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A56718 Patròs kat́optra kan paidòs gonyklisiá: = The father's spectacles to behold his child by and the child's cushion to kneel before his parents. By a lover of parental and filial unity. Lover of parental and filial unity. 1695 (1695) Wing P867A; ESTC R217232 83,294 145

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6.2 You must honour them by shewing them all reverence both in word and carriage that occasion opportunity time place matter and manner doth require and permit Deut. 5.16 4th Thou must rise up at their presence when they pass by you and bow when you meet them in the Streets Levit. 19.32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head and honour the face of the old man and fear thy God It is a positive command King Solomon rose from his Throne to meet Bathsheba his mother coming to him 1 Kings 2.19 Abraham stood up and bowed himself to the people of the Land Gen. 23.7 Haman was greatly offended with Mordecai because he did not rise up before him as he passed by Esther 5.9 Job expresseth his admirable honour in his prosperity saith The young men saw me and hid themselves and the aged arose and stood up the Princes refrained their talking and the Nobles held their peace Job 29.8 9 10. Her children rise up and call her blessed Prov. 31.28 5th You must bow at their presence when they come to you or you go to them when you deliver any thing to them or take any thing of them when they speak to you or you to them when they pass by you or you pass by them The Sons of the Prophets came to meet Elisha and bowed themselves to the ground before him 2 Kings 2.15 Jacob bowed to Esau seven times after his long exile Gen. 33.3 Jacob's Hand maidens and their Children as also Leah and Rachel and their Children when they met Esau bowed themselves before him Gen. 33.6 7. Joseph bowed to Jacob Gen. 48.12 David to Saul 1 Sam. 24.8 Saul to Samuel's Emblem 1 Sam. 28.14 Mephibosheth bowed to David 2 Sam. 9.8 So did Joab 2 Sam. 14.22 So did Absolom 2 Sam. 14.33 Cushi bowed to Joab 2 Sam. 18.21 Araunah bowed to David 2 Sam. 24.20 or Ornan 1 Chron. 21.21 Nathan bowed to David 1 Kings 1.23 Adonijah bowed to Solomon 1 Kings 1.53 Solomon bowed himself to his Mother 1 Kings 2.19 Joseph's ten brethren bowed themselves to him Gen. 43.28 What an odious thing is it to see Children shew no respect nor reverence to their natural Father and more odious to see Members of Churches to shew no respect nor reverence to their Pastors who are their Spiritual Fathers nay more they are Ambassadors of Christ whose person they represent 't is a dishonour therefore done to Christ They that deserve double honour from them have perhaps not single honour shewed them but upon every small occasion of offence some carry it to them in an irreverent manner to their shame and shame of Religion The Scripture is very full of civil Obeisance of all sorts of persons to their superiours but those men that disown the Scriptures to be the Word of God and the Rule for a Christians Faith and Practice may not only deny tribute to whom tribute is due honour to whom honour and fear to whom fear but any Command what they please and deny that which is recorded tho' never so plain in the Holy Scriptures of Truth Dan. 10.21 Rom. 13.7 6th Therefore you must shew all Christian-like reverence to your Parents true reverence is an inward work of the mind and appeareth in all good deportment and carriage of the body towards them to whom we shew due respect we ought to behave our selves with all humility and observance possible in outward decent behaviout Saith St. Paul We have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence Heb. 12.9 We are commanded to give an answer of the hope that is in us with reverence 1 Pet. 3.15 Mephibosheth fell on his face before David and did reverence 2 Sam. 9.6 And Bathsheba bowed with her face to the earth and did reverence to the King and said let my lord King David live for ever 1 Kings 1.31 1st She bowed very low 2dly She did reverence 3dly She gives him his true Title King 4thly She adds his proper name to his Title 5thly She complements him to an high degree let my Lord King David 6thly She shews how much she honours and reverences him by desiring his perpetual being Vivat Rex in seculum How can the Enthusiasts of our time read this place and such like Scriptures but that they must conclude complemental acts and expressions are lawful since it is there recorded either for her praise or our example as appears by the Apostles words 2 Tim. 3.16 Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord 1 Pet. 3.6 If we ought to rise up before our betters and bow to them as is evident then to shew our reverence as the manner of our Country is to stand uncovered to give them their proper Titles as Sir And it please your Worship your Honour your Highness your Majesty or the like to stop and do obeisance to any of our Superiours when we meet them and to give them the upper hand in standing sitting or walking to be humble and tractible to and before all our betters in all moderate and civil complimental Ceremonies then as the Apostle saith we do shew honour to whom honour is due fear to whom fear Rom. 13.7 in so doing we do our civil duty in part each one in our proper places 7th You must help them in such their necessities and afford all accommodations you are able as they stand in need of saith St. Paul If any Widows have Children or Nephews let them learn to shew pity at home and to requite their Parents 1 Tim. 5.4 For it is good and acceptable to God This rule good Joseph observes to his poor distressed Father in the midst of famine though he himself were the second man in Egypt Gen. 47.12 Thou oughtest to nourish thy Parents when they are poor First Because of them next to God thou hadst thy first being Secondly They preserved and nourished thee when thou couldst not help thy self 3. Their pains fears charges and cares for thee were many and great in bringing thee up for which thou canst never recompence them enough Our Lord greatly blames them that did what they did to their Parents by way of gift and not out of filial duty or love as being transgressors of the fifth Commandment Matth. 15.5 6. If those proud Pharisees are charged with rejecting of the Commandment of God by relieving their Parents by way of gift and not by way of duty or out of filial obedience what may be said of those who when their Parents are poor low aged weak and not able to subsist that do not supply their wants and relieve them but instead thereof look over them and by them and will neither send them relief nor come at them at all to assist their destitute aged and impotent poor distressed Parents in the midst of great extremity and need No pretence or excuse except impotency and poverty can absolve or acquit any from their duty in this kind nor yet properly that neither Ainsworth mentioneth an Hebrew
Jacob had offended him yet he blessed him a second time To disswade your Children from sin let your Arguments be as hard as you will but let your words be soft 2 Tim. 2.24 Hear me my Brethren saith King David 1 Chron. 