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A54655 A commentary, or, An exposition with notes on the five first chapters of the Revelation of Jesvs Christ by Charles Phelpes. Phelpes, Charles. 1678 (1678) Wing P1976; ESTC R20562 778,103 824

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I please and so can destroy you if you rebel against me I have against thee call to mind therefore from whence thou art fallen so ch 3. 2 3. I have not found thy works perfect before God Remember therefore c. It is high time for us to remember and consider and to reflect and look back when such an one hath a quarrel with us and draws up a charge against us If it were an ering sinful Man that had against us we might suppose or suspect that he hath a quarrel against us out of hatred prejudice or mistake or we might think we need not fear or matter what he saith It might be a small thing with us to be judged of Men or of man's judgment 1 Cor. 4. 3. But he is a most excellent one in every consideration And therefore he may say as the Lord speaks to Job wilt thou also disanul my judgment wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be Righteous Job 40. 18. Remember therefore 2. Or therefore may refer to the latter part of v. 4. To which after Remember from whence thou art fallen This expression from whence may signify unto us 1. From what degreee of love thou art fallen and so it answers to that v. 4. thou hast left thy first-love Remember this and so it may be needful and good to remember what efficacy the grace of God had upon us at first and how precious and pleasant then it was to us To Remember what was the blessedness that we then spake of Gal. 4. 17. Heb. 10. 32 34. How our hearts were reconciled to God enflamed with love to Christ how our hearts did even burn within us as Luke 24. 32. God remembers and makes known his remembrance of the first-love that it might be remembred by us Jer. 2. 1 3. But though this be a truth and needful it is for us to remember this yet also there may be somewhat else intended hereby which will also include this and which leads to the leaving the first love to wit 2. Remember from whence thou art fallen namely from the root principle and seed of thy first love that is to say from his first love and the manifestation thereof to wit the Abasement and sufferings of Christ declared in the Gospel in which is evidenced to us the love of God and that he is love 1 Joh. 4. 8 10. and whereby they were begotten to the love of him for every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God for God is love 1 Joh. 4. 7 9 14 16 19. Eph. 2. 2 4 5. This kindness and love of God to manward is the washing of regeneration or laver of the new-birth Tit. 3. 4 5. this love of God caused them to run well at first even to run unto Christ Gal. 3. 1. with ch 1. 6. and ch 5. 7. In the sufferings and cross of Christ God hath commended and doth wonderfully and unspeakably commend his love his first love to the World of Mankind God so loved the Word that he gave his only begotten Son Joh. 3. 16. Rom. 8. 32. God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 5. 5 8. And herein the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ was admirably demonstrated in that he being rich for our sakes he became poor and he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death the Death of the Cross 2 Cor. 8. 9. Phil. 2. 6 8. And how joyful news was this when declared at first It is well called Gospel glad-tidings good-tidings of great joy to all people the glad-tidings of the Kingdom Luke 2. 10 11. and ch 8. 1. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15. and that he was raised again for our Justification We declare unto you glad-tidings saith the Apostle How that the Promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same in that he hath raised up Jesus again Acts 13. 32 33. And Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us and obtained into himself Eternal Redemption and all Spiritual Blessings Gal. 3. 13 14. Heb. 9. 12. Mat. 22. 3 4. and came and preached Peace to us who were afar off Eph. 2. 13 17. This believed turned their hearts to the Lord delivered them from their fears and a●frightening despairing thoughts and begat in them ●ervent love to him and then they said they would no more transgress but would walk before the Lord in the Land of the living and bethought themselves what they should render to him for all his benefits Ps 116. 8. c. Jer. 2. 20. But from hence they were fallen even from the mindfulness and believing consideration of his first love manifested in laying down his life and tasting Death by the Grace of God for every man Heb. 2. 9. And that this is the fundamental meaning of this from whence appears if we consider 1. That upon somewhat a like occasion and account a like Counsel is given to the Church of Sardis for the recovery thereof Our Lord exhorts and instructs that Angel and Church to remember how they had received and heard Rev. 3. 2 3. How not only the manner but matter also compare Luke 8. 18. with Mark 4. 24. Luke 10. 26. to signifie unto us that That Angel and Church had let slip and forgotten what was first delivered to them and received by them and that their forgetfulness thereof was the fundamental cause of their deadness and evil as here also it was And thereto Christ recalls them that they might strengthen the things that remain and were ready to dye See notes on Rev. 3. v. 3. 2. It so appears also if it be duly considered by us what this Counsel here given refers to namely the latter part of verse 4. as hath been said thou hast left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen which hath occasioned and caused this abatement and lessening thereof there is some root-iniquity that hath caused this remission and decay of thy first love to him and that is thy forgetting his first love and the manifestation thereof So Rev. 3. 2 3. 3. It so appeareth also by this because he that loveth not in whole or in part knoweth not considereth not God for God is Love He minds not or le ts slip the consideration hereof that God is Charity and that herein is manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him 1 Joh. 4. 8 10. And on the other hand he that abideth in Christ in the believing mindfulness of his being manifested and the end thereof and his faithfulness to him that appointed him sinneth not misseth not his Mark erres not from his way 1 Joh. 3. 5 6 9. 3 Joh. 11. Whoso looketh into the perfect Law of Liberty and continueth therein
Father and is over all God blessed for ever Rom. 9. 5. The true God and eternal life 1 Joh. 5. 20 21. 2. And he is the Son of God as he partook of our nature and is the Man Christ Jesus 1 Joh. 4. 14 15. And he is so called and is 1. As to his incarnation or being made flesh Joh. 1. 14. as the Angel saith to the Virgin The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the highest shall over shadow thee Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God Luke 1. 31 32 33 35. That which was conceived in her was of the Holy Ghost and so of God Mat. 1. 18 20. God prepared him a Body Heb. 10. 5. The Lord herein created a new thing in the Earth a Woman hath compassed a Man Jer. 31. 22. 2. He is the Son of God his obedient Son one that obeyed and so honoured his Father and learned Obedience by the things which he suffered Heb. 5. 9. A Son honoureth his Father Mal. 1. 6. And Christ did always those things which pleased his Father Joh. 8. 28 29. And he became obedient to him unto Death the Death of the Cross Phil. 2. 6 8. Heb. 10. 5 8. 3. The Son of God one in whom he is infinitely delighted He received Honour and Glory when there came such a Voice unto him from the excellent glory both at his Baptism and at his Transfiguration saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased Mark 1. 11. and 9. 7. and ch 12. 6. 2 Pet. 1. 17. The Father loveth the Son and so loveth him that he hath given all things into his Hand Joh. 3. 35. and ch 10. 17. Mat. 11. 27. 4. He is the Son of God his first-born and so his Heir Ps 89. 26 27. He is his Son whom he hath appointed heir of all things the Inheritour of his holy Mountain Heb. 1. 2 3. Isay 65. 9. One who shall inherit all Nations Ps 82. 8. Yea all things that the Father hath are his Joh. 16. 14 15. 5. The Son of God one that is infinitely like unto him and that doth most perfectly resemble him the Son of the Father in truth and love 2 Joh. 3. His holy Child Acts 4. 27. The Image of the Invisible God 2 Cor. 4. 4. Col. 1. 13 14. The brightness of his Glory and the express Character of his person Heb. 1. 2 3. So as he that seeth him seeth the Father also He hath come a light into the World that whosoever believeth in him should not abide in Darkness in Ignorance of God Joh. 8. 12. and ch 12. 45 46. and ch 14. 6 7 9. For God hath shined forth the light of the knowledge of his Glory in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4. 4 6. And he is the Son of God compleatly and gloriously in the Nature of Man in his being raised from the dead He was in the Resurrection from the Dead determined to be the Son of God with Power Rom. 1. 4. The promise which God made unto the Fathers he hath fulfilled in that he hath raised up Jesus again As it is written thou art my Son this Day have I begotten thee Acts 13. 32 33. He is in this sense said to be the first born from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence Rev. 1. 5. Col. 1. 18. And this consideration that Jesus is the Son of God may be of use to us 1. To shew unto us the great and wonderful love of God to mankind God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son 3. 16. In this was manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him the Father sent the Son the Saviour of the World 1 Joh. 4. 8 10 14. Rom. 8. 32. 2. Seeing Christ is the Son of God it may provoke us to hear him Mat. 17. 15. And to give the more earnest heed unto the things which we have heard because God in these last days hath spoken unto us by his his Son Heb. 1. 1 2. with ch 2. 1 2 3 3. We may see and perceive that this Son of God is more excellent than all others that are so called he is God's first born unto whom God hath given the preeminence in all things for it pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell Col. 1. 18 19. God hath anointed him with the Oyl of gladness above his Fellows Psal 89. 20 27. Heb. 1. Col. 2. 9 10. 4. Seeing he is the Son of God and so eminently the root of Sonship it shews unto us how we may become Sons To as many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his name Joh. 1. 12 13. He that believeth on the Son is not condemned but hath everlasting life Joh. 3. 16 18 35 36. and ch 6. 40. 1 Joh. 5. 10 12. 5. The consideration hereof may encourage such as have the saith of our Lo●d Jesus Christ to hold it fast and to h●ld fast the profession thereof Seeing we have a great High priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast the Profession Heb. 4. 13 14. Who is he that overcometh the World but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God 1 Joh. 5. 4 5. 6. It sheweth unto us the sad and deplorable condition of such as rebel against and persist in their disobedience to him Seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame Heb. 6. 6. and chap. 10. 28 29. Oh Be we then wise all of us and kiss the Son lest he be angry and we perish from the way Ps 2. 10 12. Mat. 21. 37 41 43. Who hath his Eyes like unto a flame of Fire and his Feet are like fine Brass See the Notes before on ch 1. v. 14. and 15. Only here we may again note in general from this description of the Son of God in which he appears dreadful as considering the evils found with this Angel and Church namely their suffering Idolatrous and Antichristian Teachers among them That he is greatly displeased with and incensed against such as are false teachers and them who suffer such corrupt teachers amongst them also So also he appears terribly to the Angel and Church in Pergamos who were guilty of the like evil as these were See the Notes before on v. 12 15. And though there were great evils in other of these Churches as in Ephesus Sardis and Laodicea Yet he only appears terrible in the description of himself to these two Churches who had evil and corrupt teachers amongst them 2 Joh. 9. 11. Verse 19. I know thy Works and Charity and Service and Faith and thy Patience and thy Works and the last more than the first Or as some read it
32 33. Heb. 11. 17 19. The Apostle Paul to recover the Galatians from their wandrings sets before them that Christ is the Amen to him the promises are made and in him confirmed and with him assured to those that receive him So as in being Christ's they are Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise Gal. 3. 16 17 29. and 4. 28. and 5. 1. And so here Christ declareth himself to be the Amen to cure these of that Lukewarmness they were polluted with and assures them that in opening and giving entertainment to him he would come in to them and sup with them and they with him and that he that overcometh should sit with him on his throne Rev. 3. 14 20 21. Oh were this considered by us that God hath not spared his own Son but delivered him up for us all how would this make us confident that with him he will freely give us all things also how would this cause us to mount up with wings as Eagles to run and not to be a weary to walk and not saint and to encourage and engage us to listen to his counsel whom God hath given for a covenant to the people For the Lord God is a sun and shield he will give grace and glory no good thing will ●e with-hold from them that walk uprightly Rom. 8. 32. Ps 84. 10 12. The faithful and true witness This may be an explication of the Amen and shew us what is further meant by and contained in that expression These two words faithful and true may mean one and the same thing or we may say he is the faithful witness in that work whereto the Father appointed him hence the Apostle instructs the holy Brethren to consider the Apostle and High-priest of their profession who was faithful to him that appointed him namely in that hard and difficult work of humbling himself and becoming obedient to death the death of the cross Heb. 2. 9 18 and 3. 1 2. he is in his cross a faithful witness of the greatness and sincerity of the Fathers affection to us Isay 55. 3 4. who is meant by the faithful witness here spoken of may be plainly seen and wherein he is so firstly and fundamentally Rev. 1. 5. Jesus Christ the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead And so 1. As he died for our sins by way of propitiation and as the peace-maker So he is a faithful witness of the Fathers love and that he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance he is the great sign and undoubted evidence of the heat and ardency of God's love towards us poor sinners even toward every poor sinful creature of Mankind in that by the grace of God he tasted death for every Man In this was manifested the love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him The Father sent the Son the Saviour of the World 1 Joh. 4. 8 10 14. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son c. Joh. 3. 16. This is the great sign of God's love to us and it is an evil and adulterous thing to seek after any other Mat. 12. 39. 1. Cor. 1. 22 24. and he is the faithful witness therein of the truth and faithfulness of the Father in performing his promises according to the tenour of them for he that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him freely give us all things also Isay 55. 3 4. Rom. 8. 32. Yea in what he hath suf●ered he is the faithful witness also of the freeness and ardency of his own love towards us his love was so fervent as that many waters could not quench it nor could the Floods drown it such was his grace that he laid down his life for us he died for all 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. and such the preciousness of his blood that in the vertue thereof he is raised again hath purged away our sins made peace slain the enmity broken down the middle-wall of partition between God and mankind taken out of the way all that was in it contrary to us abolished death and destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil and obtained into himself all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly things and confirmed a new Testament and Everlasting Covenant Oh what a faithful witness is he of the greatness and fervency of his own and his Fathers love And how powerful therefore is the view of him in his Cross to cure us of our Lukewarmness Do ye thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Is he not thy Father that hath bought thee Oh how doth this love constrain us to love him and to cleave to him with full purpose Yea and to return to him when we have fallen by our iniquities for therein he shews us that he hath no pleasure in the death of him that dieth and so not in the death and destruction of poor wretched miserable blind naked lukewarm ones Oh! fear not to come unto and walk before him and be perfect Let not your hands be slack By this ye are saved if ye keep in memory what was at first declared to you unless ye believe in vain viz. that Christ died for our Sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 1 4. O foolish Galatians saith the Apostle who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth that ye should not continue in running well but grow remi●s before whose Eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified c. Gal. 3. 1. with ch 5. 7. 2. The faithful Witness and Martyr as a Peace-preacher who laid down his Life in testimony to the truth of that Gospel which he received from his Father and declared to us for to this end was he born and for this cause came he into the World that he should bear Witness to the truth Joh. 18. 37. And to this he did bear witness unto the death and sealed to the truth of that Gospel with his Blood This the Apostle Paul sets before Timothy to encourage him to fight the good fight of Faith that Jesus Christ witnessed a good Confession before Pontius Pilate when he knew what things he should suffer on that account 1 Tim. 6. 12 14. Away with this lukewarmness then and let us come unto and follow him whithersoever he goeth enduring bardness as good Souldiers of Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 2. 1 3 8. See Heb. 12. 1 3. 1 Pet. 2. 20 24. and ch 3. 17 18. And the true Witness In his Testimony in which he hath declared what he hath done and the Fathers love in him and that he is the Amen He is the truth it self and his word is the word of truth Prov. 8. 6 8. Ps 119. 160. 1 Joh. 5. 20. The true light now shineth 1
