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A87589 Anti-Merlinus: or a confutation of Mr. William Lillies predictions for this year 1648. comprised in two bookes : one of which he cals Merlinus Anglicus, or An ephimeris : the other his Prognostication of the occurences in England, clearely proveing his predictions in both bookes to be groundlesse, absolutely void of art, full of contradictions, treason, falsehood, and such a ridiculous piece of foolery, as an artist would blush to owne, especially pretending (as he doth) to ground his predictions upon cacodemologie, or conference with devils, and lapsed angels, as well as on astrologie, an art lawfull and laudable. As also the authors own opinion, not only concerning what we may expect from the present treaty, and the principall occurences of the remaining part of this present year, but also his positive judgement touching the event and finall determination of this Civill War, succinctly set downe, together with his reasons in art therefore. / By H. Johnsen student in astrologie. Johnsen, H. 1648 (1648) Wing J768; Thomason E1171_3; ESTC R208821 32,417 70

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owne English renders him but when he would insinuate that the Parliament or their army shall overcome the King which if you observe he does he shewes him selfe a dotard and no Scholler It seemes he would if it were possible make Haly as guilty of treason as himselfe but he saith homines vincent homines men shall overcome men and J say Haly was a loyall Subject but Merlius Anglicus a Rebell But Mr. Lilly himselfe confesseth that Mars is the most consicerable planer not only in the vernallingresse but also in all other quarters and lunations of the yeare and therefore he rightly judges that some will object I my selfe am one of that number that he might justly have beene suspected the forerunner of more Warte and bloodshed Nor can the potency of Mars in the vernall ingresse hinder for he is semper in fortuna He is strong I confesse in the vernall ingresse and at the time of the square aspect of Saturne and Inpiter but weak enough all the year after I hope Mr. Lilly will not brag of his potency at the Sans entring Cancer at the con junction of Saturne ond Mars at the Eclipse of the Moone nor in many other not able aspects bappening this yeare I wonder therefore that Mr. Lilly should in such plaine tearmes assume he useth to speak Riddles commonly so darke ●requires an Oedipus to unfold them that it is be yond his knowledge if the devouring Sword harme us this years but especially that he should be so confident as to affirme that it is positive in Astrology that there will be this yeare noe such notorious distractions to engage the King dome in blood or the City of London to a fury We all know Merlivus Anglicus to be a lying Phophet its this and that art was plaine for War is manifest not only from the reasons before set downe but also from the conjunction of Saturne and Mars in Gemini the signe intercepted in the ascendent of the profectionall revolution of Saturne and lupiter Which makes Mr. Lilly to cry out ab hinc lacbrymae nostra Anglicanae non a revolntione hu us anni vel ab has tam dira et formidabili conjunctione infortunarum procedunt this indeed signifies Warre buy by Mr. Lillies favour the former reasons are far stronger for Warre then this and if this had been the only cause of our sufferings there could not have been a blow struck till the latter end of Iune for this hapned not till then I confesse this coniunction hapning in the signe intercepted in the Ascendent of the profectionall revolution of Saturn and Iupiter and an Eclipse also in that very signe both of them in the 8th house and neer Oculus Tauri a most dismall fixed Starre will plague London and Mr. Lillyes beloved Parliament to purpose and will bring so many and so great calamities upon them as would move even stones to pity unlesse God the maker and disposer of all things be overcome by their penitence to over rule the influence of these heavenly bodyes These doubtlesse were the reasons which moved Mr. Wharton and Mr. Booker this yeare to predict Warr. I wonder infinitely at Mr Lillyes brazen impudence in abusing all such as dissent from his opinion with such ignominious epithits writing far truer then himselfe but much more that he should bragg that he hath found out a new manner of Astrology heretofore either not knowne to the Antients or else evillingly omitted in their writings and would have us take it as a favour from him for leaving us the Key of Astrology poor simple animall begot betweene a bitch wolfe and an Incubus neither by Merlin nor Mercury I am confident posterity will never expresse any gratitude for such a key as would lead them if they follow it into a maze and laberynth of endelesse errors Me thinks that if this had slipt him yet being premonisht by Mr Wharton his old Antagonist that this would be a year of martiall exployts in this Kingdom e it should have made him pump hard to have searcht the very entralls of Astrology and if that would not have done it