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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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now shine so clearely so comfortably vpon vs in the face of Christ Iesus our Lord seeing that we being holden vnder sinne and Sathan and sitting in the shadow of death vvere neuer able in any wise by any meanes whatsoeuer procured by our selues or others Angels or any creature else to haue recouered our selues but should haue lyen rotting in that vvoful and damnable estate and so haue perished eternally if God of his meere loue had not vouchsafed speciall grace and fauour vnto vs and that vvhen vve were his enemies Rom. 5.10 Isay 49.9 Luke 1.79 and freed and redeemed vs from that miserable bondage and thraldome yea from the power of darknesse euen death and destruction it selfe and translated vs into that glorious libertie of his Saints in light and this by no smal or ordinarie meanes 1 Pet. 1.18 but by the shedding of the precious blood of Christ his deare son our blessed Sauiour who loued vs and according to the determinate counsell and decree of God gaue himselfe to be crucified slaine for vs euen for vs that had dealt most treacherously and rebelliously against him made our selues altogether vnworthy of the least mercy and fauour of his O mercifull God heauenly father giue me to see vvhat and how great this benefit is which I haue receiued from thee in and through thy Christ Let me euer be mindfull of it and vnfainedly thankefull vnto thee for it yea as this bountifull and inestimable goodnesse of thine towards me so sinfull a wretch and so vnworthie a creature as I am and haue beene deserueth all praise so let mee indeuour by al meanes to set forth and to publish the same vnto the glory of thy grace whereby in the riches of thy loue through thy beloued thou hast done so great and wonderfull things for me for which I can neuer be sufficiently thankefull nor returne that praise which is most due vnto thee Oh that thou wouldest draw me yet neerer vnto thee cause me euen to melt in loue towards thee my God and Sauiour and with heart voyce and life to magnifie and extoll thy name yea to giue vp my selfe both body and soule and all that is within me vnto thy seruice and to the aduancement of thy glory both now and euer Amen Thankefulnesse to God for all his fauours towards vs especially that wonderfull loue of his in our redemption IF GOD had giuen vs nothing but our being wee ought to be stirred vp with the remembrance of that alone to be thankeful vnto him and to acknowledge his mercie and goodnesse towards vs herein But now seeing that hee maketh vs Lords of all these senselesse and vnreasonable creatures Psal 8.6 whereas hee might haue made vs bruitish and voyd of sense and reason like vnto them 21. for wee were all made of the same common matter vvith them and were in his hands as the clay in the hand of the potter to bee wrought to what forme and fashion it pleased him the Creatour of all things 42. seeing he hath preferred vs before all these visible creatures making them to serue vs whereas he might haue subiected vs vnto them and in euery creature both in heauen and earth doth sparkle towards vs his loue with innumerable benefits yea which is the summe of all in Christ vpon the Crosse casts forth the flame of perfect charitie and of his infinite vnspeakeable mercie and kindnesse towards vs sure our hearts are frozen and euen dead within vs if vvee be not moued to loue him with an entire and vnfained loue How should vvee bee affected vvith these things O blessed LORD touch my heart with a true and liuely sense and feeling of the riches of that endlesse incomprehensible loue of thine towards me inlarge this narrow heart of mine that I may be able in some measure with all thy Saints to comprehend the bredth Eph. 3.18.19 length depth and height of that wonderfull and vnspeakeale kindnes of thine towards me in thy Christ which passeth all knowledge Inflame my affections with the meditation thereof and let mee be constrained thereby to loue thee with all my heart with all my soule with all my strength euer to acknowledge thy free grace and marueilous goodnes towards me and for the same to sing prayses vnto thee continually who onely art worthy to be praised and magnified now and for euer Amen Who are the redeemed of Christ THey that are Christs are led by the spirit of Christ that dwels in them rules them Rom. 8.9.14 gouernes sanctifies them thorowout It freeth them from the law of sinne and death and causeth them to liue the life of grace and holinesse Rom. 8.2 they are crucified with Christ in regard of their corrupt and fleshly nature and the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof Gal. 2.19 5.24 1 Cor. 3.16.17 2 Cor. 6.16 so that they liue not now as they did before but Christ liueth in them maketh them a mansion and a holy temple fitted and prepared for the blessed and glorious God to rest and to abide in for euermore This is a truth that the Scriptures of God haue sealed and therefore cannot be denied or once doubted of except we will giue the lie vnto the spirit of truth it selfe who hath spoken it Whose then are they that are led altogether by the spirit of the vvorld euen that vvicked spirit that worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience by the spirit of enuie Ephes 2.2 maliciousnesse vncleannesse prophanenesse c. walking after their owne lusts following the sway of their owne corrupt and sinnefull nature and delighting in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the minde resisting the spirit of grace and rebelling against Christ Luk. 19.14 and that light which hee hath reuealed vnto them in his word so that they will not haue him to rule ouer them Surely Luk. 19.14 1 Ioh. 3.8.10 they are exceeding blinde and marueilous full of selfe-loue and vaine presumption if they can thinke that they are Christs redeemed by his bloud and iustified by his grace nay if they can once imagine themselues to be otherwise then of Satan the god of this world such as if they continue in that estate wherein they are he will cause to be slaine before his face Luk. 19.27 Rom. 8.13 when hee shall appeare in the brightnesse of his glorie yea Psal 2.9 2 Thes 1.8 Matt. 25.46 bruise and crush them in pieces as it vvere with a rod of yron and cast them into hell where they shall be kept for euer in chaines of darkenesse with the rest of those damned spirits because they haue taken part with Sathan against Christ and shewed themselues to be enemies to him in refusing to beleeue obey his blessed Gospell Let not therefore their owne hearts which are very deceitful nor Sathan who hath beene a lyar a murtherer from the beginning deceiue delude
they what they do whē they do ill vnto thee they strike against the Rock which will dash them in peeces q Isay 8.15 they kicke against the pricke r Act. 9.5 Touch not mine annoynted s Psal 105 15 saith the Lord those that are annoynted with the heauenly graces of my holy spirit yea which is more touch not harme not those that are vnited vnto mee that are as neare vnto me as mine own flesh bones the t Zachar. 2 8 apple of mine eyes most deare and tender vnto me Christ cannot indure this he will not suffer it to goe vnpunished O it is a fearefull thing to be an enemie to the least of Christs redeemed ones Feare v Isay 8.12.13 not therefore the feare of any man that in opposing thee setteth himselfe against Christ thy Sauiour but let them feare and tremble whiles they doe it and trust thou in the Lord and cleaue fast vnto him in all things And seeing he hath linked thee vnto himselfe so neare making thee his Spouse and professing himselfe to bee iealous of x Exod. 20 5. Hos 2.2.7 thy loue see that thou preparest thy selfe so as thou mayest alwayes be ready to bee presented vnto him as a y 2 Cor. 11.2 pure Virgin that so hee may delight z Prou. 8.31 Cant. 4.10 in thee and in thy loue continually O mercifull LORD doe thou vvorke and frame my heart vnto these things daily more and more I humbly beseech thee especially inflame my frozen and benummed affections and kindle in me the sparkes of true and vnfained loue vnto thee who hast dealt so exceeding graciously with me aboue all merits or deserts of mine Oh what a vvonderfull and vnspeakeable loue is this of thee my GOD and Sauiour that thou shouldest picke and cull mee out of the a Gal. 1.4 vvorld a sinnefull vvretch a forlorne person not worthy of the least degree of thy loue a branch of that cursed b Rom. 11.17 5.12 17. roote the sonne of Adam the childe of vvrath perdition for so I must needs confesse I was by c Ephes 2.3 Tit. 3.3 nature as well as others and vnite me so nearely d Ephes 2.13 vnto thine owne selfe as to bee flesh of thy flesh and bone of thy bone one with thee as thou art one with the Father O the depth e Ephes 3.18 of thy loue and infinite compassions towards me It cannot be conceiued it cannot bee expressed vvhat a marueilous degree of loue this is It is vnsearchable boundles bottomlesse O let the meditation of it euen rauish my heart and soule and cause me to breake forth vncessantly into praise and thankefulnesse vnto thee and to seeke by all meanes to shew my loue vnto thee who hast magnified thy Grace Mercy so richly towards me in making me of so wretched a creature so blessed and glorious though the vaile be yet so spread before mine eyes that f Col. 3.3.4 1 Ioh. 3.2 I cannot perfectly see or discerne what my blessednesse and glory is but shall haue it fully manifested both vnto my selfe and others vvhen thou who art my life and hope shalt appeare in glory and be made marueilous in g 2 Thes 1.10 all them that beleeue in thee How Christians are to liue in regard of that neere vnion that is betweene them and Christ THE bodie of euery true beleeuer is a member of Christs a 1 Cor. 6.15 body How carefully therefore ought they alwayes to keepe them from being the instruments of sinne or the weapons b Rom. 6.19 of vnrighteousnesse sith Christ thereby is so greatly dishonoured Shall the members of Christ be made the limmes of Sathan Shall his tongue speake vvickednesse his eyes see vanitie his hands worke iniquitie or any part of his mysticall body be made an instrument to commit sinne and vnrighteousnesse God forbid Blessed Lord seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free grace through faith to vnite me vnto Christ my head and blessed Sauiour to ingraffe me into his body and to make euen this weake and fraile body of mine a true member of his mysticall body graunt I beseech thee that I may labour continually to keep this vessell of mine