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A68718 A key of heaven the Lords Prayer opened, and so applied, that a Christian may learne how to pray, and to procure all things which may make for the glorie of God, and the good of himselfe, and of his neighbour : containing likewise such doctrines of faith and godlines, as may be very usefull to all that desire to live godly in Christ Iesus. Scudder, Henry, d. 1659?; Sibbes, Richard, 1577-1635. 1633 (1633) STC 22122; ESTC S1717 241,855 822

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A KEY OF HEAVEN THE LORDS PRAYER opened and so applied that a Christian may learne how to pray and to procure all things which may make for the glorie of God and the good of himselfe and of his neighbour Containing likewise such Doctrines of faith and godlines as may be very usefull to all that desire to live godly in Christ Iesus The second Edition enlarged by the Author MATTH 7.7 Aske and it shall be given yeu seeke and ye shall finde knocke and it shall be opened unto you Oratio justi clavis coeli LONDON Printed by Thomas Harper for Ben●●● in Fisher and are to be sold at the signe o● the Talbot in Aldersgate-street 1633. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIP-FVLL Sir THOMAS CREVV and to all his hopefull children all grace and peace in this life all joy and glory in that which is to come be multiplied RIGHT Worshipfull custome doth claim by prescription that such bookes as come under the Presse to bee made publick should be ushered forth with an Epistle Dedicatory which if it want it calleth into suspition that either the Author hath no friends of worth or that the worke is not worthy patronage Wherefore having suffered this Tract on the Lords Prayer to come forth I tread the common path The profit of him to whom dedication is made or testification of respect and thankfulnesse of him that dedicateth or credit and countenance to the booke dedicated is the marke that is aymed at in dedications All these respects have moved mee to make choyce of your selfe For though you be already furnished and fully established in the truths therein delivered yet it shall bee profitable unto you that with some variety you bee put in remembrance of the same things your children likewise who may reape some good hereby will bee induced to read and make use of this booke the rather because it commeth through the hands and under the patronage of their so loving and beloved father These are likewise to acknowledge that dept of thankes due to you for the many kindnesses you have shewed mee for which I do and shall for ever stand beholding unto you also to signifie my well wishing to your children and that for the well deservings of those which are come to age and for the sake of their mother your deerely beloved wife now with the Lod to whom my selfe and mine stood much indebted whom I could not but admire and affect while she lived whose remembrance I shall alwayes honour and whose name I desire to keepe alive for to quicken others now she is dead For to speake within compasse without hyperbole amongst the many gracious women that I have knowne a more compleate Christian to whom the Lord had bestowed such a sweet concurrence of gifts of grace and nature have I 〈◊〉 knowne Nam gau deant bene nati modò renati Gratier est ou●ch●o veniens è corpore vir●us And though birth beautie wit a large heart and good elocution all which were eminent in her without grace are vanitie yet when these are accompanied with love out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfained all which abounded in her each doth make other admirable I would say more were it not that I shold renew your griefe in remembrance of your losse but I am assured you have learned to bee thankfull for the enjoyment of so rare an helper so long rather then to over-grieve or bee impatient that you could enioy her no longer If you shall please to suffer these my first fruits in this kinde to passe into the world through your hand they will be the better accepted of the good and defended from those that are bad and I shall remaine much bound to you All that I can say why I publish this booke is I desire by all meanes according to my abilitie to do good in the Church of God I acknowledge many have written worthily upon this subiect whose helps I have used yet none that I know in this manner and I finde that variety in this kinde doth much good Now the God of heaven whose glory I intend in this worke give it favour in the sight of his Church to the edifying thereof to whom be praise and glory for ever Amen Thus commending you and yours to the protection and blessing of the Almightie I humbly take my leave this 26. of May. Yours to be commanded in all Christian duties HENRY SCUDDER To the Reader TO bee much in perswading those that be favorites of some great person to use that interest for their best advantage were an indeavour somewhat needlesse considering naturall selfe-love inclineth men in such cases to be sensible enough of their owne good Yet so dull is our apprehension of matters that are of an higher nature that though wee have the eare of God alwayes open unto us and free accesse to the throne of grace through Christ who appeareth in heaven for us carrying our names in his breast yet wee need stirring up to improve this blessed liberty though the whole world be not worth this one prerogative that wee can boldly call God Father This disproportion of our carriage ariseth in part from Satans malice who laboureth to keepe us in darknesse that we beleeve not or minde not our best priviledges which if wee did how glorious would our lives appeare how comfortably and fruitfully should we walke what honour should God have by us what sweet sacrifice from us how should wee overlooke all opposite power But now by reason wee are prone to beleeve Satan and the lyes of our owne heart and ready to call truth it selfe into question as if these things were too good to be true no marvell if we passe our dayes so deadly For what use of an hidden and lockt up treasure if we use not this key of prayer to fetch from thence for al our need What benefit of all the precious promises made in Christ unto us unlesse wee alledge them unto God and with a reverent boldnesse binde him with his owne word which he can no more denie then ceasse to be God If we tooke these things to heart God should heare oftener from us we would be more in heaven than we are seeing wee should bring as much grace and comfort from God as we could bring faith to graspe and carry away Besides this fore-mentioned mindlesnesse of our priviledges since the fall the soule naturally loveth to spend and scatter it selfe about these present sensible things and cannot without some strife gather it selfe together and fixe upon heavenly things Now this talking with God requireth an actuall bent of the minde and carryeth up the whole soule into heaven and exerciseth as all the parts so all the graces of the soule faith especially prayer being nothing else but the flame of faith And Satan knowing that when we send up our desires to God it is to fetch supply against him troubleth the soule weake of it selfe with a world of
