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A20547 A plaine and familiar exposition of the eleuenth and twelfth chapters of the Prouerbes of Salomon Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. aut 1607 (1607) STC 6957; ESTC S109740 155,503 198

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at the resurrection that sentence shall be Luk. 16. pronounced vpon him which was indited long agoe Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuell and his angels Matth. 25. 41. All this vnlesse he repent is vndoubtedly belonging to him besides the continuall perill of stroakes and iudgements to light vpon his bodie which euery moment may iustly be feared Vse 1 Incouragement to goe cheerefully about the works of mercie since they are so profitable to our selues Some of them seeme to be very chargeable and cannot be performed without expenses yet we gaine more than we giue we receiue more than we lay out we doe good to other mens bodies but make the best match for our owne soules Others seeme very painefull and require both trauell and patience and many be altogether vnpleasant to our nature yet our wages doth counteruaile and ouerpoise all our worke and labour for we cannot put our bodies to so much toyle and trouble in any seruice of Christian loue as we shall obtaine to our hearts delightfull pleasures with rest and peace and ioy and gladnes Consolation to them that are fearefull of themselues and doubtfull of the state of their soules they feele not themselues to beleeue they finde not the pearcing of godly sorrow and therefore they call into question their faith and repentance But are they mercifull men Doe they beare a burthen with the afflicted members of Iesus Christ They dare not say so directly but their owne hearts tell them that they would mourne more with them and doe more for them if they were able Their desires then and willingnes exceede their abilitie and what surer note can there be of true mercie Doct. 2 Rewardeth his owne soule troubleth his owne flesh c. They are the best husbands which best prouide for the good of their owne persons To bee carried with carnall selfe-loue is a vice which is worthie to be condemned to be lead with Christian loue of ones selfe is a vertue which is much to be commended The one draweth a man to wickednes the other driueth him from it to goodnesse the one causeth him to be hurtfull to his neighbours the other maketh him helpefull vnto them the one seruing himselfe sinfully doth vtterly vndoe himselfe the other applying himselfe to the seruice of God faithfully doth procure his owne blessednes for euer When the Apostle would bring an argument that should be perswasiue and forcible and most likely to preuaile with rich men to worke mercie and liberalitie in them he chuseth this That they should lay vp for themselues a good foundation against 1. Tim. 6. 19. the time to come that they might obtaine eternall life It were to no purpose to lay vp onely for children for heires executors or administrators though they were sure to haue children and friends and their children and friends were sure to inioy their possessions but to inrich themselues is truely to be rich and to haue ones wealth personally in himselfe and for himselfe and not onely about him is to he rich in deede Reasons 1 First the current or streame of all the promises and threatnings runneth this way the reward of all obedience and the punishment of all iniquitie tendeth to this purpose Blessings vpon goods and cattell vpon grounds and fruite trees vpon children and familie are but appendances to the substantiall blessings which are conferred vpon soule and bodie especiallie for the eternall state of both And so when curses fall on the outward things of wicked men it is that they may gather weight by the way to presse the heauier vpon their owne persons Secondly though one haue neuer so great plentie of earthly things and abundance of all kinde of prosperitie yet if himselfe be not his owne but destructions what treasure can doe him good What doth it profit a man to winne the whole world if he lose his owne soule Matth. 16. 26. So though one haue neuer so great penutie of earthly things and abundance of all kinde of afflictions yet if he preserue his quicke stocke that is himselfe from being a spoyle to sinne and Satan no creature can hurt him his miserie will droppe off from him his crosses and sorrowes will vanish away and come to nothing Vse 1 Instruction to be diligent in all those meanes whereby we may best benefit our selues with commodities of greatest valew As first to labour for true pietie and religion to be well acquainted with God and his holy word to receiue instruction to haue it in estimation to obey it in constant exercise And hereof the holie Ghost speaketh in the ninth chapter If thou bee wise thou shalt be wise to thy selfe and if thou bee a scorner thou alone shalt suffer Secondly the performance of the dueties of mercie is a gainefull trade for the soule to thriue by it bringeth in good store of comforts for present vse and helpeth men to a stocke of ioy and happines for an other day And therefore our Sauiour doth perswade vs to vse it and giueth vs libertie to make our vse of it Sell that yee haue saith he and giue almes make to your selues bagges which waxe not old a treasure that can neuer faile in heauen where no theefe commeth neither moath corrupteth Luk. 12. 33. It is dangerous and sinfull to hoord vp much gold and to keepe it too long but safe and commendable to heape vp good workes in abundance and neuer depart with them while the world standeth they shall be sure to take no harme and we shall bee sure to want no good Reproofe of them that are frugall and thriftie and neate and husbandly for euery thing but for themselues Their carable is dunged and tilled and sowne their pastures are mounded banked and trenched their trees are pruned their gardens are weeded their cattell are carefully looked vnto and all this while they suffer their hearts to be ouergrowne with sinnes as the wild wast is with weedes and briars there is no fence to keepe the diuell out of their soules they grow like nettles and brambles to be cut vp and cast into the fire Euery one of their horses euery sheepe euery cowe euery swine and pig is in better case then themselues They deale as if they should trimme their haire but wound their head or be heedfull to their nailes but let their fingers rot off or keepe their garments whole but permit their skin to be rent and torne into peeces Verse 18. The wicked worketh a deceitfull worke but hee that soweth righteousnesse shall receiue a sure reward THe wicked worketh a deceitfull worke He is continually practising of some euill which will neuer faile to make his expectation to faile But he that soweth righteousnes which constantly and conscionably is exercised in doing good shall haue a sure reward partly in this life with a competent measure of comfortable prosperitie and perfectly in the life to come with glorious immortalitie The sense will bee the
