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A61861 Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury wherein the history of the Church, and the reformation of it, during the primacy of the said archbishop, are greatly illustrated : and many singular matters relating thereunto : now first published in three books : collected chiefly from records, registers, authentick letters, and other original manuscripts / by John Strype ... Strype, John, 1643-1737. 1694 (1694) Wing S6024; ESTC R17780 820,958 784

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augmentation of Gods mercy and gracious promise to al men that receive it in the Faith of Christ Jesu with hatred of sin and intent purpose and mind to live always a vertuous life And that is the very Transubstantiation and change that God delighteth in in the use of the Sacraments most that we should earnestly and from the bottome of our hearts be converted into Christ and Christs holy commandments to live a christen life and to dy from sin as he gave us example both by his life and doctrin and meaneth not that the bread and wine should in substance be turned or converted into the substance of his body and bloud or that the substance of the bread should be taken away and in the place therof to be the substance matter and corporal presence of Christs corporal holy humane and natural body Item That the same holy word of God doth confess hold defend acknowledg and maintain that the very natural substantial real and corporal body of Christ concerning his humanity is only and soly in heaven and not in the Sacrament and Communion of his precious body and bloud But whosoever worthily with true repentance and lively faith in the promise of God receiveth that holy Sacrament receiveth Sacramentally by faith al the mercies riches merits and deservings that Christ hath deserved and paid for in his holy bloud and passion And that is to eat Christ and to drink Christ in the holy Sacrament to confirm and Seal Sacramentally in our Souls Gods promises of eternal Salvation that Christ deserved for us not in or by his body eaten but by and for his body slain and killed upon the Cross for our Sinns as S. Paul saith Col. 1. Eph. 1.3 Ebru 2.7 8 9 10. As for eating of his flesh and drinking of his bloud really corporally materially and substantially it is but a carnal and gross opinion of man besides and contrary to the word of God and the articles of our faith and christen religion that affirmeth his corporal departure from th earth placeth it in heaven above at the right hand of God the father Almighty and keepeth retaineth holdeth and preserveth the same corporal body of Christ there til the general day of judgment as the word declareth From thence he shal come to judge the quick and the dead And that heretofore I have been in the contrary opinion and believed my self and also have taught other to believe the same that there remained no substance of bread and wine in the Sacrament but the very self same body and bloud of Christ Jesu that was born of the blessed Virgin Mary and hanged upon the Cross I am with al my heart sorry for mine error and false opinion detesting and forsaking the same from the bottome of my heart and desire God most heartily in and for the merits of his dear sons passion to forgive me and al them that have erred in the same false opinion by and through my means Praying them in the tender compassion and great mercies of God now to follow me in truth verite and singleness of Gods most true word as they were contented to follow me in error superstition and blindness and be no more ashamed to turn to the truth then they were ready to be corrupted by falshood If the holy Apostle S. Paul and the great Clerk S. Augustine with many mo Noble and vertuous members of Christs church were not ashamed to returne acknowledge and confess their error and evil opinions what am I miserable creature of the world inferior unto them both in knowledg holines and learning that should be ashamed to do the same Nay I do in this part thank God and rejoyce from the bottome of my heart that God hath revealed unto me the truth of his word and geven me leave to live so long to acknowledg my fault and error and do here before you protest that from henceforth I will with al diligence and labor study to set forth this mine amended knowledg and reconciled truth as long as I live by the help of God in the holy Ghost through the merits of Jesus Christ our only Mediator and Advocate To whom be al honor for ever and ever Amen Subscribed and confirmed 29 of April 1551. in the presence of John Bp. of Gloucester and divers other ther present NUM LXIV The Archbishop to the Lords of the Councel concerning the Book of Articles of Religion AFter my veray humble recommendations unto your good Lordeships I have sent unto the same the boke of Articles which yesterday I receyved from your Lordeships I have sent also a Cedule inclosed declarynge briefly my minde upon the said boke besechynge your Lordeshipps to be means unto the Kyngs Majestie that al the Bushops may have authority from hym to cause all their Prechers Archdecons Deans Prebendaries Parsons Vicars Curates with al their Clergie to subscribe to the said articles And than I trust that such a concorde and quyetness in religion shal shortely follow therof as ells is not to be loked for many years God shal therby be glorified his truth shal be avaunced and your Lordeships shal be rewarded of hym as the setters forward of his true word and gospel Unto whom is my dayly prayer without ceasynge to preserve the Kynges Majestie with al your honorable Lordeships From my house at Forde the 24 of this present month of November Your Lordeshipps ever to commaunde T. Cant. To my veray good Lordes of the Kinges Majestie his most honor able Councel NUM LXV The Archbishop nominates certain persons for an Irish Archbishoprick To my veray Lovinge friende Sir William Cecyl Knight one of the Kinges Majesties principal Secretaries THough in England there be many meete men for the Archbushopricks of Ireland yet I knowe veraye fewe that wil gladlie be perswaded to go thither Nevertheless I have sent unto you the names of iiij Viz. Mr. Whiteheade of Hadley Mr. Tourner of Caunturbury Sir Thomas Rosse and Sir Robert Wisdome Which being ordinarily called I thincke for conscience sake wil not refuse to bestowe the talent committed unto theim wheresoever it shal please the Kinges Majestie to appoincte theim Among whom I take Mr. Whiteheade for his good knowledge special honestie fervent zeale and politick wisdome to be most meete And next him Mr. Tourner who besides that hee is merry and witty withal nihil appetit nihil ardet nihil somniat nisi Iesum Christum and in the lively preaching of him and his wourde declareth such diligence faithfulness and wisdom as for the same deservithe much commendation There is also one Mr. Whitacre a man both wise and wel learned Chaplain to the Bushopp of Winchester veray meet for that office if he might be perswaded to take it upon him I pray you commend me unto Mr. Cheke and declare unto him that myn ague whither it were a quotidian or a double tertian wherof my Physitions doubted hath left me these two dayes and so I
trust I am quite thereof Notwithstanding my water keapithe stil an high colour Now the most daunger is that if it come againe this night it is like to tourne to a quartane However the matter chaunce the most grief to me is that I cannot proceade in such matters as I have in hande according to my wil and desire This Terrenum Domicilium is such an obstacle to all good purposes Forasmuche as I perceave that the Kings Majesties progress is altered I pray you send me the gests of the latter end of his Progress from this time unto the end that I may from time to time know where his Majestie shal bee whom I beseeche Almighty god to preserve and prosper in al his affairs with his most honorable Councel and al his courte From my mannor of Croydon the xxvth of August 1552. Your own assured T. Cant. NUM LXVI That Mr. Turner intended for the Archbishopric of Armagh was come up to court To my lovynge frende Sir William Cecyl Knight one of the Kyngs Majestie his principal Secretary AFter my veray harty recommendations Now at the last agaynst his wil Turner is come up unto the courte He preched twise in the campe that was by Canterbury for the which the rebells wolde have hanged hym and he semed than more glad to go to hangynge than he doth now to go to Armachane he alleged so many excuses but the chiefe is this that he shal prech to the walls and stalls for the peple understande no English I beare him in hande Yes and yet I dowte whether they speak English in the dioces of Armachane But if they do not then I say that if he wil take the paine to lerne the Irish tonge which with diligence he may do in a yeare or two than both his personne and doctrine shal be more acceptable not only unto his dioces but also thorowe out al Ireland I commytt hym to your cure praying you to help hym to have as redy a dispach as may be for he hath but a little money I have sent the boke of Articles for Religion unto Mr. Cheke set in a bettre order than it was and the titles upon every matier addynge therto that which lacked I pray you considre wel the articles with Mr. Cheke and whether you thynke best to move the kyngs majestie therin bifore my commynge I referre that unto your two wisdomes I pray you let me have your advise unto whom I myght best write concernynge Rayner Wolfe for I wot not to whom I myght write but to my Lorde of Northumberlande The everlyvynge god ever preserve you in this life and in the life to come From Croydon the xix th of September Anno 1552. Your assured frende T. Cant. NUM LXVII Wherein the Archbishop justifies himself and the rest of the Bishops against the charge of Covetousnes To my Lovyng frende Sir William Cycil one of the Kyngs Majesties principal Secretaries AFter my most harty commendations and thanks as wel for your gentyl Letters as for the copy of the Pacification and for your good remembrance of the two matters which I desiered you not to forget the one concernynge the B. of Colens lettres and the other Mr. Mowse for whom eft-sonnes I gyve you my most harty thanks As for your Admonition I take it most thankfully as I have ever been most glad to bee admonished by my frendes accomptynge no man so folish as he that wil not heare frendely admonishments But as for the sayinge of S. Paul Qui volunt ditescere incidunt in tentationem I feare it not halfe so moche as I do starke beggery For I toke not halfe so moche care for my lyvynge whan I was a Scholer of Cambrige as I do at this present For altho I have now moch more revenewe yet I have moch more to do withal and have more care to lyve now as an Archbuschope than I had at that time to lyve like a scholer I have not so moch as I had within tenne yeares passed by CL l. of certen rent beside casualties I pay duble for every thynge that I bye If a good Auditor have this accoumpt he shal fynde no grete surplusage to waxe rich upon And if I knew any B. that were covetous I wolde surely admonyshe hym but I knowe none but al beggers except it be one and yet I dare wel say hee is not veray rich If you know any I besech you to advertise me for peradventure I may advertise hym bettre than you To be shorte I am not so doted to set my mynde upon thynges here which neither I can cary away with me nor tary longe with them If tyme wold have served I wolde have written of other thynges unto you but your servant makynge hast compelleth me heare to cut of the threde besechynge almyghty god to preserve the Kynges Majestie with al his councel and familie and send him wel to returne from his progresse From my Manor of Croydon the xxj of Iuly Your own ever T. Cant. NUMB. LXVIII Purchases made by the Archbishop Extracted out of K. Edwards Book of Sales Anno Regni Regis Edwardi Sexti primo The name of the Purchaser The some of Money for the purchase The Lands The yerely value of the landes The rent reserved The tyme of the issues The Teste of the Patent Thomas Archiepiscopus Cantuar In consider promis Dom. R. H. VIII perform Test. sui ac in escamb Maner Parc. de Mayfeld in Com. Sussex ac divers al terr ten in Com. Midd. Hertf. Kant Buck. Ebor. ac pro summa Rect. de Whalley Blackborne Rachdale in Com. Lanc. nuper Monastio sive Abbie de Whalley in eodem Com. Lancastr modo dissolut dudum spectan pertinent ac divers al. terr ten in Com. Lanc. Kant Surr. London Bangor c. CCCClxxix 1. 2 d. ob lv 1. xiiij s. vj d. q. A festo S. Michael Arch. Ao. xxxvij o. H. viij ui           Test. xxxj o. die Augusti Thomas Cranmer Archiepiscopus Cantuar. v c. iiij l. viij s. iiij d. Maner de Sleford in Com. Lincoln maner de Middleton Cheny in Com. Northam ac divers al. terr ten in Com. Northam Lincoln x l. vj s. iiij d. xv l. Nichil A festo Annunc B. Marie Virgin ultimo praedicto       iiij l. xv s. viij d.       Thomas Archiepiscopus Cantuar iiij c. xxix l. xiiij s. ij d. Et in complement Testi Dom. Regis H. VIII in consider Servicij Scit nuper Prioratus de Arthington in Com. Ebor. ac diversa alia Maneria terr ten in Com. Ebor. Not. Kant v l. viijs. iiij d. lj l. xvij s. iiijd. xv l. vij l. x s. x l. xvj s. j d. ob xij s. vj l. j d. xxxiij s. iiij d. xvj s. viij d. A festo S. Michaelis Arch. ultimo praeterito Test. vj to die Junij NUM LXVIII An
requite the same I have written lettres unto my Lorde of Northumberlande declarynge unto hym the cause of my staye in the Commission which is bicause that al the gentylmen and Justices of the peace of Kent which be in commission with me be now at London Bifore whos 's comynge home if I sholde procede without them I myght perchaunce travel in vayne and take more payne than I sholde do good I have written also unto hym in the favour of Michael Angelo whose cause I pray you to helpe so moche as lieth in you The Sophy and the Turke themperor and the French kynge not moch better in religion than they rollynge the stone or turnynge the whele of fortune up and downe I pray God send us peace and quyetnes with al realmes as wel as among our selfes and to preserve the Kyngs majestie with al his councill Thus fare you wel From my howse of Forde the xx day of November Anno 1552. Your assured T. Cant. NUM CVIII Signifying his desire to have the good will of the Lord Warden his neighbour To my lovyng frende Sir William Cecill Knyght Secretary to the Kings Majestie Yeve thies AFter my harty commendations and thanks for your letters ther is no man more loth to be in contention with any man than I am specially with my Lorde Warden my nere neighbour dwellynge both in one contray and whose familier and entier frendeshippe I most desier for the quyetnes of the hole contray For the example of the rulers and heades wil the people and membres followe And as towchynge learned men I shal sende you my mynde with as moch expedition as I can which by this poste I can not do evyn in the colde snowe sittynge opon coles untyl he be gone But hartely fare you wel in the Lorde Iesus From Forde the last day of November Your Lovynge frende T. Cant. NUM CIX Desiring Cecyl to enform him of the cause of Chekes indictment To my very Lovynge frende Sir William Cecyl Knight AFter my very harty recommend●tions Yester nyght I harde reported that Mr. Cheke is indited I pray you hartely if you know any thynge therof to sende me knowledge and wheruppon he is indited I had grete trust that he sholde be one of them that sholde fele the Queens grete mercie and pardon as one who hath been none of the grete doers in this matier agaynst her and my trust is not yet gone excepte it be for his ernestnes in religion For the which if he suffre bl●ssed is he of god that suffreth for his sake howsoever the worlde juge of hym For what ought we to care for the jugement of the worlde whan god absolveth us But alas if any means cowde be made for hym or for my Lorde Russel it were not to be omitted nor in any wise neglected But I am utterly destitute both of counseil in this matter and of power being in the same condemnation that they be But that onely thynge which I can do I shal not ceasse to do and that is only to pray from theym and for my selfe with al other that be now in adversity Whan I saw you at the cour●e I wolde fayne have talked with you but I durst not nevertheless if you cowde fynde a tyme to come over to me I wolde gladly commen with you Thus fare you hartely well with my Lady your wife From Lamhith this 14 day of this month of August Your own assured T. Cant. FINIS READER MY Reverend Friend Mr. Wharton as he formerly Encouraged and Assisted me in the Foregoing History hath also further obliged me by the Perusal of it and by communicating to me his Ingenious and Learned Observations and Animadversions thereupon which do highly deserve to be made more Publick and therefore are here gladly added by me together with his Letter as a Supplement to my Book for the Reader 's Benefit To the Reverend Mr. STRYPE SIR AT the Desire of Mr. Chiswell our Common Friend I have perused your Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer not without great Satisfaction being much pleased to see the Actions of that Excellent Prelate and the Affairs of the Reformation of our Church happily begun and carried on in his Time and by his Conduct disposed in so clear a Method I have not been able to make my Observations upon it with that Exactness and Fulness which I desired and you may perhaps expect being at this time placed at a very great distance from all my Papers and Collections and not enjoying the use even of such Printed Books as would be necessary to this Design So that I have been forced to pass by very many Places of your History wherein I have suspected some Error to have been committed but could not either confirm or remove my Suspicion for want of farther present Evidence However I have noted several Places which at first Reading appeared Suspicious and after farther Consideration were judged Erroneous by me altho even in some of those Places I have only Pointed at the Error not being able always to rectify it without the Assistance of Books and Papers whereof I am now wholly destitute Be pleased to accept of my Performance herein with that Candor wherewith I read your Book and made the following Observations since I willingly profess That the commission of Errors in writing any History especially of times past being altogether unavoidable ought not to detract from the Credit of the History or Merit of the Historian unless it be accompanied with Immoderate Ostentation or Vnhandsome Reflections upon the Errors of others from which Imputation that Indifference and Candor which appear throughout your whole Work wholly exempt you altho no History of those Matters or Times which I have seen be wrote with equal Exactness PAGE 16. Line 4. It is the sense of an Ingenious and Learned Friend of mine That the pretended Martyr Thomas Becket tho he died in Vindication of the Privileges of the Church yet he was the First Betrayer of the Rights of his See viz. of Canterbury He made the greatest Breach upon the Authority of the Primacy of Canterbury by resigning the Archbishoprick into the Pope's hands and receiving it again from him as the Pope's Donation Thomas Becket was not the First nor the Chief Betrayer of the Rights of the See of Canterbury The first and greatest Breach upon the Authority of the Primacy of that See was made by his Predecessor William de Corboil Thirty seven years before who after he had been fully Invested in the Archbishoprick of Canterbury by due Authority solicited and accepted the Bulls of Pope Honorius conferring it upon him as by Papal Gift and other Bulls constituting him the Pope's Legate in England whereby he subjected his own See and the Church of England to the Authority of the See of Rome which were before wholly independent of it Page 21. line 21. The Twelfth Article of Cranmer's Judgment of the Unlawfulness of K. Henry's Marriage is this We think that
Life and to give Thanks to God for this Victory but also at the same time immediately after the Sermon and in presence of the Mayor Aldermen and other the Citizens of London to cause the Procession in English and Te Deum to be openly and devoutly sung And that you do also cause the like Order to be given in every Parish-Church in your Diocess upon some Holy-day when the Parishioners shall be there present with as much speed as you may not failing as you tender his Majesty's Pleasure Thus fare you heartily well From Oatlands the 18 th Day of December the Year of our Lord God 1547. Your loving Friend Tho. Cantuarien The Counsellors Pleasure is you shall see this executed on Tuesday next in St. Pauls in London This be given in haste CHAP. IV. A Convocation THE Parliament now sat And a Convocation was held November the 5 th Some Account of what was done here I will in this place set down as I extracted it out of the Notes of some Member as I conceive then present at it Session 1. Nov. 5. Iohn Taylor Dean of Lincoln chosen Prolocutor by universal Consent Sess. 2. Nov. 18. This Day the Prolocutor was presented to the Arch-bishop and Bishops in the Upper House Sess. 3. Nov. 22. It was then agreed that the Prolocutor in the Name of the whole House should carry some Petitions unto the most Reverend Father in God the Arch-bishop viz. I. That Provision be made that the Ecclesiastical Law may be examined and promulged according to that Statute of Parliament in the 35 th Year of Henry VIII II. That for certain urgent Causes the Convocation of this Clergy may be taken and chosen into the Lower House of Parliament as anciently it was wont to be III. That the Works of the Bishops and Others who by the Command of the Convocation have laboured in examining reforming and publishing the Divine Service may be produced and laid before the Examination of this House IV. That the Rigour of the Statute of paying the King the First-Fruits may be somewhat moderated in certain urgent Clauses and may be reformed if possible The fourth Session is omitted in the Manuscript the Writer probably being then absent Sess. 5. Nov. ult This Day Mr. Prolocutor exhibited and caused to be read publickly a Form of a certain Ordinance delivered by the most Reverend the Arch-bishop of Canterbury for the receiving of the Body of our Lord under both Kinds viz. of Bread and Wine To which he himself subscribed and some others viz. Mr. Prolocutor Mr. Cranmer Arch-deacon of Canterbury Mr. May Mr. Ienyngs Mr. VVilliams VVilson Carleton c. Sess. 6. Decemb. 2. This Session all this whole Session in Number Sixty-four by their Mouths did approve the Proposition made the last Session of taking the Lord's Body in both Kinds nullo reclamante The same Day with Consent were chosen Mr. Dr. Draycot Bellasis Dakyns Ieffrey Elize ap Rice Oking Pool and Ap Harry to draw up a Form of a Statute for paying Tithes in Cities c. This was a thing the Clergy now were very intent upon For I find in the Arch-bishop's Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws there is a Law made for paying Tithes in Cities as was done in London Sess. 7. Decemb. 9. By common Consent were nominated and assigned Mr. Rowland Merick Iohn ap Harry Iohn VVilliams and Elizeus Price DD.LL. to obtain the following Effects viz. That the Petition made to have this House adjoined to the Lower House of Parliament may be granted Item That a Mitigation of the sore Penalty expressed in the Statutes against the Recusants for non-payment of the perpetual Tenths may be also obtained And the same Day were likewise appointed Mr. Dean of VVinchester and Mr. Dr. Draycot to accompany Mr. Prolocutor to my Lord of Canterbury to know a determinate Answer what Indemnity and Impunity this House shall have to treat of Matters of Religion in Cases forbidden by the Statutes of this Realm to treat in Sess. 8. Dec. 17. This Day was exhibited a certain Proposition under these words viz. That all such Canons Laws Statutes Decrees Usages and Customs heretofore made had or used that forbid any Person to contract Matrimony or condemn Matrimony already contracted by any Person for any Vow or Promise of Priesthood Chastity or Widowhood shall from henceforth cease be utterly void and of none Effect To which Proposition many subscribed partly in the Affirmative partly in the Negative In the Affirmative 53 Voices In the Negative 22 Voices And here I will insert a few words which I take out of a Book writ very near this Time and by one who was well acquainted with the Affairs of this Convocation The Affirmants saith he of this Proposition were almost treble so many as were the Negants Amongst which Affirmants divers were then unmarried and never afterwards did take the Liberty of Marriage as Dr. Taylor the Bishop Dr. Benson Dr. Redman Dr. Hugh VVeston Mr. Wotton c. Of them that denied it notwithstanding their Subscriptions to the contrary as few as they were yet some of them took upon them the Liberty of Marriage not long after as Dr. Oken Mr. Ray●er Mr. Wilson c. This Subscription following was made by the Hand of Iohn Redman S. T. P. in this very Convocation who being absent this Session for his Name is not among the 53 was desired to declare his own Sense in this Point under his own Hand being so Learned a Man and in such great Credit universally for his Ability in deciding Questions of Conscience I think that although the Word of God do exhort and counsel Priests to live in Chastity out of the Cumber of the Flesh and the World that thereby they may the more wholly attend to their Calling Yet the Band of containing from Marriage doth only lie upon Priests of this Realm by reason of Canons and Constitutions of the Church and not by any Precept of God's Word as in that they should be bound by reason of any Vow which in as far as my Conscience is Priests in this Church of England do not make I think that it standeth well with God's Word that a Man which hath been or is but once married being otherwise accordingly qualified may be made a Priest And I think that forasmuch as Canons and Rules made in this behalf be neither universal nor everlasting but upon Consideration may be altered and changed Therefore the King's Majesty and the higher Powers of the Church may upon such Reasons as shall move them take away the Clog of perpetual Continency from the Priests and grant that it may be lawful to such as cannot or will not contain to marry one Wife And if she die then the said Priest to marry no more remaining still in his Ministration Some larger Account of this memorable Convocation especially as to some of these Matters then under their Hands may be read in Bishop Stillingfleet's
