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A14621 The present estate of Spayne, or A true relation of some remarkable things touching the court, and gouernment of Spayne with a catalogue of all the nobility, with their reuenues. Composed by Iames Wadsworth, Gent. late pensioner to his Maiesty of Spayne, and nominated his captaine in Flanders. Wadsworth, James, 1604-1656? 1630 (1630) STC 24929A; ESTC S119416 34,892 98

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the Queene is at Dinner all the Grandes then present do stand couered with their backes against the wall and so doe the Ladies on the other side which doe not for the present attend the Queenes person each Lord in the meane time courting and conferring with his beloued Ladies and likewise the Ladies with their affected Lords and so the Ladies that waite doe sometimes take occasion to greet and salute their louers whom they intend to make their Lords and Husbands Now all this while Drummes are beating Trumpets Sounding and lowd Musicke playing below in the great Court The King is serued in the same manner of State Ladies attendants only excepted in whose place the Gentiles hombres de La Boca or Gentlemen-tasters doe performe their offices but if the King and Queene dine together then the attendants waite on both sides The order and manner of the Kings and Queenes going abroad in their Coach FIrst a little before they goe to their Coach the Drummes beate and Trumpets sound to giue notice to the Nobility and Gentrey at Court to be ready with their attendance then not long after the King and Queene goe to their Coach in this manner The Queene goes on the Kings right hand and before them go the Groomes of his Maiesties Bed-chamber and the Gentiles hombres de la Boca or tasters to the King with the Stewards Controulers and the rest of the officers of his Maiesties House-hold with the Mininoes and Pages After them next follow the Lord and Lady hie Chamberlaines and the Ladies and Maides of Honour and at their going into the Coach one of the Quirries puts down the Boote then going to the Coach side the King himselfe armes the Queene into the Coach and placeth her on his right hand and after going in himselfe is helped in by the Chiefe Sumillier du Corpes Gentleman or Squire of his body Sometimes the Kings Brothers Sisters being present and the Kings chiefe Fauourite doe ride in the Coach with them and the boote of the Kings Coach being put vp againe by one of the Quirries They which before did attend the King and Queene going into their Coach take another Coach by themselues and ride next before the King and after the Kings Coach doth ride the Ladie High-Chamberlaine and other Ladies and Maides of Honour in other Coaches those Noblemen which are the best beloued friends affording them their willing and ready assi●●ance vpon such occasions which at other times is not vsuall with them neither permitted After they are all setled in their Coaches this order is obserued First rides the Captaine of the Guard with a truncheon in his hand and often without his cloake Then follow the two Guardes of Spaniards and Germanes after them the Stewards and Masters of the Horse in their Coaches and next to them the Kings Coach with sixe Horses and his footemen on both sides and his Pages with their hats in their hands en querpo or without cloakes next to the Boote of the Coach of each side and oftentimes with their hands vpon the same After the Kings Coach ride some of the Mininoes on Horsebacke without Cloakes also some two of them each carrying a piece of Taffata for the Kings hat and some things of the Queenes After these follow the Lady Chamberlaines and other Coaches of Ladies with their Guardians or Keepers which are old men on horseback by them and so the rest of the attendants as they follow The Manner of the Kings Riding foorth on Horsebacke to any Publicke Actes Meetings and Assemblies FIrst warning giuen of his going abroad as before his horse is brought from his stable to the Court gate in this manner First of all before the Horse goe all the Masters Groomes Lackies and other officers of the Stable on foote and vncouered in number about a hundred persons Next is the Kings horse led by a lackie and on each side two Quirries bare headed After the horse next followes the Master of the Kings horse well mounted and hauing his head couered and after him followeth his Lieutenant with his hatt off and then the three Guardes of Spaniards Germanes and Burgundians When his Maiestie is on horsebacke he goeth out of the Court in this manner Formost of the company goe all the subordinate or inferiour officers on foote and vncouered and if it bee to any Feasts as Iuego de Zor●s and Iuego de Cauias as the baiting of Bulls and dar●ing of reeds on horseback there ride before him Trumpeters and Drummers with kettle drums vpon Mules At such times and vpon such occasions the Queene rides abroad with him both of them being royally a●tended with the P●●●es and Gentrey belonging to the Court. But if hee goeth to any other Publicke meetings then attend vpon him all the Gentlemen of his House and Court The Magist●●●e of the Town●●●th●ll the Titulars Burgesses