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A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out for who hath known the Mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counsellor Rom. 11.33 34. And with the same Apostle That ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and heighth and to know the love of Christ which passeth Knowledge that ye may be filled with all the fulness of God Eph. 3.17 18 19. And to admire Infinite Goodness with the Holy Prophet For since the beginning of the World Man hath not heard nor perceived by the Ear neither hath the Eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him Isa 64.4 And further of the mistery of this love read 1 Tim. 3.16 Psalm 139.17 18. Having thus viewed the first estate of Man in his Innocence and his estate of Apostacy from God and being informed of the mistery of Gods Love and eternal good Will to Man in Christ Jesus we come next to consider how in infinite Wisdom the Redemption of Man is contrived We have already discovered how God of his bounty made man in a happy and glorious estate after his own Image and upon the Condition and Covenant of obedience he was made Lord of all the sublunary Creatures and that God putting Mans Stock in his own hand and though he was sufficiently enabled to perform Obedience nevertheless through the Concupisence of his Heart he broke his Allegiance to God and incurred to himself and posterity the forfeiture of all the glorious Dignities and Priviledges given to him and he and his Posterity were concluded under Misery and Wrath because of Sin so that having no capacity in himself to be reconciled to God and retrieve his loss the Infinite Wisdom and Bounty of God from all Eternity as above is discovered did determine mans Restoration to a better and surer Estate and Condition than what he was in at his first Creation and that same Infinite Wisdom foreseeing that Man having corrupted his Way and Heart the Fountain of Actions And that the Thoughts and Imaginations of his Heart were evil and only evil continually Gen 6.5 And that his Heart was deceitful and desperately wicked Jer. 17.9 And though he intended Mans Restoration and Eternal Happiness yet because of the pravity of Mans Heart he was neither to be treated with upon his own Integrity nor fit to be trusted with a new Stock in his own strength and therefore Heavenly Wisdom appoints the only begotten Son of God and Second Person of the Holy Trinity to be a Mediator for Man and by him enters into an everlasting Covenant with Man which shall be demonstrated in the ensuing Discourse and that as well to satisfie Divine Justice for Mans Transgression as to secure to Man the future Stock of Gods bounty granted unto him by vertue of this New and Second Covenant and what this Covenant is and the terms of it shall be the next Subject of Discourse This Covenant commonly called the Covenant of Grace is mutual between God and Man through the Mediator Jesus Christ who in Scripture is called the Mediator of the New Covenant considering this Covenant we shall First Take notice of the freedom thereof Secondly Of the terms of it First As to the freedom It being apparent that God of his Free-Will and Goodness without any tye necessity or obligation upon him for his own Glory Created the World and Man in that glorious and stately Condition as we have heard and that Man by his Rebellion departing from God had incurred the execution of Justice upon himself and all after Posterity and that the Pravity of Mans Nature was such that it grieved and repented God that he had made Man Gen. 6.6 There lay no obligation upon God to restore lost Man but that God intending to make Bounty and Mercy as it were to triumph over Justice and magnifie his Infinite goodness by the Council of Heaven this mystery of Christs love is contrived by which Justice is satisfied and Man is not only relieved from the servitude of Sin and delivered from wrath to come and insured in a better estate than what he was in at first but also is made Heir to all the most excellent priviledges contained in this new Covenant which shall be branched forch in the ensuing Discourse The frequent testimonies of the Spirit in the New Testament witness the freedom of this Covenant Having Predestinated us to the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will Eph. 1.5 But God who is rich in Mercy for his great love wherewith he hath loved us even when we were dead in sins hath he quickened us together in Christ by Grace ye are saved Eph. 2.4 5 11. And not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour that being Justified by his Grace we should be made Heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life Titus 3.5 6 7. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God being justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood to declare his Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God to declare his righteousness that he may be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus Rom. 3.21 to the end When we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us for if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life Rom 5.6 to 11. Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our Justification Rom. 4.25 and other innumerable places of Scripture as Rom. 9.11 15 16. Ezek. 16. to 15 and Ezek. 36.17 to 33. James 1.17 By all which we see the blessing of this Covenant coming freely of Grace by the Council of Heaven Christ undertaking for impotent helpless sinners and enemies and this undertaking approved and accepted of by the forbearance of God and the suffering of Christ coming as a propitiation and satisfaction to Justice for Mans offences who was in no capacity to help himself the freedom and excellency of this love of Christ in this new Covenant appears yet more particularly in these respects First As man was of himself incapable to make satisfaction to Justice and reconcile himself to God so he was not fit to be treated with by God in his own person because he had altogether defiled himself and was of no Integrity therefore Jesus Christ
of man were evil and only evil continually So we find Thoughts Affections and Actions concurring in that first transgression the rebellious Thoughts mutining against the Command the lustful affections after the fruit that was good to eat and pleasant to the Eyes and to be desired to make one wise and the actions in eating thereof Now as by this degeneracy in our first Parents the whole Nature of Man in Adams Apostacy was corrupted that thenceforth their thoughts were evil and only evil continually So that whatsoever mans estate was at his Fall he must now have a new life by Jesus Christ and as his Nature and whole Man was corrupted so must he be wholly framed a new by being transformed into that holy frame after the Spirit and Image of him that created him and that in all his thoughts affections and actions and whether it be so or not let every man search and try himself and First In his Thoughts If any man be in Christ he is a new Creature in his Thoughts let the same mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus saith the Holy Apostle and a right regulation of a mans thoughts consists First In placing of them on proper objects Secondly In the right Government of them directed to these objects Man in his degeneracy and state of Nature is as in a Feaver the whole Mass of Blood being so disordered and infected that nothing is regular with him much less his Thoughts for that he is of the Earth Earthly and in that natural darkness that he neither knoweth or can understand the things of God like the blind Mole always working and walking about the Earth and Earthly things and in his ferment of affection to the Creatures is hurried with frantick raptures after them and finding in them no satisfaction flys from one vanity to another like Noah's Dove can find no rest and as Solomon saith finds all vanity and vexation of Spirit so as he hated all his labour the Wicked Man is unstable in all his ways but these renewed are made partakers of the Divine Nature and place their desires on Heavenly objects have the same mind in them that was in Christ Jesus as Christ came into the World to do the Will of his Father in the Redemption of Man and did behave himself as his Kingdom not being of this World even so Christians are in this World as Sojourners and must not look on the things of this Life as the objects of their delight or objects of their inheritance and therefore must be Spiritually minded For to be carnally minded is Death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace Rom. 8.6 Now the objects of the Spiritual Man must be Spiritual and nothing can with satisfaction or delight contemplate any thing but what it hath a resemblance unto or affinity with it so that if the Thoughts be Spiritual they will be fixed on Heavenly and Spiritual objects which are only two First One God in the Trinity Secondly The benefits accrewing to man from thence First On God as that only essential and omnipotent Being by whom the World was made and subsists in his Infinite Power Isa 9.6 In his holiness of purer Eyes than can behold Iniquity In his Justice to reward the upright and condemn the guilty In his Wisdom As Wisdom it self and who giveth Wisdom to all Men Prov. 8.1 Jam. 1.5 In his Love He is love and dwelleth in love God so loved the World that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Eternal Life John 3.15 16 17. In his Mercy Witness his long forbearance and forgiveness of Sins through Christ Jesus with the merciful thou wilt shew thy self merciful and with the froward thou wilt shew thy self froward Ps 18.25 26. and so through all the Attributes of God where there is an Ocean of Delight to pitch upon and swallow up and drown all the most longing desires and fill the greatest appetite on which are spent the eternal breathings and delight of the Angels and Saints in Heaven Therefore shall they be before the Throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell amongst them Rev. ● 15.16 17. Secondly On Christ that Ocean of Consolation to Believers who shall have from him fulness of Joy and Pleasures for evermore who humbled himself to death to see them on the Throne of Glory who was made Sin though he knew no Sin that Sin might not be imputed to them 1 Pet. 2.20 21. Who brought them from being slaves of Sin to the Inheritance of Sonship and Glory with himself and made them heirs of all things John 17.21 22. who is made to Saints Wisdom Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption and all and in all to them 1 Cor. 1.13 3dly On the Holy Ghost the Comforter who shall dwell and abide with them for ever and teach them all things and who shall uphold them in all their ways to guide them in all truth against all dangers and temptations Psalm 91. all John 14.16 17 26. Secondly The second object on which the thoughts of the renewed Christians are to be exercised are the things of great advantage which flow to them from the bounty of God in Christ Jesus but especially that inexpressible dignity honour and happiness of being made partakers of the Divine Nature and being made one with the Father and the Son in mind will and glory and to be where God is for ever in that often repeated place John 17. They shall feed on the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God Rev. 2.7.17 have the white Stone and in it a new name and have power over the Nations Rev. 3.12 21. they shall sit On the Throne of Glory before God and shall serve him day and night shall hunger no more nor thirst any more neither shall the Sun light on them or any heat and God shall lead them unto living fountains of Water and wipe away all Tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more sorrow Rev. 7.15 16 17. The thoughts of Believers being thus directed to their proper objects as they are yet in the Valley of Tears and obnoxious to the temptations of the Flesh and subject to so many incident distractions their thoughts are frequently diverted from their proper course the means thereof to fix them right when any temptation occurs whether from the Lust of the Eyes Lusts of the Flesh or Pride of Life is to compare the object offered with that on which the Thoughts should center and bringing infinite beauty glory and power that which is infinitely full of all perfection and above what eye can see or ear hear or heart apprehend how easily may this parrallel eclipse dazzle and confound the insinuations of Fleshly Lusts which perish in the using Secondly The second part of the renewed man is his affections which also must be spiritualized and renewed for if a man
