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A47081 Mercy triumphing over judgement or, A warning for Sabbath-breakers Published for Gods glory and the benefit of all true Christians. By me Thomas Jones, of the City of Hereford. Who for prophaning the Lords Day was [m]ost miraculously strucken by the hand of God, and ut[te]rly depriv'd of all my senses, for the space of 4 years; [an]d now by his great mercy (upon my hearty repen[ta]nce) being perfectly restored to my former health, I [w]as moved to set forth this ensuing relation, as a testi[m]ony of my thankfulnesse to God for his fatherly [ch]astisement; and that all others by my example, may [b]e deterred from so hainous an offence as Sabbath-breaking. Jones, Thomas, of Hereford. 1641 (1641) Wing J993A; ESTC S103195 21,118 49

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markt what fearefull sin Our fore-fathers did too too much runne in Gods mighty wrath they often did provoke Yet soone it vanisht as the Airy smoake But most severe he hath beene unto those Who did his Sabbath breake when they might choose Witnesse the man who for a small offence On Gods blest day death was his recompence He onely gathered sticks to serve his need But from neglect or sloth it did proceed God seaven dayes did make and did exempt But one for his owne use now in contempt If man abuse his Sabbath which he blest And from his worldly labours will not rest Or if we lewdly spend the Sabbath day Or carelessely his sacred will obey Or if that day our duties we neglect For that offence wee may the like expect But he that gathered sticks and I have bin Thus plagu'd that others may abhorre that sin Praysed be God for it though I have beene Ere since perplext in mind yet hath he seene Me dayly on my knees for mercy praving And with repentant teares alwayes am saying O Lord my God my faith my hope encrease My weake petitions grant when thou shalt please Yet all those faculties which I enjoy'd For seven yeares the Lord my God annoy'd But I with faith and hope did alwayes pray Unto him still whose mercy doth o'resway His justice great for in all ages past Gods dreadfull wrath did but a moment last And his chastisement which in mercy fall The greater blessings doe attend them all Witnesse the Thiefe that dyed with our Saviour His faith upon the Crosse his last behaviour Made him with Jesus Christ to live for ever And with the Saints he Lauds th' Almighty giver Of Heaven and Earth of joy of Peace of Rest The onely man that at his Death was blest Now seeing in mercy God chastised me With faith I hope my life was his decree He turn'd my teares to smiles and in my sleepe The Spirit that spake true promise then did keepe For long before the time was at an end A married wife from London God did send Unto her husband who in Brecknocke liv'd Where he with sicknesse was long vext and griev'd Now in this second M●trymoniall knot Gods love and mercy shall not be forgot For when the Sick-mans meanes was almost gon It was encreast past hopes by God alone Who made his wife returne to ease his heart And from her gold most freely she did part She travail'd far and neere by day and night To gaine Physitions aid if that she might No cost she spar'd no physicke did he lacke But all in vaine for death at crusht his backe Yet God did make their love againe more strong Then ere it was which death did crosse ere long For Atropo's stole with his dierfull knife And suddainly did cut his thred of life Before his death she dream'd by her relation Unto their friends beyond mans expectation She being with child was often sicke with feare Then in a dreame her Unckle did appeare To her and to her comfort thus he said Thinke on Christ Jesus be not thou dismaid On wednesday thou shalt ease and comfort have But when she wak'd the man was in his grave In dust and ashes he was long before For he had then beene dead six yeares and more Her husband being in tomb'd within the earth Two children strove in her to have their birth Then two moneths after upon Friday night Strong throws and labour did her soule affright Yea day by day she was in mortall paine Untill that hopefull wednesday came againe The Mid-wife and her friends this counsell gave To cut her wombe that she her life might save But she replied nay God forbid that I Should rip my wombe no rather let me dye But on the wednesday morne that followed next Her griefe encreast and she was more perplext Then from her wombe a sweet girle there did spring Which did encrease her faith not feare deaths sting Yet then her throws encreas'd she had more paine Till from her wombe a dead child sprung againe Which was a boy the girle on earth did live Eleaven dayes Then Christ her soule did give To God and all her friends with one accord Did humbly praise th' eternall mighty Lord Who such a wonder on a stranger wrought The like was never seene in Wales t is thought God sav'd her life past hopes and made her know The day that his great mercy he would show To her her friends thus said she was belov'd Of God for God her faith and patience prov'd She was chastis'd to shew that she was blest God spar'd her life her faith the heavens increast Her love her care of him who caus'd her wo Doth shew her faith yet she they said must do The like no doubt Gods glory she must raise For which she lives to gaine eternall praise Cease