him When he writes to the Believers of the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ and the Requirings Instructions and Consolations thereof then he calls them little Children and my little Children 1 Joh. 2. 1. and ch 3. 18. and now when he is acquainting them with those high things that were revealed to him he intimately calls them Brethren It was much in Joseph when he was advanced to that height that he was next Pharaoh to say I am Joseph your Brother Gen. 45. 4. But this was more remarkable in John when he was so lifted up of the Lord and like unto our Lord Jesus when he was risen from the dead Go to my Brethren and say unto them I ascend unto my Father and your Father c. Joh. 20 17. Thus John saith not your Father and Head like the Man of Sin but your Brother Oh! if any of us be lifted up in the things of this World or in those more excellent appertaining to the Kingdom of Heaven let us not be exalted above measure thereby but own our selves as Brethren of such Believers before whom we are preferred in these things like him who though he were a King and a Prophet yet was a Companion of all them that feared the Lord and of them that kept his Precepts How poor and mean soever they were yet they were his Brethren and Companions Ps 122. 5. 8. with Ps 119. 63. 2. Observe whom he thus intimately calleth his Brethren and Companions and they are the Churches in Asia the Gentile-Churches and so we may learn 1. The great Mercy of God to us Gentiles John was one of the Natural Branches but by the Blood of Christ we Gentiles are made nigh and contrary to nature are graffed in amongst the Natural Branches and with them partake of the root and fatness of the Olive-tree and so are made Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Household of God Rom. 11. 17 22. Eph. 2. 11 20. A great Mystery and wonderful Grace and Favour That the Gentiles should be Fellow-Heirs and of the same Body and partakers of his Promise in Christ by the Gospel They are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek c. Gal. 3. 26 29. and ch 4. 26 31. Oh that we may not be high-minded but fear Rom. 11. 20. and that we may walk worthy of God who hath called us unto his Kingdom and glory Eph. 3. and ch 4. 1. 1 Thes 2. 12. and may stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and not be again entangled with the yoke of bondage Gal 4. 26 31. and ch 5. 1. 2. Them he calls Brethren intimately of whom or of many or most of whom he was not the first Instrument of begetting them thorow the Gospel and to them he is Commanded to write and writeth what followeth It seems Paul was the first who planted the Gospel in Asia Act. 19. 10 12. and ch 20. 18 24. But on this account he mattered not who was the Instrument whether himself or others as 1 Cor. 15. 11. yet still I am your Brother and Companion So Paul would that the Colossians knew what great Conflict he had for them and for them at Laodicea and as many as had not seen his face in the flesh that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love c. Col. 2. 1 4. Men may love them whom they suppose they have been Instruments of begetting thorow the Gospel because herein they have been honoured while they have too little love for others to whom others have been first Instruments of Good But it was not so with the Apostle 3. Your Brother Yet there were many faults amongst some of them which are reproved by our Saviour As Ephesus had left her first love Rev. 2. 4. Pergamus had them that held the Doctrine of Balaam and the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans v. 14 15. Thyatira suffered that Woman Jezabel which called her self a Prophetess to teach and seduce Christs Servants c. v. 20. Sardis had a name to live and was dead ch 3. 1. Laodicea was lukewarm v. 15 16 17. and yet to them he saith your Brother and Companion not in their evils but in the faith of Christ and a lover of them and a seeker of their good He did not presently cast them off or unbrother them because such evils were found with many of them But ownes himself as their Brother still And doth not Paul the same when he writes unto the Corinthians among whom were divisions and factions and who were more Carnal then Spiritual yet he still calls them Brethren See 1 Cor. 1. 10. 12. and ch 3. 1 5. and ch 5. 1 2. and ch 6. and ch 11. 17 33. 2 Cor. 12. 20 21. with ch 13. 11. so he calls the Galatians Brethren who were removed in some measure from him that called them into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel and turned aside to weak and beggerly elements after they had known God or rather were known of him Gal. 1. 6 8 11. and ch 3. 1 5. and ch 4. 8 11. and ch 5. 1 4. and gives this Instruction that if any Man did not obey their word by that Epistle they should note that Man and have no Company with him that he might be ashamed yet saith he Count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother 2 Thes 3. 14 15. so James calls them Brethren when he often and severely reproves Jam. 2 1 5 6. and ch 3. 10. and ch 4. 1 4. and well might John own them as his brethren when Christ still owned them as his Churches and calls these seven Churches Seven golden Candlesticks See Rev. 1. 12. 20. how might it shame us all that are so forward to cast off one another for miscarriages and how doth it reprove them that cast out as Heathen all that are not as they would have them to be Christ when all had forsaken him and fled from him and Peter had denied him with cursing and swearing yet sends this message to them go tell my Brethren Joh. 20. 17. Mat. 28. 10. Learn we of this Apostle who was herein a follower of the Apostle of our profession Jesus Christ 4. Your Brother and Companion Not the Brother and Companion of those false Teachers who did infest the Churches and endeavoured to infect them and to corrupt them from that simplicity in Christ Jesus to wit such as taught the Doctrines of Balaam or of the Nicolaitans nor the Brother of that Woman Jezabel nor of the Children of such false teachers and Doctrines for these are distinguished from the Churches by our Saviour and so are not of the Brotherhood Rev. 2. 14 15 20 23. Such are to be received by us or loved with peculiar manner of love When the Apostle John warns of false Prophets he exhorts Beloved let us love one another and not them with Brotherly love 1 Joh. 4. 1 6
outward Garment only which might be put off and then the names are laid aside also which are only so engraven but even upon his heart As the Apostle saith I have you in my heart for God is my record how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ In and with such bowels as were begot by and like unto Christs bowels towards them Phil. 1. 7 8. as if he would thereby signifie to us that Christ's bowels and bowelly affection was so towards them that he indeed had them in his heart he carries them in his bosom Isay 30. 11. he loveth them with peculiar manner of love who from his first love known and believed do love him Indeed he loveth all Men while it is called to day and is not willing that any Man should perish but that all should come to repentance as he hath brightly manifested in tasting Death for every Man and as may be seen in his being a light to them in due time that he might be for Salvation to them that thorow him they might be saved and in being the mediatour between God and them making intercession for them and procuring long suffering which is and is to be accounted Salvation 1 Joh. 3. 16. 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. 2 Pet. 3. 9. 15. But he loveth them that love him because he first loved them with another manner of love with a delightful well-pleased love all his delight is in the Saints that are in the earth and in the excellent ones Prov. 8. 17 Ps 16. 2 3. as the Father hath loved him so he loveth them Joh. 15. 9 13. and ch 14. 21 23. he loveth them and beareth them on his heart and breast when and that is always he appeareth before God and on his breast-plate which is righteousness Isay 59. 17. Eph. 6. 14 he forgiveth them and clotheth and adorneth them and hath bowelly affection and hearty love to them They are engraven upon his heart which is the seat of love as is also intimated in that earnest desire of the spouse Set me as a seal upon thine heart engrave me thereon for love is strong as death Cant. 8. 6. 7. and all these who are loved with this distinguishing and delightful love of Christ are also accepted unto the father in him and the Father loveth and will love them Eph. 1. 6. Joh. 16. 27. And they being thus in and on the heart of Christ they are and shall be in his mouth also for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Mat. 12. 34. they are in his mouth Rev. 3. 16. their sorrows indeed shall be multiplied that hasten after another or give gifts unto another High-priest and mediatour Their drink-offerings of blood will he not offer nor take up their names into his lips but because his delight is in the saints that are in the earth he will offer and render acceptable their sacrifices and take up their names into his lips Ps 16. 2 4. 1 Pet. 2. 4 5. Heb. 7. 25. and ch 9. 15. Joh. 17. 9 20. c. And because they are in his heart he will impart his mind to them 1 Cor. 2. 16. Judg. 16. 15. The secret of the Lord is with them and he will shew them his covenant Ps 25. 10 14. he will manifest himself and the mysteries of his Kingdom to them which he will not do unto the World Joh. 41. 21 22. Rev. 1. 11. and ch 2. 7 11 17 29 c. and ch 22. 16. And they being engraven on his heart his arme is engaged for them to bear them and to deliver them from evil and from the fear of evil in their hearkening unto him and they are in and engraven in his hand so as he will not forget them but whatever he openeth his hand to do so he will behold them and have such respect to them that shall work together for good to them that love him and none shall pluck them out of his hand Cant. 8. 6. Isay 49. 15 16. John 10. 27 28. Rom 8. 28 39. Yea he is a son and shield and will give grace and glory and no good thing will he with hold from them that walk uprightly Ps 84. 10 12. Joh. 14. 12 14. And in the brest-plate of judgment and on the heart of the High-priest in our types of old he did bear the judgment of the Children of Israel before the Lord continually either to figure out that our Jesus our great High-priest doth sympathize with his people in all their judgments and occasions of sorrow and sadness In all their afflictions he was affl●cted he knoweth how to have compassion on them and to pity and succour them in all their temptations and trials Isay 63. 9. Heb. 2. 17 18. Or rather as Moses the Mediatour of the first Testament was by the appointment of God to put in the Brest-plate of judgment which was upon Aaron's heart the Vrim and the Thummim which signify lights and perfections And therein he was to bear the judgment of the Children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually which Vrim and Thummim gave a most perfect light in any difficult matter to him that enquired thereat and without which they would not determine in those things which were doubtful and difficult Ezra 2. 63. Neh. 7. 65. Hereby it seems God revealed his mind and counsel in former times and when they enquired thereat the Person enquiring was to stand before the High-priest with his face towards the Brest-plate of judgment and as is observed by some a most perfect light shone upon the letters that were all upon the Breast-plate in order one after another whereby the mind of God was made known and revealed and the enquirer had thereby judgment and discerning given to him Numb 27. 21. Exod. 28. 30. Levit. 8. 8. 1 Sam. 28. 6. and hereby in general was signified that the High priest then by the Vrim and Thummim was to teach Jacob God's Laws and Israel his judgments Deut. 33. 8 9 10. So now our High-priest is he that hath the Vrim and the Thummim upon his Breast plate of Righteousness that in looking thereupon on the Righteousness he hath brought in and compleated and the means whereby he hath so done to wit his abasement sufferings and death and his resurrection from the dead as these things are declared to us in the Gospel or word of the Beginning of Christ we might be guided into all truth and have an understanding in all things and so be fitted to go on to perfection They who are dull of hearing and unacquainted with these first things and unskilful in the word of his righteousness are babes and cannot discern both good and evil but they who are skilful herein are fitted for the receiving the knowledge of all things needful to be now known by them 1 Cor. 1. 18 23. 2 Tim. 2. 7 8. Heb. 5. 11 14. and ch 6. 1. He is the light of the World a most
the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemy Jer. ● 12. 7 8. Amos. 3. 2. If God spared not the natural branches take heed also lest he spare not thee Rom. 11. 20 21. Rev. 3. 2 3. and v. 16. but to this we may further speak afterwards 2. We have the matter or reason of the charge or quarrel particularly declared and laid down Because or that thou hast left thy first love This was that he had against them and therefore he was angry with them though good and commendable things were found with them 1. He had not against them here that they walked in rioting and drunkenness and run with others to the same excess of riot they were not clothed with this undecent and dishonest cloathing with these works of darkness Rom. 13. 11 12. It is most abominable for his Churches or any in them to abuse themselves herewith or to abuse the good creatures of God and admonition had been formerly given to this Church not to be drunk with wine wherein is excess which it seems had had good effect on them Eph. 5. 17 18. and Judgment is threatned to such by our Saviour who overcharge their hearts with surfetting and drunkenness Luke 21. 34 36. But for these evils he threatens them not nor had he a quarrel against them for walking in uncleanness nay they hated such deeds v. 6. so well had they minded and observed those cautions and Instructions given them by the Apostle Paul Eph. 5. 3 6. Col. 3. 5 6. 1 Cor. 3. 16 17. and ch 6. 9 11. Gal. 5. 19 21. 2. Nor hath he against them that they were walking in covetousness which is Idolatry Col. 3. 5. Eph. 5. 5. and the root of all evil 1 Tim. 6. 9 10. and for which he reproves and threatens destruction to his people in former times Jer. 6. 10 13. and ch 8. 7 10. Ezek. 33. 31 32. nor for fashioning themselves to the fashions of this evil World in the Pride of apparel for which they are threatned Isay 3. 15 26. And which becomes not persons prosessing godliness 1 Tim. 2. 9 10. nay they are not charged with committing or acting any evil but they are reproved for omitting or abating in that which was good This was also the great and provoking evil of Laodicea that she was become luke-warm and her love to Christ was greatly decreased and lessened This one evil was charged upon the first the last of the seven Churches Though the last it seems was most deeply guilty hereof ch 3. 15 17. Consider this If thou knowest no evil by thy self that thou hast acted or committed yet art thou not hereby justified but mayest be that notwithstanding justly reproved and punished 3. Nor doth he say thou hast no love nor any works or labour thereof But he had before acknowedged to their praise that they had works and labour c. v. 2 but their evil was they were without and destitute of their first love though they had some still without all perad venture 2. And so that which he hath against them is Because they had left their first love where let us enquire and consider for our usefulness 1. What was their first love which they had left 2. How had they left their first love 3. Shew that this is such an iniquity as provoketh the Lord to anger 1. What was their first love which they had left To this we may say their first love here meant was not their first love as Children of Adam or as walking in their natural estate for then they walked according to the course of this World according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that worketh rulingly prevailingly in the Children of disobedience Eph. 2. 1 2. then they loved and and adored Diana Act. 19. 27 28. but the love here spoken of was their love in the spirit Col. 1. 8. even that love which was effected and produced in them by the holy spirit in the Testimony of Jesus in his glorifying Christ and taking of his things and shewing unto them whereby their hearts were reconciled unto him and enflamed with love to him And so we may say 1. This first love here spoken of hath for its principle seed Gods first love commended to us in the cross of Christ as declared in the Gospel for the cross of Christ his abasement and sufferings in the vertue whereof he is raised again is the first great fundamental universal commendation of the love of God and Christ to us poor sinners and ungodly ones of mankind And that which is first to be declared to men when they are in trespasses and sins dead to reconcile their hearts this is the ministery of reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their trespasses to them but making him to be sin for them who knew no sin 2 Cor. 5. 19 21. This is the water or that in which is the water to regenerate men even to beget them to the faith love of God That God so loved the World as to give his onely begetten Son and that which our Saviour preached first of all in order to the regeneration of Nicodemus Joh. 3. 3 5 9 16 and to the Samaritans Joh. 4. 42. this Paul first of all preached unto the Corinthians when they were gentiles carried away unto dumb Idols even as they were led and while they were walking in the Service of the vile affections and lusts of the flesh To the begetting them to faith and love 1 Cor. 15. 1 4. with ch 12. 2. and ch 6. 9 11. and ch 4. 15. and to the Galatians he did evidently set forth Jesus Christ and him crucified before them in the gospel and therein the grace of God to sinners unjust ones and enemies that their hearts might thereby be turned to the Lord Gal. 4. 13. with ch 3. 1. and ch 1. 6. and indeed this is the incorruptible seed of which a Man may be born again even the word of God which hath been made flesh and which liveth and abideth for ever 1 Pet. 1. 23 25. hereby men are begotten to the love of God in Christ even from the knowledg and bel●ef of his first love to us as the Apostle John saith love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God for God is love But how and wherein doth his love appear and that he is love In this was manifested the love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins And ●e have known and believed the love that God hath to us in sending his Son the Saviour of the World God is love c. Hereby is our love made perfect we love him because he first loved us
