I hau●… heard and am satisfied concerning that the vvicked may be made partaker of the holy Ghost I pray you to discusse the fourth difficultie which is That ●… man may taste the good word of God and yet bee a Reprobate The Pastour Hee vvill indeed Sir taste the good word God as I haue exponded that he will taste the heauenlie gift Hee will taste the good word of God That is hee will vnderstand the word he will take pleasure to read it and to heare it preached with some flashes of comfort whereby hee will bee moued to harbour some good meanings and intentions not onlie that but also hee will doe many thinges as Herod who heard Iohn gladlie and did also many things But such a mā hatheuer some herodias a darling sinne secret or knowne vvhich hee vvould preferre to the head of Iohn the Baptiste While hee is in the Church it may bee hee heare the vvord with some gladnesse yea and vveete his cheekes vvith teares at the preaching of Christs passion but let h●…m goe from thence to his Banketing a dancing of a daughter of this Herodias viz. Some little tickling joy of his Mistresse predomināt sin vvill make him to forget all that was preached A small requeast of some dauncing deuil vvill mak such a man if hee bee of power to lay the Preachers head in a platier There bee many vvho vvhile they heare the Word preached in the Church are like a Siffe or Riddle into the vvater so long as they are in hea●…ing they seeme to bee full of Gods word euen to the brim But so soone as they are once departed all that they heard runneth out and they to their olde by as againe The best thing that are in the wicked are to God as vvho for a sacrifice should cut off a Dogs necke or offer Swynes blood The sicke Man This is a strange matter this world as I see is like Sardis Thou hast a few names in Sardis which haue not defiled their garments The Godlie are as the shaking of the Oliue Two or three Berries in the toppe of the vpper-most bough Christ called them vvell The little Flocke Great as I see is the deceitfulnesse of sinne I thought when I saw a man or a woman hearing the word with great attention and vvhiles vvith teares that these could not bee but the Lords chosen and dearest Ones And yet I see that a man may heare the word with greate appearance of godlinesse yea and thinke the Word most sweete for the time yea loue and reuerence Gods Messengers and yet for all that bee kept short of the state of Grace The Pastour All that is true for Herod reuerenced Iohn for a space and heard him gladlie Simon magus belieued with a temporarie faith And Esau though hee wept and sought the blessing with many teares yet could finde no place in his heart vvhere he could lodge true Repentance Many are endewed with painted Graces which hauing but the face not that heart of grace are meere hypocrisie Euen
drawe the desires of his heart to abide into that P●…lace of pleasures where there is Light without Darknesse Mirth without Sadnesse Health without Sicknesse Wealth without want Beautie without blemish For the sake of thy dea●…e Selfe seale vp into his Soule the assurance of thy loue that in all bol●…nesse through the bleeding bowels of Christes compassions hee may come to the Throne of thy grace frō thence he may enter into glory O LORD the comfort the joye and the glorie of Israel Bee fauourable to thy distressed Sainctes dispersed vpon the Earth Thy Church here below is like a shippe on the sea Though it floate aloft it is fore tossed to and f●…o with wind and with waue thou therin seemeth whiles to sleep Now LORD at last awake in these boisterous blastes Master Master saue vs for wee perish Awake O LORD and rebuke the winds Alas O LORD thou seemeth now to lowre in thy wrath by driuing all our petitions from Thee with a darke and cloudie countenance so that these that trust in Thee are cleane dashed out of countenance while they heare the scorninges of the aduersaries who nowe waste and hauocke thy Vine Arise O LORD as a man of war Awake as one out of sleepe and like a mightie man that shouteth by reason of Wine Smite thou all the enemies in the hinder partes and put them to a perpetuall reproach Take the Cudgell into thine hand and stricke a way these Dogges which follow Thee but for crustes Let vs neuer bee colde or carelesse in the distresse of others but for to assure vs that wee are all members of one Bodie giue vs this pledge of mourning with these that mourne Make vs all to bee grieued for the affliction of Ioseph Blesse our gracious SOVERAIGNE with the Spirit of Wisedome and of Grace Rescue Him from all dangers both bodilie ghostlie Thogh Hee bee a Prince among men yet Hee is thy Subject Thou who by Grace hast made Him to reigne ouer thy people on earth at the end of his appointed time when the dayes of His Reigne shall bee happilie finished exalt Him highlie in the heanens among thy Sainctes and Angels So long as Hee is heere let Him know that it standeth Him fast in hand to bee an Hornager vnto Thee Direct him so in all His cariage that His whole life may bee to all His Subjects an holy patronage of good example Let Him neuer retract nor repeale that vow which Hee made at His Coronation for to maintaine the puritie of thy Gospel and for to bee a louing Father vnto thy people Cloth his enemies with shame but vpon Himselfe make His Crowne to flourish Blesse His Royall Match Make Her to striue stretch all the powers of Her Soule by prayer in searching the sincere knowledge of thy truth LORD in Her carefull search make Her to say at last with the Spouse I haue found him whom my Soule loueth I will not let him goe Thou LORD louest Trueth in the inward partes and therefore so sanctifie Her Hearte that She may day lie thriue in the power of Godlinesse Though all outward meanes should faile Her bee Thou to Her in stead of all meanes aboundantlie supplying Her with the power and presence of thy Spirit Leuell LORD Her Heart directlie to the loue of Christ of him crucified that by a true liuelie Faith in him Shee may shine among the Sainctes in Heauen like one who in a great measure hath beene receiued in Grace on earth Let thy Preastes bee cloathed with righteousnesse Blesse all our Nobles mak them truelie noble not like Ephraim whose righteousnesse was like the morning dew Let them neuer for feede or fauour slinke or shrinke back from the puritie of thy Gospel established in this Land Giue vnto vs all courage for the Trueth that wee may bee bold to resist euen vnto the blood not beeing like these who at the first in an hote and hastie zeale promise faire with Peter but anone at the first womanlie temptation start aside like deceitfull bowes Suffer no sinne to goe current with vs without check Let vs neuer follow the sway of tymes with sewed Cushions vnder our Elbowes LORD abide with vs this night As thou hast drawne the night Curtaine of darknesse vpon the face of the earth so bee thou a pillar of the cloude betweene vs and our enemies Hide our soules from Sathans temptations as by the cloudie pillar thou hid the Israelites from the Egyptians Make vs this night to sleepe softlie and soundlie in thine Armes that our bodies beeing refreshed with sleepe may bee the better enabled to morrow for to sette foorth thy Glorie in the work of our Vocation LORD let these our weake prayers come vp before Thee like Pillars of smoke perfumed with the liuelie sauoure of thy Son To whom with Thee and the Spirit of Grace bee endlesse Glorie and Dominion for euer Now Sir wee haue recommended you God to who is stretching out the Armes of his mercie readie for to receiue your Soule into the bosome of his Loue Make you nowe readie for him for in all appearance ye are not farre from the doores of death Bee vigilant in prayer lest Satan yet put in his leauen into the Spirites dough and so by sowring it make it distastfull to the Lord By a little droppe of filth the pure webbe of the Spirit will become a menstruous cloath The sicke Man The lost Sheepe is found I giue you most heartie thankes for that feruent prayer I pray God that it be heard in the Heauen as Solomon prayed for these that prayed in the Temple which he had builded saying Then heare thou in Heauen Lord graunt that these comforts and contentments bee not deceiuable feelinges and flashings of joye O Lord let not the Spirit of Grace in this new birth recoyle as once Zarah in Thamars wombe Seeing God hath furnished me with a new spirituall strength I wish that I culd imploy it well for the short space that I haue to liue among mortall wightes in this region of corruption O Lord stirre all the streames of mine affections toward thy selfe Wound ward weaken wasle all my delightfull and darling sinnes that my whole joye may rest on Thee command confine all my thoghts to thy selfe that by Faith my Soule may seaze and lay hold on the merits of Christ the celestiall Pearles of price Disburthen my soule of euerie weight that hangeth so fast on lest that thereby it should bee swayed away from Thee I finde mine hearte stirred with a feruent desire to powre out it selfe in prayer before God I pray you all that sit by to joyne your affections with mine into this worke The sicke mans Prayer for himselfe O LORD the Father of mercies and GOD of all Consolation bee present in thy great mercie with mee thy vnworthie seruant into this time of trouble suffer mee earth and ashes to speake
heart Sir bee on your house It is now time to mind the things that are aboue Eye vpon clay and stones What are all the royall Palaces of the world to these statelie houses aboue whereof the floore or pauement glisters with thousands of Starres as with as manie golden nailes o●… twinkling Dya●…onds There the Sun the Moone the two great Iewels of Heauen shall bee vnder your feete which are now aboue our heade What is within no mortall tongue can tell S. Paul saw there some-thing but hee neuer reuealed it neither was it lawfull for him to declare what he had seene This one thing wee may know seeing the out-side of Heauen is so beautifull how pleasant must it bee within Heauen is like the Kinges Daughter whose whole beautie is within There is profite pleasure health wealth honour happinesse beautie blesse In a word there bee thinges that eye neuer saw neither eare heard yea which neuer could enter into the heart of man The sicke Man But alas must I then forsake all my wealth and so leaue all my treasures behind mee The Pastour Such treasures are but traitours though they bee counted gods God said to Magistrats I haue called you gods But hee neuer called gold god To call gold god is Ashdodien language Gods of gold must be forsaken for to goe to the God of Glorie What are all these worldlie thinges whereon naturall men so doe gaze What are they but idoles lying vanities To ouercome the loue of such lyers is the triumph of Trueth If Gods Arke be within our heart such Dagons will fall downe Turne therefore your eyes from such clay and minde the things that are aboue Manie gather riches as hee that earneth wages to put it into a bottomlesse bagge The first lesson of Christianitie is selfe denyall The Sicke Man How is it then Sir that a man must goe through this world for to come to Heauen The Pastour Euen as the Israelites desired to goe through the Land of Sihon the King of the Amorites for to come to Canaan the figure of Heauen Let mee goe through thy Land said Israel Wee will not turne aside into the fieldes nor into the vineyards neither drinke of the waters of the wells wee will goe by the Kings high way vntill wee be past thy Countrey It is so that wee must passe through this world for to come to that heauenlie Canaan we must not turne asid into the faire fields of pleasure nor drink our selues drunke in its vineyards But wee must follow directlie the rule of Gods Law the King of Heauens high way that so we may enter into Canaan What say ye Sir Is it not time to bee resolued The sicke Man Mine heart is pined within mee It is like to breake for sorrow when I looke to my little Children Who shortlie shal be fatherlesse Alas hard shall their estate be when I shall bee away who will take care of them The Pastour That which Christ said to Peter may bee said to you O man of little Faith why hast thou doubted Hath not God promised to shew mercie vnto thousands of these that loue him If the King of this Land should now come himselfe to your bed-stocke and say Iames or Iohn heere I giue to you mine hand befor God and good witnesse that I shall bee a Father to your Children after you and shall so prouide for them that they shall want nothing that may doe them good If yee heard such a man make such promises I thinke that yee should not bee in paine for the estat of your childrē And yet what is a King but a man But so it is that all men are lyares or may lie But God who can not lie hath giuen his Hand and his trueth to the faithfull man yea hath oblished himselfe by an oath and hath taken Heauen and Earth to bee witnesse that hee shall neuer forsake the godlie man nor his seede his promise is to thousands If yee beleeue God to bee true relye vpon his promise Let not the care of Children trouble you any more prepare your selfe for God and let Death bee welcome Put your house to an order in time Discharge your selfe of all worldlie burdens denude your hands and your heart of all temporall affaires that your Soule haue nothing to doe but to waite vpon your God It is not time to bee combered with the world while the whole heart should bee taken vp with heauenlie meditations It is now high time to thinke earnestlie vpon that life wherevnto yee are going by Death It would seeme Sir that yee are not contentas yet for to remoue What can this be that troubleth you shuld not your heart rejoyce to goe vnto your God The sicke Man I finde contrarie draughts within mee Your wordes indeede Sir beginne to worke vpon mine heart and to draw vp my Soule toward the pleasures that are aboue But againe I finde the desires of this life like weightie paisses drawing mee downe to the ground againe This is my regret Alas must I then leaue this world and the light thereof and neuer see it againe any more Shall I beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the worlde Shall I neuer see after this into the Land of the liuing any of all these whom I haue loued so well The Pastour Sir it shall bee your farre best to suffer the loue of Christ swallow vp the loue and all other considerations of worldlie thinges as Moses his serpent swallowed vp the serpents of the Magicians What euer seemeth pleasant into this world vnto the naturall eye it is but by juggling of the senses If we haue the grace of God this grace shall be indeede like as a foure nooked Clauer is in the opinion of some viz a most powerfull meanes against the juggling of the sight If wee could seeke this grace it would let vs see the vanitie of such thinges which beguile the naturall senses The eye of a mans Soule is betimes like the eye of a man come out of a bilious feuer all things seeme to him to bee yellow because of the bile which haue peruerted his sight Sathan can forge temptations like glasse of whatsoeuer colour hee pleaseth wherethorow all things seeme to bee of the colour of his temptations Thorow one glasse a mans owne spouse will seeme to be filthie Thorow another a bordel-whore will seeme to bee pleasant Thorow one the world will seeme to bee glorious thorow another the brightest heauens will seeme to bee but cloudes Thorow one fables will seeme to be Scripture thorow another Scriptures will seeme to bee but fables Thorow one if a man feast as Christ did hee will seeme to bee a glutt●…n thorow another if hee feast with the Baptist hee will seeme to bee a deuill The chiefe gripe of your temptation is in this that
