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A16263 The notable hystory of two faithfull louers named Alfagus anb [sic] Archelaus Whearein is declared the true fygure of amytie and freyndshyp. Much pleasaunte and delectable to the reader. Translated into English meeter by Edwarde Ienynges. With a preface or definytion of freyndshyppe to the same. Jeninges, Edward.; Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375. Decamerone. 1574 (1574) STC 3184.8; ESTC S109147 33,069 104

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daie When to theyr freindes lyke yromyse they do make In wealth and wo them neuer to forsake But now a daies I fere but few men do lyue That will vnto theyr freyndes such freinshyp gyue ¶ And thus concludinge my simple Preface Most hartely I pray the Readers all If in this booke parhaps by my trespasse Some thyng amysse to them doth befall Showe me my faulte and mende it I shall Desyrynge no man my worke to disdayne Though symple it be and done with small payne FINIS ¶ The famous Hystory of Alfagus and Archelaus Wherin is declared the true fygure of Amytye and Freindshyp Cap. i. IN Rome sumfyme a Knyghte dyd dwell Both noble wise and good Hys stocke of auncyente Romaynes were And not of Rascall blood Lypodus hyghte thys noble man for so mem dyd hym call Beloued he was of all folkes in the Cyttie great and small ¶ A Ladye had thys noble Knighte of worthy stocke and fame Betweene whom God a sonne dyd sende Alfagus was hys name Acomely Chylde and fayre he was as any man myght see In learnyng apte to euery thynge whych taught to hym myght bee ¶ This knight therfore when as his sonne to lawefull yeres ded growe He thought how he by vertuous trade myght make hym wysdome knowe But at the laste by musynge longe he vnderstood right well Of Carthagye that noble place much praise he harde men tell ¶ How that was cheefe and fountayne of all wisdome and all grace Next vnto God all prudence came and doctrine from that place And noble men from far aboute theyr Chyldren thether sent And Lypodus this knight therfore euen of the same intent ¶ His sonne Alfagus brought foorth with to Carthagye that hee Myght lerne good letters and also a Scholler there to bee And hosted him with one who was an auncyent man and wise A Senatour of the Cittie who good councell dyd deuyse ¶ Of Carthagie that noble place and Cyttie of great fame The cheifest ruler then was hee and Olympus was hys name Thys Olympus had a sonne also whom Archelaus men dyd call In euery parte both hande and face like Alfagus was hee all ¶ Theyr age was equall both as one agreeinge iust and ryght Theyr faces so proporshined both a lyke in all mens sight That no man coulde deserne the one and say this is the other They were not knowē but by their names of father nor of mother ¶ And as these two yonge gentlemen agreid lyke in lymme Alfagus Archelaus vnto and Archelaus to him So in shorte space acquayntaunte grewe the one so to the other That inwarde loue oprest theyr hartes and eche one called brother ¶ Theyr willes and Appetites both in one so God had congulated That neuer since the worlde began like them was none created At one time they together went to study and to learnynge At one time they at meales also tooke both a lyke refresshynge ¶ They both delyted in one kynde of doctryne and therby They profyted and were therwith both learned equally And to conclude together they with learnynge so increased That in shorte tyme to them myght be in Carthage none compared ¶ At length deseast Olympus which was Archelaus father dere For whom Alfagus as well as hee dyd mourne with heauy chere But then Archelaus after that his father was deseased To all men knowen he was wyth goods and ryches much increased ¶ Wherfore to hym was profered ryche maryges many a won With maydens fayre and bryght but hee set not hys minde theron And he then beinge ●ype of yeres of parsonage with all Ryght well ve set in euery lymme a comely man and tall ¶ Wherfore his freindes and kynsmen all exhorted hym that hee After this counsaile set his mynde to wed some fayre Lady