skins when thornes will take vpon them to be vines when thistles will be figge trees and euill workers haue the place of Prophets then our Sauiour admonisheth vs to looke to our selues and take heede of them Secondly consolation if wee corrupt not others with our tongues but rather vse them to heale the corrupted this declareth that we are neither openly wicked in behauiour nor secretly hypocriticall in heart for a holesome tongue is euermore a certaine note of an vpright conscience Doct. 2 But the righteous c. Though the tongue of the wicked be a deadly weapon to doe hurt yet the knowledge of the godly is a defensiue armour to preserue him from it The medicine which Saint Peter doth prescribe with his caueat to auoide the delusions of subtill seducers doth after a sort make a promise of remedie against them to such as shall carefully receiue it Beware saith he least ye he plucked away with the error of the wicked and fall from your owne stedfastnes But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 2. Pet. 3. 17. 18. Reasons 1 First Ignorance is that which giueth entertainement to errors and all sound knowledge excludeth them out of dores Whom doth the foolish woman or folly her selfe call to her feast but such as are simple Whom doth she vtter her minde vnto but to Prou. 9. 16. such as are destitute of vnderstanding And whom doe the lurking corner-creepers so much pray vpon as simple women laden with sinnes and lead with diuers lusts Secondly men of knowledge haue their wits exercised to discerne betweene good and euill betweene light and darkenes betweene the seruants of God and the workers of iniquitie They beare the image of God and therefore know the image of God where it is and see the defects of it where it is not They carrie a light within them whereby they are able to discouer the doctrines of falsehoode which are contrarie to the trueth and the workes of darkenes which are contrarie to holines and therefore can reiect them both Thirdly the sound knowledge of Christians is not onely a shield to warde off all detestable errors and damnable heresies that they seduce not the mind but also a preseruatiue to expell all flattering inticements and sinfull suggestions that they corrupt not the heart And that the holy Ghost doth expressely promise in this booke to euery one that doth loue and labour for knowledge When wisedome entreth into thine heart and knowledge delighteth thy soule then shall counsell preserue thee and vnderstanding shall keepe thee and deliuer thee from the euill way and from the man that speaketh froward things and from them that leaue the waies of righthousnesse to walke in the waies of darkenesse which reioyce in doing euill and delight in the frowardnesse of the wicked Prou. 2. 10 11 12 13 14. Vse 1 Encouragement to vse diligence by all good meanes in all Gods ordinances appoynted to that end to get vnderstanding and righteousnesse since our neede thereof is so great and the vse so good Neither wealth nor wit nor any other thing can stand vs in so good steede for the preseruation of our hearts as these doe For they all without those are treacherous and deceitfull ready alwaies to betray vs and open the dores to let in flatterie and corruption but these haue faithfulnesse and courage and power and constancie to stand for the defence of our soule to the end Though there should come neuer so many bands and armies of Satanicall and hellish hypocrites and euery mans mouth were a a musket or cannon to send out most mortal and deadly poyson yet if we be armed with these graces we neede not to feare them The Antichristian deceiuer cannot illude them that haue receiued 2. Thes 2. 10. the knowledge and loue of the truth The false Christs shall Matth. 24. 24. not deceiue the elect as being protected by Gods power and furnished with holy vnderstanding The diuell himselfe with all Ephes 6. his fierie darts and temptations shall be resisted and driuen backe by those that haue on the breast-plate of righteousnesse and the other pieces of Gods complete armour The Lord Iesus by the sound knowledge of the sacred Scriptures hath alreadie repulsed and turned him to flight and putteth the same weapon into our hands with strength and power to pursue him Conuiction of them that are drawne away by euery iugler and sinfull companion The Iesuites and Seminaries the heretickes and traytors may disgorge their stomackes and vomit vp their venome into their bosomes and they haue neither hand nor heart nor tongue to reiect them but suffer themselues to bee carried to errours to heresies to idolatrie to conspiracies to treasons to rebellions to shamefull executions to fearefull damnation Therefore they were not righteous therefore they wanted knowledge therefore they were naked and destitute of all defensiue armour And here come also to bee taxed as friends to corruption all they that are enuious to vnderstanding and the meanes thereof which thinke it so much the more dangerous to seeke for by how much there are more which goe about to deceiue But this hath been sufficiently spoken of in the sixteenth verse of the ninth chapter especially in the vse Verse 10. In the prosperitie of the righteous the citie reioyceth and when the wicked perish there is ioy IN the prosperitie of the righteous that is when things goe well with thē the citie reioyceth that is the honest and well disposed citizens and countrie men be inwardly glad and outwardly declare their ioy by cheerfull countenance and speeches and other meanes as opportunitie serueth to expresse the same And so doe they also at the death and ouerthrow of oppressours and tyrants and other wicked persons by whose fall the people rise and whose ruine is the repaire of the citie Doct. 1 Good men haue not onely Gods hand to giue them good things but godlie mens hearts to bee ioyfull for them When Mordecai was aduanced the citie of Shushan reioyced and was Hest 8. 15. glad And when the Lord shewed his great mercie on Zacharie and Elizabeth in giuing them a sonne their kinsfolke and neighbours Luk. 1. 58. came and reioyced with them Reasons First the prouidence of God hath the disposing of all mens affections he deriueth their loue and their hatred their liking and loathing to euery one as seemeth best to his owne wisedome And he hath appointed by decree in his counsell by precept in his word and by working of his spirit that godly men shall bee well affected towards the godly and Christians shall bee tender hearted one towards another Secondly they are all members of one bodie and therefore a sympathy and fellow feeling of one anothers state is mutually among them If one suffer all suffer with it if one member be had in honour all the members reioyce with it 1. Cor. 12. 26. Thirdlie it is well knowne