of Parliament w●i●● in Castilla are but sixe and thirty Kings at Armes Mace-bearers with the Armes of Castilla and Leon the Lords Stewards or Controulers next after all these the Lord-high-steward with his Ensignes next to him the Earle of Aropesa who still beares the naked sword before the King last of all follow the Grandes accompanying his Maiestie his Querries going along by his stirrope vncouered After the King rides the Master of the Horse then next the Councell royall of Castilla and if there are any more Councells then present they ride before amongst them of the Nobility according to their places Also at this time two of the Guards viz. the Spanish and Germans do walke with their ●alberts on both sides of the Kings Coach and the Guard of Burgundians on Horsebacke with ●hei● Petternels When the King goeth not to any of these P●blicke actes or meetings he rides more priuately and lesse attended A SCEDVLE OF THE Parish-Churches and Monasteries of Friars in MADRID SAint Maries the prime Church Saint Saluador Saint Iohns Saint Nicholas Saint Michell Saint Iuste Saint Fines Saint Lewis Chappell of ease to Saint Fines Saint Martins a Parish and Conuenticle of Benedictine Friars Saint Placedo a Chappell of ease to it Santa Cruza Saint Seb●stians Saint Andrewes The Parish of the Passion Chappell of ease to the same Saint Peter The Conuenticles of Friars or Monasteries SAint Ierems Saint Bernards Saint Martines Saint Nonuerto Our Ladies of Atochia Saint Thomas his Colledge The Colledge of Donia Maria of Arragon The Colledge of the Iesuites Casa Professa of the Iesuites The Nouiciade of the Iesuites The Monastery of Saint Philip. The Monastery of Saint Frauncis The Caputchins Sandiego De Mercede Santa Barbara The Recolets The Carmen which goe not barefooted The Carmen which goe barefooted Saint Basil. The Holy-Trinity The Recolett Trinitarians The Victoria Besides diuers Chappels or Cells and almost as many Monasteries of Nunnes Certaine other speciall briefe Obseruations concerning the King and state of Spayne FIrst the King of Spayne for his Priuacie and secret ouerseeing the Councell
is euery yeare vpon Twelfe day to petition to the King by way of clayming right and title to the Kingdome of Castilla as heire apparant to the same which his Maiestie gratiously receiues and giues answere in these words Wee heare you and so referres it to the Councell Royall of Castilla where it rests without any further proceedings The libertyes of the Prouince of Biscaj haue this priuiledge that when the King in progresse or vpon any other occasion commeth into the same he is to haue one foote bare and his only stile of that Prouince is Lord of Biscaj and not King Likewise the Nobility and Gentry of the said Prouince are not to be a●tainted nor attached vpon any crime or default but by vertue of a warrant vnder his Maiesties owne hand The Priuiledges of the Constables of Spayne are these IF in former times there happened any difference betwixt party and party either concerning Religion or Publique affaires the parties at Controuersie were to try themselues in the cause by dint of Sword the King himselfe being present and the Constable was only to bee Iudge in the cause as it happened in Seuill in the time of the Catholicke King Ferdinando and Elizabeth his Queene betwixt two in Combate of which Don Ferdinandes of Vellasco was Iudge Also when there is any open warre in Spayne and that the King giues battaile the Constable in his owne person is to bee in the for front of the armie and to lead them in the field and vpon a retreat hee is to bring off the reare although in former times the Lords of Biscaj had the same place and after them the Masters of Santiago bu● now it only and properly belongs to the Constables of Spayne Moreouer the Constable in time of Warre is to quarter the armie for their lodging and likewise to prize the victualls for the Campe for assistance wherein hee is to appoint certaine Marshalls and other officers to see the same performed Also all Proclamations doe issue foorth in the name of the King and his Constable which priuiledge none of the Nobility haue but himselfe Also the said Constable in time of Warre hath his Kings at Armes Heraulds and Sargeans at Armes and he himselfe may weare an Estoque or Tucke which none else weare but the King and for his fee he is to haue one dayes pay in a Moneth throughout the whole Armie of Souldiers and this Money is payd by the King out of his owne purse and not by the Souldiers Also the Constable although hee bee neither Duke nor Earle yet he may weare a Coronet in his Scutcheon of armes by vertue of the priuiledge of his place Lastly Oliuares the Kings Fauourite hath this by right of priuiledge from the King that if any of his Maiesties seruants haue any occasion to speake with him they must kneele and most commonly they haue accesse to him as hee lyeth in his bedde The Order which the King obserues in his Chappell and the Gouernement thereof NOne are to sit with their Hatts on in the Kings Chappell but Grandes Bishops Embassadours of Kings and of Sauoy and Venice together with the Chaplaines of Honour and his Maiesties Preachers At the right hand