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A58017 Edgar, or the English monarch an heroick tragedy. By Mr. Thomas Rymer, servant to Their Majesties. Rymer, Thomas, 1641-1713. 1693 (1693) Wing R2424A; ESTC R218574 36,395 72

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approach one sally of her Breath repells But yet the Women of her Shape and Face May well enough for Countrey Beauties pass Thus I with Fame in nothing did accord My Tongue blaspheming what my Heart ador'd And by this Artifice did so work and move The King that he consented to my Love Which I pretended was by Interest led That so I might the heir of Cornwall wed Alfr. At once to wrong me yet to Love pretend I judg'd the same a Lover and a Friend Perhaps in truth these blemishes you find And rambling Fame that talk'd so loud was blind The best is if this Face a Tempest raise One sally of my Breath will all appease That if you rest from other Crimes secure You safely may the shock of this endure Ethelw Still fatally to my destruction bent Vain Woman go pursue your dire intent Alfr. The King may yet some small suspicions bear One sight of me those dangerous doubts will clear Ethelw Your beauty who denies denies the Sun To your large Glass have I not seen you run There all intent intemperately gaze Fill your stretch'd eyes with the reflected rays And in that luxury consume the day Till drunk with the sweet draught you reel'd away Alfr. I might my beauty prize in some degree When I your love and low respects did see That Conquest seem'd a Miracle for me Nor might I think that England can afford Then Ethelwold a more illustrious Lord. Ethelw O tongue too subtle for a Lover's heart Let us divide and both submit in part Be you content your self unseen to see And I indulge your curiosity Cover those Beams and let that natural Light Obscur'd by Art less fiercely strike the Sight My Crime may lurk beneath your Twilight-ray Laid open you discovering all your Day Your Face disguis'd I may securely pass Alfr. With what foul Blots would you Heav'ns gifts disgrace Heav'ns that in earnest angry oft retort What we affect or counterfeit in sport Ethelw Vexatious still Dispute not but obey Alfr. To my Obedience my Disputes make way Let me your Grief and worst Misfortunes share But Fraud and Wrong I dare not tamper there Ethelw Howe're you to your Face allow no part Your many words declare you false at Heart Scarce are we joyn'd the Marriage-knot scarce ty'd How many Jarrs and Jealousies divide Blaze on dire Comet may thy Influence be To Crowns and Empires fatall as to me Alfr. Whither do your rash words and passion fly To calm your mind my utmost power I 'll try If I receive advantage from my Dress 'T is that I you might with advantage please If wanting this your Love be not impair'd These Ornaments I readily discard Pulls off her Patches Ethelw Those Trifles did your Beauty but rebate If this be all you 'll doe how desperate is my state Pull out those Eyes and then my work is done To what extremes will my resentment run Pulls her away Exeunt SCENE VIII Queen returns with Women Ethelg. Shew not my Nuptialls now to England more Then Syria Greece or Rome e're saw before More Kings their Homage to my Edgar pay Then Planets to the Monarch of the Day He sits on high illustrious and large They blow and tugg and launch along his Barge SCENE IX The King in a Triumphant Barge appears within the Scenes rowed by eight Kings towards the Stage c. The Kings enter in procession with their gilded Oars after them Edgar with Alfrid in his hand his eyes fixt on her Ethelwold behind The Kings successively salute Edgar 1. King The Hands that lately shining Scepters bore Learning new tasks are blister'd with the Oar. A Homage ever shall be paid by me To him that rules and that defends the Sea 2. King His part of Earth to every Prince is due Whilst on the Waters none is King but You. 3. King In narrow bounds are our Dominions pent The strongest Winds fall dead their last breath spent E're they attain your Empire 's vast extent 4. King The spacious Heaven and Nature's care scarce stretch So far as your immense Dominions reach 5. King Nothing is seen that your large Power confines Except in Globes imaginary Lines 6. King What Nation dares your Dictates disobey He shakes the Earth who can the Ocean sway 7. King Your Sea without you to assert your Power Invades and conquers the rebellious Shore Stretches its swelling Arms and grasps each Land And combats all that own not your Command 8. King Your Sails must lowr when Winds and Storms are high And on the Water all but Heav'n defie Edgar What art thou from whence what far-distant Coast Sends thee proud Spoils and vanquisht Kings to boast To Alfrid Those Eyes do all our Pomp and Glory brave And in the midst of Triumph make me Slave Now all the Homage which was lately paid By me resign'd at your fair Feet is laid From what height is my Pride untimely thrown Snow which some lofty Mountain's head doth crown