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A30241 CXLV expository sermons upon the whole 17th chapter of the Gospel according to St. John, or, Christs prayer before his passion explicated, and both practically and polemically improved by Anthony Burgess ... Burgess, Anthony, d. 1664. 1656 (1656) Wing B5651; ESTC R13734 964,431 860

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unto all his Disciples even in this life and of Union with him as the ground of it SERM. CXXIII Practicall Conclusions from the foregoing Doctrine SERM. CXXIV That Jesus Christ though God co-equall with the Father had many things given him by the Father and how that can be SERM. CXXV Unity among Christians is part of that Glory Christ hath purchased for them SERM. CXXVI JOHN 17.23 I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me Of Union with Christ Shewing how or in what respect Christ is in every Beleever and how he is not SERM. CXXVII Shewing somthing of the Nature Manner and Effects of Christs being in Beleevers SERM. CXXVIII Of the Fathers being in Christ of both their being in Beleevers and how that can be and yet they not quite freed from sin and sorrow SERM. CXXIX Of the Unity of Beleevers of the cause and nature of it and what makes to the perfect consummation of it SERM. CXXX Sheweth that every one that beleeveth knoweth the thing that he beleeveth Against the Popish implicit faith and what Knowledge the knowledge of Faith is SERM. CXXXI Of the unspeakable love of God to Beleevers shewing wherein Gods love to Christ and Beleevers is alike and wherein it differs SERM. CXXXII Sheweth of what high concernment it is to the men of the world to know how greatly Beleevers whom they hate and persecute are beloved of God SERM. CXXXIII JOHN 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world Of the Connection between Grace and Glory and that Glory even to the most Godly is the free gift of God SERM. CXXXIV Of immediate Injoyment of and Communion with Christ in Heaven as the Complement of mans Happiness SERM. CXXXV Of an humbled Christians improving in his prayers the sweet Apellation of Father SERM. CXXXVI Of the state of Glory shewing what it is to behold Christs Glory in Heaven SERM. CXXXVII How Christ as Mediatour had his Glory given him although as God he could not properly have it given him except by way of Manifestation Against the Socinians SERM. CXXXVIII Of Gods love to Christ as Mediatour and in him to all Beleevers from all Eternity SERM. CXXXIX JOHN 17.25 O righteous Father the world hath not known thee but I have known thee and these have known that thou hast sent me Of the Righteousness of God as Judge in his Administrations to Devils and Wicked men and as a Father unto his own people SERM. CXL That every unregenerate man whether in or out of the Church is destitute of the true saving Knowledge of God SERM. CXLI Christ is the great Teacher of his Church SERM. CXLII Setting forth the singular Christian cleaving to God though the multitude go another way and how his Godliness in that case endears him to God SERM. CXLIII JOHN 17.26 And I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them Of Christs teaching Beleevers Shewing what great need the most illuminated Christians have still to be taught SERM. CXLIV Of the powerfull sense and feeling of the Love of God How it is attained and what a great advantage it is to him that hath it both in reference to Duty and Comfort SERM. CXLV Directions how to obtain and alwaies to preserve the Knowledge and Assurance of Gods Love in our Hearts IF any thing in the Contents of this Book appear incongruous either to the Author or his Work let it be hereby known that not the Author but a Friend of his gathered them as well as he could T. U. CXLVI SERMONS Upon the whole Seventeenth Chapter of the Gospel by St JOHN SERMON I. The Necessity of adding Prayer to Preaching for its good effect Shewing also what kinde of cause the Word is of Conversion And what are the requisites of Heavenly and Spirituall Prayer JOHN 17.1 These words spake Jesus and lift up his eyes to Heaven and said c. MY Purpose is God assisting to go through this Chapter being the Praier of Christ immediately before his Passion If the words of a dying man are much to be regarded how much more of a dying Christ And words put up in a Praier way which came from the most serious and heavenly affection within Christs love was sincere and naturall Now as in naturall motions the nearer the body comes to the center the swifter the motion is Thus Christs Love though great alwaies yet the expressions of it were overflowing most at last His best wine was at last And certainly if it be lawfull to preferre Scripture before Scripture we may say Though all be gold yet this is a Pearl in the gold Though all be like the Heavens yet this is like the Sun and Stars Oh that both my heart and your hearts were purified with a coal of fire from the Altar for this Subject Not onely parts but great grace is required both to preach and hear this Subject But let us enter into this Land of Canaan The Apostle John of all the Evangelists is compared to an Eagle because he treateth of the highest and most sublime matter For as it is commonly received He outliving all the other Apostles there were damnable Hereticks risen up that denied Christ to be God at the Churches entreaty therefore he wrote this Book mainly asserting Christs Godhead and handling those things especially which the other Evangelists had left out especially insisting upon those excellent discourses and dialogues Christ had with the Pharisees As also those divine Instructions and consolations he gave his Disciples at his departure from them of which the other Evangelists record nothing at all Now when our Saviour had been large in instructing and confirming them he bends himself to earnest praier for them that what he had said might take place in their hearts so that in the Chapter you may take notice of 1. The Introduction to the matter and 2. The Matter it self The matter is Christs earnest prayer and that for a threefold Object 1. Himself 2. His Apostles 3. All others who in time should beleeve in him For the Introduction there we have 1. The order of Christs Praier and 2. the description of his gesture The Order is These words spake Jesus that is after Christ had finished those admirable and comfortable Instructions then he betakes himself to praier From whence observe That to all Instructions and Consolations Praier is necessary for their good effect Christ himself doth not think it enough to plant but he prays there may be a watering from above Thus all Ministers and all hearers are to take Christs way Even as at other times we reade that Christ spent the day in Preaching and the night in Praying For
millions of Christians for the Christian Faith If then David did so much prize his Worthies and those who were valiant men venturing their lives for him were so indeared how much more will God highly esteem such as are couragious and venturous for him Therefore there is such encouraging promises made to such as are willing to lose for him Mat. 19.29 he shall receive an hundred fold and shall inherit eternal life Is not this plain that God is very tender of and remunerative of such who are couragious and ready to lose any thing for his sake 3. Herein the godly manifest their love to God In this time of adversity they discover their kinde affections towards God Now love of God is abundantly rewarded with love from God What a happy exchange is this for thy poor finite creatures love which is not able to make God more blessed and happy to have the infinite effectual and unspeakable love of God towards thee If we love the inanimate creatures they do not love us again Thou lovest riches riches do not love thee again Thou lovest honours but honours cannot love thee again but if we place our love upon God then God will powr out his love abundantly upon us again love obtains love and where God loveth his love is infinite like himself and withall it 's efficacious his love while we are sinners made him send his Son to die for us much more will his love be operative since reconciled with us Lastly All such true believers who acknowledge Christ in the midst of an ungodly world they do betake themselves to Gods faithfulness and rest only upon that They take up this resolution all the world will prove malicious and ungrateful they cannot expect better measure then what Christ himself had who yet did so much good where he came Now having these expectations they fortifie themselves with Gods promise and fidelity he will not leave them nor forsake them You see how often David professeth his trust in God making him his fortresse and strong tower We see among men if any one betake himself to another mans fidelity and say he will trust on him he will depend upon him if such an one have any ingenuity or spark of goodness in him to be sure he will not fail such he will not deceive how much rather then will God abide sure and faithful to all those that depend on him Vse 1. of Exhortation not to be infected or poisoned with the common iniquity of others though others grow wicked yet let not thy love grow cold for this will be a remarkable aggravation of grace when the world was obstinate and would not know God yet thou didst Do not think that multitude of sins can be any patronage to thee at all Though thou art but one man or one Family for God in the whole Parish do not shrink at this but think that God doth the rather take notice of thee It 's a more difficult task to be godly in some places then others It will cost more there will be more sufferings but still remember never did any lose by losing for God Vse 2. of Comfort to the godly Though they have so little from the world for God he takes notice of all the hard speeches all the hard practises that ungodly men are guilty of towards them but let them know the more this Pharaoh this Egypt doth oppress them the more graciously will God at last hear all their groan and they shall enter into a Canaan that will make amends for all Think not of thy conflicts and fightings but of the Crown of glory Oh that the godly would consider who it is that looks on them while they run in this race while they are striving for an holy victory SERMON CXLIII Of Christs teaching Believers Shewing what great need the most illuminated Christians have still to be taught JOH 17.26 And I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it c. OUr Saviour having in the former verse affirmed himself to be the cause of all that saving knowledge beleevers have he doth in this verse manifest that he is the conservant cause as well as the efficient that as God is both the Authour of Creation and Preservation in the order of nature So Christ is in the order of grace We have therefore in the words 1. The gracious action of Christ toward his people 2. The efficient cause 3. The Subject to whom 4. The final Cause hereof The gracious action of Christ is set down both by the Preterperfect and Future tense ushered in with the part cle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which some make causal in this conn●xion They have known thou hast sent me for I have declared thy Name unto them And thus it may very well be taken in this place and thence we may observe That the saving knowledge of Christ cometh not by our own natural strength or abilities but by the meer revelation and will of Christ But I shall not insist on that In the next place the Benefit ascribed to us is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at the sixth verse he used the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word is sometimes used of Gods making a thing known to us Luke 2.15 Sometimes of our making a thing known to God as Phil. 4.6 Let your requests be made known to God Not that God is ignorant of any thing but as much as lieth in us we spred them in Gods presence to take notice of them Sometimes of one mans making known a thing to another as 1 Cor. 15.1 Ephes 6.21 In this place it 's attributed to Christ as the efficient cause I have declared In the next place there is the diversity of time I have and will declare it Austin referreth this to the present life and the life to come but it rather denoteth the constant and daily revelation or manifestation of Christ himself and his truth to belevers 3. There is the Object declared thy Name that is God himself 4. The Subject to whom that is not the Apostles but to all believers Now I have already handled the benefit mentioned Christs declaring the Name of God to believers I shall onely take notice of the Necessity of continuing this Benefit even to Believers though Apostles though never so eminent in gifts and graces yet Christ doth still keep up and encrease their saving knowledge Observ That believers do not only at their first conversion but in the whole progress of their life need constant illumination and teaching from God There is none can learn so much in Gods School that God himself can teach him no longer This truth will be of great use to keep the most knowing Christians very humble and low in their own eies as also to make them continually depend upon Christ in the Word and Ministry that they may grow in knowledge This truth is abundantly confirmed by that notable prayer of the Apostle for
a high tower thinketh great towns and cities but little things thus a godly man raised up with the evidence of Gods love toward him judgeth all the world but a drop to God As the eye that hath looked on the Sun is so dazeled that it cannot behold other things Thus it was with Paul he was so affected with this that Christ loved him and gave himself for him Gal. 2.20 that he professeth he did no longer live but Christ in him It 's this apprehension that will carry us up unto the mount of Transfiguration every day It 's no wonder then if Satan be so busie to tempt us in this Point above all to unsettle us about the love of God in Christ to us for he knoweth herein lieth the strength of Sampson as it were if this be taken away any green cords will tye him he will not have strength to overcome the least temptation But as long as this love of God can be preserved and kept alive in the soul so long neither the devil or the world is able to do us any hurt so long we are like the bird flying on high that is not in danger of snares SERMON CXLV Directions how to obtain and alwayes to preserve the Knowledge and Assurance of Gods Love in our Hearts JOHN 17.26 That the Love wherewith thou lovest me may be in them THe sense of Gods love in our hearts is of such consequence that our Saviour doth conclude his prayer with it and as you have heard glorious and blessed are the effects of it I shall therefore in this last Sermon give some Directive Helps How to obtain and alwayes to preserve this Assurance and Knowledge of Gods Love to us but before we declare them it 's good to take notice of some particulars that may rightly inform our understanding in this point And First You are to know That it 's the devils great work to keep the children of God in darknesse and in continual doubtings He is the tempter not only in respect of lusts but also unbelieving and distrustfull thoughts of Gods grace and mercy That as the work of Gods Spirit is to comfort called therefore a Comforter as also to assure and witness unto us That we are the children of God yea to enable us to cry Abba Father So on the contrary Satan that unclean spirit his whole business is if he cannot tempt to sin yet to walk in a discouraged tormenting and afflicted way representing God as some terrible Judge catching at all the advantages to destroy us Now the way that the devil takes thus to deject and sadden the hearts of the godly is two-fold for either he doth thus by suggestions immediately to the soul taking the occasion when our spirits are darkned and clouded or when God for holy ends hath withdrawn his light of favour from us Or by his instruments which he raiseth up he causeth such tares of Doctrine to be sown amongst the good seed that the childe of God shall not only walk without the perswasion of Gods favour but think it is his duty and that he is obliged to reject all such comfortable thoughts for certainly this is one Doctrine of the devils amongst others in Popery that they forbid the penitent soul any assurance or certainty of Gods favour encouraging doubts as the mother of humility keeping the humbled sinner as the devils did the demoniack person among the tombs in sad and dolefull objects not discovering to him the glorious and comfortable light of the Gospel So that in Popery it 's one high point of Religion with them that no man without an extraordinary revelation can attain to a certainty of Gods love to him he may they will grant have some moral conjectures but a certain perswasion cannot be ordinarily attained But the Orthodox do abundantly confirm this truth against them Therefore I only instance in their opinion as an engine of Satan whereby he would by this temptation take off the understanding as by the former way he would unsettle the heart and affections But let our wisdom be to take the greater diligence to keep that pearl which we see Satan would so constantly rob us of Secondly Observe this That it 's possible for the sense of Gods favour and love to consist with some doubtings and sad shakings of heart about it at some times Even as the light of the Sunne may make the day yet at the same time there be some dark and gloomy clouds which though not able wholly to remove the Suns light yet do in a great measure obscure it We see it in Davids Psalms some whereof you would think were not made by the same man at the same time for happily in the beginning he had sad dejecting and expostulating thoughts with God and with his soul also and yet ere the Psalm be ended he is able to break out in comfortable perswasions and assurances of Gods love Insomuch that as Paul findes Rom. 7. in respect of grace a daily combate so also in respect of certainty about Gods love we believe and yet crave help for our unbelief and the word used by the Apostle 1 John 3.19 We assure our hearts is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we perswade our hearts implying that our hearts have many objections and cavils so that this assurance comes by perswasion even as the Greek word to comfort 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used also to exhort because this consolation is hardly received into the soul there must be argument upon argument exhortation upon exhortation ere it will be satisfied Do not therefore expect that which yet some vainly boast of thou shouldst alwayes walk in such predominant assurance of Gods love that there should not any time arise the least cloud or fear in thy soul no such a blessed estate will only be in heaven Thirdly Consider that the sense of Gods love may consist with a feeling of a spiritual combate within us between the flesh and the spirit For this assurance of Gods favour doth not arise from a total absence of all sinne that there is now no corruption in us at all but from Gods gracious favour in Christ pardoning those reliques of corruption within us It 's not therefore the perfection of grace within us that our sense of Gods love is built upon but the promise and truth of God in his Word the not attending to this hath made Gods children labour under heavy and sad burdens of minde Oh they feel much corruption in themselves they daily finde stirrings of sinne within them by which means they are tempted to many doubts about Gods love towards them But this is their infirmity for did not Paul in a very grievous manner complain of the body of sinne within him that he found evil present with him when he would do good that he was a captive even sold under sinne and yet for all this he saith I thank God through Jesus Christ and concludeth That there is no
or because that can adde any thing to his happiness but because thereby thou art made capable of his love and so he can communicate of his goodness to thee do not then take comfort so much from thy graces as the evidence of Gods love to thee thereby 5. Take notice that it 's most acceptable and well-pleasing unto God that thou shouldst walk in such sense and feeling of his goodness to thee For why are all those commands to rejoyce in him and to bless his name continually Why doth he invite thee to call him Father And why are there such thunderbolts in the Scripture against unbelief and distrust Why is it the main scope of the Scripture to represent God under all love and loving considerations but that all our thoughts of him should be hopefull and comfortable Do not therefore think thou goest beyond thy bounds or it's presumption in thee to draw nigh to God upon such assured apprehensions of his grace No the Scripture expresly commands the contrary Heb. 4.16 Let us come boldly unto the throne of grace and Eph. 3.12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him Hearken not then to all those doubting temptations within nor all those deceitfull arguments of humane reason without but consider what the Scripture saith and certainly it 's preposterous humility as in Peter refusing to let Christ wash his feet to keep off from the Throne of grace when we are commanded to come to it Besides without this sense of love how can our hearts be raised up to bless and glorifie God It was Davids apprehension of Gods goodness to him that made him call upon his soul and all within him to bless Gods holy Name 6. Consider that this sense of Gods love is the proper and genuine effect of faith in Christ as a Mediator Thus our Saviour doth here make it the consequent of it They have known me whom thou hast sent that the love whereby thou lovest me may be in them It 's not enough to believe in the general That Christ is a Mediator to such as believe in him but with Paul Gal. 2.20 we are to appropriate him who loved me and gave himself for me with this Evangelist John we are to lean our heads as it were in Christs bosom with Thomas we are to say My God and my Lord. Now the genuine but not the necessary and inseparable effect of such an appropriating faith is the sense and assurance of Gods love to me in particular which love of God is so attentive to one believer as if there were no more in the world As they say of the soul it 's tota in toto and tota in qualibet parte so is the love of God totus in universis fidelibus and totus in singulis God loveth a particular believer as much as if there were no more believers in the world Though the objects of his love may be diversified yet his love is not divided or by division diminished Lastly Fix this alwayes upon thy heart that Christ hath prayed for this sense of the Fathers love upon thy soul You see in this prayer where he mentioneth all the great and consequential things unto believers this is brought in at the last as the adorning and sweetning of all the rest for if sanctified if hereafter to be glorified if Christ be in us and we in Christ yet if the experimental knowledge and assurance of this be absent we are as the Disciples under storms and tempests crying out We perish we perish Let the summary Use of the whole be by way of Exhortation to all believers to hunger and thirst yea to have their souls break in longing after the enjoyment of this love of God in us Oh bid all things stand aloof off till thou art made partaker of it Say How long Lord how long is it that thou absentest thy self When shall I have the imbracements of thy love When will the glorious Sunne break out and dispell all the dark clouds that are upon my soul Give not over importuning for it Because of this very prayer of Christ know to thy encouragement that this prayer abideth for ever Though it was once uttered by him upon the earth and he ceased to pray any further yet it still liveth in the efficacy and power of it yea that continual intercession of his in heaven what is it but the reviving of this prayer So that by the vertue of this prayer through his blood we are sanctified we are justified and shall hereafter be for ever glorified FINIS AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF THE Chief Heads contained in this TREATISE A Afflictions IT 's a greater mercy to be kept from sinne and evil in our Afflictions and troubles then from the afflictions themselves 444 The Grounds and Reasons why it is so 446 Antichrist That Antichrist should prosper and prevail in the shedding of the blood of so many Martyrs is a dangerous temptation c. 388 A two-fold Antichrist ibid. Apostasie Apostasie and decay in grace may be in several particulars 350 c. Those that plead for the Apostasie of the godly grant there is a distinction to be made 354 Apostats That men may be eminent for a while in the Church of God and yet afterwards prove dreadfull Apostats 372 Arians Arians confuted 73 149 Ascension The benefits of Christs Ascension 291 Assurance Assurance may be attained 356 Astrology How vain and wicked it is to go to Astrologers or Witches or be such 396 Arguments against Astrology and witchcraft 396 397 Atonement Christ was a Priest to make Atonement for us 507 Attributes It is a necessary duty in a Christian in his approaches to God to think to those Attributes and relations in him which may excite and stirre up holy confidence and boldnesse 657 B Beginnings THen Beginnings are hopefull when the Spirit in the Ministry or other means of grace did work upon us 382 Then will Beginnings and endings be alike when grace is radicated and enters deep enough into the soul 383 Good Beginnings will have bad endings when men professe Christ out of sinister and worldly respects ib. Hot Beginnings will end coldly 383 Behold What is that glory which they shall Behold shining in Christ 663 Beholding How much is comprehended in this expression of Beholding Christs glory 662 Belief Our Belief is the fruit and effect of Christs death and our election 537 Two opinions about this ib. The state of the Question in some particulars ib. Arguments to confirm us in the truth 538 Believe Why Gods children are so hardly brought to Believe 211 Why prophane men think it easy to Believe in Christ 213 Why Believing in Christ is so acceptable to God 213 214 Believer In what respect Christ did as much for one Believer as another 525 In some particulars the poor weak Believer hath more love and affection from Christ then a stronger 528 The particulars wherein ib. Wherein God sanctifieth their weakness and
spoken oppositely to his divine nature so that to deny the humane nature of Christ though we should affirm he was God yet this is not to know Christ Therefore the Marcionists and some Anabaptists who said he had not a true reall body that he was only in the appearance of a man They do not know Christ 3. To know Jesus Christ implieth also that we have some understanding of his Offices Of his anointing with all sufficiency and fulnesse to be a Mediatour for us He that saith he knows Christ and doth not acknowledge him anointed by God with all fulnesse to be a Mediatour for us saith he knoweth not what Now the ignorance of Christs Office and his fulnesse therein doth wonderfully abound in Popery The devil in former times opposed the natures of Christ when he could no longer succeed that way then he opposeth the Offices of Christ all those doctrines of merits indulgencies and satisfactions do oppose the Offices of Christ for if Christ be the Messiah if he be the full Mediatour to what purpose are all these Although therefore in Popery there is the true doctrine retained about Christs Natures he is acknowledged to be God and man yet in respect of his Offices there is a total burying of him in silence Angels and Saints merits and indulgencies have even almost put out the very Name of Christ amongst them so then all acknowledging that Christ is not enough it must be a Scripture-confessing of him We must give him his full due not make him half a Mediatour half a Saviour and joyn ' our selves or others in this great work 4. To know Christ implieth also that we acknowledge the great love of the Father in sending his only Son thus to mediate for us Therefore it 's added whom thou hast sent and for this reason it 's said he that knoweth and honoureth the Son must know and honour the Father also Joh. 5.23 For from the Father comes the Spring of all this love He so loved the world that he gave his only Son Joh. 3. and certainly this is of great consequence to know the Father sent Christ into the world for hereby we may be assured that all the obedience and sufferings of Christ shall be accepted of by the Father We need not fear it or doubt of it for the Father did make the first motion as it were to the Sonne Though the Sonne also did readily and voluntarily undertake it Now how great a matter was this for God the Father to do Was not Christ the only begotten and beloved of the Father Did he not come out of his Fathers bosome to the Crosse and shall not this make us return all thankfulnesse and obedience unto him Lastly This must necessarily imply a knowledge of our misery and damnable condition by sinne For if we were not lost what need had we of a Saviour If we were not sinners what need of a Mediatour So that the acknowledging of a Christ sent into the world to be a Mediatour is the beleeving also of man by nature to be the childe of wrath the Enemy of God one who may not come into his presence or expect the least hope of mercy till an Advocate and Intercessour come and pleade his cause so that this Knowledge of a Christ should be accompanied with great affections and workings of heart it should breed shame fear and confusion in us it should breed an hungring and thirsting after Christ an esteem of him as the only Remedy In Christ only is our fulnesse our sins would undo us were it not for his righteousnesse our iniquities would overthrow us Did not be intercede blessed art thou then when this Knowledge is like fire in thy bosome kindling holy flames within thee Now here may be some Questions made 1. Doth not this exclude all that lived under the Old Testament dispensation from Salvation For howsoever they might know the true God yet was there any discovery or Knowledge of Christ in those daies This is so great a matter that some have looked upon all the Jews as knowing only temporall promises That they knew nothing of heaven but an earthly Canaan was their heaven That they had no Knowledge of Christ but thought by the bloud of Sacrifices to appease God But to answer this 1. No doubt but the common and ordinary sort of them was greatly ignorant of Christ and therefore rested in their Sacrifices and the knowledge of the Law as the only thing that made them acceptable This is plain by the Apostles Arguments in his Epistle to the Galatians and we see by the Prophets they so relied upon these externall services that they thought themselves beloved of God though abounding in all wickednesse And no wonder they did so for under the Gospel how many rest on their duties and have no faith in Christ But 2. Those that were holy and godly they looked upon all their bodily Sacrifices as Types of Christ It was Christs bloud they put confidence in The Apostle in the Epistle to the Hebrews shews that God intended Christ by those Sacrifices and that the bloud of Rams and Goats could never clense away sinne as this was Gods meaning so the Priests and Prophets they explained the meaning thereof to the people and sometimes they have clear promises of a Saviour a Messias to come to them who shall be a Prince of Peace and shall bear their sinnes for them as Isaiah speaks like an Evangelist to this purpose which made the Apostle say that the Prophets did bear witnesse of Christ Abraham he saw Christs day and rejoyced Act. 10.43 Now all the godly have the same faith Abraham had therefore he is made the Father of the Faithfull so that what was covered in the Old Testament is revealed in the New Christ they had and Mediation they had though the Knowledge of it was more obscure Hence the Gospel is said to rise like the Light of the Sun 2. It may be demanded why the Knowledge of the holy Ghost is not there said to be Eternal Life as well as of the Father and the Son for without the Spirit of God efficiently enabling us we cannot do any holy duty as well as without Christs merits we cannot be accepted Christ is the meritorious cause and the Spirit of God the applying cause To this we may say that the Knowledge of the Spirit is necessarily implied in the Knowledge of Christ For he was in respect of his humane nature conceived by the holy Ghost when he was to leave his Apostles bodily he promiseth his Spirit to supply his presence So that none can know Christ as a Mediatour that doth not also know the holy Ghost Hence be is called the Spirit of Christ And in the 2d place we may say it 's not necessary that this Text should speak of all things necessary to Salvation It 's enough that other places doe sufficiently testifie it Now that the knowledge of the holy
in the latter sence God did not make it so Man wilfully sinning made it a wicked world so that the wickednesse of the world is not of God but by man as also death and hell is of man God onely inflicts them as just punishments upon ungodly offenders And thus likewise all the miseries pains and diseases that are in the world are by sinne The Ground was not cursed to bring forth nothing but briars and thorns till man had sinned So that the Principles of evil were the Apostate Angels and Apostate man Otherwise take we the world in an innocent sence for the Fabrick of it with the Creatures therein So it is wholly good and of God Therefore Gen. 1. God is said to look over all that he had made and they were very good Every daies work was good when they were put altogether then they were very good so that we are not to judge of every particular thing in the world by it self but in its Harmony and Union and so the world is like a curious peice of Arras or Tapestry admirably shewing the wisedom of the Creator Basil thought that before Adam fell the Rose did grow without any pricks and that there was no enmity between the creatures The Wolf and the Sheep the Lion and the Lamb and the Leopard and the Kid did dwell together c. But whether this be so or no is yet disputed Take heed of saying The world might have been better and this thing or that might have been made more compleatly this is to reproach God the Maker of it As that wretched Alphonsus King of Spain who said That had he been at the Creation of the world he would have ordered it better then now it is Vse 4 4. Is God the Maker of the world then it follows also he is the Preserver and governour of the world This must necessarily follow for the same power is required to preserve and govern as is to create And as it is grosse Athiesm to own any other Maker of the world but God so also any other Governour or Ruler Hence it is that God is so often called the Judge of the world that he is said to Reign that the hearts of Kings even the chiefest powers in the world are in his hand he can order them as he pleaseth That it is not as men think as they will or purpose but as the Judge of the world Faith in this Point while we live in this world is necessary The Lord reigneth let the world rejoyce Psa 97.1 said David And again The Lord reigneth let the world tremble Psa 99.1 There is matter of joy and matter of trembling because God governeth Matter of joy to the godly for he is a Supreme Ruler who is their God whose eye runneth up and down in their behalf who keeps up the world for their sake who takes care of every godly man so fully as if there were no creature else but he And it 's also of terrour to wicked men for God rules all who is an holy just and righteous God so that they must not think alwaies to hold up their heads They must not think God will be mocked but he will do righteously in the world For want of faith in this Point we see David Jeremiah and Habakkuk staggering exceedingly ready to commend the waies of wickednesse because they seem more prosperous in the world Vse 5 5. Is God the Authour of the world Then let us make that use of this world for which God created it As he had his holy and wise ends so do thou aim at them Now Gods ends in creating the world were such as these 1. To demonstrate his own glory Thus Psa 19. The heavens shew forth the glory of God They discover his wisedom his power his goodnesse and so there is not any one creature though never so little but we are to admire the Creator in it As a Chamber hung round about with Looking-glasses represents the face upon every turn Thus all the world doth the mercy and the bounty of God Though that be visible yet it discovers an invisible God and his invisible properties 2. God made this world so richly furnished for mans use And therefore man is to be enlarged in the consideration of this matter Think with thy self how comes there to be such a glorious Sun to wait on thee every day How comes the earth every Spring to be so richly cloathed for thy advantage Is not all this of Gods appointing He made a Summer and winter he hath given the appointed works of the harvest so that the world is nothing but Gods storehouse and great Granary that he hath given to man This is so great a matter that the Psalmist cried out Lord what is man that thou art so mindeful of him Psa 144.3 Thus Paul speaking of God the Creator of the world Act. 17. amplifieth it in this That he giveth us richly to enjoy all things 3. God made this world not for a d●elling place for thee Thou art not to abide here for ever He made the world as the Wildernesse to the Israelites They were to be Pilgrims in it and to seek after Canaan As Adam by his fault continued not in Paradise so neither by reason of death was he long in the world Therefore the Apostle saith We have here no abiding City Heb. 12. Oh then that we could remember to what end God made this world not to place our hopes and utmost desires here but to look upon this as the way and heaven as our journeys end But oh how much faith and heavenly mindednesse is required of every one to perform this Vse 6 Vse 6. Did God lay the Foundations of the world and that in time how greatly then are the people of God to be affected with his love in electing of them for God chose them before the Foundations of the world he loved them before the world was This sheweth the freenesse of Gods love This manifests his absolute tender bowels to his Children Alas his love to thee was not from yesterday or so many years but from Eternity Doubt not then of the efficacy of this love in all the effects of it He that hath chosen thee from Eternity will call thee will justifie thee will glorifie thee not that these are done from Eternity only God purposed to do them in time David would remember the kindenesses of the Lord that were of old but how old is this goodnesse of God in choosing thee to eternal glory Vse 7 Lastly Did God create the world out of nothing and that in six daies such glorious Heavens and all other parts from a dark Chaos and Abysse then this may teach us to depend on God in all publike straights of the Church or all thy Personal Temptations What a foolish thing was it in the people of Israel to say Can God provide a Table in the Wildernesse Cannot he that made this great world of nothing doe a lesse matter
This should be seriously thought of by thee when thou art dejected and overwhelmed saying How can this be and how can that be Say O Lord what low unworthy thoughts have I of thee Didst not thou create a world and shall I say How shall God help me in this distresse and for this reason is it that in the Psalms and Prophets Gods creating the world is often brought in as an argument to support the Children of God under all miseries Fear not God made the world SERMON XXIX Of Divine Knowledge its Excellency and Rarity Shewing That God is truely and properly known onely by the Godly And wherein their Knowledge of God differs from the Knowledge that others have of him JOH 17.6 I have manifested thy Name unto the men thou gavest me out of the world c. THis sixth Verse begins the second main general part of Christs Petition for whereas before he had praied for himself now he begins to pray for his Disciples as they were in a peculiar manner given to him as afterwards he praieth for all beleevers in the generall so that the words are a beginning of Christs Petition in a peculiar manner for the Apostles for they needed much praier and assistance who were to undertake so great a duty These were set in the forefront of the Battel These were called to labour in the heat of the day therefore there is a peculiar praier for them Now that our Saviours Petition may prevail he first declareth what he had done to them and 2. Their obedience to him in all things what he had done to them is partly related in these words I have manifested thy Name wherein first observe the person or efficient cause spoken of Christ manifested Gods Name to his Diseiples Therefore he was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christ is not to be considered onely as a Mediatour in which none can imitate him but as a Minister or Prophet The chief Shepherd Heb. 13.20 as the Scripture cals him and herein he discharged his duty in that he manifested and made known God to the world which lay in ignorance So that the Ministers duty is to bring people to know God but of that in its time 2. There is the action it self of this person or efficient I have manifested There is a twofold manifestation 1. Objective only in the externall offer and proposal of the grace of God not only to beleevers but to all the unbeleeving Jews but of this manifestation Christ doth not speak 2. There is a powerfull effectual manifestation such as begets knowledge of God and obedience unto his Word and of this Christ speaks and as for the former many have Christ and God outwardly manifested to them in the preaching of the Gospel but they have no eyes to see as the Sunne though it shineth never so gloriously yet the blinde man receiveth no benefit by it 3. Here is the Object of this action Thy Name By Name is not meant the words or Titles given to God as Adonai Elohim Jehovah as the Rabbins call God Leohem the Name but by Gods Name is meant his nature his properties and those relations especially whereby he becomes a gracious Father through Christ to an humbled sinner Lastly Here is the Subject to whom Christ doth thus manifest God and these are described 1. By their original and descent Gods gracious good will and pleasure Whom thou gavest me 2. From the state or term out of which God then gave them Out of the world I shall put Christs action and the Subject together at this time Whereas then we see though Christ preached God and his properties to all that heard him yet to none was God manifested but to beleevers From whence we observe That God is only truely and properly known by the godly Let men have never such parts knowledge or understanding and that in the Scriptures and Divinity yet none know God God is not manifested to any but to the godly This may seem Paradoxall and incredible but yet the Scripture is very clear at v. 25. The world hath not known thee but I have known thee and these have known thou hast sent me Hence Joh. 14.21 you may see Christs manifesting of himself is a priviledge bestowed only upon those that love God He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will manifest my self to him This doth so affect one of the Disciples that out of a sence of Gods great goodnesse and grace to them rather then the world he saith Lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self to us rather then the world What are we more then others The world heard Christ preached They saw his Miracles but Christ was not manifested to them Christ likewise Joh. 8.55 telleth the Pharisees who beleeved the Scriptures and acknowledged one God Creator of the world yea and said God was their God that they did not know God so that this truth will stand good that men may have much knowledge in the Scriptures in Religion and yet no● know God To open this Consider that several waies we may come to have some knowledge of God 1. By inward light of a natural conscience There are imbred notions and dictates about a God which all the wicked affections and lusts of men cannot wholly obscure as the blackest clouds cannot quite darken the Sunne The Apostle Rom. 1. saith God hath manifested this in them There is then a natural manifestation of God in the consciences of men whereby there is an horrour and trembling upon them upon the committing of some evil especially when the stroak of death is upon them Oh the quakings oh the confusions that are sometimes upon men what will become of them what shall they do All this cometh from some generall knowledge of a God 2. Men come to some knowledge of a God by tradition education and hearsay There being no Nation so fierce and barbarous but have told their Children of a God and the Socinians who deny any inward light of nature about a God do make this the only ground of such an apprehension an universal tradition that is upon all Now although this consent of all Nations be a great Testimony yet the other is not to be excluded If then all do acknowledge that there is a God though there be different Religions different opinions yet both Heathen Turk Jew and Christian agree in this the more inexcusable will all wicked men be who live in rebellion and disobedience to him 3. We come to know God by the Creatures All that consider the world aright must needs argue some divine hand made it The Apostle Rom. 1. instanceth in this also Men by reason and science may argue from the effect to the cause we see one man did not make himself but he had a Father and so that Father a Father and because there cannot be an infinite progresse we must stay at one first cause only you must know this Knowledge by the world
Such a man this world adoreth But if a man be never so wise so excellent yet if powerfully godly will not conform to the evil waies of the world this marreth all This makes him envied and hated Who art thou then that hast some desires to walk in the way to heaven but the opposition the hatred and violence that is used against that way makes thee draw back Oh foolish and deluded wretch was it not thus with Christ with his Apostles Were they not told they should be hated of all men for his Names sake There cannot be a more comfortable sign of thy grace then to have all the wicked men where thou livest either thy hypocritical Friends or thy open enemies Jerome thanked God that he was worthy to be such an one whom the world would hate The Serpents Seed cannot love the Womans Ismaell will persecute Isaac glory therefore and boast in this if the malicious wicked man hath his mouth alwaies open against thee If he be alwaies censuring and backbiting For if thou wouldest be prophane dissolute if thou wouldst be a Minister to prostitute the Ordinances of God to every prophane man thou wouldst be as good as any in the world but now it 's not for thy infirmities but thy graces they malice thee Sixthly They are not of this world because they are members of Christ and incorporated into him Now Christ himself was not of this world nor was his Kingdom of this world Joh. 18.36 he came not with any earthly worldly advantages Now the godly they are to be wholly conformed unto Christ As Christ was so are they They bear the Image of the heavenly so that what life what actions were by Christ the same they are exercised in so that if we would follow the example of Christ make him our patern as our Christianity obligeth us then should we overcome the world not only in the persecuting part of it but the inticing part of it The heart that is united to Christ findes more excellency and sweetnesse in him then in all the pleasures of the world as we see by Paul Lastly They are discovered not to be of the world because their life is a life of faith The Just shall live by Faith Rom. 1.17 We walk by faith and not by sence 2 Cor. 5.7 Now a worldly life is only by sence and carnal reason It moveth only upon sensible grounds coming as far short of faith as a beast doth of reason but the godly man he looketh into the Word of God he seeth the promises and embraceth them This life of faith is a mystery it is a Riddle yea it 's a madnesse to the world To part with all present advantages upon faith for eternal that are to come this is to them extreme folly and truly herein a godly man is discovered exceedingly Doth he not live by his sensible props but by the Promises Doth he overlook all creatures and fix his heart upon God this is more then the world doth If you ask the grounds why the people of God are out of the world though in it There are three pregnant Reasons in one verse Gal. 1.4 Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world Observe first it 's an evil wicked world The whole world lieth in wickednesse saith John 1 Joh. 5.19 There is nothing but the works of sin and the devil in it therefore the devil is called the Prince of this world Joh. 16.11 because he reigneth in every mans heart Now how can those whose natures are made holy who will and love what God wils and loveth come to agree with sin how can they who are sanctified by the Spirit of God be where the devil ruleth 2. It 's the present world It 's but for the present the profits are present profits the pleasures are present pleasures whereas the godly man looketh to Eternity D●mas cleaveth to the present world 2 Tim. 4.10 but Paul to the eternal world the world to come 2. Christ died that we might be delivered from it This is a pregnant reason one main reason of the death of Christ was that thou shouldst not be as the world is if the shortnesse and vanity of these things and their fading nature do not move thee let the bloud and death of Christ prevail with thee He was crucified that thou shouldst be crucified to the world he died that thou shouldst be dead to the world Vse of Exhortation To come out of the world in respect of your affections and conversations you cannot abide there no more then Lot in Sodom and be saved yet are not the greatest part of men of the Church thus of the world Oh how unworthy is this that whereas thy Christianity thy Religion engageth thee not to be of the world thy conversation proveth thou art Well as thou art of this world so shalt thou perish with the judgements of the world That lieth in darknesse and will be cast in utter darknesse this will be thy Portion and know thou must go out of the place of the world though thou wilt not out of the wickednesse of the world the world cannot will not hold thee alwaies SERMON XXXII Of the peculiar Propriety Gods People have in him and he in them JOH 17.6 Thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy Word THE former part of this Verse related Christs care and work to his Disciple This latter part giveth a description of them and all particulars therein are very argumentative to prevail that God should hear praier for them Now here is a threefold description of them wherein indeed is laid down divinely the Cause of mans Salvation with the effects flowing from it The two Causes are these 1. The Eternal Election and absolute purpose of God to save such Thine they were 2. The meritorious cause in and by which all the mercies they are elected to are obtained and that is Christ Thou hast given them me viz. as a Mediatour 3. The blessed effects of these causes that are hidden or at least every one may pretend to them but this is a discovering sign that excludeth many They have kept thy Word At this time I shall treat only of the first cause which indeed may be called causa causae the cause of all causes of our Salvation and that is Gods Election or gracious purpose to take some out of mankinde and to make them his in a peculiar manner For a people may be said to be Gods divers waies 1. By right of Creation and dominion which he hath thereby and so all things are his Psa 69.11 Both the reprobate and the godly are his in this sence it 's impossible but that every creature should be his because he cannot alienate his dominion and property 2. A people may be said to be his by an outward dispensation of the Covenant of grace Thus the people of the Jews are all of them called his people
