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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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joyes that are aboue the Heauen of heauens Hee who with penne and inke would set out the greatnes of that glory which is to bee seene within that blessed Building should bee as who would foolishlie tak paines to paint the Sun with a coale In vaine shall a man prease to expresse that which cannot be spokē but into vnspeakable words Words come shorter than thoghts and thoughts come shorter infinitly than the thing it selfe The sicke Man I haue heard with great ioye of the vnspeakable glorie of God himselfe of the beautie of his Princelie Palace I desire now to heare some thing more at large concerning the estate of the Sainctes wherein they shall be when they shall dwell with God after the resurrection The Pastour It is most certaine that they shal be there into a farre better estate than wee can imagine For if Da●…id thought one day in Gods earthly hous●… better th●… a thousand else where what shall it bee when wee shall bee in Heauen the Citie of our GOD whereof God is the House and the Temple The Saincts shal be in such glorie there as that no earthlie tongue can tell If in this world by be holding in a glasse the glorie of the Lord wee are changed into that same Image from glorie to glorie what a change shal bee made when we shall see not Gods Image not in a glasse but himselfe face to face If the sight of his Image in the glasse of his Gospel hath such a working power as to change vs into the same Image heere on earth what a change shall bee made of vs in the Heauens when we shall see God euen as hee is All the godlie Gods warriours then shall liue in peace and rest As their life on earth was a continuall battell so shall their life in Heauen bee a perpetuall triumph Then the winter of their affliction shall bee past The stormes of their miserie shall blowe no more On Earth joyes and sorrowes are combined together In Hell is sorrow without any joye In Heauen shall bee joye without anie sorrow There they all in bleached coats of righteousnes shall blaze brighter than the Sunne God beeing in them shall burne in them as hee did in the Bush They shall burne but not bee consumed While S. Iohn was rauished in the Spirit he behelde a great multitude which no man could number all standing before the Lambes Throne cloathed in white robbes which had beene bleached from their blemish by the blood of the Lambe hauing the testimonie of two Senses he reporteth what hee saw and heard With his eyes hee saw them cloathed with white robes and Palmes in their hands The one was their innocencie the other was their victorie With his eares hee heard the songs of their triumph They cryed said hee with a loude voyce Saluation to our God which sitteth vpon the Throne With them were Angels Elders roūd about the Throne all falling down vpon their face and singing Blessing and glorie and wisedome and thankesgiuing and honour and power and might bee vnto our God for euer and euer Then with vncōquerable comforts shall all Christes crouding Turtles bee loueinglie comforted Then shall all their sighes bee turned into songs Then joyes vnspeakable shall fill all their senses without any surfet Euerie Sense shall receiue more than all mortal hearts can conceiue But which is of all good things the sweetest relish there shall bee such vnspottednesse of life and loue among the Saincts as the heart of man here cannot conceiue Euery one shall rejoyce of anothers wel as much as they shall doe of their own felicitie The enuious man seeds-man of all strife debate shall not be there All selfe-loue which is of a niggardlie nature enuious of the good of others shall be quite away in the place therof shall come such an heauenlie loue that shall make all the joyes of Heauen to be common As was in the primitiue Church so shall bee there but in greater perfection a communitie of goods One shall not say This is mine or that is thine But as wee shall bee all in Christ Christ in vs so shall wee bee all one in another filled one with anothers joye All state of strife then shal be farre away In Ierusalem aboue an euerlasting peace is within her walls and perpetuall prosperitie within her Palaces All the godlie glistering like starres shall rejoyce one into anothers light Euerie one of them by twinkling and be●…kning vnto other with celestiall smiles shall bend all their force for to giue glorie to the Sunne of righteousnesse the fountaine of all their light All Soules there shall bee most wonderfullie beau●…fied with internall externall and eternall happinesse There God onelie shall speake peace vnto his people and vnto his Sainctes who shall neuer returne againe to their folies Mans chiefe contentment in the heauens shal be in loue first with God and then of one with another O these euerlasting streames of contentmentes which shall flowe into these blessed breastes sequestred for euer from all doole and distresse The sicke Man Lord make all these thinges to liue freshlie in our memories My Soule is inflammed with loue to heare of that loue which shall bee betweene God and his Saincts and among the Sainctes themselues Your discourse Sir with a plausible and pleasant insinuation windeth it selfe into the affections of mine heart It hath alreadie winne mine heart to him to whome it most justlie belongeth Blessed bee his Name for euer Seeing yee were speaking of that vnspeakable loue that shal be between God and vs and also among our selues I pray you to say some thing more concerning that matter The Pastour I shall doe what I can brieflie As for God euery Soule shall loue him better than it selfe because it shall then perfectlie know that God hath loued it more than euer it was able to loue it selfe As for all the Saints wee shall loue them equallie with our selues as beeing all members of that mysticall Bodie Then and not till then shall bee the perfect practise of that second great command the summe of the second Table which is to loue our neighbour as our selues If the Soule of this naturall Bodie in the toyle of our pilgrimage hath such a commande ouer our naturall affections that it maketh vs to loue all the members and euerie member to worke equallie well for the good of another O mercifull God what greater loue shall proceede from that Spirite of Loue which shall bee in the Heauens euen the Soule of that mysticall bodie of all the Elect Looke how much grace surpasseth Nature and Glorie surpasseth Grace the Spirit of God which shall animate this bodie shall so much more straitlie make the members thereof to liue in Loue The holier the Soule bee within a man the greater loue concord is betweene his members
so fullie fraughted with all sortes of sins which like most filthie streames flow from the first fountaine or rather puddle of our originall sinne which wee haue from the Loynes of Adam Wee are all infected with this spirituall Leprosie there is nothing that can wash vs and make vs cleane saue onelie the Iordan of the blood of Iesus Besprinkle our consciences O LORD with the vertue of that Blood which cryeth for better things than the blood of Abel Seale vp thy Loue in our heartes by the blood of the Sealed man whom Thou the Father did seale and appoint to bring Life eternall to the world In him thou art well pleased In his Name and for his Loue wee begge thy fauour He himselfe hath tolde vs that what wee shall aske thee in his Name we shall receiue it O Father of mercies remember the promise of thy Sonne In confidence of his Command wee take the boldnesse at this time particularlie to put vp our prayers vnto thee for this thy diseased Seruant toss●…d to and f●…o with diuerse temptations Sathan the enemie of his Saluation the feare of Death the loue of the world and of worldlie things haue set themselues in Battell-array like armies betweene his Soule and the entrie of Heauen They haue maliciouslie ensnared his heart and taken his affections captiues with the immoderate loue of perishing thinges Oh how hath hee beene bewitched with the seeming sweetenesse of such vanities O Thou LORD IESVS the LORD of Life encourage him so with thy liuelie Spirit that he may be bold couragiously to face Death and the Graue Put these interrogations in his mouth O Death where is thy Sting O Graue where is thy victorie Cause thy Spirit whisper in his eare that thou hast put out the life of Death Cast into his rememberance the words wherewith Thou boasted Death and the Graue O Death I will be thy plagues O Graue I will bee thy destruction Let his Soule knowe that the Graue is a Bed of rest for all these that die in the LORD wherein they rest from their labours beeing at ease in peace without any toile or turmoile Worke in his heart a desire to be dissolued for to bee fred from the sinfull bonds of mortality for to goe dwell where hee shall neuer anger the Lord againe Let the Loue of Christ waine his heart from the desire of anie abiding heere O deare IESVS who was both buffeted slaine and buried for to saue man set the print and stampe of thy mercie vpon this Soule Seuer all his thoughts from all that is earthlie whether it bee Life Lands Children Houses or whatsoeuer other thing may allure him for to sojourne heere in a strange Land wherein wee are all strangers from God whom wee cannot see heere but behind Vntye his heart from the loue of this his natiue soile Purge him of this out-bearing humour O LORD flesh and blood will neuer teach a man to renounce his deare selte and such other carnall things wherewith hee is in phantasie The earthlie minde is so lumpish that it wearieth to thinke of thee and of the pleasures of thy Palace A carnall hearte is euer rouing and wandering heere about this worlds businesse Martha is a mother of many Children who trouble themselues about many thinges But few are these that with Marie can fold their heart for to sit downe at the feete of IESVS for to make choise of that best part which should neuer bee taken from them Thou to whō nothing is impossible draw this Soule vnto thee make the bent of his affection to bee vpon thee O great IEHOVAH thou hast heard and seene how carnall temptations haue teared the Soule of thy Seruant this day in the bedde of his languishing Immoderat cares for thinges below haue depriued him of all rest and joyes which he should haue in thee Wee must confesse to thee and from his heart hee acknowledgeth to bee true that his minde hath beene too bent vpon such perishing shadowes which can not