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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20766 The summe of sacred diuinitie briefly & methodically propounded : more largly & cleerely handled and explaned / published by John Downame ... Downame, John, d. 1652. 1625 (1625) STC 7148.3; ESTC S5154 448,527 580

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4. 25. 8. 32. deliuered vp to death for vs the exceeding measure of whose Mercie and Loue in this behalfe is commended in the Scripture by two circumstances one is the giuing of his Sonne his onely Sonne his beloued Sonne for our Redemption ſ 1. Iohn 4. 9. In this saith the Apostle was the loue of God manifested towards vs that he hath sent his only begotten Sonne into the World that we should liue by him And our Sauiour Christ in t Iohn 3. 16. IOHN God so loued the World that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life The second is the time of this giuing of his Sonne for vs euen then when we were his enemies This the same Apostle ioyneth with the former u Iohn 4. 20. Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his Sonne a Propitiation for our sinnes But most notably doth Paul vnto the Romanes inlarge this circūstance x Rom. 5. 6 7. 8 9 10. For Christ when yet we were of no strength in his time dyed for the vngodly Verily for a righteous man one would scarce dye peraduenture for a man that hath beene beneficiall and good vnto him some man would indure to dye But God commmendeth his loue to vs that when we were yet Sinners Christ dyed for vs for if being enemies wee were reconciled to God through the death of his Sonne how much more being reconciled shall we be saued Wherefore Called of his Father he thrust not himselfe into this Office of Mediation but had the warrant of a lawfull calling for it for y Iohn 6. 27. him as hee speaketh of himselfe hath God the Father sealed And the Apostle to the Hebrewes z Heb. 5. 4 5 6 No man taketh this honour to himselfe but hee that is called of God as was AARON So also Christ did not take this Honour to himselfe to become a High Priest but he that spake vnto him Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee gaue it him as also in another place he saith Thou art a Priest for euer after the order of MELCHISEDECH for this cause he is called an Apostle Heb. 3. 1. and the Angell of the Couenant Malach. 3. 1. And Nicodemus though hee knew him not aright acknowledgeth that he was a Teacher come from God Iohn 3. for how else might any man presume to set his hand vnto so great a worke Therefore the Prophet saith a Ier. 30. 31. His Noble one shall be of him And I will make him to approch that he may come neere vnto me for who is hee that can promise in his heart to draw neere vnto me saith IEHOVA that is as the Apostle speaketh to the Hebrewes b Heb. 5. 4. Who can take this honor to himselfe but Christ who is called of God and made our King and Priest It standeth as euery other lawfull calling doth on two parts First Gifts and Graces necessarie for the discharge of his Office which God neuer seuereth from his callings Secondly A solemne inuesting of him vnto his place Both which concurre in Christ Esay 61. The Spirit of the Lord IEHOVA is vpon me therefore IEHOVA hath anoynted mee to preach vnto the poore he hath sent me c. Of his Graces the Psalmist saith c Psal 45. 8. Heb. 1. 9. God hath anoynted thee with Oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes for being the d Pro. 8. 12. Wisdome of God and in the e Iohn 1. 18. bosome of his Father how can hee bee without any Grace requisite for him that should be a Mediator And necessary it was hee should thus bee called and appointed that wee might bee out of doubt of GODS acceptance of that which Christ hath done for vs being his owne ordinance and appointment and of his good pleasure to saue vs through him whereupon the Apostle calleth him f Ephes 5. 1. an offering and sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauour to God without which all his sufferings had bene in vaine But albeit his Office of Mediation in Gods appointment were before all eternitie yet actually it beganne euer since the fall of Adam vpon Adams fall comming after the Couenant of workes which was from the beginning assoone as Angels and men were made when as yet the purpose of God to saue vs through Christ lay hid within himselfe which first hee reuealed in Paradise assoone as man had fallen The g Gen. 3. 15. seed of the woman shall breake the head of the Serpent Hereupon wee finde him inuested into the place not onely after he had taken flesh when a voyce came from Heauen saying h Mat. 3. 17. This is my welbeloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased but before his comming into the World by him that sware i Psal 110. 4. Heb. 5. 6. Thou art a Priest foreuer after the order of MELCHISEDECH And againe k Psal 2. 7. Heb. 1. 