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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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daunger of the plague Now the causes why we shoulde flye followeth in the same place of saynct Mathewes Gospell whiche I now passe ouer thou maist read them there And in the xviii chapter of the Reuelation the angell is sayd to haue cryed mightely with a loud voyce Flye my people out of Babilon least you be infected with her faultes so be made partners of her plagues for her offences and sinnes are ●rowne so great that they swel and are come vnto the heauens ●●●aynely the tyme doth approche and the Lordes day is at hand Heare I beseeche you also holy Paule that bessed Apostle He playnely forbiddeth vs ducere iugum cum incredulis that is to ioyne or couple our selues with the vnfaythfull for what fellowship can there be sayth hee of righteousnes with vnrighteousnes what companie hath lighte with darckenesse or what agreement hath Christ with Beliall or what part can the faythfull haue with the vnfaythfull or how doth the temple of God agree with Images or Idols for you are the temple of the liuing God as God hath sayd I will walke and dwell in them I will be their God and they shall be my people wherefore depart from amongst them and get you from them sayth the Lord and touche no vncleane thing and I will receaue you bee to you in the stead of youre father and you shal be vnto me as my sonnes and daughters sayth the almighty Lord. This councell to depart the realme I doe not maruel if it do seeme to diuers euen of them I meane that beare fauour to Godward diuersly Many I trust that bee learned shall thinke the councell good Other there be peraduenture that will thinke it rather a thinge to be more tollerable and that it may be in deede by Gods worde lawfully done rather then to bee counsayled to bee done for they will peraduenture say we shoulde counsell a man alwayes to doe that whiche is best of all and of moste perfection but boldly in Christes cause to spend a mans lyfe is best of all and of moste perfection and to flye it maye seeme to smell of cowardnes In many thinges that whiche is best for one at some tymes is not best for all at all tymes and it is not most perfection nor meete for a childe to couet to run before he can goe I will not make here a discourse in this matter what might here be obiected and what might bee aunswered agayne I leaue that to the wittie and eloquent men of the world This is my minde whiche I woulde thou shouldest know O man of God as I woulde wishe and I do pray to almighty God it may be that euery true Christian either brother or sister after they be called and brought into the wrestling place to striue in Christes cause for the best game that is to confesse the truth of the Gospell and of the Christian fayth in hope of euerlasting life shoulde not shrink nor relent one inch or giue back what soeuer shal befall but stande to theyr tackle and sticke by it euen vnto death as they wil Christ shall sticke by them at the latter day so likewise I dare not wishe nor councell any either brother or sister of theyr owne swinge to starte vp into the stage or to cast themselues eyther before or farther in daunger then tyme and neede shall require for vndoubtedly when God seeth hys tyme and his pleasure is that his glory shall be set forth and his Churche edified by thy death and confession meanes shal be found by hys fatherly vniuersall prouidence that thou without thyne owne presumptuous prouocation shalt be lawfully called to do thy feate and to playe thy part The miserable ende that one Quintus came vnto may be a warning and a feareful example for all men to beware of presumption and rashnesse in suche thinges as Eusebius writeth in Eccle. historia for euermore But a thyrd sorte of men there be whiche also wyll be counted fauourers of Gods worde and are I feare in number farre moe and worse to be perswaded to that which is y● godly meane I meane of such as wil peraduenture say or thinke that my former councell which was to slye the infection of the Antichristian doctrine by departing out of the Realme is more then needeth and other waies and meanes may be found both to abide and also to be cleare out of daunger of the foresayde plague If that coulde be found both to abide and also to be cleare out of daunger of the foresaid plague If that could be found in deed truely agreable to Gods word I woulde be as glad to heare it God is my witnesse as who is the other Yes peraduenture will some say Thus it may be Thou mayst keep thy selfe thy fayth and thy religion close to thy selfe and inwardly and priuately worship God in spirite trueth and outwardly see thou be no open medler nor talker nor transgressour of common order so mayst thou be suffered in the common wealth and yet vse thy religiō without offence of thy conscience In other countryes somewhere this peraduenture might be vsed but in Englande what shall be God wot but it was neuer yet so farre as euer I haue knowne or heard And also how can it be but eyther thou must transgresse the common order and the Romishe lawes and customes whiche haue bene vsed in England in the times past of Popery and now it is certayne they retourne agayne I say thou mayst eyther be a breaker of these rites lawes and customes and so bewraye thy selfe or els if thou be in deede a man of GOD thou shalt offend thy conscience for in obseruing of them thou shalt be compelled to breake Gods law which is the rule of conscience to the man of God For how canst thou resort euery holy day to the Churche and beare a face to worship the creature for the creatour as thou must doe peraduenture confesse it too with thy mouth and to sprinckle thy selfe with thy coniured water Thou must bee contributour also to the charges of all their popery as of books of Antichristes seruice of lights of the roode lofte of the sepulchre for settyng vp paynting of Images nay in deede of Idolles and thou muste beare a face to worship them also or els thou must be had by the backe Thou must serue the turne to geue the holye loues as they call it whiche is nothinge els but a verye mockery of the Lordes holy table Thou must be a contributor to the charges of all the disgised apparell that the popishe sacrificing Priest like vnto Aaron must playe hys part in Yea when the pardoner goeth about or the flattering Fryer to begge for the mayntenaunce of superstition except thou doe as thy neighbours doe looke not long to liue in rest If anye of thy housholde dye if thou wilt not pay money for ringing and singing for Requiem Masses Dirige and commendations and
wise to be conuersant and keepe company wyth hys congregation there and to holde his peace and say nothing what soeuer he thinke so that he be not a diligent souldiour and a good labourer on Christes side to further his kingdome by that subtile meanes flattering him that hee shall bothe saue his life also his goods and liue in quiet But if we looke well on Christes holy will and Testament we shal perceiue that he came not to make any suche peace vppon earth nor yet that he gaue any such peace to his Disciples I leaue peace wyth you sayeth he my peace I geue you not as the world geueth it geue I vnto you Let not your hart be troubled nor fearefull These thinges haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye should haue peace In the worlde yee shall haue affliction but be of good cheare I haue ouercome the world The seruaunt is not greater then his Lord and maister If they haue persecuted me they shall also persecute you If any man come to me and hateth not his owne father and mother wife children sisters yea and moreouer his owne life it is not possible for him to be my disciple Blessed be yee that nowe weepe for ye shall laughe and woe be vnto you that nowe laugh for ye shal mourne weepe He that wil finde his life shall loose it Therfore the God of that true peace and comfort preserue and keepe vs that we neuer obey such a false flattering which at length will pay vs home once for all bringing for temporal● peace and quietnesse euerlasting trouble vexation and disquietnesse for these vaine and transitory goodes extreme losse and vtter damage of the eternal treasure and inheritance for this mortall life depriuation of the most ioyfull life immortall finally the entrance into endlesse death most miserable vnmeasurable pain and torment both of body and soule Now conferring these 2. scholemasters together lette vs consider the thing wel and determine with our selues whych way we oughte to take not to take the common broade way which seemeth heere moste pleasant and that the most parte of people take Surely I iudge it to be better to goe to Schoole wyth our maister Christe and to be vnder his Ferula and rodde although it seeme sharpe and grieuous for a time that at the lengthe we may be inheritors wyth him of euerlasting ioy rather then to keepe cōpany wyth the deuils schollers the adulterous generation in his schoole that is all ful of pleasure for a while and at the ende to be paide with the wages of continuall burning in the moste horrible lake whiche burneth euermore with fire and brimstone without any end What shal then these vaine goodes and temporall pleasures auaile Who shall then helpe when we crie incessantly woe woe alasse and weale away for vnmeasurable paine griefe and sorrowe O let vs therefore take heede betime and rather be content to take paynes in this worlde for a time that wee maye please God Our Sauiour Christe the true teacher sayeth Euery braunche that bringeth not foorth fruite in mee my Father will take away It is also not wrytten in vaine The children of the vngodly are abhominable children and so are they that kepe company wyth the vngodly What doeth he els I pray you that resorteth to the ministration and seruice that is moste repugnant and contrary to Christes holy Testament there keeping still silence and nothing reproouing the same but in the face of the world by hys very deede it selfe declareth hymselfe to be of a false fearefull dissembling fained and vnfaithfull heart and to haue layde awaye from hym the armour of light discouraging as muche as lieth in hym all the residue of Christes hoste and geuing a manifest offence to the weake and also confirming encouraging and reioysing the hearts of the aduersaries in all theyr euil doing By which example he doeth shewe him selfe neyther to loue God whome he seeth to be dishonoured and blasphemed of an Antichristian minister nor yet his neighbour before whome he should rebuke the euill as it is expresly commaunded in Gods holy lawe where it is sayd Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour that thou be ar not sinne for hys sake Wherefore let such a one neuer fantasie to deceiue him selfe that his name is registred in the booke of life to haue the stipend of Christes souldiour except he do the duety and performe the parte of a faithfull and ryghte true souldioure as other haue done before For such fearfulnesse commeth not from God as testifieth S. Paule saying God hath not geuen vs the spirit of feare but of power and loue Be not ashamed sayth he to testifie our Lorde but suffer aduersitye also with the Gospell through the power of God which saued vs and calling vs with an holy calling To be now fearful when most nede is that we should be of strong hearts is vtterly the reiecting of the feare of God and plaine vnfaithfulnesse and disobedience to the expresse commandement of our sauior Christ which sayth in his holy gospel Feare not them that kill the body c. For what faithfulnesse doe we expresse towards hym when he sayeth thus to vs and yet we declare in our doynges the very contrarye being euer fearefull euen as the vnbeleeuing Israelites whiche vnfaithfully feared Gods ennemies the heathen Cananites where as he had oftentimes geuen them commaundement by hys true Prophet Moses to do the contrary For the which cause all the whole number of that secte were destroyed in processe of time in the wildernesse and enioyed not the pleasant land of promise Which was a bodily figure shewed before and now agreeing to the promise of the heauenly inheritāce which shal be geuen to none other but onely to al such as with loue vnfained be wholy bent wythout any fear of man to fulfil Gods holy will and pleasure But all they that pertain to the liuely faith to the winning of the soule wil faithfully sticke to the commandement trusting moste firmly and faithfully that he that gaue the same wil also geue strēgth plentifully to performe it euen in the weakest vesselles of all euen as we haue heard and seene by many and diuers examples he onely be praised therefore S. Peter sayeth Feare not though they seeme terrible vnto you neither be troubled but sanctifie the Lorde God in your hearts Onely sayeth S. Paule let your conuersation be as it becommeth the gospell of Christe Continue in one spirit and in one soule labouring as we doe to maintaine the faith of the gospell in nothing fearing your aduersaries which is to them a token of damnation and to you of saluation and that of God for vnto you it is geuen that not onely yee shoulde beleeue in Christe but also suffer for his sake Wherefore let vs be ryght well assured that we shall yeelde a moste straite reckening and accompte if we transgresse
shuld be saued before God that he should haue no harme And I kneeling downe vppon my knees desired him to take my bloud and not to hurt the young man Then sayd he because you haue bene so stubburne the matter being made manifest by other and not by you being so long in prison tell me if you wil stād to my iudgement I sayd yea take my bloud and hurt not the young man Then he made me answere I should be whipped like a theefe and a vacabond and so I thanked him and went my way with my keeper to the Lollardes tower where I remayned two or three dayes and so was brought by the keeper Cluny by the commaundement of the Commissioners to Christes hospitall sometime the Gray Friers and accordingly had there for the time the correction of theeues and vacabondes and so was deliuered to Trinian the Porter and put into a stincking dungeon Then after a fewe dayes I finding frendship was let out of the dungeon and lay in a bed in the night walked in a yarde by the dungeon in the day time and so remayned prisoner a month and more Where at length Doctour Story came and two Gentlemē with hym and called for me and so I was brought into a counting house before thē Then he sayd to the gentlemen here commeth this hereticke of whom I had the book called Antichrist and began to tell them how many times I had bene before him and sayde I haue intreated hym very gently and he would neuer tell me the truth till that it was found out by other Then sayd he it wer a good deed to cut out thy tongue and thy eares of thy head to make thee an example to all other hereticke knaues And the gentlemen said nay that were pitty Then he asked if that I would not become an honest mā I sayd yes for I haue offēded God many wayes Whereupon he burdened me with my fayth I told him I had made hym aunswere of my fayth before my Lord Windsors chaplaine as much as I could So in the end he commaunded me to be stripped he stāding by me and called for two of the Beadels and the whippes to whippe me and the two Beadels came wyth a cord and bound my handes together and the one end of the corde to a stone piller Then one of my friendes called Nicholas Priestman hearing them call for whips hurled in a bundell of rods whiche seemed something to pacifie the minde of his crueltie and so they scourged me with rods But as they were whipping of me Story asked me if I would go vnto my Mayster agayne and I sayd nay And he sayd I perceiue now he wil be worse then euer he was before but let me alone quoth he I will finde him out if he be in England And so with many other things which I cannot rehearse when they had done whipping of me they bad me pay my fees and go my wayes ¶ Doctor Story commaunded that he should haue an hundred stripes but the Gentlemen so intreated that hee had not so many Story saying if I might haue my will I would surely cut out his tongue Of the scourging of M. Bartlet Greene also of Iohn Milles of Thomas Hinshaw ye heard before In like maner was ordered Ste. Cotton burned before at Bramford who testifieth himselfe to be twise beaten by Boner in a letter of hys written to his brother as by the same here following for the more euidence may appeare The Copie of Steuen Cottons letter wrytten to his brother declaring howe he was beaten of Bishop Boner BRother in the name of the Lord Iesus I cōmend me vnto you and I doe heartely thancke you for your godly exhortation and counsell in your last letter declared to me And albeit I doe perceiue by your letter you are informed that as we are diuers persons in number so we are of contrary sectes conditions and opinions contrary to that good opinion you had of vs at your last being with vs in Newgate be you most assured good brother in the Lorde Iesus we are all of one minde one faith one assured hope in the Lord Iesus whome I trust we altogether with one spirite one brotherly loue doe daily call vpon for mercy forgeuenesse of our sinnes with earnest repentaunce of our former liues and by whose precious bloudshedding wee trust to be saued onely and by no other meanes Wherefore good brother in the name of the Lorde seeing these impudente people whose mindes are altogether bent to wickednesse enuie vncharitablenesse euill speaking doe goe about to slaunder vs with vntruth beleeue them not neither let their wicked sayings once enter into your mind And I trust one day to see you againe although now I am in Gods prison which is a ioyfull schoole to them that loue theyr Lord God and to me being a simple scholer most ioyfull of all Good brother once againe I doe in the name of oure Lorde Iesus exhort you to pray for me that I may fight stronglye in the Lordes battaile to bee a good souldioure to my Captaine Iesus Christ our Lord and desire my sister also to do the same and doe not ye mourn or lament for me but be ye glad and ioyful of this my trouble For I trust to be loosed out of this dongeon shortly and to go to euerlasting ioy which neuer shal haue end I heard how ye were with the Commissioners I pray you sue no more for me good brother But one thing I shal desire you to be at my departing out of this life that you may bear witnes with me that I shal die I trust in God a true Christian and I hope all my cōpanions in the Lord our God and therfore beleue not these euil disposed people who are the authors of all vntruthes I pray you prouide me a long shirt against the day of our deliuerance for the shirt you gaue me last I haue geuen to one of my companions who had more neede then I And as for the money and meat you sent vs the Bishops seruaunts deliuered none to vs neither he whome you had so great trust in Brother there is none of them to trust to for qualis Magister talis Seruus I haue beene twise beaten and threatned to be beaten againe by the bishop himselfe I suppose we shall go into the Countrey to Fulham to the bishops house and there be arraigned I woulde haue you to harken as much as you can For when we shall goe it shall be sodenly done Thus fare ye well from the Colehouse this present Fridaye Your brother Steuen Cotton The scourging of Iames Harris IN this societie of the scourged professors of Christ was also one Iames Harris of Billerica in Essex a stripling of the age of 17. yeares who being apprehended and sent vp to Boner in the company of Margaret Ellis by Syr Iohn Mordant Knight and Edmund Tyrel Iustices of peace as appeareth
of thy brothers bloud * To All whiche loue God vnfaynedly and entend to lead a godly life according to his Gospell and to perseuer in his trueth vnto the ende grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen BE not afrayd most dearely beloued in our Sauior Iesus Christ at these most perillous dayes wherein by the sufferaunce of God the Prince of darkenes is broken lose and rageth in hys members agaynst the electe of God wyth all crueltie to set vp agayne the kingdome of Antichrist agaynst whome see that ye be strong in fayth to resist his most deuilishe doctrine with the pure Gospell of God armyng your selues with pacience to abide what soeuer shal be layd to your charge for the truthes sake knowyng that thereunto ye be called not onely to beleeue in hym but also to suffer for hym Oh howe happy are ye that in the sight of God are counted worthy to suffer for the testimony of Christ Quiet therefore your selues Oh my louing brethren and reioyce in hym for whome ye suffer for vnto you do remain the vnspeakable ioyes which neither the eye hath seene nor the eare hath heard neither the hart of man is able to comprehende in anye wyse Be not afrayd of the bodily death for youre names are written in the booke of lyfe And the Prophetes doth recorde that in the sight of the Lorde precious is the death of hys Saynctes Watch therefore and praye that yee be not preuented in the daye of temptation Now commeth the day of your tryall wherein the waters rage and the stormy windes blowe Now shall it appeare whether ye haue builded vppon the fleeing sande or vppon the vnmoueable rocke Christe whiche is the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes whereon euery house that is builded groweth into an holy temple of the Lord by the mighty workyng of the holy Ghost Now approcheth the daye of your batttayle wherein it is required that ye shewe your selues the valiaunte souldiours of Iesus Christ wyth the armour of God that yee may be able to stand fast agaynst all the craftye assaultes of the Deuill Christ is your Captayne and yee be his souldiours whose cognisaunce is the Crosse to the whiche hee wyllingly humbled hymselfe euen vnto the death and therby spoyled hys enemies and now triumpheth hee ouer them in the glorye of hys father makyng intercession for them that here doe remayne to suffer the afflictions that are to be fulfilled in his misticall bodye It behoueth therefore euery one that will be counted his scholler to take vp his owne crosse and follow hym as ye haue hym for ensample and I assure you that hee being on your side nothing shal be able to preuayle agaynst you And that he will be with you euen to the worldes ende yee haue hys promise in the 28. of Mathew He will goe foorth wyth hys host as a conquerour to make a conquest He is the man that sitteth on the white horse crowned with immortalitie and yee brethren are his fellowship whereof he is the head He hath your hart in hys hand as a bow bent after hys godly will he shall dyrect the same accordyng to the riches of hys glory into all spirituall and heauenly cogitations He is faythfull and will not suffer you to be further assaulted then he will geue you strength to ouercome and in the most daunger he will make a waye that ye may be able to beare it Shrynke not therefore deare heartes when ye shal be called to aunswere for the hope that is in you for we haue the comforter euen the spirite of trueth whiche was sent from the heauens to teache vs. He shall speake in vs hee shall strengthen vs what is he then that shal be able to confound vs Naye what Tiranne is he that now boasteth hymselfe of hys strength to doe mischiefe whome the Lord shall not with the same spirite by the mouth of his seruauntes strike downe to hell fire Yea sodaynly will the Lord bryng downe the glory of the proud Philistians by the handes of hys seruaunt Dauid Theyr strength is in speare shield but our helpe is in the name of the Lord which made both heauen and earth He is our buckler and our wall a strong Tower of defence He is our God and we are his people Hee shall bryng the counsels of the vngodly to nought He shall take them in theyr owne nette He shall destroy them in theyr own inuentions The right hand of the Lorde shall worke this wonder His power is knowne among the children of men Theyr fathers haue felt it and are confounded In lyke maner shall they knowe that there is no counsell agaynst the Lorde when their secrets are opened to the whole worlde and are found to be agaynst the lyuing God Worke they neuer so craftily builde they neuer so strongly yet downe shall theyr rabble fall and the builders them selues shall then be scattered vpon the face of the earth as accursed of God The iust shall see this and be glad prayse the name of the Lord that so meruellously hath delte with hys seruauntes as to bryng theyr enemies vnder theyr feet Thē shall the fearfull seed of Cayne trēble and quake Thē shall the mockyng Ismaelites be cast out of the doore Then shall the proud Nembroth see hys labour lost Then shal the beast of Babilon be troden vnder foot Then shall the scribes and Pharisees for madnes fret and rage Then sha theyr paynted wisedome be knowne for extreme folly Then shall bloudy Dragon be voyd of hys pray Then shall the whore of Babilon receaue double vengeaunce Then shall they scratch theyr crownes for the fall of their Maistres harlot whom they now serue for filthy lucre whē no man will buy their wares any more Then shall the Popishe Priesthoode crye weale away with care euen when the Lord shall helpe his seruauntes which day is not farre of the daye wherein the kingdome of Antichrist shall haue an ende and neuer aryse anye more In the meane tyme abide in certayne and sure hope cleauing vnto the promises of God whiche in theyr owne tyme shal be fulfilled Acquite youre selues lyke men agaynst the enemies of GOD in all humblenes of minde strong in spirite to acknowledge one God one holy Sauioure Iesus Christ one onely euerlastyng and sufficient sacrifice for the remission of sinnes euen the precious bodye of the Lorde Iesus once offered for all and for euer Whiche now sitteth on the right hand of God and from thence shall hee come to iudge both the quicke and the dead at the last day vntil that tyme occupyeth that blessed body none other place to dwell in to be kepte in to be closed in but onelye in the heauens euen in the glorious maiestye of God personally abidyng there in the fleshe not commyng downe from thence till the last houre
