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A00007 The Cronycles of Englonde with the dedes of popes and emperours, and also the descripcyon of Englonde; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. 1528 (1528) STC 10002; ESTC S108645 466,261 386

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that rebelled and prospered ryght wysly euermore on them At the last with a blyssed ende he decessed And in the lyf of saynt Laurence he and his wyfe be put for ensamples bycause of theyr holy and vertuous lyuynge ¶ Benedictꝰ was pope after Iohn .xi. yere This man had grete stryfe in his dayes For he was put out an other was put in And this Benedictus after that he was deed was seen of an holy bysshop in a wretched fygure he had grete payne And this fygure sayd he trusted no thynge in the mercy of god no thynge profyted hym that was done for hym for it was goten by extorcyon vniustly Thā this bysshop lefte his bysshopryche for drede of this sight went in to a monastery lyued vertuously all his dayes ¶ Iohānes the .xx. was pope after hym .xi. yere lytell profyted ¶ Of kyng Knoght that was a Dane ANd after the deth of this Eldred Knoght that was a Daue begā to regne But Edmund Irensyde that was king Eldredes sone by his fyrst wyfe ordeyned a grete power of men began to warre on kynge Knoght And so he dyd many tymes ofte the warre was so strōge harde the wonder it was to wyte And the quene Emme that than dwelled at westmynster had grete drede of her two sones Alured Edward lest they sholde be destroyed through the warre wherfore she sente them ouer see in to Normandy to the duke Richard theyr vncle there they dwelled in safete peas lōge tyme. ¶ This Edmund Irensyde Knoght the Dane warred fyersly togyder But at the last they were accorded in this maner that they sholde departe the realme bytwene them and so they dyd and loued togyder lyke two bretherne ¶ How kyng Edmund Irensyde was slayne through treason by a traytour that was called Edryth of Stratton ANd than after regned kyng Edmūd Irensyde Knoght the dane But thus it befel afterward that in the same yere that they were accorded so moche loued togyder wherfore a fals traytour had enuy at the loue that was bytwene them whose name was Edrith of stra●to● that was a grete lorde that was Edmunde Irensydes man of hym helde all the londe that he had neuerthelesse he thought to betraye his lorde make Knoght kyng of all the londe to the entent rychely to be auaūced with hym to be well beloued Wherfore he prayed his lorde Edmunde Irensyde on a daye with hym for to ete And the kyng hym curteysly graūted and to hym came at his prayer And at meet the kyng was ryally serued with dyuerse metes and drynkes And whan nyght came that he sholde go to bedde the kyng toke his owne meyny and went to the chambre where as he shold take his nyghtes rest And as he loked aboute hym he sawe a fayre ymage a well made in semblaūt as it were an archer with a bowe bent in his hande in the bowe a fyne arowe Kynge Edmund went nere to beholde it better And whan he was by it anone the arowe smote hym through the body there slewe the kynge for the engyn was made to slee his owne lorde traytoursly And whan kynge Edmund was thus deed slayne he had regned but .x. yere And his people made moche sorowe for him his body they bare to Glastenbury there buryed hym And this fals traytour Edrith anone went to the quene that was kynge Edmundes wyfe that wyst not of her lordes deth toke from her two sones that were fayre yonge that her lorde had goten on her that one was called Edwarde that other Edwyne ladde them with hym to London toke them to kyng Knoght that he sholde do with them what his wyl were And told hȳ how subtylly he had slayne king Edmund bycause the Knoght sholde haue all the londe of Englonde ¶ O thou fals traytoure hast thou slayne my true broder that was so true bycause of me a man that I moost loued in the worlde Now by my heed I shall for thy trauayle the well rewarde as thou hast deserued anone let hym be taken and boūde hym handes feet in maner of a traytour let cast hym in to the ryuer of Tamyse And in this maner the fals traytour ended his lyfe The kyng toke the two chyldren put them vnto the abbot of West mynster to warde to kepe tyll he wyst what was best with them for to do ¶ How kynge Knoght sent bothe kyng Edmondes sones in to Denmarke for to be slayne and how they were saued ANd it befel soone afterward that kynge Knoght had all the londe in his handes spoused the quene Emme through consent of al his barons for she was a fayre woman the whiche was Eldredes wyfe and the dukes syster of Normandy they lyued togyder with moche loue as reason wolde The kyng asked vpon a daye coūseyle of the quene what was best to do with Edmond Irensydes sones Syr sayd she they be the ryght heyres of the londe and yf they lyue they wyll do you moche sorowe with warre and therfore let sende them in to a straūge londe aferre to some man that may destroye them The king anone let call a Dane that was called Walgar cōmaūded hym that he sholde lede those two chyldren in to Denmarke so to do and ordeyne for them that he sholde neuer more here of them Syr sayd this Walgar your commaūdement gladly shall be done And anone he toke the two chyldren ledde them in to Denmarke And for as moche as he sawe that the chyldren were wonders fayre m●ke he had of them grete pite ruth wold not slee them but ledde them to the kynge of Hungary for to nourysshe For this Walgar was well beknowen with the kynge well beloued Anone the kynge asked fro whens the children were And Walgar tolde hym sayd that they were the ryght heyres of Englonde and therfore men wolde destroye them therfore syr vnto you they be comen to seke mercy helpe for soth yf they may lyue your men they shall become and of you they shall holde all theyr londe The kynge of Hungary receyued thē with moche honour and let them worthely be kepte And thus it befell afterwarde that Edwyne the yonger broder dyed Edwarde the elder broder lyued a fayre man and a stronge and a large of body gentyll and curteys of condicyons so that all men loued hym And this Edwarde in the cronycles is called amonge Englysshmen Edwarde the outlawe And whan he was made knyght the kynges doughter of Hungary loued him moche for his goodnes and his fayrnes so that she called hym her derlynge The kynge that was her fader perceyued well the loue that was bytwene them two he had none heyr but onely that doughter And the kynge vouchedsafe his doughter to no man so well as he dyd to hym that she loued
