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A36934 Private forms of prayer, fitted for the late sad-times. Particularly, a form of prayer for the thirtieth of January, morning and evening. With additions. &c.; Private formes of prayer, fit for these sad times. Duppa, Brian, 1588-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing D2665A; ESTC R214611 91,180 390

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evill work hath not been erecuted speedily the hearts 〈◊〉 this people are wholy set in th●… to doe evill this respite which thou hast given us to work o●… Repentance hath served on●… to compleat our sin by adding an obstinate impenitency to 〈◊〉 former Guilt and so fitting us for that finall excision which thou hast threatned to obdurate sinners And now O Lord this fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation is all that remains unto us who have thus despised the riches of thy mercy Yet O Lord out of these depths do we desire to call upon thee Lord hear our voice and if that finall sentence be not irreversibly gone 〈◊〉 against us be pleased yet to turn thy wrath away and not to suffer thy whole displeasure to arise To this end thou O Lord who breakest the gates of brasse and smitest the bars of Iron in ●…der be thou pleased to rend these unrelenting hearts of our●… to work in every one of us such a sense of our horrid abominations especially that of this day as may cast us down in the lowest degree of Humiliation and Contrition before thee that so we may be capable of that exaltation which thou hast promised to the humble that Comfort which thou hast assigned to Mourners through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen III. O Lord God that rulest over all the Kingdomes of the earth that hast threatned that for the sinnes of the Land the Kings thereof should be many and hast told us that if we doe wickedly we should be consumed both we and our King We miserable and wretched sinners do here in the bitternesse of our soul ●…ostrate our selves before thy Throne of Grace acknowledging against our selves that we have made thee to serve with our sins and wearied thee with our iniquities so that in the fiercenesse of thine anger thou hast wounded us with the wound of an enemy and chastised us with the chastisement of a oruel one for in the indignation of thy fury thou hast despised the King and the Priest Wo unto us that we have sinned the Crown is fallen from our Head and the beauty of our Israel is slain by the hands of wicked men Thou hast suffered the Breath of our Nostrils the Anointed of the Lord to be taken in their Pits of whom we said under his shadow we shall have Peace and Protection The fire out of the Bramble hath devoured the lofty Cedars the Base are risen up against the Honourale the Subjects against their King whom after much contumelious usage forgetting the Oath of God their own Covenant their own Protestation and their often reiterated Vows to preserve his Person Crown and Dignity and all this with their hands lifted up to thee our God of Truth have yet brought him as a Lamb to the slaughter and with wicked hands h●… murdered thy Vice-gerent 〈◊〉 though he had not been anointed with oyle A wonderfull and horrible sin is committed in the Land over passing the deeds of the wicked a sin that no Nation no people ever committed and such as the Sun never saw since it withdrew its light at the Passion of thy dear Son our Saviour Jesus Christ Other Rebels have murdered Kings but as it was in it self a deed of darknesse so they acted th●… sin in darknesse shunning the light But this Paricide 〈◊〉 committed with a high hand presumptuously in the fight of the Sun and owned as an Act of Justice The cry of this Innocent blood of a righteous King of our own King a King too good for so wicked a People is entered into thy presence and cals loud to thee for vengeance upon this whole Nation so that we may justly expect that thou shouldest ●…ot us and our posterity out of this Land which is made an abomination stained polluted with the blood of thine Anointed Servant and Martyr But the Judge of all the earth will not destroy the Innocent with the Guilty for though our sins are many and grievous yet in our tears we will wash our hands from this sin saying our hands have not shed this blood And therefore when thou shalt make inquisition for blood lay not we beseech thee this blood to our Charge Be mercifull O Lord be mercifull unto thy people whom thou hast redeemed and let not this Innocent blood be required neither of us nor of our Posterity For as before this great wickednesse was committed we prayed against it and in our Devotions entred our Protestation in Heaven before thee against so impious so h●… lish Resolutions of the bloody Assassinates So since these sons of Belial have brought their mischievous imaginations to passe for which our soules are wounded and humbled within us we do from our hearts detest this Damnable Parricide and doe from our souls renounce this abhorred Murder of thine Anomted Servant our late Soveraigne King Charls Saying with Iacob O my soul come not thou into their Secret unto their Assembly mine honor be not thou united for in their anger they have slain a man the best of men the Lords Anointed Cursed be their Anger for it was fierce and their wrath for it was cruel yea we wil yet pray against their wickednes for now they go on to strengthen one wickednesse with another They Decree unrighteous Decrees and write grievous things which they have prescribed thereby to establish wickedness by a Law to remove the bounds of the People and destroy the very Foundations But O thou preserver of men and God of all order blast all their designes which tend to nothing but Anarchy and Confusion and destruction and scandal of the Christian Religion but let all their turning of things upside down be esteemed as the Potters clay Let it be in thy sight as the Rebellion of Corah Dathan and Abiram and now O Lord the God of the spirits of all flesh let not the Congregation of the Lord be as sheep which have no shepheard Though our breach be great like the sea yet thou canst heal it Be mercifull we beseech thee to these three Kingdomes united under one Crown by establishing the King in his Fathers Throne Plead thou his cause and that thou mayest give rest unto the Land make his w●… prosperous direct all his Co●… sels and Crown all his Design●… with success raise him up frie●… abroad and at home turn 〈◊〉 hearts of the People to their Soveraigne upon whom we 〈◊〉 seech thee to double the G●… and Graces of his Father as t●… didst the spirit of Elijah on 〈◊〉 sha Cloath him with Maj●… Power that he may subdue 〈◊〉 Rebellious and appear terrible to thine and his Enemies that so he may restore the daily S●…crifice thy publique Worship 〈◊〉 Service relieve the Oppress●… and bring the punishment of t●… Innocent blood of his Father upon those Murderers that shed it as water spilt upon the ground Hasten O Lord by him to restore Peace and Righteousnesse Truth and Equity Let them kiss each other under his
plant and root and confirm and secure in us all those precious fruits of Piety and Faith and Obedience and Zeal towards thee of Purity and Meeknesse and Simplicity and Contentednesse and Sobriety in our selves of Justice and Charity and Reaceablenesse and Bowels of Mercy and Compassion towards all others That having seriously and Industriously as our Holy Vocation engageth us used all Diligence to add unto our Faith Virtue and to Virtue patience and Perseverance in all Christian Practise we may adorn that Profession which we have thus long depraved and having had our Fruits unto Holynesse we may attain our End ever asting Life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen IX O Long suffering and eternal King that for the Condemnation that for sin came into the World wert lifted up upon the Cross and taken from this earth by that shamefull death and hast shewed forth thy self to all that Chuse to follow thy stepps a Pattern and Copy of long-sufferance and Patience and offeredst up thy Intercession tothy Coeternal Father for those Enemies of God which Crucified Thee Do thou O Lord Thou the same Lover of Mankind afford thy Mercy and pardon to all those that are Enemies to us which either by Treachery or Reproach or Contumely or Envy or by any other means through the subtilty of Calumny of the Devil that lover of Hatred have expressed their Madness or Malice against us But especially those that have embrued their hands in the blood of thine Anointed Father forgive them for they know not what they do Lord lay not this sin to their Charge or to the Charge of a sinfull wretched People Change thou their Counsels from that mischievous to a sweet Christian temper of gentleness infuse into their hearts sincere and unfeigned Love bind them fast to us in the inviolable Bands of Spiritual friendship and by what means thou knowest most fit make them Partakers of eternal Life and O thou Father of Compassions pitty all those afflicted that trust in Thee draw all to the divine love of thee be thou president in all things and assistant to all together with us thy sinful and unprofitable Servants and make us all Heirs of thy Kingdom for unto Thee it belongeth to shew Mercy and to save us O our God for thine is the Power for ever Amen X. O Lord We beseech thee Mercifully Hear our Prayers and spare all those which Confess their sins unto thee that They whose Consciences by sin are accused by thy Mercifull Pardon may be absolved through Christ our Lord Amen XI O Most mighty God and Mercifull Father which hast Compassion on all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made which wouldest not the Death of a sinner but that he should rather turn from sin and be saved Mercifully forgive us our Trespasses receive and Comfort us which are grieved with the Burthen of our sins Thy property is always to have Mercy to thee only pertaineth to forgive sins spare us therefore good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed enter not into Judgment with thy servants which are vile earth and Miserable sinners but so turn thine ire from us which meekly acknowledge our Vilenesse and truly repent us of our Faults so make hast to help us in this world that we may ever live with thee in the world to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen XII TUrn thou us O good Lord and so shall we be turned be favourable O Lord be favourable to thy People which turn to thee in weeping fasting and praying for thou art 〈◊〉 Merciful God long-suffering and of great pitty Thou sparest when we deserve punishment and in thy wrath thinkest upon mercy spare thy people O Lord spare them and let not thine Heritage be brought to nought Hear us O Lord for thy Mercy is great and after the Multitude of thy mercies look upon us through Ies●… Christ our Lord Amen XIII O Lord the only begotten Son Jesus Christ O Lord God Lamb of God Son of the Father that takest away the sins of the world have Mercy upon us Thou that takest away the sins of the world receive our Prayers Thou that sittest at the Right hand of God the Father have Mercy upon us for thou only art holy thou only art the Lord thou only O Christ with the Holy Ghost art most high in the Glory of God the Father Amen The Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your Hearts and Minds in the Knowledge and Love of God and his Son Iesus Christ our Lord. And the Blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost be amongst you and remain with you alwayes Amen A proper Prayer for the Thirtieth of Ianuary O Blessed Lord God who by thy Wisdom guidest and orderest all things most sutably to thy Justice and performest thy pleasure allwayes in such manner that thou canst also appeal to us whether thy wayes be not equall We thy poor afflicted People fall down before thee acknowledging the justice of thy proceedings with us and that the amazing Judgement which as this day besel us in thy permitting cruel men sons of ●…eliall to execute the fury of their Rebellion upon Our late Gracious Soveraign and to imbrew their hands in the Blood and Murder of the Lords Anointed was drawn down by the great and long provocations of this Nations sins against thee For all which and our own parts in which we sinfull wretches here met together desire to humble our selves before thee and to tremble at thy presence in this dayes sore vengeance the effect as well as desert of our impieties the work of our own hands upon our selves thy heavy Judgement but our most horrid sin for which alone did not multitude of other sins cry out against us thou mightest justly descend down upon us all as thou didst in Sodom and leave us no other memorial then to be the frightfull Monuments of thy Indignation and fury to all Posterity Gracious is the Lord and merfull therefore it is that We are not consumed O let thy long-suffering and patience lead us to repentance And now Lord looking on this particular signal Judgement as thy last Trump warning us to fly from the wrath to come We come forth to meet our God mourning in our prayers before thee and begging the aversion of thy further displeasure and the removall of these plagues of long continuance from us for the all-sufficient merits of the death and sufferings of our blessed Saviour O forgive our great and manifold transgressions and for his bloody Passions sake deliver this Nation from blood-guiltinesse that of this day especially O God of our Salvation Let not our crying sins intercept our Prayers or thy blessings but hear the voice of our tears and hearing forgive and heal us retire not quite from us into thine own place laugh not at our calamities neither mock in this day of our vifitation Vindicate thine own Cause and thine own Providence that it may
appear unto men that thou bearest up the Pillars of the earth and that by thee Kings do reign And though thou hast suffered our Enemies to proceed to that high pitch of violence against our late King even to kill and take possession of his Throne and Revenews Yet frustrate now at length their bold hopes and defires let not their mischievous imaginations prosper least they be too proud let them not be able to establish themselves in that prosperity and greatness they have fancied let them not say of his Family God hath forsaken them let us persecute them shew some good token on his seed for good that their enemies may see it and be ashamed ●…ecause thou Lord hast holpen and comforted them Bow the hearts of the Subjects of this Land as thou dist those of Israel to David that they may acknowledge and receive joyfully the Heir of these Kingdoms and fasten thou him as a nail in a sure place behold his injuries and have compassion on his Innocency and let the desire of his enemies perish like that of the Hypocrite but bring him maugre all their oppositions to a peaceable possession of that Throne to which by his Birth-right thou hast designed him and establish him in the Just Rights of his Family O Lord we wait on thee this day for this blessing make no long tarrying but according to the time thou hast plagued us send us deliverance Snatch the prey out of the Lyons teeth and pull us out of the burnings like a firebrand We beseech thee that We may this day spread befor●… thee the words of Rabshekah the proud railings and scornfull reproaches of our enemies Behold this day their exaltation and our mourning O Lord our eyes are towards thee for whom nothing is hard let it not seem a small thing to thee that we suffer but concenter our Prayers with the many thousands that call on thee That salvation may come to our King and through him thy blessing of peace unto thy People Think upon all those that are peaceable and faithfull in the Land and deal thou with us according to thy Word wherein thou hast caused us to put our trust Let the world see that there is a God that judgeth the earth and send deliverance to his people in their needful time of trouble But whatsoever thy purpose is let not us behave our selves frowardly but with all Christian humility run the race that thou settest before us and qatiently bear the indignation of the Lord because we have sinned against him And we meekly beseech thee that if the Divine Decree of thy Justice withstand our Petitions our prayers may return into our own bosomes and that thou wilt make thy judgements temporal and not spiritual upon us but assist us with strength proportionable to our temptations that we be not delivered to evil but that in wel-doing we may commit our selves to thee our God as unto a faithful Creator And that both our King and we may say with all Christian submission and cheerfulness It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good And here O Lord we offer unto thee all possible praise and thanks for all the Glory of thy Grace that hath shined forth in thine Anointed our late Soveraign and that thou wert pleased to own him this Day especially in the midst of his Enemies and in the hour of death and to endue him with such eminent Patience Meekness Humility Charity and all other Christian Virtues according to the example of thine own Son suffering the fury of his and thine Enemies for the preservation of thy Church and People We Praise thee also for the Courage and Comfort thou hast given unto us of his Party by that owning and assisting him or any that have suffered in that Righteous Cause And we beseech thee give us all grace to Remember and provide for our latter end by a Careful studious imitation of those blessed patterns of thy Saints and Martyrs that have gone before us that we may be made worthy to Receive benefit by their prayers which they in Communion with thy Church Catholick offer up unto thee for that part of it here Militant and yet in sight with and danger from the flesh that following t●…e Blessed stepps of their Holy Lives and Deaths we may also ●…hew forth the Light of a good example for the Glory of thy Name the Conversion of Enemies and the improvement of those Generations we shall shortly leave behind us and then with all those that have born the Heat and burthen of the day thy Servant whose Sufferings and Labours we this day commemorate receive the Reward of our Labours the Harvest of our Hopes even the Salvation of our own souls and that for the merits and through the mediation of thy Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ Amen Evening Prayer FOR the thirtieth of Ianuary The Letany O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the Father of heaven have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the Son Redeemer of the world have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the Son Redeemer c. O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son have mercy upon us miserable sinners O God the holy Ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious Trinity three Persons and one God have mercy upon us miserable sinners O holy blessed and glorious Trinity c. Remember not Lord our offences nor the offences of our forefathers neither take thou vengeance of our sins spare us good Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed by thy most precious blood and ●…e not angry with us for ever Spare us good Lord. From all evill and mischief from sin from the crafts and affaults of the devil from thy wrath and from everlasting ●…ation Good Lord deliver us From all blindness of heart from pride vain-glory and hypocrisie from envy hatred and malice and all uncharitableness Good Lord deliver us From fornication and all other deadly sin and from all the deceits of the world the flesh and the devil Good Lord deliver us From lightning and tempest from plague pestilence and famine from battel and murder and from sudden death Good Lord deliver us From all sedition and privy conspiracy from all false doctrine and heresie from hardness of heart and contempt of thy word and Commandment Good Lord deliver us By the mystery of thy holy incarnation by thy holy nativity circumcision by thy baptism fasting and temptation Good Lord deliver us By thine agony and bloudy sweat by thy Cross and passion by thy precious death and buriall by thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension and by the coming of the holy Ghost Good Lord deliver us In all time of our tribulation in all time of our wealth in the hour of death and in the day of Judgement Good Lord deliver us We sinners do beseech thee to hear Us O Lord God and that it may please thee to rule and
which for our evill deeds are worthily punished by the Comfort of thy Grace may mercifully be relieved through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen X. ALmighty God we beseech thee graciously to behold this thy Family for the which our Lord Jesus Christ was contented to betrayed and given up into the hands of wicked men and to suffer death upon the Cross who liveth and reigneth c. Amen XI ALmighty and Everlasting God by whose Spirit the whole Body of the Church is governed and sanctified receive our supplications and prayers which We offer up before thee for all e●…ates of Men in thy holy congregation that every member of the same in his vocation and Ministery may truly and godly serve thee through our Lord Jesus Christ who liveth and reigneth c. Amen XII Assist us mercifully O Lord in these our supplications and prayers and dispose the way of thy servants toward the attainment of everlasting salvation that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help through Christ our Lord Amen XIII ALmighty God which hast promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Sons Name We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to Us that have made now our prayers and supplications unto Thee and grant that those things which We have faithfully asked according to thy will may effectually be obtained to the relief of our necessity and to the setting forth of thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the holy Ghost be with us all evermore Amen A proper Prayer for the Thirtieth of Ianuary O Blessed Lord God who by thy Wisdom guidest and orderest all things most sutably to thy Justice and performest thy pleasure allwayes in such manner that thou canst also appeal to us whether thy wayes be not equall We thy poor afflicted People fall down before thee acknowledging the Justice of thy proceedings with us and that the amazing Judgement which as this day befell us in thy permitting cruel men sons of Beliall to execute the fury of their Rebellion upon Our late Gracious Soveraign and to imbrew their hands in the Blood and Mur der of the Lords Anointed was drawn down by the great and long provocations of this Nations sins against thee For all which and our own parts in which we sinfull wretches here met together desire to humble our selves before thee and to tremble at thy presence in this dayes fore vengeance the effect as well as desert of our impieties the work of our own hands upon our selves thy heavy Judgement but our most horrid sin for which alone did not multitudes of other sins cry out against us thou mightest justly descend down upon us all as thou didst in Sodom and leave us no other memorial than to be the frightfull Monuments of thy Indignation and fury to all Posterity Gracious is the Lord and mercifull therefore it is that We are not consumed O let thy long-suffering and patience lead us to repentance And now Lord looking on this particular signal Judgement as thy last Trump warning us to fly from the wrath to come We come forth to meet our God mourning in our prayers before thee and begging the aversion of thy further displeasure and the removall of these plagues of long continuance from us for the all-sufficient merits of the death and sufferings of our blessed Saviour O forgive our great and manifold transgressions and for his bloody Passions sake deliver this Nation from blood-guiltinesse that of this day especially O God of our Salvation Let not our crying sins intercept our Prayers or thy blessings but hear the voice of our tears and hearing forgive and heal us retire not quite from us into thine own place laugh not at our calamities neither mock in this day of our visitation Vindicate thine own Cause and thine own Providence that it may appear unto men that thou bearest up the Pillars of the earth and that by thee Kings do reign And though thou hast suffered our Enemies to proceed to that high pitch of violence against our late King even to kill and take possession of his Throne and Revenews Yet frustrate now at length their bold hopes and desires let not their mischievous imaginations prosper least they be too proud let them not be able to establish themselves in that prosperity and greatness they have fancied let them not say of his Family God hath forsaken them let us persecute them shew some good token on his seed for good that their enemies may see it and be ashamed because thou Lord hast holpen and comforted them Bow the hearts of the Subjects of this Land as thou didst those of Israel to David that they may acknowledge and receive joyfully the heir of these Kingdoms and fasten thou him as a nail in a sure place behold his injuries and have compassion on his Innocency and let the desire of his enemies perish like that of the Hypocrite but bring him maugre all their oppositions to a peaceable possession of that Throne to which by his Birth-right thou hast designed him and establish him in the Just Rights of his Family O Lord we wait on thee this day for this blessing make no long tarrying but according to the time thou hast plagued us send us deliverance Snatch the prey out of the Lyons teeth and pull us out of the burnings like a firebrand We beseech thee that We may this day spread before thee the words of Rabshekah the proud railings and scornfull reproaches of our enemies Behold this day their exaltation and our mourning O Lord our eyes are towards thee for whom nothing is hard let it not seem a small thing to thee that we suffer but concenter our Prayers with the many thousands that call on thee That salvation may come to our King and through him thy blessing of peace unto thy People Think upon all those that are peaceable and faithfull in the Land and deal thou with us according to thy Word wherein thou hast caused us to put our trust Let the world see that there is a God that judgeth the earth and will send deliverance to his people in their needfull time of trouble But whatsoever thy purpose is let not us behave our selves frowardly but with all Christian humility run the race that thou settest before us and patiently bear the indignation of the Lord because we have sinned against him And we meekly beseech thee that if the Divine Decree of thy Justice withstand our Petitions our prayers may return into our own bosomes and that thou wilt make thy judgements temporal and not spiritual upon us but assist us with strength proportionable to our temptations that we be not delivered to evil but that in wel-doing we may commit our selves to thee our God as unto a faithful Creator And that both our King and we may
