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A01472 Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King ... from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Garey, Samuel, 1582 or 3-1646. 1618 (1618) STC 11597; ESTC S102859 234,099 298

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by a deputy shall goe to heauen by an Attourney Staphilus relates at large a Colliars faith which Colliar at the point of death and tempted of the Deuill to know his Beliefe sayd I belieue and die in the faith of Christs Church vrged againe what the faith of Christs Church was answered That faith that I belieue in Thus the Deuill receiuing no other answer was vanquished This implicite faith rather fancy is that folly which they would haue their laity to loue excluding knowledge from the nature of faith and make a naked Assent sufficient for saluation Thus these Soule-thiefes doe not onely put out the Candle of knowledge the Scripture and put it vnder a Bushell least it should descry them but would extinguish all light of grace their Creede which doth condemne them To belieue as others belieue or as the Church belieues and yet know not the beliefe of the Church a purblind faith to saue the blind They teach the people not to trouble themselues with searching into the misteries of Christian religion or points of faith but say as their Rhemists tutor them that they will liue and dye in that faith which the Catholicke Church teaches and this Church can giue a reason of the things belieued a very quicke way if it were a good way but God requires a distinct knowledge of the points of our faith to be able and ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh a reason of our hope and faith not to haue the particular knowledge of our faith locked vp in the Church-chest but in our owne breast not to send to Rome or the Pope for an answere to ground their faith on for they may be dead before their message be deliuered or an answere returned This implicite faith was in no request in Iustines time who writes that such as could no letter on the booke vnderstood all the mysteries of faith and indeede it is most necessary for all Christians to know and learne the fundamentall points of faith which in the Church of Rome by the vnlearned cannot be attained for how should any know that which is propounded to him in an vnknowne tounge how should he vnderstand his Creed that knowes not a word in English of his Credo It is expounded to them may some say Worthily I doe warrant you when as many of their Priests and some of their Popes could not be Latin expounders Their expositions like their Legends commonly-read by them in the Church to the people full of monstrous lyes as the Virgine Mary came downe from heauen to visite sicke S. Fulbert and gaue him her breasts to sucke and that Saint Francis vsed to preach to Birds and instruct them who did heare him with great deuotion c. Good stuste to be read in the Church yet this read in the mother tounge that they might learne this apace but the booke of truth the Scrpture read in an vnknowen tounge to belieue that implicitly still they labour to imprison the people in the dungeon of ignorance and superstition It is heresie for a Lay-man to dispute in a point of faith sayth Nauarre Neither will they suffer the people to reade any bookes which examine their religion If any write honestly against their errors their congregation of Cardinalls serues on them a Prohibition commit them to the prison of suppression If Lara speakes of Iupiters lust her tounge must be cut out the people may not looke vpon their enemies in the open face nay their these Bishops and learned Priests who should know light from darkenesse are not permitted this priuiledge without a special Licence therein obtained and their Authors must be of the Romane stampe or first purged before they may peruse them Whereas our Church giues free liberty to all to reade priuatly their bookes Veritas non quaerit angulos truth seekes no corners and were they not conscious of the guilt of their owne cause they would neuer take this course to depriue the people of the word and reade it in an vnknowen tounge or tell the people an implicite faith is sufficient Thrirdly worshipping of Images I am come to the third monster of this Beast and I am loath to touch it for the very Iewes abhorre it Their worshipping of Images the booke of God euery where cries woe to them that worship any carued Images Cursed are all such and to shew the vanity and iniquity of Image-worship I first recommend to euery Lay-papist to reade soberly and diligently the Chapter of Esay namely the 44. And wheras these Papists commonly excuse themselues with this answere we worship no Images but onely they serue vs to put vs