hold and heaue vp like a buckler betweene Gods wrath and our sinfull Soules In what case finde yee your Conscience to bee for the present The sicke Man One deepe calleth to another deepe at the noyse of Gods water Spouts My sorrow is like the Sea it ebbeth and it floweth As I haue swimmed thorow one deepe temptation I fall into another that is deeper My braine is turned with a whirling giddinesse The Pastour There is no such deepnesse either in our sinnes or in our troubles but the mercie of God in Christ shall bee able to ouer-reach it by innumerable fathomes S. Paul said that hee was assured that neither high nor depth shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God Though affliction raine downe vpon vs like water falling from spouts they may well wash vs but shall not bee able to drowne vs A godlie man should not be afraide for a spo●… full of bitter waters Though th●… waters of the sea roare be troubled Though the Mountaines shake with the swelling thereof yea though the surges thereof should boast the cloudes heere is the faithfull mans comfort There is a riuer the streames whereof shall make glad the Citie of God Thogh the Mediterranean Sea yea the great Ocean with its surges should boast Gods Ierusalem a little riuer or brooke a Kidron of Gods grace sending out streames of comfortes like the waters of Siloe shall make glad the Citie of God The sicke Man But how shall I passe thórow to Canaan behold before mee what floodes of iniquities ouerflowing their bankes as in the swelling of Iordan Such fearefull floodes ru●… betweene me and Heauen 〈◊〉 place appointed for my 〈◊〉 The ●…our 〈◊〉 ●…oake with the garment 〈◊〉 Christes righteousnesse will diuide the floodes of Belial as Elisha diuided the Iordan by striking it with the mantle of Elijah that hee might safelie passe thorow Christes merits are like the Arke which made the Iordan to goe backe for to make a way for Israel vnto Canaan Our heartes like the Priestes must stand hard by the side of this Arke till all our affections the Lords Armies be come thorow the swelling Iordan of grieuous afflictions The sicke Man While I beholde my selfe I abhorre my selfe The eye of my God seeth mee and what am I but like a bemired Dogge trodde by Sathan into the puddle of perdition Alas when good motions came into ●…e heart I crosed them with my lustes Now cursed be my lusts I am so filth●… ●…hat I abhorre my selfe my sinnes are so 〈◊〉 that nothing is able to make them 〈◊〉 The Pastour Know yee Sir what God said of olde in Isaiah Come now and let vs reason together though your sins be as scarlet they shall bee as white as snow though they be red l●…k crimsin they shall bee as vvoole If yee could but reason a little with God ye should find this to be true There is no sinne which Christes blood is not able to purge What euer your sinne be if yee can repent he can forgiue Christ can doe anie thing butthis hee cannot saue him that will not repent Seeing yee know him to bee infinite in mercie haue all your recourse to him Take once a proofe of his mercie Humble your selfe at his feete and see whether or not there bee mercie with him that hee may bee feared The seruants of Benhadad knowing that the Kings of Israel were mercifull Kings Put sack-clot●… vpon their loynes ropes vpon their heads for to seeke mans mercie which also they found Shall man finde mer●… into the narrow bowels of a man and 〈◊〉 hee bound the holie One of Israel Christ who is not onelie true but Trueth it selfe hath said Whatsoeuer yee shall aske in my Name that vvill I doe Hee who is true may lye but Trueth can not lye The sicke Man That is trueth While I consider your comfortes for the distressed Soule I thinke that all your purpose pointeth chieflie at Christ as though hee alone were the ground of Grace Let mee heare I pray you more at large what Christ is vnto vs. The Pastour Hee is Emmanuell God with vs God with man God in Man God-Man In Him God and Man are but one Person Our life is hid with Christ in God Because wee did eate of the forbidden Fruite Hee was hanged vpon a cursed tree Hee hath borne vs such a loue as is vnspeakeable What tongue 〈◊〉 forme wordes sufficie●…●…or to expresse the least part of the same By the conduite pype of his Humanitie Grace for Grace hath beene conueighed to our graceles Soules who can expresse his Loue hee loueth vs to the end and of his Loue there is none end This I will say That hee hath borne to man such a loue that hath made all mankind like a Banquerupt so farre vnable to pay the principle that though man should loue his Sauiour withall his might and his minde yet should hee not pay so much as the interest of so great a loue No though hee should giue his bodie to bee brunt for the honour of his Name No though he should for his sak haue his name if it were possible scraiped out of the Booke of Life Though all our Soules should suffer for his honour the euerlasting paines of the damned all these paines were not to bee counted the interest of his paines for vs It is more that a Prince get a deadlie hurt in a Battell thā that a thousand common Souldiers were slaine It is more that the Prince of Heauen suffered vpon the crosse but an houre than that a thousand worlds had beene cast into a thousand hells for to bee tormented for euer There is no proportion in suffering betweene the creature him who was both God and Man into one person O then what can be the interest of that principall loue that moued God to die for man Let this bee like a Bell ringing for to waken your drowsie Soule Let your Soule like Iohn leane vpon the blessed bosome of Iesus Haue euer your eye vpon this Mercie-seat The sicke Man Is it onelie then in Christ Sir that Saluation is to bee found All Scripture would yee say doeth leauell at him The Pastour The Scripture is plaine There is none other Name giuen vnder heauen among men whereby wee must bee saued Hee is full of the bowels of loue Hee is that onelie Sauiour pointed out by both the Testaments Like as the two Cherubims though seuered one from another yet looked one towards another and both vpon the Mercie seate Euen so the Olde and New Testament looke one towards another yet point at one the same Christ the marrow and kernell of mans Saluation All Religion is in this that wee know Christ This is mans Saluation to know Christ and him crucified
shall hold your peace That is ye shall seale vp your thoughtes in silence and let God bee doing So doe yee bee silent for a space daine not Sathans temptations with an answere feare not stand still and see the Saluation of the LORD As Moses said of the Egyptians so will I say of all your temptations within a short space The Egyptians whom yee haue seene to day yee shall see them againe no more for euer The sicke Man Oh that with Iob I could lay mine hand vpon my mouth and with Iacob waite for Gods saluation But alas I am laden with iniquitie Sathan besiegeth mee so that I cannot keepe silence Sathan hath laide downe a bloodie libell before mee wherevnto hee vrgeth mee to make answere The Pastour If yee must needes make answere learne that notable speach of Bernard on his death bed * About an houre before his death hee beeing as hee thought presented before the great Tribunall of his Iudge where hee found himselfe seuirelie charged with the accusation of Sathan forsooke himselfe for to relye vpon Christ alone I freely confesse said he that as thou affirmest I am most vnworthie and that by no worthinesse of mine can I merite eternall life yet I am assured that my Lord Christ hath a double right to heauens glorie one by heritage and another by conquest The first is sufficient for himselfe the other is for mee ex cujus donojure illud mihi vendicans non confundor which by right of gift I claime and chalenge and shall not bee confounded Vpon this Rocke yee must cast the anchor of your soule The Lord is able to doe vnto vs aboue all that wee can aske or thinke Take courage Sir Let Sathan make out his processe your deare and louing Brother is both your Iudge and your Aduocat The sicke Man Oh that I could take that counsell and keepe silence waiting till the Captaine of Saluation bring mee thorow this red sea of bloodie temptations Oh that I could lay hold vpon that right of heauen which Christ hath conquered But alas I can find no ground or warrant in mine heart that such a conquest can belong to mee for I know that in mee dwelleth no good things The Pastour The greatest foe the faith of the godlie hath and the chiefest cause of their trembling troubled heart is that often they seeke in themselues grounds warrāts of Gods fauour as though the Lord could not loue them vnlesse there bee in them such vertues as in euerie point should be Because they want perfectiō they thinke they haue nothing By this meanes Sathan shaketh sillie Soules to and fro like Reedes with the winds of distrust Make the right vse of such temptations let them drawe you from your selfe for to rely onelie vpon the mercie of your Lord Bee earnest to finde Gods marke in your Soule euen Sanctification the Saluation mark whereof the marrow is Christs satisfaction From this marke presse toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus The sicke Man Faine would I haue grace so to doe But out vpon mee I haue taken such surfet of sinnes that I find my selfe voide of all grace O death death death doolefull is that separation of a Soule dead in sin from the bodie dead for sinne I am so defiled and deformed that while I remember judgement it maketh mee all to shake and to shiuer Fye on mee a gracelesse creature wallowing in a myre of miserie Oh but for a dramme of Gods grace Oh for the greatnesse of the pickle of mustarde seede thereof The Pastour He that desireth grace is not altother gracelesse It is Gods goodnesse that hath giuen you this small and weake desire of grace in this Gods good hand is vpon you Hee who giueth grace to desire grace shall giue also grace for grace God often giueth to a man aboue his hopes I sought but life saide Dauid yet the Lord gaue him to bee a King God who in sicknesse giueth you the desire of grace shall before yee die giue you grace for grace a grace which at last shall make you to sing I sought but grace yet God hath giuen mee glorie If yee feele and feare his wrath seek the more earnestlie for his mercie This was that good counsell which Zephaniah gaue to Israel before the decree of wrath come out Seeke righteousnesse seeke meeknesse it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger Christes cry is Seeke Aske Knocke. Seeing God desireth to be asked hee longeth to giue seeing hee desireth vs to seeke him hee desireth to bee found seeing hee desireth vs to knocke his desire is to open God is more rich and liberall than wee are poore His hand is wider for to giue giftes than our heart can bee for to receiue Hee who will not belieue that God can bee mercifull to him is twise in the wrong to God After that hee hath broken the law of his Iustice by offending hee is not content except that hee wrong his mercie by distrust Gods delight is to bee with the Children of men on earth as also to haue them with himselfe in heauen Now Sir beeing assured of th●… loue embrace this Lord with all 〈◊〉 armes of your affections Seeke earnestlie the Spirit of Grace for hee is powred on thirstie grounds I will powre water said the Lord vpon him that is thirstie and floods vpon the dry ground The sicke Man Oh but for one droppe of that water Oh that my Soule were watered with the dropping bowels of his mercie In the meane time my bones with sorrow are dryed vp like an hearth The terrours of the Almightie sticke within mine heart and my Spirit sucketh out the vennome thereof I thinke that I am in the verie gorge pipe of hell If this wrath continue doubtlesse it shall bee my bane The Pastour Gods wrath is fearefull I confesse but God will not bee long wroth with his Children I will not said the Lord contend for euer neither will I bee alwayes wroth For the Spirit should faile before mee and the Soules which I haue made So soone as man beginneth to be wearied of his sins God beginneth to be wearied of his wrath yea which is strange In all our afflictions he is afflicted There is but a moment in his wrath but his mercie endureth for euer There is such a mercie in God that in comparison thereof all the mercies of men are but scrofe and scumme a myte of his mercie shall remoue the mountaines of your miserie in Christ is a mine of mercie The sicke Man I know that it is so But I as yet haue no sense of such a mercie While I seeke and cry for helpe God either answereth not at all or when hee maketh answere it is like that which Elisha said
was the chiefe entiser of him vnto sinne by bearing him in hand that it was an easie thing after many sinfull pleasures enjoyed to returne vnto God whose fauour and kindnesse might bee procured by and by without anie labour But now Father while he seeth his day declining the Sun of his life neare its setting of an Entiser hee is become an Accuser striuing by all meanes to cause him make shipwrack vpon the bankes of despare Night and day hee vexeth and teareth his Soule by whispering into his eare most impudent lyes against thy Trueth viz. That hee is so miserable that thou art not able to be mercifull vnto him He suggesteth most craftily that it is in vaine for him to sue to thee for thy grace that there is none hope of mercie left for such a sinner that there is none accesse vnto the Throne of Grace for the prayers of such a miserable wretch and that it is no purpose for him to pray But what LORD thou who art Trueth it selfe wilt thou suffer this father of lyes to trouble still thy Seruant Wilt thou heareanie longer thine infinite mercie thus reproached and reuiled as though thou were not able to pa●…don the faultes of thine owne poore creature What is that to say but that God shall cease to be that God whose mercie is aboue all his workes O LORD most mercifull can the sinfull scarlet rednesse and the Crimsin colour of mans corruptions bee ●…o dyed that it cannot bee washen away with the Blood of thy Lambe O seale vp the sense of thy loue in his heart make thy Spirit to whisper in his eare that mercie is with thee that thou may bee both feared and loued Shall anie thing LORD withhold the heart broken sinner from the Throne of Grace Is not this the voyce of thy Spirit Come vnto mee all ye that are wearied and ladened with sinned Is not thy promise written in thy Booke that thou wilt ease them O most louing Father euen in despite of Sathan and his most despitfull suggestions make his Soule bolde and confident that it may aduenture it selfe to the mercifull Throne of thy Grace Cleare and cleanse his eyes from the Spirituall goare of sin that with Simeon he may see thy Saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people O deare IESVS deliuer his Darling from the power of the Dogge Incline thine eares and heare the grieuous groanes of this poore prisoner Make him a prisoner of hope Turne thee now about and refresh his wearied heart with a blinke of thy mercie Shew him the light of thy Countenance and hee shall bee saued Enlarge his heart that thy Graces finding a spacious roome may plentifully harbour in his soule Alas LORD what shall we say if thou shalt say to him I haue no delight in thee Behold heere hee is doe to him as shall seeme good in thine owne eyes Thou hast not forgotten neither can thou forgette but that thy delight is in mercie Where sinne doeth abound shall not there thy Grace abound much more Thou LORD hast often bathed this sillie Soule in most bitter brimie teares Thou hast hid thy selfe from it and it hath beene troubled Now amid the vexations of so many temptations blinke vpon him with a reconcealed face O GOD of Battels in this Bartell of the Soule send downe thy strength for to guarde him against the assaultes of Satan who pursueth him so eagerly with most sharpe and fearefull af●…aultes like a Dogge hunting after a sillie straggling sheepe Though for a space thou suffer him to bee buffeted with a messenger of Sathan yet let him know that thy Grace shall bee sufficient for him Let thy right hand hold him vp and let thy gentlenesse make him great Renew his heart with the power of thy Spirit reinuest him with the image of thine holinesse which once hee lost in Adam Cast his Spirit againe in thine owne mou●…d At last LORD put Sathan to silence let thine owne Spirit speake vnto this Sicke in his inward partes Say vnto his Soule I am thy Saluation Make thy good Spirit of comfort to whisper in his eare that thou a●…t well pleased and that thou hast receiued a ransome Such wordes of mercie will bee a blessed Balme●… wherby thou shalt heale this sorrow beaten Soule stung with a checke and smart for his sinnes Though LORD hee hath but some poore beginnings of Grace in a time wee confesse when thy graces in him should haue beene ripe for that glorie which is now shortly to bee reuealed vnto him yet notwithstanding let it please thee of thy meere mercie to pittie and ●…don Remember thy mercies of old which were neuer wont to break the bruised reede nor to quench the smoaking flaxe If thy great mercie be not his strength and stay he must needs bee ouercome For whom hath hee in Heauen but thee Or who is on earth whom hee can desire besides thee O Thou whom his Soule loueth tell him where thou makest thy flock to rest at Noone in the greatest heate of affliction Seeing he seeketh after thee onelie let him bee refreshed with thy comforts for why should he turne aside by the flockes of thy companions Consider well wee pray thee LORD how bene he hath vexed and d squieted with many fearfull temptations now at last come with thine helping hand come and abate the force and furie of all his enemies whether within or without subdue their raging and reigning power that when the houre of his departing shall come hee may with Simeon depart in peace Stand LORD fast by him forsake him not in this perelous time Let thy Spirit guide and leade him in the Land of righteousnesse Let thy grace be vnto him a Sunne by day a Moone by night Take all impedimentes out of the way bridle so curbe all his vnrulie affections that they may fold vnder thine obedience Suppresse all his carcing heart deuiding cares whyp out of his heart all treacherous temptations Embalme his hearte with the sweetnesse of thy new fresh graces Settle in his Soule that godlie sorrow which cause Repentance neuer to bee repented of This sillie Soule LORD hath beene fearefullie tossed to and froe with the waues of thy wrath Let it please thee to command a calme Settle thou his heart and stablish it with thy free Spirit Mercifull GOD thou knoweth how Sathan hath sought to sift and to winnow him but of thy mercie thou shalt neuer suffer his Faith to faile Build vpon the Rocke which cannot bee shaken Through thy fauour giue him peace in belieuing and joye in the holy Ghost that by the grace and power of thy Spirit hee may finish his course with comfort Let in now be made manifest that his life hath beene hid with Christ in God Thou who hast numbered his haires obserue his griefe his groans pittie the crouding of thy Turtle-Doue Tak thou to heart the
