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A17499 The embassador between heauen and earth, betweene God and man. Or A booke of heauenly and healthy meditations and prayers for earthly and sickly soules and sinners Fit to be borne in the hand, and worne in the heart of euery good Christian. By W.C. preacher of the word. Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. 1613 (1613) STC 4316; ESTC S118212 87,812 404

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and tongues were strangers ignorant of eithers purpose the lippes babling without the heart no compunction within honouring God with our mouthes but our spirits farre from him our hearts not bleeding whose droppes should be heard and pittied our Altar without fire prayer without heat words without intention suppliancy of the body without the harmony and consent of the inward man And as they must bee zealous so directed to him alone for neither to Angels nor Saints Mediators or Friends one or other greater or lesser in heauen or in earth they are not due are not to be offered but to the eares of him and his annoynted after the example of so many both ancient righteous Patriarks Prophets Iudges Kings recorded in the booke of God and in an hundred and fifty Psalmes a hundred whereof at the least are prayers and supplications and in all the deuout requests that the Apostles of Christ and other his Disciples sent into heauen to him alone and his blessed Sonne our Sauiour without intercession or request to any other And by the example of that Kingly Prophet in the 86. Psalme Bow downe thine eare vnto mee I am poore and needy my distresse requireth thy helpe Bee mercifull vnto mee O Lord I cry vnto thee continually Reioyce the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee O Lord doe I lift my Soule VVhom haue I in Heauen but thee and in earth that I desire in comparison of thee But it is good for mee to hold mee fast by God to put my trust in the Lord God c. Psalm 73. And to whom wee must not onely pray with zeale and desire but with fitnesse and congruity and application vnto our seuerall necessities as for the generall blessings and benefites of God there must bee generall thankesgiuings for sins in generall generall confessions ancient and vsuall formes of prayer for ancient and vsuall occurrences we may take vnto vs words as the Prophet Hosea speaketh and say vnto the Lord at all times Take away all iniquity and receiue vs graciously so will we render the calues of our lippes But as the diuersity of our sinnes our newnesse and strangenesse and abhominations therin shall pull from the Iudgement seate of God new and varyed and diu●rs●●y of punishments and iudgements therefore so wee must accordingly vary our prayers and speake in the language of their necessity In time of plague or infection sicknesse and mortality our prayers must bee to God that hee would stay and sheath vp the sword in the hand of his deuouring Angell that on euery side strikes downe to the graue emptying houses and streetes to fill vp Church-yardes and vaults making them a me●hridate or preseruatiue against the Contagion and danger thereof which indeed is the souerainest restoratiue vnder heauen to make sound againe what sinne hath hurt and wounded acknowledging with a sorrow from our hearts that our sinnes haue procu●ed ●t and the hand of GOD most iustly inflicteth it therefore acknowledging the original cause thereof to proceede more ou● of our owne corruption and nature then the aire or any other secundary cause beseeching his maiestie as Phinees did that the plague may cease and that hee will visite no longer with that kinde of iudgement If a barrennesse possesse the land leanenesse and scarsity and famine dwell vpon her borders so that the Children thereof cry for bread and swoone as they go in the streetes for food we must pray in another stile that the Lord will vouchsafe to heare the Heauens againe that the Heauens may heare the Earth the Earth the Corne and VVine and Oyle And these Israell and all other his distressed people Hosea 2 and that hee will visite no longer with this kinde of iudgement If the enemy shall threaten our Land to inuade our Territories to make a deuastation spoyle and hauocke of all that wee haue that may fall in his way saying Come wee will deuoure wee will deuoure the name of Syon shall bee no more had in remembrance Ioel. 2. Wee must addresse our petitions to the Lord in another key and forme of Supplication Spare thy people O Lord and giue not thy heritage to reproach that the Heathen shall rule ouer them VVherefore should they say amongst thy people VVhere is now their GOD O cease to visite thy seruant with this kinde of iudgement If the cloudes yeeld not their moisture vpon our fruites vpon earth so that the labour of our handes and the fat of our fieldes perish through sterility and drought Still as the Plagues are new so let vs come before him with new Complaints new Songs new Intercessions and Obsecrations meekly Kneeling before the Lord our maker lowly prostrate at the footstoole of his mercy that these iudgements may bee diuerted and turned away from vs. Thus did that great patterne of wisedome and experience Salomon whose foote-steppes are worthy our imitation beseeching the Lord that when the people should pray vnto him according to their seuerall necessities whether afflicted with the assault of their ene●y or with want or superfluity of raine with pestilence famine or mill-dew captiuity or any other affliction either in body or in minde he would then in heauen heare their complaints vpon earth and bee mercifull vnto them And as our prayers will not ascend vnlesse faith and deuotion beare them vp nor will speede vnlesse they yssue from a heart that vowes an vnfeined repentance which that wee may the more effectually doe wee must call to minde our sinnes and transgressions that haue procured those iudgements that wee may repent and wash them from vs that God may heare vs and haue mercy vpon vs. But this Repentance that here is meant is more bitter then many imagine For as concerning Repentance euery sorrow is not repentance for then should worldlings repent Some thinke euery confession to bee repentance then had Pharaoh and Saul repented Others imagine euery weeping repentance which is not for then had Esau repented Others take euery little humiliation repentance but mistaking for then had Achab repented Others that euery good word promise is repētance if that were so thē should sicke men repent Some thinke to cry God mercy is repētance then should euery foole repent But true repentance indeede and such as is here meant is more then the hanging downe the head like a Bull-rush or to wring out a teare to sob out a sigh to weare sackecloth or haire-cloth or onely with a verball sound and pronuntiation of the lippes without the priuity of the heart within to cry Lord haue mercy on mee and so cease but it is the scourging renting wracking and launcing of the very soule and a downe right showre of teares from a broken and bleeding heart and a filling of the rai●es wi●h exceeding bitternesse of sorrow and anguish for sinne committed And to this schoole of sharpenesse but sweetnesse of paine but of pleasure let no man thinke it too earely to go too earely to beginne ô go to it
conscience shal not disquiet and the deuill driue thee to despaire in so that thou canst not truly repent and late repentance is seldome true repentance and besides it stands not with the Lords honour to be so often shaken off when he would lodge with vs and how many in these thoughtes haue perished suddainly preuented by death of their expectation preparation proposed if notwithstāding all this that neither consideration nor perswasion can moue vs to be early wise for our owne good the good of our soules let vs know if we deferre our repentance to the last iudgement shall but iustly requite vs if eyther death do strangle vs before we speake or the wrath of God rebound vpon vs when we haue gone out and wept betterly wept our fill therfore I say againe preuent it lest thou be preuented by it and frustrated of they expectation cast from the fauour of God thou be condemned for euer to that lake that burnes with fire brimstone the terror and torture thereof as inexplicable as vnsufferable which cannot be indured and yet must be indu●ed without ceasing or determinatiō By this we are now resolued we must die either in youth or in age at one seasō or at another the cannō decree so direct to all that no one shall euer find an euasion the sonne of God himselfe hauing taken our nature vpon him was not exempted but died was layed in the bowels of the earth to sweeten it to all mankind we know in regard of our time we haue but a short time to liue and that short not sweet but full of mysery we know that as we liue so we shal die according to that ancient true sentence Qualis vita finis ita vt cecideris it● eris and as we die so shall we rise to iudgement we know that our sins of Omission and Commission of desire consent our thoughtes and our deedes shall be brought vnto iudgement with vs we must render an account of our