of the High-Altar there is a Bench couered with Carpets standing close to the wall which affronts the body of the Church vpon which forme or bench the Bishops haue their places when they are present at Seruice Neere vnto the Altar on the same side is placed a faire Cannopie with Curtaines in which the Kings Chayre is set hauing a short forme or stoole before him with a Cusheon to leane vpon as also vpon the ground to kneele vpon but first there is a Carpet spread vpon the ground which are all sutable to the colour of the colour of the Altar vnlesse the King mourneth Next to the Kings curtaine is set a stoole couered with Veluet whereon the Lord high Steward of the Kings house sits with his hat on although he be no Grande and behind him doe stand two archers of the Guard A little lower on the same side is a long bench couered with veluet or tapestrie for the Grandes to sit vpon On the left hand of the High-Altar standeth a Cathedrall chayre for the Kings chiefe Chaplayne which chayre also serues for ●he Bishopps which celebrate Masse to be inuested in Right ouer against the Kings feate is a rich chayre of State placed for the Popes Nuncio if hee be a Cardinall if he be none then either Cardinall Sapata or Cardinall Spinola possesse that place being present Next vnto this is a long forme couered with veluet for the Popes Nu●tio if he be not a Cardinall and the Embassadours from other Countreys and before them is set another forme couered with veluet for them to leane vpon when they kneele Below this are two long formes standing one before another and reaching almost to the end of the Chappell and these are also couered with veluet for the Chaplaines of Honour to sit vpon with their Surplesses and the Kings Preachers to sit vpon with their heads couered Behind these formes next to the wall stand the Nobility which are not Grandes and Gentry with their heads vncouered amongst whom do stand the reteiners to the Embassadours Neere vnto the Kings Canopie doe stand two Deanes of the Chappell and Masters of Ceremonies who are to giue notice to the Dignity that celebrates Masse to carry the Gospell and Pax to the King to kisse which when they are brought the curtaines are drawne and before the Dignitie which bringeth these to the King doe walke foure Stewards or Controulers with their staues in their hands and so conducting him in the same maner to the Altar againe returne to their places behinde the Embassadours where they stand The King doeth oftentimes giue way to his Brother to sit with him vnder the Canopie and also to some one of the Bloud-Royall who is neere allied vnto him to sit in a backe chayre behind his who also hath the honour of kissing the Gospell and Pax with the King and his brother At the lower end of the Chappell ●ight against the High-Altar are foure tribunalls or casements one aboue another in order In the lowest the Queene sits to heare Masse being accompanied with her children Infantes of Spayne the Ladies of Honour and others her attendants This her Casement or Tribunall is made so close that shee may see and yet not bee seene as shee sits in it In the second Tribunall next aboue the Queenes made in forme and fashion like to the first there are certaine formes on which the Nobility and Gentry take their places where they may sit couered because it is not accounted as part of the Chappell In the other two aboue these doe sit the Ladies and others of the Queenes seruants where also strange Ladies and Gentlewomen which come to heare Masse may take their places There is no passage to the two vppermost Tribunalls but through the
Duke of Lerma aforesaid and Lord Lieutenant of Castilla enioyeth all the aforesayd estate which with his owne amounteth to three hundred and fourty thousand Duckets a yeare The said Lerma perceiuing himselfe disfauoured by the King procured a Cardinals hat for his owne safety And the said Dukes fauourite Marques of Siete Yglesias Don Rodrigo Calderon Captaine of his Maiesties Guard being attainted of high Treason according to the accustomed manner of Spayne for execution of such malefactors had his throat cut in the open Market place at Madrid and all his goods confiscated to the King amounting to the summe of three millions of Duckets or rather more Moreouer his children and successors of his Linage were proclaimed ignoble and neuer afterwards hereditarie to the aforesaid demeanes This Marques as hee was going to the place of execution had one going before him with a Bell and a dish in his hand begging Money for Masses to be said for his soule saying these words Doc good for the Soule of this man who the other day was so rich and now in so poore and lamentable estate The Duke of Feria Marques of Safra Earle of Villa Alba Chiefe of the family of Feigueroas his house is in Safra his estate in Estremadura his rents are fifty thousand Duckets a yeere This Dukes Grandmother was of the house of the Dormars heere in England and a Lady of Honour to Queene Mary who was married to King Philip the second of Spayne and the sayd Lady was married to this Dukes Grandfather at that same time and so went ouer into Spayne The Duke of Infantado Marques of Cenete and Santillana