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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13043 The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London.; Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1580 (1580) STC 23333; ESTC S117590 888,783 1,248

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Rebels of the whiche one was hanged within Aldgate and another at the Bridge foote toward Southwarke both on Mary Magdalens day In the beginning of August the French King determining to take the Isles of Garnesea and Iersea did set there sodeinly The French Kings Galleys inuaded Garnesea and Iersea vpon our Shippes with a great number of Galeis but they were so manfully encountred by the Kings Nauie that with the losse of a thousand men and great spoyle of their Galleis they were forced to retire into France and de●i●t from their purpose The xvj of August a man was hanged without Bishopsgate of London and one other sent to Waltham and there executed and diuers other in many places The viij of August the French Embassadours gaue a Frenchmen apprehended defiance to the Lorde Protectour wherevpon all Frenchmen with their goodes béeing no Denizens were apprehended The Rebels in Norffolke and Suffolke encamped thēselues at Mount Surrey in a wood called Saint Nicholas wood néere vnto Norwich agaynst whome Sir Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike went with ●n Armye where both he and a great number of Gentlemen méeting with the Rebelles were in suche daunger as they had thought all to haue dyed in that place but God that confoundeth the purpose of all Rebels brought it so to passe that as well there as in al other places they were partly by power cōstreined partly by promise of their ●ar●●n perswaded to submitte themselues to their Prince the Earle of Warwike entred the Citie of Norwich the xxvij of August when he had ●●aine The Earle of VVarvvicke vvent against the Rebels at Norvvich aboue fiue thousand of the Rebels and taken their chiefe Captayne Robert Ket of Windham ●anner whiche mighte dispend in Lands fiftie pound by yeare and was worth in moueables aboue a thousand Markes when he had put to execution diuers of the Rebels in diuers places about Norwich and returned The xxviij of August tidings was brought to King Edward Nevvhauen by Boleyne vvon by the French and the Lord Protector that the Frenchmen had taken Blacknesse Hamiltew and Newhauen by Boleyne and had slayne all the Englishmen and taken the Kings Ordinance and victualles which was reported to be begunne by one Sturton a Bastard sonne of the Lord Sturtons which had betrayed Newhauen and went himselfe to the French Kings seruice héere vpon the Captayne of Bulleyne Barke for feare of the French Army conuayed all the Ordinance Uictualles goodes and men of that Fort to the high Towne of Bulleyne and after their departing with Gunpowder blew vp the Fort. About this time also a Commotion began at Semer in Commotion in Yorkeshire the North riding of Yorkeshire and continued in the East riding and there ended the principall raysers whereof were William Ombler of Easthes●e●●on yeoman Thomas Dale parish Clarke of Semer and Steuenson of Semer being preuented by the Lord President from rising at Wintringham they drew to a place at Semer by the Sea coast and there by night rode to the beacon at Stax●o● and set it on fire and so gathered a rude route then they went to Mayster Whites house and tooke him and Clopton his wides brother Sauage Merchant of Yorke and Bery seruant to Sir Walter Mildmay which four they murthered a mile from Semer and there left thē naked their number increased to thrée thousand On the xxj of August the Kings pardon was offered which Ombler and other refused who were shortly after taken and brought to Yorke where Thomas Dale and other Rebels executed at Yorke were executed the xxj of September The first of September Edmond Bonar Bishop of London preached a Sermon at Powles Crosse for the which he was accused vnto the Counsell by William Latimer Parson of Saint Lawrence Pountney and Iohn Hoper sometime a white Monke and so conuented before the Archbishop of Canterbury and other Commissioners at Lambheath on the twentith day of that same moneth and sente to the Marshalsea on the first of October he was depriued of his Bishopricke for disobeying the Kings order in Religion Richard Turke Iohn Yorke the 28. of September Sherifes The viij of October after a common Counsell in the Guild hall at London whether all the Lordes of the Counsell came the Lord Chauncellor and other declared diuers abuses of the Lord Protectour desiring the Citizens to bée ayding and assisting with them for the preseruing of the Kings Maiesties person which they greatly feared béeing in his aduersaries hands The Lords dined with Mayster Proclamation against the Lord Protectour Yorke one of the Sheriffes and in the afternoone Proclamation was made in diuers places of the Citie with Trompets Heralts and Kings at Armes wherein was conteyned diuers Articles touching the euill gouernement of the Lord Protector The tenth of October by a common Counsell at the Guild hall was graunted fiue hundred men of the Citie one hundred to be horssemen to be readie on the next morrow and this day the Lordes dined wyth Mayster Turke the other Sheriffe The xj of October the Lordes sitting at the Lord great maisters Sir Anthony Wingfield Captayne of the Garde was sent to the King at Windsore and seuered the Lord Protectour from his person and caused the Gard to watch him fi●● the Lords comming On the morrow the Lord Chancellour with the rest of the Counsell rode to Windsore to the King and that night the Lorde Protectour was put in ward into Beau●champs Tower in the Castell of Windsore The xiiij of October in the afternoone the Duke of Sommerset Lord Protector brought to the Tovver was brought from Windesore riding through Oldbor●e in at Newga●e and so to the Tower of London accompanyed with diuers Lordes and Gentlemen with thrée hundred horse the Lord Maior Sir Ralph Warren Sir Iohn Gressham Mayster Recorder Sir William Locke and both the Sheriffes and other Knightes sitting on their Horsses against Soper La●e with all the Officers with Halbards and from Holbur●e bridge to the Tower certayne Aldermen or their deputies on Horssebacke in euery stréete with a number of housholders standing with billes as he passed There was with him committed to the Tower Sir Michaell Stanhope Sir Thomas Smith Sir Iohn Thin Knightes Wolfe of the priuie Chamber and Grey of Reading The xvij of October King Edward came from Hampton Court to his place in Southwarke and there dined and after King Edvvarde rode through London dinner he made Mayster Yorke one of the Sheriffes Knight and then rode through the Citie to Westminster Sir Rowland Hill Mercer the 28. of October Maior This Sir Rowland Hill caused to be made a Causey Charitable deedes of Sir Rovvland Hill commonly called Ouerlane pauement in the high way from Stone to Nantwich in length four miles for horse and man with diuers Lanes on both sides the same Causey He caused likewise a Causey to be made from Dunchurch to Bransen in Warwickeshire more than two
and the Frenche Kyng their Realmes Dominions and Subiectes whyche peace was proclaymed with sounde of Trumpet at hir Castell of Windsore and also at London on the thyrtéenth daye of Aprill The plague thankes be to God being cleane ceased in London both Easter and Midsommer Terme were kepte at Westminster Throughe the earnest suite of the Armourers there was on the vigile of Saint Peter a Watche in the Citie of London VVatche on S. Peters euen whyche did onelye stande in the highest stréetes as Cheape Cornehill and so forth to Aldgate whyche Watche was to the commons of the City as chargeable as when in times past it had béene commendably done The fifth of Auguste the Quéenes Maiestie in hir Progresse Abrah Hartwell The Queenes Progresse thorough Cambridge came to the Uniuersitie of Cambridge and was of all the Students being inuested according to their degrées taken in the Schooles honorably and ioyfully receiued in the Kings Colledge where she did lye during hir continuaunce in Cambridge The dayes of hir abode were passed in Scholasticall exercises of Philosophie Phisicke and Diuinitie the nightes in Comedies and Tragedies sette for the partlye by the whole Uniuersitie and partly by the Studentes of the Kyngs Colledge At the breakyng vp of the Diuinitie acte being on Wednesday the ninth of Auguste on the whyche daye sh●e rode through the Town and viewed the Colledges those goodly and auncient monuments of Kyngs of Englande hir Noble Predecessours shée made wythin Saint Macies Church a notable Oration in Latine in the presence of the whole learned Uniuersitie to the Studentes greate comforte The ●erte daye she wente forwarde on hir Pregresse to Fihchingbrooke by Huntington The thyrtith daye of August was enacted by a common Out cryer and Bellman for the daye Councell of the Citie of London that all suche Citizens as from thence-forth should be ●instrained 〈…〉 their houshold ●●u●●e leafes of houses or suche like shoulde firste cause the same to be cried throughe the Citie by a man wyth a Bell and then to be solde by the common out cryer appoynted for that purpose and he to retaine one farthing of the shilling for his paines The xx daye of September arose great floudes in the riner Greate ●●onds in the Thamis of Thamis where-through the Marshes neare adioyning were ouerflowed and manye Cattell drowned The creation of sir Robert Sutton alias Dudley Knight of Creation of a Baron the Garter and Maister of the Horsse to the Quéenes Maiestie who was created Baron of Denbigh and after Earle of Leicester on Michaelmasse daye at Saint Iames wyth the gifte of the Manour of Killingworth and other things there to hym and hys heires to the yerely valewe of four and twentie pounde and better Firste the saide Lord attended on the Quéenes highnes to the Chappel and from the Chappell to seruice and when he was returned to the Chamber of Presence the saide Lord with other departed to the Lord Chamberlaines Chamber and shifted them the said Lord Robert in his Surcote with the Hoode his mantle borne before hym by the Lorde Hunsdon and ledde by the Lord Clinton Lorde Admiral by the right hand and the Lord Strange on the lefte hande in their Parliament Robes Garter bearing the Patent and before him the Officers of Armes and so procéeded into the Chamber of Presence where the Quéenes Highnesse sate vnder the cloth of Estate with the Noble men on ech side of hir the Embassador of France was also present with another straunger an Italian and when the fai●●● Lorde with the other came in the Quéenes sight they made theyr o●●ysaunce thrée tymes the saide Lorde knéeled 〈…〉 after the whyche Gatter presented the Letters pattents to the Lord Chamberlaine and he presented the same to the Quéenes Highnesse who gaue it to sir William Cecil Secretary who read the same with a loude voyce and at the wordes of Creduimus the Lord of Hunsdon presented the Mantle to the 〈…〉 Maiestie who putte on the same whereby he was treated Baron of Denbigh for hym and hys heyres then the pattent was read out to the ende after the whyche hée delyuered it to the Quéene agayne hir Highnesse gaue it to the saide Lord who gaue hir Maiestie most humble thankes and he rose vp and departed to the Chamber then came from the Trumpettes sounding before hym Then bée shifted hym of those Robes and put on the Robes Creation of an Earle of Estate of an Earle and béeing ledde by the Earle of Sussex on the righte hande and the Earle of Huntington on hys lefte hande the Earle of Warwike bearing his Sworde the Pomell vpward and the girdle aboute the same al in their Robes of Estate the Lorde Clinton Lorde Admirall in hys Parliament robes bearing his Cap with y e Coronal Garter before him hearing his Patent and the other officers of Armes before him they procéede as afore into the Chamber of Presence where after they hadde made their obeysance the saide Earle ●néeled downe and Garter delyuered hys patent to the Lorde Chamberlaine who gaue the same to the Quéenes Maiestie and hir highnesse gaue the same to sir Wiliam Cecil Secretary to reade who read the same and at the words Cincturam Glady the Earle of Warwike presented the Sworde to the Quéenes Highnesse who gyrte the same aboute the necke of the saide newe Earle puttyng the poynt vnder hys lefte army and after hir Maiestie putte on his Cappe with the Coronall then hys Patent was read out to the ende and then the saide Secretary deliuered it againe to the Quéene and hir Highnesse gaue it to the sayde newe Earle of Leicester who gaue hir humble thankes for the same and then he arose and wente into the Councell Chamber to dynner the Trumpets sounding before and at dinner he sate in hys kyrtle and there accompanyed him the foresayde Embassadour of Fraunce and the saide Italian wyth dyuers other Earles and Lordes and after the second course Garter with the other Officers of Armes proclaymed the Quéenes Maiesties Stile and after the Stile of the sayde Earle for the whyche they had fiftéene pounde to ●éete for hys Baronie f●ue pound and for his ●arledoms tenne pounde and Garter had hys Gowne of blacke ●elnet garded wyth thrée gardes of the same layde on wyth Lace fyned throughe wyth blacke Taffata and garded on the inner side with the same and on the sléeues xxxvitj paire of Aglets of Golde Du●resnoble puissant seigneur Robert Cante de Leycest●e Baron de Denbighe Cheualier du tresnoble Ordre de la Iarretierrè Grand Esquier de la Royne nostre Souuereigne Edwarde Iackeman Leonell Ducket the 28. of September Sheriffes Obsequy for the Emperour The seconde of October in the afternoone and the morrowe in the forenoone a solempne obsequie was holden in Saint Paules Churche at London for Ferdinando late Emperour departed The seauenth of October at eight of the clocke at night Anno
xxiiij of Nouember the Quéenes Maiestie had caused the sayd Earles of Northumberland The Earles of Northumberland VVestmerland proclaymed Traytors and Westmerland to be proclaymed Traytors with all their adherents and fauourers and forthwith prepared an army to be sent out of the South for their suppression The Lord Scrope warden of the West marches had called vnto him the Earle of Cumberland and other Gentlemen of the Countrey and they kepte the Citie of Carelile The Earle of Sussex the Quéenes maiesties Lieutenant generall The Earle of Sussex the Queenes Lieutenant generall in the North against the Rebels in the North had on the xvij of Nouember there published the like Proclamation in effect as after was published by hir Maiestie against the sayde Rebels and also sent out to all such Gentlemen as he knew to be hir Maiesties louing subiects vnder his rule who came vnto hym with such number of their friends as he was able in fyue dayes to make aboue fiue thousand horsemen and footemen and so being accompanyed with the Earle of Rutlande his Lieutenant the Lord Hunsdon general of his horsemen William Lord Eure who had the leading of the rereward of the footemen and Sir Ralph Sadler Treasurer who all came to Yorke with their seruants on Sonday the xj of December they marched from Yorke towards Topclife the x●j they tarryed at Sezay where Sir George Bowes with his power comming from Barnards Castell as is a foresayde mette him and was made Marshall of the Armye then they wente to Northalarton to S●icto● to Croftbridge and so to Actay on the which day the Rebels fledde from Durham hauing called their companye Christopher Neuill frent Hertlepoole who were fortifying there to Exham where they abode thrée dayes The Earle of S●●ssex Lieutenant with his power wente from Actay to Durham then to Newcastell and the twentith of December to Exham from whence the Rebels were gone the nighte before to Naworth where counsayling with Edwarde Dacres concerning theyr owne weakenesse as also how they were pursued by the Earle of Sussex and hys power of seauen thousande euen almoste at theyr héeles and moreouer that the Earle of Warwike the The Earle of VVarvvike sent against the Rebels Lorde Clinton Lorde Admirall of Englande and the Lorde Ferrers Uiscount Hereford with afarre greater armye of twelue thousande out of the South whereof the sayde Earle of Warwike was Generall was not farre behynde them at Borowbridge The nexte nighte the two Earles of Northumberlande and Westmerlande wyth sundry of their principall Gentlemen The Earles of Northumberland VVestmerland fledde vnknowne to theyr associates fledde to Herlaw in Scotlande the other Rebels were shortly after taken by the Earle of Sussex and hys power without any resistance The fourth and fifth of January did suffer at Durham Rebels executed at Durham to the number of thréescore and sixe Constables and other amongst whome an Alderman of the Towne and a Priest called Parson Plom●ree were the most notable then ●●●r Gro●●● Bowes Marshall finding manye to bée faultors in the foresayde Rebellion● dyd sée them executed in euery Markette Towne and other places betwiete Nowcastell and Wetherby about thréescore miles in length and fortie miles in breadth The one and twentith of January a Prentise was hanged on a gibbet at the North end of Finke Lane in London to the ensample of other for that he y ● thirtéenth of December had striken hys mayster with a knife whereof hée dyed The two and twentith of February Leonard Dacre of Leonard Dacr●●●edde into Scotland Harlsey in the Countie of Yorke Esquire hauyng raysed a number of people the Lorde Hunsdon and other setting on hym with a companye of valiaunt Souldyers flewe manye of hys people and forced hym to flée into Scotlande On good Friday the seauen and twentith of March Simon 1570 Digby of Askewe Iohn Fulthorp of Isilbecke in the Countie of Yorke Esquires Robert Peneman of Stokesley Rebels executed at Yorke Thomas Bishop the yonger of Poklinton in the same Countie of Yorke Gentlemen were drawne from the Castell of Yorke to the place of execution called Knauestmire halfe a mile without the Citie of Yorke and there hanged headed and quartered their foure heads were set on the four principall gates of the Citie with foure of their quarters the other quarters were set in diuers places of the Countrey Oscolph Clesbe was with them drawne to the gallowes and returned agayne to the Castell William Earle of Pembroke Baron of Cardiffe Knighte The Earle of Pembroke deceassed of the Garter one of the priuie Counsell and Lord Stewarde of the Quéenes maiesties housholde deceassed the eyghtéenth of April and was buryed in Saint Paules Church at London The seauentéenth of Aprill the Earle of Sussex Lieutenant The Earle of Sussex made a iourney into Scotland generall in the North with the Lord Hunsdon Lorde gouernour of Barwike Warden of the East Marches and mayster William Drewry high Marshall of Barwike with all the garrison and power of the fame began a iourney into Scotlande and the same night came to Warke twelue miles from Barwike and so the next morrow entred into Tiuidale and marching in warlike order they brēt ouerthrew rased spoyled all the Castels Townes villages of their enimies till they came to the Castell of Mosse standing in a strōg marish belōging to the L. of Bucklugh which likewise was rased ouerthrowne and brent and so marched forward and brent the whole Countrey before them till they came to Craling The same day Sir Iohn Foster Warden of the Sir Iohn Foster vvith a garrison entred Scotlād middle marches with the garrison and force of the same entred likewise into Tiuidale vpon Expes gate sixtéene mile from Warke where in like order they brent rased and spoyled the Countrey before them till they came to a strong Castell called Craling in the possession of the mother of the Lord Ferniherst which likewise they ouerthrew rased and brent There both the Armies mette and so marched by the Riuer of Tiuite rasing burning and spoyling Castels and pyles along the Riuer till they came to Gedworth where they both lodged and were curteously receyued The next day the Lorde Ses●ord Warden of the middle Marches of Scotlande came in with all the principall men of hys kinred to the Lorde Lieutenante and did submitte themselues and were assured for that they had not receyued the English Rebels ayding or assisting them neyther had made any inuasion into Englande The ninetéenth the Armie deuided into two partes the one parte whereof passed the Riuer of Teuite and brent the Castell of Ferniherst and all other Castels and Townes belonging to the Lorde of Ferniherst Huntill and Bedrell and so passed to Mint where both the Armyes mette agayne and so brente on bothe sides the Riuer till they came to a greate Towne called Hawicke where they intended to haue lodged but the Scottes had vnthatched the
Ordinance being placed was shot very sor● but did no great harme for that they were field péeces The. xxiiij our Generall gaue sommons to the sayde Castell which would not yéeld wherevpon he sent to Starling for bigger Ordinance for the batterie and so went from thence accompanyed with the Earles of Lenox and Mortayne with the horsemen and certayne shotte marched in the Countrey to a faire house of the Abbots of Kelwing néere adioyning whose name was Gawyn Hamelton whiche house they burned and vtterly spoyled with seauentéene houses more of good countenance of that name whereof one was the Lord Lanhappes which had marryed with the sister of Iames Hamelton of Bedwilhough whiche slewe the Regent There was burned seauen other faire houses thereaboutes not of that name but of alie besides those there were diuers of their kinred and alie that came in wyth humble submission and assured themselues promising their obedience to their King c. The. xxv of May in the morning was found hanging at the Bishop of Londons palace gate in Paules Church-yard a A Bull from Rome hanged on the Bishop of Londons gate Bull which lately had bin sent from Rome conteyning dyuers horrible treasons against the Quéenes maiestie for the which one Iohn Felton was shortly after apprehended and committed to the Tower of London The. xxvtj of May Thomas Norton and Christopher of Yorkeshire being both condemned of high treason for the late The Nortons ●●ecuted Rebellion in the North were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged headed and quartered The xxvtj of May the Castell of Hamelton was yéelded Hamelton in Scotland yelded to the English to Sir William Drewry generall of our Army and by him presently spoyled and brent there was in the house 34. mē The xxviij Sir George Care with the horsemen came to Lithco where the whole army mette This day a very faire house with the whole Towne of Hamelton was brent The xxix they brent an house of the Dukes called Kemyell and another at Lithco the whole Towne and diuers other faire houses was yéelded to our generall who returned to Edenborough and so to Barwike the third day of June A conspiracy was made by certayne Gentlemen and other Conspiracy in Norffolke in the Countrey of Norffolke whose purpose was on Midsomer day at Harlestone faire with sound of Trumpet and Drumme to haue reysed a number and then to proclayme their diuelish pretence against Straungers and other This matter was vttered by Thomas Kete one of the conspiracie vnto Iohn Kensey who forthwith sente the same Kete with a Constable to the nexte Justice before whome and other Justices he opened the whole matter wherevpon mayster Drewgh Drewry immediatly apprehended Iohn Throgmorton and after him many Gentlemen of the Citie of Norwich and the County of Norffolke who were all committed to prison and at the nexte Sessions of gaile deliuerie at the Castell of Norwich the seauentéenth of July before Sir Robert Ca●●● Knight Lord chiefe Justice Gilbert Gerrard the Quéenes Attourney generall and other Justices tenne of them were indicted of high Treason and some others of contempte diuers of them were condemned and had iudgement the one and twentith of August and afterward thrée of them were hanged bowelled and quartred which were Iohn Throgmorton of Norwich Gentleman who stoode mute at his arraignement but at the gallowes confessed himselfe to be the chiefe conspiratour and that none had deserued to dye but he for that he had procured them with him was executed Thomas Brooke of Rolsbye Gentlemā the thirtith of August and George Redman ●● Cn●●geleford Gentleman was likewise executed the second of September The fourth of August the Duke of Norffolke was remomoued The Duke of Norffolke remoued from the Tower of London to the Charterhouse néere vnto Smithfield The same day was arraigned at the Guild hall of London Felton arraigned Iohn Felton for hanging a B●ll at the gate of the Bishop of Londons palace and also two yong men for coyning and clipping of coyne who all were found giltie of high Treason and had iudgement to be drawne hanged and quartered The eyght of August Iohn Felton was drawne from Newgate into Paules Church-yard and there hanged on a gallowes Felton and others executed new set vp that morning before the Bishops palace gate and being cut downe aliue he was bowelled and quartered After this the same morning the Sheriffes returned to Newgate and so to Tiborne with two yong men which were there executed for coyning and clipping as is aforesayd The two and twentith of August the Earle of Sussex A iourney into Scotland by the Earle of Sussex Lord Lieutenant generall for the Quéenes Maiestie in the North and the Lord Scrope warden of the West marches with diuers other marched from C●relile with the Quéenes army and force of the North as well of Horsemen as footemen into Scotland passing ouer the Riuers of Eske Leuin and Sarke which Riuer of Sarke parteth England and Scotland and so to Dornocke wood belonging to Edward Vrone the Lord of Bonshow and then to Anno●na a strong house of the Lorde Harris which they rased and ouerthrew with other there aboutes from thence to Hodhim which they brente and blew vp from thence to Kennell a Towne belonging to the Lorde ●owhill which they brente from thence to Domfries which they sacked and spoyled of such paltrie as the fugitiues had left and also rased and ouerthrewe a sumptuous house belonging to the Quéene of Scottes in the kéeping of the Lorde Harris then passing the 〈…〉 of Longher they brent and spoyled Cowhilles and Pow●racke and returned to D●m●●●●s and so to the Towne of Bankend which they brente with another house perteyning to William Maxwell of the Isles and so to the Castell of Carlauoracke standing in a marish iust to an arme of the Sea which parteth Aunerdall and Gallaway which Castell they blew vp and returned homeward transporting theyr Ordinance ouer quicksands and bogges where neuer the lyke was done before and so came to Darnoke wood The eyght and twentith of August they marched towards Garelile where by the way they brent and ouerthrew two houses the one being Arthur Greames alias Carelile the other Rich George two notable Théeues The same day at night after the Lordes comming to Carlile he made Knightes Sir Edward Hastings Sir Frances Russell Sir Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Valentine Browne Sir William Hilton Sir Robert Stapleton Sir Henry Curwen Sir Simon Musgraue Fraunces Bar●ame William Boxe the 28. of September Sherifes The 〈…〉 of On other ●t night happened a terrible tempest of winde and rayne both on the Sea and Lande by High vvaters vvhich drovvned many meanes whereof many Shippes and other vessels were drowned about midnight the waters ouerflowing drowned many medowes pastures townes villages cattell houses and goodes to the vtter vndoing of a great number of subiectes of this
Naylor were called to bring in the sayd Naylor Champion for Simon Lowe shortly thervpon sir Ierome Bowes leading Nailor by the hand entreth with him the lystes bringing hym downe that square by which he entred being on the left hād of the Judges so about til he came to the next square iust against the Judges there making curtesi● first with one leg then wyth the other passed forth til be came to the middle of the place then made the lyke obeysance so passing till they came to the Bar there he made the like curtesie and his shield was held vp aloft ouer his head Nailor put off his nether stocks so bare foote and bare legged saue his silke S●auilonions to y e ankles his dublet sléeues tyed vp aboue the elbow bare-headed came in as is aforesaid Then were the sureties of George Thorne called to bring in the same Thorne immediatly sir Henrie Cheyney entring at the vpper ende on the right hand of the Judges vsed the like order in coming about by hys side as Naylor had before on that other side so comming to the Bar with like obeysance helde vp his shield Proclamation was made that none should touch the Bars nor presume to come within the same except such as were appoynted After all this solempne order was finished the L●chiefe Justice rehearsing the maner of bringing the Writ of right by Simon Low of the answere made thervnto by Paramore of the procéeding therein and how Paramore had chalenged to defend his right to the lande by battel by his Champion Thomas Thorne and of the accepting the tryall that was by Lowe with his Champion Henrie Naylor then for default in appearance in Lowe he adiudged the land to Paramore dismissed the Champions acquitting the sureties of their band● He also willed Henrie Naylor to render againe to George Thorne his Gauntlet wherevnto the sayde Naylor aunsweared that hys Lordeshyp myghte commaunde hym any thing but willingly he would not render the saide Ga●tlet to Thorne excepte hée coulde winne it and further he chalenged the saide Thorne to playe wyth hym halfe a score blowes to shew some pastime to the Lorde chiefe Justice and the other there assembled but Thorne aunsweared that hée came to fighte and woulde not playe Then the Lordo chiefe Justice commending Naylor for his valiaunt courage commaunded them bothe quietly te departe the fielde c. The sixetéenth of July Rebecca Chamber late wyfe to A vvoman brēt at Maydstone Thomas Chamber of Herieitesham was founde culpable of poysonyng the saide Thomas Chamber hir husbande at the assises holden at Maidstone in the Countie of Kent For the which farre hauyng well deserued she was there brent on the nexte morrowe The seauenth of September the Duke of Norffolke was Duke of Norffolke sent to the Tovver remoued from the Charterhouse to the Tower of London prisoner The two and twentith of September deceassed Iohn Iewell Bishoppe of Salisbury deceassed Byshoppe of S●lisburie in hys life a most eloquent and diligent Preacher but a farre more painfull and studious Writer as hys workes remayning beare witnesse whereby hys fame shall neuer dye Henrie Milles Iohn Braunche the 28. of September Sherifes Maior The Christians victorie againste the Turkes Sir William Allin Mercer the 28. of October The ninth of Nouember great reioycing was made at London with hanquetting and bonefyres for ioye of the late come newes of a maruellous victorie obtayned by the christian army by sea against the Turkes the sixth of October last passed wherein were taken and sunke of the Turkes Galleis and Brygantines two hundred and thyrtie there were slaine of the Turkes more than thyrtie thousande besides a great number of prisoners taken and aboute twelue thousande Christians that had bin slaues wyth the Turkes were set at libertie The Christians loste seauen Galleys and Anno reg 14 were slaine aboute sixe or seauen thousande The thyrtith of December Reynolde Grey was by the Earle of Kent Quéenes Maiestie restored Earle of Kent The thyrtéenth of January deceased Sir William Peter Sir VVilliam Peter deceassed Knight who for hys iudgement and pregnant witte hadde béene Secretary and of priuie Councell to foure Kings and Quéenes of thys Realme and seauen times Lorde Embassador abroade in forraine landes he augmented Exceter Colledge in Oxforde with landes to the value of an hundred pounde by yeare and also builded ●enne Almes houses in the parishe of Ingerstone for twenty pore people ten within the house and tenne wythout the house hauyng euerye one two pence the daye a winter gowne and two loade of wood and among them féedyng for sixe Ky●e Winter and Sommer and a Chaplaine to saye them seruice daylye The sixetéenth of January the Lorde Thomas Hawarde Duke of Norffolke arraigned Duke of Norffolke was arraigned in Westminster hall before George Lorde Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie hyghe Steward of Englande for that daye and there by hys Péeres founde guyltie of hyghe treason and hadde iudgement accordynglye The eleauenth of February Kenelme Barney and Edmonde Mather Barney and Roli● executed Mather were drawne from the Tower of London and Henrie Rolfe from the Marshalsea in Southwarke all thrée to Tyborne and there hanged bowelled and quartred for treason Barney and Mather for conspiracie and Rolfe for counterfayting the Quéenes Maiesties hande The Quéenes Maiestie hearing credibly by report that Conueyers of Belles Lead other churche goods are to be punished to the example of their too many follovvers certaine lewde persons vnder pretence of executing Commissions for inquiries to be made for lands concealed contrarye to hir Maiesties meaning chalenging lands ●●ocks of money Plate c. letting not also to make pretence to the Belles Lead and other suche thyngs belonging to Parishe Churches or Chappels Hir Maiestie meaning spéedily to wythstande suche manner of vnlawfull practises commaunded that al Commissions then extant and not determined for inquisition of any manner of concealementes ●houlde be by Supersidias oute of hir Exchequer reuoked ●●d also appoynted spéedye remedye to be had against suche 〈◊〉 as more a● large app●●●●th by a Proclamation ●●is 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 ●● haue some speciall ●●r● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 but also to the refor●●ng ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and iniurious attempts of dyuers that of late time by other colour th● for hir Maiesties vse had taken away the lead of Churches and Chappels yea and Belles also out of Stéeples and other co●mon g●●d●● belonging to parishes an example not to be suffred vnpunished nor vnreformed And so hir Maiestie e●t●●●●es chargeth hir Justices of hir Assise to prouide seuere remedy bothe for punishement and reformation thereof Dated at Westminster the thirtéenth daye of February the fourteenth yers of hir raigne The tenth of March deceassed sir William Pawlet knight Sir VVilliam Pavvlet Lorde Treasourer deceassed Lorde Sent-Iohn Earle of Wiltshire Marques of Winchester Knight of the Honourable
order of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuy Counsell and Lorde high Treasorer of England at his Manour of Basing Thys worthy man was borne in the yeare of our Lorde 148● the firste yeare of King Richarde the thirde and lyued aboute the age of 87. yeares in sixe Kings and Quéenes dayes He serued fiue Kings and Quéenes Henrie the seauenth Henrie the eight Edwarde the sixth Quéens Marie and Quéene Elizabeth All these he serued faithfully and of them was greately fauoured Hymselfe did sée the chyldr●n of hys children● children growen ●o the ●●●ber of ●03 A●●●● blessing gyuen by God to men of hys ●●●●ing The xxv and xxvj of March by the commaundement of the Quéenes Maiestie hir Councel the Citizens of London assembling at their ●●●●●all Halles the Maisters chose oute ●he mo●●e 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 persons of euerye their companies to 〈…〉 e● of thrée thousande whom they appoynted to be Pikemen and 〈◊〉 ●h● Pikemen were forthwith armed in ●a●●●●●r●e●● and ●●●●r furniture according there vnto the Gunners had euery of them hys Callyuer with the furniture and 〈◊〉 on theyr hea●es To these were appoynted dyuers valiant Capitaines who to ●●aine them vp in warlike ●ea●● 〈◊〉 them ●●r●ce euery wéeke sometimes in the Artillery yarde teaching the Gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the Miles end and in Saint Georges fielde teaching them to skyrmishe In the whyche skyrmishe wythe Miles end the tenth of Aprill one of the 〈◊〉 of the Goldsmiths company was shot in the 〈◊〉 wyth a péece of a scowring sticke lefte in one of the Calyuers whereof he dyed and was buryed the twelfth of Aprill in S. Paules Churcheyarde al the Gunners marching from the Miles end in battaile ray shotte off theyr Calyuers at hys graue On May day they mustred at Grenewich before y e Quéens Maiestie where they shewed manye warlike feates but were hindred by the weather whych was all day showring they returned that nighte to London and were discharged on the nexte morrowe The fourth of May Walter Deueroux Lorde Ferrers of Earles of Essex and Lincolne created Chartley and Viscount of Her●fonde was created Earle of Essex And Edwarde Fines Lorde Clinton and Say hyghe Admirall of Englande was created Earle of Lincolne The eight of May the Parliament beganne at Westminster Barons made and that same daye in the Parliament by the Quéenes Maiesties Writtes sir Henrie Compton Knight Lorde of Compt●n in the Hole sir Henry Cheyney Knight Lorde of Tudington sir William Pawlet Knight of Basing and sir Henrie Norrice Knight Lorde of Rycote were called Barons into the higher house In this Parliament for so muche as the whole Realme of England was excéedingly pestred with Roags Uagabonds and sturdy beggers by meanes wherof dayly hapned diuers horrible murders theftes and other greate outrages it was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fourtéene yeres beyng taken begging vagrant and Roags brente through the ●are wandring misorderly shoulde be apprehended whipped brent through the gri●●le of the right eare with a hote yron of one ynch compasse for the firste time so taken The foure and twentith of May Martin Bulloke was hanged on a Gibbet by the Well with two Buckets in Bishoppes gate stréete of London for robbing and most shamefullye murdering of a Merchaunt named Arthure Hall in the Personage of Saint Martine by the saide Well Thys Martin hadde procured the saide Arthure Hall to come to the sayd Personage to buy of hym certaine Plate but after the saide Arthure hadde well viewed the same he saide this is none of your Plate it hathe Doctor Gardeners marke I knowe it to be his that is true said Martin Bullocke but he hath appoynted me to sell it c. After thys talke whyles the said Arthure was weighing the Plate the same Martin fetcht out of the Kitchen a thicke washing Bée●le and commyng behinde hym strake the saide Arthure on the head that hée felled him with the firste stroke and then strake hym againe and after tooke the saide Arthures Dagger and sticked hym and wyth hys knyfe cut hys throate and after woulde haue trussed hym in a Danske Cheste but the same was too shorte wherevppon he tumbled him downe a paire of stayres and after thinking to haue buryed hym in the Seller hys legges being broken with the fyrst fal and stiffe he coulde not drawe hym downe the Seller staires béeyng wynding wherefore he cutte off hys legs wyth an Hatchet and in the ende trussed hym with Strawe in a drye fat and saying it was his apparell and Bookes caused the same to be carryed to the water side and so shipped to Rye The sixe and twentith of May the right honorable Earle of Lincolne departed from London towardes Fraunce Embassador being accompanyed with the Lords Dacres the Lord Riche the Lord Talbot the Lord Sandes and the Lord Clinton sir Arthure Chambernowne sir Ierome Bowes and sir Edwarde Hastings Knightes wyth dyuers other Gentlemen who takyng ship at Deuer cutte ouer to Bolongne where they were very honorably receyued from thence conueyed by iorneys to Paris where they were lodged in a house of y e kings named Le Chasteau de Loure being attended on by the Kings Officers Fiue dayes after they wente to the King at a house called Madril where the Kyng wyth his two brethren the Admirall and the moste parte of the Nobles of Fraunce mette them a distance from the place and broughte them into the house where they dyned and remayned till Sondaye followwyng from whence the Kyng and hys nobles with the nobles of Englande came to Paris the Kyng his two brethren and oure Embassador ryding in one Coche togither and the Nobles of England and Fraunce being so placed also in Coches came to the saide Castell of Loure and there dyned After dinner the King our Embassadour with the Nobibilitie of bothe Realmes wente to a Churche named Saint Germaine where the Frenche King his brethren and Nobilitie hearde Euensong the Noble men of Englande withdrawing them into a Chappell til Euensong was done were then fetched thence by the Nobles of Fraunce to the Kyng and hys brethren that awayted their commyng where was League vvith Fraunce confirmed in Fraunce confirmed the league whyche hadde bin concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of April deputies beyng there for the French partie Frauncis Momorencie Reignold Virago Sebastian de Lanbespine and Paul de Foix. And for the Quéene of Englande sir Thomas Smith and Maister Walsingham Embassadors Thys being done they departed without the wals of Paris to a Garden of pleasure where they supped after supper the King departed to his place of Madrill and the nobles of Englande to the Castell of Loure On Monday the Admirall feasted the Nobles of Englande On Tuisday the Duke of Aniow the Kings brother and on Wednesday the Duke of Alanson hys yonger brother and so passed in banquetting and feasting wyth riche giftes on bothe partes On Fridaye the Nobles of
Englande tooke leaue of the King and on Sonday came to Saint Dennis and after to Bolongne where they tooke shippe and returned into Englande the fourth of July The second of June in the morning betwéen the houres of seauen and eight Thomas Hawarde Duke of Norffolke was beheaded on a Scaffolde sette vpon the Tower hill The Duke of Norffolke beheaded Aboute the ninth of June Frauncis Duke of Momorencie French Embassadors chiefe Marshall of Fraunce Gouernour and Lieutenant of the Isle of Fraunce Generall to Charles the ninth Kyng of Fraunce and Paule de Foix of the priuie Councell to the saide King and Bertrande de Saligners Lorde de la Mothefenalon Knightes of the order of Saint Michael Embassadors for the same King arryued at Douer The fouretéenth day they shotte London bridge towards Somerset house at the Strande where they were lodged The fiftéenth daye beyng Sundaye the saide Embassadours League vvith Fraunce confirmed at VVestminster repayred to the White hall where they were honorablye receyued of the Quéenes Maiestie with hir Nobilitie and there in hir Graces Chappell aboute one of the clocke in the afternoone the Articles of treatie league or confederacie and sure friendship concluded at Blois the ninetéenth of Aprill as is afore shewed betwixt the Quéenes Maistie and the Frenche King being read the same was by his Maiestie and his Embassadours confirmed to be obserued and kepte wythout innouation or violation c. The reste of that day wyth great part of the night following was spent in greate triumph with sumptuous banquets The eightéenth of June the feaste of Saint George was holden at Windsore where the French Embassadoures were royally feasted and Frauncis Duke of Momorencie was S Georges feast at VVindsore stalled Knight of the moste honorable order of the Garter The eight and twentith daye of June the afore named Embassadoures departed from London towardes Fraunce The fouretéenth of June Thomas Lorde Wharton deceassed in his house of Chanon Rowe at Westminster The thyrtéenth daye of July the Qu 〈…〉 Maiestie at Lorde Treasorer Lord priuie Seale L. Chamberlaine vvyth other officers White hall made sir William Cecil Lorde o 〈…〉 〈…〉 hley Lorde highe Treasorer of Englande Lorde Willi 〈…〉 〈…〉 awarde late Lorde Chamberlaine Lorde priuie Seal 〈…〉 The Earle of Sussex Lorde Chamberlaine sir Thomas Smith principall Secretarie and Christopher Hatton Esquier Captaine of the Guarde c. The two and twentith of August Thomas Percie Earle Earle of Northumberland beheaded of Northumberlande late of Topcliffe who hadde béene béefore attainted by Parliament of highe Treason as béeyng one of the principall conspiratoures in the late rebellion and nowe broughte oute of Scotlande whether he hadde fledde was beheaded at Yorke aboute twoo of the clocke in the afternoone on a newe Scaffolde set vppe for that purpose in the Market place In this moneth of Auguste sir Thomas Smith one of the Englishmē sente to Vlstar in Irelande Quéenes Maiesties priuie Councell carefully tending the reformation of Irelande sent hys sonne Thomas Smith Esquyre thither with a Colonie of Englishemen to inhabite the Ardes in Vlster Richarde Pipe Nicholas Woodroffe the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Lionell Ducket Mercer the 28. of October The eyghtéenth of Nouember in the mornyng was Anno reg 15 A strange Starre appeared séene a Starre Northwarde verye brighte and cleare in the Constellation of Cassiopeia at the backe of hir Chaire whiche wyth thrée chiefe fixed Starres of the saide Constellation made a Geometrical figure losinge wise of the learned menne called Rombus thys Starre in bignesse at the fyrste appearing séemed bigger than Iupiter and not muche lesse than Venus when she séemeth greatest also the said Starre neuer changing hys place was carryed about with the daylye motion of Heauen as all fixed Starres commonlye are and so contynued by little and little to the eye appearyng lesse for the space of almoste sixetéene Moneths at what tyme it was so small that rather thoughte by exercise of ofte viewyng myghte imagine the place than any eye coulde iudge the presence of the same and one thyng is herein chieflye to be noted that by the learned skill and consent of the best and most expect Mathematicians which obserued the state property and other circumstances belonging to the same Starre it was found to haue bin in place Celestiall farre aboue the Moone otherwise than euer anye Comet hathe bin séene or naturally can appéere Therefore it is supposed that the signification thereof is directed purposely and specially to some matter not naturall but celestiall or rather supercelestiall so straunge as from the beginning of the worlde neuer was the like The four and twentith of Nouember Edward Earle of Earle of Darby deceassed Darbie Lord Stanley and Strange of Knocking Lord and Gouernor of the Isle of Man Knight of the noble order of the Garter and one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuie Councell deceassed at his house called Latham in Lancashire His life and death deseruing commendation and crauing memorie to be imitated was suche as followeth His fidelitie vnto two Kings and two Quéenes in daungerous times and greate rebellions in whyche time and alwayes as cause serued He was lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire and lately offered tenne thousande men to the Quéenes Maiestie of his owne charge for the suppression of the last rebellion His godlye disposition to his tenantes neuer forcing anye seruice at their handes but due payment of their rent His liberalitie to strangers and such as shewed themselues gratefull to him His famous house kéeping 220. in checkroll neuer discontinuing y e space of xlij yere His féeding especially of aged persōs twice a day lx od besids al cōmers thrice a wéeke appoynted for hys dealing dayes and euerye Good Friday these xxxv yeres one with another 2700. with meate drinke money and money worth There was neuer Gentleman or other that waited in his seruice but had allowance from him to haue as wel wages as otherwise for horse and man His yearely portion for the dispenses of hys house 4000. l. His cunning in setting bones dis-ioynted or broke His deliuery of hys George and Seale to the Lord Straunge wyth exhortation that hée myghte kéepe it so vnspotted in fidelitie to his Prince as he had and his ioye that he dyed in the Quéenes fauoure his ioyfull parting thys world his takyng leaue of all his seruants by shaking of handes and his remembraunce to the last daye The eyght and twentith of Nouember Iohn Hall Gentleman Hall and VVilkinson executed and Oswald Wilkinson late of Yorke and Gailour of Yorke Castell béeyng before arraigned and condemned of treason were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there hanged bowelled and quartred Thys yeare a greate and sharpe frost almoste continuallye Greate froste a sharp vvinter lasted from before the feaste of all Saints till after the feaste of Epiphany of oure Lorde wyth sometimes
was condempned as principal of the murder according to which sentence he was excuted in Smithfield on Monday the xx of April at which time also vntruely as she hir selfe confessed afterward he laboured George Brovvn hanged in Smith fielde by al meanes to cleare Maistresse Saunders of cōmitting euill of hir body with him then flung himselfe besides the Ladder he was after hanged vp in chaines neare vnto the place where he had done the facte In the meane time mistresse Drewry hir man being examined as well by their owne confessions as by falling out of the matter and also by Browns appeachment thought culpable were committed to warde And after mistresse Saunders being deliuered of child and churched for at the time of hir husbāds death she looked presently to lie downe was vpon mistresse Drewryes mans confession and other great likelyhoodes likewise committed to the Tower and on Wednesday the sixth of May arraigned with mistresse Drewry at the Guild hall the effect of whose enditemēt was that they by a letter written had bin procurers of the sayde murther and knowing the murther done had by money and otherwise relieued the murtherer wherevnto they pleaded not giltie howbeit they were both condemned as accessaries to Mayster Saunders death and executed in Anne Sanders Anne Drevvry trusty Roger hanged Smithfield the thirtéenth of May being Wednesday in the Whitson wéeke at which time they both confessed themselues giltie of the fact Trusty Roger mistresse Drewryes man was arraigned on Fryday the eyght of May and béeing there condemned as accessarie was executed with hys mistresse at the time and place aforesayd Not long after Anthony Brovvne hanged at Yorke Anthony Browne brother to y ● forenamed George Browne was for notable felonies conuayed from Newgate to Yorke and there hanged The tenth of Aprill seauen Pirates which among other had bin taken on the North Seas were ledde from Pirats hanged at VVapping Southwarke to Wapping and fiue of them were there hanged the other two had their pardon at the gallowes The seauentéenth of Aprill a Chandlers wife without Aldreds gate of London who had practised hir husbands death Four vvomen on the Pillorie by poysoning and other wayes was set on the Pillory in Cheape with thrée other women who had bin of hir counsell two of them were with hir there whipped This yeare the Quéenes maiestie of Englande being moued Ayd sent into Scotlād against the Castell of Edenborough by the Regent of Scotlande in the behalfe of the yong King of Scottes hir Cousen sente a power of 1500. Englishmen to the séege of Edenborough Castell Sir William Drewry Knight Marshall of Barwike to be Generall of hir forces there with Captaynes as foloweth Sir Francis Russell Knight Captayne Reade of Barwike as these folowing also Captayne Yaxley Captayne Wood Captayne Brickwell Captayne Pikeman Captayne Gamme Captayne Cace Captayne Carew Captayne Erington Prouost Marshall Captayne Astoll Captayne Sterlee Captayne of the Pioners and Captayne Barton also of the Pioners Diuers other Gentlemen also went thither to serue of their owne frée willes as Sir George Carie Knight Sir Henry Lee Knighte Mayster Thomas Cecil Maister Michaell Carie Mayster Henry Carie Mayster William Knolles Mayster Thomas Sutton Mayster Cotton Mayster Kelway Mayster Dier Mayster Tilney Mayster William Killigrew Mayster Wlliam Selby and other Sir William Drewry with the Captaines Gentlemē number of souldiers before mentioned passed from Barwike to Lieth frō whence on the xxv day of April they marched on to Edenborough entred y e town the same day sommoned y ● Castell in forme as followeth Tho. Churchyard Sir William Kirkandie sometime of Graunge Knighte for as much as the Quéenes Maiestie my soueraigne Lady vpon the earnest request of hir deare coosin y ● King of Sots your soueraign Lorde made to hir highnesse by his regent nobilitie and states of this realme after al good meanes vsed to haue reduced you to dutifull obedience of his authority by treatie which hither to you haue not duely hearkened vnto to the only hinderaunce of the vniuersall peace in this realme by withholding that his highnesse Castle meaning as it séemeth to reserue the same for a receptacle of forraine forces to the manifest daungers both of this realme and of my soueraignesse and therefore necessarie to remoue so perilous a daunger to both the realmes for which consideration hir Maiestie hath sente hir ayde and succours of men ordinaunce and munition vnder my charge and leading for the repugnation and recouerie of the sayde Castel to the saide Kings vse and behalfe and therefore according to hyr Maiesties commandement and commission this shal be in due manner to warne require and summon you that you render and deliuer the saide Cascell with the whole ordinaunce artillerie munitions Jewels housholde stuffe and such other implements within the same to me and the vse and behalfe of the King your soueraigne and his regent in his name immediately after this my letter of Summons or knowledge of the same shall come to you which if you obey as of duetie you oughte then shall I in hir Maiesties name enterpone my selfe to trauaile with the regent counsel and nobilitie here for y e safetie of your liues c. Otherwise if you continue in your former obstinacie abyding the Canon then no further to looke for grace or fauour but you and the rest within that Castell to be pursued to the vttermost and holden as enemies to hir maiestie your owne soueraigne Countrey Giuen at Edenburgh by me sir Williā Drurie Knighte generall of hir Maiesties forces nowe in Scotland this xxv of April 1573. The Lord Grange Captain of y e Castell notwithstāding this somonāce refused vtterly to yéeld y ● Castel who thervpō receiued such answere frō y e general as stoode not to his contentation Herevpon were the Pioners set in hand to caste trenches and to raise mounts in places conuenient to plāt the ordinaunce vppon And then began the siege of the Castell in fiue places where were erected 5. mounts The first was for the regent called the King mount The seconde for sir William Drurie general there The third was gouerned by sir George Carie. The fourth by sir Henrie Lee. The fifth by Maister Thomas Sutton Maister of the ordinance in the Northe parte of Englande There was at thys siege as is reported 1500. Englishmen and of Scottes fiue hundred there was also one with another péeces of Artillery 30. sixe Canons nine halfe Canous ix Culuerings sixe Sakers They within spared not to bestow such as they had as wel at y e pioners as souldiours in so much y e diuerse were hurt and some s●ayne before the trenches and mountes might be brought to perfection but they within escaped not frée especially after that the trenches and mountes were brought in state to defende the assaylants who watching and warding in the trenches answered them within the Castell very roughly On
the xvij of May began the battery of the Castell so that there were xxx Canons shotte off against the same and so well bestowed at Dauids Tower that by the ruines therof then and after the force of the English Canons were easte to be séene The xviij xix and xx of May the Canons and Demy Canons were not ydle but the xxj the whole battery began on each side the Castell from the trenches and mounts very hotly and still they within ceased not to make answer againe with their artillery killing and hurting diuers both English and Scottes but such was the diligence of the English Gunners that they displaced the Ordinance in the Castell and stroke one of their chiefe Canons iust in the mouth whereby the same was broken in péeces The xxvj of May the assault was giuen at scauen of the clocke in the morning to the Spurre which by the hardy manhoode of the assaylants was wonne and was no sooner entred by the Englishmen but that the Generals Ensigne was shewed and spread vpon the front and toppe thereof to the great discomfort of them within the Castell In the meane time whilest these were appoynted to giue the assault thus to the Spurre there were certayne Englishmen and Scottes commaunded to make a countenance of an assault at the West side of the Castell whereby those that assaulted the Spurre might the more easily obteyne their purpose but they rashly aduenturing farther than they had in commandement were beaten backe and repulsed with xxviij or xxx of their company slayne and hurt The same day towarde night they within the Castell by a Drumme demaunded parley which being graunted with assurance of all hostilitie from that houre vnto the xxviij of May the Lord Peterroc was let downe by a rope from the Castell and afterward the Lord Graunge himselfe Captayne of the Castell and Robert Meluin came likewise downe to talke with the Generall and such other as were appoynted to accompany him herevpon at length to wéete the said xxviij day of May the Castell was surrendred into the hands of Sir William Edenborough Castell yeelded to the Englishmen Drewry and so it rested in his possession for the time and his Ensigne was set vp and spread during the same time in sundry places of the Castell and afterwards to the great honor of England by him it was deliuered vnto the vse of the King of Scottes and part of the spoyle of the Castell was giuen to the Souldyers the Canons and Artillerie with certayne other instruments left to the King If the Englishmen by force had taken it it was decréed that they should haue had the whole spoyle except the Artillerie and so shoulde haue enioyed it by the space of thrée dayes Causes of deliuerie of the Castell were these 1 Lacke of water the well within the Castel was stopped and defiled by the ruines of the Castell the other well without the Castell could not serue them for that there was a mount made to hinder them Another water there was which was vnknowne to them which were without and was taken from them when the Spurre of the Castell was taken out of the which they were wont to haue a pint a day for euery Souldiour 2 Diuers sicke 3 Diuers hurt 4 Not many to maynteyne y e Castel which had no space to take any test they were so plyed and ouerwéeryed 5 Diuers deuided in opinion 6 Some were no Souldyers 7 No ayde was to be loked for The xvi of June the prisoners were deliuered by the sayd Sir William Drewry in presence of sundry Scottes and Englishmen vnto the Regent and that done the same day the sayd Sir William Drewry with his power departed toward Barwike The names of the prisoners were these Sir William Kerkandie Larde of Graunge and Captaine of the Castell of Edenburgh The Lord Hume The Lord Ledington Secretarie The Lord of Peterroe Conestable of the castel The Countesse of Arguile The Lady of Ledington The Lady of Graunge with others The vij of June betwene the houres of one and two of Haile in Northamptonshire the clocke in the afternoone a greate tempest of hayle and rayne happened at Tocester in Northamptonshire where-throughe sixe houses in that Town were borne down and xiiij more sore perished with the waters which rose of that tempest the haile stones were square and sixe ynches about one childe was there drowned and many shéepe and other cattel whiche when the Water was fallen manye of them were lying on the hyghe hedges where the waters had left them The xvj of June Thomas Woodhouse a prieste of Lincolneshire Tho. VVoodhouse who had laine long prisoner in the Fleete was arraigned in the Guilde Hall of London and there condemned of highe treason who hadde iudgemente to be hanged and quartered and was executed at Tiborne the ninetéenth of June The xvj of August Walter Earle of Essex accompanyed Earle of Essex and the L. Rich vvith other sayled into Ireland with the Lord Rich and diuerse other gentlemen imbarked themselues in seuerall shippes at Leirpoole and the winde sitting very well toke their voyage towardes Ireland The Earle after many and great daungers on the sea at length wanne Copemans Ilands from whence in a Pinise of captaine Perces he was brought safe to Knock fergus The Lorde Riche with the like dangers landed at Castel Kilclife where being mette by Captaine Malby Maister Smith and Mayster Moore Pentioners was conducted to Inche Abbey Master Malbis house where he had in a readinesse on the morrow morning a hundred and fiftie horssemen for their safeguarde to Knockefergus beside fiftie Kernes which wente a foote through the Wooddes there was amongst these a thirtie bowes with a Baggepipe the rest had Dartes Sir Brian Makephelin had prayed the Countrey and taken awaye what was to be carryed or driuen but on the sixth of September he came to Knockefergus to the Earle of Essex and there made his submission the number of Kyne were estéemed thirtie thousande beside shéepe and swine After him Ferdoroughe Macgillastike the blinde Scottes sonne Roze Oge Macwilline did the like and diuerse other sent their messengers to the Earle to signifie that they wer at his Lordships disposition as the Barron of Dongarrow Condenel Odonel and the Captaine of Kylulto The Earle of Essex hauing the Countrey of Clanyboy and other The Quéenes Maiestie of England directed hir letters to Earle of Essex captain generall of Vlstar in Ireland the Lord deputie of Irelād willing him to make by commission the Earle of Essex Captaine generall of the Irishe nation in the prouince of Vlster and to deuide the country won Clenyboy and elsewhere c. Iames Haruy Thomas Pullison the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Riuers Grocer the 28. of October The xj of October Peter Burchet Gentlemanne of the middle Temple with hys dagger sodainly assayled cruelly wounded and ment to haue murdered a seruisable Gentleman named Iohn Hawkins Esquire
to the I le of Wight and sodainly entred it but sir Peter Russel Knight méeting them with the people of that I le put them backe again and made them to flée staying manye of them in the which skirmish the sayde knight was wounded wherof he dyed These Pirates sayled thēce toward the coast of Deuonshire and comming to Teygnemouth they sette fire on the Towne and brent it from thence they sayled towardes Plimouth which towne was so defended that they coulde not hurte it but burnt the farmes and fayre places nigh adioyning and toke a knight prisoner whom they caried with them The same yeare king Edward besieged Turney but vpon entreatie made by the Frenche a truce was taken from Michaelmasse til midsommer wherfore the king comming to Gaunt in Flaunders stayed there looking for money out of England which came not Adam Lucas Bartholmew Maris the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Andrew Auburie Grocer the. 28 of October King Edwarde with eight of his men fayning that hée woulde ride abrode for his pleasure secretly came into ●elande where taking shippe after he had sayled thrée dayes and thrée nightes on Saint Andrewes day at night aboute the Cock crowing he entred the Tower of Londō by water being wayted on by the Earle of Northampton Nicholas Cātilopo Reignalde Cobham Giles de Bello Campo Iohn de Bello Campo Knightes William Killesby and Phillippe Weston Priestes earely in the morning he sent for his chācellour treasurer and Justices then being at London and the Bishop of Chichester being his Chauncellour and the Bishop of Couentrie his Treasurer he put out of office minding also to haue sent them into Flaunders to haue ben pledges for money he owed there but the Bishoppe of Chichester declared vnto him what daunger might insue to hym by the Canons of the Churche whervpon the King dismissed them out of the Tower but as concerning the high Justices to witte Iohn Lorde Stoner Robert Lord Willowby William Lorde Scharshel and especially Nicholas Lord Bech who before that time was Lieutenant of the Tower of London and sir Iohn Molens Knight with certaine marchaunt men as Iohn Poultney William Pole and Richard his brother and the Chauncellours chiefe Clearkes to witte Maister Iohn de Saint Paule Michael Wathe Henrie Stafforde and certaine of the Exchequer as Maister Iohn Thorpe with many other moe the king commaunded to be imprisoned some in one place some in another neyther woulde he suffer them to be discharged thence til hée were throughlye pacified of his anger conceyued for not sendyng the money whiche shoulde haue serued at the siege of Torney This yeare about Christmas Henrie Bishoppe of Lincolne and Geffrey Lord Scrope chiefe Justiciar to the kyng and his chiefe Counseller dyed at Gaunt Anno reg 15 King Edwarde kept his Christmasse at Gildforde and after that a great Justing at Reading Also at Candlemasse hée kept a greate iusting at Langley for the honor of the noble men of Vascon●a which he trayned vp there in feates of war He made Robert de Boursier Knight Lord Chancellour of Englande and Robert Parnike Knighte Treasurer the one to succéede the other Also he sent out Justiciars that Iustice of Tral● baston shoulde set in euerye shire to enquyre concerning the collectours of the tenthes and fiftéenthes and of wools and to ouersée al officers And bicause the Citie of London would not suffer that any such officers should set as Justices within theyr Citie as inquisitours of suche matters contrarie to theyr liberties the King prouided that those Justices shoulde holde theyr Sessions in the Tower of London to make inquisition of the domages of the Londoners but bycause the Londoners woulde not aunswere there vntill theyr liberties were fully confirmed neyther anye suche confirmation coulde be had eyther of the King or his Chauncellour touching Writs and Charters in the Towre there rose thereof suche a greate tumulte that the Justicies appointed there to sit fayned that they woulde holde no session there till after Easter Wherevpon the king being highly offended for the sayde tumult and desirous to know the names of them that had raysed it coulde not vnderstande but that they were certaine meane persons who claymed theyr liberties wherevpon the King being pacified of his troubled minde forgaue all the offences committed by the Londoners the Justices breaking vp all theyr sitting touching the sayde place 1●41 Parliament at London This yeare within the quindene of Easter a Parliamente was holden at London wherein the Earles and nobles of the Realme with the commons and others amongst other things requested that the Charter called Magna Carta and Carta Foresta with all other liberties béelonging to the Churche and kingdome should be obserued and that the officers and chiefe Rulers of the Kings house shoulde be chosen by the Péeres of the Realme in the Parliament but these peticions the king would not confirme nor could not abide to heare talked off About the beginning of the moneth of Julye Kyng Edwarde receyued letters from Lodowike Duke of Bauarie vsurper of the Romaine Empyre in the whyche pretendyng friendshippe betwixt him and Phillip the French King hée signifyed that those warres whyche the King of England had begonne in Fraunce did greately mislike him and therefore desired that there shoulde be concorde and amitie betwixte the Kings of both Realmes the whyche to bée performed he offered to bestowe some labour requestyng Kyng Edwardes letters of aucthoritie thereof to treate and to conclude a truce for one yeare or twaine towarde the ende of whiche letter he addeth these wordes The deputation and Lieutenauntship whiche we gaue vnto you we do for diuers● and sundry causes reuoke again Dated at Frankeford the fourtéenth of June in the seauen and twentith of ●ure raign and of our Empire the fourtéenth To the which letters king Edwarde wrote an inscription in sorte as followeth To the renoumed Prince Lodowicke by the grace of God Romaine Emperour alwayes Augustus Edwarde by the same grace king of Fraunce and Englande and Lorde of Ireland c. Richard de Barking Iohn de Rokesley the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Iohn of Oxford Vintener the. 28. of October This yeare Iohn Maluerne fellowe of Oriall Colledge in Oxford made and finished his booke entituled The Visions of Pierce Plowman Tho. de la More King Edwarde gaue the Earledome of Cambridge to Iohn Lord Henault vncle to Quéene Phillip and after kept Anno reg 16 his feast of Saint Katherine at Newcastel and his Christmas also Untill this time Dauid king of Scottes threatned to leuie an armie and to enter the lande wherevpon king Edwarde entred Scotland and followed after Dauid who fled before him beyonde the Scottish sea wasting and spoyling al as he went except Castels and Marishes in the which the Scottes togither with Dauid theyr king hyd themselues And William Mountacute Earle of Salisburie hauing gotten 1342 a greate fléete entred an Iland belonging to
toke them and led them into Scotlande this he did in reuenge of his Fathers iniurie who was before taken by the English men and kept prisoner in the Castel of Scarborow Iohn Philpot a Citizē of London a mā of iolly wit very rich in substance considering the want of y e Duke of Lancaster and other Lords that ought to haue defended y e realm Anno reg 2. and lamenting the oppressions of the inhabitauntes hyred wyth his owne money to the number of a thousand souldiours the whiche mighte take from the sayde Iohn Mercer both his shippes and goods whiche he had by reuenge takē and defended the Realme of England from suche incursions and it came to passe within a small time that his hyred mē toke the sayde Iohn Mercer with all his ships which he had violently taken from Scarborow and fiftéene Spanish shippes that were laden with muche riches and were with hym in ayde at that present There was greate ioy made among y e people all men praysing that worthy mans bountifulnesse and loue towards the king The Earles and Barons séeing so laudable an acte atchieued by Iohn Philpot tooke it grieuously althoughe they knewe themselues guiltie firste they secretly lye in awayte to do him some displeasure and after they spake against him openly saying it was not lawfull for him to doe such things without the counsell of the King and Realme certayne of the Lordes but the chiefe being Hugh Earle of Stafforde that rehearsed these things thus against him were aunsweared by the same Iohn Philpot sir know sayth he that I neyther sente my money nor men to the daunger of the Seas that I shoulde take from you or your fellowes the good renoume of Chilualrie and winne it to me but being sorrowfull to sée the peoples myserie in my Countrey whych nowe through your slouthfulnesse of the most noble Lady of Nations is brought to lye open to the spoyling of euerye vilest nation when there is not one of you that doth put hys hande to the defence thereof I haue therefore set forth my selfe and mine for the sauing of my nation and Countrey the Earle had not to aunswere The. xi of August certaine wicked persons of the Kings Murder in the Church of VVestminster Tho Walsing house being armed at high Masse tyme entred the Churche of Westminster Abbay and there set vppon two valiaunt Esquiers Iohn Schakel and Robert Hawley whyche had escaped out of the Tower of London to the sayde Abbay for refuge of Sanctuarie they slewe the sayde Robert Hawley in the quire before the Priours stal and slewe a Monke which intreated them to spare the sayde Robert in that place Syr Ralph Ferreis and sir Alan Buxule Captain of the Tower some say the Lord Latimer wer the captaines of this mischiefe The aforesayd two Esquires Robert Hawley and Iohn Shakell in the battayle of Nazers in Spaine toke the Erle of Dene poisoner who deliuered vnto him his sō for a pledge and bycause they would not present the sayde Earles son to the King who woulde giue them little or nothing for hym the foresayde Allen Buxule with other were sent to do thys myschiefe who slewe the one and caste the other in prison Iohn Boseham Thomas Cornewalis the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Iohn Philpot his charitie Sir Iohn Philpot Grocer the. 28. of October This Iohn Philpot Maior of London gaue to the same Citie certaine tenementes for the which the Chamberlain payeth yearely to xiij poore people euerye of them seauen pence the wéeke for euer and as any of those thirtéene persons dyeth the Maior appointeth one and the Recorder another The Scottes beganne to Rebell and a Squire of theirs 1379 Tho. Walsing called Alexander Ramsey with fortye persons in a nighte toke the Castell of Berwicke but the ninth day following the Erle of Northumberland recouered it and slew the Scots that were therein The Marchauntes of London wickedly slew a rich marchaunt of Genua for that he woulde carry to a better market the spices that he had promised to bring into this Country the doers wherof were after apprehended and some for that fact executed as after shal appeare So great a mortality of men hapned in the North parts Pestilence in the North. Tho. Wals of England as neuer had bin séene before which the Scots séeing raunged through and slewe with the sworde them that were sicke of the plague and so pursued them that had not the plague that they droue out of the Countrey almost all the able men In a Parliament at London it was decréed that euerye Taxe Duke should pay ten markes to the King the Archbishops the like Earles Bishops and mitered Abbots shoulde giue sixe markes and euery Monke xl pence no religious person man or woman Parson Uicar or Chapleine escaped this taxe Iohn Mountfort Duke of Brytaine returned to his countrey where he was receyued with great honour A bushel of Wheate was solde for sixe pence a gallon of Anno reg 3. VVheat and VVine cheape white Wine sixe pence and a gallon of red Wine for foure pence Iohn Heylisdom William Barret the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Tho. Walsing S. Iohn Arūdale drovvned Iohn Hadley Grocer the. 28. of October Iohn of Arundale brother to the Earle of Arundale was sent to helpe the Duke of Brytaine with manye other noble knightes and Esquires who beginning their voyage wyth spoyling their own Countrey rauishing wiues widowes and Uirgins and robbing of Churches were by tempeste driuen on the rockes of a certaine Islande in Ireland when they were al most miserablye drowned with their treasure and prouisions which was of inestimable value Sir T. Banister Cro. Matoris Lon. sir Roger Trumpington sir Nicholas K●riel sir Thomas Dale sir Iohn Sentcler and sixe other knightes perished there the sixtéenth of December In a Parliamente at London was graunted to the Kyng 1380 a tenth of the Ecclesiastical persons and a fiftéenth of the secular vpon condition that no other Parliament shoulde be holden from the Calendes of March til Michaelmasse A combat was foughte at Westminster in the kings presence A combat at VVestminster betwéene Iohn Ausley knight and Thomas Catrington Esquire whom the forsayde knight had appealed of treson for selling the Castel of Saint Sauiours whiche the Lord Chandos had builded in the I le of Constantine in France and the knight ouercame the Esquire Thomas of Woodstocke Earle of Buckingham Thomas Percy Hugh Caluerley Robert Knowles Lorde Basset sir Iohn Harleston William of Windsore approued and tryed Knightes were sent with a great power to ayde the Duke of Brytaine who were conuayed to Caleis and from thence rode aboute throughe Fraunce spoyling the Countrey and slaying the people to the borders of Brytaine and entred the same without losse eyther of man or beast In this iourney sir Iohn Philpot Citizen of London Iohn Philpot his good seruice deserued great commendations
