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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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doth eke his iustice shew in al the Heathens sight verse 3 His grace and truth to Israel in mynd he doth record That al the earth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lord. verse 4 Be glad in him with ioyful voyce al people of the earth Geue thankes to God sing and reioyce to him with ioy mirth verse 5 Vpon the harpe vnto him sing geue thanks to hym with psalmes Reioyce before the Lord our king with trumpets with shalmes verse 6 Yea let the sea with al therin with ioy both rore and swel The earth like wise let it begin with al that therin dwel verse 7 And let the flouds reioyce their fils and clap their hands apace and eke the mountaynes and the hils before the Lord his face verse 8 For he shal come to iudge and try the world and euery wight and rule the people mightely with iustice and with right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcix. I. H. He cōmendeth the power equitie and excellency of the kingdō of god by Christ ouer y e Iew Gētils prouoketh thē to magnify y e fame to serue y e lord following the example of the aunciēt fathers Moyses Aarō Samuel who calling vpon God were hard in their prayers Sing this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign although at it the people rage ful sore Yea he on Cherubin doth syt though al y e world wold rore verse 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwel is high wōdrous great aboue al folke he doth excel and he aloft is set verse 3 Let al men prayse thy mighty name for it is feareful sure and let them magnify the same that holy is and pure verse 4 The princely power of our kyng doth loue iudgement and ryght thou rightly rulest euery thyng in Iacob through thy might verse 5 To prayse the Lord our God deuyse al honour to hym do His footestoole worship ye lykewyse for he is holy to verse 6 Moyses Aaron and Samuel as priests on hym dyd cal when they did pray he heard thē wel and gaue thē aunswer al. verse 7 Within the cloud to them he spake then did they labour stil to kepe such lawes as he did make and pointed them vntil verse 8 O Lord our God thou didst them heare and aunswerst them again Thy mercy did on them appeare their dedes didst not maintayn verse 9 O laud and prayse our God and Lord within his holy hil For why our God throughout the world is holy euer stil 2 Iubilate deo omnis terra psalme C. He exhorteth al to serue the lord who hath made vs and enter into his courtes and assemblies to prayse his name AL people y t on earth do dwel sing to y e Lord with chereful voice him serue w t fear his praise forth tel come ye before him reioice verse 3 The Lord ye know is god in dede wtout our ayde he did vs make We are his folke he doth vs fede for his shepe he doth vs take verse 4 Oh enter thē his gates w t praise approch with ioy his courts vnto praise laud and bles his name alwayes for it is semely so to do verse 5 For why the Lord our God is good his mercy is for euer sure His truth at al times firmly stood and shal from age to age indure Another of the same verse 1 IN God the lord be glad and light praise him throughout the earth Serue him come before his sight with singing and with mirth verse 2 Know that the Lord our God he is he did vs make and kepe Not we our selues for we are his owne folke and pasture shepe verse 3 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the same Within his courts set forth his prayse and laud his holy name verse 4 For why the goodnes of the Lord for euermore doth raigne from age to age throughout the world his truth doth stil remain Misericordiam iudicium psalm Ci. N. ¶ Dauid discrybeth what gouerhmēt he wil obserue in his house and kingdome He wil punish and correct by rotyng out the wick●d and cheryshing the godly persons Sing this as the .81 psalme verse 1 I Mercy wil and iudgement sing O Lord God vnto thee and wisely do in perfect way vntil thou come to mee verse 2 And in the midst of my house walke in purenes of my sprite verse 3 And I no kind of wicked thyng wil set before my sight I hate their worke that fal away it shal not cleaue to mee verse 4 From me shal part the froward hart none euil wil I see verse 5 Him wil I stroy that slaundereth his neighbour priuely The lofty hart I cannot beare nor hym that looketh hy verse 6 Mine eyes shal be on them within the land that faithful be In perfect way who worketh shal be seruant vnto me verse 7 I wil no guileful person haue within my house to dwel and in my presence he shal not remayne that lies doth tel verse 8 Betimes I wil destroy euen al the wicked of the land That I may from Gods city cut the wicked workers band Domine exaudi orationem psalme Cii I. H. ¶ It semeth that this prayer was apointed to the faithful to pray in the captiuity of Babilon A consolatiō for the buildinge of the church Wherof foloweth the praise of god to be published vnto al posterityes The conuersion of the Gentils And the stability of the church Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 O Heare my prayer Lord and let my crye come vnto thee verse 2 in tyme of trouble do not hide thy face away from mee Incline thine eares to me make hast to heare me when I cal verse 3 For as the smoke doth fade so do my dayes cōsume and fal verse 4 And as a harth my bones are burnt my hart is smittē dead and withers as the grasse that I forget to eat my bread verse 5 By reason of my groning voyce my bones cleaue to my skin verse 6 As Pellicane of wildernes such case now am I in And as an Owle in desert is loe I am such a one verse 7 I watch and as a Sparow on the house top am alone verse 8 Loe daily in reprochful wise myne enmies do me scorne And they y ● do against me rage against me they haue sworne verse 9 Surely with ashes as with bread my hunger I haue fild and mingled haue my drink w t teares y t fro mine eies haue stild verse 10 Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayn For thou hast lifted me aloft and cast me down agayn verse 11 The dayes where in I pas my life are lyke the fleeting shade and I am withered like y ● gras that soone away doth fade verse 12 But thou O Lord for euer doost remayne in stedy place And thy remembrance euer doth abyde from race to race The second part verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy thou to
ful safe shal bee verse 9 From Egipt where it grew not wel thou broughtst a vyne ful dere The Heathē folke thou diddest expel then didst plant it here verse 10 Thou didst prepare for it a place and set her rootes ful fast That it did grow and spring apace and fil the land at last verse 11 The hils were couered round about with shade that from it came And eke the Ceders high and stout with braunches of the same verse 12 Why thē didst thou her wal destroy her hedge pluckt vp thou hast That al the folke that passe therby the vyne may spoyle and wast The second part verse 13 The Bore out of the wood so wyld doth dig and route it out The furious beasts out of the field deuour it al about verse 14 O Lord of hostes returne agayn from heauen looke betyme Behold and with thy help sustayn this poore vineyard of thine verse 15 Thy plant I say thine Israel whom thy right hand hath set The same which thou didst loue so wel O Lord do not forget verse 16 They lop and cut it down apace they burn it eke with fyre And through the frowning of thy face we perish in thyne ire verse 17 Let thy right hand be with thē now whom thou hast kept so long and with y e sonne of man whom thou to thee hast made so strong verse 18 And so when thou hast set vs free and saued vs from shame Then wil we neuer fal from thee but cal vpon thy name verse 19 O lord of hostes through thy good grace cōuert vs vnto thee Behold vs with a pleasant face and then ful safe are wee Exultate Deo psalme .lxxxi. I. H. ¶ An exhortation to prayse God both in hart and voyce for his benefites and to worship hym onely God condemneth their ingratitude and sheweth what great benefits they haue lost thorow their owne malice BE light glad in God reioyce which is our strēgth and stay be ioyful lift vp your voyce to Iacobs God I say Prepare your instrumēts most mete some ioy ful Psalme to syng strike vp with harpe and lute so swete on euery pleasaunt stryng verse 3 Blow as it were in the new moone with trumpets of the best As it is vsed to be done at any solemne feast verse 4 For this is vnto Israel a statute and a trade A law that must be kept ful wel which Iacobs god hath made verse 5 This clause with Ioseph was decreed when he from Egipt came That as a witnes al his sede should stil obserue the same verse 6 Whē God I say had so prepard to bring him from that land where as the speach which he had heard he did not vnderstand verse 7 I from his shoulders toke sayth he the burden cleane away And from y e furnace quit him free from burning brick of clay verse 8 When thou in grief didst cry and cal I holpe thee by and by And I did aunswer thee withal in thunder secretly verse 9 Yea at the waters of discord I did thee tempt and proue whereas the goodnes of the Lord with muttering y u didst moue verse 10 Heare O my folke O Israel and I assure it thee Regard marke my words ful wel if thou wilt cleaue to mee The second part verse 11 Thou shalt no God in thee reserue of any land abrode Nor in no wise to bow or serue a straunge and forrayne God verse 12 I am the Lord thy God and I from Egipt set thee free Then aske of me aboundantly and I wil geue it thee verse 13 And yet my people would not heare my voyce when that I spake Nor Israel would not obey but did me quite forsake verse 14 Then did I leaue them to their wil in hardnes of their hart To walke in their own coūsels stil thēselues they might peruert verse 15 O that my people would haue hard the wordes that I did say And eke that Israel would regard to walke within my way verse 16 How sone would I cōfoūd their foes bring thē down fullow And turne my hand vpon al those that would them ouerthrow verse 17 And they that at the Lord do rage as slaues should seke him til But of his folke the time and age should florish euer stil verse 18 I would haue sed them with the crop and finest of the wheat and make the rock with hony drop that they their fils should eat Deus stetit in Synagoga Psalme .lxxxii. I. H. The prophet declaring god to be present amongst the iudges maiestrates reproueth their parciality and vnrighteousnes and exhorteth them to do iustice but seing no amendment be desireth god to vndertake the matter and execute iustice himselfe Sing this as the .77 Psalme verse 1 AMid the prease w t men of might the Lord himself did stand To plead the cause of truth right with iudges of y ● land verse 2 How long said he wil you procede fals iudgemēt to award and haue respect for loue of mede the wicked to regard verse 3 Wheras of due ye should defend the fatherles and weake and when the poore man doth contend in iudgemēt iustly speake verse 4 If ye he wise defend the cause of poore men in their right And rid the nedy from the clawes of tyrants force and might verse 5 But nothing wil they know or learne in vayne to them I talke They wil not see or ought discerne but stil in darknes walke For lo euē now the tyme is come that al things fal to nought And likewise lawes both al some for gayn ar sold and bought verse 6 I had decred it in my syght as Gods to take you al and children to the most of might for loue I did you cal verse 7 But not withstandyng ye shal dye as men and so decay O tyraunts I shal you destroy and pluck you quyte away verse 8 Vp Lord let thy strength be knowne iudge the world w t might For why al nations are thine own to take them as thy right Deus quis similis Psalme .lxxxiii. I. H. ¶ The people of Israell pray vnto the Lord to deliuer them from their enemies both at home and farre of whiche imagined nothing but their destruction and they desyre that all such wicked people may accordyng as God was accustomed be stricken with the stormye tempestes of Gods wrath that they may know that the Lord is most hye vpon the earth Syng this as the .77 Psalm verse 1 DO not O God refrayne thy toung in silence do not stay Withhold not Lord thy self so lōg nor make no more delay verse 2 For why behold thy foes and see how they do rage cry And those y ● beare an hate to the hold vp their heads on hie verse 3 Against thy folke they vse disceate and craftly they enquire For thine elect to lye in wayt theyr councell doth conspire verse 4 Come to sayd they let vs expel and
