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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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caught into the ayre there to méete Christ that they may for euer be with the lord For then doe the soules returne out of Heauen euery one to his owne body that the whole perfect ful mā may liue for euer both in soule and body For the soule of Christ dying on the Crosse did out of hande departe into Paradise and the thirde day after returned to the body whiche rose againe and ascended into heauen Euen as therefore eternall life came to the heade Christ so shal it also come to all and euery member of Christ Now whereas Paule citing Esai sayth What the eye hath not seene nor the ea●e hearde nor hath at any time come into the heart of man that hath the Lord prepared for them that loue him I suppose verily if all were sayd touching eternall life that might be spoken by all the men of all ages that euer were or shall be yet that scarcely the very leaste part thereof hath or shall be throughly touched For how so euer the Scripture dothe with eloquent and figuratiue speches with allusions and harde Sentences most plainly shew the shadowe of that lyfe and those ioyes yet notwithstanding all that is little or nothing in comparison to speake of vntill that day do come wherein we shall with vnspeakable ioy beholde God him selfe the creator of al things in his glory Christ our sauiour in his Maiestie and finally all the blessed soules Angelles Patriarches Prophetes Apostles Martyrs our Fathers all nations all the h●ast of Heauen and lastly the whole diuine and heauenly glorye Moste truely therefore sayde Aurelius Augustine Lib. de Ciuitat Dei. 22. Cap. 29. When it is demaunded of me what the Saintes shall doe in that spirituall bodye I aunswere not that which I nowe see but that that I beleeue I say therefore that they shall see God in that spirituall body And againe If I shoulde say the trueth I knowe not in what sort that action quietnesse and rest shall be For the peace of God doth passe all vnderstanding To be short we shall sée God face to face we shall be filled with the companie of God and yet be neuer wéerie of him And the face of God is not that countenaunce that appeareth in vs but is a most delectable reuealing and inioying of God whiche no mortall tongue can worthily declare Goe to then dearely beloued brethren let vs beléeue and liue that when we shall departe from hence we may in very déede haue tryall of those vnspeakable ioyes of the eternal life to come which nowe we doe beléeue Hytherto haue I throughout the foure laste Articles declared vnto you the fruite and ende of Christian fayth Fayth leaneth vpon one God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste which sāctifieth the faithful purgeth and halloweth a Churche to him selfe whiche Churche hath a communion with God and all Saintes All the offences of which Church God pardoneth and forgiueth And dothe preserue it both soule and body For as the Saintes Soules can not dye so God rayseth vp their bodies againe and maketh them glorious and euerlasting to the end that the whole man may for euer liue in heauen with the Lorde To whome be prayse and glory world without end Amē Of the loue of God and our Neighbour ¶ The tenth Sermon IT remaineth since I haue in some sermons discoursed of true faythe that I do nowe also adde one Sermon touching loue towards God and our neyghbour For in my fourth Sermon I promised so soone as I should haue done with the exposition of fayth that then I would speake of loue towarde God and our neighbour bycause the exposition of the Scriptures ought not to goe awrye out of faythe and charitie whiche are as it were the right and holy markes for it to drawe vnto Ye as hitherto ye haue done so cease not yet to pray that this wholesome doctrine maye be by me taught as it shoulde be and by you receiued with much increase and profite And first of all I will not curiously put any difference betwene Charitie and loue I will vse them both in one and the same sense S. Augustine De doctrina Christiana saith I cal Chatitie a motion of the minde to delight in God for his owne sake and to delight in himselfe and his neighbour for Gods sake And therfore I cal loue a gifte giuen to man from Heauen wherby with his hart he loueth God before and aboue all thinges and his neighbour as him selfe Loue therfore springeth from Heauen from whence it is powred into our hartes But it is inlarged and augmented partly by the remembrance and consideration of Gods benefits partly by often prayer and also by the hearing frequenting of the worde of Christ Which things them selues also are the giftes of the spirite For the Apostle Paule saith The loue of God is powred out into our hartes by the holy Ghoste which is giuen vs. For verily the loue of God wherwith he loueth vs is the foundation cause of our loue wherewith we loue him and of both these iointly consisteth the loue of our neighbour For the Apostle saith We loue him bicause he first loued vs. And againe Euery one that loueth him which begot loueth him also that is borne of him Hereby we gather againe that this gifte of loue can not be diuided or seuered although it be double For he that loueth God truly hateth not his neighbour and yet neuerthelesse this loue bicause of the double respect that it hath to God and our neighbour stādeth of two partes And bicause of this double Charitie the tables of Gods law are diuided into twaine the first wherof conteineth foure commaunde●●nts touching the loue of God the seconde comprehendeth sixe precepts touching the loue of our neighbour Of which I will speake in their owne place But at this time bicause the loue of God and of our neighbour are twaine I will first speake of the loue of God and then of the loue of our neighbour In these two commaundements saith the Lord hang the law and the Prophetes With that which wee call the loue of God we loue God entirely wel we cleaue to God as the onely chiefe and eternal goodnesse in him we do delight our selues and are well pleased and frame our selues to his wil and pleasure hauing euermore a regarde and desire of him that we loue With loue wée loue God most hartelie But wee doe hartelie loue the thinges that are deare vnto vs and the things that to vs séeme worthie to be desired and we loue them entirely in deede not so much for our cōmodity as for because wée do desire to ioyne and as it were for euer to giue and dedicate our selues whoalie to the thing that wée so dearelie loue So verilie wee desyre for euer to be ioyned with God are in charitie fast lincked vnto him as the Apostle sayth God is charitie and he that dwelleth in charitie dwelleth
that all the ministers of the Churches euen from the Apostles time did both acknowledge and openly teach original sinne In that place he citeth the testimonies of Irenęus Cyprian Retilius Olympius Hilarie and Ambrose his father and maister in Christian doctrine Innocent Gregorie Basil and Iohn Chrysostome And at length hée inferreth Wilt thou now call so great a consent of Catholique priestes a cōspiracie of naughtie men Neither thincke thou that S. Hierome is to be cōtemned because he was but a priest onely and no bishop who being skilful in the Greeke Latine and Hebrue tongues and passinge from the West vnto the East Church liued in holy places and the studie of the sacred Scriptures euen to his croane crooked age He read all or in a maner al the woorkes of them whiche in both partes of the world did write of Ecclesiasticall doctrine and yet he neither held nor taught any otherwise of this point of doctrine And againe the same Augustine in his third booke De peccatorū meritis remissione Cap. 7. sayeth Hierome expounding the prophe●ie of Ionas when he came to that place where mētion is made that euen the little children were chastened with fasting sayth It began with the eldest and came euen to the yongest For there is none without sinne no not hee which is but one day old nor hee whose gray head hath seene many yeares For if the starres are not cleane in the sight of God how much more vncleane are duste and putrifying earth and those which are in subiection to the sinne of Adams transgression To these words of Hierome doeth Augustine himselfe annexe this that followeth If it were so that wee might easilie aske it of this most learned man how many teachers of the holie Scriptures in both the tongues and howe many writers of Christian treatises would hee reckon vp which since the time that Christ his Church was first planted haue themselues nether thought of their predecessours learned nor taught their successours any other thā this doctrine touching originall sinne I verilie thoughe I haue read nothing so much as hee do not remember that I haue heard any other doctrine of Christians whiche admit or receiue both the testaments whether they were in the vnitie of the Catholique Church or otherwise in Schismes and heresies I doe not remember that I haue read any other thing in them whose writinges touching this matter I could come by to read them if either they did followe or thought that they did follow or would haue men beleeue that they did followe the Canonicall Scriptures Thus farre hath Augustine teaching in the very beginning that all the Sainctes did by a full consent and agréement in doctrine most expressely graunt and confesse that originall sinne is euen in newe borne infants Mée thincketh that Sainct Hierome did not onely in Ionas but also much more euidently in Ezechiel confesse and affirme originall sinne His wordes are to bée séene Comment lib. 14. in cap. 47. ad Ezechielem and are verbatun as followeth What man can make his boaste that hee hath a chaste heart or to whose minde by the windows of the eyes the death of concupiscence or to vse a mylder terme the tickling of the minde doth not enter in For the world is set in wickednesse euen from his childhood the hart of man is set to naughtinesse so that not the very first day of a mans natiuitie his nature is free from sinne and naughtinesse Wherevppon Dauid in the Psalme sayeth For behold I was cōceiued in iniquitie and in sinne my mother conceiued mee Not in the iniquities of my mother or in mine owne sinnes but in the iniquities of our mortall state And therfore the Apostle saith death reigned from Adam vnto Moses ouer them also whiche had not sinned with the like transgression as did Adam Thus much hath Hierome and we haue hetherto alledged al these sayings to the end wee might proue that originall sinne is the naturall or hereditarie corruption of mans nature Let vs nowe sée what and howe great the hereditarie naughtinesse or corruption of our nature is and what power it hath to woorke in man Our nature verilie as I shewed you aboue was before the fall most excellent and pure in oure father Adam but after the fall it did by Gods iuste iudgement become corrupte and vtterly naught which is in that naughtinesse by propagation or Extraduce deriued into all vs whiche are the posteritie and ofspring of Adam as both experience and the thing it selfe doe euidently declare as well in sucklings or infantes as those of riper yeares For euen very babes giue manifest tokens of euident deprauation so soone as they once beginne to bée able to doe any thing yea before they can perfectlye sounde any one syllable of a whole word All oure vnderstandinge is dull blunt grosse and altogether blinde in heauenlie things Our iudgement in diuine matters is peruerse and friuolous For there arise in vs most horrible and absurd thoughtes and opinions touching God his iudgementes ● wonderfull woorkes yea our whole minde is apt and readie to errours to fables and our owne destruction and when as our iudgements are nothing but méere follie yet doe wée preferre them farre aboue Gods wisedome whiche wee esteeme but foolishnesse in comparison of oure owne conceiptes and corrupte imaginations For hee lyed not whiche saide The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spirituallie discerned Nowe Paule calleth him the naturall man which liueth naturally by the vitall spirite and is not regenerate by the holy Ghoste And since we all are such wée are therefore wholie ouercome and gouerned of Philautie that is too great a self-selfeloue and delight in our selues whereby all things that wee oure selues doe woorke doe highly please vs loking still verie busilie to oure owne selues and our commoditie when in the meane time wée neglecte all others yea rather doe afflicte them Neither did Plato vnaduisedly estéeme that vice of selfeloue to bee the very roote of euery euill Furthermore our whole will is ledd captiue by concupiscence which as a roote enuenomed with poyson infecteth all that is in man and doeth incline drawe on driue man to things carnall forbidden and contrarie to God to the end that hée maye gréedilie pursue them put all his delight in them and content him selfe wyth them Moreouer there is in vs no power or abilitie to doe any good For wée are s●owe sluggish and heauie to goodnesse but liuely quicke and readie enoughe to anye euill or naughtinesse And that I may at last conclude and briefely expresse the whole force and signification of our hereditarie deprauation and corruption I say that this deprauation of our nature is nothing else but the blotting of Gods Image in vs There was in oure father Adam before his fall the very Image and likenesse of God
with the holy ghost signifying doubtlesse the operation or working of the holy ghost of whiche they were signes and assuraunces For he instructeth exhorteth and cōforteth the faithfull neither doeth he arme his faithful Apostles with colde tongues but fierie tongues The Apostles when they preached the gospel séemed not to speake but to lighten and to thunder wherevpon also certeine of them were called of our Sauiour the sonnes of thunder Furthermore the holy ghoste appeareth in the likenesse of a Doue vpon the sonne of God euen then whē he was baptised of Iohn Baptiste For a Doue is milde gentle without malice or harme Wherof sprong the prouerbe Manners like a Doue Doue-like simplicitie And More gentle than a Doue For a Doue is among birdes as a shéepe among foure footed beastes which thinketh no hurt to any liuing creature Wherevpon Christe is also called a Shéepe or a Lambe Of the spirite of God therefore the wise man saieth verie well The spirite of wisedome is holie one onely manifolde subtile quicke mouing cleare vndefiled plaine sweete louing the thing that is good sharp which cannot be letted doing good kinde to man stedfast sure free from care hauing all power circumspecte in all things and passing through al vnderstanding and cleane yea most subtile spirites Againe they that are indued with the holy ghost are called the annoynted of the Lorde For the holy Ghoste is called both oyle and annoynting for vnlesse we be watered of the holie Ghost we waxe barren and waste away For we are voyde of liuely and heauenly moysture and of our owne nature alwayes wyther and waxe drie And of this annoynting there went a notable figure before in the ceremoniall annoynting of Kinges and priestes S. Iohn sayth And the annoynting whiche ye haue receiued of him dwelleth in you ye neede not that any mā teach you but as the same annoynting teacheth you of all thinges and it is true and not lying and as it taught you abide in it For the Lord also sayth in Ieremie This shal be the couenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes I will plant my lawe in the inwarde partes of them and write it in their heartes and will be their God and they shall bee my people And from henceforth shall no man teach his neighbour or his brother saying Knowe the Lorde for they shall all knowe me from the lowest vnto the highest saith the lord For I wil forgiue their misdeedes and will neuer remember their sinnes any more But we shewed a little before that the holy Ghoste is the vniuersall teacher of all trueth Hitherto that séemeth to belong which S. Paule saith It is God which hath annoynted vs whiche hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our heartes For nowe the holy Ghost is not onely called annoynting but also the sealing vp or earnest of our saluation For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a part of payment which maketh assurance of the whole summe to be payde to wit a pledge And surely the holie Ghost doth nowe testifie yea it dothe seale and assure vs that we are the sonnes of god and that when time is we shall be receiued into the euerlasting inheritaunce Paule againe sayth Ye are sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritaunce vnto the redemption of the purchased possession vnto the prayse of his glory Ephes 1. That assuraunce doth maruellously confirme and comforte the mindes of the faythfull in temptations encourageth them besides that to patience in aduersitie and to holinesse of life For herevpon sayde S. Iohn Little children ye are of God and haue ouercome them for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world And againe Nowe are we the sonnes of God and yet it doth not appeare what he shall be but we know that when wee shall appeare we shall bee like vnto him for we shall see him as he is And euery man that hath this hope in him purgeth him selfe euen as he also is pure And as the holy ghost is an vnspeakable knitting together wherby the three persons are inseparably coupled one with an other in euerlasting loue concord euen so the same coupleth the spouse of Christ with his spouse with a knot y can not be loosed and ioyneth together betwéene them selues all the members of his mystical body in an euerlasting couenaunt For as the members of oure body are ioyned together whole and sound by the benefite and enioying of life so the mysticall body of Christe is vnited together by the holy Ghoste Therefore it is no maruell that he is called or noted with the name of loue which poureth loue into our heartes And albeit by these names of the holie Ghost his operation may be vnderstoode yet will I adde certeine testimonies of Scripture out of whiche his power or effect especially in vs maye be more fully vnderstoode Esaie almost in the beginning of his prophecie describing the person of the King our Messias among other things sayth The spirite of the Lord shal rest vpon him the spirite of wisdome and vnderstanding the spirite of counsel and strength the spirite of knowledge and of the feare of the Lorde and shall make him of deepe iudgement in the feare of GOD. Though he declared manye yet hath he not reckoned vp all the powers of the spirite Therefore it is not for vs to bring into a streight and with the common sorte to comprise in a narrowe number of seuen the powers of the spirite For we haue heard hetherto that there is the spirite of promise of doctrine of humilitie and gentlenesse c. To whiche beside these there are reckoned vp very many together For he is the spirite of wisedome But howe great this is and howe farre it reacheth it is manifest euen in the words of Solomon To wisedome is ioyned vnderstanding which is sayde to be the action and applying of wisedome ordered or framed to things places times and persons Counsel is required and giuen in doutfull matters and sheweth what we may most conueniently doe Strength ministreth sufficient force and constancie to execute and perfourme yea and patiently to beare what so euer by counsel we haue learned eyther to be done or to be suffered And nowe knowledge is an experience obteined and gotten by long time and vse Vnto these is feare added that is to say godlinesse and true religion wherevnto vnlesse we referre all oure sayings and doings wisedome vnderstanding coūsel strength and knowledge shal nothing profite vs. To be short who so euer is indued with the spirit of God whatsoeuer he shal either do or say wil sauour of the feare of god finally he shal say do al things vnto the glory of god al these things truly are fréely
laide not a side his true and very body 2. Cor. 5. Philip. 3. Christ ●ath a reaso●able soule Matth. ●0 Matth. 26. Iohn 12. Luke 22. Luke 9. The hereticall error and the sounde truethe touchinge the mysterie of Christes ●ncarnation * Aprouer biall kind of speache whereby is meante that in avoyding a lesse error he fall into a greater Of the vnitinge of Chrste his Godhead and manhood Iohn 1. ● Tim. 3. Heb. 2. Heb. 2. Christ reteineth both natures vnmeddled or vnconfounded to gether 〈◊〉 7. ●sai 9. 〈◊〉 5. Matth. 22 Psal. 110. Luke 1. Iohn 14. Marke 14. Matth. 28. Rom. 1. The Natures in Christ are not mingled or cōfounded Christe in one persō remaineth vndiuided 1. Cor. 2. Actes 20. Of communicatinge of ●●ope●ties Iohn 3. Heb. 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 20. The person of Christ is not diuided Matth. 8. Marke 16. Actes 1. Actes 8. Christ is king of al. Gene. 3. Luke 11. Colos 1. 2. Pet. 2. Matth. 21. Christ is a monarche Psal. 2. Psal. 110. Esai 49. Isai 16. Ierem. 23 Of the kingdome of God. Mich. 4. Rom. 24. Matth. 25. Luke 23. The king●ome of God which 〈◊〉 one i●●wo wai● ▪ ●●nfidere● Gods kingdome of grace in ●arth Pro. 24. 1. Sam. 7. Howe Canst reig●et● on 〈◊〉 in ●is king●ome ●poc 1. The spiritual kingdome of God. Iohn 18. The ●ounds of Christes kingdome ●n earth The seate of our King Christe 〈◊〉 1. Ephe. 5. Gods kingdome of glorie in heauen Apoc. 21. 22. The kingdome of Christe is in euerlastinge kingdome Matth. 16 Matth. 24 Dan. 7. Matth. 6. The kingdome of the world what māner of one it is Iohn 12. 2. Cor. 4. 1. Iohn 3. Christ Ie●us the ●●gh pries ▪ Psal 110. Heb. 6. Hebr. 7. Gen. 14. Hebr. 5. Psal. ● Christ is ānoynted Psal. 45. Esai 61. Howe Christ our priest doth the offices of a priest Christ the teacher of the church Christ maketh intercession Christ blesseth Christ sacrificeth Christ san●●ifieth Iohn 7. Iohn 17. Of Christs priesthood Heb. 8. Heb. 13. 1. Iohn 2. Esai 4 4. Heb● 5. Iohn 16. Heb. 9. Heb. 10. Apoc. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Of the name of a Christian Christians are kinge and priests Christians are kinge Rom. 6. I. Iohn 5. Christians are priests Heb. 3. Heb. 13. The name of a Christian moste auncient There are but fewe Christians Esa. 66. Matth. 7. A gainste false Christians The conclusion The word Spirit is ●●pounded Spirit is ●ayer or 〈◊〉 Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 14. Spirit signifieth an Angel. Psal. 104. Hebr. 1. Spirit signifieth life Psal. 145. 104. Gene. 6. Spirit signifieth the soule of man. Luke 23. Iohn 19. Actes 7. Eccle. 12. Spirit signifieth affection of minde Spirit signifieth spiritual motions Rom. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Spirit ●ignifieth reuelation 1. Iohn 4. Iohn 4. What the holy ghos● is That the ●olyghost 〈◊〉 verie God. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 12. Matth. 28. ob 25. Luke 1. 2. Pet. 1. Actes 5. 1. Cor. 3. 1. Cor. 6 1. Cor. 12. The holy ghost is neither minister ●or instrument The holie ghost is a substance not an accident Rom. 8. Gal. 5. Of the proceeding of the holie ghoste The holie ghost procedeth frō the father and the sonne Gal. 4. Matth. 10. Iohn 15. Iohn 14. Iohn 15. Iohn 5. The proceeding of the holie ghost is two-fouldor of twoe sortes Temporal proceding Eternall proceding Looke in the. 3. Sermon of this decade about the beginning 1 Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 4. ●ncreasinges of the spirite 4. Reg. 2. Iohn ● Matth. 13. 1. Sam. 16. Psal. 51. Of the effect and power of the holie ghost The holie ghost The holie ghost is the Spirite of God a●d of the sonne 1. Cor. 3. Rom. 8. The hol●e ghost is the comforter Iohn 14. The holi● ghoste is a comforter giueth ioye and gladnesse The holie ghost is the Spirite of trueth Iohn 16. Iohn 14. The Spirit of promise Gal. 3. The holie ghost the singer of god Luke 11. Exod. 8. Looke in the. 3. Sermon of this decad what things are spoken against the heretiques called the Anthropomorphites The spirit is called water and a liuely founteine Esai 44. Iohn 7. The holie ghost is fire The holie ghost a mightie winde The holie ghost a fi●ie tongue The holie ghost a loue Matth. 3. ●sai 53. ●ohn ● Actes 8. ●api 7. The holie ghost oyle and ānoyning 1. Iohn 2. Iere. 31. Hebr. 8. 2. Cor. 1. The holy ghost is the earnest of our inheritance Ephe. 1. 1. Iohn 4. 1. Iohn 3. The holie ghost loue or charity Rom. 5. The operations of the holie ghost Isai 1● Wisdome Vnderstāding Counsell Strength Knowledg Feare Rom. 8. The spirit doth mor●fie and quicken The spirit ●r holie ghost reuealeth ●he mysteries of the ●ingdome of God. 1. Cor. 2. Iohn 16. The spirite foresheweth thinges to come Actes 11. The diuers giftes of the holy ghost Gal. 5. Tertullians notatable treatise of the holy ghost Isai 11. Isai 6● Psal. 54. Rom. 8. ● Cor. 3. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 7. 1. Cor. 14. 1. Tim. 4. 1. Cor. 12. Mark. 3. A summe of the vnitie and Trinitie of God. A● angel ●al 2 3. 1. Cor. 11. ● Pet. 2. 1. Cor. 6. ● Cor. 12. That there are angels Actes 23. Matth. 22. A. Steuchus in his 6. and. 8. booke de perenni philosophia What Angels are That Angels are created Heb 1. Coloss 1. When Angels were created Angels are Substances Heb. 1. Matth. 22. Hebr. 2. What māner of Substances angels are Psal. 104 ▪ Bodily Substāces What bodies are taken of Angels Angels are incorruptible Matth. 22. 1. Cor. 15. Luke 20. Angels are moste free swifte and speedie Actes 5. Actes 1● Iohn 5. Luk. 23. 16. Dan. 9. The strength of Angels Dan. 10. The knowledge of Angels Of the multitude and order of Angels Dan. 7. Matth. 26 Hebr. 12. The exposition of names giuen to Angels Angels Archangels 1. Thes 4. Thrones or Seates Psal. 18. Lordships Principalities Powers Cherubim Seraphim God vseth the ministerie of Angels Psal. 103. Exod. 19. D●u● 5. Actes 10. Luke 15. Zacha ▪ 1. What the ministeries of angels are Esai ● Ezech. 3. Luke 2. 1. Pet. 1. Matth. 13. Luke 1. Matth. 2. Luke 22. Gen. 16. Actes 17. Exod. 12. Actes 12. 4. Reg. 19. 2. Reg. 24. 2. thess. 1. Apoc. 16. Psal. 34. Psal. 91. Matth. 18. Gen. 32. 4. Reg. 6. * Seruants Gene. 24. Exod. 34. 〈◊〉 10. ●an 4. We muste ●ot attribute too much vnto Angels Sainctes wil not be worshipped of vs. Actes 7. Gen. 16. Actes 27. Apoc. 22. The wor●hippinge ●f Angels greatly cōdemned Marke what he thinketh of the temple builte to S. Michael in Mount Garganu● Of euill spirites That there are diuels What the diuel is That the diuel is a creature The diuel was not created euil Of the fall of Angels from heauen Iob. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Iohn ● Isai 14. Ezech. 2● The diuel is euerlastingly cōdemned Ma●th 25. Mark 9. Iohn 5. Da● ●2 Apoc. 20. Diuels are spirits and
