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A66687 The new law of righteousnes budding forth, in restoring the whole creation from the bondage of the curse. Or A glimpse of the new heaven, and new earth, wherein dwels righteousnes. Giving an alarm to silence all that preach or speak from hear-say, or imagination. By Gerrard Winstanley Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. 1649 (1649) Wing W3049; ESTC R219016 82,328 133

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the offender to know his maker and to live in the community of the righteous Law of love one with another For talking of love is no love it is acting of love in righteousnesse which the Spirit Reason our Father delights in And this is to relieve the oppressed to let goe the prisoner to open bags and barns that the earth may be a common treasury to preserve all without complainings for uhe earth was not made for a few to live at ease upon and to kil such as did not observe the Law of their own making but it was made for all to live comfortably upon and the power of life and death is reserved in the hand of the Spirit not in the hand of flesh None ought to kil but such as can make alive therefore let every one walk righteously in the Creation and trust the Spirit for protection He that makes a zealous profession of the Spirit as all professours doe and yet doth not act this universall power of Righteousnesse in labouring the earth for a common treasury is a meer self-lover and he professes but himself and is a complementing enemy to Reason the King of Righteousnesse and if stil thou saist it is the Spirit whom thou doest worship then make it manifest to the world what spirit this is that rules every where besids Reason And futher he that denies this community denies the Scriptures Likewise whether the Preachers prosessours or rich men that upholds this unrighteous power of particular propriety Therefore you dust of the earth that are trod under foot you poor people that makes both schollars and rich men your oppressours by your labours Take notice of your priviledge the Law of Righteousnesse is now declared If you labour the earth and work for others that lives at ease and follows the waies of the flesh by your labours eating the bread which you get by the sweat of your brows not their own Know this that the hand of the Lord shal break out upon every such hireling labourer and you shal perish with the covetous rich men that have held and yet doth hold the Creation under the bondage of the curse This voice of the Lord work together and eat bread together doth advance the law of Reason and Righteousnesse the rising of this is the fall of mistical Babylon the oppressing flesh the living in the practice of this La●v of love declares the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles to be a true declaration of the Spirit and no lie He that denies the practice of this lives in a continual denial of those Scriptures Therefore your selfish tyth-taking Preachers and all others that preaches for hire with all covetous professours take notice that you are the Judahs that betraid Christ and the Pharisees that put him to death and you stil persue the murder by standing up to hinder Christ from rising and coming in sons and daughters his second time in flesh I have now obeyed the command of the Spirit that bid me declare this all abroad I have declared it and I wil declare it by word of mouth I have now declared it by my pen And when the Lord doth shew unto me the place and manner how he wil have us that are called common-common-people to manure and work upon the common Lands I wil then go forth and declare it in my action to eat my bread with the sweat of my brows without either giving or taking hire looking upon the Land as freely mine as anothers I have now peace in the Spirit and I have an inward perswasion that the spirit of the poor shal be drawn forth ere long to act materially this Law of Righteousnesse If man-kinde knew their liberty which their Creatour Reason hath given us none would be offended at this new Law that is to be writ in every mans heart and acted by every mans hand They that submit in love and offers what they have freely to further this work shal prosper and finde peace for they honour our Maker by lifting up the Creation in Righteousnesse They that wil not submit freely the hand of the Lord shal be as sure upon them as it was upon Pharaoh who is their type O you great Adams of the earth that cals the earth yours and looks upon others as servants and slaves to you as if the earth were made only for you to live at ease and honour upon it while others starved for want of bread at your feet and under your oppressing government Behold the King the Lord of Hosts hath sent his servants to bid you let Israel goe free that they may serve him together in community off spirit and in community of the earthly treasure Be not you more proud and hard hearted then Pharaoh your type if you be as it is like you wil for the anti-type oft times is more powerfull then the type then assure your selves plagues shal multyply and Israel shal be pulled from under your burdens with a strong hand and stretched out arm and you and all your company shal perish together The Lord hath spoke it and he will doe it All the men and women in England are al children of this Land and the earth is the Lords not particular mens that claims a proper interest in it above others which is the devils power But be it so that some wil say This is my Land and cal such and such a parcel of Land his own interest Then saith the Lord let such an one labour that parcel of Land by his own hands none helping him for whosoever shal help that man to labour his proper earth as he cals it for wages the hand of the Lord shal be upon such labourers for they lift up flesh above the spirit by their labours and so hold the Creation stil under bondage Therefore if the rich wil stil hold fast this propriety of Mine and thine let them labour their own Land with their own hands And let the common-common-People that are the gatherings together of Israel from under that bondage and that say the earth is ours not mine let them labour together and eat bread together upon the Commons Mountains and Hils For as the inclosures are called such a mans Land and such a mans Land so the Commons and Heath are called the common-common-peoples and let the world see who labours the earth in righteousnesse and those to whom the Lord gives the blessing let them be the people that shal inherit the earth Whether they that hold a civil propriety saying This is mine which is selfish devilish and destructive to the Creation or those that hold a common right saying The earth is ours which lifts up the Creation from bondage Was the earth made for to preserve a few covetous proud men to live at ease and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the earth from others that they might beg or starve in a fruitful Land or was it made to preserve all her children Let
peace and secret joy And since that time those words have been like very fruitfull seed that have brough forth increase in my heart which I am much prest in spirit in declare all abroad The poor people by their labours in this time of the first Adams government have made the buyers and sellers of land or rich men to become tytants and oppressours over them But in the time of Israels restoration now begining when the King of Righteousnesse himself shall be Governor in every man none then shall work for hire neither shal any give hire but every one 〈◊〉 work in love one with and for another and eat bread together as being members of one houshold the Creation in whom Reason rules King in perfect glory He that cals any part of the Creation his own in particular in this time of Israels return from the mistery of Aegyptian bondage is a destroyer of the Creation a lifter up of the proud covetous flesh againe a bringer in of the curse againe and a mortal enemy to the Spirit For upon Israels returne from captivity the Lord himself wil burn up the curse and restore the Creation fire water earth and air from that slavery and make the earth to be a common treasury to them all for they are but one house of Israel still though twelve Tribes And they have but one King one Law-giver one teacher amongst them all even the Lord himself who is Reason The King of Righteousnesse they are all filled with one spirit and they shall all live comfortably upon one earth and so the whole earth is the Lords And this is the inward and outward liberty which the Lord wil give to Sion And this work is begun the foundation of this spiritual building is laid and the spreading of this one spirit in every sonne and daughter and the lifting up the earth to be a common treasury wil make Jerusalem a praise in the whole earth and the glory of the earth indeed and so the Father of all things shall be honoured in the works of his own hands No man shal have any more land then he can labour himself or have others to labour with him in love working together and eating bread together as one of the Tribes of families of Israel neither giving hire not taking hire He that is now a possessour of lands and riches and cannot labour if he say to others you are may fellow creatures and the Lord is now making the earth common amongst us therefore take my land only let me eat bread with you that man shall be preserved by the lobours of others But it any man have Land and neither can work nor wil work but wil strive to rule as a tyrant burdening the Creation the hand of the Lord shall fal upon him either to destruction or torment and if his life be given for a prey he shall be made to work and eat his bread with the sweat of his own brows not of others til he know himself to be a member not a lord over the Creation and thus he shall be dealt with that hath lost the benefit of Sonship All the punishment that any one shall receive for any unrighteous act whereby he begins to bring the cause againe upon the Creation he sahll only be made a Gibeonite to work in the earth not in a prison and the eyes of all shall be upon him and the greatset offence will be this for any to endeavour to raise up some few to rule over others so to set up particular interest againe and to bring in buying and selling of land againe the sore displeasure of the Lord shall be such a peoples portion Israel is not to imprison or torment and by death or smaller punishments but only to cause them to work and eat their own bread for he or they that inflicts any other punishment upon fellow creatures is an unrighteous actour in the Creation and shall himself be made a servant to all till he by the spirit in him is made to know himself to be equal to every man not a Lord over any for all men looked upon in the bulk are but the Creation the living earth This imprisoning punishing and killing which is the practice of the first Adam ye visible to the world is the curse And it is a mighty dishonour to our maker that one part of the Creation should destroy another it was not so from the beginning but it is an honour to our maker that every part of the Creation should lend a mutual help of love in action to preserve the whole But is not this the old rule He that sheds man● bloud by man shall his bloud be shed I answer It is true but not as usually it is observed for first know That the Spirit is the man who hath determined to suffer himself to be killed and lie dead in the streets or under the several forms of Babylon government three daies or times and a half The serpent is he or the wicked man that kils the man of Righteousnesse or sheds his bloud for that space of time which is indeed the wisdome and power of the flesh killing the wisdom and power of the Spirit and ruling in the Spirits own house the heart for a time Therefore now it is declared that the Serpent or beastly power of flesh that kils the Spirit shall himself be killed by the Spirit when the Spirit begins to rise and I can tell you that the resurrection is begun for all the great fightings is between flesh and Spirit The seed of the woman shall bruise the Serpents head It is not for one creature called man to kill another for this is abominable to the Spirit and it is the curse which hath made the Creation to groan under bondage for if I kill you I am a murderrer if a third come and hang or kill me for murdering you he is a murderer of me and so by the government of the first Adam murder hath been called Justice when it is but the curse Besides none can call himself a man till the man Christ or Spirit rule in him for til then the greatest Lord of all is but a Beast and one Beast kils another for a man wil never kill a man therefore said the man Christ Jesus I came not to destroy but to save therefore such as kill are farr from being Saints or children of Christ for they are the children of the Serpent whose delight and work is to kill the man-child but he that sheds this mans blouds by the same man shall his bloud be shed in the resurrection Therefore O thou proud flesh that dares hang and kil thy fellow creatures that is equall to thee in the Creation Know this that none hath the power of life and death but the Spirit and al punishmens that are to be inflicted amongst creatures called men are only such as to make
Reason and the Prophets and Apostles writings be Judge the earth is the Lords it is not to be confined to particular interest None can say Their right is taken from them for let the rich work alone by themselves and let the poor work together by themselves the rich in their inclosures saying This is mnie The poor upon their Commons saying This is ours the earth and fruits are common And who can be offended at the poor for doing this None but covetous proud lazy pamper'd flesh that would have the poor stil to work for that devil particular interest to maintain his greatnesse that he may live at ease What doe we get by our labour in the earth but that we may eat bread and live together in love and community of righteousnesse This shall be the blessing of Israel But as Esau hath setled his Kingdome they that work live in straits They that live idle surfet with fulnesse and makes all places stink with unrighteous envious oppression Wel when the Lord cals forth Israel to live in tents which I believe wil be within a short time he wil protect them This Trumpet is stil sounding in me Work together Eat bread together declare this all abroad Suerly the Lord hath not revealed this in vain for I shal see the fruit of righteousnesse follow after it which wil be the beginning of the great day of veangence to the Oppessour that hath held the earth under the bondage of civil propriety ruling a Tyrant over others forcing the poor to work for hire But in the day of restoration of Israel is not to eat the bread of a hireling in no kind he is neither to give hire nor take hire Did the light of Reason make the earth for some men to ingrosse up into bags and barns that others might be opprest with poverty Did the light of Reason make this law that if one man have not such abundance of the earth as to give to others he borrowed of that he that did lend should imprison the other and starve his body in a close room Did the light of Reason make this law that some part of man-kinde should kil and hang another part of man-kinde that could not walk in their steps Surely Reason was not the God chat made that law for this is to make one part of the Creation alwaies to be quarrelling against another part which is mighty dishonour to our Maker But covetousnesse that murdering God of the world was that Law-maker And that is the God or ruling power which all men that claim a particular interest in the earth do worship For the Earth is the Lords that is the spreading power of righteousnes not the Inheritance of covetous proud flesh that dies If any man can say that he makes Corn or Cattle he may say That is mine But if the Lord make these for the use of his Creation suerly then the earth was made by the Lord to be a common Treasury for all not a particular Treasury for some If any man can say he can give life then he hath power to take away life But if the power of life and death be only in the hand of the Lord then surely he is a murderer of the Creation that takes away the life of his fellow Creature man by any law whatsoever For all laws that are made by any man to take away the life of man is the upholder of the curse But what if some steal or whore or become idle and wil not work but live upon others labours as rich men do that cal the land theirs I answer If any manifest such a Achanish or Serpents power as to endeavour to bring in the curse againe upon the Creation he shal not be imprisoned hanged or killed for that is the worke of the Midianites to kil one another to preserve themselves and self-interest But the punishment of such shal be this he shal be set to work and have land oppointed him to work upon and none shal help him he shal have a mark set upon him al this time that every ones eie may be upon him as upon a fool in Israel he shal be a servant to every one til such time as the spirit in him make him know himself to be equal to others in the Creation If any do steal what wil they do with it None shal buy or sel and al the while that every one shal have meat and drink and cloaths what need have they to steal Their stealing shal get them nothing but to lose the benefit of Sonship And that is to be set alone to eat his own bread none having communion with him For every one shal know the Law and every one shal obey the Law for it shal be writ in every ones heart and every one that is subject to Reasons law shal enjoy the benefit of Sonship And that is in respect of outward community to work together and eat bread together and by so doing lift up the creation from the bondage of self interest or particular propriety of mine and thine which is the Devil and Satan even the God of this world that hath blinded the eies of covetous proud flesh and hath bound them up in chains of darknesse The universal spirit of righteousnesse hath been slain by covetous proud flesh this 1649 years ago But now that spirit begins to arise againe from the dead and the same Beast seeks to hinder his rising or else watches to kil the Manchild after he is brought forth Covetous proud flesh wil kil a Tyrant but hold fast the same Tyrannie and slaverie over others in his own hand he wil kil the Traitor but liks wel the Treason when he may be honoured or lifted up by it Look upon the mountaines and little hils of the earth and see if these prickling thorns and briars the bitter curse does not grow there Truly Tyrannie is Tyrannie in one as wel as in another in a poor man lifted up by his valour as in a rich man lifted up by his lands And where Tyrannie sits he is an enemy to Christ the spreading spirit of righteousnesse He wil use the bare name Christ that he may the more secretly persecute and kil his power Tyrannie is a subtile proud and envious Beast his nature is selfish and ful of murder he promises fair things for the publique but all must be made to center within self or self interest not the universal libertie Wel to be short Let every one know if they wait upon their Maker they wil know That the universal power of righteous Communitie as I have declared is Canaan the land of rest and libertie which flows with milk and honey with abundance of joy and peace in our Maker and one in another But the condition of the world that upholds civill interests of mine and thine Is Egypt the house of bondage and truly Pharoahs task-masters are very many both Teachers and Rulers Therefore thus
