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A02968 A declaration and protestation, published by the King of Nauarre, the L. Prince of Conde, and the L. Duke of Montmorency, concerning the peace concluded with the house of Lorrayn, the captaines and chiefe aucthors of the league, to the preiudice of the house of Fraunce. Also two letters written by the sayd King of Nauarre. The one to the Parliament, the other to the maisters of Sorbonne. More an epistle written by Phillipp de Morney to the French King: hereunto, for the playner declaration of the innocencie of the sayd princes, are inserted the articles agreed vpon betweene the King and the Lordes of Guyze. All faithfully translated out of French; Déclaration et protestacion du roy de Navarre, de M. le prince de Condé et M. le duc de Montmorency sur la paix faicte avec ceux de la maison de Lorraine. English. Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610.; Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623, attributed name.; Aggas, Edward, attributed name.; Condé, Henri I de Bourbon, prince de, 1552-1588.; Montmorency, Henri, duc de, 1534-1614.; Navarre (Kingdom). Sovereign (1572-1610 : Henry III) aut 1585 (1585) STC 13109; ESTC S117933 30,651 88

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person together with the Queene his mother who in wisedome had consented to the sayed edict and through iust feare of their forces was compelled not without manifold reclayming the aide of the Princes of the bloud against their tyrannie to yeeld and in the ende to auctorize them for her patrons All this they did to the ende to entangle the Princes youth in mallice hatred and warres against his owne bloud therby to weaken the Realme and to lay it open to their inuasions to drawe to themselues both the auctoritie and force which indeede they brought to passe so liuing and raigning in and among armes which as opportunitie should serue they might abuse to their owne pretences This foundation did they lay so firme that for the space of these 25. yeres this Realme hath flowed with ciuill warres vnder the support whereof they haue exercized their mallice satisfied their reuenging affectiōs and laboured their ambition with the price of the King and his estate yea euen with the price through their accursed execrable counsayles of the honour of the French nation vnto whom are imputed al the mischiefes and calamities that thorowe the counsayle of this fatall house of Lorrayne hath beene contriued vntill the King now raigning by his wisedome foūd out that the zeale of Religion by thē published as a shield was but a pretence that the true spirite of Religion whereof him selfe hath more apprehension and feeling then they doth not perswade or counsaile the violation of publick lawes the breach of oath or the tainting of a whole estate with bloud and murder so that he perceiued that vndoubtedly it was but a practise to climbe higher for the preuenting whereof it was requisite to ende the troubles of his Realme by an equal and indifferent peace conuenient for the present time referring to God who only raigneth in the consciences all operation in the hearts of his subiects for the reuniting bringing them all to one Religion Howbeit this peace being made not by force but of the Kings meere motion and free consent which also in respect thereof he would haue called his peace this famely could not brooke it as men that could neuer finde any peace in peace and therfore did continually crosse it by al meanes and subtilties possible yea they procured their partakers by all kinde of iniuries violences and wrōgfull attempts to driue the professors of the Religiō into dispaire and impatiencie to force them to take armes whereby the King might iustly leauie warre against them Againe on the other side they sollicited the sayd professors of Religion to ioyne with them alleadging the benefite of the Common-wealth and promising them libertie of religion vnder whatsoeuer cautions or assurances that they could desire leauing no deuice or pollicie vnpractised that might returne this estate into trouble as knowing that the quiet and peace of the land fighteth against ouerthroweth all their deuises and purposes Finally finding the King more and more resolued to maintaine peace and the professors of the Religion crauing nothing more hartely thē quietnes vnder the benefite of the edicts Especially my Lord the Duke of Anieowe deceased and the King without issue whō by an imagination which cannot spring but out of desire they assure themselues to out li●e and vnto whome as all men knowe they haue prescribed and limited but a short time they resolued to rise in armes and to seaze vpon their Maiesties persons had they not beene discouered togither with the most part of the Realm so to bee the better prouided against the time of their imagined alteration Also for the drawing of the greater number of partakers to this conspiracie they haue published sundrie titles and pretences as true the