in remembrance of God First let them know that if they will follow the Doctrine of their Tutors and I feare they follow them too much they must worship them with a diuine worship the old schoolemen saith the Iesuite Vasquez doe say Imagines Christi esse colendas adoratione latriae The Images of Christ are to be worshipped with the highest adoration their Iesuite Azorius sayth Constans est Theologorum sententia imaginem codem honore cultu coli quo colitur id cuius est imago It is the constant opinion of Diuines that the Image is to be worshipped with the same honor and worship wherewith that is worshipped whose Image it is Is not this I pray plaine idolatry Bellarmines proposition heerein is this Imagines Christi Sanctorum venerandae sunt non solum peraccidens vel improprie verum etiam proprie The Images of Christ and Saints are to be worshipped not accidentally or improperly but also properly yea the second Councell of Nice decreed that Images are to be worshipped Their late Councell of Trent sayth and commands all to doe it with Diuine honor So that we truly say that whosoeuer is a true Papist is a true idolater yea their owne writers who write sparingly therein testifie as much Dici non potest quanta Idolatria apud rudem populum alatur per Imagines Saith Agrippa and Cassander it cannot be expressed what great idolatry is nourished among the rude people by Images Yea as an other Sunt bene multiqui Imagines colunt non vt figuras sed perinde quasi ipsae aliquem sensum habeant magisque ijs credunt quam Christo There are very many who worship images not as shapes but euen as aliue and more trust their Images then Christ Manifestidus est hoc quam vt verbo explicaripossit Saith Cassander This is more manifest then can be expressed in a word Dum imaginibus exhibent latriae cultum Saith Gerson while they offer to images the worship of Latria Let not Bellarmine outface men with Quis Catholicorum diuinum honorem imaginibus vnquam detulit Who of the Catholickes euer offered diuine honor to Images no true Catholickes euer did it but Papists doe it and he with many
that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye beseeching God to be Protector Saluationum Vncti the defender and deliuerer of his Anointed to giue him prosperity peace and plenty of all things yea plenty of it which Lewes the eleuenth the French King complained hee onely wanted in his Court and being demanded what it was hee said ●ruth a Diamond faire and fit to adorne a Diadem commendable to God acceptable to Kings profitable to Common wealths Hee is the Kings and Countries best seruant that brings in his mouth a message of Trueth I haue read how a certaine poore man comming to see Constantine an Emperor renowned through the world by Fame and Fortune and that poore man fixing his eies vpon him said thus Putabam Constantinum aliquid praeclarius mirabilius fuisse sed iam video eum nihil aliudesse praeter hominem I had thought Constantine had beene some rarer and more admirable Creature but I see he is but a man to whom Constantine gaue many thanks being both plaine and true saying Tu solus es qui in me oculos apertos habuisti Thou art onely the man that hast looked vpon mee with open eies others did flatter him making him beleeue that hee was not but this man honestly and truelie told him what hee was Like Macedonius the Eremite who said to the officers of Theodosius Dicite Imperatori non es Imperator solummodo sedetiam homo Tell the Emperor he is not onely an Emperour but also a man For though in Scripture they be called Gods it is in sensu modificato a qualified sence Gods by deputation earthly Gods not by nature but by regiment they shall dwell in the Lords Tabernacle and are worthy to be in Kings Courts who walke vprightly worke righteously and speake the trueth from their hearts Qui verit atem occultat qui prodit mendacium vterque reus est ille quia prodesse non vult iste quia nocere desiderat saith Austen He that hides the truth he that tels a lye both be guilty He because he would not profit this because hee would haue hurt The Lord and louer of Trueth euermore blesse his Maiesty with trusty Nathaniels in whom is no guile Such are the best seruants and secretaries to King and Country who like one of those three seruants to King Darius the keepers of his body come with this sentence laying it vnder the Kings pillow Trueth ouer commeth all things But keepe from him O King of Kings all flattering Doegs crafty conspiring Achitophels rebellious Shebas treacherous Zimries vnfaithfull Zibas false Ioabs and Romish Iudasses who honour him with their lips but their hearts be far from him And let all true subiects to his gracious Highnesse faithfully performe all loyall seruice to this our Iosias who restores the