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A74987 The glory of Christ set forth in several sermons from John III.34, 35, 36 and V.25 : and The necessity of faith in order to pleasing God, from Hebrews XI.6 / by Mr. Thomas Allen, late pastor of a church in the city of Norwich. Allen, Thomas, 1608-1673.; Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1683 (1683) Wing A1046; ESTC R43595 136,370 269

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fear there may be some amongst us that will be found haters of the Lord Jesus Christ If your hearts continue to rise against the way of Salvation by Christ you will be found haters of him If you love your sins and hold them fast and will not have Christ to reign over you then you will be found haters of Christ If you hate the Disciples of Christ because of his Image and Grace in them then you will be found haters of Christ But if you believe in him and your hearts cleave unto him and you are troubled that you love him no more that he is no more precious to you then go in peace Use 4. Seeing the Father loveth the Son in such a wonderful manner let this stir us up to love Jesus Christ Let us love him as God and love him him as God-man Mediator You see he is an object fit for the Love of God the Father and then he is an object worthy of our love And as God the Father loves him with a transcendent Love so let us do likewise Read what Christ saith Joh. 14.21 If any man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and I will love him and will manifest my self unto him And see verse 23. You will never loose any thing by loving Jesus Christ Ephes 6.24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen It follows And hath put all things into his hand Before I come to raise the Doctrine from these words let me briefly shew you the meaning of this expression And hath put all things into his hand The meaning is that he hath put all Power and Authority into his hand he hath made him Supreme Head and Governour over all things the Father hath made him Ruler and Disposer of all the great King Lord and Potentate over all And further take notice that this is spoken of Jesus as God-man Mediator Christ is made the Lord of Heaven and Earth in our Nature As Christ is the Son of God so he is equal with the Father so it cannot be properly said that the Father hath given all things into his hand for he had all things originally in his hand as God but as God-man Mediator so the Father hath given all things into his hand that now in our nature in our flesh he is the great Potentate of the world and hath all things committed to him of the Father Doctrine That God the Father hath given unto Jesus Christ in our Nature full Power and Authority over all things both in Heaven and in Earth he hath put all things into his hand This is a Point of great Concernment and for the great comfort and establishing of Believers in evil times that all things are given into the hand of our great Mediator You see John Baptist here gives a full testimony to this truth will you hear what Christ saith in his own person All things are delivered unto me of my Father Mat. 11.27 And Jesus came and spake unto them saying All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth Joh. 13.3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hand 1. To shew you how all things are put into the hand of Christ given into his hand 1. All men are given into Christ's hand But here we must distinguish There are some given to Christ in a special manner and for their eternal Salvation There are some given to Christ to that very end and purpose that he should give them Eternal Life Joh. 17.2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal Life to as many as thou hast given him You see that some are so given into Christs hand that he by his Office of Mediator is engaged and hath undertaken to give them Eternal Life Other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice Joh. 10.16 Christ there calls them whom the Father hath given him in the Covenant of Redemption his sheep though they are not yet converted and saith he must bring them in and they shall hear his voice Joh. 17. I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them whom thou hast given me for they are thine and yet he prayed as Mediator not only for them that were then Believers and converted but for them that should afterwards believe unto everlasting Life Vers 20. Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word Vers 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory 2. The rest of men are put into Christs hand even those that perish so as that Christ hath full power to over-rule them and their actings so as that they shall not quite root out his Church so as that he shall have Glory in carrying on his work so far as he pleases against all their opposition punish them so far as he thinks fit in this Life and pass sentence of everlasting Damnation against them at the Last Day Thus we see all men are given into Christ's hand Elect and non-Elect the Elect to redeem and save and the rest to order them and dispose of them as he pleases in this World a d to judge them at the Last Day 2. All the Angels are given into Christs hands The Elect Angels are given into his hand to confirm them as some think and to make use of them in his Mediatory Kingdom as he pleases The fallen Angels are given into his hand so as that he hath Power to check them and restrain them and set bounds to them that they shall not Devour and Prevail against any of his redeemed People and likewise to sit in Judgment upon them and pass open Sentence of Condemnation upon them at the Last Day Ephes 1.21 22. 