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A36882 The theologicall key of the three first covenants made by God with man, in the severall state of man, obliging man to his law, after a severall formall manner, from the beginning according to his sacred decree of predestination, fundamentally declared, according to his sacred word and truth / by David Dunbar, Esq. Dunbar, David, 17th cent. 1646 (1646) Wing D2597; ESTC R7326 240,626 248

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in the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge being eaten to produce such perfection as was suggested by the Serpent As there was vertue in the fruit of the Tree of Life for the eternall preservation of man as he is man whereof Eve was to eate at her pleasure which was no small reason for Eve to be induced by the words of the Serpent that there was such vertue in the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and now by the glosse of this great false light of Satan Eves naturall love and desire began to be so incensed as she was moved to take a review of the fruit which Eve had formerly so often past with abstinence out of her religious love and feare to the command of her gracious Creator And having received the fruit enlightned by Satans false suggestion the goodnesse beauty and excellencie of the fruit did seem in Eves conceipt and apprehension to promise no lesse vertue and perfection then was suggested by the Serpent as m●y appeare by her words So the woman seeing that the fruit was good for meat to wit both of the soule and body by eating thereof to live eternally and that it was pleasing to the eyes that is to the eyes of the understanding and to the eyes of the sensitive body and therefore to be desired to get understanding that is for the attaining to the perfection of such understanding as was equall to the understanding of God and consequently for attaining to the perfection of such independent action as was equall to the perfection of such understanding free from all feare of death threatned by the Covenant Now the species of the sensitive object of the beautifull fruit of the Tree of knowledge thus actually and satanically enlightned being received in Eves understanding her incensed naturall and morall love and foule desire to eate of the forbidden fruit and by eating thereof to be equall to God arising like a great dark cloud dispersing it selfe thorow all the intellectuall and sensitive parts of her soule and body Eves spirituall light and thankfull obliged love to God was so quite darkned and obscured as Eve did greedily and most unthankfully grasp the fruit and eate thereof And no doubt Eve did finde the taste and rellish of the fruit answerable to the beauty of the fruit by eating whereof Eve secured her selfe to become equall to God by the time that the suggested power and vertue of the fruit should by opperation produce the expected effect By the way the Reader may here observe first the reason that Satan is called that old serpent in the Scripture Rev. 20.11 Satan is called a serpent from the subtilty of his temptations as he windes in at every externall sense of man by his false deceiving light And Satan is called the old serpent from this first temptation of man Secondly the reason may be observed that Satan is called a lyer from the beginning Joh. 8.54 for this was the first lye that ever entred in the world whereby Satan most impudently and most audaciously did belye the majesty of God that Satan might work his malice upon innocent man for Satan by this false lye did most trecherously procure the fall of man Thirdly the reason may be observed wherefore Satan is called the flower of discord for by Satans false suggestion that man by eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge should become God Eve began to fall at variance with God for commanding man upon the paine of death not to eate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge Here a question may be moved Eve being created in the state of naturall and spirituall perfection did not Eve perfectly know that the Serpent was but a sensitive creature and that the actuall words uttered by the Serpent could not be the serpents words but that it may be rather conceived that Eve by hearing of the Serpent thus speaking as man might have been afraid and run away from the Serpent To this I answer It is without all doubt that Eve did perfectly know that the Serpent was but a sensitive creature and the rather that this creature which is called the Serpent was more conversant with Eve then any other of the sensitive creatures which shall plainly appeare hereafter And there is no question but Eve did perfectly apprehend that the words were not the naturall words of the serpent And it is most certaine that Eve could not imagine that the actuall words did proceed from satan in the serpent of whose bewitching ●emptations Eve before that time had no manner of experience But Eves understanding and judgement ●y her foule incensed love and desire to eate of the forbidden fruit that she might be equall to God was quite darkned and obscured such is the power of sinne and evill when it is once conceived and harboured in the heart of man But as for Eves feare of the Serpent thus speaking Eve in her state of perfection could feare nothing but God alone for servile humane feare is since the fall and redemption of man arising from the distrustfulnesse and unbeleefe of man and yet in this condition of man under the evangelicall Law of grace both men and women induced by the great promises of Satans false deceiving light are not afraid while Satan many times doth appeare in deformed shapes But there was no such deformednesse in this