holy and vndefiled free from all pollution and defilement of sinne and from being an instrument to commit any wickednesse lest thereby I should dishonour my head shew my selfe vnworthy c 2 Cor. 6.14.15 to be ioyned vnto him in so neere and happy a vnion yea let it bee my endeauour alwayes to preserue my body in puritie and holinesse and to giue all the parts and members thereof seruants vnto righteousnesse yea to serue thee continually both in body d 1 Cor. 6.20 and spirit that so honour and glory may redound to Christ my Sauiour who with thee O Father and thy Spirit be blessed both now and for euer Amen How Christians are to be affected one towards another in regard of their vnion to Christ and each to other ALL that are true Christians being vnited vnto Christ their head are a 1 Cor. 12 members of the same body vnder Christ their head vnited each to other as they are all to Christ members one of another b Ephe. 4.4 liuing by the same Spirit and looking for the same glory c 1 Pet. 1.3 Ioh. 17.24 euen that immortall and neuer-fading inheritance reserued in the heauens for them where they shall dwell vvith Christ their Sauiour for euermore How then should they enuy hate and maligne one another and seeke to procure what mischiefe they can each to other What an vnkinde and vnnaturall thing is this Doth one member of the body euer hate d 1 Cor. 12.20.21 or enuie another yea the basest and meanest though indeed euen the basest and vncomliest haue not onely a vse and conueniencie for the rest but also a kinde of beautie and comlinesse in themselues howsoeuer in the present estate of this sinneful life couered with the shew of indecencie and morall dishonestie yea doth not one care for the other e 1 Cor. 12.25.26 suffer with the other and reioyce vvith the other So is it with all that are true Christians naturall and liuely members of that mysticall body of Christ Iesus There is a mutuall sympathy betweene them They are as it were of one heart and of one f Acts 4.32 soule They cannot but loue and affect those in whom they see euident or likely signes to perswade them that they are true Christians grafted vvith them into the same stocke they can not hate them from the heart they can not vvish or procure their euill but desire and seeke their good in all things and so much the more will their loue abound towards them as they see that they are more nearely vnited vnto Christ their Head and Sauiour Eyther therefore shew thy entire and Christian affection vnto all the Saints the members of Christ or else
neuer deceiue g 1 Ioh. 4.20 thy selfe with the vaine dreames of thine owne braine but know thy selfe and confesse as the trueth is that thou art not yet vnited vnto Christ that thou hast no part in him but art a stranger from him from that life of grace and glory which flowes from him yea that thou art of that serpentine h Gen. 3.15 seed which is alwayes at enmitie with the redeemed of Christ one of that vvicked race and of Sathans brood i Ioh. 3.10 a childe of the curse and an heire of perdition k Phil. 1.28 who could neuer abide the sonnes of the promised l Gal. 4.29 If thou sayest thou art in the light thou giuest God the lie m 1 Iohn 2.9.11 nay thou art couered vvith darkenesse and walkest like one blinded vnto thine owne destruction in that place of vtter darkenesse and euerlasting desolation Gracious Lord as thou hast in the riches of thy mercies vnited me vnto CHRIST and so through him to all that are his making vs all members of one body vvhereof he is the Head so vnite my heart and soule I humbly pray thee in an entire loue and affection vnto thee and vnto thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour and in him and for his sake to all those in vvhom I can see any signes or euidences that they are ingraffed into that mysticall body together with me children of the same Father brethren of the same Sauiour and Heires of the same grace and glory which thou hast freely promised to all thine O let mee neuer hate despise or vvrong the least of them in any sort for thereby I should shew my selfe to be very vnnaturall but let mee loue them delight in them n Psal 16.3 and seeke to doe o Gal. 6.10 them vvhat good I can by any meanes Let mee root out of my heart all sinister conceits and wicked surmises which are the very bane of true Christian loue and Charitie and let me bend my selfe alwayes to thinke the best of p 1 Cor. 13 them and to doe the best for them according to their necessitie and my ability yea let them alwayes bee deare vnto mee and precious in mine eyes and so much the more as they shall appeare to be more neerely and firmely vnited vnto thee that thus I may please thee and haue assurance that I am a liuely member of CHRIST IESVS the Head of his Church and my blessed LORD and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all prayse and glory both now and euermore Amen A wicked life and the profession of Religion how ill they agree AS is a precious Pearle in the dirt or a Iewell of Gold in a Swines snout so is the name of a Christian or the profession of Religion in one of a wicked and prophane life How vnbeseeming a thing is it How ill doe they agree How is the glory and beautie of the one stained and blemished by the vilenesse and basenes of the other Either therefore let men neuer take this honour vnto themselues to be called and accounted Christians and to weare the badge and cognisance of Christs holy and redeemed ones or else let them as it is meet they should cast away the cloaks of shame wherewith they haue couered themselues heretofore and abandon all their former sinfull and euill courses wherein formerly they haue walked to the dishonour of God a Rom. 2.24 the disgrace of their profession b 1 Pet. 2.12 Tit. 2.5 yea and to the increase of their owne condemnation if they continue in their wickednesse c 2 Pet ● 21 O blessed Lord as it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy mercies to call me to the knowledge and the acknowledgement of thee to the profession of thy glorious name euen of thy Christ to be called a Christian and to stand vpon the priuiledges and royall prerogatiues which belong vnto those that are indeed his redeemed ones bought with his most precious bloud so I humbly beseech thee to make my life and conuersation euery way answerable to my calling and profession Let me consider oft and seriously of the dignitie and excellency whereunto I am aduanced aboue those that are aliants from thee strangers from thy couenant d Ephes 2.12 without Christ without God and without the name of Christianity and godlinesse children of the night e 1 Thes 1 5.5 and of darkenesse and let me alway be ashamed to doe any thing whereby I may in any sort bring a staine vpon that which is and should be my glory or a dishonour to that blessed and glorious name after which I am called causing others through my folly and wickednesse to speake euill of thee and of thy grace and truth yea let the very thought of this that I should be so ouertaken at any time as Lord thou knowest what my fraily and weaknesse is if I be not continually strengthened and supported by thee let it euen cause me to blush within my selfe and to hang downe my head with griefe and sorrow and withall to stirre vp my selfe to walke more carefully f Ephes 5.15 and circumspectly all my daies striuing and indeauoring as to haue the name of a Christian so to follow the example of Christ g 1 Pet. 2. to tread in his steppes and to walke as he hath walked setting him alwaies as a patterne and president before me as to haue the shew so likewise the power of godlinesse in my whole life and conuersation and to walke worthy of the vocation h Ephes 4.1 wherewith thou hast honoured mee shining forth as a light in this sinfull world i Phil. 2.14 1 Pet. 2.9 and shewing forth the vertues of thee my Lord and Sauiour who hast called me out of the darknesse of sinne and ignorance into that maruellous light of thine both of grace and of glory that thus they that are enemies to thy trueth and seeke by all meanes to bring reproch vpon that glorious profession vvith vvhich thou hast graced thy seruants hauing nothing concerning me to speake euill of iustly thy great name may be glorified thy Gospell adorned that worthy calling vvhereunto thou hast called me beautified my soule and conscience comforted and both bodie and soule eternally saued in that great day vvherein thou hast appointed to iudge the world in righteousnesse by him vvhom thou hast ordayned Lord of all things Christ my righteousnesse to vvhom with thee O Father and thy blessed Spirit be all praise and glory both now and for euermore Amen A Christian eyther the best or the worst of all men most happie or most miserable A CHRISTIAN is eyther the most happie of all other men or the most miserable Most happie if he hath the trueth of that vvhich hee beareth the name of being a Christian not onely in outward profession but also in inward affection manifesting it selfe by action and outward conuersation Most miserable if
dealing so vnkindly yea so rebelliously with him who hath shewed himselfe once yea often and that many waies so kinde and gracious vnto them Oh it should euen inforce them to come e Ier. 3.22 vnto him presently without all delayes it should winne their hearts and cause them to refuse his grace no longer to stand out no more against him but to bow and bend themselues vvholly to his will in all things and to desire by all meanes to recompence their former vnkindnesse and exceeding ingratitude and vnthankefulnesse towards him vvith so much the greater care and conscionable indeuour to walke humbly dutifully and thankfully before him in time to come studying how to please him and to returne glory vnto him This effect it should haue in all of vs. How sottish therefore are those that thereby become the more obdurate f Rom. 2.7 and hard-hearted vvho the more kinde and gracious the Lord is in bearing with them for their sinnes past doe become the more vnkinde and rebellious against him not onely continuing in their former sinnes and wickednesse but also adding thereunto new and greater sinnes daily and so growing euery day worse and worse the more that hee extendeth his goodnesse and patience towards them O faithlesse and stiffe-necked people men of stubborne and rebellious hearts and eares Doe you so reward g Deut. 32 6 the Lord for his great mercy towards you when you were altogether vnworthy of it yea deserued nothing but that the viols of his wrath and furie should be powred out vpon you Is this your kindnesse to your God vvho hath so exceeded in his grace and bounty toward you Is this