heart as I graunt I haue fealt sometimes before O good brother blessed be God in thee and blessed be the time that euer I knewe thee Farewell farewell Your brother in Christ Nicholas Ridley Brother farewell To the brethren remaining in captiuitie of the flesh and dispearsed abroad in sundry prisones but knit together in vnity of spirit and holy Religion in the bowels of the Lorde Iesu. GRace peace mercye be multiplied among you What worthy thankes can we render vnto the Lorde for you my brethren namely for the great cōsolation which through you we haue receiued in the Lorde who notwithstanding the rage of Sathan that goeth about by all maner of subtill meanes to beguile the worlde and also bu●l● laboreth to restore and set vp his kingdome againe that of late began to decay and fall to ruine ye remaine yet stil 〈◊〉 as men surely grounded vpon a strong rocke And nowe albeit that sathan by his souldiors and wicked ministers daily as we heare draweth numbers vnto hym so that it is sayd of him that he plucketh euen the very starres out of heauen whiles hee driueth into some men th● feare of death and losse of all their goods and sheweth and offereth to other some the pleasaunt baites of the worlde namelye richesse wealth and all kinde of delightes and pleasures faire houses great reuenues ●at benefices and what not and all to the intent they should fall downe worship not the Lorde but the Dragon the olde Serpent whych is the deuil that great beast and his image and should be in●iced to commit fornication with the strompet of Babilon together wyth the kings of the earth wyth the lesser beast and with the false Prophetes and so to reioyce and be pleasant wyth her and to be drunken wyth the wine of her fornication yet blessed be God the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe which hath geuen vnto you a manly courage and hath so strengthened you in the inwarde man by the power of his spirite that you can contemne as well all the terrours as also the vaine flatteringe allurementes of the worlde esteeming them as vanities mere trifles things of nought Who hath also wroughte planted and surely stablished in your hearts so stedfast a fayth and loue of the Lorde Iesus Christe ioyned with such constancie that by no engines of Antichriste be they neuer so terrible or plausible yee will suffer any other Iesus or any other Christ to be forced vpon you besides him whom the Prophet● haue spoken of before the Apostles haue preached the holy Martyrs of God haue cōfessed and testified with the effusion of their bloud In thys Faith stand ye fast my brethren and suffer not your selues to be brought vnder the yoke of bondage and superstition any more For ye know brethren howe that our sauiour warned his beforehand that such shoulde come as would poynt vnto the world an other Christ and woulde set him out wyth so many fals myracles and with such deceiueable and subtill practises that euen the very electe if it were possible should be therby deceiued such strong delusion to come did our Sauiour geue warning of before But continue ye faithful and constant and be of good comfort remember that our graund captaine hath ouercome the world for he that is in vs is stronger then he that is in the world and the Lorde promiseth vnto vs that for the elects sake the daies of wickednes shall be shortned In the meane season abide ye endure with patience as ye haue begun endure I say and reserue your selues vnto better times as one of the heathen Poetes said cease not to shew yourselues valiant Soldiours of the Lorde and helpe to maintaine the trauelling faith of the Gospell Yee haue neede of patience that after ye haue done the wil of God ye may receiue the promises For yet a very litle while and he that shall come will come and wil not tarie and the iust shall liue by faith but if anye withdrawe him selfe my soule shall haue no pleasure in him sayth the Lorde But we are not they which doe withdrawe oure selues vnto damnation but beleeue vnto the saluation of the soule Let vs not suffer these woordes of Christ to fall out of our hearts by any manner of terrours or threatnings of the worlde Feare not them which kil the body the rest ye know For I wryte not vnto you as to menne which are ignoraunt of the truth but which know the truthe and to this ende onely that we agreeing together in one faith may take comfort one of an other and be the more confirmed and strengthened thereby We neuer had a better or more iust cause either to contemne our life or shed our bloud we can not take in hande the defence of a more certaine cleare and manifest truthe For it is not any ceremonie for the which we contend but it toucheth the very substance of our whole Religion yea euen Christ him selfe Shall we either can we receiue and acknowledge any other Christe in steade of hym who is alone the euerlasting sonne of the euerlasting Father and is the brightnesse of the glory and liuely image of the substaunce of the Father in whome onely dwelleth corporally the fulnesse of the Godhead who is the onely waye the truth and the life Let such wickednesse my brethren lette such horrible wickednesse be farre from vs. For althoughe there be that are called Gods whether in heauen either in earth as there be many Gods and many Lordes yet vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whome are al things and we in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whome are all things and wee by him but euery man hath not knowledge This is life eternal sayth S. Iohn that they know thee to be the onely true God and whome thou haste sent Iesus Christ. If any therfore would force vpon vs any other GOD besides him whom Paule and the Apostles haue taughte let vs not heare him but let vs flee frō him and hold him accursed Brethren ye are not ignorant of the deepe and profoūd subtleties of Satan for he will not cease to raunge about you seking by all meanes possible whom he may deuour but play ye the men and be of good comfort in the Lorde And albeit your enemies and the aduersaries of the truth armed with all worldly force and power that may be doe set vppon you yet be not ye faynt harted nor shrinke not therfore but trust vnto your Captayne Christ trust vnto the spirit of truth trust to the truth of your cause which as it may by the malice of satan be darckened so can it neuer be cleane put out For we haue high prayse be geuen to God therfore most playnely euidently and clearely on our side all the Prophets all the Apostles and vndoubtedly all the auncient Ecclesiastical writers which haue writtan vntill
of late yeares past Let vs bee hartye and of good courage therefore and throughlye comforte our selues in the Lorde Bee in no wise afrayd of your aduersaries for that which is to them an occasion of perdition is to you a sure token of saluatiō and that of GOD. For vnto you it is geuen that not onely ye shoulde beleeue on hym but also suffer for hys sake And when ye are rayled vppon for the name of Christe remember that by the voyce of Peter yea and of Christe our Sauiour also ye are counted with the Prophetes with the Apostles and with the holy Martyrs of Christ happy and blessed therefore for the glory and spirit of God resteth vpon you On their part our Sauiour Christe is euill spoken of but on your part he is gloryfied For what can they els do vnto you by persecuting you and working al crueltie villanie agaynst you but make your crownes more glorious yea beautifie multiply the same heape vpon them selues the horrible plagues and heauy wrath of God and therfore good brethrē though they rage neuer so fiercely against vs yet let vs not wish euill vnto thē againe knowing that whiles for Christes cause they vexe and persecute vs they are lyke mad men most outragious and cruell agaynst them selues heaping hot burning coles vpon their owne heades but rather let vs wish well vnto thē knowing that we are thereunto called in Christe Iesu that we should be heyres of the blessing Let vs pray therefore vnto God that he would driue out of their harts this darkenes of errours make the light of his truth to shine vnto thē that they acknowledging their blindnes may with al humble repentance be conuerted vnto the Lord together with vs confesse hym to be the onely true God which is the father of light his onely sonne Iesus Christ worshipping him in spirit and veritie Amen The spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ comfort your hartes in the loue of God and pacience of Christ. Amen Your brother in the Lord whose name this bearer shall signifie vnto you ready alwayes by the grace of God to liue and die with you ¶ To the breathren which constantly cleaue vnto Christ in suffering affliction with him and for his sake GRace and peace from God the father and frō our Lord Iesus Christ be multiplied vnto you Amen Although brethren we haue of late heard nothing from you neither haue at this present any newes to send you yet we thought good somthing to write vnto you wherby ye might vnderstand that we haue good remembraunce of you continually as we doubt not but ye haue of vs also When this messenger comming vnto vs from you of late had brought vs good tidinges of your great constancie fortitude and patience in the Lord we were filled with much ioy gladnes geuing thankes to God the father through our Lord Iesus Christe which hath caused his face so to shine vpon you and with the light of spirituall vnderstanding hath so lightened your hartes that now being in captiuitie bandes for Christes cause ye haue not ceased as much as in you lyeth by wordes but much more by deede and by your example to stablysh and confirme that thing which when ye were at libertie in the world ye laboured to publish and set abrode by the word and doctrine that is to say holding fast the worde of life ye shine as lightes in the worlde in the middest of a wicked and crooked nation and that with so much the greater glory of our Lord Iesus Christe and profite of your brethren by how muche Satan more cruelly now rageth and busily laboureth to darken the light of the Gospel And as for the darkenes that Satan nowe bringeth vpon the Church of England who needeth to doubt therof Of late tyme our Sauiour Christe his Apostles Prophetes and Teachers spake in the Temple to the people of England in the Englishe tongue so that they might be vnderstanded playnly and without any hardnesse of the godly and such as sought for heauenly knowledge in matters whiche of necessitie of saluation perteyned to the obteyning of eternall life but now those thinges which once were written of them for the edifiyng of the congregation are read in a strange tongue without interpretatiō manifestly agaynst saint Paules commaundement so that there is no man able to vnderstand them which hath not learned that strange and vnknowen tongue Of late dayes those heauenly mysteries whereby Christe hath ingrafted vs into his body and hath vnited vs one to another whereby also being regenerate borne anew vnto God he hath nourished encreased and strengthened vs whereby moreouer eyther he hath taught and set foorth an order amongest them which are whole or els to the sicke in soule or body hath geuen as it were wholesome medicines and remedies those I say were al plainlye set foorth to the people in their owne language so that what great and exceeding good things euery man had receiued of God what duetie euery one owed to an other by Gods ordinaunce what euery one had professed in his vocation and was bound to obserue where remedy was to be had for the wicked and feeble he to whom God had geuen a desire and willing hart to vnderstand those thinges might soone perceiue and vnderstand But now all these thinges are taught set forth in such sort that the people redeemed with Christes bloud and for whose sakes they were by Christe himselfe ordeined can haue no maner of vnderstanding thereof at all Of late for as much as we knowe not how to pray as we ought our Lorde Iesus Christe in his Prayer wherof he would haue no man ignoraūt and also the holy Ghost in the Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall songes which are set foorth in the Bible did teache and instructe all the people of Englande in the Englyshe tongue that they might aske such thinges as are according to the will of the Father and might ioyne their hartes and lyppes in prayer together but nowe all these thynges are commaunded to be hid and shutte vp from them in a straunge tongue whereby it must needes followe that the people neyther can tell how to pray nor what to pray for and how can they ioyne their hartes and voyce together whē they vnderstande no more what the voyce signifieth than a bruite beast Finally I heare say that the Catechisme whiche was lately set foorth in the Englyshe tongue is now in euery Pulpite condemned O deuilishe malice and most spitefully iniurious to the saluation of mankinde purchased by Iesus Christe In deede Satan coulde not long suffer that so great light should be spread abrode in the world he sawe well enough that nothing was able to ouerthrow his kingdome so much as if childrē being godly instructed in Religion should learne to knowe Christe whilest they are yet young whereby not onely chyldren but the elder sort also
and aged folkes that before were not taught to know Christe in their childehood shoulde now euen with children and babes be forced to learne to know him Now therefore he roreth now he rageth But what els do they brethren which serue Satan and become his ministers slaues in mainteining of his impietie but euen the same which they did to whom Christ our Sauiour threatneth this curse in the Gospell Woe vnto you which shutte vp the kingdome of heauen before men take away the key of knowledge from them you your selues haue not entred in neither haue you suffered them that would enter to come in And from whence shall we say brethren that this horrible mischeuous darknes proceedeth which is nowe brought vpon the worlde From whence I pray you but euen from the smoke of the great furnace of the bottomlesse pit so that the sunne and the ayre are now darkened by the smoke of the pit Now euen now out of doubt brethren the pit is opened agaynst vs and the Locustes begyn to swarme and Abbadon now raigneth Ye therfore my brethren which pertaine vnto Christ and haue the seale of God marked in your foreheades that is to wit are sealed with the earnest of the spirite to be a peculiar people of God quite your selues like men and be strong for he that is in vs is stronger then he which is in the world and ye know that al that is borne of God ouercommeth the world and this is our victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen our fayth Let the world freat let it rage neuer so much be it neuer so cruel and bloudy yet be ye sure that no man can take vs out of the fathers handes for he is greater then all who hath not spared his owne sonne but hath geuen him to death for vs all and therefore how shall he not with him geue vs all thinges also Who shall lay any thyng to the charge of Gods elect It is God that iustifieth who shall then condemne It is Christ that is dead yea rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request also for vs. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christe Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or sworde the rest ye knowe breathren We are certainely perswaded with S. Paul by the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe that no kynde of thyng shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Which thyng that it may come to passe by the grace and mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ to the comfort both of you of vs all as we for our partes will continually God wyllyng pray for you so deare brethren in the Lorde with all earnest and harty request we beseech you euen in the bowelles of our Lorde Iesus Christ that ye will not cease to pray for vs. Fare ye well deare brethren The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christe be with you all euermore Amen ¶ A Letter of Byshop Ridley answearyng to a certayne Letter of one Maister West sometime his Chapleine I Wishe you grace in God and loue of the truth without the which truely stablished in mens hartes by the mightie hand of almighty God it is no more possible to stande by the truth in Christe in tyme of trouble then it is for the waxe to abide the heate of the fyre Sir knowe you this that I am blessed be God perswaded that this worlde is but transitorie and as saint Iohn sayth The world passeth away and the lust thereof I am perswaded Christes wordes to be true Who soeuer shall confesse me before men hym will I confesse also before my father which is in heauen and I beleue that no earthly creature shal be saued whom the Redeemer and Sauiour of the worlde shall before his father denie This the Lorde graunt that it may be so graffed established and fixed in my hart that neyther thinges present nor to come hygh nor low lyfe nor death be able to remoue me thence It is a goodly wishe that you wish me deepely to consider thinges perteyning vnto Gods glorye but if you had wished also that neither feare of death nor hope of worldly prosperitie shoulde let me to mayneteine Gods worde and his truth which is his glory and true honour it would haue liked me well You desire me for Gods sake to remember my selfe In deede sir nowe it is time so to do for so farre as I can perceiue it standeth me vpon no lesse daunger then of the losse both of body and soule and I trow then it is time for a man to awake if any thyng will awake him He that will not feare hym that threatneth to cast both body soule into euerlasting fire whom will he feare With this feare O Lord fasten thou together our frayle flesh that we neuer swarue from thy lawes You say you haue made much sute for me Sir God graunt that you haue not in suing for my worldly deliueraunce impayred and hindered the furtheraunce of Gods worde and his truth You haue knowen me long in deede in the which time it hath chaunced me as you say to mislike some thinges It is true I graunt for sodaine chaunges without substantiall and necessary cause and the heady settyng foorth of extremities I did neuer loue Confession vnto the minister which is able to instruct correct comfort informe the weake wounded and ignoraunt conscience in deede I euer thought might do much good in Christes congregation and so I assure you I thynke euen at this daye My doctrine and my preaching you say you haue hearde often and after your iudgement haue thought it godly sauyng onely for the Sacrament which thing although it was of me reuerently handled and a great deale better then of the rest as you yet in the margent you write warily and in this worlde wisely and yet me thought all sounding not well Sir but that I see so many changes in this worlde so much alteration els at this your saying I would not a litle marueile I haue taken you for my frend and a man whom I fansied for plainnes and faythfulnes as much I assure you as for your learning and haue you kept this so close in your hart from me vnto this day Sir I consider moe things then one and wil not say all that I thinke But what neede you to care what I thinke for any thing I shal be able to do vnto you eyther good or harme You geue me good lessons to stand in nothing against my learning and to beware of vayne glory Truely sir I herein like your counsell very well and by Gods grace I intend to folow it vnto my lyues end To write vnto those whom you name I can not see what it wyll auayle me For this I woulde haue you knowe that I esteeme nothyng auayleable for me
which also wyll not further the glory of GOD. And now because I perceiue you haue an entire zeale and desire of my deliueraunce out of this captiuitie and worldly myserie if I shoulde not beare you a good hart in God againe me thinke I were to blame Sir howe nigh the day of my dissolution and departure out of this worlde is at hand I can not tell the Lordes wyll be fulfilled how sone soeuer it shall come I knowe the Lordes wordes must be verified on me that I shall appeare before the incorrupt Iudge and be countable to him of all my former lyfe And although the hope of his mercies is my shootanker of eternall saluation yet am I perswaded that who soeuer wittingly neglecteth regardeth not to cleare his conscience he can not haue peace with God nor a liuely fayth in his mercy Conscience therefore moueth me considering you were one of my familie and one of my houshold of whom then I thinke I had a speciall cure and of all them which were within my house which in deede ought to haue bene an example of godlynes to all the rest of my cure not only of good life but also in promotyng of Gods worde to the vttermost of their power but alas now when the tryall doth seperate the chaffe from the corne how small a deale it is God knoweth which the wind doth not blow away this conscience I say doth moue me to feare lest the lightnesse of my familie shall be layde to my charge for lacke of more earnest and diligent instruction which should haue ben done But blessed be God which hath geuen me grace to see this my default and to lament it from the bottome of my hart before my departyng hence This conscience dooth mooue me also now to require both you and my friende Doctor Haruy to remember your promises made to me in tymes past of the pure settyng foorth and preachyng of Gods worde and his truth These promises although you shall not neede to feare to be charged with them of me hereafter before the worlde yet looke for none other I exhort you as my friendes but to be charged with them at Gods hand This conscience and the loue that I beare vnto you byddeth me now say vnto you both in Gods name feare GOD and loue not the world for GOD is able to caste both body and soule into hell fyre When his wrath shall sodaynely be kindled blessed are all they that put their trust in hym And the saying of sainct Iohn is true All that is in the world as the lust of the fleshe the lust of the eyes and the pride of lyfe is not of the father but of the worlde and the worlde passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the wyll of God abydeth for euer If this gyfte of grace whiche vndoubtedly is necessarily required vnto eternall saluation were truely and vnfainedly graffed and firmely stablished in mens hartes they would not be so light so sodenly to shrinke from the maintenance and confession of the truth as is now alas seene so manifestly of so many in these dayes But here peraduenture you woulde knowe of me what is the truth Syr Gods woorde is the truth as sainct Iohn sayth and that euen the same that was heretofore For albeit man doth vary and change as the Moone yet Gods worde is stable abydeth one for euermore and of Christ it is truely sayd Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer When I was in office all that were esteemed learned in Gods word agreed this to be a truth in Gods word written that the common prayer of the Churche should be had in the common tongue You know I haue conferred with many and I ensure you I neuer founde man so farre as I do remember neither old nor new gospeller nor papist of what iudgement soeuer he was in this thing to be of a contrary opinion If then it were a truth of Gods word thinke you that the alteration of the world can make it an vntruth If it can not why then do so many men shrynke from the confession maintenance of this truth receyued once of vs all For what is it I pray you els to confesse or deny Christe in this worlde but to mainteyne the truth taught in Gods word or for any worldly respect to shrink from the same This one thing haue I brought for an ensample other thinges be in like case which now particulerly I neede not to rehearse For he that wil forsake wittingly either for feare or gayne of the world any one open truth of Gods word if he be constrained he wyl assuredly forsake God and al his truth rather then he wyl endaunger hym selfe to loose or to leaue that he loueth better in deede then he doth God and the truth of his word I like very well your plaine speaking wherein you say I must eyther agree or dye and I thinke that you meane of the bodyly death which is common both to good and bad Sir I knowe I must dye whether I agree or no. But what folly were it then to make such an agreement by the which I could neuer escape this death which is so common to all and also incurre the gylt of death and eternall damnation Lord graunt that I may vtterly abhorre and detest this damnable agreement so long as I lyue And because I dare say you wrote of friendshyp vnto me this short earnest aduertisement and I thynke veryly wishing me to lyue and not to dye therefore bearyng you in my hart no lesse loue in GOD then you doe me in the worlde I say vnto you in the worde of the Lord and that I say to you I say to all my friendes and louers in God that if you do not confesse maintayne to your power knowledge that which is grounded vpon Gods worde but will eyther for feare or gayne of the worlde shrinke and play the Apostata in deede you shall dye the death you know what I meane And I beseeche you all my true frendes louers in God remember what I say for this may be the last time peraduenture that euer I shall write vnto you From Bocardo in Oxford the .viij. day of Aprill 1555. M. Grindal now Archbishop of Canterbury being in the tyme of exile in the citie of Frankford wrote to D. Ridley thē prisoner a certaine Epistle wherin first he lamenteth his captiuitie exhorting him withall to be constant Secondly he certifieth him of the state of the English exiles being dispersed in Germany and of the singuler prouidence of God in stirring vp the fauour of the Magistrates and rulers there towardes them Thirdly he writeth to know his minde and will concerning the printing of his booke agaynst Transubstantiation and of certayne other treatises and his disputations Wherunto Bishop Ridley answereth agayne in order as foloweth ¶ The aunsweare of