then to have called to counsell as his manner is the Angell protector or the guardian Angell of this Kingdome for flectere si nequeat superos Acharonta movebit What Mr Lilly could not they informe you better We use to say praemonitns praemunitus he that is forewarn'd is forearm'd but it is not so with M. Lilly he cannot plead ignorance of what Mr. Wharton would have taught him for 't is certain that he saw his book before his own was printed or else he could not have called him foole therefore or have christned him with so many contumelious epithites Mars I confesse as posited in our Revolution doth nor during the vernall quarter premonstrate such Warrs slaughters or such grand commotions as our eyes have beheld both before and since yet that he heer signifies slaughters burnings and mischiefs by fire iron pouder and other things subiect to the influence of Mars is plain and the event confirmes it that Mars as posited in the vernall ingresse threaten us with saddiscontents backslidings in Religious matters great disconsolation to the Clergy and high demands or results amongst the Schismatic all take notice he calls the Army Schismaticks he himselfe confesseth as also that it sig nifies a strong endeavour to settle the Just lawes of the Land proceedings and customes of the people and in regard that Mars was so potent it ingaged most of the principall Gentry and greatest men in the Kingdome to Deeds of Arms. His Majesties significator in this Scheme is very properly the Sun posited in the 5 t. house for he is over the naturall significator of Kings nam Sol pro Magistratu luna pro subditis and here he is the accidentall also being Lord of the 10th The Moone and Mars are for the Patliament Mars and the Moone are both stronger then the Sun in this Scheme this quarter therefore the King shall rather loose then get Iupiter retrograde in the signe upon the 11th house signifies that the Kings friends for a time shall loose themselves for want of Counsell and mature advice Mercury is combust the Kings friends shail therefore be betraid and for a time grow weaker and weaker not stronger And yet notwithstanding this is an excellent Scheme for his Majesty if it be rightly judged for the part of fortune is with Iupiter in the very cuspe of the 11th And Mercury their dispositor applying to the friendly trine of Iupiter The Kings friends shall therefore at last be able to procure his re-establishment and that by deeds of Armes for Mercury and the Sun too are both in Aries the house of Mars Iupiter is a slow ponderous planet and besides that retrograde in this figure which will retard the businesse longer far then waa expected If wee consider the Parliaments significators in this Scheme They are the Moone Venus Saturne and Mars the Moone is strong in
the fourth house in conjunction with Venus Lady of the Ascendent this makes Mr. Lilly cry out oh happy Parliament thon shalt stand for ever and never be enforced so much as to stoope But who disposes of the Moone and Venus Does not Saturne What is he almuten of the ascendent one of the Parliaments significators but the greatest infortune where is he in the 8. house most infortunate for it is the house of Death who disposes of him The Moone and Venus where are they in the 4th house what is the signification of that house The end of all things Why then by Mr. Lilles favour this very Scheme shall signifie that notwithstanding the Parliament shall flourish yet a while yet in the end they shall be conquered and brought low yea many of them shall dye a death shamefull and ignominious nor can the double mutuall reception of Saturne and Venus by house of Saturn and the Moone by triplicity hinder for Satuone almuten of the Parliaments ascendent Their house of life is in the house of death extreamely unfortunate and beholds their other significators viz. both the Moone and Venus with a hatefull square in the fourth house the end of all things What think you Mr. Lilly does not this signifie unto them death or at leaft dishonour If we consider the square of Saturne and Iupiter the 29 of March soon following the suns ingresse into Aries about 26 of Leo is in the cuspe of the Ascendent and Iupiter retrograde very neer the cusp who yet comes to be direct before he comes to the degree of the ascendent Jupiter therefore the Sun are in this scheme the Parliaments significators but principally Iupiter for plus valet plenota corporali praesentia quam dominio absentriae Jupiter is a very good planet Mr. Lilly and to speake truth he is the best and most benevolent of the seaven but is he not retrogade Mr Lilly that signifies that though Iupiter wil support the parliament for a time yet they shall grow weaker and weaker run backwards loose but not suddainly in regard the Sun is so strong in the very degree of his exaltation and from thence beholding the Ascendent and Iupiter with a freindly trine But Good Mr Lilly let me aske you one question more what houses are Iubiter Lord of the 8. and the fourth Death therefore and dishonour shall be their guerdon at last for as Iupiter is Lord of the fourth he