agayn to king Adelbryght y● was king of Kent tolde him y● his folke wold not be to no man obedyent but to y● archebysshop of Carlyon Whan the king herde this he was sore anoyed sayd that he wolde destroye them sent to Elfryde kyng of Northumberlonde y● was his frende y● he shold come to hym with all y● power that he myght he wold mete hym at Leycestre and fro thens they wolde go in to wales there destroye y● archebysshop of Carlyon and all those that had refused saynt Austyn ¶ How kyng Adelbryght kyng Elfry de slewe Brecynall y● was a kyng of bry tons that helde y● coūtree of Leycestre IT befell so that there was a kyng of brytons that helde the coūtre of Leycestre all the countre aboute his name was Brecynall And this bryton herde tell y● those two englysshe kynges wolde mete there at Leycestre for to go in to wales he let ordeyne all the power that he had for to go fyght with these two kȳges but lytel it auayled hym for his folke were all slayne hymself fledde lost his londes for euermore And these two kȳges Adelbryght Elfryde dwel led a whyle at Leycestre departed the londe amonge them and toke homage feaute of the folke of y● coūtree And af ter they went toward wales And they of wales herde tell of y● discōfyture that Brecmal had at Leycestre were won ders sore adrad of those two kynges toke chose amōge them good men ho ly of heremytes mōkes preestes of other people grete plente y● wente bare fote and wolwarde for to haue mercy of those two kynges But y● kynges were so sterne so wycked y● they wold neuer speke with them but slewe them all Alas for sorowe for they ne spared them no more than the wolfe doth the shepe but smote of theyr hedes euerichone And so they were all martyred y● to them came that is to vnderstande .v. C. and .xl. And after they wente fro thens to Bangore for to slee all those y● they myght fynde there of y● brytons And whan y● britons herde that they assembled ordeyned all theyr power for to fyght with them Than was there a baron of wales whi che was called Bledrik of Cornewayle that somtyme was lorde of Deenshyre but king Adelbright had dryuen hȳ out in to wales after there he gaue them batayle at y● batayle was kyng Adelbryght slayne Elfryde sore woūded forsoke y● felde the moost parte of his people slayne And king Elfryd fled in to Northumberlond y● was his owne lōde And after the people of Leycestreshyre made with strength Cadewan y● was Brecinals sone kyng of Leycestre he after regned nobly with grete honour ¶ How Cadewan kynge of Leycestre Elfryde king of Northumberlond were frendes And of the debate y● after was bytwene Edwyn and Cadwalyn that were bothe theyr sones AFter that this bataile was done the britons assembled them and went thens came to Leicestre made there Cadewan y● was Br●●ynals sone kyng of Leycestre of all y● coūtree And he toke homage feaute of all y● folke of the coūtree And after that he assembled a grete hoost and sayd he wolde go in to Northumberlonde to destroye kyng Elfryde slec hym yf he myght And whā he was comen thyder frendes went so bytwene them that they accorded them in this maner That Elfryde shold hold all y● londe from Humber vnto scotlonde and Cadewan sholde haue all y● londe on this syde Humber to y● south And after that they were good frendes all theyr lyf loued togyder as they had ben bre therne And this Elfryde had a sone called Edwyn y● helde all y●●ond of North●berlonde after his faders deth as his fa der had hold al his lyfe tyme. And Cade wan had another sone called Cadwa●● that helde his faders londe as he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whā he was alyue these loued as bre therne the loue insted bytwene them but onely two yere after began debate bytwene them thrugh an euyl enuyous cosyn of Cadwalyns called Bryens so y● they assembled a grete host on bothe par tyes And at y● last it befell y● Cadwalyn was discōfyted Edwyn pursued him and droue hym frō place to place so y● at the lasthe fled in to Irlōde And Edwyn destroyed his londe cast downe castels brent his maners departed all Cad walyns londe among his frendes And lōge tyme after came Cadwalyn agayn from Irlonde with a stronge power in playne batayle slewe Edwyn and all his frendes namely them that withhelde his londes by Edwyns gyfte ¶ How kynge Oswalde was slayne by kynge Cadwalyn Peanda And how Oswy that was saynt Oswaldes broder regned after hym slewe Peanda WHan Edwyn was slayne Offris his sone vndertoke the warre agaynst Cadwalin his vncle so that this Offris dyed duryng y● warre And after the deth of Offris regned a gentyl chrysten man that moche lōued god almygh ty that had all y● londe of Northumberlonde by herytage y● was called O●●ald he was kyng of all y● londe But for as moche as he was frende to Edwin and helde a grete parte of y● londe of Cadwa lyn This Cadwalyn warred vpon him and droue hym towarde scotlonde And whan Cadwalyn sawe that he wold not abyde he wolde no longer pursue hym but toke some of his folk to Peanda his broder in lawe prayed hym to pursue after Oswald tyll that he were taken or slayne And Cadwalyn returned home agayn Whan Oswald herd y●●ydȳges that Cadwalin turned home agayn he wolde no longer flee but abode Peanda gaue hym batayle Peanda was dis comfyted fled came agayn to Cadwa lyn sayd y● wolde neuer holde a fote of londe of hym but yf so were y● he wolde auenge hym on Oswald Cadwalyn let assemble a grete hoost for to fyght with Oswald so that he and Peanda came to Northumberlonde gaue batayle vnto Oswald in y● same batayle was Oswald slayne his heed smyttenof after he was buryed in y● abbey of Bardeney in whiche place god hath wrought for hym many a fayre myracle bothe there and els where And anone Oswy his broder seased all the londe in to his handes y● was this Oswaldes And the folke of Northūberlond loued hym won ders well helde hym for theyr lorde But he had men of his kynne worthy ynough y● wolde haue departed y● londe they warred lōge togyder And for as moche as they were not strōge ynough they came to Pcanda prayed hym of helpe socour pmysed hym of y● londe largely vpon this couenaūt y● he wolde gouerne them helpe coūseyle Peauda herde theyr prayer so spake with king Cadwalyn that he shold ordeyn a grete hoost fast ordeyn hym in to Northum berlonde for to fyght with Oswy And Oswy was a
vnto other folke of his hoost And they founde in one of the shyppes a fayre damoyfell whiche was kynge Humbars doughter and she was called Estrylde And whan kynge Lotryn sawe her he toke her with hym bycause of the grete beaute and fayrnes that he sawe in her And for her he was ouertaken in loue and wolde haue wedded her These tydynges came to Corin anone thought to auenge hym on Lotryn for as moche as Lotryn had promised hym to wedde Guentolyn his doughter And Corin in haste toke his waye to newe Troy vnto hym sayd thus to Lotryn Certes ye rewarde me full euyll for the paynes that I haue had for your fader Brute wher fore syth it is so I wyll auenge me now on the. And with that drewe his swerde wolde haue slayne Lotryn the kyng But the damoysel went bytwene them and made them to be accorded in this maner that Lotryn sholde take Guentolyn Corins doughter to wyfe And so Lotryn dyd Neuertheles after he was maryed he wente pryuely to Estrylde gate on her a doughter that was called Abram And it befell so that anone after Corin dyed after whan he was deed Lotryn forsoke Guentolyn that was his wyfe made Es 〈…〉 quene And than Guentolyn dep 〈…〉 frō the●s 〈◊〉 grete wrath in to Cori 〈…〉 e there seased all the londe in to her owne ha●ors for as moche as she was her faders heyre toke homage of all y● men of y● londe And afterwarde she assembled a grete hoost a myghty of men