make their promise and bee acquainted with his trueth and honestie and with his state and habilitie and consider also of their owne sufficiencie whether they can without any great difficultie discharge that which they take vpon them if their neighbour should faile But this is want of good neighbourhood say they But this is a point of good wisedome saith God who neuer alloweth that neighbourhood for good which swarueth from holy discretion His commandement is Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe and therefore no man is bound to loue him more then himselfe especially when it is with hatred of himselfe and hurt of many others And in deede it is no worke of true loue but of fleshly friendship for loue doth neuer leade a man to doe any thing which God appointeth him to hate as in this place he doth all rash suretiship Verse 16. A gracious woman maintaineth her honour as strong men keepe riches A Gracious woman Which is indued with the feare of God and the heauenly gifts of the holy Ghost doth maintaine that is doth both get and hold a reuerend estimation and credit as strong men be of abilitie to obtaine wealth and riches and to defend that which they haue Doct. They which haue grace shall neuer want honour how meane and weake soeuer they be Euen women which are of the weaker sexe euen poore women which neither haue parentage nor beautie nor rich apparell to set them forth are yet reckoned among these honourable personages if they haue vertue for it is affirmed of euery one without exception of any S. Peter sheweth that there is no wife nor woman of pure conuersation whose heart is vncorrupt with a meeke and quiet spirit but she is much set by of God and become Sarahs daughter 1. Pet. 3. 2. 4. 6. And if the Lord so well like of all holie women he doth as much take pleasure in all holy men if hee bee more delighted with their pietie and lowlines then with gold and siluer with pearles and precious stones and all costly apparell then he will more esteeme also of the faith and loue and other graces of these then of lands and liuings and titles and all manner of dignities If they be transplanted into Sarahs kindred and haue her for their mother then these are incorporated into Abrahams stocke and haue him for their father Reasons 1 First they haue the constant spirit of God constantly resting vpon them and that is a spirit of glory as Saint Peter testifieth 1. Peter 4. 14. As therefore that can neither be kept away because Gods hand doth bestow it nor any plucke it away because Gods hand doth preserue it no more can any stay them from receiuing praise and commendation nor wrest it away from them when they haue it Secondly as the excellencie of Christians doth not consist in bodily pompe but in spirituall graces and behauiour so it is not so much apprehended with mens eies as with their hearts their consciences will praise them when their tongues reuile them as the Apostle saith we approoue our selues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God He would not appeale to their lippes before men 2. Cor. 4. 2. but to their soules before the Lord and then hee was sure they would iustifie him though in speech many would condemne him Now if it bee so a womans grace will as well shine to their hearts as a mans a poore bodies as well as rich folkes so long as they remaine godly aswell as when they began to be godlie and more at the last then at the first because their light groweth daily greater and brighter Thirdly it is true honour to haue the loue and liking of God and good men for vnfained godlines and goodnes and this belongeth to all the faithfull though neuer so meane and feeble They will hold first the feare of God in their hearts that none can bereaue them of it they will diligently doe the will of God in their liues that none can hinder them from it and then who shall forbid God to shew them the light of his countenance and who shall alienate the hearts of Gods people from wishing them well with kind and hartie affection Vse 1 Reproofe of many sinnefull women which seeke not honour by vertue but vanitie not by grace but garishnes And that they maintaine with might and maine with heart and hand with teeth and tongue and all the meanes which may be deuised It is as easie to take a purse of golde from a strong armed souldier as to perswade them to leaue their pride and idlenes and other wicked wayes which they vsually walke in But besides these there are other men and women to be reprehended which are as vnconstant in any good course as these are obstinate in euill They haue entred into the way of godlines with good commendation in the beginning and leaue off the race in the middest and runne to sinfulnesse with the world in the later ende They cowardly suffer themselues to bee ouercome and rifled and robbed of their honour their crowne is taken from them their glorie is turned into shame and reproach and causeth them to renounce that goodnes which before they seemed to imbrace to forsake the fellowship of Christians with whom they were wont to conuerse to neglect the duties of pietie which they were wont to exercise to giue ouer the care of their families which they were wont to instruct Euen this that they would not be despised and brought to contempt they would not be mocked and iested at for precisenes they would not lose their credit and good account But is honour preferred by casting off grace will this be a meanes to make them glorious to shake off vertue and shew themselues vicious They vtterly deceiue themselues for our text saith that they must bee gracious persons which shall be able to maintaine and keepe their honour Consolation for poore maligned and molested Christians whose weakenes the power of the wicked seekes to play vpon and whose meanes the pompous proude worldlings haue in derision and striue also to make contemptible to all others The highest sinner in the world is vnable to hurt the lowest saint or the most glorious among them to shame the most feeble among these It is as possible for a young childe by force to wring the weapons out of a giants hand or take his monie out of his bosome or to draw his heart bloud out of his body as it is to strip any one good man of his reuerent estimation And what meane they then to surmise that a few of them and such as bee in disgrace with God and all prudent men can bring downe and cast to the ground the whole Church of God Let them know that euery woman of Christ his armie is too hard for any man for all men yea and for all the fiends that are in Sathans campe Euerie child may bid defiance to him and his whole host of
