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A02928 The vvay of lyfe A Christian, and catholique institution comprehending principal poincts of Christian religion, which are necessary to bee knowne of all men, to the atteyning of saluation. First delyuered, in the Danish language for the instruction of those people, by Doctor Nicolas Hemmingius, preacher of the Gospell, and professor of diuinitie, for the Kynge of Denmarcke, in his Uniuersitie of Hafnia: and about three yeares past, (for the commoditie of others) translated into Latine, by Andrew Seurinus Velleius: and now first, and newly Englished, for the commodity of English readers: by N. Denham, this yeare of our redemption. 1578.; Via vitae. English Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Denham, Nicholas. 1578 (1578) STC 13067; ESTC S103963 117,088 234

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what is the difference to come betweene the condition of this life and of the life euerlasting In these words Christe sheweth three causes of the erronious Doctrine of the Saduces THE FIRST IS that they knew not the Scriptures which alone teacheth vs to try the trueth from falshod in all those matters which concerne the businesse of saluation Therefore Dauid faith Thy word is a lanterne vnto my feete THE SECOND CAVSE that they knewe not the vertue and power of God by the which he was able as easily to raise vp y e dead in the last day as it was not hard to him to create all things of nothing in the first day Therfore when we thinke vpon the resurrection of the dead reason is not to be admitted into counsail which is onely occupyed about these corporall things but we must looke back to the scripture and knowe that nothing is impossible before God the omnipotent creator of all things THE THIRD CAVSE of the error of the Saduces Christe assigneth to bee this that they did not consider the difference of the condition of man in this worlde and in the life eternall In this life there is neede of wedlock but in the life eternall they shal neither mary nor be maryed for they shalbe as the Angels of God in heauen And the loue of the other life doth by a thousand degrees excel the loue of this world yea that will darken this euen as the sunne rising in the morning taketh away the light from all the other starres and alone with his owne brightnesse lightneth the world THE THIRD EMBASSAGE was of the Iewes beeing made vnto Christe the very same day this is the same whereof the present text of the Gospell maketh mention VVhen the Pharises had heard that Iesus had in this wise stopped the mouthes of the Saduces they came vnto him and asked him which was the greatest comaundement in the Lawe That was doone of them not because they would learne but that they might haue some occation to destroy him For they thought thus with them selues because this fellowe bringeth in Baptisme and accuseth vs which liuing according to the Lawe doe boast our selues to be righteous by the woorks of the Lawe surely and without al doubt he contemneth the Law and doth far lesse esteeme it thē his Baptisme which if he doe there wil lye a iust action for vs against him as against one blasphemouse against God himself as one which hath the law of God in no estimation which the Lorde him selfe gaue vnto vs by his seruaunt Moses To these things Christ answereth saying the greatest and the first commaundement is Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart with al thy soule and with all thy mynde And the seconde is like vnto this Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe In these two Commaundements hang all the Lawe and the Prophets Doubtlesse the Pharises looked not for such an answere to be giuen them therefore none of them could say any thing against him And so we see that neither wisdome nor prudence can preuaile against the Lorde which bringeth to naught the wisdome of the wise and confoundeth the vnderstanding of the prudent as it is in Esay Chap. 29. The seconde Doctrine TOVCHING THE LAVVE I will explicate these three things FIRST I wil speake in generall of the two cheefe Commaundements and heads of the Law that is to say Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy minde And Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe SECONDLY of the foure principall errours about the doctrine of the Lawe THIRDLY of the true vse of the Lawe ¶ Of the first THE Lawe in this place setteth beefore vs the two cheefest commaundements the first of the louing of God the other of louing our neighbour And in what manner God is to be loued it expoundeth saying Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with al thy minde In what manner also thy Neighbour is to bee loued it by and by addeth Thou shalt loue thy neighbour As thy selfe But what is it to loue God with all thy hart with all thy soule and with all thy minde This word of LOVE comprehēdeth three things Firste it comprehendeth a knowledge of the thing that is to be loued for of a thing vnknowen there is no desire Moreouer it comprehendeth all the affections and motions of the hart which do accompany pure loue Thirdly it comprehendeth all workes whiche are required to this loue Therefore the lawe of God ioyneth these three together