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A18909 Bibliotheca theologica: or, a librarye theological containinge, 1. A generall analysis or resolution: 2. A breife elucidation off the most sacred chapters off Elohim his Bible: drawen for the vse of yonge Christians, specially off the poorer sorte, vnable to purchase variety off holy-men theyr wrytinges: by Henoch Clapham. Nihil primum perfectum. Clapham, Henoch. 1597 (1597) STC 5331; ESTC S114484 83,218 88

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Moneth the 17. day of the Month in the body of that day About this Moneth is no litle Controuersie because the Iues begon not the yeare in all accompts alike Theyr Auncient accompt according to which they begin theyr ●ection in Genesis it beginneth the yeare with Tishri containinge part off our September and October Theyr festiuall accompt is with Nisan or Abib appointed to be theyr first Exod. 12. 2. and 13. 4 in regard of the former the seauenth and containeth part of March and April so termed They hold the former Marese●an of Ioseph called Maisenane to be the Begining off the yeare naturall because they think the world was then created But seinge that season is Autumne tide that cannot be so saith the learned Scaligerus and others And why They answer In the third day the Earth was enjoyned to bringe forth euery greene thinge the worlds begininge therfore with Nisan the spring season Not troublinge my brayne with theyr diuised scruples ād minutes of tyme I reason contrary-wise thus first it is graunted by them all that Tishti is most aunciently taken of the Hebrues for the first Moneth naturall and this doth Rabbi Eliezer hold fast say Rasb Iosue and his late disciples what they list against this place Secondly seing the Lord in Exod. 12. 2. saith that thenforth Abib shold be Nisan the prince off the Moneths it is plaine inoughe that this Moneth became first accidentalle as Lita well saith that Alexander his first yeare 1. Math. 1. is called the first off the Greekes kyngdom though the kyndom was before him etc. and if they must now begin a new accompt for begininge the yeare with the springes Aequinoctial it is euident inough that they before begon their accompt from Autumnes Aequinoctiall for with the Aequality off the one or the other they must begin but it appeareth from Exodus and all hebr●e antiquitie that Nisan came to be first but Accidentally therfore the naturall yeare begon with Tishti Thirdly theyr naturall reason from the thyrd days work it proues not what they wold for I wold haue them to tell me iff so Apples can be flourishinge in theyr hue in the Springes begininge Iff they say noe as they needs must then how commeth it about that Heuah in the sixt day did eate the alluringe Apple It appeares by Paradise trees bearinge the● pleasaunt fruite that it was Autumne not Springe season and therfore the Iuish collection to me most probable that Adam had at first not an expectation but A possession off haruest fruites to his hand Adam being alotted to eat such fruites as 〈…〉 not Abib yeilds and Paradise as learned consent being A work off the third Day and it were but A dreame to fr● that Gardens grouth from the order off the Earths fyrst nature Fowrthly the figure and the thing figured the first Adam and the second do ●o correspond for Iesus vvas borne in Tishti or September as Math. Beroal dus cron lib. 4. Chap. 2. hath proued and with him begon our second figured and spirituall Creation That the begininge off the naturall yeare accordinge to the Worlds creation was with Autumne it semeth so to me most probable Now touchinge the tyme off this flood the second question ariseth Doth Moses accompte here accordinge to the Moneth naturall or festiuall The next Chap. ver 11. doth open that for the Doue there bringeth to Noah an Oliue leafe and when puts out the Oliue Pliny saith thus Concipiunt Vites et Ole● vergiliatum exortu the ●ynes and Oliues conceiue in the rising off the starres Ver 〈…〉 Now these starres placed by Caleyinus in the knee by Seruius before the knee by Higin●s behind the end of Taurus but by others I think more rigt in the superhumerall of Taurus thei are the Plejades or 7. starres that arise aboue the earth in the springe tyme for Taurus in the second moneth of the Springe it thereby appeareth that the waters reculed in the Vernall season yea in the 27. day of this second Moneth was the Earth dry and Noah called forth This same Month twelf-month before and tē days sooner of the Moneth he entred the Ark. Moses accompt of the Moneth here is therefore festiuall Omittinge the Naturall accompt as he was taught before the writinge here of and kepinge fast the accompt injoyned by Iehouah as A treasurie full of heauens wisdom So breifly to both the questions Noah and his 7. being shut in with Iehouahs hande happy were they off such A dorekeper the Mongrell seede oh methinkes I se them ●on to the Mountaines clyme trees skuddle close in theyr Cabins but the waters off Iehouahs w●●th preuailinge 15. cubits hier then the Mountaines I hope Ogge was not aboue that pitch it quickly set my mountinge Mates wet shod Vers 23 So he destroyed All beastes and byrdes perishinge with Man from the face off the earth what because off the water-creatures I meane such as liue in the waters No doubt they were preserued in theyr kyndes and therefore Noach neuer bid ●o take any of them into the Arke Therefore the earth animals perished rather then those of the water because saith Al●ha they liued of the Earth accursed and indeede the Earth not water was expresly cursed These Aquatils are therefore in tyme to me such of Mankynd of god Elect as the Lord in the multitude of waters that is people Reu. 17. 15. preserueth though not with in the Visible church of God Vers 24. And the vvaters prevailed Manie seking to darken the Lord his worke they haue imputed this Inundation to naturall influence of starres in A watry signe To these fooles I say thus Let this Deluge begin either in 〈◊〉 or Aries before him or Ge mini after him yet not anie of these thre howses cold naturally afford such an Effect Secondly they ought to learne that the Philosopher lib 2 Meteor doth teach them that when the Sea ●uerflowes one place of the Earth then another place of the earth is vncouered that before was couered but here all the earth at one instant is couered and that aboue the hiest mountaines Thirdly if there shold after the world was aged 1656. p. be A naturall influence bringing forth such an ouerfloe how haps it there beuige synce that flood aboue thre tymes so manie yeares that yet there hath not bene somuch as one other such Trigon This naturall conclusion is not vnlike to Harueys planet conjunction Nay I è contra affirme rather this as the Sun was eclipsed what tyme the Son of god suffred and that contrary to nature for that feast was kept in the full Moone the sight wherof caused Dio●isius Areopagita then in another contry to say Either the God of nature suffers or the vvorlds f●a●e is dissol●ed so at this same tyme the Order of Nature suffred and for plaguinge the Rebels god who at first bounded the waters he now lateth the bridle raynes in the neck enjoyning them by another Laws to
