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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07075 The metamorphosis of Pigmalions image And certaine satyres. Marston, John, 1575?-1634. 1598 (1598) STC 17482; ESTC S109897 16,578 90

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THE METAMORPHOsis of Pigmalions Image AND Certaine Satyres AT LONDON Printed for Edmond Matts are to be sold at the signe of the hand and Plough in Fleetstreete 1598. TO THE WORLDS MIGHTIE MONARCH GOOD OPINION Sole Regent of Affection perpetuall Ruler of Iudgement most famous Iustice of Censures onely giuer of Honor great procurer of Aduancement the Worlds chiefe Ballance the All of all and All in all by whom all things are y t that they are I humbly offer thys my Poem THou soule of Pleasure Honors only substance Great Arbitrator Vmpire of the Earth Whom fleshly Epicures call Vertues essence Thou moouing Orator whose powrefull breath Swaies all mens iudgements Great OPINION Vouchsafe to guild my imperfection If thou but daine to grace my blushing stile And crowne my Muse with good opinion If thou vouchsafe with gracious eye to smile Vpon my young new-borne Inuention Ile sing an Hymne in honor of thy name And add some Trophie to enlarge thy fame But if thou wilt not with thy Deitie Shade and inmaske the errors of my pen Protect an Orphane Poets infancie I will disclose that all the world shall ken How partiall thou art in Honors giuing Crowning the shade the substance praise depriving W. K. THE ARGVMENT of the Poem PIgmalion whose chast mind all the beauties in Cyprus could not ensnare yet at the length hauing carued in Iuorie an excellent propoition of a beauteous woman was so deeplie enamored on his owne workmanship that he would oftentimes lay the Image in bedde with him and fondlie vse such petitions and dalliance as if it had been a breathing creature But in the end finding his fond dotage and yet perseuering in his ardent affection made his deuout prayers to Venus that shee would vouchsafe to enspire life into his Loue and then ioyne them both together in marriage VVherevpon Venus graciously condiscending to his earnest sute the Mayde by the power of her Deitie was metamorphosed into a liuing VVoman And after Pigmalion beeing in Cyprus begat a sonne of her which was called Paphus wherupon that Iland Cyprus in honor of Venus was after and is now called by the inhabitants Paphos To his Mistres MY wanton Muse lasciuiously doth sing Of sportiue loue of louely dallying O beauteous Angell daine thou to infuse A sprightly wit into my dulled Muse. I inuocate none other Saint but thee To grace the first bloomes of my Poesie Thy fauours like Promethean sacred fire In dead and dull conceit can life inspire Or like that rare and rich Elixar stone Can turne to gold leaden inuention Be gracious then and daine to show in mee The mighty power of thy Deitie And as thou read'st Faire take compassion Force me not enuie my Pigmalion Then when thy kindnes grants me such sweet blisse I'le gladly write thy metamorphosis PIGMALION 1. PIgmalion whose hie loue-hating minde Disdain'd to yeeld seruile affection Or amorous sute to any woman-kinde Knowing their wants and mens perfection Yet Loue at length forc'd him to know his fate And loue the shade whose substance he did hate 2. For hauing wrought in purest Iuorie So faire an Image of a Womans feature That neuer yet proudest mortalitie Could show so rare and beautious a creature Vnlesse my Mistres all-excelling face Which giues to beautie beauties onely grace 3. Hee was amazed at the wondrous rarenesse Of his owne workmanships perfection He thought that Nature nere produc'd such fairenes In which all beauties haue their mantion And thus admiring was enamored On that fayre Image himselfe portraied 4. And naked as it stood before his eyes Imperious Loue declares his Deitie O what alluring beauties he descries In each part of his faire imagery Her nakednes each beauteous shape containes All beautie in her nakednes remaines 5. He thought he saw the blood run through the vaine And leape and swell with all alluring meanes Then feares he is deceiu'd and then againe He thinks he see'th the brightnes of the beames Which shoote from out the fairenes of her eye At which he stands as in an extasie 6. Her Amber-coloured her shining haire Makes him protest the Sunne hath spread her head With golden beames to make her farre more faire But whē her cheeks his amorous thoughts haue fed Then he exclaimes such redde and so pure white Did neuer blesse the eye of mortall sight 7. Then view's her lips no lips