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A81837 Of peace and contentment of minde. By Peter Du Moulin the sonne. D.D. Du Moulin, Peter, 1601-1684. 1657 (1657) Wing D2560; Thomason E1571_1; ESTC R209203 240,545 501

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countenance of Gods justice Their owne crimes take them by the throate and they seeme ready to say as Ahab to Eliah 1 Kings 21. hast thou found me mine enemy And God saith to their heart with anger I have found thee because thou hast sold thy selfe to worke evill in the sight of the Lord. There is no conscience so sunk in a deepe sleepe of sinne and worldlines but will now and then awake and cry out in a sudden fright So did Felix though a Pagan an extortionner and a man every way infamous for as St Paul reasoned of temperance and righteousnes and judgment to come Felix trembled and answered Goe thy way for this time Act. 24. Whosoever hath read bookes and men may have observed what unquietnes crimes will bring to the criminal That tyrants continually imagine a naked sword hanging over their head That the wicked flee when no man pursueth That murtherers and perfidious men have a broken sleepe and their mirth is interrupted with parentheses of frownes and grimme lookes That when they excuse themselves of a foule fact of which their conscience accuseth them their conscience many times gives the lye to their words and they are contradicted by the inconstancy of their lookes and the stammering of their tongue And conscience will double these terrours when their end draweth nigh Many know who he was that started up often in his mortal drouzines on his death bed commanding that his men should give over slaying But suppose that the wicked that have the world at will had as much rest within as without yet ●●dons saying to Craesus ought to be observed Never to pronounce any man happy before his death But the Christian ought to give to that sentence a longer terme if he hath bin with David in the Sanctuary of God and there hath understood the end of the wickd and found that God hath set them in slippery places to cast them into destruction CHAP. III. Of the reconciliation of man with God through Jesus Christ Such being the enmity betweene God and sinfull man which is followed with the discord of man with nature with his kind with himself How welcome how precious to him must the blessed newes be of Gods reconciliation with him Esa 5.27 How beautifull upon the mountaines are the feet of him that bringeth good tydings that publisheth peace that bringeth good tydings of good that publisheth salvation that saith unto Sion Thy God reigneth the chief ambassadour that anounceth that peace with God is he that made it It is the eternal sonne of God who by an infinite mercy towards man guilty and miserable was pleased to allye himself with him by a personal union of the divine nature with the humane He hath taken our nature and imparted his unto us He hath made himselfe Man to take upon himself the debt of man For seeing that man was indebted to Gods iustice it was requisite that a man should give satisfaction Which because mans nature was not able to find Christ joyning to the Nature and Obligation of man the Nature and Vertue of God and both in one Person hath fully satisfied the justice of his father which required a perfect obedience and death for punishment of disobedience He hath then presented to God a most accomplisht obedience of which the most eminent act was to have readily undergone a shameful bitter death at his Fathers command for the sins of mankinde of which he was the pledge and the representative An obedience of infinite merit more powerfull to obtaine pardon yea and reward at Gods hands then all the disobedience of the world to incense his just wrath to punishment 1. Pet. 2.24 His owne selfe bare our sins in his owne body on the tree Isa 53.5 The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes wee are healed For it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the bloud of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himselfe Col. 1.19 All that have recourse to that infinite love of God and that ransome of inestimable value the merit of his sonne embracing it with a true faith which cannot act nor subsist without a true repentance find their peace made with God their iniquity is pardoned they have received of the Lords hands double for all their sinnes Isa 40.2 It is a double satisfaction both because it is twice greater then all the sins of the world and because it worketh a double effect the one to get pardon for sins the other to obtain a reward for imputed righteousness And that satisfaction represented to God in our faithful prayers makes them acceptable and of sweet favour as the incense put upon the sacrifices It is much to be lamented that these tydings of grace and glory are but coldly entertained by carnal eares as now growne stale and vulgar And that there is more joy for prevailing in a Law-suite and for a Peace that opens the markets and the freedome of commerce after a civil broyle then for our peace with God through Christ in whom wee have free accesse unto the throne of grace that wee may obtaine mercy and finde grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 But he that in the fright of his conscience hath seen hell open gaping for him and hath once lost his thoughts in that bottomelesse gulfe of misery and horrour to have his creatour his enemy if upon that he embrace by faith that great and heavenly message not onely that his sinnes are forgiven him by the merit of Christ but that by the same merit of an enemy and a child of wrath he is become the sonne of God and heire of his Kingdome his heart will melt with joy love and admiration and the sadder his sense was of his deplorable condition the greater will his thankfulnesse be for his gracious restoration O the depth of the riches both of the wisedome and the goodnesse of God who hath found a way to set forth together his justice and his mercy and to pardon sinne by punishing it O the infinite love of the Father who so loved the world that he gave his onely Sonne for them O the infinite love of that onely Sonne that so loved his enemyes that he delivered himselfe to a most bitter death to give them life and immortality yea and his own kingdome O the infinite love of the holy Ghost who so loved the world as to announce unto them this excellent piece of newes by his word and seale the promises of God in their hearts by faith in Jesus Christ that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have life eternal Behold then the onely foundation of the peace of the soule and contentment of mind It is that peace made for us with God by his onely sonne who hath taken our sinnes upon himselfe and in consequence the punishment giving us in exchange his righteousnesse and consequently the reward of it since
vertue and goodnesse And it is impossible to consider God as the onely worthy object of love without conceiving even with the same thought that our soveraigne good consisteth in loving him reputing what a height of honour and content it is when that great Creator who is all bounty all beauty and all perfection is pleased to contract amity with the creature For in this consisteth the great and only excellency of man that God hath given him a nature capable to entertain freindship with his Maker A capacity which being obscured by sin is restored to him by grace And God who as the only absolute Soveraigne is above all Laws condescended so farre to us as to binde himselfe to the Laws of friendship with man which Laws on his part are most inviolably kept the whole defect in that mutual love is from man As then friends disjoyned in place are joyned by love so are God in heaven and man upon earth God indeed is every where yet God and man are more remote in degree of nature then any two can be in place But they are joyned in a way farre more excellent real for the thoughts of two mortal persons make no mutual impression when they are without the line and reach of communication whereas God is never remote from the faithful soul and they may commune together at any time God makes his love sensible to the faithfull soul and saith to it by the presence of his spirit Soul I am thy salvation and the soul saith to him Lord thou art my God I am thine save me teach me to do thy will God communeth with the soul by his word and spirit and the soul communeth also with God by her word and spirit that is by prayer and holy aspirations It is also a law of friendship that friends bear the one with the other and that the strong support the weake Wherefore God all perfect having knit a friendship with the creature subject as yet to much imperfection supporteth her defects with his love and covereth her sins by his righteousnesse Man also for his part must patiently bear what chastenings God layeth upon him taking all kindly at his hands for as he must be assured of his love he must also be certainly perswaded of his wisdom and beleeve that Gods dealing with him is all love and wisdome It is a law of perfect freindship that friends declare their secrets one to another So God deals with his freinds and Jesus Christ useth this for a reason why he calls his Disciples his friends John 15.15 Henceforth I call you not servants for the servant knows not what the Lord doeth but I have called you friends for all things that I have learned of my Father I have made known unto you And Daniel saith that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him not the secret of his Councel but that of his Good will towards them in that which concernes their duty and their salvation which is the sence of the following words and he will shew them his Covenant We then to shew our selves true friends to him that honoureth us with that title must also disclose unto him the secrets of our hearts It is true they are open to his all-seeing eyes and if we would hide our secrets from him we could not But God takes a delight that we give him an account of our selves not that He may be better informed but that we may be better and happier for they that disguise themselves before him are incapable of his grace and dissembling is a violation of the lawes of friendship It is the comfort of the godly that while they confesse their sinnes to God as unto their clear-sighted Judge they discharge together a duty of friendship declaring to their supreme friend their private infirmities and secret diseases to call upon his help What benefit we may expect by that free dealing with God we learn out of Davids experience who speakes thus to God Psalm 32.5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee and mine iniquity have I not hid I said I will confesse my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him Into the bosome of that friend we must powre our secret sighes to him we must lay open our most intimate desires and feares that we may say to him with David Psalm 38.9 Lord all my desire is before thee and my groaning is not hid from thee Which as it is true in regard of Gods all-seeing knowledge let it be true also in regard of our sincere unbosoming of the secrets of our souls before God Now that the secrets of our soules and the meditations of our hearts may ever be acceptable in his sight and because the heart of man is so close and full of windings of hypocrisy that man himself cannot finde the bottom of his own inside let us call upon God to assist us in that search by his good spirit saying Psalm 139.23 Search me O Lord and know my heart try me and know my thoughts And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting Before we have sincerely laid open before God all that is within us we have no reason to expect the blessing of serene and innocent peace in our soul For God who is jealous of his glory takes it as a high contempt when his creature will offer to avoid the all-seeing eyes of the Creator besides he is jealous of our love taking it as a derogation to the love due to him when we go about to conceale our thoughts our affections and our projects from him Wherefore the sence that the conscience hath of this jealousy of God holds her in continual anxiety Whereas he that is true to a resolution to call God to witnesse of his most secret actions and intentions as he is whether we will or no gets two benefits that way The one that finding himself obliged to impart all that he hath in his heart to God his eternal friend he will take heed of doing yea and thinking any thing that is displeasing unto him and by his uprightnesse will prevent the shame of opening many impurities before that holiest of Holies The other that by this free and open dealing with God he shall get a great tranquillity in his conscience For if in humane friendships we presume that by disclosing the secrets of our hearts to a generous friend we oblige him to love and fidelity and after that action of freedom we find our heart much eased how great must our ease and contentment be when we have poured all our heart into Gods bosom that perfect friend who is truth and sincerity it self It is a wise part to conceale nothing from God The only way to possesse our soul with
the substance that feeds it so love goeth out by too much plenty of aliment But though love and pleasure could maintaine themselves in the excesse neither body nor mind losing any thing of their vigour yet there would be more losse then gaine in it for fervent passion troubleth the serenitie of the soul and any thing that subjecteth the understanding to the appetite degradeth the soule of her excellency especially when the appetite is meerely sensual Because in conjugal life two loves meete the love of the sexe and the love of society It will be a wise course to tye the last with all the bonds of benevolence These bonds are piety sweet conversation tender care of the beloved person patience to beare with her infirmities and a little winking not to see all that might diminish love omitting nothing to make the best of a bargaine which cannot be undone That indissoluble knot which unto fooles makes marriage a heavy yoake is unto the wise a helpe to contentment for by that necessity they are taught to love what they must love to seeke their delight in their duty The greatest fervour of love is not in matrimony for there one hath alwayes at hand wherewith to coole his thirst nor in unlawfull lust where also one knowes how to allay his heat though with the detriment of his conscience but in woing in longing desires tending to mariage That heat is increased by the lawfulnes of the end and the suggestion of a bewitched reason unto the conscience that one that loveth honestly cannot love too much And if that heat meet with opposition it increaseth againe by difficulty and often there is more love where there is lesse hope Quó que minùs sperat hôc magis ille cupit Passion will frame in a mans fancy an advantageous image of the beloved object which stands continually before him appears to him in dreames breakes his sleepe interrupts his best thoughts and his most important businesses makes his spirit a sea in perpetual agitation and his most quiet intervalls are sadnes and a browne study The worst is that God is forgotten and the love of heaven is put out by the love of the world Many not onely of the vulgar sort but of the bravest mindes having split their ship upon this rock there is need of extraordinary care to avoyd it So much greater because our Christian Philosophers have taken lesse care to appropriate their remedies to this sicknesse for when they inveigh against carnal and vicious love those lovers who are persuaded that their love is all vertuous because they would not though they could unlawfully possesse the beloved person esteeme that these censures belong not to them And yet God knoweth that their love is too carnal though they were virgins in their very thoughts for even the immoderate love of a mother to her child is carnal and vicious They need then to be put in mind that their love cannot be pure in the quality as long as it exceeds in the quantity excesse of love for a worldly object being a most impure quality for that master-Master-love which rules in the soul and brings all other Passions under is due unto God alone who will be loved with all our heart with all our soul with all our strength and with all our understanding This the Lord Jesus calls the first and the great commandement The great because it is the chiefe duty of man which comprehends all other duties And the first because it is a comment upon the first precept of the law Thou shalt have none other Gods but me As then we must adore none but God alone we must love none but God alone with that Master-love which gives to another the soverainty over ourselves for that love is a true adoration whereby all the faculties of the soul bow and prostrate themselves before the beloved object When carnall love is the Master-love in a soul then the soul hath another God then the true God and that Passion makes a burnt-offering of the heart to a false God some weake sinfull creature Certainly those impetuous burning fits of carnal love are violent rapines of the proper rights of God for to him belongeth the heart and upon him those raptures and strong agitations of love should have beene bestowed him onely we ought to love with all our soul and with all our strength O how farre are these violences from those which must take the Kingdome of God by force And how many teares and plaints of smarting remorse must fond lovers powre to doe penance for so many teares and plaints of carnal love that opinatre imbecillity whereby a man pines and torments himselfe for the love of another Sometimes these two sorts of teares proceeding out of such different causes have met together in generous and religious soules who being transported with those violences of humane love were at the same time strongly moved with godly jealousy the conscience grieving and expostulating with the Appetite for yeelding unto any but God the seignory of the heart Then the love of God opprest in the heart under the weight of the world and the flesh powerfully bestirred himselfe and getting strength by opposition overcame that rivall love and became in the end Master of the place But alas one victory doth not end the combat For carnal love when we think that it is shut out will re-enter having the porters of the soul the senses on his side which open the gate to its objects without the leave of reason and help it to make strong impressions upon the fancy Whereas the immaterial beauty of God hath no help from the senses makes no impression upon the imagination but in recompense it doth immediately illuminate the understanding and work upon the affections and so sanctifyeth and strengtheneth them that after many combats carnall love is subdued And if it pleade nature for staying with us yet it is brought to such a subjection that it moveth no more but orderly and within the limits of piety and reason possessing but such a parcel of the affection as it pleaseth the love of God to allow nature to hold under him The limits and rules of reason about the choice of the subject of that love are possibility lawfullnesse and conveniency The measure of love must be according to the price of the subject But when it comes to wedlock another measure is requisite that of oblgiation and duty before wedlock love is prone to overvalue his subject Let lovers remember that the most perfect persons are humane creatures therefore a humane love is fit for them not a divine service for then we serve them as God alone must be served when we make them Mistrisses of our heart Take the best of them their beauty will fade their sweetnesse will sowre and their persons must dye this bates much of their price Faire Diamonds would not be so deare if they could grow pale and weare out Know once the most