idle wordes if so no maruell that the scripture telleth vs when these all in vs and all in all of vs are let loose at liberty without any restaint or reckoning That many are called but few are chosen And wee know that wee haue broken all thy Commandements and the breach of the least is eternall damnation These things considered and daily and seriously layd to heart which concernes the well-fare of euery Christian what cause haue wee but to mourne and sorrow For what will it profite a man to winne all the world to enioy all the riches and pleasures thereof and to loose his owne Soule And if wee stand vpon pleasure what pleasure is like vnto this To lay vp Treasure in Heauen which the moath shall not corrupt nor theeues breake through and steale to walke in the paths of the Lord all the dayes of our life to liue in his feare that we may dye in his fauour that at the last day wee may stand with confidence vnshaken when the wicked shall tremble at his presence like Popler in the Forrest What are all the pleasures of this world but Vanity but vanity and vexation of the minde and there is no true content vnder the Sunne And in their passage which is very sudden they leaue a kinde of sting behinde them and there besides is more griefe in a little sorrow then content in a great deale of pleasure And this is the sowre reckoning that euer killes the sweete welcome of all earthly pleasure And therfore once againe if wee stand vpon pleasure what pleasure is like vnto this and the more pleasant because the more secure to thinke how sweete that breath that flowes from the lippes of our Sauiour shall bee vnto vs aboue Myrrh and Cassia Come you blessed I was hungry and you fed mee I was naked and you c●oathed mee inher●te the Kingdome of my Father prepared for you from the beginning On the other side the thought of that heauy Sentence the thought imagination whereof like the vpper and the neather Mill-stone is able to c●ush and grinde in peeces all the pleasures of the world and the sensuall appetites thereof and to throw them into the ayre like Chaffe against the winde that indanger or bring vs within the compasse thereof The tenor whereof shall be more grieuous against whom it is pronounced that day then all the pleasures of the world in the fullest sayle were euer contentiue Ite Maledicti Goe you cursed descend to the lake of perdition you that haue had your portion in this world Purple and fine Linnen and fared dilitiousoy euery day that haue neglected me in my members in charity and pitty and in deedes of mercy that beeing hungry gaue mee no foode and beeing naked gaue mee no rayment Will this bee the answere of Christ at that day to those that to him in his persecuted and afflicted members denyed their releefe when they therewith plainly euicted excuses shall craue mercy at his handes and shall not obtaine it Si in igne ardebit qui non dedit propria sua vbi ardebit qui surripiat aliena Si sterilitas in ignem mittitur rapacitas quid merebitur All the sonnes and daughters of men in the world from Adam the first man of the race to the last that shall stand vpon the earth shall to their ioy or griefe receiue one of these two sentences Then If Let vs all therfore labour to be partakers of the best of the blest and that wee may let vs serue him in loue For Seruire eo regnare est his seruice is perfect freedome Let vs obey him in feare for The feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome Let vs be acquainted with him in this world that wee may not bee as strangers and aliants to him in the world to come Let vs heare him when hee speakes vnto vs and not with our eares stopped passe by him like the deafe Adder not regarding the Voyce of the Charmer charme hee neuer so wisely lest the Prophets and Preachers of the Word the Law and the Gospell our Parents and Tutors our owne Consciences consenting and witnessing thereunto send vs vnto the Iudgement seat of GOD with this Inscription written on our Fore-heads No●●erunt i●cantari they would not be charmed they would not bee acquainted Let vs not waste our time and weigh ●t not heape vp sinne and feare it not awake GODS wrath and sorrow not lye fettered in death and struggle not slippe into the Graue and see it not least wee perish and preuent it not And let vs not haue lesse regard of our time then wee haue of our treasure which we somtimes reckon by graine and weight that wee reserue with heede and care imploy with diligence and fore-cast and let that passe a thousand times more pretious without Arithmetike and Ballance thought or regard Let not the slashes of vaine-glory that flye through the world like lightening and the subtile plots and
and graines in confusion Let vs cast vp our dayes by Iacobs account valew● them not to be more not to better then he did his few and euill as he that truly considers it shall most rightly find it true for the first that they are few what age since there were creatures that liu'd and breathed died in it and howers yeares to wast and spend themselues to giue it a quantitie and quality thereof that might speake with more probabilitie and exemplarie experience hereof then ours when our yong men in our streetes in our houses oftentimes part with there health there life and all within an hower and others fall downe dead as they trauaile vpon the way and the latest yeares of our ould men accomplish not the child-hood of our fore-fathers with such daily other presidentes of death before our eyes both of vntimely youth and ould age that might moue vs to looke into our selues yet as if we tooke leases of our liues as wee do of our houses we incroach and build set vp pull downe alter repaire like earth-deluing-moles presse crush our owne bowelles and consciences to heaue vp little piles of rubbish and earth toyle our bodies and beat our braines to ioyne our possessions together dispeopling whole villages that we may be Lordes alone drawing the earth from the poore that they liue tread vpon by exactions plottes and tyrannies pulling the bread from out there handes and the food from out there mouthes calling our habitations after our owne names as if we should for euer liue or our posterities after vs succeed to the worldes end or world without end when he that sits in heauen laugheth them to scorne for he that thinkes to be rich or great without him in the prophanenes of his heart Esay 14. 15. let him know Gen. 11. 7. that the least breath of his mouth shall so batter his seat that the place thereof shall be no more found and scatter his riches as the dust before the wind or the chaffe that slies in the ayre and all there thoughtes intētions more vaine thē vanity it selfe if we liued like Adam without any president of death before our eyes and the length of our dayes in some measure stretched out like to his it were some little securitie for presumption to build vpon but wee that haue sene our thousand three-thousand weekly such a dearth of health that the sicke haue bene more then the sound the dead more then the lyuing and death hath so layd about in our streetes and in our houses that grasse hath growne in the one and solitarinesse so taken vp the other that the sight of a man in either hath bene more pretious then the gold of Ophir sometimes come so neare vs that it hath puld away the wife from our owne bosome children from our owne loynes reueld in the darke of the night at the noone of the day disposest vs of neighbour and frend neare and distant far of spared none from the child supported by the hand for weakenesse to him that walkes with the staffe for age with such an innumerable and daily witnesse in which number our owne bowelles sometimes a part the sentence of God vpon all flesh as a forerunner and the accomplishmēt thereof with such a ●ercenesse succeeding all crying with a loud voyce and proclaming this proclamation of God Statutum est omnibus semelmori O but may the yong man or some not aged say although we must once die yet we may liue many yeares and therefore we wil take our pleasures whilst we may and when they haue forsaken vs when age shall ceaze vpon vs with her whitenesse die our lockes into another coullor then will we repent vs and thinke of our end O but who euer thou art that thinkes so deceiue not thy selfe with this vaine procrastinating folly but let Salomons experienced councell be the tutor to thy youth forget not to remembe his Memēto To remember thy creator in the dayes of thy youth before the euill dayes approach and the times wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them and beeing a reasonable creature offer not God that indignity that hath made thee both body and soule giuen thee both health and strength thy beeing thy benefites all that thou hast as to offer him the huskes and refuse of Sathan What earthly maister that but for a few temporall benefits as in sustayning our yeares of infancye although all that he could for vs were but as a grauell stone in comparison to the whole sea shore of his goodnesse that would not expect in recompence hereof the abilitye of our best seruice to his imployment which if wee should neglect him in and forsake him