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A57307 A Scripture-catechism for children collected out of the whole body of the Scriptures for the instructing of youth ... presented to fathers of families and masters of schools to train up their children and schollers in the knowledg of God and the Scriptures / by Ambros Rigge. Rigge, Ambrose, 1635?-1705. 1672 (1672) Wing R1489; ESTC R26219 33,567 113

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13 14. S. How was Israel recovered M. By putting away Baalim and serving the Lord only 1 Sam. 2 3 4. S. What did God for Israel when they served him M. Destroy the Philistines their Enemies 1 Sam. 7. 11 12 13 14 S How did Israel further provoke the Lord M. In asking them a King 1 Sam. 8. 6. S. To what end did they ask a King M. Because the Lord should not raign over the 〈◊〉 1 Sam. 8. 7. S. What was the name of the King which Israel chose M. Saul 1 Sam. 9. 17. S. By whom was Saul anointed King M. By Samuel 1 Sam. 10. 1 2. S. Why was Saul rejected of God from being King over Israel M. Because he kept not God's Commandment 1 Sam. 13. 13. S. Who did God chuse to Rule Israel after Saul M. David being a Man after his own Heart vers 14. S. Who anointed David King over Israel M. Samuel 1 Sam. 16. 13. S. How did God manifest his Power 〈◊〉 David M. In slaying Goliah of the Philistines without Sword or Spear 1 Sam. 17. 37 38 39. S. With what did David overcome and slay Goliah of the Philistines M. With a Sling and one of the smooth Stones taken out of a Brook and cut off his Head with his own Sword 1 Sam 17. 40 49. S. How did God deliver Saul to David M. In a Cave in the Wilderness of Engedi 1 Sam. 34. 4. S. Did David kill him in the Cave M. No he had Mercy on him and only cut off the Lap of his Garment vers 5. S. Of whom did Saul ask Counsel after God was departed from him M. Of a Witch 1 Sam 28. 8. S. How did Saul dye M. By his own Sword with his three Sons 1 Sam. 31. 4. S. How long did David Raign over Israel M. Forty years and six Moneths 2 Sam. 5. 4 5. S. In what did David sin against God M. In Committing Adultery with Bathsheba the Wife of Vriah the Hittite 2 Sam. ●1 4. S Who did God send to shew David his sin M. Nathan the Prophet under the Pa●able of the Ewe Lamb 2 Sam 12. S. What became of the Child Bathsheba bare unto David in Adultry M. God struck it that it dyed 2 Sam. 12. 18. S. How came David to be reconciled to God again M. By Repentance and great Judgment vers 13. S. What did he offer unto the Lord who restored him M. A Song of Praise 2 Sam. 22. whole Chapter S. Who was anointed King over Israel after David M. Solomon 1 Kings 1. 39. S. What did he ask of God to rule Israel withal M. Neither Riches nor Honour but an Understanding Heart to do Justice and Judgment 1 Kings 3. 9 10. S. How did God answer Solomon 's Desire M. In giving him Wisdom and Understanding exceeding much and a large Heart even as the Sand on the Sea-Shore 1 Kings 4. 29 30 31. S. Whom did God appoint to build a House for his Name M. Solomon 1 Kings 5. 5 6. S. Where was the House which Solomon built for the Lord M. At Jerusalem 1 Kings 7. 1 2. S. Did God promise his Presence therein M. Yea to put his Name there forever 1 Kings 9. 4. S. Was the Heart of Solomon perfect with the Lord as was David his Father M. No he loved the Daughters of Moab Amon and Edom which the Lord had commanded Israel They should not go in to them nor suffer them to come to them lest they turned their Hearts after their Godds 1 Kings 11. 1. S. Did Solomon 's Wives turn his Heart after their Godds M. Yea so that he wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord vers 4 5 6. S. How did God manifest his displeasure for so doing M. In threatning to rent the Kingdom from Solomon and to give it to his Servant vers 11. S. Did God spare Solomon in his Day M. Yea for David his Servant's sake but he rent the Kingdom of Israel out o● his Sons Hand vers 12. S. Did God rent all the Kingdom of Israel ●ut of the Hand of Solomon 's Son M. No he left him one Tribe for David's sake and for Jerusalem's sake vers 13. S. Vnto whom did God give the ten Tribes of Israel after Solomon M. Unto Jeroboam his Servant 1 Kings 11 31. S. How did Jeroboam sin against God M. In making two Calves of Gold setting one in Bethel and the other in Dan. and causing Israel to worship them 1 Kings 12. 