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A16580 Godlie meditations vpon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes with other comfortable meditations, praiers and exercises. Whereunto is annexed a defence of the doctrine of gods eternall election and predestination, gathered by the constant martyr of God Iohn Bradford in the tyme of his imprisonment. The contentes wherof appeare in the page nexte folovvyng.; Godlie meditations upon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1562 (1562) STC 3484; ESTC S118261 91,610 260

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my bodye by this corporall helth by this light by this my hearinge seinge feelinge memorye vnderstandinge time place companye creatures and benefites aswell in keping innumerable euils from me bothe in soule and bodye which ells could not but come to me as also in gyuinge to me presently so manye thinges as w tout thy especiall grace working I neuer could haue had or presently could kepe them In thy creatures I see not thy power for I feare the not I see not thy presence for I reuerence thee not I see not thy wisdome for I adore the not I see not thy mercy for I loue the not I praise the not but in lipps tonge and therfore in that al thy creatures doe teache me crie out vpon me to be thankefull to the to loue feare serue thee and trust in the and that cōtinually in that I doe not so they cannot but crie out vpon me and against me in thy sight in the day of Iudgement wyll weapon themselues against me Oh that I did nowe consider this Oh that my blinde eyes my deafe eares were opened oh that my miserable and folyshe harte were made wyse and conuerted This onelye thou canste doe whyche haste all mennes heartes in thy handes to bowe ▪ them as pleaseth the bowe my hearte good Lorde into thy testymonyes open my eyes make me to here for thi mercies sake that I maye beleue and so loue the be thankefull to thee amende in all things and serue the though not as thy deare seruantes doe yet at the least as other brute creatures doe that is to obey the and to be profitable to others Now for asmuch as my sinnes let this and all good thinges from me I besech the pardon me al my sinnes accordinge to thy gracious promyse for our lord Iesus Christ sake Amē I beleue in Iesus Christe hys onelye sonne c. THy seruantes O Christe Iesu and people doe know by faith that as thou art almighty and god wyth the father by whom all things were made and are ruled for thou art god eternall coequall and consubstanciall with the father and the holy ghost so thou art man and haste taken oure nature vpon thee by the operation of the holy ghost in the wombe of the virgin mary and arte become the blessed sede whiche hast brused y ● serpēts head the blessed sede in whō all nations are blessed the prophet whom Moises dyde prophecpe of the samplare he sawe in the mount the truth and body of al the types figures and shadowes of the olde lawe the Messias Christ and sauiour of thy people the aduocat and redemer the pacifier of gods wrath for sinnes the opener of heanen and geuer of euerlasting life This they knowe thou broughtest to passe in thy humane nature by thy incarnation and natiuitye by thy beinge here on earth by thy lyning teaching fastinge praieng especially by thy suffering vnder Pontius Pilate by thy death buriall resurrection ascension vnto the heauens and raygning on the righte hand of the father from whence thou shalte come to iudge bothe the quicke the dead and as they knowe this so by faithe they applye it also to themselues that for their sake thou waste made man didest praye faste wast tempted didest die rosest againe diddest ascend into heauen and there art set their aduocate bishoppe and high prieste alwaies appearinge in gods sighte for them from whence they looke for thee knowige that 〈◊〉 wilt not enter into iudgement with them to damne them which wouldest damne thy selfe for them By this faith they felt these affections in them selues namely the batred of sinne the feare of god the loue of god trust in thee and loue to thy church The hatred of sinne thei felt because it is so foule a thīg as wold not be washed away with any other thing then with thy preciouse bloud shedinge the feare of god because his anger is so greate against sinne that no lesse pryce coulde pacifie his wrath then thy most painful death the loue of god because he hathe so loued them that he would not spare thee his deare sonne for them euer whā they were his enemyes trust in thee because thou haddest no respect to thy selfe but most willingly didest geue thy self wholly to be our sauiour and seruant loue to thy people and church because generally particularly in euery mēber of the same they see howe deare they are to thee and therefore they can not but be so to them Oh howe doe they imitate and folowe thy foote steppes how doe they reioyce when they are in anye thinge by afflection made lyke to thee Oh howe doe they lament their sinnes ingratitude vnbeliefe loue thee and wholly yelde themselues vnto thee where as I o graciouse god deare sauiour Iesus Christ though I saie I beleue in thee which was conceyued by the holy ghost yet alas I doe but bable this for nothinge is ells in me but vnbeliefe Of thy power loue of thine anger mercy I haue but an opinion as my insensiblenes and vnthankfulnes doth declare If a man should shewe me frendship but in a trifle or suffer anye thinge at all for me I could not but be thāfull and thou besides my creation hast redemed me and brought me into the number of gods childrē then which thinge nothinge is greater and loe I am vnthankfull Thou hast suffred much for me frō heauen thou cammest into earthe to fetch me into heauen but I regarde it not Thou barest my sinnes on thy back suffering a most bitter death but I am so farre from thankefulnes that I stil more and more loth the. Thou woldest enter into a cōmuniō w t me taking my nature vnto thee cōcerning the substance thereof that I might enter into a cōmnuiō with thee cōcerning the qualities wher ▪ in thy self thou hast endued it but I consider it not Thou diddest die to delyuer me from death but I still more and more geu● thee cause to die so ingrate ful am I. Thou diddest arise to iustifye me but I with the Iewes wold stil kept thee down because I wold not leaue my wickednes Thou ascendedst to heauen to take possession for me there to be alwaies in the syght of thy father for me to send me downe giftes to praye for me but I daielye am pullinge the● downe againe as muche as in me ●ieth I am altogether earthly I hide my self out of thy sight by forgettīg thee I reiecte and abuse thy gifts I neglecte praier Thou art nowe in a redynesse to come to iudge hoth quick and dead but I tremble not at this geare nor beseche thee before thou come to be merciful vnto me not to enter into iudgement with me yea I thinke nothing at al of thy comming mali●ō cogitant iudicium the wicked consyder not the ende they thinke not on thy iudgement Thou woldst bring me to thy father y ● I might find grace but I put this of
