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A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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wisdome and humblenesse and obedience and mortification and zeale and faith and hope and all graces that may change me from sinne to sanctity from darkenesse to light and from coldnesse to a more perfect zeale to serue thée in all things Teach me O Lord teach mée to execute my vocation truely and perfectly and giue such issue and blessed successe to all my endeauours labours purposes and procéedings as I may discharge my duety in obedience to thy diuine Maiestie to my brethren in loue and equity and to my selfe and mine in godly care and true piety And let thy holy Spirit so guide and gouerne mée this day and for euer that I may more and more fructifie increase in all godlinesse vntil thou shalt cut off this corruptible life After which good Father in the merits of thy Son let me inhabite euermore inherite that heauenly City new Ierusalem where thou sittest and raignest one God with whom shall liue all thine elect in ioyes vnspeakable for euer Amen O Lord increase our Faith A Morning Prayer where the FAMILY assembles O Almighty God full of loue and pitty the chiefest comfort that any sinfull soule can haue when wée miserable sinners here met together doe consider of thy great mercy and goodnesse which we haue euer since our births and before found and daily doe finde at the hands of thy diuine Maiesty together with our great vnthankfulnesse euery way to thée againe for the same we must néedes confesse and euen from the bottom of our hearts doe acknowledge that most vnspeakeable is thy mercy in sparing vs to liue vntill this morning before which time thou mightest iustly haue consumed vs. But O deare God of thy frée mercies before the foundation of the World was laid thou hast chosen and elected vs for thy Children and hast to our endlesse comfort certified and made knowne the same vnto our spirits by thy spirit by whom and not of our selues wee now cry vnto thée Abba father and for our Redemption hast sent thine owne Sonne to shed his most precious bloud vpon the Crosse no other meanes being whereby wée could be saued Thou hast by thy holy Spirit wrought Faith in our hearts to beléeue by him and in him to be iustified before thée and in some measure begunne the death of sinne in vs and wrought our sanctification and of thy frée fauour we enioy the benefit of thy Word the freedome of conscience great peace and plenty in outward things with many and infinite other benefits waking and sléeping at home and abroad in our selues and our friends for all which instead of thankefulnesse wee become the more disobedient not doing that wée ought to doe but with pleasure and profit with vanity and selfe-loue wée are carried away spending our daies in iniquity carelesnesse and vnféeling of our sinne and there is no goodnesse in vs yet is there mercy with thée O Lord and pardon vpon repentance Wherefore we here this Morning met together before thy Maiesty humbly confesse our wants and most entirely beséech thée for Jesus Christs sake to haue mercy vpon vs Haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and forgiue vs all that is past strengthen vs hereafter that daily both in bodies and soules we may glorifie thée more then we haue done yéelding thankes for daily benefits and striuing in holinesse and righteousnes to please thée all the dayes of our life But because we cannot but offend and fall diuers wayes and euery day good Lord for thy mercy sake pierce our hearts with a féeling of the same and neuer suffer vs to goe on with dull and dead soules not séeing nor sighing for our offences As a speciall meanes to kéepe vs in obedience before thée O deare Father worke in vs a continuall remembrance and an effectuall consideration that wée shall not alwayes liue here in this wretched world that doth much please vs now but that a day wil come when the trumpe shall sound the Dead shall arise and all wée shall appeare before the Tribunall seat of Judgement there to receiue according to our déedes without respect of Persons oh good Lord giue vs a remembrance and a féeling of that vnspeakeable comfort and eternall waight of glory which in that day shall be giuen vnto vs if in this day wée serue and please thée and contrariwise euen terrifle our cousciences and let vs as it were see before our faces the dreadfull Judgements and the fearefull Torments that both in Body and Soule they shall be sure to haue for euermore which in this life doe not serue and please thée but follow their owne fancies and wicked delights giue vs an hatred of sinne and a true loue of righteousnesse blesse thy Word euermore with fruit vnto our soules when we heare it giue vs a desire to heare it often and to practise it faithfully and obediently and keepe our hearts euer free from disūmulation and counterfeit holinesse prepare our hearts diligently to watch for the comming of thy Sonne make vs ready fit and willing to meete him in the clouds if thou wilt that we liue to his comming if it please thee in the meane time to call vs let vs with ioy yeeld our bodies to the earth and receiue our soules vnto thy selfe vntill the day when both our bodies and soules shall be remitted and bee totally glorified with thee in Heauen And let this day be a day of our true reformation and repentance that we becomming new creatures may serue thee in holinesse all the dayes of our liues yeelding thee most humble and hearty thankes for thy goodnesse to vs this night let thy mercifull eye looke vpon vs this day and so keep vs bodies and soules that being occupied in our seuerall callings we may be safe by thee from all our Enemies and liue to thee in feare that we may die in thy fauour and liue hereafter with thee in glory which grant and all things in the meane time necessary for soules and bodies for Christ his sake in whose name we ask them saying as he hath taught vs Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the povver and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy vvord our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance tovvards vs this day and euermore Amen A priuate Prayer for the EVENING The Motiue I Will lay