so they be dreames and for the fragmentes ●rep in vnder the name off Manasse● Ester and Daniel they openly shoe themselues to be straingers in Israel The Aunciēt Church neuer Acknowledged the New testaments Church hath lesse cawse to receiue them As for the Newe testaments bookes there is betwixt Protestant and Papist no controuersie Both then and we receiue as the holy Fathers receiued the 4. Euangels Acts Paul his 13. Epistles to the Hebr. 1. Iames one Ep two off Peter 3. off Iohn one off Iude and the booke off Apocalyps which is the seale off the whole Our vnity for the bookes one god graunt that his spirit may once for the senre thereoff cawse both off vs therein to be One. For Arrians E●tychians Anabaptistes and the residue off those dregges and most filthy off washinges off the Church off the Gentiles they reiect som off the lynks off God his golden chayne or else trample both the sacred bracelets vnderfoote The Papists adde vnto the Canon A more tollerable transgression these detract or vtterly destroy the Booke off Elohim A transgression intollerable fitter to be scourged with that lash wherewithall Iesus whipped the theiues out off his fathers howse then to be reasoned about pro and coir as our sauiour did with the Temples Doctors at another season To answer such accordinge to theyr foolishnes it doth first make them proud secondly it rawseth vs seme foolish They will heare no Auncient Christian writer speake what hope haue we they will heare vs. They can turne all Auntients by in sayinge yovv propound vnto vs the iudgments of men I answer them But of such men as had the spirit of God Do not they propound to vs the iudgments of Men Yea off hereticall Arrius Manes Donatus Serueitus c. The Svvenkfeldians ran say All is but the indgements off men ād so they will heare no man but listen to the suggestion off theyr owne spirit We set no mans iudgment aboue the scripture but reuerrnce theyr interpretations who haue the Spirit off the scripentes We knoe that the best Man hath his Ignorance and errour but hauinge the spirit off Iesus he holds A true foundation and finally conquers whereas the Hereti●●● slip from the Corner stone Iesus and are ground vnto powder Such we must answer in Sword The spirit of the Prophets must be subiect to the prophets and that is semelynes and Order if any vvilbe contentious the Church of God hath no such Custome but he that is ignorant let him be more ignorant 1. Cor. 14. A yeare and A halfes labour I haue taken about the 5. bookes off Moses That I haue to communicate vnto God his Church here and there dispersed iff Such be the good pleasure off God About the residue I am not idle but Moses wil be sufficient for one reasonable volume I haue laboured because it sholde passe the presse for publike vtility but I smell now at the very begining off the bookes outgate that not only Sectaries but Sectarie Favourits wil be no furtherance herein What then My God he knoweth that I herein seck the Glory off his name in the edifiyng his poore people by propounding to them what first he hath manifested to me And he knoes that I wold haue euery work off myne to perish as an vntimely byrth the continuance whereoff might prejudice his Church the yssue therefore off all I referre to his will his fatherly will I labour to discharge duty imposed vpon me iff others not only neglect duty enjoyned on them but also shall oppose to duty in others I say no more but this the Lord rebuke Satan If any good Christian except at the work for ouer weak and vnworthy so excellent A subicet I answer Euery one off Israel cannot cast at an puch with Beniamin Dauid had thre worthies beyond the rest and 30. more excellent then the multitude but inferiour to the 3 iff I bringe but som what with the meanest off the lower rank god will accept off it as worthy though in my selfe vnworthy Som offred to the Tabernacles work Gold som Gemnies and othersom but Badgers skynnes and Goates haire so my offringe serue to any Holy vse though not to the most Holy I shal be glad for I had leuer to stand on that howse his threshold then to dwell in the Tabernacle off vngodlines This I knoe that sad discreet and humbled sprites they will value the Labour by the mynd off the Labourer who more wold iff more he coulde as for our Britanick sectaries I only yet knoe that whatsoeuer they snarle at secretly they dare controuert nothinge openly So my trauels may be approued off the Lord his people I haue that I wold though wherein it is possible I couet peace with the worlde Let the Righteous smite me it shal be A benefit let him rebuke me and it shal be as Sontraygne oyle not lost on my head Not but I haue else learned that Shimeyes railinges shal be turned vnto the best of such as are called according to God his purpose But in the heele off my proeme let me vnto the yong Christian Student exhibit som Direction for profitinge by readinge myne ād others theyr writinges 1. It is ordinarie with People to giue them sel●e● after Nouelty in writinges humayne ●● diuine but without any great paynes takinge in the holy booke of God or else through a proud disdayne of vsinge other holy men theyr hands and helpes they only cast ey vnto the holy Canō The first errour procedeth of Prophanenesse the second off proud superstition Betwene these two vices cōsisteth Vertue A right vse of Both. And this is dō first by hauinge a recourse to the holy Bible secōdly by reading other mens writinges humaine for humanity diuine for Diuinity And off writers diuyne first to se what o holy friend writeth secondly what an vnholy aduersary concludeth for without readinge the Aduersary thow shalt want much assurance what and how to think and speak off such 2. But thus readinge all shal be but a gatheringe of falshood and a loosinge off Truth iff first in humility thow ron not by Prayer vnto the God off truth Ad Light The poore ād humble spirited he will fill theyr hād and hart with euery good thing but the proud ād rich he will sēd empty away The lack of this orderly course is cawse that euery Heretike thinketh his heresy in the Bible whereas the blessed word is without shadowe off chainge as God himself is Yet most off that hellish broode cry scripture scripture and nothinge but scripture although it is far inough frō purposinge to play the Baude to proud harlot heresy Others sekinge themselues in Ecclesiasticall writers they neyther haue better successe for Rome against Luther He against them ād others against them both they thinke the godly Fathers make for them If men can bend God his golden reed no maruell though they can bowe ād break the Leaden squ●●e of men Cōsideringe the dainger so many
