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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A45497 Teleiosis, or, An exercitation upon confirmation the ancient way of completeing church-members ... : to which are annexed some directions for the putting of it into practice ... / by Jonathan Hanmer ... Hanmer, Jonathan, 1606-1687. 1657 (1657) Wing H653; ESTC R19567 114,268 234

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consilio hane Religionem delegerunt perfidia ipsorum posteà minus potuisset excusari Because they freely made choice of this Religion their profidiousness afte ward would be the less excusable This same also was the practise of their pious Kings in after ages as in Asa his daies Chro. 15.13.14 25. the people with him entred into a Govenant to seek the Lord which they seconded and back't with an Oath whereat they greatly rejoyced After him Josiah made a solemn Covenant with the Lord to walk after the Lord 2 Chr. 34.31.32 and he caused all the people that were present to stand to it And as thus before so did they after the captivity of Babylon In Nehemiahs time Neh. 9.38 they made a sure Covenant and wrote it and the Princes Levites and Priests sealed unto it Wo'ph in loc Illis hac obligatio frani vice erat quo contineri in officis possent c. This obligation was in stead of a bridle to them to keep them close to their duty They herein made good that Prophecy of Jeremy At that time Jer. 50.45 saith he they shall go weeping and shall ask the way to Sion with their faces thitherward saying Come and let us joyn our selves unto the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten Omnil us in sidem presventibus unikentibus quisi calcar adderetur adpiè justè Christianè vivendum Hyper Opuse Such ingagements therefore are as strong cords that cannot easily be broken which being reflected upon have a notable virtue in them to over-awe the spirit and so to prevent extravagancies the continual influence whereof being duly improved would so extend and diffuse it self through the whole Sphear of their lives that a watchful eye would be over all their actions and care taken that their conversations did correspond with their covenant and were such as might suit with their condition in which regard the benefit will be found to be exceeding great 3. It must needs much indear the Lords people to them and interest them in their choicest affection being now brought into the nearest relation unto them They had been as it were in the womb and bowels of the Church before as imperfect Embryo's where they were fashioning from day to day and so respected and tendred as such of whom there were ex ectations that they might in due time come to perfection but now having received their compleat shape and form and being born as it were and brought forth they are equally ranked among the rest of her children and owned and imbraced by them as brethren interested in all the rights and priviledges of the family to whom they willingly give the right-hand of fellowship and admit them into the most intimate familiarity and communion there being nothing which they do not freely impart unto them and vouchsafe them the participation of This arguing great love and respect to them cannot but beget in them an answerable love toward those from whom they do receive it which will exceedingly further them in the chearful discharge of their duty and put them upon the ready performance of all those offices of love which they owe them upon all occasions whereby the reality and truth of it may be demonstrated For this they know the Scripture cals for and requires at their hands As they are to love all men but especially the brother-hood 1 Pet. 2.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ga. 6.10 So they ought to do good unto all men but especially to those that are of the houshold of Faith these are to have the chief place in their affection and accordingly to be preferred before others in the discovery of it This fraternity hath as it were a magnetical virtue in it whereby it draws and closely knits the hearts of each to other so that they are of one heart and of one soul Acts 4.32 1 Pet. 1.22 they love intirely and cordially t is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unfained and servent love and where this is Rom. 13.10 no duty will be omitted for it is the fulfilling of the Law It will cause them to endeavour and to rejoyce in the Good of their brethren as much as in their own to distribute to their necessities to bear with their infirmities to sympathize with them in their calamities and to condescend unto the meanest office even the washing of their feet for their good wherein they shall imitate their Lord and Master and shew themselves to be his Disciples indeed 4. The Church also even all the particular Members thereof will share in the benefit for great will be the joy which it will occasion unto them 1. To see the children whom she hath travelled with to come to the birth and brought forth lively and perfect having Christ formed in them Another living stone squared and polsted added to the building increasing not the bulke only but the beauty of it also Will they not be ready at the sight hereof to break forth into acclamations as 't is prophecyed the people of the Jews should do at the building of the second Temple when Zerubbabel after all opposition should bring forth the Head or Top-Stone thereof with shouting crying Grace grace unto it Zach. 4.7 Lux● 11 Lexie Phrasis usitatissima in familiar thus Judaeorum scriptis quando summas alicui gratias agere volunt The prosperity of Sion in her inlargement and the multiplication of her children is matter of great joy unto all those that love her Every child of the Church being in this regard an Isaac causing laug ter and rejoycing of whom she may be apprehended to say as did Sarah G●l 426 In loc by whom was figured out Jerusalem which is above who is the mother of us all i. e. Christiana Ecclesia inquit Paraeus sic dicta ab origine unde est The Christian Church so called because her original is from thence God hath made Gen. 21.6 saith she to laugh so that every one that beareth will laugh or rejoyce with me And as it adds to the beauty of the Church so also doth it make much for the honour of Christ the King of Sion as being the manifestation of the day of his power wherein persons are made willing to submit to his Scepter to kiss the Son Psal 110.3 acknowledging him for their Lord and chearfully coming in and joyning with the rest of his people to worship him in the beauty of Holiness whose exaltation is a chief ground of exultation unto all those who love his name and to whom his glory is dear Psal 14 5.11 12 Who delight to be speaking of the glory of his Kingdom and to talk of his power to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his Kingdom As the number of his subjects increaseth so doth his glory spread Prov. 14.28 Isa 51.10 11 Heb. 12.2 for in the multitude of people is the Kings