Earle of Saldana Lord of the Royalty of Mansanares Chiefe of the house of Mendosas his Mansion or dwelling house is in the Citty called Guadalaxara and his estate lies in the Kingdome of Toledo and the mountaines of old Castilla his rents are a hundred thousand Duckats a yeere The old Duke is dead and now the young heire enioyes the Dukedome being some twenty yeeres of age this is one of the prime Dukes of Spaine The Duke of Frias Marques of Berlanga Earle of Haro and Lord of the house of the seuen Infantes of Lara Constable of Castilla and Iustice Maior of Spayne Hee is Chiefe of the House of Velascos His house is in the Citty Burgos and his estate in old Castilla in the mountaines of Biscay and the Hilles of Soria His rents are fourescore thousand Duckats a yeare The Duke of Medina Riosecco Marques of Modica Earle of Melgar Vicount Cabrera in Catalunia and Esterlin Admirall of Castilla and chiefe of the house of Enriques His Mansion or dwelling house is in Vallodolid and his estate in the province of Campos Catalunia and Sicilia his rents are sixescore thousand Duckats a yeare The Duke of Alba and Guesca Marques of Cori● Earle of Saluatierra Vicount of Saldices and Lord of Valde Corneja of the family of the Toledos Counstable of Nauarre by inheritance his Mansions or dwelling houses are in Salamanca and Alba and his estate in old Castilla Nauarre and Andalusia His rents are a hundred thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Alcada of the house of Gansules Marques of Tarifa Earle of Hornos Lieutenant or Lord president of Andalusia and Lord chiefe Notarie of the same He is chiefe of the family of Riueras His Mansion or dwelling house is in the Citty of Siuill and his estate in the same Kingdome His rents are fourescore thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Alburquerque Marques of Guelma and Culiar Earle of Ledesma Chiefe of the family of the Cueuas His house is in Culiar and his estate in old Castilla His rents are fifty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Escalona Marques of Villena Earle of Santistc●an Lord Garganta Chiefe of the family of Pachecos His houses are in Toledo and Escaloni● and his estate in the Prouince of the M●ncha in the Kingdome of Tolledo His rents are worth a hundred thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Osuna Marques of Penafiel Earle of Vrenia head of the family of Girones Lord chiefe Notarie of Castilla His house is in Osuna his estate in Andolusia and old Castilla His rents are fourescore thousand Duckats a yeere The Duke of Arcos Marques of Cades and Lara Earle of Marchena chiefe of the family of the Ponces of Leon His house in Seuill and his estate in the said Kingdome His rents are fifty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Bei●r Marques Gibraleon Earle of Benalcasar Chiefe of the house of the Sunigas and Soto Maior His Mansion or dwelling house is in Seuill and his estate in the said Kingdome His rents are threescore and ten thousand Duckets a yeere this Duke is of the blood Royall The Duke of Gandia Marques of Lombay Earle of Oliba head of the family of the Borjas His house is in Valentia and his estate in the same Kingdome his rents are fifty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Cesa Balna and Soma Marques of Poca Earle of Cabra Palamos and Oliueto Vicount of Disnacar Admirall of Naples High Constable of the Castle of Ferxo He is head of the house of Cordobas His Mansion or chiefe dwelling house is in Cordoba and his estate in the Kingdome of Naples and Catalunia His rents are sixescore thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Maqueda and Naxera Marques of Elche Earle of Valentia and Triuinio chiefe of the house of the Manrriques de lara and Cardenas His houses are in Toledo and Naxera and his estate in the Kingdome of Leon and Estremadura his rents are fourescore and ten thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Segorbe and Cardona Marques of Comares Lord of Lucena Earle of Pradas Constable of Arragon head of the Arragones and Cardonas of the blood Royall of Arragon His house is in Valentia his estate in the said Kingdome Catalunia and Andalusia His rents are sixescore thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke Peniaranda Marques of Banesia Earle of Miranda chiefe of the family of the Auellanedas and likewise allied vnto the house of S●niga his house is in Peniaranda and his estate in old Castilla His rents are yeerely fourty thousand Duckets a yeere The Duke of Yjar his house is in Saragosa and his estate in Arragon his rents are twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Duke of Villa Hermosa Earle of Ribagosa of the linage of Arragones his house is in Saragosa and his estate in Arragon His rents are foure and twenty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Beraguas Marques of Iamayca Admirall of the Indies allied to the house of Toledo his house is in Saragosa and his estate in Arragon and the Indies estimated to be worth thirty thousand Duckats a yeare besides his Admiralls place which is worth twenty thousand Duckets a yeere more The Duke of Pastrana Prince of Eboli of the house and family of Siluas in Portugall this house is in Pastrana his estate in the Prouince of Alcarria his reuenues are worth forty thousand