for to be auenged vpon Lottyn y● was her lorde gaue hym a stronge but a yle where Lotryn her husbonde was slayne his men discōfyted in the .v. yere of his regne Guētolyn let take Estrylde Abram her doughter bounde them bothe handes fete cast them bothe in to a water so they were dro●●●ed wherfore y● water was euermore after called Abram after y● name of y● damoysell y● was Est●yldes doughter englysshe men call that water Seuerine walshmen call it Abram yet vn to this daye And whan this was done Gu 〈…〉 ol yn let crowne her quene of all y● londe And she gouerned the londe well and wysely vnto th●ty me that 〈◊〉 her sone that Lotryn had goten 〈…〉 was .xx. yere of age that he myght be kyng And so the quene reg●●d .xv. yere And than let she crowne her sone kyng and he regned and gouerned the 〈◊〉 well worthtly And his moder went in to Cornewayle and there she dwelled all the dayes of her lyfe ¶ How Madan reg●ed in peas all his lyfe THis Madan sone to Lotryn regned on the Brytons .xl. yere the whiche began to regne the .xv. yere of Saul And this Madan lyued in peas all his dayes gate two sones Mempris and Maulyn Than he dyed and lyeth at newe Troye ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M C .xxij. ●t 〈◊〉 Christi na 〈…〉 tatem M. ●xxiiij ¶ Here begynneth the fourth age durynge to the transmygracyon Dauyd _●Auyd the seconde kynge 〈◊〉 Israell regned this tyme 〈◊〉 man chosen after y● desy 〈…〉 god And he was anoy 〈…〉 in his yonge age by Sam 〈…〉 after y● deth of kynge Saul he reg●●d x● 〈◊〉 This D 〈…〉 d was as a 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 mankynde in whome 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 so moche power so moche humy●●te so moche noblenes so moche 〈◊〉 so grete a charge of seculer thynges so pure beuoute 〈◊〉 contemplacyon of spirytuall thynges so many men to 〈…〉 e so many teres to ●●epe for his ●●espace ●ide plura 〈◊〉 regum ¶ Ab●athar this tyme was bisshop he fledde fro Saul vnto Dauid he was gloryous with hym all his dayes G●d Nathan and Asoph were prophetes than And Nathan was broders sone to Dauid ¶ How Mempris slewe his broder Maulyn THis Mēpris his broder Maulyu stroue fast for the londe And Mempris began to regne the .xxxv. yere of Dauid for bycause that he was the eldest sone he wold haue had all y● londe and Maulyn wolde not suffre hym so y● they toke a day of loue accorde and at this daye Mempris let kyll his broder through treason hymselfe afterward helde the londe anone let crowne hym kyng regned after became so lyther a man that he wtin a whyle all y● men of his londe And at the last he became so wycked so lecherous y● he forsoke his owne wyfe vsed the synne of sodomye wherfore almighty god was gretly displeased wroth with hym vpon hym toke vengeaunce bycause of his wyckednes For vpon a daye as he went forth on huntyng in a forest there he lost all his men y● were with hym wyst not what he shold do so he went ●p downe hymselfe alone cryed after his mē but they were gone there came wolues anone all to drewe hym in peces whan he had regned .xxiiij. yere And whā his people herde y● he was so deed they made ioy myrth ynough and anone made Ebra● his sone kynge and he regned with moche honour ¶ Anno mundi .iiij. M C .lxv. Et ante Christi na 〈…〉 tem M .xxxiiij. SAlomon the kyng of peas of the gyfte of our lor● had a synguler excedynge aboue all men y● euer was in this world but alonely god in wysdom in tychesse in deyntees in glory ●a miliarite with god And all though Moyses Dauid Peter Paule Ierome Austyn other moo exceded hym in holynes but yet they ex●●ded hym not 〈◊〉 glorye rychesse And this man so excedynge all men wretchedly 〈◊〉 Of this Salomon is redde in an epystle of sa●●● Ierome y● he gate a chylde on y● doughter of Pharao at x● yere of his age V●de psa regū ¶ Sadoch this tyme was bysshop for he deriyned not to y● parte of Adonie Dauids sone but was with Nathan for Salomon Ab●atha● on the other parte was deposed ¶ Anno mundi ●iij M. ij C .v. Et ante Christi nat 〈…〉 tem .ix. C. lxxxx●●●j ROboas succeded Salomō his 〈◊〉 der in his kyngdome but not 〈◊〉 wysdome He was deceyued through y● coūseyle of yonge men lost .x. 〈◊〉 in so moche as he answered no● wysely the people as it is open 〈◊〉 regum ¶ Achimias was bysshop and was y● sone of Sadoth Vt pꝪ patet 〈◊〉 Para●●po ¶ Reges Israel in●●pi●●● I Hero●●as regned kyng in Israel xxij yere he was fyrst of y● hous holde of Salomon and a good man ▪ but whā he was made kyng he was a myschenous 〈◊〉 ydolatry made israel to synne i 〈…〉 ry many grete incōuenyentes 〈…〉 one ▪ almoost to the destru●●yon of 〈◊〉 Israel For he was y● fygure of Ma 〈…〉 ●●de p●a .iij. regū ¶ Abdias y● son● of Rob●as regned in 〈◊〉 Iewry thre yere and other whyle as a good mā holpen by god other whyle wretchedly
.j. And more in scripture is not had of him ¶ Omias bysshop was sone to Symō Symon was bysshop after hȳ whiche was a very religyous mā he reformed the tēple of god better encreaced y● cite of Ierusalē with many other good thȳges ¶ Sēproniꝰ Appius Claudiꝰ Gueus Gaius Attiliꝰ Regulꝰ Emilius Fabiꝰ this tyme were senatoures at Rome This Sēproniꝰ fought agaynst y● countre of Picentes almoost y● cheualry on bothe partes were slayne except a fewe Romayns were lefte alyue y● subdued y● coūtre Appiꝰ Claudiꝰ subdued Syracusanas y● coūtre of Penos put grete tribute on them Attiliꝰ Regulꝰ a noble senatour ouercāme .iij. kynges .lxxiij. citees subdued a dragon of C .xv. fote he slewe Afterward whā he was ouer cruell agaynst his enemyes denyeng to gyue them peas but yf they wold paye a mighty tribute they almost in despayre fought agaynst him ouercame hȳ his hoost toke hym yet they wolde fayne haue had peas but this faythful man had leuer dye in payne thā to gyue peas to cursed people His louyng saynt Austyn gretly exalteth Emiliꝰ Fabius Gaius wold haue deliuered Regulus but they obteyned not ¶ Ptholomeas Euergites this tyme was king of egipt a victoryous prynce a myghty This man subdued Syriā Ciciliā y● moost parte of Asie and toke theyr goddes brought them in to his coūtre ¶ Ptholomeus Philopater sone to Euergites regned in Egypte .xvij. yere This man fought agaynst .ij. brethern Selencū grete Anthiocū he prostrated many a thousande but neuerthelesse he preuayled not Vide pl’a plura i Iohāne suꝑ Daniel ¶ Hanyball the moost cursed kynge of Penorum or of affricanorum mightely hated the Romayns for he destroyed them almoost to y● vttermest ende nygh y● cite of Rome he destroyed so many noble men of Romayns he slewe at one tyme that thre busshelles of golde rynges he drew of theyr fyngers Also in a certayn water of the slayne bodyes of these Romayns he made as it were a brydge y● his hoost myght passe And at y● last Cipio y● noble senatour directed his host to hym discōfyted hym almost Cipios host of Romayns were slayne ¶ Lucatius cōsul Sipronius valeriꝰ Fulnius lutinꝰ Gaius Scipio ruled at Rome This tyme the Romays had peas one yere alone it was takē for a myracle y● they had so lōge rest for afore this tyme in iiij C. .xl. yere y● Romayns had neuer rest These cōsules whā y● yere was done cōgregated all y● strēgth of ytaly they