doting Muse in vaine thou setst her forth God knowes her heart let heav'ns make knowne her worth She being restored to her health againe Among her husbands friends she did maintaine Her selfe according to her rancke and blood In modest sort during her widdow-hood She taught to sow to wash to starch to read Her love her fame in divers shires did spread From whence the Gentry did their children send To her her breeding they did still commend Her paines her care her love gave all content The heaven of heavens did know her true intent Then did she dreame againe as t was reported A Painter to her company resorted He gain'd her love to him she married was But thought that it would never come to passe When she awak't but in the morning she Did aske what Painters here in Wales might be Her friends reply'd truly we know not well But in this Towne there 's one we all can tell This night said she a Painter won my love A blacke haird man of him I did approve But now the Painter I have lost my love Is God who did my faith and patience prove Then when she was growne strong she did returne Unto that house where she began to mourne For her late husband dead but when againe She came my mother neere her did remaine Where they close neighbors for a twelve month liv'd And oft discours'd sometimes wherefore they griev'd My mother finding her most loving courteous kind Of good conditions and a zealous mind They both were intimate and liv'd together More deare then neighbours for I knew not whether Greater affection bore unto each other Then for her kind respects unto my Mother In commendations of her blessed name I these unpolisht lines did frame Mary a Virgin God and Man did beare Who conquer'd Death for those in thraldome were And you in name and nature blest also For health unto the Virgins Son did go Your love your faith your hope in God your joy Brought you to him who did death hell destroy Then when the Spirits promise did grow neere Fresh hopes reviv'd my heart as shall appeare My senses all
MERCY TRIUMPHING OVER ●UDGEMENT OR A WARNING FOR SABBATH-BREAKERS Published for Gods glory and the benefit of all true Christians BY me Thomas Jones Of the City of Hereford Who for prophaning the Lords Day was ●o t miraculously strucken by the hand of God and ut●…ly depriv'd of all my senses for the space of 4 years ●…d now by his great mercy upon my hearty repen●●nce being perfectly restored to my former health I as moved to set forth this ensuing Relation as a testi●ony of my thankfulnesse to God for his fatherly ●●astisement and that all others by my example may ●e deterred from so hainous an offence as Sabbath-●reaking 1 Cor. 10.11 Now all these things happened for examples Therefore remember that yee keepe holy the Sabbath day Exod. 20.8 London Printed by E. P. for Iohn Wright the Younger dwelling 〈…〉 Goe little Booke present thy selfe Cum Privilegio THE PROLOGUE BEloved Christians before I was punished for my sins I followed mine owne wayes but now I desire to keepe the commandements of my God therefore I will first relate unto ●u in Prose the manner of my chastisement and what I con●eive to be the cause wherefore I was afflicted Vpon the Lords ●ay or Sabbath called Whitsunday in the yeare 1624. I disobayed the Lord and violated that great day in Cursing Swearing Drinking and keeping of bad company making an Alehouse or a worse place my chiefest Sanctuary all that day from which time my memory was taking from me for seaven weekes that I could never since remember any thing I did ●eing eight dayes after that offence committed in perfect health and cannot conceive how I spent the next Lords day but on Trinity-monday riding to a wedding my horse slumbled in a plaine greene way and cast me from off his backe upon a stone where as I am enformed was scarce another stone to be seene for halfe a mile thence was I carried home to the Priory of Brecknock as dead and lay as one languishing for a weeke having a Physitian and a Chyrurgion with me but could not agree where the fracture was for outwardly there was no wound to be seene neverthelesse the Sirgeon conceiving where the fracture was and that I might dye within three dayes if the braine had not vent immediatly made an incision in the Temples on the right side of my head and cutting all the Veine in that place I bled by report six or seaven quarts of blood before the veines stopt bleeding yet at the seaven weekes end I was almost recovered of that desperate wound and my memory came to me againe but how when or where I was thus chastised I know not nor whether I felt any paine when I was so grievously wounded and cured I could not nor can I remember onely my violating or prophaning the Lords day before declared I did and doe as yet remember which made me demand of the Surgeon and others that were about me at the seaven weekes end how long it was since Whitsuntide And being commanded in a dreame to give an account of the Talent which was given me since I repented for violating the Lords day I have made bold to present these my endeavours to your charitable censures not doubting but if the rest of my Talent were manifest to the world it would be pleasing to God and man most beneficiall and usefull for this Kingdome and fit for all young Clearkes Schollers and Artificers who understand not the Latine Tongue which I wanted my selfe before