of the holy Ghost which is in you c. 717. 861 6 Ye are washed ye are sanctified ye are iustified in the name of the Lord c. 989 7 Sorrow which is to Godward causeth repentaunce vnto saluation c. 565. 593 7 Let euery man walke according as he is called And so ordeine I in all Churches c. 441 7 He that is called a bondman in the Lord is the Lords freeman Likewise he c. 441 7 To auoyd whoredome let euery man haue his owne wife and euery womā her own husband 226. 1132 7 Let the husband giue to the wife due bene●olence likewise also the wife to the husband c. 226 7 The vnbeléeuing husband is sanctified by the wife and the vnbeléeuing wife ▪ c. 497 8 Knowledge puffeth vpp but loue edifyeth c. 846 8 There is none other God but one And though there bee that are called Gods whether c. 624 8 Meate commendeth vs not to God For neither if we eate c 244 9 Haue we not power and authoritie to eate and drincke or may wée not carrie about with vs a woman sister c. 1121. 1132 9 Who doeth goe to warre at his owne costes and charges Or who p●anteth a vine●ard c. 1121 9 Doe I speake these thinges according to man doeth not the scriptur also say the same c. 1121 9 Doeth GOD care for o●en or doeth he not speake it altogether for our sakes c. 1121 9 If others be partakers of the power towards you why rather are not we c. 1122 9 Knowe ye not that they whiche take paines in the holy thinges doe eate of the holy thinges c. 1122 9 If wee sowe vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter if wée reape your carnall things c. 1120. 1122. 10 Flée fornication c. 234 10 I would not brethren that ye should be ignorant that our fathers c. 435. 982 10 The rocke was Christe c. 861 862 10 God is faithfull and will not suffer his to be tempted c. 174. 310 480 10 Though wee be many yet are we one bread and one body for c. 822 10 Are not they whiche eate of the sacrifice ▪ partakers of the altar c. 329 10 Flée from idolatrie I speake as vnto them that haue vnderstanding iudge ye what I say c. 1022 10 God doeth not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that we are able to beare c. 754 11 When we are iudged wée are chastened of the Lord that we should not c. 308 11 So often as ye shal eate of this bread and drinke of this cup declare the Lords death t●l he come c. 1106 11 Be ye the followers of me euen as I am of Christ c. 828 11 I receuied that of the Lord which I haue also deliuered vnto you c. 963. 1061 11 For this cause many are weake and feeble amonge you and many sleepe c. 1109 11 Whoso eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drincketh his owne damnation c. 1026 1108 11 Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread drinke of that cup. 1007. 1109. 1030 12 As the bodie is one and hath many members and all the members of the body c. 1021 12 There are diuersities of giftes but it is the selfe same spirite c. 716 12 Through one spirite we are all baptised in one body c. 822. 1062 12 And all these thinges worketh euen one and the selfe same spirite distributing c. 717 13 The grace of oure Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holy ghost be with you all c. 716 13 Loue suffereth wronge and is curteous Loue enuyeth not c. 98 13 If I haue all faith so that I can remoue mounteines out of their places c. 46● 14 Let the Prophetes speake two or three at once let the other iudge c 839 14 If I pray in a straunge tongue my spirite or voice prayeth but my c. 714. 931 14 I will pray with the spirite and will pray with the vnderstanding c. 925. 933 14 If therefore when the whole church is come together in one and all speake c. 916 15 Loe I tell you a mysterie wée shall not all verily sléepe c. 86 15 S. Paule confesseth that he persecuted the Church or congregation of God c. 812 15 Flesh and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of GOD c. 27. 89 15 If the dead doe not rise neither is Christ risen But Christ is risen being the first fr●●tes of them that sléepe c. 1091 15 It is sowen in corruption it riseth in incorruption it is sowen c 88 15 Of the resurrection of Christe from the dead c. 68 ¶ Out of the second Epistle of S. Paule to the Corinthians 1 IT is God which hath annoin●ed vs whiche hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirite in our heartes c. 726. 1016 3 Paule calleth the Lawe the letter the ministration of death c. 402 3 Ye are the epistle of Christ ministred by vs written not with incke c. 874 3 The Lord hath made vs able ministers of the newe testament c. 715 4 Wee which liue are alwayes deliuered to death for Iesus sake c. 86 4 Wée haue this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellencie of the power c. 293 4 We preache not oure selues but Iesus Christe the Lord and our selues your c. 874 4 Wée are troubled on euery side yet are we not without shift c. 311 5 Thogh we haue knowen Christ after the flesh nowe yet henceforth know we him no more c. 689 6 There is no agreement betwéene Christ and Belial c. 817. 859. 1103. 6 So we as workers together beséech you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine c. 646 6 Wherfore come out from among them and separate your selues saith the Lord c. 859 11 But I feare least it come to passe that euen as the serpent c. 868 11 If any other be the ministers of Christe I am more in labours more c. 3●4 11 I haue coupled you to one man to present you a chas●e virgin c. 868 11 I haue robbed other Churches hauing receiued wages of them to the incent I might do you seruice c 1122. 12 Least I should be exalted out of measure through the aboundance of reuelations there was giuen vnto me a pricke to the ●lesh c. 753 ¶ Out of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galathians 1 PAule though taken vp into the third heauen c. is referred ouer vnto a man c. 871 1 When it pleased GOD that I should preach his sonne amonge the Gentiles c. 427 1 I m●ruaile that yee are so some turned frō Christ whiche called you by grace c. 423 1 Thoughe wée or an angel from heauen
booke Ad Bonifacium c. Nowe touching these Commaundements the Lord hath diuided them into two seuerall orders or tables bicause of the seueral difference of matters handled in either of them For the firste of the two appertayneth to God the second vnto man The first teacheth vs what we haue to thinke concerning God and the worship due vnto him that is it teacheth vs the perfect way to liue vprightly and holily in the sight of god The second is the rule whereby we haue to learne our duetie towarde our neighbour which also teacheth vs humanitie directing vs in the way to liue peaceaand ciuily one with another And in these two tables are so nearely conteined al and euery dutie looked for at mens handes that there can not so much as one iote be added more by all the wise men of the world concerning a godly life and ciuil behauiour which is not conteined in these tenne commaundements The first commaundement of the tenne hath the Lord him selfe expresly spoken in these very wordes that followe I am the Lorde thy God which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt out of the house of bondage thou shalte haue none other Gods before me This commaundement standeth of two branches The very first whereof also conteineth diuers matters For first of al God doth simply offer him selfe to vs and prerisely set downe what he will be to vs ward thereby declaring what he is to all men Wherevpon we againe doe gather what he on the other side doth looke for at our handes and what our duetie is to him Thirdly and last of al he addeth an euident proofe of that where he sayde that he is our God. In the beginning he cryeth out and sayth I am the Lorde thy God. Wherin he declareth what he is and what he will be vnto all men These wordes are like to the wordes of the couenaunt which God made with Abraham and in Abraham with all faithfull beléeuers I am sayeth the Lorde a strong God and I am Schaddai as who should say Saturnus a saturando which is to fill For God is the aboundant fulnesse that satisfieth all men and all things he is the euerlasting well of all good things which neuer is drawne drie And that doth Ieremie declare at large in the seconde chapter of his prophesie All whiche verily God in effect comprehendeth in these fewe wordes I am the Lord thy God. I I say whiche speake to thée from within the fire I and none other Here is expresly ment the vnitie of god We are here taught to acknowledge one God and no more to sticke to one and not to suffer our heartes phantastically to dreame of many I am thy Lorde I am thy god He is a Lorde bycause he alone hath the rule ouer all creatures all things are subiect to him as to their Lord all things do bende and obey him if once he do but becke He as Lorde alone doth gouerne and vpholde all things that are So then in this one worde is conteined the wisedome of God his vertue his power and infinite maiestie Deus whiche worde we vse for God is peraduenture deriued of the Hebrue word Daij whiche signifieth sufficiencie or full abilitie For God alone of him self is vnto him self most perfect blessednesse and absolute felicitie he is also sufficiently able to minister all things most aboundantly to all them that séeke after him in trueth sincerely being of him selfe most liberally welthy to al that call vpon his name Therefore in this braunche the sufficient and full abilitie the liberalitie the goodnesse and mercy of God are to be noted but most especially in this that he sayth I am thy God Thy God I say For God is not good to him selfe alone but euen vnto vs also He desireth to poure and bestowe him selfe wholy with al his goodnesse and gifts of grace vpon the faithful and sincere beléeuers He is no niggard he is not enuious he reioyceth and is glad to bestow and diuide him selfe among vs aboundantly and to our comfort to fill vs with the inioying of him selfe at all times and seasons but especially in time of our necessitie And God verily sayth expresly Thy God and not your God that thereby euery one of vs may vnderstand that the eternall most mightie and holy God both is and will be the God and Lorde of euery particular man that is that he is and will be the kéeper deliuerer redeemer the vnmeasurable mountain and bottomelesse sea of all good giftes of body and soule to all them that eyther are or else euer shall be By this nowe in the seconde place we haue to gather what the good and gracious Lorde requireth againe at our hands and what our dutie to him both is ought to be For this where he saith Thy God betokeneth an euident relation For if he will be mine then I againe of dutie must be his He will be my Lorde and my God therefore must I againe of duetie make accompte of and worship him as my Lorde and my god Wherefore in this commaundement there is required at our handes that we do not only acknowledge the true God to be the true God and so to stay there but also that we do take and account him for our God our Lorde our King our Creator our preseruer and our Father and that we do attribute to him his properties to wit that he is one alone the onely fountaine and giuer of all good things that he liueth is eternall righteous true holie happie mercyfull mightie most excellent and chiefe of all Let vs therefore sticke to him alone let vs obey him in all thinges let vs put our trust in him let vs call on him alone let vs repute him to be the giuer of all good things and craue all good giftes of him let vs thanke him for all benefites whatsoeuer we receiue let vs reuerence him and lastly honour him in feare sincerely in loue most ardently and in hope as constantly as may be For herevnto belong those sentences in the bookes of Moses and the holy Gospell Thou shalt honour the Lorde thy God and him alone shalt thou serue And againe Folowe ye the Lord your God feare him keepe his commaundements hearken to his voyce serue him and sticke to him The Lorde him selfe also in the Psalme cryeth out and sayth Offer to the Lord the sacrifice of praise and pay thy vowes vnto the highest And call vpon me in the day of trouble c. And nowe touching the demonstration whereby he declareth that he hath bene is and will be the God and Lord of vs all of our fathers and of our children that come after vs the proofe thereof is most euident by our deliuerie out of Egypt Therein are conteined all the vertues of God his wisedome his goodnesse his righteousnesse his trueth his power and what not Hee declareth that he is the Lorde in heauen and in earth in all
side againe men must reiecte the vnsauerie opinion of the Stoickes touching their Indolentia or lacke of griefe Touching which I will recite vnto you dearly beloued a most excellent discourse of a notable Doctour in the Church of Christ sett downe in these wordes following WE are too vnthanckful towards our God vnlesse we do willingly and chearefully suffer calamities at his hand And yet such chearefulnes is not required of vs as should take away all sense and féeling of griefe and bitternesse Otherwise there should be no patience in the Sainctes suffering of the Cresse of Christe vnlesse they were both pinched by the heart with griefe and vexed in body with outward troubles If in pouertie there were no sharpenesse if in diseases no paine if in infamie no sting in death no horror what fortitude or temperancie were it to make small accompt of and set litle by them But since euerie one of them doeth naturallie nipp the mindes of vs all with a certaine bitternesse ingraffed in them the valiant stomache of a faithfull man doth therein shewe it selfe if he being pricked with the féeling of this bitternesse howsoeuer he is greuously payned therewith doeth notwithstanding by valiaunt resisting continuall struggling worthily vanquish and quite ouercome it Therein doth patience make proofe of it self if when a man is sharpely pricked it doth notwithstāding so bridle it selfe with the feare of God that it neuer breaketh forthe to immoderate vnrulynesse Therein doth chearefulnesse clearely appeare if a man once wounded with sorrowe and sadnesse doth quietly staye himselfe vppon the spirituall consolation of his God and creatour This conflicte which the faithfull susteine against the natural feeling of sorrowe and griefe while they studie to exercise patience and temperance the Apostle Paule hath finely described in woordes as followeth We are troubled on euerie side but not made sorrowfull wee are in pouertie but not in extreeme pouertie we suffer persecution but are not forsaken therein we are caste downe but we perishe not Thou séest here that to beare the Crosse patiently is not to be altogether senselesse and vtterly bereft of all kinde of féeling as the Stoicks of old did foolishly describe the valiaunt man to be such an one as laying aside the nature of man should be affected alike in aduersitie and prosperitie in sorrowful matters and ioyfull thinges yea and such an one as should be moued with nothing whatsoeuer And what did they I pray you with this excéeding great patience Forsooth they painted the image of patience which neither euer was nor possiblie cā be found among men Yea while they went about to haue patience ouer exquisite and too precise they toke away the force therof out of the life of man At this daye also there are amonge vs Christians certaine newly vpstarte Stoickes which thincke it a fault not onely to sigh and wéepe but also to be sad and sorrowfull for any matter And these Paradoxes verilie doe for the most part procéed from idle fellowes whiche exercising themselues rather in contemplation than in working can doe nothing else but daily bréede such nouelties and Paradoxes But wée Christians haue nothing to doe with this yronlike Philosophie since oure Lord and maister hath not in words onely but with his owne example also vtterly cōdemned it For he greaned at and wept ouer both his owne and other mens calamities taught his disciples to do the like The world saith hee shal reioyce but ye shal be sorrowful ye shall wéepe And least any man should make that wéeping to be their fault hee pronounceth openly that they are happie which doe mourne And no meruayle For if all teares be misliked off what should we iudge of the Lord himselfe out of whose bodie bloudie teares did trill If all feare be noted to proceede of vnbeleefe what shall we thincke of that horror wherewith we read that the Lord himselfe was stricken If we mislike all sorrowe and sadnesse how shall wee like of that where the Lord confesseth that his soule is heauie vnto the death Thus much did I minde to say to the intent that I might reuoake godly minds from desperation least peraduenture they doe therefore out of hand forsake to seeke after patience because they cannot vtterly shake off the naturall motions of griefe and heauinesse which cannot choose but happen to them which of patience do make a kinde of senselessenes and of a valiaunt and constant man a senselesse blocke or a stone without passions For the Scripture doth praise the Saincts for their patience while they are so afflicted with the sharpenesse of calamities as that thereby their stomaches are not broaken nor their courages vtterly quayled while they are so stounge with the pricke of bitternesse as that yet they are filled with spirituall ioye while they are so oppressed with heauinesse of minde as that yet they be chearefull in Gods conselation And yet is that repugnancie stil in their hearts because the naturall sense doeth flye from and abhorre the thing that it féeleth contrarie to it selfe when as on the other side the motions of godlinesse doth euen thoroughe these difficulties by striuing séeke a way to the obedience of god This repugnancie did the Lord expresse when he said to Peter When thou wast yonger thou girdedst thee selfe wentest whether thou wouldest but when thou shalt be old an other shal gird thee lead thee whether thou wouldest not It is not vnlike verilie that Peter when it was neede to glorifie God by his death was with much adoe against his will drawen vnto it For if it had béene so his martyrdom had deserued litle praise or none But howsoeuer he did with great chéerefulnes of heart obey the ordinaunce of God yet because hée had not layde aside the affections of his flesh his minde was drawne two sundrie wa●es For while he saw before his eyes the bloudie death which he had to suffer hée was vndoubtedly strucke thorowe with the feare therof and would with al his heart haue escaped it And on the other side when he remembred that he was by Gods commaundement called thereunto ouercomming and treading dewne all feare he did willingly and chearefullie yéeld himselfe vnto it If therfore wee meane to be Christe his disciples our chiefe and especiall studie must be to haue oure mindes indued with so great obedience and loue of God as is able to tame and bring vnder all the ill motions of our mindes to the ordinaunce of his holie will. And so it will come to passe that with what kinde of Crosse soeuer wée be vexed wée may euen in the greatest troubles of oure mindes constantly reteyne quiet sufferaunce and patience For aduersitie will haue a sharpenesse to nippe vs with all likewise being afflicted with sicknesse and diseases wée shall groane and bee disquieted and wishe for health being oppressed wyth pouertie wée shal be pricked wyth the sting of care and heauinesse in like manner wée
blasphemers of the Gospell of Christ do sinne more grieuously than the Sodomites did and that God which is a sure reuenger will surely plague them for it either in this life or in the worlde to come or else in both with vnspeakeable miseries and endlesse torments Let vs therefore beléeue the Gospell of the sonne of God firste preached to the worlde by God the father then by the Patriarches after that of the Prophets and lastely of the onely begotten sonne of God Christ Iesus his Apostles whose heauenly voyce doth euen at this daye sounde to vs in the mouthes of the mynisters sincerely preaching the Gospel vnto vs. Secondarily wee haue to consider what it is that the heauenly preaching of the Gospell doeth shewe vnto the worlde to wite the Grace of God our heauenly father For the Apostle Paule in the twentieth Chapter of the Actes saith that hee receiued the ministerie of the Lord Iesus to testifie the Gospell of the Grace of God. Nowe therefore I will at this present saye so much of the grace of GOD as is sufficient for this place The woorde grace is diuersly vsed in the holie Scriptures euen as it is in prophane writinges also For in the Bible it signifieth Thankesgiuinge and also a Benefite and almes as 2. Cor. 8. Moreouer it signifieth prayse and recompence as in that place where the Apostle saith If when ye do well ye are afflicted yet do beare it that is praisworthie before God. It doeth also signifie facultie or licence as when wee saye that one hath gotten grace to teache and execute an office For the Apostle saith that he receiued grace and immediately to expounde his owne meaning hee addeth to execute the office of an Apostle Moreouer the gifts of God are called grace because they are giuen gratis and fréely bestowed without looking for of any recompēce And yet Paule in the fifte to the Romanes distinguisheth a gifte from grace For Grace doth signifie the fauour and good will of God towarde vs But a gifte is the thinge whiche God doth giue vs of that good wil such as are faith constancie and integritie They are saide to haue founde Grace with God whome God doeth dearely loue and fauour more than other In that sense Noah founde grace in the eyes of the Lorde Ioseph founde grace in the eyes of the Lorde of the prison And the holie virgin is read to haue founde grace with the Lorde because shee was beloued of God and verie deare vnto the Lord as shée whome he had singularly chosen from among all other women But in this place and present argument Grace is the fauour goodnesse of the eternall godhead wherwith he according to his incomprehensible goodnesse doeth gratis fréely for Christe his sake imbrace call iustifie and saue vs mortall men Nowe here mée thinketh before wee go anye further it is not amisse to examine and search out the cause of this Gods loue to vs exhibited For we sée that there is a certein relatiō betwixt the fauour of God vs men to whom his fauour is so bent It is a matter neither hard nor tedious to be found out For in vs there is nothing wherewith God can be in loue or wherewithall hee may be moued or stirred vp to imbrace vs yea in so much as wee are all vnpure sinners and that God is holye iuste and a reuenger of iniquities he hath matter ynoughe to finde in vs for which he may be angrie at and with iust reuengement plague vs So then the cause of Gods loue to vs wardes must of necessitie be not in vs nor in any other thing beside God considering that nothinge is more excellent than man but euen in God him self Moreouer the moste true Scripture doth teach vs that God is of his owne inclination naturally good gentle as Paul calleth him Philanthropon a louer of vs men who hath sent his owne sonne of his owne nature into the worlde for our redemption whervppon it doeth consequently followe that God doth fréely of him selfe and for his sonnes sake loue man and not for any other cause Whereby immediately all the preparamentes incitaments and merites of men beeing dissolued by the fire of Gods greate loue doe vade and passe awaye like smoke For the grace of God is altogether free and vnlesse it be so I cannot sée howe it can bee called Grace But it behoueth vs in a thing so weightie to cite some euident testimonies of the holie Scripture to confirme our mindes withall against all sophistical trifles and temptations of the diuell Our Lorde in the Gospell said So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne for the world that euery one which beleue in him shuld not perish but haue life euerlasting Loe here this goodwill of God which is the fauour and loue wherwith God embraceth vs is the cause of oure saluation For Christ hauing suffered for vs is our saluation Now God of verie loue hath giuen Christ both to vs for vs Neither may we thincke that God was first moued by oure loue to him ward to shewe like mutuall loue to vs againe and to giue his sonne for vs For he had determined before the beginning of the world to woorke our redemption through Christ his sonne And Iohn the Euangeliste in his Canonical Epistle sayth Herein is loue not that we loued God but that hee loued vs and sent his sonne to be an attonement for our sinnes To these testimonies although sufficiently plaine and stronge enough I will yet add some proofes out of the Apostle Paul y so this argument may be more euident that the great agréement may appeare which is betwixt Euangelists and Apostles in this doctrine of grace Paule therfore sayeth All haue sinned stand in neede of the glorie of God but are iustified freely by his grace thorough the redemption that is in Christ Iesu Againe to the Ephesians he sayeth Ye are saued thorough grace by faith that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of woorkes least any man should boast Againe to Titus The grace and loue of God our Sauiour towards all men hath appeared not of the woorkes of our owne righteousnesse which he did but according to his mercie hath he saued vs. Likewise in the 2. Epistle to Timothie the first Chapiter he sayeth God hath saued vs and hath called vs with an holie calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen vs in Christ Iesus I thinke verilie that if a man had béene sett of purpose to haue feigned any thing for the defence of this matter hee could not haue framed any sentence so fitt and euident as these woordes are So nowe it is manifest that the grace of God is altogether frée as that which excludeth all our woorks and merits And this frée loue of God is the only cause and true beginning of the Gospell For
his owne nature he is vnspeakeable vnmeasurable incomprehensible euerlasting yet notwithstāding that I may say somewhat in a certeine order concerning him if it will be no otherwise I will at the last shadowe out that which the scripture the inspiration of the holie Ghoste himselfe verie largelie declareth of him The holie Ghost is the third person in Trinitie to bee worshipped very God procéeding from the father and the sonne which inlighteneth regenerateth sanctifieth and fulfilleth the faithful with all good graces But that the holie Ghost is the third person in the holie Trinitie I thincke it is sufficiently at large declared in the third Sermon of this Decade Surely this onely sentence of our Sauiour Baptize them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holie Ghost doeth aboundantly confirme to godly mindes that the holy Ghost is the third person in Trinitie Moreouer that he is verie God of the same power glorie maiestie and Beeing with the father and the sonne that especiallie proueth beecause hee is the third person in the holie Trinitie Neither must we thinke that he is lesser than they because hee is reckoned in the third place For though the blessed Trinitie be remembred of vs in order yet notwithstanding there is no degrée no time no place or number in the blessed Trinitie For blessed Athanasius made his confession according to the Scripture and said The catholique faith is this that wee worshipp one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in Vnitie neither confounding the persons nor diuiding the substance For there is one person of the father another of the sonne another of the holie ghost But the Godhead of the father of the sonne and of the holie Ghoste is one the glorie equall the maiestie coeternall Such as the father is such is the sonne and such is the holie Ghost The father vncreate the sonne vncreate the holie Ghost vncreate The father incōprehensible the sonne incomprehensible and the holie Ghost incomprehēsible That father eternall the sonne eternal and the holy Ghost eternal and yet are they not three eternalls but one eternall c. And Augustine also in his 15. booke De Trinitate cap. 26. sayth In that high Trinitie which is God there are no distances of times whereby it may bee shewed or at least demaunded whether the sonne were first borne of the father and afterward the holie Ghoste to proceede from them both c. Truly we confesse that the father the sonne and the holy Ghost is one God and that the same is eternall Therefore let it trouble no man that the spirit is put in the last place For when the Apostle in his epistle to the Corinth framed his blessing he said The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holie Ghost be with you all he maketh mention of the holie Ghost in the last place but the same Paule sayeth There are diuersities of gifts but it is the selfe same spirite And there are differences of administrations but it is the selfe same Lord and there are diuerse maners of operations but it is the selfe same God which woorketh all in all setting the spirite in the first place teaching that the order of names doth not make difference of dignities After this manner also in the former testimonie he placed the sonne before the father not ouerthrowing the order which the Lord hath set downe in Matth. but shewing the equalitie of the Trinitie in honour For what canst thou more plainly saye thā that which the scripture saith that the holie ghost doth sanctifie renue regenerate giue life and saue and these are operations agréeable to God onely By operations therfore we manifestly acknowledge that the holie Ghoste is God of the same Essence and power with the father and the sonne For the holie Ghost from the beginning beefore all creatures visible and inuisible is a creatour not a creature as Iob witnesseth His spirite hath garnished the heauens Againe The spirite of GOD hath made mee and the breath of the Almightie hath giuen mee life Zacharias the priest and father of S. Iohn Baptist sayeth Blessed bee the Lord God of Israel for he hath redeemed his people as hee spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets whiche haue beene since the world began And S. Peter sayeth For the Prophecie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of GOD spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost By this I pray you who cannot gather that the holy Ghoste is God For God spake by the mouth of the Prophets and the holy Ghoste spake by the mouth of the Prophets Therefore the holy Ghost is God. The same Peter also in expresse words hath called the holy Ghost God when he accused Ananias of theft yea and also of sacrilege for when he had said Howe is it that Sathan hath filled thy heart to lie vnto the holy Ghost by and by he addeth Thou hast not lied vnto mē but vnto God. To the doctrine of Saint Peter agrée those thinges in all poinctes whiche S. Paule the doctour of the Gentiles hath taught For hee called the beléeuers the temples of God Knowe ye not sayeth he that ye are the temple of God and that the spirite of GOD dwelleth in you And againe Knowe ye not that your bodies are the temple of the holy ghost which is in you whom ye haue of God and yeare not your owne To be the temple of God and to be the temple of the holy Ghost Paule taketh to bee one and the selfe same thing it followeth therfore that the holy Ghost is god For in his Epistle to the Corinthians hee expresly nameth the holy Ghost god For after he had said There are diuersities of giftes but it is the selfe same spirite and had reckoned vpp the kindes of giftes by and by hee addeth And all these things woorketh euen one and the selfe same spirite distributing to euerie man seuerally euen as hee will. And he himselfe had said a litle afore There are diuerse manners of operations but it is the selfe same GOD which worketh all in all But Didymus Alexandrinus a man of excellent learning doeth knit vp a most euident argument of the Godhead of the holy Ghost declaring also that his nature doeth altogether differ from the nature of Angels For in his 1. lib. de Spiritu Sancto hée hath left this written S. Hierome so interpreting it If the holy Ghost were a creature he should haue at the least a limitable substance as haue all thinges whiche are made For althoughe inuisible creatures are not limitted within place and boundes yet in propertie of substaunce they are limitted but the holy Ghost since hee is in many places hath not a limitable substāce For Iesus sending forth the preachers of his Gospel he filled them with the holy Ghost But neither did all the Apostles goe to all