discharge that duty whereunto wee are bound by our seuerall callings which in thy prouidence either are already or shal be allotted vnto vs. Hold vs we beséech thée by thy right hand that we fall not into any danger of body or minde Guide vs by thy holy Spirit in the paths of righteousnesse set continuall watch before our lips that wee offend not with our tongues Keepe our eyes from looking any more vpon and our hearts from seeking after or consenting vnto vanities shut vp our eares that they delight not in hearing the things offensiue to thy sacred Maiesty Rule gouerne our hearts that wée may be alwayes studious of good things and that wee may be alwayes truely inclined to deale faithfully with all men and inable vs to performe all duties required at our hand by them and keepe both our hands and feete that wee goe not about or take any thing in hand dishonourable to thee dangerous to our selues or hurtfull to any and that all that wée think speake or doe may be to the glory of thy name Let vs not spend the time O Lord of this our pilgrimage any more in wantonnesse idlenesse or vanity but in all godly vertuous exercises alwaies in simplicity and singlenesse of heart and in a good conscience as becommeth thy dearest Children Blesse we humbly beséech thée and prosper all the labors and works of our hands and blesse all the Creatures which thou hast appointed for our vse that wée may receiue comfort and reliefe in them and by them in due season by thy blessing and by the daily comfortable vse of them be the more moued and stirred vp to a thankfull acknowledging thy fatherly goodnesse in vouchsafing them vnto vs which without thy blessing would rather turne to our preiudice then profit rather to a curse vnto vs then to our true comfort therfore good Father blesse vs to a godly vsing of al thy good creatures and thy creatures to a comfortable vse for vs. And forasmuch good Father as our duty in this sacred exercise of prayer bindeth vs also to intreate thy Maiestie for all our Brethren and Sisters members of that body whereof thy Sonne Jesus Christ is the head frame in vs a true perfect and hearty zeale to pray and heare vs also for them beséeching thée to raise vp the Ministry of thy Gospell in all places of the earth that by the meanes thereof such as doe appertaine to thy Kingdome may be daily called home to thy fold and that the Kingdome of Satan Antichrist Sinne and darkenesse may be weakened and more and more beaten downe in all the world hold vp maintaine the scepter of thy word where thou hast already planted and aduanced the same increase all the meanes by which it may be increased and confirmed and weaken all the powers that resist or striue against it Blesse those O Lord that endeuor to promote and further it increase their zeale wisdome knowledge and power him especially good Father whom in great mercy towards vs thou hast made Soueraigne ouer vs Iames thy seruant our King and all his Royall Issue the Counsellors Magistrates Nobility and the Preachers of thy holy word all godly and Christian Families all true Professors of thy Gospell Beséeching thée to powre on euery of them in their seuerall Callings such graces benefits and blessings as are most méete for them wherby they may all shew themselues thy true and faithfull miuisters in furthering all sincerity in Religion and all purenesse and godlinesse of life not onely in themselues but in others so farre as appertaineth to their charge publike or priuate Beséeching thée also to be mindfull to comfort all our afflicted Brethren and Sisters howsoeuer or for whatsoeuer they suffer especially such as suffer for the testimony of a good conscience Comfort all them that are pressed downe with the burthen of their sinnes helpe relieue succour and assist all that be in want in misery and affiction that flie vnto thée for succour And as good Father we doe thus boldly begge at thy hands these many and seuerall fauours for our selues and others so Lord accept at our hands our humble thankfulnes which we here yéeld vnto thée for thy manifold blessings and benefits daily so louingly and fréely bestowed vpon vs both inward and outward spirituall and corporall in number infinite for greatnesse vnspeakeable and for goodnesse farre better then wée could either aske or thinke beséeching thée to continue thy gracious fauour towards vs alwayes and in all things that we may still giue thée the glory for our continuall safety and reliefe In the Morning Adde this ANd finally we thanke thée good Father that thou hast so graciously kept and preserued vs this night past and hast giuen vnto our bodies rest and hast brought vs to the beginning of this day in peace good Father pardon whatsoeuer corruption hath taken hold of vs this night pardon our present dulnesse of Spirit coldnesse of Zeale weaknesse of Faith and all whatsoeuer offendeth thée in vs blesse the labours of our hands and our godly endeuours this day and make vs rather able to be helpfull to others that néede then to be forced to aske or to be chargeable to any by reason of our corporall wants Grant these things good Father and al other graces necessary for vs and for euery member of thy Church for Jesus Christ thy Sonnes sake in whose name wee further pray Our Father which art c. In the Euening Adde this WE thanke thée also most gracious Father for that thou hast so mercifully kept and relieued vs this day past beséeching thée to receiue vs also this night into thy Fatherly protection and kéep our soules bodies and goods frée from dangers let thine Angels encampe about vs guard vs and defend vs giue vnto our bodies that competent rest and sléepe that may be onely sufficient and let our thoughts be euer on thée in loue feare and due obedience and reuerence that wée may be fearefull to commit the least euill yea in the darke which with thée is as the noone day Watch ouer vs good Father that Satan preuaile not against vs and giue vs grace to be alwayes watchfull for the time when our Lord and Sauiour Jesus Christ shal make his glorious appearance in the clouds to finish these dayes of sinne And at this time pardon O Lord our weakenes in prayer our coldnes in zeale and whatsoeuer doth hinder vs from the true publishing of our own wants and imperfections at full thy praise and glory as thou deseruest increase our Faith and grant vs and all thy Children all other graces necessary for soules and bodies for Jesus Christs sake in whose name we further pray Our Father c. A Prayer for the King It is God that giueth deliuerance vnto Kings it is he that rescued Dauid his seruant from the hurtfull sword Psal. 144. 10. Take away the wicked from the King and his throne shall be established