To the intente his lynage hee myght so increase ther by But this yonge man his hart had set so on Philosophy ¶ And on his freind Alfagus to his loue he set so su●e That if he shuld mary he thought it colde not styll indure But that he shuld leaue of from one and cleaue another to Wherfore longe tyme he did delaye the thinge with much a do ¶ And would not consent to theyr mynde for ought that they colde saye How be it still they woulde not rest to moue hym daye by daye To mary one that myght hym please and gyt some Childe her by Which myght inherit and haue his lande when he shuld chaunce to dye ¶ So at the last he graunted because hys freindes on hym so sore Euen by importunat callynge on styll dayly more and more And partly by the aduyce and mynde of Alfagus hys freind dere And by dysyre of many mo he drew theyr pourpose nere ¶ Consentynge for to mary one in whom he myght delyght And in all thinges vnto hys mynde ryght pleasaunt in hys syght● Wyth whych wordes all hys freindes kyn was wondrous glad in hart And busyly for hym a none eche one dyd showe hys part ¶ And sought wheare they myght fynde a mayde for 〈◊〉 right faire and good Of like yeres vnto hym and of sowe worthy ●euse and blood So longe they sought that at the last a maybe they dyd espye Of parsonage maners and in age in excelent bewtie ¶ A comely damsell and a tall in equall stature pyght With eyes as graye as glas and skynne most lyke to snowe was whyte Of equall yeres shee was to him in vertuous maners taught Of noble blood full riche also no better myght be sought ¶ Thys Ladye thought they good for such a gentleman of kynde They thought her apte for hym and hee in her myght please hys mynde When Archelaus freyndes and eke the maydens freindes also Had talked all theyr minde and when eche one theyr wyls dyd knowe ¶ And on the couenauntes were agreed how the maryage should bee They gaue Archelaus chounsaile that the mayden he shuld see And ofte repayre to her so that he myght ryght well at ease Knowe with his hart if that shee wyth her beautie might hym please ¶ Archelaus goeth to see his Ladie Who pleaseth him right well Hee carieth Alfagus with him to see her who is so taken in her loue that hee lyeth sicke with intollerable paine Cap. ii AFter the counsayle of his freindes Archelaus did agree And went without delaye anone hys Ladye for to see Who in all partes hee found to bee so pleasaunt to hys mynde That if hee shoulde seeke all the worlde none better coulde her finde ¶ Nor to his hartes desyre hee thoughte myght be founde one so meete Wherfore anone with louynge wordes to her hee spake full sweete And sayde fayre Lady is your mynde to haue me for your make And can you fynde within your hart all other to forsake ¶ Saue onely I and cleaue to mee how say you Lady bryght Shee aunswered hym sayd for sooth all that is in my might I am content to do your mynde my hartes desyre is so And thus when they
hee tourned backe agayne hys countenaunce vnto ioye Comfortynge hys dere freind in all that euer hee myght do Desyrynge hym and sayd howe came thys great dysease in you ¶ And why haue you byn so vnkynde not shewynge mee att all Of this dysease which vnto you of late tyme dyd ●efall But thus vnkyndly and vnwyse to seeke your owne decaye When as I myght by knowyng therof haue sought some helpe and waye ¶ If any thynge for syluer or golde to helpe you myght be bought I woulde not staye my selfe till all thys regyon I had sought And though that it shoulde coste mee all the substaunce I coulde make Yet woulde I thynke it well bestowed to spende it for your sake ¶ With which woordes then the mortall sighes tenued more and more Within Alfagus harte and he began to weepe full sore So that abundauntlie the teares downe from his eyes did fall And many a sorowfull syghe hee sent out from his harte with all ¶ The which when Archelaus saw he coulde no more forbeare But was resolued to teares a non his harte all fyxed in care And sayd Alfagus most dere friend do not your mynde delaye But shewe me all and euerye deale most hartely I you pray ¶ Alas whye are you so