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A04472 An expositio[n] vpon the two epistles of the apostle S. Paul to the Thessalonians by the reuerend Father Iohn Ievvel ... ; vvhereunto is adioined a very necessarie table of the principal matters contained in this exposition. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Garbrand, John, 1542-1589. 1584 (1584) STC 14604; ESTC S1254 203,148 439

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Lorde Iesus Christ in the sight of God euen our Father 4 Knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God 5 For our Gospel was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce as ye know after what maner we were among you for your sakes We giue thankes c. Paule teacheth what is the office of a good minister He must euer carrie in remēbrance y e estate of the congregation ouer which the Lord hath placed him He must giue thankes to God in their behalfe and pray for them that God will blesse that which he hath begunne and con●…rme them vnto the end that they may be blamelesse in the day of our Lord Iesus Christ that he will behold them from aboue and blesse his inheritaunce and guide the shéepe of his pasture Your effectual faith Faith is not idle it worketh and is forcible it breaketh out like fire it is alwayes fruitefull through loue Faith without workes is no faith it is dead and bringeeh death And diligent loue Loue is paineful and ful of trainaile it thinketh not euil it seeketh not hir owne things it is bountiful This loue had the Thessalonians to the saints of God which suffered affliction in all places for the Gospels sake Many were spoyled of their goods cast out of their houses and banished from their countrey Euen as at this day for the like cause manie of our brethren the good seruantes of God are driuen into banishment cast into prisons put to the sworde or consumed in fire in those places where the God of this worlde hath so blinded their eyes that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should not shine vnto them It is high time in such cases for charitie to shew hir self She can not dissemble nor despise the teares of hir brother It sheweth foorth as the morning light it taketh from hir selfe to relieue them which are in neede It dealeth bread to the hungrie and bringeth the poore that wander vnto hir house and couereth the naked and hideth not hir face from hir owne flesh Vnto them that haue this loue the Lorde giueth his blessing Blessed is hee that considereth the poore and needy the Lord shal deliuer him in the time of trouble And Christ saith Blessed are the merciful for they shal finde mercie And the patience of your hope How many are the troubles which the children of God suffer in this life let vs beholde the times which were before vs. Abel was innocent and iust yet was he slaine by the hands of his brother and without a cause The Prophet Dauid saieth of the Prophetes and holy men of God and the same words saith the Apostle of the Church of Christ vnder the Gospel For thy sake are we killed al the day long we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter Ieremie sayeth Thy worde is vnto them as a reproch and againe For thy sake I haue suffred rebuke What vilanies were wrought against our sauiour Christ They reproched him in spéeches brought false accusations and false witnesse against him and killed the innocent in whose mouth there was found no guile Whē S. Paul appealed to the witnesse of Timothie who did fully know his doctrine maner of liuing purpose faith long suffering loue and patience and that he knewe also the persecutions and afflictions which came vnto him and which he suffered at Antiochia Iconiū and at Lystra after he had thus remēbred his persecutions his owne innocencie he saith Al that wil liue godly in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution What then hath the godly to leane vnto but hope the prophet Dauid therfore said Though I should walke through the vallie of the shadowe of death I wil feare no euil for thou art with mee Therefore saide Iob though hee flaie me yet wil I trust in him For he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shal neuer be confounded In this hope spake S. Paule Christ is to me both in life death aduantage Againe Whether we liue or die we are the Lords And againe God forbid that I shoule reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ. And to y e Romans he saith There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus This is the foundation of faith euen a strong rocke which shal continue for euer Neither tribulatiō nor anguish nor persecutiō nor famine nor any danger can remoue the faithful from his hope But the wicked and vnstable fal from their hope and their fal is miserable They haue hard the worde of God that teacheth vnto saluation but did not regard it they haue forgotten the workes of the Lorde and receiued his grace in vaine For when they haue heard the worde the Diue●… commeth taketh away the word out of their heartes least they should beléeue and be saued And the end of these men is worse than the beginning It was not so with the Thessalonians They receiued the worde of God willingly and it was fruitful in them so that thereby they increased in faith in loue and in hope Their faith the Apostle calleth forcible or ●…ffectual their loue diligent painful their hope mightie through patience whereby they ouercome al maner of dangers reioyceth on their behalfe because he found so great successe of his trauaile in the Gospel amongst them Knowing that you are elect of God You were blind y e children of wrath without vnderstanding without God without hope But God hath had mercy vpō you hath giuē you grace to know your calling Herein it appeareth y t you are the chosen of God and of the flocke of Christ. My sheepe saith he heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and I giue vnto them eternal life and they shal neuer perish neither shal anie plucke them out of mine hande For our Gospel was not vnto you in worde only but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assuraunce That you haue yéelded obedience vnto the worde and that my ministerie hath béene effectual amongst you it commeth not of any power in your selues or in me it is the worke of God He hath blessed my ministery he hath blessed your hearts It is the gift of God least any man shoulde boast thereof Hereof he speaketh to the Corinthians Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but the ministers by whome yee beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but God gaue the increase It is he which hath the key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth Without him we can do nothing He guideth vs and al our coūsailes and leadeth vs into al trueth No man can come vnto mee sayth Christ except the father which hath sent me drawe him And by y e Prophet Ezechiel God saith I wil giue you a new heart
doe it in such dutie as becommeth a son A subiect maie attempt law with his prince and yet loue and reuerence his prince as becommeth Who v●… seth the law otherwise doth abuse it All strife and contention must be sa●… aside Loue may ancide wrong loue may require right loue may stand ●…rth and seeke defence before Judge Loue is patient and gentle it enuieth not it doth not boa●… it selfe it is not puffed up it disdaineth not it seeketh not her awne things it is not ●…ked to anger it thinketh not e●…ill it rei●…ceth not in iniquitie but it reioiceth in the truth It ●…uffereth all things it beleeueth all 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 all things it mdureth all things Such is the nature of loue such it is where●… it is inben it seeketh right wh●… it defendeth it selfe against chalenge of doing wrong V. 10. Yea and that thing verily you do vnto all the brethren which are throughout all Macedonia but we beseech you brethren that you encrease more and more You loue the brethren not onlie ●…ose that are with you and whome you knowe but al whatsoeuer they be and in what place soeuer though ye knowe them not Some loue none but such as are of their sort and deuotion and sect and felowship If any be of an other minde than they are of they can not loue them This loue is not of God it is carnal and procéedeth but from the flesh Whosoeuer caryeth the name of Christ is our brother wée must loue him for Christes sake Christian loue doth loue those that are enemies and doe not loue vs it blesseth them that speake ill of vs and praieth for them that persecute vs. Oh that these ●…rdes of Paul might truely bée spoken of vs As touching brotherly loue wee neede not write vnto you Oh that God would touch our heartes with his holy spirite that we were all so knit togither loued 〈◊〉 another as he hath commaunded vs. Then should we féele y e peace that passeth all vnderstanding then would it appeare how ioyful a thing it were for brethren to dwell togither in vnitie then should we taste of the comfort of the sonnes of God