when it saith Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy minde so that there be in the heart that is to say in the vnderstanding of man a cleere light and knowledge of GOD. Whome he assuredly perswadeth him selfe to bee the moste beste and moste excellente namely the Fountaine of all goodnesse Moreouer VVith all thy soule that is all the affections motions and desires of the heart shoulde tende to this end that thou maiest loue God cleaue vnto him place in him the soundnesse of thy loue whereby thou mayest keepe him moste sure in thy heart and for euer inioy him LASTLY thou shouldest loue him VVith all thy minde or with all thy strength so that thou shouldest conuert all thy cogitations indeuours and studies to set forwarde and defend whatsoeuer thinges doe appertaine vnto God and to fight against those thinges whiche are contrary vnto GOD namely by resisting the Deuill Sinne and all their troupe and garrison And so we see here in what manner the three cheefe naturall powers or abilities ingrafted into the soule of man namely REASON APPETITE and ANGER doe shewe foorth thier strengthes For REASON inquireth for the cheefest good that is to say GOD APPETITE desireth that same principall good and by loue ioyneth it selfe vnto it ANGER or Zeale is kindled to vpholde and defende that principallest good GOD and enemy like fighteth against the Deuill sinne and the occasions thereof and all other things what soeuer are contrary vnto God MOREOVER when thou hearest that thou art commaunded to loue God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy minde heere thou must consider that God doth require a loue PVRE and PERFECT ETERNALL and SPIRITVALL so that thy loue should bee pure without spotte perfecte with out all faulte eternall without all intermission and spirituall without all affection and leuen of fleshly concupiscence THE OTHER great Commaundement is this Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe Heere God appointeth the rule of the loue of our neighbour to bee the loue of our owne selfe But that this may be the rightlyer vnderstanded two thinges doe come to bee considered FIRST we must discerne betweene two manners after which man loueth himselfe for of these two the one is dampnable and vnlawfull the
regenerated so wee beeing cleansed and regenerated are spiritually fed and nourished by the benefite of the body and blood of Christ rightly vsing the Supper of the Lord according to his owne institution Fourthly the Supper of the Lord is a testimonie of the new Testamente that is to say of A NEVV COVENANT betweene God and man touching remission of sinnes wherby God testifyeth that hee will receiue into fauour and forgiue sinners for the merite of the death passion of Christ to All which beleeue in HIM Therfore he himselfe sayth This Cup is the new Testament in my blood that is This Cuppe is a firme and vnmoueable seale of the moste ample promise of god cōcerning y e forgiuenes of sinnes Whosoeuer therefore with a true and liuely faith vseth this Sacrament receiueth the testimonie of God himselfe whereby he testifyeth that he hath deliuered his sonne shedding his blood vpon the Altar of the Crosse for the remission of sinnes that through him as many as beleeue in him may obtaine saluation Fiftly The Supper of the Lord admonisheth vs of the secret and spirituall communion whereby we whiche doe partake this Sacrament together are vnited as it were into one body Of which thing Paule saith Because wee beeing many are one bread and ONE BODY inasmuch as we are all partakers of one breade This knitting of the Christians into one body dependeth heereon that we all as it is already said are vnited to the body of Christe by the partaking of his body and blood Sixtly The Supper of the Lord requireth mutuall loue betweene the Communicantes whereby the misticall members of the same body as we haue said shoulde with heart word and worke performe duetyes one towardes the other This Loue of Christian people which from the head CHRISTE floweth into the rest of the members that is to say the Citizens of his Church doth not take away the degrees of persons but rather confirmeth the diuersities of callings in the Congregation of all whiche there is one marke namely The Glory of God and the commoditie of thy neighbour Whosoeuer feeleth not in his heart the sparckle of this mutiall dilection and without a purpose of well dooing to his member that is to say to his neighbour commeth to the Supper of the Lorde it were better for him to abstaine vtterly from the Sacrament For who would not affirme that manne to bee mad and out of his minde whiche would set his owne members at strife one with another amongest themselues so that the handes might plucke out the eyes or cut of the feete I woulde to GOD that Christians could after the same manner marke their owne madnesse whiche they doe manifestly betray and showe forth whilste through mutuall hatreds and contentions of minde they set themselues one against another Seuenthly The Supper of the Lord is a pledge and signification of our resurrection life and eternall saluation and that by the power of Christe risen againe from the dead For whatsoeuer hath beene hetherto spoken of the Supper of the Lord are al