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A54659 Light in darkness, or, A consideration of a comfortable and instructive resignation of the Church of God by an eminent and faithful watchman upon his departure : occasioned by the sad loss of ... Thomas Moor, Junior / by C.D. Phelpes, Charles. 1669 (1669) Wing P1980; ESTC R34380 157,055 186

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LIGHT IN DARKNESS OR A CONSIDERATION OF A Comfortable and Instructive Resignation OF THE Church of God By an Eminent and Faithful Watchman upon his Departure OCCASIONED By the sad loss of that Faithful and painful Labourer in the Lord Mr. Thomas Moor Junior By C. P. Look away from me I will weep bitterly labour not to comfort me because of the spoyling of the daughter of my people For it is a day of trouble and of treading down and of perplexity by the Lord God of hosts in the valley of Vision breaking down the Walls thereof c. Isa 22. 4 5. Rejoyce not against me O mine enemy When I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me I will bear the indignation of the Lord because I have sinned against him until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me he shall bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his righteousness Then she that is mine enemy shall see it and shame shall cover her which said unto me Where is the Lord thy God c Mica 7. 8 9 10. London Printed in the Year 1669. To the Reader Christian Reader WHAT the occasion of the following Discourse is thou mayest see before viz. the death of one that laboured abundantly in the Work of the Lord yet not he but the grace of God that was with him whom the Lord in testimony of high displeasure to the survivers took away to himself in the midst of his dayes and Work and thereby hath occasioned and increased mourning and lamentation in the daughter of his Judah Oh! that while he is thus lifting up his hand we may see wherefore he is thus contending with us that we may turn to him that smiteth and seek the Lord of hosts lest his wrath further break forth as fire and devour and there be none to quench it He was one that was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for he knew that it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believeth and therefore he determined to know nothing else in and unto all things save Jesus Christ and him crucified as he is evidently therein set before us and pourtrayed unto us and did not preach himself but Jesus Christ the Lord nor was his zeal exercised about indifferent things or lighter matters for he was well assured that the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink and so not dayes and times and places and gestures and circumstances and such things as perish with the using but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost and therefore did in these great things of God's Law serve Christ and so was acceptable to God and profitable to men he was even set for the defence and confirmation of the Gospel and that was to him the joy and rejoycing of his heart and he had all his confidence begun and strengthned from the kindness and love of God our Saviour to mankind and his feeding upon the flesh of Christ that was given for the life of the World and the grace of God therein commended by which Jesus Christ tasted death for every man and in the vertue of his blood is raised again in that same body in which he bare our sins on the Tree this was the beginning of his confidence and not some secret thing with him or peculiar manner of love to him the reason of his hope the answer of his good conscience towards God the foundation of his faith and hope the argument by which he was reconciled to God and strengthned to look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and where-through his heart was purified and principled to the unfeigned love of the brethren and to the love of all men yea of his enemies from hence his hearts desire and prayer to God for them was that they might be saved The love of Christ did constrain him to perswade men and pray them to be reconciled to God and receive his grace to purpose whether he were looked upon as one besides himself or as a sober man because he thus judged that if one died for all then were all dead and he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live to themselves but to him that died for them and rose again In preaching the word he was instant in season and out of season and was to that end that Christ might be magnified and therein mens good indeavoured and especially the profit of the houshold of faith pursued in journeying often in weariness and painfulness in watchings often c. Who was weak and he was not weak Who was offended and he burned not And in preaching Christ he did warn every man as he had opportunity and teach every man in all wisdom that he might present every man perfect in Christ Jesus Whereunto he did also labour striving according to his working which wrought in him mightily He hath fought the good fight he hath finished his course he hath kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for him a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give to him at that day and not to him only but also to all them that love his appearing Doubtless God in such strokes is signifying his great displeasedness with us in removing so untimely one so much framed to a like mindedness with himself in Christ whose heart was fixed to indeavour the good of all men especially of them that believe sutable to the mind of the living God who is the Saviour of all men especially of them that believe 1 Tim. 4. 