1 Joh. 4. 7 10 14 16 17 19. and ch 5. 1. And here-thorow were these Ephesians quickened to the love of God in Christ at first as it is said But God who is ●ich in mercy for or thorow his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us c. Eph. 2. 4 5. This is the original and principle of the first love here spoken of 2. This love thus begotten is first placed on him that begat even on the Lord Jesus Christ and God in him because of his first love to us 1 Joh. 4. 19. and ch 5. 1. yea because of his love and loveliness his love is better then win● and because of the Savour of his good Oyntments his name is as Oyntment poured forth therefore do the virgins such as are not defiled with Women with whorish societie● an● congreg●●ions love him the upright love him from the Remembrance of his love Cant. 1. 2 3 4. with Rev. 14. 3 4. And because of his beauty and glory his excellency and comeliness for their escape Isay 4. 2. he is firstly the object of their love though now they see him not with their bodily eyes as the Apostles did yet th●y love him 1 Pet. 1. 8. Eph. 6. 24. To this the saints are exh●●ted O Love the Lord ye his saints Ps 31. 23. Oh worthy for ever is h● to be beloved who so loved u● when we w●re such filthy polluted ones as to give himself for us Rev. 1. 5 6. Gal. 2. 20. Hence the Apostle when he is triumphing in God's love in not sparing his own Son but delivering him up for us all and in Christs love to us in dying yea rather in rising again c. he addes I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. 32 34 39. Thereby it was begotten and thereby maintained and there-thorow fixed on that most excellent Object even Jesus Christ and God in him and such as love him are the called according to purpose Rom. 8. 28. His love and loveliness causeth them that know and believe it to cleave to him with full purpose to pant after him that they may more know him win him and be found in him It causes them to run unto him and follow him hard and to long and wait for his appearing and coming again Ps 42. 1 2. and 63. 1 4 8. Isay 55. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 8. 3. This love thus begotten and fixed upon this most excellent object is inward intense and fervent It is not in word and tongue only but indeed and in truth 1 Joh. 3. 18. Too too many there are who draw nigh to him with their mouth and honour him with their lips while yet their hearts are far removed from him but all such worship is in vain Isay 29. 13. with Mat. 15. 8 9. But this first love here intimately commended to us by Christ is such as is with all the heart like that our saviour saith in answer to the scribe Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength Mark 12. 28 30. Deut. 6. 4 5. Hence Christ is oft thus called by the spouse He whom my soul loveth Cant. 1. 7. and ch 3. 1 2 3 4. This love is with the heart as distinguished from and opposed to that pretence of love or that feigned love found with too many this is love without dissimulation Rom. 12. 9. love in sincerity or with incorruption Eph. 6. 24. and this love is also with the whole heart as distinguished from and opposed to dividedness of heart towards him and also towards other persons or things which is found with many as it is said their heart is divided now shall they be found faulty Hos 10. 2. too many there are who are double-minded who have a soul and a soul whose hearts are full of doublemindedness who in some measure love Christ and together also love somewhat else before or equal to him and so love him not with such a love as is well pleasing to him for no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Mat. 6. 24. Luk. 16. 13. and he that loveth Father or Mother more than Christ is not worthy of him he that loveth Son or Daughter more than he is not worthy of him Mat. 10. 37. Luke 14. 24 26. but the first love here spoken of is such as leads one to be and abide for Christ and not to be for another man or object Hos 3. 3. and so inward intense and ardent is this love as that it leads to hate what is reproved our sins and vanities or otherwise it is but love with dissimulation when love is without dissimulation it leads to abhor that which is evil Rom. 12. 9. This is the nature of this love that it causeth a Man to abstain from deny and mortify all that which is displeasing to the beloved And hence whereas in giving the law the right worshipping of God is expressed in four commandments by God to wit Thou shalt have no other Gods but me Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image c. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain c. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy c. Exod. 20. 3 11 Deut. 5. 7 15. they are all summed up in this afterwards Deut. 6. 4 5. and by our saviour Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy mind c. Mat. 22. 36 38. Luke 10. 26 27. to signify to us that the hearty love of him includes and leads to an abstaining from and fleeing from whatsoever is forbidden by him and indeed he that doth evil hateth Christ who is the light of the World and if any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him Joh. 3. 20. 1 Joh. 2. 15. yea so intense this love is as that it moves and prevails with him in whom it is to prefer Christ before all and forsake all for his sake the riches honour glory name and praise of this World and those things most gainful and dear unto them even their former good things confidences Wisdom Righteousness relations c. Luke 14. 16 26 33. and ch 9. 59 62. Mat. 13. 44 46. as the Apostle saith of himself But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all
things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him Phil. 3. 4 9. and as is said of Ruth she loved her Mother-in-law and thus exprest it when she said to her Thy sister is gone back Return thou after her And Ruth said Intreat me not to leave thee for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodg thy people shall be my people and thy God my God c. Ruth 1. 15 18. with ch 4. 15. and it also leads to follow Christ thorow afflictions trials reproaches persecutions c. and to endure any thing for the beloved Love is strong as death the coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it Cant. 8. 6 7. By the first love of Christ our love is made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Judgment there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love 1 Joh. 4. 16 17 19. the spirit of love is love is opposed unto the spirit of fear and cowardice 2 Tim. 1. 7 8. This is the first love which is usually very intense and hot in the days of mens first knowing believing in and being espoused unto Jesus Christ and God in him As the Lord saith I Remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals when thou wentest after me in the wilderness in a land that was not sown Israel was holiness unto the Lord c. Jer. 2. 1 5. and the Apostle declares how highly Christ was prized by the Galatians and how welcomely the Gospel and its declarers were received at the first when Christ crucified was evidently set forth before their eyes and the grace of God in him Ye received me saith the Apostle as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus for I bear you record that if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me Gal. 4. 13 15. with ch 3. 1 5. 57. so the Apostle speaking unto the Thessalonians sheweth what entrance the Gospel had among them how effectually it wrought producing the work of faith and labour of love and patience of hope and they became followers of the Lord having received the word in much affliction and yet with joy of the Holy Ghost and they turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from Heaven c. 1 Thes 1. and ch 2. 13. Thus also he saith to the Hebrews call to Remembrance the former days in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions partly whilest ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilest ye became companions of them that were so used For ye had compassion on me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing of your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance Heb. 10. 32 34. such-like ●fficacy the Gospel also had upon these Ephesians at the first and such ardent love they had to Christ therein preached among them so as they turned from Diana the former object of their love and worship unto Christ The name of the Lord Jesus was so magnified among them that many that beleeved came confessed shewed their deeds many also of them which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of ●ilver which are about six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds in our account as some judge so mightily grew the word of God and increased Acts 19. 17 20. Eph. 2. 2 7 11. This was their first love 4. Yea this love is also exercised and shewed forth in loving his Word and Gospel as is before intimated in which he and his love are set forth and discovered to us Ps 119. 47 48 97 98 113 127 128 140 163 167. as our Saviour saith He that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me And again If any Man love me he will keep my word Joh. 14. 21 24. And hereby we do know we know love approve delight in him if we keep his Commandments He that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his Word in him verily is the love of God perfected Hereby know we that we are in him 1 Joh. 2. 3 5 8. and ch 5. 2 3. And this love is also exercised and evidenced towards the Brother-hood so as to love them with a pure heart ●ervently 1 Pet. 1. 21 22. To delight in and have them as our Companions and to delight in the Fellowship and Societies of them as our Brethren Thus it is said of the Believers in former times They connued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship and all that believed were together c. Acts 2. 41 47. and ch 4. 23 24 32. Thus when the Apostle exhorts the Hebrews Let us consider one another to provoke to love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of our selves together To move them also hereto he saith Call to remembrance the former days in which ye were illuminated as signifying their first love was exercised in loving one another and in assembling themselves together And the Remembrance and Consideration thereof was proper and powerful to cause them to return thereto again Heb. 10. 23 25. with v. 32. Thus when the Gospel was first received by these Ephesians it produced in them love to all the Brethren See Eph. 1. 13 15. Col. 1 4. 1 Thes 2. 13. and ch 4. 9. And every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him If a man say I love God and hateth his Brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 Joh. 4. 19 21. and ch 5. 1. Yea this love is also exercised in loving and pittying all men in loving our Enemies blessing them that curse us doing good to them that hate us and praying for them that despitefully use us and therefore our Saviour exhorts and instructs them that hear unto these things Luke 6. 27 36. His love known and believed moves to seek the good of the Souls of all and to sound forth the word before them to hold forth the word of life in word and conversation Joh. 4. 28 29. Rom. 1. 8. Tit. 3. 3 5. with Acts 9. 20 22. and ch 2. 46 47. 1 Thes 1. 7 8. and ch 3. 12. Prov. 29. 10. Phil. 2. 12 16. Now this was the first love they had left that ●ervency and intensiveness of love to Christ and God in him his Cross Person Gospel and one to another and to
20. 1 Thes 4. 16. and in him in our nature dwelleth the fulness of the Godhead and in him we are compleat Col. 2. 9 10. And herein we may see the preciousness of his blo●d and the compleat satisfaction he hath given to the Justice of God Phil. 2. 8 9 10. 2. In that Heaven is called Paradise a place of delight and pleasure of joy and gladness so we may learn That Christ is entred into the fulness of joy in our nature and it was the view and consideration hereof that strengthned him to suffer He for the joy set before him indured the cross despising the shame Heb. 12. 2. he that once met with much sorrow and sadness he that was a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief whose heart was broken with reproach and who was full of heaviness Isay 53. 3 5. Ps 69. 20. is now entred into and filled with joy unspeakable joy inconceivable and full of glory Mat. 25. 21 23. He is entred into not into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self and is in the presence of God In whose presence is fulness of Joy and at whose right hand are pleasures for evermore Heb. 9. 24. with Ps 16. 11. and Acts 2. 28. 3. In that Heaven is called paradise as referring to and as the truth of Eden at first and he is called the tree of life of whom the first tree of life was a figure so we may take notice that there is a new creation of which Christ is the beginning Rev. 3. 14. and a more excellent one then that was at first Christ is that new thing which the Lord hath created in the earth Jer. 31. 22. the second Man and the last Adam And he is an infinitely more excellent one then the first which was the figure of him Rom. 5. 14. The first Man was of the earth earthy The second the Lord from heaven 1 Cor. 15. 47. The first natural the second spiritual The first was made a living soul the last is a quickening spirit to quicken dead souls and beget new creatures 2 Cor. 5. 17. 1 Cor. 15. 45 46. The first tree of life was earthy But now the Son of God is become the tree of life in the nature of Man in whom God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly things or places Eph. 1. 3. And instead of an earthly paradise there is now an Heavenly one which Christ hath prepared for us and into the enjoyment and possession whereof he as our fore-runner and in our nature is entred Joh. 14. 1 3 4. Heb. 6. 20. How excellent is thy loving-kindness O God! Ps 36. 7 9. 4. He that overcometh shall eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God and thereto enter into this Paradise assoon as ever he hath overcome Luke 23. 43. now they who with the heart believe are rejoycing with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. But then not onely joy shall be in them but they shall enter into joy the joy of their Lord Mat. 25. 21 23. In spirit assoon as dissolved when they are absent from the body they shall be present with the Lord And in due season in Soul and body re-united Ps 36. 7 9. when they have overcome they shall go into paradise a more excellent one then the first into the Heavenly o●chard where there are many trees of the Lord trees of righteousness But Christ is the only tree of life and of this tree only they shall eat In the first Paradise there was no tree forbidden to be eaten of but one but in the second there is none allowed but one not the virgin Mary nor any Saint or Angel But Jesus Christ one who is the only true vine and tree of life And because he lives therefore they that eat of him shall live also Verse 8. And unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write These things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive Here begins a second message sent to the second named Church ch 1. 12. and as in the first message or Epistle so in this also we have in this verse to consider 1. The person or persons for whom this message or Epistle is to be written and to whom to be sent unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write To which we shall speak nothing but desire the notes on v. 1. may be considered 2. The Person from whom it comes thus described to us These things saith the first and the last see notes on ch 1. v. 8. and v. 11. Which was dead and is alive To which we have spoken somewhat be fore see the notes on ch 1. v. 18. Onely here we may a little further note 1. He that was dead is a most excellent person the first and the la●t was dead so in ch 1. 11. he said I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last c. And saith John I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw one like to the Son of Man v. 12 13. the first and the last became the son of Man and so humbled himself therein and further for us So again in ch 1. 17 18. it is said He said unto me I am the first and the last I am he that was dead God was made manifest in the Flesh 1 Tim. 3. 16. unto us a child is born unto us a Son is given And his name shall be called Wonderfull Counsellour the mighty God c. Isay 9. 6. The word that was in the beginning with God and that was God By whom all things were made and without him was nothing made that was made this word was made flesh Joh. 1. 1 3 14. And this most glorious one died for us he was put to death in the flesh 1 Pet. 3. 18. He being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God yet he emptied himself and took on him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of Men And being found in fashion as a Man He humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross Phil. 2. 6 7 8. And this shews the admirably excellent loving-kindness of the Father to the World of Man-kind and his lothness with the destruction thereof In that he sent forth and so greatly abased such an infinitely glorio●s one that thorow him the World might be saved God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son Joh. 3. 16. And the like love of Jesus Christ is herein evidenced herein perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us 1 Joh. 3. 16. And herein his blood appears to be precious blood for it is the blood of God of Christ who is over all God blessed for ever Act. 20. 28. 1 Pet. 1. 19. with Rom. 9. 5. And herein we may see our redeemer