fully drawne out of the onely founteine of the holy ghost Paule the apostle in his epistle to the Romans describing the wonderfull force of the holie Ghost working in vs being new borne sayth They that are in the fleshe can not please god But ye are not in the flesh but in the spirite if so bee the spirite of God dwell in you If any man haue not the spirite of Christe the same is none of his And if Christe bee in you the body is deade bycause of sinne but the spirite is life for righteousnesse sake But if the spirite of him that raysed vp Iesus from the deade dwell in you euen hee that raysed vp Christe from the deade shall also quicken your mortall bodyes bycause that his spirit dwelleth in you The same Apostle in his Epistle to the Corinthians teacheth that by the reuelation of the holie Ghoste the mysterie of the kingdome of God is verie manifestly opened vnto vs God sayth he hath reuealed them vnto vs by his spirite For the spirite searcheth all thinges yea the deepe things of god For what man knoweth the things of man saue the spirite of man which is in him Euen so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of god And we haue not receiued the spirite of the world but the spirite which is of God that we might knowe the thinges which are giuen to vs of Christe Hetherto perteyne these woordes of oure Lorde and Sauiour out of the holie Gospell I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I go away For if I go not away that comforter will not come vnto you but if I depart I will sende him vnto you And when he is come he will rebuke the world of sinne and of righteousnesse and of iudgement Of sinne bicause they beleeue not on him Of righteousnesse bicause I goe to the Father and ye see me no more Of iudgement bycause the prince of this world is iudged already And it is euident that in all these clauses the whole summe of religion is conteyned whiche the holy Ghoste most plentifully hath deliuered vnto the Churche Which we also touched in the exposition of the names of the holy Ghost It followeth in the Gospell I haue yet many thinges to say vnto you but ye can not beare them away now Howbeit whē he is come which is the spirite of trueth he will leade you into all truth He shal not speake of him selfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speake hee will shewe you thinges to come And since it is certeine that the holie Ghoste is come it is euident that he led the Apostles into all trueth in so muche that what so euer agréeth not with their writings is worthily suspected of a lye Otherwise I doubt not but he at this day speaketh in the Church by those which are his but it is without controuersie that the holy Ghoste doth not gainesay him selfe And that things to come were reuealed to the Apostles by the spirite we haue touched in the exposition of the names of the holy ghost Neither is it doubtful but at this day he reuealeth many thinges to the Saintes in the Church euen those things which perteine to the preseruation of the Gospell of Christ and the Saintes Againe we reade in the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians The manifestation sayth he of the spirite is giuen to euery man to profite withall for to one is giuen by the spirite the woorde of wisedome to an other the woorde of knowledge by the same spirite to an other is giuen faith by the same spirite to an other the giftes of healing by the same spirite to an other power to do miracles to an other prophecie to an other discerning of spirites to an other diuers kindes of toungs to an other the interpretation of toungs But all these worketh that one and the selfe same spirite diuiding to euery man seuerally euen as he will. All these things are manifest neyther néede they any further exposition These are greate and euident giftes of the holie spirite vnto which also if we add those words which the same Apostle hath set down concerning the same spirite of God we will make an end The fruite of the spirite sayth he is loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnes faith meeknesse temperaunce These I say and all other vertues the holie Ghost which worketh all good things in all men graffeth planteth preserueth defendeth and bringeth vnto ful ripenesse in the minds of the faithfull To all these we wil nowe adde in steade of a conclusion the most notable treatise of Tertullian touching the holie Ghoste The same is this Bycause the Lord was departing into heauen he did necessarily giue to his disciples a comforter least he shoulde leaue them in a manner orphanes which was not conuenient and forsake them without a certeine aduocate and tutour For it is he that strengthened their myndes and vnderstādings which distinguished the sacraments of the gospel which was in them the giuer of light in heauenly things by whom doing st●e●gthe●ed and established th●y neyth●●●ear●d imprisonments nor chaines for the name of the Lorde but ●ath●r set at nought the very powers and tormēts of this world being nowe armed and emboldened through him hauing in them the giftes which this selfe same spirite doth distribute and direct as it were certeine ornamentes to the Church which is the spouse of Christ For it is he that appointeth prophets in the church instructeth the teachers guideth toungs worketh myracles and giueth health bringeth to passe wonderfull workes sheweth the discerning of spirites establisheth gouernements indueth with counsell ministreth and ordereth and disposeth all other spirituall giftes and therefore maketh the Church of God on all sides and in all things perfect and absolute It is he whiche in the likenesse of a Doue after the Lorde was baptised descended and remayued vpō him dwelling only in Christ fully and wholy not maymed or minished in any measure or portion but plentifully receiued into him with his whole aboundance that others might obteine from him a certeine distribution of giftes the founteine of the fulnesse of the holie Ghost wholy remayning in Christe that from him might be deriued veynes of gifts and myracles the holy Ghoste moste aboundantly dwelling in Christ For Isaie prophecying the same sayde And the spirite of wisedome and vnderstanding the spirite of counsel strength the spirite of knowledge and godlinesse resteth vppon him And the spirite of the feare of the Lord filled him The like and selfe-same saying he hath also in an other place in the person of the Lorde him self● 〈…〉 to ●re●che th● Gospell to the poore hath he sent me Likewise Dauid Wherfore thy God hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Of this spirite the Apostle Paule speaketh For he that hath not the spirite of Christe the same is none of his
their goods and as it were a certeine knitting together into one body not to be dissolued Therefore when Christ tooke vpon him our flesh both he became oures in all thinges and we also are members of the same body of his fleshe and of his bones In vs there is infirmitie sinne and death the same thinges hath our husband also taken vnto himselfe that he might make them hurtlesse vnto vs In Christe our husbande is iustification sanctification and life the same thinges dothe he communicate vnto vs his spouse that in him we might be iust and holy and might liue through him Of that lawfull ioyning together of the Lord and the Church are borne lawfull children vnto god Wherevpon the Churche is called a mother and a frée womā that is to say a matrone and a mistresse For the Apostle Paule sayth Ierusalem which is aboue is free which is the mother of vs all For euen as through the ioyning of man and woman together by propagation of séede are borne children so Christe hath coupled the Churche vnto him selfe wherein he hath left the séede of his worde By the word our mother the Churche begetteth children whereof before I admonished you when I spake of the originall of the Churche that is to say whiles she reteyning the séede of the worde by the preaching of the worde doth fashion and nourishe vs in her wombe and after bringeth vs foorth into lighte whome afterwardes she nourisheth with mylke and bringeth vp with stronger meate vntill wée growe vp into a perfect man But euen as without a husbande without true fayth plighted and without séede there is no other euen so the Church without Christ without true faith and the séede of Gods worde is not that our mother that is a frée woman and our mistresse We haue by these things by the way learned why the Church of God is called a mother The same notwithstanding is also called a virgine For of this holie mother the Church the Lorde before all things requireth faith and integritie For the Apostle Paule saith I haue coupled you to one man to present you a chaste virgine vnto Christe Therefore it is the part of the spouse to bring vnto her husband for her dowrie her virginitie and to kéepe the same vndefiled But what manner of virginitie is that sincere faith in Christe whiche wholy or with all her mynde cleaueth for euer vnto one whiche commeth to passe when we giue eare only to our spouse and loue none but him alone to be short when we perseuere in the simplicitie of the Gospell For it followeth in the wordes of the Apostle But I feare lest it come to passe that euen as the serpent deceiued Eue with his subtiltie so your mindes should be corrupt from the simplicitie that is in Christe That simplicitie acknowledgeth Christe to be the meanes of saluation the recouerie of life and all heauenly treasures without whom there is no saluation nor no good thing But who wil call her a chaste matrone who gyueth eare to bawdes and setteth her hearte also vppon the loue of othērs neyther contenteth her selfe with her husbande onely will not all men cry out that she is a naughtipack and an adultresse lying with others and bringing foorth children of straunge séede And in the holy Scriptures spiritual adulterie and fornication is muche spoken of All the sermons of the Prophetes are ful of suche Allegories They call those men or Churches adulterers whoremongers and fornicatours which receiue straunge seede that is to say doctrine differing from the word of god For suche as they going a whoreing from God cleaue not vnto God only they loue not alone him with all their hart they do not worship serue call vpon him only yea rather they choose vnto them selues others whome they may worship and call vpon eyther instead of God or together with god Herevnto perteyneth a good parte of the fift chapter of Ieremie and all the second chapter of Osée Amongest other thinges the Lorde sayth I will not haue compassion vpon her children bycause they are children of fornications for their mother hath played the harlot for she hath sayde I will go after my louers c. Since these thinges are thus brethren there is no cause why any man shuld reuerence the Churche of Rome decking her selfe with the title and beautie of the holie mother the church For she is not the holie mother churche she is not an vncorrupted matrone and virgine For where is the husband who is the onely husbande of this chaste matrone where is the faith and integritie kept with her husband hath she not defiled her selfe with straunge séede hath not she receiued taught a newe and straunge doctrine from the word of God and by that means begetteth many childrē not to Christ but to antichrist Saint Iohn beautifying this churche with her apt title calleth her Great Babylō the mother of whoredomes and abhominations of the earth and a woman drunken with the bloude of the Saintes and with the bloud of the martyrs of Iesu Christe Our holie mother the church is an vndefiled virgine hearing only the voyce or doctrine of her only welbeloued husband placing all the meanes of life and saluatiō in him alone and depending onely vpon him in all things With many other Allegories doth the Scripture paint out the mysterie of Christe and the Church but thereof it sufficeth to haue spokē thus muche The Lord Iesu the true and onely shepheard of his Church bring hoame againe louingly the wandering shéepe into his fould and being gathered together in his Churche preserue thē for euer Amen Of the ministerie and the ministers of Gods worde wherefore and for what ende they are instituted of god That the orders giuen by Christ vnto the church in times past were equall Whence and howe the prerogatiue of ministers sprang and of the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome ¶ The third Sermon THE expositiō touching the Churche of God shal be trulyer vnderstoode brethrē by those things whiche remayne to be spokē out of the worde of the Lorde concerning the ministerie and ministers of the Church For I sayde the Church of God is builded and preserued by the worde of God and that through ministers appointed for that purpose by the Lorde so that nowe it followeth to speake of the ministers of the Churche and of their ministerie that is of that order wherwith God gouerneth his church And truely the Ecclesiasticall ministerie is extended both to stirre vp and also to mainteine publique prayers and the administration of the sacraments and especially it is occupied in preaching of the worde of god Of the two former I will speake in place and time conuenient Of the ministerie of the worde I will entreate at this present In consideration whereof first it is expedient to viewe wherefore God in instructing men vseth the ayde or ministerie of men and what men perfect or worke
knowne nor lefte in writing of the holye Scriptures Some there are that d●e attribute it to the Apostles them selues and therefore doe call it by the name of the Apostles Créede Saint Cyprian the Martyr in his exposition of the Apostles Créede saythe Our auncestors haue a saying that after the Lordes ascension when by the comming of the holy ghoste the fierie tongues sate vpon euery one of the Apostles so that they spake both diuers and sundrie languages whereby there was no forreine nation nor barbarous tongue to whiche they seemed not sufficiently prepared to passe by the way they had a commandement from the Lorde to goe vnto all nations to preache the worde of god When therefore they were in a readinesse to departe they layde downe among them selues a platform of preaching for them all to followe least peraduenture being seuered one from another they should preach diuers things to them that were conuerted to the fayth of Christe Wherefore being there altogether and replenished with the holy ghoste they gathered one euery ones seuerall sentence and made that Breuiarie as I saide to be a patterne for all their preachings to be framed by appointing it for a rule to be giuen to them that should beleeue This sayth Cyprian But whether they were of the Apostles owne making or no or else that other the Apostles disciples made thē yet this is very wel knowne that the very doctrine of the Apostles is purely conteyned and taught in them These twelue Articles are called also a badge bycause by that signe as it were by a badge true Christians are discerned from false Nowe I will declare what order I will vse in expounding them vnto you This whole breuiatie or abridgement of faythe may be diuided into foure partes so that the thrée firste partes may make manifest the misteries of the thrée persons in one godheade and that the fourth may laye forth the fruits of fayth that is to say what good things we looke for by faith what good things God bestoweth on them that put their trust in him And yet this notwithstanding I wil procéed herein euen orderly so as the twelue Articles are placed or set downe The first article of Christian faith is this I beleeue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And this first Article of the Créede containeth two especiall pointes For firste we say generally I beléeue in god Then we descende particularly to the distinction of the persons and adde The father almightie For God is one in substance and thrée in persons Wherefore vnderstanding the vnitie of the substaunce we saye plainly I beléeue in god And againe kéeping not confounding the persons we adde In the father almightie In Iesus Christ his only sonne And in the holy Ghoste Let vs therefore be léeue that God is one not many and pure in substaunce but thrée in persons the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost For in the law it is writtē Hearken Israell The Lord our God is one Lord. And againe in the gospell we reade that the Lorde sayde Baptise them in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste By the way this is singularly to be marked of vs that when we pray wée say Our father which art in Heauen giue vs this day our daily breade but that whē wée make Confession of our beliefe wee say not we beleeue but I beleeue For faithe is required of euery one of vs for euery particular man to haue wythonte dissimulation in his harte and without double meaninge to professe it wyth his mouth It was not enough for Abraham to haue fayth for all his seede Neyther wil if auayle thee any thing for an other to beleeue if thou thy selfe art without fayth For the Lord requireth fayth of euery particular man for himselfe Wherefore so oft as wee confesse our fayth euery one of vs by himselfe doth saye I beleeue But what it is to brleeue I haue declared alreadye in my fourth Sermon It followeth in the Confession I beleeue in god God is the obiecte and foundation of oure Fayth as hee that is the euerlastinge and chiefe goodnes neuer wearie but alway ready at our neede Wée therfore beléeue in God that is to say wee put our whole hope all our safety and our selues wholy into his handes as vnto him that is able to preserue and bestowe on vs all thinges that are requisite for our behoo●e Nowe it followeth that that God in whom we rest and vnto whose tuition wée do all commit oure selues is The Father Almightye Our God is therefore called Father because from before all beginninge hee begatte the sonne like to himselfe For the Scripture calleth God the father of oure Lord Iesus Christe He sayth the Apostle is the brightnesse of the glorie of God and the liuely Image of the substaunce of the father to whom he said Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee And againe I will be his father and hee shal be my sonne Also God is called father in respecte of the likenesse that hee hath with oure earthly father to witte because of our Creation the fauour loue good will carefulnesse where with he is affected towards vs For God hath created vs God loueth vs God regardeth our affayres and is careful for vs yea and that more exceedinglye too then any earthly father is For saith Dauid Euen as the father pitieth his childrē so doth the Lord pitie them that feare him for hee knoweth our estate remembring that we are but duste Esaias also in his 49. Cap. sayth Can a woman forget her owne infante and not pitie and be fayne ouer the sonne of hir owne wombe But admit she do forget yet will not I forget thee In this is declared Gods good will to vs ward and wée confessing that God is our father do also professe that God to vs is both gentle liberall and merciful who wisheth vs all thinges that are auayleable to our health and purposeth nothinge to vs warde but that which is good and wholesome and last of all that at his hande wée receiue what good soeuer wée haue either bodilye or ghostly God is called Almighty because by his might hée can do al things because he is Lord of all thinges and hath all thinges subiecte to his commaundement For the same cause also is hee called the Lord of Hostes Heauen Earth and whatsoeuer is therein Starres all Elements Men Angells deuils al liuing Creatures all things created are in the power of the moste highe and euerlasting god What soeuer hee commaundeth that they doe nothing is able to withstand his will. What hee wil that must of necessitie be done and also these things he vseth euen as his owne wil and pleasure is and as his iustice and mans saluation do require Firste wée confessed that God doth will vs well and nowe wée acknowledge that whatsoeuer hée wil that he is able to bring
in God and God in him And that is the way whereby we cleaue to God as to the onely chiefe and eternal goodnesse in whom also wee are delighted and that not a litle On him wee rest thinking assuredlie that withoute him there is no good at all and againe that in him there is to be found all manner of goodnesse Wherefore our hartie loue is set on no good thinge but God And in comparison of him whom we loue wée do lightly loath and treade vnder foote all things else that seeme to be good in the whole world yea verilie the loue of God in vs doth ouercome all the euils whiche otherwise séeme inuincible Let vs heare Paule with a a vehement motion proclaming this and saying Who shal separate vs frō the loue of God shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or hunger or nakednesse or perill or sword As it is written For thy sake are wee killed all daye long and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome through him that loued vs For I am sure that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor rule nor power nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God whiche is in Christ Iesu our Lorde Hitherto haue I recited the wordes of Paule The loue of God worketh in vs a will to frame our selues wholy to the will and ordinaunces of him whome we doe hartily loue Yea it is pleasaunt and swéete to him that loueth God to doe the thing that he perceiueth is acceptable to God if it be done He that loueth doth in mynde reuerence him whome he loueth His eye is neuer of him whome he loueth He doth alwayes and in all things wishe for his dearling whom he loueth His onely ioy is as oft as may be to talke with God and againe to heare the wordes of God speaking in the Scripture For the Lorde in the Gospell saith If any man loue me he will kepe my word he that loueth me not doth not keepe my wordes Againe Abide ye in my loue If ye keepe my commaundementes ye shall abide in my loue euen as I also haue kept my Fathers commaundements and do abide in his loue And againe If any man loue me he will keepe my word and my father wil loue him and we will come to him and make our dwelling in him But nowe let vs heare Moses the seruaunt of God declaring and teaching vs the way and manner how to loue God to wit howe great loue ought to be in the elect Thou shalt saith he loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy strength The very same wordes in a manner did our Lord in the Gospell repeate and sayd Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule with all thy strength and with all thy mynde By this we vnderstande that the greatest loue that may be is required at oure handes to God warde as that which challengeth man wholy howe bigge so euer he be and all the parts of man as peculiar vnto it selfe In the mynd is mannes vnderstanding In the heart is the seate of his affections and will. The strength of man conteineth all mans abilitie as his very wordes déedes counsell riches and his whole substance Finally the soule is the life of man And we verily are commaunded to employ all these vpon the loue of God when we are bidden to loue God with all our soule with all oure strength with our whole mynde and our whole heart Nothing is ouerslipt but all is conteyned in this We are Gods wholy and altogether let vs altogether therefore and wholy loue god Let nothing in all the world be dearer to vs then God let vs not spare for Gods sake any thing of all that which we possesse howe deare to vs or good soeuer it be but let vs forsake spende and giue it for Gods sake and as the Lord by his worde appointeth For in doing so we loue God before and aboue all things We are also cōmaunded to stick to God only to imbrace him alone For to whom we doe wholy owe all that we haue to him is al the whole sincerely simply and fully to be giuen Here are they condemned whosoeuer wil not once loue God and the world together The Lord requireth the whole heart the whole mynde the whole soule and all the strength finally he requireth al what soeuer we are or haue in possession he leaueth nothing therefore for thée to bestowe on other By what right then wilt thou giue to the fleshe the deuill to other Gods or to the worlde the thinges that properly are Gods owne And God verily alone is the chiefest eternall greatest mightiest creator deliuerer preseruer most gentle most iust and best of all He alone doth giue hath giuen and is able to giue to man all that is expedient for the safegarde of his body and soule God alone doth minister to man abilitie to liue well and blessedly and therefore God deserueth to be loued alone and that too before and aboue al other things This loue of God doth blesse all the haps and chances of men and turneth them to their profite according to that saying To them that loue God all thinges worke for the best This loue of God also conteineth this that it suffreth vs not to honour worship reuerence feare or call vpon any neyther to trust in obey or sticke to any other but to the one and onely God to whome all glory is due But nowe before we speake of the loue of our neighbour it is requisite that we firste shewe who it is that is our neighbour touching whiche I sée some men to doubt and sticke vncertainely For some there are that t●ke their kinsfolkes to be their neighbors Other some there are that think that their benefactours are their neighbours iudge thē strangers that do them any harm But our Lord Iesus Christ telleth vs that euery one yea thogh he be our enimie is neuerthelesse our neighbour if he stande in néede of our ayde or counsell For he imagineth that a Iewe lighting among théeues and lying on the highe way halfe deade and couered with woundes and swelling drye blowes was not regarded of his owne countrey men a Leuite and a Priest that passed by him but at laste was taken vp and healed by a Samaritane Nowe there was a deadly enimitie betwéene the Iewes and the Samaritanes yet notwithstanding this Samaritane doth good to the Iew bycause he sawe that the case and necessitie of the afflicted man did so require Nowe therefore the Lord applying this to his owne purpose demaunded of him that desired to learne who was his neighbour and saythe which of these thrée séemeth to thée to haue bene this mans neighbour He aunswered He that shewed mercy Then sayde the Lorde Goe