and evill thoughts when he should pray Reas 2 Guiltinesse of conscience especially upon the committing of some grosse sinne together with ignorant conceits of God that his thoughts are like mens thoughts Isa 55.8 implacable and unapeazeable this maketh many a man afraid to looke God in the face This was Davids case Many because they have praied Reas 3 long and as they think have not beene heard hence they are discouraged and out of heart to pray any more So many things as hath before Reas 4 beene shewed are required to make a praier acceptable that it is hard to observe them all when we pray Satan doth Spite nothing Reas 5 more then heartie and faithfull prayer for by it his kingdome is undermined overthrowne and by it he himselfe is cast out of his possession and kept out wherefore it standeth him upon to use all his methodes and devices to hinder a man and either altogether put him by the duty it selfe or so distemper him with evill suggestions doubts false feares presumptions or some other hindrance that he shall be heartlesse faithlesse or meerely formall and hypocriticall in prayer making him content himselfe with the worke done but altogether carelesse how it be done Vse 1 This truth justly reproveth all such as thinke it an easie matter to pray therefore never prepare themselves before nor yet are watchfull over themselves when they are in the act of prayer but patter over certaine words of prayer thinke they shall go to heaven by their good prayers Indeed it is an easie matter to say our prayers you may teach a childe to say them but to pray our prayers aright as hath beene taught before out of the Lords Prayer is found by all experienced Christians to be no easie thing Ob. This doctrine touching the difficultie of prayer is enough to discourage men altogether from prayer Sol. By no meanes for prayer is a necessarie dutie and must bee done and withall it is a most profitable duty and will quit all a mans paines Besides it is not so hard to be done but that it is possible nay certaine that by the help of the Spirit of prayer it may be done in an acceptable manner In these cases knowledge of the difficulties do whet on desire and resolution and doth stirre up care and circumspection it is farre from discouraging any from the worke Wherefore the next use is let Vse 2 none be discouraged from praier because of the hardnesse of the worke Breake through all lets for pray you must Gen. 32.26 Hos 12.3.4 Jacob by much and strong wrastling did prevaile at last Do in the matter of prayer as men use to do in difficult workes Set to it with all care and watchfulnesse Set to it with all the strength which you have and which you can get We must do like those which whet and sharpen their tooles which are blunt and dul We must fetch prayers as David used to do out of meditations If wee shall raise up our mindes to heavenlinesse and get our faith in God strengthened and if we pray for the spirit of prayer and if wee will joyne with the spirit in prayer then much of the difficultie will be taken off The principall helpe to prayer next that of Gods help by his Spirit is the strength exercise of our faith Yea the Spirit of God doth both worke it and worke by it in prayer Means to strengthē faith in prayer We may strengthen our faith in prayer by these considerations First from Gods generall goodnesse to every creature He is good to all Psa 145 9. and his tender mercies are over all his workes He giveth the beasts their food he feedeth the young ravens that cry Psa 147.9 Will hee not much more heare man when hee prayeth unto him He hath heard wicked men such as Ahab Manasses and others Secondly consider that God is all-sufficient and able to help Thirdly consider the universality of his promise made to them that pray and the extent of his mercie towards them He saith every one that asketh receiveth Thus David strengtheneth his faith in prayer saying Be mercifull to me O Lord for I crie unto thee daily Psal 86.3.5 for thou Lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to whom even to all that call upon thee This warrant to pray and these grounds of faith everie man as he is a creature hath in common with all men whereby he may be encouraged to pray and to expect a gracious audience But every childe of God who beleeveth in Christ in whom is the Spirit of God to sanctifie and cleanse the heart causing him to will and to endeavour in all things to please God all such have more peculiar grounds of faith expectation to be heard when they pray These may and must looke into the evidences of their adoption and sonne-ship They must consider whether they do not beleeve in Christ by such a faith which worketh by love but they must not say they have not this faith when their conscience can tell them that it is their desire that it may workby love and that it is their griefe when they faile in their duties of love to God or man now if they by faith have interest in Christ then they may know they are the sonnes and daughters of God Now when we can make good our title to God that we can call him by the spirit of adoption Rom 8.15.16 Father when we can with sonne-like affection call him our Father which art in heaven we may hereby strengthen our faith and assure our selves that he will both enable us to pray and will graciously heare and grant our prayers Is it so difficult a thing to Vse 3 pray aright then is it thus with any man or woman that in prayer they have found that their hearts have beene enlarged their spirits raised up their thoughts gathered in and composed their mindes intentive and attentive their faith strengthened and their conscience eased upon this their heartie and devout powring out their soule unto God O then let them blesse God for it for by his grace they have done a great and difficult worke they have done a blessed and most happie worke It is our great faults that we can onely complaine of our defects in prayer and not also take notice of and be thankfull to God for his helpe in our prayers Which fault if wee would amend we should finde lesse defect and more helpe from God in our prayers hereafter One thing yet remaineth to bee spoken of in a word or two before I conclude which is to answer this question Quest What are wee to doe after we have endevoured to pray aright Answ I answer first wee must not bee carkingly carefull abo●● those things concerning which we have prayed Thus much the Apostle implyeth when he saith Phil. 4.6.7 Be carefull in nothing but in every thing by prayer and
but as a rich and bountifull Lord to his creature making his Sunne to rise on the evill and good Mat. 5.45 and sending the raine as well upon the unjust as upon the just These things God in his wise providence bestoweth upon wicked men knowing how to make use of them in humane society both in Church and Common-weale winning thereby to himselfe the glory of his patience and bounty drawing some to an admiration of his goodnesse leading some to repentance and leaving others without excuse at the day of iudgement Vse 2 Would any bee capable of making use of this invaluable benefit of praying acceptably unto God be they exhorted first to use all such meanes as God hath appointed by which they may be made the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus Gal. 3.26 Rom. 10.14.17 as hearing the word preached prayer c. then they must get good evidence that they are in state of grace and then be exhorted to come as children ought to come into the presence of so holy a Father putting off every sinne that may offend him putting on every grace that may delight him regard not iniquity in your heart cleanse your hearts and wash your hands in innocencie lift up pure hands without doubting pray in humilitie for with such sacrifice your Father is well pleased he will not despise such for God hath promised saying If my people that are called by my Name Psal 51 17 shall humble themselves and pray and seeke my face and turne from their wicked wayes then will I heare from heaven and will forgive their sinne and will heale their land 2 Chron. 7.14 Vse 3 All that with good assurance of faith can call God their Father may rejoyce in this that they are of the number of those who may improve this priviledge of praying unto God they are sure if they come not in their sinnes to speed For Iohn saith Whatsoeuer we aske we that is the children of God receive of him because we keepe his commandements and doe those things that are pleasing in his sight 1 Ioh. 3.22 Our doth note also that communion which Christians have one with another in one Father therefore even when they were to pray to God in the closet they were to represent God to their mindes in a notion which hath reference to their brethren as well as to themselves whence wee may collect Doct. All that would pray acceptably must hold a communion and good agreement with their brethren as those that have one common father to them all If a man had not beene in charitie with his brother and held not good agreement with him he was not to offer his sacrifice untill he had reconciled himselfe to his brother Mat. 5.33 The Apostle requireth that men lift up holy hands without wrath 1. Tim. 2.8 Therefore Peter would have all love exercised betweene man and wife that their prayers be not hindered 1. Pet. 3.7 For this common interest Reason 1 which Christians have in God maketh them neare of bloud as we speake