our hearts from the world and make his heavenly comforts more welcome to us Truly the faithfull soule that knoweth how to make the right use of good and evil shall find experimentally the truth of St. Pauls sentence that all things are for our sakes 2 Cor. 4.25 Also this peace with God brings us peace with our neighbours For he that hath a comfortable seeling in his conscience that God is reconciled with him will easily be reconciled with his brethren holding it a point of equity generosity and gratefulnes after that his Master hath forgiven him ten thousand talents to forgive his fellow servant an hundred pence If all men had the peace of God in their hearts there would be no discord in the world But because most men want that good peace and they that have it have it but imperfectly therefore peace between men can hardly be well cemented When you see men professing piety and sound doctrine tearing and devouring one another with warres or lawfuites you may be sure that the peace of God rules not in their hearts surely not in the hearts of the authors and fomentors of discord though they should pretend the zeale of Gods glory who hath no need of mens turbulent passions to advance his kingdome which is all peace In heaven where the peace of God abideth in its fulness and filleth the hearts of every one of his Saints there is also of necessity a perfect peace between them for they must needs have all one love since they have all but one interest which is the glory of him that loveth them and for ever glorifieth them with himselfe CHAP. IV. Generall meanes to preserve that peace with God and first to serve God purely and diligently HAving spoken of the true and onely foundation of the peace of the soule and contentment of mind which is the confidence that God is appeased to us through Jesus Christ Let us now use the meanes to preserve that peace and stand firme upon that solid ground beginning by the more general The first is to serve God with purity and diligence for which this consideration is essential that our reconciliation with God was made by way of purchase and that when wee were lost and estranged from God he was pleased to redeeme us by his Sonne Wherefore as they that bought servants expected service from them God also hath bought us to be served by us That end of our redemptiō is thus set down by St. Paul Tit. 2.14 Christ gave himself for us that he might redeeme us from all iniquity and purifie unto himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good workes It was the custome over all the world in S. Pauls time to buy sell servants As then servants could not expect the favour of them that had bought them unlesse they did them good service we that are purchased by God with such a great price must not expect to enjoy his peace and gracious countenance if wee doe not serve him according to his will Wherein our utility meetes with our duty for of the service which wee yeeld unto God the whole benefit results unto us Before all things wee must looke well that our service to God be pure and such as he requireth for without that purity all our diligence to his service would be not onely unless but hurtfull One cannot goe to God turning his back to him The more we labour to serve him otherwise then he hath commanded the more wee offend him The pure way of Gods service is set down in his written word wherein although many places are too high for the understanding of the most wise and learned yet the things necessary for the duty and salvation of man are so clearely exprest that this commendation is justified by experience which David giveth unto Gods word The entrance of thy Words giveth light it giveth understanding unto the simple Thy word is a lamp unto my feete and a light unto my path It is one of the chief duties of Gods service to reade and carefully meditate that good Word lend a devout attention to them that announce it For by it God speaks to us as a father to his children and none but unnatural children refuse to hearken to the voyce of their Father This duty brings its recompence for the holy word of God is the glad tydings of the peace of God with men and the onely doctrine that frames that peace within us For which reason the Prophet would heare it Ps 85.5 I will heare what God the Lord will speake for he will speake peace unto his people and to his Saints To that holy word as to a sanctuary troubled consciences must have recourse to get the peace of God Yet the faithfull soule ought to be more studious to learne in it how to please God then how to get comfort Those Christians are yet upon the lower degrees of their regeneration that practise the duties of Gods service only to work their salvation Wee must read and hear Gods word for a higher end even to conforme our wills to the rule of his declared will and wee must think more of his glory then our felicity If faith in his promises make us say joyfully with David Ps 32 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered the zeale of his glory must make us say with more joy and affection as the same David Ps 119.1 Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies and seek him with the whole heart v. 5. O that my waies were directed to keepe thy sttatutes v. 7. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments And all along that great Psalme he uttereth the unspeakable joy that he took in meditating and doing Gods commandements one may see that he cannot say enough to expresse how heartily he was affected to it If wee love the holy word of God for its own sake and converse often with it with reverence and affection because it is the word of our heavenly father and the declaration of his nature and will wee shall finde our peace in it though wee seeke it not and get a satisfaction not to be parallelled by any joy for the things of this world To this duty of hearing God speaking to us in his word the next is to speak to him by prayer whether it be to implore his grace or to thank him for his benefits or to praise him for his infinite perfection By these two duties of hearing God and speaking to him we begin in this world that good intelligence and holy communication with God in which the heavenly peace and soveraine felicity of man consisteth By prayer wee seeke and meete that peace of God which is announced to us in his word and whoso seekes it well will be sure to meete it for to this seeking is the promise made Math. 7.8 Every man
wee beare to God is the love that he beares to us wee must before all things study to conceive as well as wee may of the great love of God to us-ward Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that wee should be called the sonnes of God 1 John 3.1 This is the principall point of his love where all other testimonies of his love doe beginne and where they end Without this none can say that he is beloved of God For to be the work of Gods hands and maintained by his providence is common to all creatures and to be made after Gods image and by his liberality to enjoy the plenty and service of nature is common to all men good and evill But because creatures without reason and men without goodnesse beare no love to God it cannot properly be said that God loveth them though he be their maker and preserver Love being the bond of perfectnesse Col. 3. Gods love would not be the bond of perfectnesse if he loved those things that never return him love For that love may be a bond the two ends must meet knit together now these two ends knit when a creature beloved of God beares a reciprocal love to him For thereby not onely the man that feareth God joyneth with him but the whole nature also and all the creatures are re-joyned with their principle and Origine And whereas some creatures cannot others will not love God the true child of God because he gets some utility out of them all yea of those that are Gods enemies loveth him and gives him thanks for and in the name of all and so by this meanes love proveth a true bond of perfectnesse which proceeding from God and knitting with God againe embraceth and holds fast together the whole creation and brings it back to its Creator A consideration which cannot but bring a singular content and a great peace to the soule Being perswaded of the love of God to us whereby we are called the sonnes of God we looke upon all creatures as the goods of our fathers house prepared for us And though others which are none of Gods children enjoy them also yet they are for us since the wicked are for the good either to exercise their vertue by tryals or even to serve and sustaine them For as the angry waves roaring and foaming about the ship where Christ was with his disciples yet were bearing the ship likewise the enemyes of God and his Church while they are beating and storming against it beare it up in spite of their hearts The agitations of the great sea of the world make Gods children more sensible of the great love which the Father hath bestowed upon them to have given them his beloved sonne to be in the ship with them to keep them safe in the storm and the dangers that overwhelme others are helps for good unto them that love God All the deliverances that God sends them all the blessings that God powreth upon them they take them as productions of the fatherly love of God who hath adopted them in his Sonne They taste that love in the enjoyment of present goods they breath that love in the enjoyment of future eternall goods they rest upon that love when they sleepe they leane upon that love when they walk they find that love in all the occurrences of their life with what face soever the various accidents of the world looke upon them they see through them the evident love of God being certaine that nothing happens to them but is directed by the good hand of their loving Father These pleasant rivers of the love of God conduct our meditation up the streame to the great Source that love which passeth knowledge that mysterious deepe love which the Angels desire to looke into whereby of his enemyes that wee were he hath made us his children giving for us even to death his owne precious Sonne entitling us by him to his eternal glory and giving us the earnest of it by his good Spirit crying in our hearts Abba Father O incomprehensible love which hath undergone overcome death to give us life and that he might have from us an immortal love That immortal love ought to be the effect of this meditation So that having conceived to our power how much God loves us wee may also to our power apply our heart to love him acknowledging that all our heart all our soule and all our understanding is yet too little to returne him love for his love It it true that this is a debt from which we can never be acquitted and wee owe it even after wee have payd it But as this debt must be payd continually the continual payment yeelds a continual satisfaction to him that payeth it oweth it still For whereas pecuniary debts make the heart sad this debt of love makes it glad when our duty meetes with our inclination and when wee most desire to dok that which wee are most obliged to doe Besides this debt is of that nature that when wee pay it wee make together an acquisition for although the love began by God he takes it upon him to repay us the love that we pay him Ps 91.14 Because he hath set his love upon me saith the Lord therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he hath knowne my name Pro. 8.17 I love them that love me and they that seeke me early shall finde me But love is due to God not onely for the love that he hath done us and for the good that wee hope from him but for the good that is in him and because he that is the soveraigne beauty and goodnes must be beloved in the chiefest highest manner All that is beautifull and good in Nature the glory of the celestial bodies the fertility of the earth the shady greene of trees the fragrancy of flowers the variety and utility of animals the rational inventive vivacity of intellectual natures the admirable order of the Universe both in disposition and conduct All these are so many productions of the great bottomlesse depth of beauty bounty power and excellency and who so wisely considereth them presently conceiveth that the Authour is possest of an infinite perfection onely worthy to be beloved for his owne sake and that all the good and beautifull things that he hath done must be beloved onely in relation to him and for his sake To which if you adde two other points of which Nature cannot sufficiently informe us and wherein the Word of God supplies the deficiency of Natures teaching which are the justice and the mercy of God towards sinners O who would not love that infinite love and excellency though he had no interest of his owne in it But how can we barely consider Gods excellency in it selfe with an abstraction of our interest Certainly the consideration of our concernment will go along though unsent for with the contemplation of Gods supreme
peace and confidence is to make God our Confident It is also a great point of mutual friendship to yeeld to the interesses and desires one of another Herein God hath shewed the way to men having so farre condescended to the condition and necessity of men as to have put on their nature and taken their debt upon himselfe yea and to have discharged it He is dead like men and for men And being the soveraigne incomprehensible wisdome he descends to our capacity to declare himself to us and draw us to him He calls us indeed to denye ourselves that wee may give ourselves unto him but yet how much doeth he yeeld to our desires and feares And with what wisedome and sweetnes doeth he sort his tryals with our strength And where is the godly man that hath not found in his forest afflictions that kinde usage that St Paul speaks of 1. Cor. 10.13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man But God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to beare it Since then God who is so great doeth accommodate himselfe with us who are so little the law of reciprocall love requires that wee accommodate our selves with him who is so great that wee diligently informe our selves of his will to make it our will that wee observe the things which he loveth that wee may love them and the things which he hateth that wee may hate and avoyd them that all our interesses bow under his that the end of all our ends be his glory seeking not our owne things but the things of the kingdome of God Wee shall never be our owne till wee have wholly resigned our selves unto God Wee shall never have a true peace and content within till our affections be altogether subjected to his love and conformed to his will But then shall wee be peaceable contented and masters at home when God shall reigne within us and when wee shall know no more difference betweene his interest and ours Finally the highest point of love being an entire union and to have all things common it is also the purpose and in the end the efficiency of Gods love to us yea so farre that by his great and precious promises wee are made partakers of the divine nature 2. Pet. 14. and that Christ is in us and we in him Ioh. 17. What hath God reserved to himselfe that wee may not call ours Heaven and Earth are for us His providence is our purveyour His Angels are our keepers His kingdome our inheritance He gives us his good plenty his word his Sonne his Spirit his owne selfe Can any be persuaded of this beneficence of God and refuse to give him his body his soul his intentions and his affections Shall wee use reservations with God who keeps no good from us Would any poore man refuse to have community of goods with a rich man Now God who is the plenty and felicity it selfe will have community of goods with us Let us embrace the condition readily Let us give our selves to God and God shall be ours Or rather say wee God is ours let us render our selves to him for he prevents us in that Covenant since God is ours good reason wee should be his Blessed we that wee may say with the Spouse I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine for by that union of persons and community of goods with God the soul finds her selfe arrived to the soveraigne degree of riches peace glory and delectation CHAP. VI. Of Faith Faith is a Christian vertue whose most proper and natural office is to embrace that peace made for us with God by Iesus Christ And by it wee signe and seale for our part the Agreement made betweene God and man This expression is borrowed of John the Baptist speaking of the Lord Iesus He that hath received his testimony hath set to his Seale that God is true Joh. 3.33 All that we said before of our reconciliation with God by Christ how that reconciliation is applyed to our consciences is an explication of the duty and benefit of faith Yet we must speake of it againe as a consequence of Love For the principal most natural fruit of the love of God is to put our whole trust in Thus St Iohn having sayd much of the love of God to us and of the love that wee owe him for it addeth 1. Ioh. 4.18 There is no feare in love but perfect love asteth out feare because seare hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love Faith as the mother of all vertues brings forth the love of God but Love is soone eeven with faith and brings forth her owne mother For as wee love God because wee trust in him as certainly persuaded of his wisedome power and fidelity in his promises so wee trust in him because wee love him for in all our friendships our trust in the beloved person followes the measure of the love that wee beare to him He then that loveth God sincerely trusts in him And when calamity tempts him to unbeleeving fears he will observe Saint Peters exhortation 1. Pet. 4.14 Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in welldoing as unto a faithfull creatour It is impossible to love well without a good opinion of the person wee love especially of his fidelity and righteousnes Seeing then that God hath promised to pardon sins to those that confesse them with a serious repentance if wee love him wee shall trust in his promise that if wee confesse our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnes 1 Joh. 1.9 grounding our trust in his mercy upon his fidelity and righteousnes for since he promist it certainly he will doe it he is too faithful to breake his word and too just to punish us for those sins of which Christ hath borne the punishment in our name This gracious declaration he hath made Luk. 12.32 Feare not little flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdome Shal wee have such an ill opinion of him as to think that he hath promist more then he was willing or able to performe or that since the promise made his will is altered or his power diminisht Let us be sure that he that loved us from all eternity will love us to all eternity Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifyeth who is he that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen agnine who is even sitting at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us And if upon this safe ground we trust in God for the things of the life to come wee must upon the same ground trust his love for the things
Nothing is simple nothing but may do good nothing but may do harme And so in moral goodnesse or badnesse There is no good thing but is mingled with evill There is no evill but some good enters into the composition The same truth holds in all persons actions and events Out of the worst a well composed mind endowed with the grace of God may extract good with no other chymistry then piety wisdom and serenity It lyeth in us as we incline our minds to be pleased or displeased with most things of the world This may be exemplifyed in things material and of lesse importance which may be presidents for things spiritual and of greater moment One that hath fed his eyes with the rich prospect of delicate Countryes as Lombardy and Anjou where all the beauties and dainties of Nature are assembled will another time take no lesse delight in a wild and rugged prospect of high bare mountaines and fifty stories of steep rockes as about the grand Chartreuse and the bottome Ardennes where the very horror contributes to the delectation If I have bin delighted to see the trees of my Orchard in spring blossomed in summer shady in autumne hung with fruite I will delight againe after the fall of the leafe to see through my trees new prospects which the bushy boughes hid before and will be pleased with the sight of the snow candied about the branches as the flowers of the season This is better then to consider in deserts nothing but their hideousnesse and barrennesse and in winter nothing but the rheumatique weather If a facile and well composed mind take delight in these varieties of nature why not in the varietyes of his condition When he is rich he will delight in the service of his men When he falls to poverty he will delight to help himselfe finding that he is the sooner obeyed and more to his minde If he hath children he will delight to provide for them If God take them from him he will rejoyce that they are provided for If he obtaine a beloved woman he finds his content increased If he miss her he finds his care diminisht If he be neere his friends he injoyes gladly their love and presence If he be farre from them he seeth no more their distresses One time he loves health because it makes life sweeter Another time he will love sicknesse because it will bring a happy death That mans patience was ingenuous who having put out his eye falling upon his own staffe gave God thanks that his staffe was not forked so he might have put out both his eyes with that fall There is nothing where a well instructed minde may not find matter of some content and comfort A truth presupposed by St. Paul when he teacheth to rejoyce evermore 1 Thess 5.16 yea and glory in tribulations Rom. 5.3 For when God multiplyeth his tryalls to his children he makes his comforts to abound much more Of which they deprive themselves who in their fortunes look onely upon the sad side and are ingenious to vexe themselves The occurrences of this life having many faces a wise man will alwayes entertaine the best And in my opinion it should not be a hard matter to obtaine of ourselves to give alwayes sentence in our own favour Yet this must be used with some distinction For in those evils which consist in our own fault we must alwayes consider the evill as great as it is and give sentence against our selves for the way to be absolved of God is to condemne ourselves before him In that case he that is against himselfe doth much for himselfe But as for the evills that come to us by accident or by the fault of another wee must alwayes lessen the evill and be partial for our selves through humility meekenesse patience yea and forgetfullnesse for so shall we give judgement in our favour the milde part being that which must worke our content Whereas he that aggravates evils with his imagination and makes his spite and appetite of revenge to be as hammers to knock in deeper the arrowes that are shot against him gives sentence against himselfe and takes part with his enemies to work his own discontent These considerations must be further insisted upon in their proper place I use them here only as instances of the benefit of opinion when it is well taught and the harme of the same when it followes a wrong information To get a right Opinion the contemplation by which Epictetus beginnes and grounds his Book of most rare excellency must be maturely and diligently studied For if we bestow but a little Christian dresse upon it it will be a perpetual infallible rule for the right valuing of all things and so will prove a singular help for the clearenesse and tranquillity of minde Here it is In the universality of things some are in our power some are not Such as are in our power are Opinion appetite desire aversion and all our inward and outward actions By our power I meane not our meere naturall power which is weak and prone to evill but the regenerate power strengthened with Gods grace which assisting our natural freedom gives it both to will and to do according to his good pleasure Phil. 2.13 Wherefore the Christian hath more power over his opinions passions and motions then Epictetus who had but the natural power The things that are not in our power are money glory empires and generally all things that are none of our workes Those things that are in our power are free by their nature and cannot be hindred by any but our selves or at least without our consent For although the world and the Devill seduce our opinions and tempt our affections they cannot get any victory over us unlesse we lend our hand to it But as for the things that are out of our power they are weake subject to servitude exposed to opposition and hinderances and depend of the power of another We must then hold this for certain that if we take things subject to servitude to be free and things that depend of another to be ours we cannot but meet often with oppositions and obstructions in our designes We shall lament and torment our selves we shall accuse men and murmure against God But if we account that onely to be ours which is ours indeed as depending of us and look upon all that depends not of us as being nothing to us we can lose nothing we shall not afflict our selves for any thing in the world the spoyling of worldly goods that are about us shall not wrong or deject us for that cannot be taken from us which is none of ours That consideration will do us great and good service in this Treatise And to beginne let us make use of Epictetus his distinction for the distribution of the principal things about which we have need to rectifie our opinion that we may be wise and tranquill every where The things that depend not of us