booke of the Law and holy Scripture who like Dauid fetcheth home the Arke of God and his sacred Gospell who like Asa puts downe Idolls and commands all to seeke the Lord God who like Iehu not kills but banishes Baals Priests the Romish rout of Seminaries and Iesuites waiters and worshippers of the Papall Moloch an Idol hauing hands alwaies to receiue gifts Our Soueraigne loathes these locusts and labours has terris templis auertere pestes To free the Church and Country of these plagues so that it makes our hearts leape for ioy and cry aloud O Lord how fauourable hast thou beene vnto our land in placing religion learning vertue and honour in one seate Quam bene conueniunt cùm vna sede locantur Maiestas virtus An admirable spectacle to behold vertue and honour in the royall Throne What fires of zeale loue and seruice should it kindle in the hearts of subiects in thankefulnes to God to serue the Lord in feare and come before his presence with a song of thankesgiuing falling downe before the Lord our Maker in soule in body all within and all without He giues all must be praysed of all prayed to of all for he is all in all He hath not dealt so with euery Nation and therefore let vs with the Psalmist say and sing O my God and King I will extoll thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Let Israel reioyce in their King and to conclude with the words of Musculus Acceptus foelix gratiosus sit iste quem Dominus nobis regem dedit Welcome wished and most worthy is he whom God hath set vp to raigne ouer vs who happily succeeded a Virgin Queene proclaimed a day before the Festiual of the Queene of Virgins a faire Prologue of much ioy who now with great felicity and tranquility hath raigned 15 yeeres in this great and flourishing Kingdome many more yeeres we continually pray to be multiplied Addat é nostris annos in annos Deus Make him full of dayes and full of Trophees of honour and grant him loyall Subiects faithfull in obedience and dutifull in all seruice saying in tongue ioyfully in heart truly God saue the King CHAP. VIII THE fifth duty of Subiects to be duly and truly payed and performed to their sacred and dread Soueraignes is Tribute which is as Vipian saith Neruus reip The strong s●ew of the Common-wealth without which King nor Kingdome cannot stand And therefore our Sauiour first by president paid Tribute and also by precept resoluing the Disciples of the Pharises demanding whether it was lawfull to giue Tribute vnto Caesar or no told them peremptorily That they must giue vnto Caesar that which was Caesars Reddendum est tributum honor obedientia in omnibus quae non pugnant cum verbo Dei saith Piscator vpon that place Tribute Honour and Obedience is to be giuen vnto the Magistrate in all things not repugnant to the word of God for this cause saith Saint Paul ye pay Tribute because the King is the Minister of God for thy wealth applying themselues for the same thing Custodit te Princeps saith Theophylact ab Hostibus debes itaquè ei tributum The Prince keeps thee safe from enemies thou doest owe him therefore Tribute and as he speakes still in that place Nummum ipsum quem habes ab ipso habes The money which thou hast thou hast from him and therfore Non date sed reddite Not giue but pay not a gift but a debt which all Subiects owe to him Non damus sed reddimus quiequid ex officio cuiquam damus saith Beucer We doe not giue but pay that which of duty we owe Tributes Subsidies and Taskes c are not gifts but debts which of necessity they must and ought to pay Hoc Scripturae approbant hoc leges ciuiles communi gentium omnium consensu recipiunt saith Hiperius This doe the Scriptures allow of writing there of the payment of Tributes this doe the Ciuill Lawes with the common consent of all
in such examples In profane histories there is a cloude of witnesses to verifie the punishments of Traytors Brutus and Cassius who killed Caesar neuer enioyed good till bloud was requited with bloud VVe reade of Eugenius that rebelled against the Emperor Theodosius whose rebellious army the Lord dismaid so that Eugenius was forced to fall downe at the feete of Theodosius and had his rebellious head cut off from his shoulders So of Procopius who rebelled against the Emperour Valens who being taken had for reward his two legges tyed to two young trees growing neare together bowed downe by strength which being suddenly let rise rent the body of Procopius who would haue rent the body of the kingdome So of Magnensius who rebelled against Constans the Emperor who neuer enioyed good day after till hee was destroyed by Constantius the Emperors brother Annibal Bentiuolus chiefe Ruler of the Bononians was killed by Cannensis who conspired against him but presently the multitude were stirred vp with the