did seeme so faire In his conceit through which he thinks doth flie So sweet a breath that doth perfume the ayre Then next her dimpled chin he doth discry And views and wonders and yet view's her still Loues eyes in viewing neuer haue their fill 8. Her breasts like polisht Iuory appeare Whose modest mount doe blesse admiring eye And makes him wish for such a Pillowbeare Thus fond Pigmalion striueth to discry Each beauteous part not letting ouer-slip One parcell of his curious workmanship 9. Vntill his eye discended so farre downe That it descried Loues pauillion Where Cupid doth enioy his onely crowne And Venus hath her chiefest mantion There would be winke winking looke againe Both eies thoughts would gladly there remaine 10. Who euer saw the subtile Citty-dame In sacred church whē her pure thoughts shold pray Peire through her fingers so to hide her shame When that her eye her mind would faine bewray So would he view and winke and view againe A chaster thought could not his eyes retaine 11. He wondred that she blusht not when his eye Saluted those same parts of secrecie Conceiting not it was imagerie That kindly yeelded that large libertie O that my Mistres were an Image too That I might blameles her perfections view 12. But when the faire proportion of her thigh Began appeare O Ouid would he cry Did ere Corinna show such Iuorie When she appear'd in Venus liuorie And thus enamour'd dotes on his owne Art Which he did work to work his pleasing smart 13. And fondly doting oft he kist her lip Oft would he dally with her Iuory breasts No wanton loue-trick would he ouer-slip But still obseru'd all amorous beheasts Whereby he thought he might procure the loue Of his dull Image which no plaints coulde moue 14. Looke how the peeuish Papists crouch and kneele To some dum Idoll with their offering As if a senceles carued stone could feele The ardor of his bootles chattering So fond he was and earnest in his sute To his remorsles Image dum and mute 15. He oft doth wish his soule might part in sunder So that one halfe in her had residence Oft he exclaimes ô beauties onely wonder Sweet modell of delight faire excellence Be gracious vnto him that formed thee Compassionate his true-loues ardencie 16. She with her silence seemes to graunt his sute Then he all iocund like a wanton louer With amorous embracements doth salute Her slender wast presuming to discouer The vale of Loue where Cupid doth delight To sport and dally all the sable night 17. His eyes her eyes kindly encountered His breast
her breast oft ioyned close vnto His armes embracements oft she suffered Hands armes eyes tongue lips and all parts did woe His thigh with hers his knee playd with her knee A happy consort when all parts agree 18. But when he saw poore soule he was deceaued Yet scarce he could beleeue his sence had failed Yet when he found all hope from him bereaued And saw how fondly all his thoughts had erred Then did he like to poore Ixion seeme That clipt a cloud in steede of heauens Queene 19. I oft haue smil'd to see the foolery Of some sweet Youths who seriously protest That Loue respects not actuall Luxury But onely ioy's to dally sport and iest Loue is a child contented with a toy A busk-point or some sauour still's the boy 20. Marke my Pigmalion whose affections ardor May be a mirror to posteritie Yet viewing touching kissing common fauour Could neuer satiat his loues ardencie And therefore Ladies thinke that they nere loue you Who doe not vnto more then kissing moue you 21. For my Pigmalion kist viewd and imbraced And yet exclaimes why were these women made O sacred Gods and with such beauties graced Haue they not power as well to coole and shade As for to heate mens harts or is there none Or are they all like mine relentlesse stone 22. With that he takes her in his louing armes And downe within a Downe-bed softly layd her Then on his knees he all his sences charmes To inuocate sweet Venus for to raise her To wished life and to infuse some breath To that which dead yet gaue a life to death 23 Thou sacred Queene of sportiue dallying Thus he begins Loues onely Emperesse Whose kingdome rests in wanton reuelling Let me beseech thee show thy powerfulnesse In changing stone to flesh make her relent And kindly yeeld to thy sweet blandishment 24 O gracious Gods take compassion Instill into her some celestiall fire That she may equalize affection And haue a mutuall loue and loues desire Thou know'st the force of loue then pitty me Compassionate my true loues ardencie 25 Thus hauing said he riseth from the floore As if his soule diuined him good fortune