sigfies the end and as he is Lord of the 8. he signifies death especially being in the ascendent the house of life as he is retrograde and 2 slow Planet so he signifies that they shall go by Degrees Leo is a regall signe the sun also is in a nother this intimates their ambition That they would be Kings but Iupitor retrograde in leone spoyles their Maiesty dethrones them quite especially if you consider that Saturn in the 10. sends his square to Iupiter in the Ascendent beleieve it Mr. Lilly they must fall and have a rousing knock His maiesties Signisicators in this Scheme are Saturn the Moon and Mercury Saturn is by nature an inforrune yea the greatest of all out what houses is he Lord of the 8.9 and 10. from the 10 pray God there were not nor yet be some treachery to take away his Maiesties life I am much aff●aid that lurida terribiles miscent aconita noverca But in regard that Venus his dispositrix is so strong I hope providence wil preserve him and will help him to evade their malice Saturn as he is Lord of the 10 from the 10th will restore him though with much dissiculty for Saturn retards all chings and gives what soever he gives with labour difficulty Saturn in the 10. in square to the ascendent and to Iupiter retrograde therein signifyes that the parliamentshall be forced though unwillingly to restore unto the King his Rights and dignityes which Mercury lord of the second in the cuspe of the tenth plainly also denotes Mercury is Lord of the Parliaments house of substance and of the Kings too now not farre from the cuspe of the 10th therefore his Maiesties estate is not farre from regaining The Dragous tayle in the culpe of the 11th signifies many false friends to his Majesty who will not long from this time appeare pretending faire meaning hollowly doubtlesse they will buy him and fell him once againe and slander him what they can it impedites also the actions of his truest friends for his succour but dabit Deus his quoque finem The Prince will bring them on their knees for Saturne is Lord of the 5 t. and the case will be much altered anon I doubt not In May last there hapned a conjunction of the Royall Sun and Sullen Saturne in the 10 house which did much impedite his Majestyes Actions a long time and put his very life in danger● but caput Draconis being there it could not hurt his life Mercury is both for the King and parliament but he disposeth of the Sun and Saturne and is conjoyned to Mars the King could not there fore as long as the fury of this conjunction lasted thrive in Military affaires nor the City of London rise to help him it will do something one day Oh London take heed many remarkable Aspects have and shall happen this yeare in Gemini Summer begins the 10th of Iune Here should been inserted 2. Schemes one for the Sun's ingresse into cancer the other for the Conjunction of Saturn Iupiter The first ha●ning IYNE the 10. the other the 10 of IVNE 10. minuts past 11. a Clock at night at which time the glorious Sun enters Cancer The Moone within 3. quarters of an houre being in conjunction with him obscuring his bright body and causing a great and fearfull Eclipse but not visible to us all the planets being at that time subterranean in this Iupiter and the Moon are for the Parliament Iupiter and the Sun for the King for Iupiter is Lord of the first and tenth The Moon is combust in the fourth House which very thing would have absolutely destroyed the Parliament at that time or neere it had not the Dragons head bin so neere the Moone and the Sun been Eclipsed this therefore up holds for a while their drooping spirits long it cannot The Eclipse of the Sun hurts not the King much in regard it is not visiale and consequently the effects of this Eclipse will be obscure to us yet some mischiefe it doubtlesse did The Dragons tayle in the roth gives feare of poyson or of hurt by a Horse or by riding or else some mischeise by fire or Iron God blesse his Majesty from danger of death and from scandalls and slanders raised against him by black mouth d Villaines Iupiter the other significator both of the King and Parliament is in the 7th house opposing the ascendent the Parl. therefore will oppose the Parliament and great dissension will doubt lesse be amongst themselves enough to have caused
the Parliament or the City of London Nor can the North node of Venus or caput draconis save and defend them as he would have it their significator is too far distant from caput draconis and too much afflicted to be holpen by him I wonder he cries not out still why cannot the Citizens thrive and be pleasant a time is now approaching which imports felicity unto them this he said in Julyes observations but they will curse him for lying before the end of Febr. next Saturne in the figure of the Suns ingresse into the vernall point Aries in the eighth house signifies a dearth of such creatures as the signe represents wherein he is the signe he is in at that time is Taurus which signifies great cattle oxen horses cowes but this Conjunction of Saturne and Mars in the eighth house is in Gemini which will not onely cause many great