the University at that Time and of the great Sway the Arch-bishop then carried in the Publick and the marvellous Good-will he was esteemed to bear towards Learning I have therefore placed in the Appendix tho printed before This Favour of having their Privileges confirmed sued for in the forementioned Letter the University then got partly by the Means of their cordial Patron the Arch-bishop and partly by the Intercession and Friendship of Queen Katherine Par a great Favourer of Learning and pure Religion of Wriothesly Lord Chancellor the Earl of Warwick the Marquess of Northampton the Earl of Arundel and Sir William Paget to all whom at that time they addressed their Letters whether it were out of fear of the difficulty of getting the thing done or to take this Opportunity to obtain the Countenance of the great Men of the Court. Some time after upon another Occasion the Heads of the University made another Application to their Patron the Arch-bishop which was to befriend them at Court against the Townsmen their old Enemies who were now wresting from them one of their Ancient undoubted Privileges namely the use of the Prisons of the Toll-booth and Castle The Occasion was this In the time of Sturbridg-Fair the Proctors upon great Complaints made to them going their Rounds one Night had taken certain evil Persons in Houses of Sin and had brought them to the Toll-booth in order to the commitment of them there But having sent to the Mayor for the Keys he absolutely refused to part with them So they were fain to carry their Prisoners to the Castle where they left them in Custody But the Mayor's Son after an Hour or two let them all out to return if they pleased to their former Lewdness to the Breach of Law and Affront of the Magistrate Upon this the University sent their Letters to the Arch-bishop making certain of their grave Members the Bearers to relate the Matter more fully earnestly requiring that such Insolence might be punished and that the King and his Council would make such Men feel what it was to violate Laws and to cherish Impunity and to break their Oaths which they had taken to maintain the University-Privileges They urged to him how serviceable and ready their University had been to him in his pious Labours and Counsels in establishing the true Doctrine in the Church and what fit and worthy Men they had sent him for his Assistance in that good Work In like manner they required and expected of him that their Dignity might be maintained and preserved by his Aid and Authority That the University was then but in a low Condition and that Abroad it scarcely retained the Shadow of its former Glory But if at Home and within it Self the Bonds and Sinews of its Safety should thus be cut as not to have a Power to restrain Vice by Imprisonment what could the Kingdom Religion and the King's Majesty hope for any more from that University They inculcated how Learning and the true Religion rise and fall together and that if it went otherwise than well with the one the other would feel the Smart of it And truly say they no remarkable Dammage can light upon the Studies of Learning which by the same Motion draws not along with it the true Religion into the same Catastrophe And these Considerations they made use of to excite his Grace to assist them in vindicating their Privileges and in having that gross Infringement of them punished Upon the same Occasion they wrote their Letters also to Sir William Paget a great Friend of theirs and eminent Patron of good Learning What the Issue of these Applications was I find not but may conclude they received a Success proportionable to the good Will and Authority of those to whom they were made And as the whole Body of the University knew what Favour our Prelate bore to it so every single ingenious Member confided in him and applied to him in their Needs Roger Ascham the University Orator whom I had occasion to mention before was a Man of a weak Constitution and had contracted more frailty by reason of a long Ague that then hung about him and his Complexion became Melancholy by the Relicts of that stubborn Distemper He had also in his Nature a great averseness to the Fish-diet Upon these Reasons he address'd his Letters to the ABp with an humble Suit very handsomly penned that he might be dispensed with as to abstinence from Flesh-meats Lent and Fish-days being then strictly observed in the Colleges And this Licence he desired might be not only Temporary but perpetual as long as he lived which was somewhat extraordinary But to encline the Arch-bishop to yield to his Suit he told him That it was not to pamper his Flesh nor out of an affectation of doing that which was unusual or against common Custom but only for the preserving his Health and that he might the more freely pursue his Studies He added That the Air of Cambridg was naturally Cold and Moist and so the Fish-diet the more unwholsome He desired therefore That by his Authority he might no longer be tied by that Tradition which forbad the Use of certain Meats at certain Times He said That those who granted this Liberty to none but such as laboured under a desperate Disease did like them who never repaired their Houses but when they were just ready to fall down by Age. Thrifty House-keepers did otherwise So did skilful Physicians who did not use to prescribe their Physick when it was too late but always put a stop to Beginnings That they who never would impart the using of this Liberty of eating Flesh to any but when all Health was despaired of knew not what good a prudent Foresight did in all Common-wealths and did too insolently abuse a good Thing bestowed upon us by God when little or no use at all could be made of it Nay that such a Good was no Good at all being External but in that respect only as there might some use be made of it That we ought not therefore unprofitably to abuse Food to Diseases that are desperate but to accommodate it to the preservation of Health And so did S. Paul command Therefore I exhort you to take some Food for this is for your Health Then he subjoins a Passage of Herodotus in his Euterpe concerning the Egyptian Priests from whom issued originally all kinds of Learning and Arts and who were always conversant in Learned Studies These saith that Author religiously tied themselves ever to abstain from all eating of Flesh. No doubt for this only Cause saith Ascham Nè ignea vis ingenii atque praestantia ullo frigido succo quem esus piscium ingeneraret extingueretur That the Wits of Men that have a noble fiery Quality in them might not be quenched by some cold Juice which the eating of Fish might ingender And that it was somewhat unjust he adds that when so many kinds
of old Popish Curats The Letter is dated the 23 d of Iuly and is extant in Fox In London by the Connivance and Remisness of the Bishop many neglected the Divine Service then established and others did in secret Places of the Diocess often frequent the Popish Mass and other Superstitious Rites not allowed by the Laws of England The Sins of Adultery greatly encreased The Churches and particularly the Mother-Church of S. Paul's ran into Dilapidations the Glass was broken and the Ornaments and other Buildings belonging to Churches neglected Many refused to pay Tithes to their Curates probably of both sorts such as were Papists to those Curats as more diligently preached Reformation and obeyed the King's Laws and such as were not so to such Curats as were more backward thereunto Bishop Boner also himself now seldom came to Church seldomer preached and celebrated the English Communion Wherefore the Council sent certain private Injunctions to Boner for the redress of these things That he should preach in his own Person at Paul's Cross and declare certain Articles relating to the before-mentioned Neglects which the Council now sent to him to redress That he should preach once in a Quarter and exhort the People to Obedience and that he should be present at every Sermon at Paul's Cross that he should on the principal Feasts celebrate the Communion and at all times that his Predecessors used to Celebrate and sing High Mass. That he should call before him all such as did not frequent the Church and Common-Prayer and the Holy Communion and punish them as also Adulterers and that he should look to the Reparation of S. Paul's and other Churches and that the People pay their Tithes The Adulteries before hinted which the Council thought fit to recommend to the Bishop to take particular cognizance of makes me add that about this time the Nation grew infamous for this Crime It began among the Nobility and so spread at length among the inferior sort Noblemen would very frequently put away their Wives and marry others if they liked another Woman better or were like to obtain Wealth by her And they would sometimes pretend their former Wives to be false to their Beds and so be divorced and marry again such whom they fancied The first occasion of this seemed to be in the Earl of Northampton divorcing himself from his first Wife Anne Daughter to the Earl of Essex and after marrying Elizabeth Daughter to the Lord Cobham In like manner Henry Son of William Earl of Pembroke put away Katharine Daughter to Henry the Duke of Suffolk and married Mary the Daughter of Sir Henry Sidney These Adulteries and Divorces encreased much yea and marrying again without Divorce which became a great Scandal to the Realm and to the Religion professed in it and gave much Sorrow and Trouble in good Men to see it In so much that they thought it necessary to move for an Act of Parliament to punish Adultery with Death This Latimer in a Sermon preached in the Year 1550 signified to the King For the Love of God saith he take an order for Marriage here in England This is some Account of the Retardation of Religion On the other hand the Endeavors of those that wished well to it were not wanting Now the Protestants began more freely to put forth Books and to disperse such as were formerly printed beyond Sea in the behalf of Religion against Popery and concerning such as had suffered under the Cruelties of the Church of Rome Bale about these Days dispersed his Books One was The Image of both Churches applying the Divine Prophecy of the Revelations to the Apostate Church of Rome Another was a Vindication of the Lady Anne Ascue who suffered the cruel Death of Burning about the end of King Henry's Reign Whose Cause the Papists studiously had rendred bad This Book he intitled The Elucidation of Anne Ascue's Martyrdom Which was this Year exposed publickly to sale at Winchester and the Parts thereabouts as a Reproach to the Bishop of Winchester who was the great Cause of her Death Four of these Books came to that Bishop's own Eyes being then at Winchester they had Leaves put in as Additions to the Book some glewed and some unglewed which probably contained some further Intelligences that the Author had gathered since his first writing of the Book And herein some Reflexions were made freely according to Bale's Talent upon some of the Court not sparing Paget himself though then Secretary of State Another of Bale's Books that went now about was touching the Death of Luther Therein was a Prayer of the Duke of Saxony mentioned which the Bishop of Winchester gladly took hold on Wherein that Duke as to the justness of his Cause remitted himself to God's Judgment to be shewed on him here in this World if the Cause he undertook were not Just concerning Religion and desired God if it were not Good to order him to be taken and spoiled of his Honors and Possessions Since which the Duke was taken Prisoner and at the very time of his taking the Papists made an Observation that the Sun appeared so strangely in England as the like had not been seen before So apt are Men to interpret Events according to their own preconceived Opinions But at this Winchester took much Advantage Whereas indeed the Issues of God's Providence in this World are not favourable always even to the best Causes The keeping of Lent was now called into Controversy and asserted that it was not to be observed upon a religious Account And this was done the rather because the Papists placed so much Religion in the bare Fast. In the Pulpit it began to be cried down Tongue and Ioseph two great Preachers in London said That Lent was one of Christ's Miracles which God ordained not Men to imitate or follow And that it was an insupportable Burden There was a set of Rhimes now made about the burial of Lent which was called Iack of Lent 's Testament and publicly sold in Winchester Market therein Steven Gardiner the Bishop was touched who was a great Man for keeping it For in the Ballad Stephen Stockfish was bequeathed in this Will to Stephen Gardiner Of this he made a long Complaint to the Protector But yet this Neglect of Lent was not encouraged by the Superiors For it was kept at Court and Preparations for the King's Diet were made accordingly this Lent by the Protector The Protestants indeed were for keeping it and an Order was issued out for that purpose tho not upon a Religious but Politick Account But the greater part of the ordinary People would not be brought to it by this Distinction So that the Preachers were fain to be employed Latimer preached That those that regard-not Laws and Statutes were despisers of Magistrates There be Laws made of Diet he said what Meats we shall eat at all times And this Law is made in Policy as I suppose for
Subscription to his Articles of Religion But in his absence when his Back was turned they became as bad altogether as they were before Yet he conceived good hopes of the Lay-people if they had but good Justices and faithful Ministers placed among them as he wrote to Secretary Cecyl To whom he signified his Desire that the Articles of Religion which the King had mentioned to him when last at London were set forth Them he intended to make the Clergy not only subscribe which being privately done he saw they regarded not but to read and confess them openly before their Parishioners At his Visitation he constituted certain of his Clergy Superintendants who in his absence were to have a constant Eye over the Inferior Clergy After this Visit to Glocester he returned back again to VVorcester in October and then proceeded in his Visitation there Here Iohnson and Iollisf two Canons of this Church disallowing some Doctrines recommended to them by the Bishop in his Articles abovesaid held a Dispute thereupon with him and Mr. Harley who was afterward Bishop of Hereford And one of these behaved himself most insolently and disrespectfully to both The Bishop sent up by Harley a large Relation of his Visitation in writing and the Matter these Canons misliked and recommended Harley to the Secretary to give Account of the Disputation This caused him to break out into a Complaint for want of good Men in the Cathedrals Ah! Mr. Secretary that there were good Men in the Cathedral Churches God then should have much more Honour than he hath the King's Majesty more Obedience and the poor People better Knowledg But the Realm wanteth Light in such Churches whereas of right it ought most to be In Worcester Church he now put in execution the King's Injunctions for the removal of Superstition For which there arose a great Clamour against him as though he had spoiled the Church and yet he did no more than the express Words of the Injunctions commanded to be done After his Visitation was over he accounted not his Work done but soon went over both his Diocesses again to take account of his Clergy how they profited since his last examining them and to oversee even his Superintendents themselves to commend their Well-doings and to see what was ill done So great was his Pains and Zeal which made him most truly and experimentally write as he did to the Secretary There is none that eat their Bread in the sweat of their Face but such as serve in Publick Vocation Yours is wonderful but mine passeth Now I perceive that private Labours be but Plays nor private Troubles but Ease and Quietness These Matters I extract from two Original Letters of this Bishop to Secretary Cecyl which I have thought well worthy of preserving in the Appendix and there they may be met with Whereas it was mentioned before how the Bishop had sent up a Writing of the Matters in Controversy between the two Canons and himself we may see what Care the Council took hereof and what Countenance they gave the Bishop by an Order they made Novemb. 6. 1552. Which was that a Letter should be wrote to Mr. Cheke and Mr. Harley to consider certain Books sent unto them touching Matters of Religion in Controversy between the Bishop of VVorcester and two of the Canons of VVorcester and to certify their Opinion hither that further Order may be therein taken Ian. 29. 1551. Upon suit made by the Dutchess of Somerset to Sir Philip Hobby and Mr. Darcy Lieutenant of the Tower to be a Mean unto the King's Majesty and my Lords that the Bishop of Glocester who had been Chaplain unto the Duke might be suffered to have access unto her for the settling of her Conscience Order was by their Lordships taken for the same and a Letter written to the Lieutenant of the Tower in that behalf as followeth To the Lieutenant of the Tower to permit the Bishop of Glocester from time to time to speak with the Dutchess of Somerset in the presence of Sir Philip Hobby and of the said Lieutenant And in case the said Lady of Somerset desire to speak with the said Bishop apart that in that case they license her so to do May 29 1552. A Warrant to make a Book to the Elect Bishop of VVorcester and Glocester of discharge of the first Fruits and Tenths to be paid for the same in consideration that he hath departed with certain Lands to the King's Majesty Which probably he seeing would whether he would or no be pulled away from him to be conferred upon some of the Mighty of the Court made the best of a bad Market and got himself freed from that Charge payable to the King April 12 1553. A Letter was wrote to the Chancellor of the Augmentations to cause a Book to be made from the Bishop of Worcester and Glocester of a Surrender to the King's Majesty of his Jurisdiction in the Forest of Dean with a certain Deanery which of right belongeth to the Bishoprick of Hereford And thereupon to make another Book of the Grant thereof from his Highness to Mr. Harley Elect Bishop of Hereford April 16 1553. A Letter to the Chancellor of the Agumentations to cause a Book to be devised in form of Law Licensing the Bp of Worcester and Glocester to give to three poor Vicarages in his Diocess the Parsonages whereof are impropriated to his Bishoprick such Augmentation of Living towards their better Maintenance as he shall think convenient out of the Lands of the said See April 25 1553. A Warrant to the Receiver of the Wards to deliver to the Bishop of Worcester by way of Reward twenty Pounds for his Attendance here ever since the Parliament by his Majesty's Commandment These are Transcriptions out of a Council-Book CHAP. XIX Troubles of Bishop Gardiner IN this Year 1550 the Council and our Arch-bishop had much trouble with some other Bishops also of a quite different Judgment from the above-spoken of I mean Gardiner Bishop of Winchester Nicolas Bishop of Worcester and Day Bishop of Chichester Of whom what I shall here briefly set down are for the most part Extractions out of an old Council-Book and K. Edward's Journal At Greenwich June 8. was this Order of Council concerning Bishop Gardiner Considering the long Imprisonment that the Bishop of Winchester hath sustained it was now thought time he should be spoken withal and agreed that if he repented his former Obstinacy and would henceforth apply himself to advance the King's Majesty's Proceedings His Highness in this Case would be his good Lord and remit all his Errors passed Otherwise his Majesty was resolved to proceed against him as his Obstinacy and Contempt required For the Declaration whereof the Duke of Somerset the Lord Treasurer the Lord Privy-Seal the Lord great Chamberlain and Mr. Secretary Petre were appointed the next Day i. e. Iune 9. to repair unto him Signed by E. Somerset T. Cant.