must then place bodily pleasure among the goods but among the least and those in which beasts have more share then men The more pleasures are simple and natural as they are among beasts the more they are full and sincere But we by our wit make a toyle of a pleasure and drown nature in art He that can set a right value upon Beauty Health and Strength of which we spake lately may easily do the same of the pleasure which they are capable to give or to receive If then these qualities be but weake transitory and of short continuance they cannot yeeld or feele a pleasure solid constant and permanent Health the best of the three is rather a privation of disease then a pleasure and it makes the body as sensible of paine as of delight of which many that enjoy a perfect health are deprived It is a great abatement of the price of bodily pleasure that one must seldome use it to use it well yea and to preserve it for the excesse of it is vicious be the way never so lawfull and the satiety of it breeds sastidiousnesse and wearinesse Whereas true pleasure consisting in the knowledge and love of God one cannot sinne by excesse nor lose the relish of it by fulnesse but the appetite is increased and the faculty mended by enjoying Pleasures of the body though in themselves good and desireable are given by God for something else and to invite us to actions of necessity or utility But spiritual pleasure which is to know and love God is altogether for it selfe and for nothing beyond it for there the pleasure is so united with the duty that the glory which we give to God and that which we enjoy by knowing and loving him are sweetly confounded together and become but one thing This consideration that bodily pleasures are appointed for a further end helps much to understand their price and their use For the pleasure of the taste is to invite the appetite to eate eating is to live living is to serve God and betweene these two last there are other subordinations for many actions of life are for the domesticall good domesticall good for the civill the civill good for the religious Bodily pleasure standing naturally on the lowest round of this ladder is removed out of its proper place when it is placed above the superiour ends which is done when the actions of life which are due to the domestical civill good and before and after all to the religious are imployed to make a principal end of those things that are subordinate to them as inferiour meanes For we must desire to eate for to live not to live for the pleasure of eating so of other natural pleasures the desire whereof becomes vicious when those things to which by nature they ought to serve are subjected unto them Pleasures are good servants but ill Masters They will recreate you when you make them your servants But when you serve them they will tyrannize over you A voluptuous nice man is alwayes discontented and in ill humor Where others find commodity he finds incommodity He depriveth himselfe of the benefit of simple and easy pleasures He looseth pleasure by too much seeking By soothing up his senses he diseaseth them and paine penetrates sooner and deeper into a body softned with voluptuousnesse But he that lesse courteth pleasure enjoyeth it more for he is easily contented To live at ease in the world we must harden our body strengthen our mind and abridge our cupidity In nothing the folly and perversity of the world is so much seene as in this that of the things which Gods indulgence hath given to man for his solace and recreation he makes the causes of his misery the baits of his sinne and the matter of his condemnation for from the abuse of pleasure proceeds the greatest part of the evills that are in the world both the evills which men suffer and those which they commit Yea from thence all evils proceed if wee remount to the first sinne Therefore a wise man will abstaine from unlawfull pleasures and taste the lawfull with moderation lest that by excesse he make them unlawfull Knowing that pleasure which strayeth from duty ends in sorrow that it is no gallantry to offend God and that no delight can countervaile the losse of the serenity of conscience Vice it selfe will teach us vertue For when we see the slaves of voluptuousnes get in that service a diseased body a sad heart a troubled conscience infamy want and brutality we find it an ill bargaine to buy pleasure at so deare a rate This observation also will be of some helpe for the valuation of pleasure That the pleasures that stick most to the matter are the most unworthy as all the pleasures of the taste and feeling and those pleasures that recede further from the matter are more worthy as the pleasures of the sight Wherefore the pleasure of hearing is yet more worthy as having more affinity with the minde And as they are more worthy they are also more innocent But in all things excesse is vicious As excesse in pleasures is vicious so is the defect For God hath made many handsome and good things to please us in which neverthelesse we take no content and many times reject them out of nicenesse How many perfect workes of God strike their image into our eyes and yet enter not into our thoughts How many conveniences are sent to us by Gods good hand sufficient to fill our minds with comfort and thankfulnesse if we had the grace to consider them and we think not of them though we make use of them We are so inchanted with false pleasures that we lose the taste of the true But a wise man is innocently inventive to solace himselfe and finds every where matter of pleasure All things without smile upon him because his spirit is smiling within and he lends to objects his owne serenity whereby he makes them pleasant CHAP. VIII Of the Evils opposite to the forenamed Goods IT is to make the title short that I call them evill not to condemne without appeale informatition all that is not in the list of the goods of fortune and goods of the Body By looking upon these goods we may judge of their opposites An easy worke for having found nogreat excellency in these goods no solid content in the possession of them it followes that to be without them is no great misery They must be viewed impartially for there is both good and evil every where although to speake Philosophically and properly the true evill and the true good lie within us The silly vulgar cannot comprehend that a man can finde his happinesse and unhappinesse within himselfe and seeke their good abroad where it is not toyling sweating and wearing out their life with labour in that quest and making themselves misetable out of feare of misery Whereas most accidents without are neither Good nor evill in themselves and
God in his breast that he should invite and then entertaine him there by a pure service a sincere love an entire cōfidence Many by much good Kindred many Friends and relations become lesse vertuous and industrious getting the ill habit of the Italian Signora's who walking in the streets beare more upon the armes of their supporters on both sides then upon their owne legs They have need to be sent from home to learne to stand alone without a Nurse to hold them None can be owner of any measure of stedfastnesse and content that makes all his support and satisfaction to depend of his neighbours That man hath more content in the world who having confined his desire to few things troubleth also but few persons and is desirous of Friends to do them not to receive of them good offices regarding their vertue more then their support When we have got good Friends we must be prepared to lose them Death separateth Friends and disolveth Mariages When that happens wee must remember without trouble or amazement that those persons so deare to us were mortal but indeed that should have bin remembred before A Philosopher visiting his neighbour who was weeping bitterly for the death of his Wife left him presently saying aloud with great contempt O great fool did he not know before that he had married a woman not a goddesse After we have condemned that cruel incivility yet must we acknowledge that it is a folly to lament for that which we knew before to be unavoydable Yet after all reasons when love hath bin very deare the separation cannot but be very sad Teares may be permitted not commanded to fall And after the duty payd of a mournful Adieu to the beloved person we must remember upon what terms and condition we hold of God that which wee love best even to leave it at any time when God redemands it And if besides we have good ground to hope that the person departed is received into peace and glory we must praise God for it which we can hardly do as long as our obstinate mourning repines against his will Lamenting for those that are well is ignorance or envy or selfe love If we would not rejoyce when they were in affliction why should we afflict our selves when they are in joy It is some recompence for the death of our deare Friends that our enemyes are mortal as well as they A wise man will consider his enemyes as rods in Gods hand and minde the hand rather then the rod. To destroy our enemies when they are in our power is a childish folly for so will Children burne their Mothers rod as though there were no more rods in the world Our enemies oftentimes do us more good then our friends for the support of our friends makes us carelesse but the opposition of our enemies makes us wary and industrious They make us strong and safe for they make us flye to God In nothing wisedome is more seene then in judging of an adversary A great serenity is requisite that feare make us not think him more dangerous then he is and that pride make us not despise him blinding our eyes not to see the good and evil that is in him and what harme he may do us It is a common and useful maxime for the conduct and tranquillity of mans life that there are few great freinds and no little enemyes When enemies are reconcileable all things past must bee taken to the best by charitable interpretation When there is no possibility of reconciliation al things to come must be taken to the worst both to strengthen us with resolution within and to encounter the evill without by prudence and vigorous wayes In the reconcilement we must pardon freely receive ill excuses and if there be an offence which cannot be excused never mention it The remedy of injuries is oblivion If an enemy can neither be mitigated by charity nor overcome by strength nor avoyded by prudence there remaineth still unto the wise Christian an intrenchment out of which he cannot be forced which is a good conscience and the peace of God in it These he must cherish and keep fast not onely as his last intrenchment but his onely possession and the strong hold only worth keeping It is impregnable as long as faith and love are the Garrison CHAP. XVI Of Death IT is the subject of which Seneca speakes most and of which there was least for him to speak for being doubtfull whether Death destroyed the soul or released it Mors nos aut consumit aut emittit and being more inclined to the first Opinion it was better for him neither to speake nor to think of it But what others of his rank that had reasoned before him about the immortality of the soul had quitted themselves so meanely of that task that out of their labours in that field he could not reape any satisfaction of his doubt This is the grand priviledge of the Christian that he seeth life through Death and that the last limit of Nature is the date of his franchising and the gate of his felicity and glory Death that moweth downe all the hopes of this world perfecteth Christian hope Death is the separation of body and soul It is the returne of these two parts of man so different to their several principles Eccles 12.4 Then the dust returneth to the earth as it was and the spirit returneth unto God that gave it Who disposeth of it either in mercy or justice Death is the last Act of the Comedy of this world To every one Death is the end of the world in his own respect In one sense it is against nature because it destroyes the particular being In another it is according to nature for it is no lesse natural to dye then to live Yea Death is a consequence of life we must dye because we live and we dye not because we are fick and wounded but because we are animals borne under that Law Wherefore considering Death in the natural way as Charron doth I approove what he saith that we must expect Death in a steady posture for it is the terme of nature which continually drawes neerer and neerer But I cannot approove that which he adds that wee must fight against Death Why should we fight against it seeing we cannot ward its blowes It is more unreasonable then if he had said that we must fight against the raine the winde for wee may get a shelter from these none from that Wherefore as when it raines wee must let it raine so when Death is coming and it comes alwayes wee need but let it come not thinking it more strange to live then to dye In stead of fighting against Death wee must acquaint our selves with it Indeed they that feare Death must fight against that feare Of them that feare Death there are two sorts Some feare it for its owne sake Some for that which comes after The former which are more in
lyeth in the bosome of the Father of lights Our soules are little unclean narrowmouthed vessels uncapable to receive it but by smal drops that little we receive we taint by our uncleanness In our soul we conceive two intellectual faculties the understanding and the will In the understanding three imagination memory and judgement Imagination is that which makes all the noise entreth every where inventeth reasoneth and is alwayes in action To it we owe all the ingenious productions of eloquence and subtility It s the inventor of arts and sciences the learner and polisher of inventions It is of great service and gives great content being well managed and employed in good things The office of imagination being to transforme itselfe into the things that it takes for objects it is transformed into God when it applyes itselfe unto God and is transformed into the Father of all evil when it applyeth itselfe unto evill Memory is the Exchequer of the soul keeping that which the imagination and judgement commit to her trust In the primitive ages when the world stood in need of inventions a quick fertile imagination made able men But in these last ages a well furnisht memory makes a rich and a full mind so she be not destitute of the two other faculties In vaine doth the imagination invent and collect industriously and the judgement prudently determine if the memory be not a faithful keeper of the inventions of the one and the determinations of the other and together a ready prompter at need of that she hath in keeping It is memory that keepes this good treasure of which the Lord Jesus speakes Matth. 12.35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things But she keepes evill as well as good and often more firmly then good An evill man out of the evill treasure of his heart brings forth evill things Of her nature she is indifferent to good and evill as a paper to write what one will upon and a chest that will keep any thing According to the things that are put into that chest it is either a cabinet that keepes jewels or a sink that receives ordure If we will have the right use content of our memory we must furnish her with good and holy things that she may alwayes prompt matter to our minde to commune with God to direct and comfort ourselves For when she is fraught with evill and vaine matter she will thrust evill and vaine things upon us when the occasion and our owne minde calls for things good and serious as an idle servant that brings his Master a pare of cards when he calls for a Book of devotion Many times we heartily desire that we could forget certain things which our memory importunately sets before us on all occasions Judgement is the noblest part of the soul the Chiefe Justice determining what the imagination discusseth and the memory registreth Imagination makes witty men memory learned men but the Judgement makes wise men The wise man is he that judgeth aright not he that discourseth finely nor he that learneth well by heart For the strength of the several faculties the natural temper of the braines doth much but study perfecteth them the judgement especially for some have made themselves a judgement by use and experience who had none in a manner by nature Of these three faculties the Imagination which is the seat of wit and invention hath a neerer kindred with judgement then memory with either for wit will ripen into judgement in distracted braines both are imbezelled together while memory remaines entire It is ordinary to see dull fooles have a great memory And it is credible that the largenesse of the memory especially when it is streacht with overmuch learning lesseneth the two other faculties as in three roomes of a floore if the one be made very wide the two others must of necessity be little The Judgement calls all things before his tribunal and examines them upon two points whether they be true or false good or evill There he stayes when the subject requires contemplation onely but when it requires action then the determination of the judgement makes the will to move towards that which the judgement hath pronounced to be true and good for to move towards that which we judge to be false or evill we cannot For although our will follow many times false and evill objects the judgment alwayes considers them to be true and good in some respect Neither would our will so much as bend towards any object unlesse our judgement did before warrant it to us true and good Truth and falshood have their springs without us But moral good and evill as farre as they concerne our innocency and guiltinesse have their springs within us and both spring from our judgment to which we must atribute what is ascribed to the heart by Solomon in whose tongue one word signifies both Prov. 4.23 Keepe thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life Herein then lyeth wisedome the worker and keeper of contentment of mind to give a sound judgement of objects and thereupon to give good counsell to the will for embracing that which is good and resisting all oppositions to it by the armes of righteousnesse on the right hand and on the left so that the soul as a well balasted and a well guided ship cuts her way through the waves and makes use of all winds to steere her course to the haven of salvation and Gods glory possessing calme within among the stormes abroad But for that wise and blessed temper there is need of a higher wisedome then the strength of Nature and the precepts of Philosophy can afford to the judgement By the Judgement men are wise but by the Will they are good Wisedome and goodnesse alwayes go together when they go asunder they are not worthy of their name For that man is not wise that instructeth not himselfe to be good and that man is not good that doeth good actions not out of wisedome and knowledge but out of superstition or custome The chiefe vertue of the understanding is the knowledge of God and the chiefe vertue of the Will is his Love These two vertues comprehend all others and help one another They joyntly give tranquillity and content to the soul when we exercise our selves in the knowledge of God because we love him and when we love and obey him because we know him to be most good most wise most perfect and most worthy to be loved and obeyed The right bent and true perfection of the will man is an entire concurrence with the will of God in all things both to execute the will of his command and undergo the will of his decree in both walking so unanimously with God that man have no other will but God's He that hath thus transformed his will into Gods will possesseth a quiet and contented mind For when we will alwayes