When the South-wind's warm breath once issues forth Thus shrinks dissolves and sinks into the Earth Why was this Face or why not sooner seen Yet after all thou shalt be thou art Queen Speak Nymph asswage my pain Alfr. So new a thing It is for me to see or hear a King My Eye 's too weak to look on Majesty And Tongue unskill'd to fashion a Reply Edg. Proceed sweet Harm'nie Let your Tongue Love sing And your tun'd Heart consent in every string Let every Sense to Love's soft Charms incline Alfr. Might I presume or any thing define Your words seem aim'd at one in equal Sphere And ill descend into a Subject's ear Unfit for Love we dread your Majestie And low to that at distance prostrate lie Edg. All Majesty and Distance I disown If Subject born you are my Sovereign grown You all Divine with radiant Beauty crown'd In me the very thought of Power confound Pardon bright Form if I approach too near A sudden raw unpractis'd Worshipper Alfr. If Beauty were a thing to be ador'd England would be like barbarous Egypt stor'd In every Grange you might an Idol see And nothing rare or singular in me Edg. There 's something in you sure divinely rare Am I a Slave to every Maid that 's fair Me you accuse your self whilst you impair No common Planets in your Birth were joyn'd No influence for common Fates assign'd I feel the power resistless infinite Then Majesty more strong and more then Beauty sweet My burning Veins prove your full Presence there And my astonisht Soul declares you every-where Alfr. 'T is Glory Sir 't is Glory that inflames Your mighty Soul which still of Glory dreams Whose Image wanders bright before your eyes And you to that more nobly sacrifice Those Hymns are not to Humane kind addrest Nor Edgar's Soul to earthly Frames debas't Edg. 'T is my good Angell that I hear and see My Eyes and Ears confess a Deitie Yet my Devotions were not pure the Man Aside The Earthly
mouth to merit praise Gun After Nine days in furious Justs had past Each Courage grew more prodigall the Last The sport so hot shockt our relenting sight Which scarce could bear the Terrible delight Each Nation then their pride abated found Their boldest Knights were strow'd upon the ground There Spaniards low were with new stiffness laid And there the Germans lusty Limms were spread There Osmin lay his eye-balls roll'd in death And there Almanzor grinning for new breath Too late repenting they from Africk came So far in quest of an uncertain Fame Their mighty Victour was for Edgar known By his address through his disguise that shone Edi. That was not Edgar he by Edgar dar'd With Spear reverst his low respects preferr'd Unknown he came unknown he left the Field And did the prize to those he vanquish'd yield Gun When boasting Ethelwold was headlong thrown Your favours straight the Stranger 's arms did crown You did his Spear so eminently grace To Ed. Your Ring for meaner trophies left no place Lew. That stranger Knight invok'd Editha's name And ow'd his Conquest where he own'd his Flame Edi. His secrets by some Magick Line you sound Lew. The Magick is all in this Circle bound Shews a ring SCENE IV. Enter Serjeants and Souldiers seise Lewis Serj. You must to prison Lew. What 's the hainous Crime Serj. Ask Ethelwold and learn the rest of him Lew. Vertue renounce and Gallantry abjure Since they are not in English Courts secure They carry him off SCENE V. Edi. If here brave Strangers thus are entertain'd All men must fly th' in hospitable Land Avoid our shore and in the Storms at Sea 'Mongst Sands and Rocks find more humanitie Gun This hour be rac'd from out King Edgar's Reign Else it might all the other bright days stain Some Minister in this abus'd his Trust For 't is below a King to be unjust Edi. These Fav'rites on that Royall power incroach No Subject without Sacriledge can touch And still believe their Thunder idlely spends But when it some illustrious Ruin sends Gun In this the hand of Ethelwold is seen He acts the King now that his Daughter's Queen Edi. And let her reign unenvy'd as unprais'd To that high rank in spite of Honour rais'd That title on Gunilda if bestow'd With Joy I to the dignity had bow'd Gun Betroth'd to Kenneth I for Scotland sail'd 'Gainst our intent when adverse winds prevail'd And I by storms was forc'd upon your shore Where Edgar's Love disorder'd me yet more His Love for so I constru'd that Address Which did but his Civilities express But Heaven disprov'd that faithless change in me And angry smil'd at my Unconstancy Edi. Yet Kenneth did no fault that errour think Or else his Love did at the Frailty wink And he unchang'd your wavering purpose knew And something to his Constancy is due Gun I ignorant still and constant had remain'd Had never I the sight of England gain'd But here Edi. Who here since Edgar claims no place Who here that can your vow'd affections press Or Kenneth's first and justest Title shake Gun Those vows and ties how easily Edgar brake And here since Edgar from that Conquest fled Are