W. Wilts I. Bedford E. Clynton T. Ely A. Wyngfeld W. Herbert W. Petre. Edw. North. Accordingly Iune 9. The Duke of Somerset the Marquess of Northampton the Lord Treasurer the Earl of Bedford and Secretary Petre went to the Bishop of Winchester to know what he would stick to Whether to conform to and promote the King's Laws or no He answered That he would obey and set forth all things set forth by the King and Parliament And if he were troubled in Conscience he would reveal it to the Council and not reason openly against it And then he desired to see the King's Book of Proceedings At Greenwich Iune 10. Report was made by the Duke of Somerset and the rest sent to the Bishop of Winchester that he desired to see the said Book The next day were the Books sent to him and delivered to him by the Lieutenant of the Tower as the Council appointed to see if he would set his Hand to them and promise to set them forth to the People At Greenwich Iune 13. the Lieutenant of the Tower declared unto the Council that the Bishop having perused the Books of the Proceedings said unto him He could make no direct answer unless he were at Liberty and so being he would say his Conscience On the 14 th Day the Duke of Somerset and five more of the Council again repaired to the Bishop to whom he made this Answer I have deliberately seen the Book of Common-Prayer Altho I would not have made it so my self yet I find such things in it as satisfy my Conscience And therefore I will both execute it my self and also see others my Parishioners to do it And this the Councellors testified under their Hands as his Saying Iuly the 9 th There were certain Articles drawn up signed by King and Council for the Bishop to subscribe which contained the Confession of his Fault the Supremacy of the King and his Successors the establishing of Holy Days or dispensing with them to be in the King the Service-Book to be Godly and Christian the acknowledgment of the King to be Supream Head and to submit to him and his Laws under Age the abolishing the Six Articles and the King's Power of correcting and reforming the Church These Articles together with a Letter from the King the Earl of Warwick Lord great Master the Lord S. Iohn Lord Treasurer Sir William Herbert Master of the Horse and Secretary Petre carried to the Bishop requiring him to sign them Which he did only making exception to the first Iuly 10. The said Lords made report unto the Council that they had delivered the King's Letter unto the Bishop together with the Articles Unto all which Articles he subscribed thus with his own Hand Stev Winton saving the first Against which he wrote in the Margin these words I cannot in my Conscience confess the Preface knowing my self to be of that sort I am indeed and ever have been To which Articles thus subscribed by the Bishop these of the Council wrote their Names E. Somers W. Wilts I. Warwick I. Bedford W. Northampton E. Clynton G. Cobham William Paget W. Herbert W. Petre Edw. North. Iuly 11. at Westminster This was brought to the Council And his boggling in this manner at the Confession displeased the King that being the principal Point But to the intent he should have no just cause to say he was not mercifully handled it was agreed that Sir VVilliam Herbert and the Secretary should go the next day to him to tell him that the King marvelled he refused to put his Hand to the Confession And that if the words thereof seemed too sore then to refer it to himself in what sort and with what words he should devise to submit himself That upon the acknowledgment of his Fault the King might extend his Mercy towards him as was determined Iuly 13. Sir VVilliam Herbert and the Secretary reported that the Bishop stood precisely in his own Justification He said That he could not subscribe to the Confession because he was Innocent and also because the Confession was but the preface to the Articles Upon this it was agreed by the Council that a new Book of Articles and a new Submission should be devised for the Bishop to subscribe And the Bishop of London Secretary Petre Mr. Cecyl and Goodrick a Common Lawyer were commanded to make these Articles according to Law And then for the more authentick proceeding with the Bishop the two former Persons were again to resort to him with the new Draught and to take with them a Divine which was the Bishop of London and a Lawyer which was Goodrick These Articles were 22 in Number and to this Tenor That King Henry VIII had justly supprest Monasteries That persons may Marry who are not prohibited to contract Matrimony by the Levitical Law without the Bishop of Rome's Dispensation That vowing or going Pilgrimages were justly abolished the Conterfeyting S. Nicholas St. Clement c. was mere Mockery That it is convenient that the Scriptures should be in English That the Late King and the present did upon just ground take into their Hands Chauntries which were for maintenance of private Masses That private Masses were justly taken away by the Statutes of the Realm and the Communion placed instead thereof is very Godly That it is convenient that the Sacrament should be received in both Kinds That the Mass where the Priest doth only receive and others look on is but the Invention of Man That it was upon good and Godly Consideration ordered in the Book that the Sacrament should not be lifted up and shewed to the People to be adored That it is politickly and godly done that Images in Churches and Mass-Books were enacted to be abolished That Bishops Priests and Deacons have no Commandment in the Law of God to vow Chastity or abstain from Marriage And that all Canons and Constitutions which do prohibit Marriage to the Clergy be justly taken away by Parliament That the Homilies and the Forms set forth of making Arch-bishops Bishops Priests and Deacons are Godly and wholsome and ought to be received That the Orders of Subdeacon Benet and Colet c. be not necessary and justly left out in the Book of Orders That the Holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all Doctrines necessary to Salvation That upon good and godly Consideration it was injoined that Erasmus's Paraphrases should be set up in Churches And that it was the King's Pleasure that the Bishop should affirm these Articles by Subscription of his Hand and declare himself willing to publish and preach the same These Articles were brought to the Bishop by the Master of the Horse and Secretary Petre with the Bishop of London and Goodrick To whom the Bishop answered That he would not consent to the Article of Submission Praying to be brought to his Trial and desired nothing but Justice And for the rest of the Articles when he was at Liberty then it should appear what he
this day the Duke of Somerset was called again to Council and 15. At the Star-Chamber May 16. At Westminster May 28 Iune 5. At Greenwich June 8 11 13 20 22. At Westminster Iune 28 29 30. and Iuly 1. About which time the Arch-bishop seemed to depart into his Diocess and there to remain that Summer Octob. 11. There was an Order of Council for a Letter to be writ to him in answer to his of complaint against the Vicar of Dertford to imprison him for his Disobedience unto him and in Prison to endure until the said Arch-bishop should come to Court Octob. 18. Was another Order of Council for three Letters to be writ The One to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury another to the Bishop of Ely and another to th● Bishop of Lincoln Because as the Words run the Parliament draweth near Before which time his Majesty thinketh it expedient to have some Matters there to be consulted Their Lordships were required immediately to repair to the Court where they shall understand his Majesty's further Pleasure And that Day his Grace was sent for November 11. He was present at Council At Westminster November 16 17 18 26. December 4. When the Archbishop and Bishop of Ely answered the Bishop of Chichester then before the Council as to the Texts by him produced in behalf of Altars Decemb. 5 9 11 13. On which Day a Letter was sent to the Lieutenant of the Tower to bring the Bishop of Winchester to Lambeth before the Arch-bishop Ianuary 13. He was present at the Council at Greenwich when Hoper was ordered to be committed to the Arch-bishop's Custody Present again at Council at Greenwich Febr. 8. At Westminster the 16 18. Then upon the Report of the Arch-bishop made of one Young a Learned Man I suppose he of Cambridg that was Bucer's Antagonist viz. That he had preached seditiously against the King's Proceedings in Religion it was ordered that the Arch-bishop and the Bishop of Ely should examine him and thereupon order him as they should think good He was present at Council still at Westminster March 4 8. When he was appointed to receive a Sum of Money in respect of his Charges and Pains in his Process against the late Bishop of Winchester now deprived 9 11 12 22 24. Anno 1551. March 26 31. At Greenwich April the 8 9 11 26. May 4 10 24 25. Iune 4 14. when a Letter was given to the Arch-bishop to send to the Lieutenant of the Tower for the bringing White Warden of New-College in VVinchester and delivering him to the Arch-bishop to remain with him till he might reclaim him 15 21 22. At Richmond August 9. At Hampton-Court Octob. 1. When a Licence was granted to VVolf under the King's Privilege to print the Arch-bishop's Book At VVestminster Octob. 17 19 22 28. Novemb. 2 5 9 10 15 17 21 26. Decemb. 11 12. 13. A Letter was sent from the Council to the Arch-bishop to send them a Book touching Religion sent out of Ireland 17 18 19. Ian. 24 31. Febr. 8 16 22 28. March 22. Anno 1552. He was present at the Council now sitting at VVestminster March 30. April 4 5 8 9 11 18 19 24. From which time till the Month of Octob. he was not at the Council and yet seems to have been at Home Octob. 7. The Council sent to him to stay his going into Kent till Tuesday because the Lords would confer with him that is till Octob. 11. when he was again present at Council The Arch-bishop now retired into his Diocess and was at his House at Ford. Whither several Messages and Letters were sent to him from the Council as Nov. 20. They sent him the Articles of Religion framed chiefly by him and reviewed by the King's Chaplains for his last Review in order to the putting them into due Execution Nov. 24. Another sent him according to the Minute of some Business unknown Decemb. 2. Another Letter to him for the installing of Hoper without paying any Fees And another Feb. 2. in favour of Mr. Knox to be by him collated to the Living of Alhallows This Month he returned and was at the Council at Westminster Likewise Febr. 21 22 2● 27 28. Anno 1553. March 25. April 1 7. At Greenwich Iune 2 3 6 8. And that was the last time mentioned in the Council-Book ending at Iune 17. Nor cared he to come afterwards the Business then in transaction not pleasing him A Bishop Consecrated May 26. Iohn Harley S. T. P. was Consecrated and was the last that was Consecrated in this King's Reign Bishop of Hereford upon the Death of Skip by the Arch-bishop at Croyden Chappel Nicolas Bishop of London and Robert Bishop of Carlile assisting This Harley was one of the King 's Six Chaplains Bill Bradford Grindal Pern and Knox being the other five that were appointed to be Itineraries to preach sound Doctrine in all the remotest Parts of the Kingdom for the Instruction of the Ignorant in right Religion to God and Obedience to the King The End of the Second Book MEMORIALS OF Arch-Bishop CRANMER BOOK III. CHAPTER I. Queen Mary soon recognized The Arch-bishop Slandered and Imprisoned I Find the Arch-bishop present among Queen Iane's Counsellors Whose Party seemed to be resolute for her until the 19 th of Iuly All these Persons of Quality were with her in the Tower consulting of Affairs for her Service Thomas Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellor the Earl of Winchester Lord Treasurer the Dukes of Suffolk and Northumberland the Earls of Bedford Arundel Shrewsbury Pembroke the Lords Darcy and Paget Sir Thomas Cheiney Sir Richard Cotton Sir VVilliam Petre Sir Iohn Cheke Sir Iohn Baker Sir Robert Bowes being all of her Council All which excepting Northumberland signed a Letter dated Iuly 19. to the Lord Rich Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex who had signified to them that the Earl of Oxford was fled to the Lady Mary In their Letter they exhorted him to stand true and tight to Q. Iane as they said they did and would do It was penned by Cheke for Secretary Cecyl was absent and Petre the other Secretary though present did it not though he signed it The Letter is in the Appendix The Day before this Letter was sent viz Iuly 18 there being a Rising in Buckinghamshire and the Parts thereabouts Queen Iane her self thinking her self sure of Sir Iohn Bridges and Sir Nicolas Poyntz signed a Letter to them therein ordering them to raise with speed all the Power they could of their Servants Tenants Officers and Friends to allay that Tumult And so She had written to other Gentlemen in those Parts to do This Letter also I have put in the Appendix And yet to see the vicissitude of Mens Minds and uncertainty of human Affairs Iuly 20. Divers of those very Counsellors that but the Day before set their Hands resolvedly to stand by Q. Iane proclaimed Q. Mary in the City
shewe such an alteration called a Transubstantiation as the papistes do imagine For wythout sure auctoritie of the scripture no Article of the faith may be ordeyned 52. And so I thinke it evident that three thinges are geven and received in the Lords supper of them that rightly communicate at the Lords table First bread and wine nothing in themselfe chaunged but that they are by the wordes and the ordinaunce of the Lord made all onely the sygnes Secondly the selfe body and bloud of the Lord that by these we maye the more parfectly communicate in the participation of the regeneration or rather to have the more parfyt partaking of these or else that they may be of more perfection in us Thirdly the establishing of the new Testament of the forgevenes of synnes or of us by election to be made the sonnes of God 53. I call the signs after the mind of Ireneus an earthly thing The partaking of the Lord to be as the effect therof I call the establishing of the new testament the heavenly thing and therefore to be laid hold upon only by faith and not to be wrapped in with any worldly imaginations 54. And forasmuch as in the supper we be not all only admonished of one Christ and of the partaking of him but also we do receive him I had leaver yet say according to the Lords words Take and eate c. that in the bread and the wyne the body and bloud is geven and that they signify the Lord. So that the bread here is as well a sign of the Lords body exhibitive I mean which geveth the thing signifyed as to be but a bare signe Wherfore certain of the fathers have well used herein the word of Representing For truly I think we must most chiefly expres the thing that is here most principal For this word Accipite is all together a word of gevyng or delyvering The Lord geve us grace that we may all speake one thing to the edyfying of the faith among us Amen Subscribed Martin Bucerus D. Professor Theologiae Cantabrigiae NUM XLVII Bishop Hoper to the Clergy of his Diocess of Glocester To the glory of God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost FOrasmuch as of all Charges and Vocations the Charge of such as be appointed to the ministry and function of the Church is the greatest it is to be provided and foreseen that such as be called and appointed to such Vocation and Office be such as can satisfy the said Office Which may be done as S. Paul saith two manner of wayes The one if they be of sound doctrine apt to teach and to exhort after knowledg and able to withstand and confute the evil sayers The other if their Life and maners be unculpable and cannot justly be blamed Which consisteth in this if the minister be sober modest keeping hospitality honest religious chast not dissolute angry nor given to much wine no fighter no covetous man such as governeth wel his own house and giveth an example of vertue and honesty unto others For as the godly life and conversation of the Parson or Doctor doth no less avayle in the reformation of others then the doctrin it self so likewise they who have no respect nor regard what evil mischievous and devilish example of life outwardly appeareth to be in them cannot have in them any just authority to reform or correct the faults of others For by what just means canst thou reprehend and blame any other in that fault wherin thou thy self art to be blamed Or by what occasion canst thou preach chastity or desire to have the same in another man when as thou thy self despising both God and holy matrimony dost other nourish or keep a whore or concubine at home in thy house or else must defile other mens beds Nother is he any thing les to be ashamed that wil persuade others to Live in sobriety he himself being drunk Wherfore what authority shal he obtain or get unto himelf and his ministery which is daily seen and marked of men to be a common haunter of Alehouses and tavernes of whores cards dice and such like Hereby shal you perceive and know how that the old Priests and pastors of Christs church did by their truth and gravity subjugate and bring under the hardnecked and stif stubborn Ethnicks and caused them to have the same in fear In so much that the wicked Emperor Iulian caused the priests of the Pagans to order their lives according to the lives of the others But look what authority and reverence the old severity and gravenes of the Pastors and Priests did bring unto them at that time even as much shame and contempt or else a great deal more as I fear doth the Letc●ery Covetousnes Ambition Simony and such other corrupt maners bring unto most priests pastors and ministers that be now in our dayes of al men Wherfore I being not forgetful of my office and duty towards God my Prince and you do desire and beseech al you for Christs sake who commanded that your Light should so shine before men that they seing and perceiving the same might glorify the father which is in heaven Give your diligence Welbeloved brethren together with me so that the dignity and majesty of the order of Priests being fallen in decay may not only be be restored again but that first and principally the true and pure worshipping of God may be restored and that so many souls being committed to my faith and yours may by our wholsome doctrin and cleannes of conversation be moved unto the true study of perfect charity and called back from al error and ignorance and finally to be reduced and brought unto the high Bp. and Pastor of Souls Iesus Christ and to the intent yee may the more easily perform the same I have according to the talent and gift given me of the Lord collected and gathered out of Gods holy word a few Articles Which I trust shal much profit and do yee good And if that any thing shal be now wanting or lacking I trust by the help of your prayers and good counsil they shal be shortly hereafter performed Let every one of you therfore take good heed to approve your selves faithful and wise ministers of Christ. So that when I shal come to visit the Parishioners committed to my Cure and come from God and the Kings Majesty yee be able not only to make answer unto me in that behalf but also unto our Lord Iesus Christ judge both of the quick and the dead and a very streit revenger of his church Thus fare you wel unto the day of my coming unto you NUM XLVIII Hoper Bishop of Glocester to Sr. William Cecyll Secretary of State THE grace of God be with you Amen Syns my commyng down I have byn at Worcestre gentle Mr. Secreatori and thought not to have departid thense til I had set thinges in a good order as nere as I could But the negligence
que si j'avois moien de vousfaire de bons Services il ne tiendroit pas a m'y employer que vous n'eussiez approbation d'un meilleur v●uloir que je ne le puis exprimer Je vous eusse faict ces excuses plus tost ou bien remerciemens s●il vous plaist les tenir pour telz n'eust esté le desir que ce gentilhomme avoit de vous presenter mes letteres En quoy aussi j'appercois l'amitie que vous plaist monstrer envers moy quant ceux qui meritent bien d'avoir acces envers vous esperent estre tres bien venus par le moien de mes lettrez Cependant Monseigneur je ne cesseray de vous recommander ce qui vous est de soy assez cher precieux cest que vous procuriez tous jours mettiez poine que Dieu soit droictement honore servy Sur tout qu'il se dresse meilleur ordre en l'eglise qu'il ny est pas encore Car a ce qu'on dit il a graud faulte de doctrine pour le simple peuple Combien qu'il ne soit pas ayse de recouvrer gens propres idoines pour f ire ceste o●fice toutefois a ce que j'entens il y a deux grandz empeschemens ausquelz il seroit necessaire de proveoir L'un est que les revenus des Universitez qui ont esté fondez pour nourrir les escholiers sont mal d stribuez en partie Car plusieurs sont nourris de bourses qui font profession manifeste de resister a l'evangile Tant s'en fault quilz donnent esperance de maintenir ce qui aura esté la edifie a grande poine travail Le second mal est que le revenu des Cures est distraict dissipe en sorte qu'il n'y a point pour nourris gens de bien qui seroient propres a faire l'office de vrays pasteurs Et par ce moien on y mest prestres ignorans qui emp●rte une grande confusion Car la qualité des personnes engendre un grand mespris de la parole de Dieu Et puis quant ilz auroient toute l'authorite du monde il ne leur chault guere de s'acquiter Je vous prie doncque Monseigneur pour faire tousiours advancer en mieulx la reformation luy donner fermité permanente a ce qu'elle tienne qu'il vous plaise employer toutes vos forces a la correction de cest abus Je croy bien qu'il n'a pas tenu a Vous que les choses n'ayent esté mieux reglees de prime face Mais puis qu'il est bien difficile d'avoir du primier coup un estat si bien dresse qu'il seroit a desirer il reste de tousiours insister pour parfaire avec le temps ce que est bien commencé Il ne doit pas faire mal a ceux qui tirent aujourdhuy profit du bien des eglises que les pasteurs ayent nourriture su●fisante veu que chascun se doit efforcer de les nourrir du sien propre quant ilz n'auroient poin de quoy du publicq Mesme ce sera leur profit de s'en acquiter Car ilz ne peuvent pas prosperer en fraudant le peuple de Dieu de la pasture spirituelle en ce qu'ilz privent les eglises de bons pasteurs Et de vostre part Monseigneur je ne doubte pas quant vous aurez fidelement traivaille a reduire ces choses en ordre que Dieu ne multiplie d'aultant p●us ses benedictions en vous Mais pour ce que je me tiens asseure que vous estes si bien affectionné de vous mesme qu'il nest ja besoing en faire plus longue exhortation je feray fin apres avoir supplie nostre bon Dieu qu'il luy plaise vous conduire tousiours par son esprit vous augmenter en tout bien faire que son nom soit de plus en plus glorifie par vous Ainsi Monseigneur je me recommande bien humblement a vostre bonne grace De Genesve ce 25 de Juillet 1551. Vostre tres humble Serviteur Jehan Calvin NUM LIX Sir John Cheke to Dr. Parker upon the Death of Martin Bucer I Have delivered the Universities Letters to the Kings Majesty and spoken with the Lords of the Councel and with my L. of Cant. for Mrs. Bucer I doubt not but she shal be wel and worthily considered The University hath not done so great honor to Mr. Bucer as credit and worship to themselves The which if they would continue in as they cease not to complain they might be a great deal better provided for then they think they be But now complaining outright of al other men and mending little in themselves make their friends rather for duty towards learning then for a deser● of the Students show their good wils to the University Howbeit if they would have sought either to recover or to increase the good opinion of men they could not have devised wherin by more duty they might worthily be commended then in following so noble a man with such testimonie of honor as the child ought to his father and the Lower to his Superior And altho I doubt not but the Kings Majesty wil provide some grave learned man to maintain Gods true learning in his University yet I think not of al learned men in al points yee shal receive Mr. Bucers like whether we consider his deepnes of knowledg his earnestnes in religion his fatherliness in life his authority in knowledg But what do I commend you to Mr. Bucer who knew him better and can praise whom ye knew trulier I would wish that that is wanting now by Mr. Bucers death they would by diligence and wisdome fulfil in themselves and that they herein praised in others labour to obtain themselves Wherof I think ye be a good stay to some unbrideled young men who have more knowledg in the tongues then experience what is comely or fit for their life to come I pray you let Mr. Bucers books and scroles unwritten be sent up and saved for the Kings Majesty that he choosing such as shal like him best may return the other without delay Except Mrs. Bucer think some other better thing to be done with them or she should think she should have loss by them if they should not be in her ordering I do not Mr. Parker forget your friendship shewed to me aforetime and am sorry no occasion serveth me to shew my good wil. But assure your selfe that as it lyeth long and taketh deep root in me so shal the time come I trust wherin ye shal understand the fruit therof the better to endure and surelier to take place Which may as wel shortly be as be deferred But good occasion is al. The Lord keep you and grant the Vniversity so much encrease of