28. S. Who raigned over Judah after Rehoboam M. Abijam his Son 1 Kings 15. 1. S. How was he rejected of God M. Because he walked in the sins of his Father vers 3. S. Who Raigned after him M. Asa vers 9. S. How did Asa walk before God M. He did right in the sight of the Lord as did David his Father vers 11. S. How did he please God M. In putting all the S●domites out of the Land and putting away the Idols of his Father vers 12 13. S. How long did Asa raign in Jerusalem M. Forty and one Years 1 Kings 15. 10. S. Who Raigned over Israel after Asa M. Baasha the Son of Ahijah 1 Kings 15. 33. S. How long did he Raign M. Twenty four years vers 33. S. How did he provoke the Lord M. In walking in the way of Jeroboam his Father who made Israel to sin 1 Kings 16. 2 3. S. Who Raigned after Baasha over Israel M. Elah his Son vers 6. S. How long did Elah Raign M. Two years vers 8. S. Who Raigned after Elah M. Zimri who slew all the House of Baasha not leaving thereof one to piss against the Wall according to the Word of the Lord by Jehu the Prophet 1 Kings 16. 11 12 13. S. Who Raigned after Zimri M. Omri Captain of the Host 1 Kings 16. 16. S. How did he walk before God M. He did Evil in the sight of the Lord yea worse then all that were before him walking in the ways of Jeroboam ver 25 26. S. Who raigned over Israel after Omri M. Ahab his Son 1 Kings 16. 28. S. How long did he Raign M. Two and twenty years vers 29. S. How did he walk before the Lord M. He did worse in the sight of God then all that was before him vers 30. S. What were his Sins M. He walked in the way of Jeroboam the Son of Nebat who provoked the Lord with their sins Also he took Jezabel the Daughter of Et baal King of Zidonians to Wife Also he reared up an Alter to Baal in the House of Baal which he built in Samaria And he made a Grove and provoked the Lord God of Israel more then all the Kings of Israel which were before him vers 30 31 32 33. Furthermore he coveted Naboth's Vineyard and Jezabel his Wife caused Naboth to be slain for his Vineyard 1 Kings 21. 11 12 13. S. How was God's Displeasure manifested against Ahab M By Elijah the Prophet who told him by the Word of the Lord
That in the same place where Dogs licked up the blood of Naboth should Dogs lick up even his Blood also 1 Kings 21. 19 20. S. What became of lezabel his wife M. The Lord sp●ke saying The Dogs shall eat Jezabel by the Wall of Jezreel verse 23. S. How did Ahab behave himself when the Word of the Lord came against him by the Prophet Elijah M. He rent his Clothes and put Sackcloth upon him and Fasted and lay in Sackcloth and went softly and therefore the Lord said Because Ahab humbled himself that he would not bring that evil upon his House in his dayes but in his Sons days would he bring evil upon his House 1 Kin. 21. 27 28 29. S. Of whom did Ahab ask counsel whether he should go to Battel against Rampth Gilead or not M. Of four hundred false Prophets who said Go up and the Lord shall deliver it into thy hand 1 Kings 22. 6. S. What said the Lord unto him by the mouth of Micaiah M. That God had appointed Evil against Ahab and that he should not return from the Battel in Peace 1 Kings 22. 23 24. S. What became of Micaiah for this Saying M. Ahab commanded to put him in the Prison House till he returned and feed him with Bread Water of Affliction vers 27. S. Did Ahab return in Peace M. No he was slain in the Battle at Raemoth-Gilead and the Doggs licked his Blood according to the Word of the Lord 1 Kings 21. 19. and 22. 