thy promises that in following thy foot-steps there is an inheritance of eternity prepared for vs therefore whilest we are in this iourney be thou a staffe to vs whereby we may be sustained in all our wayes And by the comfort of thy holy Spirit repaire our strengths to the end wée may more willingly come vnto thée and as thou art made a way vnto vs seclude all errour become our ●●uth take away all distrust and confirme our Faith in thée And as thou art made life vnto vs reuiue vs that were dead in sinne by a liuely knowledge of thée For it is eternall life to know thée Father Son and holy Ghost to be one true God Wherefore I humbly beséech thée O most mercifull Father to increase Faith in mee who am thy vnworthy seruant lest at any time I wauer in thy Celestiall doctrine increase obedience in me lest I swerue from thy precepts increase constancy that walking in thy wayes I neuer be allured by the inticements of Satan nor seduced by his terrours but that I may perseuere in thée who art the true way to life eternall increase my Faith that being partaker of thy Promises I may neuer wa●e slow or dull in the study and practise of god●inesse and that I may alwayes striue and endeuour for more and more perfection Increase thy Grace in me that being mortified vnto my selfe I may liue and haue my conuersation with thée in Heauen and be encouraged by thy holy Spirit fearing nothing but thee then whom there is nothing more to be loued or feared glorified or more to be reioyced in who art the true glory of all Saints in whom there is nothing but full and perfect Felicitie A Prayer for the assistance of the holy Ghost No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12. 3. 4. If ye that be euill can giue good gifts vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost to them that desire him Luke 11. 13. O Gracious Lord God who didst send vpon thy Apostles and others thy holy Spirit filling their hearts with grace and wisedome I humbly beséech thee by thy vnspeakable mercy that thou wilt vouchsafe to fill my soule with thy grace and water my heart with the vnspeakable swéetnesse of thy Loue in the loue of Jesus Christ thy most dearely beloued Send down Lord thy holy Spirit to guide me being ignorant banish by his light the blacknes of sinne through Christ Jesus by him refresh my sad and sorrowfull soule there is neither wisedome nor strength without thée aide me therefore by that holy Spirit and I shall be able to shunne the deceits of Sathan and to withstand his power Thou art not ignorant that I can doe nothing of my selfe extend thy fauourable hand ouer me therefore and grant that I may forsake and vtterly relinquish my selfe and flie vnto thée Mortifie in me whatsoeuer is displeasant vnto thy Maiestie that in all things thou maiest conforme mée vnto thy will by thy holy Spirit that my life may be euer hereafter perfect in thy sight O Lord my God looke vpon me thy miserable Creature whose soule sigheth after thée day and night when shall I come and appeare before thy presence when shall I enter into that admirable place of thy Tabernacle the house of my God O comfort me with thy presence that I may taste here in this my mortall pilgrimage the swéetnesse of thy glory which shall continue for euer O my God I long to be deliuered from all temptations O eternall fountaine of light bring me backe againe to that eternall goodnesse by whom I am created that I may know thine omnipotencie euen as I am knowne of thée and may so loue thée as I am loued by thée that I may sée and inioy thée in the society of all the Elect who liuest and raignest together with the Father and the Sonne a Trinity in Unitie for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Sunday-Morning Thus saith the Lord take heede to your soules and beare no burdens on the Sabbath day nor bring it into the gates of Ierusalem Neither carry forth burdens out of your houses on the Sabbath day ney doe ye any worke but sanctifie the Sabbath as I commanded your Fathers Ier. 17. 21. 22. He that gathered stickes on the Sabbath day was stoned to death Numb 15. 32 35. 36. O Eternal God and heaùenly Father I extol thine infinite goodnesse and mercy together with thine eternall wisdome and truth who hast protected me this night made me to rest quietly and securely by thy most holy and diuine prouidence I humbly beséech thée of thine infinite goodnesse to protect and gouerne mée this day by thy mighty hand from all dangers both of Body and Soule Giue thy holy Angels charge ouer mee to direct me in all my wayes driue away the deadly enemy remoue all offences of this World mortifie and kill in me all carnall lusts and euill affections that they may haue no dominion ouer mée giue me a sorrowfull heart to bewaile my wicked life and comfort my soule by a liuely assurance that thou hast fréely forgiuen my sinnes Sanctifie me O Father this day I humbly beséech thée with thine especiall grace that I may haue decent carriage in my behauiour true deuotion in prayer and reuerent attention to heare thy heauenly and holy Word and that thou wilt please to giue mee vnderstanding ioyned with true deuotion to obserue learne and imbrace such things as are necessary to me for the confirming of my faith in Christ Jesus raise me O Lord by the power of thy resurrection from sin and giue me spirituall rest in the Communion et Saints that afterward I may kéep the euerlasting Sabbath with thée in the Kingdome of Heauen behold O Lord I knock at the dore of thy mercy with all my power and strength beséeching thée to continue vnto me the right vse of all my senses and limmes and send thy holy Spirit to beare witnesse to my spirit that I am thy childe and shall be heire of thy glorious kingdome through the mirits of Christ Jesus our Lord for whose sake I humbly pray thee to grant all those things that I haue prayed for and haue neede of Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer before the hearing of Gods Word O Eternall most high and mighty God vouchsafe I humbly beséech thée to inlighten my dark dul vnderstanding that thy word may enter into my soule and be so receiued of me as that Ignorance the mother of disobedience being put away heauenly knowledge may enter in and haue perfect rest and abiding in me Giue power O Lord to the séede of Truth that being sowne in my heart it may take deepe root and bringforth to the comfort of my soule sixty an hundred yea a thousand-fold and let thy Spirit so guide the lips of this thy Minister and Preacher as that he deliuer nothing but the Word