is come upon us consider and behold our Reproach For our Inheritance is turned to strangers our Houses to Aliens our Necks are under Persecution we labour and have no rest Our Fathers have sinned and are not and we have born our Iniquities Yea servants rule over us and there is none that delivers us out of their hands Our Elders have ceased from the Gate and our Young men from their Musick The Ioy of our Heart is ceased our Dance is turned into mourning For the Crown is fallen from our Head and Wo unto us that We have sinned For this our heart is faint for these things our Eyes are dim But wherefore dost thou forget us for Ever and forsakest us so long time O Turn thou us unto thee O Lord and we shall be turned Renew our dayes as of old And do not utterly Reject us be not for ever Wroth against us O God make speed to save us O Lord make hast to help us Daniel's Prayer and Confession in the Behalf of Himself and his People O Lord the Great and dreadfull God We have sinned and done wickedly and have Rebelled even by departing from thy Precepts and from thy Iudgements Neither have we hearkned to thy Servants the Prophets which spake in thy Name to our Kings our Princes and our Fathers and all the People of this Land O Lord Righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us Confusion of Face as at this Day unto all that are near and far off through all the Countries whither thou hast driven them because of the Trespasse that they have trespassed against thee For we have not obeyed the Voice of the Lord our God and therefore the Curse is poured out upon us Even such a Curse as that under the whole Heaven hath not been done as hath been done unto Us. But now O Lord our God according to all thy Righteousness I beseech thee let thine Anger and thy Fury be turned away from us Hear the Prayer of thy servant and cause thy Face to shine upon thy Sanctuary which is now desolate O my God incline thine Ear and hear Open thine Eyes and behold our Desolation For I do not present these supplications before thee for our own Righteousnesse but for thy Great Mercies O Lord hear O Lord Forgive O Lord do delay not for Thine own sake O my God and for thy Peoples sake that are called by ●…y Name O God make speed to save us O Lord make hast to help us Prayers for the King LOrd Remember our distressed King and all his Troubles Amen Let thine Hand hold him fast and thine Arm strengthen him Amen Let not the Enemy be able to do him violence or the Son of Wickedness hurt him Amen Let thy Truth and Mercy be ever with him and in thy Name let his Throne be exalted Amen O be thou his Father his God and his strong Salvation Amen And let him be as the Fi●… born and Glorious among t●… Kings of the Earth Amen O God make speed to sav●… him O Lord make haste to help him II. O Most Powerful Lord God the only disposer of all the Kings and Kingdomes of the Earth who for the Punishment of the Crying sins of this Nation hast extinguished our Glory and cast the Throne down to the Ground Give us not over utterly to Ruine and Confusion But bring back in thy good time the Heir of these Kingdomes like the Sun with Healing in his Wings to repair the Breaches already made and prevent the Desolations that ●…reaten us And however thou hast been pleased to cast a cloud upon ●…im in the Morning of his Days yet leave him not in this storm Forsake him not Thou that art the God of his salvation But look upon his Wrongs and have Compassion on his Innocency O let it never be in the Power of men to barr him from the Throne to which by his Birth thou hast designed him But Guide him with those Counsels and prosper him with that success as may settle him in his Throne in Peace Or if the Guilt and Wickedness of his Opposers shall still continue to hinder this Do it after thine own way O God with thy mighty hand and stretched out Arm That they may both know and feel that thou art the Protector of Kings and the Refuge of all them who have no other Trust but Thee Grant this O Lord for the Glory of thy Name and the Comfort of thy desolate Church and People Amen O Most Mercifull God the only Sanctuary of sad and distressed souls Look down I beseech Thee upon thy servant who here with bended Knees and a wounded spirit prostrate my self before Thee For Wo unto us we have lived to see the Crown fall from our Heads and the Glory departed from our Israel even the Anoynted of the Lord driven to fly before wicked men and they who have divided his Inheritance triumphing over him But thou O Lord how long how long shall Bloody Designs and Rebellious imaginations prosper Shall not the Judge of the whole Earth do Right Or hast thou forgotten to be Gracious and shuttest up thy tender Mercy in displeasure O No Thou art the same God who in the midst of Judgment remembrest Mercy Thine Arm is not shortned that thou canst not save nor thine Ear heavy that thou canst not hear Arise then O Lord Arise Let the World see that thou art the Father of the Fatherless and the Helper of them to Right that suffer Wrong Shew it O Lord especially at this time in multiplying all thy comforts upon our distressed King And as thou hast strangely and Wonderfully delivered him from those who so eagerly hunted after his Life So let it appear to the World that thou hast not done this to make him more miserable or to continue him in the Condition of an Ex●…e But rather that thou hast reserved him for Faithfull Hands and fairer Opportunities and more prosperous successes And though that was not the Time nor those the Means by which thou hast designed to restore the Kingdom to him Yet that thou hast not forsaken him but that He is still in thy Care still under the shadow of thy Wings who alone art able to do more for him then we can pray for and Gloriously to bring him back again by wayes we cannot think of In the mean time O Lord whilst thou thinkest fit to keep him under the sharpnesse of this Discipline Teach him to kisse the Hand that chastens him and humbly to submit his Earthly Crown to thy Divine Will and Pleasure knowing that thou canst either Restore him That when it seems good to thee Or else give him a Crown infinitely more Glorious which no man can take from him Lord He is more Precious to thee then he can possibly be to us Dispose of Him therefore in the multitude of thy Mercies And let thy Holy Spirit take so 〈◊〉 Possession and Guidance of ●…im that among all the Diffi●…ties of his most perplexed
Persecution be overpassed Though this year be begun in bitterness yet O suffer it not to end so But cause it to be proclaimed the acceptable ye●… of the Lord to all that mou●… in Sion As thou hast given unto t●… Church an Head of gold so don●… let her stand like Nebuchadneza●… Image upon feet of clay Thoug●… she be made to lie among the po●… yet thou canst cover her again wi●… silver wings making her feather●… like gold Thou art Almighty and can●… do it yea thou art Almerciful●… and wilt do it O then shew he●… now especially some toke●… for good that they which hate her may see it and be ashamed because thou O Lord ha●… holpen her and comforted her Give her instead of a Rent a Girdle instead of vain Repetitions the Holy Spirit and Office of Prayer●… for the bread of Adversity the blessed Manna of thy Word and Sacraments and for the cup of trembling and astonishment the cup of salvation Suffer not Pharaoh's thin and ●…sted Ears of corn to de●… those full and good Ears which have sprung up here in Gods field Neither do thou punish our former slighted ●…nty with a succeeding famine of thy Word Give unto her beauty for ashes the 〈◊〉 of Ioy for mourning the gar●… Prayer for the spirit of bea●…ss Give her the custody of Angels the Patronage of Kings and Princes the hearts and ●…ds of Nobles the prayers and tears of Priests and the de●…ce of the whole secular Arm. O thou that hast the Key of Da●… that openest and no man shut●… open thou the mouths of thy Mi●…rs and suffer no more any man 〈◊〉 them Open thou the doors of 〈◊〉 own House for thy servants to 〈◊〉 in and let no one dare upon 〈◊〉 p●…ill of their souls to keep us out And since we have taken upon us to speak unto our Lord not for the sparing of a Sodom but of this thine own Sion le●… not our Lord be angry and w●… will speak unto him once more Preserve her and all her sons an●… daughters in all storms and again●… all temptations in this present storm●… and against the present and all future temptations that we may do nothing to scandall our holy Calling by sacrificing our Consciences to the purchase of our case Give us innocence mixt with prudence the Doves eye in the Serpents head And teach us to beware of the Dragons Poyson even when we are made to feel the Dragons sting And when the winds shall blow fiercest against thine Ark yet then we beseech thee to preserve the Vessel though thou shalt change the Pilots And however in thy secret wisdom thou mayst suffer many of the Lights to be blown out yet we pray thee Lord be not so severe upon our justly-deserving sins as to remove the Candlestick All this and whatsoever else thou ●…e more needfull for our bleeding Mother or for any of her persecuted Children we beg at thy mercifull hands for thy Sons sake who purchased this Church with his own blood Iesus Christ our Saviour To whom with thee O Father and the ever blessed Spirit be all Honour and Glory Submission and Adoration in all places at all times in all Estates and Conditions by all men and Angels World without End Amen Amen A Prayer for the Kings Birth-day May 29. O Lord God the great disposer of Kings and Kingdomes and who in thy Mercy didst design thy servant our persecuted Soveraign Lord King Charls to be the Heir of these Kingdomes though in thy secret Judgements towards this sinfull Nation thou hast suffered the sons of violence to keep him hitherto from inheriting his Fathers Throne We thy unworthy servants are here n●…et together upon the Anniversary Day of his Nativity to offer unto thee a gratefull commemoration our humble thansgivings for thy great Blessing in bestowing upon us at first so hopefull a Prince And withall to bewail our unworthiness of having so good and gratious a Prince as yet to exercise his Raign over us we bewail those many sins of ours whereby we have helped to cut off the Royall Father and whereby we still assist to the keeping our of his Royall Son However we beseech thee O Lord to grant that as thy hands did fashion him and as he was fearfully and wonderfully made in his Mothers womb so his heart may still be in those hands of thine to preserve him from all danger and to mould him to all Christian and Princely Graces Give him years of Happiness and Joy for those years of bitterness and sorrow wherewith thou hast afflicted his soul. Cause him to know that the end for which he was born was not so much to govern others as to submit himself to thee and to lay his Crown and Scepter at the Feet of the Lamb. And grant Holy Father that that as now he has finished twenty nine years of his life and most of those years under the severity of thy Discipline So he may spend the Remainder of his life and may have those years doubled and trebled to him in the successes of thy favour As thou dost add days to his years so let it be thy good pleasure to add happiness to his days exchanging his Banishment into restauration and his Crown of thorns into a Crown of Majesty here of Glory hereafter This day didst thou take him out of his Mothers womb to live here a little time O mayst thou at the last day take both him and us out of our Mothers womb again even the grave and the womb of the Earth to live with thee for ever through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen The Ministers Prayer for the People O Most mercifull Lord God and Lover of souls who hast given Commandment to thy Priests to weep and to pray between the Porch and the Al●…n and to cry spare thy people O Lord spare them O most blessed Jesu who art ●…n everlasting Priest and the great Shepheard and Bishop of our souls O most holy Spirit who dost sanctifie and preserve us building us up into an holy Temple for thy self to dwell in O Father Son and Holy Ghost three Persons and one God who delightest in the Conversion of sinners and to see souls daily added unto thy Church Bless this whole Congregation and have mercy upon this Parish who are committed to my charge to take care over their souls Lord I am unworthy of so great an honour and too unfit for so great a Burthen yet in obedience to thy Call I have undertaken it and I trust by thy Assistance to be able to feed both thy sheep and thy Lambs Keep them always within thy Fold that they may never wander nor go astray preserve them from Wolves though they should be set in the very midst of them Teach them to know thy voice and to be obedient to thy Call And when any of them shall straggle into the Wildernesse yet then Lord do not thou leave
imployments and not keeping the spiritual sabath unto thee in serving thee truly all the dayes of our life By not duely observing the times of Festivity or fasting appointed by just Authority according to the example of thy people in all ages we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnes belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By not duely acknowledging thine Ordinance and Authority in the Persons of our Superiours by speaking evill of Dignities and reviling the Rulers of thy People by groundlesse jealousies and suspicions misjudging and censuring their Actions And at l●…st proceeding to that 〈◊〉 and most ●…rrid pitch of violation of that Image of thine imprinted on them by being as a People that strive with their Priests by our not obeying them that have the rule over us and not submitting our selves to them who by thy appointment watch over our souls by neglecting our care of those Committed to our Charge not Correcting those sins which have Cryed loud for exemplary Punishment we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By rash Anger Malice Hatred and Revenge and the bloody effects thereof by uncharitable Contentions and Divisions Factions and Animosities by Cruelty and Unmercifulnesse and communicating in the sinnes of Blood we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confus●…on of face as at this day By the manifold sins of Uncleannesse by seeking or not avoiding the occasions thereof by Idlenesse Intemperance and Drunkennes by immodest words and gestures by our shamelesse boasting or not blushing at those sinnes we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By Thefts Rapines and Oppressions scandalizing thereby the Honour and Iustice of a good Cause by vexatious suites so much practised and countenanced by exactions by unjust gains in bargaining by defrauding the labourer of his hire by want of due care in expending what we have and a good Conscience in acquiring more We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By lying detraction and contumely by endeavouring to advantage a good Cause by falshood and unjust means by censuring and rash judgments by false witness and perverting the course of Justice we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By desire of change and uncontentednesse in our Estates by giving our selves over to lustfull covetous and inordinate affections by desiring Peace not so much for thine honour or the publick good as the satisfaction of our own private lusts by neglecting acts of Charity and doing as we would be done to and not doing our duty in that state of life unto which it hath pleased thee to call us we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By our want and neglect of those necessary Christian duties of humiliation and godly sorrow for sins of due indignation and revenge upon ourselves for them of confessing and forsaking of restitution and satisfaction to others and by not bringing forth fruits worthy of repentance we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By impatience under thy correcting hand by not endeavouring our amendment by it in reflecting upon our own sins as the causes of it by despising thy chastisements in not rejoycing in ●…lations and not glorifying thee that hast counted us worthy to suffer for righteousness sake we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By fretting ourselves because of the ungodly and being envious against the evill doers by not loving our enemies not blessing them that curse us not doing good to them that hate us nor praying for those that despightfully use us and persecute us we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By presuming to do evill that good may come thereon by placing piety in opinions by straining at Gnats and swallowing of Camels in scrupling at indifferent things and making no conscience of known sins we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By running into open prophaneness under colour of avoiding superstition by guiding our conscience by humour●… and fancies and not by the certain rules of thy Law by having itching ears and heaping to our selves teachers and by having mens persons in admiration because of advantage we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day Who can tell how oft he offendeth O cleanse thou us from these and from our secret sins Try us O good God and search the ground of our hearts prove us and examine our thoughts and look well if there be any other way of wickedness in us and lead us in the way everlasting A Prayer for forgivenesse O Almighty and most mercifull Father who art the Lord the Lord God mercifull and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth keeping mercy for thousands and forgiving iniquity transgressions and sins Look down upon us with thy compassionate eyes who are here before thee in the bitterness of our soules and doe now with troubled spirits with broken and with contrite hearts most humbly beg pardon for these multitudes of our offences Look we humbly beseech thee upon the bloud of thy Sonne which speaks better things then that of Abel●… for his sake spare us Lord spare thy people that these sins rise not up against us for his passions sake expose us not for a prey to their cruell hands who would both devour and deride us R. Spare us O Lord spare thy people for the glory of thy name O deliver us and be mercifull to all these our sins through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen The Absolution to be pronounced by the Priest onely ALmighty God our heavenly Father who of his great mercy hath promised forgiveness of sins to all them which with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him Have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all your sins confirm and strengthen you in all goodne●… and bring you to everlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen The Lords Prayer OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will ●…e done in earth as it is in hea●…en Give us this day our 〈◊〉 bread And forgive us 〈◊〉 ●…espasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And
lead us not into temptatio●… but deliver us from evill Amen Priest O Lord open thou our lips Answer And our mouth shall shew for●… thy praise Priest O God make speed to save us Answ. O Lord make haste to help us Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost Answ. endAmen Priest Praise ye the Lord Answ. The Lord's name be praised A Psalm instead of Venite exultemus O COME let us humble our selves and fall down before the Lord with reverence and fear 2. For he is the Lord our God and we are his people and the sheep ●…f his pasture 3. If a man will not turn God will whet his sword he ●…ath bent his bow and made it ●…eady 4. Let us repent and turn from ●…r wickedness and our sins shall be ●…given us 5. Let us turn and the Lord ●…ill turn from his heavy wrath ●…d will pardon us and we shall ●…t perish 6. For we acknowledge our ●…ults and our sins are ever before 7. We have provoked thine ●…ger O Lord and thy heavy displeasure is kindled against us 8. But there is mercy with thee that thou mayst be feared and t●… art full of compassion 9. Thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not help neither is thy goodness abated th●… thou wilt not hear 10. Thou hast promised O Lord that before we cry thou wilt hear 〈◊〉 and whilst we yet speak that th●… wilt have mercy upon us 11. They that trust in th●… shall not be confounded neith●… shall any that call upon thee 〈◊〉 despised 12. For thou art the only Lord who woundest and dost heal aga●… who killest and revivest bring●… even to hell and bringest back 〈◊〉 gain 13. Our father 's hoped in th●… they trusted in thee and tho●… didst deliver them 14. They called upon thee a●… were helped they put their trust thee and were not confounded 15. O Lord rebuke not us in thiue indignation neither chasten us in thy heavy displeasure 16. O remember not the sins and offences of our youth but according to thy mercy think thou upon us O Lord for thy goodness 17. Have mercy upon us O Lord for we are weak O Lord heal us for our bones are vexed 18. And now in the vexation of our spirits and the anguish of our fouls we remember thee and we cry unto thee Hear Lord and have mercy 19. For thine owne sake and for thy Holy Names sake incline thine ear and hear O mercifull Lord. 20. For we doe not pour out our prayers before thy face trusting in our own righteousness but in thy great and manifold mercies 21. Wash us thoroughly from our wickednesse and cleanse us from our sins 22. Turn thy face from our sins and put out all our misdeeds 23. Make us clean hearts O God and renew a right spirit within us 24. Help us O God of our salvation for the glory of thy name O deliver us and be merciful unto our sins for thy name sake 25. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit a broken and contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise 26. O be favourable and gracious unto Sion build thou the walls of Ierusalem 27. So we that be thy people and sheep of thy pasture shall give thee thanks for ever and will alwayes be shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Psalmes for Morning Prayer Psal. 6. 31. 38. 39. For Evening Prayer Psal. 90. 91. 102. 130. 149. For first Lesson read some one of these chapters Ezra 9. Nehem. 9. Isai. 58. Joel 2 Ezek. 33. Or Isai. 1. Jerem. 5. Jerem. 9. Ezek. 22. Micah 6. Or Amos 4. Ezek. 14. I. HEar our voice O Lord out of thy holy Temple let our complaint come before thee let it enter even into thy eares Our heart is in heavinesse O let 〈◊〉 make our Prayer unto thee in an acceptable time Lord our iniquities are against us our rebellions are many wherewith we have transgressed against thee But we confess our wickednesses and are sorry for our fins Our confusion is daily before us fearfulness and trembling are come upon us and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed us and it is thy great ●…rcy only that we are not consumed for we have sinned O Lord we have transgressed and done wickedly yea we have rebelled and departed from thy precepts and from thy Commandements Innumerable troubles are come about us our sins have taken hold upon us that we are not able to look up yea they are more in number then the hairs of our heads and our hearts have failed us O Lord righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of face because of all the offences we have committed against thee Yet compassion and forgiveness is with thee though we have rebelled against thee O Lord according to thy goodness we beseech thee let thine anger and thy wrath be turned away from us and cause thy face to shine upon thy servants Incline thine ears and hear open thine eyes and behold our afflictions for we doe not present our supplications before thee in our own righteousness but for thy manifold and great mercies We have sinned against heaven and against th●…e and are no more worthy to be called thy Sons Yet O Lord hear O Lord forgive ●…nsider and doe it deferre not for thine own sake O our God Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen II. HEar our prayers O Lord and hide not thy self from our Petitions and hearken unto the words of our mouth for strangers are risen up against us and Tyrants which have not God before their eyes seek after our Souls Cast us not away in the time of our weekness for sake us not when our strength faileth us O remember not our offences but according to thy mercy think thou upon us for thy goodness O turn thee unto us and have mercy upon us for we are desolate and in misery The sorrows of our hearts are enlarged O bring thou us out of all our troubles Turn us O God our Saviour and let thine anger cease from us send down from on high and deliver us take us out of these many waters Why art thou absent from us so long why is thy wrath so hot against the sheep of thy pasture Wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest our misery and trouble for our soul is brought low unto the dust our belly cleaveth to the ground Look upon our adversity and misery and forgive us all our sins Arise O Lord and help us and deliver us for thy mercy sake so sall it be known that it is thy hand and that thou Lord hast