one as the other therby to accomodate them selues to the diuers mindes and seuerall affections of men stil cloking their poyson and venome vnder a gorgeous title of a counter poyson the rather to abuse and confirme their adherents The pretences and titles published are these The Common wealth The discharge of the third estate The reintegration of the Nobilitie in their pristinate dignitie The reestablishing of the Church in her liberties and priuiledges The suppression of certaine persons Whom the King hath exalied The restitution of such as they pretend to haue beene euill en 〈…〉 and hardly dealt with The nominatiō of a Catholick Romish successor to the Crowne for the defence of the Romish Church The extirpation of heresie and rooting out of those whō they pretend to be heretickes All these things haue they promised to bring to passe before they cease and yet how they haue accomplished it I leaue to all mens consideration The true cause yet remaineth vnspoken of is the same that only hath already produced some effects Viz. To be armed to the end to prescribe lawes to the King vnder colour of rooting out of Heretikes and to make away the chiefe Princes of the blood and such as are their principall stumblingblockes that is those that professe the religion wherein they were borne and bread vp so the easelier to attaine to the rest and this hath the King very well marked euen from the beginning of their broyles hetherto For in sundry his Letters to the King of Nauarre he hath confessed that he knoweth well enough that this their zeale of Religion is but a pretence that their drifts do tend against his own person his house and estate And in the meane time because vnder this pretence they had abused many of his subiects he requireth the said king of Nauarre to haue pacience vntil he might euidently discipher the colors from the causes and the pretences from the purposes assuring him that hee findeth the enterprise directly against him selfe and so the offence to appertaine properly vnto him Moreouer vpon the same iudgement and foresight his Maiestie hath by his expresse Letters commaunded al gouernours and Lieutenants generall in their Prouinces and perticuler chardges to assaile their troopes and hath proclaimed and declared them Rebels Traytors perturbers of cōmon peace and enemies to the Estate Vpon the verfication of these his Maiesties commaundements in all the Courts of Parliament there haue ensued many decrees yea some haue bene executed besides that the like messages haue bin sent to all Princes allied and confederat to the Crowne with expresse commaundement to his Maiesties Embassadours to direct their speeches conformably thereunto Viz. That his Maiestie findeth by the effectes as well past as present and vnderstandeth by the demeanurs and testimonies aforesayde that the insurrection of those of this house notwithstāding whatsoeuer their pretences is one of the fruits of their first attempts that is of their conspiracie to roote out the house of France whereof none neede to plead ignoraunce that list but to looke backe vnto and call to minde their behauiours these 25. yeres and more and at once to consider well of the same At the same time also that his Maiestie proclaymed them Rebels
the foundation of the Catholique Romish Religion was to prouide that the King should name a successor that professed the same and vnder that pretence as also vnder the former cōcerning the comon wealth they drew to their faction many of the Nobilitie which thought they had bene in earnest but their pretence was onely to atchieue that point which by this peace they haue obtayned which was the same onely that they were so earnest for viz. to sease vpon the Frontiers and Kayes of the Realme which had bene kept euen from the late Monsier also vnder shadowe of Religion to haue weapon in hand so to become arbitrators of the counsayles to prescribe Lawes to the king during his life to make away the Princes of his blood and loyall seruants of the house of France and after his decease which they imagine to bee at hand violētly to vsurpe this poore estate To thinke they either can or doe suppose them selues able to compasse the rooting out of Religion the proofe that for these 25. yeeres or more they haue made is quite repugnaunt thereto Our Kings haue not spared them selues either by pollicies of peace or rigors of Warres The authors of this league haue employed both force and craft The name League hath nothing encreased their meanes hath not bred vp any new souldiers in the Realme neither hath made them greater Captaines then afore they were still it is Fraunce part whereof yea the best part wil not helpe to spoyle and destroy Fraunce It is euen the house of Fraunce which the house of Lorrayn doth assayle for their pretences are sufficiently reuealed to all men This it is that will strengthē the K. of Nauarre with the auncient officers of the Crowne with the Princes of the blood with the wishes of the King with y e sighes and sobbes