made to be due to me but that my chiefe vexation may be to thinke how I haue abused thy mercy and requited thy excéeding loue with so foule a trespesse Withall most mercifull God séeing there is mercy with thée and that thou desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turne from his wickednesse and liue giue me leaue to become a suter vnto thy grace not in mine owne name but in the name of thy dearest Sonne the onely Mediator Intercessor of his chosen I most humbly beséech thée for his sake to haue mercy on me O Lord one drop of his most precious bloud shall be a soueraigne Medicine to cure my running ●ore his stripes and wounds are of an healing nature O then I pray thée purgeme cleane from mine intquitie and according to the multitude of thy mercy wipe away all my vncleannesse let the apprehension of my sinne be tempered with a comfortable application of thy mercy that I may hold an euen course betwixt fearlesse security and faithlesse despaire beholding at once both my vilenesse to humble me and the riches of thy grace to reuiue me And Lord permit me not I humbly pray thee to thinke it sufficient that I haue once made some shew of humiliation and sorrow for my fal● but grant I may endeuor my selfe in the performance of these dueties and may euery day renew and increase my repentance with a déepe detestation of my sinnes and with a feruent desire more and more earnestly striue to be renewed in the spirit of my minde that being so cleansed from all filthinesse both of flesh and spirit I may attaine vnto perfect holinesse in thy feare through our Lord Jesus in whose name I commend vnto thée my Petitions and for whose sake thou hast promised to deny nothing to thy Seruant So be it Amen Lord increase my Faith A preparation to the Receiuing of the holy Communion of the Body and Bloud of IESVS CHRIST ADAM the first man was forbidden to eate of one fruit which was fore-shewed to be mortall and hee did hasten to eate thereof Wee the Children of the second Adam are commanded to eate of the liuely and sauing fruit the Body and Bloud of Christ to our saluation yet how slacke are we to prepare vs thereunto and to partake thereof The first step therefore of true preparation thereunto is to search the Scriptures who teach the Mysterie of this holy Communion and the institution of the same as also the signification of the outward signes which are Bread and Wine the things signified the Body and Bloud of Christ shed for all beleeuers the end of the receiuing whereof is to retayne the remembrance of the Death Passion of Christ which he suffered for our sins By the true receiuing of this Sacrament we are vnited vnto the loue of God in and by the death of Christ the second Adam being separated from him by the fall of the first We are made heires by adoption of eternall saluation in by and with Christ which we lost in by Adam The true receiuing of this blessed Sacrament must be in sincerity with a repentant heart and faith vnfained And because it is not prouided for sinners who comming thereunto vnworthily receiue their owne damnation wee must before we repaire thereunto cleanse our soules from all sinne which cannot be done without diuing into our own soules with an impartiall search to finde out our owne corruption and truely to repent our sinnes Therefore saith the Apostle Let a man try and examine himselfe before he presume to come to this holy Table c. It is not fit that wee should come to this holy Banquet abruptly ●s men doe to their ordinary feasts where they Pharisaically and ceremoniously will wash their hands before they eate but to this most holy Supper we are not to come without inward washing of the soule from sinne for if vnwashed hands prophane the meat for the belly how much more an vnwasht heart this sacred Sacrament the foode of the Soule Inward examination impartiall accusation and an absolute condemnation of our selues for sinne is the best preparation to this holy Table For hee that looketh into and examineth the hidden prophanenesse lurking in the heart cannot but vpon due view of the same accuse himselfe of deepe disobedience to God which deserueth death Finding this he cannot but iudge himselfe worthy to be reiected from this communion of Saints and so condemne himselfe that he be not condemned of the Lord for he that confesseth his sinnes to God couereth them and he that coueteth to hide them increaseth them Therefore the Apostle willeth all men to trye and examine themselues which importeth repentance and so to eate This caueat is no inhibition but a terrifying of the soule not to presume to come to this holy Table without purification and sanctification Herein doth the Lord Iesus discouer his wonderfull loue towards vs who before hee inuite vs to come to this Table to eate doth instruct vs how wee should come and how we should feede He layes not this Table to snare vs as Absalom did Amnon and yet forewarnes vs that there is danger in receiuing it namely with polluted hands with hands full of bribery and extortion to take it with lips defiled with blasphemy cursing and lying to put it into a stomacke gorged with drunkennesse and gluttony and with a heart making no difference of the Lords body We must therefore lay aside all our old sinnes and put on the new man a Righteous a Holy and Christian conuersation and disposition Wee must be holy and heauenly minded towards God we must be louing to our Neighbours slow in taking aduantages or reuenging wrongs wee must be lowly and little in our owne eyes meeke and sober in all our actions And because things of so wonderfull value are herein exhibited and offered to the worthy Receiuers wee must consider who wee are how wee are cleansed of our spirituall Leprosie before we presume into the company of the Saints to communicate Wee must consider well whether vpon tryall made as afore is said wee can assure our selues that we are of the number of those to whom these holy things doe appertaine For who so is prophane in his person and an vnsanctified Creature let him forbeare to come to this holy Table and let him first vse the meanes of better assurance namely repentance for his sinnes amendment of his corrupt and sinfull life let him vse often zealous prayer to God for remission of his omissions and transgressions let him craue the assistance of his holy Spirit to assist him in the beating downe and mortifying sinne in him and that his Heart and Conscience may be sanctified And when he is cleansed let him shew himselfe to the Priest his Pastor and let him take knowledge by his outward Confession of his inward Contrition not by particularising of his sinnes but by manifesting his repentance and then in all reuerence