hast an Interest in Christs Death thou art not only dead to sinne but to the world God forbid that I should glory saith Paul but in the Crosse of Christ whereby the world is crucified to me and I to the world Gal. 6.14 Set your affections on things above not on things on the earth for ye are dead Col. 3.2 3. Therefore not onely grosse prophanesse doth exclude from a propriety in Christs Death but an immoderate frame of heart to these lawful things below Indeed if thy overflowing affections to these things be a burthen to thee and matter of daily conflict then it 's plain these immoderate affections are not in a quiet pacifical dominion over thee and so they are the evil thou wouldst not do And then these can never hurt non sensus but consensus nocet But if they do withall delight so possesse thy heart that they quite dead thee to God and heaven Thou sindest no rellish in heavenly things comparatively to the earthly Thou canst say contrary to David when thy Wine and Oyle encreaseth thou hast more joy then those that trust in God Psal 4. Then art thou to fear Christs Death and his Praier doth not as yet belong to thee Hence it is that the efficacy of Christs death is much discovered in the godly by this twofold Death it works on them a death to sinne and a death to the world Even his Resurrection manifests it self in quickning of us to all holinesse and seeking of those things that are above Let us then see by the effects that Christs Death belongs to thee 3. They that have an Interest in Christs Death they make that an example of all patience and humble Resignation 1 Pet. 2.21 24. Christs Death is not onely efficacious and meritorious but exemplary also So that if the Lord afflict us it is no more then what hath been done to his only Sonne already Though he were a Sonne yet he learned Obedience saith the Scripture by those sufferings Heb. 5 6. Now then behold Christ in all his sufferings when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered threatned not What threatnings might not Christ have denounced against the Jews because they killed him who was the Prince of glory and so dear to his Father but he is like a Lamb that opens not his mouth before the shearer or the killer Oh then how should this shame us for our unruly passions for our impatient workings and commotions of soul Oh silence thy Soul saying Did Christ bear his afflictions no otherwise Did Christ refuse the bitter cup that was given him to drink Did he not say Not my will but thy will be done 4. He that hath advantage by Christs Death looks upon the bitternesse and uglinesse of sinne as being so foul that nothing but the bloud of Christ could wash it away The very thoughts of Christs Death presently makes him say Oh the cursed and foul nature of all sinne Neither men nor Angels could take away the spot of it but only Christs Death Wicked men therefore they are said to trample under feet the bloud of Christ Heb. 10. Because they have not those right precious thoughts about it as they ought to have Though the bloud of Christ speaks better things then that of Abel yet it doth in some respects speak more terrible things because by that we see how infinitely God is displeased with sinne how unsatisfied his justice was till such an atonement was made So that if we look into hell if we behold all the torments and miseries there it doth not so fully represent the foul guilt of sinne as Christ crucified on the Crosse sweating drops of bloud and crying out My God My God why hast thou forsaken me 5. They that shall have advantage by Christs Death they are infinitely affected with that love of God and Christ therein As you see in Paul That love of Christ giving himself for us sinners and enemies to be reconciled thereby to God Oh how mightily did it constrain Paul 2 Cor. 5.14 The love of Christ constraineth us holds us in an extasie working on us as the Spirit did on the Prophets in their illuminations and prophesies And why so Because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead To consider from what a dying damning estate Christs Death doth free us must needs be like fire burning and inflaming a man all over If we had not been desperately dead dead every way dead in sin dead in guilt dead in respect of all earthly hope Christ would not have died for us Oh then the unspeakable affections and enlargements which the Death of Christ works in those that have a propriety therein 6. They that have a propriety in Christs Death will resign all they have up unto Christ and now live no longer to themselves or to worldly motives but unto Christ Rom. 6.10 11. 1 Pet 2.24 so 1 Cor. 6.20 the Apostle urgeth because we are bought with a price therefore we are none of our own and we should glorifie God in soul and body He then that can claim a Title to Christs Death looks not upon his body his estate his health his parts the faculties and affections of his soul as his own his love is not his anger is not Oh how rare then are they who may urge this Argument Christ died Christ was crucified for me for unlesse thou art a redeemed man and that from thy self and all creatures in the world to live wholly to Christ and to resigne all up to him here is little hope for thee Observe then these qualifications and if upon true search they can be found in thee then proceed to make an application of all those glorious priviledges that come by Christs death Fear not let not the devil or thy own guilty heart keep thee off from tasting yea eating abundantly of this honey Hearken what Christ speaks to his Church concerning priviledges and gracious favours Cant. 5.1 Eat O Friends drink ●ea drink abundantly And 1. Those that can pleade Christs Death may also pleade his Resurrection Intercession and whatsoever glorious actions of his are done for his people If Christ died for thee he rose again for thee he interceded in heaven for thee When thou saiest he is an Advocate to pleade thy cause Rom 8. It 's Christ that died who is risen again so that the Death of Christ is the foundation of all his other gracious acts Hence it is that the remission of our sins is attributed to the shedding of his bloud The atonement of our iniquities is given unto his death because in it he did manifest the greatest obedience unto the will of God and the lowest humiliation of himself for us Phil. 2. If then thou hast a propriety in the death of Christ Christ hath done the utmost for thee even to die for thee You see that put him upon the greatest struglings and agonies if he would have refused in any thing it would
afflictions It 's disputed whether we may or no but we may not because they are an evil and so no fit object of our desires and in themselves they do no good unlesse sanctified but if the Lord chastise us we are to submit and therefore when Jeremiah praieth Jer 10 21. Correct me but not in thy wrath It 's a concession or submission Lord if thou wilt correct me and it cannot be otherwise then do it with much mercy and love Do not then make thy afflictions an argument of Gods withdrawing or leaving of thee but rather of love to thee Christ loves his Disciples dearly yet not so as to keep them from dangers he will let them be in the world and put them to hardship only he will then take the more care of them But the godly heart doth make this ordinary Objection It 's true in those troubles which are for Christs cause as the Apostles were It is no wonder if Christ take such special care of his if he account all the troubles and losses they have upon his score if he say to them as Abiathar the Priest I was the occasion of all the Priests bloud therefore stay with me thou shalt be as I am and I as thou art but my troubles and afflictions are the fruit of my sin It 's not for Christs Name but want of love to Christ it is my dulnesse and lukewarmnesse that hath brought anger upon me To this consider 1. It cannot be denied but that there is a great difference between those afflictions that are exploratory which are to draw out the graces of the godly and to encrease their glory which comforted one Martyr who said he thanked God though he had sins yet it was not for his sins but his duties they put him to death and those which are castigatory for some sinne committed yet even such are not to cast away all comfort because though there is not so much yet there is great cause of joy even to such if humbled and sensible of sinne under Gods hand for 1. Though it be bitter because it 's for sin yet it 's comfortable to feel thy sin and to repent of it Oh then though thou mournest because thy sinne hath brought this on thee yet rejoyce because thou hast an heart to repent of it The true penitent de peccato dolet de dolore gaudet So that the brokennesse and tendernesse of heart is an evident testimony of thy ground to rejoyce 2. Consider thy voluntary accepting of thy afflictions and judging thy self for them maketh all thy afflictions to be a kinde of Martyrdome It 's required we should accept of the punishment of our sinne Levit. 26.41 And 1 Cor. 11. We are to judge our selves 2 Cor. 7. The Corinthians repenting had a holy revenge upon themselves Now when we do thus kisse the Rod and willingly accept of this affliction It 's a kinde of Martyrdom It is for Gods cause and out of love to him that thou dost with patience endure it 3. Thou hast the chiefest ground of comfort which ever Christs Sufferers have though not that particular they have For the Martyrs did not rejoyce in their Sufferings as matter of merit and as that which was equal to Eternal Glory No They could not but finde many Imperfections even in those noble undertakings And therefore desired pardon even for their very dying for Christ that they had no such perfect faith and patience as they ought It was therefore Christ and his Sufferings administred them all their comforts and this thou maist take though thy sinnes have caused thy afflictions Vse of Instruction what Treasures of comfort the Godly have With what triumph and joy they might live even in the greatest afflictions if beleeving this But oh our leannesse our leannesse whence come all those dejections those outcries I fear this and that may undo me but because Faith doth not present Christ with his open arms ready to preserve them well is beleeving called Eating of Christs flesh and Drinking his bloud Joh. 6. For as a man though he have never so much dainties yet if he eat not they do him no good so it is here Though Christ have never so much love and pity towards thee yet if thou beleeve not this it helpeth thee not Vse 2. of woe to the wicked that are cast out of all his care let the devil tempt them let sin overcome them let hell devour them yet Christ hath not taken them into his special favour SERMON LI. Of the great Danger of Gods Peoples being in the world chiefly from its tempting and seducing to Sinne. JOH 17.11 But these are in the world OUR Saviours Argument you heard in the behalf of his Disciples was partly from the state and condition of Christ who was now leaveing of them and partly from the Apostles who were still to continue in the world as sheep without a Shepherd and that amongst Wolves Therefore the danger they were in is made an Argument why Christs Praier should be heard for them This troublesome and dangerous estate of the Apostles is described in these words But these are in the world Where Note 1. The adversative particle 2. The condition it self The adversative particle is expressed in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for whereas the Learned observe that that particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used three waies in Scripture 1. Which is most common as conjunctive 2. As adversative 3. As argumentative Here we see it used in all these respects in one Verse And I am no more c. But these are in the world for I go to the Father so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 should be translated here As for the Condition it self To be in the world is no more then to have our abode here amongst men who by nature are all set against God and his waies and so daily conceiving and plotting mischief against the Kingdom of Christ So that to say They were in the world was to say They were in the midst of the Sea under the power of all windes and tempests without any haven wherein every moment they might expect utter destruction Obs That the godly mans life in this world is full of spiritual danger and outward trouble For To be in the world these two things are implied To be in a place of wickednesse where are daily temptations to sinne and in a place of misery where are constant troubles and pressures and indeed the former is the greatest evil though we fear the latter more Therefore our Saviour praieth v. 15. that the Father would keep them from the evil of the world They must be in the world but let not the evil thereof infect them it being no lesse a miracle to be kept from the sinnes of the world while we live in it then for those three Worthies not to be burned while in the fiery Furnace The Apostle John excellently describeth the foul contagion of the world 1 Ioh. 5.19 The whole
wrong one another Doth not the Apostle James tell them of their envyings and their devourings of one another Iam. 13.16 Why doth our Saviour above all things pray in this Chapter for the Disciples Vnity That they might be one but because of the pronenesse that is even in Gods Children to fall out with one another as Iacobs Children did Hence we see Beleever against Beleever Christian against Christian pursuing one another even to death It was Cyprians Complaint of old Madet orbis Christianus mutuo sanguine quod cum privati fecerint homicidium dicitur eum publice geritur virtus vocatur Oh what a sad thing is it not to see Sheep and Wolf but Sheep and Sheep devouring one another Doth not experience convince of this Are not many godly mens Enemies of the same house of the same Religion of the same Christian Faith with him Oh this is hard to bear if it were a prophane and wicked Instrument of the devil I could bear it but it is such an one with whom I have praied often humbled my self often They acknowledge the same principles of godlinesse the same experiences upon their souls yet are like Lyons 5. God hath made the world a troublesome world in all Conditions in all Relations so that none can finde this place any other then a Valley of Tears The Apostle 1 Cor. 7. sheweth the condition of Married Persons that they shall have trouble in the Flesh The Married Condition hath it's trouble the single hath its Trouble There is trouble in Husbands Wives Children in all Callings The Husbandmans The Citizens God will not let us have a Paradise in this world lest we do as the Reubenites that desired to sit down in a Countrey fruitful for Cattell and cared not to enter into Canaan It was Basils Opinion that the Earth before Mans Fall brought forth no Thorns or Thistles and that the Rose did grow without pricks But here is no such Blessednesse now Out of the same Fountain comes bitter and sweet From the same Root grow Figges and Thistles Grapes and Thorns There is no Mercy or outward Comfort but hath its Insufficiency and there are as many drops of Gall as there are of Honey Which made Job say That man who is born of a Woman is full of Trouble even as the Sparks fly upward Job 14. It 's as naturall as for the fire to ascend so that as it would be a miraculous and wonderfull thing to see the Fire descend downward no lesse would it be to see a man without some Trouble or other We reade of one Polycrates that never had any Adversity in his Life time and he endeavoured to put himself upon some Losse but could not for once he threw a Ring of a vast price into the Sea intending to lose it yet afterwards it was found in a Fishes Belly and he had it again But though he had no trouble for a long season yet at last he was taken by an Enemy and put to Death with most exquisite torments Though wicked men have the good things of this life yet these good things are not meerly and universally good They have a Sting as well as Honey They have Trouble as well as Comfort The Godliest men have acknowledged that their daies have been few and evil in this world Oh then expect not a Summer alwaies in this world God hath subjected all these created Comforts to changes after a Glorious day to have a dark Night Thou shalt have this Condition this Relation this Comfort thou desirest but thou shalt also have the burthen and the trouble of it which thou dost not desire Onus transit cum honore Lastly A mans Trouble doth arise from his own self If there were no devil no wicked men to trouble yet such is the Unbelief and the Discontents that are apt to rise in a Godly man that he would be a Trouble an Enemy yea a Devil to himself Doth not David often speak of the frettings and heating that his heart was in and who put him into it What made his Soul like a Foaming Sea Was it not his own diffidence his own froward heart Austin cried once Libera me Domine a meipso tanquam maximo hoste which holds true not onely in a sinfull way but in a troubling way Oh how many times doth a Christian raise up his own Fears his own Jealousies and his own Doubts So that as the Linnen breedeth the Moth that corrupteth and destroyeth it as the Tree the worm that eats it Thus from a mans own heart arise such troublesome Thoughts and Cares and Fears that he may be called a Mager Missabib Fear round about him We see then in how many particulars God is pleased to make this World a troublesome Place to us while we live and continue in it and also a very dangerous place That we should as much fear to be in it as in Sodom when Fire and Brimstone was ready to fall down from Heaven to consume it Let us in the next place Consider the Grounds and Reasons Why the world is thus made by God a disquieting and troublesome place to the Godly That they are but as Pilgrims and Strangers in it and therefore are little esteemed by it Reasons 1 And first That our Hearts may not be immoderately and inordinately cleaving to this world We see there are many strict Commands against the Love of it Now if we are so ready to love it though so troublesome what if it were nothing but content If saith Austin though it be Mundus amarus a bitter world thou lovest to eat and to feed of it what if it were dulcis a sweet world If it be Mundus periturus a perishing world and thou art so doting upon it what if it were Eternus everlasting If we can handle it with delight though full of pricks what if smooth and plain Certainly every Godly man should wean himself from these Breasts Seeing God hath rubbed them with so much bitternesse and affliction When therefore thou meetest with Crosses with Troubles with the Deceitfulnesse and Inconstancy of worldly Comforts say This is to instruct and teach me that I am not to expect an Heaven here The world is an Enemy thou must not love it though commanded to love our Enemies Here may be an over-loving an over-desiring Here the Rule is much more true then in Physicks Appetitus non est Regula Concoctionis Thou must hunger after these Earthly things no more then thou canst concoct or improve for Gods Glory and thy own particular good And let the Godly know Their greatest danger lieth in these inordinate Affections more then in grosse sinnes These Cares will grow up with Duties when open prophanesse makes a man wholly to despise them Reasons 2 Secondly The Lord makes the world thus full of Enmity to us that we might remember what our Condition is that we are but Pilgrims and Strangers and therefore are not to settle our abode here
retain the wicked inclination of the world minding only worldly things Now though the world be many times and it may be here taken for that Society of men that is Heathenish and doth not beleeve in Christ thus the Church and the world are opposed 1 Cor. 5.10 yet we may extend it further even to such as do outwardly professe Christ but in works do deny him as is more to be shewed 2. There is the act it self hate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word is in the preterperfect tense It hath hated them already though they had not much tormented it by their preaching but it would more hate them when Christ was removed and their preaching more universall It comprehends all times it hath it doth and it will hate them and hatred you heard was worse then anger being more fixed and permanent The cause of this is because They are not of the world for as love is to its like so hatred is to that which is unlike and contrary In the Scripture some Learned men say to hate is sometimes taken to love lesse not an absolute hatred but a respective love Mat. 6.24 He will love one and hate the other i. e. lesse love And for this end they bring that place Rom. 9.3 Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated where they would expound hate of a lesse love but whatever may be said of the former place this latter will admit of no such Exposition as the Context will easily evidence 3. The Scripture speaks of a good hatred Rom. 7.15 That which I hate I do So we are commanded to hate our Father and Mother to hate our own lives Luk. 14.26 Joh. 12.25 for Christs sake David also said He hated them which hated God with a perfect hatred i. e. a full complete hatred he had no love at all to them that is in respect of their wickednesse and their incurable enmity against God though in other respects he pitied and loved them Lastly There is a wicked and evil hatred of which the Text speaks Obs That the wicked men of the world have and will alwaies hate those that are godly It hath been so of old and will be so to the last wicked man that breatheth No sooner were there a wicked man and a godly but this hatred broke out into all cruelty Cain hated Abel and why because his own works were nought and his brothers good 1 Joh. 3.12 No lesse will serve then the bloud of Sheep such cruell Wolves To open this Doctrine Consider these things First That there is a twofold hatred with the Schoolmen One is called Odium inimicitiae an hatred of enmity whereby a man wils evil to him because it 's his evil Even as amor amicitiae a will of friendship wils the good to a person loved because it is his good 2. There is another kinde of hatred which the ancient Schoolmen had no Name for it but afterwards it was called Odium abominationis or offensionis When a man is offended at and hateth such an object that is evil but not the person yea we may love him dearly Thus the Childe hateth the death of his Father Odio abominationis but loveth his Father yea because he loveth him therefore he hateth his death Now that hatred whereby the world hateth godly men is Odium inimicitiae it comes from an inward irreconcilable displacency to the godly it 's terminated upon their persons because they are such and therefore they are said to be of the devil representing his nature and are the Seed of the Serpent which hath an imbred enmity against man so that though never so much evil should befall the Godly Their goods spoiled their Names blasted yet as long as they live and because they still are alive the world will hate them Secondly The cause of their hatred may be reduced to two Heads 1. The contrariety that is between the nature and actions of the Godly So that they do not love any godly man no nor such as never had any commerce with them or medling with them There is an Odium naturale which ariseth from the nature of things Such an antipathy is often mentioned by Writers the Serpent that is young though never hurt by any man yet because they know them of such a stamp they cannot love them It being natural they cannot give any Reason Hoc tantum possum dicere non amo te You do not love him why did he ever weary you Did he ever speak to you No but yet he cannot love him so that as love consists in the consonancy and conveniency of the good thing loved Thus hatred is in the dissonancy and contrariety of that to us which we hate The 2d cause of hatred is Ignorance when men know not that Excellency and worth which is in such persons and the just cause of love which if we did we should quickly lay aside our hatred and truly in a great measure the world hateth because of their ignorance They know not what Godlinesse is nor what godly men are They know not their lives their aims their ends but judge of them as hypocrites proud and minding only self-ends and therefore their hatred encreaseth Thus the Apostle saith If they had known what Christ was they would never have crucified him 1 Cor. 2.8 and so they are said to speak evil of the things they know not Jude 10. Dost thou then rail and deride at godly men It 's thy blindenesse and folly Thou knowest not their close walking with God Thou understandest not the heavenly priviledges they enjoy Thou dost not conceive of their humiliation for their infirmities judging themselves before God worse then thou canst judge them Oh if thy eyes were open thou wouldst say these are the Servants of the most high God Oh that my latter end might be like one of theirs and of such men the world is not worthy Thirdly Consider the effects of this hatred and that is in three steps and degrees 1. An inward willing of all evil that may hurt them and that because it is evil To will a man some evil for his good may be lawfull as when David praieth Put them in fear O Lord that they may know themselves to be men Psa 9.20 Thus the Church of God may pray for afflictions upon those Enemies that are curable That by their afflictions they may repent and be humbled before God but hatred hath not this goodnesse It wils evil because it is evil and for evils sake It rejoyceth in the evil that befalleth a godly man as part of its own good and happinesse Thus it is with all wicked men they rejoyce as if some great good had befallen them when some great evil hath come upon the godly 2. Their hatred breaks out into all all hard censorious and uncharitable speeches all slanders and contumelies into cruell mockings as the Apostle cals them Heb. 11.36 The hatred in the heart will soon be seen in the
kinde of perfection to do so Mat. 5. ult Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect He cals this patience and forgiving disposition a perfection If then they rail do thou bless if they curse do thou pray this is to pour living coals upon their head as Rom. 12.10 which some understand in a good sense it will melt the man as Saul was under Davids kindness and as you see fire will at last melt iron though never so tough or others in an ill sense as if when thou hast done thy duty God will severely punish them This is the way to bring fire about their ears Take heed therefore of private revengefull thoughts these are unbeseeming a Christian God makes this his Property Vengeance is mine Deut. 32.2 Although the Heathen could say Revenge was sweeter then honey and so it is to a natural man but it 's farre sweeter then honey to a gracious heart to be able to conquer his revengefull disposition private revenge is unlawfull yet a seeking to the Magistrate for to punish offenders or to obtain right is a duty onely take heed of revengefull thoughts in the pursuing of it Fourthly Doth the world hate thee for Christs sake Then rejoyce and be exceeding glad Mat. 5 12. And that for several Reasons 1. As it followeth in that Text Great is your reward in Heaven The more vilified and debased here the more glorified and honoured in Heaven So that wicked men while they think to do thee a mischief they are instrumentall to thy great glory They make thee more happy and more glorious It 's as if a man should be angry with another and in stead of stones he throw precious pearls and diamonds at him which the man takes up and enriches himself with or as if a man threw bread at a dog in stead of being hurt by it he is glad of it and takes it up and eats it Thus it is with wicked men their reproaches their slanders and oppositions make thee more refined and blessed all these will be like so many crowns of glory set upon thy head As the waters did not drown the Ark but lifted it up nearer to Heaven 2. Rejoyce because hereby God honours and puts a glory upon thee that thou shouldst be one who shalt be reproached and vilified for him Admire the goodnesse of God herein and say with David I will be more vile still Thus the Apostles went away rejoycing they were accounted worthy to suffer for Christs Name Act. 5.41 Phil. 1.29 It 's said to be Gods gift to suffer for him To you it is given It 's a priviledge and an honour to lose any thing for Christs sake as Nazianzen said He was glad he had something to loose for Christs sake And so zealous were the primitive Christians of the glory of Martyrdom that many were so dejected because God called them not to it that they needed consolatory letters to satisfie them Though the world look upon them as disgraced and miserable yet God honours thee and this thou art to judge of as the greatest mercy and dignity that ever befell thee 3. Rejoyce because God and Christ will hereby be indeared unto thee and give thee larger supplies and provisions of comfort Nihil crus sentit in ligno quando animus est in Coelo I will be with thee in the fire and water saith God Was not Peter singing of Psalms in the prison Oh then know this is the time of Gods peculiar love of his more mercifull approaches to thee thy winter will be thy summer thy outward troubles will be accompanied with the most inward joyes This is Gods way when the world most slanders and accuseth to give the believer strongest evidences of his Justification within The godly were most enlarged in soul when they were shut into straightest prison and they had most of a bright glorious Heaven when they were plunged into a dark dungeon thy incomes will be rich when thy expences shall be great the more men frown the more will God smile on thee 4. Rejoyce because hereby is a conformity to Christ and to all the holy men that have gone before thee So in Mat. 5.12 Rejoyce because so persecuted they th● Prophets of old and Rom. 8. it 's made the effect of our Predestination to b● conformable unto Christ in these afflictions they are an effect of Predestination These troubles and reproaches God from all eternity appointed thee unto as by which he would glorifie thee They came from that spring of the great love of God which he had toward thee before thou hadst any being so that hereby thou art made like to Christ a glorious Disciple doth not beseem a crucified Saviour neither rich and adorned members become an head crowned with thorns How many have gloried in being like some great and famous men in the world How much rather is this an honour to be reproached as Christ was to be slandered as Christ was the Disciple must not expect to be above his Master 5. Rejoyce as having an opportunity of the exercise and increase of grace The horse neigheth at the battel and war-like sounds as being glad of the occasion A valiant man delights in the occasions of his activity The Pilot sheweth his skill in times of danger and tempests Know therefore that when the world hateth thee God then cals thee out to a spiritual combate thou art then become a spectacle to God he beholds what excellent graces thou wilt shew forth what faith what patience what fortitude what heavenly-mindednesse Now if ever there is a time to shew thy spiritual might and courage yea here is not only an occasion to put forth thy graces but an opportunity to discover thy unfeigned love to God and Christ to own Christ when all the people would make him a King is no trial but to stand to him when they cried away with him Crucifie him this is a good evidence God will then say Now I know thou lovest me when these many waters the world throweth on are not able to quench it though father hate though friends hate though all hate yet this doth not discourage thee in thy love of God What a comfortable evidence is this of thy true grace Nay in some sense thou dost exceed the Angels in doing Gods will for though they be zealous and active in obedience to God yet they meet not with oppositions in their service They are not subject unto the reproaches and contempts of wicked men of the world and therefore in this thou art more then an Angel Lastly Rejoyce because God might have left thee to be such a malicious enemy to godliness as thou seest they are Every time thou hearest what slanders what malicious words the wicked of the world vent against thee O bless God and say I might have been left to such a spirit I was such a devil my self once I opened my mouth against such as fear God as well as he Oh blessed be
our head he hath taken the sting out of all They are not judgements they are not to destroy the nature of them is wholly altered through Christ for as Christ would be baptized to sanctifie that Ordinance for us so he would be afflicted and troubled to sanctifie them to us Thus we may argue if no troubles or afflictions could overcome him neither can they us 3. Here is matter of comfort because hereby Christ is fitted to help us and pity us He himself knoweth what the worlds reproaches are and therefore will the more compassionate us This the Apostle urgeth Heb. 5. We have a High-Priest that is tempted like us in all things sin only excepted Vse of Instruction What cause the people of God have to triumph in all their hard usages from the world Say not were ever any thus contemned and abused as I am yea a better then thou even Christ the only Son of God Do thou rather look on it as an honour to be made like unto him he blessed when he was reviled Be like Christ in his graces as thou art in his tribulations thus shalt thou be hereafter like him in glory SERMON LXXXV Sheweth Why God continueth his Children in this world of Sinne and Sorrow and doth not take them immediately to Heaven And also How farre it is lawfull for a man to pray for or desire to be taken out of this world JOHN 17.15 I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil IN the former verses our Saviour having prayed for the preservation of his Disciples he doth in this verse in a particular manner expresse the Manner of that preservation he prayeth for Not that God the Father needed any such instruction but this is spoken for the edification of his Disciples and the building them up who happily did not yet understand how they were to be preserved Now this preservation is set down two wayes 1. Negatively then Positively 1. Negatively I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world 2. Positively but that thou wouldst keep them from the evil In the negative part we may consider the thing denied in his prayer That God should take them out of the world for so God might take them either by a miraculous and sudden translation as he did Henoch and Eliah or by a violent death through the hands of their persecutors or in a natural ordinary course but saith our Saviour I pray not for this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word is for the most part used of an interrogation to question about any thing but sometimes simply for rogation or a meer bare asking and petitioning as often by this Evangelist From this Negative part we may observe First That though God love his people yet that doth not necessarily inferre he must keep them from all misery in this world and place them immediately in happinesse with himself This is good to be taken notice of for we are ready to think that if God love his children he should presently do that for them which will be their chiefest happinesse especially this being in his power to do it when he will to suffer his children to be grapling and conflicting with troubles in this world when it 's but his word speaking and crowns of glory may be set upon their heads seemeth inconsistent with Gods love as she argued to Sampson How canst thou love me and hide any thing from me So saith humane reason How can God love me when yet he keepeth Heaven and eternal glory from me But Gods love and his childrens calamities in this world may well agree together You see our Saviour when he intended the greatest good for his Disciples in his Petition yet corrects and moderateth his prayer not as if he would have them mediately translated to glory he is content they should be awhile in the fire to have their drosse purged away God could do many things for his people which yet he will not he could immediately upon their conversion crown them with eternal glory or else give them perfect and throughly sanctified hearts that they should not complain and groan under any distemper of soul he could make the world to be a Paradise to them so that the way to Heaven should be no longer straight and narrow but broad and easie Thus God could do but it pleaseth his wisdome to take another course and to appoint a Wildernesse to go through ere we can enter in Canaan Now let us consider Why Gods love doth not immediately take the godly out of this world for seeing God loveth them and they love God we should think that love would not rest till it had the nearest conjunction that could be In this matter we may give several Reasons First Because there is a necessity of the presence of godly men in the world that they may promote the Kingdom of God and bring others to the knowledge of God This is especially true of the Apostles as Apostles and so of all those that have any Office and Ministry in the Church of God These are as necessary as the Sunne to the world as the Starres in a dark night as salt to season and preserve from putrefaction and even all believers in a private way are to use their gifts for the reducing of others and by their examples to give such a glorious light that others may glorifie God in the day of their visitation but this doth principally relate to them as Apostles had they been immediately carried up to Heaven where would have been the leaven put into the three pecks of meal Where the mustard-seed sown that would grow up into a great Tree If the Apostles were the Planters and Founders of the Church it was necessary that they should continue for some time in the world The world was a wildernesse that could not immediately be made a garden It was the Devils habitation he could not suddenly be dispossest So that God having service for his people to do no wonder if they must continue in this valley of misery Paul speaks fully to this Phil. 1.14 To abide in the flesh is necessary for you but for him it was better to be dissolved and to be with Christ and between these two he was in a great straight So certainly it were better for the people of God especially for the Ministers of the Gospel who are like Vriah in the fore-front of the battel and exposed to more hatred to be with Christ in Heaven there they shall be free from all this virulence and oppositions of the ungodly but yet if we regard the world and the people with whom they live then their life and presence is very necessary This then is the first reason Gods people have work to do a course to finish and so they must not look to have wages before they have laboured in the Vineyard Secondly God will not presently take them out of this
for our comfort that every believer though yet unborn was in Christs purpose and intention when he laid down his life as if they had been existent in the land of the living In the sixth place By this intention of Christ in his prayer and death it will inevitably and immutably be brought about that they shall in time be converted they shall believe and be brought into communion and fellowship with Christ For seeing as we have heard Christ could not but be heard in what he prayed for and the Father alwayes granted his Petition therefore it cannot be but that all those who are given to Christ shall one time or other be wrought upon by the Word Thus it 's said They believed Act. 13.48 as many as were ordained to eternal life and the Apostles were to go and preach in such places because God had much people there Act. 18. and Rom. 9. the Apostle doth fully shew That Election is the cause of all mercies vouchsafed in time and those who were not elected they were hardened and given up to a spirit of slumber Oh then the admirable love of God to those that are his there shall not be one of them but the Word of grace will finde them out They that were not his people shall be made his people Joh. 10. I have other sheep saith Christ that are not of this fold and those he will bring home Hence Rom. 8. we have that golden Chain which all the Arminian subtilties can never dissolve Whom he hath predestinated he hath called and whom he hath called he hath justified and those he hath justified he hath glorified To expound calling only of vocation to afflictions and to the cross and Justification only of the vindicating of their persons and cause against the calumnies of the world is too dilute and repugnant to the scope of the Apostle in that place we may then absolutely conclude of the conversion and believing of such who belong to Christ and that the Word preached will sometimes or other be effectual upon them In the last place It 's plain from hence That Gods Election and so Christs dying for us is not conditional or upon the supposition of our believing but our belief is the true and genuine effect of Election and Christs death For whereas Christ here prayeth for those who shall believe The Question may be Whether this belief be supposed as a Condition Antecedent to Election and Christs death or as an absolute Effect of both so that Christ doth not only pray for believers but also that they may be believers There is a great Controversie between Arminians and the Orthodox for they say God elected some such persons to eternal life indeed and gave them to Christ as a Mediatour but it was upon a supposition and fore-sight that they would believe and persevere in that faith to the end But the Orthodox do more consonantly to the Scripture and to the greater exaltation of Gods grace and magnifying of Christ affirm That God by one single act of the same time did elect a man both to grace and glory both to salvation and faith So that God did not elect us because he foresaw we would believe but he did elect us to believe as well as to salvation So that faith is not a condition but the effect and fruit of our Election This is a necessary truth to be proved and therefore the next day it is to be considered for the present I take it for granted That those who shall believe are such not who by their own power shall either believe or dispose themselves to it but who by the grace of God shall be inabled thereunto For the present consider the aggravation of this love of God in Christ to us before we had a being And 1. There is remarkable freenesse in it of grace if positively and absolutely considered For what could there be in us to move God to this mercy when we could not think or cry or pray or do any thing for our good even then God set his love upon us It was nothing in us seeing we were in the womb of nothing 2. This freeness is aggravated if comparatively considered for it 's the grace of God that makes some to believe and leaveth others in their natural corruption The Apostle considered this discriminating love of God to Jacob and Esau Rom. 9. before they had done either good or evil Oh then sit and admire the depth of grace the unsearchable riches of grace for what art thou to so many learned and noble men in the world to so many of thy own kindred and family that God hath past by yet took compassion on thee Didst thou not lie equally in the same mass of corruption and bondage to all sin 3. There is the Eternity of this love it was before the beginning of the world So that we cannot imagine any moment of time wherein Gods thoughts were not upon thee Lastly The unchangeablenesse of this love for the Councels of God and his purpose are immutable There is no change or shadow of change in him and therefore if once loved alwayes loved he predestinated thee before the world called thee out of the world justifieth thee in the world and will glorifie thee after the world Vse What infinite cause of praise and glory the people of God have Well mayest thou call upon thy soul and all within thee to praise God Well may this be the burden of every Psalm For his mercy endureth for ever yea if thou hadst the hearts of all men and Angels this were not enough neither can Eternity be long enough to glorifie God in this particular SERMON CVI. Of both the Moving Cause and Effects of Election and of Christs Prayer and Death Against Arminians and others JOH 17.20 But for them also who shall beleeve in me through their Word WE come to a Second Observation from the circumstance of the future tense Who shall beleeve in me For as was intimated there may be a twofold sence of these words 1. That this future Faith is mentioned as an effect and fruit of being given to Christ as also of Christs Prayer and Death for them So that he doth not only pray for them which shall beleeve but also that they may beleeve and in this sense the Orthodox interpret it Or 2. It may be interpreted as if Faith were here supposed as a condition on our part antecedaneous both to Gods Election and also Christs Intercession and death So that the sence should be These were given to Christ and Christ he praied and died for them because it was foreseen by God that such would beleeve upon the means of grace offered and others not In this sence Meisner a Lutheran urgeth it and thus all Arminians and others must take it who hold that we were Elected from a foresight of our Faith and perseverance therein But that this cannot be the meaning of our Saviour is evident because the ground of
Heb. 1.3 For as the son of a natural father doth many times represent him in lineaments colour and all deportments Thus Christ also as the Son of God doth demonstrate the wisdom power and holiness of his Father Therefore Joh. 10. for the Father and Son to be one is made the same with the Father being in the Son and the Son in the Father for the Father is so in the Son that he hath the same Nature Essence and Attributes with him and thus if the Son be in us the Father also must be because they are one Secondly The Father is in the Son in respect of operation and working For this end it is that in the whole course of his Mediatorship he referreth all to the Father as he that sent him The doctrine he preached he saith was not his but his Fathers Joh. 14.10 The Father that dwels in me worketh the Father and I work hitherto so that all that Christ did in preaching of the Word in working of miracles all these do declare that the Father is in him and this is of great consequence for hereby we may see the salvation of a beleever designed both by the Father and the Son one was not more willing then another to procure this Redemption Thirdly The Father is in Christ in respect of his infinite love as amans is in amato called therefore the Son of his love Therefore this is mentioned in the Text as part of this unity That the world may know thou hast loved me Though this love of the Father be not terminated on him only but on all believers in him and therefore it is that Christ cals him his Father and their Father and so some understand that transitively In whom I am well-pleased viz. with the godly being reconciled through his blood to them The Father then is in the Son by way of love and through him in all beleevers by way of the same love Fourthly The Father is in Christ by the communication of the fulnes of the God-head This the Scripture giveth a notable description of Col. 2.9 For in him dwelleth all the God-head bodily This place is worthy of a full consideration for it doth not speak of the Fathers being in the Son as the second Person but of the Father as God in his humane Nature and the end why the Apostle bringeth this is to take off all men from running either to Philosophy humane traditions or Mosaical rites because the God-head is in Christ bodily The Apostles Argument is Where there is a compleat perfection and fulness there needeth no additaments but in Christ there is a compleat fulness to all Evangelical purposes and necessary matter to eternal salvation and this is proved because in Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the God-head bodily In Christ that is in his humane Nature all the God-head that is all the whole Nature and Attributes of God wisdom righteousness holiness c. Dwelleth that is abideth continueth Bodily that is personally in opposition first to the legal expressions of Gods presence as when God spake from between the Cherubims as also in opposition to that efficacious presence and assistance in the Prophets and such extraordinary holy men that he raised up now God was in Christ transcendently to these for he was in the humane Nature so as to be made one Person with it Filius Dei non assumpsit hominem personam sed assumpsit hominem in personam and thus the Father is in Christ otherwise then in other creatures and the minde of man is never able to comprehend sufficiently this mystery Lastly Which is the most proper sense of this Text The Father is in Christ as a Mediator between God and man for this is chiefly intended That Christ is the bond of that union with the Father and believers as also with believers amongst themselves so that Christ is not here barely considered as God nor barely as man but as God-man as Mediator Thus the Apostle 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them So that without Christ we are all at a distance yea enmity with God he is a consuming fire and we nothing but stubble Even as you see the distance and contrariety of the devils to God Are they one in Christ Can they call God Father and all is because they have not a Mediator Here then is the spring-head of all consolation That the Father is in Christ as a Mediator reconciling God and man together and certainly if the believer did more improve this truth that he is made one with the Father and the Son it would raise up his soul he would condemn himself for all those low narrow and dejected thoughts he is assaulted with for how can sin hurt him that is one with Christ How can the devil destroy him that is one with God Certainly these must destroy Christ and God also Indeed the devil overcame Adam and the Angels but they were not one with Christ they were not united to him in an inviolable Covenant and therefore they quickly spent all and became bankrupts This instance indeed sheweth what we are in our selves and that it is Christ only who beareth us up but withall it commands the soul to glory in Christ to rejoyce in Christ to triumph in Christ for in him only we have pardon and boldness at the throne of grace These glorious things being clear Scripture-truths all the doubt is How shall a Christian perswade himself that the Son and the Father abide in him when he is sensible of such corruption and sin also in him For who would not think that when these high things are spoken that Christ liveth and dwelleth in a man that the Father and Son do make their abode in him but that such a soul must be perfected and made pure without sin Who would not think that only a compleat and perfect man can say with Paul I no longer but Christ in me Oh saith the godly Soul I may and must say the contrary not Christ but sin but the world liveth in me And as it is thus for grace so also for consolation If Christ be in a man and he dwels there How can there be such black unbelieving thoughts Where the Father and the Son is there must be a heaven not a hell Can the Sun arise in its full glory and power yet at the same time there be a black night So how can Christ and the Father be in a believer and yet they so subject to temptations and doubts whether he be in them or no Now for the first How the Father and Son can be in a believer and yet there be such remainders of vigorous corruption in him To this it is answered 1. That if it be duly considered how the Father and Christ is in us it must presently be conceived that there is a presence of sin necessarily supposed in such For as you heard God in us
Whence it is that even amongst the godly there are so many differences heart-burnings c. It 's because Christ is not in them after such a powerfull and efficacious manner as he might be The dark night and misty fogs can no more endure before the glorious beams of the Sunne then corrupt passions and contentions can stand before this Sunne of Righteousnesse when risen to it's verticall point Under the torrid Zone there cannot be any cold frosts so neither under the efficacious presence of Christ can there be such sinfull breaches SERMON CXXX Sheweth That every one that Believeth knoweth the thing that he believeth Against the Popish Implicite Faith And what Knowledge the Knowledge of Faith is JOH 17.23 And that the world may know that thou hast sent me THE words now to be insisted upon ●re the effect or event of this spirituall Unity beleevers have with Christ and one another which is That the world may know the Father had sent Christ This was treated of before only whereas before it was that the world may beleeve here it is That the world may know and besides a new thing is here added to their knowledge that the Father had sent Christ viz. his love also of all Beleevers even as he loved Christ What is meant by world hath been shewed already I shall only fasten on this Consideration that what our Saviour called believing ver 21. here is called knowing and therefore having handled faith in its specifical nature as it rests on Christ which alone justifieth and also the generall nature of it as it gives firm assent to all divine Truths I shall now to compleat the full Truth of the nature thereof handle it in another essentiall constituting ingredient of it and that is knowledge and the matter is necessary both in respect of doctrinall errours about it as also for practicall usefulnesse For the Pontificians they deny both that fiduciall recumbency and application to faith as also knowledge leaving it only to be a divine assent but as we have asserted the former So now our task shall be to affirm the latter viz. That Faith is knowledge as well as assent It 's a fiduciall assent with knowledge These three particulars are either ingredient or requisite to the act of beleeving whether indeed knowledge be a pre-requisite or ingredient is disputed but that all divine Faith hath knowledge is confessed by the Orthodox against the Papists so that I shall observe That Faith is knowledge or he that believeth knoweth the thing that he believeth Hence it is usual in Scripture to describe faith sometimes by trusting and sometimes by knowing synecdochically intending thereby the whole nature of faith That faith is knowledge besides many other places is abundantly cleared v. 2. and v. 18 in this Chapter I shall therefore proceed to explicate to this And First When we say That Faith is knowledge i● is not to be understood thus as if it were such a kinde of knowledge as we have by sense for the Scripture doth oppose living by faith to living by sense and our Saviour faith John 20. Blessed is he that believeth and seeth not Vbi vides non est fides Indeed when Thomas did feel the wounds of Christ here he did believe and see but the object of his sense was a body the ●ct of his faith was spiritual that Christ was the Sonne of the living God What then we know by sense we are not properly said to believe although things of sense may tend to confirm our faith as miracles and Sacraments which Christ hath appointed for that end Secondly The knowledge of faith is not by a perfect comprehension and intuitive vision of the thing we believe It 's not like the knowledge of God and Christ we shall have in Heaven and therefore faith shall cease in Heaven as it denoteh any inevidence or imperfection in the subject This knowledge of faith we have here as in a glass and in a riddle but then it shall be face to face and this should abundantly satisfie us in the many things we know by faith for although our knowledge be very imperfect and is like the weak eye to the dazeling beams of the Sun yet hereafter this vail this cloud will be removed and we shall then perfectly and fully understand all those things that now we have but imperfect apprehensions of about the Doctrine of Christ of the Trinity of the Resurrection of the providences of God towards his Church how little do we understand of them yet the time is coming when we shall know these things even as we are known The Apostle compareth this knowledge we have to a childes knowledge in respect of a mans 1 Cor. 13. Alas when we speak of God and heavenly things we do but stammer like so many little children when we come to Heaven how vast and comprehensive will our thoughts be to what we have now Thirdly The knowledge of faith is not like those imperfect acts of the soul which are called suspicion and opinion or doubting Doubting is when the minde remaineth in an equal and indifferent propension assenting to neither part of the proposition Suspicion is when the soul inclineth to one part of the proposition but upon a very light and unsatisfying argument And Opinion is when we assent to something with some fear that the opposite may be true and therefore the Arguments do only probably move us Now the knowledge of faith doth exclude these imperfections doubting is in Scripture expresly opposed to beleeving and so when a man is divided as a traveller at two wayes not knowing which to goe or when he doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hang in suspence These things are inconsistent with faith and truly this is greatly to be considered for in these dayes wherein we see men so sceptical so wavering so uncertain we may conclude there is little faith That men are opiniotive and fancy-full in Religion rather then believing for where the knowledge of faith is there it doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 convince and so perswade the heart that it knoweth not how to contradict or oppose any longer Oh then pray for faith in these unstable and wavering time It 's a mercy to be a pillar in Gods house and not like a reed to be shaken with every winde of doctrine Fourthly The knowledge of faith is not from the evidence of any internal principles of the thing such as we have by demonstration and reason in philosophical matters And indeed this is one main reason why the father 's insisted in believing as opposite to knowing Noveris te ess● fidelem non rationalem It was Julians great objection against the Christians that they urged 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 only believe they did not bring reasons to demonstrate So that if Papists when they deny faith to be knowledge did mean no more then this that it is not a scientifical knowledge that it 's not a