had in theyr hoost .viij. M. armed men for drede of y● frensshmen whome they drad strongly afterwarde y● Romayns subdued them ¶ Epiphanes y● sone of Philopat regned in egypt .xxiiij. yere Cleopatra doughter to grete Anthiocꝰ was his wyfe ¶ Anthiocꝰ magnus this tyme regned in Syrry whiche dyd moche mischefe to y● Iewes Vt pꝪ patet Math. ¶ Onias this tyme was bysshop in Ierusalē This Onias for y● tyranny of Anthiocus fled with many iewes into egypt feynynge hym to fulfyll the ꝓphecy of ysaie .xix. that is to wyte to buylde the temple But in y● he synned for he sayd otherwyse than he thought The kynge of Egypte gracyously receyued hym gaue hym y● londe of Helipolees there he buylded his tēple Symon his sone was bysshop at Ierusalē after that his fader was fledde ¶ Circa annum mūdi .v. M .xxxiiij. Et ante Christi natiuitatem C .lxv. ELeasar of the lyne of Chryst was about this tyme of hȳ no thynge is wrytē in scripture but y● Math. nombreth hȳ Vt pꝪ patet .j. ¶ Omas Pius was to y● Iewes bysshop this tyme an holy man well beloued with god man not all onely with good men but yll men also At the last vnright wysly was slayne of Andronito Vt pꝪ patet .ij. macha .iiij. ¶ Paulus Terentius Scipto Affricanꝰ these were senatours at Rome these two erected an hoost agaynst Hanyball there almost y● Romayns hope dyed for there was slayne .xliiij. thousand Romayns And this noble man Scipio Affricanus brought agayn the state of y● Romayns the whiche stode in a despayre neuer to haue recouered For he fought with Hanyball manly discōfyted hȳ All Spayne he ouercame All Affryke he subduedgrete Anthiocꝰ he brought to be his seruaūt All Asiam he made tributary to y● Romayns This man so noble so victoryous by his own vnkynde coūtre was outlawed there he dyed ¶ Philometor the sone of Epiphanes of Cleopatra regned in egypt .xxxv. yere This kyng yet a chylde noble Anthiocus gretly oppressed with many deceytes But y● Romayns sent legates y● which cōmaūded Anthiocus y● he sholde cesse of his tyranny agaynst hym And Marcus Publiꝰ made a cercle about Anthiocus sayenge thus The senatours of rome y● people cōmaūde y● that y● go not out of this cercle tyll y● haue answered to this mater This Anthiocus seynge y● he might not contynue his tyrāny sayd Yf it be thus cōmaūded me of the senatours and Romayns I must nedes turne agayn so wood angry he was y● he lost y● syege of Alexādre turned to y● poore releues of the Iewes vēgyng hȳ on them bycause he myght not venge hym on no myghtyer people Vt pꝪ patet in lib. macha .j. et .ij. MAthathias an holy man of all praysynge moost worthy hated in his herte the cōuersacyon of all synners all onely trustyng in our lorde god of Israel Vt pꝪ patet prio macha .ij. And this mā had .v. sones of the same loue vnto god This man was not bysshop in Israel but his .iii. sones were ¶ Iudas Mathabeꝰ was bysshop .iii. yere he was sone to Mathathias This machabeus was the moost named man that euer was in Isarel that whiche had neuer none lyke hym afore ne after He was in batayle a myghty man offred hȳ to dye a martyr for the lawes of god ¶ Ionathas his broder suceeded hym rir yere the whiche grewe in vertue gouerned abode stedfast in the lawes of god after falsly was slayne of Criphone two of his sones V●de p●a iuda et fr̄e etꝰ lib. macha ¶ Antiochus Epiphanes sone to Antio thus the myghty this tyme was kyng of Sirry This man frō the heed vnto the fote wtin wtout al was cursed therfore he was fygured to Antechryst Many mar tyrs he made cruelly falsly he disposed hȳ to entre in to Egypt as his fader dyd but he obteyned not for the Romayns letted hȳ to his vnhappy werke how he was in hostage at Rome how the ꝓphe cy of Daniel is cōpleted in hȳ ye may se in the boke of Macha ¶ Quintus flami nius Marchꝰ Catho Thiberiꝰ Graceꝰ were senatours of Rome This tyme so meche batayle was the lerned men of gen tyles of the true fayth bothe were wery to wryte the actes or haue them in mynde In
a grete prynce came fro Rome in to this londe y● was called Seuerye not for to warre but for to saue the ryght of Rome But neuertheles he had not dwelled halfe a yere in this londe but that the brytons slewe hym And whan the Romayns wyst that Seuerye was so slayne they sente an other grete lorde in to this londe that was called Allec that was a stronge man a myghty of body dwelled in this londe longe tyme dyd moche sorow to the brytons so that after for pure malyce they chose them a kynge amonge them that was called Asclepades and assembled a grete hoost of Brytons went to London to seke Allec there they foūde him and slewe hym all his felawes one y● was called walon defended hym fyersly fought longe with the Brytons but at the last he was discōfyted the Brytons toke hym boūde hym handes feet cast hym in to a water wherfore y● water was called for euermore Walbroke Than regned Asclepades in peas tyll one of his erles that was called Coyl made a fayre towne agaynst the kynges wyll let call y● towne Colchestre after his name wherfore the kynge was wroth thought to destroye hym and began to warre vpon hȳ brought grete power of men gaue the erle batayle the erle defended hym fyersly with his power slewe the kynge hymselfe in that batayle And thā was Coyll crowned and made kynge of this londe This Coyll regned nobly was well beloued of the brytons Whan y● Romayns herde y● Asclepades was slayne they were wonders glad sent an other grete prȳce of y● Romayns that was called Constance he came to kynge Coyll for to chalenge y● trybute of Rome which he graūted hym full gladly So they accorded y● kyng Coyll gaue to hym his doughter Eleyne to wyfe y● was bothe fayre wyse well lettred dwelled togyder in loue And soone after this kyng Coyll dyed in the .xiij. yere of his regne lyeth at Colchestre ¶ How Constance a Romayn that had spoused Eleyne kynge Coyls doughter was chosen kynge after kynge Coyll AFter this kynge Coyll Cōstance was made kynge crowned for as moch as he had spoused kyng Coyls doughter that was heyre of the londe the whiche Constance regned well worthely gouerned the lōde And he begate on his wyfe Eleyne a sone that was called Cōstantyne And this kyng bare true fayth truly dyd to them of Rome all his lyfe And whā he had regned .xv. yere he dyed and lyeth at yorke ¶ How Constantyne that was kynge Constances sone sone to saynt Eleyne gouerned and ruled the londe and after was emperour of Rome AFter kynge Constance deth regned Constantyne his sone sone to saynt Eleyne that foūde y● holy crosse in the holy londe how Cōstantyne became emperour of Rome It befell that in that tyme there was an emperour at Rome that was a sarasyn a tyraūt that was called Maxence whiche put to deth al y● byleued in god destroyed holy chirche by all his power slewe all chrystē men that he myght fynde amōge all other he let martyr saynt Katheryne many other christen people that had drede of deth fled came in to this londe to kyng Constantyne tolde hym of y● sorowe that Maxence dyd to chrystē folke wherfore Cōstantyn had pite made grete sorow assembled a grete host a grete power and went ouer vnto Rome there toke the cyte slewe all y● was therin