gifte of singlenes of life graunt them such makes with whom they may liue holyly to thy praise Deare father geue me the gifte of Sobrietie and Temperauncy and graunt the same to al them whom thou woldest I shoulde praye for As in times paste I haue vsed my tounge and other members euell so nowe good lorde graunt that I maye vse them well chastly and godlye This I prays thee graunt through Iesus Chryst and finally Oh lorde bothe in soule and body sanctifie me and as in thy temple dwell in me nowe and foreuer more Amen Thou shalt not steale NOwe that thou hast taught me the seruice required of thee for me to obserue towards the personages of all men and women of euery conditiō thou beginnest to tell me what thou woldest I shoulde doe concerninge their goodes and as in the nexte commaundemente before this thou dyddest cōmaūde vnto me sobrietie purenes so doest thou in this Iustice and rightuousnes forbydding me to steale Under the whiche word y u comprehendest al kindes of desceite The which thing y u doest because y u woldest that I shuld geue my selfe wholy to the studie and exercise of Iustice as in the precepts next going before y u woldest I shuld geue ouer my selfe wholy to the keping of sobrietie purenes So that I see thy good pleasure herein is not that I sheuld alonely abstaine from al thefte but also from al fraude and craft in word or dede yea y t I should earnestly folow and exercise all equitie trueth and Iustice By reason whereof I see my selfe much bound to praise thee which art so carful ouer mi goods substaūce that if any man should goe about to steale from me or to defraud me in any thig yea whosoeuer goeth not about to kepe care for that I haue as he woulde doe for his owne the same displeaseth the. Oh lord if thou hast such care for my goodes cattell and such pelfe how greate is thy care for my soule If this one commaūdement were not I perceaue as I for my owne parte shuld haue done and doe much worse then I haue done so much worse had bene done to me and mine then hath ben It is y u good lorde I perceaue that hast both geuē me al y t I haue and also still conseruest and keepest the same and not my owne polycye wysedome and industrye for in vaine were al this excepte y u diddest vouchsafe to vse take it as a meane to worke by There is nothing therfore that I haue but when soeuer I loke vpon it by this commaundement I learne thy goodnes strength and power for as thou geuest it of thy mercy so it speaketh to me that presently y u still doest kepe it for me so that exceding great cause haue I to thanke thee for this precept dere god and most gracious lord But alas I am so farre from thankfulnes as alwaies I haue bene for all thy care for me and for all that euer thou haste geuen vnto me that as I haue vsed subtelty and crafte yea some times thefte and briberye so nowe good lorde I still when occasiō is offered do exercise the same I liue also voluptuously of y t y u hast geuen lent me nothing consider what equitie requireth and what or how great the necessitie of the poore is whom I doe thus defraude by excesse and prodigalitie That whiche I borowe I with vnwillingnes doe repaye I vse it more negligentlye then I wold do myn owne Lacke of excommunicatiō of Iustice y e great vsery robberie oppression and such like wickednes as is exercised amonges vs I lament not labour not after my vocation for the redresse of the same I pray not to thee thereabout but neglecte altogether Yea euen those things wherewith I am put in trust or am hirid to do those I say I doe with great negligence so that great is my sinne here in and worthy I am of damnation But mercifull god I besech thee for Christes sake to haue mercye vpon me and to pardon me my vnthankfulnes theftes fraudes deceytes auarice neglegences great carelesnes for y e lacke of Iustice for y e mōstruouse oppression vseries excesse riot the which be horribly exercised in y e commō weale For thy mercies sake in Christ Iesus o lord whom y u haste geuen to fullfyll the lawe for them that doe beleue geue me trew faith and thy holy spirite to worke in me the knowledge loue and perpetuall obedience of this thy holye precept and all other thy commaundements for euer Deare lord geue vnto me and to all whom y u woldest I shoulde pray for the hatred of al craft and loue of all Iustice graunt to the oppressed thy comfort to wrongers repentaunce to theues and deceiuers y t they may make restitutiō to iustices of peace land lords the rich of the world y t thei may haue thee before their eies loue their poore tenants brethren to laborers artificers y t they maye be diligent in their worke labour● that wherw t they are put in trust Thou shalte not beare false witnes against thy neighbour NOw doest y u most gratioꝰ lord instruct me in this commaundement how I shuld vse my ton● towards my neighbor behaue my self concerning his name forbidding me to beare false witnes in y e which y u forbiddest me all kinds of slaundering lying hipocricy vntrueth And why because as members of one bodie thou woldeste we shoulde speak● trueth one to another and be careful euery one to couer others infirmity and w t oure toūge defend the names of others euē as we wold that other should defend ours So that in thys commaundement as y u forbiddest me all kind of euell parelous calumnious and vntrewe speaking so doest thou commaunde to me all kinde of godlye honeste and trewe reporte and talke By reason whereof I haue greate cause to praise thee in that I se thee to be so carefull ouer my name that all men are by thee commaunded to defend y e same O pretioꝰ god great is thy care ouer my soule I nowe perceiue If this commaundemente were not I se as I shuld haue done doe much worse with my toūge to others then is hapened so shoulde I haue felte of others towards me Besydes this no small commoditie is it to me that thou wouldeste all men shoulde vse treweth in all thire wordes to me Oh howe greate a good thynge is this vnto me If we consider y e hurt y e cōmeth by vntrueth by wordes where through many are deceiued easly may wese a wonderful benifit and care of thee for vs in this commaundement But gracious lorde like as I acknowledge my vnthankfullnes to be monstrouse and great alwaies hathe bene hetherto Euen so yet continue I in wonderfull hipocrisie in all my conuersation often lying and speaking as vainely so offensiuely fleshly subtelly calūniously geuig my
it are contained al the vertues aforenamed I. Breadford A meditation of the lordes praier Our father THou good lord which madest heauen earth the sea and all that is therin together with thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Chrysts and with thy holy spirite Thou the same god which openedst thy selfe to Adam by thy promise Thou the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob Thou which broughtest thy people of Israell forth of Egipt w t a mightie hand and a stretched out power Thou which gauest thy lawe vpon mounte Sinai Thou which spakest by thy prophets last of all in these latter dayes by thy dearlye beloued sonne Iesus Christ whom y e woldest should be made a second Adam that as by y e first we are childrē of wrath carnall and full of concupiscence so by him we might be made children of grace and spiritual by communicating with him y e qualitie merites vertues and grace of hys fleshe throughe the operation of the holye spirite as he communicated with vs the substaunce of oure fleshe in the wombe of y e virgin Marie by the operation of the same holy spirit being that blessed sede which was promised to Adam Abraham Isaac Iacob Dauid