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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68694 An abridgeme[n]t of all the canonical books of the olde Testament written in Sternholds meter by VV. Samuel minister. The names of the books are in the next leaf following. Samuel, William, fl. 1551-1569. 1569 (1569) STC 21690; ESTC S110818 97,894 378

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wrong to doo lest they doo smart for it And though their names be nere so great if Iustice they doo misse As men ful mean they perishe shall let them be sure of this The lxxxiii Psalme COmplain they did of neighbour fo●● beséeching God of ayd The wickeds talke they doo expresse what they of them haue said Beséeching God them to destroy like others them before ●o forcing foes to knowe his might and fear it euermore The lxxxiiii Psalme DAuid was driuen by Absalon from Sion and his seat Dooth shew his zeale vnto Gods house and so he dooth intreat Affirming rather in the Churche a door kéeper to be Then in the tentꝭ of wicked men to haue a hie degrée The lxxxv Psalme EXilde they were as captiue men but now returnd from thrall The peoples sinnes they are remit God hath forgiuen them all So thanks he giues an prophesieth their helth their ioy and faith Their goodnes iustice and their peace all this to fore he saith The lxxxvi Psalme FOr hapful hearing of the Lord the Prophet now dooth pray ▪ For help for ayd for ioyful signe he prayes not to denay Against all suche as sought his wo this prayer did he make That God is far aboue all Gods he dare wel vndertake The lxxxvii Psalme GLory ful great and founded sure to Sion dooth he giue The Churche of Christ in constant faith whiche héer on earth dooth liue No churche there is of might so great not Babilon in déed The mighty monarks of the earth shée far dooth them excéed The lxxxviii Psalme HUmblenes in affliction this Psalme dooth tend therto In sicknes time and great distresse so Dauid vide to doo With doleful chéer and woful care all comfortles he cries As dead in graue and darknes déep no help that he espies The lxxxix Psalme IN endles wise sing praise he wil to God that is abooue For his great goodnes and his faith shewd to him in his looue In kéeping promise to his tribe of whom the Lord was borne Whose Kingdome eke and stablenes he telles of long befo●n The xC. Psalme KNowe héer ye may th'eternitie of God all worlds before And of mans life the breuitie for watching wholesome lore Of miseries and shorted life our sinnes are cause of all For ioyes he prayth in time to come ▪ that they may be equall The xCi Psalme LO lo saith hée who so dooth dwel vnder the Lords defence What so betide he néed not care from where or eke from whence His faith and hope that pends on God so firme is set and sure That nothing can him hurt or noy but safe he shall endure The xCii. Psalme MUche good it is to celebrate he saith to God on hie His goodnes and his faithfulnes with song and melody His woorks or goodnes wicked men doo nothing knowe at all But godly men in knowledge growe and so for ay they shall The xCiii Psalme NOne dooth reign but God alone who made the things are made By whiche his glory and his might are séen as in a shade His law also vnto a flock he gaue to learn him more And midst of them he gaue him self to fortify his lore The xCiiii Psalme OPprest wel néer with mightie foes for vengeance he dooth craue Beséeching sherching finding fault as though his fleshe did raue But finding help he giues the laud to God his sole defence And ful his hope he sets in him who shall him recompence The xCv. Psalme PEople slack he calleth foorth with double call he calles To laud the Lord he made these ▪ the ●arth and hilles as walles He is our God and pastour eke his voice if we neglect His rest we shall not sée no more then those that were reiect The lxxxxvi Psalme QUite ouer all to all he cryes to sing and laud the Lord Who passeth all the Gods on earth none can with him accord He telles before of Christe his reign how large that it shall stretche He comes he comes so tel it foorth to Gentiles shall he fetche The lxxxxvii Psalme REign dooth the Lord therfore the earth let it reioyce Iles And dasht be Gentiles and their Gods that woorship then their whiles But as for Sion let it ioy and doo the thing is good For light vpsprings let iust reioyce with laudes of chéerful mood The lxxxxviii Psalme SIng now saith he a song anew vnto the Lord abooue Who maruelously hath shewd him self to suche as doo him looue Therfore he willes that all the earth should praise and laud him stil For he shall come with Iustice right to Iudge after his wil. The lxxxxix Psalme TRiumphantly the Lord dooth reign the people fret and fume Let earth be moou'd and moou'd again with fretting to presume Yet shall the Lord rule ouer all and hear the iusts request Therfore set out his holy name towards hie where he dooth rest The C. Psalme UNto the laud and praise of God he stirreth all that come Suche as into his court approche he would not haue them dum The causes why that mooues therto he saith to be that hée Did fourm our shape we did not so his goodnes makes the gl●e The Ci. Psalme A That Princes and Prelates eke would learn this Psalme by rote For publike weal and churchely rule here is a godly note That none in Court or Kirk should be that gaue them selues to euil And those should be prefard alone as made of sinne a driuel The Cii Psalme BEholding great calamities with double spéeche he cryes To hear his sute to way his cause to him aboue the skies That he would consolation send to him was graunt his sute Posterities may knowe therof by publike fame and brute The C.iii. Psalme CElebrate to God abooue and eke his name extol He counselleth his inward powers by meaning of his soule For kindenes shewd to him and his so forst he was to doo Bothe Angels might and ministers he willeth eke therto The C.iiii. Psalme DEdicate his soule to blesse again the Lord he willes Who lightsome glory putting on rules far abooue the hilles That God made all in partꝭ he telles and eke his flock dooth cherishe By guyding some and féeding some or els they all should perishe The C.v. Psalme EUery one for to confesse the Lord and him to pray He willeth so and that they should set out his lauds alway For wunders that he wrought tofore ful many yéeres ere than He bréefly telles to mean therto beginning at Abram The C.vj. Psalme FUl often as before so béere be willes for to confesse The goodnes of the Lord so great to folke that were thankles Who were vnfaithful murmurers transgressours and rebels Deseruing muche but yet the Lord his pact he not refels The Cvii Psalme GO on he dooth as twice before to set out God as good Not onely to the Israelites ▪ as in a partiall mood But also vnto all the world bothe comforter and scourge For whiche he wil to God the laudes among them all
text this place this story this parable and this sentence is in the scripture if no thou shalt knowe for the moste places if yea thy conscience shal be ioyned to his his saying to be true and also it shalbe ioyful vnto thée to hear that place brought into thy remembrance yea and sometime as now blessed be God is often heard a hard place or dark speaking or a story applyed and expounded to thy great comfort and edifiyng And in continuance thou shalt be able to say muche in holy writings and to vnderstand many things necessary to be knowne for euery christian which is my only desire knowing that exercise in godlynes is muche woorth and all scriptures of God are good for the man of God both to be improued and also instructed that he may be parfet which God send my cuntrie poeple once to be that Gods merciful hand may be alwayes ouer vs who euer be praysed Note that if the book be deuided in two partꝭ then be sure of the number of chapters in the first part and then set them to those folowing as is shewed thée afore as the first part of Genesis is fiue and twētie chapters then A. in the beginning of the second part is sixe and twentie B. seauen and twentie and foorth to fiue and fortie and then A. is sixe fortie and so to fiftie 1569 A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 K 10 L 11 M 12 N 13 O 14 P 15 Q 16 R 17 S 18 T 19 V 20 TO euery ioynt The finger point In order as they stand The letter then To all those men That take this book in hand Then shall they knowe And plainly showe The Chapter out of d●●t Of any thing In this writing The letter once found out From A. to V. The thing is true The Alphabet dooth last Euen twentie iust From last to first So count you must to cast If you once finde The letter in minde And knowe what number it is You may be sure Of that Scripture To hit and not to misse But perfet must You bée to trust The letter and his somme And then you may Withouten nay The story tel to come Also the book Sée that you look How it is calld by name And then the text And number next Be sure it is the same ¶ Finis ¶ Faults escaped in the Printing ¶ In Genesis the xlv Chapiter be left out the v. vi.vij and eyght lines whiche be these following Then willed hée his brethern straight their father for to fetche In Egipt land to bide and dwel as far as it did stretche Exodus the sixt chapiter the first line for feastfully read feft fully Leuiticus the sixtéen chap. the fourth line for matter read maner Numeri the fift chap. the last line for decréed read decrée Deuteronomium the thrée twentie cha the seuenth line for the loue of things read the lone of things Iosue the xxi chapiter the seuenth line As God them gaue So God them gaue Samuel the second book the eleuenth chap. the second line for Bethsade read Bethsabe The fourth of Kings the thirtéen chapiter the fift