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A06521 Special and chosen sermons of D. Martin Luther collected out of his writings and preachings for the necessary instruction and edification of such, as hunger and seeke after the perfect knowledge and inestimable glorie which is in Christ Iesu, to the comfort and saluation of their soules. Englished by VV.G.; Sermons. English. Selections Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Gace, William. 1578 (1578) STC 16993; ESTC S108932 436,833 500

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that thou mayst fulfil it not by thine own strength but by Gods grace For hereof it commeth that they of whom it is before spoken do not meditate on the passion of Christ aright because they desire not helpe of God thereunto but rather trusting vnto their owne strength and following their owne inuention meditate vpon it altogether after the fashion of men and after a sclender and vnfrutefull maner Tenthly if one should through the grace of God meditate rightly vpon the passion of Christ by the space of one day or of one hower yea or the space of a quarter of an hower we would faithfully pronounce of him that he hath done better then if he had pined him selfe with fasting the space of a whole yeare or had runne ouer the Psalter euery day For this maner of meditation doth as it were chaunge a man and almost regenerate him a new like vnto baptisme Then in deede the Lordes passion doth his naturall due and noble office it killeth the old Adam it driueth away all pleasure ioy and confidence which may be had of creatures euen as Christ was forsaken of all yea euen of his father Eleuenthly We must not despeire or cease though at the first we obtayne not that we pray for seeing that such a thing is not in our owne power it commeth to passe that we doe often times aske it and yet do not by and by obtaine it notwithstanding we must not therefore dispeire or cease For that is sometimes giuen for which we haue not prayed and that sometimes is not graunted for which we haue prayed euen as it is the pleasure of God and as he knoweth to be best for vs for God will haue this gift to be free without constraint Twelfthly when as a man thus knowing his sinne doth wholy tremble in him selfe he must especially endeuour that sinnes doe not still remaine in his conscience otherwise meere desperation will come thereupon but he must shake them of and cast them vpon Christ and so vnburden his conscience Therefore see againe and againe that thou doe not that which peruerse men do which within the secrets of their hart do vexe disquiet them selues because of their sinnes striue with them that by good workes or satisfactions by farre going on pilgrimage or else by pardons they may become safe and may be made free from sinnes which can not be And alas such a false confidence in satisfactions and pardons hath preuailed very farre Moreouer then thou doest cast thy sinnes from thee vppon Christ What it is to cast our sinns vpon Christ when thou firmely beleuest that he suffered was wounded for thy sinnes and that he hath payd the ful ransom and satisfaction for thē as Esaias sayth chap. 53. The Lord hath thrown vpon him all our sinnes 1. Pet. 2.24 2. Cor. 5.21 And S. Peter sayth who his owne self bare our sinnes in his body on the tree S. Paule sayth He hath made him to be sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnes of God in him In these and such like authorities thou must repose thy hope with all boldnes and that so much the more as thy conscience doth more grieuously vexe and trouble thee But if thou shalt not doe this but presumest that thou shalt be quiet by thy contrition and satisfaction then thou shalt neuer come vnto quietnes but at the last shalt fall euen into desperation For our sinnes kept and medled with within our conscience and sette before the eyes of our hart are farre stronger then we and doe liue immortally But when as we see them layd vpon Christ and to be victoriously conquered of him by his resurrection and doe confidently beleeue this then they are dead and brought vnto nothing And yet being layd vpon Christ they must not remayne so for they are swallowed vppe in the triumphe of his resurrection Soe sayeth Sainct Paule Christ was deliuered to deathe for our sinnes and is risen agayne for our iustification that is he hath taken vppon him our sinnes in his passion and hath thereby payed the raunsome for them but by his resurrection he iustifieth vs and maketh vs free from all sinne if so be that we doe beleeue this If thou canst not attaine vnto this faith thou must as it is a litle before sayd What we must doe when we can not attaine vnto this faith to beleue that Christ died for our sinns and rose again for our iustification resort vnto God by prayer forasmuch as this gift is in the hand of God only who bestoweth it when vpon whom it pleaseth him Thou maist also stirre vppe thy selfe hereunto first not now considering the passion of