men by nature are likewise so farre tainted with that first offence as infinite offences are bred in euery man by that offence as I for my part good Father against whom that first sinne was done do acknowledge that I féele the force of that originall corruption working so strongly in me that I cannot but accuse my selfe to be the most vile and vnworthiest of all Adams issue for I cannot otherwise iudge of my selfe when I looke into and sée and consider what I am and how I am inclined to sinne I cannot but confesse what I cannot hide from thée who séest the most secret and most couered thought of the heart much more then the déedes of darkenesse which I commit to whose all-séeing eyes the darkenesse and light are all one and therefore findest out all my sins whether they be in thought intent or action And although euery sinne bringeth death yet there is a promise vpon repentance that they shall be forgiuen But Lord among many sinnes remaining in mée thou séest one principall and as it were a raigning commanding sinne in me whereunto I am drawne by the continuall violence of that neuer-ceasing aduersarie Satan who worketh my more corruption and by my corruptions polluteth mine affections and mine affections bréede so strong an inclination to that odious sinne that I am weake to performe what thou commandest and strong to effect what thou forbiddest Therefore good Father kill all and especially this sinne that hangeth so fast on mee that it raigne no longer in mée for I féele it an heauy and loathsome burden vnto my soule which I cannot shake off as of mine owne power but by the speciall working and strength of thy holy Spirit who worketh true repentance O worke true repentance in me and make sinne more and more loathsome vnto mee for thou séest Lord that I commit all sinne as it were against my wil. Giue me therefore power to bridle all my corrupt affections the consideration whereof grieueth me and a heape of feare possesseth my soule despaire presenting it selfe before me which would vtterly deuoure all hope of reconciliation with thée did not thy word and promise firmly assure me not onely of frée pardon for all that is past but of power also to withstand Satans future assaults in the bloud and merits of Christ Jesus thy Son my Sauiour yet not without my true and serious repentance which also is thy gift O worke in me true repentance giue me grace to withstand all temptations And although I shall neuer so mortifie my corruptions but some dregs will remaine and breake forth yet kill the strength of this all other sinnes in me that I may be able truely to assure my conscience that what I would doe that I doe not what I would not that I doe that thy frée fauour and loue in Jesus Christ working in me for me by me faith obedience and a renued heart may worke and preuaile in mee to the withstanding of the tempter and his temptations suppresse my corruptions and their fruits and make mée to become more more holy by the imputed holinesse which in thy sonne by promise is mine to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be ascribed all honour and praise for euer Amen Lord increase my Faith and giue mee true repentance for my sinnes and power euermore to resist them A Prayer for a prosperous Iourney O Lord in whose hands all things and all men are the Guide and Protector of all that beléeue and come vnto thée I come Lord vnto thy diuine Maiesty begging at thy hands pardon for my sins which I doe confesse to be very great worthily may pull downe a great and weighty burden of thy Judgements vpon mée and nothing can truely prosper with mée vntill I be reconciled vnto thee in Christ in whom thou art so well pleased as who so in him commeth vnto thée neuer departeth emptie of some blessing or other and therefore I now good Father vnder thy fauour by thy permission and fatherly furtherance intending to take my iourney doe beséech thée to pardon my sinnes and grant that before I betake mee to my trauell I may séele in my conscience a liuely assurance that thou hast forgiuen mee and that I am reconciled vnto thee and at peace with thée that so I may be assured that as thine holy Angell went with the seruant of Abraham and prospered his iourney as an Hast of Angels were present with Elisha to defend him from the King of Aram and as thine Angels comforted and conducted Iacob in his iourney so thou wilt send thine Angels with me that they may take charge of mée conduct mée guide mée and prosperously spéede my iourney and giue good successe vnto the occasion of my trauels for I doe confesse and acknowledge that it is not in the wisedome the art power ●r prouidence of man either to preuent the dangers which in diuers manners doe lye hid and concealed from the wisest till they fall neither to performe his iourney or to accomplish the occasion of the same prosperously and therefore vnlesse thou maist be pleased to assist me with thy grace to support mee with thy hand to defend me in thy mercy to blesse mee in thy loue and in thy prouidence to comfort mée I cannot but confesse that my iourney cannot be prosperous my selfe in body or soule safe nor the businesse where about I goe come to good effect ●ith therefore good Father thou hast made vnto all men that come vnto thée an assured promise that thou wilt neuer faile nor forsake them but wilt command thine Angels to take charge of them that nothing shall hurt them and that thou wilt be with them in the way they ride or ●o in the house wherin they rest or refresh them and wilt enable them to performe that which they intend better then they haue either skill or ablenesse blesse me I beséech thée with such wisedome will power and discretion as I may so performe my iourney and the occasion thereof as may be to the discharge of my dutie to thée in true obedience to man in a good conscience and to my selfe in a due regard of the reliefe of mée and such as thou hast giuen mée and withall most gracious Father sith that thou hast ordained thy Creatures to serue to my vse in this my iourney blesse them I beséech thée with strength and power to performe the seruice for me which the necessitie of my iourney requireth that my iourney being ended and my busines duly effected I may returne the praise and glory to thy most holy name in Christ to whom with thée and the holy Ghost be ascribed all honour power glory and dominion for euer more Amen Lord increase my Faith and prosper my Iourney A Motiue to the Prayer folowing against Enemies IT is the nature of carnall men to hate their Enemies and seeke all meanes possible to be reuenged of them wherein they offend the Maiestie of