sight of that bloudy fact and destroyed with death all that stocke and family The same Author tells vs of the bloudy and treacherous murder of that butcherly Monster Oliuerot who sending letters to Iohn Foglianus that he might be honourably receiued at Firmanis and beeing nobly entertained treacherously pretends a great Feast inuiting Foglianns and the chiefe men of the City after the banquet by his Souldiers appointed in secret places kils them all that were present a most barbarous and diuellish stratagem but afterwards he payd the price of bloud for his throat was cut and so hee died Miserè pereunt qui malè perdunt Bloud calls for bloud Caines Conscience so prickt for murder that he thought euery man that met him would haue killed him if they escape which yet is rare the hand of man neuer the hand of Diuine Iustice Herod no parricide or Regicida but Puericida a murderer of children from two yeeres olde and vnder by his greatnesse scapes mortall reuenge but not Diuine Iustice on earth for hee died most miserably and I will set it downe in Theophylacts words Amara morte perijt Herod febri dysenteria scabie podagra putredine verendorum generatione vermium spirandi difficultate tremore contractione membrorum malam absoluit animam Alike was the end of that bloudy Tyrant Antiochus whom the Lord punished with the paine of the bowels that was remedilesse and sore torments in the inner parts and all his members bruised with a great fall so that wormes came out of the body of this wicked man in aboundance and his flesh fell off for paine and all his army grieued at the smell so that no man could beare him because of his stink no not his owne selfe Thus that murderer suffered most grieuously and as he had intreated other men so he died a miserable death for with what measure men mete it shall be measured to them againe This is so cleare a Truth that murder neuer goes vnpunished on earth by God or Man as that diuine humane histories common experience affords pregnant proofes and examples then how much more will the Lord reuenge the murder of his owne Vicegerents whom hee hath giuen a generall precept not to touch them no not to curse them in thought much lesse to hurt them in deed as Traytors doe or desire Hor epod 7. Quô quô scelestiruitis aut cur dexteris Aptantur enses conditi What meane you ô ye monsters of men are you not afraid to put forth your hands to destroy the Anointed of the Lord Can you lay your hands vpon them and be guiltlesse Remember Ignatius godly counsell No man euer remained vnpunished which lifted vp himselfe against his Prince Though they want power to accomplish their bloudy actions yet are they odious Traytors in the eyes of God and man Looke vpon the tragedy of those Traytors whom Heldebrand the Pope stirred vp against Henry the fourth the Emperor First he stirred vp Rodulphus then Hermannus and afterward Ecbertus all seruants and subiects to their Lord and Master the Emperor And when these failed his successour Pope Vrbane raised vp Conradus and Henricus the Sonnes against the Father all laboured to their power in this proiect of rebellion marke the issue and end First their Author ghostly Father in this Treason the Romane Achitophel Gregory the seuenth alias Heldebrand not like Achitophel hanged himselfe but for his bloudy bestiall life was forsaken of his people eiected out of his Popedome and died in sorrow misery and infamy Secōdly Rodulph had his right hand cut off in a skirmish fetching deepe sighes ready to giue vp the ghost said to certaine Bishops Behold this is the right hand wherewith I swore fealty to Henry and lo now I leaue his kingdome and my life Thirdly Hermannus had his treacherous head by a great stone cast downe by a woman deadly broken so that his braines dasht in peeces running about his eares which did affright his army and scattered them with feare Fourthly Ecbertus did flie out of his Throne into a sinkehole and hoping to saue his life lost it Fiftly Conradus the elder sonne rightly dis-inherited did end his daies miserably Sixtly Henry the younger sonne by periurie and cruell treachery against his Father gate the Crowne but with little comfort And since many of the Popes of Rome haue Heldebrandized raising vp Subiects to rebell against their Soueraignes whose successe hath bin sutable to their attempts The Chronicles of euery Nation haue too many examples of Dukes Earles Lords Knights Gentlemen and others of inferiour sort prouing Traytors to their annointed Gouernours whose treacherous acts haue found tragicall ends Traytors are odious euen to their Abettors and Maisters who first moued them to that villany and as it was said of Antoninus Odit Tyrannum non tyrannidem They may like the treason but they loath the Traytor Alexander