daunger to fall in like perill again there he maketh them perfite to be without danger paine or perill after that for euermore But this hys loue towards thē howsoeuer the worlde doth iudge of it is al one both when he deliuereth when he suffereth thē to be put to death He loued as well Peter and Paul whē after they had according to hys blessed will pleasure and prouidence finished their courses and done theyr seruices appoynted them by hym here in preaching of his Gospel the one was beheaded and the other was hanged or crucified of the cruell tyraunt Nero as the Ecclesiasticall hystory sayth as when hee sent the Aungell to bringe Peter out of prison and for Paules deliuery he made all the dores of the prison to flye wide open and the foundation of the same like an earthquake to tremble and shake Thinkest thou O thou man of God that Chryst our sauiour had lesse affection to the first martyr Stephen because he suffered his enemies euen at the first conflicte to stone him to death No surely nor Iames Iohns brother which was one of the three that Paule calleth Primates or Principals amongst the Apostles of Christ. Hee loued him neuer a whit the worse thē he did the other although he suffered Herode the tyrauntes sword to cut of his head Nay doth not Danyell say speaking of the cruelty of Antichristes time Et docti in populo docebunt plurimos ruent in gladio in flamma in captiuitate rapina dierum c. Et de eruditis ruent vt conflentur eligantur dealbentur c. That is and the learned hee meaneth truely learned in Gods lawe shall teache many and shall fall vppon the sworde and in the flame that is shall bee burned in the flaming fire and in captiuitie that is shall bee in prison and be spoyled and robbed of theyr goodes for a longe season And after a little in the same place of Daniell it followeth and of the learned there be whiche shall fall or be ouerthrowne that they may be knowne tryed chosen made white he meaneth be burnished scoured a new picked and chosen and made fresh and lustye If that then was foreseene for to be done to the godly learned and for so gracious causes let euery one to whom any such thing by the will of God doth chaunce be mery in God and reioyce for it is to Gods glory and to his owne euerlasting wealth Wherefore well is he that euer he was borne for whom thus graciously God hath prouided hauing grace of God and strength of the holy Ghost so stand steadfastly in the height of the storme Happy is he that euer hee was borne whome God his heauenly Father hath vouchsafed to appoynt to glorifie him and to edifie hys Churche by the effusion of hys bloud To dye in Christes cause is an high honour to that whiche no man certaynly shall or can aspire but to whō God vouchsafeth that dignitie For no man is allowed to presume for to take vnto hym selfe any office of honour but he which is thereunto called of God Therfore Ioh. saith well speaking of them which haue obtayned the victorye by the bloud of the Lambe and by the worde of hys testimony that they loued not theyr liues euen vnto death And our sauiour Christ sayth He that shall lose his life for my cause shall finde it And this manner of speach pertayneth not to one kinde of Christians as the worldly dothe wickedly dreame but all that doe truelye pertayne vnto Christ. For when Christe had called vnto hym the multytude together with hys Disciples he said vnto thē mark that he sayde not this to the Disciples and Apostles onely but he sayd it to al who soeuer wil follow me let him forsake or deny hymselfe and take vp his crosse and followe me for who soeuer will saue his lyfe shall lose it he meaneth who soeuer will to saue hys life both forsake or leaue hym and his truth and whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe for my cause and the Gospels sake shall saue it For what shall it profite man if he shall winne the whole world and lose his owne soule hys owne lyfe or what shall a manne geue to recompence that losse of his owne lyfe and of hys own soule Who soeuer shal be ashamed of me my words that is to confesse me and my Gospell before this adulterous and sinful generation of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of hys Father with the holy Aungels Know thou O man of God that all thinges are ordayned for thy behoufe and to the furtheraunce of thee towardes thy saluation All thinges saith Paule worketh with the good to goodnes euen the enemies of God such kind of punishmentes whereby they goe about to destroy them shall be forced by Gods power might fatherly prouidence for to do them seruice It is not as the wicked thinketh that pouerty aduersitie sickenes tribulation yea paynfull death of the godly be tokens that God doth not loue them but euen cleane the contrary as all the whole course of scripture doth euidently declare for then he would neuer haue suffered hys most dearly beloued the Patriarkes to haue had such troubles his Prophetes his Apostles his martyrs and chiefe Champions and mayntayners of hys truth and Gospell so cruelly of the wicked to haue bene murdered and slayn Of the which some were racked as the Apostle sayth and woulde not be deliuered that they might receaue a better resurrection Some were tryed by mockinges scourginges yea moreouer by bondes and imprisonment they were stoned they were hewen and cut a sunder they were tempted they were slayne with the sword they wandered vp and down in sheepes skinnes and Gotes skinnes beyng forsaken afflicted and tormented such men as the world was not worthy to haue wādring in wildernes in moūtaynes in Dennes and Caues of the earth All these were approued by the testimony of fayth and receaued not the promise because God did prouide better for vs that without vs they should not be consummated They tary nowe for vs vndoubtedly longing for the day but they are commaunded to haue pacience yet saith the Lord a litle while vntill the number of theyr fellow seruauntes bee fulfilled and of theyr brethren whiche are yet to be slayne as they were Now thou O man of God for our Lordes sake let vs not for the loue of thys lyfe tary then to long and bee occasion of delay of that glorious consummation in hope and expectation wherof the departed in the Lord and the whiche also the liuing endued with Gods spirite ought so earnestly to desire and to grone for with al the creatures of God Let vs all with Iohn the seruaunt of God cry in our harts vnto our sauiour Christ Veni Domine Iesu come Lorde Iesu come For then when Christ which is our life
haue pacience to beare and abide al your cruel intents against me notwythstanding I speake this earnestly being mooued thereto iustly to notifie your vniust and cruell dealing with men in corners without all due order of lawe After this at nighte I was conducted againe by three or foure into the Colehouse The ninth examination of M. Philpot before Boner and his Chaplaines IN the morning the nexte daye I was called downe betunes by my keper and brought againe into the Wardrobe where I remained vntil the Byshop had heard hys Masse and afterwarde he sent vp for me into his inwarde Parlour and there he called for a chaire to sit downe and brought his infamous Libell of his forged Articles in his hande and sate downe willing me to drawe neare vnto him and saide Lond. I am this day appoynted to tarry at home from the Parlament house to examine you and your fellowes vpon these Articles and you stande dalying with me and will neither answere to nor fro Ywis al your exceptions will not serue you Will it not be a faire honestie for you thinke ye that when thou commest afore my Lorde Maior and the Sheriffes other worshipful audience when I shall say before them all that I haue had thee these many times before me and before so many learned men and then thou couldest saye nothing for that thou standest in for all thy bragges of learning neither wouldest answere directly to any thing Phil. My Lord I haue told you my mind plaine enough but yet I do not intend to lose that priuiledge the law geueth me the which is free choise to aunswere where I am not bound and this priuiledge wil I cleaue vnto vntil I be compelled otherwise Lon. Well I perceiue you will playe the obstinate foole Lay thine appellation when thou commest in iudgement and answere in the meane while to these articles Phil. No my Lord by your leaue I wil not answeare to them vntill my lawfull appeale be tried Lon. Wel thou shalt heare them and with that he began to reade them Phil. I shranke backe into the windowe and looked on a booke and after he had read them ouer he said vnto me Lon. I haue read them ouer although it hath not pleased you to heare mee I marueile in good faith what thou meanest to be so wilful and stubborne seeing thou mayest doe wel enough if thou list It is but a singularitie Doest thou not see all the realme against thee Phil. My Lord I speake vnto you in the witnes of God before whom I stand that I am neither wedded vnto mine owne will neither stand vpon mine owne stubbernesse or singularitie but vpon my conscience instructed by Gods word and if your Lordship can shew better euidence then I haue for a good faith I will folowe the same Lon. What thou wilt not loe for all that Well all that is past shall be forgotten and be conformable vnto vs. Iwis thou mightest find as much fauour as thou wouldest desire Phil. Then I perceiuing that he fawned so muche vpon me thought it good to geue hym some comfort of relēting to the end I might openly geue him and his hypocriticall generation openly a further foyle perceiuing that they dare reason opēly with none but with such as be vnlearned and for lacke of knowledge not able to aunsweare or els with such as they haue a hope that for feare or loue of the worlde will recant I sayde My Lorde it is not vnknowen to you that I haue openlye in the audience of a great number stand to the maintenance of these opinions I am in by learning did offer to defende them therefore my Lord I would it might openly appeare to the world that I am wonne by learnyng or els what wyll they say but that eyther for feare or loue of the worlde I am without any ground turned from the truth and if I haue any kinde of learning openly shewed I shal be as conformable as you may require me Lond. Yea mary now ye speake somwhat like a reasonable man I wis you might haue had a great deale more fauour in my house and libertie then you haue had and you shall lacke nothing that is within my house call for it and you shall haue it And what is it that you woulde openly by learnyng somewhat be satisfied in tell me Phil. My Lord I haue openly sayd and do beleeue it also that your sacrifice of the Masse is no Sacrament Lond. What doe you deny the presence of Christe in the Sacrament Phil. No my Lorde I deny not the presence of Christ in the Sacrament but I haue denyed the Sacrament of the Alter as it is vsed in your Masse to be the true Sacrament of Christes institution And first it must be proued a sacrament ere there can be any kind of presence graunted Lond. Why do you deny the Masse to be a Sacrament I pray you what is a Sacrament Is it not a signe of a holy thyng as saint Austine doth define it Phil. Yes verily that it is Lond. Then I make this argument vnto you A Sacrament is the signe of a holy thing but the Masse is a signe of a holy thing Ergo it is a Sacrament Phil. You must adde this to your Maior or fyrst proposition as saint Austine doth meane that a Sacrament is the signe of a holy thing instituted of God and commaunded for otherwise it can be no Sacrament for all men can not make a Sacrament Lond. I graunt that and such a signe of a holy thyng is the Masse of Christes institution Phil. I deny that my Lord Lond. I will proue this by S. Austine by and by I will go shew you the booke you shall haue any booke I haue that you wyll demaund Hoe who is without there call me M. Doct. Chadsey M. Archdeacon M. Cosins and other Chapleynes hyther Here my Lorde Maister Doctour Chadsey in gone to Westminster and Maister Archdeacon was here euen nowe Lond. M. Cosins I pray you examine him vpon these Articles and write his aunswere he maketh to euery one of them I will go examine his felowes and sende you S. Austine by and by I finde this man more conformable then he was before Cosins I trust my Lord you shall finde him at length a good Catholicke man Mary here be a sight of heresies I dare say you will hold none of them neither stand in any of them How say you to the first Phil. M. Cosins I haue tolde my Lord already that I will aunswere to none of these articles he hath obiected against me but if you will with learning aunswere to that which is in question betweene my Lorde and me I wyll gladly heare and common with you Cosins No wyll you Why what is that then which is in question betweene my Lord and you Phil. Whether your Masse be a Sacrament or no Cosins What the Masse to bee a Sacrament who euer
lawes which doe threaten a greate ruine vnto Englande O that the Lorde woulde tourne his iust iudgements vppon the authours of the truce breaking betweene God and vs that they myghte be broughte lowe as Nabuchodonosor was that his people might be deliuered and his glorye exalted God graunte that that good lucke which you hope shortly to come vppon the house of God be a true prophecie and not a well wishing onely Ah Lorde take away thy heauie hande from vs and stretch it out vpon thine ennemies these hypocrites as thou hast begon that they may be confounded O let not the weake pearish for want of knowledge through our sinnes Although thou kill vs yet will we put our trust in thee Thus deare heart you teache me to pray with you in wryting God heare our praiers and geue vs the spirite of effectuall prayer to poure out our harts cōtinually together before God that we may find mercy both for our selues and for our afflicted brethren and sistern I can not but praise God in you for that pitifull heart that taketh other folkes calamities to heart as your owne Blessed be they that mourne for suche shall be comforted God wipe away all teares from your pitifull eies and sorrow frō your merciful heart that you may as doutles you shal do shortly reioyce with his elects for euer You haue so armed me to the Lordes battell both inwardly and outwardly that except I be a very coward I can not faint but ouercome by death You haue appointed me to so good and gracious a General of the field to so victorious a Captaine and to so fauorable a Marshall that if I should not goe on lustely there were no spectacle of heauenlye manhode in me I wil present your coate armour before my Captaine and in the same I trust by him to ouercome The Scarffe I desire as an outward signe to shew our enemies who see not our glorious ende neither what God worketh inwardly in vs thorough the blindnesse of their hearts that they persecute Christes crosse in vs whereby he hath sealed vp the truthe of his Gospell by his death vnto vs that we by our death if neede be myghte confirme the same and neuer be ashamed whatsoeuer torment we doe suffer for his names sake and our weake brethren seeing the same mighte be more encouraged to take vp Christes crosse and to followe him God geue vs grace to doe all thinges to his glory Amen c. The world wondreth how we can be mery in such extreeme misery but our God is omnipotent which tourneth misery into felicity Beleue me deare sister there is no such ioy in the worlde as the people of Christ haue vnder the crosse I speake by experience therfore beleue me and feare nothing that the world can do vnto you For when they imprison our bodies they sette our soules at liberty with God When they cast vs downe they lift vs vp yea when they kill vs then doe they bring vs to euerlasting life And what greater glorye can there be then to be at conformitie with Christ which afflictions do worke in vs. God open our eies to see more and more the glorye of God in the crosse of Iesus Christe and make vs woorthy partakers of the same Let vs reioyce in nothing with S. Paul but in the crosse of Iesus Christ by whom the world is crucified vnto vs and wo to the worlde The crosse of Christ be our standard to fight vnder for euer Whiles I am thus talking with you of our common cōsolation I forget howe I trouble you with my rude and vnordinate tediousnesse but you must impute it to loue which can not quickely departe from them whome hee loueth but desireth to poure himselfe into their bosomes Therefore though your flesh woulde be offended as it might iustly be at such rudenesse yet your spirit will say nay which taketh all thing in good part that commeth of loue And now I am departing yet will I take my leaue ere I goe and woulde faine speake somewhat that might declare my sincere loue to you for euer farewell O elect vessell of the Lorde to the comfort of hys afflicted flocke farewell on earth whome in heauen I am sure I shall not forget Farewell vnder the crosse most ioyfully and vntil we meete alwaies remember what Christe sayeth Be of good cheare for I haue ouercome the world c. God poure his spirit abundantly vpon you mine owne deare bowels in Christ vntil you may come to see the God of all Gods with his electes in the euerlasting Syon I send to you the kisse of peace with the which I do most entirely take my leaue of you at this present It is necessary we depart hence or els we could not be glorified Your heart is heauy because I say I must depart from you It is the calling of the mercifull father wherewithal you are contēt and so am I. Be of good comfort holde out your buckler of faith for by the strength therof we shal shortly mete in eternal glory to the which Christ bring both vs Amen Amen The 10. of December 1555. Death why should I feare thee since thou canst not hurt me But rid me from miserie vnto eternall glorie Dead to the world and liuing to Christ your owne brother sealed vp in the veritie of the Gospel for euer Iohn Philpot. An other letter of M. Philpot wrytten to the same Lady being a great supporter of hym I Can not but most hartily geue God thāks for these hys gifts in you whose brightnes many beholding that are weake are muche encouraged to seeke God likewise to cleaue to him hauing the ensample of so faithful and constant a gentlewoman before their eyes If the Queene of the South shall rise with the men of Christes generation and condemne them for that she came from the end of the world to heare the wisedome of Salomon then shal your sincere and godly conuersation thus shining in this dangerous time of the trial of christes people being a womā of a right worshipfull estate and wealthy condition condemne in the latter day a great many of these faint harted gospellers which so soone be gone backe and turned from the truth at the voyce of a handmaiden seeing that neyther the feare of imprisonment neither the possessions of the world wherwtal you are sufficiently indued aboue a great many can separate you from the loue of the truthe which God hath reueled vnto you Wherby it appeareth that the seede of Gods word which was sown in you fel not neitheir in the high way neither amōg the thorns neither vpō the stones but vpon a good ground which is blessed of god and bringeth forth fruit with great affliction an 100. fold to the glory of God and the encrease of his church c. In consideration wherof S. Iames biddeth vs highly to reioyce when soeuer we fall into many temptations knowing that it is but the
wil of God be don We are not so good as Iohn the Baptist which was beheaded in prison Darknes cannot abide the light Therefore their doings must declare what they are We are as shepe appoynted for a sacrifice to the Lord. We must not feare the fire for our Lord is a cōsuming fire which will put out the fiercenes of raging torments from vs. Be not afraid of them that can kil the body but feare him that can cast both body and soul into hel fire God forbid that we should reioyce otherwise then in the crosse of Christ pray that he would make vs worthy to suffer for his sake God wil haue our faith tried knowen and therefore let vs willingly humble our selues vnder the mighty hād of God that he may gloriously lifte vs vp in his good time There is none perfectly faithfull in deede till he can say with S. Paule I am perswaded that neither death neither life neyther aungels neither princes or powers neither things present neither things to come neither highnes neither lownes neither any other creature is able to separate me from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. This faith God plant both in you and me vnmooueably In this faith we haue to reioyce and in none other All the tribulations of the worlde are not worthy of the eternall weighte of glory which is prepared for them that here do with pacience abide the crosse Wherefore let vs be stronge with the strengthe in him that is able to make vs strong lament the weakenes I might say the infidelitie of our faint gospellers Christ whome we woulde pretend to haue put vpon vs is the strēgth of God and how then may they be weake where Christe is We haue more to be glad touching our selues of this time then we haue had of any time before in the which we haue so ready a way to goe vnto God and so good occasion to shew our duety in glorifying his holy name For if we be imprisonned in this cause we are blessed If we loose all that we haue we are blessed a 100. fold If we die we are blessed eternally so that in suffering of persecutions all is full of blessings Be blessed therefore O elect Lady of God with the blessed of God and flee as you do the concupiscence of the worlde Embrace that which is perfect and ioyfully looke for the comming and crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ. c. Thus desiring God to preserue you to his true peace to geue you victorie of that temptation which now is come to try our faith Christe be with you and blesse you both in body and soule and my praier shal folow you wheresoeuer you goe as I desire that you may be with me The last weeke I sent your beneficence to Oxforde I coulde not before haue a conuenient messenger As soone as I haue worde you shall be satisfied of your request Loue me as you doe and the God of loue be with you The 20. day of August By yours with all his power in the Lord Iohn Philpot. An other Letter full of spiritual consolation to the sayd Ladie THe mercye of God the father the consolation of the holy ghost thorow Iesus Christ be with you strengthē you my deare mother and sister in the Lord in these daungerous dayes to the crowne of eternall glorye whiche is nowe offered to all faithfull souldiours in the Gospell Amen As your good Ladiship doeth desire to heare from me so am I desirous to wryte as your gentlenesse and daily goodnes binedeth me But Sathan of late hath letted me who enuying al good exercises which I haue had and receiued by mine easie imprisonment in times past hath brought me out of the kings Bench into the bishop of Londons Colehouse a darke and a vgly prison as any is about London but my darke body of sinne hathe well deserued the same and the Lord now hath brought me into outward darkenes that I might the more be lightened by him as he is moste present with his children in the middest of darkenesse where I can not be suffred to haue any candle light neither inke nor paper but by stealth Wherefore I can not wryte to you as I would neither as my duety is As Christ my maister was sent frō Annas to Caiphas so am I sent from Winchester Dioces to London I trust to make a speedye ende of my course God geue mee grace and patience to be a faithfull follower of my master I haue beene already this seuennight in his Colehouse and haue of late bene foure times called to mine answere but hitherto not called to iudgement which I do daily looke for but I feare they wil prolong me and trie me by straight imprisonmēt a whyle in the which Gods will be done Pray deare Lady that my faith faint not which I praise God is presently more liuely wyth mee then it hathe beene in tymes past I taste and feele the faithfulnesse of God in his promise who hathe promised to be wyth hys in their trouble and to delyuer them I thanke the Lorde I am not alone but haue sixe other faithfull companions who in our darknesse doe chearfully sing Hymnes and praises vnto God for his great goodnesse Wee are so ioyful that I wish you part of my ioy For you that are so carefull of my bodely reliefe howe can I but wish you spirituall consolation and that aboundantly Let not deare heart my straite imprisonment any thing molest you for it hath added and daily doth vnto my ioy but rather be glad and thankfull vnto GOD with me that it hath pleased him to make me most wretched sinner woorthy to suffer any thing for his sake Hitherto we haue not resisted vnto bloud God make vs neuer to count our bloud more precious in our eyes then his truth Ah my deare sister I thanke you againe for your last letter you sent me it is a singular comfort vnto me as oft as I reade the same I haue it in my bosome and wil carie the same euen to the stake with me in witnesse that Christ hath so constant and faithfull a Ladie in Englande God succoure and keepe that spirite in you for it is the verye spirite of adoption of the childe of God Suche chearefull and holy spirites vnder the crosse bee acceptable sacrifices in the sight of God for Christ came to cast fire into the earth and looketh that it shoulde be kindled Be you feruent in spirite in our Christes cause as you haue begonne for that is the principall spirite wherewithall Dauid desired to be confirmed O howe I doe reioyce your Ladiship to goe arme in arme with me vnto Christe or rather before me I can not but ioye of suche a worshipfull fellowe Me thinketh I see you to mourne and desire to be loosed out of the earthly and fraile habitacle of this body O how amiable and pleasant is it