my Lord and Master corrected me To the VVorshipfull and worthily honoured HERBRT PRISE Esquire one of the Queenes Majesties Gentlemen Sewers To his Vertuous Religious and Zealous Wife the Lady Goditha Prise heretofore one of the maids of her Majesties privy Chamber and to their onely Child Mistresse Henriete Maria Prise one of her Majesties GOD Daughters MOst blessed three one God Divinity Protect thy number sacred Trinity To whom I prostrate here thy gift my will Grant them O Lord the peace of Conscience still True honours grace thou knowst I as a Bird Escapt the Foulers snare when death was fear'd My braines being chrusht my Temples crackt I fled From thence and by a blessed Angell led The Spirit of grace my faith my hope reviv'd And for these seaventeene yeares hath me repriv'd From death to shew the world Gods gift this Story That Sabbath-Breakers might behold my glory And Gods elect may see the reason why I was so plung'd in dreadfull misery The truth it doth declare at large and how Upon repentance God doth mercy show This gift is his which humbly I present In hope you 'l please t' accept the good intent Of him who praise Your honoured dayes May Zealous be Eternallie His life is yours While heart endures THOMAS JONES Anagram Herbert Prise her ripe Brest An Acrostick on his name An Acrostick on his Anagram in the last words of these Lines invented by the Author H He made his mothers brest full ripe in Her Ever she hopes her ripe brest will not Erre Religious Zeale within her brest doth Raigne Brest ripe in him all vice he doth Refraine Enrich his heart most wise his Faith In crease Ripe is his Brest his Soule the Heav'ns would Please The she ripe brest her Piety Exceeds Parting her Zeale to him in him it Breeds Rule Lord his heart and make his fortunes Rise In all respects before great Monarchs Eyes Send him true health true wealth and let him See Each sev'rall good descendeth downe from Thee H E E R R B R E I R P T E P B R R I E S S E T The Capitalls beginning shewes his name Those in the ends declares his Anagram Goditha Prise Praise thy God An Acrostick on her name An Acrostick on her Anagram G Great Mountaines stoope let Cedars have the Praise O're Hills o're Dales Gods glory they doe Raise Deepe Seas and Flouds the Sunne doth oft Annoy In ev'ry place the Sun 's the Cedars Joy Then Praise thy God brave Cedar truly Send Him thy best sap his blessings hath no End All blessed pow'rs whose Patience man doth Try Powre down your grace on her Praise God on Hye Rare Cedar blest Gods Heav'nly shade Intreat Immortall Tree most blest most high most Great Spread forth and Praise thy God thou art his Owne Extoll his name who sends all blessings Downe P O R D A I J T S H E A T P H R I I G S O E D The Capitalls beginning shewes her name Those at the ends declares her Anagram Anagram Henriete Maria Prise I remaine the aspirer An Acrostick on her name H Here is that Cedars Branch whose name aspire Exalted by a Queene what Subject higher Now Praise thy God sweet branches Roote againe Rejoyce in him his love doth still remaine I saith the Lord will powre on them my grace Even I will shield this Branch in ev'ry place Th' immortall life that comes in ev'ry bud Encrease her strength and feed her with thy
desp'rate bloody wound There he the vaines did cut then as a flood Did issue thence abundance of my blood In streames it ran till I had lost my breath Then all men fear'd that I should bleed to death Yet after I six quarts or seaven did bleed My blood did stop and I from paine was freed Then did my worthy Master send againe To divers Shires a Surgeon to obtaine Who had more skill for I was growne most weake Languish I did they thought I could not speake Thus I remain'd a weeke they say and more In wofull case impatience made me rore With me the Surgeon and Physition staid Expecting still to have more skilfull aid Now when 't was thought that I was almost spent A skilfull Surgeon unto me God sent Out of Glamorganshire from thence he came By chance Iohn Nichols was the Surgeons name Who when he saw how ghastly I did lye He said I was past hopes to live but dye I should ere it were long and thought it best For to with-hold his skill and not molest My lingring life which made my Master grieve And thence returne and say he cannot live If he no skill will shew he needs must dye But if his best he doth what remedy Then when my Masters griefe and feare was past Unto the Surgeon he thus said at last Be pleas'd I pray to let him dye with skill That 's all I crave for God must have his will The Surgeon then unto my Chamber turn'd Where many fear'd and hop'd and wept and mourn'd Then did he raise me up small hopes I have Saith he death I doe smell his life I cannot save Yet in the name of God he did begin To view the wound which I had for my sin God out of ill drawes good and who doth know If unto him the Lord will mercy show While that he breathes saith he in hope I live That God in mercy will assistance give To what I undertake I must confesse Ten thousand in the world are kil'd with lesse A stroake upon the Temples of the head Without a wound or fracture strikes men dead Therefore my brother Surgeon shewd his skill Whose aid I crave I shall applaud him still If in the head the fracture were not found Before this time he had beene in the ground In Brecknockeshire he lives one of