the Great as Iustin saith at his Fathers obsequies commanded publike iustice to be done vpon those whom he had before secretly imployed to kill him And Nero the monster of men as Tacitus saith disauowed his Commissiō giuen to asouldier to kil Agrippa Such agents are abhorred of their Adiutors and if possibly they can they will be their executioners for feare they should disclose their conspiracy for both are Traytors both worthy of death Some desperate wretches who for loue of the trencher or for hope of reward or for some other respects will be wagered and hired to enterprise hellish and horrible designes who being debosht vassals bankrout of grace and goodnes to purchase loue or liuing as they hope of them of whom they haue dependance whose hearts are died in a deepe tincture of disobedience will hazard life lands yea hell it selfe to atchieue the proiects of their animating superiours So said Restalrig that
moue them to such cruelty One of the specials of them Percy a Pensioner in an honourable place the others with worship wealth in the Common-wealth no penall Lawes vrged vpon them with many other prouocations to peace and amity Quorum si singula duram Flectere non poterant potuissent omnia mentem If some of these could not yet all conioind Might well haue turnd to loue a Lyons mind But all could not for howsoeuer they made a shew of obedience it was counterfeit Ore tenus Honouring with lippes not hearts They surely had receiued the Present of their Pope long agoe sent to his deare Children here namely the fiue wounds of Christ with this poesie Fili da mihi car tuum sufficit My sonne giue me thy heart and it sufficeth Rome had their heart England their hate and wee might of them haue complained had not the Lord helped with the Prophet Dauid Thou hast made the Land to tremble and hast made it to gape heale the breaches thereof for it is shaken Thou hast made vs to drinke the wine of giddinesse Yet these could flatter with Iudas Auc Rabbi Haile Master or Master is it I Yet for all Syren-songs let vs looke to our selues for Vi● fidus affectus quorum diuersa fides saith Chrysostome VVhose faith is different their fidelity is doubtfull Their words sweeter then hony yet Vnlpina cauda semper prominet rictus rugitus Leonem prodit The Foxe may be knowne by his taile the Lyon by his iawes clawes and roaring By their fruits ye shall know them Trust not their iugred speeches for they haue learned the language of the Low-Countries I meane of hell their art of equiuocation to speake one thing and meane another and you know by equiuocation Iudas and Iesuits may be taken for honest men And how can their fidelity be good I meane them of their Clergy for as euery popish Bishop is sworne obedience to the Pope and Sea of Rome and to defend to death Rogalia Sancti Petri The Regalities of Saint Peter so in the English Colledge of Rome it is a Statute-Law or papall constitution that whosoeuer doe enter into it hee is bound to sweare after certaine yeeres being perfectly Iesuited to returne into England for the defence of the Catholicke Faith and there publikely or priuately to preach the same Now their Faith which they call Catholicke granteth to their Roman Church power to free subiects from all duty of obedience as doth appeare in the foureteene section and seuenth Chapter of their late Councell of Trent from which fountaine flowes T●… So that they will not submit themselues to any Protestant King in any loyall and faithfull 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as did in somelately appeare in refusing the Oath of Alleagiance wherein his Maiesty specially aimed Separare pretiosum à v●… As the Lord by Ieremy to separate the precious from the vile to discerne and distinguish the Pseudocatholickes of this Climate from others of his sound and faithfull subiects And how I pray you was this oath impugned by the Popes Briefes by Bellarmine and others accounting it vnlawfull prohibiting all Popish Sectaries to accept it which oath yet specially touched their alleagiance to the King against the Popes primacy pretended in temporall things and but little the supremacy in spirituall things so that they who are thus rooted and vnmoueably grounded in all the mysteries of the Church of Rome beleeuing the Pope the supreme Head of all hauing power to excommunicate Kings to depriue them to absolue subiects from alleagiance to giue authority to kill Kings and accounting such deeds done meritorious are Clancularij proditores Clancular Traytors Schoole-Traytors who though they liue Vespertilionum instar Like the night-birds in obscurity and neuer reduce their Theoricke into Practick yet are they Traytors in Esse though not in Actu But to leaue these and to returne againe to our Powder-men