25. S. Who raigned after him M. Jehoshaphat the Son of Asa vers 41. S. Who raigned after him M. Ahaziah the Son of Ahab vers 51. S. How did Ahaziah walk with God M. He did Evil in his sight and walked in the way of his Father and in the way of Jeroboam the Son or Nebat in worship●ng of Baal 1 Kings 22. 52 53. S. Of whom did Ahaziah in his Sickness ask whether he should live or dye M. Of Baalzebub the Godd of Ekron Kings 1. 2. S. Who reproved him for it M. God by Elijah the Prophet ver 3 4. S. Of whom ought he to have enquired M. Of the God of Israel vers 16. S. Did the King of Samaria dye at that time M. Yea 2 Kings 1. 17. S. What became of Elijah the Prophet M. He was taken up into Heaven with a Whilewind 2 Kings 2. 11. S. By whom did God speak to Israel after Elijah M. By Elisha vers 15. S. How did God manifest his Power with Elisha M. In dividing the Waters of Jordan and healing them 2 Kings 2. 14 21 22. 2dly In increasing the Oyl in the Widdow's Pitcher 2 Kings 4. 5 6. 3dly In raising the Shunamite's Son to Life vers 35. S. Who anointed Jehu King over Israel M. One of the Children of the Prophets at the Command of Elisha S. What did God require of him M. To slay the whole House of Ahab according to the Word of the Lord 1 King 21. 15. S. Did he fulfil the Word of the Lord here in M. Yea he smote Jehoram through hi● Heart and utterly destroyed Jezabel an● the seventy Sons of Ahab 2 Kings 9. 2● 33 34 35. and chap. 10. 6 7. and a● that remained of the House of Ahab i● Samaria according to the Word of the Lord vers 17. S. Did Jehu walk before God with a perfect Heart M. No for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam vers 31. S. Did God's Love continue still to Israel M. Yea till they fell into Idolatry and then he loathed them and sent Lyons amongst them which devour'd them 2 King 17. 22 23 24 25. S. What was Israel 's Idolatry M. Their Idols and Images which every Nation served and made and put them in their High Places 2 Kings 17. 29 32 41. S. Who broke down Israel 's Images and Groves M. Hezekiah King of Judah 2 Kings ●8 4. S. How did he walk before God M. In Truth with a perfect Heart 2 King 20. 3. S. To whom did Hezekiah call for help when ●e was sick M. Unto the Lord with Tears 2 Kings ●0 3. S. How did the Lord answer him M. In adding to his dayes fifteen years vers 6. S. What was the Sign God gave him that he would heal him M. In bringing the Shaddow Ten Degrees backward upon the Dial of Ahaz 2 Kings 20. 11. S. Who was King of India M. A●ashuerus Esther 1. 1. S. Who contrived the Destruction of Israel in his day M. Hamon Esth 3. 8 9. S. Why did Hamon seek to Destroy the Jews M. Because Mordecai whose People they were would not rise up before him no● bow to him Est 3. 3 4 5 6. S. How was Mordecai and the Jews Delivered M. At the Request of Queen Esther Esth 7. 3 4. S. What became of Hamon who contrived the Destruction of Mordecai and th● Jews M. He was Hanged by the Kings Commandment on the Gallows he had prepare● for Mordecai vers 10. S. What became of the Jews Enemies ● ●ll the Provinces of A●ashuerus M. They were all destroyed at the Kings Commandment with Hamon's Ten Sons Esth 9. 25. S. In what Land did Job dwell M. In the Land of Vz Job 1. ● S. How did he walk before God M. With a Perfect and Upright Heart ●earing God and eschewing Evil vers 2. S. How did God try his Heart M. With the Loss of all his Sons and Daughters and outward Substance which was great vers 15 16 17 18. S. Did Job murmur against God when he suffered him to be stript of all M. No he did not sin nor charge God foolishly but said The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the Name of the Lord vers 22. S. How did God further try Job 's Integrity M. in suffering Satan to smite his Body from the Crown of his Head to the Sole of his Foot Job 2. S. Did not Job continue his Integrity to the Lord M. Yes neither hitherto did he sin with his Lips vers 3 10. S. How far did the Lord suffer Satan to try Job M. In all that he had except his Life Job 2. 