his name Did live in Hereford and dy'd with fame He was a noted Surgeon of account Who to the seat of justice there did mount When I a Schoole-boy was he then was Maior And ore the Citty swaid in justice chaire His name was Thomas Williams there approv'd For knowledge wit and skill of all belov'd My Surgeon here is of that name and nature Ordain'd of God to make me live Gods creature And here on earth his servant would I be To blaze his love and mercy unto me This dreadfull newes to Hereford did come Which struck my brother friends and mother dumbe Then she who never thought to visit Wales God did appoint to mount those hils and dales If any were within that sad short way She did not them respect with delay She and my brother came with speed to see What dire mischance had happened unto me Oh! for my sins is was on God blest day For which my Conscience makes me fast and pray His Sabbath I prophaned sundry times But specially I grieve for all those crimes I did on Whitsunday declar'd before Which caus'd the Lord to punish me so sore Wherefore with heart and soule I dayly pray That I may truely keepe his Sabbath day Lord make the world detest that great offence And let all Christians have that spirituall sence The Surgeon whom God sent began to try His hopefull skill my wound he did unty The sharpe incision made he open layd Which made my friends the lookers on affraid Saying with feare if more blood this man spill He needs must dye yet doth he dye with skill Then he replyd thinke you my skill so small VVhat ere I doe there shall not much blood fall From him my flesh he scar'd as he thought good And with his fingers still he stopt the blood My skin he flaid and did raspe out that bone Which in my temples cract upon a stone But by Gods providence and Surgeons skill A spoonfull more of blood he did not spill The bone wraspt up it smeld egregiously And ore the braine he said three skins did lye ●f each of them were putrify'd then he May linger yet but long he cannot be Alive two tainte where the third was not With putrifaction stain'd blemish or spot Whereat my friends and Surgion did rejoyce ●n hope the Lord my God did heare the voice Of some that prayd yet they an alteration Feard which fell beyond mans expectation For God himselfe which did my flesh torment Reviv'd my soule and made my heart repent Then in the morne before the breake of day The Surgeon sent to see how quiet I lay My loving friends who watcht with me that night With courteous words againe did him requite Surely said they the Surgeon hands are blest For since his fall he tooke not so much rest The former Surgeon his attendance gave And all things brought which he desir'd to have Their care their paines their love did still abound They griev'd they fear'd they hop'd I mercy found With God and when they hopes of life did see They prais'd the Lord and each one prayd for me Then did they view my dreadfull wound againe And order gave what meats I should refraine And when my grievous wound they view and drest The Surgeon God did send made this request Cause I have many patients here and there And my long absence might put them in feare I pray be pleas'd sith feare of death is past That unto them againe I now may hast His brother Williams he would leave with me For under God he sav'd your life said he Had not he found the fracture in the head And an incision made you had beene dead Before this time therefore you live to God All comes from him he smote you with his rod These words my Masters pleas'd my friends also Who said to him you know your time to goe Let us not hinder you goe when you please For God appointed you to give him ease After which time he two dayes more did stay But then with speed he seem'd to post away The former Surgeon then his skill did shew But how this wound I had I did not know For after I abus'd the Sabbath day I did remaine in health a weeke they say And more but all that time I cannot tell What ere I did being then both sound and well Nor six weekes after I was hurt alas Nothing I know nor how it came to passe But by relation I will make it knowne Wherefore Gods judgement was upon me showne It was for mine offence seven weekes before Which still I doe remember but no more Saving those things I did
benumb'd my drooping mind My tongue my limbs did alteration find For when my speech and faculties I lost Upon deepe despaires tombe my heart was tost And now the heavens who life doth still presage bound up my wounds and bids me cherish age What cares what feares then harbour'd in my brest Is knowne to him who matrimony blest He made me goe unto my Mothers friend That faithfull widdow whom she did commend Our hearts we linkt in one we did agree When that our Nuptiall day should be Which now I note t was just foure dayes before The foure yeeres were expired and no more Upon which day she said for you I tarried My life God spar'd for you yet was I married A twelve moneth since unto an Artist kind Unto a blacke hair'd Painter but I find Dreames are but fantasies they 'r seldome true Then I replyd that dreame perhaps comes now For I a Painter am or would be so Though I of late no faculty could show And Doctor Laud the Lord Archbishops grace Of Canterbury being Bishop of this place Saint Davies calld his Lordship promise made That by Commission I should use that trade Throughout his