28.2 To all Israel not like Rehoboam who answered them churlishly Naphtali is said to give goodly words Gen. 49.21 Courteous Language hath an acceptance among all men and the blessing of God is with it Deut. 33.23 Let your words be seasoned with grace the Ornament of Scripture Language Phil. 1.27 avoid corrupt Speeches that administer no grace to the Hearers Ephes 4.29 't is better not to speak at all than to speak evil words Mat. 12.36 Prov. 18.21 by the nature of the expressions of a man the intent of his heart is made manifest Mat. 12.34 Prov. 12.25.15 13. Third Provocation is when Parents are never contented with any thing that their Children do though they do to their utmost abilities what they can to please them Such is the wickedness and hard heartedness of some covetous Parents who would wring out their Childrens labours by a kind of Extortion something whereby to satisfie their greedy and discontented minds though the Apostle saith Let your moderation be known to all men Phil. 4.5 But their Children shall know but little of it And again he saith be content with such things as you have Heb. 13.5 He that is never content shall never be happy Fourth Provocation is when Parents shall pretend love to their Children before their Neighbours and Friends and the Child can never find in very deed that they have any love at all for them Such Hypocritical Parents will one day recieve a double stroke for this twofold Wickedness Such Parents have not learned divine wisdom James 3.17 that teacheth other things Luke 7.35 According to your sins shall your recompence be Isa 65.6 These outward Lovers and Whited Sepulchres are all in Tongue and none in Heart their Hope shall be like the Spiders web Job 8.13.14 and their Joy but for a moment Job 20.5 Saith st Paul Let your love be without dissimulation Rom. 12.9 Plain dealing and true love never fails 1 Cor. 13.8 Methinks natural love is taught by all the birds in the Air and Beasts of the field who many of them will lose their own lives to preserve their young their Love is real and purely natural without flattery or deceit Why then should some Parents be worse then Beasts without natural affections 't is a sign that the coming of Christ draweth near 2 Tim. 3.3 Fifth Provocation is when Parents shall let their Servants or any body else chastise beat and abuse their Children and they take no notice of it but do often allow of their so doing with good liking and approbation this very thing the wife man saith is one of the four things the earth is disquieted with and so tedious that it cannot bare it viz. A Servant when he reigneth prov 30.21 22. If Christ call him an evil Servant that smiteth his Fellow-Servant Mat. 24.24 much more evil is he that lifteth up his hand in smiting his Masters Child 1 Kings 2.32 If Servants are to give to their Masters double Honour 1 Tim. 6.1 They are to shew some reverent respect to their Masters Issue 2 Sam. 18.12 The Lord has promised to punish such Servants as are so wicked to fill their Masters House with violence Zach. 1.9 When he cometh to search Jerusalem with candles therefore Servants if your Masters be so ignorantly wicked as to allow to you correct his Children you may not must not do so vile a thing by which the Child may be provoked the earth disquieted and the Lord offended and your masters house filled with violence and distraction for the Lord loveth Unity Peace and Concord 1 Cor. 14.33 Moreover you of the Neighbourhood may not correct your Neighbours Children but if they have transgressed you must mildly acquaint their Parents with the offence and the Parents are to give them due correction Prov. 13.24 29 17. Heb. 12.9 For the Lord hath put them in that place to rule and govern their Children at all Seasons and to correct them according to their offences with a severe Countenance without flattery with savoury expressions shewing them the nature of their offence without railing or evil words least they learn that of you for which you correct them also forbear giving threatning and provoking words and then thy Correction will be no provocation but to good and the obstruction of evil 'T is good for every one to be employed in their own business and not in the concerns of another Sixth Provocation is when parents hurry their Children night and day in their Worldly Business and take no care about their Childrens Souls or their Eternal Happiness when Children come to years of Understanding and are capable to know the lost state of their Souls and that its worth is more then the whole world Mu. 16.26 Mark 8.36 And their Parents have made no provision for them in this kind not so much as to teach them to read the Word of the Lord nor have instructed them in their duty to God nor taught them how to pray unto him and worship him in no sence nor kind nor have instructed them to believe in Christ their Saviour neither acquainted them with the Baptism of Repentance for remission of Sins also do keep them ignorant of the benefit of the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament and of holy walking with God and Man in all duties of Love and Piety These things when the Child comes to understand and that he can have no time nor means allowed in order to obtain his Souls peace but all ways possible rather used to hinder him in all good ways This is a very great Provocation and therefore Parents above all things have a care in this viz. That you instruct your Children in the way of the Lord betimes Prov. 22.6 Let them suck in the Word with their Mothers Milk From a Child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures saith St. Paul to Timothy 2 Tim. 3.15 The Lord commands the first fruits Exod. 22.29 Sanctifieth the first born to him Exod. 13.2 The fat was the Lords viz. the best therefore do not neglect early instruction Prov. 13.24 And the Lord will give you an early recompence Prov. 12.14 Isa 3.10 Seventh Provocation is When Parents shall neglect their Children in temporal Education as not to bring them up in such a lawful calling as that they may by it get a necessary livelyhood And herein Parents ought to study their Childrens Constitutions and Abilities and to put them out to such employments as their ability of Body and Estate will not fail in the management of for want of such good Education many have been bred so idlely who have had no Estates to maintain them when their Parents are dead and they come to Men and Womens state that some have made away with themselves
others have sled to Sea some to be Souldiers some fall into deep melancholly and dye others take to the High-way to Robbery and abundance of Evils Therefore Parents you that have any king of Love at all for your Children take Solomons advice To train them up in the way which they should go Prov. 22.6 Better unborn then untaught 't is far better to spend an hundred to give them good Education than to give them thousands without any Education at all for that will abide with them and be a portion when riches fail for they many times flee away as an Eagle towards Heaven Prou. 23.5 Eighth Provocation is When Parents shall promise their Children that which they never intend they shall have some have gone and tied themselves by Covenant to Virgins by vertue of their Parents Promises and when the Parents have relinquished it it hath been the ruin of them both Parents wickedness in this case may be and many times is an hourly and daily Provocation to their Children which makes them to live in Horror Bondage Discontent and Slavery until the very day of their death because their Parents hindered them by it of their first choice and ever after their affections can never be truly settled also it causeth them to suspect their Parents love but this know that Love ought to be honest and without dissimublation Rom. 12.9 Do to your Children in this case and esteem their Peace as your own There is no joy nor true peace where content is wanting an hearts content is a continual feast Prov. 15.15 Ninth Provocation is When Parents shall threaten their Children that they will give them no portion or cut them off as many do with a shilling The Lord in the case of giving of Parents Estates hath given forth a possitive Law which though it were given to the Jews yet it being not ceremonial or typical but moral and perpetual it extends its power to all Ages Nations Sects Kindred Tongues and People to whom this Precept shall come it being never as yet abolished which law you will find recorded in Deut. 21.15 16 17. That the Eldest if hated yet he shall have a double portion and the youngest though best beloved shall share all alike Have a care Parents in breaking this Law in threatning words Eph. 6.9 much more in wicked actions He that breaketh one commandment is guilty of all James 2.10 The Ten Commandments was given to the Jews but who dareth to deny but all the moral part thereof is perpetual and extendeth its power to every individual person in the whole world which Law to transgress would be a sin in any and then the Lord may look on them as he he did on Cain and say If thou doest not well sin lieth at thy door Gen. 4.7 Tenth Provocation is When Parents shall give all or some part of their Estates to those that be not heirs by Birth There are they that give many and great Legacies and to the impoverishing of their Children