Having thus seen the disparity and that still Christ hath the preheminency in Gods love Let us consider wherein Christ and we agree in Gods love And First Gods love is terminated not on Christ simply but as the head of believers So that Christ and his Church are considered as one mysticall person and this is chiefly aimed at in all those places where Christ speaks of his being in believers and that they are his body all is to draw up our hearts into an high admiration of Gods love herein for God doth now look upon Christ and believers as one if he loveth Christ he must needs love them if he hate them or cast them off he must hate and cast off Christ Insomuch that if a Christian desires to get up into a Mount of Transfiguration let him ascend up hither for what will fill the heart with heaven if this do not I and Christ are loved as one Though the Father loveth Christ in some respects transcendently to us yet in other respects he makes his love common to us both Certainly faith in this great and precious truth would be a constant cordial Thou fearest thy sinnes and imperfections may cast thee out of Gods love but are they able to cast Christ out of his Fathers love if they cannot do the one neither can they the other Christ and a believer is made one when one is loved the other must necessarily be loved and if one be hated the other also must be hated Secondly The Fathers love to Christ and us is alike in the properties of it Love to Christ is not differing in it's properties from that he loveth us with As 1. It 's eternal love As the Father loved Christ before the world was so he did also all believers in Christ before the foundation of the world was laid This our Saviour speaketh of vers 24. Thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world and that he sheweth the like love to all believers is often declared Eph. 1.4 We are chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world The love then which the Father beareth to believers is an eternal love It 's not shorter in time then that to Christ for in eternity there is no prius nor posterius As then the Father loved Christ alwayes even from all eternity so he doth likewise every believer before thou hadst a being before either thy self or any friend in the world could take any care of thee God did pitch his love upon thee Oh then let not the people of God think God is like man that he began to day or yesterday to love thee No it was from all eternity and that love brought forth in time all the other effects of love that called thee that justified thee and that will glorifie thee Therefore the Apostle when he speaks of these blessed effects in time he resolveth all into this love from eternity as the Spring-head of all Secondly The Fathers love to Christ and believers are alike in the property of unchangeablenesse and immutability God will no more alter his love or cease to love his children then he will Christ himself This is plain because all the promises to the godly are Yea and Amen in Christ 2 Cor. 1.20 he is their Mediator in him they are made one with the Father So that by the same cause of perpetuity in his Headship by the same will they certainly persevere to us Thus it is said Rom. 8. Who shall separate us from the love of God He challengeth any thing to break this love if they can Grant then that the Father may love Christ in some peculiar respects which thou art not capable of yet in this thou and Christ are alike God will never change the love of his Sonne into hatred he will never become of a Father an enemy to him so neither will he to any true believer As long as his love shall continue unchangeable to his Son so long it will to thee and thus Gods love to thee is on a firmer bottome then that of Mount Zion or the Ordinance God hath made with heaven and earth or the day and night for all these shall wax old but the love of God like himself shall abide for ever Thirdly The Fathers love hath the property of freenesse both to us and Christ Indeed if we consider Christ as God so the Father loved him necessarily but as he was man and a Mediator so the Fathers love to him was free for it was of the meer goodnesse of God to appoint him to be a Mediator The humane Nature was not assumed for any fore-seen merits in it but all was from the meer good pleasure of God and this holds much more true in all the gracious effects that we partake of therefore the great scope of the Scripture is to declare this that all the priviledges and mercies we partake of come not from any worth or desert in our selves but wholly from the grace and meer love of God Insomuch that all those opinions which make the rise of any good we enjoy to be first our love to God and not Gods love to us are to be accursed as if the earth did first water the heavens and then the heavens the earth In the third place The Fathers love to Christ and believers is alike in regard of the real and true effects of it As to Christ it was not a love in word or shew but power and mighty operations so it is also to every believer Though there be a difference yet the love is as real to one as the other Even as when the first commandment of loving God is said to be the greatest yet at the same time the second is said to be like it in respect of obligation though not of dignity Thus it is as firmly and as really love to believers as to Christ though not so principally and although some effects of love we partake of which Christ is not capable of yet there are others that we do communicate in As 1 One great effect of the Fathers love to Christ while in the dayes of his suffering flesh was the protection defence and incouragement that he had from the Father for Christ in the whole course of his Ministry by faith depended on his Father insomuch that though the malice of his enemies was importunate to destroy him yet they could never accomplish their design till the Fathers time was come and then though he prayed to the Father to be saved from that hour yet it was only conditional and therefore he submitted himself absolutely to Gods will Now the same fatherly care Christ had experience of in his whole course the same may believers expect Therefore Joh. 14. he tels them I go to my Father and your Father he is the same Father to both Oh then why should a believer under any extremities or agonies be cast down the same fatherly love thou mayest look for as Christ himself met with
A second real effect of the Fathers love is Glorification of Christ The glory that Christ was to have after his sufferings is often mentioned in the Scripture In this Chapter we see our Saviour earnestly praying for it and after his Resurrection we reade how highly he was exalted and what glory he was lifted up into now the Father loveth all believers with the same efficacy as they suffer with Christ so they shall reign with him here they are said not only to be sons but heirs and co-heirs with Christ they shall sit on thrones of glory with Christ Thus Gods love runs in the same effects to Christ and us SERMON CXXXII Sheweth of what high concernment it is to the men of the world to know how greatly Believers whom they hate and persecute are beloved of God JOH 17.23 That thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me THe glorious priviledge of a believer hath been considered from this priviledge viz. that they and Christ are imbraced with the same love and are made co-heirs with Christ Now before we conclude this an Objection doth present it self to this purpose It may seem that the Father loveth us more then Christ for he giveth him to be a ransom and price for us Christ is made a curse dieth an ignominious and a painfull death not for himself but for us by which it may appear that the Fathers love is more to us then to him for he delivers him to death that we might live he is made a man of sorrows and full of grief to provide consolation for us so that Christ seemeth to be but the means and we the end and the end hath more amability and appetibility in it then the means But to this these things may be returned by way of answer First That Christ when he died for us and procured our salvation he did it as an efficient cause by his own inward worth and power So that our spiritual mercies are not so much to be considered the end of Christs death as the effects of it So that we may truly say what the people did to David in an higher manner to Christ Thou art worth ten thousand of us yea then all believers So that Christ died not for us in such a way as when a Martyr dieth for the truth or a private person for the Common-wealth for these die to preferre a greater good above the less The truth of God is more worth then any mans life The publique good is more precious then the temporal advantage of any one man and in these instances the lesser good is lost for the greater but when Christ was thus afflicted by the Father for us this was that a greater good might obtain a lesser for in Christs blood there was plenty and all fulness to redeem his people so that we are not to look on Christ dying as a meer passive means ordained for us but as an active means by the causality and vertue whereof our eternal good is accomplished Secondly The Father doth not love us more then Christ though for a while he was made miserable for us for Christs willing offering up of himself to this Sacrifice did infinitely draw out the love of God to him So that the Father loved him the more because he would out himself from the exercise and actual enjoyment of his Fathers love for a season that he was contented for a time to be in those agonies and conflicts grapling with the sense of his Fathers displeasure for this very reason his Father did infinitely love him so Christ himself witnesseth Job 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life for my sheep and herein was the Fathers love and acceptance seen that upon his sufferings the Father exalted him to such transcendent glory exalting him above every name that is named So that although many Divines say Christ merited nothing for himself yet others say with great confidence That the Covenant which was made with Christ as our Mediatour did promise him all that mediatorial honour and glory which he enjoyed upon the discharge of his Suretiship and this they make to be the principal and great thing intended by God viz. the exaltation of Christ and giving of him such transcendent glory onely they confesse this glory of Christ doth redound for our good but that which was principally aimed at in the Fathers agreement with Christ was the glorious rewarding of him Thirdly Though Christ was given for us yet this doth not follow that we were loved more then Christ Because the Father laid no more upon him then he was willing and able to bear So that Christ conquered all his enemies neither sinne nor death were able to over-master him and therefore he was for a season under these sufferings that we might be made happy to all eternity If indeed the Father had left him in a perpetual desertion and suffered his body to see corruption for ever to procure our peace then it would have followed that he preferred us before his Sonne but that could not be What was ordered to befall him was no more then he could bear and quickly remove and therefore Christ lost nothing by becoming our Saviour and yet we also are made happy thereby Fourthly Therefore Christ was loved more then us though he died for us Because the ultimate end of his death was that we being redeemed by his death might acknowledge him our Lord and for ever live to his praise and glory So that the salvation of believers is but a proxim and immediate end of Christs death that which is ultimate that which was principally intended was that we being thus ransomed might to all eternity set forth the praises and glory of him who thus loved us to death Vse of Exhortation To behold and admire the unspeakable love of the Father to all believers That he joyneth Christ and them in the same love the same heaven the same glory for kinde that Christ hath all believers likewise shall partake of Even as for wicked men the same hell the same damnation and torments which are prepared for the devil and his Angels are also appointed for the ungodly If D●vid said Seemeth it a light matter to be made a son-in-law to the King then yet Sauls purpose was not to make him like Jonathan and co-heir with him of that temporal Kingdom How much more should this affect us which the Father doth for us Oh say and often say Blessed Father is this a little matter for such a poor weak sinner to be taken into the same chariot of glory with Christ to have love like his glory to his as Abigail said to David when he sent for her to make her his wife she acknowledged her unworthiness Make me one of thy hand-maids said she So O Lord if I have a drop of water a morsel of bread this is enough for me but to be taken into fellowship with Christ and co-heir with him This
is overflowing superabounding grace only remember that here is not only priviledge but duty also Here lieth a powerfull obligation upon us to love him with our highest and chiefest love let his glory his love be next to thy heart Oh be ashamed that thy love can burn no hotter towards him In the next place we are to consider the scope and end of our Saviour in mentioning this preheminent priviledge and it is That the world may know this love It 's not enough for believers to be thus highly loved by the Father but the world is to know and to be perswaded of it From whence observe That it 's of great consequence to the world to know how greatly believers are loved of God It would quicken them to many duties and restrain them from many sins if this were once fully setled in their hearts that those whom they oppose and deride are the beloved ones of God It 's true it 's of great consequence even to the godly themselves to be fully informed in this they go bowed down and very much languish because they are not so perswaded of this Hence 1 John 3 1. The Apostle cals upon the godly to attend to it Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God So that under all the hatred and opposition of the world it 's necessary that this love of God should bear up thy soul though none loveth thee yet the Father doth Thus I say it 's necessary even for believers themselves to know how greatly they are beloved but here our Saviour speaks of the worlds knowledge and the necessity of their being informed therein Now the usefulness of the worlds conviction herein will appear in these respects 1. Hereby they may be provoked to come out of their wicked condition and be made one of that number which God so loveth For will not this work naturally and genuinely upon them when they shall think Loe these that pray that walk strictly and contrary to the principles of the world are those whom God loveth in a special manner they are his favourites his delight is upon them but as for me and the company I keep God is angry with us all the day long we are the men cursed by him for us he hath appointed hell and eternal torments When any natural man shall upon these convictions argue and reason with himself How can he abide any longer in that sinfull way Oh then that God would perswade thee more of this that those whom thou malignest against whom thy heart riseth are such on whom Gods gracious love is fixed and that it is thou thy self and such as thou art that the anger of God abideth on continually this would quickly make thee another man Therefore there is not a more deadly principle thou canst swallow down then to be prejudiced in thy spirit against such who truly fear God 2. A perswasion that such only are loved by God as it would make thee to be of their number so also it would draw out thy dearest and sincerest love to them Thou wouldst presently begin to think Why should not I love those most whom God loveth Certainly they are the choisest and best objects upon whom God is pleased to cast his gracious eye then as David said My delight is to be with the Saints upon the earth Psal 16.3 Thus also it would be here when once perswaded that such are the endeared ones of God then thy affections thy heart will be to such also 3. By this perswasion upon the heart of the world that they only are loved of God hereby the world will cease to hate and persecute them to give them such ill entertainment as they do When our Saviour possesseth his Disciples with that universal hatred they shall have in the world and that the world cannot do otherwise whence is all this but because they do not know Christ nor believers neither But as they took him for an Impostor and one not worthy to live so they do judge his members to be a company of heretiques not worthy to be suffered in the world and all this malice ariseth from their blinde hearts for did they know who they were as they oppose they dared not to proceed Even as the Scripture saith If they had known Christ they would not have crucified the prince of glory 1 Cor. 2.6 So that all thy hard words and thy hard actions they arise from this thou dost not know what the godly are how accepted with God and how precious to him for this consideration would immediately make thee draw in thy arm thou wouldst see it was a foolish thing to set against such whom God loveth that it is but kicking against the pricks It 's attempting an impossible thing if thou couldst get God not to love them then indeed it were something but as long as God thus loveth them all thy endeavours against them is as vain as Balacks was against Israel No inchantment or divination can prevail As it 's an impossible thing so also it 's dangerous for seeing they are to God as the apple of his eye and he hath given such a command even to Kings that they do not touch his anointed ones How can it be that God will let all the injuries and offences done against them so dearly beloved go free Therefore perswade thy self more of this love of God to them lest thou incurre Gods forest displeasure Again It 's not only dangerous but foolish also for the more the world sets against believers the greater their rage is the more is Gods love drawn out to them So that by thy hatred they do become glorious and are more esteemed by God and receive a greater crown of glory Thus if these things be duly considered we must needs say it 's of great consequence for the world to know that believers are so highly loved by God But in the next place It 's very difficult for the world to be thus perswaded For 1. There is naturally an enmity and antipathy of the wicked against the godly and where malice is they will never believe any good of those whom they hate Insomuch that though God doth with never such a signal love demonstrate himself to them yet they will never be perswaded such are loved of God for as they are affected so they judge of God himself and because they think them worthy of all hatred and evil they conclude God doth so also Thus this distempered palate judgeth every thing bitter it tasteth 2. The love of the Father to believers is chiefly in spiritual things such as Justification Sanctification Adoption Now these things are no more apprehended by the world then curious melody by a deaf ear The Apostle speaketh to this 1 Cor. 2.9 10 11 12. admirably shewing That the Spirit of God revealeth these spiritual things to us and that without the Spirit we cannot know the things that are
compleat perfection of a Christian Who is made righteousnesse wisdome and all things and therefore this is the character of those that are spiritual They have no confidence in the flesh and rejoyce in Christ Jesus Phil. 3.3 Lastly We glorifie Christ really in our lives and conversations when we walk as Members sutably to the Head when we order our conversations answerably to the rule of the Gospel For how often do wicked men reproach and dishonour Christ by their ungodly lives as if Christ taught them no better or as if Christ died not to deliver us from all ungodly and sinfull lusts Therefore on the other side then we honour Christ when we are holy as he was zealous as he was humble and meek as he was as Paul said He carried the marks of Christ upon his body so do thou the graces of Christ upon thy soul We come in the next place to a brief description of the subject described Those that thou hast given me Now this is the opposite description to such who are of the world By giving unto Christ some understand by a Metonymy of the effect for the cause Gods decree to give as 2 Tim. 1.9 The grace given us in Christ Jesus before the world began that is decreed to be given to us So some expound the fore-going place The glory which thou hast given me that is which thou hast decreed to give even as in this Chapter he saith I come to thee I sanctifie my self and as John 6.33 Every one that my Father giveth shall come to me where by giving must be understood a decree to give for actual giving is the very coming it self unto Christ Though this be true yet we must adde that in respect of those who were to believe so it 's a decree of giving but in respect of the Apostles and others who did then believe it was an actual giving Now whereas we see the original and fountain of all grace formerly prayed for and now all glory here is because some are given to Christ by the Father we may observe That it 's no free-will or preparatory work in man that begins either his grace or glory but the sole gift of God I shall but touch at this because handled before only as our Saviour thought fit to use this description of believers so often in one Chapter so it should also inform us that it 's a truth of absolute necessity which ought constantly to reign in our hearts that we did not prevent God but Gods grace did prevent us that we did not choose him but he chose us Therefore it 's a violent wresting of the words by Arminians when they will have this giving of some to the Father to be understood for the consequent mens obeying and receiving of the grace offered and so we give our selves to Christ and are not given by the Father That the initials of all good is from grace only and not of us is abundantly convinced by that wretched sinfull and wofull pollution that we are all born in like that miserable infant spoken of by the Prophet Ezekiel chap. 16. I shall not doctrinally inlarge this only let the Use be 1. Admonition to take heed of all those proud and self-advancing Doctrines that magnifie the power of nature that think not grace absolutely necessary that if it be required it 's only ad facilius operandum or that grace doth onely excite and stirre up the natural abilities within us Oh take heed of swallowing down this deadly poison Vse 2. Of Exhortation to the people of God with all humility and astonishment to admire the grace of God in Christ that mollified thee that prepared thee that began first upon thee Alas thou wast wallowing in thy bloud thou wast hotly pursuing thy sins thou didst violently refuse the grace of God till at last he opened thy heart and saved thee against thy will making thee of unwilling willing SERMON CXXXVIII Of Gods love to Christ as Mediatour and in him to all believers from all Eternity JOHN 17. ●4 For thou hast loved me before the foundation of the world THis last clause is brought in as a Reason of that which went before Some make it a Reason of Christs Petition why the Father should hear him viz. because he alwaies loved him and so nothing could be denied to him others referre it to the gift of Glory mentioned immediatly The Father gave Christ glory because he loved him from Eternity but these do not oppose but may include one another The only doubt is In what sense the Father is said to love Christ before the Foundation of the world Many understand it of Christ as the natural and only Son of God That as he had alwaies the same glory with the Father so likewise he was alwaies loved of him and from hence they prove the Deity of Christ But Calvin and others expound it of Christ as Mediatour That the Father did love him from the beginning in appointing of him to be a Mediatour and preparing him thereunto Now this seemeth the more genuine Interpretation and doth not exclude but include the former also So that by direct consequence the eternal god-head of Christ is asserted Indeed Piscator referreth those words before the foundation of the world to the verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thou hast given As v. 5. implieth but there is no necessity to make such a traj●ction The sum is that Christ as Mediatour doth referre all the glory and honour he hath to the Fathers love Now you must know that when the Father love●h him as Mediatour It 's not absolutely terminated upon the person of Christ but the whole number of beleevers in him and therefore this loving of Christ is to be extended unto all Beleevers for the Apostle saith the same thing of them because of Christ Eph. 1.4 where we are said to be chosen in him before the foundation of the world To be holy and without blame before him in love where that love is referred to Gods predestinating and electing of us by some Interpreters So that from the words we may observe That God the Father loved Christ as Mediatour and thereby all beleevers in him from Eternity This Truth deserveth explication and application And 1. Let us consider wherein the love of the Father was shewed to Ch●ist as Mediatour as that will appear in the designing of him to it and approbation or complacency in him while discharging of it The love of God in preparing him thereunto is seen in these things 1. In appointing and ordaining the second person as the only begotten of the Father to come into the world and take our nature upon him For herein did the Father love the Son because when mankinde was lost and justice could no waies be satisfied by any meer creature that in this exigency Christ should offer himself and so readily professe Behold I come to do thy will O Lord Thus when he formerly had said I sanctifie
all majesty and divine honour was in a state of humiliation and he was in a form of a servant even then when he was equal to God and as David when he came to the actuall possession of the Kingdom did come to it by degrees first at Hebron in s●me part and then afterwards in Jerusalem over all Israel Thus the Lord Christ while on earth had severall discoveries of his divine glory and honour but the full enjoyment of it was upon his ascension and hence it is that here he speaks he was loved before the foundation of the world because the Father had appointed this glory to him from all Eternity Thus we have handled this love as it relateth to Christ but you must know that it doth not concern him only but it belongs also to the whole Church of God So that herein is involved our greatest consolation for there are these particulars contained in it 1. That Christ and we are comprehended in one act as it were of Gods love and his Election So that although we may and must conceive a priority and posteriority in signo rationis as they say yet in naturâ they are together for seeing that the Father did predestinate him to be head of his Church and so doth love him as head of his Church it must necessarily follow that the Church also which are members to Christ their head must be included in that Election for the head and the body cannot be severed Now doth not this wonderfully make for the glory and comfort of Gods people that at the same time Christ was appointed to be a Mediatour They also are ordained to be saved by him As soon as ever he was made the head they were made the body In this respect it is that Christ and believers are said to make up one mysticall person and by this means what Christ had and did is communicated unto us 2. Here followeth the Eternity of Gods love to us For seeing that Christ was loved before the foundation of the world So also must we for we are chosen in him Eph. 1.4 from all Eternity So that although the effects of Gods love are vouchsafed to us in time yet the purpose to do this was from all Eternity Oh then the overflowing love of God to a beleever how should this melt thy heart and be like fire in thy bowels when thou hadst no thought of thy self when no friend could speak a word for thee yet even then God had thoughts of mercy towards thee 3. Here is the perpetuity and immutability of the Fathers love to thee for he cannot repent in his love as men may They sometimes love those who prove otherwise then they expected They never thought such would prove so forgetfull and therefore repent of all the kindenesse that ever they shewed them but it is not so with God for he foreknew all that ever we would do he knew our sins our unkindnesses our rebellions and yet for all this intended love to us so that God cannot say these men are greater sinners prove more unkinde to me then ever I thought they would have No the only wise God cannot be subject to such errour besides men may love those where they repent afterwards because they cannot make them good whom they love the more they love it may be the persons loved do become the worse by it but it is not so with God whom he loveth he makes holy This is one great effect of his love to put his Image into them to make them walk in fear of him all the day long Thus God will immutably love because he will alwaies keep up grace in the hearts of those where he hath begun it Furthermore This love is perpetuall because in Christ We are now joyned to him by an Union that can never be dissolved When Christ ceaseth to be an head then we shall cease to be his body So that the perseverance of the Saints is built on this rock they are elected in Christ and are in time united to him and therefore shall never be cast off no more then the Father will cease to love Christ as an head but these things were in part spoken to before Vse Doth the Father thus love Christ Then what strong arguments have we to believe and be confident in all those Petitions which are put up in Christs Name Hath Christ praied for thy Sanctification for thy preservation that the evil of the world may not infect thee Know Christ is so loved that nothing can be denied him What if the Father love not thee for thy own sake what if he see no lovelinesse in thee yet in Christ he seeth enough Certainly as the Father doth only look upon us in Christ so should we also look upon our selves as in him Vse 2. Are the godly also comprehended in the same love wherein Christ is then what matter of joy have they under all discouragements under all the hatred and cruell oppositions they meet with in the world What though the world hate thee though thou hast no love from all thy natural friends ever since thou began to love God Oh possesse thy soul with this love of God in Christ for this answers all things SERMON CXXXIX Of the Righteousness of God as a Judge in his Administrations to Devils and wicked men And as a Father unto his own people JOHN 17.25 O righteous Father the world hath not known thee c. SOme have thought that our Saviour having finished his prayer for all sorts of believers he doth now give thanks to God that had revealed himself to them and not unto the wicked world and therefore they compare it with that place of Luke 10.21 But the general torrent of Interpreters upon more probable grounds does conceive this to be a continuation still of the former prayer for the eternal glory of all believers Indeed Piscator thinks that our Saviour doth in this close return again to the Apostles onely but the Arguments our Saviour useth are general and do relate to all believers and therefore we are not to limit this comfortable passage to some eminent believers onely The Matter you heard prayed for all believers was their eternal happiness expressed in those words to behold the glory which the Father had given him with the reason of it because the Father had loved him before the foundation of the world So that although Christ as God had right to glory alwayes yet being in the flesh after an infirm and passible manner the glory thereof was eclipsed which the Ancients did well express by a Candle or Lamp in a lantern that would indeed give great light but the lantern being compassed about with clay hindred the emission of that light till it were removed and thus till all those humane infirmities were taken away which Christ subjected himself to while in the flesh and he risen again those glorious beams of his Divinity could not send forth themselves This I say being the matter
some while he was here on earth or mediately and that is by the discovering of the work of grace upon our souls whereby we gather Gods love toward us and this is the ordinary safe way that we are to take otherwise under the pretence of immediate revelations we may fall into sad delusions and this way the Scripture suggests viz. that by our love to the brethren by keeping his Commandements we may gather that we are loved of God Do not then expect as if thou shouldst hear a voice from heaven in a glorious manner as Christ did Thou art my beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleased but begin at the work of grace and Sanctification in thy heart by which thou maist certainly conclude of Gods love as by the Sun-beams we may conclude the Sun risen yet this must be necessarily added that we can neither discern of the work of grace in us or have such full perswasions of Gods love thereby but by the spirit of God as in Rom. 5.5 we of our selves through the sight of the imperfections of our graces would run from the presence of God only it 's the spirit of adoption given unto us which makes us have an Evangelical boldness before him Lastly This love of God perceived and felt by the godly is of a transcendent and incomprehensible nature So that if we should spend our whole life in the meditating of it yet we are never able to go to the bottom of it This is admirably expressed Eph. 3 19. that ye may know the love of Christ which passeth all knowledge from whence followeth that we are filled with the fulness of God for this love to us is the same in kinde though not in degree with that whereby he loveth Christ himself Christ and his members are comprehended in the same act of love what an unspeakable consideration is this to a poor believer Again the love of God is such that he gave his only begotten Son to the vilest and most ignominious death for them which the Apostle puts also upon it Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world and this love was to us while enemies while adversaries and it 's not to bring about a temporall mercy for us but eternal even everlasting glory and lastly this love is immutable and unchangeable God will never alter his love or cease to love such Certainly such a love is that which the heart of a man can never sufficiently comprehend must needs infl●me the soul there cannot be any cold Ice under this torrid Zone Therefore in the next place let us consider the great advantages that a believer hath which hath this powerful sence and feeling of Gods love within his heart And 1. It doth in a wonderful manner encourage and embolden the soul and that under the thoughts of death and the day of Judgement If so be this were to be the next moment if this voice were heard Arise and come to judgement yet the experimental feeling of Gods love would keep the heart so far from being dejected and perplexed that it would rather rejoyce a man and make him lift up his head 1 Joh. 4.17 Herein is love made perfect that is not our love but Gods love to us as the Greek intimateth that we may have boldnesse in the day of judgement That day which is so terrible to the wicked the very name of it is dreadful to them that bringeth much comfort to him who is loved of God Now what a desirable life is this who would not give the whole world to enjoy it viz. that he may walk in such powerful apprehensions of Gods favour that though death come though the day of judgement come yet his heart is not terrified within him The Apostle John speaks of Gods love perfected in us 1 Jo. 4.12 that is in respect of manifestation and discovery as Gods power is said to be perfected in our infirmities or faith to be perfected by love which sheweth that though God doth love us yet till this be manifested and discovered to us his love is not perfected to us 2. The sence and feeling of Gods love doth make us patient and contented yea even rejoycing under all tribulations the more grudgings and discontents thou art assaulted with under any exercises it 's an argument thou hast the less feeling of Gods love upon thee for if this did diffuse it self thou wouldst be more then a conquerour in all these things and certainly if Calvin said gravely from the former consideration out of the place mentioned in John That so far a man is proficient in faith as he is well composed in his heart for the expectation of the day of judgement We may also speak in this particular that so far a man hath profited in Christianity as he can from the sence of Gods favour rejoyce and be above all tribulations whatsoever This the Apostle mentioneth Rom. 5.5 the cause of all those glorious graces mentioned viz. patience and glorying in tribulations as also hope which will not make ashamed all cometh from that love of God shed abroad in their souls and Rom 8 It 's the love of God which he felt in his soul that made him triumph in so glorious a manner that he challengeth all things as not able to hinder him from this love of God 3. This sence of Gods love is a notable inflamer and quickner of the heart unto all godliness to all holy duties How dull how cold and lukewarm are all such performances that flow not from this fire within All is but formality and a meer outside in Religion till we have some apprehension of Gods love toward us yea those that are truly loved of God but yet not assured of it how heavily do they move in any holy duties how sad and divided with unbelieving thoughts how prone to yield to such temptations that because God doth not love them therefore it 's a vain thing to seek his face any longer but if once God let this love shine in upon his heart then it 's like oyl to his bones then it 's like Ezechiels spirit in the wheels then many waters cannot quench this love So that any duty performed out of the apprehension of Gods love is in some respect worth a thousand of those done without it Oh therefore labour to keep this fire alwaies upon the Altar of thy heart 2 Cor. 5.14 the Apostle there saith that the love of Christ constraineth him the word is thought to be used of those Prophets who being immediatly wrought upon by the spirit of God could not keep in what they felt but they must deliver it and thus it is with a man strongly possessed with the feeling of Gods love he cannot keep it in he is in an holy extasie and ravishment he praieth he heareth he doth all things with all his might 4 This apprehension of Gods love will make us wonderfull heavenly It will take us from all things here below As a man on
infirmities 529 That such is Christs care to Believers that they are remembered in his prayer and death before they had a being 532 This truth is full of consolations ib. The aggravation of the love of Christ to Believers 535 God the Father loveth Believers even as he loveth Christ Vide Loveth 642 It is an indearing respect of Believers to God that they do own him and cleave to him when the whole world goeth quite contrary 685 Propositions clearing the point 686 Believing The Believing of Christ being sent into the world is the foundation of our conversion to God 595 Distinctions premised about Believing 596 Blessed It 's a Blessed thing truly to say at death I have glorified God and finished the work I was to do 103 Introductory particulars about Blessednesse 103 104 The Grounds of this Blessednesse 105 Bloud Christs Bloud washeth away not only the guilt of sin but the filth of it 512 C Call A Lawfull Call in those that preach is necessary and profitable both in respect of Minister and people 494 Children Children of God are of two sorts 226 Christ How Christ being God could pray 8 All the godly are under Christs Mediatory prayer 8 The matter of Christs prayer in four things 9 The nature of Christs praier by way of Mediation 10 The dignity of Christs person praying ib. His relation to God the Father ib. Q. Whether Christ was heard in every thing he prayed for or no 11 Qualifications of Christs prayer ib. The condition of Christs prayer ib. Christs prayer sanctifieth our prayers 12 How Christ who is God can be glorified 24 Christ hath power over all men 36 Six particulars to clear the nature of Christs prayer ib. The dominion of Christ appears in nine particulars 38 c. Christ compar'd to many things 45 Six practical inferences from Christs power 47 48 Three Consolations thence 49 Christ had that glory he pray'd for with the Father before the world was 149 Christ had an eternal being proved by three Arguments 150 151 Whence it is that any deny Christ to be eternal 152 Christ hath all things the Father hath 262 This appeareth in seven particulars 262 263 How all Christ hath is the Fathers 264 Christs protection and preservation to eternal life is to be improved 344 This Doctrine is opened in a fourfold principle ibid The effects of this preservation 346 Christ though God yet as man did pray unto the Father 519 Vpon what grounds Christ who was God as well as man did pray 520 The difference between Christs prayer and ours 521 What advantages believers have by Christs prayers 521 Christ is said to be in believers several waies 620 That Christ is in believers and believers are in him ibid. How Christ lives in believers 621 How Christ is in his people more particularly 624 The fruits and effects of Christs being in his people 626 As Christ is in us so the Father being in Christ is also thereby in us ib. How the Father is in Christ ib. How the Father and Christ can be in believers and yet they have such great remainders of sin in them 630 Christs prayer for his people will certainly and infallibly prevail for them 660 Christ is the original and fontal cause of all the knowledge that believers have 681 Propositions about the point 682 Church Christ is the head of his Church 45 Four things implied therein 46 c. There is a great difference between a Church under persecution and not constituted and a Church constituted 495 Church-office Christ hath a peculiar love of those that are in Church-office according to his rule and way 485 In what particulars this love is shew'd ib. The Grounds of this particular love 486 Comfort The Comfort of being like Christ in suffering 438 Condition Reasons why God sometimes changes his peoples Condition from better to worse 332 It is a very sad thing to fall into such a Condition that draws out our peculiar corruptions we are most prone unto 383 This is opened in several considerations 383 c. Try your Conditions 384 Conformity There is a two-fold Conformity to Christ 437 Conscience Often rebelling against the light of Conscience 368 Conversion Conversion is a greater wonder then a miracle 41 Corporal There is no Corporal improvement of Christ 334 Wherein mens proneness appeareth to know Christ after a Corporal manner 335 D Damn THat there are some men that are wilfull set to destroy and Damn themselves c. 364 The inward Causes that move men to Damn themselves 365 The outward Causes 371 Damnation The everlasting Damnation of men is determined 51 Dangers The greater the Dangers are Christs people are in the greater is Christs care of them 272 This is opened in four particulars 272 273 The godly mans life is full of spiritual Dangers 277 This is explained in eight particulars 278 c. Day Day of grace is to be improved 24 Day of Judgement The Day of Judgement is the greatest day that ever was or shall be ib Death Christs Death is in it self sufficient for all yet he gave himself a ransome for some only 241 Four grounds for it 242 Christ by Death went to his Father 289 The particulars implied in the point 290 Whether it be lawfull to pray for Death 442 Vide Blessed Delusions vid. Sins Depend Depend on Gods gracious power only in the way to heaven 313 Devils Devils are in subjection to Christ 3● The Devil may foretell some things to come 395 Divisions Divisions are the fruit of the flesh 570 Remedies for preventing and healing Divisions in the Church 575 What those proper sins are that Divisions among the godly are apt to breed in the world 393 Doctrines Free-will and merit are dangerous Doctrines 125 Dying Why the expressions of Christ Dying for All is to be taken indefinitely and not universally 235 236 E Elected THat none of those that are Elected shall perish 349 Introductory Propositions to clear the same ibid. Election Election is the gift of God 250 Four Reasons of it 251 End What things do diminish the comforts of the gody at the End of their day 109 c. The End Christ propounded in his doing and suffering 116 Errours Men are prone to be lead aside to Errors 318 Errors of judgement are damnable 318 Eternal Death Eternal Death 65 Wherein it consisteth 65 66 The difference between Eternal Death and eternal life 66 It is Eternal Death not to know God 77 Eternal Life Christ gives it to those that are his 56 What it is 57 It consists in three things 57 58 It hath six properties 57 60 Eternal Life compared with this present life 63 Conclusions upon this subject 67 68 Helps to be affected with Eternal Life 70 Examples We are not to live by Examples but by precept 379 F Faith FAith in Christ as Mediator is acceptable to God 211 Why Faith is called the work of God ibid. Five Grounds why Faith in a Mediatour should be pressed 223
full glory to God 307 Heretiques Heretiques that endeavour to spoil Christ of his glory 151 Holy To make a man Holy is more then to make a world 41 God is Holy and so makes others holy 297 The most Holy should be humble in their approaches to the holy God 299 To scoff at Holinesse is to rise up against God ibid. Hour The word Hour hath several significations 19 Christs Hour ibid Vnder a dark Hour be patient 23 The Hour of Gods anger is shorter then the hour of his mercy ib. I Idolatry IDolatry a great and grievous sin 93 Jews Jews deny Christ to be our Mediator 90 Ignorance Ignorance to be lamented 75 Where grosse Ignorance is of Christ there men are in a damnable condition 80 The Causes of Ignorance 81 82 Ignorant All men naturally Ignorant of God in a saving manner 74 Impotency Mans Impotency to any thing that is holy 4 Institution The Institution of Sacraments is grounded upon the power that is given to Christ 27 Inferences Inferences from the knowledge of the true God 93 c. Instrumental causes Instrumental causes are Physical Natural or Moral 470 Joyfull Joy Christ doth really intend that his people shall be Joyfull 400 This is opened in four particulars 400 401 There is a Joy in Christ that his people are to have fulfilled in them 407 There is a three fold Joy ibid To know the nature of this spiritual Joy consider the particulars following 408 The transcendency of this Joy above all other worldly joy 410 The effects of Christian Joy 412 Spiritual Joy may then most abound when soul humiliation and godly mourning is put in practice 415 Judas Why Judas is called the son of perdition 362 Why Judas is said to be already perished 363 What particular eminencies Judas had 372 c. The thing in which Judas did debase himself 375 Take heed of proving a Judas 384 Justification Justification is the gift of God 252 The Reasons of it 253 K Keeps HOw much is implied in this that Christ Keeps them as his charge 339 Known God is only and properly Known by the godly 162 Knowledge Knowledge two-fold Speculative Practical 73 By the Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ we come to eternal life 74 Inbred Knowledge may be increased by the contemplation of the creature ib. True Knowledge only to be had within the Church ib. Without true Knowledge no salvation 75 We must have personal and explicite Knowledge ib. Reasons why Knowledge is so necessary to salvation 76 Motives to move to Knowledge 82 83 Effects of Knowledge 84 85 88 Why Knowledge that is not thus accompanied is ineffectual 88 Our Knowledge of God is very imperfect 91 Who are excluded from the Knowledge of God 96 The Knowledge of the true God is not enough to salvation without the knowledge of Christ 96 The Knowledge of Christ opened in five particulars 97 The Knowledge of God may be had several waies 162 Proved by five Arguments 163 165 L Life THis present Life 63 The Properties of this present Life 63 64 Love Beloved That though God Love his people yet that doth not necessarily inferre that he must keep them from all misery in this world and place them immediately in happinesse with himself 439 Why God doth not presently take his Beloved ones out of the world of sinne and sorrow 440 Wherein the Love of God to Christ and believers is not alike 646 Wherein Gods Love to Christ and believers is alike ibid. The Father doth not Love believers more then Christ 645 Loved It is of great consequence to the world to know how greatly believers are Loved of God 647 This appeareth in several particulars ib. How difficult it is for the world to be so perswaded 648 God the Father Loved Christ as Mediatour and thereby all believers in him from all eternity 669 The particulars wherein ib. Loveth God the Father Loveth believers even as he loveth Christ 642 M Manichees MAnichees confuted 158 Manifestation Manifestation two-fold 161 Christ as God cannot have any thing given him unless by way of Manifestation 665 Mediation Wherein God was glorified by Christs Mediation 113 Christs Mediation for us is of God 194 Gods people are to believe the fulnesse of Christs Mediation ibid. The fulnesse of Christs Mediation in eight particulars 194 c. Four Reasons why 196 Mediatour Christ as Mediatour glorified God in his Humiliation and Exaltation 30 c. It is our duty to know and believe in Christ as the onely Mediatour sent of God 192 The opening of this in three particulars 193 What Christ had or was as Mediator was for us ib. Which appeareth in four particulars 193 c. Christ prayed on Earth as Mediator and makes Intercession in Heaven 226 Christ as Mediatour had his glory given him 663 Mediatory All the children of God are under the Mediatory prayer 226 The aggravations of Christs Mediatory prayer in seven particulars 227 228 229 Christs Mediatory prayer and his death is only for the Elect. 232 Several Considerations to clear the point 233 234 235 Mediatory-Office That Christ in his Mediatory-Office hath respect to the meanest and weakest believer as well as to the choisest c. 524 Meditate It is good for the people of God often to Meditate of this That they are not of this world 455 The Reasons why it is so 454 Meditations Meditations are to be serious upon eternal life 71 The effect thereof 71 72 Merit Whether Christ did Merit this glory for himself 666 Ministers Why the best Ministers sometimes not fruitfull in conversion of ●thers 3 The Ministers of the Gospel are to preach Gods word 207 The opening of it in four particulars 208 It 's a special mercy for Ministers to agree in one 320 What are the Causes that make the Ministers of the Gospel thus differ 323 The Ministers of God must endeavour after the most perfect Vnity even to be One as the Father and Son are One 325 The Ministers duty is to deliver onely Gods truth to the hearers 424 The manner how they are to deliver it 424 The Grounds why it is requisite that Ministers should have truth and godliness 483 Vide Truth Why Ministers must be holy 484 Ministry The Ministry is appointed by Christs power 38 Christs power giveth successe to the Ministry ib. It is necessary 101 The end of the Ministry should be to bring men to the knowledge of God and Christ 166 Four Reasons why this is the end of the Ministry 167 c. If Christ though God yet in respect of his Ministry doth attribute all to God How much more the Ministers of the Gospel who are frail men 341 Two Errours in the extream about the Ministry ibid. A grievous sin to oppose the Ministry of God 486 None may undertake the publick Office of the Ministry without a lawfull Call thereto 491 God hath appointed a perpetual Ministry to the end of the world 557 Consider some Propositions for the opening of it