vnacknowledged so long vntill our youth and strengthes were spent and old age were crept vpon vs and wee disabled to helpe our selues much lesse to stand him in stead or deserue his former kindnesse yet then with blushlesse faces should offer to put our selues vpon him for a second suppertance that with the acclamation and consent of the earthly maisters in the world would not only turne his face away but vtterly reiect foreuer cast vs off from his acknowledgement Is it then iust with vs and is it not much more iust with God We are all seruants to him in a thousand duties he fashioned vs in our mothers wombe carefully tooke vs out from thence euer since protected and preserued vs vpon the finger of whose prouidence we sticke as the sun in the firmament and shall wee from him that hath done so much for vs dedicate the ioy marrow of our bones to the enemie of our God our good the welfare of all mankind to him that compasseth the earth seeking whom he may deuour shal we I say in our ripest iudgement and abilitie of largest consideration make no vse hereof but run one with the spurre of the flesh and the pricke of the deuill all the sun-shine of our dayes in obliuion and forgetfulnesse of him we should euer remember If we doe the euening will bring heauinesse vnto vs which will not indure for a night and ioy approach in the morning but a night without end of sorrow and lamentation whom no day shall euer arise to cleare and he that hath lost Christ in a large youth and run from him many yeares must not thinke that few wil vntread that path againe and recouer him but rather that a yeare may so lose him that many shall not find him againe though with Ioseph and Mary he be sought in sorrowing Presume not vpon that text of mercy to much At what time soeuer a sinner although it be an Oracle of truth truth it selfe for if thou refuse the time of grace that is offered thou knowest not whether it wil be offered thee againe whether thou shalt euer after haue a time to repent thee of thy sins from the bottome of thy h●rt that thine owne
before we vtter them going vnto him that calles come vnto me all you that trauell and are heauen loaden and I will refresh you To him therefore let vs goe to him let vs send vp these trusty embassadours our Prayers Prayer the sweet cesterne and conduite of grace by the which all the benefits and guiftes in that heauenly treasure-house are cōtinued reserued and renued vnto vs. Prayer the keye that opens where no man shuts and shuttes where no man can open that enters where no man hath passage and returnes where no man can hinder Prayer the life of the soule when being perplexed with such griefe of hart as neyther Wine nor strong drinke according to the aduise of Salomon can comfort her misery hauing no word to speake nor comfort to apply when it is day wishing for nightes approach and when it is night saying to her selfe when shall it be morning how euer the season no comfort succeeding neither by light nor darkenesse nor in any worldly felicitye wishing as often as shee openeth her lips and draweth in breath into her nostrils if God were as hasty to fulfill as she to desire O that thou wouldest hide me in the graue and keepe mee secret vntill thy wrath were past Iob. 14. yet then euen then she assumeth the winges of a doue the motion and agility of the spirit of God she flyeth by the strength of her Prayers into the bosome of Gods mercy and there like the arke vpon the mountaines of Armenia is at rest Therefore if any be afflicted let him pray let vs not presume in the height of our prosperity with Dauid to say as hee did I shall neuer be remoued thou Lord of thy goodnesse hast made my hill so strong least with him we suddainly shall see a change Thou diddest but hide thy face and I was sore troubled then cryed I vnto the Lord and prayed vnto my God saying what profit is there in my blood Psal 20. therefore let him that standes take good heed that he doe not fall let vs put our confidence in the Lord our God and pray vnto him and to none other neither let vs presume vpon our selues nor any earthly meanes beside for her was neuer contemplation exercise or any kinde study in the world so acceptable to the maiestie of God so gratious in his sight so linked and true a friend to him that makes vse of it as prayer is It waketh in the night season it restes not in the day it forsaketh vs not by land nor by sea in health nor in sicknesse in prosperity nor in aduersity in weale nor in woe liuing nor dying it is our last friend and most indissoluble companion Let vs therefore loue it and therefore let vs vse it There was neuer name in heauen or earth so worthy to bee called vpon so mighty for deliuerance so puissant for protection so gainfull for successe so compendious to abridge vnnecessary labours as the name of IEHOVAH our most mercifull Father and the image of his countenance Iesus Christ Therefore to the Lord there was neuer Sanctuary so free for Transgessors in the strongest priuiledge neuer such safety neuer holes in the rocke so open for the doues of the field the armes of any mother so open to her childe as the bowels of Gods compassion to all faithfull beleeuers Therefore to him and therefore faithfully and in that method fitnesse and propriety as Thomas hauing the obiect of his prayer before his eyes euen Christ Iesus my Lord and my God There was neuer creature liuing vnder the line of the Sun that saw not affliction in his dayes neuer was there any to whom affliction was not grieuous and irke-some yet neuer was there affliction so great but it hath beene vnder the correction of the Lord whose hand hath beene able to maister it Therefore to euery affliction as they come in seuerall kindes for our seuerall sins and transgressions so our prayers must bee seuerall and framed and fitted thereunto and powred forth both with wisedome and zeale that they come not harshly vndigested to those eares that can both sift and try the one and the other the delicasie and tendernesse whereof must bee wisely intreated and the fauour of his countenance carefully sought after the example of him that knew in his soule that a faint and dissembled prayer would returne empty into the bosome of him that sent it vp But a broken and contrite spirit the Lord would not despise neuer sent vp his petitions but with the deepest affection and zeale of his minde with the most sincere integrity and meditated zeale that might be for Euery night washt he his bed and watered his Couch with teares the bloud of the soule and the wine of Angels the pretious and significant pearles of contrition that preuaile without words and effect where words faile And therefore feruently after his example that thou mayst haue the force of two tongues in thy suit the better to speed And to auoyd the malediction which thou mayst else receiue in stead of a blessing for cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently And as we may learn precepts and draw many excellent examples from the lines of the heathē Philosophers writers so here to this wee may learne a zeale in our prayers euen of those wodden Priests K. 1. 18. of whom it is written that they called vpon the name of Baal frō morning to noone and when they had no answere they cryed aloud nay they cut themselues with kniues till the bloud flowed so they prayed not onely in teares but in bloud and shall not wee the children of the light bee as zealous in our generation And frō the agony zeale of the son of Righteousnesse that in the daies of his flesh offered vp prayers supplications with strong cryes teares to him that was able to helpe him learne to adresse our selues in our necessities of whom the Gospel further declares not only that he kneeled at the naming of whose name all knees haue bowed both in heauen earth and vnder the earth but that he fell vpon the ground the footstoole of his owne maiesty and lay vpon that face that neuer Angell beheld without reuerence and when he had prayed before hee prayed more earnestly as the Scriptures record hee once prayed and departed and a second time and yet a third time departed and departed euermore vsing the same petitions his prayer ascending by degrees like incense and perfume and not onely his lippes went but his agony and contention within was so great that an Angell was sent from heauen to comfort him and with the trouble of his soule sweat like droppes of bloud trickling downe to the ground Let vs not therefore offer vp this sacrifice but remēber this blessed example of this our blessed sauiour in our imitation that they may be blessed in their speed and we in their successe and not to vtter them remisse and carelesse as if our spirites