see as these Syrians saw that came to apprehend Elishah at Dothan they saw indeede but their judgement was so troubled that though they saw yet they could not perceiue till out of Dothan they were entered into Samariah the citie of their enemies That was the figure whereof this is the substance Heare yee indeede but vnderstand not and see yee indeede but perceiue not O how the eyes of the Soule of man are dimmed with the mistie vapours of vanitie thorow which it is hard euen for the godlie often to see anie glimmerings of grace But to the purpose obserue well what I say The godlie and the wicked will both be inlightned But the godlie is inlightned like a starre fixed into the heauens whose light is firme and constant But the wicked inlightned is but lik a blazing Comet which for a space will haue a greater glaunce than a true starre into the eyes of the ignorants But the learned Philosopher knoweth it to bee nothing but a bundle of filthie matter kindled into the Aire which shall shortlie bee quenched Thus as ye see the wicked like a Comet will bee kindled with some strange fire hee will bee so inlightened that he will giue light vnto others for a space with his hoarie beames But this Siella crinita hoarie starre because hee is not fixed into the hea uens by faith hee not beeing in the same Firmament with the Sunne of righteousnesse within some fewe Moneths hee dyeth out leauing nothing behind him but the pestiferous smoke and stinke of an euill name and of filthie scandales a cause pest where with many are infected Thus as yee see many like a Comet or a Candle will for a time blaze with beautiefull brightnesse beeing full of godlie shewes without any life of grace but at last dye out with a filthie smell The twilight of Nature is no light but darkenesse Let therefore euerie man trie his Light by his loue Though a man should know Christ neuer so well if hee cannot say to him as Peter said Lord thou knowest that I loue Thee the light of that man shall not continue but soone or since with one sinne or other it shall be put out as with a dampe Then many shall wonder what can bee worde of such a blazing professour when they shall see all his rootlesse graces withered and wasted Now Sir examine well your selfe If yee finde a loue in your hearte with your light a loue of God not so much for his benefites as for himselfe who is most loue worthie be not affrighted to heare that Reprobates may bee inlightened All their graces at the best are rootlesse glorious glances foolish flashes euanishing in a moment Let mee yet a little illustrate the matter that it may appeare how Reprobates are said to bee inlightened The Godlie the Reprobates are both said to bee inlightened but diuerslie the Godlie are inlightened like the Sun but the wicked are like the Moone In the Sunne as all know the Light is rooted and fixed so that not onelie doeth it shew light vnto others but also it hath light within it selfe As for the Wicked they are inlightened like the Moone which sheweth light vnto others beeing darke within like a Glasse which in the sight of the Sunne will glance with some beames vnto others hàuing no light within it selfe In this the wicked also are like the Moone that while they are in plenilunio in their fullest light in the midst appeareth some blacke spottes In the greatest light of the wicked if men can looke vp and behold they shall perceiue often one grosse sinne or other where the light haue no reflexe which is like the blacke spot of the Moone Thus as yee see all the light of the Wicked is but in an outward reflexe whileas they are darke within But the Godlie are like Iohn the Baptist whom Christ called a burning and a shinning light Not onlie shine they outwardlie vnto others but also they burne within themselues like these Disciples whose heartes while Christ spake did burne within them in going to Emaus these were their words Did not our hearts burne within vs while hee talked with vs by the way The Wicked may well blaze without but neuer burne within God may so dispence that like a burning Glasse they may make others to burne while like the burning Glasse they remaine themselues cold or at the best but lake warme Now I thinke that all men may easilie perceiue how the wicked are said to bee inlightened Such men I confesse are hard to bee knowne at the first A man at least for a month must be acquanted with the Moone before he can know that it is but a dark bodie which hath no light in it selfe but borrowed and outward A life-time is not often sufficient for to trye Hypocrites transformed like Sathan into Angels of light Such Moon-men beguile many with outward reflexes Though these which are outwardlie adorned with such colours blesse themselues with Laodicea as hauing neede of nothing yet their sins by the hand of Gods Iustice are written in the Register of their Conscience yea deepelie ingrauen as with the penne of a Dyamond Thus Reprobates cannot now vnderstand because their Conscience●… are seared sensles they are in such a Slumber benummednes of Cōscience that they cannot consider nor make a sound search into the state of their Soules Nay though they could they would not for feare that there by they should bee enchained to melancholie a marr mirth of all their carnall delights Of such I will say some-thing I pray God that it may chasse them to seeke sinceritie Except that such who care onelie for colours shews of godlinesse for to be well thought of among men except say I they turne to God with true sound and timelie Repentance in my judgement hardlie shall they escape some fearefull and remarkable judgement euen in this life Cannot God appoint them to bee his owne executioners for to bee Burriors to themselues After that in his wrath hee hath kept an assise in their Conscience and hath made them with Iudas to cry out guiltie against them selues hee can make them hang vp themselues in the loupe of a corde for to bee spectacles of his wrath before the world Hee can mak them poyson themselues or powre out their life with their blood by sword or by knife This judgement shall cry to the liuing Thus shall it bee done with him who dallies with his God If hee escape that Woe woe woe vnto him on his death-bed where Sathan with hellish malice bloody cruelty shall woūd him with his empoysoned darts which hee shall fasten deeplie in his Soule Then with many a sore sigh shall hee cry that he is enthralled in the snaires fetters of the deuill Some I know will win out of this world without any seene
all bee comfounded and turned backe that hate Zion confound all hatchers of Here●…ies let them bee as the grasse vpon the house tops which withereth afore it groweth vp wherewith the Mower filleth not his hand nor hee that bindeth sheaues his bosome Protect Her by thy cloud by day direct Her by night by the pillar of fire let neuer the bright star of thy Gospel goe downe which pointeth out vnto vs the Sauiour Saluation of our Soule O righteous LORD thou hast juste cause against this Church to make Her Sunne goe downe at noone and darknesse to surprise vs in the cleare day with a sudden and ineuitable sin prizall and destruction GOD blesse vs with an holie vnion and banish farre off the Deuill of diuision Blesse our gracious SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie Mak him to joy in thy strength greatlie to rejoyce in thy Saluation Direct His Heart His mouth by thy Spi●…it giue him his hearts desire and with-hold not the requeast of his lips Giue to Him the courage of Dauid and the wisdome of Solomon Be fauourable to His Royall Match Inflame Her Heart with the loue of thy deare Sonne Iesus Let all Her desire be to know him crucified Make Her an happie Mother of happie Children euen a blessed Mother in Israel Blesse our Nobilitie make them noble like the men of Berea so that they may haue courage for the Truth And seeing LORD that as wee may see in this our deare Friende man is like to vanitie and that his dayes are as a shadow that passeth away Take vs to thy schoole and teach vs to number our fewe and euill dayes that wee may apply our hearts to wisedome to wel doing Let it please thine Highnesse to grant vs these out sutes for the onely sake of Iesus the Author and finisher of our faith the verie Anchor of our Soule the onelie stay and staffe of our hope the ende and rest of all created desires the true substance of ceremoniall shewes and shadowes To Him with Thee and thy Spirit of Grace bee praise and thankesgiuing glorie and dominion now and euermore AMEN If your sleepe in the night be interupted cause read vnto you the Booke of Ecclesiastes the strong enemie of all worldlie vanitie Moses his psalme which is the ninty Psalme shal be meete for your meditations cause reade also the 1 Pe●…er chap. I. The LORD sanctifie all your spirituall exercises to the comfort of your wearied Soule The GOD of all mercie blesse the little sparke of Grace enkindled by his Spirite in you till it spread into a big flame GOD with a little Dewe of newe Grace can so bl●…sse prosper another Grace alreadie giuen that Hee will make it though so little like a graine of mustard to growe towardes a tree Blesse GOD who hath not suffered you to tread the fearefull and desperate path of these who from the beginning of their life vnto the end haue beene nothing but disturbers of peace waues of the Sea foaming out their owne shame and casting vp mire and dirt vpon the shore of their whole couersation The LORD edge the little measure of your weake Faith with a longing desire after fulnesse of perswasion And season your heart with sauing Grace The Lord make his most Sacred and powerfull Word so to enter into the secretes of your Soule that it may strike a dead stroke at the sweetest of your sinnes that your sinnes being slaine your Soule may liue and haue a portion in Gods new Ierusalem till yee come there the LORD guard you with an inuincible troupe of his blessed Angels The Loue of the Father the Grace of the Sonne with the Peace his Spirit bee with you for euer THE FIFT DAYES Conference Of the last Iudgement The sicke Man OVanity of vanities O vanity of vanities all is vainity this whole night I haue dreamed of vanitie I thinke that my Dreameproceedeth from vesterdays Conference for Solomon saith that a dreame cōmeth through the multitude of businesse Well is the man that is well occupyed in the day for in the night such businesse maketh an impression into his Spirite An euill doer in the day cānot often dreame of good into the night Happie is the man that hath made the Lord the onelie leuell of his life What houres can it now bee I long for a sight of my louing and comfortable Pastour The Pastour Heere I am Sir come againe for to see what progresse yee haue made into your Christian pilgrimage Ye●… heard yesterday of the vanitie of all things that are below I desire now to know how your heart hath beene affected since The sicke Man I haue Sir all this night d●…eamed that this world is but vanitie a lifting vp for a fall a race vnto a ruine I see nowe that all the profites and pleasures thereof are but lik a rotten Nut when men thinke to cracke the kernell they find nothing but worms with rottenesse bitternesse which prouocke the eater to spit O how the pure and cleane streames of diuine grace are stained with the stirring of the foule puddle of corrupt nature I am greatlie oblished to my God who hath giuen to me such patience in my sicknesse that I haue beene able to heare that heauenlie discours which ye had yesterday concerning earthlie things This life as I perceiue is nothing but a toilesome task of cares the best of our time is but labour sorrow our ease is a disease and wee rot in our rest Mine heart is no more in this world He is but a foole and so shall hee feele who euer hee bee that is too bent for the transitorie trashes thereof Heere is not our rest Rest heere is not our best As water by standing becometh stinking so the Spirit rotteth by carnall rest The ease of the flesh is the disease of the Spirit If wee bee without God in the world in our well we shall find but woe in our wealth but want in our loue but l●…cke in our mirth but mone In laughing the heart shall be sorrowfull and the end of that mirth shal be heauiness●… Without God in greatest compan●… is greatest melancholie Hee whose eyes the god of th●… world hath not blind-folded may easilie perceiue that all that is heere is but vanitie which vexeth the spiri●… What follie is this to take pleasure in such perishing things which can bring no comfort at the conclusion of all when dust must returne to the earth as it was Oh that wee were wise to consider that while wee are heere we are compassed about with a bodie of sin in a world of wickednesse All sortes of euil in this world with eager pursute persecute the Soule of sinfull man all the depthes of Sathan and policies of Hell concure into this worke Now Sir I intreat you seeing yee haue spoken so heauenlie of the earth that it would please you to say some-what concerning the last judgement