8 And so him set in high degre with princes of great dignitie That rule his people with great fame verse 9 The barren he doth make to beare And with great ioye her frute to reare Therfore praise ye his holy name In exitu Israel psalme Cxiiii VV. VV. ¶ How the Israelites were deliuered out of Egipt and of the wonderfull miracles that God shewed at that tyme which put vs in remembraunce of gods great mercies towardes hys children and of our vnthankfulnes for the same Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 WHen Israel by Gods addres from Pharos land was bent and Iacobs house the straungers left in the same train wēt verse 2 In Iuda God his glory shewde his holynes most bryght So did the Israelites declare his kingdom power and myght verse 3 The sea it saw and sodenly as all amasde dyd flee The roring streames of Iordans floud reculed backwardly verse 4 As rammes afrayd y ● moūtains skipt their strength did thē forsake And as y e sely trembling lambes their toppes did beate and shake verse 5 What ayled the sea as all amasde so sodenly to flee Ye rollyng waues of Iordans floud why ran ye backe wardly verse 6 Why shoke ye hils as Rāmes afraid why did your strēgth so shake Why did your tops as tremblyng lambs for feare quiuer quake verse 7 O earth cōfesse thy soueraign Lord and dread his mighty hand Before the face of Iacobs God feare ye both sea and land verse 8 I mean y ● god which frō hard rocks doth cause many flouds apeare and from the stony flint doth make gush out y e fountaines cleare Non nobis domine psalme Cxv. N ¶ A prayer of the faythfull oppressed by Idolatrous tirants against whom they desire that God would succour thē for asmuch as there is no comparison betwene him and their false GOD or Idoles trusting most constantly that God wil preserue them in this their nede seing that he hath adopted and receaued them to his fauoure promising finally that they wil not be vnmindfull of so great a benefite if it would please God to heare their prayer and delyuer them by his omnipotent power Sing this as the .78 psalme verse 1 NOt vnto vs Lord not to vs but to thy name geue prayse Both for the mercy and the truth that are in thee alwayes verse 2 Why shal y e heathen scorners say where is their god become verse 3 Our God in he auen is and what he wil that hath he done verse 4 Their Idols siluer are and gold work of mens hands they bee verse 5 They haue a mouth and do not speake and eyes and do not see verse 6 And they haue eares ioynd to their heds and do not heare at al and noses eke they formed haue and do not smel withal verse 7 And hands they haue and handle not and feete and do not go a throte they haue yet through y e same they make no soūd to blow verse 8 Those that make them be like to thē and those whose trust they be verse 9 O Israel trust in the Lord their help and shield is he verse 10 O Aarons house trust in the Lord their helpe and shield is he verse 11 Trust ye the Lord that feare the Lord their help and shield is he verse 12 The Lord hath myndful bene of vs and wil vs blesse also On Israels and Aarons house his blessyng he wil shew verse 13 Them that be fearers of the Lord the Lord wil blesse them al Euen he wil blesse them euery one the great and eke the smal verse 14 To you I say the louyng Lord wil multiply hys grace To you aud to the children that shal follow of your race verse 15 Ye are the blessed of the Lord euen of the Lord I say Which both the heauen and the earth hath made set in stay verse 16 The heauens yea the heauens hye belong vnto the Lord The earth vnto the sonnes of men he gaue of free accord verse 17 They that be dead do not with prayse set forth y e Lords renoume Nor any that into the place of silence do go downe verse 18 But we wil praise the Lord our god from henceforth and for ay Sound ye the prayses of the Lord praise ye the Lord I say Dilexi quoniam psalme Cxvi N ¶ Dauid being in great daunger of Sau●l in the desert of Mammom perceuing y ● great and 〈◊〉 loue of God toward him magnyfyeth such great mercies and protesteed that he wil be thankefull for the same Sing this as the .94 Psalm verse 1 I Loue the Lord because my voyce aud prayer heard hath he when in my dayes I cald on hym he bowed his eare to me verse 2 Euen when the snares of cruel death about beset me round when paines of hel me caught when I wo and sorrow found verse 3 Vpon the name of God my Lord then did I cal and say Deliuer thou my soule O Lord I do thee humbly pray verse 4 The Lord is very merciful and iust he is also and in our God compassion doth plentifully flow verse 5 The Lord in safety doth preserue all those that symple be I was in woful misery and he relieuedme verse 6 And now my soule syth thou art safe returne vnto thy rest For largely loe the Lord to thee his bountie hath exprest verse 7 Because thou hast deliuered my soule from deadly thral My moisted eine frō mourneful teares my sliding fete from fal verse 8 Before the Lord I in the land of lyfe wyl walke therfore I did beleue therfore I spake for I was troubled sore verse 9 I sayd in my distres and feare that al men lyers be what shal I pay the Lord for al his benefites to me verse 10 The holsome cup of sauyng health I thankfully wil take and on the Lordes name I wil cal when I my prayer make verse 11 I to the Lord wil pay the vowes that I haue him be hight yea euen at this present time in al his peoples sight verse 12 Right deare and precious in his sight the Lord doth ay esteme The death of al his holy ones what euer men do deme verse 13 Thy seruant Lord thy seruant lo I do my self confes Son of thy handmaid thou hast broke the bondes of my distres verse 14 And I wil offer vp to thee a sacrifice of prayse And I wil cal vpon the name of God the Lord alwayes verse 15 I to the Lord wil pay the vowes that I haue him behight yea euen at this present tyme in al his peoples syght verse 16 Yea in the courtes of Gods own house and in the mids of thee O thou Ierusalem I say wherfore the Lord prayse yee Laudate dominum psalme Cxvii N. ¶ He exhorteth the gentils to prayse god because he hath accomplished as wel to them as the Iewes the promise of life euerlastinge by Iesus Christ Sing this as the .98 psalme O
our mindes into vs thy heauenly grace inspyre that in all truth and godlines we may haue true desyre Thou art the very comforter in all woe and distresse The heauenly gift of God most high which no tonge can expresse The fountaine and the liuely spring of ioye celestiall The fyre so bright the loue so cleare and vnction spirituall Thou in thy giftes art manifold wherby Christs church doth stand In faythfull hartes writing thy lawe the fynger of Gods hand According to thy promise made thou geuest speech of grace That through thy helpe y e praise of God may stand in euery place O holy ghost into our wittes send downe thy heauenly light Kindle our hartes with feruent loue to serue God day and night Strength and stablish all our weaknes so feable and so frayle That neither flesh the world nor deuill agaynst vs doe preuaile Put backe our enmies far from vs and graunt vs to obtaine Peace in our harts with god and mā without grudge or disdaine And graunt O lord that thou being our leader and our guide We may eschew the snares of sinne and from thee neuer slyde To vs such plenty of thy grace good Lord graunt we thee pray That thou maist be our comforter at the last dreadfull day Of all strife and dissention O Lord dissolue the bandes And make the knots of peace loue throughout all christē̄ landes Graūt vs O Lord through thee to know the father most of myght That of his deare beloued sonne we may attayne the sight And that with perfect fayth also we may acknowledge thee The spirit of them both alway one God in persons three Laude and prayse be to the father and to the Sonne equall And to the holy spirite also one God coeternall And pray we that the onely sonne vouchesafe his sprit to send To all that do professe his name vnto the worldes ende Amen Venite exultemus Psalme xcv Syng thys as the Benedictus O Come and let vs now reioyce and sing vnto the Lord And to our onely sauiour also with one accorde O let vs come before his face with inwarde reuerence Confessing all our former sunnes and that with diligence To thanke him for his benefites alwaye distributyng Wherefore to him right ioyfully in Psalmes now let vs sing And that because that God alone is Lord magnificent And eke aboue all other gods a kyng omnipotent His people doth not he forsake at any time or tyde And in his hand are all the coastes of al the world so wyde And with his louing countenaunce he looketh euery where And doth behold the tops of all the mountaines far neere The sea and all that is therin are his for he them made And eke his hād hath facioned y e earth which doth not fade O come therfore and worship him and downe before him fall And let vs wepe before y e Lord the which hath made vs al. He is our God our Lord and kyng and we his people are His flocke and sheepe of his pasture on whō he taketh care This day if ye do heare his voyce yet hearden not your hart As in the bitter murmuring when ye were in deserte Whiche thing was of their negligence committed in the time Of trouble in the wildernes a great and greuous crime Where as your fathers tempted me and tryed euery way They proued me saw my workes what I could do or say These forty yeares I haue bene greued with this generation And euermore I said they e●d in their imagination Wherwith their harts wer fore combred long time and many daies Wherfore I know assuredly they haue not knowen my wayes To whom I in mine anger swore that they should not be blest Nor see my ioy celestiall nor enter in my rest Gloria patri All laud and prayse be to the Lord O that of might art most To God the father and the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it in the beginning was for euer heretofore And is now at this present tyme and shal be euermore The song of Saint Ambrose called Te deum WE prayse thee God we knowledge thee the onely Lord to be and as eternal father al the earth doth worship thee To thee al angels cry the heauēs all the powers therin To thee Cherub Seraphin to crie they do not linne O Holy Holy Holy Lord of Saboth Lord the God Through heaū earth thy praise is spred glory al abrod Thapostles glorious company yelde prayses vnto thee The prophetes good ly felowship prayse thee continually The noble and victorious host of Martirs sound thy prayse The holy Church throughout the world doth knowledge thee alwayes Father of endles maiestie they do acknowledge thee Thy Christ thine honorable true and onely sonne to be The holy Ghost the comforter of glory thou art kyng O Christ and of the father art the sonne euerlastyng When sinfull mans decay in hand thou tookest to restore To be enclosd in virgins womb thou diddest not abhorre When thou hadst ouercome of death the sharp cruell might Thou heauēs kingdom didst set ope to ech beleuing wight In glory of the father thou doost sit on Gods right hand We trust that thou shalt come our iudge our cause to vnderstand Lord helpe thy seruāts whō thou hast bought w t thy precious bloud And in eternall glory set them with thy saintes so good O Lord do thou thy people saue blesse thine inheritaunce Lord gouerne them and Lord do thou for euer them aduaunce We magnifie thee day by day and world without end Adore thy holy name O Lord Vouchesafe vs to defend From sinne this day Haue mercy Lord haue mercy on vs all And on vs as we trust in thee Lord let thy mercy fall O Lord I haue reposed all my confidence in thee Put to confounding shame therefore Lord let me neuer be ¶ The song of the three Children praysing God prouokyng all creatures to do the same O Alye workes of god the Lord bles ye the Lord praise him magnifie him for euer verse 2 Oye the aungels of the Lord bles ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 3 3 O ye the starry heauens hye blesse ye the Lord prayse him and magnifye him for euer verse 4 O ye waters aboue the skye bles ye the Lord. c. verse 5 O ye the powers of the Lord bles ye the Lord. c. verse 6 O ye the shining sunne moone bles ye the Lord. c. verse 7 O ye the glistring starres of heauē bles ye the Lord. c. verse 8 O ye the showers dropping dew bles ye y e Lord. c. verse 9 O ye the blowing windes of god bles ye the Lord. c. verse 10 O ye the fire warming heate bles ye the Lord. c. verse 11 Ye winter and the sommer tyde bles ye the Lord. c. verse 12 O ye the dewes binding frostes bles ye the Lord. c.