thou hast done that make not an end but giue to more than thou didst before As if hee should haue said bestow as much seede as thou hast land to lay it on and get as much land as thou hast seede to sow it with But infidelitie can hold no longer in hearing this but out commeth her worthie question How shall I liue my selfe hereafter if I giue away all now who knoweth what hard times be comming Now he stoppeth her mouth with retortion of her owne reason No man knoweth what euill daies may come and therefore wisedome would that we should make prouision for our selues before hand And nothing is surer laid vp then that which is charitablie laide out that will serue for a deere yeere and a rainie day as wee are wont to speake in our prouerbe Reproofe of the follie of miserable niggards who being greedie of getting more know not how to vse that which they haue and therefore take the way to consume all The one halfe of our text is a threatning against them and all the reasons which did confirme the good estate of liberall persons do as much conclude the hard case of pinching neere misers by the contrary They put their talent to no good vse and therefore may daily looke to haue it taken away from them They intitle themselues to the threatnings and curses of the law and therefore cannot auoide the iudgements whereof the stroake of pouertie and needines is one among others Sighes and complaints goe vp to God against them but few prayers and no thanksgiuing at all for them Their beneuolence and goodnes doth not stand the poore Saints in such steed as that the Lord for their sakes should commit any part of his substance to their hands or leaue that with them which they haue fingred alreadie Verse 25. The liberall soule shall waxe fat and hee that giueth plentifullie shall powre forth THese words haue affinitie with the former part of the verse next before and are ioyned to it partly in way of explication and partly in way of illustration And therfore first he sheweth who obtaine that blessing to increase by scattring that is they whose liberalitie beginneth at their hearts and then he declareth the prosperous successe thereof by a similitude from wel-springs which receiue as much water inwardly as they send forth outwardly which if they should faile of issue would also faile of fulnes the waters diuerting their course some other way where they might haue better passage or else infusing themselues in the earth and mould of the adiacent places round about and so make a quagmire The same comparison doth Isaiah vse for the same purpose The Lord shall satisfie thy soule continually in drought Isai 58. 11. and make fat thy bones and thou shalt bee like a watred garden and like a spring of water whose waters faile not Doct. He that expecteth comfort for sound mercie must not onelie applie his hand but his soule to the exercise of well doing That is the seate of loue which giueth life to all good actions and without which in regrad of themselues it is as good neuer a whit as neuer the better For though a man should feede the poore with 1. Cor. 13. 3. all his goods and haue not loue it profiteth him nothing Esaias conditioneth with thē who would haue the Lord to powre forth his mercies and blessings vpon them that they should not onely powre out their foode and victuals but their soules also to the hungrie Isa 58. 10. Reasons 1 First there is required a needefull worke of the soule in this seruice and that is wisedome and discretion So is a mercifull man commended in the Psalmes A good man is mercifull and Psal 112. 5. lendeth and will measure his affaires by iudgement And so is a liberall man described by the Prophet Esaias That he will deuise of Isai 32. 8. liberall things He will meditate where his gifts may best be placed what is fittest to be giuen how much is meete for him to contribute in what manner he should performe it Secondly compassion must be ioyned with it that the helper and the partie holpen may mutually communicate their cases each with other he that is in prosperitie bearing a part of his brothers burthen and he that is in aduersitie receiuing a portion of his neighbours blessings This could Iob truly testifie of himselfe that he vsed to weepe for them that were in trouble and his Iob 30. 25. soule was in heauinesse for the poore Thirdly it must be seasoned with cheerefulnes that it may bee more comfortable to man that shall receiue it and likewise more acceptable to God that will reward it Hereof doth the Apostle admonish the Corinthians to an especiall regard saying As euery man wisheth in his heart so let him giue not grudgingly nor of 2. Cor. 9. 7. necessitie for God loueth a cheerefull giuer Vse 1 Reproofe of them whose soules haue neuer any dealing in doing of good vnlesse it be to peruert all with Pharisaicall hypocrisie and vaine glorie They giue hand ouer head to tagge and ragge without difference of any except they shut out the best and bestow on the worst frowning on them that are the most honest and feeding of them that of all others are the most vnworthie They contribute to good vses with no lesse difficultie than if a distresse of a fine or amercement were to bee extorted from them Commiseration and pitie are meere strangers vnto them their hearts haue no acquaintance at all with them Consolation to poore men that they are not excluded from the grace and blessednesse of being merciful though they attaine not to the state and abilitie of being wealthie Mercie is not placed with mony in the purse but dwelleth with loue and kindnes in the heart He that can mourne with such as doe mourne hee that can pray for them that bee in distresse he that can any way seeke to comfort the afflicted may truly be said to haue a soule of blessing and is of God himselfe esteemed mercifull The successe which mercifull men shall finde for their owne estate hath been alreadie declared in the former verse and therefore in this may be passed ouer Verse 26. He that withdraweth corne the people will curse him but blessing shall be vpon the head of him that selleth corne IT is not vnlawfull to keepe in corne as Ioseph did in the time of plentie to bee prouided against scarcitie and dearth but when we may spare it and others neede it then to with hold the selling thereof in hope to raise the price this tendeth to a common hurt and therefore will cause a common complaint of the people against vs. But on the other side blessing shall be on his head that selleth corne he shall not only haue the good testimonie and prayers of men beneath but the blessing of God himselfe from aboue descend vpon him Prouided that his heart be vpright therein