done it Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen III. VVE will cry unto the Lord with our voyce yea even unto God will we cry with our voyce and he shall hearken unto us For the Lord is gracious and long-suffering and of great mercy to them that call upon him The Lord is nigh unto all them that be of a contrite heart and will save such as are of an humble ●…irit And now Lord what is our hope truly our hope is even in thee For our Fathers hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou did'st deliver them they called upon thee and were holpen they put their trust in thee and were not confounded The Lord will be a defence for the oppressed even a refuge in due time of trouble and they that know thy name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord never failest them that seek thee The merciful goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him and his righteousness upon Childrens Children even upon such as keep his Covenant and think upon his Commandments to doe them Thou therefore that art a Saviour to all that trust in thee thou that upholdest all such as are falling and liftest up such as be down thou that healest the broken in heart and givest medicine to heal their sickness thou that art the Father of mercy and God of all consolation that art comfort to the sad and strength to the weak hear thy servants we beseech thee look down from Heaven behold and visit us with thy salvation Glory be to the Father and to the S●… and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now ●…d ever shall be world without end Amen After the Second Lesson Psal. 51. All kneeling 1. HAve mercy upon me O God after thy great goodness according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine offences 2. Wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin 3. For I acknowledg my faults and my sin is ever before me 4. Against thee onely have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified in thy saying and clear when thou art judged 5. Behold I was shapen in wickedness and in sin hath my mother conceived me 6. But lo●… thou requirest truth in the inward parts and shalt make me to understand wisdome secretly 7. Thou shalt purge me with Hysope and I shall be cleane Thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than Snow 8. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce 9. Turne thy face from my sins and put out all my misdeed●… 10. Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me 11. Cast me not away from thy presence and take n●… thy Holy Spirit from me 12. O give me the comfort of t●… help again and stablish me with t●… free spirit 13. Then shall I teach th●… wayes unto the wicked and sinners shal be converted unto th●… 14. Deliver me from blood-guiltinesse O God thou that 〈◊〉 the God of my health and 〈◊〉 tongue shall sing of thy righteousnesse 15. Thou shalt open my lips O Lord and my mouth shall shew thy praise 16. For thou desirest no sacrifice else would I give it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offerings 17. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit A broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise 18. O be favourable and gracious unto Sion build thou the walls of Jerusalem 19. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness with the burnt offerings and oblations Then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine Altar Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Our Father which art in heaven c. Minister O Lord save thy servants Answer Which put their tru●… in thee Min. Send unto them help fro●… above Answ. And evermore mightily defend them Min. Help us O God our Savio●… Answ. And for the glory 〈◊〉 thy names sake deliver us b●… mercifull unto us sinners fo●… thy names sake Min. O Lord hear our prayer Ans. And let our cry come unt●… thee Let us pray O Lord we beseech thee mercifully hear our prayers and spare all those which confess their sins unto thee that they whose consciences by sin are accused by thy mercifull pardon may be absolved thorough Christ our Lord Amen O Most mighty God and mercifull Father which hast compassion of all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made which wouldest not the death of a sinner but that he should rather turn from sin and be saved Mercifully forgive us our trespasses receive and comfort us which he grieved and wearied with the burthen of our sins Thy property is to have mercy to thee only it appertaineth to forgive sins Spare us therefore O Lord spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed Enter not into judgement with thy Servants which be vile earth and miserable sinners but so turn thine ire from us which meekly knowledge our vileness and truly repent us of our faults so make hast to help us in this world that we may ever live with thee in the world to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Then shall the people say thi●… that followeth after the Minister TUrn thou us O good Lord a●… so shall we be turned be favo●… rable O Lord be favourable to t●… people which turn to thee in weepi●… fasting and praying For thou art mercifull God full of Compassion l●… suffering and of great pity Thou sp●… rest when we deserve punishment 〈◊〉 in thy wrath thinkest upon mercy●… Spare thy people good Lord sp●… them and let not thine heritage be brought to confusion Hear us O Lord for thy mercy is great and after the multitude of thy mercies look upon us I. O Most mercifull and gracious Lord we wretched and miserable sinners humbly beseech thee in mercy and compassion to behold our great afflictions for thy wrath is gone out and thine indignation is kindled against us We confesse O Lord that thy ●…udgements are just for we have multiplied our transgressions like the sand of the Sea and the cry of them hath been so great that it hath pierced the heavens and called for vengeance against us But we beseech thee O Lord forget not thou to be gracious and shut not up thy loving kindnesse in displeasure turn thee again and be mercifull unto thy Servants Help us O God of our salvation for the glory of thy name O deliver us and be mercifull unto our sinnes for thy names sake Take thy sword and all other judgements from us that we be not consumed by the means of thy heavy hand upon our sins O satisfie us with thy mercy
and that soon so shall we that be thy people and sheep of thy pasture give thee thanks for ever and will alwayes be shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation Grant this O mercifull Father we beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake our onely Saviour and Redeemer Amen II. OEternal God and most gracious Father we confesse th●… by our manifold transgressions we have deserv'd whatsoever thy Law hath threatned against sinners Our contempt of thy Divine Service is great and we hear thy Word but obey it not Our charity to our Neighbour is cold and our disobedience abounds Religion is with many of us as in too many places besides made but a pretence for other ends then thy service and there hath been little or no care among us to keep Truth and Peace together for the preserving of both Church and State Forgive us O Lord forgive us these and all other our grievous sins Send us light in our understandings readiness and obedience in our wils discretion in our words and actions true serious and loyal endeavours for the peace and prosperity of our Ierusalem the unity and glory of this Church and State that we may love it and prosper in it that we may be guided by thy grace in this life and received to thy glory in the life to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen III. GRant we beseech thee Almighty God that we which for our evill deeds and our great unthankfulness are worthily punished by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen IV. ALmighty and most mercifull Father who for our many and grievous sins those especially which we have committed since our last solemn Humiliation before thee mightest most justly have cut us off but in the multitude of thy mercies hast hitherto spared us Accept we most heartily beseech thee our unfeigned sorrow for all our former transgressions and grant we may never so presume of thy mercy as to despise the riches of thy goodnesse But that thy forbearance and long suffering may lead us to repentance and amendment of our sinfull lives to thy honour and glory and our eternal salvation at the last day through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen V. ALmighty and everlasting God which hatest nothing that thou hast made and doest forgive the sins of them that be penitent Create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchednes may obtain of thee the God of all mercy perfect remission and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. VI. GRant Lord we beseech thee that the course of this world may be so ordered by thy governance that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness through Jesus Christ Amen VII ALmighty and Everlasting God mercifully look upon our infirmities and miseries and in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us through Christ our Lord Amen VIII O Lord we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy people that we which are justly punished for our offences may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness for the glory of thy name through Jesus Christ our Saviour who liveth c. Let us pray for the whole state of Christs holy Catholick Church particularly of our distressed Mother the afflicted Church of England O Lord God of thine inheritance who conveyest many blessings to the children of men by the prayer and Ministery of thy Church let our prayers obtain of thee mercies and deliverances for her O Lord thou hast planted thy Church in the humility and poverty and death of thy Sonne thou hast watered it with the blood of thy Apostles and Martyrs thou hast made it flourish and spread forth its branches by the warmth and heat and graces of thy Holy Spirit and hast according to thy promise still preserved it in the midst of all enmities and disadvantages Thy Lawes and righteous Commandments have been a scorne and derision to Iews and Gentiles the flesh of thy servants hath been meat for the beasts of the land And still she wears the purple robe of mockery and the crown of thorns which at first she took from the head and side of her dearest Lord. At last O Lord be gracious unto thine inheritance help us O God of our salvation for the glory of thy name let not thine enemies devoure the Church and lay wast her dwelling places Be mercifull unto our sins preserve all those that by malice of their enemies are appointed to death or prison or any other misery Let us still enjoy the freedome of thy Gospel the food of thy Word the sweet refreshings of thy Sacraments publick Communions in thy Church and all the benefits of the society of Saints and let not our sins cause thee to remove the Candlestick from us But make thy people and the sheep of thy pasture secure and glad in thy salvation that we may shew forth thy praise in this world and in the world to come through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen O Thou Shepherd of Israel thou that sittest upon the Cherubims stir up thy strength and come and help thy people that prayeth unto thee for mercy and Protection Thou hast made Affliction the portion of thy children in this life thou feedest them with the bread of tears and givest them plenteousness of tears to drink Yet be pleased to shew the light of thy countenance upon us to lighten our darknesses to relieve our miseries to heale our sicknesses and let not thy Church become a strife unto her Neighbours but reunite her Divisions and make her not a prey to them that would devoure her and then laugh her to scorn O Lord hedge her about with thy mercies with the custody of Angels with the Patronage of Kings and Princes with the hearts and hands of Nobles and the defence 〈◊〉 the whole secular Arm least the wil●… Beasts of the field pluck off 〈◊〉 Grapes destroy the Vintage a●… root up the Vine it self but let 〈◊〉 so flourish under the beams of thy fa vour and providence that it may 〈◊〉 root and spread and fill all lands that the name of the man of thy rig●… hand the God and man Christ Ies●… may be glorified thy Church enlarg●… and defended and we blessed with 〈◊〉 health and salvation Grant this O Lord for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Saviour and Redeemer Amen O Saviour of the world save us which by thy Cross and precious blood hast redeemed us help us we beseech thee help this ●…eeding Church O thou God of our salvation Though thou hast no●… a long ti●… giuen Satan and his instruments power 〈◊〉 all that she hath yet O Lord spare her life Let there be still a re●…nant left to praise thee And when by these sharp trials thou hast vindicated her integrity be pleased to blesse her as thou didst Job ' s latter end by giving her a double portion of all reall
satisfaction of our own private lusts by neglecting acts of Charity and doing as we would be done to and not doing our duty in that state of life unto which it hath pleased thee to call us We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By our want and neglect of those necessary Christian duties of humiliation and godly sorrow for sins of due indignation and revenge upon ourselves for them of confessing and forsaking of restitution and satisfaction to others and by not bringing forth fruits worthy of repentance we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By impatience under thy correcting hand by not endeavouring our amendment by it in reflecting upon our own sins as the Causes of it by despising thy chastisements in not rejoycing in tribulations and not glorifying thee that hast counted us worthy to suffer for righteousnesse sake We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By fretting ourselves because of the ungodly and being envious against the evill doers by not loving our enemies not blessing them that curse us not doing good to them that hate us nor praying for those that despightfully use us and persecute us We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By presuming to do evill that good may come thereon by placing piety in opinion by straining at Gnats and swallowing of Camels in scrupling at things indifferent and making no conscience of known sins we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By running into open prophanesse under colour of avoiding superstition by guiding our conscience by humours and fancies and not by the certain rules of thy Law by having itching ears and heaping to our selves teachers and by having mens persons in admiration because of advantage We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day Who can tell how oft he offendeth O cleanse thou us from these and from our secret sins Try us O good God and search the ground of our hearts prove us and examine our thoughts and look well if th●…re be any other way of wickednesse in us and lead us in the way everlasting A Prayer for forgiveness O Almighty and most mercifull Father who art the Lord God mercifull and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth keeping mercy for thousands and forgiving iniquity transgressions and sins Look down upon us with thy compassionate eyes who are here before thee in the bitternesse of our soules and doe now with troubled spirits with broken and with contrite hearts most humbly beg pardon for these multitudes of our offences Look we humbly beseech thee upon the blood of thy sonne which speaks better things then that of Abell for his sake spare us Lord spare thy people that these sins rise not up against us for his passions sake expose us not for a prey to their cruell hands who would both devoure and deride us R. Spare us Lord spare thy people for the glory of thy name O deliver us and be mercifull to all these our sins through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily ly bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill Amen O Lord open thou our lips And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen LAMENTATIONS out of Jeremy the Prophet LOok down O LORD in the Bowels of thy pitty and lend a tender ear unto the voice of our Lamentations Our Adversaries are the chief our enemies prosper For thou hast afflicted us for the multitude of our transgressions The Crown is fallen from the head wo unto us that we have sinned O Lord behold our afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself The Adversary hath spread out his hand upon all our pleasant things they have entred into and have prophaned thy sanctuaries They have seen us low and they have mocked at our Sabboaths our solemn feasts are become their scorn and our devotions their derision O Lord behold our afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified himself Thou art become our Enemy thou hast increased among us Mourning and Lamentation because thou hast despised in the indignation of thine anger both the King and the Priest See O Lord and consider for we are become very vile All our people sigh The yoak of our transgressions is bound by thy hand they are wreathed and come up upon our necks thou hast made our strength to faile thou hast delivered it into their hands from whom we are not able to rise up Thou hast troden us as in a Winepresse our enemies heare our trouble and they are glad thou hast done it Behold O Lord for we are in distresse Our bowels are troubled our heart is turned within us for we have grievously Rebelled abroad the sword devoureth at home there is 〈◊〉 death Our enemies have opened their mouth against us they hiss and they gnash their Teeth they say We have swallowed them up certainly this is the day that we looked for we have found we have seen it Thus are we in derision all the day long Wee are become their Song and their Musick O Lord behold our afflictions f●… the enemy hath magnified himself They have cryed unto us depart ye ye are unclean depart depart touch not yea the●… men have said they shall no more so●…ourn here O Lord behold our afflictions for the enemy hath magnified himself The breath of our Nostrils the Anointed of the Lord is taken in their pits and slaughtered by their hands of whom yet we said under his shadow we shall live among the midst of these sad distractions O Lord behold this and behold our afflictions for the enemy hath very highly magnified himself Thus do we call to minde our afflictions and our miseries the Wormwood and the Gall our souls have them in remembrace and they are humbled in us and therefore have we hope It is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions faile not They are new every morning great is his faithfulnesse For the Lord will not cast off for ever but though he cause grief yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his Mercies For he doth not afflict willingly nor
govern thy holy Church universally in the right way We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true worshipping of thee in righteousnesse and holiness of life thy servant CHARLS the second our most gracious King and Governours We beseech thee to hear us good ●…rd That it may please thee to rule his heart in thy faith fear and love and that he may evermore have affiance in thee and ever seek thy honour and glory We beseech thee to hear us good Lord That it may please thee to be his defender and keeper giving him the victory over all his enemies We beseech thee to hear us good Lord That it may please thee to bless and preserve the Queen Mother the Duke of York the Duke of Glocester with all the rest of the royall Progeny We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to illuminate all Bishops Pastors and Ministers of the Church with true knowledge understanding of thy word and that both by their preaching and living they may set it forth and shew it accordingly We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Council and all the Nobility with grace wisdom and understanding We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to blesse and keep the Magistrates giving them grace to execute justice and to maintain truth We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to blesse and keep all thy people We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to give to all Nations unity peace and concord We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to give us an heart to love and dread thee and diligently to live after thy Commandments We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to give to all thy people increase of grace to hear meekly thy word and to receive it with pure affection and to bring forth the fruits of the spirit We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to bring into the way of truth all such as have erred and are deceived We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand and to comfort and help the weak-hearted and to raise up them that fall and finally to beat down Satan under our feet We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to succour help and comfort all that be in danger necessity and tribulation We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to preserve all that travell by land or by water all women labouring of childe all sick persons and young children and to shew thy pitty upon all prisoners and captives We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to provide for the fatherless children and widows and all that be desolate and oppressed We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to forgive our enemies persecuters and slanderers and to turn their hearts We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth so as in due time we may enjoy them We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to give us true repentance to forgive us all our sins negligences and ignorances and to endue us with the grace of thy holy Spirit to amend our lives according to thy holy word We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. Son of God we beseech thee to hear us Son of God we beseech thee to hear us O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Grant us thy peace O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Have mercy upon us O Christ hear us O Christ hear us Lord have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Our Father which are in heaven c. And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evill Amen The Versicle O Lord deal not with us after our sins Answer Neither reward us after our iniquities Let us pray O God mercifull Father that despisest not the fighing of a contrite heart nor the desire of such as be sorrowfull mercifully assist our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles and adversities whensoever they oppress us and graciously hear us that those evils which the craft and subtilty of the Devil or man worketh against us be brought to nought and by the providence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy servants being hurt by no persecutions may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church though Jesus Christ our Lord. O Lord arise help us and deliver us for thy Names sake O God we have heard with our ears and our fathers have declared unto us the noble works that thou diddest in their dayes and in the old time before them O Lord arise help us and deliver us for thine honour Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. As it was in the beginning 〈◊〉 now c. From our enemies defend us O Christ Graciously look upon our afflictions Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people Favourably with mercy hear our prayers O Son of David have mercy upon us Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us O Christ. Graciously hear us O Christ graciously hear us O Lord Christ. The versicle O Lord let thy mercy be shewed upon us Answer As we do put our trust in thee ALmighty God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ●…aker of all things Judge of all men we acknowledge and ●…wail our manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most greivously have committed by thought word and deed against thy divine ●…jesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent and be heartily sorry for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grievous unto us the burden of them is intolerable Have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most mercifull Father for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christs sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy Name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmighty God our Heavenly Father who of thy Gr●… mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to All them which with Hearty Repentance and true Faith turn unto Thee Have mercy upon Us pardon and deliver us from all our sins Confirm and strengthen us in all Goodness and bring us to Everlasting Life