vnkynde that you will not disclose Your secret sicknes vnto mee when as I did suppose You would not haue kept backe from mee no secrete thyng at all For I woulde haue hid nought from you what soeuer myght befall ¶ Therfore I pray you let me know what greuous payne you haue That I may seeke some helpe with haste you from the death to saue For nothyng is to me so dere nor precious in my syght But for you● sake hee wyll anon depart with it forth ryght ¶ Although myne owne lyfe I should lose It would I not delay But runne and go all that I myght for your helpe nyght and day The whyth woordes when Alfagus harde and sawe the mone and greefe Which his deere friende ●…laus made to seeke for his releefe ¶ All ●…yng and in shamefast wyse by force as then constrayned Unto his friend his tale he tolde and in this wyse complayned My most deere friend and faythfull mate lea●e of your faythfull mynde Call backe agayne the wordes you spake some helpe for mee to fynde ¶ And rather slaye mee where I lye drawe out your knyfe therfore Dyspatch my dayes that I may see the ●e●ght of heauen nomore Most myserable wretch and Traytorfalce to you my feiende am I And of all men vppon the Earth most worthye for to dye ¶ For lyke as god by hys great power hath formed vs as one All lyke in euerye forme and part for men to looke vppon So hath he made ou● myndes agree in euery thynge alyke For looke what one of vs would haue the other therto doth seeke ¶ Our myndes and apetytes are as one they dyffer nought at all I thynke that neuer wyth no men lyke friend shyppe dyd befall And now so soone alas I say so soone this loue is gone Good friend shyppe is excluded and of reason there is none ¶ No doctryne doth anayle nor man in wysdome may not truste Nor no fydelytye in a friende in this case maye be iuste Yea Archelaus the great truste Whych you on me dyd laye Hath caused me for to conspyre agaynste you nowe this daye ¶ Alas agaynste you my deere friend to do thys thyng vn●yght How haue I ●en inta●g●ed with some foule ●…ous spryght What thyng was in your mynde alas when wysdome was awaye Why tolde you mee of that fayre mayde which is so freshe and gay ¶ And you haue chosen her to wyfe alas why did you se Why had you not left me at home but let me wyth you go Ahlas I saye where was your wyt remembrynge not at all The great fragillitie of our loue and Natures bonde wyth all ¶ What neede you haue regarde of me what pleasure you dyd fynde In the beholdynge of her whome you loued in your mynde Why would you haue me se her whom your selfe could not beholde But with the beutie of her face your loue to her had tolde ¶ Your mynde was fyxed and your harte was rauyshed her to see And yet for that in all this thynge you had no mynde of mee Alas why dyd you so forget and coulde not thynke vppon That both our wills and apetytes hath byn alwayes as one ¶ For alwayes that which in your eyes was pleasaunt for to see Hath alwayes byn in euery parte in lyke sarte vnto mee What neede more wordes Archelaus for your truste in me I saye Hath caused me with vnkynd loue to be intrapt this daye ¶ The raynes and pleasaunt beames most fayre ensuyng from her eyne Whom you haue chosen for to loue hath pearst thys hart of myne Yea the remembraunce of her and her vertues manyfold Hath strouken me with a deadlye wound and made my hart full colde ¶ So that I do desyre nought els but lyke an vnkynd wretche I myght departe out of this lyfe this myserye to dispatche As one not worthye to haue lyfe and felowshyp wyth you My most deere friende which alway hath ben vnto me so true ¶ But I haue ben to you vnkynde alas why should I lyue And with those wordes out from his harte full heauye syghes dyd gyue Desolued all with teares great store which from his eyes did runne Con ●…dyng these his wordes in care as he had them begunne ¶ Archelaus accuseth hym selfe of Follye He renounceth hys t●… that he hath in the Lady to Alfagus and showeth him the way howe hee shall haue her to hys wyfe vnwares to all his friendes Cap. iiii WHen Alfagus made an ende and had confessed all How with the syght of y faire