having all one Spirit one hope one Lord one faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all Ephes 4.4 5 6. If men do not hold peace Reason 2 and communion with their brethren they cannot come in assurance that they themselves are Gods children for by their love to their brethren they may know whether they be beloved of God or no and may assure their hearts that their prayers shall be heard 1. Ioh 3 19.22 If they love not their brethren they remaine in death 1. Iohn 3.14 Vse 1 Here all proud scornful persons that because of parentage wit wealth or some such complement of nature do disdaine their poorer and meaner brethren may see how much they forget themselves have they not one Father if God be their Father The Prophet Malachy reproveth those which deale not well with their brethren Mal. 2.10 saying Have we not all one Father There are too many of this sort which will hypocritically say Our Father and yet scorne to have any communion with his children Yea the more they approve themselves to be Gods by holinesse of life the more they hate them and reproachfully use them and wish all evil unto them If these thinke they have God to their Father they must know that as the Apostle Iohn speaketh they are liers 1. Ioh. 4.20 because they love not their brethren What may be thought of those tongues that can blesse God and call him Father and yet curse and raile upon those which beare the true image of the same Father These things ought not so to be my brethrē saith Iames 3.9 10. Hereby all that call God Father Vse 2 should enforce upon thēselves the dutie of love and friendship to their neighbours holding with them the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace Ephes because the whole bodie is but one the Spirit one c. and one Father of all we must endeavour therefore to bee one in judgement and one in affection that there be no schismes and divisions amongst us Let us love heartily without putting difference in respect of persons for which fault the Iewes are blamed by Iames Iam. 2.4.1 Cor. 11.22.30 and the Corinthians were severely punished by the Lord. Wherefore whensoever we come to God let us come in love to our brethren For how can we looke our Father in the face and expect good things at his hand when he knoweth that there are jarres and falling out betweene us and his other children our brethren Father which art in heaven I will first consider the whole description of him that is to be prayed unto and then come to the severall parts thereof This description can be true of none but of God We have fathers on earth and friends in heaven but no father in heaven or heavenly father but the true God It followeth therefore Prayer is to be made to the Doct. 3 true God And because prayer is a religious worship which must bee given to none but God I adde this Prayer is to be made onely to God Offer to God thanksgiving and Call upon me in the day of trouble saith God Psal 50.14 15. The Angell which had the everlasting Gospell to preach to them that were on the earth who went before the Angel which foretold the fall of Poperie saith Feare God c. and worship him that made heaven and earth Revel 14.7 Our Saviour saith expresly Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serve Mat. 4.10 He to whom prayer may be made Reason must have those all-sufficiencies which are to be found onely in the eternal and infinite God First he must be able to heare all men therfore Iames biddeth us aske of God Iam 1.5 that giveth to all men He must be able to give all things 1. Ioh. 5.14 If we aske any thing according to his will he heareth us He must be able to
borne againe by the Spirit of adoption whereby they have the image of God renewed in righteousnesse and true holinesse and so are become his children by the regeneration of his Spirit wherewith he hath sealed them for his owne Whereas the men of the Vse 1 world doe entertaine in them a base opinion of all that indeavour to keepe a good conscience in all things therein approving themselves to bee Christs Disciples indeed and the very children of the most high hereby they may see their errour their insolencie and their extreame malice and folly Can there be a more notorious folly and madnesse then this when the children of the bond-woman Ioh. 8.44 nay of the devill for herein they doe his lusts shall account of and use the children of the free-woman yea of the everliving God as the filth of the world and the of-scouring of all things 1. Cor. 4.13 How doe these men by defaming the children therein despise God their Father But let them take heed how they despise or misuse the least of those little ones that have indeed given their names to Christ Iesus It is hard kicking against pricks Act. 9.5 It is not safe touching the Lords anointed Psal 105.15 Zach. 2.8 the very apple of his eye And know as base as they be Their Angels and ministring spirits doe alwaies behold the face of their Father which is in heaven Mat. 18.10 Vse 2 Hereby all men should learn of whom to esteeme most honourably whom to make choise of for their yoke-fellowes their servants or their companions also in whom they should most delight and to whom they should shew most love and goodnesse even to true Christians whom David calleth The Saints that bee upon the earth Psal 16.3 and the excellent and well hee might for they have the God of excellencie to their Father If true Christians have God Vse 3 to their Father this should move all men to become Christians indeed to beleeve and to order their conversation aright for such onely the Doctrine meaneth It is the highest advancement and honour that man is capable of to bee called and to bee indeed the sonnes and daughters of God Almighty Iohn doth admire such love in God and such advancement of men that men should be called the sonnes of God 1 Ioh. 3.1 All Christians should be like Vse 4 God Holy as he is holy for it becommeth children to be like their father They should honour and obey him If I be a Father where is mine honour saith God Mal. 1.6 As obedient children they must not fashion themselves according to the former lusts of their ignorance but as hee which hath called them is holy 1 Pet 1.14.15 so they should be holy in all manner of conversation Disobedience of children to their Parents was in the law of the Iewes punishable with death disobedience therefore unto our heauenly Father is much more dangerous They should likewise submit themselves unto his fatherly chastisements Heb. they must neither despise them nor faint under them but must indure them patiently because God therein dealeth with them as with sonnes for their profit that they might be partakers of his holinesse They need not carke and care but in all things they may and must with boldnesse and assurance of helpe repair to God being assured of his fatherly affection towards them for to whom doe children flie in their need but to their Parents We have seene those that bee evill give good gifts unto their children how much more will our heavenly Father give good things even his holy Spirit Luk. 11.13 to them that aske him Lastly it is the joy and comfort Vse 5 of every Christian to consider that they have this honor that they may call God Father and aske him blessing What manner of love hath the Father bestowed in this saith Iohn 1 Ioh. 3.1 that wee should bee called the sonnes of God That wee the sonnes of men of meane men of mortall men of sinfull men yea the very children of the divell should be advanced to bee the sonnes and daughters of God Almighty While vainglorious foolish men vaunt and brag of their gentry and earthly Parentage let us with an holy exultation of spirit rejoyce in this that wee have God to our Father This doth comfort the heart in povertie sickenesse paine disgrace and in all distresses when we know wee have a Father that will not forsake us though our naturall Parents should Psal 27.10 that though tender mothers may forget their sucking children and sonnes of their wombe yet God will not forget his Isa 49.15 hee is wise and almightie and will helpe in the best time he alwaies knoweth what we have need of If wee be children then heires of God and joynt heires with Christ Rom. 8.17 When we duely thinke of this no afflictions can dismay us for we hold them not worthy the glory that shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 wee shall by this helpe our selves against heart-eating cares for we have a father and wee know it belongeth to Parents to provide and lay up for their children 2 Cor. 12 13. When we think of this that we are Gods heirs it will keepe us from grieving at and enuying the prosperity of the wicked we will be well content God should give his moveables where he please so long as the birth-right and inheritance is ours for we are begotten to a lively hope of an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in the heavens for us 1. Pet. 1.3.4 Whatsoever our estate be in the world we may and ought to comfort our selves with these thoughts Which art in heaven God is described by his being in heaven not onely to shew where he is for he is a God at hand and a farre off Ier. 23.23 24. and filleth heaven and earth but as the majestie of Kings may be set out by their glorious palaces and thrones so heaven Gods most glorious throne doth here set forth his majectie and the perfection of all his infinite excellencies Whence learne Doct. 7 God to whom prayer is made who is Father to all true beleevers is an heavenly majestie invisible perfect and infinite in power goodnesse and all other heavenly excellencies one whose dwelling is in the heavens When God would set forth his owne greatnesse and goodnesse at once Isa 57.15 he saith Thus saith the high and loftie one that inhabiteth eternitie whose name is holy I dwell in the holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble c. The Church doth helpe her faith by casting her thoughts upon heaven the habitation of Gods holinesse and of his glory and thereby gathereth arguments of Gods perfect love to them and power for them when she saith Where is thy zeale and thy strength c. and from the same consideration doth preferre Gods
can heare the one as well as the other How farre forth then is a man to use a voyce in prayer Quest Voyce is not of the essence of prayer Answ The case of using a voyce or no voyce in prayer therefore it is not alwayes needfull to be used as in short ejaculations and when a man is speechlesse or when he cannot bee so private that he may conveniently do it or when a man findeth that hee can keepe his minde alike earnestly attentive and rightly affected in prayer without voyce But a voyce is needfull both in publicke and private when a man is the mouth of others that joyne with him in prayer And when a man prayeth alone it is also fit and usefull For God hath made the tongue an apt instrument to expresse the meaning of the heart and with it also we ought to serve and glorifie God And voyce is a good helpe in prayer For a mans owne voyce is heard of himselfe and is reciprocall upon a mans selfe and serveth both to keepe the heart and thoughts from scattering keeping the heart more close to the present businesse and causing him the sooner to take himselfe in the manner and to checke himselfe when his thoughts do stragle As also the voyce serveth to stirre up to continue and to inflame the spirit and affections of him that prayeth But use speech in private prayer with these cautions Cautions touching using of voice in private prayer First you must not thinke that God heareth prayers the sooner or the rather because of speech Secondly that you do it not to be heard of men that it might bee knowne that you pray in private as well as in publicke Thirdly you are not to speak aloud in private prayer to the offence of those who are so neare that they cannot but heare you yet cannot joyne with you in your prayer This Doctrine yeeldeth also Vse 5 unto beleevers plenty of al heavenly comforts Our Father is in heaven therefore hee can heare in every place we need not tyre our selves in going on pilgrimage to any place to seek him for if we can but enter into our hearts lift them up to heaven we shall finde him He also knoweth all things which we need Mat. 6.32 1. Sam. 14. It is not hard for him to helpe with little or no earthly power He is wisedome and knoweth perfectly what is best and when it is best to helpe his children Many parents would do their children good but either want wisedome know not how or want power and are not able But God is both able and knoweth how and he will do his children good for his love to them is more than naturall it is an heavenly therefore an infinite and everlasting love He hath promised never to leave us now his truth is an heavenly perfect truth it cannot be falsified It is not hardnesse of our hearts nor multitude or greatnesse of our sinnes can hinder our happinesse if we will not wilfully reject his grace through our unbeleefe if we will repaire to him and repose our trust in him For as the Apostle saith Rom. 11.23 He is able to graft in againe the hard hearted Iews he can pardon ten thousand talents as wel as one peny and can as easily say Mat. 9.2.5 All sinnes are forgiven as to say Rise and walke Mic. 7.18.19 We can say Our Father is an heavenly Father and who is a God like our God that pardoneth iniquity transgression and sinne that subdueth all our iniquities and will cast all our sinnes into the depth of the sea It is not with God as with man man cannot helpe all his children at once God can be they never so many and never so farre distant Earthly parents may be drawn drie when they have given portions and inheritances to many they have none for the rest as Isaac when he had blessed Iacob Gen. 27.36.38 he had no such blessing for Esau so that hee cryed Hast thou but one blessing O my father God hath mansions and a kingdome for every one of his Ioh. 14.2 his custome is not that one sonne or that sonnes onely should inherit his kingdome but both sonnes and daughters do all of them inherit for our Father is an heavenly Father Also this consideration of the heavenly majestie and power of God added to the consideration of his fatherhood doth give us assurance of hope that we shall have all the petitions which we aske according to his will For as he is almightie hee can do whatsoever he is willing to do as he is a Father Lastly is our Father an heavenly Father then wee can assure our selves that hereafter we shall in our measure partake of his heaven and of his holines and of his glory For after death when we awake we shall bee received into heaven where we shall ever be with the Lord and be filled with his likenesse Psal 17.15 and hee who now by his heavenly wisedome doth guide us with his counsell shall receive us into glorie where we shall see him as he is and ever remaine in his presence where are pleasures for evermore For as we have borne the image of the earthy 1. Cor. 15.49 wee shall also beare the image of the heavenly Of this we need not doubt for our Father is heavenly therefore the children must needs be heavenly Thus much of the Invocation and calling upon him to whom onely prayer may bee made The petitions follow The petitions do contain the matter of all lawfull requests They may be divided differently according unto such different respects as may be conceived of them First if wee respect the number there are sixe distinct petitions and no more I confesse Divines of good antiquity have reckoned seven making two of the last others of no lesse authority have not regarded the number at all Some of the ancient and most of the orthodox later Writers have reckoned but six and as I thinke upon good ground All agree in the five first all the question is about the sixth whether it bee one or two Now because the subject of both sentences in that petition is all one scil sanctification and the conjunction but knitteth Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evill together into one sentence it is more than probable that is but one petition But whether there be six or seven it is no matter of our faith and doth not deserve any heat of disputation to decide the controversie Secondly if we respect the different persons whom the matter of the petitions concern they are thus divided the three first concerne God only for we say Thy Name thy kingdome thy will c. The three last concern man for wee say Our bread our sinnes lead us not deliver us Thirdly if wee respect that which ought to bee the chiefe end of every mans desire and the meanes to compasse the said end they have this order and are