your dutifulnesse your loyaltie your requitall of his fatherly compassions ouer you Doe you so answere him O how fearefull yea monstrous a thing is this that men should be made worse by the goodnesse of God how miserable are they that will make the mercies of God an occasion of their owne miserie and how ingratefull are they who the more kinde the Lord is towards them shew themselues the more wicked and rebellious against him We would blush and be ashamed to deale so with men and shall wee deale so with the euer-liuing and most glorious God that great God of the whole world who made vs when we were not and is able presently to cast vs both body and soule into hell-fire there to bee tormented for euermore Farre be it from me O Lord so highly to offend thy maiestie O let me neuer abuse the riches of thy bountie and patience least thereby I heape vp vnto my selfe wrath against the day of wrath and vengeance but let thy long-sufferance be saluation h 2 Pet. 3.15 vnto me euen a meanes to mollifie my heart to draw me daily nearer vnto thee and to cause me to walke more humbly dutifully obediently before thee yea as thou striuest continually by thy spirit to winne me vnto thee and euen to ouercome me with thy gracious and mercifull dealing towards me so let me striue and endeauour with all my strength and with all the powers of my soule and bodie to returne all thankefulnesse vnto thee and to testifie the vnfained thankefulnesse of my heart by entire and constant obedience vnto all thy lawes and commaundements and the more thy kindnes is inlarged towards me the more let me increase in loue and dutifulnesse vnto thee than thus I may at length see that promised saluation of thine in the hope and expectation vvhereof I doe and vvill rest continually A looking Glasse whereby to see what our estate is whether we be true Conuerts or no. THere be many that thinke they are conuerted vvhen indeed they are not a Prou. 12.15 14.12 but lye still in the state of sinne of death and of condemnation So b Ier. 17.9 deceitfull is the heart of man and so guilefull that arch-enemie of mankind Sathan who in a malicious and vnsatiable manner hunteth c Iob. 1.7 1 Pet. 5.8 continually after the liues and soules of men that oft times hee bleareth the eyes of men and deludeth them with counterfait semblances with vaine imaginations and shadowes of things that are not that so hee may cause them to rest carelesly and securely in that fearefull dangerous estate wherin they are till in the end he maketh a prey of them so that none is able to deliuer them out of his hands or to plucke them out of his iawes It is good therefore for euery one to take sure triall of himselfe d Lam. 3.40 2 Cor. 13.5 and to see that he standeth vpon firme e 1 Cor. 10 12 ground lest otherwise he perish vnawares and fall downe sodainely into the pit of euerlasting destruction vvhen he thought he vvas farre off from it and finde himselfe in the depth of hell vvhen as before hee dreamed of no such matter but deemed himselfe to be in as good estate as any though now too late hee bewaileth euen with f Luke 16.24 Hebr. 11.42 teares his great folly and marueilous securitie vvhich hath brought him to that place of vvoe and torment which hee thought not of till hee found himselfe in it and out of which hee cannot now recouer himselfe g Luke 16.26 though he had a thousand vvorlds to giue for his ransome Lest therefore thou beest as others haue beene vvho now grone in hell for it beguiled by the deceitfulnesse of thine owne corrupt heart and the subtilties and illusions of Sathan h 2 Cor. 2.11 vvho seekes nothing but thy ruine and vtter ouerthrow looke diligently into this Glasse which out of the Word of GOD I set before thee whereby if thou hast not a mist before thine eyes thou mayest rightly discerne vvhether thou art yet a true Conuert or no or else lyest still rotting and putrefying in the corrupt estate of nature not hauing as yet the worke of grace vvrought in thee howsoeuer heretofore thou hast flattered thine owne soule and thought that the vvay wherein thou vvalkest was right when as the end and issue of it is death and destruction i Prou. 16.25 First therefore vvhere true repentance is and vnfained conuersion there is a true knowledge k Psal 51.3 sight of a mans sinnefull estate and the wretchednesse and miserie vvhereinto he is plunged a knowledge of the sinne vvherein hee was conceiued l Psa 51.5 and borne viz. the sinne of Adam imputed m Rom. 5.12.18 to him as his owne and his owne inherent n Rom. 7.24 and inbred corruption together with his many and grieuous actuall transgressions of the most holy and righteous lawes and Commandements of GOD for vvhich the curse of God hath seized vpon him so that he is the o Eph. 2.3 childe of wrath and perdition Hee seeth himselfe of himselfe to be most wretched and miserable being assoone as hee came into this vvorld as a most loathsome leper in the eyes of God
with it To answere thee in this behold the depth of the mysterie of Sathan here it lies herein consists the chiefest and craftiest slight and pollicie of that wily Serpent the Deuill the enemie of mankinde vvhereby he hath deceiued deluded many thousands to their vtter ouerthrow For he knowing wel enough that sin if it should appeare in his own likenes would be abhorred of all men deales very cunningly and deceitfully like a crafty marchant He casteth a goodly gloze vpon it He painteth coloureth it and guilds is ouer with the false colours of his deceiueable pollicie withal casts a mist before mens eies making them fondly belieue that its a goodly thing a very pleasant delightsome or profitable thing euen as the counterfeit and craftie Iugler maketh simple men beleeue that an Oister-shell or a Counter is a faire peece of siluer or gold And thus hauing trucked and trimmed vp as it vvere this cursed darling of his couering it with the false shape of some seeming good and clothing it with the deceiueable cloake of pleasure profit delight or one goodly outside or other he presents it to the view of the poore seduced sinner as some rare or pretious thing who thinking that hee hath met with some great treasure fals presently in loue with it and will part with it for no good and thereupon entertaineth and lodgeth this vile monster in the secretest closets of his heart and soule Thus Sathan dealeth with men as the Panther or Leopard deales with the beasts For that spotted and rauenous beast as is reported of him knowing how the rest of the beasts flye from him by reason of his ougly head vvhich fraies them hides onely his head till they comming about him and gazing on his goodly spotted hyde nothing suspecting or fearing the danger they are in suddenly hee breaketh out and maketh a prey of them so the deuill knowing well how much sin would scare men if they should see that ougly deformed head of it hideth that by all means he can setteth out the fine coloured skin thereof viz. the pleasing delights the deceitfull profits and preferments of this vaine and transitory world Gen. 3.5 Mat. 4.8 with the gaud glory whereof whiles they are bewitched as it were and foolishly enamored neuer thinking of that hellish monster which cunningly shrouds it selfe vnder those goodly shewes entising allurements he thereby intangleth them vnawares and hauing caught them in his clawes preyeth vpon them and deuoureth them with vvide open mouth in most fearefull manner Oh if men could see that filthinesse and that vile an loathsome deformitie vvhich lieth lurking vnder that vaile vvhich Sathan hath drawne ouer it to deceiue and delude men vvithall if they could but consider that vnder those sweet and delightsome baits which are offered vnto them there are most dangerous and deadly hookes which if they be not very wary will quickly draw them vnder the deepe waters of euerlasting destruction if they were so wise as to remember that in that golden cup of the pleasures and profits of sinne there is nothing but most ranke poyson the venome whereof vvill euen drinke vp the health yea the life of their soules if they could behold that loathsome tode and that stinging serpent which lieth secretly hidden vnder the greene and pleasant leaues of worldly and sinfull delights if they could thinke that in those golden apples there is such deadly poyson as was in the apple which our first parents tasted of through the deuils suggestion In a word if the eyes of their minds were opened that they might see the mystery of Sathan in this worke of iniquity making sinne which is so vile and so detestable in it selfe to seeme so sweet so louely and so amiable vnto men then I verily perswade my selfe that they should not need to be disswaded from it by so many motiues the very sight and appearance of it would be reasons and arguments sufficient to make them quite out of loue with it yea to loath hate and abhorre it for euer and to be ashamed and confounded in themselues that they had so much to do with it heretofore And that it may yet the more be detested vtterly abandoned and forsaken of all it is good to consider how exceeding displeasing it is vnto God for being so loathsome in it selfe it cannot but be loathed of him who is of so pure eyes that he cannot behold wickednesse Haback 13. Now how fearefull a thing is it to delight in that which is so displeasing vnto that glorious maiestie Euery one will be afraid to displease his Prince how much more him who is the Prince of Princes in comparison of whom all the most princely Potentates and mighty Monarchs in the world with all their glorious pompe and shining traine are nothing whom the Angels the heauens all things in the world besides sinfull man and the damned spirits do serue and obey who with the word of his mouth made all things and with the breath of his mouth is able in one moment to confound all things Psal 104. and to bring them to nought againe Psal 103.20 Iames. 2.19 Isai 6.2 The Angels praise him and wonder at his greatnes the deuils feare him tremble at his power al the Saints reuerence and adore him for his goodnesse Seraphin and Cherubin continually sing laud praise vnto him with couered faces Ier. 8.22 and shal man miserable mortall man be so shamelesse as to set so litle by him as to do that which is such an abomination vnto him Ierem. 44.4 Iesem 6.28 11.9 so exceeding displeasing vnto his Maiesty yea rebellion high treason as it were against him who is the Lord of glorie Who doth not tremble when he thinkes of this Oh me thinks the very remembrance of this should cause the most obstinate hard-hearted sinner in the world to feare to shiuer and shake and to be amazed and astonished Dan. 5.6 as Belshazzar was euen in the midst of all his brauery iollity Me thinks it should be a forcible motiue to arrowse and to awake out of the dead sleepe of carnall security the most secure the most carelesse and drowsie-headed sleeper in the world Yea me thinkes it should be a bridle to curbe and to restrain the most cursed Cain the most prophane Esau the most desperate Iudas the greatest blasphemer and outragious swearer the most licentious and lasciuious person that liues vpon the earth as surely it will if they be not blind-foulded by Sathan so that they cannot see their great folly and marueilous presumption For knowest thou O man that committest the least sinne against God knowest thou I say what thou doest Knowest thou what a glorious maiestie thou therein offendest No but the deuil blindeth and imboldeneth thee to thy destruction For were thine eyes open thou wouldest not for all the world no not for a thousand worlds commit
