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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06372 The true originall edict of Nants as it was enacted by Henry the third, and confirmed by the last French King Henry the fourth of famous memory. And reestablished by Lewis the thirteenth, for the better assurance of those of the reformed religion, as appeareth by the Kings Edict of peace, dated in the campe at Mompellier the nineteenth of October 1622. and proclaimed throughout all his dominions for a finall ending of all ciuill troubles. Cum priuilegio.; Edit de Nantes. English France.; France. Sovereign (1574-1589 : Henry III) 1622 (1622) STC 16843; ESTC S103960 28,148 58

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fortifications shall be demolished by our Ordinances VI. And that there may remaine no occasion of difference or contention betweeue our subiects we haue and do permit those of the said pretended reformed Religion to liue and reside in all the townes and places of this our Kingdome countrie vnder our obedience without being vrged molested troubled or constrained to performe any thing in matter of Religion contrarie to their conscience neither by reason thereof to be searched or sought after in houses or places where they would inhabite in all other things bearing themselues according as it is comprehended in this our present Edict VII We haue also permitted all Lords Gentlemen and other persons as well inhabiters within the Kingdome as others making profession of the pretended reformed Religion enioying within our Kingdome and the countrie vnder our obedience high Title or full fee of the Halbard as in Normandie being in proprietie or Vse-fruict in the whole or in the moyetie or for a third part to haue in any such of their houses or mannors of high Title or fee of the Halbard aboue specified which they shall be bound to deliuer before our Baylifes and Stewards euerie one within his limits for their principall habitation the exercise of the said Religion while they are there resident and in their absence their wiues or their family or any part of the same And though the right of Iustice in this case or the full fee of the Halbart be yet in controuersie yet the exercise of the said Religion may there be performed prouided that the aboue-named be then in actuall possession of the said high Iustice or Tytle though our Procuror generall be departed We permit them also to haue the said exercise in their other houses of this high Iustice or fees aboue mentioned of the Halbart while they are there present and not otherwise the whole as well for themselues their familie and people as also for others that would repaire thither VIII In the houses of such infeoffed or those of the said Religion they shall not haue the said high Iustice or fee of the Halbart neither shall they performe the said exercise but onely for their familie And yet we do not meane that if any other persons chance to come in to the number of thirtie aboue their proper familie whether it be by occasion of baptisme visitation of their friends or otherwise that they should be prosequuted or sought after so in like manner that the said houses be not within any Townes borroughes or villages belonging to any Chatholicke Lords high Iusticers besides our selues wherein the said Lords Catholicke haue their mansions In which case those of the said Religion shall not within the said Townes borroughes or villages performe the said exercise except by permission and leaue of the said high Lords high Iusticers and not otherwise IX We permit also those of the said Religion to discharge and continue the exercise of the same in all the Townes and places vnder our obedience where it was established and performed by them publickely sundrie and diuers times in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and sixteene and in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and seuenteene till the end of the moneth of August notwithstanding all Decrees and iudgements to the contrarie X. The said exercise in like manner may be established and reestablished in all the Townes and places where it hath or might be established by the Edict of Pacification made in the yeare threescore and seuenteene the particular Articles conferences of Ne●ac and Flex without that the same reestablishment shall be disturbed in the places within the Demaine granted by the said Edict Articles and Conferences for places of Bailiwickes or that hereafter shall be though they haue bene since alienated to Catholicke persons or hereafter shall be And yet we intend not that the said exercise shall be reestablished in the parts and places of the said Demaine which haue bene heretofore possessed by those of the said pretended reformed Religion whither it shall haue bene brought in consideration of their present persons or by reason of the priuiledge of their fees if the said fees at the said present be possessed by people of the Catholicke Romane Apostolicke Religion XI Moreouer in euery one of the ancient Bailiwickes Stewardships and Gouernments holding the place of a Bailiwicke hauing meere reference and without mediation to the Courts of Parliament We ordaine and constitute that in the suburbes of a Towne besides those accorded vnto them in the said Edict particular Articles Conferences and where there are no great Townes in a borrough or village that the exercise of the said pretended reformed Religion may publickly be performed for all such as will thither repaire though in the said Bailiwickes Stewardships and Gouernments there may be many places where the said exercise is at this present established euer excepted for the said place of Bailiwicke newly granted by the present Edict the Cities wherein reside any Archbishop or Bishop and yet those of the said pretended reformed Religion shall not for all this be depriued of the meane to demand and nominate for the said place of the said exercise the Borroughes or villages neare to the same Cities excepted also places and Seignories belonging to Ecclesiasticall persons where we do not intend that the said second place of Bailiwicke may be established we hauing by speciall grace and fauour reserued and excepted them We conceiue and vnderstand vnder the title of ancient Bailiwickes those which were in the time of the late King Henrie our most honourable Lord and father in law held for Bailiwickes Stewardships and Gouernments hauing immediate reference to our said Courts XII We meane not by this present Edict to derogate from the Edicts and Accords heretofore made for the reducing of any Princes Lords Gentlemen and Catholicke townes vnder our obedience in that which concerneth the exercise of the said Religion the which Edict and Accords shall be entertained and obserued for this respect according as it shall stand with the instructions of such Commissaries as shal be appointed for the execution of this present Edict XIII We expresly forbid all those of the said Religion to performe any exercise thereof either in the behalfe of the Ministerie Gouernment Discipline or publicke instruction of children and others in this our Kingdome and countrie vnder our obedience in that which concerneth Religion in any other places but those permitted and granted by this present Edict XIIII As also to performe any exercise of the said Religion in our Court or Attendance nor likewise in our lands or countries which are beyond the mountaines neither in our Citie of Paris nor within fiue miles of the said Citie notwithstanding those of the said Relion remaining in the said lands and countries beyond the mountaines and in our said Citie and fiue miles about the same shall not be searched nor sought after in their houses nor
