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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50693 Meroveus a Prince of the blood-royal of France A novel. 1682 (1682) Wing M1834; ESTC R217812 35,593 135

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one of the most accomplished Princes that France had yet se●h It was to have been wished that Heaven had brought him into the world in a less elevated degree that not being invironed with that dazling pomp all his perfections might have been more nearly contemplated and his merit judged of by it self It was not necessary to proceed to his Soul to find something in him worthy of admiration From all the Features that Nature had printed in his Face there resulted I know not what kind of Air which inspired love and respect in all those who approached him Never any Prince gave so fair hopes and in whose Eyes were read greater things At so tender an age he had already signalized himself in Arms and the Lawrels he had gathered in several important occasions made all the world doubt if the easiness of fighting was not rather born with him than formed by a long habit It seemed that so many fair qualities ought to have subdued Fortune to the happiness of this Prince Yet that cruel Enemy of Virtue made it on the contrary appear that it is in vain that Nature strives to maintain its Works when Fortune undertakes to attack them It was its will that the unfortunate Meroveus should search Posterity for a famous example of its power as well as injustice Fredegonda had not seen him twice when she became infinitely in love with him and as she saw that this passion was but too conformable to her ambition she wholly abandoned her self to it with all manner of joy She fancied that he being of an age that has little force to resist passions and wherein a heart is easily surprized by Love when it meets with a proper object he would hardly escape her artifices but all her cunning and all her address was in vain Meroveus after having a long time avoided her snares at length seeing that she one day spake to him openly of her love rallied her publickly for it and told her that to acknowledge the affection she had for him he would marry her to one of his Officers These words produced in Fredegonda's Soul a furious vexation and an immortal hatred which was the source of all the disgraces of Meroveus and which led him to his Grave But as the force of this wicked Woman lay in artifices she knew so well how to dissemble in that occasion that she smiled at the Princes answer and even thanked him very civily As she knew that on the first impressions good or bad that others have received from us depend oftentimes all the judgments that are made in the sequel she at first affected a conduct with Andouera which procured her the esteem and confidence of her Mistress and the jealousie of her Companions All her actions were governed by a complaisance full of sweetness a respectful submission to all that was exacted from her and an earnestness ever new to acquit her self of the least things her devoir engaged her to It is an usual defect in all good Souls to judg of others by themselves as they are incapable of any disguise they fancy they see in the actions of others as much fincerity as in their own and this imprudent goodness makes them oftentimes take for an effusion of heart what proceeds only from an address of Wit The false and deceitful appearances of Fredegonda so surprized all the affections of Andouera that this good Princess fancyed that she could not do enough to make known to her the sense she had of her services She proposed her for a model to all her other Maids of Honour she filled the Court with her praises and the King was especially dayly importuned with them so true it is that we often run precipitately to our own ruine and we become our selves the contrivers of our own unhappiness Though the Princess Andouera had already spent more than eightteen years in marriage she was still capable of charming and neither that long space of time nor her Lyings In which are usually the destroyers of Beauty had worn out any thing of that surprizing lustre which conquers hearts But as desires and hopes are the only things which maintain Love and that nothing is more capable of making us disrelish an object than a long and peaceable possession Chilperick's passion for the Queen did nothing now but languish and those devouring flames which the first fight of that Princess had kindled in his Heart were as extinguished in the injoyment of her pleasures The reputation of Fredegonda's Wit and Beauty gave him one day the curiosity of considering and discoursing her attentively It was in that occasion that this cunning Maid neglected nothing of all she judged proper for engaging the King She fought for Darts in her Eyes fit to discover the way to his Heart and drain'd all the lights of her Wit to charm the Princes It was not necessary to imploy so much address upon a man who ran to meet his Chains and who longed that a new passion might renew his desires Chilperick told Fredegonda upon his leaving her that he was very much satisfied with her discourse and that he would do her some kindness in a very short time In effect he sent for her some days after by his trustiest Officer and after having repeated to her the same thing he added for the declaring to her his passion that he had found in her more Beauty and Wit than he ought to have desired for his repose that it was to Love she was going to owe all the favours he should heap upon her but as his happiness depended on her she ought to contribute to it in giving him sensible and convincing marks of a mutual tenderness and above all that she should carefully conceal this Gallantry from the Queen who would not fail to be enraged at it As Fredegonda changed as she pleased the motions of her Face she seemed at that