Christ outwardly for that hath nowe fulfilled his function and hath terrified thee but rather by pearsing inwardly and contemplating his most louing hart with how great loue towards thee it is replenished which brought him hereunto that he did beare thy conscience together with thy sinnes with so great and painefull difficultie So thy hart shall waxe sweete towards him and the strength boldnes of thy faith shall be increased Then hauing entred vnto the hart of Christ ascend higher euen vnto the hart of God and consider that the loue of Christ could not haue bene shewed vnto thee except the will of God by his eternall loue had so appointed wherunto Christ by his loue toward thee did obey There thou shalt find a diuine hart a good hart a fatherly hart and as Christ sayth thou shalt be drawne vnto the father by Christ There thou shalt vnderstand this saying of Christ Iohn 3.16 So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For this is to know God aright when he is vnderstood of vs not vnder the name of power or wisedom which is a terrour vnto vs but vnder the name of goodnes loue Then faith confidence may stand constantly man him selfe is as it were regenerate a new in God When thy hart is thus established in Christ so that thou art now become an enemy of sinne and that by loue and not through feare of punishment then afterward the passion of Christ ought to be an example vnto thee in thy whole life and is now to be considered of in thy mind after a farre other maner then before For hitherto we haue considered it as an outward thing which should worke in vs but now we will wey it so that something is to be done of vs also For examples sake In the meditation of Christes passion we may finde remedy against griefe pride lust anger enuy sorrow trouble c. when griefe or infirmity doth molest thee thinke howe light these are being compared to the crowne of thornes and the nayles of Christ When thou must either do or leaue of that which is grieuous vnto thee to do or leaue of
thee whatsoeuer he is able do thou likewise to thy neighbour Wilt thou worke workes deriue them to thy neighbour who is compassed with troubles miseries Thou must doe nothing for this cause that Christ hath neede thereof whereby thou maist enrich him for neither was he bountiful to this ende that he might any thing profit his father thereby or that he might receiue any commoditie of him but he did it onely for this cause that therein the father might be well pleased inasmuch as he submitteth him selfe wholy to his fathers will and loueth vs with so great affection After the same sort we also must doe in our works toward our neighbour which we ought therefore onely to doe that we may giue thanks to the father that he sheweth his fauour vnto vs for that he hath giuen his beloued sonne vnto me to bestow vpon me whatsoeuer he hath When I beleue this vndoutedly I burst forth and say If God sheweth vnto me so great benefits and fauour in his beloued sonne that he suffereth him to bestow all things vpon me I also will doe the like againe and bestow all thinges whereby I may doe good to my neighbour and loue him And so I doe not lift vp myne eyes vnto heauen but I go thether where my neighbour is oppressed with aduersitie pouertie sicknes sinne or errour and I helpe him wherein soeuer I am able Thus doe thou whosoeuer thou art which mindest to do true good works as thou wouldest haue done to thy selfe if thou were troubled with pouertie so doe thou to thy neighbour being poore Againe if thy neighbour be a sinner and thou seest it but thou thy self art without sinne and hast a holy natiuitie goe preach vnto him whereby he also may be deliuered But thou must doe all these things freely in euery respect as Christ hath done for thee without all workes and merits of pure grace loue and mercy Such workes see thou doe if thou wilt doe good and Christian workes in deede God hath no neede of them neuertheles thou must doe them in respect of him inasmuch as it so pleaseth him and he will haue it to be so This onely is rightly to doe good workes which those hypocrites do not which will merit heauen by their chastity pouertie obedience Vnto whom I pray you are such works of theirs good I my selfe neede them not neither doe they profit my neighbour wherefore it is mere deceit whereas a name is giuen to workes as though they did merit heauen when as they are nothing worth neither profitable to others Laye vppe these thinges in your hartes and do also according to them In all this text being discussed from the beginning to the ending ye haue these two thinges namely faith and loue If ye shall keepe these then both the holy natiuitie of Christ shall be a helpe commoditie and comfort vnto you and also ye shall be spiritually the children of his mother as Christ Iesus is her childe carnally An exposition of the song of the Angells Glory be to God on high c. Glory be to God on high and in earth peace good will towards men Forasmuch as this song is very