through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill Amen O Lord open thou our Li●… And our Mouth shall shew f●…th thy Praise O God make speed to save 〈◊〉 O Lord make haste to help us Glory be to the Father and 〈◊〉 the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Psal. 42 43 55 59 64 94. The First Lesson 2 Sam. 1. After the Lesson A Form Collected out of the Psa●… I. HEar our voice O Lord out of thy holy Temple let our complaint come before thee let it enter even into thy ears Our heart is in heaviness O let us make our Prayer unto thee in an acceptable time Lord our iniquities are against us our rebellions are many wherewith we have transgressed against thee But we confess our wickednesses and are sorry for our sins Our confusion is daily before us fearfulness and trembling are come upon us and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed us and it is thy great mercy onely that we are not consumed for we have sinned O Lord 〈◊〉 have transgressed and done wickedly yea we have rebelled and departed from thy precepts and from thy Commandments Innumerable troubles are come about us our sins have taken hold upon us that we are not able to look up yea they are more in number then the hairs of our heads and our hearts have failed us O Lord righteousnesse belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of face because of all the offences we have committed against thee Yet compassion and forgivenesse is with thee though we have rebelled against thee O Lord according to thy goodness we beseech thee let thine ●…ger and thy wrath be turned away from us and cause thy face to shine upon thy servants Incline thine ears and hear open thine eyes and behold our afflictions for we do not present our supplications before thee in our own righteousness but for thy manifold and great mercies We have sinned against heaven and against thee and are no more worthy to be called thy Sons Yet O Lord hear O Lord forgive consider and do it deferre not for thine own sake O our God Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen II. HEar our prayers O Lord and hide not thy self from our Petitions and hearken unto the words of our mouth fo●… strangers are risen up against us and Tyrants which have not God before their eyes 〈◊〉 after our Souls Cast us not away in the time of our weaknesse forsake us not when ●…r strength faileth us O remember not our offences but according to thy mercy think thou upon us for thy goodness O turn thee unto us and have mercy upon us for we are desolate and in misery The sorrows of our hearts are enlarged O bring thou us out of all our troubles Turn us O God our Saviour and let thine anger cease from us send down from on high and deliver us take us out of these many waters Why art thou absent from us so long why is thy wrath so 〈◊〉 against the sheep of thy pa●… Wherefore hidest thou thy face 〈◊〉 forgettest our misery and trouble for our soul is brought low 〈◊〉 t●…e dust our belly clea●…eth to the g●…d Look upon our adversity and misery forgive us all our sins Arise O Lord and help us and deliver us for thy mercy sake so shall it be known that it is thy hand and that thou Lord hast done it Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning in now and ever shall be world without end Amen III. WE will cry unto the Lord with our voice yea even unto God will we cry with our voice and he shall hearken unto us For the Lord is gracious and long-suffering and of great mercy to them that call upon him The Lord is nigh unto all them that be of a contrite heart and will ●…ave such as are of an humble spirit And now Lord what is our hope truly our hope is even in th●… For our Fathers hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou didst deliver them they called upon thee and were holpen they put their trust in thee and were not confounded The Lord will be a defence for the oppressed even a refuge in due time of trouble and they that know thy name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord never failest them that seek thee The mercifull goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him and his righteousness upon Childrens Children even upon such as keep his Covenant and think upon his Commandments to do them Thou therefore that art a Saviour to all that trust in thee thou that upholdest all such as are falling and liftest up such as be down thou that healest the broken in heart and givest medicine to heal their sickness thou that art the Father of mercy and God of all consolation that art comfort to the sad and strength to the weak hear thy servants we beseech thee look down from Heaven behold and visit us with thy salvation Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen The second Lesson Heb. 12. or St Iames 5. IV. GIve the King thy judgements O God The Lord hear him in the day of trouble the name of the God of Iac●… defend him Send him help from his Sanctuary and strengthen him out of Sion Let the King rejoyce in thy strength O Lord let him be exceeding glad of thy salvation Grant him his hearts desire and deny him not the request of his lips O Lord gi●… him with strength unto the battaile throw down his Enemies under him Make them to turn their backs upon him and disperse them that hate him Deliver him from the sirivings of his people Deliver him from his cruell Enemies and set him up above his adversaries thou shalt rid him from the wicked man and why because the King putteth his trust in the Lord and in the mercy of the most high he shall not miscarry Some put their trust in Charriots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God Save Lord and hear us O King of Heaven when we call upon thee Be thou exalted in thine own strength so will we sing and praise thy power Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be
O God wherefore art thou absent from us so long why is thy wrath so hot against the sheep of thy pasture O think upon thine Inheritance which thou hast purchased and Redeemed of old Lift up thy feet that thou mayst utterly destroy every Enemy that hath done Evil in thy Sanctuary For behold they break down all the ca●…ed Works thereof with Axes and Hammers Yea they have said in their hearts Let us make havock of them altogether And thus have they designed to ruin all the Houses of God in the land But O God how long shall the Adversary do this dishonour how long shall the Enemy Blaspheme thy Name for ever Arise O God maintain thine own Cause Remember how the Foolish man blasphemeth thee daily But O deliver not the soul of thy Turtle Dove into their Hands For the Presumption of them that hate Thee increaseth more and more O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us II. O Lord God of Hosts how long wilt thou be angry with thy People that Prayeth How long wilt thou feed us with the Bread of Tears and give us plenteousnesse of Tears to drink O Turn us again Thou God of Hosts shew us the Light of thy Countenance and we shall be whole Remember that Thou didst once plant a Vine amongst us And when it had taken Root it filled the Land Our Hills were covered with the shadow of it and the Boughs thereof were like the Goodly Cedar Trees But now thou hast broken down her Hedge so that all they that go by pluck off her Grapes The wild Boar of the Wood doth root it up and the Beasts of the Field devour it Yet turn us again O Lord God of Hosts shew us the Light of thy Countenance and we shall be whole For we will not go back from thee O let us live and we shall ●…ll upon thy Name O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us III. HOld not thy Tongue O God keep not still silence Refrain not thy self O God For ●…o Thine Enemies make a murmuring and they that hate Thee have lift up their Head They have imagined craftily against thy People and have taken Counsell against thy secret ones Behold they have cast their heads together with one Consent and are Confederate against Thee They have said Come let us root them out that they may be no more a People and that their Name may be no more in remembrance They come daily round about 〈◊〉 like Water and compasse us on every side But O my God make them like unto a Wheel and as the stubble before the Wind Who say Let us take unto Our selves the Houses of God in Possession O make their Faces ashamed O Lord that they may seek Thy Name O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us IV. O God thou hast cast us out and scattered us abroad Thou hast been displeased at us O Turn thee unto us again Thou hast moved the Land and divided it O heal the sores thereof for it shaketh Thou hast shewn Thy People heavy things and given us a Drink of Deadly Wine Thou hast made us to turn our backs upon our Enemies so that they which hate Us spoil our Goods Thou makest us to be rebuked of our Neighbours to be laugh'd to scorn and to be had in derision of them that are round about us But though all this be come upon us yet do we not forget Thee nor ●…ave our selves frowardly in Thy Co●…ant Our heart is not turned back nor our steps gone out of thy Way No not when thou hast smitten us into the place of Dragons and covered us with the shadow of Death Up Lord Why sleepest thou Awake and be not absent from Us for ever But O why hidest Thou Thy Face and forgettest our Misery and Trouble For our soul is brought low even unto the Dust and our Belly ●…eaveth unto the ground Arise help us and deliver us for Thy Mercies sake O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us King David's Tears O My God why hast thou forsaken Thine Anointed and art displeased with him For Lo Thou hast broken the Covenant of thy servant and cast his Crown to the Ground Thou hast overthrown all his Hedges and broken down his strong holds So that all they that go by spoil him and he is become a Rebuke to his Neighbours For thou hast set up the Right hand of his Enemies and made all his Adversaries to rejoyce Thou hast put out his Glory and hast cast his Throne down to the Ground The Dayes of his Youth hast Thou seasoned with Bitternesse and covered him with dishonor But Lord how long wilt thou ●…ide thy self for Ever and shall thy Wrath still burn like Fire Remember O Lord the rebuke that Thy Servant hath and how he doth bear in his Bosom the Rebukes of many People And let his Adversaries be clothed with sham But upon his Head let his Crown flourish O help him against his Enemies for vain is the help of Man O God make speed to save Him O Lord make haste to help Him Jeremiah's Lamentations Propheticall of these Times HOw hath the Lord covered us with a Cloud in his anger and cast down from Heaven unto Earth the Beauty of Israel and remembred not his Footstool in the Day of his Wrath For Lo he hath bent his Bow as an Enemy He hath swallowed us up and hath not pittied He hath made desolate the Kingdom and the Princes thereof He hath cast off his Altars and abhorred his Sanctuary and hath given into the Hands of the Enemies the Walls of his Palaces He hath caused our solemn Feast●… and Sabbaths to be forgotten and hath despised in his Indignation the King and the Priest For the Lord hath now accomplished his ' Fury He hath poured out his fierce Anger He hath kindled such a Fire in Sion as hath devoured the Palaces thereof For the sins of the Prophets and and the Iniquities of the Priests who have shed the blood of the Iust in the midst of her For the Breath of our nostrils the Anointed of the Lord hath been taken in their Pits Of whom we said under his shadow shall we live in Peace But we have Transgressed and Rebelled and Thou hast not pardoned And therefore our eyes have as yet failed in our vain help For in our Watching we have watched for a Nation that could not save us Behold O Lord and Consider to whom thou hast done this O Lord Thou hast seen his Wrong Judge thou his Cause Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against him Thou hast heard all their Reproach O Lord and all their Imaginations against him The lips of thos that have risen up against him and their Devices against him all the Day O God make speed to save him O Lord make haste to help him II. REmember O Lord what
and ●…bey him as thy Minister not ●…nly for wrath but for consci●…ce sake least contemning ●…ine ordinance we incur that damnation thou hast threatne●… to all those that resist the high●… powers Hear us O Lord f●… his sake who is the Prince 〈◊〉 the Kings of the Earth eve●… Jesus Christ our Lord Amen O Most gracious Lord God the Ruler of Princes whe●… they are in their thrones an●… their Protector when they a●… in perill look down mercifull●… from Heaven we most humbly pray thee upon the low estate 〈◊〉 thine anointed our King comfort him in his troubles defen●… him in his dangers strengthen him in his good resolutions and command thine Angels to pitc●… their tents round about hi●… that he may be defended fro●… the hands of all those that desire his hurt and may be re-established in the just rights o●… his throne through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon him and de●…er him O God the Father c. O God the Son Redeemer of the world have mercy upon him ●…nd deliver him O God the Son c. O God the holy Ghost pro●…eeding from the Father and the Son have mercy upon him ●…d deliver him O God the holy Ghost c. O holy blessed and glorious ●…rinity three Persons and one God have mercy upon him and deliver him O holy blessed and glorious c. Remember not Lord his offences nor the offences of his fore-Fathers neither take thou ●…engeance of his sins spare him good Lord spare thy servant ●…om thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood and ●…e not angry with him for ever Spare him good Lord. From all evill and mischief from the Insurrection of wicked doers from the frowardness and madnesse of the People Good Lord deliver him From mouths full of cursing and bitternesse from all thos●… that speak evill of dignities and from those that slander the foot steps of thine Anointed Good Lord deliver him From them that are confederates and speak so disdainfully against him and from all thos●… that hate him without a cause Good Lord deliver him We sinners do beseech thee t●… hear us O Lord God and tha●… it may please thee to look upo●… the face of thine Anointed and to visit him with thy salvation We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. That it may please thee to plead his cause against them tha●… strive with him and to figh●… against those that fight again●… him We beseech thee c. That it may please thee to hear him in these dayes of his trouble and to send him help from thy Sanctuary We beseech thee c. That it may please thee to arise and maintain his cause and to remember how the foolish man blasphemeth thee daily We beseech thee c. That it may please thee to give him patience in this time of adversi●…y untill the pit be digged up for the ungodly We beseech thee c. That it may please thee in the multitude of the sorrows that he hath in his heart to let thy comforts refresh his soul. We beseech thee c. That it may please thee not to deliver him over to the will of his adversaries nor to false witnesses risen up against him or to such as speak wrong We beseech thee c. That it may please thee to defend him under thy wings and that thy faithfulnesse and truth may be his Shield and Buckler We beseech thee c. That it may please thee to satisfie him with thy mercy and that soon so that he and we may rejoyce all the dayes of our life We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. A Prayer For the Church LOrd who hast promised to thine Apostles to be with them alwayes unto the end of the world and for a supply of their mortality hast in thy gracious providence over thy Church continued a perpetuall succession of Bishops and Pastors to feed their severall Flocks whereof the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers Inspire them by thy grace that their lips may preserve knowledge and the people seek thy Law at their mouth Bless them O Lord with the blessings of Levi blesse their substance and accept the work of their hands smite through the loyns of them that rise up against them and of them that hate them that they rise not again that they may shine forth as lights before us holding forth the word of life till we all come in the unity of Faith and the knowledge of Jesus Christ unto that perfection and fulnesse of thine everla●…ing Kingdome Amen ALmighty God and gracious Father we confess against our selves that we are most worthy of all the Judgements that thou hast threatned against us these Kingdomes and this Church which is now under the Crosse and neer to utter ruin and extirpation unless thy mercy step in between thy fierce wrath and our hainous sins And howsoever the voice of our crying sins hath ascended into thine ears and stirred up destroyers to root us out that we be no more a people and that thy name be no more called upon nor hallowed by us yet we most humbly beseech thee to hear the prayers and supplications with strong cryings and tears which once our blessed Saviour offered for us upon the Crosse and in the garden and which he daily represents unto thee And for his all-sufficient merits which speak better things than the blood of Abel hear not the cry of our sins but the cry of his blood and therein wash all our sins Let our great miseries and dangers suffice for that which is past and let that Oratour in thy own bosome even thine own fatherly goodness perswade and prevail for us and purchase our deliverance and safety Hear us for our selves and others Look upon us with the eyes of pitty and compassion consider our enemies how many and how mighty they be and they bear a tyrannous hate against us Our goods our lands our lives will not suffice their boundlesse ambition our religion our souls and if it were possible our God is that they strike at curse thou their anger for it is fierce and their wrath for it is cruel Divide them in Iacob and scatter them in Israel As for us deliver us out of their hands and unite us together in the bond of peace that being freed from our many and tyrannous enemies we may ever bless thy sacred and holy name and evermore serve thee without fear in all holiness and righteousness all the dayes of our life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen WE beseech thee Almighty God look upon the hearty desires of thy humble servants and stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty to our defence against all our enemies through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen GRant we beseech thee Almighty God that we which for our evill deeds are justly punished by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved through Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty and everlasting God mercifully
look upon our infirmities and miseries and in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us through Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty God which art more ready to hear than we to pray and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve pour down upon us the abundance of thy mercy forgiving us those things whereof we are afraid and giving unto us that that our prayers dare not presume to aske through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the Clergy O Most mercifull Father Lord God of all Order and Peace who hast appointed Bishops and Pastors to be our spirituall guides to oversee and to feed us in their taking care for our Souls We most humbly beseech thee suffer not a Rebellious Novelty by violence to remove this most Ancient Christian Institution Fight thou for them whose Arms are their Tears and Prayers and let not the Patrimony which belongs to thee be made a prey to the rapine of these wicked times That so by the goodnesse of thy mighty strength this poor Church may continue till he come again who is the Shep-heard of our Souls even Iesus Christ our Lord to whom c. THe Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore Amen A Prayer to be said during these sad times of Trouble O Lord our God mercifull and gracious and abundant in goodnesse and truth who dost according to thy will in the Armies of Heaven and rulest over all the Kingdomes of the Earth in whose hand is power and might and none is able to withstand thy Arm we most vile sinners approach before thy Throne of grace bewayling those manifold transgressions that have provoked thy wrath and indignation against us We know O Lord that affliction cometh not forth of the dust neither doth trouble spring out of the ground but it is thou that with rebukes dost chasten man for sin We confess that we were a wealthy and a carelesse Nation and our Land was as the garden of Eden our deliverances were great and thy blessings were multiplied we dwelt alone without fear of evill and were become the envy of those that were round about us Peace was within our Walls and plenteousnesse within our Pallaces But when we had eaten and were full and had waxen fat we kicked against thee our Maker who hadst done so great things for us our heart was lifted up and forgot thee our God and lightly esteemed the rock of our salvation We loathed the Manna that rained down upon us our Peace became a wearinesse and we snuffed at our happinesse we murmured against Moses in our Tents and made light of thine Annoynted whom thou hadst set over us Therefore hast ●…ou recompenced our wayes upon our own heads and suffered our destruction to proceed from our selves our wickednesse doth correct us our backsliding doth reprove us and our iniquity is become our ruine Thou hast broken us with a grievous breach thy anger hath divided us and thy fury hath dashed us one against another Thou hast mingled a spirit of perverseness in the midst of us and made us a Nation void of Counsell and understanding instead of Peace thou hast sent bitternesse and hast sent a fire into our bowells and it is kindled round about us And now O Lord behold the sword is drunk with our blood and we are numbred to the slaughter the high-wayes are unoccupied and the Travailers go through by-paths our fields are divided our inheritance is for a spoil and our substance to the robbers We are become a reproach to the foolish people and servants ●…ar rule over us The mean man is risen against the Honourable and the fire out of the ●…amble devoureth the lofty ●…dars our Women are cast out of their pleasant places and the robe is pulled from the ●…ged there is no respect had to the Priests nor favour to the Elders Thy Sanctuaries even the excellency of thy strength are prophaned and they have defiled the places where thine honōur dwelleth and yet still the seat of wickednesse frameth mischief by a Law and it turn●…h judgement backward and ●…ddeth justice stand afar off ●…d deviseth deceitful matters against those that are quiet in the Land Nay there is a lying Spirit gone out into the mouth of the Prophets they prophecy falsely and the people delight to have it so and they strengthen the hands o●… evill doers that they turn 〈◊〉 back from their wickednesse Thus are we covered with a cloud in thine anger and our beauty is cast down to the ground But O Lord shall thine Indignation be poured out for ever shall thy jealousie burn like fire O passe by the transgressions of the remnant of thine heritage and take away the rebuke of thy people O remove from us reproach and contempt and strengthen the spoyled against the destroyers Bow down thine ear and consider the oppression of the poor the sighing of the needy the groaning of the Prisoners that are fast bound in misery and Iron Lift up thy self because of the rage of thine Adversaries consider the desolation they have made in thy Courts and all that the Enemy hath done wickedly in thy Sanctuary And yet still they are compassed with pride and doath themselves with violence as with a garment How long O Lord shall they boast themselves in mischief how long shall they decree unrighteous decrees and write grievousnesse which they have prescribed O make not a full end with us but correct us in mercy though thou leave us not altogether unpunished Helps us O Lord our God for we rest on thee and under the shadow of thy wings shall be our refuge untill this Tyranny be overpast Disappoint therefore the devices of the crafty let not the Rebellious exalt themselves any more and suffer not the Tabernacles of the Robbers to prosper And as thou hast begun to shew thy Servants thy greatnesse and thy mighty hand so continue thy marvellous loving kindnesse to those who put their trust in thee The Battail●… is thine O Lord thou hast preserved us from the Arm of flesh yea it is thou that hast wrought all our works in us even when there was no might against that great company that came against us When we were few in number and there was none to help us then thine own Arm brought salvation and thy righteousnesse sustained us O perfect therefore thy handy work Give salvation to our King and deliver CHARLS thy Servant from the perill of the Sword bind up his soul i●… the bundle of life gird him with strength to the Battail contend with those who contend with him subdue thou the people under him and suffer no weapon formed against him to prosper O deliver him at length from the strivings of the People and lift up his head above his Enemies round about him give him the shield of thy salvation and let thy gentlenesse