PLACE whence Transcribed   Number Page Place AN Account of Mr. Pole's Book by Dr. Cranmer I. 3 Sir W.H.MSS. Dr. Cranmer Ambassador with the Emperor his letter to the King II. 6 Ibid. A Parcell of Iewels sent from Greenwich to Hampton court to the King To the receipt of which he set his hand III. 7 Ibid. The King to Dr. Boner his Majesties Agent to declare to the Pope his Appeal from him and his Sentence IV. 8 Ibid. Cranmer's Protestation at his Consecration V. 9 Cranm. Reg. Cranmer's Oath taken to the Pope at his Consecration VI. ib. Ibid. Cranmer's Oath to the King for his Temporalties VII 10 Cleop. E. 6. The King's Proclamation for bringing in Seditious Books VIII ib. Cleop. E. 5. Bishop Fisher to Secretary Crumwel declaring his willingness to swear to the Succession IX 13 Cleop. E. 6. Lee Bishop Elect of Litchfield and Coventry to secretary Crumwel concerning Bishop Fisher. X. ib. Ibid. The Archbishop to Secretary Crumwel in behalf of Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More XI 14 Ibid. Nix Bishop of Norwich to Warham Archbishop of Canterbury for suppressing such as read books brought from beyond Sea XII 15 Cleop. E. 5. Archbishop Cranmer to K. Henry complaining of a Prior in Canterbury that had preached against him XIII 16 Cleop. E. 6. Cleop. F. 1. The Archbishop to Mr. Secretary Crumwel concerning his stiling himself Primate of all England XIV 19 Cleop. F. 2. The Appeal of Stokesly Bishop of London to the King against the Archbishop's Visitation XV. 21 MSS. C.C.C.C An Inventory of the Cathedral Church of St. Swithins in Winchester as it was given in by the Prior and Convent to Crumwel Secretary of State and the King's Vicar-General XVI 24 Cleop. F. 1. A Reply to the Archbishop against his Court of Audience XVII 28 Ibid. Archbishop Cranmer's Order concerning the Proctors of the Court of Arches shewn to be inconvenient by a Paper presented to the Parlament XVIII 30 Cleop. E. 5. The Archbishop to the L. Crumwel giving him some account of his Visitation of his Diocess XIX 37 Ibid. Richard Grafton the Printer of the Bible to the L. Crumwel complaining of some that intended to Print the Bible and therby to spoile his Impression XX. 38 Cranm. Reg. Archbishop Cranmer to the King for a Suffragan of Dover XXI 40 Ibid. The Archbishop's Letters of Commission to Richard Suffragan of Dover XXII 41 Cleop. E. 5. A Declaration to be read by al Curates upon the Publishing of the Bible in English XXIII 42 Ibid. The Answer or Declaration of Richard Bishop of Chichester in the presence of the Kings Majesty against the sixth Reason or Argument of John Lambert concerning the most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Altar XXIV 43 Ex Dudith Or. Opuse Tho. Cranmeri Archiep. Cant. Epistola super Controversiam de coena Domini ortam XXV 45 Cleop. E. 5. Part of a Letter from a Member of Parlament concerning the Transactions of the House about p●ssing the Act of the Six Articles XXVI 47 Ibid. The Solution of some Bishop to certain Questions about the Sacraments XXVII 48 Ibid. The Iudgment of another Bishop upon the aforesaid Questions XXVIII 52 Ibid Archbishop Cranmer to Osiander concerning some abuses in Matrimony among the Germans XXIX 54 Ibid. The French Kings Licence to print the English Bible in Paris XXX 56 MSS. C C C.C. Three Discourses of Archbishop Cranmer occasioned upon his review of the Kings Book intitled The Erudition of a Christian man XXXI 57 Ibid Other Discourses of Archbishop Cranmer XXXII 62 Ibid. Interrogatories for Dr. London Dr. Willoughbies Confession c. XXXIII 63 A Letter prepared for the King to sign to ratify certain Ecclesiastical Laws XXXIV 72   The Bishop of Winchester to Archbishop Cranmer relating to the Reformation of Religion XXXV 73 Foxij MSS. The said Bishop to the Duke of Somerset concerning the Book of Homilies and Erasmus Paraphrase Englished XXXVI 77 Vespas D. 18. Roger Ascham to Mr. Cecyl Giving him an acount of a Disputation in S. John's College Whether the Mass and the Lords Supper be al one XXXVII 81 MSS. SirW H The Vniversity of Cambridg to the Archbishop XXXVIII 83 Ascham Ep. Richard Smith D. D. his Recantation of his Books XXXIX 84 Becon 's Rep. Archbishop Cranmer's Answers to the fifteen Articles of the Rebels in Devon Anno 1549. XL. 86 MSS. C.C.C.C The Archbishops Notes for an Homily against the Rebellion XLI 113 Ibid. The Lady Mary to the Councel Iustifying her self for using the Mass in K. Edwards Minority XLII 115 Sir W.H.MSS. The Archbishops Letter to Martin Bucer Inviting him over into England XLIII 116 Buceri Script Aug. A Catalogue of Books published by Paulus Fagius XLIV 117   Dr. Cox the Chancellor of the Vniversity of Oxford his Oration at the Conclusion of Peter Martyr's Disputation XLIV 119 P. Mart. Opera Dr. Treshams Epistle before his Relation of the Disputation between himself and Peter Martyr at Oxford XLV 121 Foxij MSS. The Sententious Sayings of Master Martin Bucer upon the Lords Supper XLVI 124 Ibid. Bishop Hoper to the Clergy of his Diocess of Glocester XLVII 133 MS. Privat Hoper Bishop of Glocester to Sir William Cecyl Secretary of State XLVIII 135 MSS. SirW.H Another of the same Bishop to the same Person   136 Ibid. A Popish Rhime fastned upon a Pulpit in K. Edwards reigne XLIX 137 Foxij MSS. An Answer to it   Ibid. Ibid. An old Song of John Nobody   138 Privat MS. John a Lasco's Letter from Embden signifying the dangerous condition they were in and the Persecutions they expected L. 139 Sir W.H.MSS. A Lasco's request that those of his Church might have a Warrant from the Kings Councel that they might not be disturbed for not coming to their Parish-churches LI. 141 Ibid. Michael Angelo Preacher to the Italian Congregation his complaint against some of his Flock With a List of their Names LII Ibid. Ibid. Place   Number Page Sir W.H. MSS. Michael Angelo endeavours to appease the Secretary greatly offended with him for a gross miscarriage LIII 143 Ibid. A Lasco to the Secretary to procure the Kings Letters Patents for a French Protestant to set up a French Printing Press LIV. 145 Ibid. Valerandus Pollanus Superintendent of the Strangers Church at Glastenbury to the Secretary concerning the State of the Strangers Weavers fixed there LV. 145 Ibid. The Superintendent to the same earnestly desiring that one Cornish might not be set over the strangers there who had already dealt illy with them LVI 147 Ibid. The Superintendent to the same Giving some account of the present settlement of their affairs LVII 148 Ibid. Mr. John Calvin to the Duke of Somerset His advise for the rectifying some Abuses in our Church and University Relating to the Alienation or Misuse of their Revenues LVIII 149 MSS. CC. CC Sir John Cheke to Dr. Parker Vpon the death of Martin Bucer LIX 151 Ibid. Peter Martyr to Bucer Concerning the Oxford
at Canterbury IN order to the bettering the State of Religion in the Nation the Arch-bishop's Endeavours both with the King and the Clergy were not wanting from time to time And something soon after fell out which afforded him a fair opportunity which was this The King resolving to vindicate his own Right of Supremacy against the Encroachments of Popes in his Dominions especially now the Parliament had restored it to him being at Winchester sent for his Bishops thither about Michaelmas ordering them to go down to their respective Diocesses and there in their own Persons to preach up the Regal Authority and to explain to the People the Reason of excluding the Pope from all Jurisdiction in these Realms Our Arch-bishop according to this Command speeds down into his Diocess to promote this Service for the King and the Church too He went not into the neerer parts of Kent about Otford and Knol where his most frequent Residence used to be because his Influence had a good effect for the Instruction of the People thereabouts in this as well as in other Points of sound Religion But he repaired into the East parts of his Diocess where he preached up and down upon the two Articles of the Pope's Usurpations and the King's Supremacy But the People of Canterbury being less perswaded of these Points than all his Diocess besides there in his Cathedral Church he preached two Sermons wherein he insisted upon three things I. That the Bishop of Rome was not God's Vicar upon Earth as he was taken Here he declared by what Crafts the Bishop of Rome had obtained his usurped Authority II. That the Holiness that See so much boasted of and by which Name Popes affected to be stiled was but a Holiness in Name and that there was no such Holiness at Rome And here he launched out into the Vices and profligate kind of living there III. He inveighed against the Bishop of Rome's Laws Which were miscalled Divinae Leges and Sacri Canones He said that those of his Laws which were good the King had commanded to be observed And so they were to be kept out of obedience to him And here he descended to speak of the Ceremonies of the Church that they ought not to be rejected nor yet to be observed with an Opinion that of themselves they make Men holy or remit their Sins seeing our Sins are remitted by the Death of our Saviour Christ. But that they were observed for a common Commodity and for good Order and Quietness as the Common Laws of the Kingdom were And for this Cause Ceremonies were instituted in the Church and for a remembrance of many good things as the King's Laws dispose Men unto Justice and unto Peace And therefore he made it a general Rule that Ceremonies were to be observed as the Laws of the Land were These Sermons of the Arch-bishop it seems as they were new Doctrines to them so they were received by them at first with much gladness But the Friars did not at all like these Discourses They thought such Doctrines laid open the Truth too much and might prove prejudicial unto their Gains And therefore by a Combination among themselves they thought it convenient that the Arch-bishop's Sermons should be by some of their Party confuted and in the same place where he preached them So soon after came up the Prior of the black Friars in Canterbury levelling his Discourse against the three things that the Arch-bishop had preached He asserted the Church of Christ never erred that he would not slander the Bishops of Rome and that the Laws of the Church were equal with the Laws of God This angry Prior also told the Arch-bishop to his Face in a good Audience concerning what he had preached of the Bishop of Rome's Vices that he knew no Vices by none of the Bishops of Rome And whereas the Arch-bishop had said in his Sermon to the People that he had prayed many Years that we might be separated from that See and that he might see the Power of Rome destroyed because it wrought so many things contrary to the Honour of God and the Wealth of the Realm and because he saw no hopes of amendment and that he thanked God he had now seen it in this Realm for this the Prior cried out against him that he preached uncharitably The Arch-bishop not suffering his Authority to be thus affronted nor the King's Service to be thus hindred convented the Prior before him before Christmass At his first examination he denied that he preached against the Arch-bishop and confessed that his Grace had not preached any thing amiss But sometime afterward being got free from the mild Arch-bishop and being secretly upheld by some Persons in the Combination he then said he had preached amiss in many things and that he purposely preached against him This created the Arch-bishop abundance of Slander in those parts The Business came to the King's Ears who seemed to require the Arch-bishop to censure him in his own Court But upon occasion of this the Arch-bishop wrote his whole Cause in a Letter to the King dated from his House at Ford 1535. Declaring what he had preached and what the other had preached in contradiction to him And withal entreated his Majesty that he the Arch-bishop might not have the judging of him lest he might seem partial but that he would commit the hearing unto the Lord Privy Seal who was Crumwel or else to assign unto him other Persons whom his Majesty pleased that the Cause might be jointly heard together He appealed to the King and his Council If the Prior did not defend the Bishop of Rome though he had said nothing else than that the Church never erred For then they were no Errors as he inferred that were taught of the Pope's Power and that he was Christ's Vicar in Earth and by God's Law Head of all the World Spiritual and Temporal and that all People must believe that de necessitate Salutis and that whosoever did any thing against the See of Rome is an Heretick But if these be no Errors then your Grace's Laws said he be Erroneous that pronounce the Bishop of Rome to be of no more Power than other Bishops and them to be Traitors that defend the contrary In fine in the stomach of an Arch-bishop and finding it necessary to put a stop to the ill designs of these Friars he concluded That if that Man who had so highly offended the King and openly preached against him being his Ordinary and Metropolitan of the Province and that in such Matters as concerned the Authority Mis-living and Laws of the Bishop of Rome and that also within his own Church if he were not looked upon he left it to the King's Prudence to expend what Example it might prove unto others with like colour to maintain the Bishop of Rome's Authority and of what estimation he the Arch-bishop should be reputed hereafter and what Credence would be
Canterbury meaneth that thus abuseth the People in giving them liberty to read the Scriptures which doth nothing else but infect them with Heresy I have bestowed never an Hour upon my Portion nor never will And therefore my Lord shall have this Book again for I will never be guilty of bringing the simple People into Error My Lord of Canterbury's Servant took the Book and brought the same to Lambeth unto my Lord declaring my Lord of London's Answer When the Arch-bishop had perceived that the Bishop had done nothing therein I marvel said he that my Lord of London is so froward that he will not do as other Men do One Mr. Thomas Lawney stood by and hearing my Lord speak so much of the Bishop's untowardness said I can tell your Grace why my Lord of London will not bestow any labour or pains this way Your Grace knoweth well that his Portion is a piece of New Testament But he being perswaded that Christ had bequeathed him nothing in his Testament thought it mere madness to bestow any labour or pain where no Gain was to be gotten And besides this it is the Acts of the Apostles which were simple poor Fellows and therefore my Lord of London disdained to have to do with any of them Whereat my Lord of Canterbury and others that stood by could not forbear from laughter This Lawney was a witty Man and Chaplain to the old Duke of Norfolk and had been one of the Scholars placed by the Cardinal in his New College at Oxon. Where he was Chaplain of the House and Prisoner there with Frith another of the Scholars In the Time of the six Articles he was a Minister in Kent placed there I suppose by the Arch-bishop When that severe Act was past more by the Authority of a Parliament than by the Authority of the Word of God it chanced that my Lord of Norfolk meeting with this his Chaplain said O! my Lawney knowing him of old much to favour Priests Matrimony whether may Priests now have Wives or no If it please your Grace replied he I cannot well tell whether Priests may have Wives or no But well I wot and am sure of it for all your Act that Wives will have Priests Hearken Masters said the Duke how this Knave scorneth our Act and maketh it not worth a Fly Well I see by it that thou wilt never forget thy old Tricks And so the Duke and such Gentlemen as were with him went away merrily laughing at Lawney's sudden and apt Answer The Reader will excuse this Digression CHAP. IX Monasteries visited THis Year the Monasteries were visited by Cramwel Chief Visitor Who appointed Leighton Legh Petre London his Deputies with Injunctions given them to be observed in their Visitation Indeed the King now had thoughts of dissolving them as well as visiting them Whose Ends herein were partly because he saw the Monks and Friars so untoward towards him and so bent to the Pope and partly to enrich himself with the Spoils Arch-bishop Cranmer is said also to have counselled and pressed the King to it but for other Ends viz. That out of the Revenues of these Monasteries the King might found more Bishopricks and that Diocesses being reduced into less compass the Diocesans might the better discharge their Office according to the Scripture and Primitive Rules And because the Arch-bishop saw how inconsistent these Foundations were with the Reformation of Religion Purgatory Masses Pilgrimages Worship of Saints and Images being effectual to their Constitution as the Bishop of Sarum hath observed And the Arch-bishop hoped that from these Ruins there would be new Foundations in every Cathedral erected to be Nurseries of Learning for the use of the whole Diocess But however short our Arch-bishop fell of his Ends desired and hoped for by these Dissolutions the King obtained his For the vast Riches that the Religious Houses brought in to the King may be guessed by what was found in one namely S. Swithins Winchester An account of the Treasures whereof I having once observed from a Manuscript in the Benet Library thought not amiss here to lay before the Reader which he may find in the Appendix When these Visitors returned home from their Visitation they came well stock'd with Informations of the loose wicked and abominable Lives and Irregularities of the chief Members of these Houses of Religion having by diligent inquisition throughout all England collected them These Enormities were read publickly in the Parliament-House being brought in by the Visitors When they were first read nothing was done with these unclean Abbots and Priors But within a while saith Latimer in a Sermon before King Edward how bad soever the Rep●●ts of them were some of them were made Bishops and others put into good Dignities in the Church that so the King might save their Pensions which were otherwise to be paid them Now I will at the conclusion of my Collections for this Year set down the Names of the Bishops this Year consecrated both Diocesan and Suffragan there having b●en an Act of Parliament made in the six and twentieth of the King that is the last Year for furnishing the Diocesses with six and twenty Suffragans for the better aid and comfort of the Diocesans The Se●s whereof are all set down in the said Act. But I doubt whether there were ever so many made At least the mention of the Acts of the Consecration of some of the Suffragans in the Province of Canterbury are omitted in the Register Before this Act of Parliament enjoining the number of Suffragans Suffragans were not unusual in the Realm Whom the Bishops Diocesans either for their own ease or because of their necessary absence from their Diocesses in Ambassies abroad or Attendance upon the Court or civil Affairs procured to be consecrated to reside in their steads Thus to give some Instances of them as I have met with them About the Year 1531 I find one Vnderwood Suffragan in Norwich that degraded Bilney before his Martyrdom Certain bearing the Title of Bishops of Sidon assisted the Arch-Bishops of Canterbury One of these was named Thomas Wellys Prior of S. Gregories by Canterbury He being Arch-Bishop Warham's Chaplain was sent by him to Cardinal Wolsey to expostulate with him in his Lord's Name for encroaching upon his Prerogative Court There was afterwards one Christopher that bore that Title and assisted Arch-bishop Cranmer about these Times in Ordinations and another Thomas intitled also of Sidon succeeded Long before these I find one William Bottlesham Espicopus Navatensis Anno 1382 at the Convocation House in London summoned against the Wicklivites that then shewed themselves at Oxford Robert King Abbot of Oseney while Abbot was consecrated titular Bishop and called Episcopus Roannensis a See in the Province of the Arch-bishoprick of Athens This is he that resigned Oseny and Tame under the name of Bishop of Reonen Of which See the Bishop of Sarum
his Memory famous to Posterity within the Realm among all such as should hereafter be favourers of God's Word and that he should hear of this good Deed of his at the last Day That for his part it was such a content to his Mind that he could not have done him a greater pleasure if he had given him a thousand Pounds And that such Knowledg would ensue hereupon that it should appear he had done excellent Service both to God and the King He also particularly spake of the Bishop of Worcester how highly obliged he was sure he was to him for this But I refer the Reader to his own Letters which follow MY very singular good Lord In my most harty wise I commend me unto your Lordship And whereas I understand that your Lordship at my Request hath not only exhibited the Bible which I sent unto you to the King's Majesty but also hath obtained of his Grace that the same shall be allowed by his Authority to be bought and read within this Realm My Lord for this your Pains taken in this behalf I give you my most hearty Thanks Assuring your Lordship for the Contentation of my Mind you have shewed me more pleasure here than if you had given me a thousand Pounds and I doubt not but that hereby such Fruit of good Knowledg shall ensue that it shall well appear hereafter what high and excellent Service you have done unto God and the King Which shall so much redound to your Honour that besides God's Reward you shall obtain perpetual Memory for the same within this Realm And as for me you may reckon me your Bondman for the same And I dare be bold to say so may ye do my Lord of Worcester Thus my Lord right hartily fare ye well At Ford the xiii day of August Your own Bound-man ever T. Cantuarien And in another Letter fifteen days after he again renewed his Thanks MY very singular and special good Lord In my most harty wise I commend me to your Lordship These shall be to give you most hearty Thanks that any Heart can think and that in the Name of them which favour God's Word for your diligence at this time in procuring the King's Highness to set forth the said God's Word and his Gospel by his Grace's Authority For the which Act not only the King's Majesty but also you shall have a perpetual Laud and Memory of all them that be now ●or hereafter shall be God's faithful People and the Favourers of his Word And this Deed you shall hear of at the Great Day when all things shall be opened and made manifest For our Saviour Christ saith in the said Gospel that whosoever shrinketh from Him and his Word and is abashed to profess and set it forth before Men in this World he will refuse him at that Day And contrary whosoever constantly doth profess Him and his Word and studieth to set that forward in this World Christ will declare the same at the Last Day before his Father and all his Angels and take upon him the Defence of those Men. Now because by these Letters of the Arch-bishop it appears how instrumental Crumwel was when the Bible was printed to procure the setting it forth by the King's Authority I will here relate more at large what Countenance and Assistance he gave to this pious Work all along and those that were concerned and employed in the doing of it The Bible as Fox speaks had been printed in the Year 1532 and reprinted again three or four Years after The Undertakers and Printers were Grafton and Whitchurch who printed it at Hamburgh The Corrector was Iohn Rogers a Learned Divine afterwards a Canon of St. Paul's in King Edward's Time and the first Martyr in the next Reign The Translator was William Tyndal another Learned Martyr with the help of Miles Coverdale after Bishop of Exeter But before all this second Edition was finish'd Tyndal was taken and put to death for his Religion in Flanders in the Year 1536. And his Name then growing into ignominy as one burnt for an Heretick they thought it might prejudice the Book if he should be named for the Translator thereof and so they used a feigned Name calling it Thomas Matthews Bible though Tyndal before his death had finished all but the Apocrypha which was translated by Rogers abovesaid who added also some Marginal Notes In this Bible were certain Prologues and a special Table collected of the common Places in the Bible and Texts of Scripture for proving the same And chiefly the common Places of the Lord's Supper the Marriage of Priests and the Mass. Of which it was there said that it was not to be found in Scripture This Bible giving the Clergy offence was gotten to be restrained Some Years after came forth the Bible aforesaid wherein Cranmer had the great Hand which as I suppose was nothing but the former corrected the Prologues and Table being left out When Grafton had finished this Work and printed off fifteen hundred Bibles at his great Charge amounting to five hundred Pounds a round Sum in those days the Ld. Crumwel desired to have six of his Books Which he forthwith sent by his Servant a clear Man of all suspicion of any Infection coming that day out of Flanders Grafton not adventuring to come himself with the Books because of the Infection at London where he was These Books therefore he sent together with a Letter of Thanks for being so assistant in the publication which as he writ in his Letter the Arch-bishop said the Tidings of did him more good than the Gift of ten thousand Pounds and for procuring the King's Licence which was thought fit to be signified in the Title Page in red Letters thus Set forth by the King 's most gracious Licence But several would not believe the King had licensed it and therefore he desired further of Crumwel that he would get it licensed under the Privy Seal which would be a Defence for the present and for the future But take the Letter as Grafton himself penned it MOST humbly beseeching your Lordship to understand that according to your Request I have sent your Lordship six Bibles which gladly I would have brought my self but because of the Sickness which remaineth in the City and therefore I have sent them by my Servant which this day came out of Flanders Requiring your Lordship if I may be so bold as to desire you to accept them as my simple Gift given to you for those most godly Pains for which the heavenly Father is bound even of his Justice to reward you with the Everlasting Kingdom of God For your Lordship's moving our most gracious Prince to the Allowance and Licensing of such a Work hath wrought such an Act worthy of Praise as never was mentioned in any Chronicle in this Realm and as my Lord of Canterbury said the Tydings thereof did him more good than the gift of 10000 l.