bee powred vpon the desolate These bee the wordes of the Prophet of which Christ said Who so readeth let him vnderstand The meaning is this By this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 abomination of desolation The most learned vnderstād that Romane armie which vnder Vespasian and Titus fearefullie wasted the land of Iudea sacked the Citie of Ierusalem It was said To stand in the holy place that is in the holie Land of Iudea neare vnto Ierusalem the holie Citie In these wordes Christ foretold of the ruine of that Citie according to Daniel who of before had particularlie set downe the time Thus as yee see the Romane armie was called The abomination of desolation that is Abominatio desolans seu vastans abominablie destroying This is more cleare in S. Luke When yee shall see Ierusalem compassed with Armies then know that the desolation thereof is neare When that destroying and abominablie desolating Armie compassed that holie Citie then did the abomination of desolation stand in the holie place Some of the Learned interpret this abomination standing in the holie place to bee that profanation of the Temple Collocata ibi Aquila multis patratis quae per legem non licebant vnde etiam m●…x sequutum est Templi vrbis geni●… excidium By placing therein the Eagle the Romane Ensigne and by doing diuerse other thinges forbidden by the Law wherevpon the desolation of Temple Citie and of Nation did ensue The sicke Man I thinke now that I vnderstād by you that which by reading hitherto I haue not vnderstood What other thing could ensue but an abomination of desolation where the Messiah was cut off If for the blood of Cain vengeance was to be taken on the murtherer seuen-fold for the blood of L●…mech if his brags were true seuentie and seuen fold what vengeance must bee taken vpon the shedders of the Blood of God which not onelie with the blood of Abel did cry vnto God from the ground but also from the heauens wherein the Sun cloathed in doole wrapped for a space in his mourning weede would not looke vpon that creature wherevpon his Master was slaine But for to leaue this Ierusalem which is now abominablie desolate Let me heare something of the spirituall Ierusalem The Pastour The spirituall Ierusalem is called Ierusalem which is aboue also the Citie of the liuing God the heauenlie Ierusalem and also the holie Ierusalem descending out of heauen from God The sicke Man Thinke yee that in all these passages of Scripture Ierusalem bee taken after one sense The Pastour I answere that the spirituall Citie Ierusalem in Scripture is taken two wayes either for the Church below wherein God as in a Citie calleth the Godly to immortalitie and happinesse Or it is taken for the heauens where the Godlie actuallie possesse that which they had heere but in hope In the first sense the Church militant on earth is called Ierusalem aboue and the heauenlie Ierusalem The sicke Man Seeing by that Ierusalem is vnderstood the Church heere below wherfore is it called Ierusalem aboue and the heauenlie Ierusalem I thoght euer that such a Ierusalem did signifie the heauens The Pastour It is called Aboue and heauenlie because all the true Godlie the denizens thereof minde the thinges that are aboue Though their bodies bee heere their heartes are into the Heauens For our conuersation as S. Paule saith is in heauen For this spirituall exaltation of heartes the Church in the New-Testament is called The mountaine of the Lords house established in the top of the mountaines exalted aboue the hill One speaking of this Ierusalem which S. Paul called Ierusalem aboue the mother of vs all noteth quickelie these things In hoc quod dicitur sursum originis altitudo Quod Ierusalem Pacis multitudo Quod mater Foecunditatis amplitudo Quod nostrum omnium Charitatis latitudo It is called Aboue from the highnesse of its Kinred a●…d pedegree It is called Ierusalem from aboundance of peace It is called Free from its great liberties It is called ●… Mother because of its fruitfulnesse It is called the Mother of vs all to teach vs charitie and loue Are wee not all the Children of the Church our Mother Why then as Ioseph said to his brethren See that yee fall not out by the way The sicke Man I haue often heard of Ierusalem that most famous Citie of the Land of Iurie but I could neuer well know wherfore it was so called Bethlehem Bethel Bethauen are easilie known by their significations viz. House of Bread house of God house of wickednesse But as for Ierusalem I vnderstand not its signification The Pastour Learned men are of diuerse opinions concerning the name thereof Some thinke that it bee so called from Iebus which was its name while the Iebusiens dwelt there Hierom thinketh that it is so called from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Greeke word which signifieth holy according to this in Scripture it is called The holie Citie others are of the opinion that Sem the sonne of Noah called it Salem that is Peace and that Abraham called it Iehouah I●…eh The Lord will prouide or see Thus at last Salem Iireh put together by Dauid made Ierusalē that is Vision of Peac while it was called Salem Melchizedech was King thereof called by the Apostle King of Salem The sicke Man Let mee heare a little of the situation of that Citie and of that Land of Canaan The Pastour From Britaine it lyeth toward the South East One calleth it Centrum terrae vmbilicus the Center nauell of the Earth In it were two moūtaines of great renown mount Sion moūt Moria Sion like an halfe Circle as writters record did lye at the South side of Ierusalem On it was builded the strongest Fortresse of the Citie There before Dauid's tyme was the strong Hold of the Iebusites so strong as they thoght that blind lame mē were able to keepe it against whomsoeuer This Mountaine was higher than all the rest Sion signifieth drynesse because the Hill was dry without any myre or dirt As for mount Moriah this was the Hill wherevpon that Temple was builded Then Solomon beganne t●… build the house of the Lord at Ierusalem in mount Moriah The ground wherevpon that statelie House did stand was that threshing floore of Ornan the Iebusite which Dauid wold buy from him for the full price The occasion was this Dauid hauing caused number the people the Lord was exceeding wroth so that in reuenge hee sent out his Angel who killed with the sword of Pestilence threescore and ten thousand men At last Dauid lifting vp his eyes saw the Angel betweene the heauen and the earth with a drawne sword stretched out ouer Ierusalem which hauing seene hee and the Elders of Israel cloathed in sacke cloth fell vpon their faces At
fire and Candles in the night time as in any other Citie But to Ierusalem aboue God hath said The Sun shall no more bee thy light by day neither for brightnesse shall the Moone giue light vnto thee But the Lord shall bee vnto thee an euerlasting light and thy God thy Glorie Thy Sunne shall no more goe down neither shall thy Moone with-draw it selfe for the Lord shall bee thine euerlasting Light 5 In the earthly Ierusalem often in place of Iustice was a seat of malice But in the new Ierusalem euill judges shall haue no sitting but the Throne of God and of the Lambe shall bee in it an appointed seat for the righteous Lord who shall lay judgment to the line and righteousnesse to the plummet The sicke Man O but my Soule is going to a pleasant Palace O thou my Soule rejoyce within mee that God hath prepared such pleasures for thee O how ami●…ble are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hostes Mine heart is in heauen Glorious things are spoken of the●… O thou Citie of our God The Pastour It is certaine that mans heart can not conceiue the beautie of these buildings within If the house of God on earth seemed so pleasant to King Dauid that hee counted this the one thing hee would seeke that hee might dwell into it what shall wee thinke or say concerning Gods Palace in the Heauens One thing said hee haue I desired of the Lord that I will seeke after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the BEAVTIE of the Lord. Lords mercie what dulnesse and deadnesse of heart is this that wee seeke not after the same should not this be our one thing euen our onelie hearts desire to dwell with God aboue for to behold that BEAVTIE of the Lord these euer g●…eene pleasures in his celestiall arbours There is nothing heere below which can bee sufficient for to expresse the image nay not the shadowe of these things that are aboue In the most glorious creatures which are below as Gold Glasse Crystall Pearles and precious Stones we may see some thinges like shadowes of these glorious thinges aboue But there is no creature heere which can carrie to our imagination the shadow let bee the image of the glorie that is vp into that Holie of holies O but God is wonderfull in counsell and excellent in working But our Soules are so sleepie and sluggish that they cannot consider The fancies and folies of the earth bring vs quite out of conceite with celestiall pleasures Alas in the best of vs the seedes of grace lye buried vnder the thornes shamefullie ouertopped by them The little dramme of goodnesse in our hearts is waighed down with weightie talents of wickednes a mighty streame of earth●…y thoghts and worldlie desires lik a Torrent carieth our Soules down the hill from all heauenlie contemplations The clawing flatterers of our worldly affections whisper vnto vs that it is good for vs to bee heere The sicke Man The Lord subdue the master sinne which like a Ring-leader and head of all wickednesse maketh all our purest conceptions of heauen to be come moodie and drumlie O Lord let thy graces in mee bee presentlie vp in armes for to remoue all such earthlie mindednesse from mine heart by the power of thy diuine Armerouse vp this drousie soule that it may seeke thee afresh by a renewed act of Faith and Repentance Make mine heart to detaste all earthlie pleasures which are but rotten at the heart Kindle in mine heart a loue of thy Palace aboue stirre vp all my desires with a foretaste of the pleasures that are there that finding the comfortable relish thereof I may most willingly desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ in the heauens for euer O Lord in stead of all meanes both outward inward supplie mee aboundantlie with the presence of thy Spirit Waine my Soule from the loue of the earth that thou may winne it to the loue of the Heauens O happie they who studie to pietie and puritie for no vncleane thing shall bee able to enter into these mansions O Lord let vs not bee like these who after that they haue seemed to disgorge their stomackes most filthilie with the Dogge swallow vp their owne vomit againe O shelter mee and saue me from the vnsoundnesse and vnsettlednesse of a deceitfull heart that I lash not out into the excesse of supperfluitie of wickednesse now while wee are speaking of the heauens make all the loue of the earth hencefoorth to bee cryed downe into my Soule The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen I am rejoyced that while we are speaking of the heauens the Spirite of grace furnisheth you with such heauenlie prayers which would hearten any man to runne thorow hell to Heauen except that hee bee of the number of these who thinke it but a tricke to goe to hell The sicke Man I pray you now Sir to continue into that purpose concerning the glorie of Heauen for it affecteth much my Soule Your powerfull speach maketh my minde to stay in a feeling meditation vpon these beauties that are aboue If I heard not such good purpose my mind would either feede vpon dull and fruitlesse melancholie or else should gade and runne ryot in reuellings and in a world of foolish and fond imaginations The thoughts of man cannot runne long without rubor interruption in Spirituall things except that God in mercie both support them outwardlie and sinew them inwardlie by the finger of his Spirit The hearts of men are so light in their gading that moste easilie are they moued to glide ouer the best things and either swinishlie to wallow infilthinesse or furiouslie to follow these whose whole pregnancie of witte is spended vpon trifles Thus mirrilie they passe away that tyme wherein they should redeeme the time that is past I wish that mine heart by your discourse were confined to celestiall meditations Proceede now I pray you where yee left at last The Pastour My speach was that all the most glorious creatures that wee can either see aboue or below are lesse thā shadowes types or figures of things that are within the Heauens In them as in a Glasse we see weaklie the invisible things of God As a man not beeing able to face the Sun beholdeth him in a Basen full of water and yet not without some dazeling of his sight That weakened light will mak his eyes to water and teares to trickle downe If the glory of one of Gods seruants be so glistering in robes of light that no man can behold him but into the glasse of another creature and that also with great paine It is certaine that God must put many moe creatures betweene himselfe and vs that the glorie of his beames beeing weakened by diuerse reflexes from one creature to another man with his weake tender eyes may looke
joyes that are aboue the Heauen of heauens Hee who with penne and inke would set out the greatnes of that glory which is to bee seene within that blessed Building should bee as who would foolishlie tak paines to paint the Sun with a coale In vaine shall a man prease to expresse that which cannot be spokē but into vnspeakable words Words come shorter than thoghts and thoughts come shorter infinitly than the thing it selfe The sicke Man I haue heard with great ioye of the vnspeakable glorie of God himselfe of the beautie of his Princelie Palace I desire now to heare some thing more at large concerning the estate of the Sainctes wherein they shall be when they shall dwell with God after the resurrection The Pastour It is most certaine that they shal be there into a farre better estate than wee can imagine For if Da●…id thought one day in Gods earthly hous●… better th●… a thousand else where what shall it bee when wee shall bee in Heauen the Citie of our GOD whereof God is the House and the Temple The Saincts shal be in such glorie there as that no earthlie tongue can tell If in this world by be holding in a glasse the glorie of the Lord wee are changed into that same Image from glorie to glorie what a change shal bee made when we shall see not Gods Image not in a glasse but himselfe face to face If the sight of his Image in the glasse of his Gospel hath such a working power as to change vs into the same Image heere on earth what a change shall bee made of vs in the Heauens when we shall see God euen as hee is All the godlie Gods warriours then shall liue in peace and rest As their life on earth was a continuall battell so shall their life in Heauen bee a perpetuall triumph Then the winter of their affliction shall bee past The stormes of their miserie shall blowe no more On Earth joyes and sorrowes are combined together In Hell is sorrow without any joye In Heauen shall bee joye without anie sorrow There they all in bleached coats of righteousnes shall blaze brighter than the Sunne God beeing in them shall burne in them as hee did in the Bush They shall burne but not bee consumed While S. Iohn was rauished in the Spirit he behelde a great multitude which no man could number all standing before the Lambes Throne cloathed in white robbes which had beene bleached from their blemish by the blood of the Lambe hauing the testimonie of two Senses he reporteth what hee saw and heard With his eyes hee saw them cloathed with white robes and Palmes in their hands The one was their innocencie the other was their victorie With his eares hee heard the songs of their triumph They cryed said hee with a loude voyce Saluation to our God which sitteth vpon the Throne With them were Angels Elders roūd about the Throne all falling down vpon their face and singing Blessing and glorie and wisedome and thankesgiuing and honour and power and might bee vnto our God for euer and euer Then with vncōquerable comforts shall all Christes crouding Turtles bee loueinglie comforted Then shall all their sighes bee turned into songs Then joyes vnspeakable shall fill all their senses without any surfet Euerie Sense shall receiue more than all mortal hearts can conceiue But which is of all good things the sweetest relish there shall bee such vnspottednesse of life and loue among the Saincts as the heart of man here cannot conceiue Euery one shall rejoyce of anothers wel as much as they shall doe of their own felicitie The enuious man seeds-man of all strife debate shall not be there All selfe-loue which is of a niggardlie nature enuious of the good of others shall be quite away in the place therof shall come such an heauenlie loue that shall make all the joyes of Heauen to be common As was in the primitiue Church so shall bee there but in greater perfection a communitie of goods One shall not say This is mine or that is thine But as wee shall bee all in Christ Christ in vs so shall wee bee all one in another filled one with anothers joye All state of strife then shal be farre away In Ierusalem aboue an euerlasting peace is within her walls and perpetuall prosperitie within her Palaces All the godlie glistering like starres shall rejoyce one into anothers light Euerie one of them by twinkling and be●…kning vnto other with celestiall smiles shall bend all their force for to giue glorie to the Sunne of righteousnesse the fountaine of all their light All Soules there shall bee most wonderfullie beau●…fied with internall externall and eternall happinesse There God onelie shall speake peace vnto his people and vnto his Sainctes who shall neuer returne againe to their folies Mans chiefe contentment in the heauens shal be in loue first with God and then of one with another O these euerlasting streames of contentmentes which shall flowe into these blessed breastes sequestred for euer from all doole and distresse The sicke Man Lord make all these thinges to liue freshlie in our memories My Soule is inflammed with loue to heare of that loue which shall bee betweene God and his Saincts and among the Sainctes themselues Your discourse Sir with a plausible and pleasant insinuation windeth it selfe into the affections of mine heart It hath alreadie winne mine heart to him to whome it most justlie belongeth Blessed bee his Name for euer Seeing yee were speaking of that vnspeakable loue that shal be between God and vs and also among our selues I pray you to say some thing more concerning that matter The Pastour I shall doe what I can brieflie As for God euery Soule shall loue him better than it selfe because it shall then perfectlie know that God hath loued it more than euer it was able to loue it selfe As for all the Saints wee shall loue them equallie with our selues as beeing all members of that mysticall Bodie Then and not till then shall bee the perfect practise of that second great command the summe of the second Table which is to loue our neighbour as our selues If the Soule of this naturall Bodie in the toyle of our pilgrimage hath such a commande ouer our naturall affections that it maketh vs to loue all the members and euerie member to worke equallie well for the good of another O mercifull God what greater loue shall proceede from that Spirite of Loue which shall bee in the Heauens euen the Soule of that mysticall bodie of all the Elect Looke how much grace surpasseth Nature and Glorie surpasseth Grace the Spirit of God which shall animate this bodie shall so much more straitlie make the members thereof to liue in Loue The holier the Soule bee within a man the greater loue concord is betweene his members