right hand is of more puissance then the whole arme either of flesh or any spirit besides yea then the whole loines whole substances whole bodies of Angels or of Men siluer gold silke purple all other creatures so it shall walke through life and death without controulement if it find Angels Principallities powers things present things to come or any other creature in the world stopping her passage and rebuking her forwardnesse shee shall cleare her way notwithstanding and clime into the presence of her God and in his eares deliuer her message Bee we in sickenesse to him the true Ph●sition that knowes both the cause and the cure shee comes for health bee wee in imprisonment there shee sollicites a release from him the Lord of liberty bee we opprest with pouerty or want The earth is the Lords and all that dwell therein to him shee comes for the blessing of the Lord maketh rich are we afflicted aboue measure beyond the strength of man insomuch that we doubt whether we liue or no receiuing the sentence of death within our selues so as in our opinion we comprehend no deliuery no euasion but lie open to the direct accomplishment thereof yet in this exigent and extremity wee come to God in this meanes euen almost beyond hope without expectation and by his good pleasure we are deliuered therefore heerein let vs receiue comfort hee hath hee doth and will deliuer vs not onely from the death of our bodies when wormes and rottennesse haue made their long and last prey vpon them but from the death of our mindes too when the spirit is buried vnder sorrowes there is no creature found in heauen or earth to giue it comfort Therfore be our misery bee our affliction neuer so great and though in our weake immagination wee can imagine no deliuery no release when all earthly meanes and comforts forsake vs let vs not yet forsake this refuge let vs not despaire in his helpe no more then Ionas did who in the bottome of the sea within a prison within that bottome in such an affliction so great so strange as greater nor stranger could not bee nor to humane reason more without hope yet saith hee Ionas 2. 2. I cryed in mine affliction vnto the Lord and hee heard mee out of the belly of hell cryed I and thou heardest my voyce Therefore I say againe in aduersity let vs not despaire but pray with hope In aduersity be it neuer so great let vs pray with confidence In our prosperity let vs pray in our prosperity neuer so flourishing let vs pray let vs pray continually In our health and prosperity let vs pray to continue it in our sickenesse and aduersity let vs pray to release it And if we consider our estate rightly we shall perceiue many reasons that may moue vs to this exercise daily to seeke his fauour and louing countenance without whose protection and care ouer vs wee are ready to fall into a thousand dangers to perish continually let vs therefore in time and season with wordes sutable to our purpose and intention either thankes-giuings for benefites receiued or with petitions and intreaties for necessities implored in the time of sickenesse in the time of our health in the time of our aduersity in the time of our prosperity let vs come before him suting our wordes in the habite of our occasions with such fitnesse and decency that they sal not harshly and from the purpose in the eares of the Almighty And to that end good Reader I haue heere compiled and set downe many formes and moulds of prayer fitting for seuerall persons occasions and times after the example of our Sauiour Christ the true patterne of all wisedome and goodnesse who hath giuen vs the first and best forme thereof himselfe who hath both taught vs to pray and taught vs how to pray and that will both heare our prayers and grant our requests as farre as seemes expedient to his vnsearchable wisedome that knowes our wants before hee heares our cōplaints our necessities better then we our selues for because Prayer is so excellent a thing so ready so swift so powerful so vnseperated from vs that it cleaues vnto vs when all other meanes forsak vs therfore that wee should the more earnestly imbrace it more zealously imply it more deerely esteeme it there is great reason that it finds vs oftētimes out cōfort in greatest extremities that whē we find our selues in misety our waies hedged vp as with thornes that wee cannot stirre to deliuer our selues there hence when wee are ouerflowne with the deluge of sinne as with a floud and iudgements inuiron vs on euery side this is the Doue that brings vnto our soules the Oliue branch of comfort yet because for the most part we kill the life therein through the coldnesse of our deuotion and carelesnesse of our deliuery and vnfit preparation thereunto and finde not the sweetenesse and successe that else we might expect and obtaine at the hands of God thereby Therefore I haue here drawne them out to life shewed both the excellency thereof and preparation thereunto befitting that these formes hereafter following and all other whatsoeuer in this kind may be the more powerfull blessed and comfortable to all that shall vse them without the which it is impossible that they should please God or any good successe follow thereupon The Embassadour betweene Heauen and Earth A morning Prayer for the Sabaoth day MOST mercifull God and eternall father what may we render vnto thee for all thy louing kindnesse for the which blessings and thankes-giuings for euermore be heaped vpon thy holy name in whom the treasures of mercy and louing kindnesse dwell bodily who of thine owne good will and pleasure hast bene pleased to communicat vnto vs so many of thy fauours so many seuerall ways without any manner of desert of ours to the which may it please thee to ad stil to the number by taking away those iniquities of ours that take away thy fauours and blessings from vs or as a stranger that knoweth them not passe by our transgressions retaine not thine anger against vs foreuer though w● retaine our sins the cause of thine anger but returne to vs by grace who returne not to thee by repentance and haue compassion vpon vs who haue not compassion on ouer owne soules subdue our raigning and raging vnrighteousnesse and drowne our offences in the bottome of the sea which else will drowne vs in the bottome of destruction raise vp our soules from the dead sleepe of sinne as thou hast raised vp our bodies from this night of darkenesse protect vs from all dangers from the which no minute we are secured of our selues but in thee brought vs to the begining of this thy blessed sabaoth of rest which good father so sanctifie vnto vs through thy blessed spirit that thy name may be hallowed thy power admired thy mercy magnified and thy loue manifested to thy glory and our euerlasting
in thy promise haue an assured hope to liue with thee for euer in the life to come through Iesus Christ my Lord and only Sauiour Amen A prayer to be said before the vndertaking of any iourney O Eternall wise and glorious God that foreseest the end of all things before they come to passe and blessest the indeuours of those that go forth in thy feare and direction bee present therefore O Lord and protecting in this my trauell guide thou my course and shorten thou my way by the blessed communication of thy spirit within mee giue thine holy Angels charge ouer me to keepe me in all my wayes to guide mee to and fro in this my iourney as thou diddest to Toby the yonger who by thy Angell Raphael was guyded vnto Gabaell a Citty of the Medes our whole life O Lord is as a pilgrimage and the dayes thereof are few and euill by thy appointment we soiorne vpon the face of the earth for a time and our spirit also within vs it commeth and returneth as a traueller vpon the way or bourdeth with vs as an inmate or guest or tenant at will whom we hold by no lease nor condition but thy pleasure which art the owner thereof a quarter a yeare or perhaps many yeares till thy messinger from heauen to earth knocke at our doores with a Ilinc migrate coloni slit hence my tenant and then exit de terra nostra it departeth from vs and our bodies fall downe to the earth and our pilgrimage is at an end teach mee to vse this world as in my trauayle I shall vse mine inne taking vp my rest for a night and preparing for my passage in the morning knowing there I am but a strāger and haue no abiding place for so the world is but mine inne and because it is fayre and beutious full of many goodly roomes and spatious walkes beutified with the firmament and the greater and the lesser lights thereof the Sunne the Moone and the starres yet that I seeke not to make it my habitation for euer but giue me grace to vse it as if I vsed it not prouiding me with such necessaries as may sustayne me in my trauayle not ouerburdening my conscience to clogge mee in my way euer looking vp to thee the starre of my direction whither my course is bound as the hauen from this impatient and troublesome sea where at the last I shall anker at rest whither Lord conduct me with thy right hand as in this my temporall and present iourney defended from all perils and dangers of the day I may happely accomplish my desire with thy will and all the dayes of my trauayle labour assigned ended I may there arriue where all teares shall be wipt from myne eyes and drops from my browes wearynesse from my bones sighes sobbes from my soule all dryed vp in the presence and ioy of thee and thy saintes and Angels for euermore which graunt good father for thy mercies sake Amen Another Prayer or med to be vsed before the vndertaking of any iourney or businesse eyther by sea or land GOod father the mysery and