And thy last works more than the first Here as before we have noted he first of all takes notice of the things that were commendable in his sight and before him See notes on ver 2. And in that this is added after that terrible description he had given of himself so he gives us to understand That though his Eyes are like a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass yet he approves and encourages whatsoever is good and approvable in his Churches they might say Alas if he thus appear who can stand Or what can be approved before him who can stand before this holy Lord God that is of such a piercing inspection and so terrible in his Eyes and Feet Truly the Sinners in Zion may be afraid and the Hypocrites surprized with fear But such as receive his Grace or wherein soever they receive it to purpose need not be afraid his appearing so dreadful is not to discourage or hinder them from doing good but to deter them from what is evil Isay 33. 14 16. Yea therefore we should hold fast Grace whereby we may serve him acceptably with reverence and godly fear because our God is a consuming Fire Heb. 12. 28 29. So when he appears terrible unto Pergamos yet he would not have them think that he will be unrighteous to forget any good thing in them He appears not thus to be a terrour to good works but to evil Rev. 2. 12 13. with Rom. 13. 1 3 4. Nay though he sees all things yet who is so blind as this Servant of the Lord or deaf as this his Messenger whom he hath sent Who is blind as he that is perfect and blind as the Lords servant seeing many things but he observes them not c. Isay 42. 19 21. He is not severe to mark his Churches Infirmities and weaknesses but he appears dreadful with his Eyes and Feet towards such as sin willingly and particularly towards such as suffer false Teachers among them I know thy works See the Notes before on Verse 2. and Verse 9. And Charity This is indeed the work of Faith Faith worketh by Love Charity Gal. 5. 6. Charity it is distinguished from Brotherly kindness 2 Pet. 1. 7. And is a free manner of love flowing forth towards and fastening upon persons not because of any thing lovely in them but from an higher Reason and Motive though it may be and is to be exercised towards Brethren also in a peculiar consideration yet it springs from some higher Reason than any thing found in and with them We may say originally and most fully and perfectly God is Charity and the cause of it in us he loved us even the World of Mankind when there was nothing lovely or amiable in us even when we were dead in Sins and Trespasses and manifested his love and himself to be Charity in sending his only begotten Son into the World to be the propitiation for our Sins that we might live thorow him Joh. 3. 16. 1 Joh. 4. 8 9 10 14. And love or Charity in us is from or of him namely from the knowledge and belief of his Charity to manward and that he is Charity 1 Joh. 4. 7 8. And it is to be exercised towards men in loving our Enemies blessing them that curse us c. Mat. 5. 44. In loving all Men and abounding and increasing in love towards them 1 Thes 3. 12. Gal. 6. 10. And towards Brethren Col. 3. 13 14. 2 Thes 1. 3. above all things saith the Apostle Peter have ●ervent Charity among your selves 1 Pet. 4. 8. and all our things are to be done with it 1 Cor. 16. 14. the fruits of it are declared to us in 1 Cor. 13. 4 5 8. Charity suffereth long so doth God in Christ who is Charity He is long-suffering towards unworthy sinful ones Exod. 34. 6. Ps 86. 15. 1 Tim. 1. 16. and Charity is effecting long-suffering in us also 2 Cor. 6. 6. and that with long suffering we should forbear one another in love Eph. 4. 2 3. Col. 3. 12. And is kind all the time of its long-suffering so of God it is said He is slow to anger and of great kindness Neh. 9. 17. Joel 2. 13. Jona 4. 2. He is long-suffering and abundant in goodness Exod. 34. 6. So this Charity leads us to be like our heavenly Father in some measure even to be kind unto the evil and unthankful Mat. 5. 44. 45. and if our enemy hunger to feed him if he thirst to give him drink Rom. 12. 9 10. and to be kind one towards another tender-hearted Eph. 4. 32. Charity envieth not it doth not grudg at the good or prosperity of another whether inward or outward it hath not an evil ey thereat indeed the spirit which dwelleth in us lusteth to envy and leads us to repine and be troubled at the good and flourishing estate of others of which evil we are oftentimes warned Jam. 4. 4 6. Ps 37. 1. and 72. 3. 1 Cor. 3. 3 this envying proceeds from our wisdom Jam. 3. 14 16. and from desires of vain glory Gal. 5. 26. But charity envieth not but leadeth us to rejoyce in the good and prosperity of others Ps 4. 6 7. Charity vaunts not it self or boasts not it self it proclaims not its own goodness as the most of Men do Prov. 20. 6. It knows we have nothing but what we have received and preserves us from boasting of our givings or doings and to do what we do in secret that our left hand may not know what our right hand doth Judg. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 4. 7. Luke 18. 11. Mat. 6. 1 2 3 4. Charity is not puffed up not blown up like a bladder by any thing it hath received or doth knowledge even the knowing our knowledge puffeth up but charity doth not so but edifieth 1 Cor. 8. 1. 2 Cor. 12. 6 9. Luke 18. 11. Doth not behave it self unseemly uncomely shamefully which is the effect and consequent of the former when men are puft up it leadeth them to a shameful behaviour of themselves to be many masters Jam. 3. 1. to render evil for evil c. But charity doth not so Charity seeketh not her own profit case praise advantage So Christ did not who is the Son of the Father in charity but though he was rich for our sakes and not for his own he became poor that we thorow his poverty might be inriched 2 Cor. 8. 9. and the Apostle exhorts the believers that they look not every one on his own things but every one also on the things of others and that the same mind that was in Christ might be also in them Phil. 2. 2 3 5 6. And the Apostle Paul saith I please all Men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved And then exhorts the believers Be ye followers or imitaters of me even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor. 10. 23 24 33. and ch 11. 1.
with ch 13. 1. And such as denied the holy one and the just and desired a murderer to be granted to them and killed the Prince of life yet having repented their sins shall be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3. 14 15 19. 2. And I will not blot out his name out of the Book of life This is also assured to him that overcometh whoever he be or whatever he hath been whether to him that is turned aside and is recovered and healed or unto him that hath abidden faithful and hath not wickedly departed from the Lord. Now in this branch of blessedness is signified to us 1. There is a Book of life in which Men's names are written 2. That it is possible some mens names may be blotted out of this Book 3. His name that overcometh shall not be blotted out of this Book of life 1. That there is a book of life in which the names of Men are writen and so we say and shew that there is a book of life 1. More general which is called the book of the living Ps 69. 28. and in this book all Mens names are written while they are joyned to all the living as ungodly ones sinners and enemies even in the testimony of God concerning Christ as the subjects of the kindness and pity of God and of Christ's redemption For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son for God sent not his Son into the World to condemn the World but that the World thorow him might be saved Jo● 3. 16 17. while we were yet without strength Christ died for the ungodly God comm●ndeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us he died for all even for all of mankind that were dead and gave his flesh for the life of the world and hath obtained for all Men a justification of life from the first condemnation So as all Men in their several ages have a comfortable injoyment of their lives and of Gods mercies vouchsafed to them and that to a gracious end that they which live should not henceforth live to themselves but to him that died for them and rose again Rom. 5. 6 8 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. Rom. 5 18. and while they are joyned to all the living there is hope Eccles 9. 4. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15. he once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring them to God 1 Pet. 3. 18. and in him God hath given to us Mankind eternal life 1 Joh. 5. 10 11. But this book is not here directly spoken of for here such a Book of life is spoken of in which the names of overcomers and after they have overcome are written 2. There is also a special Book of life spoken of and mentioned in the Scripture And this I conceive is twofold That is to say 1. One in which some Mens names are written who shall not be raised in the first resurrection nor reign with Christ on earth and yet shall have eternal life when they are raised in the general and second resurrection Of this Book of life mention is made in Rev. 20. In which chapter is first declared to us that those that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipt the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers But the rest of the dead lived not again untill the thousand yeers were finished This is the first resurrection v. 4 5 6. and then after the thousand yeers were expired he saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened c. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire v. 11. 15. In which Scripture it plainly appears that there is a Book of life in which the names of some are written who are not raised in the first resurrection nor shall reingn with Christ and the Children of the first resurrection nor yet be cast into the lake of fire but shall at the last day have eternal life And in this book may be written the names of such little ones as died in their incapacity and before they came to the use of understanding and who were not circumcised or baptized when time was afforded and liberty given but their parents or those under whose care or charge they were neglected or stubbornly refused And so speaking of this general resurrection and after mentioning the book of life he saith I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the small are first spoken of And the Lord said to Abraham in former times the uncircumcised manchild whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised that Soul shall be cut off from his people Gen. 17. 12 14. and so shall not partake of that inheritance of the land of Canaan promised to Abraham and his seed but not yet performed Because he is cut off from that people For the neglect hereof the Lord met and sought to kill Moses Exod. 4. 24 26. howbeit the eternal judgment and last resurrection they shall not miss of eternal life Ezek. 18. 2 3. Jer. 31. 29 30. And in this Book of life may be written the names of such fearers of God amongst the gentiles as have not been brought into the family of Abraham or Church of Christ and who have not had while in mortal bodies any distinct knowledge of the mediatour Act. 10. 34. Ps 115. 9 11. who though they are not the subjects of that covenant made with Abraham for himself and his seed which covenant was confirmed of God in Christ Gen. 17. 7 8 with Rom. 4. 9 13. yet are accepted of God and shall partake of eternal life Acts 10. 34. Rom. 2. 26 27. and all their names also may be written herein who are converted to Christ after his descension from Heaven during his reign with the Children of the first resurrection upon the earth Isay 65. 20. 22. But we shall adde no more to this particular in this place 2. There is another Book a more special book called the book of life and the Lamb's book of life Rev. 13. 8. and ch 21. 27. In which are written the names of such as believed in Christ as witnessed by the Prophets in former times and of such as believe in him as he is now revealed to us by the Apostles of the lamb which is called the book of the righteous Ps 69. 28. and the writing of the house of Israel Ezek. 13. 9. whose names are written in Heaven Luke 10. 20. Heb. 12. 23. and all such Children as have been brought into the congregation of the Lord and died before they came to yeers of discretion
ascended up unto the right hand of God and received of the father the promise of the holy Spirit which also he hath shed forth and poured out upon his holy Apostles that by them the preaching might be fully known and they have used great plainness of speech and not as Moses who put a vei● over his face c. so as his Churches may all with open face behold the glory of the Lord c. 2 Cor. 3. 12 13 18. Act. 2. 17. and now they may arise and shine for their light is come Isa 59. 20 21. and chap. 60. 1 2. with Eph. 5. 14. and though among them that were born of women there had not risen a greater Prophet than John the Baptist Yet as our Saviour saith he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he Matth. 11. 11. the anointing which they have received abideth in them and they ne●d not that any man teach them but as the same anointing teacheth them of all things and is truth and is no lye 1 John 2. 27. and thus we here understand this saying The living creatures the Church in the four quarters of the world were full of eyes full of quick-sighted men and full of understanding as hath been said and they are said to be full of eyes before and behind That is to say 1. Before To see and behold things before and so to behold Jesus Christ and him crucified who is before them and neerer to the throne than they Chap. 5. 6. They by faith see Jesus who by the grace of God tasted death for every man Heb. 2. 9. and herein perceive his love because he laid down his life for them 1 Joh. 3. 16. He is in the Gospel evidently set forth before their eyes as one who hath been crucified for them Gal. 3. 1. that they might rejoyce in him with joy unspeakable and ●ull of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. and always sing that new song of praise and thanksgiving Worthy is the lamb that was slain c. Rev. 5. 8 9 10. and to see and behold the glory which he hath received and is possessed of in our nature 2 Cor. 3. 18. and that now he appears in the presence of God for them they are come to Jesus the Media tour of the new Testament and to the blood of sprinkling which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel Hebr. 12. 24. Rev. 5. 6. 2. And in Jesus Christ to behold him that sits on the throne For he that seeth him seeth the father also he that knoweth him knoweth him that sent him John 12. 4● 45. and chap 14. 6 7. 2 Cor. 4. 4 6. to behold in and through him his wisdom power holiness and justice and his great and wonderful love to manwa●d which he hath manifested in sending his only begotten son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins that we might live through him 1 John 4. 8 10 14. and his peculiar love to them that believe in Christ John 14 21 23. and how he sits upon the throne ruling over all and ordering all things for their good especially who love God Psal 103. 19. and 29. 10 11. Rom. 8. 28 32. Now they do ●●●h these eyes by faith see the King in his glory as Moses also d●●● Isa 33 16 17. with Hebr. 11. 27. 3. To behold the thundrings and lightnings and voices all preparations to and executions of wrath and judgment they see when a storm is coming that they may enter into the rock and hide themselves in the dust for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty Isa 2. 10. for all storms and tempests all judgments and testimonies of displeasure proceed out of the throne which is before them See the Notes before on ver 5. and they who have their conversation by faith in Heaven may behold Gods hand when it is lifted up and meditate terrour Isa 33. 17 18. The prudent foresee the evil and hide themselves but the simple pass on and are punished Prov. 22. 3. and chap. 27. 12. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him c. Psal 25. 13 14. 4. To behold future things which shall be hereafter so our Saviour promised his disciples That the holy Spirit should guide them into all truth and shew them things to come John 16. 13. and thus ha●h he done in this book of the Revelation which God gave unto Jesus Christ to shew unto his servants things which must come to pass Rev. 1. 1. and chap. 22. 6 16. and so with their eyes which are before they may behold the destruction of Mystery Babylon and of all that are enemies to and persist in rebellion against Jesus Christ and his Gospel and People Rev. 11. 18. and chap. 14. 8 11. and cha● 18. 19. and the coming of Christ with Clouds Rev. 1. 7. his coming again to raise them that sleep in him in the first resurrection and delivering them from all evil and enemies compleatly and gloriously and granting them to sit with him in his throne and to reign with him on earth Rev. 5. 9 10. and chap. 20. 21 22. they may now by faith look upon these things that are not seen and which are now revealed as in former times they were not 2 Cor. 4. 18. Hence whereas the Prophet speaking of the glory to be revealed saith Since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him that waits for him The Apostle citeth that Scripture saying Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him But then he addeth hereto further and above what the Prophet had said But God hath revealed them to us by his spirit c. Compare Isa 64. 4. with 1 Cor. 2. 9 10 11. to signifie to us th●● these things are now manifested to us as they were not in foregoi●●imes though yet as with respect to these things it must still be remembred that their sight and knowledg hereof is by faith and but in part 1 Cor. 13. 9 12. and they are instructed that when these things begin to come to pass they should look up and lift up their heads for their redemption draws nigh Luk 21. 28. 2. And these four living creatures are also full of eyes behind to know see and discern things which are over and past As to say a a little 1. To see into the types and shadows of the Law which are accomplished and opened to us in and by Jesus Christ they were a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ Col. 2. 17. and which things are now revealed to us by Christ and his Apostles in the Gospel which hath by them been preached according to the revelation of the mystery The Law came by Moses but grace and truth by Jesus Christ
