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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08731 The lost lady a tragy comedy. Berkeley, William, Sir, 1608-1677. 1638 (1638) STC 1902; ESTC S106656 44,552 56

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her her eyes are Stars Which Astronomers should onely study to know our Fate by PH. 'T is not amisse if she have neither of the extreames CL. What doe you intend PH. I meane neither so ill favoured as to have No ground for what we say for their beleefe Will hardly enter nor so handsome as to have It often spoken to her For your indifferent beauties Are those whom flattery surpriseth there being So naturall a love and opinion of our selves That we are adapted to beleeve that men are rather Deceived in us than abuse us ER. Your limitation takes away much of my answer But grant all that you say I have no hope of Obtaining my Mistresse PH. Then thou hast yet a yeare of happinesse But why I prethee ER. She is so deserving she thinkes none worthy Of her affections and so can love none PH. You have more cause to doubt that she will never Affect you than that already she is not in love What a yong handsome Lady that carries the flame of her heart in her cheeks not have yet seen any one to desire 't is impossible ER. I was of your minde till I had experience Of the contrary PH. Conceites of your selfe makes you of the opinion I mention'd You thinke 't is impossible for all men What you cannot attaine to what Arts Have you us'd to gaine her CL. He knowes none but distilling sighes At the Altar of her beauty PH. if he be subject to that frenzie I will Counsell him to take any Trade upon him Rather than that of Love ER. And doe you thinke there is any thing fitter To call downe affection than submission PH. Nothing more opposite for languishing transports Whinings and Melancholy makes us more laught at Than belov'd of our Mistresses and with reason For why should we hope to deserve their favours When we confesse we merit not a lawfull esteeme of our selves CL. I have knowne some their Mistresses have forsaken Onely because they were certaine the world tooke notice They were deepely in love with them PH. And they did wisely for the victory being got They were to prepare for a new Triumph and Not like your City Officers ride still with the Same Liveries Some I confesse have miscarry'd In it but 't was because their provision of Beauty was spent before they came to composition ER. Thou wer 't an excellent foole in a chamber if you Continue you 'le be so in a Comedie Dost beleeve Thau canst swagger them out of their loves PH. Sooner than soften their hearts by my teares And though a River should run through me I would seale up my eies before a drop should Come that way for our unmanly submissions Raise them to that height that they thinke We are largely favour'd if they hearken to us with contempt ER. 'T is safer they should do so than hate us for our insolēce PH. If thou hast ever beene us'd to talke sence I should wonder at thee now why I should Sooner hope to gaine a Lady after the Murther Of her familie than after she had an opinion I deserv'd to be slighted by her CL. 'Fore VENVS he talkes with Authority I know Not well what he has said but methinkes There is something in it prithee let 's hearken to him PH. Doe and if I doe not dispossesse you of all your Opinions let me be ER. You must deale by inchantment then for I am Resolv'd to sticke to my conclusions PH. 'T is the best hold-fast your foolish Devill has But strong reasons shall be your Exorcisme Tell me first what is she you love ER. Would I could PH. Then for all thy jesting there 's some hope Thou art yet in thy wits ER. You mistake me I meane I could not tell because No Tongue can speake her to her merit PH. Heyda if the Ballad of the Rose and the Honey-combe Doe not doe it more than she deserves or almost any woman Let me be condemn'd to sing the funerals of Parrats CL. Would the Ladies heard you PH. They would beleeve me though they would be Sorry your Honours should but what this love Has it transform'd us all CLEON you can tell Who 't is he thus admires CL. Yes and will 't is HERMIONE PINDARVS his heire PH What EPICTETVS in a petti-coate she that disputes love into nothing or what 's worse a friendship with a woman CL. The same and I know you 'le confesse shee 's deserving PH. Yes but the mischiefe is shee 'le ne're thinke so Of him If POLYGAMY were in fashion I would Perswade him to marrie her to be Governesse to the rest But not till then wouldst thou be content To lye with a Statue that will never confesse more of love Than suffering the effects of thine CL. And have his liberties in the discourse of her friends That her retirednesse may be more magnified PH. Beleeve me ERGASTO these severe beauties that Are to be look'd on with the eyes of respect Are not for us we must have them that love to Be prais'd more for faire Ladies than judicious ER. You mistake me gentlemen I chuse for my self not for you PH. Faith for that who ever marries must sacrifice To Fortune and she whose wisedome makes her Snow to you may be Fire to another Some odde Wrinkled fellow that conquers her with wit May throw her on her backe with reason Take This from the Oracle that for the generall Calamity of Husbands all women are reputed Vicious and for the quiet of particulars Every one thinkes his wife the Phoenix ER. You have met with rare Fortunes PH. Calumnie is so generall that Truth has lost Her credit But to th' purpose what Rivalls what hopes CL. A potent Rivall takes away all LYSICLES does woe her PH. Good night I will dispute it no more whether thou Shouldst have her or no for now I conclude it is impossible ER. I had her Fathers firm consent before he declar'd himselfe PH. Though thou hadst hers too be wise and dispaire Betimes In this point Women are Common-wealths And are oblig'd to their faiths no farther Than the safety and honour of the State is Concern'd If thou wer 't the first example I Would excuse thee for being the first cozen'd But stay who 's here Enter PHILLIDA vail'd beckons to ERGASTO O' my conscience an Embassage from some of Your kind Mistresses that would faine take their Leaves before you goe to captivity ER. Is 't possible PHI. She desires you to see her and beleeve that ambition Cannot gaine more upon her than your affection ER. Take this Ring and this PHIL. I dare not Sir ER. I 'le pay thy Dowry then within this halfe houre I 'le waite on her Exit PHILLIDA CL. From what part of the Towne came this faire day In a Cloud that makes you looke so cheerefully ER. A las Gentlemen I was borne to know nothing Of love but sighes and despaires I can be servant to none that have the election of two CL. Unriddle unriddle
teares and sacrifice could never gaine So much upon its mercy as to lend Thy happy sight for one faint minutes comfort Yet those that sell themselves to Hell can force Thy quiet rest for inquisition on innocence And to what purpose serves faith and religious secresie When Magick mocks and frustrates all our vowes This Moore then was confederate with your Uncles passion GMO. She is the cause that I doe walke in shades LY. And I will be that she shall walke in Hell With her I will begin then seeke revenge Under the ruines of thy Uncles house All men that dare to name him and not curse His memory shall feele the power of my despised hate and friendship GHO. My dearest Lysicles promise to be But temperate in your anger and I will Discover more than you yet hop'd to know Enter Pindarus and servants LY. As justice that 's concern'd to punish crimes I will GHO. Then know I was betrai'd Oh love here 's company I must retire PIN. Talking to graves at night and making love i' th day My Lord I nor my daughter have deserv'd this LY. Pardon me Sir I could doe no lesse Being to take an everlasting farewell but give this Visite to her memory reserve your censure Till ten dayes be over and if I doe not Satisfie you condemne me Exeunt Enter HERMIONE and PHILLIDA HER Philly take thy Lute and sing the song Was given thee last Exeunt SONG VV Here did you borrow that last sigh and that relenting groane For those that sigh and not for love Vsurpe what 's not their owne Loves arrowes sooner armour pierce Than your soft snowy skinne Your our eyes can onely teach us love But cannot take it in Another sigh then I may hope The Song being ended Enter PHILLIDA PH. Oh Madam call all your sorrowes to you you are Not sad enough to heare the newes I bring HER. Would it were killing that my death might end My feares as my life has my hopes PH. You mistake me Madam Eugenio is return'd HE. Eugenio return'd thou hast reason Phillida I Should be dead with sorrow 'T is not fit we heare his name Without a miracle where is he send to bring him hither PH. He waites on your commands without HER. Bring him in Good gods if you can suffer me one minutes joy Give it me now and let excesse of happinesse Finish what sorrow cannot But where 's this happinesse I faine would dreame of Eugenio is return'd That I may looke on him and not be his And call our faiths in vaine to aide our loves Enter EVGENIO and PHILLIDA EV. May the gods give you Madam a content As high as you have power to bestow On those you favour and then your happinesse Will be as great as is your beauty HE. Oh my best Lord you now behold a face Too much acquainted with my sad hearts griefe Not to be stain'd with 't sure you cannot know it I pray say you doe not you will wrong Two things I am most proud of my just griefe And your young love which could not grow Nourish't with such poore heate as now it gives I have a story that will breake your heart When you have heard it and mine ere I Deliver it Prince Lysicks to morrow marries me Or I must leave my duty or my life Forgive me that I dare to utter this Eu. Madam forbeare your teares they are a ransome Too mighty to redeeme the greatest faith The gods were ever witnesse to I know Whereto you tend you would have me untye The knot that bound our loves and I will do 't Though it be fasten'd to my strings of life Be happie in your choice give to his merit What once you promis'd to my perfit love By which I onely did pretend my claime I doe release you as I know heaven has Who in his justice cannot have consented To a longer faith in you you must not be The conquest of a miserable man O're whom their cruelst influences raigne HE. Some saving power close up my drowned eyes Which death had long since shut had not the love And hope of seeing you preserv'd them open Have I beene false for this to all my friends That you should thinke I can be so to you Adde not by your suspitions a crime to our mis-fortune Eu. Of you I can have none but what excuse you You had made me miserable had not your faith Yeelded to those assaults as worth and greatnesse Titles your fathers rage and your owne judgement Did shake and raze it with what disturbed minde Should I have look'd on you my heart ador'd And love made miserable still you weepe But these are teares your fortune did lay up To ease your misery had you continned mine And your Sunnes clear'd from their last clouds They will more freely shine upon your Lysicles For my selfe my love in his last act shall recompence The injuries 't as done to your repose By killing me then must injustice flie And hale inconstancie along with her From your faire conquered soule they now possesse HE. Oh my griefes Now I perceive the gods decreed you endlesse Since they have made him adde unto my torment Whose memory before did make the sharpest glorious Teares and sighes and groanes farewell They ne're were spent but when I feard for you And you being lost I have no use of them Here take this paper 't is the last Legacy My love shall ever give you 't was design'd When I conceiv'd you worthy If you beleeve her words whose faith was never lost Though you ungratefully have flung it off If so you be not that you accuse me for you there shall finde A story that will punish your suspition He reades and then kneeles and she turnes from him Eu. You that by powerfull prayers have diverted An imminent ruine inspire me with fit words To appease my injur'd Mistresse heare me doe not kneele for mercy but to begge Your leave to dye I must not live When pardons make my offence most horrible And hell is here without them take a middle way If you incline to mercy and forget me HER. Rise this is worse than your doubts were Turne not your face away would you revenge Then let my eyes dwell on 't what punishment Can there be greater than for me to see the beauty I have lost By my owne fault looke then upon me HER. No I must yet keepe my anger to preserve my honour And I dare not trust that and my eyes at once If they behold you Eu. Then heare a wretched man that has out-liv'd So much his hopes he knowes not what to wish Whether to live or die yet life for this I onely seeke that you may finde I shrinke not To punish him your Justice has condemn'd HER. Rise I can hold out no longer the bare sounds Of your death dissolve my resolutions Forget my anger as I will the cause Eu. Never it shall live here to honour me Since pitty of my love
him but they make to us ER. Madam will you honor me and this Gentleman With a sight of that which doth inrich the World HER. You will not take our excuses if we should say You find us now with more advantage to our beauties ER. So breakes the morning forth but the Sunnes Raies are not so quicke and piercing as your eyes For they descend even to our hearts IR. Heaven defend my heart would tremble if they should ER. Why Madame IR: See such impieties as are lodg'd there in a Man and not be stucke with horror 't is impossible ER. Your wit doth make you cruell but Madam I Have something to deliver unto you which your Father commanded no eare should heare but yours IR. What have you there CLEON CL. Verses Madam IR. Whose CL. Of Lord ERGASTO'S Written in celebration of the faire HERMIONE IR. Did he buy them or found them without a father And has adopted them for his owne CL. They are his owne IR. Here CL. I pray read them IR. What have I deserv'd of you good CLEON that You should make me read his Verses in his owne presence If you thinke I have not already as an ill opinion Of him as I can have you lose your labour CL. Read them and I le assure you you 'l find things Well said and seriously and you will alter your opinion of him Ir. Pray give them me I long to be working wonders Rubies Peases Roses Heaven She reads single words Doe you not thinke he has done my Cozen a Simple favour comparing of her voice to that of Heaven CL. 'T is his love makes him doe it not finding any Thing on Earth fit to expresse her he Searcheth Heaven for a similitude IR. Alas good Gentleman 't is the first time he Ever thought on 't what frequent thunders Should I heare if 't were as he would have it Let me counsaile you lay them aside till They have contracted an inch of dust then with Your finger write their Epitaph expressing The mutuall quiet they gave men and received From them or as all poisons serve for some use Give them your Physitian and let him Apply them to his Patient for a Vomit This way they may be usefull CL. How ever you esteeme them such an Elogy Would make you thinke your glasse had not yet flattered you IR. It cannot I prevent it and accuse it for Not shewing the Hils of Snow the Rubies And the Roses they say have being from me But stay Heaven opens and I see a Tempest comming Your Poët is a Prophet HER: I 'le call an oath to be my witnesse ER. Madam HER. My owne feares light upon me if the might that Eve's the day of Marriage doth not shut me from the World ER. Why Madam this intemperance HER. 