blindnesse of our nature is such and our ingratitude so great that we steale thy benifites and take them absolutely to our selues and inioy them freely to our owne vse as if they were originally the worke and labour our of our owne handes and we had them without thy knowledge and assistance that riches are the succeeders pollicy that health is eyther recouered or kept by obseruation or diet lost by disorder or abuse that successe or defect in any our proceedings sute according to our wisedome or industry in contriuing the same and so in a setled perswasion resolution hearin we goe forward in this blindfould course asking councell nor crauing successe of any but our selues or creatures of the same f●aylty and beeing that wee ourselues are of whereby oftentimes we faile of our purpose and know not the reason thereof Lord giue vs grace to correct this errour and giue vs light in this our blindnesse teach vs to know that we are ashamed wee are ignorant of that Except thou build the house they labour in vaine that build it For it is thou that must cōmand thy blessings to be with vs in our store-houses in all that wee set our hands vnto or our labour dieth betweene our fingers like an vntimely fruit And as a sparrow falleth not to the ground without thy sufferance so there is nothing that commeth to passe without thy appoyntment and direction therefore what businesse soeuer we haue what regard soeuer we haue thereunto let vs haue so much regard thereto as to regard thee that must regard it or else all will fall to the ground let vs go out in thy name with thy assistance implored on our knees let vs loose so much time to gaine so great aduantage for it abridges the way and cuts off many tedious imperfections in whatsoeuer in thy protection let vs enter againe let vs not take our bread our daily food our sustenance without thankfulnesse to thee let vs not couch our selues in the bed of our rest but close our eyes in thy fauour and blessing for it is that that must bee vpon the building of our houses opening of our Shops and warehouses watching of our Citties tilling of our ground in feeding of our bodies in the education of our children or whatsoeuer paine industry or labour in the securest course we can deuise for without this ayd and assistance all falleth into emptinesse and vastity Lord giue vs grace to consider it and blesse this our out-going and our comming in the fruit of our bodies and the fruit of our hands our intents and purposes Bee regardfull vnto our labours whatsoeuer wee take in hand walke by vs on the land on the water as thou diddest by thy Disciples saue vs or we perish for neither the land the safer nor the sea the more dangerous can protect vs nor destroy vs till thou hast sealed thereunto thy consent nor any creature nor casualty in the world offer either violence or iniury where thy hand but takes our part and where that is opposed though all the creatures in the world the whole host of heauen and earth should ioyne with vs we goe to racke and ruine Giue vs therefore grace to be mindefull hereof and throughly perswaded herein to make our preparation therafter that we may aske and thou mayst giue thy successe and blessing vpon all that wee take in hand or enioy which grant vs Lord in this present occasion and in all occasions and times hereafter for thine owne deere sake Amen A prayer for true peace which is the peace of God in the peace of conscience and for the external peace of the body disquieted often with reuenge debate contentious going to law O Lord my God which art the author of peace and louer of concord and the hater of all those y● are not louers
thereof but delight in contention and strife therefore I beseech thee because I would not bee as one out of thy fauour giue vnto me that minde that a peacefull man should haue and let thy spirit assure my spirit that my sinnes are washt away in the bloud of thy sonne Christ Iesus that my conscience within me may haue peace and rest without which all ioy will turne into bitternesse and I shall mourne in the middest thereof as the Pellican in the wildernesse The body will beare the infirmity therof but an aking and wounded Conscience who can sustaine O Lord settle this assurance in me that I haue peace with thee and I shal haue peace with all men with whom to haue peace and to be at warres with thee to be at peace with the world and at enmity with thee is to make vnto my selfe a dangerous truce a league of peace against the king of peace the very breath of whose nostrils is able at once to destroy a thousand worlds and all the Creatures therein and therefore vaine is the combination that is plotted against thee Giue mee patience O Lord to digest and passe ouer the iniury and malice of those that contentiously and causlessely by the malice and instigation of Sathan séeke to stir vp strife and disturbe my quyet wherein in the mediation of thee and thy mercies towards me I might meditate day and night free from this troublesome and intangled world with her thousand snares whereby by righting my wrong a little I wrong my selfe a great deale and the remembrance whereof as my means with her so many branches to the vex●tion and expence of my mind and body substance endlesly eate me vp y● I forget what I liue but to remember woe to him that goes to law for that which y● Gospell hath taken order for Therefore good father giue me such a patient disgesting mind that I desire not to iniury others to molest my selfe but rather by y● example of thee the true patterne of all imitation that to thy accusers didst not open thy mouth but wast dumbe like a sheep before y● shearer wast so far from reuenging the iniuries of man that thou diddest not defend thy selfe And if at any time I bee forced to vse the meanes to take this sword into my hands that I do it not with delight but vnwillingly and with such moderation and clemency that it bee to defend my selfe and not offend others that I offend not in the true vse therof but that I labour to haue peace with thee peace with all men which grant thou that art the God of peace for thy Sonne Christ Iesus sake our Sauiour A prayer for seasonable weather a punishment the Lord hath lately inflicted vpon vs and our whole land for our sinnes ETernall Almighty and Euerlasting God forasmuch as by thy holy word wee are taught that whē thine anger is incensed against vs for our sins amongst other thy punishments thou doest shut vp the heauens y● there may ●●no rain that the earth thereby may deny her fruites vnto vs and now thou doest iustly manifest this thy displeasure vnto vs in shutting vp the heauen which was wont to drop downe her wholsome showers in due season vpon the fruits of the earth hardening them as Iron or brasse in dispersing y● clouds so that they drop not vpon the dry and parched soyle burnt vp and withering in the heat of thine indignation O Lord though wee are sensible of this thy disple●sure kindled so heauily aginst vs at this time yet groaning vnder the weight of our manifold sins and transgressions so great and so innumerable we are afraid in our selues to approach vnto thy Tribunall to craue a release of this thy punishment or to begge any other mercy at thy hands yet because such is thy gracious goodnesse towards mankinde that by thy Prophet Zachary thou hast mercifully promised vs the first and the latter raine to make white clouds and giue showers to euery one grasse in the field Therefore we acknowledging our owne vnworthinesse relying onely vpon thy mercies with lowly contrite broken harts do presume to powre out our humble supplicatiōs before thée beséeching thee y● thou wouldst heare our prayers as thou didst sometimes the earnest supplications of Helias who prayed the heauens gaue raine the earth brought forth her fruit And as it hath pleased thee most gracious God likewise to promise by the mouth of Moses thy seruant vnto Israell And in another place by thy Prophet Hosea that if that people would forsake their sinnes turne wholly vnto thee the Lord their God thou wouldst giue raine vnto the land in due time the first raine and the latter that they might gather in the wheate the oyle and y● thou wouldest send grasse in their fields for cattle that they might eate inough and y● if they would turne vnto thee with vnfeyned repentance thou wouldst heare the heauens they shold heare the earth the earth shold heare the grasse the corn the oyle thou wouldest haue mercy vpon them that were not pittied Mercifull Father with an humble confession of our great ingratitude a hatred loathing of our former transgressions committed with a high and presumptuous hand against thy sacred maiesty and with a serious purpose to walke in the wayes which thou hast commanded so in the griefe and agony of spirit for our former sins we turne vnto thee turne then vnto vs most mercifull father and extend thy great goodnesse and compassion towards vs that we may tast and see how gratious thou art in hearing of these our prayers answearing them gratiously in the seasonable supply of this our necessity to the honour of thy great name and the comfortable refreshing of thy seruantes for the merits of thy sonne Iesus Christ our only Lord and Sauiour A meditation of Gods loue and mercy towards vs and our vnthankefullnesse towards him alluding to the phrase of S. Augustine Miserere mei Domine indigna facientis Digna Patientis ETernall Almighty most mercifull God vpon the knees of our harts we prostrate our selues our soules and bodies at the throne of thy grace being altogether wretched and vnworthy sinners vnworthy of the least of those benefittes that haue not fallen vnto vs seldome now and than and that in a weake and restrayned measure but in bundles and shewes of a large allowance dayly and howerly throwne vpon vs from thy royall and plentifull hand as though we had alwayes performed thy will and our delight and been to walke wholy in the pathes of thy commandements which we haue been so far from witnesse deare God our owne consciences that we haue derided them and set them at light trod them vnder foot vpon the least aduantage or occation nay in sport and merriment and to shew vs men of resolutions presumptuously we haue taken them in vaine and that in so carelesse and high ameasure