common and there be fewe that rightly vnderstande it when as notwithstanding it contayneth many thinges in it I thinke good to handle it somewhat at large The Angells in this hymne apply three things to three glory to God peace to the earth and good will vnto men The first is the honour or glory of God Glory due to God alone with which we must beginne that in all thinges prayse and glory may be asscribed to God as to him which doeth giueth and hath all thinges so that none may chalenge any good thing at all vnto him selfe neither ought to count it his owne Glory is so due to God onely that no part therof may be deriued to any other Adam being perswaded of Satan went about to take this glory to him selfe whereby all men fell into the displeasure of God haue that vice so throughly fixed in their mind that no other thing can be so hardly pluckt away from them Euery man pleaseth him selfe no man can abide to seeme that he is nothing or is able to doe nothing whereof come almost all euills so many contentions warres and innumerable other discommodities This glory Christ gaue to God his father teaching that all our thinges are nothing before God but sinnes which deserue his wrath and indignation and nothing lesse then glory Wherfore there is no cause that we should euen neuer so litle please our selues or glory in them but rather that we should be ashamed and feare being set in so great perill and confusion that so all our glory and pleasing of our selues may passe away and come to nothing and we may reioyce being destitute of our owne glorie that we may be found saued in Christ alone The second is peace in earth For Where true peace is and where it is not as where the glory of God is not and where euery one seeketh his owne glory there can not be peace according as Salomon sayth Prouerb 13. Among the proude there is euer strife so contrariwise where the glory of God is knowne there true peace also must needes be For why should they contend why should they disagree which doe know euery one of them that they haue no good thing of their owne but that all thinges which are which they haue and which they are able to doe come from God to whose power also they commit all thinges they in the meane season being very wel content that they haue God fauorable vnto them Howe also can it be that when one counteth nothing of him selfe and the thinges that be his he should be so carefull of him selfe and his thinges that he should moue contention with any because of them Such beleeue that Christ onely is made all thinges vnto them him they thinke on and for him alone they contend Hereupon it certainly followeth that there can be no contention or discord at al among true Christians The peace of Christians described by Esai Esai 11.9 which maner of peace of Christians Esay declareth sayth No man shall doe euill vnto an other no man shall destroy an other in my holy hill that is in the Church of Christ The cause hereof he addeth next after The earth is full of the knowledge of God that is for all know God as to whom all good thinges doe belong and all their owne things they confesse to be nothing but sinnes they may easily therefore haue peace among them selues Esai 2.4 Wherefore the same Esay sayth in an other place They shall breake their swordes into mattocks their speares to make sythes and one shall not lift vp a weapon against an other neither shall they learne ro fight from thence forth Hereupon Christ is called the king of peace or the prince of peace of whom Salomon was a figure who
be one such foūd in the earth For we alwayes finde our selues readier to wrath hatred enuie worldly pleasure c then to meekenes other vertues I finde in me not onely a sparke but euen a fierie fornace of wicked lust for there is no loue in myne heart no not in all my members Wherefore here in the Lawe as it were in a certaine glasse I see whatsoeuer is in me to be damnable and cursed For not one iote of the Law must perish but all must be fulfilled Matth. 5 18. as Christ saith Truly I say vnto you till heauē earth passe one iote or title of the Lawe shall not scape till all be fulfilled Now thou fyndest not this in thee that thou doest with all thy soule and heart with cheerefulnes and pleasure whatsoeuer the Law exacteth and requireth of thee Hereupon thou art damned and vnder the dominion of Satan The Lawe therefore serueth vs thus farre to teach vs that we are condemned for by it we fynde all wicked desyres in vs and yet not so much as a sparke of them ought to be in vs. Howbeit our Scholemen not marking this haue taught that if one do according to his abilitie God doeth giue his grace vnto him They are blynde guides They graunt themselues that a man is caried with no pleasure or cheerefulnes to that which is good and yet do they also teach if one worketh although it be with griefe difficultie and slouthfulnes that it is well with him before God But Christ hath taught otherwise in this place that we should worke that which is