15 16 463 Acts. 17 23 91 17 27 585 20 27 424 26 22 388 Romans 1 21 92 1 17 174 6 19 206 9 5 99 10 2 77 12 1 456 12 10 431 1 Corinthians 1 14 115 1 2 516 2 17 424 3 8 563 6 20 257 6 7 587 8 4 5 90 8 2 94 11 19 389 15 22 44 15 47 435 2 Corinthians 2 15 348 4 6 606 5 16 334 11 20 17 Galatians 1 4 175 3 28 524 4 16 430 6 17 126 Ephesians 2 2 189 2 3 363 4 1 3 4 571 5 2 502 Philippians 2 10 28 2 2 407 2 15 514 3 1 401 3 20 454 3 9 549 4 18 502 Colossians 1 16 150 2 20 45 2 20 171 2 5 596 2 9 629 2 19 635 3 1 454 1 Thessalonians 2 13 478 2 Thessalonians 1 3 189 3 2 254 1 Timothy 1 16 532 4 16 484 5 10 424 6 20 424 6 2 526 2 Timothy 1 9 149 1 9 533 3 16 390 3 15 479 Hebrews 2 7 46 4 9 126 5 14 633 10 29 464 11 26 32 11 24 18 11 3 155 13 18 151 James 2 11 201 4 3 7 4 6 153 5 16 141 1 Peter 1 3 146 1 5 307 1 23 24 479 2 20 554 2 7 686 4 18 355 4 12 389 4 14 15     16. 421 2 Peter 1 6 273 3 17 316 3 12 456 1 John 2 20 513 2 2 278 2 19 360 3 8 344 3 19 552 5 16 230 3 John   2 460 Jude   3 316 Revelation 3 4 364 21 27 364 22 12 464 FINIS * Of the reason why Christ imposed on some new names see Casau● ad Annal. Exerc. 13. In his Apology pag. 8. To all Instructions and Consolations Praier is necessary for their good effect Reasons I. On Gods part 1. God is the sole fountain and authour of all grace 2. That all the praise may redound to him 3. Because God in anger many times doth blast the Word to men for their sins II. From the nature of Preaching and what kinde of cause the Word is of conversion 1. The Word converts not necessarily 2. Nor as a natural cause 3. It s efficacy is only by Gods Institution according to his command and good pleasure III. Because of mans inability to what is good Vse Doct. That all our praiers should come from a spiritual and heavenly heart The requisites to spiritual praier 1. The Spirits enabling and moving the soul to this duty 2. An heavenly heart 3. When the heart and affections are purified and made fit for the enjoyment of God 4. Heavenly praier moveth the heart to more love and delight in heavenly things Vse Why we should pray with the tongue In vocal praier there must be a threefold attention How Christ being God could pray Doct. That all the godly are under the benefit of Christs Mediatory praier I. The matter of Christs praier for his Children 1. All grace 2. Pardon of sin 3. 4. Glorification II. The nature of his praier by way of Mediation III. The dignity of the Person praying IV. His relation to God the Father Whether Christ was heard in every thing he praied for or no. V. Christs praier had all the qualifications requisite to acceptation VI. A condition or medium of good things Why Praier is needfull notwithstanding Gods knowledge and unchangeableness VII Christs praier sanctifieth our praiers Doct. Those praiers successefull that are put up to God as a Father To open this Consider 1. All by nature are in a state of enmity against God 2. The state of Sonship is purchased by Christ 3. We cannot call God Father but by the Spirit of Adoption What frame of heart this compellation Father may breed in every childe of God Why the Title Father so much prevails with God Vse Doct. That God doth appoint times and seasons for his great works I. In relation to Christ II. Gods other dispensations 1. A time is set for the Reformation of his Church 2. God lets wicked men have their time 3. A set time for judgement 4. The hour of every mans death is set 5. There is a remarkable set time of grace wherein God may be found 6. The times of the Churches troubles and deliverances are set Vse How Christ who is God can be glorified Whether Christ did merit glory for himself Doct. It was the holy and wise will of God to glorifie Christ Christs being invested with glory redounds to the advantage of his members 1. It 's a demonstration of his conquest over all our enemies 2. Because of rhat near relation that is between us 3. His glorification a cause of ours 4. In his glorified esta●e he is pleading for us 5. It encourageth us to lift up our hearts to heaven The nature of this glory which Christ praied for There were three degrees to it Wherein this glory of Christ doth consist Doct. We should desire comforts and advantages chiefly that God may be glorified I. Christ did so 1. In his humiliation 2. In his exaltation II. Much more should all men be affected more with Gods glory then their own good The goods of a godly man 1. Heavenly 2. Earthly The principles constituent of such a gracious disposition 1. He must be born again that can do it 2. He must have great love to God 3. And be mortified to the world Reasons 1. God doth all things for his own glory 2. From the nature of Gods glory and all earthly comforts respectively 3. Because of the greatnesse of Gods glory and the value of it 4. Else we are guilty of spirituall Idolatry Vse The Text vindicated against 1. The Arians 2. The Ubiquitarian Lutherans 3. Papists Doct. Observe these particulars to clear the nature of Christs power I. Christs dominion universal II. The administration of Christs power is by his Spirit III. Of Christs dominion over the consciences of men IV. The chief effects of Christs power are spirituall V. It is infinite power VI. It is arbitrary in the use of it In what particulars Christs dominion appears 1. In appointing a Ministry for the conversion of souls 2. In giving successe to the means of grace III. Enlightning the Understanding IV. V. The Fountain of Grace VI. The giver of glory VII Forgive and pardon sin VII The great Law-giver IX And supporter and comforter of his people X. The Judge of the world XI And the subduer of his and his Churches enemies Vse 2. Vse 3. Vse 4. Vse 5. Vse 6. Vse of Consolation Doct. That not all but some of mankinde are given by God the Father to Christ to be redeemed by him How warily the doctrine of predestination should be preached The Doctrine repeated Corollaries from hence I. From the Father giving 1. The Father is the original Fountain of all good 2. That the Father expects the salvation of those he hath given to Christ 3. No cause to doubt of Gods accepting of Christs Mediation 4. All that the Father gives to Christ shall
these do accuse thee say if a discharge had not been fully made how could Christ be glorified 2. It makes much to our eomfort because of that near relation which is between us so miserable and afflicted here and Christ our head now glorified What can be a greater cordiall then in the midst of all those exercises and trials and reproaches the people of God are debased with then to think they have a glorified head in heaven Though they be contemptible he is not This is but a conformity to him in his sufferings that we may also resemble him in glory 3. It is much to our comfort and advantage to hear of this because his glorification is a sure and effectual cause of ours so that our hearts may greatly rejoyce at this truth For as the Apostle argueth from Christs Resurrection If he be risen then shall we also certainly rise So doth the Argument unavoidably follow if Christ be glorified then shall we also be glorified with him so that when those innumerable Objections do arise how shall these vile bodies ever be made glorious How shall these corrupt and weak souls ever be made happy and blessed The answer is easie What is already done to Christ glorified will in time be fulfilled to us Death and the grave had no dominion over him no more shall it have over us Hence it is that the Scripture saith We are already set down with Christ in heavenly places Eph. 2.6 because he is our head Fear not then such a glorified head will not forget his members He said He went to provide a mansion place Joh. 14.2 It cannot then be but that Christ will set you on Thrones of his glory as well as he himself is set So that this doctrine is wholly for thy comfort 4. It may much rejoyce us to hear that Christ is glorified because in this state of glorification he is mindeful of us and pleading for us So that howsoever the greatest parts or effects of our mediation were seen in the time of his humiliation by his life and his death The Scripture attributeth all the mercies we do enjoy yet since he ascended into heaven and is partaker of all this power he maketh intercession for us his daily will is that the priviledges he purchased should be applied to us He daily acts as a King subduing our lusts conquering our corruptions applying his comforts and consolations to his people Well then Christ is glorified not for himself only neither is he exalted for his own honour meerly but it is for our glory as well as his for our honour as well as his As Joseph was lifted up in Pharaohs Court not for himself meerly but for his brethren to succour them in their necessities And as the glorious effects of the Sun are not so much for it self as for us the Creatures below oh then let thy soul cast off all unbelief and trouble when it heareth of Christ glorified for in all this glory he doth not forget thee he is not ashamed of thee Lastly This advantage the soul may make of this Truth thereby to lift up our hearts to heaven and to desire to be there where our glorified head is Thus the Apostle he longs to depart to be with Christ Phil. 1.23 and the Church longs for and hastens the coming of Christ from whence we look for Christ saith the Apostle Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodies into his glorious body Oh this should make us draw off all our affections and desires from other things Christ glorified should be the loadstone we should not be at ease or quietnesse till we come to him which made Austin say That as there were some men who needed patience to die so there were others who needed patience to live for the love and desire after Christ did so burn in their hearts that having tasted of this honey they judged every thing else gall and wormwood so that this Truth may be like fire burning in our bones In the next place let us consider the nature of this glory which Christ praied for And 1. There were three degrees to it The first and immediate beginning of this glory was upon his Resurrection After the black and dismall clouds this Sunne had been in the first glory of it began to appear in its Resurrection from the grave By this he was conqueror of death and the grave By this he judged the Prince of the world Till this was in all mens thoughts Christ seemed to be overcome in all appearance he was now brought under the power and command of death and Satan He was judged weak till this power discovered it self and this resurrection being not only by the Fathers power but his own He being the Sampson that brake the barres and bonds of death it was thereby made manifest to all the world that he was the Sonne of God Resurrection is such an impossible thing to humane reason and so incredible that Paul was cried down for a vain babler Act. 17.18 in promulging such doctrine and only in the Church of God Was ever such a thing heard of But this Resurrection was remarkable in Christ who not only raised himself from the dead but also caused many others to rise with him here was the first degree of his glory 2. The second degree was his ascension into heaven and this did exceed his Resurrection for though he was risen yet he conversed with his disciples did eat and drink with them occasionally so that he was to partake of greater and fuller glory when he ascended into heaven This Ascension of his into Heaven was great matter of wonderment and astonishment to his Disciples They all stood admiring when he was carried up thither Act. 1. 3. The last and chiefest degree of this glory was sitting down at the right hand of God By which expression is meant that great and wonderfull honour which God put upon him he sitteth at the right hand that demonstrateth a full and compleat victory over all his enemies and a quiet possession of this glory In these three things lieth all the glory Christ praieth for Resurrection Ascension and sitting down at Gods right hand all which immediatly followed his passions and sufferings and God had appointed such an order that one must be before the other and such a way God also doth take with his people They must have a Crown of thorns before they have a Crown of glory In the third place let us consider some of the most eminent and chiefest particulars wherein this glory of Christ doth manifest it self And 1. It lieth in that spirituall command and authority which he hath in his Church This is expressed when he saith All power is given to me in heaven and earth therefore go make disciples and baptize Here you see the Institution of Sacraments is founded upon that power given to Christ and from this it is Eph. 4 That upon his Ascention He led
all honour and glory shall be given by the Saints in heaven to all Eternity to the Sonne only it shall be to him as the meritorious and procuring cause whereby we are brought to enjoy the Father Having thus considered Christs intentions in all his works that the Sun cannot be free● from spots then his holy will was from all oblique and sinister respects Let us consider man who being a meer creature having all both in being and continuation from God as the beams from the Sun and the streams from the Fountain it lieth as unavoidable upon him to be affected more with Gods glory then his own good This is a very hard task to flesh and bloud but self-love and de-ordination of the faculties of the soul hath made it thus difficult Now we may divide the good of a godly man into two sorts Either that in heaven his treasure laid up there in the upper Region Or all the good he can have in this life in the lower Region And of both these we commit a kinde of horrible Idolatry when we desire them upon any other terms then in tendency to God If it be so great a sinne to alter the bounds and change the Land-marks which the Laws of a Nation have set how much more to break that good and excellent order which God hath appointed between him and the creature Let us consider the first kinde of a godly mans good his eternall felicity and salvation even this glory he is to desire in subordination to Gods glory For if Paul could make a conditionate wish and veleity that he might be accursed from Christ Rom. 9.3 to serve his brethren how much rather might this be done for the glory of God yet take heed of a mistake here some have gone so farre as to say that a godly man is never truly humbled till he can be willing to be damned for Gods glory and that it 's unlawful to look at the reward in heaven This is dangerous as well as false for it 's not lawfull but a duty to seek our salvation Rom. 2.7 To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for honour and glory and Moses is said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to have a fixed earnest eye upon the reward Heb. 11.26 So that it 's a Speech full of vanity and no man can speak it truly that he is willing to be damned for Gods glory for such a thing cannot be and our salvation we are bound to desire so that we must take heed lest by overmuch wringing a good truth we make bloud come out instead of milk yet though this be so it 's no contradiction to say that a godly man hath such an holy principle within him that would carry him out to the obedience of God though there were no heaven and that the glory and honour of God is his principal end that it 's dearer to him then his own soul and truly if we see in nature God hath so ordered it that every particular denieth it self to preserve the universall The water will ascend upwards that there may not be a vacuum and the particular orbes are carried about against their own motion according to the power of the first mobile how much more must this hold in man and God all his life comforts and happinesse it self is to give place for Gods honour and glory Let God be glorified and ruat mundus but I shall not insist on this Let us descend to those particular good things we have in this world riches honour greatnesse and parts We shall see it 's the greatest reason in the world that we should not desire these things to advance our selves to satisfie our appetites but only thereby to glorifie God but who doth this yea who is able to bear this truth to take this yoke till a renewed nature hath made it easie And therefore let us first consider the causes procreant or principles constituant of such a gracious disposition as to be able to say O Lord I begge for health for a good name for outward comforts in this world but it 's not for my own sake so much that I do this as that hereby I might glorifie thee And 1. He must necessarily be born again or from above he must be partaker of a divine nature that can ascend thus high He that is of the earth is earthy he that is of heaven is heavenly Till a man have the Image of God and be made like him he cannot but minde earthly things When men are made godly you cannot say O Curoae in terras animae No then their souls as well as their bodies are made streight up towards heaven A worm can never do as the Lark soar up on high singing as she goeth but when descending towards the earth silent as if she were grieved Till then God hath made us new creatures given us new hearts and a new spirit within us we cannot desire these worldly comforts for any other end but our selves To be rich to be great to be wise only for our selves 2. There must be great love to God that can make us relate all things to him Jacobs great love made him do every thing to obtain Rachell and so a strong love to God will make us sacrifice all to him insomuch that our love is of so great an operation that God in a speciall manner commands that for himself and that not a meer love but love with all the heart and might Mat. 22.37 Nothing is to be left out love is fire and where that is it will burn separat heterogenea it divides all heterogeneous matter if riches if honors if friends oppose this it trampleth on them all and for this reason it is that our Saviour saith If a man hate not Father and Mother he is not worthy of me Luk. 14 20. so that the love of God is not kindled in mens hearts if it were as fire assimilateth all things into it self so would this love make us referre all things to him whom our souls love Thus David Whom have I in heaven but thee and Paul the love of Christ constraineth me 2 Cor. 5. Oh that we had the experience of this more Dost thou not see what the love of money puts the worldly man upon What the love of pleasures puts the voluptuous man upon They doe all things in reference to such corrupt ends Thus where there is an heavenly love that makes use of every thing to glorifie God that studieth and meditateth how may I advance and set up the honour of God by these things This love would quickly put out all carnall and worldly love as the beams of the Sun will put out the materiall fire 3. Mortified affections to every thing here below when we can perform the Apostles commands To buy as we bought not to weep as if we wept not 1 Co. 7. This duty of mortification the Scripture often speaketh of as a
then to think This Judge I have dishonoured I have wronged I have broken all his Commands Oh if it were any other Judge I could hope to speed better Oh if you have any love to your souls lay this to heart Thy wickednesse thy prophanesse it hath been against Christ It was he that commanded thee he sent his Ministers to perswade thee and thou saidst Give me my lusts rather then Christ the world rather then Christ and this Christ is now come to be my Judge What dost thou think or beleeve about these things Why dost thou stop thy ear Why dost thou stifle thy Conscience Why dost thou labour to suppresse these thoughts within If that all this power will not passe by thee though but one man Think not what care I for this power I will do well enough howsoever 3. Consider its power that one day will be expressed only in a dreadfull way Not the least drop of honey in this Ocean of gall As yet indeed Christ who hath all power emploieth much of it for the salvation of thy soul He sends his Ministers who entreat you to be reconciled with God and how should that melt you for what are you how despicable and unworthy that God should desire you to be reconciled to him he needeth you not he wants you not This is true but the time is coming when all his power will be manifested in a dismall condemning way Then he commands his Gaolers the devils to take and torment for ever Then he comes in flaming fire of vengeance cry then if thou wilt Lord where is thy power to save thy power to forgive and he will say there is no more time for such power any longer Expect no more blessings no more invitations but now prepare for those torments thou art adjudg'd unto Did we preach these things to Heathens and Pagans that do not beleeve the truth of them it would be no wonder if they did not regard them But how is it that you who say ye beleeve these things that you do not go out and weep bitterly 4. This power is spirituall it doth reach to the hearts and consciences of men Oh be afraid lest upon thy wickednesse he puts thee forth lest he make thee a Cain a Judas Oh it 's not all thy wealth all thy jollity all thy pleasures that are able to withstand these troubles and tempests if Christ raise them up in thee If he deliver thee to Satan as some were then Christ withdraweth all his comfort all peace and lets the devil be thy tormentor and thy heart an hell especially this is done sometimes in time of sicknesse under fears of death when nothing but outward calamity compasseth thee about then he commands those black and thick clouds to cover thy heart which are as a gulf between Gods mercy and thee There is no sinner so haughty so jolly so scornful but Christ can quickly turn his Sun into a black night Every thing shall bring thy sins and hell to thy minde oh be afraid to live so lest you provoke Christ to put forth this power 5. It 's a just and righteous power and therefore never expect impunity and freedom For what is the sweet poyson that undoeth thee Oh thou thinkest of mercy thou dreamest of mercy thou speakest of mercy but shall not the Judge of the world be just also And is it not the greatest justice in the world that as thou wouldst not hear him speaking in the day of grace so neither should he hear thee begging and crying in his day of justice Is it not a most just thing that thou who saidst Let me have my lusts though I be for ever separated from Christ that thy own desires should fall upon thy head What shall Christ be refused and that day after day for every lust and sinne and shall this alwaies be forgotten Will Christ never be avenged for it Lastly This power of Christ is to inflict eternall misery It 's everlasting fire and everlasting burnings It 's a fire that never goeth out worms that never die Now what power in the world is like this Can any make thee miserable for ever Can any say Be thou in torment to all Eternity but this is the power we speak of As the Apostle said We count not those short afflictions equall to that eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 5.14 So ne●ther do thou judge those pleasures equall to that eternal woe A second Vse of Consolation For this Doctrine is like the Bee it hath a sting and honey Like the Ark that had Manna and a Rod Now what unspeakable comfort ariseth from this to the godly much every way 1. The Children of God they are subject to sad temptations about the weaknesse of their graces and the strength of their lusts David was not more fearful one day or other of being overthrown by Saul then they are at last to be destroied either by hypocrisie or apostacy Now what surer remedy what more precious cordial can there be then this Omnipotency of Christ this plenitude of power It was said of the Pope who pleaded for fulnesse of Church-power that it was not plenitudo potestatis but tempestatis But it 's otherwise with Christ his fulnesse of sufficiency is for every want of thine in any spiritual way he can as easily give thee spiritual things as temporal if thou wantst bread health thou thinkest it 's but Christs command and he can multiply the Loaves now he is as willing to do this in heavenly things It 's but a word from his mouth and thy proud heart is humbled thy unruly heart pacified thy grieved heart comforted yea he is more willing to give us spiritual things then Parents give Children their temporals how much rather will he give the holy Ghost to them that ask him Mat. 7. Oh then though all the world cannot help thee in this matter yet Christ hath power to do it and as for his willingnesse what cause of doubt seeing he was crucified and underwent voluntarily all that ignominy and curses that he might be exalted to this power to help thee Josephs Brethren were afraid because of their guilt that Joseph now so much preferred would not help them but he is Joseph and will forgive wrongs so also will Christ do to thee The second Temptation is about Pardon of sinne and Gods displeasure Oh this is a restlesse Sea in which the godly are tossed up and down This is the Whales belly that swalloweth up all Oh but here is a blessed haven here is one can command the windes and waves to be still here is one can say Son be of good comfort thy sins be forgiven thee 3. The outward exercises of the godly are very many They have many thorns in the flesh They have deep waters to go through Now what is an help but the power of Christ I can doe all things through Christ None but Christ None but Christ said the Martyrs
plain by that of our Saviour If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them John 13.17 Therefore meer knowledge without doing is not happinesse And this we see the very Heathens could pitch upon that happinesse did not consist in a speculative knowledge but in virtuous actions Yea Aristotle observed that a prophane dissolute life did not corrupt speculative sciences as Geometry and the Mathematicks but it would immediately morall habits So then Knowledge with affections and good effects is that which leadeth to eternall life Hence wicked men are many times said not to know God because though they have never so much speculative understanding yet because by their lives and ungodly waies they dishonour him therefore they are said not to know him Now the concomitants or effects rather of this knowledge are of two sorts either internall in the heart or externall in our actions We will enumerate the first and then the later Saving knowledge hath this internall effect 1. That it makes a man have a firm and divine immoveable assent to Scripture-truths For if we should have all the knowledge of men and Angels yet believe nothing what advantage could it be to us There may be knowledge meerly apprehensive as those heathenish Writers Julian Porphyrius and others who argued and disputed against the Christian Religion in this they knew what it was else they could not have disputed against it but they did not believe it to be true The Pharisees that so much opposed Christ they knew the sense and meaning of this doctrine but did not believe it so that if knowledge be not accompanied with faith though we had the highest degree of it yet it would profit nothing Therefore Christians are not called knowing men so much as Believers that is their frequent title because the firm assent they give to Gods truth is that which is most available to salvation Enquire then after thy faith men of great knowledge are many times great Atheists or Scepticks they can say as much for one way of Religion as for another and hereupon are alwaies wavering and doubting but have no determinate fixing of the heart upon God yea Aquinas observeth that a knowing man hath more temptations against his faith then one more simple It 's well then when with thy knowledge thy faith is also firm and stedfast 2. Then is thy knowledge saving when the main and noble act of the will doth presently follow which is to choose and take God for our chiefest good and to imbrace the goodnesse of all those things we know for the devils they have knowledge enough called therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because of their exceeding great knowledge yet they are most maliciously opposite to God because by their wils they do not choose and imbrace that which is good The two main pillars of the soul or the chief faculties thereof are the understanding and the will The object of the understanding is truth of the will is good Now the understanding is to be like a torch or starre to guide the will and whatsoever the minde discovers to be true and good that the will is readily to receive so that then our knowledge doth attain it's proper perfection when it prevaileth upon the will and moveth that the understanding is the counsellour the will is the Queen if that then be moved to choose the good discovered then hath the understanding obtained its end See then how it is with thee thou knowest God and Christ but how as the chiefest good as to be chosen above any worldly excellency and therefore thy will cleaveth fully to them this is rightly to know While something is done upon the will till that be bowed and changed the strongest hold stands out against God Oh then pray and again pray that thy knowledge may so farre prevail on thy will that it shall renounce all other things to adhere to God only 3. This knowledge of God must draw out those eminent affections of love joy delight and fear of God You see God in the Scripture is made the proper object of all these affections as if we had them for nothing but God our love that God will have all Thou shalt love him with all the heart and so for our fear that is often required Sanctifie the Lord God and let him be thy dread and we are often commanded to rejoyce in the Lord So then seeing God is the proper object of these affections and we may not place them any where but on him and things relating thereunto it behoveth us to see whether our knowledge do thus kindle and inflame us after God or no. Certainly it 's the greatest reason that our knowledge should have such Divine operations for if we know God as he is revealed in his word he is there discovered to be so great so glorious full of all goodnesse that we cannot but give him the superiority in all things 4. Another inward effect must be a melting sorrowfull and grieved heart that we have provoked God by our sinnes For who can but grieve and lament his folly when he knoweth how great and terrible a God he hath provoked Thus Manasseh after his great troubles and afflictions laid upon him when he had prayed mourned and humbled himself it 's said Then Manasseh knew that God was the Lord Then he knew not before 2 Chron. 33.13 A man then truly comes to know God when through the apprehension of his Majesty and glorious power he abhorreth himself is afflicted because of his rebellions As you see when Job had a further discovery of Gods greatnesse how greatly he debased himself 5. A genuine and proper effect of the knowledge of God and Christ is trust and dependance upon them This is so great a matter that it 's called the just mans life The just shall live by faith Heb. 2.4 Now this grace of trust or dependance is branched into two parts First A trust on God for his protection care and providence over us This is the trust David doth so often speak of in his Psalms and the Prophet makes him accursed that makes not God his trust Jer. 17. The rich man trusts in his riches the idolater in his Idols the great man in his power but all these set up another God besides the true God They that truly know God viz. that he is the Lord of hoasts that he is the principall efficient and all creatures are but instruments depending on him both quoad esse and operari will quickly see it a sacrilegious and idololatricall sinne to trust in any but the true God Psal 9.10 They that know thy Name will trust in thee All our unbelief diffidence and distrust all distracting cares about these things below argue our want of knowledge of God Therefore Mat. 5. when our Saviour forbids these dividing cares he saith All these do the Gentiles seek after they that know not Gods power and his goodnesse they are solicitous sinfully about
darknesse and light are all one to him Oh this is a precious and necessary effect of the knowledge of God when it makes a man cry out with Joseph though in the most secret temptation How can I do this and sinne against God Gen. 39.21 Those wicked men incouraged themselves in their wickednesse by this Doth the Lord see and is there knowledge in the most high Psal 73.11 And on the contrary he that truly knoweth God dareth not be wanton unjust dishonest because the eye of God is upon him wheresoever he is David is much affected with this omnipotence and omniscience of God Psal 139.2 4. Thou knowest my downsitting and uprising yea every thought thou knowest afarre off How could there be such works of darknesse such sinnes committed in secret that are not fit to be named but because men do not know God in a right and true manner By this we see there is little true knowledge of God in most towns most families because men live not as sensible of the just and revengefull eye of God beholding them alwaies 4. Where there is a saving knowledge of God there is a good and holy use made of all afflictions and miseries that fall upon them They know they are strokes from God and they come because of sinne that their end is to humble ●s and debase us under the hand of God and thus all the godly have done They have looked up to God and considered not so much the blow as the hand that gave it so Job The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Job 1.21 not the Sabeans not the devil but the Lord but men that are ignorant of God they discover it in nothing more then in their afflictions they look only at second causes they minde only the help of inferiour instruments they fret they rage they are discontented and thus they think not of God nor their sinnes that have procured these Consider thy self therefore under any exercises and afflictions Is thy heart presently thinking of God dost thou search and enquire into the cause what sinnes of mine have thus offended God have deprived me of my good things I enjoyed this is in a saving way to know him Wo be to that man who like Ezechiel's pot hath boiled in the fire of affliction but his scum hath not gone off 5. A true knowledge of God and Christ will make a man readily suffer and lose all when it 's required and if at any time we are unwilling we love our wealth our life better it 's because we know not the excellency of Gods glory and what an unspeakable reward is laid up for those that deny themselves for him 2 Cor. 4. This made the Apostle say We account these light afflictions not comparable to the eternall weight of glory What made Moses choose the afflictions and reproaches of Christ Heb. 11. rather then the treasures of Egypt it was because by faith he saw him that was invisible The Martyrs were no fools though their enemies judged them so for they knew how great that God was whom they feared how able to reward them infinitely above their sufferings and therefore their greatest wisdom was to lose their lives that so they might save them It 's ignorance of God and Christ that makes us unwilling to bear the crosse he requireth of us In the next place let 's consider the ground why knowledge if not thus accompanied is ineffectuall And first Because knowledge in it self is only a perfection in the understanding and seeing that the whole heart is fully corrupted it must be universally healed else there cannot be any salvation I pray God ye be sanctified throughout in spirit soul and body 1 Thess 5.23 Yea this knowledge is but a morall perfection not a gracious As we see in the devils who have great abilities in their understanding And hence it is that a man may be very knowing and yet very vicious because this doth only dispell ignorance from the minde it doth not sanctifie the heart and affections to love and delight in what is good Knowledge is requisite to bring in grace yet knowledge meerly is not grace So that howsoever it be a necessary duty to get knowledge yet when that is obtained there is a greater work behinde in the cleansing and purifying of the heart Praevolat intellectus sed tardus sequitur affectus with the eye we may discern many miles off in a moment but our feet cannot so quickly go thither 2. Knowledge must have practise following because doing is the end and accomplishment of knowing It 's not knowing the rules of Hippocrates will bring health unlesse there be a practicall use of them Hence beleeving is called eating and drinking of Christ John 6. A man that is hungry though he know never so much of excellent meats yet that will not satisfie him unlesse he eat It 's a rule Scire malum non est malum so God he knoweth evil yet this knowledge is not evil so Scire be●●um non est bonum Philosophers make this distinction between the understanding and the will the understanding draweth the object to it self but the will is drawn by the object to it so if I understand any thing I am not in a morall sense that I understand but if I will any thing or love any thing I am what I love Anima ubi ama● not ubi anima 3. Knowledge meerly speculative will not save because Religion lieth most in the affective part Knowledge is desired as a prerequisite but the power and sweetnesse of it lieth in the hearty imbracing of what we know Hence Divines say our eternall happinesse in heaven is initially and radically in the understanding but formally and compleatly in the will Oh then know that all the while Religion is but in thy head and thou hast it out of books and by hear-say thou hast but the shadow of it the substance and sweetnesse of it lieth in the cordiall imbracements and enjoying what we know 4. Knowledge without the effects of it is so farre from saving that it condemneth the more He that knew his masters will and did it not was beaten with more stripes Luk. 12.48 What makes the condemnation of those Christ preached to greater then of the Sodomites the worst of men but because they sinned against more knowledge Vse of Instruction How vain a thing it is to boast of knowledge and learning if an holy life doth not follow it As Absalom was hung by the hair of his head he gloried in so will the knowledge of thy head damn thee Austin said such knowing men go quick to hell oh there are too many such that have much knowledge but no grace that know the Scripture speaking against grosse sins yet they wallow in them The hottest flames in hell are for a knowing wicked man Vse of Exhortation to put all thy knowledge into practise If I know what faith is let me exercise faith If I know what Christ
death but these works of God they are living works partly because they proceed from a life of grace and partly because they will live for ever they will go to the grave with thee to heaven with thee they will never forsake thee 2. It 's our duty to work because God hath made them the necessary way to walk in if we will be saved Without holinesse no man shall see God Labour for the meat that perisheth not Hence if we consider every gracious work of patience love meeknesse we shall see blessednesse is promised to them Not that these justifie only the person justified cannot be without them They are the media ordinata ordained mean in the use whereof we are to arrive at eternal happinesse It 's faith only that receiveth Christ and his righteousnesse yet this faith cannot be separated from an holy walking It 's the eye only that seeth yet the eye cannot be separated from the other parts of the body and thus the Apostle doth immediatly oppose Rom. 4. beleeving working grace and works in respect of Justification yet he doth at the same time presse the Children of God to all holinesse and the fruits of righteousnesse 3. Working is necessary by way of gratitude and thankefulnesse to God and Christ If there were nothing else but this this might pour coals of fire upon thee for how many works of Gods grace hast thou been partaker of If Gods grace did not work all the day long for thee thou couldst not be a moment preserved out of hell and as for Christs working reade the History of his Life he was alwaies finishing the work of thy Redemption and Salvation he had nothing to do for himself all was in reference to thee Oh then how unworthy wilt thou shew thy self of all that love and kindenesse which God and Christ have done for thee If thou like the Sluggard let the Field of thy Soul grow full of briars and thorns Oh how can thy heart be so cold and slothful When thou considerest grace is working for thee all the day long if Christ had no more zealously and earnestly wrought my peace for me then I do perform his duties my soul had perished irrecoverably Lastly Therefore it 's necessary we should work Gods work because we have for a long time spent our selves in the Service of Satan and doing the works of the devil Oh this should be a perpetual goad in thy side this should be fire in thy bosome to consider that there was no hour no day no season but thou didst take the opportunity to satisfie thy lusts Thou never couldst have enough of sinne No thirsty man did more greedily swallow down water then thou didst sinne yea how active to draw on others to infect others with the same plague thou hadst I tell you this will lie heavy upon the godly soul If I were to live Methusalems age it would not be time enough to do God service for the dishonour I have put upon him Thy time is short and thou hast much to do because thou hast undone so much In the next place Consider That it 's lawful for the people of God in all the work they do for God to encourage themselves with this that there is an everlasting glory laid up for them Even as Christ had an eye to this glory so it 's lawful for us Thus Moses had an eye to the recompence of the reward Heb. 11. The godly Rom. 2. are said to be such as seek for immortality and glory Rom. 5.2 They rejoyce in hope of the glory of God and Paul accounted all these sufferings but light in respect of that eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 Indeed Gods glory is to be sought in the first place and then our glory so that it 's a shame if in all our doings and sufferings for God we are not full of joy because of that unspeakable glory apprehended by faith Faith makes it present as if we already were partakers of it So that whatsoever temptations and discouragements are in the work of the Lord this glory will abundantly make amends for it Are there reproaches and disgrace in the world All the while thou didst sin and the devils work thou hadst the love and good-will of the world but since thou hast betaken thy self to the service of God thou art the scoff and reproach of all O think of the glory God will crown thee with before all the world Again are all the works of God painful difficult and contrary to flesh and bloud thou must strive and wrastle much in praier be alwaies in a combat and conflict Remember this everlasting glory yea God therefore doth many times put his Children upon all exercises and sad temptations which make them ake at the very heart and all is to encrease their glory the more Thus Job thus Paul they had extraordinary trials that they might have extraordinary glory Furthermore is there self-denial required in Gods work Must thou part with thy pleasures with thy profit thy delights still remember this glory will make thee no loser for alas what proportion is there between these petty things thou leavest and those everlasting treasures God hath provided for thee In the sixth place That the glory of Gods people may be full he giveth them time and large opportunities of working for him and keeps thee in this world not for any earthly and outward advancement of thy self but to serve him in thy generation as it 's said David served God in his generation Act. 13.36 and God calleth Moses his servant Whatsoever thy relation thy place thy office be God hath appointed thee to work and therefore he prolongs thy life till thy work be done This is a comfortable consideration which all the godly may take that death shall not seize on them while thay have work to do for God and when that is finished then this summons to everlasting glory As for Infants this Truth reacheth not to them and if any like the Thief on the Crosse are called at the last hour and so are not able to work in the Vineyard yet even such have an habitual prepared heart for it if they had the opportunity But for others whose daies are prolonged they are thus to think with themselves I have this day this week longer to adde to my work God hath for me to doe Take heed of mispent time take heed of losing daies and weeks The night is coming when none can work Vse 1. How much comfort and joy the godly may take at the hour of death Their work is done now they have nothing but the Robes of glory to put on That fulnesse of glory they are immediatly to possesse should swallow up the fears of death and the love of the world With what joy should they cry out Farewell Friends Wife and Children welcome God welcome eternal glory Alas thou hast no glory here Thy body is a vile body thy soul a
carnal appetite his lustful heart Thus they eat and drink and go down quick to hell The second thing is faith and herein the godly themselves are greatly to be blamed They do not often in private Meditation and by faith inflame their hearts with the thoughts of glory No wonder if they be so ready to faint and swoon under distresses They have not this water of life to drink of They think They speak They are affected as if all their hopes were in this life only Oh what a shame is it that when the earthly man can day and night comfort himself in his great treasures and abundance of wealth that this eternal glory should not raise thee up There is nothing will make thee a Christian of an excellent and heroical Spirit but faith about this eternal glory Shall the thoughts of a Crown or of a great Inheritance keep up the heart of worldly men and shall not the thoughts of eternal glory keep thee from sinking in the waters of affliction 2. It 's a full substantiall glory It 's called the weight of glory by the Apostle 2 Cor. 3. It 's so full that the heart of man cannot speak or conceive about it As humane glory is compared to all the empty things that are vapors and bubbles and a meer breath a shadow without any substance So this glory in heaven is a massie weighty glory it hath all fulnesse in it There is fulnesse of holinesse We are made pure and without the least spot There is fulnesse of peace and joy The Sea is not fuller of waters then their hearts and souls of eternal comforts There is fulnesse of all thy desires and expectations Here we have the dropsie disposition we have and still we ask yea we can sit down and fancy golden Mountains Oh what compleat conditions and happinesse may men in their thoughts make to themselves and their thoughts are wide but the matter is nothing at all but here this glory is above our thoughts above our desires above our wishes we cannot desire better then what we have The second part implied in the Doctrine is That this glory is to be earnestly praied for by the Children of God And the grounds of this are First Because as you heard God will not vouchsafe this mercy but to a praying people Rom. 2. To those that seek for immortality and honour Hence this is directed to in that Petition Thy Kingdom come and certainly if Christ himself who was thus unquestionably assured of this glory and had merited it at Gods hands doth yet pray for it how much more ought we to have it solely of meer grace Some have put it as a doubt whether it be not a mercenary disposition too unworthy the childe of God to pray for glory Yea it 's disputed by Papists against Protestants that it 's lawful in all our godly actions to have an eye to this reward of glory but they fight with a shadow The Protestants do acknowledge it not only lawfull but a duty to seek after and pray for this crown of glory only we say The love to Gods glory should be preferred before ours We are to desire his glory principally and our salvation as subordinate Oh then let the prophane and wicked men of the world tremble at their death when their night approacheth for how canst thou look for glory who never didst pray for it how canst thou think to be partaker of it who wast never much in seeking after it 2. We are to pray for it because hereby our desires and esteem of it will be more kindled and enflamed Praier is nothing but the desire of the soul expressed by a strong inclination of heart Hence it is That where there are cold desires there are cold praiers where there are importunate desires there are importunate praiers and for this reason it is that even natural men can put up hearty praiers to God for earthly mercies as they are their desires because of the sutablenesse therein but as for spirituall mercies they are like dead men in the grave not at all affected so then by earnest praier for this eternal glory we demonstrate our heavenly desires of it and also our desires are thereby more quickned and enlarged after it Oh what a shame is it that we should pray for health of body freedom from pain pardon of sinne and encrease of grace and not pray for this which containeth it all for everlasting glory is all mercy 3. By earnest praying for it our hope of it is much strengthened and confirmed Now a divine hope of this glory is rhat which makes us bear all afflictions endure all chastisements This is the Oyl to keep our Lamps up It 's the anchor to the Ship It 's that only which keeps the heart from breaking The Scripture cals it the lively hope 1 Pet. 1.3 all worldly hopes are dead and fading but this hope is in the power and promise of God Now there is no way to blow up these sparks of hope into a flame so much as by praier for praier if rightly discharged being a praier of faith it must needs beget a lively hope Oh then that we had this hope of eternal glory reigning in us more Thou hast carnal hope worldly hope all the day long is spent in hoping after some earthly comfort or other but this divine hope is a stranger to thee In the third place let us consider how this glory earnestly praied for will be a cordiall against all temptations will be a reviving to the dry bones in all afflictions yea our whole life in all the changes of it is to be maintained and supported by this hope of glory It 's as necessary the Meditation of this is as the very air we live in as we cannot breath without it so neither can we live without this hope so that the things we hope for in heaven should be the bread we feed on the treasure we inrich our selves by And 1. Because this glory with God is an universall medicine to all our diseases It 's a full treasury for all our wants The Pool of Bethesda was only for one kinde of mercy he that being diseased stept in was healed of his bodily infirmity but it did not cure all other grievances it did not make a poor man rich nor a grieved man chearful or a mortal man immortall but eternal glory doth all things Thou art a Lazarus in soul and body all over full of sores Thou wantest all soul-mercies and all body-mercies here is glory that will do all for thee This is the Ocean other are but shelves This is the Sun other are but Stars In praying for glory thou praiest for all things together in one this one word glory hath every thing in it to say Lord glorifie me there is all things comprehended in it 2. This is the most sutable mercy to a gracious and spirituall heart To be glorified is to be put out
Psa 119.20 They cry out As the Hart panteth after the water-brooks so do our souls after thee O God Psa 41.1 Thus when God calleth a man out of the world he giveth him another Spirit even an heavenly heart he was a beast before now he is like an Angel He did formerly no more understand or discern spiritual things then the deaf ear doth melodious sounds They were a wearisomnesse a burden to him but now they are his delight Secondly They are not of this world because they walk not after the rudiments or elements of the world Col. 2.8 20. The Apostle there sheweth how inconsistent such a life is with an heavenly life When we are risen with Christ Now what are those Elements of the world Even all such principles of Religion as men by humane and carnall wisedom take up to worship God by He cals them Elements or principles because the Jews made their traditionall worship the very foundation and beginning of all as if godlinesse were not able to consist it and Elements of the world because men by humane wisedom without the Scripture do presse them and do not walk by the light of Gods Word This then is an excellent discovery that we are not of the world when in the matters of Religion especially in our worship of God and the way of our justification we are not carried by the principles of a worldly Religion but by divine direction when we do not worship God according to custome to universality and such rudiments of the world as most do The Pagan the Papist discovers a very worldly Spirit in his Religion being able to say no more for it then Heathens have done and so in the matters of justification They say but very little more then Aristotle and the Philosophers of the world have done about righteousnesse whereas the righteousnesse and grace of the Gospel is wholly different from such principles manifest then by thy adoration of the fulnesse of the Scripture and sufficiency thereof that thy religion thy worship thy hopes of salvation are not meerly upon worldly principles and not supernaturall Thirdly The godly man is discovered not to be of the world by his constant life and conversation He doth not live as one that takes this world for his home They declare by their words and actions they seek for another Countrey Heb. 11. As the Israelites were to manifest the Wildernesse was not a place for them to abide in but Canaan Hence Rom. 12.1 They are not conformed to the fashion of this world They are as Pilgrims and Strangers They are in the world as bright Stars in a dark night so that this doth necessarily imply a singularity and exactnesse in the godly mans life comparatively to the world Men of the world are proud earthly bruitish running into all pleasures and following all excesse of riot but they dare not do so so that there cannot be a surer symptome that thou art still of the world then by speaking doing and living as most in the world do 2 Pet. 3.6 Even those that have but a common bare profession of the Christian faith are said to escape the pollutions of the world Though Godlinesse should not have a deep impression on you though it should not go to the root and bottome yet if it hath made any impression at all if it hath gone but to the skin if you have heard of it but by the ear onely it should make thee avoid such pollutions Jam. 1.17 What saith the Apostle James Pure Religion is to keep a man unspotted from the world Pure Religion There is a generation of devils rather then men that mock and deride at purity Thus the Apostle saith there must be a pure Religion and this pure Religion is to keep us unspotted from the world That doth imply the world to be some lothsome noisome dunghill that a man cannot be in it but he is ready to get soil and filth upon him how many trust to sin come and do as we do will you be so pure but whether will you beleeve the Word of God or the devil tempting by such beastly Instruments Fourthly He is discovered not to be off the world because he is principally taken up with heavenly priviledges Jam. 4.4 The friendship of this world is enmity against God and 1 Joh. 2.15 If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him It 's as impossible a man that is godly should be of the world in this sence as it is for Doves to be Moles they cannot live by digging into the earth Hence the godly man is said to be born of God he is said to be heavenly to be from above to he risen with Christ to sit in heavenly places to have his Conversation in heaven These are the noble descriptions of the godly man so that though they use the world and discharge their Relations therein yet they are not overcome by the world They have the world the world hath not them Oh how close may this discovery be for there are many who escape the pollutions of the world and yet are worldly The third kinde of hearers did not only cast off all prophanesse but made some great progresse in obedience to the Word but the love of the world and the cares about it choaked all Did not Judas appear as eminently for Christ as any at first but the love of the world discovered his rottennesse Did not Demas get approbation and that by Paul himself yet at last he did cleave to this present world so that not only prophanesse but immoderate earthly and worldly affections These are inconsistent with the power of grace The world is not only the prophaness thereof but the immoderate and excessive affections to the lawful things of the world Our Saviour doth not say He that loveth his sins or his lusts more then me but he that loveth his Father wife or life it self more then me is not worthy of me Mat. 10.37 See then the difficulty of grace and tremble under it Thou hast with much ado quit thy former sins but do not the inordinate affections about lawful things still ensnare thee Dost thou buy as if thou boughtst not Dost thou marry as if thou marriedst not 1 Cor. 7. Art thou rich as if thou wert not That is thou usest these things as comforts against thy necessities not as Masters over thy affections Fifthly In this it 's apparent they are not of the world because the world hateth them and is wholly opposite to them Joh 17.14 Because they are not of the world therefore that hateth them If they were of the world the world would love his own and 1 Joh. 4.5 They that are of the world speak of the world and the world heareth them There cannot be a better discovery then this The world knoweth his own Let a man be a wise worldly man that matters not religion that regards not the power of godlinesse nor strictnesse