mayd what payne dyd hym befall Hys deere friend Archelaus then as nothyng discontente Nor yet astoyned at the thynge in which his friende was be ●te ¶ But with a merye countinaunce Alfagus did imbrace He kyssed hym and on this wyse his woordes foorthwith did place Why friende Alfagus at your harte is this same all the greefe And had you thought within your harte there could be no reliefe ¶ Alas whye were you so vnkynde that ye would not declare The cause of thys your payne to me but in your hatte it bare Alas why keepe you of so long and would not let me kno Why wer● you so vnkynde to keepe your secret mynd mee fro ¶ I do confesse my folly here wherwith I am attaynte You haue disclosed my fond wyt to me in your complaynt For shewynge vnto you the mayde wom I chose to my wyfe I dyd remember nothyng in the nature of our lyfe ¶ Nor how our myndes and apetytes in all thynges doth agree Nor yet the vnytie of our hartes remembred was of mee Wherfore it is no man but I which hath done all this ill Surelye I can not well excuse my selfe by reasons skyll ¶ For who of ryght can
huge wyth bodyes large and longe The same loue caused hym by force vppon a Rocke to spyn Sittyng amongest the maydens clad a womans clothyng in ¶ The same lone also which did cause the Prynces ferse and stoute Of Greese and eke all Asya to assemble in a route En●am●yng in the fy●●des of Croy wyth manye 〈◊〉 fyght And manye storme and tempast they did sastayne day and nyght ¶ The same lone I do say agaynst whose ferce al●●uites to stryue May no resistaunce he at all that reason can contryue Hath wounded me so suddenlye and stroake my hart so sore That remediles I should haue died no man could me restore ¶ Had not Archelaus holpen me through his freindship incomparable I should haue ended miserabeliye my wofull fyfe vncurable I see you do desyre to know and fayne would haue me tell Whom where and what she is that I haue chosen to loue so well ¶ O noble Carthagines in this no longer wyll I staye But openly declare it now to you wythout delay It is Andromycus the Ladye fayre the which Archelaus chose To be his wife till desteny did theyr fatall threddes vniose ¶ Whom he did loue most intyrlie but when his gentle harte Perceaued loue had strouken me euen with her forsynge darte And that my loue was set as then more higher in degree Then his and that I forced was to loue then his Lady ¶ And that it neuer dyd proseede of wanton lust nor wyll Neyther it of conuersation longe wherby to taulke out fyll Corrupt desyre or fantasye he saw no sway did beare But with the onlie sight of her so taken in the snare That I immediatlie was strouke with most vncurable care ¶ Desyring all that euer I myght death to dyspatche my dayes Prouokyng therto all I could by sundry kynde of wayes But he then by his wisedome soone perceiued well the thyng As I doubt not but that ye do by this my tale tellyng ¶ That by predestinacion shee of God was geuen to mee And not to him but that shee should my onely Lady bee Wherto be geuyng place as one both faythfull wyse and iuste Estemyng more our freyndshyp then a womans loue and luste ¶ Wherto he was end●sed more by his freyndes wyll and mynde Then by the vyolence of Cupids darte constrayned after kynde Wherfore ryght wyllingly to mee his intrest he dyd gyue The whych he to the damsell had that so his freynd myght lyue ¶ And it is I Alfagus truly which did the wayden wed I put a Ryng her finger vppon and went with her to bed Of shame fastnes her Gyrdle then foorthwith I did vntaye By her I haue lyne all this nyght what would you haue me saye ¶ I haue confyrmed matrymonye and made her now a wyfe She is myne owne and I am hers while God shall lende vs lyfe It these wordes they whych present were began to murmure fast And on Archelaus daynusly full greuouse lookes did cast ¶ Then Alfagus spake agayne and sayd why looke you on him so Leaue of your gr●dgyng countenaunces and menassynges which you sho Towardes my freind Archelaus for he hath done to you all Great honour and no deede wherby reproch to hym should fall ¶ I tell you he accomplysht