those which never make the glory of God the end of their lives and actions but through self-selfe-love and pride of heart make their owne pleasures profits and glory to bee the principall and utmost aime of all their thoughts words or deeds who if they attain their owne ends they sacrifice to their owne nets applauding their owne strength wit industrie c. or if they looke out of themselves they give the praise to men and secondarie causes or to blinde Fortune and lucke as they call it but give not glory to the Lord. Pharaoh saith Exod. 5.2 Who is the Lord that I should obey his voyce I know not the Lord. But did not the Lord honour himselfe upon Pharaoh and his land by his wonderfull plagues which he sent amongst them till he made Pharaoh himselfe the Egyptians to know that he was the Lord Exod. 14 4. Iob saith of those wealthy proud contemners of God and of his worship which said What is the Almightie Iob that wee should serve him and what profit should we have if we pray unto him God layeth up their iniquitie for their children and they shall drinke of the wrath of the Almighty Did not the Lord make Senacherib an example to all that should reproach the holy One of Israel when for his arrogating too much to himselfe and for despising the true God the Lord sent his Angell which smote one hundred fourescore and five thousand of his host Isa 37.23.36 so that hee himselfe was constrained to return with shame into his owne country and there while hee was worshipping his God received his death by the hands of his owne sonnes How did God disgrace proud Nabuchadnezzar when vaine-gloriously hee vaunted saying Is not this great Babel that I have built for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power and for the honour of my majestie Here was no acknowledgement of Gods power nor any thing done for the honour of Gods Majestie therefore while the word was in the kings mouth there fell a voice from heaven saying O king Nebuchadnezzar Dan 4.30.31 to thee it is spoken the kingdome is departed from thee Which was fulfilled accordingly for hee was sent to graze with beasts of the field seven yeares untill he was made to know that the most high God ruleth in the kingdome of men Dan. 4.32 But when God restored him to himselfe and to his kingdome then he could give God the glorie of all power and majestie saying in the last verse Those that walke in pride he is able to abase For the same sinne was Belshazzar weighed in the ballance and found wanting and his kingdome given to the Medes and Persians who because he prophaned the vessels of the house of God and praised false gods Dan. 5 23. but the God in whose hands was his breath and whose were all his wayes him did he not glorifie Therefore was the hand-writing sent and that very night was Belshazzar slaine and his kingdome conquered Those two and fortie children who were torne with Beares payd deare for their despising God in that aged Prophet Elisha deriding at once his age his office and his holines crying 2. King 2. Ascend thou bald head ascend thou bald head Lastly not to wearie you with examples of Gods judgements upon those which did either derogate from God or arrogate to themselves any part of that praise which was due to him observe Gods immediate hand upon Herod who because he gave not glory unto God when the people applauded his eloquent oration saying The voice of God Act. 12.22.23 and not of man immediately the Angel of the Lord smote him and he was eaten of wormes and gave up the ghost These severe judgements of God executed upon men because they tooke glorie from God or gave it not to him doth plainly shew that he is very jealous of his name and of his glory and that he will not endure that his glory should be given to another Isai 42 8. For of all things Gods Name and honour is most deare unto him nothing will exasperate him so soone or so much as to be touched in his Name Let all men therefore take heed how they prophane it by any means But it is not enough not to prophane it but if it be prophaned by others if they do not contend for the sanctifying of it they commit a great sin If men be but touched in their owne name and reputation they grow so impatient as by no meanes they will bee perswaded to passe it by without revenge when yet the same persons can see and heare Gods Name dishonoured by oaths blasphemies by idolatrie contempt of religion and of Gods children and their hearts never rise at it and have not a word to speake for God These do not hallow Gods Name I desire that all that reade or heare this would examine themselves by what hath beene said by which they may trie whether they hallow Gods Name or dishallow it And if thou say this petition Hallowed be thy Name and yet by taking his honour to thy self or giving it to another or if by not standing for his glory or not giving it to him in heart word and conversation thou dishonourest God then know thou doest mock God and playest the hypocrite and if repentance and a care to glorifie God do not prevent it thou must with hypocrites one day be the subject of the glory of his justice and wrath because in thy life thou wouldest not be an instrument of glorifying his holy Name he will be glorified in thee because hee was not glorified by thee Thus it appeareth who offend against this point by which wee may see what evils are to be bewayled and prayed against in this petition Vse 2 In applying the Doctrines concerning prayer let this be a received truth that what we pray for that we must endeavour and use all good meanes to attaine according to that in the Psalm 27.4 One thing have I desired that will I seek for All men therefore which professe the Name of God must both pray and seeke by all meanes that the true God be onely set up to be worshipped and that his holy Name may be sanctified which is done when men shew true respect unto him and unto al such things as beare upon them some speciall note of his holinesse First he is to be known and professed to be the onely true God Father Sonne and holy Ghost then to be honoured and glorified as God God is honoured and his name sanctified many wayes as 1 First by knowing and acknowledging him to be such a one as he hath revealed himself to be 2 By admiring him and his works oft times resounding that speech of David Psal 8.1 O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy Name in all the earth 3 By beleeving in him whereby Abraham is said to have given glory to God Rom. 4 20 Ioh. 3.33 For
act in respect of the Father Son holy Ghost in the first act of Faith and conversion of a sinner whereby the person of a man stands justified before God and shall without intercision of justification and losse of this favour of God stand before the barre of Gods tribunall and is and alwaies shall be absolutely justified and acquitted from all sinnes past present to come because all obligations hand-writings against him are in that act cancelled and blotted out he forgiving all trespasses Colos 2.13.14 Yet it must be knowne that of this act there is as it were a double sentence First in Court of heaven at which time the elect in Christ have their names inrolled in the booke of Gods effectuall calling and are numbred among the just which sentence can never be revoked or blotted out this is that which was passed with God that I may so speake after the manner of men in the first act of conversion Secondly this sentence of forgivenesse is passed in the court of the conscience of him that had the former sentence pronounced for him in heaven This sentence is the second act of the holy Ghost wrought in this manner First after that a sinner is cōvinced of his guiltines of sin and of his damnable condition because of his sinne then forgivenesse is offered and pronounced to the eare in that gracious promise of salvation to all that beleeve in Christ Iesus which promise is proclaimed in the ministerie of the Gospell in which light of the Gospell he sheweth unto a man possibility of salvation setting before him I speake of men of yeeres and understanding Christ the meanes of salvation and by this meanes the holy Ghost worketh faith in Christ then confession and griefe for sinne then prayer to aske forgivenesse and grace to live godly and then doth witnesse to his spirit that he is accepted of God