sensitive creature which is called the Serpent for it was a most comely lovely handsome sensitive creature waiting as it were upon Eve Thus Eve in the confidence of her new expected state and felicity by the operation of the vertue of the fruit which she had eaten joying in her heart with what a booty she should present Adam out of her deare love and affection that as Adam was owner of her love so he might be partner of her new expected transcendent felicity Eve did take of the fruit and carry to Adam CHAP. IX Adams Fall MOses being to set down the History of the Creation and of the Fathers in the small Tractate of Genesis untill his owne time containing the History of 2000. yeares though Moses for brevity hath set downe the truth of Adams fall without expressing of the severall circumstances and conference which past between Adam and Eve before Adam did receive and eate of the forbidden fruit yet it is not to be imagined that Adam in the prime of his spirituall perfection and wisdome for all his intimate love and affection to Eve could be so easily induced by Eve to eate of the forbidden fruit that of necessity there must passe some serious discourse between Eve and Adam for without all doubt Eve by her gracefull delivery must acquaint Adam with all that passed betweene her and the Serpent and with the weighty reasons that moved Eve to eate of the fruit and with her owne confidence that by eating of the fruit she should bee equall with God and it is most certaine that Eve out of the sincerity of her affection to have Adam
well be called the master-piece of Satans temptations in the declaration whereof the admirable power of understanding wisdome craft and subtilty of Satans temptations may be observed the declaration whereof shall be discharged in these four points First Satans plot and project by this mighty temptation shall be declared Secondly the grounds that Satan went upon Thirdly Satans policy whereby Satan set his project a foot Fourthly the words of the Scripture set down by Moses shall be declared that the plot and project may aris● naturally from the words and from the instrumentall causes of the temptation CHAP. V. Satans plot and policy whereby he betrayed our first Parents THe effect of Satans project by this mighty temptation was this in a word Satan by possessing of the Serpent resolved to suggest to our first parents that there was such admirable vertue in the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evill being eaten as their desire and appetite to eate of the fruit should be so highly incensed as should so darken and obscure their spirituall light and obliged love to God as they should greedily graspe the fruit and eate thereof and by eating thereof contrary to the command of God by his Law fall under the eternall curse of the Law As for the grounds which Satan went upon to secure his project they were two in number first Satan did take advantage of the Covenant for Satan did well apprehend that the first Covenant being established between God and man God in his justice could neither restraine Satan from tempting of man or uphold and beare out man being tempted by the mighty power of Satans temptation which made Satan so audacious to assault man though created in such spirituall perfection The second ground that Satan went upon was with equall infallibility with the former for Satan out of his admirable understanding did well apprehend that though man was created in such spirituall perfection yet that the freedome of his spirituall love could not determine the free act of his naturall love and that the naturall love of man being once united to the species of the object of his greatest perfection the union is inseparable for all creatures in their kind doe tend with an irresistable propensity to the object of their perfection Of this Satan did take his second advantage for by his falls enlightning of the object of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge with such a glorious gl●sse of seeming vertue and perfection to wit that by eating thereof our first parents should be equall to God our first parents were betrayed for the naturall species of the externall sensitive object must be first apprehended by the act of the understanding before it can be either morally or spiritually apprehended by man Satans policy to set this project a foot was to bring man in dislike with God for this cause Satan by possessing of the Serpent did suggest to our first parents first that if they would but eate of the fruit which God had commanded them under paine of death not to eate they should have the perfection of the understanding both of good and evill and that this was the perfection of Gods understanding Secondly and consequently that according to the perfection of that understanding they should bee enabled with the freedome of independent action which was the perfection of the free act of God whereby they should be free from the feare of any dying death threatned by the Covenant and in every respect equall to God Thirdly that God of purpose had commanded them not to eate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evill upon the pain of a dying death because God did know that such was the vertue of that fruit that by eating thereof they should become equall to God himselfe This was of purpose suggested by Satan to incense the love of man who as yet knew no evill so to affect the understanding of evill as that without the understanding of evill man should apprehend his understanding to bee imperfect and so to affect such freedome of independent action as hee should be free from any danger of death threatned by the covenant And now to make all this arise out of the word of the