heart as grieuous as the ach of the bones or corruption of the marrow which is more painfull and incurable than an vlcer in the flesh The antithesis is thus A vertuous woman is the crowne of her husband and so a great ioy and gladnes to his heart but a vicious woman is a shame to her husband and as a rottennes in his bones Doct. No outward thing in all the world is better than a good wife It is not so well with a rich man that hath his house stored with abundance of wealth as with a poore man that hath his house garnished with a Christian wife so that hee be also a godly man and a faithfull husband By this meanes hee may be made conspicuous though his state and degree were otherwise obscure and it is lawfull in this sort for a meane subiect without disloyaltie to his Prince to weare a crowne of good reputation and credit If the valew and brightnes of pearles and precious stones draw mens eyes to behold them that possesse and weare them much more will this rich iewell whose price and beautie exceedeth the best of them For God himselfe who seeth euery sort of them and euery one of them and knoweth their seuerall worths and hath made them all hee setteth a gracious wife at an higher rate than any of them and saith that her price is farre aboue Carbuncles Prou. 31. 10. Reasons 1 First they are very scarce and hard to come by and therefore it is said Who shall finde a vertuous woman There are incompatably Prou. 31. 10. more wiues than God will praise for good wiues and more maides and widowes than hee will commend to good men to match with As therefore those that are gracious are rare so are they also the more remarkable and so they more adorne their husbands If crownes were as commonly worne as hats men would esteeme of hats as much as of crownes Secondly good wiues to godly men are all of the Lords prouiding he made the match in mercie and fauour and therefore Prou. 18. 22. the more to be regarded He more immediatly declareth his loue in this than in bestowing lands and liuings or any other goods or substance So saith this Scripture House and riches are the inheritance of the fathers but a prudent wife commeth of the Lord Prou. 19. 14. Thirdly man hath more interest in his wife than he can haue in any other creature She is appropriated to him with neerest bonds of vnion She is not so properly called his as a part of him and one flesh with him As the two parts of man soule and body make one person so two persons man and woman make one matrimoniall bodie Then how should he not take comfort in her graces and gifts which are made his owne together with her Fourthly the benefits which a vertuous wife doth bring to a worthy husband are manifold and worthie to be regarded She will labour to refresh his heart with comfort and to preserue his bodie in health she will be a helper for his familie and prouident for his state she will be tender of his credite and cheerefull to his friends she will euery way applie her selfe to shew her loue and procure his best prosperitie These we shall handle particularlie in the one and thirtie chapter if God permit vs to proceede so farre Contrarie to the waies of this good woman is the behauiour of a bad wife who worketh both shame and griefe to her husband All her sinfulnesse maketh him ashamed vnlesse hee bee shamelesse which is his greater shame A wicked sonne is a blot to his father and a disordered seruant is no credit to his maister and therefore much more doth an vngodly wife disgrace and blemish her yoke-fellow And as she putteth matter of talk into other mens mouthes so she laieth burdens vpon his backe and powreth sorrowes into his heart by contempt and wrongs and indignities Oh the calamitie of them that are put to harbour their enemies harlots in their owne beds and bosoms And what a miserie is it for a man to commit the greatest part of his substance to her that is a priuie theefe whereby shee hath all before her to choose what shee will to rob him of And hard is their case whose wiues are meere spies to know and discouer and publish abroad their secrets and faults and infirmities to their great reproach And what shall wee speake of such as are swinish with drunkennesse and of gadders and busie bodies abroad which in all contentions are alwaies parties and wheresoeuer they come they raise contentions What comfort doe these women minister to their husbands that loue peace and sobrietie As for such as are turbulent in their owne houses and froward and rebellious against their head the spirit of God telleth vs what profitable pleasant and amiable companions they be In the ninteenth chapter of this booke it is said that the contentions of a wife Prou 19. 13. are like a continuall dropping Consider what vexation it is for a man to haue raine falling fast vpon his head and bodie especially if there be no intermission that he may drie himselfe againe and most of all if it be through the roofe of his house to rot his timber and spoile his stuffe and take away the comfort of his meate and rest when at bed and boord and euery where hee shall be as it were vnder a running spout And elsewhere he affirmeth that it is better to dwell in a corner of the house top that is on a pinnacle Prou. 21. 9. vpon the top of the house without then with a contentious woman in a wide house And yet more in the same chapter that it is better to dwell in the wildernesse among wild beasts then with a contentious vers 19. and angrie woman Vse 1 Instruction to such as be vnmarried to haue principall respect of vertue and grace in their choice As for parentage personage portion and other things of like nature let them be regarded if they waite vpon religion and pietie otherwise suffer them not to put wiues vpon you or rather presse sorrow and shame vpon you as many feele to their woe which onely looke to outward things 2. To such as are maried if God hath vouchsafed them that mercie to giue them vertuous women let them both giue him the praise and take the comfort to themselues whether they bee rich or poore and vse all good vsage and incouragement to such good yokefellowes A iust testimonie and commendations of them and sometimes vnto them sufficient allowance both of libertie Pro. 31. 29. 31. and maintenance according to their husbands abilitie is due vnto them in equitie and iustice But whatsoeuer their abilitie is they are able to shew kindnesse and good countenance to them and that must not be wanting Saint Paul would haue husbands to loue their wiues therfore because they are wiues and to Col. 3. 19. be bitter to