and grieveous sicknesses yea very deadly ones but many violent and untimely deaths this year by the sword even in cold blood Lucas and Lisle are not forgotten yet this signifies the plague also or some pestilentiall disease in the City of London great discontent great scarcity of graine and corne though it will not be beleeved as yet Jupiter and Mercury in this scheme are the Kings friends Jupiter is accidentally strong Lord of the fifth uponwhose cuspe a watery signe is placed the Prince therefore the King's friends shall prevaile at Sea Soone after this conjunction happened the Prince appear'd with the Fleet upon the Sea and put forth a Declaration that He was resolved to adventure His dearest life to re-establish our Soveraigne His Royall Father which He will undoubtedly do for Jupiter lowres upon Saturne and Mars with a hatefull Square Never let Mr. Lilly say he cannot do it in regard that Jupiter is not essentially dignified but rather let him answer me this question is not Jupiter much stronger yea far more fortunate then Mars is he not also posited in a better house The Square betweene Jupiter and the infortunes will produce almost infinite disputes about our Laws Customes and Priviledges Religion Covenants c. Saturne better dignified then Mars signifies scarcity of Provision for man Mars more elevated shewes that the sword will prevaile Whose sword Mr. Lilly pray speake the truth in plaine English why he confesseth that it argues the Souldier must doe strange things or else we perish faith he he meanes himselfe and the Army Alas alas this is ill newes indeed who can help it God send us never worse Oh but Mr. Lilly even in his very Agony hath one trick left 't is Treason I fear let us hear it he exhorts the whole Kingdome yea most earnestly to take the Parliaments part Why so what against their Soveraigne thou Traytor What then shall become of Jesus said Pilate what shall become of our Soveraigne then say I the Jewes said Crucifie him crucifie him and Lilly saith the like in effect as you shall hear anon Venus applies to a sextile of Jupiter he in Virgo she in Cancer at the time of the aspect His Majesty therefore may expect assistance from His friends in France because Jupiter is in Virgo the ascendent of Paris much from Scotland because Venus is in Cancer the royall Sun being at that time in Cancer signifies that the Scots shall not regard their own profit so much to neglect the restitution of His Majesty as M. Lilly would suggest but without any grounds at all in art for he gives this to be his reason for this his prediction the Moon saith he beholds Cancer and not the Sun at all by any aspect which is absolutely false for the Moon beholds not Cancer at all either in the radix of the Conjunction or at the time of the aspect betweene Jupiter and Venus for in the radix she is in Aquary at the time of the aspect in Gemini neither of which signes behold Cancer at all besides the Sun is both in the radix and also at the time of the aspect in Cancer which is far stronger and much better then any aspect to the Sun in this regard But that any or all of the Kings friends shall ever be able to re-establish His Majesty is negative in Astrology if we beleeve Mr. Lilly when he lieth why so I pray Sir surely because it is so often doubly trebly yea doubly and trebly affirmed And I call heaven and earth to witnesse I for my part cannot see nor can I hear of from him any sufficient reason in Art to the contrary I know there are many for it and very strong ones too Two negatives make an affirmative but two hundered affirmatives cannot make a negative The best and most valid reason that Mr. Lilly gives against it is this that when King James came to the Crowne Saturne and Jupiter were in Conjunction in the eighth degree of Sagitarius and this Conjunction is faith he almost in the very same degree of the opposite signe whereby he would faine insinuate that this Conjunction imports destruction to His Majesty and His family but why so M. Lilly neither Saturne nor Mars are His Majesties significators and therefore have nothing to doe with Him or with His family but Mars is Lord of the ascendent and therefore imports destruction to the Parliament unavoidably unlesse they in time compose the businesse Another of M. Lillies reasons but more wide then the former is this Pisces saith he ascended when the Parliament began and the twentieth degree of Sagitary culminated and Mars saith he was in 10. degree of Sagitary in Square dexter to the place of this Conjunction this still signifies destruction to them not to him for Mars has his triplicity in Pisces therefore signifies the Parliament now he coming to the Conjunction of Saturne in the eighth house neere oculus tauri and in the same place which he afflicted with his owne Square at their first sitting this must needs signifie at least their dissolution with infamy and dishonour if not the block and gibbet for some of them To this give me leave to adde the prediction of the dying Independent Priest I meane M. Saltmarsh who is confidently reported to have had the apparition of and discourse with an Angel who if sent from God as it s verily beleeved is an invincible argument to warrant his prediction good It seemes he told Fairfax to his face that God had sent him to him to let him understand that he persecuted his Saints had done many things amisse and therefore that he and his Army both should come to utter ruiue and that with speed Saltmarsh was well when he delivered this message and gave Fairfax a signe for the truth of his prediction that such a day and houre he the messenger himselfe should die and so he did at the time appointed Most men in the Kingdome have heard of this yea and many do verily beleeve it to be true but very few ponder it as they