And alas what is our life or what is our profession without loue what is the sunne without light what is the fire without heate Though I speake with the tongues of men and of Angels sayth the Apostle haue not loue I am as sounding brasse or as a tinckling Cimball And though I had the gift of prophecie and knewe al secrets and al knowledge yea if I had al faith so that I coulde remoue mountaines and had not loue I were nothing That you ebcrease more and more Men of this worlde séeke to encrease in their wealth and riches They neuer thinke their store so great but it may abide to haue more layde to it Wicked men stande not at a stay they cease not to do it they hea●…e sinne vpon sinne and drawe iniquitie with cordes of vanitie and sinne with Cart roapes vntil they come to the heigth and extremitie of wickednesse Doe you increase in euerie thing that is good The kingdome of God is not in worde but in power A childe that stayeth at one stature and neuer groweth bigger is a monster The grounde that ●…th not and is not fruiteful is tur●…ed The trée that is barren and proueth not is cut downe This must al knowe men and women and babes and infantes They must all walke on stil in the way of godlinesse and encrease and goe forwarde therein Vnlesse we goe for●…e we slippe backe If we ware wearie to do the worke of God God wil forsake vs. 〈◊〉 V. 11. And that ye studie to be quiet and to meddle with your owne businesse and to worke with your owne handes as wee commaunded you 12 That yee may behaue your selues honestlie towardes them that are without and that nothing be lacking vnto you Let no man among you bée a busie bodie in other mens matters Be not caues droppers and harkening what is sayde or doone in your neighbours house Wide eares and long tongues dwel together They that loue to heare al that may bée tolde them doe also loue to blab out al they heare Studie to be quiet and meddle with your owne businesse The Church of God is as the bodie of man In a mans bodie euerie part hath his seueral office the arme the legge the hande and foote doe that whereto they are appointed and doing the same they liue together in peace But if the arme would take in hande to doe that is the dutie of the legge or the foote that is the part of the hand it woulde bréede great disorder in the whole bodie So if euery man in the Church of God séeke to do that to them belongeth the Church shal florish and be in quiet But when euerie man wil he busie and take vpon him to looke into other when euerie priuate man wil gouerne and the subiect take in hand to rule the Prince all must néedes come to wracke and decaie Busie bodies euer finde fault with their brethren and neighbours with the State the Clergie the Common wealth the Church the Gouernement and with the Prince They are an vnquiet kinde of men euer looking for that they may mislike and neuer contented From these men come priuie whisperings slaunder backbyting mutinies conspiracies treasons deposing of Princes and vtter decay of common wealthes These are the fruites of curiositie And to worke with your owne handes God hath ordayned that all sorts of men should labour and eate their breade in the sweate of their browes And héere the Apostle doth not onely charge them to worke but that they worke with-their owne handes Thou that hast handes and settest them not to worke thou that abusest the grace of God by thy idlenesse shalt giue an account thereof What filleth your prisons what dubbeth and enricheth your ga●…wes but idlenesse when your children come to these places and sée they must li●…e no longer whereof complaine they but of idlenesse then they curse the time and their Father and Mother that brought them vp in idlenesse Though Kings and Princes and counsaylours and preachers and magistrates digge not and plough not nor do any handy worke yet they breake not therefore the commaundement of God they breake not this rule of the Apostle The heade walketh not as the ●…éete nor trauaileth as the hands yet is it not idle There is no labour comparable to the labour of a Prince Daie and night sléeping and waking he is ful of cares ful of paincs The noble man and magistrate if he regarde his countrie bée careful for the lawes ayde the poore redresse tyranny comfort the weake punish the wicked is not idle The Minister if he applie his booke bée diligent in prayer exhort and teach publikely and priuatelie is not idle These labours are greater than al the labours of the bodie V. 13. I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt
the blessing of God offered vnto thée Where there is no prophecie the people perisheth He that despiseth it shall be despised of the Lord he shal be cast into darkenesse because he would not delight in the light V. 21 Trie al things and keepe that which is good Trie al things God hath giuen you the spirite of discretion and of iudgement Be wise and knowe what is that good and acceptable will of God He not deceiued with wordes of mans wisedome Let not the basenesse or simplicitie of anie cause you to refuse the message which he bringeth and carrie not your selues to liking of al that whatsoeuer shall be told you of such as beare great shew and countenance This was it that deceiued the people of GOD they gaue eare to false teachers which lead them to worshippe the workes of their owne hands Therefore they saide vnto the stone thou art our father thou hast deliuered vs they sell downe before it worshipped it beléeued in it they slewe the Prophets of God and stoned to death such as were sent vnto them The Scribes and Pharises séemed so grane and wise that the people thought nothing good but what they allowed They were altogether appliable to beléeue to do to speake and to thinke whatsoeuer the Pharises willed them Christ saith vnto them Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues S. Iohn therefore saith Dearely beloued beleeue not euerie spirite but trie the spirites whether they are of God for manie false prophets are gone out into the world And further directeth vs howe we should trie them hereby shal ye know the spirit of God euerie spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God Againe hereby may you trie them Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God Hee that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the father and the sonne If there come anie vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house neither bid him God speede Hereby S. Paul required the Galathians to trie betwéene him and the false Apostles If anie man preach vnto you otherwise than that yee haue receiued let him bee accursed For now do I preach mans doctrine or Gods the Saduces erred touching the resurrection because they searched not the scriptures God teacheth vs by the prophet Esay to make triall of teachers and doctrines When they shall saie vnto you enquire of them that haue a spirite of diuination and at the soothsaiers which whisper and murmur shoulde not a people enquire at their God from the liuing to the dead to the law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is bicause there is no light in them Paule putteth Timothie in mind wherefore he left him at Ephesus to commaund some that they teach none other doctrine And to warne both the teachers and the hearers that they giue no heede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse which breede questions rather than godlie edifying which is by faith Thus are the people of God called to trie the truth to iudge betwéene good and il betwéene light and darknesse God hath made them the promise of his spirit and hath left vnto them his word They of Berea when they heard the preaching of Paule searched the scriptures dailie whether those things were so as he taught them and manie of them beléeued So do you giue héed to instruction and yet receiue not al things without proofe and trial that they are not contrarie to the wholesome doctrine of the word of God Keepe that which is good When you haue tried and found out the truth be constant and setled in it A wauering minded man is vnstable in al his waies Follow the truth and be not carried about with euerie wind of doctrine The diuel wil come in the name of God and change himselfe into an Angel of light Let him not take the loue of the trueth from you let him not remooue you from faith and a good conscience returne not like swine vnto your mire God hath purged your hearts and made them cleane Except they be preserued and kept occupied the vncleane spirite wil returne and enter in and dwell in you so the last state of you shall be worse than the first We haue great cause to harken diligently to the Apostle to keepe that is good We see this daie great confusion in al places Sathan woulde faine entangle vs againe with the errour of the wicked and séeketh to drawe vs from our stedfastnesse Now is the time wherin God maketh some triall of his seruauntes now iniquitie séeketh to haue the vpper hand They seduce the people saie here is Christ there is Christ here is the Church there is the Church God giue vs his holie spirite to guide vs in iudgement that we maie discerne the truth from falshoode and knowe the blessed and gratious will of GOD that wee maie walke in his waies and serue him in reuerence and feare al the daies of our life In this worlde as there is a Iacob so is there an Esau as there are manie that loue Christ with an vnfained hart so are there manie that serue Antichrist and as there be many true professors of the trueth of God so are there manie despisers of the same This wée maie sée here at home within this realme We maie sée it and mourne and lament for it in our hearts Their practises are opened they haue broken out into open rebellion to the breach of the peace both of GOD and man They saie with their lippes GOD saue Quéene Elizabeth yet they holde vppe their sword against her Alas what hath she deserued at their handes she hath alwaies dealt mercifully without crueltie without shedding of bloud God preserue her that she maie long raigne ouer vs and bring al her enimies to confusion What pretence make they for this their doing that hereby they séeke to haue religion refourmed Thankes be to GOD religion is refourmed farre better than our fathers knewe it these many hundred yeares If those which liued before vs might haue séene and heard as we sée heare they would haue reioiced and thought themselues happie But they would haue the Masse What find they or sée they in it wherfore they should so desire it Trie things saith Paul Therefore examine and trie the masse What do we learne by it what doctrine what godlinesse in life what comforte for saluation It is a dumb and deadly seruice The people are forced to be at it it is the verie kay of their religion the people are bound to be present at masse yet they neither receiue anie thing nor eate nor heare nor vnderstand anie thing You are wise you haue reason you are the children of GOD be you iudges herein and iudge vprightly for it is Gods cause Will they call this the Lordes supper Is this
y e names of our fathers The Church of Thessalonica whose foundation was surely built by S. Paule himselfe for which he was so careful vnto which he wrate special letters to commende their increase in godlinesse and their stedfastnesse in the Gospel is forsaken and laide wast If the worke which the spirite of God wrought by the Apostle be decayed whose work may we thinke shal stande Ieremie spake vnto the people of the Jewes saying Trust not in lying wordes saying the Temple of the Lorde the temple of the Lord this is the temple of the Lord. That temple GOD himselfe commaunded to be built the forme and fashion thereof God himselfe deuised and appointed therein he placed his Tabernacle and sette vp his mercie seate therein he shewed foorth his maiestie and the glorie of his countenaunce Yet al this notwithstanding God saide by the prophet trust not in these wordes they be lying words and wil deceiue you As the Prophet spake of the temple at Ierusalem so may it be sayde of any other church throughout the worlde So may it be saide of the Churche of Rome Wée may say trust not in lying wordes saying the church of Rome the Church of Rome Say not thus with your selues the Church of Rome is built vpon a rocke so surely that it can not be moued or that no winde can shake it say not the faith of that Church can neuer faile These be lying wordes trust not in them for Christ neuer spake any such thing of y e church of Rome It neuer had promise of more special priuiledge than was giuen to the Church at Thessalonica Reade the Scriptures beholde the words of our Sauiour and consider them yen shal finde no spéech made of the Church of Rome nor any promise nor péece of promise wherein he bindeth himselfe more to y e church of Rome than he hath done to other churches or to this of Thessalonica Thessalonica was beautiful in the sight of God the Lorde of hostes had pitched his tentes rounde about her the name of the most bolie was placed in the middest of her shée enioyed like spirituall peace and prosperitie as did the Ierusalem of the almightie she was as a Citie fenced within it selfe but the Lord hath taken away the light of his countenaunce from her shée hath forsaken the waies of righteousnesse she hath left off to serue the Lorde and is become the place which the Lorde hath forsaken there is scarce anie remnant left there of those which call vppon the name of our saluation and loue the Lorde Iesus with an vnfained heart This is the Lordes doing and it is marueilous in our eyes And is his hande shortned that he cannot or is his zeale abated that he wil not in like seueritie deale with such as forsake him If he spared not the natural braunches if Ierusalem were ouerthrowne because of her iniquities it cannot be that hee wil spare other places that doe the like but that they shal also be cut off This is it that our Sauiour hath saide in the Gospel by S. Mathewe Therefore say I vnto you the kingdome of God shal be taken from you and shal be giuen to a nation which shal bring foorth the fruites thereof Such terrible dreadful examples hath God layde before our eyes to kéepe vs in his feare and in a●…e of his iudgements V. 2. Grace be with you and peace from GOD our Father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. This is the salutation of Paule in al his Epistles to say I wish that the blessing and fanour and loue of God may light vppon you But for the better consideration hereof that we may know how earnestly we ought to pray vnto God for this grace and peace which the Apostle wisheth to the Churches let vs looke into our selues and sée how miserable we are if wee be left voyde of this grace and if God take his holy spirite away from vs. By nature what are we other than the bonde slaues of sinne We are not able to lift vp our eyes into heauen nor to beléeue in GOD nor to praise him nor to cal vppon his name We are not sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues Vnlesse hee open our lippes wee cannot shewe foorth his prayse Vnlesse hée heale our deafenesse we cannot giue care to his worde Vnlesse he giue vs vnderstanding heartes wee cannot take ●…owledge of his wil. Destruction and vnhappinesse sayth the Prophet Dauid are in their wayes and the way of peace haue they not knowne there is no feare of God before their eyes speaking of such as had not receyued the fauour and grace of God to guide and direct them And by the Prophet Malachie God vttereth his displeasure against them saying I haue no pleasure in you sayeth the Lorde of hostes neither wil I accept an offring at your handes Therefore the Apostle prayeth that they may receiue such measure of Gods grace as may quench in them the fierie dartes of the wicked and enhable them to holde fast that worthie thing that is committed vnto them and may kéepe them holic and vndefiled against the glorious comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. V. 3. Wee ought to thanke God alwayes for you bretheren as it is meete because that your faith groweth exceedingly and the loue of euerie one of you towardes another aboundeth 4. So that we our selues reioice of you in the church of God because of your patience and fayth in al your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer God hath wrought this good worke of faith and loue and pacience in your hearts he wil make it prosper and encrease It is he which hath put this fire in you and he wil make it burne Hee hath layde his leauine in the dough or meale of your heart and wil make it heauie and worke vntill al be leauined Hée wil make you abounde more and more and wil bring to a good ende the thing he hath begonne Your faith groweth exceedingly This is the wil of God that we ware and encrease in al holinesse Hereby we know whether we be of God or no. We may not stand at a stay but must be renewed One sayth in via virtutis qui nō proficit deficit Whosoeuer mendeth not him self in the practise of vertue he groweth worse God hath placed vs in a race to run we must so run that we may attaine the price We are graffes of y e Lords planting we must grow to the heigh and breadth of a trée and bring foorth fruit We are pilgrimes and strangers and passe by the wildernesse of this world into our heauenly resting place wee may not stay by the way but must remoue our tentes and continually march on forwarde vntill that day come when wee shall enter into the lande of promise So that we our selues reioyce of you in the Church of God c. Your faith is not onelie true and pure but setled and