who hyred ships for them of his owne charges and with his own money released the armour which the souldiours had gaged for their victuals more than a thousand in number The Scottes entred Comberlande Westmerlande and y e forrest of Engelwood slewe the inhabitauntes droue away the Cattle and robbed the Market and Towne of Penreth and whiles the Earle of Northumberland prepared to haue bene reuenged the king sent letters to the contrarie Iohn Vian Anno reg 4. French men tooke VVinchelsey knight with the French kings galyes toke the town of Winchelsea put the Abbot of Battaile to flight and toke one of his Monkes He also brent the Townes of Apledor and Rie about the least of Saint Laurence The eight of September foure Galeys of Fraunce came to Grauesende and burnt a great part of the Towne Walter Ducket William Knighthoode the. 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Guns inuented Polidor Sebastian Munster William Walworth Fishmonger the. 28. of October About this time the making of Gunnes was founde by a certaine Almaine who hauing the pouder of Brimstone in a Morter which he had beaten for a medicine and couered with a stone as he stroke fier a sparke chaunced to fal into y e ponder wherby a flame out of the morter raised the stone a great height whiche after he had perceyued made a Pype of yron and tempered the ponder with other and so finished that deadly engine as reporteth Blondus and R. Volaterianus the first that vsed shot to their behalfe and profit were the Venetians againste the inhabitauntes of Genoa During the Parliament at Northampton beginning the first of Nouember was hāged Iohn Kirby that slue the merchāt of Genoa whom he spake of before In this Parliamente an excéeding greate Taxe was demaunded 1381 Great Taxe which afterwardes was cause of greate disturbaunce Of all religious persons men and women sixe shyllings eight pence secular priests as muche and euery person man or woman foure pence to the King whiche was payde It was also ordayned that euery couple wedded should paye two shillings for euery foote of Beast and also homegilde but this was neuer asked By means of which payment in y e Sommer following the commons of Kent and Essex sodainely rebelled they being Commons rebelled Iohn Bal his Sermon Tho. Walsing animated therevnto by Iohn Ball a seditious Prieste who in hys sermons vsed to take for his Theame When Adam dalfe and Eue spanne who was then a Gentleman c. Affirming that al men were made a like by nature and therefore ought to laye away the yoke of bondage that they might enioye the wished libertie c. too shamefull sedicious and damnable to bée taughte whyche neuerthelesse so pleased the common people that they cryed hée should be Archbishoppe of Canterburie and Chauncellour of England This rebellion began at Dertford in Kent in manner as Rebellion begā at Dertford Cro. S. Albons followeth The Collectours appointed to gather the foresayd groats or pole mony comming into the house of Iohn a Tiler demanded y e same for him his wife hys daughter other hys family but the Tilers wife denied to pay for hir daughter saying she was vnder age Thē sayd y t Collector that shal I soone wit and toke the mayde violently and dishonestly searched whether she were of age or no wherwith the mother made an outcry hyr husbande being in y e towne at worke When tidyngs came to him he caughte his lathing staffe in his hande and ranne réeking home where he reasoning with the Collectour who made him so bolde the Collectour being a proude fellow let flye at the Tiler but the Tiler voyding the stroke smote the Collectour on the heade wyth his lathing staffe that the braynes fell out where throughe great noyses arose in the streates and the poore people being glad euerye man arrayed hym to support this Iohn Tyler Thus the commons drewe togither and went to Maidstone from thence backe againe to Blacke Heath and so forth to London and entred the Citie on Corpus Christs day where they destroyed many goodly places of the Rebels entred London Sauoy S. Iohns Highburi brent nobles and other as the Sauoy Saint Iohns by Smithfielde the Manour of Highburie by Yseldon and the Temple where the Prentises of law were lodged for the encrease of theyr studie They set out of the Tower of London where the King was then lodged Simon Sudburie Archbishoppe of Canterburie The Archb. of Canterburie The priour of S Iohns a Frier Iohn Legge beheaded Lorde Chauncellour of Englande Robert Halles Priour of Saint Iohns and Treasurer of England William Apelto● a Frier Minor the Kings confessour and Iohn Legge a Sergeaunt of the Kings and beheaded them on the Tower hill they beheaded diuerse other in manye places as sir Iohn Cauendishe Lorde chiefe Justice of Englande the Priour of Sainte Edmundesburie and other Rychard Lions a famous Lapidarie of London was drawen out of his house and beheaded in Chepe They beheaded all men of Law as wel prentices and vtter Baresters as Justices and al Jurers that they might get into their hands they spared none whom they thought to be learnes were it neuer so little especiallye if they founde anye to haue penne and ynke they pulled of hys whoode and all with one voyce of trying out as they had bin so many Diuels hale him into the stréetes and cut of his head They also beheaded all Flemmings not sparing anye Flemmings beheaded for reuerence of the church or other place where they found them they set thirtéene forth of the Frier Austines Church and seauentéene out of another Church in London they tooke two and thirtie in the Vintrie and many other here there in the Citie and Southwarke all whiche if they coulde not plainly pronounce Bread and Chéese but Brot and Caus lost their heades They spoyled all bookes of law recordes and monuments they coulde méete withall and set al prisoners at libertie The king to pacifie their furie offered them peace on Essex men pacified condition they woulde cease from burning of houses and slaughter of men whiche the Essex men toke and returned home but the Kentishe men remayned burning and slaying as afore Wherevppon the King sent sir Iohn Newton The K sent to VVat Tiler Knight to Wat Tiler their Captaine to intreate him to come and talke with him about his owne demaundes the Knight doing his message Wat Tiler aunswered that hée woulde come at hys owne pleasure neuerthelesse he followed softly and when he came neare Smithfielde where the king aboade his comming the same Knighte was sent againe to méete hym and to knowe his requestes but Wat Tiler séeing the knight come néere vnto him on horsseback sayde it hadde become hym better to bée on foote in his presence the Knighte aunswered that it was no harme ●ith himselfe was also on horssebacke therewith Watte Tyler drewe his dagger and offering to strike called
the glorie of the world vnto Douer many both of hir Countrey and also of England attending on hir After the feast of the Epiphany all the Nobilitie of the 1382 Realme assembled at London to be present at the Kings mariage and to do their seruice according to the custome of euery one in auntient time vsed This Uirgin named The King maried Anne the daughter of Veselaus King of Boheme is at Westminster consecrate to the Kings wife and by the Archbishop of Canterburie is Crowned Quéene There were Iustes kept for the honor of such a solem●●●ation certayne dayes togither in which both the Englishmen shewed their force and the Quéenes Countrey men their pro●esse In this Quéenes dayes began the detestable vse of piked shoes tied to their knées with cheines of siluer and gilt Also Piked shoes high heads and long tayled govvnes vvith vvomen riding aside first vsed in England noble women vsed high attire on their heads piked like hornes with long trayned Gownes and rode on side Saddles after y e example of the Quéene who first brought that fashion into this Land for before women were vsed to ride astride like men The solemnitie of the mariage being ended the Parliament is now begon againe in which many articles are proponed and decréed to wéete of admitting Strangers to sell personally their wares without impeachment of the Merchants of Englande of the abrogating of Fi●●res and siluer garnishing of girdles c. of the price of Wines that is that the Tonne should not excéede sixe Markes c. William Vfford Earle of Suffolke in this Parliament ●●ing elected by the Knightes of the Shires to pronounce on their behalfes the businesse of the Realme the very day and houre in which he should haue executed the businesse he had taken in hand as he was going vp the staires that ledde vp into the Chamber where all the Nobilitie of the Realme sate he sodeinly fell downe and among his mens handes that were about to holde him he yéelded vp the ghost although being very merie and féeling no euill a little before as euen at that instant he had entred Westminster Hall of whose sodeine death not onely all the Nobles of the Realme were greatly amazed but all the meaner sort for in all his life time he had shewed himselfe amiable to al men After his death the Parliament was ended after the Merchants of England had granted to the King a subsedie the Custome of vvoolles customes of wooll for foure yeares next ensuing whiche the commons called Le M●●tot In this Parliamēt the Lords and commons requesting it Sir Richard Scrope Knight was ordeyned as the man which in excellent knowledge and inflexible iustice had not his like for his calling in this realm Sir Hugh Segraue Knight was made L. Treasourer Edmond Mortimer Earle of March departed this life in Anno reg 6. Irelande after he had brought that land all in manner vnto peace quietnesse hauing gouerned it most nobly wisely About the feast of S. Iohn Ante port latine all the nobles of the Realme were called to London and other that of custome were wont to be called although y ● Lent before ther had bin another Parliament as before we haue shewed in which by the petition of the Knightes of the Shires Iohn Iohn VVravv hanged Wraw Priest that was leader of them that did rise at Mildenha●e and Burie was adiudged to hanging and drawing though many beléeued that he woulde haue bin redéemed with money The xxj of May was a great Earthquake in Earthquake England at nine of the clocke fearing the hearts of many but in Kent it was most behement where it soncke some Churches and threw thē downe to the earth There followed also Histo Auri● another Earthquake the xxiiij of May in the morning before the Sunne rising but not so terrible as the first Sir Richard Scrope is depriued of the Chācellorship which he had gouerned lawdably Rob. Braybroke B. of London is made Chancellor There arriued in a great tempest a Shippe called a Carike at Sandwich an huge vessell and so fraught with riches that she might haue furnished the want of al the land if the enuie of the inhabitants would haue permitted but y ● Merchāts of Lōdon hauing much old wares as frutes spices oyles such like they cōpounded with y e Ienewayes to forsake y ● Hauen to passe ouer into Flanders so for y ● couetousnes of a few y ● who le Realm susteined great hinderāce Adam Bawme Iohn Sely the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Northampton Draper the 28. of October About the feast of S. Thomas the Apostle great raynes and inundations of waters chanced so that the water rose foure times more in heigth than before drowning vp Uillages and Cattell destroying Bridges and Milles. The Fishmongers in London through y e counsell of Iohn Northampton then Maior William Ess●x Iohn More and Stirre against Fishmongers Richard Northburie were greatly troubled hindred of their liberties and almost destroyed by congregations made against them but in a Parliament at London by the Kings 1383 Charter patent they were restored to their liberties About the moneth of May the Bishop of Norwich sayled ouer the Seas into Flanders with a greate power where he wanne the Townes of Graueling Brugh Dunkerke and Newport Whilest these things are thus doing in Flanders the King of England and his Quéene with their Bohemians visited the Abbeys of this Realme to the whiche their comming was very chargeable for they came with an excessiue number all which came to take but not to giue The Scottes taking occasion of the time for that a great Anno reg 7. number were gone ouer with the Bishop of Norwich entred into Northumberland and did much hurt to the inhabitants taking prayes in euery place and leading away the people prisoners and carying them into Scotland they tooke the Castell of Warke vpon the Riuer of Twede and brent it Simon Winchcombe Iohn Moore the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Parliament at London Sir Nicholas Brembar Grocer the 28 of October About the feast of All Saincts a Parliament was holden at London in which the halfe fiftéenth was granted to the King by the Laytie and shortly after the halfe of a tenth by the Cleargie a portion of which money the Lords of the North demaunded bycause in this Parliament they were appointed to defende those partes against the irruptions of Scottes to whome answere was made by Sir William Wikeham Bishop of Winchester that they were made for that cause of poore men rich mē and Lords that they might the more franckly kéepe the Scottes and that the King and Lords of the South partes should be the lesse troubled And bycause the Scottes came not to this Parliament according to couenant and beside that did displeasures vnto the inhabitants of the North parts it was decréed by this Parliament that
of Man vnder the wardship of William Scrope then Lord of the sayd I le to remayne there in perpetuall prison and on the morrow the King granted to him his wife fiue ● Markes yearely during their liues Also the writ of Scire facias was granted to the Earle of Salisburie against the Earle of March for the sayd Lordship of Denbigh fiftéene dayes respite being giuen to put in an answere Item it was ordeyned that those which ought money to Rochester Bridge should be put in execution for the payment to the vse of the same Bridge Also Henry Bolenbroke Earle of Derby sonne and heire of Dukes created Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lancaster was created D. of Hereforde Edward Earle of Rutland was created Duke of Aumarle Thomas Earle of Kent Duke of Surrey the Earle of Notingham Duke of Norffolke Iohn Earle of Huntington Duke of Excester Iohn Earle of Somerset Marques of Dorset Thomas Lorde Spencer Earle of Glocester The Lorde Neuell Earle of Westmerland Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester William Scrope L. Treasourer Earle of Wiltshire Sir Iohn Mountagew Earle of Salisburie The K. added the armes of K. Edward the Confessor to his bare them togither part for pale and then the Parliament was proroged till the octaues of S. Hillary then to be holden at Shrewsburie Iohn Woodcocke William Askam the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior VVestminster Hall repaired Sir Richard Whitington Mercer the 28. of October King Richard caused the great Hall at Westminster to be repaired both the walles windowes and ruffe with a maruellous worke and great costes whiche he leuied of Strangers banished out of their Countreys who obteyned licence to remayne in this Coūtrey by the Kings Charter which they had purchased with great sommes of money King Richard kept his Christmas at Liechfield and then 1398 tooke his iourney towardes Shrewsburie where the Parliament lately proroged began againe in the which it was ordeined that all Statutes ordeyned at Westminster in the xj yeare of y ● Kings raigne should be reuoked disanulled al y ● articles of the same and the heires of thē that were adiudged in y ● said Parliament should be recōciled and restored to all their lands inheritances possessions excepted y ● they should haue no clayme against the with-holders of the profiles and reuenues of those lands in the meane time On the morrow it was ordeyned that the heires of them whiche were iudged and conuicted in the foure Articles of high treason should not enioy the Lands nor any possessions of their progenitors but should be excluded from all and euery action and clayme for euer The first Article of high treason was this if any man of what condition soeuer he were did imagin the kings death The second Article was if any man should haue an imagination to depose the King The third if any man did ride armed within the Realm of England in manner of warre against the King The fourth was if any mā disclaymed y ● kings homage Also the same day the Lord Cobham was arraigned to make answere vnto two Articles of high treason The first was that he the sayde Lorde Cobham was in counsell to make one commission against the state of the King and likewise that he vsed the same commission in doing iudgement against the Kings will and to the preiudice of him The seconde that he sate in iudgement to iudge Sir Simon de Burley and Iames Barnes Knightes of the kings in his absence and against his will and vpon this he was cōuict and iudged to perpetuall prison within the I le of Iersey On the morrow Henry Duke of Hereford accused Thomas The Duke of Hereford accuseth the Duke of Norffolke Mowbray Duke of Norffolke of certaine words by him spoken as they rode betwéene London and Brayneford tending to the dishonor of the Kings person which the Duke of Norffolke vtterly denayd to haue spoken where vpon a Combate was granted them by the King to be fought at A Combate is granted Couentry vpon the seauentéenth of September A fiftéenth and a halfe was granted and the customes of woolles fiftie Shillings of euery Sacke of euery Englishman borne and thrée pound of euery Stranger This Parliament ended the King visited many places in the Weast part of England as Worcester Hereford Bristow and other places to wéete Glastonbury and Bath After this also the King caused a Theatre to be made at Anno reg 22 Bristow for a Combate to be fought betwixt two Scottes to wéete the one béeing an Esquire appellant and the other a Knight defendant and the appellant was ouercome and hanged but after this time he made a great and maruellous strong Theatre at Couentrie for the Combate betwixte the Duke of Hereford and the Duke of Norffolke and gaue them day for the fight the sixtéenth of September to wéete the feast day of Saint Edith at which day and place a great concourse and assemble of people was there gathered out of all partes of Englande When the sayde Champions appeared in the Listes readie to fighte the King commanded them to be quiet and not to fight and then the Kyng sitting in hys royall apparell within his Tente girt with his Sworde hée commanded hys decrée to bée proclaymed and thys was the Kings decrée that Henry Duke of Hereforde for hys disobedience towardes the King Dukes ●anished shoulde bée banished for tenne yeares and likewise the Duke of Norffolke to be banished for euer out of England taking of his reuenues a thousand Markes by yeare till the Towne of Caleis were repaired Iohn Wade Iohn Warner the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Drew Barrentine Goldsmith the 28. of October At the feast of Saint Michaell the King caused seauentéene Counties in East England to bée indited and layde to theyr charges that they had bin agaynste him with the Duke of Glocester the Earles of Arundell and Warwike wherefore hée sente honourable men to induce the Lords both Spirituall and Temporall to make a submission by writing sealed with theyr owne handes acknowledging themselues to bée Traytors to the King though they neuer offended him in word or déede Moreouer he compelled all the Religious Gentlemen and commons to set Blancke Charters their Seales to blanckes to the ende he might as it pleased him oppresse them seuerally or all at once some of the commons payde a thousande Markes some a thousande pounde c. Also he ordeyned through euery Prouince in Englande that all Gentlemen and mē of substance should be sworne Vn●customed othes firmely to maynteyne according to their possible power all the Statutes Articles and Constitutions ordeyned in the last Parliament On Newyeares day néere vnto Bedforde a very déepe water which ranne betwixt the Townes of Swelstone and Harleswode stoode sodeinly still and deuided it selfe so that by the space of thrée miles the botome remained drie which wonder many one thought did signifie the deuision
might say The South windes warme did blow with heate pestiferous Pestilence And Pestilence did beare great rule in Cities populous For at London in short while it consumed aboue thirtie thousand men and women and in the Countrey Townes great mortalitie fell among the husbandmen so that great households dyed cleane vp and the houses were emptied About the fiftéenth day of August deceassed Sir Roberte Knowles Knight at his Manour of Sconethorp in Norffolke Sir Robert Knovvles Iohn Leyland he was brought to London and there honourably buried in the white Friers Church which he had newly reedifyed and builded This Sir Robert Knowles had bin a most valiant Captayne in the warres of France during the raigne of Edward the third and Richard the second whose force the Realme of France both felt and feared so did the Dukedome of Briteine Register of Bermondsey and all the people from hence to Spayne Of him in his life were made Uerses in Latin which may be englished thus O Robert Knowles most woorthy of fame Verses by thy prowesse France was made tame Thy manhoode made the Frenchmen to yeeld by dint of sword in towne and field This Sir Robert Knowles founded in the Towne of Colledge and Hospitall at Pontfract Pontfract a Colledge to the honor of the holy Trinitie with an Hospital ioyned therevnto In the which Colledge was placed a Mayster and 6. or 7. Priestes and in the Hospitall 13. poore men and women He was once minded to haue made this Colledge at his Manour of Sconethorp but at the request of Constance his wife a woman of meane birth and somtime of a dissolute life afore hir mariage he turned his purpose and made it in the very place of Pontfraite wher she was borne enduing the same with 180. pound lande by yeare He also builded the faire new greate bridge at Rochester ouer the riuer of Medeway with a Chappel and a chauntrie at the East end therof In the which chappel was sometime a table hanging wherein was noted the benefactours to that Bridge as followeth Sir Roberte Knoles founder of the Trinitie Chappell at Rochester Bridge Constaunce wife to Knowles Sir Iohn Cobham Lord principall benefactour to the making of Rochester Bridge Margaret wife to Cobham Thomas Boucher Cardinall Iohn Morton Archbishop Henrie Chicheley Archbishop Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham Iohn Langedon Bishop of Rochester Thomas Arundale Archbishop Sir Iohn Cornewal Lord Fanhap Richard Whittington William Cromer Geffrey Boleyne Maior of London Iohn Darby Draper Alderman of London William Midleton Mercer of London William Martin Justice Sir Willlam Nottingham chiefe Barron of the Exchequer William Wangforde Iohn Buckingham Bishop of Lincolne Iohn Kempe Bishop of London Sir William Richal Sir Iohn at Pole All these had giuen money or landes towards the building and repayring of the sayde Bridge Iohn Warner a Merchaunt of Rochester made the newe coping of Rochester Bridge and William Warham Archbyshop of Canter burie made the yron pikes and bars aboute the same coaping This sommer Henrie Prince of Wales besieged the Castel of Abrustwich but not long after Owen Glendouerdew Anno reg 9. Sherifes Maior entred into it and placed new kéepers Henrie Pontfract Henrie Halton the. 28. of September Sir William Stondon Grocer the. 28. of October In Nouember a Parliamente being called at London a taxe of money was leuied of the whole Realme This yeare was a sore and sharpe Winter and suche aboundance of Snow which continued December Januarie Februarie and March so that almoste all small Byrdes dyed through hunger and colde Whiles the King helde a great Counsell at London with the nobles of the Realme Henrie Earle of Northumberlande and Thomas Lorde Bardolfe came againe into England who after long iournying when they came to the Towne of Thriske they caused to bée proclaymed that who so woulde haue libertie shoulde take vp armour and weapon and follow them whervpon much people resorted to them but sir Thomas Rockley Sherife of Yorkeshire with other Knightes of that Countrey went against them and at Bramham Moore nere to Hasewold fought with them a great battayle and slew the Earle whose head was streyght wayes cutte off The Lord Bardolph was sore wounded and taken aliue but dyed shortly after This battayle was fought on the xviij day of February The Erles head was put on a stake and caryed openly through the Citie 1408 of London and set on London Bridge The Bishop of Bangor was taken with the Lordes but pardoned of his lyfe bycause he was not founde in armour The King wente to Yorke and there condemned such as transgressed confiscated their goods pacified the Countrey hanged the Abbot of Hayle who had bin in armour and returned to the South partes againe Upon the seuenth of September there were suche flouds of rayne as the olde men of that age had neuer séene before Edmunde Hollande Earle of Kent whilest he besieged the Castell of Briake in Brytaine he was wounded with an arrowe of a crossebowe in the heade notwithstanding he toke the Castel and destroied it to the ground and not long after his braines rotted and he died Anno reg 10 Sherifes Maior Thomas Ducke William Norton the. 28. of September Sir Drew Barentine Goldsmith the. 28. of October Aboute the feaste of Al Saintes the Cardinall of Burges came into Englande being sente from the Colledge of Cardinalles to informe the King and Cleargie of the vnconstaunte dealing of Pope Gregorie as also he had informed the Frenche King and his Cleargie and realme to the end that those two Kings might sette to theyr helping handes to induce the sayde Gregorie to obserue the othe he hadde made and that by the magnificence of those two Kings cōcorde mighte be made in the Church vnto the whiche businesse the Frenche Kyng hadde gladlye graunted and sente messengers vnto Pope Gregorie who notwythstandyng 1409 was obstinate The Kyng of Englande when hée vnderstoode the Cardinalles message hée commaunded that curtesie and gentle entertaymente shoulde be gyuen hym and offered to beare hys charges so long as hée woulde abyde in Englande After the feaste of the Epyphanye the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie caused to assemble at London all the Cleargye of the Realme to chose personages méete to go to the general counsel holdē at Pisa where vnto were chosen Roberte Holam Bishop of Salisburie Henrie Chiseley bishop of Saint Dauids and Thomas Chillingdon Prior of Christes Churche in Canterburie and the Kyng had sente before Iohn Coluile Knighte and mayster Nicholas Rixton Clearkes wyth letters to be giuen to thē And in y e letter to the Pope it was writtē most holy father c. if y e prouidēce of y e Apostolike sea wold vouchsafe to consider how gret harme and danger is sprong vp through out the whole worlde vnder pretence of Scisme and chiefly the destruction of Christian people whiche aboue the nūber as men say of 200000. are perished by the raging
to be made to any Prince of England The King gaue them all generallye thankes for theyr good mindes towardes hym and therewyth exhorted them to the zeale of the publike prosperitie and honoure of the Realme If anye man hadde offended hym he pardoned theyr trespasse and desyred heartily of GOD that if hée shoulde rule and doe all things well to the honoure of GOD and the prosperous commoditie of the Realme that then God woulde suffer him to be Crowned But if hys fortune shoulde bée to doe otherwyse that then GOD shoulde take hym to hys mercye and suffer hym rather to be buried than to enterprise the charge of the Realme The ninth day of April he was crowned at Westminster by Thomas Arundell Archebyshoppe of Canterburie after whyche Coronation he called vnto hym all those young Lords and Gentlemen that were the folowers of his yong actes to euerye one of whome he gaue rich and bounte●●s giftes and then commanded that as many as would chāge their maners as he intended to doe should abide with him in his Courte and to all that woulde perseuer in theyr former light conuersation he gaue expresse commaundemente vpon paine of their heades neuer after that day to come in his presence About this time Thomas Duke of Clarence the Kings brother came from the coastes of Aquitaine who as we said before was sent to ayde the Duke of Orleaunce againste the Duke of Burgoine A great part of the Citie of Norwich was brent with all Tho. Wals the house of the Frier Preachers and also two Friers of that order Sir Iohn Oldcastle at that time Lorde of Cobham for diuerse pointes touching the Sacrament before the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie the Bishops of London Winchester other was conuict and committed to the Tower of London out of the which he brake ouer the walles in the night and escaped about the feast of Simon and Iude. Iohn Stutton Iohn Michel the. 28. of September Sherises Maior Sir William Cromer Draper the. 28. of October Richard the second somtime king of England which was at the first enterred in the church of the preaching Friers of Langley was takē vp and royally buried at Westminster with no small charges to the King The K. kéeping his Christmasse at his manour of Eltham vij miles from London was warned y ● certain had conspired against him eyther to haue taken or sodainly slain him his brethren on Twelfth day ●t night whervpon the king sent word to the Maior of Londō y t he should arrest all suspitious persons wherevpon the Maior forthwith caused euery Aldermā in his ward to kéep great watch and about tenne of the clocke at nighte wente hymselfe wyth a strong power to the signe of the Are wythoute Byshoppes Gate where they apprehended the man of the house called Iohn Burgate Carpenter and vij other sent them to Eltham where they confessed before the Kyng that they were confederate with Sir Iohn Oldcastell to fight against him and his Lords in Saint Giles fielde aboue Holborne On the morrow after the Twelfth day the King King Henry kept the field by S. Giles vvithout Holborne re●●●ued priuily to Westminster and with a greate armie kept the fielde of S●●●t G●les for he was warned that Sir Iohn Oldcastell and Sir Roger Acton woulde be in the same field on the next day following with fiue and twentie thousand people and the same night were taken more than fourescore men in armour of the same faction Also the King being told of an am●●shment gathered in Harengay Parke ●●nte thither certayne Lordes who tooke many among whome was one William Murl● a rich ●aultmā or Bruer of Dunstaple who had his two Horsses trapped with Golde following him and a paire of gilt Spurres in his bosome for he thought to haue bin made Knight on the morrow by the hande●●● Sir Iohn Old●●stell The twelfth of January thrées●●r● and nine of them were condemned of treafo●● Many men hanged and some brent in Ficket● field at Westminster and on the morrow after seauen and thirtie of th●● were dr●●●●● from the Tower of London to Newgate and so to Saint G●●●● and there in a place called Fickets fielde were all hanged and ●e●●ien of them brent Gallowes and ●● The xix of January were drawne and hanged Sir Iohn Be●erley Priest Iohn B●●gate Carpenter a Text writer in S●●●● Iohns stréete and a Glouer on London bridge and shortly after Sir Roger A●●on Knight was taken who on the tenth of February was drawne hanged and buryed vnder the Gall●wes The twentith of February deceassed Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Conterburie Anno reg 2. The King taking compassion vpon Henry Percy a yong 1414 man who by his Grandfather Henry Percy Earle of North●●●●erland was caryed into Scotland after the death of his father who was s●aine in the battell of Shrewsburie when this yong man was then but a child commanded thē that were of his kindred and néerest friends to solicite for his reclayming home agayne out of Scotland minding not only to honor him by calling him home agayne but also to ●●●●● him Earle of Northumberland In the moneth of May a Parliament was begon at Leycester Parliament at Leycester Porter of the Tovver executed and there was a Porter of y ● Tower of Lōdon drawne hanged and headed whose head was sent to London and set ouer the Tower gate for consenting to one that brake out of the Tower named 〈◊〉 In this Parliamente Iohn the Kings brother was made Duke of Bedford Humfrey Dukes created his brother Duke of Glocester and Richard brother to the Duke of Yorke was made Earle ●● Cambridge To this Parliament came the Embassadors of the French King and also of the Duke of B●●g●●dy but not with like in●●●te and purpose for the D. of ●●●g●ndy desired ayde against the ● of Orleance promising as men layd more than he was able to perfourme wherefore the King of England ●●●● 〈◊〉 Embassadors to them both amongst whome were the Bishops of Durham and Norwich as chi●f 〈…〉 were oft times sent into France and the French Kings Embassadors were sente hither with great cost on both ●●●●s but no hope of peace to be had On Mary Magdalens day in London Iohn ●●●nser Esquire with mine of his men set vpon and ●lew The Queenes Chancellour flayne Iohn T●●bey Clearke Archdeacon of Hun●●●g●● and Chancellour to Quéene Ioane late wife to Henry the fourth for the which fact the sayd Esquire and foure of his men fled to Saint Annes Church within Aldersgai● where they were mured vp with boord and watched day and night till the xxj of August on the which day they forsware the lande Men foresvvare the land and passed through the Citie towards Caleis in their shirtes and bréeches eache of them hauing a Crosse in hys hand This yeare dyed the ●oalours of Newgate and Ludgate Prisoners dyed of London and many prisoners in Newgate to
in my owne realm For I shall knowe what traytour dare be so bolde to arise anye people in mine owne lande where through I am in great disease and heauynesse by that Faith I owe vnto Saint Edwarde and vnto the Crown of England I shal destroy them euery mothers son and eke they to be hanged drawn and quartered that may be taken afterward of them in example to make all suche traytours to beware for to make anye rising of people within mine owne land and so trayterously to abyde theyr king and gouernour And for a conclusion rather than they shall haue any Lorde that here is with me at this time I shall this day for their sake in this quarrell my selfe liue and dye The wordes of the Duke of Yorke to all Gentlemen and other assembled with hym SIrs the king our soueraign Lord wil not be reformed at our beséeching ne prayer nor wil not in no wise vnderstād the intente wherfore we be here assēbled gathered at this time but only is in ful purpose to destroy vs al and there vpon a great othe hath made that there is none other waye but that he with all his power will pursue vs and if we be taken to giue vs a shamefull death léesing our liuelodeand goods and also our heyres shamed for euer Therfore sirs now sith it will none otherwise be but y t we shall vtterly die better it is to vs to die in the field than cowardly to be put to an vtter rebuke and shamefull death for the right of England standeth in vs. Considering also in what perill it standeth at this time and for to redresse the mischiefe thereof let euery man helpe to his power this daye and in that quarrell to quite vs like men to the crowne of England praying and beséeching vnto that Lord the which is eternal that raigneth in the glorious kingdome celestial to kéepe and saue vs thys day in our right and throughe the giftes of his holy grace we may be made strong to withstād the greate abhominable and horrible malice of them that purpose to destroy vs and the realme of England and put vs to a shamefull death praye we therefore vnto that Lord to be our comfort and our defendour saying these wordes Domine sis clipeus defensionis nostri And when these wordes were sayde the Duke of Yorke and the Earles of Warwicke and Salisburie with their hoste betwéene eleauen and twelue at noone breake in in thrée seueral places of the sayd stréete The King thē being in the place of Edmond Westby Hundreder of the sayde Towne of Saint Albons hearing of the saide Dukes comming commaunded his hoste to slaye all manner Lordes Knightes Squiers Gentlemen and yeomen that might be taken on the party of the foresayd Duke of Yorke Thys done the Lorde Clifforde kepte so strongly the barriours of the same Towne that the forsayde Duke of Yorke might in no wise with all the power that hée hadde enter nor breake into the sayde Towne The Earle of Warwicke knowyng thereof tooke and gathered hys menne togyther wyth hym and brake in by the Garden side into the sayde Towne betwéene the signe of the keye and the Exchequere in Holywel stréete and anone as they were within the fayde Towne they blew vppethe Trumpet and cryed with an high voyce a Warwicke a Warwicke that maruayle it was to heare And tyll that tyme the Duke of Yorke might neuer haue entry into the Town and then with strong hande they brake vp the Barriers and foughte a fierce and cruell battayle in the whiche were slayne Lordes of name Edmonde Duke of Somerset the Earle of Northumberlande the Lorde Clifforde sir Barton Entewsell Knighte William Souche Iohn Botreaux Ralphe Balithorpe and his sonne William Coruin Williā Cotton receyuer of the Dutchie of Lancaster Gilbert Faldinger Reignalde Griffin Iohn Dawes Ellis Wood Iohn Cyt●e Robert Woodwarde Gilbert Scarlocke and Ralph Willowby Esquires a Gentleman of the Courte Roger Mercraft the Quéenes messanger Hawbin the Kings Porter Malener Padington and William Butler Yeomen and fiue and twentie moe whose names were not knowne and of them that were slayne bene buryed at Saint Albons eighte and fourtie persons And at that battayle were wounded Lordes of name the King was shotte into the necke wyth an arrowe The Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Sudley in the visages wyth arrowes the Earle of Stafforde in the right hande with an arrowe the Earle of Dorset was so sore hurte that he might not goe but was fayne to be carried home in a carte and Syr Iohn Wenloke Knighte in likewise hurt and carried from thence in a Chayre and diuerse other Knightes and Esquiers sore hurt and the substaunce of the Kyngs hoste dispoyled of theyr harneis at their owne requeste made deliuerye to the Dukes hoste for sauation of theyr liues and fled The Earle of Wiltshire and Thorpe with many other fled and cast away their harneis in ditches and woods This done the Duke of Yorke the Erles of Warwicke and Salisburie came vnto the King where hée was and besoughte hym on theyr knées of grace and forgiuenesse of that they had done in his presence besoughte him of his highnesse to take thē to grace as his true liege men The king desired them to cease their people that there shoulde be no more hurte done and to obey hys commaundemēt did cause to be proclaymed in the Kings name that all maner of people shoulde cease off theyr malice and not to smite one stroke more and so ceased the battayle And vpon the day next after the King and the Duke of Yorke the Earles of Warwicke and Salisburie came to London and were lodged in the Bishoppes Pallaice of London where they kepte theyr Whitsontide with great ioye and solemnitye concluding there to holde a Parliament the same to begin on the ninth of July next following This yeare in the moneth of June appeared a comet or starre called Stella Cometa betwixt the North and the East extending his beames towards the South In the Parliament begun the ninth of July as is afore saide Richarde Duke of Yorke was made protectour of the realme The Earle of Salisburie was made Lord Chauncellour of Englande and Richarde Earle of Warwicke was made Captaine of Caleis Iohn Yong Thomas Owlgraue the. 28. of September Anno. reg 34 Sherifes Maior William Marrow Grocer the 28. of October This yeare by meanes of the Quéene and the Lordes of hir Counsell the Duke of Yorke was discharged of the Protectourship and the Earle of Salisburie of the Chauncellourship and being called by priuie seale to Couentrie they were like to haue bene intrapped there and hardlye escaped In the moneth of Maye an Italians seruaunte walkyng 1456 Robert Fabian throughe Cheape of London wyth a dagger hangyng at hys gyrdle a Merchauntes seruaunt that before tyme had bin in Italy and there blamed for wearing of the like weapon chalenged the straunger howe hée durst be so bolde
of the same Indenture And not apply your sayde blessednesse ne the great righteousnesse and equitie wherewith God hath euer endued your high nobilitie to y e importune impacience and violence of such persons as intende of extreme malice to procéede vnder the shadowe of your high might and presence to our destructiō for suche inordinate couetise wherof God is not pleased as they haue to our Landes Offices and goods not letting or sparing therefore to put suche things in all lamentable and too sorrowfull ieoperdie as might in all wyse take effecte by the mysterie of Gods will and power nor not hauing regarde to the effusion of Christian bloud ne any tendernesse to the noble bloud of this Land such as serue to the tuition and defence thereof ne not waying the losse of your true liege men of your saydo Realme that God defend which knoweth our intent and that wée haue auoyded there from as farre as we may with our suerties not of any dreade that wée haue of the sayde persons but onely of the dreade of God of your said highnesse and will not vse our sayde defence vntil the time that wée be prouoked of necessitie whereof wée call heauen and earth vnto witnesse and recorde and therein beséeche God to be our Judge and to delyuer vs according to our sayde intent and our sayde trueth and duetie to your said highnesse and to the sayde Common Weale Most Christian King right high and mightie Prince and most dread Soueraigne Lorde wée beséeche our blessed Lorde to preserue your honour and estate in ioye and felicitie Written at Ludlowe the. x. day of October R. Yorke R. Warwike R. Salisburie After their excusation contayned in this letter sent to the King they withdrewe them and went into diuers partes beyond the Seas for the more suertie of their persons The Duke of Yorke went into Ireland where he was honorably receyued the Earle of Marche Salisburie and Warwike not without great ieoperdie and perill as well on the lande as on the sea went to Calleis and abode there Then was a Parliament holden at Couentrie wherein Parliament at Couentrie were attaint of treason Richard duke of Yorke Edward Erle of Marche his sonne and heire Richard Earle of Warwike Edmond Earle of Rutlande Richard Earle of Salisburie Iohn Duke of Yorke other attaint Lorde Clifford Lorde Clinton sir Thomas Harington sir Iohn Wenlocke Thomas Neuill Iohn Neuill sonnes of the Earle of Salisburie Iames Pickering Iohn Conyers Thomas Par William Oldhall and Henrie Ratforde Knightes Iohn Bowser Thomas Cooke Iohn Clay Richard Gyton Robert Browne Edward Bowser Thomas Vaughan Iohn Roger Richard Grey Walter Deuorux Walter Hopton Roger Kynderton William Bowes Foulke Stafforde the Lorde Powys and Alice Countesse of Salisburie their goods and possessions escheted and their heires disherited vnto the 9. degrée their tenauntes spoyled of their goods bemaymed Ludlovv spoyled and slayne the towne of Ludlowe longing to the Duke of Yorke was robbed to the bare walles and the Dutches of Yorke spoyled of hir goods The Earle of Warwike hauing a great Nauie kepte the Earle of VVarvvike fought vvith the Spa●●● ardes narrow seas and sought with the Spanyards kylled many of them tooke their great vessels with one Carrake of Iene and got in them great riches Iohn Plummer Iohn Stocker the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Hulin Fishmonger the 28. of October In this moneth of October Henrie the yong duke of Somerset Henry Lorde Roos and Lorde Audley with men of Armes sailed toward Calleis to the intent the Duke shoulde haue bene Captaine there but when he came to lande they Duke of Somerset fled to Gvvynes The Lord Audley taken into Calleis The lord Roos fled into Flaunders of Calleis would haue taken him so that he hardly escaped to the Castle of Gwines his souldiors were stripped out of their harnesse and let go The Lord Audley was taken into Calleis and the Lord Roos fled into Flaunders and after returned into England Not long after Richard Lord Riuers was sent to Sādwich to kéepe the towne and certaine great ships which lay there at Anker but when the Earle of Warwike sawe time conuenient The Lord Riuers and the Lord VVoodvile by force caried from Sandvvicke he sent some of his men to Sandwich by night y e which tooke the Lorde Riuers and Antonie Wooduile his sonne in their beds led them ouer to Calleis with al the great ships saue one called Grace de Dieu the which might not be had away bicause she was broke in the bottome Sir Baudwyne Fulford vndertooke on paine of loosing his head y t he woulde 1460 Sir Baudvvin Fulford his enterprise destroy y t Earle of Warwike but when he had spent y e King a thousand markes in money he returned againe Then was the Duke of Excester Admirall sent to the sea with a great The Duke of Excester sent to the Seas Nauie for to distresse the Earle of Warwike and his Nauie he sailing from Sandwiche to Dertmouth for lacke of victuals and money his Souldiours forsoke him there And betwéene Sandwiche and Dertmouth he met the Earle of Warwike comming out of Ireland that had bin there for to speake with the Duke of Yorke and brought with him his mother that was sled thither for dread and led hir to Calleis but the Duke of Excester durst not set vppon the Earle of Warwike nor the Earle woulde not distresse him because he was Admirall and of the Kings bloud but let him passe by In y e moneth of June 500. men were sent to conduct the duke of Somerset frō Gwynes into England but abiding y e wind in y e port of Sandwich y e Earle of Warwikes men spoyled them of their harnes killed their captain Moūford many other The Earles at Calleis sent to the Archbishop of Caunterburie Captaine Moūt sort slaine and at large to the commons of England certaine Articles in writing beginning thus Worshipful sirs we the Duke of Articles sent frō the Duke of Yorke and the Barles to the Archbishop of Caunterburie and to the commons Yorke the Earles of March Warwike and Salisburie sewed offered to haue come vnto the King our Soueraigne Lords most noble presence to haue declared there asore him for our dutie to God to his highnesse to the prosperitie and welfare of his noble estate and to the Common Weale of all his Lande as true liege men the matters following that is to say In primis the great oppression extortion robberie murther and other violences done to Gods Church and to his ministers thereof against Gods and mans law 2 Item the pouertie miserie that to our great heauinesse our Soueraigne Lord stādeth in not hauing any liuelode of the Crowne of England whereof he may kéepe his honorable housholde which causeth the spoyling of his sayde liege men by the takers of his sayde housholde which lyuelode is
King Edward with great triumph rode through the Citie of London 1461 to Bishops Gate and so toke his iourney towarde the Northe where betwéene Shirburne in Elmet and Todcaster all the Northe partye mette hym and on Palme Sondaye the. xxix of Marche fought a greate battaile betwéene Towton and Saxton in which were slaine Henrie Percy Erle of Northumberlande Iohn Lorde Clifforde Iohn Lord Neuil Leo Lorde Welles Ranulph Lorde Dacre and many other on both parties to the number of fiue and thirtie thousand seauen hundred and eleauen persons but King Edwarde gatte the fielde Many of the Bones of these men were buried Iohn Leyland in the Churchyard of Saxton they were firste buryed in fiue pittes halfe a mile off by North in Saxton fielde yet appearing Towton village is a mile from Saxton where a gret Chappell was begonne by Richarde the third but not finished in whiche Chappel were buried also many of the men flaine at Palmsonday fielde This fielde was as muche in Saxton Parishe as in Towton yet it bare the name of Towton The Duke of Excester the Duke of Somerset the Lorde Roos the Hungerford and many other fled to Yorke to king Henrie and then they with the King Quéene and Prince King Henry fled into Scotlande fled towarde Scotlande to Barwicke and so to Edenborough King Edwarde wente to Yorke and then to Durham and when he had quieted the Countrey returned Southwarde Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonshire was taken and beheaded in Yorke Castell Iames Butler Earle of Wilshire was beheaded at Newcastell the Lord Fitz Walter was drowned at Ferybridge The town of Barwicke was deliuered to the Scots by king Henrie the sixth on Saint Markes daye The. xxvj of June the Mayor of London with the Aldermen in Scarlet and the Commons in gréene broughte King Edwarde from Lambeth to the Tower of London where he made eight and twentie Knightes and on the morrowe he dubbed foure mo and on the eight and twentith of June he was crowned at Westminster with greate solempnitie of Bishops and other temporall Lordes And on the morow after the King was crowned againe in Westminster Abbay in the worship of God Saint Peter and on the next morow he went Crowned in Paules Church of London in the honour of God and Saint Paule there an Angell came downe censed him at which time was so great a multitude of people in Paules as euer was séene in any dayes And soone after his Coronation the King made his States created brother George Plantagenet Duke of Clarence and his other brother Richard duke of Glocester Williā Stafford Esquier Lord Stafford of Southwike sir William Hebert Lorde Herbert and after Earle of Penbroke and the sayd Lord Stafford Earle of Deuonshire After this he made Edward Lord Grey of Ruthen Earle of Kent Henrie Lorde Bourcher Earle of Essex Iohn Lorde of Buckingham Lorde of Mountioy sir Iohn Heyward Lord Heyward William Hastings Lord Hastings and after that great Chamberlaine Richard Woodvile Lord Riuers Denham Esquier Lord Denham c. Not long after Iohn Dauy had his hand striken of in Cheape the Coronation of King Edward one Iohn Dauy had his hand striken off at the Standard in Cheape because he smote a man before the Judges in Westminster Hall contrarie to the Lawe George Ireland Iohn Locke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Hughe Wiche Mercer the 28. of October The. iiij of Nouember began a Parliament at Westminster wherein King Henrie his Quéene and his sonne were disherited of the Crowne Henrie Duke of Excester Henrie Duke of Somerset Thomas Earle of Deuonshire c. to the nūber of 140. were attainted disherited Shortly the Earle Anno. reg 2. of Oxford and Awbrey his sonne sir Thomas Tudenham Knight William Tirrell and Iohn Mongomerie Esquiers 1462 were detect and at seuerall times beheaded at the Towre hyll and after that many other The. xxvij of Marche King Edward went Northwarde so farre as Stamforde where he was informed that King Henrie had procured the Frenchmen and Scots to enter this land in resisting whereof King Edwarde sent his Priuie Seale through England to moue men to giue him a certaine sūme of money which they graunted liberally The Lord Fauconbridge Earle of Kent was appointed to kéepe the Seas with the Lorde Audeley Lorde Clinton Sir Iohn Heyward sir Richard Walgraue and other to the number of ten thousand which landed in Britaine and wanne the towne of Conqnet with the Isle of Reth c. In Michaelmas Terme king Edward sat in the Kings bench thrée dayes together in open court to vnderstande how his lawes were executed William Hampton Barthelmew Iames the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Thomas Coke Draper the 28. of October Quéene Margaret wyfe to Henrie the sixt landed in the North where hauing but small succour and euill fortune she was faine to take the Sea againe by tempest of weather was driuen to Barwicke where she landed but lost hir shippes and goods In December King Edwarde laide siege to the Castels of Bambrugh Dunstonbrugh Alnewike Henrie Bowfort Duke of Somerset sir Ralph Percie and other yéelded Bambrugh on Christmas euen and were taken to the Kings fauour King Edward graunted to the Duke of Somerset a. 1000. marks by the yéere where of he was neuer paid the Earle of Penbroke sir Thomas Fyndern and other went into Scotland On S. Iohns day Dunstonburgh was yéelded On y ● Twelfe euen Peirs●e Brasile the great warrior of Normandie came to helpe the Quéene Margaret with Frenchmen xx thousande Scots to remoue King Edwardes men from Alnewike siege and the residue of other Castels there By whose comming King Edwardes men were afearde of the Scottes as reculing from the siege and the Scottes afearde of Edwardes men least they had reculed to bring them into a trap And Henries mē issuing out of too much boldnesse gaue Edwards mē opportunitie to enter into the Castle on the morow after the Twelfe day the Earle of Warwike made xv knights Anno reg 3. these iij. Castels were committed to y e kéeping of sir Ralph Grey and after againe King Henrie with his Quéene and 1463 their felowship entred them and kept them About Midsomer the Scots with many French Englishmen laid siege to the Castle of Norham but were forced to leaue it as they found it The Earle of Warwike wan the towne of Barwike where he made fiue Bannertes xxij knights and went into Scotland where he burnt Lawghmaban Iedeworth Galowey and many other Townes and returned to Barwike The Minster of Yorke the stéeple of Christes Church in Norwiche were brent Robert Basset Thomas Muschampe the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Mathew Phillip Goldsmith the 28 of October In the moneth of Aprill King Edwarde made great Anno. reg 4. 1464 preparation against King Henrie and on Saint Markes day Ralph Percie Lorde Hungerforde with a great power purposing
to haue distressed sir Iohn Neuil Lorde Mountacute was himselfe slaine with many other The. xv of May King Henries power beyng at Hexham the Lorde Mountacute with a power came thither and enclosed them round about There were taken slaine many Lords that were with King Henry but he himself was fled iiij dayes before into Lancashire where he and other liued in caues full hardly vnknowne more than a yéere On Trinitie Sonday King Edward made the Lord Mountacute Earle of Northumberland and warden of the Marches The Earles of Warwike and Northumberlande tooke Bambrugh Castle and beheaded sir Ralph Grey at Doncaster The Earle of Warwike was sent into Fraunce to conclude a mariage with the French Kings sisters daughter for K. Edward which he did K. Edvvard maried but in the meane while on the first of May King Edwarde tooke to wife Elizabeth Daughter to Iaquet Duches of Bedforde sister to the Earle of Saint Paule late wife to sir Iohn Grey slayne at Courton fielde on King Henries parte which mariage was kept secret almost halfe a yéere King Edward tooke the Chauncellorship from the Byshop of Excester brother to the Earle of Warwike and gaue it to the Byshop of Bathe In the moneth of May the Duke of Somerset the Lord Roos the Lord Molyns Talbois Earle of Kyme sir Philippe Wentworth sir Thomas Finderne gathered an hoste in the Duke of Somerset and other beheaded North Countrey sir Iohn Neuill Earle of Northumberland with x. thousand men came vpō them whom the commons forsaking their Captaines were taken beheaded King Edward searing the Lord Moūtacute the Earle of Warwike whom he had of late made Earle of Northumberland he caused the men of the Countrey to desire the rightfull heyre Percie sonne to Henrie y ● was slaine at Yorke fielde so Percie Earle of Northumberland made Marques Mountacute was restored and Mountacute was made a Marques his sonne Duke of Bedforde which shoulde wed the Kings eldest daughter which by possibilitie should be King of Englande Aboute Michaelmas the King held a Counsell at Reading where the Quéene was shewed openly and receiued as Coine enhaūsed Quéene After this wedding knowne the Earle of Warwike and King Edward were neuer friends The King changed the Coyne both gold and siluer and ordained that y e newe Pestilence Grote waied scantly iij. d. and that the Noble of vj. s̄ viij d. should go for viij s̄ iiij d. c. A great Pestilence and the Thames ouer frosen In Michaelmas Terme were made Sergeantes at Lawe Thomas Young N. Geney Richard Serieants feast Regester of maiors Neale Thomas Brian Richard Pigot I. Grenefield I. Catesby and Gwy Fairfax which helde their feast in the Bishop of Eles place in Holborne to the which feast the Maior of London with the Aldermen Sherifes and Commons of diuers Craftes being bidden repayred but when the Maior looked to be set to kéepe the state in the Hall as it had béene vsed in all places of the Cittie liberties out of the Kings presence vnknowne to the Sergeauntes and against their willes as they sayd y ● Lord Grey of Ruthin then Treasurer The Maior of London departeth from the Serieants feast of England was there placed wherevpon the Maior Aldermen and Commons departed home and the Maior made all the Aldermen to dyne with him howbeit he and all the Citizens was greatly displeased that he was so delt with and the newe Sergeaunts and other were right sorie therfore and had leauer th●n much good it had not so happened This was then as my Recorde reporteth more at large recorded to be a president in time to come Iohn Tate Iohn Stone the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nevv coyne Anno. reg 5. Ralph Iosseli● Draper the 28 of October A newe Coine was made a Rose Noble at x. shillings the halfe Noble fiue shillings the farthing two shillings sir pence an Angelet six shillings eight pence y e halfe thereof thrée shillings foure pence On the. xxvj of May Quéene Elizabeth was Crowned at 1465 Westminster beyng Trinitie Sonday against the which time King Edward made xxxix Knightes King Henrie was taken in Cletherwood beside Bungerley King Henrie taken Hyppingstons in Lancashire by Thomas Talbot sonne heire to sir Edward Talbot of Basshall and Iohn Talbot his cosyn of Colebry which deceiued him being at his dynner at Wadington Hall and brought him toward London with his legs bounde to the stirops where he was mette by the Earle of W●rwike and arested at Esyldon Doctor Manning Deane of Windsore Doctor Bedle and yong Ellerton being in his companie with their féete bound vnder the horse bellyes were brought to the Towre of London A licence was graūted to conuey certaine Coteswold shéepe Sheepe trāsported ouet the seas Long piked Shone forbid into Spaine which haue since greatly multiplyed there It was proclaynied throughout England that the beakes or pikes of Shoone and Bootes should not passe ij ynches vpon paine of cursing by the Clergie and forfeting xx s̄ to be payde one Noble to the King one other to the Cordewayners of London and the thirde to the chamber of London and for other Cities and Townes the like order was takē Before this time and since the yéere of our Lord. 1282. the pikes of shooes bootes were of such length that they were fayne to be tyed vp to their knées with chaynes of siluer and guilt or at the least with silke laces Henrie Wauer William Constantine the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir Ralph Verney Mercer the 28. of October The. xj of Februarie Quéene Elizabeth was deliuered at Westminster of a Daughter also named Elizabeth who was long after married to King Henrie the seuenth whose Christening was done in the Abbey with y e most solemynitie that might be and the more because the King was assured by his Phisitions that the Quéene was conceyued with a Prince which proued otherwise as ye haue heard This yéere was the Lord Hungerford beheaded at Salisburie Anno. reg 6 1466 Also sir Thomas Hungerford Knight sonne to the Lord Hungerford and Henry Courteney of right Earle of Deuōshire were beheaded at Salisburie The Lord Stafford of Southwike procured the said Courteneys death to be made Earle of Deuonshire as in déede he was shortly after Iohn Browne Henrie Brice the 28. of September Sir Iohn Yong Grocer the 28. of October Sherifes Maior Iohn Stocton the 26. of Iune The. iij. of June beganne a Parliament at Westminster Anno. reg 7. 1467 All the Kings giftes reuoked wherin was resumed to y e Kings honor all maner of giftes that had bin giuen from the first day he tooke possession of y ● Realme to that time except certaine things then named On Thursday next after Corpus Christi Antonie Wooduile Iustes in Smithfielde Lorde Scales iusted in Smithfield with the Earle of the Roche called the Bastard of Burgoygne
after a Chappell was builded The morow after Easter day were y e bodyes of the Earle Iob. Rastall of Warwike and the Marques Mountacute layde naked in Paules Churche in London that all men might sée them King Henrie with the Archbyshop of Yorke were sent to the Towre of London At this time Quéene Margaret and Prince Edwarde hir sonne had lyne on y e sea xvtj. dayes letted with foule weather on Easter day at euen they landed with their Frenche Battell at Tevvkesburie Nauie at Weymouth and so came to Excester from thence to Tewkesburie and pitched his fielde by Seuerne Edwarde the fourth being come from London fought with Prince Edward Liber Tewx at Tewkesburie on the fourth of May tooke Quéene Margaret prisoner with Prince Edward hir sonne whom cruelly he smote on the face with his gawntlet and after his seruants slew him Edmond Duke of Somerset and sir Hugh Courteney fledde from Prince Edward and loste him the fielde There was slaine Courteney Earle of Deuonshire Lorde Iohn of Somerset Lorde Wenlocke sir Edmond Flamdene sir Robert Whittingham sir William Vaus sir Nicholas Haruie sir Iohn Deluis sir William Filding sir Thomas Fizhony sir Iohn Laukenor King Edward entring a Churche in Teweksburie with his sworde drawne a Priest brought the Sacrament against him and woulde not let him enter vntill he had graunted his pardon to these that followe the Duke of Somerset the Lorde of Saint Iohns sir Humfrey Audeley sir Geruis of Clifton sir William Crimeby sir William Carie sir Thomas Tresham sir William Newbrough Knightes Henrie Tresham Walter Courteney Iohn Florie Lewes Myles Robert Iackson Iames Gower Iames Deluis sonne and heire to sir Iohn Deluis all these where they might haue escaped tarryed in the Church trusting in the Kings pardon from Saterdaye tyll Mondaye when they were taken out and beheaded Aboute this time sir Walter Wroitile and sir Geffrey Thomas the Bastarde Gates Knightes gouernours of Caleis sente sir George Broke Knight from Caleis with 300. souldiours to Thomas the Bastarde Fauconbridge Captaine of the Earle of Warwickes Nauie willing him to raise the Countrey of Kente and to goe to London there to take King Henrie out of the Tower and then to goe against King Edwarde The fourtéenth day of May Thomas the Bastarde wyth a ryotous company of shipmen and other of Essex and Kent came to London where being denyed passage throughe the Citie he set vpon Bishops Gate Aldegate London bridge c. along the Thamis side shooting arrows and Gunnes into the Citie fiered the Suburbs and brent more than 60. houses wanne the Bulwarkes at Aldegate and entred the Citie but y e Parcolise being let downe suche as had entred were slaine and then the Citizens pursued the rest as farre as Stratforde and Blacke Wall slaying many and tooke manye prisoners Thomas the Bastarde went from London Weastwarde as farre as Kingstone vppon Thamis to prosecute King Edwarde but the Lorde Scales with Nicholas Faunte Maior of Canterburie by fayre wordes caused Fawconbridge to returne to Blacke Heath in Kent from whence in the night he stale from the hoste with sixe hundred horssemenne to Rochester and so to Sandwiche where he abode the Kyngs comming The one and twentith of May King Edwarde came to King Henrie murdered London with thirtie thousand men and the same nyght king Henrie was murdered in the Tower of London on the morrowe he was brought to Saint Paules Church in London in an open Cophen bare faced where he bled thēce he was carried to the Blacke Friers and there bled and thence to Chersey Abbay in a boate where he was then buryed but since remoued to Windsor where he resteth Thus ended the King his transitorie life hauing inioyed as great prosperity as fauourable fortune coulde aforde and as greate troubles on the other side as she frownyng coulde poure out yet in both states he was patiente and vertuous that he maye be a patterne of moste perfect vertue as he was a worthy example of Fortunes inconstancie he was plaine vpright far from fraude wholye giuen to prayer reading of Scriptures and almes-déedes of such integritie of lyfe that the Bishoppe whyche hadde bene hys Confessour tenne yeares auowched that hée had not all that tyme committed anye mortall cryme So continente as suspition of vnchaste life neuer touched hym and hauyng in Christmasse a shewe of yong womenne wyth theyr bare breastes layde out presented before hym he immediately departed wyth these wordes fie fie for shame forsooth you be to blame before his marryage he liked not that women shoulde enter into hys Courte and for thys respect he committed hys two brethren by the mothers side Iasper and Edmonde to moste honest and vertuous Prelates to bée broughte vppe so farre he was from couetousnesse that when the executors of hys vncle the Bishoppe of Winchester surnamed the rich Cardinall would haue giuen to him 2000. pounde he playnelye refused it willing them to discharge the will of the departed and woulde scarcely condescend at length to accept the same some of money towarde the endowing of his Colledges in Cambridge and Eaton he was religiously affected as the tyme then was that at principall holydayes he would were sackeclothe next his skinne Othe he vsed none but in moste earnest matters these wordes forsoothe and forsooth he was so pityfull that when hée sawe the quarter of a Traytour agaynste hys Crowne ouer Criple Gate hée willed it to be taken awaye wyth these wordes I wyll not haue anye Christian so cruellye handeled for my sake manye greate offences hée willinglye pardoned and receyuing at a tyme a greate blowe by a wicked manne whyche compassed hys deathe he onelye sayde forsooth forsooth yée doe fowelye to smite a Kyng annoynted so another also thruste him in the side wyth a sworde when hée was restoared to hys state and Kyngdome not long before hys death beyng demaunded why hée hadde so long helde the Crowne of Englande vniustlye he replyed my Father was Kyng of Englande quietlye enioying the Crowne all hys raigne and further my grandsire was Kyng of Englande and I euen a chylde in my Cradle was proclaymed and crowned King without anye interruption and so helde fortye yeares well neare all the states doing homage vnto me as to my antecessors Wherefore I may saye with King Dauid The lotte is fallen vnto me in a faire grounde yea I haue a goodlye heritage my helpe is from the Lorde whyche saueth the vprighte in hearte This good King of hymselfe alwayes naturally enclined The Kings Colledge in Cambridge to doe good and fearing leste he might séeme vnthankfull to almyghtye GOD for hys greate benefittes bestowed vppon hym since the tyme he firste tooke vppon hym the regimente of the Realme determyned aboute the sixe and twentith yeare of hys raygne for hys primer notable worke as by the wordes of hys wyll I finde expressed to erecte and founde two famous Colledges in the honoure and
prouosts lodging And at the vpper ende of the Hall the Prouosts lodgins that is to witte moe than the Chambers for him aboue specifyed a Parlour on the grounde contayning sixe and thirtie foote in length and two and twentie in breadth and two chambers aboue of the same quantitie And westwarde closing thereto a Kitchin for him a Larderhouse Stables and other many housings and grounds And westwarde The Bake house and Brevvhouse beyonde these houses and the saide Kitchin ordayned for a Hall a Bakehouse a Brewhouse and other houses of office betwéene which there is lefte a grounde square of foure scoure foote in euery pane for wood and suche stuffe The vvoodyarde The vvater Conduite And in the middle of the sayde large Quadraunt shall bée a Conduite goodly deuised for ease of the same Colledge And I will that the edification procéede in large forme of my sayde Colledge cleane and substancial setting apart superfluitie of too greate curious workes of entaile and busye moulding And I haue deuised and appointed that the precinct The Precinct of the Colledge of my sayde Colledge as well on both sides of the garden from the Colledge to the Water as in all other places of the same precinct be inclosed with a substanciall Wall of the height of fourtéene foote with a large Tower at the principall entrie againste the middle of the East pane out of the highe stréete And in the same Tower a large Gate The vvater Gate and another Tower in the middle of the Weast ende at the newe bridge And the same Wall to bée creasted embattelled and fortifyed with Towers as manye as shall bée thought conuenient therevnto And I will that my sayde Colledge be edified of the moste substantiall and best abyding stuffe of stone leade glasse and Iron that maye beste be hadde and prouided thereto Thus much I haue enlarged by occasion of reading this good Kings Will the cunning deuise wherof I leaue to be considered by such as be experte in Architecture hartily desiring almightie God to putte into the hearte of some notable Prince one day to make perfecte thys princely worke so charitably begonne And nowe to returne agayne to Kyng Edwarde At this hys commyng to London at Bishoppes Gate hée made these Knyghtes of Aldermen Syr Iohn Stocton Syr Ralphe Verney sir Richard Blee sir Iohn Yong sir William Tayler sir George Irelād sir Iohn Stokar sir Matthew Phillip sir William Hampton sir Thomas Stalbroke sir Iohn Crosby sir Thomas Vrswike Recorder of London The foure and twentith of May King Edward with hys hoste rode through Kent to Canterburie and so to Sandwiche where Bastarde Faulconbridge submitted himselfe and all hys to King Edwarde and yéelded to him lvj shippes gret and small whych had bene vnder his leading wherevppon King Edward pardoned him made him Knight and v●zeadmiral of the sea The L. Denhā sir Iohn Fog with others were lefte in Kent to sit in iudgement of the rebels wherof were a greate number punished by the purse Nicholas Faunt Mayor of Caunterburie with other were hanged and headed there the heads of Spicing and Quinton were set on Aldegate of London The fourth of June George Neuill Archebishop of Yorke and brother to the Earle of Warwike was deliuered oute of the Tower of London The firste of July Edwarde the sonne of King Edwarde was made Prince of Wales Duke of Lancaster and Earle of Cornewall In September Thomas the Bastarde of Fauconbridge was taken at Southampton and beheaded at the Castle of Midleham in Yorkeshire hys heade was sette on London bridge Iohn Allein Iohn Shelley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Edward Grocer the. 28. of October The xij of Nouember the Ladye Anne the Kings sister was deuorsed from the Duke of Excester by hyr owne sute Kyng Ed. on Christmasse day was Crowned at Westminster and the Quéene also likewise the twelfth day the Kyng was agayne Crowned wente on Procession crowned Anno. reg 12 1472 but the Quéene was not at that time crowned bycause she was great with childe Thys yeare were sente Ambassadours from King Edwarde to the Duke of Burgoigne who landed at Bridges on the seconde of Aprill where they were honorablye receyued wythout the Towne by the Lorde Grantehuse The names of the Ambassadors was sir Iohn Scot Knight Marshall of Caleis Mayster William Hatclofe Secretarie to the Kyng Mayster Iohn Russel Doctour and Archdeacon master Richarde Marten Archdeacon of London sir Iohn Yong Knighte and Merchaunte of London on the fourth of April they were conueyed on horssebacke to the Dukes lodging c. George Neuill Archebishoppe of Yorke being at Windsor with Kyng Edwarde on hunting the King promised the Archebishoppe to come to the More a place in Hartfordeshire whiche the Archebishoppe hadde purchased and buylded commodiouslye there to hunte and make merry with hym wherevppon the Archebishoppe made greate prouision for the Kyng and sente for muche plate that hée hadde hydde ●at the tyme of Barnet and Tewkesburie fields and besides this borrowed muche of hys friendes thys beyng done the King sodaynely sente for the Archbishoppe to come to Windsor where he was arrested of Treason that he shoulde helpe the Earle of Oxforde and so was sente to Caleis and to Hames where he continued long after prisoner In thys meane whyle sir William Parre Knight and sir Thomas Vahan Esquire and other were sente to the More to cease all hys goods for the Kyng which came there to the samme of twentie thousande pounde Kyng Edward at thys time brake the Bishops miter that had many riche stones and made therof a Crowne for himselfe Also the Earle of Oxforde that had withdrawen hymselfe from Barnet fielde first into Scotland after into France then getting muche goods on the Sea landed in the Weast Countrey and entred Saint Michaels Mounte with 397. men the last of September wheron he was by the kings appointmēt besieged by Bodrigan and other but wyth such fauour that the Earle reuictualled the Mount Then was Fortescue sente thyther to continue the siege and King Edwarde sending pardons to the Erles men so long practised with them that at the last if the Earle had not submitted himselfe to King Edward he had bin taken of his own mē so Fortestue entring y ● Mount the fiftéenth of Februarie found victuall ynough there to haue serued them till Mydsommer after Iohn Vere Earle of Oxforde the Lord Beaumonde two brothers of the sayde Earle and Thomas Clifforde were brought prisoners to the King The Earle of Oxforde was sente prisoner to Gwines where he remayned so long as thys Kyng raygned In all whyche tyme the Ladye hys wife myghte neuer come to hym or had anye thyng to liue vppon but what people of theyr Charityes woulde giue hyr or what shée gotte by hyr néedle In the moneth of September Lewes de Bruges Lorde Grantehuse came into Englande from Charles Duke of Burgoigne and on the thirtéenth of