bee gripped Such trashes of no worth haue taken too much roome into his heart Hee who is not content to quite all for to come to thee is not worthie of thee But LORD if mans Saluation were grounded vpon the sand of his owne worthinesse such a building could not stand against the winds floodes of temptations But his Saluation shall neuer bee branled because it is builded vpon the euerlasting and most sure Rocke the foundation of thy Church O LORD wee faile all in many things If hitherto this thy Seruant hath not as hee should minded th●… thinges which are aboue but lodged in their place the desire of thinges below now in thy grea●… mercie inlighten his mistie mind●… and bee mercifull to him in th●… thing Make the flesh now to cede and giue place vnto the Spirit Let the heauens come in with the pledges of thy Loue which no mortall armes can fadome Come with thy Spirituall and diuine motions and fill therewith the chambers of his heart where earthlie thoughts had their abode Make his Soule to inuite thy Spirit to come in Saying with Laban Come in thou blessed of the Lord wherefore standest thou without O deare IESVS direct so all his thoughts that hee wearie himselfe no more with the desire of that which sooner or later heee must ●…orgoe Why should thornie cares for dust and clay choake the good motions of thy Spirit Let no such care cumber him any more for foolish fáding commoditie Dissolue this glew by which his heart is tyed to the ground In thy Light let him see Light whereby hee may perceiue how fraile fickle are all such transitorie trashes which beeing too much loued both coole our zeale and clogge our affections so that they can in no wise soare vp toward thee O blessed Sauiour in whom is the very pith sweetest marrow of Gods mercies make thy seruants heere to loue thee aboue all things in heauen or earth Make his heart to say Whom haue I in Heauen but thee Make him to loue thee for thy selfe and not for thine onelie which is but an hyred Loue Put in thine owne hand at the hole of the doore of his heart and let some droppes of the Mirrhe of thy mercie this night fall vpon the handle of the Barre that his Soule beeing affected therewith may runne out of the Chamber of sleepe for to seeke him who loueth his Soule euen his blessed Sauiour the LORD IESVS Bee mercifull to all thine afflicted members in the Church militant fighting vnder the bloodie Banner of the LORD IESVS CHRIST The Church is thy Spouse keep her as the Apple of thine eye make all her members with one minde and one mouth to glorifie thy Name Blesse our gracious Soueraigne the Kings Majestie with thy best blessings Adorne him with spirituall Graces and giftes wherewith hee may please thee in his whole carriage both Ecclesiastice and Ciuill Make Iustice and Iudgement the habitation
good therefore that yee summon your hearte and your glorie to giue praise vnto your God Let not a thought of your heart absent it selfe from this point of seruice God must not bee serued by halfes As for mee I am but the Lordes weak Instrument for your well Giue God the glorie The sicke Man Blesse the Lord O my Soule all that is within mee blesse his holie Name I desire now to come with Dauid to my last words A speach of the sicke Man to his Pastour First of all I addresse my speach to you my worthie Pastour Gods mercie in you toward mee hath beene great for yee haue soundlie vnfolded all the intricate difficulties wherwith my Soule hath beene fearefullie entangled Yee are one of these that may well say Wee haue the mind of Christ God by his Grace haue made you that one of a thousand you haue I found to bee like Ionah the sonne of Amittai that is the sonne of trueth Happie is that Preacher who is ledde in all trueth O the Majestie of that message O the wisedome of these that gaine Soules vnto Christ Wisedome hath said That hee that winneth soules is wise O but my Soule loueth you My loue toward you assureth mee of Gods loue toward mee for by this wee know that wee are translated from death to life because wee loue the Brethren I loue you Sir in the dearest blood I haue for yee haue beene the good instrument of God for my conuersion ye in all my troubles while mine heart was toucht to the quicke and my Conscience ransackt to the bottome haue beene to mee a Barnab as a sonne of consolations where with as with splents ye haue bound mine heart God in great mercie hath giuen vnto you the tongue of the Learned with lippes touched with a coale from his Altar for the relieuing of my wounded Conscience with words of comfort O but that is true a whole some tong is a tree of life By the sword of the Word ye haue cut the twisted bonds of my greatest temptations wherein my Soule lay fast fettered Mine heart hath beene greatlie rejoyced to heare you resoluing al my doubts and difficulties O howe beautiful are the feete of these that bring go●… tydings Now I finde that of Solomon to bee true The word of the wi●… are as goads and as nailes fastened by the Masters of assemblies which are giuen from one Shepheard Christ that great Shepheard of the flocke 〈◊〉 with your words as with goades ●… nailes so fastened me to himselfe that Death it selfe shall not bee able to seuer vs Yee haue wonderfull●… restored my sicke Soule with flagon●… of the most sweete juice of the cluster of wine Ye haue bound vp my bro●… ken joynts with the spirituall splen●… of diuine comforts O in what woefull plight O in what seas of gall was I plunged when yee came first vnto mee there was nothing sound into my Soule●… All was full of botches boiles and pu●…trifying sores But yee like a cunning Surgeon in curing tumours haue broght the matter to an ●…ead and at last with great skill ye haue launced the boiles of my corruptions whereof nowe God in mercie hath made mee free I tremble to remember these fearefull temptations wherewith yee found mee at the first beset and besieged These were indeede such temptations as Bernard called Terribilia de fide horribilia de divinitate Sathan hath assaulted mee both in a blacke shape and into an Angel of light By your sweete comforts my Soule hath beene reuiued like that dead man that liued by touching the bones of Elisha Yee haue fed my Soule with the doctrine of your breastes bigge as Towers Yee haue strengthened and sinewed my weake Soule with comfortable words wouen and wrought out of a feeling heart by the strength of holy meditations And now happie are yee who haue beene the instrument of my conuersion I hope to bee one day one of these that shall stand at your backe when yee shall say to your Master Christ Behold heere I am and the children that God hath giuen mee Account me Sir one of these Talents that yee haue gained with the Talent of your gift Your wordes haue stricken home vnto mine heart with powerfull and particular applications of comforts whereby my disaffected Soule hath beene wooed and wone vnto the loue of my Sauiour Iesus account me therefore a seale of your Ministerie Ye know better than I what God hath promised to these that with a readie minde shal conuert a sinner from his euill ways such as God himselfe hath promised shall bee like the starres in the Firmament for euer From your lips is come the sweetest balme that euer dropt from the penne of God vpon the leaues of the Booke of life Blessed bee my God who by his good Spirit into your mouth hath breathed most sweete comfortes into my Soule Woe to all Doctours of dispaire Blessed bee your lips wherein God hath placed the preseruation of knowledge Your tongue to mee hath beene like a siluer watch bell to rouse and waken vp the gifts of God within my Soule God by his words in your mouth declaring vnto man his righteousnesse hath blowne vp his Graces which were weake into mine heart like a smoking flaxe or a sparkle of fire vnder greene wood Blessed bee my God who by your diuine instructions hath made mee to bee acquainted with himselfe Your comforts hath beene cordials and lenitifes to the ranking and festered sores of my Soule To God bee glorie who hath made you moste cunning of that great Arte of sauing sinners O my deare Pastor by the refreshing Balme of your consolations ye haue infinitly indeered my soule you to g●…s one of a thousand I am assured that God hath made you faithfull with Ieremie for to take foorth the preciou●… from the vile Nowe my God with whom I thinke to bee shortlie bee with you in your Ministerie make you his faithfull seruant vnto death that ye may bee a worthie wooer for Christ for to bring home manie straggling sinners vnto him the blessed Bridegroome of our Soules Farewell now my faithfull Pastour My Soule now is glad to flitte from this house of clay As for my bodie it must goe to the graue where for a space it shall bee confined but not confounded for I looke assuredlie for the day of the Resurrection O Lord seale vp in my Conscience the discharge of all my sinnes that I may gladlie lay downe this Tabernacle The Pastour Mine heart rejoyceth with an exceeding great joy to reape such fruits of my labours But this know that what good yee haue by mee it is not from mee but from him that sent me * It is God that giueth life Soule vnto the Word that is powerfull to Saluation Paul may plant and Apollos may