Goddesse jmagininge as I haue noted in my B●●les breife that the body was qualified by those their wicked Gods and Godd●ses The Moneths are also in the Bible called first second third c. or else ha●e ● name peculiar to the yeares season As the first Moneth is called A●●b in English ● 〈◊〉 of come vvith the eare because it was the Moneth of off●●nge the F●●st f 〈…〉 tes of Cor●e c. But the Gentiles haue beginninge with nud-wy●ter called our First Ianuary off their two faced God I 〈…〉 s the second February of Fe 〈…〉 which is their God Pluto the next March of Mars the next April of Aphros the Froth or Fome of the Sea wheron their Goddesse Venus was borne the next May of M 〈…〉 which is Mercury the next Iune f 〈…〉 haue said of 〈◊〉 Yonger Men and so May of Majo●es Elders Ouid. Tertius a Senibus Iu●enum de nomine Quartus YEt not vnlike but May as before and Iune of som Man called ●●nius as well as Iuly of Iuli●s Caesar and August of Augustus Caesar The followinge Moneths are well termed September of Heauen October of Eight Nouember of Name December of Ten. So Iuly and August before the tyme of Iulius and Augustus were well called Q●●ntil●s the Fifte and Sextilis the Sixt. As for Names of Mankynde Buildinge Actions etc. In all this Genesis there is president how religious they were Satan enemy to Monuments of holy Religion he eyther hath preuailed for giuinge Attributes of no signification or else Titles superstitions whereas t●e Fountaine is opened to the howse of Dauid for abolishinge the Names of Idoles as well as other syn Zech. 13. 12. So that we ought not to mention them in our ●●ys but with a detestatiō in our sowles Vers 21 c. The Parentheticall Adjuncts finished Moses returneth to Mans mate for euery creature Mated and Denaminated He-man yet wanteth his Yoke fellowe He there fore must soundly sleepe till SHE out of his syde be builded Not of the Head because the must not be 〈◊〉 not of the Feete because she ought to haue place in his nerest affection 1. The Flesh shold sleepe while the wyfe is A choosinge and in the knot k●ittinge Parents consent specially if they be vnder Parents tutelage must put them togither So Chytraeu● vpon Ioh. 2. And others vnderstand it Not as som in SC. wold needes teach me to the g 〈…〉 nance and detriment of many Sowles that the bord herrin represented the Ecclesiasticall Pastor without whose Sol●m●●zation they wold haue all Mariage simply vnlawfull and otherwise don frustrate Our Bishops in England wold bl●sh to be pere●●tory in that Though in orderly Christian churches no●e will ga●● say the Pastor● solemnization to be Necessary for Co●lynes and order 2. And Mystically is herein vttered the Church her Creation out of Iesus his syde as on sleepe on the Crosse borne of v●●ter and blood and yet stronger then the Iaw-bone wherewith the Typicall Samson flew the Philisti●●s His Death and yet but ● sleepe for his flesh felt no corruption Act. 2. 31. Was the Church her life And this ●o she whome he acknowledgeth Bone of his bones Eph. 5. 30. because through the water and Sprite Ioh. 3. 5. we are made partakers of the Nature 〈◊〉 2. Pet. 1. 4. What is it quoth Gregorie in Ezek. hom 6. that Adam sleping Eua is produced but that Christ dyinge the Church is forrmed Vers 23. She shal be called Is●ah Adam Ish are in engl Man but the first deruied of Adamah red earth signifieth A Man of inferious lotte the second A Man more excellent Man calls her Ishah rather then Admah because we must not only take Him here for Adam but also for Ish that is we must vnder the first Adam and his Mate mysticall conceiue the second Adam and his s●owsesse Ish and Ishah Iesus and his Church Adam homo Ish vir obserued of Chytr on Ioh. 1. 13. Vers 25. They were both Naked Man and woman being Perfect they must aswell and rather then other Creatures be in their Nakednes Beauteous Nakednes beinge their proper Beauty how could there be cause of shame Specially seinge Shame riseth vpon recorda●●ge filthinesse and filthinesse as ye●●ad no place in Mankynde for all the work which Elohim wrought was good and very good Ch. 1. 31. Fond are the hereticall Adv●its who from hence do p●a 〈…〉 se Nakednes in theyr Assembly called Paradise but indeede the Picture of A Stewes and Brothe●hs●fe Ch●● is Truth and his Spowsesse the Church the Pillet and ground of truth 1. C● 3. 15. This Truth as God creates it is naked and the more Naked the Truth is within th● assembly of the faithfull the more beauteous it is for indeede Nakednes is naturally truthes Beauty Neither Christ needeth ●aynt●nges nor his Church curious colourings Argument Chap. III. Satan he temptes and so mankind doth fall God them expulseth paradise withall ¶ Diuision of the text TWo parts Principallie considerable I. First Mankynde falling from God II. Secondly the pursuite of God his Iustice His Falling away or Apostacie from God lieth in the First 8. verses The first fiue verses containinge A Dialogue betwene the Instrument of Apostacie viz. Satan and the vvoman or She-man seruing for an Introduction to the Fall In the 6. 7. 8. ver Lieth the fall it self The 6 verse laying downe 1. the inordinate ey 2. the pride of heart wherby Man and woman were drawen to eat of the forbidden fruite The 7. and 8. vers Laying downe theyr sensible Sight and Feling off Syn-ceazed on them First in that they seeke to cloth theyr Nakednes with Figleaues Secondlie in that they fly from the voice of God to couer them selues in the thickets ¶ The Pursuite Of God his Iustice lying in the residue of the Chapter is manifested First in his Huntinge out and examining the Malefactours Vers 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Calling out the Principal Vers 9. betwene whome and the Lord. Vers 10. 11. 12. lieth A conference then in Verse 13. betwene the Lord and the woman Secondly in his proceding againste the Malefactours in the residue of the Chap. His proceding is first againste the Serpent 1. by A temporall punishment inflicted on him Vers 14. 2. By A sodaine destruction Vers 15. His temporal punishment lying 1. in the glewing his belly to the earth 2. in being f●d with dust His distruction 1. prepared by an Enmitie that shold be putte betwene the Serpents and womans seede 2. fully accomplished by Her Seede his bruizing of the Serpents head what tune the Serpent first had nibled his heele ¶ Secondly The Lord his proceding is against Mankynd First by imposinge som what vpon them Vers 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. Secondly by taking somwhat from them in the residue of the chapter That he imposeth on them are Signes memoratiue 1. Rough. 2. Easie The Rough signes of remembrance are two the 1. imposed only on woman Vers 16. consisting in