one of the great Incendiaries was censured at Windsor For he and one Symons a Lawyer and Ockham that laid Traps for others were catch'd at length themselves They were Men that busied themselves in framing Indictments upon the six Articles against great Numbers of those that favoured or professed the Gospel and in sending them to Court to Winchester who was to prefer the Complaints to the Council The King being more and more informed of their base Conspiracies and disliking their bloody Dispositions commanded the Council should search into the Matters And so London and his Fellows being examined before the said Council were in the end found to be perjured in denying upon their Oaths what they had indeed done and was proved manifestly to their Faces Hereupon they were adjudged perjured Persons and appointed to ride through Windsor Reading and Newbery where they had done most Mischief with their Faces towards the Horse-Tail and a Paper upon their Heads declaring their Crime and to stand upon the Pillory in each of those Towns And that Punishment they underwent and then were sent to the Fleet. London not long after died there probably out of Shame and Sorrow This was the End of one of these Conspirators German Gardiner was a Year after hanged drawn and quartered as a Traitor for denying the King's Supremacy And the Bishop of Winchester after this never had Favour or Regard of the King more And Heywood another of the Crew of the Informers and Witnesses was condemned for Treason with Gardiner but making a Recantation his Life was spared CHAP. XXVIII The Arch-bishop falls into more Troubles AFter this the Arch-bishop received two terrible Shocks more if I am right in the placing them as I think I am though I leave Fox to follow Morice the Arch-bishop's Secretary in his Manuscript Declaration of the said Arch-bishop The former was a Complaint that was made openly against him in Parliament and the latter when the Lords of the Privy-Council accused him unto the King and required that he should be sent to the Tower Sir Iohn Gostwick a Knight for Bedforshire a Man of great Service in his Time but Papistical stood up in the House and laid to his Charge his Sermons and Lectures both at Sandwich and Canterbury containing as he said manifest Heresy against the Sacrament of the Altar Though it was much they should accuse him in that Point seeing he then held a Corporal Presence but it displeased them that it was after the Lutheran way rather than after theirs of Transubstantiation But the King perceived easily this proceeded of Malice for that he was a Stranger in Kent and had neither heard the Arch-bishop preach nor read there Knowing thereby that he was set on and made an Instrument to serve other Mens Purposes the King marvellously stormed at the Matter calling Gostwick openly Varlet and said That he had plaid a villanous part to abuse in open Parliament the Primate of the Realm especially being in Favour with his Prince as he was What will they do with him said he if I were gone Whereupon the King sent word unto Gostwick by one of his Privy-Chamber after this sort Tell the Varlet Gostwick That if he do not acknowledg his Fault unto my Lord of Canterbury and so reconcile himself towards him that he may become his good Lord I will soon both make him a poor Gostwick and otherwise punish him to the Example of others He wondred he said he could hear my Lord of Canterbury preaching out of Kent And that if he had been a Kentish-Man he might have had some more shadow to put up an Accusation against him Now Gostwick hearing of this grievous Threat came with all possible speed unto Lambeth and there submitted himself in such sorrowful case that my Lord out of hand not only forgave all his Offences but also went directly unto the King for the obtaining of the King's Favour which he obtained very hardly and upon condition that the King might hear no more of his meddling that way This happened I suppose in the Parliament that began in Ianuary and continued till March 29. 1544. The Arch-bishop's Palace at Canterbury was this Year burnt and therein his Brother-in-Law and other Men according to Stow. I find no Bishops Consecrated in this Year At length the Confederacy of the Papists in the Privy-Council whereof I suspect the Duke of Norfolk to be one a great Friend of Winchester's by whose Instigation this Design was set on Foot came and accused him most grievously unto the King That he with his Learned Men had so infected the whole Realm with their unsavoury Doctrine that three parts of the Land were become abominable Hereticks And that it might prove dangerous to the King being like to produce such Commotions and Uproars as were sprung up in Germany And therefore they desired that the Arch-bishop might be committed unto the Tower until he might be examined The King was very strait in granting this They told him That the Arch-bishop being one of the Privy-Council no Man dared to object Matter against him unless he were first committed to durance Which being done Men would be bold to tell the Truth and say their Consciences Upon this P●rswasion of theirs the King granted unto them that they should call him the next Day before them and as they saw cause so to commit him to the Tower At Midnight about Eleven of the Clock before the Day he should appear before the Council the King sent Mr. Denny to my Lord at Lambeth willing him incontinently to come over to VVestminster to him The Arch-bishop was in Bed but rose straitway and repaired to the King whom he found in the Gallery at VVhitehall Being come the King declared unto him what he had done in giving Liberty to the Council to commit him to Prison for that they bare him in hand that he and his learned Men had sown such Doctrine in the Realm that all Men almost were infected with Heresy and that no Man durst bring Matter against him being at Liberty and one of the Council And therefore I have granted to their Request said the King but whether I have done well or no what say you my Lord The Arch-bishop first humbly thanked the King that it had pleased him to give him that warning before-hand And that he was very well content to be committed to the Tower for the trial of his Doctrine so that he might be indifferently heard as he doubted not but that his Majesty would see him so to be used Whereat the King cried out O Lord God what fond Simplicity have you so to permit your self to be imprisoned that every Enemy of yours may take Advantage against you Do not you know that when they have you once in Prison three or four false Knaves will soon be procured to witness against you and condemn you which else now being at Liberty dare not once open their Lips or appear before
your Face No not so my Lord said the King I have better regard unto you than to permit your Enemies so to overthrow you And therefore I will have you to Morrow come to the Council which no doubt will send for you And when they break this Matter unto you require them that being one of them you may have so much Favour as they would have themselves that is to have your Accusers brought before you And if they stand with you without regard of your Allegations and will in no Condition condescend unto your Request but will needs commit you to the Tower then appeal you from them to our Person and give to them this my Ring which he then delivered unto the Arch-bishop by the which said the King they shall well understand that I have taken your Cause into my Hand from them Which Ring they well know that I use it for no other Purpose but to call Matters from the Council into mine own Hands to be ordered and determined And with this good Advice Cranmer after most humble Thanks departed from the King's Majesty The next Morning according to the King's Monition and his own Expectation the Council sent for him by Eight of the Clock in the Morning And when he came to the Council-Chamber-Door he was not permitted to enter into the Council-Chamber but stood without among Serving-men and Lacquies above three quarters of an hour many Counsellors and others going in and out The Matter seemed strange unto his Secretary who then attended upon him which made him slip away to Dr. Butts to whom he related the manner of the thing Who by and by came and kept my Lord Company And yet e're he was called into the Council Dr. Butts went to the King and told him that he had seen a strange Sight What is that said the King Marry said he my Lord of Canterbury is become a Lacquey or a Serving-man For to my knowledg he hath stood among them this hour almost at the Council-Chamber-Door Have they served my Lord so It is well enough said the King I shall talk with them by and by Anon Cranmer was called into the Council there it was declared unto him That a great Complaint was made of him both to the King and to them That he and others by his Permission had infected the whole Realm with Heresy And therefore it was the King's Pleasure that they should commit him to the Tower and there for his Trial to be examined Cranmer required as is before declared with many both Reasons and Perswasions that he might have his Accusers come there before them before they used any further Extremity against him In fine there was no Intreaty could serve but that he must needs depart to the Tower I am sorry my Lords said Cranmer that you drive me unto this Exigent to appeal from you to the King's Majesty who by this Token hath resumed this Matter into his own Hand and dischargeth you thereof And so delivered the King's Ring unto them By and by the Lord Russel swore a great Oath and said Did not I tell you my Lords what would come of this Matter I know right well that the King would never permit my Lord of Canterbury to have such a Blemish as to be imprisoned unless it were for High-Treason And so as the manner was when they had once received that Ring they left off their Matter and went all unto the King's Person both with his Token and the Cause When they came unto his Highness the King said unto them Ah my Lords I thought that I had had a discreet and wise Council but now I perceive that I am deceived How have you handled here my Lord of Canterbury What make ye of him A Slave Shutting him out of the Council-Chamber among Serving-men Would ye be so handled your selves And after such taunting words as these spoken the King added I would you should well understand that I account my Lord of Canterbury as faithful a Man towards me as ever was Prelate in this Realm and one to whom I am many ways beholden by the Faith I owe unto God and so laid his Hand upon his Breast And therefore who loveth me said he will upon that Account regard him And with these words all and especially my Lord of Norfolk answered and said We meant no manner of Hurt unto my Lord of Canterbury that we requested to have him in Durance Which we only did because he might after his Trial be set at Liberty to his greater Glory Well said the King I pray you use not my Friends so I perceive now well enough how the World goeth among you There remaineth Malice among you one to another let it be avoided out of hand I would advise you And so the King departed and the Lords shook Hands every Man with the Arch-bishop Against whom never more after durst any Man spurn during King Henry's Life And because the King would have Love always nourished between the Lords of the Council and the Arch-bishop he would send them divers times to Dinner with him And so he did after this Reconciliation Thus did the King interpose himself divers times between his Arch-bishop and his irreconcileable Enemies the Papists and observing by these Essays against him under what Perils he was like to come hereafter for his Religion about this Time it was as I conjecture that the King changed his Coat of Arms. For unto the Year 1543 he bore his Paternal Coat of Three Cranes Sable as I find by a Date set under his Arms yet remaining in a Window in Lambeth-House For it is to be noted That the King perceiving how much ado Cranmer would have in the Defence of his Religion altered the Three Cranes which were parcel of his Ancestors Arms into Three Pelicans declaring unto him That those Birds should signify unto him that he ought to be ready as the Pelican is to shed his Blood for his young Ones brought up in the Faith of Christ. For said the King you are like to be tasted if you stand to your Tackling at length As in very deed many and sundry times he was shouldered at both in this King's Reign as you have heard and under the two succeding Princes CHAP. XXIX Occasional Prayers and Suffrages OCcasional Prayers and Suffrages to be used throughout all Churches began now to be more usual than formerly For these common Devotions were twice this Year appointed by Authority as they had been once the last which I look upon the Arch-bishop to be the great Instrument in procuring That he might by this means by little and little bring into use Prayer in the English Tongue which he so much desired and that the People by understanding part of their Prayers might be the more desirous to have their whole Service rendred intelligible whereby God might be served with the more Seriousness and true Devotion The last Year there was a plentiful Crop upon the Ground
them After that the printed Injunctions and others not printed with the Book of Homilies were delivered both to the Bishop for his Church and the Arch-deacons for their respective Arch-deaconries strictly injoining them to see them speedily executed reserving other new Injunctions to be ministred afterwards as they should see cause Their next Work was to examine the Canons and Priests by virtue of their Oaths which they had taken concerning their Lives and Doctrines What was discovered in other Places concerning the Vices of the Clergy we may conlude from what was found among the Dignitaries of St. Pauls For when the Canons and Priests belonging to this Church were examined one of them named Painter openly confessed that he had often carnally used a certain Married-man's Wife whom he would not name And divers others both of the Canons and Priests confessed the same of themselves There be remaining in the Archives of the Church of Canterbury the Injunctions of the King's Visitors to the Dean and Chapter there bearing date Sept. 22. An. 1 Edw. VI. subscribed by the Visitors Hands Which Injunctions do all relate to the particular Statutes of the Church and are of no other moment There was now a Book of Homilies prepared for present use to be read in all Churches for the Instruction of the People and Erasmus's Paraphrase upon the New Testament in English was to be set up in all Churches for the better instruction of Priests in the Sense and Knowledg of the Scriptures And both these Books by the King's Injunctions aforementioned were commanded to be taught and learned CHAP. III. Homilies and Erasmus's Paraphrase ARch-bishop Cranmer found it highly convenient to find out some Means for the Instruction of the People in true Religion till the Church could be better supplied with learned Priests and Ministers For which purpose he resolved upon having some good Homilies or Sermons composed to be read to the People which should in a plain manner teach the Grounds and Foundation of true Religion and deliver the People from popular Errors and Superstitions When this was going in hand with the Arch-bishop sent his Letters to the Bishop of Winchester to try if he could bring him to be willing to join in this Business shewing him that it was no more than what was intended by the former King and a Convocation in the Year 1542 wherein himself was a Member to make such a stay of Errors as were then by ignorant Preachers spread among the People But this Bishop was not for Cranmer's Turn in his Answer signifying to him That since that Convocation the King his old Master's Mind changed and that God had afterwards given him the Gift of Pacification as he worded it meaning that the King made a stop in his once intended Reformation He added That there was a Convocation that extinguished those Devices and this was still in force And therefore that now nothing more ought to be done in Church-Matters And a Copy of this Letter he sent to the Lord Protector trying to perswade him also to be of his Mind The Arch-bishop answered these Letters of Winchester Wherein he again required these Homilies to be made by virtue of that Convocation five Years before and desired Winchester to weigh things But he replied It was true they communed then of such things but they took not effect at that time nor needed they to be put in execution now And that in his Judgment it could not be done without a new Authority and Command from the King's Majesty Then he used his Politicks urging That it was not safe to make new Stirs in Religion That the Lord Protector did well in putting out a Proclamation to stop vain Rumors and he thought it not best to enterprize any thing to tempt the People with occasion of Tales whereby to break the Proclamation And as in a natural Body he said Rest without Trouble did confirm and strengthen so it was in a Common-wealth Trouble travaileth and bringeth things to loosness Then he suggested the Danger the Arch-bishop might involve himself in by making Alterations That he was not certain of his Life when the old Order was broken and a new brought in by Homilies that he should continue to see the new Device executed For it was not done in a Day He wished there were nothing else to do now He suggested that a new Order engendred a new Cause of Punishment against them that offend and Punishments were not pleasant to them that have the Execution And yet they must be for nothing may be contemned There were two Letters Winchester sent to the Arch-bishop in answer to as many from the Arch-bishop In which he laboured to perswade the Arch-bishop not to innovate any thing in Religion during the King's Minority and particularly to forbear making Homilies and refusing for himself to meddle therein An imperfect part of one of these Letters I have laid in the Appendix as I transcribed it from the Original So when it was perceived that Winchester would not be brought to comply and join in with the Arch-bishop and the rest they went about the composing the Homilies themselves Cranmer had a great hand in them And that Homily of Salvation particularly seems to be of his own doing This while he was in composing it was shewn to Winchester by the Arch-bishop to which he made this Objection That he would yield to him in this Homily if they could shew him any old Writer that wrote how Faith excluded Charity in the Office of Justification and that it was against Scripture Upon this Canterbury began to argue with him and to shew him how Faith excluded Charity in the Point of Justifying And Winchester denied his Arguments And in fine such was his Sophistication that the Arch-bishop at last told him He liked nothing unless he did it himself and that he disliked the Homily for that Reason because he was not a Counsellor The Council had now put this Bishop in the Fleet for his Refractoriness to the King's Proceedings where if his Complaint to the Lord Protector were true he was somewhat straitly handled For he was allowed no Friend or Servant no Chaplain Barber Taylor nor Physician A sign he gave them high Provocation While he was here the Arch-bishop sent for him once or twice to discourse with him and to try to bring him to comply with their Proceedings in reforming Religion He dealt very gently with him and told him That he was a Man in his Opinion meet to be called to the Council again but withal told him that he stood too much in Obstinacy that it was perverse Frowardness and not any Zeal for the Truth And laboured to bring him to allow the Book which was now finished and the Paraphrase of Erasmus The former he could not allow of because of the Doctrine therein by Cranmer asserted of Justification by Faith without Works Which Cranmer took pains to perswade him about
Victual's sake that Fish might be uttered as well as other Meat Now as long as it goeth so politickly we ought to keep it Therefore all except those that be dispensed withal as sick impotent Persons Women with Child old Folk c. ought to live in an ordinary obedience to those Laws and not to do against the same in any wise Gardiner urged the great Inconvenience these Rhimes against Lent might occasion That they could serve for nothing but to learn the People to rail and to make others forbear to make their usual Provisions of Fish against the ensuing Year fearing Lent to be sick as the Rhime purported and like to die About these Times there arose much talk of the King 's matching The Protestants were much afraid of his marrying with some Foreign Princess Abroad that might turn his Heart from Religion But the Popishly-affected did their endeavours to perswade him to please himself with some Lady Abroad as best agreeable with Politick Ends as the enlarging of his Dominions and the Surety and Defence of his Countries Some therefore put Latimer upon giving the King Counsel in this Matter from the Pulpit So he advised the King to chuse him one that is of God that is which is of the Houshold of Faith and such an one as the King can find in his Heart to love and lead his Life in pure and chaste Espousage with Let him chuse a Wife that fears God Let him not chuse a Proud Wanton and one full only of rich Treasures and worldly Pomp. The Sentiments of the Protestant Foreigners concerning the present English State deserves a particular Remark They took such great Joy and Satisfaction in this good King and his Establishment of Religion that the Heads of them Bullinger Calvin and others in a Letter to him offered to make him their Defender and to have Bishops in their Churches as there were in England with the tender of their Service to assist and unite together This netled the Learned at the Council of Trent who came to the knowledg of it by some of their private Intelligencers and they verily thought that all the Hereticks as they called them would now unite among themselves and become one Body receiving the same Discipline exercised in England Which if it should happen and that they should have Heretical Bishops near them in those Parts they concluded that Rome and her Clergy would utterly fall Whereupon were sent two of their Emissaries from Rotterdam into England who were to pretend themselves Anabaptists and preach against baptizing Infants and preach up Rebaptizing and a Fifth Monarchy upon Earth And besides this one D. G. authorized by these Learned Men dispatched a Letter written in May 1549 from Delf in Holland to two Bishops whereof Winchester was one signifying the coming of these pretended Anabaptists and that they should receive them and cherish them and take their Parts if they should chance to receive any Checks Telling them that it was left to them to assist in this Cause and to some others whom they knew to be well-affected to the Mother-Church This Letter is lately put in print Sir Henry Sydney first met with it in Queen Elizabeth's Closet among some Papers of Queen Mary's He transcribed it into a Book of his called The Romish Policies It came afterwards into the Hands of ABp Vsher and was transcribed thence by Sir Iames Ware Let it be remembred here and noted that about this time Winchester was appointed with Ridley Bishop of Rochester to examine certain Anabaptists in Kent I find no Bishops Consecrated this Year CHAP. XVI Ridley made Bishop of London The Communion-Book reviewed RIdley Bishop of Rochester was designed to succeed Boner lately deprived in the Bishoprick of London and April 3. took his Oath an half Year being almost spent before he entred upon the Care of that See after Boner's Deprivation At his entrance he was exceeding wary not to do his Predecessor the least Injury in Goods that belonged to him He had not one Penny-worth of his moveable Goods for if any were found and known to be his he had Licence to convey them away otherwise they were safely preserved for him There was some quantity of Lead lay in the House which he used about it and the Church but Ridley paid for it as Boner's own Officers knew He continued Boner's Receiver one Staunton in his Place He paid fifty three or fifty five Pounds for Boner's own Servants common Liveries and Wages which was Boner's own Debt remaining unpaid after his Deposition He frequently sent for old Mrs. Boner his Predecessor's Mother calling her his Mother and caused her to sit in the uppermost Seat at his own Table as also for his Sister one Mrs. Mongey It was observed how Ridley welcomed the old Gentlewoman and made as much of her as though she had been his own Mother And though sometimes the Lords of the Council dined with him he would not let her be displaced but would say By your Lordships favour this Place of Right and Custom is for my Mother Boner But to see the base Ingratitude of Boner when he was restored again in Q. Mary's Reign he used Ridley far otherwise than Ridley had used him For he would not allow the Leases which Ridley had made which was in danger to redound to the utter Ruin and Decay of many poor Men. He had a Sister with three Children whom he married to one Shipside a Servant of his and provided for them This Sister Boner turned out of all and endeavoured the Destruction of Shipside had not Bishop Hethe delivered him Ridley in his Offices and in an Iron Chest in his Bed-Chamber had much Plate and considerable Quantities of other Goods all which Boner seized upon Insomuch that Ridley but a little before his Burning wrote a Supplicatory Letter to the Queen to take this into her Consideration That the poor Men might enjoy their Leases and Years renewed for that they were made without Fraud or Covin either for their Parts or his and the old Rents always reserved to the See without any kind of Dammage thereof Or at least that they might be restored to their former Leases and Years and might have rendred to them again such Sums of Money as they paid him and the Chapter as Fines for their Leases and Years taken from them Which Fines he desired the Queen would command might be made good out of the Plate and other Things he left in his House half whereof would disburse those Fines This did so much run in the good Man's Mind that at the time of his Burning he desired the Lord Williams then present to remember this his Suit to the Queen Which he promised him he would do But what Effect it had I cannot tell In the Vacancy of the Church of Rochester by the remove of Ridley the Arch-bishop committed the Spiritualities to William Cook LL. D. April 18. The Nobility and Gentry