'T is a just anger ER. If you are angry Madam with all that love you There lives none that has more enemies Every eye that lookes upon you you must hate Ir. Sir CLEON our friends are engag'd pray let Vs be o' th' party what has cal'd up this Choler in my sweet Cozen My Lord you have Beene begging favours ER. Yes of Heaven that it would furnish me With merits fit to deserve your Cozen IR. When it has granted you returne to her and Renue your suite but if you stay till then You must get spectacles to see her beauty with HER. Why should you hinder you repose and mine You know I never lov'd you IR. Then he has no reason to accuse you of inconstancy ER. Why are you faire or why has my scars Enforc'd me to love nothing else IR. If your love were considerable what an Obligation had my Cozen to your Starres Then these remonstrances of yours are Impulsive and not voluntary IR. I cannot tell but when I seriously direct them to you I 'le sweare I am bewitch'd CL. Madam this is repugnant to your other vertues That you should hate a man for loving you Before he did professe himselfe your servant I know you did receive him with indifferency At least whence then proceeds your hate HER. From his expression of his love CL. A cruell Son sprung from so mild a Father if he did Vrge you to any thing might blast your honor IR. She would not heare him and as it is how Much does he obliege her he 's now her servant And would entreate her to let him be her Master A request strangely modest CL. If I were he I 'de take an honorable composition Let her chuse whom she pleas'd for husband And continue her secret servant still HER. You are uncivill Enter PINDARVS CL. Pardon me Madam this mirth 's a liberty Your cozen doth allow me Here comes your father PINDARYS whispers with ERGASTO he speakes to HERMIONE PIN. How long i st you have undertaken to be your Owne disposer HER. Sir PIN. After my cares had sought you out a man that brings All blessings that the world cals happy you must refuse him HER. Sir I have tane an oath PIN. I know the priest that gave it Doe you not blush Being so yong to know how to distinguish the difference Of desires and this so wildly that you will put off your Obedience rather than loose one that you dare not say Hath int'rest in you but by my hopes of rest Enter LYSICLES I 'le use the power custome and nature gives me To force you to your happinesse LYSICLES How now my Lord what miracle can raise a Tempest here where so much beauty raignes Pin. My Lord you are not practis'd in the cares of Fathers I thought to have seene this Gentleman My son to morrow and she does not refuse him but LYS. It must not be pardon me vertue that I begin An act will set a staine upon my blushing brow Yet I must thorough Lord PINDARVS my Fortunes carry a pardon with them when They make me erre in acts of ceremoniall Decencies they have bin so heavy and so mighty They have bent me so low to th' earth I could not cast my face upwards to hope a blessing The cause you are perfit in PIN. 'T is a noble sorrow but your deepe Melancholy Gives it too large a growth LYS. Thus all doe presse it yet had my griefe relation Onely to my selfe I would not part them from My heart and memory they justly doe possesse But my father hath no more issue save my selfe For to conferre his name and fortunes on PIN. Our Greece would mourne if such a glorious Stocke should end in the most flourishing branch LYS. If you doe wish it a continuance 't is in your Power to make it lasting to ages Since my MILESIA'S death I have not lov'd a Lady equall With your HERMIONE in her I hope to lose My swolne mis-fortunes and find out a joy That may extinguish them 't is now no time To tell her how much I am her servant for This Lord here that does pretend to her faire Graces before I had declar'd my selfe his Rivall perchance you
would beleeve me if I had said he no way doth deserve her PIN. Where you pretend who can but Heaven That design'd a blessing to my child it had Beene pride to hope for hath made her still Averse to his pretences but giving her the Liberty of refusing I know he is remov'd LYS. Thus then to morrow I 'le waite on yon Ladies I am your servant Exit PIN. My Lord ERGASTO you see with how much candor I have embrac'd your love yet though I doe Put on a fathers strictnesse in my daughters presence I cannot force her to an act whereon For ever will depend her happinesse My house shall still be open to you as my heart My businesse cals me get you home your servant CL. ERGASTO my Lord ERGASTO what have you left Your tongue with your heart ER. Is she not strangely faire CL. You 'l not beleeve me if I should say the contrary ER. D' ee thinke that there are such faces in Elizium CL. I 'me sure many better go t'other way if they Be not marr'd in the Voyage but doe you Remember where you are to meet with PHORMIO ER. Nor any thing else her beauty makes me forget All things that has no Reference to it CL. Hey day if within these two houres if you doe Not forget the cause of this forgetfulnesse I 'le Be an Eunuch what if the Prince should be your Rivall I cannot tell but my Lord PINDARVS on a Suddaine fell from his anger to his daughter to a Ceremony to you might be suspected ER. 'T is a feare that makes me tremble CL. Courage man if you have not lost your Memory your remedy is certaine there Are more handsome faces will recompence this losse Let us meet PHORMIO Exeunt ACT. 2. SCAE. 1. Enter HERMIONE IRENE and PHILLIDA IRENE HAve you sent for the Egyptian Lady HER. I have and she 'l be here within this halfe houre IR. She speakes our Language HER. Her father was of Greece a wealthy Marchant And his businesse enforcing him to leave his Country he married a Lady of that place where he liv'd Who excellent in the Mystery of devination Hath left that knowledge to her daughter Enricht with thousand other modest vertues As is deliver'd to me by those are frequent with her IR. Doe you beleeve what PHILLIDA saith Is the voice of all your friends HER. What i st IR. That you shall marry with Prince LYSICLES PHI. I heard your Uncle say the Governour did Receive it with all appearances of joy in hope This match will free him from this deepe Melancholy And 't is determin'd the next feast joynes your hands HER. The Grave must be my bed then With what harsh fate doth Heaven afflict me That all those blessings which make others happy Must be my ruine but if this Ladies knowledge Shall informe me that I shall nee're enjoy EVGENIO Darknesse shall ceaze nee 're Tapers light My blushes to the fore-swome HYMENS rights IR. Why should you labour your disquiet Cozen Anticipating thus your knowledge you will make Your future sufferings present and so call A lasting griefe upon you which your hopes Might dissipate till Heaven had made your mind Strong enough to encounter them HER. Deare IRENE our Stars whose influence doth governe us Are not malignant to us but whilst we Remaine in this false earth he that hath courage To devest himselfe of that removes with it Their powers to hurt him and injured love Who sees that Fortune would usurpe his power I know will not be wanting Enter ACANTHE the Moore See the Lady comes Madam the excuse that justifies sicke men that Send for their Physitian must beg my pardon That did not visite you to have this honor Here you see A Virgin that hath long stood the marke of Fortune And now 's so full of misery that though the gods Resented what I suffer yet I feare That they have plung'd me to extreames exceed Their owne assistance MO. Feare not their power HER. I doe not but their will to helpe me I must doubt For those that know no reason of their hate Must feare it is perpetuall And let the Ensignes of their wrath fall on me If ere by any willing act I have Provok't their justice to you now in whom 'T is said as in their Oracle they speake I come to Know what mighty growth of dangers are decreed me MO. First dearest Lady doe not thinke my power Greater as my will to serve you 't is so weake That if you should reley on 't I shall seeme Cold in your service when it does not answer What is expected from it all I know Is but conjectured for our Stars encline Not force us in our actions Let me observe your face HER. Doe and if yet you are not perfit in your Mysteries Observe mine well and when you meet a face Branded with such a line conclude it miserable When an eye that doth resemble this Teach it to weepe betimes that so being lost It may not see those miseries must be his onely object The Moore starts Are my misfortunes of that horrid shape That the meere speculation doth affright Those whose compassion onely it concernes I that must stand the stroakes then what defence Shall I prepare against them yet a hope That they be ripen'd now to fall on me Lightens a desperate joy to my darke soule For the last dart shall be embraced As remedy to cure my former wounds MO. 