of all good Frenchmen without respect of Religion and so much diminish weaken the enemy Besides that it is no longer to any purpose herein as against the ould Albigeois to imagine the publication of a croysade for there is not one Towne of France that consenteth to this partie There is no member no part of the body no there is not scarce any one synew but complaineth hereof Neither is it Fraunce onely that hath prosecuted this reformation in Religion but it hath bene a cōmon motion in all Estates and nations of our Europe Hole kingdomes haue sequestred them selues from the Pope Empires haue bene more then halfe touched scarce is there any estate but haue stirred herein as all men know and doe graunt and feeling it can plainly find out and eschue their owne ruine by that of their neighbours On the other side there is no Prince in Europe of whatsoeuer Religion but thinketh it straunge to pretend the excluding of a Prince without audience or teaching no other trespasse against the lawes of the Countrey committed from an estate or succession vnto him due But in Histories it is euident what the effects of an ambicious or enuious passion can compasse euen vpon the least occasion to the vrging of an heresie as for example Philipp the fayre was denounced an heretick for that he would not hold this Realm in homage of the Pope and so was cut off from the Church but such Popes both before and since as haue pretended more modestie and were not led by the like passion haue held an other opinion and otherwise decided it A counsayle must order all and who so eschueth a counsaile eschueth the light and refuseth reason as shewing himselfe to seeke darknesse and to vse the title of Religion in vaine In the meane time such is the mischief the King our Soueraigne partly through the violence and conspiracie of his enemies and partly by the mallice and collusion of some of his Counsailors hath bene forced and brought to conclude a peace whereof vndoubtedly without speedy remedie will ensue his owne ouerthrowe the destruction of the house of Fraunce and the subuertion of this estate Wherefore the King of Nauarre as first Prince of the bloud chiefe Peere of this Realme the Lorde Prince of Conde his Cousine a Prince and Peere of Fraunce and the Lord Duke of Montmorency a Peere of Fraunce and the chiefe Officer of the Crowne together with the Lordes Knights Gentlemen Prouinces Townes and Communalties as well of the one as of the other Religion vnited for the preseruation of this estate doe protest and declare as ensueth First that their entent neither is neither euer was other then to see the King well serued and duetifully obeyed of all men euery one in his place according to his calling and estate and themselues to become an example to all which was to bee seene in these late dealings Namely that their desire tēdeth only to see the Realme peaceable and quiet as it was in a good forwardnesse at the beginning of these broyles and to the same end haue withall their heartes endeuoured them selues against such as sought to molest the prosperitie of the King and Estate and to the like entent will willingly employ whatsoeuer they are able in life or goods Also because heretofore there haue bin sundry meanes propounded vnto the King whether for deciding the controuersies in Religion or of the Estate which his enemies vsed for a pretence either 〈◊〉 for ending such quarrelles as particulerly they pretended against the Princes of Fraunce among whome the King of Nauarre hath the peeminence the sayd King of Nauarre doth most humbly desire his Maiestie to call to minde the aforesaid offers conteyned in his declaration bearing date the 10. of Iune 1585. which he sent to his Maiestie writtē and signed with his owne hand Also if himselfe haue conceiued or there be to him any other motion made for the contentation of his Maiestie and the wealth of the Realme the sayde Lord King of Nauarre would craue to vnderstand thereof and accompteth himself happy in cace it bee such as before God and man hee may accommodate himselfe vnto But perticulerly because these of the league to the ende to finde opportunitie presently to assault him haue for their argument thought good to require the deliuerie of the Townes of assuraunce and vpon refusall thereof with open force to set vpon him hee doth most humbly beseech his Maiestie to remember that in December last Anno 1584. it peased him during the full peace voluntarily to graūt the prorogation therūof at the humble petitions to him made in the behalfe of his subiects that then he so thought it most conuenient for the peace of the Realme that since by meere force of armes and vpon lesse occasiō he hath graūted greater and more Townes to those of the league who rise against his person against his house and against his estate as being content not onely to leaue to them such as they haue seazed vpō but also hath giuen them others yea more then in two yeeres Wars with prosperous successe they could haue gotten wherevpon the sayde Lorde