it is impossible for the Appetite to embrace that which Reason seeth and pronounceth to be altogether evill The great error of the understanding which makes the passion to apply it selfe to an evill object or to a good object otherwise then it should is a mistake in the true price true inconvenience of things Which being once well knowne we shall bate much of our desire feare of most things which we seek or avoid with great earnestnesse and shall become earnest to get other things which we neglect and to avoid other things which we desire I have endeavored in my second Book to represent the just price of the chief things that we commonly esteem desire the true inconvenience of things that we disesteeme or feare But because it would be an endlesse labour to treat of all the severall objects of our Passions I will but recommend to every person that loves the cleerenesse and tranquillity of his mind never to set his love and desire upon any thing before a mature consideration of what it is and what it is worth and never to be angry or sorry for any thing before we hath calmly leasurely examined whether it be evill and if so then in what measure weighing as carefully and impartially the qualities and circumstances that contradict our inclination as those that contribute towards it Thus he that delights in a glasse must remember well that it is a glasse after he hath sufficiently considered the purenesse of the matter and the handsomenesse of the fashion he must consider also that it is brittle stuffe and that it will last but till the next knock So shall he learne to love it according to its true price and no more his love will last no longer then the glasse and when it is broken he will say I knew before that it was a glasse Thus also to love and desire a deare person as much as it is fit and no more we must well consider her nature and just value And when Passions will overvalue her with Idea's of perfection above her just size Reason will bate of it saying With al this perfection she is a humane creature and therefore faulty mutable and mortal and as such I must desire her before I have her cherish her when I have her and mourne for her when she is taken from me Let us proportion our affection to the quality of the subject and we shall love it as we ought Thus for other Passions right Opinion is the moderator It keeps feare from increasing dangers pride and rashnesse from lessening them hatred and choller from making our enemies appeare more deformed and guilty then they are sadnesse from aggravating evils joy from disappointment of false hopes In a word right opinion is the faithfull guide of the appetite the rule of equity the preserver of tranquillity But because when the objects shew themselves the violent commotion of the passion without warrant from the judgement many times will shake reason from right Opinion it must be studied upon when the mind is at rest and reason confirmed in it by long and carefull institution and strengthened by holy resolution The first thing of which we must have a right opinion is God Not to presume to comprehend the Incomprehensible but to have a reverend beleefe of his goodness justice power and wisedome of his constancy in his promises and love and of his eyes ever open and bent towards 〈◊〉 both to keep us to take notice of our thoughts words actions and affections The next thing of which we must be carefull to get a right opinion is our selves to know our owne strength that we repose not a groundless trust upon it and to marke the weakest places of our soules and those avenues by which temptations set upon our passion that there we may double our guard Then we must endeavour to get a right opinion of the course of the world the genius of the times and the nature of men and businesses particularly of those men that we must converse with and of the businesses that concerne us Of those things also that use to flatter or fright our Passion lest we bee more moved to get or avoyd them then they are worth and lest we neglect them if they be worth seeking or shunning Thus in matter of seeking Preferment we must think soberly before whether it be worth the necessary paines to get it and whether it will recompense the cares the envy and the opposition that attend it The like when we are tempted by unlawfull profit and pleasure the advantage that is hoped by it must be calmely weighed with the disadvantage of displeasing God and troubling our conscience And so when anger sets us upon revenge we must endeavour to get the right Opinion of the use of revenge what comfort what benefit it may bring and whether meeknesse pardon of the offence for Gods sake be not more capable and likely to bring us content and real utility It is an old and a wise counsel to make a pause every time that we feele some strong commotion in our appetite to give time to reason to consider of it That pause must be employed to scatter all the clouds that Passion spreads before the eyes of the understanding and help reason to recover the sight of right Opinion that we may obey that wise and rational command of the Lord Jesus John 7.24 Judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgement CHAP. II. Entry into the discourse of Passions MY end is to bring Passions under the obedience of right reason not to describe exactly their nature A task where Naturalists come short of performance And no wonder since they take a subject in hand where reason seeth nothing as if one would make an Anatomie in the darke for in nothing is our soul so blind as in the composure of herselfe Yea the truest natural contemplation of Passions is of no great use to governe them What doth it concern him that studyeth the moderation and the right use of Passions to know that Joy comes by dilatation of the spirits Sadnesse by contraction of the same Love by diffusion Hope by elevation For my part because I seeke utility I will be more carefull to finde the morall counsels by which Passions are moderated then the natural wayes by which they are moved And if in the following discourse of Passions I keepe not exactly the order and number received in the Schooles or treate of some mixt Passion among the simple it will not be out of singularity but because I understand not perfectly those distinctions The first thing to be considered about Passion is whether we must have any or utterly destroy it as the Stoicians and Epicureans would do This question whether we may have Passion with vertue is as if one asked whether there may be wooll with cloth for Passion is the stuffe of Vertue and Vertue is but a passion wisely moderated If
there were no Passion there would be no vertue If then the Passion be sick it must be healed not slaine and much lesse must it be slaine when it is in health lest it fall sick It may be sayd for the Philosophers that would cut off or rather root out Passion that it is an errour that doth little harme for man being naturally too passionate we must pull to the contrary extreme to bring him to a vertuous moderation for after we have rooted it out as much as may be there will remaine still too much of it Beasts have also their Passions and by them men are allyed with beasts But the Appetite of the beast is meerly sensual the appetite of man is partly sensual partly intellectual Passions may be marshalled into three orders according to the three principall faculties of the soul The inferiour order is of them that are onely in the sensitive Appetite and have their motions for the body onely as hunger and thirst Over these reason hath lesse power for she cannot perswade him that is hungry not to be so but she may retard the satisfaction of the appetite Other Passions are lodged in a higher storie and seeme to be seated in the Imagination as the Passion that one hath for curiosities and images of perfection increased by the desire These are more capable to be ruled by reason The third and highest order is of intellectual passions as the love of learning and contemplation These are more immediately in the power of reason It is the part of reason to forme and moderate those passions which are meerely under her jurisdiction and keepe a short bridle to those passions that are moved without her leave by nature chance or fancy As in a well governed kingdome all is done by the King the faculties of the soul must be kept in such order that within us all be done by Reason When that Soveraine is wise and well obeyed peace is in the inward State of man But when the Soveraine is made subject to his natural Subjects the sensual Passions then the soule is like a body with the heeles upward and the whole policy of the mind is turned upside downe Being to speake of the Passions as the winds that stirre and tosse that inward sea of the soule I must also speake of the Vertues that serve to represse them Not to treate of each severally and prolixely but to bring them to action and to minister to every Passion its proper remedy CHAP. III. Of Love LOve is the first of all Passions and the cause of most part of them It is the motion of the soule towards objects that promise rest and contenument By Love men are good or evill happy or unhappy as that Passion is applyed to good or evill objects In every soule there is a Master-love which beares rule over all the other Passions and subjecteth them to its principal object According to the quality of that object love is perfect or unperfect for as the objects of the sight change in some sort the apple of the eye into their colour and shape so by receiving the image of the beloved object into our soule our soule is transformed into it and wedded to its qualities He that loves a sordid thing becomes sordid Doth any love his hounds with that principal love his soule becomes of the same quality as his hounds He that loveth a high object becomes high by that love He that loveth God the soveraine good receiveth the soveraine good into his soule Many causes contribute to the contentment of minde but the chiefe cause of it is a worthy love And it may be truly sayd that neither in heaven nor in earth any thing is pleasant and contenting but Love God himselfe is love saith St Iohn 1. Ioh. 4.16 And I conceive as much as a finite mind dares conceive of the infinite God that in the substantial love embracing the three persons of the Godhead consisteth both their personal union and their felicity I have spoken before of the vertue of love which unites us with God and shewed that it is mans great duty and soverain felicity And hereafter I must speake of the Christian love due to our neighbours which is called charity and of the love of society which is friendship In all these relations love is a vertue either acquisite or infused But here wee consider it as a natural Passion which yet wee must endeavour to raise to a vertue and for that wee cannot but returne againe to the love of God The most natural love is the love of the sexe A Passion meerely sensual and common to men with beasts And yet it is that Passion which keepes the greatest stirre in mans heart and in the world That love softeneth magnanimous spirits and drawes downe the soule from the heaven of holy meditation to the dregs of the matter But for that Passion a man might come to a degree of Angelical purity in this world Wherefore there is great need to learne how to represse it To roote it out if one could find in his heart to doe it would be destroying nature and resisting the ordinance of God who gave that inclination to all animals for the propagation of their kind But because God gave also reason to men above other animals and his knowledge to Christians above other men the love of the Sexe hath need to be led by a better guide then Nature else it is brutish and that which is innocent in beasts is vicious in men By it men instead of the pleasure which they hunt after so hotly find sadnes remorse infamy destruction of body soule and estate It is a feareful sentence that no whoremonger nor uncleane person hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Ephes 5.5 It is a criminal deplorable folly to turne into a snare of damnation that volupty which the indulgence of the wise creatour hath given to all animals to invite them to the continuation of themselves in their posterity and to climb up at the window with perill to steale pleasure with crime whilest marriage opens the doore to it unto which God men honesty duty utility and facility invite us Love altogether carnal doth not affect the person but the pleasure unless by the person a mansselfe be understood Love of beauty is love of onesselfe not of the desired person since beauty is desired for pleasure When that love of the sexe is joyned with a true affection to the person and that affection grounded in vertue and encouraged with mutual love then love and friendship meete and increase one another And if marriage followeth it may prove the greatest of temporal contentments But as in unlawfull love there is need of continence to refraine it so in the lawful there is need of temperance to moderate it Temperance is the preserver of love of pleasure also Both are lost by excesse As the flame of a taper turned upside downe is quencht by
lovely persons you shall not admit them to competition with God for the possession of your heart Love aspireth to perfection He then must be beloved above all things who makes them perfect that love him It is more then Ladies can do though never so perfect But by loving God who is the soveraine perfection we become like him in our measure and are changed into the same image And since delight is the baite of love we must love him above all things that satisfyeth us with true delight Psal 16.12 God in whose presence is fulnesse of joy at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore Carnall love makes the heart sick It is sullen fantasticall and tumultuous It conceives great hopes of content and comes short of them It gives for one pleasure a thousand sorrowes But the love of God is a continuall enjoyment a constant peace a solid joy and if sometimes one suffer for him he repayes for one sorrow a thousand pleasures Many lovers of beauties are not beloved of them But who so loveth God must be sure that God loves him Yea that God loved him before he loved God the love which he beares to God is an effect of the love which God beares to him And is it not a great encouragement to love when one is sure to be accepted and beloved againe That subject which onely deserves to be loved with all our heart is easy to be wonne to a mutual love Other objects of our love being infinitely under that prime subject are farre more difficult to winne Our love of God is not crost with absence as the carnall For him we fetch no unheard sighes and shead no unseen teares God is alwayes neare them that sigh for him and puts up their teares in his bottle Psal 56. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him He travelleth with them abroad He keepes house with them yea in them He sweetens their griefes he answereth not only then words but their very thoughts Many times we love them that can do us no good though they love us many times also we are impoverished by the love wee beare them But our love to God makes us rich for it gets already possession of God who is the Author of all good gifts Psal 36.10 With him is the fountaine of life and in his light we see light To love him is to raise ourselves to soveraine honour and felicity Briefly if one will have favours gratious countenance sweet individuall company possession enjoyment fullnesse of joy for ever let him turne the point of his love heavenwards Divine love will make him good and happy in the highest degree These benefits are not to be expected of carnal love A sicknesse which is the same in the appetite as a fever is in the blood sometimes in a cold somtimes in a hot fit It is a perpetuall ebbe flow of feare and hope and it cannot but be continually shaking and wavering since it pinnes the felicity of a man upon another who hath not felicity enflaming his heart to a subject weaker many times and more necessitous then himselfe And if these inconveniences be found in the honestest love of the sexe how much more in the unlawfull and unchast love Of this sicknesse the most usuall but not the best remedy is to drive out one Mistresse with another but the way to get liberty is not to change service In stead of getting out of the storme into a harbour they are tossed from one rock to another He then that will expell one love by another love must betake himselfe to a love that may change his servitude into liberty which the love of God will afford and none else So the grand remedy of carnall love is to exercise ourselves in the love of God and gladly to consider what a sacrilegious part it is to erect a little idol of our sensuall appetite in our heart which is Gods Sanctuary and what a hainous rebellion it is to chuse another Master then God Thence without an extraordinary mercy of God one of these two evills will follow Either God jealous that we love another more then him to whom all our love is due crosseth our designes and makes us misse that which we sought after with so much eagernesse Or in a greater indignation he gives us that which we preferre before him and whence we expect our highest happinesse which afterwards turnes into bitternesse and ruine You shal see many impetuous corrivals suitors of an evill woman as fishes justling one another striving for a mortall bayte The strongest and most unfortunate driveth he other away and by taking is taken and destroyed Solomon who had but too much experience in this matter gives this account of it Eccles 5.26 I find more bitter then death the Woman whose heart is snares and nets and her hands as bands Who so pleaseth God shall escape from her but the sinner shall be taken by her Women might say little less of men There is no cheat no witchcraft comparable to that of carnall love neither is there any thing that workes sadder effects Of which the most ordinary is the loss of the tranquillity of the soul A losse not to be recompensed by all the love-pleasures that lust can suggest to the imagination No Passion sinnes more against that rule truly Christian and Philosophical to dwell at home and not to seek our content out of ourselves which is the same thing as to seeke it in God for in God is our true being and God is found within us if we have the grace to seeke him there as we ought But carnall love makes a man to seeke all contentment out of God and out of himselfe so that he is never at home alwayes abroad and alwayes under the power of others Neither doeth any other Passion so enormously transgresse in the two extreames both to over-value and undervalue the price of things For a lover will raise the price of the beloved object above Nature and possibility and together cast away his estate his honour his conscience and hazard his life as things of no account to get that idolized object It were a wonder if young people being all naturally enclined to that burning fever did not get it after so much paines taken to bring them to it For how many bookes are written for that very end How many amorous fables which to write and to reade is the busines of them that have none There young men are taught that vertue consisteth in being passionate beyond all extremity and that great feats of armes and high fortunes and atchievments are onely for lovers There maides learne to be desperately in love disembling proud and bloody and to beleeve that all is due to their supremacy seing in those bookes the world torne with warres by the jealousy of some Princes lovers and rivals and many thousands of mens lives sacrificed to the faire eyes of a Lady There also they learne to be crafty Mistresses