'T is not that I was surpriz'd in considering I must Partake of all your fortunes for our ascendants Threaten like danger to us both HER. Are then my miseries growne infections too Must that be added pardon me gentle Lady this sad crime I must account amongst my secret faults I meant no more but to communicate Not part my sorrowes with you MO. Would you could with what great willingnesse Should I embrace a share of what afflicts you I 'de hast to meet and ease you of your feares Now if to one whose interest doe force her To advance your hopes you dare deliver The cause of your disquiet you shall find A closet if not a fort to vindicate your feares HER. You shall know all I have exchang'd my heart With a yong Gentleman 's now banished His Country and my hopes his rivall labours To make me his my Father resolute I should consent till Fortune changed but Lessened not my sufferings for our Prince LYSICLES ruines me with the honour of his search MO. Does EVGENIO know you love him HER. No MO. Why does he doubt it HER. A womanish scorne to have my love reveal'd Made me receive his declaration of it As an affront unto my honour And when he came to take his leave I left him in the opinion I would obey my Father MO. I 've heard as much but contradictions In the Princes actions doe amaze me They say he loves your friend and labours now For to recall him and that every Night He courts his former flame hid in
the ashes Of his lost Mistresse HER. By this judge how miserable I am That my malignant Starres force them to change Nature and Vertue too that else would shine Unmoved like the Starre that does direct The wandering Sea-men must then Nature change And will not Fortune cease to persecute Good gods I will submit to all but breach of faith MO. They will not heare us Madam unlesse we Contribute to their aide our best indeavours I have thought a way may for a time secure you You must dissemble with the Prince and seeme To love ERGASTO 'T is not impossible but he seeing you Preferre one so beneath him may provoke A just neglect from him then for ERGASTO Besides the time you gaine there may succeed A thousand waies to hinder his pretence HER. Can my heart e're consent my tongue should say I am to any other but EVGENIO No my deare Love though cruell Fate hath sever'd My vow'd embraces yet hath Death Ice enough To fright all others from them MO. I see Love is a Child still what a trifle Doth now disturbe him You will not get your health O' th price of saying you are sicke I know There is another remedy more proportion'd for your disease But not for you that suffer which is this Tell the Prince that you 're engag'd but he That broke with vowes and friendship for your love Will not desist for such suppos'd slight lets And then your Father will force you to his will HER. If the Prince leave me it is most certaine He 'le use his power to make me take ERGASTO MO. Those that in dangers that doe presse them nearely Will not resolve Upon some hazard and give leave to chance To governe what our knowledge cannot hinder Must sit still and waite their preservation from a miracle HER. I am determin'd for knives fire and Seas shall lose Their qualities ere Fate shall make me his And if Death cannot be shun'd I 'le meet it boldly Enter IRENE IR. Cozen the Prince is come to see you MO. Good Madam use some meanes that I may speake With him before he goes my heart doth promise I shall doe something in your service and Be sure when he first speakes of love seeme not To understand him Exit Enter LYSICLES LY. Madam I have beg'd leave of your Noble Father To offer up my selfe a servant to your vertues HER. It is a grace our family must boast of That you descend to visit those that stile Themselves your creatures made such by your goodnesse Which we can onely pay by frequent praiers That your Line may last as glorious to Posterity as your now living fame is LY. Madam you were not wont by a feigned praise To scorne those that admire you or would you thus Insinuate what I should be by telling Me I am what I must ever aime at HER. Were there proportion 'twixt our births my Lord I would ill become a Virgins mouth to utter How much you doe deserve that will excuse When I shall say our Greece ne're saw your equall LY. I did not thinke I ever could be mov'd With my owne praise but now my happinesse So much depends that you shall truely thinke What now you utter of me that I glory My actions are thus favour'd by your judgement HER. VVe must forget our safeties and the gods VVhose Instrument you were of our deliverance When we are silent of the mighty Debt This Kingdome owes your courage LY. This declaration of your favouring me will plead My pardon if I doe omit the Ceremoniall circumstance Which usually makes way for this great truth I now must utter Madam I doe love Your vertues with that adoration That the all-seeing Sunne does not behold A Lady that I love with equall ardour Our friends have most power over us both Doe second my desires of joyning us In the sacred tye of Marriage HER. My Lord I thought at first how ill my words Became a Virgins but give 'em the right sence They were design'd which was to speake you truely Not with a flatt'ring ambition They might engage you to the love of one So farre unequall if I have ever gain'd Any thing on your goodnesse I 'le not lose it By foolishly aspiring to that height You must in honour dispossesse me of When I was seated Marry you my Lord The King our neighbour Princes all good men Must curse me as a staine to those great vertues You 're the single Lord of if you speake this to try What easie conquest you can make of all You faintly but pretend to I 'le confesse The weakenesse of our Sexe who would be prouder Onely to have the shewes of your affection Than reall loves of any they can hope With Justice to attaine to LY. What ever I deserve The gods have largely recompenc'd my intent Of doing vertuously if it hath gain'd so much Upon your goodnesse as to make a way for my affection HER. My Lord I doe not understand you LY. Pardon me dearest Lady if my words Too boldly doe deliver what my actions And frequent services should first have smooth'd The way they are to take my Happinesse So nearely is concern'd you shall approve Me for your Servant that I trembling hast To know what rigours or what joyes expect me But ere you doe begin to speake my Fate Know whom you doe condemne or whom make happy One that when misery had made so wretched That it ravisht his desires to change Whose eyes were turned inward on his griefe Pleas'd with no object but what caus'd their teares Your beauty onely rais'd from his darke seate Of circling sorrowes lighting me a hope By you I might receive all happinesse The gods have made my heart capacious of HER. Good my Lord give me leave againe to say I dare not understand you you are too noble To glory in the conquest of a heart That ever hath admir'd you and to thinke You can so farre forget your Birth and Vertue As to beleeve me fit to be your Wife Were a presumption that swelling pride Must be the father of which never yet My heart could be ally'd to continue Prince Be the example of a constant love And let not your MILESIA'S ashes shrinke With a new piercing cold which they will feele I' th' instant that your heart shall be consenting To any new affection and give me leave to say Your mind can ne're admit a noble Love If it hath banisht hers your memory LY. Must that be argument of cruelty Which should be cause of pitty And will you Assume the Patronage of envious Fortune By adding torments unto her affliction Must I be miserable in loosing you Because the gods thought me unworthy her Did I so easily digest her death That I want pitty and am thought unworthy Of all succeeding love Witnesse my losse of joyes if sorrow could Have kill'd me I had not liv'd to shew you mercy HER. Protect me Vertue Pardon me my Lord I know your griefes How great