Scripture the severall passages set down by Moses now next to be declared CHAP. VI. The reason that Satan in the Serpent did begin first to tempt Eve man female the woman SAtan being to enter the lists with man armed with the perfection of such naturall and spirituall understanding and action Satan must begin to work objectively upon the externall senses of man or no way to divert the love of man from God who were united in such spirituall love Now Satans power to deceive man is in the only power of his false deceiving light which doth alwayes in outward shew and appearance promise a farre greater good to man then the light of the Word of God doth promise whereby the light of the word is obscured and darkned by Satans false great light Satan therefore to induce man to be in dislike with God by his false deceiving light did abuse the light of the Word of God and the Sacramentall seale of the first Covenant for there was no other sensitive object under the heav●ns whereby Satan could then betray man by his false deceiving light but by the beautifull fruit of the tree of Knowledge Satan therefore to incense Eves love and desire to taste of this beautifull fruit did make choice of the sensitive Serpent for his instrument to glosse the fruit with the false great glosse of his false deceiving light Though it be not expresly set downe by Moses what manner of sensitive creature the serpent was yet by the words of the Text it doth manifestly appeare that the Serpent was a most subtill sensitive creature created by God and in sensitive apprehension next to man and as it shall appeare afterwards loving and conversant with man and waiting as it were upon Eve and therefore the more fit for Satans instrument Satan did begin with Eve and as it may appeare by the circumstance of temptation out of Adams hearing wherein Satan shewed his wisdome lest he should have had the strong encounter of two adversaries both in the state of spirituall perfection It is thought that Satans policy in beginning first with Eve was because of her sex being as it is conceived the weaker of the two though I must say that there is small reason to conceive that Eve for her intellectuall and spirituall perfection was any wayes inferiour to Adam both being created in the like state of naturall and spirituall perfection of man though the one man male and the other man female But the reason must rather be that Satans poisoned cup being presented to Adam by Eves amorous beautifull hand the cup might be without all scruple freely received by Adam for Eve was created the modell of the beauty and glory of her sex to whose love Adams love and
was formerly prefigurate to Adam and the Fathers by the shedding of the blood of sensitive beasts and fowles And therefore the figure of the promised blessed seeed by the sacrament of circumcision was more significant then all the former bloody figures by the sacrifice of the Altar By the sacrament of circumcision therefore Abrahams family was distinguished and divided from all the families of the earth till they were reunited by the fulfilling of the promise by the new covenant For by the new covenant all the families of the earth were called and united in one Church and family For the strengthening of Abrahams faith in this gracious promise the inheritance of the Land of Canaan was promised to Abraham and to his seed whereby it was prefigurate that Abraham and his seed by faith in the promise made to Abraham should be inheritors of the heavenly Canaan the Kingdome of heaven The Church of God therefore being established in the family of Abraham and of his posterity the protection of the Church and the preservation of the line of the promised blessed seed was committed to Abraham to this end God did enable Abraham with the power of wisdome valour and with such an admirable gift of spirituall faith as Abraham is styled in the Scripture the Father of the faithfull And though I must passe over the History of Abrahams continuall victories over the enemies of the Church and leave the Reader to inform himself by the sacred History yet I cannot omit four memorable points of Abrahams faith whereby he is most justly called the Father of the faithfull The first was though Abraham was above an hundred yeers old when this promise was made and Sara was old and barren and both as it were dead by the course of nature and past all such hope yet faithfull Abraham considered not the deadnesse of his own body or the deadnesse of Sara's womb but stedfastly believed the promise against all naturall hope in hope that God according to his gracious wood would perform his promise Secondly Abrahams faith did wonderfully appear to his obedience to the command of God by his Word Gen. 12.1 commanding Abraham to depart from his native soil and to leave his kindred friends and possessions where he was seated in such plenty and to go into a strange countrey inhabited with the power of such mighty men who were every way unknown to Abraham and where he had no earthly help to trust unto but did as it were expose himself and his family to be made a prey unto strangers yet faithfull Abraham setting all doubts fears kindred friends pleasures and possessions aside did give obedience to the command of God and marched boldly to the Land of Canaan Thirdly how admirably doth our Saviour commend Abrahams faith while as our Saviour told the Jews saying John 8.56 Abraham did see my day and was glad and rejoyced therein For Abraham with the eyes of his spirituall faith did see the Lords day in the eighth day of the Sacrament of circumcision for the child was circumcised upon the eighth day though the eighth day of the circumcision fell out upon the seventh day of the great