But you see it is a most pleasing thing to God for which he commends his disciples as much as their obedience that they did thus receive him In the next place consider the circumstance of time when this is affirmed of them Now they have known c. What is the sence of that Did they not know and beleeve in Christ before Yes but he speaks here of their proficiciency and growth Now they have known and beleeved more assuredly then ever So that it 's not simply their faith but their growth and encrease in faith that our Sauiour takes notice of From whence observe That it 's not enough for the people of God to have grace but they are to thrive and grow in it To be as the Disciples more assuredly beleeving so as if they did not at all beleeve before Thou art so farre to exceed thy self over what thou wast once that thou maist say my faith my heavenly-mindednesse my love to God was none at all comparatively to what it is now This is a necessary Subject to preach on when you see so many withered Trees so many sick of a consumption in grace Alas of how many may you say the contrary They did once beleeve they were once zealous but now you may say they have none of these respectively to what they had God is not satisfied with the truth of grace unlesse there be also growth in grace If thou have received a Talent and canst not say Thy five hath gained a ten there is a fearful curse against thee as an unprofitable Servant Joh. 15.2 See what quick work God makes and how it is growth he looks at Every branch in him that bringeth not forth fruit he taketh away God loves not slothfulnesse and unprofitablenesse no more then prophanesse He doth not say If it bring forth poisonous fruit or wilde grapes but if it bring forth no good fruit and if any doth fructifie then he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit See here the Husbandmans care is still for more fruit If thou art no better then thou wast if thy faith thy love have not an encrease Gods expectations are not answered Hence Heb 6. those that are babes in Christ are severely reproved and they are to be carried on to perfection Not to grow is a kinde of barrennesse yea it 's a degree to Apostatize Therefore the Apostle in that place threatens such Non proficients with that dreadful sinne of Apostacy 2 Cor. 7.1 Let us perfect holinesse in the fear of God It 's not enough to have holinesse but we are to perfect it and he that hath any fear of God will thus endeavour and certainly if the rich man would have more wealth the great man more greatnesse how much rather the godly man more godlinesse To open this let us consider how many waies the graces of Gods people are to grow and thrive And first In respect of their degrees and measure The weak faith is to grow a strong faith their strong faith a stronger and thus of their love of God Therefore love is required with all the soul and all the might Mat. 22. The duty of growth in grace is required of the highest Gyant as well as the lowest dwarf in grace Phil 3. See how Paul stretcheth out himself to run as if he were but a new beginner There is not in the growth of grace as in nature a term or stint then they go no further No but as they say of the Crocodile he groweth as long as he liveth and when he ceaseth to grow he ceaseth to live Thus it is in the work of grace There is a necessity of growing while any Christian life is in thee Thy grace may be made better and more confirmed grace That man knoweth not what godlinesse is that can say Soul take thy ease thou hast godlinesse enough No they cry out Their leannesse their poverty they are climbing up the hill but cannot get to the top Let then the man that feareth God study the improvement of his graces Oh say There is a greater measure and further degrees yet to be had I am ashamed to see how short I come of what ●ought to be I stagger and reel through doubts and unbelief My heart is divided between God and the creature Oh how often is my heart even as cold as a stone There are no burning affections 〈◊〉 hot zeal I see a better way Oh that I could attain unto it Secondly Their growth ought to be in depth and rooting of their graces As the Apostle speaks of the dimensions of Gods love it hath a depth and a breath Eph. 1. Thus the love of the godly and all their graces have their spirituall dimensions and as before we spake of their growth in height so now of growth downwards in a better setl●ng and deeper radicating of their holinesse within them Our Saviour speaks of a foolish builder who did not dig deep enough nor build on a rock Mat. 7.26 and the three sort of hearers did all miscarry upon this Point There was not root rnough What makes the backsliding Demas the apostate Judas but neglect of rooting Oh then look every day that thy Repentance root it self more in the heart That thy faith be more deeply implanted in thee otherwise when a temptation or storm ariseth thou wilt be plucked up by the roots and certainly we may see this is the root of all evil to professors They measure their graces by the boughs and branches thereof not by the rooting whereas we see in all trees the deeper the rooting is the better they are enabled to spread abroad sear then lest thy graces be not got to the bottome of thy heart fear lest something lie closer and deeper in thy heart then grace doth Thirdly They may grow in the extension and kindes of all graces It 's the Apostle bids them adde vertue to temperance and so chains graces together 1 Pet. 1. The people of God they sometimes are careful to avoid such and such sins but then there are others either that they are not convinced of or do not attend unto and there they sail frequently but the god●y man is to grow in extension he is to avoid one sinne as well as another He is to perform one duty as well as another Oh then remember the work of grace is an exact and circumspect thing There go many things to make a man godly we may leave out many necessary ingredients and then marre the whole box of ointment David praied to be cleansed from secret sins Psa 19.13 such as he did not understand to be sins Oh it 's happy when the godly are thus growing that they leave off many foolish customes they once practised That they set upon many duties they once wholly omitted These disciples how hardly were they drawn off from many doctrines that they had been brought up in Fourthly They are to grow not only in their
is so well-pleasing to God that we should believe in Christ our Mediatour It 's accepted of as well as our Repentance or love or any other obedience And 1. Because hereby God is exalted and magnified in his glory We cannot glorifie God more otherwise Now then if God aimed at his glory in the Creation of the world but much more in the redemption of his Children There is not a way to exalt his glory more then by beleeving Thus Abraham in that of his concerning a Seed which did relate to Christ it 's said he staggered not but gave glory to God Rom. 4.20 The glory of his power of his goodnesse he regarded not the dead womb nor any other difficulties Thus it is here when thou seest sinne against thee the Law against thee Justice against thee and that every thing hath a dead womb yea a damned womb for thee to overlook all in Christ is an high degree to glorifie God Oh then ckeck thy unbeleeving thoughts Say Is there any way in the world whereby I can glorifie God like to the relying on Christ and leaning upon his grace So much dishonour as despair casteth on God so much glory faith attributeth to him resist then all the buzzing temptations of Satan and say What shall I not glorifie God What shall I not give God honour 2. The acceptablenesse of it doth appear in the frequent and constant commands that Christ giveth about it It 's true he commands Repentance Love Self-deniall but above all he requireth faith The question he propounded to most that came to him was Do ye beleeve This is so great a duty in Christianity that the Heathens abhorred our Religion as irrational saying It 's only beleeved with them whereupon they called them in scorn Beleevers But this is the grand and primary duty Heb. 11.1 There is no coming to God without this and Eternal life is said to be in this Above all take the Shield of faith Eph. 6.16 If then we see the Scripture so constantly enjoyning this above all yea and threatning with damnation if we do not beleeve How is it that the godly stand aloof of and still are not resolved whether they should beleeve or not Thou dost not so about Repentance Thou never questionest whether thou shouldst grieve or mourn for thy sins Thou wouldst think it high wickedness to do so Why then shouldst thou doubt whether being burthened with sin thou shouldst seek ease by faith in him Is not the command as indispensable for one as the other 3. It 's acceptable Because hereby Christ as a Mediator is improved for all these glorious ends he was appointed by God and thereby Christ is also glorified What shall such unsearchable riches of grace as are bound up in Christ be buried Shall there not be daily acknowledgements of him Now consider that if by Faith thou dost not receive him thou declarest Christ lived in vain and died in vain by what reason thou dost not beleeve for one effect thou must not for another and so for all Thus it will be as if there had never been such a person as Christ We may in some sence call it thy Antichristian unbelief He that denieth Christ to be come in the flesh is Antichrist 2 Joh. 7 Doth not thy unbelief deny him For the denying of his office is by consequence the denying of his person Thy unbelief doth that practically which the damnable heresies of Socinians do doctrinally make as if Christ were not a Mediatour and such who had satisfied the wrath of God for us Oh then know it 's not all thy sins do so immediatly oppose Christ as a Mediatour as thy unbelief doth which makes Divines say that in some sence only unbelief damneth beeause that rejecteth the Mediatour refuseth the Saviour so that as we say It 's not the disease but the neglect of the medicine that kils 4. It 's very acceptable to God because It 's the most evacuating grace It emptieth us wholly of our selves God he delights in humility now nothing humbleth us and takes us off all our seeming worth like faith in Christ for therefore I wholly trust in him for righteousnesse because I have none of my own If I had any rags that could cover my nakednesse I would not be ashamed but now being all over impure and unclean my Faith makes me catch hold on him Thus Paul he counted all things dung or drosse Phil. 3. because of the righteousnesse which is by Faith in Christ Seeing then Faith gives all to God and Christ makes us miserable wretched and hopelesse in our selves No wonder if God doe so accept of it Consider therefore how it debaseth thee and carrieth thee off every thing that is thine and then thou wilt say this is the grace God loveth this makes me nothing and God all in all 5. Faith in Christ must needs be acceptable because hereby we bring a righteousnesse into Gods presence which doth best please him which satisfieth him to the utmost for Christ is made our Righteousnesse and the end of the Law to us he became sin that we might become the Righteousnesse of God through him 2 Cor. 5. ul Now then if we by Faith can bring the Righteousnesse of Christ in all our duties and performances we must needs please him This is to bring Benjamin with us Oh what satisfying Reasons doth Faith in the Mediatour bring O Lord It is not my Righteousnesse nor the Righteousnesse of Adam nor the Righteousnesse of Angels but of Christ who is infinite that I bring before thee O Lord doth not Christ please thee better then I can O Lord is not this obedience better then my Repentance Oh then that we should not be more sollicitous to beleeve in every duty in every approach to God for that brings Christ that presents not our persons or duties but Christ Thus Paul he would be found in Christ not having his own righteousn●sse Phil. 3.9 Ye know not how righteous God is nor the Law nor what God requireth that do not thus press to beleeve Other grounds of this excellent Evangelical Point I defer and come to the Vse which is of Direction to the people of God Oh what joyful comfortable and blessed lives might you live if acquainted with this Truth Art thou dejected filled with unbelieving thoughts it 's from thy ignorance of this Truth You would be more filial and Evangelical were you possessed with this Truth more The Devil labours to keep you off as Saul did Jonathan and the people from eating honey whereas if they had not forborn it their enemies had been quite vanquished he keepeth thee from this honey he knoweth if thou wert beleeving no sin or temptation could stand before thee Heb. 5.13 The babe Christian is said to be unskilful in the word of Righteousnesse what is that he knoweth not Christ and the righteousnesse by him Therefore the Spirit of God is said to convince the world of Righteousnesse Joh. 16.8 O
That there remaineth no hope for us then we may fly to Christ The Law saith Do this and live Do all things in the highest degree else you cannot live Now into what horrour and despair doth this put men till we come to hear that voice Beleeve in Christ who hath fullfilled the righteousnesse of the Law When therefore we preach the exactnesse of the Law and the severity of Gods Justice it is not that we should stay here Alas who can say It 's good to be here no They will cry out as the People of Israel did at the giving of the Law when there was so much terrour But our aim is that by this commotion and trouble upon you you might lay hold upon Christ We would burthen you that Christ might ease you 4. This Doctrine is indeed the very essence and marrow of the Gospel This is the glad tidings that when we of our selves were eternally undone Christ as a Mediatour reconcileth the offended God and offending sinner It was this that the very Angels though it did not so immediatly concern them sang for joy Glory be to God on high Good will to men and peace on the Earth Luk. 2.14 This is that which we finde the Apostle Paul so magnifying every where This is a faithfull saying and worthy of all acceptation 1 Tim. 1.15 Great is the Mystery of godlinesse God manifested in the flesh 1 Tim. 3 16. Oh then we should never be weary of this Subject It 's eyes to the blinde It 's meat to the hungry Clothes to the naked mercy to the sinner grace to the afflicted one This is the fatted Calf and the Robe for the distressed Prodigall Truly as he said he did not love to reade no not Tully because he did not finde the Name of Christ so should all Sermons and Subjects be dull and tedious that do not directly or indirectly mediately or immediately bring us to him All other Points are but accessary or preparatory this is the Substance It 's such an excellent Subject that the Angels desire to be informed more in it and take infinite delight in the knowledge of it 5. This is the more to be pressed because the devil in all ages hath laboured to obscure this doctrine above others Insomuch that Luther called this Articulus stantis cadentis Ecclesiae when the devil could neither overthrow the humane or divine nature of Christ by Heretikes Then he laboured to overthrow his Office of being a Mediatour That if there must be a Christ yet he might be a needlesse and uselesse one so that by this Point only we differ not onely from Jews and Pagans but all Heretiques and Papists The righteousnesse of Christ our Mediatour imputed to us is the Treasure in the Church only This Pearl is hid in this Field only The excellency therefore and dignity of this Point is seen by the devils opposition and his Instruments raised up to obscure and darken it And then on the other side God hath raised up choice Instruments in his Church to vindicate this Truth Luther of all Points was most affected with this and God prepared him for it by laying soul exercises and heart temptations upon him insomuch that he said he often wished he had never been a man Oh the trouble and darknesse that was upon his soul and he used all the Remedies prescribed in Popery to comfort himself but still his heart was as unquiet as ever till at last he was by studying in Scripture directed to beleeve in Christ the Mediatour and in particular to be cloathed with Christs righteousnesse in stead of his own and thus it is still the more spiritually tempted and exercised any man either Minister or private Christian is The more he walketh in darknesse and hath no light The more doth he come to prize and esteem this fulnesse in Christ None love this honey-comb but those who hunger after a righteousnesse that they cannot finde in themselves These particulars discover the necessity of pressing this often and often Therefore the second Use is to bring your hearts in rellish with this Doctrine Oh that thou wert such an Auditour that this Truth might breed a sweet pleasure in thy spiritual appetite If this be the Gospel If this be the glad Tidings If this be the Pearl and the Treasure be thou in the number of those that will part with all to be partakers of it But you will say How may we fit Subjects for this Truth how may we come to prize it more then the honey or the honey-comb Take these Directions 1. Feel sinne as a burden as a weight let it be more to thee then all temporal evils in the world for so Mat. 11. Come to me ye that are heavy laden and I will ease you David Psal 32. when his sinne was ready to overwhelm him then he crieth out Blessed is he to whom the Lord imputeth no sinne When Mary Magdalene hath her head and heart a Fountain of water because of her sins then she is greatly indeared in her affections to Christ Those love much to whom much is forgiven as our Saviour at large sheweth Luk. 7.46 If then thou art not perswaded of thy debts or if the thoughts of them do not afflict and grieve thee never think that Christ will be chief in thy heart Oh then begin here lay this for a Foundation saying All these precious Truths will be spilt like water upon the ground until I be of a broken contrite heart for sinne The Prodigall never regarded the bread and Fulnesse in his Fathers House till he comes to want even husks themselves Joab would not come to Absalom till all his Corn was fired Neither do we readily and willingly runne to Christ till God hath shot his arrow into us tiill he hath wounded us at the heart till we feel sinne the greatest burthen and that because God is dishonoured and provoked and indeed this may be a very good motive to Repentance and humiliation because there is such an excellent Remedy Thou needest not fear going into the depths of this water because Christ will preserve thee therein No wonder if a man not beleeving or acquainted with this Truth be afraid to think of his sinnes That with Luther he hates the word Repent for there is nothing but despair and hopelesnesse about sinne till this Truth be discovered Oh then be no longer afraid to have thy sinnes brought to thy minde Say not They are a greater burthen then can be born for had Cain beleeved in Christ Had Judas beleeved in Christ Their sick and wounded Souls had quickly been healed It 's not the greatnesse nor the multitude of thy sinnes It 's not the terrible aggravations of them may wholly overwhelm thee if so be thou dost but cast Anchor upon Christ 2. If you would have an high esteem of this Point labour for a spiritual heavenly heart For as Christ in his Mediation is wholly spirituall
speak of Christs Intercession it 's constant and never interrupted There is no day or night that it ceaseth Elisha scorned at the Priests of Baal bidding them cry aloud It may be they were either sleeping or in a Journey 1 Kin. 18.27 But the Lord Christ is alwaies attending and minding this very thing Oh the unsearchable depths of comfort that are in this when thou art preaching drinking working then Christ is interceding for thee when thou hast no minde of thy self dost not pray for thy self yet even then Christ is commending thy case to his Father Oh the godly soul should cry out I have enough what can I desire more If this will not satisfie thy disquieted soul what will 4. This Mediatory praier comes from him who not only because of his worth doth merit or because of his dear Relation The Father cannat deny him as you heard but also from one whose affections and compassions are larger to thee then any of thy dearest Friends can be You heard that he was one who was touched with our infirmity one who had gone under several Temptations that he might know experimentally how to succour those that are tempted Oh now it 's farre better to have one praying for us that is experimentally tempted or hath been as we are then ten thousand others Non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco So that so far as any grief or temptation may go without sinne so far Christ knoweth the meaning of it and even for the guilt of sinne and the displeasure of God that he did undergo in the height of it Thus he that intercedes for thee is one who knoweth the meaning of thy Temptations of thy desertions what it is to fear God hath forsaken thee 5. A great aggravating consideration in this Mediatory praier of Christ is the potency and prevalency of it It is an almighty and omniscient praier Luther called the praier of a Godly man so how much rather may we say so of Christ himself God said to Moses Let me alone as if his Praier hindred him from doing what he would do Iacob wrestled and made Supplication and prevailed with God how much more doth Christ then prevail and that upon two Titles 1. of Iustice his Praier is satisfactory and compensatory to God And then 2. Because of Love For he is the only begotten Sonne and welbeloved of his Father The prevalency of Christs Mediatory Praier is seen both for impetration and application for as it is with his oblation of himself so it is with his Intercession There are two special effects of it 1. Impetration 2. Application Impetration is that whereby he doth obtain at Gods hands the right and claim to all those prieiledges he hath purchased for his people Such are Remission Justification Adoption and Glorification These transcendent mercies which are not in the power of the world to bestow are obtained by him and indeed had it not been for this his Mediatory power there had been no such things in rerum naturâ Reconciliation and Peace with God had been a meer Ens rationis men might have imagined such a thing as they may golden Mountains but there had been no existency of them so that it was of infinite concernment to Beleevers to obtain of God that there might be such priviledges They cost him dear It was not only praiers with tears but with bloud also but Impetration is not enough for if it had been as Arminians say That Christ as Mediatour obtained only a possibility of Salvation or made a way for such mercies but then the application to arise partly from mans free-will and power This would be to hold That Christ might have died in vain That notwithstanding all that love of God sending his Sonne into the world and all the wrath that he did undergo Not one man might have been saved This must needs be very derogatory both to the Father and to the Sonne but Christs Praier is for the application and actual bestowing of all those benefits he hath obtained and for this end he sends his Spirit into our hearts Rom. 8 and that is a Spirit of praier and supplication So that we have a twofold bottome to stand upon Christs Praiers and the Spirits Intercession in us Oh the strong Consolations that may be received hence for the godly soul may think Though Christs praier be prevalent yet I must pray also He that asketh not shall not receive Now my praiers are weak dull sinfull See therefore the goodnesse of Christ that gives his Spirit to us to help us against all the Infirmities of our praiers both to know what to pray and how to pray It 's not then enough to hear that Christ by his Praier doth obtain all good things at Gods hand unless he vouchsafe them to us and make us partaker of them Oh then let not the Godly soul say how can I ever be at peace with God how can I ever have power over such strong corruptions This is to say God will not regard or answer Christs Praier 6. The latitude and extensivenesse of Christs praier is also very full of comfort For it reacheth as farre as the effects of his death so that for whatsoever priviledge Christ died for the same he praieth So that as it is said of the Lords Praier that it 's the breviary and Summary of all things to be pra●ed for Thus it is in Christs Praier There is nothing that the soul can desire no evil to be avoided no good to be procured but this Mediatory praier extends unto it Insomuch that it 's the Treasury and stock out of which the Godly soul is constantly replenished We may instance in some particulars 1. Daily pardon for our daily sinnes and Infirmities For though all our former sinnes were wholly remitted yet if we have not a constant remission every hour and moment our condition would be damnable Therefore when we sinne he stands up as an Advocate We see then what it is that may support our hearts against all quotidian failings The vain thoughts the proud and unbeleeving Imaginations The dulnesse and formality of our duties all these are done away by Christs praier We could not have any rest or peace in our consciences all the day long if we had not an Antidote against the daily poison we suck down Alas it 's not thy Repentance thy godly strict life thou maist build on for the least vain thought deserveth hell and would marre all thy graces But it 's the Intercession of a Mediatour without us 2. As pardon of sinne so power against sinne under the urgent and important temptations thereunto Oh this is of admirable concernment That when thou art even eating poison when thou art within the hot flames of sinne yet to be preserved This is so great a matter that we are taught constantly to pray that we may not be led into temptation What sad bruises and wounds have the godly got to themselves in a temptation Thou
for their sinnes as being expiated by Christs Death but because by their unbelief they reject this actuall Reconciliation made for them so that all men have a generall Remission of their sinnes but those only have a speciall Remission that by Faith accept it But this also is rejected as absurd although it be observable that most of those places they bring for Universal Redemption speak of the act and so the Huberians keep more to the plain words then they do who pleade for universal grace Joh. 1.29 The Lamb that takes away the sins of the world 2 Cor. 5. God was in Christ reconciling the world speak of actual not potential or conditional Reconciliation and they themselves say universal redemption not redimibility 3. There are the Arminians and Remonstrants men of greater Learning and more refined understandings then the former and they hold Christ died for all in respect of Impetration not Application Christ died intending a Ransome for all if they beleeve but who should beleeve and who not doth not arise from Christs Death but comes partly from grace partly from free-will So that by this Position though Christ died yet not one man might be saved But this in the issue will be found derogatory to Christ and leaveth the greatest weight of our salvation upon merit 4. There are those that come nearer and are in the number of the Orthodox about Election Conversion Free-will and Perseverance in grace Only they hold Christs dying intentionally for all But how they can reconcile their Opinion with their other Tenents holding Christs universal love to all in his Death if they do beleeve and yet at the same time a special love to some to make them beleeve and not others is judged very difficult and also wholly unprofitable as to any duty or comfort The Doctrine whereof they think the more to establish by this opinion Lastly There are those who say Though Christs Death is in it self suffieient for all yet the purpose and intention of Christ was to give himself a ransome for some only with these I joyn as having Gods Truth on their side I w●ll briefly give you some grounds because others have largely handled it 1. Because we are said to be elected in Christ our Head So that Election though it be originally from the meer will of God yet we are chosen in Christ as the Mediatour If then Election be only of some as it 's plain Rom 9. then Christ died only for some For Christ is but the medium whereby Election doth bring about all the effects thereof Seeing therefore Election is only of some and that is in Christ as the medium Christ also must be for those only that are Elected 2. Out of the Text For whom Christ would not pray as a Mediatour he did not die Shall he give his bloud and will he not vouchsafe a praier his intercession and his oblation go together 3. Those for whom Christ died he did not only die for their salvation but grace to prepare and fit for it Tit. 2.15 he died to make us a peculiar people zealous of good works Now this must needs convince for we speak of dying for all and think only of salvation but Christs death was to obtain Faith and Repentance as the means to Salvation therefore we may as well say universal Faith and universal repentance as well as universal redemption 4. There cannot be a greater love then Christ to die for one and if he hath delivered up Christ for us how shall he not with him give us all things Rom. 8. Therefore to say Christ died for all and yet will not save all is to grant the greater and deny the lesse Vse of Instruction In stead of needlesse and impertinent disputes about Christs death for all do thou labour and apply thy self for a particular share in his death We know not who they are that are shut out but therefore we encourage and exhort every one Oh consider the sad consequences of having no share in his death Who shall accuse It 's Christ that died Christs death keepeth off all accusation and condemnation Oh then wo unto that man who is to answer all accusations and condemnations in his own Name and must justifie himself from the works he hath done It 's now a dispute in every mans mouth Every one will be arguing in this matter when alas the Question is of such a vast comprehension that it 's onely for learned moderate and sober men to handle SERMON XLV The Application of the former Subject Setting forth the Necessity of Faith and Repentance as to the Interesting us in Christ The Freenesse of Gods Love The Qualifications of those to whom Christs Death is made advantagious And also their Priviledges above all others JOH 17.9 I pray not for the world THe controversall part being dispatched so farre as was convenient in this place we now come to the practicall We leade you out of the Camp that ye may gather honey For you may ask To what purpose is all this D●sputation What matter is it whether Christ had a speciall or an universal love in his Death I acknowledge it is very good to keep within the bounds of Sobriety and Piety and not to be so disputative about the universality of Christs Death as to be sollicitous whether we are in the number of those for whom he died for whether he died for all or for some If we repent not and beleeve there will be little comfort or advantage for us either way Vse 1 And therefore the first Vse shall be of Instruction to demonstrate the necessity of conversion and turning unto God from our sinnes for all men that pretend to any reason or piety howsoever they differ about Christs death yet agree in this that no man hath benefit by Christs death but such who cleanse themselves from their iniquities who renounce their former lusts that were like so many Lords quot vitia tot Domini And take Jesus Christ for their Lord and King There was scarce any Heretique ever so besotted as to preach Christ so died for all that it 's no matter whether ye repent or no whether you forsake your sins or no Christ died to save you No they agree in this though otherwise so different that no benefit of Christs death is actually applied to any man till by Faith and Repentance he be a qualified Subject so that the wicked man wallowing in his sins hath cause to tremble and quake under this Truth he may say Mihi nec seritur nec metitur Here is nothing makes for me in all these Opinions If I be Calvinist Arminian or any other way I cannot have any quietnesse or look for any comfort till I and my sins are divided Only that of Origens might give thee some ease if it could be true that all men and devils shall be saved at last after they have been a long while tormented in hell But this is so directly contrary to
therefore see what violence they offer to this phrase By this giving to Christ is meant say they the disposition and ready Obedience which some give to Gods call O monstrous Transubstantiation like that of the Papists of the bread into Christs body For that which the Scripture giveth expresly to God they take away and give to man The Scripture saith God giveth them and they say man giveth himself We see that not only the ignorant and unlearned but even learned men corrupted may wrest the Scripture to their destruction But to discover this Interpretation is refutation enough Indeed it cannot be denied but that in this Chapter there is a twofold giving of some to Christ 1. By Election and Sanctification to Eternal Life 2. A peculiar segregation or destination to some Office Of this latter our Saviour speaks afterwards say some when he said None had perished of those whom the Father had given him but the Son of Perdition But of the former he speaks v. 2. He giveth Eternall Life to every one that was given him and v. 9. They were given him out of the world wheras Judas was alwaies of the world and thus it is taken here So that to be given by Christ is for the Father freely out of his meer good pleasure to choose some in Christ to Eternall Life sanctifying and calling of them in time So that the Fountain of all the good we have is the meer grace and love of God The discriminating difference why Christ prayeth not for the world but his Disciples and in them all beleevers is not from any good or worth in them but meerly from the meer gift of God Obs That all the spritual good the godly enjoy is meerly and solely from the gift and grace of God This is a Point that the Scripture doth most diligently presse and that over and over again because we are so apt to attribute something to our selves Thus the Apostle speaks generally Jam. 1.17 Every good and perfect gift comes from above The earth is no more able to give light to the world then we can do that which is truly good of our selves Therefore 2 Cor. 21.4 What hast thou thou hast not received The Apostle makes an universall charge so that to say I have received from my self and made my self to differ from others as Grevinchovius the Arminian is to blaspheme in an high manner and to put our selves in the place of God You see whatsoever priviledge Gods people have it is because they are given to Christ For the full discovery of this we shall instance in some of the choicest and most fundamental priviledges the godly have and you shall finde they are all so many beamlings from the glorious Fountain of grace They are so many sprouts from that Root And first of Election which is the first step of Gods love to us this we shall finde to be only of Gods gift and that is demonstrated thus Reasons 1 1. From the Original of it It 's only the meer pleasure of his will If it be asked why hath God mercy on this or that man so as to make him happy to all Eternity the answer is So is the will of God Eph. 1. Rom. 9. You see there all is resolved into this The counsell of his will and Mat. 11. Even so Father for so it pleaseth thee Hence Rom. 9. It 's not of him that willeth or runneth but of him that sheweth mercy Those therefore that finde the certain effects of this ancient and unchangeable love of God with what praise and glory are they to break out unto God if they had not only the tongues but the hearts of men and Angels they were not sufficient for this work to glorifie God for what is a drop to the Ocean a spark to the fire a stone to the Moutain a candle to the Sunne Hence it is for this use that it 's necessary as the Apostle doth often to inform the Children of God concerning their Election because that is the first round in that Ladder of Gods mercies descending upon us Oh then be thou astonished at this goodnesse of God it lay in his will to refuse thee and take another There was nothing but his meer Soveraignty and absolute good counsell hath made thee a fit vessell for glory and left others as vessels of wrath by their own voluntary Apostacy in Adam Oh say in thy Meditation O Lord I am silenced I can go no further the waters overflow me Reasons 2 2. This Election is meerly of Gods goodnesse because it 's not for any foreseen merits or faith We had nothing at all to be more acceptable to God then others for there are some who are enemies to the grace of God and under the praise of nature and free-will hide their secret opposition to Gods grace Whereas Bonaventure said well If we must erre it 's safer to erre in giving too much to grace then too much to free-will These corrupt Doctors they have no way to vent their poison but by saying and maintaining that though God hath chosen some before others yet it was because he did foresee who would by Faith and good works with perseverance therein continue faithful to God But how extream injurious is this to Gods Election for by this means we shall choose God first and not God us But what saith our Saviour I have chosen you and not you me 1 Joh. 4.10 Not that we first loved God but God us Here you see that it's God who first beginneth with us God first chose us God first loved us and then we loved him Therefore let not the Godly heart endure such Doctrines that shall tell us God saw a better use of thy free-will in thee then in others And hence it is that thou art Elected to glory and not others for then it would not be pre-destination but post-destination And besides then no man could be Elected before the last moment of his life For who can tell whether he shall persevere or no So that these Doctrines rob God of his honour and his people of their comforts Reasons 3 3. Election must needs be of Grace and so we are given to Christ because of that wretched and sinfull estate we are all in by Adams Fall Upon his Apostacy we are all involved in his guilt We are by nature Children of wrath Ephes 2.3 Though there were no actuall sinnes to witnesse against us Seeing then there was nothing in us but sinne and misery it 's no wonder if God doth what he doth out of his meer grace and favour I acknowledge there are many eminent and learned Divines called Supralapsarians because they hold an Election of some and a pretention of others even before Adams Fall and thereupon make Election not an action of grace because it supposeth no sinne but of meer dominion and soveraignty whereby he may dispose of his creature as he pleaseth but I think it more consonant to Scripture to hold an
be of the world in this sence For the Apostles after their call neither any converted persons are thus of the world though they be in it locally The words thus explained Consider the efficacy of Christs argument I pray for these and commend them to thy care and protection because I am going out of the world I shall not be corporally present with them I was a comfort to them and preserver of them but now I commend them to thy hands Thus we see the admirable care and love Christ shewed to his Disciples he seems to be more mindeful of them then his own self All his thoughts about his own sufferings did not so affect him but that still he could remember his own Disciples that it may go well with them Obs That the greater the dangers are Christs people are kept in the greater is Christs care and love to them It was likely to be worse with the Disciples then ever therefore it 's said their hearts were troubled Joh. 14. when he spake of leaving of them for what can the Chickens do when the hen is killed What can the Sheep do when the Shepherd is smitten Now because they were fallen into such a condition our Saviour doth in amore special manner commend their Estate to God we do not reade that formerly he did in such a peculiar manner give them up to God because their danger and temptations were not so great as were likely to be This is a Truth worthy of all acceptation by the godly They are dismaied when they see their afflictions rise higher never considering that the love and care that Christ hath to them doth also encrease Ioh. 13.1 when Christ saw the time of his departure was come having loved his own he loved them to the end more then ever he discovered his love partly by condescending to wash their feet and partly by instituting the Sacrament as a remembrance of his death for them So that as they say of all motions they are swiftest towards the end Thus Christ loving his Disciples from his heart upon pure grounds he loved them most of all at his latter end as the clock runs fastest at the last stroak But it 's good to open this Box of Oyntment that the sweet smell thereof may comfort and refresh us And first Christ never cals his people to any danger and temptations but as he removeth some mercies from them so he makes a supply otherwise If they are in greater streights and difficulties then before So if they do observe they shall finde some mercies they had not before Christ will not let thee be a loser by any thing he doth to thee Neither will he be in thy debt if he takes away any mercy he will recompence it otherwise So that still his love is as great if not greater See this notably Joh. 14.1 2 3. Let not your hearts be troubled viz. at the sad things I have told you of my departure and the rage of the world For I go away to prepare a mansion place for you It 's expedient I should go away you shall not be the worse for it Therefore v. 18. I will not leave you comfortlesse or Orphans I will send the Spirit of God to comfort you and abide with you Thus you see though Christ removed his corporal presence from them yet he gave them a spirituall presence If then the Spirit of God can be a Comforter to supply the room of Christs corporal presence how much more of a husband or father If God take any of these away pray that he would send his Spirit the Comforter and if that can be better then Christs bodily presence much more then than ten thousand Fathers or Husbands Oh then let not the Children of God deject themselves either with the condition they are in or they fear may be in If such and such things fall out what would become of me Oh remember it 's Christs way when he takes away one mercy to make it up otherwise again Secondly Christs love and care appeareth in that if he call to greater dangers and afflictions he will then give more strength then ever to bear them and more comfort then ever even to rejoyce in them If then thy afflictions are more then ever what art thou the worse If thy strength be greater then ever God will not lay a Giants burthen upon a childes back But if he prepare a Giants burthen for thee he will enable thee with a Giants strength Thus these Apostles because they were to encounter with the rage and madnesse of the whole world Therefore did the Spirit of God come in an extraordinary manner upon them They were commanded to stay at Jerusalem till they were endowed with power from above Luk. 24.49 Thus before also when our Saviour told them They should be hated before Kings and Governours for his Names sake he addeth It shall be given them in that day to know what to speak in that day Oh then when thy dejected heart saith What shall I do if the Lord bring this and that sad trouble upon me If this or that temptation come upon me it will grinde me to powder Oh remember it shall be given thee in that day If with Job he deprive thee of thy Estate and Goods and Children at once it shall be given thee in that day to bear it Do not then measure or compare a great affliction with that little strength thou hast at present No if God make the waters to encrease he will provide an Ark for thee the Apostles could not work miracles when they would as they could not cast out some kinde of devils but when they were called to it and their miraculous faith was increated then they could do it Thus it is here If God should give thee no more faith no more patience no more heavenly-mindednesse then thou hast at the present Thou wert never able to bear such mountains and loads of trouble that happily God may bring on thee but God proportions thy strengtht to ●hy afflictions as our Saviour said Mat. 9.17 New Wine is not put into old bottles They must not fast while the Bridegroom was with them but the time was coming when they should fast As God encreaseth their strength so he doth also their comfort he gives them more joy and consolation then they ever had as the Disciples had the Comforter promised them after his departure and accordingly we reade that under all the persecutions and miseries they endured they were filled with joy and they went away rejoycing so true is that of the Apostle 2 Cor. 1.4 Who comforteth us in all our Tribulations that as our sufferings abound so our consolations also abound This we see abundantly fulfilled in all the holy Martyrs and Confessors was not their dungeon a Paradise to them Were not live Coals beds of Roses Did they not rejoyce and sing Psalms Now how came all this about The more their miseries were the
world lieth in wickednesse the whole world None are exempted till called out of it by Grace All the humane Grecian power though so famous for wit and morall vertues is included herein and then it lieth in wickednesse this denoteth the habitual custome of sinne as also the impotency even to help it self It lieth in wickednesse there is also their contentednesse and delight as the Swine lieth in her mud And then in wickednesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a troublesome wickednesse that makes trouble and vexation to those that are not in the same excesse of wickednesse with them In the explaining of this concerning the danger of sinne to a Godly man in this world it will appear how difficult it is to them to passe by these Syrens how hard it is to refuse every temptation that stands like Solomons Whore tempting every passenger to come in How many had escaped those flames of hell and had been now partakers of the Robes of Glory had not this world been a Dalilah alwaies enticing them Not only the prophane man but the professour who seemed to give up his Name to Christ even the world hath undone him as will appear For First Consider the infecting and contagious sinfulnesse in the world How hardly can we breathe and live but we must suck in this pestilentiall air As those that live in an infected Pesthouse or such as abide in a noisome Hospitall they cannot but have the smell and the disease of the place so to live in this world which is wholly set on wickenesse it 's a wonder of wonders if we smell not of it savour not of it Therefore pure Religion Jam. 1.27 is said to keep a man unspotted from the world Vnspotted that implieth what a noisome dunghill or fllthy infecting place the world is Oh then with what care and fear should the people of God walk in this world Every hour every day thou art in danger of getting some spots and defilements upon thee Thou art not in Heaven or Paradise but in a place where the devil hath his Throne He ruleth in this world and therefore pray and watch depend upon Christ little dost thou think what mire thou maist fall in if the arm of grace support thee not Did not our Saviour say to his very Disciples that they should take heed of surfetting and drunkennesse that their hearts should not be overcharged with the cares of this world Luk. 21.34 Who would not have thought the Disciples farre enough from this sinne yet they must take heed If the green Tree may so easily take fire what will not the dry do Secondly As there is the world infecting so there is the world tempting and seducing even by lawful comforts It infects by sinne it seduceth by lawfull good things and herein is great danger to godly men their Houses Wives Children their health wealth and whatsoever is a worldly good These are apt to insnare and seduce our hearts So that the love care and joy about these things shuts out that love to God 1 Cor. 7. The Apostle tels us that those who marry must be as if they married not those that buy as if they bought not and those that use the world as not abusing it So that there is using of this world and abusing it using it when we make all these comfortable things we enjoy instrumental to Gods glory and our good but abusing it when we do use them too much So abuti the Latine word is used sometimes when the Waters overflow the Banks But who can stand under this Truth Who can endure this glorious Light Is not the world a tempting world though not an afflicting Thou dost not communicate with the wickednesse and grosse impieties the world lieth in but thy heart is over-charged and surfetted with affections to lawful things Thou over-lovest over-grievest Thy trade is a snare to thee Thy Wife thy Children are snares to thee they draw thee into this and that immoderate affection One of the Ancients saw in a Vision that the world was full of Snares Thus indeed it is Thou canst not be at home or abroad Thou canst not be in this or that condition but there is a Snare Even as the Bird cannot light upon the ground but the Fowler hath set a snare for her every where Oh then how well is it that not only we pray but Christ hath praied to keep us from the evil of all these things To have riches and sinne not To have health and sinne not To have mercies and offend not Know then that Egypt was not fuller of Frogs and Lice in every chamber in every hole then rhe world is of Temptation to sinne There is no mercy no relation no condition but it will draw out a world of sinne if thou watch not every Creature is a kinde of a devil Christ warrants that expression when he said to Peter Get thee behinde me Satan Mat. 16.23 When he tempted him from his duty Thou hast cause sometimes to say to the best comfort thou hast in the world Get thee behinde me Satan Thou savourest not the things of God Thirdly A godly mans danger ariseth from the deceitfulnesse of the world with the things thereof Thus Mat 13. it 's called the deceivablenesse of Riches And 1 Cor. 7. the world is said to have a fashion That as in the stage there are pleasing gestures and representations but they passe away immediately and you think you see Kings and Queens but there is no such matter Thus it is with the world it promiseth thee peace joy comfort Oh if thou hast it thou art ready to think thy self made but it proveth a Sodoms apple Ezechiels Roll sweet in the mouth but bitter in the belly Now because it hath such a present sweetnesse to allure whereas grace is for the present rather bitter therefore are the godly in so great danger There are sweet baits every where but dangerous hooks Judas thought his thirty peeces a sweet morsell but it proved wormwood and gall when it was devoured Achan thought the wedge of Gold a sweet bit and Gehezi Naamans Talents but alas it was gall though it had the colour of honey so that it 's very much if the godly man escape undoing himself Seeing there is so much deceivablenesse every where that which is real misery seems a desirable good That which is full of bitternesse yet appeareth as if altogether good So true is that Per fallacia mala itur and vera bona per fallacia bona itur and vera mala By seeming evils we come to reall good and by seeing God to real evil Fourthly The Godly man is in danger because of the sutablenesse of the worlds temptation with that corruption within So that he hath a dangerous Enemy about the Wals and a treacherous party within The world and his heart are in a Confederacy against the good of his soul so that thou canst not eat or drink or sleep in
