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B25425 Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K; Tropologia. Book 4. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.; De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685. Tropologia. aut 1682 (1682) Wing K101A; ESTC R7039 690,855 608

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Paul determined to know nothing so much as Christ and him crucified When we know Christ better we shall understand this Mystery better Christ is the Mystery wrapt up in all the Gospel he is the Scope of all the Scripture the Pearl hid in the Field every Line is drawn to him as the proper Center all the Types and Shadows pointed to him and all the Promises run in him Jesus Christ is really and truly God and yet very Man God and Man in one Person and is not this a Mystery 1. Is it not a Wonder that a Woman should compass a Man 2. That he that made the World should be born of a Woman 3. That the Ancient of Days should become a Child of a Day old 4. That Blessedness it self should be brought under a Curse for Sinners Christ was made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 as it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree 5. That he that was the Heir of all things Heir of both Worlds should be laid in a Manger 6. That he who was God over all should have no where to lay his Head 7. That he should become poor who was so rich and by his Poverty make others rich is not this a Mystery 8. He by dying destroyed Death and unless he had died we could not live and by Death he brought us to Life 9. And is it not a Mystery that a Person should be capable to die and yet by his own Power raise himself up again from the Dead 10. Is not this a Mystery that the Physician should die to cure his Patient nay and unless he die the Sin-sick Soul could not live and that his Blood should be the Balsam Is it not a great Mystery that the offended Saviour should suffer to free the offending Sinner 11. Is it not a Mystery that the Nature of Man should be so joined to the Divine Nature of God that both should make but one Christ and that our Nature should be exalted above the Nature of the Angels that Man should sit at God's right hand that Man should be very God and God very Man in one Person O how great is ●he Mystery of Godliness Acts 2.23 chap. 4.28 12. Is it not a Mystery that Christ suffered according to the Decree and determined Counsel of God and yet the Jews did wickedly in putting him to Death Secondly The Mystery of Christianity appears to be great 1. in God's casting off the Jews who followed after Righteousness and in calling the Gentiles who followed not after Righteousness That God should not be found of them that sought him and be found of them that sought him not 2. That God should chuse poor and contemptible Ones into his Service and reject the Wise the Noble and the Learned and that by weak Things he overcame the Mighty and by Folly confounded the Wisdom of this World Thirdly There is a great Mystery in Election in Justification in Sanctification in Renovation c. Nay what Branch or Part of the Doctrine of Godliness is not full of Mystery Fourthly There is a Mystery in every Grace 1. In Faith As 1. That a Sinner should believe i. e. go out of himself and be carried above himself to believe Things impossible to Man's Sense and above his Reason that he should seek for Justification by the Righteousness and Obedience of another for a Man as one would think to have a great deal of Holiness and good Works and yet to throw it as it were all away and be dead to it in point of Trust and Dependence is not this a Mystery 2. To believe when every thing is opposite to it To work for Life and to oppose some Sin a natural Man is ready to do but to believe in Christ for Life and Holiness to relie upon his Doings his Works and Merits this the Heart of Map is averse to nay and Satan opposeth it the World mocks at it and accounts it Foolishness 3. That a Man should believe and not see nay believe as Abraham did in hope against hope 2. There is a Mystery in Love that a Man should love him with an endeared Affection with a superlative Love whom the World can see no beauty in nay thus to love him whom their natural Eyes never beheld nay love him who is able to make great and save from all Misery and yet suffers his People and best beloved Ones to lie amongst the Pots and to be hated and persecuted in the World and to appearance to be of all Men the most miserable A Saint knows the Reason of these Things but 't is a Mystery to others The Love of Christ turns the Affections another way it drives as it were Jordan back it makes the Waters ascend and run up hill Is it not a Mystery to see a Saint who hath a Hundred nay it may be Five Hundred a Year a gracious Wife many sweet and lovely Children enjoying much Health and living in all Prosperity yet if he hath lost the Light of God's Countenance or Christ be withdrawn from him he is cast down and greatly distressed and afflicted in his Spirit and crying out Ah! what is all that I possess sith I want the Love of Christ the Presence of Christ what 's an Estate and no Christ Wife and Children and no sight of Christ Christ saith he is all to me and all is nothing without him This is a Mystery to carnal Hearts they wonder at it Nay to see a Man that hath all the Comforts of the World expose himself to cruel Mockings Loss of Goods to Imprisonment and Death it self for Christ's sake is a strange thing to worldly Men they think the Man is mad 't is a Mystery to them c. Fourthly The Effects and Operations of Grace and Godliness are a Mystery 1. That God should make Men wise by teaching them to become Fools 1 Cor. 3.18 2. That the way to become rich very rich eternally rich is to become poor This is a Mystery yet this Mystery is taught us in the Person of Christ David was a King and very rich yet cries out I am poor he was poor in Spirit This poor Man cried There is that maketh himself rich yet hath nothing there is that maketh himself poor Prov. 13.7 and yet hath great Riches 3. That the way to have all is to lose all and that a Man gains most when he loses most Is not this a Mystery 4. That Men must die to live or that the way to live is to die nay that God kills by making Souls alive and yet by that killing and death brings them to life And is not this a Mystery Sin must die and we must die to Sin Sin revived and I died Rom. 7.11 yet by that Death he revived and lived A Man must die to Self or he can never live himself 5. God makes Men blind by giving Sight and turns that Darkness into Light and is not this a Mystery 6. The way
and abstain from it from right Principles and not only to leave it but to loath it Again it consisteth in keeping up all holy and religious Duties viz. Reading Hearing Praying Distributing to the Poor Conforming to all moral and positive Precepts to be holy at home in the Family in the Church in the World to exercise a good Conscience towards God Acts 24.16 and towards Men. This is to put on the Breast-plate of Righteousness I might give many Directions about putting it on and also shew some of Satan's cunning Stratagems in endeavouring to make useless this blessed Piece of the Christian's Armor in laying Discouragements in the way of true Piety or by persuading Persons they have this Breast-plate on when 't is a counterfeit one He persuades Men that Moral Righteousness will serve their turn and sufficiently preserve them from eternal Death But this shall suffice in this place The Shield of Faith Ephes 6.16 Above all take the Shield of Faith c. FAith is a Grace a most precious and excellent Grace of the Spirit of God whereby the Soul is enabled to believe or go out of it self and wholly to rely and rest upon Christ crucified or on his active and passive Obedience upon the Warrant of the Promise for Justification and eternal Life Metaphor Parallel A Shield is a Piece of Armor that Souldiers were wont to carry with them into the Field when they were to engage their Enemies FAith is a part of a Christian's spiritual Armor All Christ's Souldiers ought to carry this Weapon into the Field with them when they engage the Enemy of their Souls Above all take the Shield of Faith II. A Shield is a Piece of Armor made for Defence II. Faith is of excellent use to defend the Soul from all spiritual Dangers of Sin and Satan and other Enemies III. A Shield is not for the Defence of any particular part of the Body as almost all other Pieces are The Helmet is fitted for the Head the Breast-plate is designed for the Breast so others have their several Parts which they are fastened to But a Shield is a Piece that is intended for the Defence of the whole Body It was wont to be made very large for its broadness called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gurnal a Door because so long and large as in a manner to cover the whole Body to which that place alludes Psal 4.12 Thou Lord wilt bless the Righteous with Favour thou wilt compass him about as with a Shield III. So the Grace of Faith defends the whole Man every part of a Christian 1. Sometimes Satan's ●emptations are levell'd against his Head and if he can hit him there he wounds sorely He will be disputing against this Truth and that Truth and make a Christian doubt concerning them if possible because his own Reason cannot comprehend them As perhaps it may be about the Deity of Christ or the Holy Trinity how they can be three and yet but one or about Satisfaction How the Debt is paid and yet the Sinner freely pardoned c. Now Faith is as a Shield to a Saint at this time and interposeth between a Christian and this Arrow of Satan it comes in to the relief of the Saints weak Understanding as seasonable as Zerviah did to David when the Giant Ishbibenob thought to have slain him I 'le trust the Word of God saith the Soul rather than my own purblind Reason what I cannot comprehend I will believe Thus Abraham not being weak in Faith Rom. 4.19 considered not his own Body now dead c. Sense and Reason would have made sad work at such a dead Lift but Faith brought him off victoriously Secondly Sometimes Satan strives to hit the Conscience all his Assaults and fiery Darts are at another season aimed at that to wound that to cause Horror and Terror within by setting the Evil of Sin and of his own Heart and the Infirmities of his Life before him Satan sets our Sins before us not to humble us but to wound us he shews our Sins to us but hides a Saviour from us Satan hath sometimes tempted gracious Persons to lay violent hands upon themselves when the heinous Nature of their Sin hath appeared to them and the Danger they are in thereby as it was with the poor Jailor Acts 16. Acts 16. But now Faith prevents and keeps off all the Danger and quencheth this fiery Dart. Christ died for Sinners for the chiefest of Sinners and tho thou art a Sinner a great Sinner the worst of Sinners yet saith Faith Thou art but a Sinner and there is Mercy for such Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved if thou canst believe and throw thy self on Christ thy Sins shall not be thy Ruin Thirdly He labours to ensnare the Affections of the Soul or deaden its fervent Love to Jesus Christ by presenting the Pleasures and Profits of this World to it Thus he served our Saviour himself But now Faith shields off this Dart also by shewing the Excellency of the Lord Jesus to the Soul and that all things without him and in comparison of him are nothing nay less than nothing and also by setting the World to come and the Glory thereof before the Eyes of the Soul Heb. 11.1 Faith is the Substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen IV. A Shield tho heavy and somewhat unwieldy to such as have not skill and strength to use it yet it is a moveable Piece of Armor which an expert Souldier with a watchful eye can turn this way and that way to stop a Dart or Blow from lighting on any part that they were directed to by the Enemy IV. Faith is a piece of Christian Armor which unskilful Professors are not ready to use but an experienced Soul can turn it any way to keep off the Arrow and fiery Darts of Satan from hurting or wounding him He observes what part the Enemy aims to hit or how the Temptation is laid It is a great point of Christian Wisdom rightly to exercise the Shield of Faith A Man must be sure to have a watchful Eye upon his Adversary or else for all his Shield he may soon be wounded V. A Shield doth not only defend the whole Body but it is a Defence to other parts of a Souldier's Armor also it keeps off the Dart from the Helmet and Breast-plate likewise V. Faith doth not only defend the whole Soul but also 't is a Safeguard to all the other parts of a Christian's Armor it is that which secures Hope the Helmet of Salvation for without Faith Hope would soon be broken in pieces Also it secures the Breast-plate of Righteousness for neither Christ's Righteousness nor any inherent Holiness in the Soul will avail any thing without Faith VI. A Shield hath been of wonderful advantage to Souldiers in former Times when it was in use it hath preserved them in the
Death Secondly the Grave Thirdly Coals and Flames of Fire Which shew forth the vehement Power and Force of Divine Love to Jesus Christ Which cannot be quenched First Love is compared to Death and the Grave Metaphor Parallel DEath and the Grave overcome the strongest Men it prevails over the most powerful wise and learned in the World neither can the most mighty Monarch encounter Death or stand before it there is no discharge in that War SO Love that is in the Heart of a sincere Christian prevails against all Difficulties and Oppositions Temptations Afflictions and most cruel Sufferings and Torments that can be exercised upon them as appeared by the blessed Martyrs Nothing is too hard for Love it cannot be subdued it overcomes all Sin and Suffering whatsoever II. Death and the Grave seize upon every part of the corporal or mortal Body II. So Love when shed abroad in the Heart seizeth upon all the Faculties of the Soul Hence it is that true Christians are said to love Christ with all their Hearts and with all their Souls Metaphor Disparity DEath and the Grave put an end to natural Life and so cause all Motions or Actions from thence to cease BUt Love hath that Virtue as it is a Grace of the Spirit that it sets all the Faculties of the Soul upon Acts of a spiritual Life None are so lively as those that truly love Jesus Christ II. Death overcomes and destroys that which we would if possible keep viz. our Lives that are most dear to us II. Love only overcomes that which is offensive and contrary to us or that stands in opposition to the Soul's Union with Christ making that which would be injurious to Flesh and Blood to become profitable and advantagious yea tho it be to the Loss of Life yet Love takes away the Fear of Death and makes the Soul willing to part with Life for Christ's sake Love is also compared to Coals and Flames of Fire Metaphor Parallel COals and Flames of Fire are of a burning and consuming Quality THe Grace of Love kindled in the Soul of a Believer burns up and consumes that inordinate Desire which is naturally in the Heart after the Things and Vanities of this World it eats up and consumes all carnal and sensual Lusts whatsoever all fleshly and combustible Stuff or Things that stand in the way are burnt up and destroyed by it II. Coals and Flames of Fire are of a purging and purifying quality II. So the Grace of Love purgeth cleanseth and purifieth the Soul the Dross and Filth of the Heart and Life being wasted away a Christian is made holy sanctified and heavenly thereby III. Coals and Flames of Fire are of a melting and softning Nature they make things tender and pliable meet to receive the Impression of a Seal c. III. So the Grace of Love softens the Heart and melts it making it pliable and very fit and capable to receive the Impression and Divine Image of God IV. Some Fire is so vehement that Water thrown upon it will not quench it but rather cause it to burn more fierce and vehemently IV. The Grace of Love is of such a strong and vehement Nature th●t it is impossible utterly to quench or extinguish it in the Soul tho the Devil daily useth all his Strength and Skill to do it Many ways he continually assaults Believers when Temptations of one sort fail he trieth others he offers worldly Pleasures Honours Riches yea all the Goods as I may say of his House but all is in vain nothing will quench this Divine Flame the true Christian utterly contemns him with all he hath The grand Design of Satan's courting a Man with all his Offers All this will I give thee c. is to gain his Love or draw off his Affections from Jesus Christ If this Way will not do he tries another and brings Afflictions and Crosses upon the Soul but over these likewise is a Saint a Conqueror Which makes the Apostle break forth into this holy Triumph Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ Shall Tribulation or