and ill wives they have need to learne obedience but in these bookes they learne soverainty Women being more given to these bookes then men shew that though they have lesse fougve of love then men they have neverthelesse a more constant inclination to it Who so will keepe himselfe holy in body and affection and preserve his soule serene and free from the tempest of that turbulent Passion must avoid the reading of such bookes whose proper office is to raise those stormes in a mans blood and appetite And I know not whether it be more dangerous to reade dissolute bookes which make of carnal love a jigg and a matter of sport openly shewing the ordure and the folly of it or dolefull amorous fables which make of it a grave and serious study and under the colour of honesty and constancy of love managed with an artificial and valourous carriage hoodwinke and bewitch the readers minde with a pertinacious Passion making their braines runne wilde after chimera's and hollow imaginations whereby some have runne mad Indeed one cannot follow the fancies of romances without straying from right sense Neither is there any thing that makes the heart more worldly and carnal and brings it further from God I will be judged by all good soules that would betake themselves to exercises of piety when they were newly come from this kind of reading Let them say in conscience how farre estranged from God they found themselves and ill disposed to every good worke Sure it is not without reason that these writers set up false Gods as being conscious to themselves that their writings are deviations from the true God and ashamed to name the God of truth among their fables Also because with some of them it is a prime piece of love-complement to make discontented lovers to wreake their anger upon the Deity they will have this excuse ready that they are not blasphemies against the true God but against the gods of Homer and Hesiod's making But from these blasphemous expostulations with false gods the readers learne to doe the like with the true and to avenge themselves upon him of all things that cross their impetuous Passion The same bookes set up the murtherous discipline of duells as a gallantry of love wherby lovers seale their affection to their mistresses by the blood of their rivals or their owne There are other matches of the wilde fire of carnal love which must be carefully avoyded wanton discourses vicious companies occasions to doe evil conversation with vaine malicious women whose chiefe aime and taske is to catch all the men that come in their way not that they may keep them but triumph over them and cast them away and feed their owne vanity with the disappointment of their suitors Take heed of idlenes it is Satans pillow the counsellour of vice and especially the procurer of lust He that doeth nothing thinkes on evill Take heed of intemperance Carnal love is so inbred with the matter that whatsoever heateth the blood sets the appetite on fire Wherefore Jeremiah sets intemperance and incontinence together Jer. 5.8 They were as fed horses in the morning every one neighed after his neighbours wife There be two great remedies to take downe that heate The one corporal which is mariage instituted by God for that end a holy and honourable state When both the parties are good and love one another it is the greatest sweetenes of life But whether a man be married or desire to be he must think on the vanity and short continuance of the most pleasant things of this world the frailty of life the certainty of death the uncertainty of the hour thence to inferre the conclusion of St Paul 1. Cor. 7.29 But this I say brethren that the time is short It remaines that they that have wives be as they that have none And so they that are woing must be as though they were not woing that is they must impose moderation upon their affections out of a wise apprehension of the vanity of the world and life ver 31. using this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away Wherefore should wee love with so much fervency that which wee cannot keepe when wee have got it which we must leave or which must leave us The other duty is Spiritual and it is that great and perpetual duty to Love God Let that holy Passion alwayes rule in our hearts Let us give to God his proper right which he demandeth in his word Pro. 25.26 My sonne give me thy heart and let us keep such a watchfull guard about it that none steale it from him and us Our love to a worthy Consort being so moderated will become both lawfull pleasant Humane condition hath nothing so delightfull as a reciprocal love Yea of all things to which mans will doth contribute it is the onely pleasant thing But as navigable rivers enrich a country with commerce and plenty when they keepe within their shores but ruine it when they overflow with a violent landflood Likewise love while it keepes within limits brings pleasure and utility when it exceeds them it brings displeasure and destruction Love that is not reciprocal will weare away in time But a wise man will shorten the worke of time with reason and will not obstinately court a person that will not love him For of what price soever she be in our regard she is of no price if she be not for us Wee must love our enemies but wee must let them alone CHAP. IV. Of Desire DEsire hath a neere kinred with love for it is the motion of the appetite towards the beloved object This is the difference that Love regardeth the present Desire aspireth to the future Some desires are natural some besides nature Natural desires are good and easily satisfied as long as they keepe within their mounds the first whereof is nature then reason to rule nature and piety to rule reason But wee must take heed of mistaking corrupted nature for pure Pure nature is contented with little but corrupted nature runs to excesse and embaseth natural desites with the allay of desires besides nature It is natural for a man to desire a woman but it is besides nature that he will have her so noble and so rich that he increaseth the desired object with imagination and kindleth his passion by difficulty It is natural to desire meate drink clothing but it is besides nature to desire great feasts gay garments and costly buildings Reason indeed was given us to embellish and inrich nature but Reason if it be well taught wil in all occasions make use of nature to rule the desire and teach it that besides Nature there can be no necessity Thus if your coach breake farre from the towne instead of grieving and fretting remember that Nature did not give you legs to sit in a coach and that it is not necessary for you to be carryed as long as you can goe If you be
a child should be used to be contradicted and as soone as the light of reason beginns to dawne in his young soul he must be taught to subject his will unto reason Growne men hardned in that vice by ill breeding and the flattery of men and fortune yet may be healed if they will remove the causes of the disease Since then Obstinacy is a compound of ignorance and pride they must strive against both Good instruction will expell ignorance and as knowledge growes especially that of God and themselves Pride will decrease and they will become docile and susceptible of better information And whereas Obstinacy puts reason out of her seat subjecting her to passion her naturall subject they must endeavour to restore reason to her right place and authority forbidding the will to determine before reason hath given her verdict or to give a resolution for a reason for if the resolution bee unreasonable one must go from it the sooner the better It is unworthy of a man to have no reason but his will and custome and being asked why he persisteth in this course not to give his reason for answer but his Passion Indeed obstinate men will give many reasons of their fixednesse in their opinion but let them examine soberly and impartially whether their opinion be grounded upon those reasons or whether they alledge those reasons because they will be of that Opinion While wee goe about weaning of our mind from obstinacy wee must take heed of falling into a contrary evill a thousand times more dangerous which is to betray truth and righteousnes to complie with the time For wee must never ballance whether God or men must be obeyed We must not follow the multitude to do evill though the world should charge us with Obstinacy If our conscience tell us that wee deserve not that charge wee may rest satisfied for wee are accountable to God of our opinion not of the opinion that others have of us It is Constancy not Obstinacy to maintaine truth and good conscience even to the last breath despising publique opposition and private danger I joine truth with good conscience because if the question be of a truth which may be left undefended without wronging a good conscience it would be a foolish Obstinacy to swimme against a violent and dangerous streame to defend it But if it be such a truth as cannot be baulked without breaking faith with God and turning from a good conscience wee must persist in it and resist unto blood when wee are put to it And better it is to be called opiniatre then to be perfidious CHAP. XI Of Wrath. I put Wrath among the retinue of Pride as descended from it To this one might oppose that wrath is attributed to God in many texts of Scripture And that the Apostle saith Eph. 4. Be angry and sinne not And therefore that anger is not evil and must be fathered upon a better Authour then Pride These objections will helpe us to know the nature of wrath It is certaine that there is no passion in God But it is certaine also that if anger were a vice it should not be attributed unto God The wrath of God is an indignation declared by effects shewing a resenting of the offense offered unto his glory As then the anger of God proceeds from his glory so the vicious anger of man proceeds from his pride which is a bastard glory As for the other objection out of St Pauls precept Be angry and sinne not whence it followes that one may be angry and not sinne wee must distinguish betweene good and evill anger The vicious anger comes out of pride which is the evill glory of man The good anger comes out of the glory of God for the anger of Gods children when they heare his name blasphemed or see some horrible crime committed with the ceremonies of devotion and justice is a sense which they have of Gods glory whose violation moveth them to jealousy It is good to be angry for such occasions but because anger is prone to runne into excesse and to mingle particular animosities with the interesse of Gods glory the Apostle gives us a caveat to be angry and sinne not Then the vicious and the vertuous anger differ in the object chiefely the vertuous regards the interesse of God the vicious the interesse of a mans selfe but both proceed from glory and have their motions for the vindication of glory For as religious anger hath for its motive the glory of God the motive of vicious anger is particular glory and the resenting of private contempt true or imagined The proudest men are the most cholerick for being great lovers of themselves valuing themselves at a very high rate they deeme the smallest offences against them to be unpardonable crimes Truly no passion shewes more how necessary it is to know the nature and price of things and of our selves above all things for he that apprehends well how small a thing he is will not think the offenses against him to be very great and will not be much moved about them The certainest triall to know how proficient we are in humility is to examine whether we have fewer and easier fits of choller then before Ignorance of the price of things and owning things that are none of ours are the chiefe causes of disorder in all Passions but they are more evident in the Passion of anger because it is more violent and puts forth those errours to the outside which other Passions labour to hide Besides these causes Anger flowes out of more springs as great and rapid rivers are fed by many sources Weakeness contributes much to it for although a fit of anger looke like a sally of vigour and courage yet it is the effect of a soft spirit Great and strong spirits are patient but weake and imbecill natures can suffer nothing and like doors loosely hung are easily gotten off the hookes The wind stirres leaves and small branches seldome the bodies of great trees Light natures also are easily agitated with choller solid minds hardly All things that make a man tender and wanton makes him also impatient and chollerick as covetousness ambition passionate love ease and flattery The same effect is produced by the large licence given to the wandering of thoughts curiosity credulity idlenesse love of play And it is much to be wondered at that anger is stirred by contrary causes prosperity and adversity the replying of an adversary and his silence too much and too little businesse the glory to have done well and the shame to have done evill so phantasticall is that passion There is nothing but will give occasion of anger to a peevish and impatient spirit The causes of anger being past telling our labour will be better bestowed to consider the effects sufficient to breed an horrour against that blustering passion even in those that are most transported by it when they looke back upon that disorder in cold blood Fierce anger
is dreadfull when it is assisted with power It is an impetuous storme overthrowing all that lyeth in its way How many times hath it razed Citties turned Empires upside downe and extermined whole nations One fit of anger of Theodosius one of the best Emperours of the whole list slew many thousands of men assembled in the amphi-Theater of Thessalonica How many then have bin massacred by the wrath of wicked Princes And what slaughter should there be in the world if meane fellowes had as much power as wrath What disorders anger would worke abroad if it were backt with power one may judge by the disorder which it workes within a mans soul for with the overflowing of the gall into the mass of the blood wrath at the same time overflowes all the faculties of the mind suffocates the reason maddes the will and sets the appetite on fire Which is to be seene in the inflammation of the face the sparkling eyes the quick disorderly motion of the limbs the injurious words the violent actions Wrath turnes a man into a furious beast If man be a little world wrath is the tempest of it which makes of the soul a stormy Sea casting up mire and foame and breaking it selfe against rocks by a blind rage In the heat of such fits many get their death or do such things which they repent of at leasure afterwards for wrath brings forth an effect fortable to its cause it comes out of weakeness and it weakens a man there being nothing that disarmes body and mind more and exposes a man more to injuries Indeed when anger is kept within mediocrity it sharpens valour and awakes subtility and readinesse of wit But when it is excessive it makes the sinewes to tremble the tongue to stutter and reason to lose the free exercise of her faculties so that a man out of too much will cannot compasse what he wills Latin Authors calling that weake violence ira impotens impotent anger have given it the right epithete for it strips a man of his power over his owne selfe and of strength to defend himselfe In that tumultuous overthrow of the inward polity what place remaines for piety charity meeknesse justice equity and all other vertues for the serenity of the soul is the temperate climat where they grow but the heat of choller parcheth them they are not plants for that torrid Zone I know that many times vertue is a pretence for choller Angry men justifie their Passion by the right which they maintaine thinking that they cannot mantaine it with vigour enough Thus whereas other passions are corrupted by evill things this it corrupted by good things and then to be even with them it corrupteth those good things for there is no cause so good but it is marred by impetuous choller The great plea of anger is the injustice of others But we must not repell one injustice by another For although an angry man could keep himselfe from offending his neighbour he cannot excuse his offence against God and himselfe by troubling the serenity of his soul which is expelling the image of God for it is not reflected but in a calme soul and bringing in storme and confusision which is the devills image As when a hogshead of wine is shaken the dregs rise to the top and when the sea is raging the mire doth the like a fit of raging choller doth thrust up all the hidden ordure which was settled before by the feare of God or men The wrong done by others to piety and justice is no just reason for our immoderate choler For they have no need of such an ill champion which is rather a hinderance then a defense of their cause and to maintaine them transgresseth against them To defend such reasonable things as piety and justice there is need of a free reason and a sober sense And whether wee be incensed with the injury done to them or that which is done to us wee must be so just to ourselves as not to lay the punishment upon us for the faults of another or make ourselves miserable because our neighbours are wicked To that end wee must remember that in the violation of justice God is more interessed then wee are and knoweth how to punish it when he sees it expedient And if God will not punish it as yet our will must not be more hasty then his and it becomes us not to be impatient for our interess when himself is patient in the wrong done to his owne Let the cause of our anger be never so holy and just the sentence of St James is of perpetual truth Jam. 1.20 The wrath of man worketh not the righteousnes of God If it be the cause of God that we defend we must not use that good cause to bring forth evill effects the evill that incenseth us can hardly be so grievous as the losse of humanity and right reason of which a man is deprived by excessive wrath for Wrath is cruell and anger is outragious Prov. 27.4 It resteth in the bosome of fooles saith Solomon Eccles 79. Our good opinion and love of ourselves which when all is sayd are the chiefe causes of anger ought to be also the motives to abate or prevent it for would any man that thinks well of himselfe and loveth his owne good make himselfe vile brutish Now this is done by letting the raines lose to choler whereas the way to deserve the good opinion of ourselves and others is to maintaine ourselves calme and generous never removed from the imperial power over ourselves by any violence of passion Pro. 16.32 He that is slow to anger is better then the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit then he that takes a citty I account not Alexander the Great a great Conquerour since he was a slave to his anger A man that never drew sword and is master of himselfe is a greater Conquerour then he That calme disposition shall not want many provocations from those with whom wee must of necessity live servants especially and servile soules like unto cart horses that will neither goe nor drive unlesse they feel the whip or be terrified with a harsh angry tone Seneca gives leave to the wiseman to use such varlets with the words and actions of anger but not to be angry A difficult taske It is to be feared that by counterfeiting anger wee may become angry in good earnest and a man hath need of a sound premunition of reason and constancy before he come to use those wayes so easy it is to slip into anger when one hath cause for it and is persvaded that the faults of an idle servant cannot be mended without anger But anger is a remedy worse then most diseases and no houshold disorder is worth the disordering of our soules with passion Better were it to be ill served or not served at all then to make our servants our Masters giving them power to dispossesse us of the command of ourselves whensoever