hath the hole partes of afryend And that loue which was most certayne he hath done to the end He knew in Afrycke he myght fynde another Ladye bryght As fayre and eke as ryche as shee in whom he myght delyght ¶ And one in whom perchaunce he might haue better consolacion Then to this whom he dyd not fyrste agree with contentacion But such a freend as I was hee hauyng respect and mynde Unto our syinylyinde and ●ke our longe approued kyade ¶ Also of my condycion and estate hee was sure Neuer for to fynde the lyke while his lyfe did indure Also the damsell suffereth no dispa●gement in her blood Nor hinderaunce in her m●rryage but hath one as ryche in good ¶ And rather is aduaunced more to dignitie by mee But to my freind Archelaus would I no disprayse should bee Consyder noble Lordes also that I did not her take My father lyuyng when therin ye myght suppression make ¶ That as well her great ryches as her beautye did alure Me for to take her for my wyfe and so my harte procure But now my father is disseased in her I take delyght And ioyne my selfe with faithfull loue to be hers daye and nyght ¶ When I do farre exceede her in possessyons and also My substance farre surmounteth hers as you ryght well do kno When the most noble men of Roome and eke of Italye Desired in my felowship to keepe mee companye ¶ Ye haue great cause therfore to thanke Archelaus of this thyng And as you ought of ryght you should in him haue reioysyng And not to cast such angrye lookes extollyng so therby This kyndnes shewed vnto mee by hym wrought wonderouslye ¶ Wherby of wee and all my blood such freindship hath he wonne That neuer better frendes myght be synce firste the world begonne And to your Cytie thorow me such hap now may you haue That from your foes through all the worlde ryght well wee shall you saue ¶ The which thyng well consydered you myght for Archelaus sake In lykenes of hym with fine gould a comlye picture make And in the cheefest place of all your Citie let it stande Uppon a Pyller that all men which dwelleth in the land ¶ May haue in minde our freindship great that is incomparable And how vnto this Citie there may benefyts come innumerable But if that this perswasion maye nor can not satisfie Your 〈◊〉 but that ye wyll imagen now therby ¶ Any thynge to the damage of Archelans my freind so dere When that I am departed hence ●●auy●g hym wyth you here To God the creator of all thynges my vow here I do make That as I shall haue knowledge therof in all hast for his sake ¶ Hether I shall resort and bryng thinuinsible powre of Roome Reuengyng hym agaynst his foes with such a cruell doome That all Afrycke therof shall reporte and speake perpetuall shame Unto theyr owne reproche and eke dishonour of theyr name ¶ And therwithall Alfagus and Archelans stoode vpryght But all the other that was theare of Alfagus stood in flyght Dyssemblyng all theyr mallyce and made seemabelly their cheare As they contented in all thynges to Alfagus myght appeare ¶ Alfagus is sent for to Roome Archelaus is banished his countrey by hys kyndred After Alfagus departyng hee is fayne to beg hys bread and so poorelye commeth to Rome to seeke Alfagus he thinketh thinketh him selfe dispised entreth in to a Barne lamēting his fortune Cap. vii SOone after thys by atorytie of the Senate and people of Rome Alfagus sent for was that he wythout delay myght come Home to theyr Citie and 〈◊〉 his fathers dignitie Which seyng needes he must obaye did graunt them willynglye ¶ Appoyntyng them a daye when he without fayle