and comfort imprisoned captiues Herevnto Lactantius lib. Institut 6. cap. 12. hath an eye where he sayth The chiefest vertue is to keepe hospitalitie and to feede the poore To redeeme captiues also is a greate and excellent worke of righteousnes And as great a work of iustice is it to saue and defend the fatherlesse widowes the desolate helplesse whiche the law of God doth euery where cōmaund It is also a part of the chiefest humanitie and a great good deed to take in hand to heale and chearish the sicke that haue no body to helpe them Finally that last and greatest duetie of pietie is the buriall of strangers and of the poore Thus muche hitherto touching the duetie of ciuil humanitie which true loue sheweth to his neighbour in necessitie But it is not inough my brethren to vnderstande how we ought to loue our neighbour though we ought often to repeate it but rather we must loue him excéedingly and aboue that that I am able to say Let vs heare the Apostle who with a wonderful goodly grace of spéech with a most excellēt exquisite holy example of Christe doth exhort vs all to the shewing of charitie to our neighbour and sayth If therefore there bee any consolation in Christe if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirite if any compassion mercie fulfill ye my ioye that ye be like minded hauing the same loue being of one accorde and minde let nothing be done through strife or vaine glory but in meekenesse let euery man esteeme one the other better then him selfe looke ye not euery man on his owne thinges but euery man also on the thinges of others For let the same minde be in you that was in Christ Iesus who being in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God but made him selfe of no reputation taking on him the forme of a seruant and made in the likenesse of men and found in figure as a man he humbled him selfe made obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse Wherefore God also hath lightly exalted him and giuen him a name which is aboue euery name that in the name of Iesus euery knee shoulde bow of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth and that euery tongue shoulde confesse that the Lorde Iesus Christe is the glory of God the father To him alone be honor power for euer euer Amen The end of the first Decade of Sermons The Second Decade of Sermons writen by Henrie Bullinger Of lawes and first of the lawe of Nature then of the lawes of men ¶ The first Sermon THE summe of all lawes is the loue of GOD and our neighbour of which and euery parte whereof bycause I haue already spokē in my last Sermon the next is that nowe also I make a particular discourse of lawes and euery part and kinde thereof Let vs therefore call to God who is the cause and beginning of lawes that he through our Lorde Iesus Christe will vouchsafe with his spirite alwayes to direct vs in the waye of trueth and righteousnesse A heathen writer no base authour ywis made this definition of lawe that it is an especiall reason placed in nature cōmaūding what is to be done and fordidding the contrarie And verily the lawe is nothing but a declaration of Gods will appointing what thou hast to do and what thou oughtest to leaue vndone The beginning and cause of lawes is God him selfe who is the fountaine of all goodnesse equitie trueth and righteousnesse Therefore all good and iust lawes come from God him selfe althoughe they be for the most parte published and brought to light by men Touching the lawes of men we muste haue a peculiar consideratiō of thē by thē selues For of lawes some are of God some of Nature some of Men. As concerning Gods law I wil speak of it in my seconde Sermon at this present I will touch first the lawe of Nature and then the lawe of Men. The law of Nature is an instruction of the conscience and as it were a certaine direction placed by God him self in the mindes and hearts of men to teach them what they haue to doe and what to eschue And the conscience verily is the knowledge iudgement and reason of a man whereby euery man in him selfe and in his owne minde being made priuie to euery thing that he eyther hath committed or not committed doth eyther condemne or else acquite him self And this reason procéedeth from God who both prompteth and writeth his iudgementes in the hearts and mindes of men Moreouer that which we call Nature is the proper disposition or inclination of euery thing But the disposition of mankind being flatly corrupted by sinne as it is blinde so also is it in all pointes euill and naughtie It knoweth not God it worshippeth not God neyther doth it loue the neighbour but rather is affected with selfe loue towarde it selfe and séeketh still for the owne aduauntage For whiche cause the Apostle sayde That we by nature are the children of wrath Wherefore the lawe of nature is not called the lawe of nature bicause in the nature disposition of mā there is of or by it selfe that reason of light exhorting to the best things and that holy working but for bycause God hath imprinted or ingrauen in our myndes some knowledge and certaine generall principles of religion iustice and goodnesse which bycause they be grafted in vs and borne together with vs do therefore séeme to be naturally in vs. Let vs heare the Apostle Paule who beareth witnesse to this saith When the Gentiles whiche haue not the lawe do of nature the things conteined in the law they hauing not the law are a law vnto themselues which shew the workes of the lawe written in their hearts their conscience bearing thē witnesse and their thoughts accusing one another or excusing in that same day when the Lorde shall iudge the secrets of mē by Iesus Christ according to my Gospel By two arguments here doth the apostle very euidently proue that the gentiles are sinners For first of all least peraduenture they might make this excuse and say that they haue no law he sheweth that they haue a law and that bicause they transgresse this law they are become sinners For although they had not the written law of Moses yet notwithstanding they did by nature the things cōteined in the law The office of the law is to disclose the wil of God and to teache thée what thou haste to do and what to leaue vndone This haue thei by nature that is this know they by the lawe of nature For that whiche followeth maketh this more plaine They when they haue no law are to them selues a law That is they haue in thē selues that which is written in the law But in what sort haue they it in them selues This againe is ma●e manifest by that which followeth For they
elements and all creatures His people the Israelites doth he gratiously deliuer defend with sundry giftes adorne and mightily preserue euen in despight and maugre all the heades of the whole Egyptian kingdome And on the other side he doth by sundry meanes very terribly yet notwithstanding iustly punish the Egyptians and laste of all together with their king he ouerwhelmeth them in the red sea By this one myracle of the Lords the Israelites might haue gathered as God is Almightie and the mightiest of all so also that he would be their God as heretofore he had bene the God of their Fathers For by this wonder he did declare what he was then and of howe great power and goodnesse he is euē at this day among vs and also what he will be in all ages euen vnto the end To vs that liue in these dayes the deliueraunce which we haue obtained by Iesus Christ our Lorde is farre more fresh in memorte who hath not deliuered vs from the bondage of any Egyptian kingdome nor from the tyranneus handes of any earthly Pha●ao but hath set vs frée from the power of darknesse of sinne death and the deuill Whereby we gather that as the eternall true excellent hyghe and holy God is most mightie so also he is our God that he wisheth well to vs and that he careth for and loueth vs according to that saying of the Apostle Who spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all howe can it be but that with him he will giue vs all things Verily the mysterie of our redemption by our Lorde Iesus Christe is very manifestly conteined in the first precept of the tenne Commaundements For it is euident the the Israelites frée departure out of Egypt was a type or figure of the deliuerie of the whole compasse of the earth and of all the kingdomes of the world which shoulde be wrought by Christ our Lorde who hath nowe already set all the worlde frée from the bondage of sinne and hell But if any man dout of this let him diligently consider with him self the meaning of the Ceremonie or Sacrament of that bodily deliuerance I meane the very Passeouer For what is he that knoweth not that the Paschall lamb did in a figure represent Christe our redéemer Are Paules wordes vnknown who sayth Christ our Passeouer is offered vp Haue not all the Apostles and Iohn Baptist called our Lorde the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world The wordes of the prophet Esai also in his 52. Chap. are apparantly knowne where he compareth the deliuerie of Israel out of Egypt with the redemption of all the worlde wrought by Christ from the slauerie of sin Wherfore in this firste precept of the tenne Commaundements is conteined the mysterie of Christ our Lorde and our saluation So that as often as those wordes of God shall be recited in our eares we ought not so much to set our eyes and myndes vpon the anncient deliuerie of Israell out of Egypt as vpon the new and latter redemption which we haue by Christ Iesus therby to quicken our hope and not to despaire but that the most excellent and mightie God both is wil be our God as heretofore he hath ben theirs The latter braunch of this first commaundement flatly forbiddeth vs and euery one of vs to haue any straunge Gods that is it taketh from vs all extraordinarie meanes to séeke the safegarde of our liues wher the working finger of God is not whatsoeuer else maye be either diuelishly deuised or vnaduisedly chosen beside the very word of god And therefore the Lorde vseth a most vehement or earnest kind of speaking For sayth he Thou shalt not haue any other Gods before me Sée he saith Thou shalt not haue thou shalt not haue before me or before my face or with me or by me We Germanes say Zu mir oder nabend mir Oder las michs nit sahen ver minen ougē For so do fathers speak in their anger when they do earnestly forbid a wicked hainous thing Sée say thei that thou do it not before mine eies for me to sée it But now God is present euery where God séeth all thinges yea he beholdeth our harts hiddē secretes of our hartes We must not therefore in any case either openly or priuily haue any straunge Gods that is none of vs must make account of any creature eyther in heauen or earth as of our God none of vs must attribute gods properties to his creatures nor yet the things which we of duetie do owe to God him selfe The properties of God are these to be all ouer and euery where to sée all to knowe all to be able to do all to giue lyfe to deliuer and cleanse from sinnes to saue preserue to iustifie to sanctifie and what so euer else is like to these On the other side our dutie to him is to reuerence God to call on God to feare God to worship God to hope in God to sticke to God to heare God to beléeue God and to obey God. The straunge God therfore is that which is not God properly and by nature yea it is what so euer we doe make to our selues to be our God beside the very liuing and eternal God wherein we truste wherein we hope whereon we call which we doe loue and feare whereon we scttle and fasten our myndes wherevpon we doe depend whereof we make account as of our treasure helpe and safegarde both in prosperitie and our aduersitie When Rahel asketh children of Iacob she hath this answere at his hand Am I God whiche haue made thee barren And again when Ioram king of Israell had by Naaman receyued letters from Benhadad king of Syria requesting to cleanse the leprosie he rente his cloathes for anger and cryed out saying Am I God that I can kyll and restore to life againe Let God alone therefore be our God that is our life and safegarde our helpe and refuge our protection and deliueraunce our hope and loue our feare our dread our trembling and all These if we doe attribute to others and not to God alone then shall we make other Gods to our selues Moreouer what so euer is not ordeined by God him self that is in the Scriptures many times called straunge or other In that sense it is sayde that straunge fyre was carried into the Labernacle to wit not that fyre which God had cōmaunded for to kindle In the Prouerbes she is called a straunge woman whose companie the Lorde hath not allowed thée to vse They therefore are straunge Gods whome we haue made to our selues to hang on and to séeke ayde of when God notwithstanding hath not appointed them to haue the charge ouer vs Wherefore the very Saintes them selues triumphant nowe in heauen with Christ our King shall be reputed for straunge Gods the Saintes them selues I say not in respect of them selues but to vs they shall be straunge Gods in respect of
not what sort of Gods to mans skill and succour to things forbidden to Idols and coniurers which we fall a doing then especially when being wrapped in miserie and calamities eyther for our sinnes or else bycause God will trie vs we doe presently beginne to murntur againste God and to accuse his iudgementes hardly absteining from open blasphemie in grudging to beare the things that for our desertes we do worthily suffer Here vnto belongeth the abuse of beastly knaues whiche doe not sticke to vse the holy name of God in obteining their filthy lustes whiche they call loue and also the naughtinesse of them that therby seeke to finde and recouer the thinges that are lost or else are stolne from them We doe vnhallowe the name of the Lord our God when we giue not to him all honour and glory We shall peraduenture do some good déede there is perhaps in vs somthing worthy to be praysed if we therfore shall challenge the praise thereof to our selues or at the leaste shall pare out a péece of that glory for our owne share and giue the rest to God not referring it al and whole to God the authour of all then doe we therein defile the name of God which ought alone to be praysed for euer and euer Furthermore if we denie the Lorde or blushe at and be ashamed of his holy Gospell bycause of this wicked world and the naughtie men therein if also we doe spot our selues with a filthy and vncleane life which is to the slander of Gods name and the offence of our neighbour then doe we take the Lordes name in vaine yea we abuse it to his dishonour and reproche We do abuse the name of the Lorde if we take a solemne othe in a trifle or matter of no effect or if we do not kéepe performe the othe that we haue sworne In our dayly talke very often and almoste about godlesse matters we minde are wont to call and take to witnesse the dreadfull name of God hauing learned it of an yll continuaunce and custome or else being stirred vp by some euill motion of oure naughtie mynd we haue an innumerable sort of déep and terrible othes as wounds bloud crosse and Passion of the Lorde heauen earth Sacramentes euery Saint in heauen and all the deuilles of hell Beside all this we abuse the name of God also sundry and dyuers wayes in telling of lyes The preacher or teacher of the Churche lyeth whē he cryeth Thus sayth the Lord whereas the Lorde in déede sayth nothing so He maketh the name of God a cloake and a colour to hide his deceit and doth beguile poore simple soules The Magistrate cryeth out All power is of God and so vnder the pretence of Gods name doth his subiects iniurie in playing the tyraunt and not the Magistrate The common people deceiue one another vnder the name of the Lorde in contractes and bargayning And the sturdie roge vnworthy of almes will not sticke to stande and make Gods name an idle occupation for to get a pennie But who can reckon vp all the thinges wherein Gods name is fouly abused we must all therfore haue an eye that we defile not the name of God but rather blesse it and holily worship it For it followeth in the wordes of the Lorde what punishment abideth for them that so disgrace his name Bycause sayth he the Lorde will not let him goe vnpunished that taketh his name in vaine And although this commination of the Lord is very horrible in déede and of it selfe effectuall inough to make the godly sort afrayde to pollute the name of God yet neuerthelesse I will adde one example or twaine of them whome the Lorde hath punished for defiling his name Dauid cryeth out and sayth The vnrighteous shall not stand in thy sight O Lord thou hatest them that worke iniquitie thou shalt destroy all them that speake lies But how much more likely is it that the Lord will destroy all them that speake blasphemie and abuse his holy name Saule verily bycause he called not vpon the Lorde in his extreme necessitie but asked counsell of the Pythonisse was compelled to kill him selfe with his owne hande after he had séene his people downe right slaine by the Phylistines his enimies and his sonnes lye deade in the middes of the people Ananias lyeth to the holy Ghoste and defileth the name of the Lorde and falling downe soudainly dead to the ground downe he goeth with shame inoughe to the deuill of hell Sanherib blasphemeth the name of the eternal God before the walles of Ierusalem but anon after he is for his labour bereaft of his puissant armie and in his owne Gods temple is shot through by his owne sonnes Iehoiachim and Zedechias both Kings of Iuda and blasphemers of Gods name are taken captiues slayne by Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon Achab Iesebel and the Priestes of Baal are vtterly wypte out by king Iehu bycause they vnder the colour of god and godlinesse blasphemed the name of God and persecuted the true religion In the. 24. of Leuiticus he that blasphemed the name of god was ouerwhelmed with stones to death And therefore the Emperour Iustiman In Nouellis cōstitu 77. writing to the citizens of Constantinople sayth Moreouer bycause besides vnspeakable lustes some men lash out cursings and othes of God thereby prouoking him to anger we therfore exhort thē to abstaine from cursings and othes by his haire and head and such other wordes like vnto these For if reproches done vnto men are not left vnreuenged muche more is he worthy to be punished that stirreth God to anger with his villanie And for such offences as these doe so many dearthes erthquakes plagues come vnto mē We therefore admonish them to abstaine from those crimes for who soeuer after this admonition of oures shal be found faultie therin they shal first shewe thē selues vnworthy to be beloued of men after that to suffer such punishment as the lawe shall appoint For we haue giuē in charge to the right honourable the Lieftenant of our royall citie to apprehend the guiltie and to punish them extremely leaste peraduenture at length for such sinners contempt and such haynous offences not only this citie but also the whole common weale be iustly destroyed by Gods iust vengeance Thus much writeth he Now by this we may gather that not the least part of our calamities at these dayes doe happen vnto vs bycause of our detestable cursings and horrible blasphemies which verie fewe magistrates or none almost at al do go about to redresse or punishe as they should doe The name of the liuing God is blasphemed with passing déepe and horrible othes of all sorts of all kindes and all ages so that I thinke verily that from the beginning of the world ther neuer was suche a blasphemous people as are in this cursed age of oures And therefore are we vexed with vnspeakable and endlesse calamities For God is true can
from the truth the narrowe breadth of one small haire The aunswere therefore is this if any man shall sweare against the faith and charitie so that the kéeping of his othe maye t●●d to the worse then it is better for him to chaunge his othe then to fulfill it Whervpon Saint Ambrose saith It is somtime cōtrarie to a mans duetie to performe the othe that he hath promised as Herod did Isidore also saith In euill promises breake thine othe in a naughtie vow change thy purpose The thing thou haste vnaduisedly vowed do not performe The promise is wicked that is finished with mischiefe And againe That othe muste not be kept whereby any euill is vnwarely promised As if for example one shoulde giue his fayth to an adultresse to abide in naughtinesse with her for euer vndoubtedly it is more tolerable not to keepe promise then to remaine in whordome stil Beda moreouer saith If it shal happen that we at vnawares shal with an othe promise any thing and that the keping of that othe shall be the cause of further euill then let vs thinke it best vpon better aduice to chaunge our othe without hurt to our conscience and that it is better vpon such a necessitie for vs to be forsworne then for auoyding of periurie to fall into another sinne tenne times worse then that Dauid sware by God that he woulde kyll the foolishe fellowe Naball but at the firste intercession that his wyfe Abigail wiser then him selfe did make hee ceassed to threaten him hee sheathed his sworde agayne and did not finde him selfe any whit grieued for breaking his hastie othe Augustine also sayeth Whereas Dauid did not by sheading of bloude perfourme his promise bound with an othe therein his godlynesse was the greater Dauid sware rashly but vpon better and godly aduice he performed not the thing he had sworne By this and the like it is declared that many othes are not to be obserued Now he that sweareth so doth sinne but in chaunging his othe hee doth verie well Hee that chaungeth not suche an othe committh a double sinne firste for swearing as he ought not and then for doing that he shuld not Thus much hitherto haue I rehearsed of other mens wordes which al men verily acknowledge to be true and so in déede Nowe by this ye doe easily vnderstande dearely beloued what ye haue to thinke of those monasticall vowes and Priestes othes whiche promise chastitie no farther ywis by their leaue than mans fraile weaknesse will suffer them For it is better sayth the Apostle to marrie thē to burne And more commendable is it not to perfourme those foolishe hurtfull and vnpure promises that driue them perforce to filthy vncleannesse then vnder the colour of kéeping an othe truely to lye and to liue vnchastly God wot Fiftly and lastly I haue briefly to put you in mynde that ye indeuour your selues by al the meanes ye may deuoutly to keep that which ye swere and therewithall in fewe wordes to let you vnderstande what rewarde is prepared for them that do religiously and holily kéepe and obserue the holy othe once solemnely taken If we loue God if we desire to sanctifie his name if we take the true God for the very true God and for our God if we will haue him to be gentle and mercyfull to vs warde and to be our present deliuerer and ayder at all assayes then will we haue a most diligent care to sweare with feare deuoutly and holily to kéepe and perfourme the othe that wée deuoutly make But vnlesse we do this then terrible threatenings and sharpe reuengement of Gods iust iudgement are thundred from heauen against vs transgressours The very heathens shall rise vp and condemne vs in the day of iudgement For the Saguntines the Numantines and they of Petilia chose rather to die with fire and famine then to breake or violate their promise once bound with an oth Moreouer the lawes of all wise and ciuil Princes and people do adiudge periured persons to dye the death Howe great offences howe great corruptions howe great and many mischiefes I praye you doe rise through periuries They intangle trouble disgrace marre and ouerthrowe the estates both ciuil and Ecclesiasticall Who so euer therefore doth loue the common weale and safegarde of his countrie who so euer dothe loue the Church and good estate thereof he wil aboue all things haue an especiall regard to kéepe religiously the promise of his othe Nowe to those that holily do kéepe their othes the Lord doth promise a large reward For Ieremie saieth And the nations shall blesse thēselues in him in him shall they glory As if he should say If the people of Iuda shall sweare holily and kéepe their othes then will the Lorde poure out vpon them so great felicitie and aboūdant plentie of al good things that when as hereafter one shal blesse or wishe well to another he shall say The Lorde shewe thée his blessing as of olde he did to the Iewes And who socuer shall prayse another he shall say That he is like to the Israelites It is therefore assuredly certayne that they shall be inriched with all good thinges and worthy of all manner prayse who so euer shall inui●lably kéepe their othes and promyses Let vs indeuour oure selues my br●th●●n thren I beseeche you to sanctifie the Lords name and to adde to this third commandemēt your earnest and continuall prayers saying as our Lorde Iesus hath taught vs O heauenly father hallowed be thy name or let thy name be holily worshipped To him be glory for euer and euer Amen Of the fourth precept of the first table that is of the order and keeping of the Sabboth day ¶ The fourth Sermon THE fourth Commaundement of the first table is worde for word as followeth Remember that thou kepe holy the Sabboth day Sixe dayes thou shalt labour and do al thy workes but on the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy God in which thou shalt not do any manner of work neither thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter nor thy man seruant nor thy maide seruant nor thy cattell nor thy straunger whiche is within thy gates Bycause in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth the sea and all that is therin and rested the seuenth day Therefore the Lorde blessed the Sabboth daye and hallowed it The order which the Lorde vseth in giuing these commaundements is naturall and very excellent In the first precept the Lorde did teache vs faith and loue to God ward In the second he remoued from vs Idoles and all forreine kinde of worship In the third he beganne to instruct vs in the true and lawfull worship of GOD which worship standeth in the sanctifying of his holy name for vs to call thereon and holily and fréely to praise it and to thinke and speake of it as religiously as he shall giue vs grace The fourth Commaundement teacheth vs also the worship due to