propheticall Sabbath which was commanded long before the Sacrament of circumcision and so precisely commanded as no mann●r of work was to be done upon the seventh day of the propheticall Sabbath much lesse the shedding of the blood of man for the only commanded works of the propheticall ceremoniall worship of God were to be done upon the Sabbath Abraham therefore observing with the spirituall eyes of faith that the seventh day of the propheticall Sabbath did give place to the administration of the Sacrament of circumcision Abraham did apprehend that the eighth day should be worshipped in place of the seventh day of the propheticall Sabbath The reason was because the Sacrament of circumcision did prefigurate both Christs death and the day of his resurrection from the dead for as by the shedding of the childs blood the shedding of the blessed childs blood by the cursed death of the crosse was prefigurate So by the stenching of the childs blood upon the eighth day whereby the life of the child was preserved the day of our Saviours resurrection from the dead was prefigurate to wit the Lords day which was the eighth day from the last Jews propheticall Sabbath for the last Sabbath whereon our Saviour did rest in the grave was no wayes the Jews propheticall Sabbath neither was there any Jew or Gentile bound or obliged to fulfill the command of the seventh day of the last Sabbath For all men naturally descended of Adam the redeemed head of man were only obliged to the command of the seventh day of the propheticall Sabbath which did prophesie our Saviours rest in the grave by whose rest in the grave all the prophesies prophesied by the propheticall Sabbath were fulfilled The last Sabbath therefore whereon our Saviour did rest in his sacred grave was no wayes propheticall neither was there any man naturally descended of Adam obliged to fulfill the command of the last Sabbath Let us therefore leave the last Sabbath to the Lord of the Sabbath and adde seven dayes more to the last Jews formall propheticall Sabbath and we have the Lords day the day of his resurrection from the grave to be the just eighth day as the Lords day was prefigurate to Abraham by the eighth day of the circumcision But let us account the number of dayes from the last formall Jews propheticall Sabbath and begin the accompt at the first day of the week according to the Jews computation of the dayes of their Sabbaticall week as both Jews and Gentiles were obliged to the Law of God and the Lords day is the just seventh day from the last formall Jews propheticall Sabbath and the true seventh day of the Evangelicall Law of faith more satisfactory to be declared hereafter What an admirable faith was this in Abraham to see the Lords day so far off as it was prefigurate by the Sacrament of circumcision though the Lords day be the true seventh day of the Evangelicall Law of faith as all men naturally descended of Adam are obliged to the command of the seventh day of the Law for without the command of the seventh day of the Law there is no Law to command man The fourth memorable point wherein the excellency of Abrahams faith did appear was in Abrahams readinesse at the command of God to offer up in sacrifice his son Isaac his only hope and heir of the promise and his only comfort next to God For it may justly amaze the heart of a naturall man that Abraham against nature by forgetting of all naturall affection should be so forward to attempt such cruelty with his own bloody hands to cut the throat of his so dearly beloved childe the only hope and heir of the promise Though this command was out of the infinite love of God to Abraham for God did never intend that Abraham should commit
and resurrection from the grave the naturall mans understaning is morally enlightened So by the power of the redeemed Word of truth written in the heart the naturall man is morally enabled to believe these twelve fundamentall points of faith And therefore by the new covenant all men are obliged and commanded to believe these twe●ve fundamentall points of faith upon the twofold reward of the law By this literall light therefore of the sound of the truth of the Evangelicall word of the Lords day the judicious Reader is enabled with all boldnesse to condemn all tenents and assertions of faith repugnant to the truth of this light for false adulterous tenents and assertions And with the like boldnesse to condemn all pretended worship of God repugnant to the truth of the Lords Evangelicall commanded worship in spirit and truth for a false adulterous worship of God arising from the false light of error This false light from whence this adulterous worship of God doth arise is the ceremoniall light of some sensitive visible object whereby the understanding is produced in act by the mediate sense of seeing which for the most part is the sensitive objective carved or painted image of the eternall Son of God as he is man which is a most faithlesse false adulterous and idolatrous worship It is faithlesse because faith is by hearing of the Word the Image of God in his Son Christ Jesus and not by the seeing of the Image of our Saviour in his humility as he is man It is false worship because it doth belie the truth of the Lords glorious resurrection it is an adulterous worship because it is repugnant to the truth of the light of the Lords commanded Evangelicall worship in spirit and in truth It is an adulterous worship because the sensitive visible object doth interveen between the Lord and his worship and in this sense a lier is called an Idolater because the falshood which the lier doth maintain doth interveen between the lier and the light of the Word of truth love and mercy in his heart which is the Image