10. As if he were hereby beginning to rise up out of his wonted place of mercy and to for sake us and wo will be to us when he depart eth from us Oh! that we may consider his work and the operation of his hands lest he destroy us and not build us up In this day su●ely the Lord God of hosts is calling to mourning and to weeping and to baldness and to girding with sackcloath Oh! that there may not be beheld among us joy and gladness slaying Oxen and killing sheep eating flesh and drinking wine But O daughter of Zion let tears run down like a River day and night give thy self no rest let not the apple of thine eyes cease Arise cry out in the night in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord lift up thine hands towards him He hath trodden under foot thy mighty men for this thou hast cause to weep that thou shouldst procure such testimonies of displeasure to thy self and that thine eye thine eye should run down with water because the Comforter that should relieve thy soul is far from thee Oh! that we may yet turn again to the Lord. We have still a Lord to turn to when the servants are removed the great shepherd to direct our eyes and hearts to when under-shepherds are taken away And to
of heaven to the other Mat. 8. 11. 24 31. he will then bring the seed of Israel from the East and gather them from the West and will say to the North give up and to the South keep not back bring my sons from far and my daughters from the ends of the earth every one that is called by my name c. Isa 43 5 6 7. Now they are scattered sometimes through persecutions and severed one from another through the fear of the wrath reproaches threats and oppressions of men and so chased from place to place when God gives permission unto men Act. 8. 1. Jam. 1. 1. So those Worthies of whom the world was not worthy wandred in deserts and in mountains and in dens and in caves of the earth Heb. 11. 36 38. and it is appointed to them that if they will live godly in Christ Jesus they shall suffer persecu●ion Act. 14. 22. 2 Tim. 3. 12. but then the extortioner shall cease and the oppressors be consumed out of the Land Isa 16. 4 5. the destructions of the enemy shall come to a perpetual end and their shepherd will seek his sheep that have been scattered deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day and feed them in a good pasture and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be Ezek. 34. 11 15. he will seek up that which was lost and bring again that which was driven away c. and they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afraid ver 15 28. Now they are separated one from another and severed by death many are taken out of the Land of the living the godly man ceaseth and the faithful fail from among the children of men and many times they are cut off untimely and this is a great wo and affliction to the survivers of that body and a great judgment to the children of men how insensible soever they are of it Psal 12. 1. Mic. 7. 1 2. for then they can be of no more personal usefulness to men they are then ignorant of us but then death as with respect to them shall be swallowed up into victory then shall be compleatly fulfilled what the High-Priest spake not of himself but by way of Prophecy for then shall be gathered together in one the children of God that now are scattered abroad Joh. 11. 51 52. Zech. 14. 4. Oh! how delightful and comfortable will this be to be alwayes with the Lord and one with another and no more for ever to be separated and in this blessed congregation and assembly of the righteous the sinners shall not stand Psal 1. 5. Ezek. 13. 9. 4. In this congregation and gathering together of the righteous unto the Lord and one to another they shall behold the Lord yea this is the end why Jesus Christ wills they should be with him where he is that they may behold his glory Joh. 17. 24. they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads Rev. 22. 4. how refreshing and desirable was it to Moses to see his back parts so as at the sight thereof he made haste and prayed that he would go amongst them and take them for his inheritance Exod. 33. 22. 34. 8 9. and how comfortable was the hope of this to Job that his Redeemer should stand at the latter day upon the earth and that he should see him for himself and his eyes should behold him Oh! this was a great comfort to him in his affliction when God's hand was turned against him and his acquaintance were estranged from him his kinsfolk failed him and his famili●r friends had forgotten him c. Job 19. 6 27. Now while they see him by faith believing they rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. But oh how infinitely satisfying will it be then to see him as he is in whose presence is fulness of joy and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore they shall then be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of his house and he shall make them drink of the rivers of his pleasures for with him is the fountain of life and in his light they shall see light when they awake they shall be satisfied with God's likeness or image even with Jesus Christ who is the image of the invisible God Psal 16. 11. 36. 8 9. 17. 15. Now through that sight they have of him by faith their souls are satisfied as with marrow and fatness Psal 63. 