Almighty God Audi Israel Exod. xx N. HArke Israell and what I say geue hede to vnderstād I am the Lord thy God y e brought thee out of Egipt lād euē frō the house wherin y u didst in thraldō liue a slaue None other gods at all before my presence shalt thou haue No maner grauen image shalt thou make at all to thee Nor any figure like by thee shall counterfayted bee Of any thing in heauen aboue nor in the earth below Nor in waters beneath the earth to thē thou shalt not bow Nor shalt them serue The Lord thy God a ielous God am I That punish parentes faultes vnto the third and fourth degree Vpon their children that me hate and mercy do display To thousandes of such as me loue and my preceptes obey The name thou of the Lord thy God in vayne shalt neuer vse For him that takes his name in vayne y e lord shal not excuse Remember that thou holy kepe the sacred Saboth day Six dayes y ● labour shalt do thy nedefull workes alway The seuenth is set by the Lord thy God to rest vpon No worke then shalt thou do in it ne thou nor yet thy sonne Thy daughter seruaūt nor handmayd thine Oxe nor yet thine Asse Nor straunger that within thy gates hath his abiding place For in sixe dayes God heauen and earth and all therin did make And after those his rest he did vpon the seuenth day take Wherfore he blest the day that he for resting did ordayne And sacred to him selfe alone appointed to remayne yeld honor to thy parentes that prolongd thy dayes may be Vpō the land the which the Lord thy God hath geuē thee Thou shalt not murther Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steale nor witnes false against thy neighbour be Thou shalt not couet house that to thy neighbour doth belōg Ne couet shalt in hauing of his wife to do him wrong Nor his man seruaunt nor his mayde nor oxe nor asse of his Nor any other thing that to thy neighbour proper is Beatus vir i. Thomas Sternhold ¶ Whether it was Esoras or any other that gathered the Psalmes into a booke it semeth he did set this Psalme first in maner of a Preface to exhorte all godly men to study and meditate the heauenly wisdome for theffect hereof is that they be blessed that geue them selues wholy all their lyfe to Gods law And that the wicked contemners of god though they seme for a while fortunate yet at length shall come to miserable destruction verse 1 THe mā is blest that hath not bēt to wicked rede his eare nor led his life as sinners do nor sat in scorners chaire verse 2 But in the law of god y e lord doth set hys who le delight in y ● law doth exercise him selfe both day and nyght verse 3 He shal be like the tree that groweth fast by the riuer side Which bringeth forth most pleasaunt fruit in her due time tyde Whose leafe shall neuer fade nor fal but florish stil and stand Euen so al things shal prosper wel that this man takes in hand verse 4 So shal not the vngodly men they shal be nothing so But as the dust which frō the earth the wyndes driue to and fro verse 5 Therfore shall not the wicked men in iudgement stand vpright Nor yet the sinners with the iust shal come in place or sight verse 6 For why the way of godly men vnto the Lord is knowne And eke the way of wicked mē shal quite be ouerthrowen Quare fremuerunt gentes Psalme .ii. T. S. ¶ Dauid reioyseth that notwithstanding his enemies rage and worldly power yet god will continue his kingdome for euer and aduaūce it euen to the formost end of the world And therfore he exhorteth kinges and rulers that setting vayne glory a part they would humble submit them selues vnder gods yoke Herein is sign●●ed Christ and his kingdome Syng this Psalme as the first WHy did y e Gētils tumultes raise what rage was in their braine Why did the Iewish people muse seing al is but vayne verse 2 The kings and rulers of the earth conspire and are al bent Against the Lord and Christ his sonne which he among vs sent verse 3 Shal we be bound to them say they let al their bondes be broke And of their doctrine and their law let vs reiect the yoke verse 4 But he that in the heauen dwelleth their doings wil deride And make thē al as mocking stockes through out y e world so wide verse 5 For in his wrath the Lord wil say to them vpon a day And in his fury trouble them and then the Lord wil say verse 6 I haue anoynted him my king vpon my holy hil I wil therfore Lord preach thy lawes and eke declare thy wil. verse 7 For in this wise the Lord him self did say to me I wote Thou art my deare and onely sonne to day I thee begot verse 8 All people I wil geue to thee as heires at thy request The ends and coastes of al the earth by thee shal be possest verse 9 Thou shalt them bruse euen with a mace as men vnder foote trode And as the potters shardes shalt breake them with an yron rod. verse 10 Now ye O Kings and rulers al be wise therfore and learnde By whom the matters of the world be iudged and discernde verse 11 Se that ye serue the Lord aboue in trembling and in feare Se that with reuerence ye reioyce to him in like maner verse 12 Se that ye kisse and eke embrace his blessed sonne I say Least in his wrath ye sodenly perish in the mid way verse 13 If once his wrath neuer so smal shal kindle in his brest Oh then al they that trust in Christ shal happy be and blest Domine quid multiplicati Psalme .iii. T. S. ¶ Dauid being persecuted and driuen out of his kingdome by his owne sonne Absalon was greatly tormented in minde for his sinne against god and therfore calleth vpon god and waxeth holde through his promises agaynst the great terrors of his enemies yea and against death it self which he saw present before his eyes Finally he reioyseth for the good successe and victory that god gaue him and all the Church ouer his enemies O Lord how are my foes increast which vexe me more and more They kil my hart when as they say God can him not restore but thou O Lord art my defence when I am hard bestead my worshyp and myne honour both and thou holdst vp my head verse 4 Then with my voyce vpon the Lord I did both cal and cry And he out of his holy hill did heare me by and by verse 5 I layd me downe and quietly I slept and rose again For why I know assuredly the Lord wil me sustaine verse 6 If ten thousand had hemde me in I could not be afrayde For thou art stil my Lord my God my sauiour myne ayde
pursue my soule and eke my life down thrust Vnto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Stert vp O Lord now in thy wrath and put my foes to payne Performe thy kingdome promised to me which wrong sustaine verse 7 Thē shal great nations come to thee and know thee by this thing If thou declare for loue of thē thy selfe as Lord and kyng verse 8 And thou that art of al men iudge O Lord now iudge thou me According to my rightousnes and myne integritie The seconde part verse 9 9 Lord cease the hate of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secrets of al hearts are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in al my grief and smart That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect hart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked both God iudgeth by his power So that he feleth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre verse 13 Except he chaunge his mind I dye for euen as he should smit He whets his sword his bow he bēds ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doth prepare his mortal dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that do me persecute whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But loe though he in trauel be of his deuilish forecast And of his mischief once cōceiued yet brings forth nought at last verse 16 He digs a ditch and delues it depe in hope to hurt his brother But he shal fal into the pit that he digde vp for other verse 17 Thus wrong retorneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred And al the mischief that he wrought shal fal vpon his head verse 18 I wil geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth righteously And with my song prayse wil the name of him that is most hie Domine Deus noster Psalme .viij. T. S ¶ The Prophet considering thexcellent liberalitie and fatherly prouidence of God towardes man whom he made as it were a god ouer all his workes doth not onely geue great thankes but is astonished with thadmiration of the same as one nothing able to compasse such great mercyes and so endeth Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 O God our Lord how wonderful are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmount in dignitie aboue the heauēs cleare verse 2 Euē by the mouths of sucking babes y u wilt cōfoūd thy foes For in these babes thy might is sene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauēs high the workes of thine own hand The sunne the mone and all the starres in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lord thinke I then that y u doost him remēber Or what is mans posteritie that thou doost it consider verse 5 For thou hast made him little lesse then angels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dignitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lord of al thy workes of wonder And at his fete hast set al things that he should kepe thē vnder verse 7 As shepe and neat and al beastes els that in the fieldes do fede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fish in the sea and al that therin brede verse 9 Therfore must I say once again O God that art our Lord How famous how wōderful are thy workes through y e world Confitebor tibi domine Psalme .ix. T. S. ¶ After he had geuē thākes to god for the sundry victories that he had sēt him against his enemies also proued by manifold experiēce how ready god was at hand in all his troubles ●e being now likewise in daunger of new enemyes desireth god to helpe him according to his wont and destroy the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaries Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 WIth hart mouth vnto the Lord wil I sing laud and prayse And speake of al thy wondrous workes thē declare alwaies verse 2 I wil be glad and much reioyce in thee O God most hie And make my songes extoll thy name aboue the starry skye verse 3 For that my foes are driuen backe and turned vnto flight They fal down flat and are destroyd by thy great force myght Thou hast reuenged al my wrong my grief and al my grudge verse 4 Thou doost w t iustice heare my cause most like a righteous iudge verse 5 Thou doost rebuke the Heathē folke and wicked so confound That afterward the memory of them cannot be found verse 6 My foe thou hast made good dispatch all our townes destroyed thou hast their fame w t thē defaced through al the world so wide verse 7 Know thou that he which is aboue for euermore shal raigne And in the seat of equity true iudgement wil maintayne verse 8 With iustice he wil kepe and guide the world and euery wight And so wil yelde with equitie to euery man his right verse 9 He is protector of the poore what time they be opprest He is in al aduersitie their refuge and their rest verse 10 All they that know thy holy name therfore shal trust in thee For thok forsakest not their sute in their necessitie verse 11 Sing Psalmes therfore vnto the Lord that dwelleth in Sion hil Publish among al nations his noble actes and will verse 12 For he is mindful of the bloud of those that be opprest Forgetting not th' afflicted hart that seekes to him for rest The second part verse 13 Haue mercy Lord on me poore wretch whose enmies stil remaine Which from the gates of death are wont to rayse me vp agayne verse 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy prayse with hart and voyce And that in thy saluation Lord my soule might stil reioyce verse 15 The heathen sticke fast in the pit that they them selues preparde And in the net that they did set their own fete fast are snarde verse 16 God she wes his iudgemēts which wer good for euery mā to mark When as ye se the wicked man lye trapt in his own warke verse 17 The wicked and the sinfull men go down to hel for euer And all the people of the world that God wil not remember verse 18 But sure the Lord wil not forget the poore mans grief and payne The pacient people neuer looke for helpe of God in vayne verse 19 O Lord arise least men preuayle that be of worldly myght And let the Heathen folke receyue their iudgement in thy sight verse 20 Lord strike such terror feare and dread into the harts of them That they may know assuredly they be but mortal men Vt quid domine Psalme .x. T. S ¶ He complayneth of the fraud rapine tyranny and of all kindes of wrong whiche worldly men vse assigning the cause therof whiche was that wicked men beyng as it were dronken with worldy prosperitie and therfore setting a part all feare and reuerence towardes god thinke they may do all thinges without