with thy mercie In the multitude of thy compassions blot out my transgressions wash me throghlie from mine iniquitie and cleanse mee from my sinnes where by the seed of thy grace within mine heart hath beene choaked and starued Let the depth of thy mercy swallow vp the deepes of my miserie Bridle my sinnes and spurre forward thy graces within mee Set all mine affections on foote that they may follow after Thee Put a fairer flame into my smoking slaxe and more strength into this bruisedreede that the bones which thou hast broken may re●…oyce O Lord with thine eye salue cleanse and open the eyes of my poore Soule that I beholding these things that are aboue may gladlie desire to be dissolued for to be there with my Lord and Sauiour Lord let thy Spirit carrie still a strong hand ouer me Furnish mee with such measure of thy graces whereby I may patiently waite vpon thy will Except that by a speciall fauour thou vphold mee I shall neuer bee able to secure my feete in so slipperie ground While I haue beene hearing most glorious speaches of the Heauens the shadowes of earthlie things haue ecclipsed my minde like a Moorie O make such shadowes to flie away that the horizon of my spirituall sight beeing cleared I may in some measure see thy backe partes whereby my Soule may bee enlightened like the face of Moses Though often I haue beene deafe at thy preachinges bee not thou dumbe at my prayers O Father of mercies listen vnto the groanes of my drooping spirite assailed with diuerse temptations Heare the sighes and crouding of thine owne Turtle Doue O LORD leade mee into the Land of vprightnesse and make thy grace to seat it selfe into mine heart Store my memorie with these good lessons which I haue heard preached in mine health Let mee neuer ouer-pryze anie good thing that is within my selfe Though Iames and Iohn bragged that they were able to drinke of thy cuppe scarce could they abide to see Thee drinke it O Lord make mee euer to vnder-value thy greatest worth that thorow the valey of humilitte I may come to these euer lasting exaltations Come LORD for loe thy seruant commeth I am willing Lord helpe my vnwillingnesse If it bee thy will to loose me out of this sinfull prison when I shall leaue this earth to earth appoint thine Angels to carrie my Soule vnto Abrahams bosome where I may sing with thy Saincts Halleluiah for euer Come Lord now and seeke thy lost groate Fetch home vpō thy Shoulders this wandering Sheepe and make all the Heauens to rejoyce Despise not that which in the creation thou diddest ennoble with thy liknesse Giue mee a warrand and a token to bee admitted within the Gates of thine euerlasting Tabernacles Till I come there make my Soule to burne still in holie feelings Lord heare mee for the deare sake of thy Sonne to whom with Thee and the Spirit of grace as it is most due wee render all praise glorie and dominion for euer AMEN The Pastour Blessed be God Sir who maketh his Spirit to worke so powerfullie within you Wee are all greatlie refreshed with your comforts It hath beene a great joye to vs all to heare that most sweete feruent prayer full of the groanes of the Spirit of Iesus In you haue wee seene the trueth of that Text The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for wee know not what wee should pray for as wee ought But the Spirite it selfe maketh intercession for vs with groanings which cannot bee vttered I am assured that that same Spirite hath made intercession for you with groaninges in that prayer which now yee haue vttered And againe while I consider in what weakenesse and faintnesse I found you at the first I wonder at such a vigour of Spirit which I petceiue now to be into you Truelie the word of God is most true God giueth power to the faint to them that haue no might hee increaseth strength Euen the Youths shall faint and bee wearie and the young men shall vtterlie fall But they that waite vpon the Lord renewe their strength They shall mount vp with winges as Eagles Many in their afflictions either desparatelie rage or weaklie wa●…le But God in great mercie hath at last filled you with true Christian courage and comfort in your greatest smart Hee hath listened to all your desires beeing moued with that sacred Loue which alwayes burneth in his bosome His Grace like the Notherne Pole hath giuen you aime and direction whether to bend your course Now the darkenesse of the night beginneth to ouer-cloud the earth By Gods grace I shall returne in the Morning so soone as the birdes shall begin to chirpe at the spring of day Because while the spirit of man is idle it weareth and wasteth it selfe away with barren and lumpish melancholie While yee shall awake cause reade Scripture vnto you and particularlie these places Psalme 27. Psalme 84. Psalme 87. 1. Corinthians 15. 2. Corinthians 12. Reuelation 21. Reuelation 22. His Grace bee you THE SEVENTH DAYES Conference The sicke Mans last wordes to his Pastour Friendes Wife and Children The Pastour THE Lord blesse you Sir According to my promise yester-night I am come againe earlie All this night mine heart hath earned to knowe of your estate How haue yee passed this night The sicke Man O the mercie of my God towards mee that hath moued you to take such paines for mee an vnworthie worme By your most holy Sermons yee haue furnished and supplied my minde with store of holie and heauenlie meditations Ye haue beene both a Paul for to plant mee in the true Faith and an Apollos for to water mee Christ the Master builder by the Finger of his Spirit hath laide the foundation of his Temple within mine heart Hee hath made choise of you a skilefull Workeman to aduance the worke till in mercie at last hee shall roofe his graces in mee with celestiall Glorie By the word of God yee haue comforted mee that is onelie the word of comfort Of all other words were they neuer so eloquent I will say with a Father In a thousand talents of worldlie wordes a man shall hardlie finde an hundreth pence of spirituall heauenlie wisedome This life is like the Haw thorne more pricking than pleasant Ye haue rauished my heart with desire of immortalitie aboue I blesse God Sir that euer I saw you The Pastour All these good things are to bee ascribed to the working of GODS Spirit All the juice and sappe whereby the branches spring and liue ensueth and riseth from the roote of the tree We who are Pastours are but the Lords Spouts and Cocks of his Conduits wherby his graces are conuoyed vnto the heartes of our hearers If the Spirit of God mak not a mans Saluation sure hee will incessantlie reele from one doubt to another from one temptation to another like a drunken man from wall to wall It is
who hath the fauour of his God In good life is long life Nequities vitae non sinit esse senem The wickednesse of life abbridgeth the life Bee more desirous to liue well than to liue long Too too manie liue to spend their grace-right with their Birth right Such like wanton Widowes are dead while they liue If yee fall in sinne vp vp make haste to returne vnto your God Repentance delayed in youth is a strengthening of sinne against the olde and weaker age The least sin entertained maketh a way for more The least drop of the juice of euill is lik leauen that sowreth the whole lumpe If in this world yee prosper bee not taken vp with selfe foolish conceit Take not outward prosperitie to bee the ell and measure of Gods loue Whether yee wither or yee flourish in worldlie thinges thinke vpon this that your miserie or happinesse can be in nothing but in that which is eternall Goe where ye please the justice of God one day shall try the foote-steppes which ye haue troden The chiefe Legacie which I leaue to you all is the Charter of Gods promise which I haue receiued by the hand of Faith In it is an Heritage of lines fallen in pleasant places VIZ. That not onelie hee should bee my God but that he should be a God to my Childrē vnto thousand generations keepe fast this promise into the Charter Chists of your heartes In confidence of this promise depend vpon your God in well and in ●…oe in wealth and in want Though hee should slay you yet say with Iob that yee will trust in him Nowe for to drawe to an ende for my breath faileth and mine heart fainteth I desire you aboue all things to bee earnest in prayer with God By prayer morning euening dresse your Soules like the Lampes of Gods Tabernacle Fill them of the pure oyle-oliue of his grace that alwayes they may shine Eliphaz charged Iob chieflie with this as beeing the chiefe cause of all his woe that hee restrained prayer before God With this the Psalmest hath branded the wicked They call not vpon God and againe They call not vpon God It is obserued by the most cunning Physitions that paine in speaking and loathing of meate be two symptoms of a diseased distempered bodie A Soule while it prayeth it speaketh while it heareth it eateth If there be paine in the one and loathing in the other that Soule cannot bee well Thrise a day Dauid was wont to pray at morning euening and at noone This zeale also wakened him while others were sleeping At mid-night he arole for to pray vnto his God Happie is that mā who shal so spend the short time of his life in this valey of mortalitie Let this in all things bee an awband aboue your heades that the eye of the Almightie God is euer vpon you and that hee is acquainted with all your wayes Where euer yee bee thinke your selues euer to be in that most awefull presence make Conscience of all your thoughts for the verie thought of foolishnesse is euill Beware of the lustes of youth Striue with God in prayer that hee would so ingage you in his grace loue that your corruption proue not strongest while your wittes are weakest Intreate earnestlie the Lord that hee woulde make perfect his strength in your weaknesse When yee finde anie good beginnings of Grace within your selues waite stedfastlie vpon the due accomplishment thereof in Glorie Whom the Lord loueth hee loueth to the end his calling and gifts are without repentance If this yee doe carefullie ye shall bee like twigges which hauing a vigorous life sprout and flourish till they come to trees And now at last for to conclude and summe vp the whole brieflie If ye would haue God to dwell into you bee yee an holie Sanctuarie for his Spirit If yee would haue God to rest in you as hee did into his holie Temple there must bee in you as was in his Temple an Holie of holies As were within Gods Arke so must yee haue within your heartes the Tables of Gods Law the summe of the Olde Testament and with them the potte of Manna euen Christ the bread of life the substance of the New Testament Loue this word honour this word bleed for this word yea die for it Manie in this world be like these Pultrons and base spirited men of Thessalonica who had no courage for the t●…ueth As for you striue to bee like these of Berea who were better borne of a more manlie breeding in that they were couragious for the Trueth Striue to the keeping of Gods Commandments for like friends they are so linked together that if one bee offended all the rest will interest themselues in its quarrell faile in one and faile in all Pray feruentlie that ye may practise all these my precepts This doing ye shal neuer find your selues fatherles The great God shal be your Father To this Father now I giue you irtreating him to bee a Father vnto you in all times to ensue The Father of mercies the Sonne of his loue and the Spirit of c●…mfortes so guide you in all your cariage that ye may carie an incorrupt Conscience to the Graue The God of all grace mak you perfect stablish strengthen settle you leade you in the Land of vprightnes The Lord blesse you all with his best blessings My blessing I leaue you Kisse mee and so fare well Now the day is fatre spent and my strength beginneth to faile mee seeing all things as the Apostle saith are sanctified by the word of God and prayer let vs conclude this dayes conference with our humble supplications vnto our God My deare Pastour offer yee vp this Euening Sacrifice The Lord perfume it with the spirituall incense of Christs merites that thereby our Soules being perfumed the Lord may finde a smell as the smell of a fielde which the Lord hath blessed Pray earnestlie for me that the Lord giue me both strēgth and courage for the fighting out of this Battell that in the ende I may bee crowned with the Laurels of an euerlasting victorie The Pastour My Soule rejoyceth to haue heard so manie good wordes from your mouth Solomon said verie well and wiselie A word spoken in due season how good is it According to your desire wee shall conceiue a Prayer to GOD for you The Lord powre vpon all our Soules that promised Spirit of grace and of supplications A Prayer for the sicke Man Sore weakned with sicknesse MOst gracious GOD most deare louing Father Let the word of our mouth the meditations of our hearts bee acceptable in thy sight O LORD our strength and our Redeemer By thy Spirit banish all stragling thoughts and keepe our mindes steddie and attentiue in this chiefest worke of deuotion Beholde LORD and consider heere thy poore