if ye were once dead yee shall beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the world Yee are far beguiled into the sight of the wo●…ld wherewith yee are so rauished Change your Spectacles and all that is below shall seeme to bee of another colour If your Soule could once sore vp towardes Heauen the loue of the Earth and earthlie things would fall from you as did the Mantle of Elias when he was rapt and rauished vp vnto glorie The sicke Man But ye know Sir that it is verie hard not to bee sore grieued to goe out of this world Non amplius visur us neque videndus neither for to see anie more nor yet to bee seene Who without teares can say his adewes to all his joys pleasures and contentments that are here Whē I once shal be caried out of my house yee shall see mee no more Hencefoorth yee and I will speake no more together I departing from you must goe to the place of silence among stinke wormes Who can-without displeasure say to all worldlie joyes farewell The Pastour It is best that ye turne your backe vnto such naughtie things as Hezekiah turned his backe to the stocke and his face to the wall that hee might conferre with his God It is great folie to bee so fond vpon such transitorie trashes What is so pleasant in this world that should allure vs to it Are not all thinges inconstant heere below There is nothing that standeth at a stay but either it is comming in or going out like the Tyde There is no creature but while it beginneth to waxe it also beginneth to waine A child of the age of a day hath lesse time to liue at Eauen than hee had in the morning Since hee came out of the bellie from the morning vnto eauen hee hath made a dayes journey in the way to his graue In ipso ortu vergimus ad occasum Our arising vp is but a course to our fall The degrees of a mans life are as as manie stepp vnto his death All that wee see below is in a continuall whirling from a beginning to an end The course of all the Creatures below is in a trance of transitorie trashes I can but teach you with vvords as Iohn baptized with water It is onelie the Lord vvho can perswade The sicke Man I take delight to heare you I pray God to perswade mee Continue I pray you into that discourse concerning the vanitie and inconstancie of vvo●…ldly things ripe them vp and open them wider that I may see them within the bowels The Pastour The vvisest among men preached Vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie All things are vaine and all things cry vnto vs that wee are vaine So vaine a thing is man The Trees the Herbes the Flowrishes the Fruites the Fishes the Beastes the Spring the Summer the Haruest the Winter the Aire the Water the Earth the Heauens are all appointed teachers by God to tell man of his changing Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world All that haue eyes eares may heare read their doctrine that heere is nothing permanent One creature calleth to another Let vs leaue this World See wee not how vvee melt away by droppes for to bee dryed into dust Moses saith that wee spend our yeares as a tale that is tolde a strange speach for to declare the vanitie of lōg life so much desired while a tale is in telling it seemeth to bee something but when a tale is once told these that haue heard it will in end say That it is but a tale So long as mans life is lasting it is like a tale that is in telling But so soone as Death the end of all commeth it is but like a tale that is tolde Thus as yee see all mans life in Scripture language is called but a tale All the times of our life past present and to come are turned at last into a fuimus wee haue beene Wee that liue now let vs remember our case Ecce tempus nunc futurum quo dicen●… nos fuisse The time shall bee shortlie that man shall say of vs that wee haue beene And thereafter a time shall come that none shall know that euer wee had a beeing Our life is like a sparkle fleeing out of the fire which dyeth out into the flight it failleth before it falleth The sicke Man These bee wordes of great power I finde now some working thereof within mine heart I pray you continue The Pastour Wee haue none abiding heere We all both yong old post swiftlie away to the graue the last bed wherein euerie man must sleepe we are long of comming to But how soone are wee pulled downe Our strength saith Moses is soone cut off and wee flee away Wee are like the Yee which thaweth sooner than it froze This is the Law of all flesh Prince People Poore and Rich all must goe to Golgotha The Preacher saith plainlie There is no discharge in that warre Though a man in the morning bee proude like a Peacocke with lifted vp feathers if Death come before the night come hee must lay downe his head among dead mens Skuls What a thing is this that within an hundreth yeares not one of vs all that are heere shall bee left aliue no not in this great Citie wherein wee liue Are wee not all as water spilt vpon the ground which can not bee gathered vp againe What memorie is now of these tha●… are past And what shall bee said o●… vs when wee are gone It is o●… farre best then to follow our God and to turne our backe vpon all suc●… lying vanities The sicke Man I requeast you Sir not to be wearied Proceede I pray you into tha●… purpose that I may learne what vanitie is into this life which is so much desired The Pastour Mans life into this world is but a Pilgrimage and a race not of great length for man that is borne of a w●…man hath but a short time to liue Iacobs answere to King Pharaohs question concerning his age was few and euill haue my dayes beene What is man saith one but Vermis crasti●… moriturus a worme that will die to morrow Dauid putteth the length of his dayes betweene his little finger his thumbe My life said he is like a span long some get but an inch consider well I pray you Sir seeing it is so what is it then of your life which is but of the length of a span what thogh it were an ell of length Is not Methusalah with his many hundreth yeeres as well in dust as as hee that liued but a day Other haue giuen place to vs and we must also giue place to others To mee to day to thee tomorrow There is no lodging
wicked will refraine from outward scandals yea they may preach yea prophecie with Saul Cajaphas and Iudas so that they will bee wondered at like Soul among the Prophets or lik Simō magus to whom the world for a space gaue heede from the least to the greatest saying This man is the great power of God Manie hauing but this superficiall glistering of grace applaud and content themselues thinking that they are wise while they indeede are fooles By this Spirit also they will taste the good gift of God but an one they spite it out againe * Meate tasted in the mouth onelie and not let downe to bee digested in the stomacke is vnprofitable for nourishment By this same Spirit also they will bee inlightened so that they will loue the deare Sainctes of God and will reuerence them as King Herod did Iohn But heere is their stay they haue euer an Herodias which they will not forsake Some one reigning sinne or other like pestilent canker cleaueth fast vnto them and beareth rule into their mortall bodies Either one sinne or other secret or publicke must be their Darling And this againe like a mother sinne must haue a dancing daughter called Hatered of reproue whose chiefest sute is that the preacher were he an Iohn either want the head or else bee silenced This is the verie border of the wicked mās progresse with all his might and maine in the way to glorie Further I cannot see that hee can winne but onelie to a taste in the mouth of the goodnesse of Gods giftes and to a certaine or rather incertaine liking of that which is good which at last shall losse the head with the Baptiste before hee losse his pleasures with Herod Thus as ye see manie are deceiued with the false flashes of an euil grounded assurance that they are in the readie and right way to Heauen when as indeede they are but faggots prepared for euer lasting burnings The sicke Man There bee one passage in Scripture which hath often affrighted my Soule in it I see a Reprobate to ma●… such a progresse in the way to Hearen that hardlie can I thinke that euer I did match him The Apostle saith 1. That hee will bee inlightened 2. That hee will taste of the heauēlie gift 3. That he will be made partaker of the holie Ghost 4. That hee will taste the good word of GOD. 5. That he will taste the powers of the world to come And yet for all that hee shall fall away so that hee can not bee renewed by Repentance and so shall die a Reprobate and last after death shall bee caried with the wicked into the same streame till he fall downe into the gulfe and poole of perdition I intreat you Sir to giue mee some light for the clearing of these wordes for often haue they troubled my Soule and dryuine it deepe into the dumps * At the first view of these wordes it would seeme that a man may get seisin of Heauen and yet thereafter bee diss●…ised by some sinnes and iniquities and depriued of all hope of eternitie The Pastour The Lord inlighten my mislie minde that I may cleare these your doubts to your well and contentment I confesse that at the first sight of these words I my selfe was amazed so that I did wonder how all that could bee Indeede at the first view as ye say it would seeme that a man may get seisin of Heauen and yet thereafter bee diss●…ised by one sinne or other whereby all his former vert●…es shall losse their grace But let a man lift vp his heart to God in prayer and thereafter consider well the words and weigh them in the Ballance of the Sanctuarie hee shall easilie perceiue that a Reprobate may bee endewed with all these giftes and after all bee debarred from entering into glorie In the words ye haue obserued fiue difficulties vnto which God willing I shall make answere seuerallie First of all it is said that the Reprobate who is but a Bellie blind will bee inlightened For to stād vnder this yee must first cōsider that into that place of Scripture the Apostle speaketh of Apostats that is of men that haue forsaken the true Religion which once they did professe for to become professors of lyes mē who haue reuolted from the Trueth after that the windowes of their Soule were shute close for to barreout the Light and that willinglie and of set purpose First then it is said That they were inlightned that is once they knew the Trueth For knowledge is light But because that hauing light they wanted loue God sent them strong delusions to belieue lyes S. Paul speaking of these that had but the light of nature the twilight of reason said That they were inlightened in such a sort that thereby they knew God But because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankefull but became vaine in their imaginations how grieuous was their punishment A little after both their sinne and their punishment is more plainely ser downe Euen saīth hee as they did not like to retaine God in their knowledge God gaue them ouer in a Reprobate minde That is hee put out and quenshed that little light of Nature which once they had as hee tooke the Talent from the idle man that rolled it vp into a napkin The greater that light bee within a mā if it be abused the greater is the punishment which is for to ensue But to come to that Light wherewith a Reprobate brought vp in the Church may be inlightened The Light of knowledge within a man who hath not the loue of the Trueth is but like the light of a blazing Comet which shortlie dyeth out and filleth the world with a pestiferous stinke An Apostate on earth is lik a Comet in the heauens a star but in appearance Such men with all their apparent eminences of zeale and dazeling shewes bee but blazing starres such as the Dragon is said to sweepe downe with his taile * S. Iude calleth them wandering starres they keepe not their Station They are Planets in their motion and Comets in their substance not fixed in the heauens but kindled meteores in the aire which seeme to bee in the heauens and therefore they losse at last their light so that as S. Iude saith To them is reserued blacknesse of darknesse Such may haue the spirit of illumination for the good of others without the Spirit of Sanctification for the good of their own Soules Though they haue some light of knowledge yet in loue and life they walke by the darke side of the cloude with the Egyptians There is Loue and Light in the life of all true Israelites whose course is by the light side of the fierie Pillar The wicked for the most parte are with the Sodomites either stricken with blindnesse or if they see they