'T is said of Christ That he is far above all Principality and Power and Might and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come And hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be Head over all things to the Church Luk. 10.17 And the seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject to us through thy Name 3. All Creatures whether animate or inanimate are given into the hand of Christ as Mediator God-man 1. All animate Creatures all rational Creatures Phil. 2.9 10. Wherefore also God hath highly exalted him and given him a Name which is above every Name That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in Heaven and things on Earth 2. All inanimate all irrational Creatures Psal 8.5 6 7 8. For thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels viz. barely considered as man though far above all the Angels as God-man Mediator and hast crowned him with Glory and Honour Thou madest him to
There is an Emphasis in the words The Father loveth the Son that is He loves him most eminently transcendently And hath given all things into his hand He hath made him the great Commander and Governour of the World By the Son here we are not to understand Christ as God as the Second Person in the Trinity but as God-man Mediator Indeed the Father loved the Son as he was God equal with him of the same Substance and Eternity But when it is said that the Father hath given all things into his hand we must understand it of Christ as God-man Mediator For consider Christ as God he had all things in his hand as the Father had but it is as he is God-man Mediator that the Father hath put all things into his hand Doct. 1. That Jesus Christ is beloved of the Father above all Creatures above Men or Angels It may be some may think there is no great matter in this point but truly it is of great concernment to us that we may more confidently look to Christ for our acceptance with God through him Mat. 3.17 This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Paul speaking of him Ephes 1.6 saith that God hath made us accepted in the Beloved Others are beloved but Christ is the Beloved And again Colos 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son Christ himself often makes mention of the Fathers love to him Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life Joh. 15.9 As the Father hath loved me so have I loved you Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world 'T is said indeed vers 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that thou hast sent me and that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me It is true the Father loves the Elect people as really and truely as he loveth Christ but he doth not love them so abundantly not in the same degree neither can they be loved with that kind of Love every way that the Father loveth the Son as will appear in the opening of the Point First Let us enquire wherein the Love of the Father towards Christ doth transcend and exceed his Love to all other Creatures Men or Angels 1. The Father loveth Christ as he is the only begotten Son of the same Divine Essence with himself Believers are the Sons of God by Adoption but Christ is the Son of God by an Eternal and Unutterable Generation Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Therefore must the Father needs love Christ above Men or Angels because he is the only begotten Son and though they be two distinct Persons and so they are spoken of in the Text the Father and the Son yet they are one Essence And though the Son hath now taken upon him our Nature yet he is God still and so continues for ever and is an adequate and every way fit object of the Fathers Love in the highest degree to Eternity 2. The Father loveth Christ above all other creatures Men or Angels upon the account of his being the Redeemer and Saviour of the Elect people whom he hath given him to bring to Glory The glory of God's Grace Wisdom and Justice is made known in such a wonderful manner by the Lord Jesus as Mediator that the Father loves him upon that account Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my Life Vers 18. This Commandment have I received of my Father That the Son consented to be Mediator and to take upon him the Nature of man and to dye and suffer to satisfie Justice for Sin this is highly pleasing to the Father Heb. 10.5 6 7. Wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me in Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices for Sin thou hast had no pleasure Then said Lo I come in the Volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy Will O God The Father loveth Christ not only as his Eternal Son but as he condescended to be Mediator for his People Phil. 2.6 7 8 9. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him The Father delights in Christ not only as he is the Eternal Son but as he is his Elected one Elected to be the Head and Saviour of his Body the Church Isai 42.1 Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles That the Son took upon him the form of a Servant that the Glory of God might be made manifest in him and that he should bring back and lead the Elect people to God makes the Father to love him and delight in him as Mediator He freely undertook the work and has faithfully discharged it Joh. 17.4 5. I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And now Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the Glory which I had with thee before the world was Secondly Let us enquire wherein the Father hath shewn and expressed such a great and transcendent Love to Jesus Christ 1. The Father had an unspeakable complacency and delight in Christ from Eternity and that not only as his Eternal Son and God equal with him but as he had consented agreed to be Mediator for them whom he had appointed to be Heirs of Salvation Prov. 8.23 24 25 26 28 29. I was set up from everlasting from the beginning before ever the Earth was Then was I by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoycing always before him 2. There is the most intimate Fellowship and Communion between the Father and him in all that the Father doth As to the works of Creation All things were created by him and for him Col. 1.16 All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Joh. 1.3 And as to the work of Redemption he was the great Instrument of the Father t is said God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself 2 Cor. 5.19 That in the dipensation of the fulness of times he might gather together all things in Christ both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth even in him Ephes
1.10 3. The Father hath shewn all the Benevolence or Beneficence to Christ as Mediator as possibly could be He hath filled him with the Spirit in our Nature as full as the Humane Nature can hold and as he is God manifest in the Flesh hath given all into his hand and hath put such honour upon him as Mediator that whatsoever his People ask in his Name it shall be given them and when he comes at the last Day to judge the World in our humane Nature he shall come in all the Glory of the Father with all his holy Angels Objection How did the Father love Chri●● with such an unspeakable transcendent Love seein● it is said He spared not his own Son but delivered him up to Death for us all Rom. 8 3● And it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hat● put him to grief Isai 53.10 It should seem 〈◊〉 this that he loved the Elect people more than Chris● seeing he laid their Iniquities upon Christ and a●pointed him to suffer for Sins the Just for the u● just that he might bring them to God Answer first In general Take notice Tha● the Gospel our Redemption by Christ is such a M●stery that except we be taught of God we sh●● stumble and cavil at it without end More particularly 1. Consider that all th● Christ suffered it was only in his humane Natur● His Godhead could not suffer the least thing 2. His Godhead backed and supported his H●mane Nature to endure the Cross and despise t●● Shame 3. It was but for a short time that the Humane Nature of Christ suffered 4. It was with his own Consent Lo I come to do thy Will O God Heb. 10.7 5. The Father had no Controversie with Christ he had done no evil neither was any guile found in his mouth all that Christ suffered was as a Surety 6. The Designe of God in not sparing his Son was not merely the Salvation of his People but to make known the Riches of the glory of his Wisdom Justice and Grace and so all this would well consist with his Love to the person of Christ 7. As a consequent of his Sufferings the humane Nature of Christ in which Nature only he Suffered is highly exalted and he in our Nature shall ●udge the world and be adored for ever Application Use 1. Seeing that Christ was so beloved of the Father and yet he suffered so much it may teach ●s that great Sufferings and Afflictions may con●st with the Love of God so long as there was no ●n inherently in Christ and that it was for the ●lory of God and was but for a time a short time ●ll this might consist with the Love of God There●ore let this comfort Believers under all their Afflictions and Sorrows in this Life Object May some poor Believer say If the Lord ●●ved me would he suffer me to be scandalized and ●●proached as I am I am evil-spoken of by many ●nd am the Song of the Drunkard I scarce know ●w to bear it Answ I pray consider how Christ endured ●e contradiction of Sinners They said He was a Deceiver and was mad they said he was a Glutton and a Winebibber they said he had a Devil yet still he was infinitely beloved of the Father Object Ay If I was afflicted but now and then I might hope that God might love me notwithstanding but I am seldom free of one Affliction or another Answer So it was with Christ while he was here in this world He was a man Sorrows Isa 