vvhiles I walke in this narrow way seeing that it tends to life and saluation but let me goe forward vvithout faynting at any time yea with much cheerefulnesse and delight knowing that all these light and momentary afflictions are no waies worthy of that glory Rom. 8.18 vnto which through the straitnesse of this gate I shall shortly haue passage All that are of the Church visible or militant shall not be of the Church Inuisible and Triumphant MAny haue accesse into the Princes outmost chamber who are not admitted into the chamber of Presence but excluded and shut out from hauing entrance thereinto In like manner Many are brought to the fellowship of the visible Church which is as it were the outmost chamber of the house of God the palace of that great King and a fauour it is that is vouchsafed them herein for all doe not attaine vnto it Psal 147.19.20 but few are so blessed as to be led by the spirit further into that secret and priuie chamber where God shewes his familiar presence Cant. 2.4 and vnto vvhich none are admitted but they vvho are of the communion of Saints Hebr. 12.22.23 of the court of heauen heires of the glory of that coelestiall kingdome where they shall alwaies attend vpon the Maiestie of the highest the great God of the vvhole world O Lord it is thy mercy that thou hast called mee to haue a place in the visible Church here on earth and to liue among thy Israel thy Saints and chosen to enioy thy word and Sacraments and to looke as it vvere Cant. 2.9 through a c●euis into the holy of Holies for the greatest part of the world haue not obtained thus much How many thousands of Iewes Turkes heathen doe we see at this day excluded and cast out from the lists and outmost bounds of thy Church Reuel 11.1.2 But it is thy vvonderfull and vnspeakeable goodnesse towards me that thou hast admitted me into the chamber of Presence calling me to the blessed fellowship and communion with thy Saints yea vvith thine owne selfe making me one of thy Israel Iohn Gal 2.20 Phil. 3.10 Reue. 3.20 one of thy Saints and chosen a true member of the Church militant heere on earth and heire of the glorious and triumphant Church in the highest heauens where I shall liue with thee for euer Iohn 14.2 17.24 O blessed be thy name for the riches of thy loue infinite grace vouchsafed vnto me herein through Christ Iesus my Lord. Thou mightest iustly haue excluded me as well as others yea euen from the outmost courts of thy Sion but it hath pleased thee O Father to magnifie thy great mercy towards me thy poore and vnworthy creature that so my heart might be drawne vp the more vnto thee and inflamed vvith an vnfained loue of thee O therefore that thou vvouldest knit my heart and soule vnto thee and cause me to set all the affections of my loue ioy and delight in thee to vvhom onely they are due and to whom alone I desire they may be giuen And teach me withall to seeke daily more and more to presse forward and to striue to get nearer accesse vnto thee indeauouring by a holy life and godly conuersation to obtaine full and comfortable assurance that thou hast called me into the communion of thy chosen ones admitted mee into the chamber of thy gracious presence Iohn 8.35 and that I shall abide in thy house for euer euen in those glorious mansions and heauenly habitations vvhere thine honour dwelleth and where all thy Saints shall reigne and triumph vvith thee for euermore The blessed estate of a true Christian in regard of that spirituall and heauenly vnion that is betweene Christ and him OH how blessed a Vnion is there betweene Christ and euery true Christian Who is able to expresse it who doth not admire and vvonder at it It is a great matter for them to be accounted his friends Ioh. 15.13 15. Mark 3.34 Leuit. 25.25 Heb. his kinsmen his brethren his children as all these names and titles he giues vnto them in the Scriptures But this is not all it is not one halfe for they are not onely tyed vnto him by these strait and sacred bonds of friendship kindred and brotherhood but they are made one with him one flesh Ephe. 5.31 Ephe. 5.30 1 Cor. 12.12 Hebr. 2.11 one bodie yea in a sort himselfe hauing his owne name giuen vnto them as afterwards To shadow out this vnion vnto thee by those types as it were and semblances by which the Scriptures haue declared it vnto vs in that maner that our fraile nature is able to conceiue of it for the vveakenesse and shallownesse of our capacity is such as it is not able fully to comprehend it in the excellencie of it Seest thou not what vnion there is betweene the head and the members of the bodie So it is betweene Christ and true Christians They are knit vnto him as it were by the sinewes of the spirit and by the bond of faith as the members of the bodie are vnto the head and from him as from the head Ephe. 1.22 5.23 Gal. 2.20 life floweth into the whole bodie the life of grace and spirituall motion and action is conueyed and communicated vnto the Church and all the faithfull members thereof vvhich are the bodie of Christ 1 Cor. 12.27 Eph. 4.12 Againe this vnion betweene Christ and them is compared to that which is betweene the Vine and the branches So Iohn 15 1.2 that as the stocke and the branches grow together so the faithfull being rooted in Christ and set as it were into him a Rom. 6.5 as branches of that heauenly Vine receiue life and sappe from him growth of all spirituall and heauenly graces It is compared to a fountaine and the waters issuing and steaming therefrom b Ioh. 4.14 Likewise to the corner-stone in a building and the stones that are built vpon the same c Ephe. 2.20.22 For so Christ is often in Scripture compared to the corner-stone vpon which as their manner of building in old time in those parts was the whole building was fastened combined and so reared vp and the faithfull compared to liuing d 1 Pet. 2.5 stones built vpon that sure foundation and thence also called the temple of the holy Ghost e 1 Cor. 3.16 6.19 Ioh. 14.23 Reue. 3. wherein God himselfe dwelleth f ●0 and will dwell for euer It is compared also to the bodie and the apparrell vvhich clothes and couers it and shelters it from cold and raine and from the iniury of the weather whence the faithfull are said to put on Christ g Rom. 13 14 Gal. 3.27 And lastly to the Husband and his Spouse whence Christ is often called the Husband of his Church h Ephes 5.23 Mat. 25.6 the Bridegroome which is preparing for his marriage solemnities and
grace here and glory hereafter Thus the loue of God entering into their spirits doth purge and purifie them throughout it doth presently void out that filth and corruption both of originall pollution actuall transgression vvhich was before in them and smothereth vp their carnall earthly and sensuall loue by a greater force at least it striueth so to doe for the old man will not be quite dead as long as they liue in this vvorld It vvorketh mightily and very forcibly in them and is of marueilous efficacie for the clensing of them from all sinne and fitting and preparing them both in body soule to be temples and mansion-places for the holy Ghost the glorious spirit of God to rest and to dwell in What should I say They hauing tasted of the bounty and superabundant loue of God in Christ their Sauiour towards them and hauing in them the holy Ghost testifying r Rom. 8.16 vnto them assuring them that they are the sonnes of God yea sealing this vnto their soules and consciences haue such a sincere entire and pure loue kindled in their breasts that they doe desire vnfainedly to abstaine from all sinne which they know is so displeasing vnto him and to please him in all things and vvhen they are sollicited either by Sathan or their owne corrupt nature to the commission of any thing which is euill they say with righteous Ioseph s Gen. 39.9 How can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God who hath beene so good and gracious vnto mee Hath the Lord loued mee with so great a loue and shall I not loue him againe and manifest my loue towards him by a care to keepe his Commandements This is such a flame that it cannot but breake forth out of the heart into the life This is such a fountaine as cannot but send foorth the streames of pure water into the actions of the life This in a word causeth them to leaue and to abhorre that which is euill and to cleaue vnto that which is good to desire and endeauour in trueth and sinceritie to keepe all the righteous Commandements of God The loue of God shed abroad into their harts kindleth inflameth their hearts towards him and so maketh them to hate euill because hee hateth it and to loue righteousnesse because hee loueth it yea their hearts are so heated and so inwardly affected with the sense of the loue of God which the spirit of grace stirreth vp in them that they euen melt in loue and entire affection vnto God and desire vnfainedly to please him in all things and to shew themselues zealous for his glory because hee hath so commaunded them euen for the loue which they beare vnto him who hast shewed himselfe to be so louing and gracious a God so kinde and tender a Father towards them in CHRIST IESVS Nay they desire that others also should haue experience of that which they haue felt euen of the vnspeakeable loue of GOD in CHRIST towards those whom hee imbraceth in him They desire vvith the t Ioh. 4.28 29 vvoman of Samaria that euery one should taste of that which they haue had so comfortable experience of in their soules and spirits and that others also as well as they might abstaine from all kinde of sinne and wickednesse they mourne and groane within themselues their hearts are grieued and their eyes v Psa 119.136.139 drop down teares in abundance when