Duckats a yeare The Duke of Villa Franca is of the house of Tolledo but being not desirous to reteine the title of a Duke assignes it to his sonne and is only contented with the name Don Pedro of Toledo His sonne is Duke of Fernandina Marques of Villa Franca Prince of Montalban and Earle of Peniramiro This Don Pedro was he that was taken Prisoner comming for England in the yeare 1588. and his sonne did lately take Saint Christophers Iland Their Mansions or chief dwelling houses are in Toledo and Villa Franca and their estates in Naples and Galisia valued at sixecore thousand Duckets a yeare All these are Dukes Grandees in Spayne and hold their priuiledges and dignities successiuely by inheritance and so doe the Constables and Admirals within the King of Spaynes dominions Now for their estates yerely reuenues none of them can sell but may if necessity and occasion require Morgage the same for the payments of their debts by yearely portions till satisfaction bee made and then the right owner or his suruiuing heire must repossesse the same without any impediment or contradiction Another obseruation Concerning these Grandees is that none of them must be married without the Kings leaue and licence which if they doe obtaine and are married their espoused Ladies must not loose their virginity within sixe miles of the Kings Court the first night after they are Married Furthermore no Grandee Nobleman or Gentleman of worth may be arrested for debt but must pay their debts as the abouesaid Grandees Neitheir can any stranger be arrested for debt if he can but produce two witnesses that will be deposed and take their oath that he is descended from the loynes of Gentle-parents in his natiue Countrey Also no Souldiers can be billeted vpon any of the Nobility nor Gentry of Spayne The Grandees of Italy which may at their owne pleasure bee covered before the King THe Duke of Paliano Prince of Sonino Counstable of Naples of the house and linage of Colona Romana His mansion or dwelling house is in Rome his estate and reuenewes are in the adiacent borders called Campana Roma and are valued at a hundred thousand Duckets a yeare Marques Spinola chiefe Campmaster of the armies in Flaunders and Generall in the Palatinate Now gouernour of Millain Generall of the King of Spaynes forces there Knight of the Noble order of the Golden Fleece his house is at Gen●ua some estate of land he hath in Spayne but his gre●test reuenewes are in money by relation two or three millions but not certainely know●n His sonne for the reward of his ser●ice at the Palatinate was made a Cardinall commonly called Cardinall Spinola The Duke of Braciano Lord of the house of Vrc●●● Romana His house is in Rome his estate in the aforesaid ●ampana Roma●ia and Tuscana and is worth fourescore thousand Duckets a yeere The Prince of Bisiniano had a faire estate and many titles but now all are come to nothing but a bare title although hee was heretofore head of the house of Saint Seberina he is called by the name of Don Tiberio Carasa The Prince of Malfeta of the house of Gonsaga graund Iusticer of Naples Earle of Guastala and Campo Bassa his house is in Guastala his estate in Naples and Lombardie his rents are seuenty thousand Duckets a yeare The Prince of Melsi of the house of Oria great Protonotario or Pronotarie of Naples His house is at Genoua and his estate lyeth in the Kingdome of Naples His rents are two hundred thousand Duckets a yeare The Prince of Asinly Lord of the house of Leyba his house is at Naples and his estate in the said Kingdome His rents are fourty thousand Duckets a yeere The Duke of Montalto Prince of Paterno is of the family of Moncada and Arragon His house is at Palermo and his estate lyes in the Kingdomes of Naples and Scicilie his rents are a hundred and fourty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Terra noua Prince of Gastelbitrano is of the house and family of Zallauia and Arragon his house is at Palermo and his estate in the Kingdome of Scicilie His rents are seuenty thousand Duckets a yeere The Marques of Pescara and Vasto is of the house and family of A●alus his house is at Naples and his estate in the same kingdome his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Sexto of the family of Spinola his house is at Genoua his estate in the Kingdome of Naples his rents are seuenty thousand Duckets a yeare The Duke of Monteleon is of the house and family of Pinatelo his house is in the City of Naples and his estate in the same Kingdome and Calabria his rents are fourty thousand Duckets a yere The Prince of Castillon of the house and family of Gonsaga his house is at Castillon and his estate in Lombardie his rents are twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Duke of Salmoneta is of the family of Gaetana his house is in Rome and his estate neere thereunto adioyning his rents are thirty thousand Duckets a yeare The Prince of Butera is of the House of Brangifort His house is in Palermo and his estate not farre distant from it his rents are fourescore thousand Duckats a yeare The