moment so modest that it helped to inflame the Kings desires She made him know that she desired nothing so ardently as to make appear to him the joy she felt to see her self beloved by so great a Prince but that he was not to exact any thing from her that her virtue might disallow The King was not yet so blinded with his passion but that he considered that it ever becomes a Woman to make some resistance and not to yield so soon He was not willing to press her more that day he contented himself with telling her that they would talk of it more than once and that he would give her time to think of it Having spoken these words he took out a Table-Book with Gold-Covers set with Diamonds which he made her a Present of He had hardly left her than that his imagination representing her to him yet more fair than she was made him sensible of new returns of Love and was extream impatient to see her again so that the next morning while the Queen rested he sent his Confident to
with the care of her Death that she was but too well assured of it by those marks even of pity that he gave her and that he made it enough known by his silence that it was all that he could grant her This reproach quite oppress'd Meroveus it put him entirely out of a condition of explaining his sentiments to Brunchaut Nothing but his Eyes had been able to have discovered something to her if she had well consulted them The new trouble she observed in his Face confirmed her in the errour she was in She persuaded her self that the perplexity she saw this Prince in was a tacite confession of all she had said to him when she made a strong reflection upon her misfortunes the excess of her grief made her fall into a swoon Her Maids who retired out of respect run all in at the noise they heard and brought her to her self again Meroveus received the first glances of her Eyes half open His sighs then permitting him to break a silence that had been so injurious to her he told the Princess that she was very cruel and unjust to have such low thoughts of him that no design was formed against her that the desire only of seeing her had brought him to Roan But though that Chilperick and Fredegonda should have conspired her ruine he would not ballance to embrace her defence against them that he was not only animated to it by his Glory and his Virtue that he found himself tyed to her by Bonds much more powerful than those of Nature that she ought not to attribute to his pity alone the fatal estate her sight had reduced him to that nothing but so strong a passion as Love was capable of producing so strange effects that he was resolved to procure her her liberty even at the peril of his Life that he would not force her heart to any acknowledgment for his Services but that if without doing violence to her inclinations she could suffer his Vows he prayed her to favour them and consent to the happiness of a Prince who might one day make her reign upon the chiefest Throne of France Brunchaut was so surprized with so unexpected a discourse that the excess of joy made almost in her the same effect that grief had done After having remained a long time mute she answered the Prince that she should be very credulous to add faith to his words the present juncture of affairs little permitting them to think of such a design but that if he would give her real marks of his Love he ought to endeavour her liberty as he had newly promised her that they might afterwards advise more at leisure of what would be convenient for them to do for both their repose Meroveus too much respected the Princesses will to contradict it he even stole away from the pleasures that he should have relished in a longer conversation to run and give her marks of his obedience and his zeal He sent for the Governour of the Castle the Princess was in and told him that he desired she should go out and be at liberty that he would be responsible the King should not take it ill and that he would charge himself with his Conduct This Officer too much respected his Kings eldest Son not to consent to what he demanded he presented him with the Keys of the Castle and told him that he might use them as he should think fit A reflexion which came into Meus's mind hindered him from returning then to the Princess Never had any fair passion in a great heart been so violent in so little a time as this was It seemed as if Love had only spared him till then for the making him feel at once all the transports that can agitate a Lover during several years The possession of Brunchaut appeared to him so perfect a happiness that it is not to be wondred if he thought more of securing that than any thing else By a motion of distrust very usual to Lovers he apprehended that the Princess once released out of Prison would immediately vanish out of his sight wherefore he fancyed that he ought before all things employ all his efforts to get her consent to their Marriage Whereupon he went to see her the next day The sight of her did not cause in him any new encrease of Love his passion being uncapable of receiving any He told her he had found the Captain of the Guards inflexible to his Prayers ●hat that Officer durst not dispose of any thing without express Orders from Court but upon his having assured him that he would publickly marry the Princess as soon as ever she was set free he had made known to him he would favour his Design that she could not then recover her liberty but at that rate that since time pressed she ought to declare her self with the soonest and to examine her self if it was not more advantageous for her to enter into Sacred Bonds with a Prince who would make it eternally all his happiness to please her than to languish sadly in an obscure Prison Though Meroveus should have dived into all the most secret thoughts of Brunchaut he could not more agreeably have flattered her desires She had made several