Distress Rom. 8.35 36 37 38. or Persecution or Famine or Nakedness or Peril or Sword No none of these things can For I am persuaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor Things present nor Things to come nor Height nor Depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. V. Fire hath Light with it V. So the Grace of Love is attended with the Knowledg of Christ who is the Object of Love Ignoti enim nulla cupido VI. Coals and Flames of Fire afford Heat they are of a warming and reviving Nature VI. So the Grace of Love heats our cold and frozen Hearts it warms and revives them with sweet and blessed Love and Zeal for God and his Glory VII Flames of Fire ascend or tend continually upwards See more of the Nature and Quality of Fire where the Word of God is compared to it VII So the Grace of Love darts the Desires of the Soul Heavenwards Such have their Affections set on Things above Col. 3.1 2. Metaphor Disparity FIre is from beneath it is earthy and one of the four Elements THe Grace of Love is from above it is a supernatural Grace it grows not in Natures Garden But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love c. II. A violent Fire may be quenched and all natural and elementary Fire shall be put out Mount Aetna shall not burn always II. But the Grace of Love this Divine Fire can never be quenched it shall burn to Eternity Charity never faileth c. Inference BY these Things Works and Operations we may try whether we have true Love to Jesus Christ or no. And for a further Help therein see the following Metaphor Christ's Love compared to Wine Cant. 1.2 For his Love is better than Wine WHereas Christ's Love is preferred to Wine it is to be understood Synecdochically so Ainsworth Wine here is put for the most pleasant joyful refreshing and cordial Things as Bread by the same Figure is frequently put for such things as strengthen c. The Love of Jesus Christ is better than Wine or whatsoever Men esteem to be good or to excell in Nature and Virtue Metaphor Parallel VVIne is the Fruit of a good Tree a choice and precious Plant and 't is the best of natural Liquors THe Love of Christ is the Fruit of the choicest Plant that ever was planted Men and Angels are not to be compared to him See Vine And his Love is the best and choicest of Love Wine is natural but his Love is Divine and supernatural None ever loved as Christ loved II. Wine is pleasant delectable and sweet to the Taste II. There is nothing so pleasant and delectable to a believing Soul as the Manifestation of Christ's Love it excells all things for sweetness III. Wine is to be
Places might be known by the Church the manifold Wisdom of God Hence God is said to love the Gates of Zion Psal 87.2 viz. the Place of his visible Worship more than all the Dwellings of Jacob. Can there be a greater Reproach to a Church or any thing more provoking to God than to have Prayer and other Branches of Publick Worship and Devotion wholly neglected among them X. All the Family yea every particular Person thereof ought to be called together and they diligently to obey that Call and come together at the Time of Devotion or when Prayer is solemnly performed therein X. So the whole Church I mean each Community of Christians yea every particular Member thereof ought to be called together and they diligently to obey that Call at all Times when Prayer or any other part of Church-Service Devotion and Worship is to be performed Heb 10.25 Not forsaking the assembling of your selves together as the manner of some is c. Acts 2.1 They were all with one accord in one Place XI Some Families are exceeding great consisting of many Persons especially if it be the Family of a Prince or noble Person XI The whole Family of Christ the great Prince of Heaven and Earth I mean the whole universal Church both Militant and Triumphant is exceeding great the one part of which is in Heaven and the other on Earth Eph. 3.15 16. For this Cause I bow my Knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole Family in Heaven and Earth is named c. Ephes 3.15 16. XII It is exceeding commendable and honourable for all that belong unto a Family to be truly and cordially affectionate one to another to be ready and willing to do all Offices of Love and Kindness so far as the Law of such a Relation doth require of each in their respective Places and Callings XII So the Lord Jesus the Head and Governor of his Church hath strictly commanded and doth exceedingly commend the Grace of Love in and among all his Family The Church is never more desirable or comely in this World than when the Love of each Member doth abound one towards another when Ministers love the People and the People heartily love them and when every one in the Station wherein God hath set him is ready and willing to do any Office of Love How amiable upon this account is the Church of God! Inferences THis shews that the Church of God are a choice and peculiar People such who have given up themselves in the Order and Fellowship of the Gospel walking together in Love as a holy religious and united Family according to the Order and Discipline Christ hath left in his Word having sweet Acquaintance and Intimacy one with another And now to conclude with this Head from the Whole we may infer I. That God's Church is most dear and precious in his Sight or a People that he hath most choice Love and Affections to and takes great Care of II. That the Church of God under the Gospel-Dispensation is not National Parochial c. III. That the Church of God are a People separated from the World in respect of the Worship Traditions and sinful Customs thereof c. Non-conformity to the World in these respects is an indispensible Duty Be not conformed to this World Rom. 12.2 Come out from amongst them and be ye separated saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing c. 2 Cor. 6.17 IV. That the true Church of God is a Number of sincere and godly Christians who have solemnly covenanted and given up themselves to walk in the true Order and Fellowship of the Gospel according to the exact Rule of God's Word amongst whom the Word of God is truly preached and the Sacraments are duely and in a right manner administred V. That God's Church hath many Enemies and yet in despite of them all shall abide and the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against her And tho for a time she may be low and under great Sufferings yet she shall arise to a great Degree of Glory in the latter Day THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors Allegories and Similes WITH Other Borrowed TERMS That respect MEN. I. Of Men in general II. Of the Godly or good Men. III. Of Sinners or wicked Men. Men compared to Earth Jer. 22.9 Hear O Earth Earth Earth Psal 33.5 Let all the Earth fear the Lord. Let all the Earth keep Silence Rev. 12. But the Earth helped the Woman BY Earth in these Scriptures we are to understand Men dwelling upon the Earth Earth Parallel THe Earth is far from Heaven there is a vast Difference between them ALl Men whilst they remain unconverted or abide in a State of Nature are said to be far from God tho not in respect of Place yet in respect of Condition Men being by reason of Sin in a State of Enmity Eph. 2.13 Ye that sometimes were afar off are now made nigh by the Blood of Christ II. The Earth is a heavy lumpish and gross Body II. So Man naturally is Earth-like a heavy and lumpish Piece being taken out of the Earth and the Off-spring of red Earth As is the earthy 1 Cor. 15.48 such are they that are earthy III. The Earth hath its great Dependency upon the Heavens did not the Rain from above water it and the Sun shine upon it how hard and barren would it soon be II. So Man hath all his Dependency upon God neither the spiritual Man nor the natural Man can subsist unless the Heavens send down Blessings upon them All humane as well as divine Growth and Fruitfulness comes from above IV. Earth turns and cleaves to Earth as its proper Center Tho a Piece of it may by force be lifted up or thrown upward yet by an innate Propensity to descend it naturally falls down again IV. So Man naturally cleaves to and takes delight in earthly Things He that is after the Flesh Rom. 8.5 minds the Things of the Flesh He that is not born anew born of the Spirit but is wholly an earthly Man the Earth is his proper Center tho sometimes his Heart may in an artificial way as it were be lifted upwards yet down he falls again to his own Center V. What a dark Dungeon would the Earthly Globe be did not the Heavens shine upon it V. So what a dark Dungeon is Man's Heart and in what Egyptian Darkness would all Men and Women be involved were it not for the Light of the God of Heaven his Word and blessed Spirit VI. Those Things that are fed and nourished by the Earth are Earth and we see go or return to Earth again VI. So the Body of Man which is fed from the Earth which was taken out of the Earth we daily see goeth to the Earth again and therefore Man may be called Earth Earth Earth Jer. 22.29 that was his Original Earth he was and Earth he is and to Earth he
were upon Ephraim Answ 1. One was Strangers had devoured his Strength Their Support and chief Stay that which should uphold comfort and succour them was gone Wicked Men were let in upon them and such who sought to spoil them of their Rights Liberties and Estates or spiritually Sin prevail●d strange Lusts had devoured their Strength Hos 2.5 Ephraim was fallen in love with other Lovers his Affection was set upon Strangers Saints should keep their Hearts close to Christ or else the Love of the World will soon steal away their Strength and make them decay in Godliness The Whoredom of Ephraim was doubtless one of those gray Hairs he had upon him 2. The Pride of Ephraim was another gray Hair The Pride of Israel doth testify to his Face and therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their Iniquity Hos 5.5 3. Their Goodness was as the M●rning-Cloud and as the early Dew it passed away Hos 6.4 Which might be another of his gray Hairs By their Goodness doubtless is meant their Goodness and Kindness to God and one towards another They were false-hearted unconstant and fickle like a Morning-Cloud their Words were empty Sounds like Clouds withou● Water they dealt treacherously with God and deceitfully with their Brethren 4. They were like a silly Dove without a Heart they let their dearest Enjoiments go like as a silly Dove parts with her Young and did not like the Hen strive to preserve them This might be another of his gray Hairs A Dove is easily caught with a Net so was Ephraim easily ensnared by his Enemies A Dove will keep her Nest tho you take it away and thereby take her captive O how unwilling are some Men to part with their Lusts They will not leave their Sins or Company tho it prove their Ruine They are like the silly Dove 5. The great Things of God's Law were accounted strange Things to Ephraim tho God himself wrote them yet he liked them not but rather derided at them that owned and subjected to them This was another gray Hair Hos 7.8 6. Ephraim was as a Cake not turned he was not through for God he stood halting between two Opinions did not know what Religion to be of Or he was so perverse that tho he lay under heavy Judgments and was ready to be burned on the Coals yet he sought not to prevent the Danger H●s 7.14 and escape the Fire he cried not to God in his Affliction And this was another of his gray Hairs 7. Ephraim was as an empty Vine he brought forth Fruit to himself God received but little from Ephraim all his Labor and Doing was for himself to enrich himself and lay up for himself he cared not for the Interest of God An empty Vine He had Juyce and Sap enough to bring forth Fruit to himself but was barren towards God They cannot spare Time nor have they leisure to wait upon his Service They can't spare Money to further the Interest of Godliness tho they can give two three four or five hundred nay a thousand Pounds to such a Son or such a Daughter and maintain them bravely when some of Christ's Ministers want Bread They love alas their Sons and Daughters more than Christ They are empty Vines they bring forth Fruit to themselves O what a base Spirit and Principle are some Professors of They are like Ephraim And this was another of his gray Hairs Hos 12.1 8. He was broken in Judgment he fed on the Wind and followed after the East Wind He pursued after Vanity and the empty Things of this World And that was another of his gray Hairs Many more I might mention they were indeed thick upon him he was become very gray in Wickedness Inference LEt us take heed we have not gray Hairs upon us and know it not Is not England and the Church of God in England grown here of late gray-headed O what Signs and Symptoms of Ruine are there upon us I will leave you to find them out Where is that Love and Zeal that was once Is not the World got into the very Hearts of Professors Do they not follow after the Wind and pursue the East Wind Are they not like an empty Vine Doth not every one mind his own carnal Interest Have not Strangers devoured our Strength Are we not become like a silly Dove without an Heart Is not Whoredom and Superstition amongst us Doth not our Pride testify against us And is not our Goodness like the Morning-Cloud Where is that Love and Bowels which should be in us towards one another Are not some of the Things yea the great Things of God's Law accounted by us as strange Things Search further and more gray Hairs will appear Are we not divided and broken in Judgment Can a Nation divided against it self long stand Are there not many faithful Ministers snatch'd away in a short time Is not this the Fore-runner of some dismal Calamity Have not we had many fearful Signs in the Heavens And are not the Evening-Wolves come out of their Holes Besides all this let every Soul search and see what gray Hairs he hath upon himself Metaphors Similes AND Other Borrowed TERMS CONCERNING The Devil or Evil Angels The Devil called the God of this World 2 Cor. 4.4 In whom the God of this World hath blinded the Minds of them which believe not THE Devil here is called a God not that he is a God either by Nature or hath this name conferred upon him by the Almighty in respect of his Office but rather he is called so in respect of wicked Men who serve and obey him as their God and in whom he rules and works effectually as in his own People and Subjects Properly there is but one God tho there are many who are called Gods yet they are not Gods by Nature I am God and none else Vnto us there is but one God one eternal immense Isa 45.22 infinite and incomprehensible Majesty And this God is either considered Essentially God is a Spirit Joh. 4.24 or else Personally viz. the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit There are three that bear Witness in Heaven c. and these three are one Improperly 1. Idols are called Gods 2. The Ark 1 Sam. 4.7 3. Magistrates I have made the a God to Pharaoh Thou shalt not revile the Gods Exod. 7.1 Exod. 22.28 the Chaldee saith Rab that is a Master the Hebrew Elohim God as Mr. Ainsworth observeth upon the place is attributed to Judges and Magistrates I said ye are Gods these are Gods by Office 4. Satan Psal 82.6 as in this Text who would be look'd upon and worshipped as a God he is properly an Angel once an Angel of Light God created him and before he fell he was a good Angel as other Angels are who kept their first Estate he is called a God but there is one Word that confines his Power and Soveraignty and greatly degrades him limits him