or diminish their Birthright and look on it as a small fault some have such foolish affections for their name that they will give their Lands from their female natural Issue of their Bodies to a Stranger as though their Names were their chief Happiness though the Lord be offended with them and for the continuance of their Name they will as it were go one step beyond him but he will meet with them by death and put out their name for ever as the Psalmist saith Psal 49.11 12. This their way is their folly There be some that will disinherit their Children for a word speaking when they themselves have provoked their Children to it by their wicked words and Deeds to all such Parents I must say 1st If the Lord should disinherit you for one Offence nay for ten an hundred nay a thousand I fear you will never possess Eternal Happiness 2ly He that taketh that from me which is my Birthright is a Thief and a Robber and hath broken the eighth Commandment Exod. 20.15 3ly He that provideth not for his family chiefly for his Children hath denied the Faith and is worse than an Infidel 1 Tim. 5.8 4ly These are more unnatural than the savage Beasts of the Field who will not leave their young but provide for them till they be in a capacity to live in the world they peaceably live with them and leave them their Possessions at Death 5ly This causeth Heart-burnings and Animosities in those Children against those that give and those that possess their Estates 't is much if it do not terminate in Outrage and Murder except the Lord endow them with his special Grace 6ly You that have no Male Issue Numb 27.7 8 9 10 11. Here the Lord gives you a Law break it upon your own peril and look to it you are bound by this Moral Commandment why will you not to give your Lands to your Daughters as above to possess Numb 36.8 and not to deprive them for their Sex if they be your natural Issue 7ly Let me advise you Parents in this case to do to your Children as you would your Parents should have done to you is not that a Moral Precept which if neglected you neglect to do as you would be done unto you should not so deprive them of any part of your Estates if you would not have been pleased that your Parents should have disinherited you 8ly This causeth a suspicion in the Child that you doubt whether they are your natural Issue since so me wicked men are jealous of their innocent Wives without any just reason or cause and some foolish women are misted with that vulgar Error and fond foolish Conceit of Changelings which seems to be the working of Satan in the minds of some it being beyond the Bounds of Nature Reason and Common Sence that Women should leave their natural Issue to Strangers and take theirs to themselves 9ly What will you Parents do in the Judgment-day if your disinheriting your Children should be the only cause of their Eternal Ruin can you answer for them at the Bar of Justice 10ly Let your loving Instructions and Counsels with your blessing and estate be divided and given to your Children save what is wisely given to charitable uses that you may win their hearts to God and your selves that so long as your Estates continue with them and their Lives last you may be had in their Affections that Satan tempt them not to evil Eleventh Provocation is Where Parents shall and do require more of their Children than their natural Abilites will permit or that is possible for them to undertake or to accomplish with undertaking such Parents if they may be so called shew their Malice by Frowns Sour-Looks Evil Words nay and many times by Cursings and Bannings and sometimes with cruel and merciless blows here they let loose their reins and run at random in the road to Destruction without either pause consideration or affections as though
grand Occasion 2dly Carry your selves kindly to your children in word and deed This will be one means to prevent provocation to sin lastly To prevent their provocation to evil turn to those sixteen Demonstrations at the beginning of this book read them and so learn them that you may take all Obstacles out of your childrens way 18 Direction is Teach and Instruct your children in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures Christ blames the Sadduces because they erred the cause was because they did not know the Scripture Mat. 22.29 It seems that ignorance of the Scriptures is the first step to Error surely Christ did not speak in vain when he bid the Jews search the Scriptures John 5.39 For by them we obtain the knowledge of Christ The Bereans were called noble because they searched the Scriptures Acts 17.11 Philip preached out of the Scriptures Acts 8.32 35. Apollos is said to be mighty in the Scriptures Acts 18.24 28. Paul his usual manner was to reason out of the Scriptures Acts 17.2 Rom. 1.2 Ch. 4.3 Ch. 11.2 Paul highly commends Timothy for his knowledge in the Scriptures For saith he they will make thee wise unto Salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus They are profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the man of God may be perfect and throughly furnished unto all good works 2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way saith the Psalmist but by taking heed thereunto according to thy word Psal 119.9 If you would have your children to be perfect and furnished to all good works then teach and instruct them in the knowledge of the Scriptures 18 Direction is You must not set too high an Esteem upon your children so as to idolize them Parents may as it appears by Christs words love their Sons and Daughters better than they love Christ Mat. 10.37 't is possible for a man to idolize any thing the Apostle calls Covetuousness Idolatry Colos 3.5 If Men shall love Riches so much as to bow down their Souls Affections Wit Memory Judgment Understanding and all their Faculties to it what can we call it less may we not say that some make their Honour their Pleasures of Eating and Drinking Phil. 3.19 Hunting and Hawking Carding and Dicing and what not their God therefore Parents look to it that you do not put too high a Value upon your children you ought to look up unto him first that gave them unto you who can as he did good Job's take them all away in a moment of Time Job 1.19 It seems as though David had too much love for his Son Absolom whom God left to murder his Brother Amnon and to rebel against his Father 2 Sam. 13.39 Ch. 18.33 The Lord permitted both these and also suffered him to be taken away possibly that David might see the vanity of his too much Toleration and fond Affection and Indulgence 19 Direction is Be often yea constantly exhorting them to walk in the way of God according to the best of your judgment to the Law and to the Testament saith Isaiah 8.20 Stand in the way and see ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls Jer. 6.16 saith Samuel God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you but I will teach you the good and right way 1 Sam. 12.23 This is a sure Maxim that all the Ordinances that our Lord Jesus Christ appointed his Church to observe are by his true Church to be uphold contended for Jude 3. Both in matter and manner and to be truly and rightly maintained by all the true Servants of Christ in all ages by all Persons in all places and at all times to the end of the World Mat. 28.20 Who it was that gave men power to alter the subject of Baptism from a Believer to an Infant and the manner of doing of it from dipping to sprinkling except Pope Innocent the first and the Milevitan Council I know not this I know that the Cate chism of the Church of England confesseth that the persons that are to be baptized are such as have repentance whereby they forsake sin and have Faith whereby they stedfastly believe the promise of God made to them in that Sacrament which no Infant of a day or two or a week old could ever perform also it confesseth that the manner is by dipping which they have since altered and thus express it Water wherein the person is baptized Also how they come to alter the Lords Supper from Night to Noon from breaking the Bread to cutting of it and from sitting at a Table to kneeling I say how this comes to be altered and kneeling one by one at Noon at the Altar and there to receive a peice of Bread cut