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A07467 The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B. Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618.; W. B., fl. 1613-1617. 1613 (1613) STC 17854; ESTC S107052 483,998 666

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and with a rage and fiercenesse beyond ordinarie and spake these words fiue seuerall times For euer for euer for euer for euer for euer alas shall the damned soules be depriued of the vision of God You will tell mee perchance that as yet I haue tolde you no great newes it may be so notwithstanding it is strange newes as I haue said formerly to heare a Diuell speake for God and for the saluation of your soules All the assembly were so affrighted with these and the like words and at the dreadfull passages which Verrine had touching the paines of hell that there gushed from their eyes abundance of teares when they called to remembrance their offences which they had committed After this discourse Belzebub who was in the body of Magdalene cried out very hideously Hola I will acquaint you with the repose and contentation which the soules of the damned haue in hell And then taking Magdalene he rudely and without intermission tossed her from one side of the Church of S. Baume to the other and presently from that side backe againe and so continued in tormenting of her without any cessation so that if it had not ended as it did she would surely haue died Thus said hee doe wee torture the soules of the damned without allotting vnto them the least moment of relaxation Besides this that hath beene said Verrine added that God was so beautifull that the Diuels would be content to vndergoe all the torments of the world and all the paines of hell so they might but once haue a sight of his beauty The same day after dinner Magdalene wrote a letter to the blessed S. Magdalene the tenour whereof ensueth Most holy glorious and beloued sister I heartily beseech you to compassionate the deplored estate of your poore and worthlesse sister Take me by the hand and leade mee to my dearest and louely spouse And with all my soule I doe entreate you to indow me with those fiue goodly qualities where with you were able to prostrate your selfe at his blessed feete and which induced him to receiue you with such speed for his best-be loued friend The first is humility that I may vnder-value and set at naught all things with you The second is perfect contrition that I may bewaile and euer abominate all my sinnes The third is perfect faith that I may beleeue that the almighty can pardon me The fourth is perfect hope that I may assuredly expect his mercy The fifth is feruent charity and loue that I may affect and cleaue to him as to my dearest spouse and disingage my selfe from those incongruous desires which may thwart or giue impeachment vnto the same I instantly pray you dearest sister to begge for mee these fiue louely vertues that I may be confident through them to present my selfe to my most glorious Spouse and so to receiue from him the blessings and grace of heauen that together with you I may praise and blesse him for euer My most blessed and glorious sister Your most humble obedient vnworthie and meanest sister and seruant the wretched slaue and forlorne creature Magdalene of Iesus The Acts of the 11. of December VPon that day the Dominican father began to consider with himselfe whither it were not expedient to force the Diuell to dictate the words and discourses which he affirmed did come from God and so to submit them to the censure of the Church to the end that the wilinesse and subtilties of Sathan might be detected and to make knowne whither hee spake from his owne motion and scope or no that so both those that saw it not and those that were present at it and also those that are to come after vs might be partakers of this history to the encreasing of the glory of God of his blessed mother of S. Mary Magdalene and of all other Saints to the extirpation of all heresies and to the conuersion of mis-led and wandering soules Conceiuing for a certainty that whither the pitcher fall vpon the stone or the stone vpon the pitcher it is still the pitcher that is broken and all shall turne to the confusion of the Diuell be it this or that way Since that in strange and new occurrences it is lawfull to vse and search forth new remedies prouided that nothing bee done against God and his Church This was for certaine daies put in execution when as he Exorcist not being able to write downe all for hast Verrine did dictate vnto him word after word that which hee had formerly discoursed and that for eight daies after And this was done by the vertue of the Exorcismes Afterwards hee had liberty to speake as hee would which he also did The same day came the reuerend father Francis Billet Priest of the Christian Doctrine And in the morning Louyse and Magdalene were exorcised by the Dominican father who saying Masse to the honour of the blessed mother of God Belzebub vpon these words ecce Ancilla Domini began to crye O accursed words for vs. O would they had neuer beene spoken And a little before the beginning of the said masse Belzebub lifted himselfe vp with great arrogancy and vnusuall fury howling and crying with a loud voice Should I adore thee Christ Should I adore thee No no I am as mighty as thy selfe See how