men which were so growen to licentiousnes that god was brought to vtter contempt for the which thing although he was greatly greued yet being persuaded that God would send some present remedy he comforteth hymself and others THere is no God as folish men affirme in their mad mode their drifts are al corrupt vayne not one of them doth good The Lorde beheld from heauen hit the who le race of mankynde and saw not one that sought in deede the liuing God to finde verse 3 They went all wyde were corrupt and truly there was none That in the world did any good I say there was not one verse 4 Is all their iudgement so far lost that all worke mischief stil Eating my people euē as bread not one to seeke Gods wil verse 5 When they thus rage then sodenly great feare on them shal fal For god doth loue the righteous men and wil maintain them al. verse 6 Ye mocke the doinges of the poore to their reproche and shame Because they put their trust in God and cal vpon his name verse 7 But who shal geue thy people health when wilt thou fulfil The promise made to Israel from out of Sion hil verse 8 Euen when thou shalt restore agayne such as were captiues lad Then Iacob shal therin reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit Psalme .xv. T. S ¶ This Psalme teacheth on what condition God did chuse the Iewes for his peculiar people and wherfore he placed his Temple among them which was to th entent that they be lyuing vprightly godlye might witnes that they were his special and holy people Sing this as the third psalme verse 1 O Lord within thy Tabernacle who shal inhabite stil Or whom wilt thou receyue to dwel in thy most holy hil verse 2 The mā whose life is vncorrupt whose works ar iust streit Whose hart doth think y e very truth whose tong speakes no deceit verse 3 Nor to his neighbour doth none il in body goods or name Nor willingly doth moue false tales which might empeyr y e same verse 4 That in his hart regardeth not malitious wycked men But those that loue and feare the Lord he maketh much of them verse 5 His oth and al his promises that kepeth faithfully Although he make his couenant so that he doth lose therby verse 6 That putteth not to vsury his money and his coyne Ne for to hurt the innocent doth brybe or els purloyne verse 7 Who so doth al things as you see that here is to be done Shal neuer perish in this world nor in the world to come Conserua me domine Psalme .xvi. T. S. ¶ Dauid prayeth to God for succour not for his workes but for his faythe 's sake protestyng that he hateth al Idolatry taking God onely for his comfort and felicity who suffreth hys to lacke nothyng Syng this as the .xiiii. Psalme verse 1 LOrd kepe me for I trust in thee and do confesse in deede Thou art my God of my goods O lord y u hast no neede verse 2 I geue my goodnes to the saints that in the world do dwel And namely to the faithful flocke in vertue that excel verse 3 They shal heape sorowes on their heds which rū as they wer mad To offer to the Idols Gods alas it is to bad verse 4 As for their bloudy sacrifice and offrings of that sort I wil not touch nor yet therof my lips shal make report verse 5 For why the Lord the portion is of mine inheritaunce And thou art he that doost maintain my rent my lot my chaūce verse 6 The place wherin my lot did fal in beauty did excel Myne heritage assignd to me doth please me wondrous wel verse 7 I thanke the Lord that caused me to vnderstand the right For by his meanes my secret thoughts do teach me euery nyght verse 8 I set the Lord stil in my sight and trust him ouer al For he doth stand on my right hand therfore I shal not fal verse 9 Wherfore my hart and tonge also doth both reioyce together My flesh and body rest in hope when I this thing consider verse 10 Thou wilt not leaue my soule in graue for Lord thou louest me Nor yet wil geue thine holy one corruption for to see verse 11 But wilt teach me the way to lyfe for al treasures and ●●ore Of perfect ioy are in thy face and power for euermore Exaudi domine iustitiam meam Psalme .xvii. T. S ¶ Here he complayneth vnto God of the cruel pride and arrogancy of Saule and the rest of his enmies who thus raged without any cause geuē on his part therfore he desireth God to reuenge his innocency and deliuer hym This Psalme ought diligentlye to be noted of such as receiue euil for wel doyng Syng this as the xiiii Psalme verse 1 O Lord geue eare to my iust cause attend when I complaine and heare y e praier y t I put forth with lips that do not fayne verse 2 And let y e iudgemēt of my cause procede alwaies from thee And let thine eies behold and cleare this my simplicitie verse 3 Thou hast wel tride me in the night and yet couldst nothing finde That I haue spoken with my tonge that was not in my mynde verse 4 As from the workes of wicked men and pathes peruerse and il For loue of thy most holy worde I haue refrayned stil verse 5 Then in thy pathes that be most pure stay me Lord and preserue That from the way wherin I walke my steps may neuer swerue verse 6 For I do cal to thee O Lord surely thou wilt me ayde Thē heare my prayer way right wel the wordes y t I haue sayd verse 7 O thou the sauiour of all them that put their trust in thee Declare thy strength on them y t spurne against thy maiestie verse 8 O kepe me Lord as thou wouldst kepe the apple of thine eye And vnder couert of thy wings defend me secretly The second part verse 9 From wicked men that trouble me and daily me anoy And from my foes that go about my soule for to destroy verse 10 Which wallow in their worldly wealth so ful and eke so fat that in their pride they do not spare to speak they care not what verse 11 They lie in wait where we should passe w t craft me to confound And musing mischief in their mindes to cast me to the ground verse 12 Much like a Lion gredely that would his pray embrace Or lurkyng like a Lions whelpe within some secret place verse 13 Vp Lord with hast preuent my foe and cast him at thy feete Saue y u my soule frō the euil man and w t thy sword him smite verse 14 Deliuer me lord by thy power out of these tirants hands Which now so long time raigned haue kepe vs in their bands verse 15 I meane frō worldly men to whō al worldly goodes are rife That
haue no hope nor part of ioy but in this present life Thou of thy store their bellies filst with pleasures to their minde Their children haue inough leaue to theirs the rest behind verse 16 But I shal with pure cōscience behold thy gratious face So when I wake I shal be ful with thine image and grace Diligam te domine Psalme .xviii. T. S ¶ This Psalme is the fir●●e beginning of Dauids salutation and thankes geuing in the entring into his kingdome wherein he extolleth and praiseth most highlye the maruelous mercies and grace of God who hath both preserued and defended him he setteth forth the image of Christes kingdom painted in his kingdome that the faithful may be assured that Christ shal alwaies conquere ouercome by the vnspeakeable power of his father though al the whole world should say there against O God my strēgth fortitude of force I must loue thee thou art my castle defence in my necessitie My God my rock in whō I trust y e worker of my wealth my refuge buckler and my shield the horne of al my health verse 3 When I sing laud vnto the Lorde most worthy to be serued Then fro my foes I am right sure that I shal be preserued verse 4 The panges of death did compasse me and bound me euery where The flowing waues of wickednes did put me in great feare verse 5 The slie and suttle snares of hel were round about me set And for my death there was preparde a deadly trapping net verse 6 I thus beset with paine and grief did pray to God for grace And he forth with did heare my plaint out of his holy place verse 7 Such is his power that in his wrath he made the earth to quake Yea the foundation of the mount of Basan for to shake verse 8 And from his nostrels came a smoke when kindled was his ire and from his mouth came kindled coales of hote consuming fyre verse 9 The Lord descended from aboue and bowde the heauens hie And vnderneath his feete he cast the darknes of the skye verse 10 On Cherubs and on Cherubins ful royally he rode and on the wings of all the windes came flying al abrode The second part verse 11 11 And lyke a den most darke he made his denne and secret place With waters blacke and ayrie cloudes enuironed he was verse 12 But when the presence of his face in brightnes shal appeare thē cloudes cōsume in their stead come hailes coales of fyre verse 13 These firy dartes and thunderboltes disperse thē here and there And with his often lightenings he puttes them in great feare verse 14 Lord at thy wrath and threatnings and at thy chiding cheare The springs and the foundations of al the world appeare verse 15 And frō aboue the Lord sent downe to fetch me from below and pluckt me out of waters great that would me ouerflow verse 16 And me deliuerd from my foes that would haue made me thral Yea from such foes as were to strong for me to deale withal verse 17 They did preuent me to oppres in tyme of my great grief But yet the Lord was my defence my succor and relief verse 18 He brought me forth in open place where as I might be free And kept me safe because he had a fauour vnto me verse 19 And as I was an innocent so did he me regard And to the cleannes of my hands he gaue me my reward verse 20 For that I walked in his wayes and in his pathes haue trod And haue not wauered wickedly against my Lord my God The third part verse 21 But euermore I haue respect to his law and decre His statutes and commaundements I cast not out fro me verse 22 But pure and cleane and vncorrupt appeard before his face And did refrayne from wickednes and sinne in any case verse 23 The Lord therfore wil me reward as I haue done aright And to the cleannes of my handes appearing in his sight verse 24 For Lord with him that holy is wilt thou be holy to and with y e good and vertuous mē right vertuosly wilt do verse 25 And to the louing and elect thy loue thou wilt reserue And thou wilt vse the wicked men as wicked men deserue verse 26 For thou doost saue the simple folk in trouble whē they lye And doost bring down y ● countenance of them that looke ful hye verse 27 The Lord wil light my candel so that it shal shine ful bright The Lord my God wil make also my darknes to be light verse 28 For by thy help an host of men discomfite Lord I shal By thee I scale and ouerleape the strength of any wal verse 29 Vnspotted are the wayes of God his word is purely tride He is a sure defence to such as in his fayth abide verse 30 For who is God except the Lord for other there is none Or els who is omnipotent sauing our God alone The fourth part verse 31 The God that girdeth me with strength is he that I do meane That al the wayes wherin I walke did euermore kepe cleane verse 32 That made my feete like to the Hartes in swiftnes of my pace And for my surety brought me forth into an open place verse 33 He did in order put my handes to battayle and to fight To breake in sunder barres of brasse he gaue my armes y e might verse 34 Thou reachest me thy sauing health thy right hand is my tower Thy loue and familiaritie doth stil encrease my power verse 35 And vnder me thou makest playne the way where I should walk So that my feete shal neuer slip nor stumble at a balke verse 36 And fiersly I pursue and take my foes that me annoyde And from the field do not returne til they be al destroyde verse 37 So I suppresse and wound my foes that they can rise no more For at my foote they fal down flat I strike them all so sore verse 38 For thou doost gird me w t thy strēgth to war in such a wyse That they be al scattred abrode that vp against me ryse verse 39 Lord thou hast put into my handes my mortal enmies yoke and all my foes thou doost deuide in sunder with thy stroke verse 40 They cald for help but none gaue eare nor helpt them with relief Yea to the Lord they cald for helpe yet heard he not their griefe The fyft part verse 41 And stil like dust before the wind I driue them vnder feete And sweepe them out like filthy clay that sticketh in the streete verse 42 Thou keepst me from seditious folke that stil in strife be led and thou doost of the heathen folke appoint me to be hed verse 43 A people straunge to me vnknowen and yet they shal me serue And at the first obey my worde wheras myne owne wil swerue verse 44 I shal be ircksome to mine owne they wil not see my light But wander wide out