this very Scheme is ten times more for the King then for the Parliament nay Mr. Lilly himself though at unawares confesseth as much in these words Yet this of necessity will follow either an amendment or a complyance of the Members themselves or a finall revolt of the People from them Testimonium tunm quod in aliena re leve est hoc contrate grave est The Moone who signifies the people opposeth both the Ascendant and the Sun their significator and after her separation from the opposition of Sol snee applyes forcibly to the trine of Saturn Lord of the 11. in the 2. and this must needes signifie victory to the King although the tayle of the Dragon be in the 10th house for that signifies only scandalls falls and some danger by poyson to the King Jupiter Lord of the ascendant retrograde hurts the Parliament more then the King for he oposes the ascendant there are many therefore of the Parliament men who will be for the King against the Parliament The Moone in opposition to the sun both well fortified in angles argues a defection of most of the kingdome from them and their adherance to the King in regard the Moone applyes immediately after her separation to Saturn our freind in the second But Mr. Lilly affirmeth that the King declined in honour even since the appearance of the mock-suns in 1644. and doubtlesse he would have him decline worse still upon the appearance of these new mock-suns but see how ridiculous he makes himselse there is no Artist but knowes that it was the Comet in 1618. and the great conjunction of Saturne and Iupiter and the Eclipse of the Sun in 1639. which brought his Majesty so low And the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Gemini in the 8th house near Oculus Tauri and the Moon Eclipsed in the 7th and the 8th houses in Gemini near the body of Saturne will bring the Parliament lower The figure of the Suns ingresse into Aries for the Meridian of London Here are 3. Shemes wanting the first for the Suns ingresse into Aries 9. Martij the second for the square of Saturne and Jupiter 29 Martij the third for the Conjunction of th Sun and Sarne 16. Maij. hath 26. degrees and 50. minuts of Libra ascending which signe in regard it is moveable causeth that this Scheme shall signifie unto us the actions but of one quarter of this yeare especially there being so few degrees thereof in the Ascendent and this is the unanimous opinion of all the learned in this art although Mr. Lilly thinking it fittest for his purpose would needs perswade us to the contrary and would have it serve for the whole yeare but even reason it selfe would perswade us had the learned bin silent herein that the fag end of a moveable sign ascending there is no great heed or trust to be had to such a figure and yet for this quarter it must direct us viz. Vntill the Sun enrers the signe Cancer For as much as the ascending signe is moveable doubtlesse a great change of humane affaires approacheth concerning the Rites Priviledges Lawes and Customes of this Kingdome si cutera concenserint as here they do Venus is Lady of the asccnding signe but Saturne hath more dignities therein viz. his exaltation and triplicity neither of them have much to do in the Ascendent as the case stands for in regard there are so sew degree of Libra in the ascendent they quickly leave their rule to Mars and then the dominion of the succeeding part of the year is in a manner wholly committed unto Mars not so much because he governs the signe Scorpio intercepted in the ascendent at the time of the vernal-ingres as Mr. Lilly would have it but because he is the principall Planet in most of the lunations and remarkable Aspects happening this year Clandestine practises shall therefore now faile and deeds of Armes be very frequent in many parts of this Kingdome Mr. Lilly cryes peace but to our costs we have and shall find that we shall not enjoy the settled conditon he promiseth this year will not produce it Si Mars fuerit Dominus anni directus et non aspexerit Ascendentem fignificat plurimas combustiones et nocumentum ab ignibus et agritudines quae advenient hominibus causa sangninis et destructionem vegitabilium causa valetudiuis ventorum If Mars be Lord of the year direct and behold not the ascendent it signifies much burnings and hurts by fire many diseases in men caused by peccant blood and destruction of vegitables by the grcatnesse of winds In the Plenilunium preventionall