reg 22 1482 tooke him with certaine of his brethren the Aldermen and commons of the Citie of London into the Forest of Waltham where was ordeyned for them a pleasaunt lodge of gréene vowghes in the which lodge they dyned with great chéere and the King would not go to dynner tyll he sawe them serued After dynner they went a hunting with the Kyng and slew many deare as well red as fallowe whereof the King gaue vnto the Maior and his company good plentie sent K. E. banqueted the Maior aldermen of Lon. vnto the Ladie Maires hir sisters the Aldermens wiues ij Hartes vj. Buckes and a tunne of wyne to make them merrie with which was eaten in the Drapers hall The Scots began to stirre against whom the King sent the Duke of Glocester and many other which returned againe without any notable battaile William White Iohn Mathewe the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Creplegate builded Edmond Shaw Goldsmith the 28. of October This Edmond Shaw new builded Creplegate of London from the foundation which gate in old time had bene a prison whereunto such citizens and other as were arrested for debt or like trespasses were committed as they be nowe to the Counters as may appeare by a writ of King Edwarde the second in these wordes Rex vic' London salutem ex graui querela capri ex detenti in Recordes prisona nostra de Creplegate pro. x li quas coram Radulfo Sandwico tune custode Ciuitatis nostre London I. de Blackewell cuius recognum debitorum c. King Edward held his Christmas at Eltham and kept his estate all the whole feast in his great Chamber and the Quéene in hir Chāber where were dayly more than 2000 persons The same yéere on Candlemas day he with his Quéene went on procession from Saint Stephens Chappell into Westminster hall accompanied with the Earle of Angwyse y e Lord Grey and sir Iames Liddall Ambassadors from Scotland and at his procéeding out of his Chamber he made sir Iohn Anno reg 23 1483 Wood vnder Treasurer of England and sir William Catesby one of the Justices of the common place Knights After King Edwarde had bene long time in quiet in his Realme and had receiued yéerely 50000. Crownes payde him in the Towre of London and was growne so ritche that richer he could not be sayth myne Author hauing a maruellous great desire to accomplish y e mariage of his daughter with Charles Dolphin of Fraunce according to the Articles of truce taken as is afore shewed was now by the Lord Heyward returned out of France certified that the Dolphin had alreadye ioyned himselfe in mariage with the Ladye Margaret of Austriche daughter to Maximiliā sonne to Frederike the Emperour Which newes so highly offended King Edward now séeing how he had bene abused with the vniust and dubble dealing of the Frenche King that he forth with tooke counsell how to be reuenged and preparing his power to make warres in Fraunce through melancholy as was thought fel sicke and ended his life at Westminster the ix day of Aprill Anno Domini 1483. when he had raigned 22. yeares one moneth and odde dayes He was honorably buried at Windsor he lefte issue Edwarde the Prince and Richard Duke of Yorke and fine Daughters Elizabeth that after was Quéene Cicely Anne Katherine and Briget ⸪ ¶ King Edwarde the fifth Whose Historie vvas vvritten by sir Thomas Moore KIng Edvvarde of that name the fourth after that he had lyued fiftie and thrée 1483 yéeres seuen monethes and sixe dayes and thereof raygned twoo twentie yéeres one Moneth eyght dayes dyed at Westminster y e ninth day of Aprill the yeare of our redemption a thousand foure hundreth foure score thrée leauing much fayre issue that is to witte Edward the Prince of thirten yeares of age Richard Duke of Yorke two yéere yonger Elizabeth whose fortune and grace was after to be Quéene wyfe vnto King Henrie the seuenth and mother vnto the eight Cicelie not so for tunate as fayre Briget which representing the vertue of hyr whose name she bare professed and obserued a Religious life in Dertforde an house of close Nunnes Anne that was after honourably married vnto Thomas then Lord Heyward and after Earle of Surrey And Katherine which long time tossed in eyther fortune sometime in wealth ofte in aduersitie at the last if this be the last for yet shée liueth is by the benignitie of hir Nephewe King Henrie the eyght in very prosperous estate and worthie hir birth and vertue This noble Prince deceassed at his Palaice of Westminster The loue of the people and with great funerall honour and heauinesse of his people from thence conueyed was entered at Windsor A King of such gouernaunce and behauiour in time of peace for in warre eche part must néedes be others enimie that there was neuer any Prince of this lande attayning the Crowne by battaile so hartely beloued with the substaunce of the people nor he himselfe so specially in any part of his life as at the time of his death Which fauour and affection yet after his decesse by the crueltie mischiefe and trouble of the tempestuous world that followed highly toward him more increased At such time as he dyed the displeasure of those that bare him grudge for King Henries sake the sixt whom he deposed was well asswaged and in effect quenched in that that many of them were deade in more than twentie yeares of his raigne a great parte of a long life And many of them in the meane season growne into his fauour of which he was neuer straunge He was a goodly Description of Edvvard the fourth personage Princely to beholde of harte couragious pollitique in counsell in aduersitie nothing abashed in prosperitie rather ioyfull than proude in peace iust and mercifull in warre sharpe and fierce in the fielde bolde and hardie and nathelesse no further than wisedome would aduenturous whose warres who so well consider he shall no lesse commende his wisedome where he voyded than his manhoode where he vanquished He was of visage louely of body mightie strong and cleane made Howbeit in his latter dayes with ouer liberall dyet somewhat corpulent and boorely and nathelesse not comely he was of youth greatly giuen to f●eshely wantonnesse from which health of body in great prosperitie and fortune without a speciall grace hardly refraineth This faulte not greatly gréeued the people for neyther could any one mans pleasure stretch and extend to the displeasure of very many and was without violence and ouer that in his latter dayes lessed and well left In which time of his latter dayes this Realme was in quiet and prosperous estate no feare of outward enimies no warre in hand nor none toward but such as no man looked for the people toward the Prince not in a constrained feare but in a willing and louing obedience among themselues the cōmons in good peace The Lordes whom he
busynesse betwéene the two mothers so the Ladye Margaret Countesse of Richemond brought to a good hope of the preferment of hir sonne made Reynold Bray chiefe solicitor of this conspiraoie geuyng hym in charge secretely to inuegle suche persons of Nobilitie to ioyne wyth hir and take hir parte as he knewe to be faythfull This Reynold Bray within fewe dayes broughte to his lure sir Gyles Daubeney sir Iohn Ch●nie Richard Guilford and Thomas Rame Esquiers others In the meane season the Countesse of Richemond seat Christopher Vrfwike into Britaine to the Erle of Richmond to declare to him all agréementes betwéene hir the Quéene agréed but she rementbring that the Duke of Buckingham was one of the first inuentors of this enterprise sent Hugh Conway Esquier into Britaine with a great sum of money to hir sonne giuyng him in charge to declare to the Earle the great loue that y e most part of the nobilitie of the Realme bare toward him wylling him not to neglect so good an occasion offered but with all spéede to fettle his minde how to returne into Englande giuing him Counsell to take land in Wales When y e Earle had receyued this ioyfull message he brake to the Duke of Britayne all his secretes aduertising hym that he was entered into a sure and stedfast hope to obtayne the Crowne of England desiring hym of helpe towarde the atchieuing of his enterprise which the Duke promised and after performed Whervpon the Earle sent into England Hugh Conway and Thomas Ram to declare his comming shortly into England In the meane season the chiefe of the conspiracie in England beganne many enterprises which beyng neuer so priuely handled yet knowledge thereof came to Kyng Richard and because he knewe the Duke of Buckingham to bée the chiefe heade and ayde of this commination he thought it most necessarie to plucke hym from that parte where vppon he adressed his louing letters to the Duke to exhorte the Duke to come to the Courte but the Duke required the Kyng to pardon hym excusing himselfe that he was not well King Richard not content wyth this excuse directed to the Duke other letters wyth checkyng wordes commaunding hym wythout delaye to repayre to hys presence The Duke made to the messenger a determinate aunswere that he woulde not come to his mortall enemye and immediatelye prepared warre agaynste hym and by this meanes Thomas Marques Dorset came out of Sancturie gathered a great bande of men in Yorke shire syr Edwarde Courtney and Peter his brother Byshoppe of Excester raysed an other armie in Deuonshire and Cornewall In Kent ●ir Richard Calfortle and other gentlemen rayses a comparrie But King Richarde in the meane tyme had gotten together a great strength with whom he remoued from London towarde Salisburie to the entent he myght set on the Dukes army the King was starce two dayes tourney from Salisburie when the Duke of Buckingham accompanyed with a great powre of wilde Welchmen which in the ende forsooke him The Duke with his powre marched through the forest of Dene intending to haue passed the ryuer of Seuerne at Glocester and there to haue ioyned in armie with the Courtneys other Westerne men which if he had done no doubte but King Richard had béene in great ieoperdie But before he could attayne to Seuerne syde by force of continuall raine the riuer rose so high that it ouerflowed all the countrey adioyning which rage of water lasted x. dayes by which inundacie the passages were so closed that neyther y e Duke could come ouer Seuerne to his complices nor they to hym d●wing which time the Welchmen lyngering ydle and wythout money or victuall sodainly scaled and departed The Duke thus left almost alone was of necessitie compelled to flie and conueyed himselfe into the house of Humfrey Banister his seruaht beside Shrewesburie whom he had tenderly brought vp which whē it was knowne to his adherents euery man shifted for himselfe and fled And some of them sayled into Britaine among the which were Peter Courtney Byshop of Excester and sir Edward Courtney his brother Thomas Marques Dorset Iohn Lord Welles sir Iohn Bourchier sir Edmond Woodvile brother to Quéene Elizabeth sir Robert Willoughbie sir Gyles Daubney sir Thomas Arundale sir Iohn Cheynie and his two brothren sir William Barkerley sir William Brandō and Thomas his brother sir Richard Edgecombe and Iohn Halwell Edwarde Pownyngs c Proclamation was made and a thousande pound promised to who so coulde bring out the Duke of Buckingham where vpon Humfrey Banister bewrayed his guest and Humfrey Banister betrayeth his maister maister to Iohn Mitton then Sherife of Shropshire whiche with a stronge powre apprehended the Duke in a little groue adioyning to the manors of Humfrey Banister and in great haste conueyed him to the Citie of Salisburie where King Richard than kept his housholde This Banister after Banister that be trayed his maister miserably plagued let the like traitors looke for the like or vvorse to them and theirs vvithout speedie repentance he had betrayed his maister his sonne and heire waxed mad and dyed in a Bores stye his eldest daughter was sodainely striken with a foule leperie his seconde sonne maruellously deformed of his lymmes and made lame his yonger sonne in a small puddle was drowned and he himselfe being of extreme age arraygned and found guiltie of a murther and by his clergie saued And as for his thousande pounde King Richarde gaue him not one farthing saying that he which woulde be vntrue to so good a maister would be false to all other The Duke after he had confessed all the whole conspiracie Duke of Buckingham beheaded vpon the second of Nouember without araignement or iudgement was at Salisburie beheaded Whilest these things were thus handled in England Henrie Earle of Richmond prepared an armie of fiue thousand Britons and fortie wel furnished shippes When al thyngs were prepared and the day of setting forward was appoynted which was the. xij of October the whole armie hoysed vp sayles and tooke the sea but toward night the wind turned and so huge a tempest arose that the ships were dispersed a sunder some driuen into Normandie some againe into Britaine In the morning after when the tempest was asswaged the Earle approched to the South parte of England at the mouth of the Hauen of Pole in Dorcet where he might sée all the bankes full of men of warre appoynted to defend his arriuall wherfore he gaue charge that no man shoulde lande vntil such tyme as the whole Nauie were assembled but after that he perceyued none of his ships to appeare he hoysed vp Ankers and away where he arriued safe in Normandie and returned by lande into Britaine where he was soone aduertised that the Duke of Buckingham had loste hys head and that the Marques Dorcet and a great number of Noble men of England had a little before enquired for hym there In the meane season King Richarde apprehended in
diuers partes of this Realme certaine Gentlemen of y e Earle of Richmondes faction amongst whom sir George Browne sir Roger Clifford and iiij other were put to death at London y ● iij. of December Sir Thomas Sentlegar which had marryed the Duches of Excester the Kings owne sister and T. Rame with diuers other were executed at Excester The. xxx of December was a great fire at Leaden hall in Fire at Leaden hall in London London where through was brent much housing and all the stocks for gunnes other like prouision belonging to y e citie After this King Richard called a Parliament in y ● which 1484 he attainted the Earle of Richemond and all other persons which were ●led out of the Realme for feare or any other cause as enemyes to him and to their natural countrie and all their landes and goods was confiscate to the Kings vse and yet notwithstanding he laid on the people a great taxe In this troublesome season nothing was more maruelled Anno. reg 2. at than that the Lorde Stanley had not bene taken considering the working of the Lady Margaret his wyfe mother to the Earle of Richemond but for as muche as the enterpryse of a woman was of hym reputed of no regarde or estimation and that the Lorde Stanley hir husband had purged hym selfe to be innocent of all attemptes by hir committed it was giuen him in charge to kéepe hir in some secrete place at home without hauing any seruaunt or company so that from thence forth shée shoulde neuer send letter to hir sonne or to any of his friendes by the which the Kyng myghte bée molested which commaundement was a whyle put in execution This yéere King Richard began the high towre at Westminster which remaineth yet vnfinished Also he caused the K. Henry the sixt remoued to VVindso● body of King Henry the sixte to be remoued from Chertesey Abbey in Surrey and to be buried at Windsor where he nowe resteth on the. xij of August Richard Chester Thomas Britaine the 28. of September Sherifes Ralph Austry the 6. of Februarie Tho. Hill Grocer the 28. of October W. Stocker draper the Maiors 24. of Sep. in anno 1485. Iohn ward grocer the 29. of Sep. William Collingborne made a Ryme of iij. of King Colingborne executed Richards Coūsellers the Lord Louell sir Richard Ratclife and sir William Catesby which was The Ratte the Catte and Louell our dogge Rule all England vnder the hogge For the which he was drawne frō Westmin to the Towre of London and there on y ● hyll hanged headed quartered King Richard considering y ● a●ities concluded betwéene Princes are the cause that their Realmes are fortified with a double power that is to say with their owne strength the ayde of their friendes practised a league with the King of Scots which not long before had made diuers incursions roades into the Realme of Englande and therefore sued to haue a truce or peace concluded Wherfore Commissioners were appointed which met at Notingham there in the end concluded for iij. yéeres on certaine articles xv in number Truce vvith Scotland for three yeeres This peace thus concluded King Richard nowe doubtyng his owne people was continually vexed with feare of the returne of the Earle of Richmond and his complices Wherfore nothing was for his purpose more then once agayne with price prayer to attempt the duke of Britaine in whose territorie y ● Erle then abode to deliuer him into his hands wherfore incontinent he sent certaine Ambassadors to the Duke of Britaine which tooke vpon them that King Richard shoulde yéerely pay and aunswere the Duke of Britaine of al the reuenewes rentes and profites of the landes possessions as well belonging to the Earle of Richmond as to any other noble or gentlemā which then were in the Erles companie if he after that time would kéepe them in continuall prison and restrayne them from libertie The orators furnished with these other instructions ariued in Britaine but could not speake w t the duke by reason y ● he being weakned by a long and dayly infirmitie began to waxe ydle of his remembraunce for whiche cause Peter Landoyse his chiefe Treasurer ruled all things at his pleasure vnto whom the English Ambassadors moued to him their message offering to him the same rewardes and lands that they should haue offered the Duke This Peter faythfully promised to accomplishe King Richardes request so that he kept promise wyth him but fortune was so fauourable to the publike Weale of England that this deadly compact tooke none effect for Iohn Morton Byshop of Elie soiourning then in Flaunders was of al this craftie deuise certified wherfore he sent Christopher Vrswike to declare to the Earle of Richemond all the deceyt giuing him charge in all hast possible with his company to retire out of Britaine into Fraunce When these newes came to the Earle he incontinent sent to Charles the French king requiring that he and his myght safely passe into Fraunce which desire was graunted and the Earle with the rest dispatched as priuily as mought be into Fraunce no man susspecting their departure After this the Erle tooke his iourney to Charles the Frenche King to whō after great thanks giuen he disclosed the occasion of his accesse to his person After that he required of him helpe and succour to the intent he myghte returne to the Nobilitie of his Realme of whō he was generally called to take vpō him the Crowne King Charles promysed him ayde and bad hym be of good comforte for he assured him that he woulde gladly shewe to 1485 him his bountifull liberalitie Whiles the Earle of Richemond thus attended on the Frenche Court Iohn Vere Earle of Oxforde so perswaded Iames Blonte Captaine of Hames Castle and sir Iohn Forteskewe Porter of the Towne of Calleis that he him selfe was not only set at libertie but they also leauing their fruitfull offices condescended to goe with him into Fraunce to the Earle of Richemond In the meane season King Richard was credibly aduertised what promises and othes the Earle and his confederates had made and sworne and how by the Erles meanes all the English men were passed out of Britaine into Fraunce Wherefore being in manner desperate imagining howe to infringe the Earles purpose by an other meane so that by the mariage of Lady Elizabeth his niece he should pretend no clayme to the Crowne there came to his minde a thing not onely detestable but much more cruell to be put in execution for he cléerelye determined to reconcile to his fauour his brother wife Quéene Elizabeth and so by that meanes the Earle of Richemond of the affinitie of his Nice shoulde bée vtterly defrauded and if no ingenious remedie coulde bée otherwyse inuented if it shoulde happen Quéene Anne hys wyfe to departe out of this worlde then he himselfe woulde rather take to wyfe hys cosin and Nice
the Ladye Elizabeth than for lacke of that affinitie the whole Realme shoulde runne to ruyne Wherefore hée sent to the Quéene being in Sanctuarie diuers and often messengers whiche shoulde excuse hym of all things before agaynst hir attempted and after shoulde so largelye promyse promotions not onely to hir but to hir sonne Thomas Marques Dorset that they shoulde bryng hir if it were possible into some wan hope The Messengers so perswaded the Quéene that shée beganne somewhat to re●ent in so muche that shée faythfully promysed to yéelde hir selfe to the Kyngs wyll and pleasure And so shée first delyuered vnto Kyng Richardes handes hir fyue daughters Afterwarde shée sent letters to the Marques hir sonne beyng then at Paris wyth the Earle of Richemond wylling hym in any wyse to repayre into Englande where for him were prouided great honours assertayning hym that all offences on both parties were forgiuen and forgotten After that King Richarde hadde thus pleased the mutable mynde of Quéene Elizabeth he caused all hir daughters to bée conueyed into his Palace with solempne receyuing Nowe nothing was contrarie to his purpose ●ut that his mansion was not voyde of a wyfe and first 〈…〉 abstayned both from the bedde and companye of hys wyfe after he complayned to many of the infortunate barrennesse of his wife After this he procured a common rumor to be published among the common people that the Quéene was dead When the Quéen heard tell that so horrible a rumor of hir death was sprong amongst the communaltie she sore suspected the world to be almost at an ende with hir and not long after howsoeuer it fortuned the Quéene departed out of this life and was with due solemnitie buryed at Westminster The King thus losed out of the bonds of Matrimony began to cast a fancie to Lady Elizabeth hys Néece making much suite to haue hir ioyned with him in lawfull Matrimonie but bycause all men and the Mayden hir selfe most of all detested thys vnlawfull copulation hée determined to deferre the matter till he were in a more quiet case for all thys season he was oppressed with weighty affayres on euery syde considering that dayly parte of the Nobilitie sayled into France other priuily fauoured the Earle of Richmond amongst the noble men whome hée most suspected these were the principall Thomas Lorde Stanley Sir Wyllyam Stanley hys brother Gilbert Talbot and sixe hundred other of whose purpose though King Richard were ignorant yet he gaue no credence to any one of them and least of all to the Lord Stanley bycause he was ioyned in Matrimonie wyth the Lady Margaret mother to the Earle of Richmond for when the sayde Lorde Stanley would haue departed into hys Countrey the King in no wyse woulde suffer hym to departe before he had lefte as in hostage Anno reg 3. in the Courte George Stanley Lord Strange his first begotten sonne and heire Whyle Kyng Richarde was thus troubled sodeynely hée hearde newes that the Castell of Hames was delyuered into the handes of the Earle of Richmonde by the meanes of the Earle of Oxford and that not onely he but also Iames Blunt Captayne of the Castell were fledde into France to ayde the Earle of Richmond Henry Earle of Richmond obteyning of King Charles a small crue of men and borowing certayne summes of money of hym and of dyuers other hys priuate friendes hée departed from the French Court and came to the Citie of Roane Whyle he taryed there making prouision at Harefleete in the mouth of the Riuer of Seyne for all things necessarye for hys Nauye tydings were broughte to hym that Kyng Richarde béeyng wythout Children and a Widdower intended shortly to marrye wyth Lady Elizabeth hys brothers daughter whyche newes hée tooke of no small momente for thys thyng onely tooke away from all hys companyous theyr hope to obteyne an happye enterprise by reason whereof hée iudged that all hys friendes in Englande woulde shrinke from him yet notwithstanding Earle Henry of Richmonde bycause he woulde no longer linger and wéerie hys friendes lyuing betwéene hope and feare determined in all hast conuenient to sette forwarde and caryed to hys Shippes armour weapons vitiayle and all other ordinances expedient for warre which béeyng done onely accompanyed wyth two thousande men and a small number of Shyppes weyed vp hys Anckers and in the kalendes of August hée sayled from Harefleete wyth so prosperous a wynde that the seauenth day after Henry Earle of Richmond landed at Milford Hauen hée arriued in Wales in the euening at a Port called Milford Hauen and incontinente tooke lande and came to a place called Dale and at the Sunne rising remoued to Hereford West where he was receyued of the people wyth great ioy From thence he remoued to Cardigan fiue mile from Hereford West whether came to the Earle Richard Griffith with all his men and power After him the same day came Iohn Morgan wyth hys men Then the Earle aduanced forwarde making no abode in anye place and sodeynly hée was ascertayned that Sir Walter Harbert and Rice appe Thomas were in harnesse before hym readye to encounter wyth hys Armye and to stoppe theyr passage Wherefore he first determined to set vpon them and eyther to destroye or to take them into his fauour and after with all hys power to gyue battayle to King Richarde But to the intent his friendes shoulde knowe with what de●teritie he attempted his enterprise forwarde he sent messengers with letters and instructions to the Ladye Margaret his mother to the Lorde Stanley and his brother to Talbot and to other declaring to them that he holpe with the ayde of his friendes intended to passe ouer the riuer of Seuerne at Shrewsburie and so to passe directly to the Citie of London requiring them as his speciall trust was in the hope of their fidelitie that they woulde méete him by the waye with all diligent preparation When these messengers were departed he marched forward towardes Shrewsburie in his passage there mette and saluted him Rice ap Thomas with a goodly band of Welchmen which submitted himselfe whole to his order and commaundement In the meane tyme the messengers laden with rewardes returned to him the same daye that he entred into Shrewsburie and made relation to him that his friendes were readie in all poyntes to doe all things for him which they myghte doe The Earle Henrie continued his iourney and came to a little towne called Newporte and pitched his campe on a little hyll adioyning reposing himselfe there that nyghte In the Euenyng of the same day came to him sir George Talbot with the whole power of the young Earle of Shrewsburie then beyng in warde which were accounted ij thousand men And thus his power increasing he arriued at the Towne of Stafforde and there paused To whome came sir William Stanley accompanyed with a fewe persons After that the Earle departed from thence to Lytchfield and lay without the walles in campe all that night The
next morning he entred the towne and was lyke a Prince receiued A day or two before the Lorde Stanley hauing in his band almost fiue thousand men lodged in the same towne but hearing y e the Earle of Richemond was marching thetherward gaue to hym place dislodging him and his and repaired to a towne called Adrestone there abiding the comming of y e Earle and this he did to auoyde all suspition being afraide least if he should be séene openly to be a fawtor or ayder to the Earle his sonne in law before the day of batiayle that King Richard which yet did not vtterly put in him mistrust woulde put to some cruel death his sonne heire apparāt George Lord Strange whom King Richard had in hostage King Richard at this season kéeping his house in the Castle of Notingham was informed that the Earle of Richmond with such banished men as were fled out of England to him were arryued in Wales and that all things necessarie to his enterprise were vnpurueyed and very weake nothing méete to withstande the power of suche as the King hadde appointed to resist him yet notwithstandyng he sent to Iohn Duke of Norfolke Henrie Earle of Northumberlande Thomas Earle of Surrey and to other of hys trustie friendes willyng them to muster and viewe all theyr seruauntes and tenaunts and to electe the moste couragious and actiue persons of the whole number and with them to repaire to his presence with al spéede Also he wrote to Robert Brakenburie Lieutenaunt of y e Tower commaundyng him with his power to come to his armie to bring with him his fellows in armes T. Bouchier and sir Walter Hungerford and diuers other Knights Esquiers in whom he had cast no small suspition While he was thus ordring his affayres tidings came that the Earle of Richmond was passed Seuerne and come to Shrewsburie with out any detriment or encombraunce At which message he was sore mooued and cryed out on them that contrarie to their othe had deceyued him and in all haste sent out to viewe what way his enemyes kepte and passed it was declared to the king that the Earle was encamped at y e towne of Litchfield Wherof whē he had perfect knowledge he hauing cōtinuall repayre of his subiects to him he incōtinently made his battayles to set forwarde toward y e way where his enimies as was to him reported intended to passe and kéeping his array he with great pomp entred y ● towne of Leycester after the Sunne set The Earle of Richmond reysed his Campe from Lichfield to Tomworth and in the midde way passing there saluted him Sir Walter Hungerford and Sir Thomas Bourchier Knightes and diuers others which submitted themselues to his pleasure Diuers other noble personages likewise resorted to him withall their power There hapned in this progression to the Earle of Richmond a strange chance for he was not a little afrayd bycause he could not be assured of his father in law Thomas Lord Stanley whiche as yet enclyned to neyther partie wherfore the Earle accompanyed with twenty light horsemen lingring in his iourney behind his host in the meane while the whole armie came before the Towne of Tomworth and when he for darkenesse coulde not perceyue the steppes of them that passed on before and had wandred hyther and thither séeking after his companye he abode in a little Uillage about thrée miles from his armie where he tarried all night The next morning in the dawning he returned and by good fortune came to his Armie excusing himselfe not to haue gone out of his way by ignorance but of purpose this excuse made he priuily departed agayne to the downe of Aderstone where the Lorde Stanley and Sir William his brother with their bands were abiding then the Earle came to his father in law in a little Close where he saluted him and Sir William his brother and after consulted how to giue battayle to King Richard if he would abide whome they knew not to be farre off with an huge armie In the euening of the same day Sir Iohn Sauage Sir Brian San●ord Sir Simon Digby and many other leauing King Richarde turned and came to the Earle of Richmond with an elect companye of men In the meane season King Richard marched to a place méete for two battayles to encounter Battayle at Bosvvorth by a Uillage called Bosworth not farre from Leycester and there he pitched his field refreshed his Armie and tooke his rest The next day after King Richard being furnished with men and all abiliments of warre bringing all his men out of their Camp into y e playne ordered his forewarde in a maruellous length in which he appoynted both horsemen and footemen and in the forefront he placed the Archers Ouer this battayle was Captayne Iohn Duke of Norffolke with whome was Thomas Earle of Surrey hys sonne After this long vauntgard followed King Richarde with a strong company of approued men of warre hauyng horsemen for wings on both sides of his battayle After that the Earle of Richmond was returned from the communication wyth hys friendes hée wyth all diligence pitched hys Fielde iust by the Campe of hys Enimies and there he lodged that nighte In the morning betime he caused hys men to put on theyr armour and apparrell themselues to fight and gyue battayle and sente to the Lorde Stanley requiring hym wyth hys men to approche néere to hys armye and to helpe to set the Souldyers in array he answered the Earle shoulde sette hys owne men in good order whyle hée woulde come to hym in tyme conueniente The Earle made hys fore-warde somewhat single and slender according to the small number of hys people In the front hée placed the Archers of whome hée made Captayne Iohn Earle of Oxforde To the right wing of the Battayle he appoynted Sir Gilbert Talbot to be the leader To the lefte wing he assigned Sir Iohn Sauedge and hée wyth the ayde of the Lord Stanley accompanyed wyth the Earle of Pembrooke hauyng a good companye of horssemen and a small number of footemenne for all hys whole number excéeded not fyue thousande menne besyde the power of the Stanleys whereof thrée thousand were in the fielde vnder Sir William Stanley The Kyngs number was double so much or more When both these Armyes were thus ordred and all men ready to set forwarde King Richard called hys Chiefetaynes togyther perswadyng them to be valiaunt c. But his people were to him vnfaythfull in his ende as he was to hys Nephewes vntrue and vnnaturall in his begynnyng When the Earle of Richmond knewe that the King was so néere embattayled he rode aboute hys armie giuyng comfortable wordes to all men after the whiche he made to them a pithie Oration perswadyng them to haue the victorie for that they were to fyght in a iust quarrell he had scantlye finished hys saying but the one armye espyed the other betwéene bothe armyes there was a great marrishe which the Earle
lefte on hys ryght hande and so doyng he hadde the Sunne at hys backe and in the face of hys enemyes When the King sawe the Earles companye was passed the marrishe he commaunded wyth all haste to set vpon them the terrible shotte on both sides passed the armyes ioyned and came to hande strokes at whiche incounter the Lorde Stanley ioyned with the Earle The Earle of Oxforde in the meane season fearing least while his company was fighting they should be compassed of the enemies gaue commaundement that no man should go aboue x. foote frō the Standard which commaundement once knowne they kni● themselues together ceased a litle frō fighting the enemies sodainely abashed at the matter mistrusting some fraude began also to pause The Earle of Oxford bringing all his band together on the one part set on his enemies freshly againe the aduersaryes perceyuing that placed their men slender and thinne before and thicke and broade behynde begynnyng agayne the battayle Whyle the two fore wardes thus mortally foughte Kyng Richarde was admonished that the Earle of Richmond accompanyed wyth a small number of men of armes was not farre of and as he approched to hym he perfectly knewe hys personage and béeyng inflamed with yre he put hys spurres to hys horse and rode out of the side of the range of his battayle leauyng the vauntgardes fighting and wyth ●earein wrest ranne towarde him The Earle perceyued well the King furiou●lye comming towarde him and bycause the whole hope of his wealth and purpose was to bée determined by battayle ●e gladlye pr●fere●●● encounter with him body to body and man to man King Richarde set on so sharply at the first brunt that he ouerthrew the Earles standard and slew sir William Brandon his stāderdbearer and matched hand to hande with sir Iohn Cheny a man of great force and strength which would haue re●●s●ed him and the saide Iohn was by him man fully ouerthrowne and so he making open passage by dint of sworde as he went forwarde the Earle of Richmonde withstoode hys violence and kept him at the swords point longer than his companions thought which being almost in dispaire of victorie were sodainelye recomforted by sir William Stanley whiche came to succour with 3000. tall men at which very instaunt King Richards men were driuen backe and fled and he himselfe manfully fighting in the middle of his enimies was flaine In the meane season the Earle of Oxforde with the ayde of the Lorde Stanley after no long fight discō●ited the fore ward of King Richarde wherof a greate number were slaine in the chase but the greatest number y t came to the fielde neuer gaue stroke In this battaile died fewe aboue the number of a M. persons and of the Nobilitie were flaine Iohn Duke of Norffolke Walter Lord Ferrers of Chartley sir Richarde Ratclife and Robert Brakenburie liuetenāt of the Tower and not many Gentlemen moe sir William Catesby learned in the lawes of the Realme and one of the thiefe Counsellours to the late King with diuerse other were two dayes after beheaded at Leicester Amongst them that ranne awaye were Syr Frauncis Vicount Louel and Humfry Stafforde with Thomas Stafford his brother which toke Sanctuarie in Saint Iohns at Glocester On the Erle of Richmonds part wer slayn scarce 100. persons amongst whō the principal was sir William Brandon his standardbearer This battel was fought at Bosworth in Lecestershire the 22. of August in the yeare of our Lord. 1485. the whole conflict ●●udured little aboue two hours When the Earle had thus obtained the victorie he rendered thankes to God and after in his souldiours for their ●●●litie then the people cryed King Henry King Henry When the Lord Stanley sa●● the good will of the people he tooke the Crowne of Kyng Richarde whiche was founde amongest the spoile in the fielde and sette it on the Earles head as thoughe hée had béene elected Kyng by the voyce of the people After this the whole campe remoued to the Towne of Leicester where he rested two dayes In the meane season the dead corps of King Richarde was as shamefully carryed to the towne of Leicester as he gorgeouslye the daye before with pompe departed out of the same towne for his body● was naked to the skinne not so muche as one clowte aboute hym and was trussed behinde a Pursiuant of armes like a hogge or calfe the head and armes hanging on the one side of the horsse and the legs on the other side and all sprinckled with myre and bloud was brought to the Gray Friers Church within the town and there homely buried when he had raigned two yeres two moneths and one daye ¶ Henrie Erle of Richmonde HEnry the seauenth borne in Anno reg 1. Penbrooke Castell began his raigne the xxij of Auguste in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1485. He was a Prince of maruellous wisedom policie iustice temperaunce and grauitie and notwithstandyng manye and greate occasions of trouble and warre he kept his realme in right good order for the which he was greately reuerenced of forraine Princes On the forenamed xxij of August was a greate fyre Parson of Saint Mildreds bren● in Bred-streete of London in the whiche fire was brente the Parson of Saint Mildreds and one other man in the Parsonage there King Henry before his departure from Leicester sente sir Robert Willoughbey knight to the Manour of Sherenton in Yorke for Edwarde Plantagenet Earle of Warwike sonne and heire to George Duke of Clarence then being of the age of fifteene yeares and sente him vppe to the Tower of London where he was put vnder sure custody In the meane season the Kyng remoued towards London and when he had approched the Citie on the 27. of August the Maior magistrates and companies all clothed in violet met him at Shoredich and with great pompe conueyed him through the Citie to Saint Paules Church where hée offered his thrée standards one of Saint George the seconde a red Dragon the thirde a dun Cowe●after his prayers saide and Te Deum sung he departed to the Bishoppes Pallaice where he soiourned a season The Sweating beganne the one and twentith of September and continued till the ende of October of y e which sicknesse a wonderfull number dyed and in London besids other dyed Thomas Maior in whose place was chosen William Stocker who likewise deceased about seauen dayes after in which space departed other foure Aldermen Thomas Ilam Richard Ramson Thomas Norland and Iohn Stocker and then was chosen Maior Iohn Warde who continued til the feast of Simon and Iude. Iohn Tate Iohn Swan the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Hugh Brice Goldsmith the 28. of October On the euen of Sainte Simon and Iude king Henrie came from Kenington his house vnto Lambeth and there dyned w t Thomas Bourcher Archbishoppe of Canterburie Cardinal of Saint Ciria in Thermis And after dinner with a goodlye company of the estates of this Realme both spirituall
Lieuetenaunte of the Tower stayed them both and tooke bothe their Captaines and men The xvij of June the Terme was adiorned to Mihelmasse bycause of the sweating sicknesse that then raigned in the Citie of London and there was no such watch at Midsomer as before time had bin accustomed Ralph Waren Iohn Long the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Legate from Rome Sir Iohn Rudston Draper the 28. of October The seauenth of October came to London a Legate from Rome called Lawrence Campaius Cardinall and by the Kings gift Bishop of Salisburie who was lodged at Bath Place without Temple barre A prisoner brake from the Sessions hall at Newgate whē A prisoner brake from the Sessions house the Sessions was done which prisoner was brought downe out of Newgate in a Basket he séemed so weake but now in the end of the Sessions he brake through the people to the Grey Friers Church and there was kept sixe or seauen dayes Register of the Grey Friers ere the Sheriffes could speake with him and then bycause he would not abiure and aske a Crowner with violence they tooke him thence and cast hym agayne in prison but the law serued not to hang him Commissioners were sent some to Oxford some to Cambridge some to Louayne Paris Orleance Bonony Padua c. to knowe the opinions of the learned in those Uniuersities concerning the marriage betwixt King Henry and Quéene Katherine sometime his brothers wife which marriage séemed to them to bée vnlawfull as was affirmed vnder the perticular seale of euery Uniuersititie In the moneths of Aprill May June and July Cardinall 1527 Campeius the Legate with Cardinall Wolsey sate at the Blacke Friers in London where before them was brought Anno reg 21 in question the Kings mariage with Quéene Katherine as to be vnlawfull where these two Legates sate as Judges The Kings mariage vvith Queene Katherine called in question at the Blacke Friers before whome the King and Quéene were assited and sommoned to appeare The Court was platted in tables and benches in manner of a Consistorie one seate reysed higher for the Judges to sitte in then as it were in the midst of the said Judges al oft aboue them thrée degrées high was a cloth of Estate hanged with a Chaire royall vnder the same wherein sate the King and besides him some distance from him sate the Quéene and vnder the Judges féete sate the Scribes and other officers the chiefe Scribe was Doctor Stephens and the caller of the Court was one Cooke of Winchester Then before the King and the Judges within the Court sate the Archbishop of Canterbury Warham and all the other Bishops Then stoode at both endes within the Counsellours learned in the Spirituall Lawes as well the Kings as the Quéenes The Doctors of Law for the King were Doctor Simpson Doctor Bell and diuers other and Proctors on the same side were Doctor Peter Doctor Tregon●ll with others On the other side for the Quéene were Doctor Fisher Doctor Standish and Doctor Ridley Thus was the Court furnished The Judges commanded silence whilest their commisson was red both to the Court and to the people assembled That done the Scribes commaunded the Crier to call the King by the name of King Henry of England come into the Court c. with that the King answered and sayde héere then called hée the Quéene by the name of Katherine Quéene of Englande come into the Court c. who made no answere but rose out of hir Chaire and bycause she could not come to the King directly for the distance seuered betwéene them she wente aboute by the Court and came to the King knéeling downe at hys féete to whome she sayde in effect as followeth Sir quoth she I desire you to do me iustice and right and take some pitie vpon me for I am a poore woman and a Stranger borne out of your Dominion hauing héere no indifferent Counsell and lesse assurance of Frendship Alas Sir what haue I offended you or what occasion of displeasure haue I shewed you intending thus to put me from you after this sorte I take God to my Judge I haue bin to you a true and humble wife euer confirmable to your will and pleasure that neuer contraryed or gaynesayde any thing thereof and béeing alwayes contented with all things wherein you had anye delight whether little or much without grudge or displeasure I loued for your sake all them whome you loued whether they were my friendes or enimies I haue bin your wife these twentye yeares and moe and you haue had by me dyuers Children if there be any iust cause that you can alledge agaynste me eyther of dishonestie or matter lawfull to put me from you I am contente to departe to my shame and rebuke and if there be none then I pray you to let me haue Justice at youre hande The King your father was in hys tyme of excellente witte and the King of Spayne my Father Ferdinando was reckned one of the wisest Princes that raigned in Spayne many yeares before it is not to be doubted but that they had gathered as wise Counsellours vnto them of euery Realme as to their wisedomes they thought méete who thought the marriage betwéene you and me good and lawfull c. wherefore I humblye desire you to spare me untill I may knowe what councell my friendes in Spayne wyll aduertise me to take and if you will not then youre pleasure bée fulfilled and wyth that she arose vp making a low curtesie to the King and departed from thence The King béeyng aduertised that she was ready to goe out of the house commanded the Crier to call hir agayne who called hir by these wordes Katherine Quéene of Englande come into the Courte wyth that quoth Mayster Griffith Madame you bée called agayne on on quoth she it maketh no matter I wyll not tarrie goe on youre wayes and thus she departed wythoute anye further aunswere at that tyme or anye other and neuer woulde appeare after in any Court The King perceyuing she was departed sayde these wordes in effect For as much quoth he as the Quéene is gone I will in hir absence declare onto you all She hathe bene to me as true as obediente and as confirmable a wife as I would wish or desire she hath all the vertuous qualities that ought to be in a woman of hir dignitie or in any other of a baser estate she is also surely a noble woman borne hir conditions will well declare the same with that quoth the Cardinall Wolsey Sir I most humbly require your highnesse to declare before all this audience whether I haue bin the chiefe and first mouer of this matter vnto your Maiestie or no for I am greatly suspected héerein My Lord Cardinall quoth the King I can well excuse you in this matter mary quoth he ye haue bin rather against me in the tempting héereof than a setter forward or mouer of the same the speciall cause
that at ●●ght of the clocke they shoulde lose their Maister Here is the ende and fall of Pride arrogancie of men Example of pride and arrogancie exalted by fortune to dignities for in hys tyme he was the haughtiest man in all hys procéedings alyue hauing more respecte to the honor of his person than he had to his spirituall profession wherein should be shewed all méekenesse 〈◊〉 a●● charitie The Cleargie of Englande beyng iudged by the Kings The Cleargie condemned in the Premunire learned Councel to be in the premunire for maintaining y ● power Legan●ine of the Cardinall were called by pro●e●● into the Kings Bench to aunsweare wherefore in their conuocation they concluded a submission where in they called the King Supreme head of the Church of England and were contented to giue the King 100000. poundes to pardon King Henrie supreame head their offences touching y ● premunire by acte of Parliamēt The fift of Aprill one Richard Rose a Cooke was boyled 1531 A Cooke boyled in Smithfielde for poysoning of diuers persons at the Bishop of Rochesters place King Henrie purchased the Hospitall of Saint ●ames ●éere to Charing Crosse and al the medows to the same adioyning Anno reg 23 The Kings house at Saint Iames. gyuing the sisters of the house pencions during their liues and then builded thereof a goodly Mansion with a Parke whiche he caused to be walle● about with Bricke The 〈◊〉 of August Thomas Bilney a Bacheler T. Bylney burned of Law 〈…〉 Norwich Richard Gresham 〈◊〉 Alth●●●●h● 28. of September Sherifes Maior Rice Griffyn executed Sir Nicholas Lambard G●●cer the 28. of October The fourth of December sir Rice Gryffyn was beheaded at the Tower hill and buryed at the Crossed Friers Iohn Hewes hys man 〈◊〉 to Tybor●● hanged and quartered The 17. of May deceassed Robert Thorne Bacheler and Merchant Taylour of London who gaue by his Testament his debts firste being paide is to be destributed in the citie Robert Thom his charitie in the Citie of London of London 500. l. to pore housholders in the xxv Wardes 20. l. in euery warde To reléeue prisoners in the Counters 50. l. To pore Maides mariages 50. l. To the foure prisons about London Newgate Ludgate Kings bench Marshalsea 100. l. To Aldermarie Church in London 10. l. Summe 710. poundes In the Citie of Bristow to the making vppe of the Frée Robert Thorn● his charitie in the tovvne of Bristovve schoole of Saint Bartholomew 300. l. to be diuided in the parishes among the poore housholders 300. l. to the redemption of the frée farme of prisage there 200. l. to the Almes houses there 100. l. to Thomas Moffit Maister of the Grammer Schoole 25. l. and to Robert his sonne 10. l. to the poore prisoners in Bristowe 50. l. to poore maides Mariages there 50. l. towarde making of a place for Merchants for the stréete in Bristow 100. l. to the repayring of hyghe wayes from Camer Marche to Bristow at the discretion of his executors as néede requyred and to the other high ways about Bristow 100. l. to Saint Nicholas Churche in Bristowe 20. l. to the four orders of Friers there euerye order 20. l. more to the prisoners of Bristowe 100. l. to the Chamber of Bristow 300. l. for the prouision of corne and wood more to the Chamber 500. l. to the reléefe of yong men that practise Clothing to the pore people of Bristow 500. l. And ouer and besides all this to be distributed in déedes of Charitie at the discretion of his executors 1000. l. Summe 3735. poundes Legacies to his sisters children other kindred amounted to 5142. l. 6. s̄ 8. d. His debts forgiuē wer 83. l. 5. s̄ 10. d. The residue of hys goods he gaue to his brother Nicholas Thorne The 28. of May Fryer Forrest was put in prison for contrarying Frier Forrest the Preacher before the King The othe which the Clergie had vsed to make to the Bishop Clergy svvor●e to the King of Rome was made voyde by statute a new othe confirmed wherein they cōfessed the king to be Supreme head The fiftéenth of May sir Thomas Moore after great sute Si● Thomas Moore made by him was discharged of the Chancelorship The fourth of June the King dubbed Thomas Audeley Lorde Audley made Lorde Chauncelour Knight made him kéeper of the greate Seale and not long after Lord Chancelor The fiftéenth of June fiue men were hanged and quartred Coyners and Clyppers executed Christes Church suppressed at Tower hill for coyning and clypping In the Moneth of July the King suppressed the Priorie of Christ church in London he sent the Chanons of that house to other Priories and gaue their Church plate and lands to sir Thomas Audley The thrée and twentith of Auguste William Warham Archebyshoppe of Canterburie deceassed The King repayred the Tower of London The firste of September the Lady Anne Bolleine was Marchionesse of Penbrooke made Marchionesse of Pembrooke at Windsore and then was gyuen hir by the King one thousande pounde by yeare The eleuenth of October King Henrie landed at Calleis with the Duke of Richemonde hys bastarde sonne the Duke of Norffolke Lord Treasurer of England the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse of Excester the Erles of Darby Arundale Oxforde Surrey and Rutlande the Vicount Lisle King Edwarde the fourth his bastarde sonne the Lord Matrauers the Lord Sands Lorde Chamberlaine of the Kings house the Lorde William Hawarde the Lorde Bray the Lorde Montague the Lorde Cobham the Lorde Mordant the Lorde Dawbney the Lorde Grey the Lord Clinton the Lorde Vaux the Lorde Mountegle the Lorde Rocheford wyth diuers other Lordes the Bishoppes of Winchester London Lincolne and Bathe sir William Fitz William treasourer of the kings house sir William Pawlet Comptroller sir William Kingstone Capitaine of the Guarde sir Iohn Page sir Iames Boleine sir Anthony Browne sir Edwarde Neuell sir Thomas Cheyney sir Iohn Russell sir Richard Page sir Ralph Eldercare sir Edward Baynton sir Edwarde Santener sir Griffyth Deene sir Iohn Dudley sir Iohn Femer sir Henry Long sir Anthony Hungerforde sir Iohn Brudges sir Arthur Hoptō sir Anthony Wingfielde sir William Paston sir Edmonde Bedingfielde sir Thomas Strange sir William Hawte sir Edwarde Wotton sir William Askewe sir Iohn Marleant sir William Barington sir William Essex sir Giles Strangweis sir Edwarde Chamberlaine sir Giles Caple sir Iohn Sent-Iohn sir Walter Hungerforde sir William Gascoine sir Lionel Norrice sir Edwarde Boloine sir Thomas Lisle sir Iohn Ashton sir Thomas Palmer sir William Boloine sir William Finche sir William Pellam sir Thomas Rotherham sir Iohn Norton sir Richarde Sandes sir Iohn Neuell and thyrtie Esquiers with manye Gentlemenne and all theyr traines The towne of Calleis had at thys season xxiiij C. beddes and stabling for two thousande horses besides the Uillages about The xxj of October King Henrie rode towarde Boloigne and was by the
Suffolke the Marques Dorcet the Earle of Wiltshire hir father the Earles of Arundale Darby Rutland Worcester Huntington Sussex Oxforde and many Byshops and Noble men euerye one in hys Barge whyche was a goodly sight to beholde shée thus being accompanyed rowed towardes the Tower and in the meane waye the Shippes whyche were commanded to lye on the shoare for letting of the Barges shotte dyuers peales of Gunnes and ere she landed there was a maruellous shotte out of the Tower I neuer hearde the like and at hir landing there mette wyth hir the Lord Chamberlaine with the officers of Armes and brought hir to the King whych receyued hir with louing countenance at the Posterne by the water side and kissed hir and then shée turned backe agayne and thanked the Mayor and the Citizens wyth manye goodly wordes and so entred into the Tower After whyche entrye the Citizens all this while houered before the Tower makyng greate melodie went not alande for none were assigned to lande but the Maior the Recorder and two Aldermen but to speake of the people that stoode on euerye shoare to beholde this sighte hée that sa●e it not will not beléeue it On Friday at dinner serued the King all suche as were appoynted by hys Highenesse to be Knights of the Bathe whiche after dinner were brought to their Chambers and that nighte were bathed and shriuen according to the olde vsage of Englands and the nexte daye in the morning the King dubbed them according to the ceremonies thereto belonging whose names here after ensue ninetéene in number The Marques Dorcet The Earle of Darby The Lord Clifford sonne and heire to the Earle of Comberland The Lord Fitz Walter sonne and heire to the Earle of Huntington The Lord Mountague The Lorde Vaux Sir Henrie Parker sonne and heyre to the Lorde Merle Sir William Winsore sonne and heyre to the Lorde Winsore Sir Iohn Mordant sonne and heyre to the Lorde Mordant Sir Frauncis Weston Sir Thomas Arondale Sir Iohn Hudlestone Sir Thomas Poynings Sir Henry Sauell Sir George Fitz William of Lincolnshire Sir Iohn Tindale Sir Tomas Ierney On Saterday the one and thirtith of May the Quéene The conueying of Queen Anne through the Citie to VVestm was conueyed through London in order as followeth To the intente that the horses shoulde not slide on the pauement nor that the people shoulde be hurte by horses and the highe stréetes where throughe the Quéene should passe were all graueled from the Tower vnto Temple barre and rayled on eche side wythin whiche raile stoode the Craftes along in their order from Grace Churche where the Merchauntes of the Stiliarde stoode vntill the lyttle Conduite in Cheape where the Aldermen stoode and on the other side of the stréete stoode the Conestables of the citie apparelled in Ueluet and Silke wyth greate staues in their handes to cause the people to giue roume and kéepe good order and when the stréetes were somewhat ordered the Mayor in a gowne of Crimosin veluet and a riche collar of Esses with two footemen clothed in white and red damaske rode to the Tower to giue hys attendaunce on the Quéene on whome the Sherifes with their officers did awaite till they came to the Tower hill where they taking their leaue rode downe the high stréetes commaunding the Conestables to sée roume and good order kept and so wente and stoode by the Aldermen in Cheape and before the Quéen with hir traine should come Grace-streete and Cornehill were hanged with fine Scarlet Crimosin and other grayned clothes and in some places with riche Arras and the moste part of Cheape was hanged with cloth of Tisshew Golde Ueluet and many riche hangings whyche made a goodlye shewe and all the windowes were replenished with Ladies and Gentlewomen to beholde the Quéene and hir traine as they shoulde passe by The firste of the Quéenes company that sette forwarde were twelue French men belonging to the Frenche Embassadoure clothed in contes of blewe Ueluet wyth sléeues of yellow and blew Ueluet their horses trapped with close trappers of blewe sarsenet powdred with white Crosses After them marched Gentlemen Esquiers Knights two and two after them the Iudges after them the Knights of the Bathe in violet gownes with hoods purfled with Miniuer like Doctors after them Abbots then Barons after them Bishoppes the Earles and the Marquesses then the Lorde Chanceloure of Englande after hym the Archebyshoppe of Yorke and the Embassadoure of Venice after them the Archebyshoppe of Caunterburie and the Embassadour of Fraunce after rode twoo Esquyers of honor wyth robes of estate rolled and worne Bauldrike-wise aboute their neckes wyth Cappes of estate representing the Dukes of Normandie and Aquitaine after them rode the Mayor of London wyth hys Mace and Garter in hys Coate of Armes whyche bare also hys Mace of Westminster hall after them rode the Lorde Wyllyam Howarde wyth the Marshalls rod deputy to hys brother the Duke of Norffolke Marshall of Englande whyche was Embassadoure then in Fraunce and on hys righte hande rode Charles Duke of Suffolk for that daye highe Conestable of Englande bearing the warder of siluer appertayning to the office of Conestableshippe and all the Lordes for the moste parte were clothed in Crimosin Ueluet and all the Quéenes seruauntes or officers of Armes in Scarlet next before the Quéene rode hir Chancelor bare headed the Sergeaunts and Officers at Armes rode on both the sides of the Lords then came the Quéene in a white Litter of white cloth of Golde not couered nor bailled whyche was ledde by twoo Palfreys clad in white Damaske downe to the grounde heade and all ledde by hir footemen shée hadde on a Kertle of white cloth of Tissue and a Mantle of the same surred wyth Ermyn hir haire hangyng downe but on hir heade shée hadde a coy●e wyth a Circlet aboute it full of ryche stones ouer hir was borne a Canapie of Cloth of Golde wyth foure guylte staues and foure siluer Belles for bearyng of the whyche Canapie were appoynted sixetéene Knightes foure to beare it one space on foote and foure an other space according to their owne appoyntment nexte after the Quéene rode the Lorde Browghe hir Chamberlayne nexte after him Wyllyam Coffim master of hir horses leading a spare horse wyth a syde Saddell trapped downe wyth cloth of Tissewe after hym rode seauen Ladies in Crimosin Ueluet turned vppe wyth Cloth of Golde and of Tissewe and theyr horses trapped wyth Golde after them twoo Chariots couered wyth redde cloth of Golde in the firste Chariote were twoo Ladies whyche were the olde Dutchesse of Norffolke and the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet in the seconde Chariot were foure Ladyes all in Crimosin Ueluet after them rode seauen Ladyes in the same sute their horses trapped and all after them came the thyrde Charyot all in white wyth syxe Ladyes in Crimosin Ueluet nexte to them came the fourth Chariot all red with eyghte Ladyes also in Crimosin after whome followed thirtie Gentlewomen all in
at Grenevviche Henrie Norice and other From this Iustes King Henrie sodainely departed to Westminster hauing only with him sixe persons of which sodayne departure many menne maruelled On the nexte morrowe the Lorde Rocheford brother to the Quéene and Henrie Norrice were brought to the Tower of London prisoners Also the same daye aboute fiue of the clocke in the afternoon Quéene Anne Bolleine was brought to the Tower of London by sir Thomas Audley Lord Chancelour the Duke of Norffolke Thomas Cromwell Secretary and sir William Kingston Constable of the Tower and when she came to the Tower gate entring in she fell on hir knées before the saide Lordes beséeching God to helpe hir as shée was not guiltie of that whereof she was accused and then desired the saide Lordes to beséeche the Kings Grace to bée good vnto hir and so they lefte hir there prisoner On the xv of May Quéene Anne was arraigned in the Tower of London on a Scaffold for y ● purpose made in y ● kings Hall before the Duke of Norffolke who sate vnder y e cloth of Estate as high Steward of England with the Lord Chancellour on his right hand the Duke of Suffolke on his left hande with Marquesses and Lords c. and the Earle of Surrey sate before the Duke of Norffolke his father as Earle Marshall of England The Kings commission being redde the Connestable of the Tower the Lieutenant brought the Quéene to the barre where was made a Chaire for hir to sit downe in and there hir inditement was redde whervnto she made so wise and discrete answeres that she séemed fully to cléere hirselfe of all matters layd to hir charge but being tried by hir Péeres wherof the Duke of Suffolke was chiefe she was by them found giltie and had iudgement pronounced by the Duke of Norffolke and immediatly the Lord Rochford the Quéenes brother was likewise arraigned and condemned the Maior of London his bréetherne the Aldermen the Wardens and four persons moe of euery the twelue principall companyes béeing present The xvij of May the Lorde Richford brother to the Quéene Henry Norris Marke Smeton William Brierton and Francis Weston all of the Kings priuie Chamber about matters touching the Quéene were beheaded on the Tower hill the Lord Rochfords body with the head was buryed in the Chappell of the Tower the other four in the Church-yard there On the xix of May Quéene Anne was on a Scaffold made for that purpose vpon the gréene within the Tower of London beheaded with the sword of Caleis by the handes of the hangman of that Towne hir body with the head was buryed in the Quéere of the Chappell in the Tower The xx of May the King marryed Lady Iane daughter King Henry married Lady Iane. to Sir Iohn Seymour Knight which at Whitsontide was openly shewed as Quéene and on Tuesday in the Whitson wéeke Sir Edwarde Seymour was created Uicount Beauchamp and Sir Walter Hungerford made Lorde Hungerford The eyght of June beganne a Parliamente and the Articles of Religion deuised by the King Cleargie held a Conuocation in Paules Churche where after much disputing and debating of matters they published a Booke of Religion entituled Articles deuised by the Kings highnesse On Saint Peters night the King Quéene stoode at the Mercers Hall and saw the watch The xxix of June the King held a great iusting triumph at Westminster where were ordeyned two Lighters made Triumph at VVestminster like Shippes to fight vpō the water one of the which brast in the midst whereby one Gates Gentleman a seruant of Maister Kneuits was drowned in his harneis In the other a Gunne brast hir Chamber maymed two of y e mariners Thomas Cromwell Secretary to the King and Mayster of the Rolles was made Lord Kéeper of the priuie Seale The ix of July the Lord Fitzwaren was created Earle of Bath and y e morrow after Thomas Cromwell was made Lord Cromwell The xviij of July Lord Thomas Cromwell Thomas Cromvvell Lord priuie Seale vicar generall was made Knight and high vicar generall ouer the Spiritualty vnder the King and sate diuers times in the Conuocation among the Bishops as head ouer them The xxij of July Henry Duke of Richmond and Somerset Henry Duke of Richmount Earle of Northampton a Bastard sonne of King Henry borne of the Lady Taileboise that time called Elizabeth Blunt dyed at Saint Iames and was buryed at Thetford in Norffolke This moneth of July Lord Thomas Howarde Lord Thomas Hovvard sent to the Tovver yongest brother to the Duke of Norffolke was sente to the Tower of London for making a priuie contract of Matrimonie with the Lady Margaret Dowglas daughter to y e Quéene of Scottes by the Earle of Anguish and néece to King Henry of England the said Lord Thomas was attaint by Parliament and also the saide Lady Margaret Dowglas was after committed to the Tower for the same In September Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Seale and Uizgerent sent out vnder the Kings Spiritual Seale certayne Iniunctions to the Prelates and Cleargie of the Realme charging Curates to preach and to teache their parishners the Pater noster Aue and Creede the Commaundements Pater noster creede and commandements articles of y e faith in English with other articles In the beginning of October at a Sise for the Kings Commotion in Lincolneshire Subsidie kept in Lincolneshire the people made an insurrection and gathered nye twenty thousand persons who tooke certayne Lords and Gentlemen of the Countrey causing them to be sworne to them vpon certayne Articles whiche they had deuised and such as refused to sweare they kepte prisoners and beheaded a Priest who was the Bishop of Lincolnes Chancellour Against those the King did send the Commotion appeased Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Shrewshurie and the Earle of Rutland with a strong power whereof when the Rebelles heard they desired pardon brake vp their armye and departed home but their Captaynes were apprehended and executed The ix of October a Priest and a Butcher were hanged A Priest and a Butcher executed at Windsore for wordes speaking in the behalfe of the Lincolneshiremen y e Butcher wished y e good fellowes as he tearmed them in Lincolneshire to haue the flesh on his stall rather than to sell it at such price as he was offered the Priest standing by likewise wished them to haue it for he said they had néede of it The men of Lincolneshire being pacifyed within sixe dayes Commotion in Yorkeshire after began an insurrection in Yorkeshire for the same causes there people gathered to the number of fortie thousand who tooke the Archbishop of Yorke and the Lord Darcy and caused them to be sworne to their partie Agaynste those Rebelles the Kyng sente the Duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Shrewshurie and the Marquesse of Excester wyth a greate Armye wyth whome a Battayle was appoynted to haue béene
foughte on the euen of Saint Simon and Iude but as God woulde there fell suche rayne the nighte before that the two Armyes coulde not méete wherevppon they desyred the Duke of Northfolke to sue vnto the Kyngs Maiestie for theyr pardon and that they myghte haue their liberties c. whyche the Duke promised and rode poste to the Kyng then lying at Windesore to know his pleasure and so appeased them Sir Robert Aske Commotion appeased that was chiefe of this Rebellion came to London and was not only pardoned but rewarded with great giftes Sir Ralph Euers kept Skarbrow Castel in the North béeing Sir Ralph Euers his good seruice in the North. sixe wéekes beséeged by the Rebelles twentye dayes whereof he and all his companye whiche were his onely friends seruants and tenants and serued for good will to him were forced to susteyne themselues with bread and water and yet kept the same safe to the end of the sayd Rebellion and so deliuered it to King Henry who sente hym soone after to serue in the bordures against Scotland where in great credite he continued his seruice kéeping the Scottes without doing hurt to England and with such obedience of them as within twentie miles of the bordures of Scotlande fore against him there was not a Scotte but at his commandement and so continued till he was killed in Anno 1545. Robert Paget Mer. Taylor William Bowyer the 28. of Se. Sherifes Maior Sir Ralph Warreine Mercer the 28. of October The xij of Nouember Sir Thomas Newman Priest bare a faggot at Pawles Crosse for singing Masse with good ale Penaunce at Paules crosse The xiij of Nouember Maister Robert Pagington a Mercer of London was slaine with a gunne as he was going to Robert Pagington murthered morrow Masse to Saint Thomas of Akers nowe called the Mercers Chappell but the murtherer was neuer openly knowne till by his owne confession made when he came to the Gallowes at Banbery where he was hanged for felonie The 22. of December the Thames being frozen the king and Quéene Iane rode through London to Greenewich The third of February was Thomas Fitzgarret sonne The Barle of Kildare and fine of his Vnckle 's executed and heire to the Earle of Kildare beheaded and fi●e of hys Unckles drawne hanged and quartered at Tiborne for Treason In the same moneth Nicholas Musgraue Thomas Gilby and other stirred a new Rebellion and beséeged the A nevv commotion in Yorkeshire Another conspiracie Citie of Carelile from whence they were driuen and many of them taken and put to death Also the same moneth Sir Francis Bigot Sir Robert Constable and other beganne● conspiracie and for the same were attaynted The xxix of March were twelue men of Lincolne drawne 1537 to Tiborne and there hanged quartered fiue were priestes and sea●en were lay men one was an Abbot a Suffragan Lincolneshir● men executed Doctor Mackerell another was the Uicar of Louthe in Lincolneshire and two Priests In Aprill through certayne commissions sent into Sommersetshire Anno reg 29 A commotion in Sommersetshire to take vp Corne the people began to make an insurrection which was by Mayster Pawlet and other alayed the beginners to the number of thréescore were condemned whereof fourtéene were hanged and quartered one of them was a woman In June the Lord Darcy the Lord Hussey Sir Robert Constable Sir Thomas Percy Sir Francis Bigot Sir Stephen Hamelton Sir Iohn Bulmer and his wife William Lomley Nicholas Tempest Esquier Robert Aske William Thurst Abbot of Fountaynes Adam Sodbury Abbot of Ger●ax the Abbot of Riuers William Wold Prior of Birlington were all put to death Sir Robert Constable at Hull ouer the gate called Beuerley gate Aske hanged in chaynes on a Tower at Yorke Margaret Cheyny otherwise Lady Boulmer burned in Smithfield Lorde Darcy beheaded at Tower hill Lord Hussey at Lincolne and the other sixe in number suffered at Tiborne The xxvj of August the Lord Cromwell Lorde priuie Seale was made Knight of the Garter The xij of October about two of the clocke in the morning Prince Edvvard borne was borne at Hampton Court Prince Edwarde and Quéene Iane his mother left hir life the xiiij of October The xviij of October y e Prince was made Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Earle of Chester Edward Seymour Lord Beauchamp the Quéenes brother was made Earle of Hertford and Sir William Fitz William Lord Admirall was made Earle of Hampton and Mayster Pawlet was made Uiztreasurer Sir Iohn Russell Comptroller of the kings house Mayster Henedge Maister Long Mayster Kneuet of the Kings priuie Chamber Knightes Mayster Coffin Mayster Listar and Mayster Seimour the Quéenes brother Knightes Iohn Gresham Thomas Lewen the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Richard Gresham Mercer the 28. of October The xviij of October Edward Uiscount Beauchamp was created Earle of Hertford and Sir William Fitz william States created Lord Admirall was created Earle of Southampton at Hampton Court The same day and in the same place were made these Knightes Sir Thomas Hennedge Sir Thomas Seymer Sir Richard Long Sir William Coffin Sir Michaell Listar and Sir Henry Kneuet On Alhallowen euen Lord Thomas Howard brother to Lord Thomas Hovvard deceassed the Duke of Norffolke dyed prisoner in the Tower of London and was buryed at Thetford and then the Lady Margaret Dowglas was pardoned and releassed out of the Tower The xij of Nouember the corpse of Quéene Iane was with great solemnitie conuayde from Hampton Court toward Windsore and there buryed The xxiiij of February being Sonday the Roode of Roode of grace shevved at Povvles Boxley in Kent called the Roode of Grace made with dyuers vices to moue the eyes and lippes was shewed at Powles Crosse by the Preacher which was Bishop of Rochester and there it was broken and plucked in péeces The xxv of February Sir Iohn Allen Priest and also an Irish Gentleman of the Garets were hanged and quartered at Tiborne The second of March the Image of the Roode called Saint Sauiour at Bermondsey Abbey in Southwarke was taken down Saint Sauiour in Southvvarke by the Kings commandement The xxj of March Henry Harfam Customer of P●●m●●●●● Thomas Ewell were hāged quartered at Tiborne The xxij of May Frier Forest was hanged by the midle in a chaine of Iron and then brent in Smithfield for denying 1538 Anno reg 30 Frier Forest brent the King to be supreme head of the Church c. with hym was brent the Image of Daruell Gatherine of Wales and the next night following the Roode at Saint Margaret Paitins by Tower streete was broken all to p●eces with his Tabernacle that he stoode in The xxvij of May was a great fire in Saint Margaret Fire in R●●d● Lane Patins Parish among the Basketmakers where were brent and perished in thrée houres aboue a dozen houses and nine persons cleane brent to death Battayle Abbey