becomes Mans Surety to God to perform for him the Conditions on Mans part which he doth by offering himself up to Justice for Sin Rom. 4.25 And by his Spirit of Grace enabling Man to do spiritual homage and obedience to God and by so much was Jesus made the Surety of a better Testament Heb. 2.22 Secondly Christ doth not onely become Mans Surety but actually clears and discharges them from the debt of Sin to Justice and frees Sinners from the penalty of eternal wrath for Sin for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 Herein doth the Suretyship of Christ for Man differ from the suretyship amongst Men for that amongst Men when one becometh Surety for another he contracts for relief from him whose security he is and only lends his Credit for a time but will not pay the debt for him if he can by Law avoid it and if he be constrained to pay it he will force relief from the other if he be able and if not able will treat him with all severity for his own relief but Christ Jesus neither expects or desires any satisfaction or relief but freely of his own good Will pays the Debt and expects no return but the humble and thankful acknowledgment and improvement of the mercy of forgiveness and priviledges obtained by him to the debtor Thirdly He becomes a Curse for sinners and frees them from the Curse due for their sins Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 For it is Written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree Deut. 21.23 Fourthly He doth not only free us from the Curse for Sin and Punishment of Justice but also frees them from all Imputation of guilt for Sin and obtains the condemnatory Sentence of Justice against them to be cancelled and nailed to his Cross of Satisfaction to Justice that the same shall never retort upon them to their prejudice And you being dead in your Sins and the Uncircumcision of the Flesh hath he quickned together with him having forgiven you all Trespasses blotting out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross Colossians 2.13 14. Herein also is a second difference between Christs love to me above that amongst men for when a surety is obliged to pay the Debt of another he taketh Assigments to the Creditors Debt and keeps it on foot against his Friend either to force satisfaction from him or to keep him in constant trouble fear danger and disquiet of mind but Christ doth not only early chearfully and willingly pay the debt but also cancels all the instruments of payment and puts the debt in utter oblivion And remembers their sins no more Isa 43.25 and quiets their Thoughts from the fear of their danger or after trouble for their Debts Fifthly He doth not only satisfie Justice take off the Curse and procure them Indemnity but also procures the Imputation of Righteousness to them as he was made sin for sinner though he knew no sin so he makes them righteous through him though they were altogether unrighteous in themselves And he received the Sign of Circumcision a sign of the Righteousness of Faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that the righteousness might be imputed to them also now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe in him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our Justification Rom. 4.11 24 25. Herein is manifest the excellency of Christs love to sinners above any thing amongst men for men commonly upbraid others with their good offices done and if one man suffer the least injury from another especially in paying a debt for him the same is not only a continual reproach but prejudice so far prevails that they never afterwards assist them in any good office but rather defame and lessen their reputation than advance them to any good though it may be in their power but Christ glorieth in the good Office done and is so far from upbraiding his poor friends Jam. 1.5 That he will not only have all names of reproach from their former transgressions taken off Isa 54.4 but he will have them farther advanced and though they were in themselves unrighteous he will have his own righteousness imputed to them as in the foregoing Scripture 2 Cor. 5.21 and is so tender of their reputation that he will have all their deformities covered and washed away in his own blood Rev. 7.14 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.23 24. Who gave himself for us that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the Will of God and our Father Gal. 1.4 We do not read in Scripture that Christ upbraids any Repenting Sinner with their Sins committed before their Conversion Mary Magdalen after her Conversion was not reproached with uncleanness Peter with denial of Christ nor Paul for his vehement persecuting of him This of upbraiding or reproaching the Penitent with their former transgressions is clear contrary to the Method God takes with his People for in that famous Scripture Eze. 33 The Spirit of God tells us the Righteousness of the Sinner shall not justify him without Repentance and new Obedience When I shall say to the Righteous he shall surely live if he trust to his own Righteousness and commit Iniquity all his Righteousness shall not be remembred but for his Iniquity that he hath commited he shall dye for it verse 13. And on the other hand the Sins of the Penitent shall not be remembred against them If the wicked restore the pledge give again that which he hath robbed and walk in the Statutes of Life without committing Iniquity he shall surely live he shall not dye none of his Sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him he hath done that which is lawful and right he shall surely live ver 15 16. The Lord is a Spirit of meekness tender hearted and compassionate and he knoweth that the regenerate are a people afflicted and broken in Heart for their Sins and under a continual sense of being under a body of death and that they often want the Oil of Joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isa 61.3 To support them under their fainting fits a wounded Spirit who can bear therefore in his gracious condescension he ministers consolation to his People Thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth Eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and
sort of communication or delight in sin with an abhorence as infectious can any touch Pitch and not be defiled with aversion as an infectious Plague jealous as of the Wiles of the Devil as Intanglements and Fetters Fourthly Zeal With great anxiety after a thorough discovery of every sin in its blackest dress in its Nature Root Branches and Tendencies zeal for full purging and washing not leaving Root or Branch of any Sin unmortified or subdued without any tampering or listning to new affinities or terms of recon●iliation or inticements hotly and warmly pursuing every Sin to utter death and destruction Fifthly Vehement desire Like one curious to paint to the Life the Nature Monstruous shape and mischievous quality of every sin as well in its offensiveness to and detestableness with God who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity as in its perniciou●ness to Man exposing him to the wrath of God and barring him from entring into the Heavenly Jerusalem where ●o unclean thing can enter in Rev. 21.27 And as the only Enemy of Mans Eternal Happiness and blasting with a Curse all his temporal enjoyments and the disturber of the Peace of Mans Conscience in a Communion with God and diverts him from enjoying of God in place of Lust and Sin The Sixth qualification is Fear Watching and Praying lest we enter into temptation being always mindful that the subtile Enemy of our Salvation the Devil goeth about night and day like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour And therefore in watching put on the whole Armour of God Eph. 6.14 15 16. and watch over our Thoughts Words and Actions having a continual Eye on the Enemy without as a Sentry standing in view of the Enemies Camp day and night observing the voice of all Gods Providences and Dispensations not putting the evil day far from us but being on our watch with oyl in our Lamps and our Lamps burning knowing that the Bridegroom cometh as a Thief in the night not knowing what hour he will come and therefore to be always ready lest when he comes we sleep and that the door of Mercy may not be shut on us for ever Mat 24.14 The Seventh qualification of true Repentance is Revenge Holy revenge consisteth ●t a restless discovering of sin and not only giving up all society with it and entertainment of it and contradicting or implacable prejudice and hatred to it but also knowing that corruption and sin is such an infect and that of venomous Nature that every piece and crum will excite to a new Rebellion against God And therefore by a holy re●enge to give up every Sin and Lust though never so dear intirely to Divine Justice as well to appeale the Wrath of God and avoid his Dishonour as to secure our selves from falling into disobedience and new rebellion by tampering with the seditious deceit of Sin and Lust Cast out the Bondwoman and her Son Gen. 23.10 Be not again entangled with the Y●●k of Bondage walk in the Spirit and ye shall not ●u●fi●l the Lusts of the Flesh for the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and they are contrary one to the other Rom. 5.1 16 17 24. The next Duty incumbent to Man in order to Eternal Life is to search the Prom●●es in Christ Jesus and believe them all men are anxious to have good Titles to their Estates and to know them how much more ought Christians to be solicitous for the knowledge of sacred Records to insure their Interest of something with Christ Christs Promises to his People are either for things Spiritual or Temporal first of things Spiritual which may be considered under these three First The free love of God in sending Christ a Ransom for Sin Secondly All suitable graces and spiritual blessings given by God to the called according to his promise Rom. 8.28 Thirdly Eternal Life and Salvation given to all who believe in Jesus Christ As to the first Scriptures are full of the Records of Gods free love in redeeming Man by Jesus Christ when Man was in no condition to make terms for himself and that early instance of Gods compassion on Man when he had so soon fallen from his Integrity I will put enmity between thy Seed and her Seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel Gen. 3.15 Here is a clear promise of the Messiah of victory over Sin and Satan And when we were without strength in due time Christ died for us and when we were yet sinners And that compassion of God when Man was contemptible and without help and no Eye pitied thee to do these things to thee and when I passed by thy time was the time of Love and I said to thee live yea I said to thee live And that Evangelical Invitation Ho every one that thirsteth come to me drink of the Waters of Life buy wine and milk without money and without price come to me and I will make your Souls live and make an everlasting Covenant with you Let the wicked forsake his wickedness and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God and he will abundantly pardon him Isa 55. to 8. This strain constant current and Ocean of free Love flows upon free terms upon the most miserable and without any terms or expectation of any return from Man but freely without recompence I am found of them that sought me not I am sought of them that asked not for me Isa 65.1 2. From all which may be seen that great mystery of the Love of God to Sinners which passeth understanding The second thing in spiritual blessings is Gods furnishing Believers with all suitable Graces blessings and Indowments And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow them he also did Predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Rom. 8.28 29 32. Eye hath not seen neither hath Ear heard nor hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what great things he hath laid up for those who wait on him Isa 64.4 Ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name believe ye have them and they shall be given you Mat. 7.7 The last instance of divine bounty is Eternal Life To them who by patient continuance and well doing seeketh for glory and honour eternal Life Rom. 2.9 When Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in glory Col. 3.4 God so loved the World that he sent his only Son that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have eternal Life Joh. 3.16 And the glory that thou gavest me I have
him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of the turn thou not away Math. 5.43 Remember them that are in Bonds as being bound with them and them which suffer Adversity as being your selves also in the Body Heb. 13.3 What doth it profit if a Man say he hath Faith and hath not Works can Faith save him if a Brother or Sister be Naked and Destitute of daily Food and one of you say unto him depart in peace be you Clothed and be you Filled notwithstanding you give him nothing James 2.14 15 16. of these things which are needful to the Body what doth it profit 1 John 3.17 Mortification if thy Right Eye or Right Hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee it is better one of thy Members perish than thy whole Body should be cast into Hell Math. 5.29 30. Hence we are taught the Subduing and Mortifying of all Lusts of whatsoever esteem they may be and as dear to us as any of our Members we are to admit no enjoyment of them in Competition with true Holiness and new Obedience He Preacheth up the Doctrine of Love and Charity to all Men even to Enemies you have heard that it hath been said love thy Neighbour and hate thy Enemy but I say to you Love your Enemies Bless him that Curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that dispightfully use you and persecute you that ye may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and the Rain to come down on the Just and the Unjust for if you love them that love you what reward have you do not even the Publicans do the same and if you Salute only your Brethren what more do ye than others but be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect Math. 5.43 to end See that great Doctrine of Mutual Love and Charity he that saith he is in the Light and hateth his Brother is in Darkness even until now he that loveth his Brother abideth in the Light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him but he that Hateth his Brother is in Darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because the Darkness hath blinded his Eyes 1 John 2. to 18. We know that we have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren he that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murderer