Dioces to beautifie The House of God by his authoritie And though of late he be translated hence Your dreame my hopes revive without offence Then when the next Lord Bishop there did come For to succeed the Lord Arch-bishops roome That 's now in my behalfe my Master spake To him who nobly for my Masters sake The like Commission caused to be made For me I his assistance had and aid Then with my men Gods house I did adorne Although before I seem'd as one forlorne But riding on the Sabbath day againe My soule and conscience griev'd and did complaine Against my heart God now the umpire is Who will not suffer man to doe amisse Then as I rid I thus resolv'd the doubt It is Gods house which makes me ride about Therefore I know I doe not God offend With that my heart did faint because the end Was for my gaine and not to rectifie The house of God which I did beautifie Then my Commission close two yeeres I staid Because my greedy heart made me dismayd My wife being then with Child that night when she Did hope by her account her Child to see At midnight she fell in a shivering fit Whom I awakt and askt the cause of it This night saith she when I expected ease My spirit or guardian angell which you please To me did speake whereat I was affrighted Thinke not its said that you shall yet be lighted On All Saints day God hath decreed that you Shall then be brought to bed alas it s now Full six weekes hence saith she alas that I Must so long yet endure this misery Yet t is Gods will she said his name I le praise His will be done he hath prolong'd my dayes Then in the morne she heart of grace did take All griefe all feare distrust she did forsake On All Saints eve her labour then begun Sad gripes and throwes in every part did run But by the breake of day on that blest morne That followed next a man child she had borne Into the world wherefore she prais'd the Lord Blessing his name who hath perform'd his word With her and said I most unworthy am To know thy will or call upon thy name Then I another course of life did undertake And for a time all Painting did forsake Because a friend of mine was Sheriffe there And his Recorder made me for that yeare I by that place experience still did gaine There I with credit did my charge maintaine My son by promise by my wifes relation God blest with vertue beyond expectation He being a twelve moneth old or somewhat more His mother dream'd againe as heretofore When Mistresse Prise of Brecknocke Priory lay Most dangerous sicke expecting every day The time she would this wretched life depart Cause all Physitians fayld with skill and Art To cure her long disease yet if she playd With her young child a voice unto her said She should be eas'd of each sicke tedious fit But wisht my houshold not to speake of it Least she should there be made a laughing stocke For dreames are fancies which doe most men mocke Still Mistresse Prise lay sicke as heretofore After that time a moneth I know and more About which time my wife did ride to see Her mother friends and kindred Gods decree That morne she went from home one privatly Reveal'd her dreame but told it secretly To Mistresse Prise who for my child did send To see if after that her griefe would end The child being brought to her with him she playd And him Physition cald but thus she pray'd Lord if it be thy will that I shall live And hast ordain'd this meanes I praises give Unto thy sacred name for this thy love Blesse this sweet child with grace that he may prove Thy Servant here on earth and in the end Make his sweet soule unto thy Throne ascend After the child's being there she mended still And did recover her health Gods sacred will His mother scarce a weeke from home did stay After the child with Mistresse Prise did play But God was pleas'd before my wife came home To make my Mistresse walke about her roome Then God restor'd her to her health againe And ever since in health she doth remaine She can declare the truth which I have Writ To shew the gift of God I thought most fit I having now discharg'd in Brecknockshire The Shire-Clerks place which held but for a yeere It pleas'd the Judges there my will to grace And did confer on me another place They made me an Attorney at th'Assise Which office there my fortunes did not rise Because my Clyants they were Welsh-men bred And when they spake I knew not what they sed Then I a Prentise tooke and thought it fit To teach him all things that was requisite But when I found he Welsh and English spake I thought with him I should more profit make If he and I with my Commission went T' adorne the House of God then my intent And purpose I began yet still I prayd My God my Lord who made my soule affraid T' assist my good desire Lord send me skill Againe t' adorne thy house he knew my will He was my ayd though he chastised me He makes me cautious of his blest decree Though I did once prophane his day of rest Henceforth I hope t' observe his Sabbath blest For on that day within his sacred Booke My heart and soule for profit there shall looke His grace and favour I have found againe He with his blessings doth my life sustaine Still he is pleas'd t' assist me with his grace Which doth my mind content in every place Yet every day my sorrows did encrease Because my speciall friends did still decrease Death strikes them here too fast ah me I grieve To see strong Oakes cast