Hoping his prayers to pitty moou'd some power For all his thoughts did all good luck importune And therefore straight he strips him naked quite That in the bedde he might haue more delight 26 Then thus Sweet sheetes he sayes which nowe doe couer The Idol of my soule the fairest one That euer lou'd or had an amorous louer Earths onely modell of perfection Sweet happy sheetes daine for to take me in That I my hopes and longing thoughts may win 27 With that his nimble limbs doe kisse the sheetes And now he bowes him for to lay him downe And now each part with her faire parts doe meet Now doth he hope for to enioy loues crowne Now doe they dally kisse embrace together Like Leda's Twins at sight of fairest weather 28 Yet all's conceit But shadow of that blisse Which now my Muse striues sweetly to display In this my wondrous metamorphosis Daine to beleeue me now I sadly say The stonie substance of his Image feature Was straight transform'd into a liuing creature 29 For when his hands her faire form'd limbs had felt And that his armes her naked wast imbraced Each part like Waxe before the sunne did melt And now oh now he finds how he is graced By his owne worke Tut women will relent When as they finde such mouing blandishment 30. Doe but conceiue a Mothers passing gladnes After that death her onely sonne hath seazed And ouerwhelm'd her soule with endlesse sadnes When that she sees him gin for to be raised From out his deadly swoune to life againe Such ioy Pigmalion feeles in euery vaine 31. And yet he feares he doth but dreaming find So rich content and such celestiall blisse Yet when he proues finds her wondrous kind Yeelding soft touch for touch sweet kisse for kisse He's well assur'd no faire imagery Could yeeld such pleasing loues felicity 32. O wonder not to heare me thus relate And say to flesh transformed was a stone Had I my Loue in such a wished state As was afforded to Pigmalion Though flinty hard of her you soone should see As strange a transformation wrought by mee 33. And now me thinks some wanton itching eare With lustfull thoughts and ill attention List's to my Muse expecting for to heare The amorous discription of that action Which Venus seekes and euer doth require When fitnes graunts a place to please desire 34. Let him conceit but what himselfe would doe When that he had obtayned such a fauour Of her to whom his thoughts were bound vnto If she in recompence of his loues labour Would daine to let one payre of sheets containe The willing bodies of those louing twaine 35. Could he oh could he when that each to eyther Did yeeld kind kissing and more kind embracing Could he when that they felt and clip t together And might enioy the life of dallying Could he abstaine midst such a wanton sporting From doing that which is not fit reporting 36. What would he doe when that her softest skin Saluted his with a delightfull kisse When all things fit for loues sweet pleasuring Inuited him to reape a Louers blisse What he would doe the selfe same action Was not neglected by Pigmalion 37. For when he found that life had tooke his seate Within the breast of his kind beauteous loue When that he found that warmth and wished heate Which might a Saint and coldest spirit moue Thē arms eyes hands tong lips wanton thigh Were willing agents in Loues luxurie 38. Who knowes not what ensues O pardon me Yee gaping eares that swallow vp my lines Expect no more Peace idle Poesie Be not obsceane though wanton in thy rimes And chaster thoughts pardon if I doe trip Or if some loose lines from my pen doe slip 39. Let this suffice that that same happy night So gracious were the Gods of marriage Mid'st all there pleasing and long wish'd delight Paphus was got of whom in after age Cyrus was Paphos call'd and euermore Those Ilandars do Venus name adore FINIS SATYRES The Authour in prayse of his precedent Poem NOw Rufus by old Glebrons fearefull mace Hath not my Muse deseru'd a worthy place Come come Luxurio crowne my head with Bayes Which like a Paphian wantonly displayes The Salaminian titillations Which tickle vp our leud Priapians Is not my pen compleate are not my lines Right in the swaggering humor of these times O sing Peana to my learned Muse. Io bis dicite Wilt thou refuse Doe not I put my Mistres in before And pitiously her gracious ayde implore Doe not I flatter call her wondrous faire Vertuous diuine most debonaire Hath not my Goddesse in the vaunt-gard place The leading of my lines theyr plumes to grace And then ensues my stanzaes like odd bands Of voluntaries and mercenarians Which like Soldados of our warlike age March