reflexions upon the first visit of this Prince As she had apprehended his Love was only a passing flame which would be the more easily extinguished in that it had appeared at first with too much violence she was displeased with her self that she had not made better use of the occasion for the deeper engaging him and that she had too exactly observed scrupulous decencies out of season She had considered that she could not find a firmer support against the hatred of Fredegonda her mortal Enemy that even Chilperick could not dispence himself from protecting her when he saw her his Sons Wife that her glory was interessed in this Alliance since it was the highest Rank she could then aspire to Neither was this young Prince so indifferent to her but that Love made her give him the tenderest of her Vows Wherefore she told him that since she saw her self forced to open to him all her heart liberty was not the greatest good she desired that she should even consider it as the worst of ills if it only served to absent her from a person who could alone make her good or ill Fortune that she had been no less troubled at the sight of the Prince than he had been at hers that in fine the sighs of two hearts were never so well met Meroveus whom this discourse put into an extasie interrupted it to make known to the Princess the transports of his joy by all the terms that Love can put into the mouth of the most passionate Lovers After which he told her she must hasten so longed for moments and endeavour without ceasing the establishment of their mutual happiness that he was going to the Archbishop Pretextat his God-father to obtain from him the Dispensation
possible the happiness of these Lovers and vowed to him that they would secure him from the King and Fredegonda's anger or that it should cost them their Lives Pretextat after so general a consent did not balance any longer He sought for Meroveus to acquaint him with this favourable News This Prince whose passion was more and more irritated expected with as much fear as impatience the sentence that was to be given him When he perceived Pretextat he felt his Soul agitated with new allarms his greedy curiosity was damped on a sudden and he durst not ask to be informed of his Fate imagining that he should be too soon instructed with his misfortune But as soon as the Prelate had assured him that all favoured his Designs he cast himself at his Feet and vowed he would eternally remember the service that he disposed himself to do him he prayed him to appoint the next morning for his Marriage with the Princess and to be himself the sacred Depositor of their mutual Oaths Pretextat easily granted him what he demanded insomuch that the Prince upon this assurance left him to go and give notice to his Mistress of what passed Brunchaut who was already acquainted with the Prelates opposing Meroveus's desires was extreamly grieved at it but when this Lover had pronounced to her their mutual happiness her Tears with which her Face was all bathed were dryed up in a moment her griefs vanished and if there remained any trouble in her Soul it was only what Love and Joy excited there During several hours that the Prince stayed with her ardent sighs and passionate looks those el●quent Interpreters of the sentiments of the heart were even their principal discourse Decency having at length parted these two Lovers Meroveus returned home to pass the rest of the night It was then that this Prince felt more than ever in his Soul those uneasie desires those lively eagernesses those impatient transports those sweet agitations ever blooming In fine all that an amourous heart can be sensible of when itisi suddenly to possess what it loves That so longed for hour being come he returned to the Princesses House whom he told that it was time she should go out of Prison and that she ought no longer to wear any other Chains than those of Love Brunchaut being willing to make the Empire she had over Merove us to further her Designs viewed him with a sad Eye and which made it apparent that there was something wanting to her Vows The Prince much startled pressed her to explain the subject of her grief Whereupon she made all the persons retire who were in the Chamber and told that Lover that since he had left her she had made a serious reflexion upon the important Affair she was going to engage her self in that a second Marriage so precipitated would in some manner wound her Glory that this might make several believe that she had been of intelligence with Sigebert's Murderers that she fancyed to have heard the Voice of that Husband who cryed Vengeance to her and reproached her with her weakness and ingratitude This Lover to whom all these Words were as so many Darts piercing his Soul interrupted the Princess crying that if she was so cruel as solely to oppose his happiness by considerations meerly frivolous and chimerical he would give himself in her sight marks of his despair Brunchaut having prayed the Prince to hear her yet one moment added to what she had told him that she was too far ingaged to give back and though she could consent to it she found that she had not force enough over her self to hinder her from following the inclination of her heart but that it was necessary that an illustrious revenge should justifie her carriage and should persuade all people that she would not have returned so soon to the Laws of Marriage but for the better performing what she owed to Sigebert's Manes that in fine Victimes were required and that before they went to the Altar she exacted a faithful promise from him that he would deliver to her such as she thought her due Meroveus answered Brunchaut that her Will should be eternally the only Rule of his Actions because that he knew very well that in following them he should only follow what Glory would inspire him with whereupon putting a Fence to the ground