line for nad read had The first of Chronicles the xxiij chapter the last line for vpo read vpon The second of Chronicles the xx chapiter the vij line ▪ for liues read lines The second of Esdras the third chapiter the first line for bnilt read built Iob the xviij chapter the fift line for with read net Psalme the foure twentie the first line for them read though Psalme the xxix the seuenth line for haue read saue Psalme the fiue and thirtie the third line for this read his Psalme the C.xvi. the first line but he that would read but that he would Psalme the the seuenth line some thing yet made some think it made Prouerbs the xij chap. read the xxxi chap. The Canticles the first cha the fourth line and now read and none Esay the lvij chap. the first line for righteousnes read righteous men Ezechiel the third chapiter the third line for swoord read woord Ezechiel the fift chapiter the fift line for floke read stroke Ezechiel the xviij chap. the first line for some read sinne Ezechiel the xxxij chap. the first line for muche more read muche mone Zacharias the ninth chap. the seuenth and the eight line for the lowely read hée lowely and for them in the last line him In. G. Ex. L.N. and D The fiue bookꝭ of Moyses contayned bée ¶ The i. Chapiter ALmighty God did make the heauens and set therin these lightꝭ The Sun the Moon all the starres appéering in our sightꝭ The earth the Sea and all therin all these his woord did make With man made last and yet set first his wil on them to take The ij Chapiter BEgin did then the Lord to rest From making of suche things And pointed Adam to a place a garden ful of springs One trée denied and man dooth name the beastꝭ after his wil In sléep to him his make was made whiche did his minde fulfil The iij. Chapiter CAused was man by Sathans sleight Gods wil to break outright The hée the shée and the Serpent are curst and driuen out quite For fear lest man should then dispair with his wife and to hel The womans séed y t whiche was Christe shall come and make all wel The iiii chapiter DOwn fel Abel Cain him slue in offering to the Lord The iust was slain of the vniust as scripture dooth record Then is he curst and dooth dispair after his wicked déed The genealogie of Adams sonnes and their sonnes dooth procéed The v. chapiter EUery yéer that Adam liued is there moste plainly tolde Whose age was then euen nine hundred and ful thirtie yéer olde And so from him vnto iust Noe the chapter dooth expresse The names yéeres how long they liued with muche of their successe The vi chapiter FUl wicked were the people tho a flud was threat of God With a precept to make an ark euen as the Lord had bod And then did Noe prepare the ship after the Lords deuise And redy prest as he was wild against the flud should rise The vii chapiter GOd spake these woords to Noe his mā and we therto must hark Go thou and all thy familie with spéed into the ark Euen so did Noe as God him bad and took of eche kinde twain His wife his sonnes and all their wiues and then began the rain The viii chapiter HUndreth dayes and od fiftie the flud began to end A Rauen and eke a Dooue also Noe foorth for newes did send Then went Noe forthe and did offer to God burnt sacrifice Whiche liked wel the God on hie when the smel did arise The ix chapiter IN fauour then was Noe and blest and murther is denide A rainbowe sent and promise made with water not destroyd Then Noe fel drunk and lay vnhilde and Ham his sonne was glad The other
hilde him and were blest But Ham his cursing had The x. chapiter KNowe ye may of Noe his sonnes As Sem Ham and Iapheth Chus Hams sonne begot Nemrod a hunter on the heath Of these thrée sonnes their sōnes sōnes the earth was storde again In tungs kindes with realms lands But moste of them were vain The xi chapiter LEwdly forth went this rout to build Babel that great hie toure The Lord came down chaūgd their tungs in lesse space then an houre The kinde of Sem again is tolde vnto iust Abraham Whiche went with Lot his fathers sonne and dwelled at Haran The xij chapiter MUche fauour God shewd to Abram dwelling in Canaan Whiche God him plight then came a dearth to Egipt went he than Then willed he Sarai his wife to call him brother tho The king her took and was plaged whose name hight Pharao The xiii chapiter NEighbourlike yode Lot and hée And toward the south they went ▪ Then parted they their land and good that God had to them lent The promise then to Abram is repeated once again That hée and his séed after him the blest land should obtain The xiiij chapiter OF foren kings Lot taken was whiche ward and wan that land But then Abram did them destroy and took him from their hand Melchisedech with bread and wine him met with mickle boste He gaue him tenth and paid the king of Sodome all he lost The xv chapiter PErforme would God the land he had to Abram promised A sonne to haue he dooth beléeue and so is iustified How that his féed in bondage should in Egipt there remain And be restorde vnto their land and so sent home again The xvi chapiter QUite barren Sara thought shée was and gaue Abram her maid Whiche did conceiue and béeing proud her mistres did vpbraid Her mistres chod and shée to go for faring with her fel An Angel her returnd again and plight her Ismael The xvii chapiter REmooue did God then Abrams name and calld him Abraham And Sarai is named Sara of whom tho Isaac came The sacrament is héer begun of Circumcision Isaac is plight and Abraham for Ismael dooth mone The xviii chapiter SO vnto him thrée men apéerd like trauaylers of miles Sara did hear that shée should bear and womanlike shée smiles The ouerthrowe of Sodome then to Abraham they tolde He prayeth to them beeing one God his vengeance to with holde The xix chapiter TWo Angels lodg'd and Sodome men would then haue them defilde Blinded they were and after stroyd saue Lot and his vnfilde His wife to salte was turned tho for breaking Gods precept His daughters he begat with childe when drunklike he had slept The xx chapiter WHen Abraham did flit he dwelt In the land of Gerar His wife was fair he feard his life and called her sister Abimeleck sent for her then his plesure for to haue God him denide and then the king Muche riches to her gaue The xxi chapiter ALmightie God to Sara sent Isaac her onely sonne And Agar with her childe put out no longer there to wonne An Angel did her comfort tho being in wildernes About a wel Abimeleck and Abraham made peace The xxij chapiter BEing then wild to kil his sonne and hée therto was prest God tolde him that for his great faith in him all should be blest Nachor brother to Abraham had eyght sonnes by Milcha One of her sonnes was Bethuel ▪ Father to Rebecca The xxiij chapiter COmmend to God did Sara then her soule that was so milde At her ful yéeres shée fel on sléep and died vndefilde Then Abram bought a plat of ground of Ephron the Hethite He layd his wife into the caue when it was his by right The xxiiij chapiter DEcrée did Abram to his man and sware him by an othe To séek a wife for Isaac méet and so he did for trothe He went and came with Rebecca whiche Isaac took to wife So liued they together bothe and led an honest life The xxv chapiter EFtsoones did Abram take a wife whiche bare him children more He died and gaue Isaac his sonne his good and all his store Then Isaacs wife euen at one birthe Iacob and Esau bare And Esau solde him land and right And yet small was his fare ¶ Thus haue you heard of Genesis The pith and halfe the some Twentie and fiue in chapters past Sith that the first begun The xxvi chapiter A Death then came in Isaacks time and so hée did remooue That land was plight to him and his of God that did him loue The king chod Isaac for his wife because hée did but fain And shepheards stroue about the welles but all was wel again The xxvii chapiter BEgilde did Iacob Esau then Rebecca wrought the feat While Esau hunted in the féeld his brother got the cheat When Esau came from hunting home it vexed him right sore His father chéerd him yet did hée his brother hate therfore The xxviii chapiter COmmaunded Iacob sought a wife and so to Laban went Esau did wed an Ismaelite whiche vnto euil was bent As hée in sléep a Ladder saw with Angels goodly dight Of Christe is tolde a vow he made vnto the God of might The xxix chapiter DEcrée with Laban Iacob did and serued him seuen yéer Rahel to haue it was his fée but Lea did appéer And so begil'd yet did he serue asmuche for Rachel more He hauing bothe foure babes he had whiche Lea to him bore The xx chapiter EChe of them bothe they gaue their maid to their husband to wiue So had he children that they bare they béeing stil aliue And Iacob askt what his reward should be at Labans hand The spotted lambes and kids of goats that fel in Labans land The xxxi chapiter FLit then from Laban God him ba● and so he did obay He took his wiues and all his good and stily slipt away Then Rachel stale the Images against her fathers wil And Laban chod but peace was made with Iacob on an hil The xxxij chapiter GOds hoste he saw as he forth went his brothers wrath he feard And therfore sent him giftꝭ before euen hundreds on an heard He with an Angel stroue so long til day did end the night The Angel chaunged Iacobs name and Israel him hight The xxxiij chapiter HAstely Esau set him out his brother for to méet And Iacob sent his herds afore and came after on féet But when they met they gréed wel God so did woork with them In parting plotꝭ they dwelt in two as Iacob in Sichem The xxxiiii chapiter IAcob no daughter had but one that Dina hight by name Shée went to sée and to be séen and so shée came to shame For Sichem did the damsel sée and forced her by might He was destroyed by Iacobs sonnes and all the citie quite The xxxv chapiter KNowe wel did Iacob all their spite to Bethel then he yed His name is tolde and Canaan is to him promised In childe bed