Lorde If they haue called the maister of the house Beelzebub how much more them of his housholde But this is reckoned vnto them for happipinesse Blessed are you when men reuile you and persecute you and saie al manner of euil against you for my sake falsely Reioice and be glad for great is your reward in Heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you They slue them drowned them hewed them with swords and cut them in péeces with sawes If anie man saith our Sauiour wil folow me let him forsake himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow mee So farre must the children of God be from the loue of this worlde in such sorte must he forsake his owne life and endure affliction that wil come vnto Christ. In the olde lawe the Priests went on and carried the Arke before and the people came after In token that they should giue good example and the people shoulde follow them The Priest was appointed to be a shril trumpet sounding in the eares of the people and the people were commanded to prepare them selues for the battel of the Lord of hostes Therefore saieth S. Paul so haue I followed the Lord and so haue you folowed me and receiued the word not in affliction onelie but in much Affliction Where he much describeth the vnmercifull hearts and tyrannous hate of the wicked against al those that followe the lamb and receiue the word of God with gladnes No torment so cruel no deuise so strange no maner of death so horrible which hath not beene or which is not laide vpon them Their babies be cast into prisons they are stript out of their houses and spoiled of their goodes Thus doe the enimies of God worke tyrannie and much affliction vnto the godlie They consume their bodies in fire shed their bloud without measure throw out their bones and scatter them vppon the face of the earth and this doe they not as against murtherers robbers adulterers or such like but ●…nelie because they receiue the word and beare a loue to the trueth and cannot denie the power thereof With ioy of the holie ghost This is that which passeth al naturall sense and wisedome Manie séeme to take in good part and abide patiently afflictions losse of goods imprisonment and losse of life But no man can reioice in the suffring of these things but the child of god no man but whō Christ hath chosē out of y e world but whose name is written in the booke of life but he in whom y e spirit beareth witnes with his spirit that he is the child of God He knoweth that through manie tribulations he must enter intorest He knoweth the wicked could haue no power ouer him ●…nlesse it were giuen them from aboue he knoweth that al is done for the best to them that loue God and that God could dispose meanes if it were so ●…dient to bring to naught all the deuises of the vngodlie When the ●…ernantes of God were rast into the hote burning fornace bicause they woulde not worship the golden Image that the ●…ing Nabuchodonosor had set vp who would haue thought that the fire could not burne D●… that their bodies shoulde not haue béene consumed●… yet did God in the middest of the fire prefer●… them so that not one haire of their head was burnt neither were their coats changed nor anie smel of fire came vpon them Let vs neuer forget this notable example of Gods power to deliuer his seruants that we may euer be earnest and carefull to professe our faith in him to ●…riue vnto the death for the setting foorth of his glorie It ●…areth euen so with the children of God in the persecution of this world troubles miseries and aduer●…tie compasse them as the ●…rie ●…nace compassed those thrée men of God But God couereth them with his mercie as with a cloude that nothing shal hurt them I say not al that stande in lik●… defence shal in like sort be so preserued that their bodies ●…al not be peirced For God suffereth the wicked to destroy and kil his seruauntes and to consume their bodies to dust and ashes Yet are his seruauntes warned not to feare them When the Apostles were beaten because they had spoken in the name of Iesus They departed from the counsel reioycing that they were counted worthie to suffer rebuke for his name We reioyce saith Saint Paule in ●…bulations knowing that tribulation bringeth foorth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroade in our heartes by the holy ghost which is giuen vnto vs. The comfort which is giuen in this case to the godlie is hidden within them For to him that ouer commeth shal be giuen a white stone and in the stone a newe name written which no man knoweth sauing he that receyueth it The afflictions of this present time are not worthie the glorie which shal be shewed vnto vs. When our saniour did sée the time of his passion drawe neare he saide to his Disciples You are they which haue continued with me in my temptations Therefore I appoint to you a kingdome as my father hath appointed vnto me that yee may eate and drinke at my table in my kingdome and sit on seates and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel And in his sermon vpon the mountaine he saith Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of Heauen The case shal be altered It shal be betwéene them and their persecuters as it was betwéene Lazarus and the Rich man When the wicked and cruel tyrantes shal sée them in the presence of the throne of God because they came out of great tribulatiō haue washed their long robes and haue made them white in y e bloud of the lambe the god of Abraham shal say vnto the wicked sons remember that you in your life time receiued your pleasures like wise these men paines now therfore are they c●…orted you tormented They are taken out of affliction into rest from their bondes into libertie out of prison into a kingdome out of miserie vnto glory from life vnto death The promise of this comfort is often renewed The prophet Dauid saith They y t sowe in teares shal reape in ioy Our sauiour telleth his Disciples Ye shal weepe and lament and the world shal reioyce and you shal forrowe but your sorrowe shal be turned to ioy S. Iohn heard a voice from heauen saying Blessed be the dead which hereafter dy in y e Lórd Euen so saith the spirite for they rest frō their labours and their workes follow them He is commanded to write vnto y e Angel of the Church of the Smyrnians Feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer Bohold it shal come to passe that the diuel shal cast some of you into prison that you may be tried
a pullie and binde great weights of leade at their héeles to rent them and teare their bodies asunder Some they haue tied vnto great péeces of timber and haue put fire at the soales of their féete They haue opened their mouthes and made them drawe in Lawne into their bodie A thing most cruel and yet which they haue practised the maner whereof hath béene thus reported They laie it so farre in the mouth that a mans breath easily draweth it into his bodie and so it is conueighed into the stomacke When it is wel setled then commeth the tormentour and taketh the Lawne by the other ende and rasheth it sodainelie with such a force as it séemeth he doth plucke out the verie heart and entrailes such a rare strange kinde of crueltie as is not practised vpon most notorious rebels and traitors As for death 40 or 50 at one time haue béene heaped together and burnt in one fire They haue set vpon the seruauntes of God and compassed the Church where they haue assembled togither to pray vnto God and murthered them in their innocencie whiles they lifted vp pure handes vnto God The French king by the counfaile of such as hate the Gospel of Christ sent his cruel souldiers and murthered his subiects at Valois He ouerthrew their houses burnt their Towne destroyed man woman and childe spoyled their corne and turned their trées vpside downe He wasted defaced vnpeopled it not for that they were théeues or rehels but because they beléeued in the name of Christ. Consider how many are murthered in Flaunders and in the kingdome of Fraunce They are not so farre from vs as Iudea from Thessalonica They ioyne next vnto vs. God is blessed in his saints and holy in al his workes no crueltie is able to quench his truth There is no counsel which shal preuaile against the Lord. He giueth increase and placeth children in fréede of their fathers The more are slaine by the enemies the more spring up by the working of his spirite The more are hewne downe the more multiplie We may not be strangers in this case It beboueth vs to consider the afflictions of our brethren They belong vnto vs We must pray to God for them that he wil put an ende to their misenies otherwise wee haue not the spirite of God we beare no loue nor care for his bause Of your countrey men This was the greatest and beauiest part of their troubles For what a heartes griefe is it to the father if his sonne rise vp against him or to the sonne to sée his father readie to betray him and to seeke his bloud Where this is done he will say O father I am thy sonne alas what haue I done to haue thy displeasure death is bitter but thy displeasure is more bitter than death It were a cruel thing that any man should kil an other what is it then if thou shouldest kil thine own child yet if thou be so bent take my life and spare my conscience spare my soule that I may deliuer it vp into his handes that hath giuen it me I would be obedient vnto thée thou art my father but I may not disobey God He is the