be difmayed at any of thy corrections Lie my heart within mée reioyce let my soule triumph and my conscience retaine true peace and godly alacrity in the middest of the causes of my déepest discontentments And assist me Lord so with thy grace that I may not onely séeme but be indéede truely patient and by the same thy grace let Patience haue her true and liuely working in mée bringing forth all other spirituall effects of Obedience all the fruits of thy sanctifying Spirit Faith to beléeue zeale to pray and constant perseuerance in that hope which maketh not ashamed So shall all my tryals and temptations crosses and afflictions worke for my good to thy glory and al my troubles be approued tryals of thy loue and fatherly fauours toward me howsoeuer the desires of flesh and bloud oppose themselues to weaken the swéete assurance setled in mée by a liuely féeling of thy promises made in thy word infinite in number comfortable and neuer failing Plant therefore in me O good Father plant in mée these sauing fruits and water them continually with the distilling dewe of thy sanctifying Spirit that they may grow vp in mée from the small and weake buds that scarcely appeare in mée to such liuely fructifying and neuer-dying branches as may beare in mée true testimonies vnto my selfe of mine assured Saluation and future Glorification and to thine Elect encouragements of diuine imitation and to the contrary minded examples either to their reformation or condemnation A Prayer against the temptations of the Diuell MOst mercifull God and leuing Father thy blessed World teacheth vs that the old Dragon and subtle Serpent our aduersary the Diuell ●uns about vs like a roaring Lion séeking daily to deuoure vs. Hée vseth all his wicked sleights against our Soules with an in finite number of diuellish Stratagems to make vs fall into sinne or despaire He practiseth to entrap vs by riches by pouerty by voluptuous and wanton pleasures by gréedy desire after honour worldly dignities by coueting earthly goods and possessions by care for the belly and prouision therefore with all other vnrighteous and sinfull affections and desires Hée cunningly doth cast abroad his daits and snares to intangle vs night and day in our words and workes so that wake we or sléepe we he is before or behind vs to deuoure vs. O glorious God who can escape for he is continually watching and neuer at rest and wée are weake and vnable of our selues to resist Open thou our eyes O Lord that we may comprehend how mighty and crafty our enemie is Confirme our Faith for we are not to fight against flesh and bloud but against Sathan the vtter enemy of the Soule therefore O faithfull Father haue compassion on vs. Make vs strong in the power of thine owne streugth put vpon vs thy defensiue armour to resist manfully the temptations and subtle deuices of the Diuell Giue vs thy weapons gird our reynes with the Girdle of truth put on our brests the Brest-plate of righteousnes let our féete be shod with Euangelical peace and aboue all things let our hearts be defended with the shield of Faith so shall wée be sure to quench all the fiery darts of the diuell so that our hearts be couered with the Helmet of Saluation and our hands hold fast the Sword of the Spirit which is thy most sacred an● neuer failing Word Then shall wée be able to doe any good thing and valiantly through thy ●ide and succour ouer come our aduersary the Diuell for in thy very name we shall strongly with stand him Be thou but our helper and no feare can assault vs stand thou but by vs and though the world should be ouer-whelmed and the Mountaines tumbled into the bottome of the Sea yet shall wee be safe for thou art our assistance that liuest and raignest world without end Amen The Motiue to the first Prayer in distresse Being a Confession of sinnes and a Petition to be released of the punishments due for the same DAngers and afflictions moue poore men to repaire vnto God not onely in their silent sighes as Anna and Moses did but also in their vnfamed zeale vsing the meanes the tongue and lips in crying vnto the Lord who willeth vs to aske and enioyneth vs to waite vntill his good time be to giue what we desire And for that God heareth not sinners here is inserted a Confession and Prayer for forgiuenesse that our vnworthinesse may be put away and our vnaptnesse turned into true submission and our coldnes into zeale that the Spirit of God being renewed within vs through our humiliation and prayer we may not faint but liue in hope and vndergoe the correction of our louing God in what manner and for what time heseeth it fit for vs without indenting with him what to doe for vs or when to come to vs because he is wise and we our selues fooles he is mercifull and neuer faileth nor forsaketh the miserable God is loue and imbraceth them that deserue to be hated And therefore he● beareth with our imperfections and accepteth vs righteous being vnrighteous worthy being vnworthy of our selues And in this hope and assurance is this prayer following to be faithfully vsed and it shall comfort the soule of the most sorrowfull The way truely to seeke our God is to doe iustly to loue mercy to humble our selues and to walke with him Reioyce in hope be patient in tribulation continuing in Prayer Rom. 12. 12. The first Prayer in distresse O Father full of knowledge thou searchest the hidden thoughts of all hearts thou beholdest the desires euen of such as kéepe silence But yet thou requirest that thy children should know and confesse thée to be their Father and so to iudge of thy workes as that thou hast framed in man an heart wherewith to beléeue and a tongue and lips whereby to confesse thée to be his louing Father and dost challenge at his hands the Sacrifices of Prayer and Praise continually Thy children must not be dumbe in their Soules nor mute in their lips that want thine aide no thou commandest them to aske séeke and knocke an t she west thy selfe ready to heare ready to be found and ready to receiue thy distressed ones who are faithfull and patient and perseuere vnto the end And therefore deare Father I beset with many miseries come vnto thee as vnto the chiefe fountaine of all rest and reliefe inward and outward but I am st●full and that I confesse and thou wi●● not heare such as are defiled with iniquity the wicked cannot finde thée and the vniust cannot come before thy presence Alas what shall I then doe being so vnfit to aske so vnapt to séeke and so vnworthy to receiue what I desire by reason of my sinnes But cleanse mée O Father most pure and sanctifie mée O thou most holy teach mee what to speake vnto thée for I cannot keepe silence my griefes are great and my miseries increase more and more I must