Martin Abboy Stra●ford Abbey Lewis and Abbeys suppressed other were suppressed to the Kings vse The Images of our Lady of Walsingham and Ipswich were brought vp to London with all the Iewels that hung aboute them and diuers other Images both in England and Wales wherevnto any common Pilgrimage was vsed for a●oy●ng of Idolatrie all which were brente at Chelsey by the Lord priuie seale The ix of August Edmond Conisby one of the groomes of the Kings Chamber was executed at Tiborne for counterfeting the Kings Seale manuell The firste of September being Sonday one Gratnell Hangman hanged Hangman of London and two other were hanged at the Wrestling place by Clarken well for robbing a Booth in Bartholmew Faire The second of September Edward Clifford Gentlemā was executed at Tiborne for counter●etting the Kings priuie Signet This moneth of September Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Seale Uizgerent to the Kings highnesse sente foorth The Bible in euery Church to be redde iniunctions to all Bishops and Curats through y e Realme charging them to sée that in euery parish Church the Bible of the largest volume printed in English were placed for all men to reade on and that a Booke of Register were also Register booke in euery Church to be kept prouided and kept in euery parish Churche wherein shall be written euery Wedding Christning and Burying within the same parish foreuer Saint Austi●● Abbey at Ca●terbury was suppressed and the Shriue and goodes taken to the Kings it ●easurie as also the Shrine of Thomas Becket in the Priory of Christ Church Thomas Becket ●●ent was likewise taken to the Kings vse and his bones scull and all which was there found with a péece broken out by the wound of his death were all brent in the same Church by the Lord Cromwell The Monkes there were commanded to change their habites c. The xxj of October the Churche of Thomas Becket in London called the Hospitall of Saint Thomas of Akers was suppressed William Wilkinson Nicholas Gibson the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Sir William Forman Haberdasher the 28. of October This Nicholas Gibson Grocer Sheriffe of London builded a frée Schoole at Radcliffe néere vnto London appoynting Free Schoole and Almes houses at Radcliffe to the same for the instruction of thréescore poore mens children a Schoolemayster and Usher with a stipend of tenne pound by the yeare to the Mayster and sixe ● xiij ● iiij ● to the Usher He also builded there certayne Almes houses for fourtéene poore and aged persons who quarterly receiue sixe shillings eyght pence the péece for euer The fifth of Nouember were Henry Marquesse of Excester Earle of Deuonshire and Sir Henry Poole Knight Lord Mo●ntacute and Sir Edward Neuill sent to the Tower who were endited for deuising to maynteyne promote and aduance one Reignald Poole late Deane of Excester enemie to the King beyond the sea and to depriue the King The xvj of Nouember the blacke Friers in London was suppressed the next day the white Friers the grey Friers Friers suppressed and the Monkes of the Charterhouse and so all the other immediatly The xxij of Nouember Iohn Lambert was brente in Lambart brent Smithfield The xxiiij of Nouember the Bishop of Rochester preached at Pawles Crosse and there shewed the bloude of Bloud of Hales shevved at Pavvles Crosse Hales and affirmed the same to be no bloud but Honey clarified and coloured with Saffrone as it had bin euidently proued before the King and his Counsell Also ●●ur● Anabaptistes thrée men and one woman all Dutch bare Anabaptistes ●aggots at Paules Crosse the same day The xxix of Nouember a man and a woman Dutch Anabaptistes were brent in Smithfield The ninth of January were Henry Marquesse of Excester Earle of Deuonshire executed Earle of Deuonshire and the Lord Mountacute and Sir Edward Neuill beheaded on the Tower hill Two Priestes Croftes and Colins and Holand a Mariner were hanged and quartered at Tiborne Sir Geffrey Poole was pardoned On Ashe wednesday were Iohn Ioanes Iohn Potter and Execution in Poules Church-yard William Mannering hanged in Paules Church-yard for killing of Roger Cholmeley Esquier in the same place The third of March Sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington in Sur●ey Knighte of the Garter and mayster of the Kings Horsse was beheaded at the Tower hill for béeing of counsell with Henry Marques of Excester and Henry Poole Lorde Mountacute The ix of March the King created Sir Williā States created Pawlet Knight Treasurer of houshold Lord Saint Iohn and Sir Iohn Russell Comptroller of his houshold Lorde Russell Sir William Parre Lord Parre The new Abbey of white Monkes at the Tower hill and the Minories Nunnes without Aldgate were suppressed ●n the last of March. The xxviij of Aprill beganne a Parliamente in the 1539 which Margaret Countesse of Salisburie Gertrude wife to the Marquesse of Excester Reignold Poole Sir Adrian Anno reg 31 Fortescue and Thomas Dingley Knight of Saint Iohns and diuers other were attaynted and all the Religious houses in England suppressed and not suppressed were graunted to the King for euer The viij of May the Citizens of London mustered at the Great muster a● London Miles end all in bright harneys with coates of white silke ●● cloth and cheynes of gold in thrée great Battayles the number was fiftéene thousand beside wyfflers and other awayters who in goodly order passed through London to Westminster and so through the Sanctuary and round about the Parke of S. Iames and returned home through Holborne No watch at Midsomer Doctor Shakston Bishop of Salisburie and Doctor Latimer Bishop of Worcester resigned their Bishoprickes into the Kings hand the first of July The viij of July Griffith Clearke Uicar of Wandsworth Vickar of VVandsvvorth and other executed with his Chapleine and his seruant and Frier Waire were all four hanged and quartered at Saint Thomas Waterings The tenth of July Sir Adrian Fortescue and Thomas Dingley were beheaded The ninth of September the Nunnery of Clarkenwell Clarkenvvell and other suppressed was suppressed The xij of October the Nunnery of Halywell and forthwith the Priorie of Saint Mary Oueries in Southwarke and Saint Barthelmewes in Smithfield were suppressed and al their lands and goodes taken to the Kings vse The seauenth of September deceassed Doctor Stokesley Bishop of London and was buryed in Paules Church Iohn Feire Thomas Huntlow the 28 of September Sherifes Maior Thomas Huntlovv his charitie Sir William Holleys Mercer the 28 of October This Thomas Huntlow Sheriffe gaue to the Haberdashers certayne tenementes for the which they be bound to giue to tenne poore almes people of the same company euery one of them eyght pence euery Friday for euer And also at euery quarter dinner kept by the maisters to be giuen to euery one of those tenne poore people a penny loa●e a pottell of Ale a péece of béefe worth four pence in
a platter with porage and four penc● in money The xiiij of Nouember Hugh Ferringdon Abbot of Abbots of Reading Glastonb●●y executed Reading and two Priests named Ruge and Onyon for denying the Kings Supremacie were hanged and quartered at Reading The same day was Richard Whiting Abbot of Glastonburie hanged and quartered on Torre hill beside his Monasterie for the same cause The first of December Iohn Beach Abbot of Colchester was likewise executed In December were appoynted to wayte on the Kings Pencioners appoynted highnesse person fiftie Gentlemen called Pencioners or Speres vnto whome was appoynted fiftie pound the péece pearely The third of January was the Lady Anne of Cleeue receiued King Henry married Lady Anne of Cleue at Blacke heath and brought to Greenewich with great triumph and the sixth day of y e same moneth she was maryed to King Henry After Christmas the Priorie Church of Saint Mary Ouery Saint Mary Oueryes made a parish Church in Southwarke was purchased of the King by the inhabitants of the Borow Doctor Gardener Bishop of Winchester putting to his helping hand they made thereof a parish church and the little Church of Mary Megdalen ioyning to the same Priorie was made all one Churche and Saint Margarets in Southwarke a parish was admitted to the same parish The xij of March Henry Bowrcher Earle of Essex riding Earle of Essex deceassed a yong Horsse was cast and brake his necke at his Manour in Essex He was the eldest Earle in England The xix of March Iohn Vere Earle of Oxforde high Earle of Oxford deceassed chamberlayne of Englande deceassed at his Manour in Essex Ther. of Aprill Sir William Peterson Priest late commissarie 1540 of Caleis and Sir William Richardson Priest of Saint Maryes in Caleis were both there drawne hanged Priests at Caleis executed and quartered in the Market place for the Supremacie The 18. of Aprill Sir Thomas Cromwell Lorde priuie Cromvvell Earle of Essex Seale was created Earle of Essex and high Chamberlayne of England Also Gregory hys sonne was made Lorde Cromwell In a Parliament which began the xviij of Aprill was Subsedie and four fifteenes graunted to the King a subsedie of two shillings the pound Lands and twelue pence goodes and four fiftéenes The xxiiij of Aprill Thomas Lord Audley Chancellor Anno reg 32 of England with Sir Anthony Browne Maister of the King● Lord Audley Knight of the Garter Horsse were made Knightes of the Garter On May day was a great triumph of Justing at Westminster which Justes had bin proclaymed in France Flaunders Iusting of challengers Scotland and Spayne for all commers that woulde against the challengers of Englande which were Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seymer Sir Thomas Poynings Sir George Carew Knightes Anthony Kingston and Richarde Cromwell Esquiers which sayd challengers came into the listes that day richly apparelled and their Horsses trapped all in white Ueluet with certayne Knightes and Gentlemen riding afore them apparelled all in white Ueluet and white Sarsenet and all their seruants in white dublets and hozen cut after the Burgonion fashion and there came to Just against them the sayd daye of defendants xlvj the Earle of Surrey being the formost Lord William Heyward Lord Clinton and Lord Cromwell sonne and heire to Thomas Cromwell Earle of Essex and Chamberlayne of Englād with other which were all richly apparelled And that day Sir Iohn Dudley was ouerthrowne in the fielde by mischance of his Horsse by one Mayster Breme defendant neuerthelesse he brake diuers Speares valiantly after that and after the saide Justes were done the sayde challengers rode to Durham place where they kepte open housholde and feasted the King and Quéene with hir Ladyes and all the Court. The seconde of May Anthony Kingston and Richarde Cromwell were made Knightes at the sayd place The third of May the sayde challengers did turney on Tournying horssebacke with swords and against them came xxix defendants Sir Iohn Dudley and the Earle of Surrey running first which the first course lost both their gauntle●s and that day Sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew Mayster Palmer in y e field off his Horsse to the great honor of the challengers The v. of May she said challengers fought on foote at the Barriers against thē came xxx defendants which ●ought Barriers valiantly but Sir Richard Cromwell ouerthrew that day at the Barriers Mayster Culpeper in the field and the sixth of May the sayd chalengers brake vp their houshold The vij of May Sir William Weston Knight Lorde Saint Iohns in Smithfield suppressed Prior of Saint Iohns without Smithfield dyed and the King tooke all the Lands that belonged to that order into hys hands to the augmentation of his Crowne and gaue vnto euery of the Chalengers aboue written for a rewarde of their valiantnesse a hundred Markes and a house to dwell in of yéerely reuenues out of the sayd lands for euer The 26. of May was sent to the Tower Doctour Wilson and Doctour Sampson Bishop of Chichester for reléeuing certayne prisoners which denyed the Kings Supremacie for the same offence Richard Farmer Grocer of London a rich Richard Farmer in the Premunire and wealthy man was committed to the Marshalsea and after arraigned and attaynted in the Premunire and lost all his goodes Also the kéeper of Newgate was sent to the Marshalsea for giuing libertie to Doctor Powell and Doctour Abell his prisoners The ninth of July Thomas Lord Cromwell Earle of Thomas Lord Cromvvell beheaded Essex béeing in the Counsell Chamber was sodeinly apprehended and committed to the Tower of London The ninetéenth he was attainted by Parliament of heresie and high Treason and y e xxviij of July he was beheaded on the Tower hill with the Lord Walter Hungerford of Heitisburie In this moneth of July King Henry by authoritie of King Henry deuorced from Lady Anne of Cleeue Parliament and Conuocation was deuorced from Lady Anne of Cleeue The xxx of July Robert Barnes Thomas Gerrard William Sixe Priestes three brent three hanged Ierome Priests were burned in Smithfield The same day Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Richarde Fetherstone all thrée Doctours were hanged and quartered for denying the Kings supremacie of the Church The fourth of August were drawne to Tiborne sixe persons Seauen executed at Tiborne and one ledde Lawrence Cooke Prior of Dancalfe William Horne a lay brother of the Charterhouse Giles Horne Gentleman Clement Philpot Edmond Bromham Darby Kenham Robert Birde Iaruis Carrow all put to death for Treason The Ditches about London were clensed The eyght of August Lady Katherine Haward daughter to Edmond Lord Haward was shewed opēly as Quéene King Henry married at Hampton Court The xj of September was hanged in Moore field a Strāger Harlots cause many murthers named Iames Rinatian who had slayne his Maister one Capon a Florentine in a Garden for his Harlot The later end
being ready to giue battaile the Frenche men made great shew but dallyed out the day and in the night departed The eighte and twentith of July Anthony Parson Robert Testwood and Henrie Filmer were brent at Windsore A greate death of the pestilence was at London and therefore Michaelmasse Terme was adiorned to Saint Albons Iohn Tolous Richarde Dobbes the 28. of September Sherifes Sir William Bower Draper the 28. of October Sir Ralfe Warren the 13. of Aprill Maior At Alhallowntide a roade was made into Scotlande by the garrison there who burned 60. Uillages and tooke great prayes The eightéene of December the Archebyshoppe of Canterburies Pallaice at Canterburie was brent and therein was brent his brother in law and other men The foure and twentith of December William Lorde Parre was created Erle of Essex and sir William Parre was created Baron Parre of Horton at Hampton Court And on the 〈…〉 of January sir Thomas Wriothesley was created Ba●●n of Wriothesley at Hampton Courte This yeare chaunced foure Eclipses one of the Sūnne she fourtéenth of Januarie and thrée of the Moone Four Eclypses In the beginning of Lent Lorde Edward Seymer Earle of H●reforde was made Liuetenaunt of the North and sent th●ther wyth an army The seauenth of Marche Germaine Gardner and Germaine Gardner and others executed Larke Parson of Chelfea were executed at Tyborne for denying the Kings Supremacie wyth them was executed for other offences one Singleton And shortelye after Ashbey was likewise executed for the Supremacie The x●j of Ma●●●sir Io●● Dudley Lord Lisle Lord Ad 〈…〉 1●44 with a great na●● de 〈…〉 toward● Scotlande o●●●●●● The 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 Gun poulder house called the House blovvne vppe vvith gunpoulder Blacke 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 Smithfielde was blown vppe and therein burned fiue men a boy and a woman On May euen dyed Lord Thomas Audley Lord Chacelour of Englande After whome succéeded Lorde Thomas Wriothesley The iij. of May sir Iohn Dudley Vicount Lisle hygh Admirall An armye sente into Scotland of Englande ●rryued with his fléete of 200. saile in the Frith of Scotlande where he landed dyuers of his menne and tooke there diuers vessels The iiij of May he landed the residue of his men at Lieth from thence marched forwarde in thrée greate battailes whereof the saide Lorde Admirall led the vawarde the Earle of Shrewsburie the rereward and Edward Seimer Earle of Hertforde Lieuetenant General of the battell Here they found the Scots to the number of 6000 horsemen besides many footemen readye to stoppe their passage who at the firste made as they would haue set on the vawarde but after certaine shotte on both sides they ●●dainely leauing their artillerie behinde them fled towarde Edenborough the foremoste in fléeing was the Cardinall of Saint Androws the Earle of Huntley Gouernour Murrey and Bothwell and then the Englishmen entred the town of 〈…〉 Lieth taken and spoyled where they found such riches as they thought had not 〈…〉 in any towne of Scotland The nerte day our army went towardes Edenborough and when they approched neare the Prouost of the town with other profered to haue delyuered the same vpon conditiō that the people might departe with bag and baggage the town to be safe from fire Where vnto our Lieuetenant aunswered that he was sente thither to take vengeance vpon them for their defestable falshoode and that vnlesse they would yéelde vp the town simply wythout condition and cause man woman and childe to departe into the fialdes submitting them to his pleasure he woulde put them to the sworde and their towne to the fire The proudst aunswered that it were better for them 〈…〉 to their defence and so departed and forth with the Lord Lie●tenant caused the vaward to marche towards the Towne which they did so couragiously with help of the English gunners that then kept the Scots from their Ordinance and so entred Canie Ga●● and there saw a great number of the Scots Edenborough brent and set fire on the towne which continued thrée 〈…〉 after ●arning Shortly after came to the lord Lieutenāt by and William Lord Eurie Wardē of the East March of England gouernor of Barwike with his son si● Raphe Eurie who also brought with them 1500. light horsmen inhabiters of those two Marches whyche after they were come did suche good seruice that the army sent away their shippes laden wyth spoyle and dislodged their campe out of Lieth settyng fyre in euery house and returned home by lande spoyling euery Uillage and Fortresse as they passed The xvj of May proclamation was made for the enhanring of Golde to xlviij ● and Siluer to iiij s̄ the ounce Also the king caused to be coyned base moneys whych was since Base moneys coyned that tyme called downe the fifth yeare of Edwasde the sixth and called in the second of Quéene Elizabeth On the xx day of May passed through the Citie of London in warlike maner to the number of 700. Irishmen hauing for theyr 〈…〉 Darts and Hand guns with Bag pipes 〈…〉 them in Saint Iar●es Parke besides Westminster they 〈…〉 before the King In the moneth of June the Letany or Procession was Procession in Englishe ●● forth in Englishe with commandement by the King to be generally vsed in Parishe Churches The thirtéenth of July King Henrie with a goodlye com 〈…〉 passed into France and encamped on the North fide of King Henrye vvent to Bol. Ioingne 〈…〉 after whose comming the Towne was so sore bat 〈…〉 wyth Gunne shotte aud certaine Towers vnder 〈…〉 and so shaken wyth Gunne powlder that after amoneths siege the Captaine sent worde to the Kyng that 〈…〉 e the 〈…〉 that all 〈…〉 wythin mighte departe ●yth bagge and 〈…〉 King Henrie granted and the Bello●ners departed to the 〈…〉 r of 4 454. The fiue and 〈…〉 of September the King with his nobilitie ●●tred into high B●l●ingne and after returned from thence ●●●ded at 〈…〉 the first of October The ninth of October in the night the French men came vnwares vpon the English men in base Boloigne and slewe of them a greate number howb●it they were shortly after chaced from thence and the base Towne holden after in good quiet Iohn Wilford Merchant Taylour Andrew Iud the 28. of S. Sherifes Maior Prises taken Sir William Laxton Grocer the 28. of October This yeare was taken by the Kings Shyppes of the West Country and of the Englishe coast the number of 300 French shippes and more so that the Grey Friers Churche in London was laide full of Wine the Austen Friers and Blacke Friers were layde full of Hering and other fish that was taken going into Fraunce The King demaunded a beneuolence of al his subiectes A beneuolence demaunded Spirituall and Temporall towardes his warres in France and Scotland And the twelfth of January the Lorde Chauncelour the Duke of Suffolke and other of the Kings Councell began to sit at Baynards
into Englande Claude de Honne 〈…〉 highe Admirall of Fraunce who broughte with hym the Sacre of Deepe and twelue Galleis he landed at the Tower Admirall of France came to London Wharffe where he was honorably receiued and broughte to the Byshop of Londons Palaice where he lodged two nights and then ●ode to Hampton Courte where the King laye By the waye Prince Edwarde receiued him with a companye of 500. coates of Ueluet with one sléeue of cloth of Golde and halfe the coate embrodered with Golde there was in all to the number of 800. horses In September the water of Finsburie was brought to y e Condit in Loth burie Conduit at London wall Saint Stephens in Colmanstreete and Saint Margarets in Lothburie Richard Iaruis. Thomas Curteyse the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Duke of Norf. folke and Earle of Surrey sente to the Tovver Henry Hobrethorne Merchant Taylour the 28. of Octob. The twelfth of December Thomas Duke of Norffolke and Henry Earle of Surrey his son was sent to the Tower of London the one by water the other by lande The thirde of Januarye the Churche of the late Grey Friers in London was opened Masse sung there and that day preached at Paules Crosse the Bishop of Rochester who declared the Kings gifte to the Citie of London for the reléeuing King Henry his gift to the Citie of London of the poore people whiche was by Patent vnder hys greate Seale Saint Bartholomewe Spittle the Churche of the Grey Friers two Parish Churches the one of S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other Saint Ewine in Newgate Market all to be made one Parish Church of the Grey Friers Churche in lands he gaue for y e maintenance of the same 500. marke by yeare for euer and this Church to be named Christchurch founded by King Henrie the eight Henrie Howard Earle of Surrey was beheaded on the Tower Eatle of Surrey beheaded hill the xix of Januarie The xxviij of January king Henry deceased appointing King Henry deceassed his first son Prince Edward y e second Lady Mary his daughter by Quéen Katherine and the thirde Lady Elizabeth ●● Quéene Anne Bolloine He deceassed when he had raign●● 37. yeares 9. moneths and odde dayes and was buried ●● Windsore ¶ Edward the sixt EDvvarde the sixt began his Anno reg 1. raigne the eyghte and twentith of Januarie Anno 1546. whē he was but 9. yeares olde King Henrie his father by his will had appoynted for hys priuy councel Doctour Cranmer Archbishoppe of Canterburie Lord Wriothesly Lord chāce celour Cuthbert Tonstall Byshop of Durham wyth other to the number of sixetéene The first of February the Earle of Hertford was nominate Earle of Hert forde made L. Protector elected and chosen by all the executors to be protector and chiefe Gouernor of the Kings person The sixt of February the Earle of Hertford Lord Protector King Edvvarde made Knight in the Tower of London endued King Edwarde with the order of Knighthoode and then immediatly the Kyng standing vp Henrie Hoblethorne Lorde Mayor of London was called who knéeling down the kyng tooke the Sword of the Lord Mayor of London made Knight Lorde Protectour and made hym Knight whiche was the firste that euer he made The fourtéenth of February the corps of King Henry the eighte was with great solempnitie and honor conueyed towardes Windsore and there buried in the Colledge The seauentéenth of February sir Edward Seimer Earle Duke and Lordes created of Hertforde and Lorde Protectour was created Duke of Somerset the Lorde Parre Earle of Essex was created Marques of Northampton sir Iohn Dudley Lorde Lisle Lorde Admiral was created Erle of Warwike and Lord Chamberlaine of Englande sir Thomas Wriothesley and Lorde Chauncelour was created Earle of Southampton sir Thomas Seymer was made Lorde of Sudley and highe Admirall sir Richard Riche was made Lord Rich sir William Willoughbey was made Lord Willoughbey of Parham sir Edmond Sheffeld was made Lorde Sheffielde of Buterwike King Ed. rode through y e citie of London towards Westminster and as he passed on the South side of Paules Churcheyarde an Argosine came from the Battlements of the Stéeple of Paules Churche vpon a Cable being made faste to an Paules steeple lay at ancker Ancker by the Deanes gate lying on his breast aiding himselfe neither with hande nor foote and after ascended to the middest of the Cable where he tumbled and played manye preasie toyes where at the King and the nobles hadde good pastime He was crowned at Westminster on the xx of February King Edvvarde crovvned The sixth of Marche the great Seale of Englande was taken 1547 from sir Thomas Wriothesley and on the morrowe the same was deliuered to the Lord Sent-Iohn Lord great Maister The fiftéenth of May Doctour Smith recanted at Paules Doctor Smith recanted Crosse The Lorde Protectour and the rest of the Councell sent Images forbiddē Commissioners into all partes of the realme willing them to take all Images out of their Churches for the auoyding of Idolatrie wyth them were sent diuers Preachers to perswade the people from their beades and suche lyke ceremonies and at that time the going in Procession was forbidden Proces●ion forbidden to be vsed the Gospel and Epistle were read in English In the moneth of August Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde Protectour as Generall and Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike Lorde Lieuetenant with a noble army were sente into Scotlande and neare to Edenborough at a place called Musclboroughe fielde Williom Patyn Muuscleborough the Englishemenne and Scottes mette where betwéene them the tenth of Septeptember was foughte a cruell battel The victorie whereof fell to the Englishmen and of the Scottes were slaine fouretéene thousande and taken prisoners fiftéene hundred whereof many were Gentlemē and not aboue thrée score Eeglishmen slaine The xxiiij of October Richarde Lorde Riche was made Lorde Rich L. Channcelor Lorde Chauncellour Thomas Whit Robert Chersey the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Free schoole at Holt. Sir Iohn Gresham Mercer the 28. of October This sir Iohn Gresham founded a Fréeschoole at Holt a Market towne in Norffolke Also at hys deceasse whiche was in Anno 1556. on the xxiij of October he gaue to euery warde in London ten pound to be distributed to the poore And to 60. poore men women euery one of them thrée yards of broade cloth of eight or nine shillings y e yard to be made in gowns readye to theyr backes He gaue also to Maides marriages and to the Hospitals in London aboue two hundred pounds in ready money The fourth of Nouember the Parliament beganne at Hestminster in the which was graunted to the King al Chātries Chauntries and Chappels giuen to the King frée Chappels and Brotherhoodes and an acte was made for the receyuing of the Sacrament in both kindes of Breade and Wine Ther vij of Nouember was pulled
downe the Roode in Paules Church with Marie and Iohn all other Images in y e Church then y e li●e was done in al Churches in England Also Easter folowing began the Communion and confession in Englishe but no manne constrained thereto excepte Anno reg 2. 1548 they woulde but after Easter beganne the Seruice in Englishe in dyuers Parishe Churches and at Whitsontide at Paules by the commandement of the Deane Barking Chappell nighe the Tower of London and Saint Martins Le Graund nigh the Shambles were pulled down Also the parish Churches of Saint Nicholas in the Shambles and Saint Ewyns within Newgate were pulled downe and the Parishioners appointed to the late dissolued Grey Friers Churche whyche is now named Christes Church founded by King Henrie the eight The watche whiche hadde béene accustomed in London at Midsommer of long time laide downe was nowe againe vsed both on the euen of Saint Iohn and of Saint Peter in as comely order as it had béene accustomed whych watch was greately beautified by the number of more than thrée hundred Dimilaunces and light horsemen that were prepared by the Citizens to be sent into Scotlande for the rescue of the Town of Hadington and other kept by Englishmen in Scotland On Saint Peters euen Monsieur Dassey Lieuetenant to The siege of Hadington the French King and the Reingraue of Fraunce wyth the number of x. thousand French and Almaines besides Scots besieged the Towne of Hadington in Scotlande defended by the Englishmen vnto whose aide shortly after came from Barwike iij. E. horsemen which were 700. men of armes and Dimitances the Captaines whereof were sir Robert Bowes and sir Thomas Palmer whych horsemen not long after by the Frenchmen were enclosed and the moste part either slaine or taken with their Captaines before named neuerthelesse our Englishmen defended the Town often skirmishing wyth the French and putting them to the worse vntill the twentith daye of August and then came an army out of Englande of sixetéene thousande of the whiche foure thousande were Almaines the Kyngs Lieuetenant was the Earle of Shrewsburie the General of the Almaines was Captaine Courtney At the comming of this armie the Frenchemenne and Scottes in peaceable manner departed from before Hadington giuing our Captaynes and Souldiers great commendation for their seruice Francis Earle of S●r●wshurie after he had séene the Towne victualled and stored with fresh Souldiers and munitions departed into England and our mē kept the Towne of Hadington oftentimes skirmishing with the Frenchmen and Scottes till the twentith day of September Hadington rased by Englishe men and then came with the Earle of Rutland with thrée thousand Almaynes and as many Borderers who caused the To●ne to be razed and so brought their Ordinance and carriage to Berwike and returned without battayle On Saint Peters day Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester Bishop of VVinchester sent to the Tovver preached at Westminster in the Courte before the King for the which Sermon he was on the morrow after sent to the Tower of London The vij of July a Priest was hanged and quartered in A Priest of Cornevvall executed Smithfield for that he and other in Cornewall had slayne Mayster Body one of the Kings Commissioners the others of his societie were put to death in diuers other partes of the Realme This yeare a great mortalitie by the pestilence was in Great Pestileuce in London London wherefore commaundement was giuen to all Curates and other hauing to do therwith that no corps should be buried before sixe of the clocke in the morning nor after sixe of the clocke at night and that there should at the buriall of euery corpse be rong one bell at the least by the space of thrée quarters of an houre In September dyed Quéene Katherine late ●●●s to King Queene Katherine dyed Henry and after marryed to Sir Thomas Seymer Lorde Admirall William Locke Iohn A●li●e the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Henry A●●ots Fishmonger the 28. of October The xvj of Nouember Saint Annes Church within Aldersgate Saint Annes Church brent Anno reg 3. Lord Thomas Seymer beheaded of London was brent The xvj of January Thomas Seymer Lord Admirall and brother to the Lord Protector was sent to the Tower of London the xx of March he was beheaded on the Tower hill The ●●●th o● 〈◊〉 Proclamation was made for the 1549 ●●●●e to be put downe through the whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 tenth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ●loysten of Paules Church in 〈◊〉 ●al●●● Pardon Churchyard with the Daunce of Death commonly called the Daunce of Paules about the Daunce of Paules pulled dovv●●e same Cloyster costly and cunningly wrought and the Chappell in the midst of the same Church-yard were all began to be pulled downe Also the Chernill house of Paules with the Chappell Charnill house of Paules there after the Tombes and other Monuments of the dead were pulled downe and the dead mens bones buryed in the fields were conuerted into dwelling houses shoppes About the same time the Stéeple and most part of the Church of Saint Iohn by Smithfield blovvne vp Church of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem néere vnto Smithfield was vndermined and ouerthrowne with Gunne powlder the stone whereof was applyed in the building of the Lorde Protectors house at the Strand The xxiij of Aprill sixe houses at Broken Wharffe were Fire at Broken VVharffe brent In the moneth of May by meanes of a Proclamation for e●●losu●es the Commons of Somersetshire and Lincolneshire made a Commotion and brake vp certayne Parkes Commotion in Sommersetshire and Lincolneshire of Sir William Herberds and Lord Sturtons but Sir William Herberd ●lew and executed many of those Rebels In July the Commons of Essex and Kent Su●●●ke and Norffolke rose agaynst inclosures and pulled downe dyuers Parkes 〈◊〉 Also the Commons of Cornewall and Deuonshire rose against Commotion in Cornevvall and Deuonshire the Nobles and Gentlemen and required not only that the inclosures might be disparked bu●● also to haue their old Religion and Acte of sixe Articles restored these ●●sée god the Citie of Excester which was valiantly defended Against these Rebels was sent Iohn Lord Russell Lord priuie Seale with a number of Souldyers who entred the Citie of Excester the fifth of August where they ●lew and ●ooke prisoners of the ●●e●●●s more than four thousand and Rebels subdued after hanged diuers of them in the Towne and Countrey about The Lorde Gray was also sente with a number of Strangers horssemen who in diuers conflictes s●ew many people and spoyled the Countrey The last of July William Lorde Marques of Northhampton Commotion at Norvvich Lord Sheffield slayne Marciall Lavv. entred the Citie of Norwich and on the next morning the Rebels also entred the Towne burned part thereof put the Lorde Marques to flighte and s●ewe the Lorde Sheffeld In this meane time diuers persons were apprehended as ayders of the foresayde
miles of length and gaue twentie pound in money toward the making of Roytton bridge thrée miles from Couentrie He made the high way to K●lborne néere to London He made foure Bridges two of them of stone conteyning eyghtéene Arches in them both the one ouer the ●i●er of Seuerne called A●●●● bridge the other Terne bridge for that the water of Terne runneth vnder it the other two of Timber at Stoke and built a good part of Stoke Church He builded one notable Fréeschoole at Drayton in Shropshire Freeschoole at Drayton in Shropshire with Mayster and ●●●●er and sufficient stipends for them both besides conuenient Lodgings for the same He also purchased a frée Faire to the sayd Towne with a frée market wéekely and a frée market for Cattell euery fourtéene dayes He gaue to the Hospitall of Christes Church in London in Gift to Christes hospitall his life time fiue hundred pound in ready money and a hundred pound at his deceasse The xxix of Nouember Robert Kete and William Kete Robert Kete and VVilliam Kete hanged his brother were deliuered out of the Tower of London to Sir Edmond Windham Knight and Sheriffe of Norffolke to be conueyed to Norwich where Robert Kete was hanged in theynes on the toppe of Norwich Castell and William Kete likewise hanged on the toppe of Windam Stéeple In December the Scottes tooke Burticragge in Scotland and Holds in Scotland lost other holdes then possessed by Englishmen where they slew man woman and child except Sir Iohn Lutterell the Captayne whome they tooke prisoner The xix of January Sir Iohn Russell Lord priuie Seale States created was created Earle of Bedford and Lord Saint Iohn Lorde great Mayster was created Earle of Wilshire and Sir William Paget Comptroller of the Kings house was made Lord Paget The same day at night were murthered by Saint Pulchers Peter Gambo and another Captayne murthered Church against the Kings head without Newgate of London two Captaynes that had serued the King at Boloigne and else where the one was Sir Peter Gambo the other Filicirga which murther was committed by Charles Gauaro a Fleming who came post from Berwike to do that acte on the morrow he with thrée of his company was taken in Smithfield by the Lorde Paget and sent to Newgate and the four and twentith of January they were all four Charles Gauaro and other hanged Gauaro Balthasar Gauaro Nicholas Disalueron and Francis Deualasco had in a Cart to Smithfield and by the way at the place where the murther was done Charles Gauaro had his right hand striken off on the Cart whéele and then all hanged in Smithfield The xxij of January Iohn Earle of B●●ford William 〈…〉 Paget 〈…〉 William Peter Knight one of the Kings Secretaries and Sir Iohn Mason Knight chiefe Cleark● of the Counsell were sent into France Embassadors to the French King The xxvij of January Humfrey Arundell Esquier Thomas Anno reg 4. Rebels executed Holmes Winslow and Bery Captaynes of the Rebels in Deuonshire were hanged and quartered at Tiborne On Candlemasse day William Lord Saint Iohn Earle Nevv Officers of Wilshire Lord great maister and president of the Counsell was made Lord Treasurer Iohn Dudley Earle of Warwike Lord great Chamberlayne was made Lord great maister William Parre Marques of Northampton was made Lord great Chamberlayne Lord Wentworth was made Lord Chamberlain of houshold Sir Anthony Wing field Captayne of the Gard was made Comptroller of the Kings house and Sir Thomas Darcy Knight was made Uizchamberlayne and Captayne of the Gard and the Earle of Arundell late Lord Chamberlaine with the Earle of Southampton were put off the Councell and commaunded to kéepe their houses in London The vj. of February the Duke of Somerset was deliuered out of the Tower and that night he supped at Sir Iohn Duke of Somerset deliuered Yorkes one of the Sheriffes of London The x. of February one Bell a Suffolke man was hanged and quartered at Tiborne for mouing a new Rebellion in Suffolke and Essex The last of March a generall peace was proclaymed betwéene 1550 Peace proclaymed The liberties of Southvvarke purchased the Kings of England France the Emperour the Scottes This time the Lord Maior of London and the Aldermen purchased all the liberties of Southwarke which was in the Kings hands The xij of Aprill Doctor Nicholas Ridley late Bishop of Rochester was enstalled Bishop of London at Powles Boloigne yeelded to the French The xxv of Aprill the Towne of Boloigne was yéelded ●● the French ●ing The second of May Ioan Knell alias Butcher or Ioan of Ioan ●utcher brent Kent was brent in Smithfield for Heresie that Christ tooke no flesh of the virgin Mary Richard Lion Goddard Gorran and Richard Irelande Rebels of Kent executed were executed the xiiij of May for attempting a new Rebellion in Kent On Wednesday in Whitson wéeke at a Court of Aldermen kept at the Guild hall Sir Iohn Aliffe Knight and mayster Alderman of Southvvarke of Backewell hall was sworne Alderman of the Bridgewarde without to haue the iurisdiction of the Bourow of Southwarke and thus was he the first Alderman that euer was there who made vp the number of xxvj Aldermen of London whereas before that time had bin but xxv Trinitie Tearme was adiourned till Michaelmas for Tearme adiourned that the Gentlemē should kéepe the Commons from commotion The third of June the Lord Lisle sonne and heire to the Earle of Warwike was married to the Duke of Somersets A marriage ●aughter at Sheene the King Maiestie being there present The xj of June being Saint Barnabyes day was kepte Saint Barnaby kept holy holyday all London ouer and the same day at night the high ●●●tare in Paules Church was pulled downe and a table High Aultare in Paules pulled dovvne ●●● where the Aultare stoode with a vayle drawne beneath the steppes and ●n the Sonday next a Communion was 〈…〉 at the same table and shortly after all the Aultars in London were taken downe tables placed in their 〈…〉 This yeare was no such watch at Midsomer as had bin No vvatch at Midsomer 〈…〉 The xxx of July Thomas Lorde Wriothsley Earle of Earle of South-hampton deceassed ●●uth-hampton Knight of the Garter and one of the execu 〈…〉 to King Henry the eyght deceassed at Lincolne place in 〈…〉 orne and was buryed in Saint Andrewes Churche 〈…〉 Augustine Hinde Iohn Lion the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Andrew Iud Skinner the 28. of October This Sir Andrew Iud erected one notable Fréeschoole Freeschoole at Tonbridge at Tonbridge in Kent wherein be brought vp and nourished in learning great store of youth as well bred in that Shire as brought from other Countreys adioyning a noble acte and correspondent to those that haue bin done by like worshipfull men and other in old time within the same Citie of London He
also builded Almes houses for sixe poore almes Almes houses people nigh to the parish Church of Saint Helen within Bishopsgate of London and gaue Landes to the companye of the Skinners in the same Citie amounting to the value of thréescore pound thrée Shillings eyghtpence the yeare for the which they bée bound to pay twenty pound to the Schoolemayster and eyght pounde to the Usher of hys frée Schoole at Tonbridge yearely for euer and foure Shillings the wéeke to the sixe poore almes people at Saint Anno reg 5. Helens aforesayde eyghtpence the péece wéekely and fiue and twentie Shillings fourpence the yeare in Coales amongst them for euer On Saint Valentines daye at Feuersham in Kente ●n● Arden a Gentleman was murthered by procuremente Arden murthered of hys owne wife for the which fact she was the fouretéenth of Marth brente at Canterburie Michaell Mayster Ardens man was hanged in cheynes at Feuersha● and a mayden bre●te Mosby and hys sister were hanged in Smithfielde at London Gréene which had fledde came agayne certayne yeares after and was hanged in cheynes in the high way agaynste Feuersham and Blacke Will the Ruffian that was hired to do that acte after his first ●scap● ●a● apprehended an●●●rente on a Scaffold al Flis●ing i● Z●la●d The fourtéenth of February Stephen Gardener Bishop Bishop of VVinchester depriued of Winchester was depriued of hys Bishopricke and committed to the Tower agayne into his place was ●●anslated Doctor Poynet who before was Bishop of Rochester The fifth Aprill Sir Thomas Darcey ●i●●ham●ertaine 155● and Captayne of the ●ard was created Lord Darcey at Greenewich The four and twenty of Aprill George of Paris a Dutchman An Arian brent was brent in Smithfield for an Arian The fiue and twenty of May about noone was an Earthquake Earthquake at Blechingly Godstone T●tser Rig●te Croydon B●n●ng●●●● Al●erie and diuers other places in Sout●ery The ninth of July the base moneys coyned in the time First fall of the base moneys of King Henry the eyght and King Edward the sixth was proclaymed the Shilling to goe for nine pence the grete for thrée pence which tooke effect immediatly after the Proclamation was made The fiftéenth of Aprill the infections sweating sickenesse Svveating sicknesse beganne at Shrewsburie which ended not in the North part of England vntill the ende of September In this space what number dyed it can not be well accompted but certayne it is that in London in few dayes nine hundred and Iohn Cai●s sixtie gaue vp the ghost it began in London the ninth of July and the twelfth of July it was most vehement which was so terrible that people being in best health were sodeinly taken and dead in four and twentie houres and twelue or lesse for lacke of skill in guiding them in theyr sweate And it is to bée noted that this mortalitie fell chieflye or rather on men and those also of the best age as betwéene thirtie and fortie yeares also it followed Englishmen as well within the Realme as in strange Countreys wherefore this Nation was much afeard of it and for the time beganne to repent and remember GOD but as the disease relented the deuotion decayed The first wéeke dyed in London eyght hundred persons The seauentéenth of August the Shilling which of late Second fall of the base moneys was called downe to nineyence was called downe to sixe pence the grote to two pence the halfe grote to one pennie the pennie to an halfe peny Iohn Lambert Iohn Cowper the 28 of September Sheriffes The ●● of October at Hampton Court Lorde Marques Duke● and E●r●es created Dorset was created Duke of Suffolke the Earle of Warwike was created Duke of Northumberland the Earle of Wilshire was created Marques of Winchester Sir William Harbert mayster of the hor●●e was made Lorde of Karmarden and created Earle of Pembroke He also made William Cicill his Secretarie Knight Mayster Iohn Checke one of hys Schoole maysters Knight Mayster Henry Dudley Knight Mayster Henry Deuell Knight The ●●● of October Edward Seymer Duke of Somerset Duke of Somerset brought to the Tovver the Lord Grey of Wilton Sir Ralph Vane Sir Thomas Palmer Sir Miles Partridge Sir Michaell Sta●hope Sir Thomas Arundell Knightes and diuers other Gentlemen were brought to the ●ower of London The next morrow the Dutchesse of Somerset was also brought to the Tower The liberties Liberties of the Stilyard seased Maior Nevv Coyne of the Stil●ard were seased into the Kings handes Sir Richard Dobbes Skinner the 28. of October The xx● of October was proclaymed a new coyne both of Siluer and Gold So●e●●●es of thirtie Shillings Angels of ●e●ne Shillings c. The vj. of Nouember the olde Quéene of Scottes rode through London towards Scotland with a great company of Queene of Scottes rode through London Englishmen way●ing vpon hi● after she had layne four dayes in the Bishop of Londons p●●●ace The first of December the Duke of Somerset was arraigned Duke of Somerset arraigned at Westminster and there acquited of trea●o● but condemned of ●el●nie The vij of December was a muster of Horssemen before the King at Saint Iames. The xx of Muster of horssemen December the gre●e Sea●e was taken from the Lord Rich and ●●●●●ere● to D. G●●●●●e●e Bishop of E●ly Doctor Dunstall Bishop of Durham was sent ●o y ● Tower of London The xx●● of January Edward Duke of Somerset was beheaded on Duke of Somerset beheaded the Tower h●ct The ●ame morning early the Constables of euery warde in London according to a precept directed from the Counsell to the Maior st●eightly ●h●●●ged euery h●●●●hold of the same ●●●●e not to depart any of them out of their houses before tenne of the clocke of that day meaning therby to restreyne the great number of people that otherwise were like to haue bin at the sayde execution notwithstanding by seauen a clocke the Tower hill was couered with a great multitude repayring from all partes of the Citie as well as out of the suburbes and before eyght of the clocke the Duke was brought to the Scaffold inclosed with the Kings Gard the Sheriffes Officers the Warders of the Tower and other with halberds the Duke being ready to haue bin executed sodeinly the people were driuen into a Great feare vvith small cause great feare few or none knowing the cause wherefore I thinke it good to write what I sawe concerning that matter The people of a certayne Hamlet which were warned to be there by seauen of the clocke to giue their attendance on the Lieutenant now came through the posterne and perceyuing the Duke to be already on the Scaffold the for●●st began to runne crying to their fellowes to follow fast after which ●odelnesse of these men being weaponed with billes and halber●s thus running caused the people which ●●●●● saw them to thinke some power had come to haue rescued the Duke from
●ll the Londoners parte of the Gard and more than thrée ●artes of the retinue wente to the Campe of the Kentishmen where they still remayned At this discomfiture the Duke lost eyght péeces of brasse with all other munition and Ordinance and himselfe with few other hardly escaped The last of January Wyat and his company came to Dertforde and the next day they came full and whole to Greenewich and Depeford where they remayned Thurseday Fryday and the foorenone of Satterday On the Fryday which was Candlemas day the most parte of the housholders of London with the Maior and Aldermen were in harnesse yea this day and other dayes the Justices Sergeants at the Lawe and other Lawyers pleaded in harnesse In this meane time Henry Duke of Suffolke Father to the Lady Iane fléeing into Leycestershire and Warwikeshire with a small companye in diuers places as he went made Proclamation agaynst the Quéenes marriage with the Prince of Spayne c. but the people enclined not to him The first of February Proclamation was made at London that the Duke of Suffolke was discomfited and fled with his two bréethren And also that Sir Peter Carow with his vnckle Sir Gawyn Carow and Gibbes were fledde into France and further that the Quéene did pardon the whole Camp of the Kentishmen except Wyat Harpar Rudstone and Iseley and that who soeuer could take Sir Thomas Wyat except the sayde foure persons should haue an hundred pound Lands to hym and his heires for euer The same day in the afternoone being Candlemas euen the commons of the Citie assembled in their Liueries at the Guild hall whether the Quéene with hir Lords and Ladyes came Queene Mary came to the Guild hall in London riding from Westminster and there after vehement wordes against Wyat declared that she meant not otherwise to marrie than the Counsell should thinke both honourable and commodious to the Realme and that she could continue vnmaryed as she had done the greatest part of hir age and therefore willed them truly to assist hir in repressing such as contrarie to their duties rebelled When she had done vnderstanding that many in London did fauour Wyats part she appoynted Lord William Howard Lieutenant of Lord VVilliam Hovvard Lieutenant of the Citie the Citie and the Earle of Pembroke General of the Field which both prepared all thyngs necessarie for theyr purpose In the meane season to wéete the third day of February VVyat came into Southvvarke about thrée of the clocke in the after noone Sir Thomas Wyat and the Kentishmen marched forwarde from Depeford towards London with fiue Ancients béeing by estimation about two thousand which their comming so soone as it was perceyued there was shot off out of the white Tower sixe or eyght shotte but missed them sometime shooting ouer and sometime short After knowledge thereof once had in London forth with the Draw Bridge was cut downe and the Bridge Gates shutte The Maior and Sheriffes harnessed commanded each man to shutte in their shoppes and windowes and to be ready harnessed at their dores what chance soeuer might happen By this time was Wyat entred into Kentstreete and so by Saint Georges Churche into Southwarke Himselfe and part of hys company came in good aray downe Barmondsey streete and they were suffered peaceably to enter Southwarke without repulse or anye stroke stricken eyther by the inhabitants or of any other yet was there many men of the Countrey in the Innes reysed and brought thither by the Lorde William and other to haue gone against the sayd Wyat but they all ioyned themselues to the Kentishmen and the inhabitantes with their best enterteyned them Immediatly vpon the sayde Wyats comming hée made Proclamation that no Souldyour shoulde take anye thyng but that hée shoulde pay for it and that hys commyng was to resist the Spanish Kyng c. At the Bridge foote he layde two péeces of Ordinance and beganne a greate trenche betwéene the Bridge and hym Hée layde one other péece of Ordinance of Sainte Georges and one going into Bermondsey streete and one other toward the Bishop of Winchesters house On Shroue Tuesday the sixth of February Sir Thomas Wyat remoued out of Southwarke towarde Kingston Bridge which was done vpon this occasion The nighte before hys departing out of Southwarke by chance as one VVyat remoued out of Southvvarke of the Lieutenants men of the Tower named Thomas Menchen rowed with a Sculler ouer against the Bishop of Winchesters place there was a waterman of the Tower staire desired the sayde Lieutenants man to take him in who did so which béeing espyed of Wyats men seauen of them with Harguebusses called to them to land agayne but they would not whereupon each man discharged their péece and killed the sayd waterman which forthwith falling downe dead the Sculler with much payne rowed through the Bridge to the Tower wharffe with the Lieutenants man and the dead man in his boate which thing was no sooner knowne to the Lieutenant but that euen the same night and the next morning he bent seauen great péeces of Ordinance Euluerings and Demi-Canons full against the foote of the Bridge and against Southwarke and the two Stéeples of Saint Oliues and Saint Mary Oueryes besides all the péeces on the white Tower one Culuering on Diueling Tower and thrée Fauconets ouer the Water gate which so soone as the inhabitants of Southwarke vnderstoode certayne both men and women came to Wyat in most lamentable wise saying Sir we are all like to be vtterly vndone and destroyed for your sake oure houses shall by and by bée throwne downe vpon our heads to the vtter spoyle of thys Borough with the shotte of the Tower all ready bente and charged towardes vs for the loue of God therefore take pitie vppon vs at whiche wordes hée béeyng partly abashed stayde awhile and then sayde I pray you my friendes bée contente a whyle and I will soone ease you of this mischiefe for God forbid that you or the least héere should be killed or hurt in my behalfe And so in most spéedye manner hée martched awaye As he marched towards Kingstone he met by chance a Merchant VViat marched tovvards Kingstone named Christopher Dorell whome he called saying Cosen Dorell I pray you commend me vnto your Citizens the Londoners and say vnto them from me that when libertie and fréedome was offered them they woulde not receyue it neyther woulde they admitte me to enter within their Gates who for theyr fréedome and the disburthening of theyr gréefes and oppression by Strangers would haue franckely spente my blond in that their cause and quarrell but nowe well appeareth theyr vnthankefulnesse to vs their friendes which meaneth them so much good and therefore they are the lesse to bée moned héereafter when the miserable tyrannie of Strangers shall oppresse them and so hée wente forwarde This daye by nighte hée came to Kingstone where the Bridge was broken and kepte on the other syde by two
Frenchmen who by their wisedomes so well ordered the matter that they agréed vpon a peace which was concluded in thirtéene Articles the Frenchmen to depart to the great quietnesse and safetie both of England and Scotland and therevpon hir Maiestie reuoked hir army after the fortes there were rased without any seysure or holding of any péece within Scotland The fifth of July through shooting of a gunne whiche brake in the house of one Adrian Arten a Dutchman in Crooked Lane and setting fire on a Firken and Barell of Gunpowder four houses were blowne vp and diuers other Houses blovvn vp sore scattered nine men and women slayne and diuers other sore brused On Michaelmas euen before noone was published by The third fall of the base money Proclamation that the Testone coyned for twelue pence and in the reigne of King Edward the sixt called downe to sixe pence should now forthwith of the best sort marked with the Portculeys be taken for four pence halfepeny the seconde marked with the Greyhound for two pence farthing the thirde and worst sorte not market as afore not to be taken for any value the grote should be taken for two pence the two peny péece for a peny c. And shortly after Nevv coyne offine siluer hir grace restored to hir subiects fine sterling money for their corrupt and base coyne calling the same to hir Maiesties mintes according to the rate before mentioned Christopher Draper Thomas Rowe the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Anno reg 3. Sir William Chester Draper the 28. of October The Quéenes Maiestie made great preparation of armour niunition and powder to be in a readinesse to defend hir Realme if néede should happen The xxj of March a notable Grammer Schoole was founded by the Mayster Wardens and assistāts of the worshipfull The merchant Taylors free Schoole company of the Merchant Taylors of London in the parish of Saint Laurence Pountney in the same Citie the worshipfull Emanuell Lucar Robert Rose William Mericke Iohn Sparke and Robert Duckington then béeing Mayster and Wardens of that company The tenth of Aprill was one William Gefferey whipped 1561 from the Marshal sea in Southwarke to Bethlem without Bishopsgate of London for that he professed one Iohn Moore to be Christ our sauiour on his head was set a paper wherein was written as followeth William Gefferey a most blasphemous Heretike denving Christ our fauiour in Heauen VVilliam Geffrey vvhipped The sayd Gefferey being stayd at Bethlem gate Iohn Moore was brought forth before whome William Gefferey was whipped till he confessed Christ to be in Heauen Then the sayde Iohn Moore being examined and answering ouerthwartly A false Christ vvhipt was commanded to put off his coate dublet and shirte which he séemed to do very willingly and after béeing tied to the Cart was whipped an arrowes shoote from Bedlem where at the last he also confessed Christ to bée in Heauen and himselfe to be a sinfull man then was Iohn Moore sente agayne vnto Bedlem and William Gefferey to the Marshalsea where they had layne prisoners nigh a a yeare and a halfe the one for professing himselfe to be Christ the other a Disciple of the same Christ On Wednesday the fourth of June betwéene foure Panles Steeple on fire and fyue of the clocke in the after noone the Stéeple of Paules in London béeing fired by lightning brast foorth as it séemed to the beholders two or thrée yards beneath the foote of the Crosse and from thence brent down the Sphere to the stoneworke and belles so terribly that within the space of foure houres the same Stéeple with the roofes of the Church so much as was timber or otherwayes combustible were consumed which was a lamentable sighte and pitifull remembraunce to the beholders thereof The length of Paules Church in London is 2690. foote The breadth thereof is 1●0 foote The heigth of the Stéeple was 520 foote whereof the stone worke is 260. foote And the Spere which now is burnt was likewise 260. foote Alexander Auenon Humfrey Baskeruild the 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior Sir William Harper merchant Taylor the 28. of October This Sir William Harper founded a frée Schoole in the Towne of Bedford where he was borne and lyeth buryed Free Schoole at Bedford and hath giuen a competent liuing for a Schoolemayster there to teach and instruct children in vertue and learning vnto the worldes end The fiftéenth of Nouember the Quéenes Maiestie published Nevv coynes a Proclamation wherin she restored to the Realme dyuers small péeces of Siluer money as the péece of sixe pence foure pence thrée pence two pence and a pennie thrée halfe pence and thrée farthings And also forbadde all forreyne Coynes to bée currant within the same Realme as well Gold as Siluer calling them into hir maiesties Mintes except two sortes of Crownes of Golde the one the French Crowne the other the Flemish Crowne The xxvj of December Sir Ambrose Sutton alias Dudley Knight called Lord Ambrose Dudley was created Baron Lisle and afterward the same day Earle of Warwike at Westminster This yeare in Englande were many monstrous birthes In March a Mare brought forth a foale with one body and Anno reg 4. two heads and as it were a long tayle growing out betwéene the two heads Also a Sow farowed a Pigge Monstrous birthes with foure legges like to the armes of a man childe with hands and fingers c. In Aprill a Sow farrowed a Pigge with two bodyes eight féete and but one head many Calues and Lambes were monstrous some with collers of skinne growing about their neckes like to the double ruffes of shirtes and nekercheffes then vsed The xxiiij of May a man child was borne at Chichester in Sussex the hea● armes and legges whereof were lyke a Notamy the brest and belly monstrous bigge from the nauell as it were a long string hanging about the necke a great coller of flesh and skinne growing like to the ruffe of a shirt or nekerchefe comming vp aboue the eares pleyting and folding c. The Quéenes Maiestie in September addressed a band of hir Subiects to the Towne of Newhauen in Normandy Going to Nevvhauen who were embarked at Portesmouth bycause that Hauen is most apt for transportation to that place vpon whose arriuall the Townesmen and inhabitants ioyfully surrendred themselues and their Towne into the possession of the Quéenes maiestie which was kept by Englishmen from September 1562. to the 29. of July then next following which was in the yeare 1563. The gouernour of which band was the right honourable the Earle of Warwicke who with the Captayne 's seruing there which were of great experience and Souldyers trayned by them to knowledge of seruice togither with part of the old approued garrison of Barwike did at that time both manfully defende the péece and valiantly encountred by sundrie skirmishes and conflictes with the Countie Reingraue and his band the most
feaste was kepte at Greis Inne neare vnto Holborne and there were at that time Sergeants feaste made seauen newe Sergeants of the lawe The xxvij of May in the towne of Milnal in Suffolke eight Milnal in Suffolke brent myle from Newmarket 37. houses besides barnes stables such like were cōsumed with fire in the space of two houres Shane Oneale who had most trayterously rebelled against Shane Oneale discomfited Statuta Regni Hiberniae Edmond Campion the Quéenes Maiestie in Ireland had done manye greate outrages in the partes of V●ster was this yeare wyth hys greate losse manfully repelled from the siege of Dundalke by the garrison thereof and afterward through the great valiancie of sir Henrie Sidney Knight of the order Lord Deputie of Irelande he was so discomfited in sundry conflictes with the losse of 3500. of his men that nowe foreséeyng hys declination to be iminant he determined to put a colle● about his necke disguising himselfe to repayre to the Lord Deputy patiently to require his pardon to haue his life But Neil Ma●keuer hys Secretary who had incited him to this rebellion perswaded hym firste to trye and treate the friendship of certaine wilde Scots that then say 〈…〉 in Clan Ibon vnder the conducting of Alexander Oge and Mec Gilliam Buske whose father and vncle Shane Oneale hadde lately kylled in an ouerthrow giuen by the Scots neuerthelesse he wel liking this perswasion went to the saide camp the second of June where after a dissembled entertainment and quaffing of Wine Gilliam Buske burning wyth desire of reuenge of his fathers and vncles death and ministryng Shane Oneale slayne quarrelling talke issued out of the Tent and made a feay vppon Oneales men and then gathering togither hys Scots in a throng sodainely entred the Tent againe who there wyth their slaughter Swordes hewed in péeces Shane Oneale hys Secretarie and all hys company excepte a verye fewe whych escaped by flyght The 8. of June sir Thomas Sackuile Knight was created Baron of Buckhurst at Westminster in the Quéenes Palaice On Saint Iohns euen at nighte was the like standyng VVatche at Midsomer watche in London as had béene on Saint Peters euen in the yeare before passed The xxix of July Charles Iames the yong Prince of Creation in Scotlande Scotlande after a Sermon made by Iohn Knokes was crowned King of Scots at Sterling Churche where were read certaine Commissions wyth the Quéenes priuy seale at them for the establishing of the same The first for hir resignation of the Crowne and gouernement of the yong Prince hir sonne The seconde to aucthorize the Earle of Murrey to be Regent during his minoritie The thirde to gyue authoritie and power to seauen other ioyning with the sayde Erle of Murrey in case he shoulde refuse to exercise the same alone that is to saye the Duke of Cha●●leroy the Earles of Leunex Argyle Athelmorto ●lencarne and Marre the commissions béeing ended the Byshoppe of Akelley wyth twoo Superintendents procéeded to the Coronation the Earle Morton and Lorde Hume tooke ●the for the King that hée shoulde rule in the faith feare and loue of God to maintaine the Religion then preached in Scotlande and persecute all aduersaries to the same c. The whole ceremony of the coronation was done in their mother tongue and at that time the Quéene of Scottes was prisoner at Loughleuen Thomas Ramsey William Bonde the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Roger Martin Mercer the 28. of October After a drye Summer followed a sharpe Winter wyth suche a scarcitie of Fodder and Hay that in dyuers places the same was solde by waighte as in Yorkeshire and in the Peake Haye was solde for fiue pence the stone there followed also a greate death of cattel especially of horse shéepe In the moneth of January the Quéenes Maiestie sente into the narrow seas thrée of hir ships named the Antelope the Swallow and the Aide and one Barke named the Phoenix the whiche were manned with v. C. men and hir Highnesse appointed the charge of those ships and men to Mayster William Holstoke Esquier Comptroller of hir Highnesse shippes who had commaundement to stay the subiects of King Philip and according to hys duetie and charge hée vsed suche diligence that on the eleauenth of Marche nexte following he mette with eleauen saile of Flemishe Hoyes vppon Bolongne whyche came from Roan● and in them foure hundred and odde Tuunes of Gascoigne and French Wines whyche they intended to haue conueyed into Flaunders but William Holstoke stayed al the saide Hoyes sent them to London where they made their discharge and the Flemings disappointed Moreouer on the eight and twentith of March the said William Holstoke seruing in the Antelope at that present Admirall in his company being William Winter the yonger at that time Uizadmirall seruing in the Ayde and ● Basing Capitaine of the S●●llowe and Thomas Generley Captaine of the Phoenix me●te in the narrowe Seas wyth fouretéene sayle of greate H●lkes whych were come out of Portingale and bounde to Flaunders theyr chiefe lading béeyng Portingale Salte and yet hadde good store of Spanishe Rialles of Plate and also greate store of Spices the which fourtéene Hulkes did mainteyne their fight for the space of two houres and after that they did perceyue that they could not preuayle the sayd W. Holstoke and hys company tooke eyght of the same Hulkes whereof sixe were sent into the Riuer of Thamis and the Admirall and Uizadmirall of the sayd Hulkes being two great Shippes which W. Holstoke himselfe did take were conuayed to Harwich and there discharged The xxviij of March through vehement rage and tempest Great vvinds of windes many vessels in the Thamis with two Tiltebeates before Grauesend were sunke and drowned The xxvj of June deceassed Thomas Yong Archbishop Archbishop of Yorke deceassed of Yorke at his manour of Shefield and was honourably buryed at Yorke This yeare Car●●nall Odet Chastilion fléeth out of Peter Ram●● France into England where he remayned till the yeare of our Lord 1570 and then dyed at Canterbury and was there b●ryed in Christes Church Iohn Oleph Robert Harding the 28. of September Sheriffes The xj of October were taken in Suffolke at Downam bridge ●éere vnto Ipswich eyghtéene monstrous fishes some Monstrous fishes of them conteyning xxvij foote in length the other xxiiij or xxj foote a péece at the least Sir Thomas Roe merchant Taylor the 28. of October Maior Sherife Iames Bacon the 26. of Nouember At the costes and charges of the Citizens of London a new Conduit was builded at Walbrooke corner néere to Nevv Conduit at VValbroke Anno reg 11 Downegate which was finished in the moneth of October the water whereof is conuayed out of the Thamis The xvij of January Philip Mestrell a Frenchman and A Frenchman executed two Englishmen were drawne from Newgate to Tiborne and there hanged the Frenchman quartered who
houses and brent the thatch in the stréetes and themselues fledde with most parte of theyr goodes but by the industrie of the Englishmen the timber was also burned with the thatch sauing one little house of stone of Dunlamrickes wherein my Lord lay that night The twentith daye the Armie marched forwardes to a house of the Lorde of Bucklugh whych they ouerthrew with powder and then marched Northwarde to the Riuer of Tiuet where they brente and spoyled suche Castels pyles and Townes as belonged to the Lorde of Fernihurst and Bucklogh their kinsmen and adherents and that night returned to Gedworth The one and twentith day part of the army went to the Riuer of Bowbent vnder the leading of the sayde Marshall where mayster George Heron Réeper of Tiuidale and Ridsdale with them of that Countrey mette with him and ioyning togither rode on burning and spoyling all on both sides of the Riuer and the other part marched to the Riuer of Trile where they wasted and brent all on both sides the Riuer and returned to Kilsey where the Lord Lieutenant lodged of purpose to beséege Hewme Castell in the nighte and the Lorde Gouernour with his company went to Warke to bring the ordinance from thence in the morning which was disappoynted by the negligence of such as were put in trust for those matters who suffered the cariage Horsses to returne to Barwike the daye before which should haue drawne the same she lacke whereof caused the Lorde Lieutenant wyth the whole armye to returne to Barwike the two and twentith of Aprill in all which time there was neuer any shewe by the Scottes made to resist or defende theyr Countrey The Lorde Scrope Warden of the West marches entred The Lorde Scrope entred Scotland Scotland the eyghtéenth of Aprill brente and spoyled those partes almost to Domfrees he had diuers conflictes gaue sondry ouerthrowes tooke many prisoners and returned safely During all these inuasions the marches of Englande in all places were so guarded by the Lorde Euers Sir George Bowes and other of the Bishopricke as the Scottes durst not once offer to enter into Englande so that not one house was burned nor one Cow taken out of Englande There were rased ouerthrowne and brent in thys iourney aboue fiftie strong Castels and pyles and aboue thrée hundred Townes and Uillages so that there be very few in the Countrey that eyther haue receyued our English Rebels or inuaded England that eyther haue Castell ●yle or house for themselues or theyr tenantes besides the losse of their goodes The xxvj the Lord Lieutenant accompanyed with the Lord Gouernour the Marshall and diuers lustie Gentlemen Captaynes and Souldyers to the number of three thousand set forward to Warke and so to Hewme Castell whiche Castell they beséeged till the same was yéelded the Lorde Gouernour the Marshall and dyuers other tooke possession for our soueraigne Ladye the Quéenes Maiestie and expelled the Scortes that were therein to the number of 168. persons in their apparell on their backes only without armour weapon bagge or baggage among whome there were two Englishmen one Hiliard the Earle of Northumberlands man and a vagrant person named William Godswher which both were carried to Barwike Rebels executed at Barvvike and there executed the xxtiij of May. The Lord Lieutenant placed in the Cast●●l Captayne Wood and Captayne Pikeman with two hundred Souldyers and so returned to Barwike the xxix of Aprill where he rested very euill at ease hauing in the trauaile taken ouermuch colde wherewith he was driuen into an extreame ague The fourth of May he sente mayster Drewry Marshall with the number of two thousand to take Faust Castell which at the first comming was deliuered to the Marshall who expelled the Scottes in number tenne and placed fourtéene of our Englishmen against all Scotland it is so strong a place and so returned to Barwike The eleuenth of May the Lord Lieutenant made four Knightes viz. Sir William Drewry Knightes made by the Earle of Sussex Sir Thomas Manners Sir George Care sir Robert Constable And the same day Sir William Drewry being Generall set forwarde toward Edenborough with diuers foote bands with shotte armed p●●es and péeces of great Ordinance to ioyne with the Earles of Leunox Murton Glencarne and Marre and other of the Kings power of Scotland in pursuing of the English Rebels and such of the Scottes as supported them as the Duke Hamelton and other who were in armes at Lithcoe twelue miles from Edenborough to defend their cause The ●ort sayd new Knightes with their bands came to Edenborough the thirtéenth of May and there rested thrée nightes and departed from thence to Lithcoe where the Regent was slayne The xvij the footemen marched to Faukirke sixe myles from Sterling and Sir William Drewry with the horssemen marched to Sterling to sée the King whome they found so perfect in all things as age and nature could permitte The xviij they departed to the footebands and so togither marched to Glascoy where the Lorde Hamelton had beséeged a house of the Kings but hearing of their comming he fledde with dishonour and the losse of 29. of his men The xix the generall with other horssemen and some shotte passed to Dunbarton to view the straytes of the Castell there being kept by the Lord Fleming the Bishop of Saint Andrewes and other his adherents to the Quéene of Scottes vse Our generall sent his Trumpetor to require a parley with assurance safely to returne wherevnto the Lord Fleming subtilly consented and minding so to wind him into his danger conueyed certayne shot and armed men into a secret place so that our Generall comming alone to haue parlyed his Trumpetor not returned they shotte at him meaning to haue slayne him but he bestowed his Pistolettes as fréely at them as they at him and returned to his companye and so to Glasco from whence Sir George Care being maruellously offended with the subtill dealing of the Lord Fleming wrote a letter of challenge to combate with him body for body which the Lord Fleming by his letter of answere refused wherevpon Sir George Care wrote a sharp and pithie replie c. The one and twentith day our Generall accompanyed with the Gentlemen and horsemen went to Dunbritton agayne to parley with the Lorde Fleming vpon his promise that hée ●●oulde méete him thrée miles from the sayde Castell but the place of parley béeing viewed was found to be subiect to the shotte of the Castell and therefore our Generall required another place which woulde not be graunted by the Lord Fleming The. xxij the Lord of Lenox the Lord Glencarne and the Lord Simple with their friends and tenaunts came to our Generall and mustered before Glasco to the number of four thousand horsemen and footemen The. xxiij oure Generall with the whole armye marched towarde the Castell of Hamelton and there had parley with the Captayne whose name was Arthur Hamelton but he would not deliuer the Castell wherevpon our