father of fathers He hath saide He that loueth father or mother more than me he is not worthy of me It is a miserable case when persecution groweth so hot y ● the child is driuen to forsake his father or the father his child yet so doth the world blind many Satan so possesseth their harts y ● he turneth their loue into hatred and shutteth their senses and thoaketh and dammeth vp the springes of nature They become so blind and so unsensible that they neither féele their owne fleshe nor know their owne bloud They thinke in so doing they doe God good seruice They are enemies to the truth They are y e enemies of the crosse of Christ their end is destruction And forbid vs to preach vnto the gentiles that they might bee saued This is the ende whereunto the Gospel is giuen that the people should be saued S. Paule sayth God wil that al men shal bee saued and come to the knowledge of the truth Therefore our Saniour appointed his Apostles to this office of preaching his word saying Go and preach the gospel vnto al nations Goe vnto the lost sheepe of Israel He sayth It is not the wil of my father that one of these little ones should perish Whosoeuer beleeueth and shal bee baptised shal be saued S. Iames exhorteth the faithful Receiue with meekenesse the worde that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules By it we heare the swéete voyce of our Sauiour Come vnto mee all ye that trauaile and be heauily loaden and I wil refrosh you By it we heare the merciful calling of God Turne vnto mee and ye shal be saued By it we are warned to depart from the companie of such as are enemies to the truth and to haue no fellowshippe with the vnfruitful workes of darkenesse Saue your selues sayth S. Peter from this frowarde generation By it we are taught to beléeue that Jesus Christ is the sonne of GOD that ●…is name is Jesus because he shal saue his people from their sinnes and that there is not salnation in any other besides him For faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God This is therefore the dutie of the preacher to preach vnto the people that so they may be saued that they may knowe the wayes of GOD that they may repent them of their sinnes and be renewed vnto godlinesse Who would thinke there were any that would hinder the course of the Gospel●… or forbid to preach it unto the people The Apo●…e here layeth that fault to the Jewes That they forbid him to preach to the Gentiles The same fault Christ founde in the Scribes and Pharises Woe be to you interpreters of the lawe for ye haue taken away the keye of knowledge ye entred not in your selues and them that came in ye forbad S●… there haue béene alwaies and such there are now O say they why should y ● people know these thinges what should they meddle with the scriptures let them do their businesse and apply their occupations It is not reason not fit that euery one should be learned When they thinke they know somewhat they become proud and denise heresies and maintaine them as if God had not left them to enstruct the people or as if the holy scriptures and not the malice at S●…tan were the cause of heresies But God hath said Gather the people together men 〈◊〉 women and children and thy stranger that is within thy gates that they may heare and that they may learne and feare the Lord your God and keepe and obserue all the words of this law The Prophet Dauid thought it méete y e people shold know the scriptures therefore said Blessed is that man whose delight is in the law of
to doe as others doe It is a small matter to looke vp and holde vp thy hands at the sacring If it be an offence thou shalt be excused because thou arte forced to doe it by authoritie GOD is mercifull he will forgiue thée Thus and thus doth Sathan ●…empt vs and sifteth vs to leade vs from our stedfastnesse These deuises he practised of latedaies before our eies with manie constant professours of Christian religion but through the mightie power of GOD they quenched all his fierie dartes and through manie tribulations entred into glorie Thankes be to God which doth make vs able through his grace not onelie to beléeue in him but also to suffer for his sake He is faithfull and will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we are able but will euen giue the issue with the temptation that we maie be able to beare it He hath bidden vs call vppon him in the daie of trouble and he will deliuer vs. Commit thy waie vnto the Lorde and trust in him saith the Prophet and hee shal bring it to passe I haue set the Lord alwaies before mee for he is at my right hand therefore I shall not slide And againe The Lord is with mee Therefore I wil not feare what man can doe vnto mee It is better to trust in the Lord than to haue confidence in princes When our sauiour foretold his Disciples of the troubles to come he also maketh comforte to them of the strength and the helpe which they shall receiue of GOD saying When they deliuer you vp take no thought how or what yee shall speake for it shall bee giuen you in that houre what yee shall saie he telleth them by whom they shall be persecuted Yee shall be betrayed also of your parents and of your brethren and kinsemen and friends And in what sorte They shall laie handes on you and persecute you and deliuer you to the Synagogues and into prisons and bring you before Kings and Rulers And for what cause For my names sake Then what the godlie in this case must doe Feare them not Hee that endureth to the ende shall be saued Last of all hée promiseth to be with them and to strengthen them This shal turne to you for a Testimoniall Laie it vp therefore in your heartes that you premeditate not what yee shall aunswere For I wil giue you a mouth and wisedome whereagainst al your aduersaries shal not be able to speake nor resist Thus were the things spoken of long béefore which we haue séene lately done Whosoeuer will sette downe the storie thereof nowe they are passed muste néedes declare it in the manner as it was forespoken Their owne kinsfolkes and friendes betrayed many and brought them to the Bishoppes who deliuered them into prisons for the name of Christ and for the loue of his truth The blessed witnesses or martyres of God feared not but endured Manie were simple yong men yong maidens men and women of great age labouring men and men of occupations Yet God gaue them such a mouth and such wisedome as al their aduersaries were not able to speake against it nor resist it Who readeth that Scripture diligently and considereth this storie of our time aduisedly can not but confesse that the light of Gods Gospell is come among vs and that we are they vpon whom the latter ende of the world is come and in whome he doth shew foorth the great might of his power Therefore such temptations as Sathan vseth can not make the name of GOD fal from his ancker holde His hope is safely laid vp in his breast Hée knoweth in whome hée putteth his trust and therefore saieth I presume not of knowledge I estéeme not to know anie thing saue Christ Iesus and him crucified I beléeue not in my fathers I reuerence them and loue them but I beléeue onelie in GOD. I feare not the sworde I feare not what man can doe vnto me but I feare him that can kill my bodie and soule It is better for me to abide the fire and lose my life that I may liue for euer than to denie GOD for safegarde of my life and be caste into hell fire If there be so manie partakers of their errours and so fewe that cleaue to the trueth the multitude of them shall not saue mée and it is no triall of Gods trueth whether it be receiued of many or of fews Cardinalles and Bishoppes and do●…ours may be wise and learned So were Annas and Caiaphas the high priests and Scribes and Pharises which did put to death the Lord of glorie I dare not doe ill bicause other men do it I may not tempt God My conscience is truely assured by Gods worde what is idolatrie and the dishonour of God If I should come into the Church and make such shew as you aduise me and be partaker with Idolaters I should doe hurt to others in mine ill example I should do against mine owne conscience which would be a heauie witnesse against mée both whiles I liue in this world and in the dreadfull daie of iudgement V. 11. Now God himselfe euen our father and our Lord Iesus Christ guide our iourney vnto you 12. And the Lord increase you and make you abound in loue one toward an other and toward al men euen as wee doe toward you 13 To make your heartes stable and vnblamable in holinesse before God euen our father at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ with his Saints I haue planted you you are my children whom I haue begotten in Christ. I loue you and haue care ouer you I haue an ercéeding desire to sée your face But Sathan hath withstoode my purpose and found meanes to kéepe me from you I commit my voyage to God if it please him that I may come vnto you to reioice with you and comfort you He knoweth what is good for me and what is profitable for you The cause is his owne Hée will doe all things to his glorie Hée will treade Sathan vnder our féete We can not purpose and dispose of our selues I know that the way of man is not in him selfe neyther is it in man to walke and to direct his steps The Lord increase you in al godlinesse that you may abound more and more euen as you haue heard of vs how you ought to walk You are but a little flocke God increase your number and make all them partakers of his kingdome with you which heare of your faith and conuersation in Christ. To make your hearts stable and vnblameable That nothing moue you or trouble you●… that your hearts and consciences be quiet that you may stand vpright and shewe your lelues in great confidence before his iudgement seate that when you shal sée Gods haud stretched out his plagues prepared against the wicked you be not afraid This is the hauen of rest whereto no man commeth but he that hath a quiet conscience this is the tabernacle