and troubles past and as for crimes and insolencies growing vpon other occasions then about matters of the troubles from the beginning of the moneth of March in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and fiue till the end of the yeare 1597. in case they do proceed in triall of them Our pleasure is that they may haue an appeale from their Iudgements before the Chambers ordained by this present Edict as shall in like manner be obserued to Catholicke complices wherein those of the said pretended reformed Religion shall be parties LXVI We also will and ordaine that from this time forward in all instructions other then criminall processes in the Stewardships of Thoulouse Carcassonne Rouergue Loragais Beziers Montpellier and Nismes the Magistrate or Commissarie deputed for the said instruction if he be a Catholicke shall be bound to take an Associate of the said pretended reformed Religion whereupon the parties shall meete and if it so fall out that they cannot meete one by authoritie shall be taken of the said Religion by the aboue named Magistrate or Commissarie as in like manner if the said Magistrate or Commissarie be of the said Religion he shall be bound in the forme aboue mentioned to take a Catholicke Assistant LXVII When any occasion of criminall triall groweth by the Prouosts of the Marshals or any of the Lieutenants against any one of the said Religion an housholder who shall be charged and accused of any publicke crime the said Prouosts or their Lieutenants if they be Catholickes shall be bound to call to the proceeding of such a matter an Assistant of the said Religion the which Associate shall also iudge in iudgement of the offence and in the iudgement definitiue of the matter which offence shall not be tried in any other place but at the next Presidentall Tribunall in open assemblie by the principall Officers of that circuit who are then in place on paine of being put out of office except the conuented require to haue the said offence tried in the Chamber or Courts ordained by this present Edict in which case for those inhabiting in the Prouinces of Guyenne Languedoc Prouence Daulphiney the Substitutes of our Procurots Generall in the said Chambers at the request of those inhabitants shall cause the inditements and informations made against them to be brought in to discerne and trie whether the matters be liable to Prouosts courts or not that afterwards according to the quality of the crimes they may be returned to the ordinarie or Prouostall Iudges as they ought to do by reason in obseruing the contents of this present Edict And the Presidentall Iudges Prouosts of Marshals Vicebailifs Vnderstewards and others that haue definitiue authoritie to iudge to obey respectiuely and obserue the commandements imposed on them by the said Chambers euen as they vsed to do in the said Parliaments vpon paine of forfait of their estates LXVIII The outcries publicke sales by writing and vendition of inheritances by the Speare shall be performed in the places and at the houres accustomed if it may be according to our Ordinances or else in the open market places if in the place where the same inheritances be seated there be a market place and where there is none they shall be made in the next market place within the precinct of that Session where the iudgement should be passed and the paper of notice shall be fastened on a post in the said market place and at the entrie of the Auditorie of the same place and so by this meanes the said publicke outcries shall be good and validious and so to go forward to the interposition of a Decree without depending on such nullities as may be alledged in this respect LXIX All titles papers instructions and informations that haue bene taken shall be rendred and restored of the one side and the other to those to whom they appertaine although the said papers or the Castels or houses wherein they haue bene reserued were taken and seized vpon whether it were by speciall Commission from the late last King deceassed our most honourable Lord and father in law or the commandements of the Gonernours and Lieutenants generall of our Prouinces or by authority of the Heads of the other part or vnder what pretext soeuer it were LXX The children of such as haue retired themselues out of our Kingdome since the death of the late King Henrie the second our most honourable Lord and father in law by reason of Religion and the present troubles though the said children were borne out of the Kingdome shall be held for true French men and subiects and such we haue and do declare them to be and they shall not need to sue out letters of naturalitie or other warranties from vs then this present Edict notwithstanding all constitutions to the contrarie the which we haue and do abrogate vpon condition that the said children borne in forreine Countries shall be bound within ten yeares after the publication of this Edict to come and reside within the Kingdome LXXI Those of the said pretended reformed Religion and others that haue followed their partie who shall haue farmed before the troubles any Offices or other Demaines customes forreine impositions or other prerogatiues to vs appertaining the which they could not peaceably enioy by reason of the same troubles shall remaine discharged as we discharge them of that which they haue not receiued out of the said farmes or that without fraud they haue payed otherwise then into the Receipts of our Exchequers notwithstanding all obligations entred into by them in this respect to the contrarie LXXII All places Townes and Prouinces of our Realme Countries Lands and Seignories vnder our obedience shall vse and enioy the same priuiledges immunities liberties enfranchisements faires markets iurisdictions and seates of Iustice which they did before the troubles begun in the moneth of March in the yeare 1585. and others preceeding notwithstanding all letters to the contrarie and the remouing of the said seates so they were made onely by reason of the troubles which seates shall be restored and reestablished in the Townes and places where before they were LXXIII If there be any prisoners yet detained by authority of Iustice or otherwise yea euen in the Galleys by reason of the troubles or of the said Religion they shall be enlarged and set at free libertie LXXIIII Those of the said Religion shall not hereafter be surcharged nor oppressed with any charges ordinarie or extraordinarie more then the Catholikes and according to the proportion of their goods and substance and the parties that pretend themselues to be surcharged may haue remedie before the Iudges to whom the ordering thereof belongs and all our subiects as well of the Catholicke Religion as of the pretended reformed shall be indefferently discharged of all charges that haue bene imposed on the one partie and the other during the troubles vpon those that were of the contrarie partie and not cohering together of debts credited