he styrred vp his seruauntes the Bishops and Pharises to kill his body wherby notwithstanding the Deuill loste his title and interest whiche hee had to mans soule and man by his precious passion and death was raunsomed from the Deuil death and Hell to immortality life euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in killing of Christ he lost all and so shall he doe in vs if wee abide constaunt● and strong in the fayth of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe vnto the ende God graunte it for his mercyes sake in Christ. Blessed are all they that put theyr trust in him Amen Wherefore my hartely beloued brethren and sisters be of good comfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is stronger then he that is in the world Therfore draw ye neare to God and he will drawe neare to you Resist the Deuill and he will as Iames sayth flee frō you Beware of the leuen of the Phariseis Touch not pitch least ye be defiled therewith Eate no Swines flesh for it is agaynst the law I meane defile not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with this false and wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitche and Swines fleshe Beware of the beastes marke least ye drinke of the cup of Gods wrath If God haue geuen you knowledge faith dissemble not therewith Denye not the knowne veritye before men least Christ deny you before his Father Come away from Babilon as Iohn biddeth you and touche no vncleane thinge but separate your selues from the company of the vngodly as Paule commaundeth you Whatsoeuer ye haue done amisse heretofore now repent amend for with the Lorde there is mercy and plenteous redemption The thirde thing and note which I gather out of the forsayd wordes of Peter is this that he sayth Reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christes Passion Our sufferinges my welbeloued are Christes sufferinges and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he reckoneth it to be done to himselfe as he sayd to Paule Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Therefore we ought to reioyce in our sufferinges as Paule writeth whiche we suffer with Christ and one with another as Peter sayeth and so to fulfill that whiche is behinde of the Passions of Christ in our flesh whiche Christ hath by his Passion fully redeemed and saued vs in his owne person how be it hys electe must suffer with hym and for him vnto the worldes ende that he may be glorified in them and they thereby corrected and cleansed from sinne in this worlde and bee made more meete Temples for the holy Ghoste and also obteyne a greate rewarde in heauen for theyr suffering for righteousnesse sake according to his promise And therfore I saye my Brethren reioyce in the Lorde alwayes and agayne I say reioyce Let vs reioyce in the Crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified to vs and we to it And why shoulde wee so greatly reioyce in the Crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because sayth Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery and glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his wordes aboue written Wherein is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this worlde but at his comming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayne and then shal they that haue sowne in teares reape in ioy as Christ sayth Blessed are they that weepe here for they shall laughe Blessed are ye when men hate you and thrust you out of theyr companye raylinge on you and abhorring your name as an euill thing for the sonne of mans sake reioyce ye in that day and be gladde for your reward is greate in Heauen Wherefore my dearely beloued through the hope of this heauenly ioy and rewarde which he that can not lye hath promised whiche ioye is so greate that no eare hath heard no eye hath sene nor the hart can thinke where we shall dwell for euer in the heauenly City the celestiall Ierusalem in the presence of God the Father Iesus Christ our Mediatour as Paul sayth and in the company of innumerable Angels and with the spirites and soules of all faythfull and iust men reioyce and be glad and seing ye be called to so great glory see that ye make your election and vocation sure by good workes and specially by sufferinge aduersitye for the Gospelles sake for it is geuen vs of GOD sayth Paule not onely to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer and praye for me that I may ende my course with ioy Haue Brotherly loue amongest your selues whiche is a token that ye be Christes Disciples Edify and comfort one an other in the word of the Lord and the God of peace and loue be with you alwayes Amen For your liberality and kindnesse shewed vppon the Prisoners and afflicted people of GOD in thys time of persecution the Lorde wyll reward you when he commeth to reward euery man according to theyr deedes and will not leaue a cuppe of colde water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you riche in all grace that ye alwayes hauyng sufficient maye be riche vnto all manner of good woorkes The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of GOD and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother now in bondes for the Gospell Thomas Whittell * To my louing and faythfull brother Iohn Careles Prisoner in the kinges bench THe same fayth for the which Abraham was accounted iust Mary blessed whereby also all iust men liue the Lord GOD our louing father encrease and stablish in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and sweet Sauior Iesus Christ. Amen I can not worthely and sufficiently prayse GOD my hartely beloued brother for the consolation and ioy that I receiued by reason of your louing letters repenting me much that I being so long so neare you did not enterprise to styrre vppe familiarity and communication betweene vs by writing to mutuall consolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherein to reioyce where all thinges are transitory and vayne yea manne himselfe respecting this life but as Dauid sayeth the Saynctes that dwell vpon the earth and such as excell in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowshippe loue and ioye of faythfull men and children of God being as wee nowe be in double bondage the body within clay walles and the soule within these frail earthly bodies be so greate and comfortable how vnspeakeable will these ioyes be when we shall be deliuered from all corruption into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God Where we shal be present together continuallye in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his deare sonne
while her husbande was in prison Where the keepers wife named Agnes Penycote had secretlye heated a key fire hoate and laid it in grasse on the backeside So speaking to Alice Coberley to set her the key in all haste the said Alice went with speed to bring the key and so taking vp the key in hast did pitiously burne her hand Wherupon she crying out at the sodein burning of her hand Ah thou drabbe quoth the other thou that canst not abide the burning of the key howe wi●e thou be able to burne the whole body and so she afterward reuoked But to returne agayne to the story of Coberley who being somewhat learned and being at the stake was somewhat long a burning as the wynde stoode After his bodye was skorched with the fire and hys leafte Arme drawne and taken from hym by the violence of the fyre the fleshe beinge burnt to the whyte boare at length he stouped ouer the cheyne and wyth the ryghte hande being somewhat starckned knocked vpon his brest softly the bloud and matter issuing out of his mouth Afterward when all they thought he had bene deade sodenly he rose right vp with his body agayne And thus muche concerning these three Salisbury Martyrs ¶ A discourse of the death and Martyrdome of sixe other Martyrs suffering at London whose names here folow ABout the xxiij day of Aprill Anno Dom. 1556. were burned in Smithfielde at one fire these sixe constaunt Martyrs of Christ suffering for the profession of the Gospell viz. Robert Drakes Minister William Tyms Curate Richard Spurge Shereman Thomas Spurge Fuller Iohn Cauell Weauer George Ambrose Fuller They were al of Essex and so of the dioces of London and were sent vp some by the Lord Rich and some by others at sūdry times vnto Stephen Gardiner B. of Winchester then Lord Chauncellor of England about the 22. day of March an 1555. Who vpon small examination sent them some vnto the kinges Benche and others vnto the Marshalsea where they remained almost all the whole yere vntill the death of the sayd Bishop of Winchester and had during that time nothing said vnto them Wherupon after that Doctor Heath Archbishop of Yorke was chosē to the office of Lord Chauncellorshippe foure of these persecuted brethren being now wery of this theyr long imprisonmēt made theyr supplication vnto the said D. Heath requiring his fauour and ayd for their deliueraunce the copy whereof ensueth * To the right reuerend father Tho. Archb. of Yorke Lord Chauncellour of England MAy it please your honorable good Lordship for the loue of God to tender the humble sute of your lordships poore Orators whose names are subscribed which haue lien in great misery in the Marshalsea by the space of x. monethes and more at the commaundement of the late Lord Chauncellour to their vtter vndoing with theyr wiues children In consideration wher of your Lordships sayd Oratours do most humbly pray and beseeche your good Lordship to suffer them to be brought before your honour and there if any man of good conscience can lay any thing vnto our charge we trust either to declare our innocency agaynst theyr accusations or if otherwise theyr accusations can be proued true and we faulty we are ready God helping vs with our condigne punishments to satisfy the law according to your wise Iudgement as we hope ful of fatherly mercy towardes vs and all men according to your Godly office in the which we pray for your Godly successe to the good pleasure of GOD. Amen This Supplication was sent as is sayd and subscribed with the names of these 4. vnder folowing Richard Spurge Thomas Spurge George Ambrose Iohn Cauell * Richard Spurge VPon the receipt and sight hereof it was not long after but Syr Richard Read Knight then one of the Officers of the Court of the Chauncery 16. day of Ianuary was sent vnto the Marshalsea to examine the sayd foure prisoners therefore beginning first with Richard Spurge vpon certaine demaundes receiued his answeres therunto the effect whereof was that he with others were complayned vpon by the Parson of Bocking vnto the Lorde Rich for that they came not vnto theyr Parish Church of Bocking where they inhabited and therupon was by the sayd Lord Rich sent vnto the late Lord Chauncellour about the xxij day of March last past videl an 1555. And farther he sayd that he came not to the Church sithens the first alteration of the English seruice into Latin Christmasse day then a tweluemoneth only except that because he misliked both the same and the Masse also as not consonant and agreing with Gods holy word Moreouer he required that he might not be any more examined vpō the matter vnles it pleased the Lord Chaūcellour that then was to know his fayth therein which to him he would willingly vtter * Thomas Spurge THomas Spurge being then next examined made the same aunswere in effect that the other had done confessing that he absented himselfe from the church because the word of God was not there truely taught nor the Sacramentes of Christ duely ministred in such sort as was prescribed by the same word And being farther examined of his beliefe concerning the sacrament of the aultar he said that if any could accuse him thereof he would then make aunswere as God had geuen him knowledge therein ¶ George Ambrose THe like answere made George Ambrose adding moreouer that after he had read the late Byshop of Winchesters booke intituled De vera obedientia with Boners preface thereunto annexed inueying both against the authority of the Bishop of Rome he did much lesse set by theyr doinges then before ¶ Iohn Cauell IOhn Cauell agreyng in other matters with them aunswered that the cause why hee did forbeare the comming to the Churche was that the Parson there had preached two contrary doctrines For firste in a Sermon that hee made at the Queenes first entrye to the crowne he did exhort the people to beleue the Gospell for it was the truth and if they did not beleue it they shoulde be damned But in a second Sermon he preached that the Testament was false in forty places which contrariety in him was a cause amongest other of his absenting from the Church ¶ Robert Drakes ABout the fourth day of Marche next after Robert Drakes also was examined who was Parsō of Thūdersley in Essex and had there remayned the space of three yeares He was first made Deacon by Doctour Taylour of Hadley at the commaundement of Doctour Cranmer late Archbyshop of Caūterbury And within one yeare after which was the thyrd of the reigne of kyng Edward he was by the sayd Archbyshop and Doctour Ridley Bishop of London admitted Minister of Gods holy word Sacramentes not after the order then in force but after such order as was after established was presented vnto the sayd benefice of Thundersley by the Lord Rich at the
and forgiuen your sinnes nowe cleaue vnto him and be at defiance with his enemyes the Papistes as they doe beare witnesse with their Father the Deuill by goinge to the Church and shedding of the innocent bloud of all those that will not goe with them euen so do you beare witnes with Christ by not comming there for all those that do go thither shal be partakers of their brethrens bloud that is shed for the testimonye of Christ except they repent amend which grace that they may so doe I beseech the eternall God for his Christes sake if it be his good will to geue them in his good tyme. And the same good God that hath bene so mercifull vnto you to call you to repentance him I beseech to keepe you in his feare loue that you may haue alwayes affiance in him and euermore seeke his honour glory to your euerlasting comfort in Christ Amen Thus fare you well from the kinges bench this 28. of August By me William Tyms ¶ An other letter of W. Tyms to certayne godly women of his parish folowers of the Gospell GRace mercy and peace from GOD the Father through our Lord Iesus Christ be with you both now and euermore Amen Deare sisters I haue me most hartely commended vnto you thanking you for the great kindnes shewed vnto me in this tyme of my imprisonment and not onely vnto me but also vnto my poore wife and children and also for the great kindnesse that you shew vnto all the liuing saints that be dispersed abroad and are fayne to hide their heades for feare of this cruell persecution Deare sisters when I do remember your constancy in christ I call to remembraunce the constancy of diuers godly women as Susanna Iudith Hester and the good wife of Nabal that thorow her godly conditions saued both her husbandes life and all her housholde when Dauid had thoughte to haue slayne him for his churlish aunswere that he sent him Also I do remember Rahab that lodged the Lordes Spyes howe God preserued her and her whole housholde for her faythfulnesse that she bare to Gods people So I doe beleue that when the Lord shall send his Aungell to destroy these Idolatrous Egyptians here in England and shall finde the bloud of the Lambe sprinkled on the dore postes of your harts he wil go by not hurt you but spare your whole housholdes for your sakes Also I do remember Mary Magdalen how faythfull she was for she was the first that preached the resurrection of Christ. Remember the blessed Martir Anne Askew in our time folow her example of constancy And for the loue of God take heede that in no case you doe consent to Idolatrye but stande fast to the Lorde as the good woman did that had her seuen sonnes put to death before her face and she alwayes comforting them yea and last of all suffered death her selfe for the testimony of her God which is the liuing God Thus I beseech God to send you grace and strength to stand fast to the Lorde as shee did and then you shall be sure of the same kingdome that she is sure of to the which kingdome I pray God bring both you and me Amen By me William Tyms prisoner in the Kinges Bench. ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms to his frend in Hockley THe grace of God the Father through the merites of his deare sonne Iesus our Lord and onely Sauiour with the continuall ayde of his holy and mighty spirit to the performance of his wil to our euerlasting comfort be with you my deare brethren both now and euermore Amen My dearely beloued I beseeche God to rewarde the greate goodnesse that you haue shewed vnto me seuen folde into your bosomes and as you haue alwayes had a moste godly loue vnto his word euen so I beseech him to geue you grace to loue your owne soule and then I trust that you will flee from al those thinges that shoulde displease our good and mercifull God and hate and abhorre all the companye of those that woulde haue you to worship God any otherwise then is conteined in his holy worde And beware of those maysters of Idolatrye that is these papisticall Priestes My deare brethren for the tender mercy of God remember well what I haue sayd vnto you and also written the which I am now ready to seale with my bloud I prayse God that euer I liue to see the daye and blessed bee my good and mercifull God that euer he gaue me a body to glorify his name And deare hartes I do now write vnto you for none other cause but to put you in remembraunce that I haue not forgotten you to the end that I woulde not haue you forgette me but to remember well what I haue simply by worde of mouth and writing taught you The which although it were moste simplye done yet truely as your owne conscience beareth me record and therefore in any case take good heed that you do not that thing which your own conscience doth condemne Therefore come out of Sodome and goe to heauen ward with the seruauntes and martyrs of God least you be pertakers of the vengeance of God that is comming vpō this wicked natiō from the which the Lord our God defend you and send vs a ioyfull meeting in the kingdome of heauen vnto the which God bring you all Amen Thus now I take my leaue of you for euer in this world except I be burned amongst you whiche thing is vncertayne vnto me as yet By me your poorest and most vnworthy brother in Christ W. Tyms in Newgate the 12. day of April condemned to dye for Christes verity ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms geuing thankes to his parishioners for theyr charity shewed to his wife being brought to bed of a childe in his captiuity THe euerlasting peace of our deare Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christ with the sweete comfort of his holy mighty spirite to the encrease of your fayth to the perfourmance of his will and to your eternall cōfort in the euerlasting kingdome of heauen be with you my deare brethren and sisterne both now and euer Amen My most deare brethren sisterne in our Lord and sauior Iesus Christ I haue me most hartely cōmended vnto you with harty thankes for all the great liberality that you haue shewed vnto me specially now in this time of my necessity whē that God hath sēt my poore wife a childe in my captiuity which is no litle care to me so to prouide that I might keepe both the child my wife from the Antichristian church the which thing I thanke my good god through his most gracious prouidence I haue yet done though it be as you know great charge not to me but to the congregation of God it greueth me that I haue bene so chargeable to thē as I haue bene specially you my deare brethrē I being so vnworthy a
Christe videlicet that in the blessed sacrament of the aultar vnder forme of breade and wine there is not the very body and bloude of our Sauiour in substance but onely a token and memoriall thereof and that the very body and bloude of Christ is in heauen and not in the sacrament 4 Item that she hath bene and yet is amongst the parishioners of Tunbridge openly noted and vehemently suspected to be a sacramentarie and hereticke Her personall answeres to the said Articles TO the whych foresayde articles her aunsweares were these First that shee was and is of the sayd parishe of Tunbridge in the Dioces of Rochester 2 That al persons which do preach and hold otherwise and contrary to that which the holy catholicke churche of Christ doth are to be reputed for excommunicate and heretickes adding wythall that neuerthelesse she beleeueth not the holy Catholike church to be her mother but beleueth only the father of heauen to be her father 3 Thirdly that shee hath and yet doeth verely beleeue hold and affirme in the Sacrament of the Aultare vnder fourmes of bread and wyne not to be the very body and bloud of our Sauiour in substance but onely a token and remembraunce of hys death to the faithfull receiuer and that his body and substaunce is onely in heauen and not in the Sacrament 4 Lastly as touching howe shee hath beene or is noted and reputed among the parishners of Tunbridge shee sayd shee could not tell howbeit shee beleeued shee was not so taken and reputed Examination and condemnation of Iohn Harpole and Ioane Beach THe lyke matter and the same foure Articles were also the same present time and place ministred to Iohn Harpole by the foresayde byshop Maurice who after the like aunsweares receiued of hym as of the other before adiudged and condemned them both together to deathe by one fourme of sentence according to the tenor course of their seueral sentence which ye may read before in master Rogers storie And thus these ij Christian Martyrs coupled in one confession being condemned by the bishop suffered together at one fire in the towne of Rochester where they together ended their liues about the first day of this present moneth of Aprill Iohn Hullyer Minister and Martyr NExte after these ensueth the Martyrdome of Iohn Hullyer Minister who first being brought vp in the Schoole of Eaton was afterwarde Scholler and then Conducte in the Kings Colledge at Cambridge and in the same Uniuersitie of Cambridge suffered vnder Doctour Thurlby Bishop of Elye and hys Chauncelloure for the syncere setting out of the lyght of Gods gracious Gospell reuealed in these oure dayes In whose behalfe thys is to be lamented that among so many fresh wittes and stirring pennes in that Uniuersitie so little matter is leaft vnto vs touching the processe of his iudgement and order of hys suffering whych so innocently gaue hys lyfe in suche a cause among the middest of them By certayne letters whych hee hym selfe leafte behinde him it appeareth that hee was zealous and earnest in that doctrine of truthe whych euerye true Christian man oughte to embrace His Martyrdome was about the second day of this present moneth of Aprill ¶ Letters of M. Iohn Hullier Minister A Letter of Iohn Hullier to the Christian congregation exhorting them faithfully to abide in the doctrine of the Lord. IT standeth now most in hand O deare Christians all them that looke to bee accounted of Christes flocke at that great and terrible day when a separation shal be made of that sort that shal be receiued from the other which shal be refused faithfully in this time of great afflictions to heare our master Christes voice the only true shepheard of our soules whych sayeth Who so euer shall endure to the ende shall be safe For euen nowe is that great trouble in hande as heere in England we may wel see that our Sauiour Christ spake off so long before which shoulde followe the true and sincere preachinge of his Gospell Therefore in thys time wee must needes eyther shewe that wee be hys faithfull Souldiours and continue in hys battaile vnto the ende putting on the armoure of God the buckler of faith the brest plate of loue the helmet of hope and saluation and the sworde of his holy woorde whiche wee haue heard plentifully wyth all instaunce of supplication and prayer or els if we do not woorke and labour with these we are Apostataes and false souldiours shrinking moste vnthankefully from our gracious and soueraigne Lorde and Captaine Christe and leaning to Beliall For as hee sayeth plainely Who so euer beareth not my crosse and foloweth me he can not be my disciple And no man can serue two maisters for either he must hate the one and loue the other or els he shall leane to the one and despise the other The which thing the faithfull Prophete Helias signified when hee came to the people and sayde Why halte yee betweene two opinions If the Lorde be God followe hym or if Baal be hee then folowe him Nowe let vs not thinke but that the same was recorded in wryting for oure instruction whome the endes of the worlde are come vppon as the Apostle Saint Paule sayeth What so euer thyngs are wrytten aforehande they are wrytten for our learning If Christe be that onely good and true shepheard that gaue his life for vs then lette vs that beare his marke and haue our consciences sprinkled with his bloude followe altogether for our saluation hys heauenly voyce and calling according to oure profession and first promise But if we shall not so do certainly say what we can although we beare the name of Christe yet we be none of hys sheepe in deede For he sayeth very manifestly My sheepe heare my voyce and followe me a straunger they will not followe but will flee from him for they knowe not the voyce of a straunger Therefore lette euery man take good heede in these perillous dayes whereof we haue had so much warning aforehande that he be not beguiled by the goodly outward shewe and appearance as Eue was of our olde subtile enemie whose crafte and wylinesse is so manifolde and diuers and so full of close windings that if he can not bring hym directly and the plaine straight way to consent to his suggestions then he will allure him and winde him in by some other false wayes as it were by a traine that hee shall not perceiue it to deceiue him wythall and to steale from him that goodly victorie of the incorruptible and eternall crowne of glorye which no man els can haue but he that fighteth lawfully as at thys present day if hee can not induce him thorowly as other doe to fauor his deuelish religion and of good wil and free heart to helpe to vpholde the same yet he will enueagle him to resorte to hys wicked and whorish schoolehouse and at the least