feareth the hurt of men O Lord I cannot excuse mine euils they are infinite in mine own eyes and many as grosse which I haue forgotten sleightly past ouer as if they were no sinnes before thee and therefore I appeale vnto thy mercy for all for by mine own deseruing or satisfaction I can cleare my selfe of none at all Who can rehearse or call to memory all that he hath done amisse before thee who keepest account of the least sins And therfore what auaileth it me to iustifie my selfe if I knew nothing by my selfe It is thou that seest and iudgest it is thou that hast found matter enough to condemne me and cause enough to punish me therfore I haue no means to be freed from thine anger and consequently from my miseries but thy mercy onely in thy beloued Christ Jesus Correct me not therefore deare Father as I deserue but in him haue compassion vpon me and as for my reformation thou beatest mee with thy rod so for my preseruation hold me vp by thy staffe that I be not confounded vtterly or perish altogether Thou seemest as if thou hadst vtterly forsaken mee Oh why art thou so farre from me in the wofull time of my troubles Why stoppe●t thou thine eares at my cry Why dost thou turne away thy face when I offer the sacrifice of praier vnto thee and seemest not to regard mee though I put my trust wholly in thee O come Lord come now at the last performe thy promises of aid and comfort when most neede is for vaine are the helps of flesh weake is mans arme and his heart is not right in equity and iudgement therfore I trusting in thee onely let me not be disappointed of my hope let me not goe mourning by reason of my miseries and neuer finde reliefe at thy hands Our Fathers trusted in thee they called vpon thee in their troubles and dangers and were deliuered and freed from that which oppressed them they prayed vnto thee and were heard they fought thee and thou shewedst thy selfe a helping Father vnto them euen when they were ready to be swallowed vp of mercilesse waters Great was thy fauour towards all our beleeuing fathers but alas Lord what am I I am a Worme and no Man yet I beleeue Lord helpe mine vnbeliefe I am couered with shame be thou my glory that I may glorifie thée among the people that now contemne me because thou séemest to hide thy face from me I am gazed on and derided scorned and despised because of my miseries my neighbours that should assist mée disdaine me my familiars that should comfort me doe not onely forsake mée but say of mée that all my hope is in vaine my kinsfolkes who should aide me in my necessities adde griefe vnto my miseries and tauntingly say I am deseruedly fallen and cannot rise againe Oh behold this thou that sittest on high consider this and instead of these miseries increased by such as should friendly visit mée stand thou by mée and afford me the cup of thy saluation that I tasting of it may answere these men and say as I am assured that my Redéemer liueth euen thou my God mercifull and all-sufficient who art one and the same for euer I was cast vpon thée as soone as I was borne and thou receiuedst mee But the faults of my youth and the sinnes of my riper yeeres haue caused a diuorce betwéene thy loue and my lewd life I am sorry deare Father J am sorry for my fault take me again into the bosome of thy fauour and from hence forth be present with me againe and let me only ioy in obeying thée and let my soule take comfort of thée and my whole man be relieued by thée for besides thée I haue no helper Oh helpe thou mée and restore mée to comfort againe banish all mine afflictions as a mist and refresh my soule with the timely dew of thy reliete powre downe the swéete drops of thy quickning Spirit and let a comfortable calme follow the fearefull stormes of this dangerous tempest And I will yéelde thée the praise who art worthy of all praise I will magnifie thy name that workest wonderfull things and bringest to passe that which the worldly ones cannot comprehend I will declare thy name for euer among the children of men The righteous shall heare it and be glad and the wicked shall quaile to sée me restored whom they so long haue scorned and deemed a cast-away because of my miseries For thine owne names sake therfore O Lord my God heare my prayers consider my meditations helpe mée in time conuenient before I shall vtterly lest the righteous be discouraged by my decay and the vngodly take heart to perseuere the more in their obstinate and malicious wayes whilest they imagine there is not a God that respecteth the miseries of his distressed Children O Lord increase our Faith The Motiue to the fourth Prayer WHerin the poore man sheweth his accustomed constancy and faith And feeling the weight of his crosses yet heauy prayeth that he may not be vtterly consumed nor that his enemies preuaile against him but rather God will furnish him with such ability as he may pacifie them in paying all men their due and the rather for that many doe looke vpon his dangers both the wicked the godly the one in derision the other in griefe These yet expect what will be the issue of the poore mans crosses But the godly wishing it to be comfortable he prayeth that they may see it come to a wished end for conformation of their hope in the like dangers and because the poore man findeth his owne infirmities hee prayeth for strength and seeing his owne ignorance prayeth for knowledge and looking into his dulnesse cold inclination to good things prayeth for feruency and zeale knowing assuredly that there is no way to attaine vnto deliuery from thraldome but to walke rightly before the Lord who is ready to set the iust vpon a sure rocke against which the wicked cannot preuaile And although Father Mother Kinsmen and Friends forsake him he is assured the Lord supplieth them all and by the experience hee hath of the Lords readinesse to helpe hauing vpholden him in former dangers he will not faile him nor forsake him when he is ready to be swallowed vp of most mercilesse troubles The fourth Prayer wherein he prayeth for faith for zeale and strength to vndergoe Gods corrections and to be deliuered from the dangers prepared against him LOrd I lift vp mine heart vnto thoe my soule trusteth in thée let me not be confounded let not men haue their desires against mée let thy blessings be powred downe vpon mee let thy cup of comfort and saluation be filled vnto me and let thy right hand be ready and outstretched to hold mee vp and in thy prouidence furnish me with the hid treasures of thy loue So shall I sit safely vpon a sure rocke and be furnished with such things as may pacifie such as now are