3 6. they are assured by faith of the truth and goodness of what is reported and set in hope before them and of the faithfulness of him that hath promised to perform all his good Word and have such a view of the desirableness and compleat contentment there is in these things as that i● crucifies their affections to the world and prevails with them to confess themselves strangers and pilgrims on the earth and to declare plainly they are seeking another Countrey and a better and more induring substance this preserves them from gadding about and prevails with them to sit down under Christ's shadow with great delight and his fruit is sweet to their taste bu● yet they are hungring and thirsting after a full injoyment of what they now see darkly they are even sick of love till their desire comes and ●e accomplished and even longing and in heart breathing for his appearance Oh! when wilt thou come to visit me Oh! that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion As the Hart panteth after the water brooks so their soul pants after God their souls thirst for God for the living God Oh! when shall we come and appear before God And thus they are looking for with expectation and hasting from all things reproved and discovered to be evil deadly and unprofitable unto the coming of the day of God but when the desire cometh it will be a tree of life when the desire is accomplished it will be sweet to the soul Prov. 13. 12 19. the compleat injoyment will compleatly satisfie and abundantly delight them so as they shall hunger no more nor thirst any more 5. As the effect and consequent of seeing him they shall be perfectly made like him so the Apostle signifies 1 Joh. 3. 2. It doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Now in this day the seeing and beholding him as he hath revealed himself doth transform them in a first fruits in beholding him with open face as in a glass they are changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 18. but when they shall behold him as he is they shall be compleatly changed into his likeness And so They shall then be made like him in knowledge though still he hath the preheminence in all things he being God-man and worthy is
the Minister of them the High-Priest over the house of God who is passed into the heavens and entred within the veil for them ●specially to appear as their Advocate who is also the propitiation for their sins to forgive their iniquities to plead their cause manage their matters fight their battels subdu● their iniquities sanctifie and cleanse them with the washing of water by the Word teach them and lead them into all truth send from above and save them from the reproach of those who would swallow them up and cause all things to work together for good to them Happy art thou O Israel who is like unto thee O people because there is none like unto thy God the God of Jesurun who rideth upon the heaven for thy help and in his excellency on the skie the eternal God is thy refuge c. Deut. 33. 26 29. Oh therefore cry unto him and say Th●u art my refuge from mine oppressors those grievous wolves that come to devour and my portion in the Land of the living when refuge failes and no man cares for thy soul commit thy self thy way and works unto him trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass and though thou now walkest in darkness he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy judgment as the noon-day Psal 142 4 5. 37. 4 7. Though now the Lord calls thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit and hath ordered to thee cause of lamentation in taking away the pleasant teats at which thou hast sucked and through which he hath conveyed the sincere milk of the word yet thy maker is thy hu●band the Lord is thy Shepherd thou shalt not want He will make thee to lye down in green pastures and lead thee besides the still waters c. Oh trust in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is the rock of ages everlasting strength Isa 54. 5 7. 26. 4. Yea and in that they were come unto Jesus Christ the foundation and head of the corner and so made a spiritual house and from the head fitly joyned together and compacted it was for instruction to them and is for instruction to those of the same body to love one another with a pure heart servently as those whose hearts are purified and principled in obeyed the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren Jesus Christ is the corner stone that c●uples the building together and in coming unto him they are baptized into one body and made to drink into one spirit called in one hope of their calling c. that they should indeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and that they may do so the way is to indeavour it with all lowliness and meekness c. All lowliness is the first thing instructed to unto this indeavour namely lowliness of mind suffering our pride and high thoughts of our selves by occasion of our learning knowledge gifts utterance attainments riches c. to be purged out and hidden from us and lowliness in our words demeanours and looks having low eyes for only by pride cometh contention that so brotherly love may be continued and preserved amongst us This is the use the Apostle makes of this instruction to this Church for after he had been saying ye are built upon the foundation of the Apostles c. and are builded together even those that are taught and those that teach the teachers not being the Church alone nor made of the true tabernacle at all because chosen by men but both together in coming to Christ are made an habitation of God through the Spirit Eph. 2. 