they see it is otherwise As they haue no x Ioh. 3.4 greater ioy then to see God honoured by the diligent keeping of his Commandements so there can be no greater griefe vnto them then to see him dishonoured by the neglect and contempt thereof Oh this is a vexation and euen a torment vnto their soules as it was vnto righteous Lot y 2 Pet. 2.7 when hee beheld the abhominations of the cursed Sodomites It is as it were a hell to them to be in the company of such as blaspheme the name of the Lord and set themselues to worke wickednesse to the prouoking of his glorious Maiestie And hereby it doth appeare that they loue God in truth and not in word and tongue onely as the most doe If it be thus with vs we haue cause to blesse God and to reioyce in the assurance of this that our hearts are sincere and vpright before him and that wee loue him and are z Pro. 8.17 and shall euer a Ioh. 13.1 be loued of him But if this be not in vs at least in some measure our loue which wee professe towards him is but a counterfait and hypocriticall loue vvhich he hateth yea if we be not thus affected if vve say that wee loue him wee are lyars and thee is no truth in vs our words fight with our actions like vnto them that strucke CHRIST saying b Ioh. 19.3 Haile Master wee are so farre from louing him that vvee doe not so much as c 1 Ioh. 2.4 know him by an effectuall and sauing knowledge neither are knowne or in any sort approued of him yea he loaths vs and so much the more as we dissemble vvith the vvorld and make shew of that loue towards him vvhich is not in vs. O blessed LORD how vnspeakeable is thy loue how vnsearchable are the riches of thy grace and mercy toward mee in CHRIST IESVS in whom thou hast imbraced mee with an infinite and an euerlasting loue before all worlds yea thou still louest me and wilt loue me vnto the end for thy loue is as thy selfe vnchangeable d Rom. 11 29. Euery day thou * Lam. 3.23 renewest thy compassions vpon me Thou vouchsafest to giue mee many pledges and sure euidences therof yea thou sealest the same to my soule and spirit by the testimony e Rom. 8.16 2 Cor. 8.16 of thy blessed Spirit and by that inward ioy whereby thou causest mee to reioyce euen in the midst of mourning f Psa 94.19 2 Cor. 1.4 Oh that thou wouldst draw g Cant. 1.3 my heart vnto thee and cause mee to loue thee againe entirely and vnfainedly O that thou wouldst inflame these frozen affections of mine and cause mee euen to melt and to burne in loue towards thee O that it would please thee to change all that carnal that earthly and that sensuall loue and affection of this vvorld and the things thereof vvhich is yet remaining in mee into a holy and spirituall loue of thee my GOD and Sauiour my kinde and tender Father in CHRIST IESVS that so I may loue nothing but thee or in thee and for thee And let this loue of thee cause me to hate all sinne which thou hatest with so great and so infinite a hatred to hate it to abhorre it and vtterly to forsake it though neuer so pleasing to my corrupt nature neuer so profitable or gainfull to me in any respect and to loue all righteousnesse vvhich thou louest and wherein thou delightest that thus
pleasures profits riches and reuenues of the whole world Behold the base estate and condition which he tooke vpon him for thy sake Behold the shame and reproach which he sustained for thee and for thy sinnes Behold his face whom the Angels Heb. 1.6 those celestiall creatures doe reuerence and adore spitted vpon for thy cause Behold him who is the Authour of blessednesse become accursed for thee that he might free thee from that curse which was due vnto thee Behold him Isa 66.1 whose Throne is in the highest Heauens the Lord of Glory and Maiestie descended downe into the earth and abased to the lowest degree of humiliation becomming as one of no reputation Phil. 2.6.7 Psal 22.6 a worme not a man that so he might exalt thee and raise thee from shame to glory from Hell to Heauen from the depth of miserie and wretchednes to the height of endlesse and euerlasting blessednesse What should I say Behold the Lord of life dying vpon the Crosse that hee might bring thee from death to life and make thee of a childe of wrath and perdition an Heire of glory and Saluation See his Head crowned with thornes his body sweating drops of blood for the anguish that he was in for thy sinnes See the bloud streaming forth out of his side to vvash and cleanse thee from thy wickednesse See the fountaine of his loue his grace and mercie set vvide open vnto thee Zach. 13.1 All these cry loud vnto thee and are as a shrill voyce in thine eares to call thee from thy sinnes and to cause thee vtterly to abandon all thy former vvickednesse euen that vaine conuersation vvherein heeretofore thou delightedst And wilt thou yet continue therin God forbid O heart more harder then the Adamant or flintie Rocke if these things doe not moue thee and cause thee to relent if nothing else will neither remembrance of the vilenesse and loathsomnes of sinne the fearefull and wofull miserie and bondage vvhereunto it bringeth thee the stingings of conscience wherewith it vvoundeth the soule and maketh it to smart grieuously oftentimes vvhen none perceiueth it nor the many iudgements which it exposeth thee vnto both here in this life and much more in the life to come in hel fire for euer If none of these will yet let this this I say euen the due and serious consideration of the great and vvonderfull things that Christ hath done for thee to redeeme thee from thy sinnes and to loose the bonds of thine iniquities 1 Ioh. 3.8 O let this draw thee from the same in a forcible maner yea let his infinite and boundlesse loue and mercie towards thee herein euen breake thy stonie and steely heart and cause it to melt into teares for thy sinnes past to grieue to sorrow to mourne and lament for the same and to purpose and resolue vvith thy selfe neuer willingly to offend him hereafter though thou mightst gaine thereby a thousand worlds Let thy heart be sooner plucked out of thy body then thou drawne from this godly purpose and Christian resolution vvhich vvell becommeth all that are Christs redeemed 2 Tim. 2.19 1 Ioh. 3.9 and vvill bee in thee if thou beest a true Christian indeed and not in vvord and shew onely O blessed Lord and Sauiour when I looke vp vnto thee and consider thy marueilous Loue and Bountie in that great and gracious vvorke of thine in redeeming mee from that miserable estate into vvhich I vvas plunged as vvell as others vnto that glorious condition of thy redeemed ones how thou abasedst thy selfe to become man for my sake to be accursed that thou mightest free me from the curse which I had brought vpon my selfe to dye that so shamefull a death and to be buryed in the earth that thou mightest raise me out of the graue of my sinnes and bring me from sinne death hell and damnation vnto grace life and euerlasting saluation in that blessed and glorious kingdome of thine vvhich thou reseruest for mee in the heauens when I looke vp vnto thee and call to minde how wonderfully thou hast dealt with me in these things and on the other side cast mine eyes vpon the vvhole course of my life past how vile how sinfull it hath beene and view my estate present how many and grieuous the sinnes are vvhereby I haue prouoked thee daily euen since thou calledst mee to the knowledge of that sauing grace of thine my heart faileth vvithin mee I am ashamed and confounded in my selfe that I should haue beene found so vnkinde vnto thee who hast beene so exceeding kinde and gracious vnto me O doe thou cause mee daily more and more to see and bevvaile the greatnesse of my sinne herein and heale my soule in whatsoeuer I haue offended thee O let thy loue thy goodnesse thy grace and bountie in redeeming mee so wretched so vnworthy a Creature by thine owne bloud from so fearefull and vvofull a condition into so blessed and glorious an estate O let it constraine mee to loue thee vnfainedly let it dissolue me into the teares of true and vnfained repentance for all my sinnes and transgressions vvhereby I haue displeased thee my God and Sauiour and let it vvorke in mee a perfect hatred and loathing of all kinde of vngodlines and a continuall desire and endeuour to please thee and to shew forth my thankfulnes vnto thee by walking carefully before thee in all the duties which thou commandest me that so I may be euery day more assured that I am one of that small flocke which thou hast redeemed with thy precious bloud for whom thou hast prouided that glorious Kingdome in the heauens Drawing others vnto any wickednesse a bloudy and fearefull sinne MVrther is abhorred of all men and that most iustly for it is a fearefull and a crying sinne committed Gen. 4.10 nor approued of any but such as haue lost in a manner the very nature of man and become as it were bruite and sauage creatures yea monsters such as are to be driuen out from the company and societie of men and to be depriued of this light which they doe enioy and are no wayes worthy of Deu. 19.13 But yet behold a strange thing and much to be vvondered at to murther the soules of men by drawing them to wickednesse by ill counsell Pro. 18.21 or by corrupt example of life or otherwise is slightly accounted of not had in that detestation among men that the other although as it is more common so it may well be sorted and rancked with it Is not the soule more pretious then the body Mat. 16.26 the life of the soule more vvorthy and farre more to be regarded then the life of the body Why then is not the murthering of this accounted as wicked as haynous as the other why is it not as much abhorred of all men vvhy are not such esteemed rather monsters then men and how is it that their owne consciences doe not accuse