6. S. Could all his Friends and Acquaintanc● move him from his Integrity M. No though his Wife and Acquaintance tempted him on every side Job 2. 3 9 10 11 12. S. Did God ever restore Job unto his former Substance again M. Yea in greater abundance then when he first smote him Job 42. 12 13. S. How long did Job live after God restored him to Prosperity in his Substance M. Till he saw his Sons and Sons Sons even four Generations vers 16. S. Who wrote the Book of the Psalms M. Chiefly David Psal 1 2 3 4. S. What is the Sabstance of that whol● Book M. A Testimony of the Prayers Tears Sufferings and Joys of David S. Who writ the Book of the Proverbs M. Solomon S. What is the substance of that Book M. Expressions of Wisdom set forth by Solomon in many true Proverbs and wi●● Sayings S.
Feet so that none could deliver them out of his Power Dan. 8. 21. S. Against whom did the Goat bend his strength M. Against the Mighty and Holy People and against the Prince of Princes but he was to be broken without hands vers 24 25. S. What was Daniel 's Petition to God M. To return the Captivity of Israel out of Babylon Dan. 9. 16 17 18. S. What was Daniel 's next Vision M. Of the Appearance of the Son of Man Dan. 10. 5 6 7. S. What did he shew to Daniel M. All the Kingdoms which should be Enemies to the Church of God as of Persia Greece of Aegypt Syria and of the Romans Dan. 11. S. What was the End of all these Kings and what was promised to the Church of Christ M. Destruction to themselves and Deliverance to the Just with the Resurrection thereof and of the Un just Dan. 12. S. Of what did Hosea Prophesie M. Of the Calling of the Gentiles as well as the Jews and that Christ should be Head of them all Hosea 1. 10 11. S. What was his Complaint M. That the Land of Israel was full of Adulterers and by Lying Swearing Killing Stealing and Whoring so that Blood toucheth Blood Hos 4. 2. 2dly That their Priests and Rulers had been as a Snare to Mispah and a Net spread upon Tabor Hosea 5. 1. 3dly That as Troops of Robbers wait for a man so the Company of Priests Murder in the way by Consent for they commit Lewdness Hos 6. 9. S. What was the substance of Hosea 's Prophecy M. To demonstrate the Abominations and Miseries of Israel Aegypt and Ephraim and how the Lord would utterly cast them off in his Wrath Hos 8. 9. S. What was Joel 's Prophesie M. Against the Jews whom he exhorted to Prayer and fasting for the Misery that was at hand Joel 1. S. What did the Lord promise by the Mouth of Joel in the latter dayes M. To pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh that his Sons and Daughters should Prophesie c. Jo. 2. 28. S. What was the Substance of the Prophecy of Amos M. The denouncing of God's continued Judgments upon Israel Judah Tyrus Edom and Amon for their continued Abominations Amos 1 2 3. chap. S. Of what Calling was Amos M. An Herdsman Amos 1. 1. 7. 14 S. For what was the Lamentation of Amos. M. For the Captivity of Israel Amos 5 S. What did God signifie by a Line to Amos. M. The Destruction of the People Israel Amos 7. 7 8. S. What did God further shew to Amos concerning Israel M. A Famine amongst them of the Word of the Lord for their Rebellion Amos 8. 11 12. S. What was God's Promise to his Church in those dayes M. It s Restauration so that the Plowman should reach the Mower● and the Treader of Grapes him that soweth Seed c. Amos 9. 11 12 13. S. What was the Vision of Obad iah M. The Word of the Lord against Edom and its Inhabitants who were of the stock of Esau Obad. 1. 1. S. What was the Word of the Lord concerning them M. Against their Pride and High-mindedness in exalting themselves against the Seed of Jacob Obad. 3. 8 9 10. S. What was the Word of the Lord to Jonah M. To go and preach Repentance to Nineveth the chief City of the Assyrians Jonah 1. 