maternum huic prima fuit Schola Sacrarum literarum his mothers lap was his first School Nec magis inejus sinu quàm Sermone educatus he suckt in not only milk from her brests but also the principles of religion from her mouth And this is that for which the children of the virtuous woman are said to call her Blessed viz. Prov. 31 28 Cartwright Propter educationem virtutem pietatem per educationem procuratam For their education and virtue and piety procured by it This duty then you see is injoyned and belongs unto parents Neither may they think to shift it off from themselves by saying It 's the Ministers Office to do it for it 's theirs also as well as his nor will his doing his part free them from the obligation that lyes upon them 2. Their duty is to require and see to it that those under their charge do diligently frequent and carefully attend upon the publick Ordinances of Catechizing and the preaching of the Word especially upon the Lords day the due sanctification whereof both by themselves and theirs is charged upon them Exod. 10.10 Zanch. in 4 praecept Datur praeceptum hoc imprimis cuique patrifamilias this precept is given in the first place to every father of a family as those that should require the same to be observed by the whole family Again Vult Deus ut patresfamilias authores sint toti familiae duces ut veniant in caetum fidelium c. Ibid. The Lord would have the Governours of families to be procurers and leaders to the whole family to come unto the assembly of the faithful to sanctifie the Holy-day c. Every governour of a family saith he may and ought to compel them of his houshold to the outward worship of God Officium est inquit Bullingerus boni patris-familias curare ut tota familia Sabbathum sanctificet Decad. 2. Ser. 4. It is the duty of a good Governour of a family to take care that the whole family do sanctifie the Sabbath Such persons therefore may not think it sufficient to sanctifie the Lords day and to attend upon the publ ck Ordinances themselves but they are to look well unto those under their charge that the fame be done by them also whose profanation and neglect of the duties thereof may be laid to the charge of those that might and should have prevented it but did not being regardlesse of them Nor should they content themselves with this only that those belonging to them do attend upon the Ordinances but they are also to labour that they do it to good purpose least by the carelesse and customary performance of their duty God be dishonoured and their own souls injured and hazarded no lesse then by the omission of it They ought therefore to call upon them for and require from them an account of the things that they have heard and help them to the fuller understanding of them that so through the blessing of the Lord they may attain the end of what they do and their labour may not be in vain 3. Their duty is to watch and have a vigilent eye over them in respect of their conversation to prevent miscarriages and to quicken them to their duty The care of governours in this particular is of very great consequence without which things will certainly go amiss and many disorders will follow in the family What Solomon saith of a King and other magistrates in the Common-wealth may not unholy be applyed to our purpose every father being in some sort a magistrate as it were in his own family A King that sitteth in the Throne of Judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes i.e. Curâ inspectione coercet malos Lavater By their care and inspection they lay a restraint upon those that are evil so that they are not so bad as they would be nor take that liberty to sin that otherwise they would do The neglect hereof seems to be a part of good Elies fault and this in likelyhood imports the cause why the sins of his sons were so great he kept not so strict a hand over them and their actions as he should have done but was too indulgent toward them Those words of his in dealing with and reproving them seem to imply so much Why 1 Sam. 2.23 24. faith he do you such things for I hear of your evil dealings by this people nay my sons for it is no good report that I hear ye make the Lords people to transgress So here the good man knows little but by hear-say and what the common rumour and complaint of the people brings to his ears Sic dicunt inquit sic ad me perfetur q. d. Si vera sirt quae audio gravitur peccatis P. Martyr in l. So they say this is brought to me if the things be true which I hear ye sin grievously The contrary carriage is commended in Solomons virtuous woman Pro. 3.27 Carswright she looketh well to the wayes of her houshold Lustrat mores universae familiae diligens haec inspectio non solù nec praecipuè opera domesticae respicit verum etiam quomodo se in cultu Divino gerunt quales in pi●tate progressus faciant diligenter observat This diligent inspection respects not only nor chiefly the houshold-imployments but she also diligently observes how they behave themselves in the worship of God and what progresse they make in piety Lavater Considerat quibus moribus singuli sint praediti quid dicant quid faciant ne turpe quid committant She considers what the manners of each one are what they say what they do that no unseemly thing be committed by them Thus though eye-service be not good yet is there need and accordingly ought there to be a watchful eye over them that children and servants be not evil 4. This Inspection ought to be accompanied with the discreet exercise of Discipline without which what we see to be amiss may be far enough from being amended Haec duo quasi elements sunt virtutis Spes honoris metus poenae quorum illa incitstiores reddit ad pulcherrima studia haec segniores ad vitia Plutarch de lib. educand Such as need reproof and correction must have it and those that deserve countenance and encouragement should not want it the evil are to be timely checkt and curbed and the good cherished and commended And these two being rightly managed will by the blessing of the Lord be found to be notable means to restrain vice and promote virtue Fond affection may prompt parents to with-hold but true love will bid them to make use of the rod when there is cause for nothing more endangers the disobedient then indulgence Hence the Scriptures do so much urge the use of discipline thus speaking He that spareth the rod hateth his son Prov. 13.26 but he that loveth him chastneth him betimes Because there is folly bound