square I leave the Criticks of our age to determine for certain Christ gave no Man power to alter his Sacraments neither in matter not form but they are to continue as they were first instituted to the end of the World or till Christs second coming 1 Cor. 11.26 It must needs be a nullity of the Sacraments if the right matter and manner be wanting may I be so bold to say with the Apostle This is not to eat the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11.20 Plain it is that Paedorantism is not Christ's Ordinance of Baptism O 't is very dangerous to alter any thing in the worship of God Prov. 30.6 Deut. 4.2 Ch. 12.32 Revel 21.18 Nadab and Abihu did but take common fire and did not take it from the Altar according to the command Exod. 30.8 and the Lord slew them Lev. 10.2 Here they had the right matter fire but only they missed the right place where they should have taken it Also Dathan and Abiram who were not of that tribe which the Lord appointed to offer incense but rebelled against the Lord and they were swallowed up alive in the Earth Numb 16.1 3. Here was the wrong subject Moreover the Lord commanded that the Altar should be made of unhewed stone Exod. 20.25 Dent. 27.5 Joshua 8.31 But Israel sinned in making Altars of Brick Isa 65.3 And the Lord was provoked thereby their sin was in the false subject also the Lord commanded that the Offering should be offered at the door of the Tabernacle Levit. 17.9 but they offered in Groves 2 Kings 23.4 6 15. Here they missed the place and are charged with great guilt Isa 66.4 what shall I say more they that add to any of Christs commands or diminish from them in any kind the Lord will visit them in his anger Rev. 21.18 therefore teach your children to walk in the footsteps of the Church in its primitive Institutions as near as you can comprehend and understand it and as you find it recorded in the New-Testament And this is our only rule to walk by both for our children and our selves 21 Direction is Often awakening your Childrens
their time and spend their whole Estate to Pamper and feed their Carkass whose God is their Belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind Earthly things Phil. 3.12 Feeding themselves without fear Jude 12. The iniquity of Sodom was Pride and fulness of Bread with abuudance of Idleness Ezek. 16.49 Iniquity in the most strictest sense is Idolatry 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the house of an Idol or the house of Iniquity Hosea 4.15.17 the Iniquity of Glutony was such an heinous Sin in the time of the Law that the Glutton was to be stoned to death Deut. 21.20 Secondly Some make their riches their God setting too much love on them and trusting in them as the rich man in the Gospel who said to his Soul Eat Drink and be Merry Luke 12.19 St. Paul gives charge to the Rich that they trust not in uncertain Riches 1 Tim. 6.17 and that Covetousness be not once named by them Eph. 5.3 because it is Idolatry Col. 3.5 it was well said of good David if Riches increase set not you heart upon them Psal 62.10 for riches profit not in the day of Wrath Prov. 11.4 3dly Some men love their Wives and some Women their Husbands above Christ they that so do Christ saith are not worthy of him Matt. 10.37 there ought to be a natural and a mutual love but we ought to love our Creator above all Matt. 22.37 Deut. 6.5 Luk. 10.27 Deut. 10.12 4thly Some love their Farms and Merchandize above Christ I have bought a piece of ground saith one I have bought five Yoke of Oxen saith another Luk. 14.14 They think their houses shall continue for ever they call their lands after their own name Psal 49.11 this their way is their folly 5thly Some men love their Dogs or Horses better then they love Christ as appears 1st Some men expend hundreds by the year on them 2dly They build stately Houses for them 3dly They pride up themselves in them and always delight in their company they do not love to walk without them at their heels 4thly They feed them with mans food and are at the charge of great fires and costly Cloathing for them but these very Men will not admit Christ to have any such Charges bestowed on him at any time his Interest Ministers and Poor are slighted by them Judge ye whither these men do not love them more then they love their Maker or Christ the Saviour 6thly Some men make their pleasures their God they will spend whole days and nights yea almost all their Life-time in Carding and Diceing and other vain and foolish Gaming and Pastime as they call it and quite forget the Lord their Maker Isaiah 51.13 Job 35.10 The Lord accepted not of Israels service because that in the days of their Fasts they did find pleasure Isaiah 58.3 St. James plainly sets out wicked men by this among other marks to know them by that they lived in pleasure James 5.5 not that they had pleasure now and then but it was the Summum bonum of their Life these shall receive the reward of unrighteousness 2 Pet. 2.13 it being at best but meer Vanity Eccl. 2.1 as Idols are Isaiah 41.29 7thly Some people Idolize their Children 1st They lay up almost their whole time upon them 2dly They think the Earth bringeth forth nothing good enough for them to feed on 3dly They bestow great charges upon Costly and Superfluous Cloathing them and attendance on them 4thly They set their whole heart on them to admire them quite for getting that they are but lent them of the Lord and they are to be brought up in his Service Deut. 6.7 and not to be loved served admired and adored above their Creator 8thly Some have innovated Sacraments and Anathematized them that would not fall down before them here the Church of Rome may admire her Multiplication of Sacraments Christ hath but two Sacraments in his Church viz. Baptism and the Lords Supper but they have made a large edition besides altering of Sacraments As First Baptism from a Believer to an Infant from Dipping to Sprinkling or Pouring as the mincing Reformers would have it Also they altered the Supper from Night to Noon from breaking the Bread to putting a melting Wafer into the Mouth not only of Men and Women but of Children so soon as they received their Cristendum all which if omitted must be punished with Anathema's or Death as are many of those Vanities which they enjoyn to be believed or done As 1st The Infalibility of their Church 2dly Mass 3dly Prayer for the Dead Saints 4thly Prayer to the dead Saints 5thly Transubstantiation 6thly Purgatory 7thly Auricular Confession 8thly Prayer in Latin with Beads 9thly Merrits of Works 10thly Denying the Laity the Cup. 11thly Absolution and Indulgencies 12thly Images They that enjoyn matters in Religious worship which Christ hath not appointed and punish the offenders with Excommunication Imprisonment or Death or that which is Ten times worse viz. the Hellish Inquisition these do set up their own inventions and adore them above their Maker when we ought to extol him only that rideth upon the Heavens Psal 68.4 9thly Great is the Folly and Madness of some who worship the Image of any Creature in which they imagine there is Divine Goodness as those which adore the Image of the Virgin Mary and the like when we are directly commanded not to make to our selves the Image of any thing that is in the Heaven above or on the Earth beneath nor yet to fall down and Worship it Deut. 5.8 9. 10thly To make to our selves an Image of our Creator and to fall down to worship it is Idolatry in an high degree yea great Folly and Vanity for any to imagine that they can make an Image of such an incomprehensible Essence Job saith He doth great things that we cannot comprehend Job 37.5 to 8. read Isaiah 40.12 to 20. 11thly Some men commit Idolatry by extolling adoring and worshiping of Men such was the evil of the Jews concerning Herod Acts 12.21 23. Peter was afraid that Cornelius would have worshiped him and therefore saith he stand up I my self am a man Acts 10.26 The Priests of Jupiter were guilty of this fact in that they endeavoured to offer a great sacrifice to Barnabas and Paul which makes Paul to cry out Sirs why do ye these things we also are men of like passion with you Acts 14.13.15 12thly It is Idolatry to worship an ●mage● twice St. John was reprehended for this fact in falling down to worship an Angel Revel 19.10 Rev. 22.9 13th It is Idolatry to worship the Sun the Moon or other Planets or any of the hosts of Heaven in the days of that young good excellent King Josiah The people of Judah did burn Incense to the Sun and to the Moon and to the Planets and to all the Hosts of Heaven 2 Kings 23.5 This good man caused this their wickedness to cease he being convinced of the evil of such