past al hope after declareth wherof he recouereth himself from the bottomles pit of temptations And vnder his owne person he setteth forth the signre of Christ whom he did forsee in the spirit of prophecy So this psalme after two sortes dothe declare that prophecy of Esay he was taken forth of pryson and iudgement Sing this as the .xxi. psalme verse 1 O God my God wherfore doost thou forsake me vtterly and helpest not when I do make my great complaint cry verse 2 To thee my God euē al day long I do both cry and cal I cease not all the nyght and yet thou hearest not at al. verse 3 Euen thou that in thy sanctuary and holy place doost dwel Thou art the comfort and the ioy and glory of Israel verse 4 And he in whom our fathers old had al their hope for euer and when they put their trust in thee so didst thou them deliuer verse 5 They were deliuerd for euer when they called on thy name And for the fayth they had in thee they were not put to shame verse 6 But I am now become a worme more like then any man An outcast whom the people scorne with all the spite they can verse 7 And me despise as they behold me walking on the way They gren they mow they nod their heds in this wise thei say verse 8 This man did glory in the Lord his fauour and his loue Let him redeme and help hym now his power if he wil proue verse 9 But Lord out of my mothers wōbe I came by thy request Thou didst preserue me stil in hope whyle I did sucke her brest verse 10 I was committed frō my birth with thee to haue abode Since I was in my mothers wōbe thou hast bene euer my God The second part verse 11 Then Lord depart not now frō me in this my present griefe Since I haue none to be my helpe my succor and reliefe verse 12 So many bulles do compasse me that be ful strong of head Yea bulles so fat as though they had in Basan field bene fed verse 13 They gape vpon me gredely as though they would me slay Much lyke a Liō roryng out and rampyng for his pray verse 14 But I drop downe lyke water shed my ioyntes in sunder breake My hart doth in my body melt lyke waxe against the heate verse 15 And like a potshard drieth my strēgth my tonge it cleaueth fast Vnto my iawes and I am brought to dust of death at last verse 16 And many dogs do cōpasse me and wicked counsel eke Conspire against me cursedly they pearce my handes and feete verse 17 I was tormented so that I might all my bones haue told Yet stil vpon me they do looke and stil they me behold verse 18 My garments they deuided eke in partes amongst them al And for my coate they did cast lots to whō it might befal verse 19 Therfore I pray thee be not far fro me at my great neede But rather sith y u art my strength to helpe me Lord make speede verse 20 And frō the sword Lord saue my soule by thy might thy power And kepe my soule thy darling deare frō dogs y ● would deuour The third part verse 21 And from the Liōs mouth that would me al in sunder shiuer And from the hornes of Vnicornes Lord safely me deliuer verse 22 And I shal to my brethren al thy maiestie record and in thy church shal prayse the name of thee the liuing Lord. verse 23 Al ye that feare him praise y e Lord thou seede of Iacob honor him and with al reuerence possible thou seede of Israel worship hym verse 24 For he despiseth not the poore he tourneth not awry His countenaunce when they do cal but graunteth to theyr cry verse 25 Among the flocke that feare thee Lord I wil therfore proclaime Thy prayse kepe my promise made for setting forth thy name verse 26 The poore shal eate and be suffised those that do their deuer To know y e lord shal praise his name their harts shal liue for euer verse 27 Al costes of earth shal praise the Lorde turne to hym for grace The Heathen folke shal worship him before his blessed face verse 28 The kingdome of the Heathen folke the Lord shal haue therfore And he shal be their gouernor and king for euermore verse 29 The riche men of his godly giftes shal fede and taste also And in his presence worship him bow their knees ful low verse 30 And al that shal go down to dust of lyfe by him must taste My seed seel serue praise his name while any world shal last verse 31 My seed shal plainly shew to thē that shal be borne hereafter His iustice and his rightuousnes all his workes of wonder Dominus regit me Psalme .xxiij. VV. VV. ¶ Because the Prophet had proued the great mercyes of God at diuers tymes and in sundry maners he ga●hereth a certayne assuraunce fully perswadyng hym selfe that God wil continue the very same goodnes towardes hym for euer Sing this as the .xxi. psalme verse 1 THe Lord is onely my support and he that doth me fede How can I then lacke any thyng wherof I stand in nede verse 2 He doth me fold in coats most safe the tender grasse fast by And after driues me to the streames which runne most pleasantly verse 3 And when I fele my selfe nere lost then doth he me home take Conducting me in his right pathes euē for his own names sake verse 4 And though I wer euē at deathes dore yet would I feare none ill For with thy rod shepherdes crooke I am comforted stil verse 5 Thou hast my table richly deckt in despite of my fo Thou hast my head with baulme refresht my cup doth ouerflo verse 6 And finally while breath doth last thy grace shal me defend And in the house of God wil I my life for euer spend ¶ Another by Thomas Sternhold verse 1 MY shepehard is the lyuing Lord nothing therfore I nede In pastors fayre with waters calme he sets me for to fede verse 2 He did conuert glad my soule brought my mind in frame To walke in pathes of rightuousnes for his most holy name verse 3 yea though I walke in vale of death yet wil I feare none il Thy rod thy staffe doth comfort me and thou art with me stil verse 4 And in the presence of my foes my table thou shalt spred Thou shalt O Lord fil ful my cup and eke annoynt my head verse 5 Through all my life thy fauour is so franckly shewde to me That in thy house for euermore my dwelling place shal be Domini est terra psalme .xxiiii. I. H. ¶ Because the grace of God was then to be vttered in the temple more glorious then before it had ben in the tabernacle Dauid geueth it a more glorious title and with exclamation setteth forth the honor therof stirring vs
death red me Or that can geue a price to God sufficient for him verse 7 It is to great a price to pay none can therto attayne verse 8 Or that he might his life prolong or not in graue remaine verse 9 They se wise men as wel as fooles subiect vnto deaths hands And being ded straūgers posses theyr goods theyr rēts theyr lāds verse 10 Theyr care is to build houses fayre and so determine sure To make their name right great in earth for euer to endure verse 11 Yet shal no man alwayes enioy high honor wealth and rest But shal at length taste of deathes cup as wel as y e brute beastes The second part verse 12 And though they try their folish thoughts to be most leud vaine Theyr children yet approue theyr talke in like sinne remaine verse 13 As shepe into the fold are brought so shal they into graue Death shal thē eate and in that day the iust shal Lordship haue Theyr image and theyr royal port shal fade and quite decay When as from house to pit they pas with wo and weale away verse 14 But God wil surely preserue me from death and endles payne Because he wil of his good grace my soule receiue againe verse 15 If any man waxe wondrous rich feare not I say therfore Although the glory of his house increaseth more and more verse 16 For when he dieth of al these things nothing shal he receyue His glory wil not folow him his pompe wil take her leaue verse 17 Yet in this lyfe he takes himself the happiest vnder sunne And others likewise flatter hym saying al is wel done verse 18 And presuppose he liue as long as did his fathers old Yet must he nedes at lēgth geue place be brought to deathes fold verse 19 Thus man to honor God hath cald yet doth he not consider But like brute beast so doth he liue which turne to dust pouder Deus deorum psalme L. VV. VV. ¶ He prophecieth how God will call all nations by the Gospell and require no other Sacrifices of his people but confession of his benefites thankes geuing and how he detesteth all such as seme zelous of ceremonies and not of the pure word of god onely THe mighty God theternal hath thus spoke and al the world he wil cal and prouoke euen from the East and so forth to the West from toward Sion which place him liketh best God wil appeare in beauty most excellēt verse 3 Our God wil come before that long time be spent Deuouring fire shal go before his face A great tempest shal round about him trace verse 4 Then shal he cal the earth and heauen bryght To iudge his folke with equity and ryght verse 5 Saying go to and now my saintes assemble My peace they kepe theyr gifts do not dissemble verse 6 The heauens shal declare his rightuousnes For God is iudge of al things more and les verse 7 Heare my people for I wil now reueale List Israel I wil thee nought conceale Thy God thy God am I and wil not blame thee verse 8 For geuing not al maner offrings to mee verse 9 I haue no nede to take of thee at al Goates of thy fold or calfe of thy stal verse 10 For al the beastes are mine within the woods On thousand hils cattel are mine own goods verse 11 I know for mine al birds that are on mountaines Al beasts ar mine which haūt the filds foūtains verse 12 Hungry if I were I would not thee it tel For al is mine that in the world doth dwel verse 13 Eate I the flesh of great bulles or bullocks Or drinke the bloud of Goates and of the flockes verse 14 Offer to God prayse harty thankes geuyng And pay thy vowes vnto God euerliuing verse 15 Cal vpon me when troubled thou shalt be Then wil I helpe and thou shalt honor me verse 16 To the wicked thus sayth the eternal God Why doost thou preach my lawes hestes abrod Seyng thou hast them with thy mouth abused verse 17 And hatest to be by discipline reformed My wordes I say thou doost reiect and hate verse 18 If that thou see a thefe as with thy mate Thou runnest with hym and so your pray do seke And art al one with baudes and ruffians eke verse 19 Thou geuest thy selfe to backbite and to sclaunder And how thy toung deceiueth it is a wonder verse 20 Thou sittest-musing thy brother how to blame And how to put thy mothers sonne to shame verse 21 These things thou diddest whilst I held my tong Thou didst me iudge because I stayed so long Like to thy selfe yet though I kepe long scilence Once shal thou fele of thy wronges iust recōpence verse 22 Consider this ye that forget the Lord And feare not whē he threatneth with his word Least without helpe I spoyle you as a pray verse 23 But he that thankes offereth prayseth me aye Saith the Lord God he that walketh this trace I wil him teach Gods sauing health to embrace An other of the same by I. H. THe god of gods the lord hath cald the earth by name frō wher the sōne doth rise vnto the setting of the same Frō Stō his faire place his glory bright cleare The perfect beuty of hys grace from thence it did appeare verse 3 Our God shal come in hast to speake he shal not doubt Before him shal the fire wast and tempest round about verse 4 The heauens from on hye the earth below likewise He wil cal forth to iudge and try his folke he doth deuise verse 5 Bring forth my saints sayth he my faithfull flocke so deare Which are in hand and league with me my law to loue feare verse 6 And when these things are tride the heauens shal record That God is iust al must byde the iudgmēt of the Lord. verse 7 My people O geue hede Israel to thee I cry I am thy God thy helpe at nede thou canst it not deny verse 8 I do not say to thee thy sacrifice is slacke Thou offrest dayly vnto me much more then I do lack verse 9 Thinkest thou that I do nede thy cattel yong or old Or els so much desire to fede on goates out of thy fold verse 10 Nay al the beasts are mine in woodes that eate theyr fils And thousāds more of nete kine y t runne wild in the hils The second part verse 11 The birdes that build on hye in hils and out of sight And beastes that in the field do lye are subiect to my might verse 12 Then though I hungred sore what nede I ought of thine Sith that the earth with her great store al therin is mine verse 13 To bulocks flesh haue I such mind to eate it doost thou think Or such a swetenes do I find the bloud of goats to drink verse 14 Geue to the Lord his prayse with thankes do him apply And see thou