of God obliging the heart of the lier to declare and witnesse the truth which is called the light and law of conscience and so is the covetous man under which name the lier hypocrite coozener cheater extortioner briber whoremaster drunkard murderer and in a word the foul malitious cruell affection of man for by all such foul desire of the covetous man the light of the word of truth love and mercy in the heart redeemed by our Saviours sacred blood is belied darkned and obscured and the foul desire worshipped as an Idol contrary to the light of the command of the word of the seventh day of the law really one with the literall light of the law written in the heart of man And though our Saviours bloody rest be necessarily implied in the Lords Evangelicall rest yet his bloody rest is not to be represented by any sensitive visible object to the sense of seeing but by the light of the sound of the commanded word of truth to wit the Lords day to the sense of hearing preached by the faithfull Minister of the Word Neither must any man excuse the hanging up of our Saviours Image in his humility as he is man pretending that he hath the Image objected to his eyes only to put him in minde of our Savi●●● love by his death To whom I answer that by this manner of putting thee in minde of our Saviours love thou putst the Lord in minde of his fearfull wrath against thee For first it is by the Lords Evangelicall rest that thou art immediatly saved the truth whereof thou art commanded to worship in the Spirit of faith upon the mercilesse curse of the law Secondly the species of the sensitive Image doth interveen between thy mind and the Lords worship whom thou art commanded to worship immediatly and consequently thy putting in minde an Idolatrous mentall worship for preventing of which Idolatrous worship the faithfull Minister by the sound of the word is commanded to instruct the people committed to his charge at his peril for by the new covenant the Apostles are immediately commanded to teach and to preach the truth of the Lords Evangelicall worship to all the Nations of the world as the Lord hath revealed himselfe by the Evangelicall rest of the Lords day And in the Apostles the Apostolicall successors the Ministers of the word are commanded to the like teaching and preaching of the truth of the Lords Evangelicall commanded worship to the people committed to their charge The new Covenant therefore being commanded as well upon the mercilesse curse of the Law of faith as upon the blessing of the Lords Evangelicall rest It doth stand the Ministers of the Sacred word in hand to look to the faithfull discharge of so strict an imposed task Now though in the commanded Evangelicall Sacraments implying the Lords whole last Will and Testament which is the Evangelicall word the word be objectively presented to the sense of seeing touching tasting and smelling as by the light of the sound of the word it is objected to the sense of hearing that man as he is man may receive the word sacramentally that is by faith in the word represented by the externall elements Yet this sacramentall object doth not represent the object of faith to wit the Word Jesus Christ the Son of God to come and to suffer for the sins of man but doth represent him by his cursed death of the Crosse by his bloudy rest in the grave and by his Resurrection from the grave to be received sacramentally by faith in his merit by his cursed death of the Crosse by his bloudy rest in the grave and by his Resurrection and rest from the fulfilling of his promise of the blessed seed which both the Sacraments doe most lively signifie for the better conceiving whereof it is to be understood that the Sacraments were not delivered in the primitive Church but to such as were come to actuall naturall and morall understanding and action First therefore in the Sacrament of Baptisme by the baptizeds ducking and as it were drowning in the water according to the manner of the primitive C●●●ch the party to be baptized freed from the curse of the Law 〈◊〉 ●n of Adam is signified to be drowned and dead in actuall sin by 〈◊〉 ●●an●gression of the ●aw of faith as by his arising out of the water his rising 〈◊〉 the death of actuall sin to the new life of faith and that his actuall ●●ns ar●●●●ffied ●wa● by his faith in the Lords merit which is the water of eternall life purchased by the water and bloud issuing from our Saviours ●ea●● represented by the sacramentall water So in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper by the sacramentall bread the bread of life is signified whereby the baptizeds faith is nourished and preserved as by the naturall bread his naturall life is maintained and continued By the breaking of
day of the law by the last Sabbath being fulfilled by our Saviours obedience even to the death of the Crosse and the seventh day of the law as man naturally descended of Adam is oblieged to the law being continued in the command of the Lords day there is not any seventh day or any jot or tittle of the law lost as man is oblieged to the law of God Where the judicious Reader may observe that as the gracious promise of the blessed seed went forth from the eternall Word eternall life and rest So by the fulfilling of his promise the eternall life and rest of man is returned to the Word And this is the reason that God is called Alpha and Omega the first and the last Rev. 22.13 all in all Even as wee see the great Ocean from whence all the wells springs brooks rivers and all the waters falling from the clouds doe proceed So all do returne to the Ocean from whence they came and so much for answer to the first objection The second objection is this Neither Christ Jesus or his Apostles have set downe