in the Morning when they awake from Sleep nay more than all they shall enjoy the glorious Presence of Jesus Christ himself But the Ungodly when they awake shall be in the midst of Devils and damned Spirits they must be their Companions for ever 5. The Godly shall when they awake have glorious Attendants in the Day of the Resurrection viz. the holy Angels of Heaven But the Wicked shall have no other Attendants than the black Retinue of the Bottomless-Pit 6. The Godly when they awake are led into the King's Palace to be married to the Bridegroom of their Souls and to receive every one of them a Crown of Glory But the Ungodly awake as condemned Malefactors to be led to the Place of Execution 7. In a word the Godly shall awake with ●ongs of Joy in their Mouths but the Wicked shall awake with Tears and dismal Cries The one to receive the Sentence Come ye Blessed of my Father the other to receive the Sentence Go ye cursed c. Some awake to everlasting Life Dan. 12.2 and some to Shame and everlasting Contempt The Resurrection-Day a Man's Reaping-Day Psal 126.5 They that sow in Tears shall reap in Joy Gal. 6.4 In due Season we shall reap if we faint not The Resurrection-Day is a Man's Reaping-Day Parallels MEN sow before they reap So Men in this World may be said to sow either they sow to the Flesh or to the Spirit and in the Resurrection-Day they shall reap II. That which Men sow that also they reap they do not sow Beans and reap Barley nor sow Tares and reap Wheat So the very same that all Men in a spiritual Sense sow Gal. 6. they shall reap They that sow to the Flesh shall of the Flesh reap Corruption and they that sow to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life everlasting III. According to the Quantity that every Man sows so they reap He that sows sparingly or but a little Seed must expect to reap sparingly or have but a small Crop So they who do much Service for God or scatter liberally abroad to his People in this World shall receive much from the Hands of God at the End of the World and he that doth but little for God tho he doth it in Sincerity must expect to reap accordingly in that Day He that improves two Talents shall receive the Improvement of two and he that improves five the Improvements of five There will be Degrees of Glory no doubt in the Day of the Resurrection But this I say He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly 2 Cor. 9.6 and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully There is one Glory of the Sun and another Glory of the Moon and another Glory of the Stars 1 Cor. 15.41 42. for one Star differeth from another in Glory So also is the Resurrection of the Dead c. And They that be wise shall shine as the Brightness of the Firmament Dan. 12.3 and they that turn many to Righteousness as the Stars for ever more IV. A Man 's reaping Time is his rejoicing Time With what Joy and Gladness doth the Husband-man gather in the Fruits of the Earth So the Saints spiritual reaping-Day will be their rejoycing-Day He that sows in Tears shall reap in Joy V. When the reaping-Time is come a Man gathers in the Fruit or Harvest of divers Sorts of Seed c. So in the Day of the Resurrection the Godly shall reap or gather in the Comfort and Increase of divers Sorts of Seed by them sown They shall then reap the Fruit of all the good Sermons they have heard and reap the last Fruit of all the spiritual Prayers they have made the Fruit of all the Tears of Godly Contrition they have shed and all the Sighs and Groans they have uttered They shall reap the Fruit of all the good Thoughts they have had and of all the good Words they have spoken and all the good Works they have done as also the Fruit of all the Evil which for Christ's sake they have undergone Obj. Is not a Saint's dying-Day his reaping-Day Answ A Saint at Death gathers the first ripe Fruits as it were but his Harvest is not till the last Day The Resurrection-Day the Saints Marriage-Day Rev. 9.7 The Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Wife hath made her self ready THE Resurrection-Day is the Saints Marriage-Day this is their espousal-Day For I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you a chast Virgin to Christ 2 Cor. 11.12 But that will be the Day of the Solemnization of their Marriage-Union with Jesus Christ Parallels THere is or ought to be a most endeared Love in those Parties who intend to marry one another Nay they before the Marriage-Day mutually give up themselves one to the other sometimes in a solemn Manner before Witnesses they are espoused So the Soul of a Believer is spiritually united to Jesus Christ whilst in this World A Saint loves Christ dearly and Christ a Saint Nay and in Baptism in a most solemn and sacred Manner before many Witnesses the Soul is publickly espoused to the Lord Jesus and in the Day of the Resurrection shall be the Solemnization of the sacred Marriage II. The Marriage-Day is much longed for by those who in hearty Affection are espoused to one another So the Godly long for that Day when the spiritual Marriage shall be consummated between Christ and them III. The Bride in the Marriage-Day is usually richly adorned if a Princess or a Person of a noble and honourable Descent she is excellently clad and adorned with rare and costly Jewels that the Bridegroom may take the more Delight in her So the Church and consequently every Godly Christian shall in the Day of the Resurrection be most richly cloathed with Robes of Immortality Rev. 19.7 The Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Wife hath made her self ready Psal 45.13 14. and to her was granted she should be arrayed in fine Linen clean and white c. The King's Daughter is all glorious within her Cloathing is of wrought Gold she shall be brought to the King in Raiment of Needle-work c. Some by these white and glorious Robes understand the imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ Others the Righteousness of Sanctification Some others conclude they are both intended and not only so but also those heavenly Robes with which the Bodies of the Saints shall be clothed in the Day of the Resurrection which none are able to describe however all conclude the Church in that Day shall shine forth so in Glory and Beauty that Men and Angels shall admire her No Bride ever appeared in such Splendor or so richly clothed and adorned as the Bride the Lamb's Wife shall when the Marriage of the Lamb is come IV. In a Marriage-Day the Bride and Bridegroom have a full and perfect enjoyment of each other and there is nothing in the World wherin there is
had only in some particular Countries some People never taste of it as long as they live III. Christ's Love is not known to many that live in the World divers never tasted of it do not know how good it is died without any sight or assurance of Christ's Love IV. Wine is highly esteemed and valued when the excellent Virtue thereof is known IV. Christ's Love is esteemed by all that know his Worth they value him above Wine or Gold or the best of earthly things V. Men will not part with Store of the best Wine for Toys and Trifles V. Saints will not part with the Love of Christ for all the good things of this World they are but Trifles and Vanity in comparison of his Love If a Man would give all the Goods of his House to a Saint so that he would part with Christ's Love Cant. 8.7 it would be contemned VI. Wine is of a singular use to revive and make glad the disconsolate Spirit Vina parant animos Ovid. Give Wine to him that is of an heavy Heart VI. The Love of Christ is the most sovereign thing in the World in the Manifestations of it to revive and comfort poor disconsolate Souls Thou hast put more Gladness in my Heart Psal 4.7 than in the Time when their Corn and Wine encreased VII Wine causes a Man if he drinks freely of it Cura fugit dilueturque Mero Ovid. to forget his Sorrows VII The Evidence or Manifestation of Christ's Love to a poor Soul doth cause it to forget all its former Bitterness Terror of the Law Rom. 7.10 15 18 24 25. and Horror of Conscience for Sin which possibly for a great while it lay under VIII Wine Naturalists tell us repairs decayed Nature A Man may faint by some sudden Qualm and need a Cordial and that which may revive the Spirit may not recover a Man out of a Consumption or one brought by a languishing Distemper almost to the Grave VIII The Grace and Love of Christ will recover Strength that hath been lost A Saint may faint and need a Cordial by means of a Temptation when Grace is not much decayed in him A Draught of Christ's Love I mean the Manifestations of it will recover in a spiritual sence a Christian that has been a great while consumptive whose Vitals are impaired and he almost dead IX Wine was used in Legal Sacrifices in time of the Law IX The Grace of Love that Fruit of the Spirit which flows from Christ is the only Ingredient to stir up our Devotion We can perform no Services acceptably without Love Let all your Works be done in Charity And when the Soul hath sweet Manifestations of Chrst's Love to it how sweetly doth it go on in God's Worship X. Wine is good as it may be used to heal some sorts of Wounds X. The Love of Christ will heal a broken Heart There is no Salve both in the Nature and Effects thereof to cure a wounded Spirit like Assurance of Christ's Love XI Wine is good to stir up Courage in hostile Encounters it makes a Man brisk and valiant XI The Love of Christ breaking in upon the Soul makes a Christian couragious and very valiant in that spiritual Warfare he is engaged in he is hereby animated to endure all manner of Hardness and over all is more than a Conqueror Nothing shall separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. XII Wine is used at Marriage-Feasts and in great Banquets XII The Love of Christ is more than a Banquet of the greatest Varieties to a gracious Soul it affords choice Food a Feast of fat things of Wines upon the Lees of fat things full of Marrow of Wines upon their Lees well refined XIII Wine may be taken to excess XIII But none can have too much of Christ's Love XIV Wine daily drunk without fresh Supplies will not hold out long XIV Christ's Love is like a Fountain of living Water or an inexhaustible Treasure XV. Wine will decay by long keeping it will wax sour and become nauseous and unsavoury XV. Christ's Love the longer we enjoy it the sweeter it is and sweetest of all 't will be at the last Inferences BUt from whence is it that Believers do thus prize and esteem Jesus Christ and his Love First From the Excellency of his Person See Rose of Sharon and Lilly of the Vallies He is fairer than the Children of Men. Secondly From the sence of his great Love to them We love him because he first loved us Thirdly From the Consideration of those hard things he suffered for their sakes Fourthly Because of the Savour of his good Ointment He hath shed his Love abroad in their Hearts Rom 5 5. by the Holy Ghost Fifthly Saints value Christ's Love above Wine because his Love is beyond all comparison most sweet and consolatory 1. His Love was in him early betimes before ever the Earth was formed or the Foundations thereof laid Prov. 8 31. his Hearts Desire and Love was first set upon us 2. His Love is of an attracting Nature that the Spouse knew well enough He is like the Loadstone Jer. 31.3 1 John 4.19 he draws all Hearts after him that have a taste or touch of him 3. 'T is boundless like Nilus it overflows all Banks and Bounds it knows no Limits Prov. 8.30 4. It is a delighting Love His Delight was with the Sons of Men. He takes complacency in the Soul he loves Hos 14.4 Ezek 16.3 4 5 6 9. Cant. 8.6 7. 5. It is a free Love without foreseen Merit or Worth in the Object When Man lay weltring in his Blood loathsom and filthy Christ loved him 6. Christ's Love is hot and fervent much Water cannot quench it It hath a vehement Flame 7. 'T is a matchless Love far beyond the Love of Jacob to Rachel or Jonathan to David 8. 'T is an incomprehensible Love it passeth Knowledg You may sooner find out the Depth of the Sea the Heighth of Heaven tell the Stars or accompt the Sands of the Sea-shore than find out or measure the Love of Christ It is a lasting abiding and eternal Love His loving-kindness he will never take away This makes the Church so much to desire the Manifestations of the Love of Christ and in this is his Love better than Wine But who are they that thus prize and esteem the Love of Christ Take some brief Notes of them 1. Such cannot tell how to praise Christ nor set forth his Excellency as they would they cannot sufficiently exalt him 2. Such are in a longing and languishing Condition till they see him 3. Cannot be satisfied till they get to some good and well-grounded Assurance of an Interest in him 4. Christ runs much in their Minds 5. Such love Christ what State soever they are in 6. Such keep his Word 7. They love Christ above Husband Wife Children c. nay more than Life it self 8. They
more safe and secure to dwell in and some Cities have two or three Walls to make them more impregnable II. The Church of God hath strong Walls about it We have a strong City Isa 26.1 Salvation will God appoint for Walls and Bulwarks The Church hath a threefold Wall about it First The Wall of God's Providence Hast not thou made a Hedg or Wall about him As the Mountains are round about Jerusalem Job 1. Psal 125.2 so the Lord is round about them that fear him c. Secondly The Protection of the holy Angels Psal 34.7 The Angels of the Lord encamp round about them that fear him c. Thirdly God in an extraordinary manner is as a Wall of Fire round about her Zech. 2.5 every one of his Attributes is a gracious Defence to the Church III. Some Cities are bravely scituated they are built upon a Hill III. The Church of God is famous upon this account Beautiful for Scituation Psal 48.2 the Joy of the whole Earth is Mount Zion on the sides of the North the City of the great King Mat. 16.18 Ye are as a City set upon a Hill IV. A City is built of many Materials and in it are many Buildings or Houses set in rare Uniformity curiously joined and compacted together IV. The Church of God is built up of many living Stones consisting of divers particular Societies or spiritual Houses Now therefore ye are no more Strangers and Foreigners Eph. 2.19 20 21 22. but Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of the Houshold of God And are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-stone In whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth to an holy Temple in the Lord c. In whom ye also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Jerusalem is builded as a City that is compact together Psal 122.3 V. A City hath its particular Laws Institutions and Customs by which it is governed V. The Church of God also hath special Laws Institutions and Customs belonging to it by which it is in all things governed which are contained in the holy Scripture the great Charter and Statute-Book of the Church VI. A City hath a supreme Governor in it who rectifies all Disorders and Confusions that otherwise would be therein considering the Multitude of its Inhabitants VI. The Church of God is not without a good Government and a Supreme Magistrate viz. the Lord J●sus Christ who is the chief Judg and Law-giver or Head of this spiritual Corporation VII A City hath besides the chief Governor and principal Magistrate divers inferior Officers for Administration of Justice and well governing thereof VII So the Church of God hath inferior Officers under Jesus Christ which the Citizens by the appointment of Christ are required to substitute and ordain to govern and keep all things in good Order And he gave some Apostles Ephes 4.8 9 10 11 12. and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers c. VIII A City hath some special Trade belonging to it by which its Inhabitants are enriched VIII The Church or City of God hath a spiritual Trade belonging to it which all the Citizens do and ought always to follow by which they are also greatly enriched IX Many Cities have Merchants in them who trade into remote parts of the World and fetch their Merchandize from afar IX The Saints or Citizens of Zion are all Merchants who trade daily to Heaven they fetch their blessed Merchandize from thence Phil. 3.20 Prov. 41. Our Conversation is in Heaven Hence the Church is by Solomon compared to Merchants Ships See Merchants Ships Saints have like other Merchants their Correspondent Jesus Christ who makes glorious Returns of all they venture or send to Heaven For every Duty rightly performed he makes Returns of Mercy for Tears of godly Sorrow he returns them the Oil of Joy Thou wilt saith holy David put my Tears into thy Bottle By which means the spiritual Citizens grow rich in Faith Hope Experience c. See the Parable of the Merchant-man Now touching the Trade Traffick or Merchandize of this City upon which its Wealth and Prosperity doth wholly depend take what follows First Their Trade is heavenly Wherefore holy Brethren Heb. 3.1 2 Partakers of the heavenly Calling consider the Apostle and High-Priest of our Profession Jesus Christ And as they are all Merchants and use one Trade so they all deal with one and the same Benefactor from whom they have quick Returns they fetch their Goods from afar Something touching the Excellency of the Trade of the City of God I shall hint in a few Particul●rs Secondly As touching her Commodities or the Merchandize which her Citizens deal in First Negatively 1. They are not prohibited Goods 2. They are not counterfeit Goods 3. They are not temporal and corruptible Goods Secondly Affirmatively and more directly they are 1. Soul enriching Commodities things that are of very great worth and value The Merchandize of Wisdom is better than the Merchandize of Silver Prov. 3.14 and the Gain thereof than fine Gold 2. They are needful things such things as we cannot be without Some things that Merchants of a City deal in and fetch from afar tho they are of great value yet we may very well subsist and live comfortably without them as Pearl and precious Stones c. But there is an absolute Necessity of all those things the Citizens of this City trade in and for 3. They are such Commodities as will make the Nations and Persons that buy them happy for ever and indeed there is no true Happiness without them Quest What is the Traffick of this City of God Answ The first thing that I shall mention is the Truth this she offers to Sale Buy the Truth and sell it not Prov. 23.23 The Church is called the Pillar and Ground of Truth 1 Tim. 3.15 Truth is only to be found in this City or in the Ware-Houses of the Citizens of Zion viz. the Word of God and the Hearts of Believers The second thing is a Soul-converting Gospel and blessed Ordinances The Law goeth forth of Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem Mic. 2.4 The third thing they deal in are the Gifts and Soul-enriching Graces of the Spirit Hope Love Humility c. things of very great worth The fourth is Justification every true Sinner makes it his Business to get this precious Treasure The fifth thing is the Peace of God which passeth all Understanding one of the rarest Commodities in the World The sixth thing is Union and Communion with God 1 Joh. 1.3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ The seventh thing is Peace of Conscience Herein do I exercise my self Acts 24.16