Seruant fainting in great weaknesse of bodie But thogh flesh and friends health wealth and all should faile him thou LORD will neuer faile him Hee is thy Seruant he is thy Seruant the son of thy hand-maide Thou hast most powerfullie hitherto supported and vpholdē him by thy mercifull hand Now leaue him not while he is drawing neare vnto his long home It is easie to perceiue that his age is departing from him like a shepheards tent and that thou art readie to cutte off his life like a weauer His desire LORD is to bee with Thee Thou hast heard the sighings of this prisoner and thou hast vnderstood the groanes of thine own Spirit As thou hast begunne the good worke in him so perfect it in due time As thou doest with the yeare crowne it with thy goodnesse with-draw not thy Grace from him till it bee made perfect in weaknesse Thou LORD hast manifested thy loue to him wonderfullie by putting into his minde and mouth such diuine preceptes and counsel●… to his Friends Wife and Children that all that haue heard them haue beene forced to wonder at the glorie of thy grace Now deare Iesus let thy force be with him in his fainting but the nearer hee draweth vnto his end l●…t thy Spirit the Comforter enable him the more till victoriouslie hee hath put an end vnto this Battell As the strength of his bodie shall beginne to decrease let the comfortes of thy Spirit increase in his Soule Seale vp in his heart that peace which thou hast purchased by the blood of the Prince of peace Assure him of the rest of these joyes which are to bee reuealed whereof hee hath alreadie receiued the earnest O say vnto his Soule that thou shalt bee his Saluation In the silence of the night while deepe sleepe falleth on man make thou his reines to instruct him Suggest vnto his heart the sweetest wordes of thy comforts which may bee vnto him like apples of gold in pictures of siluer Waine his heart daylie more and more from the loue of things below Make thou his Soule to soare vp with Eagles wings towardes the heauenlie Mansions Prepare nowe his Soule to the last conflict Put vpon him all the Armour of God Strengthen his Faith that hee may holde fast by Thee yea so resoluedlie that though thou should slay him yet hee may trust in thee When the force of sicknesse shall tak away the vse of his tongue make his heart to groane vnto Thee in the secret language of thy Spirite ●…hat in thine hands he commen●… 〈◊〉 his Soule and that he desireth thee to come quicklie for his reliefe Let not the increasing throes and pangues of death discourage him In greatest anguish vphold his enfeebled heart with the hope of Glorie Look on him Lord with the eye of thy mercie incline thine eare to the sighes of his heart make haste to come for his Soule is longing for his appointed time till his change come As thou art the Lord of life so vnto thee belong the issues of death Let strength proceede from thee like vertue from Christes garment whereby hee may bee encouraged against the fearefull assaults of death which shortly in all appearance shall besiege his noble parts for to bring him vnto dust frō whence hee came Make thy Spirit to enter into his hearte for to vphold him against this feare smart of his last and most heauie houre Let him know that if the earthlie house of his Tabernacle bee dissolued that he hath a building of God an house not made with hand eternall in the heauen Make his Soule more and more earnestlie to groane for to bee cloathed vpon with his house which is from Heauen Seeing while hee is heere at home in the bodie hee is absent from the Lord make thou him confident and willing rather to bee absent from the bodie that hee may bee present with Thee in the Heauens Let the hope of the Resurrection vphold him against all the terrours of the Gra●…e Perswade his Soule that at the sound of that shrill celestiall Trumpet his bodie shall arise and with these same eyes shall beholde his Redeemer and none other for him Innumerable euils Lord haue compassed him about Nowe the time approacheth that thou wilt deliuer him from all his feares Make haste Lord Come Lord Iesus come Rebuke Sathan wee intreat thee that in the darksome night he interrupt not the comforts of thy Spirit Suffer neuer that slie and craftie one to bereaue him of the pledges of thy loue Make him to holde fast that which hee hath that none bee able to take his Crowne O mercifull God take notice of all his wants and necessities and bee thou to him SHADAI GOD all sufficient for to supplie them Let him not want that Grace without the which hee cannot serue thee Through thy selfe make him to push downe all the enemies of his Saluation Through thy Name make him to treade them vnder foote that rise vp against him for he hath not forgotten the Name of thee his God neither hath hee stretched out his hands to a strange God While his eye-stringes shall bee broken and when the throes of death shall make his heart to tumble within him then bee thou the strength of his heart the health of his countenance and his God In his greatest griefes anoynt his Soule with some droppes of that oyle of gladnesse wherewith thou once anointed our Lord and Sauiour aboue his fellowes Let thy Graces like that precious ointment that ran downe vpon the beard of Aaron flowe down from thee aboundantlie vpon all the powers of his Soule Let spirituall vertues drop downe vpon him as the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descended vpon the mountaines of Zion O thou the perfection of beautie shine vpon his Soule Indue him with a melting and relenting heart Bee mercifull to thy distressed Church comfort Her in all Her teares and troubles Pittie Her deformities Adorne Her with Puritie and Vnitie Though Shee bee outwardlie 1. duskie because the Sun hath withered Her yet Shee is the Kings Daughter whose 2. whole glorie is within 3 Awake O North Wind and come thou South blow vpon Her Garden that the spices thereof may flowe out Declare vnto Her enemies that if they 4 touch Her they shall touch the Apple of thine Eye Let them all know that it is 5 hard to kicke against prickes and that if they perlecute thee Thou wilt throw them to the ground Bee mercifull to our gracious SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie as by thy Grace thou hast made him a King so by thy Grace make Him a good King Powre down a princelie Spirit vpon his Soule that Hee may haue courage for the Trueth Make Him answerable to his most honourable Style Defender of the Faith Vouchsafe thy mercie vpon his Princelie Spouse Let the beautie of the Lord Her God bee vpon Her Make Her like
brought me out of an horrible pitte out of the myrrie clay and set my feete vpon a Rocke and established my goings He hath put a new song into my mouth euen praise vnto our God many shall see it and feare and shall trust in the Lord. O that I had breath for the setting foorth of his praise Happie is he who while he may vtter words praiseth God continuallie Blessed is that man who may call his tongue his Glorie O my Soule I charge thee by the Roes and by the Hindes of the fielde that thou cease not to praise his Might his Mercie and his Majestie O my Soule take heede and listen vnto his voyce O Iesus the great Deputie of mercie sent by the Father forsake mee not in this heauie houre Now I sore sicken so that all naturall force faileth me My words now so wea●…ie mee that I thinke ere it be long this bodie shall bee lodged in the place of silence But let mee intreate you Sir so long as ye shall perceiue life to bee in mee let it please you to continue in some good purpose concerning the world to come By some holie discourse rouse vp my drousie Spirit hold mine heart vpon an edge Let me not die like a senselesse Nabal of whom it is written that his heart died within him so that hee became like a stone Manie blindlie and boldlie rush into hell I beseech you Sir to waite well vpon mee till yee see the ende I thinke that ere it bee long my Soule shall bee at the farthest tryst O Lord warme my frozen Soule with the sense of the kindled compassions of the bowels of thy loue Inlighten my mistie minde cleare it with thy countenance Bee thou the comforter of my Conscience vntil the day break and the shadows flie away Take now Sir my Soule into the armes of your prayers lift it vp and lay it into that blessed bosome of my Lordes mercies Bend yet againe your knees before God in prayer that hee for his mercies sake would receiue mee into my Masters joye O but my Soule fluttereth fast within mee for to bee at my God Let it please you to bee feruent in prayer for mee that I may foile vnder my feete the Deuill Death and all the powers of hell The Deuill in death will not faile to giue mee a furious assault at the chiefest fortresse of my Saluation for to batter it downe to the ground Intreate the Lord that his mercie may bee a strong rempart and a blessed Bul-wark against all the Engines of hell which are readie bent to waste and hauock all Gods graces within mee O Lord campe thine Angels about mee Place thy Pauilions of war betweene mee and mine enemies Refresh mee more and more with thy comforts Giue mee the earnest of these joyes which passe all vnderstanding Possesse mee with the Spirit of gladnesse for that thou in mercie hast forgiuen mee my sinnes Continue so vnto the end that in the heauens for euer this may be the burden of my song For his mercie indureth for euer Let it please you Sir on whome God hath vouchsafed the Spirit of Prayer in a good and great measure to assist mee with your comforts and prayers lest by temptations I should beginne to slacke off my care and watchfulnesse The Pastour Hold fast your eye vpon Christ your Redeemer Follow him thorow the valey of death for hee hath not onelie pointed out our path but as Captaine of our Saluation hath troden euery steppe before vs Yee may well sticke a little in the narrow throate of Death but that one steppe being past yee enter into Rehoboth a place of roome farre from the reekie smoke vaine shadowes and dreames of earthlie vanitie and perishing pleasures Bee glad Sir to flit from this barren moorish ground and muddie mortalitie for to goe to a paradise a Palace a place of pleasures for euermore According to your desire wee shall returne to God by prayer A Prayer for the sicke man drawing neare to the doores of death O Father of mercies and God of all comforts in whom all goodnesse and graces are treasured let it please thee fauourablie to regard the soule of this thy seruant here whose heart panteth after thee as the wearied Hart panteth after the water brookes Refresh his Soule with the diuine dew of thy grace till it bee entered in at the gates of Glorie Powre into his hearte the sweete streames of thy loue Settle his soule in a right and vpright course so long as it remaineth in this mistie muddie mortalitie send out thy light and guide it by thy Grace till it hath passed the straites of Death for to enter into the Land of vprightnes O Father of mercies perswade him by thy Spirit that the comming of Death shall bee to him a time of discharge a time of freedome from sicknes of bodie anguish of Spirit trouble of Conscience and from all possibilitie of sinning anie more Let him know that while hee is going to the Graue hee is going to a bedde of ease where most quietlie he shall rest from all his toylesome labours Turne all feare of Death into a chearefull expectation and longing for the houre of dissolution Make quiet his Conscience that he may die with comfort O thou Sauiour of mankind whose boweles are filled with mercifull compassions spreade the wing of thy righteous garment ouer this Soule of thy seruant Thou hast shaken him with thy terrours in diuerse assaults Thou hast broght him low for to make him a fitte passenger for the little doore which leadeth vnto Glorie Leaue him not now Lord in his greatest neede Make thine Angels camped about him powerfully to assist him against al the last assaults of that euill one Thou who hast heard all his groanes registrat thou his sighs and put all his teares into thy bottels suffer not thy kindled zeale to coole in him In an holie despaire of his owne worth make him whollie to relye vpon thy meere mercies in Christe the onelie salue for sicke Soules and remeed for broken bones While hee is weakest work with thy Spirit feelinglie and powerfullie into his hearte Subdue euerie euill motion that may arise therein for the troubling of his soule Draw vp his desire aboue the pitch of all natural knowledge Banish all earthlie thinges cleane out of his minde and make all his thoughts to attend vpon thee In thy diuine might rebuke Sathan that hee interrupt not thy comforts Let him not bee able by his secret craft and vyles to steale from him the pledges of thy loue O Sonne of GOD O Sunne of Righteousnes send a quickning heate with a shining light into his sillie Soule Make thy blessed Beames to strik on his heart for to warme it with thy loue Set all his desires a floate from the moode of sinful mortalitie Thou at diuerse times hast affrighted him fearefullie with
bee thankfull vnto thy good and gracious Lord O what tribulations am I come thorow O with what balmie comfortes hath the Lord asswadged the dolours of my Soule O my Soule I charge thee by the Roes and by the Hynds that thou haste thee vnto thy God in thy strongest affections Keepe nowe tryst with the Spirit of thy God who is now here waiting till thou bee readie The Pastour My Soule and all that is within mee praise the Lord for the powerfull working of his Spirite within you whereby hee hath made such a change as is wonderfull This particula●… remembereth mee of a certaine Martyre who beeing condemned to bee burnt could feele no working of the Spirit within his hearte till hee came neare to the stake But beeing once come there with a cry hee clapped his hands and crying out amaine said O Austen hee is come hee is come The Martyr was called Master Goner The sicke Man By the grace of God I hope shortlie to say as much My Soule is readie bent waiting for his comming O come Lord Iesus come Let this mine hungrie Soule win in now at the ports of thy Palace for to get a share of the mariage supper of the Lambe in hope already I feast vpon the joys of eternitie In my Soule is now the Charter of my Saluation sealed with that most pure and purifying Blood of the immaculate and spotlesse Lambe that came to take away the monstrous and menstrous sin●…es of the world In the vertue of his Blood is my strongest comfort and highest resolution By it alone all my blacke and bloodie sinnes are clensed from their crimsin colour The Pastour Indeede Sir it is onelie that Lambes Blood that can purge away sinne and iniquitie Though man should wash himselfe with nitre and take him much sope yet for all that shall his iniquitie bee marked before God except that hee bee bathed into this blood of sprinkling Seeing now your Charter is well sealed hold fast these writtings that nothing aboue or belowe no not principalities and powers bee able to wrest them out of your hands Happie is your heart now wherein is that white jewell of the Reuelation euen the white stone wherein is a new name which no man can knowe except the receiuer O the boundlesse bleeding bowels of Gods compassions O that infinite store-house of Christs merites and mercies which no sinne were they neuer so hainous can bee able to stint or restraine before the repenting sinner get a parte of that purchase Neither Death nor Life things present nor to come shall be able to with hold a mourning sinner from a share in our Lords dearest compassions Christ now Sir is readie to receiue ●…ou Make your selfe readie for him Lift vp your hea●… for your Redemption draweth neare The ende of your time and toile is fast comming The Angels of God are here waiting vpon your Soule which is now looking out to Christ as the morning faire as the Moone cleare as the Sunne and terrible as an Armie with Banners Wherevpon is your minde nowe fixed The sicke Man All mine affections are bended toward God O what shall bee able to hold or hinder me from hastening to my Lord the repairer of life the destroyer of death the conquerour of Heauen the vanquisher of Hell O my Sauiour come neerer yet vnto mee let my Soule creepe in by thy wounds euen to the verie bowels of thy mercie Warme it like a Chicken vnder the vvinges of thy loue The Pastour In Christ alone is Saluation Out of his side did issue the water that hath quenched the vnquencheable fyre of Gods wrath with the Blood that taketh away the sinnes of the world His holie Heart was racked his Armes of compassiō were stretched out vpon the Crosse for to declare to all repenting sinners the infinite widenesse of his mercies His sacred Head hang down bowed for to giue eare vnto the gronings of his prisoners His blessed Bowels rumbling with compassions rolled together made him to proclaime that Oyas of mercie Come vnto mee all yee that are wearied and ladened with sinne and I will ease you Much hath hee suffered for our cause Like a painefull labourer hee powred out sweate not onely of water but of blood at the working the great worke of mans Saluation At last by laying downe that Life of loue hee achieued the victorie ouer Sathan flesh the world all the enemies of mans Saluation Them all hee hath crushed and trodde vnder foote Stand fast by Iesus In Faith and Hope thrust your heart vpon him What now Sir thinke ye vpon The sicke Man Christ hath bund vp all my woūds he hath perfectlie closed them with the blessed Balme of his comfortes Now at the end of mine appointed time I am waiting earnestlie till my changing come I hope ere it be long to bee translated from grace to glory The Pastour O Lord set this Soule as a seale vpon thine Hearte and as a seale vpon thine Arme Out of thy great loue make this Soule beautifull as Tirzah comelie as Ierusalem terrible as armie with banners Thou Lord who crownest the yeare with thy goodnesse tak in thine hand the crowne of immortalitie in this Soule crowne thy graces with thy glorie Now Sir yee are neare the borders of Canaan three or foure steppes more would set you in that Land of life and loue The sicke Man Mine heart like an Hart braying after waters panteth after God O when shall I come and appeare before him Now mine heart shiuers within mee I am so sicke that I feare to faint The Pastour O Lord now be mercifull shew fauour toward this thy seruant Distill thy graces into his heart vvith a blessed influence from the Spirit of thy loue pull in all his spirits to Thee and thrust out all distractions O Lord of Life and Loue breath into his soule the life of immortalitie Take heede now vnto him ye who are neere about him for death now approacheth with its last assaultes in all appearance Looke well to him for hee seemeth to bee fallen into a sowne THE SICKE MAN IN A SOVVNE A SOLILOQVEE Or a priuie conference betweene the Soule and the bodie of the sicke Man lying in a sowne The Bodie MY Soule desireth thou now to leaue mee that haue borne thee about mee so manie yeares If thou goe from mee I must no longer remaine among the inhabitants of the world but incontinent after thy departure I a vassell of death must bee hid vnder the dust among crawling wormes farre from the eyes of the liuing These who were once glad to kisse my mouth shall abhorre to see my face Is not the Graue a Babel a place of confusion Doe not Iim and Zim resort there Doe not the Satyres and the Fairies daunce there Mine haire startes all vp for feare while I