and just they are and onely meant By mentioning MILESIA to confesse How much unworthy I am to succeed her In your affection which though you bent As low as I durst raise my selfe to reach 'T were now impiety for me to graspe I being no more my owne disposer LY. Ha what Fate hath ta'ne you from your selfe HER. The Lord ERGASTO'S importunitie Whom though at first no inclination Of mine made me affect his vowes Hath vanisht my determination I finding nothing in my selfe deserving The constancy of his affection to me Besides my Fathers often urging me To make my choice obeying his commands And threatning misery if I declin'd the least Knowing his violent nature I consented To a contract 'twixt me and the Lord ENGASTO LY. Oh the prophesies of my unjust feares how true My heart fore-told you Madam it cannot be you should affect One that hath no desert but what you give By making him a part of you my hopes Though alwaies blasted could not apprehend A feare from him I should be happy yet If any worthy love shadowed my shame Of being refus'd by you HER. Give not my want of power to serve your Grace The cruell Title of refusing you Your merits are so great you may assure Your selfe of all you can desire that 's possible To grant whom thousand worthier than my selfe Would kneele to By my life if my Faith were not given I would Here offer up my selfe to be dispos'd by you Though no ambitious pride could flatter me You could descend to raise me to your height LY. Must this be added to my former griefes That in the instant you professe to pittie What I must suffer in your losse your vertue For which I admire you must exclude My hopes of ever changing your resolves Yet let my vowes gaine thus much of you That for a Month you will not marry him I know your Father will not force you to 't For he not knowing what hath pass'd betweene you Consented to this visit HER. By all things holy this I sweare to doe Though violent Diseases should enclose me Till the Priest joyn'd our hands yet if you please Let not my Father know but he 's the cause I dare not looke upon the mightie blessing Your love doth promise LY. May I not know the reason HER. That he may know that this unquestion'd power Hath forc'd me to that errour which himselfe And I must ever mourne unpittied LY. Now you throw Oyle upon the wound you make I may be ignorant of all things else But of my want of merit to deserve I am most perfect in be happy Lady He that enjoyes you shall not neede that praier My Fathers businesse calls me HER. Let me intreate you that you 'le see a Lady Whose vertues doe deserve the honour of our knowledge LY. What is shee HER. An Egyptian Lady lately come to Cirrha LY. I have heard of her they say she knowes our Actions past and future HER. When you know her you will beleeve me That vertue chose that darke inhabitation To hide her Treasure from the envious world I le call her to your Grace Enter ACANTHE HER. Madam this is the Prince He salutes her MO. You neede not tell me it though this be the first Time that I saw him since I came to Cirrha His Fame doth make him knowne to all that are Remotest from him LY. My miseries indeede have made it great For all things else I should be more Beholding unto silence than the voice Of my most partiall friends Why doe you gaze upon me so MO. Have you not lately lost a Lady that did love you dearly LY. If you doe measure time by what I suffer My undiminish'd griefe tells me but now But now I lost her if the sad Minutes That have oppressd me since the fatall stroake It is an age eternity of torments I have felt MO. Good Sir with-draw a little I shall deliver They whisper What you beleeve none know besides my selfe LY. Most true it is what god that heard our Vowes hath told it you But if your eies pierce farther in their secrets Than our weake fancies can give credit to Tell me if where she is she can discerne and know my actions MO. Most perfectly she does and mournes your losse of faith That now beginne after so many vowes So many oathes you would be onely hers To thinke of a new choise LY. This may be conspiracy I le trie it further MO. Had you beene snacht from her and for her sake Murther'd as she for you your Urnes cold ashes Should have hid her fire of faithfull love Pardon me my Lord Her injur'd spirit inspires me with this boldnesse LY. I am certaine this is no inspiration of the gods It cannot be she should consent my faith Should be the ruine of my name and memory Which necessarily must follow if vertuous love Did not continue it to future ages MO. Fame of a constant lover will eternize it More than a numerous issue would you heare Her selfe expresse her sorrow LY. If I should desire it it were impossible MO. You conclude too fast if this night you 'le come Unto her Tombe you there shall see her LY. Though she bring Thunder in her hand I will not faile to come And though I cannot credit that your power can procure it My hope 's it should be so will overcome my reason Ladies I am your servant Exit MO. Madam I cannot stay to know particulars Of what hath pass'd betwixt you and the Prince Onely tell me how he relisht your saying you Were promis'd to ERGASTO HER. Respects to one I seem'd to have made choise of Made him forbeare his Character But shall not I be punish'd seeming to prefer One so unworthy both to EVGENIO and this noble Prince MO. The gods give us permission to be false When they exclude us from all other waies Which may preserve our faith Longer I dare not stay I am your servant Exeunt Enter ERGASTO CLEON FORMIO ER. Now we are met what shall we doe to keep us together PH. Let 's take some argument may last an houre of mirth CL. If you 'le have ERGASTO be of the parley it must Be of the Ladies for he is desperately in love PH. If the disease grow old in him I 'le pay the physitian But be it so and let it be lawfull to change as often as we will ER. What the Ladies PH. The discourse of them and themselves too if we Could arrive to it but what is she you love ER. One that I would sacrifice halfe my life To have but a weekes enjoying of PH. At these games of love we set all but the best is We cannot stake and there 's no losse of credit in the breaking CLEON hast thou seene him with his Mistresse CL. Yes and he stands gazing on her as if he were begging Of an Almes PH. 'T is not ill done but does he not speake to her CL. Never but in Hyperbolies tels
all endangered by such as you when we see That frownes procure us knees and kind usage Scarce gets us two good morrows PHO. If ever there were a Sibyll at sixteene this Lady is one By this day you have a high place in my heart IR. In your heart PHO. Nay dispise it not you 'le find good company there IR. But I love to be alone PHO. And I would saine meete you when you are so Will you give me leave to speake with your Scholler Hermione and Acanthe above IR. If you be his friend teach him to be wife PHO. For your sake I will doe all I can ERGASTO Wilt thou be happy Marry this Lady Wilt thou be Reveng'd on thy proud Mistrosse marry her Wilt thou be sure to Father wife children doe as I bid thee ER. I will deale truely with thee she has taken My heart out of HERMIONES keeping PH. Be thankefull and bestow it upon her in recompence She will accept it doubt not she has taken such paines To redeeme it looke how she casts her eies upon thee Shee 's thine owne for ever and has beene long ER. I am desperately in love PH. Marrie and get out of it there may be some little straining At the first offer of the present but if she send not for it Before you get home I le ne're trust my eies more PHILLIDA steales away CLEON followes ER. I le attempt it let what will follow PH. Be confident and prosper ER. Madam what would you expect from him You had redeem'd from captivity IR. The disposing of his liberty ER. 