it will please them to provoke us to anger Yet a wiseman may expresse indignation without anger and an effectual vigour making others tremble himselfe standing unmooved Out of the anger of others wee may fetch three good uses The first is to learne to hate that passion and take heed of it seeing how it is imperious and servile together ugly unbecomming unreasonable hurtful to others and more to a mans selfe The second use is to gather carefully the wholesome warnings which an angry adversary will give us for he will be sure to tell us all the evill he seeth in us which ourselves see not A benefit not to be expected from our discreet friends The third is the noblest use To study the science of discerning the spirits considering with a judicious eye the several effects of every mans anger for no passion discovereth so much the nature of persons It layeth a man starke naked Ifone be a contemner of God as soone as he is angry he will be sure to wreake his anger upon God with blasphemies If he have piety and ingenuity he will make them pleade for him but lamely as discomposed by anger If he be a coward he will insult over the weake and if he find resistance you shall see him threaten and tremble together like base dogs then barking most when they runne away If he be haughty his anger will expresse it selfe in a malignant smile and he will boast of his blood and valour The occasions of anger will better discover what a man is inclined unto for every one will be sooner moved for those things where he is most interessed As in anger so in reconciliation a discerning eye will reade a character of the several humours The vaine and haughty man after he hath done wrong stands upon reparation The baseminded man is threatened into submissions after the injury received The covetous wretch will have reparation in money and puts a rate upon every bastinado The conscionable meeke and generous man is facile both in giving and receiving satisfaction and easily pardons another mans anger his owne with much adoe From this let us reflect to the first use that wee must make of the anger of others He that will mind well how wrath betrayes a man and layeth open his infirmities and how the man that hath no rule over his owne spirit is like a citty that is broken downe and without walles will fence himselfe against that treacherous passion by Christian meekenes and moderation and will learne to be wise by his neighbours harme To that meekenes we shal be much helped by the remembrance of our sins whereby we daily provoke God and for which wee mought have bin cast headlong into hell long agoe but that he is slow to wrath and abundant in goodnesse Exod. 34.6 To expect that God our father be slow to wrath towards us while we are hot to wrath against our brethren is the extremity of injustice and unreasonablenesse To conclude since we seeke here our tranquility which we have found every where inseparably conjoyned with our duty let us observe our Saviours precept grounded upon his example Matth. 11.29 Learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest unto your soules That way the Lord Jesus the great Master of wisedome found rest unto his soul the same way shall wee finde rest to ours CHAP. XII Of Aversion Hatred and Revenge AVersion is the first seed of Hatred and hath a larger extent for hatred regards onely persons or actions but many have Aversions for unreasonable or inanimate things wherefore those Aversions are commonly unreasonable whether it be out of naturall antipathy or out of fancy wantonnesse Persons subject to those Aversions have commonly more Passion then reason and are such as are made tender and are soft spirited by ease Ladies have many antipathyes but among country wives and milkmayds you shall find but few that will swound at the sight of a spider or a frog A wise man must impartially examine those Aversions if he have any whether they consist in fancy or nature and not flatter himselse in such capricious weakenesses He shall do much for his rest and credit if he can weane himselfe altogether from them He that can command himselfe to have no Aversion of which he may not give a reason will traine his passion that way to have no unreasonable Hatred against any person Hatred is an indignation for an injury received or imagined or for an ill opinion conceived of a person or action This description is common to it with anger Herein they differ that anger is sudden and hath a short course but hatred is meditated at leasure and is lasting Also that anger seeks more a mans vindication then the harme of others but hatred studieth the harme of adversaries Hatred as anger is a compound of pride and sadnesse I meane the vicious hatred and the most common It proceeds likewise out of ignorance of ones selfe and the price and nature of things This Philosophy we learne of St. John 1 Joh. 2.11 He that hates his Brother is in darknesse and knowes not whither he goes because that darknesse hath blinded his eyes for ignorance is the darknesse of the soul As then blind men are commonly testy the blindnesse of ignorance will make men prone to hate their neighbours and hatred afterwards increaseth that blindnesse By the same ignorance whereby we love some persons and things without knowledge and reason we hate also some persons and things without reason and many will choose rather to lose a friend then a shilling Hatred is naturally good serving to make us avoyd things hurtfull and it is morally good when we use it to oppose that which is contrary to the Soveraine good which is God When we hate that which God hateth we cannot do amiss so that we be very certaine that God hates it such are the unjust habits and actions condemned by his word and by that law of nature written in mans heart But as for the persons because we have no declaration of Gods love and hatred to this or that man we must love them all and never feare to offend God by loving that which he hateth for we cannot offend him by obeying his commandement Now he commands us to love our neighbours as ourselves No doubt but we must love many persons which God hateth neither will it be time to hate them till we have heard the sentence of Gods personall hatred pronounced against them I say Gods personal hatred because there is a hatred of iniquity in God against those that oppose his glory which obligeth us to hate them also with that hatred of iniquity and to oppose them vigorously as long as they oppose God Of that hatred spake David when he said Psal 139.21 Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved with them that rise up against thee I hate them with a perfect hatred
I count them mine enemies But wee must take heed lest the hatred of iniquity bring the hatred against the persons and the persons must not be afflicted more then needs for the repressing of iniquity The more difficult it is to keep that temper the more earnestly ought we to endeavour to render all offices of charity and personall humanity to them whose party we justly seek to defeate for to love our enemies and to overcome the evill with good is the most ingenuous imitation of the Godhead It is his command joyned with his example Matth. 5.44 Love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them which despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he makes his Sun to rise on the evill and on the good and sends raine on the just and on the unjust There is need of a great measure of grace and wisedome to observe these two precepts together Psal 97.10 Ye that love the Lord hate evill and Matth. 22.39 Thou shalt love thy neighbour like thy selfe hating iniquity in the wicked and loving their persons and both for Gods sake The chiefe use of hatred is to be incited to good by the hatred of evill For that end it is not necessary that the greatnesse of hatred equall the greatnesse of the evill and we are not obliged to hate evill things as much as they deserve otherwise the great currant of our affection would runne into the channell of hatred and leave the channell of love dry Now it is in loving the Soveraine good with all our strength and with all our soul that our duty and happinesse consisteth not in hating the evill with all our strength and with all our soul The hatred of evill is not requisite of it selfe but by accident as a consequence of the love of good If the hatred of vice perswade us to vertue we shall be more yet perswaded to it by the love of goodnesse Many effects of hatred are the same as the effects of anger for there is no anger without hatred in some degree if not to a person at least to an action But there is some hatred without anger when one forethinks in cold blood the wayes to destroy an adversary All the destructions of the world where the will of man is an agent are wrought immediately by hatred They have many remote causes anbition covetousnesse carnall love emulation and all the violent passions but they destroy not but by accident till some opposition hath driven them into hatred which in the inward polity of the soul hath the same office as the hangman in a Citty for it is the executioner and avenger of wrongs Unto hatred all the cruelty of tyranny and malice must be imputed And yet all the blood spilt all the ruines and inventive torments outwardly wrought by hatred are nothing so grievous as the inward disorder wrought by it in cruell and revengefull souls and the separation which it worketh between God and man It is the finall and most grievous effect of hatred that by hating our neighbours we become Gods enemies 1 Joh. 4.20 If a man say I love God and hates his brother he is a lyer Hatred is a bitter venome which being once diffused soaked into the soul turnes a man into a hell-fury contrary to all good ready and industrious to all evil But with all the paine that such a man takes to doe harme to others he doth more harme to himselfe then to any consuming his spirits with a continual malignant fever banishing from his soul serenity charity and meekness vertues which are the soyle of other vertues and the givers of rest contentment to the soul It is often seene that while a man is gnawing his heart with a fierce hatred the person he hateth is healthfull merry and quiet as if imprecations made him prosper An ill grounded hatred drawes Gods blessing upon the party unjustly hated and persecuted Psal 109.18 It was Davids hope Let them curse but blesse thou Hatred is conceived for one of those two ends Either to avenge ourselves or to avenge injustice which is Gods cause As for the first Before wee think of revenging an injury wee must examine whether wee have received or done the greater injury for it is ordinary that the offender is harder to be reconciled that it may not be thought that he is in the wrong Then we must calmely consider whether the revenge may not doe us more harme then the injury though wee had nothing to doe but to breake our launces against a dead stock incapable to resent it For besides that there is no enemy so little but it is better to let him alone then to provoke him the harme that hatred doth within us cannot be recompensed by any sweetness of revenge though there were no other harme in hatred then to find delight in robbing God of that he hath reserved to himselfe Now he challengeth revenge as his owne exclusively to all others Heb. 10.30 Vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompense saith the Lord. To become incapable of rest incapable of doing good incapable of pleasing God are sufficient evils to deterre us from harbouring that inhumane passion enemy of men of God and of ourselves Pro. 11.17 The mercifull man doth good to his owne soul but the cruel troubleth his owne flesh It is a right godly and philosophicall study to strive against that tendernes quick to pick offences slow to take satisfaction And wee must be ingenious to devise causes of patience Are you condemned being guilty acknowledge Justice Are you innocent bow under authority Are you newly offended It is too soone to resent it Is the Sunne gone downe since It is too late Hath any wounded you look to your cure not to your revenge Are you well againe let not your mind be harder to heal then your body Are you offended by a friend remember the friendship more then the offense Are you offended by an enemy Doe your endeavour that he be so no more returning him good for evil Is he too strong for you It is folly to contend with him Is he too weake It is a shame Is he your superiour you must yeeld to him Is he your inferiour you must spare him And since Pride of which none is altogether free represents our enemies to us under a vile and unworthy notion let us fetch some good out of that evill Let contempt help patience to beare with their provocations for if a dogge did bite us wee would not bite him againe nor kicke at a asse that kicks against us Also when some body offends us let us remember that wee have offended some body The fault that wee find in another is in our owne bosome It is too great a flattery of selfe love to looke to be excused and excuse none Wee are evill and infirme and live among persons evill and infirme All have need to put on a
gnashing of teeth that burning fire and that gnawing and never-dying worme is Envy biting the damned to the quick while they are thinking of the glory and felicity of God and how the Saints whom they have despised opprest in the world are filled with joy and crowned with glory while themselves are infamous and miserable That comparison is a maine article of their misery The envious man cannot suffer as much as he deserveth since he sets himselfe against God and all that God loveth controuling His distribution of his goods He that is grieved at the good he seeth deserveth never to have any good it were pitty he should have any if he can get no good but by his neighbours harme Besides the causes of envy which I observed before there are two more that are great contributours to that wicked vice The one is want of faith for a man becomes envious because he beleeveth not that God hath enough in his store to doe good to him and others or that God doth wisely to give him superiours or equals Which unbelecfe makes him to murmure and fall out with God Matth. 20.15 His eye is evill because God is good The other cause is Idleness It makes men envious but it makes them poore before for when they are growne poore through idlenes they look upon the wealth of their neighbours with envy The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing and the thing he desireth is his neighbours estate which he lookes upon with an evill eye Hence warres robberies and piracies For while diligent men grow rich by their industry idle and envious men study onely to have strength on their side to rob the industrious or at least to put a stop to their increase This search of the causes of envy opens us the way to the remedies Since all disorder in the appetite begins by errour in the understanding wee must before all things heale our understanding of that errour and ignorance which occasions envy even that false opinion that the wealth and honour of the world make a man happy whereas they are instruments of wickednes and misery unto weake souls and to the strong hinderances and seeds of care They are the ropes wherewith Satan drawes men into perdition For one that useth them well a thousand are corrupted and undone by them And who would envy slaves and miserable persons Then wee must beate downe pride and the excessive love of ourselves with the study of humility charity and meekenes Let nothing be done through strife or vaine glory but in lowlines of mind let each esteeme other better then themselves Looke not every man on his owne things but every man also to the things of others Phil. 2.3 If once wee can get an humble opinion of ourselves and a charitable opinion of our neighbours wee shall not be vexed with envy seeing their prosperity for we shall think that they deserve it better then we In stead of an envious comparing of our neighbours estates with ours let us compare what we have received of God with what wee deserve of him and that will quell our pride and envy An especiall care must be taken to cut our desire short which is the next cause of envy He that desireth little shall envy no body For so little as he needs he would not strip another to cloath himselfe If sometimes the luster of worldly advancements dazle our eyes and breed in us some motions of envy let us consider what those advancements cost them that have attained them how much time money and labour they have spent how many doors of great persons they besieged how many frownes from their superiours how many justlings from their emulatours Then how many temptations how many shifts were they put to even to disguising of truth and wresting of justice Let us think well whether we would have bought preferment at that rate and that if we have it not we did not spend for it what others did We have not broken our sleep with cares we have not bin many yeares tottering betweene feare and hope We have given no thankes for affronts We have not courted a porter and a groome We have not purchased with gifts a Clarkes favour We have not turned the whole bent of our mind from the service of God to the service of the world In a word if we have not the wares we have not payd our money for it And if we would not have spent so much about that advancement we have no reason to envy them that have bought it so deare The chiefe remedy against that fretting disease is faith in the power goodnesse and wisedome of God with an entire submission to his holy will Why should we afflict ourselves for Gods gifts to others Rom. 10.12 The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him He hath enough to enrich us all Let us not looke what he gives to others but let us humbly aske him that which he knowes to bee fit for us and thankfully receive what he giveth us being sure that all that he gives is good because it comes from his good hand If we can truly say with Davids faith The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance Psal 16.5 how can we after that looke upon our neighbours portion with envy It is also an antidote against envy to be alwayes well imployed for idlenesse makes a man to leave his busines to looke upon his neighbours worke and doing nothing controule them that do well As for the envy which others beare to us we have reason to rejoyce that our condition is such as deserves envy at least in the opinion of others It is true we must not referre ourselves to the opinion of others but to our own selfe about the happinesse or unhappinesse of our condition but because we are not sensible as we ought of Gods benefits towards us and many times complaine when we should praise God our neighbours envy serveth to awake our sense of Gods mercies and to move us to thankfullnesse CHAP. XIV Of Jealousy JEalousy is much like Envy In Greeke one word serveth for both Yet are they of different nature For a man is envious of that he hath not but he is Jealous of that he hath Besides they are of different extractions Envy is the daughter of Pride for to pride the envious man oweth the opinion he hath to be more worthy of the advantages conferred upon others but Jealousy is the offspring of a base mind that judgeth himselfe unworthy of that which he possesseth and feareth that another be more worthy of it Jealousy is a various and phantastical medley of love distrust revenge sadnesse feare and shame But that compound is not lasting for love soone turnes into hatred feare and shame into fury and distrust into despaire Solomon saith that jealousy is the rage of a man Prov. 6.34 The predominant passions in Jealousy for Jealousy is many passions together are feare not to possesse
alone what one loveth and shame of what the world may say of it this last especially tears amans soul with extream violence so slavish is the voluntary subjection of weake spirits under the opinion of others A wise man will keepe himselfe from that sharp yet imaginary evill by a sincere love to his party for perfect love casteth out feare 1 Joh. 4.18 He that loveth his wife well will trust her and that trust will make her faithfull or nothing will Fidelem si putaveris facies To that counsell of trusting his wife the husband must joyne a resolution not to mistrust himselfe For here one may lawfully put on a good opinion of himselfe the question being onely to compare himselfe with others about pleasing a woman which is obliged to study to please him and cannot without grievous crime and conceiving an enormous disproportion of merit betweene him and others bestow upon them that love which is due to him A husband betrayeth himselfe and tempteth his wives weakenesse when he discovereth a distrust of himselfe and a feare that she preferre other men before him This sheweth her the way to value them above her husband and she thinkes herselfe justified so to do by her husbands judgement He must learne also to be credulous for his owne content and of hard beleefe in the causes of discontent For here it is better to be deceived in evill then in good and it is better alwayes not to search an evill without remedy then to finde it especially when by seeking it we make it come The dishonour of cuckoldry consisting onely in opinion it is healed also with opinion and he that feeles it not hath it not This inconvenience is prevented by making choice of a vertuous wife and using her well for restraint and hard usage doth but draw the evill Also by keeping us free from defiling our neighbours bed This will give us a great confidence that God will not suffer any to defile ours Most jealous men are adulterers fearing what they have deserved But when one hath made an ill choyce neither kindness nor justice nor prudence can keepe a light and ungratefull woman to her duty When the wrong is so manifest that it is impossible for the husband not to know it and dissembling would be imputed to insensibility or even to consent the right counsell for the exteriour is to be divorced from a wicked wife But if one can neither marry againe nor live without a woman and feareth that he shall hardly be able to keep himselfe from harlots of all harlots let him make use of his owne It is better yet to keepe a lawfull whore then an unlawfull As for counsels for the interiour one must practise the grand remedy to remedilesse evils patience God in this as in other sorrowes of life will finde wayes of comfort reliefe for those that trust in him even where there is no way The good company of so many brave men that are in the same row is a help to beare it A wiseman will make no more strange of it then of wearing a hat a la mode He must keepe fast to that true Maxime that he cannot be dishonoured but by his owne faults not by the faults of another A vertuous mans honour hangs not upon a light womans behaviour If it did it should lye very unsafe No more doth it depend upon his neighbours opinion Persons of honour and judgement will never disesteeme an honest man for it And as for the talk of the vulgar honour and good fame depend no more of it then of the gabbling of geese