all men which was at first begotten and produced in them by his first love manifested unto and known and believed by them 2. How had they left thi● their first love Or in what sense or after what consideration had they left it To which we say They had not so left it as if they had none to Christ and one another for such a thing would be wholly and altogether inconsistent with those many good and commendable things before taken notice of by our Saviour in them v. 2 3 6. But in some measure their love was waxt colder than it was at first Mat. 24. 12. And they were not so ●ervent and ardent therein as sometimes and at first they had been somewhat of the same evil was found with these as was with the Church of Laodicea of which it is said thou art neither hot nor cold though not in so great a degree Rev. 3. 15 16. There was a decay and abatement of their love some remission and lessening of the inflamedness thereof as the word left here properly signifies to wit a remission of their love like that also complained of in others though it seems not in so great a measure or degree Thus saith the LORD I remember the kindness of thy youth thy first love but afterwards it was otherwise with them Hence it is said hear the word of the Lord what iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me c. Neither said they where is the Lord that brought us up out of the Land of Aegypt Jer. 2. 1 5 6 12. And it might in some measure be said to these as the Apostle doth to the Galatians where is now the blessedness you spake of Gal. 4. 13 15. They had in some sort departed from their rest as the P●almist intimates he had done Ps 116. 1 7. and gadded about to change their ways too much wandring from Mountain to Hill and forgetting their resting-place their place to lye down in Jer. 2. 33 36. and ch 50. 6. they were not now so valiant for the truth as formerly they had been Jer. 9. 3. not so inflamed with love to Jesus Christ and one another the sufferings of Christ and what he hath thereby effected and obtained into himself were not so highly prized by them and therefore not so operative and effectual in them as at first but they were come to some loss and had suffered a decay of those things formerly wrought in them by the Glorious Gospel 2 Joh. 8. Oh how precious was this Manna to them at the first they then cried out by way of Admiration What is this they then with earnestness prayed Lord evermore give us this Bread Christ was then wonderfully precious to them and highly valued by them they did then so cleave to him in love as that they preferred him before all other things though never so gainful and amiable And the Word of God mightily grew among them Acts 19. 17 20. they then desired no other Foundation of their Faith and Hope no other Witness of God's Love no other Bread of Life or Door of Approach to God but Jesus Christ and him crucified and so the Flesh of Christ which was given for the life of the World But alas now their Hearts were in some measure removed from him and they did not so closely cleave unto him as formerly nor were so forward to undergo Afflictions for him and his Gospels sake not to endure hardness as good Souldiers of Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 2. 1 3. They had left their first-love and though they had works yet not the first v. 5. 3. We come in the next place to shew and demonstrate that this is such an iniquity as provoketh the Lord to anger to leave the first-love This is a great evil and so it will appear to be if we consider 1. Because the Principles or Seed of which this first-love was begotten and Object on which it was placed abide the same the Seed thereof is not like the Seed of this World which is perishing and corruptible and therefore all begotten of it is like unto it for all Flesh is as Grass and all the Glory of Man as the Flower of Grass the Grass withereth and the Flower thereof falleth away But this Seed is incorruptible the Word of the Lord endureth for ever and this is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto us 1 Pet. 1. 23 25. the Blood of Christ is precious and incorruptible blood and therefore it is opposed to corruptible things 1 Pet. 1. 19. And it is an Everlasting Commendation of the love of God to us Rom. 5. 8. and the Gospel of Christ is an Everlasting Gospel therein are contained the Words of Eternal Life Rev. 14. 6. Joh. 6. 68. And so Jesus Christ is the same and his years fail not He is Jesus Christ the anointed Saviour the same yesterday and to day and for ever Heb. 1. 12. and ch 13. 8. There is no Iniquity in him and therefore he remaineth for ever The Servant to wit of Sin abideth not in the house for ever but the Son abideth ever Joh. 8. 34 35. Oh what an Iniquity is it then to lessen our love to and esteem of him Or to let slip the Remembrance of his Love in redeeming us What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me saith the LORD that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are become vain neither said they where is the LORD that brought us up out of the Land of Egypt That led us thorow the Wilderness thorow a Land of Deserts and Pits c. Hath a Nation changed their Gods which yet are no Gods But my People have changed their Glory for that which doth not profit Be astonished O ye Heavens at this and be horribly afraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord for my People have committed two evils they have forsaken me the Fountain of living Waters and hewed them out Cisterns broken Cisterns that can hold no Water O Generation see ye the Word of the Lord. Have I been a Wilderness unto Israel a land of Darkness wherefore say my people we are Lords we will come no more ●nto thee Jer. 2. 1 5 6 10 13 31. and ch 17. 13. and ch 18. 13 15. what an evil is this to depart in any measure from him Lord saith Peter to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God Joh. 6. 66 68 69. Oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth c. where is the blessedness the excellency the love and loveliness of Christ you formerly spake of Is not he as worthy still as ever to be fervently loved and heartily delighted in by us who humbled himself for us and became obedient to death the death of the cross and who thereby hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law and obtained eternal redemption for us when we were in our filth and blood said unto us live when we were in woful misery when the Sorrows of death compassed us and the pains of Hell gat hold on us and we found woe and trouble yet then caused his goodness to pass before us and commended and discovered his love to us and overcame us as bullocks unaccustomed to the yoke and spake peace to us and quieted our fears removed our sorrows comforted our hearts delivered our souls from death our eyes from tears and our feet from falling that we might walk before him in the land of the living in whom still dwelleth and abideth all the fulness even all the fulness of the God-head bodily and in whom is all compleatness prepared for us Do we thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Is he not our Father that hath bought us hath he not made and established us ask thy Father and he will shew thee thine elders the prophets and Apostles and they will tell thee do ye thus render to the Lord for all his benefits love and kindness as to forsake him and lightly or more lightly than formerly esteem the rock of your Salvation of the rock that begat you are ye so unmindful and have you forgotten God that formed you Deut. 32. 5 7 15 18. Is this your kindness to your friend that hath so loved you and made it known to you and still continues his goodness to you and waits upon you that he may be gracious unto you O remember the former days remember your affliction and misery the distress that sometimes you were in and what a joyful sound the Gospel was then unto you and how your hearts did burn within you in love to Christ his cross and sufferings and consider what a loss you are now come to and for this weep let your eye your eye run down with water weep and howl for such an unkind and unworthy return to him and give no rest to your eyes nor slumber to your eye-lids until you return to the days of your youth the love of your espousals surely the oneness of the Lord being seriously minded and considered by us would engage us to return to him from whom we have departed and to be ●ervent in un●eigned love to him Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and Soul and mind and strength and thy neighbour as thy self Deut. 6. 4 6. with Mark 12. 29 30. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of light with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth wherefore my Brethren let every Man be swift to hear c. Jam. 1. 17 18 19. 2. This is a great evil an evil that provoketh to leave the first love because in our abating in our love to Christ and leaving our first ●ervency of affection to him and his Gospel and people and the societies thereof we shall be very injurious and harmful to others and even by such remission of love secretly signify unto them that the longer we know Christ and the more acquainted we are with him the less amiable and desirable he is to us and the less delightful to us and therefore is he no more delighted in by us and so we lay a stumbling block in the way of the blind and give offence to the World and hinder others from seeking after and following the Lord when persons are zealous and ●ervent in their affection unto and pursuit after the Lord their zeal provokes very many 2 Cor. 9. 2. Thus it appeared in the spouses earnestness in seeking for and inquiring after and highly and delightfully valuing and setting forth the excellency comliness of her beloved while she was thus exercised this heat of love in her to Christ and following hard after him causeth the daughters of Jerusalem to enquire after him and to say whither is thy beloved gone O thou fairest among Women whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee Can. 5. 8 16. and ch 6. 1. love even hot and fiery love to Christ and the fruits thereof are strong as death as death is strong and overcomes the mightiest and stoutest so ardent love is proper to overcome others also even our enemies and to bring them in to Christ Cant. 8. 6 7. with Rom. 12. 19 21. when the believers did cleave to the Lord with full purpose of heart and continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and were together continuing daily with one accord c. The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved Acts 2. 42 47. Joh. 13. 34 35. But now when the first love waxes cold and believers have little or less heart to Christ and his Gospel than formerly this puts a discouragement upon others and hinders them from seeking after him and strengthens them in their evil ways so much the Lord signifies in saying to his people in former times My people have forgotten me days without number why trimest thou thy way to seek love Therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways Jer. 2. 31 33. And indeed this decay of mens first love to Christ will be visible and evident to others it cannot be kept so secret but it will be seen and come abroad for such as leave their first love will leave their first works also as v. 5. 3. Abatement in the first love is a great evil a provoking evil in believers because those in Christ's Church have great advantage to grow and increase in love to him and to his Gospel and it is expected from them that they go on from strength to strength Ps 84. 4 7. and in beholding him with open face in the glass of the Gospel they are changed and metamorphosed into the same Image from glory to glory as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 18. In giving diligence to the exceeding great and precious promises ministred in and with the Gospel they shall be made partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the World thorow lust and not only so but they may add to their faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness Brotherly-kindness and to Brotherly-Kindness Charity 2 Pet. 1. 4 7. these things may be in them and abound v. 8 Choice gi●ts are now given to men to this purpose that they might not be as children tossed to and fro but truthing it in love might grow up into Christ in all things who is the head from whom the whole body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the
he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work and shall be blessed in his Deed Jam. 1. 22 25. By this ye are saved to wit from Sins and Errours if ye hold fast what was preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain to wit how that Christ died for our Sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and rose again c. 1 Cor 15. 2 4. If that ye have heard from the beginning remain in you ye also shall continue in the Son and in the Father 1 Joh. 2. 24. By all which it appears that that from whence they were fallen was from the believing view and mindfulness of the Cross of Christ and his first love therein commended For as a Man cannot heartily love Christ till his love be known and believed so neither will there be a decay or abatement of the first love until there be some departure by an evil heart of unbelief from the Grace of Christ 2. We come to note some Instructions from this Branch of the Counsel As 1. In general we may note that when Christ's Churches or any particular Members thereof have left their first-love and fallen from and forgotten his Sufferings and his love therein commended yet he doth not presently forget them or their first-love to him or his first love to them but remembers that and them still and gives good Counsel to them while it is called to day Jer. 2. 1 3 31 32. and ch 3. 1. He calls upon them to return to him from whom they have fallen by their iniquities Hos 14. 1 4. Rev. 3. 1 3 15 19. He still waits upon such that he may be gracious unto them Isay 30. 8 18. Hos 11. 4 8. though his well-pleased delightful love towards them should cease or fail yet while it is the day of his Grace and Patience while they are joyned to all the living his compassions fail not Lam. 3. 22 23. His Charity never faileth 1 Cor. 13. 8. He is good for his Mercy endureth for ever Ps 106. 1 3. Hence it is that he giveth good and needful Counsel to such as these 2. More particularly from hence we may note and observe 1. That those that have been begotten thorow Christ's Cross and his love therein commended as declared in the Gospel unto the unfeigned and fervent love of him may fall from their first and former high esteeming and prizing of that precious Blood and first love they may forget it and forget how precious it was to them when it was at first proclaimed unto them and seen and believed by them Thus we may see in our Types of old how much and how oft did the Church of God in former times forget their deliverance out of Egypt which was a Type of Christ's redeeming us by his Blood in which God's love was commended to them They soon forgat his works and his wonders that he had shewed them Ps 78. 7 11. They remembred not the multitude of his Mercies they soon forgat his works they waited not for his Counsel They soon forgat God their Saviour which had done great things in Egypt wondrous things in the Land of Ham Ps 106. 