he is in the 11th house in conjunction with Mer. in opposition to the Moone this signifies great enmity amongst freinds Consumption of much treasure his posation in the revelation in the fifth denounceth much Fornication Adultery and Mortality in the Southren parts Saturn in the 8. house signifies much detriment and losse to the place which is subject to that signe he is in tribulation anguish and many contentions Saturn is in porigeo as near the earth as he can be and meets with Mars in Gemini where there are many stars of contrary nature this but not only this was the cause of the wetnesse and coldnesse of the yeare The Parelij also did promise and foreshew the same for Parelius ventos aut pluvias promittit there are also some other reasons in art therefore as you shall heare anon Luna in quartain signo infor tunato erit populu● fortiter obsessus et accident ei carceres et anxietates graves The Moon in the 4th house in an unfortunate sign signifies that the people shall be strongly beseiged and divers shall be imprisoned and great and heavy Calamities shal happen Shee is in this Scheme in Aquary the house of Saturn in conjunction with Venus lady of the eighth house both of them aspected by the late full square of Saturn in the eight the greatest infortune and in the worst of houses but if wee beleive Mr. Lilly be tells us that the Moon is fortunate because conjoyned to Venus but Venus her selfe here is Lady of th house of Death and consequently as bad as any Planet in the figure except Saturn who is locally in that house howsowever she could never take off the malicious in fluence of Saturn who squares them both from the 8. for this is a rule which no Artist will deny si times Saturnum oppone Iovem si Martem oppone Uenerem The truth of the former rule though he denyeth not yet he cruelly taxeth Mr. Wharton for his application of it to the Moon in that figure but the event has answered his prediction cont radicted Mr. Lillyes calumnies and this and his other almost infinite and grosse mistakes this yeare in point of Art will chronicle him a dotard to all posterity Especially this which followes which he stands so stiffly to maintain Venus saith he is Lady of the Ascendant Mars Lord also thereof is in
the house of Inpiter and Iupiter himselfe in the 10. the Moone also who hath usually representation of the common condition of mankind being not unfortunate but applying to the conjunction of venus gives us great reason sayth he to hope well and to live in assurance that the common-wealth of England shall not this yeare be molested with warre That every man shall live at his own house and in his owne Vocation and Calling quietly and securely Countreymen What say you to this Certainly 't is a faire pro mise but is it true is he master of his word no thing lesse We all know t is absolutely false yet everie man is not sensible for all this of the greatnesse and grossenesse of this mistake It must not be understood barely as an assertion of Mr. Lillyes but as a confutation of Mr. Wharton who predicted war as he had good reason to doe as God-willing I shall shew anon but that I may goe throughly and soundly to work with him I will first confute his mistaken grounds Verily saith he this is no fiction of ours but the opinion of those reverend professors who studied this science long before us From whom Origanus he sayth drawes this inference fol. 5.22 In anni et quartarum revolutionibus an t thematibus lunationum si luna sive firma ct potens sit in angulo velsuccedente dom● in dignittiabus suis sive debilis et cadens extra dignitates applicueri beneficeo alicui planetae Jovi aut Veneri significat status populi fortunatins quo lucrd eidem accrescent et abundnbunt necessaria et si applicuerit Veneri erit bilaritas gaudiums et frequentia connubiorum which he thus translates In the revolution of a yeare and the severall schemes of lunations if the Moon whether she be strong and powerfull in an angle or a succedent house in her own dignity or admit she be weak and cadent yet if she apply to any benevolent planet as Iupiter or Venus the state or condition of the people shall be signified successefull and fortunate in which yeare they shall encrease their estates and abound in all manner of necessarie provisions and if that fortune to whom the Moone shall apply be Venus as now the common people shall much rejoyce be frolick and very cheerfull That these words are in Origamus I will not deny nor that they be rightly rendered by him in English but that he mis-understands and mis-applyes Origamns is plaine to a novice in this Art for admit the moon to be so and so posited yea and so and so applying also which is more then the rule requires and some other planet or planets in the scheme contradicting ORIGANUS will not then affirme that she so and so posited so and so applying shall take off the significations of the other planets for if this had bin his meaning that the Moon should rule all the Rost in that businesse the rules which Mr. Lilly soone after tites out of Haly. had bin to no purpose and his very quoting of Haly