Refuge and strong Tower of defence to all them that put their trust in thee receive our humble Petition save this City this Nursery of thy Church and thy afflicted People from the hand of their Enemies We know that unlesse thou keep the City the Watchman watcheth but in vain un●…sse thou defend us our Foundations which are laid in dust cannot stand firm We acknowledge our own weaknesse and ●…t which makes us weaker our ●…full demerit But thou art ●…oth the Lord of Hosts Prince of Peace able to destroy the strongest Army with an Army of most despicable Creatures with things of nothing with sudden weaknesse and follies with a ●…mour or imagination Thou canst bring us to the brink of destruction and call us back again Look down therefore most mercifull Lord upon this Place and according to thy ●…onted goodness resist the proud and give grace to the humble that run to the shadow of thy wings for succour Thou that stillest the raging of the Sea and the madnesse of the People say to the one as to the other hither shall thy proud waves come and no further Suffer not the purpose of our Oppressors to stand nor their Counsells to prosper nor their Force to prevail But set thy hook into their nostrils to turn them back or confound them according to thy good pleasure and secret wisdome by which thou disposest all Events beyond the means and reach of man But arme thy lowly Servants with Faith and Patience raise our Spirits guide our Consultations strengthen our hands help our wants bless our endeavours with success That we being delivered like them that dream may praise thee as men awaked out of dust and having seen and escaped thy Ro●… may serve thee ever hereafter with true obedience through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer drawn by his Majesties speciall direction and Di●…ates for a blessing on the Treaty at Uxbridge O Most Mercifull Father Lord God of Peace and Truth we a People sorely afflicted by the Scourge of an unnatural War do here earnestly beseech thee to command a blessing from Heaven upon this present Treaty begun for the establishment of an happy Peace Soften the most obdurate Hearts with a true Christi●… desire of saving those mens blood for whom Christ himself hath shed his Or if the guilt of our great sins cause this Treaty to break off in vain Lord let the Truth clearly appear who those men are which under pretence of the Publick good do pursue their own private ends that this People may be no longer so blindely miserable as not to see at least in this their day the things that belong unto their peace Grant this gracious God for his sake who is our Peace it self even Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for Peace ALmightyGod terrible in thy Iudgements but more wonderfull in thy Mercies who turnest man to Destruction and again thou sayst Come again ye children of Men we miserable sinners prostrate this day before thee humbly confesse with Horror in our Hearts and Confusion in our Faces that every one of us hath more or lesse contributed to that vast heap of crying fins which hath now in so high a measure draw down thy vengeance on us that we have abused thy Patience so long till we have at last turn'd it into Fury compelling thee by our often provocations to visit us in blood to make us tear out our own bowells and by a strange unnaturall War raised we know not why thy Iustice and our Sins excepted to become executioners of our selves and so to sin afresh in the very punishments of sin But alas what profit is there in our Blood or what Glory can come to thee by our Ruine Let it suffice O God that thou hast thus far rebuked us in thine Anger but consume us not utterly for we are all thy People Say to the destroying Sword It is enough and let it be no longer drunk with the blood of thine Inheritance But look down upon our unfamed Humiliation hear the Prayer which in the bitternesse of our Souls we pour out this day before thee accept of our Repentance and where it is defective let thy Holy Spirit make it up with Groanes that cannot be expressed Look upon thy Moses who standeth in the gap beseeching thee to turn thine anger from thy People remember what he hath suffer'd and the heavy things that thou hast shewn him and in the day when thou makest Inquisition for Blood forget not his desires of Peace the endeavours which he hath used and the Prayers which he hath made to thee for it Return all this O Lord with comfort into his Bosome And since thou hast already wrought so much for him as to bring these unhappy entangled differences to a Treaty take not off thine hand till thou hast untied every knot and cleared every difficulty Send thy Spirit into their hearts who are entrusted with this great work give them Bowels of Compassion toward their bleeding and ●…piring Country strike a Sense into them of the blood already shed and the Desolation to come which threatneth all if they prevent it not But above all let thy feare run through all their consultations that remembring the sad account which in the last great day will be required of them they may lay aside every Sin and every Interest that may divert them from the wayes of Peace and by the guidance of thy Wisdom for in this all humane wisdom failes find out those blessed expedients as may restore the voice of Joy and Peace into our Dwellings in such a way as may be most to the Glory of thy Great Name the Settlement of the true Religion so long professed among us the Honour and Safety of the Kings Sacred Person and the Good of all his People Hear these our Prayers and perfect this great work through the mediation of thine own dear Son Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the ending of the present Troubles O Most just and powerfull Lord God to whom vengeance belongeth we cannot but acknowledge that the manifold miseries which have befallen us are the due reward of our deeds and that we have deserved that the things which belong to our Peace should still be hid from our eyes For when of thy own free mercy thou wert pleased to grant us a long time of plenty and prosperity more then thou gavest to any the Nations that are about us we became weary of our happinesse and by our ingratitude pulled down upon us those judgements which now threaten desolation to this late flourishing kingdom And since the time of our affliction thou hast given us space to repeat and we repented not Iniquity hath still more and more abounded As heretofore thy mercies did not allure us so now thy judgements have not humbled us to a serious consideration of our misdeservings Now O Lord we finde our selves intangled and wearied by our own Counsells The troubles of our
heart are in larged Our iniquities and the punishments which attend upon them are a burden too heavy for us to bear And therefore in the anguish and bitternesse of our souls we return unto thee humbly beseeching thee in whom alone is our help to have respect unto the Prayers of thy servants O shut not up thy loving kindnesse in displeasure let not thine anger burn against the sheep of thy pasture But bind up the breach of this People Let the sighing of the Prisoners come before thee Behold the tears of the distressed Orphans and Widdows and of all such as are oppressed and have no comforter How long O Lord holy and true doest thou forbear to command deliverances Remember thy tender mercies which have been ever of old and save us as thou hast done heretofore Remember thy promise of deliverance to those who call upon thee in the day of trouble And when the blood that hath been shed calls aloud for verigeance O then hearken unto the voice of thy Sons blood which speaks better things behold the Lamb of God who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities And to this end regard the sincerity of thine Anointed maintain thine own cause and preserve unto him that power which thou hast given him bind his soul in the bundle of life let mercy and truth preserve him and let his Throne be established for ever before thee Blesse them that are peaceable and faithfull in the Land And as for those that have risen up against him we beseech thee melt and mollifie their hearts to the entertainment of compassion and love reclaim them to obedience lay not their sin to their charge but guide their feet into the way of Peace Give to those that have done wrong the grace to repent and to those that have suffered wrong minds ready to forgive And if any shall be averse from Peace O thou that art the wonderfull Counsellor turn their wisdome into foolishness confound their practises and let their mischief return upon their own heads And when thou hast vouchsafed to give us that tranquillity which we beg at thy hands give 〈◊〉 grace to embrace it with all thankfulnesse to obey our Governours to live at unity among our selves evermore blessing thy glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Collects I. LOrd raise up we pray thee thy power and come amongst us and with great might succor us that where as through our sins and wickednesse we be sore let and hindred thy bountifull grace and mercy through the satisfaction of thy Son our Lord may speedily deliver us to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be honour and glory world without end Amen II. ALmighty and everlasting God which dost govern all things in heaven and earth mercifully hear the supplications of thy people and grant us thy peace all the dayes of our life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen III. ALmighty and everlasting God mercifully look upon our afflictions and in all our d●…ngers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us through Christ our Lord Amen IV. GOd who knowest us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers that for mans frailnesse we cannot alwayes stand uprightly Grant to us the health of body and soul that all those things which we suffer for sin by thy help we may well passe and overcome through Christ our Lord Amen V. O Lord we beseech thee favourably to hear the prayers of thy People that we which are justly punished for our offences may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness for the Glory of thy name through Jesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth world without end Amen VI. LOrd We beseech thee to keep thy Church and houshold continually in the true Religion that they which do leane only on thy heavenly grace may evermore be defended by thy mighty power through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen VII WE beseech thee Almighty God look upon the hearty desires of thy humble servants and stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty to be our defence against all our enemies through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen VIII GOd the Protector of all that trust in thee without whom nothing is strong nothing is holy increase and multiply upon us thy mercy that thou being our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporall that we finally lose not things eternall Grant this Heavenly Father for Jesus Christ his sake our Lord Amen XI LOrd we beseech thee let thy continual pitty cleanse and defend thy congregation and because it cannot continue in safety without thy succour preserve it evermore by thy help and goodnesse through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Certain additionall Prayers In the time of War O Almighty God who art high above all Nations and whose glory is above the Heavens the comfortable successe of all enterprises is from thee onely to be looked for Thou art he which givest victory unto Kings to thee it is all one to save by many or few thou canst make one to chase a thousand thou canst cause the hearts even of the most valiant to melt their hands to be weak their minds to faint and their knees to fall away like water If thou fight for us we cannot miscar●…y If thou favour us not we must needs be discomfited O be gracious unto us and be on our side now that men are risen up against us They take crafty Counsell against thy Church and consult how to cut us off from being a Nation and by what means to quench the light of thy Truth which hath shined in our streets Their desire is to imbrue their hands in blood and to advance their own ambition by our overthrow O turn their Counsels into foolishness Let not their mischeivous imaginations prosper lest they be too proud O our God make them like unto a wheel and as the stubble before the winde Scatter the People that delight in War Go out O Lord with our Armies give wisdom and courage to our Captains gird them with strength unto the battell be with our Souldiers teaching their hands to war and their fingers to fight Assist all the Consultations prosper the Policies crown those enterprises with good successe which are undertaken for the common good and comfort of the Weal-publique Doubtless O Lord we have deserved thine anger and our sins do cry loud in thine ears for vengeance and it were but just with thee if thou shouldst make us a prey and ●…spoil unto our Enemies But O Gracious God let us now fall into thy hands for thy mercies are great and let us not fall into the hands of men whose displeasure at us is not for our sins but for our Profession and Religions sake and that they may fill their own inlarged and insatiable desire with those blessings of wealth which thou hast given us Put therefore thy hook into their nostrills and
Private Forms OF Prayer Fitted for the late Sad-Times Particularly A Form of Prayer for THE Thirtieth of Ianuary Morning and Evening With Additions c. London Printed by Tho. Mabb and to be sold by William Not at the White Horse neer the little North door in Saint Pauls Church-yard 1660. Private Forms of Prayer Fit for Sad Times Heretofore Printed at Oxford and used occasionally upon Dayes of Solemn Humiliation and Fasting In his late Majesties Royall Chappell of blessed and glorious Memory ALSO A Form of Prayer for the 30th of January Morning and Evening Likewise Prayers of Intercession for the Use of such as Mourn in Secret Together with a Collection of severall other Prayers PUBLISHED That the world may take notice of the Powerfull though Private aydes contributed by the joynt hands and hearts of such as were Gods Remembrancers and Mourners in Sion during the late distractions in Church and STATE London Printed by Tho. Mabb and are to be sold by William Not at the White Horse neer the little North-door in St. Pauls church-yard 1660. St. James 5. 12. Is any among you afflicted let him pray St. Math. 5. 4. Blessed are they that mou●…ne for they shall be comforted Psal. ●…6 5. 6. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtlesse come again with rejoycing bringing his sh●…es with him The Preface OUr Saviour Compares the Kingdome of Heaven to a Merchant Man And Merchants when they send out a Ship observe their Returnes We have been Long Adventurers to Heaven and God hath been pleased at last to give us a gracious returne to answer our Prayers even beyond our expectation and hopes When we were with the Disciples in the storme at Lord save us We perish Then did our saviour who before seemed to sleep being awakened by the continued and faithfull prayers of the seven thousands who had not bowed their knees to Baal rebuke the winds and the waves still the raging of the Sea and the madnesse of the people And We trust now as then there will follow a great happy calme Hereupon As the very Heathen When they had suffered shipwrack and got safe to land were wont appendere votivam Tabulam to consecrate a votive table and bang it up to the honour of their preserver Neptune As David after the slaughter of Goliath dedicated the Sword wherewith he had slain him and had it kept behind the Ephod in the Tabernacle As God Commanded that a Pot of Manna should be kept for the Generations to come that their Posterity might see how he fed their Fathers in the wildernesse As even in the Land of Canaan the bitter herbs were still reserved in the eating of the passeover in memory of that bitter servitude they underwent in the House of Bondage So are these Prayers here like the bitter herbes or a bundle of Myrrhe collected reserved and consecrated To him to whom they were devoutly offered up the Father of mercies and God of all Consolation To him who accepts a little Frankincense piously offered no lesse then a Hecatombe To him who heareth Prayers and hath not rejected ours To him who hath turned our captivity not his mercies from us It is of thy Goodness O Lord that we were not utterly consumed It is because thy Compassions faile not Not unto Us O Lord not unto Us but unto thy name give the Praise And the same gracious God who hath so happily begun so wonderfully carried on and done so great things for us already whereof we deservedly rejoyce He in his own time perfect his own work his own way and make us a happy Church and Nation May O may those black dayes never returne which at first extorted these mournfull Threnodies which are here presented for thy Consolation in looking back upon that which is past not thy use with respect to the future of which may there never be any more occasion But for the time to come may these Prayers be turned into Praises this Euchologium into Doxologies our Elegies into Hosanna's and our Lamentations into Hallelujah ' s. And let all the People say Amen Private formes of Prayer fit for sad times The Contents SEntences of the S●…pture Page 1 A general Confession 3 A Le any 7 A prayer for forgivenesse 17 The Absolution 19 The Lords Prayer 19 A Psalm instead of venite exultemu●… 21 Proper Psalms and 〈◊〉 25 A Forme Collected out of the Psalms l. Page 26 II. 28 III. 30 Psal. 51. 33 With part of the Commination prayers 37 Eight Prayers or Collects I. Page 39 II. 40 III. IV. 42 V. VI. 43 VII VIII 44 Prayers for the afflicted Church of England 45. 47. A Collect for Charity 50 The Conclusion 50 A Forme of Prayer for the 30th of Ianuary Preface Page 55 A generall Confession 61 A Letany 65 A Pryer for forgivenesse 75 The Lords Prayer 77 Lamentations out 〈◊〉 Jeremiah the Prophet 78 Proper Psalms and first Lesson 82 A Forme collected out of the Psalmes I. P. 83 II. 85 III. 87 Second Lesson IV. 90 V. 92 The Creed 94 The Lords Prayer 95 Thirteen other Prayers I. 96 II. 102 III. 104 IV. 112 V. 113 VI. 117 VII 119 VIII 124 IX 130 X. XI 132 XII 134 XIII 135 A Proper prayers or the 30th of January 136 Evening prayer for the 30th of Ianuary The Letany of the Church 145 The Confession of sinnes 157 The absolution 158 The Lords Prayer 158 Proper Psalmes and I. Lesson 159 A Forme Collected out of the Psalms 160 II. 162 III. 164 Second Lesson IV. 167 V. 169 The Creed 171 The Lords Prayer 172 XIII Prayers or Collects I. 173 II. 175 III. 178 IV. 180 V. 183 VI 186 VII 195 VIII 198 IX X. 199 XI 200 XII XIII 201 A proper prayer for the 30th of January 203 An Anniversary prayer for the 30th of January 212 Prayers of Intercession for the use of such as Mourn in secret Proper Psalms and lessons pag. 2●…8 A Preparatory prayer 219 King Davids prayer for the Church and people I. 223 II. 224 III. 225 IV. 227 King David's tears 229 Jeremiah's Lamentations Prophetical of these times I. 231 II. 233 Daniel's prayers and Confession 135 Praers for the King I. 247 II. 238 III. 280 A Letany of Intercession 244 A Prayer for the Church 253 A Prayer for the Queen Mother and the Royall Progeny 254 A prayer for the afflicted 255 An humble and submissive expostulation with God upon Oliver Cromwells Proclamation against the Loyall Clergy 258 A prayer for the Church of England 268 A prayer for the Kings Birth-day May 29. 276 The Ministers prayer for the people 279 The peoples prayer for the minister 282 Aother 286 Proper psalms for severall occasions 288 Proper Lessons for severall occasions 289 A prayer for the King 291 Another with Prince Charles his Letany 292 A prayer for the Church 297 Five other prayers or Collects I. 298 II. 300 III. IV. V. 301 A prayer
for the Clergy 332 A prayer to be said during these sad times of trouble 304 A prayer for preservation from the enemy 312 A Confession of sins and prayer for pardon 314 A Prayer for the King 318 A prayer for the preservation of the University and City of Oxford 330 A prayer drawn by his Majesties speciall directions and dictates for a blessing on the treaty at Uxbridge 323 A prayer for peace 325 A prayer for the ending of the present troubles 329 IX Collects I. 334 II. III. 335 IV. V. 336 VI. 337 VII VIII 338 IX 339 Certain additionall Prayers In the time of war 339 A Prayer for a Souldier 3●… A Prayer upon the re-admission of the formerly Secluded Members February●…1 ●…1 1659. 348 A Prayer upon the Assembling of the present Parliament April 25. 1660. 351 A Thanksgiving for his Majesties safe arrivall and return to his kingdome May 25. 1660. 354 Private Forms of Prayer fit for these sad Times Psalm 10. vers 1. WHy standest thou so far off O Lord and hidest thy face in the needfull time of trouble Psal. 3 v. 1 2 3. Lord how are they increased that trouble us many are they that rise up against us Many one there be that say of our soules there is no help for them in their God But thou O Lord art our desender thou art our worship and the lif●…r up of our heads Ier. 10. 24. Correct us O Lord and yet in thy judgement not in thy fury least we should be consumed and brought to nothing Psal. 130. 3. If thou Lord wilt be extream to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it O come let us worship let us humble our selves let us fall low and kneel before the Lord our Maker Then this generall Confession to be said all kneeling O Thou Judge eternall we the finfullest of all the sons of Men that have abused thy Mercies provoked thy judgments unsheathed thy glittering sword forced all the Arrows and Darts out of thy Quiver and with our multiplied abominable crying sins brought down a desolation on a most pleasant land that former delight of thine the glory of all lands We that after thy wrath was poured out upon us have yet further encreased our sinns as thou hast encreased the weight and number of thy Judgments upon us walked most unprofitably and obdurately under all thy disciplines and visi●…ations suffered all thy pretious methods of reducing us thine admonitions and thy stripes to be utterly lost and frustrate among us brought down a blast and mildew upon all that hath been undertaken to repaire our breaches and reduce our Peace We do now at length in th●… remorse and bitterness of our soules desire to cast our selves down upon the ground before thee to confess and acknowledge thy patience and Long suffering that we have not been under the sharpest of thy displeasure and to adore thy goodness whatsoever becomes of us though it be in the shame and confusion and Condemnation both of our bodies and our soules Lord this is the mildest that we have reason to expect from thy Iustice in retribution to our sins and whatsoever is less then this whatsoever the bitternesse of our ●…up be in this life though thou shouldest cast us into the place of Dragons give us to drink of the wine of astonishment the most stupifying deadly po●…ion number us all to the sword poure out thy fire and brimstone upon us Yet if by thus chastizing of us here thou please to rescue us from that sadder doome of being condemned with the world This is a most inestimable mercy of thine beyond all that we have hitherto so unworthily enjoyed Lord we desire and professe to acquit thy justice in thy proceedings to adore the bounty of thy goodness and patience towards us that we have not long ago been as Admah and Zeboim as Sodom and Gomorrah that we have this day liberty to approach thee Lord that it may yet be thy good pleasure to come home to every one of our soules to strike our hearts to break up these fallow grounds of ours that all thy pretious seed be no longer so cast away among thorns And by the power of thy mighty controwling convincing spirit that thou wouldest once subdue all the resistances of our spirits against this most holy most reasonable motion of humiliation within us Lord this is the one earnest desire of our soules that hath cast us low this day before thy footstoole with cryes and tears and earnest groans that thou wouldest have this mercy upon us that thou wouldest thus powerfully reveale thy self unto us who hast thus long smitten importunatly called unto us That being returned unto thee in fasting weeping and mourning and renting of our hearts we might be capable of thy returns unto us of the further impressions of thy grace and never more contradict or quench or grieve that spirit of thine which hath thus long contended and wrestled with us that so it may be seasonable with thee to give us the comfort of thy help again and the confidence to approach thy p●…ce to praise that Majesty 〈◊〉 hath not cast out our Prayer nor turned his mercy from us To whom be all honour and glory power and praise now and for ever Amen O Lord the great and dreadfull God keeping Covenant and Mercy to them that love thee and to them that keep thy Commandments We have sinned with our fore-fathers We our Kings and our Priests our Nobles and all the People of this Land and have rebelled even by departing from thy precepts and thy judgements By our impious and godlesse thoughts of thee our confidences in the arme of flesh by placing our affections too much upon earthly things by neglecting to love a●…d delight in thee by presuming of thy me●… and yet continuing in 〈◊〉 we have provoked and r●…ed against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By our want of reverence to thy service not considering the awfulnesse of thy presence and that honour due to thee in thy House by our formall and hypocritical worship by open prophanation and sacriledge by shews and pretences of Piety to cover our worldly and wicked designes we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By vain and rash Oaths Blasphemies and Per●…uries especially our carelesse breaches of Oathes made to our Soveraigns forgetting that such are the Oaths of God and that thou thy self in a more especial manner art a strict avenger of them by our execrations of our selves our brethren and our enemies we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By our undervaluing thy publique Service and neglecting to bear a part in it by mispending of that time either there or elsewhere in wanton or worldly thoughts and