vn-stoupingly and vpright I stand In all this hee made the body of the girle serue his turne as his instrument Then Verrine who was in the body of Louyse said vnto him Ha! Belzebub wretched spirit as thou art thou wilt bee lasht and punished for this Belzebub answered I regard not I had rather be punished then adore him After Masse the Priest holding the blessed Hoast that Louyse and Magdalene might communicate and saying Ecce Agnus Dei Belzebub began to cry yes yes yes hee is a Lambe for others but vnto vs a roaring Lyon Then the Dominican father said vnto him Adora Deum tuum To which Belzebub replied Why should I worship this God I will not doe it I will not doe it Ha God! in despight of thee in despight of Mary in despight of Magdalene this Magdalene is mine Then said Verrine Ha thou cursed and as abominable as my selfe thou hast nought to do with Magdalene thou shalt come short of thy reckoning Magdalene this is but to fright thee feare not be confident and take God for thy husband Then answered Belzebub No no shee is married to mee I will make demonstration vnto you shee is mine I haue the Bondes I haue the Seales Vpon these words the Exorcist said to Magdalene beleeue not this deceiuer and father of lies Your God calleth himselfe your spouse the Virgin Mary stiles her selfe your mother and Saint Magdalene your deare sister Then said Belzebub No I will make it appeare that in all equity she is mine Verrine answered No more then I am thou diddest not create her neither diddest thou redeeme her and if thou hast lost
Verrine so that therewith he strucke Louyse on the head Notwithstanding these brauadoes of Belzebub Verrine addressed his speach vnto the said Magdalene and said O Magdalene how blest is S. Baume in thee It is true Magdalene blessed for euer is this S. Baume because in this place if thou wilt thou shalt become a second Magdalene but hitherto thou remainest arrogant vnthankfull obdurate I tell the Magdalene that thy Creatour is yet readie to die for thee This is true Magdalene Marie intercedeth for thee and pleadeth for thee before her sonne and euer saith vnto him My sonne Magdalene will be conuerted vnto thee But O cursed polluted detestable woman as thou art thou still shuttest vp the dore of thy heart Magdalene take heed vnto thy selfe take heede take heede take heede Magdalene I tell thee neuer was Iudas neuer was Herode so tormented as thou shalt bee except thou amend thy life and conuersation Magdalene forsake these Diuels Belzebub Leuiathan Balberith Asmodee Astaroth forsake this infernall societie Magdalene they all doe thirst after nothing else but after thy damnation Louyse is but the instrument of this discourse shee is possessed out of loue to thee God giueth the touch vnto this instrument to make thee listen after his melodious harmonie It is true Magdalene this good God will receiue thee to grace if thou doe repent thou wilt proue another Thais Humiliate thy selfe Magdalene and returne and obey S. Vrsula A miracle an vn-heard of miracle and which will neuer happen againe that the Diuell should conuert soules and be in steed of a Physitian an Apothecarie ●nd a Surgeon After all these discourses Magdalene still remained obstinate and in her first desperate estate at which all ●he compassionate spectators were much amazed not onely for the hardnesse of her heart but also to heare ●uch high and mysterious discourses and pronounced after more then a customarie manner It was then held sit to offer her vnto God by the 7. penetentiall Psalmes and other prayers When this was accomplished the Dominican father said vnto her Magdalene where are thy teares where are those gnawings and remorses of conscience where are those sighes which a penitent woman ought to haue At this Magdalene began to weep and bitterly bewailing her selfe she fell downe at the feete of those that were present and asked forgiuenesse with this protestation that she knew her selfe to be a cursed and disconsolate sinner so that euery one remained well edified thereby and conceiued good hope of her conuersion The Acts of the 9. of December ON which day in the morning Louyse and Magdalene were by the said Dominican father exorcised and at the entrance of the same Verrine began to speake in this manner Accursed woman listen and bee attentiue vnto what I shall now say vnto thee I call thee accursed because in the world there is none so impure as thou it is true thou art most wicked and shalt bee most vnfortunate vnlesse thou bee conuerted Neuer was Cain neuer was Iudas neuer was Pilat neuer was the rich Glutton so horribly tortured as thou shalt bee Louyse is no Philosopher Louyse hath no indowments of literature Louyse neuer was a student and thou well knowest that Louyse vnderstandeth not the secrets of thy heart but almightie God who knoweth thy most reserued cogitations compelleth me to say that thou hast againe harkened vnto Belzebub with stronger attention dissembling and gracelesse Witch as thou art then vnto thy Creatour and this thou couertly doest bay by day Gracelesse and accursed woman I do here lay it vnto thy heart that he is fearfully incensed against thee And though it be an vncontroulable truth that thou art a thanklesse and proud wretch yet doth the mother of God stand for thee shee is euer euer euer speaking for thee she is euertelling her sonne to morrow Magdalene will