'T is just but this may be no great favour to the slave If his misery be onely altred not lessen'd PH. You are little curious why doe you aske who This concernes well I 'le tell you you have redeem'd ERGASTO and he kneeles to know your commands Whil'st he kneeles Hermione and the Moore looke downe from the window MO. You may beleeve her Madam she loves him Now you may revenge her perswading you to leave EVGENIO by smiling on Ergasto 't will advance Your Cozens ends too if you doe as I le advise you whilst we descend IR. 'T is festivall to day my Lords and so I admit This mirth but to morrow I will tell you I am no more Inclin'd to love than my Cozen Hermione ER. But you can suffer your selfe to be belov'd IR. I thinke I can PH. He 'le aske no more But leave the rest to his respects and services IR. But you consider not whom you may offend in this mirth ER. I 'le ne re consider whom I offend in loving you I wish her beauty centupled that my first Obligation To you might be leaving her by this faire hand I 'le never name any but you for Mistresse IR. I may beleeve you when Time and your actions Shall tell it me as well as your words PHO. You wrong your beauty to expect an assurance From time ordinarie faces require it to perfect The Impressions they make yours strikes like lightning In an instant if he did not adore you till now You must attribute it to some fascination But his judgment clear'd he will be forc'd To continue the adoration he has begun Enter HERMIONE MOORE PHILLIDA CLEON they find ERGASTO kneeling PHO. Who 's that ER. The Moore you heard of PHO. I have a strange Capriccio of love enter'd me I must Court that shade HER. How now my Lord Courting another Mistresse I see I must locke up my winds Or you will seeke the nearest harbour ER. Excluded by your rigour Madam I was intreating Your faire Cozen to present my vowes HER. Was it no more ER. No more you cannot doubt it Madam turne in Your eyes upon your beauties and perfections and they Will tell you how impossible it is to lose the Empire They have gain'd upon our hearts and wills Fortune and want of merit may make me lose The hope of your faire graces but never so much Traitor As to pay homage to any other beauty or change The resolution I have fix'd to be your servant onely HER. I thanke you Sir my Sexe will be my pardon If I returne not equall thankes we thinke if any Manumit before we license them to part They doe usurpe a power is ours by nature the posture I found you in was more than ordinary courtship gives ER. You might condemne it had not you beene the Cause on 't I never thinke your Name but with A Reverence great as I pay the gods and they Allow us bending to their Images when we Transferre our vowes The faire Irene is worthy all Have not the hope of you but whilst you give me leave To cherish that ambition I must not owne So great an injury as to admit the profer'd love of those Who are so distant from your merit HER. 'T was unkindly done to undermine me ER. In her presence I will confirme this to you HER. You shall oblige me since she has wrong'd me Irene harke you They talke in private After a long whisper the Moore strives to goe from Phormio he holds her PHO. In the name of darknesse d' ee thinke I am not In earnest that you coy it thus MO. Forbeare uncivill Lord She goes from him CL. Do'st thou not see that all the fire is out of the coale If thou would'st have it burne lay thy lips To the sparke that 's left and blow it into flame PH. What wouldst thou have me doe CL. Kisse her PH. Not for five hundred Crownes CL. Wouldst lye with her and not kisse her PH. Yes and can give reasons for 't besides experience And when this act is knowne this resolute Incounter rich widdowes of threescore will Not doubt my prowesse Hermione Irene Ergasto breake off their private talke IR. As I live he swore all this to me HE. Hide thee inconstant man thou art so false Thy oathes doe serve thee for no other use But to condemne thee not to get beleefe Be gone and leave to love till thou hast found The way to truth and let not vanity cozen you To beleeve that I am mov'd because you change A thousand other imperfections Have made me hate thee yet I chose this way To let thee know 't that deprehended with the Blacke marke upon thee thou maist not dare To trouble me againe ER. Madam HE. There may be some that for their secret sinnes The gods will punish making them love you Chuse amongst them Irene I will hope though she Be credulous will learne by this how far 't is safe to trust you MO. This was well manag'd PH. What Mountaine Have you pierc'd that hath sent forth this wind since I left you ER. I have undone my selfe for ever PH. As how ER. I told Hermione I never lov'd Irene CL. Did she heare it ER. Oh yes it mought have beene for sworne else CL. The Divell thou hast ER. Aske him he made me do 't CL. What course will you take to redeeme your fault ER. A precipice as
being asham'd to live any longer PH, A halter you shall as soone come come I le intercede And be your surety Looke she staies to pardon You downe on your knees She goes away Phormio puls her backe Ergasto kneeles holds up his hands his cloake over his face PH. Oh my sweet Lady be mercifull like the gods you resemble they have as often pardon in their hands as Thunder And the truth is if they will not forgive this fault of inconstancy they must live alone or at least without men This was the last gaspe of his dying friendship to her And now he is entirely yours IR. He has not wrong'd me PH. Fie say not so that 's as great an injurie as not Pardoning him he has and shall come naked To receive his punishment See he dares not looke For comfort let him take it in at his eares IR. Pray content your selfe with the time you have Made me lose and let me goe PH. Never till you pardon him IR. I will doe any thing for my release if he has Offended me let him learne hereafter to Speake truer than he sweares and in time He may get credit PH. 'T is enough ER. Is she gone PH. Yes ER. How did she looke PH. Faith asham'd she lov'd you so well and sorry she Had no reason to love you better PH. 'T is an excellent Lady PH. If I could make Joynters I would not take this Paines for your honour Cleon whither slip you CL. After Phillida PH. And what successe CL. POX on 't these waiting women will not deale unlesse They have earnest in their hands and I was unprovided PH. Away unthrift Exeunt Act. 4 SCAE. 1. Enter LYSICLES LY. This is the houre powerfull Acanthe promis'd I should once more behold my lost Milesia Pardon me reason that my wither'd hopes Rebell against thy force a happinesse So mighty is oppos'd unto thy doubts That I le devest my selfe for ever of thee Rather than not beleeve impossibles That bring such comforts to my languisht soule Haile holy Treasurer of all the wealth Nature e're lent the world be still the envy Of the proud Monuments that doe enclose The glorious Titles of great Conquerors Let no prophane aire pierce thee but my sighes MILESIA riseth like a ghost Let them have entrance whilst my teares doe warme Thy colder Marble Ha what Miracle Are the gods pleas'd to worke to ease affliction The Phoenix is created from her ashes Pure as the flames that made 'em still the same The same Milesia Heaven does confesse in this That she can onely adde unto thy beauty By making it immortall Let it be lawfull for thy Lysicles To touch thy sacred hand and with it guide My wandring soule unto that part of Heaven Thy beauty does enlighten GHO, Forbeare and heare me if you approach I vanish Impious inconstant Lysicles cannot This miracle of my reassuming A mortall shape perswade thee there are gods To punish falsehood that thou still persists In thy dissembling doe not I know Thy heart is swolne with vowes thou hast laid up For thy Hermione whom thou wouldst perswade Thy narrow heart is capable of love By mocking of my ashes and erecting Tombs to me which are Indeed but Trophies of thy dead conquer'd love and vertue LY. No more blest shape I shall not thinke that thou descend'st from Heaven If thou continuest thus in doubt of me Nor can there be a Hell where such formes are The knowledge how thou com'st here doth