see as these Syrians saw that came to apprehend Elishah at Dothan they saw indeede but their judgement was so troubled that though they saw yet they could not perceiue till out of Dothan they were entered into Samariah the citie of their enemies That was the figure whereof this is the substance Heare yee indeede but vnderstand not and see yee indeede but perceiue not O how the eyes of the Soule of man are dimmed with the mistie vapours of vanitie thorow which it is hard euen for the godlie often to see anie glimmerings of grace But to the purpose obserue well what I say The godlie and the wicked will both be inlightned But the godlie is inlightned like a starre fixed into the heauens whose light is firme and constant But the wicked inlightned is but lik a blazing Comet which for a space will haue a greater glaunce than a true starre into the eyes of the ignorants But the learned Philosopher knoweth it to bee nothing but a bundle of filthie matter kindled into the Aire which shall shortlie bee quenched Thus as ye see the wicked like a Comet will bee kindled with some strange fire hee will bee so inlightened that he will giue light vnto others for a space with his hoarie beames But this Siella crinita hoarie starre because hee is not fixed into the hea uens by faith hee not beeing in the same Firmament with the Sunne of righteousnesse within some fewe Moneths hee dyeth out leauing nothing behind him but the pestiferous smoke and stinke of an euill name and of filthie scandales a cause pest where with many are infected Thus as yee see many like a Comet or a Candle will for a time blaze with beautiefull brightnesse beeing full of godlie shewes without any life of grace but at last dye out with a filthie smell The twilight of Nature is no light but darkenesse Let therefore euerie man trie his Light by his loue Though a man should know Christ neuer so well if hee cannot say to him as Peter said Lord thou knowest that I loue Thee the light of that man shall not continue but soone or since with one sinne or other it shall be put out as with a dampe Then many shall wonder what can bee worde of such a blazing professour when they shall see all his rootlesse graces withered and wasted Now Sir examine well your selfe If yee finde a loue in your hearte with your light a loue of God not so much for his benefites as for himselfe who is most loue worthie be not affrighted to heare that Reprobates may bee inlightened All their graces at the best are rootlesse glorious glances foolish flashes euanishing in a moment Let mee yet a little illustrate the matter that it may appeare how Reprobates are said to bee inlightened The Godlie the Reprobates are both said to bee inlightened but diuerslie the Godlie are inlightened like the Sun but the wicked are like the Moone In the Sunne as all know the Light is rooted and fixed so that not onelie doeth it shew light vnto others but also it hath light within it selfe As for the Wicked they are inlightened like the Moone which sheweth light vnto others beeing darke within like a Glasse which in the sight of the Sunne will glance with some beames vnto others hàuing no light within it selfe In this the wicked also are like the Moone that while they are in plenilunio in their fullest light in the midst appeareth some blacke spottes In the greatest light of the wicked if men can looke vp and behold they shall perceiue often one grosse sinne or other where the light haue no reflexe which is like the blacke spot of the Moone Thus as yee see all the light of the Wicked is but in an outward reflexe whileas they are darke within But the Godlie are like Iohn the Baptist whom Christ called a burning and a shinning light Not onlie shine they outwardlie vnto others but also they burne within themselues like these Disciples whose heartes while Christ spake did burne within them in going to Emaus these were their words Did not our hearts burne within vs while hee talked with vs by the way The Wicked may well blaze without but neuer burne within God may so dispence that like a burning Glasse they may make others to burne while like the burning Glasse they remaine themselues cold or at the best but lake warme Now I thinke that all men may easilie perceiue how the wicked are said to bee inlightened Such men I confesse are hard to bee knowne at the first A man at least for a month must be acquanted with the Moone before he can know that it is but a dark bodie which hath no light in it selfe but borrowed and outward A life-time is not often sufficient for to trye Hypocrites transformed like Sathan into Angels of light Such Moon-men beguile many with outward reflexes Though these which are outwardlie adorned with such colours blesse themselues with Laodicea as hauing neede of nothing yet their sins by the hand of Gods Iustice are written in the Register of their Conscience yea deepelie ingrauen as with the penne of a Dyamond Thus Reprobates cannot now vnderstand because their Conscience●… are seared sensles they are in such a Slumber benummednes of Cōscience that they cannot consider nor make a sound search into the state of their Soules Nay though they could they would not for feare that there by they should bee enchained to melancholie a marr mirth of all their carnall delights Of such I will say some-thing I pray God that it may chasse them to seeke sinceritie Except that such who care onelie for colours shews of godlinesse for to be well thought of among men except say I they turne to God with true sound and timelie Repentance in my judgement hardlie shall they escape some fearefull and remarkable judgement euen in this life Cannot God appoint them to bee his owne executioners for to bee Burriors to themselues After that in his wrath hee hath kept an assise in their Conscience and hath made them with Iudas to cry out guiltie against them selues hee can make them hang vp themselues in the loupe of a corde for to bee spectacles of his wrath before the world Hee can mak them poyson themselues or powre out their life with their blood by sword or by knife This judgement shall cry to the liuing Thus shall it bee done with him who dallies with his God If hee escape that Woe woe woe vnto him on his death-bed where Sathan with hellish malice bloody cruelty shall woūd him with his empoysoned darts which hee shall fasten deeplie in his Soule Then with many a sore sigh shall hee cry that he is enthralled in the snaires fetters of the deuill Some I know will win out of this world without any seene
went sof●…lie with sacke cloth nearest his skinne Mans eyes are easilie easilie jugguled with soddered shewes But God who seeth not as man seeth looketh on the heart They that see such painted men as they themselues also may thinke that they are alreadie possessed of the Kingdome of grace and also intituled to the Kingdome of glorie while indeede they are but prophane men of seared Consciences seeking for nothing but popular appla●…ses for the aduancement either of their profite or preferment or reputation and worth By some worldlie respect they euer are caried on the by whereby they euer come short of sinceritie Woe vnto them euen when all men shall speake good of them For a space they may well thinke in their owne fond conceit that they are stored with all the riches of Gods graces like Beggers in their sleepe dreaming that they are tumbling thēselues amid great heapes of gold O but when such awake they are not onlie emptie of their imagined good but filled with sorrow for being depriued of that which they had in their imagination the greatest groūd of their contentment Thus all comforts shal be sweepe from them with the besome of vtter desolation O the deceitfulnesse of mans heart Who can know it said Ieremie What eye can pierce and passe thorow all the wyles windings of this juggling sinne of Hypocrites which hauing nothing but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a forme of godlinesse which beare that world in hand that they are scalded burnt with the zeale of Gods House The best things that are in such are nothing but ciuill outwardnesse clothed with colourable pretences of pietie without any justifying faith in the heart or renewing power in the Soule wherin is the practise of pietie What shall I say more a Reprobate as yee see may bee both courtesse and kind solatious in conuersation a man beloued of his neighbours yea such a man may driue out his dayes without any seene blot or outward scandale Hypocrisie may bee so small spunne that no carnall eye can perceiue it Such a man also may haue some troubles of Conscience some secrete checkes of remorse for his by-goné folies euen Iudas his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 repenting or forethinking But his Soule was neuer acquainted with traueling and hard labour in the newe births which is borne with that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 euē an vniuersall change of minde will and affections which is onelie peculiar to the godlie I will yet say more a Reprobate while hee possesseth a true doctrine though but outwardlie hee may ●…aue the gift of prophecie with Saul Cajaphas yea of miracles also of healings of helpes in gouernaments and of diuersities of tongues Behold how a wicked man may bee a Preacher and a Prophet or among the Prophets and a worker of meracles Haue wee not cast out deuils in thy Name shall many say to Christ at the day of judgement to whom Christ shall answere Departe from mee for I know you not All these good things may a man haue and yet bee a stranger from the life of God * Though such outward thinges haue a glorious appearance bee great in the eye of the world yet they are no sure token of Gods loue Did not Christ call Iudas Friend All the common giftes graces of the wicked are nothing but like the friendship that was betweene Christe