Thus sentence is pronounced in the conscience from whence ariseth sense of Gods love which is called the shedding abroad of the love of God in our hearts by the holy Ghost Rom. 5.5 also sense of the loving countenance of God Psal 4.6 7. which is the signe of his loving kindnesse and is that speech of God by which he doth say to our soules he is our salvation and then ariseth in our hearts peace of conscience and joy in the holy Ghost This sentence of forgivenesse unto the conscience hath different degrees it is sometimes more cleare in the apprehension of the soule somtimes more dimme yea sometimes quite blotted out in the counterpane of our release or copie of our acquittance as it was with David Psal 51. so that a person perfectly just before God hath sometime little or no sense or apprehension of it in his owne conscience but doubteth whether he be in state of grace or no. Which happeneth because of the staine and guilt of new sinnes which guilt abideth in the conscience untill a man do confesse his sinnes repent and aske forgivenesse and by a renewed faith apply forgivenes by which meanes the evidence of his pardon is againe by the holy Ghost exemplified and sentence by this new application is againe pronounced in his conscience whence ariseth new assurance of salvation and renewed joy in the holy Ghost This is that justification which for distinction sake Divines call justification by parts or continued or repeated justification or new application of one and the same justification which justification though in respect of the sentence pronounced in heaven is one individuall act whereby a man standeth alwayes just before God yet in respect of the pronouncing of that sentence to the heart it is not actually applyed neither can a particular sinne be said to be everie way actually forgiven untill after it have beene committed is confessed and repented of nor untill forgivenesse be asked and until the holy Ghost hath made new application thereof unto the conscience through renewing of faith by which a man doth againe and againe as new sinnes are committed apply the merits of the bloud of Christ unto his soule Also it must be knowne that the sentence of pardon which is passed in heaven with God is not fully executed untill the last degree of it when sentence of absolution shall be pronounced by Christ Iesus Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matt. 25.34 It must moreover be conceived and held that notwithstanding this distinction of justification betweene an absolute justification in respect of God and a justification by parts in respect of application to mans conscience there are not two kindes of justification a first and a second as the Papists hold but one and the same justification considered in different respects In respect of Gods actuall acceptation of a mans person justification is absolute but in respect of the actuall application and manifestation of Gods acceptation unto a mans conscience justification is by parts and degrees When a man alreadie justified asketh forgivenesse he doth not ask a new justificatiō but a second or new application of pardon unto the conscience of those particular sinnes which are daily committed together with continuance of Gods favour and more cleare evidence that he is sealed up unto the day of redemption The third thing to be spoken of for the better understanding the word forgive concerneth the effects following the apprehension thereof these are Peace of conscience Rom 5.1 Ro. 14.17 and joy in the holy Ghost These things touching justification and remission of sinnes being opened we may understand what is prayed for when we say Forgive sinnes Wee pray first that those which belong unto Gods election but are not yet converted may be accepted of God through Christ Iesus God not imputing their sinnes to them but unto Christ whereby they are freed from the curse We pray likewise that Christs righteousnes may be imputed to them that they beleeving in Christ might bee saved and for that cause pray that they may beleeve Secondly wee pray that our selves and others being justified and accepted into favour it would please the Lord to continue this his favour and that he would signifie and make the same knowne to our hearts and consciences daily by a new testification of the holy Ghost accompanied with a new application of pardon for new sinnes daily committed and that wee may have more and more assurance of our perfect redemptiō at the day of judgement and that we may have peace of conscience and joy in the holy Ghost in the meane time The particular circumstances in this Petition come next to bee laid open which are three First the connexion of this Petition by this copulative and that is As well forgive sinnes as give daily bread The second is the person who is to forgive that is God the Father through the satisfaction and mediation of the Sonne by the application of the holy Ghost Thus much is implyed in forgive in which
all the guilt and punishment be satisfied in Christ it must not bee thought that God will at a punish any that are saved by Christ Reason 2 Forgivenesse is no forgivenesse if there be not remisse● of punishment Ob. God pardoned Davids adulterie and murther yet reserved for him temporal punishment and the like may be observed in Gods dealing with many others wherefore sinne may be pardoned yet as punishment not remitted Sol. It must be granted that temporall evils did befall David after his sinne was pardoned and the like doth befall other of Gods children but it must be knowne that those afflictions were not satisfactorie punishments or had any respect unto the justification of those that were therewith exercised but they onely had respect unto their further sanctification The same evils in different persons namely the godly and the reprobate are of different natures and are sent of God for different purposes in the wicked they are signes of his wrath but to his children they are signes of his love Heb. 12. they are to the wicked plagues and fore-runners of destruction but they are unto the godly corrections unto instructions they are onely Gods physicke to purge out the corruption and to abate the power of sinne and are meanes leading to sanctification as I said but have no respect of satisfaction in any degree unto justification Vse 1 This confuteth Popish doctrine of satisfactions of Gods justice by temporall punishments either in this life or in Purgatorie They will acknowledge that Christ satisfied for all eternall punishment but not for temporall Which distinction was not knowne in Christs time it was onely invented to lay a foundation for Purgatory and the appurtenances thereof which being razed by this and like truths of Scripture will when Antichrist shall bee revealed by the spirit of Gods mouth be discovered to be but a fable It were little for the honour of Christ that he should pay so great a price for the redemption of man from eternall punishment and yet should leave him to himselfe to satisfie for temporall The hearts of all that beleeve Vse 2 in Christ should rejoyce at this to consider that they are not onely freely redeemed but that they are also fully redeemed from all punishment temporall and eternall If temporall chastisements be inflicted God doth send them in love either as trials of his graces wherewith he hath endued them or as physicke to prevent or remove the corruption of sinne which yet remaineth in them they do onely serve to shew what grace they have or prepare and make way for that grace they shall have Crosses are not curses to them but blessings for Blessed is the man whom the Lord correcteth and teacheth him out of his Law Psal 94.12 Vs that is the Disciples as well as others The Disciples were alreadie justified yet by Christs direction even they must every day make this petition even as oft as for daily bread whence learne Doct. 5 The best of Gods children notwithstanding they be alreadie justified must everie day aske forgivenesse of their sinnes Daniel prayed every day Dan. 6.10 and in his prayer he confessed and asked forgivenesse for his owne sinnes and the sins of the people Dan. 9.19 Reas 1 The best men are clothed with infirmities Iam. 3.2 and in something or other do sinne daily therefore had need to aske forgivenesse daily