Rachel did depart and Beniamin shée bore Ruben vnhilde his fathers wife and lost a fléese therfore The xxxvi chapiter LIkewise is tolde of Esaus wiues and gentles daughters all Hée and Iacob were very riche in goods terrestriall Esau had Dukes that were his sonnes Euen twelue in number iust He was father to Edomits in whom God had no lust The xxxvii chapiter MOre for to hear of Iacobs life in Canaan he dwelt Iosephs bréethern liked him not and cruelly they delt Into Egipt then was he solde his brethern wrought the déed They tolde his sire his sonne was slain whiche made his hart to bléed The xxxviii chapiter NOw then is shown how Iuda took a wife of Canaan He had thrée sonnes two were destroyd the third was nam'd Onan And Thamar was the womans name whiche bothe of them did wed And Iuda by her had two twinnes when she was brought a bed The xxxix chapiter O What an hap then Ioseph had the Lord did so prouide His masters wife did him prouoke but he her sute denide Shée him accus'de but not deseru'de her tale as then took place Wherby Ioseph to prison went but giltles in that cace The xl chapiter PUt in prison were Pharoes men and bothe of them laid fast His baker chéef and butler bothe whiles his anger did last Ioseph with them in prison was and as they slept ful sound They dreamed dreames whiche vnto thē this Ioseph did expound The xli chapiter QUestion askt of Pharoes dream of Oxen fat and lean Whiche Ioseph did expound ful plain and tolde what they did mean He was set vp and ruler made in Egipt ouer all Two sonnes he had and so the dearth on Egipt then did fall The xlii chapiter RIde out for corne did Iosephs kin and came to him vnknowne He threat them hard that they were spies into that cuntrie blowne Simion laid in prison is whiles they did home return And Beniamin they took with them whiche made their father mourn The xliii chapiter SO back they went to Egipt tho with giftꝭ and presentꝭ great And Simeon is deliuered out and Iosephs chéeks are wet And Ioseph could not then but wéep when Beniamin he saw They sat and feasted in two partꝭ according to their law The xliiii chapiter THen Ioseph wrought a pretie cast Beniamin for to haue And theft he laid vnto his charge suche woords to them he gaue But Iuda suretie he became for Beniamin his sake His father Iacob hée did knowe it heuely to take The xlv chapiter UNknowne was Ioseph all this while at last he tolde them all That he their brother Ioseph was That ruled great and small The xlvi chapiter APpointed foorth then Israel went in Egipt for to bide And God him bad nothing to fear for all should wel betide Iacob his sonnes and all their sonnes is then in order tolde And Ioseph went them all to méet ful ioyful to beholde The xlvij chapiter BRought was Israel before the king in his presence to stand And Pharao wild that he should dwel where fattest was the land Then Iacob sware Ioseph his sonne euen vnderneath his thie ●is bones to lay in Canaan at time when he should die The xlviij chapiter CAusd was Israel sick to bée by course of natures kinde And Ioseph went with his two sonnes to knowe his fathers minde Iacob did wil that Iosephs sonnes Ephraim and Manasses Should be as children to him born whiche Ioseph wel did please The xlix chapiter DOwn fel his sonnes vpon their knées euen twelue of them there was He blest them all and tolde of things that after came to passe Then chargd he them that they should lay his bones in Manebrey féeld Then pluckt he vp his legs to him and vp the ghoste did yéeld The l. chapiter EChe thīg was doon his corps they took as he on liue did minge And laid it down by Abrahams side fulfilling so eche thing Forgiue did Ioseph all the fault that his brethern had wrought And so he dide and wild his bones to his fathers to be brought ¶ Heer haue ye now the end and some of Moyses his first book The second shall in order come Suche pain the writer took The first Chapiter ANd then the first of Exodus the twelue tribes it dooth name Whiche being dead laid in earth their children came to fame A new king then to Egipt came that gaue the midwiues charge To kil the males when they were borne but they set them at large The ii chapiter BOrn Moyses was and after cast euen down the riuer in réeds And Pharoes daughter took him vp and shewd him motherly déeds Then Moyses slue an Egiptian and fled and took a wife The people cride vnto the Lord whiche saw their woful life The iii. chapiter CAused was Moyses shéep to kéep not far from Oreb hil Wherin a bushe the Lord appéerd and tolde him all his wil. And bad him go to Egipt back the Israelites to tel That out of bondage they should come and liue and doo ful wel The iiij Chapiter DEclaerd by double signes it is that calld he was by God His reasons all they are assoild and foorth the Lord him bad As Aaron met with him in féeld togither then they went Of Iethro Moyses took his leaue and yod where he was sent The v. Chapiter EChe bothe of them withouten fear tolde Pharao God his minde The more the people were opprest ▪ the king was so vnkinde Then cride they out and gan to chide with Moyses and Aaron And Moyses axed God the cause whiche looked them vpon The vj. chapiter FEft fully was deliuerance vnto the Israelites Also the land of Canaan whiche made them chéerful wightꝭ Then Rubens spring with Simeon is tolde and Leuy too Of whom came Moyses and Aaron that had Gods hestꝭ to doo The vii chapiter GOd made Moyses Pharoes God and Aaron his Prophet And then God turned Moyses rod into a Serpent great ▪ The sorcerers did euen the same to harden Pharoes hart Then were their waters turnd to blood yet did he not conuart The viij chapiter HIt was Pharao then and plagued with Frogs ouer the land He sent for Moyses and Aaron to take the thing in hand He mocked them therfore the Lord turned their dust to lice And they put by then came there ●●ies after the Lords deuice The ix chapiter IN stéed thereof came moren of beastꝭ that died in Pharoes land And sixtly sores with botches great yet did he God withstand The seuenth was haile thunder muche that made the land to shake And lightning great from heuen on hie whiche causd them all to quake The x. Chapiter KNowledge he yet would not his faul● but God he did resist He did it not in ignorance but wel he knew and wist The eyght plage next was grash●pper that God almightie sent The ninthe was darknes in the day they knew not where they went The xi chapiter LEaue then was giuen the Israelites the Egiptians to spoil
Against they should depart and go and giue them all a foil At midnight then the Lord did vow to make so great a slaughter The first born of Egipt to kil as it is tolde héer after The xii chapiter MAde héer is next the passeouer and swéet bread for to eat And if their children axt the cause the meaning they must treat The first born then destroyed are and robbed were the rest And so the Hebrues took their way towards the land behest The xiij chapiter NOw all the first in Israels birth the Lord did take and chuse Commaunding them a● yéerly feast among them for to vse Then passed they the wildernes with Iosephs bones also Two pillers for the day and night they had therby to go The xiiii chapiter OUt Pharo went hard in his hart against the Israelites So folowde he with all his train and came within their sightꝭ But God his people did defend by night and day from harm They past the sea but Egipt men lay drowned in a swarm The xv chapiter PAst whē they were this daūger great they sang a goodly song A woman came with diuers mo and daunced all along The bitter water was made swéet and plesant for to drink God must be heard in his couenant and on him must we think The xvj chapiter QUainted when that they were two months within the wildernes They wisht them selues again to be in Egipt at their fleshe It rayned Quailes from heauen on hie and Manna for their bread And fortie yéeres in wildernes with that they were all fed The xvij chapiter REmoouing on they lacked drink and grudge then did the flock At Moyses sute then had they some whiche came out of a rock Foorth came a king hight Ameleck against them for to fight When Moyses hands were holden vp then were they put to flight The xviii chapiter SO Iethro Moyses father in law came Moyses for to sée Who welcomde him his wife sonnes after the best degrée When Iethro saw what paines he took when iudgement he did vse Suche actiue men as loued not coin to help he wild him chuse The xix chapiter THen as they went they came vnto the mount of Sinai A royall people they are calld if Gods wil they apply The Lord did say he that dooth touche the hil shall die outright But Moyses wild went vp to him in thunder and great light The xx chapiter WHen he was come he gaue to him ten iust commaundements Precepts to kéep and guide vs by with all their whole contents An aulter of earth then God did bid his man Moyses to make And if of stone he did it build no tool therto to take ¶ Twentie chapters afore are tolde in order as they stand The rest heere after ye may read if ye wil take in hand The xxi chapiter ANd then this book as it is calld euen Exodus by name Dooth tel good lawes for magistrates to execute the same That masters be not ouer sore their seruants for to main And he that kils a man is iudgd for it he must be s●ain The xxij chapiter BEholde you then these godly lawes of theft the fourth ●olde paid He that defiles an vnplight lasse he marry must the maid A witche and he that knowes a beast bothe die they must of right All vsury it is forbod and ha●ed in Gods sight The xxiii chapiter COupeling wise these chapters