God and the hallowing of his holy name but yet it bendeth somewhat to the outward honour although neuerthelesse it frameth to the inward religion For the Sabboth doth belong both to the inward and outward seruice of god Let vs sée therefore what we haue to thinke that the Sabboth is how farre foorth the vse therof extendeth and after what sort we haue to worship our God in obseruing the sabboth Sabboth doth signifie rest and ceassing from seruile worke And this here I thinke worthy to be noted that the Lord saith not simply Sanctifie the Sabboth but Remember that thou kéepe holy the Sabboth daye meaning thereby that the Sabboth was of olde ordeined and giuen first of all to the auncient fathers and thē againe renued by the Lorde and beaten into the memorie of the people of Israell But the summe of the whole Commaundement is Kéepe holy the Sabboth day This summe dothe the Lorde by and by more largely amplifie by reckoning vp the the very dayes and particular rehearsing of the whole houshold to whome the kéeping of the Sabboth is giuen in charge The Sabboth it selfe hath sundry significations For first of all the scripture maketh mention of a certaine spirituall and continuall Sabboth In this Sabboth we rest from seruile worke in absteining from sinne and doing our best not to haue our owne will found in our selues or to worke our owne workes but in ceassing frō these to suffer God to work in vs and wholy to submit our bodyes to the gouernment of his good spirit After this Sabboth foloweth that eternall Sabboth and euerlasting rest of which Esaie in his 58. and. 66. Chapters speaketh very much and Paul also in the fourth to the Hebrues But God is truely worshipped when we ceassing from euill and obeying Gods holy spirit do exercise our selues in the studie of good works At this time I haue no leasure neyther do I thinke that it is greatly profitable for me to reason as largely or as exquisitely as I coulde of the allegoricall Sabboth or spirituall rest Let vs rather my brethren in these our mortall bodies do our indeuour with an vnwearied good wil of holinesse to sanctifie the Sabboth that pleaseth the Lord so well Secondarily the Sabboth is the outwarde institution of our religion For it pleased the Lorde in this commandement to teache vs an outward religion and kinde of worship wherein he would haue vs all to be exercised Nowe for bycause the worshipping of God cā not be without a time Therefore hath the Lord appointed a certaine time wherein we shoulde absteine from outwarde or bodilye works but so yet that we should haue leasure to attēd vpō our spiritual businesse For for that cause is the outward rest commaunded that the spirituall worke should not be hindered by the bodily businesse Moreouer that spirituall labour among our fathers was chiefly spent about foure things to wit about publique reading and expounding of the scriptures and so consequently about the hearing of the same about publique prayers and common petitions about sacrifices or the administration of the sacraments and lastly about the gathering of euery mans beneuolence In these consisted the outward religion of the Sabboth For the people kept holie day and met together in holy assemblies where the Prophetes read to thē the word of the Lord expounding it and instructing the hearers in the true religion Then did the faythfull iointly make their common prayers and supplications for all things necessarie for their behoofe They praysed the name of the Lord and gaue him thankes for all his good benefites bestowed vpon them Furthermore they did offer sacrifices as the Lorde commaunded them celebrating the mysteries and sacraments of Christe their redéemer and keping their faith exercised and in vre they were ioyned in one with these sacraments and also warned of their duetie which is to offer them selues a liuely sacrifice to the Lord their god Lastly they did in the congregation liberally bestow the giftes of their good will to the vse of the Church They gathered euerie mans beneuolence therewith to supply the Churches necessitie to mainteine the ministers and to relieue the poore and néedie These were the holy workes of God which while they hauing their hartes instructed in fayth and loue did fulfill they did therein rightly sanctifie the Sabboth and the name of the Lord that is they did on the sabboth those kinde works which do both sanctifie the name of God become his worshippers and also are the workes in déede that are holy and pleasing in the sight of god If any man require a substanciall and euident example of the Sabboth or holy daye thus holily celebrated he shall finde it in the eight Chapter of the booke of Nehemias For there the Priestes do reade and expounde the worde of God they praise the name of the lord they pray with the people they offer sacrifice they shew their liberalitie and doe in all points behaue them selues holily and deuoutly as they should Now least any peraduenture might make this obiection and say Ease brée deth vice Or else I must labour with my handes to get my liuing least I dy with hunger and my familie perishe he aunswereth The Lorde alloweth thée time sufficient for thy labour for thée to worke in to get a liuing for thy selfe and thy houshold For sixe dayes thou maist worke but the seuenth day doth the Lord chalenge and require to be cōsecrated to him and his holy rest Euery wéeke hath seuen dayes But of those seuen the Lord requireth but one for him self Who then can rightly complain I beséech you or say that he hath iniurie done vnto him More time is allowed to work in thē to kéep holy the Sabboth And he that requireth to haue this sabboth kept is God the maker the father Lord of al mākind Furthermore the Lord doth precisely cōmand and giue a charge to plant and bring in this holy rest this discipline and outward worship into the whole familie of euery seuerall house Whereby we gather what the dutie of a good housholder is to wit to haue a care to sée all his familie kéepe holy the sabboth day that is to doe on the sabboth day those good workes which I haue before rehearsed And for bycause the Lord doth know that mans naturall disposition is where it hath the maistrie there for the most parte to rule and reigne ouer haufily and too too Prince like therfore least peraduenture the fathers or maisters shuld deale too hardly or rigorously with their housholds or hinder them in obseruing of the sabboth he doth in expresse words exquisite steps of enumeration commaund them to allowe their familie and euery one in their familie a resting time to accomplish his holy seruice He doth not exempt or except so much as the straunger He will not suffer nor allow among them the exāple of such dulheads as say Let faith and religion be free to all
feastes and holy dayes which we kéepe holy to Christe our Lord in memorie of his Natiuitie or Incarnation of his Circumcision of his Passion of the Resurrection and Ascension of Iesus Christe our Lorde into heauen and of his sending of the holy Ghost vpon his Disciples For Christian libertie is not a licentious power and dissoluing of godly Ecclesiasticall ordinances which aduaunce and set forward the glory of God and loue of our neighbor But for bicause the Lorde will haue holy dayes to be solemnized and kept to him self alone I do not therefore like of the festiuall dayes that are helde in honour of any creatures This glory and worship is due to God alone Paul sayth I wold not that any man should iudge you in part of an holie day or of the Sabbothes which are a shadow of things to come And againe Ye obserue dayes and monethes and yeares and times I feare least I haue laboured in you in vaine And therefore we at this day that are in the Churche of Christe haue nothing to doe with the Iewish obseruation we haue onely to wish indeuour to haue the Christian obseruation and exercise of Christian religion to be fréely kept obserued And yet as the hallowing of the Iewish sabboth so also the sanctifying or exercise of our Sunday must be spent occupyed about foure things which ought to be founde in the holy congregation of Christians if their Sunday be truely sanctified and kept holy as it should be Firste let all the godly Saintes assemble them selues together in the congregation Let there in that congregation so assembled be preached the worde of God let the Gospell there be read that the hearers maye learne thereby what they haue to thinke of God what the dutie and office is of them that worship God and how they ought to sanctifie the name of the lord Then let there in that congregation be made prayers and supplications for all the necessities of all people Let the Lord be praised for his goodnesse and thanked for his vnestimable benefits whiche he dayly bestoweth Then if time occasion and custome of the Church do so require let the sacramentes of the Church be religiously ministred For nothing is more required in this fourth commaundement than that we should holily obserue and deuoutly exercise the Sacramentes and holy lawfull profitable and necessarie rites and ceremonies of the Church Last of all let entyre humanitie and liberalitie haue a place in the Saints assembly let all learne to giue almes priuately and relieue the poore dayly and to do it frankly and openly so often as opporunitie of time and causes of néede shall so require And these are the dueties wherein the Lordes sabboth is kept holy euen in the churche of Christians and so much the rather if to these be added an earnest good wil to do no euil al the day long This discipline now must be brought in and established by euery householder in all our seuerall houses with as great diligence as it was with the Iewes Touching which thing I haue nothing to say here since I haue before so plainely handled this point as that ye perceiue that it agréeth euen to the Churche of vs that are Christians This one thing I adde more that it is the dutie of a Christian magistrate or at leastwise of a good housholder to compell to amendment the brekers and contemners of Gods sabboth and worship The péeres of Israell and all the people of God did stone to death as the Lord commaunded them the man that disobediently did gather stickes on the sabboth day Why then should it not be lawful for a Christian Magistrate to punishe by bodily imprisonment by losse of goods or by death the despisers of religion of the true and lawfull worship done to God and of the sabboth day verily though the foolishe and vndiscrete Magistrate in this corrupted age doe slackly looke to his office and duetie yet notwithstanding let euery householder do his indeuour to kéepe his seuerall familie from that vngodly naughtinesse let him punish them of his housholde by suche meanes as he lawfully may For if any one householder dwell among Idolaters which neyther haue nor yet desire to haue or frequente the Christian or lawful congregations thē may he in his own seuerall house gather a peculiar assemblie to prayse the Lorde as it is manifest that Lot did among the Sodomites Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the land of Chana●n and in Egipt But it is a haynous sinne and a detestable schisme if the congregation be assembled either in cities or villages for thée then to séeke out bywayes to hide thy self not to come there but to contemn the church of God and assēblie of saints as the Anabaptistes haue takē a vse to do Here therfore I haue to reckon vp the abuses of the sabboth day or that sinnes cōmitted against this commaundement They transgresse this cōmaundement that cease not from euil works but abuse the sabboths rest to the prouoking of fleshly pleasures For they kéep the sabboth to God but work to the deuil in dicing in drinking in dauncing féeding their humors with the vanities of this world wherby we are not only drawn from the cōpanie of the holy congregation but do also defile our bodyes which we ought rather to sanctifie and kéepe holy They sinne against this precept which eyther exercise any handie occupation on the sabboth day or else lye wrapt in bed and fast a sléepe till the day be almost spēt not once thinking to make one of Gods congregation They offend in this precept that awe their seruants to worke and by appointing them to other businesse do drawe them from the worship of God preferring other stinking thinges before the honour due to god And they aboue all other offende herein which do not only not kéepe holy the sabboth day them selues but doe also with their vngodly scoffes and euil examples cause other to despise and set light by religion when they do disdaine and mocke at the holy rites ceremonies at the ministerie ministers sacred Churches and godly exercises And herein too do both the goodmen and goodwiues offend if they be slacke in their owne houses to call vpon and to sée their families kéepe holy the sabboth day Who so euer do contemne the holynesse of the sabboth day they giue a flat and euident testimonie of their vngodlinesse and light regarde of Gods mightie power Furthermore the kéeping or despising of the sabboth doth always carry with it either ample rewards or terrible threates For the proofe whereof I will recite vnto you dearely beloued the wordes of Ieremie in his 17. cha Thus hath the Lord saide vnto me sayth he Goe and stand vnder the gate of the sonnes of the people through which the kings of Iuda goe in and out and vnder all the gates of Ierusalem and say vnto them Take heede for your liues that ye
ought not to denie his assistance and defence to the godly ministers of Christe and the Churches Herevnto belong the testimonies of Saint Paule that may be alledged In the last chapter of his first Epistle to the Thessalonians he saith We beseeche you brethren to knowe them which labour among you and haue the ouersight of you in the Lord and admonish you that yee may haue thē in reputation through loue for their worke and be at peace with them Again to the Hebrues he sayth Obey them that haue the rule ouer you and giue place vnto them for they watch for your soules as they that shall giue account for them that they may do it in ioy and not in trembling for that is profitable for you For how many and great calamities haue falne vpon kingdomes and peoples for the contempt of Gods worde and his ministers many examples can teache vs but that especially which in the laste chapter of the second booke of Chronicles is set downe in these words The Lorde God of their fathers sent to them by his messingers rising vp betimes and sending for hee had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place But they mocked the messingers of God and despised his wordes and iested at his Prophetes vntill the wrath of God arose against his people and till there was no remedie Like vnto this are the wordes of the Lorde in the Gospell where he sayth I sende vnto you Prophetes and wise men some of whome ye shal scourge and kyll that all the righteous bloud may light vpon you whiche hath bene shead vpon the earth from the bloud of the righteous Abel vnto the bloud of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias whom ye slue betweene the temple and the altar and so foorth for the place is knowne to you all dearely beloued and is to be séene in the. 23. Chapter after S. Mathew We must beware therefore in any case that we doe not despise God who speaketh to vs in his word by his seruants the Prophets We owe by the force of this commandement all loue reuerence help comfort and humanitie to our kinsfolkes and alliance In this commandemēt are they condemned that shew them selues to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say men without all naturall affection and friendly loue to their owne bloud and kinsfolkes There is a certaine naturall affection goodwill loue and pitifull mercy which the Scripture calleth the bowels of mercy in the father and mother towarde their children in brother towarde brother and in cousins toward their kinssolkes and friends of their aliance We haue notable examples hereof set downe in the Scriptures of Abrahams loue toward his sonne Isaac and of Iosephes affection toward his father Iacob and his brethren but èspecially towarde Beniamin his brother by one mother Mothers and daughters in lawe haue a notable example to followe in Noemi and Ruth Mothers and daughters in lawe for the most part do beare a deadly hate the one to the other which is the cause of muche mischiefe in the houses where they be Let them learn therfore by this preatie example how to behaue them selues on both parts Let the mother in lawe thinke the daughter in law to be her own daughter and let the daughter in lawe honour and reuerēce her mother in law euen as if she were her owne mother Many thinges must be winked at on both sides many things must be taken in good part and many thinges put vp with a quiet mynde Many thinges must be forgiuen and they must both haue their eares stopped against tatling talebearers and wrongfull suspicions Concorde in euery house is the greatest treasure that may be and discord at home is the most perillous and endlesse mischiefe that can be inuented Paule his wordes touching good turnes and honour to be giuen to our kinsefolkes are very wel knowne and extant to be séene in the fift Chapter of his first Epistle to Limothie Last of all also there is to be found in the worde of God a peculiar lawe for the honouring of olde men which biddeth vs to rise before the hoary and gray haired head Olde men therefore are to be honoured whome we must worthily magnifie and in whom we must acknowledge the singular grace of God in giuing them long life and that by long and continuall experience of all thinges they haue attayned to muche witte or wisedome whereby they are able to helpe vs with their counsell They therefore ought to be praysed that all may vnderstand that gray haires are a crown of glory Moreouer if aged impotent persons are driuen into néede then must our aboundance supply their necessitie To be short we must not denie to olde men any dutie of humanitie wherewith we may pleasure them In the same sort also there are here commended vnto vs widowes orphans wardes poore men straungers sicke and miserable people And for that cause did the deuout and good men of olde bestowe their goods liberally to the refreshing of olde men widowes fatherlesse children and poore sillie creatures Those goods at this day are called Churche goods or Ecclesiasticall contributions whiche vndoutedly are very wel bestowed if they be layde out on them for whome they were giuen In the Emperours constitutions we may sée that there were common houses and substaunce builded and appointed for all sorts of néedie people For there is mention made of houses for fatherlesse childrē of Hospitals for olde men of spittles for beggars of places for sicke men and nourceries for children Among vs at these dayes there are Hospitals and Monasteries very many whereof haue seuerall places appointed for orphans olde men poore people impotent creatures sicke persons and infants They therefore doe commit an vnappeasable offence whosoeuer bestowe to other vses the substance and places ordeined for olde and poore people and lash out they care not howe prodigally in ryot and lustinesse the almes bestowed vpon poore silly souls And nowe hitherto haue I declared howe our parents ought to be honoured and they which are conteined vnder the name of parents There is now remaining the third and laste part of our present treatise wherin we haue to sée what God promiseth to them that honour their parents religiously whereby we haue to gather what perill hangs ouer the heades of them that wickedly neglect and irreligiously despise their parents The Lord in the lawe therefore sayth That thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lorde thy God shall giue thee The meaning of which saying is Honour thy father thy mother that thou maist for many dayes inioy the possession of the lande whiche thou shalt haue in testimonie of my fauour to thée ward These wordes doe properly belong to the Iewes But very well and truly doth a godly minister of Christe writing vpon this place say Bycause the whole earth is blessed to the faithfull we do nothing amisse when we reckon this present life among the blessings
all Goods ordinances scant any one can be found that is more commendable or profitable than wedlocke is Musonius Hierocles and other auncient sages thinke marriage to bee so necessarie to liue well and conueniently that the life of man without marriage séemeth to be maymed Euen they y heathens I meane doe make the euills and discommodities of mariage to consist in y married folkes and not in mariage For marriage of it selfe is good but many vse not well the thinge that is good and therefore they feele the smart of their foule abuse worthilie For who knoweth not that the faulte of dronkennesse is not to bee referred to wyne which is the good and holsome creature of God but to the excessiue bibbing and ouer great gréedinesse of mā which abuseth Gods good creature That which commeth out of the hart of man saith the Lord in the Gospell and not that which goeth in by the mouth defileth the man. Hereunto belongeth that saying of Paule the Apostle of Christ where hee attributeth sanctification to wedlocke for the bed saith he is vndefiled and in an other place he testifieth that the vnbeleuing husband is sanctified by the beléeuing wife hee affirmeth also that children borne in wedlocke are holy or cleane Moreouer the same Paule maketh Christ an erāple of loue betwixt man and wife and shadoweth the mysteries of Christ and the Church by the colour of wedlocke he figureth I say a heauenly thing by an holy type that God doth allowe Wherevpon in an other place the same Apostle doth say That their doctrine is a verie doctrine of diuells which forbid men to marrie And so consequently it followeth that that is an heauēly doctrine proceeding from God which permitteth mariage freely to all men and doth commende and reuerence it The excellencie and dignitie of matrimonie being thus vnderstoode let vs now séeke out and looke on the causes for which God hath ordeyned mariage for men to imbrace God according to his natural goodnesse directeth all his ordinaunces to the greate good and aboundant commoditie of mortal men and therefore it followeth that hee ordeyned matrimonie for the preseruatiō of mankinde to the end that mans lyfe might be pleasaunt swéete and thoroughly furnished with ioyes sufficient But al these causes may be reduced into the number of thrée First God himselfe doth say It is not good for man to be alone let vs make him an helpe therefore to be before him or to dwel with him So then that first cause whie wedlecke was instituted is mans commoditie that thereby the life of man might bée the pleasaunter and more cōmodious For Adam séemed not to liue halfe happilie nor sweetly enough vnlesse he had a wife to ioyne himselfe vnto which wife is not in the scriptures called an impediment or necessarie euill as certaine Poets and beastly men who hated women haue foolishly iangled but she is the helpe or arme of the man Antipater an heathen writer In sermone de Nuptiis doth wonderfullie agrée with this saying of the scripture and expresseth plainly what kinde of help and what manner of arme the wife is to her husband Whosoeuer saith hee hath not had triall of wife and children hee is vtterly ignoraunt of true mutuall goodwill Loue in wedlocke is mutuallie shewed when man and wife doe not cōmunicate wealth children and hearts alone as friendes are wont to doe but haue their bodies in cōmon also which friends cannot do And therfore Euripides laying a side the deadly hate that hee bare to women writ these verses in commendation of marriage The wife that gadds not gigglot wise with euerie flirting gill But honestly doth keepe at hoame not set to gossip still Is to her husband in his cares a passing sweete delight She heales his sicknesse all and calls againe his dying spirit By fawning on his angrie lookes she tourns them into smiles And keeps her husbāds secrets cloase when friends worke wilie guiles For like as a man hauing one hand or one foote if by any meanes hee get himselfe an other may thereby the more easilie lay hold on what hee listeth or go whether he wil euen so he that hath married a wife shall more easilie enioy the healthfull pleasures and profitable commodities of this present life For married folkes for two eyes haue foure for two hands as many more which being ioyned together they maye the more easilie dispatche their handie businesses againe when the ones two handes are wearied the handes of the other supplie their roome kepe their worke in a forwardnesse still Mariage therfore which in steede of one member is by increase cōpact of twaine is better able to passe thorough the course of this world than the single and vnwedded life Thus much out of Antipater Hierocles also in his booke de Nuptiis saith To liue with a woman is verie profitable euen beside the begetting of children For first she doth welcome vs hoame that are tyred abroad with labour and traueile shee interteyneth vs seruiceablie and doth all shee maye to recreate ou●e wearie mindes She maketh vs forget all sorrowe and sadnesse For the troublesom cases of our life and generallie of care and busines while wee are occupied in matters abroade in bargayning in the countrie or amonge oure friends are not easilie suffered to bee troubled with oure domesticall and houshold affayres but when we haue dispatched them and are once retourned to our wiues at home so that our minds are at quiet we restoared to our ease and libertie then are our cōbersome businesses well lightened eased whereby they ceasse to trouble vs any longer Neither is a wife troublesome vndoubtedly but lighteneth things that are troublesom to vs For there is nothing so heauie that man and wife liuing in concord are not able to beare especiallie if they bee both willinge to doe their indeuour And so forth The second cause why matrimonie was ordeyned is the begetting of children for the preseruation of mankinde by increase and the bringing of them vppe in the feare of the lord For the Lord blessed Adam and Eua saying Increase and multiplie replenishe the earth Paule the Apostle in his Epistle to Titus saieth Speake to the elder women that they maye teache honest thinges that they may make the younger women to be sober minded to loue their husbandes to loue their childrē to be discrete hous keepers good obedient to their husbands And againe to Timothie Adam was not deceiued but the woman was seduced notwithstandinge through bearing of children she shal bee saued if they continue in faith and charitie and holines with modestie But the begetting of children were altogether vnprofitable if they were not wel brought vppe For shée that loueth her children in déede doth bring them vp in the feare of the Lord Which bringing vppe is no small cōmoditie to the comon weale Church of god The glorie also and worship of God is greatly augmented when as by wedlocke there