Reas 2 If pardon of a sinne bee not asked that day in which it is committed the guilt lying upon the conscience it doth benumme the conscience and so it is forgotten altogether or else when it is put off till many sinnes be committed either the heart is discouraged with multitude of offences that it is afraid to present it selfe before God or if it doe come into Gods sight those many sinnes are confessed and prayed against but confusedly and in grosse for the most part In asking forgivenesse a man Reas 3 doth not aske onely that universall and absolute justification of his person before God but also continuance of that his gracious acceptance of him into favour also he asketh under that word forgive new applications to the conscience of pardon of the sinnes which daily he doth commit with a further ratification of assurance of salvation unto his heart It is not enough that the pardon of mans sinne be actually passed with God but this pardon must be sued out that the same may also be passed in a mans conscience and this must be renewed daily even as the conscience is blurred and stained with sins daily else a man shall have little fruit or comfort of that generall and originall pardon which standeth upon record for him in the heavens The Lord hath in most excellent wisedome ordered that the justification of a sinner should be in this manner namely though it be a perfect and absolute act of God whereby the person of every membere Christ in the very instant of actuall ingrafting into Christ standeth acquitted of all sinnes yet in respect of the application of it by the worke of the holy Ghost and in respect of the full execution of it hee will that it shall be made knowne to man by parts and degrees and that he shall waite for the full execution of it untill the day of the Lord. For this maketh a man conceive more hainously of sinne and to be more circumspect that hee doe not commit it it maketh him more earnest to pray that it may be forgiven and it maketh him more heartily thankefull when it is forgiven If any dreame of perfection Vse 1 in this life this doctrine may serve to awake them out of it for if the best men need forgivenesse daily then without question the best doe sinne daily By this it appeareth that sins Vse 2 committed after Baptisme and relapses and backesliding after conversion are pardonable else our Saviour would not have framed this petition of asking forgivenesse for the use of Peter and the rest of the Church in case of their failings And if God require that one man forgive another not onely every day but seven times in one day then God will much more forgive his children if they sinne oft in one day if they doe but confesse their sinnes and aske him forgivenesse Vse 3 This reproveth those that put off the seeking of forgivenesse of sinne either untill the hand of God be upon them Danger of deferring to obtaine forgivenesse of sinnes or untill some especiall cause of humiliation be offered then through disuse they are much to seeke for time hath caused many sinnes to be forgotten and custome of lying long in sinne doth harden the heart that it doth not distaste sinne as it might have done when it was first committed Hence for the most part commeth slight generall and confused confessions and prayers or if they set themselves more carefully to search out their sinnes it having beene long since they made their peace with God the multitude of their sinnes come so thicke
to their remembrance and doe so affright their conscience that their soules are much perplexed through despaire All these inconveniences would be avoided if they had asked forgivenesse of every dayes sinnes every day But of all men they are most too blame that make no care of obtaining forgivenesse till age death when often times death giveth them no warning or if it doe paines and sicknesse take up the whole man that as for the most part they have no heart because their hearts are hardened through long custome of sinne so they have time little enough then to attend and seeke ease and health for the body which is in the sense of miserie And then it shall be just with God to reject them in sicknesse and old age which in their health and youth would not accept of forgivenesse when he offered it Wherefore it shall be every Vse 4 mans greatest wisedom to aske pardon and to make his peace with God every day It is not safe to suffer sinnes to lye long unconfessed and unpardoned lest it fester Greene wounds are soonest cured with most ease to the Patient if David had ●ake● pardon for his adulterie that day he did 〈…〉 it he had not murthered Vriah for sinnes lying unpardoned beget other sins daily And if he had relented at the bloudie fact of killing Vriah and presently repented it would not have cost him so much horror of conscience as it did Aske pardon therefore every day then w● sinnes bee more particularly confessed and more distinctly and earnestly prayed against and pardon will bee sooner granted and that with lesse horror of conference Vse 5 Whereas committing of sin after knowledge and Falling oft into the same sinnes doth much affright and burden the heart of many of Gods deare children in so much that they are affraid to come so oft to God for pardon of the same sinne yea sometimes they doubt whether they be in state of grace This Doctrine doth serve to remove this doubt and these feares This salve which Christ hath prescribed to cure such sores sheweth that it is incident to his owne Disciples to have need of it And sith hee hath appointed a remedie for sinnes committed after conversion namely every day to aske forgivenesse more assurance of his favour let us daily use this remedy assuring our selves that this daies sinnes confessed and prayed against shal be forgiven as well as any committed and forgiven heretofore As the body hath relapses into the same diseases and the same physicke may be used to recure them so the soule hath relapses and the same remedy which before hath done good may and must be used againe to recover them Vs that is all such who in judgement of charitie now are or may bee Gods children Hereby our Saviour teacheth Doct 6 Every Christian ought to desire and indeavour that others may have their sinnes pardoned and their soules saved as well as their owne Our Saviour saith Father forgive them Luke 23.34 If a man see his brother sinne a sinne which is not unto death he shall aske and hee shall giue him life for them 1 Ioh. 5.16 Daniel he prayed for forgivenesse of the sinnes of the people Dan. 9.19.20 Reas 1 The like glory of Gods free grace doth manifest it selfe in their salvation as in the salvation of ones selfe Reas 2 Herein they shall shew their greatest love unto them by praying for the greatest good unto them namely forgivenesse of sinne and peace with God Love to the Church common Reas 3 wealth doth require it for while the sinnes of Gods people remaine unpardoned they doe decline and grow worse and worse and the whole Church and State is exposed unto Gods judgements This moved Ezra to pray for the people fearing lest God should bee angry with them till he had consumed them because they had married strange wives Ezra 9.10.14 Wherefore all that hinder Vse 1 those meanes of salvation which should worke in their neighbours a sight of sinne griefe for it and faith in Christ are much to be blamed whether they withstand the preaching of the Gospell that it cannot bee preached in the places where they dwell or whether they use all devices to keepe them from hearing the word where it is preached or doe use any inticing or compulsive meanes to draw them into sin Thousands there be of this sort grosse hypocrites as they are for they will say Forgive us when yet they take all courses to clogge others with the guilt and make them obnoxious to the temporall and eternall punishment of many sins if ever they had obtained pardon themselves they would not thus hinder the meanes of forgivenesse of the sinnes of their neighbours Vse 2 Let all that professe the name of Christ do what in them is to procure the salvation of their brethren pray for them shew them their miserie shew them Gods mercie use all meanes that they may beleeve and as for such as doe beleeve but yet are full of doubtings pray unto God that he would say to their soules that he