Flaunders and then resident at his taking in the citie of London of the age of 28. yeares or thereaboutes Henry Adlington was a Sawyer and of Greenested in the county of Sussex and of the age of 30. yeares ❧ The burnyng of xiij persones at Stratford the Bowe neare London whereof the two women went in among them to the stake vntyed Iohn Routh was a Laborer of the parish of Wieks in Essex and of the age of 26. yeres Elizabeth Pepper was the wyfe of Thomas Pepper Weauer of the parish of S. Iames in the towne of Colchester and of the age of 30. yeares or thereaboutes who when shee was burned at Stratford was a xj weekes gone with chylde as shee then testified to one Bosomes wyfe who then vnloosed her neckerchiefe saying moreouer when she was asked why she did not tell them aunswered Why quoth she they know it well enough Oh such be the bloudy hartes of this cruel generation that no occasion can stay them from their mischieuous murthering of the saintes of the Lord which truly professe Christ crucified onelye and alone for the satisfaction of theyr sinnes Agnes George was the wife of Richard George husbandman of West Barefold in the countie of Essex and of the age of 26. yeares This Richard George had another wife burned beside her in the Posterne at Colchester and himselfe lay in prison vntil Queene Elizabeth came to the raigne and then was deliuered When these xiij were condemned and the day apointed they should suffer which was the xxvij day of Iune anno 1556. they were caried from Newgate in London the said day to Stratford the Bow which was the place appointed for their martyrdome there deuided into two partes in two seuerall chambers Afterward the Shiriffe who there attended vpon them came to the one part and told them that the other had recanted and their liues therfore should be saued willing and exhorting them to do the like and not to cast away themselues Unto whom they aunswered that their faith was not builded on man but on Christ crucified Then the shiriffe perceiuyng no good to be done with them went to the other part and sayd lyke a lyer the lyke to them that they whome he had bene with before had recanted and should therefore not suffer death counsailing them to do the lyke and not wilfully to kill themselues but to playe the wise men c. Unto whome they aunswered as their brethren had done before that their fayth was not builded on man but on Christ and his sure word c. Now when he saw it booted not to perswade for they were God be praysed surely grounded on the rock Iesus Christ he then ledde them to the place where they should suffer and beyng all there together most earnestly they prayed vnto God and ioyfully went to the stake and kissed it and embraced it very hartily The eleuen men were tied to three stakes and the two women loose in the midst without any stake and so were they all burnt in one fire with such loue to ech others and constancie in our Sauiour Christ that it made all the lookers on to maruell The Lorde graunt vs the lyke grace in the lyke need accordyng to the good pleasure of his wil Amen In the company of these foresayd xiij were three more condemned to die whose names are here vnder specified Thomas Freeman William Stan●ard William Adams Which three answered to those Articles that were propounded vnto the sayd xiij in effect as they did And being thus in the handes of the secular power Cardinall Poole sent his dispensation for their lyues by what occasion I cannot safely say but by meanes therof they then escaped The copy of which dispensation because it is examplified in our first impression I shall desire the Reader to resort to the place of the pag. 1525. The sonday after these foresayd 16. were condemned Fecknam Deane of Paules preached at Paules Crosse where he declared that they had as many sondry opinions as they were sundry persons At the hearing wherof they drew out their faith and set to their hands as hereafter foloweth and directed the same to their friends the faythfull congregation as followeth ¶ Vnto all our dearely beloued friendes and the holy Congregation of Iesus Christ euen so many as loue God Grace bee with you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ. So be it BE it manifest to all vnto whome this our certificate shall bee seene that where vpon Saterday beyng the 13. day of Iune at Fulham before the B. of London 16. of vs whose names here vnder are subscribed were condemned to die for the most pure sincere truth of Christes veritie which most godlye truth hath bene from the beginning with the wicked aduersaries thereof continually defaced and is by the Deuill and hys impes euen at this present likewyse daily slaundered Vppon which occasion dearely beloued brethren we are mooued yea constrayned in the eares of all men to manifest our beliefe and also briefly the Articles wherefore we are condemned for the auoydyng of fals reportes and slaunderous tongues which myght happen by the most vngodly and vncharitable Sermon late preached at Paules crosse the 14. of the sayd moneth beyng Sonday by M Fecknam now Deane of the same Church where he in that most worthy audience defamed vs to be in 16. sundry opinions which were a thing preiudiciall to all christian veritie and for a true testimoniall thereof this here vnder written shall answer our cause and therfore we pray you that are of God to iudge The first we beleeue we were baptised in the fayth of Christes Church and incorporate vnto hym and made members of hys Church in the which fayth we continue And althoughe we haue erred for a certayne tyme yet the roote of fayth was preserued in vs by the holy Ghost which hath reduced vs into a full certaintie of the same and we do persist and wil by Gods assistance to the end Now marke that although the minister were of the Church malignant yet his wickednesse did not hurt vs for that he baptised vs in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost There was both the word and the element and our Godfathers and Godmothers renouncyng for vs the Deuill and all his workes and confessing the Articles of the Christian fayth for vs and also witnesses that we were baptised not in the fayth of the Church of Rome but in the fayth of Christes Church 1. Item there are but two Sacramentes in Christes Churche that is the Sacrament of Baptisme and the Lordes Supper For in these are contayned the fayth of Christ hys Churche that is the two Testamentes the lawe and the Gospell The effect of the lawe is repentaunce and the effect of the Gospell remission of sinnes 2. Item we beleeue that there is a visible church
pouring the oile of his gracious spirit into your sweet hart Ah good Ieremy hath Phasure put thee in the stockes why now thou hast the right reward of a prophet Thy glory neuer began to appeare vntill now I doubt not but shortly in sted of Ahikam the sonne of Shaphan Iesus the sonne of the liuing God wil come and deliuer thee foorth of the handes of all thine enemyes and will also make good agaynste them and theyr Antichristian Sinagogue all the wordes that thou hast spoken in his name The Lord hath made thee this day a strong defended Tower an yron piller and a brasen wall agaynst the whole rable of Antichrist though they fight against thee neuer so fiercely yet shall they not ouercome thee for the Lorde himselfe is with thee to helpe and deliuer thee and he will ridde thee out of the handes of the wicked and will deliuer thee out of the handes of the Tyrantes And in that you are not busy in casting pearles before swine nor in geuing the holy thinges vnto dogges you are much to be cōmended in my simple iudgement And sure I am that your circūspect and modest behauiour hitherto hath bene as much to Gods glory to the shame confusion of your enemies as any mans doinges that are gone before you Wherefore mine aduise and most earnest desire is with all other of your louing frendes that you still keepe that order wyth those bloudthirsty bitesheepes bishops I should say that you haue begonne For though in conclusion they will surely haue your bloud yet shall they come by it with shame enough and to theyr perpetuall infamy whiles the world doth endure They would in deed condemne you in hugger mugger to darken Gods glory if it might be But Sathans thoughtes are not vnknowne to you the depth of his subtlety is by you well foreseene Therefore let them do whatsoeuer God shall suffer them to doe for I know all things shall turne to your best Though you lye in the darck s●orried with the Bishops blacke coale dust yet shall you be shortlye restored vnto the heauenly light and made as white as snowe in Salmon and as the winges of a Doue that is couered with siluer winges and her fethers like gold You know the vessell before it be made bright is soyled with oile and other thinges that it may scoure the better Oh happy be you that you be nowe in the scouring house for shortly you shal be set vppon the celestiall shelfe as bright as aungels Therfore my deare hart I will now according to your louing request cast away all care and reioyce with you and prayse God for you and pray for you day and night yea I wil now with Gods grace sing Psalmes of prayse and thankesgeuing with you For now my soule is turned to her old rest agayne and hath takē a sweet nap in Christes lap I haue cast my care vpon the Lorde which careth for me and will be Careles according to my name in that respect which you would haue me I wil leaue out my vnseemely addition as long as I liue for it can take no place where true fayth and hope is resident So soone as I had read your most godly and cōfortable letter my sorowes vanished away as smoke in the winde my spirit reuiued and comfort came agayne wherby I am sure the spirit of God was author of it Oh my good M. Philpot which art a principall pot in deede filled with most precious liquor as it appeareth by the plēteous pouring forth of the same Oh pot most happy of the high Potter ordeined to honour whiche doest conteine suche heauenly treasure in the earthen vessell Oh pot thrise happy in whome Christ hath wrought a greate miracle altering thy nature and turning water into wine and that of the best whereout the mayster of the feast hath filled my cuppe so ful that I am become drunken in the ioy of the spirit through the same When Martyrdome shall break thee O vessell of honour I know the fragrant sauour of thy precious Narde will much reioyce the heauy hartes of Christes true members although the Iudasses will grudge and murmure at the same Yea and burst out into words of sclaunder saying it is but lost and waste Be not offended deare hart at my Metaphoricall speach For I am disposed to be mery and with Dauid to daunce before the Arke of the Lord and though you play vpon a payre of Organes not very comely or easy to the flesh yet the sweet soūd that came from the same causeth me thus to do O that I were with you in body as presently I am in spirit that I might sing all care away in Christ for nowe the time of comforte is come I hope to be wyth you shortly if all thinges happen aright For my olde frendes of Couentry haue put the Counsell in remembraunce of me not 6. dayes agoe saying that I am more worthy to be burned then any that was burned yet Gods blessing on theyr harts for their good report God make me worthy of that dignity and hasten the time that I might set forth his glory Pray for me deare hart I beseech you and will all your company to do the same and I will pray God for you all so long as I liue And nowe farewell in Christe thou blessed of Gods owne mouth I will for a time take my leaue but not my last farewell Blessed be the time that euer I came into the kinges bench to be ioyned in loue and felowship with such deare children of the Lord. My good brother Bradford shal not be dead whiles you be aliue for verely the spirit of him doth rest on you in most ample wise Your letters of comfort vnto me in ech poynt do agree as though the one were a copy of the other He hath planted in me and you do water the Lorde geue good increase My deare Brethren and felow prisoners here haue them humbly and hartelye commended vnto you and your company mourning for your misery but yet reioysing for your plenteous consolation and comfort in Christ. We are all chearefull and merry vnder our crosse and do lacke no necessaryes praysed bee GOD for his prouidence and great mercy towardes vs for euermore Amen ¶ To his wife AS by the greate mercy of God at the tyme of his good will and prouidence appoynted my dearelye beloued wife you and I were ioyned together in the holye and Christian state of godly Matrimony as well to our great ioy and comfor in Christ as also to the encrease of his blessed church and faythfull congregation by hauing lawfull children by in the same with the which God of his mercy hath blessed vs praised be his name therfore euē so now by his mercifull will and diuine ordinaunce the time is come so farre as I can perceiue wherein he will for his glory
our eternal comfort dissolue the same and seperate vs asunder againe for a time Wherfore I thought it good yea and my boūden duety by this simple letter to prouoke styrre admonish you to behaue your selfe in all your doinges sayinges and thoughtes most thankfully vnto our good God for the same And therefore my deare wife as you haue hartily reioyced in the Lord and oftentimes geuen God thanks for his goodnes in bringing vs together in his holy ordinaūce euē so now I desire you when this time of our seperation shal come to reioyce with me in the Lord and to geue him most harty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endles commodity separated vs againe for a little time hath mercifully taken me vnto himselfe forth of this miserable world into his celestiall kingdom beleuing and hoping also assuredly that God of hys goodnesse for his sonne Christes sake will shortlye bring you and your deare children thither to me that we maye moste ioyfully together sing prayses vnto his glorious name for euer And yet once agayne I desire you for the loue of God and as euer you loued me to reioyce with me and to geue God continuall thankes for doing his most mercifull wil vpon me I heare say that you do oftentimes vse to repeate this godly saying The Lordes wil be fulfilled Doubtlesse it reioyceth my poore hart to heare that report of you for the lordes sake vse that godly praier continually and teach your children and family to say the same day and night and not onely say it with your toungs but also with your hart and mind and ioyfully to submit your will to Gods will in very deed knowing beleuing assuredly that nothing shall come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be hys almightie and fatherly good wil and pleasure and for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be moste true and certayne Christ testifyeth in his holy gospell saying Are not two litle Sparowes sold for a farthing and yet not one of them shall perish without the wil of your heauenly father And he concludeth saying Feare not yee therefore for yee are better then many sparowes As though he shoulde haue sayd If God haue such a respecte and care for a poore sparowe which is not worth one farthing that it shall not be taken in the lime twig net or pitfall vntill it be his good will pleasure you may be wel assured that not one of you whō he so dearly loueth that he hath geuē his only deare sonne for you shall perishe or depart forth of this miserable life without his almighty good will and pleasure Therefore deare wife put your truste and confidence wholly onely in him and euer pray that his will be fulfilled and not yours except it be agreeing to his will the which I pray GOD it may euer be Amen And as for worldly thinges take you no care but be you well assured the Lorde your deare God and father will not see you nor yours lacke if you continue in his loue and childely feare and keepe a cleare conscience from all kinde of Idolatry superstition and wickednes as my trust is that you wyll doe although it be with the losse and daunger of this temporall life And good Margaret feare not them that canne but kill the body and yet can they not do that vntill God geue them lea●e but feare to displease him that can kyll both body and soule and cast them into hell fire Let not the remembraunce of your children keep you from God The Lord himselfe will be a father and a mother better then euer you or I could haue bene vnto them He himselfe wil do all thinges necessary for them yea as much as rock the Cradle if need be He hath geuen his holy Angels charge ouer them therefore committ them vnto him But if you may liue with a cleare conscience for elles I woulde not haue you to liue and see the bringing vp of your children your selfe looke that you nurture them in the feare of God and keepe them farre from Idolatry superstition and all other kinde of wickednesse and for Gods sake helpe them to some learning if it be possible that they may increase in vertue and godly knowledge which shal be a better dowry to marry them withall then any worldlye substaunce and when they be come to age prouide them such husbandes as feare God and loue his holy worde I charge you take heede that you match them with no Papistes and if you liue and marry agayne your selfe whiche thing I woulde wishe you to doe if neede require or els not good wife take heede how you bestowe your selfe that you and my poore children be not compelled to wickednesse But if you shall be able well to liue Gods true widow I would counsell you so to liue still for the more quietnesse of your selfe and your poore children Take heede Margaret and play the wise womans part You haue warning by other if you will take an example And thus I commit you and my sweet children vnto Gods most merciful defence The blessing of God be with you and God sēd vs a mery meeting together in heauen Farewel in Christ farewell mine owne deare hartes all Pray pray * To my good Brother Mayster Iohn Bradford THe peace of God in Iesus Christ the eternall comforte of his sweete spirite which hath surely sealed you vnto eternal saluation be with you and strengthen you in your ioyfull iourney towardes the celestiall Hierusalem my deare frend and most faythfull brother Maister Bradford to the setting forth of Gods glory and to your eternall ioy in Christ Amen Euer since that good M. Philpot shewed me your last letter my deare hart in the Lord I haue cōtinued in great heauines and perplexity not for any hurt or discommodity that I can perceiue comming towardes you vnto whō doubtlesse death is made life and great felicity but for the great losse that Gods Churche here in Englande shall sustaine by the taking away of so godly worthy and necessary an instrument as the Lorde hath made you to be Oh that my life and a thousand such wretched liues mo might go for yours Oh why doth God suffer me and such other Caterpillers to liue that can doe nothing but consume the almes of the church and take away you so worthy a workman laborer in the Lordes vineyard But wo be to our sinnes great vnthankfulnes whiche is the greatest cause of the taking away of such worthy instrumētes of God as shoulde set forth his glory instruct his people If we had bene thākfull vnto God for the good ministers of his word we had not bene so soone depriued both of it and them The Lord forgeue our great ingratitude sinnes and geue vs true repentaunce and fayth hold his hand of mercy ouer vs for his deare sonne Christes sake Take
same agayne in a more ample and glorious sort Thus in hast as it doth appeare I am constrayned to make an end committing you all to Gods most mercifull defence who euer haue you in his blessed keping desiring you all to remember me in your godly and faythfull prayers as I will not forget you in mine by Gods grace The blessing of God be with you all my deare brethrē and sisters All our brethren and fellowe prisoners here haue them most hartily commended vnto you and pray for you without ceasing God sende vs a merry meeting in hys kingdome Amen By your brother and vnfayned louer Iohn Careles prisoner abiding his moste mercifull will and pleasure Pray pray pray ¶ To my deare and faythfull brother William Tymmes prisoner in Newgate THe euerlasting peace of God in Iesus Christ with the continuall ioy comfort strength of his sweete spirite be multiplied and dayly more and more encreased in your good hart my most faithfull and deare brother Tymmes to the full quieting of your conscience and beating backe of all the fiery dartes of the wicked that you may shortlye receaue the glorious crowne of victorye and in the same triumph ouer all your enemies for euermore Amen I cannot expresse the exceeding great ioy and consolation of my poore hart considering the marueilous works of God most graciously wrought vppon you not onely in prouing you and trying your fayth by his great and huge crosses both inwardly and outwardlye but also in geuing you so great consolation constancie in the middes of the same Faithfull is God true of his promises who hathe sayd That he wil neuer suffer his chosen children to be tempted aboue theyr strength but in the middes of their temptation will make an outscape for them by such meanes as maye make to his glory their euerlasting consolation My deare heart great cause haue you to be of good cōfort for I see in you as liuely a token of Gods euerlasting loue and fauoure in Iesus Christ as euer I perceiued in any man In respect wherof I do euen with my hart loue honor reuerence you beseeching God for his glorious names sake in the bowels bloud of our Lord onely sauiour Iesus Christ to finish his good worke in you as I doubt not but he wil do according to his infallible promises yea I am well assured therof for asmuch as you haue so effectually receiued his holy spirit into your hart as a pledge and sure seale of your eternall redemption a testimony of your adoption in Christ Iesu. For which cause Satan so sore enuieth you that he hath nowe bent all his fierce Ordinaunce againste you thinking thereby vtterly to destroy the inuincible fort of you fayth founded moste firmely vpon the vnmoueable rocke Christ against the whiche the deuill sinne nor yet hell gates shall neuer preuaile Selah Therefore mine own bowels in the Lorde be not discōforted for this your conflict which doubtlesse shal greatly encrease your crowne of glory triumphe and victorye but take a good hart vnto you and buckle boldly with Sathan both in himselfe and his subtle members It is the very Diuine ordinaunce of God that all his regenerate children shall be tempted proued and tryed as we see by the example of our sauiour Christe who as soone as hee was baptised was strayt wayes led of the holy Ghost into the wildernes there to bee tempted of the Deuill But there got he such a glorious victory of Satan that hee coulde neuer since finally preuaile against any of his poore members but in euery assault that hee maketh either inwardly or outwardly he getteth a foyle and taketh shame so that nowe hee rageth with all the spite possible speciallye because hee knoweth his time is but short S. Iames testifieth that he is but a very coward that will soone flee if he be faithfully resisted And as for his tempting tooles the Lord hathe made them manifest vnto vs so that he cannot deceiue vs though he assault vs for as S. Paule sayth His very thoughtes are not vnknowne to vs as it doth in you largelye appeare praysed be the Lordes name therfore You see deare brother that now to molest you suche as you are that be euen passing from this vale of misery he hath but two wayes or two peeces of Ordinaunce to shoote at you with the which he cannot hurt you because you haue two Bulwarkes to defend you The first of these terrible Gunnes that Satan hath shot at you is the very same that he continually shooteth at me that is to say fear and infidelity for the vglesomnes of death and horrour of my sinnes whiche be so many greeuous and great But this pellet is easily put away with the surer shield of faith in the most precious death and bloudshedding of our dear Lord and onely Sauiour Iesus Christ whome the father hath geuen vnto vs wholy to be ours for euermore and with him hath geuen vs all things as Paule saith so that though we be neuer so great sinners yet Christ is made vnto vs holines righteousnes and iustificatiō He hath clothed vs with all his merites mercies and most sweete sufferinges hath taken vnto him all our miserie wretchednes sinne and infirmitie So that if any should nowe be condemned for the same it must needes be Iesus Christ whiche hath taken them vpon him But in deede hee hath made satisfactiō for them to the vttermost iote so that for his sake they shall neuer be imputed to vs if they were a thousād times so many moe as they be This doe you moste effectuously feele and know deare brother a great deale better then I can tell you blessed be God therfore And now Satan seeing that he cannot preuayle wyth his boysterous battery agaynst this Bulwarke of faythe which doth so quench all his fiery dartes that they can doe you no harme but rather do you good seruice to caste you downe vnder the mighty hand of God that hee may take you vpp by his onely grace and power and so you maye render him all the glory by Iesus Christ whiche thinge the enimie cannot abide in no wise therefore hee shooteth of his other Peece most pestilent to prouoke you to put some part of your trust and confidence in your selfe and in your own holines and righteousnes that you might that way ●ob God of his glory Christe of his honour and dignitie of his death But blessed be the Lorde God you haue also a full strong Bulwarke to beat backe this pestiferous peller also euen the pure law of God whiche prooueth the best of vs all damnable sinners in the sight of God if he would enter into iudgement with vs according to the seueritie of the same and that euen our best works are polluted and defiled in such sort as the prophet describeth thē With which maner of speaking our free wil Phariseis