vp nowe to the Heauens Thou hast alreadie past all toyle and turmoyle The way that rests vnto the Kingdome is both smooth euen without anie rubbe of opposition thou shalt enter into immortalitie O the showres of grace and mercie which raine downe vpon vs both Farewell till that desired day of the Resurrection come The Pastour His eyes stirre a little they are full of teares the tribute of Repentance He beginneth to shake he now seemeth to bee wakened out of his traunce I will inquire what his minde is set vpon What meditations are these Sir that yee are vpon Yee seeme to haue beene in some good motion The sicke Man My Soule Sir and my bodie after a blessed agreement haue beene taking their adewes one from another They haue bene blessing each other be●…ause they haue serued God together they looke to bee one day both glorified together A sea of comfortes hath rained downe vpon my Soule from the Heauens in most sweete and pleasant showers The Pastour Surelie that is a worthie exercise Such good motions are plants of God and impressions of his finger Happie are the Soule the bodie that can serue God together with one shoulder At that last day they shall haue a joyefull meeting they two shal be clasped together in loue with such contentmentes as tongues of Angels are not able to expresse But O when the vvicked soule shall returne from hell to take vp its bodie for to carie it to euerlasting torments then shall they curse each other with manie a woe for their Fornications Adulteries Lyes Deceits Ryot Drunkenesse Then would the bodie if it could haue intelligence of the soules comming wish that a rock or a mountaine would fall vpon it for to hide it from the Soule that beeing voyde of life it might bee free of feeling But the decree is come foorth of necessitie they must bee joyned together O but they then shall looke one to another like Lyons Their feede shall receiue none agreement no not They shall neuer agree in anie thing but in this to 〈◊〉 together that their comfortlesse dolours may bee doubled This is a deare pennie-warth so little pleasure for so much paine In that day all the wicked shal bitterlie repent such barganes Now happie is your Soule Sir and your bodie both that are so well resolued to depart Yee are certainelie blessed that euer yee were borne Behold nowe yee rest in hope of the resurrection which shall bee in that great day of Gods generall assemblie when all that euer tooke breath shall compeare before Christ the Iudge of the World for to receiue that which they did in the flesh bee it good bee it euill Now Sir seeing yee are an inrolled Citizen of Heauen and an adopted haire of God vp still with your heart towarde that heauenlie Heritage with sighes and grones beate on still at the doores of Gods mercie God giueth vnto prayer victory against himselfe Nowe the time draweth neere Sir your houre is come to a quarter fight out the good fight fixe the eyes of your Faith vpon the bloodie wounds of Iesus Lay hold on him listen to his voyce ere it bee long yee shall heare these words of joye Come faithfull seruant and enter into thȳ Masters joye O Lord the giuer of grace and of glorie out of the blessed bowels of thy mercie bath and wash this Soule with that arteriall blood which sprang thorow the pierced filme of the heart of his Redeemer At the beginning of this Battell Lord thou did see howe his poore Soule was scorched with the flames of hellish temptations which did burne the verie marrow out of his bones this is thy ordinarie dealing with thine owne Hell on earth is for the heires of Heauen But heauen on earth is the portion of the heires of hell Now Lord from his hell bring him to thine Heauens Mak his Soule more clearelie to look vp toward the blessed bloodie wounds of his Sauiour wherein hee may perceiue the props of his protection Make his Soule now to be fullie possessed with an entire loue to the fairenesse of thy face wherein are pleasures for euermore The sicke Man Lord Iesus make clay againe with thy Spittle for to anointe my dimmed eyes that clearelie with Simeon my Soule may see thy Saluation We in our life receiue but the first impositiō of handes like the man that saw men walking like trees Now Lord at death giue mee the second imposition that I may see thee euen as thou art The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen●… Maintaine the life of his loue towards thee Now vvater the seede vvhich thou hast sowne Weede out the tares vvhich Sathan hath sowne Pittie and pardon Lay all his sinnes vpon the Sonne of thy loue Now let his feete be shod for the journey which hee is making to a better place Inspire his Soule with the spirit of grace till his life bee expired Saue him by thy blood which saued thē that spilt it The sicke Man I finde Death besieging my heart with sēsible blowes O bring out my Soule out of this bricke of bondage of the bodie Mine heart stringes are so racked within mee that they are like to breake The hope that is deferred is the fainting of the Soule Lord helpe mee in this heauie houre The Pastour Lord heare thou in heauen and satisfie his hearts desire The sicke Man Pray pray that the Lord vphold mee in the throng of these throes wherewith mine heart is gripped lest I be whollie swallowed vp of despaire The Pastour O Sauiour of mankinde who out of thy meere mercie and loue came vnder the charge of his accounts Mak now answere for him as his Aduocat before that high Tribunall before which his poore Soule is now arraigned to cōpeare Turne all thy wrath in mercie and thy Iustice-seat in a Throne of grace Call home all his wandering thoughtes settle and them vpon thy selfe Maintaine the life of his loue Make death to him a Messenger of mercie and his paines a meane to bring him to thy pleasures O Captaine of his Saluation vnder whose bloodie banner hee hath in his life made warre against the enemies of thy glorie at death ouercome thou all the enemies of his Saluation With thy Trumpets and Lampes terrifie all these merciles Midianites Make them like a wheele as the stubble before the winde Graunt the victorie vnto thy weake Seruant heere that in the Heauens thou may crowne his Soule with glorious garlands of immortalitie Lord heare vs for the sake of thy Sonne vnto whom with thee and the Spirite of Grace bee all glorie and honour Amen Now Sir vp with your heart to the Father of mercies Fight out couragiouslie the fight of Faith Christ now is holding out the Crowne your Saluation is sealed yee neede not feare yee haue your warrant vnder the Broad Seale of the King of Heauen The sicke man O My deare
Pastour hee is come hee is come whom my Soule loueth I am my Beloueds his desire is towards mee The lost sheepe is found The vnthriftie Son is come home againe All the snares of destruction are broken My Soule is escaped like a Birde I am now at a point infinitlie desirous rather to goe to my God than to sojourneanie more on earth Mine heart is more in God than in my selfe I haue a begunne possession of Heauen by the first fruites I looke for perfection in fulnesse of joye and pleasures fore euermore O blessed Iesus set me as a Seale vpon thine heart O deare Sauiour the Roote and the Rocke of my Saluation loe I come stretch out thine Armes and take my Soule into thy bosome yet a little while and I shall bee no more a stranger vvith thee and a sojourner The Pastour O blessed bee our God for euermore who hath made you to triumph so ouer all your enemies after such vnuterable groanes of griefe where your mind was sore perplexed at the first Hold fast now that which yee haue Your heart is now richlie stored with the true treasures of godlinesse Yee are but sipping of these joyes wherof in Heauen ye shal drink in a full cup. The sicke Man Christ the Lord is mine Hee is mine Hee is to mee hoth in life and death aduantage My comforts are in my Bosome The Angelicali Guardes are heere about mee I dye in the Faith of Iesus Come euen Lord Iesus come quicklie and loose this Soule a prisoner in clay groning to bee at liberty O my Soule returne vnto thy rest for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Now may I say This poore man cryed and the Lord hath heard him deliuered him out of all his troubles The Pastour The Lord is with you who ere it be long shall fulfill all your hearts desires yea hee shall doe aboue all that yee can thinke or wish Now Sir yee haue him whom your soule loueth His Spirit is in the verie bosome of your heart Hold fast the grip yee haue Dye in his Armes sleepe in the blessed bosome of your God Full libertie is at the doore readie to enter in Yet a little and yee shall haue a joyfull meeting with Christ and all his Angels in the Kingdome of your Father Till yee come out of this bodie sticke fast by Faith to Christ your Redeemer Claime boldlie that which hee hath deerelie purchased by his Blood O deare Iesus his Staffe and his Strength wrape now his Soule into the white winding-sheete of thy righteousnesse While hee hath life liue thou in him that while he breaths hee may liue to thee and after death may liue with thee for euer Let neither life nor death bee able to separate him from thy loue The neerer death approacheth for to separate his Soule from his bodie d●…aw thou the neerer vnto his Soule till thy Spirit the Spirit of Life fullie finallie in all perfection liue into him the Soule of his Soule Fixe your eye nowe vpon the heart of Christ deadlie wounded for your transgressions Behold that Speare-hole in his heart which hee suffered for to sa●…e you Consider his bleeding woundes all dropping the balme of mercie which hath proceeded from the bowels of his compassions Hee it is who hath died for your sinnes and is risen againe for your righteousnesse The sicke Man I know that my Redeemer liueth his blood of an vnualuable price is the onelie ransome of my Soule Hee onelie is the joye of mine heart and the health of my countenance The Pastour Holde fast that confidence Let your Soule repare vnto the euerlasting Armes of his loue Shroud shelter your selfe vnder the winges of the Almightie Yee are nowe neere the ende of the Race The Lord guarde you with his Grace that no temptation of Satan be able trippe your heele before that yee be entered in his rest Nowe the lowring showring seede-time of teares is past and the Haruest of joye is hard at hand Now Sir Christ is at the doore Beholde hee standeth at the doore and knockes hee is nowe for to suppe with you on earth that yee may suppe with him for euer in the Heauens Behold hee is with you The sicke Man I haue found him whom my Soule loueth I will surelie hold him and will not let him goe My Soule hath already taste of the fruite of Canaan by the report of the spye of my faith Christ now is mine The Pastour Seeing yee haue him wrap your soule into the bowels of his euerlasting compassions waite on perfectiō is the last gift Lift vp continuallie the eyes of your spirit to the worthy woundes of Iesus In them behold read in great Capitall characters the vnspeakable loue of the Father The sicke Man O Lord I haue waited for thy Saluation Remember mee nowe while as thou art into thy Kingdome Father into thine handes I commend my Spirit my Soule I giue to thee who hast giuen it to mee The Pastour Now Sir your wished houre is come Christ is laying his Arm●…s about you for to receiue your Soule in his bosome Solace your selfe in your Sauiour who hath made it free of al weights that swiftly without anie let it may flee vp to its God O the loue of Iesus towardes you Hee hath not onelie beene an Inte●…cessour to pray for you but an Advocatalso to pleade for you By the vertue of his Blood your cause is win And therefore homage ye now your heart sealed with the sense of his loue Yeelde and surrender your Soule into the Armes of his mercie that hee may perfect his graces in you with glorie in immortalitie The sicke Man Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit and glad it with thy glorie The Pastour He againe is fallen into a traunce His battell is now neere an end Let vs waite a little see what he doth Hee now beginneth a little for to stir There is yet some life into him as I perceiue Now Sir be glad Christ is knocking at the doore for to call foorth your Soule from bondage to libertie from your banishment to an heauenlie home from a prison of paine to a palace of pleasures for euermore That we may haue assurance that ye die in the Faith of Iesus shew vs some signe Lift vp your hand in token that yee are assured to goe to God Behold how he hath lifted vp his hand Cortenet quod lingua tacet His hande telleth what is in his heart O but this poore Soule since the beginning of this bloodie Battell hath beene miserablie mangled howed and hacked vpon by most bitter and bloodie temptations what carnall what spirituall Now blessed bee God from all his troubles he is come to his good things We are all oblished to giue praise vnto God who hath set out this man before vs as an excellent example and mirrour of his mercie It is the
whereby he may be shielded from the bloodie blowes of a most cruell aduersarie Put on him Lord the compleate armour of God that hee may bee able to with-stand in this euill houre and hauing done all to stand Before this Battell end make him with stomacke and courage to runne all his enemies throgh with the two edged sword of thy Spirit Haue now Lord a speciall care of him Hemme in all his thoughts within the compasse of thy will Possesse him so with the fulnes of thy presence that in him there be found no roome for any ill motions Furnish him with the supplie of all these graces which thou knowest to bee wanting into him Let thy Spirit make residence in his heart as in an house of God Now Lord while it is time to saue saue the Soule of thy Seruant which is now readie to remoue Open vnto it that euer-flowing fountaine promised to the penitent of the house of Dauid for to tak away sinne and vncleannesse O Fountaine of Grace wash him and wash him throughlie with the blessed Blood of thy satisfaction After that thou hast made him perfectly cleane hold out thy succouring helpful armes vnto this Soule and take it into thy bosome Let it there taste of the honie of thy Compassions In this time of gloummines darknesse of death inlighten his Soule with the light of thy countenance Turne thy face now vnto it Hitherto it could see nothing but the Back-parts of Thee that Great IEHOVAH which bringeth joye but in parte From such parts now bring him vnto the fulnesse Turne thy selfe vnto this Soule that it may fullie see thy face wherein is fulnesse of joye And seeing no man can see thy face liue let this thy Seruant now see thy face and die that after death hee may liue with thee for euer in the Heauens Let neither the loue of life nor the feare of death turne his eyes from the prize of the high calling of God Make him now with a long steppe from the earth to the heauens to step in into immortalitie Now Lord engraue deepelie this Soule into the palmes of thine hands Set it as a seale on thine heart Wrap it within the Mantle of thy mercie war●…e it within the bowels of thy loue lappe it in thy bosome with that vnspeakable joye which Christ hath purchased with vnspeakable paine euen through the bloodie merites of his most bitter passions His wordes now are failed Square thou all his thoughts by the rule of thy Spirit of grace Lord make these our weake prayers to mount vp lik Pillars of smoke parfumed with the mercifull merites of thine onelie Sonne To him with thee his Father and with the Spirit of Grace be all Glorie Praise Power and Dominion for euer AMEN The spirituall Friend O deare Friende whome I haue seene a sorrow beaten sinner Rejoyce now in your Sauiour whose mercies haue beene the Bane of all your sinfull miseries Cleaue still fast vnto your Sauiour Let not him goe whom your soule loueth till ye come to Peniel where yee shall see him face to face The Lord refresh your wearied soule with the soft sweete breath of his Spirit The Lord kned