said the voyce of the spirit in me guiding my eie to the powers of the earth three times Let Israel go free Let Israel go free Let Israel go free Work all together Eat bread altogether Whosoever labours the earth for any one that wil be a burdning Ruler over others and does not look upon himself as equal to others in the Creation the hand of the Lord shal be upon that labourer I the Lord have spoken it and I wil doe it Declare this all abroad Israel shal neither give hire nor take hire Surely this is both ful of reason and equity for the earth was not made for some but for al to live comfortably upon the fruits of it And there cannot be a universal libertie til this universal communitie be established All tears occasioned through bondage cannot be wiped away til the earth become in use to all a common Treasurie And then Jerusalem wil become a praise to the whole earth and not til then At this time the barren land shal be made fruitfull for the Lord wil take off the curse And if any grumble and say The Heaths and Commons are barren and the like and so draw against the work All that I say let them go their way their portion is not here they live in the low flesh not in the height of the spirit And they know not the mysterie of the Lord who is now restoring Israel from bondage and fetching them out of all lands where they were scattered into one place where they shal live and feed together in peace And then there shal be no more pricking briar in all the holy Mountain This shal be the glory of all they shal lie down in rest This is the Branch This is Israel This is Christ spread in sons and daughters This is Jerusalem the glory of the whole earth Where then will be the railing persecuting Priest or the Tyrant Professour that sucks after the blo●d and miserie of those that wil not joyn 〈…〉 his forms But indeed as yet as the state of the world is while the first Adam yet sits in the Chair and corrupts the Creation by his unrighteous wisdome and power I say at this time the feirce wrath of the King of Righteousnesse is threatned over this Land called England and indeed over all the whole earth where particular interest bears rule and enslaves the Creation And if covetous proud flesh stil uphold this self-propriety which is the curse and burden which the Creation groans under Then O thou covetous earth expect the multyplying of plagues and the fulfilling of all threatning prophesies and visions for thy downfal in miserie But if thou wouldst find mercie then open thy barns and treasuries of the earth which thou hast heaped together and detains from the poor thy fellow creatures This is the only remedy to escape wrath and the door of acceptance to mercie is yet open if thou do this The Judge of Truth and Right waits yet upon thy comming into him Therefore O thou first Adam take notice that the Lord hath set before thee life and death now chuse whether thou wilt for the time is near at hand that buying and selling of land shall cease and every son of the land shal live of it Divide England into three parts scarce one part is manured So that here is land enough to maintain all her children and many die for want or live under a heavy burden of povertie all their daies And this miserie the poor people have brought upon themselves by lifting up particular interest by their labours There are yet three doors of hope for England to escape destroying plagues First let every one leave off running after others for knowledge and comfort and wait upon the spirit Reason til he break forth out of the Clouds of your heart and manifest himself within you This is to cast off the shadow of Learning and to reject covetous subtile proud flesh that deceives all the world by their hearsay and traditional preaching of words letters and sillables without the spirit And to make choyce of the Lord the true Teacher of every one in their own inward experience The mysterie of the spirit and the mystrie of Babylon Secondly Let every one open his bags and barns that al may feed upon the crops of the earth that the burden of povertie may be removed Leave of this buying and selling of Land or of the fruits of the earth and as it was in the light of Reason first made so let it be in action amongst all a common Treasurie none inclosing or hedging in any part of earth saying this is mine which is rebellion and high treason against the King of Righteousnesse And let this word of the Lord be acted amongst all work together eat bread together Thirdly Leave off dominion and Lordship one over another for the whole bulk of man-kinde are but one living earth Leave off imprisoning whiping and killing which are but the actings of the curse And let those that hitherto have had no Land and have been forced to rob and steal through povertie hearafter let them quietly enjoy Land to work upon that every one may enjoy the benefit of his Creation and eat his own bread with the sweat of his own brows For surely this particular propriety of mine and thine hath brought in all miserie upon people For first it hath occasioned people to steal one from another Secondly it hath made Laws to hang those that did steal It tempts people to doe an evil action and then kils them or doing of it Let all judge if this be not a great devil Well If every one would speedily set about the doing of these three particulars I have mentioned the Creation would thereby be lift up out of bondage and our Maker would have the glory of the works of his own hands They that offer themselves and what treasure they have freely to further this work shal find mercy and the blessing of all Nations shal be his Comfortor They that hinder this common interest of earthly community and wil keep up the tyrannical government of old Adam stil the hand of the Lord shal be upon that person whosoever he be Thus saith the Lord to all the great ones that are cloathed with objects and are lifted up flesh with honours in the government of the world Let Israel go quietly out of your bondage that they may serve me If you wil not let him go I wil not come with 10 plagues as upon Egyptian Pharoah of old but I wil multiply my plagues upon thee thou stout-hearted Pharoah that makes shew of love to me and yet all is but like Jehu to lift up thy self over the remnant in the Land Adam is the commer in of bondage and is the curse that hath taken hold of the Creation And he may wel be called A-dam for indeed he does dam and stop up the streams of the waters of life and
himself abroad amongst his Sons and daughters the members of his mystical body then this community of love and righteousnesse making all to use the blessings of the earth as a common Treasurie amongst them shal break forth again in his glory and fil the earth and shal be no more supprest And none shal say this is mine but every one shal preserve each other in love As Christ does thus rise and spread those that have riches gold and silver and the like and are taken into the onenesse of this Spirit they shall come and offer up their treasures willingly not daring to keep it That those that have nothing may have part and enjoy the blessing of the earth with themselves being all members of that one body unto whom the Kings of the East called the Wise men offered gifts gold frankinsense and myrrhe while he was the Child Jesus But those that do not come in and offer what they have willingly to the work of the Lord they shal be stripped naked of all and shal either be destroyed by the blagues that shal come upon the earth or at best if their lives be given them they shal be servants and not enjoy the benefit of Sonship til the Spirit of the Son rise up in them and make them free So that this work is not done by wars councels or hands of men for I abhor it though by those the government of Esau shal be beaten down and the enemy shal destroy one another But the Lord alone wil be the healer the restorer the giver of the new law of righteousnes by spreading himself every where and so drawing al things up into himself And the declaration of this law of righteousnesse shal rise out of the dust out of the poor people that are trod under foot For as the declaration of the Son of man was first declared by Fisher-men men that the learned covetous Scholars despised so the declaration of the righteous law shal spring up from the poor the base and despised ones and fools of the world and humane learning and such as love the oppression of exacting Tyths shal not be honoured in his businesse For they that stand up to be publique Teachers are Iudas that come to the Magistrates and covenants with them for the tenths of every mans encrease and they wil hinder Christ from rising and betray him into their hands that so the covetous and proud flesh may rule in oppression over their fellow Creature quietly And assure your selves it wil appear that the publique Preachers that stand up customarily to make a living by their teaching others as they cal it these are the curse and the spreaders of that cu●se and the hinderers of Christ from rising and the bitter Scribes and Pharisees to suppresse Christ where he rises calling him a Blasphemer For the Father wil have all men to look up to him for teaching and to acknowledge no other teacher and ruler but himself but these men wil have al people to look for knowledge to come through them and that none can have knowledge but such as are taught by such Preachers as they But covetousnesse after a temporal living and secret pride sets them to work and they shal be ashamed for the Lord alone now shal be exalted and he himself wil darw up al things into himself And al this great chang or seting up of this new law of righteousnesse ruling in every one and making every one to consent and act thus in love is but the ●●lfilling of Prophesies and Visions and Reports of the Scriptures Let the Record be searched and let the publique Preachers deny it if they can Wel this wil be a great day of Judgment the Righteous Judge wil sit upon the Throne in every man and woman And that saying of the prophet that he saw every man with his hands upon his loyns like a woman in travel is now fulfilling every cevetous unrighteous heart shal smart with sorrow and shal be ready to fail them to see the miserie that is comming upon the earth This day of Judgment wil be sharp and short shortned for the Elects sake The man of the flesh or King Esau wil struggle hard before he give up the body of his Army he wil put forth all the subtil wit and opprss●ing unrighteousnesse that he hath before he deliver up the Kingdom to Iacob But truly Gaffer Dragon you had better yeild at first for the longer thou stand it out the sorer shal thy torment be for down thou must and Christ must rise Do what thou wilt speak what then wilt against Christ the Anointing thou shalt come off a loser threaten reproach imprison whip work hypocritically oppresse kil and stay fawn and frown do things out of fear or do things out of heavy rashnesse or out of a watchful moderation as thou thinks stil thou shalt lose ground for all thou doest is to advance self and thou must perish the Judgment is sealed the things that are determined against thee are comming upon thee Thou shalt find it shal not be as it hath been while the forty two months where in being thou prospered and encrease in strength But now it is done it is done it is done time shal be no more to thee for now the man of righteousnesse shal take the Kingdom and rule for ever and ever and of his dominion shal be no end he hath made himself manifest he is in the head of his Army already gathering in the Isles and Nations of the earth to himself Justice and Judgment are his witnesses and that Standard which he wil maintain and wil tread al proud flesh under his feet For the poor receives the Gospel He hath opened the salt-mines already the streams thereof runs apace and begins to over-run the banks of rotten stinking oppressing injustice they wil purge out corruption and bring the earth mankind into a pleasant savour The windows of heaven are opening and the light of the Son of Sighteousnes sends forth of him self delightful beams and sweet discoveries of truth that wil quite put out the covetous traditional blear-eyes but wil mightily refresh the single eyed Nathaneels Light must put out darknesse the warm Sun wil thaw the frost and make the sap ●o bud out of every tender plant that hath been hid within and lain like dead trees all the dark cold cloudy daies of the Beast that are past and silence every imaginary speaker and declare their hypocrisie and deceit openly Now the tender grasse wil cover the earth the Spirit wil cover al places with the abundance of fruit that flows from himself young and old shal al honour the Lord and be taught of no other but him the wheat fields which is the best grain the Fathers own people shal flourish abundantly the bean●ge of beastly Ceremonies forms customs abominable actings in unrighteousnesse shal cease there shal be lesse talking preaching and prating