others not unworthy to succeed Who may consummate what he but begun Edi. The Queen I must her hated presence shun Exeunt SCENE VI. Enter Ethelgede and Women Ethelg. Stars ever in this kind position rest And Fortune be thy giddy turnings ceast Now fix thy Wheel and set it by to rust Once it appears thou art to Merit Just. Was Fortune blind when she bestow'd this grace Never was Crown so fitted with a face Looks in a glass From every Look I glance a conquering dart At every Step I trample on a Heart An Air of greatness in each feature reigns And Royall bloud distends my Nobler veins My Soul is great and now each thought grown big Begins to labour with some State intrigue Editha shall submit that haughty brow Shall understand she is my Subject now Such Insolencies Let it not be said A Diadem e're adorn'd this Royall head Let not this body issue bear that may Enter Ethelwold and Alfrid In after-times the English Scepter sway Never of me let Infant King be born If I forget her ill-dissembled scorn Father for I still the Relation own To Ethelwold Though in effect we with Crown'd heads have none Father SCENE VII Ethelw I have not Leisure now to hear My mind is stung with a more pressing Care Exeunt Queen c. Alfr. Your Cares seem mixt with an unkind allay And symptoms of a sickning Love betray Ethel Should you be seen nought can my fate repell I know that face and know the King too well Alfr. You knowing these in doubt my vertue call Ethel Rather my life on which the storm must fall 'Gainst which you Edgar's certain Fury whet You caus'd my Crime and now would punish it Oh that you lay in some dark village chain'd And there remote of Marriage-bonds complain'd But always Fate Man's downfall when decreed Puts out his eyes and blinds us e're we bleed Alfr. Your mind appearing in this Doubtfull dress The worst if known could terrifie me less Ethel My death will that suffice you is the worst Be Women and their witchcraft Beauty curst Beauty thou pois'nous Flower thou painted skin Frailty without and Impotence within Vain wandring Meteor which so soon as known Art lost thou glow'st seducest and art gone Light which dost more then thickest darkness blind Angel in shew but in effect a Fiend From Paradise where Golden Freedom shines Thou send'st to dig and drudge in endless mines Alfr. You fret suspect complain accuse inveigh Whilst ignorant in guilty paths I stray Some grief the quiet of your breast controuls In it there some uneasie secret rouls From thence alone this strange distraction springs Ethel Then out it flies my Love shall lend it wings Take it but yet it is so near my Life Both go together Alfr. Safely to your Wife For so the Priest hath call'd me Ethelw Then I 'll trie Your Love or having made confession die The King by fame did of your Beauty hear And Alfred's name chim'd sweetly in his ear Each day did your Perfections more unfold And every day were greater wonders told With this Renown he was so far possest Unseen you were admitted to his breast But lest a Love from some mistake might grow He sends express the certainty to know I was his Favourite to that degree That he repos'd this Confidence in me With Loyall thoughts and Just intentions fraught I came I saw and Loyalty forgot Thus treacherous made I back return to Court Swifter and surely falser then Report Said I The prospect is at distance fair But undeceives who-ever views it near Some handsome features are in Alfred seen But these disgrac'd by an uncomely meen The Brow serene and a bright rolling Eye But then the Nose stands fair for Raillery And though her Lip with invitation swells Th'
Courage reigns He their glad Veins with generous Fire distends And to each Heart the brave Infection sends From Edgar 't is that England's Glory grows Prot. More then one Edgar Fate to England owes These retiring Tritons dance They retiring 3 Sirens arise out of the Sea and sing THE SONG 1. Siren. LOve the Ambrosia of the Blest 'T is Love in Heav'n that makes the Feast O Mortalls Mortalls come and tast 2. Sir Whilst jingling Honour strives for place And Vertue sets her ugly Face The Moments the sweet Moments pass 3. Sir It cools alas how fast it cools Fall to ye men ye men with Souls And Ceremony leave to Fools All. When Nature invites And keen Appetites Care tearing your Hearts and tormenting Is some Devil in the way That creates your Delay Or a Bug of some Bigott's inventing Three Celestiall Sirens approach skymming on the surface of the waters The former Sirens dive hastily and disappear These looking after them say 1. Sir Fly Monsters fly with your deceitfull Breath That warbling strikes and pleases unto Death Each tender ear ev'n yet the Accents wound And th' Air yet trembles with the impious Sound 2. Sir A Heav'nly Voice and Beauty they prophane With the unblest abominable Train Which their false boasted Pleasures do's detect Sweet to the Sense but Poison in effect 3. Sir Great Edgar from those Charms is safe To all but those of Glory deaf Glory