Prince of Sulmona is of the house of Burgense His house is at Rome and his estate in the Kingdome of Naples his rents are twenty thousand Duckets a yeare Marquesses Grandes of Spayne THe Marques of Astorga Earle of Trastamara and Santa Maria of the house of Villa Lobos head of the linage of Osorios hee hath his house in Astorga and his estate in the kingdome of Leon and in the Prouince of Campos his rents are fourty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Aguilar Earle of Casteneda is of the house of Manrriques of Lara his house is in Aguilar his estate in Leon and his rents are foure and thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Mondesar Earle of Tendilla of the linage of Mendosas his house is in Mondesar and his estate in the Prouince of Alcarria his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Pliego is of the house of Aguilar hee holdes his mansion or dwelling house in Cordoba and his estate is in Alcarria and Andal●si● his rents are a hundred thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Veles and Molina Adolantado or Lieutenant of Murcia is of the house of Fajardos His house and his estate are in Murcia and his rents are sixe and fourty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Santa Cruz or the Holy-Crosse is of the house of Bacan His Mansion or dwelling house is in the Viso his estate in Andalusia and his rents are thirty thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Velada of the linage and house of Toledo and Auila His house is in Auila his estate in the Kingdome of Toledo his rents are thirty thousand Duckets a yeare Of the Earles Grandes of Spayne THe Earle of Benauente Duke of
Villaon Earle of Luna and Mayorga He is of the house of Pimentele and holds his mansion or dwelling house in Valladel●d his estate is in Campos in the Kingdome of Estremadura and his rents are a hundred thousand Duckets a yeare The Earle of Lemus and Andrada Marques of Sarria Earle of Villalba of the house of the Castres His mansion or dwelling house is in Monforte Delemus his estate in Galisia His rents are fifty thousand Duckats a yeere The Earle of Oropesa and Deloptosa Marques Garandilla Lord of Cebolla hee is of the house and linage of Toledo His Mansion or chiefe dwelling house is in Oropesa his estate lyeth in the Kingdome of Toledo His rents are seuentie thousand Duckets a yeare The Earle of Albadelista is of the linage of the Enriques His mansion house is in Camora and his estate in old Castilla His rents are thirty thousand Duckets a yeare The Earle of Altamira is of the house and linage of Moscoso his mansion or dwelling house is in Altamira his estate in Galisia his rents two and twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Monterry is of the house of Sunigas his house is in Salamanca his estate in Galisia his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare Marquesses of Spayne which are not Grandees THe Marques of Ayamonte of the linage of Sunigas and Soto Maior his house and estate are in Siuill and his rents six and twenty thousand Duckats a yeere The Marques of Tauara of the house of Pimenteles his house is in Valladolid his estate in old Castilla and his rents sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Carpio Earle of Armuz of the house of Haro his mansion or dwelling house is in Carmona his estate in Andalusia and his rents are foure and twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Camarasa Earle of Ricla of the house of Cobos his house is in Valladolid and estate in Arragon and his rents are fiue and fourty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Cortes of the linage and house of Toledo his house is in Cortes his estate is in Navarra his rents are fifteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Montemayor of the linage and stocke of Silhas he hath his house in Monte-mayor his estate in the Kingdome of Toledo and his rents are eighteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Montesclaros of the linage of Mendosas he holds his chiefe house for residencie in Guadalaxara his estate lyeth in the Prouince of Alcarria and his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Nauas Earle of Risco is of the house and linage of Auilas hee hath his mansion or chiefe dwelling house in Auila and his estate is in Aquella Comarca his rents are sixe and twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Stepa of the centurions of Genoua hath his house in Siuill and his estate in the same Kingdome his rents are fifty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Caracena of the linage of Carillos and Toledo holds his house in Caracena and his estate in Castilla his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Malpica of the linage of the Riveras holdes his house in Madrid and his estate in the Kingdome of Toledo his rents are fourty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Ladrada of the linage and house of Cuebas holdes his house in Ladrada and his estate in the Kingdome of Murcia His rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques Caniete of the linage and house of Mendosas holds his house in Cuenca and his estate in Aquella Comarra his