against Mr. Wharton makes for me against himselfe Againe Origanus speaks of Iupiter and Venu's when they are fortunes they are not alwayes so viz. when they are in the sixth eighth tenth or twelfth houses or are Lords of those houses as here Venus is Lady of the 8th and the Moone her selfe hath great dominion therein and both Venus and the Moone are disposed off by Saturne who is locally in the 8th in square to them both an ill aspect the worst of houses and the greatest in fortune He does but trifle therefore and abuse Origanus and che ancients to affirme of them which they never meant nor did any man that ever I saw heard or read of ever understand him so he must therefore ba●lk the authority of Orig. But Haly fits him to a haire his authority shall carry it if he puts his words into true English He saith Semper in revolutione cave et respice Martem quia si bonus fuerit et in bono statu melius succedit negotium vassalorum regis et exercituum which he thus translates into English In every revolution be well advised in giving judgement and have respect to the place of Mars for if he be well posited and in a good state the businesse of the Kings Subjects and their Armies shall the better succeed No Sir this the businesse of the Kings Subjects and his Armies shall the better succeed He hath produced Haly absolutly against himselfe yet he saith that this is an assured testimony that the Common wealth of England shall nor this year be molested with Warr or much troubled and offended with the Souldier Good Mr. Lilly does exercitus in your Dictionary signifie peace if it signifies an Army as mine saith it does why then it is quite against you not for you he saith the King's Armies shall thrive and you say we shall have peace Peace is the end of War indeed but the Souldier is armed to fight But he will be sure to make it for his parpole one way or other of it does speak of War it shall say or Mr. Lilly will make it that the Parliament shall beat the King but Latine Haly Saith that exercitus regis shall thrive not the people and their Armies If the King's Armies thrive the Parliaments must sing Lacrymae woe is me well a day But to be serious Halyes meaning is that when Mars is strong he does the lesse mischiefe the word is melius not bene yet Mr. Lilly and all men must grant that Mars is semper in fortuna Well Haly hath hitherto deceived him also and yet he is resolved to try him once againe produce him let him speak but know that is you traduce him againe his action of scandall against you will be doubtlesse far more valid and vigorous He quotes him fol. 364. and tells us truly that be saith Nota quod planeta qui est demin●● et significator anni quando invenitur in aliquo signorum significat secundum proprietatem ip fius planetae et secundum ipsius proprietatem loci in quo versatur de domibus figurae et secundum statum et ejus fortunam et infortunia quia per fortunam et bonuns statum fignificat benum et meliorem sucessum et gaudium et si Mars fuerit significat quod homines vincent homines inimicos suos c Which he translates into English thus Observe that planet who is significator of the year in which of the 12. signs he is found be assured he shall signifie according to theproperty of the Planer Sign house of Heaven in which he is posited and according to his state for tune or unfortunatnesse for that planet well fortified shall signifie good successe joy gladnesse c. And if Mars shall at any time be so qualified in a revolution it imports the com monaity shall overcome their Enemies That Haly speaks heere manifestly for Warr he himselfe confesseth for so his
their utter undoing had not Mercury the dispositor of Iupiter beheld the ascendent by a trine espect this will make them peece againe for a time but Saturne and Mars in their second house will signifie great expence of Treasure and much losse by fire and War at least to some of them Iupiter as he is Lord of the 10th is in the 10th from the 10th and beholds it with a sextile aspect and Saturne Lord of the 11th in the second with a trine This will doubtlesse signifie ●e est 〈◊〉 to his Maiesty and the recovery of his 〈◊〉 yea and his pristine honour Not long after the Suns enterance into Cancer viz. about the 28 of Iune there hapened a conjunction of Saturne and Mars the two malevosent and worst of planets in Gemini neere oculus Tauri in the 8th house of Heaven whose insluence will produce wonderfull alterations but not without other concurrent causes as Mr. Lilly well observeth but there are other concurrent causes enough 〈◊〉 too many if it pleased God to cooperate with this conjunction both before subsequent especially the eclipse of the moon within three degrees of the very Place of the conjunction it selfe and it hapens also in the 7 and 8. houses of heaven very neer unto oculas tauri and the very body of Saturne and this Mr. Lilly himselfe coufesseth saying that this conjunction is neer oculus tauri a most violent fixed star if we beleeve either our own experience or that of the ancients for there did never happen any Eclipse conjunction or opposition of the