be obedient to morrow Magdalene will be humbled to morrow she wil turne to goodnesse to morrow shee will be conuerted O heart of stone O heart of marble and of Diamond nothing can soften or make thee tender but the blood of the Lamb. Looke to thy selfe Magdalene and be no more wilfull else art thou euerlastingly vndone O thou a thousand and a million of times accursed damned shalt thou be and that more deepely then any other the Diuels shall carrie thee body and soule to hell I say vnto thee neuer was there nor shall be such a wonder as God hath now wrought for thy sake It is true thou vngracious and flint-hearted woman that God could doe no good vpon thee neither by his inspirations nor by preaching nor by reading nor by Angels nor by all those that are in heauen nor by so many good men as haue prayed for thee What must thou haue a Diuell to conuert thee must thou haue a Diuell to be thy Physitian Apothecarie and Surgeon This is more strange then to see a hundred and a hundred and a hundred dead bodies raised and enlifened againe The defect is no where but in thee to be if thou wilt another Magdalene another Thais another Mary of Aegypt and another Pelagia Magdelene I aduise thee resist no longer open the dore which thou hast locked against thy God and he will compassion thy youth and giue pardon to thy ●ransgressions Verrine continued on and said Magdalene Thou knowest well that Louyse is very scrupulous and daintie of an oath and will not sweare for any good I then doe sweare by your God and by your Redeemer that it is most true which I haue formerly spoken And till this present thou diddest conceiue it was Louyse is not this true The all-powerfull God who seeth thy in-most imaginations constraineth me to speake it Then hee cried Ha woe is me Ha Belzebub thou doest threaten me but I must not regard thy threates for a maister more potent then thou and all hell besides doth command me Then turning to Magdalene hee said Magdalene renounce Belzebub Leuiathan Baal-berith Asmodee Astaroth say but I renounce thee cursed Belzebub and thee wretched Leuiathan thee Baalberith and thee Astaroth and thee Asmodee Then he willed the Exorcist that hee would force him to make this abiuration which hee did by the mouth of Louyse After the end of this discourse and of so terrible an inuectiue the Father Dominican turned to Magdalene and commanded her to say Conuerte me Domine conuertar ad te Then began she to weepe very tenderly and in external appearance shewed maruellous great contrition for her life past and oftentimes kissed a Crucifix which she held in her hand The Dominican when he perceiued in her so much compunction after the terrible batteries of such a hammer that did so beate at the gate of her heart asked her how she found her selfe Magdalene answered Ha! my father I am at the brink of desperation To which the said Father replied No Magdalene God doth not call thee
you haue any command or authority I charge you answere me I giue you leaue to call Lucifer to your aide now hee hath an excellent occasion to shew himselfe How now Belzebub wilt thou suffer thy slaue to tread thus disdainfully vpon thee Then crying to all the assembly hee said These are my Princes but now I doe not acknowledge them to be so but I do this by compulsion not by loue by constraint not by grace Belzebub answered him not a word but stood full of shame and confusion and was able to resist no longer Verrine then began to speake aloud to those that were there present for there was much people there come all of you come come I say and feare not to triumph ouer Gods enemies and yours Then the Company came and trod vpon him Belzebub not daring to reply against it or to mutter one word but remaining exceedingly dismayed Many other discourses were deliuered by him the relation of which would take vp too much time come you if you please and you shall bee more particularly acquainted with him Your most humble and most affectionate seruant Francis Billet Priest of the Christian doctrine hath written this letter Then hee signed it as did also Franciscus Domptius and a good distance below it was written I Magdalene of Demandoul doe testifie and confirme that all which is written in this letter is true especially that which mentioneth my repose of conscience I find my selfe much changed blessed be God and his sacred mother for I assure you shee hath much assisted me Pray vnto God that hee will giue me perseuerance and his grace that I may be a thankfull acknowledger of his manifold blessings which in such plenty he hath heaped vpon me The Acts of the 20. of December THis day Louyse and Magdalene were exorcised and in the middle of the Exorcismes Leuiathan entred into the lists of discourse and said vnto Verrine O Verrine now thou hast nothing to say then Verrine replyed it is not for thy sake I speake I now belong vnto a greater master then thy selfe and him am I to obey Leuiathan said hold thy peace thou art a proud spirit To this Verrine replied it is true wee are all the children of pride But is it not true haue not I humbled thee No said Leuiathan thou hast not been any cause thereof I tell thee it was the creature whom thou hast humbled Verrine said thou liest it was not that creature whatsoever hath been done hath been done for thy confusion and her conversion Wretched caitiffe as thou art I am heere an Embassadour