disturbe me Yet such a reverence I doe owe thy image That I will lay before thee all my thoughts Spotlesse as Truth then thou shalt tell the shades How Fortune though it made my love unhappy Could not diminish it nor presse it one degree From the proud height it was arrived to How I did nightly pray to this sad Tombe Bringing and taking fire of constant love From the cold ashes how when incompast With thousand horrours Death had beene a rest I did preferre a loath'd life to revenge my selfe And her upon the murderer GHO. I shall desire to live if this be true Nothing can adde a comfort where I am But the assurance of your love I know Faith is not tyed to passe the confines Of this life yet Hermione's happinesse Does trouble me You 'le thinke I lov'd you living when dead I am jealous of you LY. Milesia againe blest Saint now I am sure thou art What thou resemblest and do'st know my secret'st thought But as the gods of which thou art a part Art not content with our hearts sacrifice Unlesse our words confesse it heare me then If my thoughts e're consented to replant My love may your dire Thunder light Upon my head and sinke it downe so low I may not see thy glories I confesse My words have sacrific'd to Deities I ne're ador'd those staines of love My teares and friendship to the best of mén I hope I have cancell'd for my Eugenio I did pretend a love unto Hermione Who else had sold her selfe unto the rage Of her offended Father had you liv'd You would have pardon'd when infidelity But personated did preserve a faith So holy as theirs was this is my fault GHO. My glory and my happinesse LY. Yet this as oft I wept as I was forc'd For his deare cause to injure sacred love Yet durst not but decline his severe Lawes When my friends life excus'd the pious errour GHO. Did you suspect her that you conceal'd this from her LY. There is but one MILESIA besides If true I meant her feares should aide My false disguise which her quick-sighted Father Would else have pierc'd who hates EVGENIO And loves no vertue but what shines through wealth LY. My best best LYSICLES I am againe in love Thy holy flame doth lend me light to see My closed fires why did not Fate give me So large a field to exercise my Faith I envy thee this tryall and would be Expos'd to dangers that have yet no name That I might meet thy love with equall merit LY. The cause takes all away and want of power Excuseth what I cannot yet expresse too much of me But how our loves came to so sad a period As yet in clouds I have onely seene GHO. My Uncles cruelty and hate of you procur'd our separation LY. But how knew he our loves though torment since Have wrung it from me my joyes ever flow'd silent and calme GHO. I know it but we were betray'd By one that serv'd me and the doubts confirm'd By the Moore you spake with yesterday LY. Ha How came she to know it she was not here GHO. All that I ever did shee 's conscious of And jealous of your love unto HERMIONE Did place me here to search into your thoughts And now is prouder of this discovery Thanifa Crowne were added to her LY. To what strange Lawes does Heaven confine it selfe That it will suffer them that dare be damn'd To have power over those it has selected My
Have given me the tortures that devance it If I deserve this your inflicting hands Doe reach unto the shades lay it on there Hermione Irene is Eysicles yet come LY. Yes to counsell you to pacifie The gods you have offended by your cursed Arts The blessed Ghost you sent me too has told me Some sad effects on 't and in her name And cause have the gods hurl'd this punishment On thy foule soule and made my griefe inrag'd To madnesse the blest instrument of thy destruction Which does but here begin MO. You then did send the poison with the Present I receiv'd LY. Yes I did and wonder you durst tempt My just revenge unlesse you did beleeve You could confine the Revelations Of the best spirits your cursed Charmes Betray'd first and then inforc'd to leave Their happy seates to perfect the designes Your malice labour'd in MOO. What unknowne waies have the gods invented To punish me I feele a torment No tyranny e're parallell'd yet must confesse An obligation to him that impos'd it Good gods if I doe bow under your wills Without repining at your sad decrees Grant this to recompence my Martyrdome That he that is the Author of my sufferings May never learne his errour Sir if torments e're could expiate the crimes We have committed mine might chalenge your pardon And your pitty I feele Death entring me Love the memory of your Mylesia and forgive IR. Helpe helpe she dyes LY. If it be possible call life into her for some minutes Her full confession will obsolve my Justice IR. Bring some water here she does but swoone So chafe her Temples Oh Heavens what prodigy Is here her blacknesse falls away My Lord looke on This Miracle doth not Heaven instruct us in pitty Of her wrongs that the opinions which prejudice Her vertue should thus be wash't away with the Blacke clouds that hide her purer forme HER. Heaven hath some further ends in this Than we can pierce More water she returnes to life And all the blacknesse of her face is gone IR. PALLAS APOLLO what may this portend My Lord Have you not seene a face like this LY. Yes and horrour ceazeth me 'T is the Idea Of my Milesia Impenetrable powers Deliver us in Thunder your intents And exposition of this Metamorphosis HER. She stirres LY. Hold her up gently He kneeles MOO. Oh oh why doe you kneele to me LY, Are not you MILESIA MOO. Why doe you aske LY. Oh then you are MOO. My Lysicles I am by miracle preserv'd Though since the gods repent them of their succours Knowing me unworthy of thy firme constant love I never thought that death could be a terrour Too long acquainted with the miseries Pursue our lives but now the apprehension My grave should swallow thee makes me to welcome it With a heavinesse that sinkes dispairing sinners LY. Powre downe your Thunder gods upon this head And try if that can make me yet more wretched Was not her death affliction enough But you must make me be the murtherer Is this a punishment for adoring her Equall with you you made so equail to yee Pardon the fault you forc't me to commit So visible a Divinity could not be loo'd on With lesse adoration MOO. If e're I did expect a happier death May I dye loathed what Funerall pompe Can there be greater than for me to heare Whilst I yet live my dying Obsequies With so much zeale pronounc'd by him I love Tortures againe doe seize me LY. Eyes are you dry where such an object calls Your teares forth My bloud shall supply your place MO. For heavens sake hold his hands O my best Lysicles Doe not destroy the comforts of my soule What a division doe I feele within me I am but halfe tormented my soule in spight O' th' tortures of my body doe feele a joy That meets departed spirits in the blest shades LY. What unexpected mischiefes circle me What Arts hath malice arm'd with Fortune found To make me wretched could I e're have thought A Miracle could have restor'd thee to my eyes But they should see the joyes of Heaven in thee Yet now the height of my affliction is That they behold thee guilty of the close Of thine for ever see HERMIONE The countenance Death should put on when Death Would have us throng unto her Palaces And court her frozen Sepulchres IR. Sure she is dead how pale she is LY. No she is white as Lillies as the Snow That falls upon PARNASSVS if the Red were here As I have seene 't enthron'd the rising day Would get new excellence by being compar'd to her ARGOS nor CYPRVS AEGYPT never saw A beauty like to this let it be lawfull for me to usurpe So much on Deaths right as to take a kisse From thy cold Virgin-lips where she and Love Yet strive for Empire the flames that rise from hence Are not lesse violent though lesse pleasing now Than when she did consent I should receive What now I ravish MO. Dares not Death shut those eyes where love Hath enter'd once or am I in the shades Assisted with the Ghost of my deare Lysicles LY. She speakes againe good Heaven she speakes againe HE. You