Traytors both in fore and fieri Claneular at first their Chamber was a Mine vnder the Earth but being discouered then they shewed themselues Damonesmeridiani Noone day Diuels and were Sagittae volantes in die Arrowes that flie by day for perceiuing their purpose discouered and treachery preuented and disappointed of their priuate blow and blast which should haue beene acted in secret now they resolue to runne a desperate race and practise a publicke rebellion And so gathering their Catholicke Company and pretending the quarrell of Religion which they thought had had the vertue of a snow ball to encrease their number by tumbling vp and downe and hauing gotten such prouision of Armor Horses and Powder as time would permit they ranged about as open and auowed Rebels The story whereof I omit to rehearse because it is vulgarly knowne and in a Booke at large rehearsed Well the Catholicke cause moued these to this cursed Treason in which impiety behold their policy for if their villany had succceded which God in his mercy preuented they had deuised to haue laid all the blame vpon the Puritans The poore Puritans must haue the shame of Papists impurities and impieties Here in they shewed themselues to be Neroes brats who when he had set fire on the City laied the fault vpon the Christians as Tacitus writes of him or as in old time in the dayes of the ten persecutions of the Primitiue Church if any thing had befallen the world euen by Gods hand as plague or famine c. all reproaches were put vpon the Christians and crying out Christianos ad Leones Cast the Christians to the lions A shamefull and shamelesse shift to translate the infamy of so odious a fact vpon the innocent but it verifies the Prouerbe Hoc calciamentum consuit Hystiam Aristagoras induit Hystaus hath sowen the shooe and Aristagoras puts it on but thankes be to God Inciderunt in foueam quam fecerunt The fact and fault was knowne to be their owne and brought these delinquents to a shamefull fall Another policy they had pretended appointing an hunting match against the time of this treacherous designe thinking with Esau to haue brought dainty Venison to their Father not Isaacke but Antichrist and to haue surprized the person of the Lady Elizabeth now the Princely wife to the County Palatine of Rheine Thus they shewed themselues right Nimrods who was a mighty hunter and in name also Nimrod-like who is by interpretation a Rebell rebellious hunters or rather Fowlers to lay such snares but yet all may say with the Psalmist The Lord hath deliuered vs from the snare of the hunter praised be his goodnesse for euer But to passe ouer their policy in this worke of impiety painted ouer vnder a pretence of restauration of religion Is murder and massacres the seed of Rome from which these seedes-men would fetch Religion will the darnell of death produce the seed of life For the publike good Gods seruants haue wished themselues to be
tongue in Diuine prayers Diaboli calliditatem sapit saith their Catharinus sauors of the Deuill rather this speech sauors of the Deuill And truely these Foxes in this chase haue beene so hunted out of all their blinde holes of ignorance and vnable to vphold this Babell of Barbarisme that they are at last brought to a very desperate defence to produce but two of their Champions who haue drawen out their weapons for the defence of this cause Their Iesuite Salmeron and Cardinall Bellarmine Salmeron saith Finis proprius diuinorum officiorum non est populi instructio adificatio sed potius cultus Deo debitus The proper end of Diuine duties is not the instruction and edification of the people but rather a worship due to God I will not vouchsafe an argument but say with that reuerend Deane Hoc est causae perditissimae vltimum refugium desperationis plenissimum omnis authoritatis rationis praesidijs destitutum This is the last refuge of a most wretched cause full of desperation and void of all authority and reason Bellarmine saith almost the same words vsus precum praecipuus non est aedificatio aut consolatio populi sed cultus Deo ab ecclesia debitus the chiefe vse of prayers is not the edification or consolation of the people but a worship due to God from the Church and so that God doe vnderstand the tongue no matter whether men doe or no a strange argument God knowes our wants before we pray why then should we pray at all or make our petitions to him and yet know not the tenor of our petitions Neuer did any Church teach the people to pray for that which they do not vnderstand but the Church of Rome Yet they themselues confesse it were better if the seruice were in the vulgar tongue yet will not suffer it as Bellarmine Est melius ad consolationem orantis It were better for the consolation of him that prayes melius