thrée ronne all of ciuil lawes Iudges are wild to take no gifts but héere the poore mans cause Thou maist not followe a multitude wickednes to commit Nor haue to doo with forren Gods though thou shoulds die for it The xxiiij chapiter DEcrée to Moyses God did then and to the head rulers To worship him the whiche dooth dwel on hie aboue the starres The law was tolde and all the rout with voice therto obayes So Moyses went vp to the mount and bode there fortie dayes The xxv chapiter EUen then to him did God describe the fashion of his place His tabernacle how to build in euery point and cace He promised that in that house with Moyses he would treat Betwéen the Cherubs in their place whiche was his mercy seat The xxvi xxvii chapiter FOorth on is tolde in these two next chapters of Exodus Whiche was declarde to Moyses there as God did it discus How that his holy place and house whiche was his temple tho Should be as he had it deuisde wherby he might it knowe The xxviii chapiter GOd did also to him describe how Aaron should be clad Suche garments might the people tel what office Aaron had A brest lap and a tunicle a strait cote vnder that With other things that he must were whether he stood or sat The xxix chapiter HOw Aaron should a Préest be made to him was reuelated With all his sonnes after what sorte they should be consecrated And God to him did promise then that he would be their God ●nd they should knowe he had thē saued from Pharao and his rod. The xxx chapiter INioynd an aulter he must make theron to burn incence ●lso on it to reconcile yéerly for their offence ● brasen lauer he must make to washe and make all clean The anointing oyl with all the rest more holy things did mean The xxxi chapiter KNowledge two men thē had of God to woork the holy things The Saboth eke and day of rest God vnto Moyses minges ●nd Tables twain the Lord did giue to Moyses on the hil ●herin were writ the ten preceptꝭ whiche was th'almighties wil. The xxxii chapiter LIke fooles a calfe was made there whil● the people were so vain And Moyses praid to God for them and burst the tables twain When he came down he chod the préest and burnt the calfe in fire Moyses earnestly praid for them yet some were paid their hire The xxxiii chapiter MArche on forward God to them bad that they should thense depart But God denide to go with them they were of froward hart And when the people hard therof they did lament in minde Moyses willed to sée Gods face and saw him but behinde The xxxiiii chapiter NOw were the tables made again and God his mercy plight To cope with gentles or their Gods it is forbidden quite The swéet bread feast is first begon and Saboth day is tolde The first frutes Moyses heard exprest whose face did shine like golde The xxxv chapiter OF diuers things to them is tolde that is afore exprest To offer tithes and pay their frutes eche one of them was prest Bezaleel Ahaliab whiche wrought in silk and sayes The tabernacle they must make and Moyses dooth them praise The xxxvi chapiter PLentie of things did these two make as God gaue them in gift Kings of golde and curtens eke to run all in a drift The people brought suche store of stuffe that there was ouer muche Willing they were to build Gods house and for to make it riche The xxxvii chapiter QUite all of wood the Ark
were in faith Would suffer things to prooue them with as Moyses plainly saith The xiiij chapiter OMit they must the Gentiles trades and flée their dooings quite And onely serue almightie God with all their main and might Suche beastꝭ as they might not then 〈◊〉 are manifestly tolde And whiche were clean is there exprest that eat they might be bolde The xv chapiter PArdon their de●s then are they bod at euery seuenth yéers end When God his wil is serued and kept no scarsenes he wil send Those that wil lend to suche as néed the maner is tolde how Deformitie in sacrifice the Lord dooth not alow The xvi chapiter QUietly how to kéep their feastꝭ the times are tolde them plain When that they should be vsde and kept is written once again O that Iudges would mark and read and doo as God there bad To take no giftꝭ in any cace but iustice to be had The xvii chapiter REwarded must Idolaters with death by law to die And 〈◊〉 things must be reserd to those that be on hie Presumptuous men that doo rebel must die the law dooth minge The man and state that he must kéep that they would take to king ¶ Halfe this book is now tolde afore in seauenteen chapters iust And seauenteen more ye shall haue next in God put we our trust The xviij chapiter ALl the Leuites the whiche were préestꝭ might no possessions haue All sorcery they must auoid their liues to kéep and saue Moyses tolde then of Christe to come and bad them him to hear The Prophet false they must not way nor all his dooings fear The xix chapiter BEcause that murther might be doon against the dooers minde For refuge Citties were set out and there vnto assignd The false witnes must haue the stone return to his owne brow An eye for eye and tooth for tooth the law did them alow The xx chapiter CHuse out for warres what men they should this chapter dooth expresse The law of armes to them is tolde to vse in war or peace The Cananites the Pheresites the Iebusites also With Heuites eke they must destroy ▪ not letting one to go The xxj chapiter DEcrée did God a goodly law for him that was found dead And how the Iew should him behaue a gentile for to wed The first borne sonne he must possesse the heritage and land The childe that parentꝭ dooth not fear must die euen out of hand The xxii chapiter EChe man must help his neighbours Asse although he be vnknowne The man denied the womans tire shée to go in her owne Lin●●e wolūe might not be worn the adulterer must die And order taken for that man that with a maid did lie The xxiii chapiter FOrbidden was the gelded man in Christes churche to dwel The harlots bird dooth God commaund that they should quite expel There might no whore among thē bide the Lord did so decrée The loue of things is there denide to lend on vsury The xxiiii chapiter GIue leaue did Moyses to deuorce for causes that were light The newly spousd they might not force in battaile for to fight For money lent and seruantꝭ hire a goodly lesson tolde Some leysing left in féeld and town for poore folke yung and olde The xxv chapiter HOw many stripes the trespasser should haue for wicked life A man that died without a sonne his brother should wed his wife That weightꝭ mesures should be iu●● read ye the chapters end Who so dooth vse the contrary shall come to wicked end The xxvi chapiter IUstly must they now pay their frutes that first to them did fall The tithes they were commaunded to they should then pay them all Unto the préestꝭ the fatherles the straunger and widowe Such goods were then the poores of right how so they vse them now The xxvii Chapiter KNowledge was had the people the● an aulter vp to rear Afore that Iordane they did passe or came the land so néer The curses then that Leuy was commaunded for to speak Against all those that did delight Gods wil to burst or break The xxviii Chapiter LOuingly the Lord did blesse the kéepers of his wil To stablishe them in their good mindes to kéep them in it stil. And curse dooth hée the contrary with cursings very great Those that him looue he dooth them blesse his haters hée dooth threat The xxix chapiter MOyses then went and thus he spake vnto the people all Saying to suche as feareth God the Lord defends them all But they that not regard his wil suche plagues on them shall come As like hath not béen séen on earth from rising of the sonne The xxx chapiter NOt far from them that doo it séek is Gods almightie woord Those that it loue and it obay are saued from the swoord Within our mouthes and in our hartꝭ the woord is alway prest Those that it kéep are sure at length for it they shalbe blest The xxxi chapiter OLde was Moyses and so did chuse then Iosue in his stéed To whom he said sée thou be strong and haue no fear or dread This book he wrote and did it giue into the Leuites hand And chargde that they the same should read when they came to the land The xxxii chapiter PLesantly then did Moyses sing a goodly song of praise Unto the Lord for all the acts that he had wrought alwaies And vp he went vnto a hil to look on Canaan God bad him there to run the race that all his fathers ran The xxxiii chapiter QUietly Moyses did prepare to sléep his fathers sléep But this he said before he went that God his saints dooth kéep Also he blessed all the tribes afore his dying day And tolde how they should rule reign if they did God obay The xxxiiii chapiter REst from his woork did Moyses then and so gaue vp the ghoste At his departing they did wéep euen throughout all the hoste And Iosue did his roum possesse as Moyses had it wild And ruled all the Israelites in Cittie and in féeld ¶ Of Moyses books heer is the last as he did them all write Vnto the Lord giue ye the praise whiche is the God of might Iosue The j. Chapiter AS God afore had Moyses calld his people for to guide So Iosue to supply his roum the Lord set him on side For to be strong the Lord him bad and manly for to fight And from the lawes of God the Lord to turn to left nor right The ii chapiter BEfore were serchers sent to spie to Ierico they yede A harlots house they lodged in by whom then they were hid Shée made them promise her to saue when spoild should be the land And they agréed to knowe her house by purple cord or band The iii. chapiter CAre to Iosua did belong the people for to guide Remooue he did from Settim ground and came to Iordane side Then was the Lord disposde to shew the honour of his name He caused Iordain waters yéeld and part a sunder