and Iudas whome Christ called friend for to let him know that the greater was his sinne Such for all their glistring shewes are strangers from the life of God holden fast vnder the power of the first death and yet none so much as they are puft vp with a conceit of imaginarie perfection so powerfull is the deuilish influence of pride The greater Gods gifts shall- be into the wicked that greater shal be their woe The sicke Man I hau●… heard and am satisfied concerning that the vvicked may be made partaker of the holy Ghost I pray you to discusse the fourth difficultie which is That ●… man may taste the good word of God and yet bee a Reprobate The Pastour Hee vvill indeed Sir taste the good word God as I haue exponded that he will taste the heauenlie gift Hee will taste the good word of God That is hee will vnderstand the word he will take pleasure to read it and to heare it preached with some flashes of comfort whereby hee will bee moued to harbour some good meanings and intentions not onlie that but also hee will doe many thinges as Herod who heard Iohn gladlie and did also many things But such a mā hatheuer some herodias a darling sinne secret or knowne vvhich hee vvould preferre to the head of Iohn the Baptiste While hee is in the Church it may bee hee heare the vvord with some gladnesse yea and vveete his cheekes vvith teares at the preaching of Christs passion but let h●…m goe from thence to his Banketing a dancing of a daughter of this Herodias viz. Some little tickling joy of his Mistresse predomināt sin vvill make him to forget all that was preached A small requeast of some dauncing deuil vvill mak such a man if hee bee of power to lay the Preachers head in a platier There bee many vvho vvhile they heare the Word preached in the Church are like a Siffe or Riddle into the vvater so long as they are in hea●…ing they seeme to bee full of Gods word euen to the brim But so soone as they are once departed all that they heard runneth out and they to their olde by as againe The best thing that are in the wicked are to God as vvho for a sacrifice should cut off a Dogs necke or offer Swynes blood The sicke Man This is a strange matter this world as I see is like Sardis Thou hast a few names in Sardis which haue not defiled their garments The Godlie are as the shaking of the Oliue Two or three Berries in the toppe of the vpper-most bough Christ called them vvell The little Flocke Great as I see is the deceitfulnesse of sinne I thought when I saw a man or a woman hearing the word with great attention and vvhiles vvith teares that these could not bee but the Lords chosen and dearest Ones And yet I see that a man may heare the word with greate appearance of godlinesse yea and thinke the Word most sweete for the time yea loue and reuerence Gods Messengers and yet for all that bee kept short of the state of Grace The Pastour All that is true for Herod reuerenced Iohn for a space and heard him gladlie Simon magus belieued with a temporarie faith And Esau though hee wept and sought the blessing with many teares yet could finde no place in his heart vvhere he could lodge true Repentance Many are endewed with painted Graces which hauing but the face not that heart of grace are meere hypocrisie Euen
reliefe refresh his Soule and coole it with thy comfortes Let thy Spirit come vnto him with glad tydinges that all his sinnes are forgiuen him Oh what sorrow of heart hath hee had since he hath felt the power of thy wrath His poore two eyes haue beene like two fountaines of teares trickling downe both day and night The apple of his eye hath euer beene droping downe the salt brimie and bitter teares of sorrow Oh how bitter lie hath he wept since this battell beganne Hath hee not powred out his heart like water before thee in bemoaning his transgrassions Now LORD for thy mercie sake make him free of all excessiue griefe Beholde him with the tendrest eye of thy compassions Ridde him of all gripping griefes of Conscience Settle in his heart a godlie sorrowwhich may cause repentance neuer to bee repented of Bee pleased toward him Turne thine angerie face from the bloodie colour of all his transgressions and looke vpon the perfect and vnspotted righteousnes of thy Lambe whose blood hath blanched the red Crimsin sinnes of the world No flesh O LORD is able to stand before thee when thou art angrie for what is man which is consumed before the moath He dwelleth into an house of clay and his foundation is in the dust When it shall please thee hee must lye downe into his growing bedde and there say to corruption Thou art my father and to the worme Thou art my mother and my sister O who shall stand when thou shall say Returne yee Children of men O gracious GOD pittie this creature that was once formed to thine owne image which once lost thou hast repaired with the Blood of thy Sonne Stampe his heart vvith thy liuelie Image and coine it with thy countenance Insinuate thy selfe into his Soule and compasse him with thy comfortes Let thy poore Seruant heere who hath beene most fearefullie tossed and scorched with fierie temptations find a spiritual cooling refreshing in thy mercifull bowels Temper so the Spirit of his minde bowe his will and incline his affections that his chiefest delight may bee in thee Couer his sillie Soule vnder the shadow of thy Winges vntill all these calamities bee ouerpast Refresh this paunting Soule braying after thy water brookes Giue him a newe hearte put within him a new Spirite take this stonie heart out of his breast and in the place thereof put an heart of flesh By thy word O LORD wee haue let him see what the vanitie of this world is how vnconstant are all things below and how they are turned vpon a whirling wheele O mak his heart consider that there is nothing heere on earth that can bring solide contentment vnto the heart What are the best of our dayes on earth but labour and sorrow Is not our life a vapour a breath are not our dayes consumed as a tale that is tolde Make the consideration of such naughtie thinges below moue him so much the more to minde the things that are aboue Let him know that in the surging waues of this worldlie Sea there is no permanent peace so no crosse shall come vpon him vnawares Teach him by practise and experimentall feeling of thy Graces that thy strength is made perfect in weakenesse Let him feele that it is a fruite of thy lone that thou suffereth him to be afflicted Sanctifie his sorrowes make them to lead him vnto the face and presence of his GOD. By the loathing of things earthlie worke in his heart a loue a liking of things heauenlie an ardent desire of thy celestiall dainties Let him know that so soone as he shall come to thee that with thy face thou shall fill the desires of his Soule for in thy face is fulnesse of joyes O thou to whom nothing is impossible lift vp his Soule to affect that happines so that earnestlie his Soule may desire to see that day when he shall be cloathed with the long white robe of Christes righteousnesse euen the innocencie of thy deare Sonne Iesus Couer him Lord couer him with the golden fleece of thy righteous Lambe Parsume him with the sweete sauour of Christes merites thy mercies Let the Blood of his Aduocate pl●…ade for his pardon Naile all his sinnes to the Crosse of thy Sonne Iesus Rid out of his heart all doubts and difficulties draw his eyes from looking vpon himselfe make thine own selfe the object of his sight in the mirrour of the Gospel wherein as with open face hee may behold as in a glasse the glorie of the Lord and bee changed into the same image from glorie to glorie euen as by the Spirit of the Lord. Seeing a good man is mercifull to his beast how much more wilt thou bee who are mercie it selfe Thou who art most plenteous in mercie vnlocke wee intreat thee the treasures of thy mercies and affoard vnto thy seruant such graces whereby hee may come to thy Glorie Send a Seraphin for to kindle hi●… zeale and affection toward thee Publish proclaime vnto his Sou●… that thou art pacified and that tho●… hast receiued a ransome These days by past LORD thou ha●… him trained vp with diuerse fearefu●… temptations whereout of let it please thee now to giue him an out gate O put thy quickening Spirit within him that by the force of thy life he●… dying vnto sin may liue vnto The●… who art our life and lengthening of our dayes Thine eare hath heard the heauie groanes of his hearte which haue made thine heart to bee turned within thee O now let thy compassions bee so kindled together that hee may in all boldnesse come to the Throne of thy Grace permit him such familiaritie with thee whereby hee may cast his burden vpon thee Giue him LORD a full resolution to submitte himselfe alwayes to thine appointments that his heart neuer anie more repine nor grudge at thy proceedings By the finger of thy Grace frame fullie his heart for the following of thy will Gracious Father rouse vp his Soule and raise vp the good motions of thy Spirit within him Make him in mercie to growe in Grace which may worke a deepe detestation of all bygone slippes whether secret or knowne with an eager and earnest striuing to bee renewed in the Spirit of his minde O thou whose bowels rumble lowd with compassions pacifie and calme all the clamours of his Conscience Thy mercie is most magnified when it relieueth the extremest miserie Thy light is most precious when it shineth into the depth of discomfort and darknesse O pittie and pardon him besprinkle him with the Blood of vertue that beeing purged from all carnall and spiritual vncleanneste hee may grow vp vnto full holinesse in thy feare and so may end his life in thy fauour the surest Sāctuarie of a troubled Soule Pittie the distressed members of thy Church Many a time haue they afflicted her from her youth The plowers plowed vpon her backe making long furrowes let them