of mys byleue And than was he made emperour was a good man and gouerned hym so well y● all londes were to hȳ attendaūt for to be vnder his gouernaūce ¶ And this deuyll tyraūt Ma 〈…〉 y● tyme was in the londe of Grece herde these tydȳges sodeynly became wood dyed sodeynly ¶ Whan Constantyne went from this londe to Rome he toke with hȳ his moder Eleyne for her grete prudence thre other grete lordes y● 〈◊〉 moost loued the one was called Howell y● other Taberne the thyrde Mo 〈…〉 And toke all his londe to kepe to the erle of Cornewayle that was called Octauian And anone as this Octauian wyst that his lorde dwelled at Rome incontynent he cesed all the londe into his handes therwith dyd all his wyll amōge 〈◊〉 lowe they helde hym for kyng Whan these tydynges came to Cōstantyne the emperour he was wonders wroth towarde the erle Octauyan and sent Taberne with .xij. M. men agaynst hym they arryued at Portesmouth Whan Octauian wyst that he let assembled a grete power of Brytons dyscomfyted hym And Taberne fledde in to Scotlonde ordeyned there a grete power came agayne in to this londe another tyme for to gyue batayle to Octauyan And whan Octauyan vnderstode that he assembled a grete power and came towarde Taberne as fast as he myght so that those two hoostes mette togyder on Stanesmore strongly smote togyder And than was Octauyan dyscōfyted fledde thens vnto Norway And Taberne seased all the londe in to his handes bothe townes castelles But Octauyan came agayne fro Norway with a grete power droue out al the Romayns than he was made kyng of this lond ¶ How Maximian that was the emperours cosyn of Rome spoused Octauyans doughter and after was made kynge of this londe THis Octauian gouerned the londe well and nobly but he had none heyre saue a doughter that was a yōge chylde that he loued as moche as his lyf And for as moche as he waxed seke and was in poynt of deth and might no longer regne he wolde haue made one of his neuewes to be kyng which was a noble knyght a stronge man that was called Conan Meriedok he shold haue kepte the kynges doughter haue maryed her whan tyme had ben But the lordes of the londe wolde not suffre it but gaue her coūseyle to be maryed to some hygh man of grete honour thā might she haue al her lust the coūseyle of her lord Cōstātyne the emperour And at this coūseyle they accorded chose Cador of Cornewayle for to go to the emperour on this message he toke the waye went to Rome tolde the emperour these tydynges well wysely And the emperour sent in to this londe with hym his owne cosyn that was his vncles sone a noble knyght a stronge that was called Maximyan he spoused Octauyans doughter was crowned kyng of this londe ¶ How Maximian that was the emperours cosyn cōquered the londe of Amorican gaue it to Conan Meriedok THis kyng Maximian became so ryall that he thought to conquere the londe of Amorican for the grete rychesse that he herde tell that was in y● londe so that he ne left no man of worthynes knyght ne squyer ne none other mā that he ne toke with him to the grete domage of all
After that the kynge Aurilambros went through out the londe and put awaye the name of Engyst londe that Engyst after his name had called it before Than he let call it agayne grete Brytayne and let make agayn chirches and houses of relygyon castelles cytees and borowes and townes that the Saxous had destroyed and came to London and dyd do make the walles of the cyte whiche Engist his folke had cast downe The Brytons ladde hym to the moūt of Ambrian where somtyme was an hous of relygyon whiche than was destroyed through the paynyms wherof a knyght that was called Ambry that somtyme was foūder of that hous and therfore the hyll was called the mount of Ambryan And after it was called Ambesbury and shall be so for euermore ¶ How Aurilambros dyd redresse the londe of grete Brytayne whiche was destroyed through the Saxons HOw the kynge Aurilambros let amende and redresse the hous of Ambesbury and put there in monkes but now there be Nonnes alytell from the place that was called Salysbury or where as the Saxons slewe the Britons where as Engist and the Britons sholde haue made a loue daye in that whiche tyme there were slayne a thousande .lxj. knyghtes through treason of Engist The kynge therof had grete pyte thought to make in mynde of them a monument of stone that myght endure to the worldes ende And of this thynge they toke theyr counseyle what therof was best to do Than spake to the kynge the bysshop of London that was called Ternekyn that he shold enquyre after Mer lyn for he coude best tell how this thȳge myght best be made And Merlyn after was sought foūde came to the kynge And the kyng tolde hym his wyll of the monument that he wold haue made Merlyn answered to the kynge sayd There ben grete stones in Irlond longe vpon the hyll of Kian that ben called gyaūtes ka roll yf they were in this place as they be there they wold endure for euermore in remembraūce of those knyghtes that here be buryed Perma foy sayd the kyng as harde stones ben in my lōde as in Ir lōde Soth sayd Merlyn but in all your londe there be none suche For gyauntes set them for grete good of themselfe For at euery tyme that they were woūded or in ony maner hurt they wasshed the stones with hote water and thā they wasshed them therwith anone they were hole ¶ How the Brytons went for to seke the grete stones in Irlonde ANd whā these Britōs had herd of this thȳge they went swore amonge them that they wolde goo seke those stones toke with them Vter the kȳges broder to be theyr chefe capitayn and .v. M. mē Merlin coūseyled them for to go vnto Irlonde and so they dyd And whan the kynge of Irlonde that was called Guillomer herde tell the straūgers were arriued in his londe he assembled a grete power fought agaynst them but he his folke were discōfyted The Brytons wente before tyll they came to the moūt of Kylian clymmed vp vnto the moūt But whan they sawe the stones the maner how they stode they had grete meruayle and sayd bytwene themselfe that no man sholde them remeue for no strength ne engyne so grete they were so lōge But Merlin thrugh his crafte he remeued them brought them in to theyr shyppes came agayn in to this londe And Merlin set the stones where the kyng wolde haue them set them in the same maner that they stode in Irlonde And whan the kynge sawe that it was made he thāked Merlin ryche ly hym rewarded at his own wyll let call the place Stonehenge for euermore ¶ How Passent that was Vortigers sone kyng Guillomer came in to this londe how a traytour that was called Cappa empoysoned the kyng Aurilambros ANd men shall vnderstāde the Passent that was Vortigers sone liued the same tyme came in to this lond with a grete power arryued in the north coūtre wold be auēged of his faders deth Vortiger strongly trusted vpon the com pany that he had brought with hym out of the londe of Germany had conquered all the North coūtre vnto Yorke And whā kyng Aurilambros herde this he assem bled a grete power of britons went for to fyght with Passent he discomfyted Passent and al his people But Passent escaped thens with some of his men fledde thens in to Irlōde came to kyng Guillomer prayed hym of helpe socour The kynge graūted hym with good wyll sayd that he wold helpe hym vpon that couenaunt that I my selfe must go with you with all my power in to Brytayne and I wold me auenge vpon the Brytons the rather for they came in to my londe toke the stones with strength that is called gyaūtes karoll The kyng Guillomer let ordeyne his shyppes and went to the see with .xv. 