come into this house for as much as he also is become the sonne of Abraham God may make his word worke so in the hearts of Usurers that they may also receiue Iesus and forsake Vsurie and restore f●…ure solde if they haue deceiued anie and so may also receiue saluatiō Let vs increase in that Vsurie which is to the glorie of God He hath giuē vs knowledge and manie excellent graces Let vs put them foorth let vs occupie that talent which he hath left vs. He will returne the daie of his comming is at hand He will require his talents we must answere them Let vs restore them with increase that our seruice may be allowed and we receiued into his tabernacle V. 7. For God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse 8. He therefore that despiseth these things despiseth not man but God who hath euen giuen you his holie spirit Let euerie man possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour for this is the will of God hereto are ye called I am the Lord your God saith he be sanctified therfore and be holie for I am holie So our sauiour to his Disciples Be ye merciful as your father also is mercifull Unmercifulnesse crueltie vncleannesse fornication Vsurie and such like are not of GOD. They auns were not their calling that committe anie manner of sinne If anie man therefore purge him selfe from these hee shall be a Vessell vnto honour sanctified and meete for the Lord. It behoueth euery man when he is in secret and alone to bethinke himselfe whereto God hath called him The Magistrate thus I am called to doe iustice to be mercifull to the widow to haue pitie vpon the fatherles I am the Minister of God for the wealth of them that do wel and to take vengeance on him that doeth euill The minister and preacher thus I haue charge giuen me to leade the people of God to the way of righteousnes I am called to do the worke of an Euangelist to preach the word in season and out of season to shewe the people their offences and to reprooue them with all earnestnesse to teach them that they denie all vngodlinesse and turne wholie vnto God for necessitie is laide vpon me and wo is mee if I preach not the gospell The subiect must thus thinke with himselfe I owe obedience to my soueraigne I must be subiect not because of wrath onelie but also for conscience sake If I resist I resist the ordinance of God and shall receiue to my selfe damnation It behooueth all men when they féele them selues led to anie euil purpose to bethink them selues Alas what meane I Why should I do it This is not the will of God God hath not called me to vncleannesse but vnto holinesse God is my God I am his creature I must serue him with my heart The eies of the Lord are ouer the righteous and his eares open to their praiers but the face of the Lord is vpon them that do euill He therefore that despiseth these things despiseth not man but God Alas what are wée We are but unprofitable seruants we are the voice of a crier in the wildernesse by vs it hath pleased God to make his name known throgh al the world we are your brethren and your ●…ruāts for Christs sake we are your helpers by whome you are called to the faith Wée preach not our selues but Iesus Christ. Wée speake vnto you in the name of God If you despise vs in doing this seruice toward you you despise not vs but you despise God who hath sent vs and God can in due time auenge your vnthankefulnesse Who hath giuen you his holie spirite You haue receiued the spirit of wisdome and vnderstanding You know these things are true you cannot denie them If you shal now offend you shal offend against Gods spirite which is giuen vnto you V. 9. But as touching brotherly loue you neede not that I write vnto you for yee are taught of God to loue one an other Loue is the bond of vnitie of perfection of knowledge of wisedome and of al godlinesse Paul the more to set foorth the swéetnesse and comfort thereof calleth it brotherly loue Brethren are bound to loue one another God and nature and bringing vp doe bind them Many brethren haue endangered themselues to saue their brethren It were a monster in nature that one brother should kill an other You are all brethren and haue one father euen God How then can you hate and trouble your brethren Hereto Christ calleth vs A newe commaundement giue I you that ye loue one an other as I haue loued you that yee also loue one another By this shal al men know that yee are my disciples if ye haue loue one to an other Hereof the Prophet Dauid saith Behold how good and how comely a thing it is brethren to dwell euen together There is peace there is comfort there is heauen there is God himselfe among them This is the dutie of the children of God taloue together as the parts members of one bodie as brethren and as the sons of one father Here let vs consider one great disor●… among vs that are Christians If an action or matter at law growe betwéene man and man then foorthwith is the bond of brotherly loue broken They are no longer friendes If he stand against him in sute of law he will haue no more to doe with him will not pray with him nor drink in his companie nor talke together with him Whensoeuer he ●…eeth him his heart riseth at him as if he did sée his enimie This should not be so it is a disorder in Christian behauiour Next after the Gospell the law is the greatest comfort that god hath giuen to the sons of men It remedieth iniuries and giueth to euerie man that is his He that goeth to a Iudge goeth to him that is the minister of ●…ice and that sitteth in the r●…me of god to do right For the seate of iustice is the seate of God If there were no law to be ministred but euerie man might do what he would reckon al his own whatsoeuer he could get or come by what a lift would it be How should any man be maister of that he hath Who can imagin what in●…ries cruelties ●…thers streams of blood would folow thanks be vnto god who in mercie hath giuē vs a law iustice to guide vs by Let vs be content to séeke helpe at this 〈◊〉 without wrath or malice let vs come to it as we would come to our father Let vs aske counsell at it as we would at the mouth of GOD. As euerie man thinketh it lawfull to vse his owne or to require his owne so lette euerie man be content to leaue that he ho●…eth when law saith it is none of his The law is no breach of charitie it is the bonde and knot to kéepe men in loue A son may attempt law with his father yet
the sacrament of our redemption Is this that which Paule receiued of the Lord and deliuered vnto the Church Is this the shewing foorth of the Lordes death vntill hée come They woulde haue the Popes auctoritie restored What is the Pope they saie hée is the successour of Peter What doth the Pope as Peter did or what did Peter as the Pope doth He is a mortall man And cursed are they of God that put their trust in man He feedeth not the flocke he teacheth not the simple hée strengtheneth not the weake I wil saie no more GOD make him a seruant of Christ and a faithful disposer of the mysteries of God They are offended at the mariage of the ministers of the Church Yet Gratian their great maister sayeth Copula sacerdotalis nec legali nec Euangelica nec Apostolica authoritate prohibetur The marriage of Priestes is not forbidden by any authoritie either of the lawe or of the Gospel or of the Apostles The holie fathers that liued in the Apostles time and shortly after report that Peter and al the other Apostles excepting only Iohn were maried and had wiues the Prophet Esay was married and yet he sawe the Lord sitting vpon an high throne Moses was marryed and yet saw God face to face Wil they reforme the Prophetes and the Apostles Wil they account that to be vnholie which the Apostle calleth honorable in al men Ignatius the scholer of Saint Iohn saide I wish to be found meete for God as was Peter and Paule and the other Apostles that were married They paint their banner with the Crosse and fiue woundes Why bring they those armes against vs Doe not we beleeue the crosse of Christ doe not wée reioyce and comforte our heartes by