Superiours neer that Part of Gemini but it produced admirable and wonderfull effects add to this that the first conjunction of Saturn and Iupiter in the fiery trigon was in the yeare 603. in opposition almost to the very degree of this coniunction We have sad cause I am sure his Maiesty hath to remember the effects of the Eclipse of the Sun in the tenth of Gemini anno● 1639. much more reason will the Parliament have to remember this coniunction and the Eclipse of the Moon in that place Yea Mr. Lilly himselfe confesseth this a very sad pofition of heaven for the Parliament able utterly upon the first fight yea and the second too to puzzle a weak yea Mr. Lillyes strong affection for I doubt he himself hath no more then humane principles We have Mars saith he their Significator because Lord of the Ascendent in the 8th house in conjunction with Saturn neer Oculus Tauri a sad Planet and more dismall fixed star The house he also confesseth to be the worst of houses and that it signifies to the Parliament a sad and distracted condition yea he himselfe confesseth further that it imports a parliment strugling and gasping for breath and life and that London also is the most of any city in Europe concerned in this conjunction as also that the least misehief that thereupon can happen to that City Will be sedition uproares famine if not Gloudshed And a little before hee is yet more ingenious confessing positively thas God out of his infinite mercy not preventing war and bloudshed will succeed in this very City Page 39. and I fear they will find all this and much more true enough which I shall anou discover Mutantur regna et dominia et fides sectaeque et opiniones hominum dum mutantur auges planetaru de figno in signum dico illarum gentium quarum fignificator erit plaeneta augi●s permntae mutatioque erit ad bonum vel ad malum secundum naturam significatorum superiorum conjunctionum illorum temporum et secundum naturam signi permutationis That is Kingdomes and Governments Leagues Sects and mens opinions do change and vary when the anges of the planets move out of one figne into another I say of these nations whose significator is the planet of the changed auges And this alteration shall be for good or ill according to the nature of the signisicators of the superior conjunctions of those times and according to the nature of the signe of mutation Mars is the generall significator of England whose abssis or Aphelium is at present in four signs twenty nine degrees fifty two minutes and one and twenty seconds that is 29. deg 52. min. 21. of Leo and sin the year 1656. this absis will remove into Virgo about which year M Lylly saith we must expect a strange Catastrophe in this Common wealth and Monarchy of England for Mars cannot protect Aries and Uirgo whom he beholds not all this is Mr. Lyllyes I will not own it nay I shall willingly and ingeniously confesse that I understand not why this should be so fatall to England or to London as he would make us beleive yet am I clear of his opinion in that which followes that a very sad disastre to the City is much to be feared long before that time Have a care London thou art already strongely and strangely threatned and wilt be suddainly more have a care thou rebellest no longer against thy King thou maist put an end to these Wars when thou pleasest and thou hadst a principall stroake in beginning them do what thou meanst to do quickly 't will be else too late Remember the old prophecy part of which thou knowest to be already fulfilled Lincoln was London is and Yorke Chall be the greatest City of the three Scorpio a fixed signe ascends and I shall easily grant Mr. Lilly that all the angles of the figure are also fixed and in trine to Pisces the signe ascending at the Parliaments first fitting but that all or any of these shall or can rebus sic stanti●us signifie that the Parliament shall stand firm and not be dissipated I absolutely deny and affirme the contrary to be true and evident in point of Art And let him but produce good Authors to second his assertion and I will willingly yeeld him the Bucklers in this case I thinke any Artist will think him mad or worse to judg this a sufficient reason therefore the Lord of the Ascendent being with Saturn and Oculus Tauri he knowes or at least should know signum ut corpus Planetaut anima there is little promised by any signe of Heaven which hath no planet in it nor yet well aspecting it he is almost ashamed I perceive of this reason by that which followes for he confesseth that their unfaithfull branches and rotten boughs must be lopt off We desire no more there are for all this I hope diverse honest men amongst them who greive at the Kings and Kingdoms sufferings and would help it if they could When Mr. Lilly affirmeth that this conjunction signifieth good to the Parliament quia ex duabus infortunis fit fortuna he himself contradicts what he said before and dotes most wickedly most miserably I deny not the Aphorisme 't is Ptolemies but I deny this sence of it 't is Mr. Lillies I doubt not indeed but it will produce much good to the Kingdome none to