greate and déepe snowes and sometimes raines whych fréezed as faste as the same fell to the ground where-through at Wrotham in Kent and manye other places the armes boughes of trées béeing ouer-charged wyth Ice brake off and fel frō the stockes of the same trées also the wind continued north and east till after the Ascention day wyth sharpe frostes and snowes whereby followed a late Spring The twelfth of Januarye William Lorde Haward Baron Lorde priuie Seale deceassed of Effingham Lorde priuie Seale Knight of the noble order of the Garter and one of the priuie Councell deceassed at Hampton Courte The eyghtéenth of January William Lorde Somerset Earle of VVorcester sente into Fraunce Earle of Worcester beganne hys iorney towardes Fraunce to the christning of the Kings daughter there in steade of the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande who sente wyth hym a Font of Golde for that purpose weyghing 326. ounces The saide Earle wyth manye of his company were robbed Earle of VVorcester robbed on the Sea vpon the Sea by Pyrates of muche of their baggage and thrée or four of their men slaine In Fraunce he and his traine were honorablye receyued At the christning he gaue the chylde to name Elizabeth and returned into Englande the seauen and twentith of Februarye In the Moneth of February through sundry hainous cōplaintes brought to the Quéenes Maiestie and hir Counsel of Pyrates that kepte the narrowe seas doing manye robberies as also the robbing of the Earle of Worcester as is aforesaid hir Highnesse by the aduice of hir honorable counsell tooke order wyth the Lorde Admirall of Englande that he shoulde sende to the Seas shippes and men to scowre the narrow Seas and to apprehende so manye Pyrates ships as mighte be mette with and for the better doing thereof it pleased hir Maiestie to sende one of hir owne shippes named the Swallowe to be the Admiral vnder the charge of William Holstocke of London Esquyre Comptroller of hyr Highnesse shippes who hadde wyth hym the Gyllian the Barke Garet and the Barke of Yarmouth and 360. able marriuers gunners souldiours in the saide thrée shippes and and one Barke whyche scowred the narrowe seas from the North Forelande as farre Weastwardes as Falmouth in Pyrates on the VVeast Seat Cornwall and tooke twentie shippes and Barkes of sundrye nations viz. Englishe Frenche and Flemings but all Pirates and in fashion of warre He apprehended in those shippes and Barkes to the number of 900. men of all nations and sent them to warde to Sandwiche Douer Wighte and Portesmouth wherof thrée of them that robbed the Earle of Worcester were shortlye after executed at Wight also the said Pirats executed William Holstocke did rescue and take from the abouesaide Pyrats shippes fiftéene other Merchant shippes laden with Marchandise that were their prises being of sundry nations and set at libertie the said fiftéene Merchaunt shippes and goodes whiche done he returned to Portsmouth and there ended his voyage in March Peter Ramus in hys Commentaries of the wars of France Peter Ramus writeth thus The Earle of Worcester passing into France certaine Frenchemen and Flemings set vppon hym tooke from him one of his ships and kylled certaine of hys men wherevpon the Quéene of Englande takyng displeasure sente the Lorde Admirall saith he wherein he mistooke the matter for Maister William Holstocke was sente as is aforesaide who set vpon all the shippes French and Flemings tooke and carryed awaye what so came to hande so that xx of Mongomeries shippes were lost who was goyng to Rochell with the number of fiftie shippes well furnished oute of Englande wyth money there borrowed but neuer repayed thus his nauie being diminished of those twenty shippes when hée saw the kings nauie néere to Rochel he directed his course an other way landed at Bel Isle and tooke bothe the Isle and Castel The fourth of Marche a man was hanged in chaines in A man hanged in Saint Georges fielde Saint Georges fielde beyonde Southwarke of London for murdethe the Gaylour of Horsham in the same fielde The seauentéenth of Marche deceassed Reinolde Grey of Earle of Kent deceassed Ruthen Earle of Kent at Hernesey and was buryed at Saint Giles withoute Creeplegate Aboute the same time dyed Edmonde Lorde Chandos The fiue and twentith of Marche beyng Wednesday in 1573 George Saūders murdered at Shooters hill Easter wéeke and the feaste of the A●n●●ciation of our Lady George Browne cruelly murdered two honest men néere vnto Shooters hill in Kent the one of them was a wealthie Merchant of London named George Saunders the other Iohn Bean of Wolwich whyche murder was committed in maner as followeth On Tuisdaye in Easter wéeke the foure and twentith of Marche the saide George Browne receyuing secreate intelligence by letter frō Maistresse Anne Drewrie that maister Saunders shoulde lodge the same night at the house of one Maister Barnes in Woolwiche and from thence goe on foote to Saint Mary Cray the nexte morning lay in wayte for him by the waye a little from Shooters hill and there slewe bothe hym and Iohn Bean seruant to Maister Barnes● but Iohn Bean hauyng senne or eleauen woundes and béeyng left for dead by Gods prouidence reuiued agayne and créeping awaye on all foure was founde by an olde manne and his maiden and conueyed to Woolwiche where he gaue euident markes of the murtherer Immediatelye vpon the déede doing Browne sent Maistresse Drewrie worde thereof by Roger Clement among them called Trustie Roger he himselfe repaired forthwith to the Courte at Greenewiche and anone after him came thither the report of the murther also Then departed he thēce vnto London and came to the house of Maistresse Drewrie where thoughe he spake not personallye wyth hir after cōference hadde with hir seruant Trustie Roger she prouided him twentie pounde that same daye for the whych she laide certaine Plate of hir owne and of Maistresse Saunders to guage On the nexte morrowe being Thurseday hauing intelligence that Browne was soughte for they sente hym sixe poundes more by the same Roger warnyng hym to shift for hymself by flight whyche thing he forflowed not to doe neuerthelesse the Lordes of the Quéenes Maiesties Councell caused spéedy and narrowe searche to be made for hym that vppon the eight and twentith of the same moneth hée was apprehended in a mans house of his owne name at Rochester and being brought backe againe to the Court was examined by the Councel to whom he confessed the déede as you haue hearde and that he had often times before pretended sought to do the same by the instigation of the sayde Maistresse Drewrie who had promised to make a marriage betwéene hym Maistresse Saunders whome he séemed to loue excessiuely neuerthelesse he protested thoughe vntrulye that Maistresse Saunders was not priuie nor consenting therevnto Upon his confessiō he was arraigned at y ● Kings Bench in Westminster hall the xviij of Aprill where hée acknowledged himselfe guiltie
the same Hospital but bycause suche agréementes coulde not be concluded vpon as he reasonablye required hys contribution that waye ceased sore against his wil as manifestly appeareth by his charitable giftes to the saide Hospitall somtyme ten pound at once to buy bedding with Item to the Company of Clothworkers in London four pounds the yere for euer Also more to the same Clothworkers he hathe gyuen hys owne dwelling house wyth other landes and tenements to the value of thyrtie pounde the yeare to the intente they shall hyre a Minister to saye diuine seruice euerye Sundaye Wednesdaye and Friday and that foure Sermons euerye yeare after hys deceasse be preached in the Chappell or Churche to the saide house béelongyng called Saint Iames in the Wall by Criplegate and also to gyue to twelue poore men yearly on the fyrste of October to euerye one a gowne of good Frize readye made a shyrte of good Locoram and a paire of strong shoes and twelue poore women twelue Gownes of the like Fréese twelue smockes and twelue paire of shoes for euer Item he hath erected a Fréeschoole sixe Almes houses Freeschole and Almes houses at Sutton in Kent adioyning at Sutton Valence in Kent where he was borne and hathe appointed for the Maister twentie pounde and y e Usher ten pound yerely for euer and to the sixe almes houses tenne pounde yearelye wyth an Orcharde and Gardens Item towarde the maintainaunce of a Frée-schoole at Maidstone in Kent tenn● pounde yearelye after hys deceasse Item to sette poore Clothiers aworke in the Countie of Suffolke one hundred pounde in ready money Item to the Townes of Ludlow and Bridgenorth to eche of them one hundred pounde in ready money to sette poore men on worke In the moneth of Aprill the decayed stone house called Tovver on Lōdon bridge taken dovvne the Tower vppon London bridge was begonne to be taken downe and the heades of Traytors being remoued thence were sette on the Gate at the Bridge foote towarde Southwarke The seauentéenth of May Richard Robinson Goldsmith Robinson hāged was drawen from the Tower of London to Tyborne and there hanged for clipping of Golde The one and thyrtith of May Martin Frobisher with one Seconde voyage to Cataya ship and two Barks furnished for that purpose sayled from Harwiche in Essex towards Cataya by the Northweast Seas and entred his straites beyond Quéene Elizabeths Forlande aboute thyrtie leagues where he went on shore and fyndyng store of Golde Ore fraught his Shippe and Barke caught a man woman and childe of that Countrie then on the four and twentith of August returning from thence arryued at M●forde Hauen in Wales on the twentith of September next following The twentith of June William Lumley a poore man in Necessity of the poore relieued the parishe of Elmeley in the Countie of Worcester being kept in prison by a wealthie Widow he hauing a Mare of xxij yeres olde with foale within thrée dayes after hys Mare did foale a Mare colte the which immediatly had an Udder out of the which was milked that same day a pinte of Milke and euery day after gaue aboue thrée Pintes to the great sustentation of the said pore mans wife and chyldren the which Colte continued in that sorte long time after as hathe bin séene of many thousandes The 4. 5. and 6. dayes of July was the Assises holden at Strange sicknes at Oxforde Oxforde where were arraigned and condemned one Rowlande Ienkes for his seditious tongue at whych time there arose amidst the people such a dampe that almost all were smothered very few escaped that were not taken at that instant the Jurors dyed presently Shortely after dyed sir Robert Bel Lorde chiefe Baron sir Robert de Olie sir William Babington Maister Weneman Maister de Olie high Sheriffe Maister Dauers Maister Harcurt Maister Kirle Maister Pheteplace Maister Greenewoode Maister Foster Maister Nashe Sergeant Baram Maister Steuens c. there died in Oxforde 300. persons and sickned there but dyed in other places 200. and odde from the 6. of July to the 12. of August after which day dyed not one of that sicknesse for one of thē infected not another nor any one womā or child died therof On Sunday the 4. of August betwéen y e houres of 9. 10. Tempest in Norffolke of the clocke in the forenoone whilest the Minister was reading of the second lesson in the parish Church of Bliborough a towne in Suffolke a strange and terrible tempest of lightning and thunder strake through the wal of the same churche into the ground almost a yarde déepe draue down al the people on that side aboue xx persons then renting the wal vp to the Reuestrie cleft y e dore returning to the Stéeple rent the Timber brake the Chimes and fled towarde Bongey 6. miles off The people that were stricken downe were found groueling more than halfe an houre after whereof a man more than xl yeres a boy of xv yeres old were found starke dead the other were scorched The like flashe of lightning and crackes of thunder rent the parish Church of Bongey 9. miles from Norwich wroong in sunder the wyers and whéeles of the clocke slewe two men which sate in the Belfrey when other were at Procession and scorched an other whiche hardly escaped The Tower vpon London bridge being taken downe The tovver on London bridge nevve builded a new foundation drawen sir Iohn Langley Lord Maior of the Citie of London laid the first stone the xxviij of Auguste in presence of the sheriffes of London and the two Bridge Maisters Thomas Battes and Robert Aske Nicholas Backhouse Frauncis Bowyer the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Thomas Ramsey Grocer the 28. of October The ninetéenth of Nouember the newe Sergeantes at Anno reg 20 Sergeants feaste the Lawe seauen in number helde their feaste in the Temple at London The thyrtith of Nouember Cuthbert Maine was drawen Cutbert Maine executed hanged and quartered at Lawnceston in Cornewall for preferring Romaine power The seauentéenth of Januarye one Simon Pembrooke Example of Sorcerers dwelling in Saint Georges parishe in Southwarke beyng vehementlye suspected to be a Coniurer by commaundement of the ordinarie Judge for those partes appeared in the parish Churche of Saint Sauiour at a Courte holden there whyche Simon béeing busied in entertainyng a Proctor and hauyng money in his hande leaned hys head vppon a Pewe wherein the Proctor stoode whyche after he had done a certaine space the Proctor beganne to lifte vppe hys heade to sée what hée ayled and found him departing out of lyfe and straightway the saide Simon fel downe ratling a little in the throate and neuer spake worde after this was done euen as the Judge came into the Churche who said it was the iust iudgement of God towardes those that vsed Sorcerie and a greate example to admonish other to feare the iustice of God After his clothes being opened
¶ The Chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ 1580. Collected by IOHN STOW Citizen of London Printed at London by Ralphe Newberie at the assignement of Henrie Bynneman Cum Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ¶ Authours out of whom these Chronicles are collected ABbas Floriacensis Abraham Hartwel Adam Merimouth Aethicus Alfridus Beuerlacensis Alfridus Riuallensis Alexander Neckham Amianus Marcellinus Antonius Archiepiscopus Antiquitates Britan. eccle Antiquitates Glasconiae Antiquitates Calen. de Brist Antiquitates S. Pauli Londō Annales de Hide Annales Elienses Annales de Aquitania Arbor Successorum Asserius Meneuensis Aurea Historia Arnolds Chronicl● Andrew Bourde Anthonie Ascham Anthonie Anthonie Baptista Platina Bede de gestis Anglorum Brute Booke Canterburie Records Caesars Commentaries Capitolinus Carta Regia Chronica de Dorobernia Chronica Chronicorum Chronica de Burgo S. Petri. Chronica de Dunstable Chronica de Wigmore Chronica de Bury Chronica de Dunmow Chronica de Eaton Chronica de Tewkesbury Chronica Glasconiae Chronica de Eouesham Chronica de Tintern Chronica de Tinmouth Chronica de Colchester Chroniques de Normandie Chroniques de Britaine Chronica Colleg. Regis Oxon. Chronica de Hautenprice Chronica de Holland Chronica de Bromholme Chronica S. Albani Conradus Mendenbar Cornelius Tacitus Constitutiones de London D●● C●●●●●s Doro●h●●● Edmond Haddenham Edmerus Dorobernensis Engwerant Encomium Emme Epistola Bonifacij Eusebius Eutropius Eulogium Erasmus Roteradam Edward Hall Edmond Campion Freculphus Floriacensis Wigornensis Flores Historiarum Flaccus Albinus Francis Guicciardine Galfridus Monemutensis Galfridus Vinisalfe Gasperus Varerius Geruasius Dorobernensis Geruasius de Mappamundi Geruasius Tilberiensis Gesta Abbatis Albani Gildas Sapiens Giraldus Cambrensis Giraldus Corn●biensis Guilelmus Mahnesburiensis Guilelmus Nouoburgensis Guilelmus Thorne Gualterus Couentriensis Guilelmus Rishanger Gualterus Hemingford Guilelmus Gemiticensis Guilelmus Tailour Guilelmus Paston Guilelmus Shepeshed Gualterus Baker Guilelmus Dunthorne Georgius Lilius Guilelmus Packington Geffrey Chaucer Guilelmus de Wilum Gual Haddon Herodian Henricus Huntingdonensis Henricus Lecestrensis Henricus Blandford Hector Boetius Humfrey Lhuid Henrie Bradshaw Iacobus Bergomas Iacobus Lassabeus Iohannes Salisburiensis Iohan. Hanuile Iosephus Iohannes de Vigney Iohannes Rowland Iohannes Mandeuile Iustine Iohannes Rouse Iohannes Maior Iohannes Bale Iohannes Fordon Iohannes Capgraue Iocelinus de Barkeland Iocelinus Furnensis Iohannes Leylandus Iohannes Leoaffer Iohannes Taxtor Iohannes Pike Iohannes Beuerlacensis Iohannes Euersden Iohannes Blackeman Iohannes Truklow Iohannes Lewenclaij Iohannes Prington Iohannes Gower Iohannes Belandin Iohn Frosert Iohn Audley Iohannes Fortesc● Iohn Revstall Iohn S 〈…〉 Iohn Ca 〈…〉 Inscriptiones Glocest. Iohn Lidgate Iohn Harding Lampridius Leges Edwardi Regis Liber constitut London Liber Dunelmensis Liber Norwicensis Liber Tutsberiensit Liber s Martini magni Liber Lanthoni Liber Roffensis Liber Trinitatis London Liber Colne Liber Mona Ely Liber Bermondsey Liber pont London Liber Glocestrensis Liber Warwicensis Liber s Mariae de Southwark Liber Kenelworth Liber Bernewel Liber s Barthol Smithfielde Liber Colegij s Petri. Liber Edendon Liber Eastminster Liber Maior Vic. London Liber Eweline Liber Lichfielde Lilius Viraldus Liber Theokesburie Lodouicus Viues Marianus Scotus Martinus Polonus Mathaeus Paris Mathae Westmonasteriēsis Matheus Parkerus Marlin Melkin Nenius Necham Nicephorus Nicholas Treuitus Nicholas Vpton Nicholas Perotus Nicholas Bromefielde Old Records Oracul Sibil Orosius Osbernus Pausanias Panegeric Constancio dictus Pau. Orosius Pau. Diaconus Paulus Aemilius Petrus de Ikham Petrus Ramus Petrus Pictauensis Perce de Longtofte Phillippus Comineus Policraticon Ponticus Virunius Polidorus Vergilius Quadrilogium Radulphus de Diceto Radulphus Niger Radulphus Baldoke Radulphus Cogshall Ranulphus Higden Record ecclesiae de Assaphe Registrum noui Mona Registrum fratrum minorū Registrum monast de Hide Registrum de Wodbridge Registrum de ponte Rofensi Registrum de Clerkenwel Registrum mon. de Burie Registrum mon. s Albani Record ecclesiae Christi Can. Registrum mon. Cartuarien Registrū fratrū carmelitarū Registrum Maiorum Londō Registrum mon. de Bataile Registrum de Garter Richardus Cirencestrensis Richardus Southwel Richardus Diuiensis Richardus Canenicus Rogerus Houeden Robertus Gaguin Robertus Glocestrensis Robertus de Auesburie Reynwels Testament Robertus de Brune Robert Fabian Robert Greene. Richard Turpin Scala Temporum Scalamundi Speculum Historiale Sebastian Munster Sigebertus Gimblacensis Scala Chronicor Simon Dunelmensis Solinus Suetonius Smart Falconer Strab● Spartianus Sozomenus Sulcardus Socrates Theodoretus Titus Liui. Thomas Castleforde Thomas Sprote Thomas de Wike Thomas Walsingham Thomas Rudburne Thomas Delamore Thomas Hocline Thomas Moore Thomas Lanquet Thomas Cooper Thomas Churchyarde Vita Berini Vita Aldelmi Vita Erkenwaldi Vigetius Vita Albani Vita Guilelmi Longocampo Vopiscus Vox Clamantis Wolfangus Lazius William Norwel William Caxton William Beare William Lambert William Patten Ypodigma Neustriae Zozimus DROIT · ET · LOYAL HONI ◦ SOIT ◦ QVI ◦ MAL ◦ Y ◦ PENSE To the right Honorable the Lord Robert Dudley Earle of Leicester Baron of Denbigh Knight of the most noble Orders of the Garter and of Saint Michaell one of hir Maiesties moste Honourable priuie Counsell and Maister of hir Horsse THe good acceptatiō of my Summarie dedicated to your Lordship fiue yeares since right honorable my singular good Lord hathe so emboldened this Treatise growne now to a greater Volume that it presumeth with assured hope of like acceptance to present it selfe to your Honor vnder the protectiō therof to venture into the world and viewe of men and that the more boldly being an Historical Discourse of this oure natiue Countrie setting before our eyes to our instruction profite the incredible inconstancie continuall alterations of this transitorie world wyth the worthie exploites of our Kings and Gouernors What I haue performed herein to the common commoditie in searching out the truth and what varietie of worthy matters I haue recouered with no small coste and care out of the graue of Obliuion wherein they haue laine buried I referre to your honorable censure and the indifferent Reader not doubting but your Lordship whiche hath gotten grounded experience by the administration of most weighty affaires furnished your wisedome wyth diligent reading of sundrie Histories will bothe vouche safe to accepte this Monument of my affectionate minde with your wonted curtesie and shield it vnder the autoritie of your name against those whiche in this age requite honest endeuours with vnhonest speeches The Almighty God preserue your Honor with continual encrease of his benefits to his glory and your aduauncement Your Lordships most humble to commaund IOHN STOW ¶ To the gentle Reader AMongst other Bookes which are in this our learned age published in great numbers there are few eyther for the honestie of the matter or commoditie which they bring to the common wealth or for the pleasantnesse of the studie and reading to be preferred before the Chronicles and Hystories What examples of men deseruing immortalitie of exploites worthy great renowne
themselues to drinking and gulling and spent both day and night in such exercises till they vomited The Saxons ware their garmentes to the midde knée their heare rounded and their beardes shauen all saue the ouerlip their armes adorned with golden bracelets and W. Malme their skinne paynted and printed c. ¶ Thus endeth the Reigne of the Saxons who were first sent for by Vortiger about the yeare of our Lord. 450. and had nowe continued sometimes in warres with the Britaines then with the Danes and now with the Normans the space of sixe hundred yeares Verses A thousand sixe and sixtie yeare it vvas as vve do reade When that a Comete did appeare and Englishmen lay dead Of Normandie Duke William then to Englandvvard did sayle And conquerde Harold vvith his men and brought this Land to bale ¶ King VVilliam Conquerour WIlliam Duke of Normandie Anno. reg 1. surnamed Conquerour Bastarde sonne of Robert the sixte Duke of that Duchie and Coosin germane vnto King Edward on the mothers side beganne his dominion ouer the Realme of England the fourtéenth day of October being Saterday in the yeare of our Lord 1066. After the battayle at Hastings Duke William came to London where with great ioy he was receyued both of the Cleargie and people and was proclaymed King When the Citie of London was thus yéelded vnto him he tooke his iourney towardes the Castell of Douer to subdue that and the rest of Kent also which when the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin the Abbot of Saint Augustines being as it were the chiefest Lords and gouernours of all Kent did perceyue and consider that the whole Realme was in an euill state and that whereas in this Realme of England before the comming of the foresayd Duke William there were no bondmen now all as well noble men as the common people were without respect made subiecte vnto the perpetuall bondage of the Normans taking an occasion by the perill and danger that their neighbors were in to prouide for the safegard of themselues and their Countrey they caused to assemble at Canterbury all the people of the Countie of Kent and declared to them the perils and dangers imminent the miserie that their neighbours were come into the pride and insolencie of the Normans and the hardnesse and griefe of bondage and seruile estate wherevpon all the people rather choosing to end their vnfortunate life than to submit themselues to an vnaccustomed yoke of seruitude and bondage with a common consent determined to méete Duke William and to fight with him for the laws of their Countrey And y ● foresayd Stigand the Archbishop and the Abbot Egelsin choosing rather to die in battell than to sée their nation in so euill an estate being encouraged by the examples of the holy Machabees became Captayne of the armie And at a day appoynted all the people met at Swanescombe two miles west from Graues-end and being hidden in the woods lay priuily in wayte for the comming of the foresayd Duke William And bycause it can not hurt to be very wary in such cases they agréed before hande that when the Duke was come and the passages on euery side stopped to the end he should no way be able to escape euery one of them as well Horsemen as footemen should beare boughes in their hands The next day after whē the Duke was come into the fields and territories néere vnto Swanescombe and saw all the Countrey set and placed round about him as it had bin a stirring mouing wood and that with a meane pace they approched and drewe néere vnto him with great discomfiture of mind he wondered at that sight And as soone as the Captaynes of the Kentishmen sawe that Duke William was enclosed in the middest of their armie they caused the trumpets to be sounded their banners to be displayed and threw downe their boughes and with their bowes bent their swords drawne and their speares and other kinde of weapons stretched forthe they shewed themselues readie to fight Duke William and they that were with him stoode as no maruell it was sore astonied and amazed and he which thought that he had already all England fast in his fist did now dispaire of his owne life Therefore on the behalfe of the Kentishmen were sent vnto Duke William the Archbishop Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines who told him their message in this sort My Lord Duke behold the people of Kent commeth forth to méete you and to receiue you as their liege Lord requiring at your hands the things which pertayne to peace and that vnder this condition that all the people of Kent may enioy for euer their antient liberties and may for euermore vse the lawes and customes of the Countrey otherwise they are ready presently to bidde battell to you and them that be with you and are minded rather to die héere altogither than to departe from the lawes and customes of their Countrey and to submit themselues to bondage whereof as yet they neuer had experience The Duke séeing himself to be driuen in such a straight and narrow pinch consulted a while with them that came with him prudently considering that if he should take any repulse or displeasure at the hands of this people which be the key of England all that euer he had done before should be vndone againe and of no effect and all his hope and safetie shoulde stande in danger and ieopardy not so willingly as wisely he granted the people of Kent their request So when the couenant was established and pledges giuen on both sides the Kentishmen being ioyfull conducted the Normans who also were glad vnto Rochester and yéelded vp to the Duke the Earledome of Kent and the noble Castell of Douer Thus the antiente liberties of Englande and the lawes and customes of the Countrey whiche before the comming of Duke William out of Normandy were equally kept throughout all England do through this industrie and earnest trauell of the Archbishop The antient liberties and lavves of England remayne in Kent only Thomas Sprot Wil. Thorne Stigand and Egelsin Abbot of Saint Augustines remayne inuiolably obserued vntill this day onely in the Countie of Kent Thus farre Thomas Sprot after him William Thorne After this Duke William wasted Sussex Hampshire Southery Marianus Floriacen Wigor Middlesex and Hertfortshire not ceassing to burne Townes and sley the people till he came to Barkehamsteed where the Archbishop Alredus Wolstan Bishop of Worcester Wilferus Bishop of Hereford Clito Edgar the Earles Edwine and Morcare and euery one of the noble men about London came to him and giuing pledges submitted themselues and sware fealtie to him with whome also he made a league neuerthelesse permitted his army still to burne Townes and to take spoyles Chro. S. Albani There was at that time an Abbot of Saint Albons called Frederike Abbot of S. Albons his policie against Duke VVilliam Fretherike who hearing of the comming of Duke William
10 Iohn Fleming 11 Oliuer Saint Iohn 12 Williā Easterling now for shortnes called S●radling Thus was the Lordship of Glamorgan Morgannoke wonne out of the Welchmens hands whiche Lordship conteyned in length from R●mid bridge on the East side to Pallekinan in the West side 27. miles The breadth from the Hauen of Aberthaw on the South side to the confine of Breknokeshire about Morleys Castell is 22. mi●●● In this Prouince are neath vpon a Riuer of the same name Pontfaine that is to say Stone bridge sometimes called Cowbridge Lantwid Wenny Dinwid Townes and Castels besides Caer Phili a most antient Castell fortresse which by reporte was erected by the Romanes and Caerdid the Humfrey L●●yd principall Towne of the Shire standing vpon the Riuer Tafe Englishmen tearme it Cardid or Gardife Also within the body of the said Lordship were eightene Castels and ●6 Knightes fées and a halfe that helde of the same Lordship by Knights seruice besides a great number of frée holders Also the saide Lordship being a Lordship Marcher or a Lordship Royall and holden of no other Lordship the Lordes thereof euer since the winning of the same owing their obedience only to the Crowne haue vsed therein Iura regalia with the triall of all actions as well reall as personall and pleas of Crowne with authoritie to pardon all offences Treason only excepted King William W 〈…〉 Northumberland where he repaired 1091 Nevv Castell Sarisburie Anno reg 5 such Castels as the Scottes had impayred and builded the newe Castell on Tine Osmond Bishop of Sarisburie founded the Cathedrall Church of old Sarisburie and on the morrow after the dedication thereof the Stéeple was fiered by lightning In England fell wonderfull abundance of rayne and after 1092 Great Frost Mathew Paris Wil. Malme ensued so great frost that horsses and cartes passed commonly ouer great Riuers which when it thawed the Yse brake downe many great bridges Hugh Lupus Earle of Chester sente into Normandy for Abbey of Chester Anselme by his counsell to builde an Abbey at Chester of Saint Werbridge King William lying sicke at Glocester for feare of death Mathew Paris promised to correct the wicked Lawes He gaue the Archbishoprike of Canturbury to Anselme Anselme Archbishop and to his Chancellour Robert Bloet the Bishoprike of Lincolne but when the King had recouered his health he was sorie that he had not sold the Bishoprike of Lincolne Malcolme King of Scottes comming into Englande was King of Scottes flayne met withall and sodeinly ●●ayne with his sonne and heire also by Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland Iohn Bishop of Welles by noynting the Kings handes Bishopricke at Bathe Levves in Suffex Anno reg 6. 1093 Carelile repayred and the Castell builded Famine ●● Beuerla Thomas Rudburn transposed his Bishops seate to Bathe William Waren first Earle of Surrey and Gundred his wife founded the Abbey of Lewes in Sussex King William builded againe the Citie of Carelile which was destroyed by the Danes 200. yeares before He also builded a Castell there and out of the South parts of England sent men to inhabit This yeare was a great famine and after so great a mortalitie that the quicke were scant able to bury the dead King William made great warres in Normandy against his brother Robert through the whiche both England and Normandy were fore oppressed with exactions Exactions VV●l●chmen vvon Angle●ey The Welchmen spoyled the Citie of Glocester with a part of Shrewsburie and woonne the Is●e of Anglesey The Bishopricke of Thetford was translated to Norwich Bishopricke at Norvvich Anno reg 7. 1094 Northumberland spoyled by Herbert Losing Bishop there King William sent his brother Henry into Northumberland with a great power bycause Robert Mowbrey Earle of that Countrey refused to come to the Kings Court the Countrey was spoyled the Earle was taken and many were disherited Some had their eyes put out c. King William with a great power entred Wales but not King VVilliam inuaded vvales being able to followe the Welchmen among the hilles he builded two Castels in the borders and returned Great preparation was made by the Christians to goe Anno reg 8. 1095 〈…〉 to Hierusalem against the Infidels at Hierusalem Peter the Hermite being their first leader and after Godfrey of Lorraine called Godfrey of Bolleine Robert Duke of Normandy tooke his iourney towards Anno reg 9. 1096 Normandy pavvned An. reg 10. 1097 Nice and Antioch vvoon Hierusalem and layde Normandy to gage to his brother King William for 6666. poundes of siluer The Dukes Godfrey Beamonde and Robert beséeged the Citie of Niece with 6000. horsemen and 10000. footemen and tooke the same with the wife of Soliman and his sonnes They also tooke the Citie of Antioch King William with an armie of horsemen and footemen wente the seconde time into Wales meaning to kill all the male kinde there but he could vnneth kill or take any one of them All the lands in Kent that sometime belonged to Earle Hector Boetius Godvvin sands Godwine by breaking in of the Sea were couered with Sands and therefore is yet called Godwine Sands King William was in Normandy and gaue himselfe to Exactions An. reg 11. 1098 An. reg 12. 1099 Hierusalem vvonne warres there so that with exactions and tributes he did not only shaue but flea the people of England Hugh Earle of Shrewsburie was slayne in Anglesey by the Irishmen The Christians tooke the Citie of Hierusalem and placed there a King and a Patriarche After King Wilham was come out of Normandy he kept his Courte at Westminster in the new Hall which he had then caused to be builded the length whereof is 270. foote VVestminster Hall P. Patauiensis and the breadth 74. foote and hearing men say it was too bigge he answered this Hall is not bigge ynough by the one halfe and that it was but a Chamber in comparison Io. Euersden of that he was about to make A diligent searcher might Mathew Paris Io. Rouse yet find out the foundation of the Hall which he had purposed to builde stretching from the Thames side vnto the common strééte King William being a hunting in the new Forest word was brought him that his people were beséeged in Mayne he forthwith tooke shipping though he were vehemently perswaded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whome he answered he neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time he gote more honor VVord of VVilliam Rufus Mathew Paris than euer he did in all his life for he chased his enemies and returned with victory In this Sommer bloud sprang out of the earth at Finchamstede Anno reg 13 in Barkeshire King William on the morrow after Lammas day hunting 1100 There stande●● a Chappell King VVilliam slayne Wil. Malme Mathew Paris Radulphus Niger in the new Forrest of Hampshire in a
place called Chorengham Sir Walter Tirell shooting at a Déere vnawares hitte the King in the brest that he fell downe starke dead and neuer spake worde his men specially that Knighte gate them away but some came backe agayne and layde his body vpon a Colyars Cart whiche one sillie leane beast did draw vnto the Citie of Winchester where he was Radul Cogshal buryed on the morow after his death at whose buryall men could not wéepe for ioy This King was taken out of the world in the middest of his vnrighteousnesse who being wicked to his owne people and to strangers was most wicked to himselfe The Countreys about him he prouoked with warres and England was so miserably oppressed vnder him that it Io. Rouse could not recouer for he and his trayne spoyled and subuerted all things He reigned twelue yeares and eleuen monethes lacking eyght dayes He gaue vnto the Monkes called De Charitate in Southwarke Register of Berna●dsey the great newe Church of Saint Sauioure of Barmonds eye and also Barmonds eye it selfe He also founded of an olde Monasterie of Monkes a Ex C●●● goodly Hospitall in the Citie of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation and finding of the poore as well men as women He gaue the Churche of Saint Peeter in the Citie of Bathe to be a Bishops Sea and the mother Church of Somersetshire ¶ King Henry Beawclerke HEnry brother to William Anno reg 1. Io. Rouse Rufus and y ● first of that name for his learning called Beawclearke brought vp in the studie of the liberall artes at Cambridge chieflye through the trauell of Henrye Nowborough Earle of Warwike who appeased all debates of that time to the The. R●dborne W. Malme contrarie obteyned the dominion ouer this Realme of Englande and beganne his raigne the first day of August in the yeare o●●ure Lorde 1100. and was crowned at Westminster on the fifth day of August by Mawrice Bishop of London bycause at that time Ge●●● Dor● Anselme Archbishop of Canturburie was by persecution of William Rufus exiled This Henry borne at Selbe in Englande was a noble Prince strong and mightie of body high of stature and amiable of countenance He was excellent in wit eloquent and fortunate in battaile and for these thrée he had thrée notable vices couetousnesse crueltie and lecherie He maryed Mawde the daughter of Malcoline King of Scottes of whome he begate William and a daughter named Mawde At the beginning of his raigne he restored the state of the Cleargie aswaged the gréeuous payments reduced againe Saint Edwards lawes and amended them He put out of his Court all nice and wanton persons He reformed the olde vntrue measures and made a Measures reformed W. Malme Vlno novv called a yard W. Malme measure by the length of his owne arme whiche was then called Vlno an Elle and now the same is called a yarde or metewand c. He restored to his Subiects the vse of lights in the night Vse of light in the night permitted which lightes and also fire had him forbidden by his father to be vsed after the ringing of a Bell at eyght of the clocke at night Edgar King of Scottes did homage to this Henry This yeare Iordan Briset Baron the sonne of Raufe the Saint Iohns by Smithfielde sonne of Brian Briset founded the house of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem néere vnto London by Smithfield The same Iordan gaue fourtéene Acres of ground lying Clarken vvell Register of Clerken well Ex Carta in the field next adioyning vnto Clarken well to build therevpon a house of Nunnes wherein he with Murioll hys wife were both buryed in the Chapter house Robert Shorthose Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest 1101 Anno reg 2. brother whiche was nowe returned from Hierusalem made warre vpon his brother Henry for the Crowne of England who assembled a strong armie and landed at Portesmouth but by mediation a peace was made on condition that Tribute to Robert Shorthose VVinchester and Glocester brent Liber Glocestr Tevvkesbery builded Cronica de Theoksbery Henry should pay thrée thousand markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one dyed without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester was brent the xvij of May and Glocester was brent the twentith of May Robert Fitzham who came with the Conquerour out of Normandy with Sibell his wife founded a new the Church of Theukesbery and was there buryed Robert de Belasine Earle of Shrewsburie eldest sonne to 1102 Robert de Belasme rebelled W●l Malme Floriacens●s Roger Mountgomery strengthned the Towne and Castell of Shrewsbury so did he the Castels of Bridgenorth Tichile and Arundell with vi●●uals and armed men against King Henry but the King being warned thereof he gathereth his power and beséegeth Bridgenorth whiche Towne was yéelded vnto him And this being knowne to them of Arundell they forthwith submitted themselues with condition that their Lorde Robert de Belasme might be permitted fréely to passe into Normandy Also they of Shrewsbury sent the keyes of their Castell and pledges of their obeysance and then Robert with his brother Ernulfus and Roger of Poytiers abiured this land for euer The Cathedrall Churche of Norwich was founded by Minster of Norvviche Anno reg 3. Register of Saint Barthelmew Hospitall of S. Barthelmevv 1103 Anno reg 4. Herbert Bishop of Norwich The Priorie and Hospitall of Saint Barthelmewe in Smithfield was founded by a pleasant I ester or Minstrell of the Kings named Reior who became first Prior there Before this time Smithfield was a laystow of all drdure and filth and the place where fellons and other transgressors were put to execution Roberte Duke of Normandy comming into Englande through the subtelty of King Henry his yonger brother released The yonger brother begyleth the elder to him the tribute of thrée thousand Markes of Siluer Hugh Lacy founded the Monasterie of Saint Iohn at Ex libre Lanthony Mathew Paris Lanthony founded Chro. Donmow Lanthony the Chanons of which place were since translated by Miles high Connestable and Earle of Here ford to a place néere vnto Glocester then called Hide since called Lanthony Iuga Baynard Lady of little Donmow caused Maurice Bishop of London to dedicate the Church of Donmow which the Priorie of Donmovv in Essex founded by the VViddovv of Baynard that buylded Baynards Castell in London had founded and the same day she gaue to it halfe a hide of land This Lady Iuga was late wife to Baynard that firste buylded Baynards Castle in London Great malice was kindled betwéene the two bréthren 1104 Anno reg 5. Robert and Henry wherevpon deadly warre ensued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blasing Starre King Henry remayned in Normandy making strong 1105 Anno reg 6. Saint Iohns in Colchester warres vpon his brother Robert and Rorsia his wife Eudo Dapifere or sewer to King Henry founded the Monasterie
famous Knight called Stephen Bancan was sent of the K. with an army who entring y e lands of a noble mā of Wales called Rise surnamed Vaghan y e is little being circūvented beset of his enimies in marish groūds was slain the remnāt of his army likewise eyther slaine or taken aliue put in bands few excepted y t escaped by flight Stephen Do Henry Walmond the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1256 Anno reg 41 Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The Maior and diuers Aldermē of London and the Sherifes were depriued of their offices and the gouernance of the Citie committed to other The new worke of S. Paules Church in Londō was begon Michael Bokerell Iohn the Minor the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1257 Tpodigma Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October Hugh Bigot chiefe Justice of England Roger Thurkelby kept their Courtes in the Guild Hall of London and punished the Bakers vpon the Tomberell and did many other things against the lawes of the Citie Richard Earle of Cornewall went ouer into Almayne and was there Crowned King of Almayne at Aquisgrayne King of Almayne The sixth day of July fell such abundance of rayne that many houses bridges and trées were borne downe The Bridges borne dovvne Taxtor VValles of Lōdon repayred Anno reg 42 Sherifes Maior 1258 King caused the walles of the Citie of London whiche were sore decayed and destitute of Bulwarkes to be repaired in more séemely wise than afore they had bin Richard Owell William Ashwye the 28. of September Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October For so much as the King had oftentimes promised the restitution of certaine antient lawes which he neuer performed the Lords murmuring against him held a Parliament at Oxford which was after called the madde Parliament bycause many things were there enacted which turned Madde Parliament Tpodigma Tvvelue Peeres to the death of many nobles In confirmation of these actes were chosen twelue Péeres whiche had authoritie to correct y e breakers of them the King his bréethren the noble men and Barons taking their oth to sée the same obserued Shortly after they banished William of Valence Galfrede Strangers banished Gwydon and Aylmer the elect of Winchester all foure bréethren to the King on the mothers side and other strangers Great dearth followed the wet yeare passed A Quarter Dearth of Corne. of Wheate was solde for fiftéene Shillings and twenty Shillings but the worst was there could be none found for money where-through many poore people were cōstrayned to eate Horse flesh and barkes of trées but many starued Cro. ●ouesham for want of foode twentie thousand in London as it was sayd A Iew at Tewkesburie fell into a priuie vpon the Saterday A Ievv drovvned and woulde not for reuerence of his Sabboth be plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester kept him there till Munday at which time he was founde Anno reg 43 Ex record Tho. W●ke● dead Richard Clare Earle of Glocester dyed and also his brother William by poyson as was thought Robert Cernehull Iohn Adrien the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1259 A ●u●ke more Richard Hardell Draper the 28. of October The King commanded a generall assembly at Powles Crosse in London where he in proper person commaunded the Maior that the next day following he should cause to be sworne before the Aldermen euery stripling of twelue Oth to the King yeares of age or vpwardes to be true to the King and hys heires Kings of Englande and that the Gates of the Citie should be kept with harnessed men Two Romaynes striuing for prebends in Powles Church Anno reg 44 at London the one killed the other there Iohn Adrian Robert Cornehill the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1260 Iohn Gysors Peperer the 28. of October Iohn Duke of Briteine married Beatrice King Henry the thirds daughter and was made Knighte and with him Baldwine Earle of the Isle of Wight This yeare was Sir Hugh Dispencer made chiefe Justice Hugh Bigot chiefe Iustice Wil Packington of England and Nicholas of Ely Chancellour to y e King and the Abbot of Peterborow Treasourer of the Eschequer by ordinance of the Barons The King repenting that he had at Oxford granted such large Lawes and Liberties to the Nobles and people of the Realme by counsell of Edward his sonne and Richarde his brother he sente to the Court of Rome to be absolued of his oth The Barons and Nobles of the Realme helde a Parliament Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Reignold de Moun Earle of Somerset Lord of Dunstere Anno reg 45 Nevvham founded the Abbey of Newham in Deuonshire Adam Browning Henry Couentry the 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior 1261 King Henry absolued William Fitz Richard the 28. of October King Henry published at Powles Crosse the Popes abslution for him and all his that were sworne to maynteyne the articles made in the Parliament at Oxford and then he with the Quéene sayled into France to make a finall concord betwéene him and the King of France for Normandy where the composition was that Normandy should remaine to the French King paying to the King of England and his 3000. pound sterling Anno. reg 46 Sherifes Maior 1262 The Barons in armoure heires yearely thirtie thousand pounds Turnoys which is 3000. pound sterling Iohn Northampton Richard Pickard the 28. of Septem William Fitz Richard the 28. of October The Barons of Englande Simon de Mountfort béeing their chiefe armed themselues against the King all this yeare houered about London and other places without any notable acte of Rebellion sauing that they robbed aliants and suche other persons as they knewe to be againste their purpose especially they slew the Iewes in all places There was slayne Iewes at London to the number of 700. the rest Ievves spoyled for Vsurie were spoyled their sinagogue defaced bycause one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue payde more thā two pence for the Usurie of twentie Shillings a wéeke Richard of Clare Earle of Glocester son of Gilbert of Clare Wil. Packington Anno reg 47 being with King Henry in France deceassed was buryed at Tewkesburie and Gilbert his sonne succéeded him Iohn Taylor Richard Walbroke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1263 Macy a French man Connestable of Glocester Robert of Glocest Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard the 28. of October Sir Macy de Bescile a Frenchman was by the King made Sherife and Connestable of Glocester wherwith the Barōs being offended they chose to be Sherife and placed there a Knight of that Countrey called Sir William Tracy which Sir William kéeping Court vpon a day in the Towne of Glocester Macy the Frenchman with a number of armed men came sodeinely vpon him drew him to the ground
in the Priorie of the Trinitie neare vnto Aldegate And before euery towne or Castel whiche the hoaste of London besiege if the siege continue a whole yeare the sayde Roberte shall haue for euery siege of the communaltie of London an hundred shillings for his trauell and no more These be the rights that the sayd Robert hath in the time of war Rights belonging to Robert Fitz Walter and to his heires in the Citie of London in the time of peace are these that is to saye the sayd Robert hath a Soken or ward in the Citie that is a wal of the Chanonrie of Saint Paul as a man goeth down the stréete before the Brewhouse of Saint Paul vnto the Thamis and so to the side of the Mill whiche is in the water that commeth down from the fléete Bridge and goeth so by London Walles betwixt the Friers preachers and Ludgate and so returneth backe by the house of the sayd Friers vnto the sayd common wall of the said Chanonry of Saint Paule that is al the parish of Saint Andrew whiche is in the gifte of hys auncestours by the saide senioritie and so the sayde Robert hath appendant vnto the sayd Soken al these things vnder written that he ought to haue a Soke man to place what Sokeman he will so he be of the Sokemanrie or the same ward and if any of the Sokemanry be impleaded in y e Guild Hall of any thing that toucheth not the body of the Maior y ● for the time is or that toucheth the bodye of no Sherife it is not lawfull to the Sokeman of the Sokemanrie of the sayd Robert Fitz Walter to demand a Court of the sayd Robert and the Maior and his Citizens of London ought to grāt him to haue a Court and in his Court he ought to bring his iudgement as it is assented and agréed vppon in the Guilde Hal that shall be giuen him If any therefore be taken in hys Sokenry he ought to haue his stockes and imprisonment in his Soken and he shal be brought from thēce to y e Guild Hall before the Maior there they shall prouide him his iudgement that ought to be giuen of him but his iudgement shal not be published till he come into the Courte of the sayde Robert and in his libertie And the iudgement shall be such that if he haue deserued death by treason he be tyed to a post in the Thamis at Woodwharfe where boates are fastened two ebbings and two flowings of the Water And if hée bée condemned for a common théefe he ought to be ledde to the Elmes and there suffer his iudgemēt as other théeues and so the said Robert and his heyres hath a great honor that he holdeth a gret Franches within the Citie that the Maior of the Citie and Citizens are bounde to do him of right that is to say that when the Maior will holde a greate counsel hée ought to call the sayd Robert and his heyres to be with hym in Counsell and of counsell of the Citie and the sayde Robert ought to be sworne be of counsel with the Citie against all people sauing the King and his heyres And when the sayde Robert commeth to the Huystings in the Guilde Hall of the Citie the Maior or his lieuetenaunt ought to ryse against him and set hym down néere vnto him and so long as he is in Guilde Hall all the iudgemente oughte to be giuen by his mouth according to the Recorde of the Recorders of the sayde Guilde Hall and so manye weifs as come so long as he is there he ought to giue them to the Baylifes of the town or to whom he will by the Counsell of the Maior of the Citie These be the Franchises that belonged to Roberte Fitz Walter in London in time of peace whiche for the antiquitie I haue here noted out of an old Recorde William Combmartin Iohn Burforde the. 28. of Septem Baylifes Custos Anno reg 32 Adam Meri Grauesend Bishop of Londō Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October Richard Grauesend Byshop of London deceased who is reported by some to haue purchased the Charters and Liberties for the Citie of London in the yeare of our Lord. 1●9● in the sixtéenth yeare of King Richard the seconde The vntrueth whereof I haue thought good thus muche in place to note King Edward went into Scotland and there besieged the Castel of Striueline which William Clifford kept the space of * 1304 Tho. de la More 90. dayes with sundry valiaunt assaultes but being able no longer to resist they put off their shoes and with haulters about their neckes came forth of the Castel and fel prostrate before the king committing both liues and lims to his mercie whom the King pardoned of life but sent them prisoners into England The King returning out of Scotlande by the Citie of Yorke commaunded the Courtes of the kings Benche and the Exchequer which had now remayned at Yorke vij yeares to be remoued to theyr olde places at London Roger Pares Iohn de Lincolne the. 28. of September Sherifes Custos Anno reg 33 Dravv thy staffe Adam Meri Sir Iohn Blound the. 28. of October King Edwarde helde his Christmasse at Lincolne where he ordayned Justices of Traylebaston againste intruders into other mens landes truce breakers extortioners murderers and suche like offendours by whyche meanes the Kings treasure was maruellously encreased Roger Brabason and Robert de Reuer satte at the Guilde Hall in London to heare the complaintes made concerning the foresayde Articles of Traylebaston The Citizens of Norwiche made peticion vnto the Norvvich vvalled Parliament Recordes 1305 King that lyke as it hadde pleased hym heretofore to graunte them hys helpe and lycence certayne yeares for the wallyng aboute of theyr Towne whiche tearme was nowe expyred to graunte them a longer tyme the same being not yet finished wherevppon v. yeares were granted by him and his Parliament at Westminster Iohn Leyland writeth that a Marchaunte of Norwich I. Leyland whom he nameth not builded a great part almost halfe of that Wall Robert Fitz Walter requested the king that the Fries of Friers of the Sacke A sinagoge of the Ievves neare Baynards Castel in Londō Parliament recor the Sacke cōmonly called de Penitentia Iesu in London might assigne to the sayde Robert one Chappel of olde time called the sinagoge of the Iewes neare adioyning to the place of the same Robert which request was graunted These Friers liued altogither by begging and had of late multiplyed in number greatly vntill the counsel at Lions wherein it was decréed that Friers beggers should receyue none into their order except Grey and White Friers They wer also licensed to enter into religion of larger rule from the which time forth all mendicant Friers began to decrease and were in short time brought to nothing except the Preching Friers William Wales which had ofttimes sette Scotland in gret VV. VVales in Scotland trouble was
Yorke where they loste thrée W. Packington thousande and were ouercome by the Scottes whych when the Kyng hearde tell of hée lefte the siege of Barwike and hasted to méete the Scottes but they returned an other way The Pope ordayned that Parsons should haue but one Benefice the péece wherevpon patrons straight presented newe Parsons to the residue A greate morreyne of Kine hapned which were so mortally infected that Dogs and Rauens eating of the carrion A morreyne of Kyne of the Kine were poysoned and did swel to death so that no man durst eate any Béefe Iohn Pointell Iohn Dallyng the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior The Scots bren the suburbs of Yorke 1319 Adam Meri Herdmen and vvomen goe tovvard Ierusalem Anno reg 13 Iohn Wingraue the 28. of October The Kyng being at Yorke the Scottes entered Englande came to Yorke and brent the Suburbs of the Citie and tooke Sir Iohn of Brytaine Earle of Richemonde prisoner wyth manye other Many Herdes men and certayne women of England and of other partes of the world gathered themselues togither and woulde goe séeke the Holy lande to kil the enemies of Christ as they sayde but bycause they could not passe ouer the greate Sea they slewe manye Iewes in the parties of Tholose and Gascoyne wherefore many of them were taken and put to death Simon Abindon Iohn Preston the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Exchequer kept at Yorke Wil. Paston 1390 Hamond Chickwell Peperer the 28. of October The fiftéenth of October the Clearkes of the Exchequer wente towardes Yorke with the Booke called Domes Day and other recordes and prouision that laded one and twenty Cartes but wythin the space of halfe a yeare in the Kalendes of Marche they dydde retourne agayne to London The same yeare the Kings Justices fate in the Tower 1320 of London wherevpon Iohn Gisors late Maior of London and many others fled the Citie for things they had presumptuously done and knewe themselues guilty And at this Chro. Dun. tyme the Citizens acknowledged the right whiche they oughte to Robert Fitz Walter and to his heires for the Castle of Baynard The Earle of Hereforde boughte of Sir William Bruis Knight a portion of lande in the Marches of Wales called Gowers Roger Mortimer the vncle and Roger the nephew not knowing of the foresaide bargayne had also bought the saide ground of the said William Bruis Also the Lorde Mowbray who had married the daughter and heire of the sayde William claymed it by inheritance of his wife Last of al Hugh Spencer the yonger had bought that land and putte them all out where through the foresaide Nobles were sore amoued and Humfrey Earle of Hereforde complayned to Thomas Earle of Lancaster whyche twoo Earles allured almost al the other Earles and Barons to take their part Thomas Erle of Lancaster being their Captaine The Barons i● armour they came to Sherborne and from thence with banners displayed to Saint Albons from thence they sent to the king being at London requiring him to banishe the two Hughe Spencers whyche were condemned by the comminaltie in many articles which when the King woulde not graunte Anno reg 14 the Barons came to London where at length the Kyng The elder Spencer banished graunted their petition so that Hughe Spencer the elder was banished but the yonger Hugh fell to spoyling on the sea taking out of two Dronionds aboute Sandwiche goodes to the value of 40000. poundes Reignolde at Conduit William Produn the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Ievves and leapers poysoned vvaters Conradus Memdember Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith the 28. of October Certaine Leapers who had made couenaunt with the Iewes to poyson all the Christians in Europe layde poyson in Welles Springs and Pittes for the whiche there were many conuict and brēt There died in Almain for this cause aboue twelue thousand Iewes About the feaste of Saint Michaell Isabell the Quéene T. de la More came from Canterbury to y e castle of Ledes in Kent purposing to haue lodged there that night but she coulde not be permitted to enter The King herewith beyng offended as beyng done in Leedes Castell besieged contempte of hym calling to hym the Commons of Essex and London besieged the Castle whyche belonged to Bartholomewe de Badelsmere who hauing lefte hys wyfe and chyldren therein was gone wyth the reste of the noble men to the ransacking of the Spencers goodes In the meane time they in Leedes Castle dispayring of their safegarde the noble men wyth their armye came to Kyngston in the Uigill of Saint Simon and Iude demaunding by the Byshoppes of Canterbury and London and the Earle of Penbroke who were sent betwéene them that the King woulde gyue ouer hys siege promising that they after the nexte Parliament woulde delyuer the Castell into the Kyngs handes and become obedient vnto him but the Kyng woulde not graunte the noble mens petition who beyng returned into other partes the Kyng wyth muche laboure obtayned the Castell and hanging sixe of the chiefe of those whome hée founde therein he sente the wife and children of Badlesmere to the Tower of London Kyng Edwarde helde hys Christmasse at Circister and after Christmasse leanyng Gloucester and Wircester hée wyth hys armye wente to Shrewsbury and Bridgenorth Both the Mortimers méeting the King reuerently and peaceably submitted themselues vnto him But the Kyng sente them Mortimer sente to the Tovver both to the Tower of London Mawrice Barkeley and Hugh Audley in like sorte submitting themselues he sent to Wallingforde Castel Humfrey Earle of Hereforde Gilbert Talbot Raufe Damary and their adherents fledde into the North to the Earle of Lancaster Aboute the latter ende of February the Kyng gathered an host and went agaynst the rebels and at Burton vppon Trent putte them to flighte The King pursuyng them the sixtéenth of March the hostes mette agayne at Borowbridge where Humfrey de Bohune by a certayne Welchman who stoode vnder the Bridge being thruste into the fundament with a Speare dyed There were taken in the fielde Thomas Earle of Lancaster with the Lordes Knights and other to the number of 65. the 〈…〉 ●●uing themselues by flight These by the iudgement o● 〈…〉 e H●●●●el●● Earle of Carlile were condemned On the 〈…〉 twentith of Marche Thoma●● Lancaster The Earle of Lancaster beheaded was b 〈…〉 ed Warin de Lile Wyllyam ●●ochet Thomas ●●●duit Henry Bradebourne Wyllyam Fitz William the yonger and Wyllyam de Cheyney ●●rons hanged and quartered at Pontfracte Iohn Mowbray Roger Ioh. Troklowe W. Paking Clifford● Goceline Deynvile drawne and quartered at Yorke Bartholomewe Badlesmere at Caunturbury Henry de Mountfort Henry Willington at Bristowe Iohn Clifforde Roger Elinbrough at Glocester Wyllyam Kerdyfe Henry Chies at London Frauncis de Aldham at Windsore Thomas Culpeper at Winchelse Hugh de Audley the yonger Iohn de Wyllyngton Roberte Talbot Iohn Maidut Edmunde Heclude Iohn de Sapy Roberte de Wacheuile
Valoys layde out in the warres of Gascoigne Thirdly he sayde that he was a friend and louer of iustice and equitie whiche he woulde neuer swarue from neyther for friendship nor affinitie but he woulde by all meanes he could molest and vex all breakers of the peace of the Kingdome of Scotland for saith he there shall neuer be perfecte peace and quietnesse among Christians before the King of Fraunce sitte in place of Judgement for the right of the Kingdomes of France England and Scotland Iohn Kingston Walter Turke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Reignald at Conduct Vintner the 28. of October Part of the Uniuersitie of Oxford wente to Stamforde Ro. de Auesbery bycause of a variance that fell betwéene the Northerne and Southerne Schollers Upon Saint Clements night through abundance of waters Anno reg 9. but specially in the Thamis all the Cattell and beastes néere therevnto were drowned and the land made 1335 vnfruitefull by salte waters King Edwarde had a tenth of the Cleargie and also ●● the burgesses and a fiftéenth of the commons About the feast of Pentecost he helde a Parliament at Parliament at Northampton Tho. de la More Northampton where leauing the Prelates states and commons debating about matters himselfe secretely rode to Berwike and there taking with him a few men of armes he went to Saint Iohns Towne whiche he strengthned wyth trench and rampire and sente his Earles with the King Conquerour to make an inrode vpon the Countrey and to sée what Scottes they could finde would resist them but Ro. de Auesbery none durst abide their comming but hidde themselues in hilles wooddes and marishes and in the meane tyme many Earles and Barons came and submitted themselues to King Edward vpon conditions as followeth These be the poyntes agréed betwixt the counsell of the Kings of England and Scotland on the one partie and Alexander Mowbrey Geffrey Mowbrey Godfrey de Roos William Bulloke and Eustace de Loreyne hauing full power from Dauid Stravulgi Earle of Dassels and Robert Steward of Scotland to treate accorde and affirme all poyntes enterparled and to be enterparled betwixt the sayde Kings and the Earle and Stewarde as appeareth by their letters patents of eyther partie First it is accorded that the sayd Earle Dassels the great men and all other of the communaltie of Scotlande whiche shall come in the same conditions shal haue life and member lands and tenements fées and offices within Scotland which they ought to haue by inheritance or right those except which shall be surprised by common assent Item that they shall be pardoned of emprisonmente and of all manner trespasses by them done in the Realmes of England and Scotland from the beginning of the world vnto the date of these presents Item the Earle Dassels and Alexander Mowbrey shall haue landes tenementes possessions and fées in Englande which they had at their departure after the homage done at Newcastell vpon Tine Item that the franchises of the Churche in Scotlande shall be mainteyned after the auntiente vsage of Scotlande Item that the lawes of Scotland in Borough Townes Shriuewikes within the landes of the King of Scotlande be vsed after the antient vsages and custome of Scotland as they were vsed in the dayes of King Alexander Item that the offices of Scotland be ministred by people of the same Nation yet notwithstanding that alwayes the king of Scotland may put such officers in as shal please him of what nation soeuer they be Item that all those that within the conditions of the Earle Dassels haue landes within the landes of the King of England in Scotland shall haue agayne the same landes tenements possessions offices and fées as they had them at their departure after their homage done at Newcastell vpon Tine except those that shall be forprised by common assent Item that if they be empleded for their landes and tenements a●oresayd that they haue their defences and recoueries in Court where they ought to haue Item as touching the demaund which the Earle Dassels claymeth that the King of England ought to acquite his lands in England which he hath in gage for eyght hundred markes the King neyther ought nor will do it but as touching the Manour of Byphingdone which the said Earle layd to pledge for two hundred and fiftie poundes it is accorded that if the sayde Earle do come within one yeare after the date of these presents and will acquite the Manoure the King shall cause that hée haue the same Manoure Item as touching the Castell and Lands of Chilham it is accorded that the sayde Earle be in the same point that hée was before at hys departure and haue hys recouerie by lawe and the Kyng promiseth in good fayth that he will cause that he may haue the land without delaying eyther partie And touching the lands which the sayde Earle claymeth to haue in Norffolke of the which he hathe Charters it is accorded that hys Charte●● béeyng séene of the Kinges Counsell he wyll doe reason ●●em that in case any man surmise treason vpon the sayd Earle he may defend himselfe by his body according to the lawes and vsages of Scotland and on the march●● and that all those that be within these conditions haue the like graunt Item as to the pardon which William Ramsey Knight demandeth for the trespasse by him done to William Lorde Mountagew to wéete for beating downe his Castell of Haghtordone the same William shall be readie to do according to that that shall be aduised by the Kings of England and Scotland Item that the sayd Stacie de Lorayne haue his landes and tenements which he ought to haue within the Realme of Scotland and if any man haue trespassed towardes him he shall haue his recouerie by law Written at S. Iohns Towne in Scotlande the eightéenth of August Anno 1335. Walter Mordon Richard Vpton the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Nicholas Wutton the 28. of October Phillip Quéene of England did beare hir second sonne named Wyllyam at Hatfielde who shortlye after dyed Aboute the feast of the Epiphany the King and the Anno reg 10 Archbishoppe returned out of Scotland to the buryall of Iohn of Eltham Earle of Cornewall brother vnto the King who deceassed at Berwike in the moneth of October and was buryed at Westminster At whiche time 1336 Parliament at London Duke and Erles created W. Sheepeshed the King kepte a Parliamente at London whiche beganne on the Monday after Saint Matthies day and on the firste Sundaye in Lente hée made hys eldest sonne Edwarde Earle of Chester and Duke of Cornewall Tho. de la More He made also sixe other Earles Henry of Lancaster sonne to Henry Earle of Lancaster Earle of Darby Hugh Audley Earle of Glocester William Bohune Earle of Northhampton William Montacute Earle of Salisburie William Clinton Earle of Huntingdon Robert Vffurd Earle of Suffolke to the which Robert he at that time gaue the manor of
this meane time sent a number of Genoways and other hired Souldiours vnto Dauid King of Scottes earnestly requesting him that he would inuade England with all his force wherefore about the seauenth of October he with a mightie power entred England passing along by Berwike which was strongly defended by the Englishmen and so ranging ouer the Forrest of Alnewike they wonne a certayne Mannour place called Luden belonging to the Lord Walter Wake who yéelded himselfe on condition Sir VValter VVake and his sonnes cruelly slayne by the Scottes to be ransomed where Selby a Knight béeing desirous by law of armes to saue his life he was taken which when it was knowne to Dauid he commanded him to be slayne but Selby intreated for him that he mought bée brought aliue to the presence of Dauid who hauing obteyned his request he falleth downe before Dauid requesting his life for raunsome but he was agayne adiudged to dye The malice of the Tirant was suche that he commaunded two of the children of the poore Knight to bée strangled in sight of their father and afterwarde himselfe béeing almost madde for sorrow was beheaded From thence the Scottes passed forwarde wasting along the Countrey wherein were many Farmes belonging to the Monasterie of Durham and comming within two miles of Durham they tooke certayne of the Monkes which they kept prisoners for their raunsome making couenant with the residue for a certayne summe of money and corne to redéeme theyr Mannoures from spoyling The Englishmen of the Marches fléeing before the face of the enimie William de la Zouch Archbishop of Yorke Uizegerent to the King in the Marches calling togither the Bishop of Carelile the Earle of Anguise the Lord Mowbrey the Lord Percy the Lord Neuell and other of the North with all their ayde togither with the Archers of Lancashire went towards the armie of the Scottes and on the euen of Saint Luke mette them at a place called Bewre Parke ●éere Neuels Crosse The Scottish Nation not accustomed to flée withstoode them stoutly and hauing Headpéeces on their heads and Targets on their armes preasing sore vpon the Englishmen they abode the brunt of the Archers but the men of armes which were in the forefronts gaue their enimies many deadly woundes The Marshall of the Scottes Earle Patrike who had the charge of the rereward when he perceyued his men to be beaten downe he fledde away with other that were priuie to his cowardlinesse he being fled the residue of the Scottes continuing faithfully with theyr King stoode about him like a round Tower kéeping hym in the middle who so continued till there was scarse fortie of them left aliue of the which not one of them coulde escape away At length Dauid their King béeing taken prisoner by Iohn Copland the residue aboute him béeing taken or slayne the Englishmen pursued the chace after them whiche were fledde slaying and taking them as farre as Prudihow and Corbridge In this great battayle were taken King of Scottes taken Dauid de Bruse King of Scottes the Earle of Mentife the Earle of Fife the Lorde Maleolin Fleming the Earle Wixton William Dowglas William de Lemingstone Walter de Halliburton Iohn Dowglas Dauid de Anade Iohn de Saint Clere William Mowbray Dauid Fitz Robert William de Ramsey Adam Moygne Iohn Stewarde Roger de Kirkpatrike Iohn Hume Wil. Morrey knights Iames Sudelflour Iames Loren Henry Delker Baronets There were slaine in this battell the Earle of Morife the Earle of Straterne also Alex. Stragy Iohn de Haliburton Hen de Ramsey Naso de Ram●ey Adā Nilkenson Thomas Boid Iohn Stiward Allen Stiward Dauid Delahay Edward Kethe Iohn Crawford Iohn de Kindesey Philip de Maldrē Hen. Ramsey Alex. Morey Hum. de Boys Gil. Inchmarten Robert Maltallent and his brother Humfrey Kirkepatrike Iohn Strange and Patrike Hearing Knightes There were many slayne in the chase but there were no more coate armours found in the mayne battayle than we haue reckned This battayle was fought on the seuentéenth of October The prisoners were conuayde to London about Christmas Dauid le Bruce except which might not trauell by reason of two deadly woundes in his head with arrowes but the seconde of January he was brought vp and conuayed from Westminster to y ● Tower of London in sight of all the people and there lodged in the blacke nouke of the sayd Tower néere to the Connestables gard there to be kept While these things were done in England the King was Anno reg 21 Tho. de la More busied at the séege of Calleys which Towne is scituated in the marches of Artoys being closed aboute with a double wall and a double ditche hard on the shore of the Englishe Calleis described Sea right ouer against the Castell of Douer And there is longing to the same Towne an Hauen wherein Shippes may lie very safe withoute danger This Towne was sometime with the Castell thereof very strongly built by the force and valiantnesse of the Romanes for after that Iulius Caleys builded by the Romanes Caesar had broughte all France vnder his subiection hée built Calleys in Artoys and the Castell of Chipstowe in Venedocia or Southwales and the Castel of Douer in Kent what time Castels of Chepstovv in vvales and Douer in Kent built by the Romanes he had conquered Britayne King Edward cast a ditch aboute his Camp and layde his Nauie of Shippes against Caleis Hauen to the intente that the Frenchmen should make no inuasions vpon his Souldioures neyther they within receyue any victualles by water The Norman Pirats at sundry times tooke fiftéene of his Shippes whereof some of them they caried away for their owne occupying the other they brent and Sir Thomas Haclut with Sir William Borton Knights as they were sailing into England were taken prisoners on the Sea King Edward hauing fortified the séege lay without giuing 1347 any assault knowing that it was not possible to fight with his enimies without great losse of men considering the deapth of the ditches and heigth of the walles neyther woulde he erect any engins againste the Towne for there wanted firme grounde where vpon to place them Besides that if he should beate downe the walles yet were the ditches so déepe and full of salt water let in on euery side that they were able to withstande all the world with little strength and defence On that side of the Towne on which the Bolloners were wont to victuall Caleis that is along on the Sea side and especially when the Shippes could not be suffered to passe by Sea but alongst the shore with small boates the Earle of Northampton made a Rampire wherewith he kept away A Rampire builded at Caleis and beate backe such boates and afterwarde when the Admirall of France had purposed to come with his Shippes of warre to fight against our English Shippes that lay at the séege thinking that in the meane time whilest they were a fighting the small Boates should passe