7 13 21 22. Of the Rock that begat them they were unmindful and forgat God that formed them Deut. 32. 18. Hos 13. 4 6. and ch 14. 1. And this is written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the World are come Heb. 3. 7 14. And how guilty of forgetting the preciousness of the Blood of Christ and Grace therein commended were the Churches of Galatia Gal. 3. 1. with ch 1. 6. and ch 4. 15 17. with v. 11 and ch 5. 2 4. Heb. 2. 1 3. 2 Pet. 1. 9. And indeed the Churches and particular believers thorow their listening to and siding with that Sin that dwelleth in them are apt so to do and too oft do so when they are come to some rest peace and excellent ornaments hence such admonitions and intimations are given in such a consideration Deut. 6. 10 12. Beware lest when thou hast eaten and art full that then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God which brought thee forth out of the Land of Egypt Deut. 8. 11 14. Jesurun waxed fat and kicked thou art waxed fat thou art grown thick thou art covered then ●e forsook God which made him and lightly esteemed the Rock of his Salvation Deut. 32. 13 15. After they had rest they did evil before thee c. Neh. 9 28. They were filled and their heart was exalted therefore have they forgotten me Hos 13. 4 6. Rev. 3. 17 20. Judg. 3. 11 12. and 5. 31. and ch 6. 1. Ezek. 16. 4 7 10 14 15 16. Vse 1. Examine we our selves whether we be not also guilty of this great and root-iniquity are we not saying when we hear the first things of the Gospel and God's love therein declared as they did Behold what a weariness is it And ye have snuffed at it saith the Lord of Hosts Mal. 1. 13. Do we not say in our hearts The Table of the LORD is polluted and the fruit thereof even his meat is contemptible Mal. 1. 12. or like them Numb 11. 5 6. 2. Seeing we may and are too apt to forget the precious Blood of Christ and preciousness thereof and his first love therein commended it shews unto us that we need to be oft put in remembrance thereof by the Ministers of Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 2. 4 7. But to this after 2. We may further note that the forgetting the preciousness of Christ's Cross and the love therein demonstrated as declared in the Gospel is the cause of our departure from Christ and leaving of our first-love to him This appears by the reference this hath to the former verse thou hast left thy first-love remember therefore c. Thus in former times this is rendred as the cause of Israel's many evils their forgetfulness of God's wondrous works as it is said How oft did they provoke him in the Wilderness and grieve him in the desart yea they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy one of Israel They remembred not his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the Enemy Ps 78. 40 42. c. and 81. 6 8 10. Jer. 2. 31 33. His first love was that as we have seen which did beget love in them unto him it is the ●corruptible seed And therefore the forgetting and falling from this in any measure is the cause and reason of our want or decay of love to him Were this kept in hearty mindfulness we should be preserved from such decrease or abatement of love 1 Cor. 15. 1 3. Christ is the living Bread that came down from Heaven If any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread which he will give is his Flesh which now he hath given for the Life of the World Joh. 6. 51 56 58. 3. The way and means to recover such as
flow from unfeigned faith in him even from the hearty mindfulness and high-prizing of the precious Blood of Christ and the love therein commended to Sinners It is Faith even the Word of Faith believed that worketh by Love Gal. 5. 6. and so also produceth as the consequent thereof good works Heb. 10. 24. 1 Thes 1. 3 5. and ch 2. 13. The principle of those works which are acceptable to God is not our own wisdom or any thing in our selves or because it is our duty simply but the Grace of God his free-love manifested in the gift of his Son to be the Saviour of the World 2 Cor. 1. 12. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation to all Men hath appeared teaching us that denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Tit. 2. 11 12. This Gospel and good news being heartily embraced doth powerfully operate to the denying and abhorring what is evil and to the doing what is well-pleasing in his sight Joh. 15. 2 6. 1 Joh. 3. 6. Now their works could not be the first because they were as we have before seen fallen in some measure from Christ and from the high prizing of his Cross and his love and kindness therein manifested and commended 2. The first works also appear to be such as are done in ●ervent and inflamed love to Jesus Christ and in love and charity to Men hence called the work and labour of love begotten by and exercised in the love of and unto Christ and also exercised towards Men and Brethren Heb. 6. 9. 1 Thes 1. 3. And this love is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13. 10. and all without it is nothing as the Apostle saith though I have the gift of Prophesie and understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge and though I have all Faith so that I could remove Mountains and have not Love or Charity I am nothing And though I bestow all my Goods to feed the Poor and though I give my Body to be burned and have not Love or Charity it profiteth me nothing 1 Cor. 13. 1 3. Gal. 5. 13 14. And this exhortation is given Let all your things be done with Love or Charity 1 Cor. 16. 13. Now their works could not be the first works because they had left their first-love 3. The first works are such as of which Christ is the Omega and end also and God in him A Man may do many things good in themselves and yet to a wrong end it may be to establish a Righteousness to himself Rom. 10. 2 3. and all such works will not profit or avail to the rendring us acceptable in the sight of God Isay 57. 12. Thus the Jews sought after Righteousness as it were by the works of the Law in which they sinned against the end of the Law Jesus Christ and stumbled and took offence at that stumbling-Stone and Rock of Offence not submitting themselves to the Righteousness of God Rom. 9. 30 31 33. and ch 10. 1 4. After such a manner also the Galatians were snared by those Evil-workers that came amongst them after they had begun to run well and were called into the Grace of Christ by listening to those Spiritual Witches that came amongst them they sought to perfect by the Flesh what was begun by the Spirit Gal. 1. 6. and ch 3. 1. and ch 5. 1 4. Or the end of what a Man doth may be that he may have praise of Men as it is with the Hyppocrites when they give alms it is that they may have Glory of Men when they pray that they may be seen of Men when they fast they so do it that they may appear unto Men to fast Mat. 6. 2 6 16. And thus our Saviour saith of the Scribes and Pharisees All their works they do for to be seen of Men Mat. 23. 2 5. And of this evil end the Apostle warns in saying Be not desirous of Vain-glory Gal. 5. 26. But now the first or best Luke 15. 22. works are such as in which a Man knowing that Christ hath brought in Everlasting Righteousness and that all is prepared in him he doth therefore in all aim at his Glory and therein at the good of Men and especial good of Believers as the Apostle exhorts Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the Glory of God Give none Offence neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God Even as I please all Men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved 1 Cor. 10. 31 33. and ch 11. 1. Phil. 1. 20 21. 1 Cor. 9. 22. Now from this Branch of the Counsel we may also briefly note some Instructions As 1. In that he had before intimated that they had at first when the Gospel was preached to and received by them a first and servent love and now also intimates that they had first works so he gives us to understand that when God's love in Christ to Sinners is so known and believed that it turns the Heart to him and begets love unto him it will also produce works good and acceptable works such as are well-pleasing in his sight So much the Apostle signifies as with respect to the Thessalonians when he saith Ye received the word of God which ye heard of us not as the word of Men but as it is in truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe It wrought so effectually in them that it wrought Love in them and the work of Faith and Labour of Love c. 1 Thes 2. 13. with ch 1. 3 10. 1 Joh. 3. 16 18. Gal. 5. 6. 2. In that he saith And do the first works so he signifieth to us that though there may be works with us yet not such as are approved of him nay though they may be right and good in themselves yet they may not proceed from the Faith nor be done in Fervent Love and Charity nor may we aim at Christ at his Glory and the promoting the things of his Kingdom as the end and to be sure if we have le●t our first-love and that be waxed cold and if we have abated in our former high prizings of the precious sufferings and Blood of our Gracious Redeemer and the love therein discovered our works will also be defective as it was with these Come we to the light Joh. 3. 21. 3. In that he saith Remember and repent c. so he signifieth to us that the way to do the first works is to remember Christ's works and to repent and turn to him again from whom we have revolted and back-sliden for as he hath wrought all our works for us so it is he also that must work them in us Isay 26. 12. Phil. 2. 12 15. They must needs be dead works imperfect unacceptable works unless such as have left their first love remember how they have received and heard
thou in Heaven but he and there was none on earth that thou didst desire besides him Ps 73. 25. this gift was then a precious stone a stone of grace in thine eyes Prov. 17. 8. all other things were undervalued and lightly esteemed by thee in comparison hereof Oh Remember this Yea and Remember how in or after what manner thou hast received and heard how efficacious then this joyful sound was upon thee and how it turned thee to God from idols to serve the living and true God 1 Thes 1. 6 9. and how when he had broken thy yoke and burst thy bands thou saidst I will not transgress Jer. 2. 19 20. by this precious blood displayed before thee in the Gospel thou wast redeemed from thy vain conversation thereby thon wast redeemed from the earth and from among men 1 Pet. 1. 17 19. Rev. 5. 9. and 14. 4 5. thou didst escape the pollution of the World thorow the know●edge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 2. 2● and then resolvedst that seeing he had delivered thy Soul from death thine eyes from tears and thy feet from falling thou wouldst walk before the Lord in the land of the living Ps 116. 7 9 16 17. when his loving-kindness was first before thine eyes this prevailed with thee to walk in his truth and to come out from amongst Men and be separate Ps 26. 3 8. sin was rendred so exceeding sinful to thee in the cross of Christ as that thou saidst how shall I live any longer therein Rom. 6. 1 4 and all idols so unsatisfying and unprofitable that thou criedst out what have I any more to do with idols Hos 14. 1 8. then the Gospel wrought effectually in thee 1 Thes 2. 13. then thou hadst the work of Faith and labour of love for the Gospel came not to thee in word only but in power c. 1 Thes 1. 3 5. then it begat in thee love enflamed love to him delight in him contentment with him desires after him high praises and commendations of him readiness and cheerfulness in suffering for him confident dependance on him and expectation of all things pertaining to the life that now is and that to come from him such was the kindness of thy youth and love of thy espousals that thou wast then holiness to him given up and dedicated to him and couldest follow him thorow the wilderness thorow a land of deserts and of pits c. Jer. 2. 1 2 5. with Heb. 10. 32 34. 1 Thes 1. 5 6. Deut. 32. 10 12. This he directs and calls upon them now to Remember even how they had received and heard 2. We come now to speak unto the Act or exercise whereto he directs and exhorts this Angel and Church Remember now this doth signify either 1. Remember that is keep and retain in memory as 1 Cor. 15. 2. that these things may not run away from you as water out of a leaking vessel Heb. 2. 1. So the Lord commanded his People Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy that is keep this always in your minds Exod. 20. 8. with Deut. 5. 12. Or 2. Remember that is recall or bring it back to your minds And so here we are to understand it for they had forgot how they had received and heard as it plainly appears by what is said in General and particularly by what follows viz And hold fast so remembring signifies a considering of the former things as Isay 43. 16 18. Or bringing again to mind as remember this bring it again to mind Isay 46. 8 9. Or a recalling or making a thing to return to our hearts as Lam. 3. 20 21. or a setting it before ones face or a setting it before ones face or in ones view for as forgetting is a casting behind ones back so opposite thereto Remembring is a setting a person or thing before ones face and so in ones sight that it may be always lookt upon and viewed Ezek 23. 25. and thus here we are to understand the expression thou hast forgotten how thou hast received and heard O call to remembrance these first and former things We ●ome now briefly to note some instructions from this branch of the direction because we have spoken to the same before see the notes on ch 2. v. 5 1. Herein is signified to us in that he saith Remember c. that they had forgot and we are too apt to forget how we have received and heard to suffer a forgetfulness of the precious blood of Christ and love therein commended and what Blessedness we did at first partake and speak of Gal. 4. 13 15. with ch 3. 1. hence that admonition we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip for how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation Heb. 2. 1 3. and ch 10. 32 34. 2. The forgetting and letting these things slip out of our minds is a great and provoking iniquity and that which leads into all other evils and brings into a dying and dead condition This iniquity was that which brought deadness on this Angel and Church and was the reason of the imperfection of their works before God as is here intimated to us As the Apostle saith By this ye are saved if ye keep in memory c. So we may say on the contrary this is the high way to bring destruction upon our selves if we forget the sufferings of Christ and the love of both Father and Son therein manifested and everlastingly demonstrated to us and to expose our selves to the displeasure of God 1 Cor. 15. 9 4. Heb. 2. 1 2 4. 3. The calling to remembrance how we have received and heard is the way to be recovered out of our sad condition and evils when we are dead and our works imperfect before God Gal. 1. 6. and ch 3. 1 5. and ch 4. 12 16. Thus the Apostle when he admonishes the Hebrews not to cast away their confidence and is setting before them the great danger of drawing back and departing from the living God by an evil heart of unbelief he then exhorts them to call to remembrance the former days in which they were illuminated as that which was proper to recover and preserve them from such transgressions as they were polluted with or inclined unto in any measure Heb. 10. 38. Ps 77. 10 11. and 42. 6 7. Such is the graciousness faithfulness of Christ to such forgetful hearers as that when they have forgotten how they have received and heard and forgotten him days without number yet while it is called to day he is their remembrancer by his Spirit who hath the seven Spirits of God Joh. 14. 26. So the Lord in former times was to his people when they forsook him and lightly esteemed the rock of their salvation when of the Rock that begat them they were unmindful and had forgotten God that formed them Then he saith to them Remember