2 Pet. 2.2 3 which greatly tend to the spoiling of God's Vineyard And then the Church is greatly annoyed also by the wild Boar as David shews The Boar of the Wood doth waste it and the wild Beasts of the Field devour it Psal 80.13 By which are meant the cruel Enemies the Church met with in those Days like as in these latter Times she hath the Pope who may fitly be compared to a wild Boar and the bloody Papists to ravenous Beasts Beasts of Prey such as continually delight in Blood and Rapine and to tear the Lambs out of Christ's Fold or destroy the precious Bunches of the tender Grapes VIII A Vineyard is continually watched over lest any thing should annoy or hurt it VIII So God is said to watch over his People In that day sing unto her Isa 27.2 3 A Vineyard of red Wine I the Lord do keep it every moment lest any hurt it I will keep it night and day IX Many that are idle are call'd into a Vineyard to work IX So God calls Men into his spiritual Vineyard to labour therein with the Promise of Reward See Mat. 20. Mat. 20.2 to 8. The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Man that is an Housholder which went out early in the morning to hire Labourers into his Vineyard and when he had agreed with the Labourers for a Penny a day he sent them into the Vineyard And he went out and saw others standing idle in the Market-place X. He that is employed to plant and dress a Vineyard or is a faithful Labourer therein is allowed to eat of the Fruit thereof besides his Reward at night X. So those whom God employs as Planters and Vine-dressers in his spiritual Vineyard ought to eat of the Fruit thereof viz. have a sufficient Maintenance allowed them Who planteth a Vineyard 1 Cor. 9.7 14. and eateth not of the Fruit thereof or who feedeth a Flock and eateth not of the Milk of the Flock even so the Lord hath ordained that they who preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel XI It is expected by the Owner of a Vineyard that after much Cost and Pains is bestowed upon it it should bring forth much Fruit. XI So after God hath bestowed much Pains and Cost with a People as he did with Israel Isa 5.4 What could have been done more to my Vineyard than I have done in it he expects Fruit And he looked it should bring forth Grapes and it brought forth wild Grapes XII A Vineyard having had great Labour and Cost bestowed upon it and not yielding Fruit answerable to the Charge greatly grieves and troubles the Owner causing him to lay it desolate and care no more for it XII So when a People have had much Cost and Pains bestowed upon them by the Lord and yet they remain barren and unfruitful walking like Men and bringing forth sour Grapes Grapes of Sodom rather than good Fruit He is greatly offended and grieved thereat and many times dealeth by that People Church or Nation as he threatned to deal by Israel of old I will take away the Hedge thereof Isa 5.3 4 5 6 7 8 9. and it shall be eaten up and break down the Wall thereof and it shall be trodden down And I will lay it waste it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up Bryars and Thorns I will cause the Rain to rain upon it no more c. Therefore I say unto you Mat. 21.43 The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a Nation bringing forth the Fruits thereof Which of all Judgments is the most severe God deliver his Church in England from so sore a Stroke Inferences THis may teach the Church and People of God to take heed they answer the Pains and Cost God hath been at with them It is not a little Jam. 3.18 Rom. 5.17 but much Fruit that God expects from us and not only Grapes but good Grapes sweet Grapes viz. Fruits of Righteousness II. And let all the Plants in this spiritual Vineyard see to it Mat. 15.13 that they are Plants of God's own planting for if they are not they shall be plucked up III. And let those that his own Right-hand hath planted see also that they be well rooted 1. A Tree not well rooted bears but little Fruit. 2. A Tree not well rooted is subject to be shaken and blown down 3. A Tree not well rooted is in danger of being pluck'd up 1. Labour to be rooted in all the Essentials of true Religion 2. And in all the Principles of Instituted Worship 3. And in all the Graces of the holy Spirit in Faith Love c. Eph. 3.17 IV. It may also be of use to encourage and comfort the Church of God whilst it remains fruitful to him How safe and secure is that Vineyard that God hath so gloriously walled in on every side In vain are all the Strivings and Strength of bloody Rome if God openeth not the Door for them they can never prevail against us 5. It also may be for Reproof to loose and slothful Professors O what Danger do their Sins expose God's Church to The Church compared to a Virgin 2 Cor. 11.2 I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chast Virgin to Christ A Chast Virgin This Simile alludes to the legal Type of the High-Priest who might marry none but a Virgin Lev. 21.14 Note The Church or a gracious Soul is by the Apostle compared to an espoused Virgin I have espoused you i. e. I have been an Instrument or Spokesman in the hand of my blessed Lord and Master herein Simile Parallel A Virgin is a Person that is not defiled one that hath been kept pure from Fornication and Uncleanness THe Church of God and every sincere Christian is kept pure from Idolatry viz. the inordinate Love of this World and all Antichristian Worship Rev. 14.4 Hence the Forty four thousand upon Mount Sion are said to be Virgins those are they which were not defiled with Women that is with the Mother of Harlots mystical Babylon nor with any of her Daughters for they are Virgins that is true and chaste to Christ II. A chast Virgin that is espoused to an Husband is greatly beloved by him II. So the Church and each sincere Christian is dearly beloved by the Lord who is said to rejoyce over his People Isa 63.4 5 as a young Man rejoyceth over his Bride III. A Virgin espoused to an Husband longeth for the Wedding-day III. So the Church longeth for the Return of the Bridegroom Cant. 8.14 Rev. 19.7 8 when Christ will take her to himself The Marriage of the Lamb is come c. IV. A Virgin espoused greatly prizeth every kind Token of Love from her Friend and delights to hear from him IV. So all sincere Souls wonderfully prize every precious Token of Christ's special Favour to them Let him kiss me
Judgment make haste their Consciences being thereby awakened by the Lord to get into that Place of Security God hath provided for them viz. the Rock Christ who is called an Hiding-Place Isa 32.2 IX There are many Sorts of Worms IX So there are many Sorts of Men Worms 1. Some great and some small Ones and yet all are but Worms 1. So there are some great Men mighty Ones of the Earth as Kings c. and some small or poor Men but yet all are but Worms weak and contemptible Creatures in God's sight David called himself a Worm I am a Worm and no Man c. Psal 22 6. 2. There are some Dunghil-Worms who love to abide or live in Dung and Muck of the Earth 2. So there are some Men whom we commonly call Muck-worms who delight in nothing more than in the Dung or Filth of the Earth or Muck of this World their Hearts and Hands are always in the Earth Take them out of this Filth and they are as dead Men and let them alone and you shall presently see them craul to their old Delights Nothing but the World is in their Mouths they wallow in their filthy Lusts and Earthly-mindedness as the Swine tumbles in the Mire III. There are some Worms very loathsom such as breed in rotten putrified Flesh which are called Carrion-Worms 3. Such a Worm is a wicked Man a Vermine a Worm that breeds in Corruption as it were a loathsom Creature in God's Sight See the Head of the Metaphor 4. There are some Worms that deceive the Eye seeming to be what they are not Many have thought they had seen Fire in the Night when they have cast their Eye upon them in the place where they have lain These are called Glow-worms R. W. tells us a Story of a Parson that in the Night being drunk casting his Eye upon one of these Worms having his Pipe of Tobacco filled went bodily towards it crying out Fire I hope Fire I hope When the Light comes these appear to all to be but Worms 4. There are some Men who deceive their Neighbours They take them to be holy and good Men precious Saints of God and yet are greatly mistaken in them they being no better than painted Sepulchers meer Hypocrites and notwithstanding their outward Shew of Holinesss and Sanctity are but Earth-Worms having the World viz. external Advantage or vain Glory in their Eye as the great Thing they aim at in their Profession and in the Day of Christ they will appear to be what in truth they are 5. There are some very hurtful Worms who spoil Trees Flowers and the Fruits of the Earth See Joel 1.4 Amos 4.9 Such are the Palmer-Worm the Caterpillar and the Canker-Worm Which Sort of hurtful Vermin God hath often brought upon a People and Nation as a Punishment of their Sins 5. So there are some Men who like to these Worms are of a very hurtful Nature and endeavour to spoil Christ's spiritual Trees Flowers and precious Fruit c. They are called Locusts or Caterpillars by the Holy-Ghost Rev. 9.3 they are said to come out of the Bottomless Pit And to them was given Power as the Scorpions of the Earth have Power c. By these Locusts are meant as Franciscus Claudius a Carmelite Fryar and others expound the Place as is noted by Mr. Wilson ' those great Swarms of Popish Priests Friars Monks Cardinals even the whole Popish Hierarchy and Pontificial Clergy These are fitly likened unto Locusts which are a little vile Vermine springing as some say out of Smoke c. And truly this is made too evident of that Sort of Men this day in England and other Nations of Europe Never were a more destructive Generation of vile Vermine in the World none make or threaten to make greater Spoil of Christ's Vineyard and precious Fruit-Trees than they And in that they are let in upon us we may plainly read God's Displeasure against us thereby and nothing but unfeigned Repentance and Reformation will doubtless free this poor Nation from them for at this very time we are sadly plagued and pestered with them See God an Husbandman 6. There are also some profitable Worms who are very laborious and cloath the World with Silk and they are called Silk-Worms 6. This Sort of Worms resemble the laborious and faithful Ministers of Christ who spend themselves in Preaching and in divine Prayer and Meditation that so they may enrich Mens Souls with Grace and true Vertue These as Instruments in God's Hand may be said to cloath Men and Women with Silk or gloriously adorn their better Part tho hereby through Zeal and faithful Industry for God's Glory they waste and consume their own Carcases spending and being spent as the Apostle speaks X. The House or Place of divers Worms is the Earth they lie hid in the Ground X. So Man who is a Worm must take up his Place for a short time in the Earth The Grave is my House saith Job Job 17.13 the Place appointed for all Living This Worm must go to his Fellows to the Worms Inferences BY this we may see what a poor thing Man is The mighty Ones of the Earth who boast of great Matters are but Worms And if Man be but a Worm why doth he swell above the Clouds as if he would make his Nest among the Stars when as he must shortly fall among the Clods and be eaten of Worms 2. Take heed of having Mens Persons in Admiration it is a vain thing to give flattering Titles to others As it becomes us not to reproach or vilify any Man tho all Men are but as Worms so it is a God provoking Evil to flatter Men thereby creating high thoughts in them of themselves as some once served Herod crying out It is the Voice of a God and not of a Man But the Almighty Acts 12.22 to shew how much he abhorred such as gave not him the Glory made them know he was but a Worm and therefore the Angel of the Lord smote him and he was eaten up of Worms 3. Be not envious at others tho more rich and honourable than thee The greatest of Men are but Worms and tho some sparkle and shine in outward Glory and Splendor and seem to excell every way yet they may be but like Glow-worms 't is but for a Night they seem like Stars in the Morning they will appear like others 4. Let us learn from hence not to overvalue our selves nor our Lives What is the Life of a Worm 5. What Fools are the Wicked of the Earth to muster up their Force against God's People Whom do they come out against It is but against a Worm Could they prevail what Honour would they gain by it Is it so great a matter to destroy a Worm for so Jacob in his low Estate is called Fear not thou Worm Jacob. But let them know this Worm hath a mighty God to take its part I will help
in Christ partakes of Christ's spiritual Nature John 3.6 That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit or spiritual IV. A Babe is formed by the mighty Power of God in the Womb. IV. A Saint is formed or created by the mighty Power of Christ and by the Spirit We are his Workmanship Eph. 2.10 created in Christ Jesus to good Works V. A Babe is born or brought forth into the World V. A Saint is born of God Psal 87.5 And of Zion it shall be said this and that Man was born in her Ministers are said to travail to bring forth Children to Christ VI. A Babe hath all the Parts and Lineaments of a Man if it be a perfect Birth VI. A Babe in Christ hath all the Essentials of a true Christian he hath all the Parts and Lineaments of a new Creature There is a Formation or a gracious Work in every Faculty a partaking of every Grace tho at first forming not come to full Growth and Perfection VII A Babe when born is observed to come into the World crying VII A Babe in Christ when first born again or spiritually brought forth cries to God is much in Prayer God hath no Children that are born dumb Behold Acts 9. he prayeth which was a clear Demonstration that he was born again or a new Creature VIII A Babe new-born desires the Milk of its Mothers Breast VIII A Babe in Christ desires the sincere Milk of the Word viz. the sweet saving and comfortable Doctrine of the Gospel IX Babes are harmless free from Malice IX Babes in Christ are or should be harmless concerning Malice as Children X. A Babe when first born if not diseased is observed to grow much in a little time its Growth is then more visible than afterwards X. A Babe in Christ or a true Christian when first converted if not spiritually distempered grows much We read of some of the Saints who soon after they received the Word of Truth grew exceedingly tho afterwards a Saints Growth in Grace is not so visible XI A Babe needs much tending must be carefully look'd after or it may suffer much It is carried in the Arms dandled upon the Knees and laid in the Bosom and hath many a Kiss from the Father and Mother XI Babes in Christ need also much spiritual Tendence and looking after Christ as well as his Church and Ministers takes much care of them Isa 40 10 11. He carrieth these in his Arms and layeth them in his Bosom They have many a gracious Kiss of Christ's Mouth or Promise of his Word whereby he seals up his Love to them XII Babes after they are grown up are taught to speak plain not to chatter and cry only but to talk and speak intelligibly and also to go XII A Babe in Christ is taught by Christ also to pray and speak in Prayer more plainly or to express it self and make known its Wants more intelligibly and also how to go and walk in the Ways of God's Commandments Hos 11.3 I taught Ephraim to go taking him by the hand XIII Babes are weak in Knowledg and Understanding When I was a Child 1 Cor. 13. I thought as a Child I understood as a Child From hence they many times are froward peevish and soon take distaste small things will offend them XIII A Babe in Christ is usually weak in spiritual Understanding or in the Mysteries of the Gospel and from hence are very subject also to be offended with this thing and that thing which strong Christians can bear Many of the young Disciples in the Primitive Time were offended at