euer But in the meane space I saye most happy are you that so hartily mourne the absence of the bridegrome If you were not a wedding child you could neuer doe it Onely Christes true Disciples doe mourne for his absence therefore shall they doubtles reioyce at his presence which will be so muche more ioyfull by how much the absence is more sorrowfull Therfore my good brother take a good hart vnto you be of good cheare Say with the Prophet Dauid O my soule why art thou so heauy and why art thou so disquieted with in me O put thy trust in God for I will yet geue him thankes for the helpe of his louing countenance and because he is my God Read the Psal the xli and the xlij for your comfort consider that the holy kng and Prophet at the making first saying of them was euē in the same case that you are now in but he still comforted himselfe with the sweet promises of God and so do you my deare hart for to you they do as well pertayne as they did to him and as surely shall they be performed vpon you as they were vpon him for he is one God and deare father vnto you both for his mercy truth and promise sake he must needes make good vnto you all that he hath sayd If his loue towardes you stoode in the respect of your own merite or worthines you might well mourne lamēt and complayne yea you had good cause to doubt feare mistrust But seeing he loueth you onely for and in Iesus christ who is your whole holines righteousnesse and redemption lay away all mourning lamenting and complayning banish from you all feare mistrust and infidelitie and know that as long as Christ doth continue Gods sonne so lōg must the loue of the father continue towards you immutable and his good will vnchangeable and can not be altered through any of your infirmities For this is most true that as long as the cause of any thinge doth last so long must the effect remayne but Christ is the whole cause why the father loueth you and hee also continueth for euer then must I needes conclude that the loue of the father continueth towardes you for euer and as the Psalmist most ioyfully so often singeth His mercye endureth for euer and euer This is most true mine owne deare hart although the Lorde for a time hide it from your senses that you might be the more earneste in prayer to him for the feeling of it also the more thankefull for it when he doth geue the liuely tast of it as doubtles he will do ere euer it be long and then shall you be well able to comforte other in the same state that you are now in with the same comforte wherewith you are and further shal be comforted of God Therefore lifte vp youre handes that are now a little fallen downe and stretche forth the weake knees of youre troubled minde whiche now mourneth with a godly mourning and therefore shal it be full well comforted with that sweete peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding and you are sure already to enioy the blessing that Christ gaue vnto the Godly mourners of Sion vppon the Mount at the first sermon that he made Oh happy U. in whose mourning company I had rather be then in the house of mirth and banqueting of such as see not what cause they haue to mourne and be sory But yet my good brother vse a measure in this your godly mourning make not your faithfull frendes too much sory for you Let the perswasions of such godly louers as you do dayly company withal or rather the perswasions of the holy Ghoste by them moue you to some godly mirth and reioising Consider that you are commaunded of God by the mouth of Sainct Paule thereto Reioyce in the Lord sayth he and I say again reioyce Marke how he doubleth the sentence that wee may perceaue it is a most earnest and necessary thing he requireth Obey the commaundement of God in this behalfe wherin as you cannot but highly please him so I assure you you shall very much reioyce my poore hart and the harts of other whiche pray for you with mourning teares and make that cruell enemy Sathan and all your aduersaryes sory which will reioyce and laugh to see you mourne Oh my good brother let it manifestly appeare that the Lorde of his great mercy hath heard our faythfull and harty requestes for you Oh how would that reioyce me in the midst of my troubles Therfore now to conclude because the darkenes constrayneth me to make an end for this time I say my deare faithful brother U. in respect of the great cause you haue of your own part through Christ for the glory and honor of almighty God the comfort ioy and reioysing of your deare brethren and sisters in Christ also your owne duetie by the commaundement of God and last of all to vexe molest and greeue Satan withall reioyce in the lord and be most hartily glad in him who is wholy yours and you are his and shal be for euermore Selah Farewel mine own bowels in the Lord praise God with ioyfull lips a mery hart pray for me his most vnprofitable seruant which haue more cause concerning my selfe to lament then any one man liuing but my good bridegrome is present biddeth me cast away my mourning garmentes and therfore I must needes be merry with him and so he biddeth you to be by my mouth for hee is present with you although for sorow you cannot know him as Magdalen could not in the garden vntill he spake vnto her The Lorde God speake these wordes of comforte in your hart open the eyes of your minde that you may perfectly perceiue and feele his blessed presence so reioyce in the same for euermore Amen Comfort your hart in christ and cast your care vpon him for he careth for you Your brother in the Lord abiding his good pleasure Iohn Careles * To my deare and faythfull brother Augustine Bernher The peace of God in Iesus Christ the helpe comforte and assistance of his eternall spirite be with you my deare and faythfull brother Augustine and with all the rest of my good brethren and sisters of the houses of Baxterley Manceter which mourneth for the miserye of Gods people to your euerlasting consolation in hym Amen Right glad I am to heare my deare and faithfull brother Augustine that God of his greate mercy and infinite goodnes hath yet so graciously deliuered preserued you out of your enemyes handes beseeching almighty God also from the bottome of my hart to be your continuall defence vnto the ende as hitherto he hath most graciously bene that you may liue dye both to Gods glory the commodity of his Church and to the increase of your owne euerlasting ioy and comfort in hym Knowe you deare brother
my poore afflicted heart by your meanes my moste deare and faithful brother Truely me thinketh your woords or rather Gods woordes by you vttered haue a wonderfull power and efficacie woorking in my heart at the hearing or readyng of them Reioyce therfore my deare brother and be thankfull vnto God for verily he both is will be mightely magnified in you and that diuers and manye waies both to the strengthening of them that stand in his truth and also to the raising vp of such as are fallen from the same God make me thankefull for you on your behalfe for verily great is the goodnesse of God towardes me in geuing me acquaintance in faithfull loue and amitye with you Gods name for euer be praised therfore and he perfourme all his mercifull promises vpon you as I doubt not but he will for his sake in whome you trust I thanke my God most hartely also you my good brother for that you are carefull for me in your faithfull praiers remembring my iust deserued sorowes as though they were your own and laboring so much to solace the same Ah my gracious good God what am I for whom thou thy deare children should be so carefull Oh sweete Lord forgeue me my great ingratitude sinne and graūt that I neuer abuse thy great benefits Oh let the loue of thine elect which loue me for thy sake be a sure signe token yea a most firme testimony a seale to my sinfull conscience of thine euerlasting loue and mercy towards me in Christ as verely it would and ought to be if mine infidelity did not let it Oh circumcise therefore the foreskin of my heart that I may with liuely faith behold thy great loue towardes me in all thine elect that I may alwaies be thankeful for the same and loue thee and them againe most heartely and vnfainedly Ah my deare heart how sweetely and how truely yea howe godly how cōfortably haue you rehersed the swete saying of Salomon concerning prosperity with true godly frends I wil ioine with it the sentence which goeth a little before for doubtlesse it may be well verified on you A sure frend sayeth the wise man wil be vnto thee euen as thine owne soule and deale faithfully with thy houshold folke If thou suffer trouble and aduersitye he is with thee and hideth not his face from thee A faythful friend is a strong defence who so finedeth such a one finedeth a treasure A faithfull friend hath no peere the waight of golde is not to bee compared to the goodnesse of his faith A faythfull frend is a medicine of life and they that feare the Lord shal finde him c. Loe my deare heart in the Lord here is a liuely image or description of you for verely such a one haue I alwaies foūd you vnto me not onely sorrowing for my great sorrow but also oftentimes making me merry and ioyfull with such ioyes as the world can not feele Nowe let the worlde bragge of hys fained frendship but I will boast of this true frendship in God and esteeme it a more treasure then all transitorye things And as for my mourning deare brother God hathe made you to tourne it vnto mirth for God hath put you in the stead of them to be my comfort whome he hath in hys great mercy taken away I trust hencefoorth to leaue the mourning for my greate losse and to praise God for gaining vnto him selfe so great glory by his chosen children God make me a true mourner of Syon bothe for mine owne sinne and wickednesse and also to see his honoure defaced that I may be made meete and apte to beare the ioyfull and comfortable message that your beautifull feete shall brynge me God blesse thee my deare heart and faithful louing brother and increase his good giftes of grace in thee as he hathe moste happely begonne that you may daily more effectually feele and liuely perceiue the certaintie of Gods grace wherin you stand and firmely to testifie the same to the conuersion or confoūding of all gainsayers and to the comfort confirmation of al Gods deare children Amen Farewell mine owne sweete brother fare well as mine owne heart Your owne in Christ Iohn Careles· An other letter of Iohn Careles to a certaine godly faithfull sister by the name of E.K. THe grace and free mercy of God in Iesus Christ the sweete consolations of the holy Ghost the guide of all Gods deare children he with you strengthen and comfort you my dearely beloued sweete sister E.K. now and euer Amen Albeit my dearely beloued sister in Christe that as yet wee did neuer see one an other personally to any knowledge yet by the vertuous reporte that I haue hearde of you and also by the large louing token that I haue receiued from you mee thincke that I do euen presently see you and behold your person fa●thfully walking in the fear and loue of God ioying and reioycing with you in the spirite as thoughe we were sweetely talking together of Christes veritie The Lord God doe I humbly beseeche in the bowels and bloud of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe that he wil strengthen vs both with hys holy and mighty spirit that we may constantly continue in the confession of his truthe vnto the ende that like as we now see one an other presently in spirite we may also see one an other personally in the glorious presence of God and his holy Aungels where vndoubtedly we shall know one an others personage to oure great ioy felicitye and endlesse comfort And now therfore deare sister K be strong in the Lorde our God for doubtlesse the time of triall is at hand a great persecution with cruell murthering of Gods deare Saintes is like to be very shortly in this wofull wicked Realme of Englande Therefore deare sister for the loue of God prepare you to the Crosse with all diligence and make your selfe ready to die with Christ that you may also liue with him for euer There is no remedye if you will be Christes Disciple you must needes take vppe youre crosse and followe him for the Disciple must not looke to be aboue his maister nor the seruant to be better intreated then his Lord. If we were of the worlde good sister no doubt the world woulde loue vs. But for as much as Christe hath chosen vs out of the worlde to serue God in spirite and veritie lette vs be wel assured the worlde will hate vs and persecute vs as it hath done our Lorde and maister Christ. But yet let vs be of good cheare for Christe hath ouercome the worlde The paine is but shorte that we can feele heere but the pleasure is perpetuall that wee shall feele elsewhere Let vs set before vs the example of Christe which abode the Crosse and despised the shame in respecte of the ioy that was set before him Euen so let vs consider for whose
your fall shall tourne to hys glorye and youre profite For if you hadde not by this prooued the experience of your owne strength or rather your owne weakenes you would haue stande too muche in your owne conceite or perchaunce haue glorified in your selfe and haue despised and condempned other weake personnes that haue committed the like offence Therfore now you may see what the best of vs all can do if God leaue vs to our selues Which thing ought to moue you to be diligent to call earnestly vpon God for his grace and the strength of his holy spirite without the which we are not able to stande one houre to be most thankefull for the same when you haue it and then to be more circumspecte in time to come Therefore deare sister seeing that you haue done otherwise then the word of God and your owne cōscience would allow yet deare hart do you not thinke that God therfore wil cast you cleane away but know that he hath mercy enough in store for al them that truely repent and beleeue in him although the sinnes of them were as many in number as the sandes in the sea and as great as the sinnes of the whole worlde It is a greater sinne to mistrust the mercye and promises of God then to commit the greatest offence in the world Therefore good sister beware in any wise that you doe not once mistrust the promises of Gods mercy towardes you but knowe for a very surety that all youre sinnes be vtterlye forgeuen you for Christes sake be they neuer so many so grieuous or so great But now deare heart take heede and beware that you doe not cloake that sinne and increase the same daily in communicating with the wicked in their Idolatrie and deuelish doinges at their denne of theeues Do not I say deare sister come at any of their Antichristian seruice least by little and little you vtterly lose a good conscience and at length esteeme it for none offence as alas a great nomber doth at this day to the great pearill of theyr soules The Lorde be merciful vnto them and geue them grace to repent in time and tourne to the Lorde and then they shal be sure to finde mercy at the Lordes hand as doubtles you haue done praised be his name therefore Ah my deare sister you may nowe see the wordes of Christe verified vppon your selfe that a mans greatest foes shall be they of his owne household for your husband hath gotten you to do that which all the tyrants in the world could neuer haue made you to doe Doubtlesse he may be sory for it God geue him grace to repent or els without doubt it will be laid to his charge one day when he would not by his will heare it for all the goods in the worlde Well I thinke my brother Tymmes will wryte him a letter shortly that shall touche his conscience if hee haue anye conscience at all But now againe to you dere sister The thing that is done can not be vndone and you are not the first that hath offended neither are you so good and so holy as hath at a time slipt forth of the way Therfore I would not haue you to be so much discomforted as I heare saye you be as thoughe God were not able to forgeue you your offence as he was to forgeue his deare Saints that offended him in times past or as though God were not as mercifull nowe as euer he was Where as in very deede There is with the Lord as the Prophet sayth mercy and plentiful redēption and his mercy farre surmounteth all his workes and he neuer faileth any that put their whole trust and confidence in him howe great an offender or howe wicked a trespasser so euer he bee No he maketh their falles and backeslidings manye times to tourne to their profite and commoditie and to the settynge foorth of his glorye As doubtlesse deare sister yours shall doe if you put your whole faith hope and trust only in his infinite and eternall sweete mercies Oh what a suttel crafty lying serpent is that Sathan our old enemie that when he seeth that he can not make vs to continue in our wickednes to do him seruice would then bring vs into a doubting and mistrusting of the mercye of God whyche is the greatest offence that can be yea infidelitye is the roote and originall of all other sinnes Therefore my sweete sister geue no place to that cruell aduersary of mankinde who hath bene a lier and a murtherer from the beginning but stedfastlye beleeue the Lord who hath sent you word by me his most vnworthy seruāt that all your sinnes be pardoned forgeuen and cleane released for Iesus Christes sake our only Lorde and Sauiour To whome with the father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory praise thankes power rule and dominion for euer for euer Amen Farewell my deare sister and be of good cheare Beleeue in the Lorde and you shall liue for euer The Lord increase your faith Amen Amen Your poore brother and daily faithfull Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lord. Pray for me An other letter of Iohn Careles to A.B. a faithfull Minister of the Lorde containing certaine frutefull precepts of Matrimonie I Beseech the same euerlasting Lord my deare and faithful brother that blessed yong Tobias with his wife Sara brought them together in due time with reuerence and feare preserue and blesse you both and your seede after you that they may encrease the number of the faithful by thousandes and thousandes And as the Lord of his great mercy and fatherly prouidēce hath bene alwaies carefull for you and nowe hath for your comforte accomplished his good worke in coupling you with a faithfull mate so see that you be thankefull for his prouidence towardes you that it may euery way in you be an encrease of loue godlinesse yea of Christian ioye and gladnesse in these sorrowfull dayes but yet so that you mourne with the true mourners of Syon and be sorie yet in measure for the hurt of the same Pray also in faith for her prosperity that the Lord may builde vp the walles of Hierusalem againe Oh that the Lord would turne Syons captiuity as the riuer into the South Then shoulde our hearts be made glad and oure mouthes filled with laughter Then woulde the heathen hypocrites say the Lord hath done much for them Oh the Lord hath done great things for vs already wherof let vs heartely reioyce and praise his name therefore For though we nowe sowe wyth teares yet shall wee be sure to reape with gladnesse and as wee now goe foorth weeping bearing foorth good seede so shall we come againe with ioy and bring our sheaues full of corne Yea the death of the Martyrs which is most precious in hys sighte shal be the life of the Gospell spite of the Papists hearts Pray for me deare heart that I may
benefites not only for your election creation redemption and preseruation but also for his other temporal gifts wherwith he hathe indued you amongst the which the chiefe and moste excellent is as testifieth the holy Ghost your good godlye and faithfull louynge husbande For as the wise man sayeth Goods and possessions may come to a man by the death of his frendes but a good wife is the gift of God which the Lord will geue for a good portion to suche as feare him And the like is of a good husband as the Lord hathe nowe geuen you praised be his name therfore He hath not geuen you an ignorant froward churlish brawling wastfull rioting dronken husband wherwith he hath plagued many other as he myght also haue done you but he hath geuen you a moste godlye learned gentle louing quiet patient thri●tye diligent sober husband by whom he wil nourish cherish kepe and defend you instructe and teach you yea care and prouide for you and your childrē the which he wil also by him geue you such things as be necessary for you He hath not dealt so with euery body and yet he hath done this and much more for you my deare sister wil therto increase ioy and loue betwene you For as he delighteth in the loue godly agreement of man and wife together so is it he only that maketh them and all the whole houshold to be of one mind Vnto the which his gracious work he requireth your diligence and will vse you as his instrument and meane the more effectuously to accomplish the same And therefore I nowe require you to obserue this my simple counsel the which I haue here wrytten as a testimonial of my good will towardes you because I thinke in this life I shall neuer more see you Nowe as I haue shewed you how you shoulde be thankefull vnto God for his good giftes so I exhort you and as much as in me lieth charge you to be euermore thankfull vnto your deare louing husband who hath geuen him selfe vnto you whych is a more precious iewel in the Church of God then perchance you are yet aware of Thincke your selfe vnwoorthy to be matched with suche an instrument of God and also reuerence euermore the gifts of God in him and seeke with true obedience and loue to serue him in recompence of his true painful hart towards you Be lothe in any wise to offend him yea rather be carefull diligent to please him that his soule maye blesse you If at anye time you shall chaunce to anger him or to doe or speake anye thing that shall grieue him see that you neuer rest vntill you haue pacified him and made him merry againe If at any time he shall chance to blame you without a cause or for that you can not doe therewith whiche thyng happeneth sometimes of the best men liuing see that you beare it paciently and geue hym no vncomely or vnkinde woorde for it but euer more looke vppon him wyth a louing and chearefull countenaunce and rather take the fault vppon you then seeme to be displeased Be alwaies mery and chereful in his company but not with too muche lightnesse Beware in any wise of swelling powting or lowring for that is a token of a cruel and vnlouing heart except it be in respect of sinne or in the time of sickenesse Be not sorowful for any aduersity that God sendeth but beware that nothing be spilte or goe to waste through your negligence In any wise see that you be quicke and cleanly about his meat and drinke and prepare him the same according to his diet in due season Goe cleanely and wel fauouredly in your apparel but beware of pride in any wise Finally in woord and deede shewe your selfe wise humble merry and louing towardes him and also towardes suche as he doeth loue and then shall you leade a blessed life I could speake of many things the whiche I haue learned and prooued true by experience but I knowe that you will doe in all thyngs muche better then I can teache you because you haue that annoynting that teacheth you all thyngs who hath also geuen you an heart to obey and serue hym Yet I trust you will not be offended for this whych I haue wrytten but rather accept my good will towardes you whom I loue in the Lord as well as I do my daughter Iudith Thus as mine owne soule I commende you bothe to God desiring him to blesse you with all maner of spirituall blessings in heauenly thinges and also wyth the dewe of heauen and fatnesse of the earth that in all thynges you maye be made ryche in Iesus Christe our Lorde and onely Sauiour The Lorde increase and blesse the fruite of your bodyes that your children maye stande rounde about your table thicke fresh and lustie lyke the Oliue braunches God geue you both a long life that you maye see and blesse your childrens children vnto the third and fourth generation and teach them the true feare and loue of God and that faith for the which they shal be accepted in his sight God lette you see the prosperitie of Syon for whose lying in the dust let your hearts mourne The Lorde make perfecte your loue together in hym and alwaies encrease the same and bryng you bothe in peace to your graues at a good age And nowe I bid you bothe moste heartely farewell and I thinke I shall now take my leaue of you for euer in this life I beseeche you both to aide me with your continuall prayers as I wil not forgette you in mine that I may haue a ioyfull victorie through Iesus Christ To whose most mercifull defence I doe moste heartely for euer commende you to be kepte vnblameable vntill hys comming The which I beseeche him to hasten for his mercies sake Your owne vnfainedly Iohn Careles prisonner of the Lord. Heere endeth the Letters of Iohn Careles The hystorie and Martyrdome of a learned and vertuous yonge man called Iulins Palmer sometime fellow of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford with two other Martyrs to wit I. Gwin and Thomas Askine burned together in Newberie at a place there called the Sande pittes THe same moneth of Iuly in which Careles as before is declared was released out of prison by death in short time after about the 16. day of the sayd moneth of Iuly suffered these 3. godly and constante Martyrs aboue mentioned at Newbery in which number was Iulins Palmer sometime student and fellowe of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford and afterwardes Schoolemaister in the towne of Reading Concerning whose storie and Martyrdome here foloweth although not so much as he deserueth to be sayde yet so much as sufficiently may set foorth the great woorking of God in this yong man Iulins Palmer AS all Gods woorkes are wonderous in calling of all sorts of men to confirme hys truth and to beare witnesse vnto his assured and infallible woord which the aduersaries