Elias Elisha and our Sauiour himselfe and he that is alwaies altogether destitute of this doth prouoke God to bee angrie with him for want of zeale and hatred of sinne But it is a passionate anger that is here reproued which is not a power of the soule but an impotencie He that conceiueth the other is an agent and doth a seruice to God but hee that is moued with this is a mere patient and sinne hath in that case preuailed against him Now it is said that a foole will be knowne the same day that is suddenlie and speedily as soone as he is prouoked he will shew it by outcries reuilings or threatnings or other such like signes of choller But a wise man so farre as his wisedome worketh and his naturall corruption and infirmities breake not out will hide shame that is will suppresse his anger and passe by the iniuries offered to him and not disgrace himself by returning reprochful speeches to him that hath done him the wrong Doct. They much be wray and lay open their folly that are giuen to be hastie to anger God did see it before within but now men shall also discerne it without that which formerlie did lurke in the soule will breake out by this into sight It will shew it selfe in their countenance in their gestures in their words in their actions And therefore it is said that the discretion of a man deferreth his anger and his glory Prou. 11. 11. is to passe by an offence Reasons First the originall and roote of this rash and hastie anger is sinfull and euill it proceedeth from the corruption of nature it is the worke of the flesh and a limbe of the old man Gal. 5. 20. Col. 3. 8. That holy anger against sinne and Gods dishonour doth not come so easily nor is so readie at hand that must be labored for and obtained by prayer and other godly exercises and when there is cause of it our flesh is very vnwilling to entertaine it Secondly more specially pride and a hie minde that disdaineth to beare any indignities doth kindle it and cause the flame thereof to breake out so violently Thirdly for the manner thereof it is inconsiderate and without all iudgement taking those to be enemies that are friends and those to be offences that are kindnesses and those offences to be the greatest that are the least and that to deserue much blame and punishment which is to be passed by with silence Fourthly the effects of it are daungerous as S. Iames saith that the wrath of man worketh not the righteousnesse of God Iam. 1. 20. And this scripture that he that is hastie to anger committeth follie yea exalteth folly Prou. 14. 17. 29. as shall bee shewed more particularly in that place And our Sauiour that hee that is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shall bee culpable of iudgement And he that shall raile with all and call his brother foole shall be punished with hell fire Mat. 5. 22. Vse 1 Instruction to vse meanes that our hearts may bee stored with the wisedome which is from aboue that is peaceable and gentle Let vs not rake in the sinke of others mens faults to annoy our selues with the vnsauorie smell of them and therewith to be defiled and made as vnsauorie to others Hee that will take all aduantages of wronges done to him shall wrong his owne name with infamie and he that couereth the shame of others in priuate iniuries doth actually publish his owne praise as the holy Ghost saith It is a mans glorie to passe by an offence it is his honour to cease from strife Pro. 19. 11. 20. 3. Consider how amiable and louely a grace this mildnes this meekenesse this long sufferance and forbearance is it declareth wisedome it winneth credit it draweth loue it pearceth their hearts if any thing can that are so spared it bringeth comfort to our owne soules for the assurance of Gods mercie in pardoning of our sinnes Reproofe of them that for credites sake because they would not be counted fooles will rifle into euery word that is spoken and euery action that is done against them And so to auoide the name of fooles they will doe the workes of fooles and to haue the reputation of wise men they will practise that which is contrarie to wisedome they will shame themselues in desire of honour and bring contempt vpon their owne heades in hope to be much regarded When they shew themselues much displeased it seemeth to them that they are much feared and indeede they are much despised great heate with offer of reuenge they thinke will be imputed to great courage and magnanimity but God and wise men ascribe it to folly and debilitie It is a certaine rule of truth that he is most valiant that is most patient and so getteth Rom. 12. 21. the victory that ouercommeth euill with goodnesse And no conquerer is so mightie as he that subdueth his owne passions and distempered affections For so doth the Lord himselfe who is the fittest vmpiere in this and all other causes set downe his award He that is slow to anger is better then the mightie man and hee that Prou. 16. 32. ruleth his owne mind is better then he that winneth a citie Verse 17. He that speaketh trueth will shew righteousnesse but a false witnesse vseth deceit HE that speaketh ordinarily in his common speech that which is true will shew righteousnesse that is will carie himselfe iustlie and further righteousnesse with his testimonie when hee shall bee publikely called thereunto But a false witnesse a false man becomming a false witnesse will vse deceit will make a shew of trueth and peraduenture vtter some part thereof but with such craft and cunning as shall be contrarie to righteousnes and hurtfull to any good cause Doct. 1 He that speaketh the trueth c. They that vse not their tongues to the trueth in priuate can hardly be brought to deale truelie in publike There must be as well a trayning of that to make it fit for equitie and iustice as of the hands and other parts of the bodie to make them skilfull in handling a weapon and bearing of armes and doing of other feates that belong to a souldier As no man is meete to be made a publike person and to be called to eminent place either of magistracie or ministerie that hath not before declared his worthinesse by shewing forth those vertues and excellent qualities which the holy Ghost prescribeth in the scriptures so likewise is not any competent for any worke that is publicke vnlesse his former conuersation vpright and honest commend him vnto it but least of all if the contrarie be found common and ordinarie with him The rule which our Sauiour giueth in another case will hold as firmely in this Hee that is faithfull in the Luk. 16. 10. least he is also faithfull in much and he that is vniust in the least is also vniust in much Reasons First the mouth