had talked longe and eche theyr loue dyd knew ¶ Archelaus dyd returne agayne to Alfagus hys freinde No loue of Lady in the worlde myght take hym from hys mynde Yet often tymes when to study they together both dyd go Many times Archelaus when Alfagus dyd not know ¶ Stale secretly away and to hys Lady did resorte That he with her in pastyme good myght make some pleasaunt sport And not withstandyng the great loue whych to hys freynd he bare Yet ofte tymes to hys Lady he on this wyse dyd repayre ¶ But at the laste when shamefastnes surmounted in his brest Wythin his harte he coulde not haue at no tyme quiet rest Untyll hys secret iourneys were vnto Alfagus tolde Wherfore anone these wordes hee spake and said with courage bolde ¶ Dere freinde Alfagus so it is my freindes on mee did lye As you do knowe ryght well ynoughe to wed some fayre Ladie That so I myght increse the stocke of mee and of my father Howe be it god dooth knowe with ye● to ●yde yet had I rather ¶ What then it is so nowe that I haue chosen a Ladye bryght Who to my harte in all thynges is ryght pleasaunt in my sight And ofte tymes haue I stolne awaye from you vnknowne till nowe When as wee were at study both and ye wyst not hynge howe ¶ To goo and see her whom I loue shee doth mee so delyghte For wyth her beautie my whole harte is fyxed daye and nyght To morowe therfore will I go about this tyme and tyde And you with mee shall go that theare to gether wee maye abyde ¶ An houre or twayne and passe the tyme wyth some solace and playe Where as you maye beholde and s●e my Ladye freshe and gaye Alfagus answered hym and sayd I am ryght well content To go with you my freind I thinke the tyme no better spent ¶ And fayne I woulde beholde the mayd you playse so much to me For since you spake fyrst of her I haue longed her to see Thus when they talked had awhyle the nyght on them did drawe Wherfore to rest they went anon when best theyr tyme they sawe ¶ Thus when the darknes had his course and Phebus beames so bryght The restles Sonne I meane did shawe vppon the yearth same lyght The mornyng sonne with shininge beames all landes hath ouer spred And from the skyes the droppynge shade of nyght awaye was fled ¶ Alfagus rose and longed to see the mayden bryght of hewe Aryse vp Archelaus he sayde that I maye go with you To see her whom you praysed so my harte is very fayne Euen nowe anon Archylaus sayde wee will go thether both twayne ¶ Where with he rose and so they bothe anon to gether did go But how they sped if you wyll heare I wyll vnto you sho Forth goeth these two young gentlemen and when one houre was spent They came wheras the mayd dyd dwell and into the house they went. ¶ Who of the Damsell was anon receaued ioyfullye But as soone as Alfagus had vppon her set his eye Beholdynge her most comlye face with parsonage demure Adorned all in bew●ie and In espectable pure ¶ Her lyppes as red as anye Rose nothing there was a●ys With sober countenaunce myxed all with maydenlye shamefastnes Her taulke so sweete and pleasaunt was for Alfagus to beholde That with the syght of her anone hys sprytes were very colde ¶ Hys harte was persed thorow out blynde Copyds darte with all And wyth whych wound for deadly smart almost on sounde did fall So v●ment and so ferce his payne increased more and more Wyth styll beholdynge of that mayde which stood hys eyes before ¶ That nerther the great studye of Phylosophy nor yet The remembraūce of his most dere freinde Archelaus any whyt Could once wythdrawe that vnkynde loue out of his harte and bres●e But more and more his payne dyd growe not knowynge what waye to rest ¶ But that of force hee must needes loue and that inordynatelye That Lady whych Archelaus his friende had chosen to marry All be it wyth incredyble paynes he kept hys thoughtes vnknowne Untyll they both returned were and to their lodgynges gone ¶ The myserable Alfagus then wyth wandrynge hymselfe a syde As though in secret studye hee intended to abyde● All tormented in sorowe and care wyth loue oppressed sore Uppon his bed hee layed him downe tormented more and more ¶ Rebukynge there him selfe of moste vnkynde and spytefull hate For with the syght of that fayre mayde whych hee had seene of late Hee had conspyred such great euyll agaynste hys freinde so dere Who had hym loued so wonderous well in faythfulnes many a yere ¶ Alas what euyll tyme quoth hee was it when I was borne Alas for cōmynge to thys place why had I not forsworne Alas my father wherfore brought you mee here to thys place Why dyd you not keepe mee at home out of thys wretched case ¶ Alas that euer I dyd acquaynt my selfe wyth one so true As you my freind Archelaus are