from him went to my prison felowes took my leaue of them desiring thē to pray for me for I thought verely to come no more to them For I supposed I should haue gone before the Counsell because the Marshall sayd he would tary for me himselfe and especially because he sayd it was reported that I had spoken seditious words it made me to think it is possible that there may be some false things imagined vpon me to bring me to my end I remembred that Christ sayd The seruant is not aboue his Lord. Seyng the Iewes brought false witnes agaynst Christ I thought they would do much more or at the least doe so to me ●● God would suffer thē which made me cast the worste But I was and am sure I prayse my Lord God that all the world is not able to accuse me iustly of any such thing Which thing considered made me mery and ioyfull and I was surely certified that they coulde do no more against me then God would geue them leaue And so I bad my prison fellowes farewell and went into the Porters Lodge to the Marshall and he deliuered me to one of his owne men and to one of my Lord Mountagues men and bade me go with them and they caryed me to my Lord Mountagues place in Southwarke not farre from S. Mary Oueries and brought me into a chamber in my Lord Mountagues house and there was one Doc. Langdale chapleine to my Lord. My keepers sayd to the Docto● this is the man that we went for Lang. Is your name Woodman Wood. Yea forsooth that is my name Lang. Then hee beganne with a greate Circumstaunce and sayd I am sory for you that you will not be ruled but stand so much in your owne conceite displeasing your father and other iudging that all the Realme doth euil saue a few that doe as you do with many such wordes whiche be too long to rehearse but I will declare the substaunce of them Lang. What think you of them that died long agone your Graundfather with theyr fathers before them You iudge them to be damned all other that vse the same that they did throughout all Christendome vnlesse it be in Germany and here in England a few yeares and in Denmark yet they are returned againe Thus we are sure this is the truth and I would you should do well Your father is an honest man and one of my parish and hath wept to me diuers times because you would not be ruled and he loueth you well so doth all the country both rich and poore if it were not for those euill opiniōs that you hold with many such like tales of Robin Hood Wood. I pray you geue me leaue to speake a fewe wordes to you Lang. Yes say your mind Wood. You haue told a great tale and a long as it were agaynst me as you thinke saying I hold this and that I iudge my Father and my Graundfather and almost al the world without it be a few that be of our sect But I iudge no manne But the xij of Iohn declareth who it is that iudgeth and shall iudge in the last day The father shal not beare the sonnes offences nor the sonne the fathers offences but that soule that sinneth shall dye as sayth the Prophet And agayne we may not folow a multitude to do euill as sayth the Prophet For the most goe the wrong way And Christ sayth in the xij of Luke that his flock is a litle flock Here be places enough to discharge me although I do not as the most doe But can any man say that I do not as I ought to do where be my accusers Lang. What you be full of scripture me thinke and call for your accusers as though you were afrayde to vtter your mind to me But I woulde haue you not to be afrayde to talk with me For I meane no more hurt to you then I do to my selfe I take God to my record Wood. I cannot tell It is hard trusting of fayre wordes when a man cannot trust his father nor brother nor other that haue bene his familiar frendes but they deceiue him A man may lawfully follow the example of Christ towardes them that he neuer saw before saying Be as wise as Serpentes and as innocent as doues Beware of men for they goe about to betray you And it maketh me suspect you much because you blame me for answering with the scriptures It maketh me to doubt that you would take vauntage of me if I should speake mine owne wordes Wherefore I will take as good heede as I can because I haue bene deceiued already by them I trusted most Wherefore blame me not though I aunswere circumspectly It shall not be sayd by Gods helpe that I will run wilfully into mine enemyes handes and yet I prayse God my life is not deare to my selfe but it is deare with God Wherfore I will do the vttermost that I can to keepe it Lang. You be afrayd where no feare is for I was desired of Mayster Sheriffe and his brother and of other of your frendes to talke with you and they told me thot you were desirous to talke with me and now ye make the matter as though you had nothing to doe with me as though you were sent to prison for nothing for you call for your accusers as though there were no man to accuse you But if there were no man to accuse you your own hand writing did accuse you enough that you set vpon the Church doore if you be remembred and other letters that you let fall abroad some at one place and some at an other Wherefore you need not to cal for your accusers Your own hand wil accuse you enough I warrant you it is kept safe enough I would not for two hundred pounde there were so much agaynst me Wood. I will not deny mine owne hand by Gods helpe For it cannot be lightly counterfayted I doe not deny but I wrote a letter to the priest and other of the parish declaring to them theyr folly and presumption to come into my house without my loue or leaue and fet out my childe and vse it at their pleasure Which moued me to write my mind to them and because I coulde not tell how to conuey it to them I set it on the Church doore Which letter my Lorde of Chichester hath for he shewed it me whē I was before him wherin is conteined nothing but the very scriptures to theyr reproch Let it be layde before me when you or hee will I will answere to it by the helpe of God to all theyr shames that I wrote it to And as for any other letters I wrote none as you say I did neither had I wrote that if they had done like honest neighbours Wherfore if they be offended with me for that I wil aunswere thē with Christes wordes in the 18. of Math. woe vnto themselues
at a time when they layd great wayte for thys George Eagles so that it was thought that it was vnpossible but that he should be taken being so beset his frends did put him in a Prentice apparill that is to say watche● hose as their maner is and an old cloke and set him on a packe of woll as though he had ridden to carry woll to the spinners so he rode amongst the midst of his aduersaries and escaped them al for that time An other troubler of the sayd George Eagles was also Iustice Browne who enioyed not his cruelty many yeares after c. Also when hee was at the Sessions at Chelmsforde there was a rumor raysed that hee had accused diuers honest men that dyd keepe him in theyr houses and was conuersaunt with him and all to discredite him which rumor was very false and vtterly vntrue Witnes one Reynold with diuers other dwelling in Chelmsford ¶ The martirdome and examination of Richard Crashfield of Wymoundham condemned to death for the testimonye of Iesus Christ. ABout this time suffered at Norwiche a godly man a constant martyr of Christ called Richard Crashfield whose examination before the Chauncellor named Dunnynges as he penned them with hys owne hand so haue we faythfully recorded the same How say you Syrha sayd the Chancellor to the ceremonyes of the Church Then sayd I what ceremonies He sayd vnto me Do you not beleue that all the ceremonies of the church were good and godly My aunswere was I do beleue so many as are groūded in the testament of Iesus Christ. Tush sayd he do you beleeue in the Sacrament of the aultar I sayd I knew not what it was Then sayd he Do you not beleeue that Christe tooke bread gaue thankes brake it and sayde Take eate thys is my body Yes verily sayd I and euen as Christ did speake so did he performe the worke Tush sayd he doe you not beleeue this that after the wordes be spoken by the prieste there is the substaunce of Christes body flesh and bloud How say you doe you not beleue this Speake man I doe beleeue that Christes body was broken for me vppon the Crosse and his bloud shed for my redemption wherof the bread and the wyne is a perpetuall memory the pledge of hys mercy the ring and seale of hys promise and a perpetuall memory for the faythfull vnto the ende of the world So then I was commaunded into prison vntil the next day ¶ An other examination of Richard Crashfield THe daye following I was brought foorth Then the Chauncellor sayd vnto me Richard how say you Are you otherwise minded then you were yesterdaye Hee rehearsing all the wordes that we hadde afore sayde are not these your wordes Whereto I aunswered Yes Then sayd he how say you can you not finde in your hart when you come to the Church to kneele downe before the Roode and make your prayer I aunswered and sayd No rehearsing the commaundement of God forbidding the same He sayd haue you not read or heard that God commaunded an Image to be made I answered what Image He sayd the brasen serpent I sayd Yes I haue heard it read how that God dyd commaunde it to bee made and lykewise to bee broken downe Then D. Brigges sayd Wherfore did God command the Seraphins and Cherubins to be made I sayd I could not tell I would fayne learne Then sayd the Chauncellor But how say you to this can you finde in your hart to fall downe before the picture of Christ which is the Roode I sayd No I feare the curse of God for it is wrytten that God curseth the handes that make them yea and the handes that make the tooles wherewith they are carued Then D. Brigges raged and sayd List nowe what a peece of scripture he hath here gotten to serue hys purpose for he will not allow but where he listeth Then sayd the Chauncellor How say you to Confession to the priest when were you confessed I sayd I confesse my selfe dayly vnto the eternal God whom I most greuously offend Then the Chauncellor sayd You do not then take confession to the priest to be good I aunswered No but rather wicked Then the Chauncellor sayd How say you by yonder geare yonder singing and yonder playing at the Organs is it not good and godly I sayd I could perceaue no godlines in it Then he sayde why is it not written in the Psalmes that we should prayse God with hymmes and spirituall songes I sayd Yes spirituall songes must be had but yonder is of the flesh of the spirite of error For to you it is pleasaunt and glorious but to the Lord it is bitter and odious Then sayd the Chauncellor why is it not written My house is an house of prayer I sayd Yes It is written also That you haue made my house of prayer a denne of theeues With that the Chancellor looked and sayd Haue we I aunswered and sayde Christ sayde so Then was I commaunded to ward The thursday next following was D. Brigges sent to me for to examine me of my fayth And he sayd Countrey-man my Lord Bishop for loue he would haue you saued hath sent me vnto you because to morow is your day appointed therfore my Lord hath thought it meete that you should declare vnto me your fayth For to morow my lord will not haue much adoe with you I aunswered said Hath my Lord sent you It is not you to whom I am disposed to shew my minde Then he sayd to me I pray you shew me your minde concerning the sacrament of the altar I aunswered Are you ignoraunt what I haue sayd He said No for it was wel writtē Except you beleue sayth he as the Church hath taught you are damned both body and soule I answered and sayd Iudge not least yee bee iudged condemne not least ye be condemned And he sayd Loe we shall haue a traytour as well as an hereticke for hee will disallowe the kinges iudgement I sayd No I do not disallow the kinges iudgement but yours I do disallowe For I praye you tell me howe came you by this iudgement He answered and sayd By the Church for the Church hath power to saue and condemne for if you bee condemned by the church he ye sure that you be damned both body and soule Then I aunswered If you haue this power I am sore deceiued For I beleue that Christ shall be our Iudge But now I perceiue you will do much for him that you will not put him to the payne Then he sayd stand nearer countryman why stand ye so farre off I sayd I am neare enough and a little to neare Then he sayd Did not Christ say Is not my flesh meate and my bloud drinke in deede I sayd To whome spake Christ those wordes He sayd To his Disciples I intending to rehearse the texte sayde whereat did Christes disciples murmure inwardly He sayd
to receaue the Masse she began to be troubled in consciēce waxed very vnquiet because her house was euen hard by M. Iohn Glouers house of whome mention was made before pag. 1614. and 1620. a man of blessed memory and of a singular example of his vnfayned godlines and manifold troubles whiche he suffered for the Gospell shee did oftentimes resort to him and desired him to tel her the faultes that were in the Masse and other thinges that at that time were vrged as necessary to saluation Now he perceiuing both her vnquiet minde also the desire she had to know the truth dyd most dilligently instruct her in the wayes of the Lord approuing vnto her out of Gods holy word that the Masse with all other papisticall inuentions was odious in Gods sight and besides this reproued her for that she delighted in the vanities of this world so much By the which godly counsell geuē by him it happened that she began to waxe weery of the world throughly sorrowfull for her sinnes being inflamed with the loue of God desirous to serue him accordyng to hys word purposing also to flee from those thinges the whiche did displease the Lord her God And because she had learned the masse to be euil abhominable she began to hate it And when at a time she was compelled by the furiousnes of her husband to come to the Churche at the same tyme when the holy water was cast shee turned her backe towardes it and shewed her selfe to be displeased with their blasphemous holy water iniurious to the bloud of christ Whereupon she was accused before the Bishop for the despising of theyr sacramentals Immediately a Citation was sent for her to her husbandes house to appeare before the bishop incontinently The Summer that brought the Citation deliuered it to her husband who looking vpō it perceauing what it was was moued with anger willing the sumner to take the Citation with him agayne or els he woulde make him to eate it The Sumner refused to take it agayne for he thought no man durst haue bene so bold to trouble him But in the ende Lewes compelled the sayd sumner to eate the Citation indeed by setting a daggar to his hart when hee had eaten it he caused him to drinke to it so sent him away But immediately after the sayd Lewes with his wife were commaunded to appeare before the B. where the sayd Lewes by by submitted himself desired the Bish. to be good to him excusing himselfe after the best fashion he could Wherupon the B. was content to receiue his submission with condition that his wife shoulde submit her selfe also But shee stoutly told the byshop that by refusing of the holy water she had neither offended God nor any part of hys lawes At the which words the bish being greeuously offended because she was a Gentlewomā he would not take her at the worst as he sayd he gaue her one monthes respite binding her husband in an hundred pound to bring her again vnto him at the monthes end and so they were both let go When they came to their owne house the sayde Maystresse Ioyce Lewes gaue her selfe to most dilligent praier and inuocating of the name of God resorting continually to the aboue named man of God Maister Iohn Glouer who did most dilligently instruct her with Gods worde willing her in any wise not to meddle with that matter in respect of vayne glory or to get her selfe a name shewyng her the great daungers shee was like to cast her selfe in if shee shoulde meddle in Gods matters otherwyse then Christ doth teach When the moneth was nowe almost expired and the time at hand that shee shoulde be brought before the Bishop her husband being aduertised by the sayde Mayster Iohn Glouer and others not to carry her to the Byshop but to seeke some wayes to saue her or if the worst should come to be content to forfeit so much money rather then to cast his own wife into the fire He answered hee woulde not loose or forfeit anye thinge for her sake and so lyke a murtherer of his owne wife caryed her to the bloudye B. where she was examined and found more stout then shee was before death was threatned And to begin withal she was sent to such a stincking prison that a certayn mayde which was appoynted to keep her companye did sownd in the same prison Being thus kept in prison and oftentimes examined and euer founde stoute at the length shee was brought in iudgement pronounced an hereticke worthy to be burned When the Bishop reasoned with her why she would not come to the masse and receiue the sacramentes and sacramentals of holy Church she answered Because I find not these thinges in Gods worde which you so vrge and magnifie as thinges moste needefull for mens saluation If these thinges were in the same word of God commended I would with all my hart receiue esteeme and beleue them The Bishoppe aunswered if thou wilt beleeue no more then is in the scripture concerning matters of religion thou art in a damnable case At the whiche wordes she was wonderfully amased and being moued by the spirite of God tolde the Bishop that hys wordes were vngodly and wicked After her condemnation she cōtinued a whole twelue moneth in prison because she was committed to the Sheriffe that was of late chosen who coulde not be compelled to put her to death in his tyme as he affirmed for y● which thing after her death he was sore troubled and in daunger of his life All that time shee was in prison her behauiour was such both in wordes and deedes that al they that had any sparke of godlines or ciuile honesty did greatly lamēt her case that she should be put to death Now when the tyme did drawe neare the which God had appoynted for her deliueraunce the writte De comburendo as they terme it beyng brought down from London she desired certaine of her frends to come to her with whom when they came shee consulted how shee might be haue her self that her death might be more glorious to the name of God cōfortable to his people and also most discomfortable vnto the enemies of God As for death sayd shee I do not greatly passe when I behold the amyable countenance of Christ my deare Sauiour the vglesome face of death doth not greatly trouble me In the which time also shee reasoned most comfortably out of Gods worde of Gods election and reprobation In the euenyng before the daye of her suffering two of the priests of the close of Lichfield came to the vnder Sheriffes house where shee laye and sent worde to her by the Sheriffe that they were come to heare her confession for they would be sory shee shoulde dye without it She sente them word agayne shee had made her confession to Christ her sauiour at whose hands she was sure to haue forgeuenes of her sinnes
no resistance agaynst Christ and his Gospell but had promised her fayth to the Suffolke men to mayntayn the religion left by king Edward her brother so long GOD went with her aduaunced her and by the meanes of the Gospellers brought her to the possession of the Realme But after that she breaking her promise with God man began to take part with Steuen Gardiner and had geuē ouer her supremacie vnto the pope by and by Gods blessing left her neyther did any thing wel thriue with her afterward during the whole time of her Regiment For first incontinently the fayrest and greatest ship she had called great Harry was burned suche a vessell as in all these partes of Europe was not to be matched Then would she needes bring in king Philip and by her straunge maryage with him make the whole realme of England subiect vnto a straunger And all that notwtstanding either that she did or was able to doe she coulde not bring to passe to set the crowne of England vpon hys head With king Phillip also came in the Pope and his popishe Masse with whom also her purpose was to restore agayn the Monkes and Nunnes vnto theyr places neyther lacked there all kind of attemptes to the vttermost of her ability yet therin also God stopt her of her wil that it came not forward After this what a dearth happened in her tyme here in her land the like whereof hath not lightly in England bene seene in so much that in sundry places her poore subiects were fayne to feed of accornes for want of Corne. Furthermore where other kinges are wont to bee renowmed by some worthy victory and prowes by them achieued let vs now see what valiaunt victory was go●●en in this Queene Maryes dayes King Edward the vi her blessed brother how many rebellions did hee suppresse in Deuonshyre in Northfolke in Oxfordshyre els where what a famous victorye in hys time was gotten in Scotlād by the singular working no doubt of Gods blessed had rather then by any expectation of man K. Edw. the thyrd which was the xi K. frō the conquest by princely puissance purchased Calice vnto Englād which hath bene kept english euer since til at length came Quene Mary the xi likewise from the sayd K. Edward which lost Calice frō England agayne so that the winninges of this Queene wer very small what the losses were let other men iudge Hetherto the affayres of Queene Mary haue had no great good successe as you haue heard But neuer worse successe had any woman thē had she in her childbyrth For seing one of these two must needes be granted that either she was with child or not with child if she were with child did trauaile why was it not seene if shee were not howe was al the realm deluded And in the meane while where were all the praiers the solemne processions the deuout masses of the Catholicke Clergy why did they not preuayle with God if theyr Religion were so godly as they pretēd If theyr Masses Ex opere operato be able to fetche Christe from heauen and to reach down to Purgatory how chāced then they could not reach to the Queenes chamber to helpe her in her trauayle if she had ben with child in deed if not howe then came it to passe that all the Catholicke Church of England did so erre was so deeply deceiued Queene Mary after these manifold plagues and correctiōs which might sufficiētly admonish her of Gods disfauour prouoked agaynst her would not yet cease her persecution but stil continued more and more to reuenge her Catholicke zeale vpon the Lordes faithfull people setting f●●e to theyr poore bodyes by dosens and halfedosens together Wherevpon Gods wrathfull indignation increasing more and more agaynst her ceased not to touche her more neare with priuate misfortunes and calamities For after that he had taken from her the fruit of children whiche chiefly and aboue all thinges she desired then he bereft her of that which of all earthly thinges should haue bene her chiefe stay of honor and staffe of comfort that is withdrew from her the affectiō and company euen of her owne husband by whose mariage she had promised before to her selfe whole heapes of such ioy felicity but now the omnipotent gouernour of all thinges so turned the wheele of her owne spinning agaynst her that her high buildinges of such ioyes felicities came all to a Castle come downe her hopes being confounded her purposes disappointed and she now brought to desolation who semed neither to haue the sauour of God nor the harts of her subiectes nor yet the loue of her husband who neither had fruite by him while she had him neither could now enioy him whō she had maryed neither yet was in liberty to mary any other whom she might enioy Marke here Christian Reader the wofull aduersity of this Queene and learne withall what the Lord can do when mans wilfulnes will needes resist him and will not be ruled At last when all these fayre admonitions would take no place with the Queene nor moue her to reuoke her bloudy lawes nor to stay the tyranny of her Priestes nor yet to spare her owne Subiectes but that the poore seruauntes of God were drawne dayly by heapes most pitifully as sheepe to the slaughter it so pleased the heauenly Maiesty of almighty God when no other remedy would serue by death to cut her of which in her life so litle regarded the life of others geuing her throne which she abused to the destruction of Christes Church and people to an other who more tēperatly and quietly could guid the same after she had reigned here the space of fiue yeares and fiue monethes The shortnes of which yeares and reigne vnneth we finde in any other story of King or Queene since the Conquest or before being come to theyr own gouernment saue onely in king Richard the thyrd And thus much here as in the closing vp of this story I thought to insinuate touching the vnlucky and ruefull r●ign of queene Mary not for any detraction to her place and state royall wherunto she was called of the Lord but to this onely intēt and effect that forsomuch as she would needes set her selfe so confidently to woorke and striue agaynst the Lord and his proceedings all readers rulers not only may see how the Lord did work agaynst her therfore but also by her may be aduertised learn what a perillous thing it is for men and women in authority vpon blind zeale opinion to styrre vp persecution in Christes Church to the effusion of Christian bloud least it proue in the end with them as it did here that while they think to persecu●e hereticks they stumble at the same stone as dyd the Iewes in persecuting Christ and his true members to death to theyr owne confusion and destruction * The seuere punishment of