Man wil not leaue his madding Man and woman ●ad like to the beast that perished for his clothinge the Lord e●pulseth them the Garden and that ●● the Eastsyde where he placed the Ketob●●s for watch and ward Wofull coople theyr backs for fallinge backward are turned on the Tre of Lyfe and they driue out by the good Angel for con 〈◊〉 treason with the bad Angel Kerihim I take to be der●ed of Kaph As and Rab●●● A●ny because the ●erub ● o●e K rather then Ch. for the debucing it seing none write Chaph is As A multitude or Hoste and it may be they are Powres spoken of Colos 1. 16. They are driue out of the East syde with their faces into the East because in the East the Day-sta● must be looked for by whome the faithfull of Mākind must be led back againe into Paradise This Star●e the Sophies said in the East Math 2. so did Iohn in the spirit Heu 7. 2. nor was it for nothing that Iudahs K●●g might only enter in at the East gate of the Temple Ezeh 44. 1. 2. 3. The Tome of their expulsion must be at that tyme but Iesus brought in the Penitent Theif into Paradise Iuh 23. 43. The lord repairing vnto them for era●●n a non sake the Day was of the cooling hand the Sun derlyning to the west and the Tyme of Bur second Adam his surrendring his Sowle to his father was A batit the 9 howrs the was Midday that is Thre in the afternoone for the former thre howrs darknes must allude vnto the Tyme of Adam standing A miserable s●●ner in Paradise In the heat of the Day Mid-day dynner tyme and fit for rasiinge A pleasaunt apple Datan must tempt our ●●●m and so bring spirituall darknes ones Mankynd wherof when Mankynd had feeling the fly and sheowd themselues in darknes From the ●●rt vnto the 9 howre so was darknes corpor●all ouerspred what tyme the second Adam was suffcing for the first Adams Rebellion Luk. 23. 47. Math 27. 46. etc. who vpon the ending of the darknes doth drinck bitternes for that draught finished Ioh. 19. 28 30. the bitter torment due vnto Mankynd He there vpon ye●●ds vp his ghost and repaireth to heauens Paradise whither the found sheepe the penitent theife was that Day present to repaire He that hath dronk of Edens 4. waters let him here be filled with d●uyne Meditation Paul being here saw in-effable mysterie 2. Cor. 12. 4. An Animaduersion vpon 6. 7. IEhouah Elohim having in fix dans created all good and very Good Man and woman in A true on the 6. day with the foote of it lend affection dashed the work of the Potter to peeres Banished therfore in the last 3. howres of the 6. day he may go and prepare for Sab●●th solemnization in the wildernis of the world In Paradise he might haue soong an E●logie in the wast world he may go straine forth an Elegie Concerning the nombers of 6. and 7. Heauen and Earth humanity and diuinitie procl●●● them sacced and mysticall In six Mouths the Sun turneth from ●●e T●opikt● another and in 6. Moueths as 〈◊〉 teach to the Yong in the womb perfected The 〈◊〉 to cut into two ●ees of Signes the inst 6. decl●ninge from the Egu●-nocticall to for Nor●● the other 6. to the South Euery Signe is by Reason diuided into 5 fires of begrees euery degre into tēstres of ●●●m●tes etc. As for the Arith●●et●cians 6. is to them the golden nomber which Haymon on Reu. 13 obserueth on the Beasts 666 called by Iohn Bole the nomber of A Man And indeed not only was Man made in the nomber of 6. but perfected in the sixt day by Mariage first with woman secondly with the Man Christ The consideration of the first mariage in the sixt day it may be gaue occasion to Pithagoras sect for calling Mariage A Sepa●●e that is A nomber of 6. But what shall I say of 7 The weeke of 7. days hath not only of Hebrues but also of Greeks and Lattins bene receiued and held From the Grecians therfore it hath the name Hebdowas and from the Romaines Septima ●● Though the Aegiptians compted them yeare somtymes by one Moneth or 2. or by the Suns sull course through the Zodiak as Zenophon deaequivocis noteth yet 7. days was euer the week Why shold they make 7. days the weeke and the seanenth festiuall rather then 6 or 8. or som other nomber Suerly Nature for the Mysterie sake held it fast in the hearts of the Gentiles As for Homer Callimachus and others their Prophets how oft doe they terme the Seauenth day holy In the 7. day the Moones shape is altred and on the 7. day the Sirfold creation as tyred with toyle it washed the hands and sat downe to Rest The 7. day 7. yeare single and multiplied they are of the learned Physitians termed Fatall And here of arose the Prouerb Seauen yeares suffer A chainge vnto the Sirk body euery 7. day is Critical or Iudiciall for if he sicken in A hot signe the 7. day he ●oms vnto A cold if man earthly signe the 7. day he suffers A fyru-one etc. and therfore thē the skilfull pronounce of his state as plainly as one seing Adam in the wast earth on the 7. day might haue said this is Adams state Not but as Picus Mirandala hath well proued the effect foloweth the coarse of nature belowe not of the Starres s●wposed aboue The Firmaments Ple●ades consisteth on 7. starres So both the Pole-artik or lesser Beare-slat and 7. in Nomber are the Planeticall starres called the Sowle vnto the Zodiahs Body an of them Starres of soueraigne vse But let nature in Heauen and Earth goe ●h the supernaturall knowledge that ariseth from the sacred Bible of Elohim in the nombers of 6. and 7. In 6. days the whole hoste of heauen and earth was perfected and the Seauenth sealed it by Gen. 2. 1. 2. Sir are the Lords hatreds the seauenth seales them vp prou 6. 16. Sir are the New testaments propheticall Churches Angels Seales Trumpets Dials but the Seauenth sealeth vp all thes as if Ioshuahs 7. preistes with their seauen Hams Hornes shold 6. days en compasse cursed Iericho and in the 7. day with 7. blastes shutter downe her walls Iosh 6. Let the sad discreet spirit obserue the Nombers of 6. and 7. with their Ad●●●●ts he shall fynd wisdom of more worth then Salomons 666. talents of Gold 2 Chro. 9. 13. for wisdom is sealed by vnder 7. pillers prou 9. 1. Golden is the Nomber of 6. and by the Iubilees 7. single and multiplied is euerlasting fredom and Redemption proclamed though one Ages S●nggards laffe this wisdom to scorne as wiser in theyr owne conceipt then 7. that can tender A Reason Prov. 26. 16. 6 Finisheth the work of earth heauen Sowles Sabaot Rest is sealed vp with 7. Argument Chap. IIII. Kain slaughters Habel Elohim therfore Leaues him and His alone to Natures Lore Diuision of the text IN