Beséeching God to be his guide describing sinners race Affirming that God wil protect the iust in euery place The vi Psalme FUl fraught in féeling God his ire and death to shew his dart He humbly prayes God to forgiue and shewes his mourning hart Away saith he yée wicked men reéelf now haue I found My wishers euil shall haue this hap the Lord shall them confound The vii Psalme GIltles now Dauid did complain false tales to Saule were tolde He cléeres him self and prayeth God his cace for to beholde Affirming that the glory of God by that should eke beséen And how the euil in their deuice shall wast and perishe cleen The viii Psalme HOw wunderful in all his woorks is God aboue saith hée Whiche maketh babes to tel his fame and eke the starry skie But yet of man he museth more why God should him regard To knowe the thing he dooth confes for him it is to hard The ix Psalme I Wil giue praise to God saith he for victories by past Who had his foes and their defence bothe kild and ouer cast And now that foes doo flowe a freshe for wonted ayd he calles The wicked men they were destroyed he meanes that were King Sauls The x. Psalme KNowe héer yée may the trade way that wicked men do vse Describing eke their suttleties the poor for to abuse He calleth God for to aduenge the poor sustayning wrong Beséeching him to breke the arme of the vngodly throng The xi Psalme LO though said he the wicked bend their bowe at me to shoot And though to hilles they bid me ●lée and haue me in pursuite Yet shall the Lord poure down his wrath vpon the wicked rout And righteous men shall haue his loue of this their is no dout The xii Psalme MEn béeing falne from equitie Gods help hée dooth desire And that he would cut out the tungs of eche flattering lier For néedies sake the Lord wil rise and set the bond ful frée Gods woords are pure when wicked reign it is a shame to sée The xiii Psalme NOw vexed sore with sundry sa●ts prest ready to dispair His anker olde he flées vnto to God he makes his prayer And lest his foes incouragde should be for to sée his fall He hauing ayd dooth hight him lauds that reigneth ouer all The xiiii Psalme OF foolishe men that inwardly doo say there is no God Describe he dooth their propertie and eke their fatall rod. For mocking of the poores deuice he dooth also request The thraldome of the Israelites that it might turn to rest The xv Psalme PEculiarly now dooth he tel why God did take and chuse Of his good wil into his house the people of the Iewes Forsooth because that they should shew to suche as were without By godly life that they were Gods to bring them out of dout The xvj Psalme QUestionles not for his woorks but for his faith alone He prayeth God him to preserue els succour hath he none Idolatrie hée dooth detest true worship dooth he like Affirming that his soule shall not be left in grauy dike The xvii Psalme REhearse hée dooth the crueltie of Saule and eke his men The raging pride and tiranny they shewd vnto him then Without deser●ꝭ therfore he prayes reuenge of God to haue His giltles life to Saule was suche that makes him so to craue The xviii Psalme SIth God saith he hath stablisht me and set me in my throne For mercies great sauegard bothe to him be praies alone The kingdome of our Lord and Christe the whiche shall haue none end He saith shall stand spite of the foes so God shall him defend The xjx Psalme TO the intent the mighty power of God might wel be waid The heauens and might of lightꝭ aboue by them he is displaid Besides all this his sacred woord and law that is so pure He dooth set out as perfet guide to walke therby ful sure The xx Psalme WHen that the King in warlike wise should go to Ammons hoste The people pray God to defend their King and eke their coste ▪ ●nd that the giftꝭ and sacrifice whiche offer vp he did That God would them accept and like before that foorth he yed The xxi Psalme AS soon as Dauid home returnd from victory in féeld ●n voice of all he thanked God whiche made his foes to yéeld ●ffirming that the Lord alone had giuen his foes the foile And that he would stil on so doo though they ne so turmoile The xxii Psalme BRought now into extremities and hope allmost decaid Yet hauing faith and found reléef again him self he stayd And by him self he dooth describe what should in time to come When Christe should be vpon the earth gainst him what should be doon The xxiii Psalme CAused by sundry succours past the Lord he takes for guide And hauing him for his defence he cares not what betide And séeing rest before his foes the Lord did to him giue He dooth not dout before he goes ful long and safe to liue The xxiiii Psalme DOutles th●n God dooth gouern all yet chéefly he dooth chuse Suche as doo liue in godly life and wickednes refuse The Gentile and the Iew are like if they obay his lore Their gates and doores of hartꝭ mind● must subiect him before The xxv Psalme EFtsoones as often eke before with foes a freshe opprest He counts his sinnes to be the cause and makes to God request His youthful sinnes for to remit and to regard his cace With mercy and with fauour bothe to him to turn his face The xxvi Psalme FUl many were his enemies and iniuries assaid That Saule vniustly to him shewd he praith to God for ayd Affirming that although he were from house of God exilde If he returnd with slaughters great his aulters should be pilde The xxvii Psalme GOd is my light and sauegard bothe said hée and my defence Bereft from foes this I require ▪ it is my whole pretence His temple to beholde and ●ée to dwel therin for ay His face to vew his wayes to learn so faith hath béen my stay The xxviii Psalme HEuines now his hart besets to sée the wicked rout Desiring to be rid of them and wrath to root them out He prayseth God who is his strength and heard when he dooth call His hart therfore was ful of ioy and prayeth defence fro all The xxix Psalme IN power suche as doo rule and reign if God to be they wunder Then he them willes to learn his might by tempest and by thunder And though by them he sinners feares and makes them all to quake Yet wil he saue his chosen flock euen for his mercies sake The xxx Psalme KNowe did he wel deliuerance from God aboue to come He renders laudes eke for the same he shewes him self not dum The suden fall from liking state and eke for mercies stil Hée dooth declare and prayeth God his praise set out he wil. The xxxi Psalme LAudes and praise yet
once again for fréedome from his thrall By faith in hope he giues to God affirming this withall That God with fauour dooth beholde those that him loue and fear Preseruing them continually as samples doo appéer The xxxii Psalme MAruaylous sick he dooth confesse his sin to be the cause And blest to whom God not imputes the breaking of his lawes And after thus his faultꝭ confest the wicked he exhorts To mend their life and holy men with ioyes he muche comfortꝭ The xxxiii Psalme NOw righteous men reioice saith he in him that vs did make And gouerns all and is ful true his graunt shall neuer slake He sercheth hartꝭ and knoweth thoughtꝭ no secrets from him hid No help can saue but his right hand trust this he dooth you bid The xxxiiii Psalme OF fear and dread he béeing rid whom Achis counted mad He thanketh God who was the cause that good successe he had And so prouokes that godly men should stil in God put trust Affirming wicked slaughters great and sauegard for the iust The xxxv Psalme PLead thou my cause o God saith he gainst Saule and eke his court ▪ Their traps they set me for to catche let them turn to their hurt And saue thou me and also those that gilt●es take my part And I shall praise thy holy name so long as liues my hart The xxxvi Psalme QUite gon from fear of God are those that followe wicked trace The gouernnaunce of God in earth dooth ioy his woful cace And so muche more he holdes that God his chosen shall preserue Who finally shall them defend and punishe those that swarue The xxxvii Psalme REck not saith he nor doo you fret that wicked men doo thriue Nor that thou séest the iust correct for thou shalt sée beliue How that the euil of cut shalbe and thou if thou abide Ful patiently shalt haue thy wishe when that thy cause is tride The xxxviii Psalme SIcknes eftsoones dooth cause him say his sinnes the same to bring The ire of God and fréend now fled with foes on him laughing Is cause that he intreateth God to make him whole again And firmly stands to trust to that and so dooth stil remain The xxxix Psalme TEmpted then with extremities and gréefs that were infirme Eke fully bent this patience with silence to confirme Yet burst he out with doleful woords and dumnes quite he left Beséeching him of spéedy help that he be not bereft The xl Psalme WHen perils past were passed by he rendreth thanks to God And telleth plain he wil set out suche things as he hath bod Stil crauing mercy at his hand and foile on foes to fall With wishing those that doo him fear his prays to render all The xli Psalme AFflicted sore yet dooth he blesse those that his cace lament Complayning muche of fayned fréends that traytourously were bent But féeling God to be his ayd his haters rage to stay He rendreth thanks and dooth protest he wil doo so for ay The xlii Psalme BE●ing exilde from Christes flock to praise his holy name Yet dooth he ful protest a while from hart to doo the same Affirming though aduersities had ne so him opprest Yet should his soule haue confidenc● in him to take her rest The xliii Psalme CAusles his foes did vexe him sore therfore to God he prayes Iudge thou my cause and be my light thus vnto God he sayes So by that meanes vnto thy hil and tabernacle bothe Upon my harp I wil thée thank my soule shall not it lothe The xliiii Psalme DUe thanks