and ye know that no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him hereby perceive we the Love of God because he hath laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our Life for the Brethren but whosoever hath this Worlds good and shutteth up his Bowels from the Brother how dwelleth the Love of God in him 1 John 3.14 15 16 17. Let us Love one another for Love is of God and every one that Loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that Loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love in this was manifested the Love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him herein is the Love of God Manifested not that we loved him but that he Loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our Sins if God so loved us we ought also to love one another if we love one another God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him 1 Jo 4.7 to end A New Commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you love one another Jo. 13.34 from all which we are instructed of the Nature and Extent of Charity that it doth not consist only in naked and bare profession of Friendship good wishes and pretended Respects but in the Bowels of Tenderness Compassion Simpathy and suitable Supplies to the necessities of others that Charity is not to be straitned and confined to Relations Friends Benefactors and these in Amity and perswasion with us but is to be extended to Enemies as well as Friends and to all whose Necessities call for our help and assistance in any respect towards their Relief He Preacheth up the Contempt and Denyedness to the World lay not up Treasure on Earth where the Moth Cankereth and Thieves break thorough and steal but seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness then all these things shall be added thereunto and lay up store for your selves in Heaven Math. 6.19 20 32 33. See Christs own Discourse of the Rich Man in the Gospel that it is easier for a Camel to go thorow the Eye of a Needle than for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Math. 19.23 24. See the Parable of Dives who received his good things in this Life and is eternally Tormented and Lazarus who was pinched with Want Hunger Cold and Diseases on Earth was received into everlasting Happiness Luke 16 19. to end See the Parable of the Rich Husband-Man who took anxious care for his Earthly Store but made no Provision for Eternal Life but God said to him thou Fool this Night will I require thy Soul at thy Hands then whose shall all these things be which thou hast provided so is he who layeth up store for himself and is not Rich towards God Luke 12 16. to 22. See the wo the Lord of Life pronounceth against the Rich Wo to you that are Rich for ye have received your Consolation Luke 6 24. And to forward our Mortification to the World let us consider the Advice given by the Holy Apostle Love not the World nor the things of the World for if any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him for all that is in the World the Lusts of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life is not of the Father but of the World 1 Jo. 2.15 16 17. And the World passeth away and the Lusts thereof but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever 1 Jo. 2.15 16 17. The Holy Apostle James doth eminently discover the danger of loving the World know ye not that the Friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God James 4.4 Let us further consider the Apostle Pauls Character of the World we brought nothing into the World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out and having Food and Rayment let us be therewith content but they that will be Rich fall into many Temptations and a Snare and many foolish and hurtful Lusts which drown Men in Destruction and Perdition for the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the Faith and pierced themselves through with many Sorrows
of his Heart he hanged himself 2 Sam. 17.23 The fourth difference of Gods dispensations to the Godly and Wicked is That the Godly are directed and assisted of God to level all their actions and apply all that is dispensed to them for the Glory and Honour of God but the Wicked apply all to the gratifying of their Lusts the Godly believe that all things as well in prosperity as in adversity work together for their good therefore they level all their purposes and actions at his glory Romans 8.28 Deborah though by God made eminently instrumental in that great victory over Gods Enemies takes not the glory thereof to her self but ascribes it to God Judg. 5. all The great Steward of Heaven dispenseth the blessings of this Life as the Lord in the Gospel gave forth his Talents to such as did profit by them he trusted them with more and gave them Eternal Life as the reward of their care for their Masters Honour and Profit but the slothful and unprofitable Servants are cast into utter darkness where they shall meet with nothing but weeping and gnashing of Teeth Mat. 25.14 to 31. Having thus cursorily made enquiry into the emptiness of all humane enjoyments and discovered that no happiness can be found therein we come next to inquire into that compleat felicity of Eternal Life which is the fourth thing treasured up in that bank of Mercy for Believers and that under these considerations First The freedom of it Secondly The fulness of it First of the freedom as all temporal Mercies are of God as we have already discovered so also all Spiritual allowances are of him and from him he is the Father of Spirits and of his free will he hath begotten us by regeneration in Christ Jesus who hath purchased us with the price of his Blood God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Eternal Life John 3.17 When we were without strength Christ died for us God commendeth his Love to us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us That as Sin reigned unto Death even so might Grace reign through righteousness unto Eternal Life through Christ Rom. 5.6 to end It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth Mercy Rom. 9.16 For by Grace ye are saved through Faith not of your selves it is the gift of God not of works lest any Man should boast Eph. 2.8 9. In hope of Eternal Life which God that cannot lye promised before the World began Tit. 1.2 Having Predestinated us unto the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ unto himself according to the good pleasure of his Will in whom we have Redemption through his Blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his Grace Ephes 1.5 7. Thus we plainly see the freedom of this gift of Eternal Life though purchased by the Death of Christ yet freely given to us by him The second thing we are to consider of is the fulness of this great gift and for the clearer discovery thereof we shall compare the excellencies of it with the things of this Life in all the advantagious circumstances of the same whereby we shall find the excellencies thereof incomparably excel all that can be pretended desireable in this Life in all their superlative state and condition The glory fulness and excellency of this World is laid down by the Apostle in the foregoing Scripture to consist in the Lust of the Flesh the Lusts of the Eye and the Pride of Life and these things perish in the using but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever these being put in the Ballance with eternal Life and its excellencies we shall easily find there can be no parrallel when we consider and believe the Testimony of that Evangelical Prophet Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive what great things he hath laid up for such as wait on him Isa 64.4 Hence we may see an inestimable difference seeing all the enjoyments of this Life are only sensual and vanishing and the others are all Spiritual and Lasting to Eternity Secondly If we consider the World as the Apostle describes it and that The Love of the World is not of the Father and by the Apostle James that it is enmity against God and that eternal life is the purchase of Christs Blood how much will this sink the Parrallel 1 Joh. 2.15 16. Jam. 4.4 Thirdly If we compare the Worlds Inventory that in it is only the Lusts of the Eyes the Lusts of the Flesh and the Pride of Life How soon is this cast out of the Scales by the Apostle The Kingdom of God consists not in eating and drinking chambering and wantonness but in Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost When all that is said or can be said of the World is summed up First In Eating and Drinking Secondly In Apparel to cloath our nakedness Thirdly In Friends or Relations And Fourthly In Riches or Wealth all which perish in the using as is often demonstrated what Parallel then can be imagined between these two For our better satisfaction we shall examine all these severally by themselves and those things which come in exchange of them First Cloaths of the best Richest or Gordious sort which can be invented afford no cause of glory pride satisfaction or content for at best they are but badges of our Sin and Misery and causes of grief mourning humiliation and repentance for that they were at first upon Adams Transgression invented to cover our nakedness discovered by sin which first brought shame and therefore they are but the cover of our shame and nakedness in which we should neither delight not glory but rather on sight thereof humble our selves in the sense of our original guilt and lost estate in Adam Gen. 3.7 to 12. Secondly The best of Garments have under them infirm Bodies tainted with natural weakness at best and sometimes the Richest cover the frailest Carcase tainted with noisome Distempers the sight of which may make the Garments and what is under them loathsome and abhorrent so that what we have for our necessity to cover our shame and hide our loathsomness should not be our Pride much less our Delight or Glory Thirdly Cloaths are often our Burthen when either by penury we cannot attain to them or the persons are so weak that they cannot bear them in Winter to defend the cold nor in Summer because of heat Fourthly The fashion changeth and frets the Indigent that they cannot have them and draws the richer to excess emulation and prodigality in foppish and unnecessary pomp in the change of fashions to the exciting of Lust and superflous wasting what better may be bestowed on the poor whom God recommends as objects of Charity This being the badge of our shame and sin and the superfluity thereof so much abounding now a days
him and by the Apostle James's Doctrine know ye not that the Friendship of the World is Enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend to the World is the Enemy of God James 4.4 These words must be meant in the second Sense as when the World by Adams Transgression was accursed and as it were Escheated and put in Bondage Ro. 8.20 21. to Satan the Prince of the Power of Darkness and not when it stood straight with God and was all good in his Sight and by these words the Love of the Father is not in him seems an Anathema and Curse to all the Lovers of the World as the Apostle elsewhere pronounceth a Curse if any Man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Marenatha 1 Cor. 16.22 so that the love of the World as it is under the Dominion of Satan in the second Sense cannot be consistent with the Love and Honour of God It cannot be doubted that the Father having given his Son for a Ransom for Sinners but with him also he will give them all things and that they have in his right a surer and better Title to the World and lawful use of the things thereof than the Wicked can pretend to for that the Godly are Heirs of all things and the Wicked only Usurpers of what they have in possession without right therefore by the Doctrine of Mortification Holiness and Contempt of the World they are not forbid and not only permitted but commanded a lawful Enjoyment of the Worlds good but in these different respects First That they shall use the World as not abusing it that is they shall use it as Pilgrims for the present sober and moderate subsistance to carry them on in their Journeys Heaven-ward and not to sit down under the shadows of Worldly Pleasures as the wicked do whose Portion it is with a Curse upon it to them Wo to you that are Rich for you have received your Consolation Luke 6.24 but the Godly are not to sit down with the Rich Husbandman to Solace their Souls only in the things of this Life lest with him they share of his Judgment Thou fool this Night will I require thy Soul at thy Hand then whose shall all these these things be which thou hast Luke 12.16 to 22. Secondly The Children of God do not nor should rely only on the visible Enjoyments of the Creature as capable of themselves to give satisfaction but on God by Faith and on his Blessing to make them useful Mans Life consisteth not in the abundance of what a Man hath Man liveth not by Bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Luke 4.4 Behold the Lillies who take no care and spin not how they are Cloathed above Solomon in all his glory the Ravens Sow not and yet are fed Luke 12.22 to 32. All the Power of the Creation is in Gods Hands as he hath the Power to restrain and suspend or give a Blessing upon the Creatures so hath he the Store-house of Heaven in his Hands and he can send such plenty as there may not be room to store it up in Mal. 3.10 See all the great and Manifold Promises to his People in Poverty Streights and Wants Is 41.17 18. Is 45.3 I will give thee the Treasures of Darkness and the Hidden Riches of Secret places Thirdly The People of God do and ought to use their Enjoyments vertuously and do not squander them on unlawful Lusts and Pleasures but Moderately use them for their lawful and sober Subsistance or in Charity and do use vertuous endeavours and improvements but the Wicked feed their Lusts upon Gods bounty wherefore the Lord in his Justice often Blasts their Enjoyments and either takes them away from them or makes them a Curse in the Enjoyment thereof Ye Eat and have not enough because ye spend on your Lusts James 4.1 2 3. and in that other place therefore I will return and take away my Corn in the time thereof See Hosea 2. all The People of God use all the Dispensations of God to them in Sobriety and vertuous Industry and depend upon God for a Blessing to their Indeavours but the Wicked live voluptuously in their Enjoyments and do not principally ascribe to God the success of their Husbandry nor depend on him for it and therefore in the Justice of God he either takes from them what they have or Blasts their Enjoyments in the success of it see the Parrable of the sluggish Servant in mis-improvement of the Talent which was taken from him and he punished with utter Darkness see Gods Judgment upon such as do not trust God with a Blessing upon their Labours Mat. 25. Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy Salvation and not remembred the Rock of thy Strength therefore shalt thou Plant pleasant Plants and set them with strange Slips in the Day shalt thou make thy Plant to grow and in the Morning shalt thou make thy Seed to flourish but the Harvest shall be a heap in the Day of grief and of desperate Sorrow Is 17.10 11. See that other Eminent place for this purpose they Hatch Cockatrice Eggs and weave the Spiders Webb he that Eateth of their Eggs Dyeth and that which is crushed braketh out into a Vyper their Webbs shall not become Garments neither shall they cover themselves with their Works their Works are Works of Iniquity and Violence is in their Hands Is 59.5 6. See farther to this purpose Ye shall Sow your Seed in vain and your Enemies shall eat it I will make your Heaven as Iron and your Earth as Brass and your strength shall be spent in vain for your Land shall not yield her increase neither shall the Trees of your Land yield their Fruit Lev. 26.16 to 22. They shall eat and not have enough they shall commit Whoredom and not bring forth because they have left off to take heed to the Lord See Job 8.11 to end Hosea 4.10 Consider that further Judgment upon the Wicked who trust to the Flesh and not to God ye have Sown much and bring in little ye eat but ye have not enough ye drink and are not satisfied ye Cloath you but there is none warm he that earneth Wages earneth to put in in a bag that hath holes Haggai 1. to 11. See the Manifold Judgments of God Denounced against Vanity Pride and Prodigality and it shall come to pass instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stench and instead of a girdle there shall be a rent and instead of well set Hair baldness and instead of a stomacher a girdle of Sackcloath and burning instead of Beauty Is 3.16 to end Fourthly The Wicked spend and use the Creatures to their own Pleasures and live in the delight of them but the Godly are Dead to the World and delight in nothing but in Christ I am Crucified to the World and the World to me nevertheless I live and yet not I but Christ that
they said to be of that Pedigree we see Christ would not suffer the Scribes and Pharisees amongst the Jews to claim to Abraham because they did not his works we see the Prophet Isaiah chargeth the Jews to be an adulterous race and that they were of a Mother divorced from her Husband where is the Bill of your Mothers Divorcement whom I have put away behold for your Iniquities have you sold your selves and for your transgressions is your Mother put away Isa 51.1 What glory is it to be of noble blood which for the worst of Crimes was attainted and to be of Illustrious birth when the Issue is Adulterous and Spurious this is the Fountain and Spring of the Blood and Pedigree of all Mankind of higher or lower degree on Earth and this cross bar is inherent in the Scutcheon of all Mortals this is that Mené Tekél Dan. 5.25 the Motto of all the natural Issue of Adam and this stain is not to be blotted out but by the Blood of that Scape Goat the Lamb Jesus Christ who must blot out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross Col. 2.14 Secondly This Sin having such Complication of all manner of sin in it and being the Fountain from whence came all manner of Corruption look not on it as one single act to be extenuate with that excuse of eating only a little of forbidden Fruit but look on it as a poysoned Fountain in which were lodged all enchantments to sin and that deliberate contraction of enmity against God an evil Heart of unbelief stuffed with malice glutted with covetousness swellen with pride cankred with envy fretted with discontent and boundless in desire Thirdly When by Providence Affliction or Chastisement for sin cometh consider that before Sin came there was no sorrow that Justice and Judgment must attend Iniquity and as Sin was first punished by a deluge of misery on Mankind so the Continuance must not escape the like fate and look on all acts as coming from that Fountain of Corruption and make not the single act of any one transgression the sole cause of mourning repentance and reformation but run the act to the spring of the Heart and fix on the Soul that vehement desire fear zeal indignation and revenge in the act and corruption in the fountain what Indignation yea what fear what vehement desire yea what zeal yea what revenge and never meet with any sin or temptation to it but with an Eye of Jealousie as over a Pit of Destruction Fourthly When Providence deprives thee of any Earthly enjoyment for the reasons in Divine Wisdom murmur not to be denied some of thy desires but remember thou wast guilty in Adam of grudging God the reserving of the Tree of Knowledge and by thy impatient bearing of losses thou makest the old sore of Adams transgression bleed afresh in discontent but rather let the memory of Original Sin oblige thee to submission contentment sorrow and repentance Fifthly Are all men guilty of Adams transgression and are of the same corrupted and degenerate blood and some by course of Providence raised to Wealth and Honour above others what reason then hath the exalted or brother of high degree to dispise him on whom the deceitful Riches of this World have not smiled this Man who dispiseth his Brother is forgetful of himself as if not of the same blood with the other he is like a man beholding his natural Face in a glass he beholdeth himself and goeth away and forgetteth what manner of Man he was Jam. 1.23 24. The Riches and Honour of this Life should not raise a Man in esteem of himself above his brother for what he hath is given to him of God who can as equally level him with his Brother and thereby make him remember his own Pride and that the other is of the same Blood with him See the Instance of this in Nebuchadnezzar and many others I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of Heaven all whose Works are Truth and his ways Judgments and those that walk in Pride he is able to abase Dan. 4.29 to the end Consider what the Apostle James saith of Carnal partiality of preferring the Rich in Gay Clothing with a goodly Gold Ring and despising the poor Brother and what arguments he useth to the contrary Are ye not then partial in your selves and are become Judges of evil thoughts hath not God chosen the Poor of this World Rich in Faith Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to those that love him and ye have dispised the Poor do not Rich Men oppress you and draw you before the Judgment Seats do not they blaspheme that worthy name by which ye are called if ye fulfil that royal Law according to the Scripture thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self ye do well but if you have respect to persons ye sin Jam. 2. to 10. Here by strong arguments he proves the partial preferring the Rich before the poor to be sinful First For that the Godly though poor in this World is the worthier person in Gods esteem in that he is chosen of God an heir of the Kingdom of Glory Secondly That Great and Rich Men are Enemies to the Godly they bring them before Judgment Seats and oppress them Thirdly Rich Men are not Enemies only to Godly Men but to God and Blaspheme his Holy Name Fourthly That the royal Law of God commands the Duty of equal love love thy Neighbour as thy self Wherefore since Pride and Ambition was a cheif ingredient of that first Fountain of sin let none through Pride dispise him who was of the same blood with himself though not in that equal Worldly Splendor or Glory but consider as Pride did ruine Adam and abased all his Posterity so Justice will take the like vengeance upon all the Race of Adam guilty of the same Crime Whoso dispiseth the poor reproacheth his Maker Prov. 17.15 God is Maker of poor and rich Prov. 22.2 Sixthly Are all men of one Blood and Family and so Brethren and Members one of another Eph. 4.24 This calls all men to mutual Sympathy mutual Assistance and supply of one another this is that express Command of Christ that ye love one another as I have loved you John 13.34 And the Apostle presseth this most vehemently Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother 1 John 3.10 We have passed from Death to Life if we love the Brethren and he that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death he that hateth his Brother is a murderer and hath not Eternal Life We ought to Lay down our Life for the Brethren 1 Joh. 3.14 15 16. This Love consists not only in the Airy Compliment of professed and pretended Friendship but First In a general Sympathy Fellow-feeling and Compassion in all Conditions and Circumstances Spiritual and Temporal like Christs Love to
63.5 The Sheepheard of Israel is that tender hearted Physitian who sympathiseth with his People In all their Afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his Presence sayed them In his Love and his Pity he Redeemed them and bore them all the days of old Isa 63.9 His compassion is great his Bowels yearn and are turned for them how shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee Israel how shall I make thee as Adma how shall I set thee as Zeboim my heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled Hos 9.8 Is Ephraim my dear Son is he a pleasant Child for since I spoke against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my Bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord Jer. 31.20 Am I a God at hand and not a God afar off Jer. 22.23 The Lord cannot forget his People though the Cloud of darkest afflictions may hinder their apprehensions of his love and care of them I have even called thee by thy name though thou hast not known me I am the Lord and there is none else besides me I guarded thee though thou hast not known me I Form the Light and Create Darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things Isa 45.4 5 7. He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds wherefore although the pale and dark side of the Cross should look grim upon the Christian he is by Faith and Patience to look thorough the Cloud to the Conquerours and lay hold of him in his Promises though the Vision tarry wait for it it will speak at last and he that will come shall come and will not tarry Hab. 2.3 No Man did look thorough a paler Cloud than this Prophet Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the Vine though the labour of the Olive and the Fields shall yield no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no Heard in the Stall yet will I rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of my Salvation the Lord is my strength and he will make my Feet like Hinds Feet and he will make me to walk upon my High Places Hab. 3.17 18 19. The holy Prophet Micah after he had viewed the folly of all humane expectations weakness and deceitfulness of friends relations and all other Men puts his confidence alone in God and thereby takes great courage and resolution and seems to make Inference of Faith upon the view of humane vanities Therefore I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my Salvation my God will hear me rejoyce not against me O mine Enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me He will bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his Righteousness Mic. 7.1 to 11. The second branch of Gods Promises to his People is of his great Mercy Love and Reconciliation under the greatest Sins the Lord doth not measure his dispensations as Men do their benevolences by scanty measures and do pardon lesser and not greater offences for that Sins of the deepest dye are no bar to his Mercy He came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance In the Language of his Mercy the whole need no Physitian but the Sick Luke 5.31 32. His Invitation is look unto me and be you saved all the Ends of the Earth Isa 45.22 And come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy loaden and I will give you rest Mat. 11.28 My Thoughts are not as your Thoughts neither your Ways my Way saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my Thoughts higher than your Thoughts c. Isa 55.8 9. Come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as Scarlet they shall be made white as Snow though they be red like Crimson they shall be as Wool If you be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the Land but if ye refuse and rebel ye shall be devoured with fire Isa 1.18 19 20. Christ makes a free Market of Mercy and puts no limitation to his bounty but offers freely upon the Sinners acceptance by Faith and Repentance Ho every one that thirsteth come to the Waters buy Milk and Honey without price c. Isa 55.1 2. his satisfaction is for all and for all manner of Sins upon Faith and Repentance God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in him should not die but have eternal Life John 3.16 17. Christs love is free and respects not the greatness of Sin but the sincerity of Faith and Repentance yea When we were Enemies and without strength Christ died for us Rom. 5 6 7 8. Davids uncleanness and Murther of Uriah was no bar to Divine Mercy 1 King 21.29 Nebuchadnezzar on Repentance found Mercy Dan. 4. Manasses Idolatry Witchcraft and other great Abominations received Mercy on Repentance and When He was in great affliction he sought the Lord and humbled himself greatly before the God of his Fathers and Prayed unto him and he was intreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem and into his Kingdom Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God 2 Chron. 