he took one of the Princesses hands and swore he would sacrifice to her such Victims as she should think fit provided she always excepted the King his Father She told him that she only aimed at Fredegonda and her Creatures Insomuch that these Lovers did easily reconcile all their sentiments They went from the Castle to the Great Church where the Prelate expected them Never was Nuptial Pomp prepared with so much haste but one may say that it was more charming than all that Art or Luxury had yet shewn since Love appeared in triumph there in its greatest lustre The crowd of people which run to see so fine a Sight was so great that the Souldiers could hardly make a free passage for the Chariot that carryed these Lovers and the joy was so generally spread in all hearts that all places ecchoed the Vows every one sent to Heaven for their prosperity That holy Ceremony being finished the Prelate would treat the new marryed he invited them to a Feast that he had caused to be prepared with as much neatness and magnificence as so short a time could permit Several of the chiefest persons of the City were likewise of the Feast They strove with a kind of emulation to compliment this Royal Pair and to testifie especially to Brunchaut the extream displeasure they had had in seeing her so unjustly languish in a hard Captivity The Beauty of this Princess was then in its greatest splendour it seemed as if all the Graces were met in her and there issued from her Eyes and her Face I know not what lustre that had never been observed before and wherein haughtiness and sweetness made together an agreeable mixture Meroveus fixed all his looks upon her and could not be satisfied with contemplating her the more he saw her the more new Charms did he discover and though he had already formed a strong Idea of them he avowed in himself that the presence of so rare an object effaced all that his imagination had represented to him in her absence He waited with an extream impatience for the end of that day which ought to be the beginning of his happiness when that illustrious company was told that Chilperick and Fredegonda were entred the City followed by a Body of Horse and that several Squadrons were perceived at a distance coming on Meroveus as struck with Thunder at that fatal News remained a long time without motion When he had recovered his Spirits he did not doubt but that the King animated by Fredegonda would force the House in which they were and that his Mother-in-Law would use all her efforts to ruine Brunchaut
their lustre and never did any Court composed of so many Kings appear so neat and so magnificent While that so sweet a Calm enchanted all their minds and that they all strove to dissipate in so innocent Divertisements the troubles and alarms of War Love being willing to contribute to the happiness of those Princes fancied that so tranquil pleasures were not touching enough and that for the augmenting their force he ought to mingle with them some of his trouble Sigebert's indifference had always appeared to him injurious to his Glory insomuch that he resolved to revenge himself in that occasion but he would make him at the same time find that that liberty that an insensible heart does sometimes value it self for is but an imaginary good and that it is necessary to feel the effects of so fair a passion to injoy a perfect felicity Nothing can be imagined more accomplished than this Princess was at that time when she was seen heard to speak it was not known which one ought most to admire in her her Beauty or her Wit The surprizing lustre of her Face did so balance the Charms of her Discourse that a heart remained suspended between these two Objects and it would have been difficult to say which made it the soonest sigh Sigebert at each look she fixed upon him and at each word she uttered felt a flaming Dart which penetrated into his Soul and inflamed all his Desires His passion was too fair and his Vows too well placed to dissemble them After having assured himself of Brunchauts heart who according to the custom of young Women only sighed for a Throne he spake thereof to Athanagildus The King of the Goths who besides the singular esteem he had for the King of Austrasia was very glad to procure powerful Allies hearkned to him with all possible favour and after having communicated it to the Queen his Wife and to some persons of his Council he made him a positive answer and gave him his word for that Marriage As all these Princes were willing to return each one to his State the preparations for this Nuptial pomp were made with all speed but it was not the less splendid and it appear'd that those who had had the managing of it had foreseen at first that on one and the same day would be made a double Feast Gontran had learnt with a sensible displeasure Chilperick's divorce from Andouera and as the glory of his Blood was dear to him he could not suffer that Fredegonda should mount upon his Brothers Throne by so unjust and shameful means Seeing that it would have been almost impossible to have re-established Andouera he bethought himself of another expedient which might in some manner repair Chilperick's Crime which was to make him marry Galsuinta Brunchauts Sister imagining that the lustre of the Blood and likewise of the Vertues of that Princess might deface the Stain wherewith so unhappy a passion had newly stained his Brother He acquainted Sigebert with his design and told him that they both ought to interess themselves in this affair and not to let so favourable an occasion escape Sigebert whose inclinations were conformable to his Brothers was of his opinion they went together to find out Chilperick and remonstrated to him that Kings Marriages ought to be the effect of a wise Policy and not of a blind passion that when he was to associate a Woman to his Throne he ought only to consult the good of the State