but I agayne to you Most lyke a brutyshe beast vnkynde from Nature gone awrye And haue deserued of your part great batred to imploye ¶ And with those wordes deepe sighes sore out from his harte hee sente That euer hee came to Athennes oft tymes hee dyd repent Thus styll in dollour and in care he tombled and he toste That lytle lacked it of his hart to be in peces brast ¶ But vnto no man durst he once dysclose his secret sore So that at length most greuous paines increased more and more And forced him would hee or not styll on his bed to lye Receauyng nought wherwith he myght haue him sustuyned bye ¶ No sleape at all nor rest hee tooke no sustinaunce nor foode He would receaue wherwith hee might haue done his bodye good That hee so feble was and faynt so weake of ly●●●e wyth all That in his legges his bodye to beare no strengthe there was at all ¶ Archelaus goeth to see Alfagus who lyeth sucke for loue to whome Alfagus con●esseth all the cause of hys sycknes greatly reyronynge hym selfe of vnkyndnes Cap. iii. TO Archelaus was folde a non parte of Alfagus care How he full sicke to bed was gone and almost in dispayre Wyth whych wordes he was sore abusht and went forthwith to see How his deere freinde Alfagus dyd and what his payne myght bee ¶ But when he did approch the place where as Alfagus laye Beholdynge there his most dere friende in such paynefull araye The red Rose collours in his face which was wont to appeere All tourned into sallow paie with wan and heauye cheere ¶ His red lyppes pale and almost blacke his eye lyds suncke full low That skarce behol●yng in his face he coulde his vissage know He myght from wepyng scarce refrayne the teaes ●y force out braste But then remembrynge hym agayne refrayned at the laste ¶ Feare leaste he thoughte suche sorowfull sight might most his freind anoy Wherfore
That by so good lucke should escape his vyolent mynde and wyll When wyth his owne hands he did thinke his innocent blood to spyll ¶ By lawe now shall I dye quoth hee ryght glad I am therfore Good freindes make haste dyspatche my dayes that I may see no more The lyght of Sonne ne yet of skye which on the earth doth showe Theyr glystryng lyght gladsome heate on trees on earth belowe ¶ The mournyng feyldes by lymbo lake I woulde approche to see With those whom loue they re deathe dyd force that place is best for mee The offycers marueiled greatly then to see hym so content To take his death with spedy haste intreatyng as he went. ¶ That thay wolde not delaye the tyme wherfore was tolde anon Unto the Senate with reporte the deede of such a one Who as you harde before was slayne and that in such a place Was found a man in Carthage borne suspected in that case ¶ And how they founde the blood dye knyfe in his hande being styll And that it semed to be hee the whych the man dyd kyll Wherfore foorth with they dyd commaunde to brynge him to the barre Because that time in Judgement seate the counsell setten were ¶ Alfagus was cheife counceller then or in lyke dygnitie Syttyng in his royall seate wyth great felycitiy Archelaus then moste myserable man vnto the barre was brought With byls and staues most lyke a theefe and innocent was of thought ¶ Of whom it was demaunded then if he the man dyd slaye That was found dead as ye haue harde which he dyd not denaye But in moste sorowfull maner did his fortune cursse and ●an Sayeng he was in all the worlde the moste vnfortunatest man. ¶ O myserable wretche quoth hee what curssed starre dyd raygne When I my fatall thred of lyfe by nature did obtayne I woulde to god Lachesys had my fatall thred vntayed Before I knew that vnkynde wretche whych hath me now vpbrayed ¶ Thus syghyng in his harte be sayd but no man could espye For whom he sorrowed in such sorte in care and and mysery At length one dyd demaund of hym in what place he was borne And howe he traueyled had so farre with cotes so rent and torne ¶ In Carthagye good syr he sayde my mother dyd me bare And in my youthfull tyme and dayes full well I lyued thare But fortune with her fatall wheele my good lucke dyd enuye And therwith on Alfagus