louing thee inwardly in heart soule and manifesting my loue towards thee by the fruits effects of it in my life and conuersation I may euerie day haue more full assurance of thy especiall loue towards me and comfortable experience of the riches of thy grace and mercy sealed vnto my soule conscience yea I may see by the fruits and pledges of thy loue that thou louest me and delightest in me and wilt cause thy gracious countenance to shine vpon me all my daies yea that thou wilt refresh my soule in the midst of my troubles and cause my fainting spirits to reuiue within me when death shal be ready to seize vpon me and assoone as death shall put an end to this fraile and sinfull life wilt stretch forth thy hand to imbrace me with thy armes and to translate me immediatly by the ministery of thy Angels h Luk. 16.22 into that blessed and glorious kingdome of thine where I shall enioy thy presence see thee face to face and haue the bright beams of thy louing countenance shining alwaies most clearely and comfortably vpon me to thy endlesse praise and glorie and my vnspeakable felicitie and happinesse for euermore and all this through the merits and mediation of thy blessed Sonne my onely Sauiour and Redeemer in whom it hath pleased thee graciously to respect me and to whom with thee O Father and the spirit of grace and loue three persons and one most glorious God be all praise dominion and thanksgiuing from this time forth and for euer Amen Loue of the children of God IT is impossible to loue God and to hate his image to loue Christ who is the head and to hate Christians who are his members Nay the more that any one loues the one the more must he of necessitie loue the other and the more his affection increaseth toward God the more also it will increase towards those that are the children of God resembling him in their measure in the inward graces and vertues of their mindes puritie righteousnesse holinesse and the rest of those diuine a Mat. 5.43 perfections wherein he hath set himselfe as a patterne and president to be imitated and followed of them He loues them intirely and vnfainedly because hee seeth that he is nearely tied vnto them by many and strait bonds as being members b 1 Cor. 12.27 of one bodie children of one father c Math. 5.45 Ephe. 4.6 brethren d Mat. 12 50 Heb. 2.12 of one Sa●●our fed e 1 Cor. 10 17. at one table where they haue mutuall communion and fellowship in one f 1 Cor. 12.13 Ephes 4.4 and the same spirit nourished with the same meat in the word and Sacrament liuing together in one and the same familie which is the visible Church g Heb. 11.31 1 Pet. 2.11 stangers togither in this world and trauelling as pilgrimes towards the same countrey that heauenly Canaan h 2 Tim. 4 7. souldiours fighting together vnder the same banner the profession of the same faith i Ephe. 4.5 and against the same common enemie the deadly enemie of all mankinde Sathan and his complices and confederates partakers of the same grace of Gods holy and sanctifying spirit and ioynt-heires with Christ of the same glory reserued for them and all the Saints in the highest heauens Being so nearely allied and so straitly vnited mutually each to other by so many bands so many Obligations how can it be but that they should loue one another with an entire and Christian affection in truth and sincerity without vanity and flatterie Shamelesse k Iohn 4.20 lyars therefore they are who glory in word that they are of God and yet shew forth by their deeds that they haue no loue to his children but hate and despise them or at least make little reckoning of them If there were nothing else this were enough to conuince them that they are not yet admitted into this fellowship called to this brotherhood but remaine still as they were bred and borne Ioh. 8.44 1 Ioh. 3.27 the bastardly brood of Sathan vnto whom and to his impes they are ioyned in the same league of friendship and familiaritie m Pro. 29.27 1 Pet. 4.4 hating and iniurying them who vvill not be n Gen. 49.5 brethren with them in iniquitie and vanitie O Lord knit my heart daily more vnto thee in an vnfained loue of thee my God who hast loued me so dearely and in an entire and Christian loue and affection vnto thy children to whom thou hast linked and fastened me with so many bonds let me loue them not in tongue or in vvord onely o Iohn 3.18 but in deed and in truth as it becommeth me and manifest my loue towards them in seeking by all meanes to the vttermost of my strength and power to procure their good euery way yea the more that they doe appeare to be thine the more thy graces doe shine in them the more let my loue and affection increase towards them the more let me seeke to doe them good Hereby shall I haue a certaine proofe and a sure euidence that I loue thee vnfainedly seeing I loue thine for thy sake yea hereby my heart shall assure me before thee that I p 1 Ioh. 3.19 am in the truth I shall haue a comfortable assurance that I am one of thine one of that small number of thy adopted chosen children indued with thy grace and heire together with all thy Saintes of the riches of that glory which thou reseruest for them in that heauenly kingdom which thou hast purchased so vs by the death of thy onely Sonne and our alone Sauiour in whom thou hast graciously accepted vs and to whom with thee and thy blessed spirit of grace and comfort be all praise and glory both now and euer Amen How the hatred of the world is to be esteemed of the godly IF the world hate vs what marueile is it seeing that it a Ioh. 15.88 hated and persecuted him to the death by whom the world was made b Heb. 1.2 and who is the Lord of the world and all things therein euen Christ Iesus our blessed Sauiour Shall he that is the king of glory be content for our sakes to indure the crosse and to be c Psal 24.7 crowned with shame and dishonour d Mat. 27.29 and shall we sinfull wretches wormes of the earth shall we be vnwilling to haue shame and reproch fastened vpon vs for his sake yea rather how ought wee to account it our e Mat. 5.10 11. 1 Pet. 3.14 blessednesse when men reuile vs disgrace vs and say all manner of euill against vs for his sake falsly how ought we to reioyce and be glad vvhen vvee suffer such things at the hands of the world vvhich alwayes hath and euer will be in irreconciliable enmitie and in flat opposition vnto Christ our blessed Lord and Sauiour vvho vvilleth vs to follow
braued it out most for a while in mirth and iollitie with-holding themselues from nothing which their eyes desired nor with-drawing their hearts from any worldly ioy and carnall or sensuall delight haue not long after when they could by no meanes driue away that euill Spirit which so much vexed disquieted and tormented them burst out into fearefull vvords of extreame despayre yea and some of them being vveary of their liues and feeling the Flames of Hell in their soules Achitophell o 2 Sam. 17 23 Mat. 27.5 or Iudas-like laid violent hands vpon themselues and in a most vnnaturall manner became as it vvere their owne executioners O LORD GOD keepe my soule I beseech thee from taking any delight in the sinnefull pleasures of the wicked p Iob 21.16 let them not be sweet vnto my mouth nor pleasant vnto my taste lest I feele the bitternesse thereof in the end yea rather let mee lothe them and delight in those things which are pleasing vnto thee my GOD that so in my greatest sorrowes I may haue much inward ioy and finde comfort when as outwardly I taste of nothing but misery and affliction The carnall and wicked man wakened out of his sleepe ALthough many vvho now lye steeping in the brine of this world and euen soaking in their sinnes liue for the present at least in outward appearance a E 1 cles 8.11 11.9 Luk. 12.19 as merry and iocund as any thinking all is well vvith them and so be at rest and quiet vvithin themselues whiles they are setled vpon their dregs yet when GOD shall once let loose the cord of their consciences and giue them a sight of their sinnes and the multitude and haynousnesse thereof and setting them all in order b Psa 50.21 before them write sharpe and bitter things against them for the same then they shall quickly finde a strange alteration within them c Rom. 7.9 10. They shall startle as men sodainely awaked out of a dreame hauing most fearefull apprehensions dreadfull obiects presented vnto their mindes which will make them to shiuer and tremble with great perplexitie and amazement Their day shall be turned into night their light into darkenesse their mirth into mourning their ioy into heauinesse their greatest solace into extreame woe and misery All their sweetest pleasures wherein they were wont to bathe and refresh themselues shall become painefull and bitter vnto them their chiefest delights yrkesome and most vnpleasant so that their soule shall refuse all comfort yea they shall be troubled dismayed amazed terrified and affrighted exceedingly vvith the view of the huge masse of their vile and abhominable sinnes vvhich though now they be hid from their eyes yet then in most ougly manner shall lie before their faces in open sight euen the sinnes of their youth the sinnes of their age the sinnes which they haue committed alone in secret which the eye of none vvas witnesse of and vvhich they haue committed eyther with others or openly in the presence of others euen all their most grieuous and haynous impieties which euer heeretofore haue escaped them and vvhereby from time to time they haue prouoked the Maiestie of the most high shamefully defiled and dishonoured themselues and many waies grieued and displeased others Then hell and destruction shall shew themselues vnto their soules and a dreadfull and horrible feare take hold of them yea the sound of feare d Iob. 15.21 shall be continually in their eares and great astonishment in their hearts so that they shall be readie to quake at the shaking of euery leafe and to tremble at the hearing of euery sodaine noyse as that prophane and heathen Emperour who was so terrified vvith euery thunder-clap that he sought for corners to hide himselfe when he heard it comming and to flie vvhen none pursueth them e Pro. 28.1 but onely that euill and guilty conscience of theirs which being raised vp like a fierce and raging Lion which hath beene a long time a sleepe and is now sodainly awakened by the dreadfull hand of Gods iustice will neuer leaue following and pursuing them till it hath brought them to their most deserued punishment euen to finall desperation in this vvorld and to eternall perdition in that vhich is to come where they shal drinke of the cup Iob. 5.27 euen of the bitter cup of the fiercenesse of the vvrath of the Lord for euermore O mercifull God let mee neuer lye carelesly and securely in my sinnes let me not at any time delight in any of them let me not blesse or sooth my selfe in the least of them but let me be alwaies carefull to keepe my selfe pure and vnspotted of them that so I may not onely auoid those terrours and that wofull misery vvhich shall surely come vpon all the wicked and vngodly eyther in the time of their life or in the houre of their death or else in the day of iudgement and after for euermore but also that I may haue that peace of a good and quiet conscience vvhich may alwaies rest and abide with me and be a comfort and refreshing vnto me both in life and in death and in the day of thy comming euen that blessed appearance of thy Sonne vvhich all thy Saints daily expect and long for Worldlinesse a fearefull signe of one destitute of the true loue of God SEest thou any that is very eagerly set vpon any vvorldly thing pleasure profit honour or whatsoeuer else it be thou maiest assure thy selfe that whiles he is so much addicted vnto these earthly things the loue of God is very small or not at all a 1 Ioh. 2.15 in him He that loues God vnfainedly sincerely and entirely as he ought cannot as long as that loue of his abideth in him be greatly affected vnto any other thing nor haue an excessiue desire and longing after the fading vanities of this world for God will wholly possesse his soule and satisfie him abundantly so that he shall find contentment in him b Psal 73.25 Psal 119.57 Lamen 3.24 howsoeuer it fare otherwaies vvith him Blessed Lord kindle in me daily more and more I humbly beseech thee a sincere and vnfained loue of thy Maiestie who hast alwaies shewed thy selfe so exceedingly gracious vnto me doe thou euen inflame this cold and frozen heart of mine that so louing thee with that truth and earnestnesse of affection which ought to be in me and hauing my desires alwayes towards thee the loue and desire of these vaine and earthly things may be daily abated and diminished vvithin me yea I may banish farre from me all loue vvhich is not in thee and for thee vnto whom onely I am to giue my heart with all the affections thereof and that absolutely vvholly and entirely The folly of the Worldling ALL would condemne him for a foolish and vnwise man that would not exchange siluer for gold Psal 107.43 lead and baser mettall for pearles and precious stones And yet loe