rents are thirty foure thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Falces of the house of Peralta hath his Mansion house in Mansilla and his estate in Nauarra his rents are eight thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Aytona of the house of Moneada and Cardona holdeth his chiefe mansion in Valentia and his estate in the said Kingdome his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Delualle of the house and family of Fernan cortes his house is in Mesico in the West Indies and his estate lyeth in Noua Hispania new Spaine his rents are seuenty thousand Duckats a yeere The Marques of Fromista of the linage of Enrriques his house is in Fromista his estate in Campos His rents are ten thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Cerralbo of the house of Toledo and Pachecos hath his mansion house in Cerralbo and his estate in old Castilla his rents are ten thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Ardales and Algaua of the house of Guzmanes hath his house and estate in Seuill and his rents are thirty fixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of P●obera of the house of Sandas hath his mansion house in Salamanca and his estate in old Castilla his rents are sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Veteta of the house of Cardenas his house is in Lerena and his estate in Estremadora his rents are fifte●ne thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Alcanisas of the house of Manrriques and Almansas hath his house in Alcanises and his estate in old Castilla his rents are fifteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Auila-Fuente of the house of Cunigat hath his house in Auila-Fuente and his estate in old Castilla his rents are eighteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Mota of the house of V●●oas hath his house and estate in Toro and his rents are sixteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Villa Manrriques of the house of Sunig●s his whole estate is in old Castilla and his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Lansarote Lord of Fuerte-Ventura of the house of Roj●as and Herreras his house and estate are in the Canarias his rents sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Aum●n of the house of Velascos and Herrer●● hath his house in Aunion and his estate in Castilla his rents are two and twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Guadalcazar of the house of Cordouas hath both his house and estate in Andalusia and his rents are ten thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Ynojosa of the linage of the Mendosas hath his house in Madrid and his estate in Gastilla and his rents are twenty thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Villar of the linage of Pimenteles and Suniga hath his house and estate in Gast●lla and his rents are sixe and twenty thousand Duckets a yeere The Marques of Iodar of the house of Carana jales he hath his house in Iodar and his estate in Andalusias his rents are ten thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Salinas of the house of Velascos hath his house in Madrid and his estate in the Indies his rents are fifty thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of the Valles of the house Acunia hath his house and estate in old Castilla and his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeere The Marques of Flores
de Auila of the house of Cunigas hath his house in Salamanca and his estate in old Castilla his rents are eight thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Pobar of the house of Auilas and Guzmanes hath his house and estate in Andalusia and his rents are sixteene thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Pardos of the house of Cerdas hath his house in Toledo his estate in Castilla and his rents are thirty thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Mirabel of the house of Auilas hath his house in Placencia and his estate in Placencia his rents are foureteene thousand Duckats a a yeare The Marques of Guardia of the house of Meijas his house is in Guardia and his estate in Andalusia his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Almacan Earle of Monteagudo hath his house in Almacan and his estate in olde Castilla his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Moya of the house of Pachecos and Lord of the houses of the Soid hath his house in Valentia and his estate in Cuenca his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Fuente of the house of Sandobal hath his whole estate in Andalusia and his rents are ten thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Laguna of the house of Cerdas hath his whole estate in Leon and his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques Calanda of the house of Alasones in Arragon his rents are foure thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Nauarres of the house of Borjas hath his house and estate in Valentia and his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Almenara Earle of Cocentana his house and estate are in Valentia and Castilla his rents are twenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Villamicar of the