and that the heart ought not to have any part in it that he did not entirely blame him for having put away Andouera since that alliance had been very useless to him but that he ought to make choice in her place of an illustrious person and who might bring into his Interests the Princes of her Blood that for the setling and cementing the Peace they had newly sworn it was convenient he should marry the Princess Galsuinta that it would be the means to stifle by so near an union all the difference that might arise in the future between the two Brothers In fine if he was desirous their Reconciliation should be intire he must resolve on that Marriage Chilperick being of a soft and fearful nature durst not resist the Princes propositions he consented they should agree the Affair with the King of the Goths and promised to ratifie all they should do Athanagildus was over-joyed with this second Alliance but a scruple troubled him in favour of his Daughter and he could not defend himself against the alarms that Chilperick's love for Fredegonda gave him Insomuch that this Prince was obliged to swear upon the Altars that Galsuinta should be hence-forward the only object of his passion and that he would wholly stifle the tenderness he had had for his favourite a frivolous Oath which he quickly fancied Love might dispence him from In the mean time Meroveus in the midst of so much publick rejoycing had his Soul alone delivered up to grief and sadness The Queen his Mothers misfortune and Fredegonda's happiness had rendred him uncapable of any sentiments of joy but he was not insensible of it when he learn'd that a Princess was going to possess the place designed for his Enemy and if a change so favourable and so little hoped could not wholly extinguish his resentment at least he received no small comfort to see Fredegonda's designs brought to nothing in the moment she fancied she was above the capriciousness of fortune He made Galsuinta several Visits and always made appear to her with sincere protestations the desire he had to see her reign with his Father He went also to see Brunchaut from time to time and had with her several particular conferences in which he was never wearied with admiring her Beauty and the extraordinary Charms of her Wit but it was ever without trouble and emotion the fatal hour not being yet come that Love would employ that fair one for the ruine of this young Prince These Nuptials being celebrated with all manner of magnificence they all returned towards their States Athanagildus went towards Spain Gontran towards Orleans Sigebert with Brunchaut took the way of Austrasia and all the Grandees of Chilperick's Court obliged him to return to Soissons to make in the Capital of his Kingdom a Triumphant entry with his new Bride It must be avowed that Love is something very capricious that this fierce Tyrant of Souls is extream jealous of his Power and his Rights Galsuinta had so lively and touching a Beauty that no body could support the lustre of it without amazement and to give a perfect Idea of her it is sufficient to say that she was an exact portraict of her Sister Brunchaut But though all the Graces should have transformed themselves into her though Nature should have drained it self in forming her Chilperick had married her without consulting Love and this was enough to make him conceive for her sentiments of contempt and aversion Those sweet
that was necessary for them that he did not believe he would refuse it him having already received from that Prelate in other rencounters several marks of a particular affection After these words he left her and run to Pretextat's house to whom he communicated his Designs praying him to bring no obstacle to them The Prelate strangely surprized with such a piece of News remonstrated to the young Prince that he better ought to command his passion and moderate his desires that what he demanded of him could not be done that it would cause too great a scandal in the world and that it would likewise expose them both to the Kings resentment This cruel refusal reduced this poor Lover to despair he begged and threatned by turns but his prayers and his threatnings were equally in vain and Pretextat to avoid the ill effects they might produce left him angrily and run to shut himself up in the most secret place of the House Meroveus went away in such furious transports that he was not himself He went to Gailan his Confident whom he asked what he should do in that sad case and that if he judged it not convenient to go seize the Pretextat cunningly for to frighten him and constrain him to consent to his Marriage with Brunchaut Gailan was a man of a ripe and setled judgment who rather deplored the blindness of his Master than inclined to flatter his passion He told him that he ought not to act with so much precipitation in an Affair of that importance that he ought to foresee the ills he would bring upon himself that Fredegonda had already but too much imbittered the King against him without giving him still so just a subject of complaint Meroveus whose anger was inflamed at so free a discourse silenced his Confident with furious threatnings He told him that if he opened his heart to him it was to learn what way he should take to arrive at the possession of what he loved and not to know what consequences his Love might have that he had foreseen them as well as himself but that they allarmed him but little that he should esteem himself too happy let what would happen if he once saw himself Brunchauts Husband that in fine he forbid him upon pain of Life never to make him the like remonstrances The passion of this unfortunate Prince proceeded to such an excess that his great Soul which had ever been capable of embracing so many things at once was then wholly possessed with it it remained in a kind of insensibility for all other objects and it was not known