to be referred to this principall end that they may bee vnto vs in steade of a pledge sealing of life euerlasting through Christe whose members we are made And so that is fulfilled which Christ saith He which eateth my flesh and drincketh my blood hath eternall life and I will rayse him vp in the last day By these Articles which we haue brought abroade out of the holy Scripture to the declaring of this doctrine of the supper of the Lorde euery man may easily vnderstand how needeful it is with a hygh godlynesse of minde and reuerence to approch to this supper to proue him selfe before he eate of this bread or drinke of the Cup of the Lorde For as Paule saith He which eateth and drincketh vnworthyly eateth and drincketh his owne damnation because he discerneth not the Lords body Christ affirmeth the same thing of the Gospell Hee which beleeueth not sayth he shalbe condemned And Augustine sayth of Baptisme Euen as he whiche vnworthyly eateth the body of the Lorde and drinketh his blood eateth and drincketh his omne damnation so he which receiueth Baptisme vnwoorthily which thing many Iewes doe at this day receiueth to himself damnatiō not saluation Furthermore Least any man shoulde communicate the Supper of the Lord vnworthyly let him followe the counsayle of Paule 1. Corinth 11. Let a man proue himselfe and so let him eate of that Bread and drinke of that Cuppe for he which eateth and drinketh vnworthyly eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not descerning the Lords body that is to say hee calleth vnto himselfe the punishment and Iudgement of GOD. What therefore is the true manner of prouing himselfe The same Paule prescrybeth 2. Cor. 13. when he saith Try your selues whether ye be in faith or no proue your owne selues Knowe yee not your selues that Iesus Christe is in you Heereby it appeareth that the true tryall of proouing consisteth in this that a liuely faith bee truely felt and the presence of Christe in vs by the vertue of his spirit stirring vs vp to the study of godlynesse Breifely he is truely prooued which reuerently in the feare of GOD in true repentance in true confidence and with an holy purpose commeth to this Supper And contrarywise he which is without the true feare of God and earnest repentance and wanteth liuely fayth and an holy purpose the same eateth and drinketh iudgement to himselfe bothe temporall and eternall vnlesse he be againe by faith in Iesus Christe conuerted And I nothing doubt but the greatest parte of moste heauy calamities euery where reigning in many places is therefore sente because they bee so common which participate the supper of the Lord without true and earnest repentance Paule writeth that the Corinthyans were plagued because they touched vnreuerently the holy Supper For this cause sayth he many are feeble and weake among you and many are fallen a sleep For if wee had iudged our selues wee should not haue beene iudged but when we are iudged of the Lorde we are instructed that we should not bee damned with the worlde I would to God that many at this day would not builde vpon a feeble foundation and be much deceiued with their owne opinion which then suppose themselues to come woorthyly to the Supper of Christ when they haue confessed their sinnes before the preist and obtayned absolution of him He which beleeueth him God absolueth for the death and passion of Iesus Christe For he which beleeueth saith Iohn hath eternall life If therefore the beleeuer hath eternall life hee is also without all doubt absolued from all his sinnes For Absolution is no other thing than a deliuerance from sin which is in the power of GOD alone Therefore the Ministers of the woord cannot absolue him which is without the feare of God a liuely faith and a purpose of good liuing from the least offence And he which is such
good thing and commoditie of the children of God or of the Church is That God himselfe is in her as a moste lightsome Sun For euen as from this visible Sunne there commeth vnto the worlde Light Heate and Shining beames wherby al things are quickened and cherished so frō God which is the Sun inuisible there cometh vnto the Church Light that is to say cleere knowledge of GOD there commeth Heate that is affections burning with Faith Hope and Loue and shining beames which are the manifolde consolations whereby the faithfull soule is releeued cherished and comforted This Sunne as it riseth to such as feare God so it setteth to the negligent the wicked lyuer and the carelesse It is therfore with great diligence to be taken heede of that the godlie through a certaine sluggishnes of their owne in hearing or reading the word of God wherin this Sunne brightly shineth doe not suffer this Sunne to be either darkened or hidden from them For as this visible Sunne if it shall seeme to a sicke body in his dreame to be hid or darkened there is daunger as Hippocrates affirmeth of moste certaine death to the sicke body to be at hand so if our Sunne Christe be darkened vnto vs his doctrine beeing either abolished or obscured not onely darcknes hangeth ouer vs but also the death of the soule and moste assured eternall condemnation Furthermore we may heereby perceiue the misery of them as many as are destitute of this Sunne