worship by the words of the Book of the Law as you may read more at large in that Chapter Lastly Some men do extol their Learning their Arts their Acquirements in knowledge yea their gifts above the giver saying can such learned men as we are Err when they themselves full well know that almost all the greatest Hereticks that ever were since the Apostles time have all been very great Scholars these men stretch themselves beyond their due measure 2 Cor. 10.12 13. Such ought to labour after true Humility and that will teach them to extol the Most High and to worship and serve him only that will be Worshiped and Served in Spirit and in Truth John 4.24 And to make Learning the Handmaid not the Mistress 3dly You must not take the Name of the Lord in Vain that is you must not express that Sacred Name in vain discourse but always express it with holy Fear and Reverence as is becoming Christianity An Oath is a Sacred thing in point of Controversie to cease strife Heb. 6.16 14. being commanded by the Lord himself Deutt 6.19 Chap. 10.20 Jer. 12.16 but all vain Swearing is in many Scriptures positively forbidden Amos 8.14 Matt. 5.34 James 5.12 Yea he is a Sinner that heareth the voice of Swearing and alloweth of it Levit. 5.1 by so doing we may partake of others Sins 1 Tim. 5.22 Therefore have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of Darkness but rather reprove them Ephes 5.11 Twelve several ways men may commit this Sin of taking the Name of the Lord in vain As 1st When men do Swear when there is no lawfull call nor cause for an Oath Ephes 4.29 2dly In Swearing falsly Levit. 19.12 3dly In Vowing and not performing 2 Chron 36.13 4thly In vain repetitions in Prayer Matt. 6.7 5thly By Preaching false Doctrine 2 John v. 10. 6thly In unjust Excommunication Isaiah 66.5 7thly In jesting vainly Ezek. 33.31 Ephes 5.4 8thly In abusing the Lords Table 1 Cor. 11.27.29 9thly When the Mouth and Heart do not agree in performing of Holy Duty Ezek. 33.31 10thly In Hearing Reading or Praying without Faith Rom. 14.23 11thly In calling the Lord to witness without a true sense and Holy Reverence of his Name 1 Sam. 19. 12thly When any of the Names or Titles of God are vainly expressed by which the Father Son and Holy Spirit are understood Fourthly You must not Prophane the Sabbath by needless Labour or other excercise that is vain the Sabbath-Breaker shall surely be put to Death Exod. 31.14 15 16. Ezek. 20.22 Men may break the Sabbath Eighteen several ways As 1st By Sleeping or lying on Bed too long on Sabbath-Day Morning Solomon saith The Sluggard desireth and has nothing Prov. 13.4 The Sabbath-day is the Harvest-day of the Soul to sleep in harvest causeth Shame Prov. 10.5 This was one of the Sins for which Israel went into Captivity Amos 6.4 2dly Some break the Sabbath by Idleness they will sit still and neither go to hear a Sermon nor yet will they read in the Bible or other Book of Divinity by which they might receive some good Instructions nor will they Pray nor use Divine Meditations or other Holy Duty Col. 4.2 3. but their Idle Soul shall suffer Hunger Prov. 19.15 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts consider your ways Hag. 1.5 3dly Some break the Sabbath by imploying themselves in their Worldly Business Nehemiah Testified against such doings shut the Gates of Jerusalem to keep out the Traders he forced them to keep off till the Sabbath was over Nehem. 13.15 to 22. Many will imploy themselves secretly on the Sabbath day and do that which they are not willing their Neighbour should know of but some will Sin more openly but they do that which the Law will not take hold of them for their so doing or choose Morning and Evening for the doing it that it may be the easier passed by 4thly Some break the Sabbath by gaming sporting and playing that Day Against whom do you Sport your selves against whom do you make a wide Mouth and draw out the Tongue are ye not Children of Transgressors and seed of Falshood Isaiah 67.4 Such are Spots and Blemishes in the Church who Sport themselves with their own deceiving 2 Pet. 2.13 Israel is complained of that they Sate down to Eat and to Drink and rose up to Play Exod. 32.6 1 Cor. 10.7 5thly Some break the Sabbath by their needless Journies they that will not work that day will spend the whole day to go to such and such a Place to visit their Friends or to do such Worldly Business as may be done by agreement or appointment of Business and the like from Even to Even shall ye Celebrate your Sabbath Levit. 23.33 Then surely the Lord hath not given any time on that day to go any Frivilous Journies or to do any needless Business 6thly Some break the Sabbath by using much vain discourse That day they will gather together in Companies to tell and hear any kind of vain Stories and Tales by which comes abundance of evil yea and ill-will among Neighbours Friends and Relations therefore well might the Lord give it in charge to Israel Thou shalt not go up and down as a Tale-bearer Levit. 19.16 The words of a Tale-bearer are as wounds Prov. 18.8 26 22. Therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips Prov. 20.19 where there is no Tale-bearer the strife ceaseth Prov. 26.20 In the multitude of words there wants no sin Prov. 10.19 Death and Life are in the power of the Tongue Prov. 18.21 For every idle word that a man shall speak he shall give an account in the day of judgment Mat. 12.36 Therefore let thy Words be few Eccles 5.2 Curb thy Tongue with David as with a bridle Psal 39.1 7thly Some Men break the Sabbath by letting their eyes wander after divers Objects and they immediately carry away the heart from the benefit of the Word preached that they can have no profit by it such had need with good Job resolve to make a Covenant with their eyes Job 31.1 The Lord complains of Jerusalem saying They have hid their eyes from my Sabbath Ezek. 22.26 But good David was very careful in this matter when he prayeth O let me not wander from thy Commandments Psal 119.10 8thly Some break the Sabbath by letting their hearts run after the concerns of this life while they are under the hearing of the Word of this sort of People were they which the Lord complains of They sit before thee as my people and they hear thy words but they will not do them for with their mouth they shew much love but their heart goeth after their Covetousness Ezek. 33.31 They cry when will the Sabbath be over that we may sell corn Amos 8.5 'T is they that hearken diligently with all their heart that have the promise Deut. 11.13 14. Ch. 15.5 Jer. 17.24 25. Deut. 7.12 13. But the Lord complains of the heart-wanderers saith he