5. Thou art my Sinne this day begate I thee In regard partly of his calling to the Office of Mediation partly of the Graces that God his Father did adorne him with hee is named Christ that is to say Anoynted and because also of Gods euerlasting Decree it is said Prouerbs 8. 23. He was anoynted before the World This Office of Mediation belongeth to whole Christ to be a Mediator not to any one seuerall nature in that great worke of our Redemption the Man-hood being assisted of the God-head and the God-head in an vnspeakable manner working by the Man-hood So whole Christ is called l Heb. 3. 2. The Apostle and high Priest of our Profession m Eph. 2. 13 14 our Peace n 1 Cor. 1. 29 30 our Wisdome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption and finally o Rom. 1. 4. Our Lord and p Eph. 1. 20 22 Head of the Church An Office so appropriate vnto him that there neither are nor can be any more the Apostle telling vs that he hath a Priesthood q Heb. 7. 24. which cannot passe vnto any other but remayneth in himselfe for euer And Acts 4. 12. There is no other name giuen vs vnder Heauen whereby we may be saued Therefore he proclaymeth of himselfe I am r Iohn 14. 6. the Way I am ſ Iohn 10. 7. the Doore Touching the parties for whom Christ is a Mediator betweene God and men this benefit is proper to Mankinde Neither the Angels that fell are redeemed by him whose fall being with a high hand presumptuously and without temptation can neuer bee repayred and therefore our Sauiour saith Mat. 25. 41. that Hell fire is prepared for the Deuill and his angels neither are those that stand vpholden by Christ as Mediator for hee tooke not their seed or nature wherefore those places Ephes 1. 10. That he might gather into one bodie all things in Christ both the things in Heauen and
and the declaration of those wonderfull things that are in him which by no other way then this could be made knowne appointed first beside the setting forth of his power patience hatred of sinne loue of righteousnesse and other vertues to manifest the riches of his Mercie in certaine both Angels and men knowne vnto himselfe who should be saued and in like sort the greatnesse of his Iustice in certaine both Angels and men to bee condemned wherein in looking to nothing else either present or to come within vs or without vs in Heauen or in Earth but to himselfe alone hee chose vs of his free good-wil and pleasure After which for men themselues the All-wise God much more aduise of nothing but they set the end before them and first the end then the meanes concurring to it After this therefore in order of the causes not in course of time all his purposes being from eternitie and none before or after other hee purposed to create them both holy and righteous like vnto himselfe who hauing free-will to imbrace either good or euill and a nature subiect to temptation should of their owne accord voluntarily fall away thereby subiecting themselues to his wrath and indignation First of the Angels those onely appointed to destruction whom hee neuer would repayre The rest hee did decree to establish by his Grace that they might not lose their standing but abide fast for euer in that integritie which at the first he gaue them Touching Mankinde who were wholy to fall in Adam for those whom he did select and separate to bee saued by his Mercie he purposed in the loue he bare them not to spare his owne onely Sonne the Sonne of his Loue most deare vnto him but to send him into the World to take vpon him our flesh In whom adopting vs for his sonnes being by faith in graffed into him and made one together with him hee would in his good time bestow freely through Grace Wisedome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption The rest hee did decree to leaue in their sinnes and deseruedly to harden and so their destruction to come from themselues the others Saluation from him and from his Mercie So haue you in generall the state and as it we 〈◊〉 the proiect of this Doctrine But before we proceed Those which make the name of Predestination proper to the Elect as though God had not predestinated the Reprobate but onely foreknowne that they should bee such whereas Predestination is spoken of wicked actions Acts 4. 