in heart Mat. 11. 28 29. Oh how many evils of theirs doth he thorow his love overlook and pass by Who is so blind as this Servant of God's or deaf as the Messinger whom ●e ●ath sent Isay 42. 2 3 19 20. Prov. 10. 12. with 1 Cor. 13. 4. And they are instructed and exhorted to account that the long-suffering of our Lord exercised towards them also is Salvation to wit that they● may so receive and retain the love of the truth that they may be saved thereby from their sins and vanities and so be saved from Wrath the Wrath to come thorow him 2 Pet. 3. 15. with 2 Thes 2. 10. and 1 Thes 1. 10. And with what patience is he instructing them though they are dull of hearing and unteachable untractable ones and doth not presently leave them nor is weary of well-doing towards them and thorow him God his Father is a God of patience towards unworthy ones Rom. 3. 25. and ch 15. 5. 3. It is called the word of his patience because it effect such-like patience in them in that receive it to purpose as is found in him even the patience of Jesus Christ See notes on ch 1. v. 9. It effects in them a patient continuance in well doing Rom. 2. 7. Luke 8. 15. Continuing in the Faith grounded and setled and not being moved from the hope of the Gospel 1 Cor. 15. 58. Col. 1. 22 23. and in bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit Gal. 6. 9. and seeking the good of others 2 Tim. 2. 23 25. And to that end being patient towards all Men 1 Thes 5. 14 15. and also it effects in them patience in enduring afflictions even laying aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset them to run with patience the race set before them Heb. 12. 1. In patience possessing their Souls whatever trials or afflictions they meet withal not being moved thereby to take offence at Christ or at his Gospel not fretting against them who are Instruments of evil to them Luke 21. 19. Ps 37. 1 7 8. and patience in waiting for his Salvation Jam. 5. 7. and this Gospel is effecting this patience in the hearty believer thereof 1. By setting before them the great endurings and sufferings of Jesus Christ and his patience therein hence it is called the patience of Jesus as is before said Rev. 1. 9. So the Apostle when he exhorts the Believers to run with patience the race set before them instructs them to this end to look unto Jesus who for the joy set before him endured the Cross despising the shame c. To consider him who endured such contradiction of Sinners against himself lest they should be wearied and faint in their minds Heb. 12. 1 3. And the Apostle James also directs to his patience in suffering that the Believers might imitate him saying ye have condemned and killed the ●ust and he doth not resist you Be patient therefore Brethren unto the coming of the Lord Jam. 5. 6 7. If we do well and suffer for it and take it patiently this is acceptable with God for even hereunto we were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps 1 Pet. 2. 20 21 22. 2. By shewing to us and directing us into the love of God manifested in sending his Son the Saviour of the World This way is the Gospel effecting patience in us having access into the Grace of God we rejoyce in tribulations also Knowing that tribulation worketh patience because the love of God is shed abroad in our ●earts by the holy Spirit for while we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the Vngodly Rom. 5. 2 5 6. Hence the Apostle thus prays The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ 2 Thes 3. 5. And this love this first love of God known and believed frames the heart to the love to the perfect and sincere love of God which casts out of us all fear which hath torment helping us to judge and be perswaded God intends our good in all he is ordering and so frames us to and begets patience in us 1 Joh. 4. 16 19. with 1 Tim. 6. 11. And his love effects charity in us towards Men and Brethren and so leads us to be patient towards all Hence the Apostle saith to Timothy thou hast known my Charity Patience c. 2 Tim. 3. 10. Tit. 2. 2. 3. And this word is effecting patience in us and doth operate and effect it in the hearty believer thereof by propounding and setting before us the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Tit. 2. 10 13. Hence it is called the patience of hope of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1. 3. And if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience tarry fo● i● Rom. 8. 24 25. To this purpose the Apostle James speaks be patient Brethren unto the coming of the Lord Behold the Husband-man waiteth for the precious fruit of the Earth and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter Rain Be ye also patient for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Jam. 5. 7 8. Ps 37. 7 11. 2 Pet. 1. 4 ● were we more rejoycing in hope we should be more patient in tribulation Rom. 5. 1 3. and ch 12. 12. 2 Cor. 4. 14 18. This was that word of Christs patience which they had kept and for the keeping whereof Christ commends them and sets such encouragement before them 2. We have a gracious promise and blessed encouragement propounded and made to this Angel and Church I also will keep thee from the hou● of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth Wherein let us a little enquire and consider 1. From what he promises to keep them from the hour of temptation 2. The extent of this hour Which shall come upon all the World 3. The end of its coming To try them that dwell upon the Earth 1. From what he promises to keep them From the hour of temptation Now this hour of temptation may either signifie 1. A time of great tribulation and persecution for the Gospels sake which was ere long to ensue under the Roman Emperours So whereas in one Evangelist it is said when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word by and by they are offended It is thus rendred by another In time of temptation they fall away signifying to us that a time of persecution for the Gospel is a time of temptation Compare Mat. 13. 21. with Luke 8. 13. So such a time is called A fiery trial 1 Pet. 4. 12. and trial of cruel mockings and scourgings Heb. 11. 36. And the Apostle Paul speaking of the afflictions he endured from the Jews calls them temptations Acts 20. 19. And our Lord makes use of this word when he speaks of all the
conversation in heaven Phil. 3. 17-20 And this sea here spoken of is said to be of glass clear as crystal 1. To denote unto us that in and through the precious blood of Christ as opened in the preaching of the cross to us we may see all things aright as in a glass clear as crystal And so the knowledg of the Lord is compared to the sea covered with waters Isa 11. 9. and this sea may be said to be like glass with allusion to the Laver or Sea in the tabernacle in former times as it is said Moses made the Laver of brass and the foot of it of brass of the looking-glasses of the women assembling which assembled at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation Exod. 38. 8. only that sea was of brazen glasses this of glass clear as crystal more clear than our types Rev. 21. 11. For the Apostles now in preaching Christ crucified have used great plainness of speech and not as Moses who put a vail over his face c. to signifie the darkness and obscurity of his Ministration and now we all with open face as in a glass may behold the glory of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 12 13-18 In this red-sea of Christs blood we may perceive and behold the kindness and pity of God to manward which love of his is also compared to a Laver and called the Laver of regeneration Tit. 3. 4 5. God is love In this was manifested the love of God because that God sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him Herein is love to be always seen and perceived not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son the propitiation for our sins 1 Joh. 4. 8 9 10. In this glass we may also see the vileness and odiousness of our sins unto God in that he hath so severely condemned them in the flesh of his own Son Rom. 8. 3. and there taken such vengeance on our inventions Isa 61. 2. and here we may see our selves as in a glass and what manner of persons we are Jam. 1. 23 24. and see what miserable ones we are by nature as the Apostle saith If one died for all we judg then were all dead dead at Law condemned to dye 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. yea and herein we may see the world the weakness and unprofitableness thereof by the cross of Christ the world is crucified unto him that glories in it and he unto the world Gal. 6. 14. Hereby the Holy Spirit doth convince the world of sin of righteousness and of judgment and doth teach the believer all things and guide them into all truth John 16. 8 11 14. Hence the Apostle determined to know nothing else among the believing-Corinthians in and unto all things save Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2 2. and chap. 1. 18 23 24. And this Sea is before the throne and so in the view of the four living creatures that they may therein behold God John 12. 45. and his and his Sons wonderful loving-kindness to the children of men and that they may see themselves in it And it is in the view of the Elders also that his personal abasement and sufferings may also be remembred and he admired praised and blessed by them Rev. 5. 8 9. And in the view of the Angels also into which blood and excellent sufferings they desire to look and pry as in a crystal glass Compare 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. with Jam. 1. 23 25. Rev. 5. 11 12. 2. This sea is of glass like unto crystal to denote its clearness and purity so it is said He shewed me a pure river clear as crystal c. Rev. 22. 1. and so the blood of Christ is said to be precious and incorruptible it being the blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. and so as referring to the sea or laver in former times this sea like unto crystal is the fountain opened to wash in to wash away our filth and uncleanness Zech. 13. 1. So the typical Laver or Sea was for the Priests to wash in as it is said by God to Moses Thou shalt make a laver of brass and thou shalt put water therein for Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet therein when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation they shall wash with water that they dye not Exod. 30. 18 21. and chap. 40. 30 32. 2 Chron. 4. 6. where●o it seems David alludes when he saith I will wash mine hands in innocency so will I compass thine altar O Lord Psal 26. 8. So this sea John saw in vision is for the four living creatures who are priests unto God to wash in Rev. 5. 8 10. And thus always they should enter into the holiest and draw nigh unto the altar with a true heart having their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and their bodies washed with pure water Heb. 10. 19 22. Jam. 4. 8. Heb. 9. 13 15. with chap. 12. 24. and unless we be washed herein we can have no part with Christ John 13. 8. 1 John 1. 7. In this blessed sea those that had palms in their hands washed they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb Rev. 7. 9 14 15. and in this sea we may be baptized and washed as our fathers were baptized in the sea c. 1 Cor. 10. 4. And being washed herein all our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea Mic. 7. 19 20. 2. The Apostle John gives us an account of what there was in the midst of and round about the throne And in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind Where we may enquire and consider for our usefulness 1. What are these four living creatures here spoken of 2. Why they are said to be four 3. What is meant by in the midst of the throne and round about the throne 4. What is imported to us in this that they are said to be full of eyes before and behind 1. What are these four living creatures or living wights We read them indeed in our Translation Beasts but the word is not well translated so nor is it very proper to say one beast had the face of a man and another like an Eagle which is a fowl But we shall here and afterwards read the word living creatures with allusion to the four living creatures spoken of in Ezekiels visions chap. 1. and chap. 10 c. which in former Translations were rendered also beasts but in our last living creatures 1. Now by these living creatures are meant in general 1. Men and not spirits by nature some of Mankind of that kind of species of creatures as doth evidently appear in chap. 5. 8 9 10 c. 1. In that they with praise and thankfulness confess and acknowledg unto the Lamb that he had
redeemed them unto God by his blood In which is implied that he had dyed or as is there exprest was slain and was risen for them and gave himself a ransom to God for them as he hath done for all men 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. 2 Pet. 2. 1. Gal. 3. 13. and ch 4. 4 5. but not so for the Angels for he took not on him the nature of angels or laid not hold on Angels Heb. 2. 16. Luke 2. 10 11. and in that place also it is said by the living creatures Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood that is he had redeemed or bought them through the discovery of his precious blood in the Gospel from their vanities and vain conversation as Acts. 20. 28. 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. like that which is said of the hundred forty and four thousand they were redeemed from the earth they were redeemed from among men Rev. 14. 3 4. 2. They were also redeemed out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation chap. 5. 9. which cannot be affirmed of the Angels those ministring spirits 3. They also acknowledg to the praise of the Lamb Thou hast made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth chap. 5. 10. like that said chap. 1. 5 6. and chap 20. 6. which shews them to be men and not Angels by nature for these kings priests and reigners are such as shall be raised from the dead before they so reign or are gloriously kings and priests as doth evidently appear in Rev. 20. 4 5 6. 4. These living creatures are distinguished from the Angels Rev. 5. 10 11. yea from all the angels and the angels are said to be about them chap. 7. 11. and chap. 5. 11. and they are distinguished from all ther creatures from every creature which is in heaven and in the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them Rev. 5. 13 14. therefore it most evidently appears that these living creatures are some of mankind 2. And they are also signified to be not the spirits of just men made perfect which are dead to us but to be such as are alive in mortal bodies as hath been said before See the Notes on vers 4. of this Chapter And this appears by the name given to them in that they are always called living ones or living creatures when they are named with the Elders and so generally in Scripture the living are such as live to and with us Hence the Earth of this world is oft-times called the land of the living Job 28. 13. Psal 27. 13. and 52. 5. and 56. 13. and 116. 9. and 142. 5. Isa 53. 8. Jer. 11. 19 c. And many times the living are distinguished from and opposed to thsoe that are dead to us Numb 16. 48. Ruth 2. 20. Eccles 4. 2. Luk. 24. 5. Rom. 14. 9 c. And these living creatures also appear to be such as have not yet finished their course nor rested from their labours because it is said of them vers 8. They have wings and they have no rest day and night whereas of the Elders it is said They are sitting upon their seats or thrones as those that have entred into rest Vers 4. 3. And as distinguished from the Elders as these living creatures are in many places so they appear to be such as are younger than the Elders and younger ones as compared to them unto whom they should submit in the Lord and for his sake 1 Pet. 5. 5. Heb. 13. 7. even the spiritual children of the Prophets Acts 3. 25. and Apostles as many times the Apostles call the Believers to whom they write their children and little children as 1 Cor. 4. 15 16. Gal. 4. 19. 1 Joh. 2. 1. 18. 28. and 3. 17 18 c. As having believed on Christ and God by him thorow their word John 17. 20 and so they are those which are called the seeds seed as Isa 59. 21. And so by these living creatures here spoken of And particularly I conceive are meant the Church of the living God that part of it I mean which is on earth for both the Saints which are in Heaven and those that are on earth are but one family Eph. 3. 15. which is by faith come unto mount Zion and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem c. Heb. 12. 22 23. The Church of Christ on Earth in general as a body the mystical body of Christ united by a spiritual and unseen bond even by the spirit of faith unto Christ as their only head and husband Eph. 5. 25 32. Col. 1. 18. and by the spirit of love one to another as members of the same spiritual body Eph. 4. 25. And in this Church there may be had in this place principal but not only respect to the faithful upright painful and laborious teachers angels or overseers amongst them who watch for the souls of others vers 8. And these all hearty and unfeigned believers in the Church on earth and as the Church are the living the living that shall praise him and make known his truth to them that are on the earth Isa 38. 18 19. the seed that shall serve him and whom he will preserve which shall be counted to the Lord for a generation Psal 22. 30 31. And this may also appear to be meant by the four living creatures by that in Psal 68. 10. which we read Thy congregation hath dwelt therein The seventy two Interpreters usually called the seventy and whose translation our Saviour and his Apostles very frequently make use of thus render it Thy living creatures have dwelt therein using the same word which the Apostle doth here and elsewhere frequently in this book which also shews that by these four living creatures are meant Gods congregation on earth his Church the body of Christ or that part of it which is on earth in a general and conjunct consideration And this understanding of the four living creatures to signifie the Saints on earth as a body and in a general consideration affords Answer to the Objections of some against the sense given and may deliver and preserve us from the mistakes of others concerning these living creatures For say some Object 1. That the hundred forty and four thousand sealed Saints in Chap. 7. 4 8. And the great multitude of the Gentile believers mentioned also in Chap. 7 9 10. are distinguished from the living creatures in that same Chapter Vers 11. And that the hundred forty and four thousand in Chap. 14. 1 3. sing a new song before the four living creatures therefore surely they are distinct from them and the four living creatures mean not the whole Church of Christ upon earth Answ What hath been already said gives Answer unto this Objection however in some good measure For 1. We look upon the four living creatures to signifie as is said the Church here in general and as a woman and