whose Chariot drives an height 'Bove the rude Jolt of sensuall Delight And hurry of low Passions Victory On silver Wings and Triumph with them fly These 3 dance and after they retiring the Sea seems troubled Andromeda appears ty'd to a Rock a great Sea-monster making towards her Perseus is seen in the Air on Pegasus with his Scimitar and Gorgon Shield When Edgar abruptly starting up turns from the Masque and with Face towards the Pit speaks Edg. Glory had once th' Ascendant Glorie's Dart Did from all other Flames my Breast assert Which raging now torment m' enfeebled Heart A Dream of Majesty a King no more These Shows are now less Shadows then my Power They represent Love's utmost Malice try'd Has me dethron'd degraded and destroy'd If ought survive if ought of me remain 'T is but the sense of an immortall Pain Love I obey and Captive follow thee To Solitude a fitter Scene for me Exit Edgar gone all in a consternation goe of and the Scene changes to a Garden SCENE I. Enter Lewis solus Lewis Unhappy Princes who a just War make And onely Arms when necessary take For me yet cruell Heav'ns determine worse Against my own to head a forrein Force By those that no Allegeance owe obey'd Born to protect the Nation I invade They have the Blows yet I partake the Pain A Subject lost in every Foe that 's slain My Mind 's distress'd whilst my bold War succeeds My Heart at every Wound they suffer bleeds The English must my juster Cause decide Whilst them I in new paths of Glory guide How can the Continent their Shock sustain Whose Arms ev'n force an Empire on the Main But I shall teach them thus perhaps a way That France may wish untaught another day In France again their fatall Banners spread This Heav'n avert I love their Vertue but their Valour dread Ambition blunted by these soft Regrets My Love provokes and to fierce Action whets 'T is not my Crown alone that I forgoe But with my Crown I lose Editha too Let Kingdoms my Despair in Ashes mourn A meaner Flame the Universe will burn SCENE II. Enter two old French Statesmen They on their Knees say Both. Long live King Lewis 1. Statesm The Usurper gone France with one Voice recalls you to your Throne Your Absence they lament Lew. Is Rodulph dead 2. Statesm And to the just Reproach of Heav'n in Bed Yet his black Soul did th' Air and Heav'n deform And dying Breath did bluster to a Storm As if the Troubles since he ceas'd to live Which to the Earth he could no longer give He still would through the Aiery Regions drive 1. Statesm The Day which did his last black Night precede The bloudy Tyrant had your Death decreed And hearing that to th' English Court you fled Sent two Embassadours to demand your Head 2. Statesm But these things may in vacant hours be said Our Bark my Liege waits ready to convey You safe e're Fame the Secret shall betray Kings caught on forrein Ground are lawfull Prize And for a King what Ransom can suffice Lew. I my Condition may some time conceal But cannot from this Court so rudely steal Nor can I fear the Danger you foretell Knowing the King and English Hearts so well 1. Statesm Their generous Minds as nobly you report But who can find an English-man at Court No private Mind can any Courts controll All mov'd by Interest their common Soul 2. Statesm Hot Places those where Vertue cannot look But withers dies and vanishes in Smoak 1. Statesm The private Love is ended that he bore Since you are now the Private man no more To ruine all your Cause he might advance And loving you declar'd his Hate to France 2. Statesm Your Kingdome he may without Wrong invade Till Articles and formall Leagues are made Friendship with Kings requires a certain Date Engross'd and seal'd on Instruments of State Nor this 'gainst crafty Counsels a Defence Who weaker Words suborn against the Sense To sacred Interest their bald Heads they nod That they adore and know no other God 1. Statesm Possess your Kingdom first and then send back Embassadours your Complements to make Lew. Is that the Court Your Message do's invite Me thither and from thence your Maximes fright Maximes within the English Verge not known Nor shall in France whilst I possess the Throne Pardon me King to Friendship if unjust I yield unwilling to a Friend's Distrust Aside I on my Throne shall mourn with the Disgrace If in your Breast I forfeited my place Attend me there till I in such Disguise Points to a distant place Return as shall deceive observing Eyes Exeunt Statesmen SCENE III. Lewis solus For my Ambition Fortune could no more Yet am I after all this Fortune poor Ambition is not all I will not move One Step from hence till prosperous in my Love No Power no Scepters shall allure me hence Love too shall feast though at my Pride's expence Blest Omen see her Image strikes mine Eyes Heav'n guides her hither SCENE IV. Enter Editha Madam To Editha Edi. That false Tongue No more I 'll hear Lew. Alas I Triumph sung Aside Too hasty cheated by an empty Dream Yet free from Guilt I may the Tempest stemme To Editha Edi. An Innocence presume not to perswade These Eyes beheld the Conference which you had The strict new League and Interchanges made Lew. She saw me with Gunilda late embroil'd When Kenneth was in the same Errour toil'd Aside What League what Conference Edi. New Allies to make With Strangers