28. and the word equiualent thereunto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fore-appointed is vsed for reprobation Iuae 4. The word prescience or fore-knowledge is misse-vnderstood of many for a bare knowledge in God of all things that shall be especially of the qualities that God fore-saw would be in men whereby he was led to choose or reiect them as Faith or Infidelitie good or euill workes And so they make it a cause by it selfe seuered from his Decree teaching that the Reprobate are onely fore-knowne not predestinate wherein is a double errour beside the mistaking of the word Predestination for First Prescience or fore-knowledge is neuer separate from the Decree of God but alwayes taken for an ordayning and fore-appointing when it is referred to him and therefore his bare knowledge wherby he vnderstandeth all things that shall bee commeth not within the compasse of this word Secondly It pointeth out the free fauour of God and therefore hath place onely in the Elect. to the further vnfolding of it let vs for our better vnderstāding distinguish these words Purpose Predestination and Prescience or Fore-knowledge a word which in this Argument we often meet withall Purpose is Gods generall Decree of all things for the manifesting of his Glorie Predestination is one branch of this Decree to glorifie himselfe by the saluation of some and destruction of other some in the one to shew his Iustice in the other to set forth his Mercie Prescience or Foreknowledge is restrayned to that part of his Decree which concerneth those that shall bee saued signifying a Decree with a loue and liking and when you apply it to the persons is alwayes spoken of the Elect neuer of the Reprobate as Rom. 8. 30. Whom hee did foreknow he did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Sonne Rom. 11. 2. God hath not reiected his people whom hee fore-knew 1. Peter 1. 2. Fore-knowne before the foundation of the World So that where the Apostle Acts 2. 23. telleth the Iewes that by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God they had staine and crucified Christ then the which there was neuer a fouler deed nor more hatefull to God committed vpon the Earth hee doth purposely make choice of this word to shew that GOD not onely decreed this Action so foule and detestable in the Iewes which determinate counsell noteth But howsoeuer in Iudas and the Iewes hee hated it yet as it was the meanes of redeeming of the World hee loued and imbraced it and therefore saith He was deliuered or giuen vp of God vnto them in his speciall grace and goodnesse These three words therefore Purpose Predestination and Prescience or Fore-knowledge are euery one more speciall then other for Rom. 8. 29. which may seeme to make Predestination subordinate to Foreknowledge speaketh not of Predestination vnto life which in regard of vs is the extreme and end but of Predestination to bee adopted in Christ that is of Predestination to one subordinate meanes as we shall heare anon The words being cleered let vs now open the particular Doctrines that arise wherein I shall not need to meddle with the Angels hauing spoken of them in the former Booke First That there is a Those which teach that God hath not from euerlasting purposed any such Decree but that it lyeth in the hands of euery one to purchase vnto himselfe life if hee will beleeue or death if he lye in sinne Those which hold that God hath predestinated all vnto saluation but the vnfaithfulnesse of many to bee the cause that God either cannot effect that which he purposed or altereth his counsell Predestinate decree and appointment of GOD both vnto life and vnto death to punishment and to glorie wherein all men are not chosen to life nor all ordayned vnto death but some to the one and some to the other g Acts 13. 24. They beleeued saith the Holy Ghost as many as were ordayned to life This is that Booke of Life so oft spoken of in the Scripture The h Ex. 31. 32 33 Booke of IEHOVAH to be i Psal 69. 28. written amongst the iust and in the k Ezecl 13. 9. writing of the house of Israel Againe of the Reprobate Iude l Iude 4. saith Which were before appointed to this damnation And m 2. Pet. 2. 3. PETER For whom damnation since of old lingreth not and their destruction doth not slumber n 1. Thes 5. 9. PAVL to the
certaine promise or the faith and credit of the Promise-Maker may bee called in question But that hope which the Scripture speaketh of and which here wee deale with respecting celestiall Happinesse and eternall Glorie in Heauen which i Titus 1. 2 3. God that cannot lye hath promised in his Word apprehendeth the same most certainly without all exception and therfore is said k Rom. 5. 5. not to make ashamed being a Noble and a Royall Vertue and of a Diuine Ofspring the Daughter of Faith and Mother of Patience Daughter and inseparable Companion of Faith for what is Faith else but l Heb. 11. 1. the ground-worke or foundation and subsistence of things hoped for Againe it is the Mother of Patience as wee heard euen now out of the Epistle to the Romanes If m Rom. ● 25. wee hope for that we see not wee doe wait for it with patience Therfore the Apostle elegantly termeth it n Heb. 6. 19. The Anchor of our soules to stay vs in the middest of the stormes and troubles of this life til we ariue at the hauē of all our rest Faith and Hope do thus differ Faith imbraceth Christ as present and in him all Happinesse in generall Hope looketh at one certaine Happinesse to come which is the inioying of the glorious presence of God of CHRIST and of the holy Angels in Heauen CHAP. VIII Of Regeneration THE fruit and glorious effect of Faith that The fruit of an effectuall calling is that destroying of the old world that is our sinfull cursed estate by the power of his death and sufferings he maketh is of Christ by Faith apprehended of Gods Elect is this that destroying in them the old World that is our sinfull and cursed estate by the power of his death and sufferings as the Apostle teacheth Gal. 6. 