the wonderful mercies of God towardes his people who by all meanes most straunge sortes declareth him selfe to them And therfore Gods church by reason of his promises graces victories doth excell without comparison all worldly thinges he exhorteth therfore all men to prayse God for euer LEt god arise thē his foes wil turne thēselues to flight His enmies thē wil runne abrod scatter out of sight and as the fire doth melt the waxe and winde blow smoke away so in the presence of the Lord the wicked shal decay verse 3 But righteous men before the Lord shal hartely reioyce They shal be glad and mery al and cheareful in their voyce verse 4 Syng prayse sing prayse vnto the Lord who rideth on the skye Extol this name of Iah our God and him do magnifye verse 5 That same is he that is aboue within his holy place That father is of fatherles and iudge of widowes case verse 6 Houses he geueth and issue both vnto the comfortles He bringeth bondmen out of thral and rebels to distres verse 7 When thou didst march before thy folk the Egyptiās from among And brought thē through y e wildernes which was both wide lōg verse 8 Th earth did quake y e ram pourde down heard wer great claps of thūder The moūt Sinai shoke in such sort as it wold cleaue a sūder verse 9 Thine heritage with drops of rayne aboundantly was washt And if so be it baren waxt by thee it was refresht verse 10 Thy chosē flock doth there remayne thou hast prepard that place And for the poore thou doost prouide of thine especial grace The seconde part verse 11 God wil geue women causes iust to magnifye his name When as his people triumphes make purchase brute and fame verse 12 For puissāt kings for al their power shal flee and take the foyle And womē which remaine at home shal helpe to part the spoyle verse 13 And though you wer as black as pots your hew shuld pas y e doue Whose wings fethers seme to haue siluer and gold aboue verse 14 When in this land God shal triumph ouer kings both hye low Then shal it be like Salmon hil as white as any snow verse 15 Though Basan be a fruteful hil and in heyght others pas Yet Sion Gods most holy hil doth farre excel in grace verse 16 Why brag ye thus ye hils most high and leape for pride together This hil of Sion God doth loue and there wil dwel for euer verse 17 Gods army is two millions of warriours good and strong The Lord also in Sinai is present them among verse 18 Thou didst O Lord ascend on high and captiues led them al Which in times past thy chosen flocke in prison kept and thral Thou madst them tribute for to pay and such as did repine Thou didst subdue that they might dwel in thy temple deuine verse 19 Nowe praysed be the Lord for that he poures on vs such grace From day to day he is the God of our health and solace The third part verse 20 He is the God from whom alone saluation commeth playne He is the God by whom we scape al daungers death and payne verse 21 Thus God wil woūd his enemies hed breake the heary scalpe Of those that in theyr wickednes continually do walke verse 22 From Basan wil I bring sayd he my people and my shepe And al mine own as I haue done from daunger of the depe verse 23 And make thē dip theyr fete in bloud of those that hate my name And dogs shal haue their tongs embrud with licking of the same verse 24 Al men may see how thou O God thyne enmies doost deface And how thou goest as God and kyng into thy holy place verse 25 The singers go before with ioy the minstrels folow after And in the midst the damsels play with timbrel and with taber verse 26 Now in thy congregation O Israel prayse the Lord And Iacobs whole posterity geue thankes with one accord verse 27 Their chief was litle Beniamin but Iuda made theyr host With Zabulon and Neptalim whiche dweld about the coast verse 28 As God hath geuen powre to thee so Lord make firme and sure The thing that thou hast wrought in vs for euer to endure verse 29 And in thy temples giftes wil we geue vnto thee O Lord For thine vnto Ierusalme sure promise made by word The fourth part Yea and straunge kinges to vs subdued shal do like in those dayes I meane to thee they shal present theyr gifts of laud and prayse verse 30 He shal destroy the speare mēs rāks these calues bulles of myght And cause them tribute pay and daunt al such as loue to fight verse 31 Then shal the Lords of Egipt come and presents with them bring The Mores most black shal stretch their hāds vnto their lord king verse 32 Therfore ye kingdomes of the earth geue prayse vnto the Lord Sing Psalmes to God with one consent thereto let al accord verse 33 Who though he ride and euer hath aboue the heauens bryght Yet by the feareful thunder claps mē may wel know his might verse 34 Therfore the strength of Israel ascribe to God on hye Whose myght and power doth far extend aboue the cloudy skye verse 35 O God thy holynes and power is dread for euermore The God of Israel geueth vs strength praised be God therfore Saluum me fac domine Psalme .lxix. I. H. ¶ The complaintes prayers ferunt zeale and greate anguishe of Dauid is set forth as a figure of Christ and all his members the malitious cruelty of thenemies and theyr punishment also where Iudas and such traytours are accursed Then gathered he courage in his affliction and offereth prayses vnto God whiche are more acceptable then all Sacrifices wherof all the afflicted may take comforte Finally be doth prouoke all creatures to prayses prophecying of the kyngdome of Christ and the buildyng of Iuda where all the faythfull and theyr seede shall dwell for euer SAue me O God that w t spede the waters flow ful fast So ni my soule do they procede that I am sore agast I sticke ful depe in filthe and clay wheras I fele no ground I fal into such flouds I say that I am like be dround verse 3 With crying oft I faint and quaile my throte is horse and drye With loking vp my sight doth faile for helpe to God on hie verse 4 My foes that giltles do oppres my soule with hate are led In number sure they are no les then heares are on my hed verse 5 Though for no cause they vexe me sore they prosper and are glad They do compel me to restore the thinges I neuer had verse 6 What I haue done for want of wit thou Lord al times canst tel And al the same that I commit to thee is knowne ful wel verse 7 O God of hostes defend and stay al those that
fury strong Displeasure wrath and euil spirites to trouble them among verse 50 Then to his wrath he made away and spared not the least But gaue vnto the pestilence the man and eke the beast verse 51 He strake also the first borne al that vp in Egipt came and al the chief of men and beasts within the tents of Ham. verse 52 But as for al his own deare folke he did preserue and kepe and caried them through wildernes euen like a flock of shepe verse 53 Without al feare both safe and sound he brought them out of thral Where as their foes with rage of sea were ouerwhelmed al. verse 54 And brought thē out into the costes of his own holy land Euen to the mount which he had got by his strong arme hand verse 55 And there cast out the Heathen folke and did their land deuyde and in the tents he set their tribes of Israel to abyde verse 56 Yet for al this their god most high they stirred and tempted stil And would not kepe his testament nor yet obey his wil. verse 57 But as their fathers turned backe euen so they went astray Much like a bow that would not bend but slip start away The syxt part verse 58 And greued him with their hil altars with offrings wyth fyre And with theyr Idols vehemently prouoked him to ire verse 59 Therwith his wrath began agayne to kindle in his brest The naughtines of Israel he did so much detest verse 60 Then he forsoke the tabernacle of Silo where he was Right conuersant with earthly mē euen as his dwellyng place verse 61 Then suffred he his might and power in bōdage for to stand And gaue the honor of his Arke into his enmies hand verse 62 And did commit them to the sword wroth with his heritage verse 63 The yong men were deuourd with fire maydes had no mariage verse 64 And with the sword the priests also dyd perish euery chone And not a widow left a liue their death for to bemone verse 65 And then the Lord began to wake like one that slept a tyme Or lyke a valiant man of war refreshed after wyne verse 66 With Emerods in the hinder parts he strake his enmies al and put them then vnto a shame that was perpetual verse 67 Then he the tent and Tabernacle of Ioseph did refuse as for the trybe of Ephraim he would in no wise chuse verse 68 But chose the tribe of Iehuda where as they thought to dwel Euen the noble mount Sion which he did loue so wel verse 69 Where as he did his temple build both sumptuously and sure Like as the earth which he hath made for euer to endure verse 70 Then chose he Dauid him to serue his people for to kepe Which he toke vp and brought away euē from the folds of shepe verse 71 As he did follow the ewes with yong the Lord did hym aduaunce To fede his people of Israel and his inheritaunce verse 72 Thus Dauid with a faithful hart his flock and charge did fede and prudently with al his power did gouerne them in dede Deus venerunt gentes Psalme .lxxix. I. H. ¶ The Israelites complaine to God for the greate calamitie and oppression that they suffred when Antiochus destroyed their temple and city Ierusalem desiring gods ayd against his raging tyranny least gods name and religion should be contemned among the Heathen which should see them thus forsaken and perish Syng this as the .77 Psalme verse 1 O Lord the Gentils do inuade thyne heritage to spoyle Ierusalem an heape is made thy temple they defoyle verse 2 The bodies of thy saints most dere abrode to birdes thei cast the flesh of thē that do thee feare the beasts deuour and wast verse 3 Their bloud throughout Ierusalem as water spilt they haue So that there is not one of them to lay their dead in graue verse 4 Thus are we made a laughing stocke almost the world throughout the enmies at vs iest and mocke which dwel our coastes about verse 5 Wilt thou O Lord thus in thine ire against vs euer fume and shew thy wrath as hote as fyre thy folke for to consume verse 6 Vpon those people poure the same which did thee neuer know al realmes which cal not on thy name consume and ouerthrow verse 7 For they haue got the vpper hand and Iacobs sede destroyd His habitation and hys land they haue left wast and voyd verse 8 Beare not in mind our former faults with spede some pity shew and ayd vs Lord in al assaultes for we are weake and low verse 9 O God that geuest al health and grace on vs declare the same Wey not our works our sinnes deface for honor of thy name verse 10 Why shal the wicked stil alway to vs as people dūme In thy reproch reioyce and say where is their God become Require O Lord as thou seest good before our eyes in sight Of al these folk thy seruants bloud which they spilt in despight verse 11 Receyue into thy sight in hast the clamours grief and wrong Of such as are in prison cast sustayning irons strong Thy force and strength to celebrate Lord set them out of band Which vnto death are destinate and in their enmies hand verse 12 The nations which haue ben so bold as to blaspheme thy name Into their laps with seuen fold repay agayne the same verse 13 So we thy folke thy pasture sheepe wil prayse thee euermore and teach al ages for to kepe for thee lyke prayse in store Qui regis Israel psalme .lxxx. I. H A lamentable prayer to God to helpe the miseries of the church desiring him to cōsider their first estate when his fauour shined towardes them to the entent that he myght finish that worke that he had begon Syng this as the .67 psalme verse 1 THou herde that Israel doost kepe geue eare and take good hede which leadest Ioseph like a shepe doost him watch fede verse 2 Thou Lord I say whose seat is set on Cherubins so bright Shew forth thy self do not let send down thy beames of light verse 3 Before Ephraim and Beniamin Manasses eke likewise To shew thy power do thou begin come help vs Lord aryse verse 4 Direct our harts vnto thy grace conuert vs Lord to thee Shew vs the brightnes of thy face and then ful safe are wee verse 5 Lord God of hostes of Israel how long wilt thou I say Against thy folk in anger swel and wilt not heare them pray verse 6 Thou doost thē fede w t sorrowes depe their bread w t teares thei eat And drinke the teares that they do wepe in measure ful great verse 7 Thou hast vs made a very strife to those that dwel about And that our foes do loue of life they laugh and iest it out verse 8 O take vs lord vnto thy grace conuert our mindes to thee Shew forth to vs thy ioyful face and we