Rides quid non sic forsitan vna dies Knewest thou a moneth should end thy dayes it would giue cause of sorrow And yet perhaps thou laughes to day when thou must die to morrow A Prayer or meditation before the receyuing of the holy communion MOst mercifull and most worthely beloued Lord the eternall sonne of the eternal father thou blessed Iesus Christ what should we render vnto thée for all thy louing kindnesse for all that thou hast done and suffered for vs thy creatures of priuiledge aboue all the creatures in the world the sonnes and daughters of men indued with wisedome capability and vnderstanding the steps of thy foot the printes of thy hands fixed in a spattous world and the innumerability of creatures there of delight and admiration for vs to contemplate theron and imploy to our vse a delight more heauenly and truly intire alone then all the irration all hud-winked creatures in the world can tast besides therefore all those in subiection vnder our foot besides fashioned and framed vs to thine owne image with a stature ascendant shooting vpright into heauen when all other creatures go groueling precipitated downe towards the earth yet O Lord for all these benifits and excellent indowments that we should behaue our selues so vngratefully towards thee that it should repent the to haue made man that our rebellious and vnnaturall sins should vnwillingly on thy party draw thy punishments euen from out thy grasped hand Oceans of waters frō thy cloudes to drowne all the world but eight persons shall pull fier from heauen to burne whole Citties and townes as Sodome and Gomorroh were and not ten righteous persons to be found amongst ten thousand vnrighteous and yet thy loue to be so f●r continued notwithstanding that when all mākind had peruerted their ways and there was not one that did good no not one and wee lay bare and open to the law and sathan triumphing ouer our infirmities leading vs captiues vnder the bondage of sinne that thou shouldest send thy sonne into the world descending from the throne of his maiesty into the bowelles of humanity from thy right hand in heauen to thy foot-stoole the earth there to be layed in a manger persecuted by Herod beeing a child to pay tribute to preach to pray to fast to be tempted to be betrayed to be mocked to be scourged to be crowned to be crucified all by vngratefull man that would oppose a power against him that gaue them power to take away his life that was the author of life and breathed the breath of life into there nostrils yet O loue without example without imitation that very night that hee was betrayed when the hower and the power of darkenesse met together whē the blackest consultation that euer day or night was witnesse too was held to darken the sun to extinguish the light to vndermine the intirest innocency that euer possest the breath of being yet O loue aboue all loue that night and that hower of that night when these heades were combining against thee wast thou instituting and ordayning this thy blessed Sacrament to the saluation of there soules and all the wretched sinners in the world besides as many as by a liuely fayth shall apply it to there wounded consciences O gratious God open thou our eyes in the largest consideration that wee may see thy loue and consider what thou hast done for the sonnes of men that for thy loue vnto vs more strong then death we may returne our loue to thee more weake then our owne life cold dull and frosen which let vs seeke to warme in the hottest zeale of our affection that in some poore measure we may be worthy to receiue this thy sacrament of thy most blessed body and bloud then by thee ordayned to our euerlasting saluation the admiration of men and Angels and that we may so doe prepare vs O Lord to this thy heauenly banquet with all due and requisite regard with penitent and bleeding hartes that we come not there without our wedding garment least we turne that blessing into a curse and by eating and drinking our owne damnation bee guilty of thy body and bloud which is otherwayes able to saue our soules and to that end we besech thee set a part in vs whatsoeuer thy maiesty is most offended with or maketh vs vnworthy of this thy blessed sacrament and giue vs new hartes and new desires purged and swept and prepared fit for the intertainement of so worthy a guest and though with the Centurion in the Gospell we be not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder our roofe yet speake but the word and wee shall be saued and then hauing so receyued thee wee may bouldly with Zacheus confesse Hodie salus Iehouae this day is saluation come vnto my house come vnto my soule the which cause and effect preparation and blessing graunt Lord for thy mercies sake Amen A meditation or thankesgiuing after the receyuing of the holy cōmunion HOnour glory and praise be giuen to the O God the euerliuing sonne of the euerlasting father the stay and comfort of all Christian soules at whose right hand in heauen thou sittest and raignest for euermore what may we render vnto thee as a sacrifice acceptable that hast giuen thy selfe a bleeding sacrifice for vs and for our sinnes A broken and contrite hart O Lord that thou will not dispise which daily in the meditation of this thy loue and mercy towardes vs and what thou hast vndergone for vs our sakes shall be rent and torne that it may be healed in thy wounds and bound vp in the bundle of thy mercy that so we may stand spottlesse before thee the day of thy appearing and good Lord so continue thy fauour vnto vs that this learnest and pledge of thy loue left as a monument to all after-worldes and ages to come may be so powerfull and effectuall vnto vs that it may seale in our hartes the forgiuenesse of our sins washt away in the streame of thy bloud and buried in thy side neuer to open there mouthes against vs beeing there condemned to euerlasting silence and if at any time the frayltie of the flesh by the instigation of Sathan shall draw me vnto sinne forgetting what thou sufferedest therefore yet let my wandering thoughts bee called home to thy fould in remembrance of these visible signes whereby the breaking of thy body and the shedding of thy bloud is so liuely presented vnto me that I behould it as with my eyes mourning in my selfe not accusing the iewes the scribes nor pharises high priestes nor elders Iudas nor Pilate but my sins that tormented wounded crucified the Lord of life to death they were the cause these were but the instruments whereby it was effected O what is man that thou shouldest so regard him or the sonne of man that thou so kindly visitest him let euery nayle that was driuen into thy handes and feet by the hammer of our sinnes be