if it was still susceptible of reason but in entertaining Brunchaut Gailan perceiving that this Lover was not in a condition to relish any moderate counsel fancied that the most useful service that he could do him was to facilitate to him the possession of his Mistress since if he came to miss of her it was to be feared his despair might carry him to attempt something against himself After having asked him pardon for the boldness his zeal had made him take he told him that the surest means to move Pretextat was not to use rigour and threatnings that he ought on the contrary renew more and more to him his prayers and submissions and make known to him that if he shewed himself inexorable it would infallibly cost the Princes Life that he only saw two objects capable of giving him repose his Marriage with Brunchaut or Death What weaknesses is not Love capable of making a heart guilty of And what low sentiments does it not inspire it with Meroveus whom the fear of the greatest dangers nor even death before his Eyes had ever been able to make him stoop to his Enemies embraces Gailan and does himself beg his excuse for his passion He returned immediately to Pretextat's house to whom he sent up word that he beseeched him to hear him yet once more and that he needed not to apprehend any thing from him The Prelate loving this young Prince was not insensible to his misfortune He was willing to give him the satisfaction he demanded and expose himself once more to his sight He came to him and observing in his Face a a little more tranquility than before he asked him if he begun to be cured of his passion Meroveus viewing him with languishing Eyes replyed that Brunchaut reigned too soveraignly in his heart to believe he could ever renounce her possession that this serenity which appeared in his Face was rather a mark of his despair than of the tranquility of his Soul that before he abandoned himself entirely to it he returned to implore his goodness that Pretextat had his Life and his Fate in his hands that as soon as he should have assured him that he ought not to pretend to the marriage of the Princess he would run to Death This discourse uttered with an action wholly passionate so moved Pretextat that he could hardly forbear shedding tears He begged the Prince to believe that he shared in his grief and that it was not without regret that he found himself unable to grant what he desired At these fatal words Meroveus seized-with a blind fury drew his Sword and would have run himself through in that Prelate's sight if he had not been hindred Pretextat who really found by this action that it concerned the Princes Life to marry him to Brunchaut told him to re-assure him that since he saw this Marriage was so important to him he would not resist it any longer that however as he would not do any thing against his conscience and which might displease the Holy See he was willing to consult first the most understanding Divines of Roan and that within three days at the farthest he would give him a positive answer But Meroveus who besides the impatience of his Love feared with reason some obstacle on Chilperick's and Fredegonda's part was not satisfied with these promises He would not go from Pretextat's house till he had assured him he would go that moment to consult such persons as were fit to clear his doubt In effect this Prelate lost not any time He caused several Doctors to assemble in all haste they all told him it was their opinion he might celebrate the Princes Marriage without wounding his conscience Pretextat after having settled all on Gods side was likewise willing to keep peace with the King as well as he could or at least to procure himself Defenders against his resentment Wherefore he proposed this Alliance to the most considerable of the City and told them that he would do nothing without their advice Fredegonda's Crimes reflecting upon Chilperick begun to render him as well as she an object of hatred and contempt to all his Subjects There was not one but looked with Eyes of pity upon Brunchaut's Captivity Insomuch that Pretextat agreeably surprized all those he spoke to of this Affair Very far from opposing it they encouraged him to procure as soon as
Eyes did only help to encrease his ills and augment his regrets But his main trouble was the uncertainty he was in of Brunchaut's Fate and was in a mortal fear that Fredegonda had caused her to be assassinated upon the Way He could not conceive this Idea without despair and it was however what hindred him from attempting any thing himself because he would not abandon his Life without being assured of that of the Princess It was to no purpose he inquired News of her all People were deaf to his Prayers and the continual Favours that Fredegonda bestowed upon that House stopped the mouths of all the Religious He likewise tryed all manner of ways to escape from that place but his endeavours were still fruitless till that his Enemy her self facilitated to him the execution of this Design to compleat his ruine Fredegonda had lately brought forth a Son to Chilperick whom she designed for the Throne and fore-seeing that Meroveus after the Kings Death might return from his Vows with so much the more ease in that his heart had ever disavowed them she fancyed that nothing but this Princes Death could secure the Crown to her Son Wherefore she resolved of it let what would happen Of all the Creatures she had made the most powerful was Bozon Lieutenant-General of Sigebert's Armies This man since the Death of that Prince had ever remained at Sigebert's Court who considered him upon Fredegonda's recommendation She one day told this Favourite that she must exact an important Service from him and that she would fully acknowledge it Bozon assured her that he was ready to undertake all things for her Whereupon she communicated to him her Design of dispatching