may quickly have too much of Godlinesse and that this strictnesse will marre all Sed modus diligendi Deum est sine modo Seventhly A Godly mans Danger in this world is because the worldly Snares that are be improved to the utmost by the Devil whose the world is and in which he reigneth 2 Corinth 4.4 He is called the God of this world that blindeth the eyes of men And he is said to have men captive in his Snares 2 Timoth. 2.22 So that though God made the world and it 's his good Creature yet as it is a wicked world as it is immundus mundus So i●'s the Devils Seat and so some expound the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole world lieth in wickednesse and in danger to be the Devils If there were meer snares and baits to sinne it would not be so dangerous but when they are Snares of the Devils setting Baits of his making that is so cunning and subtle a Serpent sliding into a mans heart every way This makes the case more desperate You see the Devil could tempt Eve to sinne when there was no Corruption or Lust within though she was pure and upright how much rather when he hath to do with men corrupted and depraved inwardly This is so great a matter that Ephes 6.5 it is said We wrestle not with Flesh and Bloud but with Principalities and Powers in High places As if the Temptations of the world were nothing to those of Satan And therefore he is called the Tempter 1 Thessal 3.5 Oh then the danger of a Godly man the world tempts his own flesh tempts the Devils tempt May not this make every one in this world to look upon himself as Jonah in the Whales Belly To cry out as zealously and as fervently to be delivered as he did Lastly The Danger of a Godly mans being in this world appeareth by Examples recorded in Scripture Those who have seemed to be putting one Leg into Heaven have yet been pulled back by the world When men had escaped the grosse pollutions of the world yet the cares and love of the world did wholly undoe them The third kinde of Hearers that began so hopefully did miscarry because of the world Judas that wrought Miracles and could say with the rest That he had left all to follow Christ was undone by the world If you ask Paul what made his dear Demas that had been so long his Companion in the Gospel to forsake him and to leave him the reason was because he did cleave to this present world 2 Tim. 4.10 Vse of Instruction why there are so many duties to pray to watch to be working out our Salvation with Fear and Trembling Why is all this We are still in an evil World Every Day Every moment we may undoe our selves We are not out of Egypt yet in Canaan We cannot see all our Enemies drowned in the Red Sea Alas It is not thy Praier thy Fasting had not Christ praied could keep thee from the evil of the World Thou couldest no more live the Life of Grace in this wicked world then they say Birds can live near the Lake Asphaltites that by its Sulphureous Smell kils them while they fly over it Doe not think to say all the Jebusites and Wilde Beasts are destroied I may now bid my Soul take its ease Oh let the fearfull Fals of so many Godly in the Scripture be Pillars of Salt to thee who knoweth ere thou goest out of this World what a Judas thou mayest prove what an Hell thou mayest make thy self For though the Godly are kept by Gods power that they shall persevere yet they may get many Fals tumble in the mire seem the Devils Swine rather then Christs Sheep for a while and all is because they doe not labour to keep their Garments lest their nakednesse appear They meet with searching Tempests therefore let them keep their garments close to them SERMON LII Of the Danger Gods People are in in the world in respect of its hating and opposing of them With Reasons why the Lord makes the world such a disquieting place Such a Valley of Tears unto his own People JOH 17.11 But these are in the world THe Condition of the Disciples described by this that they are said to be in the world makes them the fit Object of Christs Praier and Petition such are the Snares to sinne and the outward troubles opposing that were it not for this Praier of Christ still putting forth its efficacy None could arrive safe to the Haven We have handled the danger of being in this world as it is tempting and seducing to sinne Now let us consider it as it is an hating and opposing world of those that fear God as it is an Egypt Before we handled it as it was a Sodom We considered the honey of it now the sting The world fawning now the world fighting As it was a glistering Serpent now as a roaring Lyon So that the Subject we intend to pursue is That the Godly are in this world as Daniel thrown amongst Lyons as Sheep among Wolves As the Disciples in the Ship that were tossed up and down ready to sink every moment This is so sore a Temptation that our Saviour doth often forewarn them of it that they may be forearmed Joh. 15.18 19. There he foretels their Portion to be hated of the world Hatred is the highest degree of a mans enmity it 's circa speciem not individua It 's not enough to destroy one Disciple one Godly man but they would rase the whole kinde out of the Earth Expect no mercy from any wicked man he hateth thee and did not God restrain him he would utterly undoe thee That every godly man is not devoured by the wicked is as great a Miracle as that the waters should stand still and not overflow the Israelites It 's not for want of malice and a will only God who chained up the devil their Master that he could not hurt Job any further then he was permitted doth also confine his Children and Instruments Our Saviour gives the reason why they will hate them for it might seem strange why the Godly should be so opposed they wrong none they defraud none they injure none Oh but saith our Saviour You are none of the worlds you are not of them Would you drink swear run into the same excesse as they do then it would love you and embrace you Likewise Joh. 16.33 Our Saviour tels them again of this trouble from the world And why again Because it 's a very heavy burthen to bear To live among Neighbours as among so many Serpents and Scorpions among unreasonable men as Paul cals them and he praieth to God to be delivered from them 2 Thes 3.2 Unreasonable men that are carried by no Religion no Conscience no reason but their lusts and passions Men that will hate you because they will hate you absurd men as it is in the Greek You see Paul
flying Roll that had curses written on it within and without This is proved by the Parable of the Talents where he that had but one was not pardoned but must give an account and for his negligence be condemned Now by a Talent is meant every thing that a man is betrusted with thereby to glorifie God and it 's called a Talent because of the high price and worth that is in every the least opportunity we have to serve God Oh then let all Superiors tremble at this how great and unexpected will thy account be If thou hast endeavoured to be good thy self and holy yet if thou hast not attended to have holy Children and an holy Family thy Condemnation will be exceeding great Think not to say with Cain Am I my Brethrens Keeper What have I to do with others I am no Preacher or Minister for in that thou hast a trust thou shalt give an account of thy godly improving of it 3. All those sinnes that Inferiors do commit for want of thy care and instruction will be thy sinnes and thou wilt be the cause of their damnation That Rule in morality is also true in Divinity qui non dat vitam aufert Ezechiel must be judged guilty of the Israelites sinnes and God will require their bloud at his hands if he do not his duty to them Eze. 3.18 And therefore Paul protested he was free from their bloud because he had made known all the Counsell of God Act. 20.26 Who then will be able to stand under this burthen Hast thou not sinnes of thy own but thou must have thy Childrens sinnes thy Servants sins also to lie upon thy back as an heavy burthen Will Christ at the day of Judgement condemn men because his poor Members were sick and they visited them not They were hungry and they fed them not And will he not much rather be provoked because there have been sick sinful wicked persons under thy care drunkards and thou didst not admonish Swearers and thou didst not frown on them Shall God make Inquisition for the bloud of the body upon Murderers And will he not for the bloud of Souls Shall Abel though dead speak and cry Vengeance and shall not Children Servants Inferiours damned in hell cry out saying It was the negligence the prophanesse of my Superiors that hath brought me hither Were not men stones and Rocks these Considerations would make them melt and tremble Vse of Exhortation to Governours especially Parents and Masters Take our Saviours example here and follow it see his care was that his Disciples might not sinne that they might be kept in all holinesse Oh then blame and condemn thy self saying my thoughts My cares have been to make them rich to provide for them in the world but not at all have I looked to their Souls Do they not lye swear drink Do they not prophane the Sabbath and live dissolutely yet these things are no trouble to thy heart Canst thou say of thy Children as was said of Austin to his Mother Monica It was impossible that a Childe of so many Teares should perish Are thine Children of praiers and tears and careful instruction How many are too like that Woman of Zebedee she comes to Christ with this Petition That her Sons might sit with Christ in his Kingdom one on the right hand and another on the left dreaming of some earthly temporal greatnesse Thus we are apt to think we will provide so much leave such Estates and in the mean while their miserable Souls are undone to all Eternity Be moved hereunto because 1. This is the greatest love and charity to them You cannot discover greater compassion then by taking care of their Souls Their Souls are more worth then all the world how highly did Christ esteem of Souls when he came into the world and endured all that misery for Souls only He died only to make them blessed 2. Consider that thy evil example who art a Governour doth encourage and embolden Inferiours in their wickednesse They are the more obstinate because thou shewest no dislike no frowns on them they think they have cause to sinne then It 's well observed by Lactantius speaking of this particular about Example The nature of man is proclive to all vice and would seem not only cum veniâ but ratione peccare and this they never do more pleade then when their Superiours are such as act Wickednesse or else doe countenance it 3. Be moved hereunto from the Certainty of the Souls good and uncertainty of all worldly things When thou hast consumed thy self in thoughts and cares about thy Children Solomons Observation will hold true Who knoweth whether he will be a wise man or a Fool thou hast laboured for Eccl. 2.19 But now if he hath been instructed in the fear of God This will abide to all Eternity In the next place we come to the Compellation Holy Father From that attribute given to God he is an holy Father and so being a Fountain of all holinesse may easily communicate it to others Obs That God is an holy God and so able to make others holy For we are not to consider of this Attribute meerly as a glorious property in God but to improve it for our good that we also might be made holy This glorious Attribute Isa 6. the Angels of all others do single out and with great ●cclamation praise God saying Holy Holy Holy Yea this is the only Attribute we are to imitate Be ye holy as I am holy not be omnipotent as I am Now God is holy several waies And first He is essentially holy his holinesse and his nature are not two things as it is in Angels and men In this sense Christ said None is good but God God is a pure act and so whatsoever is in God is God His holinesse therefore is not only in that he worketh all things holily but his very nature is holy Hence God is called Jehovah and I AM Exod. 3.14 because what he is he is essentially and therefore seeing his nature is incomprehensible so is his holinesse Seeing we are never able to define what he is so neither can we what his holinesse is Quicquid de Deo dici potest eo ipso indignum est quia dici potest Our dwarfish Nature cannot measure these Pyramides Our shell cannot contain this Ocean Though Astronomers by their Instruments guesse at the magnitude of the Sun yet we cannot reach unto the greatnesse either of Gods Nature or his Attributes Secondly He is not onely essentially holy but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and oppositely holy to those false Gods mans corruption hath set up and in opposition to the Devils who are called unclean spirits Hence he is often stiled the Holy One of Israel because they only worshiped the true God Those ancient Christian Writers Arnobius Austin and others who wrote in defence of the Christian Religion did convince Heathens of their Impiety by worshiping such for gods
The zeal and detestation then which ought to be in all the godly against heresies argueth the greatness of the mercy if kept from them Ninthly The more noble the subject is in which any habit or perfection doth consist the more noble is that perfection Now a sound faith and true Doctrine is seated in the minde and understanding which is like the eye and the Sunne in a man So that if the minde be corrupted all is corrupted and such are more incurable then prophane men because they have laesum principium they account their errour truth they believe a lie and then who can heal them Tenthly Gods command is laid upon us to believe the true Doctrine as well as obey the holy command both are indispensable The same God that saith Thou shalt not commit adultery saith also Believe this and that Doctrine revealed God hath laid a command upon the minde to believe as well as the heart to obey Vse of Exhortation to the people of God to take heed of erroneous opinions as well as sinfull practises The one are damnable are the fruits of the flesh and provoke God as well as the other let thy heart be equally bent both against heresies and prophaneness Nothing should be dearer to thee then Gods truth Did not the Martyrs burn at the stake meerly for sound Doctrine Did not Christ say For this end I came into the world to bear witness to the truth And know those errors thou hast been lead aside with when once truely enlightned will be bitter and sharp thorns in thy side Jam. 1.19 20. SERMON LIX That it 's a speciall Mercy for the Ministers of the Gospel to agree in one Wherein their Vnity should be And the Reasons of the Differences that are among them JOH 17.11 That they may be one as thou and I are one WE have considered the matter of Christs Praier Let us proceed to the End of it in these Words That they may be one Some indeed say that this relateth to the manner of Gods keeping of them as if it were a specification of that which would keep them If they agree in love among themselves they are sure to be preserved but we take it rather for a distinct mercy that as he had praied for their sound faith so now for their Union and love We may Consider the Disciples under a twofold Relation 1. Common as beleevers and disciples and so with others given of God to Christ and thus the Unity of Beleevers among themselves is a precious mercy But because he praieth for this at vers 21. I shall passe by that Consideration In the second place the Apostles may be considered strictly and particularly as men in office as those who were appointed to preach the Gospel and so our Saviour praieth for their Vnity in this Consideration It is of infinite consequence that the Ministers of the Gospel should agree among themselves for when they are divided the people must be divided If the Pilates in a Ship disagree the Ship must necessarily sink So that our Saviour knowing the devices of Satan to set Apostle against Apostle Pastor against Pastor he therefore praieth for their Unity in this Ministerial Office and emploiment and the expression is observable he saith not that they may be united but be one and that according to the highest example of all unity the Father and the Sonne Luther thinketh the Substantive answering 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one mystical body but we rather take it of their Office and Ministerial Employment as 1 Cor 3.8 The Apostle arguing against Church-divisions by setting up several Officers one against another saith He that planteth and he that watereth are one They all have the same end and all have one general emploiment viz. the conversion of men to God Obs That it 's a speciall mercy when the Ministers of the Gospel agree in one Nothing is so terrible to the Churches adversaries as their Pastors Unity This was the Reason say some why our Saviour chose Apostles that for the most part were of kindred one to another that so their love might be the more Inviolably preserved This Counsel also our Saviour gave the Disciples Have Salt in your selves and peace one with another Mark 9.50 Have Salt i. e. Season the world and one another with grace but lest this Salt should bite and smart too much he addeth and have peace with one anooher Thus peace and love is of so great concernment that Joh. 14.20 He leaveth only peace with them as a Legacy My peace I leave with you my Peace I give to you and Cap. 15. Cap. 13 14. He cals this the New Commandement he layeth upon them to love one another yea he makes this a Character of their Discipleship not if they cast out devils or work miracles but if they love one another To open this Doctrine Consider 1. That such is the corruption of the best men and Satan is ready to bl●w up tho sparks immediatly that there have been contentions and differences amongst the most eminent pillars in the Church Twice we teade of the Disciples contentions amongst themselves concerning primacy and a preferment above one another Afterwards the Scripture tels us of a Paroxysme a sharp controversie between Paul and Barnabas Act. 15. yet Paul and Peter they have an hot contest and that in a religious Point of practise Now if the Sunne and Moon meet in such an opposition there must needs be an Ecclipse in the Church And if we descend to Ecclesiastical Histories we shall finde as bloudy pens against one another as the devouring Sword in civil affairs That which Cyprian complained Madet orbis Christianus mutuo sanguine quod cum privati fecerint homicidium dicitur cum publicè geritur virtus vocatur is true of Ecclesiasticall contentions The Christian Church is divided and subdivided against it self and that which if done in private causes would be called malice and revenge in religious affairs is called zeal and courage for Gods glory At that famous first Council of Nice when Constantine called the Bishops together for to end Religious Controversies instead of this they had prepared mutuall Libels and accusations one against another which Constantine perceiving took the Papers rent them in peeces and burnt them before their faces gravely exhorting to peace and unanimity It would be long to relate of the passionate contentions between Jerome and Austin between Epiphanius and Chrysostome who upon their parting did strangely threaten one another with that which came to passe Epiphanius told Chrysostome he should not die a Bishop and this proved true for he was ejected and dyed in banishment Chrysostome threatned Epiphanius he should not dye in his own Countrey and this also fell out for he died in his Voyage ere he got home and who can with heart tender enough speak of the many oppositions and divisions between Calvinists and Lutherans and others of the
Isa 6. called a fat heart from Cattell that doe grow fat in Fruitfull Pastures But above all places there is one more remarkable Eccles 8.11 Because Sentence is not speedily executed against the sinner Therefore the heart of the Sonnes of men is fully set in them to do evill Fully set There is nothing can divert them they are resolved come hell and come devils they will have their way 6. Hypocrisie or a deceitfull pretending to matters of Religion when yet at the same time their hearts are carnal vile and unsanctified this was the Case of Iudas he never from the beginning did truly love Christ or in a saving way beleeve in Christ as appeaseth Ioh. 6.64 It 's true his hypocrisie was the more wonderful because they left all and followed Christ They were exposed to all hardship and hatred from the world who would not think that only pure ends had moved Iudas but yet you see that even in the poor and low way Christ was in yet Iudas could have false ends and there were temptations to draw out his carnal worldly heart whether he was a convinced hypocrite that lived in sins against conscience at first is hard to say But after he became the Bag-bearer and did daily steal from that publike stock which Christ had for the maintenance of himself and his Apostles then no doubt but he knew he did not walk uprightly and so was a grosse hypocrite Now this hypocrisie all along he discovers especially Mat. 26.7 in this History of Mary who anointed Christs feet with precious Oyntment at a dear rate Iudas murmured at this Iohn the Evangelist mentioneth him only ●e other make all the Apostles to murmure but either it is an E●allage the plural for the singular number or else Iudas was the beginning of the Sedition he was Ringleader and put others on it But in this complaint of this See how speciously and religiously be covered his wickednesse Ad quid perditio haec saith this Son of perdition It might have been sold and given to the poor This he said saith the Evangelist not that he cared for the poor but because he was a Theef If all that had been put into the bagge he could have stolen from it and so enriched himself This was his hypocrisie Another instance is when he had agreed with the Priests about betraying of Christ his Master he comes and kisses him with an Hail Master this which appeared such an obsequious expression of love was made the very sign by which they should lay hold on Jesus and carry him away It is true some of the Ancients have much excused Iudas as if he intended only to cheat the High-Priests of their money because he thought that Christ could escape out of their hands as soon as he was apprehended for Iudas had observed before that when the people took him and intended to throw him down the Hill that he did in a strange miraculous manner convey himself from them but this cannot be for our Saviour had informed them that he must die though as yet his hour was not come that one of them should betray him and that Iudas was earnest and reall in this Treachery appeareth by this expression Whom I shall kisse that is he take him and leade him away diligently as fearing Christ might have escaped them or as it is translated Mat. 26.46 Hold him fast Thus in his most devilish actions he hath fair pretences and under this Visor perpetrares his abominations in like manner Absalom when he was upon that Treacherous design of unnatural rebellion against his Father he pretends a Vow and Piety to perform it Thus that cruell bloudy and deceitful Doeg on whom David acted by Gods Spirit doth pronounce so solemn Curses yet it is said of him 1 Sam. 29.7 He was detained before the Lord Though he was upon some speciall Vow or otherwise serving of God yet he could even then take occasion to inform Saul against David and be the cause of the death of many innocent Priests of the Lord and the Pharisees were so hypocritically Religious that they would not enter into Pilates house lest they should defile themselves when yet they could crucifie Christ Thus when men can harden themselves as they think to cosen God and men no wonder if they fall into perdition Lastly Men who become Sons of Perdition are such as willfully despair of Gods mercy and conclude there is no hope for them Iudas had committed grievous sinnes especially in betraying innocent bloud but his despair at last was worse then all the rest Even that bloud he had shed would have washed away that grievous sinne of shedding it had he by Faith sprinkled himself with it What made Cain so desperately continue in rebellion as was against God though with constant trembling upon him it was his despair My sins are greater then I can bear Thus as the devil when he possessed some bodies threw them in the fire and water so when he doth the soul by despair he violently hurleth them into hell Thus you have heard the inward cause of self●destroiers there are some outward causes mentioned in the Scripture And they are 1. Evil and wicked company Men imboldened in sinne labour to make others so As Joab said to the young man that trembled to runne his Spear into Absalom Fear not saith he have not I loved thee Thus such great Ones such rich Ones or such a multitude they bid thee doe thus Why then shouldst thou regard what Ministers or the Scripture saith Art thou so foolish and precise to be awed with such things Thus Prov. 1. Old hardened sinners are brought in enticing the young man to be one of their company 2. When Satan takes greater hold and possession of men then formerly Thus he driveth them to hell that as you reade the devil entred into some Swine and threw them headlong into the Sea Thus he possessth some men and throweth them as violently into hell Judas before he sets upon this Treachery is said Joh. 13.27 Satan entred into him he entred into him and took full possession of his Soul Thus before Ananias and Saphira did in so horrible a manner lye and dissemble it 's said Act. 5.3 Satan had filled their heart and thus the Jews are said to be of their Father the devil There is a generation of men that have by way of curse the devil often in their mouths but he is much more in their hearts and such men none can stop from hell Lastly God by a just and severe judgement withdraweth or denieth all mollifying and softening grace to some men for their former sinnes and when thus left by God they are in a sencelss stupid and impudent estate of sinning Thus Pharaoh was left by God and then he was so hardned that no Miracles did him any good Vse of Instruction Marvell not if such desperate mad men live amongst you though they come to Church though they hear never
they be thus damnable yet many shall follow their pernicious waies There is no Heresie so deformed but many people will follow it and by this means the way of Truth shall be evil spoken of See this in our daies How greatly do the Papists blaspheme that holy Truth of God by which we are saved because of the many Sects and errours which sprung up amongst us They think this Argument enough if there were no other when they can say how violent is one Protestant against another condemning one another for Heretiques They all pleade the Spirit and yet are opposite to each other and certainly did not the Scripture forewarn us of such things it were enough to make the stoutest beleever sometimes at a stand but 1 Cor. 11. The Scripture saith there again There must be Heresies That necessity ariseth both in respect of mens corruptions and also in respect of Gods wise permission that so the approved and sound may be made manifest It 's no little part of a Christians wisedom in the overflowing of Heresies when men of several waies speciously pretend to Truth and Piety to know how to deport our selves and so to walk that we do not fall from our stedfastnesse Now there is not a surer Buckler to keep off these poisonous arrows from our breasts then to strengthen our selves with powerful Considerations out of the Scripture Thus it must be Thus it will be The Scripture again and again tels us of it men of great Eminency and repute may make shipwrack of their Faith and through deceivablenesse and subtle insinuations will draw many after them Wonder not at this when it comes to passe That is notable to this purpose Act. 20.29 30. Though Paul himself had instructed those Churches yet he tels them after his departure that Wolves would venture in amongst them what a sad change would this be But from whence should they come Even out of your selves will arise men Thus these Toads and Serpents would breed in Gods own Garden As the Leprosie of Heresie is thus a Scandall in Gods Church So the Apostacy and revolt of such as were once forward for the Truth To have them degenerate yea sometimes to become malicious Enemies against what they professed this is very hard Heb. 6. and 2 Pet. 2. mention is made of some who were endowed with eminent gifts and much outward Reformation yet they are supposed to fall away and so to fall as never to recover again Let it not then stumble thee if there be such who will for earthly advantages betray Christ after much love pretended to him That will sell Christ for silver Do not thou loath Religion for this Do not thou begin to say Are there any Religious even in this world Do not thou follow them thinking I may do as they do But rather tremble at such Instances considering how terrible their latter end will be 3. When for the profession of the Truth and Piety we finde our nearest friends and such as ought most to encourage us to set against us yea to betray us and to work our Deaths if it were possible though this be very hard to bear yet say as in the Text This is done that the Scripture may be fullfilled If Christ himself complain it was not an open enemy but thou my familiar friend we took sweet counsell together that did lift up his heel against him that is proudly contemptuously and bloudily set against me Do not thou expect a better condition then Christ thy Master especially attend to that place Mat. 10.34 35. Luk. 11.52 where the consequent of the Gospel preached is to set the nearest relation one against another so that for thy Godlinesse sake neither Father or Friend may own thee yea the wife of thy bosome will betray thee such things have fallen out in times of persecution and therefore be not offended at that which the Scripture hath foretold 4. That Antichrist should prosper and prevail even to the shedding of the bloud of so many thousand Martyrs and yet meet with no remarkable judgement would be an unanswerable Temptation had not the Scripture foretold it The Scripture informeth of a twofold Antichrist a doctrinall one such as John speaks of that denieth Christ to be come in the flesh and a politicall Antichrist or one that is chiefly so in respect of Church-Government who yet also shall be doctrinally Antichrist of whom Paul speaketh that he shall exalt himself above every thing that is called God and of which the Revelation makes often mention for although this Antichrist shall prevail and the greater part of the earth shall receive the mark of the beast yet at last the time will come when those joyfull Songs shall be sung that Babylon is fallen and the judgements of God are just who hath avenged himself upon the Beast Let not then Bellarmine glory in his temporal felicity as a mark of the Church Let him not say in such a daring manner If the Pope be Antichrist and the man of sinne aimed at in the Scripture Why have not horrible judgements from heaven overtaken him All this is easily answered The Scripture foretels he shall have a time and he must for a while make his garments red with the bloud of the Saints But as certainly as he doth this so also shall his perdition come as certainly Wonder not at this or be offended for the Scripture must be fulfilled 5. The manifold exercises and conflicts that Gods own Children have sometimes about the guilt of sinne and sometimes about the power of sinne makes them think there was none so in the world before Oh how shall they bear it there is no mans condition like theirs you cannot hear one reade of the like say they But do not all these troubles arise from ignorance in the Scripture Do ye not reade of David though sometimes on the Mount of Transfiguration yet at other times on the Mount of Calvary Is he not sometimes lifted up with the light of Gods Countenance and at other times so dejected and disquieted he knoweth not what to do And as for the power of Corruption abiding in us Doth not Paul Rom 7. cry out O miserable man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of Death and the Apostle Jam. 4.5 doth the Scripture speak in vain The spirit that is in us lusteth to envy Even in the Godly there is a strong provocation to envy one of the vilest sins and most contrary to the Spirit of Christ Seeing then the Scripture doth thus admonish us Let not the Children of God walk disconsolately Let them not say God hath forsaken them Let them still remember that the Scripture hath forewarned them of such things That the devil is a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5.6 Vse of Instruction Hath the Scripture by it's prediction forewarned against all possible offences that fall out then 1. See the truth and faithfulnes of Christ that hideth not the worst
is a grief thou must be grieved for how many sad thoughts and tears will require more sad thoughts and tears Vse of Instruction on the contrary It 's Christs special will that all who live wickedly should have no comfort Wo to ye that laugh and there is no peace to the wicked Isa 57.21 SERMON LXXVIII The severall Sorts of Joy and the Nature of Spirituall Joy Shewing also how farre it transcends and differs from Worldly Joy JOHN 17.13 That they might have my Joy fulfilled in themselves THese words are the finall cause of Christs solemn prayer for his Disciples Wherein you have The Benefit it self described and the Manner of possessing of it The Benefit it self is My Joy This may be understood Actively and Passively Actively for that joy which Christ might take from his Disciples being preserved in purity of Doctrine and Unity amongst themselves Thus some understand it and parallel a like place Phil. 2 2· where Paul bids them fulfill his joy which was the joy he would take by seeing their happy agreement but because it 's said in the Text That this joy may be fulfilled in the Disciples themselves Therefore it is more consonant to understand it passively of that joy which the Disciples took in him and the benefits flowing from him So that it may be called Christs joy both effectively because he is the Authour and giver of it as also objectively because it is in him in divine and holy things not in the world much lesse in the pleasures of sin Now the Manner of possessing is that it may be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filled up that they might have a good measure of joy overflowing he would have every part of the soul filled with it and every kinde of joy yea degree of it some superficiall joy for the degree of it or some transient joy for the continuance of it doth not answer our Saviours prayer it must be filled up Lastly Here is the Subject recipient of it in themselves This say some is spoken oppositely to worldly joy to such as men take in the pleasures of the world these are but in the face in the countenance they are not cordial and hearty Observ 1. That there is a joy in Christ which his people are to have fulfilled in them As they are to be filled with grace so with consolations and one floweth from the other though not naturally It 's of great concernment to treat of this joy because the people of God look upon it as a thing above their reach They are convinced of repentance of humiliation but not of walking joyfully There is a three-fold Joy 1. A Naturall Joy which is an implanted affection in a man and of it self simply considered is not a sin 2. There is a Sinnefull Joy which runneth into two streams either when the Object is wholly unlawfull when it 's a forbidden Tree and we may not eat of it And thus to rejoyce in our evil doings to take delight in the wayes of wickednesse this is a wicked joy that will end in tormenting sorrow and it argueth a wretched distemper of the soul otherwise it would finde sinne to be terrible and bitter but through the corrupted constitution of the heart it comes about that they delight in sinne as distempered stomacks do in coales ashes or such drosse Again there is a sinnefull joy when the Object matter is lawfull but then we exceed in the measure in the bounds or limits we over-joy The water runnes over the bank and then it gets soyl and it 's as hard to rejoyce in these things and to sinne not as it is to be angry and sinne not 3. There is a gracious and an heavenly Joy when the soul delights it self in God and Christ in all heavenly Objects For though to wicked men these things are a burden yet to an heavenly heart they are the most connaturall Object They are the proper center of the soul as David often professeth his joy in the Lord It 's of this we are to speak of only we must inform you something of joy in the generall The Philosophers speak of a three-fold affection sutable to one another There is Love which is carried out to an Object that is good simply considered There is Desire which moveth to some good thing but absent and not yet obtained And then there is Joy which ariseth from the obtaining and possessing of it And answerable to these there are Divine Graces and supernatural works of Gods Spirit in the soul There is the Love of God which next to Faith is of the greatest glory and activity in the soul 2. There are Desires and earnest longings after God to which hunger and thirst a promise is made of being fully satisfied 3. There is Joy which ariseth from the enjoyment of God onely you must know there is Gaudium viae a joy we have while in the way to Heaven which admits of much increase and meeteth with much opposition and there is Gaudium Patriae a joy in Heaven where the soul will then be so filled that it cannot receive any more To know the nature of this Joy Consider First That the efficient cause of it is onely God The Spirit of God is called the Comforter as you heard because he alone poureth it into the heart as the Heavens onely give rain and it 's called Gal 5.22 The fruit of the Spirit which doth imply that it comes solely by Gods Spirit and that there is excellent sweetnesse in it Lusts are called the workes of the flesh but this with other Graces The fruit of the Spirit Hence it is that as in respect of Regeneration the Spirit bloweth where it listeth So also in respect of Consolation How many of Gods children walk with much consolation and abound in much joy And others again go bowed down and greatly tempted not obtaining comfort though they would give a world for it So that as the Husbandman cannot have rain when he would nor the Merchant winde when he would neither can the godly have comfort when they would as appeareth by David praying so earnestly for the Joy he had lost It 's the fruit of the Spirit Therefore joy doth not flow from Graces exercised as by a natural resultancy as heat doth from the fire and light from the Sunne but by Gods voluntary dispensation of it The Schoolmen use to say That a man doth not merit that is their proud phrase by rejoycing in God or good things but by his Love which was antecedent and from which joy they say floweth by a naturall necessity But the Scripture makes these two Love and Joy two distinct works of Gods Spirit and that they are separable experience confirmeth it for many men that are high in Grace are low in Comfort As the tall Mountains have few flowers on them or Mines of Gold little grasse covering them Secondly To this Christian Joy is required a knowledge of God and faith in him as revealed
is so useful must not be laid aside But then that joy in the Creatures which at another time would be lawfull is in such a season sinful It 's not lawful then to joy in Wives in Children in outward comforts but to mourn before God as those who by their sins have deserved the losse of all So then there may be a time when this outward worldly though lawful joy is to be denied and in this sence Solomon saith It 's better to go to the house of mourning then of laughter because such sad objects may be sanctified to spiritual meditations 2. Consider this That spiritual Joy may then most abound when that soul-humiliation and godly mourning is put in practise No grace of Gods Spirit is contrary to one another The same spirit that worketh joy doth also prove the spirit of Supplication and mourning on his people Now as joy and trembling may stand together Psa 2. and joy and fear Act. 9.31 So may godly sorrow and joy consist together so that it is never unlawful to rejoyce in God no more then to love or to beleeve in him Vse of Instruction To inform us of the great concernment of spiritual Joy We may say it 's the life and marrow of Religion It 's the Spurre and goad to all holinesse Therefore how deceived is the world that looketh for joy and consolation some other way Honours Wealth and Greatnesse will afford thee no true solid joy yea all these things will turn to gravell and wormwood in thy belly As the Manna that was preserved for the Sabbath day did onely last If any kept that which fell in one of the six daies above the Command it turned to pollution immediatly and thus it is here Whatsoever Joy is treasured up in reference to heaven that will alwaies abide it will never forsake thee but what is only in reference to these earthly things it will vanish Oh then say thy Beloved is the chiefest of ten thousand above all other worldly Comforts whatsoever SERMON LXXX That the Word of God preached and received doth inrage the wicked world And Reasons thereof JOHN 17.14 I have given them thy Word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world IN this 14th verse our Saviour urgeth a special and powerfull reason why God the Father should in a peculiar manner keep them which was hinted vers 11. and that is the worlds hatred of them So that this Petition hath a great deal of equity and righteousnesse in it They will be exposed to the malice of the world and that for thy cause because they have believed in thy Word The world will be no preserver or conservator of them therefore do thou keep them In the words therefore we have 1. The Argument of the Petition The world hateth them 2 The Causes of this which are two-fold 1. Their Receiving of and Obedience unto Gods Word 2. Their Segregation or Separation from the world the life and manners of it which is amplified by the patern or example thereof Even as I am not of the world I shall take the Heads in their order And First The Cause of their hatred in the world in those words I have given them thy Word where by the antecedent is necessarily meant the consequent for Christs giving or preaching the Word of God unlesse they received and obeyed it was not enough to procure hatred Therefore they are both expressed vers 8. Christs giving them and their receiving of the Word For the Pharisees and many enemies to Christ who were of the world and the greatest part of those that did oppose did yet hear The Gospel was tendered to them though they made themselves unworthy thereof And thus when the Orthodox say That the pure preaching of the Word is a note of the Church By that they understand also a visible external accepting of it otherwise the Word may be preached to Barbarians and Heathen who may hear but scorn and reject the Gospel and therefore cannot be a Church This then being supposed we see the cause of the Apostles miseries and oppositions in the world not because they were thieves robbers or seditious persons But because they did imbrace the Doctrine of Christ all the words of this reason are emphatical 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have delivered them so that Christ herein doth faithfully discharge his duty he did not neglect it And 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Given or delivered them which implieth that the Apostles themselves could never by their own strength have found out this heavenly Doctrine There must be a revelation of ●t from above Christ must come from the bosome of the Father to give it unto them They themselves could not have invented it No though in stead of illiterate Fishermen they had been the Grandees of knowledge the Platoes and Aristotles of the world 3. I have given them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He that is the true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word of God doth deliver Gods Word and he saith not mine but thine partly because Christ in his mediatory administration referreth all to God to the Father My Doctrine is not mine but his that sent me and I come to do my Fathers will and partly hereby to engage God the Father more for being it was because of his Word and in reference to him the more was he to preserve them From the words explained observe That the Word preached and received by people doth greatly enrage the wicked of the world No other reason is here mentioned of the worlds hatred but this Who would think that the men preaching of so holy a Doctrine and such glad tidings of salvation and men obeying it not wronging injuring or troubling others yet should meet with so much opposition But thus it hath been and thus it will be In Tertullian's time To be a Christian was to be a Publicus hostis and though as that acute Father pleaded The Christians were no Albinians or Barutians such as embroyled the Civil Estate with warres yet because they were Christians this was enough The very name was a crime and this made so many Fathers make such excellent Apologies in their behalf Of this opposition from the world our Saviour informeth them when he first gave them their Commission to preach They should be hated of all men Never any went about such an unwelcome and unthankfull peece of service as they did Therefore they were as sheep amongst wolves and whereas it might be thought That the Apostles being men though greatly assisted by God might miscarry through ignorance inconsiderate passion c. We shall finde it befell even Christ himself that he in his Ministry though he wrought such wonderfull miracles that might astonish them yea though those miracles were usefull and profitable not for curiosity yet what reproaches what slanders did they cast on him calling him a wine-bibber a friend to sinners yea an Imposture one that had a devil and never ceased
till at last they put him to death in the most scornfull and reproachfull manner Consid I To open this consider That God out of his great love to mens souls hath appointed a Ministry and Officers in his Church that should be as Embassadours to intreat Reconciliation with God But because there could not be any commerce or communion between God absolutely considered and man fallen therefore the Lord Christ interposed and made peace but that what he had merited and purchased might effectually be applied to such as shall be saved among other instruments he set up Officers in his Church whose whole study and care should be to informe and reforme men So that people do enjoy the Ministers of God upon a two-fold special account First Gods great and special love to them That God hath taken care to send such is more then the creating of a world for you or vouchsafing all the temporal mercies you enjoy Hence it 's so often spoken of 2 Chron. ult and in other places that God sent his Prophets rising up early This is spoken as the great love of God to them And then Consid II The second Foundation of the Ministry is Christs Death and Resurrection his Ascending into Heaven as Ephes 4.11 He gave some Apostles some Pastours and Teachers Oh then how ingratefull and wicked is the world which doth no more regard this love of God and purchase of Christ in the Ministry Hence by the Prophet God promiseth That he would give them Pastours after his own heart Jer. 3.4 Though he feed them with the bread of adversity and drave them into corners Isai 30.20 Hence when God threatens a people with his uttermost wrath it is to remove the Candlestick and to make the Vision cease and to make no Clouds to rain upon them How much would people complain under a drought and want of Rain if for many years together there should not be so much as a Cloud seen But the gracious heart would think the removing of Christs Ministers not onely the taking away of Clouds but of the Sun and Stars in Heaven Secondly God and Christ who are thus the cause of their Office hath appointed them their worke and endowed them with abilities thereunto Their imployment is to publish the Word of God which is two-fold 1. The Word of the Law to convince men of sinne to inform of duty to make them sensible of their undone and damnable estate they are in Thus they are first to be wise Phisicians to detect and discover the disease the danger and cause of it Then secondly There is the Word of the Gospel which are the glad tidings of Gods favour and Reconciliation with those that are humble and contrite before him This is to publish the acceptable year of Jubilee to such as were spiritually indebted and under the thraldome of Gods wrath This is a work in it self absolutely necessary for what doth a sinner more want then these two things the Law in it's use and the Gospel in it's use Men in their temporal necessities respect the Physicians the Lawyers but soul necessities are not apprehended And as the necessity of it is so cogent so the dignity and excellency is admirable As the Soul and Heaven do farre exceed all earthly things so doth this subject all other Consid III Therefore in the third place God and Christ do justly expect that the world should with all gladnesse and obedience receive these his Messengers For shall God purpose so great love and Christ at so dear a rate purchase such Officers and must not the world set open the doors to receive them Shall not they cry Blessed are the feet of such as bring the glad tidings of the Gospel Are they not to be affected as the Galatians once to Paul To pull out their very eyes to serve him Certainly if David did so celebrate Gods goodnesse in creating Heaven and Earth and appointing the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field for mans use much more ought we in this great matter of the Church Consid IV Yet in the fourth place Though so much love be in this Institution and God expects so much thankefulnesse and obedience because of it it may make us tremble to see how little entertainment their Office and work hath in the world We speak not in regard of their outward honour and esteem For as Paul saith so ought we pray men might do no evil though we be accounted as reprebates 2 Cor. ult but we complain of the unsuccessefulnesse of it in respect of the divine operations of it We take up our Saviours complaint That light is come into the world and men love darknesse rather then light John 3. Oh this is that which the Scripture doth so bitterly complain of Who hath believed our report and I told them the wonderfull or great and honourable things of my Law and they accounted them a strange thing Psal 119. This sad usage in the world made Paul cry out That they were the off-scouring of the world worse then the dust of the feet and were made a spectacle to the world and Angels 1 Cor. 4.9 Consid V Fifthly The Devil knowing the excellent end and use of this Office and worke doth by himself and all his instruments oppose it He rageth and the world rageth when this work is set up So that as when Christ sent his Disciples to preach he saw Satan fall like lightning Thus if it were in his power he would have Christ and his Officers be thrown down As they are to destroy his works and dispossess him so he labours to do to them It being thus thou that in the Ministry we may see Gods great love and mans great wickednesse Let us consider the cause why it should thus stirre up the wrath of men that they should be moved like so many hornets And First This work of the Ministry is contrary to the Nature and inclination of the world That as the Sunne is burdensome to the Owl and other night-birds and sweet smels to swinish creatures Thus is the glorious Gospel and the precious favour thereof abominable to corrupt men They can no more love godly and holy preaching then fire and water can agree therefore the more thy heart and tongue is set against it the more thou discoverest that hell which is in the bottome of thy heart Now the true preaching of the Word of God is contrary unto the world in these respects 1. The very nature and frame of their hearts admits not of Christs word till regenerated The old house must be pulled down even with the very foundation of it Thus Jam. 1. God is said to beget by his Word and our Saviour here Sanctifie them by thy truth Now this is directly contrary to mans nature to account all that he is and all that he doth damnable to judge every thing he hath done fit fuell for hell so as to have no comfort in any thing he hath