enough to spread it selfe abroad Onely God giue vs grace to leaue all our passions at the threshold of the doore and to enter in in a ful desire to see finde the trueth as being freed from all particuler interest except of our soules Consider Sir what contentation your self in your life time shal reape what honor with the posteritie you shall atchieue if in your daies and through your wisdom and exaple you maye determine a Scisme of so many yeres continuaunce and procure throughout all Christendom the singing of that song of the Angles Glory be to God on high and in earth peace When in this duetie you haue preuēted the Popes Emperours and Catholick Kings yea euen exeded your most Christian forerunners therein shewing your selfe in deede most Christian for your self Christian for France Christian for the whole church God I take to witnesse that from my harte I doe write vnto you al that I seeke which is to see in our time the Church pourged and the Temple swept to the end we may be conuersant togither All men doe agree and long haue that there are abuses among vs. Let them be taken away and cleansed and let vs not set our selues against our selues neither let vs search starting holes to our losse or shewe our selues skilfull contrary to our saluation Way●ing for this benefite at your Maiesties hand let vs one beare with another in modestie gentlenesse suffering your Edicts of Peace to rule and mens consciences to be in rest and as for those which in the meane tyme doe counsaile to surcease or forbid the exercise of the soule they shewe them selues to haue no great feeling of their owne sith thei suppose the soules can liue without their action or foode yea those that thinke it so easie a matter for others to neglect the seruing of GOD according to their consciences doe by that lawe which they prescribe to others sufficiently shew what them selues are viz. of themselues cōtemners of God deuoyde of Religion and Conscience Sir your Maiestie are to excuse my boldnesse In great inconueniences great men haue not despised the meanest voices The barking of one Dog hath preserued many a house from spoyle and the gagling of one Goose was sufficient to keep the Capitoll Duetie and daunger must iustefie my presumption Duetie for it were an offence in daunger to hold my peace Daunger also for it is plaine deceipt in seeing to seeme not to see I beseech sir the Creator with his holy spirite to assist your Maiestie to giue you the same for counsayle and conduct and after so many trauayles to see his Realme florish in yours to prosper vnder his to his glorie your praise and the peace of your people So be it Your most humble and most obedient seruaunt and subiect P. D. M. A Declaration of the Articles agreed vpon betwene the King and the house of Guyze and their adherents commonly called The holy League THE Princes Officers of the Crowne Lordes Gentlemen townes comminalties other the Catholikes of this Realme vnited being the King most humble subiectes and seruants vnderstandihg by the Queene that his Maiesties entent is to embrace the cause of Religion as being holy and iust and to roote out all heresies out of this Realme praysing God for inspiring him with so good holy a mynd do most humbly beseech him to assist thē and the Queene to continue her wonted affection to whatsoeuer concerneth the benefite and preseruation of the state to the ende to prouide for the same They doe therefore desire his Maiestie to set forth an Edict which may be perpetuall and irreuocable wherby all exercize of the newe Religion may bee abolished and the Ministers expelled the Realme Also in asmuch as libertie of conscience tollerated among subiectes maye breede much contempt and 〈◊〉 against the seruice of God It may be enioyned to all his subiectes of whatsoeuer calling or condition to professe the Catholick Apostolike and Romish Religion within 〈…〉 after the publishing thereof otherwise to departe the Realme and no way to sell or dispose of their goodes 〈◊〉 the same to remaine to their Catholicke heires in direct line if they haue any p 〈…〉 ing the iust valewe and estimate of the ●owerth part of the sayd goodes But if their heires be other then in 〈◊〉 collaterall the to pay the estimate of the third parte according to the valewation that shall be● made by the Commissioners thereunto appointed and the money hereof arising to be committed into the handes of certaine persons thereto deputed to bee employed vpon the execution of this enterprize That all Heretickes of whatsoeuer state or condition may be declared according to the Canonicall Sanctions perpetually incapable of all publicke charges offices estates and dignities and those that now haue any to be forced to forgoe resigne the same vnto Catholicke persons such as are capable and not to keepe them notwithstanding they would abiure their error except for the space of three yeres after the sayd abiuration they continewe in Catholicke life so as there may be no further doubt of fayned