where new Fires you give and take Goe 'mongst the Hearts by your feign'd Love engrost Goe and Editha in the Number boast She offers to goe he stops her Lew. Let Heav'n not own nor Earth sustain me more If God or Mistris I save one adore Both which by me too rudely were prophan'd If whilst in presence here of both I stand I durst be false Edi. She present Also She Is some invisible Divinity Lew. Around she do's such dazzling Lustre shed Ev'n like the Sun in her own Beams she 's hid And o're all other Beauties bears such Sway They disappear like the Stars feeble Ray Drown'd in the Light and Deluge of the Day Edi. The Path I mark'd your wary Language shuns And safely wide a wild Vagary runs You traverse not the Charge against you laid But would by cunning Sophistry evade Me your ill-tim'd and dawbing Flatteries paint When for your Self you a just Colour want But injur'd Friendship why should I relate You must contest with Generous Kenneth that All All will in Gunilda be repai'd And Denmark now comes bustling to your Aid Yet though to th' English you the Dane prefer I envy not your Arms successfull War For your good Cause whoever shall assist Will my best Wishes on your Party list Lew. From a wrong'd Friendship I've no Blemish drawn And for Success that rests on You alone Your favourable Wishes give me more Then they my Crown and Kingdome who restore Kingdoms by Marks and narrow Bounds confin'd You fill the vast Ambition of my Mind Edi. When with arm'd Threats you should th' Usurper brave You vainly like an idle Lover rave Lew. Is there a Secret I may not impart To Her who holds in Custody my Heart Th' Usurper's dead now for Relief I wait At your Hands onely Edi. I congratulate The Happiness of your recover'd Throne Lew. No Kingdom I without your Favour own Edi. This is a Copy of your private Mind You 'll scarce the Record in your Kingdom find When Royall Cares once fill your larger Breast No place remains for any forrein Guest Lew. My Dignity will not my Guest discharge But rather furnish and the Room enlarge Which since your Image do's so nobly grace Majesty will a brighter Power confess Gunilda comes And yield to you the Consecrated place Edi. She by Appointment comes false man where She Attends the Love you practis'd but on Me I leave you to Her Exit Editha Lew. The same Path I take I must the Chain of these Suspicions break Exit Lewis SCENE V. Gunilda looking on a Letter Gun My Brother how Depos'd and Sigar reigns His Title own'd by the perfidious Danes Fortune and Fate what have I now to claim The wandring Shadow of an empty Name Speedy Assistence he from Kenneth craves See how unknowing he my Folly braves See the just Curse on my Inconstancy And loe a Victim injur'd Love to thee Now will the Scots about me fleering run And to vile Pipes my sad Disasters tune Yet spite of Fortune I this Scepter hold With this in Hand I will not be controul'd Pulls out a Dagger By this within an Empire I maintain And there unmov'd a perfect Princess reign SCENE VI. Enter Kenneth Ken. Can any Trouble Princess touch your Breast And mine not sink beneath the Load opprest Disclose fair Princess your sharp Grief disclose I know the Pain a stranger to the Cause Gun Read this and laugh Do you before the rest Gives him the Letter he reads Of fresh Revenge the rasie Pleasure tast Ken. 'T is done swift Orders I dispatch and all The Kingdom to our Royall Standard call In Person I will join them on the Shoar Nor will I wait a Wind to waft us o're Nor will I rest till Sigar's Faction quell'd The Throne again is by your Brother fill'd Gun I stand astonisht at your forward Heat You have not weigh'd half my Misfortune yet To your feign'd Love what lighted first the way Our Riches are the ravenous syrant's prey Despis'd despoil'd of all Gunilda see Nor with her Portion save in Misery Ken. Give me Gunilda and no Want I fear No other Wealth deserves a Monarch's Care Leave the gross Fewel for ignoble Fires A fairer Prey do's nourish my Desires Gun Your Language has that generous sense displai'd As but too much my Errours do's upbraid And Constancy so easily shaken tax Ken. Heav'n ne'r made that a Vertue of the Sex Ah! look not back when present Joys invite And Hymen calls with thousand Torches light Gun 'T is Love alone has right those Joys to boast But Love would here in Gratitude seem lost Ken. Deep Gratitude the firm Foundation lies Whilst we behold Love's glorious Structure rise There will we reign there drink eternal Joys And touching Heav'n the low dull World despise Gun On equall Grounds I your Desires would meet But Fortune thrusts me now below your Feet Which makes my Love suspected and that I Against my Choice