shall come it shall the lesse affright mee in that before I haue set my house in order and disposed my selfe thereto which preparation that I may make and successe that I may find graunt me Lord though so many neclect it for thy mercies sake Amē A prayer and meditation for a strong faith and against that dangerous sinne of desperation THough our sinnes were as red as scarlet thy bloud O Lord will wash them as white as snow though in sin we haue bene borne and in iniquity our mothers haue conceyued vs yet will we trust in thy louing kindnesse all the dayes of our life if wee should trust in our owne merits desperatiō would inuiron vs on euery side yet Lord when we consider the multitude of our sinnes and that euery day of our life we adde to there number so that all the water in the Ocean-sea cannot rince vs from them for the least of which in thy iustice thou m●yst throw vs downe to the bottomlesse pit of hell our faith faultereth and we begin to dispayre but that we trust in the merits of his suffering who in the bundle of his afliction hath gert vp ours and will eyther nayle them to his crosse or cast them into the bottome of the sea and hang millstones about there neckes y● they shal neuer rise vp in iudgement to condemne vs y● else would neuer suffer vs to rise vp to be saued Lord giue vs grace to be wary to our steps vigilant to our pathes to haue an eye to our soules for Sathan compasseth the earth watcheth and roreth and walketh transformeth himselfe into all shapes that he may win vs in all sins into an Angell of light being but a fiend of darkenesse to sift and winnowe vs as wheat graine after graine that if it were possible he might surprise vs good God what need haue we of thy assistance and grace to beare v● out that haue such enemies without such enemies within the weakest whereof is stronger then we so that we need the prayers of our owne spirits and the spirit of God that gro●eth with gronings not to be expressed and of the sonne of God himselfe who sitteth at his fathers right hand and maketh intercession for vs that our faith fayle not and that we fall not into desperation for alasse what ability haue we of our selues or what strength haue wee in our sinn●wes who are not as pillers of brasse or the deafe rockes of the sea against the which there waues dash themselues and they are not shaken being substances so firme v●alterable that cannot be remoued but dust and ashes crackt with euery flaw and blast of affliction and vnlesse thou support vs we are not able to stand and there is no safty but vnder the winges of thy mercy we haue sinned against heauen and against thee the father of our spirits the father of our flesh against him y● gaue vs his law and he that gaue our nature birth and being by our misdeedes and abominations both the tables haue we broken and done very wickedly in thy sight all the creatures in the world haue in there kind and degree bene more dutifull and seruiceable vnto thee then man so much beloued of thee made according to thine owne image indued with reason directed by thy law and thy preceptes auering thus offended men and bretheren what shall we doe all the creatures in heauen earth accusing and condemning vs the Lord himselfe complayning against vs I haue norished and brought forth children and they haue rebelled against mee what shall wee say that our sins are greater then can be forgiuen no let vs with Dauid though our faith haue almost failed and our feet slided with his yet let vs with him recouer out-selues againe by laying hold vpon thy promises support vs O Lord where thy Angels fell Caine Iudas Achitophell for they dispayred in thy mercies and there fall was i● recouerable euen to the bottomlesse pit of hell from whence there is no deliuery but we will trust in thy mercies and louing kindnes all the days we liue in and kisse the son least he be angry and o turne away the fauour light of his countenance from vs and least his wrath be kindled against vs his fierce and furious wrath which O Lord who is able to abide the extent and copiousnesse whereof is as his mercies are vnexplicable and therein sueth an abundance of misery with a traine and coniunction of all plagues and punishments out of the ready st●re-house of the restrayned inundations of his wrath that let at liberty range in an open feild and there is none to resist them we are all by nature the children of wrath borne to the inheritance thereof as to our fathers landes for nothing remayneth so hereditary to vs as sinne and confusion but y● the bloud of Christ hath purchased fauour for vs Lord giue vs grace to continue it in keeping a wary conscience to offend and walking carefully in thy feare but for such O Lord that are allready condemned that runne on in an endlesse labyr●nth of sinne the race to distruction without turning vnto thee drawing the vnhappy breath which if it had neuer ben breathed into there nostrills whereby they were made liuing creatures it had bene wel with them without repenting heaping vp anger against the day of wrath not caring to blunt the edge thereof there end is the end of the sentence and they are sure to perish not in the life of the body alone but in the life and eternity of there soules not for an age and a period of time but whilst God raigneth in heauen able to doe iustice to auoid which greuious plagues and punishments giue vs grace O Lord suddainly to turne vnto the whilst the time of grace remayneth least the graue open her mouth and sh●t it againe vpon vs and close vs vp in our sinnes and deliuer vs guilty into the hands of perdition from the which wee shall neuer bee freed Let vs quench this wrath in time with the bloud of the Lambe staine from the beginning of the world and through the streame of his mercy and the riches of his merits seeke acceptance acquaintance and friendship with our God that wee perish not let vs not despaire in our sins nor presume on his merits too much but lay hold theron by faith so applying the benefite of thy passion and merites to our selues and our soules that wee may finde fauour and bee acceptable in thy sight Thy mercy O Lord is the crowne of all thy workes and my sinnes though they were more then I can commit are not more then thou canst forgiue the assurance of this promise and the probation of thy goodnes euermore shall be the rocke whereupon my faith shall anker I will sayle my brittle barke throughout this sea of vncertainty temptation and danger thou being the starre of my direction throughout y● waues and surges thereof that sometimes lift mee vp
vnto the cloudes by the good thoughtes and motions of the spirit and sometimes cast mee downe to the ends of the earth euen to the bottomlesse pit of hell by the temptations and allurements of the world and the deuill till I come vnto the hauen of my rest to the which Lord bring mee for thy mercies sake Amen In time of pestilence TThe life of man most glorious Lord therof by whose handes it was made in whose hands it is inlightned with such vnderstanding capacity so large ample thy creatures benefits so good so innumerable and all for the delight and seruice of man which are so powerful and comfortable to him in the ouerlooking thereof in his large discourse and reason that he could wish in this world a perpetuity without change not knowing in his fleshly and blinded indgemēt what may be more in heauen with thée to content his naturall desire that he inioys not in this eclipse glimpse of thy goodnes vpon earth that lands possessions sumptuous building gorgeous clothing the cōfort of children friends seruāts with many other adiunctes cannot be equalled or exceeded in the world to come we confesse O thou giuer of all good guiftes y● we are not worthy of the least of these thy benifits not thy friēds but thine enemies such that haue pulled thee frō the crowne to the Crosse nayld thee there vnto death and not greeuing our selues that we haue thus greeued thée snacht thy benefits out of thy hands not returning that easy curtesy vnto thee thou requirest of vs which is nothing but gratuity and thankes being more vngratefull vnto thee for all we haue for by thee we liue and moue and haue our being inioying nothing but from thy al-filling hands from that ouerflowing fountaine of thy goodnes yet more returning to a mortall man for one single curtesy then to thee for all these correct O Lord this fault in nature this vniuersal defect in mākind O Lord if thou hast prepared so good things for thy enemies and friends together what hast thou in store for thy elect there seuered surely such things as the eye hath not sene the eare hath not hard the tongue cannot vtter the hart cannot conceiue w e thée ò Lord there is fulnes of ioy at thy right hād pleasures for euermore Psal 16. who giueth vs drinke out of a whole riuer of pleasure Psal 36. where ioy shal be euer present yet we cannot be filled or rather filled but not satisfied what it is O Lord thou knowest best but there is the fountaine spring from whēce all goodnes floweth take vs into thy besome vnder the wings of thy mercy into that celestiall habitation where the sight and splendor of that heauenly presence shal more delight then all the obscured and mixed pleasures the world can afford on the other side we know as a strong motiue vnto vs the vnsupportable and heauy iudgement prepared against the day of wrath for those y● haue drunke downe sinne as the Leuiathan the waters terrefie O Lord our vnderstanding with there horrour fearfullnes y● we neuer come there to feele them bring vs by one meanes or other to the heauen of our happinesse what thy promises cānot perswade let thy threatnings performe by y● terrour of thy punishments which are impossible to be vttered and yet must be indured bound hand and foot cast into vtter darkenesse where thy fauour nor mercy shall neuer-more be extended where nether the light of the sunne nor the moone or starres much lesse the light of Gods face shal euer shine where for euer shal be weping and gnashing of teeth without determinatiō or ceasing O Lord who is able to indure it thy Angell y● walkes in the darkenes and striketh at noone dayes the many dangers that accompany our wretched liues the least of which one time or other strikes home take vs in our pallace in our gardēs in ourwarehouses in the feild on the sea on the earth in the ayre in our beds at our tables whatsoeuer our bodies do whatsoeuer our minds thinke comes thy messēger in one shape or another