done It was a mystery to Nicodemus a master of Israel but it 's not only a mystery to natural men it 's that which they hated they cannot abide For Solomon saith Every mans way is clean in his own eyes Prov. 16.2 To come then to people and tell them you are all out of the way to Heaven There is nothing good in you unlesse you be new creatures even all new you cannot be saved new hearts new affections new thoughts Will not this be a two-edged sword in their hearts Shall they leave their former course Shall not they speed as well as others This is a Doctrine not to be born this is durus Sermo when indeed they are duri auditores and so let not the Word have that penetrating power it would 2. As it 's opposite to their natures so to their lives and conversations Ephes 2. Paul there describes what kinde of men the Ephesians were and that it might not be thought their peculiar wickednesse he saith They walked after the course of this world and therefore Rom. 12. The command is not to be conformed to the fashion of this world Can flesh and blood then endure that the Ministers of God should damn to hell The lives the manners the daily customs and practises that generally men live in When Moses did but in a fair way reprove two Israelites that were quarrelling how frowardly did they answer Who made thee a Judge over us Exod. 2.14 And so the Sodomites to Lot they judged it all Lordliness and domineering and is not the same stubbornnesse still reigning every where All reproofs all denunciations out of Gods Word are judged to be the pride the lordlinesse or the malice of the Minister Wonder not then if the faithfull preaching of Gods word meeteth with such violent opposition for they perswade a life a way directly contrary to what the world delights in 3. It 's opposite to that way of worship which men take up by natural reasonings The Prophets did not only reprove for morall impieties but Idolatry and superstitious Worship Who hath required these things at your hands And our Saviour his Doctrine was salt to the Pharisees it corroded and fretted their sore hearts he layeth the axe of his Ministry to the root of all their superstition and proveth that to be abominable which they did so highly advance before men Insomuch that Christs first coming into the world because of his severe Doctrine and reprehensions is Mal. 3. described to be as terrible as the day of Judgement Who shall abide the day of his coming And why Because he shall sit as a refiner to purge the house of Levi. Austin did much complain what a difficult matter it was to take off people from their superstitions and vain customs Veh tibi torrens moris humani quis resistet Certainly such will say no lesse to powerfull and faithfull Ministers then the devils to Christ Why art thou come to torment us before our time Again fourthly The preaching of the Word must be opposed because the powerfull obedience thereunto brings all calamity and persecution They shall be hated as well as the word is hated Now to be troubled reproached and despised is contrary to mens temper who loveth applause and glory Hence some though they are said to believe John 2. yet would not confesse Christ because they loved the praise of men more then of God And our Saviour saith How can ye beleeve who seek glory one of another Pride and love to be esteemed of in the world doth disdain all good preaching 5. The Word preached meeteth with opposition because the instruments are men subject to infirmities especially if faithfull So that though they do not hate them for their infirmities yea the more prophane and dissolute the Minister is they like it the better yet because the Apostle saith We have this treasure in earthen vessels they are men and not Angels therefore they quarrel and oppose Paul himself though an Apostle and giving mighty demonstrations of Gods Spirit in him yet he was despised and slandered though not so guilty of humane infirmities and that because he was faithfull Am I become an enemy because I tell you the truth Gal. 3. Oh this is it because we preach the truth because we meet with mens corruptions and cannot bear sin This is that which raiseth up malice Lastly The world hath not received the Spirit of God and therefore all the glorious and wise things of Christ are but foolishnesse and uselesse to them They have not that spiritual annointing they are not taught of God Hence it is that they rage and revile those things they know not or understand Therefore till God give them eye-salve and seeing eyes no other thing can be expected Vse of Instruction Wonder not if in all ages this be true the Word is purely preached and obeyed by some therefore the world hateth and rageth For what will a Tyger and a Wolf lay aside their natures Will the Devil cease to be a Devil But wo be to those that make Christ the foundation-stone to be a stone of stumbling and offence Woe to thee that findest light made darkness and life death to thee SERMON LXXXI Of Suffering for Christs Cause And how it engageth God to take care of such as so suffer Also the Duty of Ministers about Preaching Gods Truth JOH 17.14 I have given them thy Word and the world hath hated them c. A Second Observation may be That when the People of God suffer not for any Faults of their own but because they own God and professe his Truth This is a great obliging of God to take care of them For our Saviours Petition is founded upon this equitable and just Consideration The world hateth them But why Not for any wickednesse or injuries they have done but meerly because they have beleeved in thy Word If so be they had opposed and rejected the Word of God and had ordered their lives according to the course of this world They would have been the worlds darlings all men would have spoken well of them but now it was for Gods sake and his Gospels sake that they were thus maligned so that if we be hated in the world upon Christs account and because of Gods Interest we are sure to have his special care and protection To open this doctrine Consider these things First That it 's possible for those who acknowledge Christ to be hated and persecuted in the world not for their Christianity but for their other grosse impieties and if so then they cannot take that joy or expect that protection which God doth promise to his Therefore the Apostle Peter speaks excellently to this 1 Pet. 4.14 15 16. where having shewed how happy yea and how g●orious a thing it is to be reproached for Christs Name because the Spirit of Glory resteth upon them The world scorneth and despiseth them in their low estate but the Spirit of Glory resteth
on them he addeth a Caution Let none of you suffer as a Murderer as an evil doer as a busie body in other mens matters but as a Christian that is Let him look that he do not for any wickednesse of his justly procure civil punishments but only let him keep to his Christian profession and if that be all his fault then let him not be ashamed Therefore he addeth Let such an one commit himself to God as to a faithful Creator Why Creator But because God looketh upon such Sufferers as his Creatures it 's because of my Image shining in them I cannot be a faithfull Creator and not take care of them saith God To this purpose our Saviour often because it 's not the meer sufferings but the cause and motive that is all in all If ye be persecuted for my Names sake and for Righteousnosse sake This must be the ground else we cannot pleade the promise of assistance 2. As it 's possible for a Christian to suffer for his own iniquities so nothing is more ordinary in the world though a man do suffer meerly for Christs sake yet to charge other crimes upon him and to pretend other grounds of their malice against such then meer Christianity This is good to be observed for if the Persecutors say true there was never any holy man or faithful Servant of God suffered but they made the condemnation just and thought at least some of them that they did God good service as our Saviour Joh. 16.2 Were not the Prophets of old whose bloud was shed by Jerusalem traduced as busie-bodies as Troublers of Israel as publike enemies and in Christs time Though the Sun was not more free from spots then he from sinne or any miscarriage in his Ministry yet what accusations did they frame against him and Joh. 8. It was not for the good works they said they stoned him but for his blasphemies So Joh. 18. If this man were not a malefactor we would not have delivered him to thee The Martyrs also when so many thousand of them died willingly for Christ yet by their Enemies they were represented as the vilest of men So that as they did with their bodies put them in Beasts skins that so Lyons might devour them more greedily Thus they defamed them and laid heavy crimes to their charge that so they might have the more just ground to condemn them So that when a Christian suffers as a Christian and when as a busie-body must not be determined by their Enemies nor by the greater part of the world but by Gods Word for they think all zeal against sinne rashnesse and madnesse and all reproofs of wickednesse a busie-medling more then needs Gods Word therefore must be the Star to direct in this Thirdly It must be also granted That a man suffering for those things which are against Christ which are palpably contrary to his Doctrine yet may be so farre seduced as to think he suffers for Christ This is ordinary with all heretikes who have judged themselves Martyrs and made all their sufferings to be for God when yet they blaspheme God Doth not the Papist put his sufferings upon Christs score Doth not every Heretique entitle God to his Cause Do not the Socinians who yet with their whole might oppose the Deity of Christ prerend great obedience so and adoration of him as a constituted God We grant then that men may be horribly deluded in their sufferings They may give their bodies to be burnt and not have true and sound Faith They may be acted by an heretical spirit and yet endure great miseries as the Circumcelliones out of a mad contempt of Death would make men kill them But these also have not Christs promises belonging to them unlesse it be Gods Word indeed and truly so for which the world hateth them they are not within the Ark It 's true Even such who suffer in such deluded waies may have great comfort may finde much consolation within but it 's the devil that transformeth himself into an Angel of Light It 's such comfort as mad men have that laugh and are pleased in the midst of their misery for God will never give comfort but to his own Truths The Spirit of God is not a Comforter but where it first leadeth into the Truth Indeed the confidence and comforts many have died with in their errours have been a stumbling-block but this is to be ignorant of Satans devices and the potent operations of strong delusions upon mens souls It cannot be denied but that even the best Christians who are hated and do suffer in the world have yet many imperfections cleaving to them and do discover many infirmities of the flesh so that as none can be perfect in love of God or in any other grace so neither in enduring the hatred of the world oh how hard is that Rule of our Saviours Mat. 5. when men revile to be patient when men curse to blesse and to render all good for all evil These things do so transcend humane power that many miscarriages several indiscretions and many carnal fears are apt to interweave themselves Now when the matter or cause of our sufferings in Christs and for his Name and if the heart be mainly set for God and his honour though subject to weaknesses such may pleade Christs assistance for all that neither may they fear Christ will disown them because of such adhering infirmities Do we not see the Scripture commending some as eminent when yet at that very time there was some imperfection Abrahams Faith so highly commended Rom. 4. yet had some diffidence mixed with it Jobs Patience so greatly exalted yet had some impatience breaking out God then takes not notice of thy weaknesse but of thy Grace and the godly sufferer may comfort himself that though he hath imperfections yet it is not for them the world hateth him As Bradshaw that holy Martyr said Though he was a sinner and had many Infirmities yet his Enemies did not put him to death for them but for the quarrel of Christ which he had espoused and the Truths of Christ which he preferred above his own life The Grounds of Gods endearment to protect such as are hated for his Name sake are 1. Gods propriety and interest in such It 's not their lives or Liberties are aimed at so much as his Name his Glory his Truth Now God cannot but love what is his own and that infinitely Therefore it hath alwaies been the Custome of Gods people in their Praiers to make their trouble to be in reference to him What wilt thou do for thy great Name said Joshua c. 7.9 And David It 's time to work for men have made void thy Law So it 's thy Temple thy Altars they have polluted and hence God accounts all the malice and madnesse of men discovered against his people as done to him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Act. 9 4. Could they do that to God which
the Earth earthly And then 3. If it be taken for the wickednesse of it Then Christ was never so of the world Therefore here is a difference between Christ and his Disciples for though they were not now of the world yet once they were plunged in sinne and corrupted through pollutions as others were but Christ never was of the world in this sence Therefore in the last place the particle of similitude 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not of equality as if the Disciples were in every respect not of the world as Christ was but in some resemblance only The words thus explained two Doctrines arise Doct. 1 First The not being of the world is that which makes wicked men hate the Godly If there were sutablensse of Naturee and Manners then like would agree with like Hence 1 Joh 3.12 when the Apostle instanced in Cains murther of his Brother because his own works were evil he saith v. ●3 Marvell not if the world hate you Never wonder at that but rather if it should not hate you Our Saviour speaks notably of this to his Brethren Joh. 7.5 7. For they did not beleeve in him though so greatly acquainted with him and saw his Miracles The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testifie of it that the works thereof are evil It cannot hate you No wicked man can hate another viz. in respect of fundamental principles as a Godly man is hated It 's true wicked men may be at deadly fewd one with another but it is not from contrary principles of nature but from matter of profit and injuries or wrongs done As the Dogge doth not hate another yet for bones and other matters they will be ready to kill one another Though therefore Herod and Pilate cannot endure one another yet that opposition was upon carnal Interests it was not like that hatred which was to Christ Therefore when such Earthly Interests are removed they can heartily embrace one another but the wicked man can never love the Godly till his Nature he changed till he become godly also as the wolf can never love a sheep unlesse he be made a sheep To open this Let us Consider What it is not to be of the world And first It consists in Doctrine to be beleeved Such are not of the world who receive those hevenly Truths that the world cannot reach unto yea that it scorneth and derideth When Peter made that Solemn Confession That Christ was the Son of the Living God It was told him Flesh and bloud had not revealed this to him Mat. 16.16 There is a worldly Religion worldly Doctrines such as are sutable to the principles and Interests of the world and these are readily embraced The world loveth such Preachers and such Doctrines 1 Joh. 4. 4. The Apostle John speaking of the Antichristian Spirit that was coming into the world saith of such Teachers They are of the world therefore the world heareth them but we are of God and he that is not of God heareth us not Therefore there is a remarkable opposition 1 Cor. 2 12. between the Spirit of the world and the Spirit of God For by this only we come to know the things that God hath given us Then therefore are we not of the world when God shall so enlighten our mindes by Faith That we do assuredly beleeve those Truths God hath revealed in his Word that neither our corrupt Reasons nor our Education to the contrary nor the Opinions of the most men and great men in the world shall make us go contrary and certainly the Lives of men are so worldly because their Understanding is so We receive our Religion not as it 's revealed of God but as we can any waies turn it to our corrupt ends 2. Not to be of the world is to be Regenerated and born again To have another Nature then what we come with into the world another not substantially but qualitatively whereby we are said 1 Pet. 1.4 to be partakers of the divine Nature So that though at first made of the dust yet now we fly up to Heaven as the vapours though arising out of the Earth yet ascend up to Heaven and follow the motions thereof Joh. 3. and 2 Cor. 5.17 A man must be born again or from above and he is made a new Creature Old things are past away This is to be above the world not of the world and indeed seeing the Soul is not naturally of the world being created by God why shouldst thou voluntarily debase it and make it a Servant to every worldly Object to love the world To delight in the world To be ensnared by the world Oh pray for this Divine Nature beg for Regeneration for till this be done thou art all over earthly a worm is as good as thou art Thy Love thy heart thy thoughts thy all is nothing but earth 3. Not to be of the world is to have an Heavenly Conversation To live as one whose heart is with Christ already in Heaven It 's not enough to be once regenerated but the progresse of our Lives is to be spent on Heavenly motives and Considerations As the Fowls of the Heaven though they light upon the Ground to eat their meat yet immediatly fly up again Thus it is with the godly though they take the lawful comforts of this world yet their hearts are presently off ascending to God Thus the Apostle Our Conversation is in Heaven Phil. 3 20. And because we are risen with Christ we set our affections upon things above Col. 3.1 2. See our Lord Christ he was not of the world Did he not manifest it by his conversation when he made it his meat and drink to doe his Fathers Will when he was alwaies either praying to God or preaching to the people Oh then do thou endeavour after this life Though thou art in thy Family in thy Trade in thy Calling yet be not of the world because the choicest part of thy self is from God Thou canst say what are all these to the favour of God They are good to use but not to enjoy They are good sawce but not good meat a good Inne but not a good home 4. Not to be of the world is to partake of other joys other comforts then the world knoweth of and so to be exercised with other Temptations then the world understands with other joys Therefore it 's said It hath not entred into the heart of man to conceive of this 1 Cor. 2.9 It 's called Joy unspeakable in the holy Ghost 1 Pet. 1.8 David acknowledged God had put more joy in his heart then worldly men could have in all their abundance Psa 4. Alas what is thy carnal mirth and delight to that admirable and unspeakable joy which the godly finde in God This is a joy that will hold in tribulations and death it self when in such a Drought the wicked mans stream is quite dried up his temptations also are such as the world
troublesome world that hereby they may be exercised and made stronger in their graces As God would not immediately put the Israelites into Canaan but did lead them into many dangers and assaulted them with many enemies that so their valour in themselves and their dependance upon God might be more discovered God will not train up his children idly no sooner doth he make them his but he lets the world and the devil loose upon them and why is all this but to draw out their graces to teach them all spiritual military Discipline as Ephes 6. they are to fight as the good souldiers of Christ and to put on the whole Armour of God because they wrestle not with flesh and blood onely but principalities and powers The world then is a field wherein spiritual battels are to be fought The Lord he is the Spectator and beholder of them Thus it is also compared to running a race where there is no time to be idle or sit still but to have thoughts and the whole heart upon the Crown they strive for Expect then exercises and occasions to draw out faith zeal and heavenly fortitude Thirdly God will not take us presently out of the world but leave us here com●ating with the reliques of corruption that so being humbled therein we may the more esteem Christ and his righteousnesse When we reade Rom. 7. of a Paul captivated by his lusts and miserably crying out What shall he do See how powerfully this driveth him to Christ I thank God through Jesus Christ It 's true in Heaven we shall give all glory and honour to Christ as that Mediator who hath brought us thither So that Christ shall never be forgotten no not to all eternity by the godly yet in Heaven that particular manner of Justification we have here on earth shall cease for now Rom 4. Justification is of the believer but a sinner and one that is not able to stand upon his own terms before God Therefore Christ is his righteousness and he desireth with Paul to be found in him Phil. 3. not having his own righteousness so then Gospel-righteousness and our evangelical Justification differs from that in Heaven which will be for inherent righteousnesse but it hath pleased God in this life to exalt imputed righteousnesse and to place the cause of all hope and joy without us Therefore that we might for a season be sensible of our unworthinesse and be groaning under our corruptions thereby to be longing after Christ to magnifie his love and all that he hath done for us it 's necessary we should be kept in this conflict here below for we are much affected by sense and experience when therefore every thing within us crieth out for a Christ and the grace of God through him when we feel our selves sinking and even dropping into hell This will make us importune for the favour of God as Christ was experimentally tempted that he might know how to have compassion on us so God will have us experimentally finde the bitterness and weight of sin that so we may the more love Christ who did bear Gods wrath for us Fourthly God will not take his people immediately out of the world that so his goodnesse mercy and providence his wisdome and faithfulnesse may be the more discovered to us In Heaven there the Church is at rest it 's out of all danger there are no waves no rocks So that the Wisdome and Providence of God in keeping his Church there is not at all discovered When the waters were dried up there was no necessity of an Ark for Noah The Lord therefore will have us in these dangers and temptations that so his care and love may be the more manifested yea the greater the dangers are the more is his faithfulnesse discovered In the Mount God will be seen Is it not an admirable thing to consider how God hath preserved a Church a people faithfully to serve him when hell and the world hath conspired to destroy them But God by this means hath been made known to the world The Artificers skill is seen about his metal when it is in the fire The Pilates art is manifested when his Ship is on rocks and waves and under many tempests Though the world be a place of our dangers and temptations yet it 's the glasse to represent the glorious Attributes of God and the effects thereof to his children where God is known not only by Adonai but by Jehovah even by every name Fifthly God will have his people to be in this world that so Heaven may be the more welcome that they may desire that eternall glory the more earnestly The labouring man that hath wrought hard is glad at night of his resting time The Scripture cals Heaven a rest Heb. 4. There remaineth a Rest for the people of God Oh how welcome will it be after all the troubles calam●ties and miseries thou hast been tossed with at last to have Rest Here in this life thou hast no Rest sinne troubleth thee the world troubles thee thy own heart troubleth thee but there remains a Rest And how happy must that be to thee We are Pilgrims and it 's their blessedness to get home at last God therefore will have thee lie under all kinde of conflicts spiritual and temporal he will create one exercise after another that thou mayest say We have no abiding place here Should all things be according to our carnal desires we would with the Reubenites take up on this side Canaan because the ground was pleasant and rich Never did those endangered passengers in Paul's Ship desire more to get to the haven out of all their dangers then we are out of all these troubles into Heaven Sixthly God will not immediately take us into Heaven because it 's fit that we who have served sinne in this world should serve God as much in this world Thy life hath been a reproach and a dishonour to him It 's fit it should bring glory to his Name Though it be thy loss to be kept from Heaven though every day be thy great hinderance yet for Gods glory thou art to deny thy self Remember thou hast given up thy self to serve sinne Remember how much service the devil hath had from thee so that if thou lovest Gods glory more then thy own thou art to be willing to spend thy self for him as thou hast done against him Seventhly God doth not remove His immediately out of the world because of the dependencies and relations that They have Children need their godly Father the wife her godly husband So that although it be better for them to be in Heaven yet not for theirs Indeed when they have finished their course then they are obedientially to resign as our Saviour said to his Disciples If ye loved me you would be glad Joh. 14.28 because I said I go to my Father So we all ought to rejoyce in that our friends are taken out of this world into glory but yet
be risen with Christ seek those things that are above and set your affections upon them Oh this is a great matter when not only our minde and tongue but our affections are set on things above The Affections are like wings to the bird like fire among the Elements it assimilates and turneth every thing into fire Thus where the beleever affectionately remembers he is not of the world he cryeth out as the Maid ready to be ravished under all inordinate and worldly thoughts What do you come to overwhelm me for He runneth away as Joseph from his Mistresse how can I do this and sinne against God The Apostle speaks in the Name of all Beleevers Phil. 3.20 Our Conversation is in Heaven Thus as the Sunne in Heaven though the Beams of it shine upon Dunghils and noisome Jakes yet it 's not defiled So the Godly though they live in a noisome sinful and wicked world yet they are not stained therewith because their Conversation is in Heaven and as the Bird as long as she soars on high is out of all danger from the snares and gins of the Fowler Thus the Childe of God as long as his thoughts and his affections are kept above and are out of reach they receive no defilement from these things below Oh then let the Beleever remember he is not of this world and this will inflame him it will be a fiery Chariot to carry him up into Heaven But because to be heavenly-minded is a general and particular things do most inform and affect Singularia sunt quae pungunt Let us branch it out in particulars and shew you wherein a Godly man remembring he is not of the world doth expresse his heavenly Conversation and that emptieth it self into these streams First He mortifieth and moderateth his heart and affections even to lawfull things 1 Cor. 7. The time is short Those that marry must be as if they married not Grace doth alter the pallat of Nature so that like old Barzillai they take not that delight which once they had in the comforts of the world Nature is content with few things but Grace with the one necessary thing which is God himself If then thy heart be like a water overrunning the banks and so be muddied stop thy self and remember thou art not of this world and therefore thou darest not over-love or over-desire or go beyond thy bounds Thou hast indeed these mercies but as if thou hadst them not Truly this is an excellent discovery of an heavenly heart when this Ivy doth not so cleave to thee as to consume thee When thou canst so eat drink and enjoy all earthly and worldly Comforts that yet thou do not distemper and disease thy soul Secondly An Heavenly Heart is in these worldly things when they are made but the secondary and the lesse principall They are the Stars not the Sun This our Saviour makes a fundamentall qualification to every Disciple He that loveth Father or Mother more then me is not worthy of me Matth. 10.37 The Godly man therefore hath Christ lying nearest to his heart There must be nothing above him equall to him as David expresseth this predominancy often Whom have I in Heaven but thee And My Soul breaketh for the longing it hath to thee at all times And God was his Portion The Light of his Countenance was better then Life and all Earthly Comfort If therefore thou remembrest thou art not of this world Earthly things shall be admitted only to the Court of the Temple not to thy heart which is the Holy of Holies They are kept at the bottome of the Hill not suffered to come up to the Mount There is no man if not truly regenerated though never so great in parts and expressions of Religion that giveth Christ the better part of his Soul That gives the Superiority to him As in the Sacrifices of old all the fat was to be burnt unto God Oh then awaken thy self in this matter if thou art not of the world then God and Christ are in the uppermost room of thy heart They are more unto thee then ten thousand Creatures To say thou ar● no prophane person no wicked person is a poor and a small matter But art thou one to whom Christ is more then Wealth then honour and all Greatnesse Thirdly The man that remembers he is not of the world dareth not sinne against God to obtain the greatest advantages here below This doth necessarily follow from the former For if once he be so heavenly as to love God and Christ better then all then he will do nothing that he may lose them He will not be so foolish as to take Dirt and to lose Gold Hence those Hearers that had the Cares of the world choaking the good Seed and those Apostates that fell off in Persecution all these did serve Mammon and not God for when it comes to this here is an offer and choice either I must lose God or this worldly advantage If thou wilt take the present world and leave Christ this cannot stand with an Heavenly heart I do not speak of some particular passages for the Flesh sometimes overcometh the Spirit but of an habituall and constant course Therefore it was a full discovery that Moses was not of the world when he chose the Reproaches of Christ rather then all the Treasures of Egypt This an earthly heart would never have done Fourthly The man that remembers he is not of the world desires not neither rejoyceth in worldly things any further then thereby he is made more serviceable to God and instrumental te his glory All these earthly things they are Talents and we are called Stewards Now the Steward looks not upon the money and Rents he receiveth as his he rejoyceth not in them as his own He is to improve all for the best to his Masters use Thus the heavenly Christian doth This Health This Life These parts These Comforts they are none of mine I am but a Steward I must give an account what improvement I have made of them This is a notable discovery of thy heavenlinesse when thou art thus affected Fifthly He that Considers he is not of this world his Heavenly-mindednesse is discovered in that though he be in the midst of all these businesses yet he labours to keep his heart holy and fervent His Shop doth not dead his heart his worldly affairs do not dull the Edge of his Spirit but he can delight in God call him Father be fervent and effectuall in Duties Not but that the most Heavenly man which is findes and complaineth of much deadnesse and dullnesse They can be affected with worldly things but not Heavenly onely they are sensible and complain of this dead heart That as they mourn over a dead Friend a dead Childe so they do over a dead heart onely herein they strive and labour that no worldly thing may any whit abate their Affections to God That they
truth of Scripture Thus Christ John 8.40 told the Pharisees They thought to kill him because he told them the truth And Paul Gal. 4.16 Am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth The Ministers of this truth are compared to light that is offensive to sore eyes and salt that doth grieve and vex the wounded man Indeed truth if rightly considered is not grievous but to do otherwise then obey truth It 's not the threatning of hell and damnation that should be so grievous but the punishments themselves They cried out of our Saviour saying It was an hard speech of what he had spoken but it 's an harder thing to lie roaring in hell-flames to all eternity Vse Is the word of God thus Truth then be possessed and filled with it Let truth be in your mindes truth in your hearts truth in your lives Take heed of all errours and heresies they oppose the Doctrinal Truths of the Scripture Take heed of all prophaneness and impiety they oppose the practical Truths Oh remember if Gods word be truth then woe be to thee thou art in a lying way in a seduced and damnable way Only know it 's not enough to have a general knowledge of Scripture-Truths but endeavour after a particular practical discerning of them The Scripture cals it knowing the Truth as it is in Jesus Eph. 4.21 and the acknowledging of the truth after godlinesse Tit. 1.1 Tantum scimus quantum operamur We know no more in Gods account then we put in practice Take heed then of being in the number of those Rom. 1.18 who hold the Truth in unrighteousnesse Say as the Apostle in his Ministry 2 Cor. 13.18 So thou in thy whole particular conversation I can do nothing against the Truth but for it This would be a Preservative every way SERMON XCIV How requisite a sound minde and a holy life are to a Minister of the Gospel And of Christs peculiar love to and care of such JOH 17.18 As thou hast sent me into the world even so have I sent them into the world THis Verse begins a New Argument or Reason why the Apostles need Sanctification by the Truth It 's drawn not from the generall Consideration as they are Beleevers but from the particular Relation they were in commissionated with Office to preach the Truth of God Before I enter upon the words the Coherence of this Argument with the Petition doth deserve some Consideration though the particle of Connexion be not expressed yet it is to be supposed howsoever this followeth next in order upon that Petition and therefore there cannot be but Coherence of the matter I shall not trouble you with the Conjectures of Interpreters but pitch on that which is easily acknowledged to be very genuine and plain And first Whereas Sanctification by the Truth is desired for the Apostles because they were to be Officers in the Church and Ministers of the Gospel Whence Observe That Truth and Holinesse are requisite in the Ministers of the Gospel Sanctifie them by thy Truth Why because they are sent to preach the Gospel and they have thy Authority This is the reason why Christ though he called his Apostles immediatly from their worldly calling yet it was two years as Chemnitius in his Harmony computeth ere he sent them out to preach but kept them in his Family and under his Instruction that so they might attain both to true Doctrine and an holy Life This was represented Exod. 28.30 by the Vrim and Thummim which were to be on the Breastplate Light and Perfection sound Doctrine and Integrity of Life Hence the Apostle in the Qualification of Ministers requireth doctrinall abilities that he be apt to teach and can divide the Word of God aright as also many practical Qualifications for holy and unblamable life 1 Tim. 3.2 The Scripture compareth the Ministers of God to Stars and that both for their light and purity differing as Philosophers say from the substance of sublunary things 1. Let us Consider the Grounds why they are to be endowed with Truth and to have a sound minde And first From the Quality of the Office Their Office is to preach the Truth They are appointed to declare the Word of God and that only not humane Inventions not the thoughts of their own heart for if Christ himself avoucheth this that his doctrine was not his own but his that sent him and doth still referre all to the Father that sent him how much more ought the Ministers of God to declare what they reade and what they have received of God by the Scriptures not their own conceits Thus the Prophets of old began their Sermons with Thus saith the Lord and the Apostles begin their Epistles with their call and office Apostles and Servants of God Seeing therefore they have such an Office and Trust that requireth in the very Essentials of it nothing but Truth they ought earnestly to pray for it They are called the Light and the Salt of the Earth Now if the Light be dark all the body is dark If Salt hath lost his Seasoning it 's good for nothing By their Office they are to be the Ministers of Truth as Paul said I can do nothing against the Truth but for it 2 Corinth 13.8 This is a Minister after Gods own Heart that is thus qualified Secondly Truth is necessary if you do respect the subordination of their Office Christ hath not sent them to be Masters and Lords over mens Faith to propound their own Dictates and to anathematize such as do not immediatly obey No They have a Ministeriall not a Magisteriall Office for though in respect of the people they are Guides and Overseers and Shepheards yet in respect of God they are Ministers and Servants They are under Christ the Head and so must not deliver any thing but what they have received They may not make Articles of Faith they cannot appoint the worship of God They cannot institute new Sacraments It 's spiritual Treason in them to do this They are like the skillfull Gemmary that doth not make the Jewell only by his skill doth discover which is true or like Solomon that did not make the true Childe but by his Wisedom did manifest it So the Ministers of the Gospel though never so Learned never so holy yet they of their own authority cannot make any new Truth or new Ordinance Therefore they are compared to Embassadors that are bound up by their Commission To Stewards not Masters in the House The Scripture is called Gods Testament or Will Now the Lawyer may not adde or take away from it though he hath never so much skill and knowledge it would be sinful forgery in him to do so Thus Beloved we Ministers are bound up to Gods Word as that last Will he hath appointed how he will have his Church governed how it must beleeve how it must worship and it must be high Sacriledge to adde or detract from it Therefore if Scripture-Truths
Arguments seek for it at the Fathers hands Thus Psal 2. when God there declares his will of making him King over his Church and giving the Nations of the world for an Inheritance to him it 's said Ask of me and I will give thee Christ is to ask and pray for such things So that in this respect Christ praied even as all the Godly do though God hath appointed and promised to bestow such glorious things upon his penple yet it is by way of praier that they must be possessed of them God could give them otherwise Neither do our praiers or Christs Praiers make God alter or change his minde only praier is appointed by him as that medium whereby his purpose shall be brought to passe 4. Christ praied upon the same ground as he gave thanks Now we reade he praised God severall times yea they sang an Hymn to God Praier is divided into Petition and Thanks-giving If then Christ could give God praise by the same reason he might make Petition to him He praiseth God as the Father of such mercies his Soul was affected with and so he praieth to God for such things as he had not yet the full accomplishment of Lastly These main Reasons being laid down then we may adde Christ praied for our example also It 's wonder any should be so transported with pride as to think themselves above praier that they need not to pray when we see Christ himself diligent in this Duty So that as we are to learn of him and imitate the Zeal Patience and Love that was in him so we are the Religious Conversation also of Christ which was manifested in his fervent Praiers unto God upon all occasions yet though Christ did thus pray there was a great difference between Christs Praiers and ours For first If we speak absolutely of Christ as a person so he needed not to pray for being in that respect God as well as man Therefore he could have done all things the humane Nature desired without any humble Supplication unto the Father It was then in respect of his humane nature only and his voluntary Humiliation of himself otherwise being God as well as man He might have done all things by sole power and authority Indeed there are some who hold that Christ still in Heaven as man doth pray to God the Father properly and formally in respect of his Church and so understand those places where he is said to be an Advocate with the Father and where he is said still to make intercession for us not say they that he praieth in such a servile humbled manner as he did here on Earth yet they say it 's more then meer a representation of himself or will that the Father fulfill what he hath purchased It 's true and formall praying neither say they is this any more indecent and unbeseeming Christ as man in Heaven then praising of God which yet as man he doth Howsoever this be yet it 's sure that when he did pray on earth yet it was not with such an absolute necessity and indigency as any man or the whole Church doth pray for they cannot in any Consideration help themselves 2. Neither did Christ pray for any spiritual gracious mercies These are the chiefest matter of our praier insomuch that temporall things are praied for only with a submission unto Gods Will and so farre as they conduce to our spirituall good but Christ had already received the Spirit of God in so full measure that he could not pray for further Sanctification nor for a better heart or more communion with God then he had much lesse could he pray for such things as suppose a sinnefull Imperfection in the Subject So he did not or could not pray for the pardon of sinne which yet he taught the most holy that are to pray continually for neither could he pray for justifying Faith for although he had faith and confidence in God yet he had not justifying Faith which is the relying upon Christ for Righteousnesse Neither could he pray for the conquering and subduing of corruption seeing his pure Nature remained altogether spotlesse and free from the least stain or pollution Neither 3. Were Praiers to him as they are to us means to quicken up and excite the heart to make it more Heavenly and zealous Prayer in us doth quicken and excite a man and takes off the rust upon his Soul Christ was alwaies in contemplation and enjoyment of God and therefore he did not need praier to make his soul ascend higher to God Hence in the fourth place All the matter he could pray for in reference to himself was concerning his body and the further glorifying of that for seeing it pleased him to take our body upon him in all the natural defects and infirmities thereof sinne only excepted it was necessary that he should not alwaies be in such a passible mortal way but rise again to glory dominion and all honour Now this Christ praied for as being to be obtained by praier as well as his Sufferings He praied also for assistance and deliverance in those agonies he conflicted with But in respect of his praier for the Church So he praied for their Sanctification though not for his own he praied Peters Faith might not fail he praied God would not impute sinne to some of those who did crucifie him Though he needed not such Petitions yet we do and therefore in this respect Christ praied in which we cannot imitate him for he praied as he was to offer up himself a Sacrifice for our sinnes so it behoved him also to put up praier for his people Thus you have heard how Christ was capable of Praier though God Let us now Consider the comfortable advantage of these Praiers of Christs unto us And 1. See the love of Christ that he doth remember our good in his praiers as well as his own It is not enough to pray for his own Glory but he beggeth and prayeth for ours also Paul speaketh of it as his great affection and Love to some that he made mention alwaies of them in his Prayers he never praied for himself but for them also And thus we see Christ though ready to be offered up and to die such a tormented ignominious Death So that he might justly be taken up with Praier for himself only yet he doth the same time think of his Church and all that shall beleeve in him Oh what comfortable Refreshment and Encouragement should this be to the dejected and humbled Soul That Christ doth in his Prayer remember and consider of thee as well as his own Glorification 2. This Prayer of Christ is alwaies heard We many times pray and God doth deny us because as the Apostle James saith Chapt. 4. vers 4. We ask amisse or we ask not in Faith Now Christ had every thing concurrent that might make his Prayer successefull Therefore John 11.42 Christ there professeth God the Father heard him alwaies In
but because it would be a perpetual usefull document he instanceth in those that are to come yea all the believers for the time past since the beginning of the world are not excluded from this Mediatory prayer while they needed it no more then from his death for Christs prayer as his death profuit antequum fuit it profited before it was because it was present to God from eternity in which sense he is said to be a Lamb slain from the beginning of the world Observ That such is Christs care and love to his that they are remembred in his prayer and death even before they had a being when thou couldst not pray for thy self nor any else yea from eternity Christs Mediatory love and purpose was set upon thee In particular this truth is full of consolations even as the Sea is of waters to those that are members of Christ Therefore to open this First Consider that when Christ here prayeth for all believers he doth not as we do When we pray for the whole Church of God or as some say The Angels and Saints in Heaven pray viz. in a general indistinct manner not descending to every particular individual person No but Christ in this prayer being God as well as man and so cloathed with Omnisciency did in this prayer know and attend to every particular believer that should in any age of the Church be born as distinctly and nominally as I may so say as when he told Peter I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not So that here is a great difference between Christs prayer for the universall Church and ours We cannot name the particular believers that shall be in every age but Christ did represent in this prayer every individual man and had as distinct knowledge of all believers as of the Apostles whom he knew man by man Secondly This must necessarily be so because though the execution and accomplishment of those benefits we receive by Christs prayer and his death be in time yet the Decree and purpose was from all Eternity Christ did not at this time of prayer or the hour of death beginne to will good to them No that love to them was eternal and of old Insomuch that we cannot say There ever was a time when God did not purpose these glorious things for them and therefore it is that the Scripture doth often call the godly to this consideration that his mercy and love to them was of old even before they ever had a being or the world either Ephes 1.4 He hath chosen us in him before the foundations of the world and that is remarkable 2 Tim. 1.9 where this grace of God is said to be given us in Jesus Christ before the world began It 's said to be actually given us before the world began either because God had decreed to do so or else because it is as certain as if it had been done already Oh then what lively consolations should this breed in a believers breast Gods gracious thoughts of mercy were of old to me when I was many thousands of years from having any being yet even then was I in Gods minde and love No wonder if all eternity be not long enough to bless and praise God for this eternal purpose of his Yet in the third place Though we are then chosen in Christ from Eternity yet take heed of that absurd Errour which holds Our sins are pardoned and our persons justified from Eternity To say That while a man is unconverted wallowing and tumbling in his lusts that his sinnes are pardoned and that he is as well loved of God before his conversion as after is to contradict the whole course of Scripture for though we be elected and thus predestinated from Eternity yet the Effects of this are not bestowed upon us till in time and in such a manner as God pleaseth Praedestinatio est amor Ordinativus not collativus as the Schools say It 's immanent in God not transient in us Therefore you see our Saviour supposeth such to be believers who shall be made partakers of his death He doth not promiscuously pray for all men he doth not commend to Gods love every man or woman but the believer onely So that we are to distinguish between the purpose of God and the gracious effects thereof otherwise we may as well say we are glorified from Eternity Fourthly Hence in that Christ doth thus determinately pray for every individual believer It 's a plain Argument that he is God as well as man For how could those things be as present to him which yet were many years to come if he was not God Act. 15.18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world Thus Christ being God as well as man to him was known the state and condition of every believer not only before he was born but before the world had a being Therefore from hence it may be properly gathered that even to the humane nature of Christ was revealed the number of those persons whose salvation he was to procure So that Christ as man as well as God knew who they were that should believe in him It 's true Omnisciency could not be communicated to the humane nature as the Orthodox maintain against the Lutherans neither was the knowledge of all things revealed to it but as the Sonne of man he knew not the day of Judgement when it should determinately be and the nescience of this was not any sin in him yet the revelation of this to his humane nature viz. who they were that he should die for seemeth to be more necessary even as Divines say The humane nature of Christ shall by revelation from the Divine at the day of Judgement know all the thoughts and secrets of mans heart that so he may be the great Judge of the world in both his Natures howsoever here is a clear argument that Christ is God as well as man and that his Godhead concurreth to the work of our Redemption Therefore fifthly It is not to be thought impossible that even all things that are to come should be thus present to Christ though it be to us For our knowledge is measured by time and there is not only a successive order in the objects we know but also in the acts of knowing But the measure of Gods knowledge is by eternity wherein all things do exist together So that though in themselves one object be after another yet in respect of God they are beheld with one intuitive act As a man with one cast of an eye from some high Tower doth behold many passengers going by one after another It 's true we can no more comprehend how these things are all at once open and naked to God then a Dwarf can reach the Pyramides yet for all that we are to believe what by reason we cannot comprehend Quid enim magis contra rationem quam ratione supra rationem transcendere said Bernard It 's enough
God doth not Elect or choose any untill he foresee what every man will do and if he do well and persevere in this then he is predestinated but this doth at once dash out all the Prepositions Prae and turn them into Post it is not prae-destination but post-destination not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And this administers a second Argument Secondly If so be that God did Elect and choose to Eternall Life because he did fore-see our Faith then the whole difference of one Beleever from another would be attributed solely to mans Power For to say That this is Gods Decree and his Appointment that whosoever shall beleeve shall be saved doth not in the least work upon any person no more then that Decree of God Whosoever shall do this shall live doth suppose any that will exactly keep the Law so that no man in the world may beleeve for all this Decree And thus when Christ prayed for those who shall beleeve he might have praied for a Non ens a thing which might never have been Therefore all the Question is How come some to beleeve and not others How is it that of many who live under the same means of Grace some are called effectually and others grow more wicked and sinnefull Certainly the Scripture doth not give this unto mans Will but to Gods free-grace and Love as Matthew 13. To you it is given to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God and unto others not Thus Christ also Matthew 11. solemnly blessed and thanked God That he had hid these things of Heaven from the wise and prudent ones of the world and that he had revealed them unto Babes And the Apostle expresly Who hath made thee to differ from another 1 Corinth 4.7 Therefore it 's horribly injurious unto the Grace and goodnesse of God to say That under the same Means of Grace I made my Self to beleeve to repent rather than another Certainly such an Opinion as this is so grosse and absurd that well may Arminianism be said not only to be repugnant to many places of Scripture but even to the common sence and experience of all beleevers They have a witnesse within their own breasts That they were as unwilling as froward as opposite to the work of Grace as any That it was God that made them of unwilling willing Even as there were many others that heard Paul yet God is said to open the heart of Lydia rather then others Thirdly Faith and all holinesse is the Effect and Fruit of our Election and also of the Death of Christ and therefore it cannot be an antecedent Condition That is plain that the same thing cannot be an Effect and Consequent of Election and yet an antecedent Condition at least in the same Respects for then it should be considered as before and after at the same time which is a plain Contradiction Now that Faith is a Consequent and an Effect of Election and that we are Elected to Faith and Holinesse not because we have Faith and Holinesse is clear by severall Texts of Scripture as Act. 13.48 They beleeved as many as were ordained to Eternall Life Here is plainly set down the Effect and the Cause They beleeved and why Because ordained to Eternall Life As for that Cavill to understand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 intransitively as if it were no more than dispositi and so did imply some inherent probity that is not worth the answering For how were the Gentiles disposed to beleeve who were said to be dead in sinnes and plunged into all manner of impiety untill Grace had converted them Besides this disposednesse to beleeve whence doth it arise Either from our selves and so all Glory is due to us or from the Grace of God And if so How cometh it to passe that some have it and not others but because of Election And it is further to be added That it is not said in the Text They beleeved that were ordained Or as they say disposed to beleeve but to Eternall Life which doth necessarily suppose an Action of God in whose power alone it is to dispose of Eternall Life Thus also Ephes 1. There are very emphaticall Expressions to shew that we are Elected to be holy and unblameable in the sight and presence of God And whereas they would referre this to our glorious Estate in Heaven that cannot be because unblameable doth properly relate to our being here upon the Earth It is true we will readily grant That both Faith and Holinesse they doe enter into the Decree of Election taken terminatively as it ends in Everlasting Happinesse Therefore it is a meer Calumny to say We hold such an absolute Election to Glory and Happinesse as hath no respect to Christ or to Faith For although we deny that Christ was the meritorious Cause of our Election yet it 's plain by Scripture we are chosen in him as the Head and so the Cause of all the Benefits that come by Election And God had respect unto Faith He chose Beleevers to Salvation onely this Faith was not looked upon as an antecedent Condition in us but as a qualification which God by Election doth work in the hearts of those that shall be saved We say God hath Elected such to Salvation whom in time he will by that Decree make Beleevers For he that wils an end doth thereby will the means that tendeth thereunto only we deny they were supposed Beleevers first and then God Elected them Fourthly God doth not Elect upon the fore-sight of Perseverance in Faith Because the Scripture every where makes Election to be the Origina●l and Causall Fountain or Womb of all other Benefits That Ninth Chapter to the Romanes is pregnant to this purpose where Election is made to be that which bringeth about all blessed Eff●cts in time Election hath obtained and it is not of him that willeth or runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Whereas Austin of old urged by the Adversaries Opinion replied We might as well say according to them it is not of him that calleth but of him that willeth And Rom. 8. The Apostle maketh predestination the cause of Vocation Justification and Glorification not Vocation the Cause of Predestination Fifthly If the humane Nature of Christ was not chosen to the personall Union for any fore-seen merit much lesse may any meer man be Elected to Glory because of any supposed worth This was an Argument urged of old by Austin and is very strong By what Grace that particular man was made Christ by that we are made Christians Now the Apostle saith expresly that Christ 1 Peter 1.20 he was fore-ordained and appointed before the Foundation of the world and all will readily grant that this was not for any fore-seen worth and Excellency in the Humane Nature of Christ Lastly Not to mention all that may be brought If we are Elected upon Faith fore-seen and Perseverance therein then none are Elected until they come to die and