which should brouse the Serpents heade which should bring the blessing on all nations whiche shuld raigne ouer thi house for euer and mightilye ouercome thine and our enemies as in dede he did by his incarnation natiuitie circumcisiō erile baptisme fastinge tentation doctrine dedes mracles workings agonies bloudy praier passiō death resurrection and ascension and yet he stil doth by his mediation and intercession for vs and at the length he will on al partes fully accōplishe by hys commynge to Iudgemente which wilbe sodenly in y e twinkring of an eye in the blast of a trompete and shoute of an Archangell when he shalbe sene wyth thousandes of Saintes innumerable thousandes of Angels all the whole worlde being on fire and all people that euer were are or shalbe then standing before his tribunall or iudgement seat to render an accompte of that they haue done in thys bodye be it good or bad Thou I say this god whiche art holye rightuouse trewe wyse pure chast mightie merciful good graciouse a hater of sinne an auenger of vnrightuousnes c woldeste that I which am borne in sinne and conceyued in iniquitie which by nature am a childe of wrathe for my hart is so vnsearcheably euell that out of it springeth corrupt concupissence so that the inclination thereof is prone to euell alwaies euen frō my youth vp as is my vnderstāding and mynde so darkened that I cannot perceyue those thinges that be of god of my selfe and all the wysedome whiche I receyue from Adam naturallye or other wyse attayne by labour or studye before regeneration I cānot thinke a good thought muche lesse wyshe it or consent vnto it and least of all doe it thou I saye yet wouldest that I being such a one in whom dwelleth continuall emnitie against thee that I whiche am nothinge but sinne and one that doeth euel alwaies before thee shuld call thee and beleue thee this god father of our lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ to be in very dede my father that is thou wouldest I should be moste assured that thou of thyne owne good will whiche thou barest to me wardes before I was yea before the worlde was hast in Christe chosen me to be thy child through him art become my most louinge father from whō I should loke for all good thinges be most certainelye perswaded that loke howe muche thou art more then mā so much thy loue and fatherlye prouidence towards me passeth the loue prouidence of anye father towardes hys childe in louing me caring how to help me prouiding for me nourtering me helping me in al my nedes So certaine y e woldest haue me to be of this y t to doubt of it doth most displease thee dishonor thee as either y u were not true or not able to doe these thynges or els becamest not my father in respecte of thine owne goodnes ī christ only but also in respect of my worthynes and deserts And y t I should not wauer or doubte of thys that thou arte my deare father I thy childe for euer through Iesus Christe it is required in the first commaundement which sayth I am y e lord thy god thou shalt haue none other goddes but me agayne thy sonne doth here commaunde me to call thee by the name of father moreouer in the firste article of my belefe I professe the same in saying I beleue in god the father almighty besydes this their are manye other things to confirme me herin as the creation and gouernemente of the world generally and of euery creature particularly for al is made and kept for man and so for me to serue me for my commoditye necessitye admonition Againe the creation of me in that thou hast made me after thy Image hauīg a reasōable soule body shape c. where thou mightest haue made mea tode a Serpent a swine deformed frātike c. moreouer thy wōderful cōseruacion norishing and keping of me hitherto in my infancie childhode youth c. Al these I say should cōfirme my faith of thy fatherlie loue But of all things the opening of thy selfe by thy worde promise of grace made after mans fall first to Adam then to Abraham Isaac Iacob and so to other beyng published by the prophetes frō time to time and last of all accomplished by thy deare sonne Iesus Christ in whom thy promises are yea Amē The opening of thy self thus I say in and by Christ is the most chiefe sure certificat that thou arte my father for his sake I thy deare child although of my selfe I am most vnworthie For thou accordinge to thy promises hast not spared thy deare sonne Iesus Christ but giuen hym to y e death of y e crosse for my sinnes Thou woldest he shuld be made flesh of our fleshe and bloude of our bloud in the wombe of the virgine Marie by the operation of the holy Spirite that we by the working of the same spirite throughe the merites of hys fleshe bloud might be made fleshe of his fleshe and bloud of his bloud that is as he hath the substaunce of our fleshe bloud euen so we might haue and foreuer enioye in him and through him the qualities vertues and gifts of rightuousnes holines innocencie immortalitie and glory wherewith he hath endued our nature in his owne person for vs all that as now in faith hope we haue y e same so in his cōming we might fully enioye them in very dede for then shall oure bodies nowe vile be like to his glorious body Herein apereth thy loue not y t we loued thee but that y e louest vs hast giuen thy
therfor am worthi to fele thee a iudge w t refuse to fele thee a sauior Now y ● cause of al these things is vnbeliefe the which though it be naturall by reason of the corruption of our nature pet I haue augmented the same maliciously in not laborīg there against and continuing in al synnes and wickednesse by reason whereof I deserue most iustelye thy anger therevpon euen reiection frō thy face for euer Longe hast thou mourned euen w t displeasure anger the incredulity of my heart calling me there from and offering me thy grace which I haue neglected and reiected and therfore am neuer worthi to haue it any more offered vnto me muche more then I am vnworthy to haue grace gyuen me to receiue thy mercy Alas what shall I doe shall I dispraier or as long as I can kepe me vnmindfull of my mysery o sauiour Christ Iesu wilt not thou be mercifull vnto me thou diddest die for me when I deserued it not and nowe is thy mercye shortned wilt not thou geue me thy grace and take frō my hart this horrible vnbeliefe Shall I neuer loue the shall I neuer hath sinne shall I neuer as w t my mouth I say I beleue in Iesus Christ so in hart say the same shall Sathan possesst me for euer o christe Iesus whiche hast led captiuitie captiue what wilt not thou helpe me thoughe I desyre it not as I shuld yet giue me to desyre whan thou wilt Thou diddest appeare to destroye the worke of the deuil thou seest his worke in me good christ destroy his worke but not thy worke saue me for thy great mercies sake Geue me to beleue in thee in thy death resurrection ascension pardone me my sinnes and mortifye now in me my corrupt affections reyse me vp and iustify me regenerat me daily more and more geue me faith of immortalitie resurrectiō of this body geue me faith to ascend into heauen and to be certaine that thou hast already taken possessiō for me there Geue me to loke for thy comming and to be ready in thy cōming to find mercy to euerlasting life c. I beleue in the holy ghost c. O Holy spirite the third person in trinity whiche diddest descend vpon Christ our sauiour in hys baptisme in the likenes of a doue thy children know that with the father and the sonne thou madest and rulest all creatures visible and inuisyble they know thee in their redemption to be no lesse willing louinge then the father and the sonne for y ● diddest alwaies declare Christ to be the sonne of god gauest testimony in wardly in the harts of thy elect to beleue and embrace the same outwardely by miracles and wonders they know thee to be the comforter and gouernour whom Christe dyd promise in his corporal absēce shuld teach rule kepe comforte and gouerne his church and people Againe as in the former parte of their beleife they cōsider the works of creatyon and redemption so in thys parte they consyder the place where the same is moste effectuall taketh place euen thy holy churche which is catholick that is extēding it selfe to all times to all places to all kinds of people For in this church only they know that as all things were made so the worke of redemption was taken in hand that y ● blessed trinitye mightest in this church be praysed magnified serued worshipped for euer This church is nothinge ells but a communion and societie of saintes that is not onelye a societye of all such as be haue been or shal be thy people but also a societye or partaking of Christe Iesus whiche is the head of the same yea by him of thee oh blessed father which art y ● head of Christ and of thee oh holy ghost whiche nowe shadowest and sittest vpon the same to hatch and cherishe it as the hen her chekins by the extending of thy winges not onely to defende them frō their enemies but also to couer their sinnes and to remitte them in this life beginning also here the resurrection of the fleshe and euerlasting life the which thou wilt in the ende of the world consūmate so that they shall not nede to be couered for sinne for then shall they be pure and haue gtoriouse bodies immortall and spirituall the which shal haue the fruition of eternal ieye life euerlasting and glory suche as the eye hathe not sene the eare hath heard nor the hart of man can conceiue For then christ Iesus shall geue vp his kingedome to god the father that god may be al in all concerning the gouernaunce of it by the ministration of his word and other meanes wherby now he gouerneth it that it maye be his fathers kingdome we beig become like vnto him that is as to the manhod of Christ the godhead is vnited and is al in al without any other meanes euen so god shalbe in vs assuminge then not only in the person of christ the humaine nature but also al the humaine nature of his church which be members of Christ the wicked reprobate being separate then from this cōmunion cast into eternall perditiō with Sathan antichrist there to be in tormentes and horrour for euer By reason of this their faith they are thankfull to the o holye spirite whiche hast taught them this gyuen them to beleue it By reason of this faith they singularly praye loue helpe thy church here militāt labour to be holy 〈◊〉 By reason of this faith they cōfesse them selues sinners they desire and beleue pardone of their sinnes they are rysen and ryse daily concerning the inwards man and doe feele the life eternall begone in them more more laboringe praying wishings and desyringe for the same whollye and perfectly Where as oh lorde god and most graciouse holy spirit thou knowest that it is otherwise w t me I doe but bable w t my lippes in saying I beleue in the holy ghost for I am vnthankful for calling me into thy church I doe not liue holely I confesse not I lament not my sinnes I pray not for remission of them I stand in doubte thereof as I fele not my selfe rysen from a sinnefull life as I should be or as I fele not life begone in me as it is in thy deare children so doe I doubt herof whether I haue pardon of my sinnes whether I am regenerate whether I fele truly euerlasting life the which thinge doth most displease thee and yet w t my tonge I saye I beleue in the holye ghost Oh I besech thee good holy spirit for thy loue sake which moued the to agree and be willinge to patifye and open thy goodnes not only in the worke of creation for thou dyddest lye vpon the waters and as the benne her chickins dyddest as it were hatche the worke of creatiō but also in the worke of redemption and therefore diddest descend and abide not onely vpon Christ in his baptisme but
to make me as thou haste do●● to geue thy sōne for me and to become my ●ode Oh what am I that thou woldest I shoulde put my trust in thee Thys y ● doest that I mighte neuer be confounded but might be most happie What am I that y ● woldest I should feare thee Where the onely cause whye y ● requirest this of me is not onelye because thou haste power to cast both bodye soule into hell fier because they that feare thee not shal perishe but also that y ● mightest geue me thy wisdome that it might goe well with me in the euell daye that thou mightest reueale thy sōne to me and thy mercye might be vpon me from generacion to generacion Oh what am I that thou woldest haue me to obey thee not onely that I neuer perishe with the disobediēt but that thou mightest geue me thy holy spirit and rewards innumerable Oh what am I that y ● woldest I should loue thee y ● which thinge thou doest to this ende that I might fully and wholy enioye and possesse thee according to the nature of loue and therfore doest thou require my whole hart that I mighte dwel in thee and thou in me What am I that thou woldest I shuld call vpon thee verely because thou wilt geue me whatsoeuer I shall aske of thee in the name of thy deare childe Iesus Christ and euen so woldest y ● haue me thankfull that y ● mightest poure out vpon me yet more plentifully al good things So that great cause haue I to put my trust in thee to loue feare and obey thee to call vpon thee to be thankful vnto thee not only in respect of the hurt which els will ensew but also in respect of the commoditie that herby cometh vnto me but most of all yea alonely for thy owne sake for thy goodnes wisedome becutie strength power trueth and great mercies But alas deare father what shal I saye As in times paste horribly I haue broken this thy lawe in trusting in thy creatures calling vpon them louing fearing and obeying many thinges besydes thee and rather then thee euē so at this present I am a most miserable wreth blinded I am through vnbeliefe mine owne wickednes so y ● I se not firmely thys thy power wisedome goodnes c but wauer and doubt of it I loue litle or nothing I feare lesse I obey least of al thankefulnes and praier are vtterly quenched in me by reason wherof I am worthy of eternall damnatiō If after thy iustice thou shalt deale with me simplie I am oh lord damned and loste for euer for I am verye wicked But yet in asmuch as thou bast geuē thy sōne Iesus Christ to be a slaine propitiatorie sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world so that he which be leueth in him shall not perish but be saued for so thou hast promised thy trueth nowe requireth to saue me No wbeit here thou maiest say vnto me that I doe not beleue and therfore notwithstandinge thy trueth promise in that I beleue it not thou maiest most iustly after thy Iustice dampne me Oh lorde god to this I cannot otherwise answer my vnbeleife is so great but because thy mercye is aboue al thy