time but of other Mind he thought never to be Adding that there were many other things whereunto he would never consent if he were demanded as to take down the Altars and set up Tables And in this sort seeing him obstinately settled in Mind not to be conformable he was in the King's Majesty's Name expresly commanded and charged to subscribe the same Book before Thursday next following being the 24 th hereof upon pain of Deprivation of his Bishoprick to all and singular Effects which might follow thereof And hearing the Commandment he resolutely answered He could not find in his Conscience to do it and should be well content to abide such End either by Deprivation or otherwise as pleased the King's Majesty And so as a Man incorrigible he was returned to the Fleet. This Order was subscribed by these of the Privy-Council W. Wilts I. Warwyck W. Herbert W. Cecyl Io. Mason That which gave the Council the first Occasion against Day Bishop of Chichester was partly his refusal of complying with the Order of changing the Altars in his Diocess into Tables and partly going down into his Diocess and there preaching against it and other Matters of that nature then in agitation to the raising of dangerous Tumults and Discontents among the People This came to the Council's Ears and Octob. 7. this Year Dr. Cox the King's Almoner was ordered to repair into Sussex to appease the People by his good Doctrine which were now troubled through the seditious preaching of the Bishop of Chichester and others Novemb. 8. The said Bishop appeared before the Council to answer such things as should be objected against him for preaching And because he denied the words of his Accusation therefore he was commanded within two days to bring in writing what he preached Novemb. 30. This day the Duke of Somerset declared to the Council That the Bishop of Chichester came within two days past and shewed to him that he received Letters from the King's Majesty signed with his Majesty's Hand and subscribed with the Hands of divers Lords of the Council The Tenor of which Letter here ensueth Right Reverend Father in God c. It is the same Letter as is printed in Fox's Acts about pulling down Altars According to this Letter the said Bishop said He could not conform his Conscience to do that he was by the said Letter commanded and therefore prayed the said Duke he might be excused Whereunto the said Duke for Answer used divers Reasons moving the said Bishop to do his Duty and in such things to make no Conscience where no need is Nevertheless the said Bishop would not be removed from his former Opinion Therefore the said Duke said He would make report to the rest of the Council And so in the end he prayed the Lords of the Council this Day that the Bishop might be sent for and shew his Mind touching this Case Which was agreed and Commandment given for the Bishop to be at the Council the next Day Decemb. 1. The Bishop came before the Council and being asked what he said to the Letters sent to him from the King's Majesty He answered That he could not conform his Conscience to take down the Altars in the Churches and in lieu of them to set up Tables as the Letter appointed For that he seemed for his Opinion to have the Scripture and Consent of the Doctors and Fathers of the Church and contrariwise did not perceive any strength in the six Reasons which were set forth by the Bishop of London to perswade the taking down Altars and erection of Tables And then being demanded what Scripture he had he alledged a saying in Esay Which place being considered by the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London and other Lords of the Council was found of no purpose to maintain his Opinion And thereupon by the said Arch-bishop and Bishop of Ely divers good Reasons were given to prove that it was convenient to take down the Altars as things abused and in lieu of them to set up Tables as things most meet for the Supper of the Lord and most agreeable to the first Constitution And besides that his other Reasons were then fully answered Wherefore the Council commanded him expresly in the King's Name to proceed to the execution of his Majesty's Commandment in the said Letter expressed Whereunto he made request That he might not be commanded to offend his Conscience saying If his Conscience might be instructed to the contrary he would not thus molest the Council with his refusal Which his Saying considered by the Council moved them to shew thus much Favor unto him that they willed him to resort unto the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Bishops of Ely or London and confer with them in the Matter so as he might be instructed by them to accept the just Command of the King's Majesty with a safe Conscience And for his second Answer Day was given him until the 4 th of this Month. At which day he was commanded to return again Decemb. 4. This day the Bishop of Chichester came before the Council and was demanded Whether he had been with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and the other Bishops according to former Order given him Who answered That he was one Afternoon at Lambeth to have waited on the Arch-bishop but he was answered that he was at the Court. And upon a demand what time his Grace would come home one of the Chamberlains as he saith answered That he doubted it would be late e're his Grace come home because he so used Therefore he tarried not And to any other Bishops he made no repair saying further He had not been well in Health For the which cause he took some Physick yesterday The Arch-bishop thereunto said that the same Afternoon that the Bishop of Chichester had been there he came home very early on purpose to have conferred with the said Bishop For the which cause he had leave of the King's Majesty to depart the same day home sooner than for other Business he might conveniently To the Matter he was asked what mind he was of touching the executing the King's Command and what he could say why the same should not be obeyed Who answered as he did before That his Conscience would not permit him to do the same for that the same was against the Scripture and the Doctors And being asked of the first he alledged a place in the last to the Hebrews mentioning the word ALTAR Which place being considered was manifestly by the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely declared to be meant of Christ as by the very Context of the same most manifestly appeared to every Reader Next to this he alledged the former place of Esay which also was most evident to be meant otherwise than he alledged and so proved As to the use of the Primitive Church besides the Texts of the New Testament it was most clearly by Origen
contra Celsum proved That in his time Christen Men had no Altars by direct negative Propositions Besides this the abuse of the Altars was shewed unto him and Reasons declared how necessary it was to reform the same Touching the naming the Table an Altar it was left indifferent to him because Antient Writers sometimes call the Table an Altar But yet notwithstanding that his own Reasons were fully solved and divers good and weighty Reasons made he persevered in the pertinacy of his own singular Opinion Whereupon the Council rehersing to him the evil that should come of this his Disobedience if he should be suffered commanded him in the King's Majesty's Name upon his Allegiance expresly to become an obedient Subject and so to execute the King's Commandment And for that it should appear to him that there was as much Favor meant as might be not offending the King's Majesty in his Majesty's behalf they would be so bold as to appoint him Sunday next to make his final Answer And in the mean time he might advise himself and weigh the Cause as it ought to be And so the day was given him Decemb. 7. The Bishop of Chichester again appeared before the Council and being asked touching the execution of his Majesty's Commandment in the Letter he answered plainly He could not do it saving his Conscience For the Altars seemed to him a thing antiently established by the agreement of the Holy Fathers and confirmed by Antient Doctors with the Custom also of a number of Years and as he thought according to the Scriptures Wherefore he could not in Conscience consent to the abolishing of them and determined rather to lose all that ever he had than to condemn his own Conscience with many other Circumstances to that effect Finally the Matter being well debated it was thought good yet to give him two Days respit further to be advised in hope he might reconcile himself which if he did not upon his next Answer appointed to be upon Tuesday next the Council agreed to proceed ordinarily against him as against a contemptuous Person by way of Sequestration December 9. This day the Bishop of Chichester appeared before the Council and being demanded whether he would obey the King's Commandment in pulling down the Altars as is before rehersed he answered That he thanked both the King's Highness and his Council of their great Clemency used towards him but he said he could not by any means perswade himself to do that thing that was against his Conscience Wherefore he prayed them to do with him what they thought requisite for he would never obey to do the thing that his Conscience would not bear Whereupon for his Contempt he was by the Order of the whole Council committed to Ward in the Fleet till further Order should be taken for him We hear no more of him and his Fellow the Bishop of Worcester till nine Months hence And so we leave them both in the Fleet till September 27 1551. When we find Sir Roger Cholmely Kt. Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer Sir Richard Read Richard Goodrick Iohn Gosnold Iohn Oliver and Richard Ryel being Commissioners appointed by the King's Majesty for the Proceedings in the Causes laid against these two Bishops were commanded by Letter from the Council to call the said Bishops before them at Whitehall and beginning with the Bishop of Worcester's Cause to proceed also with Chichester So as the Judgment of the one might succeed the other without any delay of time more then needed And when the Acts of the Council proceeded in those Causes should be requisite the same upon knowledg given thither should be sent them And in the mean time to use for their Instruction the Acts that were passed upon Worcester's Cause and those that Mr. Read had already concerning Chichester with Admonition seeing their Contempts so evident not to give them any long delay by granting any Learned Counsel or otherwise by such Pretexts Septemb. 28. The Council sent a Letter to the Lord-Chancellor with the Commission directed to the above-named Persons for the examination and determining of the Bishops of Worcester and Chichester's Causes Praying him to send the same to such of the Council as are at or near London whose Hands be not thereto that they might sign it and then to seal it and send it with a Letter from the said Lords inclosed within his to the said Commissioners According to these Orders within less than a Month these two Bishops were at last Deprived after the expectation of their Compliances a long while And October 24 1551. The Council sent a Letter to the Chancellor of the Augmentations to take immediate Order for seizure in the King's Majesty's Hands of the Temporalties of their Bishopricks lately given to his Highness by the Judgment past by the Commissioners appointed for the hearing of those Bishops Causes These Bishops remained Prisoners in the Fleet after their Deprivation till the next Summer When as it seems for their Healths sake they desired to be removed to some place of better Air and more Liberty Whereupon Iune 15 1552. Dr. Day was sent to the Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellor and Dr. Hethe to the Bishop of London by the appointment of his Majesty And they were directed to use them as to Christian Charity should be most seemly At whose Hands the King doubted not but they should receive such Christian Advice as would tend to the Glory of God Iuly 17. Upon the motion of the Bishop of London the Lords of the Council were content that he should send Dr. Hethe unto the Bishop's own House at London from Fulham to recover his Health and then to have him again So far more kindly were these Popish Bishops dealt withal in this Reign than the Protestant Bishops were in the next Hoper Bishop of Glocester succeeded in the See of Worcester and Scory Bishop of Rochester in that of Chichester I will here crave the Reader 's leave to insert two or three words concerning Bishop Day thereby to judg the better of him About the Year 1547. Saying of Masses was laid aside in King's College in Cambridg the Members of which College generally favoured the Gospel Day the Provost thereof which Place he held in Commendam with his Bishoprick hearing of this wrote an angry Letter to the Vice-provost and in him to the whole College for divers things which they had done relating to Reformation and particularly for leaving off saying Masses In which he said They departed from the Institution of the House and that they did it rashly and besides the Law There being as yet no Law for so doing He charged them with the Breach of Statute and so would involve them in the Sin of Perjury And whereas in their publick Disputations they gave Questions against Popish Doctrines he charged them with disputing wickedly and turbulently to the wounding of tender Consciences and the Infamy of the House And finally required that
Notwithstanding this cleansing of the Church from Superstition and Idolatry and bringing in the Knowledg of the Gospel by the Arch-bishop's constant Pains and Study the People generally even the Professors themselves were bad enough as to their Morals and Religion had yet got but little hold of them A clear sight of the Behaviour of these Times may be seen by what Tho. Becon a Chaplain of Cranmer's writ in his Preface to a Book put forth in those Days What a nomber of fals Christians lyve ther at thys present day unto the excedynge dishonour of the Christen Profession which with theyr Mouth confesse that they know God but with theyr Dedes they utterly denye hym and are abhominable disobedient to the Word of God and utterlye estranged from al good Works What a swarm of grosse Gospellers have we also among us which can prattle of the Gospel very fynely talk much of the Justification of Faith crake very stoutly of the free remissyon of all theyr Sins by Christ's Blood avaunce themselves to be of the Number of those which are predestinate unto Eternal Glory But how far do theyr Life differ from al true Christianitie They are puffed up with al kynd of Pryde they swel with al kynd of Envy Malice Hatred and Enmity against theyr Neghbour they brenne with unquencheable Lusts of Carnal Concupiscence they walowe and tumble in al kynd of beastly Pleasures theyr gredy covetous Affects are insatiable thenlarging of theyr Lordshipps thencreasyng of theyr Substance the scrapyng together of theyr Worldly Possessions infynite and knoweth no End In fyne all theyr Endeavours tend unto thys End to shew themselves very Ethnycks and utterly estraunged from God in theyr Conversation although in Words they otherwise pretend As for theyr Almes-Dedes theyr Praying theyr Watchyng theyr Fastyng and such other Godly Exercises of the Spirit they are utterly banished from these rude and gross Gospellers All theyr Religion consisteth in Words and Disputations in Christen Acts and Godly Dedes nothyng at all These evil Manners of the Professors themselves looked with so sad a Face that it made the best Men assuredly expect a Change and woful Times to follow Septemb. 27. A Letter was sent from the Council to the Arch-bishop to examine a Sect newly sprung up in Kent Whereof there was now a Book of Examinations sent him and to commune with a Man and a Woman the Informers bearers of the Letter who could inform him somewhat of the Matter And to take such order in the same according to the Commission that these Errors might not be suffered thus to overspread the King's Faithful Subjects What this Sect was appeareth not The Anabaptists were taken notice of and a Commission issued out against them some Years before These were Sectaries more new and whereof the Council very lately was informed It may be they were of the Family of Love or David George his Sect who made himself some-time Christ and some-time the Holy Ghost For a little before these Times divers Sects sprang up under the Profession of the Gospel in High and Low Germany some whereof dispersed themselves into England Which Sects began to do so much hurt to the Reformation among us that the Author before-mentioned laments it in these words What wicked and ungodly Opinions are there sown now-a-days of the Anabaptists Davidians Libertines and such other pestilent Sects in the Hearts of the People unto the great Disquietness of Christ's Church moving rather unto Sedition than unto pure Religion unto Heresy than unto things Godly The examination of this new Sect was one of the Businesses the Arch-bishop was employed in while he was in his Retirement at his House near Canterbury Another was the sitting upon a Commission to him and other Gentlemen of Kent for enquiry after such as had embezelled the Plate and Goods belonging to Chauntries c. given by the Parliament to the King and converting them to their own uses But this being somewhat an odious Work he was not very forward to enter upon especially because he thought whatsoever he and the other Commissioners should recover would be but swallowed up by the Duke of Northumberland and his Friends and the King be little the better But because he did not make more haste he was charged by his Enemies at Court as a neglecter of the King's Business Which cost him a Letter in excuse of himself to the said Duke signifying that he omitted this Business a while till the Gentlemen and Justices of Peace of Kent who where then mostly at London were come home Decemb. 2. A Letter was sent from the Council to the Arch-bishop to grant out a Warrant Ad Installandum for the Bishop of VVorcester and Glocester without paying any Fees for the same because he paid Fees for another Mandate which served to no purpose Febr. 20. An Order was sent to the Arch-bishop from the Council to examine the Vicar of Beden in the County of Berks according to an Information inclosed and to advertise the Lords of his Proceedings therein What this Vicar's Crime was I know not but I observe about these Times the Priests and Curats were very busy Men and would take liberty sometimes to speak against the King's Proceedings or his Arch-bishop with bitterness enough and sometimes to vent fond Opinions so that oftentimes they were fetched up to the Council-board and after an Appearance or two referred to the Arch-bishop to examine and punish as being Matters relating to Religion and so proper for his Cognizance About the latter end of this Year Thomas Sampson was preferred to the Deanery of Chichester having been Parson of Alhallowes-Bredstreet London February the 2 d A Letter was sent from the Privy-Council to the Arch-bishop to bestow the said Living upon Mr. Knox who was one of the King's Chaplains and in good esteem in the Court for his Gift of Preaching This Knox was the Man whose Name was so dashed in the King's Journal where the Names of the King 's six Chaplains were inserted that Bishop Burnet could not read it The Council bare a great favour to him as appears by those several Letters they wrote in his behalf One was mentioned before sent to the Arch-bishop for a Living in London but in that Knox succeeded not the Arch-bishop preferring Laurence Saunders afterwards a Martyr thereunto Knox being sent this Year into the North one of the King 's Itinerary Preachers a Warrant dated Octob. 27 was granted from the Council to four Gentlemen to pay to him his Majesty's Preacher in the North so he is stiled forty Pounds as his Majesty's Reward And again Decemb. 9 a Letter was sent from the Council to the Lord VVharton who was Lord VVarden in the Northern Borders in commendation of Mr. Knox. And the next Year viz. 1553 being returned out of the North and being then in Buckinghamshire that he might find the more acceptance and respect there the
losing of Promotion nor hope of Gain or winning of Favour could move him to relent or give place unto the Truth of his Conscience As experience thereof well appeared as well in defence of the true Religion against the Six Articles in the Parliament as in that he offered to combate with the Duke of Northumberland in K. Edward's Time speaking then on behalf of his Prince for the staying of the Chauntries until his Highness had come unto lawful Age and that especially for the maintenance of his better State then But if at his Prince's Pleasure in case of Religion at any time he was forced to give place that was done with such humble Protestation and so knit up for the safeguard of his Faith and Conscience that it had been better his Good-will had never been requested than so to relent or give over as he did Which most dangerously besides sundry times else he especially attempted when the Six Articles past by Parliament and when my L. Crumwel was in the Tower At what time the Book of Articles of our Religion was new penned For even at that Season the whole Rabblement which he took to be his Friends being Commissioners with him forsook him and his Opinion and Doctrine And so leaving him Post alone revolted altogether on the part of Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester As by Name Bishop Hethe Shaxton Day and all other of the meaner sort By whom these so named were chiefly advanced and preferred unto Dignities And yet this sudden Inversion notwithstanding God gave him such Favour with his Prince that Book altogether past by his Assertion against all their Minds More to be marvelled at the Time considered than by any Reason to compass how it should come to pass For then would there have been laid thousands of Pounds to Hundreds in London that he should before that Synod had been ended have been shut up in the Tower beside his Friend the Lord Crumwel Howbeit the King's Majesty having an assured and approved affiance of his both deep Knowledg in Religion and Fidelity both to God and Him suspected in that time other Men in their Judgments not to walk uprightly nor sincerely For that some of them swerved from their former Opinions in Doctrine And having great experience of the constancy of the Lord Cranmer it drave him all along to join with the said Lord Cranmer in the confirmation of his Opinion and Doctrin against all the rest to their great Admiration For at all Times when the King's Majesty would be resolved in any Doubt or Question he would but send word to my Lord over Night and by the next Day the King would have in writing brief Notes of the Doctors Minds as well Divines as Lawyers both Old and New with a Conclusion of his own Mind Which he could never get in such a readiness of any no not of all his Chaplains and Clergy about him in so short a Time For being thorowly seen in all kinds of Expositors he could incontinently lay open thirty forty sixty or more some whiles of Authors And so reducing the Notes of them altogether would advertise the King more in one Day than all his Learned Men could do in a Month. And it was no mervail for it was well known that commonly if he had not Business of the Prince's or special urgent Causes before him he spent three parts of the Day in Study as effectually as he had done at Cambridg And therefore it was that the King said on a time to the Bishop of Winchester the King and my said Lord of Winchester defending together that the Canons of the Apostles were of as good Authority as the four Evangelists contrary to my Lord Cranmer's Assertion My Lord of Canterbury said the King is too old a Truant for us twain Again His Estimation was such with his Prince that in Matters of great Importance wherein no Creature durst once move the King for fear of Displeasure or moving the King's Patience or otherwise for troubling his Mind then was my Lord Cranmer most violently by the whole Council obtruded and thrust out to undertake that Danger and Peril in Hand As beside many other times I remember twice he served the Council's Expectation The first time was when he staied the King 's determinate Mind and Sentence in that he fully purposed to send the Lady Mary his Daughter unto the Tower and there to suffer as a Subject because She would not obey the Laws of the Realm in refusing the Bishop of Rome's Authority and Religion Whose stay in that behalf the King then said unto the Lord Cranmer would be to his utter Confusion at the length The other dangerous Attempt was in the disclosing the unlawful Behaviour of Queen Katharine Howard towards the King in keeping unlawful Company with Durrant her Servant For the King's Affection was so mervailously set upon that Gentlewoman as it was never known that he had the like to any Woman So that no Man durst take in Hand to open to him that Wound being in great perplexity how he would take it And then the Council had no other Refuge but unto my Lord Cranmer Who with over-much Importunity gave the Charge which was done with such Circumspection that the King gave over his Affections unto Reason and wrought mervellous colourably for the Trial of the same Now as concerning the Manner and Order of his Hospitality and House-keeping As he was a Man abandoned from all kind of Avarice so was he content to maintain Hospitality both liberally and honourably and yet not surmounting the Limits of his Revenues Having more respect and foresight unto the Iniquity of the Times being inclined to pull and spoil from the Clergy than to his own private Commodity For else if he had not so done he was right sure that his Successors should have had as much Revenues left unto them as were left unto the late Abbies Especially considering that the Lands and Revenues of the said Abbies being now utterly consumed and spread abroad and for that there remained no more Exercise to set on work or no Officers but Surveyors Auditors and Receivers it was high time to shew an Example of liberal Hospitality For although these said Workmen only brought up and practised in subverting of Monastical Possessions had brought that kind of Hospitality unto utter Confusion yet ceased they not to undermine the Prince by divers Perswasions for him also to overthrow the honourable State of the Clergy And because they would lay a sure Foundation to build their Purpose upon they found the Means to put into the King's Head That the Arch-bishop of Canterbury kept no Hospitality or House correspondent unto his Revenues and Dignity but sold his Woods and by great Incomes and Fines made Money to purchase Lands for his Wife and Children And to the intent that the King should with the more facility believe this Information Sir Thomas Seymor the