ouerflowe all An hundred and fiftie days the waters euereased The cup of his wrath was filled to the b●●mme Thre full Iubilees of days proclameth his vengeaune on Transgression Argument Chap. VIII THe waters cease Noe doth from Ark retire and sacrificing stayeth God His Ire ¶ Diuision of the text I. FIrst IEHouah withdraweth His Anger towards the earth vnto vers 15. II. Set. he fullie reuealeth his Reconcilement to mankynd thence vnto the end 1. The pullinge back his Anger is declared 1. in Hope administred to Noah of the Earths drynes vnto Vers 13. sec in the dryinge of the earth indeed Vers 13. 14 1. In that Hope administred to Noah is obseruable 1. the Cawse 2 the Effect The Cawse of his Hope is drawen from the waters abat●●● through the wynde sent forth of God Vers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Th' effect off that hope is 1. Noah openeth the Arke Vers 6. sec he sendeth forth messengers to e●pie the Earths state The messengers are two the first A Rauen vers 7. the seconde A Doue thence vnto vers 13. 2. The second Index off Iehouahs wrath appeased is the Earths drynesse 1. super-ficially enlarged with the tyme off Noahs age vers 13. sec in A more solide and effectuall manner amplified with his tyme vers 14. ¶ So much for the abatement off Iehouahs anger II. The Reueale off his reconcilement with Mankynde it is explayned 1. in his powr●full call off Noah vnto vers 21. secondly in Iehouahs well acceptinge Noahs sacrifice vers 21. 22. 1. The Callinge lieth vers 15. 16. 17. where commission is giuen to Noah 1. for him selff and his families Exeat the Arke sec off the other Creatures The Powre off that Callinge appeareth in Noah and the residue 1. In theyr Egresse vers 18. 19. sec in Noah his sacrifice vers 20. 2. The well acceptinge off Noahs sacrifice it being A principall effect off his effectuall callinge it is vttered in th' effect it had 1. in Iehouahs Nostrills he therein smelled a Rest 2. in theffect it had in his heart and that is twofolde 1. in his commiseratinge the Earth 2. the liuinge Creature He wold no more do soe vers 21. sealed vp with A signe off loue which shold appeare in future Regiment off Nature vers 22. ELVCIDATION VErs 1. c. Novv God The Lord remembreth Noah not that euer he forgot him and this his recordating his Churches surging estate is manifested vnto the Patriark and his houshold by sendinge forth the wynde to broe the Earth The wynd as cha 1. consistinge off dry Euaporations crossed in theyr ascension and so violently mor●●ge the Ayre I●circo A Plinio ventus defin ●● flactus ●●rts lib. 2. C. 43. it here by Iehouah is appointed to be seruiceable to the Church Fowre Angels Ren. 7. 1. de hold back the wynds from drym●e by ouerflowinge spirituall humours to the worlds destruction Only whome the Angel off the East sealeth to them the wo●ds benefit which is to dry and purifie it is not restrayned In the 17 day off Tisr● the Arke rested on the top off Ararat And in the first day off T●beth the Mountaynes tops bared Forty days affter towards the middle off Adar he sends forth the Ra●●n but findinge no testplot he returned This b●rd off the Gentiles was much looked vnto as A fowle ommons theyr diuination taken eyther by his Flight or Rokinge They driue theyr ●ong-ones far from them For about a Pillage hardly wil be more then A coople ●ōg liued they are and tyr Atlike liue by spoyle deuouringe quick and dead Vnder the sia●en sent forth at the end off 40. Days as the Deuel affter 40. days came to sifte Iesus Math. 4. 2. Though he found no footing in him vnder him I say vnderstand the vncleane spirited the Ranen was vncleane ●euit 11. 15 Who neuer bring good newes to the church Yet he that is the fa●●our off all men 1. Tim. 4. 10. Vouchsafeth to thielter them cepayring vnto him tyred in sackcloth and so for the season he spared Ahab 1. King 21. 2● etc. The Doue secondly is sent forth She is A ●●rd sociable true to hee hereicall Male voyd off Gall detestinge caryon feeding on pure thinges harmeles in tyme off Hawkes flight the ●●r●eth by the waters syde ●rpu●ge therein as in ●o glasse the ●●wkes soaringe that so● therby she man auoyde his pitch Vnto them the faithful is assi●●lated Caut. 1. 14. and 2. 14. Psal 68. 13. And herein the Done plaieth the part off an O●angelicall Minister who vnto the church bringeth good tydinges in his tyme appoynted going also and not returninge that is perseuering in the discharge off theyr commission The vncleane Ranen flewe to and f●oe but not receyued into the ●●k as was the Done Christ to the sauiour off all men but specially off them that beleyue Cyprian applieth the doues truie votage vnto the trute nomber off Father Son and Ho. gh vsed in Baptisme Epist ad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A Prophetesse off the Gentiles and no lesse excellent then Balaam and like mough not long after him as she reciteth hitherto The Creation off the world off Man woman togither with their transgression by the serpent and the ha●●nge downe off this generall ouer throe by water so she omittinge the ●auen doth also truly in her fift age off the world recount these thre outgates off the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 effects afore vttered I wonder wh 〈…〉 ●ophetesse off so old standinge to 〈◊〉 and the residue off the Old testaments 〈◊〉 she foretellinge the birth off Messiah truly his lyfe maner off death etc. As no holy Canonicall prophet to common capa●●t● more pla●●●● I wonder I say why her Prophecies are no more looked vnto nor regarded Sure I am there is more dra●●ty in her 〈◊〉 con●●nge the thinges she neuer by lyfe reasoned vnto then in manye Christian writers that haue liurd sp●ce the accomplish●●ent ●●st the bodies substance Think others what then will the Lord off Marcheston in Scotland he vttered not the least part off judgment probable in the suffiringe Sibylls verses to his worke On the Reuelation Vers 13. In the 601. y. in the first day of the first Month etc. And in the Second Month in the 27. day of the Moneth the earth vvas dry Then God s●●ke to Noah sayinge Go forth of the Ark. Iff the Yeare off the Sun existinge off Mo●eths equall was that whereby the accompt is here to be made and so Ios Scaligerus wold haue it then there was somuch difference off tyme betwixt No●h his entring into and comminge out off the Ark as bitwixt 17. and 27. But iff the Israelites accompted by the ●●are off the Moone the other exceding this 11. days commonly called the Epactae then the same day off 17. was affter the Yeares reuolution the 27. and so the Day Noah came out it shold be the same wherein he entred as the ordinarie Glose Lyra Hugo and others wold haue it Vers 15. 16.
Then God spake to Noah sayinge go forth ●re 18. Then No●h came forth When the Lord ●ids go in and sit close we must do soe Act. 1. 13. and 20. 8 iff he bid Go forth and shewe your selues we must do so Act. 2. and 5. 20. Cant. 2. 14. Whereas before the Lord ●ad 〈◊〉 to enter in and his howse whervpon Noah and his sonnes entred first then Noahs wyfe and the other w●oman with her so here Noah is ●●d to com forth with his wyfe etc. Learned haue concluded from the forme of speach that the first commaundement ins●●uates A dis-junction of Noah and his wyfe for the tyme they were to be within and the latter A con-joyning off them togither againe in his their going out Howsoeuer the sonne off speach afforde this sure I am ●●●●fore that the t●me might well ●id them be ●●● from embracing● Eccles 3. 5 It being A tyl●● off Elohims indignattion Vers 20. They Noah ●●ilt an Alter Noah first sekinge the kingdom of God as the Righteousnes thereoff Loe the tempora●●● thinges are East vpon h●● Our Noah Iesus ●●●●●●ge out off the wombe off our Nature● in which wombe off our humanie nature there haue bene ● times so many vncleane creatures as there haue bene cleane he steppinge forth and offringe by himselfe A pure and vndefiled sacrifice to the heauenly father loe it is so sweet and all sufficiently sweete in his Noses●●●ls as he cannot but pronounce himselff well pleased with all such ●e com vnto him by that Ne●● and Liuinge way Vnto them shall springe and haruest wynter and Somer be blessed By Tetragran●maton I. H. V. H shall not only the Yeare generally but also in euery off his 4. quarters particularly be blessed That he blesseth the yeare in his parts but with this Limitation off tyme so longe as the earth remaineth he wold thereby intimate that this Corrupt earthe shall not euer endure No the heauens and the earth shall war old as A garment and be chainged oh heretikes and all sorts off wicked where then is ●●ar Glory but we looke for newe heauens 〈◊〉 newe earth which shall continue before 〈◊〉 Isa 66. 12. After the old is melted 2. pet 3. 10. shall this new world be wherein shall dwell righteousnes vers 13. the first 〈◊〉 off which kingdom is begon with vs here Heb. 12. 26. etc. I note this the rather because diuerse off our A●rians Iuish do teach that this newe holy earth wherein Rightrousnes only shall raigne etc. it shal be before the Latter Day That the Lord layeth A Lawe here vpon Nature for affordings agayne Kaijts Summer Core●h wynter Katsi● Haruest Zeragn sowinge tyme it is because Mans former transgression had dissolued the bonds off Nature and therefore not only promised to be restored Generally but also in the full 4. parts off the Yeares diuision Somer opposed to wynter and Autumne to the Springe And thus for anye thinge I can perceiue the Lord was the first quadripartitor off the yeare Vnto Kaijts season giue these thre Moneths Tamuz Ab. Elul Vnto Coreph Tebeth shebat Adat Vnto Katsir Tisri Marchesuan Casleu And vnto Zeragn do giue Nisan or Abib Ijar Siuan THese that by the Moones course do diuide the yeare into 13. Moones they do joyne A second Adar to the former but that is off vulgar so●e not so easly comprehended as is this diuision by 12. Months or Signes Vnto the somer is giuen these 3. Signes Cācer the Crabfish Leo the Lyon Virgo the Virgin Vnto wynter Capricornus the Goat-man Aquarius the Waterman Pisces the two fishes Vnto Autumne Libra the Ballance Scorpio the scorpion Sagittarius the Archer And to the Springe-time Aries the Ram. Taurus the Bull. Gemini the Twyns Question why mention yow these 12 Iodiacall signes seinge they are but Astrologicall fictions Ansvv Because as I am not vnacquaynted how vncertainly men account the Iudaicall Moneths so I propound the Suns signes for an instance how to begin and finish the Month least otherwise they shold think Nisan to begin with the first day off March Ajir with April etc. And here againe the I cannot speak off our Months names but straight I vtter an Idoll Objection Therefore yow are an Idolatrer Answ Yow conclude like A Brownist for iff the mentioninge off an Idoll do simply make the mentioner an Idolatrer then Luke Act. 17. 16. 22. and 28. 11. for mentioning Mars Castor and 〈◊〉 he also is an Idolatrer Q● Are they Idolls Ansvv Iudge Mars was A ●uffianly lyer robber fighter etc. who dead the Gentiles canonized him for the God off warre callinge the planet next aboue the Sun by his name Castor and Poll●x were 2. brethren as Poets faigne they were hatched off 2. egges which theyr great God I●piter in the likenes off A swan procured on Leda Castor redy to dy his brother Pollux thorough entreatie obtained off Iupiter that he might enterchainge his Immortality with his brothers mortalitie Here vpon they because 2. stares in the firmament the while Castor shines pollux is set when Poll●x riseth Castor setteth Mee presidents I could giue Yow in the booke off God Ques Is it then lawfull to take the names off Idols in our lips Yes in this respect that we either weaken them or at least not strengthen them by our speach And therefore as Luke named them 1. for distinction sake 2. for discoueringe the Gentiles prophanati● off the Creature so did I in ●●●former speach ●nd therefore I wish our Christian Astrologers to repēt theyr prophaninge off the hea●●s-face not so much for drawinge therein Creatures that are by som reasonable resemblance as for painting on that Glo●e the figures of foolerie● thinges that no where are ād therfore theyr resemblāce in falshood As for Preachers to seeke the ●dominge off theyr sermons with these old wiues tales f● vpon it nor let any Christian heare it without spittinge thereat as at A ●o●de The fountayne is opened to the howse off Dauid for washinge away such filth not for the wateringe that off to gi●● The Order of the Mo●ths in the Bible lieth thus 1. Abib March 2. Ijar April 3. Si●an May. 4. Tammus Iune 5. Ab Iuly 6. Elul August 7. Tishri Sept. 8. Marches Oct. 9. Caslou Nou. 10. Tebeth Dec. 11. Shebat Ian. 12. Adar Febr. The Iuis● natural ●ecompt the Romaines of old thus 1. Tishri Sept. 2. Marches Oct. 3. Casl●u Nou. 4. Tebeth Oct. 5. Shebat Ianu. 6. Adar Febr. 7. Abib March 8. Ijar Apr. 9. Siuan May. 10. Tamus Iune 11. Ab Iuly 12. Elul Aug. WIth the first new Moone fall it before or affter the springs A●quinoctiall doth Abi● or Nis●n begin and so the test successiuely The Aequinoctiall is that tyme which equals the Night and Day in theyr how●es and this falleth out in the begininge off N●s●n as also ●n the begininge off Tis●● the first called the Aequinoctiall vernall the other the Aequinoctiall Autumnall ¶ Argument Chap. IX Noah is