into your heart these spirituall meditations which are of the purest straine O Father of mercies giue vnto this soule a most sure Infef●…ment of heauen by the hand of thy Spirit Make some drops of thy Myrrhe to enter in by some litle creuice of his heart Put in thine hand by the keye hole of the doore that his bowels may bee moued for thee Let such a strength now repare from thee vnto him that the world may see that thy strength is made perfect in weaknesse It shall bee expedient that nowe yee his Pastour in a short prayer recommend him to God againe Behold him now at the last gaspes his eye stringes are broken The water of death trickleth downe ouer his cheekes His life is now drawen to an haire O Lord while bodilie sight and senses faile make spirituall sight and sense succeede in a greater perfection Make a spaite of thy grace with a mightie streame to carrie him to glorie O deare Friend vp with your heart to your God Nowe all your sins shall die with your sicknesse The Rocke of your Saluation Iesus hath shiuered them in pieces There is 〈◊〉 condemnation to these that are in Christ who out of the pangs of loue suffered that paines of hell for mans Redēption His Angels Sir are heere waiting vpon your Soule for to carrie it to pleasures for euermore Yet a little while and loe yee shall bee at the vpshotte of all your woe Yee are nowe vtterlie out of the reach of all the powers of hell euen vpon the borders of euerlasting pleasures vnmixed pleasures which shall turne all your teares into triumphes The Pastour Now Sir Gird vp the loynes of your minde make haste to your God who shortlie shall put into your hād the palme of victorie Sathan is chained vp now for doing you anie more harme The night of your trouble is past Christ that blessed Day spring hath brought a morning mercie vnto your Soule His graces in you hath shined more and more and so shall doe vntill the perfect day euen vntill your Soule carried on Eagles winges reach the hight of Heauen where without teares or tediousnesse are pleasures for euermore Though your tongue now faile you Sir let your heart be busie with God in prayer hee will hearten and encourage you in all the businesse Your taske is at an end Heaue vp your heart to Christ crucified with vs and that with sighes and sobbes the groanings of his owne Spirit Though your bodie now be cold the Spirit of Iesus shall by a free and vitall operation maintaine the heate and vigour of your Soule The Spirit of comfort conueye vnto your soule the warmest blood that euer heated the heart of Iesus Let vs pray The last prayer for the sicke Man in the verie jawes of death O LORD whose mercies are aboue all thy workes it was neuer thy custome to send away a broken heart without comfort Now heare the secret g●…oanes and sighes of thy seruant whose soule is ready in this gasping agonie to come out of its Tabernacle for to cōpeare before thee Thou who hast giuen him thy Son for a ransome giue him thy Spirit for a pledge Furnish him with force for to fight and finish this Battell in victory As thou hast bene at the beginning of his beeing euen the beginner of his beeing so now bee thou the ende at which hee aimes euen the ende of all his woes And seeing hee is now in the narrow throat of death helpe him by thy power till hee hath past this passage Put now into him a fresh li●…e that in a strong vigour hee may runne with the feete of the Hinde till hee come to thee in ete●…nitie Make him now supple and nimble
while he is neere the ende of his race His sillie soule hath beene sore weather-driuen with many temptations now let his battell take an end Receiue his soule in thy Rest. and lull it in the bosome of thy pleasures Bee a shield and a shelter vnto him for to hidde and couer him from the last blowes and painefull thrusts of his enemie the Deuill Disapoint that euill one while hee looketh for the greatest victorie Let him receiue the foulest foile Loose now sweetlie these two which thou hast joyned together that after his eyes with olde Simeon haue seene thy Saluation he may depart in peace Seeing the Battell is nowe come to the la●…f stroke make thy Spirit O Lord in him to fight it out that hauing ouercome thou may put the palme of victorie into his hand after that the dayes of dangers are past O draw this soule now vnto thee with the strongest cordes of thy loue Proclaime vnto his Conscience a full a finall remission of his sinnes whether Originall or actuall whether of Commission or of Omission Subscribe his pa●…don with the arteriall blood of thy blessed Sonne O Father of mercies the Spouse of all faithfull Soules receiue this Spirit into thy wed locke-bedde It was betrothed vnto thee by thy faire promises in the Gospel now according to thy promise accomplish and fulfill that blessed Band in the presence of thine Angels Long Lord hath hee thought on it and earnestlie longed for it Seale thou it now with the sense of thy loue Fulfull it Lord and this day be thou the Bridegroome of his Soule Heere hee hath seene but the Copie of thy countenance let him now come where he may see thee euen as thou art As thou gaue him his measure of grace in the world so nowe giue him his portion of glorie b●…sides thy selfe Let nothing sway his thoughts from thee in this last ag●…nie Season so his heart with thy loue that there bee no roome in his heart for any thing by thy selfe Now loose the pinnes of the Tabernacle while his soule shall bee out of the bodie let it enter into the Palace of pleasures Say vnto it as Laban said to Abrahams seruant Come in thou blessed of the Lord Thou who hast clasped his name within the Booke of life Bind now his soule into the bundle of life Drawe it out of this myrie mortalitie place it among the Angels and spirites of just men who are alwayes in thy presence courting thy countenance wherein i●… fulnesse of joye Vnto the end and in the end keepe his heart vnblameable in holinesse that Sathan that roaring Lyon bee neuer able to catch him within the reach of his paw Preserue the true rellish and sound joyes of thy Spirit of grace within him till from grace thou bring him vnto glorie where thou shalt crowne thy giftes and graces with thy goodnesse O now open the euerlasting doores let in this Soule decked with the lawrels of victorie Let all the Heauens welcome this conuerted sinner with songes and shoutes of joye O Spirit of Comfort thou hast guided him thorow many seas of sorrowes sit still at the Helme till thou haue brought him to his Hauen O now crowne thy graces with thy glorie Lord Iesus receiue my spirit To the Father Sonne and holie Ghost be euerlasting praise and dominion for euer AMEN Michael and the Deuils dispute for the ' Soule of the sicke Man alittle before its departure out of the Body Sathan I Haue many things to lay to this mans charge I am the Lordes Proctor and Acturney appointed to plead for his justice I haue alreadie sifted his life Of force this Soule must bee damned None Assise can cleanse it It is now taken red hand in the path and passage of sinne The Angel Michael I will not vse against thee a railing accusation neither darre I for my Master the God of mercie and of meekenesse It hath pleased his royall Majestie to license thee to accuse the soules of men Thine accusations are euer most bitter and most bloodie I am heere standing on my Masters side for to defend this Soule which hee hath bought with his blood But what can thou say against this man whose Soule is committed to me for to be carried vnto Paradise I know thee of olde to bee the accuser of the brethren I remember well how once I contended grappled with thee for the bodie of Moses which was buried sore against thy will It is likelie that of it thou thought to make an idole Loose now thy leach and let all thy hell-hounds come forward Come come with thy most foule mouthed objections what cā thou now alledge against the soule of this man before that it come out of this bodie Thou art heere a Lyon against a Lambe Declare now what thou can in this Assise Thou can say no more than he hath alreadie said against himselfe But come on f●…aime thine inditement against him Discharge thy fie●…ie dartes with the outmost of thy force Sathan Knowest thou not that there is a large haruest for Hell manie called but few chosen Hee is my Vassall I require but Iustice Let him receiue but according to his deseruinges Heere is a Bill of inditement able to conuinee him In his wickednes he turned to his course as the horse rusheth into the battell Both fiercelie and feareleslie marching vnder my collours in the pursute of his pleasures hee ranne ryote in the way of wickednesse The Angel Michael Is not God a God of mercie able to forgiue But what hath hee done Sathan Beholde the pieces of Euidence which I produce against him Let all the actions of his life bee brought to a true touch and it shall appeare what a monster hee hath beene In his youth hee scorned at the Thunder of Gods word counting it but Paper shot His soule was neuer grieued to grieue the Spirit of grace seldome came hee to the Church hee was of the kinred of Noahs Raùen delighting to flie about the Arke not willing to enter into it Gods hony word of vnspeakable sweetnesse was vineger to his teeth The pure commandement of the Lord which inlightened the eys was lik smok vnto his eyes the cause of blearednesse In all pointes he was disloyall vnto his God Hee misregarded his Parents He burned with lust like an Ouen heated by the baker Hee so loued his lust that it was his law His hands were full of pickerie his eyes were full of adulterie and his heart was full of guile and his tongue full of lyes euer gaggling like a Goose. He was a cunning clawbacke a paunchpike thanke His custome was to defile the aire with most filthie belghs of blasphemie Hee sported at all reproofes O the noble jugling There there this geare goeth trimme By hooke by crooke he sought for gaine Howe hee wanne it hee cared not if men perceiued not his fraude With Iudas hee was whollie giuen to the
appointed his boundes that hee cannot passe As the enemies of Christ could not laye handes on him till his houre was come neither Death the 〈◊〉 enemie touch the Sainctes till the houre of their change come As for you M. whom now the Lord hath made a Widow yee haue to take patience and holde your peace with Aaron Dauid said to God I was dumbe and opened not my mouth because thou diddest it A Widow in the holie tongue is called Almanah from a worde that signifieth dumb a word warning her to lay her hād on her mouth for to seale it with a reuerend silence because God hath done it Let his decease prouoke and enkindle your desire to goe to him for hee will no more come to you God M. hath not left you comfortlesse for now happie is your Husband who hath drunke of deaths cuppe so peaceablie euen a sleeping drinke wherewith hee hath gone to sleepe with these righteous who are said by the Prophet to rest in their beddes The friendes of Christ die not but softlie with Lazarus that friend of Christ they sleepe in their Graues where they lye still and are quiet Trauell M. with your owne heart that it bee silent O but yee haue to blesse God who hath dealt so mercifullie with your dearest hearte whome hee hath so powerfullie vp holden in so bloodie and bitter a Battell against the enemies of his Saluation wherein by the strength of God in his weakenesse After bitter bickeringes hee hath obtained so glorious a victorie which hath made all the heauens torejoyce Now assuredlie M. yee may say My deare Husband the desire of mine eyes is now a Prince in heauen crowned with the euer greene Lawrels of immortalitie Hee hath changed a fraile life a wind in a worme for eternitie of Glorie Faithfull Iob patientlie blessed God by whose permission Sathan in a whirle-wind crushed all his Children together vnder the ruines of an house howe much more comfortablie may yee say The Lord gaue the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the Name of the Lord. How manie good and godlie persons haue their Husbands taken by Pyrates pyned in Galleyes rotting in prisons slaine by poysō stobbed in duells murthered by Traitours killed in warre drowned in Riuers sunke downe in Seas with their whole substance and diuerslie taken away in most doolefull manner But be hold which may blunt the edge of your dolours your husband peaceablie deceased in his bed hauing his eyes closed with the finger of a Friend Though all the sortes of death of Gods beloued Ones be precious in his sight yet it is most comfortable for the liuing when these whom they loue best are remoued in this outward peaceable manner both spirituallie and temporallie comforted This Iob calleth to die in our nest If God had done otherwise to you in the rigour of his Iustice who durst controll him This also ye must remember for the settling of any drūblie mood of impatiencie that may be in your heart that hee was but lent vnto you for a space and so contracted yee at the first to tarrie but a space together for if yee will take leasure to reade your Contract of m●…rriage yee shall finde that therein is made mention of the death of you both Let mee yet come neerer after hee had taken you by the hand before the 〈◊〉 on your marriage day your handes a little after few wordes spoken did goe asunder againe euen for to tell you that none immortall knot can bee had of any things heere below happie shee whose hearte is plyable and obsequious to the will of her God I confesse that yee cannot but mourne beeing depriued of such 〈◊〉 pleasure the fairest jewell of all your worldlie joy the staffe of your estate on whō your greatest comfortes did depend what wōder for many days haue ye bene glad together so that it is no possible were ye neuer so sāctified but your heart must be deeplie wounded Why not Gods will was neuer against anie moderate mourning for the dead * Grace maketh no●… men and women Stoicks and stockes that cannot bee moued for anything Nay God permits vs to mourne but not to carke care as these which haue none hope who ●…ugging out their haire and downe their cheekes powre out their roaringes as waters beeing swallowed vp of discouragement hauing none hoe in their griefe they some out myre and dirt It is permitted to mourne when Gods hand is gone out against vs It is naturall True grace is not against it but against its corruption in excesse In the Olde-Testament Abraham mourned for Sarah For the death of Deborah Rebeccas Nurse was sore weeping for which cause y● Oak-tree vnder which she was buried was called Allon Bachuth the Oake of weeping Iacob wept exceedingly for Ioseph whom hee thought by some wilde beaste to haue beene rent in pieces After that Iacob had gathered vp his feete yeelded vp the ghost Ioseph fell vpon his face and wept 〈◊〉 him and kissed him Naomi after shee had lost both Husband and Children would no more bee called Naomi that is pleasant Call me not Naomi said shee that is pleasant but call mee Marah that is bitter For the Almightie hath dealt verie bitter 〈◊〉 with me I went out full and the Lord hath brought mee home againe emptie Why then call yee mee Naomie seeing the Lord hath testified against mee and the Almightie hath afflicted mee These all were interested and therefore they mourned beeing pinched with the smart Behold M. how in the Olde-Testament God by taking away by death hath afflicted his dearest Ones for to vse Naomis words hath testified against them consider also how they haue mourned In the New-Testament Christ himselfe groaning in himselfe wept at Lazarus his Graue The wordes are these And Iesus wept The sight of Christes death was by Simeon foretold to his Mother Marie This Simeon called a sword which shuld pierce her thorow the Soule Thus as yee see a Christian heart is not a Marble heart but a mel●…ing heart furnishing teares the tribute of our loue appointed for the funeral obsequies of our best beloued whose appointed monethes of life are expired Indeede where grace is it stayeth at the course stoppeth the ●…ent and the streame of Natures blind and bold corruptions bringing our most violent affections into an holie compasse of an humble submission vnto Gods will But it neuer dissalloweth a tempered Turtle crouding for the absence of our dearest comforts Such cleare crystall teares the Lord will put vp in his Bottels But as for these drumlie and barmie teares of fierce and vnrulie passions comming from the muddie fountaine of an vnhallowed heart the Lord will not respect them no more than 〈◊〉 regarded the sacrifice of Cain Suc●… teares are like the waters of jealousi●… to the whoorish woman which mad●… her thigh to rotte