those that did eat Meat c. XIV A Babe after it is grown up doth not expect that its Father or Mother should dandle it upon their Knees or seem visibly to shew that Love to it as at first when it was very young XIV So Christians when they are grown to some degree of Ripeness in Understanding should not expect to be always dandled upon the Knee of Promises or lie in the Arms and Bosom of Christ I mean have such visible Expressions or Manifestations of his Love knowing they are his Children and in his Covenant in his Family and under his Care Eye and gracious Provision and Protection XV. A sweet Babe one that is very quiet and good-conditioned is greatly delighted in and wonderfully beloved by its Parents when others tho their Parents cannot but have Parental Affection to them yet have not so great a Love as to him or her that is so pleasant in their Eye XV. So a young Christian that is of a humble sweet and contented Disposition not cross and froward under the Hand and Providence of God but takes all patiently is mightily prized and beloved by Jesus Christ Is not Ephraim my dear Son Is he not a pleasant Child c. How did Christ delight in John that sweet and precious Disciple XVI Children need good and careful Education to be kept under good Discipline and have good Instruction Train up a Child when he is young in the Way wherein he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it XVI Young Christians need also good Instruction many things they are to learn that they may wisely behave themselves in the House and Family of God They must more especially be taught the good Discipline of God's Church that they may know how they ought to go in and out before one another See Dear Children XVII Some Babes or young Children if their Parents do not give them what they would have of this or that presently throw away what they have and are angry and think they do not love them XVII So some young Christians because God doth not give them such l●rge Knowledg and Experience of Himself and other good Things of the Spirit they slight all God hath been pleased to bestow upon them and conclude God doth not love them XVIII Babes for these and other Faults often feel the Rod. XVIII So Christians are oft-times under the Rod of God for their Faults Saints compared to Children Rom. 8.17 If Children then Heirs c. Gal. 3.16 For ye all are the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus Eph. 5.1 Be ye Followers of God as dear Children SAints are God's dear Children not only Children but dear Children Dear Children hath reference to two things 1. To that high Esteem their Parents have of them 2. To that gracious and sweet Disposition such Children are of Children Parallel CHildren are begotten of their Parents and brought forth into this World THe Saints are begotten of God Of his own Will begat he them Every one that ●●veth him that begat 1 John 5.1 loveth him also that is begotten of him They are also brought forth by him into a State of Grace II. Children partake of the Nature of their Parents even of their very Flesh and Bone II. The Saints by their being begotten of God through Faith In a
puts off his upper Clothes and gets meet and necessary Garments for the purpose because the Clothes that a Man usually wears would much encumber him in his Running III. So a Man that would set out in the spiritual Race or in a speedy Course towards Salvation must cast off the Rags of his own Righteousness and put on the Righteousness of Jesus Christ by Faith for that Garment with the Garment of Holiness and Humility is only necessary Rom. 13.14 and must be put on by all that would run the Race set before them so as to obtain the Prize IV. A Man that would run in a Race so as to obtain the Prize must lay aside all Weights whatsoever For all know that if a Man have a Weight or Burden on him it will greatly hinder or obstruct him in his running nay if he doth not cast it off it will soon cause him to be weary and faint in the Way IV. So a Christian that would run in this heavenly Race must cast off every spiritual Weight This the Apostle directly counsels the Saints to do Let us lay aside every Weight Heb. 12 1. and the Sin that doth so easily beset us and let us run with Patience the Race set before us Now these Weights are 1. The inordinate Affections Our Hearts must not be set upon Things below Col 3.2 3 not inordinately upon Father or Mother Son or Daughter House or Land for he whose Heart runs out in a covetous manner after the World as the Prophet shews Hab. 2.6 is like a Man that is laden with thick Clay It is impossible for a Man to run this Race with the World upon his Back What was it that weighed down the young Man in the Gospel that came running to Christ who seemed to be in a full speed towards eternal Life Was it not the inordinate Love to the World 2. Sin Sin is a Weight That Sin that doth so easily beset us Some understand the Sin of Unbelief is meant hereby others a Man's Constitution-Sin or the Sin of his Nature that which he is most easily overtaken with whether it be Pride Passion c. Sin yea every Sin must be cast off take it how you will tho I rather adhere to the latter if a Man would so run as to obtain for nothing like Guilt tends to make a Christian grow weary and faint in his Mind V. A Man that would run so as to obtain the Prize must not be overcharged with inordinate Eating and Drinking for Experience shews how that unfits a Man for running a Race or for any other Enterprize whatever And a Man that striveth for Mastery is temperate in all things V. So a Christian must take heed he be not overcharged in a spiritual Sence there is spiritual Gluttony and Drunkenness spoken of in Scripture Hence saith our Saviour Take heed to your selves Luke 21.24 lest at any time your Hearts be overcharged with Surfeiting Drunkenness and the Cares of this Life and so that Day come upon you unawares What is meant by Surfeiting Drunkenness c. but all kind of loose Living 1 Thess 5.7 wanton Riotousness excessive Delight in or Desire after the Pleasures of this World c. Or on the other hand being overwhelmed and sorely afflicted or perplexed with inordinate Cares about earthly Matters All these things must be avoided by those who would run the spiritual Race so as to obtain the Prize VI. A Man that would run in a Race so as to obtain the Prize must see he doth not lessen his Pace he must run swiftly and run constantly if he loyter or grow careless and idle no wonder if he lose the Prize VI. So a Christian must run with speed he must be very diligent swift-footed which is signified by running and also he must be even in his Course He must not be like the Galatians Gal. 5.7 only run well for a Time but continue always to the end the same Pace i. e. keep in a constant Course of godly Zeal and Holiness according to that of the Apostle We desire that every one of you do shew the same Diligence to the full assurance of Hope to the end Heb. 6 11. Some Men seem very zealous in a Fit they are all on a Flame as it were none more forward and lively in God's Ways and in his holy Worship than they but on a sudden oft-times as hath been observed they flag and grow weary It may be as the Proverb is a zealous Apprentice a lukewarm Journey-man and a quite cold Master VII A Man that would run so as to obtain the Prize ought to be strong and healthy A distempered Person or one that falls sick in the Way is not likely to obtain the Prize a consumptive Man or one that hath feeble Knees or a distempered Heart is not likely to hold out VII So a Christian that runs the heavenly Race ought to labour after spiritual Strength Be strong in the Lord Eph. 6 10. 2 Tim. 2.1 and in the Power of his Might Thou therefore my Son be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus Distempers are as subject to seize upon the Soul as upon the Body viz. the Tympany of Pride the Feaver of Passion the Trembling of the Heart through slavish Fear the Stone of a hard Heart the spiritual Consumption or Decay of Grace Want of Breath or Difficulty in breathing out constant and fervent Prayers and Desires to God or any other Decay of the inward Man or Disease of the Soul If any of these seize upon a Christian in his Course to eternal Life without sp●edy Cure they will cause him to faint and fall short of the blessed Prize VIII A Man that runs in a Race if he falls lame in the Way is not likely to obtain the Prize VIII So that Christian that falleth lame in a spiritual Sence in the Race to Glory is in danger of miscarrying Make strait Paths for your Feet Heb. 12.13 lest that which is lame be turned out of the Way but rather let it be healed Some by Lameness understand Want of Sincerity when there is a Work upon one Faculty of the Soul and not upon another i. e. When the Conscience is awakened and the Understanding somewhat enlightned and yet the Will and Affection is for Sin and the World This Man is lame he is no sound Man he goes limping as it were along he will not run long as he runs not well Others by Lameness understand more directly a wavering Mind about some main Truths of the Gospel or about the publick and visible owning and professing of Christ and the Gospel in respect of those Truths that are most opposed by Men in the Day and Generation in which we live Some are like those in the Prophet Elijah's Time they halt between two Opinions 1 King 18.21 stand wavering between God and Baal and know not which to cleave to whether to the Protestant or
Word 1 Pet. 3.1 4. If Saints are the Salt of the Earth and Interest of Nations it shews the Folly of those wicked Men that strive to root them up and turn them out of the World 5. Lastly It may caution all that profess the Gospel against Apostacy Remember Lot 's Wife She for not being savoury or for looking back Luk. 17 32 Gen. 19.26 was turned into a Pillar of Salt nay and into a standing Pillar c. May not one Reason of it be this viz. To shew that that very Example of God's Severity upon her might serve or be sufficient to season all Christians to the end of the World against Apostacy or looking back Saints compared to Merchants Mat. 13.45 46. Again the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Merchant-Man seeking goodly Pearls who when he had found one Pearl of great Price c. Simile Parallel A Merchant is a great Dealer in the Things of the World A True Christian is a great Dealer in the Things of Heaven his Affections are set upon those Things that are above Col. 3 1. where Christ fitteth at the Right-hand of God II. The best and greatest Merchants trade and deal in the richest and choicest Things on Earth viz. Jewels Pearls c. II. The true Christian desireth and seeketh after the Riches of Grace and Riches of Glory called Pearls which are of the greatest Value and Worth in which he may be most happy He seeketh for Pearls but he fixeth most upon the Pearl of greatest Price Jesus Christ Mat. 13.46 III. Merchants in their first Trading are not so skilful in their Merchandize as they are afterwards when by commercing with other Merchants they have found out the true Worth of their Merchandize and the manner of their Dealings III. So the true Christian when he is first concerned in the Matters of Christianity is not so skilful as afterward when he hath by Christian Converse found out the Worth of spiritual Things and the Deceitfulness of Satan the World and his own Heart together with the Faithfulness of God IV. Merchants are most careful of their Concerns when they have met with some Loss then they begin to fear they shall be undone if such Losses encrease upon them IV. Christians are most careful in their spiritual and eternal Concernments when they have met with some spiritual Losses and are attended with a holy Fear lest eternal Ruine should follow V. Merchants that deal in precious Stones are very careful lest they should be deceived with counterfeit Stones which are very like the true Ones V. The true Christian is very careful lest he should he deceived in his Spiritualities viz. have a false Faith a false Repentance and a false Obedience and counterfeit Grace which may be very like the true VI. Merchants trade to Foreign Parts or Countries their chief Concerns come from thence whereby they grow rich VI. True Christians have their chief Concerns from Heaven whereby they grow spiritually rich Heaven is called a far Country Luke 19. VII Merchants have Correspondents in those Countries to which they trade who receive their Merchandize which they send and make Returns of more gainful Things VII The true Christian hath his Correspondent in Heaven who manageth all his Concerns viz. Jesus Christ the Righteous He is their Advocate and Intercessor he appears in Heaven for them Heb. 9.24 He receives their Duties and makes Returns of Mercy He will receive their Tears of Godly Sorrow and return the Oil of Joy Thou puttest my Tears into thy Bottle c. VIII Merchants are strongly engaged by the Profitableness of their Trade to follow it very close O how diligent are Merchants when they find Riches come in apace upon them VIII So should it be with true Christians the Gainfulness of Godliness should engage them to follow the heavenly Trade more closely because it hath the Promise of the Life that now is 1 Tim. 4.8 and that which is to come for Time and Eternity is little enough to make up the Revenues of a godly Life what Time cannot do Eternity shall IX Merchants are diligent in attending the Exchange where they have an account of their Foreign Affairs and also an Opportunity to trade further either in selling or buying and they that are negligent in this Matter do give just cause of Suspicion that they will soon fail and cease to be Merchants IX True Christians do make Conscience and exercise a godly Care in attending the Meetings of the Saints in their solemn Worshipping of God whereby they get Understanding and Knowledge of their Affairs in Heaven as managed by Jesus Christ And there they have the Opportunity to put off spiritual Duties Heb. 10.25 and receive heavenly Blessings And such as do neglect this Practice may justly be suspected that in a little time they will cease to be Christians X. Merchants are very careful in keeping their Accompts they are often in their Compting-Houses They who are wise will be sure their Books are well kept and that their Accompts are in good Order that so they may see a good End of their Affairs and enjoy Comfort in the Management thereof X. True Christians are and ought to be very careful in keeping up their Closet and secret Communion with God by private Prayer and Self-Examination that so they may give their Account up to God with Joy and not with Grief and may also enjoy divine Consolation in the faithful Performance of the Duties of Christianity Saints compared to Pilgrims Heb. 11.13 They confessed that they were Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth 1 Pet. 2.11 I beseech you as Strangers and Pilgrims to abstain from fleshly Lusts that war against the Spirit Note The Saints of God are in these Scriptures compared to Strangers and Pilgrims Simile Parallel A Pilgrim is one that travelleth from one Place to another and is far from home THe Saints of God are spiritual Travellers they are far from their Father's House Heaven is their everlasting Home and thither they are going All the holy Patriarchs and Prophets confessed they were Pilgrims on the Earth Jacob said The Days of the Years of my Pilgrimage rather than the Days of my Life Gen. 47 9. because of the Uncertainty of his Abode here and in respect of his removing from Place to Place II. A Pilgrim that sets out in a long Journey takes care to free himself of all manner of Weights and unnecessary Burthens and whatsoever else may tend to weary or unfit him for his Journey II. So the spiritual Pilgrim when he first sets out in the Ways of God lays aside every Weight Heb. 12.1 and the Sin that doth so easily beset him It greatly behoves him so to do for one Sin carried in the Bosom or the inordinate Love to any Thing or Person of this World will prove of dreadful consequence to him The young Man in the Gospel had gone a great way seemed to be a very zealous