blest A Covenant is smit He falls One mocks but two do couer it Diuision of the text I. THis Chap containeth i. A Gracious Oration off Iehouah to Noah begon in the last chap. and here continued vnto Verse 18. II. Secondly an Historicall Epilogue off Noah and his sonnes from ●●●nce vnto the end I. This part off Iehouahs oration contayneth 1. A lawe peculiar to the Creature with the equitie thereoff In the first 7. verses sec A lawe peculiar to the Creator thence vnto vers 18. 1. The Lawe peculiar to the Creature it is imposed affirmatiuely 1. vpon Mankynde verse 1. who was appoynted in Noah and his Sonnes to Multiply and fill the earth 2. vpon the other Creatures Sensitiue and Degetatiue who are to be serviciable vnto Man vers 2. 3. Secondly That Lawe is imposed Negatiuily 1. on Mankynd expresly who is prohibited eatinge flesh with the blood vers 4. sec on the Creature by necessarie Consequent namely Not to shedde blood with the penaltie off Death on both sor●s transgressinge A reason thereoff being giuen to man 1. because he was created in the jmage off God vers 5. 6. sec because he was appoynted to Multiply not to Mortifie his kynde vers 7. 2. The lawe peculiar to the Creator is A Gracious bond off peace frely offred by Iehouah to Mankynde in Noah and his Family as also vnto the other Creatures by whome man was to be served in the first fruites thereoff com out off the Arke This Bond off peace or Couenant is generally propounded 1. to Noah vers 8. 9. secondly to the other Creatures vers 10. Then more particularly explayned in it selff and the Adjuncts vnto vers 18. The Covenant it selff is set downe vers 11. consisting on these two heads 1. There shold be no more such A Massacre off the creatures 2. no more destruction off the whole earth by water The Adjuncts off this Couenant are 1. the Signe off the Couenant viz. the Bowe set in the Clowde vers 12. 13. Secondly the Lord his carefulnes to obserue the Couenant And that is expressed 1. by the promisinge his watchfull ey for eyinge the Cloud-bowe vers 14. 15. 16. sec by the serious maner off sealinge vp this lawe vers 17. ¶ So much for Iehouahs Oration II. The Historicall Epilogue contayneth j. An Introduction j. to A notable Accident in Noah and this 1. by A summinge off his naturall seede and the largenes thereoff vers 18. 19. Next by layinge downe his entrance into A new Science viz. off planting vynes vers 20. II. After this Introduction secondly is set downe the Accident it selfe he became dronk enlarged by these circumstances In the midst off his Tent and that vncouered III. Then the Demeanour off the Church vpon this Accident That is to be considered 1. in Noahs sonnes 2. in himselff In his Sonnes A twofold demeanour Cham the yongest first Se his nakednes secondly he tells it to his ● brethren without Vers 22. Then A Contrarie cariage in Shem and Iaphet who first wold not se it secondly do couer it Vers 23. The Demeanour of Noah himself vpon due knowledge what was don is he first curseth Cham in his sonne Canaan Vers 24. 25. secondlie he 1. blesseth Shem and then prophecieth A blessinge vnto Iaphet subiectinge Cham vnto both of them Vers 26. 27. IIII. Lastly it containeth an Enumeration of Noahs age first from the flood vnto his death it was 353. y. Verse 28 secondly off his whole lyfe Vers 29. it was 950. p. And then he died ELVCIDATION VErs 1. c. And God blessed Noah in the former ch and 18. Vers Noah and his people and creatures com forth he sacrificeth God is appeased Now vpon that reconcilement ariseth Open Conference for the former in ch 8. ver 21. was secret in Iehouahs heart and that containinge plenty off Euangelicall promises j. Noah and his Sonnes are blessed vnto multipl●●cation ● he s●●teth peace with Noahs howse A signe of which peace is the Rainbowe This Couenant the Lord remembreth vnto the Iues Isa 54. 9. etc. promisinge therewithall that the church succedinge which shold consist of Iewe and Gentile it shold be la●d and beautified with Ca●●uncles E●eralds shininge and precious stones but first must be tossed with A tempest or it be seated on Ar●rats toppe This Rainbowe we se Reuel 4. 3. in colour like to an 〈…〉 de precious gre●e makinge the face off the beholder gre●e for euer florisheth the Couenant off peace in the cup of the Saynts for peace dwelleth in her pallaces Though A Mother forget her child yet the Lord remembreth Zion She is written in the pa●●e of his hand Her walls are ●ier in his sight Isa 49. 15. 16. Som contend that this Rainbowe was not before this tyme existinge stumblinge at the speach I have put the Bovve etc. as though it were not put there before but they shold rather say not put so before that is though before yet not for such A Signe before Secondly the Hebrue word is aptly I haue giuen the bowe for A signe The Subiect of this Bowe is A Raynie or waterish clowde the Efficient Cawse is the Sun placed aduerse to such A Cloude The diuerse colours fall out by the Suns irradiation or stretching out his beames on that cloude the partes off that cloude beinge diuersly or variably affected As the cloude is in the midst and either vtter side diuerslie qualified so by the Suns radiation as Zanchiu● de oper Lib. 3. cap. 3. wel noteth there is thre speciall collours effected Redde Citrine Grene. The two latter colours which are the vndermost are watrish and therefore off auncient di●●nes termed but one the red colour another affirming therewithal that the watrish colour preacheth the iudgment of the old-world passed the other colour Red and fiery the finall destruction of this world by fire The body of the Bowe turned from vs and the tippes towards vs it giueth the church to learne that the Arrow the lorde dwellinge in Zion flieth from the Church into the heart of the kings aduersarie Iudah reconciled is such A bowe bent and Ephrims hand is filled with shaftes that shall fly out as lightninge Zech. 9. 3. 14. 1. There is A second kynd of Rain-bowe and that is off the Moone as the former off the Sun but more rare His Colour is white as most conuenient to nights darknes A colour well ●ittinge the Church who borroweth her light of the Son as the Moone off the Sun Vers 18. Novv ●he Sons Noah c. That we shold be out of all doubt that Noah had no Son borne in the Ark he here againe nombreth them describing Cham for the history sake followinge by his Son Canaan Be 〈…〉 the Babilonian in his 1. booke off Antiquities he telleth A tale of Gyants before the flood amongst whome he saith there was One A greater worshipper of God and wiser then all the rest by name Noah who had thre Sons