all bee comfounded and turned backe that hate Zion confound all hatchers of Here●…ies let them bee as the grasse vpon the house tops which withereth afore it groweth vp wherewith the Mower filleth not his hand nor hee that bindeth sheaues his bosome Protect Her by thy cloud by day direct Her by night by the pillar of fire let neuer the bright star of thy Gospel goe downe which pointeth out vnto vs the Sauiour Saluation of our Soule O righteous LORD thou hast juste cause against this Church to make Her Sunne goe downe at noone and darknesse to surprise vs in the cleare day with a sudden and ineuitable sin prizall and destruction GOD blesse vs with an holie vnion and banish farre off the Deuill of diuision Blesse our gracious SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie Mak him to joy in thy strength greatlie to rejoyce in thy Saluation Direct His Heart His mouth by thy Spi●…it giue him his hearts desire and with-hold not the requeast of his lips Giue to Him the courage of Dauid and the wisdome of Solomon Be fauourable to His Royall Match Inflame Her Heart with the loue of thy deare Sonne Iesus Let all Her desire be to know him crucified Make Her an happie Mother of happie Children euen a blessed Mother in Israel Blesse our Nobilitie make them noble like the men of Berea so that they may haue courage for the Truth And seeing LORD that as wee may see in this our deare Friende man is like to vanitie and that his dayes are as a shadow that passeth away Take vs to thy schoole and teach vs to number our fewe and euill dayes that wee may apply our hearts to wisedome to wel doing Let it please thine Highnesse to grant vs these out sutes for the onely sake of Iesus the Author and finisher of our faith the verie Anchor of our Soule the onelie stay and staffe of our hope the ende and rest of all created desires the true substance of ceremoniall shewes and shadowes To Him with Thee and thy Spirit of Grace bee praise and thankesgiuing glorie and dominion now and euermore AMEN If your sleepe in the night be interupted cause read vnto you the Booke of Ecclesiastes the strong enemie of all worldlie vanitie Moses his psalme which is the ninty Psalme shal be meete for your meditations cause reade also the 1 Pe●…er chap. I. The LORD sanctifie all your spirituall exercises to the comfort of your wearied Soule The GOD of all mercie blesse the little sparke of Grace enkindled by his Spirite in you till it spread into a big flame GOD with a little Dewe of newe Grace can so bl●…sse prosper another Grace alreadie giuen that Hee will make it though so little like a graine of mustard to growe towardes a tree Blesse GOD who hath not suffered you to tread the fearefull and desperate path of these who from the beginning of their life vnto the end haue beene nothing but disturbers of peace waues of the Sea foaming out their owne shame and casting vp mire and dirt vpon the shore of their whole couersation The LORD edge the little measure of your weake Faith with a longing desire after fulnesse of perswasion And season your heart with sauing Grace The Lord make his most Sacred and powerfull Word so to enter into the secretes of your Soule that it may strike a dead stroke at the sweetest of your sinnes that your sinnes being slaine your Soule may liue and haue a portion in Gods new Ierusalem till yee come there the LORD guard you with an inuincible troupe of his blessed Angels The Loue of the Father the Grace of the Sonne with the Peace his Spirit bee with you for euer THE FIFT DAYES Conference Of the last Iudgement The sicke Man OVanity of vanities O vanity of vanities all is vainity this whole night I haue dreamed of vanitie I thinke that my Dreameproceedeth from vesterdays Conference for Solomon saith that a dreame cōmeth through the multitude of businesse Well is the man that is well occupyed in the day for in the night such businesse maketh an impression into his Spirite An euill doer in the day cānot often dreame of good into the night Happie is the man that hath made the Lord the onelie leuell of his life What houres can it now bee I long for a sight of my louing and comfortable Pastour The Pastour Heere I am Sir come againe for to see what progresse yee haue made into your Christian pilgrimage Ye●… heard yesterday of the vanitie of all things that are below I desire now to know how your heart hath beene affected since The sicke Man I haue Sir all this night d●…eamed that this world is but vanitie a lifting vp for a fall a race vnto a ruine I see nowe that all the profites and pleasures thereof are but lik a rotten Nut when men thinke to cracke the kernell they find nothing but worms with rottenesse bitternesse which prouocke the eater to spit O how the pure and cleane streames of diuine grace are stained with the stirring of the foule puddle of corrupt nature I am greatlie oblished to my God who hath giuen to me such patience in my sicknesse that I haue beene able to heare that heauenlie discours which ye had yesterday concerning earthlie things This life as I perceiue is nothing but a toilesome task of cares the best of our time is but labour sorrow our ease is a disease and wee rot in our rest Mine heart is no more in this world He is but a foole and so shall hee feele who euer hee bee that is too bent for the transitorie trashes thereof Heere is not our rest Rest heere is not our best As water by standing becometh stinking so the Spirit rotteth by carnall rest The ease of the flesh is the disease of the Spirit If wee bee without God in the world in our well we shall find but woe in our wealth but want in our loue but l●…cke in our mirth but mone In laughing the heart shall be sorrowfull and the end of that mirth shal be heauiness●… Without God in greatest compan●… is greatest melancholie Hee whose eyes the god of th●… world hath not blind-folded may easilie perceiue that all that is heere is but vanitie which vexeth the spiri●… What follie is this to take pleasure in such perishing things which can bring no comfort at the conclusion of all when dust must returne to the earth as it was Oh that wee were wise to consider that while wee are heere we are compassed about with a bodie of sin in a world of wickednesse All sortes of euil in this world with eager pursute persecute the Soule of sinfull man all the depthes of Sathan and policies of Hell concure into this worke Now Sir I intreat you seeing yee haue spoken so heauenlie of the earth that it would please you to say some-what concerning the last judgement
with Iaphet in the Church of God Amen The sicke Man I haue heard sufficientlie concerning the earthlie Ierusalem diuerse parts of the holie Land that with griefe of heart because in that Land where God once was well knowne now the enemies of God dominire The cry of Christs Blood is yet still against it so that it hath spewed out the ancient inhabitants Lord make all Nations by its example learne to stand in awe to prouoke so great a Majestie Now let vs come to that Ie●…usalem which is aboue the Palace of the great King where God is seene of his Sainctes face to face In what place of Scripture is mention made of it The Pastour In the two last Chapters of th●… Reuelation that heauenlie Ierusalem is described The sicke Man How can that bee seeing it is said that Iohn saw that heauenlie Ierusalem descending out of heauen from GOD. The Pastou●… As Ierusalem Gods Church heere below is call●…d Ierusalem which is aboue because her heart is in heauen with a great desire to bee there So Ierusalem the triumphing Church aboue may bee said To descend out of heauen because of the great desire they haue to see vs all well heere below Daylie they pray in Heauen for the Sainctes heere fighting on earth vnder the bloodie Banne●… of Christ Iesus They pray fo●… them all in generall which cannot bee without great affection descending from the reflexe of their loue toward our God If by some Angel they heare the report of the conuersion of sinners there is great joy●… in Heauen That good will and affection they beare vnto the Sainctes below in Scripture language is called a descending out of Heauen The sicke Man O but ae I thinke that Citie must be glorious The Pastour No glorie is comparable to that which is there That Citie is called an holie Citie Holinesse is the chiefest beautie that is This was good Moses his prayer Let the beautie of the Lord our God bee vpon vs that is true holinesse This most excellent beautie of the heauens is typified by the most bright glauncing of precious stones Her light saith S. Iohn was like vnto a stone most precious euen like a Iasper stone cleare as Crystall two creatures colour greene and cleare most pleasant for the sight of the eye By all this this Citie had twelue gates and at the gates twelue Angels whom I may well call Coelestes Ianito●…es the blessed doore keepers of Heauen The building of the wall was of Iasper and the Citie was pure Gold like vnto cleare Glasse The foundation stones which are laid in our buildings are but of the commonest sort But all the foundation stones of this Citie vnder whose Vaults wee sojourne here are most precious stones as Iasper Saphir Chaleedonie Emerald Sardonix Sarduis Crysolite Berill Topas Iacinct Amethyste If such glorious stones bee the foundation stones what glorie must bee aboue in the Palace top where is the busking of Beautie As for the gates The twelue gates were twelue Pearles euery seuerall ga●… was of one Pearle Wonderfull gates of wonderfull Iewels for who euer on Earth sawe a Pearle so great as an Apple Behold and wonder how the greatest doore of Heauen should bee of one Pearle As for the streetes of the Citie they were pure gold as it were transparent glasse This Glasse one calleth it Aliquid auro nobilius quod non est inrerum natura That is Some thing more precious excellent than gold which thing is not in this worlde to bee found O mercifull God what stupiditie is this in man that hee cannot so feruentlie loue this God who hath builded for his Soule bodie such a pleasāt Palace where he shal sojourn for euer in most happy immortality O mercifull God what a deadnesse dulnesse is this in our spirits that we cannot but after many reasons arguments be content to remoue from these our sinfull Tabernacles of clay for to goe dwell with our God in his golden Citie Palace of siluer where the Lord for euer shall feast vs with the joyes of his countenance among these purer Spirites his excellent Ones the Angels of glorie The sicke Man It is certainelie a great blindnesse Lord put the eye salue of Grace to our carnall naturalleyes that our sight beeing cleared thereby wee may get some glimpse of these Palaces and Pleasures that are aboue O Lord hoise vp mine heart raise it out of the muck of this earth mak the relish of Heauen to dash out of mine heart all earthlie desires It is marueilous how the Soule of man shuld be such a stranger to heauen When I consider howe the Soule that diuine proportion so noblie furnished with powers of great e●…euation euen of most high contemplation should so deba●…e it selfe among myre and dirt not hauing a face to behold the heauens it putteth mine heart into a wonderfull maze What can a Soule find either in heauen or earth except God alone which is