〈◊〉 men arryued in wales began to robbe dyd moche sorowe ¶ It befell so that kyng Aurilambros lay feke at Wynchestre myght not helpe hymselfe So that he sent in his name Vter his broder with a power to helpe wales thyderwarde he went as moche as he myght The kyng of Irlonde and Passent had herde tell that Aurilambros was seke and to them there came a sarasyn that was called Coppa and sayd Syr dwell ye here all in peas with your hoost I behyght you through my queyntyse that I shall slee the kynge Aurilambros that is seke Than sayd Passent yf ye do so I shall rychely aua●i●e you This traytour Coppa put vpon hym an habyte of relygyon let shaue hym a brode crowne came vnto the kynges courte sayd that he wolde helpe the kyng of his malady Than sayd the traytour Coppa vnto the kynge Syr be of good conforte for I shall gyue you suche a medycyne that ye shall swete anone ryght and lyst to slepe haue good rest And the traytour gaue hym suche poyson to slepe that anone ryght in his slepyng he dyed the traytour sayd that he wolde go out in to the felde tyll he were awaked And so escaped he away for no man had to hym suspeccyon for bycause of his ha byte that he was clothed in and also for his brode shauen crowne But whan the kynges men wyst that he was deed they became wonders sory fast sought the traytour but they myght not fynde hȳ For that traytour returned agayne vnto the hoost fro whens he came ¶ Whan Aurilambros was deed a sterre on the morow was seen with a clere lyght at that bought of the beme was seen the heed of an horryble dragon WHan the kyng Aurilābros was thus deed empoisoned at wyn chestre on the morowe after that he was deed aboute the tyme of pryme there was seen a sterre grete clere the beme of the sterre was bryghter than the
soune at the bought of the beme appe red a dragons heed out of his mouth came two huge lyghtes that were as bryght as ony fyre brennynge the one beme toward fraūce streyght ouer the see thyderwarde out of the beme came vij bemes full clere longe as it were the lyght fyre This sterre was seen of many a man but none of them wyst what it betokened Vter that was kyng Auri lambros broder that was in Wales with his hoost of Brytons sawe that sterre the grete light that it gaue he wondred therof gretly what it myght betoken let call Merlyn prayed hym for to tell what it myght betoken ¶ Of the betokenynge of the sterre MErlyn sawe that sterre behelde it longe tyme sythen he quoke and wept tenderly and sayd Alas alas that so noble a kynge and so worthy is deed And I do you to vnderstande that Aurilābros your broder is empoysoned and that I se well in this sterre your selfe is betokened by the heed of the dragon that is seen at the bought of the beme that is your selfe that shall be kyng and regne And by the beme that stādeth toward the eest is vnderstande that ye shall gete a sone that shall conquere all Fraunce all the londes that belongeth to the crowne of fraūce that shall be a worthyer kyng and of more honour than euer was ony of his aunceters And by the beme that stretcheth toward Irlonde is betokened that ye shall haue a doughter that shall be quene of Irlonde And the .vij. bemes betoken that ye shall haue .vij. sones euery one of them shall be kynge shall regne with moch honour And abyde ye no longer here but go gyue batayle to your enemyes fyght with them boldly for ye shal ouercome them haue the victo ry Vter thāked Merlyn hertely toke his men went towarde his enemyes they fought togyder mortally so he discomfyted his enemyes and destroyed them hymselfe slewe Passent that was Vortigers sone And his Britons slewe Guillomer that was kynge of Irlonde and all his men And Vter anone after the batayle toke his waye towarde Wynthestre for to do bury kynge Aurilābros that was his broder But thā was the body borne to Stonehenge with moche honour that he had do make in remem braūce of the Brytons that there were slayne through treason of Engyst that same daye that they sholde haue ben accorded and in the same place they buryed Aurylambros the seconde yere of his regne with all the worship that myght belonge vnto suche a kynge On Whose soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ Of Vter pendragon wherfore he was called so ye shall here And how he was ouertaken with the loue of Igreyne that was the erles wyfe of Cornewayle AFter the dethe of Aurilambros Vter his broder was crowned regned worthely And i remembraūce of the dragon that he was likened to he let make two dragons through coūseyle of his Britons made that one for to be borne before hym whā he went in to ba tayle that other for to abyde at Wynchestre in the bysshops chirche And for that cause he was called euer after Vter pendragon And Otta that was Engistes sone cōmended Vter but lytell that was made newe king agaynst hym began to moue warre ordeyned a grete company of his frendes of his kynne of Ossa his broder had taken all the londe from Humber vnto Yorke But those of Yorke helde strongly agaynst them and wold not suffre them to come in to the cite neyther to yelde the cite to them he besyeged the towne anone ryght gaue therto a strōge assaute but they of that cite kepte them well strongly And whan Vter herde therof he came thyder with a grete power for to helpe and rescow the cite put awaye the syege and gaue a stronge batayle Otta his company defended them as well as they myght But at the last they were discōfyted the moost parte of them slayne and Otta Ossa were taken put in prison at Lon don And Vter hȳselfe dwelled a whyle at Yorke after he went to Londe And at Eester after he wolde bere crowne holde a solem●ne feest and let somon all his erles barons that they shold come to that feest all those that had wyues shold brynge them also to ye●eest And all came at the kynges cōmaundement as they were commaūded The feest was rychely arayed holden all worthely set to meet after that they were of estate So that the erle Gorloys of Corne wayle Igreyne his wyfe sate nexte to the kynge And whan the kynge sawe the fayrnes of that lady that she had anone he was rauysshed for her beaute ofre he made to her nyce countenaūce in lokynge and laughynge So at the last the erle perceyued the preuy lokynge laughynge and the loue bytwene them and rose up from the table in wrath toke his wyfe and called to hym his knightes went thens all in wrath wtout takyng leue of the kynge The kynge anone sent after hym that he sholde come agayn go not thens in despyte of hȳ And the erle wolde not come agayne in no maner of wyse Wherfore the kynge was full wroth in wrath hym defyed as his deedly cu●my And the erle went thens in to Cornewayle with his wyfe in to the castell of Tyntagell And the kynge