1. S. Was Jonah obedient to the Word of the Lord M. No for he fled to Tarshish from the Presence of the Lord vers 3. S. How did God stop his way M. By a mighty Tempest at Sea vers 4. S. How was it known that Jonah was the Cause why the Ship was in Danger to be lost M. By the Lots which the Marriner● cast to know for whose Cause that great Tempest was in the Sea vers 7. S. How was the Tempest in the Sea aswaged M. By casting of Jonah into the Sea v. 15. S. By what was Jonah preserved in the Sea M. By a Whale which God had prepared to swallow him up who at the Word of the Lord cast Jonah upon the dry Land Jonah 1. 17. 2. 10. S. Whither did God send Jonah afterwards M. To Nineveth Jonah 3. 2. S. Did he obey the Word of the Lord the second time M. Yea and went a dayes Journey into Nineveth and cry'd Yet Forty Days and Nineveth shall be destroyed verse 4. S. Did the King and People of Nineveth Repent at the Preaching of Jonah M. Yea and turned from their Evil Wayes so that God repented of the Evil that he had intended against them and he did it not vers 8 9 10. S. Of what did Micah Prophesie M. Of the Destruction of Judah and Israel because of their Idolatry Mic. 1. S. What was the Iniquity of the Princes and Priests of Judah and Israel M. The Heads thereof judged for Rewards and the Priests thereof taught for Hire c. Mic. 3. 11. S. What did God Promise in the latter dayes M. The Establishment of the Kingdom of Christ and felicity of his Church Mic. 4. S. Vnto what did Micah liken the best of the House of Israel M. Unto a Bryar and the most pure amongst them sharper then a Thorn Hedge Mic. 7. 4. S. Of what did Nahum Prophesie M. Of the Destruction of the Assyrians and the Deliverance of Israel Nahum 1. S. What became of their chief City Nineveh M. It was destroy'd because of the multitude of its Forninations Nahum 3. 7. S. What was Habbakkuk 's Complaint M. Against the Wicked that persecuted the Just Hab. 1. S. What was the Prophecy of Zepheniah M. Against Judah and Jerusalem for their Idolatry Zeph. 1. S. What was the substance of the Prophecy of Haggai Zacheriah and Malachi M. They were raised up to Comfort the Jews after the seventy years of their Captivity was ended to exhort them to build the Temple again which was a Figure of the spiritual Temple and Church of God whose Perfection and Excellency stood in Christ Hag. 1 2. cap. Zach. 1 2 3. cap. 2ly To call the Jews home to Jerusalem by the Word of the Lord and to make them a Blessing 3ly The calling of the Gentiles and the coming of Christ Zach. 8 9. cap. 4ly The coming of John Baptist who was to prepare the Way of the Lord Mal. 3. 1. 5ly Of the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord wherein all the Proud and all that did wickedly should be as stubble before which Eliah the Prophet should come Mal. 4. 1 5. Vpon the New-Testament S. VVHO wrote the first Book of the New-Testament in the Bible M. Matthew S. What doth it contain M. The Geneology of Christ the Time and Place of his Birth his Sufferings Temptations Baptism and Doctrine Mat. 1. 2 3 4. S. Where was Christ born and of whom was he baptized M. He was born of a pure Virgin who was espoused to Joseph being found with Child of the Holy Ghost vers 18. 2dly Christ was baptized of John
Who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes M. Solomon the Preacher S. What is the substance of that Book M. It setteth forth the Vanity of all ●hings below the Sun Eccl. 1. 2. S. What is the substance of Solomon 's Song M. Such familiar Discourse of Love as in the best sense may import mystical Communication of the pure and spiritual Love between Christ and his Church Eccl. cap. 1 c. S. Who writ the Book of Isaiah M. It was the Vision of Isaiah the Son of Amoz which he saw concerning the Rebellion and Disobedience of Judah and Jerusalem in the dayes of the several Kings thereof Isa 1. S. What was their Disobedience and Rebellion M. Their Princes were Companions of Thieves whose hands were full of Blood they judged not the Cause of the Fatherless nor the Cause of the Widdow but every one loved Gifts and followed after Rewards vers 15 16 23 24. S. What did Isaiah further see concerning the Jews Rebellion M. That they should be as an Oak whose Leaf faded and as a Garden that had no Water and the strong should be as Tow and the Maker thereof as a Spark and they should both burn together and none should quench them Isa 1. 