32.12 13. Thirdly His Promises upon Relapses although it is ill complexion to sin after receipt of Mercies as with the Dog to the Vomit and the Sow to the Mire yet Repentance in its due qualifications gives a rise to Mercy The Lord had to do with the most stubborn People on the whole Earth who revolted from God in most heinous manner And yet how often did he renew his Mercies to them the whole tract of the Israelites Life was Rebellion and Revolts nevertheless he regarded their afflictions when he heard their cry see their backslidings and the Lords wonderfully renewed Mercies towards them Psal 106. Psal 107. all The Lords wonderful free and early Mercies were eminently manifested to Israel nevertheless see their stupid revolt and ingratitude but they rebelled against him and converted all his kindness and mercies to the feeding of their lusts and abominations of Idolatry Ezek. 16. from 15 to 37. Wherefore the Lord in his Justice sends them under severe punishments to verse 60. and then the Lords anger is pacified towards them and he remembers his Covenant with them when they are ashamed of their sins and abominations and return to the Lord by Repentance to the end of the chapter That thou mayest remember and be confounded and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame when I am pacified towards thee for all that thou hast done saith the Lord. The Lords Ear is always open to the cry of a Penitent sinner The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him in Truth Psal 145.18 Repent and turn your selves from all your transgressions so iniquity
be in Christ he hath mortified the Flesh and the Lusts thereof and if the Thoughts be duly placed on God and the blessings flowing from him it may be the more easy to regulate the affections It is certain while we are in the Body there is an unavoidable conversation with the Creature upon us and the degeneracy hath so much prevailed that even in the renewed there is a law of the Members against the Law of the Mind and therefore our Life is a constant Warfare Rom. 7.23 and for this reason great care must be taken to govern the affections and although it is impossible in some respects to keep the affections from carnal objects however the renewed man must mortify the Flesh and Affections thereof and as helps thereunto we must First Distinguish between giving our Affections wholly to any Creature as resting on that as our chief good and so delighting in it and between letting out our desires to any Creature in subordination to the Creator in some lawful end and in this consideration we are to love nothing intensively with our whole delight and satisfaction except God who alone is able to fill the desires of our Heart but we may in moderation use and take some complacency in the Creature as helps from God to assist us in our Pilgrim state to advance his Honour and discharge our Duty to him Secondly We must consider that since the Apostacy in Adam the Judgment of the Curse is fallen on all Creatures and the Creation is brought under the Bondage of Corruption and the Creatures are fallen under the King of this World as a forfeiture for Sin and the Devil made Prince of the Power of the Air and this World put under his Dominion though under restraint from God and that the Natural Man or Love of the World is enmity to God He that loveth the World the love of God is not in him John 1.2 15. and by the Apostle James the friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 Thirdly We must consider that Christs Errand to the World was to reconcile God to Man and therefore he humbled himself by taking upon him the Nature of Man and restored it from the vanity and impurity of Sin to all such as shall believe in him for though the whole Creation was subjected to servitude for Sin nevertheless Christ by his coming and suffering hath paid the Ransom for Believers and for them removed the Curse from the Creatures Because the Creatures also shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God for we know that the whole Creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now Rom. 8.21 22. Hence then measures may be taken to regulate our Affections First We ought to love God and set our affections on him above all things and in loving of him we cannot go the due length much less be in excess Secondly We should love nothing beneath Christ but in subordination to him and in reference to his glory and that we may the better serve him Thirdly In our use of the World we must remember the Worlds degeneracy and as in that state it is accursed and the love thereof is enmity to God so that if we be not our selves reconciled to God all the Creatures are accursed to us and we usurpers of them so that we must use them as purified to us from the impurity of the Curse by the Mediator and all in a mortified manner according to the Will of God Be not conformed to this World but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is the good perfect and acceptable Will of God Rom. 12.2 In the use of the Creatures We must use them without sensual affectation as things that have a stamp of danger in them with fear lest we be again enticed to sin against God in our delight in any thing more or so much as in God and that we be with the Apostle mortified to all things I am crucified to the World and the World to me in that often repeated place Gal. 2.20 Thus then must mans Affections be regulated as a new Man and doing away the old Lusts of the Flesh and knowing nothing after the Flesh the Children of God are all incorporated into a new society in Christ Jesus and must needs have their Conversation different from the World Ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the Household of God Ephes 2.19 Therefore they must love and delight in Holy and Spiritual things They are no more under the Law of Sin to Death but under the Law of the Spirit unto Life they are not to walk after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.1 2 12 13 14. Christ himself knowing how mans Affections are apt to incline to Earthly Vanities and sink under the delight of the Creatures Commands to lay up Treasure in Heaven Where your Treasures are there your Hearts will be also Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness let us follow that choice directory for Holiness and Heavenly mindedness Luke 12.31 to 35. If ye be risen with Christ seek these things which are above where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God set your Affections on things in Heaven and not things on Earth for ye are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God Mortifie therefore your Members which are on Earth Fornication Uncleanness Inordinate Affections Evil Concupiscence and Covetousness which is Idolatry seeing you have put off the Old Man with his Deeds and have put on the New Man which is renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created him put on therefore as the Elect of God Bowels of Mercy Kindness Humbleness of Mind long Suffering forbearing one another forgiving one another put on Charity which is the bond of perfectness Col. 3. all See the Instructions for our Holy and Heavenly Conversation Ephe. 2. all Chap. 4.22 to end Chap. 5. all Rom. 6. all they that are in Christ have Crucified the flesh and the Lusts thereof if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit Gal 5.24 and 25. Thus then we see how Christians are to govern their affections next we come to consider their Actions As the Christian is and must be a New Creature and Holy in all manner of Conversation so must he be in his Actions in two respects First They must be all Just and Holy in themselves Secondly They must be directed to proper ends First As a Mans Thoughts ought to be pure and Affections clean so must his Actions for one piece polluted defileth the whole Lump and a good Tree produceth good Fruit and there can be no pretence of uprightness in any Man where the Actions or Conversation is Corrupt so that all Actions of a Man must be squared by the
held forth as a Duty with a promise then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord Hosea 6.3 David was almost tyred out and his Patience worn how long wilt thou forget me for ever how long wilt thou hide thy Face from me how long shall I take Counsel in my Soul having sorrow in my Heart how long shall mine Enemies be exalted over me but whilst he is continuing in his Application to God is strengthned and at last concludes but I have trusted in thy Mercies my Heart will rejoyce in thy Salvation I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt bountifully with me Ps 27.13 14. all This Holy Man continuing in Duty with God was supported by his Confidence in God I had fainted in mine Affliction unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living wait on the Lord and be of good Courage and he will strengthen thy Heart wait I say on the Lord Ps 27.13 14. When he had Experienced great Afflictions in his Family and a long continuance of it he could at last say sing unto the Lord O ye Saints of his and give Thanks at the Remembrance of his Holiness for his Anger endureth but for a Moment in his Favour is Life weeping may endure for a Night but Joy cometh in the Morning Ps 30.4 5. Though he was lashed with Shimei's Tongue yet he could say thou shalt hide him in the Secret of thy Presence from the Pride of Man thou shalt keep them secretly in thy Pavilion from the strife of Tongues Ps 31.21 Though he was forced to sculk and hide and said I shall one Day fall into the Hands of Saul then he could say thou art my hiding place thou shalt compass me about in trouble with Songs of Deliverance Ps 32.8 When this Holy Man takes Breath from his complaining and reflects on Gods Dispensations to him how sweetly doth he set forth the many Advantages and Priviledges of such as wait on God his Eyes are upon them and his Ears open to their Cry The Lord heareth them he delivereth them from all their Troubles he is near to the broken in Heart and loveth the Contrite Spirit he delivereth them out of all their Afflictions not one of their Bones are broken those that hate the Righteous shall be Desolate Ps 34.15 to end The Holy Apostles were never more Thriving and Couragious than under their greatest Sufferings we are troubled on every side yet not distressed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed knowing that he which raised the Lord Jesus shall also raise us and present us with you for which cause we faint not for though our outward Man perish yet our inward Man is renewed Day by Day for our light Afflictions which are but for a Moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and an Eternal Weight of Glory 2 Cor. 4.8 to end Ch. 15. to 11. And again that same Apostle testifieth this truth I would have you to understand that the things which have fallen out to me are for the furtherance of the Gospel many of the Brethren in the Lord waxing confident in my Bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear Phi. 1.12 to 21. and elsewhere he saith for which cause I also suffer these things Nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know in whom I have believed and he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that Day 2 Tim. 1.12 The whole Scriptures and other Histories make mention of the growth and chearfulness of the Saints now in Glory who with great Stability and Patience have run their Course and at the height of their Tragical Sufferings have shewed more Courage and Resolution than when they began their Race Daniel and the three Children Job Jeremiah and the Prophets grew stronger and stronger under their Duties of Continuing in well doing and the Martyr Stephen finished his Course with Joy praising of God and praying for his Enemies Acts 7.59 60. The third thing considerable in this Conflict of Regeneration and Saints Warfare is the Comfort the Saints have in a Sanctified use of all Dispensations and Enjoyments of what they meet with in their Tryals to have any thing and not enjoy it or to want the grace and liberty of right improving of it is a Curse and not a Blessing Experience teacheth that many Worldly Cormorants or Misers have much of the Worlds Wealth Riches and great possessions and yet their Hearts and Affections are so forfeited and glutted with the love and delight thereof that they are slaves to their fancy and delight therein so as they cannot allow to themselves the Comfortable use thereof but either hoard them up as the Idols of their phancy to such as come after them or on the other Hand glut and satiate themselves therewith and have not the Grace or Heart to Communicate them in Charity to the necessity of others as the Rich Glutton in the Gospel who belike did gratifie his Dogs rather than Lazarus in his wants Luke 16.19 to end Although the wise disposer of all things makes his Sun to shine on the Godly and the Wicked and most frequently gives more plentifully of the things of this Life to the Wicked than to the Godly nevertheless his Dispensations thereof is much different First They are given to the Wicked as Snares a Curse and their Portion and with them Eternal Wrath for their mis-improvement Secondly They are given to the Godly only as a means of Subsistance in their Journey Heaven-ward with Contentment and the Sanctified use thereof with a promise of Eternal Life in Jesus Christ as their Portion First It is most certain and Consequential in reason that where the things of this Life are given and the Heart and Delight is fixed on them as their full and sole Satisfaction these things are Curses Snares and Entangle the Soul in Misery and it is certain that such as place not their Content Delight Satisfaction and Happiness in Christ are Wicked and Eternally Accursed and therefore all their Enjoyments are Snares and Curses and they are miserable in the Enjoyment thereof and this is evidently proved First For that as it hath been already shewn that Mans Apostacy by sin hath brought that Curse on the Creature so as the love of the World is Enmity against God and the lawful use of the Creature is only procured by Christs Mediation to such as believe in him So that whatsoever love to the Creature and Enjoyments thereof is not for Christ and founded on him is a Curse and not a Blessing and this is further illustrated from Reason for that First where Contentment cannot be found there is no Happiness Secondly There is no satisfaction to be found in any thing without Christ The first is clear in reason and common opinion which place Happiness in Satisfaction of the Affections and Desires and whatsoever Enjoyment comes not