53.3 yet beloved of the Father and so may you Object Ay But it is not only outward Afflictions that I bear but inward bitterness inward Sorrow Answ Christ went through that too Mat. 26.38 My Soul saith Christ is exceeding sorrowful even unto death Object Ay But this is that which makes me fear that I am none of the Lords because he hides his face from me at times that I have not sensible communion with him but in that respect he doth as it were forsake me Answ So it was with Christ for a time He cried out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Mat. 27.46 Object Ay But I am followed with hideous temptations of the Devil such as I am afraid and ashamed to utter as to take away mine own Life and the like Answ Jesus Christ who was beloved of the Father above all He was tempted in all points as we are yet without Sin Heb. 4.15 Then the Devil taketh him up and setteth him upon a Pinacle of the Temple and saith unto him If thou be the Son of God cast thy self down Mat. 4.5 6. Now as Christ was a Conqueror over all his Sufferings of every kind and lifted up his Head after all so shall Believers through him Christ after a short time sorrowed no more was tempted no more suffer'd no more in any kind and so it shall be with his people after a little time For the Lamb which is in the midst of the Throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living Fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev. 1.17 Use 2. Seeing God the Father loveth Jesus Christ with such a transcendent Love This may teach us what manner of Love the Father hath shewn in giving of his Son to be a Redeemer of his people 1 Joh. 4.9 In this was manifested the Love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him Therefore you that are partakers of this Grace why should you fear the want of any thing whatsoever that the Lord seeth convenient for you He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up to Death for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things Rom. 8.32 Therefore trust in the Lord for the supply of all your inward and spiritual wants and trust in the Lord for outward Mercies too Do not put forth your hands to any unrighteous ways for your subsistence but trust in the Lord that he will perform all things for you seeing he hath not spared his own Son but given him to dye for you All other Gifts are small in comparison of his giving his Son to be made a Curse for us Use 3. Seeing the Father loveth the Son in such a wonderful manner Then wo be to those that hate him 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha If any man love him not as he is the Son of God if any man love him not as Mediator if any man hearing this Jesus preached unto him doth not approve of this way of Salvation by Christ and doth deliberately reject him and put him away let him be cursed till the Lord come let him still remain under the curse of the Law and let him be cursed when the Lord cometh let him be put amongst those to whom Christ will say Depart from me ye cursed I
yielded to them yet that doth not make it to be warrantable and lawful for us But in a word do we believe are we perswaded that whatsoever is not of Faith is sin If we be not fully perswaded of the lawfulness of a thing and yet do it it is sin And do we believe what the Text saith here That without faith it is impossible to please God Then if so be that we have not Faith to perswade us that such as do Preach are sent by Christ then I think we cannot act Faith in hearing the Word from them This is the first Direction about hearing in Faith namely that we be perswaded that those that we do hear be called and sent by Christ 2. A second Direction how to act Faith in hearing the Word is this namely we should be careful to remove all impediments that may hinder us in our hearing from enjoying the presence of Christ and our profiting by the Word for this is the work of Faith to put us upon the use of all lawful means to attain an end Faith will not expect the end but upon the use of means And so on the other side as it is the work of Faith to put us upon the use of means for the attaining of the end so to avoid all the impediments and hindrances that lye in the way to the attaining of the end when the Lord called Jacob to go to Bethel Gen. 35.1 2 3. that he might worship God there now Jacob that he might enjoy the Presence of God and Communion with God in Bethel in his drawing near to God there Jacob he removes impediments now he calls upon his houshold and all that were with him to put away the strange gods from among them and be clean says he and change your garments and let us arise and go up to Bethel and I will make an Alter unto God c. And so at Mount Sinai God gave order to Moses that the people should be sanctified and purified when they should come to draw near to God and God should draw near to them Exod. 19.10 11. And so now when we are to draw near to God in the hearing of his Word we are to be careful to remove all impediments that may hinder our profiting by our hearing and this is the work of Faith Faith doth set a Soul a work to endeavour to remove all impediments Now there are divers