advantages And though thou hast now violently removed thy Tabernacle yet O Lord let not one pin of it be lost But erect it again amongst us in the wonted order and beauty for thy goodnesse sake for thy mer●… sake for thy Son Christ Iesus sake ●…ur onely Lord and Saviour Amen O Lord which dost teach us that all our doings without charity are nothing worth send thy holy Ghost poure into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity the very bond of peace and all virtues without whic●… whosoever liveth is counted dea●… before thee Grant this for thine onely Son Jesus Christ's sake The Conclusion THe Almighty Lord which is a most strong tower to all●… them that put their trust in him to whom all things in Heaven i●… earth and under the earth do●… bow and obey be now and evermore our defence The defence of this afflicted Church The defence of these di●…cted Realmes The defence of all ●…ch who do or suffer for the testimony ●…f a good Conscience The defence of ●…e blessed and holy offices of our Mo●…r the ●…hurch The defence of this ●…nd all other congregations that meet ●…gether in thy holy fear The defence 〈◊〉 our dear relations both at home ●…nd abroad The defence of our ●…n persons The defence of our souls ●…dies and estates And make us all to know and ●…el that there is no other name ●…nder heaven given unto man 〈◊〉 whom and through whom we ●…ay receive re-establishment in our ●…eligion restauration of our Li●…rties reconciliation with thee ●…r God together with peace and ●…fety among men felicity here ●…d salvation hereafter but one●… the name of our Lord Iesus ●…rist To whom with the●… O Father and the blessed spirit 〈◊〉 ascribed as i●… most due all H●… nour and Glory Praise Might Majesty Dominio●… and Adoration of all A●…gels of all Men and of 〈◊〉 Creatures now and for 〈◊〉 Amen Amen A FORME OF Prayer FOR the Thirtieth of Ianuary A form of Prayer for the 30th of January Preface to be read standing 1. RIghteous art thou O Lord when I plead with thee yet let me talke with thee of thy judgments where●…ore doth the way of the wicked ●…rosper wherefore are all they ●…appy that deal very treacher●…usly 2. Thou bast planted them yea ●…ey grow and bring forth fruit ●…ou art neare in their lips and ●…rre from their reines where●…re holdest thou thy tongue ●…ile the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous th●…●…e 3. They have condemned an●… killed the Just and he doth no●… refist them 4. They make a man an offend●… for a word and lay snares for him that repro●…eth th●…m in the gate 〈◊〉 turn aside the Iust for a thing of nought 5. They say let us lay w●… for blood let us lurke privily fo●… the Innocent blood 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cause we shall find●… 〈◊〉 substance we shall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…es with spoile 6. Wherefore they 〈◊〉 their Net and burn Iucense 〈◊〉 their Dr●…gg because by it thei●… p●…tion is fat and their ●…eat plen●…●…s 7. Art not thou from everlasting my Lord my God my holy one O Lord thou hast 〈◊〉 them for Judgment 〈◊〉 mighty God thou hast establi●…ed them for Correction 8. But thoug●… the righteous be prevented by death yet shall he be at rest 9. For his soule pleased the Lord therefore he hath hasted to take him from among the wicked 10. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die and their departure is taken for misery and their going from us for utter destruction but they are in peace 11. For though they be punished in the sight of men yet is their reward full of immortality 12. And after a little chastenlug they shall be greatly rewarded for God hath proved them and found them worthy for himself 13. As Gold in the fire hath he tried them and received them as a burnt offering 14. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their works follow them 15. For if we have been planted with him in the likenesse of his death we shall also be in the likenesse of his resurrection 16. O our God we are ashamed and blush to lift up our faces to thee for our iniquities are increased over our beads and our trespasse is gone up to Heaven since the dayes of our Fathers have we been in a great trespasse unto this day and for our Iniquities have we our Kings and our Priests been delivered to the sword to captivity to a spoil and to confusion of face as it is this day 17. What shall we say or how shall we clear our selves God hath found out the Iniquity of his Servants We have transgressed and rebelled thou hast not pardoned 18. Thou hast covered with anger and persecuted us thou hast slain and not pittied 19. The Lord hath kindled a fire in Zion and it hath devoured the foundations thereof 20. For the sins of her Prophets and her Priests that have shed the blood of the Iust in the midst of her 21. And now O Lord thou art most Just in all that is come upon us for thou hast done right but we have done wickedly 22. Behold we are before thee in our trespasse for we cannot stand before thee because of this 23. O Lord though our iniquities testifie against us yet do thou it for thy names sake for we have sinned against thee 24. Be not wrath very sore neither remember iniquity for ever 25. Be mercifull O Lord to thy people whom thou hast redeemed and lay not innocent blood to the charge of thy people 26. Deliver us from bloud-guiltiness thou God of our health and our tongue shall sing of thy righteousness Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen O come let us worship let us bumble our selves let us fall low and kneel before the Lord our Maker Then this General Confession to be said All kneeling OThou Judge Eternall we the sinfullest of all the sons of men that have abused thy Mercies provoked thy Judgements unsheathed thy glittering Sword forced all the Arrows and Darts of thy Quiver and with our multiplied abominable crying sins brought down a desolation on a most pleasant Land that former delight of thine the glory of all Lands We that after thy wrath was poured out upon us have yet further encreased our sins as thou hast encreased the weight and number of thy Judgements upon us walked most unprofitably and obdurately under all thy disciplines and visitations suffered all thy pretious methods of reducing us thine admonitions and thy ●…ripes to be utterly lost and ●…ate amongst us brought down a blast mildew upon all that has been undertaken to repair our breaches reduce our peace We do now at length in the remorse and bitterness of our souls desire to cast our selves down upon the ground before thee to
confess and acknowledg thy patience and long-suffering that we have not been under the sharpest of thy displeasures and to adore thy goodness whatsoever becomes of us though it be in the shame and confusion and condemnation both of our bodies and soules Lord this is the mildest that we have reason to expect from thy Justice in retribution to our sinnes And whatever is lesse then this whatsoever the bitterness of our cup be in this life though thou shouldest cast us into the place of Dragons give us to drink of the Wine of astonishment the most stupifying deadly potion number us all to the sword pour out thy fire and brimstone upon us Yet if by thus chastizing of us here thou please to rescue us from that sadder doom of being condemned with the world this is a most inestimable mercy of thine beyond all that we have hitherto so unworthily enjoyed Lord we desire and profess to acquit thy Justice in thy proceedings to adore the bounty of thy Goodness and patience towards us that we have not long ago been as Admah and Zeboim as Sodom and Gomorrah that we have this day liberty to approach th●… Lord that it may yet be t●… good pleasure to come home 〈◊〉 every one of our soules to strike our hearts to break up these fallow grounds of ours that all th●… pretious seed be no longer 〈◊〉 cast away amongst thornes And by the power of thy mighty controuling convincing Spirit that thou wouldest once subdue all the resistances of our spirits against this most reasonable motion of humiliation within us Lord this is the one earne●… desire of our souls that hath ca●… us low this day before thy foo●… stool with cries and tears earnest groans that thou wouldst have this mercy upon us that thou wouldest thus powerfully reveal thy self unto us who hast thus long smitten and importunately called unto us that being at last returnd unto thee in weeping fasting and mourning and renting of our hearts we might be capable of thy returns to us of the further impressions of thy grace and never more contradict or quench or grieve that spirit of thine which hath thus long contended and wrestled with us that so it may be seasonable with thee to give us the comfort of thy help again and the confidence to approach thy presence to praise that Majesty which hath not cast out our prayer nor turned his mercy from us to whom be all honour power glory and praise now and for ever Amen O LORD the great and dreadfull God keeping Covenant and mercy to them that love thee and to them that keep thy Commandments we have finned with our forefathers We our Kings our Priests our Nobles and all the People of this Land and have Rebelled ev●… by departing from thy Precepts and thy judgements BY our impious and godlesse thoughts of thee our confidences in the Arm of Flesh by placing our affections too much upon earthly things by neglecting to love and delight in thee by presuming of thy mercies and yet continuing in our sin●… we have provoked and Rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By our want of Reverence to thy Service not considering the awfulness of thy presence and that honour due to thee in thy house by our formall and hypocritical worship by open prophanation and sacriledge by shews and pretences of piety to cover our worldly and wicked designes we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By vain and rash Oaths blasphemies and perjuries especially our careless breaches of Oaths made to our Soveraign forgeting that such are the Oaths of God and that thou thy self in a more especiall manner art a strict avenger of them by our execrations of our selves our Brethren and our Enemies we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnes belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By undervaluing thy publick Service and neglecting to bea●… a part in it by mispending o●… that time either there or elsewhere in wanton or worldly thoughts and imployments and not keeping the spiritual Sabboth unto thee in serving th●… truly all the dayes of our life by not duely observing the times of Festivity or Fasting appointed by just Authority according to the example of thy people in all ages we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousnesse belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By not duely acknowledging thine Ordinance and Authority in the persons of our Superiours by speaking evill of Dignities and reviling the Rulers of thy People by groundless jealousies and suspitions misjudging and censuring their actions and at last proceeding to that highest and horrid pitch of violation of that Image of thine imprinted on them By being as a People that strive with their Priests by not obeying them that have the rule over us and not submitting ourselves to them who by thy Appointment watch over our souls by neglecting the care of those committed to our charge not correcting those sins which have cryed loud for exemplary punishment We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By rash anger malice hatred and revenge and the bloody effects thereof by uncharitable contentions and divisions factions and animosities by cruelty and unmercifulness and communicating in the sins of blood We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By the manifold sins of uncleannesse by seeking or not avoiding the occasions thereof by idlenesse intemperance and drunkennesse by immodest words and gestures by our shamelesse boasting or not blushing at those sins We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By Thefts Rapines and Oppressions scandalizing thereby the Honour and Justice of a good Cause by vexatious suites so much practised and countenanced by exactions by unjust gains in bargaining by defrauding the labourer of his hire by want of due care in expending what we have and a good conscience in acquiring more We have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By lying detraction and contumely by endeavouring to advantage a good Cause by falshood and unjust means by censuring and rash judgments by false Witnesse and perverting the course of Justice we have provoked and rebelled against thee O Lord righteousness belongs unto thee but unto us confusion of face as at this day By desire of change and uncontentednesse in our Estates by giving ourselves over to lustfull covetous and inordinate affections by desiring Peace not so much for thine honour or the publique good as the
grieve the children of men Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is no●… and ever shall be world without end Amen The Psalms for the Day 7. 10. 22. 37. First Lesson 2 Chron. 35. from 〈◊〉 20. ad fin Lament 5. Zac●… 12. v. 10. ad finem A Form Collected out of the Psalms I. HEar our voice O Lord out of thy holy Temple let our complaint come before thee let it enter even into thy ears Our heart is in heavinesse O let us make our Prayer unto thee in an acceptable time Lord our iniquities are against us our rebellions are many wherewith we have transgressed against thee But we confess our wickednesses and are sorry for our sins Our confusion is daily before us fearfulness and trembling are come upon us and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed us and it is thy great mercy onely that we are not consumed for we have sinned O Lord we have transgressed and done wickedly yea we have rebelled and departed from thy precepts and from thy Commandements Innumerable troubles are come about us our sins have taken hold upon us that we are not able to look up yea they are more in number then the hairs of our heads and our hearts have failed us O Lord righteousnesse belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of face because of all the offences we have committed against thee Yet compassion and forgivenesse is with thee though we have rebelled against thee O Lord according to thy goodnesse we beseech thee let thine anger and thy wrath be turned away from us and cause thy face to shine upon thy servants Incline thine ears and hear open thine eyes and behold our afflictions for we doe not present our supplications before thee in our own righteousness but for thy manifold and great mercies We have sinned against heaven and against thee and are no more worthy to be called thy Sons Yet O Lord hear O Lord forgive consider and doe it deferre not for thine own sake O our God Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now a●…d ever shall be world without end Amen II. HEar our prayers O Lord and hide not thy self from our Petitions and hearken unto the words of our mouth for strangers are risen up against us and Tyrants which have not God before their eyes seek after our Souls Cast us not away in the time of our weaknesse forsake us not when our strength faileth us O remember not our offences but according to thy mercy think thou upon us for thy goodness O turn thee unto us and have mercy upon us for we are desolate and in misery The sorrows of our hearts are enlarged O bring thou us out of all our troubles Turn us O God our Saviour and let thine anger cease from us send down from on high and deliver us take us out of these many waters Why art thou absent from us so long why is thy wrath so hot against the sheep of thy pasture Wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest our misery and trouble for our soul is brought low unto the dust our belly cleaveth to the ground Look upon our adversity and misery and forgive us all our sins Arise O Lord and help us and deliver us for thy mercy sake so shall it be known that it is thy hand and that thou Lord hast done it Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen III. WE will cry unto the Lord with our voice yea even unto God will we cry with our voice and he shall hearken unto us For the Lord is gracious and long-suffering and of great mercy to them that call upon him The Lord is nigh unto all them that be of a contrite heart and will save such as are of an humble spirit And now Lord what is our hope truly our hope is even in thee For our Fathers hoped in thee they trusted in thee and thou di●… deliver them they called upon thee and were holpen they put their tr●… in thee and were not confounded The Lord will be a defence for the oppressed even a refuge in due time of trouble and they that know thy name will p●… their trust in thee for thou Lord never failest them that seek thee The mercifull goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever up●… them that fear him and his righteousness upon Childrens Children even upon such as keep his Cove●… and think upon his Command●… to do them Thou therefore that art a Saviour to all that trust in thee thou that upholdest all such as are falling and liftest up such as be down thou that healest the broken in heart and givest medicine to heale their sicknesse thou that art the Father of mercy and God of all consolation that art comfort to the sad and strength to the weak hear thy servants we beseech thee look down from Heaven behold and visite us with thy salvation Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen The second Lesson appointed by the Calendar of the Church for the 30th of January throughout all time is the 27. Chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew GIve the King thy judgements O God The Lord hear him in the day of trouble the name of the God of Iacob defend him Send him help from his Sanctuary and strengthen him out of Sion Let the King rejoyce in thy strength O Lord let him be exceeding glad of thy salvation Grant him his hearts desire and deny him not the request of his lips O Lord gird him with strength into the battaile throw down his Enemies under him Make them to turn their backs upon him and disperse them that hate him Deliver him from the strivings of his people Deliver him from his cruell Enemies and set him up above his adversaries thou shalt rid him from the wicked man and why because the King putteth his trust in the Lord and in the mercy of the most high he shall not miscarry Some put their trust in Charriots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the Lord our God Save Lord and hear us O King of Heaven when we call upon thee Be thou exalted in thine own strength so will we sing and praise thy power Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Hol●… Ghost As it was in the beginning is no●… and ever shall be world without end Amen V. O Lord God that doest build●… up Hierusalem and gather together the outcasts of Israel Wherefore art thou absent so long●… Why is thy wrath so hot against t●… sheep of thy pasture O think upon thy Congregation whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old
Think upon the tribe of thine inheritance and mount Sion where thou hast dwelt Lift up thy Feet and disperse all those our Enemies which have done evill in thy sanctuary For they have broken down the carved work thereof with Axes and Hammers they have defiled the ●…welling places of thy name yea they ●…aid in their hearts let us make ha●…ock of them altogether O God how long shall the Adversary doe this dishonour ●…ow long shall the Enemy blas●…heme thy name for ever Why withdrawest thou thy hand ●…hy pluckest not thou thy right hand ●…ut of thy bosome to scatter the ene●…y Arise O God maintain thine ●…wn cause Remember how the foolish man blasphemes thee daily Forget not the voice of thine Enemies the presumption of them that ●…ate thee encreaseth ever more and more Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen The Creed I Believe in God the Fath●… Almighty maker of heave●… and earth and in Jesu●… Christ his onely Son our Lord●… which was con●…eived by the holy Ghost born of the Virgin M●…ry suffered under Ponce Pilat●… was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and fitteth on the right hand o●… God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgivenesse of fins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting Amen Let us Pray The Lord be with you And with thy spirit Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill Amen O Thou most mighty Creator and wise Ruler of all things who hast reserved the disposall of all events to thine own all-seeing Wisdome and never permittest any thing to be done by the malice of men or Devils but what thou discernest absolutely most usefull and profitable for thy Servants Thou who a●… good beyond all that we can judge or chuse even when thy judgements are most terrible and astonishing We thy sinfull creatures do here prostrate our souls before thee desiring to adore and tremble at thy presence to admire the finger of thine own hand in that great vengeance which did as upon this Day befall us Lord it is the provocation of our ●…ns that hath reached up to heaven that hath brought down these amazing punishments upon earth thou hast abounded to us in mercies beyond all the Nations of the world granted us all the advantages we could pray for and we murmured against thy bounty rebelled against thy most obliging methods of melting and over coming an obdurate people And then what remained but that thou shouldest withdraw those graces which we had so long abused and prophaned Deprive us of all our ornaments leave us naked and bare cast us out into the open field to the loathing of our persons Judge us as women that break wedlock and shed blood are judged and give us blood in jealousie and fury And thus hast thou in thy just displeasure proceeded with us thou hast abased our glory thou ha●… in our very faces thou ha●… reproach upon all that 〈◊〉 ●…cious amongst us Thou hast permitted an host not onely against the daily sacrifice to cast down the truth to the ground but even against thine own Ordnance thine own inscription the Image of thine own power amongst us and in all this to practise and prosper Lord thou hast called us to lamentation and bitter mourning beyond the weeping of Rachel f●… her children or the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo Lord they are our rebellions against thee which thou hast Visited upon our late Soveraigne our beloved I●…siah and to the aggravation of our sin and woe they were our hands that executed this butchery upon him In this tho●… hast more then delivered up th●… Nation unto Sathan to the adversary to buffet and thresh us thou hast delivered us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 selves to assassinate our 〈◊〉 Our greatest sin is our 〈◊〉 punishment The utmost of our provocations against thee is the utmost of thy inflictions upon us And yet O Lord all these accursed effects of our sins have not served to alien us from them none repenteth of his way or saith what have I done But every one rusheth into his course as the horse rusheth into the battell And since O Lord we have not in this 〈◊〉 heard the things that 〈◊〉 to our peace what can we expect but that they should for ever be hid from our eyes That our measure being filled up and thy righteous servant removed by our violence from holding up our Pillars we should all become one common Ruine That the earth should swallow us up for Cora●…s sins or the destruction of thine own antient people the Je●… should be the reward of the obduration of thine own people And then O Lord t is thy great mercy to our late Soveraign that thou hast taken him away from the evill to come And it is the joy of our hearts in the midst of our lamentations that having so fitted him for thy self given him that wonderfull measure of Patience Constancy and Magnanimity thou we●… pleased to crown all these Graces with perseverance here and in exeha●… 〈◊〉 his crown of thornes 〈◊〉 incumbrances of a broken Kingdome on earth hast received him into a participation of thy crown of Glory As for us O Lord we are laid at thy feet to hear what the Lord God will say concerning us whatsoever thy purposes are we desire to embrace them Christianly though it be to cast us away as straw to the dung-hill but if yet there may be place of mercy Lord lift up the lig●… of thy countenance and be gracious to the remnant of thine heritage To this end O Lord convert us from the evill of our wayes and our enemies from the cruelty of theirs thou God of purity and peace grant that we be no longer a wicked nor a self-destroying Nation but that we may all at length joyn together in a serious unfeign●… humiliation for the shed●… 〈◊〉 that precious innocent bl●… and all those other sinns that have brought down thy desertions on us Grant this for Jesus Christ his sake Amen II. O Lord this is a day 〈◊〉 trouble of rebuke and blasphemy a day wherein a wonderfull and horrible thing was 〈◊〉 in our land most 〈◊〉 blood shed with more barbarous aggravations then we know where to paralell on this side the murder of thy dear Son And because sentence against this