20 22. He having begun to come to the usefulness hereof in Chap. 3. 1. digresses all that Chapter and Chap. 4. 1 6. he shews them what ingagement this put upon them to love as brethren and as a prisoner of the Lord beseeches them not first to relieve him in his bonds but to indeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and directs them to that firstly asa main thing in which they might walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they were called they were called to the foundation and corner stone and made members one of another a●d what more sutable hereto than to cleave to the Lord with full purpose and one to another in the fear of the Lord. And so ●rom the like ground and motive the Apostle Peter instructs the believers to love one another with a pure heart servently and to that end to lay apart all evil and bitter roots Sec 1 Pet. 1. 22 25. 2. 1 5. And oh how good and pleasant a thing is it for brethren to dwell together in unity and especially then when he is removing those that have been use●ul helpers of them in the Lord. Hence the Apostle when he takes his leave of the Corinthians powerfully presses this exhortation on them Finally brethren farewel be perfect be of good comfort be of one mind live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you 2 Cor. 13. 11. 2. In that he saith which is able to build you up he doth therin intimate that though they were built upon the foundation of God and so made framed into an habitation of God through the spirit yet they needed still to be further built up and to grow up more into Jesus Christ in all things into the knowledge of him union and fellowship with him and conformity unto him even those amongst them who might have attained most those who were overseers over the rest to whom he directly speaks needed still and further to be built up and to go on unto perfection they were not yet perfect as to attainment Though they might be perfect sincere and undefiled in the way and fixed herein to walk and to seek all wisdom righteousness and strength all washing and cleansing by an exercise of faith in Christ and so were blessed yet they were not come to their journeys end but were yet to run with patience the race set before them laying aside every weight and that sin that so easily besets Psal 119. 1 2. Heb. 12. 1. So the Apostle Paul saith concerning himself that he had not already attained neither was already perfect though he had suffered the loss of all things for Christ and did count them as dung that he might win him and be found in him but did follow after if that he might apprehend that for which also he was apprehended of Christ Jesus and instructs others who were perfect to be like minded with him namely to count that they had not attained either were already perfect Phil. 3. 12 15. yea indeed he signifies that he should not attain or be perfect as to attainment till the resurrection of the dead for though the spirits of just men that dye in the Lord are perfect yet they wait for the adoption the redemption of the body and so it
said and so he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to them that know understanding Joh. 14. 27. 16. 13. Dan. 2. 21. And by his thus giving the Spirit to them and opening the testimony of Jesus and therein glorifying Christ he is still and further baptizing them by this holy Spirit making them clean and washing them with the washing of water by the Word from the errors and pollutions of the world into Jesus Christ Joh. 15. 3. Mat. 3. 11. Eph 5. 25 26. 1 Cor. 6. 10 11. strengthening them there through to mortifie the deeds of the body Rom. 8. 13. giving this as a spirit of adoption into their hearts a spirit of grace and supplication Zech. 12. 10. a spirit of boldness and confidence to come unto God as their Father and cry Abba to draw nigh to him by the blood of Jesus through that new and living way consecrated through the veil the flesh of Christ he being also the great High Priest over the house of God and so to come with boldness to the throne of grace that they may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 10. 19 22. Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 6. Heb. 4. 16. and to teach them what to pray for as they ought both what things to desire and so what to pray for first and especially namely the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof and things more directly thereto appertaining and other things with submission to his will and upon what account and in what incouragement and to what end to seek them to wit in the name of Christ and that God in all things may be glorified Rom 8. 26 27. to fulfil in them the righteousness of the Law and fill them with the fruits of righteousness and so to conform them to Christ that their soul may be as a watered garden Rom. 8 4. Gal. 5. 16 22. Eph. 5. 9 10. Isa 58. 11. to teach them to answer adversaries and opposers and that they may contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints Luk. 12. 11 12. 21. 14 15. to anoint them and give grace to them even some gracious gift for the good of men and growth of the Church that they may grow up together by that which every joint supplieth Eph. 4. 7. 1 Cor. 12. 7. and so makes them a royal Priesthood to shew forth his praises 1 Pet. 2. 5 9. yea strengthens them through his Spirit to wait for the hope of his righteousness by faith in purging away their transgressions subduing their iniquities fighting their battels he being the Captain of their salvation perfecting all their works and even to look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus to eternal life Gal. 5. 