Meroveus and proposed to him the proper means for that end He approved them and they resolved to cast so horrid a Crime upon Gailan the Princes Confident and to perplex him in this Affair Bozon went privately away from Court taking such persons with him as he had an absolute power over He went to find out Gailan to whom he said he was resolved to attempt Meroveus's Liberty whose misfortune he deplored that he had several Friends in the House he was in that he hoped to oblige the Religious to leave him to him and that he would then conduct him into Austrasia where the Queen his Wife would be sure to receive him with joy Gailan's Affection for his Master was too great to refuse so fair a Proposition He encouraged Bozon to so fair and generous an enterprize and assured him that if he was happy enough to bring it to pass the Prince would not be ungrateful They went together to the place where he was and Bozon made Gailan to expect him at the Door Bozon seeing the Prince told him that the resentment that he had of the ills that his Enemies made him suffer so unjustly had brought him to that place where by the means of Prayers and Promises he was suffered to come to him Meroveus immediately interrupted him to ask News of Brunchaut Bozon assured him that she reigned peaceably in Austrasia and renewing his discourse he related to the Prince that he was upon the point of returning thither that if he would suffer himself to be conducted by his zeal he would procure his liberty that Gailan expected them twenty Paces from thence with a Troop of trusty Men that they would go together into that Country where he did not doubt but the Queen would receive him with open Arms. Meroveus transported with joy at this obliging Discourse embraced Bozon told him that he would follow him where ever he would lead him and swear to him that he would equal the recompence to the greatness of the Service Bozon told him that he needed only to come out and that the Religious who had care of the Door attended Meroveus marched immediately with him they traversed all the Cloisters and likewise passed the Door without any obstacle insomuch that this Prince then fancied that Fortune after so many outrages would be at length reconciled to him They went to Gailan and the other persons with him Gailan was in an extasie to see his Prince again for whom he had so tender and so sincere an affection This little Troop without losing any time marched with all speed towards Austrasia When they were within a League of Metor Bozon remonstrated to the Prince that it was not convenient to pass further without giving the Queen notice because that the sight of the Prince might allarm all the Court who would imagine with some appearance of reason that it would be a new subject of War with Chilperick that therefore it was fit Gailan should be sent who being unknown might the more easily and without being suspected speak in secret to Brunchaut Meroveus was loath to consent to this Proposition because his love drew him with too much violence towards the Princess But he was forced at length to yield to it and durst not openly contradict Bozon Gailan went from the Prince in hopes of doing him an important Service In the mean time he did not foresee that his absence would facilitate to the Assassinates the execution of their detestable enterprize After that Meroveus had refreshed himself sometime in a Country House Bozon asked him if he would not go meet Gailan This Lover impatiently longing to see Brunchaut again received this notice with joy They all marched hastily towards Metor and when they were come into a Wood which was but half a League from it Bozon having given the signal to those he had chosen for this horrible Sacrifice two of those perfidious Wretches stabbed that unfortunate Prince with their Ponyards and bathed them in his Blood Bozon returned immediately towards Paris to give an account to Fredegonda and the Assassinates according to the Order they had received hid themselves in the Wood waiting for Gailan who came some moments after When he perceived Meroveus in so fatal a condition he was seized with such an horrour which made him make a great shriek Meroveus at this noise opening his Eyes and still knowing Gailan rallied all the Life he had left him to ask him how the Queen did Gailan saw that the Prince was upon the point of dying and that all the help he endeavoured to give him would be useless so that he thought of nothing but satisfying his last desire He drew a Letter out of his Pocket that Brunchaut had given him and put into Meroveus his hands The Prince re-assumed as much as he could his languishing looks he fixed them upon this Paper and it seemed as if Love stopped the stroke of Death to permit this Lover to enjoy this last delight So that he had strength enough to read the Letter which is as follows I Am extreamly grieved Sir to see that my Authority is not yet so well settled as to go and receive you with all the lustre that my Devoir and my Love require Be pleased to come this Evening secretly to Court with