the remembraunce of his woundes doe not wée reade and she we foorth to the people the storie of his passion GOD knoweth it and you can beare vs witnesse and they can not denie it that we make this worke of our redemption wrought by the passion of our sauiour Christ the chiefe and principall rocke and foundation of our faith Therefore say wee with the Apostle GOD forbidde that we should reioyce in anie thing but in the Crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ. Nay rather they are become our enemies because wée beléeue in Iesus Christ crucified Because we say as Gods worde teacheth that Iesus Christ is the onely aduocate to the Father for our sinnes and that hee hath with one offering consecrated for euer them that are sanctified and that the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from al sinne For this cause are they become our enemies Let vs nothing feare their treacheries and attemptes let vs kéepe that is good and holde it fast vntil death Nowe we haue tasted the word of God and haue receiued the comfort of the Gospel let vs not despise it nor be wearie of it Let vs pray vnto God that he establish the loue of his trueth in vs and that he wil open the eyes of their heartes and bring them to bee partakers of those mercies which yet through ignoran●…ce they haue despised V. 22. Abstaine from al appearaunce of euil Kéepe your selues not onely from doing those thinges which are euil but also from al appearaunce of euil Offende not the conscience of thy brother that he may haue no occasion to thinke euill of thée Commit not adulterie and withdrawe thy selfe from the companie of such vnthriftie and light and suspected persons Bée not like to them that are such Laie not out thy money to Usurie nor doe anie thing whereby others may thinke so of thée Beware of vncharitable conueya●…ce of thy money Be not Idolaters And leaue off to doe anie thing that maie bring you into suspition of Idolatrie Giue not that honour vnto anye creature which is proper to GOD. Haue no felloweshippe with their workes beare no appearaunce of liking their euill Goe not as they goe liue not as they liue Saint Paule repr●…ueth the Galathians Yee obserue dayes and monethes and times and yeare I am in feare of you least I haue bestowed on you labour in vaine So doeth hee the Colossians also If yee bee dead with Christe from the ordinaunces of the worlde why as though yee liued in the worlde are ye burdened with traditions as touch not taste not handle not So doe the Idolaters you shoulde not bee like vnto them They are the children of darkenesse you are the sonnes of light They wil not be like vnto you and forsake their false Gods Why should you become like vnto them and forsake the God that made the heauens and the earth You can not make them ashamed of their errors and imbrace the trueth Why then should you betray the trueth and be partakers with them in error The Christians in olde time beganne to weare Garlandes made of Bay What harme might be in that What is a Garlande but a furniture for the heade What is Bay but a litle trée or bush Yet the Fathers that liued with them to teach them sayde it was not lawful not for y e the thing it self was il of it selfe but for that they would not séeme to followe Idolaters It had some appearance of euill It was a ceremonie and solemne fashion among the heathen they woulde not be imboldened and it would offende the heartes of manie of the faithfull to see Christians followe the fashion of the Heathen When king Antiochus sent vnto Hierusalem and to the Cities of Iuda that they should followe the straunge lawes of the Countrey many chose rather to die than to bee defiled with vncleane thinges and to breake the holie couenaunt which God had giuen them Darius made a decrée whosoeuer should aske a petition of any God or man for thirtie dayes saue of the King he should be cast into the denne of Lions Daniel would not be kept so long from the seruice of God Hee would not dissemble he would not hide his zeale nor shewe anie appearaunce of it He prayed and praysed God as he did before and opened his chamber windowes that it might bée séene Policarpus might haue saued his life if he woulde haue dissembled He would not he coulde not He sawe it woulde haue béene an appearaunce of euil and a discourage vnto the brethren therefore spake boldly Christianus sum I am a Christian. And béeing required to speake il of Christ saide Octoginta sex annos seruio ei nihil me laesit vnquā quomodo possum maledicere ei blasphemare regem meum qui salutem mihi dedit I haue serued Christ these fourescore and sixe yeares and he did neuer anie thing hurt mee howe may I speake il and blaspheme my king which hath giuen me saluation This is my faith Christ is my God this is my religion I am not ashamed to suffer death rather than I wil denie him who suffered death in his owne bodie to sau●… mée It is good sayth
people mislike and doubt the word of God and imbrace his follies This is a myracle These be the workes of Antichrist which hée shal bring to passe This shall hée worke in al deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse He shal come with al kindes and shiftes of deceite He shal come with shewe of praying with vizarde of fasting with companies of Monkes Fryers Chanons and al kinde and colour of holinesse He shal séeke to preuaile by threatning and by flattering by fayre meanes and by foule hee shal excommunicate and release from excommunication hée shal promise forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting He shal make boast of the Fathers and auncient doctours hée shal make boast of the vniuersal consent he shall boast of general councels he shal boast of Christes Apostles and of the Gospel of Christ and of the worde of GOD. So shal he falsely and deceitefully worke himselfe credite and beguile the worlde in abusing the holy name of God No kinde of deceitefolnesse or suttletie but he shal vse it So shal he make the people séeke vpon him and kings and emperours to fal downe before him and to say who is like vnto the beast who is so wise so learned so holie so wealthie so mightie and so catholike without him no man is to be rekoned holie or learned Without him no man may traffique buie nor sel. Without him no man may reade publiquely in Uniuersities no man may preach to the people no man may be accounted a Christian no man may hope to bee saued without him without his leaue and liking Such wonders such myracles shal he worke so shal he conquere and subdue the worlde Nowe who bee they which shal bee deceyued in whom shal he preuaile Among them that perish because they receiued not the loue of the trueth that they might be saued They shal be deceiued by him Which perish whose hearts are not marked with the spirite of God whose names are not written in the booke of life in whome the God of this world hath blinded the mindes that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shoulde not shine vnto them they shal followe him and shal be the children of damnation and shal haue their rewarde with him Be he learned or vnlearned bée he King or subiect albeit he be holie albeit hee be catholicke Antichrist shal come vnto him in al deceitefulnesse of vnrighteousnesse because hée hath not receiued the loue of the trueth that hée might bee saued Here marke he doeth not saye Because they receiued not the trueth but he sayth because they receiued not the loue of the trueth Manie in our dayes can speake thus I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth for it is the sauour of life vnto life They can say There is giuen none other name vnder heauen whereby wee must bee saued neither is there saluation in anie other than by Iesus Christ whome we haue learned by the Gospel manie wil confesse there was neuer more nor better teaching since the time of the Apostles They séeme to receiue the trueth But they are like the horse and mule in whome is no vnderstanding They receiue it because the Prince receyueth it and because the politique lawes of countries establishe it They are carried awaye with the swaie of the worlde They heare it with their cares Nay I woulde GOD they woulde lende their eares to the hearing of it but with their heartes they doe not heare They haue no feeling of the worde of GOD and of the trueth They wetghe it not they loue it not They consider not what it is nor from whome it is sent They knowe not that it is the water of life and the breade which is sent from heauen They haue no tast no sauour nor pleasure in it Therefore it shall bée taken from them and giuen to a Nation which shall bring foorth the fruites thereof They shal be cast into vtter darknesse and the last state of them is worse than the first It had beene better for them not to haue knowen the waye of righteousnesse than after they haue knowen it to turne from the holie commaundement giuen vnto them It shoulde not be ●…harged vppon them for their damnation for our Sauiour sayeth If I had not come and spoken