and more righteous acting The voice of mourning shall be heard no more the birds shall sing merrily on every bough O rejoyce rejoyce for the time that the Lord God omnipotent wil raign in al the earth is beginning and he wil be servant to the Dragon Beast and man of the flesh no longer but wil tread down that murdering power and make him his footstool This is the work of the Lord that wil stop the the mouths of all hearsay and imaginary Preachers All mouths shall be silent and not dare to speak till the power of the Lord within give words to the mouth to utter And when men that are ful of wast words are made to see they speak they know not what when they shal see they speak other mens words like Parots not their own and sometimes they speak words from their imagination which may be false as wel as true for ought they know for they have had neither voice vision nor revelation to warrant their words when they see this Then they shal be ashamed and confounded in themselves For now lip service is to be judged to death and every one shal be fetched in to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth or else they shal perish for mens words shal grow fewer and fewer their actions of Righteousness one to another more and more and there shal no love be esteemed of but what is manifest in righteous actions And this shal be the ruler that every one shal observe to walk righteously in the Creation towards all Creatures according to the Law of equity and Reason and this Law shal be writ in every ones heart and he that hath this law in his heart is marked for a son or daughter they that have it not are marked for enemies and rebels to the Father And such a one is a Cain The Kingdoms of the whole world must become the Kingdoms of the Lord Christ and this the Nations are angry at Therefore count it no strang thing to see wars and rumours of wars to see men that are put in trust to act for publike good to prove fals to see commotions of people every where like flouds of water stirred up raedy to devour and overflow one another To see Kings storm against the people To see rich men and gentry most violent against the poor oppressing the and treading them like mire in the street Why is all this anger But because the man of the flesh is to die his day of judgment is come he must give up the Kingdom and Government of the earth man-kind into the hand of his neighbour that is more righteous then he For Jacob now must have the blessing he is blessed yea and shal be blessed and Esau shal become his servant The poor shal inherit the earth CHAP. X. ANd here now is made plain That the first shall be last and the last first The powers of the flesh or Adam in me he appeared first and trampled the man-child the power of righteousnesse and peace under foot I but when the man-child begins to rise up to rule the other fals and becomes the tail the last nay must be destroyed Two Kings that claimes interest in one Kingdom can never live quietly together Light and darknesse will be fighting till the one be conquered And surely the man of Righteousnesse or that last man that appears shal be the first that shal be honoured and become the preserving and restoring power the great Law-giver that shall rule in the new heaven and in the new earth in righteousnesse Of further The first that is the worshipping of God in types ceremonies formes and customs in set times and places which are the invention of the first man which doth slight and loath the way of inward Righteousnesse for they that live in established forms are filled with dislike and willingly would ●either buy nor sell with those whom the Lord hath drawn up to live in him they cannot indure the way of the Spirit let them say and professe what they wil for he that is strict in a formal customarily way of worship knows not what it is to worship in spirit and truth or to walk righteously in the Creation but is bitter spirited and merely selfish And this power appears first in a man and makes people very zealous professours of God and Christ in preaching praying and hearing But without knowledge what God and Christ is and they know not what they do nor the end wherefore they do so And their teachers in the same forms are blind guides and poor hearts both shall fall into the ditch and be mired in their own inventions most pittifully And when you come to see your selves stick in confusion and disorder and knowing that your teachers have deceived you Then you will remember these words That the first must be last Moses though he was a good man yet he was not to enter into the la●d of Canaan which types out this to me That the first man of the flesh shall never enter into the Fathers rest Then likewise you shall see that your zeal was but zeal without knowledge and that heat in you did but carry you along to advance self not to advance the Lord And that covetousness was the Lord chief Ruler in you which being crossed grew impatient and that impatiency you called it The zeal of the Lord when experience teacheth you silence you will not be offended at these words but ashamed of your self And here likewise you may see what it is to make a Sermon for a Sermon is a speech made from the man-seer which is Chaist within for this anointing sees the Father in every thing And therefore Christ in that one body The Lamb was called a great Prophet or Seer Now that man or woman that sees the Spirit within themselves how he enlightens how he kils the motions of the flesh and makes the flesh subject to Righteousnesse and so can see light in his light this man or woman is able to make a Sermon because they can speak by experience of the light and power of Christ within them who is indeed the man Seer But now he that speaks from imagination or from tradition and not from experience of what he sees cannot make a Sermon as the publike Preachers generally do and so he is a deceiver or false Christ and false Prophet that runs before he be sent put forward by secret pride and covetousnes to get a temporal living Therfore let none speak so discontentedly against Adam the first man by Creation that they say lived on earth about 6000 years ago as though he brought in the misery upon all for the Scriptures seem to declare that there were men in the world before that time For when Cain had killed his brother Abel which in one verse Moses seems to say was the third man in the world yet in a few verses following writing of Cains punishment declares Cains own
the bottomlesse pit your very fleshly self you are deceived and you shall find that when this bottomlesse pit is opened to your view it will be a torment sufficient for from hence doth the curse spread and all that misery you are or may be capable of it is but the breakings forth of that stinking dunghill that is seated within you is that power of darkness that rules within the Creation your body If the power of Righteousnesse peace take possession and rule in you then you shall live in rest and be free from hell and sorrow death and bondage If the Lamb be the light of your heart all tears shall be wiped away and you shall be in peace But if the selfish power rule your heart then as you live now upon uncertainties in confusion and vexation so this manifestation of hell darknesse and sorrows shall multiply within you and when your body goes to the Earth you multiply the curse upon the Creation and so you enter into the body of the Serpent that must be burned and consumed by the power of the Lord Hell and the curse doth rule within c●eated flesh in every family of the earth and will rule till the feed of Abraham the blessing of the Lord come and burn up that serpent and deliver the Creation from that burden And let me tell you That this seed This blessing of the Lord is rising up in every family that lives after the flesh Whether Parents brethren or sisters they do hate grudge and persecute those in whom the blessing begins to rise up and tramples upon them like dust but out of that dust of the earth man-kind shall the deliverer come that shall turn ungodlinesse from Jacob A few years now will discover more and then that prophecy shall be materially fulfilled Then ten men shall take hold of him that is a Jew saying we will go with you for we have heard that God is with you Zech. 8. 23. The heart of man is the place wherein heaven and hell for nature and kind are both to be seen that is when the Law of Righteousnesse rules there is Christ or the Kingdom of heaven within even the manifestations of the Father appears in glory to the sweet rest and peace of that soul But when the power of unrighteousnesse rules in the heart which is the Serpent Dragon or God of this world this is hell or kingdom of darknesse for first the man sees and feels himself in bondage to his lusts and to the powers of his flesh This is death and the curse that he lies under And then secondly The man sees himself under bondage of sorrows and torment and the increase of this sensiblenesse is will be an intolerable misery As it is said That the King of Righteousnes takes delight in nothing but what is within himself and what proceeds out of himself So the Heaven of an enlivened heart is not a local place of glory at a distance from him but the seeing and feeling the Father within dwelling and ruling there and to behold the glory of that power proceeding forth of himself to which he is made subject through which he walks righteously in the Creation and in which he rests in peace Even so the souls that are lost and ashamed in their work are not tormented by any terrour without them in any local place but their hell or place of torment is within themselves seeing and feeling themselves chained up in bondage to fears terrours ●●rrows afrightments intolerable vexations and powers of lust and under all that cursed darknesse ●●till the judgement of the great day And what misery or torment doth or shall appear ●●●m outward objects it is but the breakings forth of their own cursednesse that creates misery to himself and so goes forth to fetch in torment from without For he that hath a troubled conscience turns every thing into gall and worm-wood to terrifie himself thinking every bush to be a devil to torment him he saies he sees fearfull shapes without but they arise from the anguish of his tormenting conscience within for they be the shapes and apparitions of his own caused flesh that is presented to him which comes not from any other but out of the bottomlesse pit the Serpents powr but rules and dwels within him and the sight of this is like the misery of tender flesh burning in the fire Let a man lie upon his sick bed and to the view or others the chamber is quiet yet he saith he seeth devils and flames and misery and torments Well this is but the rising up of his own unrighteous heart the flames of the bottomlesse it that appear to himself For certainly unrighteous flesh is hell the appearance or risings up of un●ighteous flesh to its own view is the torments of hell Pride lust envy covetousnesse hypocrisie self-love and the like being crossed by the spirit of Light are the particular devils that torment the soul in hell or in that dark condition Or if so be a man be tormented by visible bodies of f●ry and ugly shapes as he apprehends they be all the creatures of his own making and rods which the flesh hath made to whip and punish himself withall for a man suffers by no other but by the work of his own hands And as he hath acted envy venome and poison in strange wayes of oppression walking unrighteously in the Creation Even so when his soul comes to be judged he shall apprehend snakes scorpions toads devils in bodily shapes and flames of fire and direfull noises and pits of darknesse which are creatures of his own making or the shapes and fashion of those unrighteous turnings and windings and actings of his unrigh●eous soul that now appear in their own colours to his own torment and this is ●ell For if the flesh be righteous within there is nothing without can trouble it When the bodies of men are laid in the grave we have a word That he is either in heaven or hell Now the senses of the body are not sensible of either such But now the power that ruled in that body righteously or unrighteously is fully manifested to it felt if the power of Righteousnesse did rule Now it enters into the Spirit the great Ocean of glory the Father himself If the power of unrighteousnesse did rule now it enters into the curse encreases the body of death corruption and enmity and becomes the bondage and Burden of the Creation that ●●●st be purged out by fire If there be a local place of hell as the Preachers say there is besides this I speak of time will make it manifest but as yet none ever came from the dead to tell men on earth and till then men ought to speak no more then they know whe● I speak I speak from what I have in some measure seen within me and as I have received from the Lord in clear light within my self But is not hell the execution of
Justice And is not God the Authour of that wrath As 〈◊〉 is said Is there any evil in the Citie and the Lord hath not done it I answer This is warily to be understood left we dishonour the Lord in making him the Authour of the creatures misery as one of late in his Pulpit an Universitie man in my hearing did relate and by his multitude of words darkned knowledge mightily therefore I shall deliver what I have received concerning this First know that there is mention of three Gods in the Scriptures 1. The Magistrate I said ye are gods 2. The Devil The god of this world hath blinded your eyes 3. The King of Righteousnesse is called God The Lord God omnipotent reigns Now the Magistracie is ruling power called God by their righteous Government a Kingdom may be kept in peace but by their unrighteous Government they trouble every body and the people may say Thou O our God hast destroyed us Secondly The devil or the powers of the flesh in every man and woman is a ruling power called god that brings misery to every body and corrupts the whole Creation fire water earth and air 1. By drawing the Creature into unreasonable wayes which wayes and works 2. Becomes the creatures own tormentours when by the light of the Sun of Righteousnesse man is made to see himself for all mens sorrows are but the risings up of their own works against themselves Therefore people may say to the devil or their unrighteous flesh O thou our God thou hast destroyed 〈◊〉 thou hast deceived us O god thou promisedst peace and afterwards writest bitter things against us Our own works are our tormenting devils Then thirdly The King of Righteousnesse is the ruling power called God but he is not the Authour of the creatures misery for his dealing with unrighteous flesh is two-fold which is the righteous Justice and Judgement of the King First he suffers man to take his own course and to act his own will and to follow his own l●sts letting him alone and permitting him a time to do what he will for wise proud and covetous flesh thinks himself to be a god or an Angel of light and that his wisdom and power is the onely power And now if the righteous King should not give him this libertie he would say he had wrong done him therefore Reason lets him have his will to act his principles that when the time comes that he shall be made to see himself and his works he may be left without excuse This declares the Almighty power of patience love and meekness in the King towards his creature that he can suffer himself to be a servant to that cursed power in the flesh to this end that he may take that fleshly wisdom in his craft destroy that curse and save his creature man from that bondage That after that man hath had trial of his own wisdom and power of his flesh and finds it a devil and that there is no blessing in it he may then come to lie down in the wisdom and power of the King of Righteousnesse in rest and peace Secondly In the solnesse of time that is when all flesh hath corrupted his wayes then the King or Sun of Righteousnesse arises up and lets man in his light to see himself to be a devil The King layes no hand upon him but lets him see himself and the mans own works become the devils that torment him If a man have sore eyes and look in the Sun his eyes smart now that smart comes not from the Sun but the venome of the eyes rises up torments it self when the Sun cause it to see or feel it self This declares the wisdom power Justice and holinesse of the King that when he rises he can make flesh to see it self and needs do no more but shine forth and burn in his brightnesse by whom that curse or drosse in the flesh is consumed and cannot stand therefore if flesh were righteous it would stand before the righteous Law but seeing it cannot stand it appears unrighteous to be a devil and no Angel of light And this method of the Father brings glory to his own name that he alone is the one almighty power and wisdom This is Justice in the righteous Judge and shews him to be the pure Law and flesh kils and torments it self I but when the waters drowned the world and the fire burned Sodom this was a Judgement more then letting flesh see his own unrighteousnesse I answer The overflowings of the water in that manner to drown and the breakings forth of the fire in that manner to burn waste and consume were the rising up of the curse that was in the water and fire to destroy the unrighteous flesh of man that caused it For when the Father made the Creation he made all Elements to uphold one another in Righteousnesse and one creature to preserve another therefore it was all very good But this rising up of creatures to destroy one another is the curse which unrighteous man that is the Lord of the creatures hath brought upon the Creation I but how comes the fire and water to break forth to destroy at some times more then another I answer When the fulnesse of time comes that earth begins to stink with the abominations of man then the Father arises up and shews himself within the Creation of fire water earth and air And the curse that is brought upon this by man cannot abide the presence of the Lord but rises up and runs together into a head to oppose the Lord but indeed it destroyes man that was the cause of it So that the risings up of waters and the breakings forth of fire to waste and destroy are but that curse or the works of mans own hands that rise up and run together to destroy their Maker and torment him that brought the curse sorth While water and fire are useful the blessing of the Creation lies in them and comes from them to preserve the Creation for the glory of the Maker But when they break forth to waste and destroy this is the curse the burden of the Creation that breaks forth to destroy unrighteous man that caused it And it doth break forth when the Lord appears in the Creation as I said when the Sun shines the venome in sore eyes rises up and smarts So when righteous power begins to move in the fire and upon the water the curse that is in these Elements arises up and disturbs the Creation to the destruction of man whose work it is I but one man kils another by wars and such like Is not this the wrath of God upon them I answer in the same manner as I did before for as the cursed flesh in one body torments it self when he sees himself a devil So multitudes of bodies of men are still but one flesh or one earth And when the Sun of Righteousnesse begins to shine into this earth the venimous parts