able to satisfie the desires of its so wide Capacitie O the beautie of these celestiall buildinges all Gold and Azure But rather O the beautie of GOD himselfe in whose presence is the greatest glorie of that painted Palace O the beautie of beauties of him whose mercifull presence shuld turne the hels of paine into heauens of pleasures for euermore O let the beautie of the Lord our God bee vpon vs * O what a fickle follie is this for man to losse eternitie of happinesse for the minute of a miserable life in worldlie pleasures wherein is more sensible paine than joye that can bee enjoyed But to follow out our purpose intended concerning heauens glorie I haue Sir alreadie heard of the beautie of that Citie nowe let mee heare of its Boundes None as I thinke shall bee there troubled for want of Elbow-roome The Pastour * O the vnspeakable bounds that bee there S. Iohn saith that it was measured with a golden reede The measure thereof as the word of God testifieth was Twelue thousand furlongs which is more than fifteene hundreth myle Numerus indefinitus pro definito A Citie greater in boundes than who should joyne together in one that great Niniuie Paris Rome London Venise Alexandria Constantenople and that great Alcaire or Babylon a citie containing in circuite foure hundreth foure score furlongs Nay joyne all the Cities of the world together in one and they shall in no way bee comparable vnto this Citie of our God as it is ●…et downe in the Cart of the Reuelation Let a man behold the Cart of the world and in it hee shall easilie couer with his hand all the bounds of Europe But behold how the Heauens in that Cart of God occupie more than fifteene hundreth myles What I pray you is all this Earth in comparison of these heauenlie Mansions but an hand-breadth in
leape the same loupe beeing assured of as much and all because hee seeth that now his neighbour is soundlie healed and feeleth no more paine If yee wander from God hasten your returne A man out of the way must come back againe The soone●… hee returneth the lesse is his labour If yee fall in sinne and rise againe beware to bee relaps An Horse comming by the same place where hee caught a fall will starte a backe Neither for Spur nor Wand will ye get him into the same hole againe Dauid no doubt after once would not count the Tribes againe neither would Peter after that awefull looke of Christ denye his Master againe neither would Iob seck anie more to dispute with his God againe They all know by experience how bitter a thing such sins were and therefore abhorred all such things at the verie rememberance thereof Remember well I pray you that olde age will inquire what youth hath beene doing This now know that all youthlie pranking pleasures are followed with pages of paines which cry vnto others that they listen not to the allurementes and deceitfull charmes of their filthie flesh While Dalilah lulleth in her lappe shee is armed with Sissers for to cutte the haire of our strength It is good that both old young haue their loynes euer girded their Candles in their hands waiting for that comming of their Lord Learne of the foolish Virgines how dangerous a thing it is to sleepe without oyle in your Lampes Let neuer sinne reigne in your mortall bodies Subdue the flesh to the Spirit If yee liue in Gods feare looke to die in Gods fauour Happie is the man that keepeth a Calender of his days wherby hee may bee roused vp to thinke euerie day his last It is certaine that our life like a shippe vpon the Sea is caried with a strang gale There is none abiding heere our Sunne is fast posting to the West as hee arose so shortlie must hee fall And therefore though yee dwell one earth mind the thinges that are aboue Let your Soules here in earth on earth soare vp toward the euerlasting Tabernacles Too manie Soules bee Trewands from God onlie minding the thinges that are below Beware that thornie cares choak in your Soules the seede of grace To be worldlie minded is death Aspire not aboue your pitch Thrust not yourselues in offices An office is well called A Calling because man should waite till hee bee called vnto it It is better to bee haled by force of others to great offices than to rushrashlie vpon them vndesired It were to bee wished that rather men want Offices than that Offices want men answereable to their discharge Affect not to bee singular in glorious shewes of profession without substance like Pedlers who hang out more than they haue within There bee none so peeuish as prattling professours without the power of practise The new creature in actions is the truest outward witnesse of the trueth of the inward affections Affection bewrayeth the euill affections Malo esse probus quam haberi It is better to bee good than so to seeme Among all humane dueties bee carefull to keepe loue with your Neighbours So farre as is possible winne the good word and will of all men Bee not contentious nor stirrers vp of discordes God hath blessed the peace makers The Apostles Precept is plaine Let brotherlie loue remaine Forget not the poore Hide not yourselues from your owne flesh The rich and the poore will meete together saith Solomō That is One good turne may bee requited by another If they cānot recompence you they will pray for you Though that which yee giue vnto them at the first seeme to be lost like seed sowne into a running water which carrieth it away the Lord who brought backe the Iordan shall bring back your lost seede with a plentifull increase Cast then your bread vpon the waters for yee shall finde it after many dayes Christs counsell is that rich men mak vnto themselues friends of the Mammō of vnrighteausnesse If ye receiue the poore in their neede into your earthlie mansions they by their prayers shall receiue you in your greater neede into euerlasting Tabernacles When Diues hath dyned let Lazarus haue the crums Cursed Adam was couered but with figge leaues and Christ cursed the fig tree for hauing leaues without fruites While ye giue almes let all be done without a desire to be seene or praised of men Let not your left hand know what the right hand giueth and God shall reward that humble secrecie with open honour What euer bee done see that it bee done in Faith without which most glorious workes are but glistering sinnes and Pharisees almes beggers of praise things done to be seene Bee meeke and gentle toward all The Spirit of God cannot light vpon a Soule but in the shape of a Doue Euerie way of a man is right in his owne eyes But the Lord pondereth the hearts My Spirit fainteth my breath shorteneth mine heart sickeneth I finde Death now besieging my Noble partes I cannot tell how soone God shall fetch away my Soule It is most certaine that I drawe neare to the doores of death I haue yet some-thing in my mind for to tell you O my deare Childrē but for weakenesse I cannot till I be refreshed with a little rest Within a little space I looke to bee lockt in my graue O Lord say vnto my Soule I am thy Saluation Refresh mine heart rejoyce my Soule with a sight of thy reconcealed face before that I goe hence and bee seene no more The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen O how much fruite groweth off one stalke GODS grace in you hath brought foorth a large haruest of comforts to all that haue heard you The Lord renew your strength and put his Spirit within you The Lord sanctifie your Spirit which is the Candle of the Lord searching all the bowels of the bellie The God of all grace hath cleansed and purified your words throgh the stramer of his great mercie * So soone as ye haue gathered strēgth let vs heare the rest of your counsell to your Children In it is wisedome for to be learned of old age recouer your force a little that yee may conclude that which yee haue begunne It is good in good things to goe throgh stitch The sicke Man O Lord perfect thy strength in my great weaknesse My deare Children hearken vnto mee It is not possible but in this euill world yee shall bee troubled with great and grieuous afflictions In my great griefes I was euer wont to comfort my selfe with that wise speach of Solomon When a mans wayes shall please the Lord hee shall make euen his enemies to bee at peace with him If anie man offend you or is offended against you perswade yourselues that some of your wayes please not
shall ye bee Mans life at the longest may bee measured with a spanne Behold said the Psalmest thou hast made my dayes of an hand-breadth Mine age is as nothing before thee Our life is but a vapour and a wind which once passeth away returneth not againe It should therefore bee your best in time to prepare your selues for a better life and not with many to relye securelie vpon a possibilitie of pardon If yee bee wise venter not vpon such broken staues which faile in greatest neede The carnall Friend Thinke not the worse of mee Sir if I desire you to be honoured with the best in Buriall bee not too precise I hope that wee all shall come to heauen at last wee are all sinners I hope before I die to repent mee of all my sins The sicke Man S. Augustins wordes are of great power Metuendum est ne te occidat spes cum multum speres de misericordia incidas in judicium It is to be feared that while men hope for nothing so much as mercy euen then they fall into damnation I pray God that such hopes deceiue you not Many foolishlie make a packe horse of Christs merites and Gods mercies not caring what burdens they lay on A broken heart is onelie an heart qualified for the pardons of heauen If Christ Iesus his wordes bee of anie credit among men this wee must hold that none shall come to heauen but by the narrow way Sathan with his temptations hath bored out the eyes of many as the Philistins did to Samson But alas who hath the courage of Samson to seeke to be ledde to the chiefe pillars that he may pull them down for to bee reuenged vpon his foes Alas this is the fashion of this world men like the sluggard liue in delayes in steepe and in sloth Yet a little while and yet a little while No man will build an Arke vntill the floode come Lot himselfe did linger to saue himselfe from a brime stone fyre Men haue no leasure to bee saued so hard is it for the most part to pluke their feete out of the clouches of this world If wee could ouercome the loue of this worlde which is the great Goliah of our enemies then shuld we easilie ouercome the pride of the Philislins and the feare of Israel But carnall men know not what it is to mortifie olde Adam with his corrupt lustes Fooles feede on folies and tickle their fond fancies