that finde a fleshy and a melting heart and soule vvithin their breasts whose consciences are bruised with the sight and remorse of their sinnes vvhereby they haue displeased him vvho hath beene so kinde and so gracious a God and Father vnto them that haue a sonne-like * Heb. 12.28 and a reuerent feare of his displeasure and of his correcting hand that grieue sorrow and complaine oft and much for that they can be no more touched for their sinnes nor finde that cheerefulnesse d Psa 119 4● Heb. 13 1● and delight in the duties of his seruice which he requireth that are very fearefull and scrupulous of doing any thing whereby he might be offended or his lawes violated yea is it not euen a strange and vnknowne language as it vvere vnto the most ●o talke vnto them of a broken and contrite heart They thanke God they feele all vvell vvithin them they haue not such sicke and queasie stomackes as they see some haue nor would willingly be troubled with their maladies They feele it indeed complaine much if sickenesse pouerty shame or any such like outward euils seize vpon them but their hearts neuer bleed vvithin them their consciences neuer strike them vvith the sight or feare either of sinne or of the punishment of it e Gal. 3.10 Rom. 8.13 Ephe. 5.5.6 threatned vnto them from an angry and wrathfull God before whose face they neuer learned yet to tremble Yea through custome and continuance in sinne they haue quite lost the sence of sinne f Ephes 4.18.19 and are become so hardened that they neuer see nor sorrow nor mourne for it nor for the iudgements hanging ouer them for the same There is a brawne and thicke skinne as it were drawne ouer their hearts they are altogether seared and obdurate Nothing can moue them or at least make any deepe impression into them piercing into their hearts and wounding their soules They know not what it is to be g Act. 2.37 pricked for sinne or to bee pressed and harrowed with the rake of Gods iust iudgements h Psal 6. 32.38 but go on carelesly securely and presumptuously in the wicked wayes and vngodly courses which they haue taken vnto themselues and sing peace vnto their soules i Luke 12.19 1 Thes 5.3 A fearefull estate if men could see it and yet the most farre gone in it Not one amongst many that complaineth of it Not one scarce amongst a thousand that to his owne saluation findeth himselfe healed cured of it hauing his stony and flinty heart turned into a fleshy heart into mourning and lamenting spirits grieuing for sinne aboue all things and longing for the assurance of the pardon of it and the comfortable presence of God and the riches of his sanctifying grace desiring still to be more satisfied and replenished with those pure waters * Ezek. 47. of life and grace vvhich flow from his sanctuary O LORD giue me not ouer at any time I humbly pray thee vnto that fearefull euill k Psa 81.12 which thou sufferest in wrath to fall vpon the wicked those who are reprobates and vtterly forsaken of thee O doe thou more and more soften and mollifie my heart Take this stony heart of mine quite from me and giue mee a tender and a melting heart vvhich may bleed at the least blow with vvhich thou strikest mee with the least pricke of thy law when it threatneth me and cause mee to mourne for my sinnes especially because they haue beene so displeasing vnto thee my God who hast beene so kinde and so gracious vnto mee Let my minde be bruised rather with the taste and feeling of thy mercies then with the terrour of thy iudgements but let mee by both be brought alwayes to walke humbly and reuerently before thee desirous in all things to please thee and afraid in any thing willingly to offend thee and thirsting vnfainedly after a greater measure of thy heauenly graces that so thou maist looke graciously vpon mee both now and alwayes and delight in doing mee good according vnto thy promise vvherein is my comfort Wee ought to be more affected with spirituall miseries then with bodily IF men be in some bodily distresse sickenesse pouertie or any other outward calamitie vvhich lyeth heauie vpon them they sigh and euen groane in themselues and seeke by all meanes to be released from the same But though their Soules be in great misery and wretchednes a Reu. 3.17 poore blinde naked yea sicke vnto the death and exposed vnto many and those most fearefull Iudgements both in this life and much more in the life to come they complaine not they are no wayes troubled they sigh not they sorrow not they seeke not to be recouered out of that wofull estate condition wherein they are Oh how hath Sathan blinded their eyes how hath hee wholly possessed them with a Spirit of slumber b Rom. 11.8 that they should be so miserable and yet see not their misery nor haue any sense and feeling of their greatest euils For did they but see the misery they are in if they did but know how heauy a burthen lyeth vpon them which if it be not remoued in time will presse them downe to hell they would then fill euery place they came in with their plaints and mournings they would sigh sob and groane in spirit and neuer be at quiet c Acts 16.29.30 neuer at rest in themselues till they saw themselues freed from the same O mercifull LORD as thou hast shewed thy selfe exceeding gracious vnto mee in shewing me my miserie and bringing me out of it so I humbly beseech thee to d A s 26.18 open their eyes which are yet closed vp and couered with that fearefull darknes which Sinne and Sathan hath brought vpon them that they may see their estate and touch their hearts euen of as many of them as thou hast ordayned to life that seeing it and bewayling it they may labour to come out of it And keepe thy Seruant both now and alwayes from that blindnesse of minde and deadnesse of heart which of all euils are the most fearefull and such as thou sufferest to fall vpon the reprobate and those that shall perish for euer Let mee grieue more for the decay of thy graces the want of the comfortable sense and feeling of thy loue and fauour and the miseries vnto which my soule is subiect through sinne then for sickenesse of body losse of goods pouertie or any other outward calamitie whatsoeuer which may at any time befall me The conuersion of others is to be sought for HE is of a malignant nature that hauing wandered out of the way with the rest of his company and beene thereby together with them in great perill and danger and afterwards finding the right way walketh therein alone and letteth the rest goe on to their destruction So it is with those that being through the grace and goodnesse of
him desirous to be vnloosed and to finde ease comfort and refreshing in him but their hearts are euen dead vvithin them and they are strangers from this life of grace and y Gal. 2.20 faith which is in Christ Iesus And no maruell then that there appeares in them so little or no loue of him so small desire to please him and to testifie their loue and thankefulnes vnto him by their new obedience and carefull and conscionable walking in his commandements seeing they neuer tasted fully of the sweetnesse and the exceeding ioy and comfort arising from that wonderfull benefit and vnspeakable mercie which is sealed vp to the soules and consciences of true penitent sinners and such as haue receiued Christ by a sauing faith to be their wisedome z 1 Cor. 1 30. their righteousnesse their sanctification and redemption O mercifull LORD how great is thy goodnesse and mercy towards mee that whereas thou sufferest many yea the greatest part of the world still to wander in the wayes of wickednesse and to sit in the shadow of death and darknesse eyther not seeing their misery and wofull and most wretched estate and condition or else seeing it to be so secure so carelesse and so hard-harted as not to regard it and to labour to come out of it being beguiled through the deceitfulnesse of their owne harts and the craft and delusion of Sathan yet in the vnsearchable riches of thy abundant grace and a 1 Tim. 1 14.17 mercy towards mee in Christ Iesus hast opened mine eyes vvhich before were shut vp as well as others and turned me from darkenesse to light and from the power of Sathan vnto thee my blessed Lord and Sauiour raising mee out of the graue vvherein I was dead and buryed deliuering me from the Kingdome of darkenesse and translating mee into the Kingdome of thy deare Sonne giuing me assurance of the forgiuenesse of my sinnes and a comfortable hope and expectation of that ioyfull inheritance prouided for thy Saints and chosen ones in the highest heauens What shall I returne vnto thee answerable vnto so great loue vnto such fatherly compassions and vnspeakeable mercies of thine towards me Thou mightest haue suffered mee to continue in my blindnesse and ignorance as well as others to haue beene as carelesse as secure and as hard-harted as any others and so to haue perished with them dreaming that all had beene well with me whiles I lay rotting in my naturall and corrupt estate For what am I or what haue I beene that thou shouldest respect me more then others Thou mightst for my sinnes so many and so