hee dyd caste a sorowfull eye ¶ With indignation much and braste into great syghes wyth all Wherby aboundantly the feares downe from his eyes dyd fall Whych when Alfagus did beholde esspyeng eke also A marke vppon his vysage whyche of certayne hee did kno ¶ It was Archelaus his deere freinde consyderyng therwythall That by some euyll aduenture hee into that case dyd fall Sodenly from his seate hee rose and kneeled on his knee Before the iudges all and sayde my Lordes gyue eare to mee ¶ This man my selfe I slewe quoth he of olde rancour and hate The which renewed was by vs of malyce now of late This man is gyltlesse of the thynge he is a straunger here For in the eyes of all men nowe ryght well it may appeete ¶ That he is desperate in his mynde and careth not for to dye And to abreue his sorowes hee doth not the facte denie He doth confesse the fact wherof he is moste innocent And so to fynysh his sorowfull dayes that is his hole intent ¶ Wherfore the sentence gyne on mee accordyng to my deede And haue accordyng to the lawe some shamefull death with speede Archelaus then perceauyng that contrary to his expectatyon His freind Alfagus did begin to make there such relacion ¶ And how he offered for to dye some shamefull death and so Delyuer hym from the death to whiche full lyke he was to go He more importunatlye dyd crye for iudgement to be done And that they would proceede on hym lyke as they had begonne ¶ For I am be withouten fayle that dyd thys man dystroye And as he walked by the waye withouten companye I dyd suppose to haue of hym some Juels ryche and sayre And started sadeynly from a bushe before that hee was ware ¶ Geuyng hym his deadly wound wherby I myght at ease S●rche him well in euery place to do euen as I please But when I had destroyed hym so it dyd me not auayle For there no ryches coulde I fynde my purpose I dyd fayle ¶ And beyng then ryght sore in feare least any shoulde espye This cruell deede that I had done full faste I dyd me hye Into the barne where I was founde to reste me for a whyle But I had watched longe before and sleepe did me begyle ¶ So that before I was a ware full faste on sleepe I laye And had the knyfe styll in my hande the which that man dyd slaye The officers will confesse it so I muste needes dye therfore And thus he called for his death on them still more and more ¶ Alfagus dyd deny those wordes and sayde he dyd but fayne He doth inuent these wordes quoth hee the man he hath not slayne For if that he had done the deede hee would haue fled awaye And not haue tarryed in the place wher as he did him slaye ¶ Sum other thynge was in hys mynde when he did drawe hys knyfe By desperate minde perhappes he thought to haue tyd his owne lyfe Is that a weapon lyke to fyght or kyll a man wyth all No no my Lordes it is not so the knyfe is very small ¶ And he is lyke a Palmer poore which beggeth by the waye Not lyke a Ruffen you may see his coates are nothyng gay It was euen I that slewe the man the cause I tolde before Of olde hate which betweene vs was and kept so long in store ¶ For as in that place all alone a huntynge I dyd ryde By euell aduenture in the waye the man there I espyed And thynkyng that no bertter tyme I myght auenged bee But then when as we were alone and no man els to see ¶ I drewe my sworde without delaye and vnto him I sayde Thou vy●layne nowe to fynde the here I am ryght well apayde And therwithall on hym I layd without respect or care That so denly his deadly wounde he had or I was ware ¶ Which when I sawe out of the waye I drewe hym by and by I tooke my horse in all the haste and homwardes faste did flye This thyng is true whych I haue sayde the lawe now let me haue Why do ye deferre of so longe no man my lyfe maye saue ¶ Archelaus sayd it was not so but he the man dyd slaye Alfagus dyd withstand it tho and did hym styll denaye Thus argued they longe tyme for death who myght the other saue Aboundaytly theyr teares they shed with wishyng for theyr graue ¶ Wherat the Senat and people all was wonderouslye abasht Not knowing what the thing might mean but stoode full sore