workes and thy goodnes and loue is that which all creatures most highly commend and magnifie as the thing wherof thou arte called god because y ● art righte good and lone it selfe because of this thy mercye gracious god yf thou wilte loke thereon and couple thy trueth therewith then good lord I shalbe saued and praise thy name for euer more ¶ Thou shalte not make to thy selfe any grauen c. AS the fyrste commaundemente teacheth me as well that thou arte my god as what god thou art and therfore of equitie I shuld haue noone other goddes but thee that is I shoulde alonely hange on thee truste in thee loue thee serue thee call vpon thee obey thee be thankefull to thee so because y ● didst reueyle thy selfe visiblie that thou mightest visibly be worshipped this commaundement is concerning thy worshippe that in no point I shuld folowe in worshipping thee the deuise or intent of any man saint Angell or spirit but shuld take al such as Idolatrie Image seruice be it neuer so glorioꝰ And why for soth because y ● woldest I shoulde worshippe thee as thou hast appointed by thy word For if seruice be acceptable it must nedes be according to the will of him to whom it is done and not of him which doeth it But in asmuch as of man none knoweth the will and pleasure but his spirit except he reueale by worde or signe the same much more of thee o lord none doeth knowe thy will but thy spirite and they to whom thou doest reueale the same And therfore abominable euē in thy sight are al those things which with men are in most force and estimatiō because they are not after thy word So that the meaninge of this precepte is that as in the firste I shoulde haue none other gods but thee so I shoulde haue no worshippe of thee but such as thou appoitest Herby therfore I se great cause of thankefulnes for this commaundement in that thou woldest haue mine outward seruice and that after thy appointment lest I should busye my braine howe best to serue thee Good lord thou nedest not my seruice perfecte thou wast before I was therefore it is for mine owne commoditie that thou commaūdest me yea euen for mine owne wealth Thou mightest haue lettē me haue stand al day idle but such is thi loue that thou woldest I should goe into thy vineyarde that w t thy seruants I mighte receiue the hier of blessednes And how great a benefite is it to deliuer me of so greate a burden wherwith I should haue bene combred if I should haue serued thee in any point after my witte and reasō But halas I not considering what a promotion thy seruice is nor what an easye seruice it is and simple for one maye well know what to doe when he pleaseth thee namely whē he serueth thee as thou hast appointed as I am and alwaies haue been vnthankefull so I am and alwaies haue been a greuous transgressor of this thy lawe For as in times past when I dyd not knowe thys commaūdement I was an Image worshipper of stocks stones c yea bread and wine so nowe I am a worshipper of myn affectiōs offering to thē y e seruice due vnto thee though not therby to worship thee as I thought when I kneled to stocks and stones bread wine c yet with no lesse transgression of thy lawe for the which I haue deserued and doe deserue euerlasting damnatiō Of thy goodnes and great mercy deare father I beseche thee forgeue me for Christs sake whom thou didst geue to be the fulfylling of the lawe to al them that should beleue Oh father I beleue helpe mine vnbeliefe As thou haste
thirdly that willingly perfectly perpetually they might study to do yea do in dede thy wil with thy holy heauēly angels spirits These thinges they seke pray for namely thy kingedome thy rightuousnes before any worldly benefite After which petitiōs because al things yea euen y e benifits of this present life do come from thee they doe godlye desire the same vnder the name of daily bread being instructed of thy wisedome that after smal benefites to aske corporall is not vnsemely to thy children which know both spirituall and corporal to come from thy mercy In the other peticions they pray for thinges to be takē from them beginnig w t forgeuenes of sinnes which were impudentlye praied for if y e their hartes were not so brokē that they could forgeue all things to al mē for their part They adde their profession y ● is charitie wherby they professe that they haue forgeuen all offences done to them Howbeit because it is not ynough to haue pardon of y ● whiche is past except thei be preserued frō new offīces they pray thee not to lead thē in 〈◊〉 tēptations by permitting them to the peruerse suggestiō of Sathā but rather to deliuer them from hys importunitie and power by euel vnderstādinge Sathan the authour of all euell Oh deare god that y ● woldest endue me w t thy spirite of grace and praier with thy children accordingly to make this praier alwayes whensoeuer I doe pray As for outward euills so longe as they doe not as it were inforce thy people to sinne in that christen professiō doth accompte them amongst thy benefites thy sonne hathe not taught thy church to pray for the taking away of thē in this praier for here he hath cōtained but those thinges for y e which al Christians generally and particularly may of faith pray at all times It often commeth to passe that exteriour euilles because they be not euells in dede that is they are not against goddes grace in vs therefore they cannot of faith be praied for to be taken away for thy childrē y ● haue faith do alwaies preferre thy Iudgement before their owne the which Iudgement w●en thei know by that which hapneth to them they submite themselues ther to wholly although the spirit make his vnspeakable gronings to helpe their infirmities by prayer not to haue them taken awaye but y ● they might haue strenght and pacience to beare the burthē accordingly which burden if it be to heauy in the better sense and feling therof they in their praiers doe complaine some thyng rather then pray to haue it taken away as oure sauiour did in the garden whē he added to his complainte not my will but thy wil be done So do thi people in al their complaints adde not as we wil but as y u wilte for they are taught by thy spirite no otherwise to praye for the takynge away of corporall euelles either frō them selues or from others onlesse they by the same spirite doe certainly se the same to make to thy glory as dyd thine Apostles and seruantes when absolutly without condition they dyd aske health or miracle for any whē they healed or raised the deade by prayer for they know nothinge can be better than when it is according to thy wil. Oh that I might alwaies know thy wil in al things and for euer applye me self therto Hereof it commeth that thy saynts and deare children which loue their neighbours as thēselues do yet notwithstāding in their praiers aske vengeaunce of some as we may reade in the psalmes of Dauid because in prayinge talking with thee they se by thy holy spirit for w tout it is no true praier sometimes thy Iudgements vpon some whiche they perceiue to sinne to death and therfore ought not to be praied for but rather to be praied against because thy glory cānot be set forth as it shuld be without their destructiō thy will is alwayes best the thing wherto they frame all their desires Therefore when they perceiue it decreed with thee suche and suche by theyr destructyon to set fourthe