30 31. S. What People or Nation did God call after the Jews M. The Gentiles Isa chap. 2. S. Who did God pr●mise to be their Light ●nd Leader M. Christ the Prince of Peace vers 4. S. What was God's promise in him M. That in the last days the Mountain of the Lord's House should be established on the top of the Mountains and many People should say Come let us walk up to the Mountain of the Lord to the House of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his Wayes c. Isa 2. 3. S. What was Isaiah 's Vision concerning Wars after Christ's Coming M. That they should beat their Swords into Mattocks and their Spears into Sythes and Nation shall no more lift up a Sword against Nation neither should learn War any more S. How did Isaiah set forth the State of Judah and Jerusalem M. Under the similitude of a Vineyard which was hedged about and planted with choyce Plants and p●a●ed in a very fruitful Hill from which the Planter expected Grapes but it brought forth wild Grapes Isa 5. 2. S. What was the Sentence given against this ●●uitless Vineyard M. To take away the Hedge thereof that it may be eaten up and break down the Wall thereof that it may be trodden down and to lay it waste c. Isa 5. vers 5 6. S. Who did God promise to the Remnant of Judah M. Christ the Immanuel Isa 7. 14. S. What did God promise to the Gentiles M. That they who walked in Darkness had seen great Light and they who dwelt in the Land of the shaddow of Death upon them had the Light shined Isa 9. 3. S. Of whom did Christ spring M. Out of the Stem of Jesse Isa 11. 1. S. What was Isaiah 's Vision concerning Babylon M. That it should be destroyed by the Meeds and Persians Isa 13. S. D●d God return the Captivity of Israel M. Yea and made them rest in their own Land and said they should take them Prisoners whose Captives they were Isa 14. 1 2 3. S. What did Isaiah see concerning Moab M. It s Destruction because of its Pride and Arrogancy Isa 16. 6. S. What was Prophesied concerning Damascus and Ephraim M. Their Destruction and Overthrow Isa 17. 1 2 3. S. What was Isaiah 's Sign in going Naked three Years M. The three years Captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia Isa 20. S. What was promised by Christ M. Remission of Sins Isa 40. 1 2. S. When was the Coming of John Baptist seen M. In the days of Isaiah vers 3. S. What was his Work M. To prepare the Way of the Lord v. 3. S. Why was Christ sent a Light into the World M. For a Covenant to the people and for a Light to the Gentiles to open the Eyes of the Blind and to bring the ●risoners out of the Prison-House and them that sit in Darkness out of the region of the shaddow of Death Isa 42 6 7. S. What did Isaiah see concerning Babylon M. The Destruction thereof and of their Idols Isa 47. S. What was God's Promise to the Gentile● M. That more of them should believe the Gospel then the Jews Isa 54. 1 2. S. What was God's Invitation to the Thirsty under the Gospel M. To come to the Water of Life and drink freely without Money and without Price Isa 55. 1. S. Wherefore did he reprove the Jews M. For spending their Money for that which was not bread and their Labour for that which did not satisfie vers 2. S. What did he see concerning the Watchmen of Israel M That they were all blind and had no knowledge and that they were dumb and greedy Dogs that could never have enough every one lo●king for their own wa● for his Gain from his Quarter Isa 56. 10 11. S. To what did Isaiah compare the Wicked M. To the raging Sea whose Waters cast up Mire and Dirt Isa 57. 20. S. What was the Hypocrites Fast M. To afflict his Soul for a day and to hang down his head as a Bulrush Is 58. 