grace as may my lyfe prolong Thy holy word then wil I kepe both in my hart and tong verse 18 Mine eyes which were dim shut vp so open and make bright that of thy law marueilous workes I may haue y ● cleare sight verse 19 I am a straunger in this earth wandryng now here now there Thy word therfore to me disclose my footesteps for to cleare verse 20 My soule is rauished with desyre and neuer is at rest But seketh to know thy iudgemēts hye what may please thee best verse 21 The proud men and malicious thou hast destroyd echone and cursed are such as do not thy hestes attend vpon verse 22 Lord turne me frō rebuke shame which wicked men conspire For I haue kept thy couenants with zeale as hoate as fyre verse 23 The princes great in counsel sate and did against me speake but thē thy seruāt thought how he thy statutes might not breake verse 24 For why thy couenants are my ioy and my great harts solace They serue in stede of counsellers my matters for to pas DALETH The .iiii. part verse 25 I Am alas as brought to graue and almost turnd to dust Restore therfore my lyfe agayne as thy promise is iust verse 26 My wayes whē I acknowledged with mercy thou dydst heare Here now eftsones and me instruct thy lawes to loue and feare verse 27 Teach me once throughly for to know thy precepts and thy lore Thy works then wil I meditate and lay them vp in store verse 28 My soule I feele so sore opprest that it melteth for griefe Accordyng to thy word therfore hast Lord to send reliefe verse 29 From lieng and deceitful lips let thy grace me defend and that I may learn thee to loue thy holy law me send verse 30 The way of truth both straight sure I haue chosen and found I set thy iudgement me before which kepe me safe and sound verse 31 Since then O Lord I forced my self thy couenants to embrace Let me therfore haue no rebuke nor check in any case verse 32 Then wil I runne with ioyful cheare where thy word doth me cal when thou hast set my hart at large and rid me out of thral HE The fyft part verse 33 INstruct me Lord in the right trade of thy statutes deuyne and it to kepe euen to the end my hart wil I encline verse 34 Graunt me the knowledge of thy law and I shal it obey With hart and mynd and al my might I wil it kepe I say verse 35 In the right path of thy precepts guide me Lord I require None other pleasure do I wish nor greater thyng desyre verse 36 Incline my hart thy lawes to kepe and couenants to embrace And from al filthy auarice Lord shield me with thy grace verse 37 From vayn desires and worldly lustes turn back mine eyes syght Gene me the spirit of lyfe power to walk thy wayes aright verse 38 Confirme thy gratious promise Lord which thou hast made to mee Which am thy seruant and do loue and feare nothyng but thee verse 39 Reproch shame which I so feare from me O Lord expel For thou doost iudge with equity therin doost excel verse 40 Behold my harts desyre is bent thy lawes to kepe for ay Lord strengthē me so with thy grace that it perform I may VAV The syxt part verse 41 THy mercies great and manifold let me obtayne O Lord Thy sauing health let me enioy according to thy word verse 42 So shal I stop y e slaundrous mouthes of leud men and vniust For in thy faithful promises standes my comfort and trust verse 43 The word of truth within my mouth let euer stil be prest For in thy iudgements wonderful my hope doth stand and rest verse 44 And while y ● breath within my brest doth natural life preserue Yea til this world shal be dissolued thy law wil I obserue verse 45 So walk wil I as set at large and made free from al drede Because I sought how for to kepe thy precepts and thy rede verse 46 Thy noble actes I wil describe as things of most great fame Euē before kings I wil them blase and shrink no whit for shame verse 47 I wil reioyce then to obey thy worthy hestes and wil which euermore I haue loued best and so wil loue them stil verse 48 My hands wil I lyft to thy lawes which I haue dearely sought and practise thy commaundements in wil in dede and thought ZAIN The .vii. part verse 49 THy promise which y u madest to me thy seruant Lord remember For therin haue I put my trust and confidence for euer verse 50 It is my comfort and my ioy when troubles me assayle For were my life not by thy word my life would soone me fayle verse 51 The proud such as God contemn stil made of me a scorne yet would I not thy law forsake as he that were forelorne verse 52 But cald to mind lord thy great works shewd to our fathers old Wherby I felt the ioy surmount my grief an hundred fold verse 53 But yet alas for feare I quooke seyng how wicked men thy law forsooke and did procure thy iudgemēt who know whē verse 54 And as for me I framde my songs thy statutes to exalt When I among the straungers dwelt thoughts gan me assalt verse 55 I thought vpon thy name O Lord by night when others slepe as for thy law also I kept and euer wil it kepe verse 56 This grace I did obtayne because thy couenants swete and deare I did embrace and also kepe with reuerence and with feare HETH The .viii. part verse 57 O God which art my part and lot my comfort and my stay I haue decreed and promised thy lawe to kepe alway verse 58 Myne earnest hart dyd humbly sue in presence of thy face as thou therfore hast promised Lord graunt me of thy grace verse 59 My lyfe I haue examined and tryde my secret hart Which to thy statutes caused me my feete straight to conuert verse 60 I did not stay nor linger long as they that slouthful are But hastely thy lawes to kepe I did my self beware verse 61 The cruel bandes of wicked men haue made of me their pray yet would I not thy law forget nor from thee go astray verse 62 Thy rightous iudgemēt shewd toward me so great is and so hye That euen at midnight wil I ryse thy name to magnify verse 63 Companion am I to al them which feare thee in their hart and neyther wil for loue nor dread frō thy cōmaundements start verse 64 Thy mercies Lord most plentuously do al the world fulfil Oh teach me how I may obey thy statutes and thy wil. TETH The .ix. part verse 65 ACcording to thy promise Lord so hast thou with me delt For of thy grace in sundry sortes haue I thy seruant felt verse 66 Teach me to iudge alwayes aright and geue me knowledg
116 As thou hast promised so perform that death me not assayle Nor let my hope abuse me so that through distrust I quayle verse 117 Vphold me and I shal be safe for ought they do or say and in thy statutes pleasure take wil I both night and day verse 118 Thou hast trode such vnder thy fete as do thy statutes breake For nought auayleth theyr subtility theyr counsel is but weake verse 119 Like drosse thou casts the wicked out where euer they go or dwel Therfore can I as thy statutes loue nothing half so wel verse 120 My flesh alas is taken with feare as though it were benomd For when I see thy iudgements strayt I am as one astound AIN The .xvi. part verse 121 I Do the thing that lawful is and geue to al men right Resigne me not to thē that would oppres me w t their might verse 122 But for thy seruaunt surty be in that thing that is good That proud mē geue me not y e foyle which rage as they wer wood verse 123 Mine eyes w t wayting are now blind thy health so much I craue And eke thy righteous promise Lord wherby thou wilt me saue verse 124 Intreate thy seruaunt louingly and fauour to him shew Thy statutes of most excellence teach me also to know verse 125 Thy humble seruaunt Lord I am oh graunt me to vnderstand How by thy statutes I may know best what to take in hand verse 126 It is now time Lord to begin for truth is quyte decayd Thy law likewise they haue trāsgrest and none against thē sayd verse 127 This is the cause wherfore I loue thy lawes better then gold Or iewels fine which are estemd most costly to be sold verse 128 I thought thy precepts al most iust and so them layd in store Al crafty and malitious wayes I do abhorre therfore PE. The .xvii. part verse 129 THy couenaunts are most wonderful ful of things profound My soule therfore doth kepe thē sure whē they ar tride foūd verse 130 When mē first enter into thy wordes they find a light most cleare and very idiots vnderstand when they it read or heare verse 131 For ioy I haue both gaped breathde to know they cōmaūdemēt That I might guide my life therby I sought what thing it mēt verse 132 With mercy and compassion Lord behold me from aboue As thou art wont to behold such as thy name feare and loue verse 133 Direct my fotesteps by thy word that I thy wil may know and neuer let iniquity thy seruaunt ouerthrow verse 134 Frō slaunderous toungs deadly harms preserue kepe me sure Thy precepts then I wil obserue and put them eke in vre verse 135 Thy coūtenāce which doth surmoūt the sunne in his bright hew Let shine on me and by thy law teach me what to eschew verse 136 Out of mine eyes great flouds gush out of dryery teares and fel when I behold how wicked men thy law kepe neuer a del ZADE. The .xviii. parte verse 137 137 IN euery poynt Lord y u art iust the wicked though they grudge And whē thou doost sētēce pronoūce y u art a righteous iudge verse 138 To render right fly from guile are two chief points most hye and such as thou hast in thy law commaunded vs straytly verse 139 With zeale and wrath I am consumde and euen pyned away To see my foes thy wordes forget for ought that I do may verse 140 So pure and perfect is they word as any hart can deme and I thy seruaunt nothing more do loue or yet esteme verse 141 And though I be nothing set by as one of base degree Yet do I not thy hestes forget nor shrinke away from thee verse 142 Thy righteousnes Lord is most iust for euer to endure also thy law is truth it selfe most constant and most pure verse 143 Trouble grief haue seased on me brought me wōdrous low yet do I stil of thy precepts delight to heare and know verse 144 The righteousnes of thy iudgements do last for euermore Then teach them me for euen in them my life lieth vp in store KOPH The .xix. part verse 145 WIth fernēt hart I cald cride now aunswere me O Lord That thy cōmaundemēt to obserue I may fully accord verse 146 To thee my God I make my sute w t most hūble request Saue me therfore and I wil kepe thy precept and thy hest verse 147 To thee I cry euen in the morne before the day waxe light Because that I haue in thy word my confidence whole plight verse 148 Mine eyes preuēt the watch by night and ere they cal I wake That by deuising of thy word I might some comfort take verse 149 Incline thine eares to heare my voyce and pity on me take as thou wast wont so iudge me Lord least life me should forsake verse 150 My foes draw nere and do procure my death maliciously which from thy law are far gone back and strayd from it leudly verse 151 Therfore O Lord approch thou nere for nede so doth requyre and al thy precepts true they are then helpe I thee desire verse 152 By thy cōmaundements I haue learnd not now but long ago That they remayne for euermore thou hast them grounded so RESH The .xx. part verse 153 MY trouble and affliction consider and behold Deliuer me for of thy law I euer take fast hold verse 154 Defend my good and righteous cause with spede me succor send From death as thou hast promised Lord kepe me and defend verse 155 As for the wicked farre they are from hauing health and grace wherby they might thy statutes know they enter not the trace verse 156 Great are they mercies Lord I graūt what toung can thē attayne and as thou hast me iudged ere now so let me life obtayne verse 157 Though many men did trouble me and persecute most sore yet from thy lawes I neuer shronke nor went a wry therfore verse 158 And truth it is for grief I dye when I these traytors see Because they kepe no whit thy word nor yet seke to know thee verse 159 Behold for I do loue thy lawes with hart most glad and fayne as thou art good and gracious Lord restore my life agayne verse 160 What thy word doth decree must be and so it hath bene euer Thy righteous iudgements are also most true and decay neuer SCHIN The .xxi. part verse 161 PRinces haue sought by cruelty causeles to make me crouch But al in vayne for of thy word the feare did my hart touch verse 162 And certeinly euen of thy word I was more mery and glad Then he that of rich spoyles and pray great store plenty had verse 163 As for al lyes and falsitie I hate most and detest For why thy holy law do I aboue al things loue best verse 164 Seuen times a day I prayse the Lord singing with hart voyce Thy rightuous actes and wonderful