Duke of Somerset's Brother being one of the Privy-Chamber was procured to take this Matter in hand And before he informed the King thereof he blasted it abroad in the Court Insomuch that the Gentlemen and he fell out for the same They declare That his Report was manifestly false as well for the keeping of his House as for the purchasing Lands for his Wife and Children This notwithstanding Mr. Seymor went through with his Information and declared unto the King as is before declared The King hearing this Tale with the Sequel that was That it was meet for the Bishops not to be troubled ne vexed with Temporal Affairs in ruling their Honours Lordships and Manors but rather they having an honest Pension of Money yearly allowed unto them for their Hospitality should surrender unto the King's Majesty all their Royalties and Temporalties said I do marvel that it is said my Lord of Canterbury should keep no good Hospitality for I have heard the contrary And so with a few more Commendations of my Lord as one that little regarded the Suit but yet as it appeared afterward something smelling what they went about left off any further to talk of that Matter and converted his Communication to another Purpose Notwithstanding within a Month after whether it was of Chance or of Purpose it is unknown the King going to Dinner called Mr. Seymour unto him and said Go ye straightways unto Lambeth and bid my Lord of Canterbury come and speak with me at two of the Clock at Afternoon Incontinently Mr. Seymor came to Lambeth and being brought into the Hall by the Porter it chanced the Hall was set to Dinner And when he was at the Skreen and perceived the Hall furnished with three principal Messes beside the rest of the Tables thorowly set having a guilty Conscience of his untrue Report made to the King reco●led back and would have gone in to my Lord by the Chappel-way Mr. Nevyl being Steward perceiving that rose up and went after him and declared unto him that he could not go that way and so brought him back unto my Lord through the Hall And when he came to my Lord and had done his Message my Lord caused him to sit down and dine with him But making a short Dinner because he would bring the King word again of his Message he departed and came to the King before he was risen from the Table When he came to the King's Presence said the King Will my Lord of Canterbury come to Us He will wait on your Majesty said Mr. Seymor at two of the Clock Then said the King had my Lord dined before you came No forsooth said Mr. Seymor for I found him at Dinner Well said the King What Chear made he you With these words Mr. Seymor kneeled down and besought the King's Majesty of Pardon What is the matter said the King I do remember said Mr. Seymor that I told your Highness that my Lord of Canterbury kept no Hospitality correspondent unto his Dignity and now I perceive that I did abuse your Highness with an Untruth For besides your Grace's House I think he be not in the Realm of none Estate or Degree that hath such a Hall furnished or that fareth more honourably at his own Table Ah said the King have you spied your own Fault now I assure your Highness said Mr. Seymor it is not so much my Fault as other Mens who seemed to be honest Men that enformed me hereof But I shall henceforth the worse trust them while they live Then said the King I knew your Purpose well enough you have had among you the Commodities of the Abbies which you have consumed Some with superfluous Apparel some at Dice and Cards and other ungracious Rule And now you would have the Bishops Lands and Revenues to abuse likewise If my Lord of Canterbury keep such a Hall as you say being neither Term nor Parliament he is merely well visited at those Times I warrant you And if the other Bishops kept the like for their Degree they had not need to have any thing taken from them but rather to be added and holpen And therefore set your Hearts at rest there shall no such Alteration be made while I live said the King So that in very deed where some had penned certain Books for the altering that State in the next Parliament they durst never bring them forth to be read Whereupon it also came to pass that when the King understood that contrary unto the Report my Lord of Canterbury had purchased no Lands his Highness was content upon the only Motion of Dr. Butts without my Lord Cranmer's Knowledg That he should have the Abbey in Nottinghamshire which his Wife now enjoyeth Thus much I have declared concerning Mr. Seymor's Practice to the intent Men may understand that my Lord Cranmer's Hospitality was a mean to stay the Estate of the Clergy in their Possessions CHAP. XXXI Arch-bishop Cranmer preserved the Revenues of his See AND here I must answer for my Lord Cranmer against certain Objections which are in divers Mens Heads That by his Means all the Preferments Offices and Farmes are so given and let out that his Successors have nothing to give or bestow upon their Friends and Servants nor that such Hospitality can be kept by reason of his Fault in letting go such things as should have maintained Provisions of Household But to answer this in a few words before I descend to any particular Declaration It is most true that if he had not well behaved himself towards his Prince and the World his Successors should not been cumbred with any piece of Temporal Revenues either Lands Woods or other Revenues And I pray God they may maintain in this mild and quiet Time that which he in a most dangerous World did uphold and left to his Successors Yet for better declaration in answering to those Objections it is to be considered that when he entred upon his Dignity every Man about the King made means to get some Reversion of Farmes or of other Office of him In so much that the King himself made means to him for one or two things before he was Consecrated as for the Farm of Wingham-Barton Which was granted unto Sir Edward Bainton Kt. for fourscore and nineteen Years When my Lord perceived that in such Suits as he granted to the King and Queen Men would needs have an hundred Years save one he wrote to the Chapter of Christ-Church and willed them in any Condition not to confirm any more of his Grants of Leases which were above one and twenty Years By this means much Suit was stopped So that in very deed he gave out his Leases but for one and twenty Years Which would not satisfy the greedy Appetites of some Men And therefore they found a Provision for it For when my Lord had let out certain goodly Farmes at Pinner Heyes Harrow on the Hill Mortlake c. to the number of ten or
neither shewing the Law for there is none to bear them nor yet precedent or example in any ancient books wherby they might be satisfyed Which done he should without difficulty or grudge have forthwith al his Proxies upon the conclusion of his Visitation Unto the which time it is not due in mony Many other things and considerations there be to be alledged concerning the premisses which may be spoken in time and place as the debating of the matter shal require And for a conclusion it may please your Majesty to be advertised that if my Lord of Cant. can shew by antient precedents that any his Predecessors have used peaceably the premisses without interruption and so have enjoyed the same those precedents shewed and brought in presence allowed also by your learned Councel in the lawes spiritual to be precedents sufficient and of authority in this behalf We shal then immediately in al the premisses obey the said ABp without any further contradiction In this our so doing whether we offer him reason or not we refer us only unto your Majesty and unto your gracious judgment Humbly beseeching the same that for as much as al the Lawes be for us and this hundred years past and now also in our dayes we have not heard nor seen the contrary used to the said Lawes We now most lowly as your poor and true subjects desire your Majesty that with your gracious favour and license we may use such defence as your Lawes and your high Court of your Parlament hath politicly provided for us and other your Subjects NUM XVI An Inventory of the Cathedral church of S. Swithins in Winchester as it was given in by the Prior and Convent to Crumwell Secretary of State and the Kings Vicar general over al Spiritual men And first of the things that are abroad in the Church IMprimis the nether part of the high Altar being of plate of gold garnished with stones The front above being of brodering work and pearls and above that a Table of Images of silver and gilt garnished with stones Item Above that Altar a great Cross and an Image of plate of gold garnished with stones Item Behind the high Altar S. Swithens shrine being of plate silver and gilt and garnished with stones Item In the body of the Church a great Cros and an Image of Christ and Mary and Iohn being of plate silver and partly gilt Item A cros of plate of silver and gilt with an Image over the Iron dore And the two Images of Mary and Iohn are but Copper gilt The Inventory of the Sextre Iewels of Gold Imprimis There are in the Sextre five Crosses of gold garnished with precious stones And one of the five is but of plate of gold fixed upon Wood. Item One shrine of plate of gold garnished with precious stones Item One little pair of Candlesticks of gold Item One little box of gold with his cover to bear the H. Sacrament Item Three chalices of gold and one of them garnished with precious stone Item One little pax of gold Item One little sacring bel of Gold Item Four Pontifical rings of gold with precious stones Item One pectoral of gold set with stones Item One Pectoral partly gold partly silver and gilt set with stones Item Two Saints armes of plate of gold garnished with stones Item S. Philips foot covered with plate of gold and with stones Item A book of the four Evangelists written al with gold and the utter side is of plate of gold Iewels of Silver Imprimis One Table of our Lady being of silver and gilt Item Nine crosses of silver and gilt and one of Cristal Item One and twenty shrines some al silver and gilt and some part silver and gilt and part copper and gilt and some part silver and part ivory and some copper and gilt and some set with garnished stones Item Twelve chalices of silver and gilt belonging to the Sextre and to the Altars and chauntries founded in the Church Item Four Paxes of silver and gilt belonging to the Sextre and other Altars Item Six casts of Candlesticks belonging to the Sextre and the Chauntries being of silver and gilt Item One Candlestick of silver belonging to S. Swithens shrine Item Six pair of Cruits of silver belonging to the Sextre and Chauntries Item Seven Censers of silver and gilt Item Two Sarys one of silver and gilt and the other only of silver Item Three pair of Basins of silver and gilt Item Two Ewers one of them silver and gilt and the other only silver Item Six Images of silver and gilt Item One and thirty Collars six of them garnished with plate of silver and gilt and stones the residue of brodering work and pearls Item Six pectorals of silver and gilt garnished with stones Item Three pastoral staves of silver and gilt Item One Pastoral staf of an Unicorns horn Item Three standing Mitres of silver and gilt garnished with pearls and precious stones Item Ten old Mitres garnished with pearls and stones after the old fashion Item One Rectors staf of Unicorns horn Item Four Processional staves of plates of silver Item Four sacring bells of silver and gilt belonging to the Sextre and Altars Item Nine pixes of Christal partly garnished with silver and gilt Item Seven tables with Relicks fixed in them and four of them are of plate of silver and gilt and the three other of copper and gilt Item Five Saints heads and four of them of plate of silver and gilt and the first painted Item Three Saints armes two of them covered with plate of silver and gilt and the third is painted Item Seven books the outer parts of them being plates of silver and gilt Item One Book of K. Henry the Sevenths foundation covered with velvet and garnished with bosses of silver and gilt Copys Imprimis One principal Cope of needle work wrought with gold and pearles Item One Chysible Two Tymasyles and parel of the Albes of the same work of my L. Cardinal Beaufords gift Item Eight and twenty other Copys of divers other works and colors and divers mens gifts Item Forty two Copys of tisshew the one half of them blew and the other of red Item Twenty Copys of red bawdkyne wrought with Connes Item Eight white Copys Four of them of White Velvet and the other four of White Damask brodered with white red roses Item Eight and twenty Copys of White Bawdkyne woven with copper gold Item Nine and twenty Copys of blew silk woven with rayes of gold Item Thirty other Copys of divers colors and works and many of them perished Chysybils Tynnikyls Tunicles and Stolys Item Imprimis Eleven principal Chysybils with Tynnikyls of divers sorts and suites Item Six and thirty old Chysybils of divers colors and works and bene commonly used and some of them perused Item Fourteen stolys of needle work Hangings for the Altars Item Eight divers hangings for the high Altar some of them precious and some of them of les
away and give place unto Romish Decrees And then by your own Article you hold and condemn your selves to be Heretics How be you bewitched by these false Papists Why do you suffer them thus to abuse you by their subtilty to make you condemn your selves of Heresy Why do you not send them unto the Kings Majesty like errant Traitors as indeed they be Saying unto him Most mighty Prince and most drad Soveraign Lord we present here unto you most heinous Traitors against your Majesty and realm and greatest Dissemblers and falsest Deceivers of us your Simple and ignorant people and yet in our own hearts your true and faithful Subjects We have erred We have grievously offended your Majesty but by ignorance being so seduced and provoked by the crafty persuasions of these most hainous Traitors that we wist not what we did But pardon us Soveraign Lord have pity upon our Simplicity and ignorance and these abominable Traitors punish according to their deservings Have mercy most merciful Prince of us your poor flock which were ignorantly led out of the way and strike with the Swords those malicious guides that purposely would have led us to our utter destruction If you did thus then would you do the parts of true faithful and loyal Subjects and should declare to the world that al that you have hitherto done was done by error and ignorance And I would nothing doubt of the Kings Majestie his Clemency and Mercy towards you But yet to the intent that you may further know how unreasonable your first Article is I wil yet reherse another sort of the holy Lawes and Decrees One is That no Lay man may have a Benefice to farm Another is That none of the Clergy may give any thing to the relief of the commonweal and necessity of their own realm without the consent of the Bp. of Rome Another is That no Lay man may meddle with election or any other thing that pertaineth unto any of the Clergy Another is That none of the Clergy ought to give any oath of fidelity to their Princes except they have temporal lands of them Another is That Princes ought to obey the Bps and the Decrees of the Church and to submit their Heads unto their Bps and not to be judges over the Bps. Another is Whosoever offendeth the Liberties of the Church or doth break any Interdiction that cometh from Rome or conspireth against the Person or Estate of the Bp. or See of Rome or by any maner offendeth disobeyeth or rebelleth against the same Bp. or See or that killeth a Priest or offendeth personally against a Bp. or other Prelate or invadeth spoileth withholdeth or wasteth Lands belonging to the Church of Rome or to any other Church immediately subject unto Rome or whosoever invadeth any Pilgrims that go to Rome or any Suitors to the Court of Rome or that let the devolution of causes unto that Court or that put any new charges or impositions real or personal upon a Church or ecclesiastical person and generally All others that offend in the cases contained in the Bul which is usually published by the Bps. of Rome upon Maunday thursday Al these can be assoiled by no Priest Bp Archbp nor by none other but only by the Bp. of Rome or by his express Licence These with an infinite number of like sort be the godly and holy Decrees which you long so sore for and so much desire Now would I know whether you think that these decrees were made for the common wealth of al realmes or only for the private weal of the Bp. of Rome and of his Bps. and Clergy And whether you like and long for these laws or now at the hearing of them your longing is done If you like them Wel for my part I would you had them practised among you for a while so that the rest of the Realm were not troubled neither with you nor with your Decrees unles you repented your selves of your foolish demands I think within a year you would kneel on your knees to the Kings Majestie desiring him to take from your necks the yokes and halters which you had made for your selves But to conclude the sum of the first Article in few words It is nothing else but a clear subversion of the whole State and Lawes of this realm and to make this Realm to be whole governed by Romish Lawes and to crown the Idol and Antichrist of Rome king of this realm and to make our most undoubted and natural King his vile Subject and slave Oh! what was in your minds to ask such a thing and so presumptuously to say that you wil have it I trust there be not in you so much malice and devilishness as the Article containeth but that you were craftily subornate by subtil Papists to ask and demand you wist not what If you had asked that the Word of God might be duly observed and kept every where within this Realm And whosoever would gainsay Gods word to be holden as a Heretic If you had declared your selves to be godly men al that be godly would have commended and furthered your requests But forasmuch as you ask Romish Canons and Decrees to be observed and kept here in England and whosoever shal againsay them to be holdon as hereticks there is neither godly nor truly English man that will allow you or consent to your Articles But clean contrary to your Articles a great number of godly persons within this realm for the very love that they have to God that his Name may be glorified above al things be daily humble Suitors to the Kings Majesty that he following the steps of his Father wil study and travail to weed out of this his Realm al Popish Decrees Lawes and Canons and whatsoever else is contrary to Gods word and that the speakers against Gods word may be taken as they be indeed for Heretics And is any of you so far from reason that he thinketh the Kings Majesty ought to hearken to you that by force and stubbornness say you wil have Romish Laws and Decrees kept in this realm and to turn his ears from them that with al humility be suitors for Gods Word But now wil I come to your other Articles wherein I wil be brief forasmuch as in the first I have been long and tedious II. Your second Article is this WEE wil have the Law of our Soveraign Lord K. Henry VIII concerning the six Articles to be used again as in his time they were Letting pas your rude stile nothing becoming Subjects to say You wil have First I examine you of the cause of your wilful wil wherefore you wil have these six Articles which never were laws in no region but this nor in this realm also until the 31 st year of King Henry VIII And in some things so enforced by the evil Counsil of certain Papists against the truth and common judgment both of Divines and Lawyers that if the Kings Majesty himself
hardly kepe our selves in such things that the scripture do speake of the heavens and of Christes sytting in heaven 28. I have a conscience in so high misteries to allow such kinde of speaking as is not taught in the scripture though such be much used yea and that by the authority of the holy fathers for to what point through such speakyng the devyll and antychrist hath brought us we all lamentably complayne 29. Wherfore with reverence and in a true meanyng I wyll understand the sayinges of the holy fathers as touching the mutation of the sygnes I wyll never graunt their sayings so to be taken as to mutch straunge from gods worde and after such sort as men myght now a daies be overthrowen with Antichristes doctrine into the idolatrye which of all other is most detestable 30. So likewyse if any thing may be found that the holy fathers have wrytten of Christ placed in heaven more then the scripture doth certaynely teach I wyll not without reverence refuse it nor yet wyth any man contend therin for I have nothing to say that such writyng is contrary to any place of scripture I do but only desyre that no necessary doctrine be made therof and that I may be suffered to abyde in the playnes of Gods written word 31. But they will say that a man well expert in saith when he heareth that Christ is present in the holy supper and is geven receyved and had with the bread cannot refraine but imagine such a presence of Christ in the bread as is there placed or els like to such a thing as hath a place 32. I cannot se how the wordes of the Holy Ghost ought to be refourmed because of the weakenes of our understanding either that we should allow such utteraunce of wordes wherby it might appeare that the Holy Ghost had not uttered the matter circumspectly and strongly inough yea and that most aptly and effectually as well to the edefying of faith as to the putting away of all errours 33. These now be the wordes of Christ Where two or three be gathered in my name ther am I in the mydst of them In the name of Christ we assemble together at the Lords Supper rightly ministred In the world we be yea and somewhere placed and whersoever we be Christ is among us which notwithstanding is not in the world and also dwelleth in our hartes But we cannot perse●ve nor attaine it neyther by our sense nor by reason but by faith For how can the head be away from his body Wherfore I defyne or determine Christes presence howsoever we perceive it either by the sacraments or by the word of the gospell to be onely the attainyng and perceyving of the commodities we have by Christ both God and man which is our head raignyng in heaven dwelling and lyving in us Which presence we have by no worldly meanes but we have it by faith and take the fruit therof when it is offered us in the word and in the sacraments But the force therof we feele in all our parties and powers what tyme by the spirit of Christ they be sanctifyed and renewed unto obedience and godly lyfe 34. He is called present by some knowledge of perceyvyng him even as one may be called present with an other and so we do say that they be here present whom we know by hearing or by syght to be present but now the thing which we know by faith is much more certaine then any thing we can know by sence or reason Why may not we then say that Christ our head is present with his members when we know by faith that he both liveth and dwelleth in us 35. They say that the holy fathers expound the scriptures recording the Lords presence that Christ by his Godhead by his majesty and by his providence is present with us yet lyving in this world Truth it is but the Lord saith I am with you unto the worldes end and Paule affirmeth that Christ lyveth and dwelleth in our hartes Yea and the holy fathers themselves declare that we have Christ present in the sacrament of baptisme and in the meate and drink of the aulter which call that presence carnall that is knowen by our senses and is set over against the presence which we have by faith 36. Faith truly embraceth Christ both God and man and kepeth him present which by his Godhead is not onely present in the congregation of his saintes and in his members but is also present in every place But some cannot be contented unles we graunt that we have his body and bloud really carnally and substantially present in the supper 37. Wyse and good men will eschew all uncertaine wordes in every talk and speaking how much more are they to be avoyded in Christes sacramentes Moreover in the treatyse of Christes sacraments we may justly refuse such straunge wordes as be not used in the scripture unles they may be perfectly applied for the declaration of Christes truth For such uncertaine wordes doth more darken the true doctrine and therfore we must not medle with them except ther be some consideration of the using of them 38. I would wysh these wordes realiter and substantialiter to be altogether refused neither to be allowed in reasonyng to or fro because we shall seme to graunt their contraries and to say that Christ is receyved counterfe●tlye and accyden●ly if we deny him to be received in the supper really and substantiallye 39. If the matter so require that these words be brought into re●sonyng I would for the maintenance of Christes truth against the adversaries among the children of God defyne these wordes realiter and substantialiter as if one would understand by the presence of the Lord really and substantially that he is received verely in dede by faith and his substaunce is geven in the sacrament but if he would enterlace any worldly presence with these words I will deny it because the Lord is departed this world 40. I can never admyt or allow these words carnally and naturally because they bring in a meanyng that he is receyved with our sences 41. Hereby I thinke it evydent agreeable to the holy scripture and according to the reverence we owe to God and his scripture and toward the auncient church that we should frame our selves to the words of the Lord of his Apostles and of the auncient Church and to say that ther is geven and receyved the body and bloud of the Lord that is to say very Christ himselfe both God and man but he is geven with the word and the signes but received with true faith and that he is geven and received to the end that we may move and lyve more parfectly in him and he in us 42. And I thinke it an easy thing to make answer when they say that the thing which is already cannot be received and that he which cometh to the Lords supper and hath not Christ in himselfe receiveth not Christ
Instrument of the Councel swearing and subscribing to the Succession as limited by the King EDWARD WEE whose Names be underwritten having heretofore manitimes heard the Kings Majesty our most gracious Sovereign Lords earnest desire and express Commandment touching the Limitation of the Succession in the Imperial Crown of this Realm and others his Majesties Realmes and Dominions and having seen his Majesties own Devise touching the said Succession first wholly written with his most Gracious hand and after Copied out in his Majesties presence by his most high Commandment and Confirmed with the Subscription of his Majesties own Hand and by his Highnes delivered to certain Judges and other learned men to be written in sul Order DO by his Majesties special and absolute Commandment eftsoons given us aggree and by these Presents signed with our hands and sealed with our Seales promise by our Oaths and Honors to observe fully perform and keep al and every Article Branch and Matter contained in the said Writing delivered to the Judges and others and subscribed with his Majesties hand in six several places and al such other matters as his Majesty by his Last Wil shal appoint declare or command touching or concerning the Limitation of the Succession of his said Imperial Crown And WEE do further promise by his Majesties said Commandment never to vary or swarve during our lives from his said Limitation of his Succession But the same shal to the uttermost of our powers Defend and Maintaine And if any of us or any other shal at any time hereafter which God forbid vary from this Aggrement or any part therof We and Every of us do assent to ●ake use and repute him for a Breaker of the common Concord Peace and Unity of this Realm and to do our utmost to se him or them so varying or swerving punished with most sharp punishment according to their deserts T. Cant. T. Ely Wynchester Northumberland I. Bedford I. Suffolk W. Northampt. F. Shrewsbury F. Huntyngdon PEMBROKE E. Clynton T. Darcy G. Cobham T. Cheyne R. Ryche Iohn Gate William Petres Ioan Cheek W. Cecyll Edward Mountagu Iohn Bakere Edward Gryffyn Iohn Lucas Iohn Gosnald These are the Names with which this Instrument is signed but there be no Seals The Kings own Writing directing the Succession My Devise for the Succession FOR lack of issue for my Body to the L. Fraunceses heir Masles if she have any such issue before my Death To the Lady Iane and her Heir Masles To the Lady Katerins Heir Masles To the Lady Maryes heir Masles To the Heires Masles of the Daughters which she shal have hereafter Then to the Lady Margarets heires Masles For lack of such issue to the Heire Masles of the Lady Ianes Daughters To the heir masles of the Lady Katerins Daughters and so forth til you come to the Lady Margarets daughters heires masles If after my Death their Masle be entred into eighteen years old then he to have the whole Rule and Governance therof But if he be under 18 then his Mother to be Governess til he enter 18 years old But to do nothing without the Advice and Aggrement of Six Parcel of a Councel to be pointed by my last Wil to the number of Twenty If their Mother dy before their Entry into Eighteen the Realm to be governed by the Councel Provided that after he be 14 years al great matters of Importance be opened to him NUM LXIX A Letter of Q. Jane's Councel to the Lord Rich L. Lieutenant of the County of Essex AFter our right hartie commendations to your Lp. Although the matter conteined in your letters of therle of Oxfords departing to the Ladi Mari be grevous unto us for divers respects yet we must neades give your Lp. our hartie thankes for your redi advertisement therof Requiring your Lp. nevertheless like a Noble man to remain in that promise and steedfastnes to our Sovereign Lady Queen Ianes Service as ye shal find us redi and firm with al our force to the same Which neither with honor nor with saftie nor yet with duty we mai now forsaake From the Toure of London the xix th of Iulie 1553. Your L. assured loving freends T. Cant. T. Ely Canc. I. Suffolk Pembroke William Paget Winchester Arundel T. Darcy T. Cheyne W. Petre S. Io. Bakere I. Bedford F. Shrewsbury Rychard Cotton Io. Cheek Robert Bowes NUM LXX Queen Jane to Sir John Bridges and Sir Nicolas Poyntz to raise forces against a rising in Bucks IANE the Queen TRusty and Welbeloved we grete you wel Because we doubt not but this our most lawful possession of the Crown with the free consent of the Nobility of our realm and other the States of the same is both plainly known and accepted of you as our most loving subjects Therfore we do not reiterate the same but now most earnestly wil and require and by authority hereof warrant you to assemble muster and levy al the power that you can possible make either of your servants Tenants officers or freends as wel horsemen as footmen reserving to our trusty and right wel beloved Cousins the Erles of Arundel and Penbroke their tenants servants and officers and with the same to repair with al possible speed towards Buckinghamshire for the repression and subduing of certain tumults and rebellions moved there against us and our Crown by certain seditious men For the r●pression wherof we have given ordre to divers others our good subjects and gentlemen of such degree as you are to repair in like maner to the ●ame parties So as we nothing doubt but upon the access of such our loving subjects as be appointed for that purpose to the place where this Seditious people yet remaine the same shal eyther lack harts to abyde in their malicious purpose or ells receive such punishment and execution as they deserve seking the destruction of their native country and the subversion of al men in their degrees by rebellion of the base multitude Whose rage being stirred as of late years hath been seen must needs be the confusion of thole common weale Wherfore our special trust is in your courage wisdome and fidelities in this matter to advaunce your self both with power and speed to this enterprise in such sort as by our Nobility and Councel shal be also prescribed unto you And for the sustentation of your charges in this behalf our said Councel by our Commandment do furthwith give order to your satisfaction as by their letters also shal appear unto you And besides that we do assure you of our special consideration of this your service to us our Crowne and expresly to the preservation of this our Realm and commonweale Yeven under our signet at our Toure of London the xviij day of Iuly the first year of our reigne NUM LXXI The Councellors of Q. Jane their letter to the Lady Mary acknowledging her Queen OUR bownden duties most humbly remembred to your most excellent