from the living God and thou an agent from Lucifer darest thou deny this said Verrine to Leuiathan Not I said Leuiathan then Verrine said I am an Ambassadour from God who hath sent mee hither to put his will and not mine owne ends in execution To this Leuiathan replyed are there not other Ambassadours There are Angels and there are Preachers is it not so It is true said Verrine but thou art not ignorant that when a King would employ an Ambassadour hee hath choice of Princes great Lords and Gentlemen yet if his pleasure be to send some Lackey why he is a King and may command and doe what seemeth good vnto him for he may vse small things to effect matters of great waight and importance Leuiathan answered there is a great difference betweene them True said Verrine yet if the Kings of the earth be invested with this power how abundantly more shall the King of glory possesse the same It is true there are Princes there are Angels and great Preachers yet if his pleasure be to command his meanest slave who shall hinder him to doe it since hee is Omnipotent yet is he not a whit the lesse King or the lesse great this doth not diminish or bring an ebbe vpon his glory nay it is so different from that that it is a touch of his greatnesse to bee able to force our will for of our selves we are all wicked but God is able to transforme our rebellious nature into obedience yea to make thee Leuiathan and thee Lucifer to stoope and double vnder the yoke of subjection for hee is above you all and can easily force obedience from you Leuiathan said What dost thou looke to draw mens attention vnto thee thou art but a Divell True said Verrine I am but a Divell but being by God compelled to deliver a truth I cannot but performe it Knowest thou not that hee raised Lazarus from the dead and that his all powerfull word in speaking a fiat framed whatsoever seemed good vnto him Yes said Leuiathan but Lazarus did not hinder or resist that miracle that was wrought vpon him but these creatures here doe impeach and stoppe as much as in them lieth the execution of Gods pleasure Verrine answered He is omnipotent and changeth evill into good nay hee is of more force to attract and expresse grace out of sinne then hell is of malice to draw sinne out of grace for he is king of the whole earth and when he commandeth whatsoever suteth with his good pleasure I see he is obeyed because he that doth command it is a King God were not himselfe if he were not more powerfull then his creatures nay I affirme that then the Divell would be mightier then God for he can worke evill out of good and cannot God worke good out of evill You see how bold I am Leuiathan said God doth indeed call men vnto him by many secret inspirations by the teaching and instructions of learned men by the threatning of his judgements and by the Angels themselves yet for all this they are so hardned in sinne and so grosse of heart that although they see themselves hemmed in on all sides and cannot avoid to be converted vnto their God yet in their arrogancy and flintinesse of heart they will not sticke to say Lord thou art willing to receive me but I am not desirous to come vnto thee for I have nought to doe with thee I had rather be a pray vnto the divels and have a full fruition of all sorts of pleasure then bee received of thee and casheere them It is true said Verrine that thou hast spoken There be sinners of that improvident obstinacie that they will remaine determinately setled for many yeeres together in their wickednesse so that God is incited to a kind of anger and would be full of impatiencie at it if such passions could take place in God But I affirme that they cannot reside in God for they would argue an imperfection in him but if God were capable of impatiencie or if he could bee grieved I say hee would weepe when hee beholdeth those obstinate soules But God is not subject vnto griefe for they who affirme that the sinnes of men doe strike a sadnesse into the holy Ghost are not to be vnderstood as if the holy Ghost were indeed grieved it is a sinne to thinke so but that he
the proueth hath it they that neglect to doe good are at length o●ertaken with euill and hee who doth not chuse Christ Iesus for his host shall haue the Diuell to be his companion Christ Iesus is the good sheep-heard that leadeth his sheepe into pastures fatned by his body and blood hee is a sheepe-heard and a lambe together and was offered vp as a sacrifice for your sinnes giue him the staffe of your will and leaue the guide and gouernement of your selues vnto him for he will preserue you from the fury of rauening wolues Cursed be the sheepe that doth not suffer it selfe to be guided by him it doth well deserue to be deuoured The sheepe doth graze and chew the cudde so saith Christ Iesus must you take and eate not flesh that is dead but the liuing and celestiall foode of his body there is no dainty in the world comparable to this viande Paul in his extasie of spirit had an essay thereof so had also some others after him yet is there stil plenty of this food and the treasure of Gods mercies is so infinite that the Seraphins themselues cannot found the depth or know the end of his riches for they doe euer see new and vndiscouered perfections in God maruell not therefore if hee bestow a new rePsent vpon his Church Then he turned to the image of S. Magdalene and