his people héer doo giue for mercies manifolde And féeling now the contrary Gods couenant they beholde Affirming that to be the cause why enemies them vexe Yet doo they vow his lawes to holde for all their wicked checks The xlv Psalme EXtolled is the maiestie of Salomon the King The Egipt wife that he did wed hath eke her extolling Wherby is shewd how the Gentiles to Christe shall spoused be His mercies large shall foorth so stretche that none refuse wil he The xlvi Psalme FOr help receiu'd béeing besiegd of King Sennacherib The land the Lord affirming so it shalbe stablished In putting trust in God alwayes who hath his whole delight To saue his Churche when succour all dooth séem to be gone quite The xlvii Psalme GGd that is of moste mightie power he willeth for to laud Whose kingly rule dooth make his foes that they by him be awd Who dooth also to Iacobs séed extend his lasting looue He telles before the Gentiles call by Christe that is abooue The xlviii Psalme HOw notably Hierusalem from sundry foes had ayd How that from God their force was such they could not be dismaid For whiche to God they render thanks as guide vnto their dittie And so describe the comely state of their moste noble Cittie The xlix Psalme INcline your eares saith he hark iudge not that suche as welth Haue in their hands that they be blest for sure it is but pelf And they shall passe and perishe all that haue therin their trust But God shall féed and saue in déed suche as in him are iust The l. Psalme KNowing ful wel how that the church of Ipocrites had store Who put their trust in outward showes more then in inward lore Whiche hée dooth check and telleth plain that God dooth more delight In inward thanks and due requestꝭ then sacrifices bright The li. Psalme LO pardon now he pleadeth for the King I mean when hée By Nathans mouth did knowe his fault haue mercy Lord on me He saith and blot out all mi gilt and put away my sinne And doo not strike my people for the fault that I fel in The lii Psalme MUche musing why that wicked man that Doeg had to name Should boste him self so in his pride he saith God shall him tame And then he willes that faithful men should not suche tirants fear But stand in trust of Gods defence who shall their quarels bear The liii Psalme NO God at all the fool dooth say there is to sée my fact God looking down espied none that did regard his act Wherfore with fear they shalbe flight where fear there is no néed But sauing state with ioyfelnes his flock shall haue in déed The liiii Psalme O God hée saith doo thou me saue with enemies opprest And by thy power iudge thou my cause gainst suche as me detest Then wil I praise thy holy name and sacrifice ordain When of my foes my ful request of thée I doo obtain The lv Psalme PErsecuted so stil by Saule for succour he dooth pray Muche gréeued with a flattring sort that sought him to betray Moste ardently beseeching God his pittie for to shew And carefulnes he willeth men vpon the Lord to throwe The lvi Psalme QUestionles he séeth no way his foes for to withstand But forst he was to walke astray to voyd his enmies hand Wherfore he praith moste humblely to him that prayer alowes To way his cause and him
Like Aarons beard anointed fair it hath a plesant smel And as the dewes that fall from hie dooth make the earth increace So God shall make his blessing fall on séekers of his peace The C.xxxiiii Psalme O All ye seruantꝭ of the Lord sing prayses to his name Yée that attend vpon his house ceasse not to doo the same To lift vp hands on hie to him and eke the Lord to praise So shall the Lord vs blesse again who made bothe night and dayes The C.xxxv. Psalme PErfourm ye lauds vnto the Lord that Iacobs house did chuse He passeth all the Gentiles Gods the God I mean of Iewes Who out of Egipt led his flock and gaue them Canaan The dummy Gods are painted out and God is blessed than The C.xxxvi Psalme QUenche not your zeal but stil confes that God is God for ay And that his mercy dooth indure for euer and a day For all his woorks that he hath made we haue good cause therto And for his priuate benefites that he hath shewd to you The C.xxxvii Psalme RIght rufully a song they sung sitting in Babilon Expressing eke the tauntꝭ of them that looked them vpon ▪ Beséeching God them to reward that did them so anoy ▪ And blesseth them that Babilon shall hap for to destroy The C.xxxviii Psalme SUche goodnes as he found of God in troubles and in néed He dooth intend to celebrate to giue him all the méed Before the great he wil not shrink ▪ they shall not make him dum In midst of foes for help he hopes yea in the time to come The C.xxxix Psalme TO God there is nothing vnknowne bothe thoughtꝭ and woordꝭ déedꝭ He séeth all as creatour and so stil must he néeds There is no way to scape his hands he made him by his might For wicked men he praith the end and him to guide aright The C.xl. Psalme UNlose me Lord to God he saith from wicked mens deuice Who with their ●ungs doo me belye and séek my life to trise But God his God he dooth so make that little dooth he care And knowes that God to help the iust it is not to him rare The C.xli. Psalme AS he among the wicked dwelt within the Courtꝭ of Saule He prayeth God that he doo not suche sin as they in fall And that he would preserue him eke and saue him from their ginnes And if he light within their snares that he may break their grinnes The C.xlii. Psalme BEing close hid with in a caue for fear of Saule his foe He praith to God in his distresse to saue and help him so That out of darknes as a naile he would his soule out take And so his prayers béeing heard the iust his part should take The C.xliii Psalme CAll vnto God again he dooth as one opprest with foes As one whose soule and spirite also was set with many woes To hear him and deliuer him and eke to teache his way And him to saue for his names sake thus dooth his seruant pray The C.xliiii Psalme DAuid héer dooth now mixe his Psalme with thanks for foes opprest Affirming man and all his dayes to be but vain and prest To passe away as dooth a shade then dooth he God intreat His other foes for to suppresse and make his quiet seate The C. l●v Psalme EUen as before ful often times so héer he dooth declare The maruels of the mightie God how wonderful they are His goodnes and his clemency his mercy and his might How things that wait on him for food he féedeth them ful right The C.xlvi Psalme FUl plesantly this himne and thrée that doo the same sucséed Dooth set out prayses to the Lord with mouth and minde in déed Forbidding confidence to put in any princes might But trust the maker of the heauens that giues the blinde his sight The Cxlvii Psalme GO foorth he dooth and willeth laud● Hierusalem to make Whiche mightely did woork for it and stil her parte did take Stil filling her with benefits and Sion eke therto The like to others did hée not as he did them vnto The C.xlviii Psalme HEer dooth he wil the Angels hie and all the powers aboue With fier depth and Dragons great and all things that dooth mooue Bothe heat colde bothe yung and olde the people and their King The mountaines trées créeping beastꝭ all lauds to him to sing The Cxlix Psalme IN this his Psalme he dooth exhort the Israelites to praise Their God and King with instrumentꝭ his people doo him please He telth also that they shall ioy in victory to come On Gentiles and their Kings therto suche ioy shall light on some The C.l. Psalme KNit vp he dooth his psalmes with this that suche as musick vse Their instruments to laud the Lord they should them therfore chuse Exhorting all that breatheth breath to laud and doo the same And so with this he makes an end praise yée his holy name FINIS ¶ Thus ended are the Psalmes in course an hundreth fortie ten In songs as they deuided are I mean the sum of them And if in place some woord or line or verse be out of frame Yet bear with me Iudge my good wil and gladly mend the ●ame And freend or foe that shall me tel by any maner wise VVhere I haue mist miscanning right not vsing meeter guise I shall right gladly giue mine ear to harken to his talke And with my pen I wil be sure his councel not to balke Now perfet Prouerbs followe next of Salomon the King VVho so his rules they doo obserue ▪ good life they shall him bring The sum and pith of all the law ▪ of God the Lord is heer And perfet maners who so list to learn let him come neer And listen wel and giue his minde to print them in his hart VVith life therto whiles he dooth liue so shall he wel depart FINIS The Prouerbs of Salomon The j. chapiter A Man that wisedome wil attain to doo all things aright To fear the Lord he must begin though fooles not so delight Cast not thy lot in sinners life their tising woords refuse Wisedome she cryes in open stréetꝭ but few her lore wil vse The ii chapiter BEnd thy self vnto wisedoms wil as shée dooth thée perswade And shée wil teache thée perfet skil to walke a godly trade From God shée comes he dooth her giue who dooth preserue the iust And wisdome had within thy hart in goodnes shalt thou lust The iii. chapiter COnsider wel the law of God and binde thée to the same Thy trust thy fear and honour bothe let them be in his name If he correct doo thou obay séek wisedome and haue ease Doo thou no wrong ne séek thou strife for suche doo God displease The iiii chapiter DEcline thou not from wisedoms rule shée shall thée woorship bring But in the way that wicked walke vse not for any thing The righteous way stil more dooth shine the wicked walke in dark His woords and rules