CHAP. XV. Of Hope I Have spoken in the first Book of the Christian Vertue of Hope Here I speake of a naturall Passion Yet it is certaine that they differ onely in the degree of perfection and in the object Naturall hope is wavering Divine hope is fixt Divine hope regardeth eternall goods Naturall hope lookes for naturall and civill goods Yet the object of Divine hope is not denyed to the naturall but when that passion is determined by grace unto supernatural goods it becomes a vertue Hope is a compound of courage Desire and Joy but hath more of the first and second ingredient then of the third Also a graine of feare enters into the composition for if there were none it would not be hope but expectation as on the other side there is a graine of Hope in feare for if there were no Hope it would not be feare but despaire Hope hath this common with love and desire that it regards a good object at least in the intention But Hope considers foure particular qualities in her object That it is absent that it is future that it is possible and likely and that it is yet uncertaine at least in some regard if not in the substance at least in the circumstance for even the certainest Hope of all that of eternall goods grounded upon Gods immutable promises is neverthelesse uncertaine of the degree the manner and the time of the enjoyment hoped for Laying aside that prime object of hope it is hard to say whether Hope doth more good or harme in the world For on the one side it raiseth the courage and animates good enterprises with vigour On the other side it blinds the reason which instead of good chooseth a disguised evill or turnes good into evill by rashnesse unquietnesse Hope sets the mind on gadding and aspiring higher then it can reach all wayes discontented with the present and hanging upon the future And how deceitfull are the promises of Hope Of ten one comes not to effect With hoping good and suffering evill mans life passeth away Yet must we acknowledge the obligation that men have to hope for it makes them subsist even while it deceives them What makes Negro's confined to the mines there to eate and drinke It is Hope What makes gally slaves to sing while they are rowing It is Hope And would so many persons whose dayes are a continuall torment consent to maintaine their wretched life but that in a bottomlesse gulfe of evills they will obstinate themselves to hope well and after all goods are flowne away Hope stayeth behind Hence it comes that many unfortunate persons will stirre up their industrie awake their vertue strengthen themselves in faith and live to see better dayes So to answere the question whether Hope must be reckoned among the goods or among the evills it may be said that it is the evill of them that are at ease and the good of the miserable For such as have meanes and dignity have also many designes and chained hopes which keepe them hanging in chaines while cares and feares like ravens are tearing their hearts Besides they that are inchanted with many worldly hopes conceive christian Hope but remissely Whereas they that are in adversity being not tickled with those delicate hopes which a man dares not recommend unto God will fixe upon just hopes suggested by necessity And if
the smaller and unworthyer the object is the more shamefull is the despaire about it but in recompense it is more curable For then one is easily brought to consider in cold blood that the thing was not worthy either of his affliction or affection But when the object is great and worthy the despaire is more guilty and lesse curable Wherefore the worst Despaire of all is when one despaireth of the grace of God so farre as to hate him for nothing can be worse then to hate the Soveraine good onely worthy to be beloved with all the soul Many distrust the grace of God who are not therefore desperate though they think themselves so to be Let them aske of themselves whether they hate God and let them know that as long as a graine of Gods love remaines in them there is together a graine of faith though opprest and offuscated by melancholy For it is impossible that God should be their enemy and their Soveraine evill while they love him To them this comfort is addrest Prov. 8.17 I love them that love me and those that seeke me early shall find me And this likewise 1 Joh. 4.19 We love him because he first loved us If then we love him we must be sure that he loveth us and we must fight against the temptations of despaire saying with Job Though God stay me yet will I trust in him Job 13.15 and with Isaiah Isa 25.9 Loe this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us This is the Lord wee have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation Confidence is good according to the goodnesse of the subject that it reposeth upon Wherefore Confidence in God the only Soveraine good perfect solid and immutable is the best of all and the onely that can give assurance and content to the soul He that is blest with that confidence is halfe in Paradice already He is firme safe meek serene and too strong for all his enemies Psal 84.12 God is to him a Sunne to give him light heate life and plenty of all goods and a shield to gard him and shelter him from all evills ver 13. He gives him grace in this life and glory in the next O Lord of hosts blessed is the man that trusteth in thee CHAP. XVIII Of Pitty PItty is a Passion composed of love and sorrow moved by the distress of another either true or seeming And that sympathie is somtimes grounded upon false love because we acknowledge our selves obnoxious to the same calamities and feare the like fortune Pitty is opposite to Envy for Envy is a displeasure conceived at another mans good but Pitty is a displeasure conceived at another mans harme The Passion of Pitty must be distinguished from the vertue that beares the same name for they are easily confounded The Pitty of the vulgar which is imputed to good Nature and Christian charity comes chiefely out of two causes The one is an errour in judgement whereby they reckon many things among the great goods which are good but in a very low degree and likewise many things among evills which are not evill Hence it is that those are most pittied that dye and the best men more then any as though death were evill to such men and they that lose their moneyes which are called goods as though they were the onely good things and they that lose their lands which are called an estate as though a mans being and well being were estated in them The other cause of the Passion of Pitty is a sickly tendernesse of mind easy to be moved wherefore women and children are more inclinable to it but the same tendernesse and softness makes them equally inclinable to choller yea to cruelty The people that seeth the bleeding carkasse of a man newly murthered is stricken with great pitty towards him who is past all worldly sorrowes and with great hatred against the murderer wishing that they might get him into their hands to teare him to peeces But when the fellon is put into the hands of Justice condemned and brought to execution then the heat of the peoples Passion is altogether for pitty to him and that pitty begets wrath against the executioner when he doth his office So easily doth the passion of vulgar soules pass from one contrary to another from pitty to cruelty from cruelty to pitty againe and from compassion for one to hatred for another But all these suddaine contrary motions proceed from one cause which is the tendernesse and instability of weake soules whose reason is drowned in passion and their passion is in perpetuall agitation But the Vertue of Pitty which is a limb of charity is a firme resolution to relieve our neighbour that stands in need of our help and it hath more efficiency then tenderness This is the Pitty of generous and religious spirits aspiring to the imitation of God who without feeling any perturbation for the calamities of men relieveth them out of his mercy And whereas the Passion of pitty is for the most part caused by the ignorance of the goodness and badness of things he that is lesse mistaken in them is also lesse inclined to that passion for he calls not that misery which others call so Nec doluit miserans inopem aut invidit habenti Or if a wiseman pitty one dejected by poverty it will not be his poverty but his dejected spirit that he will pitty And so of him that is weeping for a slander a wiseman will pitty him not because he is slandered but because he weepes for it for that weeping is a reall evill though the cause which is slander be but an imaginary evill He will labour to get such a firme soul that neither the good nor the evill that he seeth in or about his neighbours be able to worke any perturbation within him The world being a great hospitall of misery where we see wellnigh as many miserable persons as we see men if we were obliged to have a yearning compassion for all the miserable we should soone become more miserable then any of them and must bid for ever Adieu to the peace of the soul and contentment of mind It is enough to give power to our neighbours to command our counsell our labour and our purse in their need but to give them power over the firmeness of our soul to shake and enervate it at their pleasure it is too much Let us depend of none if it may be but God and ourselves Let none other have the power be it for good or evill to turne the sterne of our minde at his pleasure It must be acknowledged that Pitty as weake as it is hath more affinity with Vertue then any other Passion and turnes into vertue sooner then any That way weake soules handled with dexterity are brought to meekeness and charity and that way many Pagans have bin brought to the Christian verity We owe the great conversions to the sufferings of Martyrs
Temperance is the just proportion of the appetite and Fortitude is the constancy and magnanimity of the will requisite to keep one just Neither is fortitude a Vertue different from temperance for whereas of those two duties sustine abstine to sustaine and to abstaine the first which is resisting oppositions is ascribed to fortitude the other which is abstaining from the inticements of sinne is reserved unto temperance yet both belong equally to fortitude seeing there is as much if not more strength of mind requisite to stand out against alluring temptations as to encounter violent oppositions There are then two vertues in all the one intellectuall which is Prudence the other morall which is Justice I have spoken of the first and this whole treatise is but an exercise of it And of the second also of which the most essentiall part is the feare of God and a good conscience that is truly the prime Justice All human lawes if they be good are dependances of it if they be evill they are deviations from it Naturall equity sanctifyed by grace ruleth both publique and particular duties and both the outward and the inward man which is farre more then common and civill law can compass In all policies of the world Justice hath diverse faces The body of the Law especially in great and antient States hath statutes and cases without number which instead of clearing justice confound it All that legislative labour regards outward action and the publique peace But piety and true Philosophy rule the inward action and settle the peace of the soul with the right and primitive Justice Besides human lawes are most busy in forbidding evill and for that end make use of feare and the terrour of punishment whereas the inward law of Vertue is most busy in prescribing good and for that end makes use of the motive of love and reward But whether we need the motives of feare or love we have a Soveraine Court within our breast where the great Judge of the Universe is sitting continually There his Law is written and layd in view entering into the eyes of the understanding which seeth it even when he winkes that he may not see it And there a mans owne thoughts stand divided at the barre some accusing some excusing him out of that law compared with the records of the memory Of that Court St. Paul was speaking that the very Gentiles and heathen shew the worke of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witnesse and their thoughts the meane while accusing or else excusing one another Rom. 2.15 Before that Court that is before God himselfe and before us we must labour to be declared just and more to be so indeed There justice must be setled There it must be practised It will be well done to know and obey the formes of justice which publique order hath set over us but our maine taske must be to labour for an niward and habituall justice Let us obey cheerefully all good or indifferent human lawes but before all and after all let us seek and pray for that law of the spirit of life which may set a rule to all the unrulinesse within us and make righteousnesse and peace to kiss each other in our soules The ordinary definition of justice that it is a constant will to give to every one his owne as it is commonly understood regards onely the least part of justice which is the rule of duties betweene man and man But let us give it a fuller extent for to give every one his owne we must pay all that is due first to God next to ourselves and then to our neighbours Certainly the two former parts of justice are far more considerable then the third which is the onely cryed up though ill observed in the world for a man may and doth often retire from the society of men but he can at no time retire from God and himselfe and though a man were alone in the world yet should he have with him the chiefe subjects to exercise the vertue of justice We shall give God his owne by loving him with all our soul and with all our strength obeying his will carefully and cheerefully praising him for his love to us and for his owne greatness and goodness with a thankfull and a joyfull heart setting him continually before the eyes of our mind as alwayes present that we may walke unto all pleasing before his pure and all seeing eyes stick fast unto him by meditation affection and entire confidence And whereas man is the bond and the naturall mediator betweene the materiall world and the spirituall who alone must render for the whole Nature the due homage unto the great Creator Justice calls upon us to do that right to God Nature to knit Nature with God by our love faith obedience and praises Thus also we shall give to ourselves our due for to draw neere unto God is our good Psal 73.28 to separate from him is our destruction They that observe lying vanities forsake their owne mercy saith Jonas Jo. 2.8 meaning that they forsake him of whose goodness their being and wel-being depends This thought will renew the antient characters of the naturall notions of justice engraven upon the marble of our hearts upon which the corruption of the world and our owne hath bred as it were a thick moss which hides these characters But with the feare of God that moss is rubbed off and the law of God the originall justice written there with Gods finger appeares plaine and legible Who so then will do right to himself and recover his primitive dignity must study to know feare and love God perfect his union with him and associate himselfe with his Angels by obeying his will and tending his praise His saving eternall light is for us Wisedome righteousness sanctification and redemption are for us for he gives them to us liberally in his Sonne We do but right to ourselves when we study that those blessings which are for us may be ours And to lose such inestimable graces by our neglect is besides ungratefullness towards God a crying injustice against ourselves A maine point of that justice which we owe to ourselves is to labour to make ourselves possessors of ourselves and masters at home so untyed from all outward tyes that our content depend of none but God and ourselves and that rule over ourselves is attained by yeelding unto God the rule ver us To that end our first labour must be to traine well the Passion of love which is the great wheele mooving all the other passions for according to the subjects that we love and as we love them well or ill we are good or evill happy or unhappy To love what we ought and as we ought is the whole duty and happinesse of man Next our desires and hopes must be cut short which is not cutting downe Nature as greedy minds may think It is cutting off our bonds and
will be but dissimulation and though it get us peace abroad it will not give us peace within My little children saith St. John let us not love in word neither in tongue but indeed and in truth 1. Ioh. 3.18 Then he addeth that hereby wee know that wee are of the truth and assure our hearts before God A text shewing that charity to our neighbours fills the minde with saith peace and assurance a doctrine justified by the experience of meek and charitable soules The same charity that unites us with Christ as our head unites us also with our neighbours as his members or at least as his creatures that beare his image In the one or the other of these relations we must love all men for Gods sake and render to them all possible duties of humanity To the practice of these duties we are more especially called by the necessity of our neighbours and by their vertue Necessity affords us a perpetual occasion of charity Matth. 26.11 For ye have the poore alwayes with you saith the Lord Jesus Others that are not poore in estate are poore in counsel or health or friends or comfort Let every body give of that he hath to him that hath not and he sheweth charity to the rich if he doe him good expecting no reward Workes of charity doe good both to him that is relieved and to him that relieveth But he that doeth good gets more reliefe by it then he to whom it is done for it is a thing more happy to give then to receive Act. 20.35 saith St Paul after Christ first because of the good treasure which is layd up thereby for the future Pro. 11.25 The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himselfe Giving charitably is casting a seed bringing an everlasting harvest It is sending up sweete vapours to heaven which are thickened there into a raine of blessings to showre downe upon the head of the charitable person To which we may joine the great and present content accrewing to the soule in the very act of giving for good workes give a ready pay to the doers This made Solomon to say The merciful man doeth good to his owne soul Prov. 11.17 for the workes of mercy give a great joy to the doer And he that gives his bread to the poore is more satisfied with it then he that eates it It is a divine felicity to doe good to many for it is the greatest imitation of God who gives to all and is never weary of doing good Herein onely dignities and riches are good that they enable a willing mind to doe much good As the necessity of our neighbours invites us to charity so doth their Vertue which is the better invitation The first sort of Charity which regards more the need then the worth of the person is humanity and mercy that which regardeth Vertue is friendship or at least a beginning of it Friendship to deserve fully that name must be reciprocall the parties loving one another dearely because they deserve it and because they see the graces of God each in the other Friendship that regards profit and pleasure deserveth not that name since it is neither for the love of God nor for the love of the person that such a Friendship is contracted but out of selfe-love Friendship cemented by Vertue and riveted by likeness in inclinations manners and opininions is the sweetest of all human things For besides counsell and mutuall help and the delight of enterchanging thoughts and discharging cares in the bosome one of another the union of affections and the assurance to be beloved of the beloved person is a content not to be exprest there is something heavenly in that harmony It is a little imitation of the union between the persons of the Trinity which make themselves happy by their mutuall love There is nothing neither in heaven nor in earth that giveth content but friendship Nothing is pleasant without it And if I were asked what is the greatest of all joyes I would say that it is to love and to be loved againe and know it But it must be acknowledged that this perfection and felicity is more in Idea then in reality among men and we must go higher then human Society to find it For whereas it is hard to find a vertuous man in the world it is harder to find two And it is harder yet to make these two meet in opinions in inclinations in interesses in place of habitation and in the like course of life for the want of one of these particulars hinders the knitting of the bond of friendship or makes it shortlived or abates the comfort of it The description which Pagan Philosophy forgeeth of perfect friendship is a fair imagination of an impossible thing They require two friends or three at the most but such as were never found endowed with perfect vertue That for that vertue these persons love one another without any other obligation or collaterall respect That these perfect soules be so plunged and blended one within another that they can not owne themselves singled and asunder That they be but one soul dwelling in severall bodyes That a friend give himselfe so absolutely to his friend that he live no more but for him yea in him and that his goods as himselfe be his friends whose interesses he wholly seekes not his owne I wonder that among Christian Philosophers none hath hitherto observed for any thing I know what it was that bred that Idea of friendship so high and remote from the nature of things in the fancy of Pagan Philosophers which yet placed vertue and felicity in living according to Nature why they have so universally adored that chimera which is found no where among men like the Athenians that had set up an Altar to the unknowne God This is then the origine and ground of that high imagination of those Pagans They had found by searching the nature of man that nothing can make him happy but love And that for a beatificall love a man hath need of an object all good all wise and all perfect so perfectly united with him yea so totally that both passe the one into the other and make a mutuall free and absolute gift of themselves But the poore men did not know that object of transcendent goodness onely worthy to be loved with all the heart and soul and if some of them acknowledged God to be the Soveraine good they beleeved not that he could have such a communication with man that both might enterchange a mutuall gift of their owne selves so that man should dwell in God and God in man Thinking not then that there might be a contract of friendship betweene God and man and seeing that it is friendship that must make man happy they forged that Idea of friendship betweene man man of which the condition of man is not capable requiring for that friendship that which indeed is requisite