repentaunce or dissimulation That his Maiestie declare al whatsoeuer haue bene done by the Catholick Princes and Lordes and all other as well particuler persons as Tounes and Communalties that haue taken their partes and suc 〈◊〉 oured and fauoured them either in the seazing vpon Townes fetching of Coyne out of his receiptes taking vp of victualles and Munition or leauying of Souldiers either within the Realme or without and generally all whatsoeuer haue bene done wrought or delt in vntill this present touching the effect and execution of the premises notwithstanding the same bee not particulerly specified or expressed to haue beene done for his seruice with the assuraunce of Religion to the preseruation whereof he acknowledgeth himself to b● bound both as a most Christian King and also by that solemne oath that hee tooke at his annoynting To the ende the Catholiques may not quaile or reenter into any feare iudging the sequel hereof by others that are already past that is that this enterprize should be but couldly prosecuted and finally determined by some other Edict contrary to this by meanes whereof there were no other fruict to be hoped for thē the common mischiefe and domages ensuing of Warre They do most humbly beseech his Maiestie to ordeyne that this sayde Edict may presently bee published without any restriction or qualification vppon the secrete recordes or otherwise It may also please his Maiestie with the Peeres and other officers of the Crowne to assist the publication therof in the Parliament of Paris and the same being read to declare that as a most Christian King being bound aswell by the othe that hee toooke at his Coronation as also by that zeale which alwayes hee hath borne to the seruice of GOD togither with the request and supplication to him made by the generall estates of his Realme assembled at Bloys he hath
Fortresses that haue followed this partie may be maint●ined and defended in their gouernments charges and estates also in those Holdes that presently they haue and possesse and not to be put from the same That such Townes as haue taken their partes may remaine in libertie as before the warres without any Garrisons placed in them Because also the Lord Cardinal of Bourbon hath no place of assurance and safetie and that he ought ordinarely to bee resident at Roome that the sayd Towne and Castle be left him with auctoritie to put in Captaines that may bee thereof prouided as also in the Towne and Castle of Diepe depending of the demaynes of his Archbishopricke To the Lorde Duke of Mercure in his gouernment of Brittain two places such as he shall nominate to his Maiestie with the Admiraltie ouer all Seafaring places within the sayd gouernment according to such instructions as heretofore haue vnto him bene made In asmuch also as throughout all the Townes within the gouernment of Champagne there is neuer a Castle sufficient for the assuraunce and safegarde of the Lorde Duke of Guyze who is gouernor thereof it may please his Maiestie to graunt vnto him the Towne and Citadell of Metz. To the Lorde Duke of Mayne gouernor of Bourgondy together with the Castle of Digeon which already he houldeth the Castle of Beaeune or the Citadel of Chaalon To the Lorde Cardinall of Guyze the Towne of Rheimes together with some reasonable extent which may bee to that ende taken out of the gouernement of Champagne To the Lord Duke of Aumale auctoritie to commaund in the Holdes and gouernement of Picardie being of the fame partie To the Lorde Marquise of Elboeuf the gouernement of Anieow To the Lord of Antragues the gouernement of Orleans in chiefe together with whatsoeuer therevpon depended at the time that the late King prouided him of the Lieutenancy generall of the sayd gouernment To the Lord of O. the gouernement of the Bayliwickes of Caen and Constance according as heretofore hee hath enioyed them To the Lord of Brissac the Lieutenancy generall of the gouernment of A 〈…〉 cow also the state of Coronell generall of Piedmont to enioy as others haue done before him and in time past it was accustomed To the Lord Coūtie of Saux the Lieutenancy generall of the gouernment of Prouince during the absence of the Lord great Pryor of Fraunce To the Lorde of Mandelot as Gouernor of Lyons the Citadell thereof To the Lord of Chastre his gouernmēt of Bourges with his companie maintained vpon the first leauy of the receipt of Bourges To the Lord of Vaillac the Capteynship of Castle Trompet in Bourdeaux Also vpon the vacation of any the sayd Gouernments Lieutenancies or Captenships if any happen before the full execution of the sayde Edict it maye please his Maiestie vpon the humble supplication which vnto him shall be made on the behalfe of the Princes and principals of the said partie to prouide for the same accordingly That all Garrisons necessary for the defence and keeping of the sayd places in his Maiesties assurance and to the preseruation of those of the sayde partie maye monthly be payd with the appointments by order