government O let the wickednesse of the wicked come to an end but guide thou the just Give O Lord rest from our fears 〈◊〉 from our sorrows and from ●…he oppressions under which we ●…n Let thine hand O Lord 〈◊〉 ●…own towards thy servants ●…nd thine indignation towards ●…hine and the Kings Enemies 〈◊〉 down O Lord from hea●… and behold from the habi●…tion of thy holinesse and of thy glory restraine not we be●… thee thy zeale nor thy strength nor the soundings of thy Bowels and of thy Mercies ●…rds us Heare us O Lord 〈◊〉 King of Heaven when we c●…l upon thee and grant our 〈◊〉 and that for Jesus Christ sake our onely Lord and Saviour Amen IV. BLessed Lord in whose fight the death of thy Saints 〈◊〉 most precious we magnifie thy name for those wonderfull 〈◊〉 ●…ions of thy Grace on our 〈◊〉 Martyred Soveraigne which enabled him so happily to transcribe the Copy of his blessed Master in a Constant Meek suffering of all barbarous indigniti●… and at last resisting even 〈◊〉 blood and even then pursui●… that glorious Pattern and pra●…ing for his Murtherers Let 〈◊〉 Memory O Lord be ever ble●… among us and his example efficacious upon us that we may follow him as he follow'd Christ And O Lord we beseech thee let not his blood out-cry hi●… Prayers but let those that spilt the one obtain benefit by the other that by their Conviction and Repentance his Innocency may receive the happiest attestation our Religion be vindicated from the scandall of so horrid a fact our Nation secured from the vengeance of that blood and thy mercy glorified in the Conversion of so great sinners and all for Jesus Christ his sake Amen V. O Just and Righteous Judge who didst once for the inquity of thy People Israel give up thy Ark into the hands of the Philistines We thy sinfull Creatures that are now under as great a degree both of guilt and punishment doe here cast our selves down before thee acknowledging that we are not worthy any longer to retain the honour of Christian Profession that have so long defamed it by enormous Practises and that we who loved darknesse more then light deserve to have our Candlestick removed and to be given up to that ●…undation of Atheism and Prophanenesse which now invades this gasping Church yet O Lord deale not with us after our sins but turn thee again thou Lord of Hosts look down from heaven behold and visite this Vine do not abhor us for thy names-sake do not disgrace the Throne of thy Glory Behold see we beseech thee we are all thy People though a rebellious and stiff-necked generation yet thy name is called upon us leave us not neither forsake us O Lord God of our salvation but though thou feed us with bread of Adversity and water of Affliction yet let not our Teachers be removed into a corner but let our eyes see our Teachers let not Sion complain that she hath none to lead her by the hand among all the Sons that she hath brought up but provide her such supports in this her declining Condition that she may have a seed and Remnant left And in what degree soever thou shalt permit this storm to encrease upon this poor Church be pleased proportionably to fortifie and confirm all those that are Members of it that no one may be shaken or moved with these Afflictions nor pervert that glorious advantage of suffering for thee into an occasion of Apostatizing from thee But that we may all run with patience the race that is set before us and cheerfully partake of the Afflictions of the Gospel that in suffering for Christ here we may reign with him for ever hereafter and all for Jesus Christ his sake our onely Lord and Saviour Amen O Lord guard the Person of thy Servant the King Who putteth his trust in thee Send him help from thy holy Place And evermore mightily defend him Confound the designes of all those that are risen up against him And let not their rebellious wickednesse approach near to hurt him Let the Curse of Saul light upon the endeavours of those men who contrive or Imagine mischief for him And let the blessings of David remaine upon his Head and upon his Seed for evermore O Lord hear our Prayer And let our Cry come unto thee VI. O Lord God of Hosts who didst deliver David thy servant from the perill of the Sword Hear us we beseech thee most miserable sinners who do here poure out our souls before thee intirely desiring the protection of thy hand upon thy Servant the King let him finde safety under the shadow of thy wings and preserve his Person as the Apple of thine own Eye Suffer not that Sword which thou hast put into his Hands to be wrested out by the hand of man but blesse his Counsels with successe and his enterprises with Victory that he may become a terrour to all those that oppose him and as the dew of the latter rain upon the hearts of all those that do still continue loyall to him And O thou that takest no delight in the misery of one single sinner spare mercifull Lord spare a great though most sinfull Nation pitty a despised Church and a distracted State heale those wounds which our sins have made so wide that none but thine own hands can close them and in the tendernesse of thine unspeakable compassion hasten to put so happy an end to these wasting Divisions that thy service may be more duly celebrated thine Anointed more conscienciously obeyed that the Church may be restored to a true Christian Unity and the Kingdome to its former Peace And that for his sake who is the Prince of peace and that shed his precious blood to purchase our peace even Jesus Christ the righteous to whom with the●… O Father and the blessed spirit be all Honour and Glory world without end Amen VI. O Thou most mighty Creator and wise Governour of all that hast for our sins and provocations given us to drink of a most bitter astonishing cup and demonstrated by thy late proceedings with us how inexorable thou art towards us who have been so obstinate and obdurate toward thee that would not hear in that our Day the things belonging to our peace and now they are hid from our eyes We those wretched Creatures of thine do yet desire to adore and prostrate our soules before thee to put our hands upon our mouthes and our mouths into the Dust and acknowledge all Honour and Glory to be due unto thee whatsoever becomes of us Though to these amazing Calamities thou shouldest yet super-add thy fire and Brimstone from Heaven and all the horrors of astonished hearts and the eternal Worm and Flames the due portion of the damned in Hell O Lord thou art most just in all thy judgments and infinitely merciful that we live to call upon thee this day O that these sharp last necessary methods of thine may at length prove
world without end Amen V. O Lord God that dost build up Hierusalem and gather together the outcasts of Israel Wherefore art thou absent so long Why is thy wrath so hot against the sheep of thy pasture O think upon thy Congregation whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old Think upon the tribe of thine inheritance and mount Sion where thou hast dwelt Lift up thy Feet and disperse all those our Enemies which have done evill in thy sanctuary For they have broken down the carved work thereof with Axes and Hammers they have defiled the dwelling places of thy name yea they said in their hearts let us make havock of them altogether O God how long shall the Adversary do this dishonour how long shall the Enemy blaspheme thy name for ever Why withdrawest thou thy hand why pluckest not thou thy right hand out of thy bosome to scatter the enemy Arise O God maintain thine own cause Remember how the foolish man blasphemes thee daily Forget not the voice of thine Enemies the presumption of them that hate thee encreaseth ever more and more Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen The Creed I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his onely Son our Lord which was conceived by the holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven ●…teth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge 〈◊〉 quick and the dead I bel●…ve in the holy Ghost the holy Catholike Church the Communion of Saints the forgivenesse of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting Amen Let us Pray The Lord be with you And with thy spirit Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us OUr Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them th●… trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill Amen I. O Lord this is a day of trouble of rebuke and blasphemy a day wherein a wonderfull and horrible thing was committed in our land most sacred ●…nnocent blood shed with more barbarous aggravations then we know where to parallel on this side the murder of thy dear Son And because sentence against this evill work hath not been ex●…ed speedily the hearts of this people are wholy set in them to do evill this respite which thou hast given us to work our Repentance hath served onely to compleat our sin by adding an obstinate impenitency to the former Guilt and so fitting us for that finall excision which thou hast threatned to obdurate sinners And now O Lord this fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation is all that remains unto us who have thus despised the riches of thy mercy Yet O Lord out of these depths do we desire to call upon thee Lord hear 〈◊〉 voice and if that finall 〈◊〉 tence be not irreversibly g●… out against us be pleased 〈◊〉 turn thy wrath away 〈◊〉 to suffer thy whole displeas●…e to arise To this end thou O 〈◊〉 who breakest the gates of 〈◊〉 and smitest the bars of 〈◊〉 sunder be thou pleased to 〈◊〉 these unrelenting hearts of 〈◊〉 to work in every one of us 〈◊〉 sense of our horrid abom●… ons especially that of this day as may cast us down in the 〈◊〉 est degree of Humiliation and Contrition before thee that 〈◊〉 we may be capable of that ●…tation which thou hast promi●… to the humble that Comfort which thou hast assigned to Mourners through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen II. BLessed Lord in whose sight the death of thy Saints is most precious we magnifie thy name for those wonderfull effusious of thy grace on our late Martyred Soveraign which enabled him so happily to transcribe the Copy of his blessed Master in a Constant Meek suffering of all barbarous indignities and at lost resisting even unto blood and even then pursuing that glorious Pattern and praying for his Murtherers Let his Memory O Lord be ever blessed among us and his example efficacious upon us that we may follow him as he followed Christ And O Lord we beseech thee let not his blood out-cry his Prayers but let those that spilt the one obtain benefit by the other that by their Conviction and Repentance his Innocency may receive the happiest attestation our Religion be vindicated from the scandal of so horrid a fact our Nation secured from the vengeance of that blood and thy mercy glorified in the Conversion of so great sinners and all for Jesus Christ his sake Amen O Lord guard the Person of thy Servant the King Who putteth his trust in thee Send him help from thy holy Place And evermore mightily defend him Confound the designs of all those that are risen up against him And let not their rebellious wickednesse approach near to hurt him Let the Curse of Saul light upon the endeavours of those men who contrive or Imagine mischief for him And let the blessings of David remain upon his head and upon his ●…ed for euermore O Lord hear our Prayer And let our crycome unto thee III. O Lord God Infinite in Power by whom the Thrones of Kings are established and their persons made sacred Take we beseech thee into thine immediate and divine protection thine anointed Servant the King that no sacrilegious profane hand may come near to touch him In all his wayes let thy Spirit guide him and thy holy Angels pitch their tents about him O Lord comfort him in his troubles defend him in his dangers support him in his cause shew some token on him for good even now O God when the Sons of violence are in their pride and triumph over him whom thou hast exalted designing and rejoycing to root out that religion which thine own right hand hath planted Defeat their purposes O thou preserver of men and let not their mischeivous imaginations any longer prosper but blast all their Counsels wither away all their Armies like grass scorched by the Sun Bow down at last their stiff necks and obdurate hearts to a desire of that peace which hath so long been an abomination to them That this miserable Nation may no further pursue their own ruin but being by so many bitter punishments made sensible of thine anger for this unnatural division may at last be reduced within their first obedience to the glory of thy Name the vindication of our defamed religion the comfort of our afflicted King and the happiness of this yet bleeding dom And confirm all this to Us O Lord by the merits and through the
deliverance thou hast put us in a Capacity of the lesse then be thou pleased to be jealous for thy Land and p●…y thy people Consider the troubles we suffer of them that hate us and let not all the evils 〈◊〉 little before thee that 〈◊〉 come upon us upon our Kings upon our Priests and upon all this people Restore us our Judges as at the first and our Councellors as at the begin●…ing and Comfort us again ●…ter the time wherein thou hast ●…agued us And for the years ●…erein we have suffered adversity But if in recompence of having made thee serve with our sins servants must Rule over us though they have dominion over our Bodies and goods at their pleasure yet O Lord let them not have dominion over our souls Let not all our oppressions make us act any thing contrary to our Christian profession much less wholly renounce it But what ever other judgements we must groan under Lord deliver us not up to that Barbarism and irreligion which hath already made so great a breach upon us We cannot but confess it most just in thee to permit Us who have so long resisted the power of Godliness to proceed now to Cast off the very form and that we who would not receive the Love of the truth should be given over to strong delusions to believe Lyes And this saddest effect of thy wrath hath already overtaken many among us and doth universally threaten the rest for since thou hast laid waste the wall of thy Vineyard what can we expect but that it should be trodden down Thou hast broken our two staves Beauty and bands all Order and Unity the necessary supports of a Church 〈◊〉 at once perishing from amongst us the solemn feasts are forgotten in Sion her Elders sit upon the ground and keep silence while they ●…om thou hast not sent run while they to whom thou hast 〈◊〉 spoken prophesie and 〈◊〉 these is prophaness gone into all the Land We O Lord which might once have gone with the multitude to the house of God are now driven into se●…ret Corners to celebrate the most solemn parts of thy service whilest it is become more safe to blaspheme then to adore thee publiquely This this O Lord is the unsupportable pa●… of our afflictions the sting of all our miseries If we had been only sold for Bondmen and Bondwomen we could have held our peace but thine abhorring thine Altar and casting off thy Sanctuary this is for a Lamentation and must be for a Lamentation Thy servants think upon the stones of Sion and it pityeth them to see her in the dust O Let not all those tears prayers that are poured out for her return empty And because thou thy self hast recommended unto us the efficacy of importunity be thou pleased to give us that grace to ●…cite and stirre up all that make mention of the Lord that they may give thee no rest till thou establish our Ierusalem again a praise upon Earth To that end O Lord give us Pastors af●… thine own heart such Priest whose lips may preserve knowledge and make us diligently to seek the Law at their mouths and grant that we being by this deprivation taught the value of such precious advantages and the sin of our former contemning them may unanimously contend for the regaining them by a cordiall universall forsaking of those sins which have turned away these good things from us Extend the same mercy to those who have been the most actively instrumentall to this sad devastation both of Church and State Withdraw from them those treacherous prosperities which make them think that thon art even such an one as themselves and by unravelling that webb of strange successes wherewith they have hid their shame discover them to themselves and to all whom they have seduced O let not the temporall ruines which they have brought upon us become the eternall Ruin of any one soul among them but convince them of the horror of their guilt and let that convincement work that godly sorrow never to be repented of That so thou mayst give them their portion not with Hypocrites but with Penitents and that for his sake whom thou hast set forth to be our Propitiation Iesus Christ our Lord Amen VII O Mercifull God we thy wretched sinfull Creatu●…es who have no other qualification for thy mercy but that one of extreme misery do yet presume to approach thee humbly beseeching thee to look not on our merits but our wants and by removing all those obstacles which our sins have interposed against our succours to render us accessible to thy comforts and reliefs and then dispense them to us O Lord in such order and measure as thy wisdom shall see expedient and when thou seest us fit to be again entrusted with our outward peace be pleased to restore it to us but in the mean time deny us not the inward nor any of those means which are necessary to the procuring or maintaining of it To this end O Lord continue to us the light of thy truth and let not all these unfruitfull works of darkness which we have hitherto committed in that light provoke thee to extinguish it Avert O Lord all those sad portents that threaten destruction to this Church And though thou hast given Satan and his instruments power over all that she hath yet O Lord spare her life Let there still be a remnant left to praise thee and when by these sharp tryalls thou hast vindicated her integrity be pleased to bless her as thou didst Iobs latter end by giving her a double portion of all real advantages And though thou hast now violently removed thy Tabernacle yet O Lord let not one pin of it be lost but erect it again amongst us in the wonted order and beauty and though she have lyen among the pots yet let her be as the wings of a Dove which is covered with silver wings and her feathers like gold let her builders make haste and her destroyers and those that have laid her waste go forth of her Deliver her from those Bruitish Pastors which have made this thy pleasant portion a desolate wilderness but give her such guides as may by their doctrine build us up in our most holy faith and by their example shine as lights in this perverse generation and make us so to obey them which watch for our souls that they may give an account of them with Joy and not with grief Grant this mercifull Lord for his sake who is the Shepheard and Bishop of our souls Jesus Christ our Lord Amen VIII ALmighty and everlasting God which hatest nothing that thou hast made and dost forgive the sins of all them that be penitent create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we worthyly lamenting our sins and knowledging our wretchedness may obtain of thee the God of all mercy perfect remission forgiveness through Jesus Christ Amen IX GRant we beseech thee Almighty God that we
say with all Christian submission and cheerfulness It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good And here O Lord we offer unto thee all possible praise and thanks for all the Glory of thy Grace that hath shined forth in thine Anointed our 〈◊〉 Soveraign and that thou wert pleased to own him this Day especially in the midst of his Enemies and in the hour of death and to endue him with such eminent Patience Meckness Humility Charity and all other Christian Virtues according to the example of thine own Son suffering the sury of his and thine Enemies for the preservation of thy Church and People We Praise thee also for the Courage and Comfort thou hast given unto us of his Party by that owning and assisting him or any that have suffered in that Righteous Cause And we beseech thee give us all grace to Remember and provide for our latter end by a Careful studious imitation of those blessed patterns of thy Saints and Martyrs that have gone before us that we may be made worthy to Receive benefit by their prayers which they in Communion with thy Church Catholick offer up unto thee for that part of it here Militant and yet in sight with and danger from the flesh that following the blessed stepps of their holy Lives and Deaths we may also shew forth the Light of a good example for the Glory of thy Name the Conversion of Enemies and the improvement of those Generations we shall shortly leave behind us and then with all those that have born the Heat and burthen of the day thy Servant whose Sufferings and Labours we this day commemorate receive the Reward of our Labours the Harvest of our Hopes even the Salvation of our own souls and that for the merits and through the mediation of thy Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ Amen An Aninversary Prayer for the Thirtieth of Ianuary O Most mightie God terrible in thy judgements and wonderfull in thy doings towards the Children of Men Who in thy heavie displeasure hast suffered this day that execrable thing to be done among Us which We cannot mention without horror nor remember without astonishment We thy poor afflicted Creatures 〈◊〉 dejected looks and bleeding hearts humblie confesse in the behalf of all the people of this wretched land that our crying sins have ●…en the Cause that the Crown is th●… fallen from our head and an innocent King given up to the rage of cruell and bloudie men But O Gracious God lay not the guilt of this bloud the shedding of which none but thy blood can expi●…e lay it not on the whole Nation for thou hast yet a remnant among Us who having neither hands nor ●…earts defiled with it do still mourn in secret and bewail the committing of that fact which heaven and earth ●…ors But if thy justice must be satisfied Let the thunder of it light upon their heads and theirs alone who ●…ot only contrived and acted so foul a murther but are as yet so far from being touched with any remorse or repentance for it that they justifie their sin and in an high blasphe●…ie pretend thy Name and Glorie for all that they have done Lord in thy good time consider ●…is Consider not only what they ●…ve done to that royall Martyr who 〈◊〉 raignes with thee in Glorie But with what eagernesse they have since pursued him To whom Thou hast given the Crown saying with those wicked Husbandmen This is the Heir let us kill him that the Inheritance may be Ours But O mercifull God let not this wicked imagination of theirs ever take effect but set thy watchfull Providence as a continual fence about him shew some token on him for good even now O Lord when they have swallowed him up in the pride of their strength and think they have made their hill so strong that thy can never be moved This is thine hour O Lord this is thy time Now shew thy self O Th●… who art the Iudge of the W●… 〈◊〉 judge equally between hi●… and those sons of Belial Thou seest thy Church is laid waste thy People oppressed thine Anointed cast out as an unprofitable Branch his Armies overthrown 〈◊〉 Friends ruined his Enemies mighty his Hope 's vanished and all human remedies consumed But Thou art the same God that fittest between the Cherubims be the Earth never so unquiet Hear Us therefore in the midst of our confusions Restore to Us the light of our eyes the King whom thou hast given Us. Be from henceforth his Guide and his Counsel and his mighty Deliverer and never leave him till Thou hast made the Stone which those Builders have set at nought the head-stone of the Corner That We may evermore rejoyce in the felicitie of thy Chosen and falling down before thine Altars give thanks to Thee in the great Congregation Grant this O God for his sake that pleads for Us even Iesus Christ the righteous Amen Prayers OF Intercession FOR The use of such as Mourn in Secret for the Publike Calamities of these Nations London Printed by Tho. Mabb 1660. Lessons appointed to be read on this Occasion Psalm 80. 90. 102. Nehem. 9. 2 Chron. 13. Judges 9. Ezra 9. 2. Sam. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. Ezek. 9. 22. Numb 16. Isaiah 22. Rom. 13. Amos 4. Iames 5. 1 Pet. 2. Joel 2. 1 Thes. 5. A Preparatory Prayer O Lord I find in that Book of thine which cannot deceive me That the oftner thy servant Abraham prayed the more he got ground upon Thee and came at last to that holy Confidence as not only to Pray to Thee for Himself but to be importunate and press thee in the behalf of others Lord I confess my Case is different For Abraham was the Father of the Faithfull But I am not worthy to be reckoned among his Children He had the Honour to be called thy Friend but My sins have been such that unless Thy Mercy intercede may make thee look upon me as thine Enemy He prayed to Thee for a People of whose sins he was not Partaker But my address is to Thee for them in whose iniquities I am involved have some way or other deeply contributed to the hastning and bringing down those terrible Judgements of Thine which now lie so heavie on us So that alas I am unworthy to appear before Thee for My self and how shall I then dare to supplicate Thee for Others O that there were a Moses to stand in the Gap to turn away thy wrathfull Indignation from us O that there were a David a Daniel a Ieremy to pour out their souls before Thee Yet hear Me O my God For though these Holy Saints have now no being upon Earth Yet their Prayers remain upon Record for every soul that mourns in Secret to make use of O Holy and Blessed Spirit kindle but the same Fervency in my Heart while I repeat their Words as was in Them And I know I shall be Heard I. King David's Prayer for the Church and People