hast also blessed my iourney with such successe as in thy wisedome is most for my comfort and profit for in all things thou knowest better what is fit for man then man and therefore as thou hast béene pleased to deale with me or shalt thinke hereafter fit for me grant that I consult not with flesh and bloud to finde the expediency of the successe of my iourney knowing this that we are ignorant of the things most conuenient for vs And therefore whatsoeuer doth or shall succéede by thy prouidence giue me wisedome patience and thankefulnesse to imbrace the same Let mée neuer forget the words of thy mouth thy promises made vnto thy Children that all things shall worke together for the best for them And therefore I doe assure mée that thou hast brought my iourney to prosper to farre as may be to thy glory my comfort and the discharge of my duety in all the circumstances of the occasion of the same Make me able therefore to extoll thée O my God let my Soule praise thée O euerlasting Guide Lord most louing God all-sufficient and euer-helping Father to whom with thy Sonne in whom thou preseruest and to the holy Ghost in whom thou sanctifiest all that are thine be euermore ascribed all Glory Power Dominion and Maiesty for euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer for the Fruits of the Earth O Almighty and most mercifull God the Lord of Heauen and Earth which of thine abundant and infinite goodnesse doest adorne and fill the Earth with all kinde of fruit and graine whereby is sustayned both the life of Man and Beast and which yet cannot prosper without thy blessing we humbly beséech thée of thine infinite goodnesse and mercy to blesse our Fields and Ground and make them prosperous to yéelde their increase for without thy fauour and blessing the Earth can bring forth nothing but vnprofitable and hurtfull wéedes nor we by our endeauours make the same to prosper Let not our grounds be desolate in thine indignation shut not vp the Heauens in wrath for our sinnes that it be not as Iron nor our Earth as Brasse but of thy goodnesse giue vs both the earely and latter raine that wée may haue abundance of all Fruit. Thy Riuer O Lord is full of Water prepare our Corne and prosper our earth crowne the yeare with thy goodnesse and let the clouds drop fatnesse let the P●aines be replenished with Shéepe and the Uallies with Corne that the Possessors of the earth may be merry and reioyce Preserue vs O Lord in the time of dearth that wée perish not for hunger nor be confounded in the time of danger wée confesse our sinnes O Lord with groanings and griefe of heart vnto thée heare our prayers in thy holy Habitation and be mercifull vnto thy people which haue transgressed thy holy Commandements and giue euery man according to his wants that in all things wee may confesse and acknowledge with all reuerence thy omnipotent and diuine power and thy bountifull hand with giuing thankes and continuall praises vnto thée which hast giuen vs all things here to inioy Amen O Lord increase my Faith Meditations A most diuine and comfortable Meditation concerning the Maiesty and Power and Loue of God whereby men distressed and in continuall dangers may be stirred vp the more assuredly to depend on him for their deliuery and reliefe though it come not suddenly WHy shouldest thou feare or faint O my poore soule though yet thou finde no more rest then the Doue that could finde no place to set her foot on Be yet comforted for the Lord hée is God and hee turneth all things to good to them that are his Thou hast long sighed and bewayled thy miseries and yet thou art as Ioseph stil in prison but looke not vpon the weake meanes of flesh and bloud to be fréed looke not vpon the staffe of Egypt the bruised Réede of carnall aide to be stayed by they are but false allurings to draw thée from the swéet contemplation of the admirable works of the worker of all good the Lord of hostes besides whom there is no God He sitteth in glory in the Heauens and hath cloathed himselfe with Maiesty It is he that maketh all knées to bow and forceth Kings to stoope and driueth away the armies of his most mighty enemies Hée is the hope and strength and helpe and refuge and rescue and reliefe of them that trust in him and hée is not curious or coy as man that worketh for money hée doth not good for good againe but all in loue all in mercy fréely and wanting no power to bring to passe what hée will either in mercy to his children or in iudgement against his enemies For the heauens are his seate the earth is his foot stoole the Angels are his ministers and all creatures serue him and that for man onely I will not then dismay though I cry yet and be not yet heard there is an appointed time and there is an appointed meane in his prouidence already decréed in my behalfe I know well by his promises which are Yea and Amen Therefore be yet patient O my soule trust yet O my soule stand fast and this God yea this high and glorious God this great and terrible God will be thy kéeper thy Sauiour and protector euermore Hée is an immaculate God a God pure perfect holy feare him therefore O my soule for as hée is cleane he will haue thée cleansed from all impiety hée will haue thée beautified with sanctity and holinesse as hée is holy no euill dwelleth in him sinne must not remaine with thée flye therefore all impiety and embrace the righteousnesse of Christ who will put on thée his robe of righteousnesse and thou shalt be perfect And this God then shall be with thée this God I say shall be thy refuge for euermore Though he sit in the high heauens not séene with the eye of flesh nor can be reached vnto by the hand of natural reason yet he commandeth all doth euen what he will both in heauen and in earth So powerfull he is so magnificent and so absolute in power that at his word the earth trembleth the mountaines moue and in his displeasure he killeth euen Kings for his righteous childrens sakes The heauens aboue doe shew the glory of this God and the artificiall frame of the firmament the glistering Stars therein the Sun and Moone and their due courses vnchangeable throughout all ages and the beautifull ornaments of the earth beneath do approue the admirable workes of his hands His voyce is a mighty voyce for he speaketh and it is heard from one end of the world to another his voyce is a terrible voyce at which all powers Princes Potentates doe tremble That mighty Nebuchadnezzar at his voyce was thrust forth into the field among the wilde Beasts from his Throne and Dauid from the wildernesse called backe to sit in the seate of honour by him was Haman hanged and