mother and the sealed Saints and all particular believers as her children and so in a distinct consideration as members thereof in particular while they are here on earth suitable to that distinction made by the Apostle Paul when he speaking of the Church saith Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular 1 Cor. 12. 27. so the woman and her children or seed are distinctly mentioned in Chap. 12. 17. and so are also Zion and her children in Isa 49. 14 17 21. and chap. 54. 6-13 though in another sense they are of Zion also Psal 87. 5. so here as we have before said we understand by the four living creatures Jehovah's congregation on earth in a general sense and consideration and as a mother and the sealed Saints c. as her seed children and members in particular 2. But it doth appear also that the sealed Saints as mentioned in Chap. 14. 1. and the multitude of believers in chap. 7. 9 10. are such as have dyed in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ since the Apostles time and not of any persons alive in mortal bodies Consider what is said of them in Chap. 7. 9-13-17 and of the hundred forty and four thousand in chap. 14. 1. In that they stand on mount Zion c. Object 2. Others say that by the four living creatures are not meant the Church on earth but that hereby are meant four of the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour though there be a difference amongst them as to these four also who are of this mind some supposing them to be the four Evangelists some conceiving them to be others or some others of the Apostles Answ But these living creatures cannot mean four Apostles or Evangelists nor any four individual persons whatsoever 1. Because these four living creatures as living creatures are in vision signified to continue until Christ come to take to him his great power and to reign see chap. 19. 1-4 which will be after the destruction of mystery Babylon and then after that there is no more mention of four living creatures but no four indivdual persons ever lived or live so long in mortal bodies And to be sure not four Apostles or Evangelists for they were all dead but John before this Revelation was sent and signified unto him See the notes before on chap. 2. vers 13. 2. Because these four living creatures are said to be redeemed unto God by the blood of the Lamb out of every kindred and tongue and nation and people chap. 5. 9. Now of these kindreds and tongues c. there were above four or forty-four therefore they cannot mean four individual persons only but as is said the Church of the living God on earth 2. Why are these living creatures said to be four Answ 1. Surely not to signifie that Christ hath four bodies or four Churches in a general consideration for as the Apostle saith of all unfeigned believers As the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether Jews or Gentiles whether bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit 1 Cor. 12. 12. 13 27. Rom. 12. 4 5. Eph. 4. 4 5. Though there are threescore Q●eens and fourscore Concubines and Virgins without number yet Christ's love his undefiled is but one she is the only one of her mother c. Cant. 6. 8 9. but his one congregation his living creature is called living creatures by the septuagint in Psal 68. 10. as we have said before these are but one Church one body one spouse Col. 1. 18. though the several societies in this one Church are called after the name of the whole and so Churches so the four living creatures in Ez●kiel are sometimes spoken of in the plural number and called four living creatures and living creatures Ez●k 1. 5 13-15 19. and chap. 3. 13. and sometimes in the singular and so called living creature to denote their unity Ezek. 1. 20 22. and chap. 10. 15 17. 20. Indeed those in Ezekiel and these here are not the same for they were the Cherubims Ezek. 10. 18 20. but these men as we have before shewn but however respect is in this place had unto them And this we have noted from the allusion 2. But these living creatures are said to be four 1. As som● conceive with reference to the four camps of the one Israel after the flesh to which Israel as our types frequent respect is had in this book of the Revelation as we have oft noted and may again see We have an account given us of their four camps in Numb 2. 2 10 18 25. and indeed now they are all the Israel of God who believe in Christ The children of the promise whether they be Jews or Gentiles are counted for the seed Rom. 9. 7 9. 1 Cor. 12. 13. the believing Gentiles are made fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God Eph. 2. 13-16 Gal. 6. 14-16 they are now fellow-heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel Eph. 3. 6. Rom. 2. 28 29. and into these camps no unclean thing must enter nor shall in Gods esteem so as to be reckoned of them and graciously accepted by him as it is said of our types Command the children of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper and every one that hath an issue and whosoever is defiled by the dead both male and female shall ye put out without the camp shall ye put them that they defile not their camps in the midst whereof I dwell Where we may observe that the one congregation of Israel is sometimes called camp and sometimes camps to wit four Compare Numb 5. 2 3. with chap. 2. See the notes after on ver 7. of this Chapter 2. These living creatures may also be said to be four with respect unto the four parts or quarters of the world into which they are scattered so we read of the four corners of the earth Isa 11. 12. of the four quarters of Heaven Jer. 49. 36. of the four quarters of the earth Rev. 20. 8. and so to acquaint us that the Lord hath placed his Church and People in all the world it is dispersed and scattered now over the face of the whole earth It is implied that his people is scattered in Psal 1. 5. 2 Thes 2. 1. and that they are spread abroad as the four winds of the heaven as Zech. 2. 6. in that it is said He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other Mat. 24. 31. Mark 13. 27. Thus also it doth appear that the Son of man soweth his good seed the children of the Kingdom all over his field of the world Matth. 13.
praise or signifies praise as give God the praise or glory John 9. 24. and they loved the praise or glory of men more than the praise or glory of God Jo● 12. 43. Mat. 6. 2. according to that Whoso offereth praise glorisieth me Psal 50. 23. and these two words praised and glorified are used as words of a like signification As thou hast praised the gods of silver and gold and the God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hast thou not glorified Dan. 5. 13. Now thus understanding the expression so it informs us That he that sits upon the throne is supremely the subject or object of the praise of the living creatures and only so in a religious sense as Moses saith to Israel He is thy praise and he is thy God c. Deut. 10. 21. And as Jeremy saith Thou art my praise chap. 17. 12 14. Psal 109. 1. And they give him praise when they say Holy c. ver 8. They then make his praise glorious Psal 66. 1 2. Or by glory we may understand an inwardly excellent esteem and high account which they have of this most excellent one they have an excellent opinion of him in their hearts and souls and from thence they render his praise glorious the high praises of God are in their mouth 1 Pet. 3. 15. Psal 34. 1 2. and Psal 106. 1 2 3. Heb. 11. 11. Rom. 4. 20 21. Or they give glory that is they ascribe unto him most excellent Majesty luster splendor brightness as he appears in this vision like a Jasper-stone ver 2. whereto the glory of God is compared Rev. 21. 11. See Luke 9. 31. Acts 22. 11. 2 Cor. 3. 7. with Exod. 34. 29 30. so whereas in Luke 9. 32. it is said Peter James and John saw Christs glory it is elsewhere thus expressed We were eye-witnesses of his Majesty 2 Pet. 1. 16 18. And men are exhorted to enter into the ro●k and hide themselves for the glory of his Majesty Isa 2. 10 19 21. And of the Saints it is said They shall make known to the sons of men the glorious majesty of his kingdom Psal 145. 10 12. And Honour this they also give unto him as the four and twenty Elders likewise do ver 11. and all the Angels chap. 7. 11 12. and chap. 5. 11 12. and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth c. chap. 5. 13 14. And this Honour is much-what in signification like unto the former word glory and indeed by them both in general yea by all three is signified they give him worship or they herein o● hereby worship him as it is said They worshipped God saying Blessing and glory and honour be unto our God chap. 7. 11 12. and chap. 4. 10 11. and so here by honour particularly may be meant an ascribing divine worship and adoration unto him in their sacrifices of prayers praises and thanksgivings in and through Jesus Christ Isa 43. 23. For he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father that hath sent him Joh. 5. 23. So the drawing nigh unto and honouring God both which are contained in one word to wit honouring him Compare Isa 29. 13. and Matth. 15. 7 8. with Mark 7. 6. is explicated presently to be a worshipping him Matth. 15. 8 9. Mark 7. 6 7. And indeed he only is the object of all religious honour and worship as our Saviour saith Thou shalt w●rship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Matth. 4. 10. and we are to honour him not doing our own ways nor finding our own pleasure nor speaking our own words Isa 58. 13. 14. and this honouring him contains in it an high esteem and acknowledgment of his infinite superiority above all creatures and created Beings whatever and also a sense of our inconceivable inferiority unto him and that we have nothing are nothing can do nothing but that he is the possessor of Heaven and Earth and all comes from him and therefore all glorious honour in our hearts and with our mouths is to be ascribed unto him 1 Chron. 29. 11-16 1 Sam. 2. 29 30. And thanks This also they render unto him for his goodness mercy and kindness towards them Hence we are oft called upon and provoked to give thanks unto the Lord because he is good for his mercy endureth for ever Psal 105. 1. and 106. 1. and 107. 1. and 118. 1. 29. and 136. 1 2 3-26 see Luk. 17. 16. and especially and principally thanks is to be given to him because he hath so loved the world as to give his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3. 16. As it is said of Annah the Prophetess when she came into the Temple when Jesus was there she gave thanks likewise unto the Lord to wit f●r this wonderful love and mercy manifested in Christ Luke 1. 78 79. she not only gave thanks to the Lord but she did likewise as others also had done and spake of Jesus to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem Luke 2. 28-38 and so the Apostle doth saying Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift 2 Cor. 9. 15. yea and thanks were given by them unto God for that he had delivered them out of the power of darkness and translated them into the kingdom of his dear son Col. 1. 12 13. Rev. 5. 8 9. Psal 116. 3 8 9 c. yea thanks are to be given to him for all his mercies favours and blessings as the Psalmist saith Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not any of his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities and healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies c. Psal 103. 1 2 3 5. And the Apostle exhorteth us to give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 5. 18 20. And thus the living creatures come and thus should we come always into Gods Presence according to that Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting c. Psal 100. 4 5. and 95. 1 2. To which purpose also the Apostle exhorts saying Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God Phil. 4. 6. Col. 4. 2. 1 Chron. 23. 30. And this sacrifice of thanksgiving we should always offer in all our addresses to God by Christ as our Altar and High-priest as the Apostle saith By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name Heb. 13. 10-15 Thus Daniel three times a-day kneeled upon his knees and prayed and gave thanks before his God Dan. 6. 10. And thus the Apostle exhorts
the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name that the residue of men might seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called saith the Lord c. Act. 15. 14 17. Mat. 5. 14 16. Phil. 2. 12 16. Jo●n 15. 16. 1 Pet. 2. 9 12. 5. In that these holy Ones acknowledg with thankfulness to the Lamb not only that he was slain but also say they and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred c. as also considering what follows in ver 10. so we may learn that it was not only needful that Christ should give himself a ransom for all and work redemption in himself for them but also it is needful that those that come to years of capacity should be redeemed that they may not perish but have everlasting life Jo●n 3. 14 16. Mark 16. 15 16. so our Saviour saith to Nicodemus Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God and the being born again of water and the spirit and being redeemed unto God are the same in substance Joh. 3. 3 5 7. compare Jam. 1. 18. with Rev. 14. 4. yea as it is needful to be redeemed by the precious blood of Christ from our iniquities and vain conversation Tit. 2. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. so also to be redeemed thereby from evil and polluting persons and men in their evil thoughts principles ways and manners out of the kindreds and tongues c. from all inordinate affection to our kindred and n●erest relations after the flesh and to prefer Christ and his Gospel and people before all Matth. 10. 37 39. Luke 14. 26-33 Gen. 12. 1. As the holy Spirit when he had been declaring the love and loveliness of Christ saith Hearken O daughter and consider and encline thine ear forget also thine own peopl● and thy fathers house so shall the King greatly desire thy beauty c. Psal 45. 1-10 11. yea it seems the being redeemed from all iniquity and out of every kindred c. are the same and we cannot be delivered from the former unless we be redeemed out of the latter Hence in that parallel place to this it is said Vnto him who loved us here was sl●in and wash't us from our sins in his own blood here redeemed us unto God by his blood out of every kindred c. compare Rev. 1. 5 6. with this place and Rev. 14. 3. with ver 4. And as in former times it was needful that Israel should be brought and come out of Egypt that they might go unto and inherit the promised land as it is said I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large a land flowing with milk and honey c. Exod. 3. 8 1● 12. And he brought them out from thence that ●e might bring them in to give them the land which he sware to their fathers Deut. 6. 22 23. Ezek. 20. 5 6. so it is needful to our inheriting that inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fade●h not away reserved in the Heavens to escape the pollutions of the world thorow the knowledg of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to be redeemed out of and delivered from this present evil world John 13. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 9. 11. Gal. 1. 4. with 1 Cor. 11. 32. Vnless we forsake the foolish we cannot live nor go in the way of understanding Prov. 9. 5 6. O then let us come out from among vain sinful ones how neerly related soever they are to us and be separate and to●ch no unclean thing and he will receive us and will be a father ●nto us and we shall be his sons and daughters who is the Lord Almighty 2 Cor. 6. 16-18 with Exod. 8. 23. ● In that this is part of their new Song that he had redeemed them unto God by his blood out of every kindred and tongue c. and that both by the Saints in Heaven as well as by those on Earth so it shews unto us that this ought to be and shall be remembred with singing and rejoycing for ever what the Lord hath done for their souls Psal 66. 16. and 103. 1-6 and 116. Eph. 3. 21. Rev. 1. 5 6. Indeed firstly and fundamentally they praise him with their Song because he was slain in which his love was manifested and is everlastingly commended to mankind but not for that only but with their Harps they also merrily sing forth his mercy and grace to them in redeeming them out of their pollutions and polluting relations and companions Vers 10. And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the earth This is also a part of their new Song which they sing merrily and skilfully upon their Harps unto the Lamb and in this verse also there are Reasons laid down why they render honour and glory unto him which is indeed but meet and their reasonable service Now in this Verse the four living creatures and twenty-four Elders do with thankfulness and rejoycing further acknowledg to the praise of the Lamb 1. The great honour and dignity he had conferred upon them 2. The assured hope of that honour glory and dignity they shall partake of and inherit hereafter in due season 1. The great honour and dignity he had further confe●red upon them And hast made us unto our God Kings and Pri●sts We have spoken already to these words see notes before on chap. 1. ver 6. but because we have the same again recorded in the Scripture we may speak something again to them though we speak over again the same words we have spoken as these holy Ones here also do the same used before Thou hast made us kings c. say they they did not make themselves so or exalt themselves they were not like him of whom it is said he exalted himself saying I will be king or reign 1 King 1. 5. For whosoever exal●● himself shall be ●based and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted Matth. 23. 12. They did not take Horn● to themselves by their own strength for such as so do or would do rejoyce in a thing of nought Amos 6. 13. they were not like them of whom it is said The Robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision as some in our days have done climbing up to their conceited honour some other way and not thorow the door and so were Theeves and Robbers John 10. 1. but they shall fall Dan. 11. 14. As these self-exalters have done also in our time as one and none of the meanest of them neither confessed saying It was the most glorious cause and the most irrecoverably lost that ever was any from the foundation of the world And so certainly himself being judg it was not of God Act. 5.