4 5. S. What was the Fast of the Faithful M. To loose the hands of Wickedness to take off the heavy Burdens and to let the Oppressed go free vers 6. S. What is the chief Substance of the Book of Isaiah M. An Evangeligal Prophesie of the Coming Work and Power of Christ with God's Universal Love in Christ to all Mankind S. When came the Word of the Lord to Jeremiah M. In the dayes of Josiah King of Judah Jer. 1. S. What was the first Sign God shewed Jeremiah of the Destruction of Judah and Jerusasalem M. The Rod of an Almon Tree its early budding shewing that God would ha●ten to perform his Word vers 11. S. What was the next Sign given Jeremiah M. A Seething-Pot out of the North thorough which God declared to them his Judgments for all the Wickedness of them that forsook him burnt Incense to other Godds and worshipped the Works of their own hands vers 13 14 16. S. Why was Jerusalem destroyed M. Because they forsook the Lord the Fountain of living Waters and digged to th●mselves broken Cisterns that would hold no Water Jer. 2. 13. S. How did God set forth Israel 's Reblelion M. As a Woman that Rebelleth against her Husband so did the whole House of Israel Rebel against God Jer. 3. 20. S. What Circumcision more then the outward did the Lord require of the Men of Judah and Jerusalem M. The Circumcision of the Heart Jer. 4. 4. S. Why was Egypt Judah Edom and the Children of Amon threatned by the Lord M. Because they were not Circumcised in Heart Jer. 9. 26. S. What Figure did God give Jeremiah of the Destruction of the Jews M. A Linnen Girdle which God cause●
him to hide in the Clift of the Rock Perath Jer. 13. 4 5. S. What were the Plagues with which God would destroy the Jews M Four the Sword to slay the Dogs t●●●ar the Fowl●s of the Heaven and the Beasts of the Earth to devour Jer. 15 3. S. By whom did God then declare his Will and Mind to t●e Jews M. By Jeremiah for which the Jews conspir'd Mischief against him Jer. 18. 18. S. Who smote Jeremiah and put him in the Stocks for speak●ng the Word of the Lord M. Pashur the Son of Immer the Priest Jer. 20. 2. S. What did Jeremiah testifie concerning the false Pastors of Israel M He cry'd Wo unto them who destroyed and scatt●red the Sheep of the Lord's Pasture Jer. 23. 1 2. He cry'd also against the Prophets of Samaria that prophesi●d in Baal and caused the people to err vers 13. He also cryed against the Prophets of Jerusalem who committed Adultery and w●lked in Lyes and strengthened the hands of Evil-doers so that none could turn from his Wickedness that they were all as Sodom and as the Inhabitants of Gomorrah vers 14. S. whom did the Lord promise to set over his flock M. Christ the true Shepherd Jer. 23 5. S. What was the Cause the false Prophets of Israel did not profit the people M. Because they stood not in the Counsel of God themselves therefore was not the Word of the Lord with them neither did they profit the people at all vers 23. S. What did God threaten to bring upon Judah and Jerusalem for their continued Rebellion M. That they should be in Captivity under the King of Babylon Seventy Years Jer. 25. 11. S. How did the false Prophets of Israel deal with Jeremy for speaking the Word of the Lord M. They judged him worthy of Death Jer. 26. 11. S. What did God command Jeremiah to send unto the King of Judah and the other Kings near him to premonish them of their Captivity under Nebuchadnezar M. Bonds and Yoaks Jer. 27. 1 2. S. When was Judah and Jerusalem brought into Captivity under the King of Babel M. In the Beginning of the Raign of Jehoiakim the Son of Josiah King of Judah Jer. 26. 1. S. When did God promise their Return M. After Seventy Years Jer. 29. 10. S. What was the Promise of God to Israel after their Return M. His Everlasting Love and Mercy to them in making a New Covenant with them Jer. 31. 