of the Gouernors and Officers out of the treasurie of the generall receipts of euery the sayd gouernments by whose order the same shall bee deducted out of the receipt at the beginning of the yeere That the compagnies of men of armes in the Prouinces gouernments and generall Lieutenancies of the Prouinces may in euery of their gouernments haue their paye out of the leauye of the fines or amercements in their generall receipts established which shall expressely be thereto reserued and not to be conuerted to any other vse Also the dueties and pensions of the sayde Prouinces Gouernors and Lieutenants to be raised vpon other the coyne of the sayde receipts whereof quarterly there shall a certeyne be left for that vse The sayd Holds Castles of the which the parties to who●e his Maiestie shall leaue them for their safegarde were not prouided of before they shall holde vnder his aucthoritie and for his seruice and of the same shall be to him accomptable They shal also promise ioyntly together and each one seuerally for himselfe also the principall Captaines of the sayd party in the name of all to restore the same into his Maiesties handes so soone as the sayd Edict which it shall please his Maiestie to make be put in execution and obserued And this shall they sweare vpon perrill of their liues and honors faithfully to performe FINIS
them oppressed if speedily he satisfied not their mindes and for such persons it is well knowne that a number of them which vnder colour of her seruice accompanied the Queene did aduertise those of the league of her chiefe secretes some h●ld their conuenticles so soone as they came foorth of his Chamber what counsayle they shoulde giue him other some to the end to astonish him disciphered vnto him such armies to the succours of the league as neuer appeared nor had any other substance then ayre These were the counsailes whereby the King was turned from vsing his neerest kindred who would not haue spared the shedding of their bloud for his quiet and who had both will and oportunitie and now for recompence are sold to the straunger and so farre as may be payment is made with their bloud and liues Vpon these counsayles hath hee refused the offers of his princely Neighbours the loyall confederates of the Crowne while by meanes of the league the Spanish coyne trotted thorowe out Fraunce and found entrie into the Townes into the Counsayle yea into the priuiest parte thereof Finally and all men knowe it the King was deluded by those to whom be had as great occasion to commit himselfe if benefites receiued might amend mens mindes And the sayd Lorde King of Nauarre fully assureth him selfe that though by their 〈◊〉 and violence they haue bene able to arme his armes against him yet at the least his sobbes sighes desires and vowes shal fight in his quarrell which he hath well founde cannot possibly forget to be his owne The said Lord King of Nauarre hopeth that the most parte of men of iudgement in this Realm especially such as haue had neerest familiaritie with their actions or beene intangled therein haue beene able to enter into consideration of the depth of the entents of those of the league and therefore he wil so farre assure himselfe of thē that they will not so blemish their honors as to beare armes against the house of Fraunce vnder the shadow of this edict as also they should proceede too farre against their own knowledge if they should but thinke to haue taken them vnder the said pretences yea were it for the assurāce of their Religion Those of this league alleadged diuers pretences as they dealt in one so it is like they doe and will doe in the rest Of this Common wealth whereof they made so great boast and which had prouoked sundry euen of the Nobilitie such as were farthest from ambition and least partakers of the corruptiō of these times in this edict there is no worde of it euen the first day thereof they gaue it ouer Concerning the discharge of the third estate which they promised in this treatie there is no mention thereof but contrariwise by this peace it hath begun to bee surcharged and more and more brought into ruyne For where in their declarations they promised that their Souldiers should liue in order and pay all men it is well knowne that during all the troubles of this Realme there haue beene none more vnruly or disordered in all sortes as likewise that which they protested that they would not attempt against the kings Townes or therein place any Garrison without the consent or liking of the Inhabitants hath beene no whit better obserued by such as haue seazed vpon the same For in some by force in others that voluntarily receiued them vnder colour of good meaning they haue built Citadelles and brought in Garrisons The Nobilitie haue had no better amends for in this treaty whom haue they prouided for but themselues or those of their house either whom haue they restored to the dignities wherof they pretended them to be vnworthely depriued To bee briefe all their doings haue