the worde of GOD. For they beeing blinde doe bothe grope in the darknesse of ignorance and beeing ignoraunt of God are stricken with dreadfull amasednesse of minde when sinne sheweth foorth it selfe in their consciences And albeit that Conscience seemeth in many to be as it were with an hot yron feared as though it were voyd of all feeling of sinne yet notwithstanding it will at sometime be wakened vp at the least in the extreame agonie of death and will driue the miserable soule into desperation than the whiche thing nothing may happen vnto manne either more heauy or more bytter as hauing leather that hee had neuer beene created and brought vnto light The second good thing or commoditie of them which knowe the Essence and will of GOD and yeelde themselues obedient to the same is that God is a defence or sheeld vnto them wherwith they are compassed defended and sheelded against the kingdome of darcknesse Of this sheeld speaketh Dauid in Psal 5. when he saith All they which hope in thee shall reioyce they shall euer be giuing thanks and thou shalt dwell in them all they which loue thy name shall reioyce in thee For thou Lord shalt blesse the righteous and with thy fauourable kindenesse shalt thou compasse vs as with a sheelde Item Psal 18. And thou haste giuen me the defence or sheelde of thy saluation and thy right hand doth vpholde me In this manner it is the good pleasure of God that he wil not only with the crowne of his fauourable kindenesse compasse his about but also will haue them to bee happie with perpetuall blessednesse Paule when he writeth to the Ephesians thus Take vnto you the sheeld of Faith wherewith ye may quench all the fiery dartes of the wicked Signifying that we are thē compassed about with the sheeld of faith when we fight a good fight holdeing a stedfast beleefe of the doctrine with a sure confidence of mercy a good conscience This sheelde forasmuch as the enemies of God doe want what I pray ye can be more miserable then they For in asmuch as they be naked and vnarmed they are not able to resist the diuel the prince of darkenes but he obteineth ful dominion in them throweth them headlong out of one wickednes into an other vntill he haue brought them to vtter destruction The third good thing or commoditie which the godly haue by the healthfull knowledge and feare of the true God is called of Dauid Grace This Grace is the fauour of God forgiuing sinne to the beleeuers for the death of his sonne and garnishing them with a most pure garment which is The obedience or righteousnesse of Christe VVhereby they are in such wise reputed righteous in the sight of God as if they them selues had fulfilled the lawe But they which are out of the congregation are voide of this grace of saluation and doe remaine vnder sinne the wrath of God and eternall damnation for their iniquitie The fourth commoditie which they that know and feare God doe inioy is called of Dauid Glory This Glory is The adoption of the adopted sonnes of GOD The inhabiting of the holy ghoste and the hereditary Possession of eternall blessednesse by Iesus Christe But contrarywise they whiche doe not knowe God are the bondslaues and dwelling places of the diuell are mooued by his spirit and to eternall ignominie are they reserued The fifth good thing or commoditie which God by the Psalmist promiseth vnto the godly is cōteined in these wordes He will withholde no good thing from them which walke in innocencie O how great is this promise It is all one as if he should say They which walke in innocencie that is to say they which by faith doe yeelde obedience vnto God shall be abundantly indewed with all good thinges so that they may perpetually inioy them and shall neuer stand in feare of any euill to come vnto them And albeit that all the Children of God shal in this world suffer persecution yet notwithstanding they are certaine of the good things promised which heere they obtaine by hope and in the life to come shall without all impediment for euer possesse But contrarywise they which haue neither learned to knowe God by his worde neither yet to feare him according to his will vnto them ignominies sorowes and calamities shall neuer be wanting but vnto the Diuell whome they haue serued they shall be thrall and subiect for euer Heereby now euery one may easely vnderstand that to be moste true which I propounded in the beginning namely That of all things which are in the world there is nothing either more better or more precious neither yet more profitable than rightly to know the ESSENCE and WIL of God and that this knowledge is drawne forth of the word of God in the which word he hath opened bothe him self and his wil. But least any man should suffer himselfe to be seduced by the deuill his members it is to bee knowne that the worde of GOD is not any other where to be sought than in the writinges of Moses the Prophetes the Euangelistes and Apostles whiche are beautified with the testimonie of the omnipotent God which is the eternall veritie and can not lye as Paule speaketh But some may obiect or at the least thinke with himselfe in his heart as many doe although they expresse it not by their mouth after this manner If wee were certaine that that worde were in very deede the worde of