said O Magdalene thou wer 't abiding in this Baume where thou diddest repent neither is it lawfull for any man to enter into the litle caue where thou diddest lye but vpon his bare feete and I Verrine am of opinion that God will hardly giue way to a man hardened in his sin to passe into that sacred place God spake to Moses from the ●iery bush Put off thy shooes for the place whereon thou treadest is holy ground and I also affirme that this place is no lesse sacred then that because the Sacrament resteth here which is the Saint of Saints and Christ Iesus himselfe in his diuinity humanity came downe from heauen to visite Magdalene in this Baume Consider therefore seriouslie you that approach vnto the Communion how pretious a foode it is which is administred vnto you to the seruing in of which the Angels themselues are assistant as the seruants and pages of God O Marie sacred mother of God thou wer 't the first that diddest taste of this meate and wer ' more familiar there withal then any other creature whatsoeuer for thou diddest humble thy selfe at the comming and salutation of the Angell and diddest repute thy selfe vnworthy to be the seruant of seruants of the Lord. It is the custome of God where hee bestowes other vertues to circle them in all with perfect humility to the end that the soule bee not stayned with the spots or pollutions of ingratitude but may acknowledge those benefits which it hath receaued For the grace of God is a waight by which a man sinketh into the gulfe of his nothing and is drawne vp againe on high to make a coniunction and concurrence of the creatures will to the good pleasure of the Creator by this meanes also doth he vnderstand how slauish and fearefull his condition were if that God did not wing and protect him from all danger Mary thou art shee that like a waight diddest draw downe thy Sonne from heauen to earth not for thy owne sake alone but for all other distressed sinners so that he who will enioy euerlasting life must haue recourse vnto thee God indeed is that fertile cloud from whence all vertues drop downe vpon men Thy sonne doth indeed present his wounds before his father and thou art a remembrancer vnto thy sonne of all the seruices and offices which thou hast done vnto him not by way of ostentation but out of loue and to the end thou maiest obtaine mercy and forgiuenesse for comfortlesse sinners Whilest thou liued'st in this world thou wer 't fired with zeale and charity how much more now when thou art so neere vnto the furnace of loue and the fountaine of mercy Then hee said Lewes hath committed an infinite number of sacrileges against God and hath caused a thousand and a thousand persons to deny their Sauiour but God is desirous to expect a litle longer the euent of things Magick is the most pernitious and diabolicall art that may be France hath taken a strong spreading infection of the same and at Paris the schooles of Magick are more frequented then the diuinity lectures in Auignon God hath oftentimes offered himselfe and as it were way-laid the soule of Lewes sometimes by preaching and sometimes by other inspirations but he would not giue him a drop of drinke Belzebub drew him on to practise Magick and inchantments the schedules are now in his hand he hath been the occasion that many haue died very strange and sudden deathes and although God doth labour his conuersion yet doth hee thrust away and reiect the same All that which hath beene aboue spoken began vpon the day of the conception of the Virgine in the very place of pennance to figure out vnto you that you are first to receiue into your embracements repentance represented vnto you in Mary Magdalene and then innocence pointed out by Mary the mother of God When hee had thus said hee tooke his oath as hee was accustomed The same day in the euening were these two possessed women Exorcised whereupon Belzebub said I am assured that about this time they hold their synod and assembly will he relinquish this charge to come hither I must goe see Then Asmodee issued forth to giue aduertisement vnto the Magicians and witches as he said The same time which was about nine of the clocke at night father Michaelis came to S. Baume from Aix whence hee came with his companion father Anthony Boilletot and the master of the Chapter-house at Aix hauing finished his sermons for the Aduent Vpon whose arriuall there was inquiry made after Lewes for father Michaelis did imagine that Lewes was come because hee set forth from Aix the day before in the company of two Capuchin fathers but hee was not as then arriued The Acts of the 31. of December 1610. THis day in the morning were the two possessed women exorcised by father Domptius the Dominican and Verrine began to speake in this manner Blessed mother of God Veni Maria veni in adiutorium Lodouico Sancta Maria Magdalena veni in adiutorium Lodouico Sancte Ioannes Euangelista veni in adiutorium Lodouico Sancta Martha veni in adiutorium Lodouico Then he said Most sacred mother of God thou knowest those insupportable paines which thy Sonne suffered on the Crosse Verrine also did inuocate many other Saints that were assistant vnto Christ at his passion on mount Caluary Afterwards he added O sacred humanity I adiure and charge thee in the name of thy eternall father that thou offer thy wounds for Lewes I charge thee that thou present before him all the