tell her he desired to speak with her and she immediately went to the Cabinet where he waited for her Fredegonda knowing better how to dive into the hearts of others than they into hers easily perceived that Chilperick was too much a slave to his Love to be able ever to master it Wherefore as it was Ambition that made her act she did not amuse her self to flatter his passion with frivoulous hopes but had the boldness to tell him that if he desired she should answer it he must marry her that her birth was not inferiour to Andouera's that nothing was so common with all Princes as divorce that neither reasons nor pretext would be wanting for the furthering the design that this procedure towards Andouera was not unjust that it was enough for her to have held so glorious a rank near twenty years that for her part when she should as long have shared his Crown with him she would endeavour to comfort her self if an other took her place that in fine he might assure himself that nothing but his Faith could obtain from her what he pretended After these words she went out of the Cabinet and left the Prince in a mortal trouble Though it be easie for Love to become all on a sudden Master of a Heart and that one moment alone is sufficient for it to chase away all that opposes its designs yet it does not reign there soveraignly until after several strifes for the rendring its Victory the more illustrious and the more powerfully engage reason to support its interests Chilperick found his mind a long time wavering between his Devoir and his new passion if the pleasures he hoped to injoy in the possession of Fredegonda inclined him towards her on the other side the Image of his Glory stained by so shameful a Divorce and the innocence of Andouera were powerful curbs to stop the rapidity of his Vows The great marks of Love that he had received from that good Princess her passionate tenderness her ardent sighs her transports ever new her application cares and complaisance knocked every Moment at the Door of his Heart to put him in mind of recovering a lawful Empire But as it is much more easie to stray from our Devoir than to return to it when we have been once out of the way all these objects after having for some time shaked Chilperick's mind disappeared at length to let Love triumph All that virtue could obtain from him was that he should do what he could to persuade Fredogonda before that he resolved to be divorced from Andouera Whereupon he besieged that imperious Mistress with all manner of Arms. He joyned to the lustre of his person all the discourses of the most submissive Lovers and without doubt a woman less ambitious than Fredegonda would not have been able to have held out against so many importunities but that haughty passion had too deep roots in her heart to suffer her to be seduced by other impressions She was ever deaf to the Prayers of Chilperick and after having a long time denyed him and even refused the Presents he would have made her She once told him very sharply that he was very scrupulous and very fearful not to dare to take that liberty to become happy which the example of so many Princes authorized and which Cherebert his Brother had himself practised There is no injury which so sensibly touches Kings as the reproach of fear as boldness is the first mark of courage they imagine for the better making appear the greatness of their Souls they ought to give their power its full scope insomuch that what moves them to unlawful actions is oftentimes only a vain glory of making known that they are capable of undertaking all things Fredegonda's words had so much force upon Chilperick's heart that they partly determined him intirely to marry her His pride represented to him that to make the impression in the mind of that Maid and of all his People of a strong Idea of his independence he ought not to defer his Divorce from Andouera and Love applauding the sentiments of his pride persuaded him that he ought no longer to ballance the establishing his happiness since it would only cost him one crime which the most natural of all passions had ever rendered excusable He told his Mistres● that he very well foresaw that he must consent to what she desired and that he would quickly make her see that it was not a motion of fear that had made him resist so long This discourse so puft up Fredegonda's vanity that she began from that moment to fancy her self Crowned and to act like a Soveraign with all people The Queen who was not long without perceiving it was the most of all concerned at this Change As she had never found any thing but submission and respect in Fredegonda the imperious Air with which she spake to her could not enough surprize her She several times made her gentle remonstrances and seeing it was to no purpose she one day proceeded to threatnings Fredegonda being no longer detained by any confideration answered her sharply and left the Chamber telling her that she had no longer right to use those terms that her time was passed and that others was going to begin These words were clear enough to explain to the Queen Chilperick's new engagement but being still blinded by her easiness they only plunged her into a great disquiet As she was in these agitations Meroveus her Son came to her Apartment to make known to her the first news of her Disgrace Meroveus having a penetrating Wit had a long time perceived Fredegonda's Designs but being he had ever believed that the King would have no less power than he to resist her artifices he had not thought fit to alarm the Queen with the recital of a thing of little consequence and wherein he did not foresee that the Glory and Love of that Princess were to be one day equally interressed An Officer of the Kings Bed-Chamber deploring the approaching misfortune of Andouera having given notice to the Prince of what passed Meroveus believed it necessary to acquaint the Queen suddenly with it that she might joyn with him to avoid the storm that was going to powder upon her The poor Princess having learn'd Meroveus fatal discourse fell into a swoon in his arms and it was to little purpose that the Prince remained pious in this Rencounter and that he left her not in that oppression being when she came to her self she was the more sensible of her misfortune and delivered her mind up to the most cruel attacks of Grief They resolved to go find the King out immediately and to remonstrate to him the disorders this unhappy passion would produce if he resolved to satisfie it at the expence of his Glory Approaching the Kings Apartment they perceived at a distance through the Glass Windows Fredegonda holding a Table-Book in her hands After having stole softly to the Window