that length is short of Happiness and brings Anxiety and Discontent And this is clear from Common Experience for let a Man have Wealth if he have not Health Strength and Vigor let him have Riches and if he have not Honour let him have one hundred Enjoyments if any one thing be wanting which either some other hath or he shall please his fancy upon he is not content so not Happy because his Affections or fancy are not pleased and if we consult Solomon the greatest in Experience we may conclude that Happiness in Creature Enjoyments is not attainable The Second is also Demonstrate from Reason and Experience it being most consonant to Reason that no contentment can be found but in that which is permanent and perfect for that Mans Nature is for Novelties and cannot rest on any one thing when something else occurs which either excelleth the other or he doth fancy it doth and indeed it were beneath the Dignity of the Soul which is of a Divine Extract to bottom on any thing which is not of greatest value besides the Soul being a Spirit cannot place and confine its delight to what is only sensual unless it could give satisfaction to the Soul or Fancy and that no Satisfaction can be had in sensual Enjoyments is apparent from the Nature of all Created beings That Holy Apostle John Exhorting against the Love of the World saith Love not the World nor the things of the World for in the World there is the Lust of the Eyes the Lusts of the Flesh and the Pride of Life and these things perish in the using but he that doth the Will of God shall endure for ever Here the Apostle sets forth before us the Inventory or Scheme of the World in these three where by the Lusts he means the Objects and the delights taken in them That we may the better discover That nothing in this World can give satisfaction or is perfect or permanent we shall consider the World and all things in it in these three circumstances First By the Lusts of the Flesh must be meant all sensual Objects and the pleasure taken in them and that there is neither permanency nor perfection as it is proved from the Text so it is demonstrable from all the instances of sensual objects are Riches the object they take the Wings of the Wind and fly away a man may be found Rich to Day and a Begger next as was said of Craesus who was reputed the richest on Earth Irus est hodie qui modo Craesus eras they either torment a man in getting keeping or increasing of them the Apostle tells us they leave a man in this Life or at his Death and in the mean time load a Man with inexpressible cares snares and troubles so as their uncertainty is clear We brought nothing to this World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out of it the love of Money is the Root of all evil and they that will be rich fall into many temptations and snares and many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men into destruction and Perdition c. 1 Tim. 6. to 11. See Christs own Testimony of Riches and what clog it is to a Mans Soul whilest looking after better things It is as impossible for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven as for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle Luke 19.20 to 25. chap. 6.24 See his wo unto thee Rich for they have received their Consolation and how he adviseth to provide Bags that wax not old a Treasure in Heaven that faileth not where no Thief approacheth or Moth corrupteth for where your treasure is there will your Hearts be also Luke 12.34 Is thy Lust or desire placed in Friends or Relations how deceitful they be Abel Joseph and David and almost all the train of Saints and experience of all ages can testify trust not in a friend put no confidence in a guide keep the Door of thy Lips from the Wife that lieth thy Bosom for the Son dishonoureth the Father and the Daughter riseth up against the Mother and the Daughter in Law against the Mother in Law and a Mans Enemies are the Men of his own House Mic. 7.5 6. Jer. 9.4 5. note See Davids complaint of the treachery and unkindness of his Friends Psal 88.8 18. Psal 41.9 See what complaint the Church makes of the treachery and deceitfulness of friends and relations Lam. 1.19 And see how the Prophets hold forth the instability of humane friendship Isa 59.16 chap. 63.5 Jer. 30.13 14. The Lusts of the Eyes comprehend all that is taking or delightful to the Sight and what can that be but what is either the contemplation of our own beauty or outward excellencies or the glory of other Creatures our own may wither and Age and Sickness and other vicissitudes make it decay our Infirmities or thousands of accidents can soon make all without us tasteless and insipid to us besides as all Flesh is Grass and wither as the Green Herbs so as there is no permanency in any thing to raise felicity from the Eyes it is not long before these Glass Windows shall be shut the Silver threads be cut and the golden bowl be broken at the Well by Death and thereby the glory of the whole House be darkned Eccles 12. to 9. 〈◊〉 third thing which compleats this pittiful Inventory of the World is the Pride of Life and what is that but a shadow to the Lust of Humane Glory and vain Titles of Honour or Preferment in this World and how short this is of permanency and happiness experience tells us There is no stinting of Mans Ambition the Spirit of Pride rests not in one Title but Envies and Ambitions another and at best all these are but fanciful and have no intrinsick worth in them and are only valuable as Fancy esteems them How soon is all humane Glory extinguished by the least cross Providence from God How was the Glory and Pride of Nebuchadnezzar laid to the Ground when he was turned from under his glorious Canopy of State and rich embroidery and from wearing a Crown of pure Gold sent to feed and lodge amongst the Beasts until his Hair became like Birds Feathers and his Nails like Eaglés Claws and he forced to acknowledge his own nothingness and Gods Soveraignty All whose Works are Truth and his ways Judgment and those who walk in Pride he is able to abase Dan. 4.30 to end How eminently was the Gluttony Pride and Tyranny of Adonibezeck chastised who had threescore and ten Kings having their Thumbs and great Toes cut off gathered their meat under his Table who was forced to acknowledge the Soveraignty and Justice of God as I have done so God hath requited me Judges 1.7 How was the Blasphemous Pride and Ambition of Senacherib and Rabsecah against God and his People punished by Gods miraculous raising the Siege of Jerusalem by sending forth his Angel and
in his sight 2 Sam. 15.25 26. He had the like submission when he was reproached railed at and had stones cast at him and was cursed by Shimei Let him Curse for the Lord hath said to him curse David who then shall say why hast thou done so let him alone for the Lord hath bid him it may be that the Lord will look on my Affliction and that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day 2 Sam. 16.7 to 13. But what is all this to that entertainment the Lord of Glory Jesus Christ met with on Earth for our Sins who knew no sin who was buffeted and reviled after the most outragious manner and bore it with incredible Courage Patience and Meekness Who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 1 Pet. 2.21 to 25. Holy Stephen suffered with that meekness of Spirit that he gave up the Ghost praying Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing Act. 7.59 60. The second Duty is resignation as submission is the patient acquiescing to the Will of God in all his dispensations without murmuring and a contentedness in every condition penury and want as well as in abundance so resignation is the chearful giving our selves up to God to be disposed of by him in every dispensation trials troubles losses and crosses under all the exigences of Life Christ would not use the Arm of Flesh to rescue himself from being Crucified but the Cup which the Father put in his hand even the bitter Cup of his Fathers Wrath he chearfully drank it out because it was his Fathers Will John 18.11 Holy Job was a Pattern of Patience and Resignation though thou wouldst slay me yet will I trust in thee The Couragious three Children who were not daunted with the Decree against them their Faith Courage and Resolution brought them to a holy resignation We know our God is able to deliver us and he will deliver us however be it known to thee O King that we will not serve thy Gods nor worship the Image that thou hast set up Dan. 3.16 17 18. Thus should Christians in imitation of Christ not so much mind their present sufferings temptations and condition as the Duty of Faith and Resignation in giving themselves up to the Will of God in Obedience Faith and Patience and for their encouragement in this they have Gods Promise of deliverance from his own immediate hands if other helps appointed by him should fail I looked and there was none to help I wondred that there was none to uphold therefore mine own Arm brought Salvation unto me and my right hand it upheld me Isa 59.16 That other famous place in the Prophecies of Jeremiah is a great staff to Faith and Resignation under desertion of all helps even lovers relations and friends all thy lovers have forsaken thee they seek thee not for I have wounded thee with the wound of an Enemy with the Chastisement of a cruel one for the multitude of thine Iniquities because thy sins were increased therefore all that devour thee shall be devoured c. And all thy Adversaries shall go into Captivity and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil and all that Prey upon thee will I give for a Prey for I will restore health unto thee and heal thee of thy wounds saith the Lord Jer. 30.14 to 18. and that other famous place in Isaiah chap. 49.15 to end giveth great encouragement to Faith and Resignation under the greatest extremities as being forsaken of Friends Relations and much oppressed by Enemies All things which Christ did were holy and just he minded only things of a Heavenly and Spiritual Nature as his Kingdom was not of this World so all his people mind Heavenly things they are Strangers and Pilgrims here in this World and Travellers only with him to the new Jerusalem and as Pilgrims must not set their Hearts on things in the Way but on their Heavenly Treasures Lay up to your selves treasure in Heaven for where your Treasure is there will your Hearts be also Mat. 6.19 to 33. Love not the World nor the things of the World if any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him for all that is in the World the Lusts of the Flesh the Lusts of the Eye the Pride of Life is not of the Father but of the World and the World passeth away and the Lusts thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever 1 John 2.15 16 17. Hence we see as Christ minded only Heavenly things so he would raise his People to Heavenly mindedness and by his description of the World his purpose is to wean his Peoples affections from it Object But it may be objected that this Doctrine of the Contempt of the World seems contrary to the Doctrine and Duty of Charity and Christs new Commandment Love one another and love your Brethren as your selves and that to Believers is also allowed the comfortable use of the Creatures must not Parents love their Children Husbands their Wives and other Relations which in Scripture is commanded as a Duty like as Industry and Provision for Families how can this consist with the not loving of the World Answ For answer to this the Lord Jesus Christ who is that wonderful Counsellor the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Wisdom it self Prov. 8.1 in whom dwells the Godhead bodily love it self and Justice it self doth not teach inconsistent Doctrines neither that which is inconsistent with his Holy Nature of Justice Wisdom Love and Charity but all his Doctrines are Coherent and Harmonious therefore we must understand him in the Language of the Spirit The World may be taken up two ways First As in Gen. 1. and 31. And God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good and God rested on the Seventh Day which was appointed a Sabbath and left off working and Abode not in the glory or beauty of his works which were all good but returned to himself in that glory with his Father Secondly The World may be taken up when for Mans sin it was Accursed Gen. 3.17 18 19. and was given into the Hands of the Dragon and the Prince of the Power of the Air was made Lord of it Eph. 2.2 Now in the first sense to love the World as God did when Man and all things were in Integrity and to behold and enjoy the World as God did resting into himself so admiring God in the Creature and resting in the Creator this loving and using the Creature or World is not inconsistent with the love of God but to use and delight in the Creature when under the Curse Power and Dominion of Satan and rest on it and not on God is inconsistent with the love of the Father Secondly By the words of the Evangelist If any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in