the begettinge of children or societie of life but some for a greate dowrie some for a beautifull bodie and some beinge seduced by sutch kinde of causes as it were men abused by vnfaithful counsellers haue no regard to the disposition and manners of their spouse but marrie at aduentures to their owne decay and vtter destruction Hereunto belōgeth Plutarches admonition to parentes in his treatise of bringing vppe of children where hee counselleth men to bestow such wiues on their sonnes as are not much wealthier nor mightier than their children For a verie pithie saying is that vsuall prouerbe Marrie a wife of thine owne degree To bée short let the feare of God the word of God and earnest prayer powred oute to God be alwayes annexed to the beginning of marriages But it is not conueniente that in lawful matrimonie any more should be than two alone to be ioyned together vnder one yoake of wedlock For the vse of many wiues which our fathers vsurped withoute any blame may not stablish polygamie for a law amonge vs at the so dayes The time of correction is now come to light and Messias now is come into the world who teacheth all rightly and refourmeth things amisse He therfore hath reduced wedlocke to the first prescribed rule lawe of matrimonie Two saith the Lord shal be one flesh And the Apostle saith Let euerie man haue his owne wife and euerie woman her owne husband The multitude of Solomons concubines therefore apperteine not to vs Wée haue not to follow the example of Iacob who married two sisters And yet notwithstādinge the word of trueth condemneth not the second third or many marriages which a man maketh when his wife is deceassed For that saying of the Apostle is generall to al mē and indureth in al ages Let them marrie that cannot absteine for it is better to marrie than to burne Which sentence is taken out of these words in the Gospel All men cannot receiue this sayinge saue they to whō it is giuen For there are some chaste which were so borne out of their mothers wombe there are some chaste which were made chaste of men there are some chast which haue made themselues chaste for the kingdome of heauēs sake He that is able to receiue it let him receiue it Let him therfore that cannot receiue it marrie a wife so often as necessitie compelleth him thereunto But now especiallie it standeth vs in hand to know how married folkes must behaue themselues what they must do in wedlock to what end they must direct their déeds and thoughts and how they ought to be affected toward that holy ordinaunce of God almightie Touching which thing I wil not speake much but briefly note out the most necessary pointes to giue all men occasion to thinke with themselues and call to minde both more and greater matters which I leaue vntouched First of al let married folkes be thoroughly persuaded and assuredly certeine while they liue in matrimonie that they are in the woorke of God that they please God and do an acceptable thing in the sight of the lord because of Gods word wherin he blessed that kinde of life and sanctified all wedd●d people which by faith do liue in that worke and ordinaunce of the lyuing god Therfore when married couples doe patiently suffer the troubles that followe the married life while they laboure faithfully while they doe those thinges decently which belonge to the charge and office of married people as while the wife doth loue her husband while she doth duetifully obey him while shée doth bring forth her children with griefe and paine and when they are brought forth doth diligently nourish them labour to bring them vp while the husband doth loue his wife while he doth mutuallie helpe her and faithfully in all thinges shewe himselfe a carefull father for his familie and houshould in doing these things they please God no lesse than they doe when they goe to Church to heare the woord of God and to worship the lord For these woorkes of wedlocke are reputed for good workes as well as geuing of almes iustice making of peace Married folkes therefore haue néede especiallie of true faith in God the author of wedlocke For by ●edlocke in faith they shall please the lord This our monckes could not abide to heare of although the word of God doeth vrge it vppon them they ceassed not to magnifie their coūterfaite holines and hypocriticall vowes Secondarilie it is required at the hands of wedded couples to be mindfull of the faith which they giue and take that they doe not falsely deceiue one an other but holilie kéepe the promise that they make and troth that they plighte and to kéepe it sincerely both in body and minde Let neither of them luste after the bodie of a stranger nor conceiue an hatred or loathsomnes of their wedded spouse And thy body thou that art a married mā is not thy body but thy wiues as also thy wiues body is not thy wiues but thine Thou stealest and doest commit a robberie if thou take away another bodies goods and when thou hast conueyed it from the proper owner doest giue it to another Let y minde of wedded mates be vnspotted and y body vntouched Euery one when he first commeth to solemnise wedlocke by the holie ceremonie ordeyned for that purpose doth promise with an oathe in the name of the Lord before God and the Church that hée wil vse the cōpany of no woman but her that hée wil cleaue too loue and cherish her alone without any other This faith once giuen whosoeuer doth violate he is falsely forsworne and is a breaker of a godly promise Gods holy truth Neither is it sufficient for thée to be faithful vnlesse thou be courteous or tractable toward thy wife dwell with her according to knowledge as S. Peter saith Let the husband be the head of the wife to witte her aduiser and counseller her ruler and guide her swéete yoakefellowe and admonisher in al her affayres her assured aider and faithfull defender Let the wife be obedient vnto her husband euen as we sée the members obey the head let her yeald her selfe to her husbād to be ruled and gouerned let her not despise his honest counsells and indifferente commaundements let them thincke that they twaine are one body or the members of one body And therefore let them learne by the gouernement of this mortall body howe to behaue themselues in the guiding of wedlocke The worthier members doe not despise the more vnworthie limmes but doe rather honour them lighten their labour and ayde and helpe them Againe the more vnworthie limms are in loue with the worthier not enuyinge their preeminence any whitte at al. One member breaketh not or hurteth an other but all doe mutuallie chéerish themselues and defend one an other from harme and iniurie Such a mutual knitting together and working and loue and charitie and good-will and
fellowshippe let there be betwixte man and wife For to that ende the woman was taken oute of the mannes bodie that the husbande should loue and chéerish his wife his owne bodie And for that cause the Apostle saith So must husbands loue their wiues euen as their owne bodies He that loueth his wife doth loue himself For no man at any time hath hated his owne flesh but loueth and cherisheth it as the Lord doth the Church What may bee said to that moreouer that the Apostle in the verie same place hath made the sonne of God and the holy Church an example for married folkes to follow in kéeping of wedlocke requiring at the husbands hand to loue his wife euen as Christ hath loued the Church and of the wife to reuerence her husbande and to loue him againe as the Church doth Christe Than which example there is none in the worlde more holy and effectuall For there is no loue greater than the loue of Christ toward his Church Neither is there any loue more chaste than that which the Church doth beare to Christe It is required therefore at the handes of wedded mates mutually to beare most ardente and holy loue the one to the other Let them vse all thinges in common let them bee partakers both of the same prosperitie and the same aduersitie Let them both draw vnder one yoake and beare betwixte them one an others burthen Briefly let them twaine bee the members of one and the verie same body I haue more at large set downe these offices of man and wife in my treatise which is called the Institution of Christian matrimonie Lastly let them bringe vppe their children in holy discipline the feare of God to the health of their owne house and the whole common weale Paule saith I would haue the younger women marrie to gette children and to gouerne the house for that is honest and acceptable before God. But touching the bringing vp of children I haue alreadie spoken in the fifte sermon of this Decade Now the very begetting of children alone is very profitable both to euery priuate or particular house and also to the common weale for héere I will not stand to shew that the honour and glorie of God is verie greatly augmented if children be not onely begotten but also brought vp in the feare of God and knowledge of his woord Hierocles saith I confesse that marriage is profitable especially because it bringeth children forth which is in deede a goodly fruite for they being of oure verie bloud doe while wee are in health ayde vs in all our affayres and in olde age when yeares come vppon vs they succour vs well with all that they maye they are familiar companions of our ioy in prosperitie and in aduersitie are our partners in sorowing with vs for our heauie mishapps And so forth Antipater also saith Man which is indued with a ciuil disposition to mainteyne societie must augmente his countrie and common wealth with increase of children for cities could not haue bene preserued by any meanes at all vnlesse the head men of euerie citie and the sonnes of noble gentlemen seing their auncetours wither and fal away like goodly leaues of a faire tree had married in time cōuenient and left behind them children as woorthie plantes to succeede in their countrie thereby to make it to flourish for euer doinge their beste so farre as they coulde to keepe it from the assaultes and conquestes of enimies and straungers They therefore shooting at nothing more than to defend and assist their countrie both in their life time and when they were dead did thincke it most necessarie and especially conuenient to marrie and be married desiring thereby both to doe all thinges that nature requireth and also those that touche the health and increase of their countrie most of all the worship of god c. Since therefore that lawefull matrimonie is of so great effect and so auayleable to liue well and happilie the faithfull doe not withoute cause beginne their marriages with religion and religious rites The Lord verilie did presently in the beginning blesse the first marriage of oure parentes Adam and Eue and did himselfe couple them in wedlock Whervppon the Church of God hath receyued a custome that they which ioyne in marriage before they dwell together doe come into the temple of the Lord where after prayer made in the middest of the congregation they are ioyned together and blessed by the minister of God in the name of God himselfe Wherefore in wedlocke the first and chiefest thinges that bée required are the earneste and continuall prayers of the married folkes to God that he wil vouchsafe to make the husbandes wyse relligious modest gentle honeste painefull sufferers and louers of their wiues and that it will please him to make the wiues obedient méeke chaste faithful louers of theyr husbands and children housewiues and fruitefull For no one man is able to declare all the euills that come euen of one corrupte naughtie marriage Through it whoale houses are wonderfullie disquieted all wealth and honestie do vtterlie decaye the children are bastards God is offended and prouoaked to anger and an endlesse mischiefe brought to the whoale cōmon weale God therefore must bée earnestly beséeched to blesse all married people that both the glorie of his holy name and the common weales prosperitie may thereby dailie increase more and more I am now come to speake of adulterie which is a sinne whereby the husband goeth to an other woman or the wyfe tourneth a side after an other man to whom they make common the vse of their bodies which are not their owne bodies nowe but their mates in wedlocke Some there are that flatter themselues and are of opinion that they are not culpable of adulterie if they haue the companie of any vnbetrouthed mayden or one that is vnmarried or if a woman play the harlotte with an vnwedded man They will haue it in Gods name to be fornication and not adulterie But the Scripture teacheth the contrary Thou goest to an other woman thou arte an adulterer Thou breakeste thy faith thou art forsworne Thy bodie is not thine but thy wiues when therefore thou bestowest this bodie on an other thou committest adulterie If thou being wedded doest lye with a married wife thou doubleste the sinne of thine adulterie This offēce was plagued with most sharpe punishmente euen in the beginninge almost and as soone as the world was created Pharao the kinge of Aegypt commaunded Sara Abrahams wife to be taken away and carried to his Palace that hée mighte vse her as his wyfe thinckinge verily that shée had bene Abrahams sister But the scripture sayth The Lord vexed Pharao and all his house with great plagues because of Sara Abrahams wife Loe here that king of Aegypt is punished with gréeuous plagues for his adulterie and yet he knew not that Sara was Abrahams wyfe how great plagues therefore are prepared for the
these woords of the Lord in the Gospel must be beatē in●o the head of euery godly hearer Think not saith hee that I am come to destroy the lawe or the Prophets yea I came not to destroy but to fulfil thē Verilie I say vnto you heauen and earth shall passe but one iote or title of the lawe shall not passe till all bee fulfilled Whosoeuer therefore shall loose one of the smallest of these cōmandements and shall teach men so he shal be called the least in the kingdome of heauen But whosoeuer shal doe and teach them hee shal be called great in the kingdome of heauen Let euery one therefore bée assuredly persuaded that the lawe of God whiche is the most excellent and perfecte will of God is for euer eternall and cannot be at any time disolued either by men or Angels or any other creatures Let euery man thinke that the lawe so farre as it is the rule howe to liue well and happilie so farre as it is the bridle wherewith wée are kept in the feare of the Lord so farre as it is a pricke to awake the dullnesse of oure flesh and so farre as it is giuen to instructe correcte and rebuke vs men that so farr I say it doth remaine vnabrogated and hath euen at this day her commoditie in the Church of God and therefore the abrogating of the lawe consisteth in this that followeth I told you that Gods commaundementes require the whole man and a very heauenly kinde of perfectnesse which whosoeuer performeth not hée is accursed and condemned by the law Nowe no man doth fulfill that righteousnesse therefore are wée all accursed by the law But this curse is taken awaye and most absolute righteousnesse is fréely bestowed on vs through Christ Iesus For Christ redéemed vs from the curse of the law being made the curse righteousnesse and sanctification for vs men And so in this sense the law is abrogated that is the curse of the lawe is thorough Christe taken from the faithfull and true righteousnesse is bestowed vppon vs thorough grace by faith in the same Christ Iesus For he is that blessed seede in whō all the kinreds of the earth are blessed Hée is our righteousnesse For Paule saith By him euerie one that beleeueth is iustified from all things from which ye could not bee iustified by the lawe of Moses Therefore the law is put for the curse of the lawe or else the law of God is taken for that whiche is bewrayed or made manifest by the lawe that is to say it is taken for sinne For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne Therefore the lawe is abrogated that is sinne is taken away not that it should not be or not shewe it selfe in vs but that it should not be imputed vnto vs and cōdemne vs For there is no damnatiō to them that are in Christ Iesu Moreouer the lawe is taken for the vigeance or punishment which is by the law appointed for transgressours Therefore the lawe is abrogated because the punishment appointed by the lawe is taken from the neckes of the faithfull beléeuers For the law is not giuen to the righteous man. For Christ deliuered the faithfull from eternall punishments whiles hée being guiltlesse did suffer afflictions for wicked sinners Furthermore the Apostle saith The fleshly mind is enimitie against God for it is not obediēt to the law of god nether can be But now this hatred or enimitie of Gods law is by faith pulled out of the harts of the faithful in stéed of it is graffed in the loue of gods most holy wil so that in this sense also the lawe is said to be abrogated beecause the hatred of the lawe is taken away And therefore the Apostle compareth them that are vnder the lawe to bondslaues and them that are frée from the lawe to sonnes and children to whome also hée attributeth the spirite not of bondage but of adoption For forbecause ye are sonnes sayth he God hath sent the spirite of his sonne into your heartes which crieth Abba father c. To these may be added that the lawe of God hath types and shadowes and that the Ceremonies are verie burthensome euen as also the whole lawe is called a yoke But nowe the sonne of God came into this world who fulfilling the figures shewed to vs the verie truth and did abolish those types and shadowes so that nowe no man can condemne vs for neglecting or passing ouer those Ceremonies or figures so againe in that sense the lawe of God is abrogated y is to say that kinde of gouernement whiche Moses ordeined did come to nought when Christ did come and his Apostles began to teach For they without regarde of the Ecclesiasticall regiment appointed by Moses did congregate Churches to whiche they taught not that kind of regiment which Moses had ordeined For they did cōstantly reiecte the priesthoode of Aaron the sacramentes the sacrifices and choice of dayes of meates and of apparell which Moses had taught their elders And in stéed of al those rites they preached Christ alone and his two Sacraments c. This haue I said hetherto generally touching the abrogation of the law and now againe I will more largely expound the same by seuerall partes The whole lawe is diuided into the Moral the Ceremonial and the Iudicial lawes The Moral lawe nowe is conteyned in the tenne commaundements the first precept whereof doeth teach vs to honour and worshipp one God alone not to match any strange gods with him This cōmaundement did oure Lord Iesus in the Gospell so earnestly vrge and diligently teach that wée may perceiue very well that in it nothing is altered The second precept forbiddeth idolatrie that is the worshipping and honouring of al maner images whether they be the images of GOD himself or of any of his creatures But it is knowen that the Apostles in the doctrine of the Gospell did vse all meanes that they could to banishe and driue away all kinde of idolatrie Paule Iohn crie Flee from idolatrie And wheras Christ and his Apostles doe most diligently teach vs to sanctifie glorifie Gods holy name they doe thereby giue their consent to the establishing of the third cōmandement which doth forbid to defile Gods name by taking it in vaine The 4. alone of all the commaundements concerning the sanctifying of the sabboth day is of S. Augustine called Ceremoniall But it must not be simplie vnderstoode to be Ceremoniall For so farre forth as the outward worship of God requireth a certeine appointed time to be exercised in carrieth with it the sacrifices of the lawe so farre I say it is ceremoniall but in respecte that it teacheth to méete in holy assemblies to worship God to pray to preache to be partakers of the sacraments and to offer spiritual sacrifices therein it is eternall not ceremonial As I haue before declared in the exposition of the Sabboth The fifte precept touching
of Christ Iesu haue nothing to doe with the decrées of mans inuentions and that they are not bound to obserue mens traditions because they are dead to traditions with Christ that is to say they are by Christ Iesu redéemed and set frée from traditions whiche traditions did in Christe his deathe finishe and come to an ende while hee did make vs his owne and sett vs at libertie Then also hée doth by imitation counterfaite the woordes of them whiche make those decrées saye Oh touch not Taste not Handle not These thrée preceptes stretch very farre and comprehende manye petit decrées All which hee doeth unmediately confute with these probable argumentes First because they appoinct the worshippe of GOD to be in thinges that perish in the vse thereof But the kingdome of God is neither meate nor drincke but doth consiste in spirituall thinges And that whiche entereth in by the mouth doeth not defile the man Secondarilie béecause they are not made of God the authour of all goodnesse but haue their beginning of mans inuentions But in vaine doe they worshippe mée sayeth the Lord in the Gospell teaching doctrines the preceptes of men Neither doeth the holy Apostle saincte Paul wincke at and slylie passe ouer because hée will not aunsweare to the thinges whiche doe most commende these traditions First of all they are commended for the shewe and appearaunce of wisedome that is in them For they séeme to haue béene not without great wisedome ordeined of wise menne in that they doe so fittlie serue to euerye person time and place The earnest defenders of mens traditions crie out and saye Oure auncestours weee no fooles their lawes are full of wisedome But Ieremie cryeth out on the other side saying They haue reiected the woord of GOD therefore what wisedome can bee in them An other cause why traditions are commended is the Gréekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say a chosen kinde of worshippe which wée of our owne braynes haue chosen and taken to oure selues to serue and do God worship with all For men do gladly and willingly receiue the traditions of men because they are agréeable to their inclination Yea Christ in the holie Gospell sayth If ye had beene of the world the world would haue loued her owne Nowe for because I haue chosen you out of the worlde the world doth hate you And againe hée saith That whiche men set great store by is abhominable vnto God. Moreouer mens traditions are commended for humilitie which is vnderstoode in two manners or respectes For first that is said to be humilitie if any man doe readily obey and easilie yéeld to that which is vrged obtruded and thrust vpon him by men of countenaunce and authoritie Secondarilie the lawes of men do séeme to exercise humblenesse and kéepe men in humilitie But such obedience and humilitie may rather bée called sacrilege because it is not ruled and directed by the woord of God as the thinge whereby alone it should be tempered and squared but doth transferre and conueighe ouer the honour of GOD from God to men Last of all mens traditions are commended for the neglectinge of the fleshe For Oh that discipline and chasticemente of the fleashe séemeth to them a goodlye thinge by whiche the wantonnesse of the flesh is somewhat brideled and tamed Finallie the Apostle addeth Not in any honour to the satistyinge of the fleshe that is to say Whiche thinges although they haue a shewe of religion and holinesse haue notwithstanding in verie déede no honour at all considering that those externall things are ordeined of GOD for the ease and reléefe of menns necessities Yea Paul doth flatly finde fault with those decrées because they giue the bodie no honour for the satisfying of the same that is according to the measure of the bodies necessitie For a moderate care and looking to the bodie is not only permitted but also commanded least wée perhapps by too muche lacke and neerenesse do marre the bodie and make it vnapt to doe good woorkes Neither is the care of the flesh in any place forbidden vnlesse it tend to lustes and sensualitie Wherfore the Apostle saith Cherish not the flesh vnto concupiscence Therefore God hath graunted to man for his necessitie the vse of meate drincke sléepe cloathing reste alloweable pleasures and other thinges necessarie In the fourth Chapiter to the Galathians Saincte Paule saith When the fullnesse of the time was come God sent his sonne borne of a womā and made vnder the lawe to redeeme them that were vnder the lawe that wee mighte receiue by adoption the right or inheritaunce of children Nowe because ye are sonnes GOD hath sent the spirite of his sonne into your heartes crying Abba Father Wherfore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne If thou be a sonne thou art also an heire of God thoroughe Christ And immediatly after againe Stand faste in the libertie wherewith Christe hath deliuered vs and bee not againe wrapped in the yoke of bondage In the second to the Hebrues hée saith Christe was made partaker of fleshe and bloud with vs to the ende that throughe death he might expell him that had Lordship ouer death that is the diuell and that hee might deliuer them which through feare of death were all their life time in daunger of bondage Thus I hope these testimonies of Scripture suffice for our purpose These thinges being wel weighed and throughly considered will plainely teache what kinde of libertie they haue whiche are made frée by Christ and what their propertie and inclination is to witt most religious and altogether giuen to holy thinges that is to say in all points addicted to the spirite without whiche there is no libertie and by which al the sonnes of God are alwayes gouerned The Lords frée men doe most diligently beware that they doe vnaduisedly offend no man by their libertie nor vainely abuse their purchased fréedome For they haue continuallie before their minds and eyes the weightie sayings of the holie Apostles of their Lord Christe Iesu Sainct Peter in the second Chapter of his first Epistle saith As free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloake of maliciousnesse but euen as the seruauntes of God. And Paule hath Brethren ye haue beene called vnto libertie onely let not libertie be an occasion to the flesh but by loue serue one an other For I when I am free haue made mee selfe seruaunte to all that I maye winne the more They therefore do specially abuse Christiā libertie who seeking after carnall things vnder the colour and pretence of the spirite and of libertie doe make their bragges that they by the preachinge of the Gospell are set free from all bodily debtes dueties and therefore they do denye to their maisters creditours magistrates and princes the dutie that they owe them by that meanes reuolting and rebelling againste them These fellowes are seditious stirrers and not the reuerencers of the Euangelical doctrin Paule crieth Giue to
the bottome of his heart And yet it was not the crowing of the cocke of it selfe alone that stirred that motion in him but that and the woord of Christe together who had said vnto him Verilie I saye vnto thee the cocke shall not crowe till thou hast denied mee thrice Wherevppon S. Matt. sayeth And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lord which had sayed vnto him Before the cock crowe thou shalt denie me thrice c. With these also is ioyned a more secrete touching of Peters mind For the good Lord touched the heart of Peter as the Euangeliste testifieth saying And the Lord turning himselfe about loked vpon Peter That loking back of the Lord made Peters hart to melt and drue it from the destruction wherinto it was about to fall Therefore if our cares be pierced with the woord of God and oure heartes touched with his holie spirite then shall wee like true penitents vnfeignedly reuerence dread the Lord. And therewithall being humbled before the most iust holy God whom we with our sinnes do so much offend and prouoke to wrath indignation we confesse his iudgment to be iust against vs and fréely acknowledge all the sinns and iniquities that in the word of God are obiected against vs crying out and saying with the Prophetes Thou verily O Lord art righteous thou art true thy iudgements iust but wee are most vnrighteous lyers wicked and wholie ouerwhelmed with detestable iniquities There is nothing sound or sincere within vs All that wee haue is corrupt and miserable Wee haue sinned wee haue beene wicked wee haue done vniustly wee haue forsaken thee Wee haue gainesaid thy seruants the Prophets we haue not obeyed the words of thy mouth To thee therefore O God doeth righteousnes belong and to vs wretches shame and confusion This humiliation frée confession of sinnes doth God require of penitent sinners touching which I wil hereafter speake somewhat more For now I returne more fully to expound the feare of the Lord. At this present I speake of the syncere feare of God for we confesse that the feare of God is of two sorts sincere and vnsincere The sincere feare of God is perceiued in the faithful and is a godly reuerence consisting in the loue and honour of god For the Prophete bringeth in God saying The sonne honoureth the father and the seruaunt the maister Therefore if I be a father where is my honour If a Lord where is my feare And Paule sayeth Ye haue not receiued the spirite of bondage againe vnto feare but ye haue receiued the spirite of adoption by which we crie Abba father Therefore the sincere feare of God in them that doe repent is not the seruile dread of punishment but a carefull studie mixt with the loue and honour of god An honest wife feareth her husband and a gratious daughter feareth her father yet ech of them doeth therewithall loue the one her father the other her husband and doeth with an holy loue indeuour herselfe to kéepe his fauour feare least at any time she should do any thing to loose it And therefore penitents do not only feare because they knowe being taught by the spirite of God that they haue committed sinnes for which they haue deserued to be forsaken of the Lord but doe also loue him as their merciful father and are therefore sorie with all their heartes for their sinnes committed and doe aboue al thinges most ardently require to be reconciled againe to their mercifull GOD and louing father For with this sincere feare of God is ioyned the griefe or sorrowe which is conceiued by the spirite of God for our sinnes that we commit S. Paule maketh mention of two sortes of sorrowes The sorrowe that is to God-ward sayeth he doth bring forth repentaunce not to be repented of but contrarilie the sorrowe of the world bringeth death The king and Prophete Dauid sorrowed to Godward when he cried Thine arrowes sticke fast in mee and thy hand doth presse me soare There is no whole part in my flesh because of thy displeasure there is no rest in my bones by reason of my sinne And so forward as is to be séene in the 38. Psalme Whiche althoughe it were written of his gréeuous disease or sickenesse doth yet notwithstanding as it were in a shadowe shew vs the great griefe that is in the Saincts for offending their good and gratious father with their continuall sinnes To Godward was the sinnful woman sorie in S. Luke who falling prostrate at the Lords héeles did washe his féete with teares and wyped them with her haire To God-ward was S. Peter sorie and wept as we read ful bitterly for his offēce The godly are greatly greued because they doe so oftentimes offend so fouly so good a God and gratious father No woordes I thincke can possiblie expresse the griefe and sorrowe that they conceiue But the Prophete Ieremie describing the contrarie affection of impenitent sinners doeth saye Doe men fall so that they maye not rise againe Doeth any man go so astray that he may not turne againe Howe doth it happen then that this people of Hierusalem is turned away so stubbornely I gaue eare and hearkened they spake not rightly there was none that did repent him of his wickednesse to say what haue I done Euerie one of them turned to his owne course like a fierce horse headlong to the batteile The worldly griefe is the sorrowe of such men as knowe not God are without faith the true loue of God yea of such as yéeld vnder the burthen of sorrowe aduersities verie sinnes Like to this also in a maner is the cōsideration of the vnsincere feare of god For the wicked with their head the diuel do feare God not as a father whome they are sorie to offend and to whome they desire to be reconciled as to a father but as a tormentour béecause they knowe that he wil reuenge their euill déedes And therefore with Iudas they runne to the roape There is in them no loue of God no honour no goodwill no reuerence but meere hatred horrour and vtter desperation But such feare the Apostle and Euangeliste Iohn denied to bee in charitie saying that perfect charitie casteth out all feare I meane not that feare of the Lord that is the beginning of wisedome but that of which I haue spoken all this while the feare I meane that is in the diuel and wicked men his members And nowe by this we gather that vnto penitentes faith in God and the merite of Christ is most of all and especially néedeful In which sense it is I thincke that many haue made faith a part of repentaunce which as I do not greatly denie so yet doe I sée that S. Paul made as it were a difference betwixte faith and repentance when in the 20. of the Actes hee sayeth that hee witnessed both to the Iewes and Gentiles the repentaunce that is toward GOD and the faith in
