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lord_n richard_n thomas_n william_n 32,267 5 7.8047 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74790 A new Magna Charta: enacted and confirmed by the high and mighty states, the remainder of the Lords and Commons, now sitting at Westminster, in empty Parliament, under the command and wardship of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Lievtenant Generall Cromwell, (our present soveraigne lord the King, now residing at his royall pallace at White-Hall) and Prince Ireton his sonne, and the Army under their command. Containing the many new, large and ample liberties, customes and franchises, of late freely granted and confirmed to our soveraigne lord King Charles, his heires and successors; the Church and state of England and Ireland, and all the freemen, and free-borne people of the same. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1648 (1648) Thomason E427_15; ESTC R203352 6,004 11

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Lievtenants Governours and old Garrison Souldiers of the Tower of London Newcastle Yorke Bristoll Plymouth Glocester Exeter Chester Pendennis Castle and the Isle of Wight be removed with disgrace by our new Generalissimoes meere arbitrary power notwithstanding our former Votes and Ordinances for their particular settlement and new mean seditious Sectaries of our confederacy put into their places Item We will that a just difference be made between such persons as never departed from their Covenant and duty and such as were detestable Newtralists and oppressours of the people and to that end we will that the Commission of the Peace be renewed at the pleasure of our flying Speakers who are to provide that such be omitted as agree not with the frame and temper of the Army and us their Lords and Commons sitting at Westminster and others be added in their places who have complied with the enemy and oppressed the people and to that end we agree that the Earle of Suffolke Earle of Middlesex William Lord Maynard William Hicks Knight and Baronet John Parsons Knight Richard Pigott Knight Edward King Esquire Thomas Welcome Esquire and divers others be omitted and that John Lockey Thomas Welby VVilliam Godfrey Richard Brian Sir Richard Earle Baronet and others of that stamp be added of whose integrity and faithfulnesse Quere Item We will that for the perpetuall honour of the Lords and Barons of this Realme whose Ancestors purchased for us with the expence of their lives and bloods from King John and Henry the third the great Charter that they shall from henceforth be impeached of High Treason committed imprisoned and put out of the House of Peers and forfeit their lives and estates to our disposing if they defend that great Charter the lives and Liberties of the Subjects and Parliament against a perfidious and rebellious Army and us the fugitive Lords and Commons who fled from our Houses to the Army without cause and there entred into a trayterous Covenant and Ingagement to live and die with the Army and to destroy the faithfull Members that stayed behind at Westminster and all the freedome of this and future Parliaments And we will that henceforth there shall be no House of Peers distinct from Commons but that all Peers and Peerage be for ever abolished and all great and rich mens estates levelled and made equall to their poorest neighbours for the better reliefe and encouragement of the poor Saints Item We will that the City of London shall have all her ancient Liberties and Customes in as full and ample manner as her Predecessors ever had and for that end we will that the Army shall march in a Warlike manner towards that City and passe like Conquerours in tryumph through the same That all the Fortifications and Line about it shall be slighted and thrown downe the Tower taken out of their hands and put into our Generalls and fortified to over-awe them the Militia of the City changed and divided from that of Westminster and Southwarke the Lord Mayor Recorder Aldermen and some leading men of the Common Counsell by crafty sinister and feigned informations impeached of high Treason and other great Misdemeanours imprisoned and disabled and others by our appointment and nomination put into their places and the Citizens and Common Counsell-men shall henceforth make no free Elections of Governours and Officers That White-Hall the Muse Minories Ely-house and other places shall be made Citadells that the Posts and Chaines in the City and Suburbs be taken away their Gates and Purcullices pulled downe their Armes delivered into a common Magazine by our appointment to disable them from all future possibility of selfe-defence or disobedience to our imperiall commands that so they may willingly deliver us up the remainder of their exhausted treasures and estates when we see cause to require the same and made as absolute Freemen for all their expence of treasure and blood in our defence as our English Gally-slaves now are in Algier Item We will that the command of the Navy and all ships at Sea for the honour of this Nation and our owne be committed into the hands and government of a Vice-Admirall without and against the consent of the Lords of late but a Skippers Boy a common Souldier in Hull a I eveller in the Army impeached by the Generall for endeavouring to raise a mutiny at the late Rendevouz and since that taken with a Whore in a Bawdy house who rode downe in triumph to the Downes to take possession of his place in a Coach and foure horses with a Trumpeter and some Troopers riding before and after it sounding the Trumpet in every Towne and Village as they passed to give notice of his new Excellencies arrivall and make the common people vaile Bonnet and strike sale to his Coach and at his late returne from the Isle of Wight to the Downes was rowed from the ship to the Towne of Deale with the Ensigne in the sterne the Boatswaine and all the Rowers bare headed like so many Gally-slaves a new kind of state which never any Lord-Admirall in England though the greatest Peer yet tooke upon him but the King onely and to maintaine this new pompe and state of his we will and ordain that all Merchants as well Natives as Forraigners shall pay such new Customes Impositions and Excize for all manner of goods and Merchandize whatsoever imported or exported as we in our arbitrary wisdomes shall judge meet under paine of forfeiture of all their said goods and Merchandize and such other penalties as we shall impose Item We will and ordaine for the ease and reliefe of the almost famished poore in these times of dearth and decay of Trade that Excize shall still be paid by them and every of them for every drop of small beer they drinke and for all oyles dying stuffes and Mercers wares they shall have occasion to use about their Trades and Manufactures and that the lusty young souldiers who are able to worke and get their livings by the sweat of their browes shall ramble abroad through all the Kingdome and like so many sturdy rogues take Free-quarter for themselves horses and companions from place to place refusing to work shall eat up all the provisions in Gentlemens Yeomens Clothyers and other rich mens houses who formerly relieved the impotent poore with their Almes and the able with work Item We will that William Lenthall our Speaker for the time being shall have a Monopoly and plurality of all kind of Officers for the maintenance of his state and dignity and recompence of his infidelity in the deserting the true House of Commons notwithstanding the selfe-denying Ordinance to the contrary and to this end we ordaine that he shall be our perpetuall Speaker and eternally take five pounds for every Ordinance that passeth the Commons House with all other incident new exacted fees and gratuities that he shall with this his office enjoy the custody and profits of the great Seale of England the Dutchy