takes vs by the hand leades vs from whatsoeuer is dearest vnto vs to the tribunall seat of thy iustice and mercy where we are eyther to be acquitted or condemned eyther to be receiued or thrust out Lord therfore deale with vs according to thy mercy that if thou prolong our liues bring vs safe out of this storme tempest of mortality that by y● fal slaughter of others we be brought to such a serious cōsideration of our owne mortality estate y● we make our preparation thereunto all y● days of our life knowing y● he may fal in his tent y● hath escaped y● feild perish in y● hauen y● hath passed y● Ocean y● it must be surrendered one time or another and if it please thée the we fall by y● stroke of this thy deuouring Angel as the corruption ranlinesse of our nature infectious enough to procure it and bring to passe that thou accept as my deed my will desire and purpose to serue thée my intent for my action that I would as if I should liue to glorifie thée make mée out of loue with this wretched world and all the allurements and baytes therein and in loue only with thee and thy heauenly kingdom for thy blessed name sake Amē For humility vpon these considerations THou mighty Lord of heauen and earth who holdest the ball of the world in thy hand and keepest all times and seasons as in a register who art all hand all eye all foot for strengthe for fight for swiftnesse to whom the in-most chambers and retired clossets the tabernacles and habitations of mortall men nay the hartes and bosomes of all the creatures in the world are vnfoulded and layed open as leuill to thy sight as the aire which we looke on with our eyes what cā we do the is hid frō thy sight ten thousand times brighter then y● sun or whether can we go y● our sins offences lye not naked before thée surely no otherway there is but only to inuolue them in the clowds mistes of sighes repentance repentance the guift of God the ioy of Angels the salue of sins the heauen refuge of sinners O where remaines the subiect of the title the Angels sin not and therfore need not repentance nor the spirits of darkenes for the sentence is already past condemnation sealed it is only for me most wretched sinner y● I am for my brethren of the same inheritance to vs alone doth it belong and we perceiue it not we eat and feed delitiously we are wanton with thy guifts O God abusing them in surfet and riot and luxuriouslye we sinne in drinking in procuring an appetite to exceed therein we sin in our cloathing most superfluously attyred like the rich glutton condemned to hell as if we would exceed Salomon and match the lillies of
neerer thy end by one day Therfore euery night be so wise as to know y● which the foole neglected that that night thy soule may be taken away which came to passe vpon him when hee thought of the inlargement of his barnes but thought not of that at all Therefore omne crede diem tibi deluxisse supremum 7 Health is aboue gold and a sound body aboue infinite riches therefore keepe thy selfe from surfetings from drunkennesse from whooredome for besides that they waste thy substance and distemper thy body they expend thy time more pretious thē the gold of Ophir which is not lent thee but for other ends vses If sicknesse come but seeke it not bee carefull to passe it ouer to redeeme thy health but put not thy trust in the Phisition for he may apply but vnlesse God perfect his help and thy hope is in vaine Asa may complaine of his gout Ezekias of his vlcer the Shunamites childe of his head but no helpe can bee had where the Lord doth deny it 8 Vnus introitus innumeri exitus There is but one manner of entring into the world but many wayes of going out Mille modis morimur vno bene we dye a thousand wayes and but one way well In the middest of our life we are in danger of death in the middest of our pleasures many times it is present it followes the body of all flesh as the shadow that waits thereupon and at one opportunity or another will be sure to strike home Set therefore sometimes before thy eyes that which alwayes stan●s behind thy backe Remember thy end and thou shalt feare to do amisse 9 Keep the wandring thoughts of thy heart the suggestions of the fresh which are euer rebellious to the will of God within bounds and limits suffer them not to kindle and burne vp the good motions of the spirit but extinguish the least spark that shall arise whilst it is a sparke by the wholsome precepts of Gods reuealed will be carefull to vse the time well which thou hast for thou knowest not what time will bee allotted thée more from thy worldly affaires the mart trafficke of thy businesses wherewith the multitude that looke no further then the example of the world and the eyes of nature giue them sight are carried away and draw thy selfe sometimes aside to the exercise of prayer and thankesgiuing for how earnest soeuer ●hy businesse be it shall speede the better for this what haste soeuer this hinders not the speed 9 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hand though thou haue beaten thy braines and wearied thy spirits and it hath succeeded well yet thinke not that it brought to passe with thine owne indeuours but by the sufferance assistance of God without whose helpe it is in vaine to rise early and to goe to bed late and eate the bread of carefulnesse For except the Lord build the house they labour in vaine that goe about to build it Except the Lord keep the Citty the keepers watch in vaine And therefore without this aid and assistance implored his direction and protection craued indeauour not any thing ●●t it lead thee forth bring thée in let it bee the beginning the middle the end in whatsoeuer thou vndertakest vt bene sit tibi y● it may go well with thee 10 For food rayment the fruits of the body y● fruits of the feild for health wealth friends for all y● mercies and benefits thou receyuest from God whether out wardly or inwardly in body or inwardly in mind receiue them not vse them not touch them not without prayer and praise thankesgiuing to him the creator and giuer of all good things whose ouer-flowing goodnesse mercy sufficeth the wantes and necessities of thee and all his creatures and clientes in the world besides and as Christ himselfe and his Apostle vpon earth gaue thankes for the benefittes both of soule and body to God the father so learne thou by there example to do likewise 11 Consider often seriously of the wisdome power omnipotēcy maiesty of that dreadful Lord of heauen earth that created gouerneth the whole frame of the world all the creatures therein that hath made thee a creature of such excellence capability giuen thee rule dominion ouer all his creatures in the world done so many bleeding wonders miracles for confirmation of his loue to thee defended thee by his gracious prouidence and protection euerfince thou wast borne as the apple of his owne eye the explication of whose loue the height of heauen aboue the earth the distance of the east frō the west the loue of fathers towards their sons of mothers towards the latest fruit of their wombes hennes towards their chickins haue beene but dull shewes in a poore measure to expresse it towards thee so amply testified in recompence wherof striue to giue him thy heart thy soule and best affections which is all hee desires though much more he deserues 12 Be euer careful to lay hold vpon the fore-top of time deferre not any thing that must be done for whatsoeuer is good is much bettered by the speedy performance of it and one delay is the mother of many according to the old prouerbe qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit hee that is not fit to day will be lesse fit to morrow Wilt thou obserue y● time the season for the tilling of thy ground for y● sowing of thy séed for the gathering of thy fruits for the setting of thy tree for the lopping of her branches and wilt thou not obserue thy owne time obseruing so in these transitory and triuiall things which if thou let carelesty passe may neuer be graunted vnto thée againe and for that neclect thou perish 13 Thinke with thy selfe thou hast deferred many yeares thy repentance thinke how gratious the Lord hath bene vnto thée the he hath not cut thée of in the middest of thine iniquity and resolue with thy selfe no longer to delay in y● kind but make this thy present day vpon paine of thy perill least in the bitternesse and anguish of thy soule thou hereafter be inforced to cry out then was the kingdome of grace but that I haue neclected and now is the kingdom of iustice by which I am cōdemned thē was the sauing of soules now the time of condemning them the meanes then deliuered by the tongs of men mildly perswaciuely the account now in the trumpet of the Archangel fierce and terrible wo is mee therfore that I haue thus deferred 14 Then came it with tydings of great ioy to y● world but now with terrour amasement to y● who le humanity therof to all y● kindred generatiōs therin thē with Laus Deo in exelsis glory to God on high peace vpō earth but now with a changed still ve ve habitatoribus terrae woe to the inhabitants of the earth then together the lost sheep of Israell into the fould now