express Image of his Person whose Errand to the World was only to Reconcile God to Man knowing how Essential Holiness was to the Bargain he and all the Prophets and Apostles Preach up Holiness Holiness and Righteousness is the chief piece of the Saints Armour to fight the Battels of Christ Eph. 6.14 and is that Image of Christ to which Believers must be Conformed to Ephe. 4.24 and Colo. 3.10 and by which they are distinguished and known Holiness is that Cloathing of the Saints who sit with God on his Throne in his Kingdom these are the White Robes washed in the Blood of the Lamb and the Brides Wedding Garment spoken of in the Gospel for the clean Linnen is the Righteousness of the Saints Rev. 7.14 Object But to this it may be Objected that Christ is made to us of God Wisdom Righteousness Redemption Salvation and Sanctification 1 Cor. 1.13 so we need take no care for inherent Holiness in our selves but may sit down and rest on his imputed Righteousness and Rely on his Justification Answ To which may be answered thus That it is most certain that Christ is Sanctification and Redemption to Believers and that they are Cloathed with his imputed Righteousness in the Eyes and acceptance of God and by his Stripes they are healed and all that Saints could do would never make Attonement for Transgression and although Christ by his Death hath most sufficiently satisfied Justice for our Offences and that thereby the Father in him is well pleased nevertheless as he hath promised to Reconcile us to the Father and hath actually Reconciled such as believe in him and hath to them purchased Eternal Salvation by his Blood and having procured for them Heavenly Mansions to make them Companions with himself and his Father Angels and Saints there is a necessity for an Inherent Holiness with which they must be cloathed as that Wedding Garment and attire suitable to the Bride in such Heavenly Mansions where no unclean thing can enter in Rev. 21.27 and this cloathing and garment is the renewing the Children of God in their Nature all things are made new old things are done away 2 Cor. 5.17 We must forsake and crucify the World we must dye to sin and live to righteousness we must be planted in his Death that we may live in the likeness of his Resurrection Rom. 6. to 19. Gal. 3.27 Col. 2.10 to 14. We must put on the Nature of Christ in Spiritual Holiness Circumcised without hands putting off the Body of Sin and are quickned with Christ by his effectual working of Grace The Affections must be above the Creatures and the new Man renewed by Knowledge after the Image of him who created him Col. 3.10 The Saints live no more to the Flesh but are dead to it and live by Faith I am crucified to the World and the World to me nevertheless I live but not I but Christ that liveth in me and the Life that I live in the Flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 God forbid that I should glory in any thing save in the Cross of Christ in whom the World is crucified to me and I to the World Gal. 6.14 Thus then inherent Righteousness and holiness of the Saints is that which qualifieth the Soul for union with God in Christ Jesus and this holiness though inherent to the persons of all Saints is not their own growth or product but is the gift of and special working of the Spirit of God he it is alone that gives the new Heart and creates in them a clean Spirit and takes from them the Heart of Stone and sits them for this union The Third branch of Saints Union with God is their being one with him and Christ in love I in them and thou in me that they may be perfect in one and that the World may know that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me before the World began John 17.23 Love in its perfection is the Darling of all Christian Vertues and Graces and is such essential part of Holiness and Divine Nature that it cannot be without it as God is Holiness Wisdom Goodness and Righteousness so is he love it self Let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God and he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him 1 John 4.7 8 16. Love is Christs chief command and from his own example a new Commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you by this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye love one another John 13.34 35. Love as the Character and Mark of a Christian is not only a naked and bare profession of kindness and friendship but consists in these two First In a firm and constant sympathy of and with any in any afflicted state or condition Secondly In a constant chearful and ready supply of the wants of others as far as their abilities will reach First This love consists in a constant and tender sympathy in all troubles afflictions and distresses in Body Spirit or Estate like as Christ was In all their afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his Presence saved them in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and bore them all the days of old Isa 63.9 There is denounced a severe curse and wo against such as are at ease and unconcerned in the case of Gods afflicted People Wo to them that are at ease in Zion and forget the afflictions of Joseph Amos 6. to 7. Charity and Sympathy either to the Church of God in general or to any of the particular Members or Saints is the great badge ornament and character of Christians 1 Cor. 13 3 to 7. Love is to be in amity and unity and not in contention one with another love thy Brother as thy self But if ye bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another Gal. 4.14 15. Christians should consider the height depth and full extent of Gods love towards them which is a mystery passing knowledge that we may be filled with all the fulness of God Eph. 3.18 19. Christians in one anothers afflictions should incorporate themselves in that holy cement of love or mutual sympathy and assistance to comfort uphold assist and relieve one another under their several afflictions see the woful character of such as do not relieve and love his Brother If a Man say I love God and hateth his Brother the love of God is not in him he is a Liar for he loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen and how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 John 4.20 And this command have we from him that he that loveth God loveth his Brother also and he that loveth not his Brother is a Murtherer and
no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him 1 Joh. 3.15 Secondly The second branch of Divine Love approved of God to make up the Union of the Saints with God is that laving out the Bowels of charitable assistance in the supply of the Saints necessities like the good Samaritan in the Gospel not only to see and pity his affliction and condition but to support it God is not only a bare Spectator of our misery and maladies but also a healer of all our wounds and is that only Physitian of Israel and hath and applies that balm of Gilead even the Balsom of his own Blood to cure us hereby know we the love of God for us because he laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our life for the Brethren 1 John 3.16 But whoso hath this Worlds good and seeth his Brother have need and shutteth up his Bowels of compassion from him how doth the love of God dwell in him 1 John 4.9 If God so loved us we ought also so to love one another Greater Love hath no man than this that a Man lay down his Life for a Friend Joh. 15.13 to 18. The Duty of Christian charity is recommended and commanded as the evidence of Christian sincerity The blessing is to the liberal the liberal Soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered himself Pr. 11 24 25 26. See the exhortation from Christs own example But ye know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that tho' he was Rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his Poverty might be Rich and that famous exhortation consider them that are in bonds as being bound with them and such as are in adversity as being your selves in the Body Hebrews 13.3 See how the Apostle James challengeth a naked beholder of the poor naked and indigent If a Brother or Sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say depart in Peace and be you warmed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not these things which are needful what doth it profit Jam. 2.15 16. So that it is not bare profession which makes Love but the fulfilling of the Commandment love thy Neighbour as thy self as Christ loved his Church and laid down his Life for her so ought we also for whom Christ died Hence we see how great is the Priviledge of Believers for whom Christ both died and is risen again and taken possession of Heaven for them and that the Father will love them with the same love with which he loved his only Son before the World was so Believers should not be affraid for Love admits no fear There is no fear in Love for perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in Love 1 John 4.18 What quiet and comfort therefore may Believers have who find that love of God constraining them to wait on him by Faith may with David say we will not fear what man can do unto us and with the Apostle if God be with us who can be against us be of good courage for God will strengthen your Hearts Fourthly As the Saints are one with God and Christ 1. In Spirit 2. In Holiness 3. In Love So 4. In Glory which is the highest priviledge imaginable and is clearly held out in the Text And the glory thou hast given me I have given them that they may be One even as we are One. Father I will that they also which thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me John 17.22 24. And as God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son to dye for Sinners so Christ continues his Love that he will have all for whom he died to share of the same glory with himself and this is the highest exaltation and expectation of the Saints contrived by the Wisdom of God and accomplished by the Death and Resurrection of Christ and his being set down at the right hand of Glory for us This superexcellent state of the Saints Glory and Eternal Happiness is branched out in a fivefold consideration First In their blessed Death Secondly Their Spiritual and Immortal Bodies Thirdly Their being admitted into the Presence of God and Host of Heaven Fourthly Their being continued in that state for ever Fifthly All Sorrow Tears and Mourning to be everlastingly done away First Man in his first Creation was made Lord of all Creatures and tho' after his Fall by the Wisdom of God and infinite Love of Jesus Christ was reconciled to God by a new Covenant of Peace nevertheless was continued in a Prison of Clay subjected not only to all Natural weakness sickness cold hunger thirst and other natural infirmities of the Flesh and uneasiness of Life but also while in the body obnoxious to the Temptations of Sin and grief of Soul through the weakness of the Spirit under the clog and coverture of the Flesh as the experience of all Men Witness that this Life is but Labour and Sorrow therefore the Wisdom and Goodness of God and love of Christ Jesus hath so contrived that the Soul a Prisoner to misery and infirmities should have the Chains of Mortality knocked off by Death and be let free to Eternal Life And this is the first step of Saints effectual Happiness The Holy Apostle clearly testifieth that whilst we are in the Body we are absent from the Lord and therefore not only we but the whole Creation groan under these Infirmities and long for the Liberty of the Sons of God even the Redemption of our Bodies and therefore it 's revealed that Death is as it were the opening of the Prison Door to the Prisoners of Hope to set them at liberty from all the miseries of Mortality and Temptations to sin and gives them a free Pass to the Land of Rest Blessed are the Dead thy dye in the Lord they cease from their Labours and their Works follow them Rev. 14.13 And this is a great Consolation to Believers for as Death is the end of all Fleshly pleasures it 's also the end of all sin and Misery so the way of Death and the Grave ought not to be loathsom or irksom to them for that Christ the Captain of our Salvation hath proved both ways and for us led Captivity Captive O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory and the last Enemy is Death who is led Captive by Jesus Christ he will swallow up Death into Victory he will Ransom them from the power of the Grave I will redeem them from Death O Death I will be thy plague O Grave I will be thy Destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine Eyes Hos 13.14 The Second instance of Eternal Happiness is to have Spiritual Bodies The glory of Heaven and presence of God which is Eternal Happiness being designed for the Saints therefore the Lord in his Eternal Wisdom hath