5. Psal 138. 7 8. Isa 26. 12. He is their Advocate with the Father to plead their cause to receive their suits to make their spiritual sacrifices acceptable taking away the iniquity of their holy things that they may come with acceptance upon his Altar and so to give answers of peace and gracious returns He is the High Priest of their profession and so he is not of others their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another God Rock Mediator High-Priest their drink-offerings of blood will he not offer but he offers their sacrifices that come to God by him and perfumes them with the vertues and odours of his sacrifice Psal 16. 4. Joh. 14. 13. 1 Pet. 2 5. 1 Joh. 2. 1. Rev. 8. 3 5. Heb. 13. 15 16. His eyes unto whom all things are naked and opened are alwayes upon them to preserve them from evil to preserve their souls 2 Thes 3. 3. they are always upon the righteous to order his providences as may be good and to deliver them from the will of their enemies and he is caring for them and will preserve them that none shall pluck them out of his hand Joh. 10. 27 28. Psal 33. 18. 1 Pet. 5. 5 6 7. Such is his grace to them that when need is he is chastening them for their profit that they may be more partakers of his holiness Heb. 12. 9 11. The Lord tryeth the righteous out of love to them and faithfulness to Christ Jesus Psal 89. 28 33. But the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth and therefore he is not so trying them Psal 11. 5. And oh that none of them whom he is so chastening may forget that consolation in Christ which speaks to them as to children that they may not despise his chastenings nor faint when rebuked of him Heb. 12. 5 8. Prov. 3 11 12. And in those chastenings they have a merciful and faithful High-Priest to consider who himself hath suffered being tempted and therefore is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2. 17 18. 3. 1. 4. 15 16. one who pities them as a father pities his children and therefore chastens them as a man chasteneth his Son Psal 103. 13. Deut. 8. 5. with great tenderness and in measure he debateth with them and with the temptation will make a way of escape that they may be able to bear Isa 27. 8 9. 1 Cor. 10. 13. and though he cause grief he will have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies Lam. 3. 31 32. and cause all things to work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8. 28. and all these temp●ations and trials of their faith shall appear to praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 6 7 they shall see and acknowledge his grace and faithfulness in nurtu●ing them in this day to so gracious an end that they might not be condemned with the world 1 Cor. 11. 32. Prov. 23. 14. yea now while walking in the light of the Lord they are acknowledging his faithfulness in correcting and giving th●nks to him because of his righteous judgments Psal 119. 62 68 75. Yea he will in their seeking first the kingdom of God and unto that add unto them all other things and so what they shall eat and what they shall drink and wherewith they shall be cloathed he will give unto them food and raiment such provision hath he made in his great and precious promises for their incauragement that their conversation may be without covetousness and carefulness and he is faithful who hath promised as is wonderfully manifested in the Cross of Christ Mat. 6. 33. Heb. 13. 5 6. Psal 34. 9 10. yea he is a Sun and a shield and will give grace and glory and no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly and therefore O Lord of hosts blessed is the man that trusteth in thee Psal 84. 11 12. 3. This word of his grace discovers his grace to us in what he will do and that 1. To those righteous ones whom he gathers to himself now by death and before he appears 2. And to all of them hereafter when the Lord himself shall descend from heaven 1. To those righteous ones
to God and the word of his grace we may be helped to become fools and so to be crucified to the world and not matter though we be accounted unlearned ignorant men and such as have never learned which is part of the Cross of Christ that is to be taken up and born by us Joh. 7. 15. Act. 4. 13. This wisdom is part of the goodliness of the flesh the glory of man which the spirit in the testimony is withering Oh! that he might be suffered to have his perfect work in us And oh that this were considered by them that are taught that that manner of preaching the Gosp●l which is with wisdom of words makes the Cross of Christ of none ●ffect when men receive the word of God as the word of men and their faith stands in the wisdom of man that is they hear it with delight and credit it because such as bring it to them are furnished and come with excellency of speech or of wisdom though it is the word of God that is received yet it works not effectually in them 1 Thess 2. 13. 1 Cor. 2. 5. And truly we all need to be admonished of this evil for men naturally love and admire the wisdom of this world and oh that there were not too much cause to say that many of God's people are too much polluted with this iniquity If a man be made willing to become a fool for Christ's sake in declaring the testimony how ready is he to be despised and lightly esteemed Whereas if another be wise in Christ and exalt himself this they can suffer gladly and love to have it so and st●engthen those that so teach th●m in this evil way while they weaken the hands of others 1 Cor. 4. 