blind people whom you have deceived and the spirit is not in your service for your publique service stinks before him your preaching praying and yours and the peoples joyning in your publique Worship is abomination to the Lord For you are the men and people that draw ●igh God vvith your lips but your hearts are removed Love and righteous acting within the Creation is not to be found in your hands And therefore to conclude seeing the alone peace of the heart lies in seeing and feeling Christ the Divine povver to arise up and rule vvithin and every foul is in confusion bondage and sorrovv till he have true light and feeling hereof as I have declared my own experience Then suerly it commands all mouths to be silent that speak f●om hear-say and to wait for the resurrection of Christ within for he that speaks from hear-say and yet saith Thus saith the Lord he lies and he dishonours the Lord And Secondly he wrongs the soul of the heater by deceiving them and so walks unprofitably in the Creation by making them believe that his divination are words of knowledge spoke from a pure testimony Suerly if the Lord himself did not become the Teacher of his poor despised people we should have been overspread with the Egyptian darkness as the Universitie men are by whom the earth is corrupted and overspread with thick darknesse Well you have prophesies and promises in the writings of Prophets and Apostles wait upon the Lord till you see the fulfilling of them within your selves or to your clear experience And leave off your much talk about words and sillables for by this nultitude of waste discourse people are blinded that they neither mind the Prophesies of Scriptures nor wait for their fulfilling Truly I can speak in expevience that while I was a blind Professour to a strict goer to Church as they call it and a hearer of Sermons and never questioned what they spake but believed as the learned Clergy the Church believed and still forgot what I heard though the words they spake were like a pleasant song to me while I was hearing And this I know is the condition of all your publipue zealous Professours let them say what they will for they live in cenfusion ignorance and bondage to the fleshly man While I was such a one I say I was counted by some of the Priests a good Christian and a godly man though all that was in me was but zealous ignorance But since it pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me and cause me to speak what I know from an inward light and power of life within Now both the same Priests and the Professours whom they have deceived my former acquaintance now begin to be afraid of me and call me a blasphemer and a man of errors and look upon me as a man of a nother world for my own particular my portion is fallen to me in a good ground I have the Lord I have enough I look upon them with the eye of pitty and love seeing them as yet to lie under those strong delusious and powers of darknesse which I my self did lie under waiting upon the great restorer of all things till he manifest himself in them and then we shall become one againe and never be divided O my dear friends in the flesh despise not this word I speak wait upon the Lord for teaching you will never have rest in your souls till he speak in you run after men for teaching follow your forms with strictnesse as you know I have done you shall still be at losse and be more and more wrapped up in confusion and sorrow of heart I speak what I have found But when once your heart is made subject to Christ the law of righteousnesse looking up to him for instruction waiting with a meek and quiet spirit till he appear in you then you shall have peace then you shall know the trurh and the truth shall make you free then you shall know that I speake truth Well I wil conclude and leave this writing in the hand of the world Some may be offended at it if they be I care not Some may have their joy fullfilled in seeing a conjuncture of experience between me and them Though my words may seem sharp to some yet I do not write them out of any envy to any man but out of love to all and so doing to my fellow creatures as I would they should do to me walking in this particular as my endeavour is in all other uprightly and righteously in the Creation speaking the truth as it is in Jesus that is speaking my own words what I see and feel in my own experience from that light of Christ within and not by hear-say or imagination whereby humane learning in matters of Divine things deceives all the world and laps every man up in darknesse So I rest FINIS 1 Joh. 1. 3 4. Rom 8 13 Epbes 2. 2. Psal. 36. 9. Rev. 13. 4 Rom. 8. 21 ●2 Act. 3. 22. Eph. 4. 6. Rom. 8. 22 23. 1 Cor. 12. 13. Act. 2. 17. Jer. 31. 34 Joh. 7. 38. Luke 9 33 36. Joh. 16. 7. ●oh 17. 21 2 Cor. 16. Col. 1. 27. Joh. 14. Luke 17. 21. Joh. 6. 45 Joh. 16 7 Dan. 3. 44. 2 Cor. 5. 19 1 Cor. 5. 24 Dan. 7. 25. Ioh. 4. 23. Acts 4. 32. Isa 60. 16 Joh 5 45. Joe 2. 15. I●h. 14. 17 Col. 2. 9. Ier. 31. 34. Ioh. 8. 22. Rom. 8. 22 Eph. 1. 23. 1 Joh. 2. 12 Isa. 21. 13. Isa. 53. 3. Ioh. 14. Ier. 2. 3. 5 6 ● Thes. 2. 7 1 Co. 15. 27 Ephes. 1. 6. Ioh. 16. 7. Rom. 3. 22 Psa. 110. 1 1 Cor. 1● 24. 1 Cor. 12. 13. Rev. 5. 13. Mat. 12. 29. Isa. 6. 10. 1 Cor. 4 4. Jerem. 23. 6. Isa. 65. 17. Rev. 13. 1. Revel. 12. 14. Revel. 11. 18. 1 Ioh 2. ●7 Luke 17. ●1 Rev. 5. 6. Rom. 5. 19. Isa. 43. 11. Gal. 4. 29. Rom. 8. 22 Rev. 19. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 24 Phil. 2. 7. 2 Thes. 2. 4 Ephes. 1. 5. Joh. 16. 20 Rev. 21. 23. Isa. 44. 1 and Chap. 42. 1. Cor. 2. 15. Gen. 1. 28. Dan. 4. 17 Phil. 3. 2● Rev. 18. 8 Ps. 105. 45 Gen. 1. 28. Rom. 8. 22 c. Revel. 11. 15. Heb. 8. 10. Act. 4. 32. Jam. 2. 13 1 Ioh. 3. 17 Hos. 3. 18. Rev 6. 11 Act. 4. 32. Eph. 4. 5 6 Zech. 14. 9 Rev. 12. 9 Ier. 31. 34. Joh. 4. 23. Matth. 11. 25. 1 Cor. 1. 27. Zach. 3. 4 c. Isa. 60. 22. Joh 7. 38. Gen. 18. 18. Rom. 8. 21 c. Ier. 30. 6 Ier. 23. 5. 6 Act. 4. 32 Ier. 35. 38 Isa. 29. 20. 21. Rom. 8. 21. Iob. 6. 45. Zech. 8. 3 Isa. 62. 17 2 Tes 3. 10. Gen. 3. 19. Mat. 7. 12. Rev. 11. 8 Dan 7. 25 2 Cor. 4. 4 Gen. 3. 15 Exe 20. 13 Luk. 6. 56 Rev. 12. 4. Mat. 7. 12 Act. 4. 32 Heb. 2. 7 8 c. Isa. 62. 8 9 Isa. 62. 8. Ier. 25. 47 38 2 Cor. 4. 4. Ex. 20. 13 Act. 4. 32 Rev. 12. 4 2 King 20 16 Zach. 8. 3. to 12. Zach. 8. 11 13. Hos. 2. 15. Isa. 60 21 Luke 24. 49. Mat. 15. 14. Act. 4. 32. 1. P. 5. 3. Iudge 5. 2. 9. Amos. 6. 7. 2 Mic 4. 3. Luk. 24. 49 Act. 4. 32. Rev. 11. 2 9. Rev. 12. 14. Exo. 25. 2. Ezra 7. 16 Mat. 2. 11 Ioh 8. 32 Dan. 8. 25 Mat. 23. 16 1 Ioh. 2. 27 Ioh. 6. 45. Ioh. 10. 13 Dan. 11 36 Rev. 11. 2 Mat. 5. 13. Rev. 12. 9 c. Rev. 11. 15. 18. Gen. 4. 5. Rev. 13. 17. Rom. 9. 31 32. Rom. 10. 2 Deu. 34. 4 Joh. 1 9. Joh. 3. 11. Gen. 4. 14 Gen. 3. 15. Gen. 18. 18. Isa 32. 9. to 16. Phil. 3. 10 11. Col. 1. 27. Rev. 21. 23. Rev. 8. 1. ●er 31. 34. 1 loh 2. 27 2 Cor. 12. 13. Eph 1. 23. Ch. 4. 5. 6. Ro. 8. 23. Rev. 11. 15. 18. 1 Cor. 3. 12 Ro. 9. 31. Isa. 28. 9. Zach 4. 7 Rev. 4. 2. Gen. 18. 18. Rev. 19. 19. Psa. 40. 2.
The New Law OF RIGHTEOUSNES Budding forth in restoring the whole Creation from the bondage of the curse OR A Glimpse of the new Heaven and new Earth wherein dwels Righteousnes GIVING An Alarm to silence all that preach or speak from hear-say or imagination By GERRARD WINSTANLEY Out of the despised poor people which are the stones and dust of the earth man-kind upon whom the children of the flesh treads shall the blessing rise up that shall restore all things This is Sion whom no man regards in whom the Father delights to dwell This is Sion out of whom we are to expect the deliverer to come that shall turn ungodlinesse from Jacob You learned and great men of the earth take notice of this and remember you have been told LONDON Printed for Giles Calvert at the black spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls 1649. TO The twelve Tribes of Israel that are circumcised in heart and scattered through all the Nations of the Earth Dear Brethren THough you have been and yet are the despised ones of the world yet the blessing of the most High your King of Righteousnesse is in you and shall spread forth of you to fill the earth You are the field wherein the treasure hath lien hide all the dark and cloudy dayes of the Beasts time times and dividing of time now expiring Though dark clouds of inward bondage and outward persecution have over-spread you yet you are the firmament in whom the Son of righteousnesse will rise up and from you will declare himself to the whole Creation for you are Sion whom no man regards out of whom salvation shall come That blessing which is the seed of Abraham lies hid in you that is and must be the alone Saviour and joy of all men from inward and outward bondage and the restorer of the whole Creation from the curse it groans under He lies hid in you he is hated persecuted and despised in you he is Jacob in you that is and hath been a servant to Esau a long time but though this Jacob be very low yet his time is uow come that he must rise and he will rise up in you that are trod under foot like dust of the earth he will glorifie himself ●oth in you and from you to the shame and downfall of E●au The report of this blessed promised seed shall go through the Earth in this ministration of the Spirit that is now rising up as well as that ministration of the flesh and letter that now begins to draw back and his dominion when he begins to rule the Nations shall reach from one end of heaven to the other the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord and of his Dominion there shall be no end This is the consolation of Israel it draws near to be made manifest wait for it with patience You whom I writ to are the seed of Abraham and the blessing of Isaac and Jacob but 〈◊〉 me tell you not the seed of Abraham after the flesh for Ishmael and Esau are not to share in this portion Their portions was of the earth and they have received t●em and spent them already by their unrighteousnesse your portion is the Lord himself which endures for ever The powers of the flesh are to be made servants unto the promised seed and now comes the time that the elder sons that are born after the flesh shall serve the younger sons in whom the blessing lies this is the fall of Esau and the rising of Jacob and shall be really done in the sight of the whole Creation as the other was You are the Abrahamites in whom the blessing remaines that lives not now in the type but enjoyes the substance of circumcision For he is not a Jew that is one outward in the flesh but he is a Jew that is one inward whose circumcision is of the heart Whether he be born of the Nation of the Jews extant in the world or whether he be one born of other Nations in whom the blessing remains it is Abrahams promised seed that makes a Jew and these are they of whom it is said Salvation is of the Jews What was that seed of Abraham that is called the blessing It is the Law and power of righteousnesse which made Abraham to forsake his Isaac his dearest relations in the flesh rather then he would refuse the way of his Maker and herein Abraham found peace So that this King of righteousnesse and this Prince of peace that ruled in Abraham is the blessing of all Nations for this shall save his people from their sins and free them from all distempers of the unrighteous flesh This is the one spreading power that shall remove the curse and restore all things from the bondage every thing groans under This is called Abrahams seed because Abraham sprang from him as a tree grows from the seed which gave the tree its being and its name And the Law of righteousnesse and peace dwelling and ruling in any one is the seed of Abraham and the severall branches of men and women in whom that power rests are children and of the family of Abraham For it was not the man of the flesh that was called Abraham but the Law of righteousnesse and peace that did rule and govern in that body he was the Abraham the flesh is honoured with such a name by him that dwelt therein the name of the flesh before this righteous power was manifest in it was Abram As the humane body called Christ was not the anointing but the Spirit in that body was the Christ or the spreading power of righteousnesse which was to fill the earth with himself That body was but a house or temple for the present work which was to draw down Moses Law and become the substance of his types and lambs and sacrifices for that body was the lamb that did fulfill the righteous will by his voluntary and free-will offering up of himself without forcing So then This Law of righteousnesse and peace is Abrahams seed nay that manifestation in that humane body was Abraham himself for Abraham is known to the Creation by acting in or from that power that ruled the flesh And every man or woman born of Jew or Gentile in whom this power rules and breaks forth are the children of Abraham and the man Abraham in whom the spirit dwelt in a lesse measure for he hath failings was a type of the Man Christ Jesus in whom the Law of righteousnesse and peace dwelt bodily for there was no sin or unrighteousnesse in that body Therefore Christ hath the honour above his brethren to be called the spreading power because he fils all with himself And because this power did appear to the Creation first in Abraham of all men we hear of therefore every one that follows after him and that are ruled by the same Law are called children of Abraham or children of that seed But Christ the anointing he hath the preheminence
for Abraham sprang from him and all Abrahamits are but a tree or vine that did spring from that one seed for indeed the spirit of life lies in the bottom which lifted up both Abraham and his children and is the one seed of righteousnesse and life from which every one springs what name soever any righteous body is called Now this seed doth promise himself to be the blessing of all Nations and the restorer of all things from bondage but the Nations of the earth since that report was made never yet enjoyed the benefit of it for the curse hath still rested upon the Creation and hath been rather multiplied from year to year so that at this very day those in whom the first fruits of restauration appears do see darknesse nay thick darknesse do cover man-kind And the curse doth rest mightily in the fire water earth and air all places stinks with the abomination of the curse So that a man can go into no place but he shall see the curse and enmity is that power that rules the creatures that makes them jar one against another Likewise miserry breaks forth upon man-kind from these four Elements of which his body is made and the curse rests within him and the curse dwels round about him But Abrahams seed is and must be the blessing of all Nations and shall spread as far as the curse hat● spread to take it off And this seed Dear Brethren hath lien hid in you all the time appointed and now is breaking forth And the Nations shall know That salvation or restauration rather is of the Jews that King of righteousnesse and Prince of peace that removes the curse and becomes himself the blessing arises up in you and from you and fils and will fill the earth both man-kind and the whole Creation Fire Water Earth and Air for the blessing shall be every where And though the seed of the flesh have cast you out for evil and you have been the despised ones of the earth and the children of the flesh refuses to buy and sell with you yet now your glory is rising And the ancient prophesie of Zecharie shall be fulfilled That ten men shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew saying Let us go with you for we have heard that God is with you This new Law of righteousnesse and peace which is rising up is David your King which you have been seeking a long time and now shall find him coming again the second time in the personall appearance of sons and daughters he will be a true Davider indeed between flesh and spirit between bondage and libertie between oppressours and the oppressed he is and will be the righteous Judge he will lead your captivitie captive and set you down in peace He is now coming to raign and the Isles and Nations of the earth shall all come in unto him he will rest every where for this blessing will fill all places All parts of the Creation in whom the curse remains shall be shaken and moved and the seed of the flesh shall find peace no where He will throw down the mountaines of the flesh fill up the low valleys of the spirit he will make rough