is their GOD. Thus doing you shall honour God and give good proofe that your owne sinnes are pardoned you shall shew love to your neighbour and you shall be a meanes to convert a sinner and comfort a distressed soule Lastly whereas the sinnes of Vse 3 many fearefull and tender hearted Christians doe oppresse them that they as they think cannot pray for forgivenesse they onely can grone and sigh out requests but cannot expresse them such as these may take comfort and raise up their spirits by thinking on this Doctrine What though they cannot satisfie themselves in their owne prayers they must not be so uncharitable as to thinke that others cannot pray Yes they can pray and must and doe pray for the forgivenesse of your sinnes Live upon their stocke when yee have little of your owne The Papists talke of a Treasury of the Church wherein are reserved the overplus of the merits of Saints that when men lacke merits of their owne the Pope may furnish them with some merits of others This treasurie is but a fiction but this doctrine commendeth unto you the true Treasury of the Church First Christ Iesus who commanded all Christians on earth to pray one for another he did pray for you Ioh. 17. and he ever liveth to make intercession for you Heb. 7.25 Next him all faithfull Christians doe according to the will of God pray for you which prayers of theirs are daily offered up by Christ for you Out of this treasurie of others prayers you shall assuredly obtaine pardon for all their fervent prayers cannot but availe with the Lord because they pray for you by his appointment as you see in this text Vs that is such as were mentioned in the former petition for whom they aske bread namely their living neighbors whence note Forgivenesse of sinne is to be Doct. 7 asked for the living not for the dead If it were a
causeth the will so to incline to good that it will imbrace the motion therunto perform it if he can For true saving grace is goodnesse making the sinfull and evil will of man holy and good Now the goodnesse and holinesse of the will of man reformed doth not consist in a bare power to resist evill and to doe good if a man will but it is an habituall disposing of the will to that which is good onely Hence it is that although by reason of the dominion of the flesh before a man is regenerate and by reason of the remaines of the flesh after he is regenerate he is apt to resist for a time may actually resist exhortations and motions unto good actions also is apt to take part with a temptation to evill and for a time to yeeld unto it yet this saving grace of God is so powerfull that in the end it prevaileth against all opposition made against it For this gracious work of God doth so cleare change the judgement will and affections and doth so powerfully purge and convince the conscience of a man that it taketh away frō him a wil to resist a motion unto good and it taketh a-away from him a will to take part with a tentation to evill so that his former unwillingnes to good his former willingnesse to evill ceaseth and therefore hee hath no longer a will actually to resist that which is good though in respect of the nature of the will there doth remaine a possibility of resisting if the will were otherwise disposed The will of man which was ill disposed having formerly lost its freedome to good being in bondage to sinne and to Sathan is now by this grace of GOD rightly disposed being freed and set at liberty to bend it self from sinne towards holinesse and i● thereby inabled actually to refuse the evill and to choose the good This alteration and change in the will of man and the effectuall determination of it by Gods grace infused is not made by any constraint of the will for the will cannot be constrained And it is without any the least infringing of the liberty of mans will in a most free production of his acts For it is effected by a gentle by a sweet and by a gratious drawing forth the act of the will in a morall way by force of argument and perswasion For it causeth together with the propounding that divine truths are received with that clearenesse and evidence in mans judgement that in reason hee neither can nor will chuse but beleeve them Likewise this good grace causeth sinnes from which a man is dehorted to appeare to him so odious and abhorrent that he in reason neither can nor will chuse but refuse and shun them when in a temptation they are presented to him Also it maketh the good to which a man is exhorted and moved to appeare so lovely so desirable and so choise worthy that he in reason neither can nor will choose but to imbrace it and endeavour to performe it 2 Cor. 8.16.17 In this manner was the will of Titus drawn forth into act according as Saint Paul testifieth when he saith Thankes be to God which put the same earnest care into the heart of Titus for you for indeed he accepted the exhortation This grace doth so strengthen the inner man with might by a plentifull and powerful shedding the love of God into mans heart that it causeth such an ardency of love unto God and causeth such an intension of will to please God and such a conviction of the conscience of his duty to God that the love of Christ 2 Cor. 5.14 to use the Apostles phrase constraineth him and prevaileth powerfully overcommeth his old contrary delight and concupiscence of the flesh so that the old man of sin cannot doe the evill nor yet hinder the good which it would Gal 5.17 For when God pleaseth to worke in man effectually to salvation hee doth by his grace first inlighten the minde and heale the will of its imbred aversenesse and adversenesse to good and of its pronesse to evill Isa 57.17.18 and this hee doth by his spirit ingenerating and infusing a spirituall principle of grace giving to man a divine new nature 2 Pet. 1.3.4 which is as the soule of the soul by which mans will is not left indifferent and indetermined to doe or not do but by which it is made apt Psa 119. ●0 and by which it doth bend and presse forward unto the performance of all such actions as doe tend to a supernaturall end such as tend to Gods glory and eternall life this hee doth by his prevenient grace then from this inward and vital principle God by his subsequent grace preoperating and setting man on worke the understanding will and affections do apply themselves according as they are occasioned by their objects and their God assisting the acts of faith hope and charity are drawne forth and perfected This grace therefore whereby a man is delivered from evil is not onely an habituall grace giving a power onely to the will leaving it in the pleasure of the will to suspend whether it will resist a temptation or no but it is an actuall grace improving the habituall power which God infused into the heart of man in the first act of true conversion which it doth by adding new strength whereby it assisteth and stirreth up the will and draweth forth its ability into the act both to nill and to shunne what is sinfull and to will and to doe what is hon● and godly For as no man hath so much as a power to will to abstaine from sinne without habituall grace so neither can he actually abstaine from sinne without actuall grace The morall power of abstaining from sinne floweth from that good habit of grace which prevaileth over the naturall power of the will causing it to cease its indifferency to good or evill and to incline unto good onely and that not in generall as by the naturall power of the will it may doe but in speciall namely to the good of holinesse and honesty This good habit is by a speciall grace of God brought into act not onely to will but to doe that which is good Phil. 2.13 and acceptable in his sight For God not onely determines the will to the substance of the act by a way of determination naturall but also to the goodnesse of it by way of determination supernaturall This grace God giveth to one and not to another not because of his fore-sight of what one would doe and another would not or because one hath disposed himselfe for it by the readinesse of his will or by some other good worke and the other hath not but of his meere good pleasure Phil. 2.13 Therfore he that would have it must aske it of God by prayer That it is needfull to the producing of good workes of faith repentance new obedience and of