more myghtelye thy glorye howe should they but desire and praye for the same write it as Dauid hathe done that the godly in readinge and waying such praiers might receiue comfort and the vngodly be afraied ells when that they perceiue not so manifestlye the determened Iudgement of god they in their praiers do most hartely praye for them as Samuell did for Saule Moyses for the Israelites Abraham for the Sodomites Oh good faher for thy mercyes sake geue me the trews loue of mankinde but yet so y t I maye loue mā for thee and in thee and alwaies preferre thy glory aboue al thinges through Christ our lord Now though thy children do know that thy wil cannot but be done and nothinge can be done but that thou of thyne owne will hast determined to do although no man shuld desire the same yet are they earnest and frequent in praier fyrst to render obedience to thee whiche requyreste praier as a spirituall seruice to thee secondly because thou hast ordained praier to be as an instrumente and meane by the which thou workeste thinges with thee already decreed determined Thy children doe vse prayer to offer thee their seruice if it shall please the to vse the same As they doe eate and drincke whiche is a meane ordayned of thee for the cōseruation of their life not lookynge hereby to lengthē their daies aboue their boūds which already thou hast appotnted but as becometh them to vse thy meanes which thou hast ordained to serue thy prouidence So do they herein as men not curiouse to knowe thy prouidence further then thou reuai●est it vse praier as a meane by y ● which thou art accustomed to worke many of thy chidrens ●e●re that according to thy good wil thou maiest vse the same they doe not thinke a mutabilitie in thee for y ● art god arte not chaūged wyth thee there is no variablenesse and therfore they pray not as mē which would haue thy determinations and ordenaunces which are in most wisdome and mercy to be altered but rather that they might submitte their willes to shine make them more able to beare thy will and pleasure They knowe thou haste promysed to helpe them callinge vpon thee wherfore thei doubt not but thou so wilt doe and therefore praie accordingly They loue thee hartely and therfore thei cannot but desire much ●s talke with thee that is to praye euen as a wel manered and lauinge wife will not take vpon her to aske anye thinge of her husbande at all but that she hopeth he wolde take in good parte and doe of his owne fres wyll althoughe she had spoken nothing therof When she knoweth what her housbands will is in thinges she gladely talketh with hym thereof and accordingly as she seeth he is purposed to doe she will often desire him to doe it euen
so thy children I say which hartely loue thet in that they know thy wisdome and wil is best hawe can they but often talke with thes and desyre thee to 〈◊〉 that which they know is best which they knowe also thou woldest doe 〈◊〉 none shuld aske or praye for y ● same Thy children vse praier as a meane by which they se plainly thy power thy presence thy prouidēce mercy 〈◊〉 goodnes towardes them in granntinge their petitions and by praier they are confirmed of them all Yea thy children vse praier to admonishe them how that all things are in thy hands In praier they are as it were of thee put in mind of those thinges they haue done agaynst thee theyr good lord By reason wherof repentaunce ensueth and they conceyue a purpose to liue more purely euer afterwards and more hartelye to applye themselues to all innocencye goodnes Who now consideryng so manye greate commodities to come by reason of prayer would maruell why thy chyldren are much in praier and in labouring to prouoke others there vnto For as none that is a suter to any other wit vse any thing which might offend or hinder his sute so no man that vseth praier will flatter himself in any thinge that shoulde desplease thee to whom by praier he moueth sute whensoeuer he prayeth so that nothing is a more prouocacion to al kind of godlynes then praier is And therefore not wythout cause we may see thyne Apostles and seruauntes to laboure so dilygentlye and desyre that others myghte vse prayers for themselues and others As concerning outward thynges which thy childrē pray for although they know thy wil decree is not variable thy purpose must neds come to passe yet doe they receiue by their praier no small commoditie For either they obtaine their requestes or no. If they do obtain thē then proue they by experience that thou doeste the will of them that feare thee so they are more kindled to loue serue thee And in deed for this purpose 〈◊〉 art wont when thou wilt doe good to any to styrre vp their mindes to desire y ● same good of thee to thende that both thou and thy gifts may be so muche more magnisted and set by of them by how much they haue ben ernest suters and peticioners for the same For howe can it but en● a 〈◊〉 them with loue towards thee to per ceiue and fele thee so to care for thē heare them and loue them If they doe not obtaine that they praye for yet vndoubtedly they receiue greate comforte to see that the euyls which presse them and whereof they complaine stil doe not oppresse and ouer come them therfore they receyue strength to beare y ● same the better O good father help me that I might hartely loue thee complaine to thee in all my nedes and alwaies by prayer to power oute my heart before thee Amen AN OTHER paraphrase or meditation vpon the lords praser O Almighty eternal god of whō all fatherhode in heauen and in earth is named whose seate is the heauen whose foote stoole is the earth which of thy great clemency vnspeakable loue hast not waighed nor considered our great vnkindnes and wilfull disobedience but according to the good pleasure of thy eternall purpose hast in thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ chosen vs out of the worlde and doest accept vs farre other wise then we be in dede to be called yea and to be in dede thyne adopted sonnes and doest vouchesafe oh louinge father that we as it were heauenly children shuld euery one of vs confesse declare and call thee oure heauenlye father graunt deare father that amonge vs thy poore children by purenes of mynds and couscience by singlenes of hart by vncorrupt and innocent life and example of vertue and godlines thy most holy name maye be sanctified and that so many of al other nations as thou hast ther vnto chosē and predestinate beholding our godlines vertuous dedes that thou workest in vs may be the more styrred to halow and gloryfy thy blessed name Oh faithfull father we beseech thee that the kingdome of thy holy spirit of grace and prayer of thy louinge kindnes and mercy and of all other thy holy vertues and of thy holye most blessed word may continually raygne in our heartes so that thou woldest vouchesafe therby to make vs worthye to be partakers of the realme kingdome of thy gloriouse and blessed presence Oh deare god and heauenly father we humblye desyre thy goodnes to bowe our hartes vnto thee to make vs humble of mind to make vs low in our owne fight and obedient that like as thy deare sonne our only sauiour Iesꝰ Christ coūted his meate workes prayse and life to be onely in obeyng to thy most blessed wyl where in for our sakes he became obedient to the death of the crosse so we may euē vnto the very