for felicity but together is impossible to nature For so farre they say true that for a perfect love the soul of a friend must passe into his friends soul But that being improperly and hyperbolically ascribed to love betwen men is true and reall in the friendship between God and man sanctified especially when he is glorified For God graceth man so much as to make him his friend and to call him so I have called you my friends saith Christ to his Disciples Joh. 15.15 And in that friendship there is such a strict union between God and the soul that thereby the soul is refunded into her original being The spirit of God gets into mans spirit and the spirit of man poures it selfe into Gods spirit as the river falls into the Sea and the Sea floweth into the river Their wills become one their interesses one the glory of God and the salvation of man become the same thing Man seeking above all things to glorifie God glorifyeth himselfe and is advanced by debasing himselfe out of his love to God till finally seeing God and being seene of him 2. Cor. 3.18 he is changed into the same image and made partaker of the divine nature 2. Pet. 1.4 When the Pagans from their contemplations upon friendship passe to examples they shew how remote their imaginations are from the nature of things and that their characters of friendship are fitter to be lookt on than copied out For none of these paires of friends which Antiquity extolls is come neere those compleat Ideas which they fancy Most of them that would strive to expresse them in their practice have made themselves miserable and their friendship a bondage Also among the vertuous examples of friendship they set forth vicious presidents as that of Blosius who being convented before the Senate about the sedition of Tiberius Gracchus whose intimate friend he was and asked what he would have done for him answered that he would have done any thing at his request And what sayd the Judges if he would have requested thee to set the Temples on fire wouldst thou have done it I know replyed he that Gracchus would never have had such a will but if he had desired it of me I would have done it I am scandalized to see that answere commended by Christian writers Montagne and Carron Let them comment upon it as much as they please it is certaine that such a deference to a friend's will is the highest homage that the creature can make unto the Creatour whose will is the onely rule of righteousnesse If any preferre his friends will before the observation of that Soveraine will his amity is enmity against God and becomes a plot and a conspiracy to offend him These old characters of perfect friendship perswade some to imitate them but commonly they are young men that know neither how to choose what they ought to love nor how to love what they have chosen and they that choose a friend with most judgement and preserve him with most care soone find that human nature though inricht with grace affords neither the perfect objects nor the firme bond nor the solid content of Friendship Yet since we live in the world we must make friends in it and leaving heroique characters to romances content ourselves with such as the earth beares and neighbourhood presents chusing them such as have at least piety honesty and ingenuity matching ourselves with our equalls or rather a little above us then under preserving their love by respect and good offices and conversing with them with a cheerfull and innocent facility But seeing that a great affection is a great servitude filling the minde with care and feare he that loveth his owne tranquillity will take heed how he engageth himselfe in a friendship whose value doth not recompense the interesse he takes in it and will not suffer his affection for any person to grow to the losse of his liberty and peace of mind It is a great folly for one to make himselfe miserable out of too much good nature and to lose the sweetness of friendship by a perpetuall carefulnesse and allarum Good things become evill to us when we love them beyond measure There is but one friendship where we may love without any measure where the greatnesse of the affection brings rest serenity to the soul It is the friendship with God the only Good perfect and worthy of all our love who being so great yet is able to contract friendship with us that are so little If we have the grace to entertaine that friendship which fills the soul with joy and goodnesse we shall easily be comforted about the rarity and weakeness yea and the losse of humane friendships CHAP. III. Of Gratefulnesse I Have observed two duties of charity which contribute much to the Rest and content of the soul The one is to relieve them that need it the other to love them whose vertue deserves it These two duties require the company of another which is To be gratefull to them of whom we have received some benefit For speaking now to generous soules I may observe that nothing lyeth more heavy upon their heart then this reproach of their own mind that they have not sufficiently shewed their gratefulness unto their benefactor Our first benefactor is God for to him we owe all even what we owe to men We owe him all that we have and all that we are our being and our wellbeing To him then we must do homage for all and our life being well sustained by a continuall influence of his love must also be a continuall course of thankfulnesse That duty we must tend with our words with our thoughts with our actions and more with our affections But because the creature cannot properly give any thing to the Creatour because all is his who gives all and receiveth of none but himselfe our gratefullness to God must be shewed to them whom he hath imployed to do us good We must beginne by paying debts If a friend hath opened his purse to us in our need or hath helped us with his commodities of which he makes profit expecting our conveniency to pay for them It is not only a theft to be slack to satisfie it is ungratefulnes which is farre worse for the plaine theefe abuseth not the goodnes of his friend but the ungrateful man renders evil for good and defraudeth his friend because he had pitty on him One may doe greater and more profitable kindnesses then lending of money Yet there is none where ungratefulnes is more sensible because of the love that every one beares to his money and the trust that is reposed upon it as the staffe of life Wherefore conscience and generosity must sollicite the debtour to pay and be stronger then bonds and compulsions of law to bring him to his duty St Paul enjoines us to owe nothing to no man but to love one another A text full of Philosophie For there are some debts
to our industry and keep us from mending the incommodities of our condition for God putting us in an uneasy condition doth not oblige us thereby not to seek to be better Those to whom God hath given no other stock but their industry have reason to think that God will have them to make the best of that excellent patrimony Piety and Philosophy are no counsellours of lazinesseand neglect of ourselves A poore man is content with his condition when he is pleased with that necessity which God layeth upon him to maintaine himselfe by his diligence and supply by his vertue the want of an inheritance A condition commonly more happy then that of great heires whose intellectuall parts are many times dulled or corrupted with plenty which puffeth them up with Pride and enflames them with lust He that is kept in humility and temperance by his short meanes must praise God for it and make the best of the benefits of poverty the chiefe whereof is that it helpes a man to weane his heart from the world and raise it unto God The rich and great having more cause to be contented with their condition have neverthelesse more need to be exhorted unto it because they are more subject to be discontented for ease breeds wantonness and makes a man to be incommôded with his owne commodities This is that sore evill which Solomon saw under the Sunne namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt Eccles 5.17 Many rich men eate their bread in darknesse all their dayes and with a covetous or envious sorrow make their plenty their crosse That ungratefull sorrow proceeds from an excessive love of ourselves and the world We love ourselves so much that we think nothing good enough for us And the world so much that we can never have enough of it Now al immoderate love is accompanied with great care and that care sowreth all the svveetnesse of our life These two loves then must be cut very short He that will love and esteem himselfe but little will be content with little And he that withdrawes his love from worldly things shall soon have as much of them as he needs To weane ourselves from the love of ourselves and the world we must study to get a strong perswasion of the wisedome and goodness of God and a firme confidence in his love Suppose that God should spread with his rich and liberall hand all the treasures of the world before us and give us our free choice to take what we would Could we do more wisely then to put the choise to him againe and beseech him to choose for us because he knowes what is fit for us better then we do and loves us better then we love ourselves Well this is our condition God hath chosen for us Let us stand to his choyce with humility and thankfullnesse and rest contented It is an appurtenance of the condition which God hath allotted us that we must continually labour to mend it though we should have no designe to raise it for our temporal is condition like our houses which must often be repaired else they would sinke downe All humane things are in a continuall decay But God hath given prudence to man to underprop his tottering fortune or to build it anew and make it more commodious So much we may do and yet be content with our condition gently submitting our minds to that generall law of the life of our vanity as Solomon calls it which binds us to toyle continually to maintaine ourselves In that toyle if the successe smile upon us and invite us to advance though we were content with our condition before we may better it If notwithstanding our industry our fortune go back our desire also must go back with our fortune and be content with lesse in both conditions looking up to the good hand of God whose actions are all mercy to them that love him and trust to him To that end we must aske of God a meek religious equall constant mind not seeking content in things that are about us but in things within us labouring to have God there for when all is sayd and tryed it is the onely way to be content in all conditions God being alwayes the same he that possesseth God is partaker of that divine attribute in his measure and in the ebbings and flowings of his temporall condition remaines alwayes the same because the possession that makes him happy is within him and in heaven together not subject to exteriour changes not tyed to things under the Sunne As he that hath a vigorous body and the noble parts sound wil eat browne bread grosse meat with good appetite but to a sick man pheasants are unsavoury So to him that hath a sound conscience and God abiding in it the meanest condition is pleasant but a man of an ill conscience that hath the burning fever of covetousness and ambition taketh delight in nothing though he had all things He that possesseth God hath this advantage above all other men that he he is content with much and with little and with nothing Therefore to speake exactly we should not say that he that possesseth God is content with but in his temporall condition for it is not from his condition that his contentment ariseth it is from God CHAP. II. Not to depend upon the Future THis Counsell is part of the precedent for that we may be contented with our condition it is necessary for us not to depend upon the future He that can bring his mind to that shall not live suspended with desires and expectations and shall not lose the enjoyment of the present to catch at that which is to come When the sufferings of the present makes us long for the future it is lesse strange and more pardonable But it is ordinary that covetousnesse curiosity wantonness produce the same impatience in some men as extremity of paine in others Many sick of too much ease will speak like Job in his torments Job 7.4 When I lay downe I say When shall I arise and the night be gone And I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day Is the day dawned they wish it were done This perpetual agitation is a most evident signe of a sick mind which makes his sicknes worse with that only thing whence he hopes for amendment which is change The future which afarre off seemed pleasant unto him displeaseth him when it is become present neither doth any thing please him but what he hath not and cannot have By this expectation of the future a man hath his head torne betweene feare and hope as a stagges head betweene two hounds so sore they bite and torment the minde There is no condition more miserable and no state of the soule more contrary to the nature of God whom his children ought to imitate Nothing sets a man further from God who expects no new thing from the future because all is present
them must be supplyed with serenity of mind and an easinesse inventive to frame to ourselves divertisements and make a pastime even of our misfortune If we may be merry it matters not upon what ground so it be not evill A serene mind that trusteth in God and doth good needs not look abroad for mirth He fetcheth mirth out of his owne stock To get the true taste of the outward contentments of life we wust but taste them not stretch our stomack upon them expecting our onely true contentment from God and within ourselves We must make use of all things and stay upon God alone The sense of Gods love and our reciprocall love to him give to the soul that onely true content but they take not from us the taste of the outward lawfull contentments of life Rather they give us that tast for to him that loves God and rejoyceth in his love all things looke pleasantly The certainty of his principall good keeps him so cheerefull that he takes contentment in in the smallest things as he that hath newly received tidings of great joy is well pleased with a coorse entertainment and delights even in those things that displeased him before CHAP. VII Conclusion Returne to the great principle of the Peace and Contentment of Mind which is to stick to God FRom these smal contentments let us remount to the great and principall and their stay It consisteth in the peace of God and union with him by faith and love There we began there we must end We have considered the world sufficiently to conclude that it consisteth in three poynts Vanity Wickednesse and Misery What is best in it is perishable When we have it in our hands it slips between our fingers and when it stayes with us yet it is none of ours since it is out of ourselves Among all the objects of our senses none is capable to give us a perfect and durable content Being thus unsatisfyed of all things without us if we enter within ourselves what satisfaction do we find in our nature we find errour in our opinions tumult in our passions hardness or terrour in our conscience when God dwells not in it by his grace Pagan Philosophers teach us indeed that within us or no where comfort is to be found But alas poore men they sought nothing within themselves but themselves And what is more weake more inconstant and more calamitous then man Then to this Philosophy one point is wanting which is all and that is to seeke God within us inviting him by humility repentance to choose his abode in our soules and there entertaining him with love and faith This is the only safe harbour for peace and contentment of mind Out of it there is nothing but storme The best worldly state is vanity and perplexity Of this Solomon is an excellent witness who having seene all the evill and tryed all the good of this world pronounceth this verdict Eccles 1.14 I have seene all the workes that are done under the Sunne and behold all is vanity and vexation of spirit That great King having long enjoyed an unparallelled prosperity saith in the end that he hated life and hated all his labour Eccles 7.17 18. although his labour was to content himselfe being exalted to the highest Orb of power overflowing with plenty and swimming in delights What reason then have distressed men to hate their life and labour when they weare out their life in want in lawsuites in sicknesse and receiving no other salary of their vertue but envy and ungratefulness Wherefore that wise Prince having throughly considered all that is good and evill in this world and this life ends in this conclusion which he recommends to his Sonne Eccles 12.12 And further by these my Sonne be admonished Of making many bookes there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh Let us heare the conclusion of the whole matter Feare God and keep his commandements for this is the whole duty of man For God shall bring every worke into judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill So doth Solomon express that God is the center both of our duty and of our rest and happinesse and that the only safety and solid content consisteth in sticking fast to him There we finde refuge in our dangers confidence in our feares comfort in our sorrowes counsell in our perplexities light in darkenesse and life in death There we learne to make the right use of prosperity enjoying the gifts of God with cherefulnesse and simplicity not vexing ourselves with cares to keepe them or with covetousness to increase them There we get a gracious illumination to our understanding a rule to our will a bridle to our appetite a sincere joy in our conscience How great how unspeakable is that happinesse when our heart is turned into a Sanctuary where God himselfe is pleased to dwell and speak peace to our soul assuring us that he is reconciled towards us in his Beloved There he leads us into all truth helps up our weakeness instructs our ignorance raiseth us up when we fall and sets us againe in the right way when we are gone astray We are assaulted by many enemies but they that are for us are more then they that are against us since we haue alwayes the Lord at our right hand We are unwise but we have free accesse to the Soveraine wisedome to consult it at all times And many times that high wisedome preventing our consulting mends what we have marred by our folly Which present blessings are small being compared to our glorious hope That incomparable honour and wealth to be received into all the rights of Gods children that incorruptible crowne of life that fulnesse of joy in the enjoyment of Gods presence they are depthes not to be fathomed with mans thought But whereas for materiall things the extent of our sight is long the reach of our armes but short In things spirituall and eternal it is quite otherwise with us for the two armes of the soul which are love and faith reach much higher then the eye sight of reason can penetrate With these armes the godly soul layeth hold upon the celestiall goods which shee cannot see and with a lawfull hastinesse antedates in the present the possession of the glory to come That expectation makes the Christian to disgest any bitternesse and calmely passe by all the incommodities of life For he will say in his adversities This but a step of ill way to an eternall glory All these evils have an end and then begins a felicity without end Without looking so farre the present sense of the love of God to us breeding our reciprocall love to him and that mutuall embrace of God and the soule living yet in the flesh though as short of the perfect union with God as the highest mountaines come short of heaven yet brings to the soul a dignity and contentment beyond all expression It