so cause me to reioyse verse 165 Great peace and rest shal al such haue which do thy statutes loue Nor daunger shal theyr quyet state impeire or once remoue verse 166 My onely health and comfort Lord I looke for at thy hand And therfore haue I done those things which y u didst me cōmand verse 167 Thy lawes haue ben my exercise which my soule most desired So much my loue to them was bent that nought els I required verse 168 Thy statutes cōmaundements I kept thou knowest a right For al the things that I haue done are present in thy sight TAV The .xxii. part verse 169 O Lord let my complaint and cry before thy face appeare and as thou hast me promise made so teach me thee to feare verse 170 Myne humble supplication toward thee let find acces and graunt me Lord deliueraunce for so is thy promes verse 171 Then shal my lips thy prayses speake after most ample sort when thou thy statutes hast me taught wherin stādeth al cōfort verse 172 My tong shal sing and preach thy word and on this wise say shal Gods famous actes and noble lawes are iust and perfect al. verse 173 Stretch out thy hand I thee besech and spedely me saue For thy cōmaundemēts to obserue chosē O Lord I haue verse 174 Of thee alone Lord I craue helth for other I know none and in thy law and nothyng els I do delite alone verse 175 Graūt me therfore lōg dayes to liue thy name to magnify and of thy iudgements merciful let me thy fauour try verse 176 For I was lost and went astray much like a wandryng shepe Oh seke me for I haue not fayled thy commaundmentes to kepe Ad dominum cum tribularer Psalme Cxx. S. T. ¶ The prayer of Dauid beyng now banished amonge the barbarious people of Arabia by the false reportes of enuions flatterers And therfore be lamenteth his long abode among those infidels who were geuen to all kynd of wickednes and contention IN trouble and in thral vnto the Lord I cal and he doth me cōfort deliuer me I say frō lyers lippes alway and toung of false report verse 4 What vantage or what thyng Getst thou thus for to styng Thou false and flattering lyer verse 5 Thy toung doth hurt I wene No les then arrowes kene Of whote consuming fire verse 6 Alas to long I slake Within these tentes so blake Which kedars are by name By whom the flocke elect And al of Isaackes sect Are put to open shame verse 7 With thē that peace did hate I came a peace to make And set a quyet lyfe verse 8 But when my word was told Causeles I was controld By thē that would haue stryfe Leuaui oculos meos Psalme Cxxi VV VV. ¶ The Prophet shewed by his own example that the faithfull ought to looke for all their succour of God alone who will gouerne and geue good successe to al their godly enterprises I Lift mine eyes to Sion hil from whence I do attende that succour God me send The mighty God me succour wil which heauen and earth framed and al things therin named verse 3 Thy foote from slip he wil preserue And wil thee safely kepe For he wil neuer slepe verse 4 Lo he that doth Israel conserue No slepe at al can hym catch But his eyes shal euer watch verse 5 The Lord is thy warrant alway ❧ The Lord eke doth thee couer As at thy right hand euer verse 6 The sunne shal not thee partch by day Nor the moone not halfe so bryght Shall with cold thee hurt by nyght ❧ verse 7 The Lord wil kepe thee from distres And wil thy life sure saue And thou also shalt haue verse 8 In al thy busines good successe Where euer thou goest in or out God wil thy thinges bryng about Letatus sum Psalme Cxxii VV. K. ¶ Dauid reioyseth in y ● name of the faithful y ● God hath accomplished his promes placed his Arke in Siō for the which he geueth thākes prayeth for the prosperitie of the Church I Did in hart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce in offering so willingly For let vs vp say they in y ● lords house pray thus spake y e folk ful louīgly Our fete y ● wādred wide shal in thy gates abide O y u Ierusalē ful fayre which art so semely set much like a citie net y e like wherof is not els where verse 4 The tribes with one accord The tribes of God the Lord Are thither bent their way to take So God before did tel That there his Israel Their prayers should together make verse 5 For there are thrones erect And that for this respect To set forth iustice orderly ❧ Which thrones ryght to maintayne To Dauids house perteyne His folke to iudge accordingly verse 6 To pray let vs not cease For Ierusalems peace Thy frends God prosper myghtely verse 7 Peace be thy walles about ❀ And prosper thee throughout Thy places eke continually verse 8 I wish thee prosperous state For my poore brethrens sake That cōfort haue by meanes of thee ❧ verse 9 Gods house doth me allure Thy wealth for to procure So much alwayes as lyeth in mee Ad te leuaui oculos Psalme Cxxiii T. S. ¶ A prayer of the faythfull whiche are afflicted by the wicked worldlynges and contemners of God Sing this as the .23 psalme verse 1 O Lord that heauen doost posses I lift mine eyes to thee I lift mine eyes to thee Euē as the seruaunt lifteth his his maysters hands to see verse 2 As handmaids watch their maistres hāds some grace for to atchiue So we behold the Lord our God til he do vs forgeue verse 3 Lord graunt vs thy compassion and mercy in thy sight For we be filled and ouer commen with hatred and despight verse 4 Our minds be stuffed with great rebuke the rich worldly wise Do make of vs their mocking stocke the proud do vs despise Nisi quia dominus Psalme Cxxiiij VV VV. ¶ The people of God being deliuered out of a great daūger acknowledge not to haue escaped by their own power but through the fauour of God shew in how great peril they were NOw Israel may say and that truly If that the Lorde had not our cause mainteind If that the Lord had not our right susteynd When al the world agaynst vs furiously made their vprors and sayd we should al dye verse 3 Now long a go they had deuourd vs al And swalowed quicke for ought that we could deme Such was theyr rage as we might wel esteme verse 4 And as the flouddes with mighty force do fal So had they now our life euen brought to thral verse 5 The raging streames most proud in roring noyse Had long a go ouer whelmde vs in the depe verse 6 But loued by God which doth vs safely kepe From bloudy teeth and their most cruel voyce Which as a pray to eate vs would
Thee to obey in wealth and wo Let not flesh bloud or any il Preuayle agaynst thy holy wil. ❧ Geue vs this day our dayly bread And al other good giftes of thyne Kepe vs from warre and from bloudshed Also from sicknes dearth and pine That we may lyue in quietnes Without al gredy carefulnes Forgeue vs our offences al Releue our careful conscience ❧ As we forgeue both great and smal Which vnto vs haue done offence Prepare vs Lord for to serue thee In perfect loue and vnity O Lord into temptation Lead vs not when the fiend doth rage To withstand his inuasion Geue power and strength to euery age ❧ Arme and make strong thy feble host With faith and with thy holy ghost O Lord from euel deliuer vs The dayes and tymes are daungerous From euerlastyng death saue vs And in our last nede comfort vs A blessed end to vs bequeth Into thy handes our soules receyue ❧ For thou O Lord art kyng of kyngs And thou hast power ouer al Thy glory shineth in al thyngs In the wyde world vniuersal Amen let it be done O Lord That we haue prayd with one accord ¶ The .xii. Articles of the Christian Faith AL my belief and confidence Is in the Lord of might the father which al things hath made the day and eke the night the heauens the firmamēt and also many a starre the earth and al that is therin which passe mās reasō far And in like maner I beleue in Christ our Lord his sonne Coequal with the deitie and man in flesh and bone Conceiued by the holy ghost his word doth me assure and of his mother Mary borne yet she a Virgin pure Because mankind to Sathan was for sinne in bōd and thral He came and offred vp him selfe to death to saue vs al. And suffring most greuous payne then Pilate being iudge Was crucified on the cros and therat did not grudge And so he died in the flesh but quickned in the spirite His body then was buried as is our vse and rite His spirit did after this descēd into the lower parts To thē y ● lōg in darknes wer the true light of their harts And in the thyrd day of his death he rose to life agayne To th end he might be glorified out of al grief and payne Ascendyng to the heauens hye to fit in glory stil On Gods right hād his father deare according to his wil. Vntil the day of iudgmēt come whē he shal come agayne With angels power yet of that day we al be vncertayn To iudge al people rightuously whō he hath dearely bought The liuing the dead also which he hath made of nought And in the holy spirit of God my faith to satisfy The third person in Trinity beleue I stedfastly The holy catholike church that gods word doth maintaine and holy scripture doth alow which Sathā doth disdain And also I do trust to haue by Iesu Christ his death Release and pardon of my sinnes and that onely by faith What time al flesh shal rise again before the Lord of might and see him w t their bodely eies which now do geue thē light And then shal Christ our fauior the shepe and Goates deuyde and geue life euerlastingly to those whom he hath tryde Which is the realme celestial in glory for to rest With al the holy company of saints and Angels bleft Which serue the Lord omnipotent obediently eche houre To whome be al dominion and prayse for euermore ¶ A prayer vnto the holy Ghost to be song before the Sermon Syng this as the 11● Psalme COme holy sprite the god of might comforter of vs al teach vs to know thy word aright y t we do neuer fal O holy Ghost visite our coast defend vs with thy shield Against al sinne and wickednes Lord help vs win the field Lord kepe our Quene her counsel geue them wil and might To perseuere in thy gospel which can put sinne to flyght O Lord that geuest thy holy word send preachers plētuously That in the same we may accord and therin lyue and dy O holy sprite direct aright the preachers of thy word that y u by them maist cut down sin as it were with a sword Depart not from those pastors pure but ayd them at al nede which breake to vs y e bread of life wher on our soules do fede O blessed spirit of truth kepe vs in peace and vnitie Kepe vs from sectes and errours al and from al papistry Conuert al those that are our foes and bring thē to thy lyght that they and we may al agree and prayse thee day night O Lord increase our faith in vs and loue so to abound that man wife be void of strife neighbours about vs roūd In our time geue thy peace O Lord to nations far nye and teach thē al thy holy word that we may sing to thee All Glory to the Trinitie that is of myghtes most The lyuing Father and the Sonne and eke the holy Ghost As it hath bene in al the tyme that hath bene heretofore As it is now and so shal be hence forth for euermore Da pacem Domine E. G. GEue peace in these our dayes O Lord great daūgers are now at hand thine enemies with one accord Christes name in euery land seeke to deface roote out and race thy true ryght worshyp in dede be thou the stay Lord we thee pray thou helpst alone in all nede Geue vs that peace which we do lacke Through misbelief and il life Thy word to offer thou doost not slacke Which we vnkindly gainstriue With fyre and sword this healthfull word Some persecute and oppresse Some with the mouth confes the truth Without sincere godlines Geue peace and vs thy spirite down send With grief and repentaunce true Do pearce our harts our lyues to amend And by fayth Christ renue That feare and dread warre and bloudshed Through thy swete mercy and grace May from vs slyde thy truth may byde And shyne in euery place The complaint of a Synner who craueth of Christ to be kept vnder hys mercy WHere rightuousnes doth say Lord for my sinful part in wrath thou shouldst me pay vengeaunce for my desert I can it not deny but nedes I must confes how that cōtinually thy lawes I do transgres thy lawes I do transgres But if it be thy wil with synners to contend Then all thy flock shal spil and be lost without end For who lyueth here so ryght that rightly he can say He synneth not in thy sight full oft and euery day Thy Scripture plain telth me y ● rightuous mā offēdeth seuē times a day to thee wheron thy wrath depēdeth So that the rightous man doth walk in no such path But he falth now or than in daunger of thy wrath Then since the case so standes y ● euen the mā rightwise Faith oft in sinful bands wherby thy wrath may rise Lord I