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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88080 The glorious truth of redemption by Jesus Christ, rescued out of the hand or unrighteousnes. Or the doctrine of redemption rightly stated: wherein, 1. All Arminian and Pelagian glosses and absurdities are refuted. 2. All carnal allegations and reasonings silenc'd. 3. All concern'd scriptures seemingly discording, reconcil'd. 4. The doctrine of redemption clearly held forth, according to the harmony of scripture, and analogie of faith. By W.L. Levitt, William. 1652 (1652) Wing L1828; Thomason E681_7; ESTC R206784 25,340 46

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The glorious Truth of Redemption BY Jesus Christ Rescued out of the Hand of UNRIGHTEOUSNES OR The Doctrine of Redemption rightly stated WHEREIN 1. All Arminian and Pelagian glosses and absurdities are resuted 2. All carnal allegations and reasonings silenc'd 3. All concern'd Scriptures scemingly discording reconcil'd 4. The Doctrine of Redemption clearly held forth according to the harmony of Scripture and Analogie of Faith By W. L. Rom. 1. 18. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which with-hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness Gal. 1 7. Which is not another Gospel but there are some which trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ 2 Pet. 3. 16. Among which some things are hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do other Scriptures to their own destruction LONDON Printed for the Author 1653. To the Worshipful Henry Langley Dr of Divinity Canon of Christ-church and Principal of Pembrook Colledge in Oxford SIR THat undeserved respect those worthless Papers of mine which came to your hand received hath emboldned me to come now a begging to the University Although it's sad to have the Father to seek when the Child is come into the World especially to a poor mother Yet this is the condition of this poor Infant which however by Divine Providence having received a Being yet is both naked and bare and unless countenanc'd cover'd and nourish'd by your care and charity it must needs remain despicable and cast out to common odium Shall I therefore commend and commit the care thereof or rather freely bestow it on you This I am sure of it will be well provided for if once under your Roof and if you as willingly entertain it as I beg However let it receive such accomodation as seems best in the eys of so skilful a Nurse I know the Herods of our times will be hunting after it but my care is over when once under yours Sir To deal plainly this poor Paper I know will meet with much opposition therefore I as boldly as humbly tender it to your protection and as I do it out of that due Respect I owe to your self so I also aim by this broken and patch'd piece to prompt and provoke some of the able Champions of the Truths of Christ to set upon a more learned and perfect Vindication of that precious Truth of Redemption so much prevaricated and adulterated in our days And give me leave to give you a little encouragement to own it although a Mephibosheth yet it 's of the Royal Race nobly descended as legitimate as any begotten by the immortal seed of holy Scripture able to derive its Pedigree from and before Adam was Therefore setting aside all excuses I once more entreat its entertainment or else I must shamelesly leave it at your Dore to the mercy of the wide world yet comforted that there cannot be less pity harboured in your heart then was found in Pharaoh's Daughter I crave leave to pay that old debt due ever since I knew you viz. William Levitt The glorious Truth of Redemption By Jesus Christ Rescued out of the Hand of UNRIGHTEOUSNES 1 COR. 15. 22. For as in Adam all dy even so in Christ shall all be made alive ROM 5. 18. Likewise as by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the justifying of one the benefit abounded to all men to the justification of life FRom these and such like Scriptures men of corrupt and unstable minds with Pel●gius Armi●ius and others in all Ages have drawn corrupt and unsou●d conclusions so that that grand Gospel Truth of Redemption by Jesus Christ as held forth in the holy Scriptures wherein the honour of God and comfort of his Saints are pri●cipally concerned is so exceedingly prevaricated that little of either appeareth For the removal of which evils take notice of the fond conceits of some yea too many in our times wrested from such Scriptures 1. Some hence affirm and that boldly that Jesus Christ came to save all men with an eternal salvation 2. Others there are conclude hence that Jesus Christ by his death freed all men from the guilt of Adam's transgression and consequently from the punishment due thereunto which as they say is only temporal from Gen. 3. 19. Dust thou art and to the dust thou shalt return 3. A third sort there are and of these although very many yet more skilful to deceive who hence publikely teach that Jesus Christ by his death hath discharged all mankinde from the eternal condemnation due to Adam's transgression yea and many of them although of as strong abilities as plausible conversations yet make it their study to maintain this Brat of their own breeding although they stretch both their brains as well as the Scriptures upon the Tenters of their opinion till they rend both asunder The unsoundness of all which opinions with their several absurdities are clearly manifested in the ensuing discourse and the doctrine of Redemption rightly held forth as founded upon the holy Scriptures both Prophets and Apostles nay Christ himself all agreeing in this necessary truth that neither the Death Resurrection Ascension or Intercession of Christ ever was or shall be beneficial to any but such as lay hold upon him by a true and lively faith according to John 3. 15 16. So God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Where we see 1. The moving cause God's love 2. That Jesus Christ was the Father's free gift 3. The extent of God's love to the world terminated in the Believers who only have benefit by Christ Yea and this an act of free grace when he might justly have sent all to hell Come we now to the opinions themselves For the first That Jesus Christ came to save all men with an eternal salvation as well from actual as original sin This is so point blank against the very current of Scripture that few or none in their right senses dare owne it the Authors thereof being for the most part either ignorant or profane men not at all acquainted with the holy Scriptures which speak a clean contrary language as John 5. 29. And they shall come forth that have done good to the resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation So also Matth. 25. 34. Then shall the King say to them on the right hand Come ye blessed of my Father Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world c. v. 41. Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire c. So also Mark 16. 16. and hundreds of Scriptures more But this not worth time Come to the second That Jesus Christ by his death hath freed all men from the guilt of Adam's transgression which they say procured