how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee Jer. 4.14 Therefore keep thine heart with all diligence for out of it are the Issues of Life Prov. 4.23 9ly Some break the Sabbath by counting the time of hearing a Burthen Such were they the Lord exclaims against saying When will the New Moon be gone that we may sell corn and when will the Sabbath be over that we may set forth wheat making the Ephah small and the Shekel great Amos 8.5 The Word of the Lord is to them a reproach they have no delight in it Jer. 6.10 These do not take delight in approaching to God nor do they call the Sabbath a delight Isa 58.2 13. He that delighteth in the Law of the Lord is the blessed man Psal 1.1 2. 10ly Some break the Sabbath by their spend it in reading vain Books that do rather instigate their vile nature to sin than to shew them the way of Mortification Regeneration and Eternal Life which is contained in the Holy Scriptures which ought to be the only Book which a Christian should read and study St. Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures Acts 17.2 The Bereans are commended for searching the Scriptures daily Acts 17.11 The Scripture is the most profitable Book in the World 2 Tim. 3.15 to 17. And therefore Christ bids the Jews search the Scriptures John 5.39 Yea the Apostles themselves were ravished with Christ's expounding of the Scriptures Luke 24.32 It were much better that they that have any vain books would do as the people of Ephesus did to burn them rather than to spend time on the Sabbath day to read them or any other time else Acts 19.19 11ly Some break the Sabbath in Drunkenness and Gluttony many will flock together in private Ale-houses and other private Houses and send for such things as their Hearts lusts after and fill themselves till they are overcharged with sufeiting and drunkenness which ought not to be Luke 21.34 And when Sermon is over they let their Reins run at random and take their fill without controul of any till they are under that woe Isa 5.11 These that count it pleasure to riot in the day time and have their eyes full of Adultery and cannot cease from sin 2 Pet. 2.13 14. which St. Paul positively forbids Rom. 13.13 12ly Some break the Sabbath in sleeping in the time of Hearing of the Word preached These are totally without the sence of their eternal Happiness or Misery they are as it were men without Souls for they have no real Sence nor Knowledge of their future being they quite forget that hearing the Word is their Souls harvest Learn of the Ant O thou sluggard which gathereth her meat in the harvest Prov. 6.6 to 12. If thou dost not thy want shall come on thee as an armed Man Prov. 24.34 He that sleepeth in harvest is a Son that causeth shame Prov. 10.5 Sleepiness discovers a slothful heart Prov. 19.15 And too great want when it is too late will be the Issue as in the case of the five foolish Virgins Mat. 25.5 8. Such Sleepers ought to pray with good David unto the Lord To enlighten their eyes least they sleep the sleep of death Psal 13.3 Were these very people but hearing of a Tale told or any vain Discourse it is a great chance but they would be awake enough to laugh at it and perhaps to help it forward too all implying that they have no feeling in their hearts of a future being Ephes 4.18 19. 13ly Some break the Sabbath in letting or forcing of their Children Servants or Cattel to do any unnecessary business that day The Lord gave it in charge that the Children of Israel should do no servile work in the day of the Feast of unleavened bread Levit. 23.7 8. of the wave offering Levit. 23.21 in the convocation of blowing Trumpets Levit. 23.25 Numb 29.1 on the day of the passover Numb 28.18 in the days of fasting Levit. 23.28 Numb 29.7 on the week of the Feast of Tabernacles Numb 29.12 35. So they that are Governours of Families must neither command nor any ways suffer any thing that are under their power to break the Sabbath by labour That which the Lord alloweth to be done on the Sabbath the doing of it is no breach of the Commandment as First Works of Charity 1st Laying up for the poor 1 Cor. 16.2 2ly In pulling our Neighbours Cattel out of a pit Luke 14.5 Mat. 12.11 3ly Feeding or watering of Cattel to keep them alive Luke 13.15 4ly In giving to young children and sick persons such things as is for their health and comfort Christ himself healed on that day Luke 14.4 Mark 3.3 John 9.14 Luke 13.14 16. 5ly In taking care to preserve the life of mankind as in necessary food in taking pains and care for Women in Travel in keeping Children and others from fire and water and other eminent dangers Secondly In relation to the worship which the Lord appointed We are to go to the places of our Christian Assemblies and return to our own habitations with such convenient helps and supplies as are necessary Acts 11.26 Thirdly In the defence of our Persons Estates and Lives against Robbers and the Government of our Nation and Country to keep peace and to keep out forreign Enemies may be done by us on the Sabbath-day Jericho was taken on the Sabbath-day Joshua 6.15 20. Seven days Israel pitched over against the Syrians and on the Seventh Day Israel slew 120000 of the Syrians but in all remember that he that did wilfully break the Sabbath was to be put to death though I confess that is no law to us Christians and it serves to shew us that the Jewish Sabbath is not our Sabbath Exod. 31.15 Numb 15.32 to 36. But O do not work nor yet suffer any of thine so to do on the Lords day 14ly Some break the Sabbath in neglecting to hear the word They will sit at home and sleep or walk in the fields or take Physick to prevent the loss of a working day which is to rob God to serve our selves or give themselves over to some vain exercise to such the Apostle gives charge Not to for sake the Assembling of your selves as the manner of some is Heb. 10.25 If you cannot find the Truth in a publick Oratory you may seek it from House to House Acts 5.42 For the true Church in the Apostles days met in houses Rom. 16.5 1 Cor. 16.19 Philemon 2. You are commanded to give all diligence 2 Pet. 1.10 To prove all things and hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5.21 Not to be slothful in business but fervent in Spirit serving the Lord Rom. 12.11 15ly Some break the Sabbath in neglecting of the general duties of the day When they are off from hearing the word they omit to pray in their families and neglect to instruct their Children and Servants and do not call them to read the Scriptures nor do they reprove rebuke or correct them if
Parents if they know any thing at all know that sin is a transgression of the Law and by it the Lord is offended with them that break his Commandments He that keepeth the whole Law and offends in one point is guilty of all James 2.10 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth the Law for sin is a transgression of the Law 1 John 3.4 Parents knowing this if they love their Children they will keep them from sin if possible Reason 2. Parents know that the wages of sin is death Rom. 6.23 not only the death of the Body but the second Death or the eternal depravation of the Soul from Eternal Happiness and sentenced to eternal wrath Mat. 25.41 I pass to the Third Doctrine which is Doct. 3. That they that are true Christians indeed have such entire love to their Childrens Souls that they will use all means possible to nurture them up in the right way of the Lord This Doctrine seems to be one perfect Character of a Christian and it naturally ariseth from the Text viz. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The 1st Reason is Because Parents know that if the Soul be eternally lost there is no recovering of it again There is a great gulf fixed Luke 16.26 'T is the eternal decree of the Lord that none can pass it none can enter in when the door is shut Mat. 25.10 2d Reason is Because Nurture and Instruction is the way to eternal Life This is life eternal to know thee saith Christ the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John 17.3 As 1st To know him in his Titles John 1.5 14 29 45 49 51. 2ly To know him in his Nature Rom. 1.3 Acts 13.23 Gal. 4.4 3ly To know him in his Attributes as he is all Wisdom Justice Life Light Mercy Power Majesty Immortality Incomprehensible and Immutable 1 Cor. 1.24 John 1.4 Mat. 28.18 1 Tim. 6.16 James 1.17 4ly To know Christ in his Person in his Excellencies and in his Offices as 1st King 1 Tim. 6.15 2ly Priest Heb. 7.21 3ly Prophet Acts 3.22 23. 5ly To know him in his Promises John 14.16 Mark 10.29 30. 6ly To know him in his Conception and Birth Mat. 1.20 25. 7ly To know him in his Life and Doctrine Acts 10.38 8ly To know him in his Death 2 Cor 5.15 Heb. 2.9 Rom. 5.10 9ly To know him in his Resurrection Rom. 8.11 1 Cor. 15.14 20. 10ly To know him in his Ascention John 3.13 Acts 1.11 Eph. 4.9 10. 