let ordeyne a grete hoost came in to Cornewayle for to destroye the erle yf he myght But he had put hym in y● stronge castell of Tyn tagell that was well arayed wolde not yelde hym to the kyng And the kyng anone besyeged the castell there dwelled .xv. days might not spede euer thought vpon Igreyne vpon her layde so moche loue that he wyst not what to do So at y● last he called to hym a knyght that was called Vlfin that was preuy with hym tolde hȳ all his coūseyle asked of hym what was best to do Syr sayd he sende after Merlyn anone for he can tell you the best coūseyle of ony man lyuynge Merlyn anone was sent after came to the kyng And the kyng told hym all his coūseyle and his wyll Syr sayd Merlyn I shall do so moche through the crafte that I can that I shal make you come to nyght in the castell of Tyntagell shall haue all your wyll of that lady ¶ How kyng Vter begate on Igreyne that was the erles wyfe of Cornewayle Arthur kynge MErlyn through crafte that he coude chaunged y● kynges fygure in to the lykenes of the erle Vlfin Garloys his chamberleyn in to the fygure of Iordan that was y● erles chamberleyn so y● eche of them was trāsfigured to others lykenes And whan Merlin had so done he sayd to the kynge Syr sayd he now may ye go sodeynly to the
to mene but poetes in theyr maner speche fayne as though euery kynde crafte lyuynge had a dyuers god eueryche from other And so they fayned a god of batayle of fyghtyng called hȳ Mars and a god of couetyse richesse marchaūdyse called hym Mercurius And so Bachus is called god of wyne Venus goodesse of loue beaute Lauer ua god of theire of robbery Protheus god of falshede of gyle Pluto god of hell And so it semeth that these verses wolde mene that these foresayd goddes regne ben serued in Chestre Mars with fyghtyng cockynge Mercurius with couetyse rychesse Bachus with grete drȳkyng Venus with loue lewdly Lauerna with thefre robbery Procheus with faishede gyle Thā is Pluto not vnserued that is god of hell ¶ R. There Babylon lore more myght hath trouth the more ¶ Of prouynces and Shyres Ca .x. TAke hede that Englonde conteyneth .xxxij. shyres prouynces that now ben called erledomes reserued Cornewayle that ylonde ¶ Alfre These ben the names of that erledomes shires Kent Southsex Sothery Namshyre Barok shyre that hath his name of a bare oke that is in the forest at wyndsore for at that bare oke men of that shyre were wōt to come togyder and make theyr treatyes and there take coūseyle aduyse Also Wylshyre that hight somtyme the prouynce of Semerā Somerset Dorset Deuen shyre that now is called Deuonia in latyn These .ix. south shyres the Tamyse departeth frō the other dele of Englonde which were somtyme gouerned ruled by the westsaxons lawe Eestsex Myddelsex Southsex Northfolke Herford shyre Huntyngdon shyre Northamton shyre Cambrydge shyre Bedfordshyre Bokȳgham shyre Leycestre shyre Der by shyre Notyngham shyre Lyncolne shyre Yorkeshyre Durham shyre Northumberlonde Caerleylshyre with Cumberlonde Appelbyshyre with Westmer londe Lancastre shyre that conteyncth fyue lytell shyres These .xv. North and Eest shyres were somtyme gouerned ruled by the lawe called Mercia in latyn Marchene lawe in Englysshe It is to wyte that Yorke shyre stretcheth from that ryuer of Humber vnto that ryuer of Teyse And yet in Yorke shyre ben .xxij. hondredes hondred candrede is all one Candrede is one worde made of walssue and Irysshe is to menynge a coūtree that conteyneth an hondred townes is also in Englysshe called wepentake for somtyme in the comynge of a newe lorde tenaūtes were wont to yelde vp theyr wepen in stede of homage Durhamshyre stretcheth frō the ryuer of Teyse vnto that riuer of Tyne And for to speke properly of Northumberlond it stretcheth fro the ryuer of 〈◊〉 unto the ryuer of T●o●de That is in the begynnyngs of ScotlondeTha● y● y● co●tree of North●mberlonde that was somtyme from ●umber unto Twe●e be now accounted for one shyre one 〈◊〉 as it was 〈◊〉 yine Than ben in Englond but .xxii. shyres but yf the countre of Northumberionde be departed in to .vi. shyres that ben Euerwyke shyre Durhamshyre Norchumberlōde Cuerleilshyre Appelbyshyre Laucastre shyre than ben in englōde .xxxvi. shyres without Cornewayle also without that ylondes Kynge William made all these prouynces and shyres to be descryued meue Than were foūden .xxxvi. shyres and halfe a shyre Townes .iii. M. and soure score Parysshe churches xivi M. and two knyghtes fees ixxv thousande wherof men of religyon haue .xxvij. thousande and .xv. any ghtes fees But now the wodes ben hewen towne and the londe newe tylled and made moche more than was at that tyme and many townes vyllages buyiden so there be many moo vyllages 〈◊〉 now than were at that tyme. And where as afore is wryten that Cornewayle is not fet amonge the shyres of Englonde it may stande amonge them well ynough for it is neyther in wales nor in Scotlonde but it is in Englonde it loyneth vnto Deuenshyre so may there be accounted in Englonde .xxxvii. shyres and an hath with the other shyles ¶ Oelegibus legum●● vocabulis OVnwall● that hight Mo●●in●aꝰ also made fyrste ●a●es in Brytayne the whiche is 〈…〉 lawes were 〈…〉 vnto Willyam Conque●●●●s 〈…〉 his that lede men therto and p●owe men solowes sholde haue preuylege fredome for to saue all men that wolde flee therto for sorour and refuge Than afterward Mercia quene of Brytous that was Gwyl telinus wyfe of her the prouynce had that name of Mercia as some men suppose She made a lawe full of wytte reason and was called Merchene lawe ¶ Gyis das that wrote the Cronyeles and hysto ryes of the Brytons turned these two lawes out of Brytons speche in to laryn And afterward kynge Aluredus turned all out of latyn in to Saxons speche and was called Merchene lawe Also that same kynge Aluredus wrote in Englysshe put to another lawe that hyght westsaron lawe Than afterwarde Danis were lordes in this londe so came forth the thyrde lawe that hyght Dane lawe Of these threlawes saynt Edward that thyrd made one comyn lawe that yet is called saynt Edwardes lawe I holde it will done to wryte expowne many termes of these lawes Myndebruch hurtyng of honour worshyp In irenssbe blesc●ur de honnour Burbruck in frenside dieschur de tourt ou de cioys Grithburche brekyng of peas Mylkennynge chaungynge of speche in courte Sbewynge set tynge forth of marchaundyse Hamsokne or Hamfare a rere made in hous forstallynge wronge or bette downe in that kynges hye waye Frith soken surete in defēce Sak forsayte Soka sure of court and therof cometh Soken Theam sure of bondmen fyghrynge wytee Amersement for fyghtyng Blodemytte 〈…〉 sement for shedynge of blode Flyt 〈…〉 amendes for sheoyng of blode Leyr wyt amendes for lyenge by a boud woman 〈◊〉 yere amendes for trespace Scoe a gaderynge to werke of bayllyes Nydage tayllage for dydes of londe Danes sholde tayllage gyuen to that Dauts that was euery bona taterre That is euery exe londe thre pens A wepentake and an hondred is all one for the countree of townes were wonte to gyue vp wepen in the comynge of a lorde Lestage custome chalenged in chepynges fames and stallage custome for standyng in stretes in fayre tyme. ¶ Of kyngdomes of boundes and markes bytwene them Ca .xii. THe kyngdome of Brytayne stode without departynge hole and all one kyngdome to the Brytons from the fyrst Brute vnto Julius Cezars tyme and fro Julius Cezars tyme vnto Seuerus tyme this londe was vnder trybute to that Romayns Neuerthelesse kynges they had of that same londe frō Seuerus vnto the last prynce Gracian successours of Brytayn fayled and Romayns regned in Brytayn Afterwarde the Romayns lefte of theyr regnynge in Brytayne bycause it was fetre from Rome and for grete besynes that they had on that other syde Than Scottes and Pietes by mysledynge of Maximus the tyraūt pursued Brytayn warred there with grete strengthe of men of armes longe tyme vnto the tyme that the Saxons came at the prayenge of the Brytons agaynst the Pictes put