Dissolution contained in the first ten verses we are to consider 1. The Action of the Families Vers 1. 2. 3. 4. secondly of Iehouah thence vnto the 10. Vers The Action of the Families vttereth 1. A S●●me from Shem Vers 1. 2. in that Being off one Language vers 1. they trauel into the land off Shinar Vers 2. Secondly theyr Action vtters theyrs Consultation for buildinge A Towre to them selues 1. for gettinge A Name sec for preventinge A disperson Vers 3. 4. In the Action of Iehouah considerable 1. His beholdinge theyr worke Vers 5. secondly his discontentment therewith manifested first in his Consultation vers 6. 7. then in that consultations effect whereas 1. he ●oth Babilonize their language whereof theyr worke had the name Babel 2. he disperseth them Ver. 8. 9. II. For the Edification of Shems Tabernacle that is to be considered in Iohouahs fre-mercy stretched from S●●m by the lyne of A●ph ●●d vnto Abram For this do take Mr. Brou his Table VVORLD his age NOAH SHEM his yeares FLOODS yeares 1658. 602. 100. 2. Arpha●ad 〈◊〉 1693. 637. 135. 37. 35. Selah b 1●23 667. 165. 67. 65. 30. Heber b. of vvhome Abram after had the name of HE●BR●VV 1757. 701. 199. 101. 99. 64. 34. Peleg b. novv vvas the earth di●ided 1●87 731. 229. 131. 129. 94. 64. 30. Regnu b. 1819. 763. 261. 163. 161. 126. 96. 62. 32. Se●●g b. 1849. 793. 291. 193. 191. 156. 126. 92. 62. 30. Nah● b. 1878. 822. 320. 222. 220. 185. 155. 121. 91. 59. 59. Terah b. 1996. 940. 438. 340. ●38 303. 2●3 239. 209. 177. 147. 118 ●eleg dieth 1997. 94● 439. 341. 339. 304. 274.   210. 178. 148. 119. Naho● dieth 2006. 950. 44● 350. 348. 313. 283.   219. 187.   128. Noah dieth 2008.   450. 352. 350. 315. 285.   221. 189.   130. Abram b. 2018.   460. 362. 360. 325. 295.   231. 199.   140. 10. Sara b. 2026.   468. 3●0 368. 333. 303.   239. 207.   148. 18. 8. Regnu d 2049.   491. 393. 391. 356. 326.     ●●0   171. 41 31. Serug d 20●●   525. 427. 425. 390. 360.     Terak dieth   205. 75. 65 The Promise is giuen to Abram The father of all the faithfull ELVCIDATION VErs 1. Then the vvhole Earth was off one lippe This Lippe and Language was not Syr●ak as som haue foolishly taught but ●leber● sacred tongue spoke of before not distinguished by any proper name till Hebers tyme because there were no tongues nor any one tongue more then it before this tyme of Babel That hitherto there was but one tongue 〈…〉 anus that will not learne of Cyrill he may Learne off Sib●●la Lib. 3. Qui Turrim Assyriis in finibus edificarunt Cum cunctis eadem vox esset c. And Lib. 8. Collapsa Turri discrimina ●●guae sumpserunt hominum vatiato mune●e vocum That this One tongue was the Hebrue not only Augustine as before but also ●ero● on Sopho●i Chap. 3. he re●a●●ge the hebrue word ●●ge● whereof commeth the Latine N●gae he saith that the hebrue tongue is the Matrix off all tongues And by Augustines speach quae lingua non immerito credi 〈…〉 fuisse Com●unis pr●●s humano generi it semeth in that age it was commonly so held O●g●n hom 11. on Nomb. Lyra on this place 〈◊〉 in gen Lib. 2. Cap. 2. with all off any iudgment do so vnderstand off the sacred tongue of Heber Beros●s Lib. 4. Antiq. affirmeth that vpon the multiplication of Mankynd N●nb●ot tooke his son Io●e Bel●s with A Colo●e off people and came into the plaine off Sena● where he designed A City and founded A mighty Towre but soone after he addeth He builded A Towre but he finished it not to 〈◊〉 ge therewith this we for he w●● sodainly translated off the Gods Out off Arme●ia into Shin●● A loose tooth and therfore not to be trusted to prou 25. 19. commeth this Shismaticall band The Mysticall body off wickednes Zech●●i●h sawe sent for this lastage into Sh●●ar and that sealed vp ●●●n Ey●hah Eh. 5. 5. etc. They Study to b●●d for A Name the right ●adge off A bad spirit yet not A Schismatike or Heretike but he doth it And this Name they co●et to haue P●en Before they be fratered g●alphenei vppn the face of the Earth The forme of speach it causeth me to think that they heard how Heber in callinge his son Peleg had prophecied theyr d●●tion whereat they now mock and the rather for that schismatikes are ordinarily Mockers 1. Tim. 4. 1. Iude. 18. 19. They con●●ne and consult here abouts as though theyr were honestmen They will haue A towre to heauen stand apart com not ●ere they are holyer then thow Isa 65. 5. and this towre shal be made of Brick burned and wrought togither with s●yme Let Schismatiks gather togither with She●●s holy tongue none brag so off holy speach as these sprites and vse that tongue for fashioninge theyr scriptures in the fyre off false martyrdom and da●be them togither with vntempred morter and false application and that for purchasing A Name in the earth mangre the heart off Hebe● yet what shall they wyn Hearken Vers 5. But Iehouah came dovvne The Lord is A Bu●te in the way Iehouah is sayd to com downe not because He who is infinite is ver●● subject to mouinge from place to place for so he shold be f 〈…〉 te and cōprehended in som place but in respect off his manifestation below● in this or that accident which before appeared not in that place As they consi●●ted vnanim●ter say●●ge Let vs br●lde so Elohim the Father vvord and sprite and yet here but One Iehouah they consult say●ge Let vs go downe and confound them Language Holy Language abused it must be confounded so that they shall neyther speak nor mynde one thinge much lesse gather in one accorde for praisinge the Father off our Lord Iesus Christ What came Brovvnes work eue● vnto A work off pride for 〈…〉 hinge A She● though it met with A shame or the proud schismaticall work of anie vnto though as they brag much off it theyr Language were but 〈◊〉 and that One the pure language off Canaan or Heber I was brought vp in the bowels of proud Presci●ians and Bro 〈…〉 stes and therfore o● the ineffable mercy off my God that hath som and som drawen me from buylding with them for A Name Yet he could not do it till he had left me to som Shame I prayse and honour his holy wisdom for shaminge me with men that s● with him I man haue the Name off liuinge vnto him I disprayse not theyr Pure language they haue but the applyinge of it to so proud A worke who thinke as did the Little horne ●a● 8. 9. 10. That they cannot groe to be A visible people off Christ except they cast downe off the hoste and off the starres to the ground 〈◊〉 vpon them making manie