impediments to be removed which will certainly hinder our profiting by the Word I shall name some few special ones which the Scripture hints to us As First This is one Malice in the heart to have the heart possessed with Malice towards one or another this will hinder us from profiting by the Word The Apostle Peter therefore expresly calleth upon us in 1 Pet. 2.1 2. Wherefore laying aside all malice c. As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby As if he should say if you harbor malice in your hearts when you come to hear the Word you will not grow and profit by it if you entertain and allow malice in your hearts towards one another this malice may break out in the envy of the good and welfare of another and so the Apostle brings in that branch of malice envy and sometimes it breaks out in reviling and evil-speaking and therefore says the Apostle Lay aside all malice and envy and evil-speaking and so receive the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby As in Prayer if I regard iniquity in my heart God will not hear my Prayer so in this case if we allow any sin in our hearts any malice towards one or another when we come to hear the Word God will not listen to us and we shall not profit by the Word this may be one cause why people hear so much and profit so little If so be they do allow malice and envy in their hearts and allow themselves to speak evil of others they cannot hear the Word to grow and profit by it no we are to exercise love in our drawing near to God love to God and love to the Word and love to the Saints and love to one another for if so be that we do not love them that we have seen or do see says the Apostle how can we be truly said to love God whom we have not seen 1 John 4.20 Therefore this is one thing Let us be careful to lay aside all malice and envy and evil-speaking if we do desire so to draw near to God in the hearing of the Word as to profit by it Secondly Another impediment that the Apostle hath in the same place of Peter is hypocrisy and guile this also must be laid aside or else we shall not receive the Word so as to grow and profit by it if we come to the hearing of the Word and do maintain guile and hypocrisy in our hearts and allow of it then we cannot profit or grow by the Word The Apostle Peter doth plainly hold forth that all guile and hypocrisy must be laid aside and so receive the Word as new born babes that ye may grow thereby Guile and hypocrisy doth hinder our profiting by the Word for this is now a kind of stumbling-block we draw near to God and have a stumbling-block in our hearts and says the Lord in Ezek. 14.7 If any man setteth up Idols in his heart and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a prophet to enquire of him concerning me I the Lord will answer that man by my self Some do expound that place the word stumbling-block for the separating and withdrawing the heart from God Now there are two kinds of hypocrisy or guile that are to be laid aside in hearing the Word one is in respect of God the other is towards man the guile and hypocrisy towards God is this namely when as a man or woman doth seem to draw near to God in his worship attending upon his Word and yet notwithstanding the heart is not near God but afar off from him here is hypocrisy and dissimulation towards God This people says God draw near to me with their mouth and lips but their heart is far from me Isa 29.13 And so Christ tells the Scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 15.8 when as a man doth pretend to draw near to God as if he would know the Mind of God that he may do the Will of God and have no such intendment in his heart he comes to hear the Word what doth this hold forth but that he intends to do the word which he hears Now when the heart is not set to do the Will of God here is hypocrisy I remember Jeremiah speaks to that purpose in Jer. 52.20 For ye dissembled in your hearts says he when ye sent me unto the Lord your God saying pray for us unto the Lord our God and according to all that the Lord our God shall say to us we
will do it Your heart was not right says he ye pretended and said whatever the Lord our God shall say we will do but ye did dissemble This is one kind of hypocrisy and guile when a Soul doth dissemble with God and seem to worship God and yet the heart is far from God pretend to come to know the Mind of God and yet have not a full purpose and resolution of heart to do what God shall reveal and make known to be his Will And then there is another kind of hypocrisy and guile which is towards men when as a man doth pretend love to his Neighbour and kindness and friendship in Word and Lip and yet there is no reality at all in the heart The Apostle John speaks of this very thing says he 1 Joh. 3.8 My little Children let us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth It is not a love in deed and in truth when as our Brother or Neighbour stand in need of supply and help and we shut up our bowels towards him here is dissembling we pretend love and there is no reality Now says the Apostle if you will hear the Word so as to profit by it you must lay aside all guile and