variety and difference in gifts in graces in offices in outward conditionr yet they must all be one 3. You have the patern of this unity As thou Father in me and I in thee 4. The nature and quality of this unity That they may be one in us 5. The benefit and fruit of this union That the world may believe thuu hast sent me I shall first consider the benefit praied for That they may be one and observe That union rmongst the godly is of so great necessity and consequence that Christ doth in their behalf principally and chiefly pray for this Though in this Unity be included grace and sanctification yet that which is expresly mentioned is their agreement I have handled this Union as it related to Officers in the Church from v. 11. I shall pursue from this Text union amongst believers themselves and because our Saviour doth enlarge himself about it I shall also insist upon it To Open this Truth Consider 1. That the is a two-fold unity or union among the gtdly Invisible and Visible Invisible Unity is that whereby they being united to Christ their head by the Spirit on Gods part and faith on our part do receive spiritual life and encrease in which some Beleevers are compared to the several members of the body and Christ to the head because of that spiritual life and motion they receive from him This is the foundation of our visible union and without this though we may be outwardly of the Church yet we do indeed receive no saving advantage by Christ Of this union the Text speaks not because it 's such an Union that the world seeing it may thereby be induced to believe Therefore 2. there is a visible Vnion whereby Believers do outwardly and visibly expresse their compacted nearnesse to one another and so those particular Churches of Corinth and Ephesus are called Christs body in respect of their external union as well as internal for not only by faith but also by the Ordinances we have fellowship with Christ and with one another Of this visible Unity the Text speaks and this is made a special means to bring the world to believe Whereas on the contrary differences of Opinion and sad rents and sects in Religion is the only way to confirm men in their impiety and to think there is no truth and no religion at all In the second place This visible Union doth diffuse it self in many Branches As 1. There is an unity of Faith and profession when they all believe and speak the same thing This must be laid as the foundation of unity for unity in errour and idolatry or false waies is not peace but a faction or Conspiracy This unity of faith is reckoned among the many unities the Apostle mentioneth Eph. 4.5 Phil. 2.2 They are exhorted to be of one minde and the Apostle notably presseth this 1 Cor. 1.10 that they speak the same thing being perfectly joyned together in the same minde and the same judgement What a sad breach then hath the devil made upon Gods people when there are so few of the same minde and do judge the same things but as you heard it must be a samenesse and unity in the true Faith for the Jews they are one amongst themselves the Mahumetans are one the Papists are so one that they boast of it and make it a note of the true Church Now though this should be granted though they have a thousand divisions amongst themselves yet unless it be unity in the faith unity in the sound doctrine it is nothing at all 2. There is an unity of affection and love in the heart and outwardly one to another Love is called the affection of union and makes a man to be the object he loveth as much as his own and we see the praier of Christ abundantly fulfilled in this respect concerning the Primitive Christians for Act. 4 32. it 's said they were of one heart and of one soul Those thousands of believers were as if they had but one heart and soul among them and thus in Tertullians time the heathens did admire at the love Christians had to one another our Saviour makes it a surer sign of discipleship then if they wrought miracles Joh. 3.35 3. This union is seen in the publike worship and Ordinances which God hath appointed as God said of man at first it was not good he should be alone So it 's true of every believer he is not to serve God alone to think that a private Religion is enough Therefore you have the examples of the primitive Christians Act. 2.1 Act. 5.12 how they met with one accord in one place and that to have the enjoyment of publike Ordinances they praied together the Word was preached to them they received the Sacraments together and the Apostle 1 Cor. 10.16 17. sheweth how the Sacrament of the Lords Supper did declare their union and communion one with another Hence Heb. 10.25 The Apostle reproveth those whose manner it was not to assemble themselves together This v●sible union of believers in Church-Ordinances is their highest beauty and their chiefest advantage Hence David professeth his ravishment herein How beautiful are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hosts and Psa 110. it 's called the beauties of Holinesse and Hag. 2. this temple is said to be more glorious then ever the former was and that because of Christs presence therein preaching and reforming all abuses and corruptions When the Ark was taken Phinehas his daughter cried The glory is departed from Israel Hence the Ordinances even in this life are called the Kingdom of heaven because of Gods glorious presence therein David when banished Psa 63.2 longed to see the glory of God as he had seen it in the Sanctuary And then it s our greatest profit and advantage for Gods presence is promised to these So that the Christian Ordinances are the life of the Church There is a larger dispensation of Gods gifts and graces here then otherwise 4. This unity is seen in that publike order and government which Christ hath appointed in his Church as God hath appointed some to be Shepherds and to govern so others to hear and obey he hath commanded admonition and in some cases sharp reproof and where obstinacy is to cast out Now it 's very hard to have unity in this respect for as 1 Cor 14. it appeareth private Christians do difficultly keep within their sphere every member would be an eye as the Apostle there chargeth so it 's hard to meet with an obedient ear though to a wise and godly reproof It 's therefore a blessed thing as to have unity of faith so also of order That is to see every member of the Church with its relation in an harmonious way as it 's in the body though they be heterogeneal parts yet they all harmoniously consociate in their operations This unity of order is like the nerves and ligaments to this spiritual society 5. This
all in matter of Sanctification he comprehends all in love John 13.34 A new Commandment I give unto you that ye love one another A new Commandment not but that the duty was old onely envy and malice had so prevailed amongst the Jews that to love was a new thing as if it had not been a duty required before In John's Epistles it's called both new and old 1 John 2.8 And then again new because there are new motives and a new patern Love one another as I have loved you There was never such a Patern and President before so that it 's not every kinde of love and unity which will give content but that which is in the highest degree of unity it's added vers 35. By this shall all men know ye ' are my Disciples if ye love one another not if ye work miracles if ye cast out devils but if you cast out discord and variance and therefore there is not a greater scandal to Religion and holines then when those that do believe are as the Levites Concubine that was cut into many peeces Again Ch. 15.12 This is my Commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you This is Christs Commandment as if there were nothing else he required but this and as if this were not enough at verse 17. These things I command you that ye love one another as if he should have said If bare information will not do it if instruction will not do it I lay my command and charge upon you Secondly This Vnity and Love is a special means to bring the world to believe the truth and receive Christ So that what the preaching of the Word and Gifts yea miracles use to do that unity and agreement may do This is twice affirmed to be the consequent of unity vers 21. vers 23. That the world may believe thou hast sent me It 's a special way to convince all the enemies of the truth Thus Chap. 13.35 Men shall know ye are my Disciples if ye love one another and do we not see by experience That Papists Heretiques and all prophane men are confirmed in their wickednesse by nothing more then the differences and opinions of such who are godly Do they not by books and otherwise in derision say One Sect saith that hath the Spirit of God another saith that hath and yet both are contrary one to another Can the Spirit of God be contrary to it self Can it be a Spirit of truth in one and a Spirit of falshood in others Now although this be no good argument because the Spirit of God is communicated but in measure to the godly they know but in part and so they love but in part many errours and divisions we are prone unto yet this is a very great stumbling block and therefore woe be to that godly man who by his pride self-conceit or erroneous Doctrine shall bring such a scandal to Religion what if many perish in hell because of thy froward spirit It is true there ought to be zeal against errours and corruptions though in the godly You see when Peter did not walk right Paul resisted him to the face and would not give place to him or other false teachers no not for an hour Gal. 2.5 Mark that No not for an hour Some think let them alone they will recover themselves they will do no hurt truth needs not be afraid yet Paul was afraid that an hours forbearance might do hurt Therefore he addeth That the truth of the Gospel might continue amongst you as if an hours forbearance might hinder the continuance of truth so that we are to use Scripture-zeal and Scripture-means to convince even those that are godly when erring in Doctrine Therefore the Scripture doth not commend an unity and love so as to let all errours and prophanenesse alone but in that which is good unity in that which is truth and holinesse is that which Christ meaneth here in his prayer and where this is it 's very potent to winne all gain-sayers It 's admirable to mollifie the hearts of the opposers Hence it 's so often reported of the primitive Christians That they were daily with one accord together Therefore the Evangelist Luke records it at least five times so that if nothing else should make thee tender about causing any breaches in the Church of God this should thou dost as much as lieth in thee to hinder any man that knoweth thee ever to believe and to be converted Thirdly This Vnity is promised as a special part of the Covenant of Grace That very Covenant which promiseth to write the Law of God in our hearts and to put his fear in our inward parts that also promiseth unity at the same time Jer. 32.39 I will be their God and they shall be my people I will give them one heart and one way that they may fear me for ever Insomuch that it 's one main branch in the Covenant of Grace So Zech 14.9 In that day there shall be one Lord and his name one The meaning is They shall not worship many gods or serve in different wayes of worship but they shall be one To this purpose Ezekiel prophesieth Chap. 37.16 22. which is not to be limited to the Jews only but also to all the believing Gentiles Oh then in these times of differences and breaches amongst the godly What should we runne unto What should we plead in prayer but these promises O Lord to be thus divided to have Altar against Altar Church against Church Prophet against Prophet Is this to have one heart and one way But you may say If God hath thus promised it and Christ hath prayed for it who was heard of the Father in every thing How comes it about that the contrary appeareth This is to be answered in it's time Fourthly Vnity is necessary because hereby a serviceable and beneficiall helping of one another in spiritual things is preserved The people of God are compared to living stones built up together while the stones keep in the building they bear one another but if once removed it fals down They are compared to members in the body while they are joyned together There is a mutual ministration to each other but when divided from the body no part can receive any nourishment Thus it is here while the people of God are in union Oh the wonderfull help they are to one another they provoke one another they stirre up one anothers graces but take these coals from one another and then the fire goeth out And this may be the reason why our Saviour doth not mention the Sanctification and holinesse of believers but their unity because this is a special means to preserve and increase holinesse Two are better then one because of heat and of help saith the Wise-man Eccles 4.10 and so it 's in this work of Grace two are better then one to warm one another How may thy zeal help against anothers lukewarmnesse
me and I in thee for God is called the Father of all men To which purpose the Apostle alledgeth that of the Poet We are his off-spring Act. 17.27 Thus also he is called the Father of Believers in respect of Adoption for so our Saviour Joh. 20.17 I ascend to my Father and your Father but he is called the Father in respect of a true and proper generation of his Son as is more to be shewed The Socinians would have him called the Son of God partly because of that extraordinary conception and birth partly because of the constituting and sanctifying of him to the Office of a Priest and partly but principally because of his Resurrection and Exaltation to that great power and dominion which now he hath but these things are only declarative and consequential to that eternal generation whereby indeed he is the Son of God properly and thus the Jews understood it when they accused him for blasphemy because by saying He was the Son of God he thereby made himself God which our Saviour doth not deny or refuse but proveth it more firmly Lastly In that he is called the Father it is thereby implyed That he is the fountain and original of divine being to the Son Thus John 5.26 As the Father hath life in himself so hath he given the Son to have life in himself To have life in himself is only proper to God Now as the Father hath it so also hath the Son but he hath it by donation or communication from the Father In this sense it is that Christ saith He speaketh nothing of himself but as he heareth of the Father still reducing all things unto him not that the Divine Nature is begotten but the second Person who hath the Divine Nature Secondly The property of the Son is to be begotten of the Father And herein lieth the true proper difference of those two Persons The Father is of himself not begotten the Son is of the Father and begotten Now this doth imply that Christ hath not his being by creation as Adam had and Angels who therefore are called The sons of God but truly and really by generation for so the Scripture appropriates this to him That he is the only begotten Son of God only you are not to measure this spiritual and eternal generation with that of the creatures but to abstract it from all such humane imperfections and therefore though it be truly a generation yet it 's not of the same univocal nature with that of creatures So that as God is not in a predicament neither is there the same univocal being to God and the creature Thus it is also in this generation Let us not therefore judge of this mystery by examples and instances from the creature for as the nature of God is incomprehensible so also is this generation Vse 1. To bewail the doctrinal errours and blasphemies whereby the devil hath seduced many in this point Oh pray to God to preserve thee from such poison Many desperately preach and write that Christ is not truly God nor the eternal God and so make us guilty of horrible Idolatry and withall overthrow the pillars and foundations of Religion By this we see that blasphemy and damnable heresies are in our nature which we should be plunged into if God leave us unto our selves Vse 2. Of Exhortation To take heed not only of unbelief in respect of the promises but also the doctrinals This gift is also of God It 's he that inableth and confirmeth the heart in this particular also and indeed dogmatical faith is the foundation of salvifical Vse 3. To admire the love both of Father and Son in procuring our salvation for us The Fathers love is seen to send his only begotten Son the Son of his love in whom he delighted more then in all creatures into the world and to die such an ignominious death for us enemies And then the Sons love is seen in leaving that glory and blessedness he had for a while to be in a state of wrath and anger for our sakes No wonder if the hearts of men and Angels can never be sufficiently enough taken up with these things Vse 4. To indeavour after such an unity as the Father and Son have It 's the president in the Text Doth the Father and Son ever disagree Doth the Son will one thing and the Father another Neither ought there to be any disagreement amongst believers SERMON CXVIII The Glorious Mystery of the Saints Vnion with Christ and with the Father by him Opened JOH 17.21 That they all may be one as thou Father art in me c. IN these words we have the nature and quality of the godly mans Union declared 1. That it is an holy and godly Vnity they are one in Christ not in the devil or sin as wicked men are 2. It 's not a bodily Union and visible but spiritual and invisible because it 's an Unity in the Father and the Son 3. It 's not absolutely and adequately equall to the Union between the Father and Son for our Saviour doth plainly separate and make a difference he said not before As thou Father art in us and we in thee but in me and I in thee distinguishing himself thereby in a transcendent way from the creature so neither in this place doth he say That they may be one with us though that also is true in a mystical sence Christ the Head and the Church his body being one in that respect because that might imply Unity of nature and essence but one in us Now for all believers to be one in the Father and the Son may admit of a twofold Exposition 1. The Preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be as much as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per for so it 's often used and then the sence would be That they may be one by us that is by thy grace for it 's not nature but grace that makes this Unity Thus Eph. 5.8 we are said to be light in the Lord that is by the Lord But this seemeth not so genuine therefore the 2d Interpretation is more received which makes the expression to be declarative of that terminus in which all the godly are united The Center in which all the lines meet The Head in which all the members The Root in which all the branches The Spring in which all the streams are conjoyned and he saith in us for though we are proximely and immediately united unto Christ our head yet thereby we also are united to the Father Obs That all believers are united to Christ and in him to the Father This Union of Believers with Christ is an unspeakable mystery The Scripture represents it under many similitudes yet we cannot conceive of it according to its dignity But as the hypostatical Union of the two Natures in Christ into one person doth exceed our comprehension so likewise doth the mystical Union of believers with Christ and in him with the Father
glory and therefore that state of happinesse is properly called a state of glory yet we have the first fruits of it here In part Christ doth invest us with his glory but this is nothing to what shall be hereafter Even in this life the things are so great That no eye hath seen neither hath it entered into the heart of a man to conceive How much more then will eternal glory surpass all our imaginations Should not then the consideration of this glorious portion we in part have and expect more fully make us walk comfortably be chearfull in our afflictions passe through this world with joy Certainly we put not forth our fixed contemplations on this glory if we did our hearts would scarce ever be taken off it Eudoxus was so affected with the glory of the Sunne that he thought he was born onely to behold it How much rather should we think it our duty all the day long to behold this glory As the Apostle 2 Cor. 4.17 professeth that all the afflictions he went through and he had many yet they were but light and but for a moment to that eternal weight of glory and what made him think so While we look not at the things which are not seen If then thy heart is at any time dejected disquieted oh think of this glory provided for thee it will make thy soul silence it's crying and mutterings immediately yea this will conquer the fear of death and make the thoughts of it lovely and welcome Fourthly Doth Christ give spiritual glory to his Then let this consume all love and desire of vain-glory and esteem of men This love of glory hath been and is the worm that eateth up the best fruit when lusts and sins have not been able to undo a man glory from the world hath Therefore our Saviour makes such a temper inconsistent with grace How can ye believe and seek glory of one another and seek not the hon●ur which comes from God onely John 5.44 This vain-glory Chrysostom called The mother of hell and indeed How many religious duties doth it corrupt The Pharisees prayed and gave alms to be seen of men yea there is no external duty in Religion but this may put a man upon it But as love of Christ will kill the love of the world fear of God will overcome fear of man so a love to this spiritual glory will quickly out vain-glory It 's good to observe That though all other things in this world be vain man is vain beauty is vain wealth is vain yet custom of speech doth appropriate it only to glory calling it vain-glory Oh then remember there are more glorious things to affect and enlarge thy heart with then these applauses of the world Fifthly Doth Christ give his people glory Then let them faithfully do Christs work notwithstanding all the reproaches and scorns wicked men load them with David rejoyced in that he was despised and contemned while he danced before the Ark I will be more vile still saith he 2 Sam. 6.22 And thus the Apostles rejoyced they were accounted worthy to suffer for Christs sake It 's a great glory to lose thy glory for Christs work Oh this is that which makes men afraid boldly to venture in holy things they shall be censured they shall be contemned Remember that Scripture Those that honour me I will honour 1 Sam. 2.30 It 's a miserable slavery to live dependently upon the breath of others who many times do as children put a Garland upon one of their fellows heads and then laugh at him behinde his back so though they applaud thee to thy face yet secretly backbite thee Be therefore diligent to do Gods work and content thy self with the glory God bestoweth upon thee Doth a man running in a race regard the bird singing upon the tree Eye Christ more and man lesse The Moon that hath but a borrowed light is sometimes full sometimes at the wane never certain Thus a man that liveth upon the applause of others and not approving his conscience to God he is sometimes lifted up and then dejected down even as outward supplies come to him Sixthly Doth Christ give glory to his Then admire the bounty and freenesse of his grace Of all things we would think he would not communicate of his glory to us and indeed God saith He will not give glory to another neither will Christ give his Mediatory glory to others only in some passages of glory he is willing we should reign with him and be co-heirs with him This sheweth how much he loveth us For certainly no man is willing to have another co-partner with him in his glory yea how apt are we to envy the gifts and graces in others that may overshadow us but Christ giveth of his glory to us Lastly Doth Christ give glory to us Let us then glorifie him again Christ indeed he giveth glory to us really and inwardly but we only to him verbally and declaratively Let not the Heavens that are natural creatures exceed us They declare the glory of God and shew his handy-work and shalt not thou then in thy life in thy conversation declare the glory of Christ The title given to Church-officers 1 Cor. 8.23 is in some sense to be applied to all believers they are the glory of Christ SERMON CXXIV That Jesus Christ though God Co-equall with the Father had many things given him by the Father And how that can be JOH 17.22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them WE have treated of the nature of that glory which Christ giveth to all beleevers The next considerable is the description of the manner and way how Christ comes to have this glory and that is said to be by way of gift The glory which thou gavest me Now this seemeth very hard to understand how Christ being God could receive any thing for as God can have nothing given him so it should seem Christ neither could have any thing given him insomuch that this place with many others of the like fence is brought by the Socinians as an unanswerable Argument that Christ was not truly and essentially God for they heap up many places of Scripture where all that Christ hath is said to be given him and from hence conclude he cannot be God But the weakness of this will appear in further discovery of this Truth which that it may be more clearly understood Observe That Christ though God had many things given him of his Father The Fathers giving of many things to him doth not take off from his divine Nature This Truth will be profitable both to inform your judgement in that main Article of Religion and also is of that practical consequence Therefore to clear this Consider 1. That we may conceive of a two-fold giving that which is natural and necessary 2. that which is free and voluntary so that it might or might not be given for a naturall and necessary giving So Christ
from the world to God yet that which is here primarily intended is the perfection and consummation of them in unity which though it will not be compleat till in heaven yet it is inchoate and begun in this life Obs That the Father and Christs being in believers is the cause of that perfect and consummate unity which they ought to have of themselves There could be no union in the body if the Head did not unite it All believers union doth first flow from Christ as their Head and Mediator Insomuch that whatsoever unity they may have which doth not first arise from this spring is humane and carnall To open this let us consider What is implied in their being made perfect in one And First Here is implied sincerity and uprightnesse That their unity be from a pure heart and unfeigned faith This is often the use of the word perfect as opposed to that which is false and counterfeit many are said to walk with a perfect heart because they did not walk with an heart and an heart by dissimulation so that it 's a perfection of essence and parts not of degrees and this indeed is greatly to be urged that as all the other things in the godly be sincere so their unity that they be joyned together from spiritual principles and by spiritual means It was the Heathens Position That amicitia could onely be inter bonos that whatsoever friendship was from bono utili or jacundo and not honesto it did not deserve the name of friendship Now how much more is this true in that unity amongst the godly which hath for it's cause and original Christ himself and for it's patern such an unity that the Father and Sonne have To be perfect then in unity is to have sincere hearts one towards another as the Apostle Rom. 12. Let love be without dissimulation Let there be no water to debase this wine let not this fair fruit be rotten at the core Secondly To be perfect in Vnity doth imply not onely sincerity but integrity of all those substantials and essentials wherein this onenesse doth consist You have heard that the Unity of believers doth empty it self into two great streams one of Faith in respect of Doctrine The other of Charity in respect of life and affections Therefore if any of these be wanting the Unity is dissolved if love be pretended but yet there is no divine truth this is conspiracy not unity and if faith be pretended but not love as yet we have no signe of the true Disciples of Christ Let then the Church of God look it hath these two pillars like Jachin and Boaz to bear it up All Unity without Truth is like a stately building upon sand and Truth without love is like a foundation without superstruction pray that the Spirit of God would lead into all truth for the former and would also work those sanctifying fruits of it love peace meekness c for the latter Thirdly The word perfect in one doth imply an increase and daily progresse in the way of Vnity For though the Church of Christ be his Body yet it 's a growing body it 's not come to it's full stature no not in this life There are further degrees to be attained Ephes 4.13 We are to grow to a perfect man in Christ Jesus and thus we reade of many called perfect as 1 Cor. 2.6 Heb. 5.14 not in an absolute sense but comparatively because they are carried on to further degrees of grace then others We are not then to think that any Church will have such perfect Unity in this life but that it may be more perfected In the best constituted Churches there are several imperfections there is much weakness many carnal affections which are apt to discompose the beautifull frame of the Church Fourthly It doth imply That they are perfected in those means which are appointed by God for this Vnity For seeing the means are wholly for the end the end can never be better enjoyned then formerly if the means be not better improved so that if the Church of God be perfected more in one it must more faithfully improve the means of unity and they are especially two 1. The preaching of the Word of God For as by that at first the Church is called out of the world so by that also it 's kept up in it's purity and unity The Word of God preached is the onely means appointed to remove ignorance and mortifie corruptions which are the rares that hinder the good seed As the envious man soweth these so the Spirit of Christ by the Word worketh the clean contrary Hence Ephes 4. the Ministry is appointed as a means to bring us to this perfect stature farre be it therefore from them to make divisions and rents in the Church of God whose great office and imployment is to proclaim peace The good shepherd will not suffer his sheep so to fight with one another as thereby to be destroyed 2. The Sacrament of the Lords Supper that is a special means to preserve Vnity yea and to perfect it The Apostle 1 Cor. 10. speaketh fully to this For we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread So Eph. 4. one Baptisme is brought as an ingagement to unity Therefore the more graciously and perfectly these Ordinances are received the more is this unity confirmed and established and therefore those primitive Christians who had one soul and one heart were constant also in their breaking of bread whereby their mutual love was strongly preserved Bellarmine not unfitly speaks of a six-fold Unity in the Church The first is Ratione principii of God who calleth though as he saith this makes the Church not so much una as sub uno one as under one 2. Ratione ultimi finis the salvation to which it 's called and this makes the Church not so much one as ad unum 3. Ratione Mediorum in respect of the means of Faith and Sacraments and thus the Church is rather by one then one 4. In respect of the holy Ghost as a separated Governour 5. In respect of Christ as an internal and conjoyned Head 6. In respect of the connexion of the Members amongst themselves and in these two last respects it 's properly one Lastly This Vnity will be wholly perfected in Heaven Then will all partition walls be destroyed Then shall it no more be said I am of Paul and I am of Apollo but God will be all in all Therefore as this life is a place like Hadadrimmon a valley of tears bewailing corruptions and sinnes amongst us so also the divisions and breaches that are upon us But in Heaven all opinions all different wayes will cease So that although this unity for the main of it be attained in this life yet in the life to come there it will be totally compleated Thus it is here perfect because the endeavours and breathings of the godly should be
freely given us of God which he illustrateth by a similitude from a man As no man can know the things of a man but a man so neither can a man meerly of himself discern the things of God Hence the white stone and the new Name Rev. 2.17 are such things that no man knoweth but he that hath them 3. The world of it self cannot know Gods love to his children because they have not the experience of it in their own hearts And therefore though they may read and hear of such a thing yet they cannot conceive what it is As a man that never tasted honey cannot guesse what the sweetnesse is It 's the want of this experimental knowledge that makes the world so despise the priviledges of believers Balaam had but a glimpse of this and immediately he breaketh out into those wishes That he might die the death of the righteous and his latter end might be like his Lastly It 's hard for the world to know the Fathers love to the godly because his outward administrations are so clouded that by the external events you would sometimes judge they were the only people whom God hateth Even as it was with Christ himself though he was solemnly from heaven pronounced to be the beloved of his Father yet in outward consideration he was a man of sorrows and contempt insomuch that the Prophet saith Isa 53. we thought him smitten of God for his sins and at his death they insulted over him as being forsaken by God Vse of Admonition to all wicked men Let this bridle their hearts and tongues and pray God would open their eyes to understand this blessednesse and happinesse of believers Then Saul would be amongst these Prophets then thou wilt desire to live and die one of them that your soul might be in their souls stead Then your cry will be We fools and miserable wretches thought them the vilest and most miserable men in the world but how greatly doth God honour them SERMON CXXXIII Of the Connexion between Grace and Glory and that Glory even to the most Godly is the free Gift of God JOHN 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am c. THis verse containeth a new and distinct Object or Matter of Christs prayer for whereas before he had prayed in reference to his Disciples for their Sanctification and Vnion now he prayeth for the last and ultimate priviledge they are capable of which is their eternal glory So that in the words we may observe 1. The Compellation Father 2. The Subject of his prayer Those thou hast given me 3. The Object matter of it That they be where I am 4. The Manner of petitioning this expressed in that word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will Lastly The ultimate End of all this That they may behold my glory which thou hast given me From the general Connexion of this prayer with the fore-going petitionings and that prayer-wise two things are observable 1. That without grace here there is no glory hereafter 2. That even to the most gracious that are Glory is given by God as a gift obtained in prayer After they have done all yet still they must pray for it For the former we see that truth established from the order and method that Christ useth having before earnestly prayed for their Sanctification and Unity in this life he stayeth not there neither is his love confined within the things of this world but it extends it self to the world to come as the chiefest of all As happiness and glory is the ultimate end of man concerning which every natural man mistakes so grace is the only path that leadeth thereunto and there is as great a mistake about grace what it is as wherein happiness doth consist So that although it be very convenient to discover what grace is and when a man may be said to be godly yet I shall wave that as to a large discourse about it Only to clear the Doctrine Consider That by grace we mean that new creature or those holy divine and supernatural principles within a man whereby he is carried out to work all holinesse in his life For the Scripture describeth this gracious man sometimes by that inward work as the root and foundation of all sometimes by the outward fruits of holinesse as being the visible demonstration of it So that in the discovery of grace we must alwayes attend to these two things 1. That our religious duties be upon a root deep enough that they proceed from a supernatural principle within that no external motive be the only principle to put it into action And then 2. That we do not content our selves with any supposed inward work of grace upon the heart but do accordingly as occasion invites manifest the powerfull efficacy thereof in our lives for thus the Prophet Ezekiel declareth Gods promise for both The writing of his Law in their inward parts and making of them to walk in his wayes Ezek. 36.28 Secondly Men are very prone generally to delude themselves in this particular thinking to obtain glory hereafter though they have no grace here Hence are such exhortations Be not deceived 1 Cor. 6.9 No fornicator or idolater shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven c. Who would think the Apostle needed to set such a prohibition or signal mark upon that for we would think no body could deceive himself in such a thing notoriously known as that is yet there is nothing more ordinary for if all the grosse visible sinners should be asked one by one Do you hope to obtain eternal happinesse he would answer with great confidence and expectation of it and yet how grosly and notoriously doth he deceive himself Is it not as plain as that he liveth that such pleasures of lusts shall be rewarded with eternal torments and yet he hopeth otherwise Thirdly Grace here is not meritorious of glory hereafter Rom. 4. To him that worketh the reward is of debt but eternal life is called the Gift of God Our Saviour in this Chapter doth pray for one as well as the other We may justly wonder to see how prone men are naturally to look upon grace as meritorious of glory that the Roman Church should so confidently maintain it Doth not all this arise because men are not acquainted with those reliques of corruption that cleave to the best things we do Certainly that which is meritorious of hell can never be of heaven that which deserveth eternal vengeance can never procure everlasting favour but this proud opinion creepeth subtilly into mens hearts under pretence of advancing grace even while it debaseth it for so the Papist would perswade us that they give more to Christ then we because they make him merit that our grace may be meritorious insomuch that they say we give little or nothing to Christ but to hold Christ merited that we might merit is to evacuate the merit of Christ and to
my self that doth not solely relate to his humane nature but even his divine also because the second person was in a peculiar manner sent into the world and to become man for us 2. The Fathers love was more remarkably seen towards that particular humane nature which the second person assumed in the sanctifying and glorifying of that with all sutablenesse and thus the love of God was to the humane nature of Christ before the Foundation of the world by way of purpose and decree in God even as it is to all the Elect Children of God for Christ attributeth i● to God the Father that he had so fitted his humane nature Therefore he saith a body thou hast prepared me Heb. 10.5 Now severall waies did the Fathers love appear herein as 1. to ordain and appoint him to be a Mediatour to make him man for this purpose This is attributed wholly to God the Father hence 1 Pet. 1.20 Christ is said to be fore-ordained before the foundation of the world Christ coming into the world was not of meer necessity There was no compulsion to this but the Father out of his meer good pleasure did thus ordain him Hence it is that our Saviour doth constantly make the Fathers mission or sending of him to be the cause of being our Mediatour 2. This love of the Fathers to him was seen in taking that particular humane nature rather then any other into an hypostaticall Vnion Though Christ did not take an individuall humane personalized as men are yet he took a particular nature into a personal Union with the God-head which is the greatest exaltation of mans nature that can possibly be imagined It 's that great mystery which Angels are continually searching into but if you ask why the second Person did take this particular nature rather then another that the holy Ghost might have sanctified here Gods meer love made the difference for as it was an high act of grace and favour to the Virgin Mary that she rather then any other woman should be appointed to be the mother of Christ so it was much more a great honour and expression of love that this humane nature rather then another was assumed into personal Union and for this cause it is that Austin did so invincibly presse the Pelagians with this argument from Christ as man for saith he if Christ as man was chosen not for any foreseen merit or worth which might be in him but it was solely by the love and goodnesse of God then much more will it follow that no meer man especially corrupted and defiled can be elected to Eternal Life upon the supposition or prescience of any good thing in man So that Christ as man was so meerly from the favour and love of the Father This is that gratia singularis to Christ as man de quâ fas est praedicare sed nefas adjudicare as Austin 3. The love of the Father to Christ in preparing him for Mediatour is seen in the sanctifying and endowing of him with all holinesse that so he might be a compleat Saviour for seeing it behoved us to have such an high-Priest as was holy and separate from sin therefore it was that he was made man in such an extraordinary manner for he was conceived by the holy Ghost The holy Ghost sanctified that corpulent substance of Christs body wherby there was not any form of or inclination to sin abiding in him and therefore he is called the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because he wrs habitually and originally holy Now this was wholly of the love of God that his humane nature was thus anointed with all holinesse and that he received the Spirit of God without measure and therefore the humane nature of Christ was infinitely obliged to bless and praise God who had powred more holinesse into it then in all Angels and men Thus the Fathers love was seen in preparing him to be Mediatour and when he was thus appointed and in the discharge of his Office The love of the Father was exceeding great to him For 1. you have the Father in a most glorious manner from heaven owning of him and giving of that solemn approbation This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased what a glorious manifestation was here of the Fathers love to him his love did rest on him yet so as thereby he makes others beloved Sonnes in whom also he is well-pleased even those that do believe in him This glorious Testimony then given to Christ by the Father is made by some Learned men part of that glory which is spoken of in v. 22. 2. The Fathers love is wonderfully discovered to him as Mediatour in that he was willing to lay down his life for those who were appointed to salvation Insomuch that although the world thought him forsaken of God and smitten for his own sins yea though Christ himself in respect of his sence and feeling expostulated with his Father why he had forsaken him yet even then was the Fathers love most of all towards him Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life for my sheep Here you see that although there were many other Reasons of the Fathers love to him yet he instanceth in this wherein we would think Gods anger was for the present most displaied It 's true this is urged by s●me that therefore Christ could not suffer the anger of God in his soul neither could the Father afflict him as for our sins for how could this be say they that at the same time the Father should love him and yet be angry w●th him as punishing the sins of all the Elect upon him But as Gods love towards Christ could consist with that leaving of him to the hands of his Enemies So also could the love of the Father towards the person of Christ well consist with that anger of his towards him as our Surety and certainly this very particular may much encourage the people of God for when they are sollicitous about their acceptance with the Father whether he will receive them into grace or no what a ready answer is this the Father loveth Christ because he would die for us because he would be crucified for us 3. The Fathers love towards him is especially seen in exalting of him to all that honour and Majesty the Scripture so often mentioneth that is the sitting at the right hand of God the Father It is true as God he had a right to all this glory before but then there was a manifestation of it and not only so but a reall communication of such glory to his humane nature which it had not before and his person was not admitted into a more plenary and consummate possession of that glory of which there was but beginnings before Even as it was with David first he had a right given him to the Kingdom but for the present he was in constant oppressions and miseries Thus Christ while having a right to
sufferings indear them more to God He accounts what is done to them to be done as to himself and therefore he will not let their sin go unpunished 2. To be godly in a wicked and crooked generation doth indear to God because thereby is manifested our sincerity and uprightnesse of heart That there are no carnal and earthly advantages we look after for if there were our earthly policy would suggest us to take some other way and for this reason it may be thought our Saviour did upon all occasion to such who proffered to be his disciples still inform them of the hardship of the troubles and miseries they must meet with That so they might not apostatize afterwards that they might not say this is more then ever was told us we would never have taken up the profession of Christ upon such terms And certainly this is a rock many have splitted at they begin to be disciples of Christ before they throughly consider how much it will cost them to be so indeed they do not take our Saviours advice Luk. 14.31 to sit down and consider whether being now to go to war with such lusts and sins as formerly have been sweet to them they can endure or no whether their lusts will not prove too strong for them and so they compound at last to be their servants again they consider not whether being now to rear up a strong and enduring building they can be at so much cost or no whether they can extend so much from their former time and cares and worldly thoughts and businesses so as to make this building their great work for want of these considerations aforehand it is that so many have dealt foolishly in the way of Religion They began but could not make an end Oh but now when the heart is sincere and upright there it accounts no fiery triall strange whatsoever difficulty and trouble it meeteth with It saith this I looked for this I expected this I must undergo and by this we discover our uprightness to God and thereby we are more indeared to God that it is not any outward thing but himself only that makes us profess our obedience to him and this indeareth us to God 3. Those that believe in Christ in the midst of a wicked and ungodly world are esteemed of by God because such have the image of God restored in them and so become like him now then where God seeth his own likenesse there he will tenderly respect and protect He that hath put such bowels into a Father that he will lay up for his children and take more care of them then all other children in the world must much more have such bowels in himself towards those that are his Hence it is that we are so often exhorted to meditate on that relation of a Father which he hath so graciously assumed to himself for what Father is there that seeth his good and obedient childe maintaing his credit striving for his honour against all those that shall oppose him will not inwardly be moved to take part with his childe and defend him all he can and shall not our heavenly Father much more shew his love herein to us our Saviour would convince believers Mat. 6.8 not to be troubled under any exercises from the transcendent affection that is in him as an heavenly Father to all earthly parents Seeing therefore believers do resemble God and he seeth his own likeness upon them Insomuch that God saith it 's not so much for their sakes as my sake that they are thus maligned how can it be but that God will take care of them 4 Such as believe in Christ they are become the Lords in a more peculiar propriety They are his people they are his jewels they are the apple of his eye and this propriety is that which prevaileth with God to keep them though all the world be destroied Psal 4. all wicked opposers of the godly are exhorted to know this that God hath set apart the godly man for himself That as the godly man sets God apart for himself leaveth all the world to take him for his portion So on the other side God passeth by wicked men they are not in his favour or special protection but the godly are They are his and therefore he will love them as his and delight in them as his In Isa 43.34 we have a glorious promise Since thou wast precious in my sight I will give men for thee and people for thy life that is God will give up many to destruction to save his children As they said to David Thou art worth ten thousand of us Thus God speaketh concerning his choice ones they are worth more then many thousands of wicked men and it 's better thousands of them perish then few of the godly So that this propriety Gods children have in God is that which will be a sure protection for them to passe safe through all calamities 5. To be faithful to God amongst wicked men indeareth God to them because this demonstrateth many excellent and choice properties in the godly which make them lovely and precious in his sight As first here is demonstrated Gods grace already begun in them and therefore where God hath begun there will he also preserve to the latter end for when our Saviour here saith the world hath not known thee but these have known thee he doth not commend them for their own strength and abilities as if they had differenced themselves from others but he discovers how much God had loved them hitherto he chose us and loved us first and therefore we choose and love him again So that when believers accept of Christ they do not herein discover any worth in themselves but the infinite grace of God to them that made them to be discriminated from others Now then where Christ hath begun to love there will he consummate and finish one degree of Gods love cals for another and he hath so chained his graces together that the link shall not be broken if then you see the godly laboring and working after God when all the world is contrary Do not so much admire them as the grace of God given to them Even as the people did when they saw the Apostles work such wonderfull miracles 2. Here is manifested their magnanimity and courage for God that they dare confesse his Name and promote his kingdom to such exceeding hazard of all they have Will not this also make God have a special regard to them It 's most acceptable to God to be good in evil times and amongst evil men as Obedmelech in Ahabs Courts and some of Caesars houshold This magnanimity was admirable in the Confessors and Martyrs of old who despised death yea triumphed over it insomuch that though the Heathens speak of a vertue called fortitude and another named magnanimity yet they are never able to shew the hundredth or thousandth part of any heathens suffering for their sect as we can do