that Star of the first Magnitude drive away That blessed Light which he afforded the World hath shone so gloriously that the Devil the Pope and all their Adherents notwithstanding all their Skill have not been able to put out to this Day IV. When the Light of the Candle is put out which is to give Light to the whole House how do Men stumble and grope in Darkness IV. So when the Saints shine not in Grace and Holiness or fall into Sin and wickedly comply with the Evils of the Times in which they live how do the ungodly World stumble and fall the which made our Saviour to say Mat. 18.7 Wo to the World because of Offences c. 'T is a great Judgment to the Wicked to have those who should be as Lights in the World darkened or give occasion of Stumbling Inferences THis shews what a great Blessing the World receives by means of the Godly They are set up as Lights in a dark Night to direct Men in the right Way that they may not stumble and fall upon the dark Mountains II. Let this teach Believers their Duties let them remember to have their Conversations honest among the Gentiles Let your Light shine forth to others not that you may be praised but that the Praise may be given to God c. In all your holy Walking propose this as your ultimate End not that you may be magnified and lifted up but that God by you and through your good Works may be magnified and his glorious Name advanced on high III. It may be an Use of Caution to them to take heed of Sin If they comply with Satan and yield to Temptations and thereby let their Light go out no wonder if the World stumble Sometimes Professors instead of being Lights prove dark Stumbling-Blocks As to instance in two or three things 1. When Professors fail in their Morals i. e. are not just in their Dealings between Man and Man they give just cause of Offence 2. When they are like the World and none can discern any great difference between them and others in respect of their Conversation how can they then be said to be the Light of the World 3. When they are overcome with scandalous Sins viz. are proud covetous Backbiters Tattlers Drunkards c. 4. When they want Love and Bowels of Compassion to their Brethren they cease to be the Lights of the World They are no more a Blessing to the World who thus degenerate from what they should be but rather the contrary Therefore if you want Motives to stir you up to take heed how you walk and live among Men that you may not give occasion of Offence or Stumbling to them but contrary-wise be as Lights to them take these following 1. Your good Works and holy Conversation will greatly tend to glorify God but the contrary will greatly dishonour him 2. Your good Works and godly Life will greatly tend to the Profit of the World but the contrary will prove to their great Hurt 3. Your holy Life will make your Profession shine and also further the Promulgation of the Gospel but the contrary will bring a Stink or ill Savour upon your Profession and hinder the Promulgation of the Gospel 4. An evil Life hinders poor Souls from enquiring after the Truth and stumbles them in the way of their Obedience to it 5. It stumbles weak Christians that are in the Ways of God 6. It weakens the Hands and grieves the Hearts of strong and sincere Ones Phil 3.18 7. A holy Life will free thee from Blood-guiltiness I mean thou wilt not have the Blood of other Mens Souls to answer for but the contrary may make thee culpable Saints compared to Cedars Psal 92.12 He shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon the Trees of the Lord are full of Sap. Psal 104.16 The Cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted c. Hos 14.5 And cast forth his Root as Lebanon GOd's People their Growth and Rooting are in these Scriptures compared to the Cedar-Tree the Cedar in Lebanon in Greek Libanos which was a Mountain in the North Part of the Land of Canaan possessed of old Time by the Hivites Judg. 3.3 afterwards by the Israelites on it grew many stately Cedars c. In what respect the Saints may be compared to the Cedars will appear by the following Parallels Simile Parallel THe Cedar is a very noble and stately Tree it grows very high 2 King 19.23 Ezek. 17.22 hence they are called tall Cedars also its Branches are called Branches of the high Cedar It mounts high towards Heaven Pliny tells of one Cedar that grew in Cyprus Plin. lib. 16. p. 490. which was one hundred and thirty Foot high and three Fathom thick THe Godly are a renowned People Tho they seem in the Eyes of the World but meer Shrubs yet they are as it was said of Saul higher by the Head and Shoulders than all others who dwell upon the Earth They grow high in Grace and spiritual Experiences They are said to dwell on high Isa 33.10 they dwell in God in Communion with Him they soar aloft and mount towards Heaven Isa 40. ult Col. 3.1 2. Their Affections are set upon Things above They may in this Sence be said to grow like the Cedar they overtop the Wicked in Renown and Dignity Prov. 12.26 The Righteous are more excellent than their Neighbours II. The Cedar is a Tree that takes deep Root its Roots spread this way and that way and go far into the Ground Naturalists say that as Trees grow high so proportionably they take Root downward because otherwise they would be top-heavy and overturn a Blast of Wind taking advantage of their Talness being weak at Root would soon blow them down therefore proportionable to their spreading above there must be a rooting in the Ground II. The Godly are said to take Root downward they are well-rooted they cast forth their Roots as the Cedars in Lebanon Saints are well rooted in Christ rooted in the Covenant 2 Sam. 23.5 which is firm ordered in all things and sure well rooted in Grace in Faith Love and Humility And indeed those Saints that grow high in Knowledg who in Gifts and Parts overtop their Brethren had need to grow downwards in Humility proportionable to their Growth upwards or else a strong Blast of Temptation may soon puff them up with Pride and Self-conceitedness and so thereby quite blow them down In Adam we had no sure Rooting but in Christ by partaking of his Fulness our standing is firm III. The Cedar is a very strong Tree Naturalists also tell us that it is not subject to Putrefaction as many other Trees are III. Eph. 6.10 11. The Saints are strong in the Lord. 'T is Sin that causeth Men to be spiritually weak unstable as Water as Jacob spake of his Son Reuben but the Godly are delivered from the Guilt and Dominion of it and thereby become strong in
by it or by force of Argument to maintain it Paul upon this account saith 1 Cor. 15.32 he fought with Beasts at Ephesus i. e. Men like Beasts who acted like Beasts in opposing the Truth 4. In their visible professing and publick owning of the Truth They are not afraid nor ashamed to confess Christ and his Ways before Men. Some for fear of the Jews did not publickly own Jesus Christ in the Days of his Flesh but such who are sincere will go forth bearing his Reproach Tho Men forbid them Heb. 13.13 nay threaten them c. yet they will preach Jesus Christ and profess his Name and maintain his Ordinances and blessed Institutions The Apostles cried out Acts 4 20. 5.29 We cannot but speak the Things which we have seen and heard c. 5. They shew their Courage in suffering for the Truth when called so to do 1. They will suffer Reproach for the Truth 2. They will suffer Blows for the Truth 3. Imprisonment for the Truth 4. Loss of their Goods 5. Banishment 6. Yea Death it self when called to it rather than deny Christ and the Truth 6. They will stand by the Truth when others turn their Backs upon it Thus did Paul 7. They will maintain every Truth but more especially that Truth which is most opposed in the Day in which they live It may be no demonstration of Courage to stand up for or maintain a Truth in one Age which was a great Proof of Valour in another when it was chiefly opposed Would it be any Sign of spiritual Courage now to affirm God is God and Baal is not yet that was in Elijah's Days 1 Kings 18 Or would it be any Demonstration of Courage now to affirm Jesus of Nazareth to be the true Saviour yet it was in the Apostle's Time because it was the great Truth then opposed Christian Courage is now shewed by owning and maintaining those Truths of Christ now opposed and which in standing by do expose the Professors thereof Now that which doth animate and embolden the Saints in the Day of Trial in standing up for Christ and his Ways is 1. The Satisfaction they have touching the Truth of that which they profess 'T is God's Truth 2. The Consideration of the Excellency of God's Truth Psal 119. The Word of God is pure c. 3. The Consideration of the Goodness and Justness of their Call to suffer in behalf of Truth for that is one thing which must always be considered 4. The Goodness of their Consciences or the Evidences of their own Sincerity A Hypocrite may suffer some things but at last his Courage will fail him I have heard of a Captain that principally would make choice of two Sorts of Men for his Souldiers viz. either sincere and godly Christians or downright Atheists because neither of them he concluded would be afraid to die The true Christian would not be afraid of Death because he knew he should go to Christ and the Atheist would not be afraid of Death because he thought or rather hoped he should die as a Beast and there would be an end of him 5. The Consideration of his having so good a Second A couragious and undaunted Second oftentimes puts much Courage into a Person that is singled out to fight a Duel Now a Christian has the Almighty and Terrible God to take his part c. Fear not Worm Jacob I will help thee c. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Isa 41.14 Heb. 13.5 6. So that we may boldly say The Lord is my Helper I will not fear what Man can do unto me 6. The Certainty of getting the Victory or overcoming at last As it is said of Gad it may be said of a Christian tho a Troop may overcome him yet he shall overcome at last Hence Saints are said to be more than Conquerors Rom. 8.37 for no Conqueror is certain whilst he is in the Conflict that he shall at last obtain the Conquest 7. The Consideration of that exceeding great Reward which they shall receive when they have overcome wonderfully adds Courage and Boldness unto them Be thou faithful unto Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Rev. 2.10 II. Lions are great Conquerors Many other Beasts tho they are much bigger than they yet they are not able to stand before them II. Saints are great Conquerors through Christ they conquer Sin Satan the World Death and Hell they are said to be more than Conquerors Rom. 8. III. A Lion is a Creature that other Beasts are afraid of III. So the Saints are Men that the Wicked oft times fear they dread the Effects of their Prayers 'T is said that Mary Queen of Scots was more afraid of the Prayer of John Knox than of an Army of Twenty Thousand Men. Herod was afraid of John Baptist It hath been observed that some wicked Persons have been afraid to swear or carry it unseemly in the presence of a godly Man IV. A Lion is a very strong Creature IV. The Saints are so strong in the Lord and the Power of his Might that none either in Earth or Hell are a Match for them V. A Lion treadeth down and maketh a Prey of his Enemies V. So the Godly shall in the latter Days make a Prey of all their Adversaries be as terrible as an Army with Banners when God brings them forth against Babylon God will raise up the Sons of Zion against the Sons of Greece and make them as the Sword of a mighty Man Cant. 6.10 Zech. 9.13 Mich. 5.8 The Remnant of Jacob shall be amongst the Gentiles in the midst of many People as a Lion amongst the Beasts of the Forrest amongst a Flock of Sheep who if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces and none can deliver Disparity IN many things the Righteous are not like to a Lion A Lion hath many evil devouring and hurtful Qualities and it is upon that account wicked Men and the Devils are compared to Lions Inferences IN vain are the Saints by Men and Devils assaulted he that prevails against them must also prevail against and overcome the mighty God and who is a Match for Him 2. This reproves and may tend to shame the timorous Christian What! afraid to own Christ to stand up for and stand by the Truth when thou hast God to stand up for thee and stand by thee c. 3. Let Saints shew themselves bold and couragious in the Cause and Interest of God and their Souls A fearful timerous Spirit becomes not a Christian Have you a good Cause have you a good Call have you a good Conscience have you a good Captain What then do you fear In the Strength of the Lord be as bold as a Lion and in order thereunto get the Truth into your Affections see that you have received the Truth in the Love of it And be sure you approve your selves to be sincere for
Scripture as Men out of their Wits Men distracted mad Men And truly the Choice they make their Actions and Behaviour shew as if they were indeed besides themselves they are really void of right Reason or Men that have lost their spiritual Understanding Parallels A Mad Man is one that is deprived of his natural Reason a Beast as it were in the shape of a Man So all the Ungodly of the Earth have lost their spiritual Reason they are Men of no Understanding and more fitly may be said to be Beasts in the form or shape of Men than such as have lost their humane Reason II. Some mad Men are desperate and very mischievous care not what hurt they do O how desperate are wicked Men how will they swear curse and blaspheme the holy Name of God and dare God to damn them and for Mischief they delight in nothing more spoiling and utterly destroying their innocent Neighbours III. Mad Men are usually bound lest they should proceed too far in their mischievous Ways So God chains up or puts wicked Men into Bonds limits their Power lest they should go too far in their cruel and mischievous Designs against his People IV. Mad Men are usually committed to Prison So wicked Men are under the cursed Bondage and Slavery of Satan who takes them captive at his Will V. A mad Man will even spit in the Face of his dearest Friend who with much Affection seeks his Good So wicked Men do as it were spit in the very Faces of God's faithful Ministers who in Bowels of tender Love and Compassion seek their Good and is this any marvel when they in a base manner spit in the Face of Christ himself VI. Mad Men refuse Clothes and will go naked So wicked Men refuse spiritually to be cloathed with the Robe of Christ's Righteousness they will go naked in God's sight or have nothing to cover them but the Rags of their own Righteousness There are many other Properties in mad People which may aptly be applied to ungodly Men but because divers of them agree likewise with the Characters of Fools or Idiots we shall refer you to that concerning Fools c. Inferences NO marvel if God's People meet with so much Trouble in this World and are exposed to so many Dangers by the Wicked alas they are mad Let us take the less Notice of what they do to us they are out of their right Minds distracted c. What a mad World is this how few are there that are come to themselves Most Men and Women are mad Wicked Men compared to Dogs Mat. 7.6 Give not that which is holy to Dogs Mat. 15.26 It is not meet to take the Childrens Bread and give it to Dogs Phil. 3.2 Beware of Dogs Rev. 22.15 Without are Dogs A Dog is called in Hebrew Ketab and Lamas according to Munster in Caldee Kalba in Arabick Kalbe in Persian and Saracen Kep or Kolph the Grecians Kuon the Latins Canis c. In these and divers other Places of holy Scripture wicked Men are compared to Dogs Dogs Parallel THere are divers Sorts of Dogs who differ very much in their Nature and Disposition some b●ing gentle and others more curst and snarling yet all are but Dogs SO there are divers Sorts of wicked Men and they differ exceedingly in their Nature and Qualities some are naturally of a mild and gentle Disposition others very fierce passionate and peevish yet all ungodly and metaphorically no better than Dogs II. Dogs are base ignoble sordid and impudent Creatures very vile and beastly II. So wicked Men generally are vile ignoble and impudent Persons tho some more shameless than others God having given them up to vile Affections to commit all Uncleanness with greediness See what Account the holy Apostle gives of some of the Gentiles Who changed the Truth of God into a Lie Rom. 1.25 26 27. and worshipped and served the Creature more than the Creator c. For which cause God left them to themselves so that their Women did change the natural Vse into that which is against Nature And likewise the Men leaving the natural Vse of the Women burned in their Lusts one towards another Men with Men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that Recompence of their Error which was meet III. Dogs are not only filthy and unclean Creatures but also foolish for some of them will as Naturalists observe bark at the Moon and also when a Stone or other thing is cast at them they will follow the Stone and neglect the Hand that throws it III. So wicked Men are not only vile and filthy but also foolish as is fully opened under another Head They like Dogs bark and snarl at the Light of God's Word from whence so great Benefit arises to poor Mortals Like ravenous Currs they bark at the heavenly Doctrine and its faithful Ministers whom they reproach with impudent Scandals and whose utter Extirpation they study And also when they are under Affliction they take notice of secondary Causes but never regard the Hand of God in them according to the Saying of the Poet Arripit ut lapidem catulus morsúque fatigat Nec percussori mutua damna facit Sic plerique sinunt vexos elabier hostes Et quos nulla gravant noxia dente pecunt IV. Some Dogs have a fierce angry and churlish Look enough to frighten timerous Persons and not only so but grin bark and snarl at such as come near them who design to do them no hurt IV. So some wicked Men have a very angry and furious Countenance they look frowningly upon the Lord's People like as did Nebuchadnezzar upon Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who it is said was full of Fury and the Form of his Countenance was changed against them when he saw they refused to worship his God and to fall down before the Golden Image he had set up And not only so but they grin and gnash their Teeth at them like envious Currs Psal 37.12 The Wicked plotteth against the Just and gnasheth upon him with his Teeth And thus did the ungodly Jews carry it to blessed Stephen 't is said They were cut to the Heart Acts 7.34 and they gnashed on him with their Teeth Yet what hurt did any of these Servants of God do or design to do to these Sons of Belial V. Dogs will not only grin and snarl but also bite nay not only bite but bite mortally and tear in pieces such as offend them who are not able to deliver themselves from their Rage and Cruelty There are some Dogs that are called Blood-hounds and some others may fitly be so called V. So some wicked Men do not only gnash their Teeth threaten and grin at their godly Neighbours but also will and oftentimes do fall upon them with all the revengeful Rage and Malice imaginable to the wounding cutting or tearing of them to pieces How many Thousands of precious Saints and Children of God have the wicked