for thy Son Iesus sake O Lord hear my Prayers and let my cry come unto thee O Lord pardon my prayers and let not my sins and mine unworthinesse interpose between thy Mercy-seat and me Amen A Prayer for the Church ALmighty and Everlasting God who only workest great marvells shew the express of thy Goodness to thy desolate and persecuted Church that now sits mourning in her dust and Ruines torn by Schism and stripped and spoiled by Sacriledge And thou which after a long Captivity didst bring back thy People to re-build their Temple Look upon us with the same eyes of Mercy restore to us once again the Publike Worship of thy Name the Reverend Administration of thy Sacraments Raise up the former Government of Church and State That we may no longer 〈◊〉 without King without I rie●… without God in the World But may once more enter thy Courts with Praise and serve thee with that Reverence that Unity and Order as may be acceptable in thy sight through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the Queen Mother and the Royall Progeny ALmighty God the Fountain of all Goodnesse we humbly beseech thee to be gracious to the Queen Mother to comfort her in her Afflictions and to direct her wayes and Counsells as may most conduce to the setling of her Posterity here in Peace Enlarge thy Blessings upon all the Royall Family those that 〈◊〉 driven to fly for Refuge into ●…rraign Lands Take them 〈◊〉 into thy care cover them ●…der thy wings and in thy due time make them so many instruments of thy Glory and our Happiness through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the Afflicted O Lord God Mercifull gracious the only Sanctuary and Refuge of all that are in Misery and Trouble Hear I beseech thee the groans and cries of all that are Afflicted outwardly or inwardly either in body or Mind Especially such who suffer in a Righteous Cause whose loyalty hath been more dear to them then their Fortunes and a good Conscience more precious then their Lives conside●… them O God in their severa●… Extremities whether at hom●… or abroad comfort them 〈◊〉 their Distresses supply them i●… their Wants Let the sorrowfull sighing o●… all that are oppressed come before thee and by the Greatnesse of thy Power preserv●… thou them that are appointed to die Convert and soften the hard hearts of their implacable Enemies and asswage their thirst of blood which still cries more and more Or if thou otherwise hast decreed to bring any more of us through this Red Sea into the Land of Promise prepare us for this passage and guide us by thy blessed Spirit through the shadows of death Continue our Christian courage and constancy to the uttermost strengthen our Faith confirm our Hope and let our Charity ●…erflow even to the forgiving 〈◊〉 them by whose unjust Sen●…e we perish That so dy●…g in thy Peace we may enter ●…to the Joyes prepared for us ●…rough the Mediation of our saviour who hath gone the same ●…y before us even Jesus Christ the Righteous Amen An humble and submissive 〈◊〉 postulation with God when 〈◊〉 Orthodox and loyall Clergy we●… so mercil●…y silenced by that blou●… U●…rper who by Proclamatio●… forbid them either to preach or 〈◊〉 publickly in Churches or priva●… ly in Families not suffering th●… so much as to teach School O That thou wouldst hea●… me O God that tho●… wouldst hear me once more wh●… am but Dust and Ashes while presume yet with all humbl●… Rerence to expostula●… with thee the great and Glor●… ous God in behalf of this pe●… secuted and afflicted Church RIghteous art thou O Lord when I plead with thee yet let me talk with thee of thy Judgements wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously Thou hast planted them yea they have taken root they grow yea they bring forth fruit such as it is the Apples of Sodom and the Grapes of Gomorrah Thou art near in the mouth but far from their reins But wherefore hath the Lord done this unto this Land what meaneth the heat of this great anger O my Lord if thou the Lord art with us why then is all this befallen us and where be all thy Mercies and deliverances which our Fathers told us of saying Did not the Lord bring us out of Egypt did he not deliver us from superstition ignorance and prophanesse from persecutions of the right hand and separations on the left Did he not save us from our open and professed enemies and wilt thou now suffer us to be destroyed by our own selves Say Lord hast thou quite forsaken us and wilt thou deliver us over into the Midianitish hands of our own Mothers sons How long shall Iijm and Ziim the beast of the Island be let alone to leap upon thy Mercy-seat which was wont to be fenced with Cherubims Or art thou weary of our service that thou thus goest about to disgrace the Throne of thy Glory and seemest to abhr both the cry of our Prayers and the voice of weeping For behold Lord we have sown in tears when is it that we shall reap in Joy When wilt thou turn again the Captivity of Sion Is it not enough that she hath been so long as a Lilly among the Thorns but wilt thou now suffer the Thorns to overtop and to choak up this Lilly Or shall the envious mans tares ●…roy the wheat which hath been ●…en in thy field If there be a necessity that He●…s should be yet is there any ●…ity that they should bear sway yea there is no necessity but that thy Truth should prevail O Lord God terrible in thy judge●…s but yet most fatherly in thy ●…cies when shall we hear thee say in this Church of ours as thou didst sometimes to thy afflicted Israel Thus saith thy Lord the Lord and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people Behold I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling even the ●…egs of the cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again But I will put it into the hands of them that afflict thee which have said to thy soul bow down that we may go over Arise O Lord and have mercy upon Sion for it is time that thou have mercy upon her yea the time is come And why thy servants think upon her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust It pittieth them to see that there is none to guide her among all the sons that she hath brought up It pittieth them to see the Priests of the Lord s●…lenced and those lips sealed up which preserve knowledge It pittieth them to have their Teachers removed into a corner and that their eyes cannot see their Teachers It pittieth them and yet doth it not pitty thee O Lord who art the God of pitty and compassion Art thou not
satisfied with the blood already spilt among us but standest thou still ●…ith a sword upon thine Altar Must Aarons rod be suffered to ●…ther in thine own house in thine 〈◊〉 sight while Corah's and Da●…han's do bud and blossom Canst thou O God look on and see the golden pot ravish'd from thine own Tabernacle Canst thou endure to be in the Temple and see those Lights of the Sanctuary put out which thou thy self hast light up Wilt thou suffer the Labourers to be driven out of thy own Vineyard after their working so long there by thy Divine appointment Shall thy House of Prayer become at length a den of Theives and thou thy self stand by as unconcernd whilst they rob thee of thine Honour Thou that saidst to the waves be ye still wilt thou suffer the winds to arise the contrary winds of false Doctrine and to blow against this Ship which thy self hast so long been in●… wilt thou sleep in the Ship while thy Disciples are cast over board Lord carest thou no●… we perish When shall thy Ministers tak●… down their Harps from the Wil●… upon which they hang. When shall they be permitted openly to sing the Lord●… song though in this strang●… Land When O when shall we see the Ark of God to return back from the House of Dagon and David dancing before it When wilt thou open the mouths of thine own Zacharias's the Priests of the Lord that were called to wait upon thee at thine Altar but who are now struck dumb from of●…ating before thee When wilt thou extend mer●… into us in the sight of those ●…at hate us who are set over us 〈◊〉 give us a reviving to set up the ●…ouse of God and to repair ●…he Desolations thereof and to give a Wall in Iudah and in Ie●…salem When shall we accompany the Tribes even the Tribes of the Lord unto the Lords House there to testifie unto Israel to give thanks un●… the Name of the Lord for the ●…ation of our Religion in the 〈◊〉 of so many fiery trialls and the restauration of our Liberties af●…r so sharp a captivity When Lord shall we be allowed to eat bread again freely in thy House yea though it be but to gather the ●…rums that fall from our Masters table How long shall it be ere thou bid 〈◊〉 look with joy vpon Zion the Citty of our Solemnities as thou didst bid thy People the Jews When wilt thou comfort us and say your eyes shall see Ierusalem a quiet habitation a Tabernacle that shall not be taken down not one of the stakes thereof shall be removed neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken O how amiable are thy Dwellings thou Lord of Hosts My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into thy Courts and to go unto thine Altars But Lord It is not for us to know the times and seasons which the Father hath put in his own Power And therefore I desire humbly to submit the successe of all our Prayers and Supplications of our actions and sufferings together with the time of our deliverance unto thy sole pleasure earnestly beseeching thee for thy Grace which is alone sufficient for us that we may cheerfully wait upon thee without thinking thy stay too long till thou have mercy ●…on us The Lord our God is a God of ●…compences and shall surely requit●…●…r Enemies But The Lord is our Judge the Lord is our Lawgiver the Lord is our King he will save us Thou art the Lord and therefore Lord even when thou pleasest and what thou pleasest Not our time but thy time Not our way but thy way Not our Will but thy Will be done Thy Will be done in Earth as it is Heaven Amen A Prayer for the Church 〈◊〉 England O Lord look down in mercy and compassion upon o●… dear Mother the afflicted Church of England to whose breasts thou hast applyed us And grant that we may draw from thence neither blood nor wind but the sincere milk of thy word of an holy Conversation Behold Lord she is none of those Mothers which are for the dividing of their children O preserve thou her children that they also may none of them be for the dividing of their Mother Make her yet once more happy in a Moses and an Aaron in nursing Fathers to go in and out before this People and holy Ministers to stand before thee our God and suffer not ●…e sins of this Nation to be ●…onger to pull down the walls ●…our Sion and Ierusalem then ●…s thy goodness and mercy to ●…ild them up again O that this Church of England ●…ay live in thy sight For which end behold her Priests how they keep silence even from good words which is pain and grief unto them and are denied even a place between the Porch and the Altar though only to weep there for the sparing of the Temple Behold her Virgins how they 〈◊〉 least for want of a Vision the People perish and her Widdows 〈◊〉 they make Lamentation to see Iudgement begin so severely at the House of God Behold how she her self like another Racheb weeps for her children because they are not because they are not suffered to comfort their own Mother and to defend her from all such wh●… mock at her Sabbaths and s●… lemn Feasts and make her se●… vice and Devotions their de●… sion and scorn O Lord behold her Afflictions for the Enemy hath magnified him self against her See O Lord and consider●… for she is become very vile But we trust by how much she i●… become vile in the eyes of man she shall be the more precious in the sight of thee her God And though others set light by her blood yet thou hast promised not to despise her team especially when thou thy self hast washed them in the blood of thy Son O therefore we beseech thee put thou her Tears in thy bottle and let not her sighs and her groans seem little in thy sight Accept of those Humiliations and graciously answer the Prayers which are offered up in secret for her Visit O visit her in Mercy and Compassion now after the time that thou hast afflicted her and for the many years wherein she hath suffered Adversity Let that purple Robe of mockery wherewith first thy self wert clad and now of late this Church of thine be changed at length into garments of joy and gladnesse Let that Crown of thorns which was taken from thy Temples and platted upon hers be now taken from both and crown her instead thereof with Roses out of her own Sharon Let the Print of the nails in thy hands and feet be as the Balm of Gilead to heal and close up the wounds which are made in hers And let the hole in thy precious side be a safe hiding-place and Sanctuary till this
them 〈◊〉 their own way But be thou gratiously pleased to look after ●…hem and when thou hast found them give them a ready willingness to accept of thy shoulders and to be carried ●…ome With thee there is Balm for their wounded consciences and in thy side there is oyl for for their broken hearts Let thy staff O Lord be a support to the weak and let thy rod instruct and correct the refractory And so bless them all in their bodies in their souls in their Estates both with thy temporall and spirituall mercies that here in this life they may live in Love Peace Plenty and all Godliness that so in the Life Eternall they may be made joynt Partakers of Glory and raign for ever with the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world To whom be all honour and glory power and praise from this time forth and for evermore Amen The Peoples Prayer for the Minister O Lord God who of thy mercy hast bestowed upon us Preachers of Righteousnesse and who for our benefit hast appointed the Priests lips to preserve knowledge O Lord Jesu Christ who hast sent labourers into thy Vineyard to dress and trim it and there to reach us fruit from the Tree of life O holy and blessed Spirit who satest in the likenesse of fiery tongues upon the Apostles to inspire thy Church and of whose gift it is that a succession of Ministers is continued among us even to this day O holy blessed and glorious Trinity let me never but be thankfull to thee for all these thy Gifts Preserve me by thy Grace that I may never be of the number of those who love to strive with the Priest And that I may at no time deserve to be struck blind with the dust from a Disciples feet Keep me from ●…surping upon the Ministers Office from defrauding him of his right from maligning his person from calumniating his Doctrine and from abhorring to be reproved by him But grant Lord that I may readily hear and embrace the Message that thou art pleased to send by him be it of mercy or of judgement alwayes saying with old Eli It is the Lord let him do what seemeth best in his own eyes And here among many other thy servants who wait upon th●… at thine Altar bless Lord more particularly that servant of thine to whom thou hast committed the charge of my soul. O never let him sooth and flatter it but as I give him occasion let him discipline and correct it Give him Grace and Courage to speak boldly in the name of Jesu And since thou art delighted with those that tremble at thy Word Lord make me one of their number that thou mayst delight in me Let me never stop mine ears nor withdraw my self from hearing thy servant who speaks home to my conscience But when he shall have wounded mine heart with the sword of thy Spirit O give him power and wisdom to pour as well oyle as vinegar into those happy wounds Lastly Grant Lord I beseech ●…e that he by whose prayers ●…nd instructions thou art gra●…ously pleased to advance my spirituall good may by thy grace and favour be protected by thy Providence assisted by thy great mercies comforted and relieved in all his necessities bodily and ghostly And let me never but thus pray for him who in discharge of his duty both prays and weeps for me Lord grant him deliverance from unreasonable and wicked men who with so much danger to himself endeavours to preserve me from the power of the Devil That so at last both Priest and People the Minister and his Congregation the Shepheard and the whole Flock may walk hand in hand to heaven and be joyfully translated from the Church militant here to the Church triumphant above through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen Another O Most gracious Lord God who hast promised to hea●… the Prayers of others for us and our Prayers for others but both theirs and ours through the powerfull intercession of thy Son Grant I beseech thee that I may reap benefit by the Prayers of all such who are charitably mindfull of recommending me and my necessities to the Throne of Grace Particularly touch both the heart and tongue of thy Servant with a coal from thine Altar give him zeal and intention in all his Devotions And since we are taught by thy holy Spirit that the effectual servent Prayer of a Righteous man availeth much grant him Lord to be Righteous in all his ways Faithfull in his Calling and a sincere Example of holy life and godly Conversation That so those Prayers which he offers up for my self and others may be the more acceptable in thy sight and be the sooner graciously answered with thy Benediction and Blessing both upon our bodies and souls and all for the precious blood-sheddings sake of thy beloved Son and our blessed Mediator Jesus Christ Amen Psalms for pardon of sins Psalm 6. 25. 32. 38. 51. 10●… 130. 143. For Protection from our Enemies and from the punishment of sins Psalm 3. 7. 9. 10. 11. 13. 17. 27. 31. 35. 54. 56. 57. 141. For the Church and all faithfull People Psal. 53. 74. 79. 80. 94. 137. For the King Psalm 21. 61. 89. 132. For Peace 46. 122. 133. In time of Persecution and publick Calamity Psalm 52. 64. 73. 61. 142. 120. In time of War 43. 144. Lessons IUdgments upon Rebellion 2 Sam. 18. Saint Iudea Numb 16. Epist. Idgements up●… Tyrants and ●…lse Prophets Mic. 3. Mat. 7. 23. Mar. 13. 2 Pet. 2. 3. The Iudgement of re●…ving the Candle●…ick and threats of it 1 Sam. 4. Mat. 21. Ezek. 3. Rev. 2. Threats against Disobedience and Promises to the Obedient Deut. 28. Luke 6. Joshua 23. sa 59. Jer. 5. Lamentation for Iudge●…ent on a ●…nd Lam. 1 2 3 4 5. Mat. 20. Isa. 64. Luke 13. Jerem. 4. 9. Baruch 2. 3. 2 Esdras 3. 4. Exhortation to Repentance and Faith Deut. 4 6 8 11. Mat. 6. Isaiah 58. Hosea 4 6. Exhortaion to Fasting and Obedience Joel 2. Jonah 3. Jerem. 〈◊〉 3 7 6. Examples for patient sufferings and Exhortations thereto 2 Sam. 15. Heb. 12. 2 Mac. 6 7. 1 Pet. 〈◊〉 3 4. Jam. 4 5. Temporary Prosperity and Eternall Punishment of the wicked Job 21. Jer. 12. Act. 12. Habbac 1. Mal. 3. Wisdom 5. Persecution of the Church Exod. 5. Revel 12 13. Comforts to the Penitent and Holy Ezek. 9. Mat. 5. Revel 7. Some Prayers for the King and Church c. heretofore printed A Prayer for the King O Lord God who hast commanded us to pray for Kings and all that be in Authority that under them we ●…ay lead a quiet and peaceable ●…fe in all godliness and honesty ●…esse thy Servant our King ●…at he may use that Sword ●…ou hast put into his hands for ●…e protection and reward of ●…he good and the punishment ●…f them that do evill and give grace unto us and all other his Subjects to fear reverence
make him great put a stop at last to the madnesse of the people say to the destroying Sword it is now enough send us a seasonable and quiet calm visit us with the joy of thy Countenance and make us glad according to the dayes wherein thou hast afflicted us O restore to us our solemn Assemblies bring us back into thy Courts to praise thee and let us once more worship thee in the beauty of thy holinesse Save us O Lord from our Enemies and from the hands of all that hate us That so we may serve thee without fear living a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty looking for the blessed appearance of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. To whom with thee and the holy Spirit be all honour and praise world without end AMEN A Prayer for preservation from the Enemy O Eternall God and most mercifull Father we humbly beseech th●… to be mercifull unto us and in the Riches of thy unspeakable mercies be near to help and succour us in all those extremities which our sins threaten to bring upon us The Rebellious are strengthned against us by our multiplied Rebellions against thee and we deserve to suffer what our Enemies threaten even suddain surprizall and destruction to desolation But there is mercy with thee that thou mayst be feared and there is mercy with thee that they may not be fear●… Shew us therefore thy mer●…y O Lord and let us so fear ●…ee that we may be never for●…d to feel or fear them And ●…hen thou wilt correct us for ●…ur sins O Lord in judgement ●…emember mercy and let us ●…all into thy hands and not into the hands of men let us fall ●…to thy hands and not into ●…he hands of ungracious and ●…godly men into thy hands ●…nd not into the hands of sacri●…gious and seditious men into thy mercifull hands and not into the cruell hands of thine and our enemies even for Jesus Christs sake our only Mediator and Redeemer AMEN A Confession of Sins and Prayer for Pardon O Lord of heaven and earth God of the spirits of all flesh we a most sinfull and therefore now a most miserable People do in the bitternesse of our afflicted Souls humbly fall down at the foot-stool of thy grace most sadly bewailing our many and most hainous sins We have multiplied our iniquities into a violation of thy whole Law having neither performed to thee our God nor to man the duties thou requirest of us so that by onr wicked works we have denied that most holy faith whereof our Mouths have for so long a time made profession These things O Lord have we done and because in goodnesse thou wert pleased to ●…eep silence how many of us have thought wickedly that thou ●…ert altogether such an one as ●…ur selves which either didst approve or at least wouldst not punish the Crimes that we do●…ed on And now in thy just judgments thou hast set our sins in order before our eyes in the continued scourge of this ●…sting Rebellion we may well perceive that the sins we have done have not been barely infirmities but Rebellions against thee In the Rapines acted upon the substance thou hast given 〈◊〉 we cannot but consider that by Oaths and Blasphemies we have robbed thee of thine Honour and have oft-times stollen much of that precious time which should have been spent in thy service Nay we have added sin to sin so that one Crime hath brought forth another Transgression and thou hast shewed us even this in thy Judg●… ments we now feel in that th●… present War hath brought forth an infectious disease and dot●… now threaten famine to us We confesse O Lord with all thankfulnesse of heart that thou hast been pleased to sweeten the bitterness of this Cup by many strange successes by frequent and unexpected Victories and yet thou hast so allayed each favour of thine hand with the mixture of some sudden crosse that herein thou hast set our Repentance too before the sight of our eyes and lets us see 't is mixt with so much coldnesse Hypocrisie that there may be as much guilt in such a kind of Repentance as before there was in our sins Yet return O God in great mercy return unto the many thousands of thy people do thou accept and increase in our hearts detestatiō of all wickedness that our sorrows for sin may be as compleatly perfect 〈◊〉 we desire thou shouldst make ●…ur Peace and that for times ●…ereafter our hearty observance of thy whole Law may still run along with such sorrows O let ●…ot thy scourge end in a desolation nor thine anger go on unto the height of an everlasting mine But hear us mercifull Father hasten the aversion of these thy sharp judgements from us and let not the noise of this accursed Rebellion be any longer heard in our streets Scatter thou the People that delight in War and let the blessing of Peace be upon the Heads of all those who strive and pray for this blessing and that for his sake by whose hand thou givest every blessing Jesus-Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer for the KING O Lord God infinite 〈◊〉 power by whom th●… thrones of Kings are established and their Persons made sacred Take we beseech thee into thy immediate and divine protection thine Anointed Servant the King that no Sacrilegious prophane hand come near to touch him in all his wayes let thy Spirit guide him and thy holy Angels pitch their T●…s about him Comfort him in his troubles defend him in his dangers support him in his Cause blesse him in the confusion of all those that rise up against him shew some token on him even now O God when the Sons of Violence are in the highest of their Pride when they have joyned Nation ●…o Nation Covenant to Covenant and Army to Army to ●…ull down him whom thou ●…ast exalted and to Root out ●…hat Religion which thine own ●…ght hand hath planted De●…t their purposes O thou preserver of men and let not their mischievous imaginations ●…ny longer prosper but blast ●…ll their Counsells wither away their Armies like grasse ●…orched by the Sun bow down a last their stiff necks and obdurate hearts to a desire of that Peace which hath so long been 〈◊〉 abomination to them That this miserable Nation may no further pursue their own Ruine ●…d take pleasure in shedding their own blood but being by so many bitter punishments made sensible of thy Anger for this unnaturall division may at last be reduced within their first obedience to the glory of thy Name the vindication of o●… defamed Religion the joy 〈◊〉 our afflicted King and the hap●… pinesse of this yet bleedin●… Kingdom And confirm all th●… to us O Lord by the merits and through the mediation o●… thine own dear Son Jesus Chris●… our Lord Amen A Prayer for the preservation of the University and City of Oxford O Almighty God who are the only sure