did them betide Their pride therfore shall haue a fall he telleth to them plain In thrée yéeres space the multitude should taken be or slain The xvii chapiter REwarded should Damascus be the Sirians he dooth mean And Ephraim that did decline should néee be wasted clean By scourges great they should repent their straying so from God A forren power shall them inuade but sudenly forbod The xviii Chapiter SUche ships as sayled on the sea by Ethiopia might He wilth to flée with wings of sailes to tel the world the plight That Israel was brought vnto for breaking of their law How Gentiles should be calld to grace and stand of God in awe The xix Chapiter THe burden of the heauy plague that Egipt should sustain By Assirian power because they put their trust in Idols vain Yet shall the Lord giue them his law and Assur eke the same And Israel in midst of them these thrée shall praise his name ▪ The xx Chapiter WHen woords would not make them beléeue what Esay then said A signe he gaue by nakednes that so they should be paid For thrée yéeres space th' Assirians should the Ethiopians broile And Egipt land likewise subdue not sparing bothe to spoile The xxj chapiter AGain he telth how Babilon should quite be ouerthrowne ▪ Babel is falne Babel is falne so should the noyes be blowne Idumea and Arabie the like should them befall The Medes and eke Persians should bring them in to thrall The xxii chapiter BEcause Hierusalem did trust in walles and diches déep Therfore the Prophet telth their fall whiche causeth him to wéep And how that Sobna had him made a Sepulture in vain For why as captiue he should die with tossed life in pain The xxiii Chapiter CAst down he saith that God would doo the pride of Tirus town The marchants that had world at wil should be of small renown And yet when yéeres are past and gone that for her plague are sent Shée should again to former stat● be set and so repent The xxiiii chapiter DEclare he dooth that God wil curse and strike the earth for sin Bothe hed and foot none should escape when that he dooth begin And yet not so but that a few should wel escape the same Unto the end that they might shew the prayses of his name The xxv Chapiter EXalt he dooth the Lord aboue and praise him euermore For punishing the wicked so whiche set not by his ●ore And for the sparing of his flock and forcing foes to vade By similitude vnto his saints a feast to them he made The xxvi Chapiter FAithful men héer sing to their God and doo therin confesse Their sauing helth to come from him and eke also their peace And how the dead in perfet shape shall rise out of the dust And how the Lord shall visit them that in him had no trust The xxvii Chapiter GOd wil destroy Leuiathan the Deuil and all his might And wil defend his vine the Churche and purge her in his sight Then shall shée render to the Lord his laudes with willing wil When from their foes they be returnd vnto his holy hil The xxviii Chapiter HOw God would plague the Israelites who wine so fast did drink That drunkennes they wayed more then on his law to think The stumbling stone that he would lay and woork his wil when hée Should sée his time and point his place how euery thing should be The xxix Chapiter IErusalem shall punisht be their sacrifice shall ceace Their aulter shall oreturned be their foes on them shall preace With lips alone and dreames of men because they did him serue He would them strike and yet of looue some séed he would preserue The xxx chapiter KNowing that they at Egipt sought for help in their distresse And that they did the Prophets mock whiche sought them to redresse Therfore he telth destruction to light vpon the swarme But yet all suche as doo repent he saith shall take no harme The xxxi Chapiter LIkewise the Lord dooth curse all thē that doo his help forsake And put their trust in man or horse fore him that did them make And yet stil fauour he dooth faith to them that wil amend And cast their Idols quite away on whom they did depend The xxxii Chapiter MUche good dooth come when rulers good haue place to sit Iudge The nature of a churle is suche against the poore to grudge That careles wemen shall lament the ruine shalbe suche But when that Christ shal come to reign their comfort shalbe muche The xxxiii Chapiter NO gain at all shall they obtain that doo the Churche molest When they haue spoild doon their wil God wil their déeds detest And giue vnto his flock a pause while he dooth strike their foes That better they may kéep his lawes that all their dooings knowes The xxxiiii chapiter OF very looue that God dooth bear to his elected sorte He wil imbrue his swoord in blood to bate the wicked porte And so destroy the cursed train their Cittie so deface That Oule Rauen with Ziim and Lim shall there haue dwelling place The xxxv chapiter PErfet good ioy beléef in Christe to suche that héer doo dwel Dooth bring to them their office tolde that preache to men Gospel And eke the frute of those that hear the preching of it right To Sion shall they turn again and that in ioyful plight The xxxvi Chapiter QUestionles the pride was great of Rabsaketh the Prince He thought by threats to make y e Iewes not able for to quinche Blaspheming God with spiteful taunts and bragging in the might Of his great King Senacherib he spake his spéeche in spight The xxxvii Chapiter REnting his clothes Ezechiah axt councel of Esay Who tolde him plain he néed not fear the Lord his foes would pay Senacherib blasphemde again then Ezechiah praid An Angel did his foes destroy so fel it as was sayd The xxxviiii Chapiter SO sick then fel Ezechiah God did him helth restore And caused him prolong his yéeres for fiftéen had he more Then gaue he thanks vnto the Lord when signe of helth he saw And leaues of Figs vnto his pain were layd his sore to drawe The xxxix chapiter THen was the King reprooued muche Ezechiah by name For shewing of his treasures great to men that were of fame And that was to Embassadours that came from Babilon Therfore the Prophet Esay saith thou shalt be wo begon The xl Chapiter WHiche way our sinnes remitted be by Christe he telth before And of Iohn Baptist he dooth shew and what shalbe his lore Rebuking eke Idolaters describing them ful plain And eke all those whiche God forsook and man dooth trust ful vain The xli Chapiter ALone dooth God his people chuse and that of mercy méer They béeing those among them selues eche one dooth other chéer With comfort he dooth comfort them their Idolles are but vain No things to come can tel but God ne make that douts be plain The
xlii Chapiter BEholde he wilth that ready prest is Christe for to obay In humblenes by suffering wise for our offence to pay The deafe the blinde and prisoners with suche like to reléeue The Gentiles all shall called be vnto the right beléeue The xliii Chapiter CAst care aside and haue good hope let nought make you afraid ▪ Thou Iacobs house for I thy God wil surely be thyne ayd Alone I wil thy foes confound and eke also remit Thy sin my self of my good wil and think no more of it The xliiii Chapiter DOo dout away be of good chéer yet once again my flock I am the same that alwayes hath born looue vnto your stock The Image and the woorkmaster are vain and perishe shall Though they be false he wil perfourm his seruants sayings all The xlv Chapiter ERect a King he would that should set frée his Churche at large Cirus by name was he that should receiue of God the charge There is none iust but God alone that ruleth ouer all Who wil so woork that euery knée shall down before him fall The xlvi Chapiter FAlne flat to ground is Babilon their Idols eke of golde Are beaten down whiche in the stréetꝭ ▪ their shoulders vp did holde The Iewes he calth that they should mark his woorkꝭ of wūders wrought His Iustice and his mercy bothe should soon to them be brought The xlvii Chapiter GOd now dooth tel why Babel great should once be set a side Because that shée no mercy shewd when Iuda shée did guide And for their pride and bragging boste and eke her foolishe trust That in enchaunting shée did put now féel her fall shée must The xlviii Chapiter HE telth of their Hipocrisie and dooth the same reprooue Deferring yet them to reward so mooued by his looue Exhorting them to worship him for that to him is due So would he out of Babilon ▪ deliuer all their crue The xlix Chapiter I Doo exhort yée nations all that yée beléeue and holde The promises whiche God hath plight and often to you tolde For sauing helth vnto you all if you the same beléeue By Christe and eke deliuerance from foes yée shall atchéeue The l. Chapiter KNowne vnto God was wel the cause why he the Iewes forsook The cause was their Iniquitie the whiche in hand they took Yet should they knowe the power of God not minisht long to be Christe shall obay and vpper hand of foes attain shall he The li. Chapiter LOok wel vpon the faith that once in Abraham was found For I am hée thus saith the Lord that shall thy foes confound Though scourged be Hierusalem yet shall their woful crosse Be profitable vnto them therby to haue no losse The lii Chapiter MAke mery yée my people all captiuitie is past And ioyful fréedome ye shall haue giuen vnto you at last His messengers he wil send out their beautie shall excel But one of all aboue the rest shall bear away the bel The liii Chapiter NOt one almoste that should beléeue in Christe because that hée So simple should appéer to men and in suche pouertie And yet him self should bear away our sinnes vpon the crosse And eke the pain vnto them due so paying all our losse The liiii Chapiter OF Gentiles mo the Gospel shall imbrace then of the Iewes And frute shall bring accordingly as hearers of suche newes So God his people wil forsake and stand aside a while But yet at length he wil return and fréendly on them smile The lv Chapiter PRoclaim he dooth who so is dry come drink withouten cost And pay no more to stay your thirst your