wayes smooth and crooked wayes strait he will make the earth fruitfull and the winds and the weather seasonable he will throw all the powers of the earth at your feet and himself will be your governour and teacher and your habitations on earth shall be in peace that so you that are the Citie of the Lord New Jerusalem the place of his rest may be the praise of the whole earth If any one say The glory of Jerusalem is to be seen hereafter after the ●ody is laid in the dust it matters not to me what they say they speak their imagination they know not what I know that the glory of the Lord shall be seen and known within the Creation and the blessing shall spread in all Nations and Jerusalem indeed which is Abrahams children sprituall Israel gathered together shall be the praise and glory of the whole earth and the restauration of all things is to be seen within the Creation of Fire Water Earth and Air And all bodies that are made of the compound of these four Elements are to be purged and delivered from the curse and all shall know that this almighty King of righteousnesse is our Saviour and besides hi●● there is none The swords and counsels of flesh shall not be seen in this work the arm of the Lord onely shall bring these mighty things to passe in this day of his power and the hearts of men shall tremble and fail them with fear to see the misery that is coming upon the world for the glory and riches of men shall be brought low and the Lord alone shall be exalted Therefore all that I shall say is this Though the world even the seed of the flesh despise you and call you by reprochfull names at their pleasure yet wait patiently upon your King he is coming he is rising the Son is up and his glory will fill the earth And when you see the Doves flock to the windows not to your Church-windows but to the teachings of the Father for his discoveries are the windows that lets the light of the Father shine into the soul and these are dreams voices and revelations immediatly from the Father himself his own inward teaching without which the soul is hungry and flocks unto the inward discoveries and teaching of the Father for satisfaction forsaking all other in point of inward rest When you see or hear of the risings up of Israel like the noise of mighty waters carrying all before them then rejoyce and say Your redemption draws near and the reports from the Lord are true wait with a meek and quiet spirit for the consolation of Israel even the coming forth of the deliverer That shall turn ungodlinesse from Jacob Then shall Jacob rejoyce and Israel shall be glad So I rest January 26. 1648. A waiter for the consolation of Israel JERRARD WINSTANLEY The New Law OF RIGHTEOVSNES Budding forth to restore the whole Creation from bondage of the curse CHAP. I. THere is nothing more sweet and satisfactory to a man then this to know and feel that spirituall power of righteousnesse to rule in him which he cals God For while the flesh through hasty and violent lusts doth rebell against the spirit it hath no true peace but is still pulling misery upon himself But when the created flesh is made subject to the law of righteousnesse and walks uprightly in the Creation in the light of that spirit then it lies down in rest In other writings I have declared what I know That Almighty power ever living Spirit is which rules and preserves the whole Creation fire water earth and air and of every creature in these elements or that is made up of all these in a compound matter as all flesh is And something I shall
here add to the rest which I only hold ●orth to my fellow creature man not customarily to make a trade of it for fleshly ends but occasionally as the Light is pleased to manifest himself in me that others from me and I from them may be witnesses each to other of our Maker how he shines forth in his own light through each other to the profit of the Creation In the beginning of time the whole Creation lived in man and man lived in his Maker the spirit of Righteousnesse and peace for every creature walked evenly with man and delighted in man and was ruled by him there was no opposition between him and the beast sowls fishes or any creature in the earth so that it is truely said The whole Creation was in man one within and walked even with him for no creature appeared to be a visible enemy to him for every creature gave forth it self either for pleasure or profit of man who was Lord of all And man lived in his Maker the Spirit and delighted in no other there was an evennes between man and all creatures and an evennesse between man and his Maker the Lord the Spirit But when man began to ●all out of his Maker and to leave his joy and rest which he had in the spirit of Righteousnesse and sought content from creatures and outward objects then he lost his dominion and the creature fell out of him and became enemies and apposers of him and then rise up mountaines and valleys and hils and all unevennesse both in mans heart and in mans actions And as the man is become selfish so are all the beasts and creatures become selfish and man and beast act like each other by pushing with their horns of power and devouring one another to preserve self And truly as man might see all creatures lived at rest in him in the beginning so he may see all creatures in him now but in a rest-lesse condition groaning under bondage waiting for a restauration The covetousnesse the subtilty the cruelty the pride the envy the devouring power that is in the flesh of man are the very distempers that are in such and such beasts and fowls So that while man is ruled by such powers and declares no other actions but what is in the beast he indeed goes in the shape of a man but properly he is a beast of such and such a ravenous principle And this now is the Curse Man is gone out of his Maker to live upon objects and the creatures are gone out of man to seek delight in pushing and devouring one another and the whole Creation of fire and water earth and air and all bodies made of these are put out of order through mans rejecting the Spirit to live upon objects But now the time is come that the Spirit will draw all things into man againe to live and be at rest in him as their Governour as their Lord and man and the Creation shall become even againe and so man returning to his Maker to rest in peace in none but him The whole Creation shall be governed preserved comforted by the one spirit the King of Righteousnesse and all bondage curse and tears shall be done away And this is that I wait for being assured it shall be accomplished having received a taste But as the state of the world is in the generality I am made to see That in times past and times present the branches of man-kind have acted like the beast or swine And though they have called one another men and women yet they have been but the shadows of men and women As the Moone is the shadow of the Sun in regard they have been led by the powers of the curse in flesh which is the Feminine part not by the power of the righteous Spirit which is Christ the Masculine power But when they come to see the spirituall Light that is in every ceature and in that power and light do walk righteously towards other creatures as well beasts as man-kinde that the creation as much as in them lies one by one may be upheld and preserved in its glory then they begin to appear and act like men and rise up from the low earth of a beastly and swinish nature to acknowledge and honour their Maker in the light of himself Experience shews us That every beast doth act in oppression and cruelty towards such creatures as he can master at advantage And thus doth the flesh of man which is the King of beast For when the wisdome and power of the flesh raigns which in deed is Adam that man that appeared first to rule the earth man-kinde and by his unrighteousnesse makes it a land of barrennesse For this first Adam is such a selfish power that he seeks to compasse all the creatures of the earth into his own covetous hands to make himself a lord and all other his slaves And though he gets lands moneys honours government into his hands yet he gives the King of righteousnesse but a company of sawning words of love and obedience for he makes unrighteousnesse to dwell in heaven and earth that is in the whole Creation by his unrighteous government and so he becomes the chief Rebell the Serpent the Devil the Murderer oppressing the Creation setting himself above all in tyranny And this power is the curse which the whole Creation groans under waiting for a restoration by Christ the King and law of rigteousnesse who is the restorer of all things And here first I shall declare what Adam the first man is who to me appears to be the wisdome and power of the flesh carrying along the Creation man to live upon creature objects and to loath and despise the Spirit that made all and that dwels in all things according to the capacity of every single creature and all that Adam doth is to advance himself to be The one power he gets riches and goverment into his hands that he may lift up himself and suppresse the universall liberty which is Christ And if he preach or pray or performe any service relating to the Spirit it is for this end that he may get peace thereby and so seeks to honour flesh by procuring his own peace by his own wit and pollicy if that would doe So that this Adam appears first in every man and woman but he sits down in the chair of Magistracy in some above others for though this climbing power of self-love be in all yet it rises not to its height in all but every one that gets an authority into his hands tyrannizes over others as many husbands parents masters magistrates that lives after the flesh doe carry themselves like oppressing Lords over such as are under them not knowing that their wives children servants subjects are their fellow creatures and hath an equall priviledge to share with them in the blessing of liberty And this first Adam is to be seen and known in a
man Therefore be patient look up for teaching in this dividing of time when the Law of Righteousnesse arises up and makes himself more manifest he will reconcile all make every one to be of one heart and one minde and no other power must be the restorer but this King of Righteousnesse and Peace for this is he that makes men doe as they would be done unto And then envie and bitternes dies Now search the Scriptnres you that stand up to be Teachers that say I deny the Scriptures and let them judge me whether I deny them or no but one thing you shall finde to your shame that those Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles which you seeme to preserve with such love and zealous tendernesse shall cast the first stone at you to stone you out of your Pulpits for you doe not professe those Scriptures in love to them but in zealous covetousnesse to uphold your trade For now when Christ begins to arise up in sons and daughters whereby the Scriptures are honoured and proved true Prophecies Promises Visions and Revelations you deny their testimony and cry out Visions and Revelations are ceased and so you will ever have people to be hearing you speak the declaration because you live by it but if any receive the power from on high you cry out upon it It is self-conceit errour and blasphemy Well he is at worke that will discover your shame Wickednes shall slay the wicked though no mans hand be upon him CHAP. II. THere are three more discoveries of Christ to make the mystery of the Spirit shine in its excellency As Frst The great world wherein are variety of creatures as Sunne Moon Stars Earth Grasse Plants Cattle Fish Fowl and Man the Lord over the lower Creatures all sweetly conjoyned to preserve each other is no other but Christ spread forth in the Creation and so upholding the Creation by hi● own wisdome and power for he is the maker the preserver and restoring Spirit Therefore his name is called I and I am The Lord and besides me there is no Saviour But this is Christ very remote for though he rule in the whole Creation yet no single creature could discern o● spie him out he is in every one and yet that single one knew him not And therefore this one Almighty power began to make forth himself in visible descriptions before the creature● causing every creature to hold forth the light and power that is in them that so the mighty Creatour may at length be known in the clear sighted experience of one single creature man by seeing hearing tasting smelling feeling This one power of Righteousnesse as he rests in the Creation that man may be the mouth that shall make a clear discovery of Christ to others from the testimony that is in himself for hee is to see Christ within himself before hee can see him in other creatures And therefore Secondly The Sripture in their severall declaration types prophecies visions voyces revelations actings of men in patient doing and suffering in righteousnesse is no other but Christ in the letter lying under the experimentall words of those Pen-men setting forth the one Almighty in his severall actings and his severall conditions wherein he hath appeared to the view of the whole Creation but seen and known only by the one creature man in whom hee is purposed to dwell bodily But still here is a large distance between Christ and the bulk of man kinde for though some few particular ones have seen him and could declare him yet others are ignorant of him So that the universalitie of man-kinde may see these two discriptions of Christ that is in the Creation and in the Scriptures both without themselves And when any attains to see Christ in these outward discoveries it is full of sweet delight but this settles no true peace for that delight that is fetching in from things at a distance from us may be lost againe and return into its proper seat againe As the pleasant beames is of the Sun which refreshes the outward man may be lost for when the Clouds come between the beames returne into the Sun again which is their proper seat and men loseth the refreshing warmth and hear And therefore Thirdly Christ or the spreading power of light is drawing the knowledge of himself as he lies in all things into the clear experience of man into whole man yea into every brench of man-kinde and he the Sonne of Righteousnesse will not only shine into but fix hinself in every one So that perfect man shall be no other but God manifest in flesh for every manifestation of this power in any creature shall be seen known rejoyced in and be declared of by man The light and heat and Spirit of the Sunne shall be declared by the Sonne of Righteousnesse in man The sweet compliance of love in one creature towards another as the clouds to wa●er the earth the earth to send forth the fruits to preserve the living creatures that feeds thereupon shall be declared by that living power Love and Righteousnesse that is seated in man towards any creature So that though this one Almighty power be spread in the whole Creation yet it will appear to have his chief residence in man that in by and through man that one spirit may rule and govern the works of his own hands in Righteousnesse Every declaration of Christ in the Scriptures shal be seen and known in the clear experience of every sonne and daughter when this mystery is finished for Christ who indeed is the anointing shall fill all and all shall be the fulnesse of the anointing So that whatsoever a condition a man is in it is one or other condition that the childe Jesus was in growing upwards towards man-hood there is child hood youth and old●age in the anointing For the wisdome and power of truth that was poured upon the head of the Son of man grows upwards towards perfection in sons and daughters Even as wee see any tree corn or cattell grows up in the eye of man by degrees for as these creatures doe not attaine to perfectson on a sudden neither doth the spirit of Righteousnesse rise up on a sudden perfection but by degrees And therefore He that beleeves makes not hast The hastie flesh would have all content on a sudden but the spirit is moderate and rises up patiently its powerfull and quick and yet slow its slow but yet sure it will sit down in peace in a man though it run thorow many thorns and briars first Yea I say whatsoever condition you are in Christ or the anointing being in you appears in that condition in you If you be in a condition of poverty so was Christ the Son of man he had not whereon to lay his head If you be hated for Rigteousnesse sake so was he nay it is the anointing in you that is hated If angry proud