are yet living MO. And therefore dying but before I goe Let me obtaine your pardon for the wrongs My jealousie hath throwne upon your innocence 'T was my too perfect knowledge of my want Of merits to deserve made me doubt yours I meane your constant love which I will teach Below and make them learne againe to love Who have dyed for it LY. Doe not abuse your mercy and my griefe By asking pardon of your murtherer But curse your sufferings off on this devoted head To save the beauty of the world in you MO. Why should your griefe make me repent the joyes I ever beg'd of heaven the knowledge Of your love could there be added more Unto my happinesse than to be confirm'd By my owne sufferings how much you did love me And prosecuted those that desired my ruine Like Semele I dye who could not take The full god in her armes I have but one wish more that I may beare Vnto the shades the glorious title of your wife If I may live so long to heare but this Pronounc'd by Lysicles I dye in peace LY. Heare it with my vowes not to behold The Sunne rise after you are gone MO. O say not so live I command you live Let your obedience unto this command Shew you have lost a Mistresse LY. Can I heare this and live IR. My Lord our cares will be imployed better In seeking to avert this Ladies death Than in deploring it LY. You advise well runne all to the Physitian I Will my selfe to Arnaldo who gave This poison to me Let me have word sent to the Cypresse grove the minute she is dead Exeunt Draw in the bed Enter Lysicles meditating LY. If Life be given as a blessing to us What Law compels us to preserve it longer Than we can see a
feare Exeunt Enter Milesia Hermione Irene Physitian PHY. Madam my innocence will plead my pardon I could Not ghesse for whom my Lord intended it the truth is I feard considering his deepe melancholy he Intended to use it on himselfe and therefore meant to Make him out of love with death by suffering the paines Our soules doe feele when they are violenc'd from us I had provided Antidotes but could not till this houre Learne on whom it was imployed sure I was it could Be death to none though full of torment MI. Till I have farther meanes thanke you receive this ring HE. But Madam what did your poore Hermione deserve That you should hide your selfe from her Or are you the Milesia that were pleas'd To call me friend or is she buried By Pallas Temple truely beleefe and memory Opposing sence makes doubt which to credit I wept you dead the Virgins did intombe you Were we then or no deceiv'd MI. My faire deare friend you shall know all my story T is true my Uncle did designe my death For loving Lysicles for at his comming hither He charg'd me by all ties that were betweene us To hate him as the ruine of his honour And yet for some darke ends I understood not Resolv'd to leave me here I swore obedience But knew not what offence it was to keepe An oath so made till I had seene the Lysicles Which at your house I did when he came wounded From hunting of the Boare all but his name Appear'd most god-like to me you all did runne To stoppe his wounds and I thought I might see My enemies bloud yet soone did pitty ceaze me To see him bleed thus love taking the shape Of pitty glided unseene of me into my heart And whilst I thought my selfe but charitable I nurst my infant love with milke of pitty Till he grew strong enough to take me prisoner I found his eyes on mine and ere I could Remove them heard him say he 'de thanke his fortune For this last wound if 't were the cause Of seeing me then tooke his leave But left me speechlesse that I could not say My heart farewell after this visite our loves Grew to that height that you have heard of HER. The Groves and Temples and darke shade have heard Them mourned and celebrated by your friend MI. I had a servant unsuspected of me For none I trusted that observ'd our meetings And ghessing by my sighes that love had made them Betray'd them to my Uncle on PALLAS Eve He rusht into my Chamber his sword drawne And snacht me by the arme I fell downe But knowing yet no fault could begge no pardon A while our eyes did onely speake our thoughts At length out of his bosome he pull'd out A paper 't was the contract 'twixt my Lord and me And ask't me if I would avow the hand Heaven said I has approv'd it and the gods Have chose this way to re-unite our houses Staine of thy kindreds honour he exclaimes Was there no other man to ease your lust But he that was our greatest enemy Resolve to dye thy bloud shall hide the staines Of our dishonour HER. He could not be so cruell to intend it MI. He was for leaving me oppress'd with sighes And teares yet not of sorrow and repentance But feare that I should lose my dearest servant Commands his cruell slaves to murther me As I descended and least pitty should Create remorse in their obdurate hearts The lights were all put out then hastily My name was heard I then intreated her That betray'd me tell them I was comming And tooke this time to write unto my Lord She went but by the way was ceaz'd And strangled by those murtherers That expected me My Uncle heard Her latest groanes and now the act was past His power to helpe he wisht it were undone Brings lights to see the body and perceiv'd The strange mistake by signes and lifted eyes Confess'd Heavens hand was in 't yet would not leave His revenge here commands his slaves to change My cloathes with hers was slaine then takes the head off And on the Trunke did leave a note which told My death for loving LYSICLES in hope my ruine Knowing his noble nature would be his At mid-night quits this Towne leaving none behind Were conscious of the fact immures me in his house Till I escapt in that disguise I wore When I first came to you IR. Why did you not declare your selfe when you came hither MI. You were the cause on 't at my arrivall here I heard my LYSICLES should marry you And therefore kept the habite I was in To search unknowne the truth of this report And practiz'd in the private actions of some neere friends Got an opinion I could presage The future thus was I sought by you Thus found the faith of my deare LYSICLES When at the Tombe I did appeare his ghost And had reveal'd my selfe had not the shame Of doubting such a faith kept my desires in HER. Then he dissembled when he made love to me MI. He did forgive it him 't was for his friend HER. I am sorry for it MI. How my deare friend HER. Nay it is true Enter LYSICLES EVGENIO EVGENIO and he are of such equall tempers I shall suspect he has dissembled too MI. Oh you are pleasant Here comes my Lord LY. Is there a wish beyond this happinesse When I embrace thee thus I will not aske Thy Story now it is enough to know That you are living MI. The gods have made this tryall in my sufferings If I deserv'd so great a blessing I have but one griefe left LY. Is that word yet not earth MI. Yes but it springs from an excessive joy Of finding such admired worth in you What I hereafter shall doe in your service Must weare the name of Gratitude not Love LY. No my MILESIA Mine was the first ingagement and the gods Made thee so excellent to keepe on earth Love that was flying hence finding no object Worthy to fixe him here HER. No more EVGENIO if your words could adde Expressions to your love you had not had So much of mine and after I have tryed Your faith so many waies it would appeare Ingratitude not modesty to shew a Mistresse coldnesse EU. May I beleeve all advantagious words Or may I doubt them seeing they come from you Who are all truth I will not speake How undeserving I am of these favours Because I will not wrong the Election Your gracious pitty forceth on your Iudgement LY. Our joyes doe multiply but my deare friend I have yet something that will adde to yours My Father 's call'd to Court and you are left Governor in his place this I know will make Lord PINDARVS consent to both your wishes Your pardon Madam and when you lye embrac't With your EVGENIO tell him if my faith Had not the double tye of Friend and Mistresse A single one had yeelded to the hopes Enter Of the enjoying you Here