10. 2 Cor. 11. 20. Oh let us all beware of the in●icing words of mans wisdom and so of Philosophy c. for in Christ dwel●s all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and in him we are compleat Col. 2. 2 4 8 10. 3. And in this to which the Apostle commits them there is contained motive for feeding that which is powerful to strengthen to seek the good of men generally and especially the good of the flock of Christ As to say 1. Herein they may behold the infinite grace of Jesus Christ and God in him toward every sinful soul of mankind and that he is not willing any man should perish but that all should come to repentance as is wonderfully evidenced in this that Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man Oh how will this constrain to indeavour the good of men and especial good of believers The love of Christ constrains us saith the Apostle because we thus j●dge that if one died for all then were all dead and he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live to themselves but to him that died for them and rose again This judgment received by them did powerfully move them to perswade men and they could not but speak the things they had seen and heard 2 Cor. 5. 11 15. Act. 4. 19 20. This love of God known and believed with the heart effects in them that so receive it an hearty desire and prayer to God that they may be saved who are ignorant of and enem●es to the righteousness of God it fram●s them to some like mindedness with their heavenly fat●er and causeth their hearts to burn within them in an ardent affection to and desire of the good of those that are ignorant and out of the way 1 Joh. 4. 14 16. Luke 24. 26 27 32. Jer. 20. 9. Whereas others that have not received th●s judgment that one died for all and rose again what appearance of zeal and devotion soever they have yet the love of Christ doth not constrain hereto but either they do what they do that they may have praise of men or out of a desire of filthy lucre or to establish a righteousness to themselves yea and this judgment received and believed is the bottom ground and motive to move them that have it to feed the flock of Christ to pray them to be further reconciled to God and not to receive his grace in vain 2 Cor. 5. 14 19 21. 6. 1. their hearts are purified in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto the unfeigned love of the brethren 1 Pet. 1. 22. And so 2. They have this further motive to move them to feed the Church that they are Christ's flock the Church of God which he hath purcha●ed with h●s own blood not only hath he given himself a ransom to God for them as he hath done for all but he so evidenced the preciousness of his blood to them in the peace and atonement which he thereby made in the victory thereby obtained in the righteousness thereby compleated in the fulness of grace and truth thereby received in the New Testament and everlasting Covenant thereby confirmed as that they not being disobedient to the heavenly call were hereby redeemed unto God and what things were formerly gain to them these they counted loss for Christ and so were made of the chosen generation and of his flock in a peculiar consideration being all baptized into one body and made to drink into one spirit called in one hope of their calling c. such as Christ loves with peculiar manner of love and frames those that receive his grace to the same mind even to do good to all but especially to the houshold of faith Gal. 6. 10. to love one another with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet. 1. 22. and so to be followers of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ hath loved them Eph. 5. 1 2. This is a great mo●ive for a servant to love and seek the good o● such as are his Lord's children and such as he delights in So Peter from this motive exhorts the Elders Feed the flock of God that is among you 1 Pet. 5. 2 3. yea and in that they are his flock there is contained in it this further incouragement that he will bless and assist their helpers and be with them in the faithful declaration of the Gospel unto the end of the world Mat. 28. 18 20. For who goeth a warfare at any tim● at his own charges yea these had some oversight of the flock committed to them and it is required of Stewards that a man be found faithful and the shepherd will require the flock at their hands Ezek. 34. 10. Oh let such take heed therefore to themselves and to all the flock that they may be pure from the blood of all men Nay surely in their places and according to their capacity all the holy brethren are partakers of the heavenly calling though not all chosen into office and the grace of God doth instruct them and God their Shepherd doth furnish them that they may edifie one another on their most holy faith Jude 20 21. 1 Thes 5. 11. Rom. 15. 14. The manifestation