the sense béeing sounde vncorrupted and well weighed he attributeth frée will which he graunteth to bée in vs vnto the grace that woorketh in vs yea to the regeneration of the Spirite rather than to our selues or our owne power I will here cite and rehearse vnto you dearely beloued this one testimonie onely out of all his writinges as it is to bée founde in the firste Chapter of his booke De Correptione et Gratia where hée saith Wee must confesse that wee haue free will to doe bothe euill and good but in the doing of euill euerie one is free from righteousenesse and bound to sinne but in good no man can bee free vnlesse hee bee made free by him which saide If the sonne make you free then shall ye bee free in deede And yet not so that when euery one is sett free from the condemnation of sinne hee should then no more stand in neede of his deliuerers ayde but so rather that where hee heareth his deliuerer saye Without mee yee can doe nothinge hee should presently saye to him againe Bee thou my helper O forsake mee not And verily I am gladde that in oure brother Florus I founde this faith which without doubt is the true propheticall and Apostolicall faith For here must the grace of God through Iesus Christe our Lorde bee needes vnderstoode by whiche alone wee men are deliuered from euil and without which wee doe no good either in thought will loue or deede Not onely that by the shewing or teaching of grace men should no more but knowe what is to bee done but also that by the verie woorking and perfourminge of grace they should with loue doe the thing that they knowe And so forth For I haue hitherto rehearsed vnto you Saincte Augustines opinion touching free will of which this is sufficient for a note by the waye nowe I returne to my purpose againe Wée haue hearde what the olde man is what the newe man is and howe wée are renued by the holy spirite nowe therefore when we saye that penitentes doe mortifie the olde man and are renued by the spirite or spiritually we saye nothing else but that to all penitents the affections senses or lustes of the fleashe I meane euen the verie vnderstanding which wee haue of olde Adam together with the will are not onely suspected but also conuicted of impietie and that therefore in all their thoughtes wordes and deedes they do neuer admitte their affections into their counsell but doe by al meanes resist them and continually studye to breake the necke of them and on the other side in all our counsels words and déedes to admitt and receiue yea with prayers to call vnto vs that heauenly guyde the spirite of Christ by whose conduite and leading wee maye perceiue iudge speake and woorke that is to saye either omitt or doe that which we haue learned in our graunde patterne Christe according to whose likenesse wee must bee refourmed that henceforth wee maye applye our selues to holinesse righteousnesse and good woorkes to Godwarde But nowe all this we shall vnderstande more rightly and plainely by the wordes of the Apostle where hee sayeth This I saye and testifie in the Lorde that ye henceforth walke not as other Gentiles walke in vanitie of their minde darkened in cogitation being alienated from the life of God by the ignoraunce that is in them by the blyndnesse of their hartes which being past feeling haue giuen them selues ouer vnto wantonnesse to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse But ye haue not so learned Christ if so be ye haue heard him and haue beene taught in him as the trueth is in Iesus to lay downe according to the former conuersation the olde man which is corrupt according to the lustes of errour but to bee renued in the spirite of your mynde and to put on that newe mā which after God is shapen in righteousenesse and holinesse of trueth and so forth as followeth in the 4. Chapter to the Ephesians The same Apostle in the thirde to the Colossians saith Mortifie your members whiche are vpon the earth fornication vncleannesse inordinate affection euill concupiscence and couetousnesse which is idolatrie for which thinges sake the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience amonge whom ye also walked sometime whē ye liued in them But nowe put yee off also all these things wrath fiercenesse maliciousenesse blasphemie filthie communication out of your mouth lye not one to another seeing that ye haue put off the old man with his workes and haue put on the newe man which is renued into the knowledge and image of him that made him Put on therefore as the elect of god holie beloued bowels of mercie kindnesse modestie meeknesse long suffering forbearing one an other and forgiuing one another if any man haue a quarell against anie and so forth To which if thou addest that which the Apostle hath of the same matter in the sixt Chapter to the Romanes euery poynt wil be more expresse plaine vnto the hearer Nowe these woordes of the Apostle do not onely teach vs what the old man is what the newe man is what it is to mortifie the olde man and how penitents are renued in the newnesse of the spirite or of the minde but doe also shewe what the fruits be that are worthie of repentance to wite those rehearsed vertues or those offices of life towarde God and our neighbour We owe to God feare or reuerence humblenesse of minde the knowledge of our selues faith hope the hatred of sinne the loue of righteousenesse charitie toward our neighbour well doing towardes all men and innocencie in all things These kind of fruits did the holie man Iohn Baptist require of the Iewish nation when he saide Bring forth fruits that become repentance For in Saincte Luke beeinge demanded of the people of the Publicanes and of the mercenarie or garrison souldiers what thing they shoulde do worthie of repentaunce he prescribeth none other than that whiche we euen nowe recited For the Lord him selfe by Esaie in the 5. Chapter of his prophecie rehearsed vpp none other fruites than those And in the Reuelation made to S. Iohn speaking to the minister of the Churche of Ephesus he saith Remēber from whence thou arte fallē and repent and doe the firste woorkes Wherevnto agrée the wordes of S. Paule speaking to Agrippa and saying I haue preached to the Iewes and Gentiles exhorting them to repent and to turne to God and to do such woorkes as become them that repent And againe in the seuenth Chapter of the seconde Epistle to the Corinthians hee saith Sorrowe which is to Godwarde causeth repentaunce vnto saluation not to be repented of For behold this selfe same thing that ye were made soarie to Godward howe muche carefulnesse it hathe wrought in you yea what clearing of your selues yea what indignation yea what feare yea what vehement desire yea what zeale yea what punishment Nowe this carefulnesse is an intentiue
shewed to Iohn the Apostle sayeth The fearefull and vnbeleeuing and the abhominable and murtherers and whooremongers and sorcerers and Idolaters and all lyars shal haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone whiche is the second death These thinges haue wée hetherto spoken of worshipping GOD wée will nowe speake in the second place of inuocating or calling vpon God of which poinct wée promised to speake To call vppon and calling vppon is diuerslye taken in the Scriptures For it signifieth to bring foorthe as a wittnesse or a calling to wittnesse So Moses calleth heauen and earth to wittnesse against the children of Israel by the figure Prosopopo●ie Againe the name of any one to bee called vppon ouer an other is to bee called by or after his name Let my name sayeth Iacob be called vppon them that is vppon Ephraim and Manasseh that is let them bée named by my name as if they were my children and let them be called not the sonnes of Iosephe but the sonnes of Iacob Israel So saye the wiues to their husband Let thy name bee called vppon vs that is suffer or giue leaue that wée maye bée named by thy name and that wée may be made thy wiues For these women thoroughe the knott of wedlocke take vnto them their husbands names After the same manner doe wee oftentimes read in the Prophets and holy historie of the Bible The house vppon whiche thy name is called That is the house whiche is called after thy name and is named the Lords house Likewise Ioab General of the kings armie sayth vnto Dauid Take thou the citie Rabbah the chiefe citie or seate royall of the Ammonites least I take it and my name be called vppon it That is least I bee called the conquerour of Rabbah Most ignoraunt therefore and vnskilfull are they of the Scriptures and the phrases of speache vsed in the Scripture whiche cite that saying of Iacob whiche euen nowe wée declared in defence and maintenaunce of the inuocation of Sainctes As thoughe Iacob would haue his name to be called vppon of his posteritie and ofspringe In Daniel thou doest read A people vppon whome the name of God is called Whiche signifieth nothing else thā A people that is called Gods people Héere is no mention of inuocation whereby wée aske or desire any thing Furthermore inuocation or calling vppon is taken for religion For Luke sayeth in the Actes Saule had power or authoritie to binde all those that called vppon the name of the Lord. And Paule sayeth Let euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie Also Seeke after peace with all them that call vpon the name of the Lord That is whiche are of the true Christian religion Lastly to inuocate or call vppon signifyeth to crie or call for help and with continuall outcries to craue somewhat That inuocation therefore or calling vppon GOD whereof at this time wée intreate is a lifting vppe of mans minde to GOD in great necessitie or in some desire and a most ardent craueing of counsell and assistaunce by faith and also a beequeathing or committing of oure selues into the protection of God and as it were a béetaking of oure selues to his Sanctuarie and onelye safeguard In inuocation therefore true inuocation I meane a faithfull minde is first of all required whiche doeth acknowledge GOD to bée the authour and only giuer of all good gifts who is willing to heare them that call vppon him and is able to graunt vs all our requests and desires whatsoeuer An vncessaunt and ardent petition or beséeching is also required But of these poinctes more shalbée said when GOD shall giue vs leaue in our Sermon of the prayer of the faithful For inuocation is a kinde of prayer Nowe verily I will shewe that in all oure desires GOD is to bée called vppon yea onely and alone to bée called vppon Surely there are expresse commaundementes of GOD chargeing vs to call vppon the name of the Lord who promiseth that for the good will and loue whiche hée beareth vs hee will heare our requestes and suites and largelye giue vnto vs thinges tending to our healthe and benefite Of many I will cite one or two testimonies Solomon the wysest of all men doeth teache vs to call vppon GOD in all and euerie one of our necessities making a particular rehearsall of mens speciall desires The same argument doeth Solomons father that most holy kinge Dauid handle throughout the whole hundreth and seuenth Psalme Hee reckoneth vpp therefore the diuerse casualties chaunces and miseries of men their affliction or oppression their wanderinges and daungers in their iourneye their bondes and imprisonmentes their diseases and the feare of death whiche sometimes is more terrible and hideous than death it selfe their ieopardies on the sea and roughe waters barrennesse scarcitie calamities contempt shame and ignominie c. Those crosses sayeth hée if they light on any man let him not ascribe them either to his God to whose defence hee hath committed himselfe or to Fortune or to his constellation destinie but to that god that knoweth all things can do all things vppon y God let him call earnestly by fayth For often doeth the prophete repeate these wordes And when they cryed vnto the Lord in their tribulation he deliuered them out of their distresse And for that cause doeth hee so often reiterate those words to the end that we hauing conceiued a perfect trust in our heartes and sure beliefe mighte learne in all chaunces to call vppon the name of the lord For Solomon in his Prouerbes yet againe sayeth The name of the Lord is a most strōg tower vnto it doeth the righteous man runne and he shal be aduaunced or he shal be set frée from daunger Asaph also in his holy songes sayth Sacrifice vnto the Lord a sacrifice of praise and paye thy vowes vnto the most highest And Call vpon mee in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee And he bringeth in the Lord himselfe speaking and requiring sacrifices not of beastes not of gold or siluer but of praise and inuocation Therewithall hee promiseth helpe and witnesseth that by inuocating and praising hee is honoured or glorified wherevppon Dauid said In my trouble I will call vppon the Lord and I will crie vnto my God and he shall heare my voice out of his holy temple and my crie shall enter into his eares Ioel also said Euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord shal be safe And the Lord by the prophete Ieremie sayeth Ye shall call vppon mee and ye shall liue ye shall pray vnto mee and I wil heare you ye shall seeke mee and ye shall finde mee if with your whole heart ye seeke mee Furthermore we do not read that oure holy and blessed fathers in their petitions or requests were they smal or were they great called
was carryed by the Angels into Abrahams bosome To this also nowe séemeth that saying of Daniel to belong As I was yet a speaking making supplication and confessing mine owne finde and the sinne of my people Israel and pouring foorth my prayers before the Lord my God for the holy hill of my god Yea while I was yet speaking in my prayer the man Gabriel whom I had seene before in the vision came flying hastily vnto me Loe our soules are carried vp into heauen by the Angels whiche notwithstanding are elsewhere sayd at an instant to be taken vp into heauē Afterwarde as soone as Daniel had prayed vnto the Lorde the Angel without any longer delay flying spéedily for so the Scripture speaketh for our capacitie is present with him that prayeth and sheweth him that he is heard of god Angels therefore are swift and passing spéedie being kept downe with no weight neyther hindered or stayed from perfourming those things for which they are sense from heauen albeit they are conteyned in place as creatures though not limited and art moued with a certeine order and manner agréeable to that spirituall nature This treatise requireth peraduenture that somthing also be spoken of the might power and strength of Angels But what néede many wordes in a manifest matter For since the Lorde who sendeth foorth his Angels is Almightie there is nothing but that angels can doe it in those their embassages ministeries There is nothing in the whole course of nature that is able to withstande the ministers of the Almightie god For Angels are not called powers and vertues for nought I will shewe one example among many and yet not the chiefest One Angel in one night without any furniture or much adoe sl●e in the ten●es of the Assyri●ns at the wals of Hi●r●salem a hundred fourescore and fiue thousande of the valiantest souldiers In Daniel we haue such a description of an angel wherby both the power and excellencie of angels may be gathered His body saith he was like the Turkishe or Iasper stone his face to looke vppon was like lightening his eyes as lampes of fire his armes feete were like in colour to polished brasse and the voice of his words was like the voice of a multitude So that it is not needefull to make a long discourse of the knowledge wisedome of angels For this is not a thing that passeth capacitie séeing Angels are creatures But in so much as perteyneth to their embassages and ministeries surely they are moste wise in al points furnished and in no part diminished For he that sendeth them is euerlasting wisedome it selfe and he furnisheth his Embassadours moste perfectly Furthermore touching the multitude and order of angels certeine Diuines haue wittily and wisely inough disputed The Scripture simply affirmeth that angels are innumerable For Daniel sayth A thousand thousands ministred vnto him and tenne thousand thousandes stood before him It is also read that Christ sayde to Peter Thinkest thou that I can not praye vnto my father and he shal send vnto me more than twelue legions of Angels Paul● also sayth Ye are come into the citie of the liuing God the heauenly Hierusalem and to an innumerable companie of Angels Many distinguishe that innumerable multitude into nine companies and these again they bring into thrée hi●ra●chies or holie principalities of which they affirme that eache of them haue thrée orders the first Seraphim Cherubim Thrones the seconde Lordshippes Vertues Powers the third Principalities Archangels and Angels They adde in what they differ betwéene them selues and what is proper to euerie one of them But S. August in his Encheir cap. 58. saith Wherin lordships principalities and powers do differ betweene them selues let them tell that can if yet they are able to proue that they say I confesse my selfe to be ignorant of these matters And the same Augustine Ad Orosiū cōtra Luscillianistas saith Truely the Apostle sayth Whether seates threnes whether lordships whether principalities whether powers And therefore that there are seates Lordships principalities and powers in the hoastes of heauen I stedfastly beleeue and that they differ somewhat betweene them selues I hold it for an vndoubted truth but what they are and what they differ betweene them selues I knowe not Neyther truly do I thinke my selfe for the ignoraunce therof to be indaungered as I am for disobedience if I neglect the Lordes commaundements And anon in the same place he sheweth that we must not busily and curiously searche after these things Whose counsel we doe willingly obey perceiuing that the scriptures which minister vnto vs al things necessarie and healthfull haue set downe nothing concerning them Yet this we can not deny that those names or if you will so call them orders of Angels are expressed in the holie Scriptures wherevpon for our weaknesse it is méete after a forte to expounde them as we may These blesse● spirites of heauen séeme generally and simply to be called Angels bycause they be the messingers embassadours of the moste highe GOD who it appeareth are called Archangels when they besent in message in Gods greatest matters to shewe or doe thinges altogether hard and heauenly For so we read in Paule that The Lord himselfe shal deseend from heauen in a shout and in the voice of an Archangel and in the trumpe of God. For that we may compare smal thinges with great we sée that kings and princes in weightie affayres appoint none to bee their embassadours but noble mē It appeareth that they are called Thrones because they stād alwayes at the throne of God or else because God is read in the Prophets to haue made and placed his owne seate in Angels and to bee carried of them as it were in the coche of a king as Dauid sayeth He bowed the heauens and came downe and there was dar●knes vnder his feete He rode vppon the Cherubims or was carried vpon the Cherubims and did flie hee came flying vppon the winges of the winde Furthermore the description of the charriot and throne of God in Ezechiel is knowen They séeme to be called Lordshipps principalities and powers beecause God executeth his gouernement and exerciseth his owne power in the world by the ministerie of Angels For so also they are called powers and armies or the hoast of heauen For they incompasse the Lord round as his guard and hee who is called the God of Sabbaoth or of hoastes the Lord I saye of all Angels spirits and creatures whose ministerie hee vseth when where how and as much as it pleaseth him vseth them also as his souldiers S. Hierome thinketh they are called Cherubims of their excéeding knowledge Other expoūd them swift Seraphims haue their name of feruentnesse Or else because they are compared to most pure and cleare fire Or for that they are burning in the loue of god By these names in the meane while are shadowed
two speciall and principall markes The sincere preaching of the word of GOD and the lawfull partaking of the sacraments of Christ Wheras some add vnto these the study of godlinesse and vnitie patience in affliction and the calling on the name of God by Christe but we include them in the setwaine that we haue set downe S. Paule writing to the Ephestians saith Christ gaue him selfe for the congregation that he might sanctifie it and clense it in the founteine of water through the worde Ye haue in this testimonie of the Apostle the markes of the Church to witt the Worde and the Sacrament by the which Christe maketh to him selfe a church For with his grace he calleth with the bloud of Christ he purifieth that which he sheweth by his worde to be receiued by faith and sealeth with sacraments that the faithfull shoulde doubt of nothing touching their saluatiō obteined through Christ And these things truly do properly belong vnto the faithfull and the holy members Whereas hypocrits are not purified the faulte lieth in themselues and not in God or his holy ministerie They are surely sanctified visibly wherevppon they are counted holy amongst men and these things doe improperly belonge vnto them S. Peter in this pointe differeth not a whitt from S. Paule who when he preached the worde of God to the people of Ierusalem and they demaunding what they should doe Peter aunswered Repent and be ye euery one baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the remissiō of sinnes S. Peter therefore ioyned baptisme with doctrine the sacrament with the worde Which thinge he had learned of our sauiour him selfe in the gospel written by S. Matth. saying Teach ye all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghoste So that ye reade in the Acts no other mysteries of the Word and Sacraments of the Church than are recited in these wordes They continued in the doctrine of the Apostles and in doing almes deeds and in breaking of bread and prayer where ye may sée the supper of the Lorde an other sacramente adioyned to the sacramēt of baptisme also the desire and studie of vnitie and loue and the calling vpon the name of God. These things béeing thus sufficient plaine and firme enough yet notwithstanding I will add other testimonies out of the holie Scriptures Concerning the token of Gods worde or the preaching of his Gospel the Lord him self speaketh by Esaie the Prophet saying I will make this couenant with them My spirite that is come vppon thee the church and my words which I haue put in thy mouth shall neuer go out of thy mouth nor out of the mouthe of thy childers children saith the Lord from this time foorth for euermore For in the gospel also the Lord Iesus saith He that is of God doeth heare the word of God. Againe My sheepe heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and I giue to them euerlasting life and they shall not perishe for euer And againe He that loueth me will keepe my commaundements he that loueth mee not will not keepe my commaundements Againe Who so is of the truth wil heare my voice Now as touching the markes and tokens of the Sacramentes Saincte Paule speaking of holie Baptisme saith Through one spirite we are all baptised in one body And he also speaking of the Lords supper saieth Though we be many yet are we one bread one body for we are all partakers of the same bread Is not the cup of blessing which we blesse partaking of the bloud of Christe It is moste certeine therefore for that it is approued by testimonies of holie Scriptures that the outwarde markes and tokens of the church are the word and the Sacrament For these bring vs into the societie of one ecclesiasticall bodie and kéepe vs in the same All these testimonies properly as I said a little before doe belong vnto the elect members of GOD beeing endued with faith true obedience but vnto the hypocrites whiche are voide of faith and due obedience they nothing at all béelong notwithstanding because these also doe heare the voice of the shepheard outwardly and insue vertue and opēly or outwardly are annexed to the elect and true beléeuers in the partaking of the sacraments yea vnto the true body of christ for those outwarde signes sake they are accoūted to be in the church so long as they departe not from it In which pointe for perspicuitie sake hauing treated of the markes of the Church we must add this therevnto that by common order these markes doe declare and note the members of the Church For there are certeine speciall members who although they want these markes yet are they not excluded from the societie and communion of the true churche of Christe For it is moste euident that there are many in the world which doe not heare the ordinarie preaching of Gods worde neither doe come into the congregation and companye of them that call vpon God or that receiue the Sacraments not for that they despise them or that it is a delight vnto them to be from Sermons and the preaching of Gods worde but because through necessitie as imprisonmēt sicknes or being let by sōe other vrgent cause they cannot attaine vnto that whiche they earnestly desire and yet for all that they are the true and liuely members of Christe and of the Catholique church In times past the Lord instituted or appointed to the people of Israel a visible Churche whiche he established by a certeine lawe and set it foorth by visible signes If any man had despised this Church or refused when he might to heare the doctrine of the Church and to enter in among the holie companie and to doe sacrifice or else had railed at it or in sted of the order of worshipping GOD that was appointed had embraced any other kinde truly he was not accoūted at al to be of the order number of the people of god And yet it is certeine that there were an innumerable company of men dispearsed throughout the whole world among the Gentiles who neuer did nor could communicate with this visible companie and congregation of Gods people and yet notwithstanding they were holy mēbers of this societie and communion and the friends of the almightie god There were a great many of the children of God with Ioachim and Iechonias taken prisoners by Nabugodonosor and brought captiue into Babylon to whome it was no preiudice neyther did it hurt them that they were separated from the people of God the Church and worshipping of God being then visibly vpholden by Zedechias at Ierusalem euen as in very déede it did little auayle a great manye to be in the visible assemblies and congregations with the people of GOD in Gods temple when their mindes and hearts were not sounde and perfect We may in these dayes finde out a great many of the