good with pleasure and loue readines and facilitie Whom therefore shall we rather beleeue Christ or the Scholemen but I leaue that to your iudgement Of such corrupt and euell vnderstanding of the Lawe Monasteries afterwardes came whereby entred in this opinion that it was thought to be sufficient to saluation to liue in a Monasterie and to follow the orders thereof although that were done euen with griefe of mynde We must worke with pleasure and cheerefulnes not with grudging or griefe So they taught But Christ will haue vs to worke with pleasure and cheerefulnes so that if any thinge be done with burden or griefe of conscience it is synne remoue thy selfe therefore quickly from such a worke Wherefore thus it might be said vnto them Behold O man thou miserable creature oughtest to be caried with a certaine delight to the doinge of the lawe of God but thou commest with no pleasure or cheerefulnes hereunto now see that thou shew thy pleasure and loue herein otherwise thou shalt be the enemie of God and the friend of Satan thus men leauing their owne rashnes might come to the knowledge of themselues and might then say Therefore O God am I condemned and that not vniustly Hereupon it followeth that we are all vnder Satan as long as we feele in vs this difficultie and hardnes to doe that which is good Wherefore if I should speake the trueth I should say thus I fynde in deede somethinge that is good in the lawe of God but it is my death and if it could be I would wish that it were not So are all men affected in their heart as S. Paule plainly teacheth Rom. 7. If we should remaine in such condemnation we must needes perish for euer There is therefore an other part that is the Gospell The office of the Gospell which sheweth comfort and saluation declaring where that is to be had whereby the Lawe is fulfilled When therefore I know by the Lawe that I am a condemned man then ly I halfe dead among theeues Satan hath spoiled my soule and hath moreouer in Adam taken away all faith all righteousnes and hath left nothing but bodily life which is also qulckly extinguished Then come Leuites and Priestes which teach this and that but can helpe nothing and so passe by But when the Samaritane commeth he helpeth that is when Christ commeth he sheweth his mercy vnto vs saying after this sort Behold thou oughtest in deede to loue God with all thine heart but thou doest it not now beleeue onely in me thou shalt enioy my obedience as thine owne this onely helpeth me Then he putteth me on his owne beast that is on himselfe and carieth me into the Inne that is into the Church of the faithfull then he by and by poureth his grace into me that is oyle that I may feele my selfe to be layd vpon his shoulder that at the last maketh me to be of a good cheere quiet well affected in conscience Afterward he poureth in wine also which with his sharpnes may abate tame the force of old Adam And yet am I not so wholy restored vnto health health is in deede poured in begon but not yet wholy finished then Christ hath care of me by his grace poured into me doth purifie me that frō day to day I may become more chast meeke gētle faithfull c vntill I wholy dy for then I shal be altogether made perfect So when we shall come to God the father and be asked of him whether we beleeued in God whether we loued him c the Samaritane Christ our Lord who hath layed vs on his owne beast will come forth and saye Loe Father although they haue not wholy fulfilled thy Lawe yet haue I fulfilled it suffer thou that to turne to the commoditie of them that beleeue in me So is it needefull that all the Saincts albeit verie holy be layed vpon the backe of Christ If so be that the holiest of all as the Priestes and Leuites could not satisfie the Lawe how shall we go about with our fained workes as with shauing habit c to fulfill the same O wretched miserable calamitie These things shall now suffize to haue bin spoken concerning this text Let vs pray vnto God that he will giue vs his grace **** A SERMON OF D. MARTIN LVTHER CONCERNING THE EXERCISE AND INCREASING OF FAITH Iohn 4. Verse 46. THere was a certeine ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum 47. When he heard that Iesus was come out of Iudea into Galile he wēt vnto him besought him that he would go downe heale his sonne for he was euen ready to die 48. Then said Iesus vnto him Except ye see signes and wonders ye will not beleeue 49. The ruler said vnto him Syr goe downe before my sonne die 50. Iesus said vnto him Goe thy waie thy sonne liueth and the man beleeued the word that Iesus had spoken vnto him and went his waye 51. And as he was now going downe his seruaūts met him saying Thy sonne liueth 52. Then enquired he of them the houre when he beganne to amend And they said vnto him yesterdaye the seuenth houre the feuer lefte him 53. Then the father knew that it was the same houre in the which Iesus had said vnto him Thy sonne liueth and he beleeued and all his household 54. This second miracle