My friend or friends be it known vnto you that this is no errour as ye suppose but it is the truth of Gods will that we should beleeue as S. Iohn sayth That Christ Iesus is the sonne of the liuing God and in so beleeuyng wee should haue euerlasting lyfe Thus with loue I write vnto you praying God night and day to deliuer you frō euill which is in you and to keepe you from it Wherefore my friend or friendes you are not crucified with Christ you are not dead with him as concerning sinne you are not graffed with him in Baptisme nor you know not god nor his sonne whome he hath sent nor his commaundements which he hath commaunded and yet will ye teach other with most hearty prayer praying to God for you continually Patrike Patingham A note of a certaine letter of Wil. Tymmes GRace mercy and peace from God the father through the mercies of his deare sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour with the comfort of his holy spirite that as you haue full godly begun euen so to continue to the end to the glory of God and your euerlasting comfort which thing to do I pray God to geue you grace who is the geuer of all good and perfect gifts to the glory of hys holy name Amen My dere sisters after most harty commendations vnto you and also most harty thankes geuing vnto you for all the great kyndnesse that you haue always shewed vnto me most vnworthy of the same I certifie you that I am very glad to heare of your good health which I pray God long to continue to his glory And especially I doe much reioyce in your most godly constancie in the Gospell of Christ which is the power of God vnto saluation vnto so many as beleeue it Therefore my deare hartes goe forward as you haue godly begunne for the tyme will come that these cruell tyrants which now so cruelly persecuteth the true members of Christ shall say for very anguish of mynde These are they whom we sometyme had in derision and iested vppon We fooles thought their lyfe to haue bene very madnesse and their ende to haue bene without honour But lo how they are counted among the children of God and their portion is among the Saints therefore we haue erred from the way of truth The light of righteousnes hath not shined vnto vs and the sonne of vnderstandyng rose not vpon vs. We haue weried our selues in the way of wickednesse and destruction Tedious wayes haue we gone but as for the way of the Lord we haue not knowen it What good hath our pride done vnto vs or what profit hath the pompe of riches brought vs. All these things hath passed away as a shadow or as a Messenger running before As a sheepe that passeth ouer the waues of the water which when it is gone by the trace thereof cannot be found neither the path in the flouds c. For as soone as we were borne we began inordinately to drawe to our ende and haue shewed no token of vertue but are consumed in our owne wickednesse Such wordes shall they that thus haue sinned speake in the hell c. But the righteous shall lyue for euermore their reward is also with the Lord and their remembraunce with the highest therfore shall they receiue a glorious kingdome and a beautifull crowne at the Lordes hand for with his right hande shall he couer them and with his holy arme shall he defend them c. The soules of the righteous are in the hāds of God and the paynes of death shall not touch them but in the sight of the vnwyse they appeare to die and their end is taken for very destruction but they are in rest And though they suffer payne before men yet is their hope full of immortalitie They are punished but in few thynges neuerthelesse in many things shall they be wel rewarded for God prooueth them and findeth them meete for hymselfe yea as the golde in the fornace doth he try them and receiueth them as a burnt offering and when the tyme commeth they shall be looked vppon the righteous shall shine as the sparkes that runneth through the red bushe they shall iudge the nations and haue dominion ouer the people and their Lord shal raigne for euer They that put their trust in hym shall vnderstand the truth and such as be faithfull will agree vnto hym in loue and he shall be a piller in the temple of God and shall no more go out and there shall be written vppon him the name of God And they shall lye vnder the aultar which is Christ crying with a lowd voyce saying How long tariest thou Lord holy and true to iudge and auenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth and they shall haue long white garmentes geuen vnto them and it shall be sayd vnto them that they should rest yet for a little season til the number of their fellowes and brethren of them that should bee killed as they were were fulfilled For as S. Iohn sayth they are worthy that thus ouercommeth to bee clothed in white aray and their names shall not bee put out of the booke of lyfe but shall be seperated from the Gotes and set on Christes right hand hearing his sweet and comfortable voice whē he shall say Come ye blessed of my Father and poss●sse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginnyng of the world And the very redy way to obtaine the same is as our maister Christ saith to forsake our selues takyng vp our crosse followyng our maister Christ which for the ioy that was set before him abode the crosse and despised the shame and is set downe on the throne of the right hand of God therefore let vs follow his example in sufferyng for his worde seeyng that hee of his mercifull goodnesse suffered so muche for vs when wee were his enemies for it was our sinne that killed Christ and by his death hath made vs on lyue Therefore with ioy seeing all these his merciful benefites purchased for vs onely by his death and bloudsheding Let vs with boldnesse confesse his holy word before this wicked generation euen to death and we be called thereto and so be well assured that our lyues be not in the hands of men but in Gods handes Therefore my deare sisters as you haue godly begun so go forward euen through many tribulations euen into the euerlasting kingdom of heauen To the which God the father of all mercy for his deare sonne Christes sake bring both you and all yours Amen Yours to commaund to my poore power Wil. Tymmes Continue in prayer Aske in fayth And obtaine your desire Praying for you as I know that you do for me ¶ Another Sermon of M. Latimer concerning his playing at Cardes NOw you haue heard what is ment by this first carde and how you ought to play with it I purpose againe to deale vnto you another carde almost of
rauening extortioning or with vsury oppressing the poore and nedy but stedfast vnmoueable liuing in the feare of Gods iudgementes and trust vpon his mercy mortifying our brutish and carnall lustes being mercifull and helpeful to the poore and nedy wayting for the blessed time when Christ shall call vs to be ready accepted before him Our merciful Lord good Father graunt vs grace so to doe for the loue of his deare sonne Iesus Christ our certayne and most deare Sauior to whom with the father the holy ghost be all honor for euer and euer Amen Psalme Cxv. Precious in the sighte of the Lord is the death of his sayntes Apocalips vi These are they which are come out of great troubles and haue washed theyr clothes and made them white in the bloude of the lambe ¶ Certayne Cautions of the Authour to the Reader of thinges to be considered in reading this story AMongst other escapes and ouersightes in the Edition of this story committed part of them we leaue to thine owne gentle castigation gentle reader certaine other specialities there be whereof wee thought it good and expedient to geue thee warning as hereafter followeth First when mention is made pag. 34. of Peters being at Rome and suffering at Rome following certayne Authors yet forsomuch as other writers there be reasons to proue that he was not at Rome I desire thee therfore that this my affirmation may not preiudice other mens iudgementes if anye see or can say further in that matter Touching the story of the Turkes where as I in following our Christian Authours writing of the Turkes haue noted in the pag. 747. Solymannus to be the 12. Turke after Ortomannus as they do all record I haue found since by the computation of the Turkes set forth in the Table of theyr owne discent the sayde Solymannus to be but the 6. emperor of the Turks this Solimannus his sonne which now reygneth to be but the twelfe Which I thought here to signifie vnto thee because of theyr own turkish prophecie noted in the pag. 771. lest in construing of that Prophecie being in the same place expounded thou be deceiued Item 1245. where mayster George Blag is named to be one of the priuie chamber here is to be noted also that although he were not admitted as one of the priuy chamber yet his ordinary resort thither and to the kinges presence there was such as although hee were not one of them yet was he so commonly taken Item pag. 1367. in the story of the Duke of Somerset where it is sayde that at the returne of the Earle of Warwicke out of Norfolke there was a consultation amongst the Lordes assembling themselues together in the house of M. Yorke c. agaynst the Duke of Somerset here is to be noted that the comming of the Lordes to the said house of M. Yorke was not immediately vpon the Duke of Northumberlandes returne but first hee went to Warwicke and from thence after a space came to the house aforesayd Item here is also to be noted touching the sayd Duke of Somerset that albeit at his death relation is made of a sodeine falling of the people as was at the taking of christ this is not to be expounded as though I compared in any part the Duke of Somerset with Christ. And though I do something more attribute to the cōmendation of the sayd Duke of Somerset which dyed so constantly in his religion yet I desire thee gentle reader so to take it not that I did euer meane to derogate or empeyre the martiall prayse or ●actes of other men which also are to be commended in suche thinges where they well deserued Item touching the same Duke of Somerset where the story sayth pag. 1367. he was attaynted read indited Item pag. 1418. where mention is made of one Nicolas Underwood to be the betrayer of the Duke of Suffolke ioyne with the sayd Underwood also Nicolas Laurence alias Nicolas Ethell keeper of Asteley Parke who taking vpon him and promising to keepe the Duke for 2. or three dayes vntill hee might finde some meanes to escape conueyed him into an hollowe tree and after moste trayterously bewrayed him Item fol. 1419. in the Storye of Syr Thomas Wyat there is also to be corrected that where the story sayth that he was taken by Syr Clement Parson which was not so nor he no such knight amend it thus that he first came to Clarentius being sent vnto him and afterward yealded him to Syr Mortis Bartly Briefly and in generall besides these castigations aboue noted if thou finde any other committed in the printing hereof gently I desire thee gentle reader to bestowe a little paynes with thine owne hand to amend them * Notes omitted of them that were burnt at Bristowe THe viij daye of August 1953. was brought Wil. Sarton weauer of Bristow before one Dalbie Chauncellour of Bristow aforesaid and by him committed to prison and also condemned for holding that the sacrament was a signe of an holy thing also he denyed that the flesh and bloud of Christ is there after their words of consecration he was burned the xviij of september 1556. and as he wēt to the fire he sang the Psalmes The Sheriffe Ioh. Griffith had prepared greene wood to burne him but one mayster Iohn Pikes pitieng the man caused diuers to goe wyth him to Ridland halfe a myle of who brought good store of helme sheaues which in deede made good dispatch with little payne in comparison to that he should haue suffered with the greene woode In the meane space whilest they went for the sheues the sayde Sarton made many good exhortations to the people and after dyed constantly and patiently with great ioyfulnes * A note of Prestes wyfe of Exceter IN Cornewall not farre from Launceston within the Dioces of Exceter in Queene Maryes dayes dwelled a poore man whose name was Prest his wife beyng an honest woman very simple but of good zeale and vpright life being taught by God in hearing of his worde albeit it was in those dayes very seldome preached anye where and feeling a sweete taste thereof framed her lyfe a new after the rule of the same And banished quite from her all the popishe dregges of superstition and hipocrisie gaue her selfe wholly to prayer and inuocating the name of God both for the afflicted Church of Christ in those dayes very dangerously rost and tormoyled as also for her own inward contentation and spirituall consolation whiche she no little felt to her vnspeakeable ioy and incomparable comfort And when some who before had known her sawe that marueilous chaunge in her and as the cruell serpent enueying her felicitie went vpō the same immediately and accused her to certayn Iustices of the shire being extreme enemies to the truth and very persecutors of the same who taking the matter in hande as very glad of such occasion sent for her to the place where she was and
My body into dust Yet am I sure to saue a soule When death hath done hys worst And though I leaue a little dust Dissolued out of bloud I shall receaue it safe agayne When God shall see it good For my redeemer I am sure Doth liue for euermore And sitteth high vpon the heauens For whome I hunger sore Euen as the Deare with deadly wounds Escaped from the spoyle Doth hast by all the meanes he may To seeke vnto the soyle Of whome I hope to haue a crowne That alwayes shall remayne And eke enioy a perfect peace For all my woe and payne The God that geueth all encrease And seeketh still to saue Abound in thee that perfect peace Which I do hope to haue And I beseech the liuing God To hold thee in hys handes And wish thee euen with all my hart The blessing of my bandes Which I esteeme of hier price Then pearle or precious stone And shall endure for euermore When earthly thinges are gone For though the fire doe consume Our treasure and our store Yet shall the goodnes of the Lord Endure for euermore And where thou art a friend to him That is to me full deare That God of might make the amendes When all men shall appeare That hath shewed mercy to the meeke And rid them out of payne And thus the Lorde possesse thy spirite Till we do meete agayne If thou wilt haue a recompence Abide still in obedience ¶ The exhortation of Robert Smith vnto his children commonly set out in the name of maister Rogers GEue eare my children to my words Whome God hath dearely bought Lay vp my law within your harte And print it in your thought For I your father haue foreseene The frayle and filthy way Which flesh and bloud would follow fayne Euen to theyr owne decay For all and euery liuing beast Their crib do know full well But Adams heyres aboue the rest Are ready to rebell And all the creatures on the earth Full well can keepe their way But man aboue all other beastes is apte to go astray For earth and ashes is his strength His glory and his rayne And vnto ashes at the length Shall he returne agayne For flesh doth florish like a flower And grow vp like a grasse And is consumed in an houre As it is brought to passe In me the Image of your yeares Your treasure and your trust Whome ye do see before your face Dissolued into dust For as you see your fathers fleshe conuer●ed into clay Euen so shall ye my children deare Consume and weare away The sonne and moone and eke the starres That serue the day and night The earth and euery earthly thing Shal be consumed quite And all the worship that is wrought That haue bene heard or seene Shall cleane consume and come to naught Ar it had neuer bene Therefore that ye may follow me Your Father and your frend And enter into that same lyfe Which neuer shall haue end I leaue you heare a little book For you to looke vpon That you may see your Fathers face When I am dead and gone Who for the hope of heauenly thinges While he dyd here remayne Gaue ouer all his golden yeares In prison and in payne Where I among myne iron bandes Enclosed in the darcke A few dayes before my death Did dedicate this worke To you myne heyres of earthly thinges Which I haue left behynde That ye may read and vnderstand And keepe it your minde That as you haue bene heyres of that Which once shall weare away Euen so ye may possesse the parte Which neuer shall decay In following of your fathers foote In truth and eke in loue That ye may also be his heyres For euermore aboue And in example to your youth To whome I wish all good I preache you here a perfite fayth And seale it with my bloud Haue God alwayes before your eyes In all your whole ententes Commit not sinne in any wise Keepe his commaundementes Abhorre that errant whoore of Rome And all her blasphemies And drincke not of her decretals Nor yet of her decrees Geue honour to your mother deare Remember well her payne And recompence her in her age In lyke with loue agayne Be alwayes ayding at her hand And let her not decay Remember well your fathers fall That should haue bene her stay Geue of your portion to the poore As riches doth arise And from the needy naked soule Turne not away your eyes For he that will not heare the cry Of such as are in neede Shall cry himselfe and not be heard When he would hope to speede If God haue geuen you great encrease And blessed well your store Remember ye are put in trust To minister the more Beware of foule and filthy lust Let whoredome haue no place Keepe cleane your vessels in the Lord That he may you embrace Ye are the temples of the Lord For ye are dearely bought And they that do defile the same Shall surely come to nought Possesse not pride in any case Build not your neastes to hye But haue alwayes before your face That ye be borne to dye Defraud not him that hyred is Your labours to sustayne But geue him alwayes out of hand His penny for hys payne And as ye would that other men Agaynst you should proceede Do ye the same agayne to them When they do stand in neede And part your portion with the poore In mony and in meate And feede the faynted feeble soule With that which ye should eate That when your mēbers lacketh meate And clothing to your backe Ye may the better thinke on them That now do liue and lacke Aske counsell at the wise Geue eare vnto the end Refuse not you the sweete rebuke Of hym that is your frend Be thankefull alwayes to the Lord With prayer and with prayse Desire you him in all your deedes For to direct your wayes And sinne not like that swinish sorte Whose bellies beyng fed Consume theyr yeares vpon the earth From belly vnto bed Seeke first I say the liuing God Set him alwayes before And then be sure that he will blesse Your basket and your store And thus if you direct your dayes According to this booke Then shall they say that see your wayes How lyke me you do looke And when you haue so perfectly Vpon your fingers endes Possessed all within your booke Then geue it to your frendes And I beseeche the liuing God Replenish you with grace That I maye haue you in the heauens And see you face to face And though the sword haue cut me off Contrary to my kinde That I could not enioy your loue According to my minde Yet do I hope when that the heauens Shall vanish like a scrole I shall receaue your perfect shape In body and in soule And that I may enioy your loue And ye enioy the land I do beseeche the liuing
God To holde you in hys hand Fare well my children from the world Where ye must yet remayne The Lorde of hostes be your defence Till we do meete againe Fare well my loue and louing wife My Children and my frendes I hope to God to haue you all When all thinges haue their endes And if you doe abide in God As ye haue now begonne Your course I warrant will be short Ye haue not farre to runne God graunt you so to end your yeares As he shall thinke it best That ye may enter into heauen Where I do hope to rest Written at the request of a Lady in her booke IF you will walke the way That Christ hath you assignde Then learne this little verse Which I haue left behinde Be feruent in the truth Although it beare the blame And eke apply your youth To sticke vnto the same That when the age is come And death beginneth to call The truth may be your staffe To stay you vp withall And though it bryng rebuke And cause you kisse the crosse Yet is it a reward To all that suffer losse For here we doe lay out The thinges that be but vayne But we are sure to reape The thinges that doe remayne For all that ye do lose Is but a sinnefull slime And lyke vnto a Rose That taryeth but a tyme. But if ye carry Christ And walke the perfect way Ye shall possesse the gold That neuer shall decay And all your fathers goodes Shal be your recompense If ye confesse the worde With double diligence Not onely for to heare His pure and perfite word But also to embrace The fire and eke the sword And if ye keepe this path And do not runne a croke Then shall ye meete the man That write this in your booke In that eternall Ioye That alwayes shall remayne Thus fare well faythfull frend Till we do meete agayne Legem pone TEache me O Lorde to walke thy waies My liuing to amend And I shall keepe it all my dayes Euen to my liues end Geue me a minde to vnderstand So shall I neuer starte But I shall keepe all thy preceptes Euen wholly with mine hart Make me to go a perfect pace In that I haue begonne For all my loue and my delight Is in thy wayes to runne Encline my hart vnto thy wayes Set thou thereon my thought And let me not consume my dayes To couet that is naught O quicken me in all thy wayes The world for to despise And from all fond and foolish toyes Turne thou away mine eyes O plant in me thy perfect word Which is to me so deare Lay vp thy lawes within my hart To keepe me still in feare And robbe me of that great rebuke Which I do feare full sore For all thy iudgementes and thy law Endure for euermore Behold O Lord in thy preceptes Is all my whole delight O quicken me in all my wayes That I may walke aright To hys brother AS nature doth me binde Because thou art my bloud According to my kinde To geue thee of my good That thou mayest haue in minde How I haue runne my race Although thou bide behynde But for a little space I yeaue thee here a pearle The price of all my good For whiche I leaue my life To buy it with my bloud More worth then all the world Or ought that I can note Although it be yclad In such a simple cote For when I had obtayned This pearle of such a price Then was I sure I gayned The way for to be wise It taught me for to fight My flesh for to despise To sticke vnto the light And for to leaue the lyes In sending out my seede With bondes and bitter teares That I might reape with Ioye In euerlasting yeares And haue for all my losse My trauayle and my payne A thousand tymes and more Of better goodes agayne And for because the good That hath bene gotte and gayned And that the Lordes elect Hath euermore obtayned Is closed in this booke Which I do geue to thee Wherein I haue my parte As thou thy selfe mayest see In which I hope thou hast A stocke also in store And wilt not cease to sayle Till God haue made it more I will thee to beware Be sure thou keepe it well For if thou do it lose Thy part shal be in hell And here I testifie Before the liuing God That I detest to doe The thinges that are forbod And as in iudgemente is My body to be brent My hart is surely sette Therewith to be content And sith it is his will To put in me his power Vpon his holy hill To fight agaynst this whore Full well I am content If he allowe it so To stand with all my might The whore to ouerthrow Euen with a willing minde The death I will outface And as I am assured The battayle to embrace That they which heare the truth How I haue past the pike May set aside theyr youth And learne to do the like And though it be my lotte to let her suck my bloud Yet am I well assured it shall do her no good For she is set to kill The thinges she thinkes accurst And shall not haue her fill of bloud vntill she burst And when that thou shalt see or heare of my disease Pray to the liuing God that I may passe in peace And when I am at rest and rid out of my paine Then will I do the like for thee to God agayne And to my woefull wyfe and widow desolate Whome I doe leaue behynd In such a simple state And compassed with teares and morninges many one Be thou her staying staffe when I am dead and gone My mouth may not expresse the dolours of my minde Nor yet my heauines to leaue her here behinde But as thou art my bone my brother and my bloud So let her haue thy hart if it may do her good I tooke her from the world and made her like the crosse But if she hold her owne she shall not suffer losse For where she had before a man vnto her make That by the force of fire was stranged at a stake Now shall she haue a king to be her helpyng hand To whom pertayne all thinge that are within the land And eke my daughter deare whome I bequeath to thee To be brought vp in feare and learne the A.B.C. That she may grow in grace and ruled by the rod To learne and lead her lyfe within the feare of God And alwayes haue in minde thy brother beyng dead That thou art lefte behynde a father in my stead And thou my brother deare and eke my mothers sonne Come forth out of all feare and do as I haue done And God shall be thy guide and geue thee such encrease That in the flames of fire thou shalt haue perfect peace Into eternall ioy and passe out of all payne Where we shall meete with mirth and neuer part agayne If thou wilt do my daughter good Be mindfull