with imagined contentments not knowing the strick narrow course of sanctification Such mens speach is often both vnseemelie and vnseasonable Blessed bee my God who hath giuen mee the staffe in the hand and the stone in the scrippe wherewith I haue stricken all my strongest corruptions in the temples Sathan is tread vnder foote my flesh is subdued mine heart is in Heauen I care for the worlde no more neither desire I to speake anie longer of clay or of anie thing below My minde is aboue farre from the dirt drosse of all earthlie thoughts O my heauenlie Father wrap my Soule wrappe it vp in the righteousnesse of thy Sonne Let that bee the white long robe of my Soule while my body wrapt in its winding sheete shal lye rotting into the graue O my God fill my fainting heart with a joyfull confluence of the precious sufferings of Iesus of the promises of life of the joyes of heauen mak mine ende with that of the vpright man to bee peace Bee not cast downe my Soule neither bee thou disquieted within mee Hope in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Oh but mine heart is sicke Oh where is my deare and louing Pastour His conference is most comfortable vnto my Soule The Pastour I am heere Sir waiting till I see the end of your Battell I haue heard all your wordes with great contentment I haue plainelie perceiued that Gods Angels these noble Spirits attend both to guide to guarde you God by the arme of his power hath brought you out of the thicket of thornes and pricking thistles of monie temptations He who hath made all things in number weight and measure hath not surcharge your Soule aboue that which he hath made you able to beare God in great grace hath made you first to know your selfe in your offences and miserie and after that to know him in his Majestie and mercie The Lord God in great kindnesse hath furnished you with firme Faith constant Hope and sincere Loue He hath led you thorow many trauerses and perplexities Now haue ye passed the most dreadfull darkest houre of all your temptations Now the dawning of a new day approacheth now labour might maine to be prepared for you God within a short space Christ the Sun of Righteousnesse that day spring from on high shall arise vpon your Soule neuer for to goe downe Continue in your prayers to God that he wold possesse your Soule with true hearted holinesse without which no Soule shall see Gods face What now Sir are yee doing The sicke Man My sillie Soule is heere waiting till Death come and open the prison doore that she may flee to her God to her Contrie from whence she came Fogs mists arise before mine eys O my God from the Throne of thy Grace r●…ine downe vpon my wearied Soule the refreshing showrs of thy most iender mercies Vouchsafe vpon mee some crummes of thy comforts Oh that I had the wings of a do●…e for to flee to the woundes of Iesus as to the holes of the Rock My poore Soule in this bodie is like a Bird in a Cage looking through the wyres Faine would it bee free of this sinfull captiuitie O but my Soule panteth fast after my Sauiour What now shall stay mee from my God from my Christ from my Father my brother and my Comforter my dearest Darling of delight I long to bee in Heauen the place of my rest My desire is to goe to Goshen the Land of light of Life and of Libertie Mine heart is fast linked vnto Christ in loue O Lord what is man that thou art so mindfull of him O man what is God that thou art so forgetfull of him O my GOD prepare mee to meete thee with a bruised Spirit Melt my sinnes into sighes and my troubles into teares Let thy good Spirit leade mee into the Land of vp rightnesse Lord let neuer this clay returne to clay till my Spirit be readie to goe to him that gaue it O quicken sharpen my care of heauen dulled and blunted with earthlie thoughts Make sound wisedome and discretion to bee life vnto my Soule and grace to my necke Make my Soule trimme with that costly wedding Garment bought with thy Blood O Iesus the blessed Bridegroome who hast by thy Gospel of Grace betrothed my Soule vnto
Creator Praised be the Name of the most High who hath borne and broken that vnspeakable burden of wrath where with yee were surcharged at our first meeting The sicke Man Amen Amen Blessed bee the Name of Iesus At that Name the knees of my Soule bowe in a most humble manner to the ground for to kisse it with my mouth a thousand times vpon Conscience of my bygone miserie and of his present mercie All mine affections are set on foote and are so cheered and rauished with the loue of my God as no tongue can expresse O happie thrise happie change Once I feared damnation nowe Christ is my Saluation Once I sat in darknesse hee is now my Light Once I was in Death hee is now my Life Once I was in bondage hee is now my Libertie Once I was in want hee is now my Wealth Once I was in sicknesse hee is nowe mine Health Once I was in shame hee is nowe my Glorie What shall I say mo●…e Hee is mine onelie Deare and and dearest heartes desire Hee is my strongest Tower I haue none other Arke to saue mee from the flood Mine heart is prepared mine heart is prepared Oh that I were where without let I shall sing Halleluiah for euer where all earthlie objects shall seeme but filthie abjects in comparison of him Now Sir I intreat you to conceiue another Prayer that thereby as by the Charet of Elijah my Soule may bee carried vp into Heauen Commend my Soule into the hands of Christ the Redeemer Yee the Lords Priest stand still with the Arke till my Soule hath passed the Iordan for to enter into Canaan O Lord Iesus pittie this poore Soule that panteth at thy feete draw it out of this clogge of clay B●…e with mee vnto the end Graue thine owne shape deepe within mine heart that it may bee in judgement as a piece of euidence that the Heauens are mine heritage O look vpon mee who am heere waiting vpon that blessed hope Comfort refresh mee with the sweetest breath of thy blessed Spirit Set my sillie Soule upon Pisga the sight hill of Canaan Guarde mee with the invinsible troopes of thine Angels O thou whose Name and Nature is mercie take my wearied Soule and lull it sweetelie in the softest armes of thy most tender compassions Ioyne your prayers vnto mine The effectuall feruant prayer of a righteous man auaileth much The Pastour According to your desire Sir wee shall worsle with God in prayer that your end may bee peace The Lord gather all our scattered thoughts that beeing as twisted together into one threede they may be like the three-fold corde which is not easilie broken powerfull to draw downe Gods Graces from aboue Let vs pray A Prayer for the sick mā O Lord settle earnest prayer in our Soules vpon true sense of our neede Let not our prayers be tumultuous Tune thou our words by thy Spirit while our lips walke make our hearts to moue Preserue vs from vaine babyling lest our prayers bee turned into sinne O God the God of all Spirites who hast the keyes of Heauen and of Hell Thou steeketh and no man openeth Thou openeth and no man steeketh Open now thy mercifull doores vnto this poore Soule which panteth after thee as the chassed Hart panteth after the water brookes Let none of his sinnes stand betweene thy face and him for to ecclipse his Soule the light of thy countenance Seale vp in his heart by thy Spirit the free full forgiuenes of all his transgressions Thou who by the vertue of thy death made the vaile of the Temple to rent for to mak an open way to the Holie of holies mak also the partition wall of all his iniquities to cleaue from the toppe to the bottome that his Soule remoued from his bodie may get entrie to the Highest and holiest of the Heauens where thine honour dwelleth Make thy Graces in him to growe like Elias his cloud which at the first no bigger than an hand at last by and by did ouer spread the whole skie Sanctifie his Soule and soften his heart with the diuine dew of thy Grace Say vnto his Soule I am thy Saluation Behold Lord his Soule is seeking thee let nothing in his search carie him on the by Keepe fast in his remembrance the blessed bloodie passion of his Redeemer Iesus When Death shall come let him die with thy Christ in his Armes Strengthen and increase his desire to be dissolued assuring him that it shal be much better for him Furnish him with strength whereby he may row against the strictest streams of all temptations till hee arriue into the hauen of the Heauens the sole and safe harberie of Saluation And seeing no vncleane thing can enter into Heauen Lord wash this thy seruant and wash him throughlie that by the vertue of thy Blood his sinnes though they were red like scarlet and crimson may bee made white like wooll and whiter than the snow Pull off his Soule the menstrous cloath of his owne righteousnes and cloth him with the righteousnes of him whose statelie style is THE LORD OVR RIGHT TEOVSNES Thou who hast alreadie added strength vnto his Faith while it was scant like a smoking flaxe let not the sparkle which once thou hast kindled for euer bee quenched Amid the sight of his sins make him to lay hold vpon the merite and full satisfaction of his Sauiour Let him with all the Faithfull receiue of that fulnesse and grace for grace And seeing nowe Lord hee is comming vnto thee thorow the snakie fielde of manie temptations lette his feete bee shod with the preparation of thy Gospel Thou Lord wilt neuer suffer anie that trust in thee to bee confounded Hee followed thee constantlie in his life nowe let thy Spirit tryst him at the houre of death Hee disclaimeth all hope of helpe by anie other than by thy selfe alone Though hee knoweth not perfectlie what to say yet his eyes are on thee Thou who is Alpha and Omega hast begunne this good worke in him crowne it with the perfection of thy goodnesse Let him more more feele that hee is euerlastinglie acquite by the Blood of the Lambe from the terrors of Gods Tribunall Refresh his Soule more and more with celestiall spirituall joyes proceeding from the Spirit of Grace Let him feele himselfe assuredlie knit vnited to thee O thou preseruer of men that in and by thee hee may be presented blamelesse before thy Majesties Iustice-seate Furnish his minde with light and his memorie with strength that hee may vnderstand and remember that Christes death is an absolute and all sufficient Sacrifice for remouing the guilt of all repenting sinners Shewe him a signe of thy loue Multiplie in his heart the pledges of thy kindnes Make him faithfull vnto death that hee may receiue the Crowne of life Thou hast alreadie subdued in him alloue and liking of this world