forc'd by Necessity Forsaken hopeless broken by Distress Into your Arms as my last Refuge press No Malice I thy hissing Snakes defy Thus arm'd none e're was wretched that could die Dagger in hand I in my Heart can no Retrenchment find Nor have I lost one Atome of my Mind Nor will in ought diminisht to you come Ken. Frail Riches gone to Courage left the Room Enter Edgar Edg. What Discord Lovers speak let me decide But leave me ' las I am within employ'd Too much my self Exeunt Ken. and Gunilda SCENE VII Edgar solus How tedious turns the Wheel Of Time how slow where men in Torments dwell One Day would make Eternity in Hell To me this Instant that Long day has been Hell I have felt for something Heav'nly seen Ethelwold found some other of the Name This She who rides on the white wings of Fame And I may This the True my Alfrid claim My giddy Thoughts run wild and rave about My Mind is all Distraction I will shut Shut close my Eyes lock the deceitfull Door I will not see come near think on her more SCENE VIII Alfrid in Man's habit as Edgar goes in hast from behind a Bush runs against him My Mind 's unhindg'd and the whole Fabrick shakes This Boy my labour'd Resolution breaks Alfr. Fate sees through my Disguise and makes me run Aside Into his very Arms I strive to shun Edg. I in this Face the matchless Alfrid see Heav'ns are ye not her Brother Should he be Mad and inconstant what were that to me Are you the bashfull Grace the pretty Fear All Alfrid Alfrid to my Soul endear Sympathie is 't or some new Charm do's seise Ravish my Breast and violently please Insensibly on me the Poison stole 'T is now within and mingles with my Soul Oh Fire oh Rage oh certainly Divine No humane power could thus could thus disjoin And fix ev'n in the Centre of my Life Sense Reason vain and fruitless is your Strife In vain contesting that this is not She. 'T
is and by Heav'n design'd a Part of Me My dearest inmost Part Thus hurry'd on Ah! whither will my raving Fancy run You are her Brother Alfr. She no Brother had The onely Child was that unhappy Maid Edg. Then you have known her Alfr. Seen her heretofore Edg. I saw admir'd and ne'r examin'd more Whom do's she blest with name of Parents make Alfr. The Duke of Cornwall doth that Name partake Edg. Your Words directly to that Alfrid lead Whom I and all my Stars had mine decreed Shall His Embraces that bright Form prophane Whom Sacrilege and blackest Treasons stain Who this Affront to Me and Heav'n durst give Yet after have the Impudence to Live But Traitour I thy Fraud shall counterplot I will untie or surely cut the Knot My Title 's good He courted her he sped And did her onely as my Proxy bed Alfr. The Ceremony went not yet so far She by strict Oath engag'd him to forbear The Marriage-Bed till that three Nights were past Of which three Nights this following is the last Edg. Heav'n this great Work is thine thy Care I see Since Alfrid is reserv'd entire for me I 'll search her out Going meets Ethelwold stops and looks angry on him SCENE IX Ethel Restore restore my Wife Or take what I can better want my Life Edg. Thy Wife what jealous Frenzie turns his Brain Where is this Wife where is she But refrain From calling Alfrid so that Claim forbear And ne'r presume to make a Title there Where is my Alfrid Ethelwold seises her This is her Disguise What fatall Mist conceal'd her from my Eyes What time was lost Blind to my Happiness I pine and die yet what I want possess Monster of Impudence yield yield her me Snatches her Ethelw draws Ethelw I owe no Faith to naked Majesty Without his Guards King 's but an empty Word The Scepter 's his who wields the better Sword Edgar makes at him throws him down disarms him Edg. Live wretched man thy Crimes do thee pursue And former Guilt still spurs thee on to new Live but depart and leave this Pledge with me Ethelw A low base Soul would call this Clemency The Crimes I acted were on Alfrid's score And were it in my power I 'd push at more You grant me Life a Gift that I despise And rob me of the onely thing I prize I 'll call her Mine with my last Gasp of breath Grasps her And with cold Arms still grasp her after Death Edg. By Fraud you got and would by Force maintain Let not too far thy mad Presumption strain Can I see this Takes her from him Alfr. Let not your Royall Hand By a rash man's distemper'd Bloud be stain'd If Alfrid's Tears may any thing avail Ah! let not now their Intercession fail Edg. Your Words with me such Sway shall always bear Those you may trust and need not wast a Tear But plead not Heav'n did you together knit Heav'n ne'r could be a Party to the Cheat. Alfr. This sudden Passion with the Day arose And now may with the setting Sun repose The silent Night and Sleep's refreshing Dew May to your troubled Mind its Calms renew You then what 's fit more clearly may discern And I a Vertuous Wife's Obedience learn Though you may charge my Marriage with Deceit Your's stands a firm irrefragable Lett. Edg. Were She more close preserv'd