31. S. What was that New Covenant M. To write his Law in their Hearts and place his Fear in their inward parts that they should no more teach every man his Brother c. vers 33 34. S. What did God further promise Israel M. That he would give them one Heart and one Way Jer. 32. 39. Also That he would cause the Branch of Righteousness to spring up unto David who should execute Judgment and Righteousness in the Land Jer. 33. 15. S. Who was King in Judah when the King of Babylon came to destroy Ierusalem M. Zedekiah Jer. 34. 2. S. Why was Ieremiah put into the Stocks and into the miery Dungeon M. For speaking the word of the Lord concerning the Destruction of Jerusalem Jer. 38. 4 5 6. S. How was Ieremiah deliverod out of the Dungeon M. By the intercession of Ebed-Mele●h the Black-moor to the King Jer. 38. 9 10 11 12 13. S. Where did Ieremiah remain then M. In the Court of the Prison Jer. 38. 28. S. How long continued he there M. Till Jerusalem was taken by the King of Babel vers 11 12 13 14. S. Who freed Ieremiah out of Prison M. Nebuzaraden the chief Steward of the King of Babylon Jer. 40. 1 2 3 4. S. What became of the Iews that were in Egypt M. They were destroyed by the Word of the Lord 〈◊〉 their Idolatry there Jer. 46. 9 10 11 〈◊〉 S. What 〈…〉 Moab and his Cities M. He 〈…〉 and his Cities burnt up J●● S. What 〈…〉 ●●mon Edom and Damascus M. They were ●●l laid waste Jer. 49. S. What did Ieremiah Prophesie concerning Babylon M. It s Destruction and the Deliverance of Israel which was in Captivity Jer. 50. S. Why was Babylon destroyed M. For the Iniquity and Idolatry thereof Jer. 51. S. In what Year of Zedekiah 's Raign wa● Jerusalem besieged by the King of Babylon M. In the ninth Year in the tenth Moneth the tenth day of the Month Jer. 52. 4. S. How long was Jerusalem besieged M. Until the 11th year of his raign Jer. 52. 5. S. When was the City broken up M. In the 4th moneth the 9th day ver 6 7. S. What became of Zedekiah and his Sons and all the Princes of Judah M. The King of Babel took Zedekiah and put out his Eyes and bound him in Chains and carried him to Babel and put him in Prison to the day of his death and slew his Sons before his 〈◊〉 and all the Princes of Judah vers S. What became of the 〈…〉 of the Lord in Jerusalem M. Both the House of the Lord and the King's House and all the Houses of Jerusalem did Nabuzaradan the chief Steward of the King of Babylon burn with Fire and brake down all the Walls of the City round about vers 13 14. S. What is the substance of the Lamentations of Jeremiah M To set forth the miserable state of Jerusalem in the Land of Judah for the multitude of their Trangressions Lam. 1 2 3 4. S. To whom was Ezekiel sent to Prophesie M. Unto the Children of Israel in Captivity Ezek. 3 4 5 6 S. What was prophesied concerning them M. That God would spare a Remnant from the Sword Famine and Pestilence Ezek. 6. 8. S. Who was to be spared in the Overthrow of Jerusalem M. All those whom Ezekiel was commanded to mark who mourn'd and cry'd for the Abominations that were done in the midst thereof Ezek. 9. 4. S. Vnto what did Ezekiel liken the false Prophets of Israel S. Unto Foxes in waste places Eze. 13. 4. S. What was their Error M In slaying the souls of them that should live and giving life to them that should dye vers 19. S. Why was Tyrus destroyed M. Because of its Pride and Presumption Ezek 28. 2. S. Why was Zidon laid waste M. Because of the multitude of its Abominations vers 22 23. S. What did Ezekiel further testifie against the false Prophets of Israel M. That they eat the Fat and cloathed with the Wooll and killed those that were fed Ezek. 34. 3. S. What did Ezekiel Prophesie concerning Mount Seir M. That it should be laid desolate because the Inhabitants thereof troubled the People of the Lord Ezek. 35. 4 5. S. Vnto what was the Children of Israel likened in their Captivity M. Unto dry Bones in an open Valley Ezek. 37. 1 2 3 4. S. What did God do for them M. He caused them to come together Bone to his Bone and brought Flesh upon them and breathed Life into them and they became the whole