Majesty It may like the same to understand that We your most humble faythful and obedient Subjects having alwayes God we take to witnes remayned your Highnes true and humble Subjects in our harts ever sythens the death of our late Soveraign Lord and Master your Highnes brother whom God pardon And seeing hitherto no possibilite to utter our determination herein without great destruction and bludshed both of our selves and others t●l this time Have this day proclaimed in your city of London your Majesty to be our true natural Soveraign Liege Lady and Queen Most humbly beseeching your Majesty to pardon and remit our former infirmities and most graciously taccept our meanings which have byn ever to serve your Highnes truly And so shal remain in al our powers and forces to theffusion of our bludds as thies bearers our very good Lords therle of Arundel and L. Paget can and be redy more particularly to declare To whom it may please your Excellent Majesty to give firme credence And thus we do and shal daily pray to Almighty God for the preservation of your most royal person long to reign over us From your Majesties city of London this day of Iuly the first year of your most prosperous Reygne Thus endorsed by the hand of Sir Will. Cecyl Copy of the letter to the Quene from Baynards Castle 20 July 1553. NUM LXXII The Archbishop to Mrs. Wilkinson persuading her to fly THE true Comforter in all distress is only God through his son Iesus Christ. And whosoever hath him hath compa●y enough although he were in a wildernes al alone And he that hath twenty thousand in his company if God be absent is in a miserable wilderness and desolation In him is al comfort and without him is none Wherefore I beseech you seek your dwelling there whereas you may truly and rightly serve God and dwel in him and have him ever dwelling in you What can be so heavy a burden as an unquiet conscience to be in such a place as a man cannot be suffered to serve God in Christs religion If you be loth to depart from your kin and friends remember that Christ calleth them his mother sisters and brothers that do his fathers wil. Where we find therfore God truly honored according to his wil there we can lack neither friend nor kin If you be loth to depart for slandering Gods word remember that Christ when his houre was not yet come departed out of his countrey into Samaria to avoyd the malice of the Scribes and Pharisees and commanded his Apostles that if they were pursued in one place they should fly to another And was not Paul let down by a basket out at a window to avoid the persecution of Aretas And what wisdome and policy he used from time to time to escape the malice of his enemies the Acts of the Apostles do declare And after the same sort did the other Apostles Albeit when it came to such a point that they could no longer escape danger of the persecutors of Gods true religion then they shewed themselves that their flying before came not of fear but of godly wisdome to do more good and that they would not rashly without urgent necessity offer themselves to death Which had been but a temptation of God Yea when they were apprehended and could no longer avoid then they stood boldly to the profession of Christ Then they shewed how little they passed of death How much they feared God more then men How much they loved and preferred the eternal life to come above this short and miserable life Wherefore I exhort you as wel by Christs commandment as by the example of him and his Apostles to withdraw your self from the malice of yours and Gods enemies into some place where God is most purely served Which is no slandering of the truth but a preserving of your self to God and the truth and to the society and comfort of Christs little flock And that you wil do do it with speed lest by your own folly you fal into the persecutors hands And the Lord send his holy spirit to lead and guide you whersoever you go And al that be godly wil say Amen NUM LXXIII The words and sayings of John Duke of Northumberland spoken by him unto the people at the Towerhill of London on Tuesday in the forenoon being the 22d day of August immediatly before his death as hereafter followeth GOod people I am come hither for to dy this day for the which al you are come hither to see And that although this is most horrible and detestable yet justly have I deserved the same for that I have been most grievous sinner unto Almighty God and to al the whole world and to the Queens grace In as much as I did presume of my self in the plain field to bear armor against her Grace Wherfore I do acknowledg that I have offended her lawes and that justly she might have put me to death without any Law had she so pleased But of her most clemency hath weighed my death by a law which justly hath condemned me But the more I trust for my Salvation and the more better for me to consider the greatnes of my sins And therfore the better for my Salvation And forasmuch as I am permitted to speak my conscience this I do protest before God the World and al you that this my death hath not been altogether of mine own procuring but hath been incensed by others Whom I pray God to pardon For I wil not name nor accuse any man here And now I shal shew how I have been of a long time led by false Teachers somewhat before the death of K. Henry VIII and ever since Which is a great part of this my death Wherfore good people beware and take heed that you be not led and deceived by these seditious and leud Preachers that have opened the Book and know not how to shut it But return home again to your true religion and Catholick faith which hath been taught you of old For since the time that this new teaching hath come among us God hath given us over unto our selves and hath plagued us sundry and many wayes with wars commotions tumults rebellions pestilence and famine besides many more great and grievous p●agues to the great decay of our common wealth Wherfore Good people be obedient unto the Queen her lawes and be content to receive again the true Catholic faith from which of long time you have been led Examples we have of Germany Which in like manner being led and seduced how are they now brought to ruine as wel it is known to the world And also we are taught by our Creed in the latter part of the same Where it is said We believe in the holy Ghost the holy Catholick faith the Communion of Saints Thus you may see the Articles of our belief do teach us the true faith Catholic This is my very faith and
belief And these were in my heart as my Lord Bp. Hethe of Worcester can testify Neither was I commanded thus to speak but even of mine own free wil. And then he went to his prayers and dyed NUM LXXIV Archbishop Cranmers Letter to the Queen sueing for his pardon in the Lady Janes business MOst Lamentably mourning and moaning himself unto your Highnes Thomas Cranmer although unworthy either to write or speak unto your Highnes yet having no person that I know to be mediator for me and knowing your pitiful ears ready to hear al pitiful complaints and seeing so many to have felt your aboundant clemency in like case Am now constrained most lamentably and with most penitent and sorrowful heart to ask mercy and pardon for my heinous folly and offence in consenting and following the Testament and last Will of our late Soveraign Lord K. Edward VI. your Graces brother Which wel God he knoweth I never liked nor any thing grieved me so much that your Graces brother did And if by any means it had been in me to have letted the making of that Wil I would have done it And what I said therin as wel to the Councel as to himself divers of your Majesties Councel can report but none so wel as the Marquess of Northampton and the L. Darcy then Lord Chamberlain to the Kings Majesty Which two were present at the Communication between the Kings Majesty and me I desired to talk with the Kings Majesty alone but I could not be suffered and so I failed of my purpose For if I might have commoned with the King alone and at good leisure my trust was that I should have altered him from his purpose but they being present my labor was in vain Then when I could not dissuade him from the said Will and both he and his Privy Councel also informed me that the Judges and his learned Counsil said that the Act of entayling the Crown made by his Father could not be prejudicial to him but that he being in possession of the Crown might make his Wil therof This seemed very strange unto me But being the sentence of the Judges and other his learned Counsil in the Lawes of this realm as both he and his Counsil informed me methought it became not me being unlearned in the Law to stand against my Prince therin And so at length I was required by the Kings Majesty himself to set to my hand to his Wil Saying that he trusted that I alone would not be more repugnant to his Wil then the rest of the Councel were Which words surely grieved my heart very sore And so I granted him to subscribe his Wil and to follow the same Which when I had set my hand unto I did it unfainedly and without dissimulation For the which I submit my self most humbly unto your Majesty acknowledging mine offence with most grievous and sorrowful heart and beseeching your mercy and pardon Which my heart giveth me shal not be denyed unto me being granted before to so many Which travailed not so much to dissuade both the King and his Councel as I did And wheras it is contained in two Acts of Parlament as I understand that I with the Duke of Northumberland should devise and compass the deprivation of your Majesty from your royal Crown surely it is untrue For the Duke never opened his mouth to me to move me any such matter Nor his heart was not such toward me seeking long time my destruction that he would ever trust me in such a matter or think that I would be persuaded by him It was other of the Councel that moved me and the King himself the Duke of Northumberland not being present Neither before neither after had I ever any privy communication with the Duke of that matter saving that openly at the Councel table the Duke said unto me that it became not me to say to the King as I did when I went about to dissuade him from his said Will Now as concerning the state of religion as it is used in this realm of England at this present if it please your Highnes to licence me I would gladly write my mind unto your Majesty I wil never God willing be author of Sedition to move Subjects from the obedience of their Heads and Rulers Which is an offence most detestable If I have uttered my mind to your Majesty being a Christian Queen and Governor of this Realm of whom I am most assuredly persuaded that your gracious intent is above al other regards to prefer Gods true word his honor and glory if I have uttered I say my mind unto your Majesty then I shal think my self discharged For it lyes not in me but in your Grace only to se the Reformation of things that be amisse To private subjects it appertaineth not to reform things but quietly to suffer that they cannot amend Yet nevertheles to shew your Majesty my mind in things appertaining unto God methink it my duty knowing that I do and considering the place which in time past I have occupied Yet wil I not presume therunto without your Graces plesure first known and your Licence obtained Wherof I most humbly prostrate to the ground do beseech your Majesty and I shal not cease daily to pray to Almighty God for the good preservation of your Majesty from al Enemies bodily and ghostly and for the encrease of al goodnes heavenly and earthly during my life as I do and wil do whatsoever become of me NUM LXXV Cardinal Poles Instructions for his Messenger to the Queen Instructions for Master Thomas Goldwel MAster Goldwel After ye have made my most humble Salutations with al due reverence to the Queens Highnes on my behalf and presented my Letters to the same then pleasing her Grace to hear your Commission given by me and to understand the cause why I do send you to her ye may expound the same in that form that followeth First of al Seeing that the whole cause of my sending you to her Highnes at this time is grounded upon the request that her Grace maketh unto me in her letters sent me these dayes past from the Emperors court dated in London the xxviij of October in the Latine tongue Wherunto her G. doth demand answer of me in two points One is touching the difficulty she feareth by signes she seeth already touching the renouncing of the title of the Supremacy of the Church in her Realmes when it shal be put forth in the Parlament Which signes be that wheras her Majesty already hath caused to be put forth to the Parlament the abolishing of those lawes which concerned the annullation of the Legitimate matrimony of the gracious Lady the Queen Mother to her G. the same passing the Upper house and put forth to the Lower albeit in the effect they would not refuse to aggree to al that might make to the establishing of the right of her G. to the Crown yet they did not gladly
was brought and trained unto the Wil of our late Soveraign Lord K. Edward VI. and what I spake against the same Wherein I refer me to the reports of your Honors and Worships Furthermore this is to signify to your Lordships that upon Monday Tuesday and Wednesday last past were open Disputations here in Oxford against me Mr. Ridley and Mr. Latimer in three matters concerning the Sacrament First of the Real presence Secondly Of Transubstantiation And thirdly Of the Sacrifice of the Mas. Upon Monday against me Upon Tuesday against D. Ridley and upon Wednesday against Mr. Latimer How the other two were ordered I know not for we were separated So that none of us knoweth what the other said nor how they were ordered But as concerning my self I can report D. Chadsey was appointed to dispute against me But the Disputation was so confused that I never knew the like every man bringing forth what him liked without order And such hast was made that no answer could be suffered to be taken fully to any argument before another brought a new argument And in such weighty matters the Disputation must needs be ended in one day which can scantly be ended in three months And when we had answered them they would not appoint us one day to bring sorth our proofes that they might answer us being required by me therunto Wheras I my self have more to say then can be wel discussed as I suppose in twenty dayes The means to resolve the truth had been to have suffered us to answer fully to al that they could say and then they again to answer us fully to al that we can say But why they would not answer us what other cause can there be but that either they feared their matter or that they were not able to answer us Or else for some consideration they made such hast not to seek the truth but to condemne us That it must be don in post hast before the matters could be throughly heard For in al hast we were al three condemned of heresy Thus much I thought good to signify to your Lordships that you may know the indifferent handling of matters Leaving the judgment therof unto your Wisdomes And I beseech your Lordships to remember me a poor prisoner unto the Queens Majesty and I shal pray as I do daily unto God for the long preservation of your good Lordships in al godlines and felicitie April 23. NUM LXXX The Lord Legates Commission to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury deputing them to Absolve and Dispense with the Clergy in his stead and absolve the Laity Commissio Domini Reginaldi Poli Legati de Latere REginaldus miseratione divina Sanctae Mariae de Cosmeden Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Diaconus Cardinalis Polus nuncupatus Sanctissimi D. N. Papae Sedis Apostolicae ad Serenissimos Philippum Mariam Angliae Reges universum Angliae regnum de Latere Legatus Venerabilibus ac nobis in Christo dilectis DECANO CAPITULO Ecclesiae Metropolitices Christi Cant. ad quos omnis omnimoda jurisdictio Spiritualis Ecclesiastica quae ad Archiepiscopum Cant. sede plena pertinuit ipsa Sede jam vacante notorie dinoscitur pertinere seu eorum in Spiritualibus Vicario Generali Salutem in Domino sempiternam Cum Sanctissimus in Christo Pater Dominus noster Dominus JULIUS providentia divina Papa tertius inter alias facultates pro hujus regni omniumque personarum in ea existentium Sanctae Ecclesiae reconciliatione facienda necessarias nobis in hac nostra Legatione concessas hanc specialiter indulserit ut quoscumque in haeresium schismatis errores lapsos ab eis a quibuscúnque censuris poenis propterea incursis absolvere cum eis super irregularitate praemissorum occasione contracta Dispensare alia multa adhaec necessaria seu quomodolibet opportuna facere Et hoc idem munus Catholicis locorum Ordinarijs alijs personis Deum timentibus fide insignibus literarum scientia praeditis demandare possumus prout in ejus literis tam sub plumbo quam in forma Brevis expeditis plenius continetur CUMque de benignitate Serenissimorum Regum pietate Regnum hoc universaliter omnes Domini Spirituales Temporales aliaeque personae Communitatum in eo quod proximè celebratum est Parliamento congregatae singulariter primùm deinde universum corpus Cleri provinciae Cantuariensis omnes ferè personae singulares dictum corpus repraesentantes coram nobis existentes aliaeque pleraeque fuerint sanctae ecclesiae Catholicae per nos ipsos reconciliatae Speremúsque fore ut omnes aliae quae reconciliatae adhuc non sunt reconciliatae fuerint Difficiléque potius impossibile sit ut tam numerosa multitudo per manus nostras reconcilietur Ideo vices nostras in hoc locorum Ordinarijs alijs Personis ut supra qualificatis delegandas duximus CIRCUMSPECTIONI igitur vestrae de cujus probitate charitatis zelo plenam in Domino fiduciam obtinemus Authoritate Apostolicâ nobis per Literas ejusdem Sanctissimi D. N. Papae per nos vobis nunc impensâ omnes singulas utriusque Sexus tam laicas quam ecclesiasticas singulares quorumvis ordinum Regulares vestrae civitatis Dioceseos personas in quibusvis etiam sacris ordinibus constitutas cujuscumque etiam status qualitatis existant etiamsi Capitulum Collegium Universitas seu Communitas fuerit quarumvis haeresium novarum Sectarum professores aut in eis culpabiles vel suspectas ac credentes receptatores fautores ipsorum suos errores agnoscentes ac de illis dolentes ad orthodoxam fidem recipi humiliter postulantes cognita in ipsis vera non ficta aut simulata poenitentia ab omnibus singulis haeresium schismatis ab orthodoxa fide Apostasiarum blasphemiarum aliorum quorumcúnque similium errorum etiam sub generali sermone non venientium peccatis criminibus excessibus delictis de quibus tamen inquisiti vel accusati seu condemnati non fuerint quibúsvis excommunicationis suspensionis interdictionum alijs ecclesiasticis temporalibus sententijs censuris poenis in eas praemissorum infra scriptorum occasione ac jure vel ab homine latis vel promulgatis etiamsi eis pluribus annis insorduerint earum Absolutio dictae Sedi etiam per literas in die coenae Domini legi consuetas reservata existat In utroque Conscientiae scil contentioso foro eos vero qui jam inquisiti vel accusati aut condemnati fuerint vel ut praefertur ad cor revertentes in foro conscientiae tantum plenariè absolventes Liberantes NECNON cum eis super irregularitate per eos occasione praemissorum contractâ etiam quia sic Legati Missas alia divina officia etiam contra ritus ceremonias hactenus probatas
our greatest cros may be to be absent from him and strangers from our home and that we may godly contend more and more to please him Amen c. As for your parts in that it is commonly thought your staff standeth next the door ●ee have the more cause to rejoyce and be glad as they which shal come to their fellowes under the Altar To the which Society God with you bring me also in his mercy when it shall be his good plesure I have received many good things from you my good Lord Master and dear Father N. Ridley Fruits I mean of your good labours Al which I send unto you again by this bringer Augustin Benher one thing except which he can tell I do keep upon your further plesure to be known therin And herewithal I send unto you a little treatise which I have made that you might peruse the same and not only you but also ye my other most dear and reverend Fathers in the Lord for ever to give your Approbation as ye may think good Al the prisoners here about in maner have seen it and read it and as therin they aggre with me nay rather with the truth so they are ready and wil be to signify it as they shal se you give them example The matter may be thought not so necessary as I seem to make it But yet if ye knew the great evil that is like hereafter to come to the posterity by these men as partly this bringer can signify unto you Surely then could ye not but be most willing to put hereto your helping hands The which thing that I might the more occasion you to perceive I have sent you here a writing of Harry Harts own hand Wherby ye may see how Christs glory and grace is like to loose much light if your sheep quondam be not something holpen by them that love God and are able to prove that al good is to be attributed only and wholly to Gods grace and mercy in Christ without other respects of worthines then Christs merits The effects of salvation they so mingle and confound with the cause that if it be not seen to more hurt will come by them than ever came by the Papists in as much as their life commendeth them to the world more then the Papists God is my witnes that I write not this but because I would Gods glory and the good of his peop●e In Free wil they are plain Papists yea Pelagians And ye know that Modicum fermenti totam Massam corrumpit They utterly contemn al learning But hereof shal this bringer show you more As to the chief captains therefore of Christs church here I complain of it unto you as truly I must do of you even unto God in the last day if ye wil not as ye can help something Vt veritas doctrinae maneat apud posteros in this behalf as ye have done on the behalf of matters expugned by the Papists God for his mercy in Christ guide you Most dearly beloved Fathers with his holy Spirit here and in al other things as most may make to his glory and the commodity of the Church Amen Al here God therfore be praised prepare themselves willingly to pledg our Captain Christ even when he wil and how he wil. By your good prayers we shal al fare the better and therefore we al pray you to cry to God for us as we God willing do and wil remember you My brethren here with me have thought it their duty to signify this need to be no less then I make it to prevent the plantations which may take root by these men Yours in the Lord Robert Ferrar Rowland Taylor Iohn Bradford Iohn Philpot. NUM LXXXIV The Prisoners for the Gospel their Declaration concerning K. Edward his Reformation To the King and Queens most excellent Majesties with their most honorable high court of Parlament WE poor Prisoners for Christs religion require your Honours in our dear Saviour Christs name earnestly now to repent for that you have consented of late to the unplaceing of so many godly lawes set furth touching the true religion of Christ before by two most Noble Kings being Father and brother to the Queens Highnes and aggreed upon by al your consents not without your great and many deliberations free and open disputations costs and paines taking in that behalf neither without great Consultations and conclusions had by the greatest learned men in the realm at Windsor Cambridg and Oxford neither without the most willing consent and allowing of the same by the whole Realm throughly So that there was not one Parish in al England that ever desired again to have the Romish Superstitions and vaine Service which is now by the Popish proud covetous clergy placed again in contempt not only of God al Heaven and al the holy ghostes lessons in the blessed Bible but also against the honors of the said two most noble Kings against your own Country fore aggreements and against al the godly consciences within this realm of England and elsewhere By reason wherof Gods great plagues must needs follow and great unquietnes of consciences besides al other persecutions and vexations of bodies and goods must needs ensue Moreover we certify your honours that since your said unplaceing of Christs true religion and true service and placing in the room therof Antichrist● Romish Superstition heresy and idolatry al the true preachers have been removed and punished and that with such open robbery and cruelty as in Turky was never used either to their own Countrimen or to their mortal enemies This therfore our humble suit is now to your honourable estates to desire the same for al the mercies sake of our dear and only Savior Iesus Christ and for the duty you owe to your native Country and to your own souls earnestly to consider from what light to what darknes this realm is now brought and that in the weightiest chief and principal matter of Salvation of al our souls and bodies everlasting and for ever more And even so we desire you at this your assembly to seek some effectual reformation for the afore written most horrible deformation in this church of England And touching your selves we desire you in like maner that we may be called before your Honors and if we be not able both to prove and approve by the Catholic and Canonical rules of Christs true religion the church Homilies and Service set furth in the most innocent K. Edwards days and also to disallow and reprove by the same authorities the Service now set furth since his departing then we offer our bodies either to be immediately burned or else to suffer whatsoever other painful and shameful death that it shal please the King and Queens Majesties to appoint And we think this trial and probation may be now best either in the plain English tongue by Writing or otherwise by disputation in the same tongue Our Lord for his great mercy sake