though those that speak perverse things pretend word as from the Apostles for what they say yet let us not for trial of them and preservation from them wave the Gospel or seek help any where else but still hold fast the things delivered which we have been taught by the Apostles by word or Epistle as the Apostle instructs the Thessalonians when he beseeches them not to be moved or troubled neither by Spirit Word or Letter as from them 2 Thes 2. 2 15. Let us not leave the Scripture because they perve●t it in their glosses but still hold that fast as our Saviour hath set us an example Mat. 4. 6 7. and in the light and instruction thereof that we may not be carried about with divers strange doctrines let us consider the end of their conversation that speak unto us in their word or by writing or personal conference if that be Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day for ever though weaknesses be found acknowledge them that are such and so walk Heb. 13. 7 9. And be we all followers together of the Apostles and of those that have spoken to us the Word of the Lord Phil. 3. 17 looking diligently unto our selves and one to another that none fail of the grace of God that no root of bitterness no evil spirit or doctrine springing up trouble us and thereby many be defiled c. Heb. 12. 15 16. and thereto warning one another in all wisdom according to capacity and let us observe that counsel and instruction given by the Apostle Jude ver 20. 21. Ye beloved building up your selves on your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life Having thus spoken largely to the former part viz. the Apostles commendation of them to God and the word of his grace at this time of his departure we shall briefly add somewhat to the second thing at first proposed which is contained in the words in which we have 2. A ●urther Declaration of the excellency of the person and thing to which he commends them laid down by way of motive to ingage them to commit themselves to God and the word of his ●●ce Which God and Word of his grace is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sa●ctified In which we have these two branches 1. This God and Word is able to build you up 2. And to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified 1. This God and Word is able to build you up In which we shall speak to these two things 1. Shew what is meant by building up 2. What is imported in this branch of the motive 1. Then by building up is meant a making ●hem to increase or causing them to grow up and ●ise higher This expression of building refers to two things in Scrip●ure sometimes to a place of habitation 2 Chron. 2. 1 12. and sometimes to a family or houshold Ruth 4. 11. and according to this double acceptation these two things are meant 1. An increasing of them who were already g●thered to Christ and making them as to themselves and the society to prosper and ascend higher and higher into J●●us Christ and those things that are excellent both with respect to themselves particularly and as with respect to the Church or society of which these to whom the speaks directly were members and overseers a growing up into Christ in all things which is the Head namely into the knowledge of him who is the Son of God in our nature accepted to all the ends of his undertaking and unity with him which is called edifying the Church Eph. 4. 12 13 15. a growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 3. 18. and so it is an abounding in the knowledge of his will in all wisdom even in the whole of Christ and in all spiritual understanding namely such a discerning as is given by the Spirit in the words which the Holy Ghost teacheth Col. 1. 9. and growing more into union with Christ and conformity to him a more hearty imbracement of him and the word of his grace And so a being united more one to another in love and growing up together in the vertues of Christ adding to their faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity 2 Pet. 1. 5 7. setting their affections more on things above having their conversation in heaven and expectation from heaven and in all a going on to perfection and being more firmed setled and established by walking in Christ as they have received him Col. 2. 6 7. 2. An increasing of them as to number and so multiplying of them by an addition of others to them gathering others to Christ and the Church besides those that are gathered as Isa 56. 8. which is the issue of the former for while they are edified in knowledge faith and all vertues of Christ they come to be multiplyed according to that Act. 9. 31. then had the Churches rest and were edified and walking in the fear of the Lord and comfort of the holy Ghost were multiplyed So the whole body growing up into Christ in all things is said to make an increase of the body to the edisying of it sell in love Eph. 4. 15 16. An adding to the Lord and to the Church continually till we all come to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Act. 2. 41 46. 11. 24. Eph. 4. 12 13. even as an house or family is said to be built by the birth and addition of children to it Gen. 16. ● Deut 25. 9 2. Now then in that it is said which is able to build you up herein is imported and signified to us 1. That those to whom he speaks were in some measure come unto and built upon the foundation of God and so born of the incorruptible seed of the Word So much is signified in that he saith which is able to build you up that they were come to and built upon Jesus Christ according to that To him coming as unto a living stone Ye also as lively stones are built up c. 1 Pet. 2. 4 5. Eph. 2. 20 21. and indeed the foundation on which they were built and seed of which they were begotten it was the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever and which by the Gospel is preached to us 1 Pet. 1. 23 25. namely Jesus Christ who was delivered to death for our offences and raised again for our justification And other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 3. 11. he as witnessed of by the Prophets and manifested