labour is but lost Draw néer to God while he is nie and doo away your sin His woord shall not out from him passe but somewhat it shall win The lvi chapiter QUēche not the right let Iustice passe to Iudges he dooth speak And saith for all his house shalbe therin their plaintꝭ to break The watche men blinde as Dogs are dum they wake but for their gain From day to day to fil in wine there in is all their pain The lvii Chapiter RIghteous God taketh hence lest they of plagues should taste Whiche he preparde to punishe sin vpon the earth to cast Idolatrers they be rebukte for seruing Idols vain No peace can be to wicked men but war and endles pain The lviii Chapiter SPare not but cry should ministers as watche men should they blowe And tel the people their offence not sparing hie or lowe How Hipocrites look all for méed in fasting of their fast Of violence and dooing wrong suche food we should not taste The lix Chapiter THe wicked by his wickednes doothe perishe and decay But godly men their sin confes and so are doon away For God him self his Churche wil saue when strength of man dooth faile His woord adioyned to his spirite shall ouer all preuaile The Lx. Chapiter UNto the knowledge of the truthe the Gentiles shall be brought And heapes of them should come to god as one that hath them bought And Sion that forsaken was and often had il luck Should be refresht w t paps of Quéenes for on them should shée suck The Lxi. Chapiter ANointed Christe is sent to preache the wretched to reléeue And sauing helth to giue to them whiche on him doo beléeue For whiche the faithful doo reioyce and lauds vnto him bring He shall cause vertue in his Churche abundantly to spring The Lxii. Chapiter BEhold the day right fain they would wherin that they might sée The Christe that should by promise tolde set them at large and frée Good pastours ceasse not for to preache and teache the way aright How people shall escape the rod that els on them should light The lxiii Chapiter COme foorth and doo his feat alone shall God his Churche to saue And in his wrath tread down the foes that gainst his flock did raue Great benefits of his méer looue to his stil shew he dooth Though Abram doo not knowe our state yet God it kens forsooth The lxiiii Chapiter DIrect he dooth to God his spéeche his prayers dooth begin Intreating not that he would think vpon the peoples sin But rather that of him they might some succour féel and taste In waying how their church was burnt and Cittie lay ful wast The lxv Chapiter EFtsoones he telth how Gentiles shall him séek and eke imbrace And how that Iewes for scorning him should be set in their place Muche ioy the chosen should atchéeue where as contrary wise Great punishement shall on them light that doo his name despise The Lxvi Chapiter FUl hie abooue God hath his seat and eke in hart of man And not in temple made by men and sacrifices than He dooth mislike when mercy wantꝭ oppressed he reléeues The wicked with eternall pain by Iustice stil he gréeues FINIS ¶ Thus haue you heard this Prophet speak of Christe his kingdome muche Rebuking sin with threats ful sore against bothe poor and riche And how the Iewes
remnant God wil kéep his Churche for to increace The righteous men alone shall scape their sin he wil releace The xv Chapiter PRofitable is not the wood that commeth of the vine No longer then it beareth frute wherof is made the wine Euen so likewise Hierusalem that bringeth foorth no frute Shalbe consumde with fier at home and eke in her pursute The xvi Chapiter QUenche now their pride he go'th about their progeny to tel How bare they were how God thē clad they did that was not wel For Sodome nor Samaria suche whordome woorked not In woorship false to Idoles vain as neuer more was wrought The xvij chapiter REherse he dooth by Egles twain what shall of Israel hap Who thought to plant in Egipt power but it should take no sap Their King also that promise made to Babel to obay For breaking of his othe to him ful déerly he should pay The xviii Chapiter S●me wher it falth shal haue reward in him that dooth it vse Eche man shall bear his owne offence he shall none other chuse But who so dooth his sin repent shall pardon haue therfore And he that dooth good life forsake shall pay ful déer therfore The xix Chapiter TEl now he dooth what Lions sprang out of the Lionesse What catching Kings Hierusalem did bréed to her distresse How as a vine shée floorisht once and did from thence decay And therfore now in wildernes there should shée dry away The xx Chapiter UNto him came the elders then who did to them declare For all their sin from time to time how God yet did them spare Not hearing suche as yéelded not but wrath vpon them take And spare the rest that feared him euen for his mercies sake The xxi Chapiter A Swoord hée saith shall all deuoure and spare ne hie nor lowe The Babel power should all destroy inchauntment taught him so The Ammonites should also quaile their kingdome should be wun The Babel power should them destroy where they their life begun The xxii Chapiter BEholde this chapter mark it wel how all was out of frame What sinnes there reignd in Israel he dooth vnto you name The rulers and the Prophets eke the préestꝭ and people all In sundry sinnes withouten shame eche one of them did fall The xxiii Chapiter COmparison of women twain that whoredome doo commit He dooth compare to Israel and Iuda like to it Whose filthy foule Idolatrie prouoked God to ire The Childe first born they spared not to burn in flaming fire The xxiiii Chapiter DEclare he dooth by double signes what they shall come vntil As fleshe in pot dooth séethe to scum so should they for their il His wife dooth die he mourned not as he of God was wild No more should they haue space thereto when that their fréends were kild The xxv Chapiter EUil hap should come of Ammonites and Moabites by name Because they did reioyce and laugh when Israel had blame The Edomites and Philistines should eke stoup to the Est That is to say to Babel power and be of them possest The xxvi Chapiter FOr like offence that Cittie great that Tirus ●ight by name Should haue the foile and be possest of straungers to their shame The Iles and merchantꝭ wunder shall when they shall hear the same A Cittie new in ruine great that was of mickle fame The xxvij chapiter GReat was the welth that Tirus had he dooth tel it at length Their fame their name their quiet state their power and eke their strength All these with all their men and might their force by sea and land Should be destroyd for euermore by might of forren band The xxviii Chapiter HE telleth now what pride he had that Tirus rul'd as King And of his fall and Cittie eke they fearing no suche thing To Zidon to he shewes asmuche that like on them should fall And how Gods folke should liue in peace when foes were stroyed all The xxix Chapiter IN like he saith that Egipt power should quite be ouer run And fortie yéeres it should lie waste after that it were wun The King of Babel should it haue to be his souldiours gaines Because at Tirus they did win small profit for their paines The xxx Chapiter KNowe wel you may he dooth not fain but telth again their wo Their cūtrie spoild their Citties down their neighbours serued so Their Idols eke should be defaste their strength should not auaile Their foes with force of God his power so fiercely should assail The xxxi Chapiter LIke power to the Assirians in Egipt could not be And yet Nabuchodonozer the same destroyed he This he dooth tel that they should think that they might not withstand The rage of Babel when it com'th for to destroy the land The xxxii Chapiter MUche more to make now is he wild for Pharo that was King Who should be slain and riuer ful of blood should ouer spring As other Kings were ouerrun and brought vnto the pit So Egipt pride should haue a fall as iust reward for it The xxxiii Chapiter NOte wel this thing when preachers preache warning men doo giue They be dischargd if they repent they shalbe sure to liue Eche man shall bear his owne offence the godly shall haue méed They that did rest and at him iest ful wickedly should spéed The xxxiiii Chapiter OF shepheards that their profit séek and not the shéep to féed He dooth describe what God wil doo euen pay them for their méed And take his flock in hand him self deuiding shéep from shéep And giue the flock at length to Christe whiche truly shall them kéep The xxxv Chapiter PUblishe vnto Idumea he dooth what God would doo Because that Israel they had gréeu'd they should be gréeued to As blooddely the Israelites they had with war opprest So should their blood be spilt again and none of them haue rest The xxxvi Chapiter QUicken he dooth the Israelites that they should not dispair For God would all their foes destroy and them again repair His mercy onely moouing him and not of their desartꝭ And take from them their stony mindes and giue them fleshy hartꝭ The xxxvii Chapiter RIght soon as he in féeld was set a miracle he wrought For dried bones took fleshe and breath that God vnto them brought By whiche he telth that Israel that séemed to be gone Should safe return and Iuda bothe and be eke ioynd in one The xxxviii Chapiter SUche enemies as should arise he dooth them héer describe As Gog and Magog in their power the Churche for to deride And they to come in latter dayes as Prophets tolde tofore Yet God should stay their furious rage and punishe them therfore The xxxix Chapiter THe Lord is bent against this Gog a wretched end to haue Their slaughter such seuē monthꝭ to séek to bring them vnto graue Then shall his people rest in peace and heathen tolde the cause Why Israel afflicted was for breaking of his lawes The xl Chapiter UNto the Cittie he is