then feign'd by Greece Th' Hesperian Gold or the Phryxean Fleece By watching Dragons fiery Bulls secur'd 'Mongst Rocks of Brass or Adamant immur'd Or 'mongst eternall Ice beyond the Pole Did stormy Seas of Fire about her roll Yet would I trust to Love's almighty Power And Heav'ns high Aid more confident implore She though within my Arms by Fortune put Stands inaccessible and more remote Ah Vertue too severe too plainly I The Flaming Sword the angry Guardian see And Paradise for ever shut to me Yet surely I a certain Door discern The Bars give back and easie Hindges turn Reason exalts a fair conspicuous Head And beckens me to where my Wishes lead And tells that yet no perfect Marriage past Nor I by other Ceremony fast With you alone by Proxy firmly ty'd Which Contract good makes all the following void Alfr. Blind with Desire we each faint Glimmering watch And for sound Reason empty Shadows catch If for your Agent Ethelwold was meant I as his own did give him my Consent Did give my Hand did solemn Words repeat Designing nothing to equivocate Though by your Plea amus'd my Reason bow My Conscience will no other Husband know Edg. From all your Doubts I shall your Conscience clear Mine is the Law and the Interpreter Nor must I now your Inclinations fear Are they unjust SCENE X. Enter Ethelgede Ethelgede The guilty Couple flies Not daring stand th' Encounter of mine Eyes They turn away She makes up to them 'T is Vertue makes me bold the Name of Queen I coldly wear whilst Alfrid thrusts between Me and the Substance Up to Justice yield This Sorceress long and wrongfully withheld To Edgar From me and from her Lord my Father I In both your Ears the Law the Law will cry Edg. I shall not here alledge a Sovereign's Will Nor by your Father's Rules be justly Ill Whose dangerous Pencill would all Monarchs draw With Sword in Hand and at their Feet the Law Ethelg. They to your Royall Hand the Sword who join By the same right a Dagger place in mine Pulls out a Dagger Which her Heart's Bloud shall feel Edg. I will not hear These Threats far hence the empty Flashes bear Ethelg. Is not my Rage though from your Person ty'd Strong and let loose on all the World beside This as a Queen I will not be deny'd Edg. Leave her I almost took into my Bed To Alfrid Exeunt This Wasp Ethelg. This Wasp shall sting your Minion dead SCENE XI Ethelgede sola Fall on fall on Sword Poison Thunder Hell The Earth Air Seas with Death and Horrour fill Each Curse each Plague my rouz'd Revenge shall try Furies Medea hear assist me I Have the same Cause have the same perfect Will I onely onely want the Godlike Skill And can no Devil inspire my ready Breast My Spirit groans with Magick Rage opprest Start not the Rocks nor aged Mountains reel Nor yet my Might do's the cleft Center feel The Poles the Stars on heaps th' affrighted Moon On All on All my hot Revenge is thrown Oh! I have found where I can pain him most He shall no more his Wooden Castles boast His Navall Glory dearest Darling pride Ev'n in the Harbours whilst secure they ride See on each Hulk a fiery Storm is hurl'd And rising Flames around the Top-mast curl'd Dismally bright illustrate Edgar's World He pours out Sighs and casts an helpless Look And now his Eyes are melting with the Smoak Exit ACT V. SCENE I. Garden Alfrid Woman with the Light Alfr. PRess me no more nor Arguments pursue Too taking sweet too flattering to be true Wom. The
will forthwith your Commission seal Exeunt all SCENE VIII Ethelwold solus with Dagger in hand Ethelw A timely Chance the Secret did reveal With This I 'll guard the Treasures you would steal Another reaps my Harvest whilst I starve For my Part onely Husks and Chaff they carve I must forbear her Bed by Oath made Poor And here in secret she breaks up the Store How intricate the Heart of Woman is No Eye no Sun can pierce the dark Abyss I yet will share Howe're she may deny My Love I my Revenge will satisfy With This I 'll force her till that Heat I cloy Holds Dagger And through the Body I 'll her Soul enjoy I will lie close and with one free Home-thrust Asswage both her insatiate Pride and Lust. I' th' Dark and with my Own I may be bold The next shall find his Entertainment cold The King's Embraces give her Ecstasies In Mine she more effectually dies Exit SCENE IX Enter Edgar a Souldier presses after him with a Torch Edg. Press me no farther I command withdraw Sould. I 'll speak and then your Anger undergoe Edg. What is 't you with this rude Impatience crave Sould. 