stretched only to the parting deuiding of France to those of their famely according to their platforme layd for the atchieuing thereof in time to come causing by this peace the gouernement of sundry Townes of importaunce and Prouinces both vpon the frontiers and in the hart of the Realme to bee committed to them wherevpon the Nobilitie of this Realme is to consider what aduauncement they maye expect at their hands when 24. Princes of Lorrayne must be contented and satisfied before any of them may by their meanes attaine to any dignitie As for the due promotions vnto Ecclesiastical functions and dignities they haue in this Edict had no more respect witnesse the Bishoprick of Authum wherunto the D. of Mayne hath by force promoted his Sonne in Law then to the prerogatiues franchizes and liberties therof notwithstanding that seeking to take a pretence for Religion the same shoulde haue bene a principall article and of greatest recommendation But contrariwise entring into information of their liues it will bee found that they haue ransomed the Priests clergie prophaned the Monasteries embeseled the Chalices Crosses with all other the Churche goods all haue bene to them Wars euen in making their peace To the ende to be paide their expences folowing the steppes of the late Cardinal of Lorrayn their vnkle they haue propounded and extorted a promesse to alienate Rentes to the value of 100000. Crownes and to procure the Popes consent thereto Prouided alwayes that the said coyne may be employed in the reembursing of them Besides it is euidēt to all mē that in any matter touching the three Estates without instance or pursuit they discharged themselues at the beginning of the Parley of this peace Touching the great fauour about the King whereof they complaine of some gentlemen whome they tearme in their Declaration The bloodsuckers of the people whom also they say they wil abase and reduce into order it is most manifest that they haue most vildly in all sortes sought their amitie that they haue gone about to buy the same by remitting into their hands the townes of their gouernments which by Warres they had seased vpon takē away but to their great shame those men haue taught them the path to Generositie and courage by giuing them to vnderstand that they regarded not their amitie further then the commodity of this Realme did require With the Cardinall of Bourbon whome they had brought into the field vpon promesse of procuring him that right which they perswaded him he might pretend to the Crowne they haue played the same partes according to their vsuall maner which is to drawe euery mans interest into their owne particular profite For hauyng hym once entangled among them they made so smale accompt of his imagined right that comming to parley with the Queene they were euen ashamed to open their mouthes therein But in cace there were any greeuous question or any difficult or thorny point they vsed him as an instrument It was my Lord the Cordinall that motioned it and so reserued them selues stil to mollefie matters to appease parties and to wrest all the thanks and profit of the treatie vnto themselues In the meane time one principal point whereupon they layde
King of Nauarre as also al other the good subiects and seruaunts of this estate haue occasion to desire the King to graunt thē new assurāces against those of the league and that the rather because those men haue in their hands the chiefe frontiers as well on the Sea coasts as on the lād wherby to draw the straunger into the Realm All which notwithstanding the sayd Lord King of Nauarre once againe offereth to dispossesse himselfe of the sayd Townes of assuraunce vnto him by his Maiesties free consent proroged conditionally that the sayd house of Lorrayne and other their adherents of the league doe likewise effectually departe from those that they holde That all weapons may be layd aside That the straungers bee returned and themselues withdrawne into their owne houses That if notwithstanding so reasonable offers any forces do march against the K. of Nauarre the Lord Prince of Conde and the Lord Duke of Montmorency or any of them or their adherents they do most hūbly require his Maiestie not to mislike that they follow the counsaile both of nature and necessitie which do teach to repell force by force either that they employ whatsoeuer their frends or meanes therein and the rather because now they are not to fight in Guyen for Guyen in Languedock for Languedock in Daulphine Prouince and other places for the estate of the sayd Lo. K. of Nauarre the Lo Prince or the Lord Duke of Montmorency but vndoubtedly for the Estate and libertie of the King hymselfe with the Queene his Mother for the preseruatiō of the lawes and for the defence of the Estate as also they are assured which encreaseth their courage that though the enemy hath proceeded so farre as to seaze vppon his Maiesties Weapons yet he hath kept and reserued his harte for them They pray the Queene the Kings Mother to call