there is equity and Reason in it for the King of Righteousnesse did not make some men to be tyrants and others to be slaves at the beginning for this burden riseth up afterwards Esau stepped into the birth-right before Iacob till the time come that he shall be taken away again In the first enterance into the Creation every man had an equall freedom given him of his Maker to till the earth and to have dominion over the beasts of the field the ●owls of heaven and fish in the Seas But this freedom is broke to pieces by the power of covetousnesse and pride and self-love not by the law of Righteousnesse And this freedom will not be restored till the spreading power of Righteousnesse and peace rise up in the earth making all men and women to be of one heart and one mind which must come to passe for that Scripture was never fulfilled yet The powers of flesh shall never partake of this priviledge for he is the curse that must be removed Selfish Councellours Selfish Governours Selfish Souldiers shall never be honoured in setling this restoration The Lord himself will do this great work without either sword or weapon weapons and swords shall destroy and cut the powers of the earth asunder but they shall never build up For the Law-giver in righteousnesse shall come out of Sion that shall turn covetous oppressing ungodliness from Jacob For surely the Father will give as large a liberty to his children to inherit the earth as he gives to the beast of the field though they break over hedges and eat in any pasture they do not imprison and hang one another the earth is a common livelyhood for them the restraint ariseth from selfish covetousnesse and lordly proud flesh that hath got the government and saith The spirit hath given it him Indeed thou hast it for a time not by right of blessing but by permission that through thy unrighteousness thou maist fall and never rise again And that righteous Jacob may arise who hath been thy servant and never fall again and then the elder shall serve the younger I do not speak that any particular men shall go and take their neighbours goods by violence or robbery I abhor it as the condition of the men of the Nations are ready to do in this fleshly setled government of the world but every one is to wait till the Lord Christ do spread himself in multiplicities of bodies making them all of one heart and one mind acting in the righteousnesse one to another It must be one power in all making all to give their consent to confirm this law of righteousnesse and reason For when the work is made manifest it shall be a universall Power that shall rise up in the earth man-kind to pull the Kingdom and outward government of the world out of the hands of the tenant Esau king-flesh and this shall be made manifest in all the Nations of the earth For the Kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdoms of the Lord Christ And this universall power of a righteous law shall be so plainly writ in every ones heart that none shall desire to have more then another or to be Lord over other or to lay claim to any thing as his this phrase of Mine and Thine shall be swallowed up in the law of righteous actions one to another for they shall all live as brethren every one doing as they would be done by and he that sees his brother in wants and doth not help shall smart for his iniquity from the hand of the Lord the righteous Judge that will fit upon the throne in every mans heart There shall be no need of Lawyers prisons or engines of pun●shment one over another for all shall walk and act righteously in the Creation and there shall be no beggar nor cause of complaining in all this holy Mountain Therefere I say to all wait be patient in your present bondage till our brethren be brought in likewise Forsake the way of Babylon and commit your cause to him that judgeth righteously The work of freedom is in the hand of Christ and he is the righteous freedom he hath begun to spread himself and he goes on mightily and will go on The poor receives the Gospel daily Christ is drawing all men after him he is calling in the Isles and Nations of the world to come to this great Battell even to deliver the oppressed and ●o destroy the oppressour to spoil him that spoiled and yet was never spoiled himself And so to lead captivity captive and let the prisoners of hope go free CHAP. VII WHen this universall law of equity rises up in every man and woman then none shall lay claim to any creature and say This is mine and that is yours This is my work that is yours but every one shall put to their hands to till the earth and bring up cattle and the blesting of the earth shall be common to all when a man hath need of any corn or cattle take from the next store-house he meets with There shall be no buying nor selling no fairs nor markets but the whole earth shall be a common treasury for every man for the earth is the Lords And man-kind thus drawn up to live and act in the Law of love equity and onenesse is but the great house wherein the Lord himself dwels and every particular one a severall mansion and as one spirit of righteousnesse is common to all so the earth and the blessings of the earth shall be common to all for now all is but the Lord and the Lord is all in all When a man hath meat and drink and cloathes he hath enough and all shall cheerfully put to their hands to make these things that are needfull one helping another there shall be none Lords over others but every one shall be a Lord of himself subject to the law of righteousnesse reason and equity which shall dwell and rule in him which is the Lord For now the Lord is one and his name and power one in all and among all Their rejoycings and glory shall be continually in eying and speaking of what breakings forth of love they receive from the Father singing Sions songs one to another to the glory of him that sits upon the throne for evermore This universall freedom hath never filled the earth though it hath been fore-told by most of the Prophets This is the glory of Jerusalem which never yet hath been the praise of the whole earth And this will be no troublesome businesse when covetousnesse and the selfish power is killed and cast out of heaven and every one is made willing to honour the King of Righteousnesse in action being all of one heart and one mind Truly we may well call this a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousnesse And that prophesie will not generally be fulfilled till this time If it be
thus then saith the scoffer mens wives shall be common too or a man may have as many wives as he please I answer The Law of Righteousnesse and Reason saith no For when man was made he was made male and female one man and one woman conjoyned together by the law of love makes the Creation of humane flesh perfect in that particular Therefore a man shall forsake father and mother and cleave only to his wife for they twain are but one flesh Reason did not make one man and many women or one woman and many men to joyn together to make the Creation perfect but male and female in the singular number this is enough to encrease seed And he or she that requires more wives or more husbands then one walks contrary to the Law of Righteousnesse and shall bear their shame Though this immoderate lust after strange flesh rule in the bodies of men now while the first Adam is King yet it shall not be so when the second man rises to raign for then chastitie is one glory of the Kingdom But what if a man break that law of Righteousnes as many do under this fleshly government which is yet extant I answer He shall then become servant to others and be as a fool in Israel the wrath of the Lord shall be upon him and lose the priviledge of Sonship till the law of righteousnesse in him become his King And those that loses that priviledge shall know they have lost a blessing The proud covetous and unrighteous men ere many years wheel about will tell the world by their lamentation and torment what it is to lose the blessing of son-ship The manifestation of a righteous heart shall be known not by his words but by his actions for this multitude of talk and heaping up of words amongst professours shall die and cease this way of preaching shall cease and verbal worship shall cease and they that do worship the Father shall worship him by walking righteously in the Creation in the strenghth of the Law of Love and equity one to another And the time is now coming on that men shall not talk of righteousnesse but act righteousnesse And they that in these times will not observe this Rule to walk righteously in the Creation waiting quietly till Christ come to restore all things he shall have sorrows troubles and discontents of heart within vexing grudging rash passions he shall have no true peace but be filled with confusion and be a slave to his lusts The Father now is rising up a people to himself out of the dust that is out of the lowest and despised sort of people that are counted the dust of the earth man-kind that are trod under foot In these and from these shall the Law of Righteousnesse break ●orth first for the poor they begin to receive the Gospel and plentifull discoveries of the Fathers love flows from them and the waters of the learned and great men of the world begins to dry up like the brooks in Summer When this restoration breaks forth in righteous action the curse then shall be removed from the Creation Fire Water Earth and Air And Christ the spreading forth of Righteousnesse shall be the onely Saviour that shall make Jacob to rejoyce and Israel to be glad There shall be no barrennesse in the earth or cattle for they shall bring forth fruit abundantly Unseasonable storms of weather shall cease for all the curse shall be removed from all and every creature shall rejoyce in Righteousnesse one in another throughout the whole Creation Thomas Dydimus that is the unbelief of your hearts cries out When will these things be not in our time I cannot believe such things till I see them Well lay aside your doubtfull questioning and let every one set himself to walk righteously in the Law of love one towards another and wait the Lords time this work is to be done upon flesh not by flesh The Lord will have none of your flesh wit policy or strength to setle this work for he alone will be honoured in this day of his power it must be his own handy work that must bring this restoration to passe yea and he will hasten this work as speedily as the Midianites Army was destroyed and Sodom and Gomorrah burned and as speedily and as unlooked for as plenty came into Sama●ia mens unbelief cannot hinder this work of Righteousnesse The Lord will do this work speedily Babylon shall fall in one hour Israel shall rise in one hour O when thi● righteous Law shall rule in every one there will be springings up of joy and peace and the blessing of the Lord shall rest every where The whole earth we see is corrupt and it cannot be purged by the hand of creatures for all creatures lies under the curse and groans to be delivered and the more they strive the more they entangle themselves in the mud therefore it must be the hand of the Lord alone that must do it None can remove the curse from fire water earth and air but the Almighty power himself And this work is called the Restoration of all things for all things groan and travel in pain under bondage waiting for this manifestation And seeing every creature that is burdened waits for the coming in of the blessing then surely no flesh can settle this work for all flesh is corrupt this work shall not be done by sword or weapon or wit of the flesh but by the power of the Lord killing covetousnesse and making man-kind generally to be of one heart and one mind But why hath not the Lord done this all this time that is past I answer Covetous wise arid lordly flesh would raign in the Kingdom man-kind first and would be counted the onely power to govern the Creation in an excellent order And the Lord gave this dominion into his hand bur withall told him that if he governed the Creation unrighteously he and all the Creation should die and fall under the curse Well the powers of the flesh Lord Esau was advanced and hath ruled with such self-seeking ends that he hath made all creatures weary of his government and the whole earth to stink and to groan under the burden of it longing to be delivered For first they that stand up to teach others they teach for gain and preach for hire and fils people with division and confusion through their pride and envy and they do this by the Authority of the governing power by which they have ingrossed the earth into their hands A man must not take a wife but the Priest must give her him If he have a child the Priest must give the name If any die the Priest must see it laid in the earth If any man want knowledge or comfort they teach him to go to the Priest for it and what is the end of all this but to get money if a man labour in the earth to eat his
bread the Priests must have the tenths of his encrease or else some oppressing impropriatour that shares the tithes between himself and the Priest which Law was brought in by the Pope and still upheld by such as call themselves the Christian Protestants All which is high treason and mighty dishonourable to Christ the great Prophet whom they seem to shew love to here the earth stinks because this hath been established by a compulsive binding power whereby the Creation is held under bondage this is the fruit of imagination Secondly For matter of buying and selling the earth stinks with such unrighteousnesse that for my part though I was bred a tradesmen yet it is so hard a thing to pick out a poor living that a man shall sooner be cheated of his bread then get bread by trading among men if by plain dealing he put trust in any And truly the whole earth of trading is generally become the neat art of thieving and oppressing fellow-creatures and so laies burdens upon the Creation but when the earth becomes a common treasury this burden will be taken off Thirdly For Justices and Officers of State that should relieve people in their wrongs and preserve peace they multiply wrongs and many if not most times oppresses the poor and lets the effending rich go free by laying aside the letter of their laws as the Priests doth the Scriptures and acts by subtil covetousnesse and smooth words to get money or else ruling by their own wills through envy to imprison and oppresse others letting poor people lie in prison half a year many times and never bring them to trial at all And thus the people have been and are oppressed by false imprisonments and punishments not for the breach of any known law but to satisfie the will of the Justice Bailiffs or Officer against all reason and equity as if the people made Officers to be their Aegyrtian task-masters Nay let all men speak openly as they find and I am sure they will say that the Justices and most state Officers doth more oppresse then deliver from oppression And thus I see that the whole earth stinks by the first Adams corrupt Government therefore it is the fulness of time for Jacob to arise extream necessity cals for the great work of restoration and when the restorer of the earth hath a little more manifested himself he wi● make the earth a common treasury and sweep away all the refuge of lies and All oppressions by making all people to be of one heart and one minde and then the Law of Righteousnesse and peace shal be the King that shal rule in every man and over every man who indeed is the Lord himself who is and wil be all and in all And now seeing there is nothing found but complainings and tears under his oppressions it is the fulnesse or fittest time now for Iacob to arise restore all things who indeed is Christ And for David to raigne who indeed is Christ the great devider between flesh and spirit the great law-giver of peace and truth For besides him there is no Saviour He indeed is the blessing of all Nations and the joy of the whole earth Therefore tremble thou Lord Esau thou proud and covetous flesh thou art condemned to die the sentence is begun to be put in execution for the poor begins to receive the Gospel thou shalt wast decay and grow weaker and weaker til thy place be no where found in earth and Christ the blessing of the Creation shal rise up and spread and fil the earth and all creatures shall rejoyce under his shadow Therefore you Tribes of Israel that are now in sackcloth every man with his hands upon his loins like a woman in travel stand stil and see the salvation of David your King this is called the time of Iacobs trouble for indeed the Spirit that is in you is oppressed under the burden of cursed flesh But he shall be delivered the time of his resurrection is come and his rising shal be your glory his light shal desperse your darknesse and cover the earth with the knowledge of himself for the blessing shal be every where Iacobs troubles formerly was two-fold First His kindred and friends endeavoured to hinder him of his temporal lively-hood and to make the earth to become a burden to him by changing his cattell and taking those earthly blessings from him which the Lord had given him Secondly when Iacob had a liberty to take wives children and cattell and to goe live free of himself his kindred runs after him and tels him he had stolen away their gods and for that begins a fresh to trouble him And the same troubles are the portion of those in whom Iacobs spirit rests For First Their kindred and neighbours endeavours to make them poor in the world and to oppresse them with the burden of poverty and straits Secondly Now the Father is drawing Iacob out of Babylon and makes his children to forsake the forms and customs of the National worship to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth Now kindred and neighbours in the flesh cries our O these men steals away our gods and by reproaches imprisonments or wrong dealing seeks to oppresse and suppresse them Wel this is but stil the time of Iacobs troubles but he shall be delivered out Wel let the lordly flesh scoffe and laugh and cry O when shal this be and say with the Lord of Samaria it is impossible for it is madnesse thus to speak wel such may live to see it but shal not enjoyne the blessing for when Iacob arises that is now very low and be must rise then Esau shal be his servant The elder shall serve the younger and thy portion shal be wraped up in Jacobs lap for all is his For now he Father is raissing up a people to himself out of the dust and of the stones that is poor despised people that are trod upon like dust and stones shal be now raised up and be made the blessing of the earth and the high mountaines shall be laid low the lofty looks of men shal be pulled down and the Lord alone shall be exalted in this day of his power CHAP. VIII AS I was in a trance not long since divers matters were present to my sight which here must not be related Likewise I heard these words Worke together Eat bread together declare this all abroad Likewise I heard these words Whosoever it is that labours in the earth for any person or persons that lifts up themselves as Lords Rulers over others and that doth not look upon themselves equal to others in the Creation The hand of the Lord shall be upon that labouror I the Lord have spoke it and I will do it Declare this all abroad After I was raised up I was made to remember very fresh what I had seen and heard did declare al things to them that were with me and I was filled with abundance of quiet
libertie When slaverie began to creep in upon the Creation the Spirit might wel cry out in Lamentation Ah-dam A-dam which draws together a head of corrupted waters of covetous proud and imaginary flesh to stop the streams of the waters of life and libertie But saith the Spirit our Maker The seed from whence the Creation sprang shall bruise that Serpents head and open the dam againe and cause the waters of the Spirit which is Life and Libertie to run free againe without any stoppage This A-dam stops up the waters or Life and Libertie in a two-fold way Fir●● he ties up the Creation man in chains of darknesse within it self For there is not a man and womon ●ound since Adam's rise but the man Christ Jesus in whom the seed ruled in power but they were bound up in bondage to coveteousnesse pride imagination and to all the powers of the flesh So that the free running streams of the Spirit of life were stopped that they could not run which hath made every one cry O wretched man that I am who shal deliver me from this body of sin or death Here you see that knowledge libertie and comfort hath been stopped or dammed up within the C●eation ma● Secondly this A-dam being the power of cove●ous proud flesh he sets up one part of the Creation man to rule over another and makes Laws to kil and hang thal part of the Creation that wil not submit to the ruling part And so he is become a God ruling in the spirits own house not preserving the Creation but does set the Creation together by the ears to k●l it self to the mighty dishonour of our Maker Therefore when the people would have Saul to rule them the Spirit declared that that outward ruling power was the curse and he set him up in his wrath to be a scourge not a blessing Now whereas the Creation man should live in equalitie one towards another this A-dam hath lifted up mountaines and hils of oppressing powers and there by that dammed and stopped up that universal communitie Therefore at the first rising up of this serpentine power to enslave the Creation he might wel be declared by way of Lamenattion A-dam Adam Covetousnesse or self-love is the dam the letter A before declares that he is a preparer to miserie and is delivered by way of Lamentation Ah or A-dam Dovetousnesse or self-love is the man of sin that appears first The imagination arising from that couetous power is the woman or Eve which like the Ivie clings about the tree and so covetousnesse and imagination does beget between them a supposed joy pleasure and delight but it proves a lie These two Covetousnesse and Imagination the man and the woman of sin or A-dam and his Eve or Ivie does beget fruit or children like both Father and Mother as pride and envy hypocrisie crueltie and all unclean lusts pleasing the flesh And now the dam-head is made up strong to stop the streams of waters of life and universal libertie But in the fulnesse of time the Spirit wil break down this dam-head againe and cause the waters of the Spirit of life to flow again plentifully And herein you may see how the publique Preachers have cheated the whole world by telling us of a single man called Adam that kiled us al by eating a single fruit called an Apple Alas this Adam is the dam that hath stopped up the freedome of the Spirit within and without so that while he rules a man can have no community with the spirit within himself nor community of love with fellow creatures he does so puff them up with covetousnesse and pride and desire of Lordly rule one over another Do but look into every mean and woman and into al the actions of the world and tel me whether that first Adam be one single man as the publique Preachers tel you or is not more truly that covetous proud and imginary power in flesh that hath dammed and stopped up the way of the spirit of life and universal libertie and so he is that Father of lies and Satan that holds the Creation under bondage til the Son which is the light in the Creation shine forth and sets us at libertie And if the Son set you free you are free indeed This Son is the second Adam which is A-dam indeed that stops the streams of bondage from runing and sets the Creation at libertie again CHAP. IX WHat I have spoken I have not received from books nor study but freely I have received and freely I have declared what I have received And the Declarations of the Lord through his servant shal not be in vain The beholding and feeling of the Law of righteousnesse within me fils my whole soul with precious peace the favour of the sweet ointment and I know as this power of love spreads in al mens hearts as it wil spread for Jacob must rise Then there shall be no begger no tears no complaining no oppression but the blessing of the Lord shal fil the earth Then our swords shall be beaten into plow irons add our spears into pruning hooks and then shall the Lord be known to be the salvation of Israel and the restoration of the whole Creation I● any man be offended here let him know I have obeyed my Maker herein and I have peace in him When the Man Jesus Christ was one earth there was a sweet communitie of love between all the members of that humane body For the spirit that was within made every member a servant to the other and so preserved the whole body in peace one member did not raign over another in tyra●nie Even so when the humane body was laid in the earth the Spirit which indeed is Christ came again the second time upon the Apostles and Brethren while they were waiting for that promise at Jerusalem And as Christ then began to spread himself in sons and daughters which are members of his mystical body they did not rule in slavery one over another neither did the rich suffer the poor to beg and starve and imprison them as now they do But the rich sold their possessions and gave equality to the poor and no man said that any thing that he possessed was his own for they had all things common But this community was a vexation to Esau the covetous proud flesh and he strove to suppresse this commnuity And the Lord he gives this Beast a toleration to rule 42 months or a time times and dividing of time and in that time to kil the two Witnesses that is Christ in one body and Christ in many bodies or Christ in his first and second comming in flesh which is Justice and Jugement ruling in man I but now the 42 months are expiring we are under the half day of the Beast or the dividing of time and Christ or the two Witnesses are arising and spreading himself again in the earth And when he hath spread
to life And hence it is that many a poor despised man and woman that are counted blasphemers by the understanding Pharisees of our age as the learned Pharisees of old called Christ and people are afraid to buy and sell them but casts out their names for evil yet these have more sweet peace more true experience of the Father and walks more righteously in the Creation in spirit and truth then those that cal themselves teachers and zealous Professours And why Because these single hearted ones are made to look into themselves wherein they can read the work of the whole Creation and see that History seated within themselves they can see the mystery of Righteousnesse and are acquainted every one according to his measure with that spirit of truth that is to be the blessing of the whole earth and that enlightens al that come into the world these are the dust and stones so the earth that are trod under foot But out of this Sion whom no man regards shal the Deliverer come But now those that are called Preachers and great professours that runs a hearing seeks for knowledge abroad in Sermons in books and Uuniversities and buyes it for money as Simon Magus would have done and than delivers it out again for money for a 100 l. or 200 l. a year And those men that speak from an inward testimony of what they have seen and heard from the Lord are celled by these buyers and sellers Locusts ●actions blasphemers and what not as the language of Pulpits runs but the Lord wil whip such traders out of his Temple And truly the whole world wanders after the Beast and though the people many of them doe see that their Prheachers are blinde guides bitter spirited proud and covetous yet they are ashamed and afraid to disown them O great bondage under the devils And hence it is that they think they are wise and learned and the only men sent of God to preach the Gospel til the power of Righteousnesse come and declare before all the world that they are enemies to the Gospel and knows him not for the anointing is the glad tidings which are manifest within the heart not a distance from men And so Christ takes these wise and learned in their own crafty covetousnes and pride and declares them to be very silly men the most ignorant of all blinde guides painted sepulchers Prophets that run before they be sent and the great fooles of the world and troublers of Israel and the Scribes and Pharisees that stand up to hinder Christ from rising or to cast reproachfull dirt upon him where he rises as much as they can to keep him down and hold him under as a servant still and this they will doe till they be swept away amongst the refuge of lies as part of that treasure for that must be your portion Nay let me tel you That the poorest man that sees his maker and lives in the light though he could never read a letter in the book dares throw the glove to al the humane learning in the world and declare the deceit of it how it doth bewitch delude man-kinde in spiritual things yet it is that great Dragon that hath deceived all the world for it draws men from knowing the Spirit to own bare letters words and histories for spirit The light and life of Christ within the heart discovers all darknesse and delivers mankind from bondage And besides him there is no Saviour CHAP. XI WEll in the next place I must declare to you that all that which you call the history and have doted upon it and made it your idol is all to be seen and felt witin you before you cast oft true peace Adam and Christ you have heard are both to be seen within the heart Cain and Abel is to be seen within Abraham a power that prefers the honour of Righteousnesse before a beloved Isaac is to be seen within Meek spirited Moses that rules your bodies by an outward Law of Righteousnesse is to be seen within you killing of Sacrifices and offering them up is to be seen within you Israel or one that is a wrestler is to be seen within you And this is Christ the elect one that fights against your lusts The Canaanites Amalekites Philistines and all those armies of the Nations even troops of untighteous powers one following another are to be seen within you making war with Israel Christ within you The Land of Canaan the habitation of rest is to be seen within you travelling and drudging in the wildernesse and then comming to rest upon the seventh day is to be seen within you Judas a treacherous self-loving and covetous spirit The Commanders of the Jews the chief powers that are within the flesh first condemning then killing then buying Christ is to be seen within you Christ lieing in the grave like a corn of wheat buried under the clods of the earth for a time and Christ rising up from the powers of your flesh above that corruption and above those clouds treading the curse under his feet is to be seen within The stone that lies at the mouth of the sepulcher your unbelief the removing of that stone setting you at libertie is to be seen withing you Heaven and hell light and darknesse sorrow and comforts is all to be seen within the power of darknesse and the power of light and life is to be seen within you Good Angels which are divine discoveries or sparks of that glory And bad Angels which are the powers of the flesh let loose out of the bottomlesse pit●selfishnesse and so working its own miserie are to be seen within For man-kind is that Creation in which the great Creatour of all things wil declare and manifest himself Therefore it was said That God was in Christ That one anointed humane body reconciling or drawing all things into himself and so making peace For while al things are out of that one power of Righteousnesse jarring and flashing against him there is no peace in the Creation but sorrow tears and vexation but when all things are made to lie down quiet in him and acknowledge him in all and are subject to him the alone King of Righteousnesse now there is rest and peace every where Therefore if you look for heaven or for manifestation the Fathers love in you in any place but within your selves you are deceived for what glory soever you shal be capable of to see with your eyes or hear with your ears it is but the breakings forth of that glorious power that is seated within for the glory of the Father is not without him but it is all within himself or rises up from within is manifested abroad The Kings daughter is all glorious within All that glory which declares heaven is seen within that spirit that rules within the Creation man-kind And further if you look for any other hell or sorrows in any other place then what shall be made manifest within
or other by the hands of fellow Creatures that are the oppressing Task masters under the Tyrant flesh so that weak spirits are kept under in awe either by fear or shame And thus Iacob hath been very low but he must rise For the Antichristian Captivitie is expiring many have attained to inward freedom already they wait upon the Lord for outward freedom that the yoke may be taken off their backs Israel's Captivitie in the 70 years in the Bahylon was but a type of this Antichristian slavery under L. Esau the powers of the flesh that compasses mankind about with many straits dangers for acknowledging his Maker But as every thing hath his growth his raign and end so must this slavery have an end The proud and covetous hearts cry what slavery is this we know not what he speaks It is true you do not know but they who have lesse or more attained to the resurrection of the dead know what I say and shall rejoyce in the declaration of this power waiting the Lords leisure with a calm silence til he hath gathered together our brethren that must partake of the blessing with us CHAP. XIV TO see the Divine power in the Creation-objects is sweet but to see him ruling in the heart is sweeter The first sight is at distance far off as to see him in mear drink cloaths friends victories riches prosperity to see him in the Sun Moon Stars Clouds Grasse Trees Cattle and all the Earth how he hath sweetly cause every one of these to give in assistance to preserve each other Creature Or rather how he himself in these gives forth preservation and protection from one another and so unites the whole Creation together by the unity of himself Or further to see the Divine power in prayer in Discourse in Communion of Saints in Reading in every sweet and refreshnigs that a man meets within all these is the Almightly Comforter But this is to behold that glory abroad to see and meet him from home to behold him in Creatures without us which sight and enjoyment is often and may be totally lost and the soul left alone again and so filled with mourning in his absence O when shall I see my beloved whom my soul loves The Spouse had seen Christ in the manner aforesaid but she had lost him again for if she had never seen him she could not have called him her Beloved and mourn in his absence Let a man eat never so hearty a dinner yet within a few hours he wil be empty again and ready to languish and thus all comforts that are taken in from any creature without us may be nay wil be must be lost that so a man may come to know the Lord But now to see the King sitting in his banqueting-houses to see the Law of Righteousnesse and peace ruling and dwelling in the heart and to be refreshed with tho●e sweet smelling spices the discoveries of the Fathers love within This is the Word of God This is sweeter then the honey or the honey-comb for this is to see him near at hand even within the heart ruling and resting there This is the Kingdome of heaven within you This is the city of refuge that wil not sail a man This is the Rock of defence and offence This the power that makes a man bold as a Lion If a man be cast into any straits his heart dies not like Nabals the man of the flesh but he feels peace and content within and so is at rest Let come what wil come the man knows it is the wil of the Father it shal be so and he feels a quiet peace compasse his heart so that he seeth and feeleth peace within and rejoyceth in the excellency of it he seeth and feeleth love and patience within and rejoyceth in the glory of that sweet ointment that doth cast a delightful favour all his soul over Now though this man be in prison be in straits be forsaken of all his friends in the flesh none wil buy nor sell with him because they count him a man of strange opinions and blasphemies call him an Atheist a sot a Papist a blasphemer that hath forsaken God and goodnesse because he wil neither preach nor pray nor say grace when he sitteth down to meat as the custome of Professours are Yet this man is not alone for his Father is with him The Father lives in him and he lives in the Father The Father wil have his people whom he draws up to worship him in spirit and truth to be secret and silent to be flow of speech for a little season yet quick-sighted and Eagle-eyed though they be silent they are not sottish drones they shall discern and judge others righteously though others shall not discern and judge them but by rash censure which is not righteous The righteous actions and patient silence of those that are drawn up to wait upon the Lord shall be the greatest shame and condemnation to the ignorant professours and talking people that ever broke out The wise flesh that would be an Angel of light is full of towords but dead to the Law of Righteousnesse The Saints must die to waste words but he made alive to Righteousnesse walking uprightly in the Creation to the glory of the Maker of all things hereby Lord Esau will be under-mined and his house and Kingdon wil fall about his ears For though the man of the flesh be altogether for outward preaching praying observation of forms and customs and knows not how to worship if these be taken away he hath no peace if these be gone But now the man of Righteousnesse sees death in all outward forms if the inward power be wanting therfore his eye is stil inward to see the Law of Righteousnesse ruling there and guiding the body to be a profitable member in the Creation And this is the most excellent sight to see the divine power in ones self ruling dwelling and living within which if it doe that body wherein it dwels shal be wholly subject in al his to that Law of Rightenesse They that know what the power of love and the Law of Righteousnesse is they know what I say and can understand me but to others these reports sound strangely and may draw words of reproach and slander from them but it matters not they cannot hurt They that live in the light they see the Lord abroad and they see him at home they see him in other creatures and they see and feel him in their own hearts in patient and quiet submitting to what is his will so that there is a sweet agreement between the disposing hand of God without and his power within He that thus sees the Lord the antient of daies the one Almighty power doth mightily honour him when nothing can be done abroad either in adversity or prosparity but the divine power that rules in the heart consents rejoices and grudges not And now the Lord is one and his name
and tyrant-ruling flesh seek to imprison you and kill you so they dealt with him and it is still the righteous man in you that is opposed If you be made to joy in the Father the Spirit of truth it is he within you that rejoyces in himself if you feel a waiting meek spirit in you it is still Christ in you who is meek and lowly If you feel the power of love dwell within you leading you to love enimies and to do as you would be done unto it is Christ in you who is the law of love and Righteousnesse And in every condition you are in this law of the Spirit meets with the powers of your own flesh f●etting and fighting against him For envy frowardnesse self-love covetousnesse are the power of darknesse in you that fights against the Spirit that sweetly seeks the preservation and peace of all But that opposing power in you is the devil serpent and power of darknesse which Christ the power of light rising up in you will destroy and so mortality shall be swallowed up of life And Christ will not sit down in peace rejoycing in you till he hath subdued all these inward and outward enemies under his feet and himself become the alone King of Righteousnesse in you for he is that mighty King that shall be established upon the holy hill of Sion that is He shall be only King unto whom every man woman shal be made a subject This King shall raigne for ever and ever And this is he you would call God but indeed the power of darknesse is the god that rules in most men and women both professours and others and they will subject to this their god of darknesse till the power of light Christ take him away So that whatsoever estate a son or daughter is in it is still but Christ combating with his enemies in that estate drawing all into himself and destroying all oppsing powers that himself may remain to be the one alone Almighty power spread forth every where and so doing the will of the Father brusing the Sarpents head in you and that he himself who is the divine may grow up flourish remaine and bring ●orth aboundance of fruit in you when your created flesh is purged from bondage and made subject to him But if Christ and the Father be all one power and wisdome why do you make a distinction as if they were two I answer The Father is the universall power that hath spread himself in the whole globe The Sonne is the same power drawn into and appearing in one single person making that person subject to the one Spirit and to know him that dwels every where There is not a person or creature within the compasse of the globe but he is a sonne of the of the Father or the breakings forth of that power in one body now every small creature is the light of the Fa●her though it be a dark one but man living in the light of the Father is called The wel-beloved Sonne because that one power of Rigteousnesse dwels bodily in him and the whole Creation is drawn up into that one centre man And now the Lord a lone is exalted in this day of his power for now the Serpent is cast out of heaven a●l powers of darknesse are subdued and the Spirit remaines conquerour in man yet in single man and so filling the living earth man-kinde in all his branches with himself the one Spirit This spreading power is the Fathers house in which there are many mansions or dwelling places every crerture lives herein for in and by him every one lives and moves and hath his being This is to speak truth as it is in Jesus This is Sion that is above where the Father dwels in his glory Sinai is the mountaine of flesh that is to be burned with fire that is the Spirit of Righteousnesse is the fire that will burn-up all unrighteous powers in the flesh And to see this power of Righteousnesse spreading himself every where destroying death and preserving the Creation is to see him you would call God with open face and you can never see him plainly and nakedly till you come thus to see him therefore you Priests and zealous ptofessors learne hereafter ro know what power it is you call God for the word God signifies a Governour and it may as well be attributed to the devil as to the law of Righteousnesse for assure your selves if covetousnesse pride and bitter envy doe rule you as it is apparent this dark power rules most of you then the devil is that god you worship and you are strangers and enemies to the Spirit of Truth that dwels every where which you seem to call your God or Ruler CHAP. III. ANd this is no new Gospel but the old one It is the same report that the Pen-men of Scriptures gave for the everlasting Gospel God with us or God manifest in flesh The Father exalted above all and in all for the Prophets and Apostles declare these two things First the Spirit spreads himself abroad in sacrifices and types as in Moses time and then takes all into himself againe the Spirit manifest in one person as in the son of man For all the writings of old and new Testament are all centered in Christ and are swallowed up into him And this Christ is not only confined to the Lamb Jesus anointed but is the enlarging of the same anointing in the particular persons of sonnes and daughters in whom the same spirit of truth the comforter is to be manifest in after times And this power shall not only fill man-kinde and be all in all therein but all other creatures of all kinde according to their severall degrees shall be filled with this one spirit anointing As Pauls testimony reports that the whole Creation of all kindes of creatures in whom the curse is spread through mans unrighteousnesse doth all groan and travell waiting for the manifestation of the sonnes of God When man-kinde shall be restored and delivered from the curse and all spirited with this one power then other creatures shall be restored likewise and freed from their burdens as the Earth from thorns and briars and barrennesse the Air and winds from unseasonable storms and distempers the Cattle from bitternesse and rage one against another And the law of righteousnesse and love shall be seated in the whole Creatton from the lowest to the highest creature And this is the work of restoration So that all the glory and content that man takes in other creatures of the earth it is but a rejoycing in himself or that spirit that is within him being more and more filled with peace to see feel taste smell and hear the power of the whole Creation to have a sweet complyancy of love in him and with him For now all jarring rashnesse violent storms barrennesse of the earth corruption in fire and water enmity in cattles oppressing principles in one man over
another are all kept and swept away like locusts by this strong East winde the Lord himself at his coming And every creature in his kinde sings in Righteousnesse and man lives and rules in the strength of that Law by reason whereof all teares and are wiped away And when this glory is finished as it must be for it is begun to be made manifest for the poor they doe receive the Gospel and it is yet hid from the learned ones the teachers and the rulers of the world Then those writings are made good That all enemies are subdued under the ●eet of the anointing who is this spreading power of Righteousnesse and there is no opposite power remaining For the power that shall now appear is no other but the Lord himself dwelling every where And the whole Creation is his ga●den wherein he walks and delights himself And now the Kingdome is delivered up in●o the Fathers hand the one Spirit that fils all and is in all And the distinction of dominion in one single person over all shall cease and no distinction shall be owned but King of Righteousnesse dwelling in every one and in the whole body of the Creation all being sweetly and quietly subject to him and he sweetly and quietly ruling in them And this shall be that City Sion of which glorious things are spoken And now in this new heaven and new earth he himself who is the King of Righteousnesse doth dwel and rule and this is the excellency of the work when a man shall be made to see Christ in other creatures as well as in himself every one rejoycing each in other and all rejoycing in their King O ye hear say Preachers deceive not the poeple any longer by telling them that this glory shal not be known and seen til the body is laid in the dust I tel you this great mystery is begun to appear and it must be seen by the material eyes of the flesh And those five senses that is in man shall partake of this glory This is Christ rising up and drawing al things into himself This is the Spirits entrance into the Father which is heavenly glory which rises and shal rise higher and higer in Israel He that hath part in the first Resurrection the second death of the bodies laying down in the dust shal have no power to break their peace or hinder their glory but shall further the increase of it But now that power of unrighteousnesse that rules and fights in man kinde against this shall be destroyed subdued and shall never be reconciled to nor partake of this glory My ●eaning is this The power of pride and the power of humility shal never dwel quietly in one heart together The power of love tendernesse and righteousnesse and the power of envy hardnesse of heart and covetous unrighteousnesse shall never dwel quietly in one heart together Uncleannesse and chasticy shal not dwel in peace together The son of the bond-woman rebellious flesh shal not be heir with the son of the free-woman flesh made subject to the Law of Righteousnesse within himself There is no quiet peace in a man til the Kingdome of darknesse be conquered and the Serpent be cast out and so the heart made a fit temple or house for the Spirit to dwel bodily in A man is not counted a man from the bulk of his body of flesh but the power that dwels in that body of flesh is the man either the righteous man or the wicked And if the wicked power rule in the body of the flesh this is he that must be burned up subdued destroyed and never enter into rest This is Christs enemy But if the righteous power doe rule or being weak and so is kept under by the other dark power doth hunger and thirst after righteotsnesse that he might be King This power is to be redeemed from bondage and set at libety and sit down in rest and peace This is Christ rising out of the dust and hee shall wholly be raised up to live and dwel in the Father and the Father in him and all opposite powers of bondage that now afflicts shal be trod under his feet Therefore now yon zealous Preachers and Professors in al forms if you have eyes look within your selves and see what power rules within the bodies of your flesh If you finde that the inward power is envy rash anger covetousnesse self-honouring secret pride uncleannesse of flesh close dissimulation and the like know you that that power is your self your very self a devil the serpent the subtil and yet strong power of darknesse that would fain be counted an Angle of Light And though you be called by the name of such a man or such a woman yet you are but the father of lies and of the power of bondage that must be destroyed and perish And that humane flesh that you dwell in being part of the Creation shall be cleansed off you by the spirit of burning till it be freed from you that are the curse the bondage of it under whom it groans And when you are cast out who is the serpent it shall be a temple for the Father himself to dwell in a garden wherein he himself will take delight For it is thou O thou wicked power that is the curse I say The thorns and briars that troubles the Creation and thou must be rooted out and sorrow and everlasting weeping shall be thy po●tion for thou shalt never find the prince of peace Well I know you that would be Angels of light and are not will count this which I speak madnesse but you shall find these words true For all powers that are opposite to the power of Righteousnesse must and shall be d●stroyed and the Lord alone shall be exalted in this day of his power and this power of Righteousnesse shall be exalted in flesh as well as over flesh Who was it that put the Son of man to death Was it the humane flesh or the power of darkness that ruled in flesh Surely that power of darknesse in the flesh did it and that cursed power was the Scribes and Pharisees And so now that power of enmity that rules in those bodies of yours making your bodies of the flesh slaves to its lusts and will is still the Scribes and Pharisees or devil that fights against Christ and would not suffer him to rise up in flesh but cals his power blasphemy because he crosses you for if he rise flesh you must fall in flesh If he be King as he must be you must be his foot stool Well mind what power rules in you whether it be a particular confining selfish power which is the Devil the Scribes and Pharisees Or whether it be a universall spreading power that delights in the liberty of the whole Creation which is Christ in you The particular selfish power when it is either crossed or shamed it grows mad and bitter spirited and endeavours