you If you acknowledg a religious Respect and Reverence due to the Son of God exercise it in humble Obedience to his Word and if you love him and value his Gospel treat not his Ministers in an unworthy manner and forget not that He who gave his Life a Ransom for you well deserves a Return of the greatest Love from you and to be honoured by you not only with good Words but with your Substance and the First-Fruits of all your Increase Prov. 3.9 Secondly 'T is the Business of your Salvation and the Concern of your precious and immortal Souls that a Minister is employed in and therefore it is much more your own Interest than his that you should make Conscience of your Duty With this Argument the Apostle enforces his Exhortation Heb. 13.17 For they watch for your Souls as they that must give an Account that they do it with Joy and not with Grief for that is unprofitable for you The Ministry can never be effectual to the saving of your Souls if you be not sincere in Obedience under it And will you be less careful for your Souls and their eternal Welfare than you are for your Bodies and the Comforts of a temporal Life Can you be content to lay out your Strength and Substance to provide for these and neglect the other It is sad to consider how many there are among Professors that live in the World as if there were no Truth in the Report of that which is to come and have the meanest esteem of the most necessary Means of Salvation viz. the Word and Ordinances of Christ and a Gospel-Ministry Can expend perhaps an hundred Pound per annum more or less for the Convenience Ornament or Delight of a frail Carcase but will grudg half so much for the Poor or the support of Gospel-Worship Ministers compared to Watchmen Isa 62.6 I have set Watchmen upon thy Walls O Jerusalem Ezek. 3.17 I have made thee a Watchman c. Heb. 13.17 They watch for your Souls Ministers are called Watchmen Watchmen Parallel VVAtchmen have a Charge committed to them and they ought to take heed they do not betray their Trust MInisters have a great Charge committed to them which they ought to see to and so to behave themselves that they may have their Accounts to give up with Joy For 1. They are entrusted with the Word the faithful Word and Doctrine of God is committed to them they must see they preach nothing for Doctrine but what is the direct and undeniable Truth and Mind of God they must not corrupt the Word nor intermix it with the Traditions of Men. I give thee charge in the sight of God 1 Tim. 6.13 who quickneth all things and before Christ who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good Confession that thou keep this Commandment without spot unrebukable until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ 2. They have received the Charge of preaching God's Word they must preach whoever forbid them I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 4.1 2. who shall judg the Quick and the Dead at his appearing and his Kingdom preach the Word be instant in season and out of season reprove exhort with all Long-suffering and Doctrine 3. They have the Charge of God's Ordinances or the holy Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper Go therefore teach all Nations Mat. 28.19 20. i. e. make Disciples baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy-Ghost c. For I received from the Lord that which also I delivered unto you I had it in charge as if he should say from Christ himself that the same Night in which he was betrayed 1 Cor. 11.23 24. he took Bread and blessed it and said Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me After the same manner he took the Cup c. They must not corrupt the Ordinances nor administer them otherwise than the plain Rule left in the Word of God directeth 4. They have the Charge of the Church and Flock of God Acts 20.27 Take heed therefore unto your selves and unto the Flock over which the Holy-Ghost hath made you Overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood c. 5. They must know the State of the Flock be Examples to the Flock 1 Pet. 5.2 3 Feed the Flock of God which is amongst you not by constraint but willingly not for filthy Lucre but of a ready Mind neither being Lords over God's Heritage but being Examples to the Flock 6. Lastly They have the Charge of Mens Souls Watch for your Souls Heb. 13.17 as such that must give an account These things are part of these Watchmen's Charge II. Watchmen are not to sleep nor give way to slumber they must be awake when others sleep to see what Dangers are near c. II. So the Ministers of the Gospel must not be sleepy and slothful they are to be upon the Watch-Tower to see what Danger approacheth or is coming upon the Church and People of God III. Watchmen are to give warning if they see Evil coming hence they ought to have a good Eye-sight a blind Man is not fit to be a Watchman III. So Ministers or Christ's spiritual Watchmen must give warning when they see Danger approaching and therefore had need be Men of Knowledg They are called Seers if they have no Eyes they cannot be called Seers Ministers had need be like Argus whom Poets say had an hundred Eyes they should be full of Eyes like the living Creatures about the Throne to see before them and behind them that so they may perceive clearly every thing that is evil or hurtful to the Souls of Men or Church of God and give warning of it and not like those foolish Watchmen the Prophet speaks of His Watchmen are blind sleeping lying down Isa 56 10. Ezek. 33.6 7. loving to slumber If the Watchman seeth the Sword coming and blow not the Trumpet and the People be not warned if the Sword come and take away any Person from among them he is taken away in his Iniquity but his Blood will I require at the Watchman's hand They are to give warning to Sinners that they repent and be converted for Wrath is gone out against them from the Lord if they live in one Sin they must perish They are to warn them of the Danger of Unbelief to warn them of the Danger of the Hardness of their Hearts to warn them of the Danger of Pride Covetousness and all other Sins to give warning of the Danger of Idolatry and all false Worship and Heresy of the Danger of Apostacy the Danger of the inordinate Love of the World or of any thing short of Jesus Christ c. IV. Watchmen are made and constituted such by others and called forth to stand upon the Watch. IV. So Ministers are made or
give an uncertain Sound who shall prepare himself to the Battel VI. So a Minister is sometimes commanded to sound an Alarm Joel 2 1. Blow the Trumpet in Zion sound an Alarm in my holy Mountain They are to pronounce Wrath and Judgment to thunder as it were from Mount Sinai to rouze up the slothful and secure Sinner or drouzy Professor and sometimes a Call to Duty to assemble the People to fast and cry mightily unto the Lord Blow the Trumpet in Zion sanctify a Fast call the solemn Assembly Joel 2.15 16. gather the People sanctify the Congregation assemble the Elders gather the Children and those that suck the Breast c. VII A Trumpeter by blowing his Trumpet in the Day of Battel is of great use to an Army the sounding of the Trumpet greatly encourages and animates the Hearts of Souldiers VII So a true Minister by preaching the Gospel is exceeding useful to God's Church in the Day of Trial c. How doth a lively and an awakening Sermon put Spirit and Courage into the Hearts of Christians and make them fearless and valiant for the Truth VIII A Trumpeter usually goes before the Troop of Army sounding his Trumpet he is often exposed to Danger VIII So the Ministers of the Gospel should be as He-Goats before the Flock they are the Leaders of the People Ministers are often greatly exposed IX A Trumpeter is to keep sounding all the while an Army is engaged nay not only to sound his Trumpet but to sound it loud also IX So a Minister must preach always in season and out of season whilst the Saints and Church of God are militant Necessity is laid upon me and wo is me 1 Cor. 9.16 if I preach not the Gospel Yea and it must be preached publickly X. Some Trumpeters have Silver Trumpets nay God commanded Moses to make two Silver Trumpets to call the Assembly and these were for Eleazar and Ithamar the two Sons of Aaron X. Prov. 10.20 So the Tongue of the Righteous is as choice Silver Ainsworth speaking of two Silver Trumpets that were to be made of beaten Work Numb 10. saith it signifies the Labour of the Ministers of giving themselves to Prayer and to the Ministry of the Word Psal 12.7 The Words of the Lord are pure Words as Silver c. XI A Trumpeter makes sometimes sweet Musick with his Trumpet Many love no Musick like the rare sounding of a Trumpet XI So a Minister makes sweet Musick sometimes in preaching of the Gospel in the Ears of Men. And lo Ezek. 33.32 thou art unto them as a very lovely Song of one that hath a lovely Voice and can play well on an Instrument Inferences MInisters must cry aloud and spare not they must lift up their Voice like a Trumpet They must be endued with Courage not fearing the Face of Men sparing none but reprove and warn great and rich Men as well as the Poor II. They must be Men of Wisdom that know how to sound distinctly rightly dividing the Word of Truth lest by their uncertain Sound great Detriment befall Christ's spiritual Souldiers III. Hence let all the Saints magnify God for that they have and do yet hear the joyful Sound by which they have been called to engage in the spiritual Warfare and thereby animated to a Perseverance in the same to the end IV. Also hence may be inferred That as the Saints are spiritual Souldiers so it is their great Concern to observe the sounding of these spiritual Trumpeters with the Silver Trumpets that they may be always ready to make good their Ground in an evil Day And having done all to stand Stand therefore c. Eph. 6. Ministers compared to Spokesmen 2 Cor. 11.2 For I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chast Virgin to Christ I Have as if the Apostle should say acted the part of a Spokesman I have endeavoured to engage your Affections to Christ Every Minister strives to espouse Souls to the Lord Jesus as Abraham's Servant was employed to obtain Rebeka for Isaac 'T is the main Work of a Minister to win Souls and bring them over to Christ Note Ministers may fitly be compared to Spokesmen Simile Parallel A Spokesman is a Friend to the Lover one that knows his Secrets and is judged faithful a Person that he confides in and is therefore trusted with his great and most weighty Concernments Abraham had great confidence in his Servant and therefore chose him for that Work viz. to go and take a Wife for Isaac MInisters are the Friends of Christ I have called you Friends They know the Mind of Christ The Secrets of the Lord are with them Joh. 15.14 15. All things saith Christ that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you You have not chosen me but I have chosen you Christ chuses none to this Work but such as are faithful 1 Tim. 1.12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath accounted me faithful putting me into the Ministry II. A faithful Spokesman is very intent and diligent in his Business Abraham's Servant would not eat nor drink until he had delivered his Message or told his Errand II. So a faithful Minister is very diligent about his Master's Work Peter and John forsook all and followed Christ He gives himself wholly up to the Work of the Gospel Job 23 12 They esteem with holy Job the Words of his Mouth more than their necessary Food III. A Spokesman uses many Arguments to engage the Affections of the Person to whom he is sent he doth set forth the Merits Riches and Worthiness of the Person who is the principal Suiter III. So Ministers use many weighty Arguments to persuade Sinners to fall in love with and espouse themselves to the Lord Jesus to accept of the Offers of his Grace and Divine Favour being not willing to take any Denial if possible They pray woo and beseech in Christ's Name and some of the Arguments they use are these viz. 1. They set forth the Greatness of their Lord and Master He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords saith Paul the Lord of Life and Glory saith Peter 2. They set forth his great Riches Vnto me Eph. 3.8 who am less than the least of all Saints is this Grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable Riches of Christ See how Abraham's Servant pleaded when he came to court the Damsel The Lord hath blessed my Master greatly and he is become great Gen. 24.35 36. and He hath given him Flocks and Herds c. Silver and Gold and Man-Servants and Maid-Servants and Camels and Asses Verse 35. And Sarah my Master's Wife bare a Son to my Master when she was old and unto him he hath given all that he hath O how rich and great saith a Minister is God! The Cattel of a thousand Hills are his The Earth is the Lord's and
the Fulness thereof And Christ saith he is appointed Heir of all Things Joh. 16.15 Joh. 13.3 All Things that the Father hath are mine He knew that the Father had given all Things into his Hands 3. They set forth not only the Greatness and Riches of Christ but also his admirable Beauty He is fairer than the Children of Men. Psal 45. 