persecutors God is our defence and therefore they cannot ouerthrow vs God is our glorie and accounteth vs for glorious and therefore they cannot shame vs. In Isaiah this is often pressed Feare thou not I am with thee be not afraid for I am thy God I will strengthen thee and helpe thee and will sustaine thee with the right hand of my iustice Behold all they that prouoke thee shall bee ashamed and confounded and they that striue with thee shall perish Feare not thou worme Iacob and yee men of Israel I will helpe thee saith the Lord and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel Thou wast precious in my sight and thou wast honourable and I loued thee c. Isa 41. 10. 11. 14. and 43. 4. 1. For men that are trulie gracious and yet timerous and full of dread lest Sathan should take aduantage by their imbecillity and want of courage and learning to draw them to apostasie and back-sliding Consider that hee can keepe backe none from obtaining honour whosoeuer either man or woman doth soundly endeuour to be godly doth take a sure and infallible way to bee well thought of none euer failed or was disappointed of that successe Remember also that when God hath once giuen it the diuell can neuer take it away from any but it remaineth to their liues end and to the worlds end and world without end then be well assured that is vnable to depriue vs of grace and constant faithfulnes for that is the spring from whence the other floweth that is the bodie of the light and the other but the beames which proceede from the brightnesse of it Verse 17. He that is a mercifull man rewardeth his owne soule but he that is cruell troubleth his owne flesh BY a mercifull man is ment such a one as with a tender and pitifull heart doth good both to the bodies and soules of men according to their neede and his owne abilitie And freely also remitteth wrongs and passeth by offences without reuengement Where it is said that he rewardeth his owne soule the sense is that he procureth to himselfe both soule and bodie a reward from God and that as certaine as large and continuall as if the fulnesse of power were in his owne hand to bestow vppon himselfe as much happinesse for as long time as his heart could possiblie desire But he that is cruell Which either in violence or rigour vseth to offer men hard measure or shutteth vp his compassion from them that are in affliction that he will no way releeue or seeke to comfort troubleth his owne flesh that is hurteth his owne bodie and in like manner his soule also Doct. 1 Euery mans dealing with others shall rebound to himselfe whether it be in cruelty or kindnes Mercifull men shall receiue mercy from Gods owne hand and from their brethren whom he will stirre vp to shew loue and fauour vnto them and those which are fierce and boisterous to others shall not faile to be recompenced in time the Lord will be as seuere as they are cruell and as strict in iustice to them as they are rigorous in extremitie to others And this shall not alwaies be reserued to the last day or to their death or to the torments in the world to come but spoilers be many times spoiled in this life oppressors bee oppressed and tyrants be ouerthrowne by tyrannie And therefore our Sauiour giueth an admonition that they which would not bee iudged should not iudge they which would not bee condemned should not condemne they which would be forgiuen should be readie to forgiue they which would haue giuen vnto them should giue vnto others For with what measure yee mete saith hee shall men measure to you againe Luk. 6. 37. 38. To spare to speake of such arguments as may be gathered from the estate and name of mercifull men and the contrarie because they follow hereafter in this chapter and wee would not forestall our selues we wil hold our selues to the words as they are literally fet downe in the text and make it appeare that euery mans owne soule receiueth most good by the goodnes which hee exerciseth towards others Reasons 1 First it is a forcible meanes for grace to be increased in him and Gods ordinances to be blessed to him Hee heareth the word of God delightfully and it worketh effectually in him No people were more ready to distribute to the reliefe of their brethren then the poore Churches of Macedonia and Paul had neuer greater 1. Cor. 8. 1. 2. effect and comfort of his ministerie then in the Macedonian Churches So doe they pray with feruency and boldnes and good hearts then with mercie and fauour Dauid had incouragement Psalm 86. 2. to call vpon God for the preseruation of his soule when he could truely pleade that he was mercifull Cornelius lost not his labour in praying but found a comfortable and blessed successe when the Angell could tell him that his almes came vp together with Acts 10. 4. his praiers in remembrance before God Secondly it maketh way for comfort in feares temptations and afflictions it inuiteth godly men to repaire vnto vs it maketh them desirous to refresh our hearts it strengtheneth their hope in their supplications to God it ministreth arguments for perswasion to our selues Or if they should not come at vs or hope so well of vs or deale so well with vs yet out owne consciences with the testimony of Gods spirit would support our soules in greatest extremitie as Iob did find by happie experience Iob 31. It is a treasure that is safely layed vp in heauen for our glorie whereof much will be giuen vs when we shall be dissolued and goe to Christ but most of all when we shall be restored and Christ come to vs. At his glorious appearance shall they appeare in glorie which haue been pitifull to his members and fruitfull in mercie They shall stand at his right hand and to them shall he say Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning of the world But all goeth Matth. 25. 34. crosse with carnall persons The Lord giueth them no grace by his word and other ordinances but challengeth them for comming into his house with bloodie hands As he hath stopped his Isa 1 eares at the crie of the poore so he shall crie himselfe and not bee heard Miserie will miserably torment him his house is not a safe Prou. 21. 13. place for Christians to resort vnto Lions dennes seldome fit for Lambes to be in when good men be present what can they say to mitigate his feares or to lessen his sorrowes If others be silent will his owne conscience speake for him Nay of all that and the lawe of God will bee most forward and forcible to accuse and condemne him And then at his death he commeth into the case of the rich man spoken of in the Gospell that was tormented with flames