death in lowlines in mekenes pacience and thankefulnes ohey vnto thy holye wil and not to murmur and grudge norrefuse whatsoeuer thy fatherlye pietie shal thinke good to lay on vs be it pouertie hunger nakednes slcknes slaunders oppressions verations persequutions yea or deathe it self for well doing but in all thinges seke and laboure to make these our earthly bodies seruiseable to do thy wil and to refuse that thou wilt not neuer to stryue nor wrastell against thy holye will but with thy heauenly citizens and houshold bull ded vpon the foundation of thy holy prophetes and apostelles thy sonne Iesus Christ being the heade corner stone all selfwill and controuersye in opinious secluded the lustes desieres affections of the fleshe mortified the flatering assaultes of the vaine world y ● cruel and subtyl layings a waite of y ● deuil ouercome agreing together quietly and vnited in spirit we may frely obey vnto thy most blessed will therein to walke all the daies of oure life Oh deare god geue vnto our nedefull bodies necessatie sustenaunce take from vs all loue of worldelye things all carefulnes and couetousnes that we may the more frely worshippe serue thee Oh mercyful father we besech thee to geue vnto vs that heauēly bread to strenghtē our harts I meane y ● bodye of thy deare sōne Iesꝰ christ y ● very foode health of our soules that we may alwaies w t thankfulnes firmely feede on him by faith vtterly forsake abhorre al false doctrine perswasiōs of mē and all lying spirites that shall perswade vs any other wise of him then thy holy word doth teache assure vs satisfie our hungrie soules deare father with y ● mary fatnes of thy riche mercy promised to vs in y ● same thy sonne and of our eternall election redcmption iustificatiō glorification in him Make vs Oh gratious god to contempne and despise this world with the vaine thinges and pleasures therof and inwardly to hunger for thy blessed kingdome and presence
heare vs and graunte vs that whiche in hys name we shall aske of thee loe gratious father I am bolde to begge of thy mercy through thy sonne Iesus Christ one sparcle of true faith and certaine perswasion of thy goodnes and loue towardes me in Christe wherthrough I being assured of the pardone of all my sinnes by the mercyes of Christe thy sonne maye be thankfull to thee loue thee and serue thee in holynes and righteousnes all the daies of my life Amen A PRAIER FOR REPENTANCE MOst gratious god and merciful father of oure sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue synned and done wickedly and through thy goodnes haue receiued a desire of repentance wherto this longe suffering doth drawe my hard harte I besech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentance in me and by thy spirite power and grace to humble mortifye and feare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maist comfort and quickē me through Iesus Christ thy derely beloued senne So be it A DIALOGE OR COMMVNIcation betvvene Sathan and our conscience Sathan THOU hast synned agaynst god therefore thou must dye Conscience Why then died Christ Sa. For sinners but how knowst thou he died for thee Con. Because I am a sinner and he is bothe able and willinge to forgeue me Sa. I graunt that he is able to forgeue thee but how knoweste thou he will Con. He wold not surely haue dyed if he wold not forgeue Sa. But howe knowest thou that he will forgeue thee Con. Because I wold sayne be forgeuen Sa. So would Iudas as wel as y ● and preuayled not Con. The scriptures wente vppon Iudas facte which must nedes be fulfylled they neuer went vpon myne Agayne Iudas bare a fygure of the people of thee Iewes whiche trybe onelye fell from Christ when all other eleuen tribes of the world dyd styeke faste vnto him I am a poore sinner of the gentils of whom it is written I wilbe eraited in the gentiles Sa. If thou be a sinner of the gentiles yet thou muste consyder thy synne is great Con. I graunt but Christes passion is greater Sa. Oh but y ● hast sinned very oftē Con. Tell me not Sathan what I haue done but what I wil do Sa. Why what wilt thou doe Con. By goddes grace my full purpose is here after to take better hede and to amend my former life Sa. Is that enough thinkst thou Con. What lacketh Sa. The fauour of God whiche hath cleane forsaken thee Con. So God fauoured loued the world that he gaue his owne dere sonne that whosoeuer seeth him as the Israelites did the brasen serpent they shall not perysh but haue lyfe euerlastinge A short and pithie defence of the doctrine of the holy election and predestination of God gathered out of the first Chapter of S. Paules Epistle to the Ephesians By I. bradford THere is neyther vertue nor vice to be consydered accordinge to any outwarde action nor accordinge to the will and wisedome of man but accordynge to the wyll of god Whatsoeuer is conformable therto the same is vertue and the action that springeth thereof is laudable good howsoeuer it appaere otherwise to the eyes and reason of man as was the lifting vp of Abrahams hand to haue staine his sonne Whatsoeuer is not conformable to the will of god that same is vice the action springing thereof is to be disalowed taken for euell that so much the more and greater euell by howe much it is not consonaunt and agreeing to gods wil although it seme faire otherwise to mans wisdome as was Peters wishe of makinge three tabernacles and the request of some which wold haue had fyer to haue come downe from heauen vpon a zeale to god c. Nowe the wyll of God is not so knowen as in his worde Therfore accordinge to it muste vice and vertue good and euell be iudged and not accordinge to the Iudgemente wysedome reason and collection of anye man or of all the whole world if all the Angelles in heauen shuld take their part But thys worde of god whiche is writen in the canonicall bookes of the byble dothe playnelye set surth vnto vs that god hath of his owne mercye and good will and to the prayse 〈◊〉 hys grace and glorye in Chryste elected some and not all whome he hathe predestinate vnto euerlastyng lyfe in the same Christ and in hys tyme calleth them iustifyeth them and gloryfyeth them so that they shall neuer perishe and erre to dampnation finally Therefore to affyrme teach and preache thys doctrine hath in it no hurte no vice no euell muche lesse then hathe it anye enormityes as some doe affyrme to the eyes and spyryte of them whiche are guyded and wylbe by the worde of god That god the eternall father of mercyes before the begynnynge of the worlde hathe of hys owne mercye and good wyll and to the praise of hys grace and glorye elected in Christe some and not all of the posterytye of Adam whom he hathe predestynate vnto eternall life and callethe them in hys tyme iustyfyeth them and gloryfyeth them so that they shall neuer peryshe or erre to dampnatiou fynallye that thys proposytyon is trewe and accordinge to goddes plaine and manifeste worde by the helpe of hys holye spyryte whyche in the name of Iesus Chryst I humbly beseche hys mercy plenteously to geue to me at this present and for euer to the sanc tification of his holye name by the helpe I say of his holy spirit I trust so euidently to declare that no man of god shalbe able b● the word of god euer to impugne it muche lesse to confute it In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians y ● apostle saith thus Blessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of blessinges in heauenlye thinges by Christ according as he hath elect or chosen vs in him before the foundation of the worlde was layed that we shoulde be holye and without blame before him through loue hath predestinat vs or ordeyned vs thorough Iesus Christ to be heires vnto him self accordynge to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the praise of the glorye of his grace where with he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued by whome we haue receyued redemption thoroughe his blood and the forgeuenes of our synnes accordyng to the ryches of his grace which grace he hath shed on vs abundauntly in al wysedom vnderstāding and hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his wil according to his good pleasure whiche he purposed in him selfe to haue it declared when the tyme was full come that he might gather together all thinges by or in Christ as well the things that be in heauen as the thynges that be in earth euen in or by hym by or in whome we are made heyres being thereto predestinat according to
to the end And gods gifts are such that he cannot repent him of thē And therfore saith christ I know whom I haue chosen attributing to election the cause of finall persenerance By which thinge Iudas was sene not to be elected to eternall life although he was elected to the office of an Apostle as Saul was elected to the office of a king Which kind of election is to be discerned in readinge the scriptures from thys kinde of election y e which I speaks of nowe that is frō election to eternal life in christ Thirdly he sheweth y ● certaintye of saluatiō of y ● electe by calling thē heires For yf we be heires of god then are we felow hei res with Christe to be afflfcted and glorified with Christ and therefore saith he accordinge to the decree of his owne will Loe he calleth it a decree or counsel which shall stand as Csai saith the counsell of the lorde shall stande Fourthlye he she weth this certaintie by sayinge that they are elect and predestinate to y ● praise of gods glory which we shuld more care for then for the saluation of al the world This glory of y ● lord is set sorth as wel in them y ● perishe are reprobates as in the elect therfore S. Iohn bringing in y ● place of Esai speakig of y ● reprobate saith y ● Esai spake that whē he sawe the glory of the lord This glory of the lord to be set forth by vs is a great mercy and benefite of god I am assured that if the very deuyls and reprobates dyd not repyne hereat but were thankfull that they might be ministers in any pointe to set fourth goddes glorye I am assured I saye that they shoulde fynde no hell nor tormentes Theyr hell and tourmentes commeth of the loue they haue to them selues and of the malyce enuye and hatred they haue agaynste God and hys glorye Let them tremble and feare that maye not awaye withe the glorye of the lord in election and reprobation Let not their eyes be euell because god is good and doth good to whom it pleaseth him wrong he doth to no man nor can doe for then he were not righteous and so no god He can not condemne the iuste for thē were be vntrue because his word is contrarie He cannot condemne the penitent and beleuer for that were against his promise Let vs therefore labour studie crye and praye for repentance and faith and then cannot we be damned because we are y ● blessed of the father before all worldes therfore we beleue therfore we repent And for asmuch as it perteineth to vs whiche be within to see and to speake of those thinges whiche are geuen vnto vs of god in Christe let vs laboure hereaboutes and leaue them that be withoute to the lorde which will Iudge them in his tyme. The Apostle praieth for the Ephesians for none other wisedome and re uelatiō from god then wherby they might know god haue their minds illumined to see what they shoulde hope for by their vocation and bow rich the glory of his inheretaunce is vpon his saintes Further then this I thinke is vnsemly for vs to search vntill we haue sought out how rich gods goodnes is and wilbe to vs his children The whiche we can neuer do but the more we go theraboutes and the more we taste his goodnes the more we shall loue him and loth al thinges that displease him This I say let vs do and not be to busye bodies in searching the maiestie and glory of god or in norrishing in any wise the doubting of our saluation wherto we are readye enoughe and the deuill goeth about nothinge ells so muche as that for by it we are dulle to doe good to other we are so carefull for our selues By it we are more dulle to do good to our selues because we stande in doute whether it profiteth vs or no. By it we dishonour god either in makinge hym as though he were not true or elles as thoughe our saluation came not only and altogether from him but hanged partely on our selues By it the deuyll will bringe men at length to dispaire and hatred of god Doubte once of thy saluation and continue therin and suerly he then will aske no more It was the first thing wherwith be tempted Christe if thou be the sōne of god c It is the first and principalest darte he casteth at gods ele●t But as he preuailed not against Christ no more shall he doe against anye of his members for they haue y ● shield of faith which quencheth his fiery dartes they praise god nighte day how then shuld they perishe The Angells of the lord pitch their tentes round about them how then shoulde Sathan preuaile They are borne in y ● hands of the angells least they shoulde hurt their feete at anye stone God hath geuen commaundement to his Angels ouerthem The Angelles are ministers vnto them Their names are writen in y ● booke of life therfore Christ bad them reioyce as paul doth y ● philippiās for nothig shal separate them frō y ● loue wherw t god loueth thē in Christ Iesu who saith that it is impossible for them to erre finally to damnation for he is their light to illumine their darknes They are geuen to him to kepe he is faithful ouer al goddes childrē He saith he will kepe thē so that they shall neuer perishe After they beleue they are entred already into euerlasting life Christ hath set thē there already he hathe comitted thē into his fathers hands by praier which we knowe is sure therefore death hell deuilles nor all power sinnes nor mischefe shall neuer pul vs out of our heads hands whose mēbres we are therfore receiuing of his spirit as we doe we cannot but bring forth y ● frutes thereof though now then the fleshe fayle vs. But the lord euē our lord be praised which is more strōg in vs then he which is in y ● world he alwaies putteth vnder his hand y ● we lie not still nor shal do as y ● reprobat whose pietie is as y ● mornig dew soone come sone gone therfor thei cn̄not cōtinue to y ● end Cānot no they wil not if thei cold because thei hate god his glori therfore al thē y ● seke it or set it forth wheras y ● elect loue al mē seke to do al men good in god suspendig their iudgementes of others y ● they maye stande or fall to the lorde and not to them Hetherto oute of this one place of Paull to y ● Ephesians if the matter of election and predestination be so fully sette forth to goddes glory and to the comforte of his Church howe may we suppose is this matter sette fourth in