house of Rojas and Sandobal his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Loriana his house is in Auila and his estate in Castilla and his rents are worth ten thousand Duckets a yeare The Marques of Orani of the linage of Silu●● his whole estate is in Cardena and his rents are tenne thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Tabara of the house of Pimenteles hath his house in Valladolid and his estate in Castilla his rents are worth sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Ielbes of the house of Pimenteles his whole estate is in Castilla and his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Marques of Malagon Earle of Villa Lonso of the house of Vlloas his house is in Zero and his estate in Castilla his rents are sixe and thirty thousand Duckats a yeere The Earles of Spayne which are Grandes THe Earle of Salinas and Ribadeo Duke of Villa Franca of the linage of Silbas hath his house in Madrid and his estate in Galicia Vizcaya and Naples his rentes are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Aguilar Lord of Cameros of the house of Arelanos hath his house in Aguilar his estate in Rioja and his rents are fifteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle Aranda of the house of Burrcas hath his house in Saragosa and his estate in Aragon his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Almenara in Valentia his rents are sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Alcaudete of the house of Cordouas hath his house in Alcaudete and his estate in the Kingdome of Cordoua his rents are eighteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Alba●da of the house of Milanes in Valentia his rents are sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Aymon of the house of Cordouas and Leon hath his house in Cordoua and his estate in Granada his rentes are sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Debelchite of the house of Ysares hath his house in Valentia and his estate in Arragon his rents are eight thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Castellar head of the house of Sahabedras his house and estate are in Seuill and his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Castro of the house of Mendosas hath his house in Castro and his estate in old Castilla his rents are twelue thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Cifuentes of the house of Siluas hath his house in Toledo and his estate in Alcarria his rents are eight thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Chi●chion head of the house of Bouadillas hath his house and estate in Tolledo and his rents are forty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Corunina of the house of Mendosas hath his house in Guadalaxara and his estate in Alcarria his rents are tenne thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Fuensalida Marques of Val●arrota of the house of Ayalas hee hath his house in Toledo and his estate in that Kingdome Estremadura and Andalusia his rents are seuenty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Gelbes of the house of Portugals hath his house in Seuill and his estate in Castilla his rents are ten thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Gomera of Ayales Suares and Castilla his house and estate are in the Canaries his rents are fourteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Guirra of the house of Pachecos and Castillas hath his house and estate in new Castilla his rents are sixe thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Villamediana of the house of Tarsis Correo Mayor Hath his house in Valladolid his estate in Andalusia and his rents are fourescore thousand Duckats a yeare with his office The Earle of Fuentes of the house of Heredias his house is in Caragosa and his estate in Arragon his rents are eight thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Medillen of the house of Portocarreros hath his house in Medillen and his estate in Estremadura his rents are thirty thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Ciruela of the house of Velascos hath his house in Rea his estate in old Castilla and Andalucia his rents are foureteene thousand Duckats a yere The Earle of Morata of the house of Lunas hath his house in Caragosa his estate in Arragon his rents are eight thousand Duckats a yeere The Earle of Casarubios of the house of Chazones hath his house and estate in Toledo and his rents are sixeteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Onate of the house of Guebaras hath his house in Onate and his estate in Guipuzcoa his rents are eighteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Puebl● of Maestre of the house of Cordonas his house is in Lerena and his estate in Estremadura his rents are sixteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Orgaz of the house of Ayalas and Mendosas hath his house in San-tollala and his estate in the kingdome of Toledo and Vizcaya his rents are eighteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of Palma of the house of Portocarreros hath his house in Hecija and his estate in the Kingdome of Cordeba his rents are fourteene thousand Duckats a yeare The Earle of