the command of the Lords day in the written word of God The Lord therefore hath left the power to command the Lords day to the Apostolicke Successours Ministers of the Word and Sacraments to command for that blessed day what day of the weeke they shall thinke fitting Of all the objections that ever was objected by man this is one of the most fearfull which doth rase from the foundation all what hath bin faithfully declared in this tractate and the very foundation of truth it selfe where there is two maine fundamentall points of faith overthrowne the first is in the antecedent the next is in the consequent I answer first to the antecedent By this assertion that the Lord of life the Lord of the Law of righteousnesse of faith or his Apostles hath not commanded the Lords day the Evangelicall seventh day of the Law of righteousnesse of faith the Lord of life is charged with the foule aspertion of untruth For if the seventh day of the Evangelicall Law of faith implying the command of the whole Law be not immediatly commanded by the Lord himselfe by his immediate word there is never a precept of the whole Evangelicall morall Law commanded And therefore to vindicate the truth of God from this horrible aspertion I answer after this threefold manner First if we touch this tenet with the touchstone of the twofold Theologicall Canon set downe in the tenth Chapter of this third booke we shall find this tenet to vanish with the objecters breath first therefore to touch the tenet with the first Canon First the foule adulterous light of the sound of the false word of this assertion is repugnant to the light of the sound of the word of the Lords day and to the truth of the Lords Evangelicall rest For by the immediate power of his infinit merit by his Evangelicall seventh daies rest the seventh is blessed and sanctified and the worship of the seventh day commanded and in the seventh day the whole morall Evangelicall Law of faith To the faithfull obedience of man to which command the temporall blessing of the Lords daies Evangelicall rest is due to man whereby man hath the continuation of his redeemed light life and rest in this life and eternall rest in the life to come contrary to the adulterous light of the sound of the words of this tenet whereby the Lords day is affirmed to be by the immediate command of man by meanes whereof we must hold our life light moveing and being in this life and eternall rest in the life to come immediately from the command of man Next to touch the tenet with the second Theologicall Canon set downe in the forenamed Chapter By the sound of the words of this false assertion the command of man doth interveene and come betweene the faith of the beleever and the Lords merit by his Evangelicall seventh daies rest which being the rocke and rest whereon the visible Church of God is built by this assertion the Church of God it selfe and the Lords commanded worship is rased from the very foundation For my second answer to this assertion to wit that neither Christ or his Apostles hath commanded the Lords day in the written word of God I answer with the Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 2 7. There is no new command but the same which was from the beginning and that was the sound of the word of the first seventh day of the Law of righteousnesse to Adam and now it is the found of the word of the seventh day of the Law of rigeteousnesse of faith first propheticall and now Evangelicall And though the Apostle to the Hebrewes Hebrewes 7.12 doth affirme that with the Leviticall Priesthood the Law was changed Yet we must understand that the Law of righteousnesse is never really changed though the Law be formerly changed from the formall propheticall ceremoniall obligement by the propheticall Sabbath to the formall Evangelicall obligement of the law by the Lords day by the immediate command whereof the seventh day of the propheticall ceremoniall Sabbath implying the whole morall propheticall ceremoniall law is actually determined the Lords day the seventh day of the Evangelicall law implying the whole moral evangelicall law actually established by the new Covenant Let the thankelesse objecter therefore doe but determine the seventh day of the propheticall Sabbath set downe to Moses in the decalogue by the Lords day as the Lord himselfe hath determined the same by the word of the Lords daies Evangelicall rest And he shall finde that the Lords day and the whole morall Evangelicall law is set downe in ten severall morall precepts My third answer to the antecedent of this fearfull objection is this It was the infinit wisdome and the infinit love and mercy of God to man that the Evangelicall morall law of faith was not set downe in the written word in distinct formall precepts as it was set downe to Moses in the propheticall decalog for if the Evangelicall law had bin so set downe the morall propheticall law and the whole old Testament had bin quite misregarded Without the true knowledge whereof there is no foundation for Christian faith I next answer to the consequent of the objection CHAP. XVII The Lords day is by the immediate command of the Lords owne word and not by the command of the word of the Church THe consequent of the objection is that the Lord hath left the power of the commanding of his blessed day to the Apostolicall successors the Ministers of his Word and Sacraments to appoint for the Lords day what day of the weeke they shall thinke fitting To this I answer that this is all one to affirme that the Lord hath left to the Apostolicall successors the power to be God himselfe For it is by the only merit of the Lords Evangelicall seventh dayes rest arising from his bloudy rest that the Apostolicall