fiue hundred whose coatearmours were brought away the number of commōs were not compted There were takē the Lord of Brusebeke sonne of the Marshall Bertram also Tristram de Maleis also the Lord of Maletret the Uicount of Comaine Geffrey de Graues William de la Vall Charles Darchesill Iohn de Bause and other Knightes with Bachelers aboue 130. This armie of the Frenchmen vnder the conduct of the sayde Marshall of purpose deuised by him was so besette on the backehalfe with the stéepenesse of a Mountayne that flie they could not to the end that hope of flight being takē from them their courage to fight might y e more encrease There were many of those Knightes surnamed of the Starre who Knightes of the Sta●●e in their profession had conspired neuer to turne their fearefull backes to their enimies of which number of Knightes there were among them slayne and taken numbred xlv From that dangerous encounter few escaped vnhurt and among other the foresayd Walter Bentley Captayne was sore wounded who commanded thirtie archers to be condemned for that in the greatest heate of the fight they fledde The Earle of Stafford also entered into Gascoigne where encountering with a greate armie of the Frenchmen that were issued forth of the fortresse of Gagent he discomfited tooke and chased them about the Natiuitie of our Lady there was taken that valiant Knight ●ruse Gaude and seauen Knightes of the Starre Shortly after dyed Iohn Dediaseles and Thomas Wale Knightes of greate valor Iohn Pe●che Iohn Stotley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Francis Mercer the 28. of October The same yeare it being heard that Pirats troubled the Seas there were seauen Shippes of warre ordeyned certayne Pinesses attending vpon them ouer the whiche were Admiralles Thomas Cooke and Richard Tottlesham Knightes who scoured the Seas about the coast of Picardie and Normandie but before the feast of Saint George they returned as they wished Whilest these things were a doing by Sea and Lande Otto sonne to the Duke of Brunswike the French Kings féed Otto of Brunsvvike chalengeth to combate vvith the Duke of Lancaster before the French King at Paris man sent letters to the Duke of Lancaster being returned out of Spruce by the tenour whereof he accused him affirming that as he returned out of Spruce by Colein he malitiouslie informed the Coleners that the sayd Otto went about by stealth to haue taken him prisoner and to haue presented him to the French King adding héerevnto that bycause he neuer meant any such taking of him he was ready in declaration of his good name by a singular Combate onely in the French Kings Court to proue the Duke of Lancaster a lyar touching the sayd Article The Letters were not sealed and therefore least it might haue bin thought follie to haue giuen credite to the letter deliuered by a seruant the Duke sent vnto Otto two Knightes to learne the cause of the chalenge and to demaund thereof his letters patentes sealed with his seale of armes which Knightes accomplishing the effect of their iourney and returning with spéede the Duke sent to the French King for a safe conduct for himselfe and his men and with much ado obteyning it he went to Paris where in the listes in presence of the French King the King of Nauarre and the Duke of Burgoigne and many Péeres and other of the Realme of France he mounted on his stéede in séemely wise readie in all signes without default to trie the Combate and so stayde till his aduersarie was readie and the voyce of the Herault and Canton to be had by their common othe for the assurance of his word and to obey the Law On the contrary parte the sayde Otto scarcely was set on his Horse was not able decently to set on his helmet nor to wéelde his Speare or else he fayned whose vnablenesse béeing perceyued by the French King the King of Nauarre and other the Kyng tooke the quarrell into hys handes wherevpon Otto was commaunded first to departe the listes and so wente hys way but the Duke abode still within them After this by commandement of the Frenche King Otto sware that he should neuer after that day appeach the Duke of Lancaster of that Article and so from thence the Duke returned home by Zeland After the Epiphanie a Parliament was holden at Westminster Anno reg 27 Parliament at VVestminster wherin an ordināce was made at the instance of the Londoners that no knowne where should weare frō thenceforth any hoode excepte reyed or striped of diuers coulours Apparell appoynted to harlots nor Furre but garmentes reuersed or turned the wrong syde outwarde vppon payne to forfeyte the same This yeare the dearth of Corne by them of Ireland and the Irishmen that brought in Corne to sell vnto diuers Hauens of the Realme was a●waged to the great reléefe of the people King Edward altered the Chappell which his progenitors before had founded of Saint Stephen at Westminster into a Colledge of twelue secular Canons twelue Uicars other Ministers accordingly and endewed it with reuenewes Saint Stephens Chappell at VVestminster Ex Carta 1353 to the summe of fiue hundred pound by yeare The morrow after Saint Matthies day began a Parliament wherein it was ordeined that the Staple of wooll before kept in Flanders at Bridges should from thencefoorth be holden in diuers partes of England Wales and Ireland as at Staples of VVoll to be kept in England Newcastell Yorke Lincolne Canterbury Norwich Westminster Chichester Winchester Excester Bristow and Carmarden The Earle of Northampton went into Scotland wyth a great company of armed men and Archers where he rode through the marches and enforced y e Castell of Loghmaban and other fortresses to yéeld and tooke the Scottes that were layde in ambushes He also held a treatie of peace with the Scottes who gladly would haue redéemed their King and made a perpetuall peace with the Englishmen but yet so as the King of Scottes should not hold his land of the King of England William Weld Iohn Little the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Adam Francis Mercer the 28. of October Innocent the 6. for the desire of peace sent the Cardinal of Bononi to Caleis to heare the treatie of the finall peace betwixt Treatie of peace the Kingdomes of England and France to whome repaired the Counsellours of both Realmes with full authoritie to treate and constitute the conditions of the same peace and at length they agréed vpon this poynt that the King of Englande should resigne all his right that he had to the Realme of France and remitte it to the French King and should haue therefore the Dutchie of Aquitayne and the Counties of Artoys and of Guisnes for him and his successors Kings of England without that he should holde the Counties same of the French King in any manner of wise To these conditions the King of England gaue his consente and for the assurance
little talke with the King they recited the conspiracie wherby they had bin indited and they shewed forthe also th● letters which he had sente to the Duke of Irelande that he shoulde assemble an armye to their distruction c. in the ende the King promised on the nexte morrow to come to Westminster and there to intreate at large for reformation of all matters In the morning the King came to Westminster wher after a little talke the Nobles sayde that for his honour and commoditie of his Kingdome it was behouefull that the traytours whisperers flatterers and vnprofitable people were remoued out of place and that other mighte be placed in theyr roomes which when the King had graunted they iudged that Alexander Neuell Archbishoppe of Yorke Iohn Forde Bishoppe of Durham Frier Thomas Rushoke the Kings Confessour Bishoppe of Chichester shoulde be banished They expulsed also the Lorde Souch of Haringworth Burnel and of Beamount Albery de Vere Baldwine de Bereforde Richard Aderburie Iohn Worth Thomas Clifford and Iohn Louel knights not as altogither dismissed but to appeare at the next Parliamēt there were certain Ladyes also expelled the Courte as vnprofitable They arrested Simon Burley William Elmham Iohn Beauchamp of Holte stewarde of the kings house Iohn Salisburie Thomas Treuet Iames Barnes Ni. Dagworth and N. Brember Knightes They toke also the Chaplens Richarde Clifforde Iohn Lincolne Richard Mitforde Nicholas Slake Deane of y ● kings Chapel Iohn Blake an Aprentice of the lawe all whyche was sent to diuerse prisons The thirde day of Februarie a Parliament was begon at Westminster to y ● which the Lords came with a sufficiente army this Parliament continued vntil the feast of Pentecost 1388 The xj of Februarie was Robert Tresilian Justice of y ● Kings Bench a Cornishman arested at Westminster wher he had laine hid in sanctuarie and was the same day drawn from the Tower of London to Tiborne and there with a great adoe was hanged consequently by iudgemente of the Lords Nicholas Brembar Knight was put to the like execution After which Iohn Salisburie Iames Barnes knights were by iudgement of the Parliament drawn and hanged then Iohn Beauchampe of Holt the Kings stewarde whome the King purposed to haue made Baron of Bridgenorth was drawen and hanged Iohn Blake Esquire was hanged and drawne and Iohn Vske a Sergeaunt at armes was drawn and hāged Lastly on the fifth of May sir Simō Burley Lord Chamberlayne to the King and Conestable of Douer was beheaded although the Earle of Darbie did what he coulde to saue him for the which great dissention rose betwixt hym and the Duke of Glocester There was condemned also in the same Parliamente these Justices Roberte Belknape Iohn Holte Roger Fulthorpe and William Brough Iohn Locton Richarde Graye Justices with the Lordes before fledde were all banished There was granted to the King of the Cleargie half a tenth and of the Laytie half a fiftéenth and of the Marchāts twelue pence of the pounde thrée shillings of the Tunne liij shillings foure pence of the sack of Wool The Duke of Glocester and sir Iohn Cobham asked pardon of the Abbot of Westminster for violence done in y e sanctuarie of Westminster in the taking of the Justice Trisilian The laste saue one of May there were deliuered out of the Tower W. Elmhame T. Treuet and Nicholas Dagworth Knights Also the first of June Iohn Holand the Kings brother was created Erie of Huntington The thirde of June the king in the Church of Westminster renewed the othe which he toke when he was crowned and all the Lordes sware homage and fealtie to him and all the Bishoppes did excommunicate all those that would go about to hinder the statutes of this last Parliament or y ● Anno reg 12 great Charter After Whitsontide Richarde Earle of Arundale with a companye of valiaunte men wente to the sea and foughte with certain ships of his enemies taking drowning or brēning lxxx shippes he entred into the I le of Beas which he spoyled and brent The same yeare the Scottes prepared themselues that as soone as the truce was exspired they mighte be readie to inuade the North partes and with a great army entred Englande committing gret slaughters of people and toke booties in euery place and ledde away manye prisoners and burned Townes and approched to Newcastel vpon Tyne and picht theyr Tentes not farre from thence There was then in the same Towne sir Henrie Percy the yonger and Syr Ralph his brother both desirous of warlike renowme and sore enimies to the Scottes Thys sir Henrie came vpon them on the sodayne and assayled them in the campe making greate slaughter of them William Douglas also chiefe Captaine of the Scottes beholding the thing that a thousande times he hadde wished that is sir Henrie Percy within his Campe rydeth againste him but was slayne by the sayde Henrie and then commeth the Earle of Dunbar with an excessiue number of Scottes and toke the sayd Henrie with his brother Ralphe slaying many Englishe menne in that place but yet the Scottes loste manye of theyr beste men Thys battayle was at Otterborne the soarest fought that Battaile at Otterborne Iohn Belandine Iohn Maior ● Frosert ●●h Rudborae Parliament at Cambridge euer was betwéene Englishe menne and Scottes sayeth Froysert The seauenth of September a Parliament was holden at Cambridge in which were newe statutes ordayned for seruauntes wages for beggers for weapons not to be born of playes or games none to be vsed but shooting of the staple to be brought from Middleborow to Caleis c. and in the ende a tenth of the Cleargie and a fiftéenth of the Laytie Thomas Austine Adam Carlehul the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Nicholas Twyforde Goldsmith the. 28. of October The sixth of October as sir Iohn Treuet rode wyth the King to the kings lodging whiche was at Bernewel as he forced his horsse too much with the spurres the horsse falleth and breaketh the inner parts of the rider who liued tyl the next day King Richard discharged the olde officers of his Courte 1389 and also his Counsellours appointing other at his pleasure he toke the Seale from Thomas Arundale Archbishop of Yorke and deliuered it to William Wickam Byshoppe of Winchester and made him Chauncellour the Bishoppe of Excester his Treasurer and Edmund Stafford Kéeper of the priuie Seale A truce was graunted for thrée yeares betwixt Englande and Fraunce A fighting among Gnats at the Kings maner of Shine where they were so thicke gathered that the ayre was darkned with them they fought and made a great battaile Two partes of them being slayne fel downe to the grounde the thirde part hauing got the victorie flew away no mā knew whether The number of the deade was such that mighte bée swepte vppe wyth Besomes and Bushels filled wyth Anno reg 13 them Michael at Pole sometime Earle of Suffolke and Chauncellour of England deceased at
● said nobles to be indited at Notinghā suborned such as shold appeach thē in the next Parliament to wit Ed Erle of Rutland T. Moubery E. Marshal Tho. Holland E. of Kent Iohn Holland Erle of Huntington Tho. Bewford Erle of Somerset I. Mountacute Earle of Salisburie and Thomas Spencer William Scrope the Kings Chamberlayne And in mean y eseason the Kyng assembled togither to guarde his parson many malefactors of the Countie of Chester which kept watch and warde both day and night about him Then the K. caused a greate and generall Parliament to be summoned at Westminster when he caused a great Hall to be builded in the midst of the Pallaice betwixte the Clocke tower and the doore of the greate Hall This Parliament began aboute the fiftéenth of September at the beginning whereof Edwarde Stafforde Byshop of Excester L. chanceller made a proposition or sermō in the which he affirmed that the power of the K. was alone and perfect of it self those that impeached it were worthye to suffer pain of the law to this Parliament al the Nobles came with their retinue in armes for feare of the King the prelocutours were Knights in whō no goodnesse at al could be found but a natural couetousnesse vnsatiable ambition intollerable pride and hatred of the truth their names wer Iohn Bushy William Bagot and Thomas Grene. These required Tho. Wals chiefely to haue the Charters of pardons reuoked dissanulled and Bushy sayde to the K. bycause we are charged to say what they be that haue committed any offence against your maiestie regall aucthoritie we saye that Tho. duke of Glocester Richard E. of Arundale in the. xviij yeare of your raigne haue trayterously compelled you by mean of the new Archbishop of Canterburie then Lord Chancellour to graunt to them a commission to gouerne your Realme and to dispose of the state thereof to the preiudice of youre maiestie and royaltie The same daye was that commission dissanulled with all Articles dependyng therevppon Also the generall pardon graunted after the greate Parliament by them procured and one speciall pardon for the Erle of Arundale were reuoked Also there was a peticion made by y e commons I. Bushy speaking for them that the generall pardon procured and gotte forthe the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie then Lorde Chancellor procuring it should be disanulled and he to be iudged a Traytor for granting to it wherevpon the Archbishop rose and would haue answered but the King sayde to morrow to morrow but he came not into the Parliament house againe the King said that he would deliberate of the commons petition Also it was established that any Traytor conuicted to stand against the Kings regalitie should be adiudged worthie to suffer punishment to be appoynted for such offence Also it was enacted that criminall causes from thenceforth-should be determined in euery Parliament and then licence being had to depart a great sturre was made as is vsed wherevpon the Kings Archers in number four thousand compassed the Parliament house thinking there had bin in the house some broyle or fighting with their bowes bent their arrowes set in them and drawing readie to shoote to the terrour of all that were there but the King héerewith comming pacified them On the next day the Prelates were inioyned vpon payne of losing their temporalities that they should the same day agrée vpon some procurator to consent in their names to al things in that Parliament to be dispatched and the King had these words Sir Iohn Bushy bycause many desire that I would explane the fiftie persons exempted in y ● general pardon I wil briefely that what man soeuer desireth this is worthie of death first bicause he fléeth secondly bycause I haue excepted those that are to be impeached in this Parliament thirdly bycause other of their associates hearing thē oppressed would be afraide where no feare is On the next day the Archbishop of Canterbury commeth to the palace to appeare in the Parliament but the King commanded him by the Bishop of Carelile that he shoulde returne to his house and from thenceforth he appeared not The Prelates made Thomas Percy the Kings Steward of houshold their procurator to consent in all things in this Parliament to be done Also Sir Iohn Bushy had these words our soueraigne Lord the King bycause the second Article in the Parliament is for punishmente to be appoynted for suche as violate the Kings royall authoritie I beséech your grace that you will authorice me by way of appealing of accusing or impeaching with licence to make declaration from one to the rest so often and when to me and to my fellowes it may séeme expedient and it was graunted then Bushy had these words I accuse Thomas of Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury of thréefold treason Frst of the commission in granting the regiment or gouernement of the Realme to Thomas Duke of Glocester and to Richard Earle of Arundell at his instance who rather bycause he was your Chancellour should haue refused it Secondly for that vnder pretext of that trayterous commission they trayterously vsurping the iurisdiction of your regalitie or royall authoritie held a solemne Parliament trayterouslie in preiudice of your regalitie Thirdly bycause that by the sayde trayterous vsurping Sir Simon de Burley and Sir Iames Barnes Knightes and faithfull lieges to you were trayterouslie murthered and put to death of which things we your commons demaund iudgement worthie of so high treason to be terribly pronounced by you and bycause the Archbishop is a man of great consanguinitie affinitie power and most politike witte and cruell nature for the preseruation of your estate and the whole Kingdomes by the petition of this present Parliament I require that he may be put into safecustodie vntill the finall execution of his iudgemente The King héerevnto answered that for the excellence of his dignitie he would take deliberation till the next morrow and all other that were put into the same commission he pronounced them to be his faithfull liege people and voyd from that treason and especially Alexander Neuell late Archbishop of Yorke and then Sir Edmond of Langley Duke of Yorke Unkle to the King and Sir William Wikeham Bishop of Winchester that were put into the same commission with teares fell downe on the ground before the King and gaue him humble thankes for that grace and benefite bestowed on them Also on Saint Mathewes day the Earle of Rutland the Earles of Kent Huntington Notingham Somerset and Salisburie with the Lordes Spencer and Scrope in a sute of redde Gownes of Silke garded and bordered with white Silke and embrodered with Letters of Golde proponed the appeale by them to the King at Notingham before set foorthe in the which they accused Thomas Duke of Glocester Richard Earle of Arundell Thomas Earle of Warwike and Thomas de Mortimere Knight of the premised treasons and of an armed insurrection at Haringey Parke trayterouslie attempted against the King and putting in
the other an Italian chalenged to fighte within listes against sir Iohn Cornewall and Iames of Artois which two straungers were ouercome in battaile and Chalenge of cōbat at Yorke sir Iohn Cornewal obtaining the Kings fauour maried the kings sister that had bin wife to sir Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon The Welchmen taking occasion by the Kings absence The VVelchmen rebel when he was in Scotlande beganne to rebel by the settyng on of Owē Glendouerdew son to Griffyth Vichā an esquier of Wales so called Glendour bicause his dwelling was in a place called Glēdordwy for Glyn in Welch is a vale and Dor is water bycause the place was in a dale at the side of y e water or Riuer of Dew in the Parish of Corwrn in the Countie of Mer●●neth in Northwales He serued King Richarde at the tyme of his oppression by Henrie Duke of Lancaster at Flint Castell The first cause of this stirre was about a péece of land in controuersie betwixte him and the Lord Reignolde Gray of Ruthiue for when he saw his cause not fauoured firste hée began to spoyle the landes of the sayde Lord Gray whereof the king being certified went with an army into Wales but the Welchmen fledde to the mountaines the King brente the Countrey slew the people with whom he mette and returned with a great pray of Cattaile Iohn Wakel William Ebot the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Geffrey Chavvcer chief Poet of Brytaine Sir Iohn Frauncis Goldsmith the. 28. of October Geffrey Chawcer the most excellent Poet of Englande deceased the xxv of October who was buried at Westminster where of late at the charges of one maister Bridgeham is made ouer him a faire monument on the Southside of the Quire his workes for the most part are published in print by sir Iohn Thinne Knight and somewhat increased by my trauell in the last impression Not long after deceased the like famous Poet Iohn Gower Iohn Govver a most excellent Poet of Englād who lyeth buried in Sainte Marie Oueries Church in Southwarke He new builded a great part of that Church and cōpiled thrée famous bookes The first in Latine Vox Clamātis The second in French Speculum Meditantis The third in Englishe Confessio Amantis which last booke is in Print the other hard to come by of the first I haue séen thrée very faire copies but of the seconde I neuer sawe any one The Emperour of Constantinople came into Englande to requyrs ayde agaynste the Turkes whome the King wyth sumptuous preparation mette at Blacke Heath vpon Saint Thomas daye the Apostle and brought him to London and paying for the charges of his lodging presented him with giftes worthy for one of so high degrée Soone after came newes that the King of Leto had ●lain in battayle Bassacke the sonne of the noble Balthazardan ● destroyed Ierusalem and all the Countrey rounde aboute And bycause he had by Gods grace so ouercome contrarye to his opinion he became christened and 60000. men of his secte The Emperour of Constantinople hearing this was very 1401 The Emperour returned gladde and departed out of Englande being honored by the King with precious giftes The fiue and twentith day of July Isabel late wife to K. Isabel late vvife to K. R. returned into Fraunce Richarde not yet twelue yeares of age departed from Douer towardes Caleis and so into Fraunce to hyr Father Owen Glendouerdew w e his Welchmen did much harme to the Englishmen and returned There was founde in the Kings bedde clothes an yron K. H. escapeth ● great daunger with thrée sharp pikes slender and round standing vpright layde there by some Traytour that when the Kyng should haue layde him downe he might haue thrust himselfe vpon them This time was vsed excéeding pride in garmentes gownes with déepe and broade sléeues commonlye called poke sléeues the seruauntes ware them as well as theyr Tho. Wals Aditions to polic maisters whiche mighte well haue bene called receptacles of the Diuel for what they stole they hidde in their sléeues whereof some hung downe to the féete and at leaste to the knées ful of cuttes and iagges whervpon were made these Anno reg 3 verses Now hath this lande little neede of Bromes To sweepe away the filth out of the streete Th● Hoc●li●● Sen side sleeues of pennilesse gromes will it vp licke be it drie or weete O England stand vpright on thy feete so foule a waste in so simple a degree Banish or it shal ●ore repent thee William Venor Iohn Fremingham the. 28. of Septem Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Chadworth Mercer the. 28. of October The Conduit vpon Cornehil in London was made which before time had bene a prison called the Tunne in Cornehill wherevnto nightwalkers that were taken in suspition of fellonie or other trespasses were committed In the moneth of March appeared a blasing starre first betwixt the East and the North and last of all putting firie beames towards the North foreshewing peraduenture the effusion of bloud about the partes of Wales and Northumberlande Owen Glendouerdew with his Welchmen wasted y ● lands 1402 of the Lord Reignalde Gray tooke him prisoner and slewe many of his people Certaine men affirmed King Richarde to be aliue and Conspiracie against K. Henrie that he should shortly shew himself openly reward them y ● wer faithful vnto him But after a certain priest was taken at Warwike who had written y e names of many which were the aucthours of these troubles both the hope and feare of this conspiracie vanished The Priest was drawen hanged and quartered Also Walter Waldocke late Priour of Lande a Priorie in Leicestershire bycause he confessed he knew euill against the king and did conceale it was likewise hanged and headed Moreouer certaine gray Friers were taken of the whiche one Richard Friseby doctour of Diuinitie being A stout Frier executed asked what he would do if K. Richard were present answered that he woulde fight in his quarrel against any man euen to the death wherfore he was condemned drawen and hanged in his religious habit and wéede At Daneburie in Essex vpon Corpus Christi day the Diuell appeared in likenesse of a Gray Frier who entring the Church raged insolentlye to the greate feare of the Parishioners and the same houre with a tempeste of whyrlewinde and thunder the toppe of the Stéeple was broken downe and halfe the Chauncel scattered abrode Shortlye after sir Roger Claringdon Knighte a bastard sonne to Edward the blacke Prince and wyth him a Squire and a yeomanne were beheadded and eyghte Graye Friers hanged and beheaded at London and two at Leicester all whiche hadde published King Richard to bée aliue Owen Glendouerdew with a company of Welchmen inuaded all the shires that bordered neare vnto hym wherefore sir Edmund Mortimer wyth manye Knightes and Esquiers wente out to encounter with Owen stronger than he was of the
sodeinly into the parties where the Rebels kept their rage and when Henry saw vpon a sodein the Kings banner and was euen ready to haue scaled y ● towne of Shrewsburie he streightways Shrevvsburie beseeged desisted frō the assault of the towne and said to his men we must now néedés turne our weapons vpon them that come against vs ye sée the Kings Stādert neither cā we though we would séeke any startinghole stand to it manfully therfore for this day shall eyther bring vs all to promotion and honor if we ouercome or else if we be ouercome it shall deliuer vs frō the Kings malice for it is a more comely thing to die in battell for the cōmon wealth than after battell to die by the sentence of condemnation by the enimie with that 14000. of the best mē that wer with Henry made vow promise to stand by him so long as breath would serue they tooke the field that was commodious for them and the King his men lay in the field right against thē The bowmen of Henry Percy began the battell whose arrowes fell not vpon the ground but vpō the bodies of the Kings souldiers and the Kings archers shot as fiercely against their enimies so that on both sides many were slaine and many thousands fledde thinking the King had bin slaine but the Earle of Dunbar withdrew the King from the place that he stoode in which was a good turne for him for the foresayde Henry Percy Earle Dowglas the Scot than whome was neuer man more stoute raged so that the Kings Standert Tho. Wal● was ouerthrowne and those about it slaine among whome was slaine Humfrey Earle of Stafford Sir Walter Blunt the Kings Standertbearer Sir Nicholas Langford Sir Iohn Clifton and the two bréethren Genetels with many other Knightes Gentlemen and of the cōmons on both sides about 5000. slaine Henry the Prince was woūded in y ● face Titus 〈…〉 with an arrow In the meane season Hen. Percy whilest he went before his mē in the battel preasing vpō his enimies was sodeinly slaine which being knowne the Kings enimies fled but the Earle Dowglas was takē and also Tho. Percy Earle of Worcester with Sir Richard Vernon and the Baron of Kinderton and many other were taken This battell was fought on Mary Magdalen euē néere vnto Shrewsburie in a place called Old field alias Bull field On the Monday following were cōdēned beheaded at Shrewsburie y ● Earle of Worcester the Barō of Kindarton and Sir Ri. Vernon The body of Hen. Percy was deliuered to the L. of Furniuale to be buried but the King caused the same body to be taken by and to be reposed betwéene two Milstones in the Towne of Shrewsburie there to be kept with armed men and afterward to be headed and quartered commanding his head and quarters to be caried vnto diuers Cities of the Kingdome The Earle of Northumberland with a strong power was comming towards his as men thought or at the least towards the King but the Earle of Westmerland and Robert Waterton had gathered a great armie and had entred to méete him sodeinly but he taking none of them both to be his friends returned vnto the Castell of Werworth When all things were set in a stay at Shrewsburie the King went towards Yorke where when he was setled hée sent to the Earle of Northumberland commanding him to dismisse his company and to come to him and the Earle at the Kings commandement came to him on the morrow after Saint Lawrence daye but the King receyued him not friendly but as one that sued for pardon and pardoning him of his life committed him to safe custodie The Britons Amorikes the Lord of Cassels being their leader Plimmouth spoyled by the Britons Anno reg 5. inuaded the Towne of Plimmouth spoyled and brent it and went their way frée but immediately the Westerne Nauie vnder the conduct of William Wilford Esquire in the coast of Briton tooke fortie Shippes laden with Iron Oyle Sope and Wine of Rochell to the number of a thousand Tonne and in returning backe agayne he brent forty Shippes and at Penarch the sayd William arriued with his men and burned Townes and Lordships the space of sixe leagues and set the Towne of Saint Mathew on fire and their Milles about the said Towne Thomas Falconer Thomas Poole the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Frenchmen inuade the Isle of VVight Sir William Askham Fishmonger the 28. of October A little before Christmas the Frenchmen came into the Isle of Wight boasting that they would kéepe their Christmas there and when a thousand of the Frenchmen were entred into the Iland and driuing flockes of Cattell towarde the Sea sodeinly there came vpon them a company of the Iland men that forced them to leaue their pray behinde them and to get them gone with shame ynough to theyr Shippes with no small losse of their men In a Parliament holden at London after the Octaues of the Epiphany the Earle of Northumberland was restored to his former estate and dignitie And in this Parliamente was graunted vnto the King an vnaccustomed taske very heauie and paynefull for the inhabitants the manner of which taske the grannters thereof would haue to be kept secret for euermore and vnder that condition only it was graunted that it should not be any example to them that should come after and that there should remayne no record thereof but the same forthwith to be brent The Frenchmen about that time came before the I le of 1404 Frenchmen come to the I le of VVight Wight with a great Nauie and sente certayne of their men to demaund in the name of King Richard and of Quéene Isabell a tribute or subsedie of the inhabitants who answered that King Richard was dead and the Quéene sometime his wife was sent home to hir parents withoute condition of any tribute but if the Frenchmens minde were to fight they willed them to come vp and no man should let them for the space of sixe houres to refresh themselues but when that time were exspired they should haue battayle giuen to them which when the Frenchmen heard they went away and did nothing The Lord of Cassels in Briteine arriued at Blacke poole two Dertmouth inuaded by the French mile out of Dertmouth with a great Nauie where of the rusticall people whome he euer despised he was slayne There were takē that day thrée Lords twenty Knightes of name and the vplandish people presenting their captiues to the King returned with their pursses full of gold In the moneth of Aprill the Cleargie granted vnto the king a tenth All the sommer following Owen Glendouerdewe Ovven Glendouerdevve and his Welchmen robbe burne and destroy the Countreys adioyning vnto them he tooke many captiues and slew many Englishmen he layde flatte certayne Castels that he had taken and some he kept for hys owne defence The Flemings and Briteines tooke certayne
arrested him he arrested the Marshall also and many other with him to all which it was promised y t they should haue no harme but that promise was not kept for both the Archbishop Archbishop of Yorke beheaded the Earle Marshall were beheaded when the King came to Yorke the morrow after Whitsonday After this whē the King had punished the mē of Yorke at his pleasure he set forth with an armie to pursue the Earle of Northumberland and Thomas Lord Bardolph and tooke all maner of munition with him and an armie of 37. thousand fighting men The Earle of Northumberland perceyuing the Kings intent gote himselfe to Berwike with thrée hundred horsse and frō thence into Scotland The King being bent against the Earle of Northumberland went to Berwike from whence the Earle fledde into Scotland and the Lord Bardolph with him whome Dauid Lord Fleming the Scotte receyued into alliance The King vnderstāding that the Earle was fled he commanded them in the Castell to render it vnto him whiche when they refused to do the King caused a greate Gunne to be shotte whiche ouerthrewe parte of a Tower wherevpon they of the Castell gaue ouer and submitted themselues to the King who caused some of them to be beheaded and the residue to be sent to prisons After this the Castell of Alnewike and the rest of the Earles Castels were with small ado rendred to his handes with which successe the King being encouraged went streight into Wales where contrarywise nothing prospered with him wherefore he returned loosing Charets Cartes and Wagons to the number of 50. with his Treasure so that comming backe to Worcester he sent for the Archbishop and Bishops and declared to them his misfortune desiring thē to help him to whome the Archbishop answered that he woulde talke with the Cleargie in that matter In the meane season the Frenchmen came to succour the Welchmen with 140. Shippes they l●nded in Milford Hauen hauing lost almost all their horsses for lacke of fresh water The Lord Barkley and Henry Pay burnt fiftéene of those Shippes in the same Hauen These Frenchmen beséeged the Towne of Carmarden and tooke it graunting to the inhabitants all their moueable goodes and to goe whether they would The same time the foresayde Lorde Barkley Thomas Anno reg 7. Swinborne and Henry Pay tooke fourtéene Shippes of the French in the whiche they tooke the Steward of France and right Captaynes more The Towne of Reystone in Hartfordshire was brent Reyston brent Henry Barton William Groome the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Woodcocke Mercer the 28. of October This yeare all the Weares in Thamis from the Towne VVeares in the Thamis and Medvvay destroyed of Stanes in the Weast vnto the water of Medway in the East by the Maior and communaltie of London were destroyd and the trunckes brent for the which great plea and discord followed betwéene Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury and other Lords and Knightes of the one party and the Maior and communaltie on the other partie but the Citizens preuayled by vertue of their Charter and Statutes A Parliamente beganne whiche lasted nigh one Parliament A great taske 1406 whole yeare for after the Knightes of the Parliament had long delayde to graunt to the King a subsedie yet in the ende being ouercome they granted the taske demanded The Priestes and the Friers that liued of almes were forced euery one to pay halfe a marke Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland the L. Bardolfe by the counsell of Dauid Fleming fled into Wales for he had declared to them that the Scottes had conspired to deliuer them vnto their owne King in exchange for other prisoners and for this doing of Dauid Fleming the trayterous Scottes flew him and reysed such a ciuill warre amongst thēselues that in the ende they were constreyned to request truce for a yeare which when they had obteyned the Scottes sente Iames the sonne of Robert King of Scottes being but The King of Scottes sonne and heire taken on the Sea nine yeares olde towardes France there to be brought vp and to be instructed in the pleasant eloquence of the French tongue whome certayne marriners of Cley in Norffolke tooke on the Seas and with him a Bishop and the Earle of Orkney to whome his Father had committed him and they brought him into England and deliuered him to the King who forth with burst out into a laughter and sayde surely the Scottes mighte haue sente him to me for I can speake French The Bishop escaped and fledde but the Earle of Orkeney and the sayde Iames the yong ladde was sent to the Tower of London where he remayned prisoner till the second yeare of Henry the sixth whiche was aboue eightéene yeares The Frenchmen came to help Owen Glendouerdew with 38. Shippes whereof 8. were taken full of armed men the rest escaped into Wales but not long after were taken fiftene Shippes laden with Wine and Waxe Whilest the Parliament yet continued the Duke of Yorke was restored to his olde dignitie whome many men thought to haue bin dead in prison Edmond Holland Earle of Kent married the Duke of Anno reg 8. Millaynes daughter in the Priory of Saint Mary Ouery in Southwarke Nicholas Wootton Geffrey Brooke the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Richard Whittington Mercer the 28. of October Iohn Couentry and Iankin Carpenter executors to this VVhittington Colledge founded Richard Whittington with his goodes builded Whittington Colledge in London and a great part of the Hospitall of Saint Barthelmew in Smithfielde He builded the Library of the Grey Friers and the East end of the Guild Hall in London with diuers small conduites called Bosses and the Weast Nevvgate builded Gate of London called Newgate Also Iankin Carpenter one of the executors to the Worshipfull Knight Sir Richard Whittington aforenamed of his owne costes and charges caused to be paynted aboute the Cloyster of Saint Paules Church in London a most excellent monument or remembrance of Death the originall patterne whereof was sometime deuised by Machabre a Doctor of France and therefore called The Daunce of Machabre which Daunce was richly paynted about Saint Innocents Cloyster in Paris with Metres in French signifying The Daunce of Death commonly called the Daunce of Paules the spéeches of Death to all estates and their seuerall answeres againe to Death all whiche being translated into English by Iohn Lidgate Monke of Bury was as afore sayde richly paynted in the sayd Cloyster of Saint Paules Church and therefore commonly called The Daunce of Paules Henry Pay and other with him of the fiue Portes with Tho. Wals fiftéene Shippes tooke an hundred and twentie Shippes which lay at ancker in the Sea of Briteine laden with Iron Salt Oyle and Rochell Wine This Sommer through corruption of the ayre so great a Plague was shedde vpon mens bodyes as was not séene the like in many yeares in this land so that men
of dyuerse warres that haue risen in sundry partes of the world and euen now of late to the number of thirtie thousande which by reason of the dissention had vpon the Bishoprick of Leons betwixte two which do striue and contende the one in the aucthoritie of the true Pope and the other by the aucthoritie of the Antipope were in slaughter fielde a lamentable thing to be spoken slaine and distroyed Truely the Apostolike sea woulde be in greate heauinesse of heart and woulde rather forsake the honor of the Apostolicall sea thā then to sée from henceforth such wicked slaughter to be committed and woulde take example of the true mother who before King Salomon rather chose to giue place than that the childe shoulde be cutte in péeces c. thus muche of the Epistle sente by the Kyng of Englande to the foresayde Gregorie This yeare was a great play at the skinners Wel nere vnto Clearkenwel besids Londō which lasted viij days was of matter from the creation of the world there were to bethe same the most part of the nobles and gentles in Englād and forthwith after beganne a royall iusting in Smithfielde betwéene the Earle of Somerset and the Seneshall of Henalt sir Iohn Cornewall sir Richard of Arundale and the sonne of sir Iohn Cheyne against other Frenchmen Anno reg 11 Sherifes Maior Iohn Lawe William Chicheley the. 28. of September Sir Richard Marlow Ironmonger the. 28. of October Thomas Beuforte Erle of Surrey was made Chanceller and Henrie Scrope was made Treasurer In a Parliament holden at London in the Lent season 1410 the Knights and Burgesses presented to the King a Bill in this forme To the most excellent Lord the King and al the Nobles in this present Parliament assembled your faithfull Commons humbly do shewe that our soueraigne Lord the king may haue the Temporall possessions and landes whych by Th. Wals the Bishoppes Abbots and Priors are proudely spent and wasted in this Realme which woulde suffise to finde 150. Earles 1500. Knightes 6200. Esquiers and 100. Hospytals more than now be c. but when they went about to declare out of what places those great summes were to be leuied wherby the forsayde states should be endued they wāted in theyr accompte wherefore the King commanded thē that from thenceforth they shoulde not presume to moue any such matter Upon the euen of Saint Iohn Baptist the kings sonne being in Eastcheap at supper after midnight betwixt two and thrée of the clocke a great debate hapned betwéene his men and men of the Courte lasting an houre til the Maior and Sherifes with other Citizens ceased the same for the which afterward the sayde Maior Sherifes and Aldermen were sent for to appeare before the Kyng to aunsweare at whych the King with his sonnes and diuerse other Lordes were highly moued againste the Citie where through William Gascoigne chiefe Justice enquired of the Maior and Aldermen for the Citizens whether they woulde put them in y e Kings grace wherevnto they aunswered they had not offēded the Kyng nor his sonnes but according to law stanched the debates then the King seeing it woulde be none otherwyse forgaue altogither and they departed King Henrie founded a Colledge at Battelfielde in Shropshire where he ouercame Anno. reg 12 Battelfield founded Sherifes Maior 1411 Guilde Hal in Londō builded sir Henrie Percie and other Iohn Penne Thomas Pike the. 28. of September Sir Thomas Knowles Grocer the. 28. October About Easter the Guilde Hall in London was begun to bée made newe by the forsayde Maior and Aldermen The Custos or Gardian with the brethrē of the Grocers in Londō purchased their Hall in Cunihope Lane for 320. markes and thē●aide the foundation therof on the tenth of May. Iohn Prendergest Knight and William Long kept the seas from Pirates and Rouers so that the passage by Sea was quiet but by the ill willers they were accused of theft robberie themselues whervpon the Knight toke Sanctuarie at Westminster where he could not haue an house or cotage to hide his heade for that the same was forbidden by the King so that he was forced to lye in a Tente whiche he set vp in the Church Porch and to haue men to watch him in the nighte season for feare of his enimie but his fellowe William remayned on the sea vntill the Admirall had prepared shippes readie and went in person to fetch him whiche he coulde not doe till he promised him by his fidelitie that he shoulde haue no harme which promise notwithstāding William was imprisoned in the tower of London The Earle of Arundale the Earle of Kime sir Robert Vmfreuile sir Iohn Oldecastle Lord of Cobham sir Iohn Gray and other warlike power and a greate number of Archers were sent into France to the ayde of the Duke of Burgoine against the Duke of Orleaunce which at Saint Elo beside Paris incoūtred with the enimyes vpon whom they had a noble victorie wherfore they were bountifully rewarded by the Duke of Burgoine and then returned into Englande A Squire of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had long time rebelled against the King was brought to London and there drawen hanged and quartered Anno reg 13 Iohn Raynwel William Cotton the. 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Robert Chicheley Grocer the. 28. of October After the feast of All Saintes a Parliamente was begun at London The King caused a newe kinde of Nobles to be made 1412 whiche were of lesse value than the olde by foure pence in the noble King Henrie foūded the Colledge of Fodringhey in Northamptonshire Henrie the fifth gaue it lande of Priories of Monkes aliantes by him supressed A Goldsmith and his man of Fleete in London were bothe murdered by night in the Duke of Yorkes place without Temple barre and were cast into the riuer of Thamis About the fiftéenth of August the King by determination of the Counsel appoynting to send help to the Duke of Orleaunce sent his second sonne Thomas Duke of Clarence Edwarde Duke of Yorke and Thomas Earle of Dorset and many valiant men wyth a strong power to helpe to the Duke of Orleaunce against the Duke of Burgonie or euer al y ● other were returned whiche a while agoe went ouer with y e erle of Arundale to ayde the Duke of Burgonie so that many men maruelled of the sodaine chaunge that in so small a tyme the Englishmen dyd ayde and assiste the two contrarie parts notwythstandyng the foresayde Nobles wente forewardes and arriued in Normandie where when the Duke of Orleaunce did not méete them at the tyme appointed they brent hys townes and spoyled his Countrey and tooke manye holdes At length thoughe late the Dukes of Clarence and of Orleance mette and talked togither And the matter was so entreated of betwéene them that our menne shoulde desyste from raungyng throughe the Countrey and refrayne from robberie which when our men hadde graunted they departed into
Bridge but the warders or kéepers thereof kept them out by force as before they were commanded wherwith they being gréeuously discontented gathered to them a greater number of Archers and men of armes and assaulted the Gate with shot and other meanes of warre in so much that the commons of the Citie shut in their shoppes and spedde them thither in great number so that greate bloudshed woulde haue followed had not the wisedome of the Maior and Aldermen stayde the matter in time The Archbishop of Canterbury with the Prince of Portugale and other tooke great labour vpon them to pacifie this variance betwixt the two bréethren the Protector and the Bishop in so muche that they rode betwéene them eyght times ere they might bring them to any reasonable conformitie and lastly they agréed to stande to the rule of the Duke of Bedford Regent of France or of such as he would assigne wherevpon the Citie was set in more quiet and the Bishop of Winchester wrote a Letter to the Duke of Bedford Lord Regent as followeth RIght high and mighty Prince and right noble and after one leuest earthly Lorde I recommende me vnto your Grace with all my heart and as ye desire the welfare of the King our soueraigne Lorde and of his Realies of England and of France and your owne weale with all yours hast you hither for by my troth and ye tarrie long we shall put this Land in ieoperdy with a Field such a Brother yée haue héere God make him a good man For your wisedome knoweth well that the profite of France standeth in the welfare of England Written at London the last of October On the tenth day of January next ensuing the sayde Duke of Bedford wyth hys wife came vnto London with them also came the said Bishop of Winchester and the Maior and Citizens receyued him at Merton and ●on●ayde hym through the Citie vnto Westminster where he was lodged in the Kings Pallace and the Bishop of Winchester was lodged within the Abbots lodging On the morrow following the Maior presented the Regente with a paire of Basins of Siluer and ouer-gilt and in them a thousande Marke of gold The xxj of February began a great Counsayle at Saint Albons which was after reiorned to Northampton but for that no due conclusion mighte be made on the 1426 Parliament at Leycester xxv of March was called a Parliamente at Leycester the which endured till the xv day of June This was called the Parliamente of Battes bycause men being forbidden to bring Swords or other weapons brought great battes and staues on their neckes and whē those weapons were inhibited thē they tooke stones and plomets of Leade During this Parliament the variance betwixt the two Lords was debated in so much that the Duke of Glocester put a Bill of complaynt against the Bishop conteyning sixe Articles all which Articles were by the Bishop sufficiently aunswered and finally by the counsell of the Lord Regent all the matters of variance betwéene the sayd two Lordes were put to the examination and iudgemente with the assistance of the Lordes of the Parliamente Henry Archbishop of Canterburie Thomas Duke of Excester Iohn Duke of Norffolke Thomas Bishop of Durham Philip Bishop of Worcester Iohn Bishop of Bath Humfrey Earle of Stafford Raulph Lord Cornewell and Maister William Alnewike then kéeper of the priuie Seale which Lordes made a decrée and awarde so that eyther party tooke other by the hande with friendly and louing words none hauing amends of other Upon Whitsonday following was a solemne feast holden at Leycester aforesayde where the Regente dubbed King Henry Knight and then forthwith the King dubbed Richard Duke of Yorke that after was father to King Edward the fourth and other to the number of fortie After the Parliamente the Kyng wente to Killingworth Castell Henry Chicheley Archbishop of Canterbury founded a Colledge at Higham Ferrers in Northamptonshire of eyght Colledge and Hospitall at Higham Ferrers fellowes foure Clearkes and sixe Choristers He also founded there an Hospitall for poore folke with many preferments to the sayd Towne which house for the poore his Anno reg 5. bréethren Robert and William Chichely Aidermen of London augmented with goodly legacies On Saterday the euen of Saint Michaell the Archangell Iohn Audley An Earthquake during tvvo houres in the morning before day betwixte the houres of one and two of the clocke began a terrible Earthquake with lightning and thunder whiche continued the space of two houres and was vniuersall through the world so that men had thought the world as then should haue ended and the generall dome to haue followed The vnreasonable Beasts rored and drew to the Townes with hideous noyse Also the Foules of the ayre likewise cryed out suche was the worke of God at that time to call his people to repentance Iohn Arnold Iohn Higham the 28. of September Sherifes Maior VVardes in London discharged of fifteenes Iohn Reynwell Fishmonger the 28. of October This Iohn Reynwell Maior of London gaue certayne Lands or tenements to the Citie of London for the whiche the same Citie is bound to pay for euer all such fiftéenes as shall be graunted to the King so that it passe not thrée fiftéenes in one yeare for thrée wardes in London to wéete Reignwels Testament Downegate warde Billingsgate warde and Aldgate warde This yeare the Tower at the Draw Bridge of London Tovver on Lōdon Bridge was begun by the same Maior of London On the Newyeares daye Thomas Beawford Duke of Excester deceassed at Greenewich and was buryed at Sainte Edmonds Burie in Suffolke About the Purification of our Lady the Duke of Bedford Regent of France with his wife and familie passed the seas vnto Caleis and so through Picardy into France but ere he departed from Caleis to wéete vpon the feast day of the Annuntiation 1427 of our Lady the Bishop of Winchester within the Church of our Lady of Caleis was created Cardinall and after the solemnitie done the Regente tooke him on hys righte hande and so conuayed hym vnto hys lodging This yeare was vnseasonable weathering for it reyned most part continually from Easter to Michaelmasse This yeare the Duke of Alanson that before was taken prisoner at the battayle of Vernole in Perch was deliuered for a raunsome of 200000. Scuttes of Golde whiche was Rob. Gagwin 50000. Markes sterling This yeare also the Earle of Salisburie accompanyed with the Earle of Suffolke the Lord Talbot and other layde Rob. Fabian a strong séege vnto the Citie of Orleance and hilde the Citiezens very streight and maugre the Duke of Orleance and the Marshall of France the Englishmen wanne from them diuers strong holdes adioyning to the Citie and forced them to bren a great part of their suburbes but one day as y e sayd Anno reg 6. Earle of Salisburie Thomas Mountagew rested him at a bay window a Gunne was leuelled out of the Citie which all
tosquashed his face whereof he dyed after which mishappe the Englishmen lost rather than wanne so that by little and little they lost all their possessions in France This yeare Humfrey Duke of Glocester tooke to wife Duke of Glocester married Elianor Cobham Elianor Cobham whome before hée hadde wantonlye kept Henry Frowike Robert Otley the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Parliament Subsedy Iohn Gidney Draper the 28. of October In a Parliament at Westminster was graunted to the King a Subsedie of euery Tunne of Wine thrée shillings and of other Merchandise excepte wooll fell and cloth xij 1418 pence of the pound Also of euery parish through y e Realme excepted Cities and Boroughes the benefice being in value x. Marke tenne of that parish should pay vj. s viij d. euery man viij d and of euery benefice that were x. pound x. parishners to pay xiij s iiij d and so rate and rate like of euery benefice from the lowest to the highest And for the inhabitants of Cities and Boroughes euery mā being in value of xx s aboue his houshold stuffe the apparell of him his wife should pay foure pence and so after that rate vnto the richest On Corpus Christi day a Briton that a good widdow and honest woman had cherished and brought vp of almes Murther quitte vvith murther dwelling in White Chappell parish without Aldgate murthered the sayd woman in a night sléeping in hir bedde and after conuayde such iewels and stuffe as he might carrie but he was so pursued vpon that for feare he tooke a Churche and there foresware the Kings land and the Connestables caused him to be brought to London and so intended to haue conuayde him Westward but so soone as he was come into the parish where before he had committed the murther the wiues cast vpon him so much filth and ordure of the stréete Anno reg 7. that notwithstanding the resistance made by the Connestables they slew him there out of hand On the first of September the Cardinall of Winchester Cardinall of VVinchester being returned from beyonde the Seas was mette by the Maior and his bréethren and certaine Citizens of London on horsebacke without the Citie and so brought to his pallace in Southwarke This yeare was a great fire at Baynards Castell in London Fire at Baynards Castell Sherifes Maior Thomas Duffehouse Iohn Abbot the 28. of September Henry Barton Skinner the 28. of October The viij of Nouember the Duke of Norffolke was like to haue bin drowned passing through London bridge hys Duke of Norffolke escaped drovvning Barge being set vpon the piles ouerwhelmed so that to the number of thirtie persons were drowned and the Duke with other that escaped were drawne vp with ropes The xxj of February Ri. Neuill was made Earle of Salisb 1429 The fifth day of June Frier Randolph a Mayster of Diuinitie that had bin long prisoner in the Tower of London 1. Treuise was there slayne by the Parson of the Tower In the moneth of June the Cardinall of Winchester with a warlike companye passed the Sea intending to haue made warre vppon them that then inhabited the Countrey of Prage but for néede of men that the Regente had in Fraunce the Cardinall chaunged his purpose and taryed there a season with the Regent William Ruffe Ralph Holland the 28. of September Sherifes Maior William Castfielde Mercer the. 28. of October The sixth of Nouember King Henrie being about the age of nintéene yeares was solempnely crowned in Saincte Peters Churche of Westminster at whose coronation were made xxxvj Knightes of the Bath and after solemnization in the Churche finished an honorable feaste in the greate Hall of Westminster was kept wherof yée may reade a large discourse in Robert Fabian After whiche feaste great preparation was made for the Kings iourney into France The. xxiiij of Januarie a battayle was done in Smithfielde 1430 within the listes before the King betwéene two men of Feuersham in Kent Iohn Vpton appellaunte and Iohn Downe defendaunt when they had long fought the Kyng toke vp the matter and forgaue both parties The. xxvij day of April the King toke shipping at Douer landed the same day at Caleis hauing in his company the Dukes of Yorke and Norffolke the Bishops of Bath Ely and Rochester the Earles of Huntington Stafforde Warwicke Oxforde Deuonshire Mortaine of Ewe and of Ormonde and Barrons the Lorde Boucher Beaumond Typtoft Fitz Water Roos Arundale Audley Faucōbridge Gray Codner Scrop and Welles Whilest the Kyng remayned at Caleis manye skirmishes were fought betwéene the Englishmen and the Frenche in diuerse partes of France and the Frenchmen preuayled greatly by helpe of a Woman which they named The Mayden of God So that lastlye she with hir companye came to the Towne of Champaigne to the end to remoue the siege layde therevnto by the Duke of Burgoigne and other of the Englishe Captaines and the. xxiij of Maye she gaue battaile to the Englishmen and fought with them a long time but in the ende by the manhoode of a Burgonian Knight named sir Iohn Luxemborough she was taken aliue and hir company distressed she was conuayed to the Citie of Roane and there kept a season where she fained hir selfe to be with child but when y e contrarie was known she was condēned brent After this King Henrie by small iorneyes into Fraunce came to Paris wher he was honorably receiued of y e Citizēs and taken for theyr soueraigne Lord and King whiles hée Robert Gagwine there remayned sayeth Gagwine the Frenchmen wan many holds of the Englishmen and the Burgonians in the country of Bry. The third of August dyed the the Countesse of Vrmonde and was buried at Saint Thomas of Acres in London Anno reg 9. Sherifes Maior Walter Chertesey Robert Large the. 28. of September Nicholas Wotton Draper the. 28. of October Soone after Easter the Lord protector was warned of an assembly of certaine lewde persons to be assembled at Abington wherefore he sent thyther certaine persons and also rode thyther himselfe and there arrested the Baylye of the Towne named William Mandeuil a Weauer the whiche was appointed for a Captain who had named himself Iack Sharpe of Wigmers lande in Wales who being examined confessed that he ment to haue done many mischiefes especially against Priests so that he would haue made their heads as cheape as Shéeps heads that is to say thrée for a peny or as some write ten for a penny manye of his complyces were taken and sent to dyuarse prisons Their Captaine was drawne hanged and headed at Abingdon and his head was sent to London and set on the bridge his other fautors were executed in diuerse places and Countreys to the terror of other The. xiij of Julye Richarde Russel a Wooll-man was drawn hanged and quartered for that he wold haue made Dukes and Earles at his pleasure Richard Robsert Lord Bourcher deceased and
caused to be written Dextera Domini A notable example exaltauit me that is to say The Lordes right hand hath exalted me Whereby he doing so notable a worke for the common weale also left example to other Citizens comming 1446 Cronicle of Thevvkesbury Iohn Rovvse Duke of vvarvvik King of vvight died after him whō God likewise exalteth with such temporall blessings that they be not vnthankfull to God and their common weale wherein they haue receiued them Henrie Duke of Warwike chiefe Erle of England Lorde Spencer and Aburgaueny King of the Isle of Wight Garnsey and Iarnsey and Lord of the Castell of Bristow died without issue and was buried at Tewksburie Iohn Dauid appeached his master William Catur an Armorer Cōbat betvven a master the seruaunt dwelling in S. Dunstones Parish in Fletestreete of treason and a day being assigned them to fight in Smithfield the maister being wel beloued was so cherished by his friends and plied with wine that being therewith ouercome was also vnluckily slaine by his seruaunt An. reg 25. Baylifes Custos Robert Horne Godfrey Boleine the 28. of September Iohn Olney Mercer the 28. of October Pope Eugenius sent a golden Rose to the King of England expressing the propertie and aplicatiō of the same with the ceremonie that is yéerely vsed on Palme Sonday touching Record Ecclesi Canta the same Rose exhorting the Kyng agaynste the Turkes Which Rose Lodouicus Cordona Doctor of Diuinitie did present to the King in S. Stephens Chappell at Westminster vpon S. Andrewes day in presence of the Dukes of Yorke Excester Cardinall Kempe Archbishop of Yorke Iohn Stafford Archbishop of Caunterburie Chauncellor of England The x. of Februarie beganne a Parliament at Saint Edmondesburie Parliament at Burie in Suffolke at which time al the wayes about the same Towne were kept with armed men both daye and night so that many dyed with colde and waking Humfrey The Duke of Glocester arested sone after dyed Duke of Glocester being at the castell of the Vies in Wilshire came from thence to the Parliament and was lodged in the Hospitall where shortly after he was arrested by Iohn Lord Beaumount high Constable the Duke of Buckingham the Duke of Somerset and other who appointed certaine of the Kings housholde to waite vpon him but on the. xxiiij 1447 day he died for sorrow as some said that he might not come to his aunswere he was buryed at Saint Albons xxxij of his principall seruauntes were arrested and sent to diuers prisons and fiue of them were arraigned at London and condemned v. ●●n hanged after pardoned whose names were sir Roger Chamberlain knight Middleton Herbert Arteyse Esquiers and Richard Nedam gentleman which were al fiue drawne from the Towre of London to Tiborne and there hanged letten downe quicke stript naked marked with a knife for to be quartered and then a charter shewed for their liues but the yoman of the crowne had their liuelode and the hangman had their clothes Henry Beauford Cardinal of Winchester deceased after him W. Wainflete Prouost of Eaton was made Bishop of Winchester The v. of August died Iohn Hollād duke of Excester An. reg 16. was buried at S. Catherins nygh the Towre of London William Abraham Thomas Scot the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Gidney Draper the 28. of October This yéere during y ● peace betwéene England Fraunce ● knight of the English part named sir Frances Aragonoyse toke a towne named Fogars vpō the borders of Normādie belonging 1448 to y ● duke of Britaine For the which he complained him to y ● French king he at y e said dukes request sent vnto y ● king of England to aske restitutiō of the harme The which messengers were answered of y e kings Coūsell that y ● déede was right displeasant vnto y e king that sir Francis Aragon had enterprised y ● feate of his owne presumption Whervpō it folowed shortly after that y e French by like policie toke y ● towne castle of Pountallarche after that many other so y ● the taking of y ● foresaid towne of Fogiars by y e English men An. reg 27. was y ● occasion by y e which the French after gat al Normādy William Catlow William Marow the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1449 Roane yeelde ● to the French Steuen Browne Grocer the 28. of October This yéere the Frenchmē got many townes in Normādy out of the possession of y e Englishmē Also y ● citie of Roane was yéelded to the French with condition that the Captaines garrisons might depart with armour goods not long after was rendered with the like cōditiō as of Roane the towns of Harflewe Hounflewe A knight of France called sir Lewes de Breyll challenged an Esquier of England named Ralph Chalons of certaine feates of Warre the which to proue a day to them was giuen to méete at a towne in France named Maunce where y ● French king at that day was present But Chalons canne the French knight through the body with his An. reg 28. speare whereof the said Lewes dyed William Hulin Thomas Cannings the 28. of September Sherifes Maior B. of Chichester murdered Thomas Chalton Mercer the 28. of October The 9. of Januarie Adā Molins Bishop of Chichester kéeper of the kings priuie seale through y ● procurement of Richard duke of Yorke was by shipmen slaine at Portesmouth The 9. of Februarie Thomas Thany otherwise Blewberd Blevvberd hanged 1450 a Fuller was taken beside Caunterburie for raising a rebellion who was hanged and quartered Williā Delapole duke of Suffolke was banished y e land for v. Duke of Suffolk murdered yéeres to appease y e rumor of y e cōmons of England who taking ship at Ipswich the 3. of May sailed toward Fraunce but was mette on the sea by a ship of warre named Nicholas ●● the Towre and beheaded and his corps was cast vp at Douer and buried in the Charter house at Hull This William de la pole Duke of Suffolke and Alice his wife daughter to Thomas Chawcer sonne to Geffrey Chawcer the famous Poet translated and increased the manner place of Eweline in Oxfordshire they builded a newe the parishe Churche of Gods house at nevv Evveline in Oxfordshire Eweline a comely péece of worke standing on a hyll and also hard adioyning to the West end of Eweline parishe Church they founded a pretie Hospitall or almes house for ij priests ●iber fundationis and xiij poore men to dwell and be sustained in for euer one of the priestes to be maister of the almes house the other priest a scholemaster fréely to teache the children of the tenaunts of the sayd Lordship of Eweline and other Lordships pertaining to the said almes house their Grāmer eyther of those ij priests to haue x. pound the yeare One of
might in any wise grow vnto me hereafter And this I haue here promised and sworne procéedeth of myne owne desire and frée volunte and by no constraynyng or coaction In witnesse of all the which things aboue written I Richarde Duke of Yorke aboue writ subscribe with mine owne hand and seale This oth he also toke at Westminster and at Couentrey at sundry times Anno. reg 31 Sherifes Maior Richard Lee Richard Alley the 28. of September Godfrey Filding Mercer the 28. of October On the Twelfth day after Christmas the King holding a Robert Fabian 1453 solempne feaste at Westminster made his two bretherne on the mothers side Knightes he also made Edmunde the elder Earle of Richemonde and Iasper the yonger Earle of Penbrooke In the moneth of Marche as witnesseth Gagwine was the Towne of Harflewe wonne by the Frenchmen And soone after the Citie of Bayons was giuen vppe by appointment that the souldioures shoulde leaue theyr armoure behinde them The one and twentith of July Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsburie wyth his sonne Lorde Lisle and Syr Edwarde Hull Knight was slaine besides Burdeaux and the Lorde Molins was taken prisoner who was after deliuered for a greate raunsome On Bartholmewe daye at the Wrestling neare vnto Clearken well a Gentleman belonging to the Prior of Saint Iohns made a rumour or tumulte for the whiche by the commaundement of the Maior he was arrested by Richard Alley one of the Sherifes and deliuered to Paris a Sergeant but suche resistance was made by partes taking that the Sherife was faine to craue help of the Maior who with his brethren the Aldermen arose from the game strengthned the Sherifes and for the rescue of the said Gentleman one named Calleis came out of Saint Iohns with a greate strength of Archers to resiste the Maior in the which fray a Yeoman of Saint Iohns was ●laine and many other sore hurte the Maior himselfe escaped hardly for his Cap was smitten from his head with an arrowe but the Maior with his Citizens putte the other to flight sente the principall of them to Newgate and then toke his place again til y e games were ended by which time the Citizens had gathèred them selues in greate nūber and fetched him home neuer Maior so strongly nor so honorably Anno reg 32 This yeare the King lay longsicke at Claringdon was in greate daunger to haue ended his life The thirtéenth daye of October the Quéene at Westminster was deliuered of hir firste sonne who was named Edwarde Iohn Waldren Thomas Cocke the 28. of September Sherifes Maior 1454 Iohn Norman Draper the 28. of October Before thys time the Maiors Aldermen and Commoners of the Cytie of London were wonte all to ride to Westminster when the Maior shoulde take hys charge but this Maior was rowed thyther by water for the whiche the watermen made of hym a song Rowe the boate Norman c. The ninth of Marche in the nighte was a greate fire nexte wythout Ludgate in a Cordwayners house whyche Cordwayner wyth hys wife thrée yong men and a mayde were all burnte the prisoners of Ludgate were remoued to Newgate bycause they were almoste smouldered An reg 35. Sherifes Maior Iohn Fielde William Tayler the 28. of September Stephen Foster Fishmonger the. 28. of October A greate Fray at London by the Sanctuarie men of Saint Martins le graunde who issued forth and hurte dyuerse Citizens but it was appeased by the Maior and hys brethren The one and twentith of May king Hēry taking his iorney 1455 from Westminster toward Saint Albons to mete with the Duke of Yorke the Earles of Warwicke and Salisburie lodged that nighte at Wateforde or Wadeforde on thys side Sainte Albons and on the morning earely he came to Saint Albons wyth hym assembled on hys partye the Dukes of Somerset and of Buckingham the. Earles of Penbroke Northumberlande Deuonshire Stafforde Dorset and Wiltshire the Lordes Clifforde Sudley Barons and Roos wyth diuerse Knights Esquiers Gentlemen and Yeomen to the nūber of 2000. and more And at the same time were there assembled Richard Duke of Yorke Richarde Earle of Warwicke Richarde Earle of Salisburie with diuerse Knightes and Esquiers in the fielde called Keyfielde beside Saint Albons The King hearing of the dukes comming with the Lords aforesaid pight his banner in a place called Goselowe which place was sometimes called Sandforth in Saint Peters stréete commaunded in strong manner to kéepe the wardes and Barriers of the same Towne The Duke of Yorke knowing the strength made againste him abyding in the fielde afore sayde from seuen of the clocke in the morning vntill it was almost ten of the Clocke without any stroke smitten on eyther parte by the aduise of hys Counsell sente vnto the King vnder these wordes following Wordes in writing by the Duke of Yorke to the King PLease it vnto your excellente grace Richarde Duke of Yorke to take hym as your true liege manne and humble subiecte and to consider and tender at the reuerence of God and in the way of Charitie the true intent of my commyng and to be good and gratious Soueraigne vnto me and all other your true liege menne whych that with all their power and mighte will be readye to lyue and dye with you in your right and to do al things as shal like your Maiestie royal to commande vs if it be to the worship of the Crowne of England and the welfare of this your noble Realme Moreouer gratious Lorde please it vnto youre Maiestye Royall of youre greate goodnesse and rightewisenesse to encline youre will to heare and féele the rightwise parte of vs youre true Subiects and Liege men Fyrste praying and beséeching to oure Soueraigne Christe Jesus of hys hyghe aod mightye power to giue the vertue of Prudence and that throughe the prayer of the glorious Martyre Sainct Albon gyue you verye knowledge of oure trothes and to knowe the intent of our assembling at this time For God that is in Heauen knoweth oure intent is rightfull and true And therefore we praye vnto that mighty LORDE in these woordes Domine sis clypeus defensionis nostrae wherefore gracious Lorde please it your Maiestie royal to deliuer such as we will accuse and they to haue like as they haue deserued And this done you to be honorably worshipped as moste rightfull King and our true gouernour And if we shoulde nowe at this tyme be promised as afore thys time is not vnknown haue bin promises broken whiche haue bin full faithfully promised and therevpon greate othes sworne we will not nowe cease for no suche promises nor othe tyl we haue them which haue deserued death or else we to dye therefore The aunswere by the King to the Duke of Yorke I King Henrie charge and commaunde that no manner person of what degrée estate or condition soeuer he be abyde not but that they auoyde the field and not be so hardie to make resistaunce against me
Captayneshyp but the Earle for as muche as he was made by Parliament he woulde not obey the Priuie Seale but continued forth in the sayd office The Noble Science of Printing was about this tyme 1459 Printing first inuented founde in Germanie at Magunce by one Iohn Cuthembergus a Knight One Conradus an Almaine brought it into Rome William Caxton of London Mercer brought it into England aboute the yeare a. 1471. And fyrst practised the same in the Abbay of Saint Peter at Westminster after which tyme it was likewyse practised in the Abbayes of Saint Augustine at Caunterburie Saint Albons and other Monasteries of England In a lyttle Towne in Bedfordshire there fell a bloudie It raigned bloud rayne whereof the red drops appeared in shéetes the which a woman had hanged out for to dry In this tyme the Realme of Englande was out of good order as it had bene of long tyme for the King béeyng symple and pitifull was ledde by couetous Counsell The King grewe in debte dayly but payment was not made All the possessions and Lordshippes that pertayned to the Crowne the King had giuen some to Lordes and some to others such as would begge them so that himselfe had almost nothing lefte to lyue on but such impositions as were put to the common people as Taxes Tallages Quinzimes all which was spent in vayne for he helde no houshold nor maintayned no warres for which misgouernaunce the heartes of the people were turned from them that had the Land in gouernaunce The Quéene with such as were of hir affinitie ruled the Realme as hir lyked gathering riches innumerable The Officers of the Realme especially the Earle of Wilshire Treasurer of England for to enriche himselfe pilled the poore people disherited rightfull heyres and did many wrongs The Quéene was defamed and sclaundered that the young Prince was not hir sonne but a Bastard gotten in adulterie wherefore she dreading that he shoulde not succéede his father in the Crowne of Englande allyed vnto hir all the Knightes and Esquiers of Chestershire for to haue theyr fauour she helde open housholde among them and made hir sonne the Prince to giue a liuerie of Swannes to all the Gentilmen of the Countrey and to many other through the land trusting through their strength to make hir sonne King making priuie meanes to some of the Lordes of England for to stirre the King that he should resigne the Crowne to her sonne but she could not bring their purpose about The. xxj day of September Richard Earle of Salisburie hauing An. reg 38. gathered a well appoynted armie for dread of his enemies especially of the Quéene tooke his way towarde Ludlowe where at that time the Duke of Yorke lay to the intent that they both together would haue rydden to the King to Colshull in Staffordshire to haue excused them of certaine articles layd against them by malice of their enemies as they sayd Wherevpon those that were about the King and also the Quéene who laye at Eglishall moued him to assemble a great powre whereof Iames Twichet Lorde Awdley was made chiefe and had the leading of them into the fielde called Bloreheath néere vnto Mucklestone by the which the sayde Bloreheath fielde Duke and the Earle must néedes passe there both hostes mette and fought a mortall battaile wherin the Lord Audley was slaine with Hugh Venables of Kinderton Thomas Dutton of Dutton Richard Mollynes William Trowtbek Iohn Legh del Bothes Iohn Donne of Vtkinton and Iohn Edgerton of Edgerton Knightes Richard Donne of Croton Iohn Duttes Esquiers and many other of Chestershire that had receyued the Princes liuerie of Swannes and there were takē prisoners the Earle of Salisburies ij sonnes Thomas and Iohn and sir Thomas Harington which were sent to Chester but soone after deliuered After this discomfiture the Earle of Salisburie passed forth to Duke Richard to Ludlowe and thether came to them for Calleis the Earle of Warwike which all thrée writ a letter vnto King Henry whereof the tenure is this MOst Christian King right high and mighty Prince our most dread Soueraigne Lord after as humble recommēdations to your high excellencie as will suffice Our true intent to the prosperitie augmentation of your high estate and to the commō Weale of this Realme hath be●●● shewed vnto your highnesse in such writing as wée make thereof And ouer that an Indenture signed by our hands in the Churche Cathedrall of Worcester comprehending y ● proofe of the truth duetie that God knoweth we beare to your saide estate and to the preheminence and prerogatiue thereof we sent vnto your good Grace by the Prior of the sayde Churche and diuers other Doctors and among other by M. William Lynwood Doctor of Diuinitie which ministred vnto vs seuerally the blessed Sacrament of the body of Jesus wherevppon we and euery of vs deposed for our sayde trueth and duetie accordyng to the tenor of the sayde Indenture And sith that time we haue certified at large in writing and by mouth by Garter King of Armes not onely to your said highnesse but also to the good worthie Lordes beyng about your most Noble presence the largenesse of our sayde trueth and duetie and our intent and disposition to serche all the motions that might serue conueniently to the affirmation thereof and to our perfect suerties from suche inconuenient and vnreuerent ieopardies as wée haue béene put in diuers tymes here before Whereof we haue cause to make and ought to make suche exclamation and complaint not without reason as is not vnknowen to all the sayde worthie Lordes and to all his land and wil offer vs to your high presence to the same intent if we myght so doe without sayd suertie which onely causeth vs to kéepe suche fellowshippe as we doe in our léefull manner And hereto we haue forborne and auoyded all thinges that might serue to the effusion of Christian bloud of the dreade that we haue of God and of your Royall Maiestie and haue also eschued to approche your sayde most Noble presence for the humble obeysaunce and reuerence wherein we haue and during our lyfe will haue the same And yet neuerthelesse we heare that we be proclaimed and defamed in our name vnrightfully vnlawfully and sauing your high reuerence vntruely and otherwise as God knoweth than we haue giuen cause knowing certainely that the blessed and noble intent of your said good grace and the righteousnesse thereof is to take repute and accept your true and lawfull subiectes and that it accordeth neyther with your sayd intent nor with your wyll or pleasure that we shoulde be otherwise taken or reputed And ouer that our Lordshippes and tenantes bene of high violence robbed and spoyled agaynst your peace and lawes and all ryghteousnesse Wée therefore as we suffice beséeche your sayde good Grace to take repute and receyne therevnto our sayde trueth and intent which to God is knowne as wée shewe it by the sayde tenor