11ly To know him in his Glorification Mat. 25.31 John 17.5 12ly To know him in his infinite and special Love John 3.16 Mark 16.15 13ly To know him in our hearts by Faith Eph. 3.17 2 Cor. 13.5 This is a Work that is not truly attained to but by Nurture and wholsome Instruction and God's gracious Inspiration Rom. 10.17 And it requireth great labour diligence and care 3d. Reason is Because Nurture and Instruction in the right way of the Lord is a thing that is hard to be attained As 1st All the promises of the Gospel are spiritual and they that embrace the Gospel must be spiritual men 1 Pet. 2.5 John 15.19 2ly The Doctrine of the Gospel holds forth a state of self-denial Luke 14.26 3ly The way of truth is a way of of Persecution either in word or deed 2 Tim. 3.12 4ly In spiritual Communion all true Believers must separate from sinners Jer. 51.6 Isa 52.11 2 Cor. 6.17 Revel 18.4 John 15.19 5ly There is required great diligence in that there are so many voices in the World and all conclude themselves in the truth that a person that will find the right way had need as Paul saith To prove all things but let them remember to hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5.21 That Doctrine which is according to the commands of Christ the practice of the Apostles and that in which all the first Churches were constituted must needs be the truth and no other 4th Reason is Because He that believeth and walketh in the way of the Lord with a perfect heart shall be by Christ made free from the law of sin and death Rom. 8.2 He that is in Christ is a new Creature 2 Cor. 5.17 Parents if they truly love their Children will endeavour their conversion 5th Reason is Because all the promises in the Gospel do belong to those that believe and walk uprightly in the right way of the Lord All is yours saith St. Paul 1 Cor. 3.22 I must not travel any further in this large field but pass to the fourth Doctrine which is The Second Part. Wherein the Duty of Children to God and their Parents is opened 4th Doct. That Children ought to yield obedience to all their Parents commands in the Lord with boly Reverence Honour and Zeal If in our Text Parents are commanded to bring up their Children as t is plain in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Then it is most certain that those Children are Rebels if they do not obey and this Obedience must be performed according to the best Rule or Rules prescribed in the Holy Scriptures And they are these two First What they must not do to their Parents Secondly What they must do to and for their Parents But First What you must not do to your Parents You must not do any thing that doth withdraw and withhold from them that Honour or diminish their Dignity nor that holdeth you back from Love Reverence Obedience and Thankfulness or that which doth seem to lessen their Authority And therefore 1st You must not mock at them when they command you to do that which is lawful right you must not scornfully imitate their words nor their Gestures Looks or Carriages least the Lord be offended with you as he was with those Children 2 Kings 2.23 who by two Bears slew forty two of them Job counts Mockage a great Provocation Job 17.2 As Parents are commanded not to provoke their Children so likewise by Childrens wicked Carriages Parents may be provoked several ways as you will find these Negative Precepts do declare and confirm The eye that mocketh at his Father and dispiseth to obey his Mother the Ravens of the Valley shall pluck it out and the young Eagles shall eat it Prov. 30.17 Jeremiah enters his complaint to the Lord very Pathetically saying Every one mocketh me Jer. 20.7 'T is a grievous sin in the sight of God and a great offence to Man therefore do not use it at all to any least thou forget thy self and use it to thy Parents and so thou provoke them and offend the Lord Job 21.17 2d Direction is You must not revile or reproach your Parents He that revileth his Father or Mother shall surely be put to death Exod 21.17 Thou shalt not revile the Gods nor curse the Rulers of thy People Exod. 22.28 Margin Judges Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dijs non detrahes Thou shalt not report ill against the mighties that is they that have Power and
Authority over thee Magistratus ne exsecrator Thou shall not be he that curseth the Magistrate that is the Powers that rule over thee He that wasteth his Father and chaseth away his Mother is a Son that causeth shame and bringeth reproach Prov. 19.26 St. Paul saith That no Revilers shall inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6.10 Therefore have a care and do not speak slighting and deriding Words to thy Parents nor of or to any person of what Rank Degree or Quality whatsoever 3d. Direction is You must not curse your Parents For every one that curseth his Father or Mother shall surely be put to death Levit. 20.9 He that curseth his Father or Mother his lamp shall be put out in obscurity Prov. 20.20 He that curseth his Father or Mother let him dye the death Mat. 15.4 Mark 7.10 Prov. 30.11 As you must not curse them in words so you must not curse them so much as in your Hearts or Thoughts Eccles 10.20 For the Lord seeth and knoweth the Heart and all its purposes intents and imaginations for all things are naked before him with whom we have to do Heb. 4.13 4th Direction is You must not set light by your Parents Cursed is he that setteth light by his Father or his Mother and all the people shall say Amen Deut. 27.16 The Prophet Ezekiel reckons it up among the sins of Jerusalem in that Catalogue Ezek 22.7 In thee saith he have they set light by Father and Mother For which sins the Lord was so much offended that he threatens them with Captivity and Destruction Ezek. 22.15 16. The Commandment saith Honour thy Father and thy Mother But he that setteth light by them as not to regard them does no part of Honour to them and so by it becometh a Transgressor against God and his Parents 5th Direstion is You must not despise them when poor or old Joseph who was then a Ruler in Egypt when his Father came to him who was old blind and poor too in respect to Joseph who was the next Man to the King yet it is said He bowed himself with his face to the ground and fell on his neck as their manner was and wept Gen. 46.29 48.12 So far was Joseph from despising his Father though he did sustain him and his in Poverty and Necessity that he shews him great Tokens of Honour saith the Wise Man Hearken to they Father that begat thee and despise not thy Mother when she is old Prov. 23.22 Also he counts him a Fool that despiseth his Fathers Instruction Prov. 15.5 And a foolish Son despiseth his Mother Prov. 15.20 Therefore despise them not and be wise 6th Direction is Thou must not stain their Innocency by thy unjust uneven and wicked Walking The Lord took so much care that Parents should not be stained with their Childrens sins that he gives it in charge that if the Daughter of a Priest prophaned her Father by wheredom she should be burnt with fire Levit. 21.9 They that stain themselves by Murder shall dye Dent. 19.13 The rebellious and stubborn are to be stoned to death Deut. 21.21 Therefore walk in Innocency all thy days Phil. 2.15 7th Direction is Thou must not smite nor prosecute them He that smiteth his Father or his Mother shall surely be put to death Exod. 21.15 in the latter days our Lord foretold that the Wickedness of some would be so great that they would not only rise up against their Parents But they would cause them to be ut to death Mat. 10.20 Absolom that went about to persecute his Father David was hanged in an Oak as not being fit for Heaven nor yet to live on Earth 2 Sam. 18.9 Therefore Children have a care of Rebellion and Persecution least the Lord take you away as he did Absolom 8th Direction is You must not use so much as any shew of revenge if you think you are wronged You must not harbour such a thought in your breast it may be it is an Instigation of Satan to tempt you to evil or what is done is done on purpose to prove you whether you have any grace in your Hearts or no. Avenge not your selves but rather give place unto wrath Vengeance is mine saith the Lord I will repay it Rom. 12.19 9th Direction is You must not use any slighting Expressions neither of them nor to them nor yet slander them If he that uttereth a slander is a fool as the Wise Man saith Prov. 10.18 What shall he be counted that is the first framer thereof Children should always count their Parents much better than themselves which if they did there would be then no ground to slight and reproach them A Wise Son maketh a glad Father Prov. 15.20 Then he that slighteth laugheth at and reproacheth his Parents is but a fool and a Capital Sinner 10th Direction is You must not if your Parents are wicked follow them in evil Examples It is recorded to the everlasting shame of many of the Kings of Israel and Judah how they followed the evil Examples of their wicked Parents 2 Kings 21.4 in Idolatry and other grievous crying Sins as you may read at large in the two Books of the Kings and Chronicles 11th Direction is Thou must not steal from thy Parents nor pourver away their Goods nor like the Drone Bee to wast and consume thy Parents Estate Whoso robbeth his Father or his Mother and saith it is no transgression the same is a Companion of a destroyer Prov. 28.24 He that wasteth his Father and chaseth away his Mother is a Son that causeth shame and bringeth reproach Prov. 19.26 Therefore let him that hath stole steal no more Ephes 4.28 12th Direction is Thou must not follow thy Parents in any kind of Sedition Heresie Schism Superstition false Doctrine or Idolatry If thou know it so to be by the plain words of Scripture but thou must avoid it and perswade thy Parents to turn from it In this case it is far better to obey God rather than Man Now in the second place I come to the positive Rules to shew you what you must do And 1st Direction is Thou must stand in fear of them this is a positive command Ye shall fear every man his Father and his Mother Levit. 