hypocrisy this may be another great cause and reason why people do come and hear much and profit little because they harbour guile and hypocrisy in their hearts therefore this you must be careful also to lay aside Thirdly Another impediment which the Holy-Ghost also points at in Scripture which doth hinder us from profiting by the Word is this when we come to hear with our hearts royled with passion and anger and wrath when we come to hear and have our spirits in a storm as it were with passion then we may hear and hear but shall not profit by our hearing for now the heart and spirit is like a joynt or bone out of the Socket now it hath no ability to act its part to do what lay upon such a Member to do So 't is in this case when the heart and spirit is in a royle it is put out of joynt and frame by passion and being disturbed now 't is unfit to attend upon God to hear what God shall speak Now a mans passion may be disturbed one of these two ways so as to be put out of frame to attend upon God to hear the Voice of God in his Word 1. Sometimes by some pinching Providence of God some afflicting Hand of God upon him which doth pinch and disturb the spirit and put it into a royle now a man or woman being thus disturbed in his spirit is unfit to hear what God speaks though he speak to him in a way of mercy and grace you have an instance for this in Exod. 6.9 And Moses spake so unto the Children of Israel but they hearkned not unto Moses How did he speak to the Children of Israel See vers 6.7 8. Wherefore say unto the Children of Israel I am the Lord and I will bring you out from under the burden of the Egyptians and will rid you out of their bondage and I will take you to me for a people and I will be to you a God and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God which brought you out from under the burden of the Egyptians and I will bring you in unto the land which I did sware to give it to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and I will give it you for an heritage I am the Lord. And Moses spake so unto the Children of Israel but they hearkned not unto Moses for anguish of spirit and for cruel bondage Through the Providence of God it came to pass that they were oppressed under Egyptian power and when Moses came to speak of inlargement and deliverance they were oppressed and their spirits were filled with anguish and trouble and now let the Lord speak in never such a gracious manner by his Prophet they could not attend to him for anguish of spirit 2. And so sometimes the spirit may be put into a royle and passion for some small petty cross some kind of vexation which others do occasion when they cross them and vex them and thereby their spirits are put out of order and now they are unfit to attend upon God You have an instance for this in 1 Sam. 1.6 7. concerning Hannah it is said there that her adversary provoked her sore for to make her fret because the Lord had shut up her womb and she went up to the House of the Lord and she wept and did not eat she could not tell how to keep the Feast to wait upon God in his Ordinances Why because her spirit was vexed and did fret So you may observe it if your spirits be put out of order as sometimes they are upon a small occasion observe it the Devil is wont to take such opportunities when you are about to draw near to God in any Ordinance then to minister some occasion or other to put you into a fret possibly a little thing out of the way will do it sometimes the misplacing of a Pin will disturb the spirit and sometimes the Husband may take some offence against the Wife and the Wife against the Husband or against the Servants or Children and the Spirit is royled and now you come to hear you shall not profit because now your spirits are royled with passion and this is another impediment and here may be also one great reason why people come and hear and hear and profit little because many times their spirits are royled with passion and this also must be removed Fourthly Another Impediment that must be removed if you will hear the Word to profit then take heed that your hearts do not go after covetousness be not inordinately set upon the riches of this world bent and resolved to be rich in the world truly this will be an impediment and will hinder you from waiting upon God in his Word this will be like Thorns to choke the Word for now the Word is that which doth cross and thwart us in our reaches after the riches of the world The Word tells us of other riches that are more true Riches now when a mans heart is set upon the riches of the world he cannot then yield to what is spoken just like the rich man we read of in Matt. 19. The rich man comes to Christ to know what good thing he shall do to inherit eternal life Go says Christ in ver 21.22 sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven And it is said he went away sorrowful because this was contrary to his grain his mind and heart was set upon riches and he could not yield to this Word of Christ And our hearts are ready to scorn and slight and despise what is spoken if our hearts be set upon the riches of the world as you may read in Luke 16.14 't is