power to giue iudgement of doctrines euen by this one sentence of the Apostle Paule appeareth Let the Prophets sayth he speake two or three at once and let the other iudge And in an other place he saith Proue all thinges and kepe that which is good And S. Iohn said Dearelie beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirits whether they are of God. But of this kinde of power to iudge there is also a certeine order For the Church doth not iudge at her owne pleasure but after the sentence of the holy Ghost and according to the order and rule of the holy scriptures And heere also order moderation and charitie is obserued Therefore if at any time the church of god according to the authority which she hath receiued frō the Lord do call a coūsel together for some weightie matter as we read that the Apostles of the lord did in the Actes of the Apostles it leaneth not here to her owne fleshly iudgment but giueth ouer her selfe to bee guided by the spirite and examineth all her doinges by the rule of the word of God and of the two-fould charitie Wherefore the Church maketh no new lawes as the church of Hierusalem or rather the Apostolique church sayeth that it séemeth good both to the holy Ghost and to the Church that no other burthen should be layd vppon the faithful Christians but onely a few and those verie necessarie thinges and neither beside nor contrarie to the holy scriptures Now Ecclesiastical matters are of diuers sortes the good ordering and well disposing whereof for the cōmoditie of men is in the power of the Church of whiche sorte those thinges are which concerne outward worship in place in time as is prophecying or interpretation of tongues and scholes Also the Church hath to iudge in causes of matrimonie and chiefly it hath correction of manners admonitions punishmentes and also excommunicating or cutting off from the bodie of the Church For the Apostle also sayeth that this power is giuen him and yet to the intent hee should therewith edifie not destroy For all these thinges whiche we haue remembred such like are limitted with the rule of the word and of loue also with holy examples and reasons deduced out of the holy scriptures Of all which wee will perchaun●e more largelye speake in their place Thus much haue I hetherto said concerning Ecclesiastical power the contrarie whereof I haue declared with how open a mouth our aduersaries do publish but yet they handle these matters so grossely that it may appeare euen vnto children what they séeke or what they would defende to witt not the Ecclesiasticall power but their owne couetousnesse luste and tyrannie The Canonicall trueth teacheth vs that Christ himselfe doeth hold and exercise absolute or full power in the Church and that he hath giuen the ministeriall power to the Church who executeth it for the most part by ministers and religiously executeth it according to the rule of Gods word These thinges beeing in this sorte considered it shall not bee greatly laboursome to knowe the studies of the holy Church of god For it executeth as I said euen nowe that power whiche it hath receiued of GOD most carefully and faithfullye to the ende that it maye serue God that it may be holy and that it may please him And that I may reckon vp some of her studies specially first of all it worshippeth calleth vppon loueth and serueth one God in Trinitie and taketh nothing in hand not hauing first consulted with the word of this true god For she ordereth all her doings according to the rule of Gods word she iudgeth by the woord of God and by the same she frameth all her buildinges being built mainteyneth them being fallen downe she repaireth or restoreth them againe The assemblies and congregations of Saincts vppon earth she feruently furthereth and loueth In these things it harkeneth diligently to the preaching of the word of God she is partaker of the sacramēts de●outly and with great ioy and desire of heauenly thinges It prayeth to God by the intercession of our only mediatour Christ with a strong faith feruētly continually and most attentiuely It praiseth the mai●stie of God for euer and with great ioy giueth thanks for all his heauenly benefits It highly estéemeth all and euery the institutions of Christ neither doth it neglect any of them But chieflie it acknowledgeth that it receiueth all things belonging ether to life saluation righteousnes or felicitie of the onely sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ as he who onely chose her and then by his spirite and bloud sanctifyed her and made her a Church that is a chosen people whose onely king redéemer high priest and defender he is without whom there is no saluation Therefore in God alone by our Lord Iesus Christ she only resteth him shee onely desireth and loueth and for his sake she reioyceth to loose all things that apperteine to this world yea and to spend her bloud and her life And therefore it cleaueth vnto Christe by faith inseparablie neither doeth it hate any thing more bitterly than falling awaye from Christ and desperation For without Christ there séemeth nothing in all this whole life to be pleasant With Sathan as with a deadly enimie she hath vnappeaseable enimitie Against heresies and errours it striueth both constantly and wisely The simplicitie of the Christian faith the sinceritie of the doctrine of the Apostles it most diligently kéepeth She kéepeth her selfe as much as lieth in her vnspotted of the world and of the flesh from all carnall and spiritual infection And therfore she fléeth from and by all meanes detesteth all vnlawefull congregations and prophane religions with all wicked men and willingly and openly confesseth Christe both by woord and déede euen with the damage of her life It is exercised with afflictions but yet neuer ouercome It keepeth vnitie and concord carefully All and euerye the members of her body shee most tenderly loueth It doeth good vnto all men as much as power and abilitie will suffer It hurteth no man It forgiueth willingly It beareth with the weake brotherlye till they bee brought foorth forward to perfection Shee is not puffed vpp with pride but thoroughe humilitie is kept in obedience in modestie and in all the dueties of godlinesse But who I praye you is able to recite all and euery one of the studies of the church in a very large discourse much lesse in this short recitall And who would not desire to be a member of so diuine and heauenly a congregation I would by and by ioyne herevnto that which remayneth touching the vnitie of the catholique Church of the diuision thereof and of other thinges belonging to the consideration hereof but that I doe perceiue you beeing alreadie wearie of hearing do earnestly loke for an end of this sermon Therefore we will put off the residue till to morrowe And now lifting
or out of whiche if any departe hee is excluded from the hope of saluation and life euerlasting For oure Sauiour firste sayde that out of the sheepefolde life is not found Wherefore I can not maruell enough at the corrupt and Scismaticall manners of certeine men who separate them selues for euerie light cause from the moste wholesome and pleasaunt companie or societie of the Church For you shall finde in these dayes captious and phantasticall men not a fewe whiche of many yeares haue had fellowshippe with no Churche nor as yet haue fellowship with any For in euerie man that is they finde some kynde of faulte in them selues onely they finde nothing worthy reprehension Therefore they conceiue with them selues a wonderfull fashion of the Churche whiche except they sée somewhere established after that fashion whiche they them selues haue deuised they contende with shame enough that there is as yet no true Churche of Christ in the world They are worthy surely to be maister builders in Vtopia or Cyribiria where they might set vppe a building fit for them selues But it séemeth vnto them they haue iust cause of Scisme For they will not communicate with our Churche for that it séemeth the doctrine of the ministers in the Churche is not yet sufficiently cleansed and polished neyther yet loftie as they them selues terme it Hoch gnug gericht subtile and spirituall enough Elsewhere they complaine that in our Churches are diuers customes vsed Furthermore they desire the rigour and seueritie of discipline and finally an exact purenesse of life For they feare they shal be defiled with the vncleane companie of certeine men Many for the faultes and vices of certeine ministers eyther forsake or flée the congregation of the Churche of whiche sorte at this day are the Anabaptistes But there is as yet no sufficient cause alledged by these men for whiche of right they ought not eyther to be ioyned vnto vs or for the whiche they maye bée separated from vs. Wée acknowledge that there bée iust causes for the whiche the godly bothe maye and ought to separate them selues from wicked congregations in whiche not onely the lawfull vse of the Sacraments is altogether corrupted and turned into Idolatrie but also the sounde doctrine is altogether adulterated the preachers or pastours are not nowe Prophets but false Prophetes whiche persecute Gods trueth and finally to them that sitte to receiue the foode of lyfe they minister poyson But none of these things GOD be thanked can they obiect againste vs. For as concerning doctrine it consisteth partely in sure opinions and those as it were numbered firme and immutable of whiche kynde are the Articles of faythe and those withoute addition and corruption lawfully and sincerely vnderstoode and of that sorte are also those principles That al men are sinners conceiued and borne in sinne That none but those that are regenerate can enter into the kingdome of god That men not by their owne desartes but through the grace of GOD by the onely merites of Christe are iustified by fayth That Christe once sacrificed for sinne is no more sacrificed that he is the onely and perpetuall Prieste That good workes are done of those that are iustified and those are in déede good workes whiche the Lorde hath prepared for vs to walke in That the Sacramentes of the Lorde and of the Churche are to bée receyued and not to be despised That wée must pray cōtinually that in that maner which the Lord hath appointed vs And if there bée any moe of the same sorte But it sufficeth if these and other like groundes bée vniformely purely and simply taught in the Churche according to the Scriptures thoughe there bée added no Rhetoricall figures nor no paynted eloquence bée hearde For aptly the blessed Martyr Irenaeus after the rule of fayth sette out in his firste booke againste heresies Since there is but one onely faythe sayth hée neyther hee whiche can say muche of it sayth more than hee ought nor hee whiche sayth little thereby diminisheth it Therefore when the doctrine of ministers expoundeth those thinges in the Churche whiche are agréeable to the true and sincere fayth whiche it also corrupteth not what haue these captious smatterers of Rhetorique and selfe-learned to require though eloquence and plentifull learning be wanting in the teachers Was not the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophetes moste simple and moste frée from all subtiltie that rightly it might be said how much more simple it séemed to be so muche the safer it was But in the meane season I despise not true eloquence as that which is a singular gift of God as I haue elsewhere often witnessed And partly doctrine consisteth in the daily expounding of the Scriptures and in the applying of them to oure time place and affaires In that kinde was euer great varietie and diuersitie for whiche notwithstanding no wise man euer yet separated him selfe from the fellowshippe of the Church For it commeth to passe verie often that two or thrée or else moe may expounde one place not after one manner but after most diuers sorts There may be one that expoundeth verie darkely and an other expoundeth more plainlie this man hitteth the marke he comes not neare it And this man applyeth the place whiche he handleth very fitly some other vseth not like simplicitie of application in the meane season notwithstanding he saithe nothing contrarie to the soundnesse of faithe and the loue of GOD and our neighbour and vseth all thinges to edification I say that of this diuersitie no man taketh iust occasion to depart from the Church For al godly men proue all thinges and kéepe that which is good and in al sermons and holie exercises referr their whole studie only vnto edifying And moreouer the preachers agrée wel among themselues and herevnto direct all things that both them selues and their hearers may become better not that they may séeme better learned or to haue vttered that which no man sawe heretofore And the best learned loathe not their Sermons which are not so learned For albeit they may séeme not altogether to haue hit the marke yet for as muche as they haue taughte wholesome thinges they are praysed and not condemned albeit in fit time and place they be somewhiles admonished Againe they that are vnskilfull doe not enuie the giftes of the learned nor refuse to labour for more perfection neyther loath they or condemne they learned Sermons of those that be better learned but they prayse GOD and being warned striue to more perfection For wisely sayd S. Aurelius Augustine in his firste booke of Christian doctrine the sixe and twentie Chapter Who so euer sayth he seemeth to him selfe to haue vnderstoode the holy Scriptures or any part of thē so as of that vnderstanding he gather not the two folde charitie of God and his neighbour he yet vnderstandeth nothing But who so euer gathereth suche a sense thereof as may be profitable to him for the increase of charitie
sacraments Of the gestures which the ministers doe vse in celebrating the Lords supper we can say none other thinge out of the gospel than what we haue learned The Lord toke the bread blessed it brake it distributed it c. If the minister do follow these things he néed not to be carefull of other gestures Those which at this day are by the inuention of men receiued into the celebration of the masse are so farre off from giuing any maiestie to the mysteries that they bring thē rather the more into cōtempt I wil say nothing elso that may séeme more greuous The matter is indifferent whether the Churche take the supper sitting downe or going to the table whether a man take the holie mysteries in his owne hand or receiue it into his mouth at the hands of him that ministreth It is moste agréeable with the first simplicitie and institution of the supper to sit and to receiue the sacraments in a mans owne handes of him that ministreth and afterwards to breake it eate it and to dinide it vnto others For as the Lord sat at table with his disciples so he reached foorth that mysteries saying Take and diuide it among you Moreouer as there is more quietnes and lesse stur in sitting at the supper while the ministers carrie the holie mysteries about the congregation so is it well knowen by histories of antiquitie that the sacrament hath béene deliuered into the hands of the communicantes It is méere superstition repugnant to the doctrine of the Apostles to scrape the hands of that lay people that haue touched the holie sacrament of the supper Why do they not also by the same lawe scrape the lips tonge iawes of the communicants Of these things before handled springeth an other question What is to be thought of the remnaunts leauings of the Lords supper whether there ought any parte of it to be reserued and whether that whiche is reserued or shut vp ought to be adored This question séemeth to haue no godlines at al in it but to be altogether superstitions and very hurtfull For who knoweth not that bread wine out of the holie and lawfull vse appointed are not a sacrament Shall we pracéede to demaund with these Sophisters what that is which the mouse gnaweth when hee gnaweth the Lords bread These questions are most vnworthy to bee demanded and to be raked vp in holie obliuion Touching the shutting vp of the sacrament the lord teacheth vs not one word in the gospel much lesse of worshipping it Take saith hee eate and diuide it among you He saith not Lay it vp worshipp it For the true worshippers worship the father in spirit and trueth Moreouer wee read how the Lord hath plainly said in the gospel If they say vnto you beholde where he is in the desert go not foorth beholde where hee is in the innermoste partes of the house doe not beleeue He setteth downe the cause of this his commaundement For like as the lightening goeth foorth of the East appeareth in the West so shall the comming of the sonne of man be The comming againe of the sonne of man saith he shall be glorious and not obscure neither shall he come againe but to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead And therefore S. Paule the Apostle teaching vs true religion willeth vs to worshipp Christe not vppon the earth but with our mindes lifted vnto Heauen where hee sitteth at the right hand of his father And who will he so frantique I beséeche you to worshipp the holie signe for the holie thing it selfe it appeareth by the decrées made of late that these thinges were inuented by mans deuise For it is certeine that the feaste of Christes bodie commonly called Corpus Christi was instituted but of late yéeres vnder Pope Vrbane in the yéere of our Lorde 1264. as it may appeare in Clement the 3 booke title 16. the Chapter beginning Si Dominum It remaineth that we discusse the question concerning the time of celebrating the Lordes Supper and what season is méetest for the same the morning or euening whether we ought to sup together whether we must receiue it fasting or when wee haue dyned also how often we must celebrate the supper once or often or seldome It is euidently enough knowen that Christe sat downe at the table with his disciples in the euening but it followeth not héereof that the supper cannot be rightly celebrated at any other time but at euening The Lorde vppon occasion of the feast of the Passeouer and because he should bee betrayed that night did bothe eate the supper that euening with his disciples and instituted also the supper for vs Notwithstanding hee le●te the libertie to remoue this mysterie vnto the morning for that when we be sober then are we most méete to deale in all matters specialy in religion for which we be then fitter then when our bellyes be full of good cheere Wherefore this banquet requireth fasting and emptie guests but yet not so fastinge that a man maye not taste of somewhat a-fore-hand for his healthes sake For S. Paule sayeth If any man bee hungry let him eate at home The same Apostle also wil not haue any other feast to bee receuied together with the Lordes mysticall Supper And therefore we say that wee ought not to receiue that with other meate Tertullian writeth that Christians haue vsed oftentimes to eate other meate with it which kinde of Supper as hee writeth was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say mutuall loue or charitie borrowing the name frō loue for that there the poore were refreshed with the feastinge of the richer sorte Howbeit prouision of meate drink and other necessaryes might wel enough be made for them without the Churche Paule will not permit that in one place both publique feastes should be made and also the mysticall supper of the Lorde celebrated Furthermore how many times in a yéere the faithfull ought to receiue this Sacrament of the Lords supper the apostles haue giuen forth no commaundement but haue lefte it indifferent vnto euery Churches discretion For what is more plaine than that which S. Paule hath said As often as you shall eate of this bread and drink of this cup you shall declare the Lords death vntill he come For the Lord as the same Apostle setteth it downe first commaunding said Doe this as oft as you shal drink it in remēbrance of me Howbeit let no no mā think that the celebration of the Lords supper is left so fréely vnto him that hee néed neuer to receiue it For that were no lawful libertie but most vnlawful licentiousnes They that celbrate the supper of y Lord vpō certeine ordinary times of the yere would not haue it brought into contempt or loathed by reason of the daily frequenting For they haue some consideratiō of their owne people they would haue the supper to be celebrated worthily
diligently teacheth all men to haue a speciall care that they contracte matrimonie deuoutely holily soberly wisely lawfully and in the feare of God and that no euil disposition of couetousnesse desire of promotion or fleshly lust may lead and prouoke thē and that wedlock be not entred into otherwise than either the lawes of man or of God will permit And in this place we must consider of the degrées of consanguinitie and affinitie of publique honestie of the reuerence of bloud of offence towardes other and that no man take vnto wife a heathen woman or one that is of a contrarne religion For we are expressely forbidden to yoke oureselues with the vnbeléeuers Againe we are taught to enter into the knot of wedlock lawfully godlily and holily with prayer the receipte of Godly blessing in the temple of the Lorde bothe in the sight and with the prayer of the whole congregation and to beware that in any case we bee not stained in this pointe with all prophanation of the filthie world Neither be we ignorant in this case also that men of this worlde are commonly wonte to celebrate their weddinges more fitte for the diuell than God with riotting pride surfetting drunkennesse and all kinde of wantonnesse Moreouer we are taught to dwell with our wyues according to knowledge moderation patience faith and loue and also to bring vppe our children vertuously and honestly and them also to place and bestowe when time requireth in holy wedlocke But if for adulterie or some other matter more heynous than that necessitie forceth to breake wedlocke yet in this case the Church will do nothing vnadui●edly For she hathe her Iudges who will iudge in matters and causes of matrimonie according to right and equitie or rather according to Gods lawes and the rule of honestie The holy Apostle woulde not haue the faithfull to contend and stande in lawe in the court of the vnfaithfull wherefore he exhorted them to take vmpiers to make agréements friendly betwixte them that were in contention But in causes and matters of matrimonie there are farre greater matters that forbidde the parties that sue or be sued to come before vnbeléeuing iudges Therefore the Churche of God hath very wel appointed a court to trie matters of matrimonie But bicause we spake of wedlocke in the tenth sermon of the second Decade also haue set forth somtime a booke specially concerning the same I haue knit vppe this matter in these fewe woords touching christian wedlocke The Church of God hath widowes in it but such as the Apostle of Christ doth describe in this sort saying Shee that is a widowe and a lone woman in deede trusteth in God and continueth in prayer and supplication night and day But she that liueth in pleasures and delightes is dead thoughe she be aliue The same Paule doeth will the yonger sort to marrie to gett children and to gouerne the house neither to giue any occasion at all for the enimie to speake euill of them the place is euident in the first Epistle of S. Paule to Timothie the fift chapter The Church also hathe virgins These be careful only for those things that long vnto the Lord are true virgins without all deceit or hypocrisie Paule saith A virgin careth for that that belongeth to God that she may be holy both in bodie spirit There are many that rule and gouern their bodies but not their mindes God requireth bothe and especially of the minde It is an easie matter to deceiue men but we cannot by any meanes deceiue god S. Paul in the first epistle to the Corinths the seuenth chapter setteth forth the praise of virginitie and by comparing a virgin to a married wife he sheweth how great the goodnesse of virginitie is Notwithstanding it is lawfull for virgines to marrie if they will whiche thing the same Apostle plainly sheweth in the selfe same place of Scripture Vnto this testimonie of God the testimonie of man also is agréeable For Cyprian with his fellowe Bishoppes and Elders making answere to a question demaunded by Pomponius saith Doest thou desire that we shoulde write vnto thee what we thinke of those virgins who after that they once determined to continue their state continently and stedfastly are found to haue lien and continued in the same bedde with men concerning which thing because thou dost desire to knowe our iudgement thou shalt vnderstand that we do not departe from the traditions and ordinaunces of the Gospell and the Apostles whereby we should so much the lesse strongly and stoutly prouide for our brethren and sisters and that Ecclesiasticall discipline should be kept by all meanes for their profite and safetie And it followeth But if thoroughe faith they haue vowed vnto Christ and continue chastly shamfastly without leasing let them stedfastly and stoutely looke for the rewarde of virginitie But if they will not or can not continue it is better that they marrie than to fall into the fire of their delights pleasures And so forth S. Augustine disputing of the wordes of the Apostle Hauing the greater damnation because they brake their first promise and faithe ascribeth not this damnation to the marriage following but to the inconstancie going before Suche are damned sayth he not because they entred into the bonde and promise of wedlock but because they brake the firste promise made of continencie and chastitie And a litle after that hee addeth these wordes They therefore that say suche marriages are no marriages in deede but rather adulteries it seemeth to mee that they speake foolishly and without consideratiō And thus much he I vnderstande that by this worde Condemnation or Iudgment is men by the Apostle Reprehension whiche wee Switzers terme Ein anszricte● oder nachred For they be euil spoken of by many for that they haue broken their firste faith that is to say they haue broken the promise of continencie Wherefore the Apostle thinketh it much better for young women to matche themselues in marriage then to set downe to themselues suche an order of life from the which although necessitie forceth them thervnto they cannot depart without reprehension of men But in that place he speaketh not of virgins but of widowes Saint Cyprian speaketh simplie of virgins Monkes and Nonnes were altegether vnknowne in the primitiue churche of Christe and the Apostles the latter ages had monkes but not such as are nowe a dayes whiche are their owne rule and lawe whose monasteries abound in all filthinesse and vncleannes Which though we should holde our peace yet to be true trueth it selfe and experience wil sufficiently declare And those that séeme to bee gouerned by more seuere discipline are defiled with hypocrisie I wil say none other thing Touching the firste monkes they dwelt not in cities neyther intermedled them selues with worldly affaires We haue declared in another place howe that a writer of the middle age being made an Abbat required that