October was created Earle of Winchester openly in the Parliament Chamber Iohn Broune Thomas Bledlow the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir William Hampton Fishmonger the 28. of October This Maior aboue al other hys predecessours corrected Strumpets and caused them to ride about the Citie wyth Rey hoodes vppon their heades and after banished them the Citie for euer He also caused a paire of stockes to be set in euery ward of London The sixth of October beganne a Parliamente at Westminster by authoritie wherby an ayde was graunted to the King towards the charge of his Wars whiche was leuied of mens lands as well of Lordes as of other The Duke of Burgo●gne hauing greate Warres wyth Anno. reg 13 1473 the French King sente Ambassadours into Englande to require King Edwarde hys brother in Lawe to make Warre on the Frenche Kyng vnto the whiche requeste Kyng Edwarde easily graunted bycause hée wished to be reuenged on the Frenche King as of hys enymie for ayding the Erle of Warwicke Quéene Margaret and hyr sonne Prince Edwarde and their complices wherevpon he promised and also determyned in the beginning of the next yeare to bring a greate armye ouer to Caleis and to inuade the Kingdome of Fraunce And forthwith with all diligence prepared all things readie for hys iourney makyng manye shiftes for the prouision of money to serus hys turne William Stocker Robert Ballisdon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Tate Mercer the 28. of October Thys yeare the Duke of Excester was founde deade in the Sea betwéene Douer and Caleis but howe he came there the certaintie coulde not be knowne King Edwarde hauing prepared hys armye ledde the Anno reg 14 1474 same to Douer from thence to crosse the seas to Caleis The force that passed wyth hym at thys presente was the greatest that euer came into Fraunce moste of them beyng Horssemenne all in verye good order well armed All the Nobles of the Realme were there a fewe excepted they were fiftéene hundered menne of armes very well mounted and the moste of them barded and richly trapped after the manner of the Frenche Warres and well accompanyed with horssemenne of theyr retinue they were at the leaste fiftéene thousande Archers on horssebacke and a greate number of f●●temenne and others as well to pitche theyr Tentes whereof they were well furnyshed as also to attende vppon theyr Artyl●erye and inclose theyr Campe and in all theyr armye they hadde not one pledge Besides thys were thr●e thousande Englishe menne appoynted to lande in Brytaine When King Edwarde came to Douer the Duke of Burgoigne to helpe his passage sent 500. boates of Hollande and Seland called Cuttes whiche are flatte and lowe builte verye commodiously for transporting of horsses but notwithstanding all thys helpe they hadde from the Duke and all the Kyng of Englande coulde commaunde hymselfe hée was aboue thrée wéekes in passing betwéene Douer and Caleis one shippe of Ewe tooke two or thrée of his small passengers before Kyng Edwarde embarqued hée sente from Douer to the Kyng of Fraunce one Heralte alone called Gartera Norman borne who broughte a letter of defiaunce from the King of Englande in verye good language and so excellently well penned that myne Aucthour was perswaded it was neuer Englishe mans doyng The contentes whereof were that the Kyng shoulde yéelde vnto hym the Realme of Fraunce beyng hys inheritaunce to the ende he might restore the Cleargye and Nobilitie to theyr auntient libertye ease them of the greate charges they sustayned and deliuer them of the miseries they were in whyche if hée refused to doe he protested what greate mischiefe shoulde ensue thereof in manner and forme as in suche cases is accustomed The Kyng read the letter softlye to himselfe and afterwarde all alone withdrewe hymselfe into a wardrobe and commaunded the Heralte to be brought to hyepresence to whom hée made thys aunswere Fyrst that he knewe well that the King of Englande had not passed the seas of hys owne frée motion but by the perswasion of the Duke of Burgondie and the comminaltie of England Secondelye that the Sommer was nowe almoste paste and that the Du●● of Burgoigne was returned from Nunz as a man discomifited and vtterlye vnfurnished of all things Thirdlye as touching the Conestable of Fraunce he knew wel he sayde y t the intelligence wyth y e K. of England bycause he hadde married hys niece but would deceyue the Kyng his Mayster as he ●ad him notwithstandyng all the great benefits that he had receiued of him which he that rehearsed adding therevnto that the saide Conestable ment to liue in continuall dissimulation and entertaine euerye man to make his profit of him Last of all he alleaged to the Heralte diuerse reasons to perswade the Kyng hys Mastor to peace and gaue hym with hys owne hand 300. crownes promising him 1000. more if the peace were cōcluded further opēly he gaue him for a present a goodly péece of Crimson Ueluet of thyrtie Elles The Heralte aunsweared that he woulde trauayle the beste he coulde for peace and thoughte the Kyng hys Mayster woulde easilye be wonne therevnto but he willed the Kyng of Fraunce to sende an Haraulte to the Englishe Campe to demaunde a safeconduite for certaine Ambassadours that he woulde sende to the Kyng of Englande and to directe hys letters to the Lorde Hawarde or to the Lorde Stanley and to hymselfe also to conuene hys Haralte At one tyme in a ma●oure bothe the King of Englande landed at Caleis and the Duke of Burgoigne departed from before Nunz who in greate haste rydde streyghte to Caleis to the sayde Kyng wyth a verye small trayne for he hadde sente his armye to spoyle the Countrey of Barroys and Loraine The Kyng of Englande departed from Caleis in companye of the Duke and passed through Bolloigne and from thence marched to Peronne where the Duke gaue the Englishe men but colde entertaynemente for he caused the Gates to bée streightly kepte and woulde suffer but fewe to enter so that the greatest parte of them lodged in the fieldes After they were come to Peronne the Conestable of France sēt to y e Duke of Burgoigndie one of his seruants by whom hée ●●●used himselfe for the wythholdyng of S. Quintins alleaging that if hée had restored it he could haue stoode hym in ●● stée●e in the Realme of Fraunce for he shoulde vtterly haue loste hys credite and intelligence but nowe séeyng the Kyng of Englande was come ouer in person he promysed to doe hereafter all that the Duke shoulde commaunde hym whereof the better to assure hym hée sente hym a letter of credite to the declaration of the Duke Further hée gaue the Duke hys Faythe in wryting to serue and suc●●ure hym hys friendes and confederates as well the King of Englande as others against all men none excepted The Duke deliuered the Kyng of Englande hys letter and all the matter of credite adding somewhat thereto of hys owne heade for
vpon Bakers for making Anno. reg 16. 1476 of light bread he caused diuers of them to be set on the Pillorie in Cornehill And also one Agnes Daintie a Butter-wife for felling of butter new and olde myngled together Agnes Daintie set on the pillerie being first trapped with butterdishes was then set on the pilery The Countesse of Oxforde deceassed and was buryed at Windsor Richard Rawson William Horne the 28. of Sept. Sherifes This Richard Rawson one of the Sherifes of Londō caused to be builded one house in the Church yarde of S. Marie Hospitle without Byshopsgate of London where the Maior of that Cittie and his brethren the Aldermen vse to sit and heare the Sermons in the Easter holydayes as in tymes past appeared by an inscription on the front of the same house now by wethering defaced which I haue red in these wordes Pray for the soules of Richard Rawson late Mercer and Alderman of London and Isabel his wife of whose goods this worke was made and founded Anno Domi. 1488. Ralph Io●celine Draper the 28. of October Maior By the diligence of this Maior the Wall about London was newe made betwixte Aldgate and Creplegate the caused Part of London vv●●● nevv builded the Moore field to be fearched for Clay the Bricke ●o be made burnt there he also caused Chalke to be brought out of Kent and in the same Moore fielde to be brent into Iohn Rouse Lyme for the furtheraunce of that worke The Maior with his company of the Drapers made all that parte betwixte Byshops gate and Athalowes Church in the same Wall And Byshops gate itselfe newe builded by the Marchauntes Almaynes Byshops gate nevv builded of the Stillyard and from Alhallowes Churche toward Mooregate a great part of the same was builded of the goods and by the executors of sir Iohn Crosseby late Alderman of London as may appeare by his armes in two places fixed Anno reg 17. 1477 The companie of Skynners made that parte of the wait betwéene Aldgate and Buryes Markes towardes Byshops gate as may appeare by their armes in thrée places fixed the other companyes of the Cittie made the other deale of the sayde Wall which was a great worke to be done in one yeare Thomas Burdet an Esquier of Arrowe in Warwikeshire Burdet for a vvord spoken beheaded sonne to sir Nicholas Burdet who was great butlar of Normandie in Henry y ● sixt dayes was beheaded for a worde spoken in this sort K. Edward in his progresse hunted in Tho. Engwarant Burdets parke at Arrow flew many of his Deare amongst the which one was a white bucke wherof Tho Burdet made great account therfore when he vnderstoode therof he wished Register of the Grey Friers the buckes head in his belly y ● moued the King to kyll it Which tale being told to the King Burdet was apprehēded accused of treason for wishing the buckes head hornes all in the Kings belly he was condemned drawne from the Towre of London to Tyburne and there beheaded then buried in the grey friers Church at London Henrie Collet Iohn Stocker the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Humfrey Heyford Goldsmith the 28. of October The. xv day of Januarie K. Edward the fourth solemnized the Matrimoniall feast of his sonne the Duke of Yorke and Lady A●●e daughter sole heire to Iohn Duke of Norfolke The. xvj day of Januarie began a Parliament at Westminster Duke of Clarence murdred Anno reg 18 where George Duke of Clarence K. Edwards brother was attainted of treason and y ● xj of March after he had offred his owne Masse penny in y ● Tower of Londō made his end in a vessell of Maluesey after buried at Tewkesburie by his wife somtime daughter to y ● erle of Warwike which being with childe died of poyson but a little before him Margaret Dutches of Burgoygne sent to hir brother King 1478 Edward of England for aide against the Frenche King which he would in no case graunt to do but sent Ambassadors to y ● French King with le●ing letters requiring him to growe to ●●●e reasonable agréement w t the sayd Lady of Burgoygne Robert H●●ding Robert Byfield the 18. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Anno. reg 19 1479 Richard Gardiner Mercer the 28. of October This yere was a great mortalitie death of y ● pest not on●●●● Londō but in diuers partes of y ● Realme which begā in the ●●tter end ●●●●pt in the yéere la●● befor a passed continued all this yéere till the beginning of Noue ●●her which was aboute xiiij monethes in the which space dyed innumerable of people in the sa●d Citie and else where This yéere the Maior of London being in Paules knéeling in his deuotions at Saint Erkenwaldes shrine Robert Byfield one of the Sherifes vnaduisedly knéeled downe nigh vnto the Maior whereof afterward the Maior charged him to haue done more then becommed him but the Sherife answering rudely and stubbornly would not acknowledge to haue committed any offence for the which he was afterwarde by a court of Aldermen fyned at fiftie pounde to bée payde towarde the reparations of the Condites in London which was truely payde Thomas Ilam Iohn Ward the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Bartholmew Iames Draper the 28. of October This Thomas Ilam one of the Sherifs last before named newly builded the great Condite in Cheape of his owne charges This yéere King Edward began his Christmas at Waking and at fiue dayes end remoued to Greenewich where he kept out the other part of his Christmas with great Royaltie The. xxij day of Februarie were fiue notable théeues put to death for robbing the Church called S. Martins le graund Anno reg 20 1480 in London and other places thrée of them were drawne to the Towre hill hanged and brent the other two were pressed to death Thomas Daniell William Bacon the 28. of Sept. Iohn Browne Mercer the 28. of October King Edwarde required great summes of money to bée tent him the Citizens of London graunted him 5000. marks Anno. reg 21 1481 which was sessed of the. xxv wardes which 5000. markes was truely repayde againe in the next yéere following This yéere on Whitsonday King Edward the fourth created the Lord Barkeley Uicount Barkeley at Grenewiche An house on London bridge called the common siege or priuie fell down into the Thames where through it fiue persons ●ala tempo were then drowned Robert Tate William Wiking the 28. of Sept. Sherifes Maior Richard Chawrie the first of Februarie William Harriot Draper the 28. of October This yéere King Edward with his Quéene kept a Royal Christmas at Windsor About the ende of Januarie deceassed William Wiking one of the Sherifes of London In whose place was chosen Richard Chawrie on the first of Februarie King Edwarde so greatly fauoured this Maior that he Anno
to deceasse as in déede he did while his children were yong And they déeme that for this intent he was glad of his brothers death y e Duke of Clarence whose life must néedes haue hindered him so intending whether the same duke of Clarence had kept him true to his Nephew the yong King or enterprised to be King himselfe But of al this poynt is there no certaintie and who so deuineth vpon coniectures may aswell shoote to farre as to short Howbeit this haue I by credible information learned that the selfe night in which King Edward dyed one Mistlebrooke long ere morning came in great hast to the house of one Pottier dwelling in Redcrosse streete without Creplegate in Loxdon and when he was with hastie rapping quicklye letten in he shewed vnto Pottier that King Edwarde was departed By my truth man quoth Pottier then will my Maister the Duke of Glocester be King What cause he had so to thinke harde it is to say whether he being toward him any thing knewe that he had such thing purposed or otherwise had any inkeling thereof for he was not likely to speake it of nought But now to returne to the course of this historie Were it that the Duke of Gloucester hadde of olde foreminded this conclusion and was nowe at erste therevnto moued and putte in hope by the occasion of the tender age of the yong Princes his Nephewes as oportunitie and likelihoode of spéede putteth a man in courage of that he neuer intended certaine is it that he contriued their destruction with the vsurpation of the regall dignitie vpon himselfe And forasmuche as he well wiste and holpe to maintaine a long continued grudge and heart-burning betwene the Quéenes kinred and the Kings bloude either partie enuying others aucthoritie he nowe thought their diuision shoulde be as it was indéede a furtherly beginning to the pursuit of hys intent and a sure ground for the foundation of al his building if he might firste vnder the pretexte of reuenging old displeasure abuse the anger and ignorance of the one partie to the destruction of the other and then winne to hys purpose as many as he coulde and those that could not bée wonne myght be lost ere they looked therefore For of one thing was he certayne that if hys intent were perceyued he should soone haue made peace betwéene the both parties with his owne bloud King Edwarde in his life albeit that this dissention betwéene his friendes somewhat irked him yet in his good health he somewhat the lesse regarded it bicause he thought whatsoeuer businesse shoulde fall betwéene them himselfe should alway be able to rule both the parties But in his last sicknesse whē he perceiued his naturall strength so sore enféebled that he dispaired al recouerie then he considering the youth of his children albeit he nothing lesse mistrusted than that that happened yet well foreséeing that many harmes might growe by their debate while the youthe of his children should lacke discretion of themselues good counsell of their friendes of which either partie should counsell for their owne commoditie rather by pleasaunt aduise to wyn themselues fauour than by profitable aduertisement to doo their children good he called some of them before him that were at variaunce and in especiall the Lord Marques Dorset the Quéenes sonne by hir first husbande William the Lord Hastings a noble man then Lord Chamberlaine againe whō the Quéene specially grudged for the great fauour the King bare him also for that the thought him secretly familiar with the King in wantō company Hir kinred also bare him sore aswell for that y ● King had made him Captaine of Calleis which office the Lord Riuers brother to y ● Quéene claimed of y ● kings former promise as for diuers other great gifts which he receiued y ● they looked for When these Lords with diuers of both the parties were come in presence the King lifting vp himselfe vnderset with pyllows as it is reported on this wise saide vnto them My Lordes my deare kin●men alies in what plight I lie you The Oration of the King in his death bed sée I fée●e By which the lesse while I looke to lo liue with you the more déepely am I moued to care in what case I leaue you for such as I leaue you such be my childrē like to finde you Which if they should that God forbid finde you at variaunce might hap to fall thēselues at warre ere their discretion would serue to set you at peace ye sée their youth of which I recken y ● onely suertie to rest in your concorde For it suffiseth not y ● all you loue them if eche of you hate other If they were mē your faithfulnes happily would suffise but childhood must be maintained by mens aucthority slipper youth vnderpropped w t elder coūsel which neither they cā haue but ye giue it nor ye giue it if ye grée not For where eche laboureth to breake that the other maketh and for hatred of eche of others person impugneth eche others coūsell there must it néedes be long ere any good conclusion go forward And also while either party laboreth to be chief flatterie shal haue more place thā plaine faithfull aduise of which must néedes insue y e euil bringing vp of y ● Prince whose minde in tēder youth infect shal redily fal to mischief riot draw downe with his noble Realme to ruine but if grace turne him to wisdome which if God send then they y ● by euil meanes before pleased him best shal after fal furthest out of fauour so y ● euer at length euil drifts draw to nought and good plaine wayes prosper Great variaunce hath there long bene betwéene you not alway for great causes Sometime a thing right wel intended our misconstructiō turneth vnto worse or a small displeasure done vs either our owne affectiō or euil tongues agréeueth But this wot I well ye neuer had so great cause of hatred as ye haue of loue That we be al men that we be Christen mē this shal I leaue for preachers to tell you yet I wot neare whether any preachers words ought more to moue you thā his that is by and by going to the place that they al preache of But this shal I desire you to remēber y ● the one part of you is of my bloud the other of mine alies ech of you with other either of kinred or affinitie which spiritual kinred of affinitie if the Sacramentes of Christes Church beare that weight with vs y ● would God they did should no lesse moue vs to charitie than y e respect of fleshly consanguinitie Our Lord forbid y ● you loue togither y e worse for the selfe cause y e you ought to loue y e better And yet y ● happeneth no where finde we so deadly debate as among thē which by nature lawe most ought to agrée togither Such
at sixe pence the bushell Anno reg 10 Bay Salte for thrée pence halfe peny the Bushell Na●●wiche Salte was solde for syxe pence the Bushell white hearring nine shillings the barrel red hearring at thrée shillings the cade red sprots sixe pence the cade and Gascoine wine for sixe poundes the tunne Nicholas Alwine Iohn Warner the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Richarde Chawry Salter the 28. of October Sir Robert Clifford bearing fauor to the house of Yorke had long since sayled ouer to the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Burgoigne by whome he was there persuaded and broughte in beliefe that one Perken Werbecke a Fleming born was the verye sonne of King Edwarde the fourth but afterwarde béeyng sente for by King Henry and pardon promised him he returned into Englande and comming to the Kings presence in the Tower of London hée on hys knées moste humblye cr●●ed pardon which shortely he obtained and after accused manye amongest whome he accused sir William Stanley whome the Kyng hadde made his chiefe Chamberlaine and one of hys priuie Counsaile The reporte is that this was hys offence When communication was had betwéene him and Sir Robert Clifforde as concerning Perken Werbecke sir William Stanley affirmed there y ● he would neuer fight nor beare armor agaynst the yong man if he knowe of a trueth that he was the vndoubted sonne of King Edward the fourth For this offence sir William Stanly was apprehended araigned and on the xvj day of February beheaded on the Tower hill This sir William Stanley was the chiefest helper of King Henrye to the Crowne at Bosworth fielde againste King Richard the thirde He was a man of greate power in his Country and also of great wealth insomuch as the cōmon fame ran that there was in hys Castell of Hol●e founde in readye coyne plate and Jewels to the value of fortie thousand markes or more and his lande and fées extended to thrée thousand poundes by yeare In Lent white hearring being good were sold for iij. ● 1495 iiij ● the barrell at London Sir W Capel Aldermā of London was condemned to the king in xxvij C. and xliij pound sterling Cronicl● of Lond. for the breaking of certain statuts made before times for the which he made his end with the King for xvj C. and fiftéene pounde sixe shillings eight pence Pierce or Perken Werbecke which by the counsaile of Margaret Dutches of Burgoigne named himselfe Richarde of Yorke King Edwards seconde sonne arriued at Deale in Kēt the thirde daye of July where when he and his companye sawe they coulde haue no comforte of the Countrey they withdrewe to their shippes againe at which so withdrawyng the Mayor of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey bickered with the residue that were vpon land toke aliue of them an hundred thrée score and nine persons among the which were fiue captaines Mountford Corbert Anno reg 11 Whitbelt Quintine and Gem●●e And the xij of July Iohn Peche Esquier Shriue of Kent brought vnto London bridge thos● 169. prisoners where the Shriues of London receiued them and conueyed them in cartes and long ropes vnto the Tower of London and to Newgate who were shortly after to the number of 150. hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolk the residue were executed at Tiburne Wapping in the Wose besides London Thomas Kneisworth Henry Sommer the. 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Maior Sir Henry Colet Mercer the. 28. of October The. xvj of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe lordes of England The new Serieants names were maister Mordant Higham Kingsmill Conisby Butler Yakesley Frowicke Oxenbridge and Constable In digging for to lay a new foundation in the Church of S. Mary hill in London the body of Alice Hackeney which had bene buried in the Church the space of 175. yeares was ●●●ud whole of skinne and the iointes of her armes pliable whiche corps was kepte aboue grounde foure dayes without anoyance and then buryed againe In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entrecourse betwéene this lande and the Countrey of Flaunders c. In September the Scots entred England by the setting on of Perkin Werbecke and did much harme to the borders but when they hearde of the Lorde Neuels commyng against them they sped them away Iohn Shawe Richard Haddon the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Iohn Tate Mercer the 28. of October This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged Sainte Anthonies Churche in London a goodly foundation with a Frées●hoole and certaine almes houses for poore men Iasper Duke of Bedforde vncle to King Henry the seauenth dyed the eightéenth daye of December and was buried at Kensham By meanes of a payment that was granted to the king 1497 a new commotion was made by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leading of Iames Tuchet of Audley Lorde Audley with Michaell Ioseph a horse farrer or Blacksmith of Bodman and other came to Blackeheath where the Kyng met with them and discomfited the rebels and tooke their Captains the two and twentith of June where were slain of the rebels about 300. and taken aboute 1500. the Kyng gaue to them that tooke them their goodes The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Tower hill the xxviij of June The blacke Smith and Flamoke a lawyer were hanged headed and quartered at Tiburne In July the King sente an army into Scotland vnder the guyding of the Earle of Surrey and the Lorde Neuell which made sharpe warre vppon the Scots At Bartholmewtide in Bedfordshire at the Towne of Haile stones hightene ynches aboute Saint Needes fell haile stones that were measured eightéene ynches aboute Perkin or Pierce Werbecke landed at Whitsondbay in Anno reg 13 Cornewall the seauenth of September hauing in his company not paste a hundred and twentie persons hée wente to Bodman where beyng accompanyed wyth a thrée or foure thousand rascalles and almoste naked men he proclaymed himselfe King Richarde the fourth second sonne to Edward the fourth from thence he wente to Excester and besieged it which Citie was valiantly defended by the inhabitants the Earle of Deuonshire being their Generall who hymself was hurt in the arme with an arrow of the rebels but many of the rebelles béeyng slaine they wythdrewe them to Taunton but sir Giles Dawbeney Lorde Chamberlaine approching with an armye the people fledde and Perkin got him to Beudley where he tooke Sanctuary but vppon couenauntes offered he came to the King and was pardoned his life Bartholomewe Rede Thomas Windought 28. of Sep. Sherifes Maior William Purchas Mercer the 28. of October The eight and twentith of Nouember Perkin Werbeck Perkin VVerbecke broughte vp to London was conueyed vppon horse backe through Cheape and Cornhill vnto the Tower of London and from thence back againe through Candleweeke streate to Westminster with many a cursse and muche wondering The one and twentith
tempest of wind being at y ● Southwest The King of Castile landed in England which began the xv of January and continued till the sire and twenty of y ● same Phillip King of Castile and his wife were weather driuen and landed at Falmouth in England as Francis Guicciar they were passing on the. xvj of January out of Flanders toward Spayne who were honourably receiued by the Earle of Arundell at y ● Kings appointmēt with thrée C. horses all by torch light This tēpest was strange to many mē bycause y ● VVeather cock of Paules blovvn dovvne violence thereof had blowne downe the Egle of brasse from the spire of Paules Church in London and in the falling the same Egle brake and battered the blacke Eagle whiche hong for a signe in Paules Churchyard that time being but low houses where now is the Schole of Paules About the end of March Edmond de la Poole was taken in Flanders and conneyed through the Citie to the Tower of London and there left prisoner In the beginning of July a Galory newe buylded at Galery at Richmont fell Anno reg 22. Richmond wherein the King and the Prince his sonne had walked not one houre before it fell sodeinly downe aboute midnight but no christian man perished thereby William Copingar Thomas Iohnson the 28. of Septem Sherifes These Sheriffes being on the morrow after Michaelmas day by the Maior and Aldermen presented before the Barons of the Exchequer only William Copingar was admitted and sworne but Thomas Iohnson they woulde not admitte till they knew farther of the Kings pleasure The x. of October a commandement was brought from the King to the Lord Maior that he shoulde cause an election to bée made for a new Sheriffe at which day came into the Guild Hall Mayster Edmond Dudley the Kings President and there shewed the Kings letters that the commons shoulde name for the Kings pleasure William Fitz William to bée Sheriffe for the yeare ensuing which with much difficulty at length was granted which William Fitz Williams kept his feast the sixtéenth day of October Richard Haddon Mercer by the Kings commandemente Maior the 28. of October On S. Thomas day at night afore Christmas was a Bakers house in Warwike Lane brent with the Mistres of y ● house ij women seruants iij. other In Lent the King deliuered all Prisoners in London 1057 Anno reg 23. Sherifes which lay for the debt of fortie shillings or vnder William Butler Thomas Kirkeby Merchant Taylor the 28. of September William Browne Mercer the 28. of Octo. Who deceassed Maior and forthwith Sir Lawrence Aylmer Draper was chosen sworne and went home in a grey cloke with y ● sword borne afore him on the xxvij day of March. Item he tooke his oth at y ● Tower kept no feast William Capell was put in suite 1508 VVilliam Capel sued by the K. Thomas knesvvorth imprisoned by the King for things by him done in his Maioraltie Also Tho. Kneisworth that had bin Maior of London and his Sheriffes were sent to the Kings Bench till they were put to their fine of fouretéene hundred pound In the moneth of June the Citie of Norwich was sore perished and néere consumed Norvvich on ●●re Anno reg 24. with fire that began in a Frenchmans house named Peter Iohnson a Surgeon in the Parish of Saint George Thomas Exmew Richard Smith the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Stephen Genings Merchant Taylour the 28. of October This Stephen Genings Maior of London founded a frée Grammer Schole at Wlfrunehampton in Staffordshire wyth Freeschoole at VVlfrunehampton conuenient lodgings for the Mayster and Usher in the same place where he was borne He gaue Lands sufficient for the mayntenance leauing the ouersight therof to the Merchant Taylors in London who haue hitherto iustly dealt in that matter and also augmented the building there Mayster Nichols who marryed the only daughter and heire of the aforesayd Stephen Genings gaue Landes to maynteyne the pauements of that Towne Also Iohn Leneson Esquier about Anno 1556. gaue Lands where of four pound should be dealt euery yeare on good Friday to the poore people of Wilfrunehampton and sixe and twenty Shillings eyght pence yéerely towards the reparation of the Church there Moreouer aboute Anno 1566. Sir Iohn Lighe a Priest Iohn Ligh of VVlfrunehampton his rare example of Charitie whiche had serued in that Churche there the space of thréescore yeares for fiue pounds sixe Shillings eyght pence the yeare without any other augmentation of his liuing who would neuer take any Benefice or other preferment gaue twentye pounds to purchase twenty Shillings the yeare Lands the same to be giuen yearely for euer to the poore of Wlfrunehampton vpon good Friday and twelue pounds thirtéene Shillings fourpence to purchase a Marke a yeare Lande the same to be giuen to the poore of Chifnall in the Countie of Salope where the sayde Lighe was borne This man liued nigh one hundred yeares He bestowed besides his owne laboure whiche was greate in bearing of stone c. aboue twentye pounde on the high wayes about that Towne of Wlfrunehampton This Towne of Wlfrunehampton is now corruptly called 〈◊〉 for in Anno 996. in King Etheldreds tyme VVlfrunehāpton corruptly called VVolnerhampton who wrote himselfe Rex Angl●rum princops Northumbrerum Olimpiade tertia regni sui for so he wrote the count of his reigne then which was the fiftéenth yeare it was then Ex Carta Regia ●alled Hampton as appeareth by an old Charter written by the Notarie of the sayd King Etheldred whiche Charter I haue séene and read and for that a noble woman named Wlfrune a Widow sometyme wife to Althelme Duke of Northampton did obteyne of the sayd King to giue Landes vnto the Churche there whiche she had founded the sayde Towne tooke the addition of the same Wlfrune for that Charter so nameth hir Wlfrune and the Towne Hampton Sir Lawrence Aylmer and his two Sheriffes were put Sir Lavvrence Aylmer and his Sheriffes to their fine to the King of a thousand pound This yeare was finished the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy 1509 Smart Hospitall of the Sauoy néere vnto Charing Crosse which was a notable foundation for the poore done by King Henry the seauenth vnto the which he purchased and gaue Lands for the releeuing of one hundred poore people This was first named Sauoy place by Peter Earle of Sauoy Rec. of Canterbury Church Father to Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury about the nine and twentith yeare of King Henry the thirde who made the sayde Peter Earle of Richmond This house belonged since to the Duke of Lancaster and at this tyme was conuerted to an Hospitall still reteyning the first name of Sauoy King Henry also buylded thrée houses of Franciscane Friers whiche are called Obseruants at Richmond Greenewich and Newarke and thrée other of that
his traine came to the Kings Campe the thirtéenth of August and there was receyued wyth greate magnificence The thrée and twentith of August the towne of Turwine Turvvine yeelded to K. Henry was giuen ouer vnto the Kyng of England wyth condition that all men in the Towne mighte safely passe wyth horsse and harnesse and so on the foure and twentith of Auguste there came oute of the towne foure thou●and men of warre and moewell appointed whereof sixe hundred were well horsed theyr standardes borne before them The sixe and twentith of August the King remoued to Singate and there it was agréed that the walles gates bulwarkes and towers of Turwine shoulde be defaced razed and caste downe of whyche conclusion the Emperoure Turvviue raced and brent sent word to Saint Omers and to Aire whych being ioyous of that tydings sente thither Pioners and so they and the Englishe Pioners brake down the wals gates and towers and filled the ditch and fiered the towne except the Cathedrall Churche and the Palaice and all the ordinaunce was by the King sente to Aire to be kept to his vse After this it was concluded that the King in person shoulde laye hys siege to the Citie of Turney wherefore hée sente forwarde thrée goodly battayles the firste was conducted by the Earle of Shrewsburie the seconde battell led the King hymselfe wyth whome was the Emperour The rerewarde was conducted by the Lorde Harbert and so the firste nyghte they laye in campe beside Aire The fourtéenth of September the King and hys armye came to Beatwin and on the morrowe passed forwarde and came to a straite where was a Forde whiche with greate difficultie they passed and the next day they passed a bridge called Fount Anandiew c. The one and twentith daye of September the Kyng remoued hys Campe towarde Tourney and lodged wythin thrée myles of the Citie the whyche nighte came to hym the Emperour and the Palsgraue the people about King Henry be●ieged Turney Tourney were with theyr gòodes fledde to the Citie and yet the Citie hadde no menne of warre to defende it but wyth multitude of Inhabitantes the Citie was well replenished The Kyng came in aray of battell before Tourney planted his ordinaunce rounde abonte the Citie dyuers frenches were caste and rampiers made so that no Citizens coulde issue oute nor no ayde come to them Wherevpon at length to wéete on the nyne and twentith of September the Citie was yéelded Then the King appointed the Lorde ●isle the Lorde Burgeyny and the Lorde Willoughby to take possession whyche wyth sixe thousande menne entered the Citie and tooke the market place and the walles and then Mayster Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner called before him all the Citizens and sware them to the Kyng of Englande the number of whiche Citizens were four score thousande On the seconde daye of October the King entred the citie of Turney and there ordayned sir Edwarde Poynings Knight of the order of the Garter to be hys Lieuetenaunt wyth Captaines horsemen archers and artillerie conuenient hée made hys Almoner Thomas Wolsey Byshoppe of Tourney and then returned to Callaice and sayled Thomas VVoolsey Bishop of Turney from thence to Douer on the foure and twentyth of October In this meane tyme Iames King of Scottes notwithstanding he was sworne to kéepe the peace inuaded this lande with a mightye armye but by the good dilligence of the Quéene with the pollicie and manhoode of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenannt he himselfe was slaine at Bramstone vpon Piperd hill with thrée Byshoppes two Abbots twelue Earles seuentéene Lords besides Knights and Gentlemen and seauentéene thousande Scottes and all the ordinaunces and stuffe taken the ninth of September there were slaine of the Englishe men aboute fiue thousande The dead body of the King of Scottes was broughte vp to London and so conueyed to Sheene where I haue séene the same lapped in Lead lye in an olde house vnburyed Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges the 28. of September Sherifes Roger Bafford William Browne Mercer the 28. of October Iohn Tate Maior Mercer On Candlemasse daye the Kyng made Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey Duke of Norffolke Thomas Lorde Howard Earle of Surrey Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke Charles Somerset Earle of Worcester at Lambeth in the Archbishop of Canterburies palace and not long after he maoe sir Edward Stanley Lorde Mountegle In March folowing Thomas Wolsey the Kings Almoner 1514 T. VVolsey B. of Lincolne Anno reg 6 Hedges plucked vp ditches filled and Bishoppe of Tourney was consecrate Byshoppe of Lincolne as successour to William Smith late deceassed All the hedges wythin one myle and more euery waye aboute London were pulled downe and the ditches fylled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London bycause those enclosures hadde bin hinderaunce to their shooting The ninetinth of May was receyued into London a Cap of Maintenance and a sworde sente from Pope Iulie the seconde which was presented to the King on the Sonday nexte with greate solempnitie in Saint Paules Churche The seauenth daye of August a peace was proclaimed betwixte the Kings of England and of Fraunce duryng theyr lyues In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the twelfth King of Fraunce and Ladye Mary the Kyngs sister of England Iames Yarford Iohn Mundy the 28. of September Sherifes Maior George Monox Draper the 28. of October This George Monox Mayor of London of his godly disposition reedified the decayed stéeple of the parishe Churche of Waltham Stowe in the Countie of Essex adding thereunto a side I le with a Chappel where he lyeth buryed And on the North side of the Churchyarde there he founded a fayre large Almose house for an Almose Prieste or Schoolemaywomenster and thirtéene poore almes folke eight men and fiue women appointing to the sayde almes Priest or Schoolemayster for his yearely wages 6. l. 13. s̄ 4. d. and to euerye one of y e almes folke 7. d. a wéeke 5 l. to be bestowed yéerely 1515 among them in coles And ordeyned that the sayd almes Priest should on Sondayes and festiuall dayes be helping assistant to the Uicar or Curate there in the celebration of Anno reg 7. diuine seruice and on the wéeke dayes fréelie to apply and teache yong children of the saide parishe to the number of Free Schoole at VValtham Stovv thirtie in a Schoolehouse by him there builded for that purpose Moreouer he gaue to the parish Clearke there for the time being a yearly stipend of 26. s̄ 8. d. for euer a Chamber by the sayde Almes house to the intent he should helpe the sayd Schoolemayster to teach the said children And hath giuen faire lands and tenements in the Citie of London for the perpetual maintenance of the premisses to Gods glory foreuer He also for the great commoditie of trauellers on ●●●e made a continuall cawsey of Timber ouer the mar●●●s from
manye Bishops and Abbots in Coapes and Miters which went into the midst of the Hall and there stoode a season then was there a ray cloath spread from the Quéenes standing in the Hall through the Pallace and Sanctuarie whiche was rayled on both sides to the high Altare of Westminster after that the ray cloth was cast the Officers of Armes appoynted the order accustomed First went Gentlemen then Esquires then Knightes then Aldermen of London in their Cloakes of Scarlet cast ouer thier Gownes of Scarlet After them the Judges in their Mantles of Scarlet and Coyfes then followed the Knightes of the Bath béeing no Lordes euery man hauing a white lace on his left sléeue then followed Barons and Uicountes in their Parliament Roabes of Scarlet after them came Earles Marquesses and Dukes in their Roabes of Estate of Crimson Ueluet furred with Ermin poudered according to theyr degrées After them came the Lord Chancellor in a Roabe of Scarlet open before bordered with Lettice After hym came the Kings Chappell and the Monkes solemnely singing with procession Then came Abbots and Bishops mitered then Sergeants and Officers of Armes then the Maior of London with his Mace and Garter in his Coate of Armes then the Marquesse Dorcet in hys Roabe of Estate which bare the Scepter of Gold and the Earle of Arundell which bare the rodde of Iuorie with the Doue both togither then alone the Earle of Oxford high Chamberlayne of England which bare the Crowne After him the Duke of Suffolke in his Roabe of Estate for that day being high Steward of England hauing a long white rodde in hys hande and the Lorde William Haward with the rodde of the Marshalship and euery Knight of the Garter had on his coller of the order Then procéeded foorth the Quéene in a Circote and Roabe of purple Ueluet furred with Ermine in hir heare coyfe and circlet as she had the Saterday and ouer hir was borne the Canapie by foure of the Cinque Portes all in Chrimson with points of blew red hanging on their sléeues and the Bishops of London and Winchester bare vp the lappes of the Quéenes robe and hir trayne which was very long was borne by the old Duches of Norffolke After hir followed Ladyes being Lords wiues which had circotes of Scarlet with narrow sléeues the brest all Letice with barres of powders according to their degrées and ouer that they had mantels of Scarlet furred and euery mantel had Letice about the necke like a neckerchefe likewise poudered so that by the pouderings theyr degrées might be knowne Then followed Ladyes béeing Knightes wiues in gownes of Scarlet with narrowe sléeues without traynes only edged with Lettice likewise had all the Quéenes Gentlewomen When she was thus brought to the high place made in the midst of the Church betwéene the Quéere and the high Altare she was set in a rich Chaire and after that she had rested a while she descended downe to the high Altare and there prostrated hirselfe while the Bishop of Canterbury sayd certayne Collects ouer hir Then she rose and the Bishop annoynted hir on the head and on the brest and then she was led vp agayne to hir Chaire where after diuers orisons sayd the Archbishop set the Crowne of Saint Edward on hir head and then deliuered hir the Scepter of golde in hir right hand and the rodde of Yuory with the Doue in y t left hand and then all the Quéere song Te Deum c which done the Bishop tooke off the Crowne of Saint Edward being heauie and set on hir head the Crowne made for hir and so went to masse and when the offering was begonne she descended downe and offered being crowned and so ascended vp agayne and sate in hir Chaire till Agnus and then she wente downe and knéeled before the high Alter where she receyued of the Archbishop the holy Sacrament and then went vp to the place agayne After that Masse was done she went to Saint Edwards Shrine and there offered After whiche offering done she withdrewe hir into a little place made for that purpose on the one side of the Quéere now in the meane season euery Duchesse put on hir Bonet a coronell of Gold wrought with flowers and euery Marchionesse put on a demy coronell of Gold and euery Countesse a playne circle of Gold without flowers and euery King at Armes put on a Crowne of Copper and gilt all which were worne till night When the Quéene had a little reposed hir the company returned in the same order that they set forth and y ● Quéene went Crowned and so did the Ladyes aforesayd hir right hand was susteyned by the Earle of Wilshire hir father and hir left hand by the Lord Talbot Deputie for the Earle of Shrewsburie and Lord Furniuall his Father and when she was out of the Sanctuarie within the Pallace the Trumpets playde maruellous freshly and so she was brought to Westminster Hall and so to hir withdrawing Chamber during which time the Lords Judges Maior and Aldermen put off their robes mantles and clokes and tooke theyr whodes from their neckes and cast them about their shoulders and the Lordes sate onely in their Circotes and the Judges and Aldermen in their Gownes and all the Lords that serued that day serued in their Circotes and their whodes about their shoulders Also diuers officers of the Kings house being no Lordes had Circotes and whodes of Scarlet edged with Miniuer as Treasurer Comptroller and Mayster of the Jewell house but their Circotes were not gilt While the Quéene was in hir Chamber euery Lorde The setting at dinner of Qu. Anne and other that ought to do seruice at the Coronation did prepare them according to their dutie as the Duke of Suffolke high Steward of England which was richly apparelled his Doblet and Jacket set with orient Pearle hys Gowne Chrimson Ueluet embrothered his Courser trapped with a close trapper head and all to the ground of Chrimson Ueluet set full of letters of Gold of Goldsmiths worke hauing a long white rodde in his hand On his left 〈◊〉 rode the Lord William Deputie for his brother as Earle Marshall with the Marshals rodde whose Gowne was Chrimson Ueluet and hys Horsse trapper purple Ueluet cut on white Sattin einbrothered with white Lions The Earle of Oxford was high Chamberlayne the Earle of Essex Caruer the Earle of Sussex Sewer the Earle of Arundell chiefe Butler on whome twelue Citizens of London did giue theyr attendance at the Cupbord the Earle of Darby Cupbearer the Uicount Lisle Panter the Lorde Burgeyny chiefe Larder the Lorde Bray Almouer for him and hys copartners and the Maior of Oxforde kepte the Buttrey barre and Thomas Wyat was chosen Ewerer for Sir Henry Wyat hys Father When all thyngs was readye and ordered the Quéene vnder hir Canapye came into the Hall and washed and sate downe in the middest of the Table vnder hir cloath of Estate On the right syde of hyr Chayre stoode the
Countesse of Oxforde Widowe and on hyr lefte hande stoode the Countesse of Worcester all the dynner season whyche dyuers tymes in the dynner tyme dyd holde a fyne cloath before the Quéenes face when she list to spitte or do otherwise at hir pleasure and at the Tables ende sate the Archbishop of Canterbury on the right hande of the Quéene and in the middest betwéene the Archbishop and the Countesse of Oxforde stoode the Earle of Oxforde with a white staffe all dynner tyme and at the Quéenes féete vnder the Table sate two Gentlewomen all Dinner tyme. When all these thyngs were thus ordered came in the Duke of Suffolke and the Lorde William Howarde on Horssebacke and the Serieants of Armes before them and after them the Sewer and then the Knightes of the Bath bringing in the first course which was eyght and twentie dishes beside sutelties and Shippes made of Waxe maruellous gorgeous to beholde all whych time of seruice the Trumpettes standing in the windowe at the neather ende of the Hall played When she was serued of two dishes then the Archbishops seruice was set downe whose Sewer came equall with the thirde dish of the Quéenes seruice on his left hande After that the Quéene and the Archbishop were serued the Barons of the Portes beganne the Table on the right hande next the wall then at the Table sate the Maysters and Clearks of the Chancerie and beneath them other Doctors and Gentlemen The Table next the wall on the left hand by the Cupbord was begonne by the Maior and Aldermen the Chamberlayne and Counsell of the Citie of London and beneath them sate substantiall Merchantes and so downeward other Worshipfull persons At the Table on the right hand in the midst of the Hall sate the Lord Chancellor and other Temporall Lordes on the right side of the Table in their Circotes and on the left side of the same Table sate Bishoppes and Abbots in their Parliamente Roabes beneath them sate the Judges Serieants and the Kings Counsell beneath them the Knightes of the Bathe At the Table on the left hand in the middle part sate Dutcheses Marqueses Counteses Baronesses in their Roabes and other Ladyes in Circotes and Gentlewomen in Gownes all whiche Gentlewomen and Ladyes sate on the lefte side of the Table along and none on the righte side and when all were thus set they were incontinent ●er●●d so quickly that it was maruellous for the seruitors gaue so good attendance that meate nor drinke nor anye thing else néeded to be called for which in so great a multitude was maruell As touching the fare there could be deuised no more costly dishes nor suttelties The Maior of London was serued with foure and thirtie dishes at two ●●●rses and so were all hys bréethren and suche as sate a● hys Table The Quéene had at hir seconde course foure and twentye dishes and thirtie at the thirde course and betwéene the last courses the Kings of Armes Crowned 〈…〉 Officers of Armes 〈…〉 ●arges in three partes ●● the Hall and after stoode in theyr place whiche was in the bekens of the Kings ●●n●h and on the right hand out of the Clayste● of Saint Stephons Chappell was made a little close● in which the King with diuers Embassadors stoode to beholde the seruice the Duke of Suffolke and the Lorde William rode oftentimes about y e Hal chéering the Lords Ladyes Maior his brethren After they in the Hall had dined they had Wafers and Ipocrase and then they washed and were commanded to rise and stand still in theyr places before the tables or on the formes till the Quéene had washed When she had taken Wafers and Ipocrase the Table was taken vp and the Earle of Rutland brought vp the surnape and layde it at the boordes ende which immediatly was drawne and cast by Mayster Reade Marshall of the Hall and the Quéene washed and after the Archbishop and after the surnape was withdrawne then she rose and stoode in the midst of the hall place to whome the Earle of Sussex in a goodly spice Plate brought a voyde of spice and cōfections After him the Maior of London brought a standing cuppe of Gold set in a cuppe of Assay of Golde and after that she had drunke she gaue the Maior the cuppe with the cuppe of Assey bycause there was no couer according to the clayme of the Citie thanking him and all hys bréethren of their payne Then she vnder hir Canapie departed to hir Chamber and at the entrie of hir Chamber she gaue the Canapie with belles and all to the Barons of the Portes according to their clayme with great thankes then the Maior of London bearing his cuppe in his hande with his bréethren went through the Hall to their Barge and so did all other Noblemen and Gentlemen for it was sire of the Clocke On Mondaye were the Justes at the Tilt before the Iusting Kings Gate where the Maior and his bréethren had a godly standing but there were sew Speares broken by reaso● the Horsses would not coape On Wednesday the King sente for the Maior and ●●● bréethren to Westminster and there he himselfe gaue 〈…〉 them hartie thankes with many goodly words On Midsommer euen deceassed Mary the French Quéen Mary King Henries sister deceassed ●●●er to King Henrie the eyghte and wife to Charles Duke of Suffolke and she was buryed at Saint Edmondsburie The fifth of July Quéene Katherine was proclaymed Prince Arthures widowe The seauenth of July two Merchants were murthered on the Thamis by one Woolfe and hys wife It was this yeare enacted that Butchers shoulde sell Beefe and Mutton solde by vvaighte their Béefe and Mutton by waighte Béefe for a halfe penny the younde and Mutton for thrée far things whyche beyng deuised for the greate commoditie of the realme as it was thought hath proued farre otherwise for at that time fatte ●ren were solde for sixe and twentie shillings and eighte ●●●ce the péece fatte Weathers for thrée shillings and four pence the péece fatte Calues of the lyke price a fatte Lamb for twelue pence The Butchers of London solde peny péeces of Béefe for the reléefe of the pore euery péece two pound and a halfe sometime thrée pound for a peny and thirtéene sometyme fourtéene of these péeces for twelue pence Mutton eight pence the quarter and an hundred waight of béefe ●● foure shillings and eight pence what price it hathe growen to sence it néedeth not to be sette downe At thys tyme also and not before were forraine Butchers permitted to ●●ll their fleshe in Leaden hall market of London The seauenth of September being Sondaye betwéene Byrth of Lady Elizabeth and hir christning ●●rée and foure of the clocke at afternoone the Quéene was ●●ly●ered of a fayre Lady for whose good deliuerauncē Te 〈…〉 was sung incontinently and great preparation was ●●de for the Christning The Maior and his brethren and ●●●tie of the chiefe Citizens were commaunded to be at the ●hristning the
Wednesday following Upon whiche daye ●●e Maior sir Stephen Pecocke in a gown of Criniosin Uel●●t wyth his collar of Esses and al the Aldermen in Scar●●● with collars and chaines and all the Counsell of the Ci 〈…〉 with them tooke their Barge at one of the clocke and the 〈…〉 had another Barge and so rowed to Greenewiche where were manye Lordes Knightes and Gentlemen assembled al the walles betwéene the Kings palace and the Friers were hanged with Arras and all the way strewed with gréeue rushes The Friers Church was also hanged wyth riche Arras the Font was of siluer and stoode in the middest of the Churche thrée steppes highe whiche was couered with a fine cloth and diuers Gentlemen with apro●●● and towels aboute their neckes gaue attendance aboute it that no filth shoulde come to the font ouer it hung a square Canapie of Crimosin Sattin friuged with Golde aboute it was a rayle couered with red Say betwéene the Quéere bodye of the Church was a close place with a panne of fyr● to make the childe ready in when all these things were ●●dered the childe was brought to the Hall and then euery● man set forwarde firste the Citizens twoo and two then Gentlemen Esquiers and Chāplaines nexte after them the Aldermen and the Maior alone and nexte the King●● Councell then the Kings Chappell in Coapes then Barons Bishoppes Earles the Earle of Essex bearing the couered Basons guilte after him the Marquesse of Excest●● with a Taper of Uirgin Ware nexte him the Marquesse Dercet bearing the Salte behinde him the Ladye Mary of Norffolke bearing the Criso●e whyche was verye ●●●he of Pearle and Stone The olde Dutchesse of No●ffolke 〈…〉 the childe in a Mantle of purple Uel●e● wyth a long traine surred wyth Ermin The D. of Norffolke with his Marshals rod went on the right hand of the said Dutches the Du●●● of Suffolke on the left hand and before them went officers of Armes y e Countesse of K●●● bare the long traine of y ● childes Mantle and meane betwéene the childe the Countesse of Kent went the Earle of 〈…〉 the Earle of Darby on eyther side supporting the said traine in the middest ouer the child was borne a rich Canapieby the Lord Rochforde the Lord Husse the Lord William Howard the Lord Thomas Howard the elder After the child followed many● La●y●s ● Gentlewomē When y e child was come to the Church dore the Bishop of London met it with diuers Bishops Abbots mytered began the obseruaunces of the Sacrament The Godfather was Lord Tho● Archbishoppe of Canterburie the Godmothers were the olde Dutchesse of Norffolke the olde Marchionesse of Dorcet widows and the childe was named Elizabeth and after that al things were done at the Church dore the child was broughte to the Font and Christened that done Garter chiefe King of Armes cryed aloude God of hys infinite goodnesse send prosperous life and long to the highe mightie Princesse of England Elizabeth and then the Trumpets blewe then y e child was brought vp to y e Aultar the Gospel said ouer it After that immediatly the Archebyshop of Canterburie confirmed it the Marchionesse of Excester being Godmother then the Bishop of Canterbury gaue vnto the Princesse a standing Cuppe of Gold the Dutchesse of Norffolke gaue to hir a standyng Cuppe of Golde fretted wyth Pearle y e Marchionesse of Dorcet gaue 3. guilt bolles pounsed with a couer the Marchionesse of Excester gaue 3. standing boules grauen al guilt with a couer Then was brought in Waffers Confects I pocrase in such plenty y ● euery man had as much as he would desire then they sette forward y e Trumpets afore going in the same order toward the kings palace as they did when they came thitherward sauing that y e gifts that y e Godfather Godmothers gaue were borne before the child by 4. persons that is to say first sir Iohn Dudley bare the gift of the Lady of Excester the L. Thomas Howard the yōger bare the gift of the Lady Dorcet the Lord Fitz Walter bare the gifte of the Lady of Norffolke and the Lorde of Worcester bare the gifte of the Archebyshop of Canterburie and al the one side as they went was full of staffe-torches to the number of fyue hundreth borne by the Guarde and other of the Kings seruantes and aboute the childe were manye other proper Torches borne by Gentlemenne And in this order they brought the Princesse to the Quéenes Chamber dore and then departed The ●aior wente to the Kings Chamber and tarryed there a whyle wyth his bréethren the Aldermen and at the laste the Dukes of Norffolke and Suffolke came out from the King and reported to the Mayor and his brethren that the King thanked them hartily and commanded them to giue them thankes in his name and from thence they were had to the Seller and dranke and so went to their Barge The xxiij of Nouember béeyng Sonday on a Scaffolde Holy Mayde of Kent before the Crosse at Paules there stoode a Nunne professed in the Priorie of Saint Sepulchre in Caunterburie named Elizabeth Barton with sundry other persons and the Bishop of Bangor late Abbot of Hyde there preaching shewed their offences from whence they were committed to the Tower of London The xxviij of Januarye a great fish was taken at Blacke wall called a Whale whyche was broughte to Westminster to the King and so backe to Broken Wharfe and there cut out The firste of Aprill Woolfe and his wife were hanged 1534 VVoolfe and his vvife hāged on two Gibbets at the turning trée in Lambeth Marshe for murthering the two Merchant strangers aforesaide The xx of Aprill Elizabeeh Barton a Nunne professed at The holy Maid of Kent and other hanged and headed Saint Sepulchres in Canterburie Edward Bocking Iohn Deering two Monks of Christs Church in Canterburie Hughe Riche warden of the Friers Obseruants in Canterburie and Richard Risbe and another of his fellows of the same house Richarde Maister Parson of Aldington in Kent and Henrie Golde Pryest were drawn from the Tower of London to Tyborne there hanged headed c. for sundry conspiracies in the matter of diuorce betwéene the Kynges Maiestie and Quéen Katherine At which time were also attainted of misprision by acte of Parliament for the same matter Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester Iohn Adeson his Chaplain Tho. Abell Priest Thomas Gold Gentleman and Thomas Laurence Anno reg 26 Register to the Archdeacon of Canterburie The ninth of July Lorde Dacres of the North was arraigned Lord Dacres of the North arraigned at Westminster of high treason where he so wittily confuted his accusers that to their great shame he was foūd not guiltie The eleauenth of August was all the places of the Obseruant Friers houses suppressed Friers as Grenewich Canterbury Richmont Newarke and Newcastell putte downe and Austen Fryers set in their places and the Obseruants were
First children in Christes hospital taken into y e hospital at the Grey Friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of almost foure hundred And also s●eke and pore people into the Hospital of Saint Thomas in Southwarke in whiche two places the children and pore people shoulde haue meate drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmasse daye in the afternoone when the Lorde Firste shevve of the children in Christs hospital Maior and Aldermen rode to Paules al the children of Christes Hospitall stoode in array from Saint Laurence Lane in Cheape toward Paules al in on Lyuerie of Russet Cotten the men children with red Caps the women children kerchiefs on their heades all the Maisters of the Hospitall foremost nexte them the Phi●●tions and four Surgeons and betwéen euery twentie children one woman kéeper whych children were in number 340. The King kept his Christmasse with open housholde at Lorde of merry disportes Greenewiche George Ferrers Gentleman of Lincolns Inne being Lorde of the merry disportes all the twelue dayes who ●●●pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had greate delight in his pastimes On Monday the fourth of January the saide Lorde of The Sherifes ● of Misrul● mery disportes came by water to London and landed at the Tower Wharffe entred the Tower and then rode through Tower streete where he was receyued by Vawce Lorde of Misrule to Iohn Maina●d one of the Sheriffes of London and so conducted throughe the Citie with a great company of yong Lordes and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lorde Mayor where he with the chiefe of his company dy●ed and after had a greate banquet and at his departure the Lorde Mayor gaue him a standing Cup with a couer of siluer and guilt of the vale ●●● of ten pounde for a rewarde and also set a Hog●●●ad of 〈…〉 and a Barrel of Béere at hys Gate for his traine that folowed hym the residue of his Gentlemen and s●rn a●ntes dyned at other Aldermens houses and with the Sheriffes and so departed to the Tower Wharffe againe and to the Courte by water to the great commendation of the Maior and Aldermen and highly accepted of the King and Counaell In the moneth of January the King fell sicke of a cough Anno reg 7. at Whitehall whyche gréeuouslye encreased and at the laste ended in a Consumption of the Lights The firste of Marche beganne a Parliament at Westminster A Parliament and all the Lordes Spiritual and temporall assembled that daye in the Whitehall in their Robes where a Sermon was preached in the Kings Chappell by Doctor Ridley Bishoppe of of London and his Maiestie with diuers Lords receyued the Communion Which being done the King with the Lordes in order went into the Kings greate Chamber 1553 on the Kings side which that day was prepared for the Lordes house the King sitting vnder his clo●h of Estate and al the Lordes in their degrées the Bishoppe of Ely Doctor Godrike Lorde Chauncollor made a Proposition for the king whyche being ended the Lordes departed This was done bycause the King was sickly The 〈…〉 after the Burgesses sate in the Common house at Westminster and chose for their Speaker Maist●● Diar one of the late made Sergeants at the lawe The ●1 of Marche being good Friday the Parliament brake vppe and was clearely dissolued at the Kinges Pallaice of White hall at seauen of the clocke at night The thirde of Aprill being Monday after Easter daye the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thēce thorough the Citie to the Sermon kepte at Saint Marie Spittle all clothed in plonket Coates and red Cappes and the maiden childrē in the same Lyuerie with kerchefs on their heades all whiche with their matron and other 〈…〉 were there placed on a Scaffolde of eight Stages and there sate the same time whiche was a goodly shewe The tenth of Aprill the Lorde Mayor of London was sent Bridevvell gyuen to the Citie of London for to the Courte at White hall and there at that time the Kings Maiestie gaue to him for to be a w●rk● house for the ●●re and ydle persons of the Citie of London ●●●● 〈…〉 of Bridewel and seauen hundred marke land of the Sauoy rents wyth all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy towardes the maintenaunce of the saide work-house of Bridewell The eleauenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was presented to the King in his Pallaice of White hall at Westminster and was made knight by his Maiesty and the same day the king remoued in the afternoone to Greenewiche In this Moneth of April and in May commissions were Ievvelles and Church plate called into the Kings handes directed throughe Englandes for all the Churche goods remaining in Cathedrall and parishe Churches that is to saye Jewels of Golde and Siluer Crosses Candlestickes Sen●●●● Chalices and all other suche like with their readye money to be deliuered to the Maister of the Kings Jewels in the Tower of London all Coapes and Uestmentes of cloth of Gold cloth of Tissewe and Siluer to the Maister of the kings Wardrobe in London the other Coaps Uestmēts and ornaments to be solde and the money to be deliuered to the Kings Treasurer reseruing to euerie Churche one Chalice or Cuppe with Table clothes for the Communiō board at the discretion of the Commissioners The twentith of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Voyage to Moscouy Cabotte thrée great ships wel furnished were sette ●●●th for the aduenture of the vnknowen voyage to Musco●●● and other easte partes by the North Seas diuers Merchants and other being frée of that voyage yéelded towards the charges of the some fiue and twentie pounds apéece ●●● George Barnes 〈…〉 William Garrard being y ● principall 〈…〉 there in About the same time two other ships were sent séeke aduentures Southwards Whiles King Edward lay dangerously sicke Lord Gilforde Three notable marriages at D●rham place the Duke of Northumberlandes fourth sonne marryed Lady lane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then ali●e was daughter to Mary King Henries sister whiche was firste marryed to the Frenche King and after to Charles Duke of Suffolke Also the Earle of Pembrookes eldest son marryed Lady Katherine the said Dukes second daughter and the Erle of Huntingtons sonne called Lord Hastings marryed the Dukes yongest daughter King Edward being about the age of sixetéene yeares ended King Edvvarde deceassed his life at Grenewich on the sixth of July when he hadde raigned sixe yeares fiue moneths and odde dayes and was buried at Westminster He was in this his youth a Prince of such towardnesse in vertue learning and al godly gifts as seldome hath bin sée●● the like The eight of July the Lorde Maior of London was sente King Edvvards death opened for to the Courte then at Greenewich and to bring with him fi●e Aldermen as many Merchaunts of the Staple an 〈…〉
manye Merchaunt Aduenturers vnto whom by the Councell was se●●da●●y declared the death of King Edwarde and also ho●e he hadde ordained for the succession of the Crown by his letters Patents to the whych they were sworne and charged to kéepe it secrete The tenth of July in the afternoone aboute thrée of th● Lady Iane proclaimed Queene clocke Lady Iane daughter to Frauncis Duchesse of Suffolke 〈…〉 Ian● was ma●●●●● to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth ●●nne to the Duke of Northumberlande was con●●eyed by water to the Tower of London and there receyued as Quéene After fiue of the clocke the same afternoone was proclamation made of the death of King Edwarde the ●●●th and howe he had ordained by his letters Patents bearyng ba●● the 〈…〉 and twentith of June laste past that the 〈…〉 Iane as is afore saide shoulde be heyre to the Crowne of Englande and the heire males of hir bodye c. The eleauenth of July Gilbert Potte Drawer to Ninion Gilbert Potte punished in Cheape Saunders Uintner dwelling at Saint Iohns head wythin Ludgate who was accused by the said Saunders his Maister was set on the Pillorie in Cheape with both hys eares nayled and cleane cutte off for wordes speaking at time of the proclamation of Lady Iane at which execution was a Trūpet blown and a Harrault read his offence in presence of one of the Sheriffes c. Aboute fiue of the clocke the same day in the afternoone Men drovvned at Lon. bridge Ninion Saunders Maister to the said Gilbert Potte and Iohn Owen a Gunner comming from the Tower of London by water in a Whirrie and shooting London bridge towardes the Blacke Friers were drowned at Saint Mary Locke and the Whirrie men saued by their Ores The twelfth of July worde was broughte to the Councell beyng then in the Tower with the Ladye Iane that the Lady Marie eldest daughter to King Henrie the eighte was at Keninghall Castell in Norffolke and wyth hir the Earle of Bathe sir Thomas Cornwallis and other and also that the Earle of Sussex and Maister Henrie Ratcliffe his sonne were ●●mmyng towardes hir wherevppon by spéedy Councell it was there concluded that the Duke of Suffolke with certayne other Noblemen should go towards the Lady Mary to ●●●che hir vp to the Tower thys was firste determined but by night of the same daye the saide voyage of the Duke of Suffolke was cleane dissolued by the speciall meanes of the Lady Iane hys daughter who takyng the matter heauily wyth wéepyng teares made request to the whole Councel that hir father might ●arry at home in hir company Whervppon the Councel perswaded with the Duke of Northumberlande to take that voyage vpon him saying that no man 〈…〉 so ●●t therefore bycause that he hadde atchieued the victorie in Norffolke once already and was therefore so feared 〈…〉 none durste once li●●e vp their weapon against him be 〈…〉 that he was the beste man of warre in the Realme as well for the ordering of his Campes and Souldicures bothe in battaile and in their tentes as also by experience knowledge and wisdome he coulde bothe animate his army with wittie perswasions and also pacifie and alay hys ennimyes pride wyth hys stowte courage or else to dissuade them if néede were from their enterprise Finally said they this is the short and long the Quéene will in no wise graunte that hir father shall take it vpon him wherefore quoth they we thinke it good if it may please your Grace it lyeth in you to remedy the matter Well quoth the Duke then since ye thinke it good I and mine will go not doubting of your fidelitie to the Quéenes Maiestie whych now I leaue in youre custodie so that nighte he sente for bothe Lordes Knightes and other that shoulde goe wyth hym and caused all things to be prepared accordynglye then wente the Councell in to the Ladye Iane and tolde hir of theyr conclusion who humblye thanked the Duke for reseruing hir father at home and beséeched him to vse hys diligence whereto he aunswered that he woulde doe what in hym laye The morrowe following greate preparation was made the Duke early in the mornyng called for his owne harnesse and sawe it made ready at Durham place where he appointed all his retinue to méete The same daye Cartes were laden with Munition and Artillerie and fielde péeces were set forwarde The same forenoone the Duke moued efte soones the Counsell to sende their powers after hym as it was before determined the same to méete wyth hym at Newe Market and they promised they woulde He sayde further to some of them My Lordes I and these other noble Personages with the whole army that nowe goe forth as well for the behalfe of you and yours as for the establishing of the Quéenes highnesse shall not only aduenture our bodies and lyues amongest the bloudy strokes and cruell 〈◊〉 of our aduersaries in the open fieldes but also wée do leaue the conseruation of our selues chyldren families at home here with you as altogyther committed to youre truth and fidelities whome if we thoughte ye woulde throughe malice conspyracie or dissention leaue vs youre friendes in the Bryars and betraye vs wée coulde as well sundry wayes foresee and prouide for our owne safegards ●● anye of you by betraying vs can doe for yours But nowe vppon the onelye truste and faithfulnesse of youre honors whereof we thinke our selues moste assured wée do hazarde oure liues whyche truste and promise if ye shall violate hoping thereby of lyfe and promotion yet shall not God coumpt you innocent of our blouds neyther acquite you of the sacred and holy othe of allegeaunce made fréely by you to thys vertuous Lady the Quéenes highnesse who by your and our enficement is rather of force placed there●● than by hir ownséeking and request Consider also that Gods cause whyche is the preferment of hys worde and ●●a●e of Papistes entraunce hathe béene as yée haue here before alwayes layde the originall grounde wherevpon ye ●●en at the firste motion graunted your goodwils and con●●●ts therevnto as by your handes writing appeareth and ●●inke not the contrarye but if yée meane deceyte thoughs not forthewyth yet hereafter God will reuenge the same I can saye no more but in thys trouble some tyme wysh you to vse constant heartes abandoning all malice enuye and priuate affections and therewithall the firste course for the Lords came vp wherefore the Duke shut vp his talke wyth these wordes I ha●e not spoken to you in thys sorte ●ppon anye mistruste I haue of youre trueth● of whyche alwayes I haue euer hitherto conceiued a trusty confidence but I haue put you in remembrance thereof what chance of variance so euer might grow amongst you in mine absence and this I pray you wish me not worse good spéede in this iorney than ye woulde haue to your selues My Lord saith one of them if ye mistruste anye of vs in this matter your Grace is farre