14. and in other places hee maketh of the true Church a new a heauenly World giuing his Sonne vnto them and Righteousnesse Holinesse and life euerlasting in and through him Many points of great waight and singular vse arise from hence seriously to be attended First Here is the reall and royall performance of the Couenant which God that cannot lye not onely offereth vnto all to whose eares the sound of the Word doth come and striketh hands with such as by Faith make it theirs but giueth and performeth the very truth thereof when they are once entred into the societie of the Couenant wherefore it is called o 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The exhibiting of the Couenant a putting into possession as it were by liuerie and seisin Ezech. 20. 37. and Paul saith Gal. 3. 23. The promise by the Faith of Iesus Christ is giuen to those that beleeue So wee finde recorded Ier. 31. 34 34. This is the Couenant which I will make with the House of Israel I will put my Law in their minde and write it in their heart and will bee their God and they shall bee my people I will bee fauourable to their iniquities and their sinnes will I remember no more And againe Ezech. 36. 25 26 27. I will powre vpon you cleane waters and yee shall be cleane from your pollutions and from all your abominations will I clense you and I will giue vnto you a new heart and a new Spirit will I put in the midst of you and I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh and will giue vnto you a hart of flesh and my Spirit will I put in the midst of you and make that yee shall walke in mine Ordinances my Iudgements ye shal obserue doe Secondly This Couenant is exhibited but to a few of the true Church Ier. 31. 33. the House of Israel Gods faithfull people whereas all mankind was partaker of the former Couenant for in Adam all were made righteous Wherefore Faith is the onely meanes and instrument whereby God in this life giueth his Sonne or Christ giueth himselfe vnto vs and is made ours by spirituall Regeneration as the Apostle witnesseth q 1. Ioh. 5. 1. Euerie one that beleeueth that Iesus is that Christ is borne of God And againe r Ioh. 1. 12. As many as receyued him he gaue vnto them this dignitie to become the sonnes of God euen to those that beleeue in his name who are not borne of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God ſ Gal. 3. 26. All yee saith the Apostle to the Galatians are the sonnes of God through faith in Christ Iesus This alone putteth vs in possession of Christ and of all the good things we haue from him for t Eph. 3. 17. he dwelleth in our hearts by faith and there is u Ioh. 6. 35. no way to feed vpon him but by beleeuing in him no way to life but by feeding on him Otherwise wee cannot haue his Spirit which x Gal. 3. 14. wee receiue by faith onely nor y Act. 26. 18. haue our sinnes forgiuen vs or Christs righteousnesse imputed to vs which is euery where called z Rom. 4. 11 13. The righteousnesse of faith a Rom. 9. 13. 10. 6. The righteousnesse by faith b Rom. 3. 22. The righteousnesse of God by faith c Rom. 4. 5 9. Faith imputed for righteousnesse And Faith said to be that whereby we d Abacuc 2. 4. Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 3. 11. Heb. 10. 38. are righteous whereby we e Rom. 3. 26 28. 5. 1. Gal. 2. 16. 3. 8 24. are iustified not for any inherent qualitie that is in Faith more than in Loue Hope or other vertues but because it apprehendeth Christ and maketh him ours who is our onely righteousnesse our hearts cannot else be purified for f Act. 15. 9. that Faith doth alone Else can we not be partakers of the promised bessednesse g Gal. 3. 9. which is giuen to the faithfull onely So wonderfull is the worke of Faith Thirdly Here is the verie life and power of the Kingdome a new of Christ and that wherein his glorie shineth incomparably most of all in that he frameth and fashioneth vs from aboue to be new Creatures of naturall men spirituall heauenly men of carnall h Psal 102. 19. So Eph. 2. 10. a people created againe as the Psalmist speaketh whereby he maketh a new face of things and as it were another world i Esay 65. 17. I make new heauens and a new earth k 2. Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new The Author to the Hebrewes termeth this excellent condition and estate l Heb. 2. 5. The world to come in opposition to this present world wherof the Apostle saith that m Gal. 1. 4. Christ hath deliuered vs out of this present euill world Wherefore by the world to come is not meant as in our common speech it is