againe to mynd how those of that famely entreated her when vnder K. Frances the second her Sonne they ruled all as also what from time to time she noted in them touching the driftes of their ambition Euen she who was the first that to the Kings her children displayed them for such as they are But chiefly that shee who hath wonne to her selfe the name of Mother of the Realme would not now leaue an opinion in the hearts of the posteritie of the leading of the same to ruine by deliuering it into the handes of straungers by enfringing the publicke peace for the contēting of the particuler desires of the publicke enemie and forcing her nearest and most obediēt subiects to encurre the paine due to the Rebelles and perturbers of the estate Whereas at the least there might be some generall peace concluded vpon if in her wisedome she iudgeth it expedient for the peace of this estate to abolish and pardon their offences The said Lo. K. of Nauarre Lord Prince of Conde and Lord Duke of Montmorency do adiure the Lords Princes of the blood earnestly to cōsider that the same importeth their house and blood The Peeres principall officers of this Realme that it cōcerneth the oth and duetie which they haue taken and owe to the Crowne All Parliaments that it toucheth the foundamental lawes of this estate whereof them selues are the preseruers and guardians Generally all estates and degrees of this Realme that it tendeth to the subuertion and confusion of their famelies For who can euer assure himselfe of a particuler quiet in a publicke vprore of a calme in a tempestious Sea of a certaine estate in an alteration of all estates or of a priuate assuraunce in an vniuersall spoyle Also all Princes and estates our neighbours being likewise in league and alliaunce with this estate to assist them in their vndertaken defence and not to suffer such a conspiracie to take effect in respect of the consequence wherinto it might draw all estates Christian They do declare before God who seeth their hearts and before men whom they chose Iudges of their actions that they doe bewaile the Kings estate who abroad is besieged and at home entangled by and in the practises of his enemies that their weapons are vowed onely to his libertie and seruice and would to GOD he had vouchsafed to haue employed their affections for so could they soone haue deliuered him out of all these perplexities Concerning Religion the sayd Lordes King of Nauarre and Prince of Conde doe from their hearts and on their faith and honor declare that they entende not any way to molest the Catholicks or preiudice their Religion which they doe professe as being alwaies of opinion that the conscience ought to be free and as concerning their owne that they are readie to submit themselues to a Counsayle That they doe accept of all good and true Frenchmen both temporall and spirituall and of al 〈◊〉 without acception or exeption of Religion equally taking into their protection and safegarde them their consciences honors and dignities their goods liues and famelies to the ende so farre as in them shall lye to warrant and defende them against all oppression and violence They doe exhort each one particulerly according to his habilitie and calling in token what they are to draw to them to succour and assist thē against those of this league whom the King hath opēly declared attēpters against his person Crowne and estate To the ende also to take from them all doubt and mistrust the Lorde Duke of Montmorency whose Religion was neuer mistrusted whose wisedome as sufficiently knowne to bee such as can well finde the entents of the sayd Lordes King of Nauarre and Prince of Conde shall bee their loadesman and serue them as a guyde Hee being a Peere of Fraunce and chief officer of the Crowne to whom belongeth the first place in leading of the armies Besides that through Gods grace they haue already the assistance and companie of a good number of Catholicke Lordes Knights Captaines and Gentlemen such as haue found out and perceiued their good right together with the necessitie of their defence As for the Captaines of the league and those who to the same entent shall sticke vnto them the sayd Lordes King of Nauarre Prince of Conde and Duke of Montmorency do declare acknowledge them to bee enemies to the King the house of Fraunce and the weale of this estate euen such as the King hath alreadie declared them and as his Courtes of Parliament in the verification of his letters haue aduouched them Also according to the tenour and contents of the sayd letters together with the Kings commaundements therein conteyned they will with their whole power prosecute warre against thē and by all meanes procure the rooting of them out Howbeit for asmuch as diuers there are that by the pretences of the league maye haue been deceiued and abused so many of them as shall within the space of this present yere departe therefro and withdrawe them selues to them or into their owne they will admit receiue into their protection and