and fountaine of all hurts and dangers and that is sinne the guiltinesse of it is taken away by remission and the punishment by his suffring and the power by his grace what then is the peril that we shuld stand in feare of Secondly he maketh all his fruitfull and the fruite is a fence to Gods trees though mens bee more beaten and broken by cudgels and poles for that which groweth vpon them Thirdly euery one of them that haue Christ for their roote haue God the Father for their dresser and keeper Ioh. 15. And therefore if any thing bee hurtfull in them he taketh it away if any thing be wanting to them he maketh supplie if violence be attempted against them he resisteth it This happinesse of the Church and vse of particular Christians doth God himselfe speake of making profession of his prouident care of them in the prophecie of Isaiah Sing saith he of the vineyard of red wine I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it euery moment lest any assaile it I Isai 27. 2. 3. will keepe it night and day Fourthly one especiall part of the sappe that Christ the roote of Christians doth send vp to his branches is the spirit of prayer and that maketh their prayers fit to come vp to him and hee maketh them meete to be presented to his father now then in all their troubles they will surely crie to him and whensoeuer they doe crie he will more surely heare them and whensoeuer he heareth them he will most assuredlie helpe them Vse 1 Instruction to trie in what state we stand by the roote that we grow vpon Euery man and woman euery person that is discended from Adam is a braunch of a tree either growing naturallie as he was borne in the old stocke and so hee is subiect to Gods displeasure iudgements or els is ingrafted into Christ as being new borne and so hath his part in Gods fauour and mercies If we would therefore haue our harts at libertie without dread of calamities and miserie we must draw all our safetie from whence we deriue our saluation and that is from the Lord Iesus our Sauiour and our being in him and growing in him and communion with him Externall meanes will not suffice to secure vs from hurts without this inward medicine and deliuerance from plagues by God owne hand will not comfort vs without the respect of this cause Consolation to them that be in Christ as the Apostle saith to the Romans that there is no damnation to them so the spirit saith Rom. 8. 1. here that there is no danger to them there is assurance that nothing shall keepe them from heauen and euerlasting life and here is a warrant that nothing shall hurt them in earth and in this life That godly gloriation which is vsed there against the enemies of our soules may fitly also bee vsed here against the enemies of our bodies If God be on our side who can bee against vs Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish Rom. 8. 31. 35. or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or sword Though Sathan and sinners would yet they can doe nothing against vs that shall bee for our hurt and though God himselfe can yet he will doe nothing to vs that shall not turne to our good Verse 13. The euill man is snared by the wickednes of his lippes but the wise shall come out of aduersitie AS wicked men doe maliciouslie abuse their tongues to the hurt of others so also many times they ouershoote themselues so farre as that aduantage is taken of their words to their owne perill and hurt as on the other side the godly doe often times helpe themselues out of troubles by the wisedome of their speeches Doct. 1 They that haue euill tongues doe most hurt themselues with them This point we reserue to be handled in the sixt and seuenth verses of the eightenth chapter where will bee fitter occasion to handle it more fullie Doct. 2 But the righteous shall come out c. He is neuer destitute of a good helper in his troubles that hath a good tongue to deale for him Hee doth not here onely set downe the assurance that such as feare God haue to escape from their afflictions but the meanes whereby they obtaine their deliuerance God hath ordained troubles for his people to be tried with and he hath appointed the issue out aswell as the entrance in and their enemies malicious words doe commonly worke their molestation and their owne Christian speeches doe vsually procure their peace and libertie Reasons 1 First the wrath of those that are incensed against them is thereby much abated if not altogether pacified If they bee not wholy implacable and such as haue cast off all humanitie milde and gentle speeches will mitigate their displeasure A Prince is pacified by staying of anger and a soft answere breaketh the bones Prou. 25. 15. Secondly words of trueth being wisely deliuered will very much grace a good cause to the satisfying of them that knew it not before and the refuting of them that are false accusers and the winning of their fauours that for mercie were not so well affected to them Hereof we haue an example in the prophecie of Ieremie The Priests and the Prophets accused him to the Princes and people as a man deseruing to be put to death for his doctrine Hee hath libertie to speake for himselfe hee proueth his innocencie by shewing the author of all that he preached and that was God giuing him a commaundement to publish it and the end that they should repent and amend their waies and so escape the iudgements threatned The Princes and all the people presently were on his side they spake for him they cleared him of that crime which was charged vpon him they iustified his faithfulnesse in his ministerie This man is not worthie to die say they for he hath Ierem. 26. 16. spoken to vs in the name of the Lord. Thirdly with godly and gracious words of prayer godly men preuaile with God himselfe as it was said of Iacob and therefore Gen. 32. 28. no aduersitie can preuaile against them For this and the vses thereof see the eight verse of the former chapter where are almost the very words of this present text Verse 14. A man shall be satiat with good things by the fruite of his mouth and the recompence of a mans hands shall God giue vnto him A Man shall be satiate with good things c. That is shall bee recompenced by the Lord with great blessings for the good vsage of his tongue when hee speaketh to Gods glorie and the edification of his brethren or for iustice and equitie in the behalfe of them that are wronged and iniuriouslie dealt with Hee will stirre vp men to loue him and shew kindnes vnto him yea those sometimes which be of great place and able to doe him much good as it is