it were Scyttes for they came out of Scicia Afterward that londe hyght Pictauia for the Pictes regned therin M CCC .lx. yere And at the last hyght Hibernia as Irlōde hight ¶ Gir. in top For many skylles one is for affinite alte that was bytwene them Irysshmen for they toke their wyues of Irlōde that is openly seen in their byleue in clothynge in language in speche in wepen and in maners An other skyll is for Irysshmen dwelled there somtyme ¶ Beda li .j. Out of Irlonde that is the ꝓpre coūtre of scottes came Irysshmen with theyr duke that was called Renda with loue with strength made them chefe sees citees besydes the Pictes in the north syde ¶ Gir. Now the loude is shortly called Scotlonde of Scottes that came out of Irlonde regned therin CCC rv vere vnto reed Willyams tyme that was Malcolyns broder ¶ R. Many euydēces we haue of this Scotlonde the it is of●e called and hyght Hibernia as Irlonde dothe ¶ Therfore Beda li .ij. ca .xj. sayth that Laurēce archebysshop of Dunbar was archebisshop of Scottes that dwelled in an ylonde that hyght Hibernia is next to Brytayn Beda li .iij. ca .xxvij. sayth pestylence of moreyn bare downe Hibernia Also li .iij. ca .ij. saith that the Scottes that dwelled in the south syde of Hibernia Also li .iiij. ca .iij. he sayth that Clad was a yong lyng lerned the rule of monkes in Hibernia Also li .iiij. ca .xxij. Egfridus kynge of Northūberlonde destroyed Hibernia Also li .iiij. ca .xv. the moost drie of Scottes in Hibernia in the same chapy 〈…〉 he called Hibernia proprely named the west ylonde is an hōdred myle from eueryche Brytayn departeth with the see bytwene called Hibernia the countre the now is called Scotlōde there he telleth that Ada 〈…〉 abbot of this ylonde sayled to Hibernia for to teche Irysshmen the lawfull Eester daye at the last came agayne in to Scotlonde ¶ Ysid ethi lib .xiiij. Men of this Scotlonde ben named Scottes in theyr own lāguage Pictes also for somtyme theyr bodyes were peinted i this maner They wolde somtyme with a sharpe edged ●ole prycke kerue theyr own bodyes make theron dyuers fygures shapes peynt them with ynke or with other peyn ture or colour and bycause they were so peynted they were called Picti that is to saye peynted ¶ Erodotus Scottes ben lyght of herte straunge and wylde ynough but by medlynge of Englysshe men they ben moche amended they ben cruell vpon theyr enemyes hate bondage moost of ony thynge holde for a foule slouth yf a man dye in his bedde grete worship yf he dye in y● felde They ben lytell of meet may fast longe ete selde whan y● sonne is vp and ete flesshe fysshe milke fruyte more than breed though they be fayr of shappe they ben defouled and made vnsemely ynough with theyr owne clothinge they prayse fast y● vsages of theyr own forefaders despise other mennes doynge theyr londe is fruytfull ynough in pasture gardyns feldes ¶ Gir. de p̄ ca .xviij. The prȳces of Scottes as y● kynges of Spayne ben not wont to be anoynted ne crowned In this Scotlōde is solēpne grete mynde of saynt Andrewe y● apostle for saȳt Andrewe had y● north partyes of y● worlde Scites Pictes to his lot for to preche cōuerte y● people to Christes byleue at y● last he was martyred in Achata in Gretia in a cite named Patras his bones were kepte CC. lxi● yere vnto Cōstantinus y● emperours tyme thā they were translated into Constantynople kepte there C .x. yere vnto Theodosius y● emperours tyme than Vngꝰ kyng of Pictes in Scotlōde destroyed a grete parte of Britayn was beset with a grete hoost of Brytons in a felde called Marke he herde saynt Andrewe speke to hȳ in this maner Vngꝰ Vngꝰ here y● me Christes apostle I ꝓmyse y● helpe socour whan thou hast ouercomen thyn enemyes by my helpe thou shalt gyue y● thyrde dele of thyn herytage in almes to almyghty god in y● worshyp of saȳt Andrew And the signe of y● crosse went to fore his hoost 〈◊〉 the thyrde day he had victory so turned home agayn deled his heritage as he was boden for he was vncertayne what cite he shold dele for saȳt Andrewe he fasted .iij. dayes he his men prayed saynt Andrewe that he wolde shewe hȳ what place he sholde chose And one of y● wardeyns y● kepte the body of saint Andrewe in Cōstantinople was warned in his slepe y● he shold go in to a place whyder an aūgell wold lede hȳ so he came in to Scotlonde with .vij. felowes to the toppe of an hyll named Ragmont The same houre lyght of heuen beshone be cleped y● king of Pictes y● was comynge with his hoost to a place called Carceuan There anone were heled many seke mē There mette with the kynge Regulus the monke of Constantynople with the rely kes of saynt Andrewe There is foūded a chirche in y● worshyp of saynt Andrew that is heed of all the chirches in y● londe of Pictes To this thirche come pylgryms out of dyuers lōdes There was Regulus fyrst abbot gadred monkes And so all the tenth londe that the kyng had assygned hym he departed it in dyuers places amonge abbeys ¶ Of y● descripcyon of Irlonde ca .xxij. HIbernia that is Irlōde was of olde tyme incorperate in to y● lordship of Britayn so sayth Gir. in sua pop̄ where he descryueth it at full yet is it worthy semeth to prayse that londe with large praysyng for to come to clere full knowlege of y● londe these tytles y● folow open the waye Therfore I shall tell of y● place stede of y● lond how grete what maner londe it is wherof y● londe hath plente and wherof it hath defaute also what men haue dwelled therin fyrst of maners of men of that londe of y● wonders of that londe and of worthynes of halowes sayntes of that londe ¶ Of the boūdyng of Irlonde Ca. xxiij IRlonde is the last of all y● west ylondes hyght Hibernia of one Hiberus of Spayne y● was Hermonius broder for these two bretherne gate wan that londe by conquest Or it is called Hibernia of y● ryuer Hiberus y● is in y● west ende of Spayne y● londe hyght Scotlōde also for Scottes dwelled there som tyme or they came in to y● other Scotlōde that longed to Brytayne therfore it is wryten in y● Martyloge Suche a daye in Scotlonde saynt Bryde was borne that was in Irlonde This lōde hath in the southeest syde Spayne thre dayes saylynge thens a syde halfe hath in y● eest syde y● more Brytayn thens a days saylynge in the west syde y● endles Occean and in the north syde Yselonde thre dayes faylyng thens ¶ Solinus But the