4. They set forth the Greatness of his Love so far as they can conceive of it or make it known for the Breadth Length Depth and Heighth of it is wonderful Eph. 3 18 19. Mat. 28. as Paul shews and passeth Knowledg 5. They set forth his Power and Sovereignty He has all Power in Heaven and Farth He is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth nothing is too hard for him to do Men and Devils Wind and Seas are at his Command 6. They set forth his great Wisdom He is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God saith the Apostle In him are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg 1 Cor. 1.24 Col. 2.3 7. They set forth his great and glorious End in coming into the World which was that we might have Life and to betroth us to himself for ever 8. They set forth the Greatness of his Sufferings his wonderful Abasement the Nature of his bloody Agony and Anguish he suffered upon the Tree What! doth not this Jesus saith the Servant of God that comes to you through a Sea of Blood deserve your Affection c. 9. They use Arguments of another nature such as are taken from the Consideration of the Sinners dead cursed and miserable State without him the Blessedness of such as do embrace him and espouse themselves to him and divers others too many here for me to reckon up IV. A faithful Spokesman is not satisfied to see the Person to whom he is in the behalf of his Master a Suiter to be only ready to hear and seem to approve of the Motion he makes unless she at last be brought to a ready and willing Compliance and say with Rebekah Gen. 24.58 I will go along with this Man that is I am resolved to become Isaac's Wife IV. So Christ's faithful Ministers are not satisfied to see Sinners hearken to the Word and seem pleased with the Doctrine of the Gospel which they daily preach unless they leave their Sins and become new Creatures and close in in good earnest with Christ giving themselves to him 'T is said of the Saints They gave themselves to the Lord. If a Man be a Suiter to a Damsel and she seem to like him and be pleased with the Motion he makes and yet never consent to become his Wife will this please him surely no Neither doth it please Christ nor his Ministers to see Sinners go from place to place to hear Sermons and write Sermons and commend this and that Preacher if they do not make a real Contract and become espoused to the Lord Jesus 'T is nothing less than a thorow Work of Grace Regeneration or a true Conversion that will satisfy one of Christ's faithful Spokesmen V. It grieves a faithful Spokesman when he finds his Master is slighted and his dear and noble Lord that sent him rejected and a base and poor Fellow entertained and delighted in instead of him who is so worthy V. So it grieves a faithful Minister when Sinners slight the Message and Tenders of Grace in the Gospel when Christ is not embraced nor closed in with when they only take him into their Lips but keep him out of their Hearts O this wounds their Souls Shall Sin saith the Servant of God that base and filthy Enemy of my Master be entertained and delighted in Shall the Devil have the Rule and Preheminence in you and the Love of the World be so sweet which is Enmity to God And shall Christ who died for you on the Cross he who is so excellent who is able to make you happy for ever be slighted and rejected by you What! will you prefer your base Lusts above all that unconceivable Good there is in God the Father in Christ his only begotten Son in the holy Spirit and in the Way of Holiness VI. A Spokesman when he sees he cannot prevail returns and gives his Master or Friend that sent him an account how Matters go VI. So Christ's faithful Ministers in the Day of Judgment shall doubtless be brought in as Witnesses against stubborn and impenitent Sinners to whom they preached the Gospel Gen. 24.49 And now said Abraham's Servant if you will deal kindly and truly with my Master tell me if not tell me that I may turn to the right hand or to the left That is that I may give my Master an account of my Errand what shall I say to him that sent me So saith Christ's Servant If you will deal kindly and truly with my Master tell me if not tell me that I may turn c. I must declare to the Lord Jesus in the great and dreadful Day how you have slighted or not regarded the Message I am sent about how you are resolved to keep to your other Lovers and remain in your Sins being carnal loose ungodly and that Christ is not precious in your Eye nor will you be persuaded to forsake all and follow him nor be made sensible of that Glory and Beauty that is in Holiness And what a sad thing will this be when a Minister must appear against this Man and that Man and say Lord I spoke to them again and again I preach'd an hundred Sermons to them to engage their Hearts to thee but none of them would take place as thou seest upon their Hearts c. Ministers compared to Clouds Deut. 32.2 My Doctrine shall drop as the Rain c. Isa 5.6 I also will command the Clouds that they rain no more Rain upon it CLouds have divers Metaphorical Notations in the holy Scriptures 1. For Calamities or great Afflictions How hath God covered the Daughters of Zion with a Cloud Lam. 2.1 2. Because of the Number and Multitude of Clouds for in tempestuous Weather a great Plenty of thick Clouds appear so an innumerous Company of Witnesses are compared to Clouds Heb. 12.1 3. They are also used in Comparison Behold he shall come as Clouds that is his Army will I make a vast Appearance the Targum says as a Cloud which comes up and covers the Earth Ezek. 38.9 4. For Vanity and Inconstancy or Emptiness hence false Teachers are compared to Clouds without Rain 5. And upon divers accounts true Ministers of the Gospel may be compared to Clouds for as false Teachers are like Clouds without Rain so true Ministers are as Clouds full or filled with Rain c. How fitly Christ's Ministers may be compared to Clouds will appear by what follows Ministers Parallel CLouds are fit Receptacles for the Water they receive their Water as it is drawn up out of the Fountain of the great Deep For God hath
only a Woman and a City but a very evil Woman and a City of Confusion There is the Name of the Lamb much spoken of but his Doctrine undervalued and slighted his Laws trampled upon and violated his Example not regarded for Imitation either by the Bishop himself his Cardinals or inferior Orders having his Humility and Self-denial only in Words like those the Apostle speaketh of that in Words profess God but in Works deny him For under this verbal Humility here is the greatest Pride in the World under this verbal Meekness and Self-denial the greatest Oppression and Cruelty Covetousness and Love of the World as appears by their pompous Garbs their cruel Punishments and the vast Sums of Money brought in from all parts of their Dominion by Sleights and cunning and deceitful Cheats Besides a meer Hodg-podg of Principles one Order or Fraternity professing that which another writes against and cries down which is the more strange to come from a Church infallible Besides the strange Mixtures in their visible Worship of Traditions and human Inventions of lying and diabolical Tricks of blessing by a Cross consecrating holy Water and cleansing by it which are too numerous and tedious to relate and the less needful because every Man that hath seen their Ways hath an imperfect Book of it in his own Mind and can read the Truth of what we say within himself And let any People in the Christian World pretending to Religion be compared to them for supernumerary trifling and insignificant Ceremonies crouded into their pretended Worship nay let all the People in the Christian World be laid in the Ballance against the Church of Rome in this respect and they will be found inconceivably wanting for which we have this Reason to judg her to be Babylon and the City of Confusion If there is more Confusion in Contrariety of Principles Practices contradicting Pretensions crouding in Supernumeraries and Mysteries of Unscriptural Inventions into visible Worship in Rome Papal or the Church of Rome than is to be found amongst any or all People pretending Religion in the Christian World besides Then is Rome Papal or the Church of Rome the great Babylon or City of Confusion But there is more Confusion in the forementioned Respects to be found in Rome Papal or the Church of Rome than in any or all People pretending Religion in the Christian World besides Ergo c. IV. Babylon is not only a Woman and a City a City of Confusion but she is a Whore which is a strange Word to be applied to a great and famous People a Word that carries in it one of the highest Impeachments but no other than was given to Israel Isa 57.3 16.17 Hos 4. 5.3 Judah and Jerusalem in the Days of old upon a very good Reason for they being joined in Covenant with God to serve him in Obedience and Subjection did like to an adulterous Woman break Wedlock and set up other Lovers or Idols in his stead Ezek. 16.38 Hos 1.9 2.2 5. and continued so a long time till a Bill of Divorce was given and God proclaimed them not married to him as his Wife but a Whore and divorced yet it is observable that they used his Name tho they worshipped Idols and cried The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord are we IV. Rome Papal or Church of Rome is not only a Woman and a City a City of Confusion but according to Scripture-History and notorious Matter of Fact she is a Whore also and may be justly so called for in the Apostles Time she joined her self to the Lord by firm Ties of a Gospel-Govenant and Profession and was the renowned Spouse of the Son of God owned and profess'd him in the Time of Heathenism received the Apostles and Servants of God amongst them withstood the Fury of the Emperors suffered Persecution had their Faith spoken of throughout the whole World and yet after all this like Israel of old she left God and his holy Laws made Idols to her self of Saints Angels Reliques and Images upon which she doted and forsook the Son of God upon the working and appearance of the Man of Sin who exalted himself into the place of Christ and became her Head by which means she is so far degenerated from what she once was that she retains nothing holds fast nothing of what really appertains to true Godliness but the bare Names of God and Jesus Christ having corrupted the true Worship of the Son of God her first Husband and notoriously abandoned Obedience to him taking this vile Person to be her Head and chief Guide and setting him in the Place of and Dignity above her first Head and true Guide of her Youth and yet like Israel of old still cries The true Church the Catholick Church the Mother-Church are we having on her Forehead a strange Mystery written i. e. God Christ Truth Verity Infallibility and next to this there lies nearest her Heart Devil Pope Lying Deceit Perjury Idolatry and horrible Cruelty towards the best of Men professing Christ and Religion in Uprightness and Truth For which Change of her first Head Husband and Guide of her Youth for this vile Person with which she commits most abominable Lewdness together with the Kings of the Earth she is ranked by the Angel amongst the worst of Women and stiled as her Type and Predecessor of ol● a well-favoured Harlot or of the Angel a Woman a City and notorious Whore which ill and black Characters we conclude with this Argument If there be no Body of professing People in the Christian World that hath so apparently de●lined or adulterated from what they once were deserted the holy Doctrine Example and right Government of Jesus Christ and set up another visible and publick Head of the Church in room and stead of him whose Power and Laws are preferred above and before the Authority and Laws of the Lord Jesus as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Whore spoken of But there is no Body of professing People in the Christian World that hath so apparently declined or adulterated or deserted the holy Doctrine Example or right Government of Christ ut suprà Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Whore spoken of To reinforce this Argument let it be shewed by any Man that any People different from the Church of Rome hath made such a Change in point of Religion and Headship and Matters thereto pertaining so as that this black Character of Whore can more fitly and fully be made to meet upon them and we must confess our Argument not weighty but till then we conclude it carries Conviction in the Bowels of it V. Babylon this Woman this City of Confusion this Whore is a very great Woman City and Whore And the great City was divided Rev. 16.19 Chap. 17.18 chap. 18.10 Verse 16. And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City
shie of and ready at all turns to flie from and avoid any external horrible Uncleanness But Sin is a bewitching and ensnaring Uncleanness All the bodily Beauty in the World did never entice so many as the Deformity and foul Face of Sin hath Beauty and Comeliness are the Attractives the Loadstone of Love Christ was not loved by many because he did not appear beautiful he vail'd his glorious Beauty Lust is loved tho it be altogether unbeautiful Christ is the Mirror of Beauty tho some see no Comeliness in him he is fairer than the Children of Men But there is no Form or Comeliness in Sin nothing indeed why it should be desired yet how is it admired and esteemed by all Sorts of Men They dote upon it and run mad with love to it 't is so bewitching as the choicest Beauty in the World III. Wh●t Filth Uncleanness or Pollution is of such a murthering killing and destroying Nature as Sin It is true some horrid Pollution is of a corrupting poysonous and destroying Quality but not like Sin This Venom this Uncleanness is worse than any more mortal than any it kills both Body and Soul too it destroys eternally O there is no finding out the cursed Nature of it there is nothing can save from the killing Power of it nor cleanse from its Pollution but Christ's Blood Inferences O What a woful Condition is Man in by Nature how unclean in God's sight Well might Eliphaz say Job 15.16 How abominable and filthy is Man who drinketh in Iniquity like Water The Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 notes that which is most abhorring to the Nature of Man that which is not only so nauseous that the Stomach cannot digest it but so base that the Mind is burthened to think upon it yea the Word imports that which is rejected by all the Senses that which the Eye cannot endure to look upon that which the Ear cannot endure to hear of that which is a Stink in the Nostrils and which the Hand will not touch such a a thing is Man in God's Sight by reason of Sin Filthy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word is derived from a Root that signifies Caryl on Job 15.16 corrupt rotten putrified the Scum of a Pot the Rust of Metals the Dung or Excrement of Man and Beasts There are no Words saith Caryl filthy enough to express the Filthiness of Man The Word is found saith he but three times in Scripture in this Construction and in all of them 't is applied to shew the abominable Wickedness of Man The first is this Job 15.16 Psal 14 3. Psal 53.3 as if this were a Word pick'd out on purpose as a Glass to shew Man his Face and natural Complexion in c. Job 7.17 II. O what is Man that God should be mindful of him What Beauty is there in him that the Almighty should set his Heart upon him III. What little reason have wicked Men to be proud And how sadly are they mistaken who think to adorn themselves with Sin How do Sinners pride themselves in their filthy Garments and Cloak of Unrighteousness He is no Gallant now a days unless he can swear and curse and cry Damn-him and Sink-him Lord what an Age is this They shew their Sin as Sodom and hide it not they glory in their Shame IV. Let us learn from hence to be fully sensible of our Birth-Pollution I mean Original Sin Job 25.5 Job 14.4 that which we brought into the World with us Can he be clean that is born of a Woman Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one Can the Stream be clean when the Fountain is so unclean All that are born by natural Generation are unclean Adam's particular Act or Breach of the Law of God was ours we being in him he stood as the common Root of all his Posterity 't is also by the Almighty imputed to us The natural Pravity or Corruption which issueth from thence passeth from Generation to Generation V. We may infer from hence that every Man and Woman hath need of washing say not therefore with Peter Thou shalt never wash my Feet when every part is defiled c. VI. Go polluted Soul go to the Fountain 'T is the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanseth us from all Sin VII Bless God there is a Fountain to wash in a Fountain opened for Sin and Uncleanness See Fountain in the First Volume VIII You that are clean praise the Almighty Ye were as filthy as others Such were some of you c. Saints may be said to be clean four manner of Ways 1. Clean meritoriously by the Blood of the Lord Jesus 2. Efficaciously by the Spirit uniting them to Christ and sanctifying their Hearts 3. Clean instrumentally by the Word Now are you clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you 4. Clean impulsively and attractively by Faith Purifying their Hearts by Faith Sin compared to Gray-Hairs Hos 7.9 Yea gray Hairs are here and there upon him and he knoweth it not HE knoweth it not that is Israel or Ephraim viz. the ten Tribes Hos 1.4 Amos 9.8 Ephraim may be considered as a Kingdom I am against the sinful Kingdom or as a Church They were a People in Covenant with God or in a National Church-State and once youthful and beautiful but now they are become old and gray-headed i. e. they had Symptoms of Decay and Ruine upon them Gray Hairs Some by gray Hairs understand heavy Judgments others some prevailing Evils or Sins which were Signs of Destruction c. There may be Truth in both Note Symptoms of Ruine oft-times appear upon a People before their Ruine comes Parallels GRay Hairs are a Sign that a Man's best Days his youthful Days are gone So some Sins and Judgments upon a People are a Sign that their best Days are past away that their Youth and Glory is departing II. Gray Hairs are a Sign of old Age So some Sins and Judgments upon a People shew forth that they are old in Wickedness III. Gray Hairs come oft-times by great Grief Scaliger tells us of a young Man Burroughs who through the extreme Trouble of his Spirit was turned gray in one Night So the Judgments and Miseries of a People because of their Sins make them gray-headed and thereby look old and withered c. IV. When gray Hairs come upon a Man they bring oftentimes with them feeble Knees and Stiffness of the Limbs So Sin makes feeble the Heat of Zeal and Vigour of Spirit is thereby abated V. Gray Hairs are Symptoms and Fore-runners of Death and Mortality So some Sins and Miseries upon a People are the clear Symptoms of spiritual Death or Night of Darkness VI. Some Men have gray Hairs here and there and they know not of them So a Soul Nation or Church may have sad Symptoms of Ruine upon them and they be ignorant of them He knows it not Quest What were those gray Hairs that