'T is Loyall Rudeness that your Life would save This way I heard a Man He gnash'd his Teeth with Discontent And rav'd and mutter'd Treason as he went SCENE X. Enter Alfrid running looks earnestly on the King Alfr. A Man I thought it had your Highness been Seiz'd and has barbarously slain the Queen Enter Woman Wom. The Murth'rer too fell with her I discern'd And heard methought the Stabs that she return'd Broken with Throbs she these Last words did strain Take bloudy Tyrant take thy Gift again Edg. Who can expound this bloudy Mystery Her Words say in her Thoughts she murther'd Me. ' Las not by Malice but Revenge enflam'd At her Assassin not the King she aim'd Our Bubble-Hopes most brittle when most fair Which swelling shine and vanish into Air. SCENE XI Enter Guards Lights Lewis Kenneth c. Sould. Her Father whate're Fury spurr'd him on Souldier returns Duke Ethelwold this horrid thing hath done Edg. Duke Ethelwold Sould. In their mixt Goar he swims And with stiff Arms still grasps her congeal'd Lims Alfr. My cruell Stars this fatall Train have laid And to the Snare I have the Queen betray'd Edg. You guilty it a blacker Crime would seem To suspect You then 't was to murther Them No bloudy Stain on your bright Form impress'd Nor on these Hands can any Guilt be trac'd Takes her by the hand Alfr. ' Las I the Queen to your Embraces sent And see how Fate has wrested mine Intent Edg. Fate or the Hand of Providence appears And now the rugged Walk to my Contentment clears Heav'n has unravell'd now the dark Decree And the high Source of my just Love I see By Ethelwold and humane Cunning crost Till he in his deep Policy is lost ' Las I forgive him who but for her sake All Loyalty and strongest Ties would break This is an happy unexpected Leap To Alfrid Now Innocent I all my Wishes reap Now Alfrid's Mine my now undoubted Right For ever Mine for ever my Delight Lew. Now in an Hour to brave Desires so just I will not the Success of mine Distrust This I give back into your Royall Hands Gives up his Commission Edg. This seems as in Contempt of our Commands Or that great Souls in Dangers most delight And void of those the easie Honour slight Lew. Your Highness will more just my Scruples rate Inform'd who 't is you did Commissionate The King of France behold him in your Power Edg. In what thick Darkness wander'd I before Are you that Injur'd Prince Lew. Th' Usurper dead France has at length my Juster Title weigh'd And own'd me King while I am Vassall here Edg. That from the English you unkindly fear Shall We your generous Confidence abuse A nobler Course to Greatness here we chuse Lew. No Greatness e're was equall to your Mind Like Heav'n by nothing but it self confin'd Whose Actions such illustrious Aspect bear That Monarchs who would copy them despair Edg. For my Reply I shall not Language seek My Deeds will more effectually speak Whilst here my Court is honour'd with your Stay In all with Me You equally shall sway And when for France you quit the English Shore Half of my Navy shall conduct you o're Two thousand Frigats in the Downs that ride Shall all be on that glorious Work employ'd Lew. Yet for all this I rest that desperate Slave Whom I may say not all your Power can save Your Royall Bounty on the Wretch is lost By a severer Power your Sentence crost A Power that now even in your Presence reigns And whilst you Freedome grant condemns to Chains Edg. Some Vision checks the Freedome I approve Lew. What you this empty Vision call is Love Edg. A King of France and doubtfull of his Claim All Hearts must melt before that sovereign Flame Lew. You will except when I Editha name Edg. I freely that Alliance shall embrace And where can she her Love more nobly place Thus Fortune both my Sisters will advance That German Empress This the Queen of France And if like me she balances Desert With a less Crown she might accept your Heart Lew. Yet Madam yet is your Consent deny'd My Joys wou'd flow your Rigour checks the Tide Edi. The Splendours of a Kingdom fill your Eyes Each Object else beneath your Prospect lies Lew. Were all the Glory of the World in view I should be blind to All the rest but You. A Kingdom then Content to me can yield When your fair Hand shall the same Scepter wield I rather here wou'd lie fixt at your Feet Then in a Throne from You divided sit Edi. You whilst eclipst may think an Object bright That will shine dim when you regain your Light When Crown'd and on your Throne consult your Mind Thence if you still these Inclinations find They may be more authentickly exprest In Pomp of solemn Embassie addrest Edg. The King himself his own Embassadour What can contribute to your Honour more He must not wait with tedious Forms amus'd But as a King and as my Friend be us'd Edi. Statesmen abroad maliciously wise Will say we make of the French King a Prize That he with vile Advantage basely trapt By Marriage onely other Bonds escap'd Edg. These Difficulties you so nicely move Are none or are however none to Love Gives him her hand Take her one Hour one Priest our Hands may joyn And the same Stars shall on our Nuptialls shine Ken. Your Will Great Sir must ever be obey'd When you Command or when you but Perswade Would you on my behalf exert your Power This too might prove My favourable Hour For Me with fair Gunilda interpose Edg. This Conduct an excessive Passion shows And in your Breast do's such a Flame confess That the Combustion in your Kingdom 's less Ken. That Trouble 's past and our