deceyued for whyche of vs can washe hys handes cleane thereof and if we shoulde shrincke from you as from one that were culpable which of vs can excuse himselfe to be guiltlesse therefore herein your doubt is too farre caste I praye God it be quoth the Duke let vs go to dinner and so they sate downe After dinner the Duke wente in to the Quéene where his Commission was by that tyme sealed for his Lieutenantshippe of the army and then tooke his leaue of hir and so didde certaine other Lordes also Then as the Duke came through the Councell Chamber he tooke his leaue of the Earle of Arundale who prayed God be with his Grace saying he was sorie it was not his chance to goe with him and beare him companye in whose presence he could finde in hys hearte to spende hys blo●de euen at his féete then the Earle of Arundale tooke Thomas Louell the Dukes boy by the hande and saide farewel gentle Thomas with al my heart Then the Duke with the L. Marques of Northampton the Lorde Grey and dyuers other tooke their Barge and went to Dirham place and t● White hall where that night they mustred theyr men and the next day in the morning the Duke departed with the number of 600. menne or there aboutes And as they rode thorough Shordi●che saith the Duke to the Lorde Grey the people preasse to sée vs but not one sayeth God spéede vs. The same daye sir Iohn Gates and other went oute a●●●● the Duke By this time worde was broughte to the Tower that the Lady Mariae was ●●ed to Framing●a● Castell in Suffolke where the people of the Country almoste wholly resorted to h●● ● that ●●● Edmond Pec●am sir Edward Hastings and the Lor● Windsore with other● were 〈◊〉 Quéene Marie ●● B●ckinghamshire sir Iohn Williams in Oxfordshire c. About this time sixe ships well manned that were a●poynted to lye before Yarmouth and to haue taken the Lady Mary if she had fled that way were by force of weather driuen into the Hauen where one Maister Iernigham was raysing power on the Ladye Maries behalfe who hearing thereof came thither wherevppon the Captaines tooke a boate and wente to the Shippes but the Saylers and souldiors asked Maister Iernigham what he woulde haue and whether he would haue their Captaines or no and he said yea Mary saide they ye shall haue them or we will throwe them into the bottome of the Sea but the Captaines saide forthwith that they would serue Quéene Mary willingly and so broughte forth their men and conueyed with them their great ordinaunce Of the commyng of these Shippes the Ladye Mary was wonderfull ioyous and afterwarde doubted little the Dukes puissaunce but when newes therof was broughte to the Tower eche manne there beganne to draw backward and ouer that word of a greater mischiefe was broughte to the Tower that is to saye that the Noblemens tenaunts refused to serue their Lords against Quéen Marie The Duke thoughte long for his succoures and wrote somewhat sharplye to the councell at the Tower in that behalfe as well for lacke of men as of munition but a flender aunsweare had he againe And from that time forward certaine of the Councell to wéete the Earle of Pembrooke and sir Thomas Cheyney Lorde Warden and other sought to gette oute of the Tower to consulte in London but coulde not yet The sixetéenth of Iuly being Sonday Doctor Ridley Bishoppe of London by commaundement of the Councel prea●hed at Paules Crosse where he vehementlye perswaded the ●eople in the title of y e Lady Iane late proclaimed Quéene ●nd inueyed earnestly againste the title of Lady Mary c. The same sixetéenth of Iuly the Lorde Treasurer was ●●ne oute of the Tower to his house in London at nighte and ●●rthwith about seauen of the clocke the Gates of the Tower vpon a sodayne were shut vppe and the kayes borne vp to the Lady Iane which was for feare of some packing in the Lorde Treasurer but he was fetched agayne to the Tower about twelue of the clocke in the night The xviij daye the Duke perceyuing that the succours promised came not to him and also receyuing from some of the Councell Letters of discomforte he returned from Bury backe agayne to Cambridge The ninetéenth of July the Counsell partelye moued with the right of the Lady Maries cause partly considering that the moste of the realme was wholy bent on hir side changed theyr minds and assembled themselues at Bainard● Castel where they communed with the Earle of Pembrooke and immediately with the Maior of London certaine Aldermen the Sheriffes Garter King at Armes and a Trumpet came into Cheape where they proclaymed the Ladye Mary daughter to King Henry the eyght and Quéene Katherine Quéene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Dofendor of the Faith c. and the same night the Earle of Arundele the Lord Paget rode in poste to Quéene Mary The xx of July Iohn D. of Northumberlande hauing sure knowledge y ● the Lady Mary was by the nobilitie others of the Councell remayning at London proclaymed Quéene aboute fiue of the clocke the same night he with suche other of the Nobilitie as were in his company came to the Market Crosse and callyng for an Harrault hymselfe proclaymed Quéene Mary and among other he threwe vppe hy● owne Cap and wythin an houre after he had Letters from the Councell as he said that he shoulde forthwith dismiss● his army and not to come within tenne myles of London fo● if he did they woulde fight wyth hym the rumour where● was no sooner abroade but euerie man departed And shortlye after the Duke was arrested in the Kings Colledge 〈…〉 one Maister Slegge Sergeant at Armes At the laste letters were brought from the Councell at London that al 〈…〉 shoulde goe eche his way Wherevpon the Duke sayde 〈…〉 them that kepte him yée doe me wrong to withdrawe my libertie sée you not the Counsels letters wythoute exception that all men shoulde go whither they would At which wordes they that kepte hym and the other Noblemen sete them at libertie and so contynued they for that night insomuche that the Earle of Warwicke was readye in the morning to haue rode away but then came the Erle of Arundel frō the Quéen to y e Duke into his Chamber who went out to méete him as soone as he saw the Earle of Arundale he fel on hys knées desired hym to be good to him for the loue of God cōsider saith he I haue done nothing but by the cōsents of you and all the whole Councell My Lorde quoth the Earle of Arundale I am sente hither by the Quéenes Maiestie and in hir name I doe arreast you and I obey it my Lorde quoth he I beséeche you my Lorde of Arundale quoth the Duke vse mercy towardes mée knowing the case as it is my Lorde quoth the Earle yée shoulde haue sought for mercie sooner I muste doe accordyng to my commaundement and
hundreth men wherefore Wyat caused a two péeces of Ordinance to be layde on the ende of the Bridge whiche so feared them on the other syde that they durst not abyde then caused hée thrée or foure of hys Souldyers to leape into the Thamis and to swimme to the other syde who lewsed the Westerne Barges whyche there lay tyed and so brought them ouer and by that meanes he passed the water it was woonderfull what paynes hée tooke himselfe comming on foote amongst them neyther dyd they stay anye whitte all that nyghte but came almost to Brayneforde or euer they were discryed by the Quéenes scoutes who there by chaunce méeting Brette and hys companye Brette sayde to the scoute backe villayne if thou goe farther to discouer any thing héere thou shalte dye out of hande the scoute returned in great hast The same day in the afternoone were two men hanged Execution in Paules Church-yard on a Gibbet in Paules Church yard by Marciall law the one being seruant to the Duke of Suffolke and late Sheriffe of Leycester the other a Baker one of the white coates sent out of the Citie agaynste Wyat and the same day came tidings that the Duke with his bréethren were taken The same day towards night there was laden tenne or twelue Cartes with Ordināce as Billes Pikes Speares bowes arrowes powlder shotte shouels mattockes baskets and other munitions two Cul●erings one Sacre thrée Fawcons and a Fawconet all which stuffe stayde in Paules Church yard The same night also aboute fy●e of the clocke a Trompetter went about and warned all horssemen and men of armes to be at Saint Iames field and all footemen also to be there by sixe of the clocke in the next morning The Quéenes scoute vpon his returne to the Court declared Wyats béeing at Brayneforde whiche sodeyne newes made all in the Courte wonderfullye afrayde Drommes went through London at four of the clocke commanding all Souldiours to armour and so to Charing crosse Wyat hearing that the Earle of Pembroke was come into the fields he stayde at Knightes bridge vntill day where his men being very wéerie with trauell of that night and the day before and also partly féebled and faint hauing receyued small sustenance since their comming out of Southwarke restlesse There was no small ado in London and likewise the Tower made great preparation of defence By tenne of the cloke the Earle of Pembroke had set his troupe of horssemen on the hill in the high way aboue the newe bridge ouer against Saint Iames his footemen were set in two battels somewhat lower and néerer Charing Crosse at the lane turning downe by the bricke wall from Islington ward where he had set also certayne other horssemen and he had planted his Ordinance vpon the hill side In the meane season Wyat and his company planted his Ordinance vppon VVyat in Saint Iames fielde a hill beyond Saint Iames almost ouer against the Parke corner and himselfe after a few words spoken to his Souldyers came downe the old lane on foote hard by the Court gate at Saint Iames with four or fiue auntients his menne marching in good array Cuthbert Vaughan and a two antients turned downe towarde Westminster The Earle of Pembrokes horssemen houered all this whyle without mouing vntill all was passed by sauing the tayle vpon which they did set and cut off the other marched forward in array and neuer stayd or returned to the ayde of theyr tayle the greate Ordinance shotte off freshly on both sydes Wyats Ordinance ouershotte the troupe of Horssemen The Quéenes Ordinance one péece strake thrée of Wyats company in a rancke vpon the heads and slaying them strake through the wall into the Parke more harme was not done by the greate shotte of neyther partie The Quéenes whole battayle of footemen standing still Wyat passed along by the wall towardes Charing Crosse where the sayde Horssemen that were there set vppon parte of them but was soone forced backe At Charing Crosse there stoode Sir Iohn Gage Lorde Chamberlayne wyth the Garde and a number of other béeing almost a thousande the which vppon Wyats comming shotte at hys companye but at the last fledde to the Court gates which certayne pursued and forced wyth shotte to shutte the Court gates against them In thys repulse the sayde Lorde Chamberlayne and others were so amazed that manye cryed Treason in the Courte and hadde thought that the Earle of Pembroke who was assaulting the tayle of hys Enimies hadde gone to Wyat takyng hys parte agaynst the Quéene there was running and trying out of Ladyes and Gentlewomen shutting of dores and windowes and suche a shriking and noyse as was wonderfull to heare Wyat wyth hys menne marched still forwarde all along to Temple Barre and so thorough Fleetestreete tyll hée came to the Bell Sauadge an Inne nigh vnto Ludgate wythout resistance hys menne goyng not in any good order or array It is sayde that at Strand certayne of the Lorde Treasurers hand to the number of thrée hundreth men whereof the Lorde Chidioke Powlet his sonne was Captayne met them and so going on the one side passed by them going on the other side without any thing saying to them Also this is more strange the sayde Wyat and hys company passed along by a greate companye of harnessed men whiche stoode on both sides the stréetes without anye withstanding them And as he marched forward through Fléetestréete most with their swords drawne some cryed Quéene Mary hath graunted oure request and giuen vs pardon other sayde the Quéene hath pardoned vs thus some of Wyats men came euen to Ludgate and knocked calling to come in saying there was Wyat whome the Quéene had graunted to haue their requestes but the Lorde William Howarde stoode at the Gate and sayde auant Traytor thou shalt not come in héere Wyat a while stayde and rested hym vppon a stall ouer agaynste the Bell Sauadge Gate and at the last séeing hée could not gette in to the Citie and béeing deceyued of the ayde hée hoped for returned backe agayne in array towards Charing Crosse and was neuer stopped till hée came at Temple barre where certayne Horssemen which came from the fielde mette them in the face and then beganne the fyghte agayne tyll Clarensus an Herraulte came and sayde to Mayster Wyat Sir you were best by my counsell to yéelde you sée thys daye is gone agaynste VVyat taken you and in resisting you can gette no good but bée the death of all these your Souldioures to youre great perill of Soule perchance you maye fynde the Quéene mercifull and the rather if yée stint so greate bloudshead as is lyke héere to bée Wyat héerewyth béeyng somewhat astonyed although hée sawe hys menne bente to fyghte sayde well if I shall néedes yéelde I wyll yéelde me to a Gentleman to whome Sir Mawrice Barkeley came streight and bade hym leape vp behynde hym and another tooke Thomas Cobham and Wyllyam Kneuet so carryed them behinde them vpō
to haue cōsented to Wiats conspyracie The xviij of Marche being Palmsonday the Lady Elizabeth the Quéenes sister was by the Lord Treasurer and the Earle of Sussex conueyed to the Tower of London from Parliament Westminster by water The tj of Aprill the Parliament beganne at Westminster whyche was appoynted to haue béene kepte at Oxforde Barons created The v. of Aprill sir Iohn Williams was created Baron of Tame and Saint Iames. The vij of April sir Edward North was created Baron of Chartlege at Saint Iames. The viij of Aprill sir Iohn a Bridges was created Baron Chondoys of Sudley Saint Iames. Catte hanged in Cheape The same viij of Aprill then being Sonday a Catte with hir head shorne and the likenesse of a Uestment caste ouer hir with hir fore téete tyed togither and a round péece of paper like a singing Cake betwixte them was hanged on a Gallowes in Cheape neare to the Crosse in the Parish of Saint Mathew whyche Catte being taken downe was carryed to the Bishoppe of London and he caused the same to be shewed at Paules Crosse by the preacher Doctor Pendleton The x. of Aprill Doctor Cranmer Archbyshop of Canterburie Disputation at Oxforde Doctour Ridley Byshoppe of London and Hugh Latimer once Bishop of Worcester were cōueyed prisoners from the Tower of London to Windsore and after from thence to Oxforde there to dispute wyth the Diuines and learned men of the contrary opinion The xj of April sir Thomas Wiat was beheaded on the Thomas VViat beheaded Tower hill and after quartred hys quarters were set vppe in dyuers places and hys head on the Gallowes at Hay hill neare Hyde Parke from whence it was shortly after stolne conueyed awaye The xxvtj of Aprill Lorde Thomas Grey brother to the late Duke of Suffolke was beheaded The xiiij of May Gerrard Fitz Garret was created Erle of Kyldare and Baron of Ophelley for him and his heyres at Saint Iames. William Thomas Gentleman and other were apprehended for conspyring Quéene Maries death the same William Thomas for the matter was drawne to Tyborne and hanged and quartred the xviij of May. The xix of May Ladye Elizabeth was conueyed from the Tower of London by water to Richemonde from thence to Windsore and so by the Lord Williams to Ricot in Oxfordshire and from thence to Woodstocke The xxv of May Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire The Erle of Deuonshire sent to Fodringaye was deliuered oute of the Tower by sir Ralph Chamberlaine of Suffolk and sir Thomas Tresham Knights who conueyed him to Fodringay Castel in Northamptonshire there to remaine vnder their custodie The x. of June Doctoure Pendleton preached at Paules A Gunne shotte at the preacher Crosse at whome a Gunne was shotte the pellet whereof went very neare him and lighte on the Churche wall But the shooter coulde not be founde The xxtj. of June was Proclamation made forbidding the shooting in handgunnes and bearing of weapons The fiftéenth of July Elizabeth Croft a wenche abo●●● Anno reg 2. A Spirite in a vvall the age of eightéene yeares stoode vppon a Scaffolde at Paules Crosse all the Sermon tyme where shée confessed that she being moued by dyuers lewde persons therevnto hadde vppon the fouretéenth of Marche laste before passed counterfaited certayne speaches in an house withoute Aldersgate of London thoroughe the whyche the people of the whole City were wonderfully molested for that all men mighte heare the voice but not sée hir person Some saide it was an Angell and a voyce from Heauen some the holy Ghoste c. Thys was called the Spirite in the Wall she hadde laine whistling in a straunge whistle made for that purpose whiche was giuen hir by one Drakes then were there dyuers companions confederate with hir whiche putting thēselues among the preasse tooke vppon them to interprete what the Spirite saide expressing certaine seditious words againste the Quéene the prince of Spaine the Masse and Cōfession c. The xix of July the prince of Spaine arriued at Southampton the fourth day after he came to Winchester in the euening and there going to Churche was honorably receyued of the Byshoppe and a greate number of Nobles the nexte daye he met with the Quéene wyth whome he had long familiar talke On Saint James daye the marriage was solempnized betwéene him and Quéene Mary at whyche time the The marriage of King Philip and Queene Mary Emperors Embassadour being present pronounced that in consideration of the marriage the Emperor had giuen vnto his sonne the Kingdome of Naples The solempnitie of thys marriage being ended the King of Harraults proclai●●ed their Tytle as foloweth Philip and Marie by the grace of The Kings stile God King and Quéene of Englande Fraunce Naples Hierusalem and Ireland Defendors of the Faith Princes of Spaine and Sicile Archdukes of Austrich Dukes of Millaine Burgundy and Brabant Counties of Aspurge Flaunders and Tyrroll whyche being ended the Trumpets blewe the Kyng and Quéene came forth hand in hande and two Swords borne before them Shortly after King Philip and Quéene Marie remoued frō Winchester to Basing frō thence to Windsore then to Richemont from thence by water to Southwarke acompanyed with the Noble men Ladies the King in one barge the Quéeni● an other and landed at the Bishop of Winchesters staires neare to S. Mary Oueries Church so passed through that place and parke into Suffolke place where they rested that night And the next day being the xviij of August they rode thorough Southwarke ouer the Bridge and so thorough London where they were with great prouision receiued of y e A man slyding from Paules steeple citizens passing through Paules Churchyard a man came ●lydyng as it were flying vpon a rope from Paules Stéeple The second of September sir Anthony Browne Maister of the Horse was put by and made Marques Mountague for him and his heires Males with the gifte of xx markes the yeare of Surrey at Hampton Court Dauid Woodroffe William Chester the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Lion Grocer the 28. of October The xxvj h● October a Spaniard was hanged at Charing Crosse for killing of an Englishman there was offered A Spaniard hanged for his life by other strangers 500. Crownes but all that woulde not stay Justice The xij of Nouēber the parliament began at Westminster The xxiiij of Nouember Cardinall Poole came out of Brabant into England and was receiued with much honour he was by Parliament restored to hys olde dignitie that he was put from by King Henrie and shortly after came into the Parliament house where the King Quéene and other states were present Then he declared the cause of his Legacie first exhorting them to returne to the Communion of the Churche and restore to the Pope hys due aucthoritie Secondly he aduertised them to giue thankes to God that had sent them so blessed a King and Quéene Finally he signified
Edwarde After he had bin carried aboute Westminster ball before the Judges he was whipped about the Pallaice and then through Westminster into Smithfielde and then banished into the North in whyche Countrey he was borne and had bin sometime Lackey to sir Peter Mewtas The firste of Julye Iohn Bradford was burned in Smithfielde Bradford brent Anno reg 3. this Bradford was a man of very sober and honest life and therefore the Bishops woulde gladly haue had him recant and abiure his opinions The xij of Auguste was a terrible fighte on the sea betwéene the Dutchmen and Frenchmen néere to Romney Marsh whereas xj ships were brent and suncke In thys moneth of August in Suffolke at a place by the Sea side all of harde stone and pibble called in those parts a Shelfe lying betwéen the towns of Orford and Alborough where neuer grewe Grasse nor anye earth was euer séene there chaunced in this barraine place sodainely to spring vppe without anye tyllage or sowing great abundaunce of Peason whereof the poore gathered as men iudged aboue The necessity of the poore by God releeued an hundred quarters yet remayned some rype and some blossoming as many as euer there were before to the whiche place rode the Bishop of Norwich the Lord Willoughbey with others in greate number who found nothyng but harde rockey stone the space of thrée yardes vnder the roots of those Peason whyche rootes were greate and long and ●erye swéete c. On Bartholomew euen after the Lorde Maior and Aldermen of London hadde ridden aboute Saint Bartholomews Disputation at Christes Hospitall as had bene accustomed at S. Bartholomevvs in Smithfielde faire they came to Christs Hospital within Newgate where they heard a disputation betwéene the Schollers of Paules Schoole Saint Anthonies Schoole and the Schollers of the said Hospitall for whom was prouided thrée games which was thrée Pennes the best Pen of siluer and guilte valued at v. s̄ wonne by a Scholler of Saint Anthonies Schoole the Maister of that Schoole had vj. s̄ viij d. the second a Pen of siluer parcel guilt valued at iiij s̄ wonne by a Scholler of Paules Schoole and hys Mayster had v. s̄ in money the thyrde a Pen of siluer valued at iij. s̄ wonne by a Scholler of the saide Hospitall and his Maister had iiij s̄ and there were two Priestes Maisters of Arte appointed for Judges whyche had eache of them a siluer Rule for their paines valued at vj. s̄ viij d. the péece The disputation beyng ended the Maior and Aldermen entred the Hall where the chyldren of the Hospital vse to dyne and hadde fruite and wine and so departed King Philip wente ouer seas and landed at Callais on King Philip vvent ouer into Flaunders the fourth of September where he was honorably receyued by the Lorde Deputie and the Maior of the Staple of Callais an Alderman of London named sir Andrew Iudde who presented his Maiestie wyth a Purse and a M. Marks of Golde in it that night the Kyng was lodged in Staple Inne and on the morrowe he departed from Callais towards Brussels in Brabant to visite the Emperour hys father he gaue at his departing among the souldyours of the town of Callais M. crowns of gold and there accompanied him in his iorney of English Lords the Earle of Arundale Lorde Steward of the Quéenes house the Earle of Penbrooke the Earle of Huntington and others On Michaelmasse euen the prisoners that laye in the Nevv Counter in VVoodstrete Counter in Bredstreete were remoued to a newe Counter made in Woodstreete of the Cities purchase and building the whiche remouing was confirmed by a common counsell assembled at the Guild hall for that purpose On the laste of September by occasion of greate winde Great lande vvaters and raine that had fallen was suche greate floudes that that morning the Kings Palaice at Westminster and Westminster hall was ouerflowen wyth water vnto the Stayre foote goyng to the Chauncerie and Kings Benche so that when the Lorde Mayor of London should come to present the Sheriffes to the Barons of the Exchequer all Westminster hall was full of water and by reporte there that morning a Whirrie man rowed with his Boate ouer Westminster Bridge into the Pallaice Courte and so through the Staple gate and all the Wooll Staple into the Kings stréete all the Marshes on Lambeth side were so ouerflowen that the people from Newington Church coulde not passe on foote but were carryed by boate from the said Church to the Pinfold neare to Saint Georges in Southwarke Thomas Leigh Iohn Machil the 28. of September Sheriffes Ridley and Latimer brent The xvj of October Doctor Ridley and Maister Latimer were brent at Oxforde Sir William Garrard Haberdasher the 28. of October Maior First fruites and tenths restored to the Cleargie In October and Nouember a Parliament was holden in the whych the Quéene yéelded vp vnto the Spirituall men the first fruits and tenths of all Bishoprickes Benefices Ecclestasticall liuings In this Parliament was graunted A subsedie to the King and Quéene a subsedie of the Layty from v. l. to x. l. viij d. of the pound from x. l. to xx l. xij d. of the pound and from xx l. vpwarde xvj d. of the pound and al strangers double and the Cleargie granted vj. s̄ of the pounde Doctor Storie and other were appointed by the Cardinal to visite euery Parish Churche in London and Middlesex to sée their Reliques repayred and the Images of the Cruci●●● wyth Mary and Iohn thereon to be fixed Stephen Gardener Byshoppe of Winchester Chauncellor Doctor Gardner deceassed ●● Englande dyed the ix of Nouember and was buryed at Winchester On Newyeres day the Quéene gaue the great Seale to Doctor Nitholas Heath Archebyshoppe of Yorke and made him Lorde Chauncellor shée likewise gaue the priuie seale to the Lorde Paget and made him Lord priuie Seale these were bothe Londoners borne In thys moneth of February the Lord Maior of London and the Aldermen entred into Bridewell and tooke possession thereof accordyng to the gifte of King Edward nowe confirmed by Quéene Marie The xxvj of February William Conestable alias Fetharston The Millers son fayning to be King Edvv. was arraigned in the Guild hall of London who had caused letters to be caste abroad that King Edward was aliue and to some he shewed hymselfe to be King Edward so that many persons both men and women were troubled by him for the which sedition the said William had bin onte whipped and deliuered as is aforesaide But nowe he was condemned and the thirtéenth of March he was drawne hanged and quartred at Tyborne A Blazing Starre was séene at all times of the nighte the sixth seauenth eight ninth and tenth of Marche The xxj of March Doctor Cranmer Archbyshop of Canterburie Doctor Cranmer brent was burned at Oxfolde and the same day Cardinal Poole sang his firste Masse at Greenewiche in the
this Maiors yeare Corne rose to fourtéene shillings the quarter and wood waxed scant in London and was sold for thirtéene and fourtéene shillings the thousand of ●illets and coles at tenpence the sacke by reason of the great death and sicknesse the last Sommer for lacke of hēlp and carriage King Philip being absent out of the Realme and Quéene Mary being dangerously sicke ended hir life at hir Manour of Saint Iames by Charing crosse the xvij of Nouember in the yeare 1558. when she had raigned fiue yeares four monethes and odde dayes The same daye deceassed Cardinall Poole at Lambheath and a little before two of hir Phisitions besides diuers Bishops and noble men Quéene Mary was buryed at Westminster and Cardinall Poole at Canterbury ¶ Queene Elizabeth ELizabeth our most gratious Anno reg 1. and soueraigne Lady second daughter to King Henry the viij to the great comfort of Englande was with full consent proclaimed Quéene of England France and Irelande Defender of the Fayth c. on the xvij of Nouember in the yeare of oure Lorde God 1558. Forthwith the Portes and Hauens were stopped and none suffered to passe out of the Realme without licence Proclamation was made forbidding all men to Preach saue such as should be appoynted also to alter any rytes or Ceremonies vsed in the Church saue as it was in hir graces Chappell The xxiij of Nouember Quéene Elizabeth came from The Queene commeth from Hatfild Bishops Hatfield in Hertfordshire vnto the Lord Northes house in the late Charterhouse of London the Sheriffes of London méeting hir Grace at the farther ende of Barnet Towne within the Shere of Middlesex and so rode before hir till the came to the Charterhouse Gate next Aldersgate where hir Grace remayned On Monday the eyght and twentith of Nouember about The Queene ●emoueth to the Tovver two of the clocke in the after noone Quéene Elizabeth rode from the Lorde Northes house along by the Barbycane in at Creeplegate then along by the wall to Bishopsgate which Gate was richly hanged where the Waytes of the Citie playde and ouer against the Kings head Tauerne a Scholler of Paules Schoole made a short Oration to hir Maiestie in Latin Uerses the company of the Mercers standing in theyr rayles next the Scholler and so all the other Companyes of the Citie in order from thence to Mart Lane ende nexte vnto Barking Church in Tower streete the Lorde Maior of London riding wyth Mayster Garter King at Armes bearing a Scepter before hir Maiestie whiche Lorde Maior mette hir at the Charterhouse Gate nexte Aldersgate where Mayster Recorder saluted hir Grace in the name of the Lorde Maior and the whole Citie and so with Lordes Knightes and Gentlewomen richly apparelled brought hir to the Tower of London but when hir Grace entered at Mart Lane a peale of Gunnes beganne to be shotte off at the Tower whiche continued almost halfe an houre The fifth of December the Quéene remoued by water from the Tower to Somerset place néere to the Strand The xiij of December the corpse of Quéene Mary was honourably conuayed from Saint Iames to the Abbey of Queene Mary buryed Westminster and there placed vnder a rich Hearse decked with penons banners and Schutchions of the Armes of Englande and France where she remayned that nighte and on the morrow after the Masse of Requiem and a Sermon preached by Doctor White Bishop of Winchester was ended she was buryed in the Chappell of King Henry the seauenth on the North side The xxiiij of December was solemne obsequie kept in Obsequie for Charles the Emperour the Abbey of Westminster for Charles the fifth late Emperour which deceassed in Spayne in the moneth of September last past Quéene Maryes herse yet standing altered with the Armes of the Emperour and richly hanged with a rich pall-cloth of gold lying on the hearse the Emperours Embassadour being chiefe mourner with other Péeres and Lords of England assistant with him c. The first of January the Lord Maior and Aldermen gaue in commandement to euery warde in London that the Procession Epistle and Gospell in English Parson or Curate in euery Parish Church in London should reade the Epistle and Gospell of the day in the Englishe tong in the Masse time and the English Procession then vsed in the Quéenes Chappell according to a Proclamation sent from hir Maiestie and priuie Counsell proclaymed in the Citie of London the xxx of December which commandement was that day obserued in most parish Churches of the Citis The ninth of January in the morning the Image of Thomas Becket which stoode ouer the dore of the Mercers Image of Thomas Becket throvvne dovvne Chappell in London toward the stréete was found broken and cast downe and a bill set on the Church dore deprauing the setters vp thereof The xij of January the Quéenes Maiestie remoued from hir place of White hall to the Tower by water the Lorde Maior of London and his bréethren the Aldermen in their Barge and all the Craftes of the Citie in their Barges richly decked with targets and banners of euery mysterie The Batchelers of the Maiors companie in their Barge with a Foyst hauing thrée toppes trimmed and richly decked to wayte on them which shotte off gunnes all the way all these awayted on hir Maiestie who tooke hir Barge about two of the clocke in the after noone the Lord Maior folowing after and euery company in order with great melodie of musicall instruments till hir grace was through London bridge and landed at hir priuie staire of the Tower Wharffe and then the Maior after leaue taken and thankes of the Quéene returned through the Bridge with the floud and landed at the Three Cranes Wharffe in the Uintrie The xiiij of January at which time the Londoners had made sumptuous prouision the Quéenes Maiestie passed through the Citie of London to hir Palace at Westminster Coronation the next day she was Crowned by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carelile The xxv of January began a Parliament at Westminster Parliament before the States whereof Doctour Coxe late come from beyond the Seas and sometime Schoolemayster to King Edward the sixth made a learned Sermon In this Parliament the first fruites and tenthes were granted to the Crowne and also the supreme gouernemēt ouer the state Ecclesiasticall Likewise the Booke of commō Prayer and administration of the Sacraments in our vulgar tongue was restored to be done as in the time of King Edward the sixth In the Easter Holydayes preached at the Spittle Doctour Bill the Quéenes Almoner Doctour Coxe and Doctour Horne the two last came lately from beyond the seas On Lowsonday the seconde of Aprill Mayster Sampson made the rehearsall Sermon at Paules Crosse The iij. of Aprill the Quéenes Maiestie appoynted a cōference or disputation to be had at Westminster Church betwéene 1559 the olde Bishops and certayne learned men late A conference at VVestminster come
from beyond the Seas concerning matters of Religion but the matter came to small effect The seauenth of Aprill was a peace proclaymed betwixt England and France And the like betwéene hir Maiestie and the King and Quéene of Scotland The xix of Aprill was kepte the Serieants feast in the ●●ner Temple and nine Serieants were there made Mai●●er Reignald Chamley Recorder of London being one of y ● ix A Subsidie of ij s̄ viij d. the pound of moueable goods was Subsidy granted granted and the Parliament dissolued the vij of May. The seconde of July the Citizens of London had a muster The Citizens of London mustered at Greenevvich afore the Quéenes Maiestie at Greenewich in the Parke of fourtéene hundred men whereof eyght hundred were Pikemen all in fine Corselets foure hundred Haquebuts in shirtes of mayle with morians and two hundred Halberters in almanriuets which were furnished and set forth by the companyes of the Citie of London they had to euery hundred two wiffelers richly apparelled and twelue wardens of the best companyes riding in coates of blacke Ueluet to conduct them with drommes and fifes and sixe Ensignes all in Jerkins of white Bridges Satten cutte and lined with blacke Sarsenet with cappes hosen and skarfes according the Captayne 's Robert Constable and Mayster Saunders brought them in battayle ray afore the Quéene euen as they should haue fought which made a goodly shewe before hir Maiestie the Emperoures and French Kings Embassadours béeing present In the moneth of July the olde Bishops of England then liuing were called and examined by certayne of y e Quéenes Bishops depriued Maiesties Counsayle where the Bishops of Yorke Ely and London with other to the number of thirtéene or fourtéene for refusing to take the oth touching the Quéenes supremacie and other Articles were depriued from their Bishoprickes And likewise were diuers Deanes Archdeacons Parsons and Uicars depriued from their Benefices and some committed to prison in the Tower Fléete Marshalsea and Kings bench Commissioners were likewise appoynted for the establishing Commissioners of Religion through the whole Realme For London were appoynted Sir Richard Sackuile Knight Doctou● Horne a Diuine Doctour Huicke a Ciuilian and Mayster Saluage who called before them diuers persons of euery parish and sware them to enquire and present vpon certayne iniunctions Iniunctions Also the houses of Religion erected by Quéene Mary Houses suppressed as the Monkes of Westminster Nunnes and bréethre● of Sion and Sheene the blacke Friers in Smithfielde and the Friers of Greenewich were all suppressed On the euen of Saint Barthelmew the daye and the Church ymages burned merrow after c. were burned in Paules Church yarde Cheape and diuers other places of the Citie of London all the Roodes and other Images of Churches in some places the Coapes Uestments Alter clothes Bookes Banners Sepulchers and Roode loftes were burned The fifth of September about midnight fell a greate tempest at London in the ende whereof a great lightning with a terrible clappe of thunder strake the Spire béeing stone of the Stéeple of Alhallowes Churche in Bredstreete Churches in London striken and broken by tempest about a tenne foote beneath the toppe out of the which fell a stone that slew a Dogge and ouerthrew a man playing with the same Dogge and the Spire of the Stéeple was so perished that not long after the same was taken downe with lesse charges to the Parish than the repayring woulde haue cost And at the same instant by the same tempest one of the South dores of Saint Dionise Churche in Fenchurch streete with the dore of the Reuestrie of the same Churche were both stricken thorough and broken The eyght and ninth of September a solemne Obsequie Obsequy for the French King was kepte in Paules Churche at London for Henry the French King departed who dyed of a wound giuen by the County Mountgomerie at a triumph iusting in the Citie of Paris whereof he dyed about the tenth daye of July About the last of September Iohn Duke of Finland seconde Embassadour from Svvethen sonne to Gustabus Kyng of Swethen was sente by hys father to treate a marriage for hys eldest brother Ericus with the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande he arriued at Harwich in Essex and was there honourably receyued enterteyned by y e Earle of Oxford which said Earle the Lord Robert Dudley with a goodly baude of Gentlemen and yeomen conueyed him to London where he was receyued of diuers Knightes and Gentlemen of the Court on the fifth of October and was with his trayne of about the number of fiftie persons well horssed conuayed to the Bishop of Winchesters place in Southwarke where he was lodged during his abode héere and remoued from thence two dayes before Easter homeward and sped on his message as may appeare by that which foloweth takē out of Iohannes Lewenclaij comment de bellis Moscorum Ericus King of Sweden sonne of Gustabus late King of the sayde Kingdome hauing committed to prison his brother Iohn Duke of Finlande whome a little before he had employed into England on an Embassage to the Quéenes Maiestie whome he sued to for marriage and had his sute reiected agayne the second time solicited hir Maiestie in the same suite notwithstanding to his great dishonor and as it fell out his iust disgrace he attempted the same matter with the yongest daughter of Phillip Lantgraue Vanhessen at whose hand hauing the seconde tyme bin reiected of hir Maiestie héere the matter béeyng knowne there he also not onely receyued a denyall but the Lady was by hir Father bestowed vppon Adolfe Duke Van Holst Unckle Iohannes Lewenalaij of Frederike Kyng of Denmarke then enemie of the sayde Erice Thus farre Iohannes Lewenclaij Thomas Lodge Roger Martin the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Anno reg 2. Sir William Hewet Clothworker the 28. of October About this time many men of warre were conueyed out of France into Scotlande and there placed in Townes and Fortresses as in the Towne of Leeth Dunbarre Inskith and other whereby it was to bée suspected that they would sodeynely inuade thys Realme wherevpon the Quéenes Maiestie sente the Duke of Norffolke towards Duke of Norffolke sent into Scotland Scotland as Generall with an army who remayned at Berwike In the moneth of Aprill the Lord Grey Wilton entred 1560 Scotland with an army of tenne thousand and beséeged the towne of L●th where betwéene the French and the English Lord Grey beseeged Lieth were often skirmishes and many slayne on both sides for few were taken prisoners In May a noble man of France by licence of the Quéenes Maiestie passed through England into Scotland to talke with the Quéene Dowager and the Frenchmen for the appeasing of this matter who at his returne agayne into England obteyned of the Quéenes Maiestie to send Sir William Ciuill Knight hir Maiesties principall Secretary with Mayster Doctour Wootton to treate with the
reg 7. the North partes of the Element séemed to be couered wyth flames offyre procéeding towards the middle of the firmament where after it had stayed nigh one houre it descended West and all the same night being the next after the chāge of the Moone séemed as light as it had bin daye Sir Richard Mallery Mercer the 28. of October Maior The twentith of Nouember in the morning throughe negligence of a Maiden with a Candle the snuffe falling in an hundred pounde waighte of gunne poulder thrée houses in Bucklerslourie werefore shaken and the Maide dyed two dayes after The d●e and twentith of December begas●e a Fro●e The Thani●●●rosen ouer whyche ●●● 〈…〉 so extreamly that on Neweyeres euen people wēt ouer and along the Thamis on the Ice from London bridge to Westminister some played at foote ball as boldely there as if it had bin on the dry land diuers of the Court being then at Westminster shotte dailye at prickes sette vpon the Thamis ● And the people both men and women went on the Thamis in greater number than in anye stréete of the Citie of London On the thirde daye of January at night it beganne to thawe and on the fifth daye was no Ice to bée séene betwéene London bridge and Lambeth whyche caused greate ●loudes and highe waters that bare downe Bridges and houses and drowned manye people in Englande especially Ovves bridge borne dovvne in Yorkeshire Owes bridge was borne away wyth other The thyrde daye of February Henry Stuarte Lord Darlo●● Henry Stuarte marryed the Quene of Scots aboute the age of ninetéene yéeres eldest sonne of Mathew Earle of Leunex who wente into Scotlande at Whitsontide before hauing obtayned licence of the Quéenes Maiestie tooke his iorney towarde Scotland accompanied with ●iue of his fathers men where when he came was honorablye receyued and lodged in the Kings lodgings and in the Sommer following marryed Marie Quéene of Scotlande Aboute this time for the Quéenes Maiestie were chosen and sent commissioners to Bruges the Lorde Montacute Knight of the honorable order of the Garter Doctour Wotton one of his Maiesties honorable Counsell Doctor Haddōon●●● the Maisters of 〈…〉 to hir highnesse with other 1565 Maister Doctor Aubrey was for the Merchant Aduenturers of Englande They came to Bruges in Lent Anno. 1565. continued there till Michaelmasse followyng and then was the diet prolonged till March in 1566 and the Commissioners returned into Englande The two and twentith of Aprill the Ladye Margaret Lady Liunex sente to the Tovver Countesse of Liunex was commaunded to kéepe hir Chamber at the White hall where she remayned till the xxtj. of June then conueyed by sir Frauncis Knolles the Guard to the Tower of London by water On Midsomer day Donell Mac Cartie More was created Baron of Valencia and afterwarde the same daye Earle of Glankerre at White hall On S. Peters euen at night was the like standing watch VVatche at Midso●uer in London as hadde béene on the same nighte twelue moneths The xvj of July about nine of the clocke at night began Tempest at Chel●●forde a tempest of lightning and thunder wyth showres of haile whyche continued til thrée of the clocke the nexte morning so terrible that at Chelmsforde in Essex 500. acres of corne were destroyed the Glasse windowes on the East side of the Towne and of the Weast and South sides of the church were beaten downe wyth also the tiles of their houses beside dyuers Barnes Chimneys and the battlements of the Churche whiche were ouerthrowen The like harme was done in manye other places as at Leedes Cranebrooke Douer c. Christopher Prince and Margraue of Baden wyth Cicelie Margraue and Marques of Baden his wyfe sister to the King of Swethlande after a long and daungerous iorney wherein they had trauelled almoste xj moneths sayling from Stokeholme crossing the Seas ouer into Lifeland from whence by land they came aboute by Polland Pruscy Pomerland Meckeburge Friseland and so to Ant●arpe in Brabant then to Callais at the laste in September 〈…〉 at Douer and the xj day of the same they came to London and were lodged at the Earle of Bedfordes place neare vnto Iuie bridge where wythin foure dayes after that is to ●aye the xv of September she trauelled in childe bed and was delyuered of a man childe whyche childe the laste of September was christned in the Quéenes Maiesties chappell of White hall at Westminster the Quéenes Maiestie in 〈…〉 owne person being Godmother the Archebyshoppe of Canterburie and the Duke of Norffolke Godfathers at the c●ri●●●ing the Quéene gaue the childe to name Edwardus Fortunatus for that God had so gratiously assisted hys mother in so long and daungerous a iourney and brought hir so safe to lande in that place whyche she moste desired and that in so shorte time before hir deliueraunce Iohn Riuers Iames Hawes the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Mariage of the Earle of VVarvvike Sir Richarde Champion ●rape● the 28. of October The eleauenth of Nouember the right honourable Ambrose Earle of Warwike marryed Anne eldest daughter to the Earle of B●dforde for the honor and celebration of whiche noble marriage a goodlye chalenge was made and obserued a● ●estminster at the T●●● with ech one sixe courses at the Tourney twelue strokes with the Sword thrée pushes wyth the punchion staste and twelue blowes with the Sworde at Bar●iars or twentie if any were so disposed At tenne of the clocke the same daye a valiant serui●eable Robert Thomas slaine man called Roberte Thomas Maister Gunner of Englande destrous also to honour the fea●● and marriage day in consideration the saide Earle of Warwike was Generall of the Ordinaunce wythin hir Maiesties Realmes and Dominions made thrée traines of great Chambers which terribly yéelded forth the nature of their voyce to the greate astonishment of diuers who at the fyring of the seconde was vnhappilye staine by a péece of one of the Chambers to the greate sorrowe and lame●●ation of many The foure and twentith of December in the mornyng Anno reg 8. there rose a greate storme and tempest of winde by whose rage the Thames and Seas ouerwhelmed many persons and the greate Gates ●● the Weaste ende of Paules Church in London betwéene the whyche standeth the Brazen Piller Paules Gate blovven open were throughe the force of the winde then in the weasterne parte of the worlde ●lo●en open In January M●ns●eur Ra●buley ● Knight of the Order Order of Sainte Michaell in Fraunce was sent ouer into Englande by the French King Charles the ninth of that na●●e wyth the Order who ●● Windsore was stalled in the behalfe of the saide French King wyth the Knighthoode of the moste honorable order of the Garter and the four and twentith of January in the Cha●pell of hir Maiesties Pallaice of White ●all the saide Monsieur Rambuley inuested Thomas Duke of Norffolke and Robert Earle of
Leicester wyth the saide order of Saint M●chaell The Mar●u●s of Baden and the Ladye Cecilie his wyfe 1566 ●●● Ma●q●es of Baden returneth ●●ster to the King of Swethen who came into this land in the meneth of September laste paste as before is declared béeing then by the Qéenes especiall appointment at theyr arriuall honorably receyued by the Lord Cobham an honorable Baron of this Realme and the Ladye his wife one of the Quéenes Maiesties pri●ie Chamber nowe in the moneth of Aprill Anno. 1569. departed the same againe the Marques a fewe dayes before hys wife being both cenducted by a lyke personage the Lorde of Aburgaueny to Douer Certaine houses in Cornehill being first purchased by the The Burse in Cornehill Citizens of London were in the moneth of February cryed by the Bell man and afterwarde solde to suche persons as shoulde take them downe and carry them from thence whiche was so done in the moneths of Aprill and May next following And then the grounde beyng made plaine at the charges also of the Cittie po●●ession thereof was by certaine Aldermen in name of the whole Citizens giuen to y e right worshipfull sir Tho. Gresham Knight Agent to the Quéens Highnesse there to buylde a place for Merchantes to assemble in at hys owne proper charges who on the seauenth of June layde the firste stone of the foundation being Bricke and forth-with the work-men followed vpon the same with suche diligence that by the Moneth of Nouember in the yeare of our Lorde ●●67 the same was couered wyth Slate The commissioners before named appointed for the matters of Flaunders kéepyng their dyet at Bruges agréed to referre the whole matter to the Princes on bothe sides and if they coulde not agrée then the Merchants to haue fortie dayes to repayre home with their merchaundise and in the meane t●●● all things to stande as they were then Dure C●●●●issioners departed frō Bruges about the xxvj of June The xxxj of August y e Quéenes Maiestie in hir progresse The Queenes progresse to Oxforde came to the Uniuer●●tie of Oxforde and was of all the Studentes whyche had looked for hir commyng thyther two yeares so honorably and ioyfully receyued as eyther theyr l●ya●n●●●e towardes the Quéenes Maiestie or the expectation of their ●●iendes did requyre Concerning orders in disputa●●on and other Academicall exercises they agréede much wyth those which the Uniuersitie of Cambridge had vsed two yeres before Comedies also and Tragedies were played in Christes Churche where the Quéenes Highnesse ●●dged Among the whych the Comedie entituled Palemon Misfortune at Oxford and Arcet made by Maister Edwards of the Quéenes Chappel had suche tragicall successe as was lamentable For at that time by the fall of a wall and a payre of staires great pre●sse of the multitude thrée men were slaine The fifth of September after disputations the Quéene at the humble sute of certaine of hir Nobilitie and the King of Spa●●es Embassadour made a briefe Oration in Latine to the Uniuersitie but so wise and pithie as England maye reioice that it hathe so learned a Prince and the Uniuersitie may tri●●ph that they haue so noble a Patronesse The vj of September after dinner hir Grace comming from Christs Churche ouer Carfox and so to Saint Maries the Scholers standing in order according to their degrées euen to the East gate certaine Doctors of the Uniuersitie did ride before in their Scarlet gownes and hoodes Maisters of Arte in black●●●wn● and hood●s The Maior also with certaine of his drethren did ryde before hir in Scarlet to the ende of Magdalene ●●●dge where their liberties ended but the Doctors and Maisters went forward still to Sho●ouer a myle and more out of Oxforde dicause their Liberties extended so farre and there after Orations made hir Highne●●● with thankes to the whols Uniuersitie dade them farewel and rode to Rycote Richarde Lambert Ambrose Nicholas the 28. of Septemb. Sherifes Iohn Langley the 4. of Aprill Sir Christopher Draper Iremonger the 28. of October Maior Souldiors transported into Irelande The valiant Captaine Edward Randolfe Esquier lieutenant of the Ordinaunce and Colonell of a thousand footemen in September last paste was wyth his band embarqued at Bristow and within few dayes after landed at Knocfergus in the North parts of Ireland and went thence by water to a place called Derry by which passeth y e riuer of Longfoile there the saide Colonell in shorte space fortified to the greate annoyaunce of Iohn Oneale and by greate foresight and experience guarded hymselfe and hys charge till the said Oneale to hinder and disturbe his abode there th●● of Nouēber arriued with a great army of Kerne Galawgl●ss●s and horssemen wyth whome the saide Captaine Randolfe encountred and him there so discomfited as after that conflicte he durste neuer approche the Quéenes power and to his perpetuall fame the said Captaine by reason of his bold and hardie onset that daye loste his life Charles Iames the sixth of that name sonne to Henrie Yong Prince of Scots christned Anno reg 9. Stuarte Lord of Darnley and Marie King and Quéene of Scots was borne in Edenberough Castel the ninetéenth of June last past and the eightéenth of December thys yeare solemnly Christned at Striueling whose Godfathers at the Christning were Charles King of Fraunce and Philibert Duke of Sauoy and the Quéenes Maiestie of Englande was the Godmother who gaue a Font of Golde curiously wrought and enameled weighing 333. ounces amounting in value to the summe of 1043. ● 19. s. The tenth of February in the morning Henrie Stuarte King of Scottes murdered Lorde of Darneley before named King of Scots by Scottes in Scotlande was shamefully murdered the reuenge whereof remaineth in the mightie hande of God The xxij of February the Lady Margaret Dowglasse coūtesse of Leunex mother to the saide King of Scottes was discharged out of the Tower of London Within the space of ten moneths laste paste dyed seauen Seauen Aldermē deceased in Lōdon Aldermen of London the firste Edwarde Bankes deceassed the ninth of July Anna 1566. R. Chamberlaine late Sherife sir Martin Bowes sir R Malory sir William Hewet sir Thomas White late Maiors then Richarde Lambart one of the Sheriffes for that yeare the 4. of Aprill Anno 1567. The xxij of Aprill by greate misfortune of fyre in the 1567 The Tovvn of Ossestry brente thrice in thyrtie yeares Towne of Ossestrie in Wales twelue myles from Shrewsburie to the number of 200. houses to saye seauen scores wythin the walles and thrée score without in the Suburbes béesides cloth corne cattel c. were consumed whyche fire began at two of the clocke in the forenoone and ended at f●●● to the great maruelling of many that so great a spoile in fo short time should happen Two long stréets with great riches of that town were brent in Anno. 1542. And lykewise or worse in Anno. 1544. The xxiiij of Aprill the Sergeants
fell immediately downe spéechlesse casting vp at hir mouth in great abundance and with horrible stinke the same matter whych by natures course should haue bin voided downwardes til she dyed a terrible example of Gods iust iudgement vpon such as make no conscience of swearing against theyr brother The fiftéenth of February Edmond Grindale sometime Archbishop elected Bishop of London late Archbishop of Yorke was in the Charterhouse of Saint Paules Churche at London elected Archbyshoppe of Canterburie The ●●●h of Marche in the nighte throughe a great ●●●● T●●●●e boa●e drovvned of winde then in the Northweaste a Ty●re ●●●●● wyth aboute the number of one and thirtie persons menne and women comming from Grauesend towarde London were all drowned one boy excepted The xxx of May Tho. Greene Goldsmith was drawen from Newgate of London to Tyborne there hanged he●ded 1576 Greene hanged and quartered for clypping of eoyne both gold and siluer The fiftéenth of June Martin Frobisher being furnished of Aduenturers with two small Barkes and one Pinnesse Frobishers firste voyage for the discouerie of Cataya departed from Blacke wall vppon hys voyage for the bescone●e of a passage to Cataya by the Northweast Seas Upon the firste of July he hadde sighte as he iudged of Freeslande but durste not approche the same by reason of the greate Ice that lay alongest the coaste not far from thence he loste his Pinnesse and one of his Barkes who mistrusting the daunger of tempestes retourned home wyth reporte that thoyr Generall Martin Probisher was caste awaye whych worthie Captaine notwithstanding continued his course North weast beyonde anye manne that hathe heretoford discouered and the twentith of Julye had sighte of a highe lande whyche he named Queene Elizabeths Forelande and after that another Forelande with à greate passage diuiding as it were the two maine landes asunder 8 〈…〉 thys place he named Frabishers Straites After he hadde passed sixtie leagues further he wente ashoare found the same to be in habited with sauage people caughte one of them into hys Barke and returning arriued in Englande in the moneth of Auguste following one of hys company brought from thēce a péece of a blacke stone much like to a Sea cole in colour whiche being broughte to certaine Goldfiners in London to make a say thereof found it to holde Golde and that very richely for the quantitie The xix of July a woman was brente at Tunbridge in Kent for poysonyng of hir husband And two dayes béefore a man named Oxley was hanged at Maidstone for being accessarie to the same facte The tenth of August a strange péece of worke almost incredible was brought to passe by an Englishman born within the Citie of London a Clearke of the Charcerie named Peter Bales who by his industrie and practize of hys pen cōtriued writ within the compasse of a peny in Latine the Lords prayer the Créede the ten Commādements a prayer to God a prayer for the Quéene his Poste his name y ● day of the moneth the yere of our Lord the raigne of the Quéene And vpon the seauentéenth of Auguste nexte following at Hampton Court he presented the same to the Quéens Maiestie in the heade of a Kyng of Golde couered wyth a Christall and presented therewith an excellent Spectacle by him deuised for the easier reading thereof wherewith hir Maiestie read all that was written therein wyth greate admiration commended the same to the Lordes of the Councell and the Embassadours did weare the same many times vpon hir finger The moneth of August many complaints béeyng broughte to the Quéenes Maiestie and hir Councell vppon the Flushingers for greate spoyles and robberies by them daylye committed vpon hir highnesse Subiectes hir Maiestie gaue order to put foure good Ships and two Barkes of hir own to the Seas vnder the charge of Master William Holstocke Esquier Comptroller of all hir highnesse ships with eleauen hundred men victualled for sixe wéekes in whiche time was by them taken eighte Flushingers Shippes and Barkes prices and two hundred and twenty Sea rouers in them who were sente alande to sundry prisons Walter Deueroux Earle of Essex and Erle Marshall of Irelande Knight of the order of the Garter falling sicke of a Laske on the one and twentith of Auguste was gréeuouslye formented by the space of two and twentie dayes deceassed on the twelfth of September at Diuelin in Ireland William Kempton George Barne the 28. of September Sherifes Maior Sir Iohn Langley the 28. of October The x. of Nouember in y e Citie of Worcester a cruell vnnaturall brother as an other Caine murdered hys owne Murderer of his brother hanged natural and louing brother 〈…〉 out his wames with an axe then cutte his throate and after buryed hym vnder the Harth of a Chimney thinking thereby thoughe wrongfully yet quietly to haue enioyed his brothers goods long before in his possession but not long after this secreate murder comming to light the murderer was rewarded according to hys deserts The seauentéenth of Marche through a strange tempest Anno reg 19 whych happened in the North néere to a towne called Richmonde not onely Cotages Trées Barnes and Haystackes Patricke Brumton ouerturned but also the moste parte of a Church called Patrike Brumton was ouerthrowen with moste straunge fightes in the ayre bothe terrible and tearefull The sixe and twentith of Marche the new Conduit néere vnto Oldborne and a Standart with one C●●●e at Oldborne 1577 Charitable actes of Maister Lāb Oldborne Conduit builded bridge were begon to be founded by William Lambe somtime Gentleman of the Chappel to King Henrie the eyght now Citizen and Clothworker of London the water wherof is conueyed in Pipes of Lead from diuers springs to one head and from thence to the saide Conduit and Standarte more than two thousande yardes in length all whyche of hys owne costes and charges amounting to the summe of fiftéene hundred pound was fully finished the four and twētith of Auguste in the same yeare Moreouer the saide William Lambe hathe gyuen to the worshipful Company of the Stationers in London a legacie of sixe pound thyrtéene shillings and four pence the yere for euer to the ende that those Stationers shall in the Parishe Churche of Saint Faith vnder Paules Churche distribute to twelue pore people euerye Friday twelue pence in money and twelue pence in breade whyche hath bin truely put in bre these seauentéene or eightéene yeares before this present yeare 1580. Item to Christes Hospitall in London yearely for euer after his deceasse sixe pounde and one C. pounde in money to purchase landes for the sayde Hospitall besides manye other costlye déedes there done as maye appeare Item to Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke foure pounde yearely after hys deceasse Item to the Hospitall called the Sauoy sounded by King Henrie the seauenth he minded to haue giuen one hundred pounde in money to purchase lands for
Locke and Kay Chaine and Flye weyghed but one Graine and halfe a thing almost incredible but that my selfe amongest other haue séene it The firste of June deceassed Robert Horne Doctoure of Bishop of VVin chester deceased Diuinitie Byshoppe of Winchester and Prelate of the most honorable order of the Garter at Winchester place in Southwarke and was buryed at Winchester The seauentéenth day of July the Quéenes moste excellent Trayterous fact of T. Appletree Maiestie being on y ● riuer of Thamis betwixt hir Highnesse Mannour of Greenewiche and Detteforde in hir priuie Barge accompanyed with Mounsier Schemere the French Embassadour the Earle of Lincolne and Maister Uizchamberlaine c. with whom she entred discourse about waightie affaires it chanced that one Thomas Appletree a yong man and seruant to Maister Henrie Carie with two or thrée children of hir Maiesties Chappell and one other named Barnard Acton being in a Boate on the Thamis rowing vp and downe betwixte the places afore named the foresaide Thomas Appletree hadde a Caly●er or Harquebuze whych he hadde thrée or foure times discharged with Bullet shooting at randone very rashly who by greate misfortune shot one of the Watermen being the seconde man nexte vnto the Bales of the saide Barge labouring with hys Oare whyche sate wythin sixe foote of hir Highnesse cleane throughe bothe hys armes the blows was so greate and gréenous that it moued him out of his place and forced hym to crye and scrit●he oute piteouslye supposing hymselfe to be slaine and saying he was shot thorough the body The man bléeding abundantly as though he had had 100. Daggers thrust into him the Quéenes Maiestie shewed such noble courage as is moste wonderfull to be heard and spoken of for beholding him so maimed and bléeding in suche sorte she neuer bashed thereat but shewed effectually a prudent and magnanimous heart and moste curteouslye comforting the pore man she had him be of good chéere and saide he shoulde want nothing that mighte be for hys ease commaunding him to be couered till suche time as he came to the shoare till whyche time he laye bathing in his owne bloude whiche might haue bin an occasion to haue terrified the eyes of the beholders But suche and so greate was the courage and magnanimitie of oure dread and soueraigne Ladye that it neuer quayled To be short Thomas Apple-tree and the rest were apprehended and broughte before hir honorable Counsel who with great grauitie and wisedome employed their times very carefully and with greate diligence examined the saide Appletree and his companions and finding the case moste hainous and wicked iustlye pronounced againste hym the sentence of Death and commit Thomas Apple-tree should haue suffered death on the 21 of Iuly him to the Marshalsea in Southwarke from whence the Tuisday following he was brought throughe the Citie with the Knight Marshalles men ledde vp to the Tower Hill and so to Radcliffe vppe to Blacke wall and so downe to the water side where was a Gibet set vppe directly placed béetwixte Dertforde and Greenewiche for the execution of this male factour who in déede very pitifully bewayled the offence hée had committed and as well in prison as by the way prepared himselfe very penitently and willingly to offer his body to the death Thus verye godlye he purposed to finishe his miserable and wretched life and so prepared himself to ascend and goe vppe the Ladder and being on the same he turned himselfe and spake to the people as followeth Good people I am come hither to die but God is my iudge I neuer in my life intended hurte to the Quéenes most excellent Maiestie nor meant the harme of anye creature but I praye to God with all my heart long to prosper and kéepe hir Highnesse in health who blesse and defende hir from all perilles and daungers who prosper hir in all hir affaires and blesse hir moste Honorable Counsell gyuing them grace to doe all things to the glory of God and the benefite of thys realme But of all things I am moste sorie for my offence and wofully bewaile the same and more I am penitent and sorie for my good Maister Maister Henrie Carie who hathe béene so gréeued for my fault suffering rebuke for the same I woulde to god I had neuer bin borne that haue so gréeuouslye offended him And wyth that the teares gusht oute of his eyes verye faste This saide he perswaded all men to serue God and to take an example by hym and euerye night and morning moued them deuoutly to say the Lords prayer And as the executioner had put the roape about his necke the people cryed stay stay stay and with that came the righte Honorable sir Christopher Hatton Uizchamberlaine to hir highnesse who enquired what he had confessed and being certified as is before expressed he vayled his bonet and declared that the Quéenes Maiestie had sente him thither bothe to make the cause open to them how haynous and gréeuous the offence of the said Thomas Appletree was and further to signifie to him hir gratious pleasure and so continued his message as ye may reade it printed by it self and annexed to this discourse Whyche when he had declared the Hangman was commanded to take the roape from his necke Appletree being come downe from the Ladder receiued his pardon and gaue God and the Prince praise for so greate a benefite as he had by hir most gratious bountie receiued This done Maister Uizchamberlaine said Good people pray for the Quéenes Maiestie and then was this prayer saide whyche is vsually read for the preseruation of hir Maiestie in the Church O Almightie and euerliuing God the Lord of Lordes and King of Kings whyche doest from thy throne beholde all the dwellers of the earth moste hartily we beseeche thee with thy fauour to beholde our moste gratious Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth c. Wherevnto all the people ioyfully accorded to saye Amen trying God saue the Quéene casting vp their Cappes Thus was the dead man restored to life and broughte backe to the Marshalsea againe euen as he was led thence to the place of execution where he by the way moste ioyfullye prayed for the securitie of the Quéenes Maiestie The mercifull message of the Quenes Maiestie sent by the right Honorable Sir Christopher Hatton to the place where Thomas Appletree shoulde haue suffered for hys traytour-like action set downe worde for worde so neare as coulde be gathered MAister Carie hir moste excellent Maiestie is pleased to send me to deliuer hir commandment The people doubted of a pardon at his firste speach to you touching this man nowe héere presently to dye And first I thinke it not oute of purpose to notifie his offence to these good people whereby he is not onely worthy this punishment but in iudgement of forraine nations and by censure of forraine lawes should be delyuered to the tormentors to endure suche torture as the qualitie of hys offence in so high a
case by good pollieie shoulde condignely deserue And to speake of this facte suche it was and so fearefull The people maruellous attē● tiue to heare as my heart quaketh and my eyes can not refraine teares to repeate it againe amongest you God for hys mercies sake shielde and defende hir moste excellent Maiestie that moste mightily hathe digested the notable daunger And so I will tel you of this tragedie in course as it fell out It liked hir Highnesse in respecte of the greate heate to take the ayre of the water where in graue and waightie negotiation she passed the time in discourse with the French Embassador by y ● space of an houre or two In hir returne it The cause is declared vvhy hir Maiestie tooke vvater pleased hir to take dyuers pauses and the rather bicause she earnestly read a Booke wherein it séemed for recreations sake she tooke some delight By meanes whereof euen as it pleased God wth his holy hande as it were to directe hir safetie she commaunded the Bargemen to slacke their labour Only Gods prouidēce in sauing hir Maiestie frō the shotte and slowly to passe on where if they hadde hasted but two strokes more they had brought hir Royal person to the shotte it selfe These wordes were scarcely spoken out by hir Maiestie but this Caitiue moste vnhappily I muste saye moste diuelishly discharged his Arquebuze strōgly charged with Bullet into the Barge where hir Maiestie was God that hath defended hir thou most mightie God euer vouchsafe to kéep hir With this blowe the seconde man to the bayles of the A strange and horrible terrour neuer heard nor seene the like in England before Barge wythin sixe foote of hir Royall person was stricken down from his seate and woūded through both his armes whiche hir Maiestie beheld and kingly handled this cause as euen straight I will tell you My Lordes of hir Maiesties Counsel dispersed abroade The sodaine greate feare of the Lords of the Counsel at the hearing of these ●errible nevves in their affaires hearing of this moste perilous aceidente returned to Courte wyth suche spéede as the waight of such a cause might moue them to do and there with feareful and louyng applausure towarde hir Maiestie did moste holily thanke our God for his singular help in the preseruation of oure moste deare and righteous Soueraigne That done according with their loues and dueties of seruice to God hir Maiestie and this whole estate after deliberate and moste graue consultation of the cause they al moste humbly on their knées besoughte the Quéene that The Counsell most desious to punishe this fact this slaue mighte suffer not this death but tenne thousande deaths if so it were possible in nature to doe for his so rash and fearefull offence Suche in déede mighte the offence haue bin whiche God for his mercies sake hathe moste fauourably forbidden that it mighte hane rought vp to Heauen and shoulde moste miserably not onely haue plagued this hir owne lande but all the true seruants of God dyspersed It vvas straunge to see the people staring in M. Vischamberlaines face some vveeping some trembling at the speaking of these vvordes through Christendome our Religion and true faith in Jesus Christe whyche wée enioye wyth vnspeakable comforte of frée conscience mighte hereby haue suffred confusion and persecution of bloude and vengeance amongst vs. Our peace and secure estates encreased with excéeding wealthes and nourished with most swéete quietnesse of life by thys hir moste happy gouernement and raygne of twentie yeares might hereby haue bin turned to blouty warres the fruites whereof is burning and spoyling of houses and goods rauishing and destroying of wiues and chyldren And what vengeance soeuer the worlde can bring forth the same shoulde haue fallen on vs I saye on vs then the most miserable men in the worlde And therefore heare me I praye you Let vs acknowledge before God wyth all humble Here they lyfte vp both handes and eyes to heauen saying God blesse hir Maiestie God blesse hir Maiesty c. thankefulnesse these vnspeakable benefites whych we haue enioyed and still shall doe while God vpholdeth hir blessed life and state amongest vs The losse and lacke of whome can not but bring on vs all these calamities and ten thousande moe whyche I cannot foresée If then by these and al other benefites whyche you possesse féele and taste of you Here the people vvith tears shevved themsesues most sorrovvful of these tragicall speaches finde how inestimable and pretious a Jewell thys our déere Soueraigne is for vs and amongest vs what plague forment or punishment could suffise you for reuenge on him that by anye meanes shoulde depriue you of suche heauenly and worldly felicities as dayly by hir holy hande are ministred amongest you But I will meddle no further wyth these matters I knowe you thanke God for them and wyth true and faithfull obedient heartes wyll euer serue hir moste excellent Maiestie whome he hathe made hys Minister to distribute al these blessyngs into your bosomes And now if it please you you may wyth maruell heare This sodaine straunge pardon amazed the people the Message I come of I bryng mercie to thys manne the gratious pardon of oure most deare Soneraigne who with hir mercifull eye beholdyng the clearenesse of this mannes heart frée from euill thought and consequentlye from prepension of any malicious fact against hir perstō vouchsaseth The greatnesse of hir Maiesties mercie seemed such as the people betvveene ioyes and sorrovves vvere a●●●sed to put him from the Gall●wes A notable action of compassion procéeding from a heauenlye minde and so farre different from the common nature of man forced into a fearefull iealousie of lisse of life as hath neuer bene read nor hearde of If casually a man suffer hurte in the fields by an arrowe shot by chance at rouing markes how reuengefully y ● party A true description of mans fraile nature in seeking reuenge confirmed vvith examples offended will follow his processe of felonie I haue oft séene and the law doth well allow it If in the Court the meanest s●ruing man strike his felow with his fist so that he bléede he is to loose the same hande Many other examples may be giuen you both touching the casualitie in this mans fact touching the place and presence wherein it chaunced to bée done But our Quéene looketh neyther on hir prerogatiue on th● power of hir lawes nor on the perill of hir person but Here he noteth the heauenly disposition of hir Maiestie far different from the nature of man in pardoning so great an offence against lavve and nature with the nobilitie of hir hearte the daunger onely done to hir self doth as you heare fréely pardon it And in the sacred word of hir kingly estate I protest it vnto you she hath firmly auowed that she had rather haue suffered the woūds the Bargeman now hath ten folde than the