grieuous iustly haue forsaken mee as thou hast done them But thou hast not so dealt with mee Blessed be thy name both now and euermore O touch my heart with the due meditation of this thy gracious goodnesse towards mee And teach mee daily to labour to feele this worke of thine more and more effectuall in me by renuing my repentance for my sinnes whereby I haue and doe daily and hourely displease thee in the breach of thy righteous lawes and commaundements Let me see my sinnes and transgressions and the misery vvhereunto they make me subiect and seeing them let me bewaile them yea lament and mourne for them and be truely humbled with the consideration of them Let me freely and vnfainedly confesse them vnto thee and that vvith shame and sorrow of heart And let them cause me wholly to renounce my selfe to iudge and condemne my selfe yea to abhorre my selfe and to flie vnto thee in the name of thy Sonne my blessed Sauiour in whom there is mercy and plentifull redemption b Psal 130.7 Let me hunger and thirst after his righteousnesse more then after any thing else vvhatsoeuer yea let me highly esteeme of it and make more precious account of it then of all the riches and treasures of this world desirous though with the losse of all other things to winne Christ and to be found in him clothed and couered with those precious robes of his And let me by the hand of a true sauing faith apply vnto my selfe the merits of his death and passion his righteousnesse his obedience and his full and perfect satisfaction being certainly assured that all the promises of the Gospell belong vnto me And let the knowledge and full perswasion hereof cause me to reioyce yea to glorie in thee and in this vvonderfull and vnspeakeable mercy of thine towards me euen with that ioy of thy spirit which is most glorious c 1 Pet. 1.8 and fill my heart and soule with that peace which passeth all vnderstanding And with all let it stirre me vp continually to walke before thee in all holy obedience desiring and endeauouring in all things to please thee and to approue my selfe and all my actions vnto thee dying daily more and more vnto sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse and labouring by all meanes to bee cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit and to grow vp to full holinesse d 2 Cor. 7 1 in thy feare that thus I may haue good euidence that I am thine that thou hast wrought thy gracious vvorke in me and wilt perfect it daily more and more till thou bringest me vnto that glory which thou hast prepared for me in thy heauenly kingdome through the merits of thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all praise power and dominion both now and euermore Amen The godly man is alwaies blessed neuer miserable THe godly cannot but be alwaies blessed * Iob. 5.17 yea then when he seemes to be most miserable in the eye of the vvorld and to sense and carnall reason For when he is at the worst hee hath those things vvhich hee would haue being contented with any a Phil. 4.11 estate which the wise and gracious disposer of all things seeth fittest for him yea he cannot haue better things in regard of his present estate in this life then those things vvhich he hath and enioyeth euen then when he is laden and oppressed vvith many miseries Is he humbled through afflictions this is that which he vvould haue b Ier. 10.24 Iames 1.2 10 he had rather be continually vnder the Crosse then destitute of those excellent graces of c Rom. 5.3 patience humility d Mat. 11.29 Ioh. 12.26 without which he cannot be the disciple of Christ nor approued of God e Psal 4.6 119.13.5 of vvhom aboue all things he desires to be accepted and fauoured Is he poore he is vvell contented therewith seeing he is largely recompensed with the greater supply of those better riches * Phil. 4.19 those heauenly treasures both of grace and glory Hee would not change his portion with the greatest and richest Monarch in the world that aboundeth in worldly wealth f Psal 4.6.7 and wanteth those spirituall and heauenly treasures which he enioyeth and which shall neuer be taken from him vvhereas the
and glorious is that celestiall mansion the kingdome of glory in the vvhich the Lord of glory dwelleth in the fulnesse of his glorie and maiestie There is no night no darkenesse in it but the brightnesse and glory of the Lord doth shine continually most gloriously in it yea farre more brightly then the Sunne vvhen it is in his greatest strength Nay the glory and shining beauty thereof is so great that the resplendent brightnesse thereof doth as farre excell the brightnesse of the Sunne and Moone as they doe exceed a little candle at noone day Our eyes as now they are vvere not able to behold one glimpse thereof s Exod. 40 34.35 but would be dazeled presently and ouercome with the shine and luster of it We cannot see it and liue We see how glorious the outward Court * Iob. 37.18 or pauement of it is in vvhich those celestiall bodies as so many burning lampes t Iob. 38.7 Psal 148.3 doe shine forth most clearely with their glittering and radiant beames and cause the diligent beholder to stand u Iob. 137 14 as one amazed vvondring at the skill and marueilous wisedome of the maker of so curious and glorious a workemanship so excellently adorned and garnished in euery part more then if it were all sprinckled with the most bright shining pearles or pretious stones that the vvhole earth can affoord how much more glorious then thinke you must the inward Court needs be Besides vvho is able to consider how large and spacious that glorious mansion is who can mete out the breadth the length or compasse of that heauenly Citie If one starre as the learned doe in that Art affirme bee many times greater then the whole earth vvhat is the firmament in vvhich there are so many starres and some of them of greater magnitude and if the firmament be so large what may we thinke is the heauen of heauens vvhich compasseth in all the other as a lesser circle It passeth mans vnderstanding both for glory and greatnesse O how blessed and happie are they that shall be Citizens of such a Kingdome that shall liue in such a glorious place for euermore euen in the presence chamber of the Lord of glory Assuredly this world is but a barren wildernesse a wearisome prison yea a darke dungeon in comparison of it But to giue thee yet a further view of that heauenly life As the place vvhere they shall liue is wonderfull glorious so the company vvith whom they shall liue in that place is no lesse glorious yea farre aboue it It doth exceed it by many degrees For what company shall they haue there Euen the blessed societie of all the Saints Patriarches Prophets Apostles Martyrs Adam Enoch Noah Abraham Isaak Iacob Iob Dauid Daniel c. x Heb. 11. 12.22 Euen all those worthies and renowmed ones that haue beene from the beginning of the vvorld to this present or shall be to the end thereof the beholding of some one of vvhom is greatly desired of vs and would wonderfully content vs. They shall bee companions of Princes yea the least and meanest of their companie shall be greater then the greatest Prince in this world for they shall all be crowned Kings * Reue. 1.6 and triumphant Emperours set vpon heauenly thrones y Ephe. 2.6 Reue. 2.26 27. 3.21 These are their familiars and companions and with these together with that innumerable multitude of the elect and chosen Angels those coelestiall and heauenly creatures shall they continually liue and conuerse each ioying and delighting in the company and societie of the other as being partakers of the same glory and truely louing and entirely affecting one another more then euer Ionathan did Dauid vvhose loue notwithstanding was wonderfull z 2 Sam. 1.26 hardly to be patterned Being knit among themselues by the band of one spirit into a holy communion they shall haue as it vvere one soule willing the same things affecting the same things and re ioycing mutually and continually in him who is the fountaine of all their ioy glory and happinesse The ioy of one shall be the ioy of all and the glory of one the glory of all Nay which is farre farre greater matter and the thought vvhereof may euen rauish our soules they shall enioy the sweet and heauenly company of their blessed Sauiour and Redeemer a Ioh. 12.26 17.24 Christ Iesus the Prince of peace b Isa 9.6 1 Tim 6.15 the King of glory yea the glory of heauen and earth the image of his Father c Coloss 1 15 Heb. 1.3 Iohn 1.9 in vvhom those things which are inuisible are seene the brightnesse of the euerlasting light the vndefiled mirrour of the maiesty of God the desire of all nations * Haggai 2.8 whose name is Wonderfull whose power vnspeakable the beholding of vvhom euen whiles hee was heere on earth in the state of his frailty and humilitie made good old Simeon to reioyce exceedingly d Luke 2.28 and vvould haue gladded the hearts of many Kings and Prophets e Math. 13 16.17 that were before him who desired and longed after this and would haue accounted themselues happy in the enioying of it They shall enioy his company whom the Angels doe reuerence and adore f Heb. 1.6 Psal 97.7 and the very sight and appearance of vvhom will be an exceeding refreshing * Act. 3.19 vnto them yea cause their hearts to spring within them g Luke 1.41 as the babe did in Elizabeths wombe at the salutation of the blessed Virgin Oh how shall their hearts be rauished with ioy when they shall see the Lord of the family the heire of the whole world the Prince of glory clothed with their nature c Luke 12.37 13.29 and sitting downe at the same table with them and speaking most sweet and comfortable vvords vnto them Eate d Can. 5.1 O friends drinke and make you merry O welbeloued They shall haue fellowship familiaritie acquaintance with him as one brother vvith another e Mat. 12.49 Hebr. 2.11 to their vnspeakeable comfort the very consideration vvhereof makes their righteous soules now in the time of their absence * 2 Cor. 5.6 from him to crye out as Paul did f Phil. 1.23 I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ for that is best of all And vvith the Spouse in the Canticles g Cant. 8.14 O my welbeloued flee away and be like vnto the Roe or to the young Hart vpon the Mountaines of spices and vvith the Spirit and the Bride in the Reuelations h Reuel 22 7.20 Come come Lord Iesus come quickly Oh that wee may once see thy face and behold that brightnesse of thine who art so wonderfull in thy Saints and redeemed ones Here is their hope their ioy and their reioycing And vvith him they shall enioy the gratious and most comfortable presence of the blessed and glorious Spirit yea of the Father