vnto them they shoulde not haue had sinne but nowe haue they no cloake for their sinne They finde no swéetenesse in the worde of GOD they are not conuerted by it that they may bee saued they haue no pleasure in the wayes of the Lorde they haue no comforte to knowe his will These bee the bondslaues of Sathan these be they vppon whome shall come the abhomination of desolation these be they against whom Sathan and Antichrist shal preuaile because they haue not receiued the loue of the trueth They haue not receiued it into their heartes that they might be saued They had no heartes to féele it they had no eyes to see it V. 11 And therefore God shal sende them strong delusion that they shoulde beleeue lyes 12. That al they might be damned which beleeued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse The spirite of God is the spirite of trueth and giueth light into our heartes and maketh vs beholde that blessed hope and reioyce in the knowledge of his will Therefore the Prophete Dauid maketh prayer O God renue a right spirite within me and take not thy holy spirite from mee And againe O Lorde my GOD lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in death And againe hee sayeth With thee is the wel of life and in thy light shall we see light Without this spirite we are but fleshe and bloud euen voide of sense and vnderstanding The natural man perceiueth not the thinges of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him No man knoweth the thinges of GOD but the spirite of God And those thinges which God hath prepared for them that loue him he hath reuealed vnto vs by his spirite Christ sayth No man commeth to me except the father drawe him Vnlesse a man be borne from aboue vnlesse God print and seale his heart with his finger hee shall not be able to see the kingdome of God Nowe if we haue the worde of God before our eyes and regarde it not nor be thankeful for it nor set price by it God in his iustice wil withdrawe it from vs. Then shal we delight in darkenesse and haue pleasure in errour our latter ende shall be more dreadful than was our first beginning This is it which Paule saith God shal sende them strong delusion That is his holy spirite the spirite of trueth shall depart from their heartes and the power of Satan shal dwel with them and wholy possesse them This is the iust iudgement of GOD. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the worlde and men loued darkenesse rather than
Church of God ordained excommunication that he which hath do●…e wickedly may bee ashamed that others who are guiltlesse may be afraid and that the heauie displeasure of God may be auoyded We warne you saith he in the name of our Lorde You know me and my name and that I am an Apostle of Christ. But the commandement which I giue you is in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ. I warne you by the glorious day of his comming that you withdrawe your selues from euerie one that liueth inordinately Receiue him not to your companie bid him not God spéede that you be not partakers of his euil that he may knowe his filthiuesse and be ashamed Yet let vs praie for such that they may bee sorie that they may knowe whome they haue offended and turne againe vnto the Lorde For God would not the death of a sinner but that he repent of his wickednesse and liue The mercie of God is abou●… al his workes V. 7. For ye your selues know how ye ought to followe vs for wee behaued not our felues inordinately among you 8. Neither tooke we bread of any man for nought but we wrought with labour and tra●…aile night and day because wee would not be chargeable to any of you 9 Not bicause we haue not auctoritie but that we might make our selues an example vnto you to follow vs. 10 For euen when wee were with you this wee warned you of that if there were anie which would not worke that hee shoulde not eate 11 For wee heare that there are some which walke among you inordinately and worke not at al but are busie bodies 12 Therefore them that are such we warne and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ that they worke with quietnesse and eate their owne bread 13 And ye brethren be not wearie in wel doing Here Paul maketh his spéech against those who vnder the pretence of the Gospell liued idlely and would not labour Take an crample of me I liued not idlely I earned my bread I was not chargeable to anie Do you as you haue vs for an example So ought the seruants of God to liue that their wel doing maie be a patterne for the people to followe Saint Paul telleth Timothie A Bishop must be vnreproueable He saith not without sinne for no man is without sinne but without rebuke And againe Let no man despise thy youth but be vnto them that beleeue an example in word in conuersation in loue in spirit in faith and in purenesse And vnto Titus the Bishop of Candia he saith In al things shewe thy self an example of good works with vncorrupt doctrine with grauitie integritie with the wholesome word which cannot be condemned that he which withstandeth maie be ashamed hauing nothing concerning you to speake euill of So in this place to the Thessalonians he saith you behold my conuersation howe I haue liued among you Be ye folowers of me let me be the patterne for you to follow Such shoulde be the spéech of al those who are Bishops ministers in the church of God They must walk so vprightly that they may be vnto al others the patterns of good life of liberalitie of mercie and of loue They must carie the arke of the Lord that the people maie followe them We behaued not our selues inordinately c. Whereas I was an Apostle of Christ the first fruits of the gospel a chosen vessel called from aboue and set apart from mine owne owne to be the embassadour of God into the worlde and had so much to do Yet I vsed my hands and pained my bodie to get my bread I liued like one of Adams children in trauell of my bodie and sought my bread in the sweate of my browes Not that I might not lawfully haue liued vpon you and haue required my maintenance at your hands It was lawfull for me to haue done so for the workman is worthy of his hire God hath appointed that he which teacheth the Gospel shall liue by the Gospel This matter S. Paule reasoneth with the Corinthians Haue wee not power to eate and drinke or haue we not power to leade about a wife a sister as wel as the rest of the Apostles and as the brethren of the Lorde and Cephas Who goeth a warfare at anie time at his owne cost Who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruite thereof or who feedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke I might eate and drincke at your charge and require charges of you for me and mine I am the souldior of God Christ is my captaine I haue planted the vine of the Lord of hosts among you I haue fed you you are the shéepe of the house of Israel The hire due to the souldiour the fruit wherof he should eate which kéepeth the vine and the milke which Christs shéepe yéeld to their féeder is nothing else but your charitable beneuolence towards the seruants of Christ. Againe It is written in the law of Moses Thou shalt not muzle the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne He tranaileth for thée that thou maiest liue Suffer him to licke a little for his paines We are the Lordes oxen we thresh foorth his corne If we haue sowne vnto you spirituall things is it a great thing if wee reape your carnall things We are Gods husbandmen we trauaile and take paines we plough we sowe we harrowe wée are abroade in wind and weather in storme in haile in lightning and thunder No man knoweth the care the poore husbandman taketh Winter nor Sommer our worke is neuer at an ende Now if we by our labour minister to you the breade which commeth from heauen is it much that you giue vs the bread of the earth Do you not know that they which waite at the altare are partatakers with the altare It hath so séemed good vnto GOD it is his appointment he hath established it by his lawe and it is most agréeable to the lawe of reason and nature Yet this is also to be weighed in the consideration hereof that whosoeuer asketh the paie of a souldiour must buckle his armour and goe a warrefare He that drinketh the wine must plant the grape he that requireth milke must féede the flocke he that wil not be mureled must thresh the corne he that reapeth carnall things must sowe spirituall things he that requireth the bread of the earth must minister to his hearers the bread of heauen he that wil liue of the sacrifice or of the altar or of the Gospell must offer the sacrifice wait vpon the altar and teach the gospel He that teacheth not the gospell nor careth for the teaching he that serueth not the altar nor careth for the seruing hée that goeth not on warrefare that planteth not that féedeth not that thresheth not that plougheth not that frauaileth not that taketh no paines that abideth not lightning thunder wind weather storme and ha●…le he that careth not to doe these things