invade the first agressor to confine him to such limits as he may not for the future be capable of doing further injury and thus of necessity it must be in the Christian Warfare against Satan the World and the Flesh so that this War is founded upon such implacable enmity that it must be continued without hope or expectation of any peace end or terms of accommodation for these three reasons First The Soveraigns of this War are of Interests incompatible so that of necessity the victory must turn to one side before the War can be ended Secondly The Parties and Combatants are under different and incompatible Laws so can never be reconciled Thirdly All terms of Treaty or Capitulation are by command forbid in this War First The Soveraigns of this War are of incompatible Interest and therefore the War must be perpetual until one of the Parties be destroyed Christ is the Generalissimo of the Christians Army Satan the Mammon of this World the Flesh and Lusts thereof makes up the competition how incompatible then must it be with the right glory honour and interest of Christ who in his own right is King of Kings and Lord of Lords to suffer a Rival to his Inheritance though for his wise ends he let Satan loose for a while to tempt and sift the Nations and draw the Children of Darkness into snares and distruction and to try the Faith and Patience of Gods own People in which the wicked Men are Gods servants and instruments however to suffer their power to prevail is altogether inconsistent with the absolute power and Soveraignty of Jesus Christ and although Satan and his Emissaries have fought many Battels against Christ and his Church they have still been overcome in all of them and shall be overcome until Christ bring Judgment into Victory and overcome him who hath the power of Death even the Devil Rev. 12. to 12. chap. 17.14 Oh Death I will be thy Plagues O Grave I will be thy Destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine Eyes Hos 13.14 Death is swallowed up into Victory O Death where is thy sting O Grave where is thy Victory the Sting of Death is Sin and the strength of Sin is the Law but thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 15.54 to 56. The Lord of Life hath told us we cannot serve God and Mammon we must reject the one if we serve the other so that their Interest being inconsistent we must onely be of one side there is no fellowship between God and Belial So that they cannot divide Interests therefore there is a necessity to be on Christs side The Son of the Bond Woman which is Sin and Satan the World and Lusts thereof cannot Inherit with the Son of the Free Woman which is Christ Jesus Gal. 4.30 Secondly The Combatants of these two Armies have different and inconsistent Laws and these Laws are so relative and in such affinity with the several interests of the Soveraigns that of necessity perpetuates the War so as no end can be expected except by absolute victory of one or other side All Christs Soldiers are new Creatures renewed in the Spirit of their Mind have the same Mind in them which was in Christ Jesus are under Spiritual and Holy Laws subject to his Will according to that Portion of his Spirit which he hath given them spiritually not carnally minded walk and live according to the Law of the Spirit and not of the Law of the Flesh they are not led with malice revenge envyings slanderings back-bitings murmurings and cruelties which are the works of the Flesh Gal. 4.19 20 21. But they are led after the Laws of the Spirit and live in all gentleness meekness holiness charity and kindness as the works of the Spirit Ephes 4.19 Ephes 4.22 to end Gal. 5.22 23. But on the other hand these under Antichrists Banner neither are nor can be subject to the Laws of the Spirit for they are of the Flesh and live after the Flesh To be carnally minded is Death but to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace because the carnal Mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be so that they which are in the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8.6 7 8. The Flesh Lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary one to the other Gal. 5.17 So we see that the Laws of these pretenders to Dominion are so opposite to one another that it is impossible to reconcile them Thirdly The third thing which perpetuates this War is that no treaty capitulation or agreement can be between these parties this enmity is so laid by God himself that Satan must bruise Mans Heel and the Seed of the Woman must bruise Satans Head to the end of the World Such enmity is between God and Mammon that the love of the one is inconsistent with the service of the other Know ye not that the Friendship of this World is enmity to God whosoever therefore will be a Friend to the World is the Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 Love not the World nor the things of the World if any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2.15 Thus the Interests and Laws of these two parties being so inconsistent there is no Room for any treaty hopes or possibility of accommodation for that the Spiritual Man hath antipathy to the Lusts of the Flesh and the Carnal Man cannot be subject to the Law of holiness because of the enmity of his mind and therefore the holy Apostle is so far from accommodating the matter between Lust and Holiness Flesh and the Spirit that he would not have the Spiritual Man to keep any Communication with the unfruitful works of Darkness What fellowship hath God with Belial a clean thing with an unclean who can touch pitch and not be defiled therewith evil communication corrupts good manners Wherefore he forbids all tampering with the specious pretensions of the World or Earthly things Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the World why as though living in the World are ye subject to Ordinances taste not touch not handle not these things all which perish in the using after the Doctrine and Commandments of Men Col. 2.20 21 22. The Holy Apostle Paul in another place is more severe where he commends the Repentance not to be repented of and in the effects of sorrow and repentance he saith Behold this self same thing that ye sorrowed after a Godly manner what carefulness it wrought in you yea what clearing of your selves yea what indignation yea what fear yea what vehement desire yea what revenge yea what zeal 2 Cor. 7.11 In which we see what expressions of vehement zeal against corruption and sin which are the works of the Flesh by these expressions vehement desire indignation and revenge is implied such implacable
of Scripture Promises p. 77. The Records of Scripture contain 1. Gods love to sinners 2. All Spiritual and Temporal Blessings 3. Life Eternal and Christs Love p. 78 79 Promises of Spiritual Blessings Eternal Life promises of Temporal Mercies in general p. 79 80. Promises of Temporal Mercies in particular p. 80 Promises when all helps fail p. 80. Method to be taken under Afflictions 1. to look on sin as the cause of all evil p. 81. 2. Affliction from God p. 82. 3. What Gods purpose is in chastising his people 1. To purge away their sin p 83 84. 2. To call his people to him 3. To Distinguish his People from Bastards p. 84 85. 4. To fix on their Hearts the emptiness of Human things as 1. Not our own but given of God p. 86. 2. By shewing the uncertainty thereof p. 86. 3. The emptiness thereof in particular cases 1. Honour 2. Wealth 3. Friends 4. Health Honour and Riches p. 87 88. 3. Friends p. 88 89. 4. Health p. 89. The Dignity of Christ above all other things 1. He of himself and all things from him 2. He infinite in power 3. Infinite in wisdom 4. Matchless in Beauty 5. Of everlasting continuance 6. Conqueror over all Enemies even Death it self p. 90 91. The sixth reason why God afflicts his people is to fix their Hearts on himself and promises in these Cases 1. Darkness or desertion 2. Under greatest sins 3. Under Relapses p. 92 93 94 95 96 97. God's promises to his people in Temporals in generals p. 98 99 100. His promises in particular cases 1. In Sickness 2. In Poverty 3. In Captivity 4. Slander or Reproaches 5. Under forsaking of Friends 1. Sickness p 103 104. 2. Imprisonment p. 105 106. The Lords goodness to to his Prisoners appear 1. In giving them a clear sight of himself 2. By shewing his immediate hand in their Deliverance by making Enemies means of their help In delivering by his immediate Hand p. 107 108 109. The Lords promises in poverty that 2 ways 1. In supplying their wants 2. By blessing a little to increase it p. 110 111 112. Promises under unkindness of Friends p. 112 113 114. Promises under Reproaches p. 115 116 117. The Lord by Afflicting his people instructs them of the different methods he takes with his People and the wicked in 4 respects 1. He Corrects his People in love for their good but the wicked in Judgment 2. He corrects his People with reluctancy but pursueth the wicked with fury 3. He corrects his People in moderation but the dregs of his wrath is poured out on the wicked 4. God afflicts his People for a small time but the wicked are punished eternally p. 117 118 119 120 121 122. The Lord by chastising his People instructs them to distinguish between Spiritual and Temporal Mercies in these instances 1. Temporal Mercies are Trans●ent and Subject to changes but the spiritual are permanent 2. Temporals are imperfect 3. All human enjoyments are short of Christ which is the inheritance of the Saints 1. They are Created he the Creator 2. He subsists of himself they by him 2. He perfect they imperfect 4. He the ancient of days 5. Excells in wisdom he is wisdom it self 6. In beauty 7. He is Omnipotent p. 122 123 124 125 126 127. The Saints Kingdom begins when the World fails and it continues to all eternity It is incorruptible not subject to change p. 128. It is compleat p. 129. The great end why Christ chastiseth his People is to make them prize Eternal Life p. 129. 1. God is glorified thereby p. 130. 2. Our advantages are great p. 131. 3. Our encouragements to seek it great nothing can stop the Current of his Mercies neither the greatness nor multitude of sins No extremity of Condition can do it p. 131 132. The greatness of Salvation consists 1. In Restoring Man from the greatest misery to greatest happiness p. 133. 2. The blessed are Heirs of all things p. 133. Exempted from all evil p. 133. Have Compleat Happiness p. 133. Other encouragements to seek Salvation against all Temptations 1. It is freely by Christ 2 The World made for Gods glory 3. Instances of Christs sufferings 4. The sure estate of the Redeemed above that of Mans first Estate 5. The Excellent Priviledges of the Saints p. 134. 1. Our Salvation freely of God 2. Man in the World freely Redeemed by Christ p. 135 136 137 138. 3. Examples of Christs abasement p. 139 140. Christ makes Man instrumental in his own Salvation p. 142. We are not only to have Christs Doctrine but to imitate in Holiness Patience Suffering Love and Charity and love Enemies p. 143. 144. Duty of love p. 145 146. Faith on God and Providences p. 147 148. Bearing the Cross commanded p. 149 150. Instances of Christs and Saints sufferings p. 150 151 152 153. Promises of Assistance p. 154 155 156. bearing the Cross is the road to Heaven 157 158. three objections answered 1. Loss of the World dear rate for Heaven 2. It seems contrary to Scripture which promises prosperous days to the Church 3. It seems inconsistent with the goodness of God to afflict his People at such a rate p. 159. 160. The wickeds prosperity stumbling in the days of David Job and Malachi p. 160 161 World and things in it vanity spiritual things above sensual and in what do these things consist 1. Christ the Saviour of the World 2. In spiritual grace bestowed by him 3. In the sanctified use of Spiritual and Temporal Mercies 4. Eternal Life obtained by Christ p. 162 163. What Faith is and the qualities of it p. 164. What Holiness and the qualities of it p. 165. What Mortification is and wherein consists 1. Self-examination 2. Preparation 3. To spare no sin p. 166 167. Mortification must have transplanting into Christ p. 167. Christians must have their Armour on them Christians must advance and not fall back in their warfare 1. As a Duty Commanded 2. God promiseth assistance in the Duty of Perseverance p. 185 186 187. 188. 1. Their Duty p. 168 169 170. 2. Gods promise of Assistance p 171 172. 3. How they thrive in perseverance p. 190 191. The several steps of Mortification and Renovation from p. 171 to 189. All the wicked's enjoyments are Curses p. 192. No satisfaction without Christ 1. For that nothing else is perfect or permanent p. 193. 194 195 196 197. Christian contentment cannot fail p. 197. four differences of Gods dispensing the things of this Life to the Godly and the Wicked p. 199 200. 201. The freedom of these Eternal Excellencies p. 201. The fulness thereof p. 202. No Contentment in Cloaths p. 203 204 205. In eating drinking and lusts of the flesh no satisfaction but on feeding in the Paradise of God p. 206. Riches of the World exchanged with riches of Glory Children and Relations exchanged with fellowship in the new Jerusalem Lusts of the eye exchanged with vision of God and Angels p.