ad instructionem vt preces intelligantur say the Rhemists better for instruction that the prayers should be vnderstood and Caietan better for the edification of the Church ad fructum deuotionis conducibilius saith Aquine more conuenient for the fruit of deuotion and so their Cardinall Contarenus saith The prayers that men vnderstand not want the fruit which they should reape if they vnderstood them Yea themselues confesse That in the time of the Primitiue Church the people in the vulgar tongue did celebrate their diuine seruice In primitiue ecclesia benedictiones caetera communia fiebant invulgari saith Lyranus in the Primitiue Church benedictions and other common duties done in the vulgar tongue nay Bellarmine goes further Longo tempore post tempore Chrysostomi ac Cypriani ac Ieronymi ea consuetudo valuit long after that in the time of Chrysostome Cyprian and Ierome this custome to celebrate sacred things in the vulgar tongue preuailed The cause which the Trent Councell alleadgeth why all diuine seruice should bee in the Latin tongue is this mos generalis ecclesiae habet vt tantum tribus linguis hebraica Graeca latina celebretur The generall custome of the Church hath beene that in these three tongues Hebrue Greeke and Latin it should bee celebrated In the Primitiue Church and long after no such custome by their owne confession and if any tongue rather the Hebrue the most ancient but the Hebrue and Greeke originals of the Scripture are by them little regarded and the vulgar Latin translation of the Scripture is by the Councell of Trent canonized charging all to vse it as the authenticall text in all their readings disputations sermons and expositions and that they doe not reiect it vpon any pretence whatsoeuer Yea the Bishop of Toledo putting forth the Bible in diuers languages printed the Latin betweene the Hebrue and Greeke saying hee had placed them as the two theeues on eyther side but the Romane or Latin put in the midst betweene them as Iesus Christ and yet I thinke neuer did the sunne see any thing more defectiue and maimed then the vulgar Latin thus by them extolled I could with my finger point at grosse corruptions therein but I may spare that labor their own tongues shall tell it Their owne Bishop Lindan saith it hath monstrous corruptions of all sorts scarce one coppy hath one booke of Scripture vndefiled many points translated improperly abusiuely with many other learned Papists who might be named complaining of seuerall additions detractions falsifications deprauations and barbarismes of the vulgar Latine now by them preferred aboue the Hebrue and Greeke coppies Well if the Lay people may haue this Latin Bible read vnto them yet vnderstand neuer a worde of it and other Church prayers they thinke this seruice is sufficient which is but a little better then vox porcorum or mugitus boum then crying of hogges or the bellowing of buls for it is the comparison of Isidorus Quid potest strepitus labiorum vbi cor est mutum oratio sine deuotione est quasi mugitus boum what is the sound of the lips the heart silent Prayer without deuotion is like the roring of oxen what deuotion or feeling is in that minde which is senselesse of the wordes of his mouth a senselesse petitioner who vnderstands not the sense of his petition If a wauering minded man shall receiue nothing of the Lord as Iames what shall a filly sot obtaine who is both inconstant and ignorant how to pray and what to pray for his Pater noster c or Credo indeum will stand him in small flead Sathan in all his shop of fraud hath not a craftier guile to erect his kingdome of iniquity then this accursed pollicy Therefore let all men who feare God and desire his fauour to heare their prayers follow S. Pauls rule Pray with the spirit and vnderstanding also 2 Implicite saith The Church of Rome which rockes her children in the cradle of ignorance tells them implicite faith is sufficient for them which is the faith of Asses as images are fit bookes for Idiots The description of implicit faith I will fetch from themselues who know best the true image of this their false Idoll Implicita fides est credere secundum quod credit Ecclesia vnde non omnis Christianus tenetur illos articulos fidei scire explicite sed tantum clerici saith their owne writer Implicite or infold faith is to belieue as the Church beleeues so that it is not necessary for euery Christian to know those Articles of faith explicitely but onely Priests a strange faith onely deuised to suppresse knowledge and to countenance ignorance so Bellarmine fides melins per ignorantiam quam per notitiam definitur Faith is better defined by ignorance then by knowledge In their Church a Lay-man may belieue by a proctor or by a Priest explicitly but he that thus belieues