19.3 He that feareth them not will never do them any honour he that truly standeth in fear of his Parents how doth he seek all means and use all ways possible to please them 2d Direction is You must do your best endeavour to hide your Parents faults Children may see many gross faults in their Parents which they themselves ought not to mind to be such they ought not to discover it but as Shem and Japhet hide their Fathers nakedness if possible Gen. 9.23 It is one way to oblige their Parents to love them at all times and in all places 3d. Direction is You must do your duty in all service of honour Such is the fifth Commandment and the first with promise Ephes
Preserver of all things in Heaven above and in the Earth beneath substantial and sublunary visible and invisible Who was is and ever will be omnipotent omniscient omniparent and omnipresent who is incomparable invisible incomprehensible unchangeable immutable infallible and immortal who hath all Strength Wisdom Vnderstanding Iustice Life Will Power and Majesty whose Iudgments and Wrath is terrible and Love unspeakable his Favour and Mercy unmeasurable glorious in Holiness out Defence in Trouble and Adversity who is all Goodness Support and Everlasting Love 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Blessed for ever Amen c. His most Sacred Name must not be expressed at all in common Discourse Deut. 5.11 It must be used with as great care and reverence as possible in Prayer and other Divine Service for fear of using it as a vain repetition which Christ positively forbids Matt. 6.7 and when he prescribes the manner of prayer he seems to forbid the use of that sacred Name First By saying When ye pray say after this manner Our father Secondly By teaching them to sanctifie his holy Name Hallowed be thy Name Thirdly By his omitting that Sacred Name in all that prayer of Direction and using only the pronoun 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thy and thine four times in that short but ample Petition and Direction fignifying the eternal Being by it Surely then Preachers ought to be very cautious how they express that Sacred Name with too often repeating it in many sentences in their Sermons when they have so done and broken the third Commandment by it their Doctrine would have been much better set forth by other expressions and much better accepted by an Auditory whose hearts are in dread to hear that Sacred Name so numerously and needlesly expressed And in the Confession of our Faith we ought to use it with great Reverence and Zeal Oh! how should our hearts dread and fear when we speak or hear that holy Name mentioned by which the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit is signified The Jews hold it is not lawful to use the Name 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at all but by the Priest in the Sanctuary only and that but once a year they use the Title 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lord to express it by yea they are so very careful in their Names of Numbers when they express the number fifteen which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one of the Names of the Most High they always use 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which being nine and six is fifteen as is seen in the numbers of the Chapters and Verses in the Hebrew Bibles Coles in his Expositor saith JEHOVAH is never pronounced by the Jews on pain of death only by the Priest in the Sanctum Sanctorum and that on the Day of Expiation being but once a year Most Sacred should the Name of the infinite Being be whose Residence is in Eternal Glory who is continually Adored by the Celestial Angels who is worshipped daily by Terrestial Creatures Men and wicked infernal Spirits fear and tremble at his most terrible Majesty yea the Beasts of the Field dread when they hear his voice in the Clouds and no Creature but is under the dread of Divine Power which is the true object of our Faith To us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things 1 Cor. 8 6. Psalm 86.10 Isaiah 37.16 44.8 45.22 By him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in the earth visible and invisible Col. 1.16 Article the second And in one Lord Iesus Christ the only begotten Son of God begotten or the father before all Worlds c. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God John 1.1 And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth John 1.14 Jesus said unto them Verily Verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am John 8.58 And now O Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was John 17.5 He had on his Vesture and on his Thigh a Name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords Revel 19.16 1 Tim. 6.16 Rev. 17.14 Then spake Jesus unto them saying I am the light of the World John 8.12 He was in the world and the world was made by him and the World knew him not John 1.10 I came forth from the Father and am come into the world John 16.28 Read Heb. 1.1 to 13. Col. 1.14 to 18. For in him viz. Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.9 The Scripture is very full and clear against the ancient Ebionetes Marcionists and Arrian and Socinian Hereticks which once abounded and too much spread it self in these days to the great trouble of the Churches here in England and in these parts of the World which said detestable errours lead men to deny the eternal Divinity of Christ as though Christ were not the most high God and of the same Essence with the Father according to his deity but a meer Creature Article the third Who for us Men and for our Salvation descended from the Heavens and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Ghost and became Man c. For I saith Christ came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me John 6.38 Ephes 4.10 And the Angel answered and said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshaddow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God Luke 1.35 In this was manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world that we might believe through him 1 John 4.9 Here 1st He is said to be begotten John 1.14 18. 3.16 18. 2ly To be born of the Virgin Mary Now when Jesus was born Herod demanded of the chief Priests and Scribes where Christ should be born and they said in Bethlehem of Judea Mat. 2.1 4 5. And unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2.11 To this end saith Christ was I born to bear witness unto the truth John 18.37 3ly Christ had a Body A body hast thou prepared me Heb. 10.5 The Women beheld the Sepulchre and how his Body was